> Starfall > by EroPony1000 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starfall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krystal joined Star Wolf to get back at Fox for kicking her off the team. Together, they defeated the Star Fox wing once and for all, but as time went on something started to feel off. Wolf seemed all too happy to have her at first, and of course Panther was delighted, but now she was beginning to suspect that she had been used. With Fox out of the way she had served her purpose, and now it felt like she was kept around merely as a trophy. Panther’s obsession with her quickly became an annoyance, and Leon outright refused to speak to her. Just as she was debating whether to leave the team however, Panther informed Wolf that Leon had uncovered intelligence suggesting that a Space Dynamics convoy carrying an experimental ‘Psy-Wing’ would pass by their new hideout in a manner of days. With Krystal’s help Star Wolf ambushed the convoy and absconded with the prototype, which only she was capable of flying due to the psy-link interface that controlled both the ship and its experimental drive. Afterward, the crew celebrated with drinks and Krystal let her guard down a little, believing that her psychic ability—along with the captured fighter—had cemented her position on the team. And perhaps it would have, if not for Leon. While Panther and Krystal sat opposite Wolf as he rambled on about the future and his plans for Star Wolf, Leon prepared the drinks and slipped something into Krystal’s before handing them over. After a few sips Wolf’s mutterings became little more than noise. Panther put his arm around her and to his surprise she didn’t shrug it off, so he went a little further. He leaned in and grabbed her breast, fingering the nipple through her shirt with his thumb. It wasn’t until Leon offered to refill their drinks that she realized something was wrong, sensing malice in Leon’s thoughts as he leaned over in front of her to fetch their glasses. In a moment of clarity she noticed Panther’s hand, the heat of her own body, and managed to snatch the memory of drugging her drink from Leon’s mind. Abruptly, she stood and excused herself, stumbling down the hall toward the hangar. She had to get out. Her focus was unstable but her anger kept her going; anger at being betrayed yet again, and anger at herself for letting it happen. She didn’t have much time before someone thought to check on her, most likely Panther. He probably wanted to finish what he started. Did he know about Leon? Did they all know? And how far did they intend to go? Her panic-stricken mind churned incessantly but produced no conclusions. It was all she could do to climb into the cockpit of the stolen ship and connect to the psy-link interface. The feedback from the link provided another brief moment of clarity which she used to take off, activating the experimental drive and tearing a hole in spacetime through which she made her escape. All around her were shimmering globes displaying scenes from other worlds, some warm and intimate, others catastrophic. She felt longing, and she felt fear. Then the drive began to overheat and she cried out with her mind as the ship’s automatic systems began to shut down. There was a voice that was not her own, and it spoke to her in her head. “Don’t worry, I see you. I’ve got you. I won’t let you slip away.” The voice was gentle and calm, and she really needed to trust in something right then, so when a portal opened before her she sailed right through it. What happened next was a blur. She felt neither awake or asleep, and the scenes that she remembered were too strange and fantastic to be anything but a dream. But they weren’t. She remembered calling out during that time. She called to Fox and even Falco; to Panther, and to her family on Cerinia whose faces she had forgotten. Then there was that voice. She knew not what it said, but was comforted by it nonetheless. She awoke to a cool breeze, her body frighteningly hot. She fought the urge to reach between her legs, instead drinking deep of the salted air. Before her, at the end of the long chamber, was a creature not unlike a Cerinian horse, but with wings and a horn. She wore a crown that was dulled by time, and emblazoned on her flanks was a star device with six points. Krystal felt needy and tense, and the horse-girl’s ass—dappled in the light of an unending dusk—looked delicious. Krystal pushed herself off the bed, where she had lain amongst a large assortment of pillows for who knows how long, finding that she had been dressed in a breezy gown. She approached the queenly horse, her bare paws padding softly on the long carpet set upon the stony floor. As she approached the horse’s tail was caught in the breeze and drawn like a curtain to reveal her regal pussy and the cute little donut of her anus between her muscular thighs and juicy buttocks. Krystal resisted the urge to place her hand upon her flank, instead moving up beside her on the balcony. The winged unicorn seemed unsurprised by her presence. She stared wistfully, longingly, at the stars frozen above the ever-setting sun. “I had friends too, once.” she said suddenly. “I hope I still do, out there somewhere.” There was no doubt that it was the voice that spoke to Krystal in her head, subdued but sweet. From her surface thoughts Krystal gathered that she was an ‘alicorn’ princess, and her name was Twilight Sparkle. “The sun never sets. It never rises. It never moves at all. Not anymore.” said the princess. “It’s my fault. This, and everything that came before.” Krystal could feel her sadness, her regret, and she could feel her longing. “What happened?” asked Krystal. “Your friends, I mean.” Twilight looked at her and Krystal felt a flutter in her chest. The princess’ eyes were large and beautiful. Having her full attention made Krystal feel bashful. The pony princess smiled, and Krystal thought it was the saddest thing she had ever seen. A pretty face, ever-young yet tortured by time, glazed in the hues of never-ending twilight. “I sent them away.” Her voice quavered as she spoke, but she maintained her smile. She couldn’t stop the water from filling her eyes though. Twilight looked away before the tears fell, and Krystal averted her gaze toward the beach over the balcony, though for some reason she longed to see those tears fall, and felt guilty. They stood in silence awhile, yet even with the breeze coming off the water Krystal couldn’t cool down. The romance of everything from the lighting to the princess’ perfume turned her on. Even the melancholy mood somehow made the whole scene more glamorous. As a telepath, the thoughts and feelings of others were often plain to see, though Krystal tended to restrain herself on principle, but Twilight’s raw emotion was intoxicating, and when Krystal knew for certain that she returned her attraction she decided to try something daring. Cautiously, she reached up and scratched behind Twilight’s ear, feeling a strange excitement in her attraction to a creature that so resembled a Cerinian horse. The princess was startled, but did not recoil from the fox girl’s touch, so she leaned in closer, pressing herself up against the princess’s shoulder. She could hear her mighty heartbeat, feel her shivering breaths that misted in the air. The vixen moved her clawed hand down to the crest of Twilight’s neck and reached out with her mind, trying to sense how the princess felt as she explored her majestic body. The princess enjoyed the sensation of another’s touch. It has been so long since she had allowed anyone near her, yet this stranger was unusually bold. Perhaps the distance already between them made it harder to push her away. Krystal let slip the shoulders of her dress and allowed it to fall to the floor, and Twilight found the patterns of her naked fur both pleasing and mysterious. The vixen nuzzled up against Twilight’s face, then raised her nose to the pony girl’s ear and stuck her tongue inside. “Ah-“ Twilight was shocked, but Krystal stroked her chest with her left hand, gently grasping the pony-girl’s fluff between her clawed fingers, and Twilight allowed herself to relax. Krystal traced her shoulder, then crouched down, knees apart, sliding her pussy down Twilight’s foreleg, the feeling of relief in her belly like scratching an impossible itch, or quenching a terrible thirst with the sweetest of water. With admirable dexterity she climbed up on Twilight and mounted her like a rider, then started to rub her pussy back and forth along the princess’s back and up against her neck. Twilight could feel the heat from Krystal’s body, unusually and unnaturally hot. She knew it wasn’t a fever, the nurses ruled that out when they recovered her from her ship. Twilight’a best guess was that she had been afflicted by something, but whatever it was seemed mostly harmless, though very potent. It was now apparent that it was some kind of aphrodisiac. Krystal reversed position and lounged awhile on Twilight’s back, playing with her tail, her breasts squished up against the princess’s sizable rump. Her hind legs were wrapped around Twilight’s neck, her paws together like the clasps of a shawl. It was interesting to Krystal how, though the princess had little need for a rider, her back arched like a saddle-horse’s. She actually found it rather sexy. Maybe it was merely the smooth curvature, or perhaps it was the way her body so easily sank into her back, making her feel secure for the first time in a long time. She decided to take a moment to talk about what happened between her and Star Fox, and Star Wolf’s betrayal. “Maybe I deserved it.” she said. “After all, I betrayed my friends, humiliated them even, and for what? Revenge? To get them back for kicking me off the team? The whole thing was falling apart anyway. It just… It hurt.” Twilight could empathize, quite literally due to the psychic connection that had just as much to do with Krystal’s innate ability as Twilight’s own magic. She let the fox girl do what she wanted for a while, which apparently was run Twi’s tail through her hands over and over. It was almost soporific, the impossibly soft hair was like a gentle night sky with a streak of starlight. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked after awhile, giggling. Krystal had begun to trace the edges of Twilight’s protruding anus with the claw of her index finger. Then, after Twi’s inquiry she rubbed her thumb over the crease of the tightly-sealed opening, sensing a shiver up her spine that Krystal could feel between her legs. The princess let out an undignified whinny when Krystal plunged an exploratory finger into her ass with surprising difficulty, as though her asshole had never before been opened. Her pussy winked in response, briefly revealing her precious jewel which caught Krystal’s eye. The fox probed about the clitoral hood, then popped her finger out of Twilight’s ass. When the clitoris made an appearance again she caught it between two claws and held it. “Aaahhh!” Twilight moaned. The gentle tug and the needle-point pressure of the fox-girl’s claws electrified the princess’s magically-charged body, and out from her pussy surged a viscous, glittery liquid that pooled on the floor. Within that mostly clear substance silver and purple specks swirled gently, the compound mesmerizing Krystal with its odd complexity. She released Twilight’s bean and caught some of it on her finger, deciding that she needed to taste it. It was delicious, sweet like candy with a full, intoxicating quality that stoked the fire inside her. Krystal pinched the cute horse’s pussy, squeezing out as much of the stuff as she could and collecting it in her palm, then clambered back toward Twilight’s dizzy head. “Here, close your eyes and stick out your tongue.” said Krystal and Twilight obeyed, opening her mouth and waiting patiently, still not having caught on to the sly vixen’s plan to feed the girl her own pussy juice. Krystal reached around and held out her hand, bringing her palm up to Twi’s mouth until she began to lap the liquid up on her own. “That tastes… nice.” said Twilight. When she realized by the scent what it was that she just swallowed, her eyes flew open. “Aw, why did you—“ she began before Krystal swung down to hang from the pony’s strong neck, stunning her into silence by staring right at her with her smart, blue eyes. Then she kissed her. They kissed for awhile, the taste of Twilight’s pussy still fresh in both their mouths. Krystal thrust her hips into the princess’s neck, grinding her pussy into it while she licked the roof of Twilight’s mouth. “H-hey, that tickles!” said Twilight breaking the kiss, but Krystal was ravenous and pressed her muzzle back to Twilight’s. In retaliation, the princess plunged her much larger tongue into Krystal’s throat until she was practically trying to swallow it. At this point it seemed they both needed to go a step further. Twilight pressed Krystal against the balcony, then began lifting her plump little breasts with her horse tongue, covering them in her saliva. Krystal grabbed Twilight’s horn with both hands and cried out as the horse-girl sucked greedily on her tits, occasionally switching it up by smacking them with her tongue or taking her hoof and twisting it over her nipple. Twilight pulled Krystal up so that she was sitting on the balcony rail, the vixen still gripping her horn. Krystal’s heart was beating faster and faster, precariously perched as she was, so high up and in plain view of the beach below. From this position Twilight explored the creases of Krystal’s thighs with her tongue, then held the heated organ over the fox-girl’s plump-little pussy, the both of them breathing hotly and heavily. Krystal tried to stifle a cry as her body finally let her have the pleasure of cumming, right onto Twilight’s tongue. Before the fox could catch her breath, Twilight paid her back for earlier by kissing her with a tongue full of her own girl-cum. Then she gave Krystal a chance to breathe, lifting her head to gaze at the stars. “What’s… wrong?” asked Krystal between breaths. She still needed another orgasm, maybe more, and felt obligated to give the princess her share too. However, she could sense emotion welling up inside her heart, and realized there was more to the story of her friends’ disappearance. Twilight explained that she had sent her friends on an expedition to another world long ago; a world that had drifted close to theirs, though no astronomer saw it coming until it was upon them. Her curiosity piqued by the letters they sent back via her dragon’s flame, she was making ready to join them when something went wrong and the strange world vanished with hardly a trace. She never received another letter, and has been searching for them amongst the stars ever since, projecting her mind into the cosmos. Her mentors also departed to search for the missing ponies, and as much as she had wanted to go with them she needed to remain, for such was the burden of rule. Yet Twilight’s melancholy was so great that she abandoned the sun and moon, leaving them to their own ends of the horizon. Krystal realized that by now Twilight was quite ancient, and this world had remained stagnant for a long time. She didn’t understand the laws of this reality, but she understood the princess’s pain. Her age was not shown on her body. It appeared in her words, and her tone; in the way she carried herself. Yet now and again the spark of her youth would reclaim her. It would come with something she said, or the glint in her eye when she looked at Krystal. “I want you to know…” said Twilight, both their hearts beating loudly in each-other’s minds. “I didn’t rescue you just to satiate my lust—er, my thirst for information. Twilight blushed, and turned her eyes away, but Krystal kept her gaze on the princess. “I wanted to say that, though I may have not have found my friends, I did discover someone who was capable of understanding me, and not just because of your special talent, but from the weight you carried in your mind. I couldn’t let you carry that burden alone.” Krystal’s fuzzy chest rose and fell, her arms braced on the balcony rail, her bushy tail between the vertical bars. There was no telling how much time had passed when they were both finally satisfied, falling asleep together in the bed with all the pillows. Krystal would miss that place, but she had learned something there about friendship that made it impossible to stay. Maybe what she did to Fox could be forgiven, and perhaps it was time to let go of her anger at him for his part as well. She knew all along why he did it, yet that didn’t make it fair. However, she now knew something of the pain that loss brings, as well as what it meant to bear the responsibility for putting those you love in danger. The princess escorted her to her ship, and they said their farewells. As Krystal fired up the engines and activated the Psy-Link, she gave the princess a salute. She realized that now she too was leaving the princess, but she sensed that Twilight had also learned something from this experience. Besides, Krystal had to find out what happened to Fox after their battle. She took off at full speed, and when the portal to Lyliat opened she sailed through and was gone.