New Life in the New World

by Shadow Quill

First published

Transported to a strange new world, Princess Cadence must learn and fight her way through challenges unimaginable in order to find a way home, and keep her newborn daughter safe from harm.



Two things that were never supposed to encounter each other. But through a magical mishap and a heap of bad luck, Princess Cadance is about to find out what happens when the two are put together. Faced with powers and creatures far beyond her understanding, she must rely on these, humans, The Commission, to keep her and her newborn daughter safe from harm while she tries to find a way back home.

Now if only this stupid, overgrown hedgehog could leave them alone for five bucking minutes!!! That would be terrific!

1 - The New World

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Agony. Blinding light. The thunder of magic beyond control ringing in her very bones. All Cadence could do was writhe in mind-shattering pain while the magic surge coursed through her body. She didn’t care how this happened, couldn’t think of anything besides the white-hot fire that was burning her up from the inside, centered on the lower half of her swollen belly. Cadence had thought that giving birth to her first foal would be painful, but nothing had prepared her for the magical surge that had accompanied the final pulses of contractions. Now all she could do was ride the out-of-control wave that her own body had created, the rising power pushing her mind and body beyond their limits. Then, in a final, earth-cracking burst, the magic detonated, engulfing her entire existence in pure power.

Completely spent, Cadence felt her consciousness fading to black, even as her weary and rattled mind wondered to itself, I don’t remember there being birdsong in the Crystal Empire.

Astera shook and rattled as the earthquake vibrated the foundations of the camp, crates of various ammo and provisions falling to the ground as hunters and researchers alike fell to their knees or completely flat. The source of the shockwaves was easy to deduce, the pure pink beam of energy shooting into the sky from within the nearby Ancient Forest, a dead giveaway as to the cause of the shaking. Thankfully, the beam as well as the earthquake faded away quickly, leaving shocked and battered Commission staff in its wake.

The Commander and Admiral, having regained their footing first, took stock of the situation and then shared a glance between themselves. The Admiral smirked at the smaller man beside him, rolling his massive shoulders a few times as those most able helped to check any injured.

“Well, life certainly never gets dull around here.” The Admiral chuckled as the Commander glanced into the sky above the Ancient Forest, as if searching for something in the parted clouds.

“Sure, seems that way.” The Commander returned his gaze to the hunters and Commission core personnel as the population of Astera gathered around the Council Table, thankfully with only minor scrapes or bruises to show for it.

“I was about to call for a council meeting,” the Commander smiled as he looked over the eager and attentive faces before him, “but it seems I needn’t have bothered.”

“We won’t let a few shakes keep us down!” One of the A-list hunters called out, his affirmation echoed by several of the Fifth Fleet.

“What are our orders, sir?” Ah, ever eager to go, those two. The best duo of Astera, their very own Sapphire Star and his Handler stood beside one another in the very front row, ready and waiting.

The Handler’s standard hunting gear was a far cry from the elder dragon plate armor that was worn by her partner, but the Commander knew that if push came to shove, those two would be their best shot at seeing things through.

“Investigate the disturbance in the Ancient Forest.” The Commander’s voice rang out loud and clear, “See what you can uncover about those tremors and that beam of energy. I want to make sure Astera is secure, no matter what you might find in there.”

Both nodded, “Understood, sir.”

The Handler smacked her partner on the shoulder with an open palm as they turned to go, “Come on, Partner! Let’s see what we can find!”

The Commander hummed to himself as the Admiral walked past him in pursuit of the duo, “And where are you off to?”

The Admiral laughed thunderously as he glanced over his shoulder, “You don’t think I’m going to let those two have all the fun, do you?”

A soft chuckle was his reply, “Try not to trip on any loose roots out there.”

Another hearty laugh echoed back as the Admiral marched past the gathered hunters, leaving the majority waiting for further instructions.

The Commander nodded once to himself before lifting his head high, “Alright, while our hunters and the Admiral investigate the disturbance, I want everyone else on standby to support them in the event it is needed. Let’s make sure Astera is ready for whatever comes our way! Dismissed!”

A cacophonous cheer rang out as the trio walked through the great bone arches that gated Astera, hooking onto their wingdrakes with their slinger grappling hooks before flying off into the midmorning sky. They had no idea what they would be flying into, but all three had the distinct feeling that they were in for another exciting adventure.

Cadence groaned as she came too, her mind sluggish and every inch of her body sore from something she couldn’t remember. She could hear birdsong above and around her, dirt under her barrel, and a strange warmth paired with a tugging sensation on one of her teats. Her ears flicked to and fro, her eyes screwed shut as pain wracked her body from every angle. She hissed a breath through her teeth as she tried to open an eye and was met with a blinding ray of sunlight for her trouble.

Trying once again, slower this time, Cadence was able to get a blurry image of her surroundings, the greens and browns a far cry from the blues and pinks that her crystal palace walls glowed with. The tugging on her teat ceased after a few moments, drawing her attention as a small and warm object moved up and onto her side, curling up under a wing and emitting a soft coo.

Memories and fragments of scenes started to come back to Cadence’s mind, her body still too sore and unresponsive to even contemplate lifting her head, let alone seeing what had crawled under her wing. All she could do for the moment was stare at the trees and bushes in front of her, partly obscured by a curved wall of dirt that rose from her position. Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment, her brain realizing that it wasn’t a slope up to the bushes, but a slope down to her body from ground level. She was in a shallow pit, and from the heat emanating from the soil around her body, one that had been formed by a large discharge of energy from her position.

Cadence grunted as she forced her weary body to follow her brain’s commands, its first order of business being to lift her head and look over her shoulder. Her vision swam with the motion, even as slowly as she had moved, but thankfully cleared a few seconds later as she lifted her wing to see what had been pressing into the side of her barrel.

Bright, blue eyes met her own, a tiny horn centered between sky blue and pink curls and a near-white coat, all bundled up under two large wings that were tipped with the same blue and pink feathers as the filly’s mane. A happy burble escaped the foal’s lips as she crawled forward along Cadence’s body, her movements jerky and unstable as Cadence realized what had been happening before. Her foal had been feeding on her milk while she had been unconscious and had sought a safe place to rest afterwards under her wing.

A warmth very different from the raw magic surge bloomed in her chest as the foal, no, her foal, crawled up to her shoulders, emitting a soft sound of worry as her tiny bundle of joy held one cheek with a tiny hoof.

She’s worried about me. Cadence realized. Barely old enough to feed and crawl and she already can tell I’m feeling terrible. A rattling cough shook Cadence’s body as she tried and failed to laugh, “Don’t worry little one, mamma’s going to be okay.”

Her words obviously had no meaning to the newborn, but her tone of voice thankfully seemed to calm the filly, her little jaw opening wide in a huge yawn that almost made Cadence squeal with how adorable it was. Her foal curled up on her side, allowing Cadence to shift her back under a wing as the filly went to sleep, a smile on her face as love for her child filled her being with hope. If they could survive being transported to who knows where by an alicorn-level magic surge, she was sure they could find a way home, together.

Cadence’s ears perked as a rustling in the bushes caught her attention, her head shifting around as she scanned the nearby foliage. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat in terror as she spotted several huge lizards, their scales alternating between bright yellow and forest green in horizontal stripes that ran the length of their bodies. Small, orange eyes locked onto her and her foal as the group of six spread around the crater edge, almost as if uncertain about the energy and heat still emanating from the loose soil. Cadence tried to light her horn, to form a shield between her and these monsters, but after her surge she was completely spent and only got a small spark of magic for her efforts.

The lizard in front of her sniffed around the edge of the crater for a moment, turning sideways and allowing Cadence to see how massive it was compared to her. It had to be at least ten hooves long, compared to her own five and a half, which meant it was at least as long as Princess Celestia, only standing maybe four hooves at the shoulder but still much bigger than any lizard Cadence had seen before in her life.

Cadence knew there was nothing she could do in her weakened state to defend herself or her foal. So, with nothing else at her disposal, Cadence fell back on the oldest and most reliable method known to ponydom, “SOMEPONY! ANYPONY! HELP US!!”

The Royal Canterlot Voice seemed to startle the lizards into backing off for a moment, the pure, unadulterated terror in her tone waking her foal and causing her to start crying, but Cadence didn’t care. She knew that without help, they were done for, and would do everything in her power to get them home safely.

The Admiral and the two Fifth Fleet hunters shared a glance as a cry echoed from within the Ancient Forest. While the words hadn’t been fully understandable given the distance, the desperation in them certainly had been. The Handler nodded to her partner as they began running towards the source of the call, the Admiral jogging along beside them as they pushed through the thick vines that blocked off the inner groves from intruders. The Handler was the first to enter the clearing on the other side, with her two companions right behind her, and what they saw was enough to put even the Admiral on pause.

“Well, heh, would you look at that?” The Admiral muttered as the trio took in the scene before them.

A pack of Jagras had surrounded a small crater in the center of the clearing, the dirt and rock still smoking in places from the heat that had previously been present. Yet it was what lay in the center of the shallow depression that caused them to pause. At first it looked like a Kirin foal that had been born with an odd color mutation, but even a cursory inspection of the creature revealed that it was by no means a Kirin. The pair of wings on its side and the golden armor that was covering parts of its body quickly tossed out any notion of this being a familiar species. The creature’s eyes locked onto them but seemed unable to move as the Jagras started to close in on it from every side.

“Help us.” Three sets of eyes widened in shock as the creature spoke to them, a desperate plea in its, no her, tone, “Please.”

A high-pitched wail echoed around the clearing, and if it was possible, the hunters’ eyes would have widened even further as they spotted what seemed to be a foal on the creature’s side, hiding under a furled wing in terror as the Jagras pack moved in.

The hunter duo only needed a moment to react, the Handler nodding to her partner as the armored man drew his long sword from its scabbard on his back. “You take care of the Jagras. I’ll see if she’s alright.”

“Got it.” The words were slow and measured, but clear with his intent. He reached into one of his armor’s pouches and pulled out a small bundle that flickered and glowed, “Shield your eyes!” He called out, quickly loading and firing the bundle from his slinger into the air above the crater.

The creature shut her eyes tight just as the bundle burst, the flashbugs inside giving off a blinding light as they died and causing the Jagras to reel back in pain from the assault. The Handler charged through the incapacitated monsters and up to the creature’s side, looking over her body for wounds or other injuries. Meanwhile, her partner charged in with his sword at the ready, the three-meter blade slicing through the smaller reptiles with ease as his fluid movements carried him in a deadly dance around the crater. In moments, the Jagras were either lying on the forest floor, dead, or racing into the bushes in retreat, leaving the hunters with a wide-eyed creature of unknown origin in their hands.

The foal had stopped crying for the moment, its wide eyes tracking the Handler as she knelt beside the two creatures, even going so far as to partly crawl out from under its mother’s wing. The larger female, wary and exhausted, watched the other hunters’ approach with apprehension in her gaze.

“Are you here to help us?” The question was softly asked, but understandable.

All three hunters shared a glance before turning back to the creature. “We are.” The Handler’s voice seemed to reassure the creature, her body relaxing like a tremendous weight had been carried off her shoulders.

“Thank you.” The creature’s voice was weak, but a smile was present on its lips, “I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t shown up. Please, take care of my daughter while I recover. I’m just so tired after using up all of that magic.”

Magic? The thought raced through all three hunters’ minds as the larger creature let out a gusty sigh, her eyes closing as her body relaxed fully. The foal seemed to notice her mother’s unresponsive state and let out a soft whine as she crawled up to poke gently at the larger creature’s cheek. The Handler reached out carefully, not sure what capabilities this new species might possess, and checked along the mother’s neck for a pulse. Thankfully, one was present, if weak and slower than what most would consider healthy. The Handler nodded up at her two companions, before standing up with a thoughtful look on her face.

“What kind of monster has the ability to talk like a human does?” Her words were softly spoken, as if afraid of waking up the creature before them.

“Beats me.” The Admiral muttered in reply, “But I know one thing. This is not the place to be doing research on the subject. We all know that those Jagras were just the welcoming committee. Much nastier things are bound to show up sooner than later.”

The Handler nodded along with her partner, “Agreed. Let’s get them back to Astera and see what we can do for them once we’re all safe.”

The Admiral grunted as he bent down and picked up the small creatures, his massive arms nearly thicker than the mother’s entire body. The foal whimpered softly as he settled them both in his grip, but otherwise didn’t move from her mother’s embrace even as the hulking man carried them out of the clearing with ease. The Handler shared a glance with her partner, both nodding in agreement even without needing to speak.

“Don’t worry, partner, she’ll be alright.” Her voice held a confidence that hadn’t been there before, as well as a beaming smile. “She’s tougher than she looks, just another mystery for us to unravel.”

They walked out of the clearing after the Admiral and his cargo, whistling for their wingdrakes before hooking onto the small wyverns’ harnesses. The Admiral was already on his way back, given the shrinking form in the distance, so they signaled their mounts to fly faster to catch up. As they made their way back to home base, both wondered for a moment how this would change things moving forward, and what surprises would be in store for them now that these new creatures had appeared.

2 - Introductions and Questions

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The Commander stood with his arms crossed while the others gathered around the Council Table, his gaze traveling over the excited members of each fleet as they chatted amongst themselves. The Admiral and the two Fifth Fleet hunters had returned from the Ancient Forest with something very unusual, two somethings to be precise, and now it fell to him and the other members of leadership to find a solution to their new situation.

A single raised hand was enough to silence the chatter before him, his voice carrying clearly to those gathered, “It has come to my attention that the team we sent to the Ancient Forest found something unusual near the Great Jagras’ den.” His gaze landed on the Handler and her partner in the front row, “Report what you saw and explain your reasoning for returning with the two creatures we currently have in one of the bunkhouses.”

“Sir!” The Handler replied, “We encountered the creatures near to the Great Jagras’ den after hearing a distressed cry coming from the area. We investigated the disturbance and found both creatures sitting in a small crater just inside the boundary of the forest. A pack of Jagras had surrounded them and seemed intent on killing the pair. It was then that, well…the bigger one asked us for help.”

This caused a chorus of mutters to pass through the gathered hunters, several moments passing before the Commander’s raised hand was able to quell the confused chatter, “Explain what you meant by ‘asked you for help’.”

“It was exactly that, sir,” the Handler continued, “it, I mean, she, spoke to us and begged us to help her and her offspring. It was like some kind of dream, but reality.”

The Commander nodded, turning to the Chief Ecologist on his left, the wizened Wyverian seated upon his trusty stool with a series of large tomes strewn about his squat form, “And what can you tell us about these creatures? Have we ever encountered a monster that could talk to humans?”

“While monsters all over the world show varying levels of intelligence,” the Chief Ecologist stated after turning several pages in his current tome, “none in our records have ever shown the ability to converse with humans or Felyne assistants. Even the Elder Dragons, with all of their power and supposed wisdom, given the ages that they are purported to live up to, have never shown that skill.”

“So, what exactly does that mean?” The question had come from the Provisions Manager on the Commander’s right, the dark-haired woman standing beside her fellow researchers as she continued, “Are we dealing with some new kind of intelligent monster?”

“We won’t know for sure until our guest wakes up and we can confirm that for ourselves.” The Commander replied, “In the meantime, we’ll send more teams into the Ancient Forest to see if any other evidence can be gathered concerning the pink beam of energy that erupted from within the area, and to keep any monsters that are already natives from getting too out of hand.”

“What should we do, sir?” The Handler asked, an eager gleam in her eyes.

“For now, stay here in Astera and monitor the creatures you and the Admiral brought back.” The Commander glanced over his shoulder at the much larger man beside him, “Since we don’t know what kind of threat they could pose to the base, or what connection they have to the energy beam witnessed earlier, I believe we should have a strong hunter team on standby, just in case.”

The Admiral chuckled, “From what I’ve seen they don’t seem like much of a threat, but caution has always been the motto of the Commission, so I agree with the Commander’s idea.” He glanced at the Handler and her partner with a knowing look in his eye, “Something tells me we’re going to have quite a few surprises in store, and it would be smart of us to have the best hunters on the job.”

The Commander nodded, “Then it’s settled. While the rest of the Fifth Fleet investigates the remainder of the Ancient Forest, the core team members of Astera and you two will remain behind to see what we can learn about our new discovery. We don’t know what we might uncover once they wake up, but I need everyone on their toes in case things get out of hand. Any questions?” A collection of shaking heads was his reply, “Alright then, you have your assignments. Dismissed!”

Cadence awoke feeling much better than she had before. Her body no longer felt like it had gone through five rounds with an Ursa Major and lost. For a moment, she snuggled into the sheets that covered her body, humming slightly in comfort as she tried to remember the crazy dream she had been having. Something about a surge and her newborn foal?

A soft tap on the end of her muzzle made her giggle, her eyes fluttering open as she spoke, “S-Shining, that tickles.” Her giggles cut off suddenly as she spotted the face of a foal in front of her, not that of her husband as she had expected.

Her body jolted upright in an instant, her gaze taking in the wooden walls and swinging hammocks that hang between the posts of several double beds, the soft sounds of waves lapping on a nearby shore and the scent of salt wafting through the air. Her wings flared as her eyes grew wider and wider with each passing moment, the strangeness around her and the alicorn foal that was crawling up to snuggle against her exposed belly proving to be too much for her mind to handle all at once.

“I-It wasn’t a dream.” She realized in an instant, “I really did have a magic surge while giving birth.” She glanced down as her foal began to feed, her wings folding slowly as she got her panic under control, “Okay, so what happened to the forest? And those giant lizards?”

Faint memories of tall beings surrounding her as she lost consciousness came to mind, her eyes widening in realization as she glanced around the space she had awoken in, “This is a bunk room.” Her voice was a whisper as she folded her wings protectively around herself and her nursing foal, “So those things from before must have brought us here. But why?”

Cadence flinched as a door opened at the top of a small set of stairs opposite the bunk she sat upon, revealing a tall creature that was somewhat familiar to her. Its small eyes widened as its lips pulled back to reveal a set of sharp teeth, Cadence’s fear spiking as she realized that the creature in front of her was a carnivore!

“Oh great!” Cadence’s ears perked as the creature cried out in a distinctly feminine tone, “We were starting to think that you were going to actually need healing items before you would wake up!” The being walked forward quickly on two long legs into the room, followed by what looked like a walking suite of armor.

Fear spiked in the pink princess as she spotted the absolutely massive sword strapped to the armored creature’s back, and she curled protectively around her foal as she leveled her horn at the approaching creatures.

“S-Stay back!” She cried, her voice cracking as the creatures paused near the base of the steps, “I-I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to!”

The smaller of the two creatures glanced over its shoulder at the hulking armored being behind it, “Wow, I never thought I’d see the day that a monster was more scared of us than we are of it.”

Monster?!” Cadence cried, “I’ll have you know that I have never done anything in my life to be called a monster!” Sparks flew from the tip of her horn as her emotions flared, but nothing more, although she noticed that the creatures had taken a step back at her outburst.

“Easy, easy.” The unarmored creature spoke slowly while making a downward motion with its forelimbs, “we aren’t going to hurt you.”

“Then why did you call me a monster?” Cadence demanded, “And furthermore, why am I here?”

“I think I can answer those questions,” A powerful voice spoke up as the door opened again, revealing a dark-skinned creature with a shortly cut mane and beard of silver fur, “if you would be kind enough to answer some of mine.”

Cadence gulped as the two creatures from before saluted and stepped aside for the newcomer, her fear rising as the moderately armored being stepped up and crossed its forelegs before her.

“To start, creatures that live in this land that are not part of the sapient races are called monsters.” Cadence’s fear faded slightly when the new creature did nothing save for talk, her curiosity rising as she processed the new information being shared, “Most of them are only as intelligent as the average wild animal, with a select few being able to form basic skills like tool use and simple strategy when faced with the unknown. We refer to them as monsters not because they are bad or evil, but because of the power and danger that is often expressed by their existence when compared to the comparatively weaker sapient civilizations.”

Cadence slowly folded her wings back against her sides, her eyes wide as she tried to form a response to all this new information, “So, you weren’t calling me a monster because you thought I had done something wrong?”

A soft sound that seemed to be a chuckle rang through the small space as the being shook his head, “No. It is simply because we have never encountered your kind before, and made an assumption based on the data we had available.”

“So, what exactly do you want with me?” Cadence glanced between the three larger beings, her attention clinging to the sword strapped to the heavily armored one’s back, “Am I your prisoner?”

A shake of the older being’s head made her sigh with relief, “The Commission’s sole purpose is to study and catalog the creatures and ecology of the New World. We are a group of researchers, hunters, and scientists. If you are willing to cooperate with us, we would be more than willing to assist you in return, should you require it.”

Cadence considered the being’s words for a moment, her foal turning around and babbling happily up at the smaller female before them as she crawled forward towards the edge of the bunk. Cadence quickly reached out and picked up her daughter with her forelegs before she could fall off the bed, her words following an exasperated sigh as she met the gaze of the silver-maned creature.

“I’ll do what I can to answer your questions.” She spoke with all of the royal bearing she could muster as she gathered what little of her courage remained after the shocks she had been subjected to, “I only ask that you treat my daughter and I with kindness while we figure out what is going on.”

A nod was her reply, the older being turning towards the younger duo as he spoke, “Make sure our guest is comfortable while she recovers. I’m assigning you two as her guides and guardians while she is in Astera.”

“Astera?” Cadence asked.

“It is the base of operations of the Commission in the New World.” Was her reply, “You are currently in one of our hunter bunkrooms, but we can see if any other accommodations would be better should you need it.”

“Oh, umm, this is okay, I don’t mind.” Cadence felt completely out of her depth, it was all too much at once! “Umm, could I ask another question?”

“Go right ahead.” The aged being said calmly.

“Umm, what exactly are you?” Cadence felt foolish for not knowing but she had never seen creatures like these before.

“We are humans.” He stated bluntly, “We make up the majority of the Commission’s staff along with Wyverians and Felynes, a pair of other races that work alongside us in our work.”

“Oh, I understand.” She really didn’t, but she felt it would be better to pretend until she had more to go on, “I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but I prefer to be called Cadence if you don’t mind. I’m an alicorn, a rare kind of pony.”

A silver eyebrow rose quickly at her words, “Princess? Well, Cadence, we’ll do what we can to make your stay a pleasant one while we conduct our investigation.”

“Investigation?” Things just kept getting more and more out of Cadence’s depth, “Do you mean me?”

“Partly, but there was also a large disturbance in the nearby Ancient Forest that led us to finding you and the little one being attacked by that pack of Jagras.” He paused for a moment as he gestured to the other beings in the room, “These two helped to rescue you and got you back to Astera along with the Admiral.”

Cadence’s head was starting to spin from all the new things she was hearing, “I guess I owe you a thank you for saving our lives.” She glanced at the smiling face of the female and nodded, “If there is anything I can do to repay your kindness, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” The smile on her face only seemed to grow as the female slapped an open paw on the shoulder of her companion, “we were just doing our part to make sense of everything that was going on. No harm, no foul.”

“We’ll leave you to rest for now.” The elder human interjected as he turned and motioned with a foreleg for the others to follow, “It has been a long day for everyone, and I imagine you need some time to think things through. We’ll come back in the morning and see what can be done to clarify things on both sides. Goodnight, princess.”

With that, the trio departed, the wooden door closing with a soft squeak and leaving Cadence alone in the bunkroom with her daughter still held close to her barrel by both hooves. The filly squirmed for a moment until Cadence set her down next to her belly, trying and failing to put together all of the new things she had heard from the…What were they called, humans? She shook her head as she laid back down and curled around her daughter, sheltering her with a wing as she kicked the sheets back up and over their bodies. It had gotten darker in the bunkroom as the light faded between the cracks of the wood plank walls, and a large yawn cracked her jaw wide before she could stop it.

“I guess we’ll see what happens in the morning.” She muttered to herself as she took one last look around the strange place she had found herself in, “I hope Shining and everypony else finds me soon. This is all just too much for me.”

Her sleep was fitful at best that night, and the morning dawn came far too soon for her liking, her eyes opening with great difficulty as she heard a knock on the door across the room. She forced her exhausted body to respond as she lifted her still-groggy daughter onto her back between her wings, stepping down from the bunk as she did her best not to stumble.

“Well, time to see what crazy adventure we’ve found ourselves in, little one.” She muttered to herself as she climbed the steps to answer the door, “That reminds me, I need a name for you.” She shrugged as she set the idea aside for the moment, “I’ll get to it later.”

Her horn lit with a soft blue glow as she opened the door before her, taking her first look at the new place she had found herself in, “Yes? Can I help you?”

The Palico on the other side of the door only had a moment to let out a happy meow in greeting before her eyes widened in shock and an ear-shattering squeal echoed through Astera. A pink and white missile barreled into the hapless Felyne as the door closed behind them with a thunderous crack, the ball of fur and feathers tumbling down the steps and nearly knocking over several humans that had been standing in the way. Needless to say, Cadence’s adventures in the New World were certainly off to a crazy start, as evidently her newborn daughter was a cat lover.