> Book Three: Sense of [Duty] > by Anon_the_writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > a soldiers job never ends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLE THE SOLDIER Cole was holding an MK 11 mod 0 while watch some of his squad mates walking around stabbing dead bodies to insure, they were dead. Cole looked away and saw the sunrise and looked down and remembered a something he said as a kid, “When I grow up, I want to help people and make this world a better place.” Cole with a tear in his eye fell on his gun and sadly sniffed looking at the bodies he killed. Cole radioed into Command, “Hotspot 1, this is cold front 3. We have disposed of the bodies and dug the grave for them.” A girly voice replied, “Cold front 3, this is Hotspot 1 bury the bodies and come back to base.” Cole heard whispering from his squad mates and then felt a sharp pain in his side. His friend was shot, and Cole was stabbed in the side where the body armor wasn’t protecting him. Aguste, Tyler, and ford radioed into Hotspot 6 about tying up loose ends. Cole feeling the knife being pulled out and Aguste say, “Funny, isn’t it? You figured it out too late to save your buddy and yourself.” Aguste snapped his fingers and the other two brought lighter fluid and gasoline. Cole bleeding out and struggling to speak mumbled something. Ford walked up to Cole asked, “What?” Cole whispered, “I got your gun, dumbass.” Ford, shocked got shot in the head and Cole put two more bullets in Aguste and Tyler. Before Cole could radio in on the betrayal started to pass out. Aguste was holding a lit match and the lighter fluid and gasoline caught up in flame and Cole started to burn, Cole feeling the heat and pain of the fire couldn’t help but scream in pain. That’s when Tyler stood back up and said, “Badass, I figured you to be a fake but that sense of [Duty] is definitely worthy of being one of the three to make the chosen one.” Tyler tried to steal Cole’s soul, but his soul had a layer around it that made it untouchable and disappeared to the dimensional crack where he was sent to a random pony world. Cole fell into the new world and appeared in a forest confused and trying to understand. Cole walked around the forest and wondered where he was. Cole thought, “Wasn’t I just being burnt alive. How did I get here.” Cole before he could do anything fell over and woke up in a black void with two guys talking. Zero said, “There we go!” Cole looked around and thought out loud, “Where am I.” Trace replied, “In [Darkness]’s void which he brought us here.” Cole thinking, “I thought I was going to hell, but I’ll take this over hell.” Cole, shrugged, asking, “And you are?” Trace said, “I’m Trace the third also known as the one who holds infinite [Kindness] and that’s Zero the second or he who created endless [Darkness].” Cole listening to them and stood there in an awkward amount of time in silence then said, “Oh, my bad. I’m Cole the first. I guess the one filled with a sense of [Duty].” Cole heard a familiar voice say, “Your different because you all come from alternate realities or dimensions as it were.” The other two moved over to Cole’s side and saw Tyler walk out of the black void. Tyler laughed and smiled and then said, “Zero didn’t bring you guys here, I did. Zero is strong just not strong enough to dimensional dream walk, yet.” Zero asked, “Who are you?” Tyler replied, “Where are my manners! I’m such a bad host for not introducing myself. I’m the evil you’re trying to get rid of or in this case your villain or the prophesized evil that needs three to vanquish one to bring him here to vanquish me or my name is Tyler the forgotten or the immeasurable [Evil].” Cole was confused and asked, "I'm not positive anything you just said made since, why do we need to come together to become one." Tyler laughed uncontrollably and replied, "Because you losers can never beat me without becoming one." Zero wondered, "What makes these three attributes special?” Tyler smirked and shook his head and replied, "If Mason hasn't told you now. Then you three will never beat me." Trace, pissed, retorted, "Yes, we will, and we will get our happy endings." Tyler replied, "Now I know Mason hasn't told you three the prophecy yet." Trace, Cole, and Zero all looked at one another in confusion and each of them faded out of existence. Cole reappeared in a forest with these weird cutesy animals only came up to the middle of his thigh. Cole confused looked at them and in a confused tone said, “What.” All the ponies looked at Cole and Cole looking at them in an awkward amount of silence. The cutesy animals blinked and then started screaming and ran away. Cole surprised flinched for a second and then stood there watching every single one of these animals run into their homes and other running into each other. Cole saw a few kids walking around and not realizing Cole’s presence. Cole watched them talk to one another about some random stuff. A purple animal’s ran up to the younger animals with a group of other animals. Cole sat down and watch these creatures in a conversation and then started to glow and a rainbow came out and arced its way down on to Cole. The rainbow beam hit Cole and pasted through him almost immediately all the creatures looked shocked, and Cole’s body started feeling a level of heat increased and Cole’s head started swelling with information and he fell over and the heat was getting to an unbearable state. Cole then started to feel dizzy and tingly, he started to understand what the animals were saying. Cole felt the rainbow disappear and his body stopped heating up, he heard the pink animal ask the purple animal, “Is it dead, Twilight?” The purple animal replied, “Pinkie, you can see his back going up and down. I’m pretty sure this creature is alive.” Cole looked up at the animal and retorted, “I understood you.” The blue animal surprised replied, “What, it can understand us.” Cole looked at them and asked, “Where am I?” The purple animal replied, “I suppose introduction is in order, since we can understand each other.” Cole responded, “Well, I guess I should go first since I sort of showed up out of nowhere. My name is Cole, and your names are.” The purple creature said, “I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, Rarity, Apple Jack, Flutter Shy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.” Cole asked, “So are your names unique to the tattoo on your butts or is it just you girls who have tattoos?” Twilight, confused, replied, “Tattoo, oh you mean our Cutie Marks these are the marks to show what our talents are and what our jobs are.” Cole pointed at Apple Jacks mark and responded, “So if you have a mark like hers does that mean you work with or are proficient apples then.” Twilight said, “Correct.” Cole asked, “And now that leaves the names in question. Are your names given to you at birth or are you granted your name by some sort of God?” Twilight, interested, retorted, “Is your name given to you by a God?” Cole replied, “Well, no I assumed your names were because they seemed like they were. I don’t know the customs of this world and the many rules it could have so sorry if I was wrong .” Twilight smirked and replied, “Well the rules of this world aren’t that much different to a sophisticated thing such as yourself.” Cole retorted, “I’m a human if your confused what my species is, and I evolved from ape to a higher state of being.” Twilight made a note pad appeared and wrote down information and said, “Does that mean you can use magic and have a higher level of intellect.” Cole, in Latin, replied, “Nullam magicam modo altiorem intellectum et altiorem sollertiam digitorum meorum basim.” Twilight, confused, asked, “What did you just say?” Cole replied, “I said, I can’t use magic, but I have a higher intellect and a higher proficiency with my fingers.” Rarity asked, “Do you speak any other languages?” Cole, in another language, replied, “Puedo, pero solo como otros 5 o 6 idiomas, Rareza.” Rarity blushed and retorted, “Oh my such a gentleman.” Cole turned and started looking around and asked, “What is that?” Twilight, looked more confused, replied, “What is it you’re looking at?” Cole looking at the magic particles he could see pointed at the magic particle and retorted, “This thing it looks like some sort of particle that’s not on in my memory of the periodic table.” Twilight uses a magic spell to look through Coles eyes and saw what he was pointing at and noticed the magic particles. Twilight, surprised, said, “I thought you couldn’t see or use magic?” Cole replied, “I can’t or at least I shouldn’t be able to use magic or that sort of thing.” Twilight responded, “It might have something to do with the magic friendship laser. There is a possibility that the laser edited or altered your body and allows you to see our magic or even use it possibly.” Cole looked at Twilight and could see certain magic going into her horn. Cole said, “That makes sense my chest did start to hurt when I was being hit by that rainbow laser. Plus, I’m pretty sure my eyes were open so it wouldn’t be too far off to see explain this hypothesis and theoretically speaking.” Twilight doing a little jig as if Cole was speaking her language watched her in confusion. Pinkie Pie giggled and said, “Twilight does this when she learns knowledge or something new based on the information given.” Cole nodded and said, “Pinkie Pie, right? What’s your special talent I’d say balloon making from the mark, but your name says a different story?” Pinkie Pie started laughing and replied, “Nope, I’m the party planner extraordinaire!” Cole smirked and said, “Then I guess I’ll go to you for my parties then, and you are Rarity correct?” Rarity blushing and replied, “That is right, my special talent is fashion.” Cole asked, “What sewing skills can use? I’m more particle to catch stitch and a running stitch. I know running stitch is for beginners but its rather easy to use in my case.” Rarity, shocked, said, “I didn’t think a gentle stallion such as yourself would know things like this.” Cole retorted, “I know a thing or two about fashion and sewing, I’m just as capable to bake as well.” Rainbow Dash said, “Yeah, so your more of a prissy human than?” Cole responded, “I’m not that prissy, I’m just as capable of working out, and carrying heavy things.” Rainbow Dash retorted, “Prove it!” Cole walked over to a boulder twice the size of Rainbow Dash. Cole picked it up with relative ease, and the to demonstrate his strength he started overhead pressing it and dropped it next to him. Cole looked at Rainbow Dash and said, “It’s not about being prissy Rainbow Dash. It’s about the expanse of craft and skills.” Rainbow Dash, flustered, replied, “I guess you're right. I’m wrong.” Apple Jack said, “I reckon you have other skills and such?” Cole smirked and replied, “I do have other skills up my sleeve but for now I would settle for a glass of water and maybe some food.” Twilight, after writing her notes down, said, “We can take him to the Library and Pinkie can you get some food from Sugar Cube Corner.” Pinkie nodded and ran off and Cole walking to a big tree in the middle of town. Cole looked at Flutter Shy and asked, “Say I don’t think I asked you what your talent is?” Flutter Shy whispered, “I work with animals.” Cole replied, “That’s pretty cool to work with animals.” All the girls stopped in shock and Rainbow Dash said, “You can hear her speaking!” Cole replied, “Yeah, you guys can’t?” Rainbow Dash retorted, “It took all of us a little while to understand what she was saying in her whispering voice.” Cole nodded and asked, “Flutter Shy, what’s your favorite animal to work with. I prefer dogs and cats, but I’ve never shied away from animal that needed love.” Flutter Shy perked up and replied, “I like bunnies and for the majority of the animals I have I love them all really.” Cole said, “If you need help watching them or help, I can help.” Flutter Shy nodded in approval and Cole walked into the library and looked around and said, “This is a quaint little Library Twilight.” Twilight smiled and said, “Well, thanks but I don’t technically own or make it I simple live here under the condition I learn friendship lessons from Celestia my mentor and the Princess of Equestria.” Cole, confused, asked, “Princess? Shouldn’t she be a Queen if she is running the country.” Twilight sighed and replied, “I get that from somebody who came from another world but it's not so simple to explain.” That’s when another voice with a more regal tone from behind, said, “I believe it would be easier to explain that information on my side.” Cole looked at the voice and saw a white colored pony creature with multi-colored hair. Cole looked at her and said, “Sorry if I offended you by asking a question like that but it seems rather weird to only be a Princess instead of a Queen.” Celestia, in a gentle smile, replied, “It has to do with my mother not passing the authority of power down to me or my sister. So, we went with the power being split between each other. I guess you know a little about me. I think it's fair if you tell me a little about you.” Cole replied, “I suppose, my name is Cole, and I am supposed. I had two brothers growing up and I have a lot of other skills but it's easy to talk about, but I think that can wait.” Celestia giggled and said, “I would have loved to hear more but there is something I need to give you thanks to an entity named Mason handed to me.” Celestia handed Cole a crystal and a piece of paper. Cole took the paper and the crystal and started to read the paper and the word on it said, “Break the crystal.” Cole looked at the crystal and broke it and turned into powder and the powder slowly went into Cole and forcing him into a sleep and that’s when Cole entered the void, but it was a white void this time. Cole looked around and saw Mason sitting down and meditating. Cole looked at Mason and said, “Why is this happening? What is this place and who is Tyler? What is this entity that the three of us create he was talking about?” Mason opened his eyes and replied, “You are the first and one filled with [Duty] and can keep a secret. Tyler is a fourth wall breaking entity given those powers by our creator. Tyler unhappy with his story because of how our creator was doing things decided he would become the very [Evil] he was fighting. Tyler was given the power to absorb and copy certain traits from any person. Tyler still angry at the creator copied and absorbed to traits of villains and other beings giving him powers and immeasurable [Evil]. He thought he was better than the creator, so he fought by corrupting powerful beings from other dimensions and having them go to pure dimensions that the creator loved and corrupted them hurting the creator.” Cole listened and then said, “What’s with the Three become one prophecy?” Mason replied, “The creator was able to come back with any three version of us but in order for him to create the prefect body with his full power he needed specific things [darkness] created in infinitely and an endless amount of [Kindness] and a body filled with [Duty], with these three [blank]’s. We could create his body and help us remove the [Evil].” Cole, confused, asked, “The next thing is that [blank], what is that and what’s the purpose of it.” Mason, smirked, replied, “The [blank] is a rank system of our strongest and most powerful trait given to us by the creator. If Tyler gets his hands on the opposites of these traits, he can create the traitor who is the thing the creator banished to the negative zone.” Cole responded, “So you guys need me and the other two to create him. What about the opposite versions of us?” Mason replied, “The opposite traits are [Lightness], [Rudeness], and [disloyalty] these opposites can make the traitor.” Cole asked, “Who is the Traitor?” Mason replied, “The traitor was once an entity like the creator with the same ambitions as the traitor kept making more and more, he believed he was owned his own multiverse web, but the creator noticed the worlds he made were dark and all and all unpleasant. The creator noticed the traitor was secretly communicating to the lover who was cheating on the creator. The friend told the creator, the creator decided to banish the traitor, and the lover to the negative zone. The creator and the friend renamed the lover to the cheater. The traitor pissed argued to the creator about the rename and the creator not wanting to hear the traitors rage broke the window to see him and the cheater who have stayed in the negative zone. The traitor and the cheater created Tyler before the events beforehand and the creator didn’t want to destroy Tyler. The creator simply wanted Tyler to live a simple normal life and Tyler was a creation of the traitor and the cheater so he had overpowered abilities and not enough drawbacks to his character and the creator couldn’t control Tyler. The traitor must have a connection to Tyler because he started trying to collect the opposites of the creator to bring the traitor back and the cheater to follow along with him.” Cole listening to the info presented to him wondered some things and held off on asking any more questions. Mason looked around and noticed Cole starting to wake up and, in that moment, Mason stood up and touched Cole’s forehead. Cole felt a level of heat moving from Cole’s head to his chest down to his lower abdomen. Mason faked punched Cole which made him flinch and Mason responded, “That’s two for flinching!” Mason punched Cole twice forcing him to wake up. Cole woke up and said, “Calm down with the strength of those punches.” Cole looked around and saw the creatures looking at him and Cole asked, “How long was I out for?” Twilight replied, “Like 40 minutes nothing to long really. Why did you say that last bit?” Cole responded, “Mason punched me awake to be honest. I thought the information he gave me was interesting, but it should be shared with the other two.” Twilight retorted, “There are more of you out there?” Cole replied, “No, I have a telepathic connection that allows me to talk to two other guys in the multiverse and clearly in other dimensions.” Twilight unable to respond fell over in an overload of information and fainted. Cole watched this happen and saw Celestia sitting at the balcony. Cole walked over to her and sat down with her and watched her stare mindlessly. Cole asked, “What are you thinking about? You look out of it.” Celestia, flinching, replied, “I’m just a little scared to go back to the castle.” Cole said, “That’s understandable, it usually starts with a single step.” Celestia, confused, responded, “How do you know what I’m talking about?” Cole chuckled and replied, “Most problems start off as a mountain or a cliff but as long as you take the first step. It becomes relatively a matter of perspective.” Celestia giggled and looked away to watch the other ponies move the clouds and just relaxed to feel the breeze. Cole looked around and just enjoyed the view and scenery and the sounds of the towns folk just working. Pinkie Pie bounced out to the table and saw Cole and Celestia acting like one another. Pinkie Pie watched quietly and then tapped Cole’s shoulder and dropped some pie and cake on the table. Cole smiled and whispered, “Thank you, Pinkie.” Pinkie blushed and whispered, “Your welcome, Cole.” Cole pulled out a chair and sat it next to him and patted it to indicate Pinkie Pie to sit next to him. Pinkie walked to the seat and sat next to him. Cole scratching her behind her ear and her chin. Pinkie immediately rested her head on Cole’s lap and Cole unconsciously scratched Pinkie behind her ear and the top of her head. Celestia looked over to see the desserts on the table and noticed Cole petting Pinkie Pie and still looking out. Celestia cutting herself a piece of cake and asked, “What do you think of my little ponies?” Cole chuckled and replied, “Is that what you guys are. I thought you guys were mini horses.” Celestia giggled and retorted, “That’s funny, and was a close guess. Might I add you are taking this surprisingly well?” Cole said, “I was killed and lit on fire in my dimension before showing up. I’ll take talking ponies with magic over that life.” Celestia, with a stunned face, asked, “What kind of life did you live?” Cole, looked away and in a sad tone, replied, “One filled with [Duty].” Celestia looked intently at Cole and retorted, “Was it? It seems like the loyalty you provided was met with hostility and pain.” Cole shrugged and replied, “In my line of work it was you either cooperate or your next of kin was sent to your family early. I was never really given a choice since I was a slave.” Celestia and Pinkie Pie now sad and looking at Cole as if Cole was intentionally trying to hurt there feeling. Cole looked away and said, “I was a slave and had to kill everyone on the hit list. I was a gun, and nobody even cared about me.” Cole beginning to laugh for a couple of seconds then started to tear up and cry. Coles tears kept flowing and unable to speak anymore and sit there and cry. Pinkie and Celestia hugged him and tried to make him feel better. Cole with his head held down whispered, “I just want to feel needed and loved. I have never once ever been loved.” Celestia responded, “I think I can help with that.” Cole looked up and still sniffling wondered, “Why, was I feeling the rush of emotion when he stopped feel anything for the longest time.” Celestia said, “I’ll give you a week and then I’ll send my sister here so she can learn from you.” Cole replied, “I’ve never taught anyone. But it will only take at least a month or two to make my house. What am I going to teach your sister?” Celestia responded, “Really it could be anything I just want her to open up and be comfortable being around every pony.” Cole said, “That’s all well and good but what happens if she gets attracted to me or only finds me the only comfortable being to talk to, that doesn’t even go into what happens if certain ponies start causing trouble and she bursts with rage?” Celestia giggled and started laughing and said, “I didn’t think you would be stating stuff like that. I don’t know about the if she’s attracted to you, but we could count on Twilight helping her open to the town’s ponies here, the outrage could be handled if you tried to calm her down. Cole shrugged and got up and wiped his eyes then left. Cole felt a gaze on him and immediately turned and looked around. Cole unable to shake the weird feeling of something watching him. He looked around and then saw a shadowy figure in the forest line with glowing eyes and that’s when Cole blinked and the shadowy figure disappeared, he looked around and that feeling of being watched disappeared. Cole snapped back to reality and Celestia moved to the front of his face saying something. Cole’s eyes were blurry, and his expression was slack. Celestia tapping Cole’s shoulder and then shaking him said, “Can you hear me, Cole. Are you alright.” Cole blinked a few times and immediately gasped for air and accidentally bopped Celestia’s snout with his nose. Celestia worried asked, “Are you ok?” Cole, still touching Celestia’s snout with his nose, said, “Your eyes make you look really cute.” Celestia turned red a little and retorted, “Thank You and are you ok?” Cole looked around and replied, “I think, I’m not positive because something is driving me to follow it into the forest line.” Celestia looked over to where Cole was pointing and, in that moment, Celestia covered them both in magic and teleported them to the forest and that’s when Cole immediately went quiet and started moving to where the shadowy figure was making him go. Celestia, not focused on Cole, said, “So, where is it telling you to go now…………….” Celestia looked around and noticed Cole was walking deeper into the forest and Celestia ran over to Cole. Celestia looked at Cole who looked like a zombie. Celestia followed Cole tell he reached a clearance and stood in the middle of the clearance and Celestia still in the forest looked at Cole waiting for something to happen. The ground around Cole started glowing and Runic symbols started spinning around him and, in that moment, Cole entered the white void again. Mason facing away from Cole and said, “My plan has nothing to do with bring back the [Creator] he is not the one I want to revive.” Cole walked over to Mason and stubbed his toe. Mason turned around and said, “Oh shit, my bad here let me help you.” Mason walked over and touched Cole’s forehead and everything around him in the white void changed and he could see all around him and it looked like a regular home. Cole walked around the coffee table that he stubbed his toe on and saw two picture frames, he picked up the first one and said, “Who are these guys?” Mason looked at the photo Cole was holding and replied, “Those guys are my brothers in the dimension, I entered.” Cole inspected closer and retorted, “Why do they have human physiques?” Mason chuckled and said, “That’s just luck of the draw really.” Cole put the photo frame back down and noticed the second picture and it was a photo of Mason in a tuxedo and Celestia in a wedding dress and they were both kissing. Cole asked, “Did you get married?” Mason walked over to Cole and grabbed the picture frame and replied, “I did. But it didn’t last. I was forced to enter the dimensional plane. The only thing I know is she was pregnant with my kids and that was as long as 30 years ago.” Cole looked at Mason sad and said, “That’s why you don’t trust the [Creator].” Mason nodded and retorted, “I met the [Chosen One] and he said as long as I help him, he would stop this whole war of shit and whatever.” Cole asked, “What about the factions of [Evil] and Union of the [Creator] we will have to fight them.” Mason laughing loudly and replied, “I like that never had a name for those that I wanted to fight but you said it perfectly. I have around 9 guy’s that will join us in this battle against the two. I have given all nine of them my power, so they are pieces to create similar powers like mine.” Mason walked up to Cole and twisted Cole’s nipples to wake him up. Cole in pain screamed, “What the Fuck! Why is he always doing stuff like that.” Celestia with a surprised face looked at Cole and asked, “Are you alright? You’ve been standing here for three hours, and those symbols have been spinning around you faster and faster tell the symbols entered your body and then you woke up and screamed.” Cole looked around and saw the aura colors all around and looked at Celestia and saw a warm inviting light around her. Cole in that moment asked, “Can I hug you?” Celestia blushed and replied, “I’m ok with that but why?” Cole replied, “You have an inviting color of warmth to be honest.” Celestia, confused, said, “Color? Cole, flustered, replied, “It’s a beautiful sunset with a summer warmth radiating from you.” Celestia blushing harder, she sat on her flank and then opened her arms up and Cole when in for a hug, Cole hugging her and feeling the color of Celestia’s warm and some of that color entered his body and Cole felt relaxed. Cole pulled away from Celestia and said, “Give me a week and then your sister can come over to learn.” Celestia, still blushing, replied, “Ok, is it alright if we hang out sometimes as well?” Cole shrugged and said, “I’m ok with it. I do need you to tell me in advance when you want to hang out.” Cole walked back to the library to go to bed and Celestia teleported back to Canterlot. Cole entered the library and saw two guys standing in the middle of the library. Cole looked at them and noticed one of the figures auras colors were blue and the others was blood red. Cole noticed they were talking about something and then saw Cole. The girl with the blue aura asked, “Where is Mason?” Cole looked confused and replied, “Who?” The guy with blood red aura, walked over and held Cole up off the ground, retorted, “Let’s just kill him! He obviously knows but we should send a message to that bastard that’s trying to meddle with the [Traitor] and [Creator].” The girl, pissed, said, “Don’t you say my god's name you scummy bastard.” The girl grabbed the guy’s arm and broke it. The guy in pain for a couple of minutes. Let go of Cole and backed off. The girl said, “My name is Melissa, and this is Jack. We are from the two opposing sides, I’m from the “[Creator]’s Alliance” and Jack’s from the [Traitor]’s faction.” Cole rubbing his chest looked at Melissa and retorted, “Even If I knew who Mason was and where he is do you think I would spill the information and seriously who is Mason and why do you want him so badly?” Melissa, with an evil grin, said, “Mason stole something from both of our groups, and we want them back.” Cole, unimpressed, said, “That doesn’t answer my question. Melissa, in fact that’s incredibly fucking vague.” Jack replied, “The items stolen from us have nothing to do with you if you don’t know where he is. Then let's just kill him and go to the next.” Melissa shook her head and said, “We can’t unless you can face the consequences.” Cole uninterested in the conversation of theirs going back and forth started walking to the bookshelf and started reading a random book. Melissa grabbed Jack and said, “If you want to fight Kevin on this then be my guest.” Jack retorted, “So what if Kevin kills me, I bet Andrew would avenge me.” Melissa stopped and grabbed Jack’s chin and pointed his head to Cole who was sitting in a chair reading. Cole looked up from his book and asked, “Oh, are you two lovebirds done with the bickering? I thought I should wait for you two to since you guys have such an important conversation going on.” Melissa, grinding her jaw in anger, said, “We aren’t dating. We may not be able to kill him but that doesn’t mean we can’t beat the shit out of you.” Cole looked at Melissa and then at Jack and sent a right hook into Jacks chin. Jack watching the fist move slowly backed up and then uppercut Cole. Melissa watching Jack uppercut Cole jumped above Cole and axe kicked him in the stomach. Cole unable to see what happened felt the pain in his body. Cole a couple of hours later woke up from the sound of Twilight walking in on Coles battered and bruised body. Cole looked at Twilight and said, “Say I can’t move my body is there a reason for that.” Twilight sat next to Cole and replied, “YOUR ARMS AND LEGS ARE MANGLED! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?” Cole said, “Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t scream from the pain. I was visited by two people who were looking for something………” A bright light of runic symbols and a barrier wrapped around Cole. The mangled arms and legs of Cole started slowly healing and the bruises on his body started fading. When the runic symbols and barrier disappeared, he stood back up and laughed and flexed his arms and legs and felt the cracks and pops like he was stretching. Twilight writing down and drawing what she saw in her letter to Celestia. Cole sitting back on the chair and started reading, he got to page 70 of the book and Celestia, burst into the library, asking, “Where is he?” Cole looked up from his book and replied, “I’m right here!” > A world we want and a world of hurt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cole lay on the ground, his arms and legs immobilized, his gaze fixed on the intricate patterns of the tree library ceiling. He had always been an avid reader, but this was not the way he had envisioned his connection with books. Panic surged through him, but he couldn't even flinch. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. How had he ended up here? The memories came flooding back. He had been stabbed in the back and set on fire, seeking solace in nature, when he had apparently been sent to a random dimension and then he had been excused for having information about some guy he met no longer than three hours after arriving to this weird pony dimension. He'd been mangled by some female and male. Helpless, he had watched as the sun began its descent from the window, casting long shadows through the library. In the silence of his immobility, his thoughts churned. He yearned to move, to reach out and touch the wood in the library of countless stories, but his body refused to obey. He was trapped, a prisoner in his own flesh. The branches in the window above swayed gently in the breeze, their rustling leaves whispering secrets only they could understand. Cole had always found solace in the silence but he was able to move those times. The problem with this silence it was advance, an advance silence. He closed his eyes, attempting to sleep only for him to hear the sound of hoof steps coming and as Cole laid there and waited for the door to open. An hour later Cole found himself sitting across from Celestia, the regal princess of Equestria, and her diligent student, Twilight Sparkle. His bewilderment was apparent as he tried to make sense of the extraordinary situation. Cole: "I have to admit, this is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I don't even know how I could even heal my mangled limbs." Celestia, with her calming presence, spoke softly, her lavender eyes radiating wisdom. Celestia: "I came here as fast as I could because my student told me about your broken body. I didn’t know you had the power to heal yourself." Twilight Sparkle, ever the scholar, chimed in with curiosity. Twilight Sparkle: "Yeah, and how did those two humans get into our world and we still have no idea how you got here? Now you have weird symbols that spin around you and heal you like nothing happened in the first place." Cole's mind raced as he tried to grasp the implications of their words. Cole: "So, from what Mason told me was that I’m apart of a larger plan and the issue here is. I don’t fully understand why I’m needed. But for the most part it seems that those two have the ability to traverse each dimension. They were superficially different and stronger than anything I’ve experienced." Celestia: "There seems to be something going on and the only person who knows anything about this is you Cole.” Twilight Sparkle added, "Your presence here could help us understand why certain things are capable of entering our dimension but we are unable to leave it. Cole: "I'm just an ordinary guy from my world. But the only way for me to enter this world I left my body as a soul in order to enter this world.” Celestia smiled reassuringly, "That is an interesting way to enter this world. But that leaves more questions than answers.” As they continued to discuss the intricacies of how Cole got to this dimension. The two people and why they wanted to know where Mason was. Cole: "I may not fully understanding how I fit into all of this, but I'm willing to help however I can. I want to learn more about Equestria. I guess it’s better than being dead.” Celestia nodded appreciatively, "Thank you, Cole. I know this is pretty hard for you being a different species than the one on this planet.” Celestia and Cole sat at the tea table drinking tea and just enjoying the moment. Twilight reading a few books at the table. A few quiet hours pasted in peaceful conversation with the group. As the evening settled in, Cole prepared for bed. He went through his nightly routine of brushing his teeth, changing into comfortable pajamas, and dimming the lights. However, tonight was different. With each step, he found himself thinking about the incredible power hidden within him—the pulsing heart, the intricate network of nerves, the mysterious energy that kept him alive. Curiosity tugged at him, urging him to understand more about this remarkable machine he inhabited. With the covers pulled snugly around him, Cole drifted to sleep, his mind filled with questions about the enigmatic power coursing through his veins. He entered the void of blackness and heard the two other guys talking. Trace chuckled and said, "So your finally able to dream walk, Zero." [Darkness] smiled and replied, "You can call me William or my past name in Murim I went as Kong Xing." Trace responded, "Ok, William is what I'll call you then.” Then Cole walked out of the darkness. Cole sighed and retorted, "I'm still going to call you, Zero no matter how cringe it is. I think its funny how you thought none of us were to find out about it." William turned red and said, "Don't be an ass you stingy fucker." Trace in a confused tone said, "Why have you called us William?" William, looked over at Trace, replied, "I thought it would be cool if we talked to get to know one another and maybe help each other utilized and create our own versions of each one power's." Trace and Cole looked at one another and they both nodded and Trace went first and showed his abilities. Trace said, “I have the ability to see magic particles and force fuse them to make a really powerful attack or inject the forced energy into whatever I want.” Cole looked at Trace and has he finished his talk. Cole responded, “I don’t know how my abilities work but two people showed up to the place I was staying and mangled my legs and arms but these runes fixed them right up.” William walked over to Cole and touched his head and in that moment a screen appeared and the two people familiar to Dark Star appeared. He watched Cole get mangled one limb at a time. William poked around and that’s when William said, “ You have an aura detection and absorption you can take in and use. That’s all I can see right now.” Cole nodded and replied, “That makes sense I guess because I felt that warm from her and then felt it enter me.” Trace asked, “Hey real quick are any of you guys getting nightmares about these opposite versions of yourself with black eyes and they keep trying to attack you or just be creepy?” William responded, “That’s pretty fucked up if you ask me. I think someone is fucking with you personally.” Cole replied, “Try a dream catcher it might help you and apply your power to it.” As Cole slowly awoke from a deep slumber, he felt an unusual warmth enveloping his arms. Groggily, he opened his eyes to find Twilight Sparkle and Spike wrapped around his arms hugging him tightly. Confusion washed over him, like a morning fog obscuring his thoughts. He tried to make sense of the unexpected embrace, unsure of why they were in his bed and why are hugging him tightly. The emotions of surprise and curiosity danced in his still-drowsy mind, leaving him with a sense of disorientation, as if he had stumbled into an enigmatic dream that blurred the line between reality and imagination. Twilight Sparkle and Spike stirred awake, their eyes fluttering open to find Cole already awake, his gaze fixed on the morning sun filtering through the window. They remained still, sensing a quiet reverence in Cole's presence, his patience and consideration for their rest evident. With a subtle shift, Cole refrained from moving or making a sound, waiting until both Twilight Sparkle and Spike had fully roused from their slumber. The room was bathed in the gentle glow of dawn, a tranquil moment as they shared the subtle symphony of their breathing, united by a shared understanding of the peaceful morning. It was a wordless acknowledgment of the awkward moment of Twilight and Spike still hugging Cole and not understanding his uncomfortable feeling of being touched without permission. Twilight Sparkle said, “Cole, I apologize for this intrusion. Spike and I came to your bed because, well, you radiate an incredibly comfortable warmth. It's soothing, like a magic-infused electric blanket. Spike replied,”Yeah, and the library gets pretty chilly at night. Your body heat is like a cozy bonfire. Cole responded, “I'm flattered, but I was quite confused waking up to this. Maybe next time, just a friendly heads-up? Twilight Sparkle replied, “Of course, we should've explained first. Sorry for the surprise. Spike said, “We'll make sure to coordinate better next time, Cole. Cole retorted, “No worries, I appreciate the extra warmth, even if it's an early morning surprise. Just get my permission to touch me when you can. An hour later Cole ventured into the heart of the Everfree Forest, a place both mysterious and beautiful. He carefully selected a majestic tree, its branches reaching up towards the sky like nature's sculpture. With an axe borrowed from Applejack, he positioned himself and swung it at the tree trunk. However, to his astonishment, the tree fell with a single, effortless stroke, as if it had surrendered willingly to his touch. Dumbfounded by his own strength and the peculiar ease with which he felled the tree, Cole gazed at the colossal trunk resting before him. But his curiosity pushed him further. He extended his hands towards the fallen tree, and a glowing energy enveloped his arms. With a determined effort, he tried to lift the tree, and to his amazement, it lifted effortlessly from the ground and in that moment he felt the sensation of heat and pain on his arms and that’s when Cole ran to a river near by and dunked his arms in the water. That’s when he felt the freezing cold water on his arms cooling down the heat and pain. When Cole lifted his arms out of the water and noticed that he had runes and tattoos all over his arms and in the moment his back and legs started heating up and searing pain. That’s when Cole jumped into the river water to make the pain and heat stop. Cole walked back to the chopped tree and then looked at his runes and tattoos. Cole's unexpected abilities couldn't be dismissed as mere coincidence. It was as if the runes that appeared on his arms, legs and back had formed some sort of connection to the energy of this dimension. The tree seemed to be a piece of paper to his strength as if Cole was able to cut it like butter and lift it like a feather. Driven by a mixture of awe and curiosity, Cole continued to experiment with his newfound talent. Trees that once seemed immovable became pliable beneath his grasp, rising from the ground like giant, leafy feathers. As the sun painted the horizon in shades of orange and pink, Cole marveled at the extraordinary day he had experienced. His plans to build a house had taken an unexpected twist to his plan but he still had enough time to get all the materials to build the house tomorrow. as the sun dipped below the horizon, Cole strolled towards Twilight Sparkle's tree library. The towering branches of the library stretched into the starlit sky, and the inviting glow of the windows beckoned him. Twilight, the diligent princess of friendship, welcomed him inside, offering a cozy refuge from the night. Weary from the day's endeavors, Cole climbed the spiral staircase to the upper level where a comfortable bed awaited. He slipped under the covers, grateful for the warmth and comfort of Twilight's hospitality. The gentle rustle of leaves outside and the occasional hoot of owls in the Everfree Forest created a serene lullaby, soothing him into a peaceful slumber. As Cole drifted into dreams, a celestial realm unfolded before him. Luna, the ethereal princess of the night, graced the dreamscape with her divine presence. She spoke in a voice that echoed through the cosmos, inviting Cole to converse beneath the star-strewn sky. Luna appeared in a graceful manner said, "Greetings, Cole. In the realm of dreams, we meet. Your dreams are interesting and very different from what I’ve seen before." Cole, feeling a mix of awe and humility, responded, "Princess Luna, it's an honor. What brings you to my dreamscape?" Luna replied, "Your connection to my sister confuses me, human? I also sense a connection to the energy that we have a hard time dealing with?” Cole, intrigued and humbled, inquired, "Is the connection between me and your sister a bad thing? I believe the energy you are experiencing is the divinity kind because apparently I’m a dimensional anomaly." Luna responded, "The fact that my sister enjoys your company is a testament to your ability and the energy you emit is not something of the divine nature. It’s of the chaotic nature not fully chaos but not fully harmonious something in the middle." Cole, confused and frustrated, “So am I a villain or a good guy to you because we are supposed to meet in less than a week for me to train you to be more appropriate and light hearted.” Luna, giggled and smiled, “I know you aren’t a villain but you are definitely amusing to me and I’m excited to talk to you face to face.” With a gentle voice, she bid Cole farewell, and he gradually woke in Twilight's tree library, the soft light of dawn breaking through the windows. As Cole opened his eyes, the dream meeting with Luna lingered in his thoughts, leaving him with the promise of a new day ahead, he descended the staircase, ready to embark on the construction of his house and getting ready to teach Luna. In a whirlwind of determination, Cole embarked on an endeavor to build his house in Ponyville. The montage unfolded with a blur of activity as he seamlessly moved from one task to another. Walls rose with swift precision, beams aligned effortlessly, and rooms took shape in rapid succession. Each movement spoke of practiced skill and an uncanny efficiency, showcasing Cole's mastery over construction. The once-empty plot transformed before the astonished eyes of onlookers, Twilight Sparkle and her friends included. The montage encapsulated the sheer speed and expertise as Cole, with unwavering focus, turned a pile planks and a hole into a two story house with a basement. The day concluded with a completed house standing tall, a testament to his remarkable ability with unparalleled speed and precision. Cole looked at the house with pride and appreciation and thought out loud, “I just need a fence and then some sort of walkway to my front door and then I can work on my garden then that should be enough.” Cole took the last remaining planks of wood and started working on the fence which took him no longer than an hour and as he finished the fence he looked at the porch and the simple walkway to the fence gate. Cole stuck his hand in the ground and moved it up and down like a knife cutting fruit and he ripped the sod out of the ground and made the pathway into a dirt road. With the structure of his house complete, Cole delved into the next phase of transforming his residence into a true home. Armed with a vision and an eye for detail, he embarked on crafting furniture and designing the interior decor, making every element a testament to both his human sensibilities and the magic of Equestria. In a montage that spanned the days that followed, Cole meticulously fashioned each piece of furniture. Tables and chairs, adorned with intricate carvings, reflected a seamless fusion of human craftsmanship and the whimsical style of Ponyville. With each stroke of his hands, he shaped bookshelves and cabinets that blended practicality with enchanting aesthetics. The interior design unfolded in a dance of colors and textures. The walls donned a serene shade of gray, creating a calming ambiance. Decorative elements inspired by Equestrian motifs adorned the rooms, infusing a touch of magic into every corner. The furniture, finished in hues of oak and mahogany, added warmth and character to the living spaces. The exterior of the house emerged as a masterpiece of color. The once-grayish blue canvas now displayed a harmonious blend that mirrored the sky and the serene waters of Ponyville. A quaint porch adorned with hanging flower baskets welcomed visitors, creating an inviting atmosphere. However, Cole's creative endeavors didn't stop at the surface. With his rune powers, he painted intricate symbols on the walls, not only for aesthetic purposes but also to enhance the magical energy within the house. These runes, pulsating with faint glows, became protective wards and conduits for the enchanting atmosphere he sought to cultivate. As Cole descended into the basement, he saw the potential for additional space. Channeling his powers, he transformed it into a cellar with sturdy shelves and magical preservation enchantments, creating a space for storing fruits, vegetables, and rare magical ingredients. The storage area. When the montage concluded, Cole stood before a completed home—a haven that seamlessly blended his human touch with the magic of Equestria. The thoughtfully designed spaces, adorned with both functional and whimsical elements, reflected the journey of an individual who had found not just shelter, but a place where the essence of his old world. Cole said, “Twilight, do you think you could send a message to Princess Celestia inviting her to see the house? Maybe her sister, Luna, could join too.” Twilight Sparkle responded, “Of course, Cole! I'll draft a letter right away. They'll be thrilled to witness the home you've make with your own hands.” Cole replied, “Twilight, how about having a dinner party at my place? You and your friends are invited, and Spike too, of course.” Twilight Sparkle asked, “That sounds delightful, Cole! We'd love to join. What should we bring?” Cole retorted, “Just your company! I've got everything covered. Looking forward to a magical evening in my new home.” An hour later In preparation for the dinner party in his enchanting home, Cole, the gracious host, embarked on a culinary concoction that celebration of vegetarian delights. The aroma of freshly baked snacks wafted through the air as he crafted an array of appetizers. Crispy vegetable spring rolls, brimming with vibrant fillings, stood alongside magical hummus dips paired with colorful crudites. As the main course, Cole transformed his kitchen into a pizza haven. He kneaded dough with a touch of human finesse and Italian magic, creating a medley of pizzas adorned with an abundance of vegetables, herbs, and artisanal cheeses. The table, a symphony of colors and flavors, promised Twilight Sparkle and her friends an evening of gastronomic delights, where each bite was a testament to the fusion of human culinary artistry. In anticipation of the enchanting dinner party, Cole, delved into the realm of desserts, transforming his kitchen into a sugary wonderland. The scent of sweet creations wafted through the air as he prepared a dazzling array of treats, ensuring that Twilight Sparkle and her friends would be greeted with a feast for their taste buds. The first batch of cookies emerged from the oven, their golden edges promising a perfect balance of chewiness and crunch. Rich, fudgy brownies, infused with magical cocoa, followed suit, tempting anyone near with their delectable aroma. Cole then turned his attention to crafting an ethereal cake, layers of moist perfection adorned with vibrant fruits from the orchards of Equestria. As a grand finale, pies took center stage. Apple pies, their cinnamon-kissed filling bubbling beneath golden crusts, beckoned alongside pies bursting with berries that sparkled like edible jewels. By the time Twilight Sparkle and her friends arrived, the dessert table was a masterpiece of indulgence. With anticipation in the air cole's culinary artistry as he waited for his friends to show up. Cole looked at his fireplace and started a fire and sat in the living room watching the flames waiting for the arrival of his friends. The door made a noise as though someone knocked on it and Cole got up from his chair and opened the front door, he was met with a chorus of greetings from Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna. Wonder and curiosity danced in their eyes as they stepped into the meticulously designed interior. Soft gray walls adorned with magical runes welcomed them, and the human aesthetics in the furniture caught their attention. The aroma of the feast led them to the dining area, where an enchanting banquet awaited. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they savored the crispy spring rolls, indulged in pizzas adorned with vibrant vegetables, and delighted in an array of desserts. The house buzzed with the magic of friendship, each corner echoing with the joyous vibe of shared moments, good food, and good times. The lively chatter in Cole's home echoed with curiosity and delight as Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna gathered around. Twilight, a glint of fascination in her eyes, couldn't help but express her amazement. Twilight asked, “Cole, this food is incredible! How did you manage to conjure such magical flavors?” Cole chuckled, a humble smile playing on his lips. Cole responded, “Well, Twilight, I've been working on my cooking skills since I was a kid. It's all thanks to my grandma that I have the memory of human recipes and I find joy in experimenting with flavors.” Pinkie Pie, ever animated, bounced with excitement. Pinkie Pie replied, “And the house! It's like stepping into a cozy cloud of happiness. How did you make it feel so safe and inviting?” Cole, appreciating Pinkie's enthusiasm, shared his secret. Cole responded, “Crafting a welcoming space has always been my passion. I was military and a lot of time was spent destroying, and I was tired of that and started creating things and it just felt right. So I spent a lot of my time off learning to craft things. That’s how I learned to build and make the house with the soft colors, the runic symbols were just a touch of my heritage mixed in.” Rainbow Dash, known for her directness, leaned in with a grin. Rainbow Dash returned, “Seriously, though, how did you do it? Did you hire somepony?” Cole laughed. Cole retorted, “No hiring needed, Rainbow. It's all me. I believe in putting my heart into everything I create, whether it's food or a home. And the weird magic in this world really helped add the flair.” As Cole prepared to delve deeper into the runic enchantments that adorned his home, an explosive interruption shattered the tranquility. The front door erupted into a burst of light and sound, leaving a lingering haze in its wake. Through the dissipating smoke emerged two humans, Kale and Jenifer, an air of confidence surrounding them. With a disarming smile, Kale spoke, "Greetings, Cole. We've come to take you to our dimension, and you get to choose whether it's the easy way or the hard way." As tension filled the room, Cole, caught off guard, tried to grasp the sudden turn of events. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna exchanged wary glances, ready to stand by their friend. The air crackled with uncertainty as Kale and Jenifer awaited Cole's response, a choice hanging in the balance between the familiar enchantment of Equestria and the enigmatic realm that beckoned beyond the disrupted door. A hushed tension enveloped the room as Cole, the air charged with an unfamiliar energy, stood up, his gaze unwavering. "Friends," he said calmly, his voice carrying a quiet determination, "wait here. This is something I need to handle." Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna exchanged concerned glances but nodded, trusting their friend's judgment. As Cole stepped outside, the atmosphere thickened, the very air seemingly pulsating with an unseen force. Kale and Jenifer, unfazed by the ethereal runes surrounding Cole's home, adopted defensive stances. "You can't resist your coming with us, Cole. It's futile," Jenifer sneered. With a serene resolve, Cole simply replied, "I won't be going anywhere with you. But you two will be leaving my now destroyed house." The clash erupted in a blur of movement and energy. Kale and Jenifer, seemingly skilled in combat, launched a series of coordinated attacks against Cole, who stood steadfast, not yielding an inch. As the blows landed, a soft, pulsating glow emanated from the runic symbols etched on his body. It was a spectacle of otherworldly power. Cole, channeling forces beyond comprehension, retaliated with a controlled force. His movements were a dance of magical precision, a fusion of human resilience and the extraordinary energy he had absorbed. The battle reached a crescendo as the runic symbols on Cole's body ignited with an ethereal brilliance. In an awe-inspiring display of power, he unleashed a torrent of energy, obliterating Kale and Jenifer's offensive efforts. The very battle between the two sides was one sided in the fight for their lives. With a collective gasp, the onlookers inside the house witnessed the unparalleled might of their friend. The two humans, overwhelmed by the sheer force of Cole's power, were left incapacitated, their previous confidence replaced by two craters and burned corpses. As the energy subsided, Cole, seemingly unscathed, returned to his friends. The runic symbols slowly faded, leaving no trace of the extraordinary display that had transpired. The group, still processing the astonishing sight, looked at Cole with a mixture of awe and relief. "I... I didn't know you could do that," Twilight Sparkle uttered, her eyes wide. Cole, with a faint smile, replied, "To be honest I didn’t think I could handle them but something in my gut said fight so I did." The runes, on the house started glowing brighter and in the moment Cole walked through the broken front door and wall it started floating and piecing itself together and in the moment Cole sat down the house had put itself back together. Cole watched as the group saw the house fix itself and in awe looked back at him in wonder. As they gathered in the restored tranquility of Cole's home, curiosity lingered in the air. Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy exchanged glances, eager to understand the mysteries that unfolded. Celestia, with a regal curiosity, inquired, "Cole, we witnessed the remarkable restoration of your home. How does it mend itself?" Cole, his demeanor calm, began to explain, "The runes in my home and on my body are a form of magical protection. They resonate with the energy of Equestria. When harm befalls the house, the runes channel that magical energy to repair and restore. It's a symbiotic connection, a fusion of my abilities and the enchantment of this land." Luna, intrigued, added, "The runes outside glow with an ethereal brilliance. What significance do they hold?" Cole nodded, "Those runes serve as a protective barrier. They respond to potential threats, ensuring that only those with benevolent intent can enter. It's a measure to safeguard this haven and those within." Twilight Sparkle, her eyes gleaming with scholarly curiosity, questioned, "And the meaning behind the runes? Do they tell a specific story?" Cole smiled, "The runes carry symbols from my culture. They represent unity, harmony, and the intertwining of my world. Each mark tells a tale of the past and present from my world, a story of protection, determination, and the limitless potential." Rarity, with an appreciative tone, remarked, "Darling, this house is positively divine! But I must ask, what inspired you to build it in such a distinct manner?" Cole, leaning against a runic-adorned wall, explained with a thoughtful expression, "Well, Rarity, I noticed something intriguing about the runic symbols from my world. When I engrave or draw them, there's a subtle magic that accompanies their presence. It's like they have a protective quality, a touch of enchantment. So, when in doubt, I figured, why not incorporate them into the very fabric of my home?" Rainbow Dash, her eyes gleaming with curiosity, chimed in, "Magic made of runes, huh? That's awesome! Makes this place even cooler." Pinkie Pie, bouncing with enthusiasm, added, "And it makes for a super-duper magical vibe! I bet the party potential is off the charts!" Cole grinned, appreciating their reactions, "Exactly! It's a fusion of the mystical and the familiar. Plus, it's a reminder that no matter where I am, that my world is still with me even if I wasn’t wanted in that dimension.” As they gathered in the living room, Applejack, Flutter Shy, and Spike couldn't help but notice the runic tattoos on Cole's arms. Applejack, raising an eyebrow, questioned, "Hey, Cole, those runic tattoos on your arms, they weren't there a week ago. What happened?" Cole, rolling up his sleeves, revealed the intricate symbols, "Yeah, they showed up after my limbs were broken. It's odd, they sort of just appeared." Flutter Shy, concerned, softly inquired, "Are you okay? How did it happen?" Cole chuckled, trying to alleviate their worry, "I'm fine now, but when these runes manifested, it felt like my arms were lit on fire and a knife was cutting me. The pain was intense, but then they started glowing, and then I dunked my arms in a freezing river to stop the pain. It's strange, but it seems they're connected to me by magic." Spike, intrigued, added, "So, they just popped up when you were hurt, and now they're like, magic tattoos?" Cole nodded, "Exactly. It's like they're a part of me now. I was concerned and scared but it certainly was shocking when I could add magic to inanimate objects.” As Cole swung the front door open, a refreshing breeze greeted him, signaling the departure of his friends—Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Laughter and farewells echoed in the air as they headed toward Ponyville, leaving Cole standing in the doorway, grateful for the vibrant energy they brought to his home. As the door gently closed behind them, Celestia and Luna, the royal sisters, lingered in the foyer. Their expressions hinted at a deeper conversation waiting to unfold. Cole turned to them with a welcoming smile, "It seems we have a bit more to discuss. Please, make yourselves comfortable." The trio moved to a cozy sitting area, surrounded by the gentle glow of runic symbols. Celestia's eyes bore a subtle curiosity, and Luna's expression held a quiet wisdom. Cole, feeling a sense of interest coming from them. In the subdued glow of Cole's home, Celestia and Luna exchanged glances, their regal curiosity piqued. Cole, with a thoughtful expression, spoke, "The two humans who were here earlier weren't the ones responsible for the incident with my limbs. They were just messengers, claiming to take me to another dimension. As you guys heard and for what happened to them..." Celestia leaned forward, her gaze intent, "Did you... eliminate them?" Cole sighed, "No. They disappeared before I could do anything. It's like they evaporated. I suspect they might return, and next time, I won't let them slip away so easily and they mostly won’t be alone the next time." Luna, her voice calm, inquired, "What is it they want with you, Cole?" Cole, staring into the distance, replied, "That's what I need to figure out. But what I know is I’m not the only one who has been attacked the other guys I know seem to have been attacked as well. The energy I have in me won’t last longer so I need more aura from you and those I can trust." In the serene glow of the enchanted space, Celestia and Luna exchanged amused glances as Cole delved into the topic of absorbing their aura energy. Celestia, with a gentle smile, inquired, "Cole, you've mentioned the need for more aura energy. Is this for your own strength, or is there another reason?" Cole, with a thoughtful expression, explained, "It's both, really. The energy regenerates, but the more I absorb, the stronger my abilities become. And that strength is what I need to protect those I care about." Luna, a playful glint in her eyes, added, "Are you implying you care about us, Cole?" Cole chuckled, "Of course. You and Celestia are a part of this world now. It's only natural that I want to keep you safe." Celestia and Luna shared a lighthearted giggle, and Celestia teased, "Well, it's good to know you're looking out for us, Cole. Just be sure not to absorb too much. We wouldn't want you to accidentally become an overpowered guardian." Cole smiled and replied, “The aura around you guys is an abundant energy that never ends it’s linked to your soul and emotions. So as long as you have those things you will never lose your aura. Your aura Celestia is bright, beautiful, and a warm glow like sitting in the sun and bathing in the sunshine. Luna your aura is calming, stunning, it’s a beautiful night with a slight cooling breeze where the stars are shining and the Moon is full like a wonder of beauty.” As Cole earnestly described the ethereal auras radiating from Celestia and Luna, he couldn't help but notice a subtle blush gracing their regal expressions. The more he spoke, the more their eyes shimmered with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine joy. Cole's words painted a picture of stunning grace, and as he conveyed the warmth and beauty they brought to the room, both princesses found themselves touched, blushing and tearing up in response to the unexpected and heartfelt appreciation. Cole, guided by the intricate knowledge of the runic symbols adorning his home, conjured a luminescent symbol in the air. As the symbol pulsed with magical energy, a connection unfurled, reaching out to Celestia and Luna. The princesses, enveloped in the enchanting glow, felt a subtle shift in perception. With newfound sight, Celestia and Luna shared a unique connection, glimpsing the world through Cole's eyes. They marveled at the way his perception unveiled the intricate details of their regal features and the subtle nuances that made them who they were. It was a captivating experience, an exchange of perspectives that forged a deeper understanding. Through this magical connection, Celestia and Luna not only saw the world as Cole saw it but also gained insight into the profound connection he held for them. It was a moment where the boundaries between the three disappeared. Cole stood up and wake over to the two while they shared his vision for the moment he looked at them in their eyes and that’s when they both could see what he could see. In the soft glow of Cole's shared vision, Celestia and Luna couldn't help but express their awe at the beauty they witnessed. Luna, her voice touched with wonder, remarked, "It's as if the very essence of our world comes alive through your eyes, Cole." Celestia, moved by the vulnerability of the moment, gently spoke, "Would it be too forward to ask if we could stay the night? To be closer to you?" Cole, appreciating their sincerity, smiled warmly, "No problem at all. You're both welcome here anytime. Let's share this night under the same stars.” As the night unfolded, Cole, guided by a gentle sense of hospitality, set up his bed in one room and arranged sleeping spaces for Celestia and Luna in another. However, as they entered the room prepared for them, Celestia and Luna shared a glance filled with a quiet desire for closeness. In a moment of unexpected vulnerability, Celestia hesitated before softly expressing, "Cole, would you mind if we slept in your bed, together? It feels... cozier." Touched by the genuine request, Cole, with a warm smile, responded, "O…Of course, no problem at all. We can share the bed. I’ve been told I have a very cozy warm that comes from my body." The trio settled into the room, the shared space radiating with a comforting warmth. As they nestled under the covers, the magical connection that bound them together seemed to weave a sense of unity, transcending the boundaries between them In the embrace of shared dreams. In the cozy confines of the shared bed, Celestia and Luna, their ethereal presence embracing Cole, settled into a tranquil night. As they nestled close, the comforting rhythm of their breaths became a gentle lullaby. Cole, caught in the embrace of their warmth, felt the subtle sensation of their breaths on his neck, a soft caress that whispered of unity and shared vulnerability. In this intimate space, the boundaries between them blurred, and the trio found solace in the closeness of the moment. The feeling of being cuddled, like a cherished body pillow, created a sense of safety that transcended the realms they inhabited. Under the watchful gaze of the moon and stars, the magical haven became a haven for shared dreams and the quiet symphony of breaths that echoed the bonds forged in the enchantment of the night.