> The Elder Scrolls: Atronach > by Silverwolfdemon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.1 I awoke with a jolt. Not from any noise or something touching me, but all the same I jolted awake. I was somewhere both blindingly bright, yet darker than the womb. I can’t seem to remember why I knew that as fact. I also can’t remember what I had been doing. All I know is I’m curled up, floating in-. Floating? I tried to uncurl, but I quickly met firm and solid resistance. I panicked, I struck and clawed at what felt like wood under my fingers, desperate to get air! I’m drowning! I can’t-! “ARUG!” I rasped through my teeth in a choked scream when I finished ripping through the wood that had been encasing me. I coughed up the water, mucus or whatever and gasped for air. Air that oddly felt painfully dry to my lungs. I coughed and gasped, feeling like I was drowning on air while I rolled out of whatever I woke up in, finding myself coated in glowing orange sap. “Kohtli suuk xalzuahui!” A raspy voice shouted and I choked on a squeal of panic when a reptile pounced on me and hefted me to my paws, er, claws? I’m...why are my tits scaly instead of fluffy? Ugh~ my head! “Steady now, it isn't every day someone takes ne dip txaetli suuk xalzuahui.” The reptilian person helping me along said, their words confusingly a mish-mash of English and some hissing harsh dialect that I couldn’t comprehend. “*cough*W-where am I? Who are you?” I asked woozily, feeling unbalanced on my paws, wrong, claws. Why am I not a fox anymore? I’m not all fluffy and cuddly anymore. At least I’m still as curvy as before. I think. Whoa~ so many colors~! Pretty~! “That does not matter. We need to get you cleaned up and detoxed. What were you doing in a pool of Hist Sap anyway?” My helper demanded and I giggled as a tickly feeling ran through me. “Mary, mary, won’t you take my hand mary~?” I sang and laughed nonsensically before I ran my hand over my muscular stomach and a sensation of existential terror and hopelessness filled me, causing me to collapse to my knees and sob while the person helping me fretted and helped me keep moving. “Damn, you’re getting a bad swing of things. Usually Hist Visions stay on one sort of subject. Come, let’s get you tended to.” They insisted and I was too distraught with agony to resist the help. Because my babies were gone… 📜 I woke up feeling like I’d just finished a weekend-long bender and drank every hard liquor I could get my hands on. So I moaned in pain and clenched my eyes shut, cursing the sun that endeavored to kill me with it’s light. “Well, you’re up earlier than expected.” I hissed in a decidedly reptilian way and put my hands over my...ear holes, before endeavoring to crack open my eyes. “I’m afraid you’ll just have to weather through it. You were absolutely inundated with Hist Sap. It’s incredible you didn’t die from such heavy exposure.” “Who? Gah, where?” I snarled through the pain as a sensation of loss fluttered through my mind and a quick touch of my fit tummy reminded me what was missing, almost causing me to cry. Well, try to cry. I don’t know if whatever I’ve been turned into has tear ducts. “I’m Mellow Mender, your healer. You’ve been fitfully resting here for two days after Yinzos found you while he was performing his rounds as the local Tree Minder.” I managed to open my eyes enough to look at Mellow Mender and felt at least some measure of relief to see a ‘mellow yellow’ anthro unicorn with a pale green mane and matching eyes was my doctor. Not that I’m racist or anything, but after...whatever happened and whatever I’ve been transformed into, I had worried I wouldn’t see anything or anyone familiar. Although I would be much more pleased to have a zebra witchdoctor or shaman look me over for whatever happened to me. Zecora was a regular friend of mine and I’d grown to appreciate her people’s mystical way of turning common materials to extraordinary results. “What happened to-*Blech~*?” I lurched for the side of the bed and vomited into a thankfully well-placed bucket. Eugh...my bile tastes like that sickly sweet sap I woke up in. “I was hoping you could tell me. It’s common knowledge around here, especially to Argonians, how dangerous Hist Sap is. You’ve developed Gold Tongue and Bark Scales like the Sap-Speakers of the Miredancer Tribe because of how absolutely inundated you were in the stuff.” “Huh?” I voiced after I finished heaving up more bile and looked down at my body. My scales were a much deeper almost blood red than my russet fur had been as a fox. They even replaced the white my front and inner thighs had been. “I wasn’t this red be-*Heugh~*!” I turned towards the bucket and heaved more of the golden bile. “Eugh...how much longer?” “Considering I’m not a native witchdoctor, I have no clue. You’ve already been resting for two solid days and nights. Then there is the fact that your breasts are unusually swollen with sap.” Mellow bluntly informed me and I had to blink in sheer confusion. “Sap?” I lactate sap? I mean, sure, this stuff tastes great, but how does that work? I thought only a few reptiles lactated and it wasn’t from mammary glands. I don’t know how my body works exactly, but my tits are just as big and just as shapely as before with just as prominent thimble-sized nipples. If anything, they’re even bigger than before! “Yes. It is my understanding that Argonian women produce their own form of Hist Sap that is much weaker, but just as potently nutritious as the real thing. That said, a woman with your degree of swollen breast tissue is almost unheard of, even from mothers with newborns in every case I’ve studied that aren’t minotaurs. There’s nothing in the books the locals provided saying anything about breast enlargement involving Hist Sap either.” Mellow rambled on and I rolled my eyes. I’m used to Twilight’s rambling, so I knew when a brainy person was on a roll. “I’m...I was pregnant.” I admitted and rubbed my flat abdomen forlornly. “I don’t know what happened, doctor. I forgot what I was doing, but one moment I’m going about my business I suppose, the next I wake up, not pregnant, in a sap-filled wooden pocket and you probably know the rest.” I tried not to let the despair of my missing children crush me. “That’s...my sincere apologies. It seems you must have been the victim of the foul intentions of some Daedra. All I can tell you is to rest and drink plenty of water while your body detoxes. I’ll have to speak to some colleagues about your situation, since it seems you’re a victim of some cruel machinations rather than self-inflicted harm.” Mellow used his horn to bring forth an earthenware pitcher and poured water from it into a stained and sealed wood goblet. “Thank you doc-*Geugh~*!” 📜 I’m...still dead sexy. I mean, sure, I miss being a fluffy vixen, but being a smooth and shapely saurian suits me just fine. Although, I feel like I may have gained a few pounds of muscle and my tits are the flipping size of basketballs! Yeesh! Did whoever did this to me take all the baby fat from my pregnancy and shove it into my boobs?! Anyway, the blood-red scaled beauty in the cheap mirror of Mellow’s restroom, which had a composting toilet that was ‘cutting edge’ according to him, was someone I couldn’t imagine being me from before. My eyes were a deep green with predatory slits, I had smooth horns that jutted out from the back of my skull, but curved forward to frame my ear holes. My body was a uniform blood red, save in a few places. My lips, mouth, tongue, everything inside an orifice was a striking gold hue. Even my nipples and privates were golden, which made them stand out against my body like beacons. Hot as fuck if I say so myself, but I could just tell that there was no way I was going to ‘blend in’ with Argonian society easily. Then there was the realization after I got over the shock that kicked in a day ago. I’m on Nirn, specifically in Soulrest, a coastal city of Black Marsh that acted as the region’s only port for Torpal Bay. Mellow was bemused when I asked for the date yesterday, but he supplied it. The 6th of Sun’s Height, year 221 of the Fourth Era. It was two decades following what should canonically be the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Today happened to be Saturday or Loredas as it was known locally. I had arrived a week before the annual Merchant’s Festival that happened on the Tenth of Sun’s Height. That said, even with huge bargains arriving soon, I didn’t have a single coin to my name, which had me worried about the debt I’ll have accrued from Mellow nursing me back to health. “Hm, what can I do to get money?” I wondered, thinking back on what I know from my college years. Cooking, engineering, chemistry, musical theory, some understanding of physics and I think I took accounting and economics for a semester. “Heh, I could have made some big bank back ‘home’ if I didn’t have a passion for cooking.” My musing was stopped by two polite knocks on the door. “Are you done in there? Do you need help with anything?” Mellow questioned professionally and I quickly shrugged on the far too small roughspun hemp tunic and pants Mellow had provided me. “I’m fine.” I grimaced at the two sticky wet spots constricting my breasts caused around my nipples. “Ugh...I’m fine.” I muttered and opened the door, feeling embarrassed and sure that, even if I could blush, that my red scales would hide it. “Don’t you have anything...bigger?” I meekly questioned the unicorn with a gesture towards my sap-seeping nips. “Ah, about that. It is fairly unprofessional since I’m not an Argonian, but I was going to ask if in lieu of normal payment, that I receive some of your sap for my medicine. Hist Sap, whether direct or from the bosom of an Argonian woman who has had eggs, is quite expensive, but an incredibly potent reagent for use in healing potions.” Mellow said as he eyed my breasts with a blush and I felt a weak saucy grin reveal a bit more of my sharp teeth. “Heh, uh, sure? I don’t feel tight or pained by my cargo, but if it’ll pay off my debt, I’m all for it.” I even put my wrists on either side of my heaving hooters and gave them a shake and him a wink. I don’t know where all this confidence is coming from, but I’ll take-. The ground quaked, the trees creaked, the sky split open and- “Ma’am! Ma’am, are you okay?!” Mellow’s voice drew me back from whatever horrible hallucination I was having and I found myself leaning against the doorframe, panting and gasping for breath. “I had thought you were through the worst of it, but you’re having Hist Visions still?” Mellow questioned worriedly as he used his magic to help me move to a nearby chair. “I guess.” I groaned and rubbed my temples. What was that? It was like the ground didn’t want to stay on the ground anymore. The trees weren’t creaking, they were screaming in fear. The sky didn’t split...it just… “I’m fine. I’ll be fine in any case. So, how are we going to do this?” I questioned with a pat on my bosom and the mild-mannered doctor blushed again. “Well, simple. I provide jugs and use my magic to...milk, the sap out of you into them.” Mellow nervously replied and I smiled at how cute his bashfulness was. I remember being so innocent. I wonder when I lost that. I feel like many, many things have happened to me that I can’t rightly remember. “Well then, let me get comfortable.” I pulled my tunic up and enjoyed his squeak of nervousness before I got up and went over to one of his sickbeds, where I’d been resting for days. I laid down on it with my bust dangling towards the floor, my sap dripping onto the wood and I felt a bit strained on my shoulders and back with them pulling on me from this angle. “Oof, scratch that, not comfy, but efficient.” “I-I’ll be as brief as possible.” Mellow quietly said before closing the privacy curtain which was made of ratty old drapes. He brought two short but wide chamber pots that were sparkly clean and I watched his pale green aura encompass my-. “Oh~...” Unf! W-wow this feels nice! Not ‘I’m going to cum’ nice, but nice enough to arouse me and the palpable relief of getting milked eased a lot of my tension. I sighed and looked down, watching the faintly glowing golden sap trail from my nips into the pots in thick drizzles interspersed by thicker gobs of my sap plopping into the pots. Wow, those things are filling fairly fast and the pressure his magic put on my tits was wonderful. “Almost done.” Mellow voiced as he kept milking my quickly shrinking breasts. I definitely don’t have mammary glands, they don’t work like ballooning reservoirs like my boobs do. Soon enough, my tits were down to my more comfortable DD-cup size and the glowing golden sap was filling the pots almost to brimming. “I think you produced far too much to be normal. Only half of one of these pots would’ve paid your debt. I’ll have to pay you back now.” Mellow quietly murmured as he used a wet rag to clean the sticky mess around my nips, which sang in pleasure. “Mm~, d-don’t be too touchy doc or I’ll get the wrong idea.” I flirted uneasily with the cute anthro pony, who quickly retracted his hands from my boobs. “S-sorry. Anyway, I’ll need a few days to make enough money selling my potions and my services to pay you back for all of this sap. I’ll pay what I can for now, just be sure to visit me after the Merchant’s Festival and I’ll have the rest of what I owe you.” Mellow said to me with a grateful smile and I put my tunic back on. Ah~, much better. It feels like a shirt and not like a bodice trying to squeeze the air and sap out of me. Though my boobs are much more tender and sensitive now, I had to fight a shudder from the tunic rubbing against my nipples. “Sure thing. If I get backed-up and I’m around, is it okay if I come get another milking?” I asked casually before remembering that what we just did was fairly intimate and he blushed with a nervous smile. “Uh...sure. I won’t be able to keep paying you though, I’ll have to start selling some of your sap and giving you a cut if you keep coming back with...this much sap.” Mellow gestured with awe at the glowing golden sweetness filling the pristine chamber pots. “Sounds good to me. Well, I’m off then. I can’t stay cooped up here forever.” I stood up, but he gestured to wait and fetched a bag of something with some scrolls. “Oh, before you go I need some information. I was asked to get it once you were stable since the scribes couldn’t find any files on someone of your description. It isn’t too uncommon, sadly, for vagrants and survivors of the battles in the bay to wash ashore on Black Marsh these days, so I need you to answer some questions for immigration records.” Mellow explained and pulled up a wooden board which he used old-fashioned solid wood clothespins to hold a sheaf of scrolls on. “Uh, really?” Battles in the bay? What happened after Alduin was slain for battles to be waging on the opposite end of the continent? “Yes. I hope you can read Imperial, since Soulrest was originally an Imperial-founded city, so it uses a lot of standard Imperial practices and language.” Mellow handed me the board and I felt palpable relief at seeing Imperial was essentially Olde English with modern influences in it. Thank goodness I studied languages for a semester. Wow, how much of my time in college was wasted in my other life that I suddenly found useful here and back in Equestria? Speaking of which. “Hey, uh, I’m out of the loop. Aren’t ponies not from around here?” I questioned while I filled out the relevant info. Why does the Office of Immigration need to know my birth sign anyway? Uh...I was born in...hm...   “My ancestral home is torn in two by a civil war. My grandparents came from a continent to the distant southeast to flee from it. You’ll hear much the same from others of a race not local to Tamriel.” Mellow replied and then looked at me suspiciously. “Are you alright? That’s been common knowledge for two generations. Are you sure you’ve gathered yourself?” “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just...missing a lot of memories from whatever abducted me and stole my children.” I grumbled while I filled out some of the info on the fly using what I knew about the Elder Scrolls setting. I figure being born in Leyawiin would be reasonable enough that people may not look into it. I was born in December which is Evening Star here, so I was technically born under the Thief. Uh, wait that’s kinda ironic. I used to be Maid Marian after all. “Well...I can’t offer charity, but if you need a place to stay, you can sleep in one of my sickbeds so long as one is free and there isn’t someone in need of it. Of course, I’ll be charging you the same price of a night at the inn. I’ll just deduct it from what I owe you.” Mellow offered shrewdly and I felt some relief that I wouldn’t have to go wandering the town just yet. I don’t even have anything to defend myself with. “Thank you, Mellow. Is there anything I could help you with as thanks? I don’t really feel like braving the city right now.” I’d be a fish out of water if I just waltzed into town without any foreknowledge. Hopefully now that I’m not hacking up my stomach every ten minutes I can sit down and read some of the books he has laying about. “I do, but first, please hand me the immigration scrolls.” Mellow requested and I obliged. “Thank you for filling those out...wait, you left the name blank. Do you remember your name?” Mellow asked in concern and I swear if I wasn’t an Argonian or already red-scaled, I’d be blushing hard. “A-ah, sorry.” I took the clipped board back and quickly wrote my...that’s not my name! I tried to cross it out, but it was like the quill was suddenly an inviolable object! No! I am Marian! Not-! “Meen-Rei? No clan name? Oh, right, born in Leyawiin up north in Cyrodiil.” Mellow took the board from my loose grasp and I felt a sense of loss, almost as deep as the loss of my unborn children. “Well met Meen-Rei. I’ll have this sent by courier to the immigration office. As for what I could use some help for around here, I could use someone of a hearty constitution such as you to fetch me some reagents from the swamp. Not too far from the walls of the city either.” “Uh, today? I don’t have a weapon.” I worriedly replied and Mellow shook his head in understanding. “No, no. It’s too late in the day for you to go now. You’d be set upon by Voriplasms and I refuse to let all of my hard work go to waste.” Mellow joked, because tending to me was as simple as providing water, a bucket, a toilet and a daily potion meant to cleanse out toxins. “Okay then, what would I have to deal with during the day?” Black Marsh was one of the most mysterious and unknown places in the Elder Scrolls Series. Aside from a few places in ESO, it was still a complete mystery. “Hackwings, Feathered Serpents, Fleshflies although with your thick scales they’d just be a nuisance, the list goes on. You’re really not from around here.” Mellow stated with certainty as he held up my immigration papers. “What was your first clue?” I huffed indignantly, hoping that whatever scheme this cruel entity that abducted me has in store wouldn’t be the end of me before I find my babies. > Ch.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.2 [Turdas, 8th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Soulrest wasn’t what I was expecting from an Argonian city. It was built out of stone as well as wood, atop waterlogged marshy islets like Venice back on Earth by driving a staggeringly massive number of timber piles into the submerged little islands. It was still on the ‘shore’ technically, but then again the coasts of Black Marsh were apparently overtaken by mangrove trees that helped keep the Southern Sea from eroding the land further inland. At least that was what I read in the tattered old copy of A Guide to Soulrest that Mellow had in his modest little book corner. Honestly, the author was clearly a racist, focusing on the sorts of people that tended to prefer what districts rather than any really pertinent information. It was also a few hundred years out-of-date, proven by it mentioning a district that Mellow told me was lost over a century ago to a hurricane and made no mention of the several sections of the city that had appeared since the book’s publishing in the Third Era. Either way, Soulrest was actually quite charming. Like Venice, it had a lot of tightly-clustered stone buildings with ‘alleyway’ footpaths between some sections and canals with boats in constant traffic ferrying people and goods. I noted that none of the riders in the boats were Argonians however. Instead, my adopted species swam in the canals themselves, casually climbing in and out without so much as a how-do-you-do. Then again, that crystal clear tropical water did look very inviting, but I don’t want to dive in without knowing where I’m going. Wet clothes cling and my roughspun outfit wasn’t made to be worn wet, although I might not care what with my hydrophobic scales. Either way, my goal is to buy a weapon and then leave the city for the swamp, but I’m not exactly sure if the canals are the best way or not. Nobody gave me a map. “Hm, what should I do?” I muttered to myself as I looked towards the walls that ringed the width of the city where it met the shore proper. The closer to the walls you were, the more rundown the city and the people became. Which was a bit odd to me. Wouldn’t being isolated further out in the water make you further from support normally? Then again, I guess Black Marsh-. “Hey!” I slapped the hand of a street urchin that had yanked my tail and tried to snatch my coin purse from my belt. The little brat quickly fled before I could accost him and I huffed indignantly. I was not going to think anything racist about Khajiits, but damn it, why did the first attempt at thievery have to be from a little fluff ball? I should stop getting distracted. I was only a few streets over from Mellow’s humble home/clinic, heading for the nearest market to buy a weapon with the money Mellow had paid me for my sap. Speaking of which, are my boobs bigger than yesterday? Am I making sap that quickly? I valiantly avoided inspecting my seemingly E-cup bosom in public to reach a humble market square that had clearly seen better days. There were no kiosks, rather the small homes along the street boasted signs indicating they were also shops. I walked through the busy path, hand guarding my coin purse as I sought out what might be the right place. Hm, most of the items on sale almost look like Roman pre-industrial production, mostly the flour.  Ah, there’s a smithy! I approached the door of the humble building with an active chimney, idly noting the sign naming it as the Chargin Targe. “Ah, welcome to the Chargin Targe. How may I help you?” Greeted the first Orc I’ve met. Huh orcs aren’t nearly as hideous as the games portray them or this guy was just particularly handsome. He just looked like a green elf with small tusks coming from his lower jaw. He did have a fantastic beard though. “Hi, I’m looking for a weapon. I need to head into the swamp to forage for alchemy ingredients. I need something affordable that won’t break in one hit, but I don’t know what to look for.” I admitted to the orc, hoping he wouldn’t try to swindle me. I’m not a weapons buff and I’m no warrior. I may have some untapped potential with archery since I used to be Maid Marian, but I’m not going to hope that bows or crossbows were in any way within my price range. “Ah, not to try and turn away a customer, but shouldn’t you just leave a request like that with the Pathfinder’s Guild? Black Marsh is a deadly place, deadlier than most places.” The Orc suggested and I blinked in surprise. I get that it’s dangerous out there, but someone tried to turn away a sale in concern for my well-being? Yikes. “If I could afford it, I would. I can’t though, so I’m left with arming myself and getting the job done personally.” I insisted to the smock-wearing buff hulking-whoa he’s swole. Like, he’s twice my weight in muscle and a good head taller than me too. “Ah, well, I can’t in good conscience give you any bottom-barrel bargain blade. The Land Dreughs and Tree Terrors would laugh at you before eating you.” The orc insisted and began looking through his wares behind the counter. “Fantastic.” I huffed and looked at my hands, wondering if I still had the Nightstalker power from being Displaced with that Destiny bow. I had a distinct notion that no, I didn’t. Instead… “Do you have any affordable bows or other forms of archery then? I know that’s likely a silly question.” “Hah! Affordable? Bows? I’m a smith, not a fletcher. Those snooty poachers would sooner skin you to make a belt than sell something for a reasonable price. No, I don’t. I can however offer you one of my Orcish daggers.” The smith said as he pulled up a sheathed-that’s a dagger?! It’s the length of my forearm and the blade is as thick as my wrist! “Uh, hold on.” I looked at his forge, which he had behind him with someone else doing some smithing work. I had practice with a forge. It might not be the best idea, but I’m seeing a lot of items I could use to make basic guns here. There may not be any of the chemical reagents for gunpowder, but he had fine tools for making jewelry that could be repurposed. “Well, how much?” I’ll see about getting my hands on a setup like this at some point in the future. If I last that long. “Sixty Septims.” The smith answered and I felt he was underselling it. “That seems really cheap for a weapon with that much heft for a dagger.” I mean, seriously. “Ah, it’s one of my experiments. It’s firm and strong, but lacks the brutish elegance of my people’s craft. While it won’t make them bleed out just from a cut, it’ll still part a Terror’s scales like butter. Cold butter mind you, those hides are worth money for a reason.” He warned and I nodded, counting out my Septims, which I was surprised was the standard currency here and exchanged 60 of the stamped gold coins with the Imperial insignia on them for the surprisingly hefty blade. “Thank you for your business, I hope to see you again.” “Same to you, ah, sorry. I’m Meen-Rei.” I sheepishly realized we had not exchanged names. “Garnag Skaakh, owner. Be safe.” He told me as he moved to help a man that came in after me. I turned to leave the shop with a smile or I tried to. It feels like smiling, but I don’t know if Argonian faces can-. “Oof!” I bounced off of someone and landed on my ass, clutching my newly-bought dagger to my chest. “Ah, apologies.” I glared up at the perpetrator, only for my jaw to drop at the white scaled adonis in ragged traveling robes and a bulging travel pack when he bent down to reach out to me framed by the sun. “Here, allow me to help you up.” His piercing slit red eyes were like windows into my soul rather than his with how they penetrated me with a searching gaze. He had a few scars running over his face, but that didn’t detract from how...handsome I found him. Holy shit. How much about me was changed by whoever stole my babies and abducted me? “Hi.” I dumbly said, sure that I sounded like an idiot while I took his offered hand and he bodily hoisted me to my feet with an ease that made my heart flutter. “Uh...hi?” Say something besides hi you idiot!! “Yes, hello. Sorry for bumping into you like that.” The towering hunk apologized again. Dear gosh, he’s easily 2 feet taller than me, putting him over even Garnag back inside his shop, who was about a foot over me. “You’re not hurt are you?” “No.” Please tell me my tail wriggling isn’t a social faux-pas. I will die of embarrassment for how stupid this guy makes me feel with his stupid hotness. “...You are hurt.” He gently replied and I blinked in confusion. “Something has been taken from you. Something you cannot replace. Someone has done something horrible to you and yet you do not know who they are. You are in a new place, with new people and have no idea where to go from here. Hm. I’ve been there before.” “H-huh?” How does he know this? “So this is where the Dream leads me. What is your name?” The albino argonian adonis asked as he looked me over, not in a perverse way, but as if simply looking at me could give him answers I’d never even consider. “I’m Meen-Rei.” I offered and he shook his head. “No...that is not your name, but I supposed that is the best you are able to provide.” How does he know that?! “I am Neethsi Nagnaresh. I will accompany you.” What?! “Uh, um, that’s not necessary?” My heart was pounding, I was fighting the urge to squeal in excitement mixed with worry. I could just tell that he meant me no harm, that he would guide me. What the hell is with these weird-? The Trees are in pain. The swamp burns. The sky weeps fire and-. “It will pass.” Neethsi held me steady by my shoulder, a knowing look in his eyes. “Prophetic visions are always annoying. Just wait until you get them in your sleep.” Neethsi snidely hissed and waved placatingly at a gray pony guard in scaled armor who was standing next to us. The guard nodded, gave me a concerned glance, then continued on his patrol. “That lasted several minutes. I had to let the good guard know you were simply having a lingering Hist Vision.” “Who are you? Do you know what’s happening to me?” I fearfully questioned, not fear from him though, fear from what he might know that could send me into a panic. “I am Neethsi, I will be your guide on your journey.” The handsome man not-answered. 📜 “These are the right flowers?” I asked Neethsi after having spent hours foraging for the ingredients that Mellow requested. Neethsi was a lifesaver. Not quite literally, but he answered any questions I had, he gave advice, he even offered to train me in things! It’s like I loaded a modded version of Skyrim with an NPC that could literally hand you quest items! Though, not literally. “Yes, see the red hue where the stem meets the bulb? That is the indicator you have a Blue Marsh Bloom instead of a Blue Marsh Bulb. The Bloom has healing properties, while the Bulb has poison. Just one of Black Marsh’s many ways to fool people.” Neethsi warned me from where he sat patiently on a log, smoking a cob pipe of something incredibly spicy-sweet. “M’aiq sees the dragons of the south holding a great heart of a god.” Randomly said a Khajiit man that had suddenly appeared from a nearby cave that Neethsi said wasn’t dangerous. “Hello M’aiq. How are your travels?” Neethsi casually responded as I tried not to fangasm. “M’aiq tires of mud in his boots. Maybe M’aiq will rediscover the long-lost art of water walking.” M’aiq the Liar randomly replied and then began trudging towards the inner swamp instead of towards Soulrest. “Will he be okay?” I asked worriedly, considering he just took a jaunt deeper into the swamp. “M’aiq is immortal, don’t worry about him. He’s been around long enough that he’s basically a novelty.” Neethsi assured me as he blew smoke out of his nostrils and looked at the sun. “Do you have everything you need?” “Um, the Blooms, Blisterwort, Imp Stool and Fungal Pods. He only wanted things that would make potions of health restoration. I have more than enough blooms and pods to suit his needs, so I don’t have to retrieve any Blisterwort or Imp Stool.” I looked at the cave M’aiq left and even with the knowledge The Savant had been inside and Neethsi’s insistence it was safe, I don’t feel comfortable going into a cave in nothing but rags and an admittedly cool dagger. This thing was sharp. Almost ludicrously so. The fact it was cheap made me wonder just how dangerous supposedly higher-tier materials were. It also was rather plainly designed like a broad steel dagger from Skyrim, only green and scary-sharp. “In that case, I suggest we return to Soulrest before anything comes to ruin this peaceful day.” Neethsi knocked the ember of herbs or whatever from his pipe into the mud and stood before casually walking towards the city. “I’m all for that. I don’t have much combat experience.” I told my companion, who simply nodded in understanding as I eyed his long, surprisingly thick tail as it shifted in balance with his steps. “That will change. You strike me as one suited to ranged combat rather than direct melee, but even with great ranged skill, you must still hone martial prowess to ensure a well-rounded skill set. I’d say the same if you were one for magic. There is a reason summoners developed spells to provide them weapons along with their conjured allies.” Neethsi lectured idly and I nodded in agreement. “What if I was purely for melee combat then?” I countered to hear his answer. “Then I’d tell you to take up magic or a bow to broaden your horizons. You don’t need to be a master of all things, but aspire to master one thing and become at least competent in other complimentary skills.” Neethsi sagely stated and I couldn’t help but agree. “Continue to question me Rei, because the more you learn, the greater you become.” “I was planning on it, but in that sense; what do you gain from helping me?” I asked for what may be the tenth time. I mean, he said I was in desperate need of help, which I won’t deny, but I still don’t understand the why of it. “For now? A clear conscience and pleasant company.” Neethsi casually replied and I contained a girly hiss or squeal or whatever sound argonians make when pleased. I think I purred a bit. “Halt, be quiet.” Neethsi firmly told me and I stopped where I stood. I was about to ask what was wrong when a Land Dreugh stalked right in front of us. The quadrupedal crustacean was easily twice the size of a draft horse and covered entirely in mottled pink and aqua chitin. It passed right by us, almost as if we simply weren’t there. A few minutes after it had passed, Neethsi tapped my frozen form with his tail and began walking again, so I followed. “How?” I whispered in bafflement and Neethsi snorted. “While I do not claim to be a master of Illusion or Mysticism, I am well versed enough in both to be able to fool a sole entity that two people are not there. I am well versed enough to fool all who may see me when I am alone however.” Neethsi informed me as if such a thing wasn’t incredible. Wait. “Wasn’t Mysticism debunked as a-eep.” I wilted at the harsh glare he sent over his shoulder at me, even if he didn’t stop moving. “Those idiots from a few centuries ago didn’t bother continuing to discover magic and instead decided to oversimplify the Schools to the point they’re nearly worthless. Mysticism is the practice of teasing effects in reality through suggestion rather than force or assumption. It is why the modern mage of the era considers tossing fireballs or fooling some poor man into thinking they’re his best friend when he’d just stabbed his father in full view of everyone to be the apex of magic’s potential.” Neethsi snarled in frustration that I could feel wasn’t aimed at me. “Okay then. Could you teach me that?” I asked hopefully, since going unseen or unheard would go a long way in keeping me alive. I need to survive this world if I’m going to discover a way to find my children and get vengeance on the one who wronged me. “Of course, along with many other things if you wish.” Neethsi replied calmly moments before we reached the road and continued on to Soulrest. 📜 “Thank you. I can’t afford to pay you for this on top of the sap, but I can offer you a hefty discount on future purchases.” Mellow gratefully accepted my delivery of alchemical ingredients as he warily looked at Neethsi who was browsing his books. “Is he endangering you?” Mellow quietly whispered and I blinked at the assumption I was being strong-armed into having the tall argonian around. “Oh, no. He’s actually been beyond helpful. He helped me avoid an encounter with a Land Dreugh on the way back.” I mentioned and Mellow relaxed. It was only now that I noticed how tense he’d been. Was he willing to try and defend me? Wow, the short and bookish unicorn looked like he could be felled by a stiff breeze, but behind his meek nature he had a surprisingly brave spirit. “Good. With Nagas you can never be too careful.” Huh? What’s a Naga? “Have you concluded your business?” Neethsi abruptly questioned and I jumped a bit, but Mellow held his composure. “Yes. I assume you have lodgings for the evening?” Mellow questioned and Neethsi nodded. “Then please see yourself out. She may be out and about, but she’s still my patient and I get the feeling she’s still having aftershock visions from her Hist Sap overdose, so I’m still letting her stay here for the time being.” H-huh? Mellow? Why are you being so protective? “I understand. It is good to see healers still have spines these days. I will see you tomorrow Meen-Rei. We’ll need to do some scrounging to have enough coin the day after for the Merchant’s Festival.” Neethsi bowed slightly to us and then left politely. “Why did you do that? Neethsi has been nothing but a gentleman the whole time.” I leered at Mellow in annoyance and he huffed. “Right. Not a local. He’s a Naga.” Mellow answered as he went about organizing the ingredients I brought him. “Okay, what is a Naga?” I asked in frustration. Was this some racist thing? “Take your average argonian, add two, maybe three feet to their height. You saw his fang-like teeth, his thicker tail, his absolute lack of spines, horns, fins or feathers? All traits of Nagas, specifically from the clans deepest in the heart of Black Marsh, which to this day is still a mystery to non-argonians and many argonians too.” Mellow stated grimly. “Okay, how is that bad?” I asked  in confusion, I was basically a hermit in my other world. “Wherever the Naga interfere, everything tends to go awry.” Mellow ominously warned. > Ch.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.3 [Fredas, 9th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] The incredible paranoia and superstition Mellow, a pony born outside of Equestria, subscribed to the Naga was both shocking and worrying. I still trust that Neethsi is not only safe, but the sort of person who wouldn’t needlessly endanger me. He could’ve engaged that Dreugh, but instead he chose to avoid combat. Something I appreciate since I had no illusions such an encounter could’ve gone well even with Neethsi’s given competence. “Good morning Meen-Rei. Has your friend decided you may continue to see me?” Neethsi asked the moment I left Mellow’s clinic and I blinked at the towering Naga where he stood leaning against the building on the opposite side of the alley/street. “How long have you been waiting?” It was only around 7 in the morning according to Mellow. However he knew the time. “Only as long as necessary. Come, I have arranged a quick and easy way to work up some Septims for tomorrow’s festivities.” Neethsi pulled his huge travel pack off his back and pulled out...is that? “Where did you get swimwear?” It wasn’t made of nylon or other synthetic plastics, but it was obviously a one-piece white-ish bathing suit. The fact it was a woman’s suit gave me a clue that his plans involved going in the water. This also highlighted that I would have to wear that, which brought my attention back to my boobs. They’re F-cups now. When I consulted Mellow, he mentioned that hyper-lactation wasn’t unheard of, simply rare and there was no way to know if overexposure to Hist Sap is a common cause of it or if it was tied to my mystically-stolen unborn children. Sadly, selling my sap was a tricky thing, since Hist Sap, both from the trees themselves and lactating argonians was a highly regulated substance due to its euphoric effects. Mellow told me the sap was even more addictive than skooma! I have tits full of super-skooma! “Please pay attention.” Huh? Oh, right. “Sorry. My brain goes weird places.” I apologized to the man, who snorted in mild humor. “Not weirder than the places my mind has been, but that is unimportant. What is important is that you get dressed before I take us on our day trip.” Day trip? 📜 Oh. My. Gosh. I never once believed I could experience this. The world underwater was beautiful. It could be because this was the tropics and the water in the tropics was much clearer due to a lack of phytoplankton from a lower iron content in the water, but wow~! My gawking at the reefs of Topal Bay a good distance from Soulrest was interrupted by Neethsi getting in my vision and using his hands to gesture for me to keep my eyes on him. Which wasn’t a hard demand with him wearing what amounted to nothing but a cloth speedo. Yum. My distractions aside, I understood why he insisted I keep my eyes on him. There were Dreugh in their normal aquatic forms that he had us give a good berth so they’d leave us alone. In their more common state, they’re apparently quite intelligent and able to reason with at times. Then there were the sharks, other predatory life, et cetera. When I saw Neethsi mind-trick a shark into going away, I was both awed and disappointed. I kinda hoped to see him kill it in epic combat, not avoid combat again. I think I understand. Neethsi is a pacifist, at least in that he avoids conflict when it isn’t necessary. I can dig it, so long as he does show his fangs for more than intimidation when it matters. Wait, what’s that down below? He’s guiding me to...is that a shipwreck? Oh, we’re going treasure hunting! Cool, I...I… It wasn’t the only ship. The sea bed was covered in ships. Ships stacked on ships, in all sorts of orientations. They were both ancient and new. Some covered in barnacles, seaweed, even some developing coral. Others were fresh, completely free of everything but barnacles. It was a graveyard. Dear gods. How long has this been building? How many people have died to create this monument to violence and death? My horror was interrupted by Neethsi waving to me and then he cast Magelight on a ship. He tread the water and waited, confusing me. At least until a Seapony emerged! He waved to them, they waved back and then the pony approached to reveal a fit looking teal half-anthro pony stallion and half fish with a long flowing darker green mane. “Hello there. You two are a good swim from shore.” I blinked in confusion, wondering what was happening in Equestria that would make a Seapony come here? My concerns increased when I noticed there were several, no, dozens of seaponies hiding in the wrecks! “Ah, well, I see. We don’t have much use for surface currency thanks to all of the things your wars and pirates sink down here. Feel free to take what you can carry.” The Seapony stallion responded to something I couldn’t hear. How was Neethsi communicating? He clearly demonstrated that speech underwater wasn’t possible for us. Oh, well, I guess I’ll have to ask when we get back to Soulrest. For now, I’ve got to awkwardly plunder these people’s coinage they don’t care for while they watch us. 📜 “What was that?” I asked the instant we reached shore a good hour’s walk north of Soulrest, where Neethsi had left his pack hidden in some large rocks. What we’re doing is apparently very illegal. He told me as much, but swore we weren’t going to harm or negatively impact anyone besides some stuffed-shirt bureaucrats if they ever found out. “The ship graveyard or the non-natives living in it?” Neethsi replied and I leered at him in disapproval, but I guess if I’m going to ask questions I need to be specific. “The graveyard first, then the people living in it.” I clarified. It was annoying, but I guess he’s trying to teach me to be decisive in my inquiries. “It’s a product of this world’s boundless capacity for greed and violence. It’s grown over thousands of years from piracy and war, both have been rampant in these otherwise peaceful waters.” Neethsi provided as he shamelessly shucked off his speedo thong and I fought off a hoot of approval even though he kept his back to me while he retrieved his clothes from the pack. “As for the seaponies, they’ve been in hiding for the same reason the ponies, griffins, diamond dogs and other races of their homeland have fled here.” “What reason is that, beyond the civil war I mean.” I probed, my tail swishing back and forth in joy at the sight of this muscle-bound hunk who was beefy yet wiry enough to be flexible too giving me a show. He was professional about it though and I was disappointed as clothes covered his sexy self up with no hesitation or teasing. “That is something you would have to ask the core settlement of the refugees in Lilmoth. It is one of the few things they’ve kept quiet and I have not endeavored to uncover the full truth.” Neethsi replied and I felt surprise at him not knowing something. “You don’t-?” The ocean boils. The dead float on the surface, cooked like-. I came to, gasping and shaking on the sand. I yelped in terror when the gentle waves of the water splashed me and I scrambled away from the death-water. “I’d ask, but dwelling on the visions won’t help if you don’t have any leads to respond to them.” Neethsi said calmly and I looked to see him fully garbed in his ratty brown and green hooded robes, his pack on his back. “Y-you don’t want to know.” I shivered, looking at the bay, knowing all those seaponies would die violently and horribly if something wasn’t done. Certainly, something must be done. What can I do though? These visions, they’re warning me of a coming disaster or chain of them, but how can I prevent them? How can I warn anyone without sounding like one of Sheogorath’s ilk? “Yo! I’m not ilk!” A crab yelled at me with a scarily familiar Scottish/Irish accent. “Begon Sheo or I’ll remind you why you don’t challenge me to do the fishstick.” Neethsi casually warned the fucking madgod as if telling someone not to do something stupid. “Bah, no fun as always! Too sane! Eugh!” The crab then exploded into cheese wedges. “Gah, a Daedra already? I thought having the blood of Hircine was bad enough.” I groaned and wondered what I was Displaced with again? A fox skull, a hunter’s bow, a forge hammer and a vial of Hircine’s gift. I got way too purchase-happy at the exact right time, even if I haven’t been putting those boons to use. “Hm...perhaps tonight and tomorrow you should sit inside of a ward to keep Vaermina away.” Neethsi muttered as he handed me my tunic and trousers. Wait. “What about Vaermina?” I undressed and redressed in front of him, not concerned with him seeing me naked. Although I would prefer he look me over with at least some measure of lust, he only scanned me for injuries or something with his neutral yet serious default expression. “Hm, yes, it is easy to forget. Tomorrow is her Summoning Day.” Neethsi mentioned as if it was no big deal and I fell over with one leg in my pants at hearing the Dreamweaver, the Daedric Prince of nightmares, psychological terror and torment, dreams, bringing evil omens and stealing memories was more powerful/able to appear in Mundus. When I’m experiencing waking evil omens! “What?!” 📜 “Are you sure this will be enough? Shouldn’t we take her to the Temple of the Nine?” Mellow questioned worriedly as Neethsi established an arcane circle around an isolated bed in Mellow’s clinic with me rocking on said bed in the fetal position in mortal terror that I might get completely mindfucked by an evil Daedric Prince in my sleep or sometime tomorrow. “The Temple is full of holier-than-thou oafs who know little of the intricacies of Daedric or even Aedric magic. She’d be safest here in this ward when she sleeps. Vaermina is otherwise powerless without either her being present, mentioning her name tomorrow so avoid that or sleeping anytime between midnight tonight to midnight tomorrow. I have my own protections, but so long as you sleep in this ward tonight and tomorrow, you should be fine Meen-Rei.” Neethsi said and I whimpered, hoping he was right. I’m not going to sleep a wink after all! 📜 [Loredas, 10th of Sun’s Height: Merchant’s Festival/Vaermina’s Day, 4E: 221] I slept like a baby last night. As soon as the ward was finished, Neethsi patted my head and Mellow said something about sleep-oh. Mellow put me to sleep with his magic. Thank gosh, I would’ve stayed awake all night or at least tried to otherwise. “Foolish mortal.” I bolted upright at the sound of the ethereal woman’s voice, grasping my blanket to my chest in fear, but when I looked around, there was nothing out of place in the clinic. Neethsi’s chalk ward was still intact on the floor. “While I cannot bring harm to you, I still have a duty to fulfill. Journey to Lilmoth, seek the unicorn by the name Twilight Sparkle. Do this or nothing, not even nightmares will remain.” I-I just got given a Quest from a Daedric Prince to save things? Well, I guess if there’s nobody to torment, she’s out of a job. “Good morning. Sleep well?” Mellow asked cheerily and I nodded warily, waiting to hear if Vaermina had anything else to say. Then again, the Daedra were all quite flippant with threats to Mundus before. Not even Alduin’s return caused them to give two shits about Mundus. What’s changed? “I’m guessing you were still affected?” “Well yes, but actually no. She spoke to me just now and gave me a quest.” I admitted with a suffering sigh and Mellow turned a little green. “She just told me to find someone in Lilmoth, not to kill anyone or anything.” I said to try and placate the concerned healer and the magical unicorn doctor slumped into a chair with a shake of his head. “I swear, you’ve been the most stress-causing patient ever. Ah, but you’ve also brought so many interesting things into my life ever since Yinzos brought you to me. Hm, would you like a milking?” Mellow’s clinically concerned question made me look at my bust and groan at my G-cups. I guess I really am filling back up very quickly. “Sure, I don’t want these things in the way.” I laid on the bed like before and Mellow brought a clean chamber pot. Mm~ just as arousing and relaxing as the first time. It didn’t last as long though and I only filled the pot a bit instead of each breast filling a pot each like the first time. “Ah, thanks Mellow.” I wiped my front off with a wet rag he gave me and put my tunic back on. “It’s no problem. I just wish I could pay you back right away with all the sap you’ve provided. What I’m not using for my potions I’m having to sell through regulated channels.” Mellow said while he used his magic to gather up the glowing golden sap and bottled it. “Now then, why don’t you get cleaned up and go have fun? It’s the Merchant’s Festival today after all.” “Pretty much everything is half-off and none of the merchants are buying things from customers.” I replied in understanding. This was the perfect opportunity to buy all the things I needed and Neethsi was going shopping with me. He said he’d be holding the heavy coin purses so I wouldn’t have to worry about getting mugged. “Indeed, now, if you’re ill-fated for some harrowing adventure, I’d suggest you get armored and armed. You won’t find a better time to get equipped.” Mellow advised and I nodded, since that was indeed what I intended to do. “Now be off with you, before the early risers storm the shops and take all the good wares!” Mellow cheerfully urged me and I giggled when he used his magic to gently shove me towards the front door of his clinic. “Good morning.” Neethsi greeted me the moment I was out the door. “Seriously, it’s only 7 in the morning. How long do you stand there to wait?” I’d consider it creepy if he wasn’t so intent on helping me. I doubt he’s being a stalker since he’s had plenty of opportunities to be a letch, but he’s been a complete gentleman this whole time. “I reiterate: only as long as necessary. Come now, let’s head to the Chargin Targe to get you a proper set of adventuring gear. Also, where is your dagger?” Neethsi questioned me in a disapproving tone and I scurried back inside Mellow’s clinic and grabbed my dagger, strapping the sheathe to my belt in a hurry to follow the Naga as he headed towards Garnag’s smithy. “So what gear are we getting?” I asked, remembering I’m used to lighter gear like leather or gambeson. “I’ll know when we arrive.” Neethsi enigmatically replied before snatching a street urchin-hey! That’s the fluffy cat-brat who pulled my tail and tried to rob me the other day! “Little one. You won’t get far trying the tap-and-pass. Only ignorant nobles or overladen travelers would fall for it.” Neethsi gently chided the small child who instinctively curled up from how Neethsi grabbed him the the scruff of his neck. “Instead, try crowded streets and do a bump-and-pull. You’ll get less in one go, but more reliable results with a mass of bodies to escape through.” WTF?! “O-okay?” The tan and cream furred little street cat meekly replied and Neethsi put him down with a pat on the head and continued onward. “Th-thanks for the tip!” “Why did you do that?” I hissed angrily. He just enabled that little shit to keep stealing instead of lecturing him or reporting him to a guard, what kind of person does that? “Because Nocturnal has her eye on that one.” Neethsi calmly informed me and I shivered at the casual mention of yet another Daedric Prince. Seriously, who is he? He’s like an ultimate Gary Stu, though he clearly has faults. I mean, enabling thieves, stealing from shipwrecks, he can skulk through places without being noticed...is he a master thief? “Hm? Well, you’re quite early. Good to see you survived your journey beyond the walls.” Garnag greeted me when he opened his door shortly after we arrived on his doorstep. I wondered why he was opening early before I noticed other shops on the street opening too. “Come in, I can only assume you’re here for more of my wares after seeing my work in action.” “Yep.” I wasn’t going to mention I’ve only used his dagger to harvest alchemy ingredients. “I see you also practice armouring. I am helping my friend here properly outfit herself for a journey. That said, I would like to see your light or medium armors.” Neethsi butted in, cutting off any small-talk, but Garnag didn’t seem to mind as he pointed to the shelves on the wall. “The lighter the lefter the weightier the righter.” Garnag wittily replied and Neethsi nodded before guiding me to the shelves. “So, what’s the plan? Full suit of leather? Hoods? Some-?” Neethsi reached towards the heavy armor and grabbed a plate of metal. “H-hey, isn’t that a bad idea-?” I blushed when he pressed the plate, which was a chestplate now that I had it against my bust, which he hummed at before putting it back and grabbing a much larger one. “Um...why are you doing that?” “Unlike lighter gear, heavy armor is at a set size, so it’s easier to get an idea of the size of your fit overall by going down a size or two. I however need to take into account your expanding bosom from your body being highly attuned to the Hist and channeling sap directly into your breast sacs.” Neethsi’s casual mention of my size-changing boobs made me feel so embarrassed, but thankfully nobody was close enough to hear him say it. “Well, fine. I wouldn’t like to have armor I’d just swell out of in a few days without getting drained anyway. Would you know when it will stop?” I asked the nearly all-knowing man as he found a plate that looked just a bit too big for me, then he hummed and put it back, now looking through the lighter sets. “When the Hist die.” He answered with a hint of sarcasm, so I leered at him. “Oh. Lovely.” I’m stuck with expanding boobs full of narcotic fluids. I literally have sugar-tits. Yay. Hear my boundless joy at this inconvenient situation. “So, what do you have in mind now that you’ve seen what’s available?” “Hold on. Good sir, do you have leather strips for sale too?” Neethsi questioned and Garnag nodded. “Thank you.” He turned to the shelves, grabbed several things, then went to the counter with the lot. I didn’t even get to look at what he grabbed! “This, as well as ten two-hand length leather strips and an untanned hide big enough for a cloak so I can make one.” “Hm...the only one I have that big at the moment is a Terror’s backhide. Tough stuff and more expensive than half of this pile. You sure?” Garnag’s surprisingly earnest demeanor when it came to a sale made me feel like I was smiling. Still don’t know if I do. I know my eyes crinkle when I feel like I’m smiling. I guess argonians express with their eyes more than their mouths. “That would be perfect, actually.” Neethsi began counting coins and I wondered how I’d look. > Ch.4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.4 [Loredas, 10th of Sun’s Height: Merchant’s Festival/Vaermina’s Day, 4E: 221] *Huff. Puff. Wheeze* “If you keep slumping you’re going to fall over. Stand up straight.” Neethsi chided me as I carried the haul of hemp bags full of the goods purchased from five stores while he only carried his large travel pack as usual. “Too...much...weight...” I groaned in pain as I struggled through the feeling of rage that built within me like some beast was clawing at the back of my mind. Right, I’m a lycanthrope. “You’re only a few pounds over your carry limit and we’re heading back to the clinic. This isn’t some role-playing board game where you’re stuck at an arbitrary statistic limiting your potential. You’ll be stronger for this.” Neethsi said and I had to wonder how sane he could really be to be making references like this. “Oh, he’s sane alright. So sane he’s insane lass!” Chirped a seagull at me in Sheogorath’s voice and I groaned in dismay. “Merario.” Neethsi hissed blandly and the seagull popped like a balloon, spraying feathers everywhere and nobody seemed to notice. “Ah! No middle names, Never! Gah! How rude!” Sheogorath huffed directly into our minds, why did he include me in that? “Never?” I grunted through my teeth as I trudged closer to Mellow’s clinic. “Ah, my Imperial-given name is Never-Far. Where is he? He’s Never-Far, you can’t miss him. Hmph. Imperials with their dry wit and dull creativity never cease to amaze. When I was in your situation once-upon-a-time, it was just easier to introduce myself to people as Never-Far, because everyone was either too lazy or didn’t care to bother understanding my Jel name.” Neethsi regaled me and I inwardly thanked the Madgod for causing him to open up just a bit more to help me piece together-wait! “Never-Far? That sounds like Nerev-mmph!” Neethsi had spun around and used his thumb and index finger with painful strength on my snout and chin to snap my trap shut. I shivered in fear as the vicious predator leered down at me. “I like you. Do not make me remove your tongue. If you must speak about this, do it in privacy.” The ancient Nerevarine hissed and released my face before continuing onwards, visibly agitated to the point of his thick tail scratching the cement street and people quickly parted around him like the Red Sea for Moses. “Great, now I’m worried about what happened in Morrowind.” I muttered to myself before trying to catch up with Neethsi, keeping some distance between him and I since he was still agitated. “On that thought, I’ve met the Hero of Kvatch...I think, but what about the Dovahkiin?” “Ask such sensitive questions when you’re not in public.” Neethsi hissed at me and I squeaked from how close he had gotten without my noticing. So I shut up until we reached the clinic and he held the door open for me. Such a gentleman when he isn’t being scary. “Went all-out, didn’t you? Whatever you two went to do yesterday must’ve been lucrative.” Mellow commented as he gently helped an older border collie Diamond Dog woman towards the door. “Now remember Miss Lassy, you need to take the potion before bed if your rockjoint is going to improve.” “I know sonny. I came to ya fer help, not to waste both our times.” The elderly dog patted his hand and Neethsi kept the door open for her. “Such a gentleman.” Neethsi then entered the clinic and shook his head. “It’s always the nice ones that suffer. Now then, unpack your goods in the isolation room since you still need to sleep in the ward tonight. Mellow Mender, you’ve been conscripted.” Neethsi abruptly grabbed the bookish and short unicorn by the back of his robes and carried him off, ignoring the yellow and green pony’s protests. What have I gotten myself into besides being the next Hero likely foretold in the Elder Scrolls? 📜 I didn’t see Mellow or Neethsi for the rest of the day as I organized the purchases Neethsi made for me. Hardy leather gloves and boots to cover my already sturdy hands and feet. I’ve been barefoot this whole time and nobody commented on it. I also barely noticed. Tight leather trousers with a scale armored miniskirt that had notches and loops for equipment to supplement my belt. A scale mail vest with an odd gambeson to go under it that would cover my arms. Said vest was a bit loose in the chest, even with the clasps tightened and the gambeson was oddly elastic despite its organic material. Clearly Neethsi planned for my bloating boobs. I could loosen or undo the straps of my vest when I’m extra-busty I guess. Then I had a chitin-plate helmet that fit to my skull eerily well, even hooking on my horns right. Fully dressed, I went to the clinic’s restroom to look at myself in the mirror. I look like a badass and I’m not sure if it’s just me or if everyone here looked this cool in the right gear. *knock, knock* “When you’re done preening, come back to your room.” Neethsi said through the door and I took a bracing breath before doing as he said to find Mellow and Neethsi. “You look like a real adventurer, Meen-Rei.” Mellow complimented me and I felt my face smile in whatever way argonians smile. I will see myself smile in the mirror one day! I just have to figure out how to manipulate my expression without the emotion backing it. I guess I know why non-argonians consider my adopted species to be either emotionless or cold. “Just wait until she has the cowl and cloak.” Neethsi stated before the door to the room suddenly closed without anyone touching it. Spooky! “Now then. Since Old Sheo had to ruin my anonymity with you so soon, I feel it fair you get some answers.” Neethsi’s usual mild demeanor became intense and intimidating again. I miss nice and polite Neethsi! “Of course it has to deal with Daedra. I swear if you didn’t at least give me a reason to hear you out, I’d have called the Temple on you.” Mellow snorted angrily at the Naga, who waved the unicorn’s words away. “Yes, yes. Devout follower of the Nine Dickheads that you are, I can understand why you have issues with entities that didn’t use the majority of their power to create the material plane. Now, sit down, shut up and listen to your elder.” Neethsi rasped at Mellow, who folded like a house of cards and sat on the bed, which I mirrored without thinking. “You don’t need to sit too Rei.” “Sorry.” I stood up and stood at the end of the bed instead. “I’m not going to eat you for-ugh. This is why I don’t like people knowing. I am Neethsi Nagnaresh. I am also known as Never-Far, Nerevar Reborn, Nerevarine and many more names I’ve gone by in the past centuries. No, I’m not dead. Yes, Vivec is gone. The Clockwork City is real. Akavir is worse than any Imperial propaganda can portray it and all deities in this world are idiots. Especially you Sheo!” Neethsi snarled as he pointed at a cockroach or other local variant that laughed and turned into a silver statue. “You’re best friends for one adventure together and he’s a constant menace.” “Before our humble mortal brains implode. What?” Mellow demanded in shock and I was fighting a fangirl squeal. The Nerevarine! Slayer of Dagoth Ur! Hero of Morrowind! “To simplify: I’m an ancient prophesied Hero that did his duty and disappeared as was required. Although I didn’t disappear long enough. As soon as I got to Akavir, I got out of there the moment I could after I stole military intelligence of their next planned invasion along with all sorts of weapon designs. The next thing I know after having tea with Emperor Uriel, who asked for me by name, I’m caught up in his assassination and wind up playing bodyguard for Martin Septim for a couple of months while Sheo, back then he went by Merario Cucius, ran around trying to save Nirn.” Neethsi sighed and rubbed his head. “I tire of sharing this story so much.” “Wait. You were there for Uriel’s assassination, but you didn’t save him?” I asked in bafflement. I mean, really. If Uriel didn’t die, then Martin could’ve been secured and the Oblivion Gates wouldn’t have opened to force the Hero of Kvatch to run around like a desperate madman to save the world. “Uriel. He...he was wise beyond even his incredible age for an Imperial. He told me to guard the entrance to the Imperial Prison from intrusion, to keep the Mythic Dawn from pursuing him too quickly. I knew later that he intended to die, but not before he had secured the next Hero. My involvement was rather minor. I just stood guard near Martin after a Blade came to reinstate me as a senior member of the order.” Neethsi tiredly answered, clearly lost in old memories. “Well...I guess if you’re going into danger, having him along is a sure way to increase your odds of survival.” Mellow muttered, only to get a bundled robe tossed in his face. “You’re coming too. As much as I detest Azura, she still gives me prophecies. Your ‘destiny’ lies not here, but in Lilmoth.” Neethsi grumbled and took off his backpack, pulling things out that rightly shouldn’t fit in the pack by the volume of the items removed. “W-what?! I’m not leaving everything I’ve worked for behind to...oh…” Mellow pulled the right side of his robes up to expose his thigh. His Cutie Mark, a calm yellow concoction being gently stirred, was glowing. “I...I need to go. Damn it. Granny warned me about the Curse of the Mark. I guess I just figured I wouldn’t suffer from it like so many avoid.” “What? Hold on. Cutie Marks represent your Talent. Are you telling me they also represent your Destiny?” I asked queasily, disliking the idea that a brand on your thighs dictated who and what you were. It was one thing to have something that described you, but to have something that forced you to be what it displayed was another matter entirely. “Where have you been?” Mellow asked me again in confusion. “That is common knowledge about ponies.” “She is not of Nirn, nor is she of Oblivion. She is from Beyond. I feel that thanks to her addition to our fine overflowing chamberpot of a realm, we’re bound to receive more of her ilk whether we or her folk want it.” Neethsi sagely huffed and I nodded quietly. Displaced attracted others. It was only a matter of time before someone popped in out of nowhere and went ooga-booga. “It would also explain why the Dream has become unstable. Something has tipped the balance towards doom and this time it may be too much to come back from and pretend it was ancient history that would never happen again.” Neethsi continued and I shivered in fear. 📜 [Sundas, 11th of Summer’s Height, 4E: 221] The earth trembled in fear. The air became painfully cold. The oceans froze over after they boiled and the dead rose again, only to suffer from their inability to die. “This is what will come.” Cackling monsters whipped people endlessly, their skin flaying, blood spraying, only for the screaming victims to heal and suffer over and over and over. “This is the fate of Nirn.” Upon a throne of pitch black ice sat a shadowed figure that relished in the suffering. “He must be stopped.” I jolted awake after Azura’s voice as I remembered it from Morrowind finished along with the visions I had experienced in my sleep, gasping and panting for breath as I staggered out of bed. Damn it. I get warded against Vaermina’s influence only for Azura to get involved? Damn it. It’s Molag Bal again, isn’t it? Those visions, they were of Coldharbour. Or Nirn turned into Coldharbour. He’s going to attempt a Second Planemeld. Great! It took the unified armies of all of Tamriel to stop him the first time! If anything, from what I can remember of the situation of the world in ES5, this is the weakest Tamriel has ever been in its entire history. Not even when the Alessian Empire caused a massive 1008 year long Dragon Break, not even from his first Planemeld during the Interregnum or immediately following the Oblivion Crisis was Tamriel so ripe for the picking. “Sorry about her. Azura isn’t known for being gentle.” I looked at the corner of the room to see Neethsi reading a book by candlelight. “Why aren’t you asleep?” I asked instead of bothering to question how he knew I had a vision from Azura. He’s the Nerevarine. If anyone knows about disturbing visions provided by a questionably benevolent seer-goddess-thing, it’s him. “I don’t sleep. A gift from Hircine.” Neethsi hissed, clearly having bad blood with the Daedric Prince. I guess the events of the Bloodmoon Prophecy really pissed him off. “You’re touched by his blood too. You’ll know at least some measure of my suffering if you get blindly furious enough.” Neethsi’s reminder made me wince. Right, I was Displaced with the ‘Blood of Hircine’. Great, my soul belongs to a personification of the Wild Hunt. “Thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot since unlike other were-creatures, I don’t suffer insomnia.” I grumbled, at least thankful that my almost nonexistent ‘curse’ never had any occasion to flare up in my previous world. All I got out of the deal was the benefit of immunity from disease. It seems in this new world, my possession of Hircine’s blood is more significant. “I had a sense you were different. It was part of why I felt I needed to stick around you, besides the visions and the flow of the Dream leading me to be your guide.” Neethsi quietly said before he looked out the window into the dark. “Hm...the sun is on it’s way. It is nearly five in the morning. You have two more hours of sleep you could try to get.” “No, I’m up.” I muttered and checked my bosom. E-cups, one size up from yesterday. I could go a few more days before I need to be drained. “Alright. Let’s get you geared up.” Neethsi helped lay out my armor while I got dressed, not minding stripping nude in front of him. He clearly wasn’t interested or I can’t read argonian emotional tells. Either way, it seemed nudity wasn’t much of an issue for argonians compared to humans or elves. Speaking of which, actually. “Isn’t this quite a warm outfit for the tropical swamps of Black Marsh?” I questioned after I got my helmet on last and indeed my scale mail vest had room for my sized-up bust. Hopefully it will continue to be accommodating. “Argonians are not warm-blooded. However, we also are not cold-blooded. I like to think we’re luke-warm at best.” Neethsi dryly joked and I couldn’t help the smiling feeling in my face combined with a snort. “Temperature matters not. The Hist created us to be able to adapt to any environment so that they could learn all they can of the world beyond their roots and canopies. Each argonian is a tiny Hist Tree with legs. We may not consciously be able to actively utilize this outside of our most sacred traditions in the heart of the swamps, but our ancestors are grateful for our efforts.” “Wait, created? Then...I woke up in a sac of sap in the trunk of a Hist Tree…” Was I reborn instead of Double Displaced? I looked at my hands in wonder. Am I truly an argonian, not just someone shoved into the body of one? This both upset me, yet grounded me. If I’m truly an argonian now, I won’t keep pining for my old foxy self, but I will discover what became of my children if it’s the last thing I do. “The Hist sings about you. Tones of sadness, hope and regret. You are special to them, especially the one who bore you from their trunk.” Neethsi gently informed me and I felt oddly happy the Hist actually bothered to care. Then again, I’m their prophesied Hero, apparently. “Ah, okay.” I mewled while Neethsi laid out the other gear he bought for me. Although he insisted at least half of the money we looted from the shipwrecks was mine, I had no illusions about that. Neethsi spent what was easily his money on me just to help me out. Half-off prices or not, that meant a lot to me. “So, you overwhelmed me yesterday. What all did we get?” “Your dagger is of high quality, so instead I got you a smaller hunting knife for skinning or other delicate work you don’t want to waste your dagger’s blade on. I bought you a quiver for arrows and a quiver for bolts. Your own travel satchel. Camping gear. Steel bracers to go with your armor. Replacement drawstrings. Repair tools. I also made your hooded cloak. “Well, that would explain why there was so much, but how can I carry all of that?” I questioned, also wondering why he bought me quivers when I didn’t have a bow, crossbow or ammo for either. “Since I don’t have to avoid the subject, with my age and sleeplessness, I’ve become quite masterful of many crafts. I’m not the ultimate authority in any of my chosen skills aside from one, which I will not speak of yet, but I know of tricks many modern people have forgotten in a few short centuries.” Neethsi gestured to his travel pack. “Surely you noticed my pack carries far more than it should be able to. That is an ancient enchantment that allows a nigh-infinite storage capacity in a private pocket of Oblivion, in exchange for demanding you still carry the full weight on your whole body. Back in the day, everyone had it, subconsciously even.” “You enchanted my satchel to do that?” I asked happily and Neethsi nodded. Yay! I have an adventurer’s bag! “I’ve also prepared these for you.” Neethsi retrieved two things from his pack that made me gasp. One was a shortbow made of some white substance inlaid with black decorative engraving, the other was a crossbow! The crossbow was made of steel and seemed to be the repeater model favored by the Dawnguard. I am thankful for any semi-advanced ranged weapon to keep me away from danger. “Thank you, but what’s with the shortbow?” It was simple in shape, yet elegant in design. “It’s one of mine. I made it many years ago when I was experimenting with my smithing. It’s a Bonemold bow, only I replaced the standard iron in the recipe with Ebony and chips of Stalhrim. The Skaal were quite thankful for me rescuing them from Hircine’s Bloodmoon Prophecy, to the point they let me learn their ways.” Neethsi informed me and I gawked at the unassuming pretty little bow. This thing was worth more than a full suit of Dwarven armor! Just the inclusion of Ebony and Stalhrim made it worth more than it’s physical space in Septims! “I-I can’t accept this!” “Too bad. It’s yours. I’m planning on turning it into a crossbow later, so please don’t break it.” Neethsi said and I squealed, jumping at him and wrapping my arms around his neck as I squealed. “Ah!” “Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you~!” I nuzzled him and quickly examined my gifts. I would have to treat this shortbow with the utmost respect. I’ll also have to get used to it’s draw weight, considering despite its size, I’m sure it has the punching power to get through heavy armor. “You’re welcome. Now, let’s go wake up our cleric.” Neethsi dryly joked and I snorted again. > Ch.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.5 [Sundas, 11th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Huh, I was not mistaken, these are all tools able to make guns.” I muttered as we walked through the swamp’s barely-there ‘road’ while I examined some of the tools in the repair kit Neethsi got for me. “I wonder if gunpowder has the same reaction or if magic alters them.” “If you’re talking about blasting powder, we’ve had it for thousands of years. However, nobody has managed to make the powder safe enough to launch man-portable munitions.” Mellow informed me from where the robed roughly 5 foot 9 inch yellow unicorn walked between Neethsi and I. He wasn’t a combatant, so Neethsi relegated him to being between us at all times. “Not even fireworks? It’s just dyed powders, pressure chambers, fuses for time.” I said and Neethsi looked at me over Mellow’s head. I didn’t realize I was 6 feet tall in this body. I just assumed Mellow was especially short. “Of course we have fireworks. The alchemists are simply too careless and anyone who tries to miniaturize the explosive reaction, well, explodes. I figured out an alternative explosive fluid that when mixed with loamy sand makes a good small detonation. I have been using it as a lock buster when I don’t care to try magic or I’m out of lockpicks.” Neethsi informed me and I felt my face smile again. That means at least Neethsi has managed some small-yield blasting powder. “How big or small have they made it? What is the cultural meaning for its use, has it been used in weapons before?” I asked with dangerous ideas forming in my head. “Mostly fireworks at festivals and naval cannons, which are quite heavy. We don’t use them on land aside from entrenched defensive positions on fortresses. Why lug around a too-heavy mass of iron when you can move a battlemage much faster? Why destroy the walls of a city you’re trying to capture when launching toxic payloads or summoned scamps in cages over walls with trebuchets and catapults work better to weaken the enemy from the inside and leave the walls intact?” Neethsi replied and I got an idea for this world’s priorities considering siege combat. A captured city is useless defensively if you’ve wrecked it’s defenses. “I guess no one thought of making a bullet then, but at least there are projectile weapons like crossbows.” I said thinking of how deadly an Ebony tipped bullet would be, it would act similar to an armor piercing round, corundum would be a good replacement for copper, Dwarven Metal would be a good choice for a proof of concept since there’s likely a form of brass already for the bullet casings. Firearms would turn this world on its head and they have all the tools to make a revolver or a Heilongjiang Hand Cannon at least if I used petrified wood or bronze. There is wood in Tamriel that could take the recoil. I wonder if I could make a barrel with rifling? “Actually, why haven’t any of the races on Tamriel used a Hwacha?” Mellow questioned and I had alarms go off in my head. If Mellow knows what a Hwacha is and Tamriel doesn’t, how bloody has Nirn’s version of Equestria’s history been? “Might be because they never understood it.” I said as I rifled through many of my other tools. “What is a Hwatchya?” Neethsi questioned intently, his eyes intense with curiosity. Oh? Does the stoic and embittered ancient argonian have a weakness for learning new things? “H-wah-chuh. No T or y in it. Take a bundle of arrows, tie small firework rockets to the shafts or better yet; have special arrows crafted as small rockets. Put them in a box of sectioned pockets for the arrows, aim, light the fuses, watch them hail death from above on incoming armies. A single Hwacha can do in moments what would take an entire firing line of archers to accomplish with only two people.” Mellow informed the Nerevarine in a mixture of bitterness and pride. “How bad are the wars back on your continent?” I asked Mellow sadly and he shrugged, causing his overladen travel pack loaded with potions and scrolls to jingle and tinkle. “I’m a second-generation Tamrielic Pony. All I know are the horror stories told by my granny before she passed and what she taught my mother. Back then, it was bad. People were dying left and right. Sword, spear, arrow or magic. It was all fair game from what they told me. Not that it’s much better here.” Mellow said sadly with his ears wilting. “Hold.” Neethsi ordered and we stopped. He tilted his head and held up a hand to his ear hole. “...This way.” Neethsi led us off the mostly-dry mound of dirt that elevated us above the muck of the swamp and continued using his hands to cup around his ear holes. “Hm...was it...yes.” Neethsi went into a clearing and vanished! “Neethsi?” I asked worriedly, only for him to poke his head out of the anomaly, like his head was floating. “Come on in.” He retreated back into the spooky nothingness and Mellow promptly did as he said, excitedly poking his hands in and out of the vanishing field before he entered. I did too by this point and gawked at what I saw past the barrier. “Find a seat. It’s best we make haste to Lilmoth. I’m not leaving my boat for some blessed idiot to somehow discover.” It’s a boat! It's a flying boat! The airborne skiff levitated a foot above the swamp water, was clearly dwarven in design and was fairly large. It easily had enough space for ten people including the pilot, who Neethsi obviously was since he was standing at the console at the back which simply had a trio of levers. Mellow had happily jumped in and was running his hands over the dwarven-metal banded flat-bottomed flying boat. “Granny told me these didn’t exist here.” Mellow said in awe while I approached and climbed up into the boat, feeling guilty about getting swamp muck on the floor, but Neethsi clearly didn’t care, having trudged mud about the thing before either of us. “What is this, Neethsi?” I asked warily, uncomfortable being on something that, by many laws in the Empire and definitely the Aldmeri Dominion, was beyond illegal. “It’s something I and my master Neloth built as a proof of concept. The hull is enchanted with a combination of Levitation, Slow Fall and Feather. The dwarven metal bandings are enchanted with Fortify Armor. The stealth field is an independent thing I put in the storage trunk behind me. It’s all powered by a Dwarven Centurion Dynamo, which Neloth theorized merely acts as a conduit for the magic of Aetherius to pass. Thankfully those last forever unless they take damage.” Neethsi proudly informed us as he gently moved a lever and the boat began rising! “It doesn’t seem as advanced as the airships the Diamond Dogs made to kill dragons. Granny wouldn’t shut up about how spooky those were.” Mellow commented, but still clearly enjoyed the novelty of being in a flying boat. “Isn’t this illegal?” I asked the scary-convenient ancient Hero and he hacked up a loogie over the side. Ew. Then again, my throat does feel rather phlegmy, so I mimicked. Ah, better. “Very. Just another example of the Empire and Dominion being small-minded fools unable to bring prosperity or stability. They were more afraid of the security risks of Levitation than the vast potential it had for revolutionizing the world as we know it.” Neethsi huffed and I had to agree on that front. Then again, Bethesda didn’t have a good track record for making stable games. Airships or even keeping Levitation was beyond their abilities. “However, Black Marsh and Morrowind aren’t part of the Empire anymore. Not since Black Marsh invaded Morrowind, destroyed houses Dres and Hlaalu, liberated the slaves and annexed Morrowind with support from House Indoril and Redoran if it could be believed. That was...six years after the Oblivion Crisis, right?” Mellow questioned Neethsi, who nodded and I was dumbstruck. ‘What?’ I thought to myself in disbelief at this massive divergence from canon. “That’s right. Black Marsh and Morrowind have prospered under the renewed Ebonheart Pact in spite of the Red Year and Red Mountain’s insistence on reminding us all that the Heart of Lorkhan still beats, despite how hard I stabbed the damn thing with Keening before I cast it into the liquid Ebony. At least it wasn’t set off by Baar Dau. I managed to convince that s’wit Vivec to toss it towards Akavir before he decided mortals weren’t worth bothering with anymore and fucked off to Aetherius.” Neethsi grumbled at the end while he stopped our ascension a good dozen feet above the canopy and we began moving forward. “I’m just happy to be a Citizen of Ebonheart rather than the Dominion. My cousin keeps writing to me about how prejudice is harming her life in Elsweyr. My cousin in the Empire keeps saying the Empire is better, but she’s in the military there. Hm, since you mentioned Vivec ascended, I wonder if Celestia is in Aetherius too.” Mellow mused and I had to sit on one of the benches of the boat. All this info being dumped on me. It’s too much. “Ah yes. The Living Goddess who helped keep Magnus on a steady course for thousands of years, along with her sister who kept Masser and Secunda in position for the same time frame. The Void Nights were a terrifying time. Your people arrived not long after the disappearance of the moons and when you delivered news that it was because the living embodiments of the sun and moons were at war in your homeland, well, that stirred up quite the can of worms.” Neethsi commented and I moaned in dismay at trying to piece all of this info together. “Please stop. I can only take in so much at once~.” I whined as I rubbed my head. “Fine then. Just sit back, relax and hope a stray Hackwing doesn’t hit us.” Neethsi-a stray what? 📜 After coming to the understanding that the Void Nights were two years where Masser and Secunda: the moons, had disappeared from the sky was because whatever caused the schism in Equestria killed Luna, causing the celestial objects she governed to vanish. That or she was banished to somewhere that wasn’t one of the moons. Why they returned, nobody could fully understand, though of course the Aldmeri Dickheads claimed to have returned the moons, getting those sugar-licking idiots ruling Elsweyr to throw their lot in with them. Their reward was to be treated as third class citizens at best, not mentioning anyone else not a Khajiit, Bosmer or Altmer living in Elsweyr. There were supposedly hushed whispers about Elsweyr seceding from the Dominion and joining either the Empire or the Pact. At least according to Neethsi, who wouldn’t give a straight answer on whether or not he had a hand in such treacherous notions among the people of Elsweyr. Either way, the flight was smooth and uneventful. Here I had thought I’d be trekking deadly swamps, fighting dangerous monsters, delving into half-sunken or fully-submerged caves. I won’t complain, I like living and danger increases the likelihood of that ending, but for an adventure, this was turning out quite mundane. Well, aside from the highly illegal aircraft that spits in the laws of science and physics, but who cares about those? Wait a second… “Is this the only one?” I asked Neethsi with a pat of the boat’s rim. “I’m not answering that.” Neethsi firmly replied and I sighed in frustration. “I hardly think knowing for certain if there are more flying machines is harmful to us by this point.” Mellow commented from where he was laying between two of the benches in the boat using his bedroll while watching the clouds pass overhead, relaxed as can be. “You said you built this with Neloth, right? He’s not the sort to just let something like this be a secret. He loves shoving people’s noses in how great and powerful he is.” Or at least I believe that’s the case from what I remember of him in both Morrowind and the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim. The pompous amoral old Telvanni was quick to remind everyone around him that they’re scum on his shoe and how they all continue to fail him simply by breathing. “Hmph. Fine. Yes. The Ebonheart Pact is amassing a secret airship navy with clandestine assistance from Skyrim’s High King, what with there being far more Dwarven Ruins across the whole of Skyrim than there is elsewhere in the entire continent.” Neethsi admitted and leered at us both. “That said, this little skiff and that information, along with who I really am is to remain a secret.” Neethsi hissed with a warning growl. “That goes without saying. It’s just good to know. So, in that vein, the Pact is planning to swoop in, wipe out the Dominion and maybe do the same with the Empire?” I questioned and Neethsi hissed at me. “I’m not going to say any more than I have offered already. Just know the Pact can defend from attempts by the Dominion or Empire to invade or otherwise try to use military might to force obedience.” Neethsi grumbled and then looked over the port side of the boat. “Ah, look off the port bow. We’re passing Blackrose. It is on the way to Lilmoth. We’ll be stopping here for the evening. Flying by night is a fool’s errand. You never know where you’ll end up.” “Huh? This thing doesn’t go very fast does it?” I asked and Neethsi actually had his eyes widen in some expression I couldn't recognize. “Not very fast? We just made a week’s journey on foot in the span of a day.” Neethsi said in audible disbelief and I felt embarrassed for assuming that the world was smaller than it really was. Of course it wouldn’t be 1:1 scale with the games. Likely the games crunch distance several times since you could cross Whiterun Hold within a single day’s walk in ES5. “I’m just impressed with how smooth the ride has been. I only went on a few ships in my life, but they were always bobbing and swaying sick-causing voyages. I can only hope that you succeed in making vessels like this one a common thing.” Mellow said while Neethsi began a slow descent, guiding us towards a small clearing in the swamp a good several minutes walk from the city. “Hey, isn’t this where the most infamous prison on the continent is?” I asked my guide curiously and he nodded grimly. “Oh yes. Blackrose Prison is still known to this day for being the most deadly and secure prison in all of Tamriel. However, it is no longer where the Imperials can dump their unwanted wastes of skin. Now it is where the most vile and hated monsters daring to call themselves people are sent by writ of the Council. Of course, that mostly means Thalmor that are too brainwashed to be reeducated.” Neethsi informed us as he set the boat into position a foot above the swamp. “So the Pact is governed by a council?” I questioned as I helped Mellow to his hooves and gathered up his bedroll. “Yes. Although I made, er, I mean. Bah, damn it. I am the Hortator of Morrowind and nominal leader of House Indoril, as you can guess. It took a long time to get those s’wits to realize that my House had been a product of lies and deceit. I had convinced my House and House Redoran to side with me in aiding the incoming invasion from Black Marsh to destroy Houses Dres and Hlaalu for their continued treachery and relishing in Molag Bal’s and Clavicus Vile’s spheres respectfully.” Neethsi lectured and I nodded along as I got out of the boat with Mellow and followed our guide. “What about House Telvanni? I don’t think they’d just let the argonians kill their members and free their slaves.” Mellow questioned and I felt good for not being the only one in the dark here. “I managed to convince Neloth that his house was better off without slaves. Here’s how he took it, ahem: ‘Indeed, slaves are worthless wastes of flesh eating, pissing and shitting all over the place and doing horrible work on top of it when paid workers can at least have the skills to do their damn jobs’.” Neethsi spookily managed to sound exactly like Neloth from Skyrim. “Well that’s...one way to look at it.” Mellow muttered in disbelief and I simply shook my head. That was 100% Neloth alright. “I considered it a win. He was my instructor in magic, so I got the rather exclusive and prestigious privilege to be treated as a test subject and nearly a slave for months. By the end of my tutelage, he declared me ‘beyond help’ and shoved one of his best staves and tomes in my hands and kicked me out of his tower. Heh, I knew the old coot simply didn’t want to admit I’d impressed him when I discovered you could fold dimensions-.” Neethsi suddenly grabbed Mellow and pulled him back, the unicorn yelped when seconds later numerous massive spikes shot up from the mud before the ground where they came from shifted. “Crap Baskets!” I yelped as the mud sloughed off of a massive black-scaled reptilian creature that looked like a komodo dragon the size of a large canoe with bone blades punching through it’s back. It hissed raspily at us while electricity jumped between the bladed spines. “What is it?!” “Mudlurker, don’t let it stun you!” Neethsi shouted while he retrieved a brutal morning star mace that was made of Bonemold, but had Stalhrim spikes. “Don’t let it bite you either! It’s bites are so toxic they even incapacitate argonians for a few hours!” “I’ll be staying back here, thanks!” Mellow shouted from behind me as I brought my bow out of my satchel and prepared one of the cheap iron arrows Neethsi gave me, saying he had an untold number of them from his adventures and said I could fire them as much as I wanted. “I’ll draw it’s attention, you-!” Neethsi was interrupted by my arrow punching into the beast’s eye and it slumped back into the mud with an anticlimactic plop. “...Okay, that was a good shot.” “I never mentioned I’m a savant with a bow, did I?” I asked sheepishly and Mellow patted my shoulder as he released a breath in relief. “Is it’s corpse worth anything?” “Of course. Most of the beasts in Black Marsh are worth plenty. Mudlurkers are one of the few land-dwelling creatures known for electro-chemical magic channeling specialized for raw shock magic. Then there's its venom, which is in regular need of antivenoms to fight it for survivors of attacks. Said survivors tend to only be argonians and Redguards however, due to our mutual resistances to poison.” Neethsi waved his mace through the air and the Stalhrim spikes shimmered before he put it back on his waist and fished the corpse out of the mud. “Now then, long-story-short. Council?” I asked while I put my fancy bow away and we continued onward to Blackrose as if the encounter was just a normal occurrence. “Right. I was able to convince Redoran and Indoril into reopening a more permanent alliance with Black Marsh, but only if both sides were willing to put forth an even number of councilors with an odd numbered impartial Hortator. Which ended up being me. I was voted on by both groups to act as a mediator and tie-breaker in decisions. It’s worked for the past couple centuries if I do say so. We haven’t had a single upheaval in the citizenry in several decades and general happiness is reportedly quite high.” Neethsi said with pride and I figured that must be one of his personal favorite achievements, considering he helped reestablish the Ebonheart Pact, even if Skyrim hasn’t joined it...yet, from the sounds of things. “Which is also why my people were so well received. Unlike in the Empire or Dominion, we were welcomed here as refugees so long as we understood the dangers inherent to both Black Marsh and Morrowind. In exchange, our magics and inventions have allowed life in both allied countries to become easier. My magic self-composting toilet back home...well, back at my old clinic, was just one of them.” Mellow added on and I had to hum in appreciation for-. “Halt!” We paused and two argonians in full carapace armor with matching shields and axes rushed towards us from the gate into the city. “State your business in Blackrose!” “We intend to stay the night?” Neethsi said in bemusement. Uh-oh. I feel a Quest coming… > Ch.6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.6 [Sundas, 11th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Neethsi managed to talk our way into the city, but it included ‘bribing’ the guards with the corpse of the Mudlurker. They had spoken in Jel, so I had no clue what was said exactly, but Neethsi seemed fairly hurried in getting us to an inn promptly. “What is going on?” I asked him worriedly as he pushed us along with a hand on both mine and Mellow’s backs. “A dangerous Thalmor assassin has managed to escape Blackrose Prison and the Shellbacks are securing the city while the Shadowscales are tracking him.” Neethsi quietly hissed into our ears as he found a two-floor stone building with a sign that was in Jel, but must’ve been an inn since he took us inside. “The Shadowscales are still around?” I asked in a hushed voice of disbelief. The dissolution of the Dark Brotherhood and the Shadowscales were one of the few good things to happen during the Fourth Era in canon! “Why wouldn’t they be? They have adhered to the strict rules of the Morag Tong and relinquished the fallacy of Sithis. What a load of bunk. There can’t be a ruler of nothing.” Neethsi snorted in wry distaste and I had to consider that. How can Sithis be nothing, yet exist himself? That’s contradictory in and of itself! Then there’s the phantoms you could summon, like Lucian Lachance. If Sithis is nothing, how could you call forth something that went to him?  “Which is why my kind didn't believe a word of it.” Mellow huffed with a shake of his head. “There cannot be such a thing as true nothingness. If there was, then there never would have ever been anything. It’s a self-terminating paradox, such as the statement: nobody has ever been in an empty room.” Mellow added on while Neethsi went to the proprietress, a yellow argonian woman who looked up at Neethsi with what I could vaguely see was an expression of concern mixed with intrigue. Yay! I’m getting better at reading argonian faces! “Hm...say, Mellow, just to ask. Is my smallest bust size the average here?” That lady easily had D-cups and every woman around was seemingly of similar chest heft. Aside from a rather lithe khajiit woman smoking in the corner. She had a much more petite chest in the modest and average-for-Earth B-cup range. “Yes? Why, do the women where you come from have different averages?” Mellow questioned in intrigue and I shrugged with a so-so hand gesture. “Eh, for some people the average was smaller, others the average was bigger. It mostly depended on diet and a woman’s history of child-bearing.” Which, technically, I did even with this new body. I was going to end up quite busty from my pregnancy I think, so having a chest that could be smaller than the size I would’ve been stuck with was nice in hindsight. “Hm. Interesting. Back home the average is actually much bigger. At least when it comes to ponies, holstaur, buffalo and yaks. Ever since we’ve come here however, the past two generations of my kind have shown a drastic downturn in our stature and body frames. Earth ponies have gotten shorter, pegasi’s wings have gotten smaller, unicorns having shorter horns…” Mellow self-consciously rubbed his fluted spiral horn on his head. “Maybe there’s some sort of micronutrients you’re not getting here in Tamriel that your bodies have evolved for back in your homeland?” I suggested, but before the conversation could continue, Neethsi returned with two room keys. “I’m afraid there are only two rooms left. I will room with Mellow so you can have a room to yourself.” Neethsi said as he handed me one of the keys like a gentleman. “Y’know, would it kill you to be a bit less of a gentleman?” I huffed in annoyance. I’m getting a bit frustrated now. I’m all...wound up, especially after that very brief fight back there. I’m almost irritated at how quickly the fight was over. Do I have some sort of new battle-junkie thing going on to encourage me to engage in combat? “No, but it might kill you.” Neethsi replied with a warning glare and I felt some odd urge inside me surge, to grab him by the neck and drag him to my room for a good, rough-. “Calm down. You’re putting out enough pheromones for three excited women.” “Grr.” I spun around and stormed upstairs to find my room. If I can’t get satisfaction the fun way, I’ll do it myself! 📜 “Gah, why was I so horny?” I growled to myself after getting familiar with my new plumbing. At least not much changed down there. Anyway, I know Neethsi is a sexy beast and I’ve been interested for some reason besides the obvious, but I’m surprised at how aroused I was. The last time I remember being so damn needy was when I...ah. Um, argonians don’t have heat cycles like foxes or normal periods like humans do, do they? Is it my time of the month and argonian women get frisky along with being standoffish? Well, all I know for certain is that tail-yiffing is a good way to work off the frustration. I couldn’t do that before as a fox. Ah, either way, I’m calmed down, I’m relaxed, Time to sleep. I idly considered now would be the perfect moment for that escaped prisoner to somehow appear in my room and threaten my life, but then my life would be so horribly cliche that I might just ask them to kill me on principle. Or maybe Mellow or Neethsi will ask if I’m okay or another typically accepted trope. Nope. I’m going to sleep, nobody is going to attack me and nobody is going to bother me. … Murphy must be having a day off or he is triggered he’s decided he’s not going to do it. “Ehehehe.” An owl head chuckled when it appeared above me before it turned into a snake and curled up to me. Oh boy, draconequus are a thing here too. Maybe if I scratch it’s chin it’ll go away. “Don’t worry, I’m, hm, good, oh, chin scratchies. I just have an interest in you. I was not expecting my war with tentacle boy to show me a remnant.” “What do you mean by Remnant?” I tiredly asked, still basking in the afterglow of a good self-pleasure session and not exactly on edge like I tend to be. “I know who you were before. Knowledge is my game miss. When I came here a certain boy caught my eye for how much magical knowledge he was getting, but Tenti was also after him. While I’m ‘weaker’ here Tenti can’t compete with my accumulated library, so it's raw power against strategy right now. Meta stuff, you know?” “You still didn’t answer the term Remnant.” I huffed as the bird-noodle boy curled around me while I pet him. “Oh, what I meant about that is that you are a Failed Displaced. Not a bad thing. Shit happens, no way around it, but you had the strangest ‘death’. One of you fell into another Displaced world, one was saved by my sister and I, then there is you.” He purred, his head between my boobs and hips between my legs. “Which Displaced? You saved me?” I asked, but he shook his head while nuzzling my cleavage and-oh~! M-my boobs! My boobs are so warm~! I panted and watched them grow a cup-size before settling. Unf. That is way more pleasurable to experience when awake than to be missed when asleep. I figured it was a gradual thing, not something that kicked off at a specific time. “Hm, the Hist are strongly tied to you. It seems at Midnight there’s a spike in the connection and your body channels their raw essence for a second before settling back down. Interesting.” The feathery chaos noodle mused while wrapping his tiny arms around my E-cups. “Mrr~ don’t do that~...” I protested, my breasts tingly and sensitive right now. “Just answer me.” “I did. You just misunderstood. You’re the remnant of Maid Marian that survived the collapse of your universe and absorbed all other fragments aside from the one who made it to Victor and the one I helped re-Displace.” The tiny entity of Chaos clarified, which told me he might know-. “Unf!” I whined at feeling a hot, throbbing object resting on my slit as the noodle’s eyes twinkled. “None of that. Can you tell me what happened to my babies then? Where they ended up?” I questioned hopefully and he pushed at my slit as he titled his head despite my denial. Though, this deceptively young-seeming creature was clearly much older than he portrayed and I am aroused from my breasts expanding... “I think a villain of your world may be involved. I can’t track or see them. Your little ones from Palu are alive.” He purred and I gasped when a shockingly huge phallus penetrated my folds. “Mm~, I won’t continue unless you want me to~.” H-how cruel. Tease me with it and then say you won’t keep going? Well, then again that’d be rape if he did. “I’d r-rather not, even if I am very aroused.” Holy crap he’s huge. I can see an outline of his dick on my lower abs. Unf, if only I wasn’t trying to avoid getting pregnant or had anything resembling a condom available. “Hm, well let me bless you at least. A lover of my family is worthy of my gifts.” He said before my abs shined a faint purple and swelled, causing me to yelp in pleasure and shock. He moaned when the liquid heat within me vanished and my sudden belly flattened as a pearl appeared on my belly button, a necklace on my neck and finally piercings in my nose and nipples. I whined at the warmth in my womb fading as quickly as it came before he turned into a doll and flopped onto me lifelessly, nothing more than a very detailed plush noodle. “Oof...it’s past midnight, I already worked myself over, I’m even more exhausted and I have, at best, six-ish hours to rest. Swell.” I grumbled and decided to just get to sleep. 📜 [Morndas, 12th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] When I awoke the next morning, I wondered if I’d gotten drunk and imagined my nocturnal visitor. The plush noodle copy of him and my various piercings proved it was quite real. What do these do besides be sexy? I mean, why the nose ring? I won’t deny the gold matches my lips and nips and the purple pearl in my navel was quite pretty and felt oddly...good to have in my belly button. Wait, why do argonians have belly buttons when we’re egg hatched? I just thought that was a lazy move by Bethesda. I know for a fact that argonians lay eggs. *knock, knock* “Are you up yet Meen-Rei?” Mellow called through the door and I stopped checking myself over for any other gifts the draconequus might have surprised me with. “Yes, I’ll be out in a bit.” I quickly pulled on my tunic and trousers, then opened the door to see the short unicorn bright-eyed and ready to face the day. Heh, didn’t think of the little guy as a morning person, but then again he used to run a small clinic out of his home. “Morning Mellow.” “Where did those come from?” Mellow asked me and I blinked. Those? As in plural? Do I have my brows pierced too or something? “When did you decide to wear a nose ring and horn ornaments?” “Huh?” I reached up and ran my fingers along my horns, finding I had some sort of metal caps on them that ran from halfway on the horns to the tip. Knowing my color scheme, they’re likely golden too. “I’ll explain at breakfast.” I sighed and led the mellow yellow unicorn downstairs where we found Neethsi talking to the argonian man at the counter in Jel. It was a bit of a culture shock to me. Soulrest was diverse, filled with all races to be found on Tamriel, but Blackrose was almost entirely argonian. Mellow was the only pony in the room, there were at best only three non-argonians eating in the tavern, the lithe and modestly-chested khajiit among them. Wait, Neethsi is approaching her? Best get involved. When I approached, they were speaking in a tongue that was a throaty and purring variant of some middle-eastern language. Is that Ta’agra, the native language of the Khajiit? I know Neethsi has had centuries of time to learn things, but why learn a language that only natives of Elsweyr would know? Did he travel there too? “Ah, this one must be the one called Meen-Rei.” The petite khajiit woman said when she looked at me upon my approach. “You did not mention she was so beautiful.” The orange and cream feline purred and I felt pleased at the compliment, though I’m not sure how else to feel. I’ve never really considered others of the same sex attractive besides Palutena and she was an absolute force of personality and power. She also had a giant-. “Did your bosom just shrink?” Mellow asked in surprise. “Hm?” I asked looking at my bust to see it was now smaller, maybe a C-cup, but my shock somehow made them balloon to DD. “Gah! What?” “She is indeed intriguing. This one is assuming she couldn’t do that before?” The tiger-like woman asked Neethsi, who nodded. “Then consider this one interested. This one is called Moabi. She is a...friend of Neethsi’s. That said, Moabi is annoyed that Neethsi did not bother her last night, even if she was smoking Seduv Gada.” “We both know you’re too frisky when high on  Sun Spice.” Neethsi snorted and his tail whipped the floor in what I might assume is annoyance mixed with amusement. “When is Moabi not frisky~?” Moabi purred up at the naga, who huffed and gestured for her to get on with something. “Fine, fine. Ruin Moabi’s fun. Moabi is a friend of rather seedy types. Moabi can ask around, find out what there is to know, then tell brave adventurers their goal, yes?” The cat-woman purred with a playful expression. “Wait, what are we doing?” Mellow questioned uneasily and Moabi chuckled. “Always keeping others in the dark as usual. Moabi assures that Neethsi will keep you all safe. Now, leave Moabi, being khajiit is attention-grabbing enough.” Moabi shooed us away and Neethsi brought us to a table that already had...something served on it. It looked like ham, but I wasn’t going to bet on it. “ Sun Spice?” I asked first as we sat down and I used the provided carving knife to cut off a slice of the steaming hot meat. “It’s a recreational narcotic herb I’m fairly fond of myself. It gives you a calm yet eager high without taking too much of your attention span away. It also can’t be overdosed on and is less habit-forming than tobacco, so it’s considered legal in most places, including the Empire and Dominion.” Neethsi informed us and I couldn’t withhold a snort that made my magically-pierced nosering jump against my upper lip and tickle. Neethsi smokes what amounts to a spicy-flavored weak marijuana? “Okay, so why are my boobs doing this and reacting to my emotions now?” I questioned him while pointing at my new adornments. “I was visited by a draconequus-.” “What?!” Mellow squeaked loudly and Neethsi snapped a hand over his mouth, which was kinda comical, seeing Neethsi’s massive hand wrapped around the small unicorn’s snout helped put in perspective yet again how huge the naga is. “Continue.” Neethsi casually said after a brief wave of his free hand and a faint flash of magicka. “I was visited by a chaos noodle who didn’t give me his name, but informed me of a few things about what happened to me. He then ‘blessed’ me with these piercings and adornments. Now my boobs are changing size with my emotions.” I huffily continued and pouted or, I think I pouted, down at my bust, which was back to my current actual E-cup size. “Hm. I am unfortunately ignorant of much of Equestrian magic, despite my attempts to learn. Mellow?” Neethsi released the pony’s face and he snorted in annoyance before grabbing a slice of meat too. Oh, right. Herbivores are opportunistic omnivores. They may eat vegetation for the majority of their diet, but if they have the chance of free meat, they take it. I’ve seen enough videos of cows eating baby chicks and deer trying to eat squirrels. “Draconequus are a blight. They’re scions of Chaos and bring it everywhere they go. It was one god-like draconequus named Discord who cast Equestria into centuries of suffering before Celestia and Luna were able to turn him to stone for his crimes.” Mellow muttered and I rolled my eyes. Oh! I can roll my eyes! Progress. “I could’ve told him that. What he didn’t mention is that while they are powerful, they are whimsical and tend to only do what fancies them, regardless of benefit or lack of it.” My nighttime visitor fit that bill perfectly. He ‘blessed’ me simply because he knew me, not because he’d benefit from it. At least, besides getting off on watching me squirm or something. “So they’re basically fairies.” Neethsi nodded and I...couldn’t disagree. Huh. Draconequus are basically like fairies from Celtic folklore, only more powerful and material. “I’ll be mindful of them, I’ve had dealings with fairies in the past.” Neethsi took a huge bite out of his meat with his needle-like teeth and I did the same with my broader chompers. Mm~. Tasty. “So when are we leaving?” Mellow asked and Neethsi slurped up some blood that tried to drip down his chin. “I don’t know yet. We’re stuck here until either the escaped Thalmor prisoner is recaptured or killed or a couple of weeks pass and they have to assume he’s made it into the swamp. In that case, without preparation he’ll die anyway, but they’d rather not risk it.” Neethsi informed us and I huffed in annoyance while Mellow muttered obscenities. That pony sure has a deep pool of anger to pull from. “Maybe we should just hunt him down ourselves.” Mellow huffed after his quiet tirade to himself. “That’s the plan.” Neethsi replied and Mellow’s yellow fur tone paled. “I’m not one for being cooped up. I’m going to work my old adventuring magic and help hunt him down. You two can stay here if you want, maybe figure out what her nighttime visitor left for her.” “I’m for that. I’m not a combatant. I’m not a proper mage, but I’m still a unicorn. I can at least try to help figure out what your new trinkets do.” Mellow offered me and I nodded in agreement. I can’t focus properly if my tits keep jumping around in different sizes. It’s quite distracting and they’d throw off my sense of balance. “Alright, let’s finish breakfast then go upstairs to try and work out what he gave me.” I leaned forward to take a bite, only for my breasts to unexpectedly smish into the table and I hissed in surprise. “If I can last that long without an incident.” I huffed down at my boobs in disapproval for being so difficult to manage. At this rate, having permanent basketballs hanging off of my chest would be easier to live with. At least I’d be able to work around them. “You’ll be fine. Just be careful.” Neethsi insisted and I nodded along with Mellow in agreement. > Ch.7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.7 [Morndas, 12th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “C-careful, they’re sensitive.” I mewled as Mellow clinically examined my breasts, specifically the small golden studs piercing my nipples. “I can’t avoid touching you if I’m going to get a good look at them. My concern is that they might hinder your ability to express your sap. Normal breast milk is thin enough to just excrete through the nipple’s spongy composition, but that’s for mammals. Your nipples are of a similar composition, but they rely more on having actual passages for your sap to extrude through.” Mellow said as he gently took the piercing in my left nipple in both hands, found the tiny clasp and pulled it out. “Whoa!” I can’t believe I just noticed how light my boobs felt! Having that piercing on seems to be making my breasts lighter regardless of size. “Okay, so it’s got a featherweight enchantment.” “Fascinating! It also has similar magic like an Adventurer’s Bag, only inverted to alter the exterior’s spatial properties as well as the interior’s access to Oblivion! Anything this is attached to could, theoretically, be made bigger or smaller on the outside while turning the inside into a bottomless reservoir!” Mellow gushed excitedly over the otherwise unremarkable golden nipple stud and I looked at my still-pierced nipple with new appreciation. Nice gift. “So, can I have it back?” I asked pointedly and he promptly put it back in my nipple without issue, the weight of my boob vanishing and I sighed in relief. I can’t believe how much weight I’d been carting around this whole time. It was just normal, but now with these things I don’t have so much literal weight on my shoulders. “Now, what about my nose ring and horn caps?” I’d wanted to get my boobs resolved first. I guess I just have to be dead-set on being a certain size to maintain it. “That’s easy. I recognize it from Neethsi’s work on that chalk ward to protect you from Vaermina, but it’s triple-layered against various forms of mental and spiritual intrusion. Now, this is something special.” Mellow got off the bed and put his hands on my stomach, which fluttered and I felt oddly aroused as he put his snout against my lower stomach to look closely at the purple pearl in my navel. “It’s enchanted with so many intricate layers upon layers that I can’t fully comprehend it. All I know is it directly affects your womb and abdomen, then even your whole body beyond that. It’s easily the most powerful magic item I’ve ever seen, comparable to artefacts of Aedra and Daedra from what I’ve read.” “That’s...nice.” I replied, unsure what to think while I fought against an odd urge to try and bed the bookish unicorn. Dear gosh I have it bad. I guess I’m not lucky and get more than just one day of the monthly monster. “Um...you can stop now.” I am seriously fighting propositioning the cute guy putting his hands and face over my womb area and making me feel all tingly and warm. I just wanna grab the cutie, toss him on the bed and-. “Oh, sorry.” Mellow meekly said as he withdrew himself and I huffed in frustration. “It wasn’t my intention to stimulate you.” “I don’t know why I’m so easily stimulated.” I fanned my naked breasts, feeling hot, something that I hadn’t really experienced since I became scaly. “Has this sort of ‘feeling’ always been there?” Mellow questioned as he looked at my ornaments again. “Because if so, then it might be from your past life. I wonder if these have something to do with it.” “I had one instance of something like this.” I sighed as I thought back on my heat, when Palu ravished me and doused the flames inside me with her boiling hot-fu~ck… “Oh gods, either fuck me or get out!” I snarled at the cleric and he quickly fled my room, leaving me hot and horny with nobody to help me. “Well Mr. Tail, looks like it’s you and me again.” 📜 I woke with a groan to the sensation of a wet cloth on my head and opened my eyes to see Mellow tenderly dabbing my brow with water that felt practically freezing cold. “Am I ill?” I don’t know how that could be. I’m an argonian. Argonians are supposed to be nigh immune to all poisons and diseases. “You’re having an extremely volatile magical illness. Your body is burning itself up from channelling so much magicka. I can only guess it’s your connection to the Hist. It’s as if you were grasping a magicka battery for days straight. The fact that you’re currently receptive is certainly aggravating it.” Mellow informed me gently and I moaned at my rotten luck. Why not be deathly ill when I’m a species that’s supposed to be immune to illness? Let’s make it a magical illness! Yay! Loopholes and shit! Fuck~ I’m so hot~! “Maybe I should crawl into the mud? That cools a body down right?” I weakly asked and Mellow sighed. “There’s no open ground inside the walls of Blackrose besides the cultivated parks and those are purposefully made as hills above the waterline with no water features. Neethsi hasn’t come back, so the city is still on lockdown. That was the first thing I asked the proprietress when I checked in on you and found you practically boiling alive.” Mellow then ran the wet rag down my naked body and I moaned in a mixture of pain from my overheated body, relief from the cold-feeling water evaporating on my scales and arousal from how the rag ran over my scales. “B-baths?” I asked and Mellow sighed out of his nose. “This is an argonian city. The only baths are in a public bathhouse and as you can guess it isn’t safe.” Mellow grumbled and I weakly reached up to grasp his arm. “I might not last if I don’t have a way to cool down.” I rasped and he clenched his eyes before nodding resolutely. “C’mon. Let’s get you dressed.” Mellow asserted as he helped me sit up. 📜 Oh gods. Kill me. Kill me now. Oh gods… “Come on. It’s in sight. Don’t give out on me!” Mellow grunted and struggled with my weight as he used his meek strength and magic to help me stagger through the streets of Blackrose, which were empty. The only people about were guards, who took one look at me and backed away like I was a leper. Heh, I guess sick argonians are a bad omen. “Gods, I hate this.” I groaned as I hazily remembered when I ate rotten food in the forest and Zecora had to nurse me back to health. Oh, she’s dead. That’s right. Hey Z, I’m coming. “Oh thank Stendarr.” Mellow invoked as he got me into the bathhouse, which didn’t seem to be running. “They don’t run it during the day. You can get tepid or warm water anywhere during the day, at night is when they turn on the boilers and pipe in hot water when the swamp cools. That said, the water gathered should be nice and cold.” “Yay…” I moaned and he took me to one of the many copper or corundum or whatever tubs and dumped me in, tunic, pants and all. The moment he turned on the faucet and the cold water touched me, I practically squealed in temperature shock, but he used his magic to keep me from feebly scrabbling out of the freezing cold water as I shuddered and spasmed from the drastic temperature change. “Normally such a large temperature shock would be extremely dangerous, but argonians don’t have the same body temperature regulating systems as other races, so you should start adjusting quickly.” Mellow said clinically while he did whatever fancy cleric stuff he did with his magic while looking at me intently. “Easy for you to say.” I rasped as the biting cold burrowed into my flesh, ripping out the heat from my body before the water stopped being cold. “Is that-ugh…” I groaned when he dragged me out of the tub, then dumped me into the nearest other tub and turned on the water in that one. “Cold! Fucking cold!” I yelped and the biting chill was back. “That water got hot way too quickly. You need to cast some magic to lessen the strain on your body storing so much excess magicka. Spam Heal or Frostbite or something.” Mellow urged me and I shook my head. “I d-don’t know any m-magic!” I yelped and looked at my hands as I tried to focus, my hands burned for a moment like I’d stuck them against the side of a boiling pot of water. That was bad, but it was the right track. I focused on the one bit of magic or technically-magic I did know. In a flash of pale purple light, a Conjured Bow that looked nothing like a Daedric bow in any iteration appeared in my hands. My Destiny bow, only ethereal. Heh, cool beans, but I’m still cooking. “Drat, okay. This is going to be iffy, but I need you to focus.” Mellow put his right hand over mine, clenching on the bow with a pulse of magicka coursing through my hot and numb hand, banishing the weapon. Then, his hands shined brightly with the white-gold light I knew was Restoration magic at work. “Feel it. How it flows, how it feels on your skin. Imagine it coming from within your hand instead of simply dancing outside of it.” “Kay.” I weakly replied and focused my pounding head on the task at hand. Heh. Hand. Is it supposed to tingle from my chest all the way to my fingertips? I guess. I tried to push the tingling out of me to make it feel all nice and soothing like the dancing fire on Mellow’s hand that caressed mine. “Ah~...” I moaned in relief as the same white-yellow light danced out of my palm, over my fingers, then climbed up over my arm to the rest of my body. “Keep it going. You need to vent all of the excess magicka.” Mellow encouraged me and I wasn’t about to stop, so I used my left hand to copy my right hand. I wasn’t physically injured, so Healing wasn’t doing anything besides vent my magicka, which it was notoriously quite good at doing. “Such a shame you were born under the Thief. If you were born under the Mage, Apprentice or especially Atronach, you wouldn’t be having this issue.” “Maybe Neethsi should fly me to Skyrim so I can use a Standing Stone to swap my stars.” I joked and Mellow furrowed his brow. “I thought the College of Winterhold figured out the stones after the Archmage made a breakthrough on the Firmament. Did you seriously not see the stones in Soulrest’s largest park?” Mellow said, again throwing off my worldview and I groaned in dismay. 📜 “So I’ve gotta drain my magicka every day or risk dying from ‘Arcane Fever’ as you’re calling it?” I double-checked with my doctor as he finished drying my tunic and trousers for me with some cantrip spells he said he’d learned from a friend. “You were about to explode from magicka overload and were in such an advanced feverish state that most clerics, alchemists and doctors would’ve declared you a lost cause. You can go a day or two without casting magic and be fine, but any more than that and you’re just asking to pop like a festering boil cursed by Peryite.” Mellow graphically described and I gagged. “In that case, I’d better go change my stars. Even if I’m not going to become a mage, I’d rather go about life not having to worry about spontaneous argonian combustion. Are there Standing Stones here in Blackrose too?” It may seem cheap, but I suppose there must be a drawback or other problem with using Standing Stones that aren’t the originals. “That’s only a temporary fix unless you go to Skyrim and seek out one of the originals. The copies of the stones do change your stars, but only for a week and not in the month of your birth stars. That said, poor folks under the Serpent cannot use the copied stones at all, since technically all and none of the months are their birth date period.” Mellow further informed me and I sighed. Well, getting a week’s reprieve to learn some magic to use everyday would still be nice. Unless I go Atronach, which would be smart. Best sign is the best sign. “Well, let’s head back to the inn and-I’m about to be-gaug!” I gagged when someone, who I bet is the escaped prisoner, because of course they have to be, clotheslined me and whacked Mellow’s snout due to the height difference between us. I was going to protest when I got a dagger through my shoulder, pinning me to the street and causing me to shriek in pain. “Yes! A powerful magicka vessel! With this my task will be-urk!” I blinked tears out of my eyes as I watched the rag-garbed Altmer male gurgle on his throwing-knife-punctured throat before a shadowy figure swooped in and finished him off with a dagger through his heart. “Finally gave himself away. I’m sorry, good citizen, for not stopping him in time to avoid injury.” The raspy voice signature of an argonian said from the pitch-dark hood that seemed to be empty as he knelt down and examined my injury. “What? What is...ma’am. Do not move. I need to fetch a mage. If you do not move, the blade will not let blood drain from you.” He then stood and sped away, leaving me to force myself to remain still and stare up at the blazing hot sun with my friend and doctor unconscious on the road next to me. All with an apparently magical dagger punched through my shoulder into the street. Just. Peachy! I’ve nearly died twice in as many hours! This day sucks! “I’m getting sick of being fucked over ever since I was Displaced.” I hissed, hoping Neethsi would find us soon. Oh, hello darkness my old friend. I’m back to talk with you again… 📜 “Awaken. To slumber here in your state is to accept death.” I gasped and sat up in...uh...the fog. The fog that was all turquoise and glowy and there was nothing besides a dull light of the same color all around me. “Be at ease, child. You have not died, yet.” I turned and wondered why a ghost who looked like Gandalf was talking to me. Sure, he was all radiant and looked like he had motes of magic flowing in and out of him, but he was still a ghost. “Uh, good. Who are you?” I asked while I wondered where I was, but that felt a bit obvious. “I am Julianos, Divine of Wisdom and Logic. Since Magnus has no desire to associate with his creation due to the bitter truth of Lorkhan’s treachery, I also act in his stead as the God of Magic. As one of the most potent living conduits of Magicka on Nirn, I felt it logical to open dialogue with you in your state of arcane transcendence.” Julianos said reasonably and quite logically. Wow. That was both redundant and really literal. “Oh.” I replied in acknowledgement and wondered what I should be doing or saying. The last interaction I had with the closest thing to a god, not counting Neethsi if what I’ve gathered about him holds up, was Celestia and she sorta became a mother to me? It was only a few weeks. “Indeed. Now then, I’m certain you’re already aware of your perilous situation regarding Molag Bal and his impending Second Planemeld, but I cannot force you back into your mortal vessel without annihilating said vessel at the moment. Are there perhaps any questions you wish to ask?” Julianos offered and I quickly had many come to mind now that he’d offered. “Has there been anyone else like me here?” I asked when the thought crossed my mind first. “What about the risks of introducing new technologies?” “Believe it or not, visitors from beyond Nirn are not uncommon. However, they tend to be fleeting and barely have the time to contribute much of substance before they are automatically cast back from whence they came. This is also why you are so intriguing. You are the longest-lasting and perhaps even permanent extra-dimensional resident of Nirn since its inception.” Julianos answered fully and I hummed in consideration of my next query. “How about all of this existence, both Nirn, Oblivion, all things between, being a Dream of an impossibly greater entity?” I questioned and he chuckled happily. “You can even question reality without risk of zero-summing. Incredible. Yes. The Godhead is the entity that gives the fabric of reality, well, reality. That isn’t to say we’re not alive or have no meaning. The Godhead is in eternal slumber, their sleep something we cannot discern the reason for. All we know for certain is that this isn’t even the first ‘Dream’ so to speak. I can’t remember how many iterations I’ve gone through at the end of each Dream and then finding myself at the beginning again.” Julianso then sighed. “However, that was before everything went off the rails.” “Huh?” I’m following so far, it’s kinda what I figured, but what could’ve happened then? “Alduin. He was supposed to be the one to trigger the Dream’s reset. He was meant to devour all, then die. His body would reform into the new reality presented by the Dream. However, now that won’t happen. Can’t happen. This Dream now has no end in sight, no do-overs. We do not know what the future holds, all we know for certain is that there is a future, but the course it takes is once more at a crossroads, with you at the reins.” Julianos stated grimly and I whined. “Why me?” I mewled pitifully, really wishing I could just go and find my babies, then-. “Wait! My babies! Someone told me they’re here too. Would you know where my babies are?” I asked the Divine and he opened his mouth to answer, but then the fog blew away. “Apologies. I cannot hold you here without killing you. Your body is no longer channeling enough magicka to ascend you here while alive. Know they live and you will see them again. I am sure of it.” Julianos thrust a palm against my sternum which I just noticed was ghostly-. 📜 *Gasp!* I bolted up, feeling like if I wasn’t scaled I’d be sweating buckets. I was in a dark room with a dark robed figure sitting at my bedside, holding the dagger the Thalmor had stabbed me with. “Give me that! Julianos was about to-!” “Welcome you to Aetherius permanently. Your body was beginning to unravel.” The raspy voice under the pitch-dark shadows of the hood informed me and gestured to my shoulder, which I looked at and screamed in horror. My scales all over my body had split open in a spiral pattern, revealing blue wisps of pure magicka to be all that bound me together. My fear lessened however at the lack of pain and the spiral that had split open my flesh shrunk back to my shoulder, reknitting my scales and leaving a noticeable spiral scar on my collarbone that looked like the Eye of Magnus. I...I was a living Eye of Magnus for a bit! Holy shit! Where did that Thalmor get a relic like that dagger?! “We would normally hold you for testing, however, Hortator Neethsi has demanded your release due to your status as an unwilling victim in a Thalmor plot to blow up Blackrose and cause a magicka fallout to taint a vast stretch of our country.” The spook in the black robes continued as he placed what I’m calling the Nail of Magnus into a solid iron strongbox. “We’d normally bring such a dire matter to the Council for a vote, however, we feel it best if you weren’t in central Black Marsh for a while, so you’re being sent on your way immediately.” “Um, thanks?” I asked in bemusement, before I blinked and wondered if this scar on my collarbone is just a scar or if it’s like a Curse Seal from Naruto and I can go all Magnus. “Do not be thankful. You would do well to change your stars to the Mage, Apprentice, Ritual or Atronach. You’re a ticking bomb of magicka waiting to be unleashed on all around you. By the Hist, what are they thinking? Attuning so heavily to a single argonian. It’s a wonder you haven’t exploded already.” The spook then left and I felt woozy, falling back onto the bed. Heh, it’s like I’ve become a living ‘Do You Want to Explode?’ meme...zzz… > Ch.8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.8 [Tirdas, 13th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “You are. Bar none. The most disaster-prone companion I have ever involved myself with.” Neethsi grumbled moments after I woke up on his boat, flying through the air to wherever. Mellow was here too, thank gosh. He didn’t even have a bruise from being clotheslined in the snoz. “It’s not like I’m trying.” I sighed as I rubbed my chest while I thought of ways to expend magicka quickly besides spamming Healing or something. One being making a weapon that actively takes from my pool. Maybe something metal with lighting runes. Or. “Can we make a trip up to south Eastmarch in Skyrim so I can use the Atronach stone to stop me from exploding?” “We put your hand on the Atronach Stone in Blackrose before we left and it worked. You’re good for a week and we’ll be in Lilmoth by tomorrow according to Neethsi. There’s copies of the stones in each major city due to their convenience. The Steed Stone is particularly popular.” Mellow smiled and I snorted in amusement at him appreciating people enjoying the stone at least tangentially related to his people. “That said, no. If we don’t have pressing issues after our trip to Lilmoth, which I doubt, I’ll take you on an express trip to Skyrim.” Neethsi added and I had to wonder what express was if his little skiff wasn’t the fastest mode of transportation he had. “Oh. Well in that case, since you spend most of the time just sitting and reading while we’re flying on course, could you maybe teach me things?” I’d rather get to work on making a gun asap, but there isn’t much room up here. “Sure, but this space is fairly cramped. Keep an eye on the console to make sure none of the levers move, Mellow. They’re stiff and take strength to move, but with these contraptions you have to be careful.” Neethsi said while he fetched a full-looking large coinpurse from his pack. “Sure thing, but what are you going to be doing?” Mellow questioned as Neethsi put the bag between my satchel and Mellow’s pack before he opened the drawstrings. He took my hand and I squealed when an invisible force pulled us into the bag’s mouth! I screamed at the sensation of free-fall before landing atop Neethsi on a massive plush bed. “Oof! You could’ve warned me first!” I huffed angrily and slapped his chest, which elicited a slight twitch of his face that made me think he almost smiled in that eye-crinkle way argonians do. “Seeing people’s reactions to the Haven Bag are always amusing.” Neethsi commented and I knew it! He did almost smile! “Hmph!” I pouted, before I realized I was straddling his pelvis and we were on a bed. I’m straddling a total hottie and we’re on a bed. On a bed. Straddling. Hottie. “Uh-oh.” Neethsi waved his hands and I levitated away from him before my desire to rip his pants off and get my pleasure could overwhelm my stunned state. “Sorry about that. I should have a potion to help with that somewhere in here…” Neethsi climbed off of the massive bed that could’ve fit three of him on it and rooted around some cabinets next to an alchemy table nearby. “Why didn’t you think of this earlier?” I huffed in frustration before I flashed blue and the magic holding me in the air failed, dropping me a couple feet back onto the bed to bounce a bit. That must’ve been my new power at work. “Just be glad I don’t have a dick anymore.” “I’ve done the dirty with Vivec, wouldn’t be new to me.” Neethsi idly replied and I felt even more aroused thinking of two hot hunks going at each other. GRR! Not helping! “Ah! Here it is. Menstruation Balm. Rub it on your lower stomach or even inside your vaginal area and it’ll ease cramps and other hormonal urges spurred by the womb.” “Great, give it.” I grumbled, snatching the jar from him and opening it to get some of the green paste on my fingers, then I lifted my tunic to rub my tummy and upper pussy area, sighing as instant relief eased the tensions in my body. “That is such a relief. I really wish you gave me this the day before yesterday.” “I haven’t had such a rampantly needy female companion in ages. Pardon me if I’m used to distancing myself from intimacy.” Neethsi deadpanned sarcastically before he gestured around the Haven Bag. it was a rather cramped space, seeming to be no bigger than the central living space of a fairly modest middle-class home. In this space was squeezed his space-dominating bed, a small alchemy table, a small kitchenette, a small forge with a small smelter and a small enchanting table. All were either on cabinets or in the case of the latter two, on the floor. There were also storage chests filling the rest of the ‘wall’ space of the magic canvas container along with, ew, a rather fancy-looking dwarven metal toilet. I hope it’s self-composting like the wooden one Mellow had at his clinic. “Well, maybe some intimacy would help you loosen up.” I snarked after I examined his portable living space. Gotta say, since it has the same square footage of a good sized studio apartment, it’s really nifty that it’s kinda like a genie lamp. “While I do enjoy the pleasures of the flesh as much, if not more than the next argonian, I would rather abstain for now.” Neethsi crossed his arms and leered at me. “Besides, considering you have Hircine’s blood, I might go a bit too far and hurt you. Perhaps later when we’ve been together longer.” “Ah, okay.” I said with my face feeling warm, but I know I can’t blush. “So can I get some training in magic and archery?” “Archery I can train you to be a Journeyman or an Adept as laymen call the level of competence these days. As for magic, what schools? I have extensive experience in all schools of magic, even the ones society has deemed either irrelevant or amoral, but know that for most subjects outside of Alteration or Mysticism, I’m only an Adept.” Neethsi informed me, likely so I know that if I meet his standards in those areas he isn’t a Master, that I’d have to seek out a Master of that craft or art to grow further. “Uh, hm, maybe some Destruction, Alteration and Mysticism?” I asked and he looked so serious I thought his face might suddenly turn to stone. “Alteration and Mysticism, are you sure? Absolutely certain you wish to delve into the fabric of reality and consciousness?” Neethsi asked with grave warning in his tone. “If you seek Mysticism for its abilities similar to Illusion, then I’d advise you to choose the School of Ignorance and remain happy with simply tricking people’s minds rather than manipulating them.” “I don’t know much about most magic at all.” I sighed as I rubbed my snout nervously. “Then in that case, I highly advise you to take Destruction, Restoration and Illusion. Those three schools are arguably the ‘safest’ in that they won’t potentially erase your very existence from a simple thought.” Neethsi suggested and I felt slight disappointment that he felt I couldn’t handle the ‘more dangerous’ schools. “Alright.” I said with a shrug. “Let’s begin. Destruction simply requires focus and intent, no fancy runes or complicated formulae unless you get into the fields of it’s alternate applications like the genius madman who realized Destruction could be used to annihilate plagues.” Neethsi opened up his lecture and he already had my full attention with that tidbit I didn’t know. “Oh, that sounds cool.” I commented in earnest intrigue. 📜 By the time we left the Haven Bag, I’d learned more about Destruction magic than I’d ever thought was possible. Who in today’s age actually understood that Destruction wasn’t just hurling balls of fire or bolts of lightning, but imposing your will on reality for it to simply cease to be in some form? Either way, it was almost sundown and there was still no sight of Lilmoth, which was a bit odd, considering the map suggested Soulrest and Lilmoth were similar distances from Blackrose. “Are we headed the right way? I haven’t touched anything, but shouldn’t we have arrived in Lilmoth by now?” Mellow questioned worriedly and I looked around at the swamps below, then noticed the approaching body of water. Shouldn’t that be Oliis Bay? Where is Lilmoth? “Yes, we have. Oh. Oh~. Right. You wouldn’t know because it isn’t common knowledge. You remember that Lilmoth was destroyed during the Umbriel Crisis in 4E 48, yes?” Neethsi questioned and Mellow shook his head in surprise while I nodded grimly. “Well, ever since then, the city has been rebuilt and expanded, but it has protections from flying entities. A flimsy one really, but as you can witness: Illusion can be quite useful.” Neethsi gestured down at the continuous swamp and I peered into it, only now noticing something off. “Wait...isn’t that just a repeating canopy pattern from the surrounding trees?” I asked as I looked back the way we came. Normally that’d be impossible to tell, but the canopy of Black Marsh was a unique entity, not just composed of leaves, but mushrooms and flowery stalks as well. The layout below us was exactly the same as the swamp behind us. “Yes! I’m glad my short introduction to Illusion managed to enlighten you so much already. We’ll have to set the skiff down in the bay and actually row my precious boat into harbor to see the city normally.” Neethsi informed us while he piloted us down towards the water. “Don’t worry about the Sea Drakes. They hate the taste of metal and they’re smart enough to see it on the hull to not try and drag it down.” “Oh, good.” I said, having been worried about that from what I barely remember from ESO. We touched down on the water and suddenly the harbor and the port city beyond materialized, the lighthouse at the mouth of the bay that led to the Southern Sea also revealed itself. “How did they accomplish that?” I asked in bafflement. “It’s a genius work of art involving magicka collection panels on the rooftops to gather Magnus’s energy during the day to power an illusion array engraved in the crenelations of the perimeter wall and the city hall as the focal point. They did a similar thing for the lighthouse with a Magelight enchantment. Lilmoth is an example of forward-thinking mages coming together to create something never before seen on Tamriel.” Neethsi proudly declared while he produced oars from his pack and sat in the center of the boat. “Wait, you have solar panels?!” They may collect magicka instead of electricity, but holy shit! “Hm, that is a rather more apt name than Magnus Magicka Collection Cells. I’ll bring it up with the local university.” Neethsi idly commented, as if he didn’t understand the implications! They discovered a means of easy and potent energy collection before they discovered man-portable firearms! I see powered Magelight lamps instead of oil lamps or torches! This place looks even more advanced than the Venetian-styled Soulrest! “Ah...good to be back, even if it meant selling my clinic.” Mellow sighed in relief and shook his head. “I wonder why nobody told me about that overhead illusion hiding the city. I had several pegasus friends growing up, I wonder why they never mentioned it.” I was about to comment when I felt a shiver run down my spine. As we neared a free space on a dock, I saw a pink blur rush through the street and onto the pier we were docking. “Welp, Pinkamena Pie is here.” I huffed in a great deal of exasperation mixed with sadness and a bit of joy. My Pinkie is gone, but I can’t dwell on it. I’ll miss her, but this is an opportunity to meet a new friend, not an echo of an old one. “Pinkie? Oh! Hey! Pinkie!” Mellow shouted, surprising me since he was always a fairly quiet pony, but I guess she-. “W-wait-wait! I didn’t break my Pinkie Promise!” It was just now I noticed her mane and tail were straight and shiny rather than poofy and curly. The mare was...well, shockingly buff. She easily stood seven feet tall, had a G-cup bust that was fully covered in her brown tunic and white baker’s apron, as well as wearing shorts, which I felt may be considered scandalous by most people’s standards on Tamriel. “I know buster, but you haven’t written in ages! Aunt Cup Cake has been worried sick!” Pinkie snarled at him and I felt a sinking pain in my chest. She looked like Limestone Pie more than Pinkie Pie with that sneer and stern glare to her eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t anticipate being so busy all the time. I kept forgetting to write. Has it really been months since my last update?” Mellow asked with wilted ears and Pinkie pulled him into a hug, which smashed the shorter unicorn’s snout into her head-sized boobs, which muffled his yelp. “Good to see you.” Pinkie grunted and patted his back before looking at us. “Now who in the name of Oblivion are these two?” Pinkie demanded and I was too terrified of seeing a Pinkie who wasn’t smiling looking at me with casual contempt to say anything, thankfully Neethsi finished tying the boat to the dock and gathered up our belongings after he cast a spell at the storage box and console that made them glow for a second. “I am Neethsi Nagnaresh good baker. This is our mutual friend and walking danger-zone, Meen-Rei.” Neethsi gestured to me and I puffed up, my fear of a Limestone-Pinkie abated. “I’m not a danger zone!” I barked before my scales began splitting apart and floating about my surface as my insides shined with magic. “Crap, crap!” I spammed Heal, only for Neethsi to snort and shake his head, causing me to feel embarrassed. Damn it. He told me I might get magicka flare-ups with strong emotions thanks to being attuned to Magnus from being stabbed by the Nail of Magnus. “Okay. Calm. I am calm.” I took deep breaths and my ironically atronach-like body quickly pieced back together. “Wow, you should get looked at by Twilight. Like, right now. Come with me, we were having a girl’s night anyway.” Pinkie said before she grabbed my wrist and Mellow yelped when she tossed him over her other shoulder, forcefully leading us into the city. “You’d better come along if you want to stay with them, big guy.” Pinkie called back at Neethsi, who didn’t hesitate to follow the gruff and forceful mare that was clearly not like the Pinkie I remember from my world. “Certainly ma’am.” Neethsi replied and kept in step, but she snorted and rolled her eyes. “Ma’am is my mom. I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie. I don’t know you, you can call me Diane. Friends call me Pinkie, but only friends can call me Pinkie.” Pinkie, er, Diane’s words stung. It was so strange to hear her normally cheerful squeaky voice filled with an underlying growl this whole time and now I can’t even call her Pinkie? It hurt so much… “Fair enough Diane. Just to check, you’re the daughter of Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz?” Neethsi questioned, which made me look at him in curiosity. “Yep, those are my parents alright. Why, you know them?” Pinkie questioned defensively. “Yes. I helped remove the Parasprite infestation from their rock farm on the southern coast several years ago.” Wha-bwuh?! Parasprites came to Tamriel?! They must’ve hitched a ride on the boats! I’m surprised those things haven’t swept through Black Marsh...then again, Black Marsh is likely much more deadly than the Everfree even in this world’s version of Equestria. “Oh! That was you? Thanks, if you didn’t keep them from eating our food stores, we would’ve starved. Call me Pinkie.” Diane smiled at him and I felt a glimmer of hope before she looked down at me with a sneer. “So do you know my family too or something?” “Um...not in this reality…” I admitted weakly and she snorted. “My Pinkie Sense tells me you’re telling the truth. Sorry if I’m not up to your expectations, but whatever Pinkie you knew, she isn’t me. Get to know me though and I’ll let you call me Pinkie too.” She then raised her left brow at me. “What, I’m a total enigmatic ditz in most realities? Pbbt, yeah, no. This world would’ve eaten her alive. I have it hard enough looking out for Marble and my friends, let alone everybody like I’m sensing other Pinkies try to.” “You’d be surprised. I’d bet she’d be a plucky adventurer in this world if...y’know…” I didn’t want to dwell on my dead friends damn it… “Oh. Sorry. Tell you what, girl’s night is girl’s night, you can join in and get to know us. After-.” She shrugged the shoulder she had Mellow slung over and he whined. “-I drop this goof on his mom’s doorstep. Auntie Cuppy has been so lonely without anyone else but Marble and I at the bakery.” Wait, Mellow is Cup Cake’s son?! What about Pumpkin and Pound Pie?! “They moved north to southern Morrowind to open their own bakery.” Huh? Their ages are so different here! “Your innate use of Mysticism is astounding.” Neethsi observed and Diane smirked boastfully. “I’m the strongest passive Mystic in Lilmoth! I don’t even need to use spells to know things to the point Twilight and other mages can’t figure out how I do it. I don’t know how I do it!” Diane cheerfully declared while jostling Mellow about, the unicorn grumbling about being manhandled. “Wha?” I was confused. Beyond the norm when it comes to Pinkie anyway. Diane seemed to operate similarly, but on a different wavelength and a more reasonable task list than Pinkie always held herself to. “Don’t bother. Cousin Pinkie is about as sensible as Limestone when it comes to doing things she cares about. That is to say; her way or no way.” Mellow Mender or is it Mellow Cake, commented in annoyance and his cousin snorted and bounced him for the comparison. “Lime is a bitch and everyone knows it. Don’t compare me to that absolute-oh, we’re here.” Diane dropped Mellow on his ass at the entrance to a stone bakery that, to my relief, was as colorful as I remembered Sugarcube Corner to be. Even if it was the same stone as the others. “Aunt Cuppy! Mellow’s home!” She shouted through the door and then used a hoof to casually lift-kick her petite cousin inside before closing the door. “Okay then, we’re heading to Rarity’s place, you have somewhere to stay, big guy?” “Um, why isn’t he-right. Girl’s night.” I felt warm at the idea of having a sole, hunky, mrr sexy male at an otherwise all-girl’s hangout. My brain turned to mush at the thought of us ganging up on him and-. “That is why there’s no boys allowed for girl’s night. It’s to talk about boys, not to indulge in them. It doesn’t help that even after two generations we’re all still adjusting to the more malleable menstruation cycles of Tamriel.” Diane said knowingly and my tail twitched. “I have a place to stay, no problem. Tell Twilight that Neethsi Nagnaresh needs to see her as soon as possible starting tomorrow however.” Neethsi patted my shoulder and then turned the direction opposite where Diane was still dragging me. “Wow he’s hot. Bit of a prude though.” Diane commented and I snorted in amused agreement. “Now, just to warn you since you may have similar misguided assumptions. My friends are not your old friends. They are similar, but different. Treat meeting them like it is: meeting them.” Diane stressed and I nodded meekly. “Don’t worry, my friends aren’t as abrasive as me.” “I can only hope so.” Since you six are the Elements in other worlds and-. “Ep, ep, ep! Hold on to the life-altering exposition for the next chapter!” What the fuck? > Ch.9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.9 [Tirdas, 13th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “PInkie! Who is this?” Greeted the beautiful F-cup busted unicorn mare who was only slightly shorter than me at the door of her simple two-floor stone home with her boutique’s sign labeling it as the Chique Boutique. It was jarring both to see the beautiful mare wearing a plain light blue nightgown that paired well with her purple coiffed mane/tail and pure white coat, as well as to see her shop wasn’t the Carousel Boutique. Maybe the fact there are domestic feral horses in Tamriel has caused things like that and related gear to be faux-pas? “Hey Rares. This is Meen-Rei. She’s a poor lost soul who came in on a magic boat with my cousin Mellow and a total hunk of naga tail. She’s got problems Twily might be able to help with and she needs time away from that stud so she isn’t aching for his bologna pony.” Diane answered Rarity-h-hey! “D-Diane~!” I squeaked in my raspy hiss, feeling so embarrassed to have that aired so casually! “Oh, you poor dear. Come in, let’s get you out of those dirty, filthy clothes and into something more comfortable.” Rarity opened the door wider and Diane ducked under the doorframe since it wasn’t made for big-and-tall people. “Don’t be too harsh Rares. She’s been through a lot in just a few days.” Diane said, reminding me she is apparently a master of Mysticism like Neethsi, if even more impressive because most of it is passive. “She is still a beautiful woman and has every right to look the part. Come now, I’ll launder your clothes in the morning, for the moment I have a black nightgown that would go absolutely splendidly with your blood-red scales and golden highlights. Where did you get your accessories, dear?” Rarity rambled as she guided me into her boutique while Diane went upstairs where giggling was already in progress. “A friend gave them to me.” While it was true, I don’t think it was wise to tell her who gave them to me. “Do you have anything that could match them?” “I should. Again, I will fashion some clothes for you in the morning.” Rarity replied before fetching the black nightgown for me. “Ah, perfect! It will fit you.” “Oh, thank you.” I said, before looking for a place to put it on. “Do you have someplace private I could put this on?” “Right here.” Rarity pulled out a folded screen for me to get dressed behind. “Thank you.” I said before I went behind it and undressed, noting how much my clothes actually smell. I sighed, guessing that it was mostly from the swamp, even if most of our journey has been by flying boat. I put on the nightgown and looked myself over. I felt myself smile at how the black nightgown did really fit my color scheme well. I even went out and did a twirl in the mirror to see how well it complimented me. It even had a tail slit so it would comfortably leave my tail open to the air. “Oh, darling, you look spectacular!” Rarity praised me as she fanned herself. “Goodness girl, it’s just a nightgown.” I chuckled from feeling rather flattered. “Sorry, it’s my passion to sew only the best clothes one could buy.” The white unicorn giggled before taking my hand. “Come! We shouldn't keep the others waiting.” Rarity all but dragged me up the stairs. “Eheheh!” I heard from upstairs when we climbed before we entered a bedroom, Rarity’s I suppose. Everyone was sitting about the room on bedrolls or the bed and I looked everyone over to see what made them physically different from the ponies I once knew. Like Diane, they had clear visible differences from my old friends. Rainbow Dash was an athletic build like I expected, but not one for just flying and racing. She was shorter than the others, had c-cups and narrow hips, almost looking roguish in appearance. Her gaze on the other hand seemed to bleed order and law, so she was not a thief, sportsmare or other less regimented discipline. Applejack was huge, about Diane’s height with a similar frame, but built like a bodybuilder. Her nightwear was a thin tunic, unlike the nightgowns of the others. She seemed just as suited to early work as well as sleeping comfortable. She had a D bust, her hips slightly wider and her whole demeanor was juxtaposed to the AJ I knew, seeming easygoing and carefree. Fluttershy surprised me with how tall she was, towering over everyone, having a lanky build, but I could tell she lifted about as much as Rainbow. Her bust was more a D-cup, hips thin and her overall look was much more of a silent willowy giant. Of course she was not hiding behind her long mane like I expected, she was smiling and waving at me if still quietly. Twilight was sitting in a corner of the room reading a book, as I would expect, though what I didn’t expect was her having a mane and tail longer than Fluttershy’s. She was almost hidden under them. Her robes, which were covered in magical runes, were hiding her figure further, the brown/purple clothes covering head to hoof. The only reason I could even tell she was looking at me was the glint from a pair of eyeglasses and her horn. Not at all what I expect from what Diane told me. Twilight was the closest to my old friend, her counterpart, but even my Twilight would go insane with all that hair. I simply blinked as I tried getting my brain to stop pointing out the differences. “Evening girls, I see that Pinkie had told you about our new guest that will be joining us tonight.” Rarity gained the attention of her friends. “Still, introductions are in order.” “Hi, I’m Meen-Rei.” I told them with a wave, trying not to look or sound uneasy or awkward. “Don’t crowd her girls. She’s got a lot on her plate.” Diane warned everyone and Dash approached first, looking me up and down with eyes I was used to seeing from Neethsi. “You’re useless in a melee, but those twitchy fingers and your default stance, an archer?” Dash questioned and I nodded. “Maybe we could have a bit of a shooting challenge to test our skills together. I happen to be the best sniper in the Lilmoth Air Squadron.” Dash boasted proudly, but not as egocentric as the one I used to know. It was refreshing to see her be similar, but distinctly different. I could only handle old Dash so much in one sitting. I miss her though... “Sure thing. If you have time while I’m in town, I’d love to see how well I do.” I then turned to Fluttershy when she approached me next, continuing to surprise me. “I’m Fluttershy. You can call me Shy for short if you want. I’m a beast tamer and I tame creatures for use as pets, livestock or for military purposes.” Fluttershy informed me and I shivered. She tames the beasts in Black Marsh? Making friends with manticores and whatnot is one thing, getting the vicious creatures of this deathtrap to do anything must be a miracle. “I’d like to see you at work sometime if that’s alright.” I really would. Maybe she has something I could have for a pet? I fought and won to ignore the stinging pain in my heart. “Hey there. I’m Applejack. Just call me AJ. I run several farms and plantations to the south. Nothing big, since I’m stuck working the books while my brother and little sister oversee the farmhands.” AJ casually and almost lazily introduced herself. I guess her environment had her stuck doing all the brain-work, but why is she still so absolutely bricc? “I’m impressed with your muscle definition if you’re a pencil-pusher.” Seriously, why do Earth Ponies just get all the incredible bodily benefits? Sure, unicorns have built-in magic catalysts and pegasi have wings and innate weather magic, but wasn’t getting innate geokinesis enough? “Eh, genetics. You ain’t seen nothing until you see my big brother. Eight feet of solid rock that pony. He tore a Land Dreugh apart bare-handed and cracked it’s shell to harvest the meat for supper.” “Wow, that’s impressive.” I chuckled and noticed everyone looking at me expectantly. I guess Twilight is waiting for me to spill my guts before introducing herself. “Okay. Well, I’m Meen-Rei. It’s not my true name, but it’s all I can give. I physically cannot say my actual name. I’ve been dropped on Mundus as a different species, apparently picked to be the next Hero foretold in the Elder Scrolls. I’m a living magicka bomb just waiting to go off and I have no idea where to begin.” I poured out for them all and Twilight snapped her book shut. “I felt about as much. When a beacon of raw magicka like you flares up, every mage worth their title must’ve felt it. So you’re the living Sconce of Magnus I’ve read in my reports regarding the Blackrose incident just yesterday.” Twilight stood from the bed, her hair parting and gravity pulling on her robes enough to reveal her shapely body that reminded me of the traditional ‘brick house’ from earth. “Oh, you felt that?” I asked uneasily before Twilight summoned a bird mask with a flash of purple magic and shoved it onto my face. “Hm?” “That should help bleed your magic if your stars don’t get corrected fast enough. It’s a relic from our homeland from the Corrupted Blood Plague. The disease made magic slowly boil one's blood away. The disease spread just from breathing, so it filters the air and uses impurities as raw material to keep the mask intact and functioning. It also has night vision and built-in binoculars with a muffle enchantment to silence you.” Twilight said before she handed me a bag of empty potion bottles. “Stick those to the end of it to empty the mask when it starts to glow.” “Empty it of what?” I asked before my vision tinted blue. “Uh, is that it?” “That is...both impressive and not good. It’s draining your magicka, it’s basically a micro brewery leeching your magicka and distilling it into liquid form. The result is a raw restore magicka potion that needs refining to be safe for consumption.” “Didn’t you just say it was a relic? I thought making potions was a lot harder than wearing some spooky mask.” Rainbow asked Twilight skeptically. “It is, but I’m trying to improve them for modern day use. The distilled liquid magicka was a byproduct of the mask, I’m hoping to refine it so magicka potions are cheap, easy and efficient.” Twilight countered her question while I plugged a potion bottle into the ‘beak’ and it poured glowing blue liquid magicka into the bottle. Pretty...I make this? Yeesh, first glowing gold sap with hallucinogenic properties, to glowing blue fluid that’s literally raw magicka. My bodily fluids are ridiculously valuable... “Are you wearing one right now?” Rainbow asked Twilight, who nodded and with a flash of light, revealed she’d been using an illusion to hide a similar mask on her face. “Why?!” “Because science Rainbow. I can do both science and enjoy our time together.” Twilight countered before taking off her mask and sending it away in another flash. “That said, it only seems to leech ‘excess’ magicka. I’m subconsciously returning unused magicka back into my environment, so I can’t use myself as a test subject. Meen-Rei though is the perfect candidate.” “Swell, here I was hoping we’d be talking about boys.” I huffed and AJ perked up enough for her ears to make her tousled blond mane flip. “Oh, right. Girls, we’ve gotta talk more about that hunk Pinkie said Rei here floated in with. That said, Rei, you know him. Have you seen him naked?” AJ asked eagerly, her laid-back persona taking a back-seat for something that clearly interested her. So this AJ is a bit of a perv, okay then. 📜 [Middas, 14th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] I whined when I was jostled awake at the shoulder and blinked my eyes up at Rarity, who was wearing a much more well-to-do red and gold dress robe that seemed like something a politician would be wearing in this world’s courts. I also noted that the outfit had my scale and intimate part colors as it’s pallet. “Good morning. Sorry to wake you darling, but I need to open shop and I can’t just leave you sleeping up here while I’m busy downstairs. I’m sure you understand.” “Nyeh, yea, I do.” I sat up and shook myself awake to see that I was the only straggler left from last night. The others all went to sleep here too, but I guess Twilight teleports them home or something and she seems to still be an early riser here too. “Sorry for imposing.” “Oh, it’s no trouble. I’m just glad you got to enjoy yourself. I do hope that your adventures go well and if you should need help, if it’s within my power then I will lend it if asked.” Rarity offered and I felt my face shift in that hard-to-tell expression I just knew was argonian for smiling. “Thank you Rarity. I’ll try not to be a stranger.” I followed her downstairs into the boutique, where she gave me new clothes. “Uh, Rarity, I thought…” Wow, these are soft… “No friend of mine is going to slum it in rags darling. I’ve tossed those roughspun swamp sponges in my refuse bin. It’s no big issue, just some cotton harvested from the plantations woven into a comfortable and breathable pattern, then dyed. I picked black and white to accent your natural scale colors and accessories too.” Rarity ushered me behind her changing screen and I swapped the nightgown for the new tunic and trousers. “These are so lovely. Thank you Rarity.” I praised her when I left the screen and looked at myself in the mirror, only for her to produce black leather boots. “Now slip these on dear. Thick scales or no, it’s hot out there and the stone walkways will cook your feet.” Rarity warned me and I gulped in displeasure of the idea, accepting the nice black boots and lacing them up. I looked up in the mirror and felt a bit of shock at seeing Rarity eyeing my ass with a faint blush and a devious smirk. Well then. I took my time lacing the boots, shaking my tail back and forth, shifting my butt and enjoyed how much she was enjoying the view. I couldn’t pretend to lace my boots forever though, so I straightened up and gave my new boots a click. “I’ll repay you for this, don’t even try and say otherwise, I’ll overpay if you do.” “Oh no, darling. You’ve paid me enough with your friendship.” Rarity replied, hiding her flush surprisingly well and I leaned closer to her, enjoying how she leaned away and her flush deepened. “Please. I insist.” I tried to flutter my eyes, but I don’t know how well that would work for a reptile without eyelashes. Still, she seemed suitably flustered by my turnabout. “Very well. I’ll produce a bill, to be filled at your leisure.” Rarity hurried to the front of her shop and I snickered to myself for being so terrible for manipulating her into letting me pay her back. Wait, does that make me terrible or good then? “Here you are, cruel woman. Burden me with your coin whenever you wish.” Rarity joked and gave me the bill, which wasn’t too bad considering the quality of the clothes and the prices I saw on Merchant’s Festival if doubled back to normal. “I’ll do that.” I winked at her and hugged her before she could react, then left her store while she was recovering from the platonic if potent display of affection. “Now then, I need to find Mellow first since Neethsi is likely going to be busy dealing with Twilight today.” “Talking to yourself huh?” I jolted and pouted up at Rainbow where she was flying overhead and wore a full suit of leather and scale-hide enhanced armor. She had a steel crossbow hanging a bit from a leather strap on her torso with a hand on the stock to keep it steady. “You’d be surprised how many bandits or other scum do that.” “Well, I’m neither, I just do that occasionally.” I playfully snarked back at her. “So you’re on patrol?” I wonder how their flying patrols can see through the illusion. Maybe an enchantment on their helmets keyed specifically to the illusion array so they can ignore it. “Yeah. I’m just passing through on my sweep to make sure no thieves or other scum step out of line. You have a good day alright?” Dash waved and began flying along the street again. “Okay, see you!” I called out to her before continuing my route to Sugarcube Corner to hopefully find Mellow at home. Said route went uneventfully and I entered the store to see a tall light gray mare with a dark-gray/light-gray mane who shared Pinkie’s body frame but was smaller in the bust than the bricc and busty baker. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner. We just got our first batches of fresh goods out of the oven.” The mare quietly informed me as I approached and took a deep whiff of the pastry heaven scent wafting into the main shop from the doorway behind the mare in the jelly-stained smock. “That’s nice, but I’m here to find Mellow Mender.” I informed who could only be Marble Pie. What she’s doing here and not with the rest of her family I could only imagine with a bitter and mean eldest sister to deal with. “You mean Mellow Cake? My cousin?” Marble questioned in bemusement and I shrugged. “Oh, right. Aunt Cuppy did say something about him unofficially changing part of his name so people would take his choice in occupation seriously. He should be upstairs, but I can’t leave the counter unattended, but I can’t let you just go upstairs…” Marble’s ears wilted as she looked broken by indecision. “It’s okay, I can wait down here for someone else to help me find him. Who knows, maybe he’ll come down on his own.” I offered as an out to the timid and nervous mare, who was visibly relieved not to have to make a weighty decision. “Thank you. Feel free to find a seat.” Marble gestured to one of the several tables in the main room and I took the one closest to the stairs. While I waited, I occasionally asked Marble some questions about herself and her family, which she answered as meekly as I expected. I even ordered a breakfast muffin since it was fresh from the oven and I was wondering something I only just realized. I haven’t been hungry once since I was re-Displaced as an argonian. Sure, I ate, but I never felt hunger. Is it a side effect of my body being absolutely drowned in magicka or do I have to worry about not knowing when I need to eat outside of social norms? “Oh, good morning Rei.” I looked up from my half-eaten muffin to see Mellow Cake in a much more casual linen shirt and pants instead of his preferred robes. “What are we up to today?” “I don’t know. I was sort of hoping you’d know since you’re a local.” I responded before looking at my muffin and then looked back at him. “I don’t feel hunger.” He’s my doctor, I might as well bring it up. “Well, cousin Pinkie’s muffins will do that.” Mellow joked, but his smile faltered at my unchanged gaze. “I don’t feel hunger, Mellow. I haven’t since I woke up in that Hist Tree.” This admission suddenly filled me with melancholy. How much more about me has changed without my notice? > Ch.10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.10 [Middas, 14th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] After my disturbing realization of lacking a normal bodily function, Mellow did some scans while I ate to see if my body behaved differently. Turns out my body doesn’t need food. I get enough sustenance from my body being flooded with magicka to the point I even have an innate passive effect on myself that fuels my physical body as well as my metaphysical one. Lovely, so all the food I’ve been eating has been going to my boobs, butt and thighs. I’m lucky I haven’t gotten a belly. Worse, this means I can’t enjoy food without getting fat! Argh! Now I’ve gotta find out if there’s a spell to remove body fat in case I get tubby! Hmph. Either way, I said hi to Diane before leaving the bakery and followed Mellow Cake, gosh I can’t stop thinking about how unfitting that name is for being a healer, as he took me on a tour of the city. “Over there is where Old Lilmoth used to be. It was a bunch of ancient Imperial villas that stood the test of time due to their deeply-set lumber piles into the swamp like Soulrest has, but they were destroyed decades before we Equestrians arrived. I didn’t know that was the Umbriel Crisis until recently.” “I remember Lilmoth was the first victim of Umbriel when it rose from the sea. It’s good to see this place recovered.” I commented while I tried to envision the more modern stone construction in place of where Old Lilmoth stood as wood and stone villas sitting on the swamp. “I’m still impressed that cities like Blackrose and Lilmoth aren’t sinking like I’m sure Soulrest is.” “Actually, thanks to the magic brought to Tamriel from Equestria, mages have developed mass-scale spells much more easily. I figure that giant canopy illusion I didn’t know about until yesterday is a result of the same mass-featherweight spells woven into the structures resting on the lumber piles inside the swamp. Black Marsh is our home too, we needed to make it a more sustainable place to live both for ourselves and the original inhabitants.” Mellow answered. Sure, you still had all the weight of hundreds and thousands of people and miscellaneous things to contend with, but if those spells cut even a quarter of the weight of the buildings and streets themselves, I could see the sinking being much less of a problem, but still not eliminated. There must be something else to it besides just lessening the weight on the ground. “It’s good to know I won’t have to worry about falling into a spontaneous sinkhole.” “Pfft, no. The Diamond Dogs have taken care of a good amount of the sinking issue too. Their innate geokinesis even more potent than that of Earth Ponies makes earthwork much easier and more reliable coming from them. So a mixture of the city’s weight being lessened and the soggy earth beneath us being more heavily compacted around the timber piles means Lilmoth and other cities and towns in Black Marsh besides Helstrom are stable.” Mellow mentioned the Dark Heart of Black Marsh with disdain and I had to wonder about that enmity. “So there’s Diamond Dogs here?” I asked to change the subject. “Yes, they’ve gone through a magical evolution since we arrived. They’re less hulking hunch-backed brutes and more like the dog version of Khajiit. We can thank Sheogorath for taking an interest in them and the dogs being simple-minded people who fell for his deception when he offered to ‘make them less dull’. Now we have the second-coming of the long-lost Lilmothiit when he turned a quarter of them into foxes along with altering their anatomy.” Mellow informed me while we sat on a bench at the edge of a park. “So they’re all crazy?” I was a bit shocked to hear that Sheogorath pulled an Azura, especially since it was the ‘new’ Sheogorath who did it. “From how Rover tells it. Three years after they arrived on their crude boats, their Champion Demi-Mortal, Bone Eater, The One Who Finds Most Gems, The Great Hunter, The Tunnel Maker, He Who Led Us in War, Fluffy, was out and about looking for new hills to mine when he met a female dog that talked to him in manic ways. He also says the dog smelled of flowers and cheese which, with Fluffy being hungry, sent him after the dog to eat it, which was not the action Sheogorath was expecting and I quote was ‘boring’. Turns out the female was a bed of flowers with moldy cheese in it and Shoegorath wanted the Champion to do the dirty and try to drive him mad with the reveal he fucked a wheel of cheese out in the woods.” Mellow Cake explained. “Sounds kinda weird, but it's the Madgod.” I muttered and idly slapped the hand of the street urchin who was reaching for my satchel, wagging a finger at him and tapping his snout with my tail before I tossed him a few Septims. If he’s stealing he needs something, I’m not hurting for money right now anyway. Once the argonian child thanked me and ran off, Mellow smiled at me and cleared his throat. “Anyway, Shoegorath starts ranting at Fluffy for days as Fluffy just ‘boringly’ continues to look for gems, not even noticing the mad realm Shoegorath pulled him into. The fact he was in the Shivering Isles never crossed Fluffy’s mind. Eventually Shoegorath got fed up and ate him.” “Then let me guess, he either vomited or shat Fluffy out and suddenly he was a less simple-minded more anthropomorphic creature like a Lilmothiit?” I remember something about Boethiah eating Trinimac and when she shit him out, the shit was Malacath or something. “No! He turned into a woman and gave birth to Fluffy the Laughing Hyena! It’s super fucking weird!” Mellow exclaimed and multiple people nearby looked at him, but he just gestured for them to move on. “Oh, well I was once a guy.” I told him, since in my experience gender swapping and other stuff like that was fairly normal to my standards. “Did you teleport into a temple of the Nine Divines filled with Imperial missionaries trying to convert confused Diamond Dogs who only wanted to leave and find gems before birthing a full grown man and suddenly changing a whole race?” Mellow rhetorically asked and I glared. “No, but I was once a man, then I became a woman and I was pregnant with quadruplets before my babies were ripped out of me and I was turned into an argonian.” I deadpanned and Mellow’s ears wilted. “Sorry. I guess by your standards some of Sheogorath’s antics aren’t all that strange.” Mellow apologized and I took a calming breath. “No, actually. He’s about as random as several people I knew in my first life. Sure, I can’t predict what he’ll do, but whatever he does it’ll either disgust me, amuse me or not impress me.” I only realized I’d invoked Murphy when a bird landed on my shoulder. “Did I hear a challenge?!” I heard Sheo questioned excitedly and I snarled at the seagull. “No, because all you’d do is piss me off and likely cause a ton of shit for yourself for hindering me when I’m supposed to be finding out what I need to do to save Nirn and keep you Daedra from going stir crazy with no mortals to toy with.” Which was their main motivator here. “Gah! Logic! One of the worst things in existence! To that, I say bully! Bully on it! You now have the day to find Forky before I turn you into a living bag of chickens! You should find Forky somewhere in the Doggy District! Run along little mortals!” The bird on my shoulder then turned into yarn and unraveled as it draped over my shoulder. “Great. Quest time. Where is the ‘doggy district’?” I’m assuming it’s there because of the dogs being Sheogorath’s people like how the Orsimer and Dunmer are Malacath’s and Azura’s people respectfully. “This way, they live under the city like the Dwemer did!” Mellow exclaimed and grabbed my wrist, dragging me through the streets in a mad sprint. 📜 “Why is it so dark down here?” I asked my unicorn guide while we walked the stone tunnels beneath Lilmoth. The place was fairly full of anthro dogs and foxes of all sorts of breeds, going about their business like people above. Occasionally a crazed laugh echoed through the tunnels, but the dogs and Mellow weren’t bothered by it. “Because Diamond Dogs have low-light vision like Khajiit. It’s a necessity along with their heightened senses of smell to navigate the dark. That said, dogs tend to squint or wear hats above ground because of how bright the sun is for them.” Mellow informed me as he guided me towards the maddened laughter. “So that’s why they were all wearing hats when it’s overcast today.” I muttered in realization before we entered a large open area full of shop kiosks and gloomily lit by dim magelight lamps. The fact that the dogs live in what is literally an undercity alongside the sewers which rests atop the lumber pilings so they can more easily access the earth under and around Lilmoth made me wonder if Blackrose also had an undercity. Maybe that’s why that Thalmor could evade them. “Listen for the insane laughter. Dogs aren’t good at or rather unable, to hide when they’re being influenced by Sheogorath. The most afflicted become hyenas, which are Sheogorath’s favorites and look like Fluffy.” Mellow advised and I listened closely while keeping an eye out. There were several hyenas around, each had a distinct crazed glint to their eyes, but they seemed normal otherwise besides the occasional random outburst of giggling or tittering. It wasn’t long before another keening peal of laughter echoed from down another tunnel and we hurried from the marketplace before following the laugh down a turn. Eventually after maybe an hour of following the hysterical bouts of humor, we came to what seemed like a total dump. Junk was all over the place, none of it Dwemer or valuable otherwise. It seemed we’d found the local equivalent of a junkyard. Atop a throne of wagon wheels and broken chairs giggled a raggedly-dressed hyena woman who was swinging about an iron carving fork that was wickedly shaped and seemed to be absolutely nothing special otherwise. “Can I have that?” I asked with a deadpan. “No! No can has fishy stick! Madgod gave me, yes. Giggles good dog. Best dog.” ‘Giggles’ replied between said manner of laughter. “Maybe if prove worthy, Giggles give Madgod’s token, yes?” Giggles snickered and I sighed. Of course it couldn’t be as simple as taking the fork. I’m not going to hurt her if I can avoid it. I’m not some cold-blooded adventurer. “She’s clearly bonkers. Just let me knock her out and we can take the fork and her back to the Temple for study and help respectively.” Mellow huffed and I nodded, but when he cast a spell on her, the Fork resonated like it was tuning and Giggles moaned as she groped her modest chest through her shirt, to which he blushed while I snorted in annoyance. “Okay, so the Fork alters what magic does around it. Great.” “Unf, hit Giggles again! Giggles loved that.” Giggles panted and I almost got my own enjoyment of seeing Mellow so flustered and unsure of himself. “Fine, he will do that again if you give us the fork.” Mellow looked at me with shock and betrayal and I winked at him while Giggles looked between the fork and Mellow. “Grr, Giggles not want to give up tingly feeling Madgod’s gift gives her, but unicorn made Giggles feel good too.” She looked between the two before tossing us the fork. She immediately and shockingly morphed from being a hyena, to being some mutt breed of terrier. “Oh~...what happened?” The dog potentially not really named Giggles asked as she rubbed her head. “I’m not touching that.” Mellow declared and backed away from the resonating Fork, which got louder after it hit the stone floor and louder again when it neared my boots. “Fine.” I huffed and picked up the Fork. I instantly felt exhausted! I don’t feel horripilation at all! Oh~ so hungry~! I staggered and Mellow caught me. “Mellow~...the Fork, I feel so hungry and tired.” I mewled, shivering weakly as Sheogorath’s voice echoed in my head. “How odd! The Fork is supposed to make you feel excited, not weak! A rather interesting outcome! For this, I’ll take Forky off your hands and exchange it for something more fitting of your capabilities. Sadly, Wabbajack is currently in the hands of my good friend Vartine. Here, have the Spear of Bitter Mercy. Good old Neethsi should be familiar with it. So is Hircine.” Sheogorath deeply intoned the last bit ominously, before the Fork in my hand was replaced with a hefty trident spear that dragged me to the floor with a yelp from its weight. 📜 “Okay, what does it do?” I asked Neethsi after he finally came to Sugarcube Corner when the day was mostly gone. While none of the Cakes or Pies were happy to have such a dangerous weapon, let alone a Daedric artifact be so clearly displayed since it was leaning in the corner by the stairs, they understood I didn’t exactly have much of a choice and simply drew as much attention away from it as possible so the customers didn’t dwell on the trident. Seeing the no-bullshit Diane actually try to bring out the Pinkie charm was both amusing and painful to see. She still got people to smile more often than not though. Anyway, Neethsi was stunned and stared at the spear for a few minutes instead of responding, but eventually he approached it and warily wrapped his hands around the shaft, sighing as if relieved. “Old friend…” The ancient argonian muttered with surprising tenderness. “I’m guessing you and Sheogorath have history beyond you casually dismissing him?” Mellow observed while Neethsi did some rather impressive twirls of the trident in his hands, over his body in multiple rotations and ended with the spear ready with a glint to his eyes I hadn’t seen before, a spark of excitement that put the one I saw when he was learning or teaching to shame. Damn did that look make me all fluttery! However, then he looked at me and his eyes became sad. “Sorry. Bitter and I have a long history together. I lost it in the ocean when Tsaesci pirates raided the ship I was on heading back home from Akavir.” He then presented it to me and I warily took the heavy Ebony weapon to place it on the table. “It’s yours now. If I try to claim it as mine, it will vanish once more.” “That’s good to know, but what does it do?” I asked again as I gestured to it with both hands. “It reflects a third of an incoming attack’s force directly onto the source whether you block with the spear or not. It also can summon a Storm Atronach like a staff, but only once per day and it never needs to be charged by soul gems.” Neethsi informed me and his brow wrinkled. “I know Sheo isn’t one to throw that at people willy-nilly like he is with his other artifacts. Why this when he knows you aren’t a melee combatant?” “Since when do the Princes care about the suitability of their artifacts for a person?” Mellow questioned curiously and Neethsi snorted. “Far more often than you’d think. They don’t just want their artifacts out in the world to wreak mayhem, they want them in positions where they can do the most potential mayhem. I was always a master spearman since my first life, so it just made sense to give me this. I personally prefer the mace, but I still can’t deny my mastery of polearms. So he gave me the Spear to wield because I’d be able to use it the best.” Neethsi informed us before a matronly blue mare in her own baker’s smock approached. “Now that you’ve arrived, please remove that from my bakery. I’ve been having people asking if it’s going to be mounted on the wall all day.” The mare, who was Cup Cake, Mellow’s mom, pleaded and Neethsi opened my satchel before sliding it in. Oh...I could’ve done that instead of lugging it around everywhere and making a scene! Damn you Sheogorath! “Thank you. Sweetie, I don’t think you should affiliate with these two.” “Mother.” Mellow replied with a stern and warning tone, causing the mare to deflate. “This is why I left home and don’t visit often.” Oof, family drama. “I’m sorry sweetie. It’s just...they are clearly trouble. You’ve only been here a day and you got dragged into a Daedric Quest.” Cupcake protested and Mellow stood up, grabbing his bag. “No! Please! I’m sorry, they can even stay the night! Please don’t leave me!” Cup Cake begged her son, even grabbing him and Diane rushed out of the kitchen while Marble ducked behind the counter. The pink mare grabbed the heftier but still tall mare to drag her off of her much smaller and physically weaker son while I meekly hid behind Neethsi, who was visibly indifferent. “Aunt Cuppy! That is uncalled for!” Diane snarled and bodily pushed her aunt towards the stairs. “Let me talk to him!” Diane demanded and the emotionally unstable mare cried as she fled upstairs after causing quite the scene in her own bakery. “I am so sorry you had to see that. Aunt Cuppy hasn’t been the same since Uncle Carrot passed.” “She wouldn’t let me pursue my Talent. I had to leave the city because she wouldn’t stop hounding me to follow the family tradition of being a baker. I didn’t want to come back, but my Destiny is now forcing me to be here for whatever reason.” Mellow huffed angrily and squeezed Diane’s arm thankfully. “Thanks cousin.” “She’s not well, Mellow. She isn’t afflicted by Sheogorath, but her mind is slipping ever since Uncle Carrot died and she caught that bug several years ago.” Diane quietly whispered to him, loud enough for us to hear while Marble managed to get the customers to relax and go back to their treats. “It was like watching a bipolar old woman on her fifth bottle of sujamma.” Neethsi compared and the two family members winced. “She may not be afflicted by Sheogorath, but you don’t need to be in order to be mad. He simply promotes it, he isn’t the cause of all of it, regardless of what he wants people to think.” Neethsi said bitterly. “Are you okay, Mellow?” I asked my friend in concern and he sighed. “No. Y’know, it was my mom’s illness that caused me to get my Cutie Mark when I was tending to her.” He rubbed his outer thighs and looked sadly at the stairs. “When I got my marks, I was so happy. So happy I found out my calling and that it was because I tried to help my mom. When she recovered though, her first reaction was disappointment. No Cake has ever been anything other than a baker in our recorded family history that goes back before the exodus from Equestria. Mom saw me as a failure. She still loves me, as you can tell, but she can’t stop trying to control me, her youngest child who decided to go ‘rogue’.” “Which isn’t fair.” Diane muttered and side-hugged her cousin with a hand on his shoulder. “My Talent is to make people happier, but do you see me dressing like a clown and being all sunshine and rainbows? No. You don’t need to follow your Talent religiously Mellow. Why don’t you try something that blends your Talent with your family history? Like, make magic curative pastries?” Diane musingly suggested. “That sounds awesome.” I couldn’t help but comment and my tail twitched when everyone looked at me. “W-what? It is. Imagine a cupcake that cures colds. Besides, baking and medicine making are both chemical reactions to make something that makes someone feel good.” At this, Mellow gasped, his eyes dilated, his horn sparked, his thighs shined through his pants and he smiled. “Pinkie, I need the kitchen!” Mellow hurried behind the counter and Marble meeped as she dodged her cousin. “Holy...did Little Mellow just...have a Second Marking?” Diane asked in amazed shock and I worked my jaw, trying to think of a way to process that. “I need to go get Twilight right away. The last time this happened, she turned into an alicorn.” She slapped her hands over her mouth. “Forget that! I said nothing! Forget. It.” Diane hissed at us and I sighed in defeat. > Ch.11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.11 [Middas, 14th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Okay, so what exactly did I just start?” I sighed and rubbed my head, am I still wearing that Plague doctors mask? I didn’t notice and it was almost as if I wasn’t wearing it. Must be a design feature since people were expected to wear these things for long periods of time. It isn’t glowing though since the Fork of Horripilation robbed me of my magicka, which I can tell is still refilling even now. How big is my magicka pool anyway? “Considering we’re stuck waiting for Twilight and the others to arrive while Mellow makes a mess of the kitchen, something fairly big.” Diane grumbled from where she sat on the counter after sending Marble to bed when the mare wasn’t sure if she should help keep the place clean or get the sleep she needed. “So what should we do while we wait? Do you know any games?” I asked boredly, not used to having to find ways to pass time. In the Everfree, there was always something to be done, mostly repairs or moving things about besides hunting. “Nothing that can be done in public or polite company.” Diane huffed and I felt my tail twitch behind me through the gap in the chair between the seat and the back. “That said, while still naughty, why don’t we talk about all the bodily fluids you produce?” Diane asked with a lecherous and amused grin while I crossed my arms protectively over my currently C-cup chest. “Nope! My sap sacs are not up for discussion.” I huffed and the busty bricc mare snickered. “Fine. Geez, sometimes moments like this make me miss the rock farm. At least there you could play with rocks all day.” Diane sighed and I had to roll my eyes at the idea of Pinkie Pie enjoying playing with rocks. “Hey, when you’ve got nothing else, your imagination works wonders. It also helps when you use the rocks to build forts and whatnot.” “I’ll take a forest over a field of rocks. I can climb, jump, hunt and swing. There’s so much activity to do.” The swamp wasn’t a forest. It was too murky, too many things to kill you to have fun. I wonder if I can ever go to Valenwood, see the forests or even the moving trees. “Meh, you can’t grow gems from trees besides jet or amber and those are fossilized plant matter and sap respectively. Speaking of sap, did you consider trying to get yours pressure treated into amber? I’m sure it’d look really cool.” Diane asked and I blinked in consideration. “No, I hadn’t. It’s already gold and glowing, so seeing it in a solid form would be really neat.” I’ve gotta find out if there’s anyone who does stuff like that. I bet it’d make nice jewelry. “We’re here! Where is he?” Twilight followed by her friends barged into the bakery and Diane thumbed at the kitchen behind her, so Twilight promptly swept past and into the back. “To think, that little Mellow would become Twice-Marked. The last one to achieve that in recent memory is the merchant Davenport.” Rarity commented before I suddenly held up a bag of Septims. “Really dear? Now?” Rarity huffed and I jangled the bag before she rolled her eyes and dropped the coin purse into her actual purse. It may be a shoulder-slung satchel, but she had it dangling on one side instead of crossing her torso, so it’s a purse. “So what caused him to further understand his Talents?” Fluttershy asked curiously. “It was suggested to him that he try to blend baking with his healing magic and alchemy to make treats that heal.” Neethsi said from the corner, reminding everyone, including me to my chagrin, that he was still present. Diane was being lewd and talking about girl-stuff with him in the same room? Yeesh, I know he’s sexy and Diane and the others clearly have a healthy appreciation for the male sex, but c’mon girl, why did you do this to me~? “I commented on how both medicine and baking are both about chemical reactions that make people feel better after Diane suggested he try something like that.” I explained further. “Sometimes that’s all it takes.” AJ placidly smiled and looked at Diane with an approving smile. “Good on you Pinkie, getting your cousin all passionate about something.” “Well, isn’t that my Talent?” Diane snorted and rolled her eyes. Huh, I guess it is. Making people smile is to invigorate them, that tends to give them purpose and thus passion. Diane is more powerful than I’d already initially believed. “Dang right. Good job Pinks.” Rainbow praised the larger mare and they fist-bumped. “But why did you call all of us here? Wouldn’t Twilight be enough since this is magic stuff?” “Magic ‘stuff’ as you put it, that would allow Twilight to begin her plans.” Neethsi interjected again and everyone looked at him warily. “I spoke with her at length today, regarding the situation politically, economically and magically. She said she had some leads on the largest incoming problems, but they would require a master alchemist. Something I am sure has been a rather lacking field beyond Helstrom, where the old shamans keep their damn secrets from the rest of society like the traditionalist misers they are.” Neethsi hissed and Twilight squealed. “You grasped an advanced alchemy concept within minutes! I’m sure if I throw my entire alchemical library at you, you’ll not only be able to do what I do, but better!” Twilight declared excitedly as she emerged from the kitchen. “Girls! It’s time!” “Really? Darling, are you sure?” Rarity asked warily and I felt excitement build. “Yes. It’s time for the Elements of Harmony to finally plant the seed of the Tree of Harmony here on Tamriel! With Mellow Cake working on the formula to fertilize the seed and Meen-Rei being a wellspring of raw magicka for me to siphon from if she offers, we have two of the key things we need to bring stability back to Nirn.” Twilight declared and the mares all nodded resolutely. 📜 Turns out that the Elements of Harmony were actually artifacts derived from the original Tree of Harmony before it was shattered in the Great Schism that started the Void Nights. Each of the mares were descendents of the original Bearers who fled Equestria’s continent for someplace safer. They got Black Marsh. I’m impressed that their grandparents or great-grandparents for a couple of them, had the foresight to plan for a new Tree of Harmony across the ocean from the ones who had destroyed the original. Sadly, I think that’s another ‘Tower’ down for the Thalmor’s plan to prevent the Convention from ever happening. Julianos insisted that Time was still continuing onward though, so I hope that means the Thalmor are doomed to failure. Anyway, said Towers are what maintain the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion, which is why with each one destroyed, the barrier grows weaker. Which is why, despite the Dragonfires supposedly locking Mehrunes Dagon and ‘Oblivion’ from invading Mundus ‘ever again’, we have Daedric Princes like Sheogorath and Sanguine popping in willy-nilly and doing what they please. Oh, right. I’m also apparently a key part of the first stage of this plan to reestablish the Crystal Tower. Said Tower was originally believed to be the one in Summerset Isle ironically enough, but Twilight revealed that the Altmer, pretentious douchebags they tend to be when not living down-to-earth with everyone else, had assumed wrong. The Tree of Harmony was the Crystal Tower and it had still fallen, but by outside forces who wanted it gone for their own reasons. Anyway, this is why I’m strapped to a padded and comfy lab table in a Frankenstein’s Monster style mad-scientist laboratory with a milker sucking the powerful sap from my tits to act as a catalyst to help the Tree of Harmony be fully adopted and awoken by the Hist, who through communion with the local Tree Minders, had already agreed with Twilight’s plans. “Unf, not to complain, but can you please turn the pump off for a bit?” I mewled, feeling annoyed that the combination of my connection to the Hist, my pregnancy-activated sap-sacs and my powerful connection to Aetherius thanks to being turned into a living Sconce of Magnus has essentially turned me into the ultimate living magicka battery. Neetthsi tensed a bit as he started sniffing the air. “Rei, did you have children before the pregnancy that was forcefully aborted?” Neethsi questioned me and I groaned through the pain/pleasure to wonder why he would ask. “Not born from me. I’d adopted a little girl who was in a unique situation.” She’s dead too. Oh gods. She’s gone. She’s...no. Why did he have to ask? Why did I have to remember? The pain. “Odd. Come on out Little Hunter. I can smell your joy and indignation.” Neethsi declared and thankfully he was the only one in the room right now since I requested some privacy while I was milked for my sap and pure magicka through a no-needle wrist manacle like an SE-Plug from Fairy Tail. “Huh?” I moaned before the cups stopped pulsing and pulling my sap through my nipples. Said nips were at the moment the size of thimbles upon my K-cup basketball breasts. They were expanded externally for comfort since this is an industrial milker after all. “Oh thank Celestia.” “She’s dead.” Commented a raspy but childish little girl’s voice and I looked to my left to see an argonian girl peering over the table at me. She had my scale colors, even the golden accents around her orifices and I bet her naughty bits under her clothes. She even shared my new deep green slit eyes and horns, even if they’re just stubs right now. “Don’t praise a dead person like that. It’s rude.” “Who are you?” I asked, feeling odd. I wanted nothing more than to grasp her, hold her, nuzzle her and even nurse her if she’d let me. “Mama, I know we’re both different, but it’s me, Shade.” The little girl said with sad eyes and I promptly exploded. Uh, both literally and metaphorically. The surge of joy and relief caused me to assume my atronach form immediately, break free of the padded straps, then scoop my beautiful little girl into my arms. “Shade~! Oh thank the gods! I’d thought I’d-hic-lost everything~!” I cried as I nuzzled her. “Wah~!” Shade yelled in panic and I felt horror, thinking I’d hurt her before she rapidly changed into an anthropomorphic crocodile that muscled out of my grasp and warily hid behind Neethsi, who still dwarfed the werecrocodile by a good foot in height and a couple hundred pounds in muscle. “Pro-tips for the care of child werecreatures. One: do not startle them by any means. Two: keep plenty of red meat handy. Three: always ensure they understand who is the one bringing the bacon.” Neethsi commented as he pet the head of my currently monstrous little girl, who had instinctively seen him as the most powerful figure in the room besides me, which wasn’t a hard choice, we’re the only ones-. “What’s happened?! The siphons are reading-Crocothrope!” Twilight shouted in surprise and magically boxed Shade in a magic barrier with Neethsi. “Neethsi, I thought we talked about you and your lycanthrope friends!” “That’s my daughter!” I huffed at Twilight, then looked at myself, noticing that unlike when I was under the sign of the Thief, this form wasn’t painful or seemingly dangerous to me. Heh, I’m an atronach with a temporary Atronach Sign. It’s so fitting I kinda want to smack someone for it. “But I thought...that would elicit the intense emotional response needed for you to shift into your atronach form...well, I need to fix the siphons and get you back to work ASAP. Take a break to spend time with your daughter and rest while I fix this. Mellow is already on his way to making the correct mixture to prepare the soil for the Seed, so we need your sap and magicka sooner rather than later.” Twilight announced as she began to magically go about repairing equipment. “Sorry.” I chuckled before I calmed down and watched my scales settle, then knit back together as my flesh returned. It was so surreal, to be either flesh or metaphysical magic given physical form almost at-will. I’m seriously OP considering I have no clue how to use all this power I’ve had thrust unto me. “Shade sweetie, is your ‘beast’ form on a timer or at-will?” I asked while I used my nipple studs to shrink my bosom down to C-cups for comfort. “Timer. I should tell you though, that the Hist messed with my head a bit. I remember you, the castle we lived in, Celestia, hunting in the Everfree, Zecora and other things. I remember you told me once I used to be a bad Bandit man. Hircine also said the same, but the Hist said I could just be me now.” Shade informed me as she warily left the safety of being behind the towering hulk of an argonian. That’s right, Shade was once a bandit leader that tried to...right. I’m happy she won’t remember that now though. I knew she had nightmares of it back in the Everfree. I wonder why the Hist helped her though? Did they bring her back? “Did the Hist bring you back?” I asked Shade as I pulled her into a cuddle and nuzzled her. She was even younger than when Valis altered her and saved me from her. Of course, if I’m remembering correctly, then Shade was already losing her old memories. “I don’t know.” Shade hiccuped when she hugged me as she started to shiver in fear. “I was so scared. Everything went scary and dark. The sun turned red, then white, then black bubbly sludge started rising from the ground and the dead started attacking everyone. Berserker tried to fight them off. You wouldn’t wake up. Then these creeps with silver masks stole you away and the ground disappeared.” The crocothrope shivered in my arms and I nuzzled her. “You’re safe now sweetie.” I crooned and held her as she clutched me with her incredibly powerful enormous hands, but oddly I wasn’t feeling pain from it. Really, how much tougher am I from my Bark Scales and being stabbed by the Nail of Magnus? “Berserker found me not long after explaining how he couldn’t leave and what happened to you as more and more of the world just fell away. We tried finding a place to hide, but the Undead caught up. He kept fighting until the ground swallowed him up in the Dark. I was stabbed by a sword and found myself in Hircine’s Hunting Grounds.” Shade hiccuped and welcomed my hug and nuzzles. “I’m sorry Sweetie, my little Shade.” I hated my inability to express tears right now as I rocked her back and forth. Curse argonians and their lack of tear ducts. The closest I have are my nictitating membranes. “I-I don’t know if he’s alive or dead for good. Berserker did all that he could to protect and keep me safe.” Shade mewled as she pressed her elongated face into my chest and I pet her neck. “I know, I know.” I assured her as I soothed her. If I see Berserker again I’ll thank him, if I could reveal who I was. I’m surprised Shade can speak her real name, but then again she seemed to be delivered to the Hist by a different source than I was. “I’m here now, don’t worry.” “Who is this Berserker you mention? He sounds like a fierce warrior.” Neethsi asked quietly in a suitably respectful tone. “A friend of mine. We were quite close.” I told him as I caressed Shade. “In the event that he is gone, I am sorry for your loss, but for some reason, simply hearing about him unsettles me.” The Naga brought up with his brows wrinkled in the way I came to understand meant he was concentrating on an issue. “How? You’ve never met him, is there something to do with berserkers here in Tamriel I’m unaware of? Besides Nord or Orc Berserkers.” I questioned while Shade shrunk. It had been several minutes since her transformation, so from what I understand, she has a fairly short-lived beast-mode. Maybe when she’s older she can be in it longer or as long as she wishes even. “No. I’ve met many Nord and Orc Berserkers during my travels in Skyrim. I believe their grandchildren and great-grandchildren have all been poached by the Empire or the failed Stormcloak Rebellion twenty years ago. Despite this, I feel wary about this man, as if he is a vile Daedra with no redeeming qualities.” Neethsi muttered in confusion and I wondered why Neethsi, perhaps one of the most worldly and rational people on Nirn, would feel this way. “They hate him too.” Shade whispered before she nosed my clothed chest and sniffed. “Mama, you smell so sweet…” “I’m lactating Hist Sap.” I told her and her tummy rumbled, which made her mewl and nuzzle my naked bosom. “Let’s go take care of that sweetie.” > Ch.12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.12 [Middas, 14th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “How old is she?” Fluttershy asked as Shade met this world’s Elements sans Twilight, who was muttering in the designated ‘milking’ room the next door down the hall in the restricted R&D hall of the Lilmoth University of Magic, founded by Twilight’s grandma, Twilight Shine. “I wasn’t too sure before my world apparently fell to the Void or whatever. Now though, she seems around five or six.” I idly replied as I watched my daughter sup from my breasts. Argonians can’t exactly form a perfect seal with our lips, but Shade demonstrated that our dextrous and long tongues make up for it as she suckled needily from my still C-cup boob.  Geez, if I wasn’t rapidly producing sap thanks to my body being a damn sponge and reservoir of magicka and my body nourished from said magicka, thus generating more sap, I’d be dry even with the enhanced ‘nigh-infinite’ storage my nipple studs give me. Oh, my sap also flowed just fine with the studs in. If anything, they made it feel better. I was trying not to focus on the singing pleasure Shade was causing me, focused on her peaceful face. “The poor dear. She suddenly appeared here after such terrible events, in the nude too! I’ll be back, I’m going to fashion suitable clothes for her.” Rarity hurried from the room and I sighed. I’m going to have to somehow trick her into letting me pay for that too now. “How long do Argonians breastfeed?” AJ questioned curiously with a look at Neethsi. “Up to two years if you include the incubation period outside of the womb when the mother nourishes the nest with her sap. After two years, the Marsh will have killed all but one or two of the clutch. That said, argonian mothers are rather productive when it comes to making nourishment for the hatchlings. Before ponies and minotaurs arrived, ours was the most productive race in terms of needing to nourish our children.” Neethsi informed everyone and Diane huffed with a heft of her bust. “Don’t we know it. We still have milkmares like Milky Way. Before we could get cattle settled here in Black Marsh after several years of trying, we had to make do with just production from our especially milky community members.” Diane huffed in annoyance while the others nodded, but I noticed Dash overhead and unseen by the others cupping her petite bust and frowning. “Which also introduced a lot of dairy-based cuisine most local argonians weren’t used to and helped spark our culture exchange.” Neethsi acknowledged with a nod and I snorted in amusement. Cheese and cream were what endeared the Equestrian refugees to the local inhabitants? That’s funny to me. “Mm, thanks Mama.” Shade mumbled after she finally stopped drinking and yawned, promptly leaning into me again, but this time falling asleep and causing the mares, Diane included, to coo and smile. “As cute as that is though girls, Meen-Rei needs to get back to being milked for her tit-juice if we’re going to tie the Tree of Harmony to the Hist and ensure the Thalmor can’t just shatter it again.” Rainbow reminded us and I gently squeezed Shade to myself, not wanting to let go yet. “Give her here.” Neethsi softly hissed and I perked up at the warm tone he used. I looked him in the eyes while I let Shade go and I felt my heart flutter when he cradled my precious daughter and took her from me. “I’ll put her to bed in the Haven Bag. You go back to being tortured for your mystical fluids.” “Kay.” I dumbly replied, feeling that same dumbstruck sensation I had when I first bumped into him on that busy street in Soulrest. I watched him leave, lamenting his ragged travel robes hid his fine ass, but I did enjoy the way his thick tail swayed with his steps. “That man is special.” AJ used her hat to fan herself while the other ladies were all smiling or fanning themselves too. “You bet your rock-hard ass he is AJ, but he’s a tightly--wrapped book with several keys. Good luck landing him outside of the friend zone Meen-Rei.” Diane sighed in disappointment and I felt embarrassed at the girls all fawning over my friend, who I really wanted to be more than a friend at least for the obvious benefits deepening our relationship would provide us both. I get a solid rock to lean on, he gets someone he can stop being all enigmatic and mysterious around. Also, he oddly reminded me of Berserker when he got riled up and that just made him hotter… 📜 [Turdas, 15th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Oh~. Why do you need so much~?” I whined and wriggled on the padded table. I’d been strapped into the milking bed again the moment I was awake and was having my poor abused breasts siphoned for their magical sap while the SE-Plug thing was draining my pure magicka. “Because the seed needs to soak in the sap first, then the same sap needs to be blended into the soil and swamp water around the planting site before Mellow’s fertilizer potion is sprayed on the top layer. Just fifteen more gallons.” Twilight answered as she did the calculations. “Really?” I groaned as I watched the rubber hoses, a product native to Black Marsh due to all of the rubber trees, pulse with each powerful pump of the magic milking cups on my heaving basketball boobs. “To be frank Meen-Rei, you’re the most productive woman I’ve ever seen or even heard of. You output a gallon every two minutes.” Twilight informed me and I moaned at being such a literal cow thanks to all of the changes this world had imposed on my body. I was also getting used to it to the point I was constantly on the edge of orgasm. Damn these ponies, they drive me to the brink! “Ugh...why my pure magicka too?” I asked to distract from my singing bust and the throbbing in my core. The less I think about how moist I am between my thighs, the better. At least Twilight is professional enough not to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state or even comment on it. “As powerful as I am, even having been born under the stars of the Mage and being the-uh. Ahem, Archmage, I still need to consume restore magicka potions when doing intense and complex spells or rituals that can last from several minutes to several days. The Equestrian Scroll of Crystal described the ritual meticulously.” Twilight answered and I gasped when she began undoing the straps holding me to the comfy if restraining table, which involved her brushing my bust. “Unf, Equestrian Scroll?” I shivered, trying not to think of how I nearly creamed myself just from an accidental brush with someone’s knuckle on my underboob. “Ah, right. The locals know their Scrolls of Prophecy as the Elder Scrolls, ours are the Equestrian Scrolls. My grandparents stole the Crystal Scroll from the archives of Canterlot before fleeing the city. Then they used the knowledge within, which blinded my grandfather, to seek the seed of the shattered Tree of Harmony. You can guess the rest.” Twilight clarified as she finished removing my restraints, but the cups were still pumping me. I had to fight not to grab at myself in my arousal. I think I now understand why Twilight had me tied up for this. “I think I can.” I said as some things came to mind, which were distracting me from my edging. I wonder if the Hist made Shade related to me in biology? That would explain why Neethsi thought she was my daughter by scent. Wait, he can do that? Can I do that? Is my sniffer-. “Ahn!” I jolted, my breasts finally sending me into a proper boobgasm, my vision sparking and I spasmed on the table as Twilight blushed hotly with the milking cups in her hands. “S-sorry. I figured it was best to remove them while you were distracted so you wouldn’t be tempted to get handsy.” Twilight used her magic to stow the hoses against the massive dwarven metal storage tank that took up a good portion of the room. “S-say something next time…” I panted and tried not to think of how incredible that was. I’m not looking forward to doing this again and if I had my way I never would, but damn it, my boobs weren’t so sensitive before. “Ugh...is there anything else I can do to help?” “Not at this time. It’ll be days before things will need to enter the next stage. I advise you to relax, I’ll send for you when I need you again.” Twilight smiled and summoned my clothes-damn it Rarity! You made alternate-colored copies of my outfit! Ooo~! I’m so gonna pay you for them! Hear me! Know my monetary wrath! “Am I a member of your guild or something then?” I asked while I got dressed and tried not to think too hard on my return-Generosity vengeance upon the fashionista. “Hm? Well, I consider you a friend, even if we just met. You told us about yourself, we shared ourselves with you and we don’t dislike each other. If you’d like, I’d be willing to offer you an internship here at LUM if you want, but then I’d have to send you on quests, give you menial tasks that seem arbitrary, but important in obtuse ways. Then rapidly advance your position in the school based entirely on coincidental achievements…” Twilight playfully listed and I felt my face wrinkle in amusement. “I thought I was the first entity from beyond this universe.” I snorted and finished dressing up in my white and blue outfit that clashed with my scales in a way that felt complimentary. “You are, but I’ve read about the Dovahkiin, the Champion of Cyrodiil and Neethsi enough to see a pattern. The Crystal Scroll said something about an ‘Outsider’ who will be the key to preventing disaster. You fit the bill perfectly.” Twilight said as she led me out of the room and into the hall of the R&D wing on the west side of the university’s campus. “Really?” I wilted at the confirmation that I was a chosen Hero. “But I’m nothing special. All the things that I’ve ‘accomplished’ so far were because I had the right traits in the right place at the right time. I haven’t actually done anything.” “That’s just it. A wise pony once said: The right person in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. You just so happened to stumble into Neethsi, who is the closest thing to a Prophet we can get in today’s world. He brought you to Blackrose, where you were turned into a conduit connected to Magnus. Then he brought you and Mellow here, where you both have the skills or traits needed to begin stabilizing reality.” Twilight listed and I sighed. “Okay, I’m hating being dragged about.” I grumbled as I wondered why I’ve been Displaced twice. Am I just a convenient Deus Ex Machina? Am I the McGuffin? The Sorcerer’s Stone? I’m feeling more and more like a plot device for some badly written grand adventure fantasy story than any sort of protagonist. “Cease you silly creature! I know I’m mad, but even I don’t threaten the fabric of reality to that extent! We don’t need another one to achieve CHIM!” Sheo shouted at me and I glared at where he was in a portrait and Twilight huffed in annoyance before magically flipping the portrait over. “Hey! How rude! Do you see me flipping your skirts up?” “Interrupting Daedra aside, go on ahead and do what you want for at least a few days, possibly a week. I’ll likely have need of you by then.” Twilight insisted, then looked me over searchingly. “Or, I can hire you as a member of the university’s support staff, though I think we both know you’d be sent on a chain of quests as a result.” “I’ll take you up on that later. I want more of a grounding in magic from my lessons with Neethsi first and I’ve gotten my stars changed permanently so I don’t have to worry about exploding.” I replied when we were passing into the unrestricted public area which included the library and common areas. “Bah, all these books are boring!” Hermais the owl serpent huffed as he flew in from the library, naked as he, er, now a she, flipped through the books. “All concepts, no substance.” “What are you doing in my University?” Twilight yelped and looked around. I did too, noticing there didn’t seem to be anyone around on a Turdas. Sure, it was only before 8AM, but c’mon. “Just checking in on a family friend. I see you’re adjusting well to the body modifying piercings and Navel Pearl. The fact your breasts haven’t popped is a good sign they’ve saved your bacon.” Hermais commented and hefted her own huge honkers for emphasis. “P-popped?!” I wailed and clutched my massive bust, then blinked and leered at them before willing them down to comfortable C-cups. I can’t believe I’d forgotten how huge they were for the milking. Thankfully the shirt Rarity gave me oddly changed size too. I need to be careful or I’ll be labeled with an embarrassing Imperial name like Busty-One or Hefts-Her-Chest. “Well, unlike my siblings and I, you don’t have an expanding body. Be glad I didn’t give you a collar, wrist, ankle and tail bangles too to complete the set. Besides the accessories, there’s not much I can do unless you want to be normal and nearly useless to the situation or I could make you even more abnormal.” Hermais chuckled. “Either choice is Chaotic.” “Hey, that’s my territory!” Sheogorath yelled through a statuette on a nearby shelf and Hermais casually snapped her fingers before said statuette turned into a potted plant. “Well...I think I’d look good with a collar and bangles…” I felt warm in a good way, then shook my head. “I mean, hold on. You still haven’t really explained how I’m a family friend. I was too horny and tired to really understand you when we met.” “Meen-Rei, how can you speak to this...thing so casually?” Twilight hissed at me incredulously and Hermais buffed her claws on her breast. “A single draconequus nearly destroyed my people’s homeland. Why is there one here, who is she?” “Uh, I just asked her that?” I replied in bemusement and Twilight promptly did some breathing. “Yes. Now then. I’m a friend of yours because you’re a friend of my step-dad. Also, this universe needs a hero and whoever re-Displaced you is a total asshat who had no actual expectations of you succeeding. That said, I’m going to help you out in non-invasive ways. By that, I mean I can’t just snap my fingers and solve your problems or give you a direct clue even. The locals need to do that. I can point you with hints, but that’s all.” Hermais then held up golden bands of varied sizes. “Would you like them anyway? You accessorize fabulously!” 📜 I left the campus while rubbing at the golden collar that wrapped around my neck, trying not to feel vain at accepting the offered jewelry. Sure, there weren’t any jewels, but the engravings of intricate runes in my new collar and bangles on my wrists, ankles and my tail were very pretty in their own way. Hermais said they were to help maintain my body’s overall shape in case I go all ethereal or something. I never did bother to see if I kept my accessories as an Atronach. “I see Twilight has released you.” I looked up and felt my face wrinkle in an argonian ‘smile’ at Neethsi with Shade sitting on his shoulders with her legs wrapping around his neck and her hands on his smooth scalp. “I’m assuming you have time?” “Yeah. Twilight said I should relax or something. I want to change my stars permanently though, make sure I can’t explode just by breathing.” I tried not to think of how good seeing Shade and Neethsi like this made me feel. I felt a pain in my heart, a longing. No. Time for that later.  “Then I have good news and bad news. I can get us to Skyrim quickly, but I can’t bring along little Shade unless she’s willing to ride in a wildly shaking Haven Bag.” Neethsi bounced the little girl and she squealed with raspy laughter, which just made my body ache in desire for the male who was clearly father material. “I’m a tough girl, I can handle a rough ride! Sorry if I throw up though.” Shade asserted and then amended while I felt relief I wouldn’t have to drop Shade on someone else. “Alright then. When can we leave?” My question was answered by Neethsi opening his Haven Bag and dropping a laughing Shade into it before tying the bag back to his belt. “Uh-ah!” I felt hot when he scooped me over his shoulder like I was some prize. “P-put me dow-ah~!” Everything is colors! I can’t see! It’s nothing but colors and whipping air and-! I threw up down the side of Neethsi’s travel pack and shuddered as the intense nausea and confusion receded almost as quickly as it came. He strode forward while carrying me and I weakly noticed we were in a stone building somewhere. It also stank horribly like an open sewer. “Sorry about that. Teleportation spells aren’t familiar to the common folk anymore, not since Mysticism was foolishly abandoned as crockery without the Psijics to validate it.” “Guh?” I groaned and was thankful when Neethsi opened a door into frankly cold, but fresh air. Well, it was still a bit ripe, but fresh compared to whatever cistern he’d teleported us into. He set me down on a bench and I blinked at the impossibly familiar sight. “Wha?” Why am I looking at one of the canals of Riften? “Welcome to Riften. I believe the Atronach Stone is on the other side of the mountains down in the volcanic tundra to the north. It’s a shorter trip on the road from here than it is from Windhelm. Also, argonians are treated better here than in Windhelm, but it’s a near thing.” Neethsi said as he leaned against the wall and placed his hand on the door we’d come through, which then visibly changed to look like the stone wall around it. “Why didn’t we do that to get to Lilmoth?” I asked him in annoyance mixed with anxiety. “Twilight insisted I only teleport into or out of her immediate sphere of influence when I warn her beforehand and get permission. I cleared it with her before we left this time.” Neethsi explained and I felt that was-I feel even colder suddenly. I patted myself and hissed in shock to find myself naked! I was only in my golden accessories and was completely nude otherwise. Thank gosh we’re down by the water in the canal and nobody was around to see me! “Ah! Damn it! Of course the moment I’m in a town with a Thieves Guild presence I get robbed of the clothes on my back!” I snarled and covered my bust with my hands and my groin with my tail. “Ah, Brynjolf. I know you’re around you man-scamp.” Neethsi chuckled and I tried not to think about how it made me shiver more than the cold. Well, it isn’t really cold, just colder than Black Marsh. It is still summer after all. “Not me this time old friend.” A large nord with long ginger hair and a thin beard said as he emerged from the shadows holding my clothes. “The Guildmaster is going about to keep his skills sharp and he always had a soft spot for pretty lasses.” He tossed the clothes to me before I could be flustered about being called pretty. “Now then, what business have you in Skyrim?” > Ch.13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.13 [Turdas, 15th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “So you and that Naga?” The yellow-white argonian innkeeper, Keerava, asked with a shockingly expressive grin on her face. I guess argonians outside of Black Marsh have learned how to outwardly express themselves more openly. “Uh-um. No. I want to, but he’s not open to that yet.” I grumbled over my mug of mead. Wow this stuff is sweet. If I hadn’t had Hist Sap before, it’d have been the sweetest intoxicating substance I’ve ever imbibed. Still though, I’m on my fifth tankard and I’m not feeling anything. Damn my fancy magic body! I can’t even get drunk! “Oh, well keep trying. I know if Talen-Jei hadn’t gotten the nerve up to ask for my hand, I’m sure we’d have still been dancing around the subject a few more years.” Keerava leered hungrily at the very handsome dark-scaled argonian man waiting on the tables of the Bee and Barb. “I guess I can try.” I said before my breasts felt empty?! How?! How could he do that?! Who is the Guildmaster?! Grr! If he’s Nocturnal’s Nightingale like Brynjolf and Karliah, I guess I can understand some mystical bullshit with his thievery, but the sap in my tits?! WTF?! “Try harder. That girl of yours needs him as much as you do.” Keerava urged me and I looked back at where Neethsi and Brynjolf were regaling Shade with tales of adventure, which the patrons all made a visible point of ignoring. “I know if I didn’t have Talen-Jei around, raising my children would have been nearly impossible. That you manage on your own even if you only have one is incredible to me.” “You have kids? Pardon if I offend, but Skyrim doesn’t seem the sort of place to raise hatchlings.” I know I wouldn’t want to. Too cold, both from the weather and the people. “None taken, you’re right! I had to move back home to Morrowind when I was pregnant and left Talen-Jei to run the place. He managed to pack ten eggs into me! Hah! Of course, only three survived, but they grew so strong without the diseases and predators of the Marsh, even if they only had my sap to nurse from.” Keerava sighed wistfully and I felt a longing pain, to feel life growing in me again, but as an argonian I bet it would be a different sensation if similar. “So where are they?” I haven’t seen any argonians in town despite the lore citing Riften had plenty of them. They were also notably absent in the game too. “My son decided to stay in Skyrim when he came of age, my daughters decided to move back to Morrowind. He’s a merchant in business with the khajiit caravans, so you might see him soon since his group is supposed to be here tomorrow.” Keerava happily answered and I nodded in acknowledgement. “Oh, maybe I’ll have a chat with him.” I chuckled and Keerava filled my mug with more mead. Seriously lady, can’t you see I’m not getting drunk? Eh, maybe that’s why she’s still loading me up on the ‘Guildmaster’s’ tab that Brynjolf offered. “Hopefully one that gets him interested in finding a mate. I’m not getting any younger and I want grandchildren. Not that I’m expecting that of you, what with that towering hunk you’re after.” Keerava snickered and I snapped my tail against the floor in sharp amusement. “What about your daughters?” I chugged the mead and held up a hand to dissuade her from loading me up any further. I’m going to get a beer belly if I keep going. “Bah, they’re enlisted in the Ebonheart Emissaries. They’re battlemages with no interest in children, so my mild-mannered son is my only hope.” Keerava huffed in a mixture of parental pride and frustration. “Sorry to hear that, at least in regards to you getting grandbabies.” I said before getting up. “Well, I’m going to gather up Shade and head to bed.” “Good to have met you, sleep well.” Keerava cheerfully bid me farewell and I faked a tipsy stagger towards the table where Bryn and Neeth were chatting. “Mama, I’m still hungry even though I ate.” Shade whined when she saw me approach. “Shush, mama’s tired now. Let’s go to bed and get you fed.” I quietly said to her before nodding at the two males and guiding Shade upstairs. “Are you doing okay? Adjusting to everything?” I asked her as we climbed the stairs. I’m still adjusting to all of this myself. “Kinda? I’m still trying to get used to how things are now, being a lizard, transforming into a lizard, how I’m so hungry.” Shade said, scratching behind her head. “Otherwise, yeah, I’m doing just fine.” I sighed in relief after hearing that and because we reached the rented room. “That’s good, I think the hunger is from being reborn in such a big body instead of growing into it.” I pondered before lifting my shirt for her. “I’m a little low right now due to a thief, but I should have enough for you.” “Kay.” Latching onto my right nipple, Shade began suckling and drank whatever was left inside my breasts. I know she should be weaned by now, but if she’s hungry I’ll provide damn it. 📜 [Fredas, 16th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “So you’re good friends with the Thieves Guild I take it?” I questioned Neethsi the next morning after we left Riften on the road north. Shade was still asleep in the Haven Bag, too groggy and drowsy to be awake this early. For some gods-awful reason, Neethsi had decided to wake us up before dawn and practically dressed me in my full suit of armor and my crossbow before dragging me out of the Bee and Barb with Shade in his bag. “Specifically with Brynjolf. He tried to rob me, I caught him and gave him tips, we became fast friends. Still, everyone in the Guild knows not to try and steal from me, because it’ll end up with humiliation for them.” Neethsi was on edge, I could tell with how he scanned the environment. “Stay alert. Even with Mjoll the Lioness as the Jarl, bandits are still a common problem in this region.” Oh, so Maven Black-Briar and her whole family were dealt with? Good. “Alright.” I yawned as I tuned out the background noise for anything out of the ordinary. It would be easier with my old fox ears, but I can still do it. We remained silent until we crested the height of the road and were in sight of a small town’s watchtower. “Alright, the watchtower of Shor’s Stone will deter any would-be highwaymen. Sorry for dragging you out of Riften so quickly. There has been a serial killer in Riften who targets exclusively argonians and khajiit and skins them. They’ve taken to calling them the Skinner of Riften. That’s why you didn’t see any argonians besides Keerava and Talen-Jei, but they have guards posted inside the Bee and Barb day and night.” Neethsi grimly informed me and I balked. “The killer got them all?” Why didn’t Keerava bring it up? Did she simply assume I knew and she didn’t want to sour the conversation with it? “What? No. Mjoll is sheltering her argonian and khajiit citizens in Mistveil Keep until the killer can be found. They’ve murdered seven people and the Riften Guard are adamant they won’t let them claim another. I’d have offered my help, but I didn’t want to risk you or Shade. It was also why Brynjolf and his Guildmaster immediately accosted us.” Neethsi answered and I sighed in relief. Seven people was horrible, but at least it wasn’t everyone. “What a time to visit Riften huh?” I joked wryly, but then felt worried. “Wait, Keerava said her son who travels with the khajiit caravans was going to arrive soon. How long has the murderer been on their spree?” I asked him worriedly and he hissed in agitation. “A few weeks. Considering the caravans travel in a clockwise route across Skyrim through each of the holds, they would be in the dark about it until they arrived. Hopefully we encounter them on the road and we can warn them to have a guard escort at all times.” Neethsi snarled and I hoped for the same. The walk was quiet and uneventful until we reached Shor’s Stone. The town was much bigger than I remembered, but then again it having an active Ebony mine would make it a major mining town since the events of ES5. “Hail travelers. Have you seen the caravan that way?” One of the guards called out to us and I felt a sinking feeling. “No, did they head the way we came from?” Neethsi demanded urgently, but the guard’s shaking head eased our tension. “No. Then I didn’t miss them. Thank Stendarr, I’m glad I haven’t. I’m also glad to see you two safe and heading away from Riften in these trying times. Hopefully the guards in Riften catch this monster soon. Those were good people that he killed. Move along then or feel free to stay a while, but someone will need to be your escort. One of the people he killed were from here.” “We have business in Windhelm and the sooner we get there, the better. Thank you for the concern.” Neethsi then led us back on the road and I really hoped that if we missed the caravan, that the guards of Shor’s Stone wouldn’t. 📜 “Why is it so cold, mama?” Shade whined shortly after she’d poked her head out of the Haven Bag on Neethsi’s waist. I don’t know how she was doing that. I didn’t think you could partially be in-and-out of the bag, because when I’d gone in or out it was like my body was being moved. “Because this is Skyrim, little hatchling.” I paused in my speech, wondering where the argonian context came from, but it was still cute and got across what I wanted to say. “Where’s that?” She questioned and giggled when Neethsi put a fur cap on her head that wrapped around her skull and framed her horns adorably. “It is the Northernmost part of Tamriel and a member of the Empire, though we are in negotiations with the High King.” Neethsi explained for me as he tied the ‘ear’ flaps under Shade’s jaw so the warm hat would stay on her head. “Just stay inside, little one. Skyrim may not have as many deadly creatures as Black Marsh, but there are far many more dangerous people as a result.” Well, if that isn’t depressingly true. “Aw, kay. I have all these shiny toys and puzzles to play with anyway.” Shade then retreated back into the bag. “So where did you get that bag?” I am obscenely curious. The power to have a studio apartment on your hip with you everywhere you went? That was a traveler’s dream. “I made it. It was intended to be a prototype, but then I was so happy with the result that I kept it. I have more advanced versions with more generally pleasing aesthetics, but this was my magnum opus in my studies under Neloth to demonstrate my mastery of Alteration and Mysticism. I like the bag over the box. I’d be willing to give you a Haven Box at a later date when I feel you will need it.” Neethsi informed me before he froze and I did too. “What is it?” I whispered and looked around warily. “I hear Dwemer Animunculi. I am unsure where from…” Neethsi muttered and I listened. Yes, I can hear the tell-tale steam hiss and clockwork clanking of a Dwarven Automaton. “There!” He pointed at a hole in the ground moments before a brass sphere emerged and rushed towards us while a robot deployed from the top half of the metal ball! “Bows are useless against them, get behind me!” I couldn’t dispute that logic, considering this isn’t a videogame where every weapon has to be viable for balancing reasons. I really wish I had a gun! Wait! “If you can, don’t completely destroy it! I could use the parts!” “I can’t promise too much, but I harvest these things regularly for much the same reason.” Neethsi replied as he took his bonemold and stalhrim morning star from his hip and calmly cast a spell with his free hand moments before the dwarven sphere fired it’s crossbow. The bolt crunched on impact with the previously invisible barrier of magic armor over the naga as he closed the distance and swung his mace upward into it’s chassis, which instantly crumpled with the sound of shattering glass. “There, the Soul Gem is destroyed.” “Wow...good to know their weak point.” I shook my head to remind myself that Neethsi was a post-endgame character from one of the notoriously hardest games in the series and that even if this was reality, some things just seem to apply anyway. “Only Spheres and Spiders are so easily disabled. Centurions have their soul gems fully encased in their torso next to their dynamo core. I advise never facing one in single combat if you can help it, but if you do, either disable it’s weapons or legs if you don’t think you can smash or pry open the chassis enough to break the gem.” Neethsi advised me as he stowed his mace. “Got it.” I got on my hands and knees over the disabled automaton and wondered how I could take it apart. I need a full set of tools and a workshop. With a shrug, I opened my satchel wide and fed the sphere into the much smaller opening, which swallowed the machine whole. I’ll have more than enough parts to make my own gun instead of having to machine everything. “Ah, good to see someone with some creativity there. Most adventurers would just take one or two parts. I’m surprised you can carry the weight though.” Neethsi commented and I blinked when I stood up with ease and didn’t feel weighed down. Maybe my bangles and collar have something to do with my enhanced carrying capacity. “I’ll take whatever advantages I can get. Let’s keep moving before that hole decides to spit out more of them.” That hole didn’t exist in-game, but then again, it has been 20 years. 📜 Whoa...the view of Eastmarch from this vantage point is incredible. It’s one thing to see the land in the game, it’s another to see it in person. The vast difference in elevation between the Rift and Eastmarch was also even more staggering. When in the Rift, it’s easy to forget that it’s one massive plateau at a higher elevation compared to the rest of Skyrim. The fact that most of Eastmarch was volcanic lowlands with sulfur fields and hot springs also clashed with the rest of the province, making it the warmest by far aside from the border of the hold shared with Winterhold. The fact that the land below was steaming hot and foggy compared to the snow I could see far to the north helped demonstrate this world’s extreme climate shifts in such short distances. I mean, it only took half a day’s jog to cross the Rift from south to north and the Atronach Stone would be just at the base of this mountain amidst the sulfur pools. “We’re almost there, but no sign of the caravan. I hope they are alright. They’re well defended and the dragons aren’t much threat after 20 years of their destructive kin being hunted by the Dragonborn and his more open-minded dragons, but bandits are still a problem even with efforts to reclaim the land.” “Then there are the giants.” I still had to wonder about them. Weren’t they a sibling species to the Nords? I think I read something about them being the result of the Atmorans genes splitting into the Nords, the smart ones and the giants, the strong ones. “Don’t worry about them. Thanks to cultural exchange efforts, they’ve been much more able to peacefully coexist with the people of Skyrim. So long as they are not attacked, they won’t attack others. Sadly, they refuse to participate in the ongoing war with the Aldmeri Dominion aside from aiding in the defense of the realm should a counter-invasion occur.” Neethsi’s answer surprised me and I almost slipped on the sharp slope of the road, but he caught me. “The giants are coexisting now?” I asked in bafflement and Neethsi chuckled, which made me feel giddy. He’s opening up around me~. “Not to whatever extent you’re imagining. The giants agreed at the Moot held between their chieftains and the Jarls of the Holds to open trade and cultural exchange, but you won’t find giants wandering the streets of Whiterun. How could they be in cities or towns when all the structures are made for people half their height?” Neethsi pointed out and I felt a bit embarrassed for automatically assuming I’d see giant citizens mingling with the ‘little’ people. “Wait, how could there even be an invasion of Skyrim? It has a natural mountain barrier with bottleneck passes and the Sea of Ghosts to the north? If they were smart the Empire would move its military capital up here and turn this place into a fortress for the war in case Cyrodiil was invaded again.” My words were met with a sigh. “The problem with that is that Cyrodiil is already under siege again and the Empire has been dying for the past 220 years. Skyrim is ready to officially secede from the Empire the moment it falls for the last time, which is why the High King is in talks with us about joining the Pact. We’re going to let Cyrodiil die. It’s long and war-torn history will finally come to an end. Besides, White-Gold fell when it’s Stone, the Amulet of Kings, was shattered at the end of the Third Era.” Neethsi grimly muttered and I looked left, west at the Throat of the World bordering the tundra. I remember the prophecy of Alduin’s Wall said that Alduin would appear when the ‘Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding’. I can only hope that with a new High King instated and Alduin dead, that the Snow Tower is holding up the sky again and not everything lies upon the boughs of the Tree of Harmony and Ada-Mantia. “Aahahaha!” A laugh made me jump when a Nord with dreadlocks who was taller than me and wearing Nightingale armor settled into pace with us. “I just robbed the Elder Scroll library of the Imperial Palace!” He held up a sack loaded with Elder Scrolls and pulled out one that had a casing which was more colorful than the ones I was used to seeing. “I believe this belongs to your pony friends.” He held it out to me. “W-what?” I gasped and took the scroll, not daring to open it. I doubt I’m shielded from the effects of the Elder Scrolls like the Dovahkiin is, who can just open one willy-nilly and just get it’s contents branded on their sight for a few moments. “Nocturnal tasked me to liberate the scrolls to help them avoid being in the wrong hands. The Imperial City will fall in a month at this rate.” The almost-Redguard towering Nord grimly informed us and Neethsi hissed. “Damn it. I hope Twilight can get it growing fast. We’ll need it sooner than hoped.” Neethsi snarled and I felt fearful. It was one thing to have the Aldmeri Dominion on the other side of Cyrodiil or the Topal Bay, it was quite another to have them at our doorstep. “Luckily I’ve gotten help from High Rock, Hammerfell and Orsinium.” The thief then looked at me. “You should get ready. Nocturnal tells me that the fabric of reality lies on your shoulders.” “Swell.” I grumbled and tried not to be bothered by how the thief simply vanished from my senses. Seriously, how many people can just do that? > Ch.14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.14 [Turdas, 15th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] We did not encounter the caravan by the time Neethsi led us off of the road towards the hill where we could see the Atronach Stone. Getting my stars changed when I’m awake was...weird. I felt no different, yet at the same time more sure of myself afterward. At least I won’t explode. “That’s weird.” Shade mewled as she looked at the stone. “I wonder what stars are mine?” “When were you born?” I asked her with my face feeling like a smile, so I’ll just call it smiling even if it isn’t with my lips. “Um...I don’t think I have a birth date anymore. Maybe when I was turned into a child and my memories started disappearing?” Shade asked me and I felt a sting of panic, unable to recall what month it was when her former self abducted me and was consequently de-aged. It was in the summer, I know that, maybe June or July? “The Stars are finicky with things like that. You might well have the sign of the Serpent, which wanders the sky and threatens the other signs away to steal the birthright of the one to be born in that month. If you’d like, I’d be willing to take you to any sign you may want.” Neethsi offered and Shade’s brows furrowed. “Why would I want to? Is the Serpent bad?” Shade asked us worriedly and I knelt down to be closer to her eye level. “Not really hatchling. It’s just that the Serpent is considered a bad omen and the default sign of orphans or ostracized people.” Since those folks often didn’t know their birth month. “Oh.” Shade said as she thought about it. “Well...I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be unfair to all of the Serpents who couldn’t change their stars if I did it just to be sure?” “Little one, this world is far from fair. Let your decision hinge on your own desires, not the expectations of others.” Neethsi chided my daughter, who nodded in acceptance of his rather...individualistic advise. That’s the sort of maverick belief of someone who took control of their own life and flourished. “Then...I want to have the Lover as my sign.” Shade’s tail twitched and she wrung her fingers in embarrassment while I felt a bit upset at her even knowing that word. Then again, she isn’t really naturally her age... “Why do you want to have the Lover sign? Also, where did you learn about it?” I was expecting her to ask what the signs were and everything. Instead she just came right out and picked one. “There are books in the bag. The Firmament is all wordy, but I understood that Lovers tend to be gentle and learn most things quickly. I considered the Lady or the Steed, but I don’t want to be all prim and proper or strong and faster than I need to be.” Shade reasoned and Neethsi chuckled. “A wise choice. I too am a Lover. It’s partly why I am so gifted in so many things. Lovers pick up skills like they are cards in a game of Shenanigans and learn them all quicker, but when it comes to disciplines of Magic, Might or Misdirection; the Mage, Warrior and Thief are superior in aiding their charges with learning skills under those categories than even the Lover.” Neethsi said before patting Shade on the head, which made her tail flick happily. “It’s a bit of a trip, but a shorter one than this one.” “Shame we didn’t see the caravan. I hope they’re alright.” Keerava will be anguished at her son not visiting at the expected time. I just know it. “Actually.” Neethsi pointed towards the road and I could see a train of wagons drawn by horses lit up by lanterns. “Let’s go catch up with them.” Neethsi cast a Candlelight spell to make sure the caravan could see us clearly in the dimming dusk while we approached the road, me leading Shade by the hand. “Halt! Who approaches with what intent?!” Shouted a heavily armored khajiit, who even being two feet shorter than Neethsi, still projected a fearless presence with his hand on his sword’s hilt and his shield arm held to his torso to be ready. If not for his tail and the elongated front of his helmet, I wouldn’t have known he was a khajiit besides his dry and throaty voice. “Neethsi Nagnaresh, with my companions Meen-Rei and Shade. You’re a good bit behind, are the bandits or other usual culprits making the roads in the hold unsafe?” The naga asked as he watched the caravan continue on, the merchants and guards warily eyeing us. “No. Instead a rockslide at Kynesgrove forced us to detour. The miners informed us it was due to their Alteration specialist packing up and moving back to Morrowind.” The guard answered. “But Dravynea hated what Morrowind had become from all the ash storms and volcanic activity. I wonder what would make such a skilled Expert in Alteration move back there...either way, we have terrible news regarding Riften. A serial killer who only targets argonians and khajiit has emerged. They kill and skin their victims. There has already been 7 dead.” Neethsi informed the guard in kind. “*hiss* Trouble, as always. Thank you for the warning, I will share it among the others. Do you need an escort back to Riften then?” The guard asked and I spotted a black argonian with yellow markings. He must’ve felt my gaze, because he looked directly at me and paused long enough to get bumped into by the person behind him, who hissed at him and he hurried over to us. “Hello. This is a rather odd place to be in at this time. Are they travelers?” The young man asked the guard, who grunted and nodded. “Well then, do you need an escort to Riften or Shor’s Stone?” The guard huffed and rejoined the caravan, clearly annoyed at his question being re-asked. “That is kind of you-.” “Yes please.” I interrupted what I expected to be a refusal, causing Neethsi to look down at me and I looked up at him. His face became even more neutral and he nodded. “Yes. We could use an escort. How much?” Neethsi questioned as he fetched a coin purse. “It’s half a night away and a long journey. If you’re willing to hoof it with us, only ten septims each, but if you would like to bed down in one of the carts, it’ll be twenty each.” The yellow-feathered argonian replied and I blinked. That’s rather mercenary of him. I can understand that the caravan doesn’t do things for free and that is roughly the fare of a stay at an inn depending on where you are. “A fair price for an armed and armored escort through the night.” Neethsi counted out sixty septims, but the young man only took forty. “The girl rides free. She must be exhausted from whatever adventures you had today.” He said while looking down at Shade, who was already wobbling tiredly on her feet. “Thank you for your Kindness. Where can we rest?” I asked as I looked at the passing carts. They easily had a train of ten carts. The caravans are doing much better for themselves under the rule of the new High King. “The last two caravans are kept lighter for resting and potential overstock.” He guided us to the train and gestured to the second to last of the covered carts, which Neethsi climbed into and poked his head back out. “There’s barely enough room for me here. I’ll take Shade for the night.” Neethsi reached down and I picked my daughter up before handing her to the naga, who nodded at me and withdrew. “Then let’s check the last wagon. It should be more spacious than that one.” He said as he climbed into the back before reaching out and helping me into the covered cart. It was dark inside unlike the well-lit exterior. “Pardon the dark, there’s no need for light at night if you’re inside one of these.” “That’s fine. You’re Keerava’s boy, right?” I asked as I felt around, finding a soft padding on the floor of the cart and I sat down to pull off my boots, which was a bit of a challenge in the dark. “Ah, mother is well?” He asked and I nodded, only to remember it was dark. “Yes. She’s fine even with the serial killer on the loose. She and your father are under constant guard for their safety.” I informed him, then snorted at my silliness at forgetting. “Pardon, I’m Meen-Rei. Your mother also neglected to tell me your name.” “That is good to hear despite the circumstances. I am Dar-Jah.” Dar-Jah replied and a silence descended until I managed to get my boots off and sighed as I rubbed my sore feet. “Out of curiosity, were you three out here on a family trip?” “We came here so I could change my stars. I have a rare magical disorder that causes me to suffer a dangerous fever from my magicka overtaxing my channeling points. I was born under the Thief, but I needed the Atronach. I would not have survived long enough to permanently change my stars here if not for the temporary stones inside cities.” I answered honestly while I laid back, my eyes adjusting enough to the dark to see Dar-Jah’s outline. “How dreadful. I am glad to find you well in that case, but you came here as a family?” Dar asked insistently and I felt anticipation at why he was asking. “Shade is my daughter, but Neethsi is not my husband or mate.” I told him and he hummed. “Pardon if this is rather forward to you since you’re possibly not from Skyrim, but would you mind knocking boots?” Dar asked with a purr and I felt my own purr stir in my chest and my loins moistened. It’s been too long and Mister Tail is good, but not that good. “I was actually hoping you’d ask. Neethsi is such a horrible prude, but he understands I have needs.” I reached over and felt along his thigh before cupping his groin, only to furrow my brow at the lack of male organs there. He still grunted and pressed into my touch though. “Unf, I had that feeling too. You had such an intense gaze, one I’m familiar with from women who have not had their needs seen to. Don’t tell mother, but I’m quite the hearthrob. I’m even considering asking one of my female friends to marry me. Don’t worry, I have contraceptives.” Dar crooned and shucked off his traveling robes. “Oh and please be quiet. I’ll get in trouble if I’m caught with another lady while we’re on the trail.” “Oh, you’re a bad boy~.” I tittered and was thankful the wagon had privacy curtains drawn over the front and back of the canvas covering while I unbuttoned his trousers and he did the same for mine. At least until he held something spicy-smelling in front of my face. “Contraceptive herbs. They fool your body into thinking you’re already pregnant so you don’t ovulate.” He explained and I nommed on the spicy leaves. They weren’t too hot, but they made me thirsty. I sat up and pulled off my tunic, sneakily making my boobs bigger up to DD-cups so I can more easily get a nipple to my mouth. I hefted a tit and latched onto my nipple, using my tongue to make a proper seal so I could suckle my sap. “By Dibella, that is sexy.” “Mm~.” I hummed into my nipple and actually enjoyed my sap for the first time. Dear gosh, my nectar is sweet. I feel all heady and tingly already. It’s like my boobies are full of aphrodesiac, which for all I know my sap qualifies. Although, it is a bit hard to get what I want. I pumped my boobs up bigger so I wasn’t having to crane my neck so far and my larger nipples could allow more to fill my mouth. So sweet, so tasty. “Mm~.” “Hey, don’t forget about me~.” Dar playfully joked as he tugged on my pants, reminding me I still needed to get naked, so I stopped self-sucking to pick my ass up off of the bedroll so he could pull them down. “Now, pardon if I spend a bit of time down here.” He carefully dove down into my groin and I muffled a moan into my oversized boobs as he drove his tongue into my golden honeypot. By gods it felt so good! I barely remember Palu or Victor, but even if he wasn’t as good as Palu it’s been so~ long. I wrapped my thighs around his head, thankful he didn’t have any horns to worry about and ground my cunt against his hungry quest for my quim. “Mmph!” I wish I had my Tokens, I miss my friends, but-. “Hm!” -Oh Dibella~! I shuddered as my first assisted orgasm in this new body and world assailed me, Dar-Jah dutifully lapped up my cum and prolonged my pleasure with the skill of someone who had performed cunnilingus a lot. “Mm, sweet and tangy. You taste incredible. Now then, time for me to get mine now that your body has had time to process the herbs.” He crawled up and I gasped as his hands found my massive tits, which I may have forgotten to keep reasonable and the bulbous head of what could only be his penis pressed between my swollen vulvae with ease. “By Dibella, these feel so much bigger than they looked.” He groaned as he slid into me and kneaded my boobs. “Ah, gods~.” I moaned as I felt him push into my unused slit and I arched my back. “Unf. So tight. Have you really laid eggs before? You’re almost a virgin.” Dar said in awe as he hilted me. He wasn’t nearly as ludicrously endowed like Palu or Victor, but his respectable length of bumpy hot meat felt massive in my tight and hot vagina. Thank goodness argonians don’t have cloacas. “Ah, j-just get on with it.” I hissed needily, gyrating to twist around him and he groaned before complying, pulling out and pushing back into me as my legs wrapped around his hips to encourage him, my tail between his own thighs and twining with his tail. “Guh, forgot how good it was to be with one of my own kind. By Dibella, your tail~...” He hissed as he fucked me and I felt it too. Our tails, twisting around one another, felt more intimate than I could have imagined. His hands kneading my hyper hooters didn’t compare, it was almost as good as looking someone directly in the eyes as you shared intimacy. “Sorry, but you’ve got me…” “Just cum. I already got mine.” I was close to a second one anyway, feeling him-Ah~! I shuddered as I felt him ejaculate inside me. His hot cum sated a thirst within me that had been nagging me for days now, if not as badly as that first night of being receptive. I may have already gotten through it, but damn if I wasn’t still horny! “Th-thanks for the fun time, Dar-Jah.” “Ah, it was nothing. If anything I should pay you for the privilege, but then that’d be insulting. A woman like you is no whore.” He praised and even nuzzled me. “Ah, thank you~.” I moaned as he pulled out of me. Then when his hands were not squeezing my massive tits, I shrunk them back down so I wouldn’t risk suffocating myself with my own boobs. I hope he couldn’t clearly see how huge I’d gotten and that it was a trick of perception. “Don’t fall asleep straight away. I need to help you get your top and bottoms back on so you don’t catch a chill. It may be summer, but Skyrim still gets cold at night.” Dar-Jah said as he promptly began doing so. Soon I was clothed and tucked into the bedroll and he was back in his trousers and travel robes. “Sleep well Meen-Rei, the guards will ensure you’re safe when we arrive in Riften.” “Mm, thanks.” I murmured to the merchant and he left the cart, so I decided to sleep considering it would take most of the night to reach Riften. 📜 [Fredas, 16th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Wake up!” I gasped in shock as an unfamiliar person shook me awake. “We have arrived. Sooner you are in a safe place the better!” The raspy khajiit voice urged and I groggily followed him out of the cart to see the caravan had been let into the city and they had formed a ring of the carts in the market square. “Your daughter and naga friend are already at the Bee and Barb.” The guard urgently assured me. “Mthanks.” I mumbled and only barely managed to return to the cart and grab my boots and satchel before heading inside. “Meen-Rei. I apologize for not being the one to wake you, but the less implications there are of our bit of fun, the better.” Dar-Jah quietly greeted me inside. He was much more handsome in the light of the lanterns. He looked like a garter snake decided to be an argonian with how his black and yellow scales were patterned and his yellow crest of feathers on his head was oddly very attractive to me. “No problem Dar-Jah. Now where are-?” I was interrupted by a strike to the back of my head and I fell to the floor, but I didn’t fall unconscious immediately. There was a scuffle, loud shouting and snarling, before I heard the crunching of bone and the squelch of flesh. I got to my hands and knees in as much of a hurry as I could manage and I gasped at the sight of Dar-Jah’s maw crunched into the throat of a Bosmer. He wrenched his head and snapped the elf’s neck before releasing our assailant, dropping him to the floor and leaving Dar-Jah drenched in blood. “Hah, ah, are you alright?” Dar asked me between frantic gasps of breath, looking quite shaken. “I’ll live.” I groaned and moments later a guard entered the inn. He shouted for us to remain still before raising the alarm and I sighed as Dar-Jah lowered himself into a chair and stared at the mer he’d killed. This was going to be a long day, especially since it started so early. > Ch.15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.15 [Fredas, 16th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Well, my day has been interesting.” I groaned and rubbed my lower stomach, still feeling Da-Jah’s hot seed swirling about in me. Thank goodness he gave me those contraceptives or I’d definitely be having eggs. “You started it with being a victim of assault and attempted murder at the hands of the Skinner.” Neethsi wryly snorted with a shake of his head. “I’m going to have to increase your awareness through training. He may have been using invisibility potions to get around, but you should’ve been able to hear him since he wasn’t using any muffle spells or enchantments.” “I was still half-asleep, Neethsi.” I huffed and looked at the door of our freely lent room. Keerava and Talen-Jei believe that had I not slowed the murderer down by needing to be dealt with before Dar-Jah, then their son would have died this morning. They immediately refunded the rent Neethsi had paid for the room and thanked me profusely, but I didn’t do anything. I was just...ugh, in the wrong place at the right time. I seem to have a talent for that. “And on wobbly legs.” Shade chuckled and patted my tummy. “Am I going to have brothers or sisters?” I felt my tail whip against the bed and Neethsi hissed in a reptilian snicker. “No. I took contraceptives like a mature person.” I leered at Neethsi and he simply shook his head in amusement. “Aw, but after my unborn siblings were taken I was hoping…” Shade mewled and pain spiked in my heart. I pet her head between her horns and tried not to let the agony show. “I understand hatchling. Don’t worry. You will have your siblings back.” I swear it, I will find them. “But I never got them. How can I get back what I didn’t have?” Shade asked and the pain increased. Right. They weren’t even born when...are they even alive then? No. Julianos said they were here and he had confidence I’d encounter them. I just hope it’s not in some twisted horrific fashion where I have to kill them as enemies, that might be the end of me. “Meen-Rei. Your daughter is more argonian than you. Pardon if that sounded cold, but stillborn clutches of eggs are a thing, if rare and even rarer is the case where all of the eggs even hatch, rarer still for them to all survive into adulthood unless they’re reared outside of Black Marsh.” Neethsi informed me and I took a breath to steady myself. Right. She didn’t get her siblings yet and she probably figures they’re gone forever, so she was hoping I’d be pregnant again. “Then, whenever I do have eggs, I don’t want to have them in Black Marsh. Especially since I have more than enough sap to nourish them.” I’m a bit disappointed by this. Black Marsh, despite its deadliness, seemed wonderful to me, but that may just be my argonian nature speaking for me. “Ah, sorry, I mean in the traditional nesting sense. We usually put our eggs in Hist Hatching Pools, but despite the beliefs of the majority of the Saxhleel, argonians in layman terms, we can be born just fine in nearly any environment. I’ve seen argonian mothers lay here in Skyrim and only have their own sap to offer their hatchlings. They’ve grown up just fine, have souls, everything. The Hist may have created us, but they do not have us on a leash. Unfortunately, the majority of my kind will never understand this.” Neethsi sighed in resignation and I felt reaffirmed in my decision not to have children in Black Marsh. I’d rather my children form their own identities away from the social pressures of such traditions. *knock, knock* “Are you doing okay in there?” Dar-Jah’s voice asked through the door and Neethsi immediately opened it up to reveal the young man was in clean clothes and the blood had been washed off. “Now that I’m done with being declared a hero, paid a bounty and praised for defending myself, I just need to make sure Meen-Rei is alright before I can rest.” “You need not be concerned. As you can see, Meen-Rei is fine, now go to sleep. It is not everyday you have your first kill and your first taste of the flesh of another sapient creature.” Neethsi insisted and Dar-Jah looked shaken again. “Yes. It was disturbingly toothsome, rich in flavor. I’ve had to do it in the past to survive, but don’t dwell on it. That way lies the depravity and the dark clutches of Namira.” “I can’t forget it. It was a struggle just to end it and not keep chewing…” He shuddered and hugged himself, his eyes haunted. “I know we’re built for protein-rich diets even if we’re omnivorous, but it was so good…” “Eat some raw pork. The flavor is quite similar and is a wonderful substitute.” Neethsi advised as he clapped the shorter man on the shoulders. “You can get through this. The first taste is always the strongest, but so long as you temper yourself and eat some raw meat, you’ll get over it.” “Th-thank you sir. I’m going to lie down.” The black and yellow male shivered and went down the hall as Neethsi closed the door. “Argonians are subject to cannibalistic tendencies?” I asked in concern, knowing we had these sharp teeth not just for show or combat. “As are khajiit. They have it worse actually. Felines are naturally dependent on meat for their diets. Khajiit don’t have this complete reliance, but they still have a powerful affinity for it. Namira is a worthless wretch of a blight on Mundus, so never give in to the Mistress of Decay.” Neethsi warned me and I nodded, never even having considered it. “Before we get too far off topic...are there any other things I should know about maturing argonians?” I asked as I looked at Shade, who blinked up at me with a tilt of her head. “Yes. We mature similarly to other races if left to our own devices, but we also have other quirks. Our bodies instinctively desire to Change, to take new shapes, colors or even swap genders. Little Shade may stay a female or she may instinctively decide to be male. Or, in an incredibly rare case, a hermaphrodite. These changes are not exclusive to puberty however. For instance, I have...been female for a good century.” Neethsi admitted sheepishly and I gawked at the hunk of manliness that is the naga Neethsi Nagnaresh, unable to envision him as a woman. “Okay, that’s, wow.” I said as I blinked, wondering if such a Change might happen to me, turn me male again. Not that I’d care to, I’ve been female long enough to enjoy being a woman, I don’t think I would want to go back after all I’ve experienced. “So I might turn into a boy instead of being pretty like mama? I don’t want that.” Shade mewled and I pet her head again to calm her back down. “The Change is something that happens to all of us. I wasn’t always this massive. I’m particularly large even for a naga. I won’t complain so long as I do not become as small as I was in my youth. I always hated how small I had been.” Neethsi muttered and gestured to the room. “Well, take today to rest if you want. I won’t warp us to Markarth until you feel grounded.” “Thank you.” I sighed before hugging Shade who mewled and rubbed my tummy. “So no siblings?” Shade asked in disappointment and I nuzzled her between the eyes. “Not for now hatchling.” I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes to get some rest. 📜 “Eugh...will it get less intense with time?” I groaned after vomiting the moment the teleport finished. At least this time the place he set up the teleportation runes wasn't in a sewer. “Oh yes. When I first used the Guild Guide service in Morrowind between the Mage Guild halls, I tossed up my breakfast of nix bacon omelets made with kwama eggs and sage. It was twice as spicy coming up as it was going down.” Neethsi chuckled as he carried me over his shoulder again, Shade was in the Haven Bag, likely tossing her cookies too. Thank gosh we didn’t eat the food Keerava packed for us before we left. “That is disgusting.” I gagged, not at the food he’d eaten, but with the image it spawned. “Most people would say the same before they tried traditional dunmer cuisine. It’s very spicy and sour-sweet in general, but with Red Mountain dumping liquid Ebony and ash all over Vvardenfell, it is harder to enjoy things when so many native species have gone extinct, but nobody will complain about the disappearance of the Cliff Racers. Praise be to Saint Jiub The Eradicator.” Neethsi intoned and I feebly raised a hand with a weak ‘yay’. When we emerged from the door hidden in a niche of the cliff faces surrounding Markarth, I sighed at the crisp air filling my lungs and he set me down before carefully walking me down the barely visible natural staircase. It was harrowing and the gusts of wind through the canyon helped me understand why a random person wouldn’t just stumble across Neethsi’s teleportation anchor. We eventually reached the bottom, which was in a niche between what I think were the tunnel into Cidhna Mine and the door to the Hall of the Dead. “Paranoid much? Why not do what you did with Riften and just do that illusion over the door?” I asked and he looked at me as if disappointed. “I know we haven’t had more magic lessons, but what made you think those stones were an illusion?” I blinked in confusion and then gaped at him, which caused him to wink. “I am perhaps one of the greatest Masters of Alteration on Nirn. My abilities are legendary. Where do you think the bridge connecting the narrowest part of the Inner Sea between southern Vvardenfell and Morrowind’s mainland came from? Nobody could have built such a thing, but the superstitious believe it was Vivec’s last gift to the ash-besieged citizens of his holy city.” “Holy shit. What’s keeping you from just building a new Tower?” I asked and he opened his mouth, only to pause and hum. “Hm...that is an idea. I’ll consider it.” Neethsi looked off into the middle-distance and became thoughtful while I shook my head and looked down into the canyon. Markarth was bigger than I remember from the games. Actually, the same went for Riften now that I think back on it. Despite that though, I could see people toiling away at the smelters as the mines still continued to pull silver from the earth. “Say, Neethsi, this mine has been running constantly for several decades right? How does it still have silver?” I mean, the sheer abundance of a single type of ore just geologically makes no sense, but this isn’t Earth or some other physics-bound reality. “Ah, a good question. Logically that can’t be possible, but then you must question the Earth Bones why they settle in one place instead of moving about when they weren’t composed of logic in the first place. To question reality is to entreat risks to sanity and soul, so most people simply ignorantly accept things as they are presented. In layman’s terms, there will never cease to be silver here, because the collective subconscious of the people here believe it will always have silver, so the Earth Bones provide.” Neethsi enigmatically lectured and I rolled my eyes. If I was going to achieve CHIM or Zero-Sum, I’d have done it already because I know the Truth. “Plate tectonics makes earth move and quakes!” Shade blurted out after poking her head out of the bag like some cute handbag goblin. “Perhaps in some alien realm not of Nirn. The land here is static and unmoving unless compelled into motion. Indeed earthquakes and shifting landmass are known here, but they have always been the act of a god or the collective effort of a great many people. For instance, Yokuda, west of Hammerfell, sunk into the sea from a cataclysm sparked by a rogue Sword Singer attempting a forbidden sword stroke. That is in no way natural. The same goes for the sinking of Thras; the homeland of the vile Sloads.” Neethsi went on to provide examples and I had to wonder what was up with Nirn and it’s obsession with sinking land under the ocean. “Oh, okay.” Shade acknowledged and retreated back into the bag. “I hope she doesn’t do that while people are around. Having a portable living space would draw unwanted attention.” I muttered and adjusted my full suit of armor that while assembled in Black Marsh, wasn’t too out of place for Skyrim aside from the chitin helm. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll just tighten the drawstring.” Neethsi did so and he led us through the industrial half of the city, avoiding the residential half and thus a lot of foot traffic. I didn’t fail to notice a lot of nords giving us suspicious leers and heard one or two mutter about ‘lizards’. Geez, we’re just walking through and they can’t help insulting us behind our backs? Talk about racist pricks. At least they aren’t openly attacking us. We thankfully left through the main gate with no trouble, the guards likely pleased to see us leave even if they didn’t notice us enter the one-gate city. Huh? Are those Forsworn shopping at a caravan camped outside of the city walls? “Hey, Neethsi. What’s with the Forsworn not attacking everyone in sight?” “Hm? Ah, the Forsworn were given an ultimatum when Vartine became the High King two decades ago. ‘Cease thine savagery and conduct your worship of your pagan gods in a civilized manner or be put to the sword by the combined might of all the Holds of Skyrim.’ Half of the Forsworn clans submitted for registration and allocation of unsettled land in the Reach, while the other half chose to die in one last attempt at sieging Markarth.” Neethsi casually informed me before climbing up the steep slope after passing a small farm on the left side of the road. “Well, that’s one way to deal with a small nation’s worth of disgruntled and violent people.” I muttered, wondering who Vartine was. If the Empire won the civil war, then why wasn’t Elisif the High Queen? Or is she and she took a husband who was a more skilled politician than her? Vartine sounds like an Imperial name too. How did the Jarls come to agree on that? “Hm, no bears or sabercats. This area is a favorite hunting ground for them.” Neethsi muttered while we neared the Lover Stone that was atop the small mountain that we’d climbed just outside of Markarth. I’m not even winded. I think taking the Atronach sign is helping my body adjust to all of my massive reserves. Do I have a Trait that converts overflow magicka to stamina? That is so cool if so. “Come on out now Shade, we’re at your stone.” “Mmph!” The drawstrings bulged and Neethsi chuckled before he loosened them and my daughter emerged from the bag with a pout up at him. “Meanie. So, uh, how do I use the stone? Do I just put my arm through the hole? It’s too high.” “No, just lay your hand upon it with the wish to accept it as your sign.” I told her and she quickly did so. Moments later, the hollow in the stone filled with light as the constellation on it shone the same color before a beam of said light fired into the late afternoon sky. “There. That’s one minor adventure done. Shall we head home? I’ve had enough of Skyrim.” It wasn’t too cold given it was summer, but I also didn’t care for the people here aside from the caravaners and the local non-nords or Hold Guards. Wow, nords are the worst, aside from supremacist Altmer. “Don’t be too harsh. Skyrim is a beautiful place like anywhere else, it’s just that her people are distrustful. You will find the same in nearly any land in these times however. You simply have the benefit of being an argonian in Black Marsh.” Neethsi scooped Shade up, causing my little girl to giggle as he casually slid her back into the Haven Bag and I enjoyed when he hefted me onto his shoulder again. I didn’t enjoy the teleport even if I avoided puking this time. The transition from dry and cool air to humid and hot air was less welcome than I anticipated, but the humidity eased the unnoticed dryness in my throat and gills. “I’m surprised you don’t get some sort of shock going between such intense climate differences.” I groaned as Neethsi set me back down on my boots. “I have my own personal climate from an enchantment of my own making. I never feel too hot or too cold or either too wet or dry. When you become skilled enough in Enchanting, I’ll share that among many other enchantments with you.” Neethsi said moments before the door burst open and Twilight glared at us. “I know I said I gave you permission, but please learn how to refine your teleportation spells to leave less volatile arcane resonance.” Twilight growled before slamming the door shut. “Now I see why you didn’t just teleport us here before. This was with permission.” I shook my head in disbelief for how genuinely angry Twilight had been at us. “Wait, wasn’t she supposed to be working on the ritual?” “Yes, but knowing her; she can likely pick up where she leaves off in the middle of it. She’s that sort of specially talented.” Neethsi praised the secret alicorn as he led us out of the room. “Oh, okay then.” I muttered as I looked at the rune array that Twilight was magically carving in the circular concrete sidewalk that surrounded the empty plot of tilled soil in the center of the university’s central courtyard with her also lecturing students on runework. “I’m going to explore the city if I’m not needed.” I said as I casually retrieved Shade from the Haven Bag. “Sweets?” My daughter asked with a wide smile as Neethsi waved goodbye while watching Twilight work her literal magic. “Only if you behave.” I told her before we left the campus. That was when an ebony coin fell from the sky and resonated loudly next to us. I blinked before leaning over to pick it up since Ebony, even if more common from what I understand, was still worth plenty of-. “Against all the Evil that Hell can conjure, all the Wickedness that Mortalkind can produce. We will send unto them, only you. Rip and Tear, until it is done.” I felt a jolt realizing this was a Token and one of a Doomguy Displaced. It made a wave of nostalgia flow through me as I stared at it, wondering if I should summon such a powerful ally. I’m only shopping with my daughter, I don’t think summoning what would amount to a Demigod would be needed for that. I almost pocketed the Token before Shade snatched it from me. “Wha-? Shade, why did you do that?” I demanded, feeling a little peeved that my little hatchling would take something from me. “Berserker?” Shade mewled at the coin and I felt oddly bemused. “...Who is this and how do you know me?” A familiar voice responded, catching both of us off guard if both of us taking a step back meant anything. “Shade and I’m with my mommy!” Shade squealed excitedly and I warily looked around before feeling relief that nobody was watching my daughter talk at a coin that could be mistaken for a Daedric Artifact. “Shade…you sound familiar, yet I can’t remember for the life of me. Why?” He questioned and I grabbed the coin when some people were getting closer. “Look, I’ll contact you when we’re someplace private, I can’t exactly treat this casually.” I quickly pulled open my tunic and put the coin in my cleavage before a trio of mage students got too close and took Shade’s hand before guiding her towards the market. “I get the feeling I know you too. Please contact me when you have the time so we can figure this out. Stay safe.” Berserker said, his voice echoing from my hidden cleavage and making me glad it was muffled enough not to be heard by the mages. “Damn it. It was only a matter of time.” Displaced shenanigans, I’m surprised it took this long to catch up to me. At least I have myself more-or-less set up here by this point. > Ch.16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.16 [Fredas, 16th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] It was so nice to have the leisure of shopping with my daughter. Thanks to all of the money left over from the shopping spree on Merchant’s Festival and what money Mellow could pay me back for my sap, along with what Twilight had paid me for said sap even if at a much cheaper price than it was worth, I could spoil her a bit with some sweets. People gave me wary looks since I was still in my armor, but people dressed like me were common enough that they only kept a respectful distance rather than outright treat me like a troublemaker. Either way, it was evening and I decided to pay Rarity a visit to pay her for the second set of clothes she’d sneakily made for me. I might also get some underwear and a dress for Shade, same for me. I’ve been going commando for over a week and I want some support. “Welcome to the Chique Boutique-oh! Hello Meen-Rei, little Shade. What can I-?” I interrupted her by holding up a coin purse and a deadpan expression. “Dear, what is the meaning of this rude foisting of funds upon mine person?” Rarity pouted, knowing full well the meaning. “Mama doesn’t keep debts. You snuck her new clothes, she’s paying for them.” Shade explained for me, since she’d asked why I specifically wanted to come to Rarity’s shop. “Hmph! I refuse to accept your gold for what I consider a favor to a friend who needed her prior set laundered.” Rarity huffed and I jingled the bag in front of her nose. “Oh, fine! Hmph. Is there anything else dear?” Rarity asked as she accepted her owed Septims. “I would like to purchase undergarments and a dress for Shade, the same for myself. However, my bra will need to be a special order. If I can’t maintain my bust size in moments of intense passion or emotional outbursts, I don’t want to have my lungs crushed by a restrictive brassier. So I’ll need a magic bra that changes size with me.” I explained and Rarity’s cheeks lit up. “A-ah, yes. I understand. I’ll take care of your little darling first, since it will be quick to measure and prepare her clothes. Then we can work on your...needs.” Rarity quickly retreated and took Shade with her, my daughter was giggling, possibly understanding that Rarity might have a crush on me for whatever reason. I mean, I always took Rarity for being a lady for the stallions. Nonetheless, this also gives me an opportunity. I pulled my gambeson open and reached in to retrieve the coin. “Alright, I’m at Rarity’s boutique. I consider this a safe enough place to talk since she doesn’t seem to have any other customers at the moment.” “Where is she at the moment?” Berserker asked. “Rarity is in the back, measuring Shade and making underwear and a dress for her.” I answered before flipping the coin towards the center of the room, having a hunch it would-yep. Portal where it landed. The portal was Hellish, but clearly augmented. The runes shone turquoise instead of red like the coin did. Out of the portal stepped a hulking man that was a foot taller than Neethsi at 9 feet and decked out in a modified variant of Doomguy’s Praetor armor. “Are you sure summoning me here was wise?” Berserker questioned as he took in his surroundings with a steady sweep of his helmet. “I don’t exactly have anywhere private to summon you. My current lodging is a magic Haven Bag that’s on my friend’s belt. So, why do you feel familiar to me? I used to be-used to be-ugh. I can’t even hint at it. I wasn’t an argonian before, I was like a Lilmothiit.” At least I can use a localized version of what I used to be. “What’s a Lilmothiit?” This Doomguy asked tilting his head and I had a little rage fit internally. “It’s...take a diamond dog, make them-they are-sunuva!” I snarled and rapped my chitin-armored head with my knuckles in frustration at my inability to explain further. “Stop. Forget that I asked.” Berserker told me, but I shook my head. “No, because it could be a clue for how we know each other. Just, when we meet my friend, ask him what a Lilmothiit is and you can start piecing it together.” I sighed in resignation. Curse my Displacer, whoever they are, for taking away my name, my face, my entire previous existence. “Well that’s...annoying.” He turned with me when Rarity emerged with Shade dressed in a new black and white dress with a tiny leather bodice. “Mama, mama! Look at me! I feel so pretty and-Berserker~!” She ran for the towering armored hulk and hugged his left leg. “You’re okay! When you were swallowed by the Dark, I thought you died~!” She hiccuped and nuzzled his thigh while I felt frustration at an argonian’s inability to express tears. “Wait...I died?” Berserker held his head as his body began to sway, like he was about to lose his balance. “What…how?” “While those two help each other, how about you come back with me for your fitting?” Rarity grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the back, likely catching on to the rather personal situation. “I won’t pry, so let’s get started on your measurements. I’m going to need to be more thorough with you since unlike Shade, you’re a full-grown woman.” “Ah, right, but how will measuring my chest work?” I asked with embarrassment as I began removing my armor with Rarity’s help. I did have two layers of it to shed after all. “I will need to measure you at your smallest, then at your largest using a measurement recording spell to see how powerful an Everfit enchantment I’ll need to put on the garment. First though, let me get your lower body done. That is, unless you have expanding ass cheeks too?” Rarity cheekily questioned and I felt warm from the implication I swelled in other places. “N-no, my butt has remained static unlike my chest.” I rebutted in embarrassment at the idea of having such a ridiculously fat ass even when she magically pulled my leather pants down. “Ah, that would have been nice.” She sighed wistfully as she finished getting me undressed. She first brought the magic measuring tape to my waist and I didn’t miss how she traced some of my abs with her fingers while checking my size. “24 inches. Impressive considering your musculature and that you’ve had eggs before.” “Well, me being an argonian is a new development.” I reminded her as she got behind me and I gasped when she groped my ass, causing my tail to lift and I felt so aroused suddenly. “R-Rarity?” I looked behind me warily to see she was in fact measuring me, but was getting a good handful of my booty and biting her lip. “40 inches. You’re a bit bottom-heavy with motherly egg-bearing hips, aren’t you?” Rarity fluttered her eyes at me and I gulped nervously, but I also felt a building anticipation. “Now then, let’s measure you at your smallest up top.” She slid up my back, her F-cup breasts practically molding around my tail and making me gasp as she pressed against me. “Wh-?” I began to ask before I felt something that was not from a girl pressing into my ass cleavage and poking the base of my tail. “Is this your smallest size at a C-cup?” Rarity asked as she ground her bulge against my ass and I pressed back, surprised but eager. Dar-Jah may have satisfied me, but this roaring hungry lustful beast inside me sensed another opportunity and I was not going to say no! “Now for the largest~.” Rarity panted. “O-okay.” I panted in matching arousal before growing to GG-cups as I felt her naked male organ slide between my thighs and start to gyrate her flare into my slit as I bent forward to give her access. “Magnificent darling.” Rarity purred before pushing into me, wait what about con~ oh~! “Ahn~...n-not done…” I gasped and let my breasts swell, hanging low towards the floor as I let go of my size restrictions. They were so massive! These studs are holding back tits the size of yoga balls~! They’re sloshing so much with each of Rarity’s gentle thrusts into my burning hot quim it was like listening to a pool system! “Oh, I’m so, Unf, stuffing this womb!” Rarity moaned as she let go of her measuring spell that had dutifully measured my gigantic four-foot tits and she grabbed my hips to start pounding me. “I hope you plan for a clutch, you beautiful beast! Because I do not have the patience to fetch my herbs!” Rarity growled lustfully as she fucked me~. “Ahn~! No~!” I whined, still aware enough of myself that I didn’t want to get pregnant right now, but I still had herbs I bought from the caravan in my satchel next to me! I leaned to the side as much as I could on my boobie perch and reached into my satchel, grabbing the spicy leaves and I munched on them in desperation while still egging Rarity on to pound me harder! “Yes, fuck, ah! Almost there!” Rarity moaned before hilting in me and geysering into my womb. Seed burst from her flare and into me, causing me to cum hard around her and have flashes of light blind my vision. The flare of her equine phallus prevented any from leaking out and her cum swelled my belly to look like I’d overeaten. “I haven’t cum in months! Round 2?” “Another?” I gasped in surprise as I cradled my sloshing paunch when she started thrusting into me again. I looked back at the unicorn who was flushed and leering at me with lust while her magic was also making my clothes off to the side. “I’m blue-balled dear. While most men would take me in a heartbeat, the girls are less so. They fawn after Twilight or some man around town, think I’m too ladylike, which I am.” Rarity explained in frustration as she pounded me against my blimp boobs, which sloshed and jiggled with each thrust. I can feel my sap leaking under me, coating her stone floor in my sweetness. “A-ahn, w-why me though~?” I mewled in confusion, spasming as I tightened around her in another orgasm, but she kept driving her huge cock into me without pause. “I’m a tits and ass kinda girl.” Rarity moaned before she hilted me again and I keened as I came again when she began pumping more cum into me! “Y-you’re so sexy Meen-Rei, not just your body either! You’ve got this demure and humble personality that at times is forceful when it’s most important. I’m so sorry if I knock you up, but I’ll gladly care for any hatchlings I give you!” “So full~!” I cried in pleasure as my belly doubled, making me look properly pregnant. I was feeling so hot! So primed and ready! Eggs! I’m going to have eggs~! “I hope you ate enough of those herbs, I’ve got one more before your lingerie is finished.” Rarity panted and started her third pounding of my singing snatch. “Yes~! Fill me! Give me eggs~!” I wailed, a powerful, consuming desire blossoming inside of me. My scales stretched and contained my cummy cargo with an ease that couldn’t be natural. I think I know what the Navel Pearl does now. “Oh gawd yis~!” I hissed as I came again and Rarity moaned when she pumped me a third time, but this time she collapsed against my back, my tail still sandwiched in her cleavage with my belly stuffed enough to look like I had twins. 📜 “I am so, so sorry~!” Rarity wailed in despair for her unladylike conduct on her fainting couch shortly after we’d come out of our post-coital haze and I used the enchantments of my nipple studs and navel pearl to shrink my breasts and belly down to their smallest sizes, that being C-cups and abs respectfully. “I couldn’t control myself anymore! To my shame, I almost jumped you when watching you dress before and this time I couldn’t stop myself~!” “Hey, hey. It’s fine. It was fun between two consenting adults and I managed to nom on the herbs. They’re fast-acting and the effects last a few days, so as long as I get all of your...seed out of me in three days, I won’t be having your eggs.” I assured her with certainty, since in this world, alchemical effects are immediate and potent regardless of their duration. Also, seeing Rarity naked right now, since she was magically cleaning her clothes that had gotten all sweaty and wet with my feminine juices, really turned me on. She wasn’t muscular or toned in any way, but her faint amounts of fat gave her a smooth and enticing body with hips and an ass to die for with those F-cups giving her an hourglass figure, she even had a smooth and flat tummy with thicc yet firm thighs that still gave her a healthy thigh gap. What really got to me was the flaccid 18-inch beast of light purple male horse meat being cleaned by her magic and the hefty cantaloupe-sized nuts under it resting on those thicc thighs! How was she hiding that thing even in a dress?! “Why are you so big?” I blurted out in awe and she huffed. “Because of a spell Twilight botched that went off target. I was average sized before at 10 inches.” Rarity said with a pout as she looked at my flat stomach. “That is quite the magic there. I wish the space-distortion enchantments I’ve learned to hide my virility worked better so the few ladies I’ve bedded weren’t immobilized.” “Are you and Twilight a thing?” I wondered why the Archmage would have such a spell. “Oh, no. I had walked in on Twilight when she was experimenting with body Alteration magic on an animal. She got startled and blasted me with it. She couldn’t fix it because she was still experimenting in the field of Organic Alteration at the time and didn’t want to risk hurting me further. I’ve learned to live with and enjoy being so big, but as I said before, it’s hard for any ladies I take to bed to, well, take me. Unless they’re ponies, they get extra enthusiastic, but again, they aren’t interested in me when a stud like Big Mac exists.” Rarity huffed and summoned her cleaned dress back onto her, which indeed made her body seem purely female. “Well, I guess I have a new dress to pay for.” I said as she gave me my new undergarments and primarily red dress. It was a lighter shade than my blood-red scales, it was rather invigorating. “No. I refuse. I will accept payment for the brassiere dear, but for letting me have my way with you, I request that you avoid paying for the dress and panties.” Rarity demanded. “Okay, so in the future, if I want something for ‘free’ without feeling like I’m cheating you, just give you sexual favors?” I fluttered my eyes at her, which wouldn’t make sense to me since I don’t have eyelashes, but that still made her blush hotly. “If you tease me more, that throat will be next.” Rarity panted and I approached her, pressing my stiff scaly lips to hers and she kissed me as she squeezed me against her tightly. “*smooch* That’s a risk I’ll take to see you so flustered.” I purred and then began getting dressed as she fanned her cleavage and neck. “You cruel, evil woman.” Rarity huffed and helped me get into my new dress, not letting me turn it into a reverse strip-tease. “I think we’ve made your daughter and friend wait long enough. Thank gosh the curtains are thick and have Muffling enchantments.” “Okay, okay.” I chuckled at my friend? Lover? Fuck buddy? “Are you girls doing okay in here?” We heard Berserker ask when he poked his head through the Muffling curtains. Thank gosh both of us were clothed again. “Yes, we just had some difficulty with my bust.” I told him truthfully, omitting the raunchy bits. “Alright. Is that all for today, darling?” Rarity asked as we finished dressing me up. “Yes, that’s all.” I told her as we left the back room for the main lobby where Berserker and Shade were waiting. “How do I look?” I asked my daughter as I gave a twirl. “You’re beautiful, Mama!” Shade exclaimed before she hugged me around the legs. “Hm.” Berserker hummed as he looked between Rarity and myself. Wait, does he know? How? Those curtains have Muffling enchantments on them, there’s no way he could know! “Brilliant work, Rarity. You’ve outdone yourself. Mind if you and I have a private chat?” Wait, why is he asking her that? Am I experiencing jelly? “Thank you, certainly.” Rarity then led the man behind the curtains, leaving me with Shade. This made me feel very anxious. What did he want to talk to her about? “Can I have my treats now?” Shade asked impatiently and I rolled my eyes in fond exasperation. “Yes, dear.” I said while I retrieved some candied local berries that I bought on the way here. Luckily we didn’t have to wait long, since Berserker and Rarity returned to us shortly, though Rarity looked very happy for some reason. “So...is everything okay?” “Yes, very much so.” The fashionista answered with a nod as she beamed up at the Doomguy. “Thank you for the gift, dear. That was very nice of you.” Gift? What sort of gift? “You’re welcome. Even ladylike women need stress-relief. What I gave you will satisfy you and your partner. I guarantee it.” Berserker declared before turning to me. “So, ready to go?” “Sure...” I warily replied and led us out of the Chique Boutique into the evening air that was still hot and muggy despite the sun having decided to set while Rarity and I had fun. “What did you give Rarity?” I asked with curiosity and suspicion. “Some much needed supplies to help her with stress-relief. By the way: take a bath. I can smell the secret hugging you and Rarity did behind those curtains.” Oh...Berserker gave her some things to help alleviate her sex drive. “Thanks, I’ll get on that.” I huffed while checking if we were drawing too much attention since we’re walking with a nine-foot tall man in hulking armor that includes a demonic skull for a helmet. It was armor that screamed ‘Fear Me’. At least he didn’t seem to have any weapons equipped, oddly enough. Then again, Doomguy carries an arsenal. Magic or Nanotech for sure. “You know, maybe summoning you here wasn’t wise at all.” I whispered as I noted all of the guards warily eyeing us and the citizens gave us a wide berth. “Too late to turn back now.” Berserker replied as we continued walking down the streets. “It’s very rustic here. Simple. I’m so used to the hustle of space-faring societies. It’s refreshing. Makes me want to visit some of the frontier colonies, where they’re not so overdeveloped.” “Space huh? Sounds complicated. Things are annoyingly complex here enough without-.” I jumped back when a rainbow-colored streak culminated into Rainbow Dash in front of me. “Holy-Julianos! Are you trying to give me a heart attack, Rainbow?!” I shouted at the pegasus guard in frustration while clutching my hands to my sternum. “Why didn’t you-rrg?! C’mon, you need to get back to LUM now.” Dash swiftly flashed behind me, grabbed me under the armpits and took off with me! “Ah~! Rainbow Dash~!” I wailed in a surprisingly bestial raspy call that I’d expect from a Jurassic Park movie. “What is going on?! I was enjoying a day with my daughter!” “You had the next scroll and you didn’t tell Twilight! She needs it to know the next steps!” Rainbow snarled at me and I sheepishly went limp. Oops… > Ch.17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.17 [Fredas, 16th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Rainbow, I tried to tell you that I didn’t need it now, but I needed it as soon as tomorrow.” Twilight chided her friend, who had already apologized sheepishly to me for scaring me and interrupting my time with my daughter, thus she was rather downtrodden for jumping the gun. “Whatever, I’m here now and my daughter is with someone she knows and I think is trustworthy. Here.” I reached into my satchel and retrieved the colorfully encased scroll before handing the weighty thing to the secret alicorn. “I’m guessing that was next on my to-do questline from you?” “Yes. I was going to task you with infiltrating the Imperial Library and liberating one of the three Equestrian Scrolls that the Empire had stolen from us at spearpoint, citing some patriotic drivel about how all Elder Scrolls belong in the Imperial Palace due to their historical and prophetic importance. Either way, only one of the stolen Scrolls ended up in their library, but that can wait until later.” Twilight sniffed me and she blushed. “Uh...I sense that you’ve become rather intimate with Rarity.” Ugh, I need to carry perfume or something. “What’s new? She’s Rare’s type.” Rainbow snorted with a roll of her eyes and I leered at her. “Can we please not?” We heard Berserker say when he entered with Shade in his arms, my little girl all tuckered out from the day’s adventures. “And may I get an abridged version of what you are all planning on doing, please?” “Uh...bridge what?” Rainbow asked as she looked at Twilight, who rubbed her temples in a long-suffering manner. “A short, simple version with more than enough information condensed to understand.” Berserker briefly explained the terminology, but I think a couple of those words were still too big for Rainbow, but she nodded in comprehension anyway. “Alright, since you share a similar anomalous spatial signature as Meen-Rei and Shade, I can assume you’ll be involved at least tangentially. We’re replanting the Tree of Harmony to replace the fallen Crystal-Like-Law as well as the shattered original Tree of Harmony that replaced Crystal-Like-Law briefly as a Tower. If we don’t, our reality will cease to exist and linear time will collapse.” Twilight laid out for us all and I nodded to Berserker in wordless confirmation. “Do you have the Seed of Harmony?” Berserker’s question felt a bit redundant, but then again did the Tree of Harmony from my previous world even have a seed in the beginning? “Yep. It’s been planted in the central courtyard with protective runes and all sorts of fancy magic writing. Together with Mellow Cake’s fertilizer, it’s already sprouting.” Rainbow answered since that was something she could provide. “That ‘fancy magic writing’ is a modern interpretation of the original Ehlnofex. I’ve explained this to you several times just yesterday when you kept asking about it.” Twilight groaned and Rainbow’s ears wilted at her friend’s frustration with her lack of comprehension. “Twilight, calm down, this is your friend Rainbow Dash. You know she’s not into long-winded lectures of magic. Give her time, she’ll learn to appreciate it on her own terms.” Wow, that was wise and nice of him to say. “Sorry Rainbow. It’s just been such a long couple of days and there’s still more work ahead of us.” Twilight rubbed her eyes, the bags under her eyelids and shadows surrounding them evident enough to notice. “Hm, so is there anything else?” I asked as Twilight's gaze lingered on my chest. “Nothing important. Just be careful with those potential smother-hazards on your chest. I’d suggest you try sleeping on your front until you gain full control over your size.” Twilight commented, but I think I saw her rubbing something in her robes before she went back to her work. “C’mon, let’s leave them be. We’re not needed here anymore.” Berserker suggested, but I stopped him with a raised hand. “Wait, first, Twilight, please tell Berserker what a Lilmothiit is.” I requested in the hopes this roundabout hint would help us figure things out. “The fox-people? What about them?” As soon as Twilight said that, Berserker started to act strange. First his head lowered down, as if bowing in prayer. Then he collapsed on the floor with a heavy thud. “Berserker?!” I gasped in shock, quickly rushing to his side and pulling Shade out from under him when she awoke from the fall. “Owie~. My head.” Shade mewled as she rubbed her head. “What happened?” “I don’t know. I had Twilight say what a Lilmothiit is, then he fell the next moment.” I told my little hatchling while Rainbow Dash came over and turned the unconscious man on his back. “Hng! Can’t get his armor off!” Rainbow gritted her teeth as she tried to pry Berserker’s armor off. However, the Doomguy was enwrapped in chains the next moment, causing us to back away from him. The next thing we knew, Berserker was being electrocuted! “Everyone, get away from him!” Twilight ordered as she used her magic to pull us away. “I think something might have tried to possess him!” This was proven when Berserker started talking, only his voice was distorted and spoke in a language I didn’t understand. This was met with more shocking and more grunts of pain. “Berserker.” Shade sniffled in my arms as I shielded her eyes from the self-inflicted torture until it finally stopped with black smoke rising out of his body that faded away into nothingness. “By the Gods.” Twilight muttered in horror as she moved towards the man’s body. Berserker was lying still with no signs of consciousness. Twilight knelt down next to the man and removed his helmet only to get shocked. “Ow!” “Hey, don’t do that!” Rainbow rushed over to the Arch-mage's side and inspected her hands. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine, Rainbow.” Twilight assured the guard. “Can’t say the same for him.” “What could’ve possessed him and what’s with the chains?” Rainbow questioned. “I don’t know, Rainbow. I think those chains are a failsafe. We’re left in the dark until he comes back. However, I am certain of one thing: someone or something tried to silence him from revealing details about Meen-Rei’s old life. Wherever he’s from, this probably wouldn’t happen. But here, he’s vulnerable.” “What?” I whined as I knelt next to Berserker. “Okay, so now what?” Rainbow asked as she helped Twilight back up, taking a hold of the helmet as she looked at it curiously. “For now, we let him rest and recover. We’ll continue on until he’s up and moving again. Tomorrow morning though, I want to hold a meeting for us to discuss some things, including what happened here today.” Twilight elaborated as she effortlessly picked Berserker up in her magic like he weighed nothing at all. “C’mon, let’s get him to Mellow.” “Okay.” I mewled, worried about what would happen to Palu or Victor if I summoned them if the Doom Marines were harmed like this. “Should I even try summoning those I used to know?” “I’d rather you didn’t. If what happened to Berserker is of any indication, it wouldn’t be wise to summon any other person who has a connection to you from your past. Let’s keep it to him, until we know for certain.” Twilight rebuked my pondering and I could see the wisdom in it, even if I didn’t like it. 📜 [Loredas, 17th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “So that’s what happened last night.” Neethsi murmured after Twilight explained the events to everyone. Shade wanted to be with Berserker, but we couldn’t allow it. “So Meen-Rei is cursed?” Applejack asked before Fluttershy elbowed the blunt mare. “It’s complicated. Right now we need to plan our next move and be on the lookout. Berserker’s little ‘episode’ may have drawn attention to us. He’s very vulnerable since he’s new here and doesn’t really know much about our world. So I’m going to see if I can do something about his armor.” Twilight replied with a sigh before looking my way. “Meen-Rei, could you tell us how you summoned him here?” “With this.” I said pulling out the Token, but something was different with it. It’s markings were no longer red. “Uh, hello?” I spoke to the coin, hoping for a reply. Nothing. I tried summoning one of the other Doom Marines, still nothing. “Something’s wrong, I can’t summon anyone else.” “What does that mean for the big guy?” Rainbow asked. “He can’t return home.” Neethsi answered with a hiss. “Whatever’s doing this wants to finish the job. Berserker’s more than likely a threat to it, as to how I do not know. My experience with planar travel is limited to between Oblivion and Mundus.” “Is he trustworthy?” My tail flickered in agitation when Diane had the gall to ask such a question. How could she say that when Berserker is my only hope of fully remembering who and what I was before all of this?! “While I understand your reasons, Pinkie, he’s not the enemy. He’s connected to Meen-Rei in some way and he has way too many wards on that armor of his. I don’t want to tamper with any of them in case they blow up in our face. If it makes you feel better, Berserker will be put under my watch. He’ll understand why.” Twilight suggested, to which Diane nodded her head. “I’m sorry Berserker.” I muttered to myself in guilt. “If it’s alright, I would like to see him.” Rarity spoke up, surprising everyone. “I’ll admit, while I’ve only just met him yesterday, he has gifted me Generously with something that will help with my, ahem, condition.” She said with a blush, the other’s jaws dropped in disbelief. “Oh, don’t look at me like that! He was only helping me, nothing too serious beyond that.” “Well, that was...very nice of him to do for you.” Twilight quickly replied awkwardly. “If it’s all the same; I, too, would like to see this man. I want to see what makes him special.” That’s one way of putting it, Neethsi. “Okay then. Wasn’t he in your room, Twilight?” I asked the Arch-mage. “Yes, but the first thing I want from you is more sap, Meen-Rei. Berserker is under good care here, you don’t have to worry for his health. If anything comes up, we’ll inform you.” Twilight told me as she picked me up with her magic. “Neethsi, go fetch her daughter and take her out about town would you? Show her what it's like to live here since she’s not a native.” “Hey, why can’t I see Berserker?!” I yelped as I was carried out by force in her magic. “Because he is in a magical coma and things could’ve taken a turn for the worse. I have town guards on him, wards and other defenses in case he wakes in a ‘berserking’ rage. I don’t need you triggering him into that state. He’s lucky he’s not in Star Swirl Eye, which is a prison miles offshore for powerful magical objects. Right now I am hoping that when he wakes, whatever tried to take him over has passed. I can’t be sure a Prince isn’t trying something.” Twilight said grimly with a severe look at me, considering I’ve had numerous encounters with Princes. “I-I see.” I accepted as I wilted in her magical grasp. Those were all reasonable reasons. “Good. Now, you are going to give us the last of the sap we need, then I’m sending you off to get us some ingredients of a potion that might help me discern whether Berserker is being manipulated by a Prince or not.” Twilight said as she placed me on the milking table. “Okay, so you’ll still let me help?” I asked as the magical cups were placed on my heavy sap filled bosom. I shivered at the feeling of my tits being squeezed and milked, sap pulsing through my nipples into the tanks for the new Crystal Tower to use for nutrition. “Yes. I have some Students also looking into it. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out and I’ll keep you updated.” Twilight told me before leaving me to be milked. Great. Well, at least I know he’s guarded and not going to have his throat slit in his sleep. This allowed me to relax and let the pleasure of the milking help me enter a zen state of pleasure and rest. 📜 [Sundas, 18th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] I walked through town watching as ponies, argonians and others bustled and toiled around, doing chores and buying provisions for the week. Not much was interesting other than my ever present shadow Neethsi walking about with Shade on his shoulders. The little thing had begged the Naga for a piggyback ride for an hour now and the giant finally relented. I found it rather amusing. “There’s so much up here!” Shade cheered as she looked around. “Yes, yes. Now Meen-Rei, we are in need of potion ingredients aren’t we? What do we need?” Neethsi asked while he ignored all of the approving glances from people of both sexes and all species present for how he humored who they probably assumed was his hatchling. “Gold Dust, Torch Bug Thorax, Ice Wraith Teeth and I think this says Eye of Saber Cat.” I read out from the list Twilight had given me. She is brilliant, but her writing is hard to read. Also, I didn’t know Gold was used in alchemy. The hardest things to get here are Ice Wraith Teeth and the Saber Cat Eye since those are native to Skyrim. “We’ll need to go to the port and find an importer for half of the ingredients since some of those are from Skyrim.” Neethsi sighed after he mirrored my thoughts as he looked about the plaza.  “That means it’s going to cost more right?” I groaned since we were left with little options on how to obtain the ingredients. Neethsi nodded as he wove through the crowd, my little girl looking at everyone as we walked. “Yes, though remember I am helping you with the pay.” Neethsi reminded me as he held up his pouch of currency or at least the one he was bothering to carry out of the Haven Bag. “Right, do you see the shop?” I asked as I looked about to see where I could find an importer. “End of the Plaza, near to the docks.” Neethsi said when he pointed at a sign with a ship. “It’s easy to spot them if they have such a sign at a port city or town. Memorize them.” “I see.” I hummed with a look around at the signs for tailors, barbers, bookstores and several stands selling food. “Hm, let’s try the bookstore first. It wouldn’t hurt to have some knowledge on hand.” “Alright, just watch out for copies of The Lusty Argonian Maid.” Neethsi told me as we made our way towards the bookstore. “Surely they wouldn’t have that kind of book, would they? I mean, would it really make that much money?” I asked in confusion. I mean, it’s a lewd stage play, sure, but really? “It’s a thirteen part series and sells well, mostly to nords and those in Cyrodiil.” Neethsi continued and then smiled faintly. “It’s fairly popular among all who find argonian females even mildly attractive. Crassius Curio was a shameless horndog who dutifully studied argonians to ensure he got every minute detail of their physiology as correct as possible.” “Really?” I have to wonder how he knows that. The bookstore was rather cozy and organized, not to the same level as Rarity’s, but close enough. “Wow, this place isn’t half bad.” “Ah, welcome.” The store’s clerk greeted us with a short bow, a beautiful nord woman with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. “How may I help you today?” “Hello, we are looking for a copy of Song of the Alchemists. Do you have any in store?” I inquired while wondering why Twilight needed an old Dwemer book on fairy tales. “Yes, we do. Follow me, please.” As requested, we followed towards the section of books containing alchemy books. “Any particular reason why?” “The Arch-Mage wanted these items in order to make a potion as well as the book for a reference for some reason.” I answered, showing her the ingredients on the paper. “Ah.” The clerk nodded her head as she looked for the specific book. “Here you are ma’am.” The pretty nord lady said as she brought down the thick blue tome. I faintly remember that it only had a single poem or something, why was it so thick? Is my metaknowledge so poor? “I would ask for payment, but I’ll just put it on Arch-Mage Twilight’s tab.” She has a tab at a bookstore? What an adorkable nerd! “Thanks.” I put the book into my magic satchel and left the shop with Neethsi following. “So, how do you know this about Crassius?” I asked out of curiosity to fill the time between here and the import shop. “Ah, yes, perhaps it is unsuitable for young ears?” Neethsi probed and Shade patted his smooth head in protest. “Hey! I may be young now, but I know all about the sex stuff! Just tell mama what she wants to know.” Shade protested and Neethsi sighed. “In my quest to save Morrowind, I had to join and gain the trust of each Great House. Crassius was the only member of House Hlaalu willing to help me. His price was for me to strip naked and pose for him, along with answering every question he had. Ironically, he was also the most proper person in the House, greatly opposed to corruption to the point of helping me subvert the rest of House Hlaalu to depose their corrupt leadership.” Neethsi smiled and then became sad. Ah. An old friend. Being immortal can suck I guess, having to suffer loss repeatedly like that… > Ch.18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.18 [Sundas, 18th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Mom~! I want sap!” Shade whined on the way back from the customs shop that thankfully had all of the ingredients we needed so we didn’t have to shop elsewhere. Oh~! I get the Khajiit Elsweyr joke! “Mama will feed you when we get home.” I replied testily, thankful that we had been in the midst of a dense crowd and her whining was mostly lost among all the commotion. I had been considering trying to come up with an excuse to visit Rarity for another wonderful session with her, but Shade’s needs come before my own. I don’t know what to think about my relationship with Rarity, but I would very much like for it to progress. “Careful young one. If you imbibe too much, you’ll become as gold-lipped as your mother.” Neethsi teasingly chided my daughter and I ran my fingers over my lips self-consciously. I liked them, but they were a sign of either a Hist-Speaker or an addict. “But your lips are so pretty!” Shade rebutted and I felt some confidence return. At least until someone barreled through the crowd, knocked me into Neethsi, then kept going. Shortly the jerk was pursued by a pegasus and a couple of other guards. “Hey! Are you okay mama?!” “I’m fine, little tadpole. I just got knocked aside.” I replied with a rub of my shoulder and checked to make sure I wasn’t just a victim of theft. No, everything is accounted for. I was just an unlucky bystander in a chase. At least until I felt a piece of paper under my belt that wasn’t there before and I looked at it in bemusement. It had the image of a circle in a vertically elongated diamond. “Oh no.” Neethsi hissed before he took the paper from me and his hands shimmered before he put it in his satchel. “You head on back, I’ll take care of this.” Neethsi put Shade down next to me and practically stormed off in a seemingly random direction. “What happened, mama?” Shade questioned as I took her hand and headed back towards the university. “Just silly games of guards and thieves dear.” I answered with a non-answer and returned to the Lilmoth University of Magic quickly enough. The sheer number of guards surrounding the center of the courtyard to ensure nobody can get near the sprouting Tree of Harmony was fairly intimidating even though it was no problem to just walk around the rim of the courtyard. “Hm? You there! Halt!” One of the unicorns in the wall of guards shouted and hurried to me, but gestured to the others to stay where they were. “Your oppressive magicka resonance, you must be Meen-Rei, yes?” The stallion questioned and I nodded. “After you’ve spoken to Arch-Mage Twilight Sparkle, captain Miun-La Theertius would like to see you at the city garrison before you leave the city on any business.” “Alright, I’ll be sure to drop by.” I replied and then headed into the university. I hope I wasn’t in trouble for anything I’m unaware of. That would totally suck. I may have powerful friends, but I don’t want to bet on them being able to save me from corrupt individuals. I led Shade towards the apothecary where Mellow was continuing to brew for the tree. Although it had taken root, it wouldn’t hurt to ensure the tree’s success. When we entered I put the book and the ingredients out on the workspace and Mellow wordlessly nodded in gratitude. The short yellow unicorn was running ragged! His eyes had deep, dark circles around them, he was filthy with sweat and dirt and looked half asleep! “Mama, Mister Mellow doesn’t look okay.” Thank you for pointing out the obvious sweetie. “Mm? M’ fine.” Mellow muttered in protest, but I grabbed him by the wrist and began dragging him away. “No! I need to keep going!” “The tree has taken root, you can afford a break!” I snarled back at him with my harsh reptilian rasp. He was too weak to break free from my grasp, so I pulled him along towards the dorms where students and faculty lived. I didn’t have a room here or I don’t think so, but surely Mellow already had one. I doubt Twilight would turn down such a capable alchemist from her school. “Good morning. Oh my, Mellow has overworked himself hasn’t he?” Fluttershy said as she approached and clicked her tongue in disapproval at the unicorn stallion. “I’ll take him to his room. You go find Twilight, okay?” “Thanks Fluttershy. You listen here mister. You are going to eat, sleep and recover. You’re hurting others by neglecting yourself. Don’t make me dose you with my sap to force you to rest!” I threatened and Mellow could only leer weakly at me before Fluttershy pulled him along towards the dorms. “Mama, I’m still hungry.” Shade complained and I sighed with a rub of my scalp. 📜 “Thank you for getting Mellow to take a break. I’ve tried getting him to rest, but he wouldn’t listen to me.” Twilight said after I told her how things went on my return. “That said, he only listens to Pinkie, Fluttershy and now you. You’re really close to him.” Twilight kindly smiled and I sheepishly rubbed my neck. “Well, our relationship is fairly close. I mean, he nursed me back to health and was even willing to touch my breasts back when I had serious issues with my sap backing up and swelling them to uncomfortable levels. He was so adorably shy about it too.” I chuckled and Twilight’s eyes lowered to my bust. I’m currently C-cup like I preferred for day-to-day, yet still they lure. “I can see that isn’t a problem anymore. Not with the magic allowing them to expand indefinitely and take up no further space than you wish. You could probably flood my office with breast flesh if you wanted.” What?! Say it isn’t so Twilight! I had thought my massive four-foot spheres back when Rarity plowed my pussy was as big as I got! “Are you not sore or pained? Do you need to be milked?” Twilight asked in concern and I groped myself unsurely. “No, I’m not and I don’t think that’s an issue. Why has the Hist turned me into a sap factory? Surely it isn’t just to make sure the Tree of Harmony gets enough energy both nutritional and magical.” If what Twilight says is true, I could fill a fucking pool with sap right now! “The Divines and Daedra behave in mysterious ways, Meen-Rei. For all I know, some spirit could be inhabiting you, like maybe a Hist is being harbored in your body and you’re expressing it’s sap rather than your own. We don’t know. What I do know is that you’ve been summoned by Guard Captain Miun-La Theertius.” Twilight took a scroll from her desk and handed it to me. “Give him this. He’s suspicious of my activities and is paranoid that I might cause a disaster.” “So he went after me because I’m a nobody facilitating all of this.” I grumbled and put the scroll away. “I’ll be sure to get it to him. What should I say?” “The truth, but nothing about the situation. Just tell him I’m trying to stabilize the thaumic resonance of the region through a fusion of local and Equestrian magic to reduce the occurrence of daedric incidents by strengthening the Hist.” Twilight impressively laid out and I felt a bit nervous. Worded that way, it was the truth, just not the whole truth. “I hope that will be enough. I don’t want to be wrongly imprisoned.” I’m glad I left Shade with Fluttershy after I fed her and she was in need of a nap, otherwise I would have to hope my daughter wouldn’t speak out of turn and blow things wide open. “I hope so too.” Twilight said before walking over to a bookshelf and browsing through it. “Once you settle things with the concerned captain, come back so I can give you your next quest. Also.” Twilight pulled out a tome and opened it. “You may want to take some magic tomes. I understand that magic is not your chosen field, but with you being The Atronach, I think it would be wasteful for you to just ignore it as an option.” “What? The Atronach? Is that a title you’ve decided is fitting?” I questioned warily and Twilight looked in my eyes with dead seriousness. “No. The Equestrian Scroll dictated that ‘The Atronach would appear as a victim of circumstance and through guidance from the Nerevarine, find the path to the future.’ Sorry to say this, Meen-Rei, but you’re a Hero.” Twilight put a consoling hand on my shoulder. Damn it, confirmation. 📜 Miun-La Theertius was a rather no-nonsense argonian. He promptly had the guards bring me to his office when I arrived at the garrison and took the scroll I had from Twilight for a quick read. Once done, he thanked me for my time and sent me on my way. That was the most tense, professional and punctual encounter I’ve had with a person of civil influence in my life. It didn’t help that Miun-La had ice blue eyes with a gaze so cold I felt a chill when he looked at me. Not the pleasurable kind either. I wanted nothing more than to get away from him as fast as reasonably possible. Thank gosh he seemed entirely uninterested after a glance and reading Twilight’s official report on her activities. “There you are.” I relaxed at hearing Neethsi’s voice and turned to the towering argonian as he approached. “I took care of the issue. Hopefully Nocturnal’s employees won’t be bothering us for a bit.” Thank goodness I had already been walking back towards LUM and there weren’t guards around when he said that. “So what have you been up to?” I asked as we walked, feeling a little overwhelmed. “It is best that you do not know. I am annoyed enough that the Guild has decided you’re a person of interest. Be thankful that it’s on the ‘do not rob’ side of their interest.” Neethsi stated before he pulled me aside into an alley. “Meen-Rei. You’re stumbling snout-first into all sorts of trouble. I remember how this goes. Suddenly, everyone has something for you to do, you have so many places to go, adventures to be had that otherwise would be out of the question.” “If you’re trying to get at me being a Hero, you’re right.” I admitted and Neethsi hissed as he turned and put the top of his head against the stone wall. “You knew it the moment you saw me.” I accused morosely. “No. I knew you were important, that you had attributes useful to a Hero. Not that you were the next Hero. You’re doom-driven, you have a special trait that makes you suitable to the task at hand, you’ve responded to the call of fate with resignation and frustration. Believe it or not, no Hero has gone to their fate happily. It is a life full of danger and no promise of a happy ending.” Neethsi warned me and I shrugged. “Well, I don’t exactly have a choice if I want to keep living. I don’t have the luxury of jumping to another dimension.” I honestly don’t think I could do that anyway. The guilt would tear me apart. “A shame really. You’ve suffered enough.” Neethsi declared and I looked up into his eyes in bemusement. “You may not fully remember or want to dwell on it, but you’ve been through more than most can imagine. I like you Meen-Rei, so I’m going to partner up with you like I did with Sheo and Vartine. I’m a veteran at this, I’m here for you.” I was surprised at how important that was to me. I felt my heart flutter and I wobbled on my feet a bit as I looked up at him and I saw him stoically ignore all of the signals I was likely sending him. That I wanted him. I desired him. Not for his body or anything petty, but him. Damn his conservative nature! “Do you have any idea what that means to me?” I asked and he snorted. “I can imagine, considering you just dumped enough ‘come hither’ pheromones and those eyes of yours to tell my instincts to pin you to this wall and give you eggs. Be grateful that I have the ability to alter my body and ignore such impulses.” Wait, Neethsi? You can alter bodies?! “You can alter bodies?” I asked with sudden excitement and he blinked. “Yes? What? Would you like me to give you some cosmetic work? I’ve been an apprentice to a fleshcrafter before, so it’s entirely within my ability.” Whoa, that is cool! “No. Yes? I’m not sure you can change species. That’s a bit too intense I bet. What can you do?” I asked curiously as I turned down the alley and we continued back towards LUM. “Pretty much anything besides alter race or species. I can even change a person’s gender, but that would cause a lot of uproar in the Alteration and Restoration schools, especially from old dullards who still foolishly believe our souls are proscribed a permanent gender like our bodies were once assumed to have. The soul is sexless, only the ego gives it a gender. The body helps shape the ego, but in the end the flesh is the flesh and the ego is the ego.”  Neethsi conversationally replied and I enjoyed letting him ramble on the way back. 📜 “I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Neethsi uncomfortably said in the dorm room I managed to weasel out of Twilight. She unfortunately had not divined as much as she’d thought about our next objective, so we had the night off. I dragged Neethsi to the room Twilight said was temporarily mine and was begging him to show off his fleshcrafting skill. “Please~? I wanna see!” I excitedly urged and the towering hunk of a man-reptile shifted on his feet nervously. It was unexpectedly cute. “Why though? I thought you were heterosexual...” Neethsi muttered and I huffed. “If I was, I wouldn’t have well-beyond enjoyed Rarity fucking me! I wanna see what you looked like a couple hundred years ago! All this talk about yourself here and there has me curious. I want to see how you looked as a woman!” I demanded and Neethsi rubbed the back of his neck with awkward humility. “Well, fine. Only for the night.” Neethsi grumbled and began weaving his hands around, magicka trailing in the air. He winced and groaned as he began getting shorter. The extra mass went to obvious places as his pecs began to billow out into beautiful bountiful breasts that filled his robe. After he had shrunk down a foot, the he-turned-she stopped the spell and sighed with a notably more feminine rasp. “There. Happy?” She asked with her hands on her wide, egg-bearing hips. “Very! You’re so pretty!” I hissed happily and enjoyed the faint discoloration of her cheek scales. So argonians can blush! You can only see it on light-scaled argonians like Neethsi! “Now, uh, I know you’re not comfortable with getting intimate yet. Thanks for showing me.” “Actually...if there’s no risk of you getting pregnant, I’m more open to us getting a bit naughty.” Neethsi admitted meekly, the stoic and stern man having seemed to become more meek and vulnerable as she was now. “R-really?” I asked excitedly with my tail practically whip-cracking behind me. “W-we can do things? I can finally vent all the sexual frustration I have over you on you?!” I panted and Neethsi gulped nervously. “Y-yes. I’m-eep!” I pounced! I jumped at the woman who was still a foot taller than me, grabbed those delicious scaled basketballs on her chest and motorboated her still-clothed breasts when we landed on the bed. “Oh~! Don’t grab so hard~! I forgot how sensitive they were!” “Nope!” I chirped and grabbed her thimble-sized nips through her robe and pulled. Neethsi hissed and arched her back under me before I pulled her robe under those beautiful white chest-spheres and nibbled a pale nip while my hand tweaked the other. “Ahn~! Don’t be so rough~!” Neethsi gasped and weakly grabbed my ass as I mauled her tits. “Stop, stop~! Gunna~!” Neethsi squealed and I hissed in victory! I just got the big badass to cum in under a few minutes just from attacking her breasts! My ego is soaring right now! “Ah, hah, agh…” Neethsi rubbed my ass and let her tongue hang out of the corner of her mouth. “You’re so adorably sensitive!” I declared before I got off of her and started stripping out of my armor. “My turn! Try to get me off on just my tits too!” “I’ll try, but I’ve never encountered anyone with breasts as sensitive as mine.” Neethsi panted and sat up to shuck off her robe and her trousers to reveal that her body retained her male form’s rippling musculature, but added thicc feminine curves to the package. “Just so you know, I didn’t adjust my sensitivity. I didn’t have time to do more than swap my gender before you pounced on my bosom.” “You are so damn hot as a woman Neethsi, why did you go back to being male?” I asked and the argonian woman, still a foot taller than me, approached and shoved her naked heaving breasts into my face just by thrusting her chest forward. “Because nobody could take me seriously. Everyone assumed I was either a natural-born broodmother or prostitute. You’ve thankfully avoided the same fate by having those unfair little trinkets that shrink your assets without physically altering their composition. If I had those, I’m certain I wouldn’t have mastered organic Alteration just to return to being male.” Neethsi admitted ruefully and enviously with a tweak of my nipples that made me squeak. “Ah! I-I can see that. I don’t like my breasts being so huge when, mm, not having fun.” I gasped and let my breasts swell forth into matching Neethsi’s size as she played with me. “It’s so nice to get to have fun instead of just being milked.” I bit my lip and pressed my chest against Neethsi’s expert hands, the larger woman then deviously smirked, the most expressive she’s been aside from when she orgasmed, before her hands vibrated! “Ahn~!” I creamed myself, my fem-cum drizzled down my thighs as my sap trailed down my breasts to drip onto the floor as Neethsi mercilessly stroked and milked my breasts in a way that was beyond pleasurable. The machines can’t match this! The touch of a person that is also vibrating! “Maybe you should’ve been a holstaurus or milk-mare pony. You certainly make enough.” “Ough~!” I moaned and arched my back as I nearly fell against her in another orgasm. Our bodies met and she let me fall on her on the bed. My sap was coating her own breasts and she was panting, docking us, pressing our nipples together and she hissed in pleasure before joining me in mutual boobgasm. I looked down at Neethsi and adored the well-fucked expression on her face. “That’s a good look for you.” I complimented dopily. “Hush you. If I was male things would be different right now.” Neethsi reminded me and I licked my lips at the idea of letting Neethsi have his naughty way with me, but she’s right. If we let that happen, there was no way I wasn’t going to get knocked up. “Still. It has been a long time since I let anyone get this close to me. Knowing it’s another Hero helps.” “How does that help?” I asked before I began pressing our breasts together and moaning with her. We’re not done yet! I moved my tail to our groins and was surprised to find her doing the same. She smirked at me and I reciprocated before we stuffed our tails into each other’s quims, causing us to yelp and hiss at our smooth, thick tails driving into our depths. “B-because I can trust that y-you’re a good person. That I’m n-not falling into another t-trap!” Neethsi snarled through her pleasure and twisted our breasts so both of us had our right nipple at the other person’s lips and we suckled without hesitation despite that I was producing sap. “Mm~. So sweet.” I didn’t bother to reply. I was too busy enjoying this incredible person. > Ch.19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.19 [Morndas, 19th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] I woke up feeling incredibly well-rested. As if a system message would tell me so and that I would get xp bonuses for an arbitrary amount of time. I then realized I had my snout pressed against something that smelled good. I took a deep whiff and opened my eyes to realize I was hugging Neethsi’s glorious gazongas with my own underneath them and laying atop her. Gosh her natural musk is intoxicating. Mm~, she smells spicy and exotic. I licked her throat and she jolted awake, frozen in place before she purred and let me nuzzle into her throat to get her scent all over my face. I wanted to drown in her scent, let people know how close we are. “Unf, stop that, unless you want a repeat of last night and ruin the rest of today.” Neethsi growled playfully with her hands pinching my nipples where they hung over the side of her waist. “Mm, fuck everything that isn’t us right now. Acutally, no, let’s just fuck. I finally have you where I-.” The door flew open and I sat up in shock before Shade ran in and jumped onto the bed, sitting on Neethsi’s breasts and latching onto my left nipple, suckling desperately. “Oh~! Shade?! What has gotten into you?” I demanded in a mixture of frustration and concern as my lycanthrope daughter gulped down my sap as if she were starving. “Mm, mom, mm. So hungry.” Shade panted between suckles of my nips. “Oh dear. It seems she either has a sap dependence, which shouldn’t be safe in volumes like this because she should already be high as a kite or in a coma. Or she’s going through a Change and is instinctively seeking nutrition.” Neethsi observed worriedly and I winced at thinking my daughter was about to go through an intense, literal high-speed puberty. “Mm! I don’t wanna, ah, Change~!” Shade whined and panted, then groaned as she rapidly began to grow! I watched in fascination as my tiny daughter rapidly blossomed into a young teen and then stopped with her body spasming, having torn through her little dress. “M-mom...that hurt. Like pulling a muscle, but then it felt like getting a massage.” Shade whimpered and leaned against me. “I’m gonna...take a nap...zzz…” “Um...is this normal?” I whispered down at Neethsi over Shade’s shoulder. Wow she sprouted awkwardly. My baby girl is all lanky and skinny. Puberty is not being kind to her right now. “Yes. However, having a ready source of sap isn’t. Not even here in Black Marsh is Hist Sap so readily available. Normally an argonian preparing for a Change will gorge on fatty, protein and nutrient rich foods to build up fat to fuel it. Don’t worry about her being gangly, the first Change into adolescence is almost always focused on skeletal structure.” Neethsi informed me and I sighed in relief that my daughter hopefully wasn’t going to be stuck as a beanpole. “Okay. So, while we’re stuck here...about Crassius knowing so much about argonian women. Were you a woman back then?” I asked her curiously and she shook her head. “No, but I was young, horny and constantly looking for sexual relief. I knew the form of the opposite sex intrinsically. It was my appetite that got me in trouble and forced me to flee Black Marsh in the first place. Nagas don’t do what I did, so along with being albino, I was an anomaly. Sleeping with the chieftain’s wife was too far and I had to escape before Shadowscales were called in.” Neethsi hiss-snickered and I smirked down at her now that I knew how to. “Oh, really?” I chuckled, rubbing my mound against her own privates. “Yes. You’d think that would teach me my lesson, but no. I got in trouble for the same issue in the Imperial City. I slept with half of the single women there and several married ones. That was a fun week!” Neethsi then winced and became somber. “Until I was caught in bed with the wife of a Legion watch captain. I was imprisoned for years. I begged to be let out, but nobody would believe I was only in there for wronging someone rather than the trumped-up assault and theft charges.” Neethsi groused bitterly. “I see corruption is just as rampant here as I would have thought.” I stopped moving, seeing that I had unintentionally sent Neethsi into a trip down memory lane. “I would know. I was trapped in a cell for four years. All I could do was exercise, eat, practice my magic in secret and sleep. I tried to escape multiple times, but the stone of the Imperial City prison is warded against magic, the same for its cold iron bars. I subsisted on gruel day in and day out. I even went through a Change that turned me into the hulking muscular figure you know me for.” Neethsi’s eyes were dead, staring into the past and I felt bad for causing this, but was too curious to interrupt. “Then, one day, without warning. I was forced into a prison wagon, carted east, then shoved onto a ship in Morrowind. That was my new beginning. That was when Emperor Uriel Septim the Seventh set me on the course of becoming Nerevarine.” Neethsi clenched her eyes and hissed. “I thought I would be different, better, but it was even worse. Being deprived of pleasure only made me yearn for it more…” The big, strong woman quivered. “You can stop.” I whispered urgently, seeing this was hurting her. I think I can see why intimacy was so hard for her to open up to now, if she had a past of abusing it and being obsessed with it. “You don’t have to hurt yourself with this.” “I’ve already opened it up. I can’t keep it in. Go. Get Shade dressed, I need to be alone right now if you don’t want to hear more.” Neethsi sniffled and even humped against me before whimpering. “Don’t even apologize. I wanted it just as much.” “Is it a good idea for you to be alone?” I mewled and Neethsi covered her eyes with her hands. Damn it, I wish Argonians could properly cry. She needs it. “I’m not leaving you like this.” “Then shut up and let me tell you my story!” Neethsi snarled and I nodded worriedly as Twilight rushed in, took Shade with a knowing look at me and a nod before hurrying out. “She’s such a True Friend...anyway. I was given a condition for my release. Deliver a package to some skooma junkie in Balmora named Caius Cosades, then I’m free, right?” 📜 It was hours later. I let Neethsi rant and rave about her early adventures, particularly about how she was so easily controlled by her libido and alcohol to help facilitate it. Caius at first used her as an expendable asset, sending her around the island to help deliver messages between Blades. In between she wasted her pay on booze and wenches, she hated herself. It wasn’t until she pissed off a Telvanni who used organic Alteration to essentially cripple her hormone glands that she got her head out from between her thighs. She begged and pleaded with the Telvanni to teach her! So that when or if her next Change happened, she wouldn’t just revert to a lustful wretch. That Telvanni was Neloth, who practically turned her into his personal slave in every sense of the word save that he didn’t actually make it official. The times she’d ended up in the slave pens weren’t pleasant either way, but any flogging she got was illegal and the slavers had to be reminded harshly that she wasn’t a slave, just a determined fool. “You have had a hard life.” I said, hugging Neethsi and rocking with her. “That was just the beginning of your journey?” “Yes! I spent about a month relapsing, then three months begging and crawling after Neloth for every scrap of magic he would bother to toss at me. It wasn’t until I managed to transfigure a nugget of gold into iron to spite him that he bothered to really pay me any attention.” Neethsi took a cleansing breath. “That attention was to blast me with shock magic, restore the nugget and then call me a charlatan, but after that he actually fucking taught me!” “Why are you so happy about that?” I asked in confusion and Neethsi got out of bed and began the process of getting dressed. “Because Neloth is one of the greatest wizards on Nirn! Besides Divayth Fyr that is. Both Telvanni, both madder than Sheogorath yet so sane it’s criminal. Divayth is in fact the oldest known mortal still living who hasn’t used undeath or some other cheap way to become immortal. Anyway, not the point. Neloth took me in, without saying it anyway, as his apprentice.” Neethsi practically gushed. Why does she like someone who literally treated her worse than shit?! “I think it might be a good thing they’re long dead by now.” I mean, if they were that old before, surely the past few centuries should’ve finished them off. “Hah! No! Master Neloth is still alive! So is Divayth, somewhere. That old ornery bastard son of a nix ox is still as feisty and cruel as ever! He’s terrorizing the poor people on Solstheim since Red Mountain spewed so much ash that it withered his tower in Sadrith Mora.” Neethsi cheerfully informed me after she pulled on her trousers and then huffed at them getting stuck on her upper thighs. “Did I gain weight?” Wow, that was such a womanly thing to ask. “Ah, okay.” I said as I worried for my friend/lover’s sanity. I moved and helped her get dressed, doing my best to get the ill fit pants up her thicc thighs and over her wide hips and bubble booty. “I had some issues while growing in the forest.” “Huh? You didn’t grow while on the way here.” Neethsi bemusedly commented before giving up and shimmying out of her trousers. “Damn it, right. These are for a male a foot taller and several inches thinner in the lower body. Anyway, yeah, Master Neloth tossed Novice books from every school at me, telling me to reshelve them. He didn’t protest when I tried them out, so I guess that was just his way of telling me to study.” “Maybe just toss on your robe for now if you’re not going to change back?” I suggested, realizing that ever since Neethsi changed gender, she’s been much more open with everything rather than stoically keeping quiet. I liked her being so much more open with me. “No. I forgot how nice it is to just let my emotions flow and I can’t risk doing it while male or you’re gonna get pregnant. Anyway, eventually Master Neloth only gave me Alteration tomes and told me to do outlandish things, like turn chitin into glass or sand into iron dust.” Neethsi continued while fishing clothes out of her satchel. Uh...that is a very sexy brassiere I see! “Doesn’t seem outlandish to me, if you think about it, everything has a carbon based chemical makeup.” I stated and Neethsi pointed accusingly at me. “It was outlandish because you can already turn those things into the results just by processing them! Why use Alteration to do something mundane skills and processes have already mastered? I didn’t understand why until later when he had me transmute myself into metal without killing myself.” Excuse me, what?! “Yeah! That’s the face I think I made!” “He had you transmute yourself into metal?! How did you not die?!” I demanded in shock as Neethsi started putting a bra on me instead of on herself. When and how did she get the magic bra Rarity made me? “Because his backhanded teaching method constantly made me think outside of the box until I realized that Reality is a Dream. A Canvas. One that as an Alteration wizard, I can mold and shape to my desire.” With a wave of her hand, I watched in shock as Neethsi’s scales turned into diamonds and the flesh beneath too until she was transparent and she winked. “Right, the godhead theory.” I got booped on the snoot by the diamond argonian. “Not a theory! Fact! Remember that I achieved CHIM? I just didn’t want to fuck off to Aetherius like those assholes Vivec and Talos.” Neethsi reminded me before she transformed herself back to normal. “Gosh I forgot how nice it was not to have my emotions on a tight leash. Then again, I haven’t had many people get so close to me in many years.” She chirped as she retrieved panties that she handed me before getting another bra for herself from the magic satchel. “It’s nice seeing you like this.” I told her as I started gathering up my scattered clothes and gear. “It’s nice being like this. Anyway, I’ll wrap up the start of my adventure with Neloth back-handedly tutoring me for a few months before kicking me out on my ear once I surpassed him in Alteration, telling me to either join the Telvanni officially or go bother someone else. I was still spiteful of him, so I went back to Caius and that was when everything really took off.” Neethsi finished getting her underpants on and pouted at the mirror. “I’ve gained weight.” “Well, it isn’t anywhere unpleasant.” I grabbed her butt from behind with a giggle and she smirked back at me with her tail wiggling against my breasts, which were still as big as her’s I belatedly realized, so I shrunk them down. “No fair! I want those too. It would be so nice to be female and not have so many martial options restricted by my breasts.” Neethsi huffed and retrieved a new pair of trousers, boots and gloves. “Well, if I knew how to call on that serpent who gave me all of these accessories, we could get you all prettied up too.” How was I supposed to contact her? Didn’t she give me a way to? “Howdy~! Someone is thinking of me?” Hermais cheered in the mirror. “Woo~! She’s a hot one! I’m guessing she’s in need of some body piercings?” “If they can do what her’s can, yes! I can manually displace my mass, but this is what my body defaults to and it can be quite painful to do it my way.” Neethsi admitted before squeaking when not only Nipple Studs appeared on her nips, but a Navel Pearl in her belly button and the same golden bangles on her wrists, ankles and tail that Hermais gave me too! “Hey! Isn’t this a bit Generous?” Then a collar matching mine joined in. She’s so sexy~! “Babe, it would be criminal if only your female form could accessorize. Those bangles are gender neutral and change size, so you will look exotic in either form. Now then, I need to go back to harassing Hermaeus Mora for daring to think he could compete with Hermais!” Said named feathery chaos serpent then vanished from the mirror. “She’s right.” I praised my friend/lover before Twilight returned with Shade, my pre-teen daughter was all limbs and two left feet even in her simple dress. “Hey Twilight, thanks for taking care of Shade for me.” “It’s no problem. I sensed a Friendship Problem needed to be addressed and the only hindrance to its resolution was Shade’s presence. In other news, Berserker stirred, but hasn’t woken up. Since Neethsi is an Alteration Master as well as a Restoration Adept, I figure having her give him a look is a good idea before you leave.” “Sure thing, Twi.” Neethsi chirped and adjusted her robe with a huff at the extra length, so she waved her hands and the robe shortened so it wasn’t touching the floor, instead the mass moved into a sort of shoulder cape. “Let’s go. Oh, how is the male genitalia treating you? Are you experiencing any rejection? Pain? Unpleasant side-effects?” Huh?! “Um...no, it’s just fine. Perfect actually. I’ve been studying it to see how you so seamlessly melded the reality of my body to advance the practice of using Alteration to enhance Restoration. The blunder with Rarity was actually a step in the right direction. I just wish I could’ve helped get rid of the extra mass before Rarity decided she loved it.” Twilight blushed and I looked between the two super-powerful mages with realization. “Good. I’ll have to remember to ask Rarity if she wants anything done. I mean, you wouldn’t have been practicing that magic if I didn’t fulfill your request and consequently show you a field of magic you were unfamiliar with.” Neethsi said as Twilight led us down the hall. “Wait...so you’re a herm, Twilight?” I asked for confirmation and she nodded nervously. “One by choice thanks to Neethsi. Rarity is a natural herm though?” Another nod. “Just enhanced, right. So...why?” “Because shut up, that’s why!” Twilight snipped defensively and Neethsi glared at her. “F-fine! I’m homosexual. Or, I was. I’m not sure how that applies as a hermaphrodite, but I only like girls. Herms exist, but were rare and Rarity was willing to help me, but I am not skilled enough with Alteration to just give myself the body parts I wanted so badly while letting me stay mostly female. I sought out Neethsi because even as elusive as she can be, word among wizards and witches was that she was the greatest master of Alteration on Tamriel.” “So she managed to get word to me about wanting to pay for Alteration services, I provided. We’ve known each other since.” Neethsi summed up and then opened the door to the room Berserker was being kept in. “Um, why are you all in here?” Neethsi’s question was aimed at Mellow and a few of the students of the university who were all examining Berserker’s slumbering form and the armor carefully placed on an armor mannequin in the corner. “Mostly scholarly curiosity. As for me, I’m here to get some samples of his blood to see if the magic assault on him has had any hidden adverse effects on his health.” Mellow answered with two glass vials of Berserker’s unnaturally glowing red blood in them. “Did you allow this, Twilight?” I asked as I looked at my comatose old friend. “Mellow’s examination of him for his health? Yes. My students invading his privacy? No.” Twilight leered at the trio of people who had been examining Berserker’s armor and they flinched. “Anything you discover will be reported in an essay comparing it to other examples you can identify. Out!” The three students, an argonian, dunmer and unicorn, all fled post haste. “Discipline through learning as a punishment is both brilliant and a negative reinforcement. True scholars would relish the work you just gave them.” Neethsi lectured and Twilight huffed with a nod in acknowledgement. “Now then, pardon me if I give a second opinion, Mellow.” “Oh no, you’re clearly superior to me in Restoration while I specialize in Alchemy. Have at him.” Mellow stood aside while he continued working his magic on the blood vials. Neethsi stood over the slumbering human and waved her hands above him, glimmering in radiant gold light. “Physically, he is fine. There is nothing causing his coma or otherwise preventing him from waking up. It is entirely mental. Good thing I’m essentially a Master of Mysticism too.” Neethsi bent over Berserker with her hands on his head and shimmering with a pale gray light. “It is entirely a mental phenomenon. I am going-eep!” Berserker had grabbed Neethsi with his red metal hands and pulled her down onto him. He wasn’t awake though, it was like he just jolted in his sleep and grabbed onto her. “It looks like you may have found something.” Twilight commented as Neethsi vainly tried to pull out of Berserker’s super-strong sleeping grasp. This is surprisingly silly-sexy, heh~. “Yes. Whatever has assaulted him does not want him woken up. Unfortunately it has succeeded. I can’t exactly work my magic from this awkward position.” Neethsi muttered into Berserker’s chest as she wriggled against him trying to worm down and out of his hug-like grip. “Perhaps someone could grab my legs and pull me out?” “I’ll try.” I went to the foot of the bed and grabbed Neethsi’s ankles on her shiny new bangles and pulled. I had to tug repeatedly because Berserker’s bear hug was really tight. At least before I realized something. “I’m going to keep pulling. I want you to use your piercings to shrink your bust down all the way.” “Oh, right. I can do that now.” Neethsi did so and we both yelped from my pulling causing her to be yanked out from Berserker’s arms before they could keep a hold of her and I ended up with my snout in her groin and her face in mine. “Well now, this is a position I’d like to repeat later, but not now.” I snorted into her snatch in amusement. > Ch.20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.20 [Morndas, 19th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “I’m afraid without the ability to restrain him, that I cannot intervene with whatever has seized his mind. Berserker will need to recover from his psychic assault on his own.” Neethsi declared after the third attempt met much harsher resistance. This time he tore off her left arm, which horrified me, but she casually stopped the bleeding and molded the detached limb out of his grasp before grafting it back in place and then healing herself. Elder Scrolls Master Mages are bullshit spooky! She’s only an Adept at Restoration, too! “What sort of work does he do exactly, in order to rip a person’s limb off with ease? Especially given the prosthetic limbs from the hinge joints down.” Mellow questioned warily. “Oh, aside from being exceptionally rich in antibodies and other immune system goodies, his blood is fine.” “His business is his own. Besides, it isn’t like Meen-Rei can tell us and Shade doesn’t know too much.” Twilight said as she warded Berserker’s armor. “Yeah. I don’t know much about Mister Berserker other than he’s a friend of mom’s and he’s super strong. Mom? I feel all weird and I’m hungry. Do you have any snacks?” Shade asked hopefully and I retrieved some trail mix from my satchel that she promptly munched on. “Oh! Berserker once said he did a lot of ripping!” “Here, Shade.” I said as I gave her some cheese and sweet bread. My daughter promptly nommed on the food and I was rather worried. She’s not already about to hit another Change immediately after, is she? She isn’t rapidly aging, right? Hopefully she’s just trying to recover energy from her transformation. “Shade’s fine, right?” “Oh yes, perfectly fine. She’s just recovering.” Neethsi said before perking when Shade grabbed her currently huge boobs. It seems Neethsi enjoys her usual size when not doing anything they’d interfere with. “Um, yes, I’m still Neethsi dear. No, I don’t produce sap. I’ve never had the joy of bearing eggs. I was always responsible and kept herbs with me.” Joy~? “You’re both so pretty. I wanna grow up to be as big and beautiful as you!” Shade excitedly declared and I shared an amused chuckle and look with Neethsi. “Maybe someday dear. Now then, Twilight, where do you need us to go?” I know we’ve wasted half of the day on helping Neethsi emotionally pour herself out to me and then try to help Berserker, but we should at least try to get started on the next major objective. “Well, I have all the scrolls I need. A shady character dropped the last one by my office.” Twilight pointedly looked at Neethsi, who didn’t visibly react to the look. “So now, unless a horrific incident occurs, I actually need you to donate your magicka so that we can infuse the Tree of Harmony with as much power as possible so it can assume it’s role as a Tower sooner.” “I’m not going to end up as the Stone or Heart of it, right?” I warily asked, the thought that came to me scared me immensely. I’d hate to become trapped, but if it was to save this reality and all the people within it, I might just resign myself to it. I can’t bear to do nothing in the face of-. “No! No~! You’ll be helping us create the Heart. In a...much more literal way than you might imagine. See, there was another Crystal Tower, but it fell long before either the Crystal-Like-Law or the Tree of Harmony. My plan is to unite these two fallen Towers to create a much stronger Tower, hopefully one to rival either Snow Throat or Adamantine.” Twilight informed me and I sighed in relief. “Although...you might still host the Heart…” “Continue…” I resignedly said and Twilight blushed hotly. “Y-you’ll, um...you know how your True Form is actually as a Magicka Atronach?” Twilight nervously said and I nodded. “Well, the easiest way, thus the only way with the time constraints we’re possibly facing, is to grow the Crystal Heart inside of you.” I felt warm and rubbed my muscular abdomen in understanding. “Precisely, but that’s the final step. It’s irritating, but in the second scroll I got details of the final steps while the first was the start. I need to finish reading in the middle.” “So in the meantime we need to stockpile magicka. Understood. I’ll help make the process easier on you, Meen-Rei.” Neethsi said as Twilight led us back through the campus towards the part of the university where my least and most favorite milking room was. “So, you just swapped the type of pump?” “No, I added the new one in. If Meen-Rei wants, I could also turn on the sap pump to make the issue more pleasant. Having your magicka drained is generally unpleasant when it isn’t fueling a spell. I figured she might like something to distract from the sensation.” Twilight suggested and I huffed. “You just want more of my delicious sap. Admit it! This is secretly an illegal syrup operation! I demand royalties!” I declared playfully and Twilight blinked before looking like she was considering it. “If it wasn’t hallucinogenic...no. I can’t possibly sell it or products derived from it. It’s too powerful. At best I could become a supplier for alchemical purposes. I’m already setting up a payment plan for you since you’re the source of it all. I don’t mind the extra work since it’s profitable for everyone.” Twilight said before her magic summoned manacles with tubes. “Wait, if you’re storing tons of mama’s sap, can’t I just drink that instead of having to bug mom to suckle for it all the time?” Shade asked, reminding us that she was around. Wow, she’s oddly quiet compared to before. “Sure thing, sweetie.” Twilight gently said to my daughter and I got on the comfy table where Neethsi strapped me in. I still don’t get why the straps are necessary. Stimulation, right. “Then you might as well pump me while you’re at it. It beats adventuring for money. I only want to go adventuring if I have a more worthwhile goal in mind.” Anyone can adventure for treasure, I’d rather adventure for the sake of adventure in comparison. “If we end up alone, I’ll be sure to make it much nicer than usual~.” Neethsi purred to me and I grinned at her as I was hooked up. 📜 [Tirdas, 20th of Sun’s Height: Sun’s Rest, 4E: 221] “Where are you going?” Neethsi demanded in bemusement when I was putting on my boots the next morning. We’d slept together, not in the sexual way, but in the ‘couple sharing the same bed’ way. “I was planning to go for a walk and maybe shop for something fun today.” Twilight wasn’t joking about the money. My first 100 Septims were paid out in person by her yesterday evening with a promise of paying me every Fredas so long as LUM has so much of my sap to sell instead of keep or use. “What? It’s Sun’s Rest. Nothing is open today.” Huh? “Oh, right. It’s a holiday, dear. Today, nothing is operating besides the bare minimum necessary such as unfortunate secretaries forced to work their boss’s workload for the day, but they get tomorrow off instead. Come back to bed.” Neethsi insisted and I smiled softly before taking my clothes back off and snuggling my beautiful partner and my daughter when she came looking. It was a wonderfully lazy day, doing nothing. [Middas, 21st of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] *Boom!* I was jolted awake with Neethsi and Shade tangling up with me when we were tossed out of bed by a violent explosion! It wasn’t even on us, but it knocked all the furniture around and tossed lighter objects like us to the floor! “Explosion!” Neethsi shouted and untangled from our pile of limbs the fastest, running out of our dorm room in nothing but a night robe. “Mama, what’s going on?!” Shade asked fearfully while I quickly started putting on my equipment which got partially buried under the avalanche of books that fell out of the bookshelf. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. Stay here.” I snarled as I finished pulling on my leather pants and my adjustable jerkin before rushing out with my conjured bow. I hurried outside to see if I could find where the explosion went off and I didn’t have to look far. The guards on night duty around the still budding Tree of Harmony were pulverized and dismembered messes scattered about the ruined courtyard. Essentially, the entire central area of the Lilmoth University of Magic’s campus was a crater, save the hope for the future and it’s runes impossibly rising above the rest of the indent in the ground that stretched to touch the surrounding buildings. I didn’t see anyone besides the people arriving on the scene, the windows facing the courtyard had been shattered and blown in and dozens of injured people were peering out in shock while pegasi in the sky rapidly gathered along with more guards rushing to the scene from the city proper. “Those bastards. They immediately tried to stop us!” I snarled, because this could only be the work of the Thalmor! They almost turned me into a low-yield nuke in Blackrose, now they tried to blow up the Tree of Harmony before it could really take off! Thank gosh for Twilight’s reasonable paranoia! “How did they get a bomb that big close enough? Better yet, how did a Thalmor siege mage make it all the way here?” Neethsi snarled from next to me. Good gosh, I’m so furious I didn’t see her! “I don’t know, dear. Maybe because almost nobody was out and about yesterday?” I snarked and my friend/girlfriend/boyfriend gawked at me in utter shock. “That can’t-but that’s-that breaks almost every single peace treaty signed in the past two thousand years! Not once since then has any government dared use an international holiday to perform military or terrorist actions on another nation!” Neethsi declared in absolute disgust. “War is war.” I stated, knowing much of how WW1 and WW2 had acted when I was human. Sure, on Christmas the soldiers even went to enemy camps and celebrated together, but those were rare and special occasions. “All is Fair in Love and War.” “That is such a disgusting philosophy, but one I’m sure many can share. Certainly, when everyone realizes what is going on, then the Ebonheart Pact is going to retaliate.” Neethsi grimly intoned and put a hand on my shoulder. “Come. Let us return to bed. There is nothing for us to do here.” I reluctantly let her lead us back to our dorm, the rest of the night was fitful. 📜 Standing before Captain Miun-La Theertius was even more daunting this time. I wasn’t even the person he was glaring at! The average-height green-scaled ice-blue eyed argonian man was boring holes into Twilight’s skull, yet she was not giving an inch. “An experiment to stabilize thaumic resonance. That isn’t enough reason for the Aldmeri Dominion to bomb your campus, Miss Sparkle.” The grim man rasped as he rested his hand on the head of his Glass mace. He and his two companions were kitted out in full suits of scalemail armor with leather and gambeson underneath. They were clearly ready to try and arrest Twilight. “Which is exactly what it is, Captain. I simply felt it prudent to leave out to what extent it would do so because the Thalmor do not want such a thing to happen.” Twilight sharply replied. “Give me every reason you have for me not to have you dragged into the city square in chains and stoned to death for endangering my city.” Theertius growled and I was about to speak out when Twilight’s illusion fell, revealing her large and elegant wings, which caused the captain and his guards to back away with their maces in hand. “Because, Captain. It would be social and political suicide for you to try and kill a Living Goddess. You would have Equestrians rioting in the streets and you may even find yourself lynched by an angry mob. Besides, it would take way too long for stoning to kill me at the rate I regenerate. People would start dying of exhaustion before I took any real damage.” Twilight calmly said as she stood up and leered at the Captain. “Besides, I’m the Hortator of the Great Houses and I would bring your attempt at regicide to the attention of the High Council.” Neethsi spoke up and then held up her left hand and the signet ring upon it that brightly featured a Moon and Star. “Rest assured, this is a plan ensuring the enemy’s plots fail. Thus, this preemptive terrorist strike upon us was an attempt at sabotage.” “So, Captain. You are going to shut up, take your men and secure the damn city! There are Thalmor agents skulking about and we don’t have the luxury of you fucking around in my office!” Twilight shouted with her voice getting progressively louder until it was a physical force causing us all to bend away. “Did I stutter?! Get out!” “Grr! I will be verifying these claims with Count Theogoulus! Don’t believe we’re finished here!” Miun-La Theertius snarled vindictively before storming out of the office and his guards followed a bit too hastily to be professional. “Oh thank gosh! I thought he was going to try and cave my skull in!” Twilight collapsed into her chair and pulled on her robe to vent her bosom and wave her hand at it. “Thanks for backing me up, Neethsi.” “We’re Friends. Besides, I’ve been goofing off long enough.” Neethsi then looked sadly at me before she waved her hands and transformed back into the tall, stoic hulk of a man I’d known before. The cold and distant expression and eyes hurt to see again, knowing that he was magically suppressing his ability to express emotion. “I’m afraid I must return to politics.” “Does that mean I can’t stick with you?” I mewled sadly. I don’t know what I will do without him around. He’s been my rock, my guide, my literal teacher. Without him, I’m just a hapless babe in the woods lucky if I don’t trip over my own toes. “My place is calling my people to action, particularly in times of war. The Dominion effectively declared war last night. They’re not waiting to finish the Empire off. First it was Blackrose, now Lilmoth. They could have saboteurs everywhere.” Neethsi looked at Twilight. “Do you need her immediately?” “No. I still need to finish piecing everything together, but I do know the next stage cannot progress before the Tree of Harmony is ready. That won’t be for weeks or months. I advise that you take Meen-Rei with you, teach her in your spare time so that she is ready.” Twilight looked at me. “I wish you could stay, but your place is with Neethsi. He will help prepare you for the trials to come better than anyone else could.” “What about me?” We all turned our attention to the door and I don’t know about the others, but I felt immense relief to see Berserker was finally on his feet and wearing his intimidating armor. “I just woke up and was told to see you here, but now I find out my friend is leaving?” “Berserker!” I cheered as I ran to him and hugged him. “Sorry for being out so long and any inconveniences I may have caused.” He apologized, returning the hug as he looked at Twilight. “What would you have me do? Help you in saving your home or help these two?” “As much as I would like for you to help them, you are needed here.” Twilight answered, looking at me sadly. “I’m sorry, but I know Neethsi is more than capable of keeping you safe. Plus, I Pinkie Promised that I’d keep an eye on Berserker.” When did-oh, likely in private. “...I understand.” Berserker resigned and I whimpered in despair, holding onto him tight. Slowly, I was pushed off him as Neethsi took my hand. “Watch each other’s backs and get it done. We’ll make sure this place is still standing once you’ve returned.” “Alright.” I said with my face feeling warm since I felt Berserker's eyes on my bust while Neethsi’s grip on my hand tightened a little. Oh, is Neethsi jealous? I don’t even know if Berserker and I did anything. The last thing I remember before ending up in this world was falling asleep in a wolf’s lap while he drank some beer I shared with him. “Don’t worry, we will. Come now, we must collect Shade and prepare to leave. Oh, Twilight, one of my flying boats is moored at the public jetty.” Neethsi informed the alicorn and she nodded before we left her office. “I don’t expect you to practice politics, Meen-Rei, but where we’re going, expect everyone you meet to shake your hand while hiding a dagger in the other.” “Okay.” I said with some determination. My memories of the game Morrowind were foggy at best. It was an old game by the time I was Displaced the first time. However, I do remember that the majority of the issues plaguing the hero was all of the political and cultural red tape. “Oh, um, is slavery still an issue?” “No. I believe I informed you that part of what allowed the Ebonheart Pact to reform was the complete dissolution of slavery. It’s part of why House Dres is dead and gone and House Telvanni actually has to pay capable servants. Don’t expect to be treated warmly, however. Dunmer, like all mer, are long-lived and have long memories to go with it. Also, while slavery is illegal, there is still a frustratingly persistent ‘indentured servitude’ movement where people still own slaves, but are required to feed and treat them as proper live-in servants.” Neethsi hissed. “Oof, like Mass Effect. I get it, stay with you or ensure there’s a guard presence whenever possible.” I still don’t get how that can fly. Seriously. ‘Cultural significance’ has to be the dumbest fucking excuse to allow a society to keep slaves when it’s outlawed in your treaties. “Yeah, I’m keeping you away from the Milky Way.” Wait, what? Why did you lean out of the office just to comment on that? “Anyway, I suggest we all get a move on, fast.” After Berserker’s urgent words, another explosion went off. “Oh, come on!” Twilight shrieked with frustration as she looked outside her office window that faced the courtyard with a glare. “We haven’t even filled in the crater from the first one!” “Permission to slaughter the enemy in your name and honor?” Did Berserker just ask that? “More than permission! Find them! Bring me their heads! I might be able to pull information from their minds with necromancy and mysticism!” Twilight shouted at him and Berserker promptly launched himself out of a window. “Grr~! Get going! The sooner the Pact moves on these high-elven supremacists trying to destroy reality, the sooner I can stop worrying about my campus being annihilated by saboteurs!” “Understood.” Neethsi pulled me along in a hurried jog back to our dorm. We burst in to find Rarity dressed like she was about to go on a vacation and measuring Shade. “Rarity?” “Don’t waste our breaths. Twilight has tasked me with ensuring Meen-Rei doesn’t step in politics blind while you’re occupied with back-stabbing mer. Now get on with using your Wayshrine magic. Really, you should just make it publicly available.” Rarity snipped as she finished using her measuring tape on Shade and stowed the tape away in the bulky travel pack she had on. “If you’d please? A lady isn’t meant to carry such a weight for long.” Well, at least I have company. > Ch.21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.21 [Middas, 21st of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] My first reaction after Neethsi teleported us out of the dorm room was to cough and wheeze before Rarity put a cloth over my snout and did the same for Shade and herself. Neethsi wasn’t even bothered by the hot, dry, putrid air and simply strode forward through the dark cave unhindered by the horrible air quality. “Mind your breathing dear. Morrowind, especially Vvardenfell, is quite a respiratory hazard if you aren’t a Dunmer or lived here for a while.” “It smells like dirt and butts.” Shade succinctly summarized the way only a child could. “It's how Morrowind smells since Red Mountain is constantly erupting.” Rarity informed us as she tied the rags around our snouts. “It always has been, but ever since the Red Year, it has been continuously ongoing. If not for Neethsi directing the majority of the lava flow to the northeast, Vvardenfell would be entirely uninhabitable. Now it is merely inhospitable.” “Didn’t Neethsi do something to prevent Vivec City from being destroyed? By Baar Dau? I thought that the meteor was what caused the Red Year.” My brain hurts trying to remember all of the exposition Neethsi gave at Mellow and I’s prodding. “Indeed. Baar Dau would have crashed into Vivec City when Vivec vanished had Neethsi not essentially forced that charlatan to toss it across the ocean towards Akavir. I believe it was under the threat of chugging three kegs of Sujamma, soul-trapping him and then killing him in one shot.” Rarity informed us and I dumbly nodded along with Shade like a tourist as I tried to wrap my head around the idea that getting super drunk gives you the power to slay a living god. “That is indeed the case. Shortly after that, Vivec fucked off to Aetherius, likely understanding that he wouldn’t be wanted for long once the hanging guillotine blade he had over his people was gone.” Neethsi said and we jumped. We didn’t hear him approach. “The entrance is clear. Damned Nix Hounds set up a nest again, but I dealt with them. Let’s go.” Neethsi brought us out of the cave and the air stung my eyes. I blinked my nictitating membranes to get the ash on the wind out of my eyes and looked down upon an architectural marvel. In the bay stood ten Ziggurat structures that looked like they could have been South American if not for the curved arabic architectural style. They were constructed on a grid with six stacked together, one to either side of those six, then two more centered further out. It roughly looked like the silhouette of a jet plane. “So big. What is that place, Neethsi?” Shade asked in awe as our guide and protector used his magic to mold the entrance to his Wayshrine shut once more. “That is Vivec City, the former Holy City of Vivec. I’ll give you the full tour later, but it is the largest city in all of Morrowind, so it’ll have to wait until after I get us situated. Stay close, don’t stray, do not speak to any strangers, if you think someone is eyeing you a bit too intently, cling to me.” Neethsi sternly ordered us before we began the trek down the hill towards the road. We weren’t even 20 minutes away from the bridge leading into the massive city, which while smelling of the sea, didn’t stink of sewage or other disgusting things I instantly assumed it would suffer. “Hold. Names and purpose of your visit.” The bone-armored...are these guys wearing armor made of bones? Not as in leather with bones over it or whatnot, actually made of bone. “Neethsi Nagnaresh, here to return to my duties as Hortator in the face of the Aldmeri Dominion bombing Lilmoth this morning.” Neethsi displayed his signet ring and the guard actually staggered back a step before saluting. “Nerevarine?! You have returned from Akavir?! Since when?!” The guard demanded in a mixture of shock and awe. “I have been back, but Morrowind did not need me after I set Vivec straight and saved us from his vainglory in holding Baar Dau over our heads. I am also the one who ensured Red Mountain would pour its blood to the northeast and constructed the Great Inner Sea Bridge before I truly left you to your own devices.” Neethsi answered and I looked where he gestured to gawk at the massive stone bridge stretching towards the distant shore. He did say something about that! Something landed on my head. Oh no, is this Sheogorath fucking with me again? I’ve managed to do so well since the last time a Daedra decided to mess with me! “Miss. Do not. Move.” The other guard cautiously hissed at me as he carefully aimed his crossbow above me. W-what is it?! What’s on my head?! “Remain calm.” The other guard urged and I moved my left eye to see Neethsi had grabbed Shade and Rarity to pull them a bit away. Before things could get worse, the guard shot the thing on my head and it gave an unholy shriek before taking off and I fell over in relief. “What was that?” Rarity asked fearfully and I looked around for whatever it was, but it had flown away. “No. That can’t be! Saint Jiub slaughtered all of the Cliff Racers to the last! I helped him do it!” Neethsi snarled furiously up at the sky with a quivering fist raised. “They have returned in the past decade, Lord Nerevarine. There was no warning, no explanation, they just appeared as if spawned from an Oblivion Gate. For all we know, that is exactly what happened. Damned things may as well be Daedra.” The crossbow wielding guard snarled. “Wherever Saint Jiub’s soul has gone, certainly he must be possessed with wrath.” “Cliff Racers~!” A deep voice as rough as gargled gravel roared and a ghost appeared next to us! “Curse you! I will return from the Soul Cairn for my vengeance! I will-wait! How did I get here? I’ve been trapped in the Soul Cairn since the Oblivion Crisis.” The ghost then looked at the gobsmacked Neethsi. “Ah, Neethsi! My old friend! I haven’t seen you since you and Vartine helped me collect my memoirs scattered about my prison.” “Jiub! How are you...hm. It seems you bound yourself to me, like an Ancestor Spirit, after we helped you. I am flattered, my old friend.” Neethsi smiled genuinely and the ghost cackled with that disturbing echoey deep voice as the transparent dunmer approached and patted the taller argonian on the shoulder. “Well, you’re the closest thing to family I had after what we’d been through together. Well, since it seems my legacy has been thwarted by evil magic, call upon me whenever a Cliff Racer is near, I will ensure they perish!” The ghost declared before fading away. “As amusing as all of this is, can we please get on with it?” Rarity voiced and I stood up with a vigorous nod. I don’t want to consider pterodactyls flying above and ready to swoop down on us. “Right. Go on through Lord Nerevarine. I wish I could say it is good to see you, but your return heralds more catastrophe.” The mace-wielding guard said apologetically and waved us through the bridge into the city. Well, it felt a bit odd to consider that this place with only ten buildings was a city, but each pyramid could easily fit an American Football stadium inside with room to spare. That was a lot of space. By medieval or similar standards, Vivec City could easily be the size of ten separate ‘cities’ of the time period. “I’ll give us a brief introduction to each canton as we progress. This first one is the Foreign Quarter. Here is where non-natives traditionally called home here on Vvardenfell. It also has the embassy offices.” Neethsi said as he preceded us and kept us moving on the largest and lowest walkway of the canton. “That said, the other canton across the way serves a similar purpose, but it was the last one to be constructed, so they named it after me.” “The Neethsi Canton?” I asked with amusement, but Neethsi just shook his head. “The Nerevar Canton.” Yeesh, I forgot that his emotions are severely hindered when not female or otherwise unaugmented. “This one we’re coming up on is the Redoran Plaza. House Redoran is the most powerful House, so it makes sense they get a dedicated canton.” “Really?” I asked as I walked closer to him. “To be fair, each Great House back in the day had a dedicated Canton, but after houses Dres and Hlaalu ceased to exist, well, let’s just say none of the other houses have stepped up to fill their shoes. Instead their cantons are shared by lesser houses. Now, we are walking on Saint Delyn Canton. It’s the mercantile heart of the city. Almost anything you could imagine is within.” Neethsi proclaimed with a gesture towards the walls of the structure. “Oo~! I must take a full tour soon.” Rarity cooed excitedly and Neethsi nodded. “I highly suggest it, just stay in a group and keep your hand on your coin purse.” Neethsi warned us before he sighed and looked into the sky. “Up ahead is the Ministry Canton. It’s House Indoril’s canton. My House. Above it once hung Baar Dau, the moonlet that Sheogorath convinced to fling itself at Vivec, both the city and the person, for his audacity. Beyond that is the Temple Canton, where Vivec once lived and lorded over the people of Vvardenfell.” Said final canton rose high above all the others. It was ostentatious in its architecture compared to the purposeful facade presented by all of the other cantons. “Was he compensating for something?” I asked judgingly and Neethsi burst out laughing, startling everyone around him, not just us. “Ah~! That is a good observation! No, though. He had nothing to compensate for other than his need to present himself like a peacock. Most of the space in the Temple Canton is used for government storage and other things while the city’s mayor operates from the Ministry Canton. Other than that, it’s mostly for religious functions and historical tourism.” Neethsi informed us as we climbed the steps of the Ministry Canton towards the offices. “So it’s mostly just offices with a temple slapped on top?” I asked as I held Shade’s hand since she decided she wanted to hold mine and not Rarity’s like she’d been fine with until now. “Are you okay, dear?” “The air is angry.” Shade said worriedly and Rarity rubbed her scalp while I squeezed her hand. “That would be the still lingering presence of Baar Dau. It hung above this city for thousands of years. Although it has been gone for a couple of centuries now, you don’t just make something like that completely disappear. However, the fact you can feel it is interesting, Shade. Maybe you possess some natural affinity for magic.” Neethsi commented and I got a bit worried since I’m a magicka atronach and didn’t sense anything. Then again, I’m not trying. “Is that good?” I asked, hoping my daughter might not be lynched by a group of angry dunmer. “Yes and no. It means Shade may have a knack for magic, but that also means if the Telvanni find out, they may try to poach her into their House. They love hoarding mages, skilled or not.” Neethsi then leaned towards me with a sly quirk of his lips. Is he really suppressing his emotions? “Truth be told, if I was not Nerevar Indoril reborn, I would properly be in House Telvanni. It’s full of back-stabbing, selfish and crazy people, but the fun to be had!” I’m worried that Neloth may have twisted your sensibilities, Neethsi… “Lord Nerevarine!” Neethsi flinched at his title being shouted with praise and joy before we all turned our attention to the old-looking dunmer, which meant he had to be old. Despite his white beard and mane of hair and the stark wrinkles on his face, the dunmer’s red eyes danced with joy and his teeth were impeccably clean. He approached energetically, as if his age meant nothing and his fast approach caused his billowing robes to flutter. “So good to have you back!” “Grandmaster Anganis! It’s good to see the past centuries haven’t drained you of that vigor!” Neethsi declared happily upon realizing who was approaching and the two shared a brief, but hearty embrace. “I had worried that I would need to adjust to a household with none of the same faces.” “Hmph! It’ll take more than time, stress and a few Morag Tong assassination attempts to be rid of me!” Anganis cackled and then looked the rest of us over. “Friends of yours, Lord Nerevarine?” “Yes. This is Meen-Rei, my apprentice. The little one is her daughter, Shade. This foreign beauty is Lady Rarity; the Bearer of Generosity.” Neethsi politely introduced us and Rarity even tittered at how flowery he’d made her introduction while I felt pride at being described as his apprentice even though at best all he’s been able to do with me is make me not-useless. “It is my pleasure to welcome you to Vivec, ladies. I am Grandmaster Anganis Lerrel; the current Head of House Indoril. However, Lord Nerevarine, your return while wonderful, also bodes ill. What has happened for our Hortator to return?” Anganis braced himself staunchly, clearly prepared for bad news. “I’m afraid that I return out of necessity. The Aldmeri Dominion has attempted subterfuge in Lilmoth by trying to blast the Lilmoth University of Magic into rubble. I have been working with the headmistress Twilight Sparkle on creating a new Tower to compensate for the losses orchestrated by the Thalmor over the centuries. They obviously don’t want that.” Neethsi informed the Grandmaster of the entirety of House Indoril. “They almost made me into a bomb in Blackrose.” I added angrily, much to the aged mer’s bemusement before he waved his hand before his eyes got a slight purple glow to them and he balked at me. “By the gods, you would create an explosive force equivalent to if Baar Dau had fallen here! Lord Nerevarine, please tell me that your apprentice has good control of all that power.” Anganis was relieved when Neethsi nodded immediately. “Thank goodness, it would have been hard calming people down when they find out about her otherwise.” “Mama does have lots of power.” Shade reinforced and the old mer nodded. “Indeed she does, dear. Now then, I must return to my duties. I’ll have some servants take you to a room to get settled while I arrange to have your old quarters cleaned. I’ll also call for an emergency meeting of the Great Houses. Thankfully the other Grandmasters are also here with Mournhold having become unpopular after the last years of King Hlaalu Helseth’s rule.” The otherwise cheerful old mer spat on the floor at saying the person’s name. “Now, now. Helseth tried to do right by his people despite everything. Don’t forget that he managed to keep Morrowind from crumbling while his House fell from grace and even stepped down once we’d fully seceded from the Empire.” Neethsi chided the old mer, who had the decency to look somewhat ashamed. “Yes, it is easy to forget his virtues in favor of his failings. I apologize. Now, I must go.” Anganis bowed slightly and Neethsi returned it before the old mer jogged back towards the office he’d apparently rushed out from while a couple of seasoned-looking dunmer women in simple maid dresses approached and bowed to us. I feel so out of place here. 📜 “I must say, while this place is dour and dull in color, it is still full of an exotic energy.” Rarity said after she returned from her impromptu shopping trip accompanied by a couple of guards and a servant to help her get around. “I had no clue that giant insects could be used to make so many things! Let alone delicious street food and I bet full proper meals.” Rarity eating bugs. For some reason that made me giggle. “Well, I’m glad you’re adjusting so well, Rarity.” I had decided to hide in the room we’d been given while Neethsi’s apartment was cleaned up. Neethsi had vanished almost immediately to get his bearings after being gone for centuries and Shade had taken a nap and then a bath, leaving me to sit on this bed and ponder things. “Mom, you smell.” Shade giggled as she got out of the bathroom. Thank gosh this city has semi-modern indoor plumbing. Then again, when your people live for centuries on average and cultivate their crafts for many more years beyond most other races, it only makes sense that while your culture would stagnate and be slow to evolve, the things you lived with would evolve even faster. “She does not, she’s just excited.” Rarity chuckled with a rub of her inner thigh, reminding me that despite the magic hiding it, she had quite the impressive male endowment to contrast her otherwise ultra-feminine body. “Uh-oh. I smell that. I’m gonna go bug the maids while you two be dirty.” Shade quickly pulled a dress over her head and I sputtered in fluster at wondering how much she’d changed from her Change. Then I felt warm when Rarity sauntered closer with a come-hither expression. “Now then, come get your mistress hard.” Rarity cooed with mocking authority as she used magic to undress and show off her massive, musky nuts and bounced her F-cup bust. I groaned at her intoxicating scent that filled the room and I squirmed under her gaze. “Or were you excited for Neethsi?” “Both of you. I had the feeling that with you coming along, that we’d end up, y’know?” I meekly admitted as I watched how her body’s best bits shook as she approached. She stood before me, now grabbing my head and shoulder, bringing my snout to her abs before lowering me to her sheathe. I breathed in her heady musk. It wasn’t like Neethsi’s spicy scent, instead it was less like a knife and more like a hammer being taken to my brain’s ability to think. “Well, I’m in a dominant mood, dear. So tonight I’m going to have you as a pet. I’d better not break that will of yours~. If you can’t handle one mare’s musk, how will you handle daedric mind games?” Rarity started to lower me to her balls and I groped those pale purple melons. “I might even tempt you with eggs.” “Is this the other reason you came?” I rasped as I nuzzled her sheathe and licked into it to wake up the beast inside. My groin is already soaking wet to the point of pooling in my pants! “A bit, yes, but I’m worried about your mental state. Neethsi knows how to help addictions so if I do get you hooked you’ll be fine.” Rarity said as she marehandled me, barely letting me move on my own. “Now, I’m your mistress for the next hour.” “Mm, but mistress, what about Lord Nerevarine? He’ll be back any minute.” I joked through the haze her musk was causing and she blushed hotly. “My, I hadn’t considered this would be a good time to role play The Lusty Argonian Maid, but-.” Rarity and I jolted when the door burst in and Neethsi stumbled in with a massive stack of odds and ends blinding him to the room before he dumped it off to the side and blinked at us. “Oh. Sorry. I’ll come back later.” Neethsi turned and then paused, before waving his hands and my breath caught in my throat as she turned around and smirked with a toothy manic grin that both scared me and made my arousal crank to 11. “Fuck that~.” Neethsi’s tail slammed the door shut and she sauntered towards us, her clothes unraveling at the seams with another wave of her hands and leaving her naked with piles of thread trailing her. “Rarity. Sit.” “Y-yes ma’am.” Rarity sat on the bed next to me and Neethsi pulled me down onto the floor before my clothes unraveled too. She pulled me towards her and we sandwiched Rarity’s pulsing penis with our matching basketball-sized breasts, causing Rarity to moan and grip the bedsheets in pleasure. “B-both of you at once?” Rarity sounded excited and worried. “Come on Meen-Rei, let’s see how long she lasts!” Neethsi growled and I licked my lips. > Ch.22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.22 [Turdas, 22nd of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] I woke up the next morning snuggling Rarity’s back and wondering how I ended up as the big spoon. Where’s Neethsi? She is the tallest, she should be the big spoon. I sat up and blinked my nictitating membranes to moisten my eyes and help me make sense of the room. It was spotless, not a thing out of place, save the smaller bed that spawned at the foot of our bed where Shade slept. “Mm, darling, go back to sleep...no lady wakes before the tenth bell…” Rarity mumbled towards me and I snorted at her before rolling over her to stand up and stretch. “By Dibella that ass…” I smirked and looked back at the morning wood Rarity was sporting. I even teased her by running the tip of my blood-red tail on it and she hissed. “Curse you, now I must use the lavatory.” Rarity huffed and got out of bed, kissing me as she passed to the ensuite bathroom. I watched Rarity’s full, round, bouncy and perky ass with a bite of my lips before going over to Shade’s bed to check on her. “You’re all so gross.” Shade muttered and I snorted in amusement. “You were all being loud and sticky for hours. I had to get dinner in the servant quarters. Now let me sleep in while you two get a big breakfast for missing dinner.” “Sorry sweetie.” I cooed at my little girl before I groaned when hunger struck my stomach like I was punched by a fairly cantankerous orc. “I’m surprised you're hungry with how much of Rarity’s cum you drank last night.” I perked up at Neethsi’s voice and turned to watch the currently male towering argonian enter with a large serving tray loaded up with what looked like the local variety of breakfast foods. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think the eggs were normal chicken eggs instead of kwama eggs. “I don’t know. Um, when did you change back to male?” I asked as I approached the table in the corner as I vaguely remembered last night. Most of what I remember was cum guzzling Rarity’s member, but also someone ramming my ass or pussy. I got fuzzy with all that musk and the pleasure. “After we were done, don’t worry. I know that if we had sex together and I wasn’t female, then you’d be egg-laden and I would be at fault for taking advantage of you.” Neethsi assured me, which confused me a bit. “Well, I remember two cocks.” I yawned before grabbing some food. “That was Rarity using a fancy toy that Berserker gave her, something for her to vent her masculine lusts without risk of fertilizing partners. It also helps add spice to normal sex as evident by last night.” Neethsi informed me and I blushed at the idea of Rarity having a fancy sex toy that let her have a dildo as a second penis. Clever really, especially if it has all of the sensation and none of the mess. She could even use it on herself...oh! “That is so hot.” I muttered upon understanding fully. It also meant she was getting off twice as hard. Wow. “So. What are we doing today?” “I’m going to be tutoring you. The Ebonheart Pact has been called to meet here, meaning we will be waiting for a couple of days for the dignitaries coming from Black Marsh and Skyrim.” Wait, what? Neethsi, you said Skyrim wasn’t...oh. “Yes. It would seem High King Bloodraven smelled another front of the war coming and is coming here to negotiate joining the Pact.” “That’s good, right?” I asked uneasily and Neethsi shrugged. “I may be Nerevar Indoril reborn, but I always preferred to create than to destroy, even in my first life. I may be able to lead on a battlefield, slaughter my enemies, rally the people, but a general or tactician I am not. I became famous for my brazen will to accomplish what must be done in spite of the odds and my force of personality, not my way with an army.” Neethsi said as he dug into a greasy steak that had bits of shell on the outer edge. “Then why are you Hortator? Aren’t you the head of Morrowind’s military?” I asked in confusion and Neethsi snorted again, this time dipping what looked like a donut in jelly. “Hardly. I am the rallying cry, the battle standard. I do not command the military, I rouse it and call for war. Unlike generals and tacticians who hide behind the battlelines to direct the soldiers, I fight at the front.” Neethsi hissed in a mixture of both dislike and anticipation, as if he was torn between hatred for violence and an almost instinctual predisposition for it. “Oh.” I wilted at this information. When the war kicks into gear, it’s likely Neethsi will die. Nobody on the frontline lasts to the end save for that lucky one in a million sonuvabitch. “I know your thoughts. I can’t die, not really.” Huh? “I am unkillable unless I’m soul-trapped first and then killed instantly. I’m a Living God, remember?” Neethsi reminded me and I felt relieved. “Besides, even if I physically die, my essence will simply have to set my body back into working order and then I’ll be back at it again. The only reason I knew how to kill Vivec was after hours of fighting him and realizing he panicked when I cast Soul Trap on him.” “What is this?” Shade asked and I jumped a bit, not having noticed my daughter had sat at the table with us and was now eating the same kind of steak Neethsi was. “Nix Ox steak. Think of a giant, fat beetle the size of a cow that can leap across a farm field and crush any fool like a normal bug under it’s bulk. They’re raised in caves so they can’t use their preferred hunting tactic in defense. Can’t jump with a ceiling.” I had expected Neethsi’s input to cause Shade to recoil, but instead she hummed and dug into her meal anyway. “Good morning everyone. Now that I’m not half-asleep.” Rarity said after she returned, already dressed and makeup applied. How did she do that so fast? “So, what is the plan for today?” “I am to tutor you all. I intend to ensure you’re all competent at self defense if nothing else. Besides, it would be embarrassing to claim you’re my apprentice if I don’t actually train you in anything, Meen-Rei.” Neethsi repeated and finished his meal. “Eat. The sooner you finish, the sooner work can begin.” Oh-okay... 📜 [Loredas, 24th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Ugh, so many push-ups. It’s especially hard when Neethsi insists I keep my breasts as small as possible so I can’t cheat and use them as a cushion or prop for ‘mini’ push-ups. Then again, those shorter push-ups have more weight to lift. “Harder mom! You’ve gotta beat your last best before Neethsi will let us stop!” Oh, right, Shade is stuck reading a Destruction tome while sitting on my back too. “Dear, if you do not succeed, I will be most cross with you!” Rarity panted from where she was holding a plank position and dripping sweat. “A lady does not train to be a warrior~!” “I’ve met ladies on the battlefield who could make any courtroom belle look like a wallflower. Speaking of which, Miss Belle, I expect that you do not stop improving yourself when you set yourself on this path. You volunteered to be here in the belief that your friends would be best left with Twilight. Just because you’re pretty and happen to have a tasty dick is no excuse to not improve yourself.” Neethsi harshly stated like the surprisingly cruel instructor he was. At the mention of Twilight and the others, my thoughts wandered back to how things were in Lilmoth. That Berserker is giving the Thalmor a hard time and a reason to fear him. It wouldn’t be all that surprising if he usurped the chain of command and took control of the battle personally. Still, I hope our home is still standing. That alone made me even more determined as I kept going. Especially when I wondered how quickly Lilmoth became ‘home’ to me. I belted out the last several push-ups, then a few past my last best of 47 before I collapsed under Shade’s weight. If she wasn’t on my back, getting past 100 would’ve been easy, but Neethsi told me that if I didn’t add difficulty, then the ‘Training Spells’ he cast on us every session would be less effective. Considering my supple body had rapidly gained a more defined muscle tone, I had to agree. He was putting us through months of training in days. “Alright, that’s enough ladies. Not you Shade. Now you get to come to the library and properly reshelve the books you used.” Neethsi declared and Shade whined, but she got off of me and sulked as she followed him out of the training room. Neethsi’s almost palatial apartment in the Temple Canton, which was essentially converted storage space, had several rooms. I personally preferred to think of it as a torture chamber with weights and a rudimentary treadmill as tools. “Ugh...Meen-Rei. Your chosen mate has such a cruel streak.” Rarity panted from where she was collapsed on the blessedly cool smooth stone floor a few feet from me. “Would it upset you if I say that makes him sexier?” “Well yes, but actually no.” I panted in reply, because while I hated this treatment, for some reason seeing Neethsi as a strict taskmaster got me wet. I’m not a masochist...or I think I’m not, but maybe it’s just Neethsi that gets me so confused. “Hot soak in the bath?” “Do you even need to ask?” Rarity snorted in reply and we both got up in a litany of groans and gasps of pain. Rarity almost slipped in our sweat on the smooth stone floor, but I steadied her and we leaned against each other on the way to the admittedly lavish bathroom Neethsi’s apartment thankfully had. Rarity used her magic to turn on the geothermally heated water. “Oh~ yes…” I groaned as we slipped into the deep bathtub that could fit five people. “If it wasn’t for the constant ash in the air and the eternally clouded skies, I’d want to live on Vvardenfell just for having hot water.” I looked over at Rarity, who was still wearing the exercise shorts and absolutely basic sports bra we both wore for exercise. I didn’t bother taking them off either. Fuck, Neethsi runs us ragged every time. “Agreed, but I prefer the humidity and small bugs of Black Marsh to the scorching heat and giant murder-bugs here.” Rarity rebutted as she peeled the sweat-soaked sports bra off and rubbed her F-cup bosom around the base of her breasts. “Holding planks for so long really puts a strain on my pectorals.” “All I did was push-ups, but I feel like my pecs are going to burst through my boobs.” I hissed as I freed my own chest and remained at C-cup size to spare my poor pained pecs from the weight of my heftier sizes. Seriously, the Alteration spell Neethsi cast on us that rapidly sped up how much our bodies improved was awesome, but painful. I was still sore from yesterday and now I think I might become a living bruise under my scales. “I feel the same, specifically my ass. I think my glutes are trying to rip through my skin.” Rarity whimpered and moved to float in the water as it reached its maximum volume. She used this to pull down her shorts, which ceased their magic trickery and allowed her hefty nuts and sheathe to be apparent. “It may not look like it dear, but these things are heavy even with magic displacing the space they take up.” “Heh, that sounds rough.” I groaned as I suddenly remembered my year in the forest. My body glowed with a faint light as it tightened up even more. I groaned in pain as my body remembered how it used to run and jump through trees on hunts for rabbits and boars. I winced and watched in a mixture of confusion and awe as my muscles defined themselves further. “Goodness, Meen-Rei. You look like you could give professional athletes a challenge.” Rarity gaped and approached me to run her hands over me, which made me groan in appreciation for her touch as my muscles twitched and made me feel both exhausted yet energized. “My goodness.” Rarity groped my thighs and I moaned at how tender and thicc they were with muscle. I feel like I could jump halfway up a normal tree! “Rarity~. Don’t be so mean.” I mewled as I ran my own hands on her arms and then her sides as she straddled me and wrapped her arms around my neck. We’re kissing. Mm~... “Mind if I join, ladies?” We broke apart and winced at the jolt the surprise caused before pouting at now-female Neethsi who was in the bath with Shade next to her and the two argonians were smiling mischievously at us. “Oh, don’t stop on our account!” “Yeah! Be all kissy-faced all you want!” Shade giggled and then squealed when Neethsi started soaping up her scalp. “No~! I can do it myself!” “Aw, but you can’t see behind you, how will you know your scales will be nice and smooth if someone doesn’t help you?” Neethsi teased and I smiled fondly at how my daughter and the person I believe is the best possible mate for me interacted as if they were already family. “By Celestia, why are we so defined anyway?” Rarity asked as she ran her hands along both of our arms in awe. “You know why. My Training spell causes your bodies to automatically perform dynamic tension, meaning every movement you make has a multitude of resistance applied to every motion without the drawback of wasting energy on doing it manually. You’ve also been gorging on tons of nutrients and protein every meal.” Neethsi answered while continuing to soap up my daughter. “Miss Rarity is pretty.” Shade commented from under her coat of soap. I chuckled at her wiggling like a soap monster as Rairty blushed and rubbed her hips on mine. The unicorn’s balls squished against my groin and caused my sex to instinctively puff up a bit. “Yeah! Give me a little sister or brother!” “Shade!” I yelped and felt my body heat up more than the bath had responsibility for. “Since when did you know all about the birds and the bees?!” “Neethsi! I remembered a bunch and she helped me sort it out.” Shade answered and Neethsi nodded shamelessly with a calm and idly happy expression. “Yes. I’m surprised you didn’t give her The Talk already. Most hatchlings know about how they are made and born before the Change into adolescence.” Neethsi grabbed a cup and started rinsing my daughter down, revealing her clean and water-shined scales. “However, she’s been developing a bit too fast. Was she cursed by a Daedra or the like?” “I’m here y’know! Kinda? Can’t remember, but I used to be an adult. Maybe I’m returning to being an adult? I don’t care so long as I don’t age super-fast past that. Mom is still my mom and I’m not going anywhere until I know she’s safe. She needs a chaperone.” Shade said and I sputtered indignantly at that statement. I don’t need to be babysat! “Shade darling, don’t be so mean. It isn’t Meen-Rei’s fault that fate is determined to constantly throw her curve balls.” Rarity chided my daughter while still straddling me and even accidentally shoving my snout into her cleavage. “Mm!” I groaned as I felt Rarity angle her sheathe to grind against my tight washboard six-pack abs since she was in the wrong position for touching where we both wanted her to. “She’s a Hero. They’d normally be some prisoner or shipwrecked on a beach. They don’t even remember their past most of the time, learning it as they travel.” Rarity explained further, huffing in excitement. “Much like Celestia and Luna or Neethsi!” Is Rarity turned on by Heroes? Oh, she is standing up. Oh~ Six Pack~...and the heavy coconut-sized semen spheres under them! I couldn’t resist reaching forward and just getting my hands on them! “Fuck, you are just so, mf! I need to put a baby in her~!” Rarity whined and groped her breasts as I groped her balls that I could feel churning with baby batter! Batter she wants to put into my oven to bake her babies~! Suddenly, clarity came over me and Rarity woozily fell backward to splash into the center of the large spa bath. “Nope. Down ladies.” Neethsi sternly said with her hand aimed at us and Shade whined in disappointment. “You can make all the adorable little hatchlings you want when Meen-Rei isn’t going to be either in combat or at constant risk of assassination.” Wait, assassination?! “Aw~, but I want a Hero wife or hubby!” Rarity whined as she floated in the small pool, her poor blue-balled nuts visibly aching to discharge their load, but their owner’s libido was temporarily as sapped as mine. “Oh! You three can all marry each other after this adventure!” Shade excitedly said, her tail splashing the water behind her as it wagged happily at the idea. “Shade, you are just fuckably adorable. Especially if you are an adult soon.” Rarity cooed and I felt my protective instincts rise, but then felt a good twinge of sadness. If Shade really is rapidly aging into adulthood, soon I won’t be able to baby her anymore. Not without resistance to it. “R-really?” Shade asked bashfully with an extremely cute expression. “Yes.” Rarity cooed as she floated over to sit next to my daughter and hugged her. “You’re already a pretty girl and you’ll easily grow up to be a beautiful woman like your mother.” Rarity nuzzled her cheek and then got to tickling my daughter’s sides. Daw~! “Miss Rarity!” Shade giggled and batted at my lover before her hand hit Rarity’s privates on accident and Rarity squeaked with a pained grimace. “Sorry!” “Ow~!” Rarity whimpered and Shade flinched away in surprise. “I-it’s fine dear. I’m just blue-balled and tender.” “Do you need help?” Shade asked and I jolted straight up. Nope! Shade stop leaning towards those balls! “I mean, I don’t have big boobs or anything that can really help. Mom, help aunt Rarity get off! You got her all sensitive!” “Well either you, Neethsi or your mother’s mouth will do.” Rarity huffed and Neethsi levitated Shade out of the tub as she climbed out herself. “You two work on that, but no vaginal penetration.” Neethsi waved her fingers at me and I squeaked as a firm sensation hit my vagina. I-I can’t open up! She just cunt-blocked me! “I’ll get on with Shade’s studies, since she has a keen mind that I plan to fill with magic and knowledge.” “Ah! Help~! Save me from the book monster~!” Shade fearfully pleaded with me, but all she could do was dramatically wail about her doom as she was dragged through the air. “Alright, now that we’re alone-.” I interrupted Rarity by giving her a firm punch in the gut that had her doubled over and choking on spittle for air. “Rarity. I like you. You’re my friend and lover, you’re my companion through the suffering Neethsi is inflicting on us. However.” I pulled her upright by her mane and snarled in her face. “Do not presume that I’ll let you get away with further corrupting my daughter! If she wants something like sex later, let her decide without pressure!” “...Is it bad that I find you incredibly hot right now?” Ugh, you’re hopeless Rarity... > Ch.23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.23 [Loredas, 24th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Rarity nursed her aching gut and lap after I punched her and then gave her a rough hand job. She is in the doghouse after how she talked to Shade just now, but I’ll forgive her if she lets Shade develop more and decide what she wants. “That was both painful and amazing.” Rarity mewled as she followed me from the bathroom. “No sex for a month from me after this.” I huffed as I glared back at her. “Go to Neethsi or your toy. If I see you with Shade you’re dead.” I snarled furiously. “I won’t! I swear! I just got caught in a mood and let my fantasies of Heroes and babies get the better of me! Shade’s already attractive and she hasn’t even finished maturing.” Rarity declared and I leered at that last bit. “I am not a pedophile! Look, I don’t know what society you used to be part of, but in Black Marsh, argonians Shade’s age are usually trying to find themselves sexually because the next Change decides their primary gender.” “Shade does not need help with that!” I snarled as fear spiked in my chest. I remembered that Shade was once male, that male Shade had tried to d-do something unforgivable. If she stays female, she’s less likely to give in to those kinds of urges, right? “If she decides to stay female, be male or go herm like you, that’s entirely up to her.” I can’t control that. As much as it spooks me, I want Shade to make her decision without outside influence. “Understood Darling. I’ll leave her alone in that respect.” Rarity firmly said and I knew I could count on her word. We found Neethsi looking sheepishly at Shade who was still naked and gesturing to her privates while looking at my mate with a curious expression. “Well dear. You see. Unlike humans or mer, argonians don’t ovulate intermittently. We ovulate when we want to. When we strongly desire to have eggs. It tends to kick in when we’re at the height of passion, especially with one we wish to have children with. It’s why raped argonians almost never get pregnant and sadly makes us a prime target compared to females of other species.” Neethsi calmly and carefully informed my daughter for whatever her last question was. Wait. Then all those times before, where I needed contraceptives. My receptiveness wasn’t some ‘heat’ it was all me?! I just want babies that badly?! I know I want eggs with Neethsi and Rarity now, but before our relationships deepened I immediately wanted to give them children? “Wow. So mom really wants to give me siblings. I guess I should just be careful.” Shade muttered before putting on her mage robe, enchanted to supposedly increase learning speed. “Oh~?” Rarity looked at me with a bright blush and a greatly pleased expression as I shied away from her. “My, my~! I’ll be on the lookout for contraceptives at the market so if passions run high we won’t make beautiful little babies.” Rarity put her hands on her cheeks and giggled with her eyes closed, clearly enamored with having children with me. Still mad at her, but damn it… “So, what next? You ended our training much earlier than the past couple of days.” I asked Neethsi before watching the beautiful babe transform into the homina homina drool-worthy hunk that was his male form and retrieve a much more regal robe. “Today is the Summit.” Neethsi cast a Restoration spell, obvious from the golden ‘holy’ glow that swept through us all and washed away my fatigue and soreness. “The Pact is meeting and I will be attending for the rest of the day. I want you to go into the city and stop hiding, Meen-Rei. No Hero besides the Master Tunnel Rat got away with being a reclusive shut-in during their adventure.” Who? “Right.” I mewled as Rarity looked firmly away from Shade. “Well, where would you suggest?” “I won’t color your impressions of the city more than I already have. Go where you want, but I advise you to stay away from the Underworks of any canton. There are dangerous people and more dangerous secrets that tend to end up down there. It was frustrating just to root out all of the daedric shrines when I first arrived in the Third Era. I don’t want to know what’s down there now.” Neethsi muttered and finished adjusting his blue and silver robe. “How do I look?” “Absolutely regal, darling. I would suggest you put on a matching hat if it’s allowed.” Rarity appraised and I shrugged. I preferred him without clothes. I don’t like it when he’s all swaddled up in robes like he tends to. “Mom, he’s not going to put on short-shorts and waltz into such an important meeting to flex on all the other guys there.” Shade commented and I sputtered in fluster at her somehow catching on to my mindset and then pushing it into a ditch! “That said, can we go to Telvanni Canton? I want to see if I can find any books to compare Breathing Water to.” “You won’t, hatchling. It is rare for mentions of the philosophies in Breathing Water to appear because the subject is dangerous for the caster to consider. Very few Alteration masters exist for a reason and I insist that you do not delve much further past adept teachings.” Neethsi said grimly towards my daughter and she pouted. “Don’t try to follow in my footsteps. I am a rare one in a thousand who pursued true mastery of my chosen school and survived. Please pursue Destruction, Restoration or even Conjuration.” “Sweetling, maybe listen to Neethsi. If anyone knows the dangers of Alteration, it is him.” I still get shivers thinking of the fact that Neethsi’s training involved transmuting himself into metal and surviving! “Besides, wouldn’t you like to throw fireballs or something?” “But that’s boring basic magic! I wanna be able to fix things without having to get all messy about it or wasting time.” Shade mewled and Neethsi grumbled. “If that is all you desire, then look only at Adept class books at the most. You don’t need to be a Master to manipulate reality, just willful enough. Branch out into other schools and find one that speaks to you. Now then, I’m off. Stay safe.” Neethsi patted Rarity’s head and she surprisingly cooed and nuzzled against his hand. I gasped and mirrored the action when he did it to me. Shade almost jumped at his hand and nuzzled it. “Have a good day.” “You too!” We cheered before I felt ideas start rushing into my head, a mental image of a hammer appearing in my mind. The magic and even makeup of the hammer was beyond what I should know, but it was in my head. “Ugh, what just popped into my head?” “What is it darling?”  Rarity asked curiously as she summoned her day dress onto her body. “A hammer that came to mind. I somehow know how to make it.” I answered in confusion. “Oh! You want to make your forge hammer?! It was nifty, you could make almost anything with it!” Shade exclaimed with her tail waving back and forth like that stupid annoying kid’s song. “She could?” Rarity looked between us in surprise as she summoned my own clothes onto-hey~! I pouted at her having just dressed me in fancy new clothes and she winked at me. “Yes! She made guns, armor and tons of stuff mostly for her friends. She still needed to learn things first, but once she knew she could make it in minutes!” Shade explained and Rarity looked back at me. “Is it possible to create this hammer of yours?” Rarity asked with some glimmer of hope in her eyes. “If so, it would be a great boon for us. Especially when we get back home. There is going to be much to rebuild with the Dominion trying so hard to bomb the Tree of Harmony.” “Maybe. I’ll have to go to the shops and-.” I winced at the loud gasp of joy and the sparkling eyes of Rarity before I yelped when she grabbed my hand and yanked me towards the front door. “Ah! Shade! Follow closely!” “Yes mom! If I don’t, aunt Rarity might take you to the Underworks and give me siblings!” Shade teased and I whined. Why was my daughter developing so fast?! Curse you Displacer~! 📜 The shops of each canton were in the Waistworks or essentially the middle-ish section of the pyramidal structures. Rarity had managed to drag us through the shops of each canton in pursuit of anything that caught my eye. Saint Delyn’s and Redoran had plenty of materials that made my odd ‘craft sense’ tingle and we bought up what we could since I didn’t care to conserve my gold. After all, I was living with Neethsi and was getting paid weekly for a while yet. The other cantons didn’t have anything that tickled my metaphorical pickle, but it was such a struggle not to buy tomes for Shade at the Telvanni canton that were clearly beyond her skill level. At least the Telvanni, racist asshats with superiority complexes that they are, weren’t about to hand dangerous magic over to a child they felt wouldn’t learn from it. Yet. The general feeling I got was that if Shade were a bit older, they’d have no qualms with watching her endanger herself. Either way, I ended up not buying her tomes since Neethsi had those in spades. I bought cheap enchanted items specifically meant for those seeking to learn Enchanting to experiment on. This way she could practice Enchanting without draining Neethsi’s stock of disposal trinkets too quickly. “So, that’s a lot of dwarven metal, moonstone and ebony. I can’t believe how affordable ebony is here.” Rarity commented as we entered a blacksmith back at the Redoran canton. Our shopping trip was over, now I was hoping to rent a workspace here since Neethsi was busy and his apartment lacked a forge. “Outlanders I see. Of course you wouldn’t know that Vvardenfell flows with Godsblood.” The dunmer man behind the counter snorted in amusement rather than derision. I liked the Redorans compared to the Telvanni. They were generally congenial if still a bit standoffish. “What can I do for you? I believe I saw you three in here earlier buying materials from my apprentice.” “I’m in need of a workspace, but my mate’s forge is inaccessible right now. I was hoping to rent your forge.” I spoke immediately and bluntly, to which the dunmer grunted. “A woman of the craft? Show me your hands.” I warily held them out and he traced his calloused and rough fingers over mine. “Hm, smooth. You haven’t worked your hands in a long time, but I feel the tendons are still strong. What do you wish to make in my forge?” Whoa. I can’t tell if he’s really serious or he just wanted an excuse to touch my hands. I think it’s the former. “A smith’s hammer if you would believe it. One that carries mystical innate properties unlike a standard enchantment.” I honestly answered and he hummed in consideration. “You wish to use my smithy to make yourself a smithing hammer? Made of dwarven metal, moonstone and ebony?” The blacksmith questioned in intrigue. “Yeah! Mom made lots with her last one!” Shade butted in. “‘Her last one’ you say, young one?” He questioned with a raised brow. “Regardless, I will lend you my forge, but it will cost you a good Septim. It is both my livelihood and my apprentice’s time in the workspace you’re asking to take up.” “I had expected as much. It’s not like this is Skyrim, where the smiths are almost ecstatic to let strangers use their tools if it means the craft is being practiced.” I commented and the smith cackled. “Aye, that is how I learned my craft in fact. Nords are often as thick-headed and xenophobic as the average dunmer, but their passions in some ways run even higher than us daedra worshiping old mer. Well, I’ll charge 100 Septims for you to rent my workspace for the rest of the day in consideration for the goods Talras won’t be making.” I fished out a coin purse with said volume and handed it to him for him to count. “Good doing business, serja. Talras, good news! You have the rest of the day off!” “Huh?! What was that Dedeth?” A younger dunmer man asked when he came into the shop from the back. “I said you can go home, you half-deaf swit. This lady is renting the forge for the rest of the day.” Dedeth said to his apprentice, who looked at us and he grunted in realization. “Ah, so you’re going to be using those materials you bought. Right then, mind the kiln, it’s got a crack in the crucible.” Talras said as he took off his leather apron and gloves which he handed to me. “Blast it Talras, you’re supposed to let me know when the crucible is going out. Watch it so that it doesn’t leak serja. I’m afraid I do not have a second one at this time. At least I know where the gold you paid me is going.” Dedeth grumbled and I nodded in understanding before going into the back. “Ladies, I ask that you either wait here with me or go elsewhere. My forge is too small for more than one person to work safely at a time.” “Understandable good-.” Rarity’s response cut out when I passed the threshold between the shop and the forge. Ah, no wonder Talras couldn’t clearly hear Dedeth shout if the door frame is enchanted to muffle noise. That must’ve been a running joke between them back there. I got the apron and gloves on before retrieving my materials from my satchel and started measuring the amounts. I then went into a fugue, half awake and half asleep as my ‘power’ of sorts took the reins. I knew what I was doing, the processes, the motions. I just wasn’t consciously doing it so much as being an active observer. As if a master smith slipped into my scales and I was the apprentice watching. Some time later, time means little when in such a state, I came out of the fugue to find myself looking at a beautiful hammer. It wasn’t like the original I’d initially been Displaced with. This one seemed more. Its handle was made of the uniquely durable and innately magical dwarven metal that nobody in this era could reproduce without harvesting from dwarven ruins. It was connected to the moonstone core of the hammer head, which itself was cast in ebony. I picked up the weighty tool and felt the magic inherent to it. With this magic tool, I could craft nearly anything from scratch like the way that Neethsi manipulates reality. My own unique and focused kind of Alteration magic I suppose. I left the forge after hanging the apron and gloves next to the door. “Finished.” I said with pride and held it up. “My goodness. I never imagined using anything better than iron for smithing tools to be worthwhile until now.” Dedeth commented with audible awe. “May I?” I smiled and handed my creation to him. “What the-Alteration magic?! Good gods serja, how did you accomplish this?!” Dedeth asked me in shock and I winked at him. “Ah, right. Smith’s secrets. Hmph, fine, take your secret from me before I get too greedy. Why, if I had a hammer like that, I’d make masterworks. Then again, it would somewhat cheapen the effort put into my craft.” “It’s mostly so I can craft anything anywhere without needing to rely on a full workshop. I enjoy losing myself in making something the traditional way too.” I said as I took the hammer to put away. This was a wonderful form of meditation for me in a way. Whenever and wherever I get to settle down, I need to have my own workshop. “Considering how smooth your hands are, then I can tell you’ve been too busy to be able to work on your craft. If I couldn’t ply my trade, I’d go madder than a Sheogorath worshiper. I’m glad my forge could give you a means to work your craft on the go.” Dedeth nodded respectfully to me. “Come by anytime. After seeing that hammer, why, I think it’d be a crime not to let you use my workshop whenever you wish, so long as you help me train my worthless apprentice.” “Gladly! Um, where did my companion and daughter go?” I asked, only mildly worried about them being alone with one another. I trusted Rarity’s word, but I didn’t trust Shade and her disturbingly quick mental development matching her physical growth. “Daughter? Good gosh you argonians breed young. Well, they didn’t exactly tell me where they were going, just that your little girl was asking your unicorn friend if they could go back to Telvanni canton. You be careful with her around those fetchers. They’d sooner skin an argonian than to give one proper instruction in magic.” Dedeth warned me and I nodded in understanding. I already got that impression earlier. “I’m well aware, but they’re the best magisters in the region and Shade has her heart set on magic. As her mother, who am I to stop her from pursuing her passion?” I shrugged and Dedeth hummed with an approving nod. “You’re a better mum than most dunmer just with those words alone. Take care, serja.” Dedeth bid me farewell as I was leaving, to which I waved in reply. 📜 This whole affair was new to him. He wasn’t used to feeling so weak, so normal, let alone so useless. “By my wife’s glorious tits, this is so damn boring.” The hulking man in his drastically augmented Praetor Suit muttered to himself from where he stood along the wall where the personal guards and attendants for the gathered political rulers were made to wait. “Then why are you a guard?” The only other human among the guards, a beautiful brunette woman with fair pale skin in a suit of elegant, but serious rune-engraved steel armor, questioned the Berserker. “Because Twilight made me her personal guard. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here right now.” Berserker answered with a sigh. “Ah, owe her a debt, eh? I owe my king too much to account for myself.” The woman nodded in understanding, only for Berserker to huff and shake his head. “More like she’s protecting me from whatever legal actions that argonian prick of a captain would use against me. I basically usurped the chain of command of the Lilmoth city guard. I couldn’t let them all die out there so needlessly.” And in doing so, Berserker ensured that the defenses would hold, along with getting the Thieves Guild to join in the fight against the Thalmor saboteurs who had decided to try nuking the whole city when the university proved impervious. “Don’t forget about the battlemage aid you gained. They were also of great help.” The argonian guard in intricate lamellar leather armor on his other side commented with a hissing tone of approval. “It was about time Miun-La got a good kick in the groin.” “How could you manage all of that and still coordinate so effectively? Have you done it before?” The woman asked in bemusement and Berserker nodded. “Yes, I have. I’m a lot older than you think.” He answered as the politicians continued to argue. “Well, at least I don’t have to deal with this hot mess.” “Dad!” The Mind Noodle shouted when she appeared from the air and hugged his head like the feathery snake she currently was. Said noodle was covered in sawdust, soot and ink. “Blech! Dang it Hermais, not now! This is an important summit!” Berserker snarled as he yanked the adorable danger noodle from his neck. “Sorry. I just got blasted from Apocrypha to the Shivering Isles down to here just now.” Hermais groaned, clearly in pain. “I swear, I’m gonna rip Herma Mora’s essence to shreds next time!” “Berserker, please step outside.” Twilight called and he growled before obeying. “What are you doing fighting a Daedric Prince?” Berserker demanded in exasperation. > Ch.24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.24 [Loredas, 24th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] I arrived back in the apartment and felt a mixture of confusion and joy at seeing Berserker! “Hey! What are you doing here? What’s wrong with her?” I asked when I noticed Hermais, the chaos entity that helped me out with magic charms back in Blackrose was draped over his shoulders. “This stupid twat of a step-daughter thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with a Daedric Prince.” Berserker answered with an indigent huff. “My turn, where are Rarity and Shade?” “They’re still touring the city. Rarity is an absolute dynamo of energy when it comes to being a tourist. The amount of shopping we’ve done today is more than I remember ever doing.” I whined and stretched to relieve the tension all the walking and my smithing had caused me. “Herma invaded my Library!” The noodly chaos entity growled. “You should’ve seen that coming. What did you expect would happen? He’s not gonna bother about asking your permission. He sees some newfound knowledge, he’s gonna yank it from you.” Berserker retorted. “Why don’t you try to supplant him with a lesser deity of knowledge native to here that otherwise has been forgotten?” I suggested, figuring such a thing might work considering I remember Sheogorath was once the Champion of Cyrodiil and he was just a mortal when he took over. “...That’s fucking brilliant! There are still dozens of Et’Ada who linger despite their spheres being taken on by the more well-known Divines or Princes. Jhunal, wrongly considered to be Julianos, would be perfect! Though I did get one goal complete! The High King of Skyrim is no longer connected to that Herma doofus.” Hermais cackled and then slithered into nothingness. “Well, in other news, Lilmoth still stands. I literally had to usurp command and manage things because captain Miun-La was being an obstinate ass and tried to just do a standard search when that would’ve accomplished nothing. I had the pegasi sweep the city constantly while I followed known leads on troublemaking groups to the undercity and wiped out all of the crooks, finding the hiding places of the Thalmor saboteurs in the process.” Berserker informed me. “Well, the captain is clearly just a police-minded person. He probably had rights of privacy or innocence arguments against those, didn’t he?” I asked as I moved to sit at the table and Berserker approached, but remained standing since his armor likely weighed a lot. “Pretty much. Miun-La is a good cop, but not a good soldier. The Thalmor came for war. I had to quickly dispose of summoners before they could bring in daedra. One managed to get through, but didn’t get further with its skull removed from its shoulders.” Berserker said with a scoff. “Thanks for saving the city. I already think of it as home even though I haven’t been there long.” I then looked him over to find a few scratches and dents in his armor, so I retrieved my hammer and hit him in the chest without fanfare. His whole body glowed green for a moment before practically shining with how pristine it was. “There, all patched up.” “Wait a minute, that looks...familiar? Did you have that before?” Berserker questioned as he looked at my hammer. “Yes, but actually no. This is a replacement for the hammer I was originally Displaced with. I think I can make more than one, but it’d be for the best if I didn’t make more than a spare in case I lose this one. It’s basically material Alteration magic in the form of a smithing hammer. If it physically exists, the wielder can manipulate it with this.” I waved my pride and joy around. “Yeah, keep it on the down-low, unless you want thieves to pinch it from you.” That made me clutch onto my hammer tightly. “Also, when we get back to Twilight, have her look it over and maybe she’ll place a ward on it where only you get to use it. While in the hands of others, it’s basically just a fancy looking hammer for basic, mundane stuff.” Berserker recommended. “Hm. Good idea. The handle is unenchanted, so maybe she could do that for me.” I considered aloud before the door opened and Rarity led Shade in-. “Oh no. Rarity!” “She hit me with those big adorable eyes! I couldn’t say no!” Rarity wailed and my daughter giggled as she danced around, all of the gaudy and tacky layers of necklaces, bracelets and beaded headwear shaking and clacking as she did so. “I’m an Ashlander, mom! Mister Sadri was really nice!” Shade declared happily before rushing to the kitchen and burrowing into the cupboard. “We’re having dinner soon, sweetling, don’t spoil your appetite!” I shouted after her while Rarity plopped down in a chair and slumped tiredly onto the table. “Say, have you two been working out lately?” Berserker asked as he noticed our physical appearances. “Lookin’ mighty fine, ladies~.” I felt my face heat up at the compliment and was thankful my blood-red scales couldn’t reveal any form of skin reddening. “Yes, Neethsi has been using Alteration and Restoration to help us out.” Rarity said from where she was still tiredly slumped against the table. “Good, he’s doing you a very big favor. You’ll be thankful for it in the end.” He wasn’t wrong about that. “Speaking of which, where is he? Is he still doing politics? Twilight has retired for the day and I don’t see why he’d still be there when she’s gone.” Berserker questioned and I realized that he wasn’t around long enough or at any point where Neethsi’s role was mentioned. “He’s the Hortator of the Great Houses. He’s the Nerevarine. A legendary Hero who centuries ago saved this nation and possibly the world from being taken over by a false god and his plagues.” I informed my old friend and I didn’t like how his helmet hid his face, because I didn’t know how he was feeling about that. “Oh...that explains a lot.” Berserker said in stunned revelation, before he finally took off his demonic skull-bearing helmet. Rarity let out a gasp of shock when she saw his face; the battle scars, the silvery-white spiky hair, the blood-red draconic eyes, razor sharp demonic teeth and the tribal tattoos. “He does that to most women who see him, Rarity, don’t worry.” I patted her hand and flinched away when Shade seemed to teleport to be standing on the table and looking Berserker in the eyes. “Hey! Those are new!” Shade poked several of the scars and the man snorted with his lips curling in a grimace that was either resisting a smile or a frown as he nudged her prodding finger away. “You’ve been on a lot of adventures, huh?” Shade asked as she rabidly nommed on what looked like a sack of thankfully dead pillbugs. Ew. I’m open to trying things, but ew. “You don’t know half of it and these aren’t all that new. I’ve always had these scars.” Berserker replied with a sigh. “I know you fell into nothingness, then you were gone with the rest of the world. Whatever you did between then and now was Hell.” Shade knowingly said and finished munching on the bugs and snarled at the empty bag. “Why am I so hungry?” Shade growled before she jumped down and hurried back to the kitchen. Oh no! “Please no! You went through a Change just the other day!” I whined and Shade poked her head above the counter to look at me as she chewed on something else. “Well, I ain’t the one controlling it! I can’t just say ‘Hey! Body! Stop developing for five minutes!’ y’know. Bodies don’t work like that, mom.” Shade snarked and began scarfing down the jelly in a glazed jar. “She has been snacking all day, dear. Whatever has brought her here from your world clearly has plans for the poor girl.” Rarity mewled and I whimpered in worry for what that could be. “...When I fell into that nothingness, that thing was waiting for me.” Berserker spoke up, causing us to focus on him in rapt attention. Well, not Shade, she was breaking into another jar of preserves. “Damned thing killed me when its dogs couldn’t, thinking that was the end of it. With my own sword, no less. It was also the very same bastard that tried to possess me back at the university, it was really pissed off to find me still breathing.” “Well, can you remember what it looked like at least?” Maybe if he saw it, describing it might jog the memories it sealed of what it did to my unborn babies. “It didn’t look like anything. I can’t describe it, because it didn’t have an appearance. There is one thing I can be certain of; it’s desperate. For everything, including entertainment.” Berserker looked towards Shade and I gulped as I watched her swallow a fish whole. “Some sick fucks, like the special asshole who has altered the two of you, likely would find this funny.” “This is not funny. The poor dear is practically starving to fuel her next Change. Meen-Rei, feed her.” Rarity insisted with a poke at my C-cups. I sighed before I got up and pulled my dress off and then removed my bra. Once nude, I expanded my bust until they were the size of beach balls with large enough nipples for a good flow of sap to go through. Huh. I’m not being dragged to the floor by my tits this time. Have I gotten that much stronger in a few days? “Even so, it would seem its plans are starting to crack. It failed to kill me, it failed to try and torment these two for amusement, now it has failed to take the other elements of this world into consideration.” Berserker explained with a small smile. “Like me finding a total asshat of a jerk expert necromancer to turn into the avatar of Jhunal, then perform a ritual to transport said avatar into Apocrypha. Then, I shoved that hoarding wannabee knowledge thief down Jhunal’s eager gullet! Woo! Daedric Prince dethroned! All hail my buddy Jhunal!” Hermais squealed excitedly from the shoulder of the weathered and battered gray-bearded Nord in dark robes that was suddenly standing in the apartment. I could feel him! It was like being in Aetherius with Julianos again! “Greetings. I am Jhunal of the Rune. I have usurped Herma Mora and am now set to task bringing order to the abomination that is Apocrypha. As friends of my friend, I extend my boon to you. Should you need guidance or knowledge of any kind, simply open one of my Grey Books.” The god Jhunal stated before bowing and vanishing, leaving Hermais hovering about with maniacal giggles. “Did that just-oh~! D-don’t bite!” I yelped at my daughter, who had pounced on my left breast and was desperately sucking at my teat for sustenance. “Now I wish Jhunal stayed a little longer. We could have asked him if Shade’s rapid growth would have any benefits or consequences, just to be safe.” Berserker voiced his concern for my daughter. “She’ll be fine.” Came the voice of Neethsi when he entered the lavish apartment, looking his real age in exhaustion that I winced at the sight of more than the teeth of my child. “Even if not, once she achieves adulthood, I’m willing to grant her my curse and blessing to ensure she remains stable.” “Good. How was the meeting?” The only human in the room questioned. “After you got kicked out due to an assumed Ehlnofey pestering you, it went as expected. Skyrim has joined the Ebonheart Pact. The Pact is once more whole like it was in our hour of need during the Interregnum in the Second Era. However, unlike my own expectations, I am not being sent to the front that will join the flagging Empire in Cyrodiil to ensure the Dominion doesn’t have a foothold on our own borders.” Neethsi ran his hands down his face. “W-well, what i-is it?” I asked as Shade continued to drink and even started groping me. No baby, don’t do this to your mom. She’s gonna get all confused on how to feel! “I’ve been ordered to help with logistics due to two factors: that I am the inventor of our flying dwarven ships and that I have been making rudimentary Wayshrines. My first order is to go to my established teleportation anchors and fully flesh them out into proper Wayshrines. So, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to stay in one place.” Neethsi said with an apologetic tone towards me. “That makes plenty of sense, darling. No need to feel sorry about it.” Rarity said for me since I was biting my lip to prevent my moans from leaving my mouth as Shade played with my free nipple, getting my sap all over her hand and trailing down the underside of my right breast while she sucked and nibbled my left teat. Both engorged golden nips were singing in pleasure. “Well, as much as I’d like to come with you, I need to stay with Twilight. Those Thalmor have kept trying to kill her ever since they realized her wards, runes and other magic are too powerful to brute-force through. Thankfully this place is so far from their operations that they don’t have anyone here. Yet.” Berserker was clearly enjoying the show I was putting on, but at least he wasn’t commenting on it in favor of giving us this news. “Unless the Council wants me to do more than keep Twilight safe?” He didn’t sound too pleased when he said that. Guess he didn’t like politics getting in the way. “They don’t feel comfortable with having someone from beyond the planes of Oblivion gallivanting about. Your case is well known. Meen-Rei’s is still fairly secret.” Neethsi gestured to me and then his eyes glued to us. What? Unf! I-I feel her doing something that isn’t drinking! Why is Shade moaning and pressing her flat chest into my breast? “Oh~, mom. I want to be like you mom. I want to be so big and sexy…” Shade panted before she hissed and I watched as she rapidly shot up in height, her scales changed color to almost match mine, her lips, nips and other orifices became outlined in gold like mine. However, she also sprouted golden hair-like plumage instead of horns and moaned as her chest blossomed just a bit into C-cups. This also caused her to rip out of her tiny robe. “Holy...wow, argonians go through puberty like being run over by a freight train.” Berserker commented in surprise. “I mean, it’s one thing to see Shade as a little girl one day and a bigger girl the next. Now she’s clearly in her mid teens!” “What about seeing me as a baby and then a woman in hours?” Hermias chuckled before getting booped on the snoot by Berserker, which caused her to curl up like a party favor before unwrapping around his shoulders. “You’re a necessary menace, you don’t count. You and your siblings were needed to balance things out, you sexy little chaos noodle minx.” He snorted and started giving her chin-scratches, which she enjoyed thoroughly. “Mom?” I broke out of my overwhelmed fugue at my daughter’s more mature, but still cracking voice as she cupped her breasts and looked herself over. “I think I may have had a growth spurt.” No duh! “Also...I’m really tired. I don’t think I’ll fit into that little bed over there.” Neethsi waved a hand and the child bed turned into a full sized bed. “Thanks, Neethsi.” “Why is my baby growing so fast~?” I whined as I shrunk my bosom down to match her’s and pulled her into a hug. She was my height! She could already be considered an adult by a lot of social standards! “Neethsi, can’t you do anything?” “Not until she reaches adulthood in her next Change. She already looks like an adult, but her scent is still that of an adolescent.” Neethsi said as he approached and took Shade into his arms, carrying my exhausted and afflicted daughter to her bed, where he put her down. “She also smells less like your daughter and more like a sibling. This is obviously not a normal series of Changes by any stretch of the imagination.” “Oh, the poor dear. At least she has family and friends to support her through this.” Rarity said as she approached Shade and helped tuck her into the bed with gentle strokes of her fingers through her plumage.“My gosh, she really does look like she could be your sister, Meen-Rei.” “I wish I could stay here even more now, but Twilight is going back to Lilmoth in the morning. Hermais, could you ask your new friend about anything like this?” Berserker asked the foreign equivalent of Jhunal/Julianos who thankfully nodded. “Sure thing! Especially since we’re having a book exchange. I’m also gonna be helping him bring at least some measure of, ick, order to the absolute violent Chaos that is Apocrypha, so it’s no problem. Just don’t forget you guys have your lifetime library cards to Apocrypha.” Hermais said before vanishing in soap bubbles, bringing attention to the 5 gray leather-bound books sitting on the table. “Hermaeus Mora and I never really had dealings aside from when Vartine had to deal with the fetcher and I had to watch over his incapacitated body while his spirit was ripped away by that monster’s Black Books. I suggest we use these gifts sparingly. While Jhunal is not a Daedric Prince, he now has the mantle of one.” Neethsi cautioned and handed each of us a book while storing his and Shade’s away in his satchel. “I better go. Twilight’s probably fussing over something related to Lilmoth and I’ll need to help her with straightening things out.” With a sigh, Berserker placed his helmet back on. “She always stresses herself out all too easily.” He muttered before leaving the room. “So this is just a thing? My daughter is afflicted with rapid aging until you do something, a Daedric Prince just got dethroned, then there’s the fact we won’t get to stay here?” I asked with panic on the brink, at least until Rarity hugged me and rocked me back and forth. “You realize that the assistance I offer is my unique strain of Corprus, right?” Neethsi asked me and I nodded. “If I give it to her now, she will be trapped as an adolescent until the day she dies. I will not be party to cursing someone to the fate of being a hormonal and unbalanced teenager forever.” “Indeed, I do not know how your puberty went, but I can verify that mine was quite horrific. Also, what’s this about Corprus?” Rarity questioned in bemusement and Neethsi winced. “I didn’t tell you? Oh dear, I always let sexual partners know ahead of time before...Corprus is a unique affliction. It was a curse of the flesh created by Dagoth Ur; the False God who tried to kill the Tribunal and take over Morrowind from his dark throne inside of Red Mountain. The original strain turned it’s victims into mindless, bloated, mutated masses of flesh who endlessly suffered because Corprus also makes the victim unaging and immune to all other diseases.” Neethsi informed her and Rarity’s already white fur turned whiter. “Don’t worry. He can’t transmit it without someone else drinking his blood.” I assured her before looking at Neethsi, who thankfully nodded. “Yes, because I am the Nerevarine. I was the first person who received Divayth Fyr’s working Corprus ‘cure’ that actively negated the undesirable effects of the affliction, but kept the positive traits. I am unaging and immune to all disease, save for, Grr, the direct intervention by a Daedric Prince or the like.” Neethsi shucked off his nice robe and then transformed into a hulking white werecrocodile much to Rarity’s horror, since it was all I could manage to keep here in place. “But-.” “I’m also Afflicted with a beast curse and so is Shade.” I voiced meekly and Rarity flinched, but held on to me tightly. At least she wasn’t rejecting us. > Ch.25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.25 [Sundas, 25th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Rarity, while shaken, still shared the bed with us last night. She was quieter than usual, but her attentive doting on Shade, much to my beautiful daughter’s chagrin, told me she still didn’t think any different of us. Likely she was just coming to terms with the fact she’d been amongst werebeasts this whole time and had no clue. I was disappointed we wouldn’t be spending any more time in Vivec as we walked through the city in our traveling gear. I’d had to give Shade a spare set I’d made on the fly from materials Neethsi provided. Dear gosh, aside from her beautiful plumage and lack of horns, she looked just like me. I was filled with a mixture of dread and pride. It was when we reached the soon-to-be-Wayshrine just up the hill from the road north of Vivec that a thought occurred to me. “Could that asshat, Hircine, be affecting Shade’s aging?” “No. Hircine is invasive, but he is fair. He would not be tormenting Shade, not when she has made no slight against him.” Neethsi replied as he worked his literally godly Alteration magic and turned his humble teleport anchor into a nearly religious-looking structure within the short cave, which he’d already converted to look like part of a structure. “What about what he did to you, Neethsi?” Shade asked in a voice that was so close to mirroring mine that I rubbed my throat uneasily, all upset yet mixed up at the idea she might be my twin soon. “I directly defied him, ruined his Bloodmoon Prophecy and defeated him in one-on-one combat. He wrought his vengeance by personally afflicting me with Lycanthropy, the most potent strain of it at his command. However, I was immune, so he fused my Corprus into his Lycanthropy. This angered him further, because all he did was make me more powerful and failed to claim my soul. Corprus corrupted his curse. I am the first Lycanthrope free from Hircine and it angers him to no end.” Neethsi growled vindictively with pleasure. Whoa. Badass. “Mom, didn’t you do something in our old world? We did find a shrine to him?” Shade asked me warily as she fidgeted with the straps of her armor. “That wasn’t the same Hircine sweetling. Even if it was, he liked how bold I had been to do what I’d done.” I can’t really remember what I did though. I distinctly remember Hircine liked me for some reason though. “The best Hunters are those Bold enough to act while Prey freezes in terror.” An echoing male voice from the mouth of the cave made us all jump as a massive white ethereal upright insect I believe was a kwama warrior entered. “Hircine. Why have you come to bother me this time? Another challenge? Another attempt to goad me into your games?” Neethsi snarled furiously as I pulled Rarity and Shade to the side of the tunnel-like hallway. “No. This is no time for amusement. I have come to bury the hatchet. We cannot afford for petty feuds to potentially cause reality itself to crumble. Especially not when your pet serpent can so easily depose our ilk.” Hircine declared evenly and seriously. “I also wished to assure you that your assumption is correct. I have no hand in this beast’s rapid growth. Now, do not tarry. Your actions to come may well spell our salvation or our doom.” Just as he appeared, Hircine faded away, leaving no sign he had ever been here. “Dears, as much as I enjoy excitement, you all have far too much of it.” Rarity said with weak humor to lighten the mood. “Oh dear, I wish I’d let Pinkie come with us. She’d be so much better at bringing Laughter into the situation.” “You’ll get used to it.” Neethsi assured our unicorn friend and lover before he finished the first new Wayshrine when it’s brazier lit with an ethereal blue magicka flame. “Hold up!” We turned to see both Berserker and Twilight coming our way. Which was a surprise since I thought they would be gone by now. “You didn’t think we would leave without saying goodbye, did you?” “And perhaps a gift from us both?” Twilight added with a sly smirk as she bumped her hip against him. “Apparently he had the foresight to have us all stay in contact, no matter how far apart. With my help we made it more possible.” Nodding his head, Berserker handed us each a device. “Put these Communicators on your ears. This will help in keeping each other informed on the other’s progress, along with wanting guidance or to ask questions regarding the subject. Twilight also made sure they won’t be easy to steal.” “As convenient as this is, it is a bit pre-emptive. The second Wayshrine I am making is the Lilmoth Wayshrine, so now you can wait here.” Neethsi teleported away with the loud crack of displaced air signature to unassisted teleportation. “Oh, that’s convenient. I was expecting to spend a day and night flying on a ship to get back home. Once Neethsi has this Wayshrine network established, we’ll be able to move strategic resources much faster and ahead of main military forces. It’s also wonderful to have these wondrous structures back. It was such a shame that they were all destroyed by the end of the Interregnum.” Twilight sighed in lament and Rarity approached her friend. “Twilight, I know that look. Don’t get sidetracked. You must remain vigil over the Tree of Harmony or reality may be doomed.” Rarity reminded her friend and Twilight’s ears wilted with a pout of her lips. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she stays the course and only makes notes for her little side-quest projects. Who knows, we might need them in the near future.” Berserker assured Rarity while also giving Twilight some leniency for other works. He’s quite the patient planner it seems. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m even a Princess.” Twilight joked with a snort and hugged Rarity. “You stay safe. I know you’re our official link to remain in touch with Meen-Rei magically, but if you think you need a break, I’m more than sure our other friends could rotate out.” Huh? Rarity is with us for magic-related reasons, not just personal or political? “Well...I would appreciate that after a while, but…” Rarity was blushing and biting her lip, which caused Twilight’s wings to pomf out and a bright smile to stretch her face. “Oh Rarity, I’m so happy for you! Treat her well or I’ll transfigure you into frogs!” Twilight playfully threatened Shade and I, causing us to share a bemused glance. When was Shade part of our romantic unit? Wait, why am I having difficulty protesting this?! I had all of the issues with this just yesterday! Curse you Displacer! I will kick you in the reproductive organs! “Twilight, please, have some faith in them.” Berserker said, but Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement at him. “I’ll have faith when you stop flirting with me. Berserker, I’m gay. Or at least as gay as a herm can be without exclusively preferring other herms.” Twilight snarked and I blinked along with Shade. Berserker was hitting on Twilight? When? Sure, he had this presence, this aura, that drew me towards him in that manner, but he never flirted with me other than some comments. “Wait, what? I wasn’t...was I?” The confused human asked as he thought this over. “Oh, fuck, I think I’m missing the Twilight I’m married to back home. Maybe all of my wives.” That made us all look at him in bewilderment. He’s married to how many? “It doesn’t help that Meen-Rei kinda reminds me of Wiatr.” Who? I feel like that’s both incredibly flattering yet existentially terrifying. I’m not poking that with-wait! That may not be my feelings on the matter! “Who is Wiatr?” I asked through my trepidation and oddly instinctive repulsion to get to know about this person. “Basically a Goddess that’s made up of four people in one body, that’s also a magical slime being. She’s also like you and I; a Displaced. Well, one of them is. Their aspects are Sex, Renewal and Commerce.” Berserker summed up and I felt that was enough-no, wait! “Tell me, do any of the four people that make her up remind you of...of...old me?” I managed to force out despite the sudden pain in my voice box and facial muscles. Shade put a hand on my shoulder as I fought off my sudden bout of dizziness and the pounding headache. “...Oh, fuck. Yeah, one of them is a vixen. Actually, aside from the extra tail and the rainbow fur and her giant fennec ears, she looked a lot like you did before, if bustier.” Berserker answered at the realisation. “That would explain why I was so...drawn to her back then. She reminded me of you!” I keened in agony and leaned against Shade as some sort of deep secret I’d never known tore into my soul! H-how long has this been happening?! Am I just a fragment of a far greater whole, sundered by an evil entity and scattered across the multiverse for their amusement?! I must be right, because that thought process just hurt me more! It’s getting dark… 📜 [Morndas, 26th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Ugh.” I groaned as I held my head, looking up at a pair of massive, red furry orbs. “Huh?” I groaned as I looked up, seeing a wolf. These musky, sloshy, tasty balls. He smells like Berserker. Since when was Berserker an anthro? “I knew that’d wake you up if you’re even tangentially the same person I’m married to.” Berserker removed those musky nuts from my face and transformed back to being human before he was suddenly in his armor. That is a fancy trick! Wait, what? “Wah?” He woke me up by putting his delicious spunk bunkers on my snout? “She’s not really related to mom, though I did Displace a piece of her.” Hermais voiced in uncertainty. “Her soul though, that’s a different story. Now that I consider it, it’s eerily familiar to mama Willow’s soul. Not the same or from the same, but disturbingly similar.” “Alternate realities, like Marauder and I?” Berserker questioned as I sat up and blearily blinked my eyes. We’re back at the dorm in LUM’s housing wing. Considering the Wayshrine for Lilmoth is in the main building of the university, I guess this was technically closer than Neethsi’s apartment in Vivec. “I don’t know how to feel about that, but my pussy is sopping wet.” I huffed with a confused look at my fem-cum soaked shorts. Did I orgasm in my sleep from sniffing his balls? How? That would explain how satisfied I feel along with all this wetness matting my clothes to my groin. Also, why are my tits as big as basketballs right now? Wasn’t I a C-cup when I blacked out? “Go ahead, dad!” Hermais chuckled as she pushed him toward me playfully. “Woah!” Berserker caught himself before crashing into me, but in his panic, transformed back into his wolf form. Only he had dragon aesthetics thrown into the mix and two different sorts of wings. One demonic and one angelic emerging from his back. “H-Hermais? Why?” “Eheheh!” Hermias giggled before snapping my clothes away, leaving us naked and me smelling this male who had red metal limbs from the elbows and knees down. “You two would have had a relationship, but things went loco. She was pregnant with your sister’s quadruplets before whatever calamity claimed her old world.” “I-but, I need to.” I babbled, my brain was so confused. My body was telling me to breed with this sexy stud. My brain was mixed up. My spirit though, my soul, enhanced by my True Form of an Atronach, rebelled. I transformed, my body unfolding from flesh into constantly shifting yet somehow solid and smooth to the touch crystalline red scale-like shards suspended in raw bright blue magicka. “Get. Off.” I demanded, my voice echoing through the room. Berserker was already on the other side of the room across from me in a defensive stance. Either I intimidated him or he thought I was a threat. It didn’t matter, since he did what I demanded. “Woops...forgot about that.” Hermais meekly said and was about to snap her fingers, but I reached out to her and she yelped when my intent to bring her to me yanked her into my grasp, the chaos noodle wrapping around me like she seemed to prefer. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to mess with me like this when I’m so distraught. Now then, what has happened while I’ve been incapacitated?” I questioned as I hovered towards the door. “Berserker, as attractive as you are, please put your clothes back on. I’m in no mood, I'm afraid.” “Neither am I, sorry.” Berserker apologized as he returned to his human form with his armor back. His head hung in shame, but I didn’t blame him. I blame Hermais for this whole charade. “What’s going on here?!” A guard demanded after he rushed down the hall and leveled a spear at me, his hands shaking. Berserker got in front of him and right up in his face. “That’s not a daedra, that’s The Atronach, Meen-Rei. Stand down.” Berserker ordered harshly and I tilted my head at the Title. That’s right. I’m The Atronach, a living nexus of raw magicka directly channeling Magnus’s power on the surface of Mundus. It’s so easy to forget something so important when I have my little concerns and pleasures of the flesh to focus on. “Um, can I go please?” Hermais asked from where she was still acting like a shoulder-ornament draping down on either side of my swirling and shifting huge breasts. “No. I rather like where you are.” I pet her noodly body and then floated down the hallway in the direction of the main part of the building. “Where are Neethsi, Rarity and Shade?” I asked firmly while still petting my living scarf, which was currently my only form of clothing. Hm. I don’t care if anyone sees me nude like this. Is it a disassociation? Do I simply have different standards? “I think Neethsi is working on the Wayshrines in Skyrim right now. He already got all of the ones in Black Marsh, Morrowind and Vvardenfell done. Rarity is with the other girls and Shade...well. You’ll see.” Berserker uncomfortably said and I felt sadness and pain in my very being. I’m a failure as a mother if I can’t even be there for my daughter in her time of need. I let Berserker guide me to a section of the university I was distinctly familiar with and I felt dread well within me as we neared the milking room. My fears were both confirmed and also replaced with shock when instead of being pumped for sap, I witnessed someone exactly like me as I am now, floating just above the table and having magicka siphoned from her. “She’s…” “We don’t know what Neethsi did. Something with a dagger and he fed both her and you his blood when her Change was so drastic and you were vulnerable. Your Displacer is a real fucking asshole.” Berserker snarled as I hovered closer to my beautiful and alien daughter. I ran my hand on her shifting crystalline snout and she jolted upright, causing me to flinch away. “Mom! Mom?” Shade turned towards me with fear and worry in her ethereal voice, which was replaced by awe. She hovered closer and we clasped hands, our shifting and moving busts smishing together as we looked into each other’s glowing eye sockets. “Mom? You’re so beautiful...I am too. What is this?” “Oh, my sweetling. I don’t know.” I hugged her and we stayed like this, floating in a tender and comforting embrace for an unknown period of time. “Not to be cruel, but I think it’d be good if you two came down from the ceiling and returned to your flesh bodies.” Berserker called up to us and we looked down in bemusement, only tethered by the magicka siphon manacles on Shade’s wrists. When did we end up here? “Uh, okay. How do we do that?” Shade asked me and I steadied myself before helping her float back down on instinct. I then willed myself to put back on my confining and limited flesh that quickly overwhelmed me for a moment in sensations my True Form lacked. “J-just will it dear. Will yourself back into your body of flesh and hormones.” Good gosh, how do I think straight like this?! I’m constantly packed full of all these complicated chemicals that control my actions more than my rational thoughts. I both love and hate this. I don’t want to give up my mortal body, it’s how I experience pleasure after all, but at the same time I want to get out as fast as possible, stretch my magicka legs. “Okay.” Shade then solidified, her shifting scales of crystal formed over her glowing blue magicka silhouette and turned into flesh, bone and organs. Soon she was panting and leaning against me, her huge b-ball sized breasts pressing against my matching boobs as her eyes, the same as mine, looked both lost and amazed. “Whoa...this is so weird.” “Are you two going to be alright?” Berserker asked us, but I did pick up on his depression, even when he tried to hide it. “I’m sure we will, what about you?” I asked after I straightened up and looked Shade over. She appeared to look like my sister more than my daughter now. I was pissed off about this. The monster who took my daughter’s second chance at a childhood away will pay! “Honestly? I kinda feel like hammered shit.” Berserker answered as his shoulders sagged. I glared down at Hermais for causing him to feel this way. “Sorry Dad. I did mark this Universe on the No-Travel list for the Empire after Herma poo’s attack on me. I have no idea how your token got through...or Auntie Ava’s? Huh?” Hermias said when she looked at a corner of the milking room. “Is no one listening to me?! I expressly said don’t let Tokens into this Mundus! How are they getting in?!” “Wait, you’re trying to stop me from getting help?” I glared at Hermais, who had taken the wise opportunity to get away from me. “You ordered Tokens not to come in here?” Shade huffed and wrapped an arm around my waist, causing the sides of our big, bouncy, boobilicious busts and wide egg-bearing thicc hips to press together. “Well, you dealt with that jackass, so stop preventing Meen-Rei from getting the help she may need.” Shade demanded with her other hand pointing accusingly at Hermais. Um...oh no. I’m sexually attracted to my daughter-turned-sister! “Daedric Princes are powerful, almost on par with Mother, Auntie and their other, planer family. It’s dangerous for other Displaced to just pop up here if they’re not powerful enough to shrug it off like Berserker!” Hermias defended. “I’m only trying to stop someone Displaced as some weak guy from a wholesome story getting turned into a werebeast or vampire against their will!” “Who is yelling at our niece?” A sultry voice demanded from the brazier in the corner. “Ah, Jesus.” Berserker groaned at the sound of the voice as he went to pick the brazier up. “Now what?” “Who’s that?” I questioned warily and backed away when the brazier lit up with blue fire. “Someone I both love and hate and everything in between those two extremes.” The human commented, which earned an amused sexy giggle from the Token he was holding. > Ch.26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.26 [Sundas, 25th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “So yeah, I’m basically your twin sister now because some invisible jackass decided it would be funny.” Shade finished informing me as we walked down the hall in matching tunics and nothing else. If these didn’t have tail-holes the skirts wouldn’t have a hope of getting below the groin. “Including the sap?” I mewled with a heft of my boobs for emphasis and Shade replied with a sigh and a matching gesture on her own bust accompanied by a nod. “That explains your accessories.” I grumbled with a rub of my wrist bangles that my daughter/sister now also had. She had the full kit courtesy of Hermais, but had no headgear since she had long, beautiful golden feather-hair plumage instead of my regal curved horns. “Don’t be too upset m-sis. Gosh it feels both right and wrong to say that. Anyway, I was an adult before. I may not clearly remember it, but I know I was a bad person. At least since you took me in and showed me Kindness, Generosity and the other Virtues, I think I turned out pretty good huh?” Shade side-hugged me as we kept walking and I tried not to enjoy the physical contact too much. She’s my sister/former daughter damn it! Stop manipulating me~! “It’s still wrong to have your second childhood taken away like this.” I insisted and reached behind her, just barely resisting the oddly powerful urge to touch her butt or tail to return the side-hug around her waist. “So, both of us were taken down by our gracious Displacer disagreeing with our search for knowledge yesterday. Let’s find Twilight or Neethsi since Berserker is stuck dealing with the guards and soldiers.” “Or Rarity.” Shade smirked at me with her eyes twinkling and I sneered before booping her snoot. “Hey~! I’m a grown woman now and I used to be an adult. I mean, I don’t have any innocence after the past couple of Changes. It’s bad enough I’m...not mortal anymore.” Shade squeezed me a bit closer. “Neither of us are sis.” Huh? I don’t feel any less mortal! “So Neethsi gave us both his affliction?” I asked meekly and Shade nodded. “You’re too important, too vulnerable. He decided to give you the gift of his blood-hot shit that sounds like a corny and terribly romantic vampire love story line. Anyway, we’re both Lycans like him. The Fourth and Fifth to be exact.” Shade informed me and I gulped nervously. Does Neethsi secretly aim to become a lord of secret power like all those vampire/werewolf dark fantasies? “Who are the Second and Third?” I heard the Capital Letters attached to us. “I don’t know. Neethsi didn’t have time to give me a history lesson. I also wasn’t exactly in a stable state of mind with my body demanding I fuck Neeth like a bitch in heat and give him eggs. I’m going to rip out our Displacer’s spine, that fucking asshole.” Shade snarled and grabbed my tail, making me squeak in surprise. “Sorry. I’m just so fucking horny. It sucks!” “I-I know the f-feeling-let go~!” I squeaked and wriggled out of her grasp. “Oh~ now I’m aroused damn it! Don’t do that!” I whined and quickly transformed. Oh, blessed tranquility and stability. “Reset.” I calmly ordered and Shade obeyed, then we both returned to our flesh forms. “Okay. Good to know that works so well.” I was thankful our clothes didn’t get annihilated. “Yeah. Partly why I was getting my magicka harvested was because I couldn’t think straight in this body and I needed to rest. I might as well help out Twilight right? Especially after I gorged on a large quantity of the sap you provided.” Shade mewled before we approached Twilight’s headmistress office that had four fully armored and alert guards outside of it. “Good day ladies. Twilight told us to expect you.” The argonian man next to the knob-side of the door greeted before opening it for us. Such a gentleman. “Thank you good sir.” I smiled in appreciation at him before going into the office to find Twilight and Berserker-why is he here so fast?! “Uh...weren’t you back at the harvesting room?” “My daughter Eris gave me a head-start. She told Twilight what happened to you and Shade before and after. She had to hide or else Twilight would’ve strangled both her and Hermais.” Berserker let out a sigh of depression as Twilight placed a hand on his shoulder. He’s still down about that? Way to go, Hermais. “So, to cut to the chase: You’re both a new form of Lycanthrope or at least new enough to be kept a major secret unless we want to wage a war with the Vigilants of Stendarr. The fact the Nerevarine and two others are also the only other members of your strain would cause a massive societal upheaval that we cannot afford.” Twilight rubbed her temples and shook her head. “You will need to keep your natures beyond your True Forms a complete secret.” “I’m not about to broadcast that I can turn into a hulking red and gold crocodile. I happen to want to live in society.” I assured the alicorn, even if my beast form had gigantic tits and wider hips. “Besides, if people find out, all our prospects for casual sex go down the drain.” Shade tacked on and I winced. I wasn’t going to vocally agree, but yeah, that too. Why do I care that much about that when I have Rarity and Neethsi already? Is this the kind of person I am? A total slut? No. I can’t just sex anyone. Even Dar-Ja was mostly because he was cute and we were both consenting adults in need of relief. “Good, because you two are walking disasters already.” Hey! “I’ve already had to release a PSA so people know about your True Forms and not to scream ‘Daedra!’ whenever you’ll end up going around like that.” Twilight huffed and handed Berserker a clipboard. “You take them from here Bryan. I still have a city to manage with Count Theogoulus bogged down by inter-city politics.” “Sure thing Twi. Follow me ladies.” Berserker tiredly told us and we did so, promptly leaving Twilight to struggle with the cruelty of bureaucracy that is paperwork. “Now then, I know you just woke up from seriously fucked-up bullshit, but there’s work that needs your attention.” “Why are you all cooped-up here if there’s work to do Berserker?” I asked curiously, feeling that being an organizer and traditional oversight person when it came to these things was out of his comfort zone. “Because I don’t have that much leeway anymore. I’m an interdimensional foreigner with no sway who regularly has ‘Ehlnofey’ interfering. While most people appreciate me, the higher-ups are suspicious that I’m plotting to overthrow them. Excluding Twilight, but only because she knows more than they do.” Berserker explained, irritating me extensively. No wonder my own extra-dimensional status was also a secret. “Well that’s rude. You’re in this situation just as much as anyone else.” Shade huffed with a shake of her head that sent her long, lustrous golden plumage fluttering. My gosh I’m envious of those feathers! “Oh well. What do you have for us? I’m not exactly a fighter, but a lot of the basic magic I eagerly poked my snout into books about should be helpful.” “I’d rather you not, but with the military still forced to move around with traditional and only some airship support right now, we only have the commissariats using the Wayshrines in preparation for sustaining large deployments. So we’re short of skilled or otherwise available people to tackle some unnerving issues that have been showing up.” Berserker handed me a sheet of paper. It was a bounty writ, the sort expected to be claimed by any random adventurer who performed the task and had proof of completion or the requested service signed off by the client. This one was from Twilight personally. “Did this even get circulated yet?” I asked warily and Berserker shook his head. “That’s the only copy of the writ. As you can tell, it’s about investigating a nearby ruin where a distressing number of daedra have been gathering over the past week. They’re content to stay away from populated areas and pathways, so the guards have been ignoring them. Twilight thinks there’s more to it than some daedra worshipers causing a small incursion and wants you to check it out since Neethsi is currently working to restore the Wayshrine network.” Berserker informed us before stopping outside of our dorm room. “What kind of daedra?” Shade asked when we entered the room and Berserker shrugged. “Got it. Either go and scout it out and report back or wipe it out ourselves. Don’t stress so much Berserker.”  “I’ll try not to. Good luck.” Berserker nodded at us and then strode back down the hall towards the main part of the large U-shaped university building. Shade closed the door and froze at the sight of me frantically digging things out of my magic satchel. “We’re not going with what we already have. I’m going to assume we’re like near-identical twins and just get your matching suit of gear upgraded like I’m going to do to mine. Then I’m making guns.” I declared after I fetched my hammer, which I need to Name, then began getting to work. “What’s a ‘gun’?” Shade questioned and I chuckled darkly. 📜 [Morndas, 26th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] The task wasn’t critically time-sensitive, so I spent the rest of Sundas upgrading the light gambeson, leather, chitin and scale armor by infusing the scales and other firm material with dwarven metal, which was much more malleable yet firm once set. I used Netch leather to strengthen the straps and softer parts of the armor while using Strider silk to strengthen the gambeson and also make said padded under-armor water-resistant. I couldn’t replicate Rarity’s magic with my bra though, so Shade was going to have to stay in a C-cup while wearing the armor like I planned to be, even if originally it was meant to adjust for my changing bust size. I also did something blasphemous to all save the most ruthless of modders. I made us both magic guns. I literally just took a pre-existing schematic of a dwarven crossbow, stupidly expensive btw, then repurposed the traditional firing mechanism for a magical ‘telekinesis’ propulsion system able to fire quarrels of a relative size at a theorized super-sonic velocity. At least if Shade and I’s collaborative work and an enchanting guide were right. They were hilariously simple too; basically muzzle-loaded dwarven magic muskets devoid of black powder. The only moving parts were the firing chamber affected by the trigger. When pulled, it would release the weak telekinesis runes keeping the projectile in place and transfer a burst of magicka to the much stronger telekinesis rune at the back of the projectile. All fed by the user’s magicka of course thanks to the ‘battery’ rune in the stock. We couldn’t test them in town though, so I also brought normal crossbows for us to use just in case these prototypes flubbed. “Any sight of them?” I asked Shade in a whisper since she had the monocular. Believe it or not, a proper scope is really hard to make, so I had to buy a stupidly pricy monocular and could only afford one at the time. I gave it to Shade since I wanted her as far away from danger as possible. “Let’s see. Green, brown, green, brown-oh hey! It’s a mass of blue, purple orange and red humanoid figures of varying sizes in the middle of a dreary and drab swamp.” Shade snarked bitingly. “I swear, with this many the guards are fucking morons for leaving them be. I count seven already and this can’t be all of them.” “Shit. Maybe we should head back and let them know a contingent should come out here.” I grumbled, only for Shade to bop the back of my helmet. “That’s loser talk sis! Let’s at least deal with these pests and then see what it looks like closer to the source.” Shade said before she loaded one of the smooth marble-sized iron ball bearings I’d made for the guns into the rifled barrel and took aim. “It’s shaking so much.” “Take a deep breath, hold it, then exhale slowly either after or just before you fire.” I coached my new sibling. She followed my instructions, then a loud ear-hurting gunshot went off, followed by a lot of unnatural shrieking and bellowing. I helped her reload and she took a second shot. A third. By the fourth the daedra had entered our part of the swamp and she folded the monocular to the right side of the gun so she could use the iron sights and I joined her. We both got off one more shot and then I bolted forward, thrusting the ebony bayonet I’d made for both of our weapons into the jugular of the approaching demonic creature. My heart was pounding in my ears, the adrenaline high was incredible. I panted and backed away with immortal ichor dripping from the crystalized godsblood that was my spearhead/knife. “W-well sis...that’s all seven of those guys, but I think I hear more coming.” Shade warily said as she scanned the swamp with her monocular again. Thank gosh we were on a little hill to give just the slightest vision advantage. “Fuck! We’ve got well over ten coming! Sis, get ready!” Shade began firing and I helped her reload again. By the time they arrived in our small battleground, Shade had fired five times, leaving five to enter the small clearing surrounding the tiny hill. We felled two more with bullets before the last three were upon us. Again I surprised the first by boldly charging directly at it and stabbing into its throat through the gap between it’s helmet and armor. I yanked back in time to dodge its ally and then blocked it’s sword with the metal-encased wood of the stock. This gave Shade the opening to reload and shoot the humanoid creature in the back. It gurgled and slumped against me as I backed away and let it fall face-first against the slope of the hill. “Thanks Shade.” I panted and inspected my gun. Damn it. I took out Hepha, my magic hammer, then repaired the gash in the stock on the spot. “You’ve gotta make it shoot faster. It’s incredibly powerful, but it doesn’t fire any faster than a standard repeating crossbow.” Shade commented and then furrowed her brows. “Why do I know that?” “That might be knowledge from our old world. They had rudimentary guns that weren’t nearly this good as well as crossbows.” I said in worry as I looked over the blue-skinned Dremora and the similarly hued Banekin before I got to work looting the Dremora of all its equipment. “Or maybe from Berserker. I remember he had guns himself. Lots of guns in all shapes and sizes.” Shade added on before thinking about it some more. “You know, from the sound of things, he hasn’t made mention of using his guns. It’s like he’s trying to avoid using them.” “Maybe it’s because he knows those big-wigs would start demanding such weaponry for their armies.” It would be wise to keep such things a secret. If everyone in Tamriel knew, it would be an Arms Race. Then again, since these guns were stupidly easy to make, I’m sure it would be nice if there was a musket corps able to shut down a charge of Dominion soldiers. “Well, why not do it ourselves? These guns are really effective at long range and make good spears at melee range, unlike bows or crossbows that become useless once an enemy is in your face.” Shade reasoned and I sighed out my nose. Well...this world wouldn’t become too much deadlier with firearms than it already was. Just about anybody could cast Destruction magic if they just practice. If nothing similar already exists, I could even market it. “Fair enough. I’ll think about it. Let’s see if we can find where they’re coming from.” 📜 That is just distressing. The groups we slaughtered had to have been dremora-led patrols, because the entrance to what had to be an ancient argonian Xanmeer was crawling with daedra. Literally in the case of the Harvesters. Towering Xivili commanded them and the dremora, who then delegated to the banekin. Aside from the dremora, these were all daedra chiefly associated with Molag Bal. Fuck. “We should head back.” Shade warily hissed into my ear and I nodded. There was no way we could deal with this many enemies at once. We may have beast forms and our Atronach forms, but this was beyond us. We should learn more magic or something to even the odds in the future. We slipped back into the murky waters, avoiding the corpses of the native beasts that had been tossed into the mire without any care. Ironically enough the daedra made it easy to sneak up to their incursion point because the corpses made it harder to see things moving in the already clouded swamp water. I’m so glad I’m an argonian right now or the water wouldn’t have been an approach option. Of course, that was when a much bigger reptile than us decided to emerge from the mire and I swam frantically next to Shade to avoid the massive creature as it rose from the murky depths. We surfaced and watched in a mixture of horror and awe at the gigantic spiked beast that rose from the swamp and roared at the daedra and summoned lightning along its spine. So this is a Wamasu, a mythical lightning ‘dragon’ of Black Marsh. It charged into the throng of invaders, ignoring arrows and spells that skittered and splashed across it’s scales. That wasn’t all the swamp had for the daedra. The commotion drew giant hulks that looked like fallout series deathclaws if they went to the gym. I think those are Behemoths. The tide of beasts gave me hope that Black Marsh’s own natural defenses would do the invaders in. My hopes were crushed when an armored entity emerged from the ruin and knocked the Wamasu away with a single swing of it’s brutal daedric warhammer. This heralded the arrival of more of these heavily armored humanoids who replaced the flagging daedra as the main combatants. For every one that the Wamasu and Behemoths disabled, two Behemoths were killed. It was a slaughter. Soon enough, the Wamasu too was dead with unbelievably massive greatswords skewered into it’s eye sockets. As if that weren’t enough, the bodies of the defeated juggernauts vanished, armor and weapons too. Those that weren’t downed were herded back inside by the cautious daedra as if the entities were too stupid to find their own way back inside. “We need to warn them.” I hissed to Shade and we dove under the water to swim away as fast as possible. This needed an army, not a couple of plucky adventurers with guns. What are those things? Those couldn’t be dremora. Those juggernauts, fuck it, capital letter time. Those Juggernauts must be some sort of new daedra Molag Bal created like the Xivkyn. They could take tons of punishment and dish a ton of it out, but once the fighting was done, they just stood around like listless dullards. I don’t think guns will help against those kinds of guys. They didn’t respond to pain, only dismemberment and even then only in that they couldn’t use the missing limbs. Whatever they ended up being, they were strong and seemed to be bonded to those encompassing suits of heavy plate armor. We snuck past a patrol of daedra through the water and continued back towards Lilmoth. Once we were away from the perceived danger zone, we got out of the water by the road and legged it as fast as we could, which was really fast to be honest. > Ch.27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.27 [Morndas, 26th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “This is so much worse than I imagined. This isn’t some incursion, it’s the prelude to an invasion. Damned Thalmor. If the Towers weren’t being subverted, then Martin Septim’s sacrifice at the end of the Third Era wouldn’t have been in vain.” Twilight snarled as she used magic to frantically write in multiple scrolls simultaneously. Berserker was currently at the local muster, acting as Twilight’s direct overseer, which was why we ended up delivering this bad news to her instead of him. “So what are we going to do? There are so many of them, then there’s those really powerful brutes they’ve got inside the ruin.” I asked in deep concern, since those things could possibly steamroll Lilmoth’s defenses and slaughter citizens. “As much as it frustrates me, nothing, for now. The first army group will be arriving by Middas. When they get here, I’m going to desperately push that their first operation will be to clear the building daedric invasion force from the xanmeer. As for you, I think the best thing you could possibly do to help would be to start building more of those weapons you used and sell them to the army.” “Sis is worried that if she does that, then there’ll be a social and military upheaval sparked by them. I say she’s being silly and that it’ll just make arrowstorms less frequent. Which is more humane sis? A barrage of bullets? Or a rain of arrows?” Okay, okay I get it Shade! “Other than this, I think you should seriously consider training more in magic. You’ll find your dorm has been vacated. Your personal effects have been moved to the workshop living space both in anticipation of you helping us maintain equipment and because our dorms are being converted into bunk housing for soldiers.” Twilight brusquely informed us and then magically tossed a jingling coin purse at us. “There’s the pay for the writ, please consider making more guns.”  We were then pushed out of the office by her magic and the door shut a bit too harshly. “Don’t mind her. She’s very stressed out.” The polite guard from before apologetically said and I shared a huff with my sister before we headed towards the workshop, which was in the same wing of the university as the milking room. “Well, I guess I’m making more guns.” I pouted and Shade hip-checked me. “Hey, since you’re gonna be selling them, they’ve gotta have a name! They’re the first of their kind after all. How about ‘The Meen-Rei Musket’?” Shade suggested and I couldn’t protest. “That’s actually kinda catchy.” I guess if I’m going to patent it, if such a thing exists in this world, then that name would be really neat as a legacy. I may never have imagined becoming a noteworthy arms dealer before, but if it’s to save the world, fine. I’ll let my name become synonymous with the future of guns. Besides, water doesn’t affect them aside from slowing down the projectile to subsonic speeds, so I’d also be giving argonians specifically an edge. “Good. Now then, I don’t know about you sis, but my tits are full. How do you stand forever filling up with sap?” Shade grumbled with a grope of her armored bosom. “I just got used to it. Besides, the piercings help deal with the sensations. Although I could use some stress and pressure relief after that skirmish and seeing that disaster.” I followed Shade to the milking room and we froze inside. Fluttershy looked at us in absolute mortification as her average D-cup breasts were pumped for milk and she squeaked through her ball gag while Rainbow, on Shy’s back, paused mid-swing with a riding crop. We promptly noped out of there and locked the door, which they obviously forgot to do before getting naughty. “Nevermind. Let’s just take a nap.” Agreed. 📜 [Tirdas, 27th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Breakfast was a fairly awkward affair. Shade and I sat in our casual tunics and skirts at the cafeteria table with the Elements of Harmony sans Twilight due to so many guards and students taking up the rest of the available space. Diane looked about ready to Laugh and her mane and tail were surprisingly curly compared to usual. Rarity was clearly embarrassed where she sat between Shade and I. Applejack was snickering. Meanwhile, the focus of their amusement and our discomfort, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, sat with flushed faces and downcast eyes as they ate. “Didn’t I warn y’all against getting frisky in that room when Rei and Shay use it so much?” Applejack cheerfully pointed out. Hey, I like the sound of that. Rei and Shay! It has a nice ring to it. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think they wanted to be found.” Diane snorted and couldn’t refrain from smirking playfully. Seeing her like this is so nice even if her usual scowl and straight hair did nothing to detract from her oddly comforting aura. Rarity wiggled her hips before a hand slipped to my thigh with a naughty blush on her face. She looked thoroughly embarrassed as she rubbed my leg and tried focusing on eating. Is she getting hot and bothered by this conversation? Popping a magically concealed boner in public? “Hey, before they came along, that was our room.” Dash huffed indignantly and Fluttershy shrunk further in on herself. “Don’t be so embarrassed Shy. Someone was bound to find out about your lactation fetish eventually.” Rarity gently shifted me to her lap with her magic as Fluttershy blurted out a defense, her face bright red. I blinked as the rear of my tunic got raised up. Really Rarity? In public? Why is nobody commenting on this? How have they not noticed? “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about darling.” Rarity told Fluttershy before she hefted my modest C-cups up. “After all, you have two queens of your desires right here to compare yourself to and neither of them is embarrassed about it.” I am now that you’re pointing it out! Why can’t I speak against this?! Oh~ I’m getting so horny! What is she doing to me?! I’m confused on whether I like it or not! I felt her raise the hem of her clothes, a simple skirt with a jacket and blouse. The fact she designed it recently was something amazing since it was flying off the shelves with the lower class according to her. Now I think I know why she made it when she pressed her sheathe to my panty-clad plump pussy lips. Oh fuck, I’m so engorged and wet already?! “I know, but I’m not a milkmare like them. Isn’t it odd that I’m so obsessed with it?” Fluttershy asked as Rarity pressed her emerging flare against the gusset of my panties. Unf, come on. Shift a bit to move my panties aside and put it in me~! “Not at all darling! If anything, I’m fairly obsessed with such motherly mammaries myself.” Rarity groped me and I moaned, but no noise came from me. Am I invisible and muted? How is Rarity so good with Illusion magic? I keened in pleasure when Rarity rolled her hips and her flare nudged aside my gusset before my greedy cunt pulled her into me~! “Sis, can you pass the salt?” Shade asked and Rarity passed it to her while she acted like nothing was up and I bounced on Rarity’s lap, getting fucked in full view of everyone, but completely unseen! This is so fucking hot! “Good girl.” Rarity whispered to me and fingered my clit as she humped her huge horsecock into my eager quim while I wordlessly orgasmed and kept going to try and urge her to breed me. F-fuck. Wait! I haven’t taken contraceptives! Oh~ but it’s too good~! I twisted around on her cock, moving my legs in a display of flexibility I didn’t know I had until I was facing her and I kissed Rarity needily. I mouthed to her that I needed contraceptive herb and she promptly fed me some. Thank gosh! I get to sate this fire in my core! “Well, what’s going on with the guard?” Applejack asked Rainbow as Rarity pulled my tunic up under my chin and she tugged my bra down to suck on my right nipple. I groaned and expanded my breasts so she had more to fondle, more to suck, more to give me pleasure with~. Soon I was at my new preferred massive basketball-boobs size and cumming again. “You’re my gorgeous, exotic lover, Meen-Rei. I wish you hadn’t asked for the herb, I find the risk sexy.” She whispered before looking right through me at Rainbow. “Yes, how has it handled Berserker’s takeover?” Rarity asked as she let me fuck myself on her massive penis. I wasn’t stopping until she creamed me damn it! I need her hot seed in me! “A little jarring, but we’re getting used to it.” Rainbow replied as Rarity relaxed and let me do all the work to pleasure her. The most she did was grope my breasts and sample my sap. I hope she doesn’t overdose, my sap is still Hist Sap. Hnng~ gods! I’ve cum three times already! Damn it you sexy bitch! Give it to me! Cum already! “Truly? I heard that some of you resented him.” Applejack asked with curiosity while Rarity started bucking and she moaned as silently as I was squealing in pleasure. Her breasts were pressing against mine and her heavy sperm factories were quivering under my ass. “Oh gonna, put eggs, unf, in you!” Rarity snarled before slamming her flare right through my elastic cervix. We both roared in silent orgasm and I was knocked into a series of smaller climaxes as her hot cum filled my achingly empty womb. We panted and kissed as she filled me and my Navel Pearl allowed her to pump me up without fear of her illusion breaking. “Thanks dear. I’ve been so needy since last time in Vivec.” “Are they?” Shade asked about the guards as Rarity tugged her hips back, but her flare was stuck. Uh...oh no. We looked fearfully at one another and tried to pull apart, but my vagina and cervix practically constricted on Rarity and she hissed in pain, so I stopped trying. That felt good for me, but if it’s hurting her, I don’t want to try harder. “Oh dear, it seems we’ve gotten stuck.” Rarity said in embarrassment. “My magicka is running out...” I immediately grabbed her horn and poured magicka into her. Rarity gasped when her eyes shined magicka blue. “I’m good then, but we’re stuck dear. Nobody’s gotten stuck like this in years! What are we going to do?!” Rarity panicked and she looked to our hips before tugging and pressing back in. “Wah-hey stop bucking!” I yelped, hoping the herbs would work if she kept fucking me full. Well, of course they would. Alchemy is bullshit. The issue is less about pregnancy risk and more about how we’re going to get free. “I’m trying to ease out!” Rarity exclaimed before pouring more seed into me, my muscular abdomen glowing magicka blue. “How much magicka did you dump in me?” She moaned in rapture. “Best orgasm in my life~!” “I don’t know! I am a living entity of magicka! I can’t measure it!” I yelped at the incredible feeling of rightness in my womb. I don’t feel like I’m instantly pregnant or other spooky stuff, but like something my womb sorely wanted more than just cum was being provided. I get that I’m a Magicka Atronach. Maybe magicka-infused fluid is very agreeable with my flesh body. “Hold on Rarity. Let me be heard, but keep up your other illusions. Ahem, pardon us ladies. I’ll see you later Shade. Remember that we need to discuss patents with Twilight at Ten. Come along Rarity~.” I lilted saucily, easy when I’m so high on pleasure at the moment. I twisted back around until I was facing the same way as her before we stood up and I walked with Rarity literally up against my ass, but hopefully her illusions would hide that fully. I led her to a classroom that was empty and gave in. I staggered up to the professor’s desk and collapsed against it, keening in orgasm when Rarity also gave in and started ramming her stuck cock into me. She was only able to make short thrusts since my flexing vagina would only give her entrapped erection so much, but it was more than enough to keep the pleasure going~! “Fuck! I can’t stop! Your pussy is milking me so much~!” She groaned as she fucked me fast, rubbing my deceptively flat abs, her balls heavy as they glowed with magic and slapped against my thighs. “I think you gave me too much, my tits and balls are glowing! Do you have a fetish for this?” Rarity moaned and I looked behind me to see her F-cups were shining with magicka too! “Maybe.” I groaned and keep orgasming as Rarity tried pulling out while still fucking me. “I think you could do with moar~!” I wailed and came as she pressed tightly against me, filling my thirsty womb with more magic baby batter. Yes. Feed me~... “Gah, don’t make my breasts grow!” Rarity whined as I licked my lips when her tits started swelling against her dress at my command. “No~! I’m getting bigger~!” Rarity wailed with pleasure overwhelming her distress. “You’d better t-take responsibility~!” Rarity came again, this time glowing milk drenched her dress as her boobs engorged. “My whole wardrobe~!” Rarity panted and grunted as her dress constricted around her growing gazongas until those beautiful glowing basketballs bounced free from her destroyed clothes. “Hm~ lovely.” I moaned as I stretched a leg up onto the desk to look under me and see her glowing cum factories were getting bigger too~! “Yes. More! Grow for me~!” “Bad girl!” Rarity growled before cumming when she tried pulling out. “You’re turning me into an overinflated bimbo~!” Rarity wailed and the words made me cum. “Ahn~!” Yes~! Grow for me! Feed me! Nourish me! “P-please, stop!” I twisted around on the desk, causing her to gush into me again and I grabbed onto those blue-white beach ball boobs as I pulled her against me. “Help! Someone!” Grr, you are mine, mortal! You will-! “Nope!” Someone snapped their fingers and I suddenly felt so empty~! “Whoops, maybe not that much.” The good feeling was back and I purred as I laid atop the desk, running my hands over my body as I let it transform. Even my swirling Atronach body was swimming in pleasure. “Are you okay, Rarity? I gave you the same trinkets as her and Shade, plus extra.” “I’m fine dear. Thank you. What came over her?” Rarity asked from where she’d been teleported free from my vagina as she approached me and I cooed as I reached towards her, entwining my fingers with her’s. She looks like she did before...where are her delicious balls and dick? She has such a cute piercing on her clit though. “She may originally be mortal, but she’s an Atronach now. She accidentally infused your body with such a rush of Magicka and specifically focused on certain parts of you because she craves magicka in a physical form too. Like how fire atronachs are drawn to lava and flames, ice atronachs to cold regions, storm atronachs to violent weather.” Hermais said as she slithered about above me. “We’d better be careful though. She looked like she was ready to turn you into her living food source.” “Well, I won’t object so long as she doesn’t go overboard like that again.” Rarity huffed and cautiously ran her hands up my ethereal arm and to my mostly-solid cheek. “Dear, are you right in the head?” “You’re so beautiful.” I dumbly replied, unable to focus past the glorious mare who radiated magicka both similar to Twilight, yet more alluring. “Marry me?” “Perhaps when things calm down dear. We’d best let everyone of import know of this development. Especially Twilight. It would explain why you seem distracted when around her since physical attraction isn’t the case.” Rarity kissed me and I moaned into her lips. She backed away and touched her mouth and throat. “My. That is...very interesting.” “Yeah. Cool. Just kissing her was like you got a powerful drink of magicka potion. Maybe she can be milked traditionally instead of through a magicka plug. I’ll talk to Twilight. In the meantime, help her get to her room in the workshop or the milking room. She doesn’t seem all there in the head right now.” Hermais snapped her fingers and Rarity was hiding her beautiful body with a beautiful dress. “Oh, thank you darling. Now, come along dear.” She picked me up and I wrapped my arms around her neck. I was unable to resist kissing the beautiful mare again. Her mane was flowing like it was in a light breeze when I stopped and she looked as breathless as I felt. “Hm, mate, wife, love, eggs~.” I cooed in her ear as we entered my workshop to find Shade was there in her atronach form, riding on Neethsi who had a similar glow coming from his abdomen. “Ee~!” I squealed and hovered out of Rarity’s arms to join my sister in feeding from-. *Snap!* -Aw~! Neethsi is all drained of his tasty magicka! Rude! “Who stole my meal?!” Shade snarled and joined me in glaring at Hermais, who nervously snapped her fingers again and I was just as surprised as my sister when a huge potion jug was shoving it’s spout into our faces. It tasted divine. I grabbed my jug and started to chug and moan from the delicious hard-to-describe flavor and the odd gnawing hunger fading. “I have not encountered an entity so overwhelmingly powerful and manipulative in person since the last time I encountered an opposing deity in a conflict.” Neethsi hissed as he stood up and winced as he rubbed his lower abdomen. “My reproductive organs feel like they want to boil over in seething pleasure.” “Yes, something similar was being done to me dear. Hermais may be able to help you.” Rarity gestured to the feathered snake-noodle and I sighed in satisfaction once I finished the jug of incredible blue fluid. I wonder why I lost control so badly back there. How did I make Rarity’s body expand so fucking hnng worthy like that? “Well, it’d have to be either a cock ring or piercing. Those can get rather iffy compared to a piercing that can magically transform the male organs into a clitoris for a feminine herm.” Hermais offered and Neethsi looked at my sister and I. “I’m afraid I cannot resist future sexual relations with these women, so I would appreciate the ring. With my magic I could even weave it into my body without needing a piercing like what I did with those nipple piercings and navel jewel you provided.” Neethsi, when did...oh! Right, back when you lamented your female form being so hyper-busty and not being taken seriously. “How did you meld them into your body so seamlessly? Where are they?” Shade asked after finishing her own jug of blue drink. Whatever this stuff is, we’ve gotta get some more of it. “Where they were pierced. My nipples are partially those piercings, my navel is now the same. Doing such with the glans of my penis so it would be my clitoris when female would be no issue for my magic. Now then. What is going on?” Neethsi demanded sternly as he accepted a pearl ring from Hermais and proceeded to wave his hands about it after pressing it to the tip of his dick. Watching it meld into his flesh was both mesmerizing and unnerving. “These two got a taste of what their true natures are like. They’re magicka-vores. They eat magic. They have just been channeling the magicka of Magnus through their bodies, they haven’t been ingesting any magic. When Meen-Rei and Rarity got all naughty and Rarity got infused with magicka, well, Meen-Rei’s instincts took over and she was turning her into a food source.” Hermais’ explanation made me feel ill. I just tried to turn Rarity into food?! “Darling. Do not shrink away from me! You will take responsibility, yes, but you will not dare try to distance yourself from me!” Rarity snarled before she hugged my ethereal form. “I, uh, kinda did the same thing, only I gravitated to the nearest potent magicka source.” Shade admitted and huffed. “Well, whatever. Let’s get cleaned up, we have a day to get to.” > Ch.28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.28 [Tirdas, 27th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] After the debacle of stumbling upon the fact that Shade and I were Starving to death, along with the sexy shenanigans that ensued, we had cleaned up and organized ourselves. “You made these?” Neethsi asked Shade and I in awe as he examined one of the Meen-Rei Muskets, having unraveled it with his magic like it was a floating puzzle. “Yes. it was quite easy after recreating my hammer and with Shade helping with the runes.” I said with a cheer as I showed my Hepha to my dinner-mate! He/she's my mate, not food! “Then why call it the Meen-Rei Musket instead of the Shay-Rei Rifle?” Neethsi questioned and I snapped my fingers at the same time as my sister with shared toothy grins at one another. Rebrand! At least we didn’t file for a patent yet! Wait. “Patents exist here, right?” I asked warily and Shade nodded eagerly to find out. “Of course they do. Even if the Empire may be crumbling, the concept of a free and open market is shared across all countries save the Dominion. Without the Empire, holding a patent may be harder though. However, with Twilight and I involved; your patents will be spread through the Ebonheart Pact swiftly, don’t you worry.” Neethsi waved his hands and reassembled the first Shay-Rei Rifle with the same ease he’d unraveled it. “Oh~ you scrumptious morsel! I could just eat you up~!” Shade squealed as she hugged our mate and I yanked her off of him in caution. “I-I meant figuratively! Figuratively...damn it, being a magicka-vampire sucks.” Pfft, literally. “Well, let’s get this done, the sooner it’s in ink, the sooner we can hammer out more to outfit the troops.” “Yes, let’s get this done. I want to talk to Princess Supper, I mean Twilight! I mean my friend, not food. People are friends, not food.” Oh gosh. I’m Bruce from Finding Nemo~! At least my dietary needs can be met from restore-magicka potions. “Why is this only a problem after I find out I need to eat other people’s magic?” “Probably because the method you discovered also ties into your fetishes.” Neethsi pointed out and I felt my face heat up. “That said, Rarity should be done talking to Twilight by now. Let’s take these to her office so we can get started on making them since I’ve gotten all of the immediately useful Wayshrines finished.” Yay~! Neethsi is joining in on the crafting~! At least I know we’ll have a sexy snack on hand if we get hungry or hungry~. 📜 [Middas, 28th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Berserker was thankful for his armor’s self-contained environment, including maintaining a cozy 25.55℃. He pitied the soldiers under his command as the regional military operator chosen by Twilight, since it was fucking hot. Tomorrow was apparently ‘Fiery Night’ where it was known as the hottest day of the year to the point the night to come both before and after might as well be day. “Fuck. Not even Australia was this fucking hot.” The assembled troops to arrive from the north, especially the nords, poor sods, were drenched in sweat. Many had even forsaken their armor or risked being cooked alive in it. Besides, heavy metal armor was not to be worn on this campaign. The swamps of Black Marsh would drown any fool without gills. Berserker was the exception due to the extensive featherweight enchantments on his Praetor armor so he could walk on clouds like pegasi. “I’m gonna have to put in a big commission for new armor that can regulate your body’s temperature better. Probably should’ve thought of that sooner.” Berserker shook his head at his oversight in this matter with the equipment and wellbeing of his troops. His fault, his responsibility. “Goddammit.” “Are they going to run off our magicka or soul gems?” A nord soldier asked hopefully. Nords generally shunned magic, so if a nord warrior from Skyrim is asking for magic, it’s serious. “No. I want them to wear something practical first. We’ll worry about using magic to give the wearer a passive boost later. Perhaps even design new armor where it wouldn’t be weighing down on you all the time, coupled with that.” Berserker explained as he thought it over. “The Dwemer are a rather good source of inspiration with all of their inventions and advancements they made in the past.” “A shame they aren’t around anymore.” Said Golnis Viddyn, the Redoran commander of the troops sent from Morrowind. “The things we could learn from them. If only Yagrum Bagarn, the Last Dwemer that was in Divayth Fyr’s Corprusarium, didn’t travel to other planes again once healed.” The grizzled old veteran wore a full suit of bonemold like all of his soldiers. It was a possible answer to the armor issue since it was as strong as steel yet as light as scale armor. “Let’s hope they don’t come back, at all. With how long they’ve been gone, they won’t come back to reintegrate into modern day Tamriel. They’ll likely try to conquer it instead.” Berserker stated as he took out some paper and started writing down a list of things. “I understand the archers and crossbowmen are resistant to the idea of using the new rifles, but please ensure they return the old weapons.” “That’s for the elves and lizards to be concerned with. Us nords don’t lease weapons, we give them. They’ll do what they want with their bows and crossbows.” Birnil the Maul-hand, the leader of the nord contingent sent to lilmoth, scoffed at the very idea of his troops relinquishing their old weapons. To be fair, if that was how they operated, then fine. He wasn’t their babysitter. “I’ll have a strong word with any of my men giving you trouble.” Captain Miun-La Theertius stated. The police-minded argonian guardsman may not be suited to the invasive and generally uncaring mindset of a soldier at war, but he was still a capable commander able to manage his regiment with discipline and honor. He didn’t dislike Miun-La, he just wasn’t the right person to handle a war-time crisis. At least in this instance he could trust the argonian to do his job. “Good. Now, remember to drill the troops on the new formations. The musketeers will be at the front to whittle down the enemy as they approach. They will retreat behind the vanguard line when the enemy nears melee range. They can use the muskets as shortspears, but despite the blade being ebony, they are not optimal melee weapons.” Berserker reminded them and they all nodded in understanding, even the ice-brained Birnil wasn’t going to shirk his men’s training. “What about the aerial contingent? Will they continue using crossbows instead of muskets?” Miun-La questioned, since his troops included a sizable number of pegasi. As the only airborne military force outside of the still-new airships, they were a precious tactical resource and thus were often trained to maintain their distance from what Berserker had learned from Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Hm, probably have to stick to crossbows. We don’t know how well the rifles can handle high altitudes or how well they can handle the recoil without being on the ground. Although...yeah, that could work.” Berserker nodded as he kept writing things down. “Tell me, do any of you know what a firebomb is and if so, how to make one?” He asked the men around him. “What sort of question is that, serjo? Anyone with any mind to them knows all it takes is some hard booze in a bottle, a rag and a spark. Or if you’re wanting to be more militant, a clay urn full of pitch and a weak blackpowder charge with a fuse does wonders. Those are more dangerous than you would imagine though. Blackpowder in volumes lesser than to fire a cannon tend to fizzle out or fail to ignite entirely.” Golnis shook his head. “We’re better off teaching basic Flames or Firebolt spells to the troops to avoid nasty accidents.” “Molotov. The first one you explained, we’re gonna need lots of those.” Berserker said and his chain of command all winced. “You’re telling me to order my men to surrender their Sujamma and Flin to make bombs? I’d have better luck telling them to cut their ears and claim to be cursed humans. Redoran they may be, but they’re still hot-blooded folks who cherish their drink. You’ll have to ask someone else to sacrifice their booze.” Golnis replied with another shake of his head. “I’m not about to go out there and risk being lynched by my men on such orders. Try to take a nord’s mead? You’d be madder than Sheogorath to attempt that.” Birnil shuddered, likely fully knowing what would await him should he attempt it. “Using fire in the swamp is a dangerous gamble. Gasses could go off at unexpected times. The humidity and the Hist won’t let it spread, but that doesn’t mean it won’t cause extensive damage before it burns out.” Miun-La advised. “I would suggest instead to use lightning urns. They’re a traditional weapon of my people, made using excretions from the shock-magic wielding beasts of the marsh.” The icy-eyed argonian suggested instead to intrigued nods from the others. “Hm, okay, fire is out of the question. Thank you for your input.” Berserker crossed out the usage of anything based on fire. “Lightning and what else?” He pointedly looked at Miun-La. “Always stay away from the water unless you can breathe it. Wear light armor. Do not ignore disturbed ground or sections of the swamp where the surface has been recently passed through. That is a quick way to die to an ambush predator. Take both a preventative immune booster before leaving the city as well as potions of cure disease and poison along with restoration potions. As for tactics, draw them towards the water. My men and I will take care of most problems that way.” Miun-La informed the group before Hermais appeared over the table. “Coffee?” Hermais offered Berserker, the smell of the brew bemused the commanders. “These men still survive on Depressants and have not met the joys of Stimulants.” “Ah, thank you.” Berserker took the mug after pulling off his helmet, willing to endure the heat on his head to take a sip. “Oh, how I missed you~.” Those around him saw his face for the first time and were surprised by his appearance, but not enough to comment. He looked like a breton with his rich but not dark skin tone and the tribal tattoos. They’d all assumed he was a nord. “What is that invigorating aroma?” Miun-La questioned eagerly and took a mug offered by Hermais. He took a lick with his tongue and winced. “Bitter, but it has an earthy undertone and aftertaste. Maybe with some sugar or milk…or sap. Maybe honey.” “First taste of something new and the grumpy guy has already offered a bunch of ways people already doctor it.” Hermais giggled before she gave mugs to the nord and dunmer, who sampled the drink. Birnil spat to the side and pulled his flask from his belt to pour alcohol into it while Golnis hummed while he chugged the hot fluid. “Well, that kinda defeats the purpose…” “Lass, I don’t know what you are or where you’re from, but something this bitter can only be medicine. Medicine is best served with mead.” Birnil sipped his spiked coffee and put his flask away. “Besides, this brew reminds me of the goods the East Empire Company once shipped to Skyrim from Summerset and Elsweyr. They have plantations all over in the cat’s country.” “Enough chit-chat fellas. Let’s get to work once you’re done enjoying your coffee break.” 📜 [Turdas, 29th of Sun’s Height: Fiery Night, 4E: 221] “Ugh...ugh...ugh…” “Stop groaning, it isn’t helping anybody.” Shade moaned where she laid on the floor next to me, the only thing remotely bearable in this sweltering, hellish heat that sapped all the strength from the body and caused everyone, soldiers included, to shelter in shade or risk heatstroke. “I wish Neethsi had let me see the frost magic tomes. I could chill us off then.” “Hey, girls. I got you two a present.” We heard Berserker’s voice before he draped something over us and we were already starting to cool down. Oh, finally, sweet relief from this terrible heat~. “Yeah, I decided to pull off some bullshit to help people with this damned heatwave of a day. These cloaks will help stave the heat off. With my daughter’s help.” “Hey girls! Sorry it took so long to get to you, but I’d figured you would’ve transformed into your Atronach forms to ignore the heat.” Hermais apologized from her customary place hanging around her dad’s shoulders. “...Fucking damn it.” I snarled to myself as I cuddled under the cooling blanket with my sister, who was likely kicking herself for not considering it either. “We don’t consider our Atronach forms our true bodies even if they are. We were born in flesh and even though there are times I have alien thoughts about this body, I still prefer being in my mortal...flesh body.” “Then there’s the dissonance between our sense of values. In Atronach Form, we don’t have hormones driving our actions, so we tend to be really impersonal and even have a tendency to consider ourselves superior to others. I bet the only reason sis didn’t have that problem at first was the shock and revulsion she may have had for her true form considering how she got it.” Shade added on and I nodded meekly. “Well at least you two discovered you can still be complete horndogs in your elemental state too. That probably helps. Anyway, I’m going around sharing these blankets with everyone because it’s stupid-hot and humid here normally anyway. It uses your magicka, so if you feel tired then it’s because you’re drained. Falling asleep isn’t dangerous, but it will be rough waking up unless someone takes off the blanket.” Berserker warned us before he left the workshop.  “Well, so long as we have this thing over us it’s nice and cozy. Let’s get back to making muskets.” I said before we got up, sharing the blanket draped over our shoulders and sat back at the worktable with my hammer ready and Shade’s magic humming. 📜 [Fredas, 30th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] It is still hotter than Satan's asshole outside. Or rather, would Dagon or Molag be a more accurate comparison? Molag, Dagon is actually Chaotic Neutral while Molag is Chaotic Evil. Either way, the army wasn’t marching into the swamp until the heat from Fiery Night died off to near-bearable levels. Those blankets are a blessing, but they drain magicka too much to be used during combat. “Still hard at work, girls?” Rarity asked after she entered our part of the workshop and we both perked up excitedly at the sight of the radiantly gorgeous mare who still had a bit of excess magicka if her ‘invisible breeze’ mane and tail were an indicator. She isn’t a proper mage, so she may not have used up all of the magicka I pumped into her to pump out of her...my eyes trailed down to her breasts, then her groin and I licked my lips. So much delicious magicka… “Down sis. Yeesh. I’m hungry just looking at her too, but at least act like you can see her clothes.” Shade elbowed my side and I sheepishly stopped eyeing Rarity as food, but not as fun. “How are you doing Rares? I see you worked Bersie’s blanket into a cape.” A fashionable white shoulder cape too that went well with her simple powder blue dress. “Yes, it is quite wonderful not to be cooked alive by the weather. The fact that this is technically a piece of winter clothing is a bit of a seasonal faux pas, but I’ll take that over laying in my basement in suffering.” Rarity approached and hugged us before kissing me. I instinctively pushed magicka into her and she hummed, then kissed Shade who had more control and avoided doing the same. “Mm, that feels so invigorating. Now then, I’ve come to retrieve you.” “What for?” I asked as I ran my fingers along her arm before she released us from the embrace and with a flick of her horn, transformed the large blanket into two shoulder capes that she put on us. “Oh! Thanks Rarity. It’s been getting a bit difficult to share the thing together.” I hip bumped Shade, who snorted and bumped me back. “It is no problem darling. Now come along. You’ve made enough of those weapons and now you’ve started filling the armory, so you’re done for now. I feel it’s time for a get-together before the battle tomorrow.” Rarity said and I felt relieved. I hadn’t been given a proper quota since the troops had just arrived on Middas and the numbers weren’t fully accounted for until yesterday. “Will Twilight use this as an opportunity to brief us on what she needs done next for the Tree of Harmony?” Shade questioned and I wilted a bit. Right. I had been waiting for that news, but Twilight has been so damn busy lately I doubt she’s been able to finish divining the Equestrian Scroll that details the steps connecting the first and third scrolls. “I won’t let her. You are busy up to your gills in work, ladies. After this battle, considering how well you two did with the prototypes, I’ve no doubt the Ebonheart Pact will make a contract with you to fill their armories with muskets.” Rarity tried to run her fingers through her mane, but they went right through her ethereal hair and she paused before she continued walking. “I’m sorry if it’s upsetting you, Rarity.” I apologized, considering her magic hair was my doing. “No dear, it’s not. I rather enjoy having ethereal hair that passively maintains the shape I always struggled to train it into. I’m just adjusting to not having to constantly maintain it.” Rarity replied and slowed down to walk between us and she put her arms around our waists, hugging us to her sides and smishing the sides of our busts against her’s...which I realized were all huge. When did I passively consider being hyper-busty my normal when not being physically active or in armor? “Huh, I didn’t even notice the boost to your bust, Rarity.” Shade commented and I nodded in agreement with her words. Mm~ so much magicka-filled milk in those breasts... “Which, considering you two are part of the romantic unit I’m involving myself in, both annoys and pleases me. You didn’t care what I looked like, you just appreciate my presence. Besides, we’re not going to be getting naughty. This is a fun outing with the girls.” Rarity informed us and I smiled. Spending time with them outside of official matters would be nice. “Hey girls!” I jumped at the familiar female voice and saw Neethsi in her super-sexy female form, wearing a dress similar to Rarity’s with the shoulder cape and everything. She too wasn’t hiding her bust size and walked next to me. Is she seriously wearing heels of any kind? Why?! She’s already seven feet tall! “You said you knew a nice place to eat, Rarity?” “Certainly, Neethsi dear. It’s a seafood shack on the docks. Quaint and unassuming, but the cook there has an incredible spice he puts in his food and I wanted everyone to have satisfying seafood before the chaos comes tomorrow.” “Oo~! That place!” I jumped again and noticed Hermais, wearing similar clothes as Rarity and Neethsi with the magic cooling cape and a match for our body types walking next to Shade. “Okasi actually figured out a local variation of Old Bay seasoning. You’re in for a treat!” I suddenly feel like Shade and I are underdressed in our plain tunics and leggings. “Whatever it’s called, it makes the food zesty and savory.” Rarity stopped side-hugging us, but she rested her hand on our hips, letting everyone who passed would know we were her’s. Unf! That makes me feel so good, to know she wants us so much. To think, just a week ago I would’ve spayed and neutered her for touching Shade. I may not like how I’ve been altered by the one manipulating my life, but at least I’m not about to maim my lover. “I’m just glad we can be together today.” I said and reached out to wrap my hand on Neethsi’s hip, an easy task with her being a whole foot taller than me and boosted by heels. I didn’t even know there were heeled shoes in this world. “Let’s get there.” > Ch.29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.29 [Fredas, 30th of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] “Does it really count as a girl’s day out with Neethsi being, y’know, normally a guy?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously as we waited for Okasi to cook up our massive meal, paid for in advance since this wasn’t a restaurant, it was just the fisherman’s wharf with a very willing commissioned cook providing both point-of-sale and preparation. The fact he provided dishes to eat with was a step closer to a modern restaurant, but this is not such an establishment. “I’ve spent a century of my life as a woman. I do not consider myself primarily male or female. If I had to choose, I prefer being female, but most people in this generation know me as male. It’s just easier to operate in an official capacity as a man.” Neethsi shrugged, sending those delicious dobonhonkeros dancing in her dress. “Don’t disparage her, Rainbow. After all, by that thinking, wouldn’t Rarity and I not count as girls?” Twilight chastised her friend before looking at Rarity and self-consciously running her fingers through her normal, not-magical mane. At least she chose to wear normal clothes instead of those frumpy robes. Hot damn was Twilight hot, she was at least as shapely as Rarity was before I almost turned her into a food factory. “Oh, don’t be so concerned with it dear. Just make out with Shade or Meen-Rei if you really want your hair to reflect your magic.” Rarity smirked deviously and Twilight blushed while Shade purred and I gulped nervously. Is she offering to let us sample this delicious smorgasbord of magicka? Just being around Twilight always made me feel odd, now that I know why it was hard not to keep eyeing her and lusting after her tasty magic. “I’m more than willing, especially if you let me eat some of your sweet-smelling magicka.” Shade fluttered her eyes at Twilight and I licked my chops, unable to control the reaction to the thought. “Rares, please don’t unleash yer pet girlfriends on Twi. She’s got enough on her plate.” Applejack huffed, but still had a playful smile. Fluttershy was simply quietly making herself as small as possible next to Rainbow, who was watching in amusement too. “Rarity is just being a tease.” Diane was back to scowling at everything and her hair was straight, but I could see the underlying mirth in those eyes of her’s. At this, I chuckled and drifted without moving around the table to Twi, my hands cupping her bust much to her squeak of surprise and the others jolting at the unnatural way I moved. “Naw, I’m being a tease.” I hissed in a snicker and then slid back around the table to my seat. I’m not too sure how I moved like that, but it was instinctual. Is my Atronach body bleeding through to my mortal-flesh body? Will I someday cease to be a flesh-and-blood creature? Twilight wiggled her hips with a large blush on her face. Oh fuck, I can smell it from across the table! Twilight must be leaking her feminine or masculine juices and they are already laced with magicka! Neethsi’s sudden hand on the back of my neck and Rarity’s on the back of Shade’s was all that kept us from pouncing on the alicorn like blood-starved vampires. “Great. I’m going to drag someone to my room later.” Twilight huffed with a blush before our food arrived. Okasi was an unassumingly average argonian. He stood at average height, was not muscular and his brown scales made him blend in with the wood of the wharf. “I have your food ladies. Crab, clams, sea bass and since Neethsi requested it, some shark fin soup. Respect that soup ladies, the shark that provided it put up a hell of a fight.” Okasi requested and then bowed slightly before he left us to get back to work. “Yeah, food!” Rainbow cheered before acting like a savage and grabbing all she could, her dress jiggling with her bust so much it slid down, showing off her bunny patterned bra. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy squeaked as Twilight, Rarity and Neethsi stared at the blue mare in appreciation. Though I think Twilight is touching herself if her arm movements I’ve noticed were what I think they were. Thinking back, I remember her rubbing herself multiple times when looking at me or other girls. Huh. I guess that may be part of why she wears such frumpy robes. It’s easier for her to get away with teasing self-touches that way. “Behave yourself.” “Hm? Heads up ladies, we’re about to have a visitor.” Hermais spoke up from where she had grabbed a crab and was ripping it open. Off to the side of their table, a clear mirror-like portal opened up. “Hermais, is this world truly off limits?” A five foot crow anthro woman asked when she appeared from the portal. She was wearing a fairly slutty-looking dress that somehow managed to look regal. Still, woo! Those breasts match Neethsi’s natural huge size and are being displayed with absolute cleavage with only their sides and nips covered. “Yes, Velka.” Hermias mewled as the crow looked about. “Um, guys, this is Velka, Goddess of Sin and Justice.” “Where is Bryan? I must know if he’s alright.” The busty crow woman demanded before any of us could even greet her. Rude, but considering her spheres of influence, she must have a lot of things to be done and clearly has no patience for pleasantries right now. “He’s busy drawing up some plans for the troops, something to help with keeping them cool and a framework to wear armor that takes off the weight.” Wait, he’s making plans that could help the troops? “The problem is that only one of them could be done, the body suit. The framework that helps with the armor weight issue is a little more complex for each race.” “I’d ask why, considering most of what makes the mortal races of Tamriel different is entirely physical. The only distinct issue I could imagine is accounting for different head shapes or tails.” Neethsi commented, but gestured for things to continue without an answer to her query. “Ah, then I shall go to him. Continue being a well-behaved lady Hermais and you’ll balance the karma from taking advantage of Nexus sooner than thought.” The crow woman took flight and left us to our meal, which due to the heat of the day, wasn’t much cooler than when it was set on the table. Thank gosh for our cooling capes keeping us from cooking too. “I’m gonna need to come up with something to thank Bryan for all his hard work and quick thinking.” Twilight commented and Hermais got an unusually devious look to her face. “Well~. What if I told you Berserker has, on occasion, enjoyed time on the fairer side of the gender fence?” Hermais steepled her fingers, reminding me of that old anime with the orange sunglasses-wearing asshole. Oh, Gendo Ikari, winner of the worst parent award in anime history. “Huh? I can’t really see Berserker being like that.” Twilight’s confusion was compounded by what looked like the back of modern, to me, photos put in her face and Twilight’s wings went *pomf* so hard they managed to kick up a gale. “Oh my…” “Just...hold on.” Hermais hovered over the table to whisper into Twilight’s ear and she got redder and redder. Steam even started coming out of her nose and ears as hearts appeared in her eyes. Uh...this is all very cartoony. Is it the physics of this dimension or does Twilight break reality a bit from being a living goddess? “Try that tonight. Oh, don’t forget these.” Hermais handed Twilight a box of what suspiciously looked like condoms and Twilight eagerly stuffed them into her magic satchel, which she didn’t go anywhere without. “Well, that happened. Can we eat before birds or worse swoop down on us?” Diane grumpily snarked and we got to eating. Mm! This stuff is easily as good as Joe’s Crab Shack! 📜 He perked up, unease filling him. It wasn’t dread or necessarily bad, just the sensation that something he wasn’t expecting was about to happen. “Have there been any lookouts flying our way?” Berserker asked Miun-La, since the pegasi were under his command. “No, we haven’t gotten any horn calls warning us of incoming enemies or other danger. They would have sounded off before bothering to try and fly back.” Miun-La answered and Berserker relaxed just a bit. So it wasn’t danger that was causing his unease. “Hey, you can’t just-!” The voice of one of the guards to the tent was cut off by a black-feathered beauty bursting in through the tent flap and Berserker’s let out a groan of annoyance. “Bryan! You missed your confession! What have I told you about dodging confession when you’re so weighed down by Sin?!” The crow goddess Velka demanded furiously before somehow grabbing his ear through his helmet and dragging him towards the entrance. “Keep up the-OW-work fellas! I’ll be-quit it-back!” Berserker shouted and yelped while the commanders watched Princess Twilight’s chosen general get dragged by the ear, through his helmet somehow, by an overly-voluptuous bird-woman of unknown species. “Well, I’m gonna go get the lads and start the traditional pre-battle celebrations.” Birnil left the tent and Miun-La snorted in disapproval. “At least I can count on your men not getting inebriated before tomorrow?” Miun-La questioned Golnis and the dunmer nodded firmly. “We enjoy our drink, but drink is on our off-duty time and never before a planned sortie. You can rest assured my soldiers aren’t about to suffer in performance tomorrow. Perhaps after the action, we can trade the alcohol our people drink to try new things.” Golnis offered and Miun-La shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I don’t drink. You’ll have to ask my people. Carry on with your troops, Golnis. I will continue arranging the plans General Berserker has set up.” Miun-La bent over the table and Golnis left the tent. 📜 “That was delicious, Rarity. Thanks for showing us that place.” Shade thanked our lover after we returned to the university. The others had gone their own ways save for Twilight, because she lives here. Well, Rarity was coming with us for obvious reasons~. I can’t wait to get her yummy nourishing cream in me~! “Yes. It was nice to relax and spend time with everyone outside of official business. You four have fun while I...see to something.” Twilight hurried away with flaps of her wings and the four of us shared amused and naughty snickers. “Who wants to bet that she’s going to hunt down and gender-bend Berserker for some naughty fun?” Neethsi asked and nobody took that sucker’s bet. “Well then...tomorrow is going to be a big day.” The towering woman looked to the west and the sun lowering in the sky, forlorn. “Once more we go to war, what for? If it isn’t the Thalmor it’s daedra. Why can’t we just live in peace?” “I don’t know, darling. I fear nobody will ever know.” Rarity looked between us all and gulped. “You may die tomorrow, any of you. I don’t want to think about it, so can we just spend today together?” “Is that all? You don’t want to consummate our affection with hot, passionate, nourishing sex?” I asked unhappily. I was anticipating food-good sex, after having that delicious, yet unsatisfying meal at the fishing wharf. Hot damn, why did discovering I was starving make normal food fail to do more than be tasty? “Believe me dear, I would love to, but that sets up all sorts of red flags. It would be like ensuring you would perish. Which is why I will also abstain from even kissing you until you come back.” Really Rarity? I get that this world is a fantastical magical one, but you’re cunt-blocking us because of superstition? “She’s right. Believe me, I’ve seen it enough. Most people who stoically leave, happily return, while those burdened with hope and joy tend to never come back. I would rather suffer being horny than to risk jinxing it.” Neethsi reinforced and I joined Shade in whining. Damn it. Guess we’ll have to drink some restore-magicka potions for dinner tonight. 📜 “-That’s all the ‘Sins’ that come to mind since our last session. Look, I get you’re doing this so I don’t have to deal with Luci, but did you really have to chase me to another dimension?” Berserker demanded from Velka, who finished writing down his latest guilt-ridden acts for the Goddess of Evil to nourish herself on later. The more people who confessed to Luci Fer, the less general Evil there was to be had. This allowed her to be content with petty Evils, like stubbed toes or hangnails. The little things that add up and make life the mild suffering it was meant to be rather than the agony excessive Evil caused. Luci preferred the petty Evils anyway. “Yes, but also to ask why are you in a realm that Hermais has Forbidden? She normally never marks one Forbidden, no go or even a travel warning.” Velka stated with her pen pointed at him accusingly. “Yet here you are, answering a Displaced call to such a world. I know you’re not of our government, but we do send our findings to you and your government uses the interdimensional system ours established. We have treaties about-.” “Treaties? Are you sure you want to use that against me?” Berserker interrupted Velka in a low, dangerous voice as he leaned in closer to her face. “Last time I checked, we burned those old treaties and destroyed your interdimensional system when we’ve been betrayed by your own. We did so to get our point across to you bastards that our friendship and alliance had ended. Remember that well, goddess.” The Goddess of Sin and Justice flinched away at those glaring facts, the Empire’s relationship with the Doom Marines and their people were still on shaky grounds. She needed to play this safe and not provoke him any further. “Okay. Fair enough.” Velka relented and the man leaned back from her. “So, why are you here?” “Look. There’s a Displacer. Don’t know who, don’t know exactly when, especially not how. They at some point killed me without killing me, fucked with my memories and did the same thing with a friend of mine I met whose dimension apparently collapsed.” Berserker’s response made Velka wince. “You know something?” “I am the Goddess of Sin and Justice. Hermais had to pay a price for doing something with the splintered soul of a Displaced whose world was destroyed. I don’t remember the details, only that it involved Lunahisa as the world she and her sisters were in when they rescued and Re-Displaced a shard of the Displaced’s soul. My Aspects guide me to believe the gold-lipped reptile women Hermais was with are related to the issue.” Velka answered with a grim nod. “Damn it. So I do know them. I’m helping them out because they’re hopeless, because they’re familiar. They feel like Willow back before-.” Berserker clutched his face and hissed as a searing pain in his head felt like his brain was trying to crawl out from between his eyes. “Motherfucker!” “Language! Now then, this is an act of cruelty upon someone who does not deserve it. Cease immediately or pay the price.” Velka’s demand went unanswered. “Very well then.” Velka poked Berserker’s head and a wordless, voiceless, unknowable shriek echoed in his head before it went silent and the pain vanished with it. “Charlatan. I don’t need to know you to punish you.” “Thanks. Think you can do that for Meen-Rei?” Berserker asked hopefully and Velka shrugged. “At least try before you leave. Now then, I-.” The door to the dorm room burst open and Berserker was zapped with a spell-. “Fucking damn it!” She shrieked angrily and jumped to her feet, intending to punish Twilight. “Oh my gosh she wasn’t kidding! You’re beautiful!” Twilight gawked and Brennie winced while Velka tsked and waved a finger chidingly at the princess. “You ask for consent first missy. Present your knuckles.” Velka summoned a switch, but Brennie held up a hand. “Pardon? You consent to the lewd actions she intends for you?” Brennie hesitated and then sighed with a resigned tone and nodded. “Very well, then she does not need punishment. I’ll leave you two alone and seek out this Meen-Rei person.” “You can find her in her workshop most likely.” Twilight moved aside and let the crow woman leave, her eyes trailing the goddess hungrily. “Okay Twi. Hermais put you up to this?” Brennie demanded and the alicorn nodded. “Alright then. Don’t worry, I have condoms and I’ve done it with much more endowed partners I assure you. Let’s just get to business and get you laid, because goddamn do you need it.” “The same can also be said for you~.” Twilight purred as she came up to Brennie and hugged her. “Let’s get you out of this armor.” “Way ahead of you.” Brennie pressed a switch on her belt and the super sci-fi Praetor armor collapsed down into a tiny Dyna-Capsule™ that she stowed away in her cleavage that was connected to her passive personal storage. “I know I’m still wearing clothes, but I’m not done yet.” Brennie smirked deviously, before suddenly she towered over Twilight even further, her red demonic and angelic wings unfurled and filled most of the space in the dorm before the once human woman with a body most would’ve killed for already was now a hulking amazoness of muscle with a figure to rival Meen-Rei and her romantic unit. “W-what are you?” Twilight asked in awe up at the dragon/wolf/celestial hybrid. “I am a Living Deity from another dimension. As for what species, I was at base human, but this form, technically my ‘true’ form due to it having more power, et cetera, is a synthetic dracowolf celestial. I govern War, Ruin, Wrath and Blood. The Ruin and Wrath are more recent and I’m trying to convince the true one worthy of those two to fucking take them already.” Brennie huffed indignantly. “I have other titles, but I would rather not talk about them and it’s technically shared amongst my siblings.” “Oh. Okay then. I’m not sure I was prepared going in. Hermais woefully only showed me images of you, I assume, when you were much younger and less, *gulp* seasoned.” Twilight admitted nervously and Brennie hummed as she approached the shorter living god and the alicorn backed away before she was cornered against the door. The towering goddess was easily so big that Twilight’s six-foot height left her face barely above the celestial’s groin. “Oh~ you smell so good…” “Yeah, you know you still want it. Come on then, let’s get your cherry popped.” Brennie purred and moved her pelvis forward, needing to do nothing more for Twilight to bend forward and start eating her out. “Unf, oh yeah, time to vent some of this stress.” 📜 “I feel like we've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly; bamboozled.” I grumbled where I was sulking at the small table the living area of the workshop had, sipping my argonian ale spiked restore-magicka potion, Shade sitting across from me. “Yes.” Shade huffed and sipped her own alcoholic potion. “I remember beer. It wasn’t nearly as good as this.” Shade said before sipping some more. “At least something you remember from your old life isn’t bad.” I muttered and took another draw from my drink before that crow woman entered the small living area. “Hey, feel like joining in?” I asked with a slosh of my large potion bottle. “No, I don’t drink. I’m here to try and help you.” Velka somehow forced Shade to get up without magic or touching her or anything, to sit next to me and let Velka sit alone opposite us. “How so?” I asked before leaning on my sister and suddenly she had her talons on our heads and our bodies were our ethereal composite atronach forms. “What are you-?!” Suddenly, everything was clear. The darkness, the cruel laughter, my babies being cut out of my womb-! I was frozen, Shade was frozen. I clutched her hands and she mine desperately. “I don’t know who they are, I don’t know what they want, but I will look for them, I will find them and I will kill them.” Velka coldly stated and left us to cope with the truth revealed to us. We’re just toys. Broken toys… > Ch.30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.30 [Loredas, 31st of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] Thankfully Neethsi knew how to make sleeping draughts, because we’d just absorb spells. Alchemy was a subversive sort of magic able to slip past magic defenses like absorption. Good thing, otherwise Shade and I wouldn’t have slept last night. I’m sure she suffered nightmares like me. I repeatedly suffered having a C-section and my premature babies taken away for some nefarious purpose. I was terrified of what happened to me, my world, my friends. They’re all dead. Zecora, my own Twilight, everyone. At least the monster had the cruel kindness to give me back Shade, but at the expense of tormenting her along with me. I was pulled from my despair by a hand entwining fingers with mine and I despondently looked up to see Shade smiling sadly and I squeezed. I haven’t lost everything. I need to focus on that. Even if I didn’t get Shade back and gain a sister instead of a daughter, I had my new friends, lovers that I was freely able to claim such. Unlike before, when I was a total little bitch being paraded between studs since I had no fucking spine back then. I’m not much bolder now, but instead of just letting myself be carried away by fuck buddies, this time I am in a quite serious relationship with people. Palu was incredible, no lie, but in the end, one hot passionate time together does not equal a relationship. We never got to deepen that bond. Now our children were the pawns of some monster in the Void. Shade and I are too, but we seem to have been slipping our leashes and Velka just snapped the collars on our necks. “Do you need to stay?” I looked up at Neethsi, male again because everyone knew him as a man. “Do I have a choice?” I asked rhetorically, because now that some of the limiters on my mind have been broken, I can see the writing on the wall. I’m necessary. I may not be a great warrior or powerful mage, but I am integral to the success of the immediate future and the future of reality itself continuing to exist. Cruel my fucktard of a Displacer may be, but they clearly didn’t want this world to crumble for some reason. “You always have a choice. Heroes have an uncanny ability to ignore the call of action for a good long time, as if time itself waits on them. I was rather astonished when time-sensitive matters always seemed to ignore causality and wait for my intervention. I even worried that reality was waiting for me to finish doing what it had decided was my job.” Neethsi rubbed my shoulders while Shade kept holding my hands. “I read The Dragonborn, so I know he pretty much just sorted out all of Skyrim's issues and killed Ulfric before he even met his first dragon. Then he explored all of the ruins he hadn’t before for Dovahzul before killing thousands of dragons, then took on a vampire cult, made his home and defeated the First Dragonborn, Miraak, before finally killing Aldiun and becoming the High King.” Shade voiced and I chuffed. “Unlike all of the previous Heroes, this time I’m foretold by the Equestrian Scrolls, not the Elder Scrolls. I doubt I have the luxury of time. I’m going. I’ll be with you, Neethsi.” I declared as I stood up and dusted imaginary dirt from my armor. Shade was in her matching set. Neethsi, however, wore a hybrid suit of black bonemold that covered his entire body, tail included. “If you’re sure, I won’t try to stop you.” Neethsi put on his helmet, which looked like a mix between the bestial daedric helmet and the oddly elongated helmet the dunmer had with their own bonemold armor. Unlike them though, his suit didn’t have pointy long pauldrons. “So why is your bonemold black, Neethsi?” Shade questioned as we followed him on his flanks. It felt oddly right to be standing just beside and behind him to his right with my sister mirroring me on the other side. “Traditional bonemold uses iron with the resin to strengthen the bond that sets and holds the compressed bone meal together in the mold. I have over the years developed alternative recipes. I have a bit of an obsession with bonemold. This is my magnum opus for the craft: Ebony Dragon Bonemold. Lorkhan’s blood taints the bone, turning it black and gray. It is also much stronger than even Dragonplate while as light as steel.” Neethsi answered proudly. “Cool, but why? Wouldn’t it be easier to just make steel or ebony armor?” I asked and Neethsi chuckled with a knock of his armored knuckles against his breastplate. The wood-like clack was surprisingly satisfying to hear. “Of course, but worthwhile things are rarely easy. Bonemold doesn’t just have impressive impact resistance due to its nature as a composite, it is much lighter than the end product of more expensive armors. I’ve rigorously tested it and found that it handles the blows of weapons and combat better than traditional, more widespread materials. The fact it doesn’t slow the wearer down as much is also a big draw.” Neethsi said before we left the campus and headed straight for the command tent. “Could you make sets for us? While we like these armors, we’d feel safer wearing something you made.” Shade requested and I perked up at the idea of wearing something Neethsi made for me. Shade, you really know how I think and feel about things, huh? “Once this battle is done, I see no reason why not. Until we have our defenses settled I don’t need to work on the Wayshrines beyond Pact territory.” We entered the tent and Berserker looked up from the table. Oo~! He may be fully encased in his armor so I can’t even smell him, but I can tell he had a good time last night. “Hortator Nerevarine reporting with Meen-Rei and Shade.” “Good morning, I trust you all rested well?” Berserker asked idly as he continued going over the map provided from what had to be pegasus scouts, since that was the only way I figured anyone could get a good look at the Xanmeer the daedra were using as their base. “As best as we could after learning we’re just toys for some fucked up entity.” I huffed and Berserker visibly bristled, but forced himself to calm down. “I see. I’m glad Velka was able to help, for what it’s worth. Now, I plan on holding to the dunmer tradition of placing the Hortator among the forward standard bearers, do you object?” Berserker questioned and Neethsi shook his head. “Then you know your place, in the forward center position. Miun-La’s argonian soldiers will provide guidance and take to the waters to both give us air-breathers more room and keep us from being ambushed.” “More like to keep us and the elves from stumbling into dumb deaths. Nords aren’t meant for these lands.” Birnir grumbled before he donned his helmet. “Due to our inexperience with marshy terrain, we’re the rear guard with the elves filling the center ranks behind the lizards since their lands have more swamps as well. I told the Jarl not to be so proud and let Morthal’s sons and daughters come to Black Marsh, but no, nobody listens to the Housecarl.” “I’ll file a formal complaint to try and get you and your troops reassigned to somewhere less inhospitable to your skill sets, but I can’t promise anything. Besides, the fight is now. Your job is mostly to ensure none of the daedra try to get past and head for Lilmoth or the outlying plantations. Otherwise you’ll be keeping the wildlife from using the battle as an advantage for an easy hunt.” Miun-La said before he, Golnis and Birnir filed out of the tent. “I’d be on the front too, but I’m the acting general, so I’m stuck in the back with Birnir and using pegasi to command the troops. You three give them hell for me.” Berserker put a fist to his breastplate and Neethsi mirrored, so I and Shade did the same before following Neethsi back out. I felt the jitters as I prepared my musket. This was a proper battle we’re going into, not some skirmish or mere encounter. I just hope I’m ready to face it. 📜 We marched on the ruins to the west in a measured fashion with the argonians guiding the dunmer and nords through the safest paths before the pegasus scouts flew back to report that the nearest of the daedra were just a mile out and a halt was called through the ranks without horns. We didn’t want to give away our position just yet. “Have all of the musketeers target the Daedra, everyone else in defensive positions! Prepare for the enemy to charge us as soon as we open fire!” Berserker ordered and I joined Shade with the musketeers as the argonian skirmishers ducked into the swamps ahead of us to lie in wait and the dunmer pikemen prepared to cycle position with us. “Sir, it seems unlikely for the enemy to come charging at us. We’re in the middle of a swamp.” Golnis protested, but Berserker pointed at the pegasus who reported the patrol. “Then why are there fucking Daedra out in the open where we could clearly see?” Berserker was right, I can see the patrol through the spyglass of my musket. “Prepare to fire!” We waited, the patrol was getting closer. “As soon as you feel like you can land a hit, fire!” Shade fired first. My sister surprised me since she didn’t wait at all, but what surprised me more was that she shot a dremora through the gut in one try. The other daedra of the patrol charged while one of the dremora lifted his visor and blew on a horn that wailed like a shrill tuba before joining the charge in our direction. I fired next and the rest of us musketeers began bombarding the patrol through the trees. By the time us 32 musketeers had finished cycling three rounds of fire, the patrol was dead before they even reached the skirmishing line. “By Ysmir. These weapons are incredible. If we had these twenty years ago, the dragons would have known fear other than the High King.” A nord woman next to me said in awe. “Don’t get overconfident. They may be strong, but the pellets are ultimately just iron balls. If something sturdy enough or even angled and strong plate armor is the target, they might just glance off.” I warned her and she nodded in understanding. She may be a nord of Skyrim, but thankfully she understood that when the artificer is saying something about the weapon you’re using, listen. “In that case, why not load it with something sturdier like steel or orichalcum?” She questioned while we uneasily waited. That horn along with the chain of gunfire definitely called more of the daedra, we can’t be caught unprepared. “Lead would be best, but it’s poisonous. What do you think, sis?” Shade asked while still scanning with her scope. “Well, true. Lead ruins everything. Iron will work fine until we figure out what metals are the most dense.” I knew Ebony was, by default, the most dense. I’m not making bullets out of godsblood. I feel queasy enough making the bayonets out of it. How are people so blase about using the blood of one of the gods who made the world as metal to-. “Here they come!” Shade took the first shot this time too. She’s a crackshot! However, this time the daedra came in force. It wasn’t just a patrol coming to check, it must’ve been a proper response force from the Xanmeer. No Juggernauts, thank gosh. We whittled them down, but there were so many that they neared the skirmishing line. We began backing away and took a few final shots before Miun-La and his ambush squads leaped out of the water, grabbed daedra and dragged them kicking and screaming under the water. “Get behind us!” One of the dunmer pikemen shouted and we obeyed as the bonemold armored dark elves formed a line. They knelt, planting the spikes of their large tower shields in the soft soil, locked the hooks on the left sides of their shields to the loops on the right sides of the shields and then planted their pikes halfway down those 4-foot tall bone shields in a rest while digging the haft into the dirt too, forming a phalanx wall. “Use our cover to fire upon them!” “Right!” One of the other musketeers replied and we began shooting at the daedra smart enough to continue past the skirmish line since they couldn’t possibly get at the argonians in the water, leaving the dumber daedric creatures to try. The dremora warriors and their Xivilai leaders came for us with Alteration reinforcement spells cast upon themselves, causing our bullets to stagger, but not kill them. “Battlemages!” Berserker shouted and horns blew. The mages behind us, including Neethsi, moved forward and began raining lightning and ice spells on the enemy. Physical reinforcement won’t help you against magic! Ha! I see, I need to have the muskets enchanted too to compensate for magic defenses! “Musketeers, keep the pressure up on any enemies approaching from beyond the skirmish line!” Shit! I forgot about that! I joined the others in changing focus and cursed aloud as we fired upon the next wave of daedra. Miun-La and his ambushers could only take 20 individuals into the water at once at best without committing suicide to attempt more. They had the most dangerous position in this situation and we all knew it. This strategy wouldn’t even be possible if we were using bows or crossbows. To think, we’re going against a daedric forward invasion force with only 120 soldiers not counting the commanders, Neethsi, Shade and myself because of the suicidal danger involved with fielding a proper army in Black Marsh. Damned daedra don’t have to worry about disease and death for them is just an inconvenience, so unlike mortals they could dash through the swamp in numbers and not care about losing troops. “The skirmishers reduced the enemy further, but the mages have only just finished dealing with the first line of enemies.” Shade announced and then another, shriller sound echoed from the direction of the enemy. “They’re retreating!” Shade’s announcement caused a few soldiers, mostly nords, to cheer prematurely. “Don’t cheer yet! We don’t know what they-!” A whistling sound...fuck! “Fall back!” Neethsi bellowed as he rapidly wove a powerful spell with both his hands and his body before casting a green barrier above us just in time for an impact against it to knock some of us down, but the phalanx held. “They’re using artillery!” What the fuck?! The daedra have mortars or something?! “Full retreat! We need to get beyond their range!” Berserker shouted before turning to a pegasus. “Fly to the Xanmeer and locate the enemy artillery for me. Do not engage.” “What’s the plan to deal with this?” Birnil questioned angrily, clearly not at Berserker, but likely at this unexpected roadblock. “The plan is I’m fucking breaking tradition and dealing with the artillery myself. I’d rather not put our good pegasus friends at too much risk and the airships are easy targets for their artillery. I’ll be taking Neethsi, Meen-Rei and Shade with me since they’re overpowered in their own respective ways.” Berserker said and Birnil nodded along with Golnis before the horn for full retreat was officially sounded and the soldiers began a slow retreat while Neethsi kept us all shielded. “So, once we’re a safe distance, we’re going to be taking the waterways-hrk-to reach the Xanmeer easier.” Neethsi staggered when another enemy projectile smashed into his barrier, so Shade and I steadied him and began pouring magicka into him. “Thanks, girls.” “Yes. I can breathe underwater with the EVA system my suit has, so I’ll be able to follow without using magic. We’ll get there, destroy their artillery, then once that’s done we’ll signal for the pegasi to deliver the order for the soldiers to march again. I’m sure Golnis, Miun-La and Birnil can handle that without me breathing down their necks.” Berserker said before the mentioned argonian and his skirmishers succeeded in fleeing from the pursuing daedra with cover fire from our musketeers. “Just don’t expect Shade or I to be legendary warriors.” I nervously said, but wasn’t about to opt out of the action. “You’re mostly there for support, don’t worry. Neethsi and I have enough legendary warrior prowess to go around.” Berserker pet my head and I gasped at the nostalgia, of having people petting me like I was some fluffy pet to adore. I loved it, but it hurt to remember, so I ignored it. “Don’t worry sis, we’ve got this.” Shade encouraged me and I hoped she was right. 📜 Ew, ew, ew, ew~! I haven’t been able to enjoy a swim since Neethsi and I deep-sea dove into the Topal Bay for questionably-legal money. I am not enjoying how nasty this swamp water is! I feel icky all over! I need to swim in the ocean after this to make sure none of the scum sticks to me! What’s worse is I’m breathing this disgusting water! I can taste everything~! Eugh~! I almost breached the water too quickly when Neethsi led us up the bank to the surface, but thankfully I was halted by Neethsi’s quick hand. He shook his head and we waited for Berserker, stuck walking on the bottom, treading silt due to him turning off his armor’s featherweight runes. Once he joined us, we slowly emerged on the bank of the water with Neethsi casting Muffle on us to make sure we didn’t make any noise. The bodies of the Wamusu and Behemoths were all gone, likely tossed into the swamp like the lesser beasts we’d had to swim under and around. The Xanmeer was being corrupted and some deep, primal part of me felt outraged that the past of my new people was being destroyed like this. The ziggurat-like pyramid was much more exposed now though. Before the top of it barely reached above the ground, now the daedra have somehow elevated it out of the murk of the mire of Murkmire, the region Lilmoth resided. “Is this the work of a Master Alteration mage?” Berserker asked Neethsi warily and thankfully he shook his head. “No. The signature isn’t that of someone using a transcendent formula. This was done by either a team of Adepts or a few Experts. Either way, it would seem the master of these daedra has felt it prudent to field skilled Alteration mages here. A wise decision, since no other could possibly elevate a whole Xanmeer out of the ground.” Neethsi informed us as his keen eyes swept-. “There’s a mortar.” Shade whispered and pointed out said emplacement nearby. “There, there, there and there. All where the pegasus scout said they’d be.” Hot damn sis, why do you have such sharp eyes and more talent for magic than me? I’d better excel at martial prowess or I’ll feel cheated, Displacer! “That should be all of them, but we’ll have to climb the Xanmeer to see if they put more near the top or on the other side.” Berserker pulled out a big super-futuristic rifle with red glowing runes and I gulped nervously. “I’ll draw as much attention as I can, you three work on destroying the enemy artillery. If you find any enemy Intel that could help us, make sure you take it. Here we go.” Once he jumped out of the water, he opened fire. The gun was loud when it went off, destroying anything it was aimed at in one or two shots of high-explosive, incendiary rounds. “Okay, let’s hurry!” I said before my conjured bow jumped into my hand much to my surprise as it sparked and arced with magic. Well, I guess this isn’t exactly a good situation for a musket. I followed Neethsi and rapidly fired at the nearest enemies while Shade used her musket to get the furthest ones. Neethsi just tossed spheres of freezing blizzards spinning with shards of ice. I pulled as far on the bowstring as I could with my aim at a Xivilai and a massive magical arrow launched, impacting with the force of a ballista. Woo! I don’t remember my bow having this much kick! It must be because I’m a magicka atronach! “Good to know your nature makes your magic more potent. I’ll need to train you both more in magic.” Neethsi commented as he summoned two daedra, both scantily clad but one dark and the other radiant. “Feel like shoving your blades up the asses of Molag’s servants, ladies?” They didn’t respond and simply charged in with eager expressions. At least we’re not alone. > Ch.31 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.31 [Loredas, 31st of Sun’s Height, 4E: 221] It was just like old times. Wasn’t that a thought mixed with both exasperation and a disturbing amount of comfort? Berserker mused as he mowed down daedra while dodging magic and ensuring he was both the loudest and clearly the larger threat. A bit difficult when Neethsi was tossing around expert-level Destruction magic like they were cantrips! If the Doom Marines had someone like Neethsi at the start, they would’ve had an easier time of things. “No point in bitching about it.” Berserker muttered as he launched a black hole grenade from one of his two shoulder-mounted launchers into a group of unfortunate daedra, watching them getting sucked into it before it stopped. “We got through things on our own terms.” “Molag will relish in your screams, mortal!” A Xivilai roared moments before he was eviscerated by bullets. “He will have to relish in yours for failure to deliver mine.” Berserker remarked. Shortly after that, the daedra began retreating into the Xanmeer proper, fleeing upstairs to the top instead of into the lower entrances. This couldn’t be it. Then from the lower levels emerged the listless and shuffling over-armored enemies Meen-Rei and Shade had reported, the Juggernauts have been sent out to deal with him. “Let’s just get this over with.” Berserker huffed and sprayed bullets in their direction. They staggered, some toppled, but none of them died or was even dismembered. “Okay, next weapon.” He switched his Heavy Cannon for the Ballista, powered up the Destroyer Blade mod and charged it. The resulting wide blade of turquoise Argent slammed into the shuffling hoard and much to Berserker’s frustration, it only dented their armor! What are these assholes wearing? “Wait, armor? Would acid work?” He questioned as he pulled out the Hell-tech Rifle; an abominable, yet deadly weapon made of flesh and metal. Changing to its alternative mode, going from red to green. “Let’s hope this works.” Taking aim, he shot at one of their legs, seeing it stagger as the acid started eating away at the flesh the shot punched through the armor. Berserker nodded in approval as he shot at their legs, slowing them down to a snail’s pace. “Hm, I should probably bring a piece of these things back for research. Twilight and Meen-Rei would have a field day with it.” Berserker made a mental note of it. 📜 “Okay. Is that all of them?” I panted after I shot another Harvester daedra in the face while Neethsi liberally smashed the rudimentary yet effective mortar tube with his bonemold and crystal morning star on the second floor terrace of the Xanmeer. “Do not doubt Master Nagnaresh, atronach!” The Mazken or Dark Seducer, snarled at me and I growled at her, instinctively wanting to kill her in a display of dominance. Please don’t tell me that I’m an actual daedra. If I am, please let me be unbound and free from any specific Prince. Besides Meridia, she’s actually a bit cool unless you’re undead or sympathetic to undeath. “Careful bitch, we might just eat you.” Shade threatened for me, but thankfully the Aureal or Golden Saint, had a better head on her shoulders and thumped the Mazken on the shoulder. “Fool, you just threatened Master Nagnaresh’s mates. Pay more attention to these things, slut.” The richly tan daedra spat and it seemed to two were about to come to blows when Neethsi snarled. “You two wonder why I only summon you for intense combat? I may be friends with Sheo, but I don’t stomach your petty rivalries like he encourages. I know you’re not driven by physical attraction like mortal creatures are, just please tell me what has you so obsessed with me and why I keep summoning you two specifically from a generalized spell Sheo gave me.” Neethsi huffed and then fired a green ‘flare’ of magic into the air, the signal for the pegasi to deliver the news it was time for the soldiers to approach. “While that may be true, it does not change that we appreciate powerful entities and you are one such entity. You ceased to be mortal centuries ago and was worthy of a following before we ever met you.” The Aureal answered promptly and the Mazken nodded. “Also, we do enjoy the pleasures of flesh, why else would we bother with having bodies of flesh if given the choice? If all we cared about was power, then we’d be atronachs or some other lesser daedra.” The Mazken leered at Shade and I. “How you two have found a balance by stealing those mortal meat-puppets I have no idea, but don’t think yourselves superior.” Oh, this bitch! I’m gonna-! “That’s enough. You two will talk to me more in-depth later.” Neethsi grumbled and sent them back to the Shivering Isles with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Sorry, I forgot how oddly possessive they were over me, since the last time I summoned them was a few years ago.” “Yet you remembered them?” I asked challengingly and he nodded. “I may not remember things about people, but I do remember people. Dawn and Dusk are particularly hard to forget when they wear even less than their fellow Mazken and Aureals. You can’t deny they are quite beautiful.” Neethsi answered honestly and I shared a huff with Shade. No, we couldn’t deny that. Their abrasive behavior was off-putting through. “Well, I didn’t like how they talked to us.” Shade snarled and I nodded in agreement. “Neither did I, which is why I sent them away when there’s still a battle to be fought. Daedra are inherently overcome by a superiority complex, both regarding mortals and other daedra. The fact that atronachs are ordered into the lowest castes means they’ll consider you little more than clever beasts. I will be having strong words with them later, however, you both are clever and beasts in bed.” Neethsi joked and I joined Shade in kicking his armored shins. I was inwardly trying not to feel amused and proud of his praise though. “Well, let’s go rejoin Berserker. He’s still making a big ruckus.” Shade said as she warily jogged ahead of us towards the sound of the fighting. Shade and I paused when we saw he was battling the Juggernauts and slowly whittling them down with a brutal acid weapon that seeped through the seams of their armor and melted the flesh within. They didn’t scream in agony and continued trying to chop and smash him even as they turned into a meat slurry inside of their heavy daedric plate armor. “What are they, daedra?” I questioned as we considered how to help. “No. They’re not. The magic on them is daedric in origin, but they are not daedra.” Neethsi hissed uncomfortably. “What are they? Their magic, it isn’t natural, it isn’t of this realm or the planes of Oblivion.” Neethsi growled before with a few harsh gestures, the ground under the Juggernauts swallowed them up to their heads, leaving them to groan and bellow as they tried to wriggle free in vain. “They’re unfortunate victims made into Undead super soldiers. As to who is responsible for the deed, I cannot say.” Berserker’s answer was a disturbing one as he knelt down and pulled out a chainsaw weapon in the form of a sword. Revving it up, he proceeded to cut off one of their heads and collect it. However, the moment he did, the body, armor and weapon too, turned to dust and flew back into the ruin. “Great, they have a failsafe placed on their bodies.” Another wave of Juggernauts emerged from the ancient Xanmeer, just as numerous as the ones still trapped in the ground. “How many of them are there?” Shade asked uneasily, but Neethsi just buried them up to their necks again. “They are the same ones that were despawned just moments ago. Killing them is difficult enough, but they just come right back. Disabling them is the answer.” Neethsi reasoned before he knelt down next to one of the altered creatures. “They are cursed, heavily. They are undying to the point that death merely respawns them like a daedra, yet they are not daedra. This magic is unknown to me, I cannot undo it.” “Oh, fuck me.” I groaned, remembering the Undead Curse that existed in my previous life. “Not a good time Rei, but maybe after.” Berserker gruffly joked as he looked between the Xanmeer and the direction our support would be coming from. “Now, should we wait or storm the gates like adventurers?” “I vote wait. Can we wait?” I asked nervously, but Neethsi stood and shook his head. “No. We need to get in there now. Molag has a new Curse to lay upon Mundus and whatever he’s plotting needs to be stopped immediately. You two can remain outside if you’re uncomfortable fighting in close quarters. I’m going in.” Neethsi hefted his morning star and strode towards the stairs. “I’m with him ladies. The sooner this is over, the better.” Berserker followed the argonian and began ascending the steps. “Sis, the big, beefy badasses are leaving us, I’d suggest we follow them.” Shade nervously said to me and I whined before we jogged to the stairs and began the long climb. I hate stairs! “Hey, since we’re gonna be in close quarters, maybe we should try something different.” Shade holstered her musket and transformed into her atronach body, which as always was nude, regardless of what we wore in our mortal forms. Wait! The answer to stairs! I transformed too and sighed in relief as I floated alongside my sister up the steps. Why are our busts basketball-sized when we had C-cups in our flesh bodies? Grr, I’m not upset, just annoyed. Besides, my hefty chest isn’t about to interfere with me since they won’t get in the way of magic or even physical combat considering we float. “Much better.” “Hm? Whoa. You two look all spooky-sexy. I knew you turned into atronachs, but I didn’t know you were super-busty fusions of fire and storm atronachs in appearance.” Berserker commented when he looked back at us and I along with Shade preened by doing a graceful flip like the fire atronachs do in Skyrim the game when idling. “You have no idea how hot that was.” “Maybe we should do it more often?” Shade purred and I joined her in hanging off of the handsome human’s shoulders, licking my black-metal lips with my ethereal tongue. His magicka smelled spicy, something that was alluring and reminded me of Neethsi’s, but more smoky, less sweet. “Careful, I haven’t had the courage to face them both at once yet.” Neethsi chuckled and I shared a giggle with my sister, all fear and worry fleeing in the face of naughty byplay. “Have you fucked two Goddesses of Fertility at the same time? Trust me, it never ends. Especially when they’re very clingy and want to hide from all of reality in bed. What’s worse is I’m married to them.” Berserker snorted in amusement and I shared a disappointed expression with Shade. Right, he’s married. Open relationship or not, I’d feel really iffy without his significant others giving us permission to have fun with their husband. He sighed before muttering. “Stupid fucking crow.” “Sorry, we’re not comfortable with cuckolding someone. Even if it’s a reverse gender situation, that still applies.” Both of us said and drifted to hang off of Neethsi’s shoulders instead, since he was already ours. “It’s fine. No one is forcing anyone. If you don’t want to, I understand. You ain’t hurting me.” Berserker waved it off, but it made me flinch. “But you and sis were so intimate before…” Shade mewled and I gulped with a nervous nod. I hope none of his wives will come for my ovaries. “That was a lifetime ago, Shade.” The human stated, making my sister wilt. He wasn’t mean, he was only stating the truth. It still hurts to know it. “Sorry if it feels like less than a month to me.” I muttered before we reached the top of the Xanmeer. “Oh fuck!” No, no, no, no! “Destroy it! Destroy the Dark Anchor!” I desperately pleaded with the two super-powerful sexy dudes, but several towering, fully armored blue-skinned warriors, both male and female dropped from the portal hidden in the cover of the Xanmeer’s open-air pavilion roof tethered to the floor by said Dark Anchor. “Let me guess, Molag’s Chosen Champions?” Berserker asked Neethsi. “Worse. Xivkyn. I’ll take the right, you take the left! Girls, support us!” Neethsi snarled as he hefted his mace and charged in with magic in his left hand. I followed him while Shade went with Berserker. “Rei, overcharge me!” “Got it!” I clung to his back and pumped magicka into him. My lover practically radiated with the influx of magicka and then he channeled it through his left hand, spraying the floor with ice before spikes erupted under the enemies. All save one jumped immediately, the last one got an ice spike from the ground to the torso, but he was just tossed back by the attack while the two who dodged closed in despite the ice. “Back off!” I snarled and blinked when a pulse of blue magic created a shockwave and sent them staggering. Huh? “Good job. Now that they’re distracted.” Neethsi tossed an orb of light at their feet-whoa~ suddenly we’re behind them! Neethsi smashed his morningstar into the neck of the one on the right and when he touched the other on the left, she turned to stone instantly! “Pulse!” Huh?! O-okay! I did the same thing I felt myself do before and another blue shockwave Pulsed out of me, leaving Neethsi untouched. This staggered the third one, who was about to attack. I’d disrupted him mid-lunge and bought Neethsi time to spin around, thrust his morning star into the daedra’s face and then launched a point blank ice spike into his throat. This fight barely lasted a full minute! “You done over there?!” I turned to look towards Berserker, who was shaking purple daedra blood from his huge chainsword while Shade waved happily at us. He was also covered in it. “Yes, now let’s destroy this! I remember reading that to do so we must remove the Pinions keeping it rooted!” Neethsi shouted across the way, since the portal overhead was rather loud. “You mean these things?” Berserker tapped one of the five glowing Pinion stones around the base with his sword, only for it to bounce off. “It’s shielded. I don’t think I can destroy it without wrecking the ruin under us.” “Shielded?” I asked, then eyed the Pinions. The magicka in them was foul and smelled like pickled liver. I don’t know how I knew what pickled liver smells like, but I think I’m about to find out how it tastes too. “W-we can deal with that.” I gulped nervously and floated down to the nearest one. I touched it and my hand passed right through the spell ward protecting it. It was as easy as pulling it out with a tug from there. “Ew. I feel all dirty.” “Same. Like that creep Molag ran his disgusting hands over me.” Shade shivered and we both did the other three quickly before tossing the Pinions at Neethsi for him to store or dump down a trench in the ocean or something. Once that was done, Berserker and Neethsi used their melee weapons to strike and dislodge the Dark Anchor, causing it to spring back into the portal, which cracked and shattered with a maelstrom echoing with an enraged deep voice’s scream of fury “Alright, that’s a job well done. Now we need to meet up with the soldiers and return to Lilmoth.” Berserker sighed, only for Neethsi’s dour expression after he removed his helmet to draw his attention. “What has you so upset?” “It can’t be a coincidence. The Ebonheart Pact is fully reformed in unified war against the Aldmeri Dominion, particularly the Thalmor. The Empire is, once again, sundered. A Hero has risen in opposition.” Neethsi looked at me and I clutched my hands under my bosom fretfully. “Now, not only are the Thalmor poised to end Reality Itself, but even if they don’t succeed, our reality is also under threat of a Second Planemeld.” “Oh, well...shit.” Berserker spat at where the Anchor had been and I hung my head. 📜 “Please tell me you didn’t just report this.” Twilight was slumped on her desk, her face buried in her hands with her ears and wings wilted. “No, don’t humor me, I know it’s true. Damn obtuse Scrolls. When they mentioned ‘reality under question from two sides’ I assumed it meant the Thalmor and it’s opposition; us. Not them and Molag Bal. Is it just Molag? Are Clavicus, Mephala and Nocturnal planning something too? What about Dagon?” “I can’t see Nocturnal being as bad as Molag Bal. Rebellious and sneaky, but not inherently evil, but that’s besides the point. If what you say is true, then we’re gonna have to go into overdrive and start building better weapons, armor and equipment.” Berserker said as he turned to me. “Meen-Rei, you know that special hammer of yours? I’m gonna need you to build a sewing machine like that for Rarity to use to make those bodysuits, with paddings for extra protection and kinetic shock absorption-.” “Whoa, whoa! Slow down! I’ll get right to work tomorrow. Just give me your schematics and plans and all that and I’ll get to it, after a night’s sleep to recover.” I protested and Neethsi put a hand on my shoulder in support. Shade already opted out of debrief to get drunk and sleep. “Sorry, sorry. Here.” Berserker took a breath before handing me the plans, on a holographic card? What? How do I use this? “Oh, right. I’ll show you tomorrow, just take it for now.” I tiredly took the card and stuffed it in my cleavage. He looked at me funny. What? “You don’t have magic like that.” What? “Nevermind. I’m so used to girls having magic pocket dimension storage through their cleavage.” Huh?! That sounds cool! “Yes. I agree that if we have the capability, we should rapidly up our arsenal in response to reality being at risk. It isn’t just our lives, it’s all lives on the mortal plane. That said, Neethsi, although you’re the master and practically the God of Alteration, we need you to continue establishing the Wayshrine network. The sooner we can slip spies across enemy borders, the better.” Twilight then looked at me. “We’re counting on you Meen-Rei. Everyone, go to bed. I’ll call for another Moot with the leaders of the Pact.” “They’re not gonna let go on some traditions that’ll hold us back, watch out for those ones.” Berserker warned her before leaving. “I’m going for a walk, I need some time to myself. Clear my head.” “O-or you know...we could…” Twilight spoke up and blushed as she looked at Neethsi and I in embarrassment. “Uh...talk?” Yeah. Not buying it sister. “Not in the mood.” Berserker stated as he walked out of the office. “Oh…” Twilight wilted so much I thought she might-why is Neethsi suddenly female? How did her armor change with her?! That’s the much more impressive part! “Actually. After a battle I get rather...needy. At least when I’m not trying to murder my libido. I may prefer peace, but combat always gets me horny from the adrenaline and endorphins. I don’t know if Meen-Rei is up for it, especially with Shade getting drunk and ready for bed.” Neethsi patted my shoulder and I nodded. “I’m gonna get wasted and sleep too. Have fun.” I kissed Neethsi’s cheek and left those two to vent some stress. I’ve got a mixer of restore-magicka and Hist Liquor with my name on it! > Ch.32 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.32 [Sundas, 1st of Last Seed, 4E: 221] I had expected to get right to work the next day. However, it was not to be. “Why do we have to go~?” I whined with Shade and Berserker nodding in shared disgruntlement towards Neethsi and Twilight. Wow, did Neethsi and Twilight look good right now. They certainly had fun last night. “Because even though you won’t be making any decisions, any decisions made regarding your involvement in such an endeavor must be made with you present. We won’t facelessly hand you a writ and expect it to be filled. We’re not the Dominion or the Empire.” Twilight huffed and the three of us outworlders wilted in resignation. “Besides, it isn’t in any of our native cultures to simply hand an order down and expect it done. It isn’t our way. We ensure we know the people we’re issuing orders to. It ensures that we don’t let ourselves become blind to the fact that the people we govern are people, not resources.” Neethsi added on and while I could respect that, I think I’d prefer just being told I have approval to get shit done and be done with it. “Damn democracies. You’ll see the benefits of an Empire someday, one that isn’t a house of cards.” Berserker grumbled before Hermais appeared on his shoulders. “Don’t fret too much, Bersie. This may be the end of the Mede dynasty, but that doesn’t mean another Empire won’t rise from Cyrodiil if these folks don’t do it themselves.” Hermais said as we neared the Wayshrine chamber. “Funny. I always thought that to be the fate of your Empire. You had a few close-calls.” Berserker said with a scoff. Guess he has no love for his daughter’s Empire. “Unlike these peons, we never lost our ruling caste. We also operate as a Representative Oligarchy rather than as a pure Autocracy or Monarchy so that if something disastrous does happen, we bounce back. It’s part of how we designed it.” Hermais rebutted and Twilight zipped her lips with a spell. “Can we not talk about extra-dimensional politics? It’s bad enough we have to talk about local ones.” Twilight huffed and pulled on the collar of her voluminous purple robe. “Thank you for shutting her trap, Twilight.” Berserker sighed in relief before we passed through the Wayshrine. “I’m interested, but I don’t want to know more right now.” Shade commented and Hermais pouted with her still-zipped lips. Wait, aren’t zippers unknown here? Why is there a spell like that? “Ah, Vivec. Oddly, the air doesn’t bug me as much now.” Huh...same here. I wish Rarity could come with us this time too, but she isn’t involved as directly as we are. “Hm, odd. You haven’t been here long enough to adjust. Perhaps it’s my blessing upon you.” Neethsi idly said and I warily looked at Twilight, but she was entirely unphased as we walked down the stairs that Neethsi created from the hillside to the road north of Vivec. They are friends, close enough for him to feel comfortable getting naughty with and the one to have given her male organs in the first place. “Mmph!” Hermais nodded because she was still hushed. “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Yagrum or Jeelius in some time. What are they up to?” Twilight asked conversationally and I didn’t recognize the second name, but Yagrum?! The Last Dwemer?! That Yagrum?! “Yag is off on another of his planeswalks to see if he can’t find the remnants of his people after they Zero-Summed. They’ve got to be somewhere. The Godhead doesn’t forget anything, just misplaces memories. As for Jeelius, last I heard he was gutting Thalmor on Stros M’Kai.” Neethsi chuckled fondly and I just couldn’t remember where I heard that name. “Who is Jeelius?” Berserker questioned, clearly because he too remembered Yagrum, but seriously, who is Jeelius? “A former or current if you ask him, Priest of Arkay. An argonian once meant to be a ritual sacrifice to Mehrunes Dagon from the Mythic Dawn during the Oblivion Crisis. Sheo was supposed to kill him as part of the ruse to find out their plans, but he was always soft-hearted. He turned on the cultists immediately and I had to decloak to save Jeelius when the statue of Dagon collapsed on him for sacrilege.” Neethsi sighed while we neared the bridge. “Mm, hm, mm.” Hermais nodded with her eyes closed, all sage-like. I think she’s even more annoying like this, someone undo that spell or I’ll eat it. Mm~, Twilight magic... “I would’ve left him to perish, his wounds were too great for my healing skills back then. However, Sheo was an absolute sweetroll and was heartbroken over his failure to save the priest, so I caved and gave Jeelius my gift.” Thankfully Neethsi’s wording was ambiguous enough that the guards could assume it was just casual conversation. “So a humble priest became one of the only members of your family?” I asked in bemusement. That was a rather odd and humble choice to turn into an unaging werecrocodile. “Believe it or not, Jeelius’ kindly and good bearing is a good cover for a deep, seething wrath. He became a priest of Arkay to find peace with death for his past sins. Now he still prays and venerates Arkay, while also sending him the curs who would end innocent lives too soon to him to judge. Of course, nobody knows that he is the werecrocodile slaughtering the Thalmor enslaving the people of Stros M’Kai.” Neethsi chuckled darkly and I gulped nervously. I hope I don’t meet Jeelius. I’m sure he wouldn’t have any problems with me, but religious zealots greatly unnerve me. “Alright everyone, get presentable and gather in the Ministry Canton’s meeting chamber promptly. Thanks to the Wayshrines, everyone else will be here shortly.” Twilight announced, revealing our brisk walk had gotten us to said canton already. “I’ll just follow you. I’m ‘presentable’ enough in my armor.” Berserker told the alicorn and she shrugged before entering the ministry with him while Neethsi led us up the Temple Canton to his apartment on the second-highest level. “Do we have to wear dresses?” Shade mewled and tugged uncomfortably on the front of her tunic at the idea and I could already feel itchy at wearing something Rarity didn’t make. “I’m afraid so, unless you wish to go nude in your True Forms.” Neethsi said blandly, but the tip of his tail was twitching, so I knew he was just joking. “Dang it. Do you have any dresses small enough for us?” I asked him and he looked down at us curiously before rubbing his chin. “No, I’m afraid not. Not unless it’s my more risque dresses for when I’m looking for fun.” Neethsi mused as he transformed into his female body and stood next to us. “No, that’s a problem. I’ll have to give you two a couple of my formal dresses and either cut off or embellish them with the extra material of the long skirts. I’m wishing Rarity could’ve come, she’s a much better seamstress than I.” “We’ll live, even if we’d prefer not to.” Shade grumbled and I joined her in stripping off our tunics and trousers. The dresses that Neethsi presented were...admittedly numerous. If she hadn’t been female for nearly a century before, I’d have been rather wary about a man who hoards so many dresses. I still feel like a dress-up doll wearing this tan dress. I didn’t like the color, but Neethsi insisted it matched me because of my mixture of blood-red scales and golden accents. “Why can’t we wear black dresses?” I huffed in complaint, because black would look incredible on us. “Black is a mourning color. There’s also the fact black is associated with ebony, which is fine for combat equipment, but clothes? Unless you’re a sneak thief or assassin, not many have a reason to wear black.” Neethsi then smirked deviously. “Black is also the color of going out for a night on the town. The ‘little black dress’ is a universal sign that a woman is looking for fun.” “You have plenty of experience with that I’ll bet.” Shade giggled before with a wave of her hand, Neethsi was in a tight-fitted, thigh-baring black dress that left little to the imagination and I joined Shade in perking hard and likely trying to tent our dresses with our suddenly bullet-hard nipples. Especially since we had to let our busts fill the space that Neethsi’s chest basketballs would normally be filling. Thank gosh the padding on the front hides our nips and piercings... “You have no idea~.” Neethsi purred and ran her hands down her body before she shook herself. “Grr, not now.” She waved her hands and summoned a too-large regal blue robe with gold filigree on it before transforming into his male body. “Let’s go ladies, before I give in to my rising desires and ruin those dresses.” Oh~, I really want that~! 📜 This is exactly why I didn’t want to be here. They’re talking about us without talking to us. They look at us and clearly point out when they are speaking about which person, but otherwise they do not address us. At least, not until High King Vartine Bloodraven looked directly at me after the Council, High Chieftain and him had finished hashing out the matter. “Now then, since we’ve arranged who would get her wares in what distribution volumes, let us ask the lass. Are you willing to perform this arduous task, of providing advanced weaponry and armor to the Ebonheart Pact in exchange for monetary compensation for services provided so long as we provide the materials necessary?” High King Bloodraven was a handsome man. He didn’t look a day into his thirties though. He didn’t look like a vampire...must be draconic stuff. “Yes.” I curtsied slightly and Shade mirrored me, since as my sister and assistant, she too was part of the deal. “Now then, for a more important matter regarding them.” Twilight said and I looked up at her in confusion. “Meen-Rei is the prophesied Hero in the Equestrian Scrolls. We won’t be able to keep her working on this constantly. She’ll need to be able to drop everything and quest to ensure the survival of Mundus. Specifically, she is the key to preventing the Thalmor plot to end linear time and the Second Planemeld.” I winced at the uproar this caused. Aside from my friends at the table, only High King Bloodraven remained calm if now eyeing me with intense scrutiny. “Order!” Neethsi shouted and everyone silenced. “I was a Hero before. I may not be tasked with saving the world this time, but like twice before this, I am supporting the current Hero. Don’t forget we also have Berserker. He may be from beyond Oblivion, but I’ve seen his mettle and can attest to both his trustworthiness and his capability. Were he and I to battle, I cannot guarantee victory.” Things calmed down from there. I was uncomfortable being stuck as an observer again, but thankfully the Moot settled and everyone filed out of the Ministry Canton. “Finally. I need to get out of this damn dress.” Shade huffed and pulled on the front of her loaned dress and fanned her cleavage. Yeesh Shade, I don’t like the dress either, but I’m not suffocating in it. “That was an absolute shit-show.” Berserker grumbled with a shake of his head. “Is it really that hard to just ask us? Or are they afraid?” “It’s more political than that. Aside from directly asking your permission for things, we’re not actually allowed to address you unless you address us. The only reason we didn’t address you Berserker is because you’ve already been under my command, it was just a matter of adding you to my commission.” Twilight answered as we walked up the stairs towards Neethsi’s apartment. Oof, I hate wearing heels~! I’m surprised I didn’t trip on the way down. “Still a shit-show and they probably wouldn’t like it if I started talking. I could see it in their eyes; they hate me.” That’s a bit harsh. “Hate and distrust are vastly different things. Trust me, I was once an Outlander, an N’wah, a Slave to the dunmer people. I was no more important than a pair of boots. I watched that change over time, so I know the difference. They do not hate you, they merely do not trust you. They will give you the opportunity to earn it, but right now they want you at arm’s length.” Neethsi stated before we filed into his apartment. “Are there any further meetings, Twilight?” “No. That was all that needed to be addressed. We’re going to operate as before. While the Second Planemeld is a dire issue, we’ll handle it as we deal with the Dominion, since in the end they’re both part of the same problem.” Twilight thankfully told us, so Shade and I practically tossed off our dresses. “Ah! D-don’t strip in front of me!” Twilight squeaked with a blush as she covered her eyes. “What? Would you have preferred this~?” I tittered before Shade and I transformed and then sighed in the relief of getting out of our flesh forms. “Mm, that dress was so confining.” I really am getting more comfortable in this body. It was both entirely unlike, yet similar to my flesh one in so many ways. I still had all the same senses, they just mingled with a sixth sense. “Mm, hm~!” Hermais hummed with an appreciative wink and two thumbs-up. Okay, that zipper is done! Nom! Mm~! Twilight magic~. “Hey, thanks. I was wondering when somebody was finally going to get rid of it without me needing to do it.” “Oh, fuck this.” Berserker snarled as he marched out of the apartment. “The fuck is his problem?” Shade huffed and then joined me in sitting at the table. “Sorry, he’s always been the Lone Wolf kind of guy. Pun intended. He hates being tied up in politics and other red tape in the way of him and doing what needs done. Just leave him alone and let him cool off.” Hermais advised before slithering through the air after her dad. “You know, I don’t think we ever really got to know him. I know more than most around here, but even so I don’t know him as much as I’d like.” Twilight pointed out and I winced at the realization while Shade huffed indignantly. You were a kid back then Shade, that doesn’t count. “Then as the one closest to him, you should get to know him the best. It would at least give him someone to support him emotionally.” Neethsi suggested and Twilight nodded before leaving, likely for her own lodging since the damn Moot lasted all day and it was getting dark. “Well, now that they’re gone, let’s get drunk girls!” Shade cheered and I looked at her worriedly. Is Shade an alcoholic? Is she relapsing into her original life? Well, so long as it’s just once a night, at home, just before bed, it’s fine I guess. 📜 Berserker was sitting on the bed of the room a servant had told him was his, but he blinked in surprise when Twilight entered, who also blinked at him. “Um, what are you doing in my room?” Thank gosh Hermais went home for a bit, she’d be teasing him something fierce. “Um...the servants told me this was my room.” Twilight nervously replied and then rubbed her snout. “Damn it, stupid rumor-mongering...they probably assume since I’m pushing so hard in support of you that we’re…” Twilight blushed and looked aside. “A couple.” Berserker finished. “But it’s not true. I mean, I like you as a person, but I’m gay. I only like female body types. I have absolutely no physical attraction to males. The only exceptions are other herms like Rarity.” Twilight huffed as she closed the door. “I can just conjure up another bed. I’d rather not deal with having to try and clear up a misconception for a night in a room alone. Besides, with two of us it’s less likely the Morag Tong will try anything.” “Alright.” Berserker nodded as he started taking off his armor, revealing his body to Twilight, remembering the many scars he’s earned through fierce battles. They weren’t as apparent in his anthro form, which covered them in fur and scales, but either way Twilight was indifferent and thankfully respectful about them as she too disrobed. “Okay then, let’s just copy this bed like how Neethsi coached me…” Twilight’s horn illuminated and with a flick of her head, a second bed appeared on the opposite wall of the room. “There.” Twilight then took off her bra, but left her panties that made her look like a normal mare before putting on a less-voluminous night shirt. Berserker couldn’t help but watch, since she did look nearly exactly like one of his wives. Not as busty though, since she hasn’t had foals. “You know Twi, you might be gay, but I’m not.” Berserker pointed out uncomfortably and Twilight smiled nervously. “I know, but we’re friends. I figure if you do want to get intimate, you’ll offer to do what we did before so we’re both comfortable. If not, there’s no shame in looking. Good night, Berserker.” Twilight went to her copied bed and climbed into it. “Are you ready for the lights to go out?” “Are you?” Berserker asked instead of answering. “Uh, I don’t know. I usually do reading before bed, but if you just want to sleep I’m willing to forgo it for the night.” Twilight meekly replied to the unexpected return query. “You have questions for me, don’t you?” Berserker inquired. “Not really. I won’t ask because I know you’ll probably sate my curiosity when you’re comfortable with it. I’m not going to pressure you with questions about you and whatnot.” Twilight shook her head and laid back to stare at the ceiling. “Friends don’t pressure each other into doing things they don’t want to, unless it’s for their personal growth.” “Three questions. I’ll let you ask three questions.” The human man huffed. “What’s your favorite color?” Twilight casually asked and Berserker blinked in surprise. “...Red.” He finally answered her. “Mine is periwinkle. What’s your favorite food?” Twilight queried and he scrunched his brows. “Burgers.” Berserker wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing here. “I’m partial to salmon myself. Are you married to a version of me out there?” Twilight asked curiously and he snorted. That was way out of left-field, but it wasn’t a serious question. “Yes, one.” Remembering his own, he couldn’t see her being this sly in her questioning. “Wow...I’d ask if they’re like me or if I’m like them, but I exhausted my questions. Thanks for sharing, Berserker.” Twilight smiled softly at him and he inwardly growled. Damn it. “Well, you’re different from mine, because she asks one too many questions, all of them big and invasive.” Berserker scoffed and almost smiled when Twilight rolled her eyes. “It’s foolish to just jump to the big questions, you have to start with the little ones. Good night, Berserker.” Twilight summoned a mask over her eyes and settled into her bed. Berserker stared at her curiously, then turned off the oil lamp. This Twilight was...different. > Ch.33 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.33 [Morndas, 2nd of Last Seed, 4E: 221] We returned to Lilmoth first thing in the morning. The instant Shade and I made it to the workshop, we got to work ‘hammering’ out more muskets! Our first official writ ordered 3000 muskets. 1000 per nation of the Pact. Yeah, that’s a lot, but so long as we had the material available, I could see us knocking out hundreds a day, maybe more since I’m also making a second Hepha for Shade to directly assist instead of just aiding me in the magic parts. Sadly, Neethsi immediately had to get to work on converting his other teleportation anchors to Wayshrines, so he wouldn’t be here to help us until later. “Mm~ darling~.” I cooed and wiggled my tail between the thicc thighs of the mare pressing against my back while I made...I think this is the 201st musket of the day? What time is it? How many did Shade and I put together? “Put down that hammer, it’s lunchtime.” “What?” I looked to the left at the massive pile of muskets carefully stacked in the corner. “Holy shit. I forgot how zen I get when I’m making things.” Scratch my earlier timetable. I might finish this first writ in less than a week. “Wait, where’s Shade?” When did she stop helping me with the magic part?! I know I was doing it after she showed me how to do it right, but has she been slacking?! I will give her long flowing sexy mane of feathers such a noogie! “She came to get me after setting up the materials for this last musket because you were in a fugue.” I cooed when Rarity cupped my breasts and I purred with my tail undulating against her groin. “She said I’d be able to snap you out of it with some TLC.” “Mm~ how Tender your Loving Care is.” I growled playfully and turned around to kiss the beautiful mare, enjoying her moan when I infused her with more magicka. I’m impressed she isn’t turning into an atronach herself with how much magicka I’ve been filling her with, but I don’t think that’s how my new species works. “*smooch* Yes. I could use some lunch.” I pulled down her suspiciously loose bustier and suckled on her left nipple, the mare moaned as I drank. “Oh~ yes. Drink from me. I’m so full~.” Rarity cooed and petted my head as she groped her free breast, kneading and milking her thimble-sized nipple to spray her glowing blue-white milk all over the floor and to drizzle down the underside of her breast and down her moving arm. “Look what you’ve done to me darling. You’ve turned me into a milkmare and I haven’t had a single foal.” Rarity cooed and breathed heavier in pleasure. “I’m sure Neethsi could fix that~.” Shade’s voice lilted before she sandwiched Rarity between us by pressing into her back and groping the sides of her breasts. Mm~ she’s letting them grow bigger~! “Sis and I can’t afford to get preggers, but I’m sure you’re gonna be staying relatively safe. Why not have Neethsi put a foal in this womb?” Shade growled as she moved her hands down and rubbed Rarity’s lower abdomen. “Oh~ don’t tempt me! Besides, the Estrous Cycle won’t be until late First Seed of next year. Us ponies are nearly infertile outside of that time.” Rarity panted and moaned as her breasts got bigger and bigger, their glowing contents causing her flesh and fur to shine until she fell onto her three-foot wide yoga ball boobs and I still gorged on her milk. Shade moved next to me. “Yes! Drink my dears! Look what you’ve turned me into~!” Rarity squeaked as she came. “Mm~!” I chugged and gulped at the gushing soda-can sized purple teat in ecstasy. A faint gnawing hunger that I sated daily was being properly drowned and satisfied by Rarity’s Magic Milk. So creamy, so rich, so filling. Outside of getting her Magic Cum in my womb, this is the most fulfilling sensation I’ve ever had. “Ahem.” Someone grabbed me by the back of my tunic and pulled me away from Rarity’s divine breast and I gasped for air, not having realized I’d nearly stopped breathing to get more of Rarity’s magic into me. I dumbly blinked my eyes to try and focus beyond the heavenly lactic haze I’d drowned myself in to see Berserker’s disapproving face. “Having fun?” “I was, but now I’m worried we went overboard.” Shade panted from where she was being held off her feet by the collar of her tunic too. “Yeah. Lost it there for a bit.” I admitted and looked down at Rarity, who was panting and recovering from her boobgasm. “Are you okay, Rarity?” “Ah...ah? Yes, I’m fine dear. Just adjusting to having an orgasm from only my breasts. It is quite breathtaking. Are you feeling nourished?” Rarity asked before her bosom shrunk back down to her normal F-cup size and she pulled her clothes over her glorious chest before getting to her hooves, looking even more radiant and looking hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire. Great, now I remember a vaguely similar situation involving my prior life as Maid Marian. “Yeah. Thanks for the meal, but couldn’t you have done this a little less lewdly? I’m sure you could’ve just breastfed us instead of riling us up.” I pouted at my lover, who smirked naughtily at me. “Ugh, whatever. Put us down Berserker, we’re done being dirty.” Aside from last time, this is the most satisfying thing I’ve felt in my life. Well, besides Palutena, but that’s not fair to Rarity. Letting out a disgruntled huff, he put us down. “I’ll leave you girls to it.” With that, Berserker left us alone. Is he even grumpier than yesterday? I guess Twilight’s opening attempt at becoming his friend fell flat. Oh well, back to work...in 45 minutes. Right, Rarity might punish us if we don’t actually take a full break. My arms and hands are pretty tired. 📜 “How did it look to be going, General Themis?” Miun-La asked without looking up from the paperwork. Berserker dodged a bullet, since he wasn’t the local chief of the military, he only had to sign off on things, not actually go over them. That was Miun-La’s job. “I understand it’s only the first day, but an estimate of progress would be good for trying to guess where and how many muskets would be going places sooner.” “They might actually beat the expected date. Already made 201 muskets.” Berserker answered the Guard Captain, since he wanted to be useful and sitting on his hands wasn’t his way. “Astounding. Even a veteran workshop would be hard pressed to produce ten crossbows in a day. Truly they were the right people for such a task. I’ll have a cart to collect the first batch tomorrow for sorting, serializing and labeling for distribution. At the rate they’re going however, if not for the extremely generous donation from Hortator Neethsi’s personal stores, they’d have run through the available stock already. I’ll have to get emergency supply wagons brought in.” Miun-La shook his head with a cruel and eager grin that Berserker remembered on his sibling’s faces when they were either doing or about to do something really fun. Wow this guy was a nerd. No wonder he’s so police-minded since he’s essentially a bureaucrat with a mace. “Whatever.” Berserker shrugged before his senses went haywire, which could only mean… “Those cunts.” Whipping out his pistol, he aimed it at the corner of the room. “You either come out now or I shoot you and mail your corpse back to the Council!” Miun-La was startled by the sudden action, but was even more disturbed when a dunmer female assassin in full chitin armor appeared in the corner of the room with her hands held up. “Damn you n’wah. My writ is forfeit, but you still have a year to survive surveillance.” She huffed and retrieved a scroll from her satchel that she tossed onto Miun-La’s desk before escaping in a flash of gray light. “Damned Morag Tong fetchers!” Miun-La snarled with spittle on his lips as he unrolled the scroll to see who the target was. “Of course some councilors couldn’t handle an Outworlder being given such a position of leadership. At least it’s a watch and execute order rather than a full assassination writ. They can’t kill you without explicit proof of you being untrustworthy.” “It’s always the same shit, no matter which reality you end up in. I bet our friendly dunmer captain reported that I fought instead of leading from the back like a coward.” Berserker said with a sneer of disdain. Not at Golnis, but at the fact he had to lead from behind. “Of course he did. I did, Birnir did. It’s our job to report everything. You’re crucial to our field command. Throwing you at the front is irresponsible. An incredible warrior you may be sir, but without you establishing a chain of command, Golnis, Birnir and I had to quickly hammer out who called the shots between us. It was fortunate they elected me as the local so I could tell them what not to do as we cleaned up the patrols and remnant daedra.” Miun-La stood up and approached Berserker and surprisingly put his hands on the human’s shoulders. “General Themis. It is not cowardly to rise to an occasion set before you. What is cowardly is to run from it.” Miun-La daringly said to his visor and sighed. “I am a coward in comparison to you. I was terrified of field work when I first joined the guard out of desperation for a stable living. I worked at proving myself a capable leader not to guide my guards on the streets, but to safely hide behind a desk in an office.” Miun-La turned away and shook his head. “Well that worked out for you.” Berserker growled uncomfortably at being called a coward and not being able to really deny that position from Miun-La’s perspective. “Yes, but it didn’t make me happy. I wallow in wonder if had I been truly brave and faced my fears, would I still be where I am? Would I have instead learned to love the task I had initially set myself to? I’ll never know. Now I rarely get to escape my boring job running herd on my guard regiment. Yesterday was perhaps the most exciting thing I’ve had in my decades of service. Now, I’m back here, in my own little prison. I’m in the opposite camp from you General, but I can see the parallels.” Miun-La sat back down and the green-scaled blue-eyed argonian went to work. 📜 [Tirdas, 3rd of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Sis. You are the best. I think I love you.” Shade said as she held up her own copy of Hepha, the magic crafting hammer. Unlike in my past life, this one is essentially just a specialized Alteration channeling tool able to manipulate materials into forms. The reason she was so happy was because, together, we were able to knock out another 600 to go with yesterday’s 400. That’s 1/3rd of the writ done in two days! We actually had to stop and wait for supplies at lunch! The best thing was that I had only finished her hammer after hitting 200 muskets mid-morning, meaning we can make even more tomorrow if the Pact actually manages to supply enough material. The supply wagon even had several broken or unused weapons and armor to sacrifice in lieu of not having so much raw material ready in time. That said, it was only mid-afternoon and we had to stop for the day. “How about we stop by the milking room sis? It’s been a while.” I groped my breasts, both feeling and hearing the slosh of my sap inside. The pressure never mounted, they never got sore or heavy or inflated like when my life here began, but I’m so backed up. I can feel it even if it doesn’t bother me. I anticipate the relief of letting it out though. “Oh yeah. Let’s do that. We’ll kick Dash and Shy out if they’re in there again. I’m sure Shy had milkers at her place anyway since she’s a beast tamer.” Shade and I put away our hammers and left the workshop before promptly finding the nearby ‘milking’ room. It had a proper name, but to us it was the milking room. We sat on the padded table and pulled our tunics down before letting our breasts expand to our default basketball sizes that matched our atronach forms. “Oh, I’d better turn it on.” I chuckled at forgetting and got up to flip the switch. “Oh!” We turned to see Rarity blushing in the door and she smirked before fully entering and locking the door. “I was coming to finally relieve this fullness in my bosom, but it seems you had the same idea.” Rarity used her magic to grab the hoses and flip the switch. “Come now darlings, let’s get milked.” Rarity giggled and put the hoses on us, causing Shade and I to moan and lustily leer at Rarity before she pulled her top down and upped her bust to match ours before attaching her own hoses. We sat on the table with Rarity between Shade and I, leaning back and letting the pump siphon our magic lactate away into the fancy magic system that sorted fluids. “Hey, girls? Have you really finished this man-eep!” Twilight squeaked and covered her eyes with a hot blush when she saw us topless and idly enjoying getting our breasts pumped. “Sorry! I thought only Rei and Shade would be here, Rarity!” Oh? Does Twilight have some feelings for her friend~? “Well, my status as a milkmare is quite new, so it is forgiven, darling. If anything...why not help us out?” Rarity fluttered her sexy eyes and I joined Shade in leering lustfully at the alicorn, who gulped nervously at three hyper-busty women all being milked and hungrily leering at her. “A-as nice as that would be, I-I don’t feel quite comfortable with intruding on your romantic unit. H-have fun!” Twilight fled and closed the door that had been locked before. Silly mare. 📜 Berserker jumped a bit at the slamming door and looked up from the book he was reading at Twilight panting and flustered as she pressed against the door. “Uh, you okay?” “No! I just walked in on Rarity getting her breasts pumped and I’m all hot and bothered and so confused right now~!” Twilight wailed as she sunk to her butt and buried her eyes in her palms. “You wanna talk it out of your system?” Berserker suggested. “...You wouldn’t mind hearing about it?” Twilight sniffled and wrapped her wings around herself. “I won’t mind. Now, speak your mind.” Berserker encouraged the alicorn. “Well...my friends. We’ve known each other since we were fillies. We grew up here together, in Lilmoth. We’ve had all sorts of adventures, there was even a point in our teens we went out into the swamp to explore. We did pretty okay believe it or not. Anyway, I love my friends. They’re everything to me. However, when I realized I was physically attracted to them, things got awkward for a while…” Twilight rubbed her eyes and took a calming breath. “I’m guessing it wasn’t both ways?” Berserker probed to get her to keep going. “Not really. Pinkie and AJ are as straight as possible, Dash and Shy experimented young and never grew apart from each other. Rarity though. She was always a herm. That...turned me away. At first. Her male organs disgusted me, but since she cared, she tried to help me be able to look past that. We tried to be marefriends, but it was too hard for me to physically reciprocate my emotions for her with her...her penis ruining intimacy.” Twilight sniffled and hiccuped. “Do you feel your disdain for males or herms might be the cause of your confusion?” He questioned to see if she could clarify. “No. It’s that...we tried, it didn’t work out so we stayed friends. Seeing her like that, purely feminine with huge honkers getting milked like a foal-bearing mare rekindled my feelings. Then I noticed Meen-Rei and Shade next to her getting the same treatment and a burning hot rage filled my chest, before it fell into anguish and envy.” Twilight sobbed and pressed her face into her knees she’d curled up so much. “Am I a bad person? I can’t seem to find anyone for me because of my hang-ups. Now I’m upset with my friend’s happiness with someone else.” “...No, you’re not a bad person. You’re just emotionally distraught by that which you want, but could never have because of your sexual preferences. That doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you need to be mature and work out these feelings.” Berserker advised and Twilight stood up to approach his room’s desk where she sat in the chair to face him. “I’d gathered that much, but how do I deal with this?” Twilight pleaded from the human and Berserker scratched the back of his head in uncertainty. “Well, one way is to find someone else you can feel both emotionally and physically attracted to. From there, build up that relationship and move on. Another would be to tell Rarity about all of this and maybe work something out that may not make you both happy, but at least not let this issue fester.” Berserker offered up and Twilight leaned on the desk with a melancholy look. “I fled, saying I wasn’t comfortable intruding on her romantic unit’s intimacy.” Twilight admitted and Berserker hummed. “Which is very mature of you, but did they offer you an in?” Twilight hesitantly nodded. “Then you’re an idiot. That was an opportunity to not only get laid, but you might’ve been able to work out your feelings with Rarity in an intimate setting.” “I’d...rather not. I’ll talk to her later. Thanks, Berserker.” Twilight leaned down and nuzzled his temple before leaving his room. … “Why the fuck did she come to me about this?” 📜 “Oh. So you two were a couple before.” I nodded in understanding after Rarity finished explaining why she’d offered Twilight a lewd time with us. “Yes. Unfortunately, while I more than fit her preferences in most ways, my male endowment was too much for her to get intimate with me. It really soured the relationship and we stayed friends after deciding it wouldn’t work out. I’d hoped that being a herm herself for a while would have eased up her preferences, but I guess I’m just an especially horny mare compared to her.” Rarity sighed wistfully and turned off the pump that had been sucking our tits this whole time. “Mm~ this was wonderful.” Shade purred and pulled the cups from her puffed-up areolae with a suction pop, which Rarity and I imitated. “Ah~ I feel so light, like an imperceivable weight has lifted from my chest.” That’s an advanced word there, Shade. “Yes, I feel much the same way.” Rarity sighed and cupped her breasts before shrinking them and pulling her top back up, which Shade and I mirrored. “It may not have been sexual relief, but it was quite pleasurable. I still prefer having you two kneeling before me and worshiping me.” Rarity purred with a grope of her chest before leaning in and kissing me. Mm~. “Mm, thanks for the top-off.” Rarity winked and then kissed Shade before leaving the room. “She’s just so beautiful both outside and inside.” I sighed longingly, but certainly another supply wagon must have arrived, so we’d best get to work. When I opened the door, Rarity was just outside and chatting with Mellow! I haven’t seen my healer friend in ages! “Mellow~!” I squealed and hugged the shorter unicorn, not caring I was shoving his snout into my cleavage. “Mmph!” Mellow flailed for a moment and tried to push himself away from my grasp, but somehow I restrained him without really trying until I released him. Holy crap, my brief training under Neethsi really improved my strength! “Careful Rei, you can kill someone with those.” Mellow joked and I hiss-snickered. “I’m here because the system alerted all staff that the collection tanks are full.” Oops? “Sorry about that dear, it’s because all three of us were using it. Sorry to inconvenience you. Goodbye dears, I’ll be back to collect you at the end of the day.” Rarity waved with a wink at us and left us be. Oh, if only we didn’t have a rapidly approaching war on the horizon. “So, how has your flesh body been handling calorie intake when it doesn’t process it?” Huh? Oh...wait, did he just ask if we’re getting fatter?! Well...actually, where is it going? > Ch.34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.34 [Turdas, 5th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Woo!” I cheered and then danced with Shade, our hammers held high. “Four days! An order for 3000 muskets filled in four days! Beat that!” I challenged whoever in the world might have a hope of repeating such a feat. Besides Neethsi, he could do it in minutes if he had the material available, but he’s the God of Alteration magic. He can literally change reality itself around him. “Which means, until the next writ, we can party!” Shade reached into her satchel and pulled out a bottle of Hist Liqueur, which may or may not be getting made by the local distillery from the university having to sell our sap to someone in bulk. “Uh, maybe wait until later, Shade? Your drinking has me worried.” I said and she was about to retort when she paused and looked at the bottle. “I...think I had a drinking problem in my previous life. I’ll save it for before bed, at least then I’m not at risk of making a fool of myself in public.” Shade put the fermented sap drink away and we both turned our attention to the guard posted here out of paranoia once word got around a Morag Tong assassin had been following Berserker around. I doubt he’d be able to do anything should said assassin try anything with us, but the notion was comforting. “Good sir, would you be so kind as to send word that the last of the muskets are ready for distribution?” I requested and the dunmer, fully armored in bonemold of course, nodded before saluting with a fist to his chest and took a nearby clipboard and quill to start tallying the weapons before we left him to it and went to our living space adjacent to the workshop. We were quite surprised to find Neethsi sitting at the table with an empty soiled plate in front of him. “I hear you’ve finished up.” Our powerful lover and guide said before we tackled him and gave him kisses and nuzzles. We ended up snuggling on the floor for a few minutes, no words to be said until we got back up like civilized people. “So, it would seem those hammers allow their wielder to be so potent in Alteration that you can be considered Experts in the field.” “When it comes to material stuff. It doesn’t work on still-living things.” Shade said before handing him her copy of Hepha-. The very air felt like it went still. I couldn’t breathe. Or, rather, I didn’t need to. It was like reality was frozen in time, moving forward, going backwards all at once! When everything made sense again, Neethsi was shivering in the corner with the Hepha copy on the floor. “W-what just happened?!” “Keep them away from me! I-I just triggered a Dragon Break!” Neethsi panted fearfully and clutched his arms as his stoic demeanor was completely shattered by whatever just occurred. “I remember two distinct timelines, one of which seems to be the main one to be focused upon, thank Akatosh! Upon touching that hammer, I in one timeline, dropped it immediately. In the other, I ascended into a godlike entity so powerful that I passively began altering reality without meaning to! Keep those blasted things away from me!” “Sorry! Sorry!” I squeaked and picked up Shade’s hammer before shoving it into her satchel on her hip and put mine away too. Holy fuck. Something I made caused a Dragon Break! “I know how these work. The first one is the main timeline obviously, the second one folded into this one. Are you still super-empowered or has it lessened a good bit?” “I feel more in tune with The Dream than I was before, but I’m not passively altering everything around me without intention. I turned you both into your true forms, but your metallic stone bits became gold-flecked ebony. Check. Transform to see if that aspect of the other timeline holds.” I shared a nervous look with Shade and we transformed. ...Well, we were already beautiful in our true forms anyway, but now we’re even more so. Our bodies are made of godsblood flecked with gold, at least the bits that aren’t made of pure magicka. “Looking good sis.” Shade and I said simultaneously and we giggled. “Dragon breaks are always fun.” A chaos noodle that was not Hermias purred as it appeared around Neethsi’s neck, wearing his face before morphing into a dragon’s head. “Volburmuriivsaadom at your service or ponies call me Discord, thanks for reviving me~.” The chimeric serpent hissed with John de Lancey’s voice. “Oh, hey, it’s that noodle that terrorized Equestria in the past. Hey, how are you doing?” Shade and I asked, before warily looking at each other. We’re not linked telepathically or spiritually. Is this an effect of proximity? “Well, I’m the dragon of Alteration, so I’m doing great and I’m alive. I can alter reality to my whims again. Especially with Aldi gone.” Vol-Discord said with a creepy chuckle as Neethsi nervously remained still. “This one freed me by accidentally taking up my mantle for the briefest of moments. Good thing you wisely let it go or without the ability to restrain yourself, you could’ve turned Nirn into a giant donut hole! Then where would all the chaos be?” “Oblivion?” Shade and I suggested before transforming back to our flesh bodies. That is so weird. It isn’t some link, it’s like we have the same thought patterns and instinctively sync up. Actual twins tend to do that somehow. “Bah, the Planes of Oblivion are so boring! Yes, chaos thrives unbound there, but do you know what the problem is? Chaos is normal there! Here, it’s precious, it has value. Without chaos here, the wheel wouldn’t keep turning. Order relies on Chaos keeping it’s gears oiled even if it throws a wrench in now and then.” Discord then booped Neethsi’s snoot for emphasis. “That makes sense. Well, now that you’re free, what are you going to do?” I asked curiously, mindful of the fact that while draconequus aren’t inherently evil, they are by nature mischievous. “I don’t know. I’ve been petrified for untold millennia. I think I’ll go on a tour, see the world. Maybe Akavir isn’t so terrible now.” Neethsi raised a finger with his mouth opening, but Discord vanished and our lover huffed. “Well he’s in for a rude awakening. Akavir is still a terrible place.” Neethsi got up and approached us. “I’m so sorry for violating you.” “Violate? You just made us prettier in our atronach bodies, it’s all good.” Shade dismissed casually and I nodded in agreement. “Now then, let’s go find Rarity and fuck each other stupid!” I winced, still remembering when Shade was my daughter. It’s so weird considering her a sister and then be reminded that technically we’re lovers in a polyamorous relationship. Actually. “Hey, I know you gave Shade the gift of immortal blood, but how did you make her into an atronach?” I questioned and Shade flinched while Neethsi looked ashamed. “I borrowed the Nail of Magnus and stabbed her with it.” Neethsi succinctly answered and I winced. “She was experiencing the same sort of issue you were. She’d rapidly fallen ill and deathly feverish after her last Change. I rushed to Blackrose, retrieved the Nail of Magnus, then returned and stabbed her in the left shoulder with it. Once it was done and her body transformed, I removed it. She still needs to visit the Atronach Stone in Skyrim, but otherwise she’s perfectly fine now.” “I’ve been using the local Atronach Stone to help my body and spirit achieve the same balance you have. It’d be nice to just do it once and be done with it.” Shade said to me before running her fingers through her gorgeous golden mane of hair-like plumage. Damn it, I want that hair! I don’t care if it costs my horns, I want that hair! “Hey, Neethsi? I know it’s a bit rude to ask since you just altered us, but could you replace my horns with feathery plumage like Shade?” I asked meekly and Shade perked up. “I’d rather not. Dear, you’re beautiful as you are. Your horns give you a regal look in comparison to Shade’s wild and untamed appearance.” Neethsi’s words made my feelings of inadequacy vanish like a ghost in the sun. “Now then, I’m afraid sexual shenanigans are far from my mind now. Let’s go find our friends and just relax. We’ve all been quite busy.” “Okay.” I mewled before I yelped and looked at my belly when it sprung out to be as big as a pregnant woman’s. “Huh, what the fuck?” I rubbed my hands over my sudden swell and my eyes brows furrowed. I don’t feel the contentment of having life in my womb like I did when I was pregnant with Palu’s kits, is it what it appears? “Sis?! How did you get pregnant?!” Shade squealed and Neethsi blinked in confusion. “I don’t know, but I don’t think I’m pregnant. Not really. Or not at all. I just feel bloated.” I rubbed my belly and mentally tallied for symptoms. Not gassy, not nauseous, I don’t feel any aches. I pressed in and my firm flesh actually squished inward. “I’m full of liquid. We should go bother Twilight or one of her staff members. Better yet, Mellow.” Why is my womb full of fluid? 📜 “You teach me more about advanced biomagic conditions almost every time I give you a checkup, Rei.” Mellow chuckled as he rubbed his magic-coated hands over my term with twins belly. I’m filling up with something. I don’t feel any strain or anything other than feeling full. “The only reason you’re showing is because you’re not having your fancy jewel in your navel suppressing it.” Oh, right. “As for what it is, you’re definitely not pregnant, but you’ve had penetration coitus with Rarity after she was heavily infused with magicka, right?” “Yeah, how do you know about that?” So I’m not pregnant, okay, but what is it? Also, I didn’t take Rarity for a mare who’d kiss and tell, let alone share her sexcapades. “Pinkie doesn’t shut up about gossip and when a mare’s friend gets laid and waxes poetic to her friends about it, her friends are going to share the gossip with family at least. Pinkie had poor Marble so red I thought she was going to have a nosebleed.” Mellow chuckled and backed away when my womb lurched outward and I yelped as I cradled my triplet-sized belly. “Anyway, you’re not pregnant, but your body is rapidly processing Rarity’s magicka-heavy cum and-.” Shade yelped and I turned my head to see her own belly expanding. “As I was saying. Your unique biology has converted the magicka-infused cum into pure liquid magicka. Not the stuff siphoned from you by the ME Plugs or magicka potions. You took it into your non-atronach uterus, so you couldn’t be inseminated by it. I can only conclude that it is ready to be disgorged and properly consumed.” Mellow calmly theorized and I felt both ill, yet highly aroused at the idea of drinking something my womb produced. “Why is it causing them to swell when before they subconsciously suppressed their abdomens?” Neethsi questioned and I huffed as I willed my quadruplets-and-growing belly to be flat. Damn Rarity, you pumped me good. No wonder I felt so satisfied, but why did the sensation die down until now? “Your guess is as good as mine. Now, go relax since you have no further work for now. I’m sure you can figure out what to do with your situation.” Mellow patted our shoulders encouragingly and I sighed before patting his own shoulder. “Oh, before I forget. Thank you.” “For what?” I asked and shifted my hips about. I feel so full. I need to let it out somewhere. “For everything. Although I know it wasn’t your intention and you were a victim, but had you not been brought to my clinic, I might have been stuck in Soulrest wondering if I was really doing what my destiny called for. I’ve never felt more fulfilled then as the acting resident alchemist of the Lilmoth University of Magic.” Mellow hesitated, then he leaned in and smooched my lips. Surprised, I felt a tingle shoot through me, my tail went ramrod straight. “Oo~!” Shade teasingly cooed and I was blinking when he pulled away with a blush and a shy smile. “That was my proof of how much I’m thankful for your involvement in my life. I know you are in a deep and complex relationship, so I’m not asking for one. I just want you to know that if you need me, I’ll be there.” Mellow declared warmly and I felt so...overwhelmed with joy that I couldn’t restrain myself from squealing and hugging the shorter cute unicorn. “Gah~! Can’t...breathe!” Right! I’m stronger than I look! “Sorry! Sorry.” I snickered and nuzzled him when I let go. “It goes both ways. If you need me, I’ll be there.” I hugged him less powerfully and then we left his clinic. “Okay, Neethsi, does the Haven Bag have a place where Shade and I can dump our pure liquid magicka?” “Not really. I can make one though. Let’s get back to the workshop’s flat and do something about-.” Neethsi groaned and stumbled. Whatever it was I felt it too. It was like the world was a half-inch off-center. “That can’t be good. What was that?” Neethsi asked himself and looked towards the ceiling. “...Twilight doesn’t know either, but it’s related to the Tree of Harmony.” “Let’s go take a look.” Shade warily said before we did so. The courtyard, restored by Neethsi after the bombings, was fine. However, the tiny little sprout has shot up a bit into a sapling! “So that’s what it was. It’s growing well.” I smiled in that eye-crinkle way argonians do and looked around at the guards, Shellbacks this time, who were gawking at the thin and radiant crystal sapling reaching about five feet high. “Oh, I think that sensation was the tree taking in a large quantity of the ambient magicka to fuel its growth spurt.” Twilight said when she hovered down from her office window above. “It was just a split second, but that’s more than enough to cause a brief moment of magicka exhaustion.” Twilight explained as she approached the sapling. “How soon will it be ready?” Berserker asked the Alicorn. “That’s the frustrating thing, Bryan. The Scrolls are vague and most of what I’ve figured out were from logical reasoning. All I know is that at this point it’s done with needing Hist Sap. It’s already bonded with the Hist. Now it needs a potent source of magicka, which is why we’ve been siphoning your magicka Meen-Rei, Shade. We’ll need plenty more of it.” Twilight announced and I felt myself get hot with arousal and embarrassment, I saw Shade’s plumage stiffen up. “W-we may have th-the answer already…” I meekly said with a knowing look at Shade. “Why are we connected to a bloody tree?” Shade groaned and slapped her deceptively flat abs. “Come on in Twilight. We’ve got more awkward news for you.” 📜 “This is astounding!” Yes. You’ve said that many times already. “I mean, all it took was for magicka-infused ejaculate to be put in your flesh-form wombs and you’ve refined it beyond anything I’ve been able to manage!” Yes, get on with it! “I could write several new theses on this alone! Why-.” “Twilight, shut up and pump our pussies already!” Shade snarled from her place next to me. We were perched on five-foot across bellies with Twilight repurposing the milker hoses and preparing a vat to receive the pure liquid magicka our bodies had produced. “As interesting as this is, we were hoping to spend the rest of today relaxing!” “Right, sorry, I’ll just-.” Oh~! “I hope it’s big enough. I modeled it on what I remember of Rarity-.” “Sh-shut up and fucking turn it on!” I huffed as I adjusted to the pump nozzle shaped into a dildo interestingly the exact shape and size I remember Rarity’s incredible horsecock being. Fuck, being immobile on a fluid-filled womb with a massive dick in my cunt feels incredible, even if-. “Ahn~!” I came~! Holy fuck~! This would be even better if-. “Guh~!” The pump hoses for normal breasts moved to my nips and began pumping~! “I figure this will make the experience even better. Now, I’m going to turn on the vibrators.” W-wai-! “Guogh~!” Shade and I both bellowed like brainless cows as the quivering pump nozzles in our quims started vibrating along with the pre-existing stimulation they were giving us. The next coherent thought I had was when the sucking sensation in my pelvis ceased and I was laying on my side, shuddering as the pump still sucked sap from my tits and the dildo kept vibrating. “I’m guessing you’re done now since you’re nearly flat. I don’t want to risk hurting you, so I turned off the hoses in your vaginas before you were fully empty. I can only assume you generated more fluid than what Rarity and Neethsi put in you, since you provided nearly 980 gallons of liquid magicka.” Twilight informed us with professional excitement. “T-too much.” I slurred as I spasmed and Neethsi provided mercy by removing the hoses from me. “Thanks...ugh...that was awesome, but exhausting.” I groaned as I sat up and watched Neethsi free Shade from her own lewd torment. “I hope that didn’t take all day.” “No, at best it was maybe twenty minutes.” Thank gosh, I can afford a nap...zzz... 📜 “Okay...what the fuck is going on?” Berserker grumbled as he saw Hermais glaring up at the smug looking Discord, who thankfully chose to be as ‘small’ and noodly as Hermais preferred to be in this realm. “How the fuck are you alive?” “Your second question doesn’t matter, but to answer your first one; I was drawn to you.” Discord purred as he gazed down at the human with glee. “Your presence and deeds have stirred up quite the ruckus. The changes you’ve made, no matter how small, have not gone unnoticed.” “So, why is Hermais looking tense?” Berserker asked. “The young wyrm probably senses my less-than-chivalrous intentions for her. She’s quite the beauty. She has also done far more to spur on delicious Chaos than nearly anyone else on Mundus right now.” Discord purred and Hermais warily inched away, only to yelp when Discord struck like a viper and they vanished. Berserker idly thanked that she wasn’t on his shoulders. “Well, shit.” Berserker sighed and went to walk away, only to walk into someone’s bosom. “What the-?!” He immediately backed away to see a female version of Discord. A very beautiful one. “Oh, hello. You must be the person Discord wanted me to reward.” The tall draconequus reminded him of Hermais and her sisters when they were feeling particularly pretty. She was even wearing a plain tunic and skirt. “I’m...well, I don’t have a name. I just know that he wanted me to reward you.” “Pandora.” Berserker blurted out, not really thinking straight. “That’s a wonderful name! Thank you, Master.” The newly-named Pandora smiled brightly down at him from her lofty 8-foot height. Wait, what?! “Master?” Berserker felt a sinking feeling in his gut. “Yes, I’m your reward for helping spur on the changes to this world. Be warned that I don’t have my progenitor’s power, but I am still quite potent.” Pandora declared eagerly with a bright smile. “Oh...my wives are gonna kill me when I get home…wanna go grab a bite?” Fuck it, he might as well enjoy this reward and show her a good time. > Ch.35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.35 [Fredas, 6th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] Thank gosh that the Tree of Harmony apparently might not need more magicka with the potent nearly 1000 gallons of pure liquid magicka we supplied. Sure, getting our wombs pumped was amazing, but I’d rather not do that again anytime soon. “So, because you infused me with magicka and made my cum and milk so dense with it...?” Rarity mewled unhappily after we explained why we were dead exhausted yesterday. “You don’t have to worry about impregnating us if we’re not in our true forms.” Shade chirped while I wilted. “Oh, right...you can’t impregnate us in our birth forms.” Shade wilted with us now while Neethsi rubbed our shoulders from where he stood behind us. “Don’t worry girls. The infusions you made into our bodies likely isn’t permanent, but if it is I can simply replace the affected organs when it comes time for us to settle down.” Neethsi soothed before looking across the table at Rarity, who still had her mane turned into a mystical veil and blowing in a faint nonexistent breeze. “Do not be disheartened, Rarity. We can still become a family later. However, we must exercise caution with their true forms.” “Because we could still get them pregnant in those forms most likely. Unlike daedra, you two are aedric in form and function. You could likely bear more of your kind.” Rarity warned us and I gulped nervously at the idea of my regal and beautiful body bearing life. I wasn’t nervous about said beauty and regality being ruined. Rather, I was worried about something else. “Doesn’t this mean Shade and I are the only members of our species?” I mewled and we all had an odd instinctive shudder go through us. I remember hearing about multiple Displaced deities that govern Fertility. I hope that none of them notice our situation or Shade and I may end up turning into egg factories. Fuck, why does that sound awesome~?! 📜 “Um...so she’s your willing companion?” Twilight uneasily asked Berserker after he and Pandora had explained why she existed, as well as why she was clinging to him. Also why she had slept in his bed and snuggled as a noodle. She snores, in a cute way. She also didn’t molest him, which he appreciated. “Apparently so. Discord hasn’t come back with Hermais yet, so I guess they’re still going at it.” Berserker shrugged as Pandora laid her head on top of his head. He was out of his armor and wearing casual clothing. To him at least. To everyone else, it’s very different to what they’ve seen before. Still, Twilight was happy Berserker was wearing something besides his armor. Even if the aesthetics are similar to his armor; spikes, chains, skulls, red and black. What is with his weird obsession with these things? Is it some sort of cultural custom or his personal preference? “Hm~.” Pandora purred contentedly from her place wrapped around his neck and shoulders. “How are the girls doing?” Berserker asked while giving Pandora some pets and scratches. “Oh~, right there~.” Pandora mewled happily and nuzzled into his hand. “Well, Rarity and I had a long talk yesterday after I exhausted her girlfriends by pumping liquid magicka out of their wombs, among other things. She respects my desire to try and move on while chastising me for beating myself up over it. Rainbow and Shy are busy training to use the muskets. Pinkie is being Pinkie and AJ is being AJ.” Twilight shrugged and Pandora cooed. “I feel it. The Chaos between you two. You like him, but he’s male and you see him as a friend this way, but when he’s a she, you like-like her and get all flustered.” Pandora hiss-snickered and moved a bit to get comfy on Berserker’s shoulders again as Twilight blushed hotly. “N-no! No that’s not true! Sure, you’re an incredible person, Berserker, but I know that what we did before was a selfish and indulgent moment for me that abused you for my own pleasure.” Twilight hurriedly stated with her wings all fluffed up and betraying her arousal at just thinking of his female body. “Specifically, she’s all flustered because it’s you as a female.” Pandora stage-whispered in his ear before Twilight used the mouth-zipper spell on her and she snickered through her nostrils. “Twilight.” Berserker sighed and shook his head. “You really need to sort your shit out, still. Also, I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to silence Pandora.” “Sorry if I take vexation with someone exposing my private thoughts and feelings.” Twilight growled and dispelled the mouth zipper with a sigh. “Sorry. I’m fairly desperate for companionship and what we did was the most incredible night of my life. I’m still fantasizing about it. It felt so right to worship at the altar of your body. Especially since you were more than twice my size.” Twilight closed her eyes and took a calming breath as she put her clenched hands to her sternum. “...Wanna experience that feeling again?” Berserker asked and Pandora giggled at the implication. “Yes! I mean, ahem, yes please, when it’s convenient.” Twilight nervously backpedaled and looked at him hopefully, practically begging for confirmation. “So, tonight, your room?” He questioned with a smile. “I’ll make sure my assistants are made aware of my lack of availability tonight.” Twilight beamed and her wings fluttered a bit, her horn even sparkled at the tip. 📜 “Aw, a new writ already?” I mewled as I accepted the scroll from the courier and read it. “Why hold off until Morndas?” So we have the weekend off at least. “So that the supplies have time to collect for your obscene output level ladies. Have a good weekend.” The dunmer courier bowed and then left the threshold of the workshop’s attached studio apartment. “Well, okay.” Shade said as she worked on her feathery hair. At least until a magical phantom of a masked canine female anthro wandered in, looking aimless before it walked over to a weapon rack. Are ghosts common enough that one can just waltz about? I don’t remember them being more than vengeful phantoms, then again those were in games, not life. I eyed her, mostly her ass, as she wandered about our workshop. Why do I feel the need to plow her? Her ass was large compared to her modest bust. She wore a long flowing robe with no shoes on her snow-white paws, but the robe was open to reveal her simple tunic and trousers. Her mask covered her eyes and her ears flicked about from the attached nun-like habit. Everywhere she stepped, an aura of freezing cold followed. “Can I help you?” At my voice, she jumped and spun around with a bewildered look at me. “Yes, you. I see you. Do you need something?” She approached and tilted her head. “Can you speak?” She shook her head. “Hm, come in, I don’t want you spooking anyone.” “Uh, sis.” Shade chuckled when I let the ghost into the flat. I turned to Shade and noted her looking at my groin, so I glanced down and saw a bulge. I blinked in shock as the husky sat down on the bed. I motioned for Shade to entertain our guest as I rushed to the restroom. I dropped my trousers and blinked at what looked like a ghostly canine cock without balls standing at attention from where my clit was under my panties. What? Why? Why is it arcing with fire? Is this my atronach body bleeding over? I transformed and the ghost penis vanished. Bemused, I transformed back and it was gone. What the fuck? I focused and thought of fucking our ghostly guest in the masculine manner and it came back. “Okay...super weird.” Not dealing with this though. I can wonder later why I have the power to summon ghost dongs to my crotch. Focusing, I willed it to away before I popped in and out of my atronach form to ensure it was actually gone. Besides, if I want male organs I’ll talk to Neethsi about getting a real one. “I’ll talk to Neethsi later about this. Not telling sis as I’m sure she’ll insist I test it now.” I muttered before I pulled my trousers back up and went out into the flat to find the ghost sitting at the table, her aura causing the humidity to gather as frost on the nearby surfaces. “So. You’re a ghost in case you weren’t aware. Is there anything you need?” The ghost husky shrugged and primly remained seated as she looked curiously at me. “I think we should ask Twilight or Neethsi about this. I don’t know what to do about ghosts.” Shade reached forward and the ethereal woman let her touch her, looking surprised when Shade’s hand made contact with her shoulder. “Huh. That’s neat. I guess since we’re so magical, we can physically interact with ghosts.” “Well, ghosts can attack people.” I said reading a little on them as I scanned the contents of a book on daedra. While not daedra themselves, they are linked to Oblivion and Aetherius so they’re grouped with daedric summons under necromancy and conjuration. “However, people can’t retaliate against them unless they’re using magic, enchanted weapons or silver which is inherently magical.” “Cool, so I can do this. Do you feel that miss ghost?” Shade asked as she rubbed the husky’s shoulders and she leaned back into the touch, clearly welcoming the sensation. “Apparently yes. Hey~...sis. Let’s fuck her!” Okay...I’m not surprised, but the surprised and clearly mixed expression on the canine’s muzzle wasn’t a no. “I don’t know about that Shade. Considering how things tend to go for us, maybe fucking the ghost isn’t a wise decision.” I cautioned, but at my turn-down, the dead diamond-dog frantically shook her head and clasped her hands in plea. “You...want to have sex?” Rapid nodding. “Okay...um...well this won’t be the weirdest thing I’ve ever done. Besides, I’ve had this odd urge to fuck you the moment you walked into the workshop.” “So I’m not alone! Let’s show her a good time!” Shade helped the ghost to her paws and we led the freezing-cold specter of a husky to the bedroom, where Shade tossed the dog to the bed with an unheard yip judging by her mouth movements. “It’s so cool how the cold doesn’t bother us, I’m gonna go atronach for this though.” “Good idea, it might make it even better for her.” I joined Shade in transforming and the woman gawked at us in shock as we hovered over her and giggled before pressing against her. I opened up with a kiss and I heard a gasp before she pawed at us and kissed me back, desperately. She seemed to be getting more color as I infused her with magicka. “Would you look at that?” Shade purred as she fingered herself and groped the husky’s C-cup breasts through her tunic while I dug my hand down her trousers to finger the ghost’s pussy. “She’s becoming more real by the moment sis. Keep feeding her.” Gladly. “Mm. Oh yes. Ah.” The voice of the woman returned after she ceased to be monochrome and her lustrous white fur was less ethereal, but still mystical. “I haven’t felt these sensations in so long.” She panted before kissing me again and then kissing Shade. “Hm, I want to fuck you so bad.” I groaned, suddenly feeling like I haven’t orgasmed in years. I must be sympathizing with her or something, because I have had more sexual gratification in the past month than most of my life before being dropped on this world. Excluding Palutena. “Fuck me.” The husky begged before she shimmied her pants down and spread her legs as I continued jilling her quim with my fingers while she licked Shade’s nipple. She glanced down at our groins and reached her hands down to finger us too. C-cold! Yet somehow in a good way! We moaned and writhed against one another as we masturbated each other. Soon we were all squeaking and shuddering through orgasms. After that, I moved down and lifted her left leg to put my own left leg underneath as I pressed my needy cunt to her own freezing cold pussy. “So cold, so wet, so fucking good.” I panted and frantically scissored the ghost woman. “Sis you, oh~.” Shade groaned after the freezing cold bitch grabbed her ass and pulled my floating twin to her head, where the husky hungrily ate her out. Shade reached forward and pulled us together so our tits were docked while we kissed. It was so entrancing, having sex in our ever-shifting yet solid atronach bodies. “Yes! Eat me you-whoa~!” Shade yelped when the dog’s snout was pulled into her snatch! “Ahn~! Yes! Fuck~!” This is so fucking hot! “Ah~! Yes! Take her, sister!” I panted as the canine wiggled in shock while Shade moaned and started pulling her in. I felt so hot watching this, wanting to fuck my sis and the husky so bad right now! Thankfully sis anticipated my need and I squealed when her ethereal tail wormed between my thighs and penetrated me. Not wanting my sister’s soon-to-be daughter to miss out, I drove my own tail up the ghost’s cunt. The fact she came instantly told me she wasn’t opposed to getting unbirthed. We fucked and kissed each other frantically as the woman, ghost or not, was pulled into my sister’s womb. I pulled back a bit and kissed and rubbed her expanding womb, the orb was of opaque magicka with her gold-flecked ebony scales swirling about it like the Eye of Magnus. “This is amazing, Sis. I wish I could share this feeling with you…” Shade moaned as the swirling orb settled, looking about to pop with several babies. “Next time, I’ll do the unbirthing.” I swore as I continued lavishing my sister’s womb in attention. Soon, Shade was moaning again and panted as she floated into the air and tilted back until her wide-spread legs exposed her beautiful ethereal cunt to me. “Come on out, sweetie. We can’t wait to meet you.” I cooed as I licked and fingered Shade’s vagina, urging our new family member to come out. “What in the name of Oblivion is happening this time?” I didn’t pause in my ministrations to my sister’s succulent snatch, which was liberally drooling pure liquid magicka. Hot fuck. Our feminine juices in our true forms are pure liquid magicka~! Mm~! “Unf, Neethsi~! I’m, oh~, giving birth to a sexy ghost bitch that wandered into the workshop and we, ahn, propositioned for sex. I unbirthed her and now, oo~, here she comes~!” Shade gasped and panted in reply as I continued to pleasure her. Soon, a hand emerged, one just like mine! I grabbed my new niece and pulled her forth into the world to reveal a canine Magicka Atronach who matched us for our body shape other than being a dog. “That was incredible! Let’s do it again!” The ethereal husky atronach declared before noticing Neethsi and she clutched onto me as she hid behind me. “Don’t worry, this is Neethsi, our mate. You’re safe now.” I told her before setting my feet on the floor and transforming back to flesh. “So, yeah, we had a ton of fun right now.” I sheepishly said to the towering hunky argonian, who huffed and leered disapprovingly at the soaked sheets of the bed, stained a bright glowing blue by our magical fluids. “Oops…” 📜 “A-are you sure this is okay?” Twilight meekly mewled as she looked between Pandora, currently anthro and eager and Berserker, who was currently male. “I mean, I know it’s selfish of me to want to pursue a sexual relationship with you as a woman, but distance myself when you’re male. That isn’t a healthy arrangement.” “No, it isn’t. In fact, it’s rather fucking confusing as Hell, but we’ll figure something out, don’t worry.” Berserker assured Twilight before switching from male to female. “That reminds me, why are your wings different from one another?” Twilight asked curiously, as Berserker grew to her full height and changed into her anthro form. “Well, I may be considered a Celestial, but that’s only in name. I’m actually a Nephilim; a hybrid of both Angel and Demon. The only reason why I’m considered as such is because Jehovah still welcomes me to Heaven, the realm they rule.” Brennie explained and Twilight looked confused. “Okay, uh...Jehovah is like...well, not really...let’s say Akatosh. I’m welcome in his realm in Aetherius, so I’m considered one of his children, the Celestials.” “Oh, drawing parallels that makes more sense, but it would’ve been easier to use daedra, like saying this Jehovah is like Sheogorath and his realm is a sanctuary where he accepts mortals into it?” Twilight asked as she ogled the towering goddess with unmasked desire. “No, Twilight. Jehovah is God. Not the Devil. If you want to draw parallels to a daedra, that would be Jehovah's sister, Luci.” Brennie corrected the alicorn sternly, who nodded. “Oh, in that case, then he’s similar to Shor and the Celestials are the Honored Dead counted among his people-eep!” Twilight squeaked when Pandora picked up the comparatively small mare and shoved her face-first into Brennie’s cunt. “Mmph~!” “Ah! W-watch the horn~!” Brennie gasped with a disapproving leer down at Pandora, who was holding Twilight off her hooves and facing up so the mare could bury her face in the draco-wolf nephilim’s quim and wrap her arms around her thicc muscular thighs to grope her rock-hard ass. “Oh master~. I sense nothing bad would happen if you let her in~.” Pandora purred and pushed Twilight deeper into Brennie’s snatch, the goddess gasping and groaning in pleasure as her plump pussy was vigorously eaten out, its savory juices eagerly consumed by the worshiper at its gates. “Oh, fuck~!” Brennie cried out as Pandora latched onto one of her breasts and started suckling on her nipple while still holding Twilight in place with her magic. Pandora seemed mildly surprised at the milk and gulped the goddess’s product down eagerly. “I-I forgot how n-nice it is to have my milk drank.” Brennie panted and pressed Pandora’s face into her massive breast while groping the other and gyrating her hips as Twilight kept ravishing her slit. “Oh? So you’ve been a mother before~?” Pandora teasingly questioned when a second head sprouted from her shoulder on a serpentine neck before the second mouth latched onto her bottle-cap sized nipple to drink from her other breast too. “Y-yes~!” Brennie squealed when she came from the assault on her breasts and vagina before smirking darkly and flexing her birthing muscles. Twilight’s muffled yelp was all she got out before the goddess’s powerful pussy pulled her into her womb in a few brief contractions, giving Brennie the look of being pregnant with twins at her advanced stature. “I’ve also unbirthed before. Now, take these condoms and get in there before she decides to bust a nut in me and actually get me pregnant.” “Yes, ma’am!” Pandora saluted with both hands to the brow of both heads before the second head vanished, she grabbed the offered prophylactics, then bent over and shoved her head right up into Brennie’s cunt. The goddess groaned and panted as her belly expanded and then she sat down on the floor, too big and heavy for the bed. “Unf, I should do this more often.” Brennie gasped and panted as the two went wild inside of her womb and she groped her breasts, self-sucking on her left nipple and cumming quickly, her juices puddling on the floor between her thighs. Soon, she orgasmed when her belly bloated up further, looking at her scale to be pregnant with quadruplets before things calmed down and she laid back with her head on the bed. She was nearly asleep when they went at it again and she moaned in pleasure. It was going to be a long but fun night. > Ch.36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.36 [Loredas, 7th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “So we now have a husky.” Neethsi said as he rubbed his snout after summarizing everything for Rarity when we met her at Sugarcube Corner for breakfast. Said husky, super-busty and voluptuous like we were by default in atronach form in her fluffy snow-white flesh body, was in spare clothes and eagerly nomming on a muffin with the most adorable expression of joy. “Oh my. You gather a herd like a magnet Rei.” Rarity giggled and winked at me, to which I pouted and Shade hiss-snickered. “Well darling, I’m Rarity. I may not wear the pants in this relationship, but I tend to be the one wearing them anyway.” Rarity joked and our new companion nodded in understanding. “Lovely to meet you. I am fortunate for this turn of events. I’ve been wandering aimlessly for what feels like both centuries yet mere minutes. Now I’m alive in a fashion and find myself in pleasurable company. I am Freda.” The beautiful husky introduced herself before holding up a finger. “However, I’m not part of this harem, merely a guest due to how incredible the introduction was. I’ll join if you can melt my frozen heart.” “Oh really?” Rarity cooed at the challenge. “Well, I’ll start by getting you measured and clothes made for you, no charge. I’m making plenty of money right now from the magic milk I’m providing the university that I can afford to spoil myself and others a bit.” “Twilight’s paying you too?” Shade asked and Rarity nodded. “My milk is Magic Milk. It has incredible alchemical properties from what Mellow has informed me. Speaking of which, good morning, Mellow!” Rarity waved to our friend who just came downstairs and he happily waved at us before pausing and blushing brightly at the sight of Freda, who suddenly looked a bit shy and waved back. Oo~! Even if she doesn’t join us, it seems she and Mellow have a bit of chemistry~. “H-hi. I’m Mellow Cake.” Mellow said when he approached, unintentionally ignoring us in favor of the beautiful stranger. I made sure Shade was staying quiet while Rarity fought to restrain giggles. “I’m Freda. Um…” Freda awkwardly looked at us and we gestured for her to go for it, so she smiled thankfully and got up to sit with Mellow at another table. “They are adorable together.” Neethsi commented with his eyes crinkling in a smile. Oh yes, that’s right, argonians don’t really express with their mouths much, we express with our eyes. I didn’t notice when I realized this. “She may not join us, but I support Mellow finding someone.” “Me too. He’s sweet and deserves to find happiness.” I said before an unnaturally beautiful human woman entered the bakery and immediately approached us. Her hair was long and looked both radiantly blond yet caught the light and looked coppery. Her skin was tan and flawlessly smooth. Her eyes a powerful dark blue that danced with joy and her perfect white teeth set in a beautiful smile. All accented by a simple, figure-hugging white dress that put her body both on display and tastefully covered it. Said body was an hourglass, but average. “Greetings. I wish to speak to you at the Temple of the Nine later today at your leisure. I hope you have a wonderful day.” She nodded at us all and then left as quickly as she arrived. Wow. “Who was that?” Rarity asked in awe and Neethsi sighed. “Great. We’ve caught the attention of a Divine. Let’s enjoy our food before we do as she asked.” Neethsi grumbled good-naturedly. Hm, considering how he called the Temple an institution full of holier-than-thou oafs when warding away Vaermina back on the 10th of Sun’s Height, that he had negative views of the religion. “Do you have problems with the Temple, Neethsi?” I asked softly and he snorted. “I have nothing against the institution itself. I have strong opinions against many of their practices, however. The Vigilants of Stendarr are just violent killers venting their bloodlust on socially acceptable targets for one. It’s one thing to have an occupation in hunting monsters, it’s another to call it a holy task set forth by the Divine of Mercy, who likely is disappointed in them.” Neethsi quietly whispered. “Now eat, we can talk later in private.” 📜 Brennie woke with a snort at the strong lurching feeling in her womb. Oh, shit. “Sorry.” Brennie mumbled before flexing her powerful body and easily rebirthing Twilight from her overinflated belly that was touching the ceiling before Twilight emerged from her vagina, soaked in amniotic fluid and lying on the sticky floor in exhaustion as she panted for air, since she’d spent the night breathing through the temporary umbilical cord and her lungs were full of fluid. “Best. Night. Ever.” Twilight managed to say between gasps for breath as she rolled onto her back and looked up at the towering sphere that was Brennie’s cum-filled condom-stuffed womb. “Whoa...didn’t know I had that in me.” Twilight fondled her coconut-sized testicals and wondered where all the extra fluid came from. She wasn’t using any magic for that last night. “I’m not surprised.” Brennie huffed and patted her sides. “Okay Pandora, get rid of those things before you come out.” Brennie ordered and her womb rapidly shrunk down to looking pregnant with twins, then she groaned when Pandora slithered out of her vagina as her long, snakey chimeric form, dripping Brennie’s fluids down on Twilight, who gladly opened her mouth to catch some of it on her tongue. “J-just get out~. We have things to do.” Brennie huffed in annoyance. “Headmistress, is something-by the Divines!” A member of the teaching staff, a rather unremarkable-looking blue-furred unicorn stallion, shrieked in scandal at the sight before fleeing. Or tried to, because he was promptly wrapped up in chains and his mouth zipped by Twilight before she yanked him into the room and slammed the door shut. “Cobalt. You will not breathe a word of this to anyone. No, daedra are not involved, no you may not know who she is. Now, I’m going to erase your memory of the past several minutes aside from a notion that you forgot something. I’m telling you this in case you restore your memory on your own like the capable mage I know you are. I’ll be in my office.” Twilight zapped his head and his eyes went glassy before she teleported him away. “Oh, damn it. We’d better clean up.” “...Twilight. That was pretty hot.” Brennie said approvingly before she shrunk down and transformed back into his male human form and she was eye-level with his dick. She blinked and reached out to him curiously. “Huh? I thought you were disgusted by dicks.” “I am...I’m wondering why I’m not repulsed by it…” Twilight touched his flaccid girth and licked her lips before she shook herself and got to her hooves on unsteady legs. “I’ll wonder why you have achieved something so quickly what I struggled and fought for with Rarity for months later. Right now, we need to bathe and get on with our days. It may be Loredas, but this is a 7-day school. Active classes may be out, but electives are still running.” “Master needs the same, but mostly because if he’s not around everyone will run around with their heads cut off. Wait, that’s not how it goes…” Pandora muttered before snapping her fingers and everything was clean, smelling like roses and blueberries. “Yay, Alteration magic!” “Thanks Pandora. Have a good day, Twi.” Berserker leaned in and surprised them both when he kissed her. He backed away frantically, summoned his armor on and fled the room. Twilight touched her lips and blushed as she tried to still her racing heart. “W-what just happened?” Twilight asked herself as Pandora giggled. 📜 “Um, so explain why you’re female for this and we’re all wearing Rarity’s best dresses?” I meekly asked Neethsi, who was so radiantly beautiful to me despite her scars or rather her beauty was aided by her scars. Why doesn’t she get rid of those? She can alter her body however she wants, why keep scars? “Because the Divine who wants to see us prefers females.” Neethsi said easily. “Come now, don’t tell me you didn’t guess who it was by her avatar.”  Neethsi cheekily bared her teeth down at me as her eyes crinkled with amusement. I love that smirk of her’s. “Dibella?” I guessed, considering she was the Divine of Beauty, both physical and metaphorical. “Oh my. How flattering. She summoned all of us?” Rarity asked with a hint of worry. It was a struggle to prevent her from putting on makeup earlier. She blushed when we insisted that she looked better without it. Especially since her ‘smoky eye shadow’ was actually her fur pattern. “Yes. She didn’t single any of us out. Now, be wary. She is a Divine, her intentions generally benevolent, but as a deity myself I can attest to even the best of intentions having rather far-reaching consequences.” Neethsi warned us. Wait. “How are you a deity? Do you have a religion?” Shade asked and Neethsi pouted. “Unfortunately, yes. The Cult of the Nerevarine, originally a loose following of Ashlanders who adhered to the prophecy of my return, is now an actual minor religion in Morrowind. They actually worship me. I can hear them and grant boons and everything. It’s so creepy. I wish it never came to be like this.” Neethsi bemoaned with a sigh. “I never wanted to be like Vivec, so my tenets are simple and similar to the basic tenets of the Temple.” Before anyone could ask further, Neethsi led us up the steps of Lilmoth’s Temple of the Divines and easily opened the massive wood doors. There was almost nobody here, save a priest at the altar. “Ah, judging by your clothes, you are the ones Dibella has summoned?” The old human, either Imperial or Breton, asked as he turned his calm and neutral gaze upon us. “Yes. She spoke to us all and did not single any of us out.” Neethsi replied and the priest nodded before heading for the door behind the altar and we followed him. “You are granted permission to descend to the private areas of the Temple. To find the Cloister of Dibella, head to the door at the end of the hallway to your right upon reaching the basement floor. If you get confused by the number of doors, ask any of the acolytes within if they are passing in the halls.” The priest opened the door and waited until we all passed before he closed and locked the door behind us. That isn’t ominous. “This is quite exciting. There hasn’t been a summons to Dibella’s Cloister in years. Not since the last Sybil of Dibella was chosen.” Rarity suddenly paled. “Oh dear, did the Sybil die so soon? The poor dear, she wouldn’t be past her fourteenth year.” “Don’t jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned why Dibella is interested now when we’ve been in town for weeks.” Shade said and I realized how little time had passed. Gosh, it feels like ages have gone by already with how much has happened. “Dibella is a flighty entity. She is both kind and cruel in her own ways. She may have had us summoned for a quest or she just wants us to pose for a portrait for one of her painters. I once had to fetch a bloom from the top of an otherwise barren crag because one of her followers was tasked with preserving it in glass.” Neethsi said before we reached the bottom of the stairs and turned right. We followed the hall, which sharply turned into a longer hall with no other intersections. Neethsi led us to the door at the end and knocked. “Yes?” The door was answered by, surprise, an impossibly beautiful woman, a Redguard this time, rare for here. “Oh! You must be the ones Dibella called to us. Come in, she is very excited to have sent an avatar to fetch you.” We were allowed in and I was not disappointed with all of the erotic art and masonry. “This is rather...excessive.” I commented and the priestess hummed. “Appreciation of Beauty is determined by the individual. Many of us agree that hoarding all of this art in one place is a shame, a scar on the Beauty it can share, but we are not allowed to distribute it.” The dark-skinned woman sighed wistfully and led us through the small art gallery to a common area-my tail is tingling. “My sisters, the guests have arrived.” “I feel that we may have overdressed.” Rarity blushed at the sight of so many unbelievably beautiful women of varied races in the nude who gave us a wave. Aside from the greeting, they behaved as if it was just another day while doing various tasks or relaxing activities like reading, writing, a few were even painting portraits right now. “If you feel that way, you may disrobe. I am on the door for the day, so I must wear my clothes, the others are not so hindered and neither are you. Speak to the Sybil, she will be at the back.” The woman beautifically smiled at us and returned to the door of the large underground area. “We should do that. I want to do that. Sis, I am beyond uneasy.” Shade said to me nervously and I held her hand to help her calm down. She may be even more eager to get naughty than me, but it seemed Shade had a limit to what she considered appropriate. I, meanwhile, would love to throw myself at any or all of these ladies. My tail is tingling. What is going on back there? Thankfully Neethsi was here to guide us through the temptations to the regal double-doors at the back of the common area. They opened readily and inside on a plush-cushioned chair that bordered hedonistic, was a 14-year-old argonian girl, who looked almost like a blue and silver version of Shade when she was in her teen stage. I feel so uncomfortable looking at someone that young being nude. “Welcome. I apologize for walking in on your breakfast like that, but I couldn’t wait with the opportunity ripe.” The girl said with the same voice that Dibella spoke to us with at Sugarcube Corner. “It is so good to see you four in person, so to speak.” “What is the business you called us for, Dibella? Is it something inane?” Neethsi asked long-sufferingly and Dibella shook her head, her long silver feathers swaying. “No Neethsi, not this time. Not to me at least.” She turned her amber eyes on me and I shivered. “Come closer, Meen-Rei, so that I may get a better look.” I gulped and approached the deceptively young avatar, who put her hands on my face, tracing my nosering, the contours of my bones and peered into my eyes. “So beautiful. Were you here before young Mez-Rei here, you could have been my Sybil here.” “No thanks, I like having my own mind and body to myself.” I meekly protested and the goddess smiled with her eyes like all argonians do. “Which is why I find myself enamored. Do you not know?” I nervously shook my head slightly and Dibella sighed. “A shame. Meen-Rei, you are the most Beautiful argonian this side of Tamriel.” I gawked at her claim and she tittered. “You are so humble. You didn’t know you could have cocked a hip and whipped your tail to get every straight male or gay or bi female to do your bidding?” “Sis is too shy for that, even if she is a complete perv.” Shade commented and I leered back at her in annoyance. “You have no place to speak either, Shade. You have a mane of feathers only Mez-Rei can compete with. Not to mention the two of you, your bodies are perfect. So voluptuous, so motherly, yet muscular and tight with youth belying bodies practically made for sex!” Dibella declared, getting worked-up and both visibly and by scent immensely aroused. “Is there a purpose for us being here, Dibella, besides for you to state Meen-Rei and Shade are the hottest girls on Mundus?” Neethsi huffed, only for Dibella to point at her. “Neethsi, you were the sexiest argonian period until they showed up. Now you’re only superior in male capacity while rivaling them in your female form. You even have Rarity with you, the most beautiful pony in this generation. Unf!” Dibella crossed her thighs and waved her hands at her chest and face. “Pardon, if I would like to see with my own eyes four of the sexiest people alive right now.” “What about the other super-sexy people we’ve encountered?” I asked, a bit dumbfounded. Freda was at least in our league, I considered Twilight exceptionally pretty too. “Aside from Twilight, who loses points for not being sure of herself, the others are Outworlders. You are too, but not. You’re of Mundus. Whatever brought you here has woven your very being with this realm. You could leave it if you wish, but this is your home as much as any native.” Dibella stated before she stood and...hugged me. “Thank you. For bringing such beauty to this world.” “Um...I don’t like to think of myself-.” Dibella shushed me with a finger to my lips. “Not just your Beauty, but the Beauty you promote. You inspire others to work at bettering themselves, their crafts, their appearances. You haven’t noticed, of course not, you’re too humble. Look around you as you return home after leaving here. Compare everything to before you arrived.” Dibella insisted and then eyed my massive tits in her face. “Also these~!” I sighed when she groped me, totally expecting-. “Ah!” A cry from the room behind us made us look before a Nord woman came in with a golden chicken egg in her hands. “Dibella, our goddess, look!” She held up the egg with wonder. “What is-another daedra, but with a divine aura? Oh my.” Dibella said with wonder and a curious look at the egg. It was tickling in my mind. A Token! “That’s someone like me. A Displaced. An Outworlder who was forced to adopt a new realm as their home and granted power. Often for the amusement of a greater entity.” I informed Dibella and she looked at me with a look of sadness. Don’t you pity me! “Well then, I am curious! I call upon whomever is tied to this trinket.” Dibella intoned, but nothing happened. “Hm, I sense a blockage. Tied to the barrier between here and Oblivion. That’s not right, it bypasses Oblivion. Why tie it up with the barrier. Hold on, just let me-.” “No~!” Hermais squealed in despair when she appeared above us, but the egg rolled out of Dibella’s hand and rapidly grew in size, knocking her and I apart until it reached 6 feet tall and ‘cracked’ in half to reveal-. Pleasure. Make eggs. More. Must make more. Fill me! Give me eggs! Help me fulfill-! I woke up on top of a pile of panting, sweating, gasping and groaning women of all races. I was in my atronach body. Shade wasn’t far from me. Neethsi was kissing and fingering a blue-scaled argonian woman with long flowing silver feather-hair that matched the Nerevarine’s stature, figure and muscle tone. Said woman was fucking Neethsi’s cunt with her tail. “What just happened?” I tiredly asked and idly noticed someone in the pile was using my tail as a dildo. It was...good. Like back when I had male organs and fucked someone with it, but in my tail. Mm~ it’s as good as I remember, but so odd being from my tail. I gasped and shuddered as I felt my thick and long tail pulse and pump fluid that could only be cum into my unseen partner. “Don’t know, but it was awesome.” Shade said and patted Rarity’s head, the mare having been eating her out while her lower body, submerged in the pile of sexy women, humped against her other partner. Likely someone’s cleavage since she has had trouble finding girls willing to try her massive dick. “The Outworlder, mm, Wiatr. She’s a, mm, Goddess of Fertility, Sex and Commerce.” Dibella said between kisses with Neethsi. “She’s been very helpful, gave me tips, told me to expand my horizons.” Dibella smirked naughtily at us before Neethsi hissed in orgasm on her tail. “After all, farmers already pray to me for Fertile crops.” Oh boy... > Ch.37 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.37 [Sundas, 8th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Oof!” Brennie jolted awake from her womb getting a swift kick from within and she sighed before rubbing her sides. “Good morning to you too.” She huffed and sat up, her massive cum-filled-condom-stuffed womb filling most of the room as she wondered how they ended up like this two days in a row. Well, Twilight really knows how to worship a woman, Pandora is a horrid tease and she’s been really stressed out by all the political bullshit. Then she felt a presence wander into the room and it wasn’t mortal. “Who’s there?” Brennie demanded, looking around to find the source. With her belly taking up so much space, they didn’t have much room to hide in, but they still somehow evaded her sight. “Bersie, what is it? Why aren’t you letting us out?” Twilight projected to her with telepathy and Brennie subconsciously rubbed her belly protectively before her Navel Pearl, a requirement considering the situations her female form ends up in, flattened her womb into muscular abs and she stood warily. “There it is. You really do care.” A motherly voice that made Brennie instinctively calm down a good bit echoed in the room before a nearly-transparent woman who looked like...like her mom. Her original mom. The one who birthed her, raised her and-. “Don’t do that!” Brennie snarled, her hackles raised, her calm forgotten in favor of rage. How dare this woman bring back these feelings of sadness, loss and regret?! Now that she thought of it, her voice was-. “Change or leave now before I get violent!” “It pains me to see your Love has become Despair for your mother. I cannot change how I appear, for I am different to all who see me. I am Mara, Divine of Love. I cannot be here long, even with our strength building. Please, heed my words. Do not let your hate, your fear, your insecurity chase you away from Love. If not Romantic, then at least seek Platonic. My husband, Akatosh, warns me that if you do not, then we are doomed.” Mara warned before she faded. “Brennie? Your heart is pounding so hard it’s like a drum in here! Are you okay?” Twilight asked fearfully and Brennie rubbed her abs instinctively before she froze and clenched her fists. “Peachy. You need a day off, Twi.” Brennie huffed and willed herself to shrink down to her human form and put on her armor that was unisex and masked both her appearance and her voice. “Besides, you can leave the job to your Deputy Headmaster for a day. I’ll let your assistants know.” Brennie said as she left the private quarters of the captive headmistress. “O-okay? But...won’t you let me out?” Brennie patted her abdomen and left the room. “Brennie? Brennie?!” Unf! Yeah, kick as hard as you want~... “Pandora, get us out!” “Nope! Mistress Brennie wants us as her belly pets for the day, so we’re gonna stay! Not these condoms though, they’re taking up too much space.” Brennie sighed in a mixture of relief and disappointment when the extra weight and pressure of the cum-filled condoms left her. “Ugh! I’m gonna make you pay for this Brennie! I’m gonna pleasure you all day and drive you crazy!” That’s the plan, Purple Smart. Good luck...mm~... 📜 “We’re lucky none of us ended up pregnant.” Neethsi hissed in a mixture of anger and astonishment as we walked home. Damn that Displaced, we lost all of Loredas! Sure, it was to hedonistic orgies, but it was so overwhelming to the psyche that besides snippets of memory and faint sensations in my body, I can’t remember it! That sucks! At least thanks to Neethsi and Rarity working together, we weren’t making a ‘walk of shame’ home in the nude. “Considering how argonian receptiveness works and how ponies do, I’m not that surprised. The fact the visiting goddess had the restraint not to knock us all up though, that’s the surprising part.” I huffed in frustration. I would’ve liked to remember participating in a gigantic orgy! “If I ever meet Wiatr in person and don’t have my brain drip out my twat or tail, I’m gonna kick her in the jimmies!” Why do I feel like I just threatened myself? Oh shit, is she a version of me? “I’m mostly upset that my dresses were ruined.” Rarity huffed in frustration and I patted her back. She didn’t put much effort into those dresses because she said we’re all so beautiful that having more elaborate dresses would’ve taken away from our appearance, but it was the principle that mattered. “Well, whatever. We have all of today unless another deity decides to ruin it. It’s been a while since a daedric prince bothered you, hasn’t it?” Damn it Shade! Why did you have to tempt Murphy?! I warily looked around, waiting for a daedric quest to smash into me and drag me along the cobblestone street like a streamer. “Meen-Rei.” The voice of Sheogorath’s scottish/irish brogue echoed from a block of cheese on a fence post we were passing with that dark and moody tone he sometimes had. “Not now Merario. I am in no mood.” Neethsi snarled at the cheese, only for her to swap places with me without warning, leaving me right in front of the cheese. “Meen, I gotta tell ya, you’re really giving sanity a swift kick in the dangles. So much so, that I’m afraid the Isles have suffered a sudden influx of immigrants. I’m gonna have to ask ya to tone it down a bit.” What?! “I know! It’s such a sane request with an insane expectation! It’s maddening! How do you think I feel about this?! Haskill won’t stop passive-aggressively harping on me about it! My last jester’s entrails are decorating my throne room for the fifth time!” “I can’t control it! It’s not like I’m trying! How am I even doing that?! How is it my fault?!” I demanded angrily and Sheogorath sighed as if he was trying to explain something to a child! “The answer is simple. Don’t be you for at least a day. Can’t you be someone else, somewhere else? What do you mean mortals can’t do that Haskill? Of course she can! She’s not mortal! Well, she does have nice yams and hams, so being someone else would reduce the eye candy.” Sheogorath rambled and I snarled. “Why you little-!” I picked up the cheese and started strangling the Bart Simpson replica made of cheese. “I’ll teach you to peep on me!” The cheese-Bart gagged and choked as I exacted my righteous vengeance upon...a fucking piece of cheese shaped like Bart Simpson! “You asshole!” “Worth-*gag*-it!” Sheo gagged and then I stuffed the cheese-Bart into my mouth and ate it whole. Vengeance is delicious! “Ha! I told Haskill this would work!” ...Why am I speaking like Sheo?! “Now, we must swim into the sea, find the lost Dreugh city and find the Trident of Tides!” Get out of my body you-ah~! Don’t use me as a meat puppet~! “...Are we just going to let him possess and abduct her?” Shade asked Neethsi who sighed in defeat as Sheo sprinted my body away. Stop me~! “She’s a Hero, she’ll be fine. At best Sheo will just drive her a little insane. More than she already was apparently.” No~! Help! Stop me~! Wow this water is gross! 📜 “Is everything alright, General Berserker?” Miun-La questioned and Brennie paused with a wary look over at Miun-La. “Yes, everything is great.” Brennie spoke clearly through a male voice filter that masked her current voice with her normal one. Meanwhile, she was enduring, rather quite enjoying, Twilight frantically humping against her uterus walls while Pandora egged her on. This distraction from stress was making her wonder why she always harped on Wiatr and Urta for indulging in pleasure while on duty when they were perfectly able to be functional. “You just seem...more cheerful.” Miun-la clarified and Brennie furrowed her brows behind her visor. She knew she was acerbic, it was in her nature. Was she really such an asshole that doing something like this made an obvious difference in her demeanor? “I managed to get Twilight to take the day off since it’s Sundas. I think her stressing herself out was putting me on edge.” Brennie felt Twilight pause in her pleasure-providing and gently rub the inside of her uterus instead. This made her feel...nice. Not pleasurable, but really nice. Then she moved up the walls of her womb and-. “Mm.” “What was that?” Miun-La asked as Brennie fought to maintain her composure when Twilight and Pandora rubbed and stimulated the entrances to her fallopian tubes. It was like having two vaginas further inside of her getting fingered and ate-out and-. “N-nothing. Continue as you are.” Brennie escaped the observant commander’s gaze and left the office to inspect the soldiers as they trained with the muskets and the new tactics involved with them. They haven’t had the new weapons long, but the former crossbowmen were quick to adapt to their guns. The archers were slightly slower. The rest worked around their new musketeer tactics flawlessly, like an oiled machine. “Could you please not?” “Let us out~.” Twilight cooed and Brennie clenched her fists, standing stock still as she bit her lip and came where she stood on the edge of the practice field. Her pussy drenched the groin of her armor, forcing it to, for the first time ever, to initiate self-cleaning for sexual fluids. Today was a day for firsts it seems. “I wonder, if I fuck these holes with my condom-coated cock, will you cave?” Oh fuck no, but fuck yes. “Challenge accepted. You’re not getting out.” Brennie huffed and didn’t react to how her whisper drew the ears of nearby dunmer. Right, the ears aren’t for show, she’d better keep quiet. “I know you can withstand it, Mistress!” Pandora encouraged her, but Brennie had to use her Armorlock, because the moment Twilight began feeding her dick into one of her tubes, her lower body turned to jelly. She barely managed to mute her sealed armor’s speaker before she screamed in rapture and orgasmed so damn hard she was seeing stars. Why did she avoid this for so long~?! “Fight hard, Mistress!” “Unf, come on. Give in. I’m taking a big risk here. These magic condoms are incredible, but I am fucking one of your fallopian tubes, Bersie.” Twilight goaded as she fucked Brennie stupid in the open. Her armor stayed stock still, nobody could hear her screaming her throat raw and her crotch was flooding with her juices, the self-cleaning system dutifully processing it. “Doesn’t the general give off an impressive aura?” One of the nearby nords whispered, fairly poorly due to needing to speak up so his companion could hear him over the shouting and yelling going on in the practice field. “Aye, he looks like a veteran watching his soldiers like a good commander does.” The other added on. The deception somehow made Brennie get off harder and she thrashed against her armor, her strength almost overwhelming it, but it was made for her with her strength and powers in mind, so it held and prevented her from embarrassing herself. However, she couldn’t give a flying fuck what they thought right now! She was having some of the best sex in her life! “Unf, can’t hold on~!” Twilight keened into her mind and Brennie blacked out when she felt Twilight cum directly into something that was never meant to be directly ‘interfaced’ with. However, instead of pain, her body tried to dump her melted brain through her body and out her cunt along with all of the feminine lube she’d liberally ejaculated into her armor. “Uh...hey, are these things supposed to get stuck on the penis?” Ahn~! D-don’t pull~! “Don’t lose now, Mistress! She’s almost lost!” Pandora supportively declared, but that didn’t matter when Twilight’s dick was stuck in the condom from how tightly Brennie’s tube was clenching on it, keeping the cum-stuffed condom inside her and inflating towards her ovary. “Oh fuck~!” Brennie shrieked in her silenced helmet, suddenly fantasizing about the condom somehow bursting, Twilight’s sperm seeking her defenseless eggs and giving her more beautiful children~! N-no! No! She can’t! She needs to get her brain out of her ovaries! “Twi. S-stahp~.” Brennie weakly pleaded half-heartedly due to how fucked-out she was along with wanting her sudden fantasy to possibly come true. How long had it been since she had kids? Decades? “It won’t pull out!” Twilight yelped before she gave her cock a hard pull back. “Oh, fuck~!” The alicorn moaned as she blasted another load into the already cum-filled condom. “You can beat her, Mistress!” Pandora cheered on instead of intervening. “Shit, Twi~.” Brennie panted and convulsed, her eyes rolling back in her head as she orgasmed repeatedly and couldn’t hear anything past her whorish moans or heartbeat. “Gunna git preggers~.” Brennie slurred as she drooled, her brain gone as she waited for Twilight to finish. “Uh, oops. I think you may have broken Mistress.” Pandora uneasily said as Brennie was on the verge of unconsciousness. When was the last time she was fucked unconscious? She couldn’t remember. “I’m trying to-!” The sudden removal of Twilight’s dick from her tube made Brennie black out for a brief moment. “Shit! Fuck! Help me pull the condom out-no, no, no~! Don’t tear!” Yay~...Brennie passed out. 📜 I emerged from the ocean on a pillar of water that somehow clung to my hips. “I am the prettiest mermaid!” Sheo shouted with my voice. Holy fuck, I’m so glad I survived! The Dreugh were not happy! Damn it Sheo, why did you use me to steal one of their holy relics?! “Because there’s too much water!” How does having an ocean-controlling trident help with that?! “You’ll see! If Azura’s not talking out of her perfectly sculpted arse, you’ll have use of this when you go with Neethsi to other lands in the west.” What does-nevermind. There are too many situations such an artifact would be useful out west. There’s the Sloads, the Maormer, the sunken islands of Yokuda, the enemy navies. Yikes. This trident could be an overpowered artifact! “Now you see! A bit at least, you’re thinking too small! You’ll find out, apparently. I had to get hands-on with you missy, because you’re too comfortable with your mundane lifestyle in spite of the grand adventure looming on the horizon! Try to be more adventurous!” Suddenly, I had control of my body back and I yelped when the pillar dropped out from under me. I only avoided slapping into the water like a dead fish because the Trident made me an incredible swimmer. Which is good, because I had to swim like hell to escape the pissed-off crab-squid people trying to kill me! 📜 Brennie came to, still standing on the edge of the training field with a unicorn healer waving his magic-coated hands over her armor. “I sense he’s awake. Are you alright now?” “Huh?” Brennie tried to move, but her armor resisted her. Right. Armorlock. Why does she feel so satisfied, but exhausted? With a mental command, the armor unlocked and she staggered, almost falling on her face. “I’m up! I’m up...when did I get here?” Brennie grumbled as she turned her gaze around at the empty training field. “Over an hour ago, sir. What happened? You were watching the troops, but you weren’t responding to anyone and all attempts to move you failed.” Golnis questioned in concern. “Ugh. Blame that fucking crazy god, Sheo. He tried to hijack my body for his amusement, but the suit’s armor lock failsafe kicked in.” Brennie lied on the spot, which Golnis thankfully bought. “Damned daedra! Well, at least you managed to fight off the fetcher and kept yourself from harming anyone. Thankfully Healing Hands here is a cleric of Mara. You should be safe from-.” “Hey, don’t slander me!” Yelled a mini version of Brennie. “By Oblivion, I love this sundered state, I don’t have to worry about Dragonfires! Though not like I did before.” Golnis immediately blasted the tiny mockery with a firebolt, banishing the bothersome daedra. “Good. Well...I’m off to go see how Twi’s day went.” Brennie, with help from the armor, walked off the field and in the direction of the university from the barracks. Once near an alcove, she ducked into it and stumbled to lean against it and moaned. “What the fuck, girls? What happened to turn my legs into rubber? The last thing I remember was talking to Miun-La.” “Hey! Hi! Um..uh...so...how mad would you be if I got you pregnant?” Twilight meekly asked, clearly terrified. “...Twilight, the real question is; how terrified are you, knowing you’re going to become a parent? Also, no, not mad.” Brennie said as she rubbed her armor’s abdomen. Shit. She wasn’t upset...actually she was happy. It’d been a long time since she had kids. However, this meant things just got more complicated. “Absolutely fucking scared out of my mind! I can’t even handle myself! How will I be able to take care of children?!” Twilight demanded frantically, but the movement in her womb told Brennie that Pandora was cuddling the mare and petting her mane. “I’m so sorry!” “Don’t be. It’s half my fault too for egging you on. Well, nothing for it. I’m going back to your room, get back to work.” Brennie huffed and continued onward to LUM. “S-seriously? I just knocked you up and you want me to keep going?” Twilight asked in bafflement and Brennie snorted with a slap on her armor’s stomach. “Twi, my life is all kinds of freaky. Ever since I married Wiatr, hell, before then, sex and pregnancy was just a part of life. You already directly injected your seed into one of my tubes, so I’m definitely going to end up really pregnant. You might as well finish the job.” Brennie cooed and rubbed her armor’s stomach, not caring if anyone saw right now. “Oh! If you want to be pregnant, Mistress, I can be pregnant too! I would like to experience it!” Pandora excitedly declared and Brennie growled hungrily. None of her wives have had kids for decades either. She could go for some hot preggo sex to sate the breeding fetish Wiatr sparked in her early on in their relationship. “...You know what? I might as well get pregnant too at this rate! Ugh...fine. All this talk about it has me harder than steel already. I’ll wait until you get to my room though, Bersie. It was bad enough I fucked you in broad daylight, let alone in front of your soldiers.” Twilight huffed and Berserker hurried back to the university with a sprint that would have outpaced cars. She didn’t slow down at the campus either, rushing to Twilight’s room and locking the door. “Do it!” Brennie demanded and went to the bed before banishing her armor, leaving her nude and flopping bonelessly on the downy mattress because her legs were still too weak to hold her up. She managed to roll over and groped her heaving basketball breasts when she felt it. Brennie stuffed a nipple into her mouth to silent her scream when Twilight, bareback, penetrated her other tube. “Alright, unf, you asked for it!” The rest of the day went like this and Brennie just wished it was one of her wives doing it. Well, technically, it was. > Ch.38 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.38 [Sundas, 8th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “I have no idea whose artifact this could be.” Neethsi mumbled as she looked over the aqua green trident that looked like it was made for one of the humanoid races, not the crustaceous Dreugh. “However, it is a nearly unparalleled conduit for Alteration magic focusing entirely on water manipulation. Why would Sheogorath help you obtain such a powerful tool?” “He mentioned Azura and its usefulness when I go with you to the west.” I informed her as I sat down at the table with a bottle of dunmer booze called Flin and the most potent bottle of restore magicka that Mellow had in stock. Freda was in his office assisting him when I went to get the potion. Those two are just precious together! “So we’re still doing field work. Great. I’m getting a bit cooped-up in here.” Shade said as she checked the writ for the next order. “Well, at least the next one is simpler than the muskets and Neethsi is done with the Wayshrines. We’re going to be mass-producing those cool-down covers with Rarity. I wish she didn’t have to rush to her store instead of sticking around.” “She owns a business, she needs to operate it. Besides, all four of us will be working together for a couple of days starting tomorrow. We’ll have plenty of time spent together.” I said to my sister before I started mixing the Flin and potion together. It’s been a long day, I need a drink! 📜 [Morndas, 9th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] Brennie jolted awake from the familiar sensation of a swift kick in her womb. She smiled and ran her hands over her abs before she got up and stretched. “Good morning, girls.” Brennie said as she walked to the ensuite bathroom and checked herself in the mirror. Her human female form was a rarity to her. When she went female, she was often anthro for it. Seeing the beautiful human woman in the mirror was both refreshing and a novelty. “Good morning. Could you please let us out? Or at least me, since Pandora is practically a condom full of my cum? I’m still wondering how all this magic is being passively worked by your body. There is no way I naturally produce this much semen and sperm or no way Pandora could naturally turn into a living bladder like those condoms.” Twilight requested and rambled a bit like the intelligent spaz Brennie had married. “Yeah, sure. I want to tell you who visited yesterday.” Brennie growled as she pushed Twilight from her vagina. Even at her normal 6-foot stature, her body, imbued with all sorts of magic, allowed the adult mare to be squeezed out of Brennie’s birth canal with ease. Twilight coughed up the fluid in her lungs and weakly stood on her hooves with help from the human woman. “Eugh...who? I remember Sheogorath poking fun at you.” Twilight leaned in and kissed Brennie on the lips before she flinched away. “Sorry.” Brennie rolled her eyes and pulled Twilight in for a proper good morning kiss that docked their breasts and made the mare’s wings flutter. Her huge horsecock slapped up against Brennie’s still-wet pussy and the mare blushed. “Don’t be. Yesterday, in the morning, Mara had the gall to come see me.” Brennie snarled in anger, remembering how the goddess appeared before her as her mother. “If that isn’t bad enough, I felt my wife visit on Loredas, so both of those urged me to act on your feelings.” “Huh? Wouldn’t your wife make you want to avoid indulging my emotions?” Twilight asked in confusion, but Brennie scoffed as she led the alicorn to the tub and she ran the water as they climbed in together. Twilight stammered when Brennie sat in her lap and let her dick be sandwiched by her ass as she leaned back, encouraging Twilight to wrap her hands around her waist. “You don’t know my wives. Shameless sex fiends, the lot of them. I love them both for it and in spite of it. Wiatr just happens to be the worst offender on both parts. Just her presence must’ve sparked a gigantic orgy wherever she appeared in town.” Brennie informed her new lover and reached for some soap and the bathing brush. “Gah, help me!” Hermias yelped as she splashed out of the water with her pussy leaking seed. “He just won’t stop!” The non-native Chaos Noodle yelped when a claw grabbed her tail and pulled her through a portal. “Save me~!” Hermais wailed until she was dragged to her cummy doom. Huh, on this end of the scenario, Brennie found it hilarious! “Hah! Karma’s a bitch! Hey, Dizzy, come join us!” Brennie called out. “Sorry! I’m enjoying this beauty until I’m satisfied and I have untold thousands of years of sexual frustration to work out!” Discord replied and the sound of Hermais orgasming made Twilight’s dick throb against Brennie’s back. “Stop! Please! I’m already gonna have so many noodles!” Twilight groaned and rubbed Brennie’s tummy. “Well, you should’ve considered that when you decided to step in and trample all over this realm’s system of deities and became my replacement! Now shut up and stop pretending!” Discord huffed and Brennie entwined her fingers with Twilight’s over her lower abs. “No~!” Hermais wailed and then keened in orgasm before their echoey voices faded away. “I-isn’t that rape by this point?” Twilight asked worriedly, but Brennie shook her head and reached a foot out of the hot water to turn off the facet. “No. If Hermais actually wanted to get away, she’d just pop back home. She’s just enjoying the act.” Brennie assured her lover before she lathered suds on the brush and began cleaning up. “How powerful is she?” Twilight asked as she summoned another brush and soap bar. “She can breach other realms at will for knowledge and walk in your mind for all you know.” Brennie provided as examples. “I think that’s how Hermais explained her magic door.” “So where are they then?” Pandora asked before a feathery tail poked out of Twilight’s ear. “Wherever they want to be. Chaos Noodles go wherever and whenever they want for whatever they do regardless of whyever.” Brennie dismissed as she soaped up her breasts and shifted back, causing Twilight to groan as her cock hotdogged her lover’s ass. “Now get scrubbing.” 📜 “So, where are we?” I questioned as we walked in the wilderness of black marsh because Neethsi dragged us out here during our lunch. We’d already done a third of the commission already too, so we were gonna take the rest of the day slow or off anyway. “You wanted new armor. Well we have to gather materials properly if you’re going to learn anything. Also, with a third of the writ done, I figure it’d be nice to spend the rest of today out of the workshop.” Neethsi said to us, the beautiful woman looking back at us and then past Shade and I to Rarity. “You don’t need to head into the wilderness with us, dear.” “Hmph! I may be a lady and prefer city life, but here in Black Marsh, every citizen worth their upkeep knows how to survive. I’ve taken a preventative potion and have other curatives on hand. Don’t worry about me.” Rarity insisted with a pat of her crossbow for further emphasis. She wasn’t a trained warrior, but she once went adventuring with her friends, so she knew how to shoot. “Besides...I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Before you leave.” “We do too.” I said as I gave Rarity a side-hug as we walked deeper into the swamp. “Also, did you make your outfit yourself?” It makes mine look like a cobbled mess! 📜 “So, you’re a woman now?” Birnil asked uneasily and Berserker nodded at her commanders with her helmet off so they could see her face and understand that the feminine variant of her armor wasn’t a deception. It also helped hide that both this and her usual armor could fit nearly any body type regardless of outward appearance and would keep them from realizing what happened out on the training field yesterday. “Yes, but I’m pinning the fucking blame on Mara. Even if she has a point.” Brennie huffed indignantly. “She came to me with a warning that if I don’t do this or that, we’re all fucked.” “Goodness, the Handmaiden of Kyne came to you personally? By the Nine, who did she say you need to wed?” Birnir asked worriedly while Golnis uncomfortably stayed silent and Miun-La leered at her suspiciously. Hm, it seems Miun-La may need more convincing to believe her deception. “Miun-La, do I have to fucking beat you within a inch of your life, just to get you to trust me?” Brennie threatened the guard captain and his suspicious look turned into one of horrid realization that this was the real deal. “I thought so.” “Sheesh, couldn’t you have gone with that talk we had some time ago? You know, after you exposed the assassin sent to spy on you?” Miun-La held up his hands in defense. The General was a lot more fierce as a female or maybe that was always him? Her? This was confusing, but argonians naturally went through gender changes, so he was having an easier time than the others. “I could, but it’s fucking you.” Brennie remarked and Miun-La hung his head in defeat. There was no way to argue against that. “Also, wedding? Birnil, what are you talking about?” “Mara is the Divine of Love. She usually guides new lovers together and encourages them to join in the union of marriage. If not that, then at the least encourages friendship. I doubt she’d have bothered you so thoroughly to tell you to make nice.” Birnil reasoned and ran a hand down his face. “However, this is the first time I’ve heard that she encouraged someone to change their very gender for it.” “Okay, let me ask all of you this; how old do you think I am?” It was a rather random question. “That’s not fair. Birnil is the only one who can give a proper guess.” Golnis huffed and gestured to the human of their triumvirate of command. “You don’t look past two decades lass. I’m in my thirties, but even so I can tell your appearance is a deception. You feel older than most elves I’ve met.” Birnil observantly stated and Golnis was able to look at her with more consideration of her question. “Gosh. You feel like one of those damned ancient Telvanni wizards now that I know to look. I know you’re an Outworlder, but how old do humans live to be before age takes them where you’re from?” Golnis questioned in curiosity and Brennie was now forced to consider that, because humans were a thing due to her and her family’s influence. “I’m not considered a human anymore, but the average human where I’m from lives a couple of centuries if they don’t have anything done to them. I’m over 17,000 years old. I stopped counting centuries, so I only count by millennia after I passed 10,000. I’m older than this world currently is.” Brennie informed them with annoyance and the commanders gawked. “...Well. Looking damn fine for yer age, lass.” Bilnir commented and she rolled her eyes. “That said, who did Mara set ya up with?” Ugh, he’s still on that? Wow he rebounded quickly. “...Twilight.” Now that she thought about it, Bilnir might have been onto something. During her time with the Alicorn, Brennie has seen how much of an impact she had on her life. “Huh, you might be right. Twilight was having difficulty trying to move past her previous relationship, so I helped her in a sense. In return, she helped me as well.” She could imagine Runner giving her so much grief over this. Her sister was perhaps the most healthy of her family in terms of self-awareness. The irony stung, considering that her sister was the nutty one. “Many blessings on your courtship.” Golnis smirked and Miun-La chuffed. “About time. That mare’s constant distractions from trying to find a mate has been a complaint from my female guards aside from her friends Rainbow and Fluttershy. They didn’t like how she seemed to undress them with her eyes. Hopefully with you satiating her carnal desires, those rude eyes of her’s will be too busy with you.” Miun-La huffed and then led the commanders out, causing Brennie to blink. “Hey, wait! We haven’t discussed any business!” Brennie shouted after them. “There’s nothing to discuss right now. Go bother Twilight, ma’am. When things change, we’ll let you know.” Bilnir replied and Brennie was left alone in the office, wondering what to do with herself. Well, for all of five seconds. She put her helmet on and went back to the university. “Yep. ‘Go bother Twilight’, as he proposed.” Brennie snorted and licked her lips as her hips swayed a bit more than necessary at the anticipation, before she huffed and returned to her normal strut. Damn, she really did need this sort of adventure. “And a belly pet!” Her semi-permanent womb-pleaser Pandora chimed in, reminding her that the constant fullness and minor pleasure she felt was from having a spherical cum-filled draconequus in her uterus. Maybe she could convince Twilight to spend even more time inside of her... 📜 [Middas, 11th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Done~!” I cheered and did a dance with Rarity and Shade while Neethsi packed the last of the cooling-covers into a canvas bundle with rope, her own tail wiggling happily like mine and Shade’s were at a job well done. “If we didn’t have to learn the spell matrices that Berserker provided, we could’ve finished this yesterday!” “Which means what though?” Shade asked as we finished our minor celebration. “To me, that means we might be able to go with Neethsi for whatever quest is next, but also that Rarity is gonna be lonely.” Shade looked at our unicorn lover sadly and the beautiful mare wilted. “I’ll be fine. So long as you come back, I’ll survive.” Rarity insisted and hugged Shade, then me, then Neethsi when she approached. She’d stayed female this whole time and the wild sex we’d been having every night together was incredible. Nothing mind-blowing though. We weren’t letting ourselves go all-out because we knew someone would get pregnant if we did. Which was hard after discovering Shade and I had tail-dicks. Which excited Neethsi to no end and now she gave herself a tail-dick! Rarity even almost convinced us to all fuck her at once in every hole, but we vetoed that for safety reasons. Gosh it was so hard not to try and make eggs or foals when you’re madly in love with someone! “Finally!” Hermais groaned after she appeared in the doorway, rubbing her flat abs and staggering towards the bathroom. “I’ll need to thank Eris for the tap-out.” “Alls go-Uh, hello Discord. I sense another Time deity and-oh fuck double team, I’m game!” The serpent snake getting fucked by Discord chuckled before a large golden Wyrm mounted her with a huffing Discord plowing her pussy. Then the doorway turned back to normal. “Was that Akatosh?” Rarity asked tiredly, having become inured to the nonsense that was attracted to us. “I think so, why would he appear for them?” Neethsi asked Hermais curiously. “My triplet sister is a spirit of Chaotic Time. He’s a God of Time and Dragons right?” Hermais said before she bloated into a ball that filled the workshop floor and squished against the floor and ceiling while her yoga-ball tits squirted milk and what I could only assume to be cum as she moaned. “I’m Chaotic Mind and Knowledge. Fuck, I’m so tired~! I can’t even maintain my Navel Pearl’s ambient magic feed~!” “Oh~ did someone say Chaotic Minds?” The voice of Sheogorath called from the poster nearby as the words formed into the madgod’s face. “Perhaps you could do with a vacation in the Shivering Isles? Discord and I are old friends or rather the me before me was. I forget which is who. Either way, I think you’d like it here. Come, stay, for a visit...or eternity.” “I got a home already buddy.” Hermais cooed as she used her hands to pat her body. “Fuck. I’m so full, I’ve gotta have hundreds of noodles growing in me. Mom is gonna be so annoyed yet happy about this.” “Um, Meen-Rei? Rei~.” Neethsi waved her hands in front of my eyes, but I was too busy drooling from three places at the gigantic living balloon full of cum and babies taking up most of the space in our workshop. I wanted to fuck her so bad! “Perhaps you’d best leave before Rei takes advantage of your immobility to add to your burden.” “I would...but I can’t. I was gonna relax in the bath, but I can’t leave this realm on my own right now. I’m not kidding, Dizzy fucked me so long, so hard and so much that I’ve got nothing left in me.” Hermais mewled and her body creaked as it lurched a bit. “Oof! Don’t worry, just a fetus forming. I’m infinitely elastic...but this room isn’t.” “Ah…” I slurped up the drool dripping from my lips into my cleavage, my pussy was drenching my panties and trailing down my legs, while the tip of my long, thick lizard tail was dripping pre on the floor. “C-can I please?” I pleaded, I’m not sure to whom, but the embodiment of all of my fetishes was right in front of me. I knew I loved being pregnant before, I knew I loved getting pumped full, but to realize I wanted to be like this object of my desires was making my brain die. “No. Help me remove her.” Neethsi hooked her arms under my armpits and lifted me up while Rarity and Shade grabbed my legs. I struggled and even transformed, this time into my werecrocodile form for the first time to try to break free, but Neethsi’s strength and Shade turning atronach prevented me from escaping. “*Hiss~!*” I snarled impotently through my elongated jaw’s teeth and looked upon the idol of my desires forlornly as I was carried off. “Sorry Rei. You should try to avoid this. You’re a lot like my mom, so I know if you cave then you’ll probably end up unable to do what you need to due to sexcapades and fetishes completely overwriting your priorities.” Hermais warned me and I went limp in the arms of my captors. Once the door was shut and sealed by Neethsi, I was let go and I pouted with my arms crossed. “No were-creature should be able to look this cute.” Rarity commented and petted my head, which made me purr and I nuzzled her hand as she stroked my scalp. Since I was so much taller than her right now, being about as big as Neethsi’s male form, I had to bend over a good bit so she could pet me. “Huh. Dibella wasn’t kidding. Even though sis is currently a daedric monster, she isn’t at all gross.” Shade commented and I preened at this fact. “Heh, she’s a lot more sure of herself like this though.” “We can talk about that later. First: why does she have a bosom? My beast form doesn’t!” Neethsi complained and I hefted my massive tits tauntingly at her with a crocodilian grin. > Ch.39 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.39 [Turdas, 12th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “You’re fidgeting.” Twilight said from behind Brennie as the DOOM Marine sat at her desk and the Alicorn rubbed the woman’s shoulders. “Am not.” Brennie huffed defensively, but didn’t shy away from the gentle hands massaging her neck and shoulders, even running fingers through her hair, which while short, was still long enough to go down to her shoulders in her human form when she wasn’t in ‘war mode’. “I think I’ve gotten to know you well enough to know when you’re worried.” Twilight pressed her bosom to the back of Brennie’s head and kissed the top of her head. “Sorry if I wish someone mentioned they’d be leaving Lilmoth today.” Brennie grumbled and looked over the official deployment notice for Neethsi, Meen-Rei and Shade. “Those two are not warriors. They’re plucky and lucky at best.” “You’d be surprised what giving someone a chance beyond their comfort zone could result in. They may just impress you.” Twilight pulled Brennie’s chair back and she froze when Twilight straddled her lap and pressed her chest under her chin to look down into her eyes. “H-hey...isn’t it the middle of a workday?” Brennie asked nervously, but didn’t protest when Twilight kissed her, so she moved her hands to Twilight’s ass and gave it a squeeze. “Mm, hey now, don’t start something we don’t have time for. Besides, why are you here?” “To see you. My excuse is that you forgot your sword.” Twilight purred and shimmied back a bit. “I have my-oh!” Brennie blushed down at the huge purple horsecock now aiming at her face and pressed against her torso and into her cleavage to do so. “N-nice sword.” Brennie nervously chuckled until Twilight tweaked her nipples. “Unf, fucking damn girl…” “Go for the urethra Mistress!” Cheered Brennie’s belly pet and Brennie grinned before doing so. 📜 “I really wish you had mentioned where we were going.” I gulped nervously as we snuck out of the hidden cave where the Wayshrine of Stros M’Kai resided. “Isn’t this Dominion territory?” I whispered uneasily while Neethsi locked the stone door that matched the underside of the cliff. “It is.” Neethsi quietly hissed in return, remaining female for some reason. “Now, we need to get to the water and-.” Neethsi snarled and clutched her head before she fell to her knees. Shade and I were about to help her up when she suddenly began brightly emitting gold and silver light, rising to hover above the ground with arms outstretched, one holding a moon, the other a star. “I, Azura, reach out to you through Nerevarine. To foil the Thalmor, you must swim with all haste Northwest! To Yokuda! With the Trident of Tides you will make the journey, with Neethsi’s prowess you will raise Yokuda and it’s Orichalc Tower back to where they belong!” Azura declared through my beloved Neethsi, before she was dropped back to the ground without ceremony and I joined Shade in helping her up. “Neethsi! Are you okay?!” Shade hissed and we warily looked around, desperate that nobody saw the gratuitous lightshow. “That bitch! Will I ever be free of her?” Neethsi growled as she wobbled on her feet. “So, our mission just got ruined, but we’ll shore up Mundus further by raising the Orichalc tower once more. We’d better let Hammerfell know that their ancestral home will be back and available for resettlement.” Neethsi snarled and Shade looked between us warily. “Um...I remember the orders. They’re fairly simple. I think I can manage it alone since I’ll be linking up with Jeelius as well as the local resistance cell.” Shade volunteered and I was going to object, but Neethsi held up a hand to me. “Rei. She’s not a child. Not anymore, either in body or spirit.” She’s still my-! “Rei.” Neethsi’s stern gaze frustrated me, but fine. I hugged Shade and she took the proof of her allegiance from Neethsi before scurrying into the water and disappearing. There she goes. “I’m not happy about this either. I’m going to have to work my magic at its most powerful and risk my physical body for this. Besides, this isn’t the best place to set out for where Yokuda once was.” “It isn’t?” I’m not a master of Elder Scrolls lore or geography, but I thought Stros M’Kai was well situated off the west coast of Tamriel. “No. Back inside.” Neethsi led me back into the Wayshrine. The one we came out of was in another cave and the exit in a much nicer location. I took a deep breath of the cool, moist air of the misty mountain shore. “Don’t get comfortable. High Rock is a lovely province by its weather, but it is just as dangerous as anywhere else. We’ll head directly west from here.” Neethsi pointed out to sea, where I could see several ships sailing. “That’s a lot of ships. Where is this in High Rock?” I felt a bit chilly actually. Not as bad as Skyrim, but much colder than I was used to after a month in Black Marsh. This was summer? Gosh, it feels like late spring or early autumn in a temperate climate. “This is the Daggerfall Wayshrine. Around the shore and up the cliff is the fortress city of Daggerfall. I’m afraid it’s fallen to the Dominion just as Stros M’Kai has, so we’ll need to dive immediately.” Neethsi reached into my satchel and retrieved the Trident of Tides. “You swim, I’ll keep our heading.” “Okay.” I nodded and we hurried into the-cold! Brr! I jumped back out of the water and shivered until Neethsi sighed and cast a spell at me that warmed me up and then did the same for herself. “Thanks Neethsi.” I approached the water and squeaked when Neethsi grabbed my tail. “W-what are you doing? This isn’t a good time!” I chastised her and she blinked in confusion. “How else am I going to-oh! Right. The...tail phallus.” Neethsi flushed hotly and cleared her throat. “I’m afraid if you’re going to be swimming with the boost provided by the Trident, I won’t be able to hold on to you without getting in the way otherwise. I’ll be producing plenty of drag already.” Neethsi shrunk down her bust and I did the same for myself. Thank gosh we’re still wearing nondescript ragged robes for the intent of appearing to be wretches working the docks. There were no ‘slaves’ in the Dominion, but there were ‘servants’ and ‘volunteers’. Anyway, I gulped and tried not to focus on how good it felt to have Neethsi gripping my tail and waded into the water before diving with an obscene ease beyond even what an argonian can naturally muster. The Trident removed all resistance and gave the wielder full free movement underwater. On top of giving macro-hydrokinesis of godlike potency. The Dreugh are pissed at it’s theft. Anyway, I began swimming directly west with Neethsi poking my ass to let me know when to veer slightly to stay on course. Thank gosh for her incredible sense of direction. 📜 She was nervous. So nervous. She clutched the pendant under her robe desperately, looking like a terrified wretch to the point the elves scoffed and ignored her while others assuming the facade for what it seemed and in similar straits looked upon her with pity, but left her be as she meekly walked through the streets of Port Hunding. She saw the Temple of Arkay and hurried to it. While it wasn’t good to see anyone rushing, the sight of someone clearly distraught running for the temple dedicated to the Divine of Life and Death let them draw incorrect conclusions. After entering the doors, she meekly skulked through the nave, past devout worshipers praying on this day for their own reasons to approach the priest. “What brings you to the house of Arkay my child?” The raspy voice of the priest questioned and she silently held out a pendant to him. “Ah, I am sorry. Come, I shall perform the final rights.” He took the pendant and led her to the doors leading down into the temple undercroft. After leading her through the burial urns and caskets, he pulled on a candle sconce to reveal a hidden passage. Through it, they came to a rather homey living space. “You are with the Pact?” “Yes. I’m Shade. I’m afraid Neethsi and Meen-Rei got an emergency Daedric Quest to raise Yokuda from the sea.” Shade informed the priest and he chuckled with a shake of his head. “Neethsi, poor abused Neethsi. Well, either way I can smell that you’re of our clan. Welcome to our humble little family. This will be your safehouse. Use it during the day to sleep and prepare. Our operations are only at night. I hope you aren’t squeamish.” The argonian priest, utterly unassuming otherwise, gave a dark toothy grin and left Shade alone in the room to shudder. Sis was right without having met him. Jeelius was spooky. 📜 “Ah! Twilight! Twi~!” Brennie wailed as she was properly getting fucked by Twilight for the first time. No unbirthing, no foreplay, just straight-up sex. Twilight’s throbbing tumescence thrust through her sodden quim with gyrating motions that stirred her up so hard it was bouncing Pandora around in her dimensionally expanded womb. “I fucking love hearing you scream my name Brennie~!” Twilight declared as she put Brennie in a mating press and fucked her so hard and deep her massive marecock would’ve been bumping into her ribcage if not for the woman’s magically altered body. “If I didn’t already, I’m going to knock you up so hard you’ll be stuck in a room like Hermais is in the workshop!” “Guh~!” Brennie bellowed like a beast as she orgasmed so hard her vision turned black. The convulsing of her cunt was rewarded by Twilight neighing and starting to pump her womb with her hot seed. “Uhn~!” “My, hnng, gods Brennie! You have such a fucking hot O-face!” Twilight growled and continued filling the woman she’d so quickly become physically and emotionally dependent upon. Eventually she stopped her unnaturally long orgasm and weakly sat up enough for Brennie’s legs to fall open into splits instead of being pressed up towards her shoulders. “Oh~...you do this to me, you know? I can’t stand not cumming several times a day ever since you put me inside of you.” “Ugh, fuck~. I think I spoiled us.” Berserker panted for breath as she looked towards Twilight’s male genitals still buried in her snatch. “You’re...definitely a lot bigger than before too.” “I think, the more time I spend inside of you, the more I’m altered. Is it something local to you or something to do with your wives?” Twilight asked as she leaned forward and kneaded Brennie’s massive tits. The woman moaned and panted as Twilight massaged her mams the way she knew drove her crazy, especially with her thimble-sized nips pinched between fingers. “My wife’s doing. Has to be. They blessed me with their gifts. This bunny rune on my lower abs and on my balls when I have them aren’t just for show.” Brennie said as she got rapidly heated up for another go. “Mm~! You’re not soft yet. Get back to work.” “Yes ma’am!” Twilight chirped and began thrusting into her mate again. “Oh~ so many cummies~! Keep her filling you Mistress!” Pandora encouraged her as she bounced around in the womb and likely was drinking up Twi’s ejaculate. Fuck, Brennie wished she thought of having a belly pet sooner! “S-save some of that for the babies~!” Brennie told Pandora, which only drove Twilight to fuck her harder, the alicorn’s basketball sized balls smacking against her ass. “Fuck~! I’m gonna be stuck inside your room for a while~!” Which was just fine! Because Brennie hasn’t been in her own quarters in nearly a week since they really started fucking! “Aw, but you’re already pregnant.” Pandora whined, but Brennie didn’t care! She was sure she could get even more pregnant and wanted it more than anything! “Brennie~!” Twilight neighed again and kept thrusting even though she was cumming and the human woman’s eyes crossed and her tongue hung out in an ahegao as she orgasmed so hard she almost started pulling Twilight into her vagina instead of just milking her maremeat. “Ma’am-uh, I’ll be back.” Cobalt almost retreated, but Twilight nabbed him in her magic, zapped his head, then teleported him away. “Updates on the thaumic field of the region. Nothing critical.” Twilight panted and pulled out, some extra cum pumping out across Brennie’s body before Twilight finally finished and went flaccid with a relieved sigh. “Ugh! Does no one here ever fucking knock?!” Brennie growled before Twilight shoved her balls into her face. “Mh! Mm~.” She grabbed those heaving cum factories and sucked and licked them. Twilight’s musk was so potent she thought she might cum just from the scent~! “Before I met you, I was pretty much a virgin, Brennie. Now, I’m done cumming, but my balls are aching, please make them feel better.” Twilight groaned and Brennie got to worshiping the sperm spheres that were giving her babies~. “Hm~ love you~.” Brennie murmured as she nuzzled her face into those churning cum factories that were gurgling with more baby batter just for her. “Marry me~?” “Oh, fuck, yes~! I love you, too~!” Twilight declared since she was already planning on their wedding date and honeymoon getaway. 📜 [Fredas, 13th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] I idly considered that it was Friday the 13th today, but it’s Fredas here, so hopefully Jason Voorheeze doesn’t exist. Mm~! I sucked down my magicka-infused meal provided by Neethsi’s tail as we floated in the abyss of the seas between High Rock and the lost continent of Yokuda. She did the same with my own tail and I shuddered as I came down her throat. A masked sea-serpent person shot past us chasing after a blue elf with a machete. The snake cut the elf in two, but he turned to water and reformed a mile away. Whatever. So long as it doesn’t bother us. I reluctantly ceased sucking on Neethsi’s tail-penis when she stopped sucking mine. She positioned herself on my tail and used my ass to guide me again. Today was as uneventful as yesterday once we entered the sea, but soon Neethsi began urgently gripping my thighs instead, guiding me to dive deeper into the dark abyss. It didn’t frighten me as much as it would have otherwise. I had Neethsi and the Trident of Tides. No entity in this ocean could endanger me with these two things on my side. Neethsi suddenly pulled herself upright with her arms wrapped around my legs, so I did a full stop. She grabbed the trident with me and led me forward until she cast a light sp-great googly moogly! I almost ran snout-first into a solid green obelisk of metal! This must be Orichalc! That means Yokuda is sunken to the ocean floor below us. We swam down to the bottom to find ruins long eroded by the crushing ocean depths and the acidity of the brine that collected around the base of Orichalc. Were it not for the Trident, we would be dead from the pressure and the corrosive freezing brine making an ocean at the bottom of the ocean. Neethsi looked at me and kissed me. I suddenly felt fear. I grasped onto her, wrapping my limbs around her, to keep her from leaving me. She pulled away from our embrace, but not enough to escape my limbs. Then her eyes became full of stars. I clutched onto her as the world around us shook. The water tried to batter us, to deny Neethsi’s power, but the Trident in turn denied it’s assault. The brine below spread thin as the ocean floor rose up to us, soon taking us onto it and rising rapidly. I remained clinging to my lover, watching as her flesh peeled away to reveal a surface that like her eyes were a window into the cosmos. I choked and kissed her desperately to flood her with my magicka in the hope that it would prevent her from ascending beyond the mortal plane into Aetherius with the other gods, for what else could such a thing mean? It was like this for an eternity to me. Watching the flesh flay from her head to reveal the cosmos as I pumped her full of magicka and prayed she wouldn’t be leaving me after this godly feat she was performing. When the light above reached us, I did not falter. When the water broke around us and the harsh lack of pressure on our bodies struck, the Trident lay useless next to us and I collapsed atop her. My body shook, blood vessels bursting from the rapid depressurization. I coughed blood into her unseeable lips. My eyes exploded at some point I think. My world was agony, my life pure suffering. I laid there, weakly feeding my magicka to her until I knew no more. 📜 I opened my eyes to a familiar scene. Pale blue fog, an infinite starry sky. “My poor child.” Julianos stood before me, sorrow on his face. “What were you thinking?” “That I couldn’t live without her.” I replied resolutely and looked around. “So, where is she? If she ascended, she should be here.” At least I have that to look forward to. “You succeeded dear, but that isn’t the point. You perished, but this isn’t the end.” Julianos shook a finger at me. “You’re lucky you are literally in the arms of a goddess or you would be here permanently. I had best not see you again until your time truly comes.” “Wait. Before I go. Can you tell me more? Where are they? My babies?” I pleaded with him and he sighed. “Speak to Freda. She’ll know more.” Julianos stated and I was confused-. 📜 I jolted awake with a gasp and to the sounds of ethereal sobbing. I opened my eyes, surprised I had them, to see the astounding argonian-shaped entity who was like a cutout of the night sky crying over me with her hands over her eyes. Argonians don’t shed tears...but it seems they can cry. I wish I didn’t have to find out like this. I reached my hands up and pulled her hands down to see into the swirling galaxies that were her eyes. “You fool! You utter fool! Even if I die, I could have still returned in some form, even if as a specter or through an idol or avatar. Why?! Why did you die for me?!” Neethsi demanded and I pulled myself up to her to kiss her deeply through her sobs. “Because I Love you.” I whispered and wondered when I became my atronach form. Look at us, two ethereal entities, beautiful and terrible in our own rights, hugging each other desperately in ruins under the shadow of a sky-reaching tower of orichalcum for the rest of the day. > Ch.40 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.40 [Loredas, 14th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Here you go.” Twilight cooed as she set a high-piled plate of bacon, cheesy omelets and stove-top toast in front of Brennie before pouring her a glass of milk that seemed a bit blue. “A hearty breakfast to help make up for all the calories I’ve been working out of you.” Twilight joked before she sat down at her own seat at her little dinette for a similarly large and hearty meal. “Considering how many calories you’ve been stuffing in me, I think you worked a bit too hard.” Brennie joked as she grabbed some bacon. Mm~. Bacon~. “Yay, for bacon~. Also, what’s up with the milk?” It wasn’t blue enough to be Bantha milk, she also doubted those were here. “It’s Rarity’s.” Twilight casually replied as she took a sip and her mane became ethereal for a brief moment until she finished the sip. “Ah~. Thanks to Meen-Rei and Shade infusing her with so much magicka, her milk is so dense with magicka that it’s just one step removed from pure liquid magicka. It gives it a strong and rich flavor too.” “Huh.” Brennie swirled her own glass of milk before taking a sip herself. The effect it had on her was different. The ethereal look set her hair ablaze in blood-red fire. This shocked the two from the unexpected effects the magicka milk would have on Brennie if brief. “Uh…” “So long as you don’t light things on fire, it’s a fairly exciting cosmetic effect.” Twilight snorted in amusement and set in on her plate. It was seeing Twilight have to adjust her robe-covered breasts that brought Brennies attention to the fact they were bigger than before. Twilight was rapidly starting to mirror her other Twilight wife in figure along with their male bits. “Sorry. About unwillingly altering your body.” Brennie brought up before she took a bite of her omelet and Twilight paused before putting down her knife to grope her left breast. “It’s fine. More than fine. I feel sexier than I’ve ever felt before in my life. I have a lot of body issues and the more time we spend together, the less I feel that way.” Twilight smiled softly at her mate and a rumbling gurgle interrupted her and she flushed a bit. “Sorry, I am very hungry. I’m surprised you’re not even more hungry, what with being pregnant and all.” “Family secret, which I’ll share since you’re essentially family. We all have magic woven into us that nourishes our bodies from ambient magic.” Brennie smirked and then slid under the table much to Twilight’s surprised expression before she moaned when Brennie started fondling and licking her churning oversized nuts under her robe. “Despite that, I need some gravy~.” “You’re insatiable! Oh~!” Twilight clutched the edge of the table and bit her lip. 📜 I awoke to an odd sensation. I wasn’t quite all-here. My toes on my right foot felt way too far away from where my right hip felt to be. The sensation of feeling so much surface area across my whole body was a rather tactile inhuman experience. My vision also wasn’t focused, more like I was seeing everything around me for a good distance simultaneously. Among what I could see/feel was the slumbering form of Neethsi, my beautiful goddess was clutching...me. My body or rather the ebony bits that composed my purely solid parts that my element filled the gaps of. In my slumber, my element; Magicka, must have diffused into the air in a sort of blanketing fog. I...breathed in and my awareness shrank. I opened my eyes properly and nuzzled Neethi’s glossy glass-like snout. Her ‘shell’ still felt like flesh even though it looked like glass containing the cosmos within her and made her so beautiful it was criminal. “Wake up dear. We can’t lay here forever.” Besides, it’s the murky, slimy ground of a land that had until yesterday been the ocean floor. “No...if I do then I’ll have to repeat some of what I did yesterday…” Neethsi replied clearly, making it obvious that she’d been awake for a while and was just procrastinating to avoid more work. Considering that yesterday we both lost each other for a moment, I could understand her hesitation to get to work on restoring Yokuda. “But it’s so gross on the ground now that I’m not so weak.” I mewled in complaint and Neethsi huffed before the ground turned into a mattress and raised us off the ground in a proper bed with blankets over us and fine sheets underneath. “Fine then, let’s snuggle a bit more.” I rolled over to be the little spoon and shimmied back against her for comfort. Whatever, we can take as long as we like by this point. I doubt the Thalmor will be able to move on Orichalc so quickly. 📜 Shade was shivering in bed, trying not to think of what she did last night. Which was hard when she murdered someone in cold blood! Well, hot blood, but being a werecrocodile at the time is no excuse for her rational mind being overwhelmed with hate and wrath for those elves whipping the ‘volunteers’ that were rounded up in chains like the slaves they really were. It was a good thing that was more-or-less her mission here, to support Jeelius’s ultraviolent campaign against the local Thalmor operating on Stros M’Kai. That said, Shade was really wishing Jeelius hadn’t sent a letter to Neethsi requesting support in this endeavor or at least instead tried to work with the Redguards of Hammerfell. She wasn’t going to ask why he decided to reach across the whole continent instead of the nearest potential ally, because here she was. Neethsi was capable of impossible things. “Your first taste of blood, young one?” Jeelius’s kind and spookily fatherly voice pulled Shade from her waking nightmares to see the unassuming argonian standing next to the bunk she’d taken. “The first time is always the hardest, at least for our clan. Unlike other beasts, we Lycans do not suffer the complete mind-numbing loss of control Hircine’s curse carries.” “I still lost it when I ripped that elf’s head off and ate it.” Shade shivered and tried not to think of how disgusting yet fulfilling that had been. “Yet you didn’t kill the slaves and they give witness that the Beast of Stros M’Kai is real. This is a terror campaign young one. We cannot be rid of the invaders, so we’ll make them want to leave.” Jeelius waved a hand of restoration magic over her and she felt relaxed. “Rest. We need even less sleep than normal lycanthropes, but it’s best if you get at least a nap in.” “I’ll try.” Shade replied and shortly fell asleep to nightmares of murder, rape and torture. All of them from her perspective. All of them perpetrated by her, in the past, before…Meen-Rei. 📜 Brennie wasn’t surprised when Twilight swept into her office. She was surprised that it wasn’t for a quickie or other naughty purpose. She recognized the frantic and frazzled look on her mate, because she’d seen it on her wives before. She couldn’t ask before Twilight slapped an urgent notice on her desk. “F-from the Psijic Order on the Isle of Artaeum.” “I have no clue who they are other than being ancient mage-monks.” Brennie replied as she looked at the urgent notice. “They’re the oldest known order of mages in the world! They are an independent organization and have no ties to the Aldmeri Dominion despite the fact that Artaeum is the third largest island of the Summerset Archipelago! They sent us this notice!” Twilight fretted and Brennie’s mouth went a bit dry at the news that a landmass half the size of Summerset itself had risen from the sea along with its surrounding archipelago of islands a good deal west of High Rock. “This has to be their fault. Those three. They were supposed to be supplementing a terror campaign on Stros M’Kai, not raising a whole island chain from the ocean!” Brennie snarled and ran her hands down her face. “Unless one of the fucking gods decided to pop in and handed them the quest. Worthless twats can’t do shit for themselves. Have you tried calling them? I gave them those Comms for a reason.” “I did, but they’re not answering.” Twilight huffed and held out the earpiece to her. “I’ve also tried hailing Neethsi with telepathy, but she’s also not responding. This isn’t exactly a terrible thing, but this news must have been shared with at least some important people in Hammerfell since the Redguards are frantically flooding Iliac Bay with ships on the way to assault the Dominion blockade between them and the sea.” “Ugh...this just accelerated everything, didn’t it?” Brennie asked rhetorically. “All of this is going on and I’m stuck here sitting with my thumbs up my ass. Wait a minute.” She shoved a hand down into her cleavage and pulled out a potion bottle. “This should help. I didn’t really want to use it, but with how things are going I don’t have any other option.” Pulling the cork off, Brennie downed the contents. “What was that?” Twilight demanded worriedly, which made Brennie smile despite the horrific taste of the potion. “Give it a moment. I’m pregnant and have a belly pet in my womb, it’s compensating.” Brennie assured her before with a mind-hurting twist of reality, a male copy of Brennie stood up from where she sat and he cracked his neck before reaching into her cleavage to start getting geared up. “He’s a temporary flash clone. No soul, a copy of my memories, yet he knows he’s not a living entity. He won’t exist long enough for a soul to form.” “That is rather wicked yet incredible. No more immoral than Divayth Fyr’s cloning experiments.” Twilight commented with an uneasy look at the Bryan clone. “I don’t feel any better sending even an echo of you to die.” “You have to live first to die, Twi. He’s essentially a smart and creative drone. Still, it does leave a bad taste in my mouth.” Brennie admitted because it was true, both metaphorically and literally. “You know what to do.” Brennie said to her clone, who nodded before putting on the helmet and sprinting out of the office, causing a brief gust of wind to buffet the office. “Well, at least we’ve done what we can since we’re stuck on this side of Tamriel.” Twilight sighed and sat on the desk next to Brennie. “So, let’s brainstorm. I was going to ask them to start the next crucial part of raising the Tree of Harmony when they got back from Stros M’Kai, but we may need to be more aggressive now.” “Yeah. I’ll start making suggestions with your approval and hope that gets things rolling. Oh, because this interrupted our midday fun, you get to play with Pandora again.” Brennie warned her mate and Twilight beamed excitedly. 📜 He knew he didn’t have long, at best 72 hours before he dissolved and left Berserker’s gear in a goopy pile somewhere. So he didn’t have time to fuck around. “Die foul Daedra!” A black-robed Justicar shrieked in a grating shrill voice before he casually blasted the bastard into charred giblets with his shotgun. He didn’t have time to play by their rules! If the gathered ships sailing through the bay from Wayrest in High Rock were going to make it through the Iliac Bay, then Sentinel’s blockade had to be broken, best done by destroying the ships moored in the harbor. He grunted when a blast of fire followed by ice and storm battered him, but his armor held against the pitiful and primitive assault. He charged towards the gates leading down to the docks. They dropped the portcullis, but he didn’t even pause. He shoulder-charged through it, his weight and might snapping the iron bars like glass rods. Now clear of the city’s high walls, he retrieved his rocket launcher and used his vantage to fire the high-explosive projectiles into every ship he saw, war-rigged or not. He looked east to see if he could spot the ships on the horizon-. Up was down, left was right, back was forward. Everything ceased to exist in any form of sense. This madness wrought his senses for what felt like an eternity, but could only have been moments because his eyes took in the tall spike on the eastern horizon falling over and filling him with a dread that he couldn’t have imagined if he tried. However, this dread seemed to spur on every local and even some non-military Dominion citizens into a riot! They assaulted the Thalmor and other Dominion soldiers immediately! Even some of the soldiers turned on their fellows! Flash-Berserker used this madness to flee back to the sewer where the Wayshrine was hidden. He could fear for the existence of reality later, his next target was Hegathe. Just because the Thalmor’s plot is in full swing doesn’t mean he can’t try to thwart them before it ceases to matter. If existence was going to cease any moment, he’d rather be making them pay before the end. Besides, either way, he didn’t have time. 📜 I barfed up liquid magicka as Neethsi writhed on the ground next to me from the horrific sensation that bombarded us moments ago. We had just reset Orichalc’s ‘Stone’ which happened to be a sword. Technically a metaphorical sword since it was actually a sword technique called Pankratosword. The only reason we knew of it was because Azura spoke through Neethsi again in a hurried manner not even an hour ago. “That can’t be good.” I pointed out the obvious as I tried not to consider what it meant. “The Dragon Broke. However, unlike other Breaks, this one had a note of finality to it. No alternate timelines.” Neethsi hissed as she gathered herself back to her feet. “We probably just saved Nirn. We’ve run out of time. Damn it. I’m going to make a Wayshrine. I need to do something I may just regret.” Neethsi waved her hands, shimmied her hips, flicked her tail. It was the most erotic dance I’ve ever seen anyone perform in person, but despite who and what was moving, my attention was focused on how she used each movement to sculpt a whole new Wayshrine from the ruins and bring it to life within minutes. She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the portal. If I had to breathe, I’d be dying! We’re in an immensely hot place with lava below us. “Neethsi, where are we?” I asked as she pulled my floating self along. Her body, while ethereal, still fully obeyed the same physical laws it did when proper flesh. Aside from not needing to breathe or other benefits. “Where I became a legend.” Neethsi hurriedly hinted before she stopped at the edge of a jutting ledge to look down into the lava. “I’m back, like I figured I would! I’m going to pull you out you cheeky bastard!” Who is she talking to? Neethsi kissed me and I hummed into her unseen lips as I infused her with a ton of magicka. After topping off, she gently pushed me away and began dancing again. The place shuddered and quaked, making me fear she was setting off a volcanic eruption. Red Mountain! We’re inside Red Mountain! Then that means! I watched as from below, a spire of stone laced with ebony rose from the lava. Atop it, as if having been waiting, was the Heart of Lorkhan still beating and bleeding it’s black ichor. “You didn’t destroy it?!” I asked in awe as it rose in the caldera and then when at a certain point, began beating regularly, pulsing like a healthy heart at rest instead of the frantic convulsions of before. The rumbling ceased, the rising lava lowered. “I tried. With my limited knowledge and Kagrenac’s faulty ancient tools, all I could do was sever Dagoth Ur from it and toss it into the lava.” Neethsi informed me as the still-beating heart of a supposedly dead god finally settled Red Mountain. “Yeah, you cheeky asshole, I did what you expect-.” It happened again. However, it wasn’t as crippling. Time was sundered for a brief moment, but then with a few beats of Lorkhan’s heart, it stabilized. Fuck! “That must’ve been Green Sap. The Thalmor were betting on being able to end linear time with that.” I panted as I heaved and tried not to choke on my body remembering that it didn’t exist for a brief instant. “M'aiq sees a bell that rings and sings songs. M’aiq is not one for loud noises.” M’aiq! You crazy old cat! I’m not at all surprised to see you here after you wandered into the swamps of Black Marsh. “M’aiq! Will that bell save reality?!” Neethsi implored and the insane possible-god tilted his head. “M’aiq hears the bell. It is too loud. M’aiq is tired of hearing so much noise.” Suddenly, M’aiq vanished! He ceased to exist! I squealed in fear and Neethsi groaned. “He just fucked-off to Aetherius! Why do they do that?! What’s so bad about existing on Mundus?!” Neethsi snarled and approached the Wayshrine in the wall of the caldera with me following sadly. Goodbye M’aiq, I only met you twice, but you were still incredible. 📜 Twilight was hugging the sapling of the Tree of Harmony, praying. Begging for it to save everyone. “I know it’s likely too late, Twi, but what was the next step?” Brennie asked the despairing alicorn who was actually crying against the sapling. “W-we need a suitable Stone for it. I was going to ask Neethsi and Meen-Rei to sneak into Alinor and find Transparent Law, the old Stone of Crystal-Like-Law. I was going to have Meen-Rei turn it into the Crystal Heart by bearing it in her womb as it grew into the new shape and size. After that, I would need to channel the Hist, as well as use a supremely powerful source of magicka to turn it into a Tower.” Twilight babbled hopelessly and Brennie was-. “Not all is lost!” An echoing voice declared when everything tinted blue with time frozen. Brennie stood with Twilight to spin around and look at the yellow-robed Altmer. “Worry not! For while the Thalmor believe it is gone, we have secretly restored Crystal-Like-Law on Artaeum! We have returned the island to this plane of existence so that it may hold the fabric of time, but we cannot hope our misguided kin won’t turn their armies upon us. Mighty we may be, but we are few.” “Then we’ll sail to your defense! These monsters wish to end all of existence! We’ll continue working to ensure they fail, but since you’re risking yourselves to save us all, we’ll try to keep you alive.” Brennie assured the monk, who nodded in clear exhaustion and time returned to normal. Hm, no, that was mind-magic. Time seemed frozen to them, they were just thinking so fast. “Well, shit. I guess I have no choice, I’ll have to drink the real deal.” “No! No. Just go. You have my full permission, I’ll take any responsibility.” Twilight rubbed Brennie’s deceptively flat stomach armor. “I know you’ll be fine, that having Pandora and our forming children inside you will make you even more powerful.” “Oh, right. I forgot about that.” Brennie sighed in relief before kissing Twilight. “I’ll be back soon.” “Don’t make hasty promises, but you’d better! I think I might have become a bit of a nymphomaniac because of you.” Twilight huffed and pushed Brennie towards the door into the university building. “You go get shit done, I’m going to stay here and pointlessly dither with the other politicians.” “Hey, someone’s gotta keep those stuffed-shirts from doing stupid shit.” Brennie snorted before putting on her helmet and running into the building. A quick look at the Wayshrine Guide to Tamriel posted geographically from southeast to northwest next to the Wayshrine room. “Wow, Neethsi can be a dork.” Brennie snorted in idle amusement before she stepped in. > cH.41 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.41 [Loredas, 14th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] *Oof!* Three voices at once grunted and I found myself on my ass next to Neethsi and looking at Brennie fully armored up and about to enter the Wayshrine, having just stepped into the chamber from the hallways. “Girls! What the fff...what happened to you?” Brennie gawked at Neethsi, who was still a living piece of the night sky. “I nearly ascended beyond this plane through sheer exertion from raising an island chain from the ocean depths.” Neethsi casually answered, as if that wasn’t something incredible. “All so that a Tower could be reinstated.” I added the reason for doing so, it was worthwhile. “Oh, thank fuck, because those facists just toppled Adamantine and Green Sap according to Twilight and her magic-scanner or whatever she called it.” Berserker huffed and got back to her feet while helping Neethsi up. I just floated back into the air, gravity is a suggestion for me when near any surface. “Damn it, I just raised both Orichalc and Red Mountain back to their statuses as Towers.” Neethsi groused before perking when Berserker grabbed her almost impossible to distinguish nips and my beautiful goddess hissed in surprised pleasure. “Is this really the time?” “You literally have yourself on display. You may nearly be a silhouette, but for people with keen eyes like me you’re just naked. Put something on.” Berserker chided before turning to me. “I’d say the same thing to you, but I know you have clothes in your other form.” “I suffered fatal rapid decompression. I don’t know if my flesh is survivable right now.” I replied fearfully and Neethsi squeezed my shoulder before summoning her satchel and fishing out her robes. “I’m willing to try, but if it’s as I fear, then I’ll need a masterful healer right next to me to save my life.” “I don’t count. I’m an Adept at best when it comes to Restoration. I can supplement it with Alteration, but you can only do so much without harming the body in that case.” Neethsi voiced after she finished pulling her robe on. She looked kinda silly with her aether head and hands sticking out of them. “Damn it, come on then. My current plans will benefit in the long run from you two being with me.” Brennie huffed and led us outside to where Twilight was in a position of prayer at the base of the sapling of the Tree of Harmony. “Twi, back a bit sooner than expected! I’ve got Neethsi and Meen-Rei.” “Oh, thank every deity on our side! Meen-Rei, I need you for the next phase!” Twilight urgently declared, but thankfully Brennie quelled her with her hands held up. “Hold that thought. Rei here might be on the verge of death in her mortal form. Are you a master of Restoration?” Berserker asked the alicorn, who shook her head. “No, I’m an Expert in the field, but that would be Healing Hands, my Restoration instructor.” Twilight’s words reminded me that, while they haven’t had reason to speak to me, this is a university with both maintenance and teaching staff still working despite the crisis. “He’s in the offices next to the clinic about this time, let’s get you to the clinic and we’ll help you, Rei.” “Actually, since she’s needed here anyway, Neethsi. I could use your help. I was planning to warp to Dusk and run along the sea to Artaeum. The Psijic monks have restored the Crystal Tower in secret and now it’s helping hold up reality. We’ve gotta help them defend themselves.” Berserker declared and Neethsi turned to me. “Rei, I need the Trident of Tides, as well as the Spear of Bitter Mercy considering you haven’t used it since Sheogorath gave it to you.” Neethsi held out her hands and I fetched both tridents for her. Seeing the orichalcum and ebony tridents in both of her hands was fairly silly, but I’m sure as a mistress of polearms, she’d be able to work with them. “Come along, Berserker. I’ll get us there even faster, just don’t get any ideas.” “What are you talking about?” Berserker huffed as she followed my beloved goddess and Twilight almost had to drag me the other way. “Let’s take care of you, Rei. As soon as you’re healthy, I’m going to need to borrow your womb.” Twilight informed me and I felt warm at remembering what she said about the Crystal Heart and my contribution to it. 📜 “This isn’t exactly fair.” Brennie huffed while feeling annoyed yet aroused. That green trident apparently gave the wielder a super-swim ability that didn’t even need the holder to move to rapidly traverse water. That said, she was forced to awkwardly grasp Neethsi’s tail as her passenger. What made this so much worse was that Neethsi had to go and inform her that her tail was also a male reproductive organ. “Fairs are fun, so of course it isn’t.” Neethsi replied telepathically since they were underwater. No wonder the comms didn’t work. The rushing water alone would’ve overwhelmed the gain on the super-advanced microphones anyway. At this close she could just broadcast into the earbud alone. “No shit.” Brennie let out a sigh. “What? After how you grabbed my nips just a bit ago, I’d assumed you’d have been fine touching my tail-dick.” Neethsi teased while she kept them on course and at high speed. Already the sea floor was rising back up into view. “Neethsi, am I doing what Mara wants me to do?” Brennie asked, but couldn’t help feeling bitterness towards the goddess’s name. “Whatever you mean by that, she just wants you to accept Love into your heart. If it involves a specific person or in general, you’ll already know the answer.” Neethsi sagely replied before they reached the northwest beach of Artaeum. Indeed, on the north-east tip of the island there were two towers, the grander one was obviously the Crystal-Like-Law, but Brennie had to wonder why the shorter yet still awe-inspiring tower wasn’t a Tower. “Then I guess I’m on the right track. Now then, Neethsi, set up a Wayshrine here so we can start bringing troops in. They may only be able to arrive in small groups, but it’s more than these monks have.” Berserker said to Neethsi, who seemed to get into a dancing pose-. “I would request that you not. We still have a functioning Wayshrine here. Please come and link it to the new network.” The same monk spoke into their minds and Neethsi hummed in clear approval. “So good to see someone using Mysticism. I just wish it wasn’t a member of the order who first discovered it.” Neethsi sighed wistfully and put the Trident of Tides in her satchel. “Lead on, we need to get to Ceporah Tower if we’re going to find that Wayshrine.” 📜 “Well, I believe this could be considered a success?” Jeelius uneasily commented as he and Shade watched the Dominion load soldiers into ships with all haste and sail north. “There’s almost no Dominion force remaining. I could kill them all in one night without assistance.” Jeelius patted Shade’s shoulder. “You head on back, I’ve got the rest from here.” Oh thank gosh! Jeelius was so creepy! Sure, he was genuinely nice and fatherly, but that just made him creepier since under that mild-mannered facade was a murderous blood-craving beast! “I’ll do that. Take care of yourself.” Shade scurried off towards the Wayshrine to head home and Jeelius chuckled darkly. “You’ll get used to it eventually, little whelp. Now then, I must return to my priestly duties.” Jeelius intoned as he reentered the temple while rubbing his Amulet of Arkay. 📜 She dragged the Bell across the old Wayshrine ruins from the first meld. The Khajiit grunted as she dropped down into the broken shrine in Hammerfell and her massive Ebony Bell landed with her. She looked around, watching for her former ‘allies’ before she began marching to Ska’vyn, the Bell telling her to bring it there. To serve her Goddess, to Ring the Bell, to keep the world going. 📜 Life is Pain! I hate-! “Ah, hank.” I numbly slurred after the agony ceased from the powerful numbing anesthetic Mellow gave me with Freda acting as his nurse while Healing Hands was basically rebuilding all of the damaged blood vessels after restoring my surprisingly not-exploded eyes. “Don’t thank me yet. Healing still needs to get your body functioning properly before I can work my own brand of magic.” Mellow said with a caring rub of my scalp while Freda held up a wooden box full of potions in case there was an emergency so Mellow could quickly apply them. “Which will not be done all at once. It will take some time and repeated treatment to ensure you don’t hurt yourself more. Come in every morning so that I can check your progress. You’re fine now, but you’re not back to normal.” Healing Hands, a pink unicorn who must get some ribbing for his fur color, stated after he finished casting his magic on me. “If I go too far too fast, I could end up hurting you.” “Hank oo.” I slurred through the numbing and struggled to sit up, but Mellow pushed me back down and Freda handed him a potion. He popped the cork with a thumb and poured the medicine into my loose maw, forcing me to swallow. I sat up quickly and groaned as I shivered, rubbing my body over and moaning in pain from the full-body bone-deep ache. Why did it do this to me this time, when fleeing from the Dreugh was similarly fast in ascent? “Decompression Sickness or The Bends as argonian deep-sea divers call it. Thankfully a good potion regimen and a healer can help achieve a full recovery. It is as crippling as untreated Rockjoint otherwise.” Healing informed me with an accusing finger. “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow morning for your next session.” “Yes sir.” I groaned and Twilight worriedly approached from where she’d been standing aside. “That said, Healing, will she be able to handle what I need to do?” Twilight fretted as she took my hand and squeezed worriedly. Aw, thanks for caring, Twi, even if it is partly because you need a special environment to grow the Crystal Heart. “If it involves her mortal body, then no. However, her atronach form is fine from what she informed us. Is that not the form she must take for your efforts, Headmistress?” Healing asked and Twilight nodded. Thank fuck. “Then I cannot say otherwise. Daedrology is Hex’s specialty.” “Your atronach form is an atronach, a form of daedra. That said, anything about your biology or lack thereof falls under daedrology, the study of daedra.” Mellow informed me and I nodded. “Fair enough. Well, let’s get me pregnant, Twilight. How are we doing this?” I asked seriously, because while I would otherwise be giddy or worried, the world was at stake here. My unease could put a sock in it and go sit in a corner. “Well, originally I’d planned to try and find Transparent Law, the Stone of Crystal-Like-Law as the core and with Neethsi’s help, transplant that in your uterus. However, we’re going to have to start from scratch. It’s a good thing I’ve collected so much of your sap, because I can make the core of the Crystal Heart out of Hist Amber, which will actually make it easier to fully link the Tree of Harmony to the Hist.” Twilight informed me and I felt a bit giddy now. “I would love to have some glowing amber jewelry once this is all done.” I said before I transformed into my magical existence, the pain thankfully not following like how shifting to it had spared me from death. “Much better...okay. Let’s get started.” 📜 The sun and stones of Bangkorai bit at her paws hotter than any of the warm stones of Elsweyr. The melon-sized Black Bell burned her hands even through the thick mitts she’d torn her tunic and skirt into, leaving her nude save her smallclothes. She’d strip naked, but she wished to retain what little comfort she could in her mad flight from Sentinel with what her former masters called a heretical daedric artifact like the blind bigots they were! It told her to go to Ska’vyn, aka: Skaven, south of the ancient Wayshrine she’d used that the suspiciously intact one in the sewer underground sent her to upon the Bell telling her how. However it did, she wasn’t going to doubt the guidance of her goddess. It swore that there was a secret there, a place that would help ensure the Thalmor bastards didn’t succeed at tearing reality down upon their ears. Her goal was to make a new Tower, to replace or at least compensate, for the loss of Adamantia. However, she didn’t need to make a tower, the Dwemer did that for her. She just needed to give it a Stone. As for why she had to make this brutal pilgrimage instead of just pop into Skaven? She hissed and looked at the fur falling from her blistering and healing hands, hands completely devoid of fur. Her paw-like pads faded and her claws thickened and dulled. She moaned when her body thrummed with a heat that was neither the fault of the sun or a misfortunate mating period. She snarled and ripped off her bra when her breasts began to grow and her widening hips did the work for her on her panties, leaving her entirely nude now. She panted and hissed with tears in her eyes, but continued south. By the time she reached Skaven, she would be Skaven. 📜 “Is there a reason for that?” Brennie asked in frustration as she watched Neethsi dance while she reconnected the Wayshrine. Even if she was wearing a robe, Neethsi was such a fine woman that she was still incredibly alluring. It didn’t help her case when Twilight, both local and her wives, loved wearing robes and she’d learned to appreciate how they wore them. “Yes, but actually no. Dancing does help advanced ritual magic, but ultimately I don’t need to do it. I just enjoy dancing, especially as a woman. It fills me with a vigor I can’t find many places besides sex or combat.” Neethsi replied and then sighed in satisfaction with her hands on her hips and her thicc tail twitching back and forth as she looked at the repaired Wayshrine. Damn it, as if being a friend-with-benefits with Rei before wasn’t hard enough on her self-control, why did her chosen mates have to be so damn hot? Oh right, turns out she’s an alternate universe version of Willow. “Hey Juicy~! Pop dem tiddies bitch! I love big juicy!” Pandora squealed and Brennie growled under her breath.   “Oh, fuck off.” The human woman whispered with a sneer, before, low and behold, her Displacer herself decides to show up. Luci Fer was literally the sibling of Jehovah, the mother of all demons and the actual Goddess of Evil. She fit the sexual preference of the majority of the Lustful, which thanks to cultural appropriation, made her as shapely and buxom as the average warrior female in Wiatr’s dimension. “What do you want, Luci?” Brennie didn’t have time to-. “I’m sorry.” Luci apologized...beg pardon? “...Excuse me?” Brennie blinked in astonishment. Luci apologized for nothing. She was Evil Personified! Sure, she preferred the petty evils, the torments that left people alive to suffer, not excessively, but she was never sorry for anything! “I’m sorry. For everything.” Luci repeated herself, kneeling before Brennie to show that she was serious. The sight of the ultra-sexy red-skinned devil-woman made the warrior uncomfortable. “You know, I didn’t ask for an apology, but for the sake of getting this over with, I forgive you for all the Hell you put my family and I through. Especially since most of it was just because you were a negligent cunt who let Asmodeus successfully usurp you, forcing you to Displace us in the hopes that we’d finally clean up your mess.” Brennie gave Luci’s head a swift kick, not surprised when she barely budged and Berserker got a scuff on her boot. “Could you please not summon a Daedric Prince right now? This isn’t exactly a safe place for that. Or anyplace for that matter.” Neethsi approached and helped Luci to her hooves. Damn it, why did she decide to go faun today? Seeing Luci with goat hooves was always weird. “Girl, please, don’t go blaming her. She hates it when people assume the wrong thing.” Luci corrected Neethsi, but the local goddess was having none of it. “I can banish visitors to this plane back to their home dimension whenever I want, I can assume whatever. Now, please either help us fend off the incoming navy of fascist high elves or at least sit down and enjoy the lovely weather of Artaeum.” Neethsi snipped and then turned to Brennie. “Now, Brennie, you don’t even need to stay here. You can go back and rally the troops or I can. I’m the Hortator, so I can move the whole...yeah, I should be the one to go back.” “You’re not a big fan of your position of power. How...pure of you.” Luci pouted at Neethsi before the aethereal argonian jogged into the Wayshrine. “So, Brianna-.” “Really? This again?” Brennie asked flatly as Luci blew raspberries at her. “Oh, fine! I let you-and only you-use that name.” “Yay~!” Luci cheered as she hugged her angry little Doom Marine, giving her smooches and nuzzle-wuzzles. “It would have been appreciated if you didn’t simply let a Daedric Prince wander about the isle. There’s all sorts of sensitive flora, fauna and other magic experiments that might try to kill her and ruin any results.” A Psijic Monk with the same pompous smarter-than-thou tone as before approached. “However, considering she is a Prince, we can understand it being unreasonable to expect you could control her behavior.” “If you’re that worried, you could send her away. I mean, you have the power to do so.” Brennie suggested, but the monk shook his head and gestured for Brennie and Luci to follow. Hmph, sometimes she couldn’t stand brainy types. “Hng-?!” There was a sudden painful sensation throughout her body, then total darkness… “Brianna? Brianna?!” “Quick! Pick her up and follow me, now!” “I can’t! That’s considered an act of Good!” “Cursed Daedra, fine! Ugh! So heavy!” “Lift some weights, you paper-wanker!” > Ch.42 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.42 [Loredas? 14th of Last Seed? 4E: 221?] He wasn’t sure. Has 72 hours passed? Had it only been a few moments? He’d destroyed the Dominion naval units stationed at Hegathe, Gilane and even Taneth despite its location making naval deployment of negligible timeliness. Each assault had lasted barely an hour each. He tried to head back to reunite with the real Berserker, but he kept getting turned around. One moment he was trying to return to Lilmoth, the next he was in a structure entirely composed of Dwarven Metal and fully intact. Then he found himself in the middle of a pitched battlefield so chaotic he couldn’t tell who belonged to which side. Each time he misplaced himself, his suit's chronometer went haywire, displaying confusing and impossible outcomes. He could only assume 72 hours hadn’t passed, because he wasn’t a brainless pile of protein goop. However, he also couldn’t be sure of that. Time did fracture multiple times in the past...how long? Whatever. He was currently in a region of harsh rocky desert and had no clue where he was. “Ugh…” A woman’s groan of suffering drew his attention. He looked down into the canyon below to see a naked and quite attractive maned Skaven woman who was oddly tan and black with uneven stripes. Were she to press against the canyon walls, she’d blend right in since her black tail, hands and nips wouldn’t be hard to hide. She was carrying a black Horned Bell that rang alarms in his mind. That was one of his, er, Berserker’s wife’s artifacts! What is a Horned Bell doing in this place? “Hey! Where did you get that?!” He demanded before he jumped down and startled the average-height woman when he landed in front of her. “Do you have any idea what that is?” “It is an artifact of Tsrrashi’s new Goddess! She will take it to the Unfinished Tower and help save this world!” The naked rodent boldly declared with a hiss that was still feline enough along with her fangs and name to paint a picture that this woman was once a Khajiit, not a Skaven. “Hmph, well-.” His chronometer updated...well fuck. “Ugh...I don’t have time. I trust that since you plan to work for my wife, that you won’t become a raving mad monster of consumption and war?” At her confused head tilt, he had to assume she wouldn’t. “Take this armor, continue south to-.” Tsrrashi squeaked in a manner she wasn’t used to yet at the sight of the hulking man falling over and fleshy goo dumping out onto the sandy ground of the canyon that was the entry from Bangkorai to Sunforge on the path she followed. She waited several minutes before warily approaching the armor and pulling it from the unnervingly tasty smelling goop. He said that her goddess was his wife. This must have been an avatar sent forth in support! She would take this armor, regardless of her body type being unsuited to it. It would aid her in her pilgrimage to the lost Tower of Rourken, which she would finish as commanded. She retrieved it from the goo and put it on piece by piece. Once it was done, it pulled together and an odd language appeared before her eyes. “Um, is this the-?” Before she could finish, the language changed to one similar enough to Cyrodilic that she could read it. “Conform-eep!” Tsrrashi squeaked when the armor morphed around her, hugging her body instead of hiding it. “Ah! Incredible! The Goddess smiles upon me!” Tsrrashi picked up the bell, gasping at how much lighter it felt, before she began nearly sprinting south into Sunforge. 📜 [Tirdas, 17th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] I woke up in pain, like I have for the past few days. Healing was already at my bedside and going through the morning procedure. Unfortunately, Twilight needed some time to make a proper heart-shaped amber from my collected sap, so I was put on bedrest and forced to suffer in the name of recovery. Healing and Mellow were a stunning double-team of magic and medicine. Each day I woke up in less pain, but I was still in fairly big amounts of it. “There. She is ready for her medicine, Professor Cake.” Healing kindly announced and Mellow, who had gotten a massive ego boost from being called ‘professor’ by his colleague since yesterday, approached with his nurse Freda. They helped me down each one and I was thankful that Mellow had figured out how to make potions not taste like garbage without weakening them. “I wish I could say you’d be done healing by Sundas, but the Headmistress needs you.” “Eugh, whew, it’s time?” I asked as I fought to keep the liter of varied flavors of potion down. “Yes. You’re very brave and Generous to be volunteering for such a thing.” Freda commented with an approving expression on her beautiful snow-white face. “You and your sister.” What? “Shade? She’s back?” I asked in confusion, because she must’ve just got back since I haven’t seen her since Neethsi and I returned. “She’s been back. Has she not come to visit you?” Freda asked in surprise and I felt hurt at this news. “I’ll be having words with her, you stay here and rest.” Freda demanded before the sexy former ghost in a ‘nurse’ robe stormed out of the living space of my workshop, frost spreading from her paws with each step and a chill wind coming from her rapidly wagging bushy tail. “Your assistant is a scary one, Professor Cake.” Healing chuckled and Mellow blushed with a dumb smile and a nod as he followed after his obvious paramour. “I can’t believe my sister didn’t come to see me…” I muttered sadly as I laid back down in bed. “She has her reasons, I’m sure. Considering how much time she’s spent with Headmistress Sparkle and Hex Maniac, I’m certain it has to do with your impending magical surrogacy.” Healing said and I had to wince. Who names their child Hex Maniac? Ponies are so odd. “Ah, then I could understand.” I hoped that was the case. Shade was my daughter once, before our asshole Displacer decided she was better as my twin sister. My feelings for her were extremely confused. I loved her as a daughter, as a sister, even as a lover. I couldn’t have children with her because we’re related, but I wouldn’t hesitate to pleasure her by this point. My concerns were abated by Freda storming back in with a happy smile and her tail wagging even faster in joy rather than agitation, cooling down the hot room with her chilly aura. “She’ll see you in a bit, she’s preparing for her part of the procedure.” I still don’t get why she’s involved, but okay, that helps me calm down. “Which begins here and now!” Twilight suddenly declared, having teleported with Shade into the room and Twilight looked manic with excitement and lust. “It’ll take several hours of you two laying in a ritual circle however, I’ll get drawing since I don’t want to move you too far or have you in your atronach form too soon.” “Don’t worry sis, I’ll be laying on the floor with you.” Shade assured me and I groaned at the coming displeasure of laying on the stone floor for hours straight. 📜 Brennie moaned and woke up feeling all discombobulated. What the absolute fuck happened? One moment she was arguing with Luci over her name again, the next her brain got all stuffed with information she couldn’t handle and she blacked out. The clone must’ve been disrupted and had its separate memories returned to her since it didn’t meld back into her properly. “There you go. Apologies, considering the reason you fainted was due to a temporal dissonance between the information being provided to you, it was easiest to simply stabilize you and wait until the point of information broadcast entered linear time.” One of the snooty high elf monks of the Psijic Order informed her with a fairly cheerful note to his voice. “Don’t worry, you’ll be up in a moment. We Mystics have something like this happen to us now and then, it’s nothing new.” “I think my wards were destroyed at that moment. Now I’m more exposed than usual.” Brennie groaned in annoyance. “What’s this tingling feeling? Is it your world’s magic seeping into me?” She asked the monk, not sure if she should feel grateful or worried. It certainly feels different than any other source of magical power she was used to. “Well, yes, but also no.” Brennie just realized that seemed to be a favorite phrase in this dimension. “You were already attuned to Mundus, so you had magicka flowing through you, however those pesky wards were hindering your ability to process it, so we removed them to help you recover. One doesn’t expect their mind to come back when it’s being blocked.” Spooky. “Sorry. Those wards have saved me a thousand times over in the past. I’m guessing they became a bit of a crutch that was slowing me down.” Brennie sighed as she thought back to her clone. “Strange. My flash clone’s memories returned to me, but not the body. Now my second set of armor is in the care of a female Khajiit on a mission to bring my wife’s enlightenment into this world.” “Oh dear, I hope she doesn’t destabilize reality in the process, we’re rather precarious at the moment.” The monk commented casually, as if the end of causality was no big deal. Then again, these weird monks had been popping in and out of reality since basically forever. “Same. Although I’m more worried about the clone’s body. Something tells me I’m gonna be seeing him again real soon, but with a different look in appearance and personality.” The human woman gave a little shiver in anticipation. She knew it might be the work of Wiatr, whether she meant it or not was irrelevant. “That and people that end up joining in my wife’s religion will be rewarded for their...faith in her.”  “How so? Most Daedric rewards have terrible prices.” The monk stated curiously. “She’s a Goddess of Sex, Fertility and Commerce. They’ll become sexier, bigger and better in bed. It doesn’t stop there, either. Farmers will be blessed with fertile lands for their crops to grow in abundance. Merchants will be able to sell more products and make bigger earnings than before. Every society she gets involved in flourishes wildly. It’s a wonder the constant preaching of moderation gets through to anyone with the rest of her teachings being about indulgence.” Brennie huffed fondly, both irritated yet enamored with her wife’s odd influence. “Well then, we’ll deal with it when it becomes our problem in the future. Before you head down to the battlements, would you care for some tea and scones?” The monk offered and Brennie’s body, while being nourished by magic, urged her to accept. “Yes please.” She held out her hand for the tea and sipped it. Mm~, zesty. 📜 Tsrrashi rounded Ska’vyn, the city unknowing of its importance to her Goddess and the coming changes. The suit of impressive body-conforming armor actually aided her stealth instead of hindered it and the former khajiit didn’t notice anyone in pursuit, which was good. While no longer occupied by the Dominion, Tsrrashi had no illusions that the Imperials wouldn’t stop her due to their own sensibilities. Tsrrashi couldn’t fault them, they were civic-minded and would apprehend or kill her in the belief it was to protect themselves and the people they served. The Bell told her that only those willing would be Changed, that not everyone was suited to be Skaven. That wasn’t to say non-Skaven weren’t equal to Skaven, they were just as welcome. This was part of why Tsrrashi so quickly accepted her new Goddess. Wiatr preached tolerance and acceptance as well as indulgence. Considering that Wiatr is a goddess of Sex, Fertility and Commerce, it was like having Dibella, Zenithar and maybe a bit of Sanguine thrown in the mix of a single super-sexy package! Tsrrashi fought not to groan aloud and undress to pleasure herself to thoughts of her new goddess, which proved to her as more evidence of her becoming more and more like said deity in body and spirit. No, bad Tsrrashi. Time enough for pleasure later. Suitably self-chastened, she scurried into the nearly buried cave the Bell told her was the way into the hidden construction site of the Tower of Rourken. This part was surprisingly easy. Unlike her khajiit heritage, her new Skaven body gave her far superior burrowing skills. So she was surprised to find herself beyond the compacted dirt and sand that had blown in over thousands of years and pushing in the brassy doors signature of the dwarves. She carefully skulked in, wary of violent automatons. She froze when a dwarven spider neared, but it looked at her and then moved back to what it was doing. Still wary, the assumed unarmed rat woman followed it in and found herself in the chamber the Bell had told her about. It was the first floor? Tsrrashi wasn’t going to question it, but she was curious how this would work. She approached the device hanging from the ceiling and hooked the horns of the bell into the slots. Once secured, she turned about until she found a lever and scurried to it. She pulled on it so excitedly she bent the handle. “Oops!” However, despite damaging the lever, it finished its motion and the structure rumbled, klaxons bellowed, automatons scurried about dutifully and the bell began ringing. “Oh~ yes~!” Tsrrashi moaned and pulled at her armor, which vanished into a cube for some reason, but she was too eager to feed her new rodent tail to her cunt to care. 📜 General Saecus Burtirus glowered at the info he was getting from the border. The Dominion was marching inland from the coast due to the loss of their ships. Saecus had been here for negotiations of joining the Daggerfall Pact due to its resurgence between Hammerfell, High Rock and the remnants of Orsinium. The Empire wasn’t long for this world and the Emperor knew it, so he was willing to bend the knee to join these people instead of the other way around. They were already rendering assistance, but this specific alliance only emerged due to news of Yokuda being back and many Redguards rushing to secure their homeland from being invaded by the Dominion. “If only you Redguards didn’t rush off the mainland, we wouldn’t need the Imperials!” Ghagrol Orumndar, the Orc ‘king’ of Orsinium, which rose once more from ruin as it tended to, gruffly accused. “Our homeland is back, our true homeland. We fear the Dominion sinking it again.” Tieda Biska, the Redguard leader, spoke with a glare at her Ally. “That was before the Thalmor annihilated Direnni Tower by sinking the Isle of Balfiera at an angle.” Which was a key reason why Saecus wasn’t taking his Legion and marching back to Cyrodiil to defend it. “Milady, there’s reports of Dwemer-” “Philanold, shush, we’re still in a meeting!” Cayra Monre, the Breton leader, shouted at her lieutenant. Fair of hair and pretty of face she may be, but she was as fiery as any Breton. “But the Dwemer-” “Leave, we can’t have distractions.” Cayra barked before turning back to the other leaders.  “Orsinium wants an agreement that we can have actual Territory with how Redguards are leaving Hammerfell. We won’t ask for much, but only the acknowledgment that the Mountains we dwell in are our own.” Ghagrol demanded with a pointed look to the other two. “I came to the meeting because of ancient treaties and to uphold the honor of my people as a whole, but the tribes scattered in Skyrim, Hammerfell, High Rock and Cyrodiil won’t come at my word unless I have some Oath they can get behind. We need to be recognized as a nation.” “Will you swear on the blood and honor of your people that you will cease trying to invade and conquer the lands around you?” Saecus questioned doubtfully and Ghagrol growled with his fists tightening and veins on his neck and temple bulging out. “As much as it spits on the spirit of our Oaths to Malacath, even He can see we aren’t getting anywhere. Our culture won’t change, it can’t, it never will. However, we can change what are...acceptable targets.” Ghagrol grumbled as a Legionnaire burst into the meeting room. “What is-?” “A Brass Tower is rising just south of the city!” The soldier shouted, causing everyone to balk and follow him out the room and onto the battlements of the wall surrounding Ska’vyn. They didn’t even need to get to the southern wall to see the gleaming Brass Tower, clearly of traditional Dwarven construction, rising from the sands of the small plain south of the city. What’s more, the sight wasn’t accompanied by a violent shaking of the ground. Instead, it was the signature clacking of Dwarven clockwork punctuated with an eerie bell toll that filled Saecus with both dread and an odd urge to pay Legate Monria a visit for some rather inappropriate fraternization. “By the Divines.” Whoever said that, they had a right to. Nobody could’ve anticipated whatever this meant. 📜 “There. It’s ready.” Twilight panted and wiped sweat from her brow. She’d been sitting at the edge of the circle of chalk for most of the day by now while I was cuddled and kissed by my sister/lover Shade inside of said circle. I still ached, but Shade even fed me sap from her bosom, which was hallucinogenic and helped pass the time. How did she drink so much of it? “Finally.” Shade grumbled and sat up, helping me upright due to being stiff and sore. “Okay. Now, this is going to be incredibly sexy sis.” I figured. I gulped and looked at Twilight, who groped herself and bit her lip before she levitated the key component other than Shade and I out of her cleavage. A golden, shining cartoony heart of Hist Amber intrinsically carved with runes about the size of a chicken egg. I took it into my hands and gulped nervously. “I won’t become the Heart, right?” I asked weakly, because I wasn’t going to stop if that was the case. “No. You will give it life and form when it grows within you.” Twilight pulled a zaisu closer since she could relax and I felt hot when she even pulled her robe up and revealed...whoa. She was fucking enormous! Her dick was easily bigger than Rarity’s now, with heaving and throbbing nuts the size of my default basketball boobs! “Sorry, but I’m not part of the ritual beyond this point. I’m just going to enjoy the show.” “Show?” I asked meekly when Shade transformed and took the amber heart in her hand with a naughty grin on her face. “Change and spread 'em.” My sister/lover purred and I gulped before I complied, even opening my aethereal pussy wide with my fingers for her. “Good girl~.” Shade didn’t hesitate, she took that rounded glowing heart and shoved it into me! I wailed and spasmed as she pushed her hand into me! I came twice just from being so abruptly fisted in my pussy~! “There you go. Now, for the real fun part~.” “Huh~?” I asked in confusion when she pulled me in for a kiss. I moaned into her mouth, but then she pushed me down her body, so I kissed her on the way down, sucked on her magicka nips for a moment, licked her sexy flat tummy, then gladly began eating her cunt. “So easy~.” Shade panted and then I realized what was going on when she grabbed my horns and somehow popped them off, before her cunt grabbed my tongue and I squealed upon getting pulled in! My sis is unbirthing me~! “Unf, oh yes~! I’ve been waiting to do this since Freda!” Fuck yes! Take me~! > Ch.43 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.43 [Fredas, 20th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “High King! Markarth, the Dwemer Automata are in a frenzy of repairs and pushing the citizens out of the city! There are reports of Falmer battling ratlike beastmen all over Skyrim! Similar reports of dwemer activity in Morrowind! It’s like all the abandoned Dwemer settlements woke up at once!” The civilian courier announced to the throne room of the Blue Palace in Solitude. This was grave news. Vartine had ordered the Jarls to monitor all Dwemer ruins once he proposed that Falmer may be a future threat, but this was different. Rat Beastmen? What was going on under their feet? Was this another experiment in Tonal Harmonics, something else the Dwemer made in secret? A Daedric Prince? Or was this something else? Why had the ruins started behaving like the Dwemer returned when these ratfolk appeared? “Observe the Dwemer settlements! Do not let the machines or man-beasts assault our people!” Vartine commanded with his Thu’um out the nearby window, so his dragon allies could keep watch from the skies. “Make sure the Dwemer have not returned! Contain the war of the Rats and Falmer! See if the Rats are intelligent, if so I want their goals. Get me an explanation on what is happening in my country!” Vartine ordered his court and everyone moved without needing further clarification. They each had their roles and each one could play a part in fulfilling their king’s orders. “As for you, courier, you came to me at great risk to yourself. You aren’t a soldier and you lack the bearing of a veteran adventurer. Why bring this warning to me from so far south of my hold?” Unsaid was the fact that aside from a few very remote locations, his hold didn’t have Dwemer ruins. “W-well...it’s the right thing to do, my King.” The young nord man replied and Vartine smiled slightly with a glint in his deep red eyes. Ah, so this was how Balgruuf felt back then. 📜 He fled for his life from the hulking monsters that smelled like the small creatures they often ate or fed their pet spiders and chaurus. He didn’t know how the Skeevers grew so enormous, but he heard his brethren dying, so he fled from the threat he couldn’t see. What was worse was that these Skeevers somehow commanded the Metal Ones like the Great Betrayers, how are they doing this? There was so much noise, earth and stone moved, tones sang like long ago in legends of the Blinding! What has changed?! He was in danger! Surface! He must run to the surface, to the warmth of the sun! He could only hope they would not follow! 📜 Drive the monsters out to keep the mothers safe as ordered by the tones of the Bell. The Horned Bell rings and the automata aid. They build, they protect, they listen, eager to serve. “Books!” Called out Kadra The Scholar as he pointed at knowledge from the surface. “Come read, learn! We must learn about the world!” Kadra eagerly shouted as he and other Skaven poured over tomes excitedly. “No time! Tunnels to The Horned Bell are complete! We must find the Saint! Find Saint Tsrrashi, bring her to Council, to guide us!” Enlor declared, only for everyone to hiss at him. “No! Council goes to the Saint!” Pesren insisted, the pretty Skaven gal getting nods of approval. “Yes! We Twelve must march to the Bell in pilgrimage!” 📜 “Are you sure this is wise?” The monk questioned Brennie as she prepared to go to the Dwemer Ruins in Hammerfell, the defensive force that Neethsi had assembled in the past several days were more than adequate to hold off the scrambling Dominion, who had clearly gambled and lost. Now that everyone, including their citizenry, understood the true goals of the Thalmor, the Dominion was basically in the midst of a societal upheaval budding into a civil war. “No, it isn’t a wise decision, but I need to see if my wife’s bell is there and I need your help in the endeavor.” Brennie admitted, but she must know and she needs the Order’s aid. “Besides learning more about this strange, new phenomenon?” Said the monk, who had not even dropped his name despite being the liaison between the Psijic Order and all the allies fortifying their island. “Well, I’m not about to miss out. The thaumic readings coming from northern Tamriel are staggering. I would be a fool not to investigate.” “And I would be an even bigger fool not to ask for your expertise.” Brennie took a deep breath before speaking. “So, ready to meet the Skaven?” “Certainly. It would be quite novel to meet a new race of mortals. It’s always a shame to see the number of mortal races decrease, it will be refreshing for that number to increase for once.” The monk put a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly they were standing on the wall of a city in the middle of a hot craggy desert and she nearly choked on the sudden shift from tropical island to dry desert without being braced for it. “My...that is rather impressive.” “Where the hell did this fuck-off giant phallic tower come from?!” Brennie demanded from reality, because there is just no way nobody ever saw this thing! 📜 I drowsily woke up and wriggled around in the glowing uterus of my sister and lover while rubbing my own swirling and shining fecund dome. I’ve been growing quickly and the process exhausted me, so I’ve been napping most of the time. It’s been so peaceful in here, at least when Shade isn’t fucking or getting fucked by someone, then I masturbated. Which made it odd that I was awake now. “Sis? Is something going on?” I asked aloud in the aethereal womb and stroked the inner walls of her most intimate place to help get her attention. “Woo~! Sis, don’t rub me like that! Now I’m all perky!” Shade complained and I snickered before licking her uterine wall and she whined. “Stahp~! I have been doing so well today, I’m not giving in to my rampant horniness!” Shade huffed and I giggled. She was a hot, heavy and horny preggo. Imagine what it’ll be like when she’s carrying Neethsi or Rarity’s babies. “Well then, I guess aside from growing this Stone inside of me, your constant naughtiness is why I’ve been sleeping so much.” I playfully kicked at where I assumed the front of her belly was and she hissed in annoyance before I felt her hands running over the massive orb containing me. “So, what’s going on out there? I’ve been completely in the dark here...metaphorically.” After all, our insides are as illuminating as our outsides. “I’d rather not. Let’s just say all kinds of weird crap is going on and everyone is scrambling. It looks like the Dominion is in its death throes from jumping the gun and is now fighting a civil war as well as a ‘World’ War. I don’t get why they call it that when Atmora, Akavir and all the other ‘lost continents’ aren’t involved.” Shade said and I could only rub my own belly in consideration. “Because this is the world to them in limited exploration.” I commented as I pondered-. “Oo~!” I moaned and my belly lurched forward, looking like I was about to have a baby. “Shade~! Get Twilight~!” I groaned as my body convulsed and tightened on the intruder in my body feeding off of me. “I-I think it’s either ready or my body is rejecting it~!” I grunted, letting my body go through it’s equivalent of a contraction as liquid magicka trickled from my nethers. “Oof! I-I feel that too! Twi~! Hey, you! Where’s Twilight?! … Fuck! Really?! Now?! We’re in Labor! Tell her to get her sexy purple pussy here right the fuck now or-ow~!” Shade hissed and I felt her hands grip her belly while I felt it contract around me. I joined her in pain and fought not to just let it out. I didn’t know if it was ready yet! Twilight wasn’t clear on that! 📜 Twilight froze in her analysis scans of the Brass Tower and felt a chill of DOOM rush down her spine and quicken her heart. She flew towards the Wayshrine in the sewers of Ska’vyn in the hopes that she could avoid destruction. Oh! There’s Brennie-DOOM-eep, she got it! 📜 Tsrrashi watched the purple pony with a figure worthy of being an acolyte of Wiatr fly away and sighed sadly. It was lonely up here. Yes, she had done her duty, activated the tower and potentially saved the world, but what she didn’t realize when activating the Tower was that the door from this top floor to the rest of the structure was jammed shut. She’s been stuck up here for many days forced to subsist entirely off of her body’s magically generated breastmilk. At least there was a fancy lavatory up here. This top floor wasn’t just for the chosen Stone, but it seemed to be a living area for whoever was going to be studying it. What little she could understand from the ancient and tattered notes, was that this place was meant to study the Towers by using one Clan Rourken had made themselves rather than anger those who built and lived around the currently existing Towers. *Knock, Knock* “Hey, is anyone alive in there?” A knock followed by a woman’s voice at the balcony door, formerly the main entrance when the Tower was underground, jolted the currently fully-armored Skaven woman and she eagerly ran for the door to fling it open to the surprise of the similarly armored human woman and the oddly robed altmer on the balcony. “Tsrrashi is pleased! Tsrrashi has been stuck up here alone for days! The door is stuck and machines are working on it.” Tsrrashi grabbed their hands and pulled them in from the risky balcony that had no railing. That needed to be changed. “What can Tsrrashi do for you? Dance, backrub, milk?” She willed the chestplate of the armor to vanish and hefted her tan and black striped milky tits. “Wow, you really are my wife’s new Saint. Say, where’s my clone?” Brennie asked the hyper energetic Saint who may be a little stir-crazy from being stuck up here with the Horned Bell all alone for so long. “Oh, you mean this?” Tsrrashi held up a dwemer cup that appeared from nowhere and was full of flesh-colored protein goop. “This all that was left of your avatar after Tsrrashi finally emptied out armor.” “Huh. I’m surprised you didn’t try to experiment with it. You know, maybe you could’ve given Life to it with your milk.” Brennie suggested and the gloriously ADHD ex-feline pointed at the cup. “Tsrrashi can do that?” She asked, not Brennie, but the Bell. “...I’m not sure if I’m ready to see a Skaven version of myself.” The armored woman said nervously, but even she was curious about what she would look like as a Skaven male. “Oh~! Tsrrashi shall!” However, instead of putting her blessed milk in the cup, Tsrrashi dropped onto her back, spread her legs, vanished the groin of the armor and jammed the mouth of the cup to her cunt! “Unf! Tsrrashi will give it life!” “I am...distinctly uncomfortable with this. I will take my leave for now to brace myself for such shenanigans in the future.” The monk, still nameless, vanished without further adieu. “Wow, he’s supposed to be ancient? Pfft, prude.” Brennie huffed and watched in fascination as Tsrrashi moaned and her belly rapidly swelled, the armor vanishing as she rubbed and cradled her furry fecundity. “Damn that’s hot, but I’m still a bit iffy about-.” Brennie winced when Tsrrashi squeaked in orgasm and suddenly her pussy stretched to the size of a door and out stepped a skaven man who matched her anthro colors and patterns before her pussy and belly snapped back to normal. “Uh, hey.” She greeted the Skaven-Bryan awkwardly, who just stared at her. “You...are pretty hot.” Say what now? “We may have some narcissistic tendencies or unresolved attraction to our opposite genders.” Skaven-Bryan warned her. “Tsrrashi is tired now, she will rest.” The almost-forgotten Skaven Saint said on the floor before snoring as she swiftly slid into slumberland. “Let’s deal with her before we address the super-sexy elephant in the room.” Damn it, he is hot and he’s naked for her to see him in all his glory. “Stop staring at my balls.” “Sorry, not sorry.” Brennie stuck her tongue out cheekily. “Don’t make me fuck you into the bed~.” Skaven-Bryan growled in a sexy, dominant way that made them realize they were unwittingly flirting with each other. “L-Let’s deal with her!” “Yes! Definitely!” Brennie agreed even when her groin was burning with desire. 📜 “Ah~! You’re breaking my hand~!” Twilight squealed as Shade gripped her hand. “You put us in this situation, it's the least you deserve!” Shade snarled at the alicorn as she pushed with the contractions. I meanwhile was doing the same inside of Shade as I helped her the best I could by shoving my head into her birth canal and helping her dilate. “Don’t wait for contractions! You’re not made of flesh! Just will it!” Hex Maniac, the dark purple furred and dark blue-green haired unicorn mare with swirly eyes and a huge rack compared to most people not part of Meen-Rei’s romantic group, snarled as she shook a demonic talisman over Shade. “Push her out so she can push the Heart out! She’s unable to do it inside you!” Oh great! That’s lovely to know when I’ve been pushing for the past twenty minutes! My anger was interrupted by my head being grabbed by Shade’s vagina and I was suddenly jettisoned from her womb like I was shot out of a cannon. My face became very intimate with the wall and I briefly blacked out, but the pain of my contracting womb woke me on the floor moments later. “Just will it out ,sis!” Shade shouted at me where she literally hovered a few feet over me. I grunted and pushed with the full intent of-I yelped when my body somehow ejected its cargo like a cannon, but Twilight caught the fruit of my loins in her magic...my gosh it’s so beautiful. The core was the glowing amber heart, which radiated through a crystal blue shell in pulses like a real heartbeat. “Wow.” I said in awe before Shade popped her horns-wait, are those my horns? She popped them off her head and put them on mine. We can swap body parts? “It’s more perfect than I could’ve imagined! Good job girls! I’m going to nestle it in the branches at the top of the sapling before we start enabling its growth.” Twilight kissed Shade and I noticed her mane and tail were magical before she kissed me too. Mm~! She’s a good kisser! Twilight then hurried out of the clinic and Healing took my hand to guide me to the bed. “Alright missy, you’re still recovering. Put your skin back on.” Healing firmly ordered and I whined before laying on the bed and changing back into flesh. Ow~. Not as bad as before, but I still hurt. “You’re doing well, but you’d be fully healed by this point if you didn’t have to host complex magic rituals.” “Shade, what were the kisses about? Did you pull Twilight into our romantic unit without input from the rest of us?” I huffed at my sister, who changed into flesh and approached the foot of the bed while Mellow and Freda waited at the head of it for their turn with me. “Not really? I was super horny when pregnant with you, Twilight’s a total nymphomaniac which she blames on Berserker and I exhausted Rarity in just one day to the point of causing her to faint.” Shade informed me and I winced. Oof. Poor Rarity. “Neethsi has been busy coordinating troop deployments to Artaeum and Yokuda so she couldn’t help. It was the obvious choice.” “Infusing the headmistress to the point her hair becomes insubstantial and buoyant and her bodily fluids are nearly liquid magicka isn’t the ‘obvious’ choice.” Healing huffed in annoyance. “I’ve had my hands full trying to discover what it is about you two’s magicka infusions that cause such drastic physiological changes that Alteration cannot replicate.” “I told you it’s because they’re daedra and they’re partially transforming their partners into daedra!” Hex Maniac declared, still having not left the clinic. “You didn’t answer if she’s in our romantic unit.” I said and Shade shrugged. “I don’t know. I personally feel like we’re friends with benefits. She has Berserker and I doubt Twilight isn’t this intimate with her other friends when they’re being naughty and talking about boys or girls or whatever.” Shade said before Healing finished with me and my alchemist friend and his sexy girlfriend started feeding me potions. “Gah, mm, I almost feel back to normal.” I grumbled and sat up. “Freda. I’ve been putting it off because of how frantic things have become, but I died briefly on Yokuda and Julianos told me that you would know about my abducted children.” Everyone reacted to my non-sequitur with understandable shock. “Sorry for the non-sequitur, but I need to know.” “Well, what about your children? I’ve never met you before or-.” “I was once named Marian, I was a vixen or Lilmothit for the locals. I was pregnant with quadruplets, but an unseen entity prematurely stole my kits from my womb, turned me into an argonian, then threw me into this world with no consideration for me or mine.” I clarified and Freda’s already snow-white fur became almost ghostly. “O-oh no...they are your children?” Freda asked in disbelief and wilted. “They aren’t dead, rather, they can’t die, but I wouldn’t wish their fate on anyone. If they are who I think they are, then your children are tools for my heartless sister in service of Dark forces.” Freda took my hand in hers, the warmth of her soft hands contradicted the chill of her aura. “I’ll tell you all I know, but I need to get my facts straight before I possibly worry you further over nothing.” “Alright. So long as you help me find them.” I patted her hand and managed to get out of bed with her help. “I want to see it. I’m going outside.” I said to everyone and Shade helped support me as we went out to the courtyard. Twilight had already set the Crystal Heart in the bough of the sapling and was on her knees in prayer. She shook her head and looked over at us. “Rei, Shade, I’m afraid I must ask for your help again.” We transformed and hovered over to her. “I know it’s an odd request, but both of you hug the sapling and kiss it like when you’re infusing someone with magicka.” Shade and I shared a bewildered look, but shrugged and moved to either side of the sapling. It was thin enough that our huge breasts molded around it to dock with one another and we both kissed it chastely. I closed my eyes as I felt my magicka flowing out of my lips and I felt the sapling rapidly grow thicker between our breasts. Soon we were no longer touching one another and we were both able to properly hug the tree. I felt woozy, tired in a way that I wasn’t familiar with in this form. I still smooched the trunk until I felt faint, so I stopped and nuzzled the smooth crystal before a hand took my cheek and guided me to kiss someone properly. I moaned into their lips and shuddered in exhaustion as I ceased floating and my kisser followed me as I went to my knees while still hugging the tree. “Thank you, Mother.” My kisser said before I faded away into the bliss of sleep. > Ch.44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.44 [Sundas, 22th of Last Seed, 4E: 221] “So you mean to say that you were all once Falmer?” A guard in service to Solitude posted at Dragon Bridge asked incredulously of the hulking rat-man garbed in tatters and ad-hoc dwarven armor bits like boots and gauntlets. He’d come along the road alone and in a non-threatening manner, so he and his fellow guards felt it prudent to politely stop the potential lycanthrope and see if it could reason.  “Yes, yes! Tonal came back, told us to Change, so we did!” The 6-foot tall humanoid rat explained. “But we did not change like the Great Betrayers had wanted us to, no, this Tone freed us from their shackles and let us choose to become more! No longer were we forced to be blind monsters in the dark, now we can turn to more than survival.” “...Ah. Okay then.” He had no clue what the creature was getting at. “What are your intentions?” “To see! All my life have I known nothing but darkness! I don't even know how to describe everything! Also, to scout where settlements are so we can start trying to...what is it called when you give things to get things?” The unnerving rat-person asked and the guard shared a wary look with his fellow guard. “...Trade?” If these beasts don’t even know what trading is, things could get violent soon. “Trade, alien concept. We just smash heads to take what we want from no-sharers. The Bell doesn’t want that though.” The rat shook his head. “Is better this way. Now, I am Girhur. Names didn’t matter before, but our writings still have them. I am a Skaven, Changed from a Falmer. Where is…” He rifled through the bag made from what the guard nervously thought might be falmer flesh before producing a scroll and unrolling it. “Ah, ahem. Girhur, do not read this out loud-oh.” He visibly flushed and hid his face behind the scroll in embarrassment. “Is it me or is he a bit short of sense?” The nearest other guard whispered and the leader shrugged. “Okay. So the scholars want us to ‘trade’. We are willing to provide information and material goods in exchange for information and material goods. Why is it worded like that?” Girhur grumbled with a scratch of his head. “Well, I’m in no position to speak about this. You’d need to speak to the High King.” The guard winced as the rat-ahem, Skaven, no need to be racist here with dangerous political tensions, visibly became more cheerful. He hoped he wasn’t going to get in trouble for this. 📜 I awoke without pain. I assumed I was in my atronach body, but seeing my red scaled hands filled me with relief that I’d woken up in my mortal body without pain. Which meant I was healed, at least mostly. “Well, you did it.” I turned my gaze to see Twilight sitting next to the bed, waiting. “You saved the world, Meen-Rei.” I did? “By helping create the Tree of Harmony, taking Neethsi to Yokuda to restore Orichalc and thus being in a position to urge her to restore Red Mountain, the Thalmor have failed.” “Oh...that’s wonderful. Can I retire and have babies with my lovers now?” I sarcastically questioned, but Twilight looked saddened. “I’m afraid not. The Dominion is crumbling, the citizens have overthrown their government at grave loss of life, the remnant military forces they possess are either laying down their arms or forming splinter cells intent on guerrilla terrorist warfare. However, that just means this threat is dealt with. No, now we must deal with Molag Bal and his impending Second Planemeld.” Twilight reminded me and I sighed as I sank into my bed in resignation. “Ugh, right, fuck that Daeda.” I growled as I thought of grabbing a restoration potion. “So what were you doing when We went into Labor?” “Oh, a new Tower appeared out of nowhere. I was called upon along with other head Scholars from renowned groups, to try and study it. It seems the Dwemer made two Brass Towers, but this one was not the attempt to make an artificial god, it was to study the Towers. It was built at the same time as the Numidium, but was not completed due to Kagrenac’s hasty actions causing the Dwemer to Zero-Sum. Two separate parts of the Dwemer civilization had similar yet different goals, but both were incomplete. The strangest bit is that the new Brass Tower would have been functional while the Numidium couldn’t.” Twilight lectured and I snorted at the irony. “Really? Who completed this Brass Tower and what does that make the Numidium?” I asked in concern and Twilight patted my hand soothingly, catching my attention at the rather intimate gesture. “The tower was completed by a former khajiit named Tsrrashi. She had a suitable Stone in her possession, said stone is an artifact of Bersie’s wife Wiatr. As for the Numidium, it was known as Walk-Brass as well as the Brass Tower. This new Brass Tower doesn’t walk, but it can be retracted back into the ground. I’ve heard people calling it Sink-Brass.” Twilight said as she rubbed her thumb on the back of my knuckles and I gulped nervously. “Twilight...what am I and Shade to you?” I asked warily and she looked confused. “You’re holding my hand like a lover.” She yanked her hand away with a hot blush. “S-sorry! I’m just, very touchy-feely with people I care about, whether as friends or more. Let me know if I go too far for comfort.” Twilight apologized and then cleared her throat. “Anyway, things are settling down a bit, but we need to start hunting down Molag’s cultists. They’ll be working to establish Dark Anchors into our world. While the Towers have stabilized Mundus, it’s been unstable for so long that the daedra can still come and go, if more limited. However, Freda let me know that even that might not stop Molag.” “A shame that I don’t think Hermais or her siblings can do anything about him. Unlike Hermaeus Mora, Molag’s sphere is entirely evil.” Domination, Rape and Slavery. Yeah, there’s no way to supplant that asshole without getting someone else just as bad. “We can talk about all of this later. Right now, although you’re mostly healed, you’re not done yet. Get some more rest Rei.” Twilight leaned in to kiss and paused when she realized what she was doing, but I grabbed her cheek and leaned up to kiss her anyway. Chastely of course. “Sorry.” “It’s okay, you’re just a very physically expressive friend with benefits. Don’t worry, I get it.” I patted her cheek and she left me to get some more sleep, which was still quite welcome...zzz. 📜 “This...doesn’t feel right, does it?” Brennie asked Bravia, the male Skaven clone of her as the two were training with their magic on one of the many floors of Sink-Brass. “No, it doesn’t. It would seem our magical capabilities are rather poor.” Bravia sighed since their pyromancy was lacking. Nothing more than holding up a candle. “If this is how our magic is, we need to train on it more.” “I see you two are struggling, may I take a look?” The nameless monk asked when he came into view. They nodded and he went to each of them, scanning their bodies with a wave of his hand and a once-over with his eyes. “Hm, you both have great magicka potential, but it seems you must relearn it through our ways.” “I guess so. We had to learn magic before, but in a completely different system.” Brennie said before the monk approached her and patted her shoulder with a suddenly flaming hand and she hissed. “Remember the sensation.” The altmer coached before she could shout at him and she did so, focusing the feeling in her mind before casting magicka through her arm, to her hand, where it became coated in intense flames that somehow didn’t emit heat beyond the grasp of her hand. “Ah, you are tactile learners, I had assumed as much. A shame you are not under the Atronach sign, tactile learning is safest for atronachs.” “Like Rei and Shay then.” Bravia observed before he squeaked in his rodent way when arms wrapped around his waist and groped his otherwise featureless groin under his pants and Tsrrashi cooed hungrily as she leaned around his side to leer lustfully up at him. “Tsrrashi wishes to bear pups and raise a family. Will this big, strong, sexy man help Tsrrashi?” The maned Skaven purred up at him and Bravia uneasily looked over at Brennie who was watching with an amused smirk. It was fun when it wasn’t her for once. “S-sure, but only if she joins in on the fun!” Bravia pointed towards Brennie, who gawked at him as Tsrrashi giggled and moved her tail to the side to wriggle it and Brennie gulped. “Yep. Still gonna fuck you into the bed~.” She bit her bottom lip when he growled lustfully at her. “Mistress, you have such luck! I wish I wasn’t an immobile ball of babies and fluids so I could join in!” Pandora cheered excitedly and Brennie patted her stomach firmly with a pout before noticing the monk had vanished again. Such a prude! “Who says you can’t, our little Pandora~?” Bravia purred as he crawled over and licked at Brennie’s flat and bare stomach from having worn little more than exercise pants and a sports bra. Brennie immediately felt hot and was too flustered to resist when Bravia toppled her onto her ass and tore the crotch of her elastic pants off! “N-now, now! No-guh~!” Brennie grunted and her eyes rolled back when Bravia dove into her and her body eagerly accepted the massive Skaven, especially since Tsrrashi followed without hesitation and made Brennie cum a few times just from the unbirthing. Then she moaned and began masturbating as three people started fucking in her womb. She only barely noticed that her body tried morphing into a Skaven, but was aware enough to resist the Horned Bell and enjoy the pleasure without turning into a rat. 📜 “You have no clue how thankful we are.” Gorek, the highest authority of the ships that arrived in Yokuda from Hammerfell declared to Neethsi after the Pact forces already fortifying the area around Orichalc received them on the eastern shore. They were here in what was rapidly being dubbed Orichalc’s Bastion due to Neethsi promptly making a new Wayshrine at said eastern shore so the arriving Redguards and Bretons of Hammerfell and High Rock respectively wouldn’t have a harrowing journey across still-barren land. It was heavily salted after all. “I can imagine.” Neethsi uneasily said with a wary look past Gorek at the various men and women of multiple races gawking at her. Some of the Pact soldiers hadn’t recovered from her otherworldly presence either. “Just...please don’t worship me? I’m already hearing prayers from multiple people here.” “I can’t promise that.” Gorek stated seriously and Neethsi groaned. “You literally raised our homeland from the sea, then reactivated Orichalc to save the world. Do you have any clue how many people are likely already worshiping you?” “Yes! I can hear them~!” Neethsi wailed and one of the nearby dunmer uneasily patted her on the back. “It wasn’t all me though! I was just part of the whole thing!” Neethsi protested as she held up the Trident of Tides, which had, unfortunately, featured prominently in the announcements of her achievement here as well as the fact that, as Nerevarine, possessing such a polearm was practically destined according to her Cult. Which meant she’d accidentally adopted it as her Artifact~! She never wanted this~! “Hearing that your mate died to keep you from ascending to Aetherius was further inspiring Goddess-I mean, Nerevarine.” One of the other dunmer slipped and Neethsi sighed before she plopped her aethereal sexy ass into a chair that her tail somehow phased through the back of as if it weren’t there. If she wasn’t wearing her preferred robe, she was sure everyone would be gawking much more. Damn you Dibella! Damn you Mephala! Fuck you in Aetherius Vivec! “What was that about me?” An extremely beautiful silver-plumed blue-scaled argonian asked when she approached, her eyes shining with white-pink light and garbed in nothing but a toga that barely covered her nipples and hung just past her groin with her tail thankfully holding it on. “Curse you Dibella! You’re the one who blessed me with my sexy body and my intense libido! If it wasn’t for you, I’d have been a completely normal person!” Neethsi snarled and Dibella giggled as worshipers of the Divines gawked at the avatar of Beauty. “I had nothing to do with that, you were the one who simply resonated with Beauty. You were born under the Lover after all.” Dibella teased and Neethsi buried her face in her hands as her trident rested on her shoulder. “Now, I’m here to come get you. You can work your magic on the rest of Yokuda later. Everyone! The Dominion is dead!” Dibella’s announcement was met with deafening cheers. “What is more important than restoring Yokuda, no, improving Yokuda beyond the near-barren rock it is and used to be?” Dibella clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Mara was right, people are so quick to forget. Your lovers have been waiting Neethsi. They need your Beautiful presence in their lives right now.” Dibella took Neethsi by the hand and led her to the Wayshrine. 📜 “Mm~.” I hummed at the tender kiss that filled me with energy and opened my eyes to see Shade was the one kissing me awake. I reached up to pull her onto the bed and made out with her before we parted and drool linked our tongues together as our eyes filled with lust and love peered into one another. “I really like waking up to this.” “I like waking people up like this.” Shade replied huskily before she sighed and got off of me. “How are you feeling?” I stretched in the bed and only felt a faint discomfort. “Pretty good. What’s the situation to warrant such a wonderful awakening?” I asked my sister/lover, who helped me to my feet and I appreciated the help to move when I’m still drained. “Neethsi is here to visit with us before she continues terraforming Yokuda.” Shade told me and I gasped. “Really?!” I rasped and almost ran ahead, but my weak body reminded me that was a bad idea by almost dragging Shade to the floor. “Move faster!” I urged and Shade laughed before obliging. Soon we did not go to the workshop, Twilight’s office or even the dorm that was temporarily ours. We reached what I’d dubbed the milking room and entered. “Seriously Twi? Why? I’ve never had eggs!” Neethsi complained as her spacy nips were pumped for...an odd black and sparkly fluid, like her aethereal body was just a shell full of mystical fluid. “Oh, Rei, Shade! I hear you two did something incredible if not as violently as my recent achievements.” Our lover, strapped down and being milked, cheerfully said to us. “Yes, but Rei shouldn’t be out of bed.” Twilight huffed at us, but didn’t protest further. Instead she took my burden from Shade in her magic and moved me over to a second table. When did they add more tables? This isn’t the only new bit of furniture. “Oh well, Rei, go atronach. Shade, stay flesh. The final pieces are in place to ascend the Tree of Harmony into a Tower. We just need the mixture.” “Mixture of what?” I warily asked as I was strapped down to the milking table next to Neethsi and Shade got on the table on my other side before getting strapped in. “Neethsi’s Essence of Aetherius, your Liquid Magicka and Shade’s Hist Sap. They need to be freshly harvested and immediately blended. I just tested if we could use older samples of each, but no, they need to be fresh and still carry your individual essence in them for it to work.” Twilight informed us and I transformed so that I could contribute moments before the milking cups descended on my ethereal glowing nips. “Well, this is a fairly nice way for us to get together.” Shade giggled and hummed when the cups descended on her own nips. “Curse you Dibella, saying my lovers needed my Beauty. Hmph, crafty bitch.” Neethsi huffed and a glass vessel big enough to suspend someone inside appeared with a flash of Twilight’s magic and three hoses were brought from the ceiling to dangle over it before Twilight summoned a stepladder and a giant wooden spoon before she climbed up to it. “I do need you.” I cooed at Neethsi and gasped when the pumps kicked up to a level of pressure I didn’t realize they were capable of. “Oh~! It’s so strong~!” I moaned as my glowing girls lurched with the powerful suction and the groping sensation of the magick milkers as my liquid magicka was harvested. Beside me both Shade and Neethsi hissed in pleasure as they too were pumped vigorously for their mystical magical milk-analogue. “My gosh this is incredible.” Twilight commented as she stirred the three fluids together. Shade’s glowing golden sap, my shining sorcerous secretion and Neethsi’s dark glimmering aether swirling with her simple wooden spoon into a bright and exotic combination that was hard to describe, but I would compare it to the sun and moon at their brightest turned to liquid and fighting with space itself for dominance. “Nirn, the in-between and Aetherius. Marvelous.” “How much do you need~?” Shade panted as the huge glass vessel filled with the swirling and mystical potion, for that’s what results when you combine ingredients with alchemical properties. “I don’t know, but it’s best if we have too much rather than not enough. Besides. Neethsi’s current state-.” Neethsi gasped and I turned to see her gorgeous aethereal state bleed away towards her breasts, leaving her original white scales in place. I wasn’t disappointed in the least. I love her no matter what she looks like. If anything, it was good to see her returning to normal since her ‘Goddess Form’ clearly upset her. “Might not be sustainable. Okay, once it bleeds to only your bosom, I’m turning it off in case you’re lactating normally.” “I can finish pumping it out after I divert the pump back to the tank it was using before for you.” Twilight said and then turned off the pump when only Neethsi’s tits were literally heavenly. Heh. “You girls are incredible, do you know that?” Twilight asked as she released Shade and I from the hoses and Neethsi groaned when her’s turned back on long enough to drain the last of her divine manifestation and leave her getting pumped for nothing, since she’d never had kids. “I sure do. Sis may be too humble, but I’m not able to ignore how great we are.” Shade said before the straps came off and she booped my snoot. “Change back. You won’t get better like that.” I groaned and obeyed, letting my weakened mortal form back to the fore. “I don’t know about you girls, but I’m tired. I want to just snuggle with Rarity. Is she here?” Neethsi asked Twilight as she sat up. The answer came when the door opened and the three of us yelped when Rarity’s magic, surprisingly strong, pulled us in a stream of topless beauty out the door and down the hall! “Yes and while these two are resting properly,” Rarity glared at me, “You’ll be snuggling my balls, my dear Neethsi.” > Ch.45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.45 [Fredas, 27th Last Seed: Harvest's End, 4E: 221] I awoke to the warmth of those around me and I took a deep whiff of whoever I was snuggling against. By the perfume, I must be snuggling up to Rarity. I can’t tell if it’s Shade or Neethsi snuggling against my back since they’re both argonians and both have the same bust-size preference that I’d adopted too. “Unf, right there Neethsi.” Rarity whispered in her sleep and I cracked open an eye to see her maremeat was at full mast and throbbing into the air. “Yes, I want your foals…” Mm~. Rarity is dreaming of getting knocked up by the total stud that is Neethsi. Sure, she prefers her new female form with male tail, but I still fondly remember when she was a towering hulk. A shame that Rarity won’t be receptive until late First Seed, when the Estrous Cycle for ponies kicks off and turns the mares into desperate breed-hungry whores. Thankfully they can at least take herbs to prevent pregnancies even then, but that’s the only time of the year that ponies can get pregnant. I rubbed Rarity’s stomach, longing to see it growing with the product of our love. “Unf!” Rarity groaned and came in her sleep, spraying her glowing magic cum all over us. This of course woke the other two and they protested before laughing and Rarity was covering her eyes with her palms as she blushed through her white fur so hard in embarrassment that I just had to giggle at her dismay. “Why does my piercing not keep my maleness away when asleep?” “Hey, waking up to a bukkake shower isn’t unwelcome if it’s you.” I said into her ear before nipping it and Rarity groaned with a shove at me to get me off of her and I chuckled. “Now we’re all sticky and musky! Today’s the festival! Come on girls, I’m sorry, but we need to clean up.” Rarity huffed as she scraped some of her blue-glowing cum off of her body and ate some before she could stop herself. I and the other argonians couldn’t help ourselves either. “S-stop that~!” Rarity whined and her flagging erection sprang back up. “No fair~! I just-grr!” “Relax Rarity. We can have fun in the bath. Maybe you could even be the spigot~?” Shade teased our pony lover and Neethsi surprisingly snarled in desire. “I’ve always had fantasies of swimming in cum! Well, at least after I first became female. That little shower just now was nothing compared to what Rei’s infusions into you have given you the volume to put out. I want a cum bath!” Neethsi declared, I raised a hand with an eager coo and Shade joined in. Rarity was gawking at us in horror mixed with lust and she growled. “No! We’re going to get clean and go enjoy the festivities! We can indulge in our hedonistic sexual fantasies tonight if we’re not too tired!” Rarity dictated and the three of us non-ponies whined. “Don’t give me those eyes! Damn you argonians and your expressive eyes!” 📜 “So this is literally a feasting festival?” I asked Neethsi as we trailed behind Rarity. Despite not being a warrior or sorcerer or whatnot, Rarity ended up being the one wearing the pants in our relationship. I didn’t mind, Neethsi and Shade liked not being in full control either. Besides, Rarity’s bondage games and dominance plays were fun as well as sexy. “Yes. Harvest’s End is the celebration that the majority of the work has ended for the year, at least for farmers. After this, most regions get too cold to grow crops at full yield, so the farms rotate in hardy plants that restore the soil. Even regions like this where crops can grow year-round follow this tradition to avoid exhausting the soil.” Neethsi lectured and I nodded in understanding. My first life had plenty of ancient celebrations along these lines. “So what foods do Argonians and Ponies serve here?” Shade asked as she tugged on the hat Rarity made for her to keep the wind from blowing it away. Rarity had made us all simple yet elegant day dresses and matching hats with each of us enjoying our full figures without going overboard. Rarity, like the three of us, preferred to have basketball boobs when not doing something that such huge endowments would get in the way of, so we stood out further. “Alcohol, pumpkins, several beasts that we farm or hunt, the strange fruits of the marsh and more normal cultivars.” Rarity listed as she tried recalling what would be available. “If it’s grown on a farm or plantation, raised on a ranch, fished from the sea or whatnot, it’ll be there.” Rarity eagerly declared with a lick of her lips. Oh? Is miss, soon to be missus, Rarity a secret foodie? “I hope they’re serving those spicy sausages again.” Neethsi slobbered a bit and used a handkerchief to prevent her drool from dripping into her cleavage or on her dress. “While local fare doesn’t have the spiciness of dunmer dishes, the meat from mudlurkers especially has a zing to it.” Mudlurker? Oh! That gator-sized Wamasu wannabee thing, right. “Oh~ I’m so hungry now~! Why didn’t we have breakfast?” Shade whined and I was about to comment on the whole ‘so we have room’ matter when we reached the Lilmoth city square to find kiosks lining the whole border and the buildings around the square also opening their doors and windows to the celebration regardless of their trade or state of residency. “So you have room!” A vendor cheered at us, somehow hearing Shade over the hustle and bustle of the giant mass of people. It wasn’t until I got a good look to see it was Applejack! “Hey y’all! Come on over to get some cider!” AJ cheered and we eagerly approached. At least until a hulking red hill behind her stood up from behind a short stack of barrels to reveal an absolute stud of a handsome red stallion that stood at Nine feet tall! “Hey Mac, how’s the barrels doin’?!” “Hm.” The giant red earth pony hummed and twirled the stalk of straw in his lips around with his teeth before running a hand through his similarly straw-colored messy mane and patted the barrels before snapping one of those straining suspenders on his overalls against his pec with a thumb. Oh Dibella I can see every single crease of his muscles from here! “Golly, it’s only been an hour since we started. Head on back to the orchard for another run. Sorry to do this to ya, Mac.” AJ apologized to who could only be her brother and the stallion shrugged before grabbing the empty wagon and hoisting it over his head with one hand to casually walk out of the city square. I’m sure Shade and I aren’t the only ones gawking! “Now you see why I had so much competition for the ladies when it came to being hyper-endowed.” Rarity pouted at us before smirking. “He is incredible, girls. I’ve even been his marefriend for a bit, but he’s too quiet and reserved for me. That stallion will make a lucky girl very happy someday, I’m just not that girl.” “Yeah, my brother is known for that, but I wish it was more than that. He fought off Dominion troops at one time and punched a daedroth back to Oblivion in one hit.” Applejack boasted and then snorted. “Well, are ya gonna have some cider or ya just gonna drool over my brother’s ass as he walks away?” That is a fine ass. “Careful, its known to hypnotize.” I’ve noticed… “Sis, quit talkin’ bout Mac’s body! Granny told us it’s rude to parade our genes about.” Came the complaint of a yellow mare with strawberry red mane and tail held back with an adorably oversized pink bow. She was about as tall and muscular as her sister, but had even bigger tits. She was wearing a similar set of suspenders as the other Apples, but wore a tunic rather than just a shirt for her torso. “The milkmare of the family has no right to complain about that.” AJ pouted down at the massive nearly beach ball chesticles the yellow mare was sporting and said mare blushed so red her head matched her hair. “I still don’t get how yer lactating when ya don’t got no foals, sis.” “Sis~!” The mare, who I gawked at upon realizing this was Applebloom, self-consciously wrapped her arms around her massive mams, only emphasizing their size by her muscular arms squeezing them. “You said you wouldn’t tell!” “Please, everyone knows ya got milkers, Bloom. Now why don’t ya go mare-up and hit the milkmare stalls, see how you compare.” AJ shoved her sibling out from behind the kiosk before shoving the caramel-furred and green-maned stallion of average stature after her. “You too Coral. You’ve been working yourself too much. Find Bloom’s friends, have some fun.” AJ insisted and Applebloom did a 180, grabbing Coral's hand and dragging him into the crowd. “Oh! That’s right! Ladies, let's get some cider and have some other goodies before heading for the milkmare stall!” Rarity excitedly chirped and I shared a wary yet eager look with my fellow argonian lovers. 📜 “So today’s a harvest festival?” Brennie asked Twilight as she let Twilight lean against her in their journey through the teeming mass of people in the streets. They were both wearing casual outfits. Brennie wore a black T-shirt with Linkin Park’s logo stretched over her K-cup b-ball boobs, black jeans with the tattered Doom Slayer banner on her left hip and matching black strappy combat boots while Twilight wore a blue button-up blouse with her similarly sized breasts displaying incredible cleavage and a knee-length gray skirt. “Yeah. It’s the biggest feast of the year aside from varied local traditions spread across Tamriel. This is the grandest of them though, since it’s an international holiday.” Twilight answered from where she was happily resting her cheek against Brennie’s shoulder with her horn somehow turned rubbery so she could get this close without hurting the woman. “Well, in case you couldn’t guess, I can definitely eat even if I don’t need to.” Brennie smiled softly and rubbed Twilight’s hand when it automatically went to her exposed six-pack abs. “I don’t have that luxury as much! Feed me~!” Pandora pleaded with a whine and Brennie rolled her eyes. She knew Pandora was just playing. She drank enough of Twilight’s cum every time they had sex to get the protein and the amniotic fluid in her womb, aided by the golden lattice of the magick ‘inner womb’ linked to her that also supported Brennie’s babies, had pretty much every other nutrient needed. “But I wanna eat tasty food too~!” Oh, that’s fair. “Hm, so much better.” Eris cooed when she appeared next to them with a matching figure in clothes similar to Brennie’s and Twilight ceased resting her head on Brennie’s shoulder. “Aren’t you being fucked by gods?” Twilight asked curiously with a wary look around as Eris gained more piercings on her brows and lips, even her nose and Brennie visibly became more interested in the sight. “Oh, I am. I’m the Spirit of Chaotic Time. Causality doesn’t matter.” Eris replied casually before running a hand along her smooth scaly scalp and leaving a mohawk-like frill to spring up. “What’s up with the Uber-Goth get-up?” Brennie asked with a wry smirk. “I’m feeling Goth right now, especially since seeing you all light-goth rocker put me in the mood.” The sexy serpent replied before looking around. “Now then, let’s eat and stuff. I’ve been getting fucked by Akatosh and Discord for what feels like years.” “Any place in particular?” Brennie questioned as she rubbed her stomach. “Dongo’s Stall?” Eris suggested with an evil look. “He decided to go about the planes here to make...interesting drinks.” Brennie looked to see a Lewd Bar at the end of an alley with a drink named Kyne’s Milk or Akatosh Seed. “What’s in the drinks?” Twilight asked in bewilderment at the name of the stall while curious customers were served their orders in disposable wooden tankards and seemed to enjoy it before they went on their way. “It says it all, Twilight. They ain’t pulling your leg.” Brennie whispered before turning to Eris. “Hey, could you do my hair up like yours?” “Sure!” Eris giggled as she did Brennie’s hair up like her mohawk whereas Twilight blushed profusely at the concept of this bar actually serving godly fluids to the public! She checked the menu and gulped. Why were some of her fluids on that list?! How did he get them?! Her shock was compounded at the menu including Brennie’s milk too. She couldn’t imagine Brennie letting herself be milked. She didn’t seem the type. “This is the best strawberry drink I’ve ever had!” An Imperial man cheered. “I’m sure Mara would appreciate hearing that.” Said the handsome muscular orc with the long and epic braided beard manning the stall of the Lewd Bar next to a fairly pretty shapely female orc both in tavern clothes that was helping serve customers. “Why does my blood feel like it’s boiling?” A nord asked as he drank a golden red liquid. “That’s Akatosh for you. Don’t ask for another, remember it’s one per.” Dongo reminded the nord, who hummed and smoke faintly trailed from his nostrils as he left. “My stomach feels weird.” An argonian woman groaned and her tummy bulged a bit. “Dibella is about Fertility too, shared with Mara on that. You must already be with child. Who is the lucky guy?” The pretty orc next to Dongo questioned with a toothy smile. “Ah, um, I’d rather not say right now.” The argonian shyly said with a barely hidden glance at an argonian man nearby, who almost choked on his drink before gulping nervously. “Why is he serving this?” Twilight hissed to Brennie and Eris as she valiantly tried to ignore their epic mohawks. She had no idea hair could be like that and no argonian had a frill that enormous! “Dongo’s significant other, currently his wife, has always owned and operated the Lewd Bar in some form or other. She loves bringing exotic and unexpectedly tasty drinks made from mystical bodily fluids to people.” Eris said with a gesture to the orc woman, who waved at them. “And all the gods just let this happen?” Twilight asked before noticing Molag was not there while the rest of the Daedric Princes were. “It’s not like they have too much of a choice. You didn’t even notice you were lactating from Brennie’s passive body enhancements bleeding over to you. The only reason you’re not bigger than you are now is because Dongo has been remotely milking you spatially. I’ll give you piercings right now.” Eris snapped her fingers and Twilight squeaked and patted her chest and groin. “Also gave you the same organ swapper sis gave Neethsi and Rarity.” “Yes, it's not like we knew what to do with the sudden addition of magical endowments Discord blessed our Pantheon with.” Nocturnal huffed from a Raven. “Until recently my preferred body's breasts were just for show. Now our bodies have a default!” Nocturnal complained, but nobody seemed to notice the Daedric Prince’s presence save for them. “Oh shush, you’ve been loving it! Besides, at least Molag doesn’t get to enjoy the fun and Vivec isn’t popular at all.” Sheogorath laughed from a cheese log on the counter that again nobody but them could hear voices from. “True, but as much as I love being feminine and sultry, I did enjoy freely being a roguish handsome male. Now I have to make an effort.” Nocturnal replied before looking down at the group. “You, you’ve caused such a stir, created so much Change. Although we Daedra are once more weakened in this realm, I thank you.” Came a spine-tinglingly scary voice from a statue of Dagon. “Take that praise well, Dagon’s a real ass usually.” Came a comment from an unassumingly normal Breton who sipped his tankard on approach. “Hi, Sam Guevenne.” The human winked at them. “Thanks for stopping those idiots. This place is too much fun to let it all end.” He then patted Twilight on the shoulder. “Hey, get this one a drink. She’s got a secret party girl in her.” “W-n-no I don’t!” Twilight protested with an aghast expression mixed with a flush of embarrassment and Brennie pulled her and Eris away from the daedra-infested alleyway. “Let’s go find AJ. I want to load you up with cider!” Brennie declared and lamented that she couldn’t get drunk right now. Safe or not because of magic, Brennie still didn’t imbibe toxins when pregnant. It was only sensible. 📜 “You-*hic*-sneaky bitchsh~!” I slurred at Rarity as she, Shade and I were leaning against our gigantic tits, getting hand-milked for show in front of a crowd~! Neethsi was behind us to make sure nobody took advantage of our immobile state from our wagon-sized boulder boobs pinning us to the cobblestone street. “Y-you just-*hic*-wanted to show ush-*hic*-off~!” “Guilty, mm~, as charged!” Rarity panted from next to me. Unlike Shade and I, she wasn’t as used to getting milked and her sensitivity was higher because of it. Thankfully her genital piercing was letting her be purely female right now to avoid making more of a mess that certainly would have occurred since she could’ve literally fucked her tits while standing. “Oh~! Who is over my hills~?! You have magic hands!” Shade gasped from the other side of Rarity from me. We were taking up so much space that the milkmare stall, which Milky Way, previously the holder of biggest and milkiest tits in town, had to move the milking contest into the street. We were the cows~! “Girls, I swear, I wish I could do what you’re doing.” Neethsi lamented, since she hadn’t gotten infused as a female, so only her cum-related organs got a boost. “As soon as we get home, you’re infusing me until my breasts swell as big as Rarity’s!” Because while this was Rarity’s maximum size, Shade and I were connected to the Hist and endlessly producing sap. We might even be able to fill the city square~! “Yesh~! We needsh to do dat!” I slurred, drunk on pleasure, cider and I don’t know how many other types of booze I’ve had by now. I moaned and shuddered, my tail dripping pre-cum on the cobblestone street as my cunny honey drizzled down my legs. The only reason we’re not being arrested for public indecency is because Milky Way got a special permit for today~! “Oh~!” Rarity came too and Shade’s wail of pleasure chorused with us as we moaned and even mooed for the fun of it. This was when my tail trailed up the back of Rarity’s left leg to her rear until Neethsi grabbed my naughty noodle and I whined with a look back at her to see she’d also stopped Shade from trying to fuck our future wife in public. “Holy fuck!” I heard Brennie shout and felt a hand trail along the side of my left breast until Brennie rounded my tit with Twilight and another person I didn’t recognize. She’s a sexy goth! “How is this sexy shit legal?!” “They’re the ‘cows’ for the milkmare milking contest. Normally this is very illegal, but Milky Way has a permit to do this at every major event. It’s never been this intense before.” Twilight admitted with a dry gulp and I groaned in orgasm again from my milker’s hands doing incredible things to my giant nips and areolas. “Moo~!” Shade, Rarity and I chorused as we orgasmed noisily, our fluids dripping between our legs and filling the air with our musky need to be fucked. The fact everyone was watching only made it better~! “Well, ain’t this a treat~.” Brennie let out a cute squeak when some Rat-beastman came out of nowhere and groped her breasts playfully. “Why not join in? We both know your tits are bigger than this.” The man chuckled and Brennie blushed hotly before wriggling free. I didn’t care about what came next, because I was too busy cumming~! > Ch.46 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.46 [Loredas, 28th Last Seed, 4E: 221] “Ah! Ahn~! Twilight! Twilight~! Ahn~!” Brennie wailed with her face making an ahegao as Twilight, so fucking horny from yesterday, that the first thing she did upon waking with a stiffy was to fuck Brennie awake. “Oh gods! Dibella make her stahp~!” Brennie pleaded as she came again when Twilight buried her massive maremeat in her and began pumping her already full womb with more of her fecund seed. “Guh~...” “Ugh~. Ah~...good morning.” Twilight greeted with a well-fucked expression and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth. “Did you have as much fun as I did yesterday and last night?”  “Oh, god~.” Brennie moaned as the naval pearl accidentally made her belly bloat out to where she looked to be pregnant with quadruplets. This was added on to by Pandora’s own pregnancy, since she was still inside Brennie’s womb enjoying the ride, too. “Hm, who’s a beautiful broodmother~?” Bravia purred as he laid next to Brennie, nuzzling her cheek and rubbing her belly. “C’mon, you know the answer~.” “M-Me~.” Brennie mewled submissively as Twilight growled lustfully and picked up the pace when she declared herself a broodmother. “And? Who else is also a broodmother~?” The Skaven male teased with a snicker. “And Pandora~!” Brennie cried out as she came, Twilight stopping to catch her breath as she laid down on the other side. Turning to face her alicorn lover, she pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss. “Mm~! I love you, Twilight.” “I love you, too~.” Twilight huffed as she looked towards Bravia. “I assume you two are unrelated?” “I may have her memories, but I don’t share the same blood as her.” Bravia answered the horny alicorn’s question before plunging his cock into Brennie’s pussy as well. “You aren’t opposed to Tsrrashi and I marrying you, Brennie and Pandora as well, are you~?” “Gods, how many people am I gonna end up marrying~?!” Brennie wailed with lustful desire. “Mistress, please! Let us marry as many people as possible~! We’ll be the biggest family in all of Mundus~!” Pandora squealed excitedly as she licked and sucked the two dicks within Brennie’s womb, making their respective owners groan in appreciation. “No~!” Brennie whined in dismayed refusal, because her horny levels were out of control~! 📜 I woke up to a familiar sensation that made me grunt and spasm in a faint orgasm. I grasped the people assaulting my tits and looked down through blurry vision at Neethsi and Shade sucking my nips and gulping down my nectar. “Oh~. I’m a cow. I’ve been turned into a cow. I love being milked, I love having people milk me and drink from me.” I panted and ran my hands down their scalps before I keened as someone, who must be Rarity, drove their tongue into my quim. I was rapidly reduced to a cummy and sap-drenched mess before even getting out of bed. After I’d orgasmed I don’t know how many times, Neethsi and Shade stopped tormenting me and sat up with my sap trailing from their lips. “Morning.” Neethsi crooned and rubbed her muscular abs. “Thanks for breakfast in bed, I’ve gotta head back to Yokuda. They need me to keep terraforming the islands.” I groaned and panted as a final orgasm hit from Rarity’s tongue. “Mm, tangy. Shame I can’t enjoy your breasts as well, but as a pony I’m not exactly tolerant of Hist Sap. I must be going back to my boutique.” Rarity patted my thigh and got out of bed. Soon Shade left too and I was left to recover from the impromptu and draining oral sex assault I just enjoyed from all of my lovers at once. By the time I finished recovering, I was almost stuck to the sheets from all the sticky goodness I’d produced both above and below. “Gross, but what made the mess certainly wasn’t.” I chuckled lightly, idly wondering how I don’t have a hangover, not even a headache. I peeled myself out of bed and tossed the sheets in the corner hamper to be laundered later. I then staggered to the bathroom and wondered. Where the fuck am I? This isn’t the workshop’s studio apartment. It isn’t the Haven Bag, obviously. It also isn’t even anywhere on the LUM campus that I could recognize, the decor was wrong. Also, it wasn’t Neethsi’s apartment in Vivec, again, the wrong decor and material. So where did we end up after the milkmare competition? Who won the blue ribbon? I sighed and decided to take a bath and then figure out where I was. The water ran hot, so it’s not a backwards place without heated water. The solid and good structure around me was evidence enough of that. It also didn’t have a sulfur tang to it, so this isn’t Morrowind. The water was also too clean to be in Black Marsh. Seriously, I’m dying to figure this out. *knock, knock, knock* “Housekeeping!” A woman’s voice called through the main door. “I’m in the lavatory! I’m not shy, so if you’re not shy you can come in!” I shouted back and the door opened after a moment’s hesitation. “Sorry for any mess. Yesterday got wild.” I apologized and used a scrub brush to start cleaning up instead of simply soaking. “Oh no, perfectly understandable. It was Harvest’s End and the Aldmeris Dominion has fallen apart. Everyone was getting shit-faced and having a wonderful time. I’ll admit to doing some rather irresponsible things last night.” The woman replied as I heard her rustling about the room. “Oh...my. Is this a gag brassier?” I snickered and groped my K-cup mams. “Nope! You can come in here and confirm it! Like I said, I’m not shy!” I chuckled as I soaped up and when the woman, an average Imperial by her facial features and skin tone covered her mouth with a noise of astonishment. “Believe it or not, my mates are as big as me.” I told her with a proud heft of my chest. “My gosh. Milady, please tell me you’re not called Hefts-Her-Chest.” She hopefully joked and I glared at her. “Sorry, I just had to ask, because there is an argonian around the city who goes by that name.” Possibly not by choice. “Anyhow, I’ll launder your clothes and return them within a few hours. I’ve not heard any word of this room being vacant soon, so you must be here for the day. Rest up and recover from yesterday.” “I’d say the same to you, but unlike me you’re stuck working.” I teased and the Imperial sighed dramatically before leaving to do her work. “Oh, please don’t use Alteration magic on my bra! It’s enchanted!” I warned her, because if that broke, I had no idea what would happen. “No need to worry! We only use indirect magic heating during the drying!” She assured me and I heard the door shut afterward. … I forgot to ask where I was! 📜 The Sea of Ghosts north of Skyrim froze. A pale white ship that seemed to be made of whale bones sailed upon the ice like it was water. Aboard the ship of bone was a single towering bearded figure that upon realizing scale, was normal for the ship, but the ship was easily big enough to fit two galleons of the navies of Tamriel within its hull. He stood tall in a suit of fur and cloth armor meant to keep his warmth in more than keep harm out. His pale skin was more than capable of stopping the blows of lesser creatures. He stroked his stomach-long braided blond beard as the arctic wind blasted him, as if to try and punish his impudence for being outside in this, to him, lovely weather. He watched as the northern shores of the lands that Ysgrammor and his Companions had fled to so long ago grew near, wondering what made it so worth abandoning beautiful Atmora. His sharp blue eyes pierced the haze of snow to see a pitiful hamlet of little manlings set in a small cove shielded from the winds by high cliffs around it was the nearest dock. As much as he disliked being gone from Atmora, his task was a simple if crucial one: discover what caused Time to fracture so horribly and put an end to it if it wasn’t resolved. Otherwise he was to do as any upstanding Atmoran man was to do and adventure! However, he wasn’t sure he’d get his wanderlust sated here. The land was clearly made for smallfolk. It was this towering elf-eared pale giant that the citizens of Dawnstar woke up to with his whale bone ship filling the cove and blocking the dock with magic ice, speaking a dialect of Ancient Nordic that nobody could understand. 📜 I’m in the Imperial City! I was gawking up at White-Gold Tower from the market square and wondering how the flying fuck I ended up in the very heart of Tamriel! “Tourist eh? White-Gold is quite a sight.” A heavily armored Imperial commented and drew my attention back down to the ground. “It once helped hold up the sky I’ve heard, but that ended when the Amulet of Kings was shattered.” “Yes, it is an even greater shame that the Adamantine Tower was lost. White-Gold was modeled after it.” I replied and the guard nodded with a sad expression, clearly a scholar of history in his off-time. “Anyhow, did you see another argonian with my features about, but with golden plumage instead of horns? Or a taller argonian woman with white scales or a unicorn with white fur and purple mane?” “I’m afraid not. There has been word of rather exotic beauties from Black Marsh about, I am assuming you’re one of them?” I hiss-snickered and nodded bashfully. “Then you’re the first of this rumored group of odd beauties. It is rather pleasant to see an argonian who cares for their hygiene. It’s rather unfortunate how many of your kind away from Black Marsh don’t properly scrub their scales like you obviously do.” “Oh, come now, I’m sure they’re not that-.” I covered my snout and the guard held his nose when the nearest sewer manhole opened and out crawled a disgusting argonian male, red and green of scale and reeking to aetherius. He was garbed in waste-stained leather armor and had a simple steel blade on his belt. “By the Divines! What are you doing down there?!” “Hm? Ah, hello. I am simply coming up from another night of spelunking. It ran a bit long since I had to fight several dens of Skeevers and Goblins that moved back in. I swear, I’ve cleaned the infestation of the sewers multiple times, but they keep coming back.” The pungent argonian answered before heading straight for the inn I’d come out of, which had a tavern on the first floor. He seriously just went right in! He better be going in to rent a bath! “That’s Sewer-Swimmer. We call him that because he’s constantly down there.” The guard growled as he used a foot to shove the manhole cover back in place. “He’s, unfortunately, representative of our local argonian citizenry. They’re content to wallow in filth and live in or around the water and wonder why we shun them when they stink so much! They don’t give the rest of us the courtesy of maintaining hygiene.” “That’s disgusting! We don’t do that in Black Marsh. I’m frankly appalled at such lazy self-maintenance.” I huffed and waved the lingering stench away from my face. “Well, I can’t claim that entirely. I’ve never been to the heart of the marshes, only Soulrest, Blackrose and Lilmoth. Anyway, good day sir.” I gave the Legion soldier a curtsy and continued down the street. Please don’t tell me Neethsi hid the Wayshrine in the sewers. Again. I’m a bit worried that the Imperial stigma against argonians for our generally ripe stench due to the places many of us frequent may hold a nugget of truth if I’m worrying about having to go down there because Neethsi, an ancient argonian who is centuries old, felt it the best place for a magic portal network site. Thankfully my concern was abated by finding the Wayshrine in the rotunda surrounding White-Gold Tower, in the wall behind one of the mausoleums. “Hold. Where are you traveling, citizen?” One of the guards at the shrine inquired. “I am a citizen of Black Marsh. I got heavily inebriated yesterday and woke up here. I am intending to return home to Lilmoth.” I politely answered and the guard looked me over. “Ah, you are Meen-Rei then?” I nodded. “Then I have a message for you.” He retrieved a scroll from his satchel and I took it. I scratched my head and wondered what Neethsi needed me in Yokuda for. “Go on through.” I nodded in appreciation and headed into the portal. 📜 “What in Oblivion is happening in Skyrim?” Vartine groaned as he ignored the summons from the Emperor, well Regent really, to listen to the report of a frozen giant, as mad as that was. The only reason he received both of these in one day was because of that blessed yet blasted Wayshrine network established by the Pact. He mused over what to do, including whether or not he should turn the Imperial into a wheel of cheese, but that’s killing the messenger. “Vartine! Can you explain to me why there are these creatures in my castle?! I know you tasked us with acting as a fortress and trade hub, but what are these simple beast...folk.” Serana demanded when she barged into his court to find one of said rat folk in attendance. She was staining to use polite words right now, cute. The man looked enthralled, she doesn’t normally do that, did he spook her? Serana did have a small aversion to rodents, he thinks. Or was it another animal? “Girhur has never seen such beauty before.” The representative of the Skaven dazedly said and Vartine chuckled. “It seems your ravishing beauty has struck another man stupid, Serana.” Vartine joked and the publically known and respected Daughter of Coldharbour glared without heat. “As if you weren’t bad enough. Your husband is incorrigible, Elisif.” Serana playfully said to the High Queen, who rolled her eyes with a fond smile. Their marriage, while mostly for political purposes, was still a happy and vibrant one. Their sons were healthy and strong too. “Sire, the Emperor really does have an important purpose for trying to summon you. With this latest weakening of the barrier, he needs a Dragonborn’s aid in restoring White-Gold Tower to help keep it from happening again.” The Imperial messenger urged and Vartine groaned, his draconic rumble making the room quake slightly. “Serana, your advice? I have intel that your rapist, Molag Bal, is trying to start another planemeld. Do you think I should go to the imperial city and risk this Regent making me the new Emperor? Or stay here and focus on the frozen giant in Dawnstar?” While Serana was his mistress, publicly acknowledged and verified by his wife, she was also one of his greatest advisors. She was intelligent if ruled by her passions and she minced no words. “What? Another one? I wasn’t even awake during the first one. Well, considering possibly being Emperor might help weaken his attempts at invasion, that’s the smarter choice, but this giant doesn’t sound like your run of the mill mammoth herder. Just have the leader of the region try to deal with it themselves. You’re not supposed to micromanage everything.” Serana advised. “True, but normally my forces can’t deal with large threats. Maybe I should ask Girhur for help, his tribe and allies might be able to relate to this frozen giant.” Vartine suggested. “You go to the imperial city, husband, I’ll talk to Girhurl and see if he can speak with this new Giant.”  Elisif instructed her husband as she stood up. “Serana, mind a girl’s night out?” “What, leave Vartine to work while we have fun? Of course!” Serana joked and left the throne room while Vartine ran his hands down his face and his other advisors, including Sybille, his also a public vampire court mage, had a small laugh at his marital fortune/misfortune. 📜 “So that’s a no, then?” Bravia asked with a chuckle as he rubbed the welt on his head from where Brennie delivered ‘Righteous Feminine Justice’ on him for jumping the gun that morning. The skaven ex-clone knew that she wouldn’t take it so well when he popped the question, but all in all it was still worth it to see her get so riled up. “I’m not marrying myself!” Brennie snarled with a flush on her cheeks as she continued the walk to her office. The war rapidly coming to a close or not, the Pact still needed to be ready when Molag’s new attempt at a Planemeld fully rears its ugly head. Bravia kept up with her, wrapping his arm around her curvy hips, eyeing her heavenly breasts. “Grr, cut it out. I know we’re sexy as sin, but knock it off. I’ve got my hands full with Pandora and this new Twilight already.” “Well, I could help with that.” Bravia said while running his fingers over her lower stomach, knowing exactly what got them in the mood and Brennie wriggled out of his grasp. “No, we both know you’d bring your own shit and Tsrrashi’s shit into it too!” Brennie snarled and entered her office to find that at least someone kept it in order while she was off yesterday. “Tsrrashi’s already occupied by her followers.” Bravia said and Brennie plopped into her chair. “I don’t care! Go bother her anyway like you’re bothering me!” Brennie growled as the rat leaned over her in the chair. “Do you want a broken penis? We both know how to do that.” “Fine, you just look stressed.” Bravia huffed as he backed off. “You are right, I find us sexy as sin and figured since we know ourselves so well-.” “The fact you kept pushing is evidence we don’t know jack shit about ourselves!” Brennie snarled at the skaven before the human woman patted her stomach. “I didn’t choose Pandora, she was forced on me. I took responsibility for her because she exists entirely because some asshole made her for me. I already loved Twilight, I wasn’t about to leave this one flapping in the wind. You? You’re the result of me making a mistake and this world’s bullshit. You should be finding your own life, not barging into mine.” Brennie declared and Bravia closed his eyes. “I’m fine with that!” Pandora cheered, but that only saddened Brennie at the moment. “Well, that’s fair. Besides, at least I’ll only have to deal with Tsrrashi for the time being. I’m sure she’ll be drawing in other suitors, but so long as I’m there I can keep her from devolving into a brainless broodmother. She’s already stuffed full of pups and can’t leave me alone when I’m around.” Bravia chuckled fondly. “Besides, I’m going to end up being the Rat King or Skaven Supremo or something.” “Meanwhile I might end up poaching this world’s Elements of Harmony the moment Twilight gives them to the Tree. Unlike the Mane Six of other worlds, the girls of this one seem fairly ready to move on with their lives.” Brennie sighed out her nose. While the other girls weren’t in the relationship, each of them didn’t seem as attached to their community as others she’d met. They’d probably follow Twilight across the sea or into another dimension rather than stay here. The same went for Meen-Rei’s group since they’d likely follow Rarity wherever she chose. > Ch.47 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.47 [Loredas, 28th Last Seed, 4E: 221] “You just spontaneously decided to open a store on Yokuda?” I demanded incredulously of Rarity as I helped organize the furniture of the first branch of the Chique Boutique beyond Lilmoth. “Why, certainly! There’s nothing here yet darling, but it’s going to grow quickly and people need clothes. I’ve already contracted a friend of mine to operate this location, but I want it up and running when she arrives.” Rarity replied as she sorted racks and shelves of clothes. This store was right outside of the Orichalc Bastion, which is where Yokuda would start over properly. Orichalc was an actual tower as well as a Tower, so it’d be fulfilling the same purpose for Yokuda that White-Gold does for Cyrodiil. Thank goodness that orichalcum, the metal Orichalc was composed of, was oddly non-conductive compared to other metals, which explains why most armor and weapon recipes call for an alloy of iron and orichalcum blend so it can be heat treated and molded easier. I suddenly remembered my dagger. I paused and retrieved the large blade from my satchel and looked at it wistfully. I didn’t end up needing it at all. I feel like I’ve betrayed Garnag a bit by not using his dagger for more than collecting alchemical ingredients. “Whoa, sis, that is a big knife.” Shade commented in a bit of surprise and Rarity looked at me from where she’d been working. “It’s the first weapon I owned in this realm. I was just suddenly struck with melancholy. I only used it to gather ingredients when I bought it for self-defense. I feel like I betrayed the smith a bit.” I told my lovers and Rarity approached with her hands held out, so I gave her the dagger for her to examine. “My. It’s orichalcum, but it isn’t brutish like traditional Orcish smithing would normally dictate. It’s simple, yet elegant. I quite like it. Do you think this Garnag would be offended if I kept this for my own self-defense?” Rarity asked me and I blinked in surprise. “I don’t know.” I said, unsure if I wanted to part with it. Garnag sold me this specifically because he was concerned for my welfare. He could’ve upsold me or thrown a piece of scrap my way, but he specifically gave me something he worked on and likely undersold it to me. I should pay that good orc in Soulrest a visit. That said. “I think he’d appreciate that more than just leaving it in my satchel.” “Don’t worry about it going unused dear, I don’t own a close-quarters weapon, so it would be my only option should a ruffian get too close. I’ll even practice with it.” Rarity insisted and I felt a bit bemused. Why was she putting so much effort into getting this simple blade? “Alright then.” I gestured for her to keep it and Rarity beamed so brightly I thought I might be blinded by her beautiful teeth as she strapped the sheathe to her belt where it hung against her hip. I had to smile, because Rarity obviously appreciated the gift. “Aw, when are you gonna give me a knife, sis? I thought you loved me.” Shade pouted and I blinked at her. “Oh my gosh, right. You just...Rarity, she has no idea.” What?! What is this? “Oh, right. Um...sorry dear, but at least in the region around Lilmoth, giving a lover a weapon is the same as extending trust and love to them. Giving a serviceable weapon is the most important and this dagger fills that need.” Rarity said before she pulled me in for a hug. “Thank you dear.” Oh. Well, that makes sense in a rather archaic way. I can dig it. “Hold on! Shade, I gave you a gun!” I huffed at Shade, who pouted harder. “We made them together, that’s different. You have to give me a weapon for it to count. Now I need to go shopping to get you something…” Shade muttered and I groaned as I rubbed my hands over my eyes. “It’s bad enough you gave Neethsi two tridents.” “Hey! That was...okay, fair enough.” They’re both powerful artifacts too. “Well, I’ll make you something then, Shade. Neethsi already gave me several weapons.” “Oh! I need to get you a weapon too!” Rarity realized and I tried to escape, but the sparkle in her eyes warned me too late! Shade and I were grabbed under the arms, our biceps pressed against the sides of her heaving bosom as she rushed us out the door. “Time for shopping~!” No~! 📜 The dark blue skies were unusually clear and the harsh, dark landscape was devoid of the usual sounds of the screams of the wretched being flayed by their tormentors. It was a...bearable day in Coldharbour, but that was the problem. The sudden solidification of the Firmament, the barrier between Mundus and all planes beyond, had rattled the shifting realm of Coldharbour harder than anything in its history. Not even the backlash of the failed Planemeld had wrought such a disaster upon the realm of Rape, Slavery and Domination. For that bitch Meridia had the audacity to steal his slaves! Molag roared in fury at the skies of his realm before his cold gaze once more descended upon the Hollow City, Meridia’s blight upon his realm! Ever since the Planemeld it has remained as a taunt, a constant reminder of his failure! Now thanks to this latest disaster, Meridia has liberated a daunting majority of his slaves! His armies, busy preparing for the Second Planemeld, were too busy and thus when the Towers suddenly returned, Meridia’s invasion was unmet! His pathetic waste of flesh minions were scattered like chattel and the slaves they were overseeing revolted! Not even the vampires were spared that bitch’s so-called mercy! “Ragh~!” Molag roared as he focused his will, his essence, his very being into destroying the Hollow City, yet once more the fragment of Meridia’s realm of the Colored Rooms casually rejected his onslaught! “Yuria!” Molag bellowed into the air and a deceptively beautiful white husky with a body he’d enjoyed the agony of many times already in her dark dress and metal mask knelt before him. “Yes Lord Molag? What is thine bidding?” The deathless, truly deathless woman questioned like the loyal slave she was and he only just barely avoided descending upon her for her delightful suffering. He needed her mobile right now. “Proceed as planned. I need to refill my realm!” Molag snarled and Yuria vanished into the Dark in that way her unique brand of Undead were capable of. “Here me Meridia! I will take Mundus, then I will take you as my bitch for eternity!” Molag declared with nothing but seething hate, well, perhaps a fairly massive hateboner too, but he could satisfy that when he got his hands on her! 📜 Neethsi still wasn’t used to this. She looked forlornly down at her once-more aetheric hand and sighed. When she began working her powers again on such a grand scale, her body once more forced her into a form capable of handling the work of molding reality at her whim. “Are you alright, ma’am?” Questioned one of the pegasi pulling the featherweight chariot that was easy enough to make on-site, at the insistence of the...mortals. That was another issue. She is a Goddess. She has more than just a cult out in the Ashlands of Vvardenfell worshiping her. All of Tamriel has heard of her now and it seemed to practically define her. It was scary, but she couldn’t dwell on it. “I am fine or I will be. You’re certain Yokuda can mirror High Rock rather than Hammerfell?” She asked as she surveyed the lands below. “The climate supports it, ma’am. I don’t need a survey crew to tell me that. Comes with being a pegasus.” The stallion on the left assured her and Neethsi nodded before planting her trident back on the floor of the chariot and continued to dance with it. Why were her rituals with the trident so...lewd? She would have to show these dances to the others later~. 📜 “Alright Motierre, what do you want?” Vartine demanded without waiting or any other bullshit when he entered the Elder Council chamber of the royal palace of the Imperial City, otherwise known as the White-Gold Tower. The ‘Regent’ was a slimy piece of shit that made Vartine’s skin crawl just from being in the same room, no matter how large or how much space between. ‘Emperor’ Amaund Motierre had aged a bit too well. Unlike emperors of the past, Motierre had gotten fat and lazy. Even the Medes had more spine to them and they were the ones who let the Empire flounder into its pathetic state after the Oblivion Crisis. “Is that anyway to speak to your Emperor?” The ugly breton scoffed and Vartine felt fury. “Hah! That would be the case if Skyrim didn’t secede from this pathetic farce of a nation not a month ago! That you weren’t aware is yet more proof of your incompetence!” Vartine declared boldly and Motierre turned an amusing shade of red as his fat face flushed with fury. “Now get on with it! I have come because even though I despise you, restoring White-Gold as a Tower is imperative to ensuring the stability of Mundus.” “Grr! Yes! It is! As much as it pains me, White-Gold needs a Dragonborn or at least the blood of one, imbued into a Stone. Unfortunately, my Moth Priests inform me that the High King is part of the metaphorical ‘Stone’ of Snow-Throat or Throat of the World for the less informed. So I can’t simply kill you for your blood, be thankful!” Motierre snarled viciously, his corpulent body jiggling a bit after he’d finished gesticulating his displeasure despite the heavy royal robes he wore. “Ah, yes and who would have killed me?” Vertine asked with a deadpan as he looked expertly to the lurking goons. “The Brotherhood may have killed Titus Mede II for you, but they were quickly dismantled before that by Your Empire. I am certain any remnants of that despicable and foolish organization don't have the numbers or the skill to even be a threat to me.” “You would think that.” Motierre smiled darkly and the councilors gulped fearfully while Vartine staunchly glared at the wannabe despot. “I’ll leave you to wonder, but I need you to speak to the Arch-Mage and donate your blood so that he might be able to synthesize a suitable Stone for White-Gold.” “Fine. I’ll be watching my borders, Motierre.” Vartine snarled as he left the palace to head for the Arcane University to search for the Arch-Mage, not mentioning the masked wolf in the rafters. If the so-called Emperor and the Elder Council died today, then all the better for the unified alliance of the Daggerfall Covenant and the Ebonheart Pact to swoop in and turn Cyrodiil into a central form of democratic government rather than an Empire. It was time for the Empires to die. If in the process that meant his role as High King diminished to merely being another Jarl, then so be it. “Oof! Oh my, sorry ladies!” Vartine apologized and then gaped at the three exotic incredibly buxom beauties he’d bumped into upon angrily leaving the palace. One was a unicorn with fur as white as snow and an ethereal purple mane as gorgeous as the northern lights. The other two, twin argonians, had a blood-red scale coloring with their orifices hued golden. “It’s quite alright dear, we weren’t expecting anybody to storm out of the palace in a huff.” The beautiful mare replied with a voice that was sexy and with a refined diction and tone that would fit in perfectly at a high-society party. “Rarity, don’t flirt so fast. You just met.” The argonian with the mane of flowing golden feathers huffed in fond annoyance. “I don’t know sis. He’s really handsome.” The sibling with the ornamented horns or rather now that he noticed past their natural beauty, both had pierced noses and other ornaments. “Ah, pardon ladies. I didn’t mean to interrupt your day. Is there any way I could make it up to you?” Vartine offered before he could stop himself. Damn him, damn him and his weakness for comely ladies! He had a beautiful wife and a sexy mistress, but damn these three were exotic! “Well now~? Not only is he handsome, but he is a gentleman! Would it trouble you to escort us just a short way to the Wayshrine good sir?” The mare named Rarity fluttered her gorgeous ice-blue eyes at him and his couldn’t help the stupid grin on his face as he let her take his right arm and the horned sibling giggled as she took his left, leaving the sister with the plumage to pout. “So where are you ladies from? I doubt a place as dull as this could be home to such exotic beauties.” Vartine enjoyed the tittering of the ladies, even the one left out of being on an arm. “I’m from Lilmoth, I suppose Shade and Meen-Rei are too, but they’re new there.” Rarity answered for the trio and Vartine’s mind recognized the names of the sisters, but from where? “Well, if you’re ever up in Solitude in Skyrim, feel free to come visit the Blue Palace. I’m sure my wife and friend would love to meet you three.” Vartine honestly offered, because while Elisif was mildly annoyed by his dalliances, the fact that he encouraged her to find pleasure while he’s busy so she isn’t left wanting helped, oddly, to strengthen their marriage. He didn’t even mind that his youngest son wasn’t of his get. He loved young Bromald regardless. “Oh no, not again.” The horned Meen-Rei groaned and Vartine looked at her in confusion while her sister and Rarity giggled at something he didn’t understand. “You’re the Dragonborn, aren’t you?” “Yes, how did you figure that out so quickly?” Usually they assumed he was a noble or-. “I’m The Atronach, the current Hero.” Meen-Rei huffed and Vartine winced. “Yeah, you know my pain.” She and him both shuddered in horror. “The world on your shoulders. No pressure.” Vartine replied in full understanding of her plight. 📜 “So, it’s done.” Twilight said with an odd mixture of relief and sadness as the Elements of Harmony, the ancient relics she and her friends had safeguarded like their parents and grandparents before them, were subsumed by the newly born Tree of Harmony. This was followed by it shooting up in size! “Vacate the courtyard!” Thankfully, while it was growing at an intense rate, the trunk didn’t get closer than several inches from the concrete walkway ringing the glorious crystal lifeform. The Tree was now towering above Lilmoth, its canopy a rainbow of crystal leaves refracting daylight across the city. Its roots likely penetrated deep into the land below, not simply resting above the foundations of the city. It actually looked like a mangrove, like a Hist. “Wow...Twilight, this is incredible. I wish Rarity had been here to see it.” Fluttershy said with sadness, but Rarity had Generously given them her Element ahead of time because she wanted to be Selfish for once and decided that she wasn’t Generous enough to give up time with her lovers and the opportunity to expand her business to be here. Oddly enough, the Element of Generosity had resonated with the notion, further baffling everyone. Either way, the Tree of Harmony was finally done. It was now a Tower holding up reality and doing much more than that too. With this, the six friends had served their purpose in the Prophecy. “Hey girls. I don’t feel any more liberated.” Rainbow admitted. “Yeah, wasn’t this supposed to do-” Applejack began before her mane started glowing like a rainbow. “Really?!” AJ protested and the others all gasped and pointed out their magical manes and tails to each other, each a rainbow matching one another’s coat colors, including the missing Rarity. “Twi, don’t tell us we’re all about to become alicorns or some other nonsense!” “I don’t know Applejack! The Scrolls didn’t say anything about this!” Twilight replied before the five of them all began floating. “Hey! Hey~!” Twilight protested before she and her friends turned into beams of light and they, along with a sixth white beam, flew into the Crystal Heart with screams of shock and fear. The Heart pulsed and emitted a feeling of joy, love and excitement. 📜 “Rarity~!” I shouted in dismay when Rarity, who had briefly obtained a magical rainbow mane and tail after we’d returned to her shop in Yokuda, turned into blinding white light and shot through the window to the southeast with a scream of fear. “That’s gotta be from the Tree! Damn it! What is happening?!” I shouted as I ran from the standalone shop for the Wayshrine. “Maybe since she’s the Bearer of Generosity, she had to be at the Tree’s ascension?” Shade replied in uncertainty and we warped to Lilmoth to rush outside. “Holy crap, it really used all those nutrients we provided for it.” “Hey! Stupid tree! Where-whoa! Whoa~!” I yelped and Shade joined me as we were suddenly abducted tractor-beam style like how Rarity had been, but in red and gold lights before we suddenly found ourselves standing in a beautiful grassy field. “What is going on?!” “Mothers~!” I jolted at the excited and joyous squeal before a crystal-scaled argonian with antlers pounced on Shade and I in a hug. “I’m so glad to see you so soon after I finished taking root!” The woman squeezed us tightly with glee. “Um, if you’re who and what I think, sis is the one who grew the heart in her womb.” Shade said and the antlered crystal blue argonian hiss-snickered. “No, you both did far more than just that! You nourished me, shared your essence with me. You’re both, by all definitions, my mothers. Twilight was my midwife and-oh! Girls! Girls, moms are over here!” The beautiful argonian, who I just realized matched Shade and I in a figure that filled her cute sundress, shouted over the hill. “Bring them on over, Harmony!” Twilight shouted back and my...my daughter took mine and Shade’s hands to drag us up the hill where we found Rarity, thank the gods and the rest of the Mane Six all sitting around a picnic blanket with food and drink aplenty available. “What the fuck is going on here?” I demanded as I hurried to Rarity and got to my knees to embrace her. “Well...dear. Harmony wanted to thank us and we’re also not just Bearers...we are the personifications of the six Elements of Harmony.” Rarity said with a shy smile. “I’m rather selfish, so I don’t understand how that could be. We’re just here for a visit, however. Harmony just needed us here so she could properly synchronize with the physical Elements.” “Which will take a good part of the day, so I figured I could conjure up a picnic for everyone.” Harmony perkily chirped as she sat down on the blanket with Shade. “Now, while I’m helping hold up the sky, I need to warn you. The Firmament hasn’t permanently weakened per se, but now it has adapted to daedra being on this plane, so we can’t just shove Oblivion aside and just ignore it anymore.” Harmony warned us as she grabbed a teapot. “Great, so what’s gonna happen?” Rainbow asked in frustration even as she nommed a pear. “Well, we’re gonna have to deal with the fact daedra are a part of life even if not as much of a threat. That is, after we deal with Molag Bal. He has anchors hidden across Tamriel.” Harmony warned us and we all sighed. “Don’t worry, I can point to them on a map. Let’s get started!” > Ch.48 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.48 [Sundas, 29th Last Seed, 4E: 221] “So it’s a Cutie Map.” Brennie said after a quick look at the crystal map on the crystal table growing from a root of the crystal Tree of Harmony in a room of the university dedicated to it. “No, it’s not, Brennie! It’s a map able to pinpoint areas of disharmony and highlight them for us to resolve any problems.” Twilight huffed indignantly, but Brennie waved it off. “Yeah, my purple wife has one, on a larger scale now, but you’re just getting started.” Brennie stated as she rounded the map. “So these pinpricks of light, conflict?” “Yes. It’s rather disheartening to see the known world lit up like the night sky. However, minor conflicts are pinpricks, it’s the larger spots and the glowing areas of the map we need to investigate.” Twilight said with a pointing finger at the highlighted whole of Cyrodiil. “Something has happened to the Empire. The whole of their province is in turmoil.” “Couldn’t have happened to a more competent government.” Brennie snarked in disgust and noted that the areas immediately around known standing Towers were completely devoid of ‘conflict’. “I’m guessing the Towers either interfere with Harmony’s ability to sense around them or they promote Harmony?” “Promote. Each Tower resonates with one another. Harmony puts out an aura of peace and calm in case you didn’t notice.” Twilight patted her crotch and Brennie nodded. Normally they’d be at each other like wild animals by this point with how hungry they were for one another. Thanks to Harmony, it was just a mild urge they could set aside for business. “Then we can at least trust the Towers won’t allow Dark Anchors to be established too close.” Brennie pointed at Cyrodiil. “As it stands, aside from High Rock, Valenwood and Elsweyr, Cyrodiil has no Tower and is the furthest from any of the active ones.” “Neethsi said she was going to try and restore Adamantine, because while it was toppled, that was achieved by undermining the island it was on. It’s otherwise perfectly intact, so High Rock will soon have a Tower again.” Twilight brought up and Brennie nodded in acknowledgement. “Furthermore, the Valenwood council of elders has petitioned to have Neethsi restore Green Sap. Leaving only Elsweyr without a Tower.” “Geez, we might as well just build one ourselves there to be certain.” Brennie huffed as she continued to look over the Cutie Map. It seemed aside from Cyrodiil; Summerset, Valenwood and Elsweyr were in the most turmoil. “Yes, we’re studying the Brass Tower along those lines.” Twilight said, rubbing her eyes tiredly. “Did you sleep last night?” Brennie asked softly as she approached and put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I don’t need sleep, I need answers. We have a crisis on the horizon after we just dealt with one and I’m trying to head it off.” Twilight told her lover, but suddenly she felt dizzy and Brennie pulled her into a bridal carry. “That was mean. You did something.” Twilight muttered into Brennie’s neck as she carried the alicorn. “You won’t get anything done exhausting yourself like this. I need a good night's rest, too. Barely got even a wink of sleep.” Brennie grumbled since the bags under her eyelids were evident enough. Powering on through her tiredness, she carried Twilight back to her room, kicking the door open and closing it shut behind her. “Finally~.” Sighing, Brennie dragged her and Twilight onto the bed and all but flopped upon it. “...Really Twi?” “Sorry if you’re fucking hot…” Twilight muttered into her throat, unmoving despite the tent she was pitching in her robe between Brennie’s thighs. “Just ignore it…” “Can’t.” Getting rid of her clothes with her Omni-Tool’s built-in wardrobe function, Brennie fished for Twilight’s maremeat and slid it inside her already wet and eager vagina. Humming in content, she gave a quick kiss on Twilight’s lips and snuggled on top of her ‘Baby-Daddy’. “Better~.” “No~...I can’t even move…” Twilight tiredly groaned as Brennie gyrated her hips to pleasure them both. “I don't wanna make you do all the work…” Twilight complained, as her breathing got heavier, but her leaden limbs didn’t let her return the favor. “You’ll be working enough when you cum.” Brennie panted and kissed Twilight as she fucked herself on her otherwise unresponsive mate, who was so drained from exhaustion and having a mild paralysis spell put on her that she was essentially a glorified dildo. “Now feed me and Pandora.” Brennie insisted and Twilight moaned into her lips when she kissed. Brennie grunted in satisfaction when she felt Twilight erupt into her womb and she gently orgasmed, deciding to ride the pleasure and afterglow to sleep while Pandora sucked on Twilight’s cervix-penetrating cock, causing Twilight to blissfully pass out with her. 📜 Neethsi was panting, watching sweat the color and pattern of the night sky drip from her glass-like flesh. Below sat the fully terraformed Yokuda. She didn’t change the landscape, merely altered the earth to be fertile and capable of supporting flora and fauna. Said flora and fauna were donated by High Rock due to Yokuda possessing the right climate geographically. “Hm~.” Neethsi heard before something slid onto her tail, which was her version of a male organ, so it tensed and instinctively thrust despite Neethsi’s shock. She didn’t move otherwise, stunned upon the realization that her flying chariot was lacking both of her pegasus escorts. “Ah, yes fuck me!” “Before I use this trident on you, who is it?” Neethsi demanded angrily, trying not to give the intruder of her space what she wanted by staying her tail. “Ah, ah, I’m Spitfire.” The groaning mare answered while still thrusting on her tail. “Oh, one of my escorts. Why are you doing this? How isn’t the chariot falling?” Neethsi questioned while she turned back to see the athletic yellow mare with fiery hair was fucking herself on Neethsi’s aetheric tail. Now that she knew who it was, she wasn’t opposed to returning the favor by wriggling her tail-dick in the fit mare. “Soarin is underneath, keeping us aloft. He’s really shy and wasn’t willing to see me commit heresy on the new goddess.” Spitfire moaned as Neethsi felt her tip hit Spitfire’s cervix, this mare’s pussy was milking her with strong pelvic muscles. “As for why? You’re so fucking hot! I can’t stop masturbating to thoughts of you. If I didn’t take this chance I’d never forgive myself!” “Oh, well, I’m flattered. I’m willing to relieve your stress and even be friends with benefits later on, but I’m in a serious relationship with three other ladies already.” Neethsi told the mare as she thrust her tail in and out of her drooling snatch while leaning forward and enjoying the view as Soarin guided them towards Orichalc in the distance. “Fuck, you’re throbbing!” Spitfire moaned as the mare’s cervix let her slide in. “Guh~!” Spitfire orgasmed incredibly hard, pulling Neethsi’s tail in as far as her vagina would allow and Neethsi moaned when her tail pulsed and pumped the mare with her cum. “Ahn~!” Spitfire wailed and Neethsi hummed contentedly as she filled her new fuck-friend. “I-I’m turning colors!” Huh? Neethsi looked back and hissed in frustration as she watched Spitfire’s day-themed fiery form turn aethereal starting from her inflating womb and groin to spread across her body. Damn it all! She hasn’t properly cum into any of her lovers while in this state, so she had no clue this would happen. Then again, she should’ve at least assumed something like this would occur when her aetheric essence could be pumped from her tits. “It’s mostly cosmetic, don’t worry about it.” Neethsi huffed and let her body keep filling the infatuated flier, who might be grounded soon due to Neethsi’s impressive reserves. A scroll appeared in front of her face. “Hm?” Neethsi opened it and groaned. It only made sense, but why? “Enjoy me while you can Spitfire, because after I spend time with my lovers, I’m going south from here to Thras.” 📜 “Now Coco, I know it’s the frontier, but some of the best civil engineers from six provinces are coming here to turn this place into Yokuda’s first new city.” Rarity assured Coco Pommel, her friend who had fallen on hard times lately and was looking for a new start. “It’s okay, Rarity. I could use some time before things get as busy as a proper city here.” Coco was a more humble yet still beautiful mare, who if not for her good skill at fashion, would probably hide her pretty face and quite attractive body rather than accentuate it. “Now then, I trust you to handle things, but if you run out of stock and the merchants using the Wayshrine as transport give you trouble, just come back to Lilmoth to let me know.” Rarity insisted before we left the Chique Boutique of Yokuda to breathe in the refreshing alpine air. “I will!” Coco called back before the door closed. I was about to comment when a chariot landed and Neethsi casually levitated a gorgeous aetheric mare clearly cumflated and cooing dumbly as she stroked her stuffed womb. “Hey girls. Sorry about this one. She decided to surprise-sex me and I may have turned the tables a bit much.” Neethsi sheepishly said as she set the mare who could’ve passed for being pregnant with quintuplets on her knees and underbelly since she was too well-fucked to stand. “Sorry about Spitfire. She knew you’d be leaving somewhere else after this and wanted to satisfy her fantasy.” The cute blue pegasus stallion who had set the chariot down apologized and rubbed Spitfire’s belly as she cooed and whispered naughty things to herself. “I already said it was okay. Besides, it isn’t like she can get pregnant, it’s the wrong time of year.” Neethsi waved off and approached us. “I’m going south to raise Thras tomorrow and kill all of the Sloads. Before I raise another island chain and commit honestly reasonable genocide on a species of evil genocidal monsters, I’d like it if we could just spend time together today.” “I’m all for that.” I said with an envious look at Spitfire. “You’re gonna do that to us tonight though.” I demanded with Rarity and Shade eagerly nodding and Neethsi sighed. 📜 “It’s been a while.” Shade commented as we walked the streets of Wayrest in High Rock, decked out in fancy dresses and shoes with Neethsi leading us towards a proper restaurant. Wayrest is so old and culturally diverse, that they were one of the few places in Tamriel to properly have places dedicated just to cooking and serving food. “Yes, since we ate out together. That kidnapping-turned-picnic in Harmony’s personal demiplane didn’t count.” Rarity nodded in agreement and Neethsi whirled around. “Kidnapped?! What happened?!” Neethsi demanded and I patted her shoulder as we turned her around and nudged her to get her to keep leading us to the restaurant. “Harmony, y’know, the Tree of Harmony, abducted Rarity and her friends from wherever they were at the time and then Shade and I when we went to investigate. Harmony’s our daughter FYI, so no disparaging her.” I said with a pat on Shade’s shoulder. “Anyway, she did that to sync with the Elements and get to know the people who helped her, then us because she got excited to see her mothers.” “So we had a picnic in her personal demiplane. Think of it as a pocket of Oblivion just for you.” Shade summarized because Neethsi had enough going on. She’d be busy with Thras while the rest of us dealt with the Second Planemeld. I already had an idea to help with my incompetencies besides pester Neethsi for training. “Oh, okay then. Well, we’re here.” Neethsi gestured to the fancy place. It reminded me of those fancy French restaurants back in my original dimension. Huh. High Rock is technically this world’s France now that I thought of it. Cool. “This is amazing!” Shade cheered when we entered, only for the maitre’d to hold us up. “P-pardon. May I ask that you not bring a daedra in here?” The man’s insult towards my mate almost made me blow up, but Neethsi held up a hand to stop me or the others. “Good sir. I am not a daedra. I am aedric in my power and divinity much like Talos and other known deities to come from mortals. Were I a daedra, my power would be diminished and unable to take such a form.” Neethsi gently assured him and he gulped uneasily before he nodded. “Very well, apologies for the mistake. I’m no mage and am not notably pious, so I could not recognize your presence.” The man said nervously and I was confused. Presence? She’s always felt the way she does to me now. Larger than life and ten times more storied. “Follow me, I’ll take you to the second floor balcony.” The well-suited maitre’d then led us in. He promptly seated us, but Rarity kept Shade and I from just sitting as the man pulled out a chair and let Neethsi into it before pushing her in. He then did the same for each of us. “What is your pleasure tonight, ladies? We serve the finest wine in High Rock, but we also have more casual fare such as mead from Skyrim or Cyrodiilic brandy.” “We’re from Lilmoth, sir, we have wine all the time. What brands of mead and brandy do you carry?” Rarity questioned and I looked at Shade in silent bewilderment. Black Marsh has wine? Rum or liquor, yes, but wine? Isn’t it way too damn hot for grapes down there? “We carry Golden Glow and Berry Bushel meads. Our brandys are Colovian Reserve and Stalingrad Seal.” The man replied readily and I felt my throat get dry. “Is Colovian Reserve a dark amber with a rich, smooth and smokey flavor that burns down your throat, but doesn’t have a harsh bite to it?” I questioned eagerly and the man smiled. “Ah, a woman of good liquor. Yes, that is the signature look, feel and taste of Colovian Reserve.” The Breton man said with relish at my observation. “We’ll buy a bottle!” I declared immediately with a thirsty run of my gold tongue over my suddenly chapped-feeling golden lips. “Make that two. I’m a fan of the Reserve. We’ll have one of each of the rest for tasting and take the remainder home when finished here.” Neethsi ordered, likely having just spent more money than most people do in a month. It’s easy to forget she’s rich when she lives mostly by her own means rather than her hoard of gold. “Excellent. I’ll also bring a bottle of clean water and a bucket of ice. I’ll take your orders when I return.” The maitre’d left us and Rarity hummed. “He recovered rather well for daring to call a goddess a mere daedra. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen you eat or drink anything since you became so mystically beautiful, darling.” Rarity brought up with a hand brushing through her magic rainbow mane. She and the others now had permanent ‘rainbow’ hair, which was fairly silly for Rainbow, but something the others had to adjust to since it was a physical expression of their direct connection to Harmony. “Neethsi barely ate before that. I only remember her eating meals when the rest of us were eating.” Shade brought up and Neethsi nodded. “Yes. I already was relying more on using magicka to sustain myself, especially when I nearly starved at sea on my journey back from Akavir. I was trapped in doldrums, no currents, no winds, not even sealife. So I turned to my magic to feed me. Initially I turned seawater into freshwater to drink, then turned water into food. That was far less successful. So I instead nourished my body directly from magicka and haven’t really stopped since.” Neethsi answered before the maitre’d returned with a tray filled with tall glasses, bottles and a bucket of ice. “Our chefs have the finest ingredients in the province and from beyond at their disposal. What is thine wish, ladies?” The man, now in full service mode and far more charming for it, smiled as he held a clipboard with a fountain pen ready to write. “I would love a Nicoise for the appetizer, Lobster Bisque for soup, Ratatouille for the main course and Chocolate Mousse for dessert.” Rarity ordered immediately and I felt a bit intimidated upon realizing the maitre’d didn’t give us menus! This is one of those restaurants! “I’ll have a clam and whitefish chowder, Cognac Shrimp with Beurre Blanc and crepes.” Neethsi readily requested and Shade looked horrified, so I gulped and hoped I didn’t botch this. “I’d like a Galette Bretonnes packed with your choice of meat and eggs, Bouillabaisse, Boeuf Bourguignon and Fondant au Chocolat.” I ordered and the man looked a bit surprised that I’d ordered a breakfast item for an appetizer, an item that was often a meal on it’s own. “I’ll have the same.” Shade announced, using me as the escape like I’d hoped to offer. “That is quite a list. I’ll see to it your orders are fulfilled with all expedience.” The man stated before he left us. “So I’m guessing he isn’t assigning a waiter or waitress to us because of the insult?” I questioned the two more worldly people at the table. “Yes. He outright tried to kick her out on a false assumption, so to hopefully ensure we don’t tell people about his slip-up, he’s going to handle our service personally like a professional.” Rarity answered before she uncorked a bottle of a golden drink I didn’t recognize. “Mm~. Fragrant aroma, almost sickeningly sweet, actually.” “Mead is fermented honey, Rarity. One of those is also mixed with fermented berries.” Neethsi commented as she put ice in the glasses and Rarity used her telekinesis magic to pour us all a tall glass. “To you, my lovers, my future wives. When this is all done, I can vainly hope to marry you all.” Aw~! We love you too, Neethsi! We clinked glasses and then sipped. Woo! Wow that is sweet! I also feel flush already. That is some strong and sweet stuff! “Yes!” Rarity cheered and reached across the table to clasp her free hand with Neethsi with a beaming smile and a blush to her cheeks. “I don’t know why you all include me. I was just a snotty little brat before whatever was toying with me turned me into a twin for my sister.” Shade said, clearly deciding that with marriage on the table, that she had to wonder why she was even here. “Because I love you more than anyone besides Rarity and Neethsi. Initially it was the love of a mother, then a sister, now more.” I informed her firmly. “You were always a cutie. I knew there was something deeper to you than the child you appeared to be and I wasn’t mistaken.” Rarity answered just as sternly. “You helped Meen-Rei open my shell. Without you as you are, I would have beat around the bush and remained an enigma to her.” Neethsi said and Shade sniffled before she drank her drink quickly. > Ch.49 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.49 [Sundas, 29th Last Seed, 4E: 221] I stumbled into our rented room, giggling and drunk as Neethsi helped Shade and Rarity into the room, similarly drunk off their asses as I was~! Or I assumed so! I don’t know if Neethsi can get drunk! “Shush ladies. Shush. We need to be quiet~.” Neethsi slurred as she helped Rarity and Shade to the bed where I was already waiting eagerly. “Let git it.” Neethsi reached into her satchel after she summoned it and pulled out a black lacquered wooden box. “Get in, then we can be loud~.” “Haven Box~.” I rasped and giggled when Neethsi set it on the bed and we were all sucked in when she opened it. We landed on a giant luxurious bed and I immediately crawled to Neethsi to kiss and fondle her, but she held up herbs. “No~! I wanna make eggs!” I huffed in brief anger, only for Neethsi to nom on some too and I mewled, giving in since I didn’t want to have eggs alone when I could’ve had them with her too. Shade and Rarity also reluctantly ate the contraceptive herbs and then we all began crawling on the bed to Neethsi, pawing at her thighs and breasts. “Darling. I want you inside me so badly, but I think these two should get that honor first.” Rarity sat up and presented her throbbing almost 2-foot long and soda-can thick dick. “Would you honor me with penetrating your precious privates with my brutish penis?” “You’re so oddly eloquent when drunk, Rarity, hee, hee.” Neethsi chuckled and spread her legs with a hand spreading her puffy pussy. “Yes, I want to feel you inside of me while I tail-fuck them.” Neethsi licked her lips and Rarity fed her flare to Neethsi’s quim, which practically engulfed her glans right away and the two groaned as Rarity began feeding her cock to our goddess. “Rei. Come closer. I want to fuck you.” Neethsi hissed hungrily. “Fuck yes.” I crawled closer to her right side, where her tail was tensing and wagging against the bed. I grabbed it and groaned as I fed it into my cunt, desperate to have her within me. It was as I remember it; thick, hard, wriggling. However, it somehow seemed more. Like the starry night’s sky under her skin was trying to get out, which I wanted more than anything right now. “Give me those.” Shade panted out as she reached between Rarity and Neethsi’s writhing forms to grope Neethsi’s tits and suck on her left nipple. There was an immediate change. From her golden lips, Neethsi’s aetheric appearance bled over Shade’s scales in a spreading wave that was both incredible to watch and surreal. Seeing this, Rarity immediately began sucking on Neethsi’s other nip. “Ah, ah, yes. Ah.” Neethsi panted and hissed while she was assaulted on three sides by pleasure. When she hissed and tensed in orgasm, giving me a creamy delight in my quim that made me cum, I was reminded that Neethsi had fantastically sensitive tits. My pleasure lowered enough that I could watch my own transformation as the seed Neethsi was pumping into me rounded out my belly and made my flesh start to turn into a piece of the night sky as well. I ran my hands over my belly as I shivered in orgasm from being filled. My scales were smooth already, but everywhere the night sky touched, it was like running my hands over smooth glass. “Oh~ darling~!” Rarity wailed and began frantically thrusting into Neethsi, who hissed in another orgasm moments before Rarity groaned and began filling our goddess’s belly with her own cum. By now, all three of us looked like Neethsi. Gorgeous living manifestations of the night. However, Shade and I’s ornamentation stood out and her golden mane of feathers remained, the same for Rarity’s magical rainbow mane and tail. “If only we could have children right now!” “If only. Unf! Rei. Rei, release me. I need to pleasure Shade.” Neethsi pleaded with me and my greedy womb as my cunt convulsed and milked Neethsi’s tail desperately, even if I already seemed pregnant with quadruplets off of her cum alone. How is she producing so much~?! “Sis~! Not fair~! It’s my turn!” Shade huffed, then grabbed my tail! “We’re on herbs, so fuck me!” Oh! Yes! Hurray for safe sex! Mm~! I nearly bust my butt nuts the moment Shade began feeding my length into her, but I held back until I was properly writhing within her and driving her to her first orgasm. Once that happened, then I let go, pumping Shade as Neethsi pumped me while Rarity pumped her. “Hey~! Shade, bring that tail over!” Rarity demanded and soon she was getting pumped up too and the night from there became a blur of pleasure, a sensation of fulfillment and sticky liquids. 📜 [Morndas, 30th Last Seed, 4E: 221] I awoke feeling satisfied beyond anything I’ve experienced before in my life. I also couldn’t move. I opened my blurry vision and blinked my nictitating membranes a few times. What? Since when was I a ball and looked like the night sky? My horns are scraping the ceiling and the room is filled with other giant spheres that look like portals into space. Oh, wait, the two bulging from my horizon must be my tits. Holy fuck~! We’re giant cum balloons~! I orgasmed right then, zero to sixty in less than ten seconds! “Ffffuck~...” I panted as somewhere behind me, my tail gushed my semen. In front of me, my tits gushed my sap. Beneath me, squished against the floor, my cunt creamed. How big are we? I didn’t get a look around the interior of the Haven Box earlier, but despite being wedged into a corner with the others squishing up against me, I had the feeling this place was fairly huge. “Alright…who’s not dead? Sound off!” Shade slurred from below and to the right. Oh, I can barely make out her massive, overinflated pussy just peeking above the horizon of my flesh. “Darling, be quiet. I’m relishing the sensation of being so full of the seed of my lovers.” Rarity chided from the left. Ah, that must be her breast just around my left breast. “So...full~...” Neethsi moaned from the far side. How I ended up this distant from her when I remember her being the one filling me, I couldn’t figure out. “Thank Dibella that Hermais provided these Navel Pearls and Nipple Studs, otherwise this fantastic situation would have been impossible. We’d all be shreds of flesh swimming in a pool of cum.” “Thanks for the image.” I shuddered and wondered where my limbs went. This is really fucking hot to me, like, I’m about to cum again just thinking about it hot, but I’d like my limbs-. “Ah!” I wobbled on my feet and looked myself over. Still starry like the night sky, check, but I’m otherwise back to normal! I still feel gigantic though! This is awesome! “Hey girls! Just focus on being your usual sexy selves and the magic does the rest!” Soon they too were in awe and standing around mostly-normal. “Goodness, convenient. I was afraid we’d be spending today awaiting rescue from our sexcapades last night. It’s a shame we’ll have to empty ourselves or risk impregnation in a few days.” Rarity bemoaned and I shared that sentiment, which I’m sure Shade and Neethsi did too. “Yeah, sucks. Maybe we can ask Twilight to pump it out of us like the previous times.” Shade brought up while we looked around the room. Those dresses did not survive, the poor things were left as tatters across the floor. “I don’t know about you girls, but I want to take a nice hot soak. Let’s check out of the inn and go find a hot spring.” Neethsi suggested and we all agreed. She can put off her trip to Thras for a while longer. 📜 “Mm~. Oh~ Twily~.” Brennie panted as Twilight slowly gyrated her massive maremeat mast in the woman’s snatch. This morning, Twilight was as hungry for sex as usual, but she was oddly subdued, taking it slow rather than fast and hard like usual. “Brennie!” Hermais shouted when she appeared above them and Twilight was startled into thrusting hard to the groin into Brennie and they both groaned in orgasm from the surprise. “Stop fucking like rabbits! Eris and Akatosh just warned me about the Sload! You need to go find Neethsi and get her ass moving!” Hermais snapped her fingers and summoned a book that had a cover made of stitched flesh. “Get this to-ack!” “There you are, my little breed-noodle~!” Discord cooed and Hermais wailed before she vanished away, leaving the disturbing book to drop to the floor with a far-too-heavy thud. “Unf, damn it. Looks like your day started early.” Twilight complained as her lower stomach, balls and cock twitched to keep pumping her immense load into Brennie’s eternally thirsty womb or rather said womb’s eternally thirsty occupant sucking on Twilight’s flare. “Sometimes I hate those stupid noodle twats. Can’t do shit themselves, so they throw it on our laps and expect us to do it.” Brennie said with a huff of frustration. “To be fair, she’s kinda being forced into being Discord’s breeding bitch, which is really unfair.” Twilight rebutted as she groped Brennie’s tits, causing milk to squirt and the deceptively human woman to moan whorishly because of how sensitive she was there. “She’s in a situation like this, only without breaks.” Twilight reminded her mate and Brennie was about to reply when she noticed something. “Twilight...why are you turning blue?” Brennie asked warily and Twilight blinked in confusion, before between one blink and the next, her eyes went from normal purple eyes to purple galaxies swirling on a backdrop of the night sky, which her body was rapidly turning into. “Holy fuck! You’re turning all cosmic like Neethsi!” “What?!” Twilight yelped and looked down at her shelf of breast flesh to squeal in shock as she groped herself, especially the swirling galaxies that were her nipples. “What the fuck is going on?! I don’t feel any different!” “Eek!” Brennie squeaked as she felt Twilight’s cock and balls pulsating while Pandora inside her womb kept sucking it off. “Wait! This is Neethsi’s doing! Not on purpose, but you get the idea!” The woman huffed as her pussy kept trying to milk the dick for more cum. “Fuck! Did you get bigger?!” Brennie panted as she felt her cunt stretch even tighter! “I don’t know! I think you just got tighter!” Twilight yelped as she tried to reach under her ass to grope her basketball-sized baby batter boilers, but she wasn’t rising any higher. “Unf, checking...no. I’m not getting bigger! My body’s dimensional presence is in flux, so I might feel bigger!” Twilight declared in awe, but this just made Brennie groan and convulse on her lover’s cock that was stretching her impossibly elastic vagina further without actually getting bigger. “Uhn~! P-pull out damn it! You’re not cumming, so just get out of me!” Brennie snarled and wriggled on the falsely-expanding dick inside of her and Twilight helped her get free. “Aw, but it’s so tangy, Mistress!” Pandora whined as Brennie rubbed her upper pussy area and lower abs to try and relax those muscles after being strained so satisfyingly. “Ah! Fuck!” Twilight moaned before pressing back in as her balls clenched and something solid pushed out of her cock. “Ah, what is that?! Unf, it feels so good! Take it!” “Fuck, Twi~!” Brennie wailed in pleasure as her mate filled her with whatever it was, holding onto each other and riding it out. “Ugh, I hope you didn’t eat that, Pandora.” “Nope, but it is in my mouth, I’m keeping it from floating past me and towards the babies.” Pandora replied and Brennie patted her falsely flat stomach in praise of her belly pet’s dutiful action. “I’ll get this out of you right now.” Pandora could, absolutely, leave Brennie’s womb whenever she wanted. She just never did. That said, with a simple snap of her fingers, a smooth stone orb depicting an alicorn of night was now on the bed next to her and Twilight. “Is that...no, it couldn’t be...could it?” Brennie questioned as they all looked at the object. “Also, really? You were gonna put that inside of me?” “Hey, I don’t even know what it is!” Twilight huffed at the accusation and reached out to it. It suddenly rocketed into Twilight’s palm with bright shine. “W-what the-oh~!” Twilight moaned and panted as she tried to shuck it off of her hand, but it stuck to her like a high-powered magnet to metal. “Uh, Pandora, what’s happening to her?!” Brennie asked in a panic as she tried to help Twilight get the offending object out of her hand, but it traveled along her arm and behind her back. Where it went was answered when Twilight wailed and started cumming again and Brennie groaned since they still hadn’t gotten Twilight out of her. Thankfully she could feel Pandora had latched her lips onto Twilight’s flare the instant she started pumping. “What’s, ah, going, why is it in?!” Twilight whined in confusion before she tugged out of Brennie as her balls clenched hard again and another orb-like bulge descended down her cock. This was burning bright even through her flesh, almost like a second sun. “Ugh! Are you fucking kidding me?! Unf! Now I know who these two definitely are!” Brennie huffed in frustration moments before the sun-like stone orb emerged to reveal the brightly shining figure of an alicorn before it rapidly traveled down and under Twilight’s scrotum to penetrate her pussy along with the other one. “Well, Twilight, sorry to say this, but you’re pregnant.” Brennie licked her lips in anticipation despite her exasperation. “I f-figured~!” Twilight spasmed as she fell back, her body experiencing a powerful female orgasm, completely separate from her flaccid and clearly spent male organs. Then her belly started growing as expected. “Oh~ this feels so good~!” Twilight panted and ran her hands over her body as it swelled with maternal curves, her already glorious tits getting just a bit bigger as they bloated with milk, her hips widened, her thighs thickened, her ass got thiccer. “Considering I’ve seen pregnancy expansions so much and even been through them, yeah, I bet it does.” Brennie snorted and rubbed Twilight’s swelling womb. She might as well help her lover ride out her first pregnancy. Neethsi could wait. “Now? Of all the other times, now you two choose to return?” Brennie demanded of Twilight’s growing belly, which already surpassed the size of twins, meaning these two were expecting to be fully reborn as adults. “Brennie~. F-fuck me~...” Twilight pleaded with drool running from her mouth and Brennie sighed with a suffering smile before she lifted up Twilight’s sexy semen spheres and got busy eating her mate’s pussy with said hefty balls churning over her head. 📜 They were sailing to finally overthrow their hated enemies, to take Summerset as was their right. However, the Maormer were beset by an unexpected obstacle on the way. Giant, fat, bloated monstrosities with an army of their own, of undead sea creatures and necrotic horrors they’d never encountered before. The blue-skinned aquatic elves fought viciously against the disgusting creatures, having the advantage of skill, training and better equipment, but the enemy was seemingly innumerable and their disgusting corpulent masters stayed away from the fighting. Not even the elve’s mighty sea serpents could break through the barrier of undead monsters. Then they began dying. They fled, the enemy had no sense of honor or goodness in them, for the very ocean became toxic with a poison that killed within moments. They fled back to Pyandonea in shame and fear. Those monsters were heading for Summerset. Ironically, the surviving mer hoped their hated enemies succeeded somehow, for those monsters were clearly the greater evil. 📜 “Sister, the deed is done.” Thia told her sister Yuria as she appeared through the black portal. “Good. With that blasted Tree taken root, we’ve had to rush our plans, but now we’ll be able to invade even with them seeking the Dark Anchors.” Yuria said as she looked down at one of the four Pinions keeping Coldharbour from being forced a safe distance away from Mundus. The unconscious green-furred Lilmothiit child of barely 8 years oblivious to his situation. Despite her new master’s desires, to make the Pinions suffer would actually make the tether weaker. “What about Freda?” Thia questioned and Yuria scoffed. That weak fool was no danger. 📜 “We sincerely apologize for inconveniencing you, Princess Twilight.” Luna, judging by her starry mane and tail, said with a bow to Twilight. The two sisters of night and day emerged with the same new aetheric flesh as their ‘mother’, but thankfully their manes were unaltered. “Yes. We’ve been trying to return to Mundus for many years and didn’t hesitate when an opening presented itself. That said, you handled birthing us quite well. I am glad that you are unharmed.” Celestia said to Twilight as she and Luna put on robes that Twilight provided. “Well, I wasn’t really aware that I’m apparently naturally capable of bearing offspring. Paired with my magic, it was no problem.” Twilight waved off while Brennie huffed next to her. “Oh, come now, Brennie. Having them back will be a great boon for my people.” “Yeah, that’s great and all, but what would the Pact think of this? Hell, what would the whole world think should word get around that you just popped out the Equestrian Sun and Moon Goddesses? How much of a headache are you willing to go through?” Brennie ranted, already at her wits end as Twilight tried to keep her calm, but she did have a point; how would everyone react to this? “Just be glad that Vivec or others who achieved CHIM didn’t bother to come back. None of those ruffians really care about their worshipers outside Talos.” Luna huffed and patted Twilight’s shoulders. “Worry not, at best we will attempt to secure a voyage back to Equestria, see what has become of it and perhaps try to get this incredible new goddess to link a portal between the lands.” “Um, perhaps after we help here, Lulu. Equestria is already in shambles, there’s no real rush. We might as well assist Twilight since she has led our people to prosper here.” Celestia then looked out the window. “This is a place of learning. I would like to get familiar with it. Perhaps I could even be your assistant. This new world is entirely, well, new to us.” “Very wise, sister! Consider us your servants until further notice, Princess Twilight. We’d offer to hide our divinity, but...we are unfamiliar with this exotic coat pigmentation.” Luna waved her hand at Twilight, who was similarly coming to realize the big pile of stacked cards she just stumbled upon. They were gearing up for the still-coming daedric invasion, but they weren’t in emergency wartime. Twilight’s political power was going to be in question. “Ah...I believe we should start with an official announcement, since trying to hide this is kinda pointless.” Twilight rubbed her scalp through her flowing rainbow mane. “Firstly, I think if we get milked, it’ll be drained out of us. Let’s go try that.” Brennie facepalmed and let out a calming breath. She’d step in when things went crazy.  > Ch.50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.50 [Morndas, 30th Last Seed, 4E: 221] “So which hose was it?” Rarity asked as she looked through the many, many different hoses of the milking machine. Twilight really did have a staggering variety. “I’d just say the one with the dildo, but there’s several of those and we have no clue which is for which fluid or whatever.” Shade mewled and I had to agree. Twilight has way too many attachments for this thing to be in any way reasonable. “Any ideas, Neethsi?” I asked our goddess, but she shrugged along with the rest of us. “I’d have suggested letting me vent it out of our bodies with magic, but we don’t know what my sexual fluids will do to the environment.” Neethsi shook her head, similarly stumped. “Oh my gosh, there’s more of them.” Brennie groaned, drawing our attention to the door to find Brennie along with three alicorns in a similar state as us with aetheric bodies. “Neethsi, what are you doing here? I was told you needed to head for Thras pronto by Hermais, who said she was told that by Eris and Akatosh.” From the sound of things, she’s pissed off at them. “Then ask Twilight to point out the nozzle meant to drain aetheric fluids from wombs.” At Neethsi’s huffy reply, the rainbow-maned alicorn with 3 more colors than the tri-colored maned mare swiftly retrieved the right dildo/hose combination. “Then I’ll go first and be on my way.” Neethsi got on the table and the straps secured her before the hose shoved up her snatch with a groan of pleasure and the pump got to work on her. “My. Such a glorious vision of Beauty. Sister, is this the one Dibella would not cease speaking of?” The both starry maned and bodied mare asked the tri-color mane mare. “No, I believe it is the two other argonians next to that radiant unicorn.” Tri-mane commented and I felt absolutely bashful for a moment. “Pardon, I’m Celestia and this is Luna. You may have heard of us.” My heart suddenly ached with longing for my own Celestia. The mare was pretty much literally my mother in all but blood. “Yes, that would be so. Dibella summoned them to her cloister just to praise Meen-Rei. I would assume, however, that Neethsi took her place back on top so-to-speak.” Rarity said before she suddenly gasped and fainted dramatically upon a fainting couch she subconsciously summoned to catch her. “...I haven’t seen Rarity do that in a couple of months.” Twilight commented and then turned to Brennie. “Okay, so, Rarity is quite dramatic, but at least she had a delayed reaction. That’s good, right?” Twilight asked her mate hopefully. “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Brennie sighed depressedly and walked away, obviously done with it all. “Come find me when you need something. If not, leave me in peace.” “Don’t talk like that! Deities tend to fuck-off to Aetherius when they think that way!” Neethsi shouted after her in warning. “I’m not from here and Aetherius will never accept me.” Why must you think this way? It hurts just to hear you say such things. “Mundus may not care, Aetherius also does not care who you were. Rather, it’s any deities you worship. Just don’t get excessively fed up with everything. Go take a break.” Twilight gently insisted and then kissed Brennie on the lips before closing the door after she left. “Okay. So. We need a plan.” “We?” I said with incredulousness. “I was going to go through serious training or ask Hermais for the cheating book of cheats.” The door opened and a massive book was flung at my head, which I caught with a yelp. “Oh! Thanks!” I was about to open it, but a spooky owl eye, better than old Mora’s eye, opened on the cover. “I have augmented the Oghma Infinium. Instead of instilling lifetimes of skill into you, it will instead act as a focus for you to channel your efforts into. It is greater to gain skill through your own efforts, is it not?” Jhunal wisely questioned before his eye closed, leaving the daedric artifact unblemished besides the blemishes of the flesh composing its binding. Aw, so it isn’t the cheaty cheating book of cheats, but at least it was a massive XP booster. “That is good to hear. I always believed the Oghma Infinium to be a horribly cheap-ah!” Neethsi yelped when she realized her cosmic form was back to normal. “Excellent! At least for a bit I won’t be so blatantly divine.” Neethsi was released from the table and the hose retracted from her sex so she could stand. “I’m still going to have a time of trying to figure out uses for all of this aetheric fluid I’m collecting.” Twilight muttered before she began hooking up the milker fully and summoned more tables. “Be safe.” I said and kissed Neethsi before the others did the same. “Hey, with the Trident of Tides and my power, along with my immunity to all toxins and diseases, I’m the worst nightmare of the Sloads. Don’t worry, I’ll ensure they never trouble the world again.” Neethsi darkly promised and then waved farewell before she summoned...a super-sexy bikini made of sea shells that only covered her areola and groin, then she warped away. “Come on, I wanna get pumped so I can stop being tempted to keep it in until the contraceptives wear off.” Shade huffed and I whined at feeling the same way. 📜 Neethsi swam west-northwest of Summerset from the docks of Lilandril without complication. The people of Summerset were still reeling from the rebellion and overthrow of the Dominion government, so there weren’t any guards willing or able, to interfere with the hourglass-bodied hyper-busty and motherly-hipped 7 foot tall naga in nothing but a seashell bikini strolling down the street to the docks. However, she still encountered resistance far sooner than she imagined. Not even a few nautical miles from Summerset did she encounter a necrotic army of zombie fish, sea serpents, sharks, dreugh and other aquatic species. Behind them were their fat, corpulent, disgusting masters, who promptly tried to kill her with a poison destruction spell tainting the ocean. Yeah...that was about as effective as trying to drown an argonian. Oh wait. Neethsi waved her trident and swiveled her hips as her free hand waved. The water around the zombie hordes and the Sloads ceased to exist yet the water around them remained static. They plummeted to their doom on the rocks of the ocean floor minutes later and Neethsi replaced the water before continuing on. Good thing she came when she did. On land, they would’ve ironically been more dangerous. 📜 After we were all pumped of Neethsi’s contagious sexy aura thingy, Twilight led us all to her living quarters since even though Celestia and Luna weren’t hiding themselves, Twilight didn’t want absolutely everyone able to see them right now. “So why are we involved?” I asked in annoyance of the three stupid-sexy alicorns that had matching bodies to us. What is Brennie feeding Twilight? That said, how did whatever she do to Twilight cause Celestia and Luna to look like color-swapped versions of her with longer horns? “Darling, surely you can see why?” Rarity asked rhetorically, only for me to shake my head. “What? Meen-Rei, you’re a Hero! With Neethsi unavailable, you’re the most credible person to vouch for them aside from Twilight, who like she established, currently isn’t very popular with all of the emergency political moves she made to save the world.” “Stupid butt-hurt politicians.” Shade grumbled and I nodded in sour agreement. “And we can’t bring Brennie in, she isn’t very popular either. Even though she’s done everything within her power to prepare our troops for battle, equipping them with the best gear she has drawn up and teaching other officers on new strategies and tactics, she’s flipping thousands of years of military tradition on their head. Not to mention the assassin sent out to spy on her by one of the council.” Twilight highlighted in frustration and I held up a hand. “Well, then we shouldn’t be popular either. Shade and I introduced guns to this world. We’ve rewritten how battles are engaged just by introducing one new weapon.” I reasoned, only for the three alicorns to smile at me, as if I had just proven how naive I am. “Actually young ladies, that makes you more popular.” Luna countered and I gawked at her. “...How?!” That makes no fucking sense! “You see, there’s a disparity between someone who is actively working for change and someone who sparks change. The former is always seen as an intruder and the latter is always seen as a historic paragon. Brennie is personally altering the situation on her terms, you just gave the system a new tool and left it to its own devices.” Celestia lectured and I shared an anguished groan with Shade at the stupidity of this! “Fine then! What do we have to do? What can we do?” Shade demanded in annoyance and the three alicorns, who were so similar they had to be family, shared a sly smirk. 📜 Brennie was going through her paperwork when she sensed the intruder and she sighed out of her nose, but was thankful when the assassin simply appeared in front of her desk. She was less grateful when she sat down at the chair for visitors. “Does the council need something?” “No.” She leaned back in the chair and pulled up a bloody sack. “Found this skulking around outside.” She dropped the bleeding bag on the thankfully clear part of her desk and Brennie rubbed her face in exasperation. “In case you’ll take my word, it’s a dremora’s head. Morag Tong aren’t allowed to kill anyone unless we have a writ for it. Monsters don’t count.” “How the hell did one get in? Is there an infestation?” Brennie questioned and looked inside the bag, finding the beast’s head. Wow, these buggers are uglier than the old Hell demons. “Not like you would know it, no. As for how, this wretch was wearing a full kit of layered Chameleon enchantments. One of the most costly and effective means of permanent Invisibility. However, the fetcher’s enchanters didn’t bother to Muffle him, so it was easy enough to use a Detect spell to find him upon hearing him.” The assassin replied before fiddling with a throwing knife like it was a fidget toy. “I’m guessing since you killed it, you get to keep its gear?” Brennie asked the assassin, closing up the bag. “That’s usually how it works, but layered Chameleon hasn’t been seen since the Oblivion Crisis, since only Sigil Stones were known to have a Chameleon effect powerful enough to layer without a ring on every finger and toe. I’m going to ask you to deliver it to Arch-Mage Twilight for examination since the Arch-Mage of Winterhold and Neloth are both too far away.” The assassin then yanked the rest of the corpse out of her belt satchel and let it tumble to the floor. “Thanks. I’ll make sure to deliver it. Tell me though, will we be seeing more than just monsters coming our way?” Brennie questioned accusingly. “I’m not at liberty to say, just know that monster is a rather subjective term, but it’s the literal meaning you need to worry about.” The assassin offered obtusely, then remained seated. “Ah, shit. Why am I even here? They don’t like me, hate my guts for all these changes I bring.” Brennie grumbled as she considered the bottom drawer of the desk, which for some reason had whiskey in it. That idly bothered her since she took over this office. “You know nothing about politics. They all hate each other, that doesn’t mean they won’t work with one another. They just hate you enough to be united on it, but acknowledge your contributions enough that they don’t want to just have you killed and be done with it. Otherwise we’d be having a very different conversation, likely with my corpse next to that one.” The assassin rebutted and even kicked her boots up onto the desk to lean back further. “Where I’m from; War and Politics don’t mix. We never mix the two, otherwise things get messy and blurry. What kind of King would I be if I can’t lead any of my people?” Brennie sighed as she thought about drinking that whiskey, she wouldn’t need to be concerned about her babies because of how the magic woven into her worked. The bottle was half-empty, she remembered. “Oh, so you’re foreign royalty on top of being an Outworlder Deity. Wow. That’s going to cause some people to have seizures. I wish I could see it.” The assassin chuckled darkly. “They’re already going to have conniptions when I report Twilight resurrected Celestia and Luna. This is so fun.” “...You know what? Fuck it! You can go tell them what you’ve learned here today. Get those worthless twats off their asses and do something other than sitting around and complaining about useless shit. Excluding the Dovahkiin himself, he’s fine.” Brennie demanded, fuck holding back, there’s another fucking Planemeld coming around and ain’t nobody got time for complaints! Especially herself! “Including that you and Twilight are the hottest fucks on Tamriel? This is the best assignment I’ve ever had. Y’know, if I didn’t have to consider killing you as part of the job, I’d rather enjoy sticking around. So much ridiculousness seems drawn to you.” The assassin cackled before she vanished and the throwing knife landed blade-first into the corpse on the floor. “Hm, I wonder if there’s a way to get her to work for me?” Brennie grinned like a maniac as she pondered on it. That Morag Tong agent would be perfect to have on her side. “Commission only.” The chitin-armored assassin suddenly said from next to her before vanishing with a snicker. Damn she was spooky, how’d she completely disappear from her senses? “Definitely placing a commission for her, might have to quadruple the payment, but it’ll be worth it.” Brennie decided as she was about to write up one... “Or~. Sexual favors are accepted too~.” Brennie stiffened when the assassin somehow appeared straddling her lap. How the fuck?! “I’ve been watching you and Twilight going at it like nix hounds in heat. I’d like an in, if only for some of the fun. However, I will have to write up a contract and I’m still bound by my writ on you. So, just come up with a task and I’ll see if I can work it into my schedule.” She patted Brennie’s cheek and then seemed to vanish again. “...That also works, too. But first, corpse and gear!” With that said, Brennie picked up the head, its body and the knife, then made the journey to Twilight’s office. 📜 ...This is ridiculously epic. I’ve never paid witness to one before, but a spontaneous pony flash-mob was really awesome. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I followed the advice that I let the compulsions of the music sweep me along. “-Rejoice~! Rejoice~!-” Also I had no clue Rarity was a soprano! The plan was crazy, but it was glorious. We started up a song in Twilight’s room, followed the cadence in moving outside, then burst into the first chorus upon entering the courtyard. The musical magic inherent to ponies swept through everyone, including non-ponies. An impromptu parade rapidly assembled with singing, dancing and fun! “-For the Princesses have~! Re~! Turned~!” We finished upon reaching Lilmoth city square with Twilight hugging Celestia and Luna to her sides and magic fireworks were launched into the midday sky. The moment the spell was broken, ponies cheered rabidly in elation while all the non-ponies were bemused and in awe of the event. I know I was! “People of Lilmoth. As you can see, the twin goddesses of the skies have returned from Aetherius!” Twilight announced formally from her place hovering above the fountain. This was met with more cheers and some of the natives were still bemused while other species from Equestria joined in the excitement. “We apologize, our beloved citizens. Because of our failures, your ancestors had to flee your homeland. We have returned because your efforts gave us an opening to do so. We plan to assist Princess Twilight in her duties rather than attempt to supersede her.” Celestia announced, causing even locals to perk up in relief. “That said, in these trying times, it is time that Equestrians of all races stepped up! You’ve done well for yourselves, you’ve found stable and safe niches in this new society, but you’ve been coddled for long enough! All of you, are you proud to be Equestrians?!” Luna asked and got resounding cheers as worry rose among locals. “Then don’t just continue as you are, excel, exceed! Give our gracious hosts every reason to be thankful for our inclusion in their lands!” The excitement was overwhelming and the relief from the locals was palpable. I still don’t fully get why Shade and I had to be involved in this. We were just part of the crowd now. Something about bridging with the natives. “So! We are going to approach the Ebonheart Council on urban and rural renewal and settlement plans. If any of you have any sense of wanderlust, adventure or are simply tired of your domestic lives. Prepare for an opportunity!” Twilight announced and a good percentage of the crowd, natives too, cheered in excitement at the idea. “Now, go about your days everyone. We’ll be with Princess Twilight as her assistants until further notice.” Celestia declared and the three flew back towards the campus, leaving the crowd to disperse, chat or otherwise do whatever they were doing before the flash mob swept them up. “Well dears, that was fun.” Rarity tittered when she turned to us and clasped hands with Shade and I. “Music is very important to us Equestrians, I hope that wasn’t too much of a culture shock.” Rarity rubbed our knuckles and I felt myself calm with a chuckle. “It was disorienting at first, but that was incredible.” I replied and leaned in, kissing Rarity in public. She hummed into my lips and pulled me in, so I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Holy shit girls, PDA, really?” Shade hissed and we parted to look at her, only to notice all of the smirking, embarrassed or appalled expressions looking at us. I snorted and nuzzled Rarity, to which she flushed brightly with a giggle and a smile. “Let them look. I’m not on the market anymore.” Rarity cooed and smooched me on the cheek, then did the same for Shade. “I’ve got to get back to my boutique. Stay safe you two.” Rarity turned and walked away, adding an extra sway to her hips. I’m such a lucky woman. > Ch.51 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Tirdas, 31st Last Seed, 4E: 221] Neethsi basked on the eastern side of the mountain she’d created on the main island of Thras when the sun rose. Annihilating the Sload had been pathetically easy. In the water they were defenseless against her, on land she had to work more for it, but by the end of the day she’d dealt with the entire population that she could find, including the egg nests. A twitch reminded Neethsi of yet another new development and she looked at the draconic wing stretched out to her left in resignation. Damned worshipers. They’d decided not only was she a Goddess of the Sea, but also Goddess of the Wind and Sky. So her body grew wings halfway through her grueling task of killing all of the Sload who had realized land was their best option. She ran a hand along the beautiful patch of the night sky and sighed. “What have I become? Am I even an argonian anymore?” Neethsi muttered sadly to herself and then looked up at Masser and Secunda as the sky grew brighter to hide them from the surface of Nirn. “I think I get why so many living gods fuck-off to Aetherius. However, I have reasons to put up with the bullshit.” She said to herself as she mused on her new kinship with Kynareth. Neethsi sat up and her draconic wings furled behind her back. She could already fly with Levitation magic, but the addition of the wings made it so much easier. At least now she didn’t need to find her boat if she wanted to fly for long distances. “Divinity is lonely, ain’t it?” “Merario.” Neethsi said without looking away from the sunrise. “I’ve got Haskill. I’ve got the Mad. I have the whole of the Shivering Isles, yet it’s exhausting. Almost sane with how draining it is.” Said the Imperial ginger man in a flamboyant regalia sitting next to her from thin air. He then summoned a cob pipe and lit it. “Now yer gettin’ a taste of it, only unlike me you’ve got yer mates.” “Having a rare moment of lucidity are we?” Neethsi questioned her old friend sadly. “Or time has warped.” Merario chuckled. “There are other things to bring me forth, a strange little wizard is messing with time right now. Eris is hunting them down for some offer.” Merario wrapped an arm around Neethsi’s almost waspish waist, compared to her chest and hips and pulled her into a friendly side-hug that she leaned into. “Ya needed a friend right now. I’d invite ya to tea, but you’ve still got yer work cut out fer ya.” “Where to next?” Neethsi asked tiredly and Merario pointed southeast with his pipe. “Seriously? Pyandonea? Why?” That place was far enough away that it was as isolated as Akavir and the Maormer were about as hostile as Akavir’s Kamal. “Because it’s another land sunk too far into the sea, because it’s another land of Nirn, because you are the key to connecting it all together while your mates are the ones who will spark a new age of exploration, adventure and-Madness! Oh it will be glorious! Ha! I can already taste the bitter tears of failure!” Sheogorath declared, ruining the moment Neethsi had with her old friend. “So raise Pyandonea high enough that it isn’t mostly submerged, got it. If you’ll excuse me, I have a Wayshrine to establish.” Neethsi stood and yelped when Sheo slapped her ass, which to be fair, was essentially nude due to her still wearing nothing but a seashell bikini...that she was oddly attached to and even killed a Sload bare-handed when he dared rip off her thong. Oh no~! This bikini was part of how people envisioned her~! She’s a sexy sea goddess and for some reason that really fucking cheers her up! She doesn't want to be happy right now, damn it! “Go on then, lass! The sooner the world is connected, the sooner mass calamity of intermingling cultures can happen!” Sheo then stood and turned into a statue merged with the stone of the mountain, which was a perfect shrine to him, here at the top of a mountain, looking east. People would flip when they found it. “You crazy old bastard.” Neethsi fondly cursed before she glided down the mountain on her wings with her Trident still in her hands as, without her knowing yet, a flowing mane of silvery feathers grew from her scalp to flutter in the wind. 📜 “How can you tell your worth?” An old blind Breton asked Thia, much to the husky’s surprise as she approached her next target. “Does the stone atop the mountain think it is more important than the stone at the base? Who are you, young one?” “What are you on about, old man?” She snarled at the elder. “How do you see yourself? What is your worth to the world?” The Elder asked her. “I am worth a lot, I serve the dark lord!” Thia snarled at the man. “Do you? Are you just a pawn? How does the Eye of Heaven see you?” The Breton questioned as the world around them blurred with ancient magic. Thia found herself above everything, Mundus, Aetherius, Oblivion, all of it. “What are you worth to all of this?” “Who-what are you?” Thia asked in awe and fear. “A blind old man.” 📜 I panted and gasped for breath as I practiced with a steel dagger against a target dummy after reading the Oghma Infinium and being Inspired to practice the techniques I’d read. The book didn’t disappear though, so it seems Jhunal made it a more permanently available artifact in exchange for not simply letting the knowledge within be infused in the reader. That said, I could hear Shade’s violent magic practice on the magic targets nearby was progressing quite well after her own time with the book. She was practicing Destruction so that she could combat enemies from afar or up-close when she can’t use her musket. It was why I am training with a dagger. Still, why don’t more mages learn the much more violent and beautiful touch-based magic that Shade was displaying over there? “I think that’s enough.” One of the argonian soldiers stated firmly and he pulled me away from the dummy. Hey~! I was about to get the movements down you asshole! “You’re dumping sweat from your tongue worse than a dog. You’re lucky we argonians aren’t actually cold-blooded or you’d be fucked without that cooling cape you’re already wearing.” “Argh! I almost have the form down! You could’ve waited a few more minutes!” I snarled angrily until I realized I was unreasonably upset over this. I think I have found a drawback to the Oghma Infinium. It compels the reader to train in the skill they are interested in learning. “Sorry. I’m just sick of being useless once in melee range.” “Trust me, I’ve seen the archers similarly frustrated. It’s difficult to round out your skills after specializing for so long.” The soldier, a rugged brown argonian with filed-down spines running along the center of his scalp, said before he sat me down at a break table and Shade was being wrestled away from the magic training area by a dunmer battlemage to be plopped next to me. “Twins. Always alike.” The goatee-sporting robed dunmer huffed before storming off back to repair the excessive damage Shade wrought upon the magic constructs traditionally meant for magic target practice, not being kung-fu’d to death with martial-style touch magic. My sister was like a Bender from Avatar with how she was flinging elemental destruction at point-blank range! “How are you two so skilled with things you clearly had no talent for earlier?” My brown male companion asked curiously and I shared a nervous glance with Shade. “Training magic.” We replied in unison, since Neethsi had subjected us to such before, but nowhere near the scale that the Oghma Infinium accomplishes. “Ah, I’ve heard of that. It’s very hard to find someone who uses it since it’s in the School of Alteration. Then again you’re mates with the Nerevarine, so I get it. Ask if she can enchant things for training purposes, huh?” He half-jested before leaving us to sit on our sexy asses. “Damn it, I’m so close to mastering Xiaolin and blending it with fire magic, then these old mer have to get all bent out of shape because I broke something meant to be broken!” Shade snarled, her tail wagging angrily enough to whack against the grass under the table. “Tell me about it. I was just a bit away from mastering Silat when I got dragged off.” I grumbled and began flipping my practice dagger one-handed like I’d been using it all my life. “Still, now I’m sore and achy. We should use the book to learn Restoration and keep us going longer.” “Good idea, let’s do that after we finish with this.” Shade insisted with her fists raised and nodding like a stereotypical shounen manga protagonist. All she needs is a white cloth strip around her head just above her eyes with trailing bits behind her, but her plumage does that. “Sis, you’re daydreaming about stuff from your first life again.” Stop reading my mind! 📜 Brennie was going over the information coming in on the various suspected hotspots where Dark Anchors could be hiding when her office opened. She was expecting Twilight, but she blinked when Celestia and Luna followed her in. “This is Brennie. You met her earlier, but that was as my lover. She’s my direct liaison with the military forces in Lilmoth.” “Ah, so the warrior I saw yesterday wasn’t just young Twilight’s lover. It is an honor to meet a master of war.” Luna said amicably with her eyes filled with excitement while Celestia was more politely subdued. “Yeah, so, besides exchanging pleasantries, what brings you here?” Brennie questioned as she placed her work down and focused on the three Alicorns. Luna was about to speak up again, but Brennie raised a hand to stop her. “No bullshit. Straight to the fucking point and it better be good. Also, that spy knows about you two and what’s been happening, along with my telling of who I really am from back home. So be prepared for the Pact to call for a meeting very soon.” The three alicorns winced at this news. “I’m guessing it was that same assassin that killed off the beast you dropped off at my office, along with that gear it was wearing?” Twilight asked and Brennie nodded her head. “And what else did you tell this spy that you never mentioned to me?” “That I’m a King back home and I may be planning on trying to hire her for us.” This shocked the princesses and Brennie snorted at them. “What? You never bothered to ask, Twilight.” “Because I didn’t care what you were back home. I only cared about you and that you were here, that I...might go with you…” Twilight shuffled uneasily as the other two alicorns looked at her in understanding and without judgment. “I think, no, I know that I can get past my issues with the male sex if it’s for you, to be with you. Especially thanks to these two using me to be reborn. I’d like to experience that again, but with our foals.” Brennie smiled, getting up from her desk and hugging Twilight. “That’s good to hear. We get to take turns being a broodmother~.” The human woman teased Twilight, even showing off her pregnant belly, at least what she was carrying besides Pandora, for all to see. It had only been a month and she looked like she could drop a baby any minute. “Goodness! Dibella must really like you.” Celestia chuckled before clearing her throat. “Now then, we’re here because as Twilight’s assistants, we need to be fully informed of everything important to operating her school. Yes, the Deputy Headmaster helps, but Twilight doesn’t have any direct personal assistants. Luna and I are fulfilling that role as well as being advisors.” “Oh. Well, come to me about security matters.” Brennie then looked between the three alicorns warily. “Is that all you’re here for?” “Brennie, as much as I’d love to, I can’t just fuck you in your office everyday.” Twilight huffed in disappointment as her senior alicorns, well, technically senior alicorns, giggled perversely. “Expect tonight to be a bit rough because of it.” “Oh, my poor, horny Twilight, why hold back~? I, sure as Hell, ain’t holding back anymore. I don’t care what anyone thinks, be they commoners up to the nobility. If they get in my way, there will be Hell to pay.” Brennie declared, going from a seductive tone to a scary voice, one that spooked both Celestia and Luna. Twilight was blushing profusely at the defiance Brennie exuded and couldn’t help popping a boner right there. “Mm, is that a treat for me~?” “You’re incorrigible!” Twilight slobbered and pounced to start kissing her with abandon! 📜 [Middas, 1st Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Pyandonea wasn’t bad. Actually, if not for the aggressive natives, the mostly-submerged continent was a tropical paradise. She didn’t want to destroy the kelp forests between the plateaus of thick rainforest, so she moved the plateaus together, raised a good portion of Pyandonea up to extend the surface landmass, then raised more of the ocean floor to make more kelp forest. The Maormer at first were not pleased with her interference in their lands. When they realized she was increasing the land above ground and putting less distance between said surface islands while not compromising the kelp forests, they left her be. In fact, they began worshiping her almost immediately! Neethsi glared at the lunate caudal fin at the end of her tail. It was as firm as it was flexible, so she didn’t have to worry about hurting it by her body’s usual tail movements or even hitting it on something. What she could have lived without, was the dorsal fin between her wings! It parted her mane of feathers, which on its own was irritating! Being a worshiped goddess sucks! She can’t just Alter her body without hurting herself! If this kept going on, soon she’d turn into a giant fucking flying sea serpent or something! … She hasn’t tested her Beast form! Oh please, please don’t-motherfuckers! Neethsi hissed angrily into the waters of the ocean, her long, elegant serpentine body only interrupted by wing-like sceathered fins that she just knew would let her fly both in and out of water. Her exotic aetheric flesh continued into this form, which she both hated and loved by this point. A vain part of her appreciated that her unique magical pigmentation made her beyond beautiful. However, this also meant that she just became even more of a priority for Hircine’s hitlist! He loves hunting endangered or unique creatures! “Well met!” Speak of the asshole and he appears! In the form of a giant shark spirit, but still! “Hunter, you continue to impress.” Yeah, yeah just get on with it! “Very well. A great beast in the oceans is being guided to Lilmoth by the vengeful Dreugh for the theft of their relic. Hunt this creature and I’ll reward you.” “Get bent! I’ll kill it because I need to, not because you told me!” Neethsi hissed in reply despite the water. Damn it, does reality apply to her at all by this point? She swam through the ocean northeast with all haste, cutting through the water effortlessly because without knowing it, she’d absorbed her trident when she transformed, making it a part of her now. 📜 I disarmed my tenth opponent with the wooden practice dagger and began flipping it around in my hand. It was harder to do than trying to kill my training partner because Silat was meant to kill. Still, I’ve achieved mastery over the knife-style to a point I think I would have to be facing a master of arms to be overcome. Especially since I’ll be wielding an ebony karambit. Turns out karambits are traditional khajiit daggers too, I had no clue before looking them up. “Goodness! You’re a right terror with a small blade now, Rei!” My new friend Reenios, the cute brown argonian guy who stopped me for a break yesterday, declared with a hearty slap on my back. “Be sure to try and beg Neethsi to make training rings or something so we can at least try to imitate you and Shade!” Reenios cheerfully half-joked and I hiss-snickered. “No promises.” I then went over to the rest area where Shade was already reading the Oghma Infinium. “Damn sis, I figured we’d at least try to relax today.” I said with an edge to my tone, because I wanted to be reading on marksmanship to get my ranged game up! “We are. Turns out the best way to practice Restoration is by healing, who would’ve guessed? However, part of that is observing the body at rest to-.” A giant splash from the bay and a horrific shriek caused us and everyone to look out and then make varied manners of shocked exclamations as a giant shark-whale-crab-octopus thing smashed the docks. Before we could rally though, an absolutely glorious aetheric serpent shot out of the water, wrapped her, because it’s her, massive jaws around what approximated the creature’s throat. She coiled and thrashed around it, her sceathered wings flapping frantically to help her keep the creature pinned until with a wince-causing snap, the creature stilled and fell against the shattered piers of the city. Neethsi, for it could only be her, remained coiled around the beast for a bit before she released it and rose above the buildings, the giant sea serpent looking down upon Lilmoth with her gorgeous galaxy-swirl eyes. “I have slain the beast, but the Dreugh have decided to muster an army. I will be annihilating all save a bare few, because they are vital to local ecosystems. That said, I’ll be bringing the corpses back with me, do not hunt Dreugh for many years to come!” With that, Nerevarine, the Goddess of the Sea, Wind and Sky, dove into the waters of Oliis Bay and I felt a surge of absolute Faith that I’d never experienced before. I’d already loved her as a mate, but now I could revere her beyond that. I would never forget who she was though. She was still our Neethsi and would gladly help her feel a bit mortal when around us. “Hey, uh, is it alright to send prayers to her?” A nearby soldier asked in our direction. “She’d rather you not, but nobody’s stopping you.” I replied before elbowing Shade’s side. “Get back to reading sis, the sooner you finish, the sooner I can look up how to master marksmanship.” “Oh? You wanna catch up?” Shade, the impudent sexy bitch with a natural talent for long-range sniping, hiss-snickered and went back to reading while we rested. “More like surpass, considering I am a markswoman.” I hope the damage to the docks didn’t destroy the fisherman's wharf. On that note, I hope nobody died. Thankfully there were already guards and soldiers heading towards the site of the ‘battle’ as I boredly fidgeted my knife. It was now that I realized I had long surpassed who I had been before. I smiled, because now I feel confident in facing the world. > Ch.52 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.52 [Turdas, 2nd Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “So...what’s going on this time?” I asked warily. Shade and I had come out to the training fields to continue bettering ourselves, only to find a bunch of building materials strewn about and the soldiers helping some carpenters work on something. “No clue. Hey! What’s going on with the training field?!” Shade called over to the nearest soldier and the nord man looked at us in absolute confusion. “We’re preparing the festivities for tomorrow! It’s Tales and Tallows! Did you lose track of the date?!” He shouted back and I shared a bemused look with my sister. “Training’s out for today, tomorrow and the day after! Go relax ladies! You’ve been training so intensely the past couple of days, you’re making us feel insecure!” He joked and dozens of nearby soldiers cheered in the affirmative, causing me to feel warm and bashful, clearly mirrored by my sister. “So, uh...let’s go find Rarity? If it’s another holiday, I’d like to spend it with her.” I said to Shade, who nodded eagerly before we giddily hurried through the city to Rarity’s boutique, which already had a surprisingly familiar Halloween-esque sense of decoration! “Rarity~!” Shade and I chorused when we entered, uncaring for the several people in the waiting room. “I’ll be with you later my loves~! I’m currently measuring and fitting a customer~!” Rarity sang happily and we nodded at the waiting people who all looked at us in realization that we were Rarity’s paramours, a couple of the folks, of both genders, were clearly envious. “Then we’ll be waiting for you upstairs! We don’t have much to do today otherwise!” Shade called back and we were both glad she didn’t have the muffling curtains fully closed so she could hear us before we went upstairs to her home. “Hey! Who are you?!” Demanded a beautiful young mare who was clearly Sweetie Bell, if extra busty compared to Rarity’s original cup-size. Wow. Did the Cutie Mark Crusaders hit every good gene branch as they fell from the tree? Sweetie was a bit taller, easily a G-cup and had wider hips than Rarity. She also was much more tomboyish, clearly preferring rugged clothes like the work trousers and leather vest she wore with a tube top. This paired with her punk-styled mane that had the dark purple portions dyed black, her black mascara and the piercings in her ears gave her a light punk-goth look. “Hey Sweetie. We’re your sister’s lovers and we’re not gonna interrupt her business.” I told the confrontational mare, who had every right to be. We were strangers who just casually entered her home. “Oh, you’re the ones that have been helping her with our family trait!” Sweetie chirped as she rubbed her-wait Our? “I wish I had multiple lovers, I’m still bigger than her.” Sweetie pouted with a pat of her deceptively feminine groin. “Scoots can only handle me so much so often, but Bloom has that hyper-hung stud Coral to fawn over.” “Wha?” We both blinked and wondered how large this mare was naturally if she’s bigger than Rarity, after she got a magically enlarged dick. “Say! Would you mind helping me blow off some steam? I’m sure sis wouldn’t-.” Rarity’s magic shaped as a hand flew up the stairs and booped her on the snoot. “Aw man~! We’re sisters! We share! I shared Scoots with you!” Sweetie huffed and the magic shaped into a thumbs-up. D-did Rarity just offer us to her sister?! “Sweet! You two up for handling a hyper-dicked mare?” “Um, uh...well...sure?” Shade gulped and I meekly nodded my head. It was awkward, but so long as it was okay with everyone involved, I was fine with it. “Come on then, we’re not doing this in the hall.” Sweetie almost skipped off her hooves to the room at the end, which she opened-. Pink! Glitter everywhere! Stuffed animals! It was like stepping into the girliest girl fantasy ever! “Damn it! Rarity~! You change my room back right now!” Sweetie shrilly screamed down the hall and Rarity’s responding laughter made us snort. Rarity’s magic swept through the room, erasing the horrifying pink nightmare and leaving a dark and broody room. The plushies stayed, though. “So, do you two prank each other often?” I asked in amusement and Sweetie huffed as she led us into her room. “Yes and no. Ever since you two infused her with so much magic, she’s been even worse. How can I compete with that? I’m a bard, not a seamstress.” Sweetie grumbled before a knock on the window perked her up so hard we could see her nipples trying to punch through her tube top. “Scoots!” Sweetie ran for the window and opened it to let in an orange pegasus. Holy fuck I was right! The CMC have all collectively hit the hottest genes as they fell from the tree! Scoots wasn’t thicc like Sweetie or built like Applebloom, but she otherwise cut an athletic figure, only soiled by her wide hips, fucking perfect bubble butt stuffed into leggings and a sizable D-cup bust in a halter top. “Sup Sweets! How’s-who the fuck are they?” Scootaloo demanded defensively with her huge wings spread and Sweetie gestured to us calmly. “These are the gals who got my stuck-up sis to give in to her needs and finally find someone. I was about to give them the business.” Sweetie joked and Scootaloo cooed with a laugh. “Wow, alright then. So long as they’re not getting between us, I’m good with having some fun.” Scootaloo leaned in and the two mares kissed before the pegasus moved to a chair and sat down with a hand already down her leggings. “Okay, you show these two what a fucking beast you are, babe!” “Aw, you’re not gonna join in?” Sweetie playfully asked before she dropped her pants to reveal a frankly huge periwinkle sheath with watermelon-sized balls. By the divines her musk is strong!  “Not when you smell like you are! You're gonna dump everything in them and try to overpower the contraceptives.” Scoots chuckled as her hand in her leggings played with her pussy. “I want to watch you try and knock them up.” “Hole in one, Scoots!” Sweetie laughed before she picked me up in her magic facing the ceiling. “Ah, wait! Let me undress!” I squeaked, only for my rough tunic and pants to be liberally ripped off and my boots tossed aside. “Hey!” I complained, because even if those were cheap rags meant for exercise, they were still mine! “Don’t worry, I’ll give you some of my old clothes to replace them.” She thrust her hips and almost comically, a massive two foot long dong erupted from her sheath! Holy shit! That’s natural?! Rarity is still almost a half foot shorter! “Oh, don’t forget.” Sweetie summoned the familiar spicy herbs and I frantically nommed on them with a worried look at my sister, who was undressing and chewing the contraceptives offered too. “Can’t overpower what’s not there.” “Don’t worry, it’s all role-play. We haven’t managed it yet.” Scootaloo playfully stuck her tongue out at Sweetie, who returned the gesture before they giggled. “In I go!” Sweetie cheered and shoved in, sliding me to her sheath somehow in one smooth thrust! Her flare rammed right into my cervix, through it, then pressed against the entrance to my Fallopian tubes! “Those eggs are mine~.” I couldn’t respond. I was already choking on spit and spasming in orgasm, dangling limply from the giant 2-foot long cock the width of a 2-liter soda bottle from my cunt that throbbed and promised to breed me! “Damn Sweetie, you almost never do the one and gun!” Scootaloo said in astonishment. “She learned it after I begged her for a month just to slide me down.” Scootaloo casually said to my sister as Sweetie gyrated gently inside of me, my body reduced to a drooling and limp cocksleeve as she used her hands on my thighs to move me while her magic held me up. “My sister is a drooling mess!” Shade shouted in surprise as she groped and fingered herself. “Sweetie’s musk once made me cream myself.” Scootaloo moaned and gestured for Shade to approach. “Come on, let’s make out while my marefriend fucks your sister stupid.” “Ah, fuck, your tubes are opening to dump eggs!” Sweetie groaned as she began properly fucking me instead of tormenting me with slight movements. I blacked out almost immediately, my world a violent shifting darkness of pleasure until a familiar eruption of molten heat in my core made me do more than spastically get fucked and I screamed in ecstasy. At some point Sweetie had stumbled back to sit on her bed while we fucked and she pulled me in to kiss as she pumped my thirsty womb full of her incredible load. However, this meant I was infusing her with magicka, which Rarity described as pleasurable. Sweetie groaned into my lips as her churning nuts swelled bigger to match Rarity’s usual size these days of basketballs, her already prodigious semen spheres glowing faintly with their magical payload, the same happened to her G-cups, which began inflating with magic milk. After a full five minutes, Sweetie huffed and pulled out to drop me on the bed. She looked at my flat belly with bemusement before she scanned me with magic. Then she looked frantic. “Fuck, fuck, no, no! Uh.” She said under her breath before she grabbed Shade and plunged into her! “What’s up Sweets?!” Scootaloo asked between pants for breath as I rubbed my flat stomach, feeling the magic cum inside me churn and gurgle like how Rarity’s does. “Nothing! Just enjoying this hot lizard.” Sweetie huffed and pounded my sister silly, before kissing her. Thankfully, Shade was more prepared to resist pushing magicka into her, so Sweetie’s matching tits and balls weren’t getting larger. Then I felt a jolt inside of me. Uh-oh... “Fuck, you both feel so good, I’m going to cum so fast!” Sweetie growled as she pounded my sister fiercely into the bed. “Ah, ah, fuck, you’re so rough~!” Shade moaned in climax as those massive orbs of her’s started clenching and I moaned as another jolt rocked me. No~! Is this what I think it is~?! “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me~!” Shade squealed before Sweetie hammered home and began filling my sister too. “Yeah, she does this to me all the time. If you feel jolts in your wombs, that’s something unique to the Belles that only one every other generation gets. It’s like you instantly get knocked up. Drives their partners fucking nuts. I know, because I sure do~.” Scootaloo said between pants as her cum-drenched leggings schlicked with each movement of her fingers. “Um, well it might be true.” Sweetie mewled as she came down from cumming. “...Babe. One of our rules was that we would have foals together first…” Scootaloo mewled sadly, practically heartbroken. “We will, you’re next, right after, fuck.” Sweetie pulled Shade off mid cum and dragged Scootaloo over. She punched through her soaked leggings to slide her down her still cumming cock! “Ahn~! Sweets~! I-I didn’t take any! I didn’t take herbs! G-gonna be mommies~! We’re gonna be mommies~!” Scootaloo wailed, cumming instantly as she bloated with Sweetie’s magic cum. “Sweetie, how are you doing?” Rarity asked casually when she entered, completely at ease with walking in on her sister having sex it seemed. “I somehow knocked up your mates through the contraceptives! So I’m inseminating Scoots to keep my promise!” Sweetie sniffled and Rarity suddenly paled. “W-wait, I knew you were low. Y-you didn’t use my herbs, did you?” Rarity weakly asked and Sweetie nervously nodded her head. “Oh...my...I was...those were meant for...I’m so sorry~!” Rarity wailed and hugged her still-cumming sister. “Rarity?” Shade asked with some anger as my mind connected the dots. Rarity! “Those weren’t contraceptives! Those were fertility boosters! I was planning on using them later! I forgot to warn you!” Rarity wailed and sobbed into her sister’s back and Sweetie opened and closed her mouth, before snarling and summoning more of the similar, but clearly different herbs! “Scoots! Eat this! Eat the whole thing!” Sweetie snarled as she shoved the leaves at her lover’s mouth. Scootaloo almost orgasmed just from hearing the situation and eagerly chewed on the boosters. “If we’re going the whole way, we’re going the whole way! I was planning to ask you to marry me soon anyway Scoots! Will you marry me?” “Yes! Fuck yes! Fill me with our foals~!” Scootaloo shrieked and I realized something. “Wait! How can she get pregnant outside of your estrous cycle?!” I demanded as I remained laying on the bed, shuddering with my sister as we felt eggs, plural, many, popping into existence within our wombs like popcorn. However argonian reproduction works, clearly it takes quite well to pony sperm. “It’s the herbs, they make us ponies enter Estrous.” Rarity explained before dropping her pants and shoving into me. “Fuck, you’re so tight while pregnant!” “Ah! R-Rarity~! No! We have a daedric invasion on the way~!” I wailed while I couldn't help but reciprocate. If I’m gonna be pregnant, then I want Rarity’s eggs! It’s bad enough I unintentionally got knocked up by her sister, if I have her’s too, then at least some of this guilt will go away! “How old is Sweetie?” Shade asked worriedly as she sat up and rubbed her flat stomach. “I’m 19! Mom and dad had us only a few years apart!” Sweetie groaned as she kept fucking Scootaloo, who was more belly than mare by this point, perched on it as Sweetie filled her. “Oh~ thank fuck Scoots got elasticity treatments~.” “Cum. So much. Foals~. Gunna have foals~...” Scootaloo dumbly slurred atop her belly, the orange pegasus absolutely dumbfucked. “Why did you have Fertility herbs, Rarity?” Shade asked with a sigh of resignation. “I was going to ask you all to marry me. The herbs were for me. I wanted to get the rings and wedding dresses done first. The dresses are done, but I haven’t found the gems I wanted for you three!” Rarity hiccuped as she fucked me and then groaned when she began adding her own cum to the slurry swirling within me and I again blacked out in bliss for a few moments. “I really wish you’d warned me you had boosters in your drawer or that you told me you topped off my drawer.” Sweetie grumbled, tears trailing dark mascara down her cheeks. “I’m sorry Scoots. I wanted it to be so much more romantic than this.” “The same with me. I wanted it to be such a wonderful occasion.” Rarity sniffled as her tears made her lighter mascara run. “Since sis and Scootaloo are too fucked-out to speak up, I’ll speak for them. You two are dramatic, romantic fools who goofed up and now you’ve gotta take responsibility. Now stop stuffing my sister and fuck me!” Shade demanded and Rarity laugh-sobbed before pulling out of me and fucking Shade, allowing me to slowly get my faculties back in order. However, I couldn’t stop stroking my falsely-flat abs and smiling dumbly. I’m pregnant~... 📜 “I feel like I just missed out on something extremely important.” Neethsi grumbled to herself as she swam back towards Lilmoth at a leisurely pace, having decimated the sunken city of the dreugh and killed another of those giant monsters. 📜 “What is with this place and it’s obsession with holidays?” Brennie asked herself, also feeling a bit hypocritical. Not that she cares about holidays, but back home, people everywhere were just as eager to celebrate things in favor of the grim harsh reality of near-constant war. “You’re just annoyed because it interferes with day-to-day functions.” Twilight said with a smile. “Yeah. Fuck, it always circles back around to me being too much of a workaholic. I’d better stop before any of you fuckers start voting me out of my office just to take a break.” This made Twilight laugh at how ridiculous Brennie and her people can be. Voting their king out of office, forcing her to take a vacation? Who’s taking care of who?! “Well, tomorrow is a festival of costumes and shenanigans rather than feasting and harvests. Rarity already made my costume, do you have any requests?” Twilight asked her human mate as she leaned forward to rest her palms on Brennie’s desk, letting her huge newly-grown basketball boobs hang between her arms and display the cleavage this robe had a window for. “Hm, I don’t know. Anything I come up with will be completely different to the norm. Although I would like to have Rarity to expand her vision and try new things.” Brennie said with a thoughtful look. “Twi, be honest with me; do people around here think I’m a warmonger?” That question came out of nowhere, it threw Twilight off. “What? No! You’re the least warmongering person I know in your position!” Twilight declared much to Brennie’s surprise. “I mean, do you know how often us politicians have to rein in a military general or navy admiral chomping at the bit for war? You may have only been in position for a month, but usually a new general has made at least three requests for a sortie.” “What the fuck’s a sortie?” Brennie asked in confusion. “...An attack made by troops coming out from a position of defense.” Twilight deadpanned unhappily and Brennie winced. Right, she just called that ‘moving out’. Fuck, she really hoped she didn’t sound like an idiot retroactively. “Okay, I’m all for charging in, but not at the expense of losing everything.” Brennie sighed as she guessed most of those military leaders of the past just sent in their troops to die for nothing. Nevermind fool-proofing your plan, for glory awaits no one. There is no glory in pointless defeat, only death and stupidity. “Which is why your worries are unfounded. Now, in case I haven’t hit you with enough hints, I’m also here for some fun.” Twilight huffed and stood up, giving a spin in her much more complex than usual red and gold robes. This was more like a dress, since it cinched in around her waist to emphasize her bust and lower body. “How is it? Rarity insists that I ‘show the goods’ now that I don’t have to worry so much about unwanted advances.” “Well, it certainly caught my attention.” Brennie complimented her alicorn lover, who shyly tried to twirl some hair in her fingers at the praise, only to pout with her eyes rolled up to look at her magic waving rainbow mane. “It’s alright, Twi. I miss the old hair too, but it doesn’t take away from your beauty.” “Aw, c’mere.” Twilight purred as she surprisingly crawled under the desk and Brennie blushed. > Ch.53 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.53 [Fredas, 3rd Hearthfire: Tales and Tallows, 4E: 221] “You...got pregnant without me?” Neethsi asked with a tone that hurt more than the whimper of a kicked puppy, which utterly destroyed Rarity, Shade and I. “I mean, I can get that it was an accident when you were trying to practice safe sex, but it still hurts.” “I know darling. I’m devastated, we all are. I ruined what was meant to be such a wonderful event of our eventual honeymoon and also ruined my sister’s own romantic plans.” Rarity mewled even as Neethsi still petted her mystical rainbow mane while Shade and I sat to the side. While we may have been the ones to get knocked up, Rarity was taking this the worst. “I didn’t even think Rarity had herbs like that to mix up.” Shade admitted while she, like me, rubbed our bellies, which we didn’t hide with our Navel Pearls. I don’t know if it’s normal for argonian eggs to get this big this fast or if the sheer number of them from the booster is why we’re both already looking ready to drop a single human baby out of us. “I understand girls. I do. I just wish I had been here to either stop it or, honestly, end up in the same situation.” Neethsi sighed out of her nose and then abruptly stood up. “Well, we’re not going to move on by moping around. Especially not on Tales and Tallows! Get dressed! Surely you’ve got costumes for us, Rarity?” Neethsi questioned with a weak smile. “Yes, some dresses I’ve been making.” Rarity said before grabbing Neethsi in her magic with a nervous horny smile. “It’s not too late dear. We can...at least the two of us…” “Rarity, you got me wet just offering right now, but no. It’s bad enough I’ll have to advance their pregnancies with my magic know-how.” Neethsi squirmed her wide, egg-bearing hips. “What if we join in?” Shade and I sang, showing her our tails. “Oh~ you three, cut it out~! You know how weak I am to these things~...” Neethsi mewled and I flinched. Right. That’s not fair. “I can’t afford to be pregnant, you can’t afford to be pregnant. Enjoy it for today, because tomorrow I’m going to induce laying in you. It’s not an abortion, I’ll actually be using magic to stabilize the eggs and force you to lay.” “Aw~...” Shade and I whined, because although unexpected to be expecting, both I and clearly Shade enjoyed being pregnant already even if we had only been egg-laden for a day. “Very well darling, I won’t push the issue. Besides, I still need to find the stones for our rings.” Rarity grumbled, which made sense. Her Talent wasn’t clothing, it was the finding, appraising and manipulation of gemstones. Her Passion was fashion, so she just worked her Talent into it. “That said, the dresses are costumes. We need to hide ourselves from the Spirits don’t we?” “Hm, what are-cows?! Really, was this inspired by the milkmare competition?” I asked as we stared at the costumes, which were literally just cow-printed dresses with slutty corsets, garter belts and stockings under an obviously easy to remove knee-length skirt. “Yes! It’s back again since although not a harvest festival, Tales and Tallows is still a day of fun, games and large meals. Not to mention all the naughty things involved with-.” “Rarity, you’re drooling, both from your lips, your other lips and your nips.” Shade chuckled and I gulped at how worked up Rarity was over the very idea of being a milkmare in the competition. Or, maybe, just being a milkmare. “I fully support this! I just wish I could join in as a cow too.” Neethsi grumbled as she groped her breasts behind her seashell-covered areolae. “Not like it’s a good idea anyway, since my fluids are contagious. I really wish I could choose when to be like this.” Neethsi huffed and I had to wonder what was stopping her. “As a goddess, can’t you just Alter yourself at a whim, so long as it isn’t something your worshipers define you with?” I asked, noting not for the first time since she arrived early in the morning that she had a caudal fin on the end of her tail or her dragon wings or her long silvery mane of feathers. Personally, those all just made her even more sexy. “Well, I am the Goddess of the Sea, Wind and Sky. Perhaps the Sky bit is because of my night-like pigmentation, perhaps it is because the Sky is often associated with the Sea. Let me try.” Neethsi looked at herself. It took a bit, but soon her aetheric flesh faded to reveal her milky white scales, but her eyes were still captivating spiral galaxies. “Yes! I can be normal!” Then she ran a hand through her feathers, spread a wing and flicked her tail. “Well, relatively.” “Wonderful! Rei, Shade! Kiss this sexy woman until she has breasts that fill this room!” Rarity demanded with drool flying from her lips and her pupils turned to hearts. Shade and I pounced on the stunned white argonian with all the speed our pregnant bodies could manage. 📜 It was so disheartening. The manlings of this continent, of Tamriel, specifically the Nords and Giants, were descended from his people; the Atmorans. However, at some point, for some unknown and arbitrary reason, the Atmorans of this land were cursed for their children to be different. Half retained the intellect, half retained the physical might. However, both had lost their heritage, their identity, even their language. So it was that he was unable to verbally communicate with the manlings or the so-called Giants that stood at height with him. Thankfully, the Giants at least kept the basic sign language of his people meant for the deaf, mute or to convey meaning in the midst of the screams and clash of battle. The irony that it was the duller of the two subspecies of Atmoran that retained a means of communication was not lost on him. Thankfully the scholars of the manlings, sorry, Nords, managed to figure out that Atmoran was extremely similar to ‘Ancient Nordic’ and were in the process of translating for the meeting between him and their king. Said king, while not of mighty stature, practically bled a ferocious aura of power and command that he could only acknowledge from a true leader of men. This Vartine Bloodraven may not be Atmoran, but he could respect him for the power he clearly held both politically and personally. Were it to come to blows between them, he was uncertain of victory. The civil wars that caused Ysgramor to flee Atmora in the first place were a grim reminder not to underestimate or oppress the smallfolk. Too much at least. However, today was apparently a day of celebrations at least mildly similar to a day of grief and reconciliation that Atmora celebrates in the dead of winter. He wasn’t going to protest his hosts giving him what amounts to them as barrels of this sweet nectar the locals call mead. Atmora doesn’t have anything this sweet. When he returned, he was going to suggest opening trade. 📜 “No.” Brennie huffed as she turned away. “Come on~.” Twilight playfully begged as she held up the slutty cowgirl outfit. “No.” Brennie gritted her teeth. “You know you want to~.” Twilight’s magic jiggled Brennie’s breasts and she heard them slosh. “I said no.” Brennie was starting to lose her resolve. “Please?” Twilight asked again as she rounded her, using the puppy-dog eyes! “Not the face! That’s not fair! Don’t do the face!” The human woman bit her bottom lip as she tried to resist the power of those puppy-dog eyes. “Please~?” Twilight pouted her lips, her eyes watered, she even pushed her tits up. “Grr! Fine! By this point I doubt it’ll change anything.” Brennie growled in defeat, snatching the costume out of Twilight’s grasp and getting changed into it. “Yay~!” Twilight cheered as she span around in her gaudy as fuck Star Swirl costume. “Although this proves that the milking room is entirely because you have an extreme lactation fetish.” Brennie verbally jabbed with a roll of her eyes. “Pfft, like I’m gonna bother denying that.” Twilight winked and giggled before dragging her mate out of their shared living quarters. 📜 “Again?” Milky Way, a beach-ball breasted freckled yellow milkmare in a simple dress nervously asked as we stood before her, the four of us all wearing our cow-print slutty dresses with our tits practically hanging out, only the front of the corset providing any modesty. We even had headbands with fake cow horns on them. “Even with my permit, last time almost got me fined…” “Please Milky? It was so much fun!” Rarity pleaded and the rest of us joined in with nodding. “Well, she was the one who kept you three from being taken advantage of while you were incapacitated. She’s joining in this time?” Milky asked warily while pointing at Neethsi, who nodded eagerly. “That would mean more competitors than three this time...I’m sure if I talk Big Mac or some other big, strong stallion to keep an eye on your rears, it’ll be fine.” “Yes! At least this time we came to tell you our intent to be milked before things got started, so hopefully you’ll be able to set up a proper space unlike before.” Rarity sheepishly said, because last time we joined as cows at the last second, drunk off our tails and beyond horny. This time we’re just being perverts. “Just...ugh, I can’t ask you not to enjoy yourselves, it’s part of being a cow. Just don’t practically plead people to fuck you like last time? Keep your pleasure entirely platonic.” Milky requested and I shared a bemused look with Shade. How can you keep pleasure platonic? “Aw, shucks! Does this mean Ah’m outta the roster again, Milky?” A familiar voice came and I turned to see Applebloom approaching with a pout, also wearing a simpler, but still slutty cowgirl costume. She had similarly sized tits to Milky Way and thus was likely a regular cow on her ranch if she didn’t have her family orchards to be involved with. “I’m afraid so, Bloom. You may have been the biggest milk producer before, but with these four and however they got their breasts so impossibly gigantic, there’s no way for you to compare.” Milky said reasonably and Applebloom leered at us. “How is it y’all got so big anyway? Rares wasn’t a milkmare at all before she met ya, now she’s got girls as big as carts!” Applebloom demanded with clear envy. “The same way I got a boost!” Came the voice of Sweetie Belle, who approached us all with Scootaloo. Sweetie was wearing a sexy witch costume that worked perfectly with her normal gothic style and Scootaloo, hilariously, was dressed like a pretty princess. Neethsi helped get Scootaloo deflated this morning so she could enjoy the festival. “Yeah! Just look at these!” Scootaloo praised her lover’s boobs as she got behind her fiance and hefted Sweetie’s new chest basketballs in their corset, causing Sweetie to blush and kick back at Scootaloo’s shin for displaying her like that in public. “You better stop or you’ll be pinned!” Sweetie huffed in jest. “Pinned?” Milky Way queried with obvious interest. “Sweetie has the biggest-” “Scoots!” Sweetie snarled with her face so red I thought she might be trying to be a tomato. “You should be proud you have such a large-” “What are y'all talking about that’s got Sweetie so upset?” Applebloom asked before Scootaloo lifted her marefriend’s skirt, showing her off. That earned her a slap in the face from Sweetie Belle and Milky Way and Applebloom were visibly aroused. “Oh, that. I forgot you were that gigantic. I’ve been raised around Big Mac, who is about that big, so I’m not too shocked.” “How does such a small person have such a massive male endowment?” Milky pondered aloud. “No, really. The magic behind milkmares I get, being one, but what kind of magic allows a person as small as you to have such incredible male genitals? Is it related?” Milky questioned and for some reason Applebloom flushed brightly. “I just have them.” Sweetie mewled as the staring got her hard, thankfully hidden by her otherwise enchanted skirt, but not from our noses. “Damnit Scoots, now I’m horny!” “Well, mah coltfriend is like her. He’s got junk like Big Mac, but he’s half my size otherwise, not even counting my tits.” Applebloom brought up before shaking her head. “Wait, hold up. Sweetie! How did your tits get so huge again? I want in!” “Uh, Bloom, if you want to get as big as Rarity or her fiances, you’d be immobile without whatever they’ve got to shrink them back down.” Scootaloo mentioned only for the sexy punk goth reptile babe from last time to approach. What is her costume? Is she just dressed up like the tranny vampire from Rocky Horror Picture Show? That doesn’t work if you’re not a guy, but it works if she’s just dressed as a sexy vampire. “Gods, it won’t go down.” Sweetie groaned before the goth babe with the mohawk frill slapped her ass. “Ah! Hey! Who do...you…” Sweetie’s eyes turned into hearts and Scootaloo’s did too when she looked at the babe. “H-hi…” “Sup. I hear you losers need some piercings?” The blinged and mascara’d goth babe asked cheekily and I had trouble relating this woman to Hermais, who was pretty straight-laced in comparison for a feathery chaos noodle, but I could see the resemblance somehow. “Ah, yes please. If you could supply a bunch for later distribution too, that would be great.” Neethsi spoke up and the Outworlder entity of chaos nodded after snapping her fingers and all the ladies around not already pierced, yelped and clutched at their nipples. “You know what this means ladies? If anyone wants hyper-tits, it’s on offer!” Wait, what?! You just offered for Shade and I to make out with as many hot babes as we want in this crowd! “Eris, you cunt!” Brennie’s shout of anger derailed the building situation and-wow Brennie makes a slutty cowgirl costume work, even if she is dragging the goth-babe named Eris away by the hand. “What~?” Eris chuckled before I heard Neethsi yelp and clutch her groin with a bright blush through her milky scales. “Oh fuck, that’s tight.” “Eris!” Brennie snarled, clearly getting what’s going on while the rest of us were lost. Whatever is going on, Neethsi was groaning, panting, rolling her hips-omg she’s getting fucked! “I’m using a condom mom, don’t worry.” Eris huffed playfully only for the woman to pull a double barrelled shotgun, with two huge curved blades acting as bayonets attached underneath, from her cleavage. “I will blow your fucking head off.” Brennie threatened, but Eris threw her hands up to stop her. “Unless you give me a very good reason not to, I’ll leave you be.” Sheesh, scary. Thankfully people here weren’t familiar enough with guns to understand how dangerous this was. “Fine! Geez.” Eris grumbled and instead I felt something enter me! Shade groaned from next to me and I shared a breathless look with her. “I was gonna have some fun, but I’ll just be taking the burden from them. They need to be ready and they can’t do that like this.” What?! Oh~! S-something is w-worming inside of me, taking my eggs! I’d feel horrified, but it feels so good and I have this odd feeling that they’ll be okay. “They got pregnant by accident, didn’t they?” Brennie guessed as she put her weapon away and let go of Eris. “How bad are things going to get?” “As things were before? Really bad. Now? Hopefully it’ll be a cakewalk.” Eris replied before cupping her hands around her mouth. “If you want hyper tits ladies, make out with Meen-Rei or Shade!” W-what?! Damn it you sexy bitch-Mm! MM! Mm~! Bloom has soft lips! “I’m outta here, later!” Brennie speed-walked away, not even bothering to wait for Twilight. “Aw, Brennie! You promised~!” Twilight whined as she hurried after her mate. I didn’t care what was going on there as Applebloom groped her churning breasts, which thankfully didn’t visibly get any bigger thanks to the piercings she had just gotten. 📜 “What will you do now, Child?” The old breton asked Thia as she huddled by a rock. “What-? How-you’re a god?” Thia cowered, unsure what she was looking at as the Breton stared at her without eyesight. “That’s the only explanation, that you’re like our greatest enemies.” “I am just a humble old blind man. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not judge, I do not shun or begrudge anyone their decisions unless it hurts themselves or others needlessly. I ask if you will change yourself for the better Child, because I care.” The blind man continued to stare at her with those milky sightless eyes and Thia couldn’t respond. “Take your time Child. Time is one of the things that is both too short and too long, but just right if you take it in stride.” 📜 My lips are a bit sore. I’ve been kissing and making out with people for hours now, having become the attraction at a kissing booth with Shade. Literally. Someone dragged us to an actual kissing booth. Some guys approached too, because we’re beautiful and I still feel flattered to think of myself as such. Thankfully Eris was being especially naughty and had pierced pretty much everyone out on the streets, otherwise the boys would be bursting out of their pants. Fuck that’s hot. No Rei, don’t focus on it. Don’t think that every guy you kiss gets more hung and virile, don’t think about how each babe gets bustier and turns into a fucking cow producing magic milk. “Ffffuck~...” I squeaked quietly as I came just at my fantasies and how sensitive I was from making out with people for a good portion of the day. “This is awesome.” Shade panted from next to me before someone dropped a few Septims in the till and she kissed the argonian patron with a passion that I mirrored with my next customer. I didn’t even care that we were making a killing, I just wanted to infuse everyone with my magicka. It was intoxicating, knowing we were turning a good portion of the city into renewable food for Shade and I! > Ch.54 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.54 [Fredas, 3rd Hearthfire: Tales and Tallows, 4E: 221] “Brennie! Brennie, wait!” Twilight panted as she caught up to the still hurriedly strutting Brennie, who was able to move in the high-heeled stripper boots of her slutty cowgirl costume with an ease that would’ve made anyone with modesty blush if she wasn’t nearly sprinting away. “Whuh? Oh, shit! Sorry.” Slowing down, Brennie held onto Twilight while she caught her breath. “I didn’t mean to do that, but I felt uncomfortable when the makeout session started.” “I get that.” Twilight panted to get air before she glared at Brennie. “But you ran off without registering! You promised!” Twilight said with hurt in her tone. “You said you’d indulge me and be my cow for today at the competition.” “I can’t bear it now, not with how Eris changed the scenario. Most women getting huge milk tanks are part of my wife’s insidious plot to spread into other worlds and it gets to me.” Brennie reasoned with her Alicorn mate. “Well...okay. Fine. I get it.” Twilight pouted, not childishly, but clearly hurt. “We can just role play in the future or something, if it doesn’t upset you like this wife, Wiatr, right?” A nod. “Wiatr manipulates people through their bodies. I’ll...I’ll even give up on it for your comfort.” “Thanks. My siblings and I are...still distrustful of her even after tens of thousands of years of marriage. We know she doesn’t mean it, but we feel as if she lets it go to her head too much. Hence our disdain for Gods, even with us having become such.” That would explain a lot as to why Brennie hates Gods, but does that also mean she doesn’t trust her wife’s Empire? “I can understand and accept that, but would it upset you if I went and got kissed to have giant milky breasts? I got pierced back there too. If you don’t want to be my cow, would it upset you if I became yours? Or would that be too along the lines of ‘being manipulated by my body’ when it’s a choice I actively make?” Twilight asked with hope in her voice. “Twi, I messed up and I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel alone, so we can both experience it together. Let’s enjoy our time before heading back home to indulge ourselves, yeah?” Brennie smiled with a blush. “T-together? You mean get milked in public, t-together?” Twilight blushed hotly as she wrung her hands together. The promise was that Twilight would milk Brennie at the competition and here Brennie was turning it on it’s head? “That or you could milk me or the other way-wow!” Brennie found herself being carried bridal-style by Twilight, who ran back towards the competition. “Well, a promise is a promise.” 📜 “Happy now?” Eris huffed playfully as she rubbed her pregnant belly that was packed full of eggs to the point of seeming at term with twin human infants and it was only the initial part of the pregnancy. “I’ve got several dozen little hopes for the future swirling in your banked semen to ensure it.” Unlike Hermais, Eris made herself sterile going into this situation. “Yes~.” Akatosh shivered, looking ready to mount her again. “I want to fuck those two in person though~. This is so enjoyable. As for these new dragons...what should I call them?” “Dragonborn?” Eris joked, because that was essentially what this new breed of argonians, blessed by both the Hist and Akatosh, would become. “Either way, didn’t you already bless Neethsi to the point of making her a new breed of dragon?”  “Yes, but that’s putting all of my eggs in one metaphorical basket. Unlike those two, she doesn’t have the urge to breed so intensely woven into her very being. Meen-Rei and Shade are true breeders by instinct and body. No other argonian in this whole world has the desire to have eggs as much as those two.” Akatosh nuzzled Eris’s belly. “So thank you for your assistance with this.” “Aka~?! Are you out fucking wenches again?!” Called the amused voice of Mara, who while Akatosh’s wife, didn’t begrudge his dalliances because he was too much for her to handle on her own. “No actually! I don’t consider them wenches.” Akatosh chuckled the last bit quietly at Eris before he flew off into the fog of Aetherius. “What are, oh~! Is that, you’re making a new one~?” Mara’s voice cooed from the fog. “Yes, now let me mount you my dear.” Eris rolled her eyes as she laid back against the imaginary grassy hill Aetherius conjured for her and the punk-goth Goddess of Chaotic Time rubbed her sexy fishnet-covered belly as she relaxed. “N-now?! It hasn’t even been an hour!” Mara protested and Eris smirked. “Dibella is off playing with Sanguine and I’ve imposed enough on our guests as it stands. Besides, when was the last time we had children with one another? I am as equally disappointed in Alduin as you are, I want us to try again.” Akatosh said to his wife longingly. “Oh...Aka…” Mara crooned, clearly having the right buttons pressed. Soon Eris was resting to the sounds of passionate marital sex. 📜 “I hope you all appreciate what we went through.” Shade deadpanned while Neethsi healed Shade and I’s bruised faces. She was addressing the Dibella priestesses who were running the kissing booth, which it turns out was the Cloister’s means of raising funds during public events. “Of course, which is why you’re each taking a fifth of the profits you raked in. This has been the most successful fundraiser we’ve ever had!” Cheered one of the many priestesses of the Cloister, who I never got to know the name of. The unnaturally pretty ladies cheered and dropped two sacks of Septims at our feet before the women fled with their freely-gained gold. “I almost feel like we got robbed by Team Rocket.” I snorted and shook my head after Neethsi finished healing me and moved on to Shade. “I think we’ve kissed all of your friends, Rarity.” “Indeed! I wasn’t all too surprised that Rainbow and Fluttershy came up for a kiss, but I’m a bit surprised Pinkie and Applejack did. Then again, Pinkie has warmed up to you for how you’ve helped her cousin and Applejack has always quietly envied her little sister’s bust.” Rarity said as she nibbled on a sweetroll. Those things are popular across the continent. It’s essentially brioche bread with a sweet sugary glaze, what’s not to love about it? “What about Twilight? She was quite eager to hog Rei to herself for a good bit.” Neethsi commented with an amused gleam to her eyes. “Well, she doesn’t bother to hide it so I supposed it’s fine to say. Twilight has an intense lactation fetish. Usually it’s curbed by curiosity when the person involved has unique fluids to give, but that’s the real reason why Twilight’s lab has a massive, lewd milking machine.” Rarity informed us with a faint blush and a naughty smirk. “So before you ask: yes. That is where my own appreciation for lactation comes from.” “I can dig it. So, there’s still time before the competition, I’m assuming you volunteered us all as cows?” Shade asked our unicorn lover, who nodded in confirmation. “Then let’s go have fun! We’ve been kissing so many people that it’s gotten boring.” Shade joked as she and I stood up and stumbled into Neethsi, who caught us both with an arm each. “Whoops…” “Yeah...kinda weak right now. We’ve been infusing so many people that we could really use some food.” I tiredly said as I cupped one of Neethsi’s breasts for emphasis. “Could we please find someplace private so that Shade and I can feed?” “Of course, let’s get you two fed.” Neethsi picked me up while Rarity levitated Shade. 📜 “So, there’s not much alcohol going around this time.” Brennie observed as she and Twilight toured the festival games while eating treats and drinking non-alcoholic cider. “It’s too close together with Harvest’s End. Good booze takes time and the stores built up through the summer are tapped afterwards for at least a month.” Twilight informed her mate as they sat down. “Thank you again, Brennie. It’s always been a fantasy of mine to take my lover, hopefully a hyper-stacked lady with milk to nourish a town, to milk her out in public and show everyone how lucky I am.” “I wonder how people are gonna react to a General having fun?” Brennie questioned with a snark. “Likely the way they do when they see the guard captains enjoying themselves. This isn’t the Empire where the higher your rank, the more you lord over others. You’re a member of the community, at best they’ll have fun seeing that you’re having fun.” Twilight said before finishing her sweet roll. Brennie had to admit, while not actual cake, these sweet rolls kicked ass. “Even if it’s considered illegal?” Brennie asked and Twilight did a spit-take. “How in Oblivion is it illegal for you to have fun?! What sort of tyranny did you inherit from your parents?!” Twilight gaped at her in shock and Brennie figured she could assume that was the case, considering a king is often the child of the previous king or at least related. “Twilight, I was joking. Of course I’m allowed to have fun, my people want me to be as happy as they are in life. Also no, I wasn’t born into royalty, for I’ve earned it. Much like Bloodraven himself.” Brennie clarified with what she felt was a local example of how she came into power. “Through overwhelming diplomatic support and the conquest of his enemies?” Twilight asked for confirmation before she finished her sweet roll and chugged the last of her cider. “Hm, more or less. The point is I’ve proven my worth and earned the trust and respect of my people. In turn, for securing their freedom and rights, not only have they prospered and thrived, but they did so to show me the future that I’ve helped to ensure.” It wasn’t an easy feat, but Brennie wasn’t alone in those times. “Hm. Well, that gives me something to look forward to when all of this is done.” Twilight smiled softly yet sadly and Brennie uncomfortably looked away. “You’re not dragging me away, Brennie. You’re helping me move on. I love it here, I do, but at the same time Lilmoth is strangling me. The same goes for my friends. Our responsibilities keep piling on, everyone expects us to just get things done as pillars of the community. Rarity has it the best out of us.” “Yeah, I’m sure, considering she’s a seamstress and the rest of you have more traditional roles befitting community leaders.” Brennie couldn’t deny that Rarity was amazing in her own right, but what streetwalker in a big city like Lilmoth would go to the tailor about their troubles? “I’m going to miss her. There is no way she won’t stay with them.” Twilight sniffled and Brennie pulled her into a side-hug. 📜 After suckling magic milk from Neethsi and Rarity for a bit, Shade and I were back to normal and able to enjoy the next couple of hours. Darts, pumpkin catapults, barrel rolling. All good fun. There was even a local rendition of Red Rover that we weren’t allowed in due to our...assets. Something about us being too heavy for our size. Bullshit, but fair I guess. “Oh! It’s time~!” Rarity chirped and us argonians in the group all got wiggly-tailed as we followed our excited unicorn fiance back towards the town square. How is it that locals here just know what time it is? Is it a passive spell? Something innate? Is it primary education parents teach their children here? “Welcome to the Tails and Tallows milkmare milking competition~!” Milky Way cheered to the excited crowd of onlookers who were staying behind a fairly large cordoned off area that took up maybe a third of the city’s market square. How many ladies volunteered to be cows after our kissing spree? “Hey girls.” I heard Brennie’s voice as we saw her making their way over to us. She was in that draco-wolf form, which was a real eye-catcher for the crowd since they looked at her in awe. It was like Neethsi and a particularly handsome diamond dog had a baby together. The result was good! “Oh, Brennie, I’m surprised to see you here!” I said as I went to the spot with my name on it and ended up standing with Brennie on my right and Rarity on my left. Shade was on Rarity’s left and Neethsi was to Brennie’s right. “I promised Twilight that I’d be her cow.” Brennie said meekly, which pulled at my heart’s strings. “Alright ladies! We all know you’re packing real girls behind magic and those skimpy tops! Let them out!” Milky shouted cheerfully and I tugged my corset’s loose cups down before I groaned and let my tits expand until they were big enough to lean against, then big enough that I couldn’t see over them aside from through my cleavage. I felt either side of my tits be squished against Rarity’s and Brennie’s respective boobs and I moaned as the sensitivity quickly got to me. “Yes. All the yes~.” Rarity was already panting, her panties soaked with her feminine lubricant. “Oh my gosh, sis. I knew you were a pervert too, but this is epic.” Sweetie Belle commented from behind us and I managed to turn my head enough to see a crowd behind us too, but nowhere near as large as the crowd in the direction the line of hyper-tiddies was facing. “Alright ladies! All you have to do is sit or lean in this case, right where you are and let your milkers show you a good time! Will our milkers please go to their assigned milkmare?” Milky announced and I looked past Rarity to find Shade was already wiggling her tail and groping the back of her boobs. Neethsi on the other side of Brennie was in a similar state. Brennie herself was less aroused than us, but was clearly eager if her wagging tail wasn’t lying. She still looked nervous about the whole thing, so I reached out and grabbed her hand. I felt her grasp me tightly, but not so tight that it hurt. “Thanks.” She whispered to me. “Just enjoy it. Trust me. You saw me last time. These guys know how to make a cow cream.” I joked and Brennie rolled her eyes. “Hey, I’m sure Twilight will make it really good for you.” “That’s not what I’m-.” Cheers drowned her out and she winced. “Okay! You all know the rules! First to fill ten barrels wins! Ladies, gird your loins because they’re about to drown your panties! Milkers, have at em!” A cowbell was hammered and I moaned when my milker grabbed my massive soda-can nips without hesitation and stroked them to express my sap into waiting buckets. “Ah! Those hands~! Work me Velvet! Ah! Yes!” Rarity gasped and panted along with the rest of us, but much more vocal. “Gah, hmph~!” I groaned as the first barrel started to fill up. My sap may be thicker than milk, but I produce so much and with my nips this enormous, there was no issue in comparing the flow with a thinner fluid. “Ah~!” Brennie moaned loudly as she was being milked. The fact it was Twilight must’ve been a big help to her being able to look past the social awkwardness of the situation and enjoy it. “I didn’t take you for a moaner, Brennie!” Neethsi commented breathlessly as she groped and kneaded what she could reach of her tits. “By Dibella, whoever you are, you have amazing hands!” Neethsi praised with her finned tail whacking the street. “Eenope!” I heard from the left and saw Big Mac grasp Shade’s tail, which had been about to worm under her panties to yiff. He wagged a disapproving finger from his free hand and Shade whined pitifully as she humped her tits desperately. Holy shit, her milker is really good at-oh~! “Ahn~! Yesh~!” I wailed when I came from my milker, whoever they were, shoving their fingers into my nipples. They then masturbated them like pussies for a second before they then aimed the resulting deluge of sap into the barrel. I caught my breath as I heard the clacking of wood. “Oh! It looks like Reenios is in the lead! Who’d have thought you could milk sap as fast as, well, milk?!” Milky commented and I blinked out of my pleasure fugue. Reenios?! My training buddy?! I’m being milked by-oh~! “Yes! Milk me Reeny! Yank and finger my big fat tits!” I shouted over my breasts. I didn’t know he had naughty thoughts or feelings about me, but then again I keep selling myself short. Hot fuck he knew how to use his hands! Then again he’s used to moving them a lot. “Aw, no fair! You got Reeny?!” Shade whined over at me while Velvet made Rarity cream herself and she screamed into her left breast to muffle her orgasm. “Oh! It looks like Coral is catching up to Reenios!” Milky announced and I shuddered through an orgasm as I looked past Neethsi to see Applebloom at the end where she was obviously getting milked by her coltfriend. She was wailing and crying in pleasure like the rest of us, but she was clearly getting much more out of all of this than us. “Oh~!” Brennie was still moaning while some in the crowd cheered her on. Aw~, she has support. “Oh! Princess Twilight has caused a sudden surge in her partner’s output! No signs of magic folks, it seems the Princess really knows her way around a cow!” Milky declared before I came again. “Wow! Twilight just hammered shut her first barrel and is now double-milking each of Brennie’s tits into a barrel each! She’s catching up to the leaders while everyone else finishes up their first barrels!” “Uhn~! Faster! Don’t l-lose~!” I managed to choke past my saliva as I was reduced to a drooling and cumming mess connected to two giant SUV-sized tits, the other cows around me turned into similarly brainless and bellowing beasts of lust. 📜 “I don’t know. This seems pretty daedric to me.” Dibella hummed consideringly. “Naw, I didn’t have to do anything. This is all them.” Sam Guevienne chuckled. “Well, if you’re not claiming it, then it must be true.” Dibella chuckled and patted his arm. “Damn straight, I wish I’d thought of this. Something to consider for one of my fetish-focused pleasure rooms. Now then my sweet, let’s find more ale in this dry place!” > Ch.55 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.55 [Loredas, 4rd Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Brennie woke up feeling both exhausted and satisfied in a familiar, yet also quite unfamiliar way. That she was the little spoon in a cuddle with Twilight was quite welcome and she settled back in to-. “You really know how to let your hair down.” Whispered the voice of the assassin and Brennie cracked her eyes open again to see the armored agent peeking over the edge of the bed nearest her face like a small child, creeper, bed monster, whatever. “Hey. Christ almighty, who won?” Brennie asked with a groan, closing her eyes and listening to the spy. She could’ve done without the creepy bug-eye-lense helmet being so close in the dark, but she’d seen far worse. “Coral Leaf and Applebloom. Twilight and you got second with Meen-Rei and Reenios in third.” The Tong agent informed her and held up the red ribbon as evidence. “If Coral didn’t know how his marefriend’s tits worked, he wouldn’t have had a ghost’s chance in the Soul Cairn, but he rocketed past the rest of you. I’d call foul on that, but it’s generally considered polite to have a cow’s milker be someone they know or are already intimate with.” “Whatever. It was awesome.” Brennie had blacked out in ecstasy after Twilight started spraying both nips into two barrels at once, the alicorn somehow managing to balance pleasure and productivity was too much for her. She’d been milked by custom-made machines that failed to stimulate her like Twilight had just done. The closest comparison was her wife Wiatr. “Anyway, how did your boss take the news if you told him at all? Was he pulling out his hair or was he too busy shitting himself?” “Neither. They just took in the info as always and told me to keep an eye on you as before. They were also a bit relieved to hear you’re essentially a normal person and not stuck with a mace up your ass. They didn’t word it so poignantly, but that was their impression.” The Tong agent informed her, still whispering to possibly let Twilight keep sleeping. “Really? Wow, I must’ve given off some impression of ‘Don’t fuck with me’ or something if they thought I was like that. Although they would probably start flipping tables over if any of my people show up, specifically the warrior type?” Brennie snorted in amusement as she felt Twilight grinding her hips up against her ass. The lack of male genitals reminded her of Eris’s actions yesterday and then she frowned. Convenient, yes, fun in the morning? No. “Don’t know, don’t care. So long as I don’t have to kill you or try and fail at least, I’m good.” The Tong assassin vanished and the red ribbon fluttered to the bed. Sighing, Brennie just went back to sleep after she took the ribbon and snuggled back against Twilight. 📜 “Come back soon.” I whispered after I smooched Neethsi. She was up at the crack of dawn despite how ravaged we all were by the events yesterday and I was woken up by the feeling of my big spoon getting out of bed. I have no clue how any of us made it to Rarity’s place. “I’m going to be putting Adamantine back up. I’m not too sure if I’ll have any tasks after that, so while I can’t promise anything, I will try to return as swiftly as possible.” Neethsi whispered back before she did an adjustment to her seashell bikini and slunk down the hall to the stairs. Normally she’d warp away, but that’s noisy. She’ll do it outside so Shade and Rarity can sleep. I silently strode across the room to the pile of satchels and grabbed mine. I was only able to figure it was mine due to the tiny embroidered image of my head on it with a cheeky grin and wink. Rarity was so cute with little gestures like this. The one on Shade’s bag was the same, but her’s had her mane unlike my horns, so it still worked as an ownership indicator. I reached in to grab things, but then felt my hands on a soft sack when reaching for clothes. I pulled out an empty bag and blinked. I didn’t have any extra sacks, since adventuring wasn’t in the plans for now. I reached in to make sure-whoa~! “Oof!” I grunted when I landed on a cushy bed and blinked up at the opening high above me. “Wait a minute…” I sat up and there wasn’t much else here, but this is a Haven Bag! Neethsi gave me a Haven Bag! Ee~! I have a portable studio apartment! This means I can start dumping all the junk I still have in my satchel into crates and stuff in here! Thanks to my bangles and other accessories, I may have a nigh-infinite carrying capacity, but I’d rather not be laden down in case I lose them. Hold up! I should get Rarity and Shade to help me decorate! 📜 “Can you restore it, oh great Nerevarine?” A Breton native of Wayrest nearly pleaded with religious fervor and Neethsi pointedly tried to ignore how uncomfortable it made her. “Considering its Stone is a metaphysical concept of an event that has taken place, it should hopefully be as simple as setting it back up.” Neethsi replied as she put her hands on her hips and considered the half-submerged metal tower that had been toppled by the island it once stood on being turned to mush by saboteurs. “I’d almost consider moving it too. The island was the weak point.” “Please don’t. It is of immense cultural significance. We’ll simply guard it better.” The breton, who creeped Neethsi out too much to learn the name of, pleaded desperately. He even went so far as to get on his knees in religious supplication. “Alright! It was just a thought.” Neethsi grumbled and let her power flow, turning her body aetheric once more. She summoned her trident, idly wondering where it went since it wasn’t in her storage, then began her dance as she worked her magic. Adamantine or Direnni Tower to the locals, swiftly rose upright, the uncovered basement levels slotting into their rightful place with a murky sucking noise on a massive scale. The earth around the risen tower then flowed back in and turned into a solid outcrop of bedrock while the rest of the ruined island restored to its original dimensions and even extended slightly beyond that to the west. “Praise be to Nerevarine! Thank you, my goddess!” Neethsi winced and was thankful her current state likely hid the expression from the religious nutso who was probably going to fap to thoughts of her. Scratch that, he definitely was. Ew. It’s one thing to have strangers appreciate your body, it’s another for creeps like this guy to obsess. “Yes, well, the Tower is back and with this, each of the Towers besides Green Sap are restored. I’ll be on my way now.” Neethsi warped to Lilmoth, intent on returning to her lovers immediately, considering it’d only been a few hours since she left. Having wings was convenient. “Lady Nerevarine!” Neethsi paused and closed her eyes as she suppressed a groan of anguish to turn to the dunmer soldier who addressed her. “I’ve been told to keep an eye out for you and remind you of the ships the Pact wishes to be built and the shipwrights still need your tutelage.” “But the war didn’t even end up happening! The Dominion collapsed in on itself.” Neethsi complained and the soldier shrugged. “As I hear it, the bigwigs still want an airship fleet to protect the lands and seas. We are still the barrier between Akavir and the rest of Tamriel.” Oh...well that’s true. Damn invasion-happy Kamal and Tsaesci. Whatever. At least she wasn’t going to be building all the ships, just ensuring the shipwrights know how to. 📜 [Tirdas, 7th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Gah!” Reenios yelped when I expertly flipped him onto his back and pinned him to the grass. “Pinned ya again! Ha!” I laughed and got off of him before giving the brown cute argonian a hand up. He didn’t have a crush on me so much as a lewd appreciation of me that didn’t go past enjoying my company and friendship, so our training wasn’t awkward after he milked me on Tales and Tallows. So this is how you can be perverted and platonic. “Bah, if it wasn’t so fun and good practice getting trounced by you, I’d be sick of getting the crap kicked out of me multiple times a day.” Reenios chuckled as he used Restoration to fix the bruising I gave him. “Shame Lady Nerevarine is so busy. You two have been slowly getting more down since she left right after Tales and Tallows.” “Ah, what makes you figure that?” I asked, wondering how he could tell. My spirits were dampened by my beloved Neethsi being away. At least she passed on a letter telling us she was training shipwrights in the art of airship construction in Raven Rock on Solstheim, so if we absolutely wanted we could go visit, but right now Shade and I felt our training was more important than our feelings. “You’re slower, distracted, Rarity’s visits on her lunch and break have happened more often. Also, despite rapid improvements, you two haven’t moved on to a new subject after you took on more martial styles and Shade has been improving her Restoration.” Reenios listed off and I mused that he was right. I haven’t moved on from Judo since yesterday when I decided I needed non-lethal options in case I’m trying to subdue someone. “So, I need to know some martial skills and there are many.” I deflected, hoping Reenios would buy it and let it go. “There are only about fifteen. I haven’t even seen this ‘Judo’ before anyway. Are you making it up?” Reenios demanded curiously and I blinked in surprise. “What? No. It’s in the training guide I’m referring to. It’s a disruption style meant to subdue and disable opponents without permanent harm. How could it teach me something if it didn’t exist before?” Wait...Jhunal is exchanging ‘books’ with Hermais! For all I know, that means the Oghma Infinium is also obtaining more subjects to teach by the second! Whoa! “Huh, that sounds incredible. It’d be nice if guards trained in something like that so there’d be less need for healers to visit the jails to heal troublemakers. You should make a copy of this training guide you found and give it to the guards.” Reenios suggested and I hummed in consideration. “I’ll check with the bookstore I got it from, see if maybe they can point out a source.” I replied in mild deflection. I will try to ask Jhunal if he’ll allow me to copy things from the book since unlike Mora who hoarded knowledge, Jhunal clearly wanted people to learn from it, if in a more hands-on way. “Please do. In the meantime, I think I’ll try to adapt what I’ve observed from you. I would like a way to avoid killing someone if I can help it.” Reenios said and then began practicing slap-dash katas that made me wince. No, no! If you’re going to practice, do it right! 📜 I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon teaching. Not just Reenios, but several soldiers and guards who approached when they noticed I was training the brown argonian in a martial style none of them recognized. Nearly every guard decided to attend my ‘lesson’ because they saw the use of a style that incapacitated without serious harm to the opponent as a boon. “Well, this could be an interesting addition to my P.E. program.” Twilight joked as she approached through the lines of kata-practicing soldiers and guards. I like her new robes, much less frumpy and they actually highlight her sexy body instead of hiding it. “I didn’t exactly plan on this, it just happened.” I huffed and idly wished argonians could sweat, because I was building up a lot of heat here in the sun as I ran the class through their paces. They seemed to grasp it really quick, supernaturally quick. I need to ask Jhunal several questions. “So, what’s up Twi? I’d expect Berserker to be out here instead.” “Ah, she’s still...recovering from training yesterday.” Twilight excused and I raised an eye ridge skeptically. Ever since Tales and Tallows, Bersie has been seen much less frequently, which was fine apparently, since Bersie was much more hands-on than many of the troops and their immediate superiors were used to anyway. “Ahem, anyway, I was coming to check in on you.” “I don’t get why. Everything’s fine.” I gestured around and then idly used the same hand to correct the arm positioning of a nearby student and my tail to correct the foot placement of another without looking away from Twilight. I need to speak to Jhunal. “Rarity doesn’t think so. She’s worried you’re throwing yourself into training too much. Yes, a great threat is on the way, but you shouldn’t be neglecting your emotional needs.” Twilight lectured and I felt indignation well up within me. I was about to lash out, but bit my tongue. This was no place to vent such personal feelings. “I’m fine. Go back home and get some rest yourself.” I bit out and went back to correcting the posture of my students. I can relax when either the coming war was over, Neethsi comes home or another holiday hits like the disruptive culture bombs they were. 📜 “What do I do, that was-I can’t go back to Yuria.” Thia whined as she struggled with the complicated emotions that man brought out of her cold, Dark, formerly indifferent heart. Thia was always the quiet one, the obedient one, willing to follow whoever had the most logical argument. Freda was ruled by compassion while Yuria was ruled by the traditions of Londor. For the longest time Thia had just blindly accepted that Yuria had the right of it, but now? Now she saw that Freda was in the right. However, their sister was killed, her Undeath rendered moot and her soul cast adrift in the sea of souls. There was no hope of finding her. She wished she had the strength to ask that man if he somehow knew where Freda was, so that Thia could follow her instead. She wasn’t a leader, she barely knew how to make decisions for herself. That was when an achingly familiar sensation of cold and a scent of powdered snow falling from the sky assaulted her nose and the snow-white husky gasped, following it through the odd twisted forest she’d somehow found herself in after fleeing the blind man. “Hm? Who are you, child?” A giant hawk asked her when she rushed into a clearing. “Not many find my sanctums on their own. I am Kynareth. What brings you to seek sanctuary in this glade?” “I seek my sister. She looks identical to me, but does not wear dark colors.” Thia replied, not afraid of this God like she was of the Blind Man, because at least this entity she knew well. “Hm, why would a powerful hunter like you be running?” Kynareth asked, flying about her glade. “I can help you find your sister, if indirectly, but the journey will be long.” “Kynareth, do not lend her aid. She is one of the interlopers trying to destroy our realm.” Came a harsher male voice as a ghostly white specter of a stag entered the glade with hateful red eyes glaring at Thia, who backed away fearfully, for she knew this entity was not a kind one. “Hircine, so quick to punish. In this case, I may well take you to the nearest place of my power to your sister if it will spite him.” Kynareth landed between Thia and the Prince protectively. “You wound me, Kynareth. Do I not honor your realm? Do I not do it justice?” Hircine asked without offense, as if this were simply an ancient dance the two always did. For all Thia knew, it was. “Yes, but your justice is cruel and harsh. This girl’s heart is filled with fear, indecision and desperation. I will not let her be easy prey for you.” Kynareth declared as she lowered herself and Thia hurriedly climbed on the goddess’s back. “Hah! A challenge then! Run little rabbit! My wolves will give chase shortly!” Hircine laughed and Kynareth took flight while Thia clung to her back. “Rest now. It will be some time before we reach my glade nearest to your sister.” Kynareth urged and for the first time in her Undead life, Thia decided that sleep was a good idea. 📜 Brennie awoke with a snort at the feeling of hands on her underbelly and lips that kissed it shortly after. “How is my beautiful mate?” Twilight whispered around the hill that was Brennie’s unrestrained baby ball of a body. She wanted to let it all ‘hang out’ and Twilight offered a place called a Haven Box she’d bought from Neethsi to do so. The mostly-human was perched on her giant tits and belly with her ass up near the ceiling of this place. “Hm, living the dream~.” Brennie purred as she felt content just lying there, her belly showing the fruits of their love and milking hoses endlessly pumping her milk. “What time is it?” “Ah...um...it’s been...a few days.” Twilight sheepishly informed her and Brennie squealed in shock. “It’s okay! Everything’s still moving just fine without you! It isn’t uncommon for people at your level of authority to disappear for weeks at a time so long as nothing urgent comes up.” “Love you mom!” Dongo purred after appearing in front of Brennie’s face, the ursine chaos noodle floating in the air like his sisters tended to. “Oblivion is like a buffet of demiplanes!” “Could you not? I’m just coming to terms with the fact I got lazy for a few days.” Brennie huffed indignantly, her sexy face pouting at having missed out on a few days doing nothing but being a big baby factory. “But I want to spend time with my favorite step-mom.” Dongo whined, his heavy nuts wiggling. “What do you want, Dongo? None of you actually spend time with me unless it suits a purpose, like filling me with more noodles.” Brennie demanded in mild annoyance, because she always enjoyed it whenever that happened. However, she was currently relishing being her new mate’s baby ball and wasn’t in the mood for such a thing. “I may have devoured a demi-plane of marshmallows and due to spatial fuckery, It’s in my balls.” Dongo whined as his balls gurgled and wiggled about. “Can you, um, go in or suck it out?” “Oh, fine. In return, though, you’re gonna create a dimensional mirror for me to look out into Mundus while I’m stuck in here. I wanna stay updated on whatever's happening out there.” Brennie demanded and Dongo nodded eagerly. “I’m fine with that, love you mom!” Dongo said, hugging Brennie and the human woman rolled her eyes at the spoiled, but well meaning child. Even if said child was an eon old adult. “Oh, yes, we both know how much you love me.” Brennie snorted as she ogled Dongo’s balls, watching them churn and hearing them gurgle. “Yep, you miss me being your broodmother.” “So you’re a step-mom? How exactly did this relationship come about?” Twilight asked, rubbing her lower belly more because she was currently pure female with her male organs put away. “During the closing years of their war all the way to the aftermath. Then I married his mother, Wiatr. Things got weird from there.” Brennie explained as Dongo’s balls expanded more. “You’ve been saving up for me, haven’t you~?” > Ch.56 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.56 [Middas, 8th Hearthfire: Nocturnal’s Summoning Day, 4E: 221] Brennie had lost track of time again. She couldn’t remember a moment when she didn’t have this creamy, throbbing, tasty treat stuffed down her gullet and feeding her impossibly dimensionally altered body. She may resent Wiatr and others for many things, but if she had never met them, this exquisite hedonistic pleasure would’ve been impossible. She gulped and sucked absently as she enjoyed what had apparently been a dimension of pure marshmallow. If she wasn’t careful, she’d turn into a marshmallow like one of those weird as fuck yet super kinky food transformation Wonka factory fetish fics, but there’s no way that’d happen. Even if she did, Dongo could just turn her back, so fuck it. She loved marshmallows. Speaking of which, Dongo has been enjoying his time with her. Sometimes he would pull his cock out and rub his balls all over her face, drink her milk and go about worshiping her baby ball of a body. She knew him well enough to know the signs: he wants to make more babies with her. She would normally oblige, but not this time. Brennie knew he would be depressed when the relationship between their two Empires soured from all of the political loopholes. She figured it was inevitable. While she didn’t blame Wiatr and them for everything, they are still held responsible for letting this happen, politically speaking. Their military wasn’t the problem, never was, it was those within a position of power that abused it. Hence the reason why the Office of Naval Intelligence came out from the dark and revealed the truth of those who plotted against them. Brennie’s depressing thoughts as she sucked her step-son’s dick were interrupted by the dimensionally altered room shaking and sending the woman jiggling enough to make her realize her ass and underbelly were wedged into the wooden ceiling and firmly lodging her into this room since she had subconsciously turned off more of the limiter as she filled with an unending stream of marshmallow cream. “Hmph?!” “Someone’s moving the Haven Box.” Dongo snapped his fingers...but nothing happened. “W-what?!” He began frantically snapping his fingers and the continuous flow of delicious cream ceased flowing into Brennie’s stuffed stomach. “Fuck! I can’t even make a portal to look outside! We’re trapped!” “Mmph! Hm, hmph!” Brennie bumped her chins against Dongo’s massive beach ball baby batter bunkers and he obediently transformed into a pure female to let Brennie cough and adjust to not having his tree-trunk tumescence throbbing through her throat. “Fuck! Did someone steal the box? What day is it?!” “It’s September Eighth or the Eighth of Hearthfire.” Donga answered her step-mother, who moaned and shoved her face between the super-sexy ursine noodle woman’s thicc thighs to muffle her despair against Donga’s plush pussy. “H-hey, now isn’t really the time for that.” Donga blushed, but petted Brennie’s hair anyway. “It’s Nocturnal’s Summoning Day. A Thief likely decided to test their Luck and steal something valuable from the Arch-Mage. This box is made of rich dark mahogany, engraved and then inlaid with mother-of-pearl. It’s worth more than a farmer’s annual income not counting special commissions or festival catering.” Brennie bemoaned and began licking. “M-mom~! Sh-shouldn’t we try to get out the normal way~?” Donga asked through the surprise pleasure. She was always much more sensitive as a female, but was too attached to her male endowments to give up on being male a good amount of time. “If they’ve locked us in here magically, they’ve locked us in here normally. Shut up and keep feeding me that gooey goodness.” Brennie huffed and sucked on Donga’s clit, causing her to squeal and her cunt to squirt liquid marshmallow creme. Mm, that’s the stuff~... 📜 “-That is how you make your own Dwarven Dynamo without needing to fight a desperate battle with a Dwarven Centurion to get one.” Neethsi finished her lecture to the assembly of dutifully note-taking shipwrights, smiths, mages and artificers who blended all three prior mentioned professions and were the ones specifically being trained to design new airships. The rest were mostly the work crews that would be carrying out their designs. “So it can just be a Grand Soul Gem, no need for Black Souls?” Questioned one of the known necromancers in the crowd. Here in Morrowind, Necromancy was considered a valid field of magic study, so long as the practitioners didn’t defile graves or raise armies, et cetera. “A Black Soul would work just as well, perhaps too well. There have been cases where a Black Dwarven Dynamo has retained the ego of the soul along with its ability to channel magicka. Unless you are planning to follow Sotha Sil’s designs on converting mortals to Clockworks, please refrain from doing so.” Neethsi answered as she uneasily straightened the robe gifted to her by Rarity that accentuated her figure in blue and gold with a wide green waist sash. She was forgetting something. Something important. Oh well, if she forgot then it wasn’t that important. Oh! Someone dropped a Septim at some point and it didn’t get picked up! It’s also on heads! Lucky~! Oh...oh no... 📜 “Ah!” I tripped over my own feet and landed snout-first in the dirt, which hit something harder than the grass. “Owie~!” I whined, rubbing my snoz as my students chuckled at me. “Get back to work!” I shouted angrily at them, before I looked at where my face indented the dirt and blinked. I ripped up the grass and gawked at a chest! What the hell is a chest doing buried out here?! “Hey! Is this a time capsule or something?!” “What?” The nearest student asked and approached, causing an avalanche of lazy good-for-nothings to stop their practice and lollygag around me! Grr~! I should beat them all into the dirt like I just fumbled into interrupting the whole lesson! “I don’t remember that.” “Me neither, give a look inside.” Reenios suggested and I sighed, figuring this morning’s lesson was truly over, so I did as suggested-mama mia thatsa lotsa gold! “Whoa! I think you just stumbled upon a forgotten cache! There’s enough gold in that chest to fund the local guard contingent for a year!” “Well, it’s all Sensei Rei’s now. She found it, we all know the law.” Miun-La stated firmly with a glare at the troops, who backed away and awkwardly tried to either hide or get over the minor gold fever they just experienced. “W-well, I don’t need this much gold!” I can live by my own means without Luck throwing money at me, thank you very much! There are much less fortunate people who-. “Hey, since this is mine, can I donate it?” “Of course.” Miun-La nodded and I pointed at him. “W-what?” “I’m donating it to the local guard contingent to help cover for all the expenses the city has been forced to devote to military expenses. At least this way the governor can stop whining about it.” I huffed and got up. “Now then, since you all decided to stop practicing, today’s lesson is over! Go about your own training!” I shouted at them and got a chorus of disappointment and shame. Good! You don’t interrupt my lessons unless you want it to be over! I seriously need to stop forgetting to talk to Jhunal about suddenly being a hyper-competent and strict teacher of martial arts. In fact, I should go do that now. I went over to the table where...where...where is it?! I moved so fast for the table I knocked several soldiers out of the way, even flinging them like they were ragdolls if they were directly in my path. I frantically searched the scrolls and books for the Oghma Infinium. When that didn’t turn anything up, I flipped the table bench over, tossing everything about and possibly hurting someone, but it wasn’t underneath either! “Where?! Is?! My Book?!” I demanded as I erupted in fiery magicka, my atronach form swirling violently as I rose several feet into the air and leered furiously at everyone around me. “Where is it?! Who took it! You! Who touched this table?!” The nord I was pointing at actually shook his his boots and I snarled before pointing at the dunmer next to him, who wasn’t pissing himself like a fucking coward! “I-It’s a public table, serja, people have been passing by it all day! I didn’t see anyone other than you or Lady Shade-.” “Shade~! Do you have it?!” I screamed across the field as I flew, not hovered, flew across to the magic training area where Shade had been practicing her Illusion magic or something. “H-have what, sis?!” Shade asked fearfully, but I just snarled and swooped down, grabbing her tunic by the collar and holding her a couple feet off the ground. “The book! It’s gone!” I shouted in her face and Shade suddenly erupted into her atronach form too, looking just as pissed as me. “What?! Who stole it?! Who stole our book?! It has all of the lessons we’ve been learning from!” Shade screamed and by this point several soldiers had gathered with muskets, crossbows and good old-fashioned bows aimed at us while mages prepared behind cautious warriors. “Girls!” We turned our apocalyptic gaze to Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy, who were flying from the direction of the campus. “Girls, stop! Calm down! You need to calm down!” “Berserker’s been kidnapped!” Rainbow suddenly announced and everything paused. “There! Now, all of you! Spread out! It’s Nocturnal's Day! The Thieves Guild is running roughshod over the city with all of you so wrapped up in training you left the patrols understaffed! Move, move, move, move, move!” Rainbow screamed and people obeyed. Within minutes, they kitted up and rushed into the city being preyed upon by thieves. I snarled as I shared a furious look with my sister, both of us clearly intent on retrieving our stolen property. I may not know the Mysticism spell Clairvoyance, but Shade does. 📜 Thia rushed through the forest after the thief that took her blade. They weren’t her only ones, they weren’t even her most powerful, but they were her mother’s. The rogue of Londor rushed from shadow to shadow, chasing the thief, even knowing she was moving away from her sister. Thia would have her mother’s blades back. She only barely dodged a swipe from a hulking humanoid beast and continued the chase, letting the new pursuer join the pack of creatures chasing down the thicc and busty husky like she was a rabbit to be preyed upon. She could deal with them later, for now this thief was her priority! “How the fuck are you still on my tail?!” The khajiit thief in full dark leather armor hissed as they darted about, the magic of their armor keeping them faster than her. They were told to be in a specific place, at a specific time, by a very rich client, to steal the weapons of the woman who would leave the sacred glade and lead her on a chase. However, they expected to lose their victim and keep the weapons since the Guild took the lion’s share of the commission. Of course. However, this was turning into a bad job. They didn’t expect the overly-endowed husky to have the ability to keep up, now they have a pack of mixed Lycanthropes too? Forget this, they already completed the task by the letter if not the spirit. “Here! Have the blades!” They snarled back at Thia and tossed the paired daggers at the pursuing husky before chugging an invisibility potion and making a sharp right towards Archon. They’d led her north, the opposite direction the husky was supposed to be going. Hopefully that would be enough to earn their pay. Thia snatched the paired daggers from the air and did an about-face. She lunged into the snarling throng of werebeasts with her daggers flashing in blinding movements, her breasts compressing rapidly with her complex arm motions. She didn’t wait and kept running past them, several of the creatures died with puncture wounds through their eyes, ears or throats. The remaining creatures still gave chase, but were much more wary. Thia didn’t care. She had her mother’s blades back and now needed to head south to Lilmoth, where her sister has been revived. 📜 “Mm~. Mwah, mm~.” Brennie moaned as she made out with her step-daughter, currently down to her usual size and anthro to have lesbian sex. She didn’t often go for girl-on-girl action, but she wanted to do something different since she didn’t feel like going for vanilla or unbirthing. Pandora was napping anyway and she didn’t want to wake her up with a guest. “Holy shit, mwah, mom. I forgot how, mm, fucking horny you got when stuck somewhere or someway.” Donga panted between kisses as they smished their docked breasts together and fingered each other’s pussies on the thankfully nailed-down bed as the Haven Box was rattled about. Of course, Donga was on her back and Brennie wanted to keep it that way. “Sheesh. Whoever it is we’re dragging them in here and having our way with them. Agreed?” Brennie proposed to Dongo, who nodded in agreement. “Wow ma, you’ve become so damn cool since you came here.” Cool that she was letting her hair down, huh? “I mean, you’re so fucking sexy as a standard, but you’re channeling mom or aunt Urta so hard it’s like you’re a goddess of their Aspects. Good thing Dibella already covers those.” “Why does everyone keep referring to her when describing me?” Honestly, Brennie keeps hearing the same praise when it comes to her. She hasn’t even met the damned goddess. “Anyway, I was kinda getting sick of tying my hair up. No idea why I did it, because I never tied my hair up as a male.” “What? Ma, are you talking about ‘letting your hair down’? That’s just a phrase meaning you’re letting loose and it’s sexy, you know that right?” Donga asked in bemusement as her sugary snatch slicked with her sticky sweetness with every movement of Brennie’s fingers. “Sorry. Old habits.” Brennie sighed at having missed the point. “Now then, let’s-.” “I see my employee has brought me something quite interesting.” They paused and looked at the incredibly sexy pale-skinned woman with black straight hare who wore a dark purple robe so exposing she might as well have been naked. “However, he clearly didn’t know about the contents since he just cast a locking spell on this tiny box and made off with it.” “Oh shit, uh, hi? Are you one of the Daedric Princes?” Donga asked. “Yes, although, considering the limitations imposed by all of the dimensional nonsense, I suppose Daedric Princess is more apt now.” Nocturnal huffed as she looked them over. “Now then, unfortunately for my employee, I do not deal in Slavery. That is Molag’s sphere. I’ll need you to vacate this box and take your friend’s gift from my new brother with you so my employees don’t experience a violent backlash on their Luck.” “No.” Brennie replied with a deadpan expression and tone. “Excuse me? Did I stutter? I am not asking.” Nocturnal leered, only for Brennie to lash out and grab the Princess so quickly that she couldn’t react and ended up pinned to the bed with shock on her face. “And I’m not here to negotiate, I’m here to fucking conquer. Now, shut up and take your punishment~.” Brennie growled as Donga locked the lid, trapping Nocturnal in with them. “You’ll learn not to demand things of me!” “Release-mm! Mmph! Mm~?!” Nocturnal moaned into Brennie’s lips and then began shuddering as Brennie moved the Daedra’s robe and panties aside to finger her. “Hm?! Hm~?!” The immortal goddess of Luck and Shadow orgasmed like a fresh virgin and Brennie broke the searing kiss to leave her panting and her eyes gazing off into space. “H-how?” “Brennie seems to be channeling her wives a good deal while she’s here.” Donga giggled and slapped Brennie’s ass, which only made her growl and masturbate the jellied goddess pinned to the bed even harder. 📜 Shade’s spell led us, that is her, me, Twilight and Rainbow, across the city and to the cemetery. Although most local argonians preferred to be interred in the roots of a Hist Tree so that they may return from whence they came, Lilmoth was never originally an argonian city in the first place. That said, it always had a good non-argonian population, so it had a fairly respectably large cemetery. We found the Haven Box and the Oghma Infinium placed conspicuously on top of a tombstone right near the main entrance of the cemetery. However, while Shade and I were relieved to have our book back, even if it is a borrowed book from Apocrypha, the Haven Box wouldn’t open. “I’ve tried every spell! It’s not responding and I’m afraid to try more mundane methods because they might damage the dimensional pocket inside.” Twilight fretted and we all felt pretty useless. “At least we can head back to the campus for now, Twilight. I’m sure you can figure it out. Even if not, Neethsi’s gotta come back sometime and she’ll crack it open with a swish of her hips.” Rainbow assured her friend and even patted her on the arm while the four of us flew towards LUM. Oh, right, apparently due to our nigh-infinite magicka, Shade and I can fly in this form by channeling Levitation. Mysticism seems to be a very instinctive style of magic for us. “I’m sure she can, I’m just worried about how upset Brennie might be.” Twilight mewled as she stroked the beautiful box. Said box suddenly snapped open and tossed three naked and naughty sexy ladies out of it, who Twilight thankfully didn’t fumble a telekinesis catch of. “Brennie?! Oh thank gosh, are you okay?!” “Yeah. I was just teaching this sneaky twat, Nocty, not to fuck with me.” Brennie replied with a chuckle, slapping Nocty’s ass and getting a snort from the fucking incredibly hot bear-woman and the also incredibly sexy human woman. “Rather, I think she taught me how to fuck with her.” The unnaturally beautiful human woman smirked and rubbed her lower abdomen. “My, I’ve never really partaken of the pleasures of the flesh so much or for so long before. I can see why Sanguine, Mephala, Dibella and Mara won’t shut up about it.” “She’s still milking my cock.” The bear groaned. “Fuck, why did I let you convince me to summon it as a dildo?” “Because it was fun watching her go from confused to enthused.” Brennie groped Nocturnal’s ass again and she looked at Brennie in clear enjoyment. “Cumming~!” Dongo moaned as Nocturnal’s belly started growing. “Mm~! This is the best summoning I’ve ever had~!” Nocturnal moaned and I rolled my eyes. > Ch.57 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.57 [Middas, 9th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] After the absolute clusterfuck that was yesterday, worthy of Sheogorath or Sanguine even, Nocturnal faded away at midnight with much disappointment until Donga declared she’d be following Nocturnal to the Evergloam to continue to pleasure the Mistress of the Night. Nocturnal even made a rather shocking request: to try and summon her next month at the Witches’s Festival. Normally such a thing was impossible, especially with all but one of the Towers standing, but Nocturnal was willing to leave much of her power behind in the Evergloam to be on Mundus for an extended stay with Brennie, who had rapidly become her favorite person for stealing her inhibitions and pleasuring her so much. I swear, Brennie is a harem magnet! I mean, so am I, kinda. I kicked off Neethsi and Rarity because they were both interested in me. I don’t count Shade, she was forced into it. Still, whatever, anyway. Brennie was back inside the Haven Box after she used her helmet to speed-read paperwork meant for her and get it taken care of in under twenty minutes. Twilight was immediately envious. Anyway, I kissed Rarity goodbye this morning as usual and left her house, which at some point became our house, then followed Shade outside. “We need to ask Jhunal some pointed questions.” I insisted and Shade tilted her head in bemusement. “I wasn’t a master of various martial arts a few days ago, now I’m a rigorous taskmistress training a whole battalion in Judo with an uncanny level of competence.” “Isn’t that what the book is for though? It lets us better ourselves and then pass on those skills to others so long as they have interest.” I blinked at Shade’s response. “It’s in the forward, sis. Did you skip the forward?” Shade leered disapprovingly at me and I felt myself warm up. “Ah...maybe?” I mumbled in embarrassment. “Well, whatever. I guess it’s fine to keep using the book so long as we don’t get stuck doing one thing. I’m thinking of branching out into more lethal styles like how you did incorporating Northern Shaolin and fire Destruction magic together into a local variant of Firebending.” “That already exists?! Damn it! I was hoping I was creating something unique~!” Shade whined in despair and I patted her on the back. “Oh well, at least I can use any element with it, but the style doesn’t suit all elements.” “Tai Chi for water or other ‘flowy’ elements, Hung Gar for solid or ‘rocky’ elements and Bagua for elements that would work best with centrifugal or circular movements.” I said with my fond memories of Avatar The Last Airbender helping me remember the styles each bending type used. “How do you know that? You’ve been training your students in Judo, right?” Shade asked in bemusement and I nodded. “Yes, but I’ve been practicing multiple other styles while training them. They’re clearly interested in my other styles, but they mostly just want to finish initial training in Judo so they have a means of disabling enemies while unarmed.” I patted my sister’s back again. “So, I can train you without you needing to spend your book time on martial matters like I am.” “I swear sis, I get it’s part of the deal of using the book, but you seem to be changing in personality. Maybe we should stop…” Shade said uneasily and I gawked at her. “There! I mean, we both fucking lost it when the book was stolen yesterday. It’s like an addiction. We use it everyday, we keep thinking about what to use it for, et cetera. Just the thought of not using it is hard.” Shade reasoned and I snarled. “We’ll keep using it because it’s preparing us! I don’t want to die in this coming war, I don’t want you to die either. Enough about this, we have training to get to.” I hurried my steps, but Shade slowed behind me. “What are you doing?” “Sis...we should take a break. With the rate things are going, that book is going to control our lives. It gives us the opportunity to slow down a bit and we’re not taking it.” Shade insisted and I hissed at her as she glared at me. “Sis, don’t make me take it from you.” “Over my corpse!” I shouted and flinched at Shade’s horrified expression. “I-I mean, sis. We can’t. We have students to teach. Let’s save putting the book down for the weekend.” I winced, it almost physically hurt to consider not using the book, but she’s right. I just threatened my sister over a fucking book. “...Fine. Besides, we’re being paid for it.” Shade grumbled and shouldered past me as I blinked in bemusement. “We’re getting paid?” 📜 Thia was panting when she arrived at the northern shore of Oliis Bay. Her dark clothes had been torn and shredded by the vegetation and wildlife. She’d even discarded the steel mask and white wig after it almost drowned her when she stumbled into a hidden mire. She felt palpable relief at the sight of Lilmoth’s docks on the southwestern shore a good distance away. Maybe a day’s journey if she walked, but with the sprinting pace her Undead body could maintain perpetually, she would get there in just hours. Thia burst into motion moments before a werecrocodile pounced at her from the treeline and she began running on the mangrove roots of the trees on the shore with her bare paws, having lost her boots in the swamps long ago. It was just as well, she was already poisoned, if she wasn’t Undead she’d be dead from the dozens of pathogens and diseases she’d accrued. She was only alive from nearly depleting her personal stock of purple mosses and the multiple Estus Flasks she had accrued through the ages from pathetic wretched Hollows of Londor. She hissed when a Hackwing swooped at her, tearing the front of her dress open and exposing her breasts, but she kept going. It was just another nuisance in her quest to seek Freda. 📜 “How is my future wife today~?” Twilight cooed and Brennie smiled as she opened her eyes to find Twilight leaning over the bed with a similarly bright expression down at the human who was currently deceptively normal aside from her hyper-endowed sexy body, but for her that was normal. She was even wearing a comfy nightgown made from a hilariously oversized T-shirt with a warped and faded logo stretched out over her breasts. “Hm, pretty good~.” Brennie replied with a purr as she stretched out. “I just have to make sure I don’t become lazy.” Brennie’s hands ran over her body as she gave Twilight a ‘come hither’ look. “Actually, I could use some activity. C’mere.” “About that. Brennie, I’m getting a bit worried about you.” Twilight said, her happy expression filling with concern and breaking Brennie from the lustful mood she’d rapidly found herself settling into along with making her confused. Things have been great, what’s wrong? “Am I getting too sex crazy?” Brennie bit her bottom lip, that was the last thing she wanted happening to her. “Trust me, I love having a promiscuous lover, but I’m worried that compared to how you were when you arrived, you’ve rapidly become the most sexually active person I’ve ever met. Considering my friends and their families, that’s saying something.” Twilight ran a hand through Brennie’s long and spiky silver-white hair. “I like this side of you, but I’m worried if it’s a new development. I’ll embrace it whole-heartedly either way, but help remind you when to restrain this incredible lust that can put Dibella or Sanguine to shame.” “Ffffuck! I blame my wife for this shit.” Brennie sneered as she thought about the blessing she received from Wiatr while tracing her fingers over where she knew the bunny rune sat over her womb on her lower abs. Just touching it sent tingles of pleasure into her pregnant body. She was always super-horny when pregnant, is it the pregnancy? “Just realize that it’s fine, Brennie. I enjoy it not just because of the sex and the pleasure, but because you’ve helped me get over my issues. I don’t want to upset you if it’s part of who you are, I also don’t want to stress you too much if it is a new development. That said, I am willing to pleasure you right now. That’s half the reason I came in here.” Twilight blushed with a naughty grin. “Oh?” The human woman raised a brow. “What do you have in mind?” “Well...speaking of helping me get over my issues…” Twilight gulped and looked at Brennie’s groin. “A-are you able to summon your d-d-dick?” Twilight looked a little ill and Brennie remembered that Twilight was authentically gay when they met or at the very least was disgusted by male anatomy. “I couldn’t do it with Rarity, I’m still ashamed about that. I want this to work. I want to get past my hang-ups for you because I Love you.” Twilight blushed harder. “I...don’t know. I’ve never been a herm before, only one or the other. Hold on, let me just...focus…” Brennie closed her eyes and began concentrating, wondering if she can summon her male genitalia over her pussy. “Ah! M-mistress! Something is pushing against the womb!” Pandora dutifully reported as the familiar yet alien presence of a prostate emerged in her lower body. “Ah! There’s more!” Pandora poked the parts of the uterus being pressed on and Brennie moaned as the currently internal testicals and her prostate tingled at the touch. Then Brennie moaned and her clitoris began repositioning and transforming into a penis. Twilight watched the growing tent in Brennie’s nightgown with a mixture of trepidation and excitement, especially since it kept getting bigger. “Um...are humans normally this...endowed?” Twilight asked uneasily, considering she had no clue about human bodies with so few human peers around. “No~.” Brennie moaned and rubbed the soda-can thick shaft that was easily over a foot long. “I don’t think I can make it any bigger in this form. If I go anthro I can get absolutely gigantic.” Brennie insisted, feeling a sting to her pride. Aside from a few cases, Brennie as Bryan had few peers when it came to dick size and she felt a bit of masculine pride over being so big. “Ah, then please don’t. I think part of what made me unable to adjust to Rarity was how huge she already was normally.” Twilight pleaded and Brennie nodded. This wasn’t about her pride, this was about helping her lover adjust to her masculinity. “Oh gosh.” Twilight whispered when she pulled the gown over Brennie’s cock and she hesitantly touched the red glans. “I thought humans had foreskin.” “Hey, clits don’t have foreskins besides the hood, why would one turned into a dick have one?” Brennie huffed as she let Twilight explore her familiar yet alien appendage. “Take your time, Twi. I’m not going anywhere. Stop poking them Pandora!” Brennie hissed and Pandora giggled. 📜 “City is complete! Rails complete, the wonders of the Betrayers are ours! Also, I think I’m getting my style down.” Calvius the Architect declared from where he stood at the entrance of the furthest Dwemer settlement, a small underground mining town at the edge of Black Marsh in the mountains. He walked outside and took off his breathing mask as he observed the world of the surface, the light harsh on his eyes yet welcome. “Nurtal, what have you found?!” Nurtal the alchemist cheered with glee, the fully covered rat rushing about collecting samples. “This place! My poisons, potions, everything can be made stronger with all that is here!” “Yes, yes, but anything useful?” Calvuis asked as he re-secured his mask. The tinted lenses would help protect his eyes and they didn’t know if the air here was any less dangerous than the spore-ridden tunnels down below that their ignorant ancestors and them not long ago had foolishly allowed themselves to be made into monsters at the whims of the Zombie Shrooms. “Oh, yes, yes, counteractions to the Shrooms, ways to enhance them. Dear love, we can revolutionize the realms of biological warfare with some of this! I can make zombies without the need for magic with some of these plants, alter body mass, make you smarter, make you live longer. There is so much untapped! By the Goddess, combine them with the greenhouses we found full of the original jungle plants that once covered Cyrodiil and everything those can do. Oh love, we can dominate just on herbs!” Nurtal exclaimed excitedly with her tail wiggling. “Love, we have cities of stone that are almost impenetrable with gardens of every biome besides this marsh and an automaton army at our beck and call.” Calvuis reminded her. “Yes, but Calvuis, why waste our resources if we could bring any enemy to our side? Some of these plants, if I'm right, well, with the Witches’ Festival…yes, we need to summon many daedra for my experiments! This outpost will be a lab!” Nurtal told her lover as she marched back inside. “My Spiders will gather my materials, get me summoners, Calvius!” “Nurtal!” Calvius snarled and his lover paused. “Nurtal, our goddess preaches about Free Love and Commerce, how can we do that if we war with our neighbors? We should shore up our defenses, not prepare to sweep the lands.” “Who said war? I want to sell my discoveries! After I make sure they work, but I need test subjects first!” The fully encompassed rat woman protested, but Calvius booped her masked snoot. “You sounded absolutely rabid for violence just a moment ago. Do not go too far like the Betrayers. Now then, is the air here safe to breathe?” Calvius asked his mate and she muttered as she waved a hand and a spell sparkled in the air. “Yes, we’re as naturally resistant to disease as the Argonians, but don’t eat the shrooms. We are weak to shrooms.” Nurtal declared and then she perked when Calvius groped her thicc, huge booty. “C-Calvius, is now-?” “Yes. Now. When we can breathe without masks and we’re all alone.” Calvius purred and they tumbled to the mossy ground. The cries of a pleasured woman soon followed. 📜 [Fredas, 11th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “So, we are getting paid.” I hummed as I jingled the coin purse loaded with the gold earned from training the soldiers as we walked towards our home. I’d just earned about 200 gold along with my usual 100 gold from Twilight still selling the sap she’d collected from me. Speaking of which, I’m surprised she can still do it when Shade, Neethsi and I were cows at the festival and that sap was freely given to Milky to sell at her discretion. “Yes, now can we please-?” Shade began as we walked to the market. “You teach the arts?” A massive anthro rat asked after she exited an alley. Her face was covered in a mask and holy fuck she’s hot! Tail down, down tail, don’t shove into her exposed dripping pussy! “Teraerae is looking to improve herself.” “I know how you can.” Shade drooled as she pushed the sexy half-naked women back into the alley and I eagerly followed. “We can gladly teach you nearly anything you want.” Shade excitedly said with her own tail wiggling and dripping pre-cum. “But you do us a service in exchange.” I purred, as I groped her sexy body. Her thin, almost waspish waist was strong with muscle while her huge breasts, hips and thighs framed her huge thicc booty and made her so delicious. The rat moaned in surprise as we led the model of a beastly Amazon deeper into the alley into an alcove. Neethsi was sexy in the exotic dancer kind of way, Rarity in the upper class way. This woman was a primal warrior. “Teraerae accepts.” The masked rodent moaned before grabbing Shade’s hips and a cock emerged from the rodent’s clitoris. “Pardon her cock, she is unsure why the Change gave it to her.” “That’s fine! More than fine!” Shade squeaked and rubbed her thicc butt cleavage against Teraerae’s thick tumescence, getting her tunic wet back there. I pushed my tail-dick to Teraerae’s pussy as I tried to remove her primitive gas mask to make out with her. “Air safe?!” She asked in panic with her hands grabbing my wrists. “Um, yes, the air is just fine.” I answered bemusedly. Our sexual encounter, however, was interrupted by a similarly half-naked Freda stumbling into the alcove! “Freda?!” “You know my sister?” The hurt snowy husky grunted as she looked at us before she flushed hotly when Shade groaned in sexual frustration at the encounter being prevented. “We’ll take you to her in a bit or sooner if you join.” Shade demanded with the dog blushing so red she was glowing. “Come on then!” Shade growled and the woman who matched our own milfy body type gulped and nervously dropped her belt and the remains of her clothes. “P-pardon if I’m inexperienced.” The husky apologized and moved in to start groping me. She’s cold. Not like Freda, but another kind of cold, like that of the shade of a mountain. “It's okay, we’ll accept you. What’s your name since you’re joining in on the fun?” I asked as I let her cool hands grope and massage my tunic-covered breasts. She’s such a virgin! The words seemed to stop her, making her flush before she kissed me with such passion as she cried. It was like that was never said to her before as she kissed not with lust, but something else. I held her closely and hugged, kissed and made surprisingly passionate love while Teraerae and Shade fucked like animals. It was closer to Neethsi and I for our first time. Teraerae and this Husky are so hot. It’s a shame that this husky was clearly hurting and needed love. Meanwhile, Teraerae had this ‘fuck aura’ going on that had drawn Shade and I to her like flies to honey. “I’m Thia.” The husky told me as she continued relishing all the tender loving I gave her as my tail rubbed against her pussy. “Freda is my sister.” Unf, you feel like her besides the lack of intense cold, so I can believe it! “I’m sorry for latching on to you like this, but I haven’t been with anyone before and to so casually be welcomed…” “You’re clearly hurt and need someone. Come here.” I gently cooed and fingered her, since she was clearly a virgin. I wasn’t going to take her virginity in a sudden meeting. “I’ll help the pain go away and take you to Freda tomorrow.” “Th-thank you.” Thia whimpered and gave a low, absolutely cute howl when she orgasmed. I think I’ll enjoy showing her pleasure tonight rather than taking any for myself. > Ch.58 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.58 [Loredas, 12th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Freda!” Thia howled joyously as the freshly clothed, courtesy of Rarity, snow-white husky pounced on the identical milfy husky for hugs and sloppy doggy kisses! Aw~! “You brought an amazon into our relationship?” Rarity whispered to us as Mellow was examining Teraerae for her health and also a full examination since she was a new species, which meant Mellow had to carefully examine every inch of her nude body and take meticulous notes, which the Skaven was perfectly fine with. “Kinda? I feel like it’s more of a fuck-friend thing like you and the other girls have going on.” I whispered back and was surprised by the rat woman hissing towards me. “No! Teraerae is your mate!” The massive rat declared. “Really?” Shade asked in a mixture of surprise and hope. “You made Teraerae burdened.” The amazon explained with a slap of her muscular lower abs. “Actually...no. That’s a false-positive you’re feeling because you contracted something in the swamp. Rattleguts we call it. I’m impressed you’re not in the lavatory shitting yourself to death. You Skaven are incredibly resistant to the effects of disease, not immune to catching them.” Mellow informed the surprisingly cute-faced amazonian warrior. “Huh? Bah.” Teraerae huffed. “Teraerae want mates too!” She huffed before looking Mellow over. “Is the healer a good mate?” She asked Freda, who was having a hushed conversation with her sister until the question was voiced. “Yes, quite good. Why? Do you want to try and pursue him? Mellow is a bit too gentle to handle too many people at once.” Freda said and Teraerae sighed. “Teraerae want strong mate not afraid to rough her up during sex or fight her.” I got a sudden stroke of inspiration and my wing-girl senses were tingling! “Hey, I know a really cute guy who isn’t afraid to get rough with ladies. I’ll introduce you to him.” I said to the cute and sexy warrior woman, who perked happily at my words. Heh, heh. Reenios once talked about why he wanted to milk me at the festival. Partly it was because he wasn’t comfortable with a stranger milking me, but it was also because he could get rough with my tits. “Really?” Teraerae asked with joy as Thia scooted to Mellow and whispered into his ear, causing him to blush hotly and he looked at Freda who made groping motions which Mellow followed, taking up Thia’s bust and he hissed. “Wow! Thia, you are absolutely sick! How aren’t you dead?!” Mellow yelped and hurried Thia onto a table where he began healing her as he fetched potions with his magic while Freda fretted and helped fetch more crates of potions from the cabinets. “I’m Undead and had purple m-.” Thia began, but was interrupted by being booped on the snoot while Teraerae brought out a crystal lantern.   “You are loaded with diseases!” He took a potion and then gave one to Teraerae. “Just have the dog touch the lantern and snap her neck.” Teraerae insisted, but Mellow glared at her so harshly that she leaned away. “I don’t care what sort of Undead nonsense is going on, this is my clinic and I’ll heal any patients properly!” Mellow shouted before he gently petted Thia’s head, making her tail wag against her thicc booty like a fan blade, which whipped up a cool breeze unlike her sister’s arctic aura. “You just relax and let me take care of you, Thia.” “Y-yay~...” Thia mewled with a faint blush and closed eyes along with her beaming smile, so I figured things were well in hand and I led Rarity and Shade out of the clinic. I could touch base with Thia later on what she definitely knew about my abducted babies. “Now then...today is a No Book day.” I winced and regretted leaving the Oghma Infinium in a chest in my Haven Bag so it was an extra step removed from easy retrieval. “That means we’re doing whatever you want to do, Rarity, since your boutique is normally closed on the weekend.” “Yes, which means we’re going to Raven Rock! We need our Neethsi.” Rarity declared and I joined Shade in smiling in agreement. She’s been away much longer than expected, but like us, she’s been training people in how to do things. I’ll be training Teraerae during the week with the rest, I’ll introduce her to Reenios then. 📜 Vartine watched the female rat, the ambassador that replaced Girhur much to the wanderlust-ridden rat-man’s relief, currently sharing his bed. Vartine didn’t know if this was bad or good, but this rat was currently sucking him off while her tail pleased his wife and while also fingering his mistress. All of this in the name of negotiation for allowing them to uplift the Falmer. The Falmer on the surface mostly hid, barely a nuisance to his people, but it was their bugs that were the problem. Hearing that the Chaurus were sentient and slaves for the dwemer like the Falmer had been and then slaves to the Falmer after that was indeed horrid and his morals screamed at him to approve, but the people of Skyrim feared Chaurus more than Falmer. “Mm~, have you considered my stance on the situation more~?” Melwen fluttered her pretty green eyes at him as she licked his dick and sandwiched his balls with her massive white-furred chest melons. Good gods, these Skaven women were built like idols to Dibella! “Y-yes.” He growled as she gave him a boobjob with only one arm to work with and he hissed as he was nearing his orgasm. “Ah, I-.” “Oh, you are so Virile~.” Melwen purred with heart-like wisps rising from her head before she straddled his hips, aiming his cock at her plump pussy. “Instead of wasting your seed on my breasts, put it inside of me where I can grow powerful pups. Do I have permission?” Melwen asked Elisif, since she was told before this ‘meeting’ that Elisif had ownership of his balls. “Unf~! S-so long as you don’t mind them being my children. I refuse to let any child of my husband not be mine as well, regardless of parentage. It’s why our eldest children are all former orphans.” Elisif lovingly looked at Vartine and he groaned as he withheld his orgasm at seeing his beautiful wife looking at him like that. She may be in her fifties, but Elisif was still so beautiful she made women less than half her age look like wallflowers. No magic or immortality needed. “What if I joined the marriage?” Melwen asked as she hovered over Vartine’s dick teasingly. “H-hey, if you bring that up, I want in, damn it!” Serana growled, the ancient vampire clearly incensed at the idea. “You refused me before I met Elisif.” Vartine groaned, wondering if he even had a say. Then again, it wasn’t like he was going to refuse the marital desires of these wonderful women. Even if he’d only just met Melwen last week, she was already a surprisingly sharp-witted foe in the court, not to mention beyond sexy and beautiful in her own way. “Hm, I think that can work, polygamy is normally frowned upon as the men and women involved have a hard time loving each other, but I think Mara and Dibella would agree to this if we promised to be a proper polyamory instead.” Elisif said with an approving nod. “Then let's make our man wail in pleasure.” Melwen purred and dropped her plump pussy down on his dick and Vartine came so hard he blacked out. 📜 “Honey, I’m fucking bored.” Brennie told Twilight with a frustrated huff. She didn’t feel like just having sex for once in a long while. What is up with this world dialing her libido so damn high? “Oh, sorry, what do you want to do?” She asked before the Slayer Token started glowing. “Thank fuck!” Brennie grabbed the token and spoke into it. “Hello?! Guys, can you hear me?!” “...Yes, yes! I can hear you!” Came the reply of Runner’s voice. “Oh, thank God! The fucking God Key’s working!” “...Gah! Of fucking course, the God Key!” Brennie smacked her head at forgetting about that artifact. Hearing this intrigued Twilight, wondering what this ‘God Key’ thing was about. “Yeah, I just remembered the damn thing. I’ve been working around the clock just to figure out what it does. If I’m right, I should be able to open up a portal that would allow us to bypass Oblivion’s barrier without any trouble. Of course, I’ll only be sending in your personal Guard.” Runner explained her plan of sending over only Brennie’s Blackshield Guard. “Yeah, probably for the best. Thanks.” The human woman sighed in relief. “Wait, weren’t all Tokens cut off by Hermais?” Twilight asked curiously as she sat up on the bed. “Yes and no.” Hermais explained after she crawled out of a portal that smelled of the sea and the pages of books. “I was convinced to block my universe unless we’re invited, but it’s blocking everything equally since I showed up.” “So, what does this mean?” Twilight asked as she pointed at the now dull Token. “It means that Runner can come here, but I advise no armies. This world is contradictingly weak yet strong. Five personal guards that sum to Brennie in power is enough.” Hermais suggested only to get zapped by yellow lightning that shot out from the Slayer Token. “...Ow~.” The chaos noodle wheezed before falling to the floor. “I don’t fucking need you to tell me how to do things, you little chaotic shit! I know how delicate it is at the moment and won’t do anything to jeopardize Brennie’s safety unlike you! Speaking of which, you should be figuring out how the fuck Dark Souls got thrown into the mix with Elder Scrolls! Ya fockin’ useless paper-wanking feathery cunt!” Runner screamed at Hermais while Twilight hid behind Brennie out of fear as things got heated fast. “When it comes to magic, Runner has more magical prowess then the rest of us.” Brennie told Twilight before talking into the Token again. “Okay, are ya done going full-on Irish on Hermais? I think she got the memo.” She heard Runner taking deep breaths as Hermais climbed into Brennie’s lap, whimpering and sniffling from the abuse. “I have been looking into it.” Hermais whined, hugging Brennie while getting pets. “I’ve been hitting dead ends, I just figured out there's a weird anchor effect.” “Which is likely Molag Bal’s fault. It seems things will be resolved once we’ve dealt with and possibly permanently dethroned the King of Rape. Well, before I go back to my Loredas studies, is there anything you’d like, Brennie?” Twilight questioned with a loving rub of the human’s false flat abdomen. “To spill the blood of my enemies and bathe in it for the rest to see-.” “Okay! I’ll go fix you a quick bite to eat!” Twilight interrupted as she quickly got up and speed-walked out of the Haven Box, which had quickly transformed into Brennie’s official room instead of the one where the assassin had free access...she actually missed that spooky intruder. There was no way she could get in here-. “Hello!” Came the Master Sneak’s voice and Brennie about jumped out of her skin with Hermais yelping in surprise too at the chitin-armored woman standing next to the bed as casually as a how-do-ya-do. “So here’s where you’ve been hiding! The council is really concerned about your absence since Twilight filed it under ‘stress-related getaway’ which is code for ‘totally knocked-up or having an affair’. I know you’re pregnant, but I’m not telling since the Council would demand your removal for fear of harming your babies.” “Her babies can’t-.” “They wouldn’t care. Old Council Clan Fathers and Matrons would be up in a tizzy over someone bearing a child being put under stress. Children are precious to elves, more than other races in some cases. Anyway, I’ve figured out how to slip in and out of here, so I’ll be creeping on you again. Bye~!” Then she was gone. Fucking. Damn that woman! “Can you come back, please? I need to tell you something.” Brennie sighed as she laid her head down on the bed. “It’s about my people, I’ve gotten into contact with them.” At this, the assassin appeared sitting cross-legged next to her on the bed. “Juicy! Go on~.” The agent who certainly lived for scandal and intrigue purred and Brennie rolled her eyes before going into the info dump. 📜 “Welcome to Raven Rock. Passport visas or other proof of citizenship?” A fully bonemold armored Redoran guard with those excessively large pointy pauldrons asked the instant we exited the Wayshrine. “Uh...Rarity? We don’t know anything about that.” Shade uneasily said to Rarity, who calmly retrieved a trio of flat leather and glass rectangles that she handed to the guard. He looked them over and us for a few moments before nodding and returning them to her. “Thank you serja, it is good to have you here. Sedura Nerevarine has been rather cantankerous lately being away from you all for so long. We could use your help in calming her down.” The dunmer stated in that very odd way dark elves were known to, where you weren’t entirely sure if they were serious or joking. “Where might we find our beloved?” Rarity questioned as I looked over the town from where the Wayshrine stood. It was atop the cliff overlooking where I recognized the town from the Dragonborn DLC of Skyrim, but on the cliff the town had grown, extending further inland and around the cliffs with stairways carved and built into the cliffside. “Considering the time of day and that it’s Loredas, she should hopefully be in her office taking an early lunch. If you miss her, you can just sit in on her lectures and I’m sure she’d appreciate it and join you afterward.” The guard pointed at one of the ash-concrete buildings, this one looking much grander than the others. I still would like to know how dunmer masons make their cement mixture for it to solidify into a smooth shell like this. “The big one, just ask around.” “Thank you, good sir.” I said to the mer and followed Rarity with Shade on her other side. “So, any plans, Rarity? Also, what was with the passports back there? Since when did Shade and I have them?” “In reverse, since you were granted citizenship by the governor of Lilmoth at the behest of Twilight shortly after you were both settled in. She forgot to give them to you, so I retrieved them. As for any plans? Well, I was planning on ambushing her in her office, pinning her to her chair, tying her up and-.” I put a hand around Rarity’s muzzle and she laughed through her nose with her eyebrows doing the naughty wiggle and her eyes twinkling with mirth. “Don't tempt us to breed her.” I groaned before Rarity held up three gorgeous rings. I blinked before she slipped one on my r-ring finger~! “R-Rarity?!” I squealed and she put a finger to her lips with a wink. Shade also almost screamed with joy when Rarity slipped an identical ring onto her special finger. They were ebony bands expertly entwined with three flawless amethysts. Remembering that one side-quest I always did for Talen-Jei in the game, one which this world’s Dragonborn clearly did since he had a wonderful son together with Keerava along with two daughters I never got to meet. I hope to someday. I should visit them and-. “My gosh, your mind is flying in a million directions at once!” Shade giggled as she hugged me and I hugged back. “I can’t help it! I’ve never been happier!” I wish I could shed tears~! Curse these nictitating membranes removing the need for tear ducts! “You’ll be even happier whenever we can finally have the ceremony.” Rarity whispered at us as we entered the building. “Then, even happier at the honeymoon~.” Rarity cooed and I began panting, Shade similarly getting riled up. “Then, when we have our children, will we ever know greater joy?” Rarity asked and it took all of my willpower not to tackle Rarity and take her here! “Goodness, these ones are putting out enough pheromones to fill a whore house.” Snarled a khajiit woman at the reception desk with a scrunched nose and her fur fluffing up. “Either get out or tell Tsiahna where you need to be and get out of her nose.” “We’re Rarity Belle, Shade and Meen-Rei, the significant others of Lady Nerevarine. We’re here to ensure she doesn’t bite someone’s head off.” Rarity said with the same tone the guard used, where it was hard to tell if it was serious or a joke. “I do not know if your claim is true, but Lady Nerevarine is putting out enough stress and longing to similarly overwhelm Tsiahna’s nose when she is around. Go down this hall until you see her door, it has her name on it in Tamrielic and Dunmeris.” The prickly cat woman informed us.   “Thank you, my lady. Perhaps try some cinnamon on your tongue. It helps overwhelm other scents by overpowering your tastebuds.” Rarity advised and the extra-fluffy cat woman chuffed as we left her to deal with the aftermath of smelling two super-horny argonians ready to breed. We painfully walked at a normal pace down the hall until we reached the dark wood door with an engraved plaque: Neethsi Nagnaresh - Lady Nerevarine, on the door and entered without knocking. “You philistines! You can’t even-oh thank gosh!” Neethsi snarled and then slumped into her chair upon seeing it was us. “Close that damn door and come here! I could smell you down the hall and I need it almost as bad!” “Before that! Neethsi Nagnaresh. I present to you my intent to wed you.” Rarity held up the third ring. Unlike mine and Shade’s, the band of her’s was made out of glowing Hist Amber! “This ring, while equally important to the ones I gave Shade or Meen-Rei, was made using the sap of our lovers.” Oh~ fuck! I’m so wet from all of this~! Neethsi numbly let Rarity lift her left hand and watched with her galaxy-eyes widening as Rarity slid the ring down her left ring finger and clasped her hands around the goddess’s. “I...I…” Neethsi took a shuddering breath and clutched her sternum under her breasts with her free hand. “I...I can only say yes. My gosh. Mara has finally found the ones for me…” “While it was Rei’s odd magnetism that pulled us together, if you had not brought Rei to Lilmoth, none of this would have happened. Thank you.” Rarity leaned down and gently kissed the almost blubbering argonian on the lips. “As the one courting, I will set up the event. It will wait until this disaster on the horizon has come and passed. I simply wanted you three to know I wish to spend my life with you before then.” “Then I hope you like blood, because now I’m giving you mine.” Neethsi purred and I blinked. > Ch.59 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.59 [Sundas, 13th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Why didn’t you come home if you had Sundas off every week?” I asked Neethsi with a pout as we went to explore Raven Rock. Later we’d head to the south end of the island to visit Tel Mithryn and the town that had grown around it despite Neloth Telvanni’s cantankerous grumblings about ‘too many mouth-breathers consuming my air!’ as Neethsi put it. “Because even though I was off, I still had so much to do that my free time wasn’t free time. Today, to celebrate our engagement, everyone else can go fuck themselves in one of Molag’s tentacle pits.” Neethsi eloquently put, which caused Shade to chuckle and Rarity to tut. “Simply because you are a tireless deity is no excuse to abuse you.” Rarity stated with heavy disapproval before she shuddered and her flesh all across her body seemed to ripple before Neethsi grasped her shoulder and Rarity’s disturbing situation settled down. “Thank you. Goodness, was it this rough for each of you at first?” Rarity asked in regards to the fact she was now a Lycanthrope. Thankfully of Neethsi’s clan so that she was similarly free of Hircine. “I don’t know. Mom basically just had it and I did too when I arrived.” Shade shrugged as she continued to look about the bustling town. Forget a town, it’s a small city. I wonder what the Skaal on the other side of the island think of this busy place on this side of the mountainous wilderness from their humble village. “It was like liquid fire in my veins. Every moment it flared up I was filled with a blind rage. Several people, thankfully none that were good or close to me, died horribly to sate my bloodlust until I got control. While we’re free of him, we’re still both civilized people and primal beasts mixed into one body.” Neethsi gently rubbed Rarity’s shoulder and then we continued on. “Yes. Just now, it felt like my skin was too tight, too confining, like it was a hot and restrictive robe crushing the life out of me that I just had to get out of. At least until you touched my skin and reminded me that I’m not trapped in anything.” Rarity shuddered so Shade and I joined in on rubbing her neck and other shoulder respectively. “Still, why must people be so loud?” “You get used to the sharpened hearing, but the quiet of the wilderness helps.” I said, because although I never really went to a major population center as Marian, every single sound in the forest was like a gunshot to me. I didn’t have that issue when I got here. Maybe because unlike foxes and werewolves, werecrocodiles don’t have such a heightened sense of hearing. “I wonder what you are. Sis and I are crocs, Neethsi is a sexy giant winged sea serpent-yes I think you’re sexy in that body too, Nee. That said, you received her blood after she became a giant serpent. What are you?” Shade asked eagerly and Rarity scrunched up her brow. “I don’t know. Am I supposed to know automatically?” Rarity questioned Neethsi who shook her head. “Then let us find out! We were planning to go to Tel Mithryn anyway, why not see what I become in the wilderness between here and there?” “So you don’t want to try any local foods? Raven Rock is a unique blend of Morrowind and Skyrim cuisine, a combination of simple meals and strong spices.” Neethsi asked and Rarity looked at sis and I. We shared a look and shrugged, leaving the choice to her. “I’m rather peckish, but I don’t want anything...civilized.” Rarity blushed and I shared a look with my fellow argonian lovers before hurrying out of Raven Rock with our hungry freshly-turned werebeast unicorn. 📜 Brennie woke up with a snort, something she was used to these days. The face of her sister, however, was a change of pace. “Runner? What are you doing here?” Brennie mumbled up at her sister, who shared in the muscular milfy body type that filled out her casual shirt and jeans. “I’m not the only one.” Runner replied as their brother, Hunter, came out from the shadows. Along with him were five-wait...only one of them were of her Blackshield Guard, the rest were from the other factions. “Yeah, I decided to bring a mixed team from the other factions within our Legion. More skill sets from a diverse bunch get better results.” “I see.” Brennie blinked as she looked towards her Blackshield Guardsman, General Helvex. His armor black with red highlights, quite the opposite color scheme to address his station as one of her many Guard. Appearance wise it was similar in aesthetic and artifice to Brennie’s own, the only difference was that the demonic skull helmet only had two eyes instead of four and it glowed bloody red rather than ominous green. It was traditional for a Crusader to claim the skull of a Baron of Hell in combat and to wear it, enraging the former archenemy and to instill fear in other would-be foes. “So, uh, how’s our-?” “They really want to know if you’re alright. If anything had happened to you, well, heh, sucks to be that poor asshole.” Helvex replied with a dark chuckle, followed by the rest of the other Guards. “That said, no combat for you.” “Huh?! Oh, c’mon!” Brennie protested, but none of them were having it. “Your highness, we know you’re pregnant. We would feel at ease with you out of harm's way.” The old Veteran Sergeant of the Ghost’s faction, Krimzon, now one of Hunter’s Spirit Wanderer Guardsman, stated to the pouting Brennie. His cloak and armor a darker gray coloration than the standard. “That being said, whose side are we on?” Runner questioned. “The Ebonheart Pact.” Brennie answered and her sister facepalmed. “Oh, great.” Runner groaned in annoyance. “It’s not all that bad.” Brennie tried to reason, but no one was convinced. “Did they send an assassin to watch over you?” Runner guessed as there’s always someone not liking any sort of competition, especially from an Outworlder. “...Yes.” Brennie conceded. “Hm, am I so bad?” Questioned Brennie’s stalker, who was somehow on the bed with Brennie leaning back against her as she rubbed the bemused yet unsurprised woman’s shoulders. “I mean, I have no intent to carry through on my orders to kill her, especially since it seems unnecessary on top of suicidal. She’s also so cute and sexy, I couldn’t bear it.” “Well, I believe she has us convinced.” Helvex stated along with the rest of the Guard voicing their approval. “However, this Pact’s leaders will have to try and earn our trust. Something tells me not all of them are going to be on board with this sudden change.” “It isn’t like they have a choice. Besides, when a general or similar figure is on a sabbatical or other silly things, they have Mouths like Councilors do to act in their stead. One of you could take her job and it would still be her by law doing the job so long as you do not go against her guidelines.” The Tong agent informed them before patting Brennie’s stomach. “Now, all of you get out. She’s expecting and needs all the rest, relaxation and refractory she can get.” “I’m not fragile damn it…” Brennie grumbled, but wasn’t going to protest when she was getting belly rubs. Mm~. Now if only this place had TV or video games...or a really good book series. 📜 I have never had such an awkward lust/fear boner in my life. Watching Rarity tear a wild bear to shreds with her claws and teeth was both shocking and arousing in ways I couldn’t rightly justify. Well, other than that she’s a full-anthro wereshark with her normal figure upscaled for her new 8 foot height! I thought werebeasts lost a lot of their defining gender traits when in beast form! Well, then again, I keep my figure in mine for some reason. I haven’t seen Shade in her beast form since she finished developing...hm. Maybe Neethsi’s new divinity has further changed us? “I so want to fuck her.” Shade groaned as Rarity chomped and swallowed fresh meat from her kill, blood coating her smooth-looking yet rough scales and adding a lewd red shine to her form. “Mm~?” Rarity throatily rasped with a broad bloody grin back at us as she raised her long finned tail to flash her pussy at us and wiggled her extra-thicc muscular booty with her eyes imparting the wish for us to follow through. “No Rarity. That should be for another time. Dive too deep all at once and you might get stuck.” Neethsi warned the pony-turned-shark and she growled unhappily before continuing to feast on her violent and bloody meal. “Once you’re done, we’ll continue on to Tel Mithryn.” 📜 “What is wrong with it?” Calvius asked his lover as he watched a scamp turn into a hulking rat, somehow generating flesh as if from nowhere as it grew and swelled grotesquely. “The herbs are making it more physical, the Bell turning it into something like us while this little rock is making it radiate magic in such a way that it destroys cells. It could be used as a great source of power for our cities if it didn’t need an organic catalyst.” Nurtal explained as she poked and prodded the glowing pustules on the spasming and choking rat with a long stick. The first step in science is always poking something with a stick after all. “Well, this is unsettling. Learn what you can then put it out of its misery. It should still have its Animus returned to Oblivion so it’s a mercy.” Calvius insisted to his mate, who pouted despite her mask. How she did that he couldn’t understand and it still enthralled him. “Fine, but I wanted to keep him and name him Igor.” Nurtal sighed before taking down notes. “No enslaved monstrosities. Remember that our people were once such creatures.” Calvius grimly reminded his mate, who shuddered and shook her head as her tail and ears wilted. “Now, I bring some news from across the continent…” 📜 “Tsrrashi loves mate~.” The tiger-patterned maned skaven cooed as she groped her beach-ball sized tits that sat atop her massive immobilizing belly while Bravia rubbed said 10-foot sphere she was perched on. Her temples had sprouted horns lately, her tail had split in three to become three rat tails. Her mate told her she was becoming the local avatar of her beloved goddess and this filled her with even more satisfaction than her fecundity and her mate’s pampering. “Saint Tsrrashi, I understand you are impaired by your glorious condition, but we’re tied on the decision of whether or not to let Melwen’s decision to sleep with High King Bloodraven go unpunished.” One of Tsrrashi’s 12 Councilors said again. She was too clouded with pleasure and contentment to remember his name right now. “I’m sorry, what? Punishment for sleeping with the High King, who gave consent, along with his wife and lover? Are you that fucking stupid?” Bravia argued as he turned to face the Counselor. “No Saint-Guard Bravia, but her decision to use sex as the go-to method of persuading a foreign diplomat sets a precedent. We know what we are, what deity we have chosen to worship, but she preaches moderation and responsibility when choosing your pleasures or face dire consequences. Shouldn’t she face such a consequence for throwing herself at him when she is meant to represent our people as a whole?” Another of the 12 questioned and Tsrrashi huffed. “She fucked someone who wanted to be fucked and got things going our way. She deserves praise, not punishment. New vote: all in favor of rewarding Ambassador Melwen for her clever use of Sex for a favorable diplomatic outcome?” Tsrrashi called and raised her hand, waiting for the vote to finish and got a reluctant and somewhat embarrassed approval for the movement according to the number of flushed snouts. “Come up with a reward then.” “I swear, fucking idiots even among the ones who supposedly know who and what they are.” Bravia huffed and slapped Tsrrashi’s sexy ass, causing it to jiggle and her to moan loudly. “Honestly, did they forget they worship a Sex Goddess?” 📜 “Ah. It’s grown so much since I last visited.” Neethsi fondly sighed and I couldn’t help but feel a measure of mystical wonder at the sight of Tel Mithryn. The giant mushroom towered, well, because it was a tower. It was easily half the height of Orichalc, but only a third the height of White-Gold. Below it were several other mushroom structures and sprawling out from that were other plant-based buildings made from more native plants of the forest. Oh, right, it was also a bit of a shock to me that southern Solstheim in this world wasn’t a blasted ashland since the Red Year and subsequent continuous eruptions weren’t nearly as severe as in canon. Thank gosh Neethsi got Vivec to toss Baar Dau across the sea. “Uh, is this becoming a Tower?” Rarity asked with the capital letter and Neethsi huffed in amusement and a pat on Rarity’s back. “No dear. Don’t mention that around anyone around here either or egos will swell so much their heads might explode.” Neethsi hiss-snickered and led us through the town that blended into the forest at its edge and skirted the coastline. Neethsi waved at dunmer who greeted her with a mixture of respect, disgust and cheer. She returned each with the same and even pet the head of a young boy who ran for her and hugged her legs. Wow. Neethsi is well-known here. Then again, elves are long-lived and she likely knew many of them. We passed into the base of Tel Mithryn and took the fancy levitation elevator to the top. This place was just as I envisioned from my memories of the game, but much bigger. “No, you useless bag of infested maggots! I needed the thesis, not the theory! Go bother Talvas until you’re literate!” Shrieked the positively ancient dark elf in resplendent robes at a terrified younger mer who fled as the goatee-sporting wizard who could only be Neloth turned his scowl on us. “Who is invading my-ah. Someone who isn’t a waste of space. Good to see you.” “Oh~ these volumes are amazing!” Hermais said from where she was drooling against the glass of a bookcase containing full shelves of Grey Books. “Jhunal said you were a bibliophile.” “Yes, I happen to have the most complete collection of the Trials of the Ancients series of books. Say, as a friend of that fetcher Mora’s replacement, would you be able to help me acquire more? They are a riveting read.” Neloth asked the bodacious bird babe, who hummed and nodded. “Excellent! I am the premier master of enchanting in all of Tamriel, so if I can provide something in exchange with Jhunal for more books, I’ll gladly do so.” “Aren’t you powerful enough already, Neloth?” Neethsi questioned fondly and the bitter and spiteful mer scoffed. “As if you have any stance to be lecturing me on such a thing, miss goddess of the sea and sky.” Neloth huffed before turning his burning red gaze upon us. “Now, what garbage have you brought into my tower this time?” Ouch. I know he considers nearly everyone to be lower than dirt, but that still stings considering how much power he has. “Ah, wait. I sense it now. They hide it well, but they are incredible fonts of magicka.” He can sense that without a spell? Whoa. “Hm, what about a door to my library?” Hermais suggested and the world shook in fear. “Um, maybe that isn’t a good idea?” Shade asked uneasily. “If you do that, Neloth might become a new deity.” I warned the feathery draconequus. “Considering how needlessly harsh he is, that couldn’t be good for anyone.” Rarity commented. “If I wanted to become a god, I would have done so. Divinity is so overrated as my former apprentice can attest.” Neloth stated firmly with a gesture at Neethsi. “No. I will wither and die, eventually. I have no clue when by this point, possibly never, but all laws of mortality state that I should be dead already, so maybe I already ascended and simply didn’t notice.” “Reality fears you, Neloth. That alone makes you immortal in your own way.” Neethsi said in amusement and her former master huffed. “Then reality is weak and worthless, like most people inhabiting it. Now, are you here to visit for pleasure or business? Either way, I have some Canis Root tea brewing.” Neloth moved off and Neethsi eagerly followed. How did she come to enjoy this asshole’s company? 📜 “So, that was your family?” Twilight asked the moment she entered the Haven Box to blink at the odd sight of a device projecting images and making odd noises as Brennie did something with an even odder device in her hands. “What are you doing?” “Playing video games.” Brennie idly responded before pausing to get a handful of cheese puffs and munching on them as she looked at Twilight before rubbing her cheese-dusted fingers on her dirty T-shirt. If she was going to take an actual honest-to-fuck vacation, she was gonna chill. “And yes, that was my family and friends you’ve met. Some of them.” “Okay, whatever that is.” Twilight chuckled before sitting next to her and watching her play. “So you control an interactive character displayed visually with that?” Twilight pointed at the controller and Brennie nodded while she kept playing. “Hm, it’s like one of those choose your own adventure books, but much more streamlined.” “Pretty much.” That was a better explanation than Brennie could give in the local context. “Sounds fun, does it teach you any lessons?” Twilight asked as she tried some cheese puffs. “Yes, it can be to those who struggle, but those are for school purposes, educational tools to help those in need of special care. Otherwise, any other game outside those parameters, no. Games are meant to be entertainment, like a story.” Brennie explained before changing the subject. “Anyway, what did you think about my brother and sister when you met them?” “Wait, only two were...well, I’m assuming the odd bunny-wolf hybrid is your sister?” Brennie nodded. “Well, I can confirm that I really like her. She smelled like she wanted to pin me to the wall and fuck me right away, but she was all business and cheer. I guess the quiet one with the telepathy is your brother?” Another nod. “He’s fine, but I couldn’t get a read on him. The others all unsettled me a bit, especially the two giants in heavy armor, but I feel that way around veteran soldiers all the time.” “Don’t worry about any of them. So long as nothing bad is happening, they’re just extra-normal people.” Brennie reached into the bowl and frowned at the lack of cheese puffs. “Twilight, those are a snack food. You just ate two whole meals worth of calories.” “Oh, well, good thing I know enough Alteration to get rid of excess fat.” Twilight giggled and Brennie rolled her eyes before pulling a new bag of the snacks from her under-cleavage and ended up showing Twilight how to play some games. Also, Twilight was a snack hoarder. Brennie was learning so much today. > Ch.60 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.60 [Morndas, 14th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “So what now?” Thia asked in uncertainty as she wrung her hands together nervously in a tic she’d long ago suppressed because Yuria said it made her look weak. She wasn’t listening to Yuria anymore, so maybe Freda wouldn’t mind? “What do you mean? You’re here, I’m here, we have someone who cares about us. What more do we need?” Freda asked her sister as she prepared breakfast, a protein-heavy affair for the two thicc huskies. “Isn’t there something couples do in the morning?” Thia asked curiously, because, well, in Londor you didn’t have something as frivolous as love to pursue. Freda was the ‘black’ sheep of the family, preferring to study the lands and nations beyond Londor. This was ultimately what caused Freda to decide that while the Dark was the true next stage of the world, that the way they were going about it was wrong. “Well, there’s morning sex, but you’re too vulnerable right now. I’m going to have strong words with Meen-Rei and Shade when they get back. Taking advantage of you like that…” Freda grumbled darkly and the arctic chill that constantly emitted from her sister intensified a bit. “But I liked it a lot…” Thia whined and Freda sighed. “Thia. You were unstable, scared and desperate. The fact that you dove into your first sexual encounter, even if they didn’t penetrate you, is very unhealthy. They’re lucky they’re immune to disease too. You were a walking litany of death by microscopic organisms.” Freda lectured her sister as she set out a plate piled high with sausage, eggs, bacon and toasted bread. “Sorry.” Thia mewled and poked at the pile of protein curiously. Like many things, food wasn’t done in Londor. Undead don’t feel hunger or pain after a point, so why bother? Why was her sister giving her this? “I met things, gods, so I ran to you. I wonder how long it will take Yuria to realize I didn’t kill the Dragonborn and left the anchor in Skyrim unguarded.” “That doesn’t matter. She is nobody here. Yuria can’t hurt you anymore.” Freda gently insisted as she set her own plate down. Then Thia leaned away in shock when Freda assaulted the pile of food on her plate as if she was dying and the food was her Estus. Not a single bit of food escaped her ravenous maw and soon she was licking her plate clean. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you eating?” Freda questioned worriedly. “W-what was that? Freda, why are you eating?” Thia questioned in absolute confusion. “Because I’m hungry?” Freda blinked at the question that was clearly odd to her. “...S-sister...are you no longer Undead?” Thia asked with a mixture of dread and hope. “Of course I am! See?” Freda pulled her left cheek to reveal the Darksign branded on the inside. “It’s just, ever since I was resurrected in this world, I’ve been more alive than ever. I’m sure I won’t die permanently if I’m killed, but I feel like, well, like I’m not Undead.” “Oh. So, is eating that much so quickly normal?” Thia asked as she poked at her food again. “Well, no, not really. Are you gonna eat that?” Freda questioned and Thia uneasily pushed the plate to her sister before she winced when the scene from before repeated itself. Curiouser and curiouser. 📜 Returning home was a somber affair. Neethsi had to stay in High Rock, Rarity had her boutique to open up, Shade had magic to learn and teach while I had martial arts to learn and teach. Teraerae was at the training field, fully clothed thank goodness, where she joined in on the lessons to become a ‘mighty warrior’. I also quickly introduced her to Reenios, who was very interested and the skaven was clearly willing to give the average-height brown argonian man a try. Thankfully they didn’t do anything on the field and the lessons ended at noon due to the mandated limit from our training causing such a weakness in the city’s patrols on Nocturnal’s day. So now Shade and I had the rest of today to either keep training or do something else. After slowing down for the weekend, I came to the conclusion that constantly using the Oghma Infinium was...dangerous. Of course it was, it’s a Daedric Artifact, but at least it was much less cruel in its effects. It is turning Shade and I into supreme teachers of whatever we choose to learn from it. That said, it is also compelling us to teach people, meaning after all of this is done, Shade and I might be stuck as teachers or trainers as a profession. Not a bad thing to be fair. “So, sis. How about we not train constantly?” I asked Shade and she seemed to struggle with herself for a moment before nodding. “Yeah. Good idea. What should we do then?” Shade questioned and I struggled to think of-oh! “I need to speak to Thia. She’ll know more about what happened to my unborn babies.” I rubbed my washboard abdomen forlornly. Huh. When did I become an eight-pack? “Sis, am I super buff?” I asked curiously, since I haven’t seen myself in a mirror in a while. “Sis, I could grate cheese on your abs, you could crush heads between your thighs, you can crack nuts with your ass and I think your tail is even thiccer.” Shade huffed in clear envy, but why would she be envious? She isn’t as jacked as I have turned out, but Shade still had a nice six-pack and muscles all over, but clearly was still softer than I have become. “Well, I guess I had to trade in my ‘mom bod’ eventually.” I muttered unhappily as I ran my hands over my barely-clothed form. I’d taken to wearing just bandeaus or tube tops and tight leggings or hosiery as they call them locally. I’m not ignorant of all the lustful looks I get, but sex and other raunchy things are far from my mind when I’m training. Also, have my boobs managed to go down to B-cups? I still feel gigantic, but it seems losing fat has reduced my minimum bust size. “Ah!’ I yelped when I received a powerful open-hand slap on my left ass cheek and I looked back at Shade in annoyance as she shook her hand. “That was like slapping a rock. Sis, you’re so fucking hot.” Shade purred and I booped her on the snoot with my tail, unintentionally putting some of my pre-cum on her snout when I dragged the tip of my tail over her face. “Oh~, sis. You smell so virile…” Shade shuddered and I looked at my tail curiously. Has gaining muscles and losing my mom bod made me more masculine? “Sorry about that. Now, let’s go talk to Thia before we get side-tracked and find out if we’re genetically related or not.” Which we shouldn’t be, stupid Displacer. 📜 “I think I’ve made a mistake…” Brennie mumbled as she watched Twilight play Borderlands 2. The moment she entered the Haven Box, she’d sat on Brennie’s lap and used her as a chair after stealing the controller. “Hm?” Twilight hummed without looking away from the game as she wiggled her ass against Brennie’s thighs. “You don’t really have a leg to stand on there, I’m only here on my break. You’ve been playing games constantly since yesterday.” Twilight reasoned and grabbed another handful of cool ranch chips. “Well, I don’t mind being a chair, but I’d have more fun if we did something a few of my wives and I do for these situations. However, you’re still not comfortable with…” Brennie broached and Twilight paused the game as she too froze up. “Sorry I brought it up, just keep playing.” “N-no...I think that’s what is missing actually.” Twilight looked back at Brennie with a flush on her cheeks. “I keep wiggling against you, feeling like something should be there. I think I’m instinctively trying to entice you because you’re my mate and I was born a mare. I’m on your lap...” Twilight bit her lip and bounced lightly against Brennie’s thighs and it was her turn to flush. “Oh. Do you really want to do that?” Brennie asked, wanting to know if Twilight was sure about doing this. “Yes.” Twilight muttered and stood up as she magically vanished her robe and nervously waited. Brennie licked her lips and willed her clit to transform into her penis as her other male organs formed inside of her. “C-condom please?” Twilight mewled as her cunt engorged and dripped her natural lubricant. Brennie promptly complied and slid a prepared one she got from her under cleavage on her foot long shaft. “Take it slow. You are a virgin after all.” Brennie gently said and Twilight grunted in arousal before she reached back and aimed her condom-covered cock for her cunt and slowly moved back. Twilight moaned and whimpered as she descended and they both felt something give way inside of her, causing Twilight to squeal and freeze as blood leaked around Brennie’s dick. “Ow, ow, ow~!” Twilight whined with tears in her eyes and sniffled, but let gravity help ease Brennie into her. “Ah. Oh Dibella. Ah. It f-feels so good now that the pain is over…” Twilight panted and finished descending the soda-can thick human penis to sit on Brennie’s lap and she spasmed, keening in her first genuine penetration orgasm via vagina. “Oh gawds why didn’t I try this before~?” “Because you were strictly gay, Twi.” Brennie softly reminded her alicorn mate and rubbed her shoulders with her arms hooked under Twilight’s wings. “Sorry I turned you bi.” “D-don’t apologize for showing me that both sides of the fence are amazing.” Twilight panted and gyrated atop her. “Oh~. Ah. Mm~...okay. Now let’s t-try to multitask.” Twilight licked her lips and kept moving slightly where she sat on Brennie’s dick after unpausing the game and trying to play while getting fucked gently. She failed so adorably that Brennie couldn’t help but laugh before she busted her nuts and made Twilight scream in pleasure. 📜 Vartine hummed as he emerged from the Wayshrine at Raven Rock. He was here to meet with Neethsi and he had his new wife Melwen clinging to him by the hip.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Vartine heard from the sky before a black and red dragon that was humanoid as well as human sized crashed into the street. After she climbed out of the shallow crater she’d made with her body against the packed dirt street, he could see that she looked like a much smoother Alduin turned beastfolk. “Ugh, what happened, where is that Khajiit pest?” The woman groaned with a voice that was like liquid sex. “Boner, go down, this might be our mortal enemy. Don’t mutiny on me!” Vartine quietly growled down at his traitorous penis as he got sexually aroused by this visage of pure dragon female, which was not possible. Dragons were all male, so this impossibly sexy female was impossible! “You! Dovahkiin! I will rip you to pieces and...why am I speaking this guttural language? Why am I smaller than you?!” The woman demanded as she looked herself over in disbelief and groped her massive tits, equally as big as his new wife’s bosom with shock. “Why do I have mammaries?! Dragons do not have children to rear! My voice! What have you done to me?!” “Melwen, go on ahead to the government building.” Vartine patted his skaven wife’s ass and she nodded before heading for the quite large building across the square from the Wayshrine. “I’ve done nothing to you, unless you’re who I think you are, then I slew you, which means you should be gone.” Vartine darkly declared. “I am eternal! Father sent me back in time at the moment you struck the final blow! There I tried eating Lorkhan, but a damned khajiit stopped me!” Alduin growled before shivering as her legs widened. “What is this? My groin, it’s so hot! Stop this! Cease what you are doing!” “I’m not doing anything.” Vartine snarled at the impudent and pathetic woman who once was Alduin, but clearly Akatosh had sent the dragon god of destruction through a multiple-phase rebirth to weaken her. His Dragon Soul was roaring with desire, not just because of what she was, but because her soul was familiar, as if they had been incredibly close before. “Why do you smell, unf, so good?” Alduin groaned, moving on what Vartine knew were instincts to present her sex to him. “Why can’t I stop?! Father, what did you do to me?!” “Okay, that’s enough of that.” A guard stated and several of them rapidly descended upon the overwhelmed dragon woman, locking up her limbs, including the base of her wings, in shackles and muzzling her before carrying her off. “If you feel like dealing with this degenerate, she’ll be in jail.” One of the bonemold armored guards huffed and followed the several others holding the nude and struggling dragoness away as if it were just another day. “I’ll come collect her later.” Vartine groaned, suppressing his need to dominate everyone here and rut Alduin full of eggs. Why did he feel his father was changing dragons now for some weird reason? “I need to talk to Neethsi first, about our original plans and the fact a destruction god just dropped from the sky by my father’s hand.” 📜 Neethsi was fairly irritated. This rat-woman, a member of a new species known as Skaven, barged into her office with the claim that her husband, High King Bloodraven, would be along soon. The woman, Melwen, exuded a sexual aura like Meen-Rei, but far more oppressive. It was especially obvious when she immediately offered to eat Neethsi out to alleviate the sexual frustration that she’d been feeling. “Pardon, but I’m not available.” Neethsi leered at the strumpet and waved her new ring about, feeling rather good about having a potent deterrent for most people approaching her with sexual intent that doubled as a physical reminder she had loved ones to vent her ever-lustful urges on. “My husband was already married when I jumped him.” Melwen said with a winning smile. “My future wives are more than enough for me.” Neethsi growled and thankfully, Vartine Bloodraven entered. Unfortunately, he also reeked of come-hither pheromones, which didn’t help Neethsi’s powerful sex drive trying to insist she give in and feel pleasure. Also, oddly, she felt a deeper compulsion, her soul wanted to pounce on him too, but that made no sense. Her soul was once Nerevar Indoril, a Chimer, not a dragon-oh no. “We have an issue and I think ‘Father’ is to blame.” Vartine growled and sat down as he stopped Melwen from touching him. “Dear, my dragon has awoken, I'm afraid I might harm your children by rutting if you try pleasing me right now.” “Oh, then fuck the Goddess. She needs it.” Melwen insisted and Neethsi snarled at her. “I need to enjoy my rest in peace. What is it? Why are you here interfering with my day?” Neethsi demanded angrily. She only had a half hour before another lecture. She’d rather be fighting an army of daedra than be stuck in this confining institution! She’s even written a bloody book on the subject of airship construction! She couldn’t get free soon enough! “I need a Master of Alteration for the Falmer and their slave bugs.” Vartine said flat-out, the mention of the Chaurus making him shiver. “To provide cosmetic and practical restoration, right? Well, I’m afraid I don’t have the time or will to do it. You can find such capable mages at the College of Winterhold, I don’t know why you came all the way here to-stop that!” Neethsi snarled at him and Vartine blinked. “Stop what?” Vartine questioned in bewilderment as Neethsi rapidly got worked-up. “That! Your soul! I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you so badly it’s criminal!” Neethsi panted as her body went into overdrive, practically trickling eggs into her womb to be fertilized as her quim soaked her robes and her tail tip dripped pre-cum all over the floor as it wiggled. “Oh, that’s the other thing. Alduin is back and is female.” Vartine growled, his aura overwhelming Neethsi and she keened pathetically as she tore open her robe to start masturbating her slimy slit. “My gosh, what is wrong?” “Eggs! Eggs~! Must make! Breed!” Neethsi suddenly erupted out of her clothes, transforming into a sleek serpentine anthro creature who was just as curvaceous, if not sexier with her being nearly twice Vartine’s size and her sceathered wings stretched to fill her half of the room as her slitted eyes hungrily leered at him from her elongated neck’s elevated height. “What are you?!” Varine yelped before Neethsi’s long serpentine tail wrapped around him. “Mate!” Neethsi snarled and then the room was wrecked by a breed-hungry goddess seeking her pleasure. 📜 “I feel oddly betrayed yet extremely aroused out of nowhere.” Rarity said without prompting and Sweetie blinked at her sister’s non-sequitur. “I think one of my betrotheds are getting naughty without me and it’s extremely sexy.” Rarity cooed with a wiggle of her brows and Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. The Belle Family Awareness.” Sweetie snorted and went back to enjoying her salad. “So, who is it?” Scootaloo asked as she ate. She’d moved in since she was pregnant now and didn’t have the means to support herself as she went through her pregnancy and after she had her and Sweetie’s foals. She was a courier and even winged couriers didn’t make much. “I’m not sure, it might be Neethsi. I don’t think she’d do so without extreme temptation. Despite being a constantly-horny goddess, she has more restraint than Meen-Rei or Shade.” Rarity then blushed hotly and her dick made the table thump. “Nevermind, it’s her. She just got pregnant. Wow. She was desperate. What happened?” Rarity mewled sadly, not because it happened, but because Neethsi was so desperate and her future wives weren’t there. “So long as she wasn’t raped and the responsible party takes responsibility, we won’t have to invoke the Belle Feud on them.” Sweetie casually stated and Rarity sighed, wishing her family weren’t so kinky and odd. The Belles have always been known, like the Pies, to possess rather unusual innate mystical abilities, though for them it stemmed entirely within the family rather than aimed outside at everything like the Pies. “Rarity! We need to head to Skyrim!” Meen-Rei yelled when she rushed into the house and upstairs-by Dibella~! What has Rei been doing?! She looks like the epitome of fitness! How did she accomplish this in one morning?! “Holy fuck! Unf!” Scootaloo grunted and groped her breasts with a blush. “What? Why are-Rarity?! Mm! Mm~!” Rei protested when Rarity pounced upon the muscular and powerful argonian, but she was like a statue, carved into perfection. She didn’t move as Rarity threw herself at her future wife! Kissing, fondling, desperate to worship her body! > Ch.61 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.61 [Tirdas, 15th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Bloody Oblivion.” Vartine groaned as he walked with Neethsi and Melwen to the jail, favoring his left leg and rubbing the massive hickey under his collar. “The gods must be laughing at us.” “You’re the stupid-sexy dragon stud. How was I supposed to know I’d been made into a dragon by Akatosh? That fucking devious ass.” Neethsi snarled as she rubbed her stomach. Thankfully Vartine wasn’t as copiously productive in his semen as her mates or she’d already be swimming with eggs in there. Still, she could feel his seed in her and by the time she calmed down enough to munch on contraceptive, it was most likely too late. “Especially since we fought you and got some of your blood in him.” Melwen reminded Neethsi and she pinched her snout. There was that too, yes. She wouldn’t be surprised if Bloodraven’s beast form was a dragon somehow, damned devious Divines. Wasn’t it the Daedra who were supposed to interfere with mortals? “Just so you know, I’ll be gifting my wives with your gift too and then retire to the countryside when we’re old enough that we shouldn’t look so young.” Vartine warned Neethsi and she grumbled with a begrudging nod. What the people do with the gift of her blood wasn’t her problem, so long as they didn’t start a new plague on the people of Nirn. “That’s fine, just don’t form a dark army or whatever.” Neethsi grumbled as they entered the jail where indignant shouting echoed up from the cells below. “She’s a loud one.” Neethsi muttered and they followed the shouting to the cell where the beautiful and bodacious babe that was once Alduin was impotently rattling the iron door of her cell. “You! Kinsman! Free me immediately!” The woman who used to be the nordic god of destruction demanded from Neethsi before she blinked at Vartine. “What trickery is this?! Why are you no longer a mere Dovahkiin?! You now smell like a full Dovah!” Ex-Alduin snarled and pounded on the door. “Allison, cease this foolishness. You’ve already gotten in trouble today.” Vartine declared and Neethsi barely avoided hiss-snickering at the name change. “Allison is not my name! I am Alduin! Eater of Worlds!” The newly-dubbed Allison declared indignantly and Neethsi couldn’t hold back a chuckle this time. “Worlds? Since when did you even eat one?” Neethsi challenged and Allison visibly bristled. “Enough! Allison, you’re coming home with me. My friend has clothes that will fit you and we’ll return to Skyrim.” Vartine declared with no brook for argument. “I will-wait. This isn’t Skyrim? Since when was Miraak’s domain not part of Skyrim?” Allison demanded in bewilderment, which was a rather impressive whiplash. “Since the fifth year of the Fourth Era or The Red Year. That was about...216 years ago, when Red Mountain erupted and the other volcanoes of Morrowind joined in, causing the lands there to be inhospitable for over a decade. The High King of the time gave Solstheim to the Dark Elves so that they would have a place to call home. That has not changed with Morrowind returning to a...barely habitable state and as High King I see no reason to contest that.” Vartine answered and Allison grumbled about ‘knife ears’ and ‘defiling sacred ground’. Wow. Ex-Alduin is surprisingly protective of the lands that she once ruled, isn't she? She was also clearly a racist who hated everyone who wasn’t a dragon. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter who this land belongs to, I’ll devour them all anyway.” Allison huffed. “Now let me out! I can’t continue my conquest from this inescapable cell.” “I hope you know what you’re doing, Vartine.” Neethsi grumbled as she produced a key and unlocked the door before handing Alduin a robe that she looked at in confusion. “Just leave her to me.” Vartine assured her with a sexy, roguish grin. 📜 “This is the laziest I’ve ever seen you, sis.” Runner commented with a bit of awe and confusion from where she was sitting on the bed next to Brennie and playing LAN co-op with her on a second TV. “I mean, you’re hiding in here, playing video games and chilling. You’ve never been this relaxed before.” “I know and it’s kinda driving me crazy. I need to get the fuck out of this box, but I also kinda don’t want to. It’s one of those meh things. Anyway, you said something about Akatosh being an asshole, what did he do?” Brennie asked as they played Borderlands 3; Runner being Zane the Operator and she played as Moze the Gunner. FL4K the Beastmaster was the real strat, but then the game got easy and boring. Nobody cares about Amara, she’s the worst Siren. “He’s adopting people as Dragonborn out of the blue, knocked up Hermais, is using Eris as an incubator for new dragon-argonian hybrids and I got word that he just reincarnated Alduin as an anthro dragon woman and dropped her right into the lap of her most hated enemy.” Runner summarized all of the tomfuckery Akatosh has been getting up to and Brennie rolled her eyes. Typical higher deity bullshit. Why is he the leader of the Divines again? “Yet proving our reasons why we don’t trust Gods.” Brenni huffed as the game ended a fight. “Ahem?” Runner pointedly cleared her throat and glared warningly at Brennie. “Don’t start, I don’t care. Fuck off.” Brennie retorted as she flipped her sister off. “Brennie, it’s that kind of behavior that’s promoting our people and Wiatr’s people to start fighting amongst each other. It’s already too late to salvage it. Soon enough we won’t be able to control them and it’ll become total anarchy as all our work crumbles to ruins.” Runner lamented sadly and pinched her snout. “I’ve been talking to them. If it does come to that, they’re done. They’re dropping ruling those ingrates and retiring to a paradise they’ll give us the keys to.” “You can run off and hide then.” Brennie snipped, finding out that their wives are turning tail and running away from their responsibility was disgustingly disgraceful. “Bryan.” Runner growled darkly and her left eye turned into a black orb with a glowing rune before she winced and it sparked. “Grr...Bryan. They’ve been facing regular assassination attempts for the past two decades now. They’ve tried everything they can to keep their Empire running, they even had the citizens vote for other government types or giving them permission to leave the Empire entirely. Nothing has changed and it’s beyond their control. If they can’t stop it, then they have every right to step down and finally let them try to do better.” Brennie paused the game and sighed. “Okay, fair enough, but Runner, we are not going to fall apart. Some infighting here and there because of some ridiculous pettiness isn-.” Brennie paused when Runner held out a dataslate. “Give that a read, then think about it.” Runner dropped her controller and moped as she vanished from the box. 📜 “So, sis. You kinda didn’t give an explanation about what Thia told you that made you fly to Rarity to let her know we were heading to Skyrim.” Shade said as we trekked through the cold swamps of Morthal. It was nothing like in the game. Morthal was actually a sprawling small city on stilts where the ground wasn’t solid or it went over the murky waters. It even had a palisade. “One of my pups is a Key Pinion to one of the four main Dark Anchors, Thia told me about this one in Skyrim.” I said to my sister and she hissed in a fury that I didn’t feel. I was quite pissed, but my excitement at potentially rescuing one of my unborn babies was overriding my rage. “Then what? We’re gonna charge in there, muskets blasting, against an army of daedra?” Shade hissed and I paused with a boot landing in the muck of the cold swamp and I winced, inwardly cursing that I should’ve instead told Brennie or Twilight or Neethsi about this. Or even High King Bloodraven considering the Dark Anchor is beneath Solitude. The reason we didn’t head there from Solitude was because the city was still not allowing travelers from the Wayshrine through without express permission from High King Bloodraven. Damn superstitious magic-fearing Nords. At least the other cities in Skyrim besides Windhelm were willing to allow Wayshrine travel without much of a fuss other than waving a passport. “We’re halfway to Solitude by now. We’d be better off swimming through the Karth River to the port and climbing the hill up to the city. We can tell the High King about this and maybe get some support.” I reasoned and Shade sighed as she rubbed her face. “Sis...okay. Fine. Question: why aren’t we flying? We both have an innate ability to use Levitation magic and other Mysticism spells. Why are we slogging through this cold mockery of a swamp?” Shade demanded with irritation and I sheepishly flew away from her. “You didn’t even consider it! Get back here so I can pummel you!” Ah~! Scary angry little sister~! 📜 Brennie was staring at the ceiling, a feeling of utter failure weighing down her body and soul. Runner had given her a comprehensive list of reports of incidents, sorry, attempts to kill her family just over the past month. The footnote that it was just the past month horrified her. Where did they go wrong? Didn’t their citizens understand? Weren’t they thankful? They’ve been so prosperous after the Restoration, when their homeworld was recovered from a stasis lock and they returned to it to rebuild. They spread across the stars, finding new fights to satisfy their bloodlust and settling new homes. Fuck, that was before the Restoration! When Wiatr and the rest of her ilk not only welcomed Brennie’s people with open arms in their time of need, but helped them retain their cultural identity even if they failed to prevent cultural appropriation on both sides, that's how society works. Now this shit. Her wife’s people she could get, so many conflicts of interest, but her people, who have been a content and zealously loyal society for so long devolving so rapidly? “...Fuck it. Runner is right and we need to do something about it.” Brennie stated as she got up from the bed and climbed out of the box. “Hunter, gather our own in my office, now!” She demanded, walking through the halls with such a purposeful strut that anyone who saw her got out of the way. When she got to her office, Runner, Hunter and the mixed unit of guards were waiting, along with Hermais, Eris and Dongoruas. “I know they’re not ours, but they consider themselves to be.” Runner said with a gesture to the sisters, who were in their matching secretary outfits that they wore when they were conducting serious business. “No, that’s good. I need one of them to call up Wiatr and them right now.” This surprised everyone in the room. What was Brennie planning? “They need to resign from their governing positions, gather families and friends and head to Paradise. Now.” “N-no...no~!” Hermais wailed and put her face in her hands. “We’ve tried! We’ve tried so hard! Nothing we do will…?” Hermais sobbed with a look at Eris, who bitterly shook her head. “Why?! Why didn’t you tell us?! Why let us try in vain?!” “Because then things would’ve been worse even faster! This is the best timeline…” Eris admitted forlornly and Dongoruas hugged her distraught feathery sister, whose plans within enigmas and schemes were for naught. “I’ve already called them. They’ll be here in a moment.” “Brennie, what are you doing?” Runner asked in concern, running away wasn’t like her sister. “What? I’m doing what’s best for the family. I’m not stopping any of you from going, you have the right to walk away from this mess.” Brennie told them but Runner knew she wasn’t coming along. “You’re not coming with us, are you?” Runner asked sadly, while also admitting that she was certainly going to be joining the rest of the family in Paradise. “No, I’m not. I want to fix this, I need to fix this. It’s my fault for being a hypocrite, again. My distrust and hatred towards Gods probably festered this stupid bullshit, because it cuts both ways. I know our Night Sentinels and some others will stand by us, while we wage war against the traitors. The rest that don’t want to fight you need to bring along, they can keep all of our civilizations alive and coexist with each other perfectly. They will be our best hope for the Rebirth.” Brennie stated with such certainty that it reassured Runner that there will be a future. A better one. “Always the defiant one, huh?” Runner chuckled with her sister giving a snort. “Hm, somehow you’ve changed the course of Fate, yet again. Your Luck may be tested to its limits, but you will find a way to make it right. You always seem to have a knack at doing that.” Hunter foretold what might lie ahead. “That said, you can’t do that as you are.” Eris patted her stomach. “Give me them, I’ll carry them until they are ready, then take them to our new home. You have a battle to fight here while we prepare our final retreat. Don’t worry. Someday, in the distant future, we’ll return when our people need us most and remind them why they put us in power in the first place.” “What?!” Twilight demanded when she burst into the office. “No! Give them to me!” Twilight begged and then flushed brightly when she realized what she just did. “Uh...I’m betting you all knew I was eavesdropping and you totally set me up for this…” “Twi, I’m sorry, I should’ve called you in as well.” Brennie apologized to her lover. “Hey, it’s okay, this is...or was a personal issue. Now it involves me. Remember what I said before? Well...even if it’s not to where I expected, I’m still following your family at least, if not you. I’d like to follow you, but I’m not a warrior…” Twilight wilted before she reset her shoulders and wings with a determined expression. “Besides, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the rest of the family.” “Hm, it would seem those two Argoian sisters have found trouble…” Hunter ominously stated. 📜 “What do you mean the High King is in Raven Rock?!” I wailed in dismay. I was there just yesterday~! Then again, that point’s moot, because I would’ve had Neethsi on hand and she’s the Deus Ex Machina Mary Sue to take into such a situation. “Exactly as I said, madam. However, High Queen Elisif holds court in his absence, she has his authority in all things besides war.” I groaned in defeat. “...It’s War, isn’t it?” “Yes! Molag Bal has opened one of the Main Four Dark Anchors in the caverns and catacombs beneath Solitude!” I declared, perhaps a little too loudly, because the court erupted in shock up the stairs and I winced, my sister sighed with a pat on my back. “Sorry for shouting that…” “Don’t apologize, you just revealed that the soldiers responsible for checking the catacombs monthly haven’t been doing their Oblivion-damned jobs. We’ll have men on it immediately, just wait to be called up.” The guard gently insisted and we sat down on the waiting benches. Oo~ these benches had really nice cushions. Ever since I lost my mom bod, my butt has been less forgiving on firmer surfaces. Unless it’s hands, dicks, tails-my brain~! Stop being in the gutter! “So sis, mind if we swap roles whenever we get back to training?” Shade asked and I looked at her in confusion. “You know, you learn magic and I focus on martial arts? I kinda envy your bod.” Shade palmed my right bicep, which almost didn’t have any give due to the combination of the rock-hard muscle underneath and my Bark Scale condition. I’m just thankful I have enough suppleness to go with my smoothness. “Ah, yeah sure.” I said, wiggling in my seat. “Warning though, losing the excess fat in the ass makes it harder to be comfortable.” I warned my sister and she pinched her ass, getting a good amount of skin in her fingers that made her pout. “Hey, it’s super sexy so it’s forgivable.” “Yeah, but I want to be more fit and athletic like you, sis. Well, besides the tits, but with our unique condition there that will never be an issue.” Shade smirked and I smirked back. “Please stop doing that thing with your eyes, it’s unsettling.” Another nearby guard requested and we looked at him in confusion. “I know that’s how you argonians show emotion, but to most folk here; it’s uncannily alien.” “Well, how rude. We were just giving each other our equivalent of a smirk. Would you prefer it if we did this?” Shade and I parted our lips all along our jaws, revealing our rows of conical teeth good for rending flesh with the back being molars great for grinding plant fibers. “Gah! No! Go back to doing the eye-thing! Sorry I protested!” The man backed away and I shared a hiss-snicker with my sister at his reaction to a properly toothy smile. “Goodness, what bravery.” Another guard laughed at his fellow’s xenophobia. “They’re just pretty ladies, they won’t bite unless you ask.” He joked and I couldn’t help but devolve into proper laughter with Shade. “That’s enough lads. You two, please come up to the throne room so that High Queen Elisif can hear your claims directly rather than through reasonably panicked shouting.” A guard without his helmet’s visor down called to us from the top of the stairs and we ascended to stand before the pretty matured woman and her court. “You claim that one of Molag Bal’s Dark Anchors is beneath my city, where did you obtain this information?” Elisif half-demanded with a polite request. She’s gotten the double-speak down. “In Lilmoth, one of Molag’s followers fled to us in a change of heart and divulged to me where my-ah, um…” I choked up, realizing it was too late to back out so I swallowed my fear. “Before I continue, I must give context. I was pregnant a few months ago. In my last trimester, I was abducted, tortured, transformed by dark forces. They took my unborn babies from my womb.” “Such acts are in line with Molag Bal. I can verify that her claims are certainly in the realm of possibility.” The blue-robed woman to Elisif’s left declared and the aghast expressions of the court turned to disgust and fury. “Yes, well, it turns out that...my babies are being used as Pinions, specifically, the four Key Pinions keeping Coldharbour close enough to Mundus even with the Towers in place again. The ex-cultist fled to Lilmoth because her sister, a friend of mine, divulged her guilt to her, which passed to me. I came here in the hope of saving my child and closing the Dark Anchor.” I announced and the court began talking amongst themselves while Elisif stared at me. We waited until Elisif held up a hand. “You believe your child is alive?” I nodded. “You think you can rescue them?” “I must try.” I choked a bit on the last bit and Elisif nodded before noise came from downstairs. > Ch.62 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.62 [Middas, 16th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Thankfully the commotion from yesterday was High King Bloodraven arriving and demanding to know why there was such a ruckus being stirred by the guards of his city. Fortunately and unexpectedly, Neethsi was with him! Sadly, she informed us it was because she needed to officially inform Elisif that she was pregnant with Vartine’s children, so that meant she was unable to help us deal with the daedra. However, it didn’t mean she couldn’t sleep with us~! “Morning~.” I cooed as I groped Neethsi’s milky white tits with my head nestled between them as I looked up at her with my tail wagging. “Mm, morning. If this is a sight I’ll wake up to regularly I’m beyond happy to be married soon.” Neethsi crooned and smooched my lips before sitting up with me. “Where’s Shade?” “Shade’s chatting up Sybille about magic. That vampire is a bit creepy, but at least she waited for Shade to wake up to talk shop.” I huffed and then rubbed Neethsi’s faint abs. Despite her physical prowess, Neethsi had a body that was akin to a dancer’s or a swimmer’s if you ignored her thicc ass and thighs or massive bust. “So, you have little dragon eggs growing in here?” “Yeah. Damn Akatosh, how was I supposed to know he’d ‘adopted’ me? How was I supposed to know my very soul would demand I breed Vartine? The only reason I even know any Dovahzul is because of intellectual curiosity.” Neethsi grumbled and gently squeezed my hands against her stomach. “You aren’t mad?” “No. I told you this last night. You can’t upset me unless you purposefully do something to hurt me.” I insisted to my future wife and leaned in to kiss-. “Eeeh~!” A child cheered as they ran down the hall and ruined the mood, yet made us both smile. That must be one of Bloodraven’s kids. The man had a bleeding heart for orphans and all kinds of children. He basically ended up disbanding the Honorhall Orphanage and moved it to Whiterun since Whiterun is centrally located, then opened one here in Solitude. The orphans all call him Papa Vartine. He was a great man for this alone, not even counting all of his exploits. There was also the fact that he was a total horndog and his wife adored children too, so they balanced out. “Well, I guess that’s our alarm clock.” Neethsi joked and we got out of bed, but Neethsi ran her hands over my body instead of getting dressed. “Mm~ you’re sculpted like a statue, Rei~. You’re easily the finest specimen of fitness I’ve seen in all my centuries.” “So people keep telling me~.” I giggled, feeling so sexy right now. I mean, I guess I’m sorta becoming this world’s Ranma, only I’m a herm instead of gender-swapping. I’m also not a shortstack like Ranma’s female form. “Now, let’s get breakfast and face the day.” 📜 “So...this is it?” Sadly asked an iridescent white skaven slime woman with a body to rival Brennie’s. She also had draconic horns and three tails. She was holding Brennie’s hands and looked moments away from weeping. “This is the last We’ll see of you for possibly eons?” “Yes.” Brennie nodded as she caressed Wiatr’s hands with her thumbs. “I know this is sudden, but it must happen.” “Can’t you at least visit? Paradise is the place where our daughters have been experimenting, you know? The cum reservoir turned into its own demiplane? You could easily stop by.” Wiatr implored her beloved wife. “I mean, you remember it don’t you? It’s the place they would drag you to when they rapidly bred you, it’s where the Demons of Hell got their chance to have their souls restored and become people again.” “Yes, I remember, but I can’t visit you. The moment I set foot in Paradise, is the moment I abandon those I’m leading into Hell. I can’t do that to them.” Brennie reasoned with a heavy sigh. “Then you won’t be alone.” A voice stated as the two saw, not only Urta, but as well as Slayer, Pillar, Collateral and Carnage, along with Carnage's wife Daisy. She was equally as bloodthirsty as her husband and wasn’t about to sit back and let him have all the action. “For fuck’s sake, I’m not losing you again. Hell ripping open your entire universe was scary enough and nothing you say will deter me or the others from this.” Urta declared with certainty. “What about Shepard?” Brennie questioned and Urta wilted a bit. “Your adopted twin or not, she tires of War unlike us. My decision not to visit doesn’t have to extend to you all. I simply must stay because if I don’t, then who will?” “Thanks Brennie.” Urta softly smiled and then regained her composure. “That said, we’re with you. We’ll even act as nothing besides your elites if your plans don’t call for us to be in a command structure.” “That or we can swap around on who takes command now and then. The only time we all take up command is when we gain territory, for now we defend and shore up fortifications. Until that time comes, we need to help Meen-Rei and the others. Now all I need to do is make an appointment for a council meeting with the Pact.” Brennie stated before the assassin appeared out from behind her with a cheery wave. “Oh, just the person I need.” “I’ll take whoever’s gonna be doing that where they need to go. It’s part of my writ, so I won’t have to deal with paperwork either!” The Tong Agent announced before finally pulling off her head-encompassing chitin helmet to reveal a blatantly beautiful elven woman who couldn’t be older than her twenties, preposterously young for an elf. “I’m Felsa, no surname, no House.” “Nice to finally know you, Felsa.” Brennie smiled at the womer. “You already know me more than anyone else. The rest are all dead.” Felsa smiled darkly, her pearly white teeth on her beautiful face somehow making it more menacing. “So, who am I taking into the lion’s den of bureaucracy?” “I’ll go.” Pillar answered, the towering 14 foot tall man who had to crouch indoors, especially since he wore ornate, pristine, custom-made Terminator armor, one that radiates awe-inspiring majesty. Especially since unlike the originals from 40K, it was much less bulky and streamlined, but still followed the same design otherwise. Coupled with Reinhardt’s rocket booster on the back and deployable energy shield. “I will speak for us all.” “Oo~ big boy. You’ll get those old fetchers up in a tizzy for sure. I like it. Come along then, I have a scroll to get us to Vivec in a hurry.” Felsa approached the room-dominating armored man and slapped an open scroll to his chest that made them both vanish. At least now things can get moving-. “Brennie~! P-Pandora won’t stop playing with me~!” Twilight whined from the next room over and Brennie winced. Right, she wasn’t leaving this world until it’s immediate danger was passed and Eris transferred their babies to her womb, which promptly overwhelmed poor Twilight since even though she has all the piercings and the Navel Pearl, she’s never been in this situation. “You go deal with your new wife, Brennie, we’ll get things started.” Urta tittered and Wiatr tearfully kissed Brennie before sniffling and vanishing before she could properly cry. Seeing Wiatr go surprisingly hurt more than she imagined. “Brennie-ahn~! Shtahp it, Pandora~!” Twilight wailed and Brennie sprinted into her room to help her. 📜 “These manlings, so eager to boast yet so slow to act.” The Atmoran grumbled as he lamented his inability to properly face this threat to the world. The daemons or daedra as the locals call them, had hidden their incursion point deep in the caverns and catacombs beneath this admittedly beautiful city of theirs within the mountain. Sometimes being big has its downsides. At least he could stand vigil outside of the main natural entrance point and free up more of the local soldiers to actually go into the hole and fight like men. Only cowards leave the beasts alone under the assumption they’ll stay in their dens. “Hmph, pathetic.” He grumbled after he swept his sword, a simple arming sword to him, but a massive greatsword to the manlings, through several of the miniscule fell beasts in one swing. The pile of corpses was getting big enough he may be able to plug the cave entrance with them, but he’ll consider that once he gets suitably bored. 📜 “So, it’s no issue?” Neethsi asked and Elisif kindly smiled with a gentle hand clasping Neethsi’s scaly one. “I already told you that while unfortunate, you had no control over the situation. If the gods demand that my husband sow his oats in other fields, then I won’t begrudge it. Besides, he at least brings home very fun guests.” Elisif smiled winningly up at Neethsi, who faintly blushed and looked away. “Now eat. You’re eating for more than one now.” “I’ll endeavor to, I’m just so used to subsisting off of my magicka that it’s hard to force myself to eat when I rarely feel hunger.” Neethsi said and then looked across the dining hall where Meen-Rei, rather bafflingly, had somehow wound up giving a few guards impromptu training in a martial art that Neethsi had never seen, while Shade and Sybille were giggling and whispering magical secrets that those around chose to give them space for. “I apologize for my fiances and their rather...eccentric behavior.” “Dear, I’m married to the Dragonborn, I’ve seen more odd things in the past decades than most.” Elisif then gestured at Allison, who was behaving, but clearly out of bemusement and interest rather than a wish to behave. Her attention seemed torn between glaring at Vartine, staring at Neethsi or watching Rei and Shay at their antics. “I mean, my people’s deity of destruction and the herald of the End Times is sitting at my breakfast table nibbling on sausage as she rubbernecks.” “That is rather odd, yes.” Neethsi admitted before she tensed when Allison grabbed her plate and moved closer to sit next to Neethsi. She then baffled the argonian by scraping half of her piled plate of meats and eggs onto Neethsi’s untouched plate. “Eat. As your queen, I demand you feed those new lives in your womb.” Allison ordered before properly digging into her own meal and Neethsi shared a surprised look with Elisif before she decided to force herself to eat. She had no idea how genuinely hungry she was. 📜 “Again!” I demanded and watched the guards I’d dragged into the castle’s training barracks spar as I paced, watching them like a stalking predator. Vartine told me that he needed time to muster his men, since he’d already devoted a full third of Skyrim’s military to cooperative Pact operations. So, here I am, falling back on being a sensei and using half of my attention to read from the Oghma Infinium on some of the magic martial arts that Shade already learned. “Ma’am, don’t you think needing to have healing from your sister for broken bones twice by now is enough strain for a day?” The guard captain, who I didn’t know the name of and didn’t rightly care about at the moment, beta-male asked me instead of ordering like he should have. “Which do you prefer, broken bones? Or broken homes?” I demanded with a glare into his eyes and he crumpled like a house of cards. “I’m training your men so that when they are fighting in extreme close-quarters, they aren’t immediately overtaken by the tide of daedric vermin filling this mountain.” I snipped at the docile guard captain, who was clearly just a functional overseer rather than a battle-hardened warrior. I’d have thrown him into the training too, but he was stuck overseeing us. I give him five minutes the moment the fighting starts. “Sis, you’re being a bit too intense right now.” Shade chided me as she swept her hands over the room and a golden wave of light washed over everyone and the tired warriors, reinvigorated, went at their opponents with even more enthusiasm. Unlike this captain, these were real men. They were also wearing just short-leg trousers, exposing rippling muscles, glistening with sweat. Yum. “I’ll dial it back a bit, not on them, but on this whelp.” I looked down my snout at the captain, who despite being near my height, still visibly shrunk a bit at my superior gaze. “Pray that you don’t go into the holes with them. You wouldn’t last more than a few minutes.” I stated and his men seemed about to come to his defense, but my sharp green gaze quelled them into remaining silent and continuing their training. “I...I will defer to your superior judgment.” He grumbled and turned to focus on watching his men become even greater than they already were. “Still...despite my unenviable position right now, this is like a scene out of one of Gaiden Shinji’s epics. To see my men trained in such a way gives me hope that they’ll return in one piece.” “That’s why I’m doing this.” I then paused when a rumbling roar echoed in the large chamber and all the men staggered away. I felt my body heat up in embarrassment. Th-that was my stomach! “A-ah...I’ll...be back. Don’t stop!” I looked at Shade who scurried to follow me out of the barracks and realized that massive embarrassment wasn’t just my stomach. “We haven’t had any magicka!” Shade hissed at me and I nodded with urgency. Unlike normal bodies, ours operated on magicka, but we haven’t been drinking Rarity or Neethsi’s magicka infused milk or cum lately even with the naughty fun we’ve been having, we also haven’t been drinking magicka potions. “We need to find Sybille or Neethsi now.” “The former for potions, the latter for fluids, I know.” I replied as we emerged into the main area of the Blue Palace and a peek into the throne room showed the court in session with Sybille in attendance. Damn, she’s out. Hopefully Neethsi didn’t head back to Raven Rock yet. We went into the private wing of the palace and sniffed out the powerful magicka signature. “What are you doing here?” Demanded a beautiful pale skinned, dark haired and amber-eyed nord woman when we entered what had to be her room. “Damn it, did Neethsi return to Raven Rock?” I asked the woman, who was clearly Serana, as I sniffed and tried to sense Neethsi. “Yes, why? Oh, you’re her fiances?” We nodded. “Then you’re guests. Welcome to my room, feel free to barge in for some odd reason.” Our bellowing bellies announced the reason and I felt absolutely mortified as Serana blinked at us. “Well...we have food here and you did just eat, so I’m guessing this is a...unique situation?” “We’re manavores. We eat magicka. Magicka potions are nice, but absorbing spells or concentrated magicka is best.” Shade told the vampire and she put her book aside. “Well, you came to the right person. Aside from Sybille I’m the strongest mage in Solitude. Come here and I’ll cast some spells on you.” We eagerly did so and she clasped our hands before they lit with fire. We moaned at the odd pleasure and satisfaction of absorbing the magical flames instead of feeling their bite. It was like ASMR all over my body. Soon enough, we were on our knees, practically worshiping Serana by running a free hand along her thighs as we closed our eyes and rested against her. She ran out of magicka eventually and we whined pitifully in disappointment, but still nuzzled her thighs in gratitude. “Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.” Serana petted our heads with a tired yet satisfied smile. “You two are adorable. I can see why Neethsi wants to marry both of you. Twins are always hard to pass up.” “Thanks. That’ll hold us over until we can reunite with Neethsi or someone attacks us with magic for some reason.” I smiled at her and tried to stand, but I felt so weak. “Eugh, what?” Serana immediately realized something was wrong and she helped carry us over to her bed where we weakly cuddled each other. “Shade, any idea what’s up?” “I think it’s because we’re not in our True Forms and absorbed so much magicka indirectly instead of through infusions or potions.” Shade theorized as Serana ran her hands along our arms. “Wow. Your magicka pathways are all clogged up. I’m guessing this is the first time you’ve actually absorbed spells instead of pure magicka?” We weakly nodded. “That’d do it. I’ve met several people born under the Atronach. They mentioned that being an atronach is like being a dammed reservoir. If you don’t let water out, it’ll build up and start to cause a lot of debris to clog up your outlets. In this case it’s the reverse, you just used channels you hadn’t before.” “Ouch...we should get fed this way more so we don’t get incapacitated. Could you head down to the barracks or tell someone to, in order to tell them I’m out of commission for the day, but not to stop practicing?” I requested and Serana patted my head before leaving us alone. “Damn. We really know so little about our bodies, sis.” A snore...she’s asleep. Well...good idea...zzz. 📜 “What do you mean they’re gone?!” Brennie demanded from Miun-La, who winced at his commanding officer’s furious mood. Then again, nobody made a big fuss about Rei and Shay vanishing when they’re so damned important, so he could understand her fury. “I mean, they left without warning. They’ve been gone since yesterday. They’re not registered members of our military, so they have the freedom to drop everything and leave at any moment.” Miun-La answered and Brennie rubbed her temples as she took calming breaths while muttering obscenities under said breath. “Fucking dammit, that’s what Hunter meant before.” She should’ve known those two were out of town. “Might I suggest asking Lady Rarity? Or contacting Lady Nerevarine? Surely they would’ve told their significant others where they were going.” Miun-La said with a look at one of the guards in the office, who were there to act as runners to deliver orders, but Miun-La wasn’t the highest authority in the room. “Yes, ask Rarity about their whereabouts.” Brennie sighed since she didn’t want to bother the seamstress. Rarity may be a tough mare in her own right, but she didn’t deal with stress well. “I should have sent Hunter to track them down and keep an eye on them.” “Your people are fucking terrifying.” Miun-La stated his honest opinion regarding her family and people. Ever since they arrived out of the blue, it aroused mixed reactions from the local population. Some were in gobsmacked awe and others were fearful of these newcomers. “Have you heard anything back from your brother?” “Not yet, though I’m pretty sure he’s giving the Council a run for their money. When it comes to these sorts of things, I leave it up to Pillar, he knows how to run a court. Word of advice: never fucking lie to him.” Brennie warned firmly. “Considering I have no intention of speaking to him if I can help it, that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll get someone over to Lady Rarity while I bring Princess Sparkle up to date.” Miun-La bowed slightly and then left to begin the manhunt for the missing twins. “I swear, what is it about Displaced? Not even thousands of years later do I get the sheer level of bullshit that’s involved with us.” Brennie sighed until Hunter crept out from the shadows. “You know what to do, find them and help them out as much as you can.” The silent Marine gave a short bow before disappearing. > Ch.63 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.63 [Turdas, 17th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Thankfully our magicka exhaustion, because that’s what our bout of weakness was, passed by the time we woke up the next day. Unlike most, Shade and I only really need to use our magicka pathways when absorbing spells from outside sources. Apparently it’s actually an issue all born with or chose the Atronach Sign have to deal with since Atronachs traditionally only take in magicka from direct external sources. That said, today was going to be spent on doing something of vital importance. Shade needs to permanently change her stars to The Atronach from The Lover. She’s been getting by this whole time by using the temporary stones in Lilmoth! “At least we remembered we could fly this time!” Shade sheepishly shouted from behind me as we flew north from Riften. In all honesty, we were moving at the same speed as a steady jog, but without terrain in the way it was still much faster than most modes of transport. We’d make it to the stone then back to Solitude through the Wayshrine by midday. “At least since the Empire has no power here, levitation isn’t restricted by an idiotic law.” Stupid Imperials, making levitation illegal. “Hey, I think that’s where you got that dwarven sphere guardian that you used to make our first muskets!” Shade shouted and I looked down at the road to find the familiar location. Gosh, that feels like forever ago. Wait. “How do you know that?! You were in the Haven bag!” I shouted back at her over the whipping wind that picked up as the drop-off down into Eastmarch’s sulfur fields drew near. “Neethsi’s bag has a one-way window!” Shade replied. Huh. I didn’t notice it, then again, I only stayed in that bag a few times and was mostly focused on paying attention to Neethsi. Hey, wait! I see a caravan! I swooped down and Shade followed. We landed on the side of the road and waved at the forward cart. “Hey! Is this the caravan with Dar-Ja?!” I called when I assumed they were in hearing distance. “Yes! He is further back in the caravan!” Someone shouted back and I jogged eagerly towards the caravan as Shade drew up next to me. “Hey, isn’t Dar-Ja the guy you slept with because you needed to vent sexual tension from Neethsi being a stuck-up enigma at first?” Shade questioned and I nodded. “Oh. So, is this a friendly visit or a friendly visit?” I leered at her and she snickered. “Sis, he’s cute, I get it.” “We were just consenting adults wanting some fun. I can see Dar-Ja as a great friend, but don’t think my intentions are lewd...if they go that way I simply won’t protest.” I huffed and Shade hiss-snickered before I noticed the familiar shock-yellow feathers of the dark scaled guy. “Hey! Dar-Ja!” “Hm? Ah! Meen-Rei?” Dar-Ja questioned in surprise as he approached. “Gosh, what happened to you? You look like some legendary warrior rather than that pretty mother I met before.” Then he looked at Shade. “Rather like her, is she family too? The scale pattern is quite unique.” “Hi, I’m Shade.” Shade fluttered her eyes and I glared at her for flirting with the guy. “Wait, little Shade? Her daughter?” Dar-Ja asked in bafflement as he looked between us. “Sister now. Daedric bullshit. How are you doing?” I asked and he scratched his scalp. “Um, well. Not to be rude girls, but I have to keep with the caravan. If you’re willing to walk and talk, that's fine.” Dar-Ja pointed out and I felt disappointed, but knew he was right. “Actually, we need to head the other way. We’ll be back in Riften before the day is out though.” Shade insisted with her tail wagging and clearly insinuating naughty things. “O-oh...well, we’ll be there for a few days, so...see you soon?” Dar-Ja asked and we nodded. “Okay. See you back in Riften.” Dar-Ja then jogged to catch up with the caravan and I leered at Shade. “What? He’s cute.” Shade giggled and I rolled my eyes. 📜 “Hey~!” Brennie looked up at Felsa to see the pretty elf had decided to not wear her armor all the time, now in a more casual tunic and pants. She still didn’t sense the womer at all until she announced herself, so her stealth is clearly all skill and her own magic. “So, your brother is basically turning the Council into a three-ring circus and they’re all dancing to his tune.” “Hah! I knew they would, he didn’t give them much choice or leeway. I’m betting they almost shat themselves at the sight of him alone.” Brennie giggled as Felsa grinned widely, knowing that there was more. “Oh yes, they even had soldiers attack him under the assumption that he was an armored daedroth or something. Watching him put them all in their place without raising a finger and then using his voice and his brains to turn them around was the most satisfying thing I’ve seen in a while that wasn’t you and Twilight doing the nasty.” Felsa then tossed a scroll on the desk. “My Writ is forfeit. Normally, this is where you and I never see each other again.” “But now that you’re free from the clutches of the Council, you get to do whatever you want until someone else hires you. Right?” Brennie asked, but the elf shook her head. “Actually, about that; I’ve been fired.” Felsa declared with a chipper expression. “Oh, so you’re really free?” Brennie’s question was met by an amused yet bitter laugh. “Well, no. Now I’ve gotta survive a year of other assassins trying to kill me. You don’t just leave the Morag Tong without putting some effort into it, y’know? Whether by choice or expulsion, the rules are clear: I will either survive the year or die. They can’t interfere with my life in any other way though, so I’ve just gotta keep aware of my surroundings at all times.” Felsa shrugged uncaringly. “Wow. I’m guessing I can’t interfere with that, huh?” Brennie was saddened by how this elf will have to-. “Oh, no, you can interfere all you like. I’m basically the target with the writ out for my head and the assassins have to try to get to me without dying or being detained by authorities. How they die is entirely unimportant. Sure, the ones coming for me will be the cream of the crop, but they still have to adhere to the rules. No killing anyone who isn’t on your Writ, et cetera. I’m sure you’d be fine if I hide in the safest, possible place?” Felsa asked with the same casual cheer. “Oh, sure! You can stay with me and-h-hey!” Brennie blushed when Felsa promptly crawled under the desk. “W-what are-hey! Th-those were-oh~!” Brennie moaned after Felsa ripped off the crotch of her pants and then shoved her head into her cunt. “Ah! Ah~! H-how did you know~?!” Brennie wailed, entirely unprepared for an unbirthing, but her magically enhanced body and powerful muscles rapidly made short work of pulling Felsa into her. That sneaky sexy assassin. According to the rules of the Morag Tong, that means being inside of Brennie was the safest place. Unless they figured out where she was and could manage to incapacitate and unbirth themselves into her, there was no way for them to get to Felsa now. Brennie sighed and rubbed her flat stomach and then realized. A year. Hoo boy... 📜 “Tsrrashi. Tsrrashi, can you understand me?” A muffled voice reached Tsrrashi’s sense of hearing and helped bring her from the blissful state of not-here that her think-pan had gone to. “I have experience with this thanks to my wives...well, Berserker’s wives, but I need you to respond.” Tsrrashi tried to speak to love-mate, but speak-eat hole would not noise-make. Tsrrashi was confused, her think-pan was all mush-mush, her body was all squish-squish. It was hard to think through all the churn-gurgle noise. Then Tsrrashi felt it! Her love-mate’s hand! She knew his touch. She reached out to it with her not-hand and it became her hand. Tsrrashi realized something was bad-bad. “Tsrrashi, listen. You are currently an amorphous blob of goo full of babies, milk and amniotic fluid.” Tsrrashi suddenly wanted to cum at this fact! “Calm down! Calm down. I know that likely gets your clit tingling-.” All the tingles! “But you need to focus. I’m going to pull, imagine that I’m pulling you out of a pit of mud.” Tsrrashi can do that! Tsrrashi remembers when her litter-mate push-shoved her into a creek and sweet-mother helped her up. The pulling came and Tsrrashi let him pull her out of the mud. How deep was she? She blinked and looked at Bravia holding her hand and helping her stay upright. “Bravia, what is happening? Tsrrashi’s mind is all mush-goo.” She looked at her hands and realized they were shiny, slick and not entirely solid, but fear and panic were far from her mind. “That's because you are goo. Don’t worry, Wiatr is a slime, so you’re perfectly imitating her aside from the colors.” Bravia informed her and Tsrrashi became elated! She wrapped her arms around her mate and began smooching him as he sputtered and tried to fight her amorous assault off, unsuccessfully. Heh~. Super-strong Bravia can’t contain gooey Tsrrashi~. 📜 “So, as you can see on page 73…” Neethsi tiredly recited, not because she’d given the lesson before, oh no, but because she wrote page 73 last night. She was working so hard, so long, so fast to maintain a syllabus for her students. The sooner they all understood how to make dwarven automata not slaughter them and instead learn how to disassemble and build them, the sooner the flying ships would be rolling out. “The thaumic resonance of a-.” Neethsi hissed and clutched at her abdomen, feeling a powerful twinge she’d never experienced before! It was like her womb was suddenly trying to stab her spine. “Lady Nerevarine, are you okay?!” Several people chorused as they got out of their seats, but Neethsi snarled at them and pointed. “Sit down! Do some self-study! I don’t need to hold your hands!” Neethsi hissed and retreated into the small office at the back of the lecture hall, where she immediately leaned against the door and clutched her stomach as she panted for breath and groaned, allowing the Navel Pearl to turn off and she gawked at her round and swollen belly. “W-what? How? This isn’t possible! Surely not without extenuating circumstances like with Rarity!” Neethsi rubbed her growing womb and she groaned as she slid down to her ass with her belly filling her lap. She felt so exhausted, like all of her vital essence was flowing out of her and into her uterus. She both heard and felt the loud fleshy smack of her belly button popping into an outie and winced when the purple Navel Pearl launched out across the room like a bullet. Oops. She’d fully turned it off instead of simply stopping its restrictions on her body’s dimensions. She moaned and rubbed her swelling sides, fearful as her fecundity grew. She’d never been pregnant before, but she knew this wasn’t natural! Horror both ancient and unfamiliar flooded her. Was she going to die? Would she be forced to leave her loved ones behind after she’d finally found the people she wished to be married to? “No! I won’t let this be!” Neethsi snarled and transformed, letting her odd new beast form take place. Unlike the pure serpentine form she had in the ocean, this one, the one she’d practically raped Vartine Bloodraven in, was like her normal body yet nearly twice as large, more sinuous and with a longer tail and elongated neck. The pain turned to pleasure and Neethsi hissed wordlessly as she groped her breasts and fingered her drooling cunt, at least until her swelling belly made that too hard to do, so she wrapped the caudal fins around the tip of her tail and began yiffing desperately. Someone knocked on her door, but she just roared at it and locked it with a spell as she continued to pleasure herself as her womb filled with untold eggs. Afterward, when she’d laid those eggs, she’d be cursing Akatosh to live in Molag’s anus. 📜 “I’ve done it!” Nurtal cheered as she stared at a daedra that could live through her experiments with little downsides. “I had to anchor him to Mundus by linking his Animus to something, but he has all of the benefits of the herbs of Cyrodiil and Black Marsh! Now my dear daedra, how do you feel?” “Release me mortal! Kill me and spare me this anguish!” The distorted gurgle-voice of the daedra demanded from the lips of the seemingly slightly mutated male skaven. “I think you may have gone a bit far here, Nurtal dear.” Calvius commented worriedly. “Bah, he will just have to get used to having mortal flesh-She Comes!” Nurtal shrieked with clear insanity and convulsions for a moment before she settled back down. “He’ll get used to it.” “What was that?!” Calvius demanded fearfully for his mate. “The mortal channeled a greater entity for a brief moment, one unlike my kin, neither daedra or aedra.” The transformed demon helpfully informed him. “Now kill me! Free me of this prison of flesh!” “You’d just respawn here anyway, in that body. I’ve locked your Animus here, free from the tides of Oblivion.” Nurtal continued without any indication she even realized her outburst. “Now, describe how you feel.” “Like I am eternally trapped in the greatest torment that Lord Molag could devise, I would sooner cease to exist.” The demon’s continued wish to die was starting to get a bit grating... 📜 “So, remind me why you attacked me?” Pillar's question made the Council squirm uncomfortably. “Come now, no need to be so nervous. I’m sure it was an honest mistake, while I understand your reasoning behind it, tell me; what part of me screams daedra to you, besides my height?” He referred to himself, which clearly shows nothing related to a daedra of any kind. “Your power. Your presence is like being before Azura or Boethiah, but you could not have been the former and if you were the latter, assaulting you to vainly attempt to save ourselves was the logical course of action.” One of the older mer answered and Pillar hummed. “Can’t Boethiah erase people from existence by blinking?” If so, that makes the vain attempt on his life rather pointless and suicidal either way. “No. That was merely a dramatization in the book Boethiah’s Proving. In Boethiah’s own plane? Possibly. On Mundus? Even with the Towers in pieces, no.” Another declared with certainty. “Boethiah is cruel and harsh, yes, but not to the point of wastefulness. Those fools simply did not know her and her wrath was beyond their comprehension.” “And why are you comparing me to Azura? I’m not that egocentric.” It was a rather odd drawn conclusion. “In fact, why compare me to Goddesses? I’m male.” “As if we could have known that upon first seeing you. All we saw was a towering armored entity with the presence of a Daedric Prince or Living God and acted in accordance with our historical manner of dealing with extremely dangerous unknown factors.” “Both. In your world, I’m considered a hybrid of both Daedra and Aedra. Back home, we are simply known as Nephilim; a race made of Angel and Demon essence.” Pillar explained to them and they murmured amongst each other with intrigue. “You’re not very surprised.” “Pardon, but it’s often speculated that despite the enmity between Aedra and Daedra, that there are a few who are not enemies. It is speculated widely that Dibella and Sanguine are bedfellows for instance.” One of the Councilors mentioned. “Now, let us get back to business translating your people’s parliamentary government into a way to streamline our own democratic system.” Ah, yes, the process of modernizing these old fossils was a lot of work indeed, but it was fun to make them look and feel like fools. Especially when it comes to rules, which they will soon learn how different their two societies work. 📜 Seeing how Riften received the caravan normally was a treat. We’d beat the caravan back to Riften by an hour or so after permanently changing Shade’s stars to the Atronach. So we got to watch the carts pull into the city, over a bridge next to the Bee and Barb and circle around the market square as the sun neared the horizon. Shade and I were waiting at the door to the tavern and watched the tide of people of varied species, but mostly khajiit, disperse into the city or start setting up their stalls so the carriages had room for their bedrolls. Many came to the tavern, but it was Dar-Ja I had my eyes on. The moment he saw us waiting for him he hurried closer and we joined him inside. “How did you make it back before us?” Dar-Ja asked in amazement as we neared the bar. “Hello mother.” Dar-Ja greeted Keerava and she gladly leaned over the counter to nuzzle her son. “My son, it is wonderful to see you well. I don’t see a ring on your finger however.” Keerava pointed out in disappointment and Dar-Ja sighed as he deflated a bit. “The woman I had my eyes on decided she wanted someone less overtaken by wanderlust. I fear I may need to leave Skyrim if I wish to find someone, mother. Most of the locals here don’t give me any attention and the ones that do are bored of the ‘novelty’ I presented.” Dar-Ja told his mother sadly and I patted his shoulder while his mother hissed furiously. “Those whores don’t know what they’re missing! If you feel like you cannot find someone for you here son, I won’t keep you. Your father and I are considering selling the Bee and Barb and moving back to Morrowind. We’re getting old, son. Skyrim is too cold and the people are colder.” “I think I’ll go with you then. My contract with the caravan is up and this was my last stop.” Dar-Ja looked at us and the rings on our fingers. “I see you two have found your mates. I hope I have the same luck.” “Well, if you have a bit of wanderlust and want to find someone for you, why not go further south than Morrowind? We’re from Lilmoth. It’s a lovely city full of so many kinds of people.” Shade suggested and I felt my wing-girl senses tingling again! “You know, I have a couple of friends down there who aren’t seeing anybody last I knew. I might be able to introduce you if you don’t mind ponies.” Dar-Ja is sweet, I think he’d fit in. > Ch.64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.64 [Fredas, 18th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Rarity woke up and patted the empty bed next to her forlornly. She missed them so much, it’s only been a couple of days, but already sleeping without at least one of her betrothed has been difficult and the wake-up has been unpleasantly lonely. Rarity got out of bed and practically dragged her hooves to her vanity to prepare for-. “Rarity!” Meen-Rei burst into the room and Rarity squealed as she fumbled with her blush applicator. “Is it alright if a friend of mine uses the guest room? He’ll pay rent!” “A-ah, s-sure darling, but-mm~!” Rarity eagerly relished the kiss that Rei gifted her, but it ended far too soon. “What is-and she’s gone.” Rarity huffed indignantly. Her body was all tingly and primed to go now, but her fiance left her wet and waiting. Lovely. Rarity summoned her robe and made herself decent before looking out in the hall to see a quite cute argonian guy. “Hello, are you really Meen-Rei’s friend or is she just taking advantage of my Generosity?” Not that Rarity would mind, in fact she was entirely okay with that. She’s lent her spare room to people down on their luck before, so it wouldn’t be an issue. “I am Dar-Ja, son of Keerava and Talen-Jei of Riften. I was looking to seek greener pastures than Skyrim romantically and Rei said that she had some friends she wanted to introduce me to. Would you know of a Pinkamena Diane Pie or Applejack?” Rarity suddenly perked so hard her ears might’ve detached. “Oo~ yes I do~.” Rarity’s wing-mare senses were tingling! Ever since Tales and Tallows those two have finally let their hair down enough to consider relationships! “However, they’re both big, buff, strong earth pony mares, Diane is a baker and Applejack is an orchard farmer.” “Oh. Part of what I’m looking for is someone who wouldn’t mind my wanderlust. I found work with a caravan for years you see and I love life on the road. Would they have problems with that if I did the same here in Black Marsh?” Dar-Ja questioned and Rarity felt a bit disappointed, that means Applejack was out, but poor Pinkie has been suffocating in that bakery… “Well, perhaps Diane is the better option there. I’ll get ready for the day, but I have to run my shop. Please tour the city today, I’ll properly introduce you to Diane tomorrow and see if you two hit it off.” Rarity gestured to the spare room. “You can take that room Dar-Ja, for now my home is yours, just please respect our privacy and we’ll respect yours. If you hear-.” “Ahn~! Harder Sweets! Harder~!” Scootaloo wailed from the bedroom across the hall and Rarity blushed in embarrassment while Dar-Ja’s tail hiked up in surprise and his plumage flared. Goodness, that was adorable! “A-ah. I see people here are less strict on propriety. I don’t mind. I’ll put my things away and go about the town. It is lovely to meet you, Rarity.” Dar-Ja bowed slightly and went into his borrowed room, giving Rarity a look at his rear. She could see why Meen-Rei had a sexual encounter with him, the young man was scrumptious. Hopefully Diane will like him. 📜 “So you saw her rush out of the Wayshrine, fly through town towards Rarity’s with someone in her grasp, then flew back and through the Wayshrine to Solitude according to Rarity’s info.” Brennie summarized while subconsciously rubbing her abs through her shirt behind the desk. Felsa was sleeping, but the fact she was in there alone made every contact feel more intimate. “Yes ma’am.” The guard confirmed his report was accurate and Brennie nodded. “Very good, go back to your scheduled tasks.” Brennie dismissed the guardsman, once he was gone she let out a sigh of relief and Krimzon appeared on her right. “Did he make it through?” She asked in a whisper. “Yes. It seems Meen-Rei and Shade have not noticed Lord Hunter. He will watch over them from afar, so as to not rouse suspicion.” Krimzon confirmed with a nod. “Any news from Pillar?” Brennie questioned as she leaned back in her seat. “They are talking about official governmental housing for us, as he put it.” Krimzon answered with a shrug and Brennie rolled her eyes. “All I know is that they’re in for a big surprise.” “Of course they would be, we’re aliens with advanced technology, they’d think we’re descendants of the Dwemer. Either way, we’ll leave it to Ed to smooth it over with them.” Brennie huffed as she rubbed her flat stomach. “How are things looking back home?” “Slowly crumbling into civil unrest. We’re doing all we can to prepare for the collapse. It is disheartening to see several millennia of our work tearing itself down.” Krimzon shook his head. “I may be a hermit, but even I know the feeling of failure and loss.” “It’s such bullshit, but it would seem those fucking Reapers had a point.” How ironic for the machines to label organics as Chaotic by nature, where they see themselves as Order, only to end up falling into the same self-destructive cycle when they obtain the illogical freedom of self-awareness that sapient creatures have. “Still, it all must fall in order for us to arise once more. Whether we like it or not.” “Like the Phoenix.” Krimzon drew up and Brennie nodded in agreement. “Yes, very much like the Phoenix. We should add it to the flag, with our Slayer Mark crest upon its chest, wings spread out and lit ablaze. A Light of Defiance against the encroaching Darkness that surrounds us all, wanting to consume us whole. Yet, every time it makes a move against us, we’ll all throw our fists in its face, after flippin’ it right the fuck off.” Brennie snorted as she saw Krimzon had written it all down. “I’ll have your commission sent.” The Spirit Wanderer said before disappearing, leaving Brennie alone with her thoughts. Thoughts of the dark future they will face back home. 📜 “Goodness…” Elisif uttered as she ran her hands over the large infant-sized eggs. There were over 20 in all and she inwardly cringed in maternal sympathy for Neethsi going through the effort to bear and birth this many children. Especially in one sitting. “You’re okay?” “Yes. As Vartine is certain to have informed you, I am a unique Lycanthrope. When I transformed I was able to safely bear the burden. In fact it became...intoxicatingly pleasurable.” Neethsi informed the High Queen as she gingerly rubbed one of the eggs. They weren’t from love, but she couldn’t help the maternal attachment she felt to the unhatched massive clutch. “So they’ll all hatch?” Serana questioned Allison, who was absolutely enthralled with Neethsi’s eggs. She’d been holding one against her stomach and the underside of her bosom the moment she understood what they were and was looking both lost and awestruck by this. “I don’t know...we were all male before. We were the sons of Akatosh, no daughters. Now? I have no clue.” Allison idly replied as she continued to cradle the egg and dazedly look at the rest. “Can...can I do this? Can I...create life?” Allison questioned nobody, truly the former deity of destruction must be conflicted. “Well, I can assure you that we’ll care for you children as our own, Neethsi. As sons and daughters of High King Bloodraven, it is our duty to see to their care.” Elisif assured Neethsi and couldn’t stop running a hand over the smooth shell of the egg nearest her with earnest affection and curiosity. Unlike many Nords, Elisif had no qualms with other races. “I...you...can I visit?” Neethsi asked with her heart suddenly feeling like it was about to break. “Of course you can. I don’t begrudge anyone the right to visit their child so long as they have not abused or harmed the child in any way.” Elisif assured the new mother kindly. “So long as you do not do anything unforgivable, you are always welcome in our home.” “Thank you. Now I-yip!” Neethsi yelped when her 2-foot shorter mate Meen-Rei burst into the room and lifted her over her head to rush into the hall! 📜 I found Neethsi~! Oh thank gosh! “Neethsi~! We just had the greatest idea!” I declared as I carried her above me like she was a throwable in a Legend of Zelda game, I even somehow had her by the ass cheeks and she was curled up to be just small enough not to hit the high ceiling. “Woo~! Zelda!” “What is going on?! Put me down!” Neethsi demanded in shock and confusion as I brought her through the halls and down the stairs to the barracks where the soldiers had continued their intense training even with Shade and I gone. So many sweaty muscled bodies wrestling and fighting! So yummy! All the yum! “I told you to-yip!” I tossed her towards Shade and Neethsi instinctively used her wings to glide where she was caught bridal-style by Shade. “Nice fall Neeth! Now, we need your help for our idea to work!” Shade gushed and Neethsi struggled out of her arms to stand as I approached and she held up her hands. “Hold on! What is going on?! Why did you abduct me and bring me here to this...wow those are nicely built boys…” Neethsi commented distractedly and I patted Neethsi’s ass in full understanding. All those glistening, flexing muscles and manly shouts of exertion. Mm~. “A-anyway, what is it?” I shoved the Oghma Infinium in her face with the pages open. “Read that!” I insisted and Neethsi hesitantly took the book into her hands. “This...this is brilliant! Anchoring a Soul like how a summoner can anchor a Daedra’s Animus to something...this even fills in the gaps of my knowledge of how to fully transfer a Black Soul into animunculi and fully retain cognizance! This still locks the person in question to eternal damnation in the Soul Cairn however. It’s partly why I’ve only used animal souls for enchanting.” Neethsi grumbled and turned the page. “Oo~ how to circumvent that issue, wait, Hermais?” “*Sniffle*Yes?” Hermais asked after she appeared at the utterance of her name. “Are you okay?” I asked in instant sympathy. Hermais looked destroyed. Her eyes were so puffy and red, the areas around them bruised from repeatedly rubbing them. Her beak was wet and she looked on the verge of going right back to crying since that was clearly what she’d been doing. “I, it's many things.” Hermais sniffled again and snapped her fingers, restoring her body and the smart secretarial office suit she was wearing to perfect condition, but she was still teary-eyed. “W-what can I help you with?” “I was going to ask if you could annihilate the Ideal Masters and instead just turn the Soul Cairn into a stopover to Atherius for trapped souls.” Neethsi said and Hermai rubbed her beak. “I’d love to, hold on.” Hermais rubbed her temples as her beak clicked. “I’ve got all the permissions from Arkay, he hates them. Extra support from Meridia, she hates them. I might as well erase Mannimarco and his damn Necromancer Moon too. This is going to be so satisfying.” Hermais vanished and we could only assume she was going to do her utmost best to end those two horrid factions. “Okay, with that I have no moral quandaries of turning volunteers into Soulless Ones like The Vestige who ended the first Planemeld.” Neethsi stared at us and then her hackles rose. “Not a chance in Oblivion! I refuse! I will not turn my beloveds into empty shells! All historical documentation from The Vestige reports that existing without the soul in the body is agonizing and the brief taste of death when slain is almost a relief. I will take volunteers, but not you two!” “Then how can we go into Coldharbour with any assurance we’ll return.” I demanded and Neethsi hissed with her hands clutching the book so hard that if it wasn’t a Daedric Artefact, it would’ve certainly started tearing. “Molag’s realm has so many means to entrap souls and imprison us, that there’s no guarantee we’ll ever come back when we go in to retrieve my child, the Key Pinion of the North. Besides, we’re not mortal. Do we even have souls?” Neethsi seemed to choke and then looked at us in horror before she flipped through pages and gulped. “You...you do, but also don’t according to this. You have a mixture between a Soul and a much more fluid Animus. Meaning if you die, your soul could linger or go to Oblivion or Aetherius. If I anchor you, it wouldn’t be the same as making you Soulless.” “Then do it. It’ll help ensure we can’t fail and be finished.” Shade insisted and Neethsi shook her head, sending her silver plumage mane fluttering against her wings. “You two, you fill me with as much dread as you do joy and other wonderful things.” Neethsi looked at the barracks to find many of the men and women looking at us. “What? Go back to training! I need to do something extremely risky with the very essence of my future wives.” Neethsi levitated Shade and I and stormed off to do unspeakable things to us. Not in the fun way either. 📜 Court was not being held today. On the eve of battle, it was customary to train or spend time with loved ones when possible. So it was that Vartine Bloodraven chose to do the latter and happened upon the incredible sight of one of the many spare rooms of the Blue Palace to be filled with giant smooth eggs with Allison gently running her hands over one. “Well, this is a surprise. Are all these yours?” At his question, Allison bolted up and waved her hands. “W-what?! No! None of them are!” Allison claimed in fluster, but her wings and tail twitched. “Then why do you hover over them so?” Vartine chuckled as a huge smile grew on his face. “Sorry if dragons weren’t naturally born before! I am...in awe. This is unprecedented. We are not a limited number spawned by my father anymore. We can have our own children…” Allison went back to running a hand on an egg. “These are from you and that sea goddess.” Now it was his turn to feel flustered. How is this possible? Neethsi bore this many children in days from one copulation? Goodness, if Dibella and Mara didn’t share the concept of Fertility, she’d qualify. “Well...I’ll care for them as my own, as I should. I’ve always had an extremely fatherly disposition, which was why I adopted so many children after I became High King. If they didn’t have a place in an orphanage at the time, I took them into my home and later let them choose to go to the new orphanage if they wished. None of them did of course.” Vartine ran a hand over one of the eggs, one of his unborn children. He felt the same pride as when he rubbed Elisif’s pregnant womb, so he knew it would be as simple as sharing his home and heart. “That is...quite incredible of you.” Allison commented and he looked up only to back away when he realized she was within a foot of him. “We dragons have no experience with children. I don’t know if I’m a suitable person with all I’ve done and how I’ve lived, but…” Allison approached and nervously took his hands in her own with her wings and tail twitching. “Would you...help me learn?” Allison questioned meekly before she glared at him. “I-I’m only asking because you’ve proven yourself to me, in combat and in this new, wonderful way. Not that I think you’re equal…” “...This feels oddly forced, are you alright? Has someone altered your mind, beyond the obvious?” Vartine warily questioned with concern. He may have fought Alduin to the death, but the past couple days have quickly revealed that while she had the same memories, Allison was not the same person. “I don’t know! For all I know mother and father have genuinely reincarnated me with help from Arkay instead of altering my body. For all I know, Alduin is dead and I’m just...Allison…” Allison unhappily grumbled. “I don’t have the same bottomless hatred and hunger as before. I don’t have the same degree of pride. I have these feelings I’ve never experienced before.” “Hm, well you were beaten by mortals before and I used Dragonrend on you. Maybe all these events left a lasting effect that your old self fought off.” Vartine suggested and Allison shook her head. “That isn’t enough. Something has changed. I’ve changed. I don’t know if I like it, I’m...honestly afraid…” Allison confided and then chuckled darkly. “There, see? I’d have never admitted to anything like that before. Showing weakness to someone who, by all accounts, is my most hated enemy, yet my hate for you has been passing, almost unimportant because it’s in the past. There again. I used to hold grudges unending, but I just...forgive you…” “I’m sorry Allison. Is there anything I can do to help you adjust?” Vartine asked and Allison nervously looked away before she moved her tail between his thighs and he flushed as she ran her long limb along his groin. “Ah...are you sure? I mean, you didn’t even used to really have a gender before. Male in identity or not, your body was sexless.” “I...I need to accept my new reality. I have these urges, these feelings. I don’t know what to do or how to express things. All I know is I can trust you and whatever may come, I can accept it if it’s you. Especially since you smell so much better after you were with that sea goddess…” Allison meekly admitted, unable to look him in the eyes and Vartine gulped. “Come with me. I’ll take you somewhere private.” Vartine led her out of the room with his and Neethsi’s eggs by the hand and gently pulled her down the hall. “Thank you.” Allison softly muttered as she rubbed her stomach through her dress, one of Melwen’s actually. She grunted when her belly actually gurgled. “Ah. Hurry, I think my body is responding quite strongly to my intent.” Vartine obeyed and pulled her into one of the ‘quiet’ rooms that were muffled so no sound could enter or escape. By the time they entered, Allison was panting and her tail was wagging with her wings practically spasming. “I’ll get presentable.” Vartine joked as he shucked off his kingly robes and his dragonbone longsword. “Now, bear with me. I haven’t done this yet.” Vartine shuddered and his naked body which already had Allison salivating, rippled like it was the surface of water and where Vartine Bloodraven the man once stood, was now an absolute stud of a hulking ten foot tall red scaled dragon like her! Vartine felt so powerful! Like he could shout Solitude to atoms with his Voice! “Breed me~!” Allison begged and pounced on him, sending him stumbling back to crash onto the bed, which splintered under his immense weight as she instinctively grinded her groin to his shockingly bare groin, but it still did the job as she tore her dress off and snarled as she tried to get him hard so she could get fucked. “Alright, alight!” Vartine chuckled when his phallus slowly rose from an almost unseen slit as Allison yelped from feeling it on her’s just briefly. She wanted to breed, but that felt so alien. “Are you sure?” Vartine teased as he rubbed his growing member along her slit as she wiggled and hopped in her straddle against the male who was easily twice her size. “Y-yes! I’m still a bit afraid, but I’m not a coward! I want this in me!” Allison declared as she wrapped her hands round the pole of meat that rose up to her tits and she felt a twinge of fear. Could she take this? Would it destroy her? Another part of her wanted to find out. “Then I’ll be gentle.” Vartine promised as he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her with ease up his throbbing red shaft until his spear-like glans was at her groin. “Here we go.” He gently lowered her and her sex parted surprisingly easily. Allison spasmed and screamed in bestial pleasure and even orgasmed as the tip of his penis penetrated her pussy. He hadn’t even finished putting it in. This was going to be interesting… > Ch.65 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.65 [Loredas, 19th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “So...you’re from Riften?” Diane awkwardly questioned across the table from the cute argonian guy Rarity had set her up with on a blind date with no warning. She wasn’t all that interested in a relationship, but after seeing everyone else but AJ shacking up, Diane was starting to feel lonely and her aunt Cup Cake was being rather ruthless in asking when she’d find someone. “Sort of. I spent most of my time traveling the width and breadth of Skyrim, but I was born in northern Morrowind actually, near the Velothi Mountains. After we’d survived early childhood, mother and father took me and my two sisters back to Riften where I grew up. I was always the adventurous sort. I couldn’t stay still and got into all sorts of trouble.” Dar-Ja said and already Diane felt like this was a bad idea. “I’m afraid I’m rather boring. I was born on a rock farm southwest of here along the coast. I was raised there, grew rocks, moved here, baked pastries. I did have a wild year in my teens when I went adventuring with my friends, but otherwise I’ve always been here.” Diane resentfully muttered with a mild glare at the surroundings of Sugarcube Corner. Since Diane didn’t really like any of the other cafes in town, she figured just having the date here would suffice. The fact that her sister and aunt were not at all bothering to hide their eagle-eyed focus on the encounter made her regret this decision so much. “Ah, let’s remedy that. Come on, let’s go.” Dar-Ja took her hand and Diane blinked as the surprising move didn’t let her resist his pull to her hooves as he led her out of the bakery. “You need to get out. Is there anything interesting outside of town?” “Um...no...yes? I mean, I’ve seen it all before, so it isn’t to me, but…” Diane was flat-hooved. He was going to take her someplace? Just like that? Take her away from the oppressive atmosphere that she hated and kept her Laughter down? “I heard there is a lovely view of a flower field just north between here and a small town on a ridge, I would like to see it. Will you join me?” Dar-Ja asked and Diane felt something in her chest she didn’t recognize, but her mane and tail started curling up and she smiled a bit. “Yeah...that’d be nice.” 📜 “So Allison, now that you have your head out from between your thighs, are you willing to share your offspring with me as a parent?” Elisif questioned her husband’s latest conquest, who was absolutely radiant compared to the sullen and sour reptilian woman that Vartine brought home. “For certain. I will need the help. My kind didn’t reproduce before. I know nothing about having children, just that it will be drastically different from my former life and that by all accounts it is worth it.” Allison patted her fit stomach and looked serene, as if already full of maternal pride. “Ellie is a mom over a dozen times over even if only two or three are actually her brats. She’s maybe one of the best people to get help in that area.” Serana commented from where she was reading a book. She’d spent the past two decades since Alduin’s defeat and her father’s summary execution for being an asshole catching up on the world’s history. As an immortal, Serana had the leisure of spending her time however she wanted without it creeping up on her. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Serana. You’d know the joys of motherhood too if you’d let yourself be freed from Molag’s grasp.” Elisif snipped and Serana rolled her eyes at the old argument. “Besides, now you can trade in eternal damnation as a torture doll to Molag Bal for all the benefits of Lycanthropy with few of the drawbacks.” Elisif announced and Serana winced. “Is this about that contagious ability the Sea Goddess gave Vartine when they copulated?” Allison asked with absolute excitement. “He is a god in the sack because of it! He’s twice my size!” Allison gushed and Elisif flushed hotly while Serana snorted with a smirk. “I’ll think about it, so long as I don’t have to wander into the cold wilderness or something.” Serana said before Melwen entered the room and dizzily staggered over to a chair. “Are you alright, Mel?” “I will be fine. I simply experienced a non-linear aftershock of my people’s goddess briefly visiting the realm.” Melwen waved off as she closed her eyes and the others warily stared. 📜 “So, this is where it begins.” Berserker, for she was in her full suit of armor and on duty, commented as she led her contingent of the troops defending the docks, perhaps one of the most important docks in Northern Tamriel. The Solitude Docks was one of the only three stops along the Sea of Ghosts, it was also the capital city’s docks, so that was two votes to its importance. “Why are we stuck on defense though?” “From what I understand, the local troops Meen-Rei and Shade have given intense training the past couple of days? They have dibs on charging into the holes. While I envy the certainty of battle they have, I do not envy their battlefield. Those caves and catacombs are a labyrinth filling the whole of the mountain Solitude sits upon.” Birnil, as the native, was her second on this campaign. He, like any hot-blooded Nord, wanted to fight, but he was smart about it. He wasn’t called Maul-Hand because he wielded a maul, he was called that because he went for his enemy’s hands or feet first. “Yeah, fair enough. We don’t know shit about those cave systems and we’d be lost in there for days.” Brennie sighed at the obvious disadvantage they would’ve faced if it was them instead. “Which is why we’re giving the locals priority on the attack. If any of us have to go in, they’re leaving glowing chalk markers on the right paths in.” Golnis said and Birnil confirmed with a nod. “Couldn’t the enemy just cover it up or something?” Brennie questioned and the others shook their heads. “We use that chalk in dungeoneering training. It gets everywhere and the glow doesn’t weaken with being wiped up, it spreads. Covering it up is about as futile as trying to move the sky.” Miun-La then paused. “Well, if you’re not a deity who manages the sky. Anyway, that chalk is nearly permanent, it needs to be snuffed with the right spell. It’s popular as a rather gaudy form of body paint.” “Beg pardon? That chalk makes wonderful body paint!” Birnil huffed angrily and Brennie held up her hands to stymie any cultural divides. She at least knew that the Nords ritualistically practiced body painting both as a social and war culture activity. Argonians did too, but more traditional reasons rather than the cultural pride involved. “Don’t you two fucking start or I’ll end you both.” Brennie snarled and knocked harshly on the table they were using for the documents about this deployment. They’d set up this command post right at the point where they could oversee the whole docks and the road leading up towards the city and out past the warehouse. “Listen to the woman who could challenge Boethiah lads, unless you wish to face her wrath.” Golnis reinforced and when they backed down Golnis pointed towards the warehouse. “Besides, we don’t have the leisure to bicker.” A pegasus was flying towards the docks from under the arch Solitude was on and swooped down towards them in a hurry. “And it begins.” 📜 “Wake up. Please wake up.” The familiar voice of Neethsi implored with a shake of my shoulder and I groaned as I fought against the wool muffling my thoughts and senses. It was like everything took effort and even breathing was hard. Eventually the horrible fogginess faded enough for me to open my eyes and look up at the exhausted and drained Neethsi. “Thank Mara, Arkay and anyone else in Aetherius who cares. The attack has already begun.” “Arglebargle?” I wasn’t joking, that was actually what came out of my mouth. “Nah? Ow oo ha?” I flopped my arms about and my legs spasmed before sudden control returned and I bolted upright. “Ugh, this really sucks. If this is less intense than what The Vestige faced, I can’t imagine the hell they went through on their quest.” “The difficulty and other side-effects will fade. The accounts of The Vestige state that by the end, before they reclaimed their soul from Coldharbour, they felt almost as if it had never left.” Neethsi assured me, but I noticed the lack of a gender pronoun. “Who were they?” I asked curiously as I got out of bed and Shade gurgled when she started going through the difficult task of waking up like I did. “Considering all of the dimensional, temporal and magical bullshit going on during the Interregnum, there is no definitive evidence who The Vestige was or is. Conflicting accounts claim they were male, female or any race from Imperial to Argonian or Altmer. Considering the nature of things, they could have been all of them at some point somehow.” Neethsi shrugged as I put on my armor. “You’re still using those old duds?” “Yeah? I improved them. There’s nothing wrong-.” I tightened my jerkin, only for it to close completely and almost make me look flat-chested. I felt warm, having forgotten that my smallest bust size had shrunk considerably since these were originally bought for a C-D with room to grow, but now I’m a B-cup unless I’m having fun. “That’s better, actually.” “It was still unintentional.” Shade slurred as she sat up and Neethsi helped her to her feet. “This sucks, not having my soul in my body makes it feel like there’s a lag in response between me and my body.” “It will pass.” Neethsi insisted as she began helping Shade suit-up. This also pointed out to me that Neethsi wasn’t gearing up. “Are you not joining us?” I asked Neethsi in a mixture of worry and confusion. “No. Due to the porous nature of the mountain’s caves, I’ve been requested to join Berserker’s forces at the docks due to my nature as the Goddess of the Sea and Sky. They’ve also requested that I patrol the coast along the north to ensure no daedra flee into the wilderness.” Neethsi informed us and we nodded. She didn’t need armor if she was going to be in her big fuck-off serpent form. “Well, before we leave, what did you bind our souls to?” I questioned and Neethsi retrieved two Black Soul Dynamos from her satchel and Shade joined me in gawking at them. “B-but that means our souls are trapped in Soul Gems! The Ideal Masters-!” “Are gone.” Neethsi vindictively purred as the two magic conduits for magicka hovered in the air. “Your souls are safe from the Ideal Masters because Hermais, with help from Arkay and Meridia, annihilated them and cast them into the Void. Sithis may not be what he portrays himself as, but his Void is real. They’re gone. Nothing can return permanently from there.” “Oh, cool. So, this seems pretty permanent.” Shade uneasily said as she poked the spinning floating dynamo with her soul inside. “It is, unless you pull your souls back inside of you. They’ll forever be housed here. Should your bodies perish, I believe you’ll respawn near these or from them considering your true natures. They’ll be with me forever, just like you.” Neethsi assured us and I felt pleasantly warm. “Now head for the entrance to the Hall of the Dead. You want to save your child, don’t you?” 📜 “They’re what now?”  “Pariahs or Blanks if you will. Their souls are bound within Soul Gems, much like the Aeldari to save themselves from being devoured by Slaanesh upon their death. You know, if I didn’t know any better, I think Bethesda found inspiration from Warhammer 40K. There are some similarities here and there.” Hunter explained the events he had witnessed from afar, even felt it. There were a couple of times he wanted to jump in and stop the process, but he held it in and let it be. This was the only way to be sure Meen-Rei could save her child. “Well, I’m not sure if I like this, but I see the reason behind it. Do you think you could still help them?” Brennie asked him as he continued to follow the duo toward the Hall of the Dead. “I’ll do my best.” Hunter replied until he had to hide himself behind some ruin debris as the girls stopped at the front of the entrance. “What do you want?” An old nord huffed at the door. “We need to get in to get down the catacombs and comb for daedra.” Meen-Rei explained as the Nord huffed before opening the door for them. “Fine, suit yourself. No skin off my back.” The man responded as the two sisters went through. Once they were through, the guard was about to close the door until a rock hit him at the back of his helmet. “Gah! Who’s there?! This isn’t funny!” He shouted with his mace at the ready, but this distracted him long enough for Hunter to get through without being noticed. From there he ghosted the artificial twins as they followed the glowing chalk markers, which were fairly genius in his mind. They had come up with something similar, but this chalk was much more versatile. Also, the whole body paint thing was an interesting side-use. A good portion of their people’s culture included tattoos thanks to Berserker’s Maori ancestry, along with Runner’s Irish Celtic ones. Hunter’s musings had to be put on hold when the sisters encountered a skirmish. The nord men and women fighting the daedra had been pushed back and were roaring defiance, but then the sisters fell upon the daedra like whirling dervishes of death. Their bodies flowed with an awe inspiring level of perfection as they leaped over the soldiers to get behind the line of daedra. Shade summoned a glowing ghostly dagger while Rei wielded a wicked long karambit made of the black metal known as Ebony. Together they slit throats, stabbed backs and even stabbed the ones who turned around in the eyes and ears. The encounter was over in under ten seconds. Hunter wouldn’t kid himself, that was hot. He wasn’t as bloodthirsty as Berserker, but he could appreciate a beautiful woman who knew how to fight. “Where are the rest of you?” Rei demanded as if she were in command, but none of the soldiers questioned her. “Further on ahead! We got pushed back, we need to rejoin them!” At the response, the sisters nodded and rushed to follow the chalk symbols. The large chamber they came upon was a madhouse. Hunter had seen many wild melees in his long life, but this was as hectic as some of the worst battles with Hell. The only reason the daedra hadn’t wiped out the humans was because they lacked the oomph Hell demons packed and these soldiers were actually good. Again Hunter silently observed, only occasionally helping a soldier to their feet or blocking a blow from a blind spot as he kept an eye on the sisters. They were even deadlier here. Not constrained by a fairly low-ceiling hallway, Shade was able to unleash elemental Destruction magic in a fashion similar to Bending from Avatar along with traditional violent magic. Meen-Rei stuck to purely martial might, but she was so brutally efficient she was comparable to her sister. The two ripped and tore through the daedra so violently that the locals soon found themselves free from combat and watching in stunned awe as the two argonian women slaughtered the last of the daedra. This was with them adjusting to being Pariahs? “The fuck are you all doing standing around slack-jawed staring?! Find some daedra and get to work!” Rei roared and the troops all hurried to obey. Hunter felt his groin stirring and he grunted. Holy shit. Meen-Rei just channeled Visilia, their oldest and dearest wife. “Are you okay, Hunter?” Juneau telepathically asked him and he felt her hands on his genitals. She was one of his wives, particularly the one who had taken to living inside of his magic storage. “You just sprang a stiffy faster than I’ve seen in a while, what’s up?” “Just admiring the art of death being performed by two lovely looking twins.” Hunter answered as he continued to shadow the two death-incarnated Argonian ladies. From there it was a pretty incredible turnaround. With Rei and Shay here, they were progressing through the tunnels of the catacombs with a laughable ease. Shade’s Mastery of Destruction allowed her to cast shredding vortexes of ice, fire and surprisingly earth to slaughter the weaklings and Rei would follow up by dancing through the survivors. The twins led the troops through the catacombs by following the path of most resistance until they came to a clearly important chamber. It was bigger than all the others by far and housed within was a massive Dark Anchor planted in the stone floor with the horizontal ring portal brushing the opposite walls of the rectangular room. Here was where he almost had to step in. The enemies here were those Juggernauts he’d read about in Berserker’s reports, but unlike Berserker he could tell what they were. “Berserker, the Juggernauts are Hollow Undead! They’re not Daedra!” While the sisters could deal with them, it was with difficulty. The Juggernauts stopped for nothing unless dismembered and only a decapitation would ensure they were stopped. However, the bodies and weapons vanished. “Argh! I should’ve known and it was so fucking obvious!” Berserker growled in frustration. “Don’t stress too much, it just means Molag has an endless supply of dumb but strong fodder to defend key points. What I’m worried about is what else from Dark Souls might be involved.” Hunter said as he fought through the pleasure that Juneau was giving him. It was their thing, he was used to it and was able to function just fine while she played with him. “Also, Rei and Shay are hot, sis. As in Visilia or Urta level in terms of being fierce sexy combat beauties. I’m surprised you haven’t somehow added them to the marriage.” “Yeah...that’s great…” Why was she depressed all of a sudden? “We haven’t really talked much, either because we are too busy with work or some other sufficient reason. I also blame Hermais, I think she may have ruined it for me, along with Eris. Possibly on purpose.” Of course. “Alright, we’ll talk about it later.” Hunter said as he watched the ensuing carnage and struggle. The struggle of the daedra. By Urta were those two an unstoppable force the moment they got momentum. Still, he worried for his sister’s wellbeing and relationship with these two. “Alright! You lot, do not destroy the portal yet! They’ll just reopen it! We’re going in to find the Key Pinion on the other side that is keeping Coldharbour close enough to deploy these things! We’re pulling a Hero of Kvatch move! Keep them from pushing back!” Rei shouted at the assembled soldiers and they roared in agreement before the sisters flew up into the portal. “Well, I better follow them.” Once he was sure the soldiers weren’t looking, Hunter leaped into the portal. The cold blues and whites were blinding and soon he stood in a barren, freezing landscape of sharp black rocks, black cloudy skies with no sun and the screams of the damned echoing on the nonexistent breeze. If he didn’t know better, he’d think this was Hell. Only it was frozen over. > Ch.66 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.66 [Loredas, 19th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “You okay, sis?” Shade asked me with a steadying hand on my shoulder, but she was just as wobbly. After we arrived in Coldharbour, the link between us and our souls must’ve been strained because I felt like I wanted to die for a moment. “I’ll be fine. We need to find my child.” I thought hard on what Thia said. Something about how the Key Pinion of Great Dark Anchors would be nearby. We were in a courtyard of sorts that was eerily devoid of enemies. I chose to believe it was because we’d depleted the garrison here on the other side because the Schemer wasn’t devious enough for a proper ambush. “Well, you’re their mom. Use that motherly instinct or something to find them.” Shade said with a mixture of amusement and seriousness that I actually took to heart. I let my feelings flow and focused on the connection I should have with my offspring. It wasn’t bullshit, Mysticism is awesome like this, it should-there! I bolted towards the feeling that led to a solid stone brick wall. I prepared my right pointer finger and readied a totally bullshit skill the Oghma Infinium taught me that proves Hermais traded all sorts of books with Jhunal. “Bakusai Tenketsu~!” I shouted, because techniques like this used verbal cues to strengthen them, before I stabbed my index finger into the stone with laughable ease. The brick wall promptly detonated as if my finger was a well-placed stick of dynamite. “W-what the fuck?! Where were you hiding that, sis?!” Shade demanded as I shrugged off the stone impacting me and strode into the chamber. In a horrific caged cradle-like bed slept an 8-year old fox boy. I grabbed the ribs of the cage and with a herculean scream of righteous fury, I ripped the whole fucking thing out of the floor! “Back through the portal! We’ll work on freeing him on the other side!” I shouted as I carried my sleeping boy’s prison out like a LoZ throwable over my head, but I had to drop him when a soul hurting roar of fury echoed through me, waking my son with wailing cries. I felt the tether between my body and soul nearly snap from that! “You dare?! I do not care if you mimic The Vestige, your soul will be mine!” Echoed the cruel voice that screamed through the very air of Coldharbour! “Huh, another like me.” Chuckled a skeleton that was suddenly standing nearby. The skeleton was weird. It seemed to have bones from every mortal race of Tamriel prior to the recent bullshit. “Hello, name is Osamodas, former Vestige and now troll of Coldharbour. Don’t worry, Molag talks a big game, but he’s all bark when it comes down to it.” “Well, we need to escape regardless, but why are you here?” Shade questioned as I picked my crying son’s prison back up a bit more gingerly to avoid stressing him further. “Because I told my friend who partly fused with my soul before they sacrificed themselves to ensure our victory: ‘hey, when I die I want to be sent here with my soul in Meridia’s hands so I could fuck over Molag’. I’ve been playing pranks and telling bad puns ever since. Now, what are you doing here?” “Rescuing my son and putting distance between Coldharbour and Mundus. Come with us if you want to be free.” I huffed and prepared to jump into the portal. “Alright then.” Osamodas promptly agreed before he jumped into the portal with us. 📜 “Brennie, remind me to punish Hermais and Eris, because Rei is basically becoming a female Ranma.” Hunter grumbled after he invisibly returned to Mundus through the portal just before the sisters and their new bony companion did in case the Key Pinion leaving the realm would collapse the portal. “As in terms of skills and the fact she’s a harem magnet.” “I’ll make a note of it. Did you leave a present for Molag?” Brennie asked him, still sounding a little down. “Yep, one tactical high explosive with the yield of a small nuke on a timer. It should be small enough not to endanger Rei’s other kids still in that monster’s realm.” Hunter replied as he watched Rei, Shay and the skeleton with the annoying name land. “Break the pinions!” Rei shouted and the men with warhammers at the ready smashed the points of the Anchor almost simultaneously. The black three-pronged anchor whipped free and pulled out of the floor in time for a giant gestalt of the bones of untold victims to appear in the portal. However, it was too late. The anchor ripped past it, tearing a chunk out and then the portal collapsed, dropping the remaining heap of bones to the floor. The cries of a child echoing in the chamber pre-empted any cheers and Rei struggled to pry open the cage holding her son. Several men and Shade promptly moved to assist while the weird skeleton managed to somehow sneak past everyone to the pile of bones. He kept an eye on him in case he was about to pull a surprise ambush or something, but it wasn’t necessary. “Shush! Shush~! Mommy’s here! Shush~...” Rei practically sobbed even though she couldn’t shed tears as she hugged her crying boy to her armored bosom and he wept into her chest while confused and touched people looked on. “Mama’s so sorry. She’s so sorry she lost you.” “Sis, he was in your womb and you were defenseless.” Shade berated her sister and helped comfort her distraught nephew as well as her crumbling sister, who everyone else was shocked to see keening and wailing in a painfully heartbreaking way. So that is how Argonians cry. “Sis, do you hold yourself responsible for not protecting her?” Hunter asked when he heard Shade’s statement. “...Yes.” Brennie’s mental voice cracked a little, memories of her past flooding into his mind as he saw the final moments of a doomed world fading away. Failing to protect Meen-Rei, failing to protect Shade and temporarily dying at the hands of the one who committed it all. 📜 Seeing Meen-Rei so empty and destroyed was heartbreaking. She had her son, but at what cost? The woman refused to leave her son, who she named Daniel, who was now in a restful sleep, likely the first one of his tragically accelerated and still young life. Of interest to many was the fact the green-furred fox boy had angelic wings, too cute and tiny to be useful right now, but would certainly grow as he did. Neethsi lamented that she couldn’t do more. She’d used her Mastery of Mysticism to delve into the boy’s mind and discovered an unnatural maturity to him combined with a natural childishness. He even spoke to her, insisting she tell his mom that he just needed to rest. This didn’t help. Rei was so broken at all of the tragedy catching up to her at last that she was sightlessly staring at her son’s sleeping face. “You will do no more good sitting here than she is.” The voice of High King Bloodraven or Vartine, because when you have children with someone you don’t dislike they get first-name privileges even if they’re a king, said as he put a hand to the small of her back. The intimate contact didn’t repulse her, in fact she took comfort. “Come, let her wallow. We all must cry in our own way at some point.” “I-but-okay.” Neethsi hesitantly caved. Rei wasn’t responding to her and was nearly catatonic. She’d be sleeping staring at her son like a hawk, but she’d be sleeping. Shade had already left her be. Clearly Rei’s twin knew the right thing to do, so she allowed Vartine to guide her from the private room he’d given for Rei’s son to recover once several healers both scholarly and religious had gone over him with a fine-toothed comb. “Let us go to our eggs, dear. I think you could use some maternal comfort. The gods know that whenever my Elisif was beside herself with sorrow, our children always helped.” Vartine said moments before they entered a private room now dedicated to her eggs. He put her in the bed and brought one of them to her. Neethsi whimpered and gently cradled the egg to her abdomen, beneath her breasts. It helped. “Rest, come out when you are ready.” “Thank you.” Neethsi whispered and stroked the shell of one of her first children. Had she allowed herself to get closer to Vartine back during his adventures...she realized she would’ve probably turned him away from Elisif. However, this what-if couldn’t upset her. She had found love and he had found it too. She could take comfort in her old friend supporting her like this. 📜 “Is she asleep?” Brennie asked sullenly as Hunter lowered the limp form of Meen-Rei into the bed next to their nephew. Palutena may have been an adopted sister, but the ties that bind with a True deity like her are deeper than any blood. Young Daniel was an angel, not to mention his luminous green fur matched Palu’s hair, so there was no denying his parentage. “Yes. Funny though, if I remember correctly, isn't your younger brother’s name also Daniel?” Hunter asked her and she gave a chuckle. “Yes and his favorite animal was a fox. Ironically enough.” It was strange for her to remember one of her actual family member’s names, even their favorite things. “I miss him.” “You should get some shut-eye. You’re starting to look like hammered shit.” Hunter pointed out as the stress of today started to wear her face down. “Look, whenever you get the chance, talk to her about it. For now, you need rest.” She was about to protest, but she grunted when Felsa gave a vigorous punch to her uterus. “Fine, fine. I’m clearly outnumbered. It'll just be really hard to talk about. Not to mention we cannot bring Palu into this. She’d rip this world a new one and destroy the delicate balance on the turtle’s back.” Brennie stressed and her siblings all nodded in agreement. 📜 [Sundas, 20th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] Rarity got next to no sleep last night despite how wonderful her day had otherwise been. She ghosted Pinkie on her date and watched as her embittered yet still funny and fun-loving friend bubbled out of her shell from Dar-Ja charming her with his roguish demeanor and adventurous nature. Were he not inclined to merchantry, Rarity might’ve assumed he was a thief or other rapscallion. It was during then that Rarity was struck with a sensation of woe. Her parents, rest their souls, warned her that when she found someone she loved Romantically rather than Platonically or Familially, that should they suffer greatly, she too would suffer. She was found in a nearly catatonic state by some guards, having stumbled to a building and collapsed against the wall. Her friends, Pinkie included, which filled Rarity with guilt for interrupting her date, gathered at the LUM clinic where she explained that one of her future wives was in pain, terrible pain. Rarity was only avoiding sobbing uncontrollably because Mellow dosed her with a powerful antidepressant. She wasn’t even able to leave the clinic and slept overnight. Even with sleep potions, at best, she only got maybe two or three hours of uninterrupted sleep. The rest were plagued with nightmares so vivid and cruel she considered that Vaermina may have decided to play with her. Each portrayed Meen-Rei gutted and crying over the corpses or crushed eggs of her children with her demanding why Rarity gave her them if only to suffer. Thus, it was to a dark-eyed and exhausted Rarity Belle that her precious sister Sweetie entered the clinic to see. “Oh, Rarity.” Sweetie muttered sadly and sat next to the bed. When she offered her hand, Rarity couldn’t clutch it quickly enough to be assured that she wasn’t alone, that she had someone she loved in her grasp. “Mom and dad always warned us it was overwhelming.” “They didn’t warn us enough.” Rarity tiredly rasped through a hoarse voice. Had she been screaming herself raw through the night? She couldn’t remember. “I need them. I need to know Meen-Rei is alright at least physically if not mentally or emotionally.” “I know sis. I still remember when Scoots broke her leg and I thought my leg suddenly snapped.” Sweetie shuddered with her eyes closed and Rarity patted her hand comfortingly. She’d commiserated before because as her sister it was her duty, but now, having experienced her love’s nearly suicidal sorrow? She could much better appreciate this gift or rather curse the Belle Family possesses. “Don’t forget, that mom died because she felt when dad…” Rarity sniffled and the sisters sat in quiet grief for a long moment before taking a shuddering breath. “Till Death Do Us Part.” The sisters intoned darkly, for that was the ultimate result of their curse. 📜 I woke up to an unfamiliar sensation, of something small, fluffy and warm snuggled against me. I reached up and instinctively petted it, assuming one of the palace pet dogs had gotten into my room. “Mm~! Mama~. You’re hand is so warm~.” A boy’s voice mumbled into my still-armored chest and I paused before snapping my eyes open and looking at the green and cream furred fox boy with radiant green eyes and angelic white wings on his back. “...Son?” I asked hopefully and the boy nodded as he hugged me and I choked on a sob as I hugged him back, trying not to crush him. “My boy. My baby boy.” “I’m afraid I didn’t get to be a baby, mama. Fama Palu would be so upset by this, she’d go right up to Molag and rip his Balls off!” Daniel declared with the certainty a only child could have and I giggled at the visual of Palu indeed storming Coldharbour, probably teaming up with Meridia since they’re both deities of Light, then totally curb-stomping that BDSM jackass. “Well, even so, I’m glad to be able to meet you.” I sat up and my son politely scooted back to sit in a seiza position with his tiny wings fluttering and his bushy fox tail wagging happily. “What did they do to you to make you so...well, older and so mature for your age?” “I think you mean polite, mama. Maturity and politeness don’t go hand-in-hand.” Daniel pointed out and I nodded, that was true. “Well, I don’t know how. I was asleep the whole time. I can only figure the why of it is so I could survive being the Key Pinion, but they couldn’t age me too much or I’d be too strong and break free. As for why I am the way I am; dunno. We’d have to ask fama Palu if she has any clue. I just am who I am.” “That you are. You’re a wise little kit.” I chuckled with a mixture of amusement, pride and sorrow. I didn’t get to raise him, just like I didn’t get to raise Shade. Will I never be able to raise my children? My other kits from Palutena are certainly like Daniel, so I won’t get that chance with them either. “Well, let’s get you dressed and I can take you home. I just know your future step-mom is going to adore you.” “You married someone other than fama?” Daniel asked sadly and I winced. “No, no! I get it. Fama and you were essentially a one-time event of intense passion and desire. Yes, they’re different things. So, you love this woman?” Daniel asked and I nodded before I raised a finger. “Not just her. Your...well, she would have been your sibling, but outside forces have turned her into my sibling in everything, hopefully besides blood, then there’s-.” I didn’t even get to speak the devil’s name before she appeared and Neethsi promptly entered the room. “There she is-.” “Goddess Nerevarine! Wow mom, you have great taste!” Daniel praised me happily with excitement as he jumped out of bed. “Hi! I’m Danny, I’m mom’s son. Not the eldest though, mom has to find her, but anyway. I’m gonna be your son when you marry mama, is that okay?” I felt a mixture of mortified and greatly amused at Daniel not even giving Neethsi a word in. “Why wouldn’t I, Little One?” Neethsi cooed and bent down to pick him up, hugging my son to her bosom and nuzzling his snout as his tail wagged miles a minute. “I wish to have many children with my wives, I hope you are looking forward to siblings.” “Yes! I want many siblings! Mostly so I’m not the youngest-aw dang! I just admitted I’m the youngest!” Daniel pouted and I shared a hiss-snicker with Neethsi. “So, Neethsi. Are you finally done training those shipwrights?” I asked as I got out of bed, willfully ignoring all of the gristle and other nasty things that had gotten on me in the fighting. Ew~. Now I can’t ignore it. I must reek! Daniel slept with me while I’m so gross! “Yes. They’ve got the book I wrote on the matter, they have intellectuals, I told them they can take care of themselves from now on. I’m done with babysitting them.” Neethsi huffed and moved Daniel to sitting on her shoulder...where are his privates?! Why does my boy not have privates~?! Did something go horribly wrong?! Was he made genderless by those bastards?! “Mama! Calm down! I’m a boy! I just have the ability to make my stuff not exist when I don’t need it.” Daniel somehow read my mind! Is he a telepath?! “Yes mom and you’re screaming!” Sorry! “Just stop screaming your brain at me please!” Sorry~... “Look, mama; fama Palu may prefer to have her organs all the time, but I’m an angel. Angels don’t have a need for earthly mortal necessities such as making babies or going potty. Or even eating, actually.” “Oh, such a strange little angel.” Hermais said when she appeared. The chaos noodle looked a little better than the last I saw of her. “In mama Wiatr’s world...old world, angels were essentially just the inhabitants of Heaven and servants of Jehovah. They had all the same needs as mortals, just far less urgently.” “Well, fama didn’t have anything like that established if my powers are right. I’m one of the first actual angels born from her at all I think, so maybe we’re just like fama Palu?” Daniel half-asked and Hermais shrugged. “Despite that Palutena is really close to my step-dads as an adopted sister, we’ve rarely had dealings with her, so I don’t actually know. Nothing we’ve done before involved her.” Hermais admitted before looking at me. “Rei, you need to go home. Rarity’s family curse is making her suffer because you suffered.” “What?!” Shade, who burst in at this moment, Neethsi and I, all shouted in dread and rushed from the room High King Bloodraven had been so kind to lend us for my son’s recovery. “So Rarity is my future mom and her family is cursed?” Daniel questioned from where he clung to Neethsi with his arms wrapped around her neck, flapping behind her like the world’s most adorable cape with how fast we were running through the halls of the Blue Palace. “Yes, she is!” I told him when we exited the palace and ran for the wayshrine, which was strategically placed in the courtyard of Castle Dour in the center of the city. “Maybe I can do something? Angels are good at dealing with dark magics.” Daniel suggested and we slowed at the closed gate of Castle Dour, forced to deal with our fucking passports. “Sure thing little fella. I’m your other future mom Shade, by the way.” Shade quickly introduced, but then the guards gestured for Danny’s ID. He needs a passport?! Seriously?! “Excuse me?” We heard from behind us as a giant of a man came forward. “What seems to be the hold up?” > Ch.67 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.67 [Sundas, 20th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] It was rather awkward meeting an Atmoran for the first time. It was doubly awkward because while he was the size of a Giant, he carried himself with the same human manner as any normal Nord, just 12 feet tall. Hesgemth was his name and he’d come to Tamriel because of all of the fluctuations of magic irritating the Clever Men of Atmora, who were both frustrated and curious with what was going on. This awkwardness extended due to him having to crawl on hands and knees to get through the Wayshrine and then the short distance of the main lobby of the university building to stand up outside. “Ah. This is indeed a wondrous thing. The Clever Men will have much to learn from all of the things I have experienced so far, even if they never bother to come themselves.” “Just don’t get in trouble, unlike in Skyrim where the immigrants of your people settled, violence and other things are much less tolerated here.” I warned the Atmoran, who was eager to see the lands beyond Skyrim and wished to see the southern shore, to see the sea opposite the one he can usually see. “Indeed? The Nords are already rather restrictive about it, but I suppose smallfolk of all kinds must seek other, less physical matters to settle things. I’ll endeavor not to physically harm anyone or anything.” Hesgemth said seriously before he turned to look at Harmony while stroking his long almost dwarvish beard. Tolkien or other dwarves, not the local ones of course. “Come on, let’s go find Rarity. She must be in the clinic. There’s no chance Twilight would have left her in the hands of the Temple when her own healers are more capable.” Shade pulled me back inside and we hurried through the halls to find this was indeed the case. Rarity was sleeping on one of the beds with dark almost bruised rings around her eyes We all knelt at her bedside and each gently put our hands on part of her arm. This did something and Rarity gasped awake, the drained visage faded somewhat and she smiled softly at us. “Oh, Meen-Rei. I wish I could’ve been there to help you.” Rarity whispered as she reached up and traced my jaw. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t.” “I’m sorry that I didn’t take your condition into account. I wish you told us about it.” I replied and Neethsi passed her glowing hands over Rarity, rapidly restoring her to the beautiful and vibrant visage the unicorn usually was. “I knew, but there is nothing I can possibly do about it. However, maybe Rei’s son can.” At this, Daniel pulled himself up Neethsi’s back, using her wings as footholds so he could rise above her and wave down at Rarity. “Hi! I’m Daniel, mama Rei’s son. I’m an angel and angels smite bad stuff. Is it okay if I smite your curse?” Daniel asked in that adorable blend of mature and childish that had already claimed my heart with his charm. My boy is just precious. “Of course, dear.” Rarity replied in that condescending indulgent way adults who don’t believe a thing a child is saying do. Daniel didn’t pick up on it and jumped down to the bed with surprising grace and lightness before he approached Rarity and cupped his hands around her temples. “Hm, it’s not a curse, it’s your family’s natural ability, but it’s way too strong and self-destructive. I can’t get rid of it, but here.” Daniel smooched Rarity on the nose and she shined with white light for a brief moment. “There! It won’t hurt you, but you’ll still know stuff is going on.” “If you say so, dear, I appreciate you trying if it doesn’t work.” Rarity kindly indulged him and then squealed as she hugged him to her bosom. “He’s so adorable~!” “I hope so! I’m all fluffy!” Daniel giggled and my heart melted while my face hurt from smiling. 📜 “Mm~! Twi-mm~.” Brennie hummed into Twilight’s mouth as she assaulted Brennie the instant she returned to her office. Twilight pounced, wrapping her legs around Brennie’s waist and she was desperately making out with her. She managed to carry the amorous alicorn to the desk, where she set Twilight’s ass on it and gently pulled away from the embrace. “Holy shit, Twi.” “Sorry. I know you’re a veteran and everything, but unlike before this was a proper counter strike against Molag and when I saw you I just-mm~.” Twilight rambled before Brennie shut her up with a kiss. It was understandable. Twilight was clearly beyond relieved at her return, not to mention she was well beyond hyper pregnant with all the hormones that involved. “Twi, calm the fuck down.” Brennie told her off after she stepped back once she’d unwrapped Twilight’s legs from around her waist. “Anyway, have you received news from the Pact? I want to know what is happening between them and Pillar.” “W-well, no news as of yet, you could say they’re olds.” Twilight joked and Brennie groaned. “Don’t worry, Pillar has the Council under his thumb, they’re behaving.” Twilight then leered lustfully at Brennie and she could smell the mare’s need for intercourse, but then she shook herself. “Guh, that is so hard to think through.” “You’ll get used to it. Hm, I wonder if I can get Bravia and the Skaven to help in developing the Exo-skeletal suits alongside Meen-Rei and Shade later on?” Brennie mused since the Skaven have control over Dwemer technology, more or less. With their help, maybe they can finally get the ball rolling. “Although, I’ll have to discuss it with the sisters. Right now I just want to relax and get my shit together.” “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked with worry, seeing Brennie looking down was never a good sign. “Well, she saved one of her children. The problem is that it brought up some bad memories, reminding me that I failed to protect her, her unborn children and Shade. Not to mention we haven’t interacted that much. The last time we did in her former life, I’d gotten drunk off her good liquor and we were cuddling.” Brennie informed her and Twilight looked sympathetic. “You don’t know if you two could’ve been more than friends. I get it. Remember that I ruined that chance with Rarity.” Twilight rubbed Brennie’s arms comfortingly when she stood up. “Yeah. I’m afraid, Twilight.” Brennie took a shaky breath as bloody tears started streaming down her face, much to the Alicorn’s shock. “Does she even care anymore? I-I don’t know what to do. I…” She silently cried, with Twilight supporting her through it. 📜 “Are you certain, Saint Tsrrashi?” One of the Council of Twelve questioned and Tsrrashi, now adjusted to her ooey-gooey slime body, was sitting on her throne in the Brass Tower with her mate Bravia on her right. Bravia told her aside from her mohawk-like mane and stripes, she was a dead ringer for their goddess. This only elevated her already great position higher. “Yes. Wiatr gave Tsrrashi the order to scour the invaders from the underground, to help a dear friend of her mates as well as because it involves their sister’s offspring. We must find the anchors in the dark of the world.” Tsrrashi stated as she rubbed her pregnant swell, downsized due to the purple pearl in her navel, a gift from Wiatr along with the two golden nipple studs. She was surprised she hadn’t given birth yet, considering her room-filling size, but she sensed they would come when they were ready. “So basically it’s a direct order from Wiatr. Not following through with it is pretty much blasphemy.” Bravia reinforced in simpler words that Tsrrashi had noticed were good for getting results, yet didn’t sound right when she tried to be so blunt. “It will be done. Our warriors have already rounded up the Unchanged and freed the Chaurus from their tonal indoctrination. With us having found the Forgotten Vale and Gelebor, the last free Snow Elf, along with the High King’s support, we’ll be able to uplift our deformed kin using Gelebor as a template for how our ancestors used to be.” “Which means those warriors are now free to scour the tunnels and then begin questing southward through all the caves and other dark places.” Tsrrashi declared and got unanimous nods. “Then it shall be d-well Hello~.” Tsrrashi felt a mixture of horror and absolute religious fervor! Her Goddess was using her body~! “My little Skaven, it is good to see you thriving.” “Goddess Wiatr! She has come! Skree~!” The council erupted in rapturous joy like how inwardly Tsrrashi was squeaking happily~! “Dang it, Wiatr, why did you drop in?” Bravia huffed in annoyance and Tsrrashi begged and pleaded with her mind for forgiveness, that her goddess wouldn’t smite her mate. “I’m afraid that I’ve chosen to abandon the people of my home realm since they have abandoned me. So, I’m going to be a bit more involved with my followers who are still loyal.” Wiatr replied and Tsrrashi felt absolute fury and despair. Why?! Why would her goddess be abandoned when she loves her followers so much?! “Wait, what?! What about Brennie and the others?!” Bravia asked in a panic. “Berserker has chosen...not to even visit us in our new home in Paradise.” Wiatr sniffled and Tsrrashi wished she could hug herself, but she was firmly in the back seat. “The others plan to stick by her, but they haven’t declared to never visit us in Paradise. We might visit her, but not the other way around.” “Then I better drop by her place and see how she is doing. Tell me, was it her that decided you should resign and go into hiding?” Bravia questioned as he paced back and forth. “No, but she decided that it was the best course of action with the facts laid out for her.” Wiatr replied before holding up one of Tsrrashi’s hands. “Enough. We are not here to vent our despair. Our children, adopted though you may be. Please, We beg of you, do not give in to your cruelty, your bloodlust, your urge to commit to a Vermintide. If you must, please, use it constructively. Be like my original Skaven, who even through it all, have stayed loyal to me.” “We shall! Skree!” The whole council shouted without hesitation and Tsrrashi suddenly felt herself return to control and slumped into a puddle. Tsrrashi needs a nap...zzz… 📜 “Ee~, I have orders! We have foes! The Saint knows what I’ve been doing and asked for help!” Nurtal cheered as she hammered shut the latest cask of brewed concoction. “I’m making potions to make our soldiers better and maybe some to kill the forces of daedra with neurotoxin. Love, help me get these on the train back to the capital!” “We have automatons for that.” Calvius replied as he gestured for a few spiders to get the casks rolling. “I’m fully aware of the orders, Nurtal, that said we’re essentially doing business as usual other than providing alchemic support. How are you doing, Oeblocus?” “Each breath is agony, existence is torment.” The transformed and bound daedra replied in his usual angry reverberating throaty voice even as he helped Nurtal with the barrels. “You’ll know the joys of being mortal-ish once I finish refining your nervous system.” Nurtal assured her sort-of slave, who was free to do as he wished aside from harm them or other non-aggressors. Oeblocus wasn’t a slave though, he instantly chose servitude because as sad as it would seem; the daedra function in a feudal hierarchy and he defaulted to being a serf. “What is this?!” An argonian barked when he barged in with one of the sphere guardians rolling past with pieces missing. He was wearing scrap metal from other automata and some old dwarven armor. “You! You’re clearly sapient, what is all of this?!” “Ah! A visitor! I’m shocked you’re not a Dark Elf, considering the entrance to this place is high on the cliff before the drop-off down to Black Marsh. Why did you assault the automatons? They were reprogrammed not to attack unless provoked.” Calvius casually questioned the intruder while Nurtal and Oeblocus continued barreling her nefarious concoctions. “You mean I didn’t have to fight the whole way here?” The invading argonian asked sheepishly and Calvius groaned. “No~! Now I’ll have to rebuild all of them! I hope you’re willing to help me at least gather up the parts you hooligan!” Calvius squeaked angrily and Nurtal’s tail whipped above her thicc booty in amusement. Her mate was so cute when he was upset. 📜 “Are you sure you’re okay, Rarity?” Pinkie asked her friend with open concern on her face instead of her usual scowl as she served us our food in the corner booth, away from other patrons who were gawking at Neethsi. Because, y’know, a living goddess who forgot to wear something more covering than her seashell bikini because she defaults to it. “I’m more than fine, dear. Aside from my interruption, how did your date with Dar-Ja go yesterday?” Rarity eagerly probed and I shared a pleased grin with Shade. “Oh, we fucked last night.” Pinkie said casually and Daniel squeaked with his hands over his ears and a blush. My boy may be more knowledgeable than his physical appearance, but he still thinks that lewd things are gross. “He’s average down there, but boy does he know how to use it!” PInkie sighed with a satisfied smirk. “I’m going to see him more, I want to see where we go.” “You know, if you want him to be bigger~...” Neethsi playfully leered at me and I felt my face warm up. Thank Dibella my red scales hide my blushes! “He’ll need a piercing from Hermais or one of her sisters-.” “Done.” Hermais was suddenly sitting next to us with her own food in front of her. She wasn’t in her secretary outfit though, instead she was wearing a casual T-shirt with a stretched-out band image over her bust. “Because we’ve left our old nation to rot and fester like they want to, we have taken most of our stock of special equipment with us to Paradise. I could deck out everyone on this planet and still have trillions more to hand out.” “So get Dar to kiss Rei or Shay, got it.” Pinkie smiled naughtily and her straight mane and tail curled up a good bit. “Not that I’ll have to try hard. He’s a total rogue who has likely left so many broken hearts behind him it shouldn’t be funny, but they did the same to him, so eh.” “Might as well. It’s not fair for him to miss out when sis and I kissed at least half the town on Tales and Tallows.” Shade chuckled and Daniel whined. “Moms~! Please stop talking about naughty stuff when we’re supposed to be eating!” Daniel complained as he pointed at our brunch plates piled high with breakfast fare. “You’ll get used to it, kid. My family is much worse.” Hermais snapped her fingers and suddenly Daniel was elevated on a couple of phone books. Why does she have phone books? “Now eat up. Even if you don’t need food, eating food is good for your mind.” “You don’t have to tell me twice. The smell alone makes me wish I felt hunger so it would be even more enticing.” Daniel then grabbed his utensils and began eating like a proper person, so the rest of us mirrored him while Pinkie went back to working with pep in her step. 📜 “Brennie~.” Twilight mewled pathetically from under the desk, groping Brennie’s thighs and looking up at her with puppy-dog eyes. “I need you~.” “And I need a fucking coffee break.” Brennie sighed as she finished the last of her work. “Okay, what is it?” She had an emotional breakdown earlier that Twilight had helped her with, but it seemed that Twilight was on her own kind of issue beyond the obvious. “I need you to tell me how you deal with it. I can’t think straight. I can’t stop thinking about sex, about how wonderful everything is, about how incredible it feels to be so full of life and having a belly pet who won’t stop keeping me on the edge.” Twilight begged and even nosed Brennie’s crotch, which was guarded by a layer of pants and panties. “That or I need you to fuck me so good it’ll get out of my system, if that’ll even work.” “Do you want me as a guy or just as I am?” Brennie asked but the Alicorn shook her head. “I don’t think you can be a guy with Felsa in your womb.” Twilight reminded her and Brennie felt embarrassed over forgetting she had someone unbirthed in her uterus. She couldn’t believe that she’d gotten so used to it that it seemed normal. “I was actually considering going in there and maybe seeing if Felsa wouldn’t mind some girly fun since she’s inside of you.” “Oh, yeah. She wouldn’t mind that one bit.” Brennie giggled as she got rid of her pants and panties, showing off her pussy to Twilight by spreading her legs into a near split. “Go on in, at least unlike her you asked and let me get undressed first.” Brennie licked her lips and Twilight smiled naughtily before she vanished her own clothes. “Oh, get her clothes out of me if my womb hasn’t dissolved them through calcification or whatever.” “Sure thing. I already let my staff know I was gone for the day when I came here, so things should be just fine with Celestia and Luna helping them.” Twilight then grabbed Brennie’s thighs and began eating her out. Brennie moaned and petted Twi’s scalp as she was quickly brought to a heady arousal. “H-hey. Are you going in or not? Not that I don’t mind cunnilingus.” Brennie panted and Twilight looked up at her mischievously before sucking on her clit. Brennie rapidly accelerated into a weak orgasm with a surprised squeak and Twilight lapped up her fem-cum. “Oh~. Twi, s-stop tormenting me…” Brennie whined, having been braced for an unbirth, not oral sex. “I’m not going in until you really cum.” Twilight insisted and dove back into her cunt. Brennie mewled and humped Twilight’s face as she licked and sucked and ate the nectar from Brennie’s flower. “Twi! Twi, Twi~!” Brennie screamed with her voice getting so high it was embarrassing to her. She slumped back against her chair, panting for breath as she came down from one of the most powerful female orgasms she’d had in a long time. Considering how good Twilight is at blowing her mind in that area, that was impressive. “Y-you’re e-evil…” “Why? Because I focused on your pleasure? Or that I’m about to climb up inside you when you’re so sensitive from such a powerful orgasm?” Twilight teased her and Brennie’s eyes widened before she yelped and groaned when Twilight began shoving her head into Brennie’s supernaturally elastic vagina, which convulsed in a weak orgasm immediately and started pulling Twilight in without Brennie’s full focus on accomplishing such. Each moment was bliss. Every pull of her muscles was sublime, every inch of Twilight that entered her was enough to make her see stars. She’d unbirthed before, of course, but somehow unbirthing Twilight this time was different, special. Then she realized why. Pandora was pregnant and inside of Twilight, Twilight was pregnant with Pandora and their babies, Brennie already had someone in her womb. She was effectively pregnant three to four times at once! Holy shit! No wonder Urta went gaga when she did that recursive pregnancy! Eventually, Brennie’s thoughts cleared once Twilight was fully inside of her and she found herself on the floor, laying in a puddle of her feminine slime, drool and her tits had sprayed milk all over after she’d torn her shirt open groping her boobs. Hot fuck that was awesome! …And now she had to clean that up. “Fuck.” Then she felt a bit odd as Twilight’s magic aura washed over everything and cleaned everything up, even redressing Brennie. “...Huh. Neat.” Brennie got up and huffed with her hands on her deceptively flat stomach. Twilight had let her hyper pregnancy show and was being pleasured by Felsa. At least paperwork wouldn’t suck. > Ch.68 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.68 [Morndas, 21st Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Time to wake up, Daniel.” I cooed and nudged my little boy in his bed to wake him. The deceptively eight year old mewled and tried to snuggle back under his blankets, but I pulled them away from him. “Up little man, the day waits for no-one.” “It’d wait for Tia if she’d put it back down…” Daniel grumbled and curled into the fetal position with his tail covering his face. “Five more minutes…” “Okay, I’ll be sure we eat up all of the food…” I said as I turned to leave the room and I smirked when Daniel bolted past me. “Clothes young man.” I sternly stated with some amusement and he doubled back to put on clothes that Rarity made for him from her and Sweetie’s old duds. “Are you sure this is only your second time as a mom?” Shade asked me with amusement as she exited the bathroom with steam from her hot shower trailing her. Lilmoth did have indoor plumbing, but it was still a far cry from the modern convenience I had in my first life. “First time, you basically looked after yourself.” I playfully punched her in the shoulder and squeezed past her into the bathroom. “Did you use up all the hot water?” “The pipes are heated with runes, sis. They’ll be hot until the charge weakens overnight.” Shade reminded me and I had a flashback to Neethsi mentioning the magicka panels on the rooftops collecting the magicka from Magnus during the day and ambiently from the stars at night. “Don’t spend too long in there.” “If it’s infinite hot water, I’ll come out when I feel like it.” I huffed and went into the bathroom where I shucked my nightgown into the hamper and climbed into the copper tub. “Oh~ yes~...” I groaned when I turned on the shower and instantly got hot water. I didn’t have any hair or fur, so it was simply a matter of soaping up my body and brushing my scales clean. “Ah!” I yelped when two white hands groped my petite boobs and I instinctively lifted my tail up into the groin of the person behind me, where I felt two heavy orbs mold around it to my sudden arousal. “Look what I caught~.” Rarity cooed into my ear and the massive mast of meat that ran up my back and between Rarity’s huge tits throbbed. “Just what I need before breakfast~.” I gulped. 📜 Brennie awoke with a snort from a kick in her womb. Wow. This has become normal to her. “Sheesh.” She huffed while getting out of bed, about to prepare for the day until she heard a knock from her door. “Who is it?” “It’s Krimzon and Helvex. We bring you...visitors.” Odd. Why would someone want to come see her? Why would Krimzon and Helvex bring them to her? “One moment.” Brennie quickly got dressed and made sure she looked decent. “Come in.” Once the doors opened, Krimzon entered with Hevex. Once the two Night Sentinels parted, they showed two people; they were tall, sleek and beautiful, covered in scales from head to toe, that varied in lovely shades of golden and bronze. They looked unique, akin to a hybrid between an Argonian and Human, though their snouts looked more snake-like. They wore feudal japanese garments with katanas strapped on their hips, but the clothing suggested that these were diplomats chosen to represent their people. “Well, this is unexpected. I didn’t realize that I was handling diplomatic issues with other races.” “The Tsaesci insist on wishing to talk to you, personally. Apparently they were forced to flee from their homeland; Akavir. Something about Frost Demons devastating the lands that forced every other species native to Akavir to flee to Tamriel. They have heard of your deeds and thought it prudent to come to you.” Helvex explained the situation and the two diplomats nodded their heads in confirmation. “Well, that’s a shit and a half.” Brennie commented and made one of the diplomats snort in amusement. “Still, are you here to seek an alliance? And if so, with who?” She questioned the Tsaesci, who pointed towards her. This left her and the Night Sentinels surprised. “We seek an alliance with you. We know you and your people are not of this world, so it was decided that you would be the better choice. Those of Tamriel would not be so keen on wanting to ally themselves with us.” The one on the right spoke, his voice deep and gruff. “Indeed. The history between Akavir and Tamriel is not a pretty one, for while there were some moments of triumph and glory, not all of it was good. We are not going to start lying and try to paint ourselves as victims, it will get us nowhere.” The left one stated, sounding more refined than his companion. “So what does that have to do with us?” Hermais asked when she popped in. “We’ve been helping Tamriel so far.” Well, it seems Hermais has even more time on her hands. “Diplomatic immunity. Since you’re already allied with one of Tamriel’s factions, they can’t exactly do anything to us. Plus, there are more refugees coming from Akavir who will do the same.” The first Tsaesci explained their reason. “Asking the Imperials for help is a bad idea for obvious reasons. There’s so much bad blood between us that it would never work in the long run. And speaking of blood…” The two seem hesitant to speak for a moment. “Go on.” Brennie pressed. “Our people are also vampiric, but naturally and we are still mortal unlike the Curse of Molag Bal.” This intrigued the Outworlders and made more sense as to why they don’t seek aid from any Tamrielic natives. They were especially wary of vampires. “Alright, I’m listening. Tell me more about your people?” Brennie asked which stunned the Tsaesci, yet they were clearly eager. 📜 “Fuk~...” I groaned, holding my filled belly that was in turn filling the tub while Rarity continued to fuck my dominated pussy~. Thank gosh for the drain in the floor, because none of the water is getting in the tub~! “Ra, isth too much~...” I pleaded through my fucked-out whorish thoughts that could only think of making babies even if Rarity fed me contraceptives. “Just another load~.” Rarity groaned as I started feeling something rolling in me. Sh-she did give me contraceptive herbs, right?!  “Ah~ yes~!” Rarity moaned, plunging deep enough to make it into my womb with her flared head and started pumping. I groaned almost as loudly as the tub my belly was filling until Rarity sighed with her tongue flopped out. “There. Good girl.” “Garg…” I grunted when she patted my ass, but thankfully that rolling sensation didn’t increase, meaning I wasn’t getting impregnated like before with Sweetie and then Rarity. What is that? Rarity pulled her impossibly gigantic marecock out of me and quickly washed it off before banishing it back to being a mere clit thanks to the magic piercing and then turned off the water. “Thank you so much darling. I feel like a new woman after getting my needs met. I’ll see you downstairs.” She patted my side, which was hard as a rock and then she dried off and left me here to gather myself. “Gah, there’s so much, why do I feel rolling in my belly?” I groaned before wiggling about and feeling a jostle and roll of something in there along with all of the lewd sloshing. “I hope the pipes can handle this.” I used my Navel Pearl to shrink to normal then squatted in the tub with the spigot running as I flexed my powerful muscles to squeeze Rarity’s cum out of me with ease. However, I was quickly met with resistance that worried me. There is something inside me. I’ve never given birth, but I might as well get in some practice on whatever this is. I swear, if Rarity somehow knocked me up through the contraceptive I would be both very annoyed and also impressed. I clenched and squeezed, grunted and snarled as I put the whole of my body’s abdominal strength into forcing the intruder out of my uterus. It was easy enough to get it into my vagina, then easier to flex my cunt to get it out. With a plop the foreign item was ejected and I gasped and panted for breath as I looked down at the culprit.  It was a skull of all things. How the fuck did Rarity put a skull in me?! Oh no! Did she cockvore someone, dissolve them in her cum and then put them in me~?! I am horrified and disturbingly aroused at the concept! Still, ew~! “Gross, gross, gross, gross~!” I squealed and kicked the skull out of the sloppy tub that still had a layer of glowing cum. Glowing? “Hey, that's not nice!” The Skull barked at me. “You forgot me back in Skyrim!” “Osamodas?!” What the hell?! How in Oblivion did the skull of The Vestige end up in my uterus?! “Ugh...whatever, I don’t have time for this. I need to feed and then get to the training field.” “Hey, what about the rebirth thing? Didn’t we talk about that or was that the other one?” Osamodas queried in confusion. “Huh? We didn’t say anything about that.” I huffed as I finished washing the magic cum down the drain. “I’m a living Dragon Break, so we may have and yet it never happened. Ugh, I hate it when that happens.” Osamodas huffed before the door opened and Neethsi entered. “Hey there, I-wah!” Osamodas suddenly got summoned to Neethsi’s hand and she huffed. “You’ve been in here too long, Rarity sent me to make sure she didn’t hurt you since she’s making breakfast.” Neethsi shoved Osamodas into her satchel without him getting another word out. “I’ll deal with the odd skull later, come here.” I blinked at her and she rolled her eyes before pulling her seashell bikini down enough for her nipples to be exposed and then she squeezed. Oh! Yeah, her magic milk that I infused her into producing. So hungry… 📜 “So, you’re General Berserker’s brother?” Pillar turned to see High King Vartine Bloodraven. It was no surprise to see him here at some point, considering that Skyrim was an equal partner with Morrowind and Black Marsh. “Yes.” Pillar replied simply, because while he knew Bloodraven was an earnest man, he also sensed he likewise didn’t like to mince words. If Bloodraven needed more he’d ask. “Well, it’s good to see someone getting these ancient elves to see things from a more proactive stance. Keep up the good work.” Bloodraven patted him on the arm and moved to his seat in the Council chambers in the Temple Canton of Vivec. Similarly, the Counts of the Seven Cities of Argonia took their own appointed seats. Gideon, the Dark Heart of Black Marsh, was the only one not represented since while they approved of the alliance, they strictly withheld their involvement for the sake of traditional independence. Some idiots will always cave into tradition as a cop-out to change. Such a shame. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people. There’s respecting tradition, then there is letting it rule your way of life. “Speaking of which, when you first saw him, what were your thoughts?” Pillar questioned the Council, wanting to know their opinions about an Outworlder leading military operations in their stead. “That he was an alien, unnatural and dangerous entity. He exuded power like a God and having lived with Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil for thousands of years, we are quite good at spotting it. We knew we couldn’t really be rid of him, so we figured trying to set ground rules and a watchful eye would have been enough. Instead it seems he, now she, has still taken her rightful place as a ruler of mortals, even if it is only in military matters.” One of the Morrowind councilors replied. “So you were the one who sent that spy. My, my, are you actively trying to start an interdimensional war?” Pillar teased with a smile, not that they could see with his helmet on. However they soon learned that, while he sometimes jest, he’s still very serious. The Council grimly nodded in acceptance, clearly having talked about this in secret. “It is simply a matter of due-process. Now then, we’re not here to have a political pissing match. It is good to hear of the defeat of Molag’s forces under Solitude, let us all be officially apprised of High King Bloodraven’s victory.” Announced the Councilor of House Indoril, who Pillar quite liked. Indoril was, paradoxically, the most forward-thinking of the Great Houses. “Ah, but I deserve no praise. The praise goes to the Heroes of the day: Meen-Rei and Shade.” Bloodraven announced and Pillar closed his eyes as the Council began talking about two of the people Pillar hoped could somehow avoid all of this bullshit when they have so much to do. 📜 “So you teach others how to hurt people, mom?” Daniel asked with a mixture of curiosity and interest when I returned to the table that became Shade and I’s break area. I didn’t exactly have anyone to watch after him and there wasn’t much reason he couldn’t come with me to work. “Yes, but I’m also teaching them how to protect themselves and others, son.” I replied and petted him on the head. My precious green fluffy boy cooed and his floofed-up tail went wild. “I’ll teach you too when you’re older. I don’t want to risk your physical development by training you too soon.” “Aw, okay mom. So, any ideas on how to figure out where my siblings are?” Daniel mentioning this put a damper on my mood. “No, huh? Well...I was through the portal as far North as possible right?” I nodded. “Why not try as far South, as far West and as far East as you can?” I gawked at my son and hugged him with a squeal! That was so simple it was genius! “Thank you for the suggestion, son, I’ll share it with Brennie later-oh! Brennie? What are you doing here?” I asked in surprise when Brennie approached us. Usually she was stuck in her office or catering to Twilight’s whims. Not that it was a bad thing to do that. “Hey, Meen-Rei.” Brennie gave a little wave before pointing to her stomach. “She’s in there at the moment. Anyway, do you have time to talk?” She asked me, almost sounding urgent as she fiddled with her hands. “It’s...important.” “What is this about?” I asked as I felt worried for her. Hm, when was the last time we ever...spoke? Shit. “Let’s go somewhere private and discuss it there.” Brennie suggested and I nodded in agreement. I followed her to a room that was rarely used for classes as far as I could tell. “Okay, where to start? Do you want to hear official business first or my personal dilemma about our relationship?” “What about our relationship?” I asked in confusion. I mean, we’re friends, right? “We haven’t really spoken to each other that much and even when we see one another, we don’t mingle. I’m pinning the blame on Hermais and Eris because of what they did.” Brennie explained and I wilted after realizing the fact that we...never really spend time with one another as friends. Sure there was that milking contest, but... “W-wait...are you saying you have romantic feelings for me?” I asked in surprise, my heart raced, my tail wagged. “I-I won’t say I don’t harbor some deep affection for you, but I wouldn’t call it romantic love, Brennie. I can see us being close, almost that close, but not quite.” “I may have such feelings, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I just want to know where we stand; friends or lovers. I don’t mind either one, so long as I know.” Brennie stated which was a relief for me. “W-well...I’m not adverse to us being friends with benefits. Big benefits. Like...I wouldn’t mind having babies with you or you having babies with me, but I couldn’t...I don’t think I could marry you. Your life is so violent, Brennie. I’d like to have peace for the majority of my existence even if it’s violent right now.” I said to her as I wrung my hands together and wiggled my tail. “I’ll be there if you need me, no question, but to be with you always? I’d burn out and be left flapping in the wind with how much you get up to.” “Yeah, that makes sense. I understand and I won’t force you into something you don’t like. I’m good with us being just friends.” Brennie lets out a sigh as she relaxed a little bit. “And you are right; we’re both different to one another, maybe too much.” “No, no. I’m sure if I didn’t meet Neethsi and Rarity, I’d have clung to you like a limpet. Then I wouldn’t have cared. Sorry Brennie, but we could have been more, but that’s past. I’m still here if you want though…?” I asked with a nervous gulp along with a little wiggle of my hips. “I just wanted to know where I stand when it comes to you.” Brennie affirmed awkwardly. “You stand in the friends with benefits zone. Now, let’s talk seriously unless you want me to prove I’m still willing to be intimate if not romantic.” I huffed in annoyance at her waffling on me. “Okay, seriousness. How do you and Shade feel about working with Dwemer tools and machinery at your disposal? Maybe even create an Engineering Guild you two could lead and teach?” My mind went on a rollercoaster of endless possibilities if we had those sorts of resources and labor power. “I think we could have fun with that.” I said, feeling a bit hot and bothered by the idea. “Well, I could get into contact with Bravia an-eep?!” Brennie adorably squeaked when I approached and grabbed her hips while my tail threaded between her thighs. “You don’t even need to do that much~. Sis and I had tons of fun making orders, if we had apprentices and employees, we’d be much happier.” I purred to the beautiful woman who was flushing adorably as my tail teased her groin. “Or at least I would. I don’t know if Sis’s enjoyment of the craft are her own feelings or just indulging me.” I admitted and backed away, leaving her flustered. “Well, I’ve gotta get back to my training. If you-oh! Right, tell the troops to search the furthest cardinal directions of Tamriel.” “O-okay.” Brennie whimpered as her legs threatened to give out from under her. “I-I’ll pass on t-t-the message.” “Message? I thought you had more authority than that?” I teased as I turned around, leaning forward slightly so my thicc muscular ass was stretching out my green hosiery and basically making me less than naked back there as my tail lifted. “Where’s all that fire, Brennie?” “Meen-Rei, please~.” It sounds so pleasing to hear someone as strong as her pleading for mercy. “You’re not making this easy.” Brennie whined as she fell to her knees, rubbing her thighs together. “Oh wow! You’re so much needier than I remember! It’s cute.” I growled as I backed up and used my tail to push her back onto her ass so I could squat to sit on Brennie’s lap. “I don’t know where this is coming from, but I wanna continue where we left off before everything went to shit.” I put my tail tip to her lips. “Suck.” “Y-you bitch~...” Brennie moaned and then sucked on my tail as she grabbed my hips. > Ch.69 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.69 [Morndas, 21st Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Oh~! Brennie~! How did you get so good at this?” I moaned as Brennie sucked and gulped on my tail that was part way down her throat while fingering herself and groping her breasts. I was doing much the same where I sat in front of her with one hand down my leggings and the other playing with my petite chest covered by a simple bandeau. “Hm~!” Brennie groaned as she continued to suck me off while pleasuring herself at the same time. I wriggled where I sat until Brennie suddenly pulled my tail from her throat and kept stroking me. “Rei, stick it in my cunt, please~.” “A-are you sure? Do you have contraceptives?” I asked hopefully, because I did if she didn’t. “I’m a bit...torn, but I know we can’t make any babies. Not yet and not without the others' answers.” Brennie mewled as she stuck her other hand into her bosom and pulled out a box. “These pills will help in making sure I won’t get pregnant.” “Well, the local herbs are instant and almost impossible to work past. I have those herbs.” I offered her as she licked the pre-cum leaking from the tip of my tail. While it didn’t look like a penis, this odd mutation feels and works like one so well I might as well have a tail-dick. “S-sure, thanks.” Brennie accepted as I gave the herbs to her, making sure they were the right ones. I don’t want to repeat the same mistake Rarity and Sweetie made that time. “Uh, Twilight and others are...still inside my womb. Will this affect them, too?” “I don’t know, do you have a way to ask?” I asked hopefully, because getting teased with proper penetrative sex and then it not being an option would absolutely blueball me. Well, bluebutt me. “Hold on, let me-eek!” Brennie squealed as her body glowed with purple magic that was definitely from Twilight. She shuddered as she quickly ate the herb and moaned when the magic intensified for a moment until it died down. “W-we’re all safe now, please take me~.” “Oh thank fuck, because I haven’t been able to properly cum from my tail for a long while!” I whimpered and dove my tail down Brennie’s pants and drove it up into her already soaked slit! We both moaned and I masturbated as Brennie played with her breasts. “My gosh. Ah. Aside from a couple of times, I’ve never been the one pitching, none of them were with me as the main one doing it either. I’m gonna fill you, I’m gonna cum so much Brennie~!” “Oh, yes! Please do, make my belly swell with your load~! Cum to your heart's content~! Make me your broodmother~!” Brennie’s begging was sweet music to my ears, even though we both knew she couldn’t get pregnant, but imagining her belly so swollen with my babies was driving me to fuck her all the more. “Oh, Meen-Rei~!” “Fuck! Turn into that fucking wolf form of yours! I want to look upon the Goddess that I fucked and knocked up~!” I demanded with a lusty growl as I dominated Brennie, who was more than willing to become my broodmother. Doing as I said, she transformed into that Draco-wolf and was bigger than before, but that made her all the more fuckable! “Oh~! I should keep you all to myself~! My personal breeder bitch~! Carrying only my offspring~!” I declared loudly, thrusting my tail into her harder. Oh it feels so good to be in charge~. “Ahn! Yes! Breed me! Breed me~!” Brennie squealed and her cunt pulled my tail in until my ass was pressing against her crotch and I hissed as I began gushing my magic infused semen into her thirsty womb. “Oh~ yes~!” Brennie began spraying milk everywhere as she groped her tits too hard and her cunt kept pulling! “Get in me! Fuck my tubes! Get me pregnant!” “W-wait! Bren-mmph!” I muffled as I was pulled ass-first into Brennie’s convulsing quim and my snout was squeezed shut by her vagina folding my flexible body in half at the hips. I soon found myself packed tightly with two other women. One was the hyper-pregnant room-filling Twilight and the other was a sexy dark elf who oddly had a body type similar to Rarity pre-infusion. Before I could get my bearings, Twilight’s magic grabbed me and moved me around until my ass was pressed against one of Brennie’s uterine walls and the two lustfully looked at me as my tail brushed over a hole in the wall. O-oh wow. I’m about to do this! Even if she’s sterile for now, I’m gonna try my damndest! I shoved in, thrusted and pumped into those tubes. Winding my tail way down her tubes to her ovaries. I could only assume Brennie was in rapture since her womb convulsed and squeezed us sexy gals together. I was about to stop when the dunmer grabbed my tail and pulled me to her own pussy with an excited and nearly manic look, so I plunged into her and fucked her as Twilight wiggled against us and the elf fingered her pregnant pussy. I came quickly. Soon the elf was wordlessly moaning into the amniotic fluid as her belly rapidly inflated like Twilight’s. The two super-sexy babes now side-by-side and stretching Brennie’s womb as the dark elf swelled further and further. I can’t believe how much I can cum! My glowing cream was in the womb with us, it was leaking out of Brennie’s tubes, it was continuing to inflate this mystery elf! Guh~! I can’t think anymore! Gunna black out~... 📜 Brennie moaned and mewled, her belly having stretched out so much it was touching the ceiling, trapping her on the spot. She didn’t really care, the only thing she felt was pleasure and fulfillment, rubbing the sides of her swollen gut while wagging her tail. Brennie could feel Meen-Rei still cumming, maybe not in her tubes, but it was so satisfying. “Mm, keep breeding me to your heart’s content, honey~.” Despite not being of Fertility, Brennie never felt more fulfilled than when she was pregnant or being bred. The closest was when she crushed her enemies, saw them driven before her and heard the lamentations of her foes. “Uh, Brennie, have you seen my sister?” She froze up when she heard Shade’s voice. “Hm, I have a feeling I know where she is dear~.” Rarity cooed and placed her hands on the immobile Brennie’s immense red belly. “What do you say darling? Mind if we join in?” “D-do as you wish. Um, is Neethsi here too?” Brennie questioned fearfully. “Why? Afraid of old me~?” Neethsi purred and Brennie gulped as her already expanding belly began squishing out to the sides with how gigantic she’d become. She could shrink it down, yes, but she didn’t want to! She wanted to be absolutely enormous! She wanted to be at least as big as the first time the Chaos Trinity bred her and she was a giant baby ball on a beach! “Oh dear, that won’t do. Here.” Brennie yelped when suddenly they were on a beach! Her ass squished into the sand and her tits, also expanding from lack of will to keep them down, flopped into her vision, practically smothering her under her own motherly girth! “Hmph~!” Brennie orgasmed hard! This was exactly what she wanted! Now if only someone would roll her until she was perched on her balloon belly and fucked her like an animal! “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry if I gave the wrong impression and I thank you for looking after Meen-Rei and Shade.” Neethsi said when she lifted Brennie’s beach-ball tits off of her face before she kissed her passionately. “Mm~, but don’t think Rei is gonna keep you as her personal breeder. We all want a piece of that fertile womb and you’re gonna carry all of our young~.” Brennie shuddered and nodded in understanding. “I will. Please breed me~.” “Oh we will, darling, but we’ll settle for having fun with you for now~.” Rarity tittered from Brennie’s underside and seconds later Brennie moaned and shuddered in orgasm as someone entered her. Then she howled in a chaser orgasm when the other entered her. She panted with her tongue flopped out and looked up at Neethsi imploringly. “I won’t be going in, you need someone plowing your pussy from out here.” Neethsi hissed and with a wiggle of her hips, Brennie found herself rolling upright to see they were on a small atoll with a deep caldera. “You see that lagoon? You’re going to fill it.” Neethsi hissed from where she was standing on Brennie’s belly between her legs, still dancing and circled Brennie so she could see the goddess of the sea and sky dance erotically as she wove her magic. The whole time, Brennie was cumming. She was keening, whining and howling as she grew, swelled, filled, inflated, expanded. Her whole body was turning into a giant clitoris and she was constantly cumming~! Soon, she felt her belly touch the cold water, then she sank until she touched bottom and still she grew! Then Neethsi began fucking her and everything went dark. 📜 Brennie opened her eyes and blinked in bemusement at finding herself back to normal, human, sitting at a large round table. “So, you finally caved sis?” The voice was one she hadn’t heard in the real world for so long she almost forgot what he sounded like to the ear. Hunter was sitting opposite her and stirring a bowl of some sort of seafood. Hunter always loved seafood. “It’s not my fault she came at me like that.” Brennie protested in defense. “I recall that she may have teased you, but it was you who encouraged it. You could’ve stopped at any point, even left it at mutual masturbation like it started out as. No sis, you are the one who begged to be bred. Are you sure you haven’t been getting misrepresented after all this time?” Hunter chuckled and slurped his soup. “I better not be getting misrepresented, otherwise it’s gonna drive me crazy. You know I hate it when people get it wrong.” Brennie grumbled in annoyance. Was Mundus starting to affect her in more ways than she thought? “Sis. You literally just engaged in the most gratuitous sexual encounter on the planet and you were so intent on getting pregnant, well, I have no way of knowing from where I am if you managed to ignore the magic blocking that from happening. Your womb has filled the whole lagoon of an atoll south of Black Marsh and you can be seen on the horizon from shore.” Hunter informed her before dipping garlic bread in what was clearly a chowder. “Aw, fuck.” Brennie blushed deeply in embarrassment, seeing as how Hunter saw her, so too can everyone else. “To be fair, from what our favorite noodle trio can figure out, Dibella adores you. She’s the local official version of Wiatr. You do this to almost every Sex and Fertility deity you come across sis. I don’t know, I think you may have crossed wires with Runner since she’s Life and Death.” Hunter shrugged casually and slurped down his bowl of soup before a plate of lobster appeared. “Dibella adores me?” Brennie blinked at this news. “Unlike Neethsi you’re not a local, so she’s required to distance herself from you. All this? It’s all you sis. Now, would you like to stay literally fucked-out or would you like to wake up and properly experience being the size of an island mountain?” Hunter asked as he pulled the shell off the tail of the lobster. “I’d like to wake up.” She answered her brother, only to be blinded by a wall of red right in front of her...snout? W-what? Oh~. Ahn~! “Guh, ah…” The sensations immediately overloaded her brain and her eyes rolled back as the very wind made her cum! “Musht...shtay awake…” Her flesh alone was as sensitive as her clit! The movements inside of her were almost knocking her out again! “Shtahp~! Ahm gunna losh my mynd~!” However, nobody could hear her. Within she could feel them swimming, playing, but no longer fucking thank fuck~! She wished she had Womb Wards right now! She wished she took up an offer to stay female and have little chaos noodles live inside her for the purpose of maintaining her uterus! At least then she could communicate, tell them to let her go! Wait, the pearl and nipple studs! They were her only chance! Brennie managed to force herself to focus on the lifeline of the immobile hyper pregnant or busty that was practically fused to her popped-out belly button and nips respectively. Within an instant, her spherical mountain of red-furred and scaled flesh vanished, leaving her in mid-air and weakly gliding on her wings down towards the atoll while it’s lagoon rapidly refilled from the channel cutting through one part of it. She crashed inelegantly into the sand of the beach and spasmed in the aftershock orgasms. “Guh, fuck~!” She panted heavily as she felt a strange yet pleasant stirring within her womb and it wasn’t the others inside her doing it. “Oh, what’s happening~?” Brennie cooed as she rubbed her flat stomach. How long was she out? How long did those herbs last? Fuck it, if she really was pregnant then she’s taking responibility. Wait. There’s no way those herbs only last a short time. Twilight may be going gaga, but she wouldn’t abandon her post for too long. Besides, doesn’t she have too many conflicting Aspects? She still had Wrath and Ruin to force Carnage to take from her! There’s no way she’s pregnant despite-. “Uhn~...” Brennie grunted in a far to feminine and content way at the fluttering inside of her.  There are way more people inside her than she blacked out from! “Hey Brennie~!” Oh, of fucking course! “Don’t worry, you’re not preggers, although you came real close, so we intervened. You can’t turn into an insensate baby ball until after this and you decide to take a vacation before getting to weeding out those heretics and traitors.” Eris informed her. “Brennie, it’s Carnage. My answer is still no. Suck it the fuck up and take control of it. I don’t care if it’s conflicting, you’re the fucking God of War. Wrath and Ruin comes with the package.” Carnage butted in to firmly state his answer and remind her how she got those two Aspects. She knew he was right. “Besides, from what I’ve read up on, you’ve never sought out war on a daily basis. Finding something to fight besides Hell demons, yes. But that’s for the thrill of the hunt or battle, not for wrathful intent. You’ve created civilisations on planets, nine times out of ten, then reduce things to ruin. What does that tell you?” “...That I’m in more control of myself than I thought.” “And more deserving of these Gifts. Just remember that you are in control, not the other way around. One last thing, if things start going south, call it in.” Carnage stated before he left the call. “Oh, by the way, we’re having a pool party inside of you! That sexy elf girl is the ball!” Hermais eagerly butt in. “Your womb is also partially in Paradise, there’s an entrance leading to your womb from there and people are joining in and leaving at their leisure. I’ve even opened a temporary Lewd Bar in here.” Dongoruas added and Brennie groaned when she spasmed in another orgasm as she sunbathed on the beach. Well, she would’ve been sunbathing, if the Trio’s cocks and balls didn’t pop up and smothered her in between them. “N-no~! Stop~! Let me rest…” Brennie whined, genuinely exhausted. She did just get fucked unconscious earlier and almost blacked out again from sensory overload. “Everyone must be laughing right now. I’m a living nightclub with a pool, only the pool is the nightclub.” “On the contrary, everyone loves this! People keep asking why none of your resort chains did this at least with a slime.” Brennie felt another spasm when she heard Urta’s voice. Fuck. Her wives are having a party inside her. She almost came properly again at the thought. “Also, it’s a shame Meen-Rei got away. She’s a total party animal!” Brennie felt a little sad, but understood Meen-Rei’s reason. Maybe another time when things weren’t trying to kill them or blow up the world, they’ll party. She soon found her head trapped in between those chaos noodles’ churning cum factories, hearing them sloshing with seed and smelling that sweet musky aroma~! “C’mon Brennie! We all want your womb walls to quake! Cum!” Hermais’ words were punctuated by everyone in her womb chanting for her to cum! Brennie felt people rubbing, humping, kissing and all other kinds of things to her uterus and Brennie orgasmed hard, screaming in ecstasy before she gave in and began sucking on one of the delicious disembodied dicks~! 📜 [Tirdas, 22nd Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “That was the greatest party ever.” I panted after crawling out of Brennie’s cunt to find she was at some point relocated to her Haven Box and she was completely insensate and coated in cum to the point there was semen practically plastering her to the bed and dripping down to the floor. “Holy shit, who did you in, Brennie?” “Ahn, t-those fucking...horny...noodle bitches~.” Brennie groaned out before a floating disembodied huge dick popped up and slammed itself down her throat! “Hmph~?!” “H-holy fuck! That’s enough!” I declared and grabbed those succulent semen spheres before twisting in opposite directions and someone squealed sharply enough to shatter glass before the virile invader vanished. “Next time I’ll give your whole dick a purple nurple! She looks like a victim of a massive bukkake rape party!” “Oh my~.” I heard a click of fingers before Brennie and the bed were cleaned up from all that cum, but then she was flanked by both Discord and Akatosh. Of course those two would be sporting hard-ons themselves. “You’re quite the passionate girl when it comes to sex, aren’t you~?” Discord teased as he rubbed the bunny icon tattooed on her abs. Brennie mewled submissively as she wiggled helplessly between them, Akatosh who was an anthro muscular golden dragon, leaned in and kissed her. “Mm~. Seeing you swollen like that really got a rise out of me. I wanted to join in and add my clutch to your growing, fertile womb~.” He growled seductively before latching onto her milky breast and nursing from it, same with Discord on her other breast. “Why do I always get the naughty ones~?” Brennie moaned as her legs were being spread by those two horndogs and their godly cocks inserted themselves inside her dripping wet pussy. “Because you’re a harem magnet.” Discord chuckled before filling his mouth up with her milk and pressing his lips against hers, having her drink her own milk. “And the naughty ones always know how to have fun in bed~.” Akatosh stated as they grinded against her, making her whimper in pleasure. “Will you horny bastards stop fucking my broodmother?!” Wow, I really just said that, didn’t I? Fuck it, either way, these sex-crazed motherfuckers have to stop, Brennie needs rest! “Go, shoo! Leave her be!” “How will you make-ow!” Discord yelped when I jabbed him in multiple pressure points I sensed across his body after doing a quick scan with my magicka channeled as ki. His hard-on ceased and he then bonelessly flopped against Akatosh, tossing them to the floor. “Ah hei…” Bet it sucks when you’re temporarily completely paralyzed huh? It may not be as easy as a Paralyze spell, but it is much more viscerally satisfying. “Now then, gods or not, so help me, get the fuck out of here or I will destroy you!” I declared and Akatosh wisely grabbed his partner in crime before vanishing. “Okay, time for you to relax, Brennie.” I slid into the bed and snuggled against her. “You sure we can’t get married?” Brennie tiredly asked and I snorted as we dozed. “I’m sure, now shut up and nap.” I kissed her cheek and we drifted off together. > Ch.70 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.70 [Middas, 23rd Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “I’ll be frank with you, girls. I haven’t had such an overwhelming orgy in a long time, even considering who I’m married to.” Brennie informed us at breakfast. Not only had Brennie somehow been moved to her Haven Box during the crazy party in her womb, but said box had also been moved to Rarity’s room from the University. Then there was the fact that yesterday was spent recovering from said party. “That was the wildest thing I’ve experienced, period.” I replied and got nods of agreement from the rest of the table, save for Sweetie and Scootaloo, who were rather bitter about missing out on the party. “I’m glad I didn’t get pulled in. That stuff is still gross to me.” Daniel huffed and I felt both ashamed and proud, of myself and him respectfully. I’d totally abandoned him in the training field, but he’d calmly informed the nearest responsible adult that I was unavailable and he just needed an escort to Rarity’s, where apparently he charmed Sweetie and Scootaloo. “Sorry for grossing you out little bro-I mean, uh…” Brennie bit her bottom lip at having to slip up on mistaking my son for her little brother, according to what Hunter told me at the party. “Your slip-up is fine, Auntie Brennie. Remember that fama works in mysterious ways, for all any of us know, a little piece of your Daniel is within me or it is merely a cruel coincidence in the multiverse. Do not dwell on it. If you feel bad about it, let me ride on your shoulders or something.” Daniel maturely assured the infinitely older person, only to ruin it with childishness. I love my adorable son so much~! “So long as it’s on my left shoulder, that’s my Angelic side. I don’t want to accidentally corrupt you with my Demonic powers. You’ve been through enough Hell as it is and I’m not adding more to that. You deserve better when this is all over, but thank you.” Brennie said and I patted her on the shoulder for being considerate for my son’s wellbeing. “You know, I think I might be seeing him somewhere in the near future. Don’t ask me how, I just got a feeling.” She didn’t sound sad by the concept that her brother might end up becoming a Displaced. “Well darlings, I’m glad that we’re all fresh and ready to face the day, but it’s only Middas and we’ve gone through my whole larder. Do you have anything to do with that, Scootaloo?” Rarity asked teasingly and Scootaloo flushed while Sweetie patted her thigh. “Hey, leave her alone, sis. She’s eating for who knows how many babies in there.” Sweetie patted Scootaloo’s already visibly paunchy stomach and the pegasus kissed her lover. *Knock, knock, knock!* Came from the front door and Shade got up since she was the closest. She descended the stairs and we finished up eating before she rushed up with a pegasus guard. “They found another one!” Shade declared and I jumped to my feet so fast the chair fell back onto the floor. “Are you serious?! Are they sure it isn’t just a normal Dark Anchor?” I demanded and the gray wall-eyed pegasus-whoa those eyes are rolling-shook her head. “It’s in the right place for it. The Clockwork City.” Neethsi hissed furiously and broke the table when her hands crushed it under her fingers. Thankfully she waved her hands and restored it, because there was no way Rarity would be okay with us ruining her furniture. “That fetcher! That BDSM obsessed gimp dares to further defile Sotha Sil’s Magnum Opus! Everyone, get dressed, we have another child to rescue and an invasion to ruin!” Neethsi stood and stormed out of the dining room, a woman on a mission. “I better call some of my people to be on standby, in case that bastard tries to pull a fast one on us.” Brennie stated before she stood and suited up in her armor, but she might be right on having backup at the ready. 📜 “So, we’re just supposed to thank these vermin for replacing the Falmer and other lurkers of the depths and uncovering ancient secrets?” Pillar let out a slow sigh as the traditionalists once more reared their racist and closed-minded voices where the moderate and accepting folks didn’t want to hear. “You know I could just kill you and end this worthless discussion, right?” Pillar said so casually it quickly silenced anyone attempting to voice the same pointless opinion. “Besides, do you honestly believe you would’ve done any better than the Skaven? Would you be able to avoid the temptation of wanting to know what secrets may lie in wait? Would you be able to unlock the many treasures the Dwemer had created long ago?” “We have since the dwemer vanished. It was simply not our way to use their methods and their philosophies contrasted starkly with ours. It’s why we even had a war despite Nerevar’s noble success at creating peace between us.” A Councilor stated and ran his hand along his goatee. “That said, these are unusual times with advancements in magic and engineering rapidly occurring. Perhaps it is time we embrace the teachings of our long-dead rival mer and adapt them to our own means.” “Besides, it’s not like we haven’t already been doing that.” The Telvanni Mouth who acted in Neloth’s stead declared with annoyance. “Now shut up about these man-skeevers. While they and our armies work to retake Sotha Sil’s legendary hidden city, we still have other important things to do, like keep our hot-headed youths and blustering blowhards from abandoning their posts to support the counter siege.” Harsh, but accurate. 📜 “I believe we may have bitten off more than we can chew.” Calvius nervously said as he directed more automata to stem the tide of daedra pouring forth from Seht’s Vault. He wasn’t even the one to discover the astounding marvel of engineering. No, that misfortune befell the dozens of dead Skaven slaughtered by Molag Bal’s minions upon breaching the vault in their explorations. “Ah~ hahaha~!” His lover Nurtal cackled like the manic she was as she tipped her barrels down on the daedra from the top of the stairwell they’d retreated to. “Yes! Burn! Turn! Become my meat puppets until you die! Hahahaha~! Oh, thank you, Oeblocus!” Nurtal cheered when he provided her a steaming cup of tea that she deployed a straw from her mask’s left vent to sip while summoning another barrel of her toxin. “The only thing that makes my existence bearable is to satisfy your whims, mistress. Also, seeing Molag’s kin suffering a worse fate than I is almost enjoyable enough to make my agony pitiful by comparison.” Oeblocus stated before he overturned another barrel of the mind and body corrupting toxins, causing more of the enemy to become infected and turn on one another. “This isn’t going to affect any of the other forces coming to reinforce us?” Calvius asked. “Of course not. I made this blend to only affect Daedric flesh. The other blends are still in the lab!” Nurtal said with a sexy little dance. Calvius loved her, but she was so scary sometimes. 📜 “So this is going straight down? To Seht’s Vault?” I asked as I, as well as over a dozen other people, Shade and Neethsi included, rode the rapidly descending elevator down into the dwemer ruins deep, deep below Mournhold, which unlike in canon, wasn’t annihilated during the argonian invasion on top of the raging ash storms from Red Mountain. “Hopefully.” Oh yeah, Brennie’s silent psychic brother, Hunter, was joining us as well. Man, no wonder we couldn’t sense him back when we rescued Daniel, he's just that good at his job. This time he brought some of his warriors along, his personal guard called Spirit Wanderers. “Worry not, this is the actual way down. It was one of Mournhold’s best-hidden secrets, but with the Clockwork City under siege, there’s no point to hiding it anymore.” The local guard captain, who I didn’t hear the name of through the ruckus, informed us grimly moments before the high-speed elevator slowed down from near-fall speed and then came to a gentle stop at the bottom. I could hear the fighting from here. “Good thing Runner isn’t here, she’s scared of elevators.” Wow, really? “Yes. She was trapped in one and it started freefalling fast until the brakes kicked in. She was seven when it happened.” Oh, it was a traumatizing experience. That sucks, especially in a society that is super-futuristic and likely so full of elevators that they’re unavoidable. “Well, what are we expecting?” Shade asked while she readied her musket. We may have mastered various martial arts and magic, but our muskets were still a valuable force multiplier, especially in long hallways or from higher ground. “Likely the same as before, only this time you two need to be especially careful.” Neethsi informed us. This time she wore her full suit of ebony bonemold again. She came for war, not to play around. “The air reeks with a corruptive agent that harms daedric flesh. Remember that you two are not mortal.” “That’s for you to figure out. I’ve got to play dumbwaiter for everyone who comes after you. Good luck.” The Mournhold guard captain huffed before he pulled the lever and rode it back up once we had entered the ruin proper. “We’ll scout ahead and see what we’re up against.” Hunter stated before he and his guards vanished from sight. “We’ll keep you updated on what we find.” “The rest of us are securing this entry point and sending skirmishers on ahead until they get back!” Revyn Sarethi, no relation to Revyn Sadri of Windhelm, was the local head of the military forces and thus in command of us. “You two, since we’ve got word of the man-skeevers using poisons specific to daedra, I’ve got orders from on high to ensure you do not come in contact with any of it or it’s my ears pinned to a wall.” “Great, we work our tits off and we’re stuck waiting.” Shade grumbled and I nodded at her substituting our boobs for butts, because we still got our butts, they’re just firmer. At least when not suppressed our busts are any size we want above A-cup. “That doesn’t apply to me. I’ll move ahead to the largest source of the fighting and work to clear the way down.” Neethsi stated before drawing her bonemold and stalhrim morning star mace, which I’d learned recently was named Moon and Star. Although not tied to her divinity like the Trident of Tides, it was her signature weapon from her early days as the Nerevarine. I’d like to know more later, it sounds like an interesting tale. “So, what do we do?” I demanded huffily as we were brought to a forward base in a large chamber and directed at a smithing anvil. “Oh, come on…” 📜 “Mistress, I believe this was the last of the toxins you brought with us on the train.” Oeblocus informed his cruelly kind mistress. Being her familiar wasn’t as horrible as he constantly said it was. He’d had worse. Being forced into a new body was new, it was also quite interesting compared to the various forms he’d taken over time. He had sexual organs for instance. “Drat, we’ll have to retreat to the reinforcement line. We can’t hold out without more of my genius to throw at them!” Mistress Nurtal declared with a cackle that made his unusual body tingle in ways that both confused and excited him. No wonder her mate was so enamored despite her eccentricities. Not to mention her bosom and behind were so succulently large. “I’d agree with you dear, if the reinforcement wasn’t here already.” Calvius declared and they turned to find a fully black-armored towering entity that scared Oeblocus. He recognized her. She was the one who slaughtered him on multiple occasions before! On Vvardenfell, in Cyrodiil, Skyrim. Was she here to smite him again? To cast his Animus back into Oblivion? “So, you’re the ones who’ve been holding them back. Good work, but now your toxin is in the way. I’ll be getting rid of that.” The woman passed, her fully-armored black tail swishing with the predatory movements of her hips. Or was that a sign she was seeking a mate? Oeblocus had no clue, he wasn’t mortal after all. “How will you be doing that?” Mistress Nurtal huffed indignantly, only for the powerful woman to wave a hand and the residue on the stairs simply ceased to be! “...Fair enough. We’ll be retreating, my mate will need time and help to get more automata working. Come, Oeblocus!” At his mistress calling his name, the Nerevarine looked at him and she hummed before continuing on. Oeblocus could not heed his Mistress’s call fast enough. 📜 “So, we’re the size of ants now? If my family didn’t engage in even odder dimensional fuckery, I’d be impressed.” Brennie huffed as she quickly began mustering the arrivals into the Clockwork City, which had sent an emissary once they’d been invaded. That, along with the breach in the vault by the Skaven, was what led to the governor of Mournhold knowing about the invasion. “Ma’am, standing next to you makes anyone feel like an ant.” Miun-La remarked with a snort and the other Commanders nodded in agreement. “While we’re still intimidated by your people, we’re glad to have them as backup.” “I’m interested in seeing how they conduct war, since they have both swords and advanced guns.” Birnil commented with a shrug. “I must admit that I am curious, too. Why would an advanced civilization such as yours still be using primitive weaponry?” Golnis questioned his General. “Because we still love to get up close and personal with our enemies. The same can be said for the foe as well. That’s why we would prefer to have both guns and swords or any sort of melee weapon at the ready. While they may wear out over time, you’ll find yourself out of ammo real quick or your gun jams. “Even when your blade dulls or cracks, you have your fists and feet to beat the living shit out of them or kick their shit right back in their asses.” Brennie retorted and got everyone that heard it laughing at the last line. They were not expecting that being said by her, even when they know she tends to swear most of the time. “Now can we fight?” Brennie turned her attention to Meen-Rei and Shade, who had fled the previous forward base for the front lines the moment Neethsi had cleared the way forward of the anti-daedra toxins. “Sis and I have already restored Calvius’s automata army before we moved on.” Said automata may have just been spiders and spheres, but they were a force multiplier. “Depends. Where are the enemies?” Brennie asked before Hunter butted in the conversation. “You got a horde of uglies coming your way! There’s something new and dangerous leading them as well, watch out for that thing. It’s tall, dark, has scary-looking armor with glowing runes sketched into it. Looks like an enemy battlemage.” He reported to them as they felt the ground shake. “We’ll try to cut them off or bottleneck them.” “Nope! Dibs!” The twin argonians declared before glaring at each other. “I called dibs! Stop mirroring me! Fine, halfsies!” Then they were off like rockets before Brennie could say anything and she sighed wistfully. She missed out, damn those chaos noodles! How could she have known Marian and Shade would’ve turned into smoking hot spitfires when Marian was so mild-mannered and easily manipulated before her Re-Displacement as Meen-Rei? “God-fucking-dammit.” Brennie shook her head as she and the others heard the fighting raging on beyond their line. “Hm, what could’ve been our relationship before all of this?” She muttered, but pushed the thought to the side. No time to mope about the missed opportunity. “Are you going to be alright?” Miun-La asked her with concern reflecting in his eyes. Argonian eyes are incredibly expressive if you know what to look for. “Let’s hope so. Prepare to advance once they’ve cleared things up ahead, the enemy’s not going to take this lightly. We can’t let them get that close again.” Brennie ordered as the troops got ready to push forward. “I’m having Defenders and Gunners moving in with you, just in case.” At the mention of the two factions, who were suited up in their Terminator armors, they moved in to form up. They were easily distinguishable from one another; from their armor to their weapons. Defenders armor were more ornate and decorated, like art, each one unique, wielding giant warhammers that crackled with energy. Gunner armors were more robust and utilitarian with many patches found on them with an ammo pack on their back while dual-wielding Chainguns or other heavy weapons. Once they’d brought those two groups down, the push through Seht’s Vault was pitifully easy, now they just had to make sure the momentum they built up didn’t fade in the face of the teeming hordes of Molag’s cronies. “It's almost like old times.” Hunter commented through their link and Brennie had to nod. This brought back a lot of memories from the bad-old days. As for the locals of this world; seeing the Night Sentinels fight for the first time was a mixture of horrifying and awe inspiring. Most realized that the weapons the Gunners used were far more advanced weapons than the already celebrated Shay-Rei Rifles, while others salivated over the astounding craftsmanship of the hammers and armors of the Defenders. Brennie’s Aspects were singing at her similarly to how commanding her loaned troops against the daedra near Lilmoth did the same. This time, however, the sheer inspiration and fervor with which she could feel the locals aiming towards the Sentinels and her by extension was much more invigorating, almost a heady, dare she say, arousing sensation. She knew what it meant to lead her forces in battle, to fight in the midst of the enemy, to relish in the blood of her enemies and the immense satisfaction of securing the safety and prosperity of her people. This, unlike then, was new. They weren’t her people, they weren’t her followers or soldiers. Still, it felt good. “We’ve secured the immediate hills surrounding us and we’re clearing the rest of the open space outside the walls of-General?” Golnis asked, having noticed. “Good work! Maintain this pace, soon enough we’ll be helping the Clockwork Soldiers retake their battlements.” Fucking damn it. She hosted the biggest damn Womb-Party of the past few centuries not two days ago and she’s already horny? This place was fucking with her! “Hunter, news on Rei and Shay?” She spoke aloud for the benefit of her subordinates. “The news is they’re a pair of hot death on legs. Is it too late to somehow pull them into the harem?” Hunter replied and she clenched her groin to fight against the arousal. Damn it dude! Not cool! “They dealt with the enemy battlemages, plural, then shot, cut and smashed their way through the enemy to reach the damn gate! They’re more ballsy than Runner!” “Fffuck~...” Brennie hissed, thankful she silenced her armor as she creamed her panties. Guh~! This place is messing with her! It’s turning her into a total horny pervert! It’s the middle of serious combat and she got off to thinking of those two being badasses! “All of them o-or just a line?” “Just a line. They’re more a surgical strike like Runner or I than a demolishing tidal wave like you or Collateral. Still, they-oh my god. They just ignored all politeness and flew straight up the wall to kill the daedra in the gatehouse-.” Hunter was interrupted by said gatehouse across the bridge exploding in fire and frost. “Holy shit! They just combined fire and ice to make a detonation!” “N-nice~...” Brennie muttered as she fought off the surging pleasure. No! She’s getting off on this! She never got off on this before! It was never something that brought her pleasure and now it’s tainted! She doesn’t want violence to be one of her kinks! Then she realized, that wasn’t it. It was the simple fact that it was them! “Damn you Eris! Damn you to Hell~!” > Ch.71 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.71 [Middas, 23rd Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “I think that, even though we trained hard to get to this point, the Oghma Infinium is still totally cheating reality.” I commented from where Shade and I were resting to catch our breath near where we’d blown up the gatehouse. That was a rush! I mean, I remember being such a coward before this adventure really started. Now I’m almost eager to test myself against these odds. “Yeah. We just did a legendary feat, sis. We bashed through the enemy with our hands, feet, tails and spells, then cracked open their defenses. We’re epic.” Shade held up a hand and I high-fived her, but we’re both tuckered out from that sprint to the gate. A few more minutes. “If they don’t give us a statue or other commemoration, I’ll be shocked. The people of Tamriel do love their Heroes.” I chuckled with bitter humor. As much as I enjoyed this, I would still much prefer a peaceful life of smithing or teaching. I’ve found that I really love teaching. “Hey, sis?” I looked at her and she seemed introspective. “I liked that. A lot. It feels kinda empty though once it’s over. I think I like studying magic and how to destroy people more than actually doing it.” I patted Shade on the back for her mature self-reflection. “I’m of the same mind. I prefer teaching others how to destroy people more than doing it myself, but that thrill, the rush. It’s intoxicating while it lasts.” I shared an evil chuckle with my sister before we stood up from where we sat in a corner away from enemies. “Alright, let's get down there and thin the herd.” We limbered up and kissed before we leaped over the edge. 📜 “N-now hold on a minute!” Brennie frantically gesticulated at the bowing Skaven, who had proudly boasted of Brennie’s divinity and her status as their goddess, Wiatr’s, wife. “You can’t just bring this shit up in the middle of a battle!” Oh no~! The heady sensation was ranging towards pleasant ASMR tingles! “Well, it isn’t like it’s much of a secret.” Golnis shrugged casually while Birnil nodded and Miun-La waved the matter off as he listened to reports from a pegasus scout on the situation. “You ooze divinity like the Tribunal did when they were living gods. Nearly any dunmer who lived before The Nerevarine came could tell.” “Your majesty, I think it’s best to just accept the fact you might be worshiped or venerated here.” One of the Defenders told her, but Brennie grumbled at the notion. “Don’t get all huffy about it, whether you like it or not, people will decide on their own.” “But I don’t want people finding out about my divinity.” Brennie whined as she felt scared at the fact that some of the locals might start preaching about her to everyone else. “A bit late for that, ma’am. The Temple of the Divines in Lilmoth allows other validated deities to be given sermons and several of my mer and womer who were once devout followers of the Tribunal have been listening to one of those Ehlnofey who keep bothering you preach your virtues once a week.” Golnis apologized without any actual regret, if anything he had the gall to be amused! “The preacher said it was something about empowering Talos.” “Damn it. Oh, fine! I’ll accept them so long as they don’t try to fucking rewrite me into something I’m not!” Brennie demanded in frustration, despite knowing from experience that rumors and hearsay fly faster than bullets or reason. “What? Like you’re essentially Dibella in a living vessel despite not sharing any spheres of influence with her? The ladies are all so oddly envious of your Beauty. Why don’t you return to being male? Surely the effects aren’t as severe.” Birnil suggested and Brennie was about to reply, when she wondered why she didn’t even consider that before. Oh, right, Felsa. “Besides the fact I have a passenger in my womb? I don’t fucking know.” Brennie sighed in defeat since she’s going to be stuck as a female for a whole year. “You’re not helping your case, ma’am. By the way, we’ve cleared most of the hills outside the city and soon we’ll be able to fully take advantage of Shay and Rei’s push to the nearest gate.” Miun-La informed her with full seriousness. “Good, because the sooner we kick Molag in the taint, the sooner we can all go home.” Brennie huffed and wished she could go to the front herself. All this incredible sensation was making her antsy, filling her with a vicious and eager bloodlust that was frustratingly similar to being horny, only instead it was for the thrill of battle. This parallel frustrated her more. “Oh, fuck me.” “Hm, maybe another time…I mean-uh?” Miun-La stuttered after realising what he just said and tried to save face. “Yeah, afterwards.” Brennie stated as her Defenders and Gunner all laughed at the Guard Captain, who was absolutely flustered. Gods above, why did he say that?! Why did she agree?! 📜 “Ah, hah, it’s about time you, hah, got here…” I panted as the frontline of the troops finally penetrated the daedra trying to hold the gate when pincered on two sides, one by them, the other by Shade and I. We’ve been in a frantic kung-fu and magic battle totally surrounded for maybe a half-hour by now. I was tired, but at the same time, the rush of it~. “It’s not our fault you two wanted the glory of destroying the enemy so badly before the rest of us.” One of Brennie’s people spoke up and-holy fuck that armor~! The craftsmanship of it was singing to me~! Inspiration! “But, then again, we have to move quickly to save your child.” “Daniel told us that it wasn’t torture as much as Molag would like it to be, but yeah, let’s hurry and get my niece or nephew out of Coldharbour and kick these assholes out of Mundus.” Shade agreed as she recovered quicker due to her Restoration magic. I need to learn that. “Here, drink this potion. It’ll get you back up.” Another one spoke, but unlike the first he looked more like a Tank with all that firepower he was carrying. He passed me a bottle full of some hot turquoise glowing liquid inside that honestly looked like magicka-infused milk or cum. “Thanks.” I told him as I took the bottle, pulling the cork out and downed the contents. Nearly in an instant, I was invigorated and rejuvenated! It tasted like the best thing ever and I thought I might burst-! “Graaaagh~!” I roared as I unleashed my true form and somehow punched through the closed, yet unlocked gates! I feel so powerful! Die puny daedra! I don’t know or care why you’re so tiny, you’re between me and my baby~! Shade gawked after her sister and looked up at the alien soldiers. “Give me one too!” “Give these fuckers Hell!” Quickly supplying her with one, Shade skulled it. “Everyone back up and let them have at it!” He shouted moments before Shade’s body exploded like her sister’s and allowed a towering crocodilian hulk of a hyper-busty thicc-bootied and thighed hourglass-figured atronach to roar at the sky before rushing after her sister and finishing the destruction of the metal gate. “Let Queen Berserker know it’s a good idea to move in now!” 📜 “You did know I was just saying things, right?” Brennie quietly asked Miun-La as they followed the crew moving the forward operating base just within the wall of the Clockwork City. “In retrospect, yes.” Miun-La replied with a shrug. “So you wanna…?” Brennie wasn’t...opposed to it, just...not used to being approached by someone she didn’t already know intimately. Felsa didn’t count, they were basically in a relationship with how the assassin stalked her and Brennie tolerated and then enjoyed her. “Fraternization, while frowned upon, is not against any rules…” Miun-La muttered. “I’m kinda turbo-married, dude.” That didn’t stop her or any of her wives, but if he had reservations about trying to get down and dirty with a married woman, she felt a responsibility to make sure he knew that beforehand. “You’re too attractive not to try.” Miun-La replied and Brennie felt flattered. “Whoa...that’s...wow.” Brennie was completely stumped. She probably should’ve expected this, but she didn’t really know who would try their luck with her. Most everyone else she’s met was either intimidated by her or had too many hang-ups to go through with approaching her. Well, when she was male for the majority of the time at least. “Uh...let’s put that as a maybe.” “I’d admit, initially I was quite furious with you for taking over my jurisdiction, but you’ve proven capable at your job when you aren’t away on leisure, which is more than I can ask. I am still single because I’m married to my job. I believe this may help me shed my old scales and try something new.” Miun-La said as he approached the table some soldiers had set down. “Now, since we’re inside the Clockwork City properly, the Clockwork Soldiers should be more helpful.” “Not like we need them with those two legends plowing on through.” Birnil commented with a gesture at the rapidly decaying daedra corpses strewn everywhere in bits and pieces. “I hope that brother of yours is keeping up with them, General Berserker.” “Don’t worry, I am. Although I’m just kicking back and recording the massacre these two are doing. Seriously, this is awesome!” Hunter replied with a chuckle, which freaked Birnil and the other locals out. Brennie knew that telepathy and other ways to communicate exist here, but most people have forgotten Mysticism, also known as The Old Way, exists. “Okay, while that’s happening, let’s plan our next move.” Brennie brought their attention back. 📜 When the incredible high I got from drinking that awesome stuff ended, I was floating off the ground as my true form tended to. However, I could tell something was off. A look down revealed my tits were even bigger than usual in this form. Easily the size of small beach balls. However, my limbs were longer, my body much larger in general. “Sis. This was awesome, but I hope we’re not stuck like this or stuck having this as our only transformation.” I turned to look at Shade when she spoke. Whoa. I didn’t realize how much more anthro our beast forms really were. Sis was like a sized-up argonians without feathers or horns and with a crocodile head instead of a saurian one. Also the floaty atronach stuff. “Same. I like how elegant we originally were or how brutal we were in our beast state. This is an epic fusion of the two, but I hope we can pick and choose later.” I nodded and then looked around at the plaza where the Great Dark Anchor was set up. Wow. We blasted past the guardians and savaged them all? The sound of fighting throughout the city at least assures there are more of them, just not here right now. “You two need to calm down.” We turned to Neethsi, who was approaching with her mace drawn and her armor splattered with daedra blood that was dripping from her mace. “Go in there with a clear head, I’ll stay on this side to keep reinforcements from building back up.” “Thanks, honey.” I smooched her helmet and then flew at the portal, where I suffered the strain this put on my tethered soul. When we arrived, unlike before where it was a courtyard, this time it was tucked against a wall near a pit of molten metal. Also unlike before; there were tons of daedra! This was clearly the next wave meant to come through the portal, but now Shade and I were suddenly all that stood in their way. “Intruders! Kill them! Send them back to their master!” A Xivilai ordered once the surprise had faded and they surged towards us, believing we must be proper atronachs. “Need some help?” We turned to see Hunter coming through the portal. He had some sort of energy-blade sword, shaped like a katana that had runes on it. “Let me handle them.” He rushed in front of us and began eviscerating the daedra. I promptly closed my eyes to focus on my connection to my child. I got three pings, the nearest was on the opposite side of the pool of molten metal. Shade and I flew over the heads of the horde and over the metal, dodging between floating rocks until we reached the cradle holding my sleeping fox kit. They were curled up on themselves too much to tell gender. That could wait. I promptly ripped the cradle free and carried it over my head as I ran on the air above the metal. “Hunter! Get ready to run!” I shouted at him as Shade helped clear a path through the busy horde. “The Pinion! No! Stop them! Stop them!” The desperate plea of the daedra commander was answered, because I gasped and stopped dead before looking down at the sword that had punched through my back and between my breasts. It was a katana, but a ghostly one that seemed to drink in my glowing magicka blood. “Sis! No!” Shade wailed and rushed towards me, but I tossed the cradle holding my baby at her for her to catch. “Meen-Rei!” “T-take care of-.” The blade suddenly ripped upwards and all became pain, then blissful Oblivion... 📜 I woke up, feeling the fresh agony of my death inside of a leather chamber curled against the dynamo holding my soul. C-cool...I just died, but didn’t. Cool. I’m gonna take a nap now… 📜 Brennie was filled with horror, then cold fury when she remembered that Meen-Rei turned herself into a Pariah to ensure Molag Bal couldn’t claim her soul. She may have died, but she’ll be able to return with her soul intact. But still...Brennie cannot let this go, she won’t let Molag get away with this. “Time to send my own message.” Brennie stated coldly as she called in her Crusaders, ordering them to storm through the portal. “General?” Miun-La said in shock as he took her hand. “Is this wise?” “We can’t let him get away with this. I don’t care if it’s a little petty victory for him, I want payback. I want that arrogant asshole to know that even in his realm, he’s not safe from me. He will never be safe.” Brennie declared firmly as she gripped his hand, but avoided breaking it. Miun-La and the other commanders knew better than to try and stop her after witnessing the destruction her people wrought upon the enemy. “So I’ll take that piece of his realm from him.” A wrathful woman is a motivated one and she was motivated to take something from Molag Bal. Hunter’s guards have already set up a teleporting system for her Crusaders to come in and rush through the portal. Hunter himself was still in Oblivion, covering for Shade to escape with the little fox child, clearly looking distraught at watching her sister die while the child cried. This sent the Crusaders into what the other Factions appropriately dubbed; a Murder Frenzy. 📜 Hunter urgently cleared a path for a tearful Shade to run through with the crying child, but magical shackles ensnared the cradle/cage to the very air and Shade desperately tried to pull her niece or nephew to freedom as the iron-masked snow-furred black-garbed woman who had killed Meen-Rei neared. Hunter managed to push the horde away with telekinesis and drew a line in the stone. “Approach to die or flee to fight another day.” The enemy laughed at this, for unlike even Demons, Daedra were truly immortal. They rushed at him as before, even trying to get at Shade, who desperately guarded her late sister’s child from being retaken. Thankfully, Hunter didn’t need to resort to more drastic measures because an army of raving psychopaths poured through the portal into Coldharbour. They ripped and tore through all that stood in their path. Everything fell into complete chaos when the daedra were caught off guard by the invaders. Ones that sought out their death and blood on the metallic fiery wings of vengeance that flew above the battlefield before they came crashing down on top of them. Or come charging right at them with their weapons, roaring hatred to annihilate the ones that hurt their ruler, their leader, their goddess. This wasn’t an army of mortals, this was a legion of demigods. “RIP AND TEAR!” They screamed as they carved through their ranks. The daedra, however, unlike mortal enemies, still rushed to their slaughter to try and take the mortals with them. This only allowed them to be brutally butchered. This allowed Hunter to duel the bitch who had killed his sister’s friend. She was a fierce warrior, wielding a katana that passed through his weapons and armor, forcing him to dodge every strike or pay for it with blood. “Alright, time to use that one.” Putting his Crucible away, the twat took this opportunity to strike at him, only for her sword to be parried away by his new one. “So you can block Darkdrift now. It matters not. Lord Molag Bal will have your soul and relish in tormenting you for eternity!” The woman declared as she continued to calmly swing and parry his own attacks. “He’ll have to settle for nothing, but I’ll settle for yours if this cursed sword of mine can take it. If not, humiliating you is the next best thing.” Hunter retorted as he pushed her back. “Then you too will settle for nothing. My Lord has made me experience humiliation and pain beyond mortal comprehension. My soul was never mine to begin with.” The woman declared moments before a soul-hurting roar echoed through the very air and Hunter noticed that Shade had managed to pry apart some of the bars of the cage cradle enough to get the child out of it. “You will not take this one from me!” The rumbling wrathful voice hurt the ears and made a person’s bowels squirm. The voice was soon matched to a towering monster that matched the depictions of the King of Rape as he materialized from the very air. “Fuck You~!” Roared the Crusaders right back at Molag Bal, only for him to wave his hand and the frontline of the stalwart soldiers were chained to the ground and together, forming a wall between the rest of them. Molag had his champion at his side, while Hunter was all that stood between the Daedric Prince and Shade cradling the child. “Yuria. Reclaim the Pinion or you’ll spend the next perceivable eternity in agony!” Molag ordered his champion as he approached Hunter with a wicked, cruel ebony mace in hand. “Your soul will be mine, mortal!” “Not a mortal, dumbass. You know, for a God, you’re not all that impressive.” Hunter mocked as he shook his head before looking back at the Crusaders, who were pulling on their chained bondage. “By the way what are those chains made out of?” “I will not bother to answer your question, slave.” Molag replied as he raised his mace, only for a powerful force to pull Hunter and all the soldiers through the portal. “No! Yuria, seize the child!” Molag shouted in clear panic before Shade, who had used a massive telekinesis spell to yank the others to safety, then threw the crying child through and the portal collapsed as Shade fell to her hands and knees. “You will suffer!” “Yeah. How about no?” Shade summoned a dagger and stabbed it through her skull, her body falling to the ground and dissolving like her sister’s had. Yuria barely had a moment to think before her Lord crushed her into a pulp with his mace while roaring incoherently in rage. > Ch.72 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.72 [Turdas, 24th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] I woke up in bed snuggling with my sister. We were both nude and devoid of injury, so I’d consider the pain I suffered to have been a good trade-off to be able to be here with her. After a moment, I realized we were in my Haven Bag, the one Neethsi gave me. I sat up and stretched, ignoring the phantom pain of my body being split from the chest up until it passed. I climbed out of the bag with the magical assistance and blinked at seeing the inside of Neethsi’s Haven Bag. Huh. A pocket house inside a pocket house. Houseception? I climbed out of that bag to find myself in Brennie’s Haven Box. Okay! This is getting silly! I climbed out of Brennie’s Haven Box to thankfully find the spare bedroom of Rarity’s home. Oh, right. Dar-Ja and Pinkie hit it off so well that she’s already letting him stay in her room at Sugarcube Corner. I tried the door, only to find it locked. Okay, I’m getting a bit pissed now! “Someone come open this door! Rarity! Don’t make me break it down!” I shouted at the wood door and backed away with my hands on my hips and my tail twitching in irritation. Thankfully someone came before I had to damage Rarity’s home. It was Scootaloo and she looked horrible! “Hey, sorry for taking a bit. Morning sickness.” Scootaloo apologized with a wipe of her lips on her forearm. “The battle was just yesterday and everyone got paranoid over your safety, so they put you in a bag, in a bag, in a box, in a locked room.” “That’s sweet and all, but overkill. I’d rather have woken up in bed with everyone else, not just Shade. Now, where’s my kid? I wanna meet them.” I asked the expecting mother and she rubbed her already swelling tummy with a warm smile. “They’re downstairs, charming Rarity’s customers. Be glad they turned down Sweetie’s offer to babysit them as she played at the inn. Her music isn’t child-friendly.” Scootaloo fondly chuckled before cupping her mouth and running to the bathroom where retching occurred. “Are you okay in there?!” I asked in concern, since I remember the morning sickness from when I was pregnant with Palu’s kits. It fucking sucked and I had four babies! Scootaloo has who knows how many buns baking in her oven. “Eugh, yea. Mellow already prescribed me potions. I just need to stomach their taste first. They’re good, but for some reason they make me throw up quicker instead.” Scootaloo groaned from her place kneeling at the copper throne. “I’ll be fine, get dressed and go downstairs.” “No, I can’t just leave you here. Come here. A hot soak always helped me calm down when I was having issues during my first pregnancy.” I helped the orange mare to her hooves and helped move her to the tub, where I turned on the hot water and climbed in with her to help the poor girl wash up. She got some of that last bout of sickness on her. 📜 “Good work, all of you. We’ve upset Molag Bal so much he’s probably still throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled child.” Brennie congratulated all of her warriors, be they local or her own people. “Not only that, but you’ve managed to take pieces of his chains without him realizing it.” “Are you absolutely certain it was wise to bring back such dangerous items?” Miun-La questioned. Ever since they’ve returned from the Clockwork City, he has stayed by her side to comfort her. It was odd to have the dutiful organizer doting on her with Twilight being too busy to get away from her backlog of work. “It may not be the most sane idea to bring such dangerous things, but we’ve been stealing from our enemies countless times and it has helped us in the long run. Reverse engineering the enemy’s tools allows us to stay on top.” Brennie explained and Miun-La nodded in understanding. Gathering information on your enemy was key in knowing them. “Well, either way, all of Tamriel is going to hear about how a pissed-off army of alien demigods rushed into Coldharbour and smote every daedra they could get their hands on. Even telling Molag Bal he could fornicate with himself.” Birnil chuckled as the other troops looked up at the Crusaders they stood next to, feeling grateful for their newfound allies. “What happens when all Tamriel knows about it?” Brennie questioned her commanders. “Who knows? We may garner a few choice allies to our cause or we make more enemies.” Golnis answered her with an uncaring shrug. “Who would be stupid enough to try their luck out on us?” Birnil snarled in disgust at the notion of some idiot wanting to make the Pact an enemy. “Those with hearts filled with pride, greed and envy.” Golnis snorted in derision. “The Regent? Is he really that foolish?” Brennie could not imagine the Empire making such rash decisions. Demanding the same weaponry they have at their disposal, maybe, but threats of war against the Ebonheart Pact? Damn unlikely. “If Motierre were still alive. He’s been dead for a good while now and the Empire is in shambles politically while the scattered legions desperately try to uphold the rule of law.” Miun-La stated as he fiddled with his knife. “If anything, now is a good time to swoop in and help the Empire become something new as King Bloodraven wanted to put it.” “Good point. Wipe the slate clean of all that’s clogging it up from becoming more than what it has stagnated to.” Brennie stated with everyone agreeing with her. “Instead of an Empire, they would become a central, neutral, binding nation between us all to act as an intermediary. Imagine how we do things, only on a grander scale. I don’t anticipate it working at first, but Morrowind’s House System didn’t appear overnight.” Golnis stated proudly. “We won’t be the only ones who have our sights on the Empire. Many others would seek to claim it as their own if we don’t.” Birnil warned them before a runner entered the office and handed Brennie a scroll. “Like fucking Molag Bal. Damn that piece of shit!” 📜 “Wow mom, you can’t even not be a mom for a minute and see me instead of mothering someone else?” Snarked the mischievous little angel-vixen who was Daniel’s sister. “I could feel your maternal feelings from down here.” “No, I’m your mother and I will mother you.” I told her with a slight smirk. “I didn’t say you wouldn’t, I just said you can’t stop sharing the love. If you didn’t grow a spine, you’d be having the eggs of several people instead of focusing on marrying just a few and letting Aunt Brennie fulfill her deepest desires.” The brutally Honest girl said with a vulpine grin. She is trouble, she’s going to be a much tougher child to handle than Daniel. “Sis, stop being so rude to mom.” Daniel chided, only to get her tail flicked on his snout. “I’m the Eldest, you can’t tell me what to do!” The vixen snarled at her brother and I snapped my fingers with a stern glare at her. “Sorry mama. I was the first one awake, the one they...they tortured a bit before they realized keeping us calm and sedated was better.” My daughter shuddered and hugged herself as Daniel hugged her too. “Can I please have a name, mom?” A bear walked into the shop with an old iron helmet on its head. “Is that you, Barry? Darling, I’ll go fetch Fluttershy’s new smock.” Rarity went into the back and I ushered my children upstairs, since they’d decided to hang out in Rarity’s shop instead of upstairs in the living area. The bear grunted as it browsed the clothes while we vanished upstairs. “Okay, give me a moment dear. Daniel’s name just came to me.” I knelt down to pet my eldest daughter. “Samantha. You feel like a Sammy to me.” My little Sammy shuddered and buried her face in my currently petite bosom. “Then I am Sam. Sam I am.” Samantha muffled into my chest and I managed a smile at her Dr. Seuss reference as I pet her and crooned into her ears. “Indeed you are. Now, let’s go eat some green eggs and ham. Heads-up: they’re dyed kwama eggs and nix-ox slices.” I told her before heading for the kitchen, where Scootaloo was pitifully sitting at the table with her face in her arms and her belly gurgling for food. “Oh, sit up, I’ll feed you too. Lazybones.” This poor mare, we need to address her issues more thoroughly. 📜 “Are you sure you should be here instead of back home?” Sweetie asked Neethsi as she sat down on a stool next to the booze-sipping deity on a break between performances. “I have every right to drown my regret with alcohol before I face them again.” Neethsi grumbled into the tall stein that she paid for as well as the several bottles of mead and Hist Sap Liqueur she’d already had. “If I can somehow manage it. Being a goddess makes getting drunk harder.” “That must suck, half of my best music happens when I’m buzzed.” Sweetie shook her head and hailed the innkeeper with a hand. The argonian woman who owned the place gladly poured a wooden mug of frothy booze and slid it down the bar to her. “Thanks Neesaza.” “Thank me after you manage to drag this poor girl home. She’s had enough alcohol to kill three hearty men. I’d cut her off, but I’m just a mortal woman.” The orange-scaled gal huffed. “Pfft, like I’m not?” Sweetie snarked and patted her groin. “I may be the biggest dickmare in Lilmoth, but that doesn’t give me special powers.” “No, but you’re her fiance’s sister, unlike the rest of us you have some measure of importance.” Neesaza stated and tossed a small bag of bits at the unicorn bard. “Here, your wages for the night. I’d rather my tavern lack music if it means a sulking goddess isn’t souring the mood.” “You’re lucky you’re usually a nice gal, Neesaza, that and you sell good drinks or I’d be really irritated about this.” Neethsi huffed as Sweetie used her magic to help her lift the much larger woman up off of her stool and she swayed. “Yay~! I did it~!” Neethsi cheered drunkenly. “Woo hoo.” Sweetie grumbled and helped her stagger out of the inn’s tavern. 📜 “There you go.” I cooed as I rubbed Scootaloo’s stuffed stomach and the pregnant pegasus moaned as I gave her bellyrubs. “You’ve got a lot of little foals in there, don’t you?” “It’s only been two weeks and I already look like I’m halfway done with one foal. If we didn’t get those neat trinkets from Brennie’s fairy friend I’d be doomed.” Scootaloo groaned as Daniel and Sammantha joined in on rubbing her belly. “Urp! Ah~, so good…” “You’re so full of life, Miss Loo.” Daniel nuzzled her belly and Sammy snickered. “Yeah, like, with a whole village of little brats.” Sammantha kissed the side of Scootaloo’s belly and it shimmered white while Scoots cooed. Daniel did the same and her belly shined brighter as she clutched it with a mewl of happiness. “There. We’re not like aunt Neethsi or Fama Palu, but we’ve got enough holy power in us to give some minor blessings.” “That felt great. Thanks, for the food and attention, but where did you get all of the food? Rarity’s pantry was out, that’s why I was sulking and starving at the table.” Scootaloo asked and I blinked. Where did I get all of the eggs, meat, bread and potatoes from? “Mama is special, she can do things she puts her mind to even when they should be impossible. Cartoon logic or story logic since you don’t have cartoons here.” Daniel kindly informed the pregnant pegasus and I shrugged, accepting it, because if I could just summon food from nowhere, no big deal. Now, if it was an infinitely respawning slice of pizza, that’d be different. Hold up! I don’t know how I did that, so we still need to go shopping for groceries! I went downstairs while my children doted on the pregnant mare. “Hey, Rarity. Scootaloo was starving upstairs, so I’m gonna go grocery shopping.” I informed my fiance as I poked my head through the curtain. “Oh dear, thank you darling. I will apologize to Scootaloo later. Whatever you’re willing to get will help since my pantry is truly empty from feeding the poor mare and everyone else.” Rarity replied as she measured someone behind a second privacy screen, which she set up because it was more than just her and her sister living here now. “I’ve got plenty of coins to spend thanks to all the money I’ve earned, I’ll be sure to fill up the pantry.” I then turned around and saw my foxy children wearing polite child clothes. Sammy and Danny were so cute in their outfits, the former in a dress with the latter in a shirt and shorts. “Come on sweeties, I’m gonna need some help finding tasty food.” “Yay~!”  📜 “Is it wise not to inform Neethsi, Meen-Rei and Shade right away?” Birnil questioned in confusion, since time and again those three had proven to be lynchpin force multipliers. However, this time it seemed they were mobilizing without them. “Hunter will inform them about the situation. As to why; they’ve been through enough bullshit and they just rescued Meen-Rei’s second child. I think they deserve to have quality time to themselves at this point. If I have to, I'll call in more support from my people and we’re already working on how to use Molag’s chains against him and his forces as quickly as possible.” Brennie explained to him, which was reasonable enough. Rei and Shay have died in order to save the child. While they survived the affair, apparently, death was immensely horrific to suffer. “What else are you going to bring to battle? You may have shown us your soldiers, but that isn’t all you have, is it ma’am?” Miun-La asked since he knew the general had more to offer. “No, we have more armaments. Just remember how the others may react to seeing such advanced weaponry being brought to bear. People might get scared.” Brennie reminded him. “Exactly how big and devastating are these armaments?” Birnil inquired with a shrug. “Yes.” Brennie giggled, which sent a chill down the spines of her commanders. “Are we sure she and her people won’t end up turning all of Cyrodiil into a giant, smoking crater in the end?” Birnil wondered as he pictured it. “Or a war-torn wasteland?” Golnis dreaded the thought of seeing a country looking worse off than Morrowind’s Ashlands. “Molag Bal would do it himself if we don’t set it up and hitting the Empire when it’s at its lowest point is proof. We’re not taking any chances with these bastards and neither will he.” Brennie reminded them as she recovered from her uncharacteristic bubbliness. Being female for so long along with this world were changing her and she wasn’t sure she disliked it anymore. “I thought we weren’t trying to scare people?” Miun-La reiterated what his general said before. “I know, but they’re scared already with the daedra attacking them. I’m calling in mechanized armored units for heavy fire support. Let’s see how daedra fare against heavy metal.” Brennie declared before she made the call. 📜 I entered the Chique Boutique with my kids nomming on some jerky they were savoring and we went straight upstairs. I then retrieved the food from my satchel and began putting it all away with some help from Sam and Dan. “Sis?” Shade’s groggy voice pulled me out of the domestic fugue to see her in a lazy nightshirt and looking at us. “So, we’re okay?” “Um, yeah. So you died too, huh sis?” I asked sadly before I just stuffed the rest of the food into the pantry, leaving it up to Rarity since she was OCD about some things while oddly a slob in others. Food storage was one of her OCD matters and she’d sort it out later. “Yeah, but not before seeing Berserker’s army come rushing into Coldharbour and fucking up as many daedra as possible. I don’t think she took your death lightly and I can’t blame her. I mean, wow, they were pissed beyond belief.” Shade stretched out against the doorframe before she approached the table. “So, when are any of our lovers gonna be available? I’m starving.” Oh~! Why’d you have to mention that, Shade? Now I just realized how hungry I am for magicka! “Well, Neethsi is out on the town, Rarity is busy downstairs.” I didn’t want to intrude on her business for something that could wait. “Why don’t you just drink from Scootaloo? She’s all magically milky like all the other females in the city, right?” Samantha suggested and I shared a sudden naughty grin with my sister. “Uh oh, we’d better go somewhere else, I just triggered mom and auntie.” “Well, Scootaloo has been eating a ton, maybe it’s karmic balance that she feeds someone else.” Daniel shrugged, but followed his sister downstairs before Shade and I stalked down the hall towards the hyper-pregnant pegasus in her early stages who I remember quite clearly kissing at Tales and Tallows, so she’s definitely hyper-busty and hyper-milky with the good milk. My stomach gurgled demandingly at the thought of sweet, tangy and creamy magic milk. We reached Sweetie and Scootaloo’s room and we barged in to find Scootaloo had been napping. Had being the operative word since she sat up when we burst in. “Oh Scoots~! We’re thirsty!” “Uh-uh...w-well, shouldn’t you wait for Sweetie or one of the others to get here? I’m just a boring mare with n-nothing th-that w-would…” Scootaloo stammered as we approached her and lifted up her tunic to grope her breasts. “We’re hungry, Scootaloo. We need your magic milk.” Shade purred and then we went to her stud-pierced nipples to suck on them, causing the D-cup chested mare to moan and thrust her breasts against our faces. “Make them bigger. Let us drink more.” “Y-yes. D-drink all you need~.” Scootaloo groaned as her breasts began to grow, revealing more of their true glory as Shade and I sucked on her expanding purple teats that stuck out on her orange coat like beacons. The bed creaked and groaned from the massive weight of two yoga-ball spheres of flesh and fluid along with three horny people. “Oh~ fuck yes~...” “-Hey Scoots you-oh come on~! You two; out! My future wife; I’ve got dibs! Neethsi is in the spare room anyway.” Sweetie growled angrily before dropping her pants to reveal the log of a cock her piercing had hidden along with the two pulsing beach balls of pink-purple cum pumps resting against her thighs. “Unless, you’re thirsty enough to handle this!” “Fuck yes~!” I chorused with Shade to Sweetie’s surprise and we pounced on her, sucking, licking, hugging and humping the 3 foot long breeding pole that Sweetie had attached to her groin! “Heh, looks like it backfired, Sweets. Maybe you better put it away unless you wanna risk making even more babies.” Scootaloo licked her lips. “Besides, I’m still hungry.” “Out! Back you beasts! I need to feed Scoots!” Sweetie declared before magically shoving us out of the room much to our giggling amusement. > Ch.73 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.73 [Loredas, 26th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Sheesh, you’re still nervous?” Birnil questioned the nerve-wracked Imperial Commander. “And you’re not? How can you stand beside these Sentinels?” Heralous, the Imperial Commander, retorted with her own question concerning the Night Sentinels. “I work with their Queen, who’s our general, who tends to throw our doctrines of war out a window if she has to sometimes. You get used to it and learn that she and her people conduct war very differently.” Birnil answered with a snort as they walked towards the Command Center. “And you’re fine with that? How do you know they aren’t planning something once this is all over?” The Imperial Commander pressed, but was soon choked-slammed against the wall. “You suspect too much and it’s testing my patience. If they really wanted to conquer all of Mundus, they would’ve made it known to us. But no, they don’t want to and they know better not to!” Birnil snapped at Heralous with a growl of frustration, getting his point across before letting her go. “Can you just be thankful we came to help you?” “Is there a problem, sir?” A patrol of Defenders came around to see what was all the ruckus about. Heralous flinched at seeing these titanic beings. “No problems besides the usual political nonsense. Now then, Commander, you’re about to meet our general. Don’t be such a tight-arsed idiot and everything will be fine.” Birnil pulled the woman off of the wall and practically frogmarched her to the former Warden’s Office of the Imperial Prison. This was where the citizens of the Imperial City had been evacuated when White-Gold Tower had practically flooded with daedra. Even freed prisoners were helping. “Birnil, how are the defenses looking?” General Berserker in all her armored dutiful glory questioned the instant the doors opened while going over a map of the city practically buried under colored pebbles representing the forces in action. “They’ll hold, that’s all I can say after that mess we had rushing from the Wayshrine right outside of the tower to reinforce the Legion here. What news do the pegasi bring from the Synod?” Birnil questioned since he was in charge of helping the Legion shore up their defenses, not the campaign inside the city itself. “It’s not going well. Since the Synod is less an institution of teaching magic and more one of hoarding its secrets, they’ve put up a fairly pathetic resistance. There’s no point in trying to mount a rescue.” Miun-La huffed in disapproval, which Birnil could understand. Miun-La works in a city with a prominent magic college where great mages graduate every year. “You’re not the first to be disgusted by what rose from the ashes of the Mage’s Guild.” Heralous huffed with a shake of her head. “Forget them, it’s best they die so that hopefully a more competent organization comes about in their place, perhaps a new Mage’s Guild capable of training proper battlemages again. Even if the Empire is done, we must still serve and protect the people of this land as is our duty.” “An Empire an Emperor does not make.” Golnis sagely stated and everyone nodded. “Since we are not going to bother attempting to aid them, we’ll focus everything on securing the city surrounding the Tower, which will be easiest from the Market and Arena districts. This is due to the Market being connected to the Prison and the Arena with the gladiators giving the daedra what-for.” To think, the average citizen thought the Arena was just a show. “Commander Heralous, still twitching?” General Berserker asked and Heralous winced from the question. “I’ll take that as a yes. You’re gonna have to get used to it, a lot of things are going to change soon.” “Such as the Empire dissolving into a democratic neutral ground instead of a sovereign power. I know. I can live with that so long as I can still serve and protect Cyrodiil’s people.” Heralous declared with hurt pride. She loved the Empire, as bogged down in bureaucracy and questionable leadership as it had been, it was her home and she would die to protect it. “It’s not just the Empire, but the world in general. I won’t be making changes, influencing some things maybe, but the bigger changes must be done by the people of this world. You. It all depends on whether you want it or not.” Berserker clarified to the Imperial Commander. “Rather, whether we want it or not. Things must change, even a young woman like me can see that in the few short years of service I’ve seen.” Heralous sighed and tapped on the map. “Please tell me these pebbles mark breach parties for the sewers. There’s a maze down there usually full of goblins that we task adventurers to deal with.” Because of course no self-respecting soldier would go into a dark shitty hole if given a choice. “Don’t worry, none of you need to go down there. My own will handle whatever’s crawling in the sewers.” Berserker assured the commanders. 📜 I didn’t even know Neethsi could get drunk! “Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roaring' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free~!” Also, Flogging Molly lyrics are mixed into some of the sea shanties of this world. Even slurring, she was delivering those songs with incredible clarity. “Please stop.” Shade begged our future wife and even tried to hold her jaw shut. “Aw, but sea shanties are good.” I joked with some honesty. I love sea shanties, especially ones that carry a good tune and rhythm. “Besides, we’re still hungry and she’s not about to stop us in her current state.” I pulled up Neethsi’s horribly messed-up robe to expose her heaving hooters that held a delicious bounty within for us manavores. “Fine, besides, she’s still humming anyway.” Shade let go of the goddess’s mouth and joined me at her chest where we sucked and groped her boobs, causing Neethsi to go from sea shanties to moans and groans of pleasure as we got our meals. 📜 “Scour these fetid sewers! Skree! The others are too cowardly of the stench and tight quarters! We Skaven will rout the invaders and claim it as our home!” Choruses of rodent cries cheered! Besides, they heard this place was disgustingly inefficient and needed to be reworked anyway. Who better for the task than the inheritors of the Dwemer? “What are we going to do down here?” Snarled a squadmate as she fired her ‘steam’ powered rifle at a group of fleeing goblins. “We fix this place up and then what? Clear this shithole out every now and then?!” “Wait, do you hear that? Heavy footsteps.” Another squadmate said as his ears twitched in the direction of the sound. “I can feel the ground tremble with every step and it’s getting closer. Look!” The Skaven squad saw the goblins fleeing in terror, not from them, but from something else. “Be prepared to fire!” Their Squad leader snarled, priming a shot as the others followed suit. Aiming down range, they waited for whatever monster was lurking down here, but were surprised that it was a group of hulking mechanical beings stomping through. “I thought we were the only ones down here!” “Don’t they belong to one of our goddess’s husbands or wives?” The female Skaven questioned as the Terminator squad passed by without paying them any mind.   “Should we report this?” A Squadmate asked. “What? No! Don’t you see; with them down here we can clear these sewers out more quickly! Maybe that’s why they’re down here.” The Squad Leader snapped, smacking the back of his squadmate’s head. “Now c’mon! Let’s follow them and watch their backs!” 📜 “My dear, what are you doing with Brennie’s Haven Box?” Mara asked Akatosh as he tinkered with the dimensional magical box with his magic. “Oh, you know, just giving it some upgrades for all the hard work she and the girls have done so far.” Akatosh replied with a toothy grin. “Like what?” Mara raised a brow as she eyed the golden dragon suspiciously. “Time fuckery.” Akatosh answered without hesitation. “Darling-.” Mara started to speak but the God of Time stopped her as he looked at her. “Mara, my sweet, need I remind you that we are responsible for setting them all on this course? Their actions have exceeded all of our expectations and done more good for the world at large. Even Brennie’s people went into Oblivion to get back at Molag Bal-bags, regardless of the risks involved, that sort of defiance will spark the rest of Tamriel to follow suit and perhaps bring him back.” Akatosh sighed as he went back to working on the box, Mara watched on in silence and thought of what her beloved stated. “Right now, I’m giving them a place where they can take their time to recover and relax without having to worry about what’s happening in the real world. Because it won’t be moving on without them.” “I see.” Mara muttered, lost within her own thoughts. “Regretting your decision?” Akatosh questioned after he was finished with the box, teleporting it back to the room where he obtained it. “I don’t know. Have we placed too much responsibility on them? On her?” Mara inquired with uncertainty. This also led Akatosh to thinking as well... 📜 “I really wish I wasn’t so busy and had to miss all of the silly things you got up to.” Rarity sighed with amusement as she undressed from her ‘business’ blouse and trousers to put on one of her sexy nighties. “I hope you don’t mind if I sneak in and snuggle.” “Mm, c’mere.” I mumbled as I moved slightly away from spooning Neethsi’s side so Rarity could crawl between us and snuggle. When she did, she smooched my nose and nuzzled into my neck to settle in. That was when Daniel and Samantha entered and crawled into comfortable spots in our already crowded girl-pile of a bed. This filled me with great warmth and contentment, but then I remembered my other two children still in Molag’s clutches. I still feel too groggy though, but now I’m all sad. Here we are as happy as can be for the moment while the other two kids are still trapped. I hope we save them sooner rather than later. *Thunk!* Huh? I sat up, disturbing Rarity, to see Brennie’s Haven Box on the floor. Wait, that’s right. It was on the bed with two Haven Bags inside. When did it get moved? I can’t really remember, but it would explain why it wasn’t on the bed. It seemed different too, like the wood now has scale-like gold capping the corners and an hourglass engraved on the top. “Oo! Mama, let’s use it! It’s timey wimey stuff!” Samantha shouted and hurriedly hefted the box onto the bed before she opened it-whoa~! It’s like the usual, only even more disorienting! We all landed on a giant bed, only for me to realize it wasn’t a bed, it was the floor! The floor is a giant bed! “Wee~! It bounces!” Sammy cheered and I watched her jump and play with her brother on the soft yet springy surface. “Goodness! This place is both absolutely garish yet immensely comfortable.” Rarity stated as she stretched like a sexy super-booby kitty before she snuggled against Neethsi, who had promptly snatched Shade into a cuddle and went back to sleep with my sister giving in. “Oh, hey! There’s a note from...Akatosh and Mara?” Daniel announced as he read it. Can he read? He hasn’t had any schooling. “Cool! This place is now temporally isolated from the world outside. We can be in here however long we want and no time could pass at all in the real world if you really don’t want it to.” “Wow, neat! Is there anything else, bro?” Sammy asked her brother. “Just to use the box to have fun.” Daniel handed it to me and the note did say that, only for the end bit to change to ‘use the box to fuck like rabbits’, so I burned it with a spell and blew the ashes towards an empty corner. “We will for sure. Now then, let’s get to sleep. If we can exit the box at a time of our choosing, then I want us to exit in the morning as usual, but this box means sleeping in isn’t actually sleeping in.” I told my kids and they giggled before going back to the pile of sexy ladies that I joined my little hooligans in finding ways to insert into the snuggle. To think, with this, no possibility of facing a day without good sleep exists. 📜 “Mother, I’m hungry…” Her little hatchling mewled pathetically and she could only offer a hug as condolence as her own stomach protested. She looked around at the others on the ship. Like her and her child, they too were unnaturally thin, almost skin and bones. She leered and bared her fangs, letting them know that while starved, she was not weak enough to become food. One of the older ones collapsed and they all pounced on the weakness, rending the poor soul limb from limb with bare hands and fangs. She made off with one of his arms and hurried away from the ravenous melee, ripping the severed limb apart at the knee in a display of adrenaline-fueled strength before giving her child the calf and began to eat the thigh. It was only when the desperation, the starvation and the adrenaline died down that she felt the remorse, the regret, but could not come to hate herself for doing what she had to for her child and her survival. In this way, she was thankful to the old snake for surrendering his body, for it would let her and her hatchling survive another day as they awaited news from the emissaries sent to Tamriel. After all, every time before Akavir went there with so many ships, it was for invasion. They could only pray that they weren’t all doomed. Her hopelessness was interrupted by calls to action from conch shell horns being blown and the crewmates, purposefully kept at least fed the bare minimum to be able to work, began hurrying into the rigging and deploying the square sails as the anchors were raised. She felt hope, for the first time in several weeks since they fled Akavir and the endless tide of the Kamal. She could see the ships of the Tang Mo and Ka'Po'Tun also taking the wind into their sails. “Excuse me, honored sailor! Are we finally safe?! Will we reach Tamriel soon?!” She pleaded desperately of the wiry underfed male who was not fresh from a full meal like she was, so he couldn’t just shrug her grasp away. “Yes! Now release me!” He hissed and she complied before hugging her child joyfully. Hopefully soon they would no longer be starving. The ship ran out of proper flesh and other rations not reserved for the sailors almost a week ago. She would thank any deity willing to listen for their salvation, for they had remained moored just over a day’s sail past the eastern shores of Tamriel and soon they may be in their new home. “Mother, you are squeezing me too hard. I can feel the honored elder’s flesh trying to creep back up my throat.” Her child mewled and she relented. It wouldn't do to waste the elder’s sacrifice, even if it was due to his age causing him to fall before the others. “Mother, will we be landing in the lands of the lizard-folk of Tamriel?” “Yes, my hatchling. For while their land is inhospitable to most, our own immunity to most diseases will make it perfect for us. I do not know where the Tang Mo and the Ka'Po'Tun will go, but that is for them to be concerned with.” She nuzzled and petted her child’s smooth golden head, her own golden scales glimmering in the sun-. “Zaeza!” She stiffened at the sharp call of her name and she stood promptly with her head bowed towards the approaching male who had hissed her name. “You live! Good! The Captain needs your presence along with your son.” “Yes, honorable first-mate. I will do so immediately.” Zaeza nervously took the hand of her son and guided him past the disdainful sneer of the brown-scaled sailor. Once past the male, she entered the captain’s cabin without hesitation, for like most naval soldiers he had no patience for ‘proper’ nonsense that slowed things down. “Zaeza. You have survived. Good, then you will be useful.” The bronze-scaled captain of the ship, that she never bothered to learn the name of, commented idly as he read through the scroll. “Tell me Zaeza, do you have an objection to sexual encounters with females?” “A-ah...I...this is such an uncomfortable question…” Zaeza meekly protested as she covered her son’s ear-holes and then licked her dry lips before shaking her head. Was this why they asked for her? How did they know she had a preference for females while still enjoying male company? Was she being whored out to secure her people’s safety? “Then as you can imagine, we have offered many things so that the people of Tamriel do not butcher us in our weakened state. One of which was a potential marriage between one of our own and a prominent member of their society.” M-marriage?! She is despoiled! Unfit! She has a child! How is she-?! “The criteria was simply that it be a woman with no reservation of being intimate with another woman.” “But my son! Won’t he be an...issue?” Zaeza asked painfully as she kept her hands firmly clasped over his ear-holes. “Not at all. If anything, your son is actually a benefit. The person in question happens to adore children, so your son will be gaining loving parents to join you in caring for him.” The captain informed her and Zaeza felt anticipation and more hope fill her flat and withered chest, only to wonder, who could she be getting matched with? She wasn’t even someone of note; a commoner. Wait, parents?! Plural?! She was being matched into a harem?! Zaeza felt faint. What sort of person would take her as a positive gain in this sort of deal? 📜 “*Achoo*!” I jolted awake from a sneeze! I haven’t sneezed once since I’ve been Re-Displaced as an argonian! “How is this possible?” “Argonians need to have a way to clear clogged sinuses too in case too much gunk gets in while underwater. Now go back to sleep.” Neethsi muttered and I noticed we’d all spread out some on the bed/floor. “Yeah, all that talk about no wake-up times and you wake us up. Go to sleep, sis.” Shade grumbled into Rarity’s cleavage and the unicorn nodded while I found Daniel and Samantha crawling close to snuggle me again. Mm...yes, blessed sleep... > Ch.74 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.74 [Sundas, 27th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “*Yawn* How long were we sleeping?” I groaned as I rose from the bed floor finding Samantha and Daniel had left with Shade, possibly for more schooling since Shade was the more brainy of us two even if I’m more mechanically inclined. Neethsi was also gone, but I think she was doing government stuff. Huh, I didn't expect them to let me sleep in the most. I got up and looked around the box before I heard someone pop in. “Ah, there you are.” I was surprised to see Hunter coming in to pay me a visit. “Sorry for barging in unannounced, but I hope you will hear me out.” He gave a brief bow while apologizing to me. “Okay? Hear you out on what?” I asked, putting on a robe at the least since I didn’t feel too comfortable being nude in front of Hunter unless this was about sex, because I’m not about to say no if we’re responsible about it. “Well, I may have paid a quick visit to Blackreach in Skyrim in order to crack open that glowing rock stuff they found.” Hunter showed me a mental image of what he was talking about to help me understand. “The Aetherium? What did you do with it?” I asked curiously, because that stuff was mysterious. “Nothing, really. I can’t do anything with it, not without the Aetherium Forge and I have no knowledge on how to make that stuff work.” Hunter answered with a shrug. “Do you want me to find the forge? Why not ask Vartine? He found it before.” I voiced In confusion as I sat on the bed/floor. Nice it may be, but this box needs chairs of some kind. Do they have bean bag chairs here? If not I’ll invent them! Another patent for me! “No need, I found it. I was wondering if it were possible to replicate it somehow. That’s why I went down there to see if it can be done, but, after inspecting it, I’m not sure if it’s even doable.” Hunter shrugged with a shake of his head and I tilted my head in confusion. “Why not? Is this why you came to me?” I may have a hammer that gives me godly crafting powers, but it’s not like I can figure out how something works that way. “Yes, let me show you.” Using his psychic powers again, he showed me the Forge in all its glory, but now I understood why he thought it was impossible to replicate. There were just some things we don’t have in Lilmoth that could help the replicated Forge live up to the original’s standard. Not to mention it’s powered by geo-thermal energy, something Black Marsh doesn’t have. “Hm, so what would you need me to do?” I asked as I laid down on the bed at his feet. “Nothing yet. I thought I’d inform you about it since you specialize in forging and tinkering, but besides that; there seem to be no signs of Falmer in the area. It’s like they all died out or something.” Hunter answered while tilting his head to the right. “I think I heard the Skaven were making them back into proper Snow Elves? I think?” I pondered on the rumors I’ve been hearing. I’m staying away from politics as much as possible after all. “Do people even want them back?” Hunter asked as he tilted his head to the left now. “I know the Nords wouldn’t want them back, considering their history.” “I don’t know. I think the Skaven would be in charge of them and their former insect slaves.” I said booping his foot with my nose. Huh...his boots smell like ozone. “Are you worried about my sister, Brennie?” And there it is. I may be trying to avoid politics and other similar things, but even though it was my day off, I heard enough while out shopping to know that the majority of the soldiers assigned to Lilmoth rapidly deployed somewhere through the Wayshrine, leaving Neethsi, Shade and I here. “Yes, I am. I’m very worried for Brennie.” I sighed and tried not to dwell, she is a powerful deity of war and other similar stuff, she can take care of herself. “They’re doing fine from what I’ve heard thus far.” Hunter assured me as he knelt down and started petting my head. “That’s good. How have you been? Do you remember me?” I asked, having met Hunter once before I think, with Brennie when they helped me deal with a small Hell invasion in my old world. A lot of good that ended up doing, with my old world ceasing to fucking exist. “I think so, yes. I remember a tomb of sorts where you used to live, I think that was Slayer’s tomb with some demonic skull in place to keep him locked up.” Hunter answered from what he could remember. “Who?” I was confused as to who Slayer was. Also, what tomb? I don’t remember a tomb. “Todd.” “Todd?!” I jumped, but then felt a little light headed. I knew of Todd and his sister Penny. So Todd’s alive with the Marines, where’s Penny? Ow my head. “Whoa, easy! Slow down.” Hunter said urgently as he helped steady me. “Sorry, just feels like I got split up in three pieces for a moment.” I groaned as I remembered Todd and how he used to just silently walk in the background while Penny chirped and rushed about. “Is Todd okay? Have you met his sister?” “Sister? What sister? He hasn’t made any mention of having a sister.” Hunter asked in confusion. “Penny. His little sister. Todd was my Best friend and Penny or was Penny just our mutual friend? Sorry my head is still mixing up bits of my past I think, but we both knew Penny, she cosplayed as a Big Sister!” I whined as I rubbed my head. “Penny...why does that sound and feel so familiar? I know you’re not talking about my wife’s sister, Penny Inoue Shepard.” Hunter grunted in pain suddenly, grabbing his own head. “She’s in on the graylisted Displaced.” Hermais said when she slithered through a wormhole. “His world has been marked with a travel warning ever since we found it. This guy, not the other Displaced with him, loves impregnating any girl he meets and can be a bit possessive. He’s also a god of fertility, sex and commerce like mom, but if she was one gender and a bit more...corrupt. He’s not a good guy, but not a bad guy.” “And who is this?” I asked. “Victor Lazorus or something. Technically, you’re married to him and also Penny.” Hermais explained. “What?” I asked in confusion while I looked at Hunter. “Uh, wasn’t he some sort of Bounty Hunter or something?” Hunter asked Hermais as even he was confused. “Yes. In his own world he grew into an extreme of his desires. He’s also kinda selfish and fucked a version of me until said version diverged so much from my timeline that she turned into the Chaotic Spirit of Sex.” Hermais informed us with a frown. “But I’m married to this...guy?” I asked, trying to be polite, because I cannot imagine it. “Yes and no. A Version of you is, only to break it off before you ended up here. The one Eris and I didn’t save from the fate you ended up. She was the reason for your Dragon Break, her fleeing caused it and messed your world up so much that this has happened. Marian Fall is what Eris named her. Marian Cyber is the one we saved. And you’re Marian-Rei or Meen-Rei.” Hermais explained, which only made me even more horrified. “So, what you’re saying is that...we’ve met each other multiple times before?” Hunter questioned the avian noodle. “Yes, kinda. Again we graylisted Victor’s world for many reasons, some being the same as we blacklisted Meen-Rei’s world, but we allowed limited travel there for authorized personnel back in the day. His world is why our Displacement Bureau is the way it is.” Hermais continued. “...I need to lie down and sleep this bullshit off.” I can’t blame Hunter as he transformed into his own anthro wolf form, then took off his cloak and armor before he lied down. “Hey, I knew his world was bullshit. Why do you think I never placed it down as a place to help? He was already way too overpowered. We only let Todd over because Hell Invaded for a small scouting.” Hermais huffed and lied down with us. “Look, his world is weird and not something we need to worry about. At most there's some kids of his in our realms, which in hindsight might be why things are kinda crazy.” “Not my problem.” I groaned, rubbing my face in annoyance. “I know, just telling Hunter. Look, Penny is happy, but Todd hasn’t visited her or the other you. I’m unsure if he even wants to visit them.” Hermais explained. “Him meeting you? I’m unsure. It’s up to Slayer if he wants to see you again.” “Don’t make me shove you into my underwear and keep you there.” Hunter snorted as he tried to get some sleep. “Fine, fine.” Hermais said before poofing away. “You keep people in your pants?” I chuckled with amusement at the idea. “One of my wives is living inside there right now.” Hunter answered with a sigh. “Huh? Really, crap.” I said with a mystified look at his crotch. “Unf~! Now she’s sucking me off.” Hunter grunted as I caught a whiff of his musk. “I can smell it.” I groaned as my breasts swelled up and my tail leaked pre. “So, um, what did you want to make with the Aetherium Forge?” I asked to try and distract myself from the arousal. “S-some specialized weapons to counter the daedra.” Hunter huffed as he twitched in pleasure. “R-really?” I tried not to get too turned on and be professional right now, all while the dracowolf rubbed his crotch. “Or perhaps m-make those exo suits Brennie’s been on about for the troops. Anything to give us an edge over Molag Bal.” Hunter groaned in pleasure. “That sounds really good.” I shivered and tried to move away, but my body refused to pull away from Hunter. “H-hey, uh, you’re in my personal space!” Hunter yelped as I crawled over him, peeling his undergarment away until that glorious schlong of his popped up, seeing a husky anthro occupied with his enormous basketball-sized gurgling cum spheres. Wow, he wasn’t kidding. “Wow.” I said, blinking at his cock before licking it. This elicited a moan from Hunter before feeling him grabbing hold of my hips, pulling down until my sopping wet pussy was in his face. Soon I felt him licking me in return. “Hm, ah, Hunter~.” I cooed with a look at his husky wife who was playfully squinting her eyes at me as she still licked and groped his nuts. “You made the first move, I’m only returning the gesture in kind~.” Hunter growled in pleasure as he kept up his licking and teasing at my folds. “Mm, ah, oo~.” I cooed before I started sucking the head of his cock. Fuck his cock is massive! 📜 “Hm, I feel like I’m missing out on something fun.” Brennie grumbled in annoyance as she and Miun-La were busy with the last of the paperwork. “Does it involve sex?” Miun-La questioned as he finished with the last paper. “Yeah, I think so.” Brennie huffed as she folded her arms and pouted. “I bet it’s Meen-Rei and my brother Hunter going at it back in Lilmoth.” Miun-La raised a brow before his tail circled around her waist, making her squeak and blush. “Eek!” She was not expecting this! “My dear general, if you are in need of help, all you have to do is ask and I’ll take care of it.” Brennie shivered as her commander became so flirtatious all of a sudden. “I’ll admit, this would be my first time in a long while and I don’t want to disappoint my lady.” “Y-you’re doing a really good job at convincing me.” Brennie shuddered as Miun held out a hand for her to take. “Well, we never got a chance to go out on a date before all of this nonsense.” Not that she’d considered it originally considering Miun-La was a policeman first, soldier second. “Indeed, so why don’t we plan on that another time and get straight into the action~?” Miun-La purred as he pulled Brennie up to her feet and led her to someplace more private. Said place seemed to be the private quarters of an officer attached to said office. “Oh, yes, let’s.” Brennie said with a gleam in her eye and a lick of her pouty lips. 📜 Zaeza was nervous. She didn’t know how people courted in Tamriel. Was it at all like Tsaesci courtship? Would she need to share her blood with her intended mate before or after being wed? Did they share blood at all? Vampirism was considered evil in Tamriel, wasn’t it? These thoughts raced through her mind as she looked at herself in the mirror. This finery, these kimono and obi, they were of a courtly mistress to a lord, not a commoner like her. It felt so heavy and burdensome, like a weight pulling on her. However, her female pride called attention to how, even starved and thinned, she cut a regal and beautiful visage. The kimono, while not what she would prefer to wear, enhanced this. Her lustrous golden scales were accented by the light purples and dark blacks of the kimono she was given to pretty herself for presenting her to her new lovers. “Mother, you are so pretty.” Zaeza’s heart fluttered at her son’s biased but earnest claim. “Yes, but you are so handsome my little snakeling.” Zaeza hissed lovingly at her child, who as a bastard, had no name. Were he born female she could’ve named him, but by her people’s traditions, a bastard son received no name until he chose one for himself or encountered his wayward father later in life to demand a name. To her shame, he was the product of a one-night stand with a dashing soldier who died fighting against the Kamal shortly after they copulated. Hopefully, if she was wed, she could ask them to name him if Tamriel’s gender restrictions were less, well, strict. “Are you sure, mother? I feel like I’m going to drown in all of this silk.” Her son huffed as he fiddled with the obi of his much simpler black kimono and divided hakama pants. He seemed like a little lord~! It filled her with so much motherly pride to see him so dashing! “Yes hatchling, you are so handsome I am having trouble not striking kisses upon your brow.” Zaeza hissed lovingly at her son and he shyly hid his snout behind the sleeves of his new clothes. “Now then, let us be ready. Our ships are landing in the bay outside of one of the great cities of Black Marsh and-.” “Hello there!” A pink Tamrielan in a frumpy commoner’s day dress chirped after appearing out of thin air, causing Zaeza to rear back in shock with her hood flaring. “I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie! I’ll be your guide until we reach my friend!” The female, for how could any creature with such a thick and motherly yet muscular figure be anything but female, introduced herself while bouncing on her hooves, sending the large orbs contained in her tunic shaking. “Ah-uh, yes. Greetings. I am Zaeza.” Good gosh! This female was so enticing! She hasn’t seen any female with breasts as glorious! Not even the Tang Mo or Ka’Po’Tun produced females with a bosom so magnificently large and bouncy! The Kamal all look like hairy carpets and the females look like the males, so the less thought in that direction the better. “I can feel you looking~! These are for Dar-Ja though, nobody else!” Pinkamena chirped with a hearty heft of her sultry chest melons. “Don’t worry, although they don’t know about it, the girls you’re going to be introduced to are real swell gals. You could say they’re bursting with fulfilling amounts of love!” Zaeza felt like she was hinting at something, something that had her yearning. “Y-you do not say? I hope so.” Zaeza gulped dryly, now extremely turned-on and antsy to meet these people she’d been traded to for her people’s right to get established here. “Yeppers! Oh! You’ll need these!” Pinkamena reached into her hip satchel and retrieved several pieces of jewelry, all made of gold aside from the large purple pearl. “I’ll help you put them on. Go into the next room little guy, your mama needs to strip down.” S-strip?! “Are you okay, mama? Do you need me to scream?” Her observant and caring son asked worriedly, but Zaeza shook her head, her hood still flared with arousal from this odd encounter and gestured for him to leave them alone. “Very well, mother. I’ll be listening in the next room.” He left them alone and Zaeza nervously untied her obi to open her kimono. “Ask the warriors in gray cloaks if you have any questions, little guy! Don’t be scared of them, they won’t bite!” Pinkamena called out to her son as she prepared the jewelry. “Warriors in gray?” Zaeza asked as the pink female with poofy, curly darker pink hair took the pearl and began pressing it into Zaeza’s navel. Oo~! W-what is that?! It feels so good~! “Most of our military had to deploy to another region to help the people in trouble. The warriors in gray along with others from their race have offered to watch over our city. They call themselves Night Sentinels and they’re pretty cool once you get to know them. Everyone refers to them as Sentinels.” Pinkie explained to Zaeza after she rubbed the area around her bejeweled belly button, which felt very good and made her tail and hood twitch. “Ah I-I see~.” Zaeza cooed as golden anklets were put on and then matching bangles on her wrists. Then came a collar. A tool often used to label a slave, but this was too ornate, too high quality to be a slave collar. When it clicked around the base of her throat, Zaeza felt oddly at ease. Then came the odd gold beads on rods. “Where will those go?” “Now, this would normally really hurt, but these are magic, so just close your eyes if you don’t wanna watch.” Pinkamena pulled one bead off to reveal it was a piercing! Tsaesci didn’t practice piercing like the Tang Mo and Ka’Po’Tun did! She watched it near her petite left nipple and she closed her eyes, waiting for pain, but after a bit she opened her eyes to blink at the oddly smaller than before beads now pressed on the sides of her nipples. “Painless~!” Whew. “So, what is the purpose of these...accessories?” Zaeza squeaked when Pinkamena revealed another one and descended down her body to her vagina. I-is that last one g-going…?! “You’ll see soon~.” Pinkamena winked and then Zaeza closed her eyes again. > Ch.75 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.75 [Morndas, 28th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] I emerged from the box with a contented stretch and sighed as I patted my rippling abs. Hunter may not have magic-infused gonads, but his semen was surprisingly tasty, like cooked seafood. Hey, I wonder, do Brennie’s people or rather her wife's people, have exotic body fluids? Like, do they have girls who lactate chocolate milk or guys who have eggnog cum and stuff? That’d be really hot to me and add all sorts of flavors to my necessary diet of magicka-infused fluids if I infuse them beforehand. “Miss Rei, are you in?!” Someone called, followed by rapid knocking on the door that sounded rather urgent. “There’s a development involving you and I need to tell you about it!” “Uh, just a minute! I’m not decent!” I patted myself down, my satchel! I forgot it in the box! I went to open the box and go get it, but the lid is locked! Hunter, you asshole! Grr, he must’ve wanted private time with his wife or something after I sucked him off and got some protein. “Hold on!” I went to the dressers and blushed. Why are all of the drawers full of naughty clothes?! Uh...fuck it. I increased my bust size to Rarity’s preferred normal that match’s my True Form’s norm of huge chest basketballs and then put on the least see-through nightie Rarity had in the dresser before nervously approaching the door and unlocking it to meekly peer through the crack I opened in the door. “Miss, can I come in? I really need to tell you.” Oh, it was one of Hunter’s Guards. Too bad I don’t know her name. “Uh...can’t you just tell me through the door?” I meekly asked, because while I wasn’t embarrassed about being sexy around others, I still felt it better not to be so naughtily dressed around anyone who I wasn’t already involved with. Skintight leggings and tops don't count. “Oh, alright, but don’t freak out, please? It’s about the Tsaesci and those diplomats weren’t exactly being transparent about this marriage proposal between you and one of their own.” The armored woman said and-what the fuck?! “W-wait-what?! M-married?! I didn’t hear anything about this!” I was set up with someone without being told?! I’m not upset, more afraid! Who is this person?! What have I been set up for?! Are they at least attractive in personality?! “None of us have, either. Not even Brennie knew of this.” The woman shook her head and I huffed in shared frustration. “Didn’t they mention something about someone being married for reasons?” I demanded irritably, some of my righteous anger starting to well up. I can’t be mad at whoever they set me up with unless they did the setting up, but I can be mad that they’re using me like this! “...Oh. Well, that’s vague and sneaky. I bet Brennie thought they meant the Count or someone else more politically prominent.” The woman sighed and I rubbed my snout. “Well...whatever. Who am I being married off to if you know, when is it, what do I need to do?” I asked in resignation, because from what I am guessing, this involves a lot of lives. “Luckily enough, a normal but beautiful woman named Zaeza with a son.” Oh? She has a son already? My kids could use a playmate… “As for when, it’s actually a potential marriage. You can reject her if you don’t like her.” That...feels wrong, to her. I think I’m in the position of power here. “Please, ma’am, can you help these two? They’ve been through some really rough shit.” “Ugh, you just said that because you know I’m a good person and I can’t ignore it.” I grumbled and opened the door, uncaring if she saw my sexy lingerie by this point, talking through the door is getting annoying. “No, because I’m being serious about it. Tell me, do you know anything about their culture or traditions?” Uh-oh... “Uh, no? I can guess considering I liked anime enough to be curious about Japanese culture a bit, is it like that?” A grim nod. “Oh, fuck.” That means if I reject her, she might die! “It’s more grim than that. Her son doesn’t even have a name because his father died and the mother’s not allowed to name him.” The soldier informed me and I groaned. “Can I name him if I marry her?” They’d be marrying into our society, but I don’t know if that’s kosher. “Yes.” She answered and I pinched my snout. “Then you know my answer…” I can’t ignore her son not having a name. Even if we don’t hit it off, being friends would at least make the arrangement bearable. “I still want to hear you say it.” Sheesh, I get that you guys are rather upfront and blunt, but you need to relax. “I’ll marry her, even if the others don’t want to.” I assured her and she nodded as she made hand gestures. “I have your agreement recorded. You don’t have to do anything, she’ll be here later today.” The soldier woman then went down the hall, downstairs and out of the building. Now...can Hunter hear me knock? I need my stuff, damn it! Or have the same perverted storage magic that they’ve got going! That’d be so convenient! 📜 “Get the fuck back here!” Brennie roared as she chased the two Tsaesci ambassadors who had bamboozled her into agreeing to marry off her friend to somebody she’s never heard of! Fucking dammit, this is why she hates politics! “We said we are sorry!” The bronze-scaled man called back frantically. “We had thought we made it clear!” The gold-scaled man added on as they expertly weaved through the foot traffic of Lilmoth with displays of Acrobatics and Athletics that would put most natives of Tamriel to shame. No wonder the Tsaesci were considered legendary warriors if they had such natural talent, but that wouldn’t save them from her! “No you fucking didn’t and you know it!” Brennie snapped back as she charged on through with the bystanders quickly getting out of her way or being pulled to safety by the Night Sentinel’s reaction time. “We had specifically stated that we needed a political marriage to display willingness to integrate! Meen-Rei preferring females meant that we could further demonstrate it!” Bronze scaly guy replied as he jumped over a kiosk and swung from an overhanging lamp pole. “And you two couldn’t have made the deal with me?!” This caught the two off-guard. “W-well, you are an Outworlder. That automatically disqualifies you from political marriages. Even if Meen-Rei turns out to be one, she has ties here far greater than you do with her already entering a marriage with the Nerevarine.” Goldy guy said as he landed on a lamp post next to his companion, the two maintaining unnatural balance with a sinuous grace. “I don’t care how true that is, I’m still gonna kick your asses! Nobody uses any of my friends for political gains without my fucking knowledge!” Brennie decreed with a raised fist. “You assume you’ve caught us.” They chorused with sly grins, only for them to explode in a beautiful display of lights and images that looked like something out of a Japanese festival. How the fuck did they do that?! Grr~! She didn’t have time for this! Miun, Birnil and Golnis can handle retaking the Imperial City, but the Pact was now making a full invasion of Cyrodiil to protect it from Molag and she needed to be there! “I’ll get you! You hear me?! I’ll get you~!” She didn’t care she sounded like a villain. 📜 “Auntie, do you think mom’s in trouble?” Sam asked Shade. “I get the feeling she’s in over her head, but not in trouble, sweetie.” Shade gently replied with an amused crinkle to her eyes. She didn’t know what was going on, just that it wouldn’t bother her and that it was fairly funny. “Oh, hey, Pinkie’s greeting someone!” Daniel chuckled as he pointed out the window before yelping when the pink mare suddenly looked mad and zoomed up to the window. “It’s Diane to you.” She said before zooming back, the strange creature hadn’t noticed her guide’s behavior due to having been keeping her excited child in hand and enjoying it. “Wait, is she bringing that woman here?” Shade asked as she watched Diane help curb the similarly alien boy’s enthusiasm. They wore really fancy and nice robes that were completely alien to her and they both drew everyone’s attention like it was the first time anyone had ever seen them. Rarity might maul them with offers to study their outfits. “Looks like...oo~! Hey Danny! We’re getting a new baby brother!” Samantha cheered and Daniel whooped happily as Shade suddenly felt a pit of anxiety in her stomach. What?! 📜 “Lady Nerevarine?” Neethsi was pulled from her sudden razor-sharp focus looking southeast from her vantage at the newly purged Synod Orrery. Low-priority or not, it needed securing. “Continue securing the facility. We need to liberate the secrets the Synod have been hiding. I need a moment.” Neethsi spread her wings and took to the air as she sniffed and tasted the wind. She could feel the fleet approaching Tamriel’s shores. It was massive. However, none of the Pact’s fleets were meeting it. In fact, they were escorting the incoming ships. They had come from Akavir, she could sense it, but not to invade? Has Akavir become such an Oblivion-damned shithole that not even the natives could stand it anymore? There must be thousands of people coming to Tamriel, easily on par with the people who fled Equestria. However, that wasn’t all that unsettled her. She felt the connection to her beloved ones weaving with someone else rapidly, as if she would return home to find someone new to love after she’d already experienced the joy of finding three who filled the hole in her heart. She hoped that this wasn’t going to backfire or she would find the ones interfering with her life and make them rue the day they thought they could play with her and her loved ones! 📜 The doorbell jingled when someone entered. “Coming~!” Rarity sang happily after pinning a stitch on her latest order and went through the open curtains from the fitting/work room. “Welcome to-my goodness~! You’re absolutely radiant, darling~!” Rarity wailed happily on sight of the alien snake woman and her child in such beautiful clothes that enhanced their looks! “I told you she’d react like this~!” Pinkie Pie gushed. Goodness! Dar-Ja was really doing wonders for her. Rarity hadn’t seen Pinkie so constantly bubbly before. “Ah, h-hello. I am Zaeza and this is my son. I am told that this is where Meen-Rei lives?” The regal beauty asked, but even with how voluminous her robes were, Rarity could tell that she had suffered starvation for a long time. The poor dear was nearly skin and bones! “Yes, she is upstairs. Please, make yourself at home and help yourselves to my cupboards. I’m not hurting for funds, so eat all you can stomach.” Rarity insisted, feeling that this was the beginning of something wonderful. Then her Belle instincts kicked in and she winced, a sudden gnawing hunger ripped through her, but at least it wasn’t crippling like her previous episodes. “O-oh...Pinkie?” Rarity asked worriedly and her bubbly friend just nodded. “Yep. It was a devious plan hatched by motivated matchmakers. Don’t worry, my Pinkie Sense tells me that she’s a keeper for sure.” Pinkie patted Zaeza’s small shoulder and gently pushed them towards the stairs. “The meat is stored in the icebox. Sorry, they don’t have blood.” Blood? “Your Kindness and Generosity know no bounds. I thank you deeply.” Zaeza bowed her head and her son did the same before she led him towards the stairs. When up there, she heard Samantha and Daniel giggling, likely already having pounced upon Zaeza’s son and Shade would likely be helping them get fed and settled in. “Miss Pie? We have the blood packs you requested.” One of Brennie’s Crusaders said after he had entered, holding up an all white, closed box with a blood drop plastered on the lid. “Take them upstairs and give them to the snakey gold folks. I’ve got a hot date today to get to.” Pinkie winked at Rarity and she cheesily pumped an unladylike fist for Pinkie’s continued success with Dar-Ja. Their romance was fast and flirty and fun. It was what Pinkie needed. “Yes, ma’am. Have a good one.” Nodding to her, the warrior went upstairs to deliver the goods to the Akaviri natives. Rarity could only hope that they would adjust to life here quickly. Also, if she could dissect and study those beautiful robes. 📜 “Rarity, why do you only have-uh?” I said before noticing our...guests. “Uh, um, hi.” Whoa...she is very pretty. Her eyes were glued to my chest-oh. Right. I couldn’t get Hunter to open the damn box, so I’m still wearing a nightie. “I’m Meen-Rei. Are you Zaeza?” I asked as I resisted popping my tiddies in amusement for how captivated she was by my huge hooters. “Yes?” Zaeza asked/answered as she forcefully pulled her golden slitted eyes up from my heavenly valley of cleavage with her hood quivering. “I apologize, it was rude of me to stare.” “Hey, I’ve got them on display, you not looking would insult me more.” I playfully replied and she smiled in amusement, her long fangs poking cutely out of her lips. “So...you’re my new wife.” “I suppose...if you’ll have me.” Zaeza nervously replied, fighting the obvious urge to keep staring at my body. Heh, she’ll fit right in, I just know it. “I’m cool with this. She’s cute and her son is precious.” Shade purred as she hugged the golden boy in her lap. He was caught between joy and abject horror while my kids kept asking him quiet questions since he spoke softly. “I’m sure Rarity won’t mind.” Scootaloo commented from where she was eating a feast fit for five, her belly already bigger than before. She could use the accessories to hide her bump, but Scootaloo preferred to let the proof of her and Sweetie’s love to hang out, at least for now “I’m just concerned about Neethsi. You are aware of who you’ve been married off to, right?” I asked Zaeza and she slumped. “Oh my various gods, okay. I’m Meen-Rei The Atronach, the one who was key to creating the new Tower that helped save reality as well as being the one who helped Neethsi Nagnaresh The Nerevarine raise another in time to prevent reality from failing. Neethsi is part of this, as are my ‘sister’ Shade and Rarity downstairs.” “Goodness, I’ve really been matched up to such beauties…” Zaeza muttered in wonder and I felt my eyes crinkle at the genuine compliment. “Well, I was aware you were politically or socially prominent figures, that was all. If it means my people may have an easier time integrating here; I’d have wed an ugly old male if I had to, but to be given to such beautiful and caring people is more than I could have hoped for.” “Don’t thank us yet. You might not survive a night of their shenanigans.” Scootaloo joked and I shot her a warning glare. “Just saying, you girls are almost as overwhelming as Sweetie and I love her because she’s so overwhelming.” “Ah, about that. Diane gave me these accessories. May I assume that they have something to do with it?” Zaeza nervously traced the gold collar on her neck and the gold bangles. Oo~! “Oh~ yes. That means we don’t have to hold back for anything besides your mental safety.” I growled hungrily, suddenly smelling proverbial blood in the water and Zaeza perked so hard her tail lifted up from where it had been gently hanging towards the floor. She quickly pushed it back down and looked utterly embarrassed! That was adorable! “Don’t worry about keeping your tail down in private, we don’t hide that stuff here.” I raised my own tail and wiggled it. “H-how lewd! There are children in the room!” Zaeza flustered and I pointed at them to reveal that her son was fully occupied with talking to my kids. “Still, please do not behave like that around my son. He has not yet had The Talk.” Ah, okay, fair enough. “Alrighty. I also don’t want to jump your bones too soon for your comfort. Instead, I’d rather address your body’s health.” I said and gestured at the empty packs of blood sticking out of a medical box. “So you’re vampiric? No judging in this household.” “Yes. We Tsaesci get most of our nutrition from blood. We’re haemovores, but meat and some fruits and vegetables are okay in between feedings. This was enough proper nutrition for a couple of weeks, but my son and I have been starving like the rest of us for weeks now.” Zaeza informed me and I nodded before giving myself a grope much to her fluster. “Can you drink milk or other bodily fluids?” I asked and Zaeza licked her already dry lips. “Y-yes, although it is not as efficient as blood. It isn’t just the nutrition, it’s the vital essence that blood carries. Bodily fluids are still more effective than eating traditional food.” Zaeza answered before I took her hand and pulled her away. “W-what are w-we doing?” “I’m going to get you nursed, literally, to health using some magic that Shade and I have learned. She’ll do the same for your son.” I pulled her down the hall to the ‘spare’ room and sat down on the bed where I lifted my nightie up to expose my massive mams to her. “C’mon, don’t be shy.” “I-I am simply unused to such casual sexuality.” Zaeza stammered, but the lithe and frankly scrawny woman got on her knees and tentatively cupped my heaving hooters before nervously using her tongue to make a seal with her lips and suckle from my left nipple. I hummed and petted her head, which seemed to soothe her and help her drink more comfortably. Fuck, I need to get milked so I can relax. I almost forgot how great it is to offload some fluid. Zaeza drank continuously until her sash got tight and she backed off with panting breaths and her hands resting on her milk-filled belly that stood out on her skinny frame. “How are you not empty? What wonderful sorcery is this?” Zaeza asked in awe and I giggled. “I’m The Atronach. It’s a magic innate to me that I can share with others. You too.” I groped myself and stuck my tongue out at her playfully. “Y-you would do this?” Zaeza asked hopefully and I used a finger to gesture for her to come closer. I kissed her when she did so and she moaned into my lips as her flat chest rapidly began expanding, forcing her robes open. Soon, I was buried under snake tits full of magic milk with a horny as all hell vampire cobra woman humping against my naughty fingers. Oh yeah, she fits right in~! > Ch.76 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.76 [Tirdas, 29th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “You two are fucking morons.” The Navy Admiral hissed angrily at the two ambassadors standing in front of him. The copper-scaled older serpent wore the military robes of his station, but not the armor since he was not out about the ship, rather he was stuck doing desk work. “B-but we told her-!” “You weren’t being transparent about it!” The Admiral cut off Goldy as he slammed a coppery fist on his desk. “She may not have caught on, but you can’t blame her for not knowing. The general herself probably doesn’t like politics and perhaps her people do things rather differently where they’re from.” “We...may have fucked up.” The realization on how very messy things could get should they blindside these aliens again would be catastrophic. “Indeed you may have, but not so much where she ordered her soldiers to kick us out. General Berserker has been more than Generous enough to provide for our people’s dietary needs. In fact, it’s only her people who are willing to donate their blood for us. The Tamrielans are still wary about it.” The Admiral huffed and rubbed his brow. “So, uh, w-what course of action should we take to appease the general?” Bronzy questioned. “That is for you two to figure out and hopefully it is something to please the lady.” The Admiral shook his head and went back to all of the tedious paperwork he had to file. These Tamrielans were even worse about paperwork than the Tsaesci shogunate! “Maybe instead we should try to please her friend? It is her friend we set up for the marriage.” Goldy suggested and the Admiral waved them off. They knew how to do their jobs, most of the time. He trusted they could manage to make sure Meen-Rei and her ilk were happy with how things had been arranged. 📜 Zaeza had passed out and was now sleeping on her new giant gazongas, so I slipped out of the room with an impish sense of satisfaction. Next time I’ll use my tail, maybe even give her a nice clutch of eggs. That’ll have to wait though, the eggs that is. I went down the hall before I realized I was still in just a nightie and I sighed in resignation, not wanting to go back and maybe wake Zaeza up to try and get back into the Box. When I reached the living area, I found Zaeza’s son, looking stuffed to the gills with Shade’s milk and snuggling Daniel and Samantha on the plush couch as they napped. Daw~. “He was so hungry, sis.” Shade whispered as she approached from where she’d been reading a book, not the book, just a book. One of Rarity’s trashy romance novels by the title. “So was Zaeza. She didn’t stop drinking until she looked pregnant. I hope they’re all getting the food and help they need if they sailed here without enough food for everyone.” I replied sadly before checking the larder and sighed at how much Scootaloo had eaten. How pregnant is she? With all the food she’s eating, she should be as big as a cart. “We need to ask for something to keep Scootaloo fed. She’s eating enough for a few families.” “I’ve got a solution for that.” I jumped a bit and then leered at Dongoruas, who was in the kitchen and holding up a flask with a super-sexy herm fox engraved on it. “It’s how Auntie Urta kept herself nourished from the beginning when she was on her way to being the most pregnant person in our universe.” I took the flask and nodded at her before heading down the hall to find Scootaloo asleep in her bed. I put a note on the flask and put it in her cleavage so she’d find it before I considered if I even wanted to go shopping again today. Naw, I think I’ll curl up with Shade and read a book too. 📜 “Hm~, another successful litter.” Hunter’s wife, Juneau said with a coo as she rubbed her swollen belly, while still knotted to him as she laid on top of him. “You’ve been holding out for more children, huh?” Hunter huffed as he grinded against her. “Yes~.” Juneau cooed and rubbed her belly, only to squeak in surprised shock as they were soon joined by Discord and Akatosh, with Hermais and Eris stuck in the same position as she is right now, their bloated bellies rubbing against each other. “Greetings, my dear boy~. I hope you don’t mind us joining you, but we wish to tell you something very important. Something related to your sister, Brennie.” Akatosh said to Hunter with a shiver of pleasure, feeling Eris’s inner walls caressing his cock. “Like what?” Hunter sighed. “Oh, like, say, a religion revolving around her. It has already gained traction, slowly but surely. Sooner or later, Brennie will get bumped up with the rest of us in the pantheon, maybe all of you.” Discord chuckled as he patted Hermais’s belly in content. “Wait, seriously?” Hunter looked at the two gods suspiciously. “What are you two playing here?” “Nothing, honest! Well, besides wanting to bed her so badly.” Akatosh licked his lips as he humped away at Eris. “That being said, it would seem that her group of followers, while diverse, is very small. Which is good for getting around places quickly, while also having a diverse set of skills from each follower to get them through thick and thin.” Discord vaguely described the group. “Where are they going?” Hunter asked warily. “They are coming here!” Discord answered excitedly. 📜 “Hey?” An Argonian guardsman, Yari-Du, said to his human partner. “Yeah?” The human guardswoman, Deruis, replied. “We haven’t seen these Sentinels in training. I wonder why?” Yari-Du questioned as they saw the patrols of Night Sentinels marching through the city from their position. “Hm, good question. Say, have you noticed how some of their armor coloration is in stark contrast with the rest of their own? Take the Crusaders for instance: easily recognisable for their red and black, but one of them has golden yellow lightning stripes on the leggings.” Deruis used as an example from what she had seen before, along with a few others. “Do they actually send some of their own with the other factions to train?” The Argonian blinked at the thought. “They must, from what I have seen so far. I’ll tell you, this Legion is far more intricate and tightly knit, it would be impossible to break.” The human woman stated. “You think they’ll train us when we get those ‘Exo suits’?” Yari-Du asked since he remembered the general making plans to equip the military with, for the enemy they faced were not mere mortals. “Possibly. I’m more grateful to the general for thinking about this stuff. Hm, you think they would be against dating?” Deruis hummed while staring at the alien men. “I hope so.” Yari-Du commented while staring at the alien women. 📜 Zaeza awoke feeling quite unusual after unexpectedly having incredibly incredible unusual sex with her new lover and soon-to-be wife. For one: she didn’t have breasts the size of large carts before! Waking up laying on them was pleasurable on its own. She also felt satisfied, gorged on Meen-Rei’s savory, tangy yet creamy milk. She may even gain weight from such a large liquid repast! Gods know that she needed it, though. Now then, how was she going to get out of this predicament? If she was tended to, she didn’t think she’d mind being immobile from these giant breasts. However, she doubted she was trapped like this. She then felt a tingle in her nipples and the piercings, which she belatedly realized had changed size with her bosom, hummed as they shrunk her down. She regretted seeing and feeling them become smaller, but they stopped shrinking when she was as huge as Meen-Rei! Zaeza fondled herself in wonder, but then realized her kimono had no hope of covering her and unlike Meen-Rei, she wasn’t brave enough to put on naughty nightwear and go gallivant about the house. Yet. Maybe after they were married. She then watched as the studs piercing her nips shined and shrunk her chest down to the pitiful A-cups she’d been reduced to by starvation. Certainly if she had the choice, she’d much rather have the chest that Meen-Rei gifted her at least partially on display, but for now she’d take modesty over mammary. Gosh was mammary superiority intoxicating. She was about to leave the room when the ornate box on the nightstand jumped and startled her. What sorcery was this? Tamriel was indeed packed full of mystical oddities. Only a single day and she had her body enhanced by a female of immense magic might and encountered a dancing box. Figuring that caution was wiser than curiosity, she turned to leave only to find herself on a beach somewhere. How…? What? Zaeza felt panic suddenly fill her until she realized she wasn’t alone on the beach and it was in fact loaded with people. All unnaturally attractive and in extremely naughty scant clothing that barely covered the bare minimum. “Um...excuse me ma’am, but are you okay?” A towering hulk that made Kamal seem small questioned her. The source of the bassy voice was a red-skinned and horned male, who looked down on her with concern in his turquoise glowing eyes. He too was scantily clothed with nothing besides a fundoshi without the decency of a flap. He even had goat legs! Zaeza promptly fainted at realizing she had just been addressed by a fabled Oni. 📜 Runner was miserable. Ever since she retreated into Paradise with the rest of her family and loved ones, she had been feeling down. Nothing was satisfying to her anymore and she didn’t know why. She tried to push it aside and have fun, but it never worked. The food and drink tasted like ash in her mouth, the parties that never seemed to end failed to make her feel alive. Not even indulging in the pleasures of intimacy with her wives and husbands got her rocks off. Well, they did, but it was fleeting and the emptiness always felt all the more painful afterward. Wiatr told her that Sex was a balm on the pain of existence, but it couldn’t heal everything. The fact that she also didn’t want to make bouncing baby bunnies anymore was enough to make Urta almost faint from worry. It was just as well, since although Paradise was essentially like an endlessly generating flat plane like Minecraft instead of being a traditional planet, Urta didn’t want to overpopulate the planned boundaries too quickly, which was why she was painfully empty of children. This didn’t help Runner’s absence of purpose or fulfillment. “Lady Runner!” A bassy tone synonymous with the Baron species of demons pulled her from her moping at the open-air bar and sipping her coconut rum to turn and see one of the usually delicious males carrying a curious oddity. “This one appeared on the beach from one of Lady Dongoruas’s portals.” He got on his knees and held the alien woman towards her. This...was not a species native to their dimension or Wiatr’s dimension. Runner traced a finger over the unconscious woman’s brow and felt the same magic as the realm Brennie was involved with in her. Specifically, the magic of that world’s Displaced that had so oddly enamored Brennie. Funnily enough, her thoughts would turn towards her siblings, Brennie especially. “Hm, odd. Now why would she be here? Dongo!” Runner called out to the ursa noodle for an answer. Only, Dongo didn’t respond. This was her realm! Paradise is Dongo’s very essence, similar to how Lunarule is Lunahisa’s very being made physical. If she wasn’t answering, then something’s screwy here. “Alright then, I’ll do it myself. Give her here.” Runner put her drink down and took the golden scaled reptile into her arms. She was so light, unhealthily so. Not even the voluminous kimono did much to add to her weight. She’ll ask when she got there. It was a simple matter of ‘blood linking’ to Brennie and waiting for her to ‘reach’ back. A metaphysical ‘hand’ grasped her shoulder and Runner ‘stepped’ forward, going from Paradise to a room full of military types and Brennie gathered around a table. “Brennie, would you know who this is and why Dongo would drop her in Paradise?” Runner asked, causing a few people to jump and draw weapons, only for Brennie to wave them down calmly. “Sit down you jumpy twats, this is my sister. As for who that is, her name is Zaeza, a native of Akavir, she’s a Tsaesci. Yes, if any of you read the wrong books; she is what a Tsaesci looks like. The author mistook a Lamia for one.” Brennie off-handedly informed everyone, clearly bored, annoyed and frustrated. She was never good at driving a desk. “Wait, so, you’re telling me that the Frost Demons won?! How?!” Runner was in complete shock. The natives of Akavir usually kept them at bay until winter rolled around to refreeze them. “Let’s just say the Nerevarine convincing Vivec to throw Baar Dau towards Akavir had extreme unintended consequences. From what I’ve learned; that damn thing landed in Kamal and permanently defrosted the Kamal even when winter rolled around. Without the annual respite, the Tang Mo couldn’t hold them off anymore, even when the Tsaesci and Ka’Po’Tun devoted themselves to putting them down. The several dozen ships coming are all that are left of Akavir’s people besides the Kamal now definitely gearing to invade us next.” Brennie grimly informed her, as well as the shocked and horrified people around her. “Well...shit. Okay, I’m dropping Zaeza back to Lilmoth and taking my forces to deal with the Kamal.” This surprised everyone into stunned silence, but before she could leave, Brennie stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “Wait! Sister, why the sudden change of mind?” Brennie asked her. “More like a change of heart. I’m depressed, sis. I haven’t been depressed for a long time. I think if I actually succeed at helping people for the first time in a long while, I can go back home and actually enjoy the hedonistic pleasures of Paradise.” Runner stretched her golden wings with emphasis. She enjoyed having her wings out at all times unless they needed to be put away. “I guess I might be more nephilim than seraphim, but regardless of my wings, I’m still my own angel and I think I’ll be happy if I can help others.” “...Okay, go. We’ll talk more later when we have time.” Brennie may not be psychic, but she knows Runner well enough that there’s more to it than just depression. “I’m sure we have time now, but not with these tightwads in the same room.” Runner’s bunny ears twitched as she turned her eyes towards the southeast and then ‘stepped’ forward to be in a room where she set Zaeza on the bed while an ornate box danced on the nightstand. “Huh, that’s got neat stuff on it, but Dongo does that all the time, so meh.” Dimensional shenanigans ceased to be impressive when you always had an infinite storage pocket connected to your cleavage or pants. Runner turned to leave, only to find herself looking at a total babe that oddly made her core clench. Holy shit. She hasn’t had such a sharp physical reaction to someone she wasn’t married to in a long time. “Hey...you must be one of Brennie’s sibs, yeah?” The red-scaled, gold-accented reptilian beauty casually greeted. “Yep...you’re Meen-Rei?” Runner asked and got a nod as Runner’s eyes swept up and down the absolute babe with a bod in the naughty nightie. She was like the ultimate milf who got her bod back, but kept the pregnancy weight in all the right places. Like Wiatr. Specifically Willow. Holy fuck! She’s-! She has the-! Fuck~! No wonder Brennie has such a boner for her! “Yes, I am.” Meen-Rei said with a Kind smile. “Right, well, nice to meet you. Tell me, is this body of yours something akin to Flesh Magic? I can’t sense your soul in there, but at least you aren’t giving me a headache or making it explode.” Runner’s question sent Meen-Rei’s head reeling back. “Yeah, uh, forget that I said that. Listen, I’m heading off to Akavir to fix a ‘frostbite’ problem the Nerevarine caused that let the Kamal loose permanently.” Meen-Rei sighed as if expecting this, but she also looked concerned. “Hey, are you alright?” “...No.” Runner sighed heavily as her shoulders slumped. “I’ve been feeling depressed ever since I chose to go to Paradise with the rest. Nothing in there satisfies me.” “Not ready to settle down?” She asked while crossing her arms under her bust. “I don’t know. I figure if I do some good for a while, I’ll be able to settle back down, but now I find myself second-guessing.” Runner told Meen-Rei as she paced around the room. “You know what’s funny? I’m actually kind of jealous of Brennie. For someone like me being the fastest in the family, I find myself playing catch-up with her because I’m lagging behind her. Do you know why?” “Is it because she’s ambitious and stubborn?” Meen-Rei guessed with a fond snort. “Yes! She was the one with the vision, the one with the dream, the one who was so tenacious that even the gods would tremble before her! If anything, she was the one who built our Empire into what it had become. The rest of us were just along for the ride because she knew she couldn’t do it alone. She didn’t want to do it alone, because it wouldn’t be as fulfilling as doing it together. Brennie’s persistence and ambition helped shape who we are! She doesn’t even boast about it, just takes it in stride with such dignity and modesty it would confuse the most egotistical person to no end! “And now...” Runner soon fell to her knees as if she was defeated, tears streaming down her snout as she scolded herself. “Now I feel like I’ve betrayed her because I ran away from the problem, like a coward! A literal piece of shit coward!” Meen-Rei felt the room’s temperature begin to drop as if Runner’s despair sucked all the warmth from it. “Whoa, that’s cold. Yeah, how about you go and vent this depression constructively?” Meen-Rei supportively suggested along with a wave of heat washing over the room from a wave of her hand. “Yeah, battle calls and I’ve gotta take the souls of the Frost Demons in order to stop them for good. Seeing as how they refuse to die, I’ll just add their power to my own.” With that said, Runner left the room through a dimensional rift, going aboard her Dreadnought flagship; the Soul’s Tormentor. “Helm, bring our fleet through! We are to head towards Akavir and stop the Frost Demons from going to Tamriel!” > Ch.77 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.77 [Middas, 30th Hearthfire, 4E: 221] “Are you sure you don’t want us involved?” I asked Twilight uneasily, since after yesterday Shade and I were getting sick of our domestic setting. Sure, the comfort, the casual displays of affection, the nightly snuggles, that’s all well and good, but aside from lazing about, Shade and I don’t really have anything to occupy us during the day besides sex and Zaeza is still adjusting. “Yes. Brennie made it clear that she doesn’t want you two involved in what is a problem for everyone, not you specifically. Besides, you still need to be rested and ready whenever we find the last two Great Anchors.” Twilight insisted as she continued doing her paperwork. She’d recently upgraded from simple and sensual robes to outright slutty secretary clothes. Hot dayum was Twilight becoming a busty bombshell of a sexy librarian/secretary. “Well, tell her to shove that into Molag’s asshole and let us do something! There’s not even anybody here for us to train!” Shade huffed and I patted her shoulder. “If not that, then why aren’t there more work writs? Can’t we build stuff if we can’t punch things?” “Well, you still need to build Rarity a sewing machine. Oh, wait! Hunter made a writ specifically for you two!” Twilight pulled out a scroll from her bosom and handed it to us. Hey! Why does she get the fancy tit-space magic?! “He says you need to help Rarity to make those black suits before people can mine Blackreach and that you need to find anyone that can build weapons and armor, be they apprentices or forgemasters, anyone willing or interested.” Well, at least it’s a start. “Cool, then let’s make Rarity a sewing machine to help her out, then we can start looking for volunteers.” I then leered at Twilight, who blinked at my hostile gaze. “How did you do the tit-space thing?! Show us!” I didn’t appreciate my satchel being stuck in the box for a day and a half, Hunter! “Oh, right, your satchels. Here.” Twilight quickly gave us our satchels which were conveniently in her tit-space! Hey, wait! Those were on our hips just now weren’t they?! “Look inside, there’s something to help you obtain it. Now, go away, shoo! Before I pull out Brennie’s baseball bat and knock your heads off!” “As if you’ve got the guts.” Shade joked and we left Purple Smart with a friendly nod to Celestia and Luna, who were standing near the door with arms full of stacks of paper and ready to keep Twilight’s bureaucracy going. I peered inside the satchel, wondering what I’d see, if anything, but just saw darkness as usual. The reach inside was no different than usual, so I groaned. Great. I’ve gotta take inventory. 📜 Neethsi was fairly pissed right now, with good reason. Not about Zaeza, she’d heard all about her new mate and was looking forward to meeting her and her son. No, she was pissed at herself. Centuries ago, she convinced Vivec to toss Baar Dau at Akavir, which she considered acceptable since Akavir was a hellhole she barely survived a brief visit to. Now it turns out her actions had turned that evil place into an even worse hellhole with the winters too warm to freeze Kamal solid anymore. She could only hope that her blessing of strong winds and swift, steady currents to carry the ships of the refugees to their chosen ports would help begin her reparations. “Uh, ma’am, what are those?” One of the soldiers pointed up towards the sky to see a fleet of airships, only these weren’t theirs. They were far greater in size and had a more terrifying aesthetic to them. “By the gods they look like floating fortresses!” “They must be the ships of Brennie’s people. Remember that they are a star-faring folk beyond our comprehension. Now stop gawking, I may be the Goddess of the Sea and Sky, but Lake Rumare is still big and full of all sorts of daedra infesting it.” Oblivion damn it, why were there daedric fish?! In all her years she’d never seen the like. Leave it to Molag to destroy the ecosystem of the city’s closest source of food; the poisoned Arboretum included. “So you’re just going to let them travel to Akavir?” Neethsi rolled her eyes at the naivety of people. Just because she was a goddess they thought she could just do things? Ugh, damn it, she’s starting to see why her kin tend to fuck-off to Aetherius. “The Goddess leading that fleet isn’t in the mood to talk right now and trying to stop them from cleaning up my mistake is foolish. Stop asking questions and get a move on!” 📜 “You want to see us train?” General Helvex questioned the two guardsmen that approached him. It wasn’t an annoyance when the local natives of the world came up to them and started asking questions, it was to be expected. The curiosity of a being will always gnaw at them, wanting to learn more. “Yes. I mean, we’ve never seen any of you train, not even General Berserker herself.” The human woman, Derius, confirmed. “We also wondered if you were going to train us as well, when we got those eggs-so-suits?” Yari-Du asked the towering alien, who felt a twinge of amusement at the mispronunciation. “Well, that depends on how the exo suit itself will operate. It could be quite versatile and be tailored to your strengths or help mitigate your weaknesses. However, just because you are wearing such equipment, do not assume you are invincible. If we are charged with training you, it will be to curbstomp and weed out any who would have such mindsets.” Helvex answered. “Right, uh, back to wanting to see you guys train. Can we see that?” Derius redirected back to her question. “I’m pretty sure we can set up a mock battle between the factions.” Helvex agreed much to the excitement of the two guardsmen. “What’s this about a mock battle?” Asked a Defender from the faction; the Praetorian Shield, their green and gold recognizable in stark contrast to the common white and gold. “These guardsmen wanted to see us in action, since they don’t see us training.” Helvex addressed his comrade. “What say you, Sellox? You and me, head-to-head?” “Just like old times, dearest Crusader. However, it will be done the Defender’s way.” Sellox snorted in amusement as she accepted the challenge. “Fair enough.” Helvex agreed as Sellox left them. “Um, what did she mean by that?” Yari-Du asked in confusion. 📜 “What do you mean by that?” The Admiral sternly questioned after the Night Sentinel told him what one of their leaders and gods were planning on doing to Akavir. “Exactly what I said before, we’re to lock down all of Akavir to prevent anyone from getting in or out. This way we’ll be able to perform a ritual to siphon all Frost Demon souls in order to get rid of them once and for all.” A Chaser of the Soul Reaver faction, explained to the Admiral. “That is astounding to hear, but even if you do this, I do not think we could return. The lands have been laid to waste by the marauding horde of Kamal. We would be grateful not to worry about them coming here as well, but we feel that Akavir would be best left to recover for a few generations.” The Admiral said with full authority, since he was the highest one his people had left, what with the Monkey King of the Tang Mo and the Dragon Lord of the Ka’Po’Tun dead. “Do you really think you or any one of us have the luxury of waiting things out? Have you forgotten that there is a war going on over here? Who’s to say the enemy doesn’t know and are capitalizing on it?” The Soul Reaver questioned the Admiral, much to his annoyance. These aliens really are something. “You speak as if this is new, as if this isn’t something we’ve dealt with before. The whole of Akavir may never have been lost before, but a whole section for some years, yes. As for the troubles facing Tamriel, it seems to be something they deal with every few decades or centuries. I’m certain our inclusion won’t change much for the worse. “We’ll live or die and if we die, well, then maybe it was time for this silly play to drop the curtain. I’m sure it won’t be, not with you and other capable people guiding us on the right paths. The path of my people is to currently settle in. We have no warriors, no mages or at least none we can spare. What few of us are capable must be at home to guide and protect us.” The Admiral said as he idly wished his people could grow hair so he could stroke a beard. “Fair enough. Your duty is to your people first and foremost. Just know that I’m certain my lords would be more than willing to arrange for Akavir to recover much faster.” The Soul Reaver replied, only to get a shake of the head from the middle-aged serpent. “Do not bother yourselves too much. We already owe you a debt that cannot be repaid. I am not the only one to doubt we have anything of value to give you for these boons you’ve provided.” The Admiral stressed humbly. “Even though our governments have had disagreements lately, I’m certain your kind would be welcomed into our societies. We’ve not yet met a species like yourself.” The Soul Reaver offered and the copper-scaled snake-man scrunched his brows. “We’re already immigrants here, yet you’re offering us more alternatives?” The Admiral bemusedly questioned. “Only the Tsaesci. We’ve encountered species similar to the Tang Mo and Ka’Po’Tun, so they will not receive the same offer.” The Soul Reaver’s clarification got a leer and a shake of the head. “Then I must decline. Rivals and bitter bedfellows we may have been in the past, but we are all Akaviri now. Bound in blood and suffering. We will not abandon our kin.” The Admiral admirally announced adamantly against abandoning allies. “Apologies, Admiral, I meant no offense. Though perhaps you are making the right choices. Welcoming you in when shit’s about to hit the fans back home would only drag you into unnecessary conflict.” The Soul Reaver raised her hands in peace, but the coppery male just huffed. “Unless it was to this ‘Paradise’ that your General mentioned once. The answer is still no either way, but at least your offer isn’t a false one.” He went back to checking his scrolls. “Now then, I appreciate you bringing me this information, but unless you have more to say, I must get back to work. All this damned paperwork. Why does Tamriel bother with so much?” “Bureaucratic bullshit, sir.” The Soul Reaver answered with a scoff. “Bah, the respective shogunates of Akavir didn’t have a quarter of this paper wasted on documents confirming other documents which are yet still copies of other documents. It was plain, simple and not hiding behind flowery words like this. It said what it needed to, then it was sealed and filed.” The Admiral grumbled and got to signing. “Send a complaint, make some noise, shake some bureaucrat feathers and get their attention.” The alien suggested but he shook his head. “Complaining won’t do anything. No. I think I’ll have a shinobi find their ink, quill and parchment providers and burn it all to force them to adapt and stop wasting time and energy. Maybe then they’ll get to the damned point.” The Admiral hissed and began rolling up the scroll to seal with wax. “We’ll look the other way and let you have at it. Anyway, I’ll leave you to it, good day Admiral.” The Soul Reaver giggled as she left his office. 📜 Even though I’m making it...I still don’t understand how a sewing machine works. I know what it does, but how does it do it with just one needle pressing down into a surface? Anyway, the Night Sentinels were more than kind enough to supply Rarity with the material needed to make these black suits, laying out the blueprints necessary for all species, shapes and sizes. That didn’t help us however, we’re not the ones making the outfits and these are just what’s going on before they put on the armor itself. That bit they’ve kept entirely secret. I’ll figure it out though! I will if I have any pride in my ability! However; how does this damn machine work?! I know it’s got two spots for thread, I know how it’s made, but I just don’t get this! “My head hurts.” Shade huffed and I nodded as I turned the dwarven metal machine around and around, trying to wrap my head around the idea that this thing sews fabrics together without using the same stitches a person would make. “I’ll just take that dear.” Rarity took the machine in her magic and took it into her workroom. “It isn’t that hard to fathom darling, it’s a lock stitch. It is two threads working as one to securely connect two pieces together with a seamless single outer thread and a strong, dense thread on the inside.” “That completely passed over our heads, please leave us out of your fabric sorcery.” I demanded and Shade nodded as Rarity looked between upset and amusingly flattered. “Anyway, we’ve gotta get started on hunting down some talented craftsmen who are interested in working with potentially cursed materials!” “Please don’t word it like that, dear…” Rarity said with a visible sweatdrop on her brow. 📜 “This city is a bullshit fucking nightmare. How did you idiots survive for so long when your capital is more full of holes than a wheel of swiss cheese?!” Brennie demanded furiously as she looked down at the map of the city which was covered like a pepperoni pizza in red ‘breach’ markers coming up from the sewers. “U-uh, well, we...um.” Heralous found herself shrinking away from the glare of the General before Brennie let out a scoff. “You know what? Fuck it! Defenders, fortify this entire city, plug up all the holes! Gunners, gun emplacements, a whole lot of it and get the tanks in! Ghosts and Chasers are to patrol the city, survey enemy forces and assassinate enemy COs! My Crusaders will dig up trench lines outside the city walls and keep the daedra at bay!” Brennie barked out her orders and her people went to work. “General, no offense, but you’re being greedy. We want some action ourselves as well, you can’t throw us aside.” Birnil stated firmly. “Who said I was? You’ll be joining in the effort of fortifying and learning some of the weapons our mortal populous use.” Brennie retorted which surprised everyone present. “I...really?” Miun-La blinked in shock, wondering if he was hearing things. “Yes. However, you will not move the troops beyond the wall. The daedra go crazy at the mere sight of Night Sentinels, so they’ll come charging at my Crusaders for some payback. I need you to watch their backs as they dig trenches for them to take cover in, while setting up wires and barriers to slow the enemy down.” Brennie made it very clear that things were going to become hectic as soon as the enemy realized what they’re up to. “Well, at least the soldiers will have something to shoot at.” Golnis shrugged until they felt the ground tremble. “What’s that?” “Not our mechs, they make the ground tremble more. Probably one of our Dreadnoughts coming in to aid us.” Brennie said as she ushered everyone to go out and see what they would’ve assumed was a construct like that of the Dwemer machinery towering them. But they could tell it wasn’t as it carried the colorations and iconography of the Crusaders. “Hail, Queen Berserker.” The Dreadnought spoke in reverence, its voice deep and mechanical, as it gave a short bow to Brennie. “Hail, Ferok.” Brennie replied in kind as Ferok straightened up. “I have returned to serve once again. Forgive me for cutting our reunion short, but I must take to the battlefield and lay waste to our enemies. My brothers and sisters need me.” Ferok apologized to his queen, to which she responded with a shake of her head and smiled. “No need for an apology, go forth and bring ruin upon our foe.” Brennie told him. “Ah, but better to ask for forgiveness than to assume. Take heart, for we have all returned to active duty. I will see you on the battlefield.” Ferok stated before he began stomping his way towards the city gates. Many of the local populace of this world were frightened of him, but he did not take offense to their awestruck fear. Hearing the cheers of the Night Sentinels as they welcomed him back made his still beating heart swell with pride as he strode towards the battle raging beyond the wall. “Uh, to quote you; What the fuck?” “I’ll explain later. C’mon, we have work to do.” 📜 “So, you want me to give up my shop to go gallivanting in the cold of Skyrim to work with mythical metal?” Garnag Skaakh demanded in bafflement and I nodded calmly. “Sure, let me just give my smock to my apprentice. Work here in Soulrest was getting so dull I might’ve gone adventuring.” The orsimer who provided my first weapon in this world agreed readily. “Well, that makes you the first person not to laugh in our faces and tell us to get out.” I sighed in relief as he chuckled good-naturedly. “Those folks don’t have the eye for people like I do. For instance; what did you do with that dagger you bought from me?” I winced and he snorted. “You didn’t sell it, I can tell. What’d you do with it?” “I gave it to our fiance as a gift.” I told Garnag and he swelled with pride. “Aw, you gave it as a declaration of love and trust to your future mate? I’m touched. I wish you all well.” Garnag declared before he pulled off his smock and whistled through those teeth impressively, summoning an Imperial man from the back room. “Alright Tyrato, the shop is yours. Don’t screw it up.” “Wait...seriously? I mean, I’ve been looking forward to it, but I didn’t think you’d be leaving so soon.” The man named Tyrato took the smock and held it in front of him. It was hilariously too big for him. “I’ll...keep using mine and save this in case my apprentice is a big one.” “Smart lad. Now, I’ll meet you in Lilmoth, I have a friend to stay with there.” Garnag told us and then I shared a high-five with Shade at our first successful recruit for the Aetherium Project. > Ch.78 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.78 [Turdas, 1st Frost Fall, 4E: 221] “Ah~!” A young woman in a steampunk diving suit screamed as she fell from the sky. “Shit fuck, fuck, why did I buy this needle?! Where’s my brother and my friend?! Why do I suddenly feel like I was friends with a lot of bears and my nose is bleeding?!” She fell like a rock onto the metal-reinforced deck of an airship, causing a rather disgusting crunch of breaking bones. Surprisingly, she didn’t die, her bones painfully knitted back together as lizards and horses rushed to her aid as something wiggled in her belly. She groaned from the pain as she got up, much to the shock of the crew. “Ugh, where am I?” She groaned as her neck fixed itself. “My name's Penny, the last thing I remembered was buying a needle. Does anyone have tinnitus?” “Miss, are you okay? You’re in Limoth, we were just arriving in the city.” A big red lizard told her as her head spun. “Where? I...” She threw up disturbingly glowing red fluid in her helmet and passed out. 📜 “Do you feel like another Displaced has shown up?” Pillar questioned Hunter. “Yes, one has shown up.” Hunter answered with a nod. “In fact, now that I think about it, this one feels familiar.” “How so?” Pillar was surprised to hear this. “When I talked to Meen-Rei, she asked me if I remembered her. I told her about Todd and she asked me about someone going by the name of Penny. She claims that one is Todd’s sister.” Hunter explained to his brother. “Really?! If that’s true, why didn’t he make mention of it sooner?” Pillar questioned. “I don’t think he remembers much of his past life. This turned out to be true because Hermais confirmed it and I’m going to spare you of the details. In short, time and space fuckery were involved.” Hunter groaned in annoyance. “Of course they would be. But if what you say is true, I believe one of those naughty little noodles are behind this one’s recent arrival.” Pillar concluded with a shake of his head. “Probably. I’ll tell the others about this then.” Hunter was about to leave until his brother stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Before you go, do you know exactly where this Penny is right now?” Pillar asked the quiet, telepathic marine. “No, but if I have to make a guess, she’s probably on her way to Lilmoth.” Of course it would be Lilmoth. Where else would most of the bizarre things happen? 📜 “So...this is legitimate.” Dedeth looked over the writ and hummed with a tug of his goatee. “Talras! Get your worthless skin out here!” Thankfully I was ready to cover my ears this time so his loud shout didn’t hurt my ears. Why don’t they have a string attached to a bell or something in the other room instead of that horrid shouting? “What is it?!” Came the reply as Talras emerged from the magic muffling curtains. “Congratulations, your apprenticeship is over. Here’s a good opportunity to make good money as well as maybe make a name for yourself. It was near the time I got a new student anyway.” Dedeth tossed the writ to Talras and he looked it over eagerly. “Really? Well then, give it here, I’ll pack my things and be on my way. Good working for you, Dedeth.” Talras took off his smock and gloves before practically sprinting out of Dedeth’s shop. “He seemed...really eager.” Shade commented uneasily and Dedeth laughed meanly. “He’s too soft for life here in Morrowind, he chafes under the teachings of Boethiah. Getting out of here is maybe the best thing for him. Hopefully young Talras will find his way in life beyond our ashen lands. Now, please leave. I need to close up shop and go to the guilds to find a new apprentice.” Dedeth shooed us out and I shrugged at my annoyed sister. “Hey, smiths tend to be eccentric from what I know. Anyway, now we’ve gotta find someone we don’t know to sign up.” Which will be tough. Even though we’ve been asking many smiths if they’d be willing to join the venture, only a few have agreed, Talras and Garnag were the easiest sells and they were the only two we really knew. “How about someone you know by association?” Asked a wizened voice and I turned to look up at a surprisingly tall pale-skinned elf with a long black beard that was tied in knots. People gave him a wide berth, but especially the eldest Dunmer who gawked at him as if he were a ghost. “Greetings clan-friends. You are Meen-Rei and Shade, yes?” “Ah, yes.” I answered, feeling oddly at ease with his presence. The towering 7 foot tall fair-skinned elf gave off the feeling of a kindly and scholarly grandfather. “Who are you, good sir?” Hot damn is that one epic beard. Like a dwarf beard from other-wait. “I am not surprised that our mutual friend has not mentioned me or at least not at length. I am Yagrum Bagarn; The Last Dwarf and Walker of the Planes of Reality. I hear that you are assembling smiths to possibly unravel the secrets of Aetherium that my kin’s Skyrim-bound clans had wrought civil war over. I was once a colleague of Kagrenac. Perhaps I may be of assistance?” Yagrum offered and I gaped at him like a fish. 📜 “Ugh, where am I?” Penny groaned as she moved to rub her face only to meet the metal clang of metal on metal ringing her ears. “Ow~ my ears~...” The armored woman groaned and tried to find the clasps for her helmet, but she couldn’t find one. She remembered her costume having one! “Calm your tits, Pen-pen.” A male voice chided. “Who?” Penny groaned as she looked at the voice. Who was a huge man wearing gray armor with golden trims. “Hey Pen-pen, been a while.” The man replied with a neutral tone that annoyed the crap out of her. “Who the fuck are you to call me that?! Only my besties and brother can call me Pen-pen!” Penny snarled as she sat up in the bed she’d been put on. The man shook his head before removing his helmet, showing his face to Penny. “Omigawd! Toadie!” Penny gushed excitedly and she leaped across the room to wrap her oddly lanky arms around his neck and unintentionally smacked her helmet against his cheek, but he didn’t seem to even move, so she kept hugging him. “It's good to see you are well.” Todd said as he patted her. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” 📜 “Please tell me if someone has found the third Pinion? Because these idiots just keep coming even after we find and shut down the lesser anchors and it’s getting annoying.” Brennie growled angrily as she moved the markers around the map again. These persistent assholes keep dropping more anchors around the city! They’re more determined than their old enemies from Hell! “We’re still searching for it. They are very keen on keeping it hidden from us, Molag Bal doesn’t want a repeat of the last two.” Miun-La replied with a tired sigh. “My Queen, may I ask how exactly these anchors work?” The Dreadnought, Ferok, inquired. “I know they act as a gateway, but how is it done?” “What are you getting at?” Birnil inquired. “Can we simply not get a reading from these anchors? Do they not operate on the same principle? If we can trace the origin back to the main source, would it not lead us to the location?” “Unfortunately, these Dark Anchors are not traditional portal mechanisms. They are literal physical manifestations, they’re each unique because each anchor is handmade, not mass-produced. It means they have a limited number though, so they’ll eventually run out...eventually. Being immortal and tireless, the slave-smiths of Coldharbour can keep working forever.” Advised a black-robed Redguard named Falion, who had come upon request since he was one of the greatest Masters of Conjuration on Nirn. “If we cannot rely on the conventional solutions anymore, we must look towards the alternatives. The many races of this world have done many things, be they great or terrible, surely there must be something that will give us the means to find what we seek. Yes?” At his words, many looked towards each other before turning back to their alien companions. “There...may be a way. However, it involves drawing blood from one of the two children rescued from Coldharbour. I detest the idea of involving children in anything beyond learning or play, but it is the easiest and fastest method. We won’t even need much, just a few drops.” Falion admitted unhappily with a shake of his head. The deceptively youthful man had a great soft spot for children, which was known to all who bothered to read up on his dossier. “Why not their mother?” Brennie questioned in confusion. Surely the relationship between a mother and her children would-. “The mother has not been trapped in Coldharbour. The mother has her soul shriven and stored elsewhere for safety. Usually the mother would be perfect; for who is closer to a child than the one who carried them in their womb? However, these things disqualify her. The next closest match is any siblings from the same mother, the fact they are quadruplets only strengthens this.” Falion answered with authority, which confirmed Brennie’s suspicions that his past was likely rife with plenty of strife and dark paths he'd rather not retread. “What will it be then, my Queen? Do we continue our grueling course until we fall or take the quickest path towards victory and damnation?” “...Go, do it before I change my mind.” 📜 “So you mean we could’ve just given this writ to the guilds and they would’ve sent volunteers to us?” I demanded from Twilight and she sheepishly smiled with a nod. “Oh my various gods, we’ve spent a good amount of time personally hunting down established smiths already! Ugh! At least we found some people with good skill to head up operations.” “The fact you stumbled across Yagrum Bagarn on one of his rare moments on our plane of existence is an immense boon too. Who better to help discover dwemer secrets than the last of them?” Twilight asked excitedly while Celestia and Luna nodded from their spots behind her. “That was less luck and more that he was already looking for us.” Shade reminded her warily with a look at the two reborn senior deities. “We’re aware of your status as ageless people sharing the boon of the Nerevarine, do not worry about it.” Luna said with a nod from Celestia, so I felt a bit more relaxed since us being ‘Lycans’ is apparently an open secret among those already in-the-know. “Alright. So, before we toss this writ at the guilds and goof off until we’re needed, how are you two doing on getting reestablished?” Shade asked huffily, since the two senior goddesses seemed content to play second-fiddle to Twilight ever since they were reborn through her. “We’ve been welcomed back by Our Little Ponies already, so we’re just sticking around until things settle down and we can start figuring out how to arrange for a resettlement voyage back to Equestria.” Celestia answered and I felt a little sadder. Celestia was my adopted mom once upon a time in my old life, seeing and hearing her was just as painful as remembering that Zecora and my other friends are gone. “Which I will help with, of course. I’ll be staying here though. There are many ponies who won’t want to leave Tamriel after having lived here their whole lives.” Twilight’s eye twitched, a tell of a nervous lie if I’ve ever seen one. I already knew she was going with Brennie. Rarity was such a terrible gossip to us since we were her future wives. “Right, well, later then.” I turned around and left a bit hurriedly with Shade right on my tail. “Let’s go give the writ to the guild hall and go home. I don’t know about you, but I’m thirsty for some of Rarity’s cream~.” I licked my chops and Shade groaned in a similar want. 📜 Zaeza watched as her son roughhoused with Samantha on the rug of the main room of Rarity’s home. She wasn’t going to chide him for throwing his manners away, not when Samantha was his new sister-to-be and this was their new home even before the marriage was officiated. “Wee!” Daniel cheered from atop a shelf. He was the most well-behaved, but he loved to fly so much he was always climbing atop things to jump off and glide down. “Ugh, just watching these rugrats makes me exhausted to think about my own foals baking in here.” Scootaloo huffed and sipped from the magic metal flask she seemed to have on hand at all times while rubbing her surprisingly massive tummy. It already looked like she had a full-term babe in her womb, despite not even being a month along. It worried Zaeza until the pegasus mare told her she had the same trinkets as she did. “I’m certain you’ll figure something out.” Zaeza assured her new friend. Scootaloo was Sweetie Belle’s mate, which made her family by the eventual marriages since Sweetie and Rarity were sisters. “You say that, but I’m loaded! I’ve gotta be having at least a dozen brats in here from how well Sweets knocked me up~.” Scootaloo cooed and Zaeza felt flushed at the casual praise the mare gave to her mate’s virility. “I mean...I was just part of the weather crew, part-time courier, Sweetie’s just a bard...how will we afford raising such a huge family?” “Love finds a way, dear.” Zaeza insisted, because if she didn’t have her son to love, she would’ve broken years ago. The moment was interrupted by insistent knocking at the door below. Odd, people can just enter. Rarity shortly hurried upstairs, followed by a dark skinned human in black robes. “Darlings, Sammy, Danny. This man needs one of you to volunteer a few drops of blood so that he can hunt down the other Great Anchors where your siblings are being held.” “Huh, really?!” Samantha gushed before she broke away from Zaeza’s son and held her hands towards the man. “Take it! I want my sibs!” “I will do all within my power to return them, little one.” The man knelt down and retrieved a lancet to gently prick the tip of the vixen’s finger since her pads were too thick for that. He then opened a small scroll and smeared a streak of blood along it, which then lit up bright red. “I’m on my way.” He stood and waved a hand, summoning a portal which he walked through and vanished. Goodness! Tamriel is so packed full of magic! Akavir was practically a land of ascetics! 📜 “It is all I can manage with just a small sample of blood, but my divination and mastery of portal magic leads me to believe that the Great Anchors are roughly here in southern Elsweyr and here on the Isle of Summerset.” Falion reported with pins he quickly pressed into said regions. “Search there, you will find them.” “We will need strike teams to hit these positions.” Ferok recommended. “Teams I will need to guide. I may not be able to pinpoint them exactly from such a distance, but get me within a half mile of them and I’ll find them.” Falion insisted, galvanized now by the involvement of being able to help children. “You have executive authority to lead this operation. Get it done.” Brennie permitted the Redguard. “General, about these strike teams, what would they be equipped with?” Falion questioned since what he has seen from these aliens had been nothing but miraculous. “Experimental weapons and equipment from what we’ve stolen from Molag Bal. I would like you to oversee their performance and effectiveness.” Brennie answered the old sorcerer. “How intriguing, turning the enemy’s own weapons against them like that would certainly get under his skin.” Falion said as he rubbed his chin. “While you are busy infiltrating Coldharbour, I’ll see if I can’t draw Molag Bal’s attention. He’ll settle for nothing less than the best.” Brennie’s choice alarmed the others. “Wha-?! General, no! It’s suicide!” Miun-La protested with his fellow commanders nodding in agreement. “I know, but it would be even more suicidal for Falion and the strike teams to go in there while he’s watching.” Their General explained her reason to draw out Molag Bal. “I’m afraid she’s right. Gods are usually stronger within their domains, pulling him away is the only way to ensure the rescue is a success.” Ferok added on, making them realize that the only way for this to work, is to challenge the Dark God directly. “Bring in the Atlans, we need to show Molag Bal we’re not fucking around anymore. They’ve been nipping at our heels and it’s pissing me off to no end.” Brennie growled in annoyance, looking a little impatient now. “As you wish.” Ferok relayed his Queen’s request. “I’ve been to Coldharbour before, so I know how to hide myself from Molag Bal, just know that I won’t be able to rescue the child without ample distraction.” Falion calmly said to Ferok. “You’ll get your distraction, wizard.” Ferok assured him with certainty. “And Ferok, tell them to set up the speakers throughout the city.” > Ch.79 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.79 [Fredas, 2nd Frost Fall, 4E: 221] When I got home last night to find out some mysterious human mage had taken some of Samantha’s volunteered blood to hunt down the Great Anchors, I was so excited and worried at the same time that I had to be given some knockout tea to get to sleep. That was even after getting a huge meal from both Zaeza and Rarity too, which normally makes me sleepy after having so much. So I woke up today feeling anxious, wondering if I’d hear about the search for the Great Anchors or the next phase of the Aetherium Project first or if I’d hear anything at all today. “Hello!” A hyper peppy voice cheered with a metal tang. I jumped as I looked over to see a woman in a diving suit and leaning over my bed. “Uh...wait...you feel familiar.” I muttered as I stayed laying in bed. The others were all up and about while I’d been too anxious to really do anything as ironic as it seems. Rather, everyone knew I’d probably do something stupid and insisted I calm down first. “Well damn, Marian! You got hot! Toadie wasn’t kidding!” The woman outright said my previous name! It also didn’t hurt my brain! I bolted upright and sat across the bed from the other woman who climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged. “Holy shit! Someone who knows me and isn’t getting mindfucked! Who are you and what do you remember about me?! A lot of it is fuzzy outside of the people I once knew that I met again. Or Zecora…” I miss her so much... “I’m Penny, Micheal.” She chuckled and booped my snoot. “Ew~! Was that my original name? Gross! I can’t imagine being a guy anymore, not after being a herm, then a woman, then a woman with a tail-dick.” I wiggled my tail about and then blinked. “Sorry for being in a naughty nightie. Rarity’s kinda got me wearing them when I’m home and not expecting company.” Dirty mare~. She did the ‘all lingerie’ dresser to force me into one~. “Eh, if I was insecure in my sexuality then maybe I’d have probs, but it’s cool girl, we’re besties after all.” Penny giggled with a friendly wave/swat in my direction. “Still though, meow~. You filled out as a babe in this world! You weren’t lacking before, but woo!” Heh! I like her! “So, how are you here?” I asked her in confusion. “No clue! I thought I was friends with a ton of bears and got fucked by a wolf, but I don't remember it happening. The last thing I remember clearly was buying our stuff, then falling out of the sky.” Penny shrugged and slapped her armored knees. “Whoa, so you only remember getting freshly Displaced? Spooky.” I rubbed my scalp in concern, wondering how much of our minds had been messed with. “A snake gal told me that I experienced a Dragon Break.” She said with another shrug. “Do I have a tail?” Huh? “Uh...I don’t see one? Maybe you’re still human, just all messed up into being a Big Sister.” I told her as I looked around her back where she was trying to look over her shoulder, but the helmet didn’t let her see much. “Maybe, do you see a way to get it off?” Penny asked as she ran a finger around her neck. “Uh...not really. Get up so I can look you over. There’s gotta be an opening somewhere. I don’t think the Big Sisters were like the Big Daddies.” I think the Big Daddies were permanently sealed in their suits, but I remember the Big Sister from the second game taking off her helmet. “Alright, no homo!” Penny joked before she jumped from the bed to stand in the middle of the room like an acrobat. “Or all the homo! You know I’m not a prude. Well, wait, is it homo if you have a tail-dick?” Penny’s energy made me giggle as I got off the bed and began looking over her whole body. Ah! An armored zipper on her back. “Here you go.” I folded open the rubber seal on her back and began pulling the heavy duty zipper down to reveal unnaturally pale skin. “Oof, yeah, you’re pale as a ghost Pen-pen.” I helped her shrug the shoulders off and then lifted the ball of a helmet off of her to let her unironically copper hair fall out followed by her head as she breathed the air directly. “H-holy shit I feel cold out of this thing.” Penny shivered and I helped her pull her arms from the sleeves of the thick padded and armor banded diving suit before helping get it down around her average hips and cute little butt so she could step out and suddenly dive for my bed, rolling her fit body up in the sheets even though it was still balmy this time of year in Black Marsh. “Cold!” “Yeesh, I’ll go make a call to a friend of mine to see about helping you with that. Just relax here.” I told my friend from my original life and left the room so I could focus on sending a telepathic message to Mellow. Mysticism may come easily to my sis and I, but I still need quiet for telepathy and Penny’s chattering teeth was enough to prevent it. 📜 Neethsi was getting tired. Not physically, magically or in any way that could prevent her from continuing to slaughter the Daedra that kept trying to invade the Arcane University. No, the exhaustion was mostly boredom combined with mental weariness. “When is Brennie gonna get these assholes to slow down long enough so I can go home?” Neethsi sighed tiredly. She was ‘soul trapping’ them due to her morningstar Moon and Star, which trapped the Animus of the Daedra, but due to how it isn’t a soul, it instead gets tossed towards Azura’s plane of Oblivion. It wouldn’t stop them from eventually getting back to Coldharbour, but each Daedra she killed was going to take much longer to come back. “I’m working on it, hun!” Neethsi rubbed her ear-hole where she had the Comm Brennie gave her. “I’m dragging Molag Bal out so I can personally kick his useless ass!” “So you’re pulling a Sheogorath? Good luck. Shove something long, sharp and preferably serrated or spiked up his taint.” Neethsi grumbled and sighed when another tide of Daedra poured through the gate leading to the city. 📜 “Tsrrashi. Honey. I know you can feel her, but please don’t get lost.” Bravia said while petting Tsrrashi’s mohawk-sporting scalp and the slime-skaven looked away from the southeast. They were on the balcony ringing the top floor of the New Numidium, giving them a line of sight that almost allowed them to peer into Cyrodiil through the gaps in the mountains in that direction. “How can you resist? You were once her.” Tsrrashi asked her mate in awe. “She is my goddess’s wife. It is no wonder that they are associated. I can feel her desires from here. She is beyond horny!” Bravia flushed a bit and scratched at his cheek with a finger. “It isn’t easy. I really want to go there and fight alongside her. If we win, I’d probably carry her back here and fuck her into the bed again.” Bravia chuckled as he thought about the last time that happened. The bed posts broke before they were done. “Love, please, help her.” Tsrrashi pleaded with Bravia. “Alright then-.” There was a sudden shift in the air as the Skavens looked towards Cyrodiil. “He’s here and pissed off with her.” “Bravia, hurry! Get there and help her out!” Tsrrashi said before looking skyward to see a gunship coming in. “What fortune! Go dear mate, win the day and return to Tsrrashi!” 📜 “Alright, it’s close by.” Falion said as he carefully wove through the tropical jungles of southern Elsweyr. The alien soldiers were even quieter than him and he had magic to muffle himself and distort his presence. He had no doubt that they’d make it right to Molag’s doorstep and he wouldn’t know until it was far too late. “I simply need you to occupy the bulk of their attention so I can slip in, rescue the child, then slip out before Molag’s pets can stop me.” This anchor turned out to be spitting distance from Senchal, the southernmost city of Elsweyr and its largest port city. Molag’s goons picked the absolute worst places that could’ve been sabotaged for his biggest Anchors. Solitude, Mournhold, Senchal. Falion wouldn’t bother second-guessing if the last one was under Divines-damned Alinor at this point. No, wait. Too south...of course! “Send a forward party to Stros M’Kai! I’ll head there next to confirm my suspicion that it is where the last Great Anchor is set!” Falion declared before the group neared the caves where he sensed the portal. “Within, I’m ready when you are.” 📜 “Uh, Brennie? Are you doing alright?” Neethsi asked Brennie over comm, who was busy battling against Molag Bal and his champion. Goading Molag to overreach and step foot on Nirn was considered suicide, folly, insane even! Yet she had to sneer with pride as she ducked and parried Molag’s brutal mace while twisting out of the way of Yuria’s unblockable katana. “Tch, better! Why?!” Brennie snarled as she fended off their attacks, weaving around each one and getting her own in on them in retaliation. She was within her element as the chaos of battle raged all around, her Night Sentinels fighting as hard and fierce as her. Molag was good, she must admit, but clearly the Prince of Domination was too used to getting his way all the time. “Because the daedra I’ve been dealing with stopped coming! I think you may have overdone it!” Neethsi insisted heatedly while Brennie flipped over Yuria, watching as the foolish Undead’s master pulped her, only for her flesh to reform the instant he lifted his spiked giant mace from her temporary corpse with a sickening squelch. “Good!” Brennie felt her Blood singing, her body thrumming from the adrenaline high of War all around her. Also she was seriously getting off right now! Hot fuck did she not experience sexual gratification from combat before, but by her several wive’s holy tits was this incredible! “Good?! Are you insane?!” Neethsi demanded as Brennie jumped out of the reach of a swipe from Yuria and punched Molag in the gonads, which he didn’t have, but still reacted to by roaring and falling to his knees. She would’ve followed up, but Yuria pressed her away and she grunted in frustration and enjoyment over putting the bastard on his knees. “If you’re worried, you’re welcome to come over and help!” Brennie suggested as she caught Yuria’s sword arm and shattered it into a curl by twisting it backwards. Yuria screamed in agony before her left leg was bent the wrong way by Brennie’s kick and then thrown back at her master, who pulped her again and restored her back to fighting form. “Ugh, fine then! I want a piece of Molag’s sorry ass as well!” Neethsi’s response made Brennie almost moan. That sexy sea goddess was going to be so fun fighting alongside again! 📜 I feel like I’m missing out on a ton of very important things, but right now Penny’s health was my concern. “She should not be alive. Her body temperature is so high that her brain should’ve cooked itself. The feeling of coldness is the comparison of the air to her body.” Mellow muttered as he continued examining Penny, who was shivering in an ice bath in Rarity’s copper tub. “M-might be b-because I’m s-supposed to be d-deep in the o-ocean?” Penny chattered. “Maormer do not have unusually high body temperatures despite being aquatic. Argonians do not have odd body temps either and they can go to the sea floor too. Whatever logic your body operates on does not apply to our universe. I’d suggest you return to whatever plane of Oblivion you’re from, but I doubt that’s possible. I’ll have to get The Nerevarine to see you whenever she comes back from the front.” Mellow stated seriously before handing me several potions in a tray while Freda and Thia soothed Penny, the former refreezing the water in the tub. “Are these to help with the fever?” I asked Mellow, only for him to sneer angrily towards Penny. “No. They’re to keep her corrupted biology from melting a hole through her womb where the symbiotic parasite slug implanted in her is constantly generating that vile yet incredible ‘Adam’ substance. Which is distributed around her body and causing the fever.” Mellow snarled in disgust and fury, clearly knowing that the slug didn’t get there naturally. “Oh, um.” Suddenly Penny formed ice on her body and froze solid in a comical block of ice. “Well, that’ll help with her fever.” I huffed in frustration over how our Displacers love screwing us Displaced over. “I’ll give them to her when she thaws out. With how hot she is I’m sure that’ll happen.” “Be sure you do. Hopefully it’ll be enough to stabilize her until Neethsi returns so she can sculpt her flesh to either remove and cure her or at least modify her until she’s permanently stable. Come on Freda, Thia.” Mellow led his sexy nurse girlfriends out of the bathroom and I sighed before I set the little wood crate of potions next to the icy bathtub. “Don’t worry Pen-pen. My fiance is-.” I spun around, my heart raced, I couldn’t hear through the pounding in my ears! “Mama! Did you feel it?!” Daniel asked excitedly as he burst into the bathroom, his wings fluttering happily as he hovered in the air. “That’s the feeling I got when you rescued Sammy! One of my siblings has been rescued!” “Whoever did it, I’m gonna give them a hug and kiss for this.” 📜 Falion felt oddly bashful after he’d rescued the green winged Lilmothiit from the clutches of Coldharbour, but he didn’t let that slow him down. He handed the understandably confused little boy to some of the soldiers and realm-stepped to Stros M’Kai. Immediately, he felt it! He was right! The last Great Anchor was here! “Falion here, can you hear me with this darned thing?” “We can hear you just fine, Falion, don’t jostle it so much when you’re speaking. Is this regarding your sudden relocation to the island of Stros M’Kai?” One of the Night Sentinels responded, a Ghost from what Falion gathered from how these aliens operated. “Yes. My hunch was correct. The last Great Anchor is deep within Stros M’Kai, which means either there’s a deep cave system nobody knew about or Molag’s minions have been at work for a long time digging down there to try and hide it.” “Then return the little one with haste. We must find the last Pinion before Molag returns, he must have noticed by now.” The Ghost stated urgently, which was not unfounded. “How long do you think she’ll be able to hold him off?” Falion questioned as he quickly began casting about atronach salts of varied sources to prepare for a massive summoning ritual. “Long enough for us to get the job done.” The ghost replied as Falion retrieved ancient Welkynd Stones and a Sigil Stone. The former were used by the Ayleids to recharge enchantments and themselves without sacrificing any souls, while the latter was once used by Mehrunes Dagon’s armies to build portals to Mundus, now mostly blocked by Martin Septim’s sacrifice and the fall of White-Gold’s status as a Tower. However, on this side of the veil... “Unhelpfully lacking in description, but good enough.” Falion grumbled as he channeled the power of Magnus through his body, the Welkynd Stones acting as conduits to amplify such and the Sigil Stone focusing his efforts. Soon, the hill around him erupted with portals from Oblivion and atronachs of the three standard schools of Destruction and many others besides, answered his call. “My servants, I bring you here to give Molag Bal a swift kick in the taint!” The simple-minded elemental daedra silently rushed towards where the nearest point of access to Oblivion was, allowing Falion to sedately follow as they led him towards the final Great Anchor and the last child Molag Bal may hopefully ever bring suffering to. 📜 “Hah! Brennie, you are one crazy woman!” Bravia howled in laughter as he decimated and eviscerated any daedra who tried their luck out on him, much to the irritation and frustration of Molag Bal and his daedric forces. Curse these damnable aliens! How dare they trick him into coming out of his domain and entrapping him! The way they did it was through the sound of music, but it was unlike anything they have heard of before, yet it was so intoxicating to listen to while battling. Which was infuriating at the same time! Yuria deduced that this music playing from those Speakers that surrounded the city was laced with otherworldly magic, affecting any and all within its range. It acted as an indiscriminate buff and curse, until it was shut off, they were all stuck in a never-ending fight. Molag Bal had his forces push towards the city, yet as soon as some of the daedra slipped by the Night Sentinels, the city’s defenses proved too strong to breach. Things weren’t going well for the Prince of Domination. “Oh, you are such a devious, sexy, dragon-wolf goddess Brennie.” Neethsi huffed as she dueled Yuria, dancing around her opponent’s strikes with such grace and finesse, it was so mesmerizing it took all of Bravia and Brennie’s willpower to stay focused on their own battles. “You bitch!” Molag Bal growled as he lifted his mace over his head and brought it down on Brennie. “I’ll make sure you suffer-Ack!” He was shocked to find that Brennie didn’t just deflect his attack, but punched it off to the side. Soon it was followed up by a left hook to his face, then a right hook, before finishing it off by grabbing his head and bringing it down to her knee with such force he fell on his back. “Dammit! Everything’s falling apart, nothing’s going the way it should be!” Yuria growled in frustration as she pressed her attack against the Sea Goddess. “All because of her!” “My dear Brennie certainly knows how to get under someone’s skin by hitting them where it hurts.” Neethsi commented before sidestepping Yuria and tripping her up, making the Undead fall face-first into the street. “Can we switch? I want to have a turn with Molag Bal.” “Think fast!” Brennie said as Molag came charging at her, to which she used his momentum against him. Grabbing at his offending arm, she threw him overhead and straight into Neethsi’s spinning kick. Yuria tried to regroup and assist her master, only to be clothes-lined by Brennie. “Where do you think you’re going?!” “Probably some irrational idea of sacrificing herself and becoming a new weapon or artifact for Molag to suddenly turn the tables on us.” Neethsi casually said as she smashed Molag’s face with her mace. “Shame that if I kill you here you’ll just be back in Coldharbour. If only we could permanently imprison you or something.” “Let’s not risk it.” Bravia said as he ripped the head off a daedra with his bare hands, before using it to club another to death. “Yeah. Besides, Meridia, Stendarr and Arkay are about to take care of him in a minute.” Neethsi shrugged and Molag’s eyes widened imperceptibly before the world seemed wrong and then Molag was gone. “...That was way too convenient! Akatosh! Did you do that?!” Neethsi demanded of the sky while everyone practically collapsed in relief. > Ch.80 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.80 [Fredas, 2nd Frost Fall, 4E: 221] Falion held the little Lilmothiit girl in his arms as he marched out of the cave system the last Great Anchor had been hidden within. Blood trailed down his right sleeve and he had a visible limp, but he’d had far worse before. He’d been Soul Shriven before, that was a tale he told nobody, but it was why he could so blatantly ignore so many rules Conjurers follow to avoid death or worse. The Daedra can’t do much to you if you had your soul elsewhere. “Falion. When the Dark Anchors all imploded, we’d feared for a moment that you and the child were lost.” One of the Night Sentinels said from where he was guarding the entrance of the caves while another called their fleet in the ether above. “Even if Coldharbour became too isolated to directly connect to Nirn; I could have walked the planes until I found one close enough to return. I just so happen to have arrived before the cosmic distance between realms widened substantially.” Falion calmly dismissed the concern and held out the young girl to the soldier. “Here, I am in need of healing. I may not age like normal people, but I was already middle-aged when that stopped, so my body needs time.” “Do you not require medical treatment, sir?” The Crusader asked as he took the child. “While it would be appreciated, I have my own means and I am not too injured that I won’t make my way to it. Besides, my healing bed will both heal me and give me such a good rest. It will be like I’ve slept, eaten, bathed and been to a temple all at once without drawbacks.” Falion replied and realm-stepped to his own demiplane of Oblivion, where he staggered to the absolutely lavish giant bed inside the house and flopped face-first onto it. Before he fell asleep, he turned his head to the portrait of a young woman hanging on the wall and he sighed. “At least this time I did not fail, Agni…” 📜 “Oh my god~!” Brennie cackled in amusement after hearing the news from Hermais as clean-up and recovery efforts began. “Yep~! He’s Meridia’s bitch for eternity. The Vampiric curse and all other things tied to Molag Bal have been corrupted by Meridia’s concepts of Purity and Light. The irony is the King of Corruption has had his domain perverted by his most hated enemy.” Hermais giggled happily while all in attendance besides the aliens and the living deities were gobsmacked. “Yes, ironic, because you wouldn’t expect Purity to be able to even touch Corruption, but Purity in itself is a rather invasive concept.” Neethsi hummed with humor as she looked up from the list of requests for her mastery of Alteration to fix, specifically city infrastructure. Of course with the help of the Night Sentinels, it would be quick work even if she didn’t volunteer, but she is The Nerevarine; the Goddess of Sea and Sky who raised several archipelagos and a continent. “Did someone say Purity?!” An oddly armored knight yelped. “I’ve explored the Demiplane of the Soul Cairn! Hermais, I have found all of the remaining entities for judgment!” “Thank you, Alphonse.” Hermais said to the hulking skaven knight before the zealot vanished as disturbingly as he appeared like a Master Assassin or thief. “Welp, this realm is now stable. I’m lifting all the travel bans to here since the Daedra are now less of a threat than ever and actually appreciate what’s been going on, right?” “Indeed lass! You’ve inspired such madness~!” Sheogorath cheered from a nearby portrait and all the mortals in the room promptly vacated, one or two even jumped out of the windows, preferring to try their luck landing safely than to suffer the whims of the Madgod. “Hmph! How rude! You didn’t defenestrate properly! You went feet-first! Not enough desperation!” “It is for the best that weak-willed mortals not be here.” Uttered a malicious voice that Neethsi hissed at. “Dagon. Of all the Princes, I would have thought you’d have taken another chance at invading Mundus with Molag weakening the veil further.” Neethsi snarled as she looked around with a wave of her hand causing the whole room to shimmer, then to focus in on one point. “Nirn is no longer my right to rule. It has been taken, usurped twice-over. I have no interest in toppling it now that there is new management.” The voice echoed from a nearby axe hanging on the wall. “I am Change personified, even more so than my older kin. I’ve been sick of how stagnant Tamriel and Nirn as a whole have been. Now? It is different. Until it becomes stagnant again, I am pleased. Continue to bring such rampant Change to Nirn, make it grow, become more than it was and I will not bother invading.” “But you represent Change through Destruction and Rebellion, don’t you?” Brennie questioned curiously and Dagon hummed. “What do you think you’ve done? You may not have thrust the dagger, but you finally brought an end to the Empire. You have forced the people to Rebel against their old sensibilities by Destroying their preconceptions and enlightening them, causing even more Change to come as a domino effect. I could not have done better myself, take pride in my stating so.” Dagon said with vile amusement and enjoyment. “Aw, I missed out on the action.” Came a whine from a suit of lion-like golden armor that entered through a portal. “Damn it Brennie, you never invite me to the fun anymore.” The golden figure huffed in annoyance while Brennie sighed. “Urta, if I invited you, you would’ve started a whole crusade instead of a tactical strike force. You and restraint don’t exactly go together.” Brennie snipped at the newcomer and she groaned, but didn’t protest the assumption. “Well, as helpful as that would’ve been, thank you for excluding her in that case. This would’ve gone on for much longer.” Neethsi commented as she looked at the lion-armored woman curiously. “You feel like Brennie, but both more potent yet less intense at the same time somehow.” “That’s because I am Urta, my realm’s Goddess of Fertility, War and Power. Brennie and I both have War in common from our respective realms, but since I have Fertility and she has Ruin, well, that’s the big sticking point for us both. Even though we’re married.” Urta held up her left hand to point out the diamond band over her armor and Brennie rolled her eyes, but held up a matching ring on her own left ring finger. “Anyway, you got suited up for nothing, Urta. I sent strike teams to find the last two Pinions with the help of a Redguard Conjurer named Falion and they rescued the kids while I kept Molag busy.” Brennie told her wife and Urta sighed in disappointment, but was clearly still glad that it got done. “Oh well, it’s not like the Displacement Bureau doesn’t have plenty of conflicts for me to intervene in. I just wanted us to fight together like old times.” Urta said and Brennie bit her lip. “Well, we may not get to fight together, but something about this realm causes me to get horny from conflict and I’m really wet under this armor. C’mon, I need a cuddle buddy. You’re invited too, Bravia.” Brennie leered hungrily at them and Bravia held up his hands. “No thanks, I’ve got my own wife to get back to. Your rampant horniness is making her needy and I don’t want anyone taking advantage of her. Why not try out miss naturally-this-busty? Unlike most people we met, she was already this hyper-busty before Corruption or magic got involved in it.” Bravia thumbed at Neethsi, who visibly blushed over her white scales. “Ah, uh, a-as fun as that sounds I should-eep!” Neethsi found herself being picked up by two horny goddesses of war and carried away towards a bedroom. 📜 Back in Akavir, the ritual was complete and every last soul of the Kamal was collected. Runner was basking in the afterglow once it was over, wanting to enjoy the feeling of the power rush. “Oh~, how I missed this.” How could she have forsaken this sort of thing? She may carry the Aspect of Life, but she was Death as well. The two were more intimately intertwined than anyone was willing to admit. “Ouch, that actually hurts. Was I really in such denial?” “Yes.” The voice that spoke made Runner jump in fright because her Displacer, Lucy, was standing behind her. “You know I’m starting to think that, despite Brianna’s anger management problems, she’s the only one to truly see. I thought you would be the same as her.” She voiced her disappointment. “It’s not my fault for being so misled by-fuck!” Runner roared out as she kicked a tree, shattering it into millions of splinters. “Fuck! Fuuuuuuck~!” “Sheesh, took you long enough.” Lucy rolled her eyes at Runner’s dramatic theatrics. “How?! How the fuck did Brennie managed to balance herself out?! I thought-!” “Exactly, you thought! You never had any faith in her.” Lucy cut her off as she laid into her. “You ended up becoming the very thing you detested so much in Life: a neighsayer! Because of that you had blinded yourself, slowly but surely, to all other options! Other paths! You’ve become stagnant.” The truth hurt, it really did, but that also meant it was true. How could she have fallen so far without realizing it? This should never have happened. “Why didn’t she tell me?” Runner whispered as her head lowered. “Would you have listened to her?” Lucy retorted with her own question, which made Runner wince. “That’s what I thought. You would’ve gotten defensive and the two of you would argue to no end. I wouldn’t be surprised if you started making threats of civil war-.” “No!” Runner quickly denied, shocked at Lucy’s accusation! She didn’t want that! “Oh, but that’s one of the possible outcomes, all of which would’ve ended badly not only for your family, but your empires. Which was already underway, but not by any of your hands luckily enough.” The Goddess of Evil said nonchalantly with a shrug. “Why would you tell me this? Isn’t it going against your nature?” Runner asked in fear. “No, not really. You could say this interaction falls under ‘karmic justice’ because of how twisted your views were becoming with each passing moment.” Lucy explained as she lazed about in the air. “So, the very thing I’m supposed to embody was being corrupted by my inability to...accept that Life isn’t so straightforward?” It was a lot harder for Runner to say that. “Pretty much. Admitting to her flaws is what helped Brianna in the long run. For your sake, I hope you will take this time to reflect on yourself.” With that said, Lucy left Runner alone to her thoughts, as the Goddess of Life sat down and began to meditate. Little did she know, she was doing Akavir a great service. 📜 “My babies!” I cheered and hugged all four of my kits in joy. The other two were a boy and girl also, identical to their brother and sister respectively. I had two sets of twins~! “Donnatello and Sasha. Welcome home.” “Mama!” They cheered together while hugging me and each other. My heart was aflutter and all was now right with the world. My family was all in one place and now there must be nothing between me and getting married! I’m gonna have a happy ever after! In a world where those never happen! Yeah! I’m totally gonna die on this Aetherium project! No~! “Where’s Fama?” Donnatello asked and I smiled sadly. “Fama Palu is in her home dimension. She may not even remember us because of the monster who abducted us when the world collapsed.” I informed them bluntly, since they were more mature than most adults tended to be in my original world. Well, at least Americans. Americans are like adult children compared to people from places like here. “Can we try to visit? Or send a letter?” Sasha asked desperately and I sighed in defeat. “I don’t know, sweetlings. I can try to get help from your aunts and uncles to contact her, but in all likelihood if we try to reach out to her, it’ll only cause things to become that much more complicated.” I tried to reason, because while I would like to see her again or see her again, I’m also worried that she would try to spirit me away from here, from Shade, Neethsi and Rarity. If not that, then spirit us all away. I don’t want that. Having an open invitation to go to Paradise is awesome, but I don’t want to just up and leave here. Lilmoth has become home to me as much as I initially didn’t want to raise a family in Black Marsh. I know people here now. I’ve participated in local celebrations. I’ve taught so many people. Home is where you make it, but I want it to be here. “Please, mama?” Daniel pleaded and all four of them used a combined puppy-dog-eye assault! No~! I can’t resist one of you doing that! How dare you use a concentrated multi-shot strike?! 📜 “Uh, you want to do what? Um, well, Mom hasn’t really contacted cousin Palu...like ever. We know of her through Aunt Ava, but we’ve never really talked.” Hermais mewled uneasily. “We heard what she did in her world to other gods and figured it best to just leave her be and blacklist her dimension.” “Oh no~.” I groaned as I rubbed my snout. “Then could you please talk to one of the Doomies? They have mentioned she’s their sister before.” “Hm, they might be able to, but keep in mind that while I do steer time and see it, I can’t control it. Think in the 10th dimension chess that Palu is like a queen that burns the board the moment you try to touch her.” Eris commented and Dongoruas nodded grimly. “I know, but they’re her kids too and it’s only right to try and at least send a message that we’re alright and stuff.” I sighed and the triplets looked at each other before nodding and vanishing. “Yo.” I squeaked and jumped away from the person who appeared behind me! Damn it Hunter! “You called about contacting Palu?” Yeesh, Eris doesn’t waste time, but then again she’s a Time Lord. “Yeah.” I mewled a little in fear. “Let me get Wiatr over here. Her and Urta could keep Palu from doing whatever she likes. I think. Otherwise I may have to get Brennie.” Hunter said, but I stopped him from doing that by frantically waving my arms. “It’s just a letter!” I quickly told him, not wanting things to escalate out of control. “Oh, I see. Yeah, that would be for the best. Bringing her here would complicate things.” Hunter said since he clearly understood my reason for sending a letter and I let out a sigh of relief. “Hm, it seems Runner is finally finding balance within herself.” “Well, that’s good. Now, I wrote it here. Maybe Eris should deliver it after you contact Palu and let her know she’s coming. Oh, try to give it to her at a good Time. Eris would know when.” I insisted and Hunter took the wax-sealed folded parchment letter gingerly, like just touching it would destroy it, before he vanished. I can only hope that Palu gets back to us in the affirmative. If she has forgotten, my kids will be heartbroken and that would break my heart too. This moment of worry was ended by Eris appearing and handing me a letter made with modern paper and she left without saying anything else, so I hurriedly opened it. Dear Meen-Rei,  I'll be honest, my memories of you are Fuzzy at best and are difficult to recall. However, overall I welcome you to come visit. I don't tend to limit outsiders. As for coming to uproot you, well that would only be necessary if you weren't safe.  As for Samantha, Sasha, Daniel and Donatello; I won't abandon them. They are my kids and it is my responsibility to look after them and love them. In short I do care. Yours sincerely  Palutena P.S: Please ask Ava how Lumi and I’s kids are? The surge of new hope filled me and I almost immediately went to write another letter when I was interrupted by four cheers of joy echoing through the house. Hm, maybe Palu wrote letters for each of us and the kids are celebrating. Anyway, a letter won’t do any good. I’d be better off just sharing the post script with Eris or one of her siblings to give to their mother, who will get in touch with this Ava who feels oddly familiar to me. Yeesh. I feel like some sort of aristocrat who knows people who know people. Well, I’ll do that later. After all, Eris likely already knows. Time Lords are like that. “Hey Rei.” Penny said when she entered the room, now wearing a casual tunic and no longer quivering from a ludicrous fever thanks to Mellow’s potions. “So, this is a communal bedroom right? You didn’t exactly lay down the law and the other rooms seem to be taken.” Uh, right, Rarity’s home has become really crowded. “Huh, I didn’t consider that. Rarity gave her room to the kids and moved into this one. It’s a bit difficult. It’s kinda a shared room for us because we’re engaged to be married, but that’s all moved into the Haven Box, which is Brennie’s. We have our own Haven Bags though, so I’ll ask her if she wants it back when I see her.” I patted the lid of the box and Penny looked at the bed of this room. “So I can sleep on this bed without feeling guilty about it?” Penny sat on said bed and I shrugged. “Dibs! My bed now! I don’t have anyplace to go and I’m in no hurry! I wanna rest up and chill like the old days.” “Um...so you remember the old days? From before everything?” I asked with hope, trepidation and curiosity. “Yep!” Penny replied casually and I wrung my fingers together. “So...I was a guy named Michael?” I asked and Penny groaned while she patted the bed. “Oof, alright, sit down. This is gonna take a while.” > Ch.81 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.81 [Loredas, 3rd Frost Fall, 4E: 221] “Oh~.” Brennie moaned when she woke up, feeling stuffed and satisfied. Urta and Neethsi weren’t the only ones with her, since Akatosh and Discord snuck in on the fun, much to the annoyance of Neethsi since she was already frustrated by being in the middle of the two goddesses of war. Her frustration increased further when Miun-La was dragged into the orgy when he was just trying to check in after fleeing from the Madgod. “Mm, you should invite me over more often~.” Urta purred at her wife as she nuzzled her cheek. “I can feel how badly they wanna make babies with you, you naughty broodmother~.” “Huh?” Akatosh groaned from where he was sprawled on the floor. “What about our broodmother?” “Hm? Can we put our buns in her oven?” Discord teased as rubbed his hand over Brennie’s stomach, making her mew submissively as she enjoyed it. “Will you help her raise them?” Urta asked with a large smile. “Alright, enough of this nonsense! You and you! Out! You, take a bath before you leave! You two; go home for a bit!” Neethsi snarled at Akatosh, Discord and Miun-La in that respective order and they fled from the wrathful goddess before her unspoken threats were acted on. “Now, if you’ll quite excuse me, I’m going home to rest with my own fiances, who I hope I’ll get to call my wives soon with this damned invasion over with.” “Oo~! She’s got such fire, Brennie! I see why you like her so much even if not as more than a friend with benefits.” Urta purred and sat up, helping her well-fucked wife up too. “Hey, would you like to join us for a bath?” “I can magically cleanse myself, so I’ll just be-ah!” Neethsi froze when Brennie grabbed her tail and she shuddered when she stroked it, causing her pre-cum to bead on her tip. “F-fucking let go!” Neethsi demanded in fluster and tried to pull free, but a goddess had her by the tail.  “No. No magic or god-like powers for the moment. We are going to take a bath like normal people.” Brennie made her own demand as she glared up at Neethsi, who sneered back at her. “Do I make myself clear?” “You are making it quite clear that maybe you need someone to kick your ass!” Neethsi snarled, but then Urta touched her tail and her eyes dilated, her breath caught in a gasp and suddenly her cum gushed from her tail tip onto the glowing turquoise slime goddess, who chuckled. “Calm down babe. Just relax~.” Urta cooed and things got all blurry for Neethsi. 📜 “So, what is happening?” I asked Twilight in her office, which currently had several chairs set up with all of her friends including Shade and I sat in front of her. “Recovery! We did it girls! We saved the world from the Thalmor and Molag Bal!” Twilight cheered and everyone joined in with Diane being the most energetic. Ever since I introduced her to Dar-Jah through Rarity she’s been so much happier~. “So, what does this mean?” Fluttershy asked quietly and Twilight sighed. “It means that we can finally wrap up all our grand schemes, get our affairs in order, then help Celestia and Luna prepare their journey back to Equestria with as many volunteers as possible to resettle the continent under the assumption that nobody survived the cataclysm.” Twilight looked around. “Girls. Do any of you want to go to Equestria?” I immediately shook my head and I noticed everyone else did the same. It was now that I realized Celestia and Luna weren’t here. “That’s a loaded question, Twi. Unless...you’re going?” Rainbow asked warily and she looked relieved when Twilight shook her head too. “No. You know I’m pregnant, girls. You also know I’m leaving with Brennie whenever she chooses to go home. So I ask; are you coming with me?” Resounding agreements followed aside from Rarity, who looked betrayed and upset with a look at me and Shade before she reached out and took one of my hands. “I’m afraid my heart is with Meen-Rei, Shade and Neethsi, darling. I can’t follow you.” Rarity stated and wiped a tear from her eyes. “I apologize, but I must be selfish, at least this once.” “Rarity, nobody’s accusing you of being selfish. If that’s what you want, then go for it.” Twilight assured her, which was nice to see that she understood Rarity, whereas everyone else was visibly distraught to hear Rarity wasn’t going. “Dear, Generosity is about being willing to sacrifice your own happiness and well-being for another. My desire to remain here with my future wives is selfish in regards to you all. That said, I’ll be more than happy to visit you whenever possible, considering Meen-Rei is good friends with Brennie and her extended family.” Rarity said, causing her saddened friends to cheer up. “So...are we still doing the whole Aetherium thing?” Shade asked and I nodded at the question. Since the war is over, are we still going to help research the stuff? “Of course. This world is filled with constant strife, it is only sensible that we continue to investigate the resources it provides us. Or, rather, provide for the natives.” Twilight amended, clearly proving that she was planning this for a while... 📜 “Urta. Mm~. Urta.” Brennie moaned into her wife’s lips as she bathed in the slime goddess’s body. It wasn’t the normal bath she was planning, but Urta was better than any bath at getting clean, silly enough. Her body ate everything from solid matter to microscopic life like bacteria. Ever since she first learned how not to eat everything she encased, erotic sex-baths like this were a fairly normal thing with her slime wife. “Shush~. Neethsi is napping~.” Urta giggled and pointed at where Neethsi was snoring lightly in the pile of towels and bathrobes Urta dropped her on after the woman fell asleep in sexual exhaustion. Brennie bit her lip to silence herself from moaning too loudly. “Well, at least my anti-magic isn’t affecting you anymore.” Brennie remembered how much of a bitch it was to control that ability. At first it was stored only within her left eye, but as time passed and her strength grew, so too did her other abilities. The Anti-Magic was more troublesome than any other since it felt like there was no off-switch for the longest time. “Tell me about it, but at least you focused on sorting that out and soon enough everything was back to normal.” Urta giggled before letting out a sad sigh. “Is Runner doing okay? She wasn’t herself when she stayed in Paradise.” “I think she is getting there. I thought something was up, but figured I’d wait until she came back.” Brennie’s answer seemed to put Urta’s mind at ease. “I’m more concerned about home, but I can worry about it later.” “Indeed~.” Urta purred as her tentacles began caressing Brennie. “Ah-mmph?!” Brennie found her mouth gagged by one of the tentacles as two more went for her other holes. “You’ve been such a dirty girl, going around and having a fling with those who tickle your fancy~.” Urta growled lustfully as she had her way with her wife. “Now all these potential mates you’ve found want to make babies with you, you lucky broodslut~.” Brennie groaned around the invading tentacle and was quickly finding herself reaching for a climax. “No, wait, you already have~! You’re already having a ton of new babies with someone! I also sense someone inside of you~! You naughty, naughty broodslut! I’m gonna stuff you full of so much slime you’ll wish it could impregnate you!” Urta cackled and Brennie’s eyes rolled back as the first of many wonderful orgasms arrived. 📜 “So, war is done?” Tsrrashi asked her Council again for confirmation and got nods from everyone. “Wonderful! Continue freeing the Betrayed and all other efforts to claim our new role as dwellers in deep. Also, make friends with Dogs, they too dwell in deep. We must be friends.” “They live beneath Black Marsh, ridden with fleas and disease, but hardy and surviving. I’m sure they’ll appreciate our great resistance to the ravages of disease and us providing them potions to help remain healthy.” A councilor replied and Tsrrashi hummed in approval. “Excellent. Is there more to be done?” Tsrrashi asked and the councilors all shook their heads. “Good! Keep things going, Tsrrashi must meet with her mate.” Tsrrashi slithered on her mound of goo from her throne and flowed out of the council chamber for her private room at the top of the tower where Bravia had returned after the battles had finished. “Mate, Tsrrashi is so happy. What news do you bring?” “Hey. Nothing much that your council probably doesn’t know, besides my progenitor becoming a total horny bitch. In a good way, though. It’s less wanton sluttery and more her being messed with by people she trusts and having lost her inhibitions.” Bravia said as his mate pooled her massive goo mound around his legs to rise up and press her heaving chest into his pecs for a kiss. “Mm, good. Tsrrashi was worried her Goddess was bleeding influence into her own wife somehow.” Tsrrashi moved to the giant tub next to the bed and poured herself into it to relax. She was still new to being a slime, so having a tub was a good placeholder bed in Bravia’s, well, Brennie’s experience which he could distinctly remember, so similar enough. “I’d be worried too if I didn’t know her like I know myself. She has a deep seated carnal desire that almost rivals her wives. It’s a good part of why she married them after all, despite complaining about it so much. If she didn’t have those insatiable minxes to deal with, she’d be a fucking stick-up-her-ass bitch like she was tens of thousands of years ago.” Bravia went over to the tub and started stripping off his armor much to Tsrrashi’s excitement. “Oo~? So Tsrrashi’s mate is as horny as Brennie after all?” Tsrrashi purred up at him before he climbed into her body like she was water and she moaned at the incredible sensation as she felt every inch of him submerged within her and she moved her torso along the surface of her slime to lean into his chest and revel in the closeness. “Tsrrashi is so glad she is not acid.” “So am I. Now, let’s relax. The world isn’t ending now, so it’s time for everything to start calming down.” Bravia leaned back against the wall of the tub and smiled. To think, he was just a disposable clone. Now he was his own person with a dead-sexy mate linked to his progenitor’s glue-for-the-marriage wife Wiatr. The sooner Brennie faces that, the better. Mm~...warm bubbly slime-wife...zzz 📜 I returned home with Rarity and Shade to hear a commotion upstairs. We went up and found Zaeza nervously sitting next to Neethsi, who was back in her frumpy comfy robes and slumped on the living room sofa like a sack of potatoes. The albino argonian was resting her head on Zaeza’s lap while Zaeza’s son and my four tykes all roughhoused on the plush rug. “Well, you’re home at least. I see you’ve met Zaeza.” I commented while Rarity went to sort out the children and prevent them making too much of a mess and Shade went over to the kitchen. “Yes. She’s adorable and I’m glad to meet her. All the better since we’re marrying her.” Neethsi replied and Zaeza’s hood flared in her version of a blush. “Speaking of which, Rarity, when are we getting married?” “As soon as possible! Now that this series of fiascos are behind us and the world isn’t in danger of ending again too soon, I’m going to arrange for the Temple of the Nine to host our wedding, unless anyone objects? I know you at least have some rather unique relations with the Divines, dear.” Rarity said with the last bit aimed at Neethsi, who sighed. “I have issues with deities meddling with the lives of mortals without care for said mortals. Mara does nothing but care, but she can get a bit too intrusive. She’s a matchmaker, a mother hen. I don’t mind our union being overseen by a priest or priestess of Mara. All I ask is that our reception be far away from Dibella’s Cloister or we’ll end up pulled into another orgy.” Neethsi huffed and I snorted. That was a fun time, even if I barely remember it. “Hm, fair enough. Perhaps we should have one of your priests perform the ceremony then?” Rarity asked cheekily and Neethsi groaned into the underside of Zaeza’s basketball bazongas that were as usual in a tasteful kimono with a glorious plunging cleavage on display. “You know she doesn’t like being worshiped, Rarity. If she has one of her followers marry us, that’d be so awkward.” Shade said as she sipped her bottle of glowing milk. Hey! Since when did someone here get the idea to milk themselves into bottles?! Whoever did, thank you~! I’m just gonna go to the icebox and get one~. “I know that you are a Kami, but I believe that if you dislike the idea, then us being wed by one of your followers would be rude to you.” Zaeza said as she pet Neethsi’s scalp with her fingers. “Hey, why not have an Akaviri priest do it?!” Sasha asked excitedly and I hummed as I returned to the room with my bottle of magic milky nutrition. “Yes, don’t you have Love gods, sorry, Kami, in Akavir?” I asked and Zaeza began to look nervous. “Well...yes, but our ceremonies can be a bit complex.” Zaeza meekly replied and we sat down. 📜 “Dissy~.” Brennie moaned as Discord snuck his way back to her, wanting to have more fun with her. Urta was still there as she controlled the slime she pumped into her wife, making her belly bloat out as if she was pregnant. Said slime was then morphed into the many forms of ‘newborn’ chaos noodles growing inside her womb, feeling them wiggling around in there. “Hm~.” Discord hummed as he ran his hands all over her belly and kissed the bunny tattoo. “That’s a good broodmother, keep baking all those goodies and I’ll put more inside you~.” Brennie shivered as Discord continued to pamper her. “Hng~! The way you treat her like that, it almost sounds like you two are already married.” Urta teased while groping her own tits and pinching her nipples. “Hm, maybe I will ask for her hand. She’s so worth it~.” The draconequus licked his lips as he wrapped his body around Brennie, who wiggled and mewled before being kissed by him. “Mm~. The things I want to do with you as my hot, broodmother of a wife; hide you away from the world, perform all of your kinkest desires while making more babies in the process~.” “You horny bastard of a husband~.” Brennie moaned while Discord slowly inserted his cock inside her. “So is there a reason you sent Neethsi away, Dissy?” Urta asked as she kept Brennie in bliss. “One, she really needed to be with her family and meet her new wife and child. Two, she keeps getting in the way and being a real downer, sucking out all the fun.” Discord huffed as he grinded against Brennie’s pussy. “Three, I don’t think our dear Brennie is satisfied enough~. Good girls deserve the best rewards~.” “Yes, indeed they do.” Urta’s eyes glinted dangerously and Discord only had that as a warning before he slithered out of reach of the spikes of slime that tried to skewer him. “However, while I like Brennie being so breed-hungry, I don’t like it when people or places fuck with my wife. Whatever you or this place is doing to her, stop it. Now.” “Hey now, I’m not the one who started it.” Discord defended himself with his hands raised up. “I may fuel it, but never the one who started it. If you want to blame someone, go to Mara and have a talk with her. She’s the one who set Brennie on this path and it evolved into something more than what she anticipated. Fair warning, she’ll appear looking like your birth mother.” He calmly explained to Urta, who looked apprehensive suddenly. “R-really? It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten what she looked like. How will she manage that?” Urta asked as she absorbed the slime spikes, but did not once stop using her tendrils to fuck Brennie senseless. In her condition, trying to assert that she fights the slutty compulsions might backfire. “It’s not her choice. The people that worship her believe her to be a mother to all. Hence the reason why she’ll appear looking like your mother. Mara’s kind of hopeless when it comes to romance and starts matchmaking, which is another reason why Brennie’s marrying Twilight because of her intervention. There’s also the fact that Brennie has gained some followers who started worshiping her and her siblings.” Discord told Urta as he laid beside Brennie.  “Seriously? What are their backgrounds?” Urta questioned as Brennie groaned around the length of goo going down her gullet. “They’re quite the diverse bunch. One is a nord warrior that still worships Talos who believes Brennie, her siblings and their people to be one of his many Star-Children…” Discord went on to describe each of the members as Brennie was fucked unconscious without becoming a living condom for the first time in recent memory. 📜 Bronze boots rasped against the stone before stopping in front of the beating Heart of Lorkhan within Red Mountain. A bronze gauntlet brandished a bronze hammer and the other gauntlet brought forth a bronze-hilted dagger, its blade composed of Aetherium. The Heart quivered, as if in terror, before with a sure strike against the pommel of the dagger from the hammer, Time Broke. 📜 Runner was still bitter about her recent revelation, enough that a good long look down upon a world from space was needed to help her calm down. Oh, yes, space was a thing. The sky wasn’t some canvas like so many people down on Nirn thought. They were a real world, in a real and infinite universe. Even if this universe is the dream of a comatose omnipresent ‘Godhead’ there’s more than just Nirn in this realm. However, this view was what allowed her to see a drastic change on the continent of Tamriel. One moment, she could sense the lives below, then the next that number had drastically increased out of nowhere! “Ma’am! Someone has tampered with Time!” One of her Chasers spoke up from his terminal that was used to scan for anomalies on the planet. “Were we affected?” Runner asked as she looked around the area critically. “No! It’s all localized on the planet!” The reply helped her relax and look back downwards. “Good, then we can head down and find out what’s up.” > Ch.82 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.82 [Sundas, 4th Frost Fall, 4E: 221] I woke up alone, disappointed to be the last to wake up again. Waking up first meant I could enjoy the snuggles before the others got up. I rolled to my feet and stretched before climbing out of the Haven Box. Penny wasn’t in bed either. Yikes. I must’ve really slept in. I remember Penny is a heavy sleeper. The first thing that I realized was wrong was the dwarven metal worked into nearly every piece of furniture and the bedroom door. I left and found the homey wooden picture frames were likewise the mystical brassy metal. “Rarity? Did you do something to the house?” I asked worriedly before I entered the living room and froze. Instead of Rarity or any other members of the household, I saw a tall bearded elf gaping at me in shock with a mug of hot coffee almost at his lips. Then he shouted something in a language I didn’t understand. What I did understand was the threat when he threw the hot liquid at me and raised his hands with Destruction magic in his palms and a sneer only ruined by the flush of his cheeks. I ducked under the flying metal mug, ignored the scalding hot coffee when it splashed on me, then I let him hit me with his fire magic and I felt much better as I devoured the magicka of his spells. “Do you treat all the ladies like this?” I huffed and looked around. None of this was Rarity’s. “Excuse me, what is going on? This is Rarity’s house.” The tall bearded mer was now wary instead of hostile, but he didn’t respond. He muttered to himself in that odd language as he stroked that epic black braided and banded beard. Dude, that beard belongs on a dwarf from Lord of the Ring-oh no! He is a Dwarf! This world’s elf version of them at least! Like Yagrum Bagarn! “Excuse me! Do you speak Cyrodilic?! I need to know: what is happening?! When I went to sleep, this was my fiance’s house!” I demanded and felt horror. Where are they?! Where are my sister, my fiances, my children that I just fucking got back?! “Not well. Third language.” The mer answered haltingly as he summoned his thrown mug with telekinesis and bowed slightly. “Apologies. My home. Also yours?” He asked and I sighed with a nod. “Hm…” He stroked his beard and gestured for me to sit at the table, that if it didn’t have dwarven metal worked into fancy carvings on it, it would be a shoe-in for Rarity’s dining table. “Look. Obviously something really spooky is going on. You dwarves-.” He scrunched his aquiline nose at that word and I held up my hands defensively. “Sorry! Dwarves are awesome, even if your people aren’t short, stout and drink enough ale to kill five humans on the regular.” “Dwarf is a rude word. Used to demean the height challenged.” Dude, is this seriously your third language? You’re picking it back up fast. “Regardless, you describe an inconsistency of reality.” Okay, are you shitting me? “In your reality, this is your home. In my reality, this is my home. That you have not changed if I am the later permutation of reality means you are a Constant.” Oof, dude, now you’re losing me and I haven’t even gotten around to trying to explain! “Uh...so this is a Dragon Break?” I asked in uncertainty and he shrugged with a nod. “Perhaps. Or perhaps you are simply from an alternate dimension with similar third dimensions.” Okay, please stop that. “Either way, you are an intriguing woman. Not just because you’re practically naked.” He smirked and I huffed with my arms crossed over my naughty nightie covered basketball boobs. “Look, can you tell me if you know these people by name? Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Shade, Zaeza, Neethsi Nagnaresh-.” He gasped and nodded. “Yes, she is our matron goddess!” The mer declared eagerly. Bwuh~?! 📜 “Oh my fucking god, who the fuck brought the Dwemer back?!” Runner could not believe what she was seeing right now. Dwemer, alive and all over the planet! The bridge of her flagship was buzzing with everyone trying to make sense of all this. “Where did the Time Anomaly come from?” One of the Night Sentinels called out to the others for an answer. “Morrowind’s volcano!” Another replied as he managed to get a lock on the location. “Is there anyone that has survived the event?” Runner questioned as she worried for her family and her people. They were on the planet when it happened and she couldn’t imagine living without them! “Wait, I see Lady Meen-Rei in Lilmoth!” Thank god! Some good news to work with. “Get a shuttle ready, I want strike teams at the ready in case the Dwemer might attack us first. No one fires a shot until I say so! Continue on the search!” Runner was going to get her family back, one way or another. 📜 “Who fucked with time?” Eris seethed as she twitched and snarled, making her brother/sisters back away from her. Eris rarely got pissed off, so seeing her so vexed that she was on par with Slayer was...not fun. “I’m finding them.” “Sis, that’s not a goo-.” Hermais whined before Eris turned on her with such a look of rage it was like she was about to set the world on fire. Dongo quickly opened a portal for Eris to walk through. “Dongo! Her powers are going to be limited! She’s at risk if she goes to a time break!” “You saw how she was. I fear more for whoever broke time than her getting harmed. It's also why we’re going too. Even if we’re weaker in an altered time or space area, you are not.” Hermais whimpered as Dongo picked her up like a princess and walked through the portal. 📜 I wandered through the streets of Lilmoth in my adventuring armor, dazed at the similarities and differences. All places where iron was usually used was replaced with Dwarven Metal or Ardentine as it has become known in this odd reality. This was because Ardentine was easily synthesized through Dwemer alchemy instead of having to be entirely dug up from the Earthbones like other metals. No fucking wonder the Dwemer used it for everything! “What in Oblivion happened?” I questioned myself while watching faces both completely new and upsettingly familiar pass me in the street. Dar-Jah for example. I saw him, but he didn’t recognize me at all. He was with an argonian gal and she was hanging off him as if she was his girlfriend! That can’t be right! Pinkie is his marefriend! What happened to everyone~?! Even going to the University didn’t do anything to alleviate my fears. Harmony was still standing, glinting brightly, but there were no ponies! It was like someone just erased them from existence! There were diamond dogs in sun hats, griffins in the sky, even bird-people called hippogriffs, but the ponies were gone! “Harmony. Please, please tell me you remember me?” I pleaded up at the Crystal Tower’s branches. I was answered by a blinding light and found myself standing on the grassy hill with another Harmony shading me from the bright sun. “Harmony?” “Mother.” I shuddered in a mixture of relief and despair as the reindeer antlered argonian personification of Harmony appeared and hugged me tightly. “Of course I remember you. I am a Tower, a Constant in Time, so long as I stand.” “What happened? Where is everyone?” I asked my surrogate daughter as she rocked me back and forth while lowering us to sit on a blanket on the grass. “Time ceased to be linear for a brief moment. Akatosh’s providence was shattered, rearranged and then remodeled into a new shape. Every little piece is still here, but so many more pieces have been added that they all got misplaced.” Harmony looked in a direction and I looked too. The endless plain of grass turned to sea, then the sea flew beneath us at speed until another land appeared on the horizon. “Where is that?” “Equestria. The ponies have returned to their ancestral home, even if other species from there have remained in Tamriel.” Harmony then patted my stomach. “As for these ones? They and your sister have been cast into Oblivion, since they are not of this realm and are not Constants like you are. However, don’t worry. Your allies from beyond are unaffected due to your other allies from beyond.” “What other allies?” 📜 “How are your fishy sticks?!” Sheogorath eagerly questioned his esteemed guests, who were mostly eating happily at his overly long dining table. “It’d be more enjoyable if-.” “Clean cup! Move down!” Sheogorath declared and everyone quickly stood to go down a seat to the left as the goblets magically refilled anyway and their meals followed. “If you’d stop doing that!” Brennie snarled angrily at having her free will overridden by the whims of this jackass, even if only temporarily. Why the ever-loving fuck were they in his realm?! If this was Mundus or anywhere else, she’d be ripping out his spine and beating him to death with it! “Aw, but then it wouldn’t be a very good reference, would it? Besides, I need you to be here where you won’t end up erased or lost in the planes. The Shivering Isles are much safer, if not saner, than being jumbled up with some ancient horror because someone decided to stab Akatosh in the kidneys and perform some dialysis.” Sheo said as he drank his tea with his ear. “I should’ve taken the deal.” Brennie sighed as she gave up trying to resist. “Oh, come now, this is much better than becoming a True Divine of our hodgepodge little stage play, wouldn’t you say? You’d have become the Divine of Fierce Glory! You would have rivaled Talos and Dibella in matters of War, Beauty and Fertility. Doesn’t that sound dreadful?!” Sheogorath asked with aghast, as if the very idea was the absolute worst possible thing~! “No, I don’t mean that Sheo, but look at Neethsi. She didn’t want to become a Divine and yet it happened. What are my chances?” Brennie huffed and Sheogorath chuckled darkly. “Ah, you misunderstand. She isn’t a Divine. Oh, not at all. She’s too important to be one of those ineffectual never-there's.” Sheo smirked with an amused gleam to his eye. “Sheo, you already know me; my family and I break shit. All of it. We would’ve stuck out like sore thumbs in this world’s pantheon because we do things differently.” Brennie stated as she drank from her cup of coffee. She wasn’t much of a tea person. “Yes, yes. DOOM, destruction, the Ruin of all through War, Blood and the End.” Sheo suddenly became disturbingly serious. “Which is why you are here. You would have replaced Alduin, by your own desire or not. You are a guest here. Be sure you don’t set your roots too deep unless you want to weather the very Earthbones under the feet of all the mortals.” “Besides, this is much better, right kids?” Sanguine asked Meen-Rei’s children from where he was showing them coin and card tricks. “You can be a Living Goddess all you feel like, but don’t become a Divine unless you want the Godhead to finally die and take everything here with it.” “Besides, if you do that, I don’t think Fama Palu would be very happy with you.” Daniel, the most precious of the four green-furred fox-angels meekly said and Brennie felt her frustration thaw a bit. Damn it, she always did love children. At least they helped temper her constant fury. “Sweetie, your fama and I are always at odds with one another, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get along and move on. Speaking of sisters, where is Runner heading towards?” If Brennie knew her sister, she must be working her way around this mess and making the best of a worse situation. “Clean cup! Move down~!” Sonuva-! 📜 “What have you found, girl?” A robotic voice questioned encouragingly of the massive ram-like beast. The pink crystals in her back shined angrily as she sniffed the air. “Do you have the heretic’s scent?” The Time Beast roared as it warped time around it to rush after the scent. The raggedly garbed figure rushed after her as it scanned the jungle of mushrooms around them that their hunt for the Heart of Lorkhan led them to. It wasn’t in the volcano. Whoever broke time took it away and shut down the Red Tower. Now their quarry was on the move. If only the giant mushroom forest that overtook Vvardenfell after the Dragon Break wasn’t so thickly grown. Time and again they’d had to go around or through whole sections of the giant continuous fungus that was heavily inhabited by fauna and dunmer. Thankfully Bleatress could also make travel quicker by warping time around her to a point where giant fuck-off mushrooms weren’t in the way, but only for brief moments without risking their existence in the current timeline. However, FL4K was one of the greatest hunters and trackers in Eris’s employ from the Displacement Bureau, they would not fail regardless of the obstacles. 📜 “This is...wrong.” Runner waved her hand through someone that just phased through her, as if she didn’t exist. The same went for her soldiers and all their technology. It was as if everything around them was a hologram, a simulation. A Dream. “What’s going on here?” “It must be that Time Anomaly. It did more than just change events, meaning we can’t exist where we don’t belong.” One of her guards said as things kept moving on. “That said, I have reports saying that the Heart of Lorkhan is no longer within the volcano.” “Who could’ve...no, it couldn’t be.” Runner muttered to herself as she paced around. “Someone knew how to use the heart, but he disappeared with the rest of the Dwemer when he first struck it, but if it really is him, how did he pull it off?” “Who?” The Guard questioned her Queen. “No! It was his tools! Someone has his tools to do the deed, but that would mean there was another Dwemer that survived the event.” Runner pace quickened as she tried to figure out what to do. “Kagrenac was who I thought was the culprit, but that would be too obvious. He was the one who created the tools, though it would seem someone has them in their possession.” “You have to admit, the Dwemer have made things look more scenic with their inventions. Nobody is giving each other a hard time, no racism or supremacy. They’re all just living out their lives.” Another of her Guard spoke up as the people moved about their business. “Yeah, you’re right.” Runner admitted before an idea struck her. “Wait a minute, time…that’s it! There’s a way around this!” She screamed in excitement and ran circles around her strike teams, who were left baffled by this. “Um, care to elaborate, your highness?” The Guard asked in confusion, wondering why she was happy all of a sudden. “Time! It’s all about time itself! We can anchor ourselves to this Timeline in order to interact with it!” Runner explained, which made sense now and they have the means to do so. “That’s right, the God Key is the answer! All I need to do is re-calibrate it, have it siphon the energy of this Timeline, distribute it to all of us and bam! We’re back in business!” “That’s good and all, but that can’t be the only thing you have in mind.” The female Chaser asked, knowing that there was more to this crazy plan of hers. “You’re right about that, it’s only half of the solution. That’s why as soon as we manifest within this Reality, we’re going to ask the Dwemer for their help. Come on, let’s go home and get everything ready.” It was risky, but it had to be done. However, this worst case scenario has opened up an opportunity for them to delve in. It might upset Eris, but it must be done. 📜 This was distinctly uncomfortable. “Another offering, our goddess.” Neethsi’s Dwemer high priestess kowtowed and provided yet another aquamarine statuette of her that was disturbingly accurate in how it portrayed her body, in all forms. It had her female form, male form, her new anthro dragon serpent beast form and her full massive giant serpent form in dramatic poses. To be fair, it was awesome, she was going to keep it, but this was the tenth offering just today! That aside, Neethsi was still in shock. She remembered a reality similar, yet entirely unlike this one. One where she was still the Goddess of the Sea and Sky, but she shied away from her providence and did not give her worshipers any attention due to how uncomfortable it was. In that reality, she’d also found Love. Something that this new reality painfully lacked. It was this drastic, horrible fact that had caused her to go through the motions of the day in melancholy. This was not something she could deny, for when she checked her magic storage satchel for the dynamo cores containing the animuses of the two atronach argonians she was going to marry, she found them. This actually worsened her melancholy, because now, her lovers were out there in the world and she had no clue where to even begin searching along with the crippling despair of loss. “My Lady.” Neethsi looked up at her high priestess, a beautiful fair-skinned and dark haired elf who personified her race’s features. “I can tell this all exhausts you. Perhaps you would like to go for a dive?” “Yes, that does sound lovely.” Neethsi sighed before she stood, the pommel of her trident clanking on the stone floor of her temple before she headed directly for the end of her elevated platform, where it would be a simple jump to reach the waters below. She could fly to reach the water if she wanted, this design was mostly for her followers who wanted to go diving off. Before she could jump, she gasped at the sight of a blood-red argonian who breached the water and looked up at her hopefully. Neethsi dove off the edge and tackled the woman, mashing lips with her as they sank through the clean water of the Inner Sea. She was so happy that she didn’t realize when she became her truest form and was wrapped protectively around her beloved future wife or that said beloved had become her larger crocodilian form to hug her noodly body better. Neethsi didn’t care how or why at the moment. Just that her dear Meen-Rei was here was enough to drive away most of the despair in her heart. She could ask about the others later. > Ch.83 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.83 [Morndas, 5th Frost Fall, 4E: 221] I woke up breathing water. It was so clean and refreshing I took a few gulps and then opened my eyes to find myself sleeping upon the coiled body of my lover and the Goddess of the Sea and Sky; Neethsi Nagnaresh. We were in a massive chamber that was entirely submerged and was filled with a hoard of treasures that lined the walls while a bed of kelp covered the floor. I swam up a bit and realized I was in my beast form, which of course, for some reason, has huge honking hooters the size of beach balls instead of losing sexual traits. Perks of being a Lycan instead of just some mere lycanthrope. “My love.” I perked happily at the projected thought and turned to hug the snout of my sea dragoness fiance. “You have no clue what your presence means to me.” I tried to speak, but water. I pouted and patted my sternum between my giant gazongas. It’s a good thing I’m somewhere between 8 and 10 feet tall and scaled-up, heh, so these big badonkers aren’t any bigger to me than usual. Anyway, I gestured up and before I could really notice how, I was standing on a rocky shore with Neethsi towering over me from the water. “There, now you can speak. Sorry for just ravishing you without giving you a chance to speak yesterday, but I was so lonely.” Neethsi apologized and lowered her snout to nuzzle my cleavage, which I smished together with my wrists and pressed into her snoot. “Grr~, I enjoyed it too, but I need your help. If you remember me, then you know this world isn’t right.” I said through my growling voice. Talking like this is tough, but still doable. “Just tell me what we’re doing next. I want all of you back, no, I need all of you back.” Neethsi implored and pressed insistently against my chest. “All the worshipers and gifts the world over are hollow and empty compared to what I have with you and the others. Tell me what to do.” “First, Rarity is now in Equestria…” 📜 “Oh, thank fuck! I’m free!” Brennie cheered as she lifted up Runner and spun her around. “Wee~!” Runner waved her arms in the air happily like a bird. “Oh, are ye now? Careful, that one tends to bite.” Sheogorath commented with amusement, which annoyed Brennie, at least until Runner fucking bit her shoulder! “You’d think ya would remember yer sibling’s reaction to someone being an idiot that she can’t really hurt.” “Uh, Sheo?” Brennie pointed out that Runner was biting into his shoulder! “Ah-hah~! The ol switcheroo! I like your spunk!” Sheo was suddenly a statue of cheese and Runner spat out the chunk she tore out. “Yeah, don’t try me Sheo. As fun as that might be to get to know you.” Runner said as she mused it over. “I already did, you taste like those sweets Pokemon trainers feed their blood-sport pets. Poffins I think they’re called. No! Wait! I mean you taste like that yellow lightning one everyone loves for some reason. Very zingy.” Sheo commented and Runner blushed while Brennie snorted. “You haven’t lived until you’ve had some wine made from fermented Cherubi flesh. Those things shed like snakes and it just tastes so sinfully good.” Sanguine commented from where he was still entertaining the kids, this time he was doing a Muppets skit with Kermit and Beaker dolls. “Hm, Sheo, quick question; what happens if I were to, say, interweave the two Timelines? What would be the outcome of that?” Runner’s inquiry was met with silence as both Sheogorath and Sanguine looked at her as if she was more insane than the two combined! “What? I’ve seen how much better life is in this Timeline compared to the one we know of, but the things we’ve done in the previous one had progress, progress which would benefit things here even more.” “That is the most crazy thing anyone has ever said to me! How would you like my staff? I’m a bit tired of the office.” Sheo winced when a bald and bland man sitting at the desk behind him cleared his throat very loudly. “Argh, fine. I know, I know. You don’t need to bring it up, Haskill. As for what happens? Who knows? Other than the complete annihilation of Time Itself!” “Yeah, what Sheo said. It’s best if you just leave this world as it is now and help gather the people who were helping the old world together so they don’t just slink away into obscurity.” Sanguine said with the Kermit speaking in the perfect voice. “Meep! Meep, meep, meep!” The Beaker doll said and the kids were laughing. “You said it, Beaker.” Kermit nodded in support. “I don’t know, the Dwemer have proven invaluable and deserve a second chance. Can we bring some of them back with us?” Runner asked and her siblings and their people thought it over as well. “Wow, you lot are dense. I mean, you asked us a question, we gave an answer, then you completely ignored us to go your own way anyway. Ha-rumph! So rude! Well, you’re stable now thanks to Runner figuring out how to make you real without becoming whatever the Dream would force on you. Now, run along. TTFN: Ta-Ta For Now!” Then everything was snakes. Sanguine ran along with the sisters towards the shuttle that was on Nirn while carrying a couple of the kids. “Damn it Sheo! Ow! Ow! Quit biting! I told you not to do that damn Beetlejuice reference ever again!” “Ugh! Fucking idiot thought he could control my actions.” Runner scoffed at the sheer audacity of what Sheogorath pulled moments before they went through the portal from the Shivering Isles to Insanity Islet in the middle of Niben Bay east of Bravil. “I knew it wasn’t true, otherwise I would’ve pulled out your internal organs and made you play fetch with them.” Brennie huffed in annoyance. “I figured as much. You think we may have acted too rash with his offer?” Vinnie asked her sister. “That’s because it was too good to be true and he was asking us to submit to his Will in order for us to obtain that sort of power. A hundred years of servitude, in order to be granted true freedom of power.” Brennie reminded her of the price they had to pay, which didn’t sit well with them at the time. “Wait, so, what you were talking about before was completely different to what we thought? Why didn’t you say so?!” Sanguine felt offended at being led astray so easily and by someone who was too brutally honest to lie about anything! “Because it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Also, it was your own damn fault for assuming from the start.” Brennie remarked on his and Sheo’s assumption. “Wow, no wonder most of us Princes love and hate you. You’re more Daedric than Divine. By the way, his offer was genuine. Sheo’s been looking for a successor for a while now. He was originally mortal and is kinda sick of being Sheogorath, but you’re too sane, Haskill wouldn’t have had any of it. Anyway, you kiddos be good, alright? Your mama still has some adventure to do before she can relax.” Sanguine tousled their heads and then patted Shade’s shoulder. “...Okay, why have you been treating me like a kid?” Shade asked huffily and Sanguine smiled. “Because, even if this is your second time being an adult, you’re still a little rascal at heart under those sexy little nibbles you’ve currently got on your chest. Don’t forget to keep merry, your sister is too damn serious for her own good.” Sanguine did ‘finger guns’ and vanished. “Hey~...they’re just this small because it’s convenient…” Shade grumbled with her hands on her sports-bra clad A-cup chest. “Anyway, get us out of here. I think it’s better if we leave Mundus as it is, so long as we can find everyone important to us and make sure they’re in a good place.” 📜 “Wee~!” I cheered while surfing on Neethsi~! “This is so cool!” “I’ll only be skimming the surface near shore, once we’re away from airship lanes, I’ll take us to the skies!” Neethsi told me and I decided to enjoy the high-speed water travel while it lasted. 📜 Twilight rubbed her deceptively flat stomach forlornly. The memories and the sudden hyperpregnancy came unbidden, without any warning or preparation. Thankfully the magic Navel Pearl came with it or she’d be an immobile purple belly bursting through the walls of her crystal palace. “Twilight? Are you okay?” Came the painfully familiar yet new voice of her adopted son, Spike the Equestrian Dragon. “I’m fine, Spike. Just fine…” Twilight said with her gaze going out the window. “Twi, I know you. What’s wrong?” The young teen, wise beyond his years, asked as he ascended the stairs to sit on the stool next to his adopted mother. “...Spike, do you remember the Mirror, how we went to another world both similar yet entirely different from this one?” Spike nodded. Going to the other world where ponies, dragons or any species not human didn’t exist was weird. How could he not remember? “Well...what if our world, not even a day ago, was not the world we thought it was?” “Uh...are you talking metaphorically or do I need to send a letter to Celestia about a possible Time Paradox?” Spike asked worriedly and Twilight sighed wistfully. “The latter, but don’t bother. I have a feeling that, if I’m right, the solution might just-.” The doors of her throne room burst open. After they crashed to the floor, in swaggered the sexiest woman on Nirn. “Unf, just come through those doors~!” Twilight teleported and began smooching Brennie’s face desperately. “My gosh! Thank Cadence my memories aren’t a lie! You’re here! You’re real~! *Mwah*!” “Mm~! Oh, Twilight, thank fuck! Where’s Discord?” Brennie asked as they held onto each other. “Um, oh, he’s married to Fluttershy in this timeline. He’s really mellowed out compared to before.” Twilight replied moments before Discord appeared, looking almost equine with his unsettlingly normal body proportions, enhanced by his dapper zoot suit and broad-brimmed hat. “There you are, right on time.” Twilight said with a wry grin. “A gentleman appears neither early, nor late, he arrives exactly when he intends to. No, wait...that’s a wizard.” Discord reached into his pocket and held up the script to Lord of the Rings. “Ah, got it mixed up. No matter. How may I help you? I much prefer this variation of existence, so if you wanted my help screwing with time, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. Besides, Nirn is stable and the Chaos is at a healthy level for once.” Brennie let go of Twilight as she walked up to Discord, grabbed him by the goatee and punched his face in. “Wake the fuck up you idiot! Now is not the time to be complacent!” Brennie snarled, only for his face to suddenly retract like a projector roller, like Genie from Aladdin. “Oh, right, the whole ‘work with Akatosh to turn you into the Goddess of Fertility’ thing. Right, sorry, my lower head was in control then and I lacked the stability someone like Fluttershy gives me. Also, I’m awake, aware and not willing to change things back. In case you haven’t noticed, that would be Chaotic Evil and I’m very Chaotic Good these days.” Discord huffed and held up two images. “Now, before you continue. In my left hand is the world before, in my right the world now. Snapshots of an exact point in time just a week ago. You’ll notice the old world is full of death, violence and suffering. The new world is full of life, peace and happiness. Just that one divergence, of Kagrenac failing, has resulted in a much more wonderful world.” Discord then tossed the two images into the air, where they turned into fancy diorama plates. “Wait, if Kagrenac failed, then that means his tools are gone! The person who did this altered Time so that the tools would have no value and be destroyed!” Twilight declared and Discord sighed with a confirming nod. “Then...the person who did this doesn’t have the tools anymore, Time cannot be altered again…” “Says who?” Runner spoke up in defiance of the facts laid out before them. “Twilight! There’s an evil cult or something that’s worshiping someone like Discord who is raving about Time being screwy, does this have to do with these different memories I’ve got?!” Rainbow fretted when she flew inside, but her concern turned to wrath when she looked at Discord. “You mare-stealing bastard! Give me back Fluttershy!” “You’ll have to take her from my cold, dead hands!” Discord snarled, slipping through Brennie’s clutches like he was all soapy and he slithered away at speed with Rainbow chasing him out into the hallways. “Uh, why don’t they just harem up? That has worked with us so far.” Twilight questioned while rubbing her stomach with a sheepish smile. “I mean, without you around I haven’t been able to get her out of me. I still have Pandora in my womb. Then there’s Felsa in your womb.” “Well, it doesn’t work for everyone, Twily. Also, Felsa is not in yet, she just kept flirting and then suddenly climbed into me to avoid being killed.” Brennie huffed, but still leaned down to rub Twilight’s falsely flat front. “How are you doing?” “Absolutely wonderful, which is why I...I don’t want us to go back to the previous timeline. My friends, we’re all so much happier here, at least before-.” The door burst in and Pinkie Pie, with her hair straight and lifeless, walked in with Rarity weeping against her side. “So Rainbow wasn’t an outlier, we all remember.” “I’m super happy that life for us now is way better than before, but...Dar-Jah. He was my boyfriend. I was feeling a happiness I hadn’t felt before. Sure, my life is much happier now on the whole, but I don’t have that special somepony or rather someone that I had before.” Pinkie squeezed Rarity a bit closer. “But Rarity, even without her family being Cursed this time…” “Meen-Rei, Shade, Neethsi. I’d rather die than live without them, curse or no curse!” Rarity wailed, revealing her face was a mascara-running snotty wreck. “Well then, just turn around.” Runner gestured for Rarity to do so and she blinked before turning and gasping at the sight of Shade with the angel-fox quadruplets around her. Rarity sprinted at Shade and glomped her, but she bounced off with an ‘oof’ when Shade failed to catch her. “Oo...wow. Shade is fucking built.” Runner commented with her eyebrow quirked at Brennie, who pouted grumpily. “You can’t hoard all of the waifus, Brennie.” “S-sorry Rarity! I wasn’t prepared…” Shade apologized and helped Rarity up with one hand. “N-no problem, dear. I forgot in my relief that my fiances are all super-powerful reptiles.” Rarity rubbed her butt and looked at the children. “Although, where are the others?” “They’re coming. Mama’s on her way and our new brother and his mama are already here, they’ve just gotta come to Ponyville.” Samatha said while her similar green siblings nodded. “Oh, right. The Kamal are still dead, but much sooner. The other races of Akavir still had a mass exodus due to another disaster that struck the continent, so they came here since Equestria is just slightly closer than Tamriel.” Twilight informed everyone and then grunted with a thrust of her stomach forward. “Oh, alright! Sheesh, please rub me Brennie, Pandora’s being mean.” Twilight let a bit of her belly reveal itself, ripping her dress wide open and making her blush. “Sure thing, sweetie. Hey Pandora, how are you doing?” Brennie rubbed her pregnant future wife’s purple womb that looked ready to burst with octuplets to get the other hyper-pregnant woman inside of said womb to calm down. “My brain is not handling this.” Spike said looking on in confusion. “Eugh, I’m going to throw up. I hate you, Dongo.” Hermais gagged when her tiny noodly body landed on Rarity’s head. The bird chimera looked ill while her ursine sibling flopped into the fountain on the west side of the throne room from thin air as well. “Me too. I hate altered worlds when it’s not our doing.” Dongo said before vomiting a rainbow into the fountain, which began absorbing instead of refracting light. 📜 Zaeza was extremely unsettled. “What is wrong, ZZ?” Her best friend asked and the golden snake-woman looked at Periwinkle Pizzazz. “I’m sorry, I just...where was Princess Sparkle located?” Zaeza questioned, remembering from her briefings in the other lifetime, one of suffering, that she was the highest authority to turn to. At least in Lilmoth, but that was another life, a life that had such promise after so much had gone wrong before. This life had gone much better. Her family were naturalized Equestrians since her grandparents immigrated here. “Um, Ponyville. Why?” Peri asked his bestie and she looked towards the Dodge Junction train station. “I’m not where I belong. My family may have lived here for generations, but...this is not the place I should call home.” Zaeza declared and Peri’s ears wilted. “Is it because of Zavej being fatherless?” Peri asked softly and Zaeza shook her head. Her friend, he offered to help her, even become her mate if it meant helping Zavej grow up happy and with a father figure, but she couldn’t do that to Peri when he had Jubilee pining after him. She was, sadly, happy that she didn’t or she’d be torn and heartbroken. “No, I simply have someplace else where my heart resides.” Zaeza nuzzled Peri and he gently squeezed her hands. “I’ll return if I can, but I cannot live here anymore.” “So long as we stay friends, regardless of distance, I’m happy for you if you can find your happiness.” Peri smooched her cheek and she smiled sadly before standing from her chair on the saloon’s porch. “Send me letters, y’hear? I’ll haunt you after I pass if you don’t!” “You’re only 22!” Zaeza called back playfully and walked the dusty roads to her home. When she entered, she found Zavej, who was nameless because of something as ass-backwards as tradition in that other life. She would kiss whoever changed Time for that, but only if her future love was not ruined by this. “Zavej, pack your things. We’re leaving.” “Hm? Where to, mum?” Zavej questioned worriedly like any child being taken from their home. “Ponyville, to seek Princess Sparkle. She may have answers to important questions.” Zaeza answered, because she believed hiding things from children only hurt them more later. “Like where Sammy and the others are?” Zavej’s question struck Zaeza like a brick. “I remember them, but mostly Sammy. She was cute…” “You know she was to be your step-sister, yes?” Zaeza asked and Zavej nodded. Alright then, so long as he knew that ahead of time. > Ch.84 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.84 [Morndas, 5th Frost Fall, 4E: 221] “So this is Equestria. It is so much brighter and cleaner than Tamriel or Akavir.” Neethsi observed and I nodded in melancholy at the sight. The lands below were as vibrant and beautiful as I remember from my previous world. It also reminded me of my dead friends. “Yes, it is.” I replied with sadness in my tone. It hurt to see, but it also brought so many good memories. Unlike my old world, at least this one is free of the Undead Curse and all the other bullshit that caused constant suffering beneath the thin veil of goodness on the surface. I guided Neethsi to fly us to the fuck-off giant crystal tree-like palace next to the quaint little town. “Think she’s compensating for something?” Neethsi joked and I snorted at the Shrek reference. “Blame my tree daughter.” I snorted just before a pink mare with wings and a horn flew into us. The mare had been paying more attention to a white stallion with a similar colored filly below. Or at least the omniscient narrator says so. “Ow! My brain! I think I just had a psychic moment!” “No, you’re starting to CHIM, be careful.” Neethsi commented casually and I looked at my goddess lover in wonder. Was every waking moment for her like that? Where she just knows the causality happening around her? “Kim?” The pink alicorn mare asked from where she had been pasted to the side of my flying serpent sex machine. “Oh, isn’t that a means of achieving divinity from overseas?” “Yes, why are you hawking over the baby and the stallion?” I asked, since the post-cognition I had of why she smacked into Neethsi’s side didn’t get much further before my head suddenly snapped back into the present. “Because he’s my husband, we’re visiting on vacation and it’s the first time I’ve let Shiny take Flurry without me. I’m just being a paranoid new mom.” The mare sighed and sat next to me on Neethsi’s sinuous undulating body as she drifted in the sky, enjoying the wonderful air up here. “Running into you up here and making me lose sight of them might be for the best.” “Oh, I wish I had that luxury and not the life of adventure that it is today.” I said with a strained smile. “I’d love to just be there for my kids, to live a simple life crafting things and going home at the end of the day, but I’m afraid that’s just not in the stars.” “Aw, but your Love is real, that will make the effort of keeping it all together worth it. Stay strong.” The mare declared with a knowing smile. “I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza-.” “Your name is literally ‘My Love Cadence’?” Neethsi asked in bemusement as she began to glide down towards the palace in a lazy spiral. “My parents were suckers for romance, so am I, it turns out.” Cadence said and I squealed before I hugged her! “Ah! Um...wow. Your Love is really thick, like you know me as a sibling.”  “I knew you in another life, another world. I was a bit worried when in this one, you didn’t seem to exist. Not when Mara exists.” I told the mare, who I was disturbed to realize I hadn’t recognized before she gave her name. I know it’s been so long, even if not that long ago, but to forget Cadence at all felt like a betrayal to her memory. “Oh! Mara’s such a wonderful woman. We have tea on Sundas. We’re great friends, especially since I’m her most potent avatar on Nirn. I’m a Living Goddess of Love, so I synergize with Mara perfectly.” Cadence informed me before Neethsi slid on her smooth underside to a stop on the grass behind the crystal palace and we got off of her. “So, why are you visiting Twily?” “Because I’m trying to-eep!” I squeaked when a white blur slammed into me, only to bounce off with a yelp and ‘oof’ upon landing on the grass. I turned and looked down in relief at Rarity, who was rubbing her tailbone. “Sorry! I wasn’t-!” “Prepared, I’m aware, darling. Oo~.” Rarity held up a hand and I used one arm to lift her up. “Wow...you three Love each other so much…” Cadence said with awe after Neethsi transformed into her base form and wrapped her arms around Rarity and I’s shoulders. “Ugh. Where is Eris?” Donga groaned when she wandered out of the castle. “No clue.” Everyone replied without care while everyone in the palace spilled out onto the back lawn, including the Argentine Alliance folks and Twilight, who was looking ready to pop out maybe 8 foals. She still has the Navel Pearl, so she’s willing that belly to be bared. “You and Hermais were with her last, now you’re asking us?” Brennie retorted sassily. “She’s Time. She can be anywhen unlike us.” Hermais sighed while rubbing her temples. “Well, so long as we’re all together, she can stuff a sock in it.” Applejack’s voice declared as she approached from the north end of the field, Fluttershy doing the same. “This time, my family ain’t forced to resort to milkin’ my hyper-busty sis to make end’s meet.” “Instead you just do it because she loves it and it helps give you some extra funds.” Pinkie pointed out and AJ stuck her tongue out playfully before Fluttershy took in a deep breath and her friends all plugged their ears. Uh, but she’s so quiet-. “Discord! Rainbow Dash! Get your plots over here!” Fluttershy shrilly shrieked as her wings became bat-like, her eyes sharply slitted and her teeth formed fangs. Moments later, the chaos entity and Rainbow appeared in front of the buttery pegasus while practically quaking. “You two. I love you both, cut it out. We’ll work this out later.” “Uh, what the fuck?” I asked before a portal opened and what looked like a ram shoved Dar-Jah and some female argonian through it. The next weirdest thing to happen was Brennie clutching her stomach in pain, before puking up what looked like glowing turquoise slime as it formed into a busty gray and white vixen who matched us bodacious babes at our most sexy. “Ugh! Urta? Since when?!” Brennie asked as she gasped for air. “Sorry, sweetie. I had to hide inside your body when I felt a disturbance.” Urta explained as she hugged her dracowolf transformer. Hey, wait, what is her Alt then? “Hey, random question, out of nowhere, but what is your Alt? I can’t believe I didn’t ask when you first explained you were a Transformer.” I asked the war goddess who was getting squeezed by the gray and white vixen. “I don’t know, I’ve never bothered with it. Nora keeps asking about it and I refuse to do so.” Brennie answered with a sigh of annoyance. “Well, you’re a triple changer and we all know you have a Beast Alt.” Urta mentioned, but that didn’t help my mounting curiosity! “Anyway, babe. I got a note from a member of the Time Squad-.” “I knew they’d survive somehow. What did they write?” Brennie seemed more relieved about the distraction. “That I needed to be near you when some temporal chicanery seriously stirred the froot loops and jumped the shark. I know, as obtuse as ever.” Urta answered and everyone from their universes seemed equally confused, besides Hermais who moaned in annoyance. “The Dragon Break, Sheogorath being almost sane compared to normal and we hopped an ocean. So something is about to-.” Hermais was cut off by the world seeming to drop away. There was nothing besides Darkness and I was about to hyperventilate before a bright turquoise light banished the void and revealed that Urta was the source. “It’s here! It’s here~!” I screamed in almost irrational terror, my sister clutching onto me for similar support and my children forming a box around us before golden radiance formed a protective diamond barrier around us. “This...feels familiar.” Brennie shuddered in fear as Urta clutched to her tightly. “Didn’t this happen before?” “The Abyss! The Dark itself is what swallowed mama’s world! It tormented and devoured all save those who submitted to it!” My quadruplet children voiced in unison. “It’s come to do the same here! It wanted mama to save the world so that there would still be one to devour!” “Not if I can bring it LIGHT!” Urta howled and grew utterly, preposterously gigantic! We’re no longer standing in a void! Instead, we’re on top of her left breast! There’s no end to the surface of her glowing turquoise goo turned to solid crystal beneath us and her smooth featured head was above us! “I cannot move further without harming you! Find the source! There’s always a source! It will come because I threaten it!” Urta’s voice echoed in our minds. “There!” Hunter roared and pointed in a general direction. “Neethsi, Pillar and Vinnie, help me reel it in!” Neethsi attempted to reach out, but she gasped and waved her hands. “I-I can’t! There’s nothing! My power!” Neethsi wailed in terror, something that horrified me. Neethsi was always so strong! That power is cemented in her world, which has been suddenly consumed by the Dark! Until this is banished, she has no power! “Dammit! We should’ve brought in our Empyreals!” Hunter cursed, but it didn’t stop him or his siblings from reaching out into the Dark with their powers. With their combined effort, they brought in the very Entity responsible for all of this.  Urta squealed in girlish terror at the impossibly gigantic bug that emerged from the Dark! “Come to us. Become one with us. Feast, eternally, with us.” The field of chittering maws across its surface called and clouds erupted from it that closed in to reveal a seemingly unending swarm of White-Faced Locusts flying through the murky void to land on Urta and clamber towards us! “Let the Feast, Begin!” A blast of magic slammed into the swarm and I suddenly heard Nords screaming at the top of their lungs accompanied by war horns. Arrows, lances and spears started to impact the horrors as ships of light floated around it. Doors to what looked like the afterlives of every deity attached to Mundus opened around the creature. Races of all who called Nirn home along with Daedra rushed into battle by the millions. “For Sovngarde!” “For the Lord of Change!” “The Great Hunt Begins!” Many, many, many other warcries bellowed from the hordes of allies as they surrounded us to keep the swarm back. “I knew this day would come!” A towering human declared as he smashed several locusts away with a hammer made of whalebone. “We will hold them off! Fight the Beast, Devourer of Worlds! Save our realms! The Next World is in your hands!” I think that’s Shor! Or whoever the Nord Chief God is! “Look, more reinforcements!” Collateral shouted as a ship of theirs made of pure silver came into view. “Those are our Empyreals!” Launching from the underbelly, pods impacted the surface and scattered the Swarm. Coming out of them were more of their Night Sentinels, from all five of the factions, but their color scheme was also pure silver with runes engraved on them. “Graah!” Yelled a four armed mountain of a red skinned daedric man as he swung several weapons into the void making some cry out in pain. “It has more than one head!” That’s Mehrunes Dagon! Well, it’d make sense he doesn’t want the universe to end. “What’s going on?!” Shade asked, extremely confused as more Daedric Princes joined the battle. “All of this universe is coming together the best it can to prevent its root: Mundus, from being absorbed, followed by them!” Twilight declared as she continued to shield the rest of us with her powerful Magic. As the Living Goddess of Magic, she isn’t reliant on Magnus for her power, but she was sweating from keeping the fighting from closing in further on us. “We can’t stay here!” “Where do we go?” I asked in despair, completely at a loss for what to do. “Into its heart!” Hermais declared before linking hands with Dongoruas and then turning into larger noodles, biting each other’s tails and forming a portal between them that summoned forth a giant wolf, who looked upon the battle with ancient, weary blue eyes. “Sif! It’s the Dark! You know this place better than most! Point us towards Manus! The Father of the Abyss!” “He is obviously within that bloated monstrosity.” Sif declared in a powerful husky feminine voice with a look at the planetoid of an invertebrate. “It is where the Source lies, like I’ve assumed you’ve figured. However, the path in, I can point it out if we’re closer.” “We’ll join the fight as well. Our Empyreal brothers and sisters will open up space. Make the abomination suffer.” Brennie’s general said before rallying the Legion and charging into the fray. “RIP AND TEAR!” They roared and joined the battle, fighting side-by-side with friend and former foe alike. “Alright then, since none of the normal fliers can do this the usual way…” Vinnie huffed and cracked her neck. “I’m gonna have to pull a Nexus here.” *Whirr-Woo-Che-Chir-Chit!* The sexy golden bunny-wolf cybertronian Transformed from an average height busty babe into a huge golden spaceship! Well, huge from this up close! I don’t know how spaceships work! “Get in! Don’t make me honk!” “Just do it, we all know you want to.” Brennie huffed in frustrated amusement before a hatch opened near us and a horn blasted while from inside, music played as we all rushed aboard the Vinnie. No, sorry, the A.A.S Runner according to the plaque next to the entrance that we ran past. “Oh! Do I get to fly you~?!” “Yes, you do!” Vinnie replied through the ship’s comm system while she continued playing the music over her comm system. “Everyone, strap yourselves in quickly! Vinnie, make sure you’re blasting this for all to hear!” Brennie stated as she rushed towards the bridge with excitement. We followed her and found the cockpit only had space for about five people, but there was plenty of seating for all of us to strap into behind the cockpit. Runner is a passenger ship? Oh! The seats deployed turret controls! These are all manual turrets! How many turrets does Runner have?! “I can autotarget a lot, but I’m more accurate when people take some processing power off of me! Help me keep these bugs away!” Runner directed us and while the less mechanically capable natives fumbled for a moment, the rest of us outworlders jumped in with ease. I started spraying my turret’s turquoise blasts into the incoming cloud of locusts as we took off. Brennie must already be piloting Runner through the cloud of enemies and towards the ever-devouring maw of the Dark! There was turbulence as the sexy ship punched through said cloud of chitin and Runner screamed in pain! Thankfully it was brief and we flew towards the gnashing ‘head’ of mouths, eyes and reaching mandibles. I only briefly wondered how Sif fit into Runner since I was too busy hurrying to wonder where the giant wolf went. My answer came from the gray wolf anthro in a sort of black bodysuit stumbling back from the cockpit during another wave of turbulence before she rushed back in. “G-going in hard! Hold on!” Runner warned us all and I watched with growing anxiety as the continent or larger mass of chitin rapidly came closer. Soon, we flew into a gaping maw that was large enough for Runner’s ship form to squeeze in. She bumped against the fleshy walls now and then, each time hissing and cursing in pain. “Fly better, Brennie!” “You try flying through a fucking Death Star Run!” Brennie shot back. “Brace!” Shortly, I don’t know who shouted the warning, we came to a hard stop. Whatever incredible design Runner is, we didn’t get splattered against our own seats or the walls and floors. She didn’t even seem too bad since she just groaned in pain as she came to a full stop. “B-bottom floor. Inky blackness, spooky bug monsters and masses of Darkness.” Runner quipped as her turrets shot at things emerging from the Dark. “Okay, what now?” I groaned as I looked around. “We fight our way to the source.” Hunter grunted as he got up from his seat. “C’mon! They won’t give us the chance to-shit!” “Ow! Hey-ouch! Stop it!” Runner yelped in pain as she was attacked by the swarm, hearing them scratching and biting at her outer hull, which rocked the ship around. “A little help here!” Pillar acted quickly as he placed a hand on a wall and everything shimmered green. It looks like he used his barrier ability throughout the entire ship since Runner sighed in relief. However, he clenched his other hand into a fist and we heard the swarm get crushed. “We must disembark! Collateral, take point!” “On it!” Collateral stormed his way past us and out of the ship, the rest of us following behind him. Pillar was the last one to get off before Runner transformed back to her normal sexy self. “Hunter, Sif, which way are we going?” “This way!” Sif shouted over the howling dark and Collateral fired a barrage of explosive blasts from his hands in a hurry, clearing the monstrosities so that we could follow behind his charge. “I know that monster’s essence anywhere! This whole infested place reeks of him, but he stinks so much worse!” “Sorry to mention that some of us aren’t warriors!” Dar-Jah shouted as he held his girlfriend and Pinkie close. Shit! Things just went so crazy we all forgot several of us aren’t used to combat! “Oh, right! Pillar, protect the non-combatants! Everyone else, clear a path!” Brennie ordered, but her sister stopped her. “Brennie, I know you don’t think like our wives, but you or I could totally give them someplace out of the way and as safe as can be without them being liabilities.” Runner implied with a wary look around us. “Especially since with all this bullshit possibly preventing the noodles from making another portal with how oppressive the Dark is in here.” Said sisters nodded. “You’re right. Get in our bosoms!” Brennie and Runner flashed everyone their glorious tits and then said breasts rapidly grew until they were a few feet each and made suitable cleavage for something the size of a person, like a person, to enter. “Uh, not that I’m not fresh on the ide-ah!” Applejack was shoved into Brennie’s cleavage by Twilight and then the rest of her friends, Cadence, Dar-Jah and his girlfriend all dove into the nearest path to safety. “You too, Twi!” Brennie huffed and Twilight looked about to protest, then touched her stomach and obeyed, going into her lover’s Inventory before the two sisters shrunk back down and armored back up. “Babies, why didn’t you go?” I mewled to my kids, who all huffed and emitted bright flashes of Light that made the Dark screech and recoil. Right. I forget who their fama is. “Right, just stay back from the fighting and keep the hoard at bay, please.” > Ch.85 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.85 [?, ?, 0E:000] The delve into the Dark was harrowing, long and desperate. If not for the Marines, we’d all be dead. Or worse. I could’ve been repurposed to prepare the next universe to feed Manus’ endless hunger. “Rei?” Neethsi placed a hand on my shoulder. “Rei, I...I don’t feel good.” I looked up at my lover and watched as she seemed to become slightly transparent. “We need to hurry! With Mundus devoured, all remaining entities of that universe are fading!” I wailed in horror and Neethsi looked sorrowfully at me before we continued rushing through the ichorous cavern of black on black with only the Light produced by my kits allowing us to see at all. “Runner, can’t you do something about it?” Brennie asked her sister, but she shook her head. “I don’t think I can. All we can do is kill this hungry motherfucker and be done with it.” Runner replied as she hefted her Plasma Rifle, which due to being bright and burning worked well. “We’re almost there!” Sif urged and then drew an enormous and elegant sword from her cleavage before diving through a door-sized hole in the wall that we followed her through. Several of us yelped at the sudden drop, but we all landed on our paws, feet and hooves. There was a stone sarcophagus in the middle of a ring of stonehenge-like standing stones. A guttural wet groan echoed from the Dark and from within emerged a twisted mockery of the human form. He stood easily 15 feet high, had curled horns crowning his bulbous and malformed head and looked almost like some demonic gorilla made of shadowstuff. If said gorilla was covered in glowing red eyes from head to toe and had teeth and mouths on his giant hands! “Fear not the Dark! Become one with me!” The faceless entity gurgled in it’s single-minded demand for succor. It didn’t even let us respond, it whipped its arms forwards and the enormous limbs extended towards Shade and I! Hunter and Pillar jumped in front of us, halting the abominable limbs at bay with their powers. While they did that, Brennie and Runner used their Crucible weapons to slice it up. Collateral came in and obliterated the severed arm, making sure to leave nothing behind. “Grah! Feed me!” It roared and the Dark itself around us seemed to take on Manus’ presence and surged in. Daniel, Samantha, Sasha and Donatello flew to four corners around us and screamed their little lungs out as they created a barrier of Light around us that made Manus roar in impotent fury before suddenly manifesting inside the barrier and ripping off his own arm! “I shall partake!” The dismembered limb suddenly flew at Neethsi and she had to wrestle the flying monster of teeth as Manus reformed the arm and tore off another minion! “Stop that!” I shouted and performed a leap across the distance and did a flying heel kick into it’s disgusting engorged head as Shade did something similar to the newly spawned minion. We may have had our Magicka stolen from us, but the hard work we put into our bodies wasn’t something so easily taken! “Return to me! Bring me more food!” Never! I outwardly responded by grabbing his horns and performing an assisted repeating bicycle kick into his caving skull before he bellowed in pain and sunk into the ground. “Show yourself you fucking bastard! You killed my last world and ate all my friends! You took my kids and manipulated my life! Now you’re trying to take everything from me again! I will pulverize your essence into the smallest fucking state I physically can and then give you to Palutena for her to annihilate from existence!” I shrieked furiously and even felt my inner power try to break free, only for the source to quiver. Grr, bastard. My Beast, my Atronach. I’m stuck with my body. “What she said!” Shade roared before she leaped into the Dark and whatever she pounced on produced shrieks of pain. “Th-this isn’t w-working!” Neethsi panted and fell to her knees as she wavered in and out of existence! “We need to b-bind him! Do a-any of you h-have magic that c-can bind a s-soul?” “I’m pretty sure this monster has no...Soul! The Dark Soul! Donga, Herma! Connect to Paradise and bring Luna!” Sif shouted at the noodles, who had worriedly clung to the wolfess while the Marines and us were fighting Manus, who was now swarming like a force of nature against the barrier my children had erected while the Marines fired through the one-way barrier into the maelstrom of Dark. “Doh!” The sisters facepalmed and then bit each other’s tails before increasing in size to form a portal that flickered and out stepped a super-hot bikini-clad Luna who matched me and all other bodacious babes in body, but was chiseled like me and seemed like a leaner Miss Universe contestant. The instant she arrived, the Dark calmed, almost purring. “The Dark. It calls.” Manus gurgled and my kids slumped with sweat and panted, allowing Manus to form in front of the bemused dark-furred mare. He reached for her, almost longingly and she mirrored, placing her palm against his oversized monstrous one. “The Dark...quiets.” “You poor thing. Come.” Luna opened her arms and the monster shrunk until a nearly normal black stallion-shape of Dark stood before her and embraced her before sinking into her flesh. The Abyss vanished from all around us, revealing Urta floating in the distance in a blank white space like the rest of us and floating before Luna was an entity that could only be described as divine despite how unassumingly human he was. He had short, dark blonde, nearly red hair. His face was that of a middle-aged man who lived a life of fulfillment and determination. When his eyes slowly opened, his deep blue eyes seemed to shine with an inner light, but Neethsi and all the other people native to this realm started fading again! No! It’s the Godhead! He’s waking up! Neethsi! Rarity! No~! The Godhead faintly smiled and then closed his eyes again. “It Just Works.” 📜 I blinked. I’m standing with everyone back on the grassy field behind Twilight’s crystal tree palace. We all looked around in bafflement and then Eris finally appeared! “Oh thank fuck! Time came to a complete end there! I was stuck snapping my fingers until whatever happened was over!” “Eris, are you okay?!” Hermais and Donga screamed before tackling their noodly triplet sister and hugging and smooching her. “Is it over?” Brennie asked as I turned to see her talking to Luna. “Yes. The Dark has melded with my Dark Soul. Worry not, its eternal hunger has finally been sated by what it lacked. Ironically: substance. It was reduced to a near-mindless entity seeking to devour all in it’s futile quest to sate an emptiness it could not identify.” Luna smiled sadly with a surprisingly loving expression towards the Marines and Urta. “Something I had found already.” “Wait, are you saying you defeated it with the power of Love?!” Princess Cadence gushed excitedly. Oh, right, she was here this whole time! Wait, when did she and the other natives leave Runner and Brennie’s storages? Wait, no, that ties into whatever the hell just happened after Manus and the Abyss were absorbed by Luna! 📜 “What was that?” A Thalmor agent asked himself as he looked around the strange world he was in and the seemingly godly human, which was blasphemous, floating before him in odd clothes that seemed strangely plebeian yet suitable for business. “Who are you?” “Who I am does not matter. What does, is what will you be doing going forward?” 📜 “So, is that it?” Runner asked everyone with bemusement. “I was expecting a lot more to happen when we all ended up involved. This stuff tends to drag on for us.” “You’re running your mouth again, dumbass. Don’t.” Brennie warned her with a glare and she wilted underneath it. “I-no, We need some peace and fucking quiet. Ruin it and you’ll be cleaning it up by yourself.” Harsh, but fair. “Everyone? Has that sudden darkness passed?” I perked up excitedly and squealed when I ran for Zaeza and her son! “Meen-Rei!” My Akaviri wife cheered and ran to meet me, letting me spin her around in a joyful embrace when we met. “Oh, wait! Put me down! Dear, this odd time event has caused my son to have a name! I wish to introduce Zavej!” “Mum! I can introduce myself~!” Zavej, her adorable son, whined at not getting to speak first. “Yay! Our step-bro has a name!” Samantha gushed and led the charge of my kids in piling their snake-person step-sibling. “Perhaps we should all get inside before the whole town shows up? Ponyville has the tendency to do that.” Rarity suggested and I suddenly found myself along with most everyone that wasn’t a Marine in Twilight’s levitation magic and carried into her palace. “Good idea. It’s bad enough that-.” Twilight was interrupted by Celestia and the local Luna teleporting in with disturbed expressions, only to sigh in relief at the sight of us all. “All of the-.” A powder-blue winged argonian or other species of woman warped in. “Leaders of-.” The front doors barged in and a towering yak-like man bellowed along with a less bestial minotaur, both in the robes and crowns of kings. “The various nations local to our continent…” 📜 “Oh, thank the Gods that Twilight bit the bullet and let us get away from all the politics.” Brennie huffed as she plopped into a frankly sinfully comfy recliner in a random sitting room with everyone else all sitting and chatting amongst themselves. “So...about that Deal?” Runner brought up and all the other Marines hummed in unison. “Later. I just want to relax.” Brennie exasperated and they were all in agreement. “However, we can thank him for bringing our Empyreals over.” “You’re welcome~!” A mysterious being that wore a cloak, popped into reality and replied. “Anyway, everything back home is in order for you to explore, discover and expand.” “You’re a real charmer, Freedom.” Brennie complimented with a contented sigh. “You’re also free to go to Paradise for a vacation whenever, that’s part of being free to make your own decisions.” The entity then vanished, as if he was never there. “Why did it feel like he wasn’t being serious about the last one?” Neetshi questioned with a look of interest. “Because he already knows my decision. The others can do whatever they want, so long as they don’t get in my way.” The Marines and Urta flinched away from her words. “All I know is, I’m tired of adventuring and politics. I’m literally worshiped as the Goddess of the Sea and Sky and I’m so tired of it all.” Neethsi sighed and snuggled against Meen-Rei, who had fallen asleep on the couch with Shade almost the instant they sat down. “I practically embody freedom and I’m so stifled.” Runner and Collateral stifled snorts at the irony. “Well, unlike someone with a spiked rod up her ass, you’re welcome to come live in Paradise with us. You’ve earned it with that horrid thing you went through.” Luna, their Luna, not the local one stuck in a sudden summit, declared while giving Brennie the stink-eye. Who replied by flipping her the bird. “No, Lulu, even if she’s being a real dyke about it, she has the right to choose the hardest path. If I wasn’t so disappointed in our own people turning on their beliefs, I too would be just as die-hard as her about keeping to our guns to spite the universe. Instead, I’m willing to wait until they discover far too late how foolish they’ve been, then it will be much simpler to sweep away the mess the usurpers have caused and start over.” Urta sighed and pooled a bit on the floor. “I know that I can’t stand to spend that long away from the action. I’ll be helping you, sis. At least until I hit another wall and I need a break, then I’ll be back. I’ve realized my limits, so I can work around them.” Runner said to Brennie with a supportive squeeze of her shoulder. “Besides, aren’t we forgetting something we’ll need to take care of soon?” “Remind me.” Brennie responded. “That Dragon Break. It isn’t a good idea to reverse it, but we should find the culprit and hold them accountable.” Neethsi sighed and then stood up to stretch. “Uhn, I feel odd. More…’real’? I only know what it’s like to not feel real from when I was fading away.” “That’s because ya were seen by the Godhead! Ya lucky girl! Now you are more real than nearly anyone from here! I mean, we’re all real, as real as can be, but now yer even stronger fer it!” Sheogorath answered from a portrait of Discord. “Hey, laddie! Good to see ya again!” “As much as I would like to drag this encounter out. I was even more useless than the foreign draconequus.” Discord sighed and snapped his finger, summoning a regal Dwarf being held up by the collar by a ramshackle robot in a flak jacket and hooded hobo coat. “I have found the perpetrator, Lady Eris.” Brennie groaned at Time Squad Elite; FL4K, reporting to Eris promptly. “Yagrum. I should’ve known. Ugh...he’s one of my oldest friends and one of the few people I gifted with my unique Lycan-Corprus. If anyone alive knew how to properly use Kagrenac’s tools, it was you all along. Why? What do you have to say for yourself?” Neethsi demanded from the dwarf, who looked into her eyes without hesitation. “To help this world, to revive my people, then I have nothing to say in my defense other than I could not ignore the wrong that was delivered to this realm for my people’s absence. I knew how to do it so that not only were they returned, they were humbled and remembered their folly. End me if that is the price I must pay for this world’s safety, security and prosperity.” Yagrum Bagarn bowed his head, still being held off his feet by the collar of his robes. Everyone looked towards Neethsi, waiting for her final judgment. “You have betrayed ancient oaths on ancient lips, ancient accords and ancient alliances. As far as I’m concerned, what’s past is past, what’s now is now. I render no judgment in my capacity as God-Queen of Vvardenfell; Nerevarine. No, your actions are to be judged by Outlanders, for your actions may originate from our lands, but they impacted the whole world. Kneel before the king of Morrowind and tell him of your actions and he will determine your crimes in a forum of his equals.” Neethsi then blasted him with a spell and he vanished. “...Did you just pass the buck?” Brennie asked in a mixture of annoyance and amusement. “I absolutely passed the Septim. He’s my oldest friend. I’m biased. I’ve already dismissed his crimes from our homeland, it is up to the rest of the world what to do with him. I won’t voice further opinions, no matter how much I hope he is not slain.” Neethsi clenched her eyes and then turned into a giant white noodle that coiled in the middle of the room. “I wish to be alone, but simply not being spoken to will suffice for now.” “C’mon, let’s go.” Brennie said as she shepherded everyone out of the room, wanting to give Neethsi her space. “Did I sense someone mentioning me?” Penny Inoue Shepard asked when she poked her head out of Brennie’s cleavage. “Wait, how did I get in here? Urta? What am I doing here?” The mocha-furred slime vixen asked her twin sibling goddess, who shrugged. “Penny? Surprising, but not unwelcome. Is the Milky Way in the same boat as Andromeda?” Brennie asked the twin. “Yeah...Nexus has already evacuated everyone who hasn’t fallen for this bullshit to Paradise. Just when we were getting started colonizing Triangulum too...but after that assassination attempt on Twilight and...Luster Dawn…” Penny’s massive fennec ears wilted in sadness at mentioning the mare. “Luster is in cryostasis, too unstable to move. We’ll have to leave her behind, at least until Eris and the Time Squad say she’s safe to bring home.” “And everyone was complaining about us closing off our borders.” Brennie scoffed because this was the ultimate reason why citizens from both Andromeda and the Milky Way were barred from ever entering Devorak save for a few exceptions in emergency scenarios. “It’s all those Trumped-up lies spread about us being Corrupt when they have clearly fallen to Corruption somehow. We’ll get them back good once their sandcastle crumbles. Good luck babe. I know you’re not going to take a break, however miniscule, from giving your enemies Hell.” Penny smooched Brennie and then the dracowolf woman groaned when the slime vixen poured down her throat, vanishing within her cybertronian body. “I fucking swear, did someone find a hatch between my digestive system and my other internals or something?” Brennie huffed with a pat of her stomach. “That’s kinda creepy. Seriously, Urta, you didn’t see or feel anything to indicate that we might have hatches inside our bodies?” Hunter asked with a worried look. The idea of someone or something entering your body without realizing made his skin crawl. “Not that I could see, maybe?” Urta said with a worried look of her own. “Though it could be kinda kinky if permission was given.” “I want to head back to Lilmoth and see how things have panned out.” Brennie declared as they made their way towards the portal that connected this Equestria to Mundus. The only reason they knew about it was the very helpful directory sign on the corner of the intersection of hallways. “That would be nice. I wonder if anyone else in town remembers like we do. Hearing about the Warp In the West is one thing, experiencing it is quite another.” Dar-Jah commented and his girlfriend nodded. “I’ll be back for Pinkie Pie, because what we had developed before was special. Sorry Pashja.” Dar-Jah apologized and the argonian woman snorted. “Dar, you’re not getting rid of me so easily. Just because we met after the fact isn’t enough for me to leave you. I want to get to know this mare, she sounds fun.” Pashja said, the green scaled woman said and the Marines slowed down while the locals went on ahead. “That seemed like a very ‘our’ universe or our wive’s universe’s response to such an issue. Is that normal?” Pillar asked Brennie with concern, only to receive a glare from her. “Bro, don’t question it. However, it is our wives universe’s response. You really need to stop getting both universes mixed up. Just because we’re married to them, doesn’t mean we live by their standards. To me, it was bound to happen.” Brennie retorted with a huff of annoyance.  “That...has nothing to do with Pillar’s observation.” Hunter commented, only for Brennie to take Runner’s wrist before dragging her most sane sibling with her. Gods that was weird to consider. “Right, don’t question it.” > Ch.86 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.86 [Tirdas, 6th Frost Fall, 4E: 221] I woke up to a fairy tale. I was sleeping between the sexiest, most beautiful ladies all in adorable nightwear in a giant bed in a room made of blue, purple and red crystals. I sat up and blinked my two sets of eyelids to ensure I wasn’t seeing things. Then I looked down at my pajama-clad bosom and felt my eyes crinkle in a smile at the adorable shooting stars and other silly things. It hurt a bit, to see such innocence and purity in this Equestria after mine was devoured by Dark and this one had suffered a catastrophe. However, it was also inspiring. Thanks to whoever screwed with Time and broke reality for an instant, this world had so much more going for it than ever before. “Pardon?” I looked at the door to see Luna was the source of the whisper. She gestured for me to leave the room without waking the others and I did so with a casual surge of my body up into the air, then side-flipped to the floor impossibly silently and met up with the mare in the hallways. “What is it?” I whispered and then blinked when Luna crushed my snout into her cleavage in a hug. “Hmph?” “I had to spend a while in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber to properly process everything that Manus and his Abyss had consumed. Most potent were the minds and souls of the previous world to be subsumed.” Luna, who I realized was not Local-Luna, said before she pulled back and looked at me sadly. “Worry not, for their souls have reentered the Cycle, at least in Paradise instead of the Corrupt realm we once called home.” “O-oh...so, you know that my Celestia was like a mother to me, then?” I questioned the mare with pain filling my heart. “Yes, as well as everyone else. Zecora had the strongest feelings for you, like you were her daughter as well. While your version of my sister considered you her own, it was not to such a passionate degree.” Luna informed me and I sniffled, wishing I could cry. Curse argonian sinus systems not allowing us to cry! “I know. She was always there when I needed her.” I wetly said before sighing. “Thank you for telling me this, letting me find some closure.” “If you really want that, come visit Paradise sometime.” Luna rubbed my shoulder before she stepped back and vanished into the air. Neat. I’ve gotta get me something like...right. Maybe it’s time to finally make a Token. I think this is the end, right? I saved the world, got revenge for my previous world even if I didn’t really do much myself at the end. Sounds like a good ending. “Oh, yer in for a real ride now, lass! Ha-hah~!” Sheogorath howled from a nearby vase, which suddenly turned into an empty tea cozy. Oh no, what have I set myself up for now? 📜 [Tirdas, 13th Frost Fall: Witch’s Festival/Mephala’s Summoning Day, 4E:221] “I really don’t think this is a good idea, Brennie…” Twilight mewled at the edge of the summoning circle made in the basement of her palace. “I mean, Nocturnal is a Daedric Prince, essentially a deity that exists beyond our realm. She even tried to convert Mundus into an extension of her Evergloam during the Interregnum.” “Woo~!! New Kalpa~!” A crazed Nord shouted as he passed the room in the hallway before he downed a tankard of mead and waved the impaled head of a locust about. A week later and people were still celebrating the ‘end and rebirth’ of the world, which wasn’t ‘official’ yet, so the calendar was safe from being messed with at least until the end of this year. “Too bad. Nocty wants me to summon her on this day and I’m doing it. Plus, I’m the one to show her a good time.” Brennie remarked with a snort. “Besides, I’m too curious to see what a babe she is to get Brennie hooked on her with just one passionate rendezvous.” Vinnie, Runner to people not close enough, said from the other side of the ritual circle, which had no light inside it, because Nocturnal didn’t cherish physical possessions so much as what cannot be seen. “Considering how Brennie has impacted our world’s perception of beauty, likely hotter than sin.” Twilight grumbled and waved her horn. “Okay, there, she should be along-.” “Darkness! This is the most pure darkness I’ve seen! Where did you get it?” A woman’s voice asked with excitement from inside the impenetrable wall of Dark that Luna granted them a mere sliver of to ‘entice the tasteful strumpet’ with the promise of being introduced later. “From one of my wives. She’s the Goddess of Dark and the one to subsume the madness that tried to devour this realm and others.” Brennie answered and watched as the Dark flowed like a vapor down the throat of the beautiful pale woman, who didn’t fail to be enticing, even if she didn’t mirror the body type of the females already in the room. “Hiding it?” “Brennie, I’m the Prince of Shadow, Darkness and Luck. I can look however I want. Right now, when we’re not in private? I’ll take my usual form for interacting with mortals.” Nocturnal smiled without teeth. “Now then, this summoning will last until the next Kalpa unless I exert too much of my power here.” Nocturnal stated with her hands on her hips. “So you’re here until the end of the year?” Twilight asked meekly and Nocturnal laughed. “No, no. The new Kalpa started last week! Mortals will record it whenever they wish, but this world is reborn anew, without erasing the world from before. This was no reset, just a continuation, but that does not mean it isn’t renewed.” Nocturnal smiled mischievously and Twilight moaned in dismay while Vinnie snickered at her roundabout way of saying she was here to stay. “So, what would you like to do?” Brennie asked with a smile. “First, verify if I’m me or if I think I’m me and Mephala is being a dyke by fooling us. It is also her summoning day, just be glad nobody uses the permanent method of doing it. She’d have half this world tied in knots in hours.” Nocturnal huffed and Twilight wailed as she began bombarding the deceptively human woman with all manner of spells while Brennie sighed in annoyance. 📜 “So, it’s basically Halloween, Day of the Dead and Samhain all rolled into one?” I asked while watching children running around outside enjoying the festivities, knocking on houses for candies and other goodies. Locally the day was known as Nightmare Night, to commemorate when Luna went batshit insane and usurped the throne for all of ten minutes before being banished to Masser for an Era. “Yes dear, whatever those holidays are. Now come and sit down while I commune with our ancestors.” Rarity said as she used a ouija board with Sweetie. It felt so odd to be living in the Carousel Boutique with my future wives when Sweetie and Scootaloo were already married and had 15 kids. They could only fit in the place since the basement was huge and renovated. “I’d rather leave ghosts alone.” Shade shivered from where she was in the corner entertaining a few of Sweetie’s foals. They were already old enough to grasp basic concepts like object permanence, shapes and colors. Also, I could smell how much these foals were lighting a coal in Shade’s ovaries. She was getting hit on the breeding button hard, but was thankfully overwhelmed with giving the children attention to be overwhelmed by the need to act on it. “This is a tradition and they won’t be here long.” Sweetie cheerfully insisted. The mare was actually a proper musician, a popular one. Unlike before when she was stuck just being a bard in taverns, in this reality she’s one of the most famous musicians on her home continent. I believe she had plans to move her big family out of her sister’s home soon since she had the funds to afford the space. “Scoots! I think your grandma is here!” “Tell her to go back to sleep! Nana Loo had a long life!” Scootaloo called up the stairs and the ouija board moved on it’s own to spell something rapidly. “She says to give her even more great grandfoals!” Sweetie cackled and got a lecherous gleam to her eyes as she got up and snapped her waistband. “Sorry girls, my dead step-nana just gave me an order.” The futa hurried downstairs and soon a pleased squeal echoed up before Rarity’s magic slammed the door shut and she huffed through her blush. “Those two. I had felt so lonely in comparison before I remembered my relationship with you all.” Rarity teleported the sleepy children Shade had been entertaining away, possibly to bed. This Rarity was much better with her magic than the ‘old’ Rarity. “Now then, let us relax. Is Neethsi willing to spend time with us?” “Yes, yes. I just needed a nap. My gosh. I’ve been alive for centuries and done so many things, but those rugrats just exhaust me. I don’t get how Sweetie and Scootaloo can shrug off the drain.” Neethsi huffed when she appeared from her Haven Bag, which had been put on the fireplace mantle away from curious little hands and warded against curious little horns. “Well, they are their kids, not ours.” Shade chuckled with her eyes narrowed hungrily while her tail whipped about. “Speaking of which, I want some! I want babies of my own! Can we skip all of the formalities and just fuck like the horny bitches we are?” Shade begged with a wiggle. “No. Bad.” I booped my ‘not genetically related’ sister on the nose. That was another thing. Thanks to the Dragon Break, I’m not related at all to Shade! I felt so frustrated yet relieved by this. It meant I wouldn’t have to be careful beyond the norm when it came to penetrating her or being penetrated by her. “Besides, Beck is on and I want to rewatch it.” Rarity announced and turned on her dwarven TV. That’s right, TV. It was still relatively new and they just got color images down, but it’s a thing. Shade pouted as she sat down on the couch next to Rarity, letting her horny scent stay as she wagged her tail. I rolled my eyes as I sat next to her and Neethsi sat on Shade’s lap. “Yes, let’s watch a tale of an ogre resisting Malacath’s edicts and seeking his own happiness.” Neethsi then swapped places with Shade somehow, letting the shorter reptile sit on her lap instead. 📜 “This is oddly refreshing.” Nocty sighed as she just sat on the couch and watched the primitive television the dwemer had developed. “Just, sit down, relax.” “Better than getting swarmed by the masses.” Brennie remembered the moment they stepped onto Lilmoth’s streets. Everyone and their dog had surrounded them. The dwemer with their unending questions and thirst for knowledge, while everybody else expressed their gratitude and relief at seeing them. “As the Prince of Shadows, I know exactly what you mean. I despise crowds, bright places, loud noises. Thank you for not dragging me out into the festivities.” Nocty leaned against Brennie’s side and nuzzled her cheek against the dracowolf’s own fluffy cheek. “No worries. My siblings and people are taking care of all of that fluff.” Brennie chuckled as her people’s culture and traditions have only added more fun to the festival. Many were very curious about their ways and wanted them to express it for this occasion. “Anything you want to talk about? Or just chill?” “Hm, your brother, Hunter. He can use Shadow Magic, can he not?” Nocty asked with a smile. Of course she would guess that. “You knew, huh? Yeah, he can. Same with the rest of his faction.” Brennie snorted in amusement. “They hide it very well, but I can tell they’re giving the thieves and assassins a run for their money. In a good way.” Nocty smiled since she could feel the competitive nature rising from her followers, even the respect they had for the Ghosts. “No wonder Dagon admires your lot.” “I’m glad we could help expand people’s perceptions on things.” Brennie sighed contentedly as she hugged the Prince of Shadows. “Tell me, would you call Mundus your home?” That question caught her off guard, but given everything she has been through during her time there, it was a good question. “...Yes.” Brennie answered with a single, bloody tear streaming down her cheek. “I would call Tamriel my home. Mundus probably replaced Andromeda altogether, seeing as it and the Milky Way are collapsing under its own weight.” “Then I’ll have you for however long you’ll have me.” Nocty purred and licked the tear of blood from Brennie’s cheek. “Hm, that tasted unusual.” “My blood isn’t really ‘blood’ as most people would know it. I have a form of Argent in place of blood since I’m a Cybertronian. Y’know, the reason I’ve got glowing eyes and metal limbs?” Brennie held up her red metal hand and Nocturnal threaded her fingers with it. “That explains why it was so different. Well then, let’s just enjoy each other’s company. I’m quite happy just quietly snuggling with you.” Nocturnal did so and they went back to watching Beck, which was a blatant Shrek clone in a different setting with different motivations, but a similar overall plot hook. 📜 Hello Dave. A sudden menu told me when it popped up in my face while I brushed my teeth. I may be an argonian, but I still have taste buds and morning breath is still nasty. You have been selected. Ugh, I just wanna finish waking up, couldn’t you wait a few...hours? Where am I? “Uh, did a monster just pop up in the middle of the square while brushing its-her teeth?” Someone asked while looking down at my nightie-clad breasts with a vibrant blush. I think I should’ve kept on the silly pajamas instead of swapping into my sexy sleepwear. “Is she another player? We do have a cat race we could have played.” Someone else muttered. “But there was no expansion with such a race?” Another muttered as I kept brushing my teeth. “Could the game have been updated? Well, again? This was all started by the Pioneer expansion, right?” Someone else asked and I spat my lathered foam from my mouth before using magic to summon water and rinse my mouth out with it. “Well, that makes no sense. Who would even buy this game after all of us got trapped here?” Someone else asked and I sighed at them further confirming my suspicions. “Still, that’s really lewd to wear in public and I didn’t even know the character customization allowed dimensions to be that exaggerated.” A girl commented and I snorted at her insecurity when she was rather pretty as it stood. “Don’t die, remember we lose our memories everytime we die!” Someone shouted at somebody else leaving while I opened a small enchanted coin purse I kept in my cleavage for emergencies and used it to pull out my Haven Bag, which had emergency supplies in it that I could fish out. “That's just a hoax!” The man running out of the ruined city square yelled back. “Welp, I need to find out what the fuck is going on.” I grumbled and pulled out some pants and a tunic to put on over my nightie since it’s basically underclothes anyway. “Alright, where’s the thing I’ve gotta screw over?” Well Dave-. “Fuck off with that Dave shit, just give me an icon to follow. You have just as little patience as me from your snarky-ass tone so get on with it.” ...I like you. The odd game-like HUD with menus suddenly highlighted and pointed out the nicest building in the square, so I went there and for some reason, people were shocked when I just waltzed in. “Um...hello? How may we help you?” The cute receptionist girl at the entry desk asked as I approached and like everyone else, her eyes were locked on my boobs. Seriously, I get that I’m hot, but am I really so special? I’m so used to looking like this, so maybe I’m jaded, but eventually I became normal to people and it didn’t bother me. “I need to speak to someone named Shiroe apparently? My HUD is pointing me towards him.” “You’re HUD is pointing you to him? We never had that...I think?” The receptionist was confused as she tapped at menus that I belatedly realized were in Japanese, which I belatedly realized everyone, including me were speaking. Since when did I understand Japanese? “I have messaged him. Normally there’s a vetting and waiting period, but you’re...unique.” “I gathered that. I’m not from around here and the lack of non-human species is as much a shock to me in return.” I shrugged and enjoyed how the blond woman’s eyes watched my heaving hooters bounce in my tunic. “Uh, we do have a cat race we play. What are you?” The girl asked with curiosity. “I’m an Argonian. We’re a water-breathing disease and poison immune species that has a symbiotic relationship with sapient trees.” I informed her and she looked genuinely interested. Well, it’s normal to me by now, but I guess to people unfamiliar, I’m pretty interesting. “Interesting, how did you come upon such a player race?” A robed mage asked, his glasses glared by sunlight. I also noticed what looked like a little girl next to him, though she was clearly much older than she looked. “It’s called have my world devoured by Dark, get transformed by said Dark to prepare its next meal, wake up in a sac of hallucinogenic sap in the trunk of said sapient tree, then wake up days later from a fever dream as a sap-producing reptile woman.” I sarcastically huffed with my hands on my egg-bearing hips. “Now, you’re Shiroe. Why would I be abducted from my home by your sarcastic reference-spewing spiteful system admin?” Marry me? Shut up. Double marry me? Oh my gods. “Oh...well, that’s quite the backstory you’ve developed. As for why you would have been directed to me, maybe you’re a POL designated by the system as a quest NPC.” The elf-eared human named Shiroe suggested and I felt my left eye twitch. “Oh, my quest log just lit up! This is a first. You’re attached to a quest.” Yes, please, get on with it! I love you. I will murder you! Yandere is scary-sexy! Now I know you’re just being an asshole! While I was mentally arguing with the SysAd, the deceptively little girl was staring at my chest and patting her flat chest with clear and obvious breast envy. I’m sure she probably thinks I’m an air-headed bimbo to defend her insecurity. Honestly, if she’s done growing, I do feel bad for her. She’s basically a dwarf without the disproportionate head and limbs, thankfully. “Yo, Shiroe, what-holy tits! Those are the biggest breasts I’ve ever seen! Such glorious gazongas! Not to mention the rest of her! She has hips for two women! Thighs thicc enough to put Chun-Li to shame! Not to mention even her tail is oddly sensual with how it helps frame her perfect ass!” Some dark-blond/brown haired guy in heavy plate armor declared when he approached while Shiroe, the girl and everyone else all looked disgustedly at him. “Finally, someone with the courage to praise my beauty! Just for that, you get to touch~.” I winked at him and much to my surprised joy, he actually froze up and even had a nosebleed rocket launch him backwards in a dead faint. “That was hilarious. Please tell me he’ll do that every time I ask.” “Probably.” Shiroe snorted and I chuckled in amusement. > Ch.87 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.87 So. I’ve been abducted by ‘Menu’, the SysAdmin with a major god complex that people actually worship as a god, for some unknown ‘quest’ with such a generalized and vague objective of ‘me saving the land’. So...yeah. At least I know I can use Paradise to return home to just after I’d been taken regardless of however long I’m here. Dimensional time-travel is convenient like that. So...yeah. I’m some overpowered ‘Monk’ subclass in the ‘Warrior’ archetype. My ‘skills’ are all either passives noted in my character sheet or ‘abilities’ I have to actively cast. Which really threw me off at first! I mean, when I do an advanced attack, I don’t think about doing it, I just do it! I’ve trained my body to be my deadliest weapon and now Menu insists I limit myself to arbitrary shit like ‘casting’ and ‘cooldown’ times! Ugh! You’re so cute when you’re angry. Omg shut up! “Are you arguing with Menu again?” Shiroe asked casually when he walked by. It’s been...a while. Weeks at least. Life here was surprisingly dull and peaceful. Shiroe’s guild is a simple group wanting to help everyone Displaced-woof, big time there, by whatever brought everyone playing the game Elder Tale into a world that is both like yet unlike said game. “Yeah, he’s being his usual self.” I grumbled from where I was sitting on the porch looking down on the city streets. I’ve joined his guild, since, y’know, Menu has kinda forced me to be with Shiroe if I want to eventually get home. I wish I had made my Token, because I could’ve just used it to return home unless Menu had an anti-banish feature. Instead I’ll have to, ugh, play his game and go home whenever I ‘save the land’. Incoming voice chat from: Brianna. Who? You know her as Brennie, which is not a name in any language. Fuck you. Love you. Guh! “Are you two done trying to verbally fuck each other?” I heard Brennie ask on the call. “I wasn’t speaking out loud and apparently neither does Menu, so you asking that is really creepy.” I huffed, not caring about being accused of wanting to hate-fuck Menu. Kinda do, really. “Blame the fact this call is only doable through direct neural interface with the interdimensional broadcast system, so it’s nearly telepathy. Anyway, I’ve been told you’re there without a Token, so you must’ve been nabbed after the Witch’s Festival since you made your Token the day after.” Good idea! Wish I had it sooner! “Yeesh, you’re snippy.” “I’ve been stuck in this world that operates on MMORPG mechanics and logic for nearly a month now with uptight or perverse Japanese people that range from Hikkikomori, NEETs, nerds and dorks to normal people from teenagers, housewives to salarymen. I’m the sexiest bitch period and I can’t get anyone to take me seriously outside of my new friends.” “Or get laid.” Exactly! “Look, I’m calling because the Time Squad told me to, for your moral support. Also, from my perspective, it’s been months since we’ve talked.” Time shenanigans, big surprise. “So, besides not getting laid and being a raging bitch because of it, what is life for you like right now?” Huh, Brennie must need a moment of normalcy. Fine, I’ll try. I could use a distraction from how painfully normal my life is right now. 📜 “So, let me get this straight. There are no ponies here, either normal or anthropomorphic?” I asked at last, the lack of ponies or other Equestrian creatures having gotten to me. I’d been people-watching as a pastime to see if there were any, but after a month of doing diddly squat, nothing. I was under the impression that Displaced like me were bound for dimensions associated with My Little Pony. That is correct. While the Pioneer expansion has tamable ponies and other livestock, there were no other anthropomorphic creatures added to the Japanese region of the game. Menu answered fully. He only answered so fully to people he liked. Which frustrated and flattered me That said, the British Isles received the ‘Equestrian’ playable race. “So why did you drop me in Akihabara Japan, the opposite side of the world from there~?” I mewled in despair. Did I have some epic journey ahead of me? Am I going to need to journey west across Asia and Europe to reach the land of ponies? Or through the oceans? Don’t worry, Dave will get you there, eventually. Menu assured me and I sighed in resignation. Shiroe was new to being a Guild Master because he’d been a solo player before Elder Tale became reality. He formed this guild immediately, which his friends say was a surprise, because Akihabara was floundering in confusion and needed the community to come together. Unsurprisingly, all the assholes, sociopaths and psychopaths who used this game to vent their monstrous natures made life unbearable. So, morally upstanding folks like Shiroe, that respectably busty blond who was always too busy squealing over something in joy for me to get the name of, along with others banded together with their separate Guilds to form a proper community. “Well, at least I have some of my weapons.” I huffed and patted my Haven Bag. Menu converted all of my equipment to local analogues besides my Haven Bag and Hephestus. Those two items were labeled as ‘Fantasy/Iconic’ items, meaning I had the only ones in the whole world. Considering one was a portable home and the other was a smithing hammer capable of making anything given materials, that was a justifiable label that made me happy. “Hey, Meen-Rei.” I looked up at Naotsugu, the knight of the guild. He was the hilarious one who was an open pervert and I got along well with him. I was annoyed that he was all bluster though. I mean, I literally tried to pull him into bed once and he practically turned to stone in terror of actually getting intimate. Akatsuki, as the only other woman in the guild, told me that it was because while he was a perv, he was a complete virgin with adorable desires for a genuine romance. So he was actually trying to deepen his relationship with that blond busty babe I can’t remember the name of. They’re cute together, but he’s frequently overwhelmed by her gushing, so I don’t know how they’d work out. “Uh, hey. Meen-Rei?” Naotsugu waved a hand in my face and I came back to reality. “I know you weren’t there for the meeting, so I’ll understand if you decline, but Shiroe volunteered us for a rescue mission.” “Oh, finally!” I jumped to my feet, ignoring how much my breasts bounced in my combat gi. I had to actually make proper ‘equipment’ for Menu’s status system to apply correctly. I mean, I just used some normal clothes with Hephestus to make this and other outfits that were considered ‘Monk’ class gear and suddenly I got ludicrous buffs! This simple white and gray Gi increased my movement speed by 10 percent! That doesn’t sound like much, but it is! “Where to?” “Susukino.” I deadpanned my expression. “Ah, right. Not Japanese, it’s hard to remember you don’t know the geography. It’s north of here, pretty far north, actually. We’ll be taking griffins-.” I grabbed him by his shirt and shook him violently! “You have griffins?! I thought you said you didn’t have any species that correlated with my universe!” I shouted in his face angrily as I lifted him off his feet with ease! “No-ah-ah-ah-ot sapient! Not sapient!” Naotsugu panted when I stopped shaking him with the force of a carnival ride and set him down. “Y-you said sapient griffins! We don’t have those!” I huffed and whipped my thicc tail against the floor hard enough to make a cracking noise. Thankfully the game logic of structures from Elder Tale are immutable to damage. “Alright, let's get going.” I snarled as I passed the cute guy and jumped from the upper level of Log Horizon’s guild hall to the main floor and waited by the door since I don’t have anything to-. “M-Meen-Rei.” I looked down at Akatsuki as she approached with her face turned entirely red by a blush. “Before we leave. We would like to m-m-milk you for your sap to flavor food.” Akatsuki squirmed adorably, the little unfortunately grown-up lolita-sized ninja was so cute~! I can get why that other busty blond who runs the Crescent Moon Alliance guild gushes over her. “Sure!” I chirped happily with my tail wagging in anticipation. Since nobody has the balls or the ovaries to have sex with me, the closest I can get is masturbation and getting milked for my sap. This was because Menu appraised my sap as having Fantasy-tier quality for its mystical, hallucinogenic and delicious flavor properties. “To the milker~!” “P-please don’t sound so excited for something so d-demeaning!” Akatsuki protested adorably. Damn Japanese society for making lewdness inappropriate to such a degree! “Who are the same twats who make hentai and are obsessed with huge boobs.” Brennie commented over the call that she occasionally connected to my Voice Chat now and then. Usually it’s to spit out some harsh truths whenever these guys say something stupid. Which is often! I know! Shut up, Menu! You’re so cute when you’re angry. Grr! “Akatsuki. I have needs. More than most people, yet nobody here has the self confidence to *bleep* me! Then there’s the *bleep*ing stupid censorship! I can be naked! Why can’t I say *bleep*?!” Menu already apologized for being unable to disable censorship of the word ‘fuck’ because it’s too ‘vulgar’ for Japanese sensibilities. “Because Japanese censorship is just as bad. Hey, Menu, mind if my sister tried to ‘turn off’ the censorship, but mod it for adult eyes and ears only?” Third party modifications of the system are strictly prohibited, I cannot use any alterations even if applied. “Shit, sorry Rei.” “Guh! The only reason I haven’t *bleep*ed myself is because I’m a hermaphrodite and risk impregnating myself since there aren’t any condoms and I can’t get my hands on any plastics or rubber to make one!” I gestured to my tail while I wiggled it and Akatsuki choked and backed away from my tail with horrified realization. “Yes! You’re looking at my *bleep*!” “H-how lewd!” Akatsuki squeaked and the little purple-haired kunoichi hurried away, thankfully towards the milking room I’d built the milker in upon discovering my sap gave food flavor. It was also valuable enough as a trade commodity that Log Horizon could easily pay for their guild hall’s rent with it. “Menu, what’s your fucking plan? I thought Shiroe and the others could handle it, why do you need Meen-Rei?” I am afraid that other than hints, I can’t answer properly. I have been able to hint that the only ‘Equestrians’ are on the opposite side of the world, that Meen-Rei is needed to ‘save the land’. I cannot be more open regarding Obscured Quests. Menu answered and I huffed as I headed towards the milking room. “Brennie, Menu is limited in his ability to do certain things. He can do a lot, yes, but his own systems prevent him from just giving us everything.” I grumbled and opened the door of the closet I converted into a milking chamber and licked my chops in anticipation while my panties got wet and my tail tip dripped a bit of pre. Fuck do I need some relief! “I could hazard a guess, but then that would force Menu to block me. Then again, I could be wrong.” Player theories cannot be disputed by the system. “Wait, seriously?! Okay! So, you need to connect to Equestria, which is on the other side of the world. Don’t MMORPGs have a lot of warp points? Especially in games this ridiculously massive.” “I’ll ask Shiroe about that later. Right now, I need some relief.” I pulled my gi open and let my heaving hooters breathe before I got on my knees on the padded floor and moaned when I attached the suction cups to my tender areolae and they began pumping me~. 📜 “Well, you’re looking happy.” Shiroe commented on my wagging tail and slightly radiant presence. “I *bleep* several times~.” I giggled and he blushed along with everyone else, but thankfully he didn’t shy away like Akatsuki and Naotsugu did. “Now, let’s go! I need to go with you and you’re going to somehow, someway, lead me to a warp point that will link Equestria with Japan.” “A warp point...to the British Isles you mentioned earlier in your text to me while you were, ahem, occupied?” Shiroe asked for confirmation and I nodded. “Well, the journey north does go by several dungeons, one of which is known for its labyrinthian nature and the many hidden warp points within.” My HUD suddenly got a waypoint! “That’s it then, we’ll stop on the way, but we must hurry. The person we’re trying to save is being hunted by a Bandit Guild.” “Shit, I remember. A little Druid girl with Healing Magic, but she should be fine for now. A swashbuckling cat ally is keeping her safe.” Brennie informed me. “She’ll be fine, a cat swashbuckler should be protecting her.” I suggested and the three looked between each other with Shiroe and Naotsugu visibly relieved of tension. “That would be Nyanta. I don’t know how you could have known that, but if he’s there, he wouldn’t stand for someone being hunted down by bandits. Alright, let’s get outside of the city first. Our Griffin Whistles won’t work too close to a town or city.” Shiroe said and I sighed at this world having such arbitrary rules and logic. Damn game worlds, they drive me to drink. 📜 Flying on griffinback isn’t fun. I’ve flown on Neethsi’s back enough to infinitely prefer my lover’s sinuous, undulating grace over the brutish flapping of this classical non-anthro griffin. Still, he got us to this giant fuck-off mountain range that separated the northern shore from the rest of ‘Eastal’. Said mountains were home to the dungeon ‘Depths of Palm’. This was our destination, where said labyrinth of a dungeon had warp points aplenty as well as an undersea pass the others will need to take under the strait since it was too dangerous to fly across with its heavy turbulence and the awaiting whirlpools below. “Despite the underwhelming name, this place feels really oppressive.” I commented with a shiver. This place causes willies. “That’s because it’s full of Rat-Men who cause the ‘plague’ status. Before they were introduced, Depths of Palm was mostly an intermediate dungeon acting as a barrier between Susukino and this region of Eastal. Now it’s fairly advanced on top of being a major junction between regions.” Shiroe exposited for my sake as we entered the dungeon’s cavernous entrance. “Wait, ‘Rat-Men’? Why didn’t the developers just ask Games Workshop for the license to call them Skaven? They’re pretty lenient with references.” I asked in bewilderment. “Because EA.” All three of my companions chorused and I felt righteous disgust. “Oh. Right. Fuck EA.” Seriously, where don’t they fuck up? “So, I know we just got here and all, but as a labyrinth, how far would such a mysterious warp point be?” “I wouldn’t know, but Shiroe is a Scribe. He’s mapped almost every dungeon across Japan.” Naotsugu thumbed at Shiroe, who nodded as he led us in with his staff illuminating the way. “Right. Well, time to start kicking ass, I guess.” I said before I cracked my neck. 📜 Ew. Ew. Ew~. “I really wish I took the ‘Monk Weapon’ passive so I could use all my abilities with Monk-style weapons~.” I whined as I rubbed the ichor from my hands with a rag. The bodies explode into iridescent bubbles, but the blood on my hands doesn’t. “Blame whoever suggested that mild gore would improve popularity with edgy middle schoolers.” Akatsuki said and-Chuunibyou? I didn’t know that was a real thing! “Bah, whatever. I’ve been covered in much worse. Usually it’s Daedra or Undead of some sort, but I actually know some Skaven back home and they’re alright so long as you don’t diss their goddess.” It's one thing to fight a clear-cut evil, it’s another to slay your fellow sapients. These monsters are an unsettling in-between, clearly monsters yet in a familiar form. “That said, we’re near that inactive warp point.” Shiroe informed us and then we rounded a corner to discover a glowing crystal floating in a gate-like gothic structure built into the wall. “Alright, good luck out there, Meen-Rei. You have us on your Friends list.” Shiroe said with a sad smile. I feel like there’s a lot of history with that expression. “Be careful out there. A body like yours could kill with the blood procs you’ll start.” Naotsugu joked and I giggled while Akatsuki eyed my assets enviously for a moment before looking up at my eyes. “You served Master Shiroe well. I hope you return to us someday.” Aw, little kunoichi serving her master. Roleplayer until the end. I bent down and hugged her face into my cleavage, causing her to flail and muffle before she used Disengage to warp next to Shiroe and I wordlessly waved before I touched the crystal- -My eyes! My eyes~!- -One blinding moment of light later, even with closed eyes, I was standing in another dungeon, but this one was just a short hall leading into an opening where the early morning light shined in. Right, it was fairly early in the day when we entered Depths of Palm, so it’s still morning here on this side of the world several hours later. “Welp, hopefully I can find out what the fuck I’m here for.” I groaned and staggered out into the light, where an excavation crew of Earth Ponies paused to look at me while I adjusted to the light. “Hey, be careful with the warp gate in there. Bright.” I casually warned them and blinked to adjust my vision until I could see the white spire rising into the sky in the distance. “What the-?” “Intruder! Call the guards!” Someone shouted and I groaned, waiting until a bunch of bronze-armored soldiers arrived, grabbed me under the armpits, then readily carried me out of the dig site and set me down outside of it. “You’re a Dave, right?” One of the guards demanded and I glared at him. “Fine, adventurer.” “Yes, I’m an adventurer. I came here from across the world using the warp gate inside that hallway the excavation has revealed. Please don’t destroy it since it could open up all sorts of trade possibilities, even if the damn thing is blindingly bright for an instant.” I informed the soldiers, who nodded to each other and one with a clipboard noted it. “Now then, what great danger threatens the land?” “I’m afraid you missed a big event that went on. Nightmare Moon returned, but thankfully the Elements of Harmony pacified her and restored Princess Luna’s sanity. As of right now, there is no big threat to the land.” The clipboard-wielding guard informed me to my dismay. “What?! Oo~! Menu!” Although the risk to Equestria has ended, your assistance is still needed. You’ve connected the Equestrian Isles to Eastal. You need to report this to the princesses. I can guide you more directly now that the Obscured Quest is updated to a Story Quest. Menu informed me and I groaned at my quest being extended. “Wh-what? A filthy Dave communes with Lord Menu?!” Another guard gaped at me and Menu buzzed angrily. “I apologize for my impudence, Lord Menu! Spare me!” “Menu! No smiting idiots!” I huffed angrily and pointed at the white spire. “Is that Canterlot? Will I find the Princesses there? I need to inform them about this new warp point to the other side of the world. Well, not exactly, that would be Brazil, but you know what I mean.” “Uh, um, yes it is.” The clipboard guard answered, so I began sprinting at maximum speed towards Canterlot, which seems to have appeared outside the ruins of London, further inland. The locals must be so confused after the ‘Apocalypse’ brought them into this world from theirs. I tripped on a rock and went rolling downhill. Fuck my superspeed sometimes~! > Ch.88 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.88 “...Well, that is quite the tale.” Queen Celestia commented with intrigue from her seat upon her throne while her guards kept their spears leveled at me. When I reached the city, I had no patience and decided to muscle my way into an audience since I was already at the previous level cap of 90, not counting my ‘Iconic’ traits. Thankfully Celestia is a reasonable sort. “Do you have any way of backing up this story?” A haughty pony with a quill on her dress asked. “My way of backing it up is that if you decide not to believe me, I fully have the power to pulverize the pelvises of every single pony in this city solo. I don’t just mean with violence either. Please tell me you’re more promiscuous than the Japanese?” I pleaded to the queen and Celestia blushed brightly. “A-ah...I do not know of the social standards of this land on the other side of the world, but we do not shy away from our physical needs so long as it is kept politely private. Besides the beaches, nudity is acceptable on the beaches.” Celestia answered with a mischievous heft of her bosom. Said bosom was only slightly smaller than mine since she fit a lot of the social standards of matronly beauty for this region of the world. She filled that queenly dress well. “M-my queen!” The chamberlain mare blushed in scandal while I shared a giggle of mammary superiority with the queen. “Don’t be such a prude, Quill Scratch. Now, I thank you for informing me of all of this. It will make interacting with the local Daves easier now that I know more about their plight. It would also explain why we appeared in this world with no warning as well. Avalon had taken Canterlot to safety from our enemies at the behest of the Fantasy Hero-King, Arthur. The world has changed so much in our absence.” Celestia exposited and I appreciated the non-sequitur. “Alright. Now, do you have issues that need to be dealt with? Menu kinda dragged me over here.” I asked and wilted when Celestia shook her head. “I’m afraid not or rather, I’m thankful for that being the case. When we returned, my sister was freed from the moon and caused quite a calamity, but that has been resolved. Rather, I believe it would be best if I send an envoy to this ‘Eastal’ nation on the other side of that warp gate. Quill Scratch, please send for Captain Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Queen Celestia ordered and the prudish mare bowed before hurrying away. “Aw, I was hoping to just do something to ‘save the land’ here.” I mewled in frustration. The Land was a vague reference to Eastal. Thanks to Equestria’s return, the British Isles will achieve stability without outside aid. However, Eastal will need all the help it can get. Oh, well, I suppose receiving aid from Equestria could definitely help with that. Indeed. Marry me? Not that shit again. You know I’m engaged to a few people already. “I’m afraid our own heroes have already done that. You’re a few weeks too late.” Celestia chuckled before the handsome purple/bronze armored Shining Armor and the beautiful blue dressed Princess Cadence entered with Quill Scratch in the lead. That was fast! “Shining Armor, Cadence. I have a quest for you. This woman arrived in the ruins to the west by a previously unknown warp gate. I seek to make contact with the rulers of the land of Eastal.” “With a Princess as an envoy, that would certainly legitimize the effort.” Cadence nodded in understanding before looking at Shining with a knowing gleam to her eyes and Shining blushed faintly. “Thank you for the confidence in my abilities, my Queen.” Cadence bowed and then hurried back out, likely to prepare while Shining remained at attention. “Captain Armor. I am sending her with you along with an elite squad of your best knights and supplies packed on a small wagon to last several days of journey, along with pegasi and a carpenter to make flight-friendly wagons and carriages on site. This is assuming that the exit point of the warp gate is deep within a dungeon?” Celestia asked me and I nodded. “I shall assemble my best ponies both for skill and among the flight squadrons. I’ll confirm the requisition of supplies with the quartermaster and assemble promptly. When do we leave?” Shining Armor questioned with curt deference to his queen. “As soon as possible. This new land may well have magic and technology we haven’t encountered before. The wider we cast our net, the more fish we’ll catch.” Celestia stated before looking at me. “Now then, Lady Rei. Would you be willing to accompany this group at least to the nearest population center, whether it is for People of the Earth or the Daves?”  “Well, I don’t have anything else better to do.” Unsaid was that I’d much rather try to find a prostitute or something, because I’m fucking dry~! The people in Japan are too damn skittish and polite, even the ones thinking themselves deviants! “Hm...I know of an old spell, one that is likely lost to time in this world where we have been gone. It may aleve your...distress.” Queen Celestia smirked naughtily and I hoped she wasn’t just teasing me! 📜 “Could you...please not look so creepy?” One of the two mares, both pegasi, in the group sent forth through the Warp Gate asked me with a faint blush. “Eh heh~. If you were as relieved as I am right now, you’d look like a doofus too~.” I lilted happily at the chestnut mare as I took peppy steps with my tail wagging happily and my eyes permanently wrinkled in a smile while I led them through the Depths of Palm. I may not be a Scribe like Shiroe, but he shared a copy of the dungeon map with us all to keep us from getting lost. It was simply a matter of retracing the steps back up to the surface. “Huh?” She voiced with a confused blink as I rubbed my deceptively flat lower tummy. My Navel Pearl was also a Fantasy Iconic item, thank gosh. That spell Celestia shared with me sterilized my semen, which she somehow knew I had just from watching me move, something about my ‘violently masculine femininity’. Anyway, I got to finally fuck myself~! Ah~... “She had her womb stuffed by my aunt.” Cadence voiced out loud. “Hopefully Auntie didn’t decide to try for an heir again.” “Close, but not quite~.” I wiggled my tail up with a wink and Cadence suddenly choked and flushed with an aghast look at my thicc tail that was long enough to drag on the ground if I stretched it down. “I can literally *bleep* myself!” The clueless guys and gals around that weren’t as kinky as Cadence had no clue what I meant because of the censor bleep, but Cady looked incredibly aroused by my declaration. “I see light ahead!” Shining Armor called back from the front. I may have the map, but Shining insisted that he and two other beefy stallions be the vanguard. We haven’t encountered many Rat-Men, but the mention of ‘Plague’ status was enough to warrant keeping a wall around the Princess with me walking in front of her and the three mages, two Battlemages and a Cleric, surrounding her from behind and the sides. “That should be it!” I confirmed and we all jogged outside into the fading light of day. Oof, right, I haven’t slept. It’s been over 12 hours since I woke up this morning, warped across the world, then came back. “According to my map menu, we’re thankfully at the south exit of the Depths of Palm. The north exit is on the other side of the strait and the wrong way from Eastal.” “Excellent. We’ll set up camp here for the night. I know it's nearly midday for us, people, but here it is night. Settle in.” Shining ordered and I was about to move to find my own space, but I gasped and stilled. I felt a pair of hands rubbing my tail and I moaned in pleasure before the source squeaked and pulled away. I looked back at Cadence, who was blushing up a storm. “Hey, don’t just touch me and then stop.” I chuckled and bit my lip. “Now I’ve gotta work off this sudden need.” I walked away, making sure to sway my hips and undulate my tail invitingly. I knew how to live with little due to my subclass having the ‘Survivalist’ trait, so I just jumped up into the trees and hid in the thick branches of ancient pines. I’m going to be quiet about it, but I hope nobody is below me or they’re gonna get wet~. 📜 “Wow. You’re industrious.” I commented with amused awe at the flying carriages built in hours by the earth pony carpenter who only started on them the instant there was enough daylight to see by the next morning. “No carpenter who dares to take the title in Equestria could claim to be if an emergency build would take more than a few hours.” The cream and tan pinto stallion huffed proudly with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He was yummy. He filled out his trousers and tunic like they were painted on and the toolbelt around his hips somehow added to his masculinity. “That-that is good.” Cadence said as she leaned on a blushing Shining Armor. Those two reeked of sex. I must’ve set Cadence off with my display yesterday. “Let us-.” “Halt! Who goes there!” One of the soldiers shouted and we all jumped into defensive positions around Cadence, but I blinked at the bewildered trio of friends I had parted ways with just yesterday. They had two new companions, one was a roguish and tall cat man in green with two rapiers and the other a little redheaded girl with a staff who was hiding behind him. “Guys! Wow, you work fast!” I shouted and hurried to approach them openly so the others would calm down. “Uh, so. I’ve brought a delegation! We may want to try to move that warp gate somewhere more convenient.” “Moving Alv technology is risky, but doable. Unfortunately, that’s a game mechanic that Pioneers was supposed to introduce, but we didn’t exactly get any tutorials on the matter.” Shiroe scrunched his brows and looked over the assembled ponies. “Wow. I guess the England, Ireland and Northern European server was in for a major questline update with Pioneers.” “Hold, please. We are here seeking to obtain an audience with the rulers of this land. Would you happen to be Daves?” Cadence questioned and Shiroe looked like he wanted to punch someone. “Ah, sorry. I believe the polite term is adventurers?” Cadence blushed at the faux pas. Damn you Menu! Why did you have to be so racist?! It was funny at first, now it’s become hilarious. Ugh. “Yes, beautiful pony princess, we’re adventurers! We’re heading back to Akihabara also known as Akiba for short. There are closer cities, but since the capital of Eastal is reasonably close to Akiba, we can escort you.” Naotsugu winked at Cadence and she tittered even as her guards glared and Shining protectively wrapped his arm around her waist. “She’s already taken, dude. So are you. If I have to tell...ugh.” I checked my Friends list. “Marielle will surely be extra gushy if I tell her you’re still flirting with other girls.” “Shutting up!” Naotsugu paled and I joined Akatsuki in a girlish titter. She wasn’t a girly-girl, neither was I, but we, like most girls, enjoyed making guys squirm. “Um, where are all of these people from?” The little girl asked with awe and girlish wonder at the big pony people all around her. “We can talk on the way. Stallions, mares. Load up, pile in, strap up and let’s get flying.” Shining Armor ordered and everything became a flurry of motion. Before I knew it, I was seated in the same carriage as Cadence, Shining and my friends, plus the little girl. “I assume from your garb that you are a Cleric Scribe?” Shiroe blinked and nodded. “Point the way, navigator.” 📜 “Welcome to Akiba or Akihabara to locals of the original city with a bad sense of humor.” Naotsugu joked and Shiroe sighed while the carriages, pulled by the pegasi, began a spiraling descent down into the central plaza of the city I’ve known as my current home for the past month. “Either one works, since everyone here will know what you mean either way.” “I am still astounded by the fact that you can speak and understand our English so smoothly when your native language is the Japanese language you mentioned. Truly the Daves have much more to offer than violence or labor. Perhaps I can broach the subject with other People of the Earth.” Cadence mused aloud and this seemed to annoy Akatsuki, but interested Shiroe. We landed in the city square with massive crowds of adventurers gathering at the edges to observe in curiosity since there are no flying mounts, powers or abilities allowed within city limits other than city-provided services. I left the carriage and stretched as everyone else climbed out. “So, what did I miss?” Brennie asked on the call, seeing as I haven’t heard from her in several hours. If you were wondering, she and I were having a private conversation. Oh, great, about what? About how much we both want to fu-. Not in a million years! For you, Brennie’s already been there. I know. I’m envious. “He was complaining, I wanted to know if there was a way to...expand, without breaking the rules and laws of this world.” Not at this time. “What is going on?” Demanded the approaching redheaded guy with the edgy spiked armor that I can’t be bothered to remember the name of right now. He’s part of the Round Table and leader of the guild acting as Akiba’s guards. “We were on our way back from completing a request for the Crescent Moon Alliance when we came across these People of the Earth. They’re from the British Isles.” Shiroe answered with a broadcasted voice so as many people could hear. “They are a delegation stopping on their way to the capital of Eastal, Maihama.” Which was actually just the city where the chairperson of the ‘Eastal League of Free Cities’ ruled, but politics can suck my-. “Whoa, really? The People of the Earth are making moves that are this complex?” I heard someone in the crowd mutter and while the crowds began muttering among themselves, I helped swiftly move the visitors down the street to the building that Shiroe chose to permanently house Log Horizon at instead of the Guild Hall. “From what the natives of London say about you Da-adventurers, it seems those of us not blessed by your powers have similar condescending views that you have about us.” Shining Armor commented with a mixture of frustration and confusion. “I really wish they could hear me, but Menu commented on me killing them with words is too excessive.” As much as I would like to let you go off on them, you would kill everyone through words alone. Wow, that’s OP. “You’re also worried that I’ll take racism too far. Even though you find it ‘funny’.” It is only funny if it is silly and a misunderstanding. “Meen-Rei!” I jumped and almost popped my tiddies out of my gi at Naotsugu shouting in my ear. “There we go. She was zoning out to a call over her private chat again.” “Meen-Rei, Princess Cadence just requested if you could act as the translator between her and Duke Sergiad Cowen; the chairman of the Eastal League.” Shiroe informed me before I could blow up on Naotsugu and I blinked. “Why me? I mean, any adventurer could do that since Menu automatically translates languages for us.” Which is seriously OP. How advanced was the world that created Elder Tale? That kind of translation technology is usually post-unification or post-space colonization. Neither of those social milestones were achieved. Instead, humanity became insular and secular in the face of a declining world where their industry made the very air unbreathable without aid. “Lord Menu translates for adventurers? Yet another blessing your people have, yet why does he do so much for you if he shuns you?” Cadence asked in bemusement and everyone shrugged. “That sounds like a misunderstanding all on its own. Menu just likes to fuck with adventurers because they can live through it. Blessings can become curses if used one too many times. If anything, he’s barely fucking them over.” Incorrect. I do hate the Daves. “Wait, what the fuck is with that then?” I hate them, because they are aberrations. They are violations of the natural order of this world, yet they have become woven into it. This latest alteration unified their minds with their bodies, further making reality-. “Maybe it should be someone less spacey.” Nyanta, who was oddly hesitant to engage in conversation with me, commented with amusement. Hey, screw you ya maturely attractive cat. I mean in demeanor, he’s still got the body of a young adult in spite of being taller than everyone here. “No, she must be communing with Lord Menu. She is perfect.” Cadence declared eagerly and I mewled when I got a quest update from said AI and I nodded. “Wonderful. We’ll spend at least a day here in preparation. I do not wish to offend the local lords too much on our first meeting.” “Good luck. The nobles here are the typical stuck-up, entitled, selfish idiots that usually fill the trope of the ‘obstructive bureaucrat’.” Shiroe sighed and led the way into the guild building, which as a several story tall structure, was much bigger than our humble little guild needed to be. “Make yourselves at home. Aside from the top two floors, the building is empty.” “Thank you for your Generosity. Establish a base!” Shining Armor declared and the carpenter with some other guards to help, rapidly began setting up the bedrolls and then hurried away to start chopping up wood from the nearby dead trees. “If it is fine, we may even turn your first floor or two into our local embassy.” “...I’m basically the ruler of Akiba since I own the Guild Hall building and I have a reputation for managing others. I might as well let this happen. Only the first two floors, please. Leave access to the upper floors open.” Shiroe then went upstairs with the others and I followed in bemusement. I don’t have anything to do right now...I’ll get milked! More valuable sap~. 📜 “Why do I have to wear this~!” I whined as I tugged on the confining, strappy and strapping blue uniform that was the official wear of the Round Table Alliance. It was cool, it was well made, but I feel wrong! I’m so used to wearing either skin tight or airy clothes! I feel like I’m gonna sweat to death in this thing even though Argonians don’t sweat! It also doesn’t qualify as Monk gear, so that’s probably part of it. “Because you’re the translator for Cadence?” Brennie snarked at me and I mewled. Why did I agree with this~? Oh, right, because of-. Me. Yeah, fuck you. Oh, I wish. I’m just tired of that by this point. “I see you’re ready. You look good in a uniform.” Cady complimented me and I gulped. As the days went by, I noticed that Cadence was getting more...interested in me. We talked a good bit, not just about Eastal. I don’t want to endanger her relationship with Shining, but she’s clearly ‘testing’ me. “I just hope I don’t mess this up. This is the first real responsibility Aunt Tia has given me outside of Canterlot.” “I know you’ll do well, Cadence.” I assured her and she perked up even more, doubly when Shining Armor in his shiny armor entered the room. “We’re ready, Sir Armor. Will the rest of the Round Table be joining us?” “Yes. I must again say I’m quite pleased a land so far away was inspired by our history enough to name their governing body after King Arthur’s famed means of holding meetings.” Shining commented before he led us downstairs and out to the waiting carriages. They’d been expanded since the Round Table was sending as many envoys as possible at Eastal’s invitation. The fact they knew Cadence was here before we even sent word was disturbing, but Shiroe already knew that there were bound to be Earthling spies. How did they communicate though? I thought Earthlings didn’t have the exact same magic as-doh. Right. They do, it’s just more difficult for them to harness. “Trust me, there are weebs for every region of the world.” “Ah, another of those derogatory terms. I’ll be sure to avoid that one.” Cadence said before we climbed into the forward carriage that also held Marielle, Shiroe and Akatsuki. “Now then, let’s talk more about your idea, Shiroe.” Ugh, I get the feeling I’m not needed here… > Ch.89 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.89 Don’t kill them. Don’t kill them. They don’t respawn, don’t kill them… If I had hands I would be strangling them personally. Not helping! “I say, such exquisite bosoms! Why do you have your pet trussed up like an officer?” “Let me fucking do it!” I’m sorry not-Dave, I can’t let you do that. “That gets a pass because it’s really close to referencing the right scene.” “What did he say?” Cadence asked me with a suspicious and displeased tone. “He asked why you have your pet in a uniform.” I grumbled and Cadence promptly splashed her goblet of wine on the oaf and stormed away with me in a huff. “Damn entitled jackasses. They just had to come up with some excuse to make a political delegation into a damn ball.” They don’t even have ACDC’s Big Balls playing to make it enjoyable. The music is nice, don’t get me wrong, but it’s all classy and ‘better than thou’ to a point I’d rather not hear it. “It’s the same everywhere, it seems. At least Duke Cowen touched base with us before letting us ‘enjoy’ the festivities. He’ll likely want a proper summit tomorrow.” Cadence said as she approached a group of ladies. “Meen-Rei, please introduce me.” “Yes, Princess. Ahem. Hello, please welcome Princess Cadence. She tires of these boorish men unable to look past my breasts.” I declared and the ladies all tittered in shared understanding of the pigs we all had to deal with. 📜 Since I’m Cady’s translator, I don’t know how the meetings between Eastal and the Round Table are going, but things between Eastal and Equestria are going great. “I can’t believe that simply offering a transport service is enough to get this many agreements out of them.” I commented once we were in Cadence’s offered room. “I can. I’m just surprised Aunt Tia didn’t consider it. Relations with the adventurers in the Isles would’ve improved much faster if we offered such a service before. Really, most of our pegasi are practically chomping at the bit for something to do. Our unicorns are learning as much as they can of this old yet new world while the earth ponies have no end of work to occupy their time, while the pegasi have been stuck waiting.” Cady huffed as she plopped onto the bed. “I’m assuming it’s because while adventurers are blocked from using flight inside of city zones, Earthlings are not so restricted.” Shiroe is devious like that. While adventurers do have access to flight and other movement abilities, they can only be used when outside of a city. Just that one little thing is enough to make a pegasus transport service quite valuable. “Indeed. It would cut the travel time immensely as well for flightless Earthlings. Such a shame that the warp gates adventurers once had have ceased to function. At least the one between Yamato and the Isles still exists.” Cadence kicked her odd yet stylish heels off of her hooves, which was impressive and also a bit genius in how they added surface area to her steps. “Yeah, this was a w-what are you doing?” I asked with my face heating up even though nobody could see the flush. Cadence was outright tossing her blue dress off and was now in her bra, panties and garter belt with stockings. Wow this beauty is thicc and juicy. “Getting comfortable. I’m through with meetings, I want to relax.” Cadence sighed and unclasped her bra, letting her soccer ball sized boobs bounce free with a note of relief before she freed her panties and stockings from the garter belt and began rolling the stockings off. “As soon as I’m out of these, I’m putting on casual wear with no undergarments.” “Oh, okay. Sorry for getting flustered. I’m used to ladies undressing around me to mean I’m about to get laid.” I nervously informed my friend and she snorted in amusement as she kept undressing. “Yes, I’m aware you’re not entirely female, so this was actually rather mean of me. Sorry. It’s easy to forget you’re half male with your body shape.” Cadence teased me before kicking her stockings off and then stood up to shimmy her panties down. “Could you help thread my tail out?” I took her beautiful purple, pink and yellow tail and helped pull it through the preposterously tiny hole at the top of the back of the panties. “What’s the point of that? Can’t you just have it go under your dock?” I huffed with a displeased frown of my eyes at the tiny hole in the panties meant to feed a mare’s tail through. “Yes and that is the common version. That, however, is a ‘proper’ panty that forces the dock to be raised prominently and displays a mare’s tail with more ease. Well, after forcing so much hair through such a tiny hole.” Cadence grumbled and I noticed that her tail was slightly lower than before. Huh. I just figured that was how mares here had their tails settle. “Well, I’m glad my tail doesn’t need anything for that. If it’s raised, it’s either in excitement or something awesome is about to happen.” I huffed proudly. I may have originally been a fox, but being a reptile has been great to me. “Now, what do you want to do?” “I have an invitation to a little afternoon tea with Princess Raynesia. Or, well, she’s not an actual princess, but as close as Eastal gets to having one. I may have assumed that you would be joining us.” Cadence smiled sheepishly before she bent over to fetch a simpler dress from the borrowed dresser. I groaned a little at the sight of her perfect heart-shaped ass being put on display. It’s the first time in over a month someone has been naked around me. “Please remember I’m not strictly female.” I mewled and Cadence stood straight with a blush back at me, before she leered with a lustful grin and I gulped. “A-am I about to get some?” “Hm, maybe. Not now, but perhaps later if I can get Shining in on it.” Cadence purred and went back to dresser diving, shaking her booty at me and I mewled as my tail tingled in arousal. 📜 “This girl stands no chance.” I whispered in Cadence’s ear with giddy amusement that she shared with me as Reynesia was subjected to the charms of Krusty, the adventurer who headed the Combat Guild D.D.D and was effectively the Round Table’s military general. The tall blond young man was a force of charisma, practically filling the gazebo with his presence simply by being here. Reynesia was clearly instantly smitten a little with him and Cady’s matchmaking senses were tingling if the little hearts in her eyes meant anything. “Oh, she wants him in her room now.” Cadence giggled, nudging my tail with a hoof. “I won’t even need to get involved, this man has chosen to seduce the dragon and she’s eagerly trying to gobble him up.” I chuffed in amusement, thankful that unless it was wanted, my tail wouldn’t feel like a pleasure point. “Perhaps we should excuse ourselves.” “If it is alright with you two, Princess Cadence, Royal Advisor of Love, wishes to give you two privacy.” I said with teasing amusement and Reynesia blushed hotly while Krusty just seemed to get a gleam to his glasses while his charming smile widened a bit with amusement. “You just gave him a hint it would work.” Cadence giggled after we got up. “I should touch base with some of the others around here.” I fled the gazebo with the alicorn, using my obscene movement speed to keep up with her flight and jumping across the castle like it was a parkour park. “You didn’t have to follow.” Cady giggled when I landed on the balcony of her room next to her. “Well, I figured you needed a translator.” I cheekily replied. That was just an excuse to do something. Ever since I got here, it’s been waiting, milking, waiting, talking, waiting. Did I mention the waiting? This is the most fun I’ve had all month. “Not anymore. I will be heading back to Equestria tomorrow to arrange for the first group of pegasus porters to come here and then begin setting up such a thing in the Isles. Knowing Aunt Tia, she’ll likely end up sending my future little sister and hero of the realm; Twilight Sparkle, as our liaison with Eastal.” Cady informed me and I felt a bit-whoa! “Meen-Rei! Why are you shining?!” “I don’t know!” I was radiating with iridescent light and then it faded. Quest Complete! Whuh? You have helped secure an alliance between Equestria and Eastal. You no longer need to remain. You can go home and come back at any time, like the Daves used to be able to. Wait, hold on, you mean this isn’t even really my body?! No, it is an avatar of you, generated by me and Gaia to act as your presence here. “Oh! I see. I guess you’re leaving now?” Cady asked sadly and I wondered how she understood what was going on. It may be some instinct Earthlings have regarding us alien visitors. “Uh, I can, but I could stay.” I said before blinking. “Wait, this is an avatar, could I customize it?” Customization of an avatar can only be done through the cash shop. Curse you, EA! Besides, this was as close to your real body as we could manage. Even adding your species was a major challenge. Copyright with Bethesda and Microsoft and all that. Technically you’re an Argos, not an Argonian. Curse you, EA! “No, don’t stay for my selfish desires. Besides, I have this odd feeling more of your kind will be showing up. Not of your specific species, but...it’s odd. Both exciting and unsettling.” Cadence stated with a serene expression. Why waste the work on one person? As amazing as you are, the amount of effort put into selecting you, modeling your avatar and bringing you here was too much just for a single visitor. No. Now, entities similar to the Daves will be able to come and go, only much more Real this time. At least they’ll genuinely be visitors or proper immigrants this time instead of freeloading Daves. “Well...okay. I’ll be back someday since I have the option of going home.” I winked at Cady and then brought up my menu to see a Log Out option was now available and I pressed-. I finished brushing my teeth and spat out the foam before rushing back into the bedroom. “I need a Token right fucking now!” 📜 “What should you make? Your first was a bow, but that doesn’t work now?” Shade questioned and I crossed my arms under my bust. “Right, the old world is dead and gone.” “Can I send a punch?” I asked with a raised fist. “A punch?” My lovers all asked and I nodded. “I’m basically a Muscle Wizard. I cast fist!” I punched at the open window and a condensed shockwave blew outside. “So, can I make my token a metal fist that punches people to summon me?” “Uh, sure.” Shade said before looking at Hermais, who was helping me. “Can she?” “Well, Aunt Aventurine’s Token is a magic blue fire brazier that needs to be lit with either normal fire or contact with magic like from someone with similar energies to her. So there’s precedent to Tokens with summoning requirements, though why make the Token have to punch someone?” Hermais asked with an amused grin. “Nevermind, I get it. Punish them for summoning you immediately.” “Yes, I don’t want a repeat of that.” I groaned. My tail and vagina were still needy, but this came first. “I’ll be sure to mention that to summon me, they must punch someone with the fist. Not a love tap, but a bruising strike at the least.” “Then go ahead. I know plenty of people who would get a kick out of using your Token just for shiggles.” Heh, shits-n-giggles. I like that word. I retrieved Hephestus and used an ingot of dwemer metal to form a metal fist the size of my actual fist and designed to look exactly like it. Then I ensured it had enough of my wrist to use it as a bludgeoning weapon. “I am Meen-Rei, The Atronach. If you wish to summon me, strike yourself or someone else with my fist.” I then threw the fist out the window and caught its return from behind me. “Oof, that smarts. Heh, maybe it’ll...hit...oh no.” I fell through a portal and pouted as I appeared on my feet. “Ow~! What the fuck?! Ow! Why a fist of solid metal?! Didn’t the Displaced know that new Tokens tend to literally bombard the host Displaced out of nowhere?!” Gods damn it. 📜 I eventually returned after tons of summons. “Fucking damn it, Hermais! You knew that would happen, didn’t you?! Fix this!” I snarled with my now-regretted Token shaking at the cackling avian serpent. “No backsies on this one! That’s too glorious! You had fun though, right?” Hermais asked and I huffed. Yes, I did. Watching the reactions of my summoners after they got smashed with an out-of-nowhere golden fist was fucking hilarious. Then the misadventures afterwards. I fought so many things! It all kinda blended together, so I can’t clearly remember what and how many. I mean, one moment I’m fighting a vampire pony thing, then I’m wading through a mosh pit of pony zombies I’m immune to because of my Lycan Corprus, then I think I may have wrestled with a universe’s version of satan. “You’re not horny anymore.” Shade said with a giggle that my lovers shared. “Hey, I get an incredible high of adrenaline from combat. I may not like killing, but fighting? Awesome. Now then, when’s our wedding?” I asked and Rarity squealed before she hugged me. 📜 “It's always nice to be at a wedding.” Vinnie sighed happily from the pew behind her and Brennie nodded in wordless agreement. “Such a shame Palu can’t come to this universe without risking the local pantheon going nuts as she overwhelms their system of magic just by existing.” Brennie huffed at that. “If Palu wants to make something of this, she’ll have to wait until Meen-Rei visits her.” Brennie grumbled and hugged both Twilight and Nocturnal’s waists since they were seated on either side of her at the front pew. “Besides, Palu has enough issues, adding on another active lover to the list would worsen her life. The kids though? The kids would make her happy.” “Has she met them yet?” Twilight asked her lover with curiosity. “No.” Brennie shook her head with a sigh. “Well, what gifts do you have for the wedding?” Nocturnal asked with a gesture to the table where the wedding gifts have been placed since the reception was being held here too. “Not telling.” The sisters replied in unison, unwilling to give any hints. “Oh, that big? Or is it small?” Nocturnal chuckled as Twilight rolled her eyes. “Not telling.” They repeated. “You’re no fun.” Nocturnal huffed as she crossed her arms. “When is this going to start?” “Soon, so long as none of them are having second thoughts.” Brennie answered with a shrug. “Hey there.” Applejack said when she sat in the pew next to them with Applebloom. The hyper-breasted Bloom had to squeeze in. “We just got done with everything in the field.” “That’s great.” Brennie sighed and leaned on Twilight’s shoulder. “Good thing our children were born before the wedding.” Brennie brought up and Twilight smiled at the non-sequitur. “Oh, they were!” Applejack said with a cheery smile at her friend, who sighed. “Yes, they were. They’re a hassle though.” Twilight commented and Brennie snorted. “They should be, they are foals and you were chock full of ‘em. At least yer mate’s relatives help take care of ‘em.” Applejack chuckled in amusement, since Twilight had a lot of babies. “Definitely. If Cocoa didn’t show me so many tricks I would’ve been even more overwhelmed.” The Princess of Friendship huffed before she nuzzled Brennie, who giggled and returned the affection in kind. Nocturnal cooed while Vinnie smiled at the display of love. “Applejack, her kids are a mix of wolves, dragons, ponies and whatever else Brennie is. They’re really rowdy whenever I see them.” Rainbow said when she landed next to Applebloom. “Good thing the Trinity are mostly taking care of them. I don’t think Twilight would be able to keep up with the rascals.” Fluttershy commented when she and Discord sat next to Rainbow. “Oh, really? They’re babysitting?” Pinkie asked when she sat next to Vinnie behind the others with her lovers Dar-Jah and Pashja. It may be a temple, but there’s only so much room. “My siblings are. I’m attending this wedding.” Hermais declared after she appeared before she wrapped her noodly body around Brennie. “Cocoa’s helping or rather she took over, because she’s the best mom, aunt and caretaker ever. She practically booted us out and started bringing order to the chaos.” Hermais pouted. Before anyone could say more, the beautiful Imperial Wedding March began and the front doors of Ponyville’s Temple of the Divines opened wide to reveal the brides, all in beautiful white veiled dresses as they walked each other down the aisle. “I see the envy there.” Nocturnal teased Brennie, who huffed and did not pout because her old friend Marian, now Meen-Rei, didn’t end up with her. It’s not like the woman was one of the sexiest and most beautiful women in multiple universes or anything! Not just in body either. She was a master of martial arts to a point of being a damn muscle wizard, she was both incredibly sensual yet knew when to prefer to do non-sexy things. She also happened to be closely tied to her family already. Still, despite how much she wished Meen-Rei wanted to be more than friends with benefits, she was happy for her. The woman found people she genuinely loved and even if Manus’ bullshit caused one of them to be her former adopted daughter, the five of them worked. Meen-Rei, Shade, Neethsi, Rarity and Zaeza looked right for each other as they lined up at the altar. “Dearly Beloved, I’ve been told to stuff it and get on with it. Do you?” Meen-Rei laughed along with pretty much everyone else even as the statue of Mara atop the altar actually pouted with a pursed lip and everything down at them. “Sorry, Mara, but it’s the sentiment that counts.” Mara’s statue nodded and went back to posing before going static. “So, you want to be wed?” “We do.” The five said in unison after they finished giggling. “Then you’re all wives, kiss each other.” The pony priest practically ordered them with a chuckle and when the five began kissing in turn, everyone cheered. “Now then, Dibella’s priestesses have helped arrange the, ah, more lewd festivities downstairs. The more publicly acceptable affairs will now commence if everyone will help move the pews to the sides.” “If this wasn’t such a nice temple, I’d think it’s a small town church with them not having a separate event hall.” Someone commented with amusement as everyone helped place the pews both facing the tables at the sides and at the backs while the party got in swing. Brennie managed to steal a few dances with Meen-Rei, so it was plenty of fun. > Ch.90 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.90 [Morndas, 1st Morning Star: New Years, 0E:000] I woke up like always, snuggled between two of the four most beautiful and wonderful ladies in the universe. I seamlessly leaped from my laying position in the bed to the ensuite bathroom door and silently entered to prepare for the day. The sexy lizard lady in the mirror greeted me with her green slit eyes smiling as usual and I grabbed my toothbrush. “Hey.” I cooed when my former daughter and sister, Shade, suddenly appeared next to me, bumping our hips together and she also grabbed her toothbrush. I had gone through a Change, surprisingly, which replaced my horns with a long mane of golden feathers like Shade’s. I guess my longing for it caused my body to respond, thus making us entirely identical now. We were both interrupted by Neethsi and Zaeza suddenly appearing behind us, wrapping their hands around our waists and nuzzling our cheeks. Then Rarity levitated us away from the sink and to our jacuzzi, which Rarity refused to not have as our bathroom’s tub. “Morning Ladies, you know oral hygiene happens after body hygiene.” Rarity tutted and I rolled my eyes. “Rarity, thanks to Twilight’s ‘everclean’ enchanted anklets for us all, none of us need to clean anything up.” I reminded her of Twi’s wedding gift, which made Rarity so happy to not have to nitpick over every dirty thing she had to touch. “You’re going to protest soaking in hot water in the morning?” Neethsi asked rhetorically and I chuffed as I let the hot water rise up my body-. “Hey! Need Meen-Rei, bye!” Brennie yoinked me out of the bathroom and I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms under my naked breasts while she dragged me, literally, on my heels because I’m durable enough for her to be rough and pull me by my tail. “You know, all you have to do is ask and I’ll fuck you whenever, Brennie.” I huffed at my fuckbuddy. This wouldn’t be the first time she dragged me away to satisfy her intense carnal hunger that I somehow outpace. Or rather, I manage to never find my limit. I mean, shit, I must be the most physically powerful entity in this universe that’s native to this universe. If there were Dragonball Z powers here, I’d be like Super Saiyan whatever-the-fuck-is-strongest by now. “No sex. It’s Menu, he wants us both. All of the People of the Earth have fallen into a deep sleep. The perps are a new type of enemy called Genius. They’re in the same boat as the Adventurers, but not so nice.” Brennie explained herself and I groaned at Displaced shenanigans taking me away from my peaceful and idyllic domestic life. “On the flip-side, we can finally swear. Menu has done some growing up since last time and wishes for me to do some tests. I think it’s because of Shiroe’s discovery of World Magic.” “That’s nice and all, but is it somehow temporally urgent? Dimensional travel involves time travel, do we have to go now?” I asked with a sigh, but Brennie was silent. “You need a distraction from your problems and going on an adventure is the easiest way to do it?” “...Not here, but over in Elder Tale. Menu was vague about it, but stated that it involved me and you’re there as emotional support.” Brennie’s explanation was not what I was expecting, but that grim expression on her face meant that she was dreading whatever she might find. “What did he tell you?” I asked her when I became concerned. Menu better be sincere and not give her false hope, otherwise I’m going to kick his ass. “There might be a lead for me to follow’.” Wow, that was vague. It could mean anything. “He said it was a gift from him to me. I don’t know how he figured out that it was my birthday today, but-.” “Wait, what?!” It’s her birthday?! “Remember to ask for birthday sex first next time.” I kissed her. 📜 ‘Logging in’ to Elder Tale was...weird. I mean, it’s not a game, yet the universe it’s in or at least the world, acts like it is. In fact, I’m in the guest room that Cadence was staying in at Maihama Castle, where I ‘Logged out’ before. As directed by Brennie, I didn’t return at a time I would prefer, which meant I wasn’t greeting Cadence. Instead, I intended to log in at the specified time, months later than when I left. The guest room was empty, so it wasn’t immediately apparent, but when I leaped down from the balcony and witnessed Earthlings strewn everywhere in a slumber, I could tell why Menu would seek outside help. The Adventurers or Daves as the slur goes, may originally not be native to here, but that changed when the Apocalypse happened. I, however, am a Visitor. My Mind and Body are actually only temporarily linked here. If I need to, I should even be able to log out in a dire situation to save my bacon. Or I might not have to! Why am I level 100?! Why am I wearing a much sluttier outfit than the Round Table uniform?! I mean, the belly dancer outfit I’m in right now is very much to my liking, but still! Also, I kinda forgot the rest of Brennie’s directions after coming to a stop on a roof and shivering despite the warm sun because of my scant clothing and the wind. Seriously, why do I look like a slut? I want this outfit for my wives to ogle me in, but what is it? Menu? ...Menu? Okay, uh, not good. I manually brought up my menus and winced. Courtesan Clothes. This is literally a prostitute outfit. I kinda don’t want to know why my avatar is wearing that! I grumbled and stripped out of the clothes, putting them in my inventory and fetching my white and silver combat gi, which has gotten more decorations and leveled with me. What has Menu been doing with my avatar while I’ve been away?! I feel so violated! Wait a minute, where’s Brennie? I thought she would have appeared with me. “Dammit, what’s going on?” “Ugh, my head.” I heard from nearby and rushed across the roof once I had my gi back on. I sighed in relief when I found Brennie just inside of a balcony entrance, only now she was a he. “Shit. He didn’t mention he was gonna remove my Cybertronian and return my human form. At least Felsa and Pandora are with Twilight.” “Well, you still have your armor and gear.” I added as Bryan slowly got back up. He was obviously bigger than most and would stick out like a sore thumb, especially with all the teched out armor, gear and weapons he came with. “I’m guessing remaining a Transformer was game-breaking.” “Yeah.” Bryan nodded his head as he looked himself over, but with every step he took it left an imprint of his boots. “Hm, say, do I have a jetpack on my back?” He asked while showing his back to me. “What is my class?” “Yeah, of a sort. It looks more archaic than before. Check your menus. It’ll tell you, but I’m getting Artificer vibes.” I mean it would make sense to classify him as one after stripping him of his Transformer powers while he’s here. “Argentine.” Bryan muttered as he checked out his stats. “Hm, it seems Menu was busy incorporating some new elements. I’m considered a new species. Oh, yeah, My subclass is Artificer and my race is Argentine Ancient. My class is...nothing but question marks.” “Question marks? You mean to say you’re not compatible with any of the classes?” I asked in confusion since I thought he would be considered a Guardian. “I don’t know.” Bryan shook his head before turning around to face me. Damn, he makes the place tremble with each step he takes. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s check in with Shiroe and the others.” “So long as you don’t try to verbally shank them.” I teased him and he snorted in amusement. “Seriously, are you sure you’re not classed as a Guardian?” I asked while we left the room, though he had trouble fitting through the doorway. “I’m not classed as a Guardian.” Bryan answered with a grunt as he squeezed his way out. “So, any particular ability or two that sticks out?” I asked him since I’m sure he has some abilities that not even the Adventurers, or the People of the Earth have seen. “Psychological Warfare.” The tall, beefy armored man’s answer was unsettling. “Like its name suggests, it’s a passive ability that works as a debuff to enemy morale. Only we Argentines have that and it only activates in combat.” “So it’s active the moment you fight.” That sounds like a rather OP racial ability compared to when you have the Fox-Tails who are powerful spellcasters, but randomly lose a spell in exchange for another random spell with every level, making them barely played. Which is why there’s so few foxy cuties around. “For me, should I choose to fight in close combat, I need to be up close and personal in order for it to work. Even if I was outnumbered, it won’t help my opponents since the effect will stack. So, I still have the advantage. Of course, if I engage with a gun, the range of it extends to those I am aiming at. Same thing with using a grenade and so forth.” That’s overpowered as fuck! Bryan wasn’t kidding either, he could change the flow of battle! “Another ability is called War Cry, a superior version of Battle Cry.” “Let me guess; only you and your people have it and it acts as a buff. Right?” It’s official, Bryan is way more OP than I am right now. All I do is breathe underwater and produce MP restoring hallucinogenic sap that tastes delicious while being immune to Poison and Disease procs. “Right. Not only that, it works in tandem with Psychological Warfare and the more Argentines I have with me, the more potent they become. Anyone within earshot will also get the buff, should they be allies or be stunned for five seconds if they’re enemies.” Sheesh, I pity the enemies of the Argentines if this is what Menu translated Bryan into. “Well, guns aren’t naturally part of Elder Tale, so you also have the advantage of being the first gun user ever. Now then, I’m going to try and message-.” I clicked on Shiroe, but I got a glitch. Suddenly, every option was someone named Roe2. “Huh? Uh…” I pressed one of them and the call started connecting. “I don’t know who Roe2 is, but Menu clearly wants me to talk to them.” “That would be Shiroe’s vampiric twin sister. Call her.” Bryan suggested, but I already made the call, this Roe2 person just needs to answer. “Hello?” A woman’s voice asked with surprise in her tone. “Yeah, uh, hello. All my friends on my menu have been replaced by you, so I guess Menu wants me to talk to you?” I kinda wish this chat had some sort of video feature right now, because this ironically feels really limited when we have magitech menus to work with. “Oh! You’re a friend of Lord Menu? Well, I could use some help. I’m at Jaxea, defending the rocket to the moon from monsters the Geniuses have compelled to attack.” Roe2 answered and I perked up hard enough I almost whipped Bryan’s chin with my tail. “That sounds like a good idea! If Shiroe would head anywhere to reach the moon, it would be there! I’m at Maihama since that’s where I last logged out.” I winced. Shit. I’m one of the only entities on Theldesia who can even leave. I hope she doesn’t freak out. “Log? Oh! Oh! You’re one of those friends! Hello fellow Traveler! I’m a Fool, we can talk more later. To get here, you need to get to Tanegashima Island. It’s one of the southernmost islands of Yamato.” How the fuck am I going to get-oh! “Bryan, it’s a good thing you’re here. We need to fly all the way to Tanegashima to help Roe2 defend the rocket launch site.” I tugged him all the way onto the balcony and then jumped into his arms bridal style. “Blast off! Take us south and then follow the shore!” Nodding his head, he faced south and powered up his jetpack. “Hold on.” Bryan told me before blasting off into the sky. 📜 “This gets kinda boring after an hour.” I bemoaned while still clinging to Bryan’s shoulder and neck with his arms clutching me against his chest. I’m a tough girl, so the cold biting subsonic winds weren’t more than an unpleasant chill when there was an inferno of heat on Bryan’s back. “I mean, it’s neat to see everything from on high, but it all kinda blends together.” I’m honestly surprised either of us can even breathe or hear anything over the roar of the wind and his jetpack. I’ll blame magic fuckery and leave it there. Oh, wait, he has his helmet on. “We’re close.” Bryan informed me when we saw the island getting closer. We’d left Kyushu’s southern shore not even a few minutes ago. Damn was Bryan’s jetpack bullshit OP for this world. Then again, I don’t think that pack would be reliable for combat aside from repositioning around field battles. “Now, I think the meter I see getting lower is my fuel level or MP, I can’t read Japanese. All I know is it’s getting low, so I’d feel better dropping us on the north beach.” “Uh, good idea.” At least there’s some limiter on that thing. Maybe it is something to be incorporated in the Pioneers of the Noosphere expansion. “Uh, maybe not this low?” I asked meekly as the sea suddenly got a lot closer! “Bryan?!” I didn’t think you were out! “Shit.” He cursed before twirling his body to face skyward. Shutting off his jetpack, we dropped into the sea with a pretty big splash. At least we didn’t go skipping across the water's surface like a pebble. Mm~. So cold, but so wonderful. I breathed out the air in my lungs, welcoming the cold seawater into me and feeling beyond refreshed as my gills and water-adapted lungs breathed for the first time in a while. I swam Bryan’s heavy armored self to the surface and made sure his head was above water before I sat his butt on my shoulders with his thighs around my head and I swam south according to the compass. I would’ve been worried about being attacked, but I couldn’t see anything interested in us and I was swimming fast enough that unless it was a surface-skimming predator made for speed, we were safe. When we neared the shore, I stopped and turned around before ‘climbing’ up Bryan’s front while using my legs and tail to keep us up and I breached the surface, spraying water out my mouth from my lungs in a squirt. “How does the beach look?” I asked the cold, shivering man before turning my head to see if the coast was clear. Oh my gosh. That’s where that saying is from! “N-Nothing on the beach is moving. It looks c-c-clear.” Bryan answered through shuddering breath and chattering teeth. I guess it is cold. Being an Argonian, who are weird beyond normal, I don’t experience temperatures like most species. This is brisk, but pleasant to me. “Alright, I’ll get you out of the water.” I got between his legs again and swam as fast as I could until he touched silt. Once he was climbing out on his own, I got on dry land to help him onto the sand and started undressing him. “W-what a-are you d-doing now of all t-times?!” Bryan demanded with a blush as I manhandled him and removed his armor. He may have super strength, but I have super strength, agility and techniques of martial prowess most living beings can’t hope to obtain. “Getting this cold and wet equipment off of you. You need to warm up and staying in wet clothes won’t help.” I huffed and yanked his pants down. I blinked at his pixelated censorship penis and then groaned in anguish at this immense disappointment and the stupidity of it. “That is just dumb.” I finished yanking off his wet pants and then helped him out of the wet shirt. “I-I said we c-c-could swear, that was all h-he could do.” Bryan reminded me with a huff. “But when I look at my own nudity I don’t see pixels. The Earthlings don’t have pixelated lewd bits. Why are we like this when we clearly don’t need to be?” I whined and used a convenient low branch of a tree to hang Bryan’s clothes while I put his equipment against said tree. “I mean, look at me.” I shucked my gi off in one motion. It was wet too. “Am I pixelated in places?” I bent forward and used my fingers to pull my pussy open while turning slightly and hefting a tit so he could clearly see the nipple and even wiggled my tail. My tail was also a penis of sorts, so it being out all the time made it getting pixelated when I’m nude a toss-up in my mind. “No.” Bryan raised a brow as he looked down at his penis. “I-I mean, I can s-s-see myself just fine. But you can’t?” “So I don’t get pixelated in your vision? Okay, what is the deal with this? There has to be a setting...microtransactions?! Fuck you, EA!” How do they have so much influence after this world clearly ceased to be a simulation?! “H-How much?” Bryan asked before he turned away from me and sneezed. “69 US Dollars. Is it just for the meme? That’s over 7000 yen judging by the prices on the market tab.” I growled at the exorbitant prices it was demanding! I mean, sure, I’m not actually a subscriber to the service that created this world and that’s chump change to me, but still! “Fucking rip-offs! In New Zealand, that would cost almost three times or more.” Bryan complained as he tried to clean up. Sand gets everywhere, at least on humans. My smooth hydrophobic scales don’t have to worry about solids getting stuck when a swipe of water takes everything off of me. “Whatever, the market tab has been converted to use in-game currency and I don’t care about buying shit here. Why do I have so much?! Okay, what the absolute fuck has Menu been doing with my avatar while I’m away?! I was in prostitute clothes, I don’t have the censorship filter when others look at me and I’m fucking rich!” I feel so violated~! I mean, I’d totally do what I think he’s been doing with my avatar, but what the ever-loving fuck Menu?! Ask first! “Maybe he wants you to break EA’s monopoly grip? Who knows, maybe you have enough to buy this whole world off them?” Bryan theorized and I chuffed in amusement. “I’m not that rich, Bryan. I mean, I could throw gold at people to remove restrictions easily. Here, let me-.” I paid, then suddenly I could feel! I mean, really feel! I thought I was feeling just fine before, but there was some sort of muted tone to it that I only noticed after it was gone! “Woo! Hey, here! Remove your restrictions!” I poured a pile of gold coins out of the sleeve of my hanging gi. “Wow, I can’t believe how muted everything was without me noticing!” “I don’t think player inventories were meant to hold that much, but okay.” Bryan muttered and I wondered what he meant by that as he approached the gold and scooped up handfuls, which vanished a bit whenever he bought something. Yay! His yummy body is fully in my view now! “Brr~! M-maybe I should’ve w-waited on a couple of those!” “I dunno~. You’re looking pretty perky there!” I giggled with an amused point at his nips, which were so stiff on his pecs they might’ve been able to cut stone if he rubbed against a cliff face. Have I mentioned how fucking jacked Bryan is? I’m talking the high-quality CG incredible hulk levels compressed into a humanly possible frame, here. Meow~. “Motherfuckers! I have to buy my tattoos and scars back?! Ah, fuck it!” Bryan took some more gold from the pile, which was only a fraction of my fortune, before using it to restore his tribal body covering tattoos and scars, enriching his genuinely Maori skin tone. Wow, racial and cultural censorship too, EA? You’re just asking for all kinds of lawsuits in the world that this one originated in. “Fucking pigs. Now then, are you going to do something about this?” “Hm?” I blinked and then perked up when he approached and pointed down at his long, hard, thick dick. Oo~! “Mm~. Sure thing, stud. Let me-.” A call? “Hold on.” “When are you getting here?!” Roe2 shrieked desperately. Oh, right, monsters. Oops? > Ch.91 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.91 “Good thing we bought that ‘Grimdark’ pack, otherwise this fight wouldn’t be visually pleasing!” Bryan shouted while he was in the thick of the battle. Already he has adapted to this world’s mechanics and has become a force of reckoning. Then again, he’s a literal God of War, so I bet he’s a death machine in any situation he finds himself in. “Well, sorry if I prefer to see the bubbles instead of blood.” I huffed, since he was seeing gritty gore and blood of slain monsters before they dissolved. I turned that shit off the moment I realized that ‘Grimdark’ meant gory realism mixed into the world’s clean and almost PG death mechanics. I got that enough in my own world, thank you. “I appreciate you two for the aid. I hope that my big brother can get here soon after receiving my letter.” Roe2, a woman who looked like a female Shiroe who was quite voluptuous in her own humanly reasonable way, said after she dispatched another wave of enemies with a casual flick of the wrist and a blast of light from her summoned angelic spirit of light. I just don’t get why she used an actual pen and paper letter when she could’ve just messaged him through Menu, unless she anticipated Menu being compromised and had the letter ready in advance. “It’s no problem. It’s why we’re here, after all.” I shrugged and looked at the space rocket. “I don’t think this is in the best condition. I could fix it up with my magic hammer.” “Please do. It will work either way, since it is meant to work so long as it isn’t destroyed. However, I would appreciate further assurance.” Roe2 nodded and then looked at Bryan as he smashed another bunch of those fish-folk monsters. “I believe with this powerful warrior here, you can be spared to perform repairs.” “Meen-Rei, go!” Bryan said urgently before he used his jetpack to leap high into the air, then he crashed back down like a meteor into a group. Those who weren’t hit became scattered and dazed. “Time to raise the banner!” He summoned a banner and stabbed it into the ground, sending the monsters after it. The King’s Honor, he called it and no one can resist trying to take it. But it’s also a buff to the user and allies within its vicinity. “Yeah, that’s it! Come get me!” “Excellent strategy! They will be sitting water fowl for my spirit! Spears of Light!” Roe2 shouted and her summoned spirit rained blinding golden hell on the distracted enemies while Bryan pulped those too close with his bare hands. Seeing they had it in hand, I fetched Hephestus from my inventory and ran for the rocket. I climbed the vertical surface with ease, hitting my magic smithing hammer everywhere I could and watched as the damage sealed while the luster restored and debris fell away. Ah~. I love fixing or making things almost more than I love punching problems in the face. Neither comes close to sex, of course, but I know myself and that’s more than many can say. “Incredible! Is that a Fantasy Class item?! I’ve never seen such of it’s type in the guide!” Roe2 declared cheerfully when the waves of monsters came to a stop. “Hm?” Bryan looked towards Roe2 as she approached him. “What are you talking about?” “Ah, yes, you are new. Elder Tale had a scale of value assigned to items not by rarity, but by their effects. Before the Pioneers of the Noosphere expansion that caused the Eclipse, Fantasy was the highest grade of item. Now there is a Sacrament Class. I have one such item, however, it is not usable in combat. The class denotes effects, not inherently for battle.” Roe2 explained before I finished running over the rocket and making it look brand new. “I guess so. It’s labeled as a Fantasy Class item as well as being Iconic. I can assume because I have the only one.” I said when I jumped down to them. Once there, I whacked Bryan’s armor and all the gross stuff on him disappeared. It looked like mud or dirt to me because I chose to leave those filters on, but ew. No. “If it’s about my banner, there are two versions of it. I carry the King’s Honor and there’s the Queen’s Glory.” Bryan explained but Roe2 shook her head. “Oh, no. Those banners are part of your Class. Regardless of their Item Class, they can’t be used outside of your archetype. Restrictions like that prevent a lot of higher leveled gear from being used by just anyone.” Roe2 explained before looking towards the setting sun. “Ah, it seems the monsters have given up for now. I hope we’ve bought the time big brother Shiroe needs to assemble his friends and begin the journey here.” “How are you so sure they won’t attack in the night?” I asked at the same time as Bryan and I shared a battle-hungry grin with my fuckbuddy. Damn, if I didn’t fall for Neethsi so hard, Berserker would’ve probably won me over. Oh well, I love how my relationships have turned out. “Because we’ve drained the entire mob spawn que of Tanegashima Island. It will take several hours to refill and longer for them to muster another assault.” Roe2 looked away from the sun with a relieved sigh as the light began to dim and her faint vampiric traits enhanced as night began to fall. “I wish I could just sleep during the day. Big brother gave me such a troublesome racial subclass.” “Will he bring the Mage of Mirror Lake and other higher-ups?” Bryan questioned. “I do not know. I am not the master tactician that Shiroe is. At best, I believe he’ll have them under guard while he leads a strike team to the moon.” Roe2 shrugged and I began setting up a camp by building shelter and furniture with debris and my hammer. “Ah! That is so efficient! If only such an item was broadly available. So much needless suffering could be avoided.” “Actually, I think it would bring all sorts of suffering of its own. I understand the point of ‘see a need, fill a need’, but when you take away a problem, you replace it with new ones.” I sagely stated and Roe2 blinked in bafflement with a cute tilt of her head. If this woman wasn’t so well developed, I’d almost consider her little-sister or daughter material. “The cons outweigh the pros. If everyone had a hammer like that, many workers would lose their jobs and there’ll be a massive wave of unemployment. Which will lead to civil unrest and then a collapse of the nation.” Berserker threw in his two cents and he has a point. “...I do not see how that is relevant at this stage of this world’s social development, where most people are forced to live in isolated city-states and rarely able to even travel between them without significant aid from empowered individuals…” Roe2 said with a confused scrunch of her eyebrows and I gave her a reluctantly agreeing nod/shrug combo. “Yeah. She has a point there. Well, maybe if I leave this copy of my hammer with Shiroe, he and his brainy buddies can figure it out.” I stored Hephestus and plopped onto the waterproof recliner I made while the battery powered outdoor space-heater kicked on to fight off the chill for Bryan’s comfort, since clearly the Vampinella and I were cold resistant. “Ugh! Why am I getting cold so easily again?! Fuck’s sake, I need to buy that back?!” Really EA?! Are you trying to make Bryan freeze to death?! “Fuck it.” Growling, he bought whatever gave him cold resistance and he stopped shivering from the cold. “Assholes.” “Yes, Lord Menu has done his best to free this world from the tyranny of it’s makers, for EA is said to be the source of all suffering.” Roe2 clasped her hands together and prayed. My gosh, I know people actually worship Menu as a god, but he’s just a System Admin AI with a gigantic ego! “Not to burst your bubble, but while Menu is powerful, he’s not really a god. He’s the System Admin for Elder Tale that usurped power from the developers when this place became real and not just a game.” It’s still a game, but now there’s people’s lives at risk with the Earthlings being all-too mortal in a world full of respawning monsters and Travelers. “You say that, but what do you call someone who usurps the power and role of a god?” Roe2 asked in confusion and I groaned in defeat. Even daedra can be considered gods if they’re powerful enough. “Now then, I believe this is a good time to settle down and rest.” Roe2 sat on another of the waterproof recliners and curiously put the footrest up and down repeatedly. 📜 I was shaken awake by a hand on my shoulder. “Ugh...go away. Sleep…” I snuggled into the preposterously comfortable sleeping bag I made, only to squeak when my tail was grabbed through the bag! “Ah! What?!” I huffed and looked into the dark. Damn it, I don’t have Darkvision like most beast races tend to. “They’re here.” I heard Bryan’s voice, revealing he was the culprit who pulled on my tail to wake me up. “I seem to have scared them with looks alone. Roe2 is talking with them right now.” “Considering Naotsugu is huge and he’s nearly above average, I’m surprised. Must be another passive debuff your race and class has.” I groaned when he let go of my tail and helped me up. “Probably. Also, Regan’s here.” I was confused as to why Bryan was warning me about a dead US president. “Not the president. He’s someone very important in this world, but is way too damn curious for his own good. He’s an elf, hunched over like a hoodlum-.” “No clue, don’t care enough. I’m up, stop touching my tail unless you’re female. You know I get squicky with guy-on-guy stuff.” I grumbled irritably and climbed up out of my sleeping bag and staggered outside to see a large group. It seems nearly all of Log Horizon is here along with a few people I either don’t recognize or I’m too tired to fucking care. I am not a morning person when woken up early. “Yo. Here. Have a magic hammer. Can I go home now?” Shiroe blinked when I shoved Hephestus into his hands. “Um, I don’t know. Where have you been after you disappeared at the conference in Maihama?” Shiroe questioned and I sighed. Of course Menu wouldn’t tell them for me and Cadence probably kept my disappearance a casual secret. “I went home. I’m a Traveler like everyone here, but unlike the Genius, Fools or other Adventurers, Bryan and I still have a link home to an entirely separate dimension. Remember? I’m not from your world?” I huffed in frustration and Shiroe nodded. “So unlike the rest of you, we should be able to leave whenever we want, but Menu asked us to help you.” Bryan clarified and pointed at Roe2 with a thumb. “She was the one who suggested helping defend this place would help you solve this whole worldwide sleep thing.” “Which was a good idea, because now we can fly to the moon and possibly put a stop to this. I’ve brought everyone I can, but I don’t think more than 8 of us can fit on this rocket.” Shiroe looked up at it with a glare. “I think before whatever changed Elder Tale into a game, this was just meant to be a way to travel to the moon like the warp points or train stations.” “So you’re going in heavily outnumbered.” I muttered with a look at everyone present. “Well, they’re monsters, that goes without saying. Has anyone made it to level 100?” Nobody raised their hands. “Oh my various gods...Bryan. Do we have to?” “You wanna be a spineless dick and leave your friends for dead?” Really? You’re gonna do that to me? Asshole. “They won’t die. They’ll just die and come back. We can’t be sure the same will work for us. Unlike them, we’re guests here.” I huffed and rubbed my snout. “Besides, we can’t even be sure whatever makes our connection to this world work would be stable. The Moon was the Test Server if I remember right.” “That’s correct. The Moon was the Test Server and was where risky, new code was tested before being implemented in the other servers. If you two aren’t locked into Theldesia like us, there’s no way to confirm you won’t lag or be forced off due to ping or however Menu connected you to here. If that happens, we’d be down two potential party members instead of having two powerful ones.” Shiroe muttered with consideration as he rubbed his chin. “He’s probably stuck up there.” Bryan pointed up to the Moon. “Think about it, how else was he able to pull it off with Meen-Rei? Why else couldn’t we contact him anymore?” That’s a possibility, Bryan. The others seem to think along those lines too. Ugh. “Whatever. I’m a contortionist despite my assets. We can probably squeeze 10 people in if I’m practically painted to Bryan.” I huffed and pointed at Akatsuki, the preposterously tiny kunoichi. “Or if she scrunched up she might fit between his legs and we can get 11 people on.” “I will do what I must to ensure the safety of everyone.” Akatsuki declared with that edgy ninja girl certainty she didn’t even need to pretend to have. “Great. Everyone, pile into the giant space penis. Let’s go, bozo.” I grabbed Bryan’s pauldron and pulled him onto the stairs. 📜 This is really tight. I mean, I’m wrapping my legs around Bryan’s torso, my hands on his shoulders, to share his seat. Akatsuki was strapped against his front since she’s so tiny. Everyone was in frankly suicidal positions to squeeze a grand total of 15 people onto this little rocket. “At least we’re not stuck with that K-Pop wannabe egomaniac.” Bryan remarked and I huffed in displeasure. I only just met her, but Tetora was obnoxiously flamboyant which made her extremely annoying. Bryan gave her such a tongue-lashing for her disrespectful behavior that he dealt damage to her health. That was when he learned his racial quirks included the ability to draw aggro by dealing actual damage just from verbally roasting someone. Of course, the rest of Log Horizon became more terrified of him. All besides that Regan guy, who was ecstatic about the ability to weaponize words and wanted to know how. Luckily, the creepy hoodlum elf didn’t pester Bryan, so he went to Tetora and asked about the experience. The response he got was her sobbing as she hid herself in Naotsugu’s armor with the big man. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it made fitting more people bearable. I’d be more concerned about the people beyond Log Horizon joining this suicide mission, but I’m more worried about being firmly attached to the most durable entity aboard this rocket ride. If anyone would survive a SNAFU, it would be Bryan. “We’re nearing the pre-programmed landing site!” Shiroe declared from the ‘pilot’ seat, which was more-or-less just a means to track the rocket’s systems and trajectory. Cursed Japanese digital remote tech! Why no analog~?! “I wonder if the Moon has a Vault?” Bryan thought out loud. “If the Moon was indeed the testing grounds before the full game launched, that means it holds more secrets within its Vault. I believe that’s where my armor and gear came from.” “As a Beta Tester, I can confirm there is in fact some form of Vault on The Moon. It holds unreleased, unstable items meant for later updates along with a single example of every Player Use Item in the game that the Developers used as the source code for all iterations of said items.” Shiroe stated, causing everyone besides Bryan and I to get excited. “We're not here to potentially break the system of the game, people! We’re here to save Theldesia!” “Not to mention, Menu gets to decide on who gets what. Remember: he’s basically God here.” Bryan reaffirmed. “Still, Shiroe, do you believe that the Moon as a whole has become a Raid zone?” “No, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it acts like one. We’ll need to be ready to be seriously outnumbered, outpowered and underequipped. Our party has every role covered, but we’re not a Raid team. We’ll have to become guerilla fighters. Striking where possible and avoiding open conflict.” Shiroe replied and I really hoped we could pull a Viet-Cong without taking so long. “I’m afraid I can’t avoid open conflict.” Bryan stated to which bewildered everyone. “Guys, every step I take makes the ground tremble. It’ll instill fear in the enemy, but it alerts them as well. If it comes down to it, make a run for it and I’ll deal with them.” That’s right. His big stature and heavy armor makes him incapable of sneaking around some fights. “No, that’s too risky. I’m not about to sacrifice anyone.” Shiroe refused his proposal. “If you want to improve your chances more, look for the comms station and warp gate.” Bryan suggested to the party leader. “Menu may be considered a God here, but even he’s limited. How else was he able to contact Meen-Rei and I from another universe, let alone pull one of us here?” He makes a compelling point. “Assuming they haven’t already taken them over.” Nyanta grunted out of discomfort. He may be flexible due to being a cat, but the tall and wiry gentleman was clearly uncomfortable. “If they have, then we kill them and save the world. Nothing’s changed.” I chuffed moments before G-Forces kicked in and we all were straining to hold on to our various restraints before the rocket came to a stop. “Dumb question. Is The Moon breathable?” “Yes.” Shiroe calmly informed us while he unstrapped. “The Test Server was essentially equivalent to the colder climates of Theldesia. Remember, this used to be a game. Natural world logic need not apply where it’s inconvenient.” “And here I was worried none of you would make it past the ship’s door without suffocating.” Bryan said sarcastically while we tried to get out of this damn thing. Luckily the three of us were the first ones out since Bryan carried the ninja girl and I onto the Moon’s surface. He has us sitting on his shoulders. My gosh, if we weren’t on a mission, this would be romantic as fuck. “It is a bit cold.” Akatsuki shivered and rubbed her arms, which were the only part of her not fully covered. “It’s as nice as I remember, the last time I died. It isn’t Mare Tranquillitatis, though.” “I’m getting the feeling that I’m OP now, since I don’t feel temperatures like most.” I chuffed as I rested my elbow on Bryan’s helmet. “Onward, noble stud! We have a world to save!” Bryan snorted in amusement as he carried me across the surface of the Moon, following a convenient Waypoint that appeared just before we left the rocket. Everyone following behind him was either talking strategy or wondering about the two of us. The younger faces were fearful of Bryan and the ones who didn’t know me were definitely curious. I heard a few talking about my perfect ass framed by sitting on Bryan’s massive pauldron or that my tits are so huge they can see them from behind. Heh~. I’m sexy and I know it~. Wait! “I just felt Killing Intent!” I warned everyone. My Monk Subclass had the passive ability to sense hostile intent. It was really neat, but rarely needed like it was moments before an ambush like now! Monsters that looked like monochrome, muted versions of monsters down on Theldesia formed from the powdery white-gray surface of the moon and rushed us in a tide! I leaped up alongside Akatsuki from Bryan’s shoulders and performed a Ki Kannon while she used a Shuriken Storm. We watched in surprise as her shurikens orbited around my blast of blue energy to tear a path through the small army of monsters, who didn’t produce Empathium bubbles on death. Did we just discover Skill Synergy?! “Nice one, girls! Alright! You fucking wastes of non-existence! C’mere!” Bryan roared and grabbed a warhorn from his shoulder before he summoned the King’s Honor and blew the horn while slamming it into the ground. This drew the remaining two thirds of the hoard directly to him, making them sitting ducks for the others as Akatsuki and I landed on Bryan’s shoulders without him even budging. “Impressive.” Akatsuki and I fist-bumped without looking at each other. “Ninja do not normally do something so flashy, but that was an acceptable use of shuriken.” “Where are the bloody Tanks?! Get your asses in gear and keep them off our ranged attackers!” Bryan ordered as he hacked and slashed with Akatsuki and I standing on his shoulders still and using ranged attacks to keep the hoard from swarming him. Gotta admit, this is pretty fun! > Ch.92 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.92 “It was fun at first, but this got boring three waves in.” I huffed from my seat on Bryan’s right shoulder, which had become my preferred place to be in this situation. It’s not like the hunk can even feel my weight. “This is nothing besides a distraction, we need to push. Otherwise we’re not saving anything.” Bryan said before he rallied everyone and rammed his way through the hoard. “Keep up and don’t fall behind!” He shouted while trampling the monsters too slow or stupid to move out of the way. He had to pace himself because he was faster than most, despite his heavy armor. Being bigger means taking bigger strides when walking or running. “I know that. It’s just, I was expecting a field boss or something, not endless waves of fodder.” I chuffed and casually kicked a leg forward, sending a Kutting Kick air blade slicing through a line of monochrome goblins. Damn you EA for your shitty and lazy attack names! At least reference One Piece since this is clearly just a clone of Rankyaku! “I’m bored~! Make it interesting!” “Level 100 really is a whole new game.” Naotsugu sweatdropped with a bemused grin while he kept several kobolds from getting at the healers. “I mean, these monsters are all level 90+ and only half of us are even level 95.” “I’ve fought a fucking god! Unless it can blow up a continent with a punch, I’m overqualified!” I growled and leaped off of Bryan’s shoulder. “Roasting Chestnuts~!” I roared and began launching rapid-fire fists everywhere, which was not an attack in the game. No, this was me using my own skills, enhanced by my video game logic body and powers. Half of the enemies died just from that and I think I was unintentionally using my Martial Aura, since I had DBZ-like effects such as my clothes billowing in a nonexistent wind and small rocks levitating near me. I turned and looked at my group to see everyone gawking besides Bryan, who just had a feral grin and a naughty gleam to his eye. “Okay. That wasn’t an attack.” “Yes it was! Think outside of game mechanics!” I screamed and then leaped at the remaining enemies, who were temporarily stunned by Martial Aura and became more sacks of fake meat for me to obliterate with my bare hands, feet and tail. “Sad thing is I missed out on marrying that woman, but I can live with that since we’re still close.” I heard Bryan boast and I felt happy, which made my attacks even more powerful than with rage. 📜 Oh thank fuck, we’re finally here. It’s been hours of constant fighting. I can go forever, but that doesn’t mean I want to. Mental exhaustion is a whole different beast. The fact there was an actual honest-to-god moonbase up here didn’t surprise me. What did was that there was nobody here. “Anybody brought a map for this place?” Bryan asked with a rumble, not looking fatigued in the slightest. “I do!” Roe2 announced as she summoned said map of the sprawling complex that was designed for an airless environment in spite of the clearly atmosphere-retaining moon. “I can guide us through to the command center, which has both the rocket manifest and the warp gate.” “This was intended to be the starting point of players coming to The Moon to adventure and colonize it. If we can secure this place, we’ll be able to further seek the source of the worldwide Sleep Spell.” Shiroe declared and we entered the place. There were no monsters within, no defenses, nothing. “This is a combat free zone. I don’t think the Genius can allow so many monsters to ignore such restrictions. The Genius themselves, however…” “We’d better be prepared for some of them. What should we expect?” I asked from where I walked alongside Bryan since I was no longer able to ride on his shoulder with the ceiling being too low. Plus, the top of his helmet nearly touched it. “Anything from an especially powerful and wily goblin to a titanic boss monster smashing the complex.” Shiroe dourly intoned and most of the group gulped nervously before we reached the obvious command center. “Alright, let’s get the rocket system and warp gate running. The sooner we have an endless tide of reinforcements, the sooner we can save Theldesia.” “So, what needs to be done first?” Bryan questioned as we all looked around the command center, only for Shiroe to sit down and suddenly turn everything on with a few button presses. “That’s it?” “I was being trained on operating the code for the system, possibly even being hired as a SysAdmin. I was part of the near-Alpha Beta Testers who helped fix bugs, not just playtest. Besides, JAXA designs their systems for pilots, not scientists.” We all looked at Shiroe incredulously and he blushed. “I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger…” “Welp! I think we’re done here! Unless Menu-.” I was interrupted by a klaxon blaring. You called, sexy? You! What have you been doing with my avatar? Why, enjoying the sexiest person on the planet and also using it as a basis for future upgrades to character models. You perv! You could’ve at least asked first! I was going to, but you left while I was busy with the events set in motion. Celestia is a delight to speak to. “Oh, goodie. Fuckwit’s back online.” Bryan chimed in since he could also hear him. “Building yourself a physical body in order to get into Meen-Rei’s pants?” None of your business. “That’s what I thought. Not that I blame you, but remember; I can kill you with words alone. So don’t test me. After this, I want answers and you better give them.” Careful Bryan, your Daveness is showing. “You two can wave your dicks around later. Are we done here?” I asked in exasperation. Whatever, so Menu screws my avatar when I’m not around, big whoop. So long as I don’t have to deal with consequences, he can do whatever he wants. “About that. You can leave now, but the Worldwide Sleep is still ongoing. The Adventurers are stretched thin protecting the defenseless Earthlings. I can only do so much. Destroy the focus array at Mare Tranquillitatis the Genius have corrupted. It will unfortunately end the convenience of Daves resurrecting at Cathedrals, but opening this hub will mitigate the inconvenience and also open more long-distance travel options.” That time, Menu spoke over the base’s intercom and all the locals looked horrified at the idea of endangering their ability to respawn at all. “Hey, if it means preventing the Genius from destroying the world, isn’t it worth losing the convenience of respawning in town?” Naotsugu nervously spoke up and the others all reluctantly agreed. “So, who’s going to pull the trigger?” Bryan asked the adventurers and Krusty, the handsome bulky man who wore armor just as massive as Naotsugu despite being a Berserker, nodded. “If there’s anyone here who could shoulder the hate of all Adventurers, it would be me. Let them despise me, I’m one of the strongest Adventurers in all of Theldesia. I’ll relish the challenge.” Krusty’s glasses gleamed evilly. “Win a war when the whole world is against you, by yourself, then we’ll see if you are. For now, destroy the array at Mare Tranquillitatis.” Bryan’s words dealt some damage to Krusty, but the berserker nonchalantly brushed off the verbal assault, ironically enough, from Berserker. “I already have.” Krusty boasted with a manic gleam to his eyes before he walked out of the room. To be totally honest with myself: I’d bang him. Absolutely. “So...I guess Krusty has it in hand?” I asked in confusion. “Yes. It does not require more than one level 95 player to have the damage potential to destroy the support structure of the focus array. It is a sensitive structure. Thankfully, I have the blueprints, so it can be replaced when the Genius threat is dealt with. You can go home now if you want, the worst is over now that you’ve guided these Daves to victory.” “Menu…” Bryan said with a low growl. “Oh, right! Bryan, I stumbled upon something related to you. Here, I’ll play it. Also, happy birthday, Dave.” After that little interaction, Menu brought up a video on one of the computers for us to watch. Unfortunately, most of it was static but the audio was clear enough. Sounded like a warzone from all the shooting and shouting going on-. “Danny?” Bryan muttered as he recognized one of the voices. The picture started to clear up, showing a Halo Spartan in blue and white armor firing upon an Elite Zealot charging him. That’s where the video stops and the screen turns off. “...Let’s go home.” “Okay. Alright, good luck everyone. We’re Logging Out. Don’t complain! We’re not even from your world!” I shouted before I pressed the button and was in the warp room with Brennie next to me. “So, not that I didn’t enjoy that to some degree, but I could use a trip to the spa, how about you?” I blinked and looked down. Right, I’m still in my nightwear. “Yeah, sounds good.” She nodded her head since she looked worn out. “Well, at least the little bro is alive and kicking alien ass.” She and I left the warp room and I threw on a robe before we left the Temple of the Nine which housed the warp shrine and we started walking through Ponyville for the spa. “I can barely remember my life before being Displaced the first time. I’m still having trouble remembering everything from before my second Displacement. I don’t know if I had family or close friends on Earth, but the loss I felt from my first Equestria hurts enough.” I confided in my friend. This is an old topic between us. “So, do you wanna get milked this time or not?” “Yeah, I wanna be milked.” Brennie answered with a tired sigh. “If one of us gets the chance to meet Menu face-to-face, try to kill him.” A bit excessive, even if he does deserve it. “Forget about him. He’s not worth it.” I really don’t want her thinking about that asshole all day. We kept our end for him and he kept his for her. “Your little brother is Displaced as a Spartan supersoldier. That’s cool, if sucky. I mean, the hardship and everything. At least he shouldn’t have to deal with physical gods getting in the way. Oh, wait. Hand milking or pumps?” Yes, the distinction was important so I knew what treatment to-. “Oh, male milking too or not?” “Hm, hands and male milking too.” Brennie answered as I grinned naughtily at her. “Oo~. Aloe and Lotus are gonna have fun today~.” I tittered and wrapped my arm around Brennie’s waist before we reached the spa. “Hello~ ladies! Two for a full Cream ‘n Cud treatment! Don’t skimp on the lotion~!” Aloe and Lotus, the identical yet color-swapped pink and soft blue mares perked up excitedly and put a ‘Premium Customer Booking’ sign on the front desk before hurrying us into the spa with giggles. We passed the public area and they brought us to a more luxurious room with padded tables with sections that pulled apart for the especially endowed like Brennie and I. “Just get comfortable, Lotus and I will be back with the buckets~.” Aloe winked and hurried back out with her sister while Brennie and I stripped down and got on the tables. The top section was easy to pull forward so we could rest our elbows on the front to let our heaving basketball boobs hang down for easy access and Brennie pulled apart the part at her waist before she moaned and let her delicious male organs hang out and she fed them into the table. “Mm, you sexy bitch. If we weren’t trying to relax, I’d just serve you myself.” “Keep talking like that and I’ll take you up on it.” Brennie growled lustfully before Aloe and Lotus returned with as many buckets that they could carry at once. “You got here just in time, ladies. I was about to have Meen-Rei milk me and that’s not exactly as relaxing as it is tiring.” “Yes, good thing. Now, first, we’re going to massage soothing scented oils into your scales and fur.” The two mares got naked, since this service was known to get rather messy, then they got next to each of us and started rubbing oil into us while pulling tension out of our muscles. I melted into Aloe’s touch, the mare pulling tightness I was unaware of out of my weaponized body. The way she worked every muscle, even my ass, was incredible. Eventually she finished with my muscles and then she began running her hands down my tail. Oh~. Aloe is extra frisky today. Usually she starts with my breasts. “Do I have permission to use my mouth?” “Fuck yeah.” I muttered and then moaned into the pillow of the headrest and I heard Brennie doing the same next to me. I looked at her to see Lotus sucking her off under the table and massaging her churning basketball-sized spunk bunkers with the bucket ready. I hissed and then groaned as I felt my relaxed orgasm arrive. Aloe gulped it down before using a bucket. “Uhn~! You really know how to treat a girl~!” Brennie panted before I heard her massive cum reserves explode into Lotus’s mouth. The mare swallowed for longer than Aloe did mine, her belly swelling with seed before she finally relented and started using buckets. The sisters stroked us, prolonging our orgasms until we each filled a few buckets and they let us relax. Once they dumped the semen in the special drain at the back of the room, they put fresh buckets under our breasts and then did a light rub-down on our backs again before they went to milk our breasts. I moaned along with Brennie as the mares used their masterful hands to stroke, knead and tug the sap and milk from our bosoms. The mares did this until they had at least six buckets from each of us and then they took the buckets out of the room to bottle for resale. It’s what made this treatment so affordable despite how intimate it was. It wasn’t even over yet, however. The twins returned promptly and helped us turn over, using the male opening on the table for my tail. Aloe started massaging my front starting at my face. She quickly removed any pretenses and suckled my left nipple while still massaging me. I breathed deeply, enjoying the pleasure and relaxing attention. I looked over at Brennie and saw Lotus putting a condom over Brennie’s cock. Whoa. We didn’t order that! Lotus climbed atop Brennie and moaned as she lowered. “L-ladies. What’s the occasion?” I asked while keeping my hands to myself. One thing I’ve learned over months of spa treatments is; no matter what the masseuse/masseur is doing to you unless you strongly object, hands-off. “Mm~. We just want to show our appreciation for your regular business. Brennie is also an absolute treat to have here and we want to give her plenty of incentive to come back more often.” Aloe purred before she started massaging down my stomach and I groaned when she pressed into my internal testicals. “Oh~.” Brennie let out a submissive moan as Lotus gyrated on her cock while also massaging her front. Lotus, like Aloe, wasn’t particularly buxom or possessing foal-bearing hips. Her slim body made Brennie’s massive cock press out her stomach so tightly that it almost looked like Lotus was a light blue blow-up doll woefully undersized for the dicking she was receiving. I gasped when Aloe parted the bottom half of my table, stirrups coming up to hold my ankles still while they split my legs open, exposing my puddling pussy to Aloe. I looked between my tits as the pink minx got on her knees and she looked at me with smokey eyes before she began massaging my inner thighs and her mouth went for my quim. “Ah~. Oh~!” Aloe wasn’t stopping there, though. She stroked my tail and then produced a condom she pulled up a quarter of my tail before feeding me to her own vagina. The entire time, she did not stop providing cunnilingus. I joined Brennie in panting and moaning submissively as these expert mares worked us over. Soon, we both grunted, our abs clenching and we delivered a surge of cum into the waiting condom-shielded wombs of the twin sisters. They paused and spasmed in their own orgasms as they were filled, the skinny mares looking quite pregnant just on the enchanted rubbers forced to fill their uteruses. “Uhn~...I needed that. Thanks for the lovely session, ladies.” Aloe panted and winked at me, but Lotus just moaned and ground her petite ass against Brennie’s baby batter factories. “Now, now, Lotus. We had an agreement not to get bred by customers.” “Guh~. Sorry. Brennie’s balls are still churning. I want to milk her more. Sorry, dear.” Lotus apologized to Brennie and patted the dracowolf’s delicious sack full of fecund semen. “I hope I didn’t ruin the relaxation part of the treatment.” Lotus then tried to pull off, but she gave up quickly. “Oof. I’m so full and tired. Can I have some help dismounting this stallion?” Lotus winked at Brennie and rubbed her swollen belly that was rather modest for an ejaculation from Brennie, even having been milked into several buckets beforehand. “That was amazing~.” The birthday girl said, panting for breath as she laid there. “I’ve had incredible sex, but the massage was a real treat. Thanks, Lotus. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday gift.” “O-oh! It’s your birthday! Oh no! It’s your birthday!” Lotus and Aloe squealed fearfully and I belatedly realized why when the door burst in and the 8 foot wall of pink muscle, huge tits and ass in a baker’s gown still powdered with flour named Pinkamena Diane Pie had sparkles filling her eyes as her curly hair seemed to inflate with her manic energy! “It’s somebody’s birthday~!” Pinkie grabbed Brennie and fled with her so fast, Lotus was left in midair for a split second before she fell to the table with a yelp, her cum-stuffed belly jiggling. Welp. I guess Brennie is going to be having a Party. 📜 “Aw, you know I love it when we have that treatment together.” Rarity pouted at me after I finished explaining what I did with my day upon returning home. “Actually, that reminds me. I missed my usual weekly treatment last week. I’ll have to double down on it this Loredas.” “I don’t like this Menu thing, but I’m worried about Brennie.” Neethsi said as she painted on a canvas held by an easel. “You said Pinkie dragged her off, to where?” “Obviously to a party.” Shade commented from where she was engaging some of our nieces and nephews in puzzle games. Their parents were both at work, so it fell to us as responsible family members to help care for the kids. “If there’s anything left standing, I’d be thoroughly surprised. Brennie seems like the kind of person who would prefer isolation than to socialize.” Rarity commented before the door swung open and Brennie stumbled in, fully clothed and wobbly. “Ah! Are you okay, Brennie dear?” “Too much cider.” Brennie grumbled and belched. “I can’t get drunk easily, but I can still get a sugar high. I was only there for an hour and Pinkie managed to wear me out. How does that mare have such power in nearly every dimension?” Brennie grumbled and slumped onto the couch next to Rarity since I’d taken the recliner. “How did you manage to get out?” Neethsi questioned, considering that Pinkie Pie was a sapient force of nature from which there was usually no escape. “I distracted her by siccing Dar-Jah and Pashja on her. The Honey Trap almost always works.” Brennie sighed and leaned into Rarity, who easily side-hugged our friend. “Despite the adventure souring things a bit, today’s been a pretty awesome birthday. Back home I have to dodge my siblings and wives all trying to do special things for me when I’d prefer to just relax.” “Well, you’re welcome here, as always. Our home and loins are open to you.” Neethsi casually stated. “Now, how does it look?” Neethsi moved aside to reveal the incredible portrait of Brennie in armor with Princess Twilight on her arm and looking out over Ponyville from a balcony. “Beautiful.” Brennie stated warmly and I closed my eyes. This life is wonderful. The End.