> Junior alicorn > by DarkShadowSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The random kinky wonders of Equestria (rewritten) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equus Novum Written, translated and edited by me: DarkShadowSpark Three meager seconds was all it took. Three meager seconds for AJ´s day to turn from normal to outright crazy. One moment ago she had been lazily walking along the dirt path back to her farm and now she was stuck headfirst up to her belly inside the sleek frame of a lavender alicorn. Well more specific the slender frame of one of her best friends that was an alicorn. That however didn´t make the situation any better or less weird. While the lavender mare's muzzle worked along her body, drenching it with spit, she could feel the powerful and unyielding magic of Twilight gripping her legs. The alicorn´s magic slowly forced and feed her strong earth pony body into Twilight´s maw and down her esophagus. In vain Applejack tried to move her body and escape being devoured by Twilight, but an alicorn had physical strength even greater than an earth pony she soon realized. Surprisingly even more than AJ herself, as the orange mare could be considered above average by far. But not only the physical strength of Twilight was far greater and hindered AJ to free herself from the hungry mare. No, the alicorn-magic Twilight possessed also was far more powerful than anything Applejack could muster. Whereby the thing with the magic had already been the case as the lavender mare had been still a mere unicorn. The mare's capabilities in magic had known seemingly no limit and no pony had stood a chance against her in the past. As Twilight was now a junior alicorn her magic had been boosted highly. How high AJ didn´t know but she knew it was an incredible amount and Twilight was still maturing… While Applejack was still trying to free herself, the mare felt Twilight taking another strong gulp and devouring a few more inches of her orange body within her hot wet depths. She could now feel the alicorn's soft and warm tongue brushing against her belly button, tickling it gently. Applejack would have loved to vent her frustration and indignation, but the momentary situation had left her completely speechless. Even if she wanted to, AJ could do nothing but lay there and be dragged deeper into Twilight as the alicorn steadily devoured more of her frame. Doing nothing but see ahead down Twilight's dark esophagus and the place that lay behind it she was increasingly forced down to. A soft sound of shock escaped her nevertheless as Twilight's muzzle reached her crotch boobs and slowly drew them in. That sound, however, quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as the same tongue ran just as carefully as before over both of her feminine mounds. Long said feeling did not last, however, as the alicorn let her facial muscles go limp and then used her magic to push more of AJ´s body inside. Quickly AJ's juicy cutiemark adorned ass vanished inside Twilight's mouth and was further tasted by Twilight through fully. The alicorn's lips only came to a stop once they began to stretch over her friend's curvy backside. Twilight's neck was pushed outward as the entire torso of her meal began to be forced inside by her magic. AJ's entire body was rocked repeatedly from side to side shortly thereafter, and an irritated grunt was audible from Twilight's throat. Something Applejack could sense pretty well after being so deep inside Twilight by now. AJ wondered for just a brief moment what was making Twilight so upset, her thoughts though quickly came to a conclusion. As she could still feel Twilight's lips firmly grinding against the lower part of her butt, she could only make one possible assumption. What was giving Twilight such a hassle, was her bushy golden-yellow tail stroking and tickling the alicorn's sensitive nose. It caused Applejack to grin a little. Served Twilight right, after all, if she planned to devour Applejack alive. Soon, however, she felt her tail being grabbed in the same magic as the end of her hooves and squeezed tightly into the fur of her butt cheeks. What followed next, however, was genuinely awkward, but not because it hurt or felt bad. As a matter of fact it was the opposite, for it was an unbelievable feeling. Yet it was also a feeling, or rather a matter, that AJ had never expected to experience in such a way. Especially not while she was being devoured alive by one of her best friends. She had slipped further into the slimy, warm depths of Twilight's body and was chest deep inside her lavender devourer when her head found the stomach sphincter. One loud glk and AJ´s head was welcomed inside the fleshy prison of Twilight. Alicorn or not, Twilight also was only about a head taller than herself. A shudder ran through Twilight as she felt her belly begin to fill with mare meat. AJ herself felt Twilight swallow again, pinning her forelegs tightly to her barrel. With each gulp, the alicorn´s throat pulsed and swelled, her belly grew, and her moans became louder and more intense around her body. Twilight's muzzle magically stretched completely over her butt, turning it into another large bulge in her mouth. In turn, it now gave Twilight the perfect position to explore the entire fields of her earth pony friend. Twilight's tongue went to town on her juicy plot, starting up at the dock and teasing around the area for a bit, making AJ get a bit hot in the rear. Soon, it poked sharply at AJ's rear exit, making it reflexively pucker and the earth pony squirm at the sudden but arousing intrusion, before licking around the cheeks and coming down slowly as AJ's heat rose. Twilight spent some time savoring it, reveling in each wobbling jiggle. Based on the low moans of the alicorn, the soft texture of AJ's firm backside was like silk upon her rough tongue. Not one bit of AJ´s fur was spared from the onslaught of saliva. Even her teats got another spit bath, the assault causing them to leak some of her milk, the flavor almost lost to the alicorn mare ingesting her. But all of it was not lost on AJ. She for her part felt all of it and as her breasts continued to be sampled and sucked by Twilight, a long and hearty moan escaped from her lips into the depths of the alicorn's stomach. Not even a shred of her flower was left untouched. Applejack moaned out once again as she felt her friend's long tongue part her tight marehood's labia without any problems and penetrate swiftly deep inside. More than a weak 'Hey!' she just couldn't get out of her throat, as the pleasure that she felt was just too powerful as the tongue of Twilight lapped at the interior of her passage and wiggled around inside. Meanwhile, her marehood unintentionally winked hard from arousal, squeezing Twilight's tongue, and that brought Twilight to the motion of pulling out to taste her pussy and it´s rich flavored juices in all its glory with several long licks around the area and out into the fur of the cheeks and back to AJ's clitoris, making AJ's feeling of heat in her rear area rise slowly but steadily. Twilight's tongue then suddenly gave a series of sharp prods to AJ's winking marehood before unexpectedly probing the pucker, then rapidly back to the pussy, going quite deep, and AJ's heat finally boiled over as a wave of pleasure washed over her and she squirted some of her wetness onto Twilight´s tongue. Her holes convulsed hard, followed by Twilight's tongue working even harder than before at licking into AJ's fertile femininity and lapping up every shred of secretions it could reach. The tomboyish farmpony let out a girly squeal of ecstasy as her tongue lolled out inside Twilight's tummy. As AJ's bliss faded, she thought it strange that Twilight left her puckering plothole almost untouched despite how working both clearly gave her a better time, but with a second thought AJ pondered, that the bitter flavor was probably not Twilight´s preferred taste compared to the sweet musky nectar of her flower. It was certainly very kind of Twilight to give her food such pleasure in the first place. Soon, her privates were drenched with her vaginal juices and the simple flavor alone with Twi's tongue passionately lapping slowly at AJ's folds forced Twilight´s body into wanting to engulf the earth mare´s body in an instant. Twilight herself didn't seem to be helping with her magic at first, though, as she slid too gradually into the alicorn's maw. From the feel of it, her friend wanted to give her as much pleasure as she could while simultaneously sucking the most of her feminine secretions out of her. AJ had no real sense of time in the darkness of Twilight's body all around her, but it couldn't have been more than a minute when more drastic measures began to occur. The first thing the earth mare felt was her hind hooves being gripped again by the warm embrace of Twilight's magic before the alicorn mare shoved. Twilight´s muzzle slowly worked its way along Applejack's limbs and soon her hocks vanished into the depths of the alicorn. It took a few more hearty gulps and pushes of magic, but then Twilight had made short work of the rest of her prey. With the first swallow, the alicorn´s jaws pulled Applejack in all the way to her hocks and she was just a pair of strong and bucking hind legs; with the second, the earth pony was reduced to a pair of pressed together calves; the third hooves and just the frog of her hooves were still visible and left outside. But with one strong gulp and last push of magic Twilight could close her mouth. Lips and teeth sealing the earth pony-turned-meat to her doom. Only a golden tail with a red band around the lower half extended from Twilight´s maw now. With a swift slurp, it too was yanked inside. After a half minute more of tasting, her alicorn friend took a final loud gulp, her neck swelling as the last of AJ was send down it. In a matter of seconds Applejack was fully packed within the stomach of her magical-gifted friend. The gut tightened around it's prize as it settled, creating a rather tight seal around the smaller farm mare. Every curve of Applejack could be now seen, albeit under a blanket of lavender fur. AJ immediately noticed one thing that erased her fear of being devoured by Twilight in one piece almost completely. Apart from her, there was nothing else in Twilight's stomach - neither any food, liquids or stomach acid. The inside of the alicorn's stomach was absolutely empty apart from her body now inside. While that was odd and confusing, it helped Applejack calm down. No stomach acid also translated to no digestion for her body. Though that inner calm lasted only for a few seconds, for she suddenly remembered something from yesterday. All six of them had gathered for breakfast at Twilight's castle yesterday and had a hearty meal altogether. That brought herself to consider something they had talked about a few months back. Twilight had enlightened them about many things when she had ascended to an alicorn and had held a detailed conversation about it with the other princesses. She had also explained that an alicorn was self-sufficient in energy through its magic and therefore didn't need food, liquid, oxygen or sleep. Twilight was able to sustain herself and survive for as long as she wanted without any outside influence. However, the alicorn could still consume food if she wanted to; after all, an alicorn had the necessary organs to do so, just like any normal pony. Applejack though didn't see any stomach acid or anything else around her that could process such food - that was in fact good, but there had to be something. Something that allowed Twilight to digest...something even more powerful than stomach acid and that was what was causing AJ to suddenly fear once again. She had to get out of here, no matter the cost. With renewed found strength, she began to thrust and push as hard as she could against the slimy walls of Twilight's stomach. All in the hope of somehow getting the alicorn to regurgitate her. Twilight looked at her gut, tracing it's soft movement, broken up by some harder ones of AJ´s fruitless attempts to break free, as it tried to break down it's occupant. It wasn´t common knowledge, but her digestion was by nature painless, all-consuming and instantons yet an alicorn could control the last of said with surgical precision. So AJ would be safe as long as Twilight intended it to be said way. Seconds went by as she relished the feeling of fullness. Her stomach gurgled and groaned. Lavender hoofs gently caressed the stretched skin, the pleasant feeling sending a shiver through her. She occasionally burped, giving her another taste of sweet mare meat and tasty vaginal juices. It was all things considered a peacefully moment. Twilight licked her lips as she continued to brush her hoof across her expansive belly and her friend who found herself cramped inside. After a few more seconds, Applejack seemed to have finally found her voice as Twilight heard a loud cry for help coming from her stomach location. It was quickly followed by the rather indignant and also somewhat rude voice of AJ. Something the young alicorn couldn't hold against her friend, after all she'd just been devoured in one piece at the magic of one of her best friends. "Have you completely lost your mind? How the hell did you get the idea to devour me, one of your best friends, in one piece? I thought our friendship meant something to you? Were we really that wrong about you? Are we all destined to fall prey to an alicorn as a meal at one point? I WANT ANSWERS!!!" Twilight's voice remained calm and friendly, trying to keep the situation as relaxed as possible. It wouldn't do either mare any good if she raised her own voice now. „And you shall receive said answers.” “A growing alicorn at one time in its maturing needs a high protein meal for it to fully grow and revoke his full potential. An entire pony is just the right amount of it and an earth pony more so. Let me just tell you one thing. I´m no bad mare, far from it even. Also we are far too good friends for me to actually devour, digest and kill you in simple cold blood. Yes your body will soon melt into nourishment and be absorbed by my body. However your soul, memories and - well basically all that made you a pony will be spared and safely stored and protected in me. Once I´m a fully grown mature alicorn I will use some of my energy and magic to bring you back to the living world. You can trust me that there is no doubt it will work. I know that might be hard considering I just popped into existence and devoured you without even saying hello. But please!” There was a short pause where everything was silent except the silent growls from Twilight´s stomach. In these seconds AJ was working her brain hard, considering if she should and still could trust Twilight´s words. She knew the lavender mare for almost five years now and so far there never had been any doubt in her words and the faith that could be entrusted into Twilight. “If we believe what the other three princesses told me that should be only about a month, give or take a week or two. Technically if I revive you at said time, that will also make you my daughter. If you’re wondering why. I will have to reconstruct your body atom for atom in my womb and then do what comes naturally with it. I for one would prefer it however, if we would keep that bit a secret and live as if it had never happened in the first place. Applejack could do nothing but sigh at first, but then she spoke her mind. "You hopefully know how completely crazy all of this sounds...But! So far nothing has come from you but the truth and as our leader you have shown us nothing but trust, strength and security. So I will trust your words today, but we will have a serious talk after you revive me. Moreover, you must pledge to me that you will make no secret of what will happen to me for the next few weeks. Neither to our mutual friends, nor to the Apple family. Absolutely no exceptions!" Applejack couldn't see it, but Twilight gave a friendly smirk at her friend's words. "Even after five years in common, and as the element of honesty, your trust in me could still be a little stronger. However, given the situation, it's understandable. You know I can't lie to you without you realizing it. So let me tell you that I was planning to do that anyway just like you said. Applejack nodded - at least she tried to do so while tightly gripped by the walls of her friend's stomach. "If that's the way it is, then all right. Though I guess I wouldn't have a choice anyway, since you've already devoured me whole in one piece. At least now you got my approval too, though, and we can both live with it in peace." "Thank you, really. Your momentary sacrifice will be of great service to me, Equestria, and all of us. I do not know exactly what new abilities I will gain. But no matter what they will be, you and you´re family will be the first to benefit from them." There was an honesty and gratitude in Twilight's voice that had rarely been witnessed before. "Do you want -" "No! I'm sure I know what you were about to offer me, but I don't want to know how your body will digest mine. In any case, I'll find out soon enough, and I've never been one for being spoiled." “Then I have nothing more to add," Twilight replied. She then enlightened her horn and began to allow her stomach the freedom to do what it had been trying to do for minutes. She set its intensity relatively low, however, and limited her magical digestion to almost a minimum. As far as she knew, that was fortunately the only time she had to devour and digest an entire pony. She hadn't really been happy about it when she learned about it, and that's why she selected one of her friends to go through with it. Those five particular mares were the most likely to forgive her, and AJ the most of all. Dash would have been an option as well, since Twilight was well aware that the cyan pegasus had a crush on her. But with the way Dash dealt with reality in general, that had seemed like a rather miserable idea to her. Why she wouldn't let her digestion work instantly, as was customary for an alicorn, ought to be obvious. No matter what situation she was in, Twilight had to approach everything scientifically and even the process of digesting Applejack's body into energy for her was something she would study and write down. Did that give her an advantage or any other bonuses? - Unlikely, but a new circumstance remained a new circumstance. Applejack felt Twilight's stomach begin to clench even tighter against her, now pressing so firmly against her that it felt like it was trying to compress her into a single small point. The walls hugged ever more tightly around her in the wet, humid, musky darkness. Wanting to look around, AJ tried to move her body but found herself almost completely unable to do so. Even if she would have been able to move herself it was almost completely dark inside Twilight´s stomach and she didn´t possess the night vision some of the more skilled pegasi had. As the seconds passed by, Applejack felt her fleshy prison get quite hot. It was so hot that AJ felt like her whole body was covered in sweat. In fact, she felt like the sweat was just pouring out of her and pooling around her in her tight confines. What she couldn't see in the darkness was that what she thought was sweat was actually parts of herself being melted and converted into liquefied pony flesh that sizzled away. And as she transformed, the liquid she was becoming ran down her body and pooled around her, not only drenching her body, but also speeding up the process. As she felt more and more "sweat" dripping from her body, Applejack sensed a strange feeling spreading down her spine. It was like she had lost all feeling in that place. There was just one other strong spike of intense arousal coming from the area that had made Applejack a mare. To Applejack it felt like she had just achieved an intense orgasm and allowed a loud scream of pleasure to escape from her lungs. Twilight meanwhile resumed caressing her stomach gently. Not only did she enjoy the light touch to her middle, but it also helped speed along the digestion process of her friend. “Soon it will be all over and you will be-” With a smirk Twilight cut off her words as she felt how AJ´s bones began to break down and turn into more of the earth pony´s already molten body under the caress of her hoof and walls of her stomach. Most of her fur and flesh had long since melted and dripped from the frame of the earth pony and gathered all around the melting mare, submerging her halfway in her own transformed body. As AJ's body continued to dissolve into liquid state, her underlying skeleton became increasingly exposed as her flesh was digested away. Just like the rest of her body, however, the bones of her skeleton did not withstand Twilight's digestive alicorn magic for very long. They also soon broke, melted and were digested leaving behind less and less of AJ´s former body. “Oh, look at that,” commented Twilight in an amused tone. “Not that you can see it in the dark from where you are, of course. I’ll just tell you: Your flesh and bones are nicely melting in my gut and your frame is soon to collapse on itself. You know what that means?” Applejack attempted a weak try to respond, but she was nearing full transformation at that point. Her fur completely erased from her skin and most of her flesh and bones underneath digested into molten equine. Her own burbled attempt at speech mixed in with the glorps and gurgles of Twilight´s stomach turning her into for it more workable matter to absorb, effectively keeping her from responding. Twilight chuckled. “Hmmm, I suppose you’re too far gone now to respond. What it means is, you’re almost all molten now, not just body, but magic and energy as well. Just a few more seconds and…” A loud gurgle was heard that was accompted by a last long drawn moan deep from within Twilight. The alicorn itself also couldn´t suppress a voicy comment of pleasure as she felt how the last solid parts of AJ melted inside of her. As Twilight moved her head down to her still far from flat abdomen, she saw the huge bulk that AJ´s body still made inside of herself. Molten and digested or not, the farm mare still extended her stomach quite a bit. Not as much as before, but distinctly so. She gave a gentle prod to the bulk of her stomach and heard the lewd sloshing sound created by the huge load of molten equine waiting to be absorbed. “There we go~” moaned out Twilight. “Now your nothing more than a mass of molten liquids for my body to assimilate Applejack. You won´t hear me, but I can feel how your soul has settled safely into me to be rebirthed into a new body once I ascended to my full alicorn self.” Twilight moved her heavy torso, enlarged by Applejack's molten body, and lay sideways on her flanks. She did her best to avoid laying directly on her wing to not crush it under her increased weight. She then propped her chin on her two front hooves and let her stomach do what came naturally to her former friend. Her gaze lingered on her abdomen for the entire two minutes it took for her abdomen to shrink back to its flat profile. She watched each step as her body digested more of Applejack in the most efficient way possible and assimilated it into her mana. A constant low grumble of her stomach could be heard over the soft chirping of birds and soft rustling of leaves in the surrounding area. However, that was the only thing that could have distracted Twilight from her observation of her stomach consuming AJ. What she found surprising was that her hips did not expand and she remained as slender as was the norm for an alicorn. Although her hips already were more plump than they had been before she had become an alicorn. Accordingly, she was secretly quite happy that the digestion and assimilation of her earth pony friend's molten body mass left no fat on her frame. After her alicorn body had fully digested Applejack, Twilight remained lying with a relaxed smirk on her muzzle for a few more minutes. She basked on the edge of the earthen path in the short green grass under Celestia's midday sun and considered how best to spread the news. First, she would go to the Apple family and divulge to them the digestive news of Applejack within her. After that, it was time for the rest of their mutual friends to have their turn. As she had promised AJ, she would make no secret of what had happened to her for the next few weeks. She owed that to the Earth Pony at least for the sacrifice she had at least partially made of her own free will.