> Loonar Tides > by EpicGamer10075 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Moon From Hell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh how she hated the cold. The depths of Hell were far more suited to her hellhound biology, and she generally didn’t needed to leave at this time of the year, but due to a very pricey payment for her current target and said target already knowing well of Moxxie and Millie--the ones who’d usually be out in this frigid mortal realm to do the dirty work--it was up to her. Loona sighed in irritation, her hot breath becoming visible in the midnight winter air, and she felt the hooves of her temporarily-assumed pony form--one that shared her grey back and white front/belly, black and white tail, and silver mane, though with her four legs being black with white hooves--step onto the dimly-lit concrete ground of Equestria’s Canterlot. She could hear the warbling of the portal to Hell she just exited closing behind her, finishing with a snap! as it disappeared from view, though she didn’t bother to look towards it. Shifting her body a bit as she felt those odd pony saddlebags around her waist barrel, she knew their irritating weight was only their own and not what she kept inside, as that was only a letter; though, she couldn’t help but growl at this being really the only way to hold something even that light without using her hooves. “All that magic and power, and they can’t fuckin’ make this any less ridiculous...” Loona muttered to herself as she started forward out of the alleyway she begun in, quickly emerging onto the pristine marble buildings only a few blocks away from Canterlot Castle, with only the barest hint of snow on the ground while the rest slightly shimmered with water under the starry night sky. Tromping through the damp streets toward the castle, she silently cursed out her boss for being so impulsive and greedy; couldn’t this wait until she didn’t feel like she was going to freeze out here? Whatever points Blitzo would make about their competitors possibly snatching up the however-many-figure cash prize certainly weren’t much of a fight to her as the damn biting winds that kept blowing into her face, especially given how no-one would even bother attempting something this crazy, even for all that money! The fur of Loona’s pony form hardly kept her from the cold, and she didn’t have anything fit for this weather to wear given where she lived--or even anything else to where at all, given how her usual fit always vanished when she went through the damn portal... At the very least, she’d been in this form for enough times to be able to raise an arm foreleg in front of her face to block some of it from hitting her eyes. She did have to look every now and then to see the castle getting larger and larger in her view, and she kept grousing all the way until she was a couple dozen steps away, at which point the wind died down from the proximity to the building, letting her reach into one of her saddlebags and pull out the letter. Approaching the only somewhat-visible armoured pony guards at the excessively-large front doors of the castle, Loona could feel the lecture her boss gave her about being careful rolling around in her head, and she at least tried to put on a neutral expression as she stopped before them. “I need to talk to Princess Celestia,” She spoke with a slight shiver in her voice, and presented the letter to the stallion on the left side of the doors, “This is from Lady Twilight Sparkle.” The stallion seemed surprised at her request, though he did take the letter in his glowing blue magic and held it near his face, seeming to use the faint glow of his horn to read what was on the outside, though some magic pulsing through his horn also signified he was using a spell to detect magic signatures, which had luckily already been taken into account when the forgery was created. “Hm, alright,” He spoke as he handed the letter back to Loona, who placed it back into her open saddlebag, and then his magic glowed from up above, making Loona look up to see one of the massive entrance door’s handle getting magically turned, which seemed to unlock the doors and allow the stallion’s magic to push them open somewhat. “Follow me,” He spoke to the disguised hellhound, trotting towards the gap between the doors, “I’ll lead you to her quarters.” Loona followed the guard as he entered the main antechamber, stopping for a moment to close the doors back up behind her, and then resumed his march as she kept after him. Loona barely restrained a sigh as she kept plodding through the seemingly endless halls of this absurdly oversized building, the guard she was following seeming to be just as stoic and not-tired as he was when they started. It must’ve been at least twenty minutes of going through hall after hall, with occasional turns or staircases (which only pushed her endurance further) in what was definitely the stupidest and most difficult to navigate labyrinth of all creatures ever, which was certainly saying something going by what Millie said of the Changeling Hives... She could hardly comprehend the bullshit route they took as actually bringing them anywhere in particular, and she was nearly going to kill the stupid guard for wandering around and wasting her time, but after an especially long spiral staircase they ended up in a short hall with a large pair of golden doors on the other end, a symbol of the sun plastered onto them. Sighing in a mixture of relief and annoyance, Loona decided to not murder the pony and continued following him down to the doors, which had a pair of its own guards watching it. It was clear the guards were watching her warily as she and the other guard approached, though it took until they were only a short ways away from them for the guard she was following to speak up, “Urgent visitor for Princess Celestia, concerning Lady Twilight Sparkle.” The pair of guards seemed only partially mollified by the answer, and turned to Loona as she stopped a couple steps away with one of them asking, “We’ll require proof for access.” Loona could only roll her eyes, opening her saddlebags bag up and grabbing the letter out of it, presenting it to the guards, and one took it within his orange magic and levitated towards himself to look it over and presumable scan it. Once he finished, he looked back to her and asked, “What are the contents of this letter?” Deciding not to ask why the dude couldn’t just check himself, Loona bit back her usual sarcastic tone to reply professionally, “Lady Sparkle asked for help regarding Spike the Dragon, as he is currently sick.” Knowing that there was a lingering question there, she added, “She also wanted me to say that Rainbow Dash would’ve normally been the one to take this to Princess Celestia, but she is currently away in Cloudsdale.” The guard nodded in understanding and levitated the letter back to her, letting her grab it and put back into her saddlebags again, hoping to actually get on with her job, but the three guards exchanged some silent looks, and the one she just spoke with addressed her again, “Well, Princess Celestia is currently asleep, and it may be best to simply wait for her to wake before speaking with her.” Loona stared at him, incredulous at the absurd implications of that statement, but it didn’t take long before she noticed something in the faint eye movements and ever-so-slight shaking; he was afraid. Probably not of herself, that much was a given going by how no-one had yet recognized her as from Hell, but given the statement, there was only really one thing that could’ve sparked that fear... She practically snorted in amusement as she realized it, but instead just shook her head and rolled her eyes, and replied assuredly, “It’s better I speak to her as soon as possible, especially with how Sparkle already is in a tizzy about Spike, and you know how she gets when she’s like that.” The three guards looked between each other again, and Loona could now pinpoint that all of them were somewhat afraid at the concept of waking Celestia, but the guard before her eventually sighed and said, “Very well.” He and the other guard of the door then used their magic to grab the handles of the large doors between them and pull them open, letting her head into the room. Stopping just beyond the threshold, Loona waited with bared teeth for a moment for the doors to slam shut behind her, at which point she had to restrain a massive SCREAM of frustration at all the shit she had to go through to get there, instead slapping a foreleg over her mouth and letting out a muffled ‘FUCK!!’ in an attempt to vent, though with minimal effect. She shook her head spitefully as she knew her target was probably sleeping, and yelling would likely screw up her chances at taking her out, so she just sucked in a frustrated breath through clenched teeth and forcefully sighed it back out. Looking around at the room she now found herself in, Loona noticed the glass door to her right which seemed to lead out to a balcony, the late night (or maybe it early morning at this point, given how long she took to get there) sky providing just enough light to see everything in the room, with the most prominent feature being a desk in the center, a large stack of paper and an empty inkwell laying on top of it. That signified the current room as the one Celestia did her work rather than where she slept, though one of the two other doors in the room--one on the back wall, and the other on the left one--must’ve then led to it. Taking a cautious step forward across the plush carpet, Loona started to head for the one at the back, only to be swiftly interrupted by a quiet noise flittering through the room. She instinctually froze at it, and let her ears perk up and swivel around to try and figure out what it was, with more of the noise coming through the room letting her pinpoint it as coming from the very room she was heading towards. Grunting in annoyance, Loona hoped that sound was just Celestia snoring and started moving again towards the door, being a bit more brisk as she trotted up to it and pressed her ear against it, only to have the clearer noise be heard as moans. Rolling her eyes and scoffing in a mixture of amusement and annoyance, the hellhound pulled away from the door and figured this job was going to take longer than she’d like, probably having to wait out the Princess’s masturbation session before heading in to finish the job, and it’s not like those cowardly guards outside would enter and ask her why she was taking so long. Hell, if they did actually realize, they'd probably just assume she died and leave it at that. At the very least, it gave her the time to reach back and unbuckle her itchy saddlebags with a hoof, then swiftly shrug them off onto the floor, before turning her attention back to the door, where Loona could still hear the moans coming through it as they seemed to get louder and more feverish. Soon enough, she could start to parse some words through the lewd noises, where there were certainly a lot of random sputters of ‘fuck’ and ‘harder’ that, while very usual for these situations, were still rather funny to hear coming from the ‘incorruptible princess’ that so many creatures saw Celestia as. Eventually, though, the volume and intensity grew enough that full phrases could start to heard through the door, like ‘f-fuck me harder’, ‘please let me cum’, ‘spank my fat ass’, and ‘impregnate me, Loo-’ Loona immediately and violently jerked away from the door as she heardher own name being uttered out of the mouth of this realm's most powerful creature in the most insane context EVER!! Why in the entirety of Hell would Celestia be horny for her; a primary employee of the company that had eliminated so many of her subjects?! …Wait… wait, no, Loona could somewhat recall that the other diarch of Equestria had practically the same name as herself; 'Princess Luna'. ...Well, that made more sense for a nation’s leader to be interested in getting railed by another, even if it was a bit weird that Celestia didn't seem to be using any of her harem to get off… Wait. Princess Luna was Celestia’s sister. That... really threw Loona for a loop, as she hadn’t ever heard of anything like that before, despite so many other rumours about the rulers’ weird habits getting out, from eating absurd amounts of cake to nearly killing a couple servants with the sheer volume of a shout, and while those were hardly confirmed, it would have made sense to have at least heard of this incest possibility before. ...Then again, with how long Celestia and Luna have supposedly lived, Loona couldn’t imagine they were eager to get it on with mortals, given how sentimental ponies tended to be and how the sisters would easily outlive hundreds of them. And, she also supposed that fit how Celestia didn’t seem to be using any of her harem, as she wasn’t liable to want her subject’s mind to be sullied with that ‘depraved’ information. Loona sighed and shook her head; why was she even thinking about this? It wasn’t her problem, and soon enough, it wasn’t even going to matter at all. Luckily, the hellhound did then hear her target’s moans pick up even further, quieting for just a moment before breaking in a full-on scream from her orgasm, with enough volume behind it to make Loona flinch and fold down her ears. She was silently thankful it was only a scream, rather than one that had Luna’s name in it, as the first shock of hearing that was already enough for her nerves and she’d rather not do something rash enough to get her killed. Eventually, the scream faded into silence, and Loona was just left next to the door with her thoughts about how she’d make sure the mare had actually gone to sleep before entering... ...For less than thirty seconds before a rather loud and obnoxious snore came from beyond the door, swiftly forcing a derisive snort from her. Loona grabbed the bedroom door’s handle and opened it when the next snore came to mask the sound of the door opening, and deftly headed into the room, closing the door behind her. Turning around to view the room itself, she quickly noted how it was about as dim as the previous one, with another glass door on the right wall out to what looked to be the same wide balcony letting the moonlight flow inside. That dim light was all that was needed to see the massive four-poster bed against the far wall only a short ways in front of Loona, a nightstand next to it with some unidentifiable things atop it, both of them appearing to be a rose colour, and the translucent drapes that hung from the top of the bed being a shimmering golden. The sheets of the bed were hardly visible, though, under their owner’s body, mane, and tail, with all of them spread out out wildly across the surface and blocking most view of what was below. However, there was still enough damp and shimmering sections of the sheets visible under it to know that they had been heavily splattered with Celestia’s jizz, and that was hardly counting the other thing that made it pretty damn obvious she had just gotten off; the gigantic dark blue dildo resting on the floor right next to the bed, shimmering faintly with marecum amidst what little light it could gather from its slightly awkward position, where it must’ve fallen off of the bed to get there. Moving forward a couple steps to get a closer look, Loona could then see a crescent moon amidst a dark splotchy background on the dildo’s faux balls, which she recalled being the cutie (oh how she hated that gay term) mark of Princess Luna. Shaking her head and trotting slowly around the side of the bed, doing her best to ignore the continuing obnoxious snores, Loona was able to observe her target from some more angles and started to notice her odd posture, where the alicorn seemed to be spread out in an intentional ‘X’ shape, with each of her legs pulled toward one of the four posts of the bed. Even when the mare seemed to shift around in her sleep, it was only the slightest bit before she was pulled back into that shape... It took Loona a few moments to actually see the cause of it, with the dim room and the light blocked by herself making it difficult to make out the dark blue ropes that were bound around Celestia’s ivory legs, and pulled taught by their attachment to the bed posts. A snicker escaped the hellhound--luckily hidden under yet another vociferous snore--as she realized that the creature so many considered a god was actually a massive sub; one that probably had a crush on her sister and definitely pounded herself in with a huge dildo while being bound to her bed, both of those tools being the same colour as that sister! Leaning forward over the bed to get a better view of the rope holding one of Celestia’s forelegs, Loona could see that it was far from a typical rope, as it seemed to radiate magic from the sheer strength of the enchantments upon it, no doubt needed to restrain the incredibly powerful alicorn it held. While that one rope as well as other ones that bound her other legs certainly kept the mare tied down, they were hardly the only thing needed to actually dominate somecreature, but Loona could see that there was a gap in the ivory fur similar to the ones around her legs that seemed to indicate something around Celestia’s barrel, likely to restrain her wings. However, she could see more of those gaps around the princess’s head and neck, which prompted her to get a little closer to her, and minding the loud snores blasted out from the mare’s maw, she could then make out a blindfold covering Celestia’s eyes and a thick collar around her neck, a small tag resting below with the crescent moon symbol emblazoned upon it. That latter one started to paint a different picture of the solar princess’s relationship with her sister in Loona’s mind, with it being less of a submissive crush and much more of an actual full-blown BDSM relationship, with this act of screwing herself seeming to be some sort of ritualistic duty Princess Luna must’ve impressed upon her rather than a simple lustful masturbation session. Unfortunately, in order to have actually fucked herself with that dildo, and even tied herself to the bed in the first place, Celestia’s horn must’ve been free under the mess of a mane that covered her forehead, and that was something certain to pose an issue if Loona actually wanted to do her job. “Oh right...” She muttered to herself as she was reminded of her mission, and while the trussed-up princess did look a nice way for herself to get off, her unrestrained horn made anything beyond simply ending the mare right then and there more dangerous than she cared to risk. Pausing for a moment and looking back at the door to the balcony behind her, with the light of the moon pouring in and reminding her that the Princess of the Night was nocturnal and might actually show up at any point to dom her sister, which made it all the more important she finished her job quickly. Slowly pulling her gaze back towards the mare sleeping before her, Loona’s eye got caught on something and jerked her attention over to the nightstand next to the bed, with a pair of dark blue tools atop it seeming to scream at her in particular. One of those was a ball gag, which made enough sense being there due to Celestia’s whole sub-ness, but the second one went a lot farther than just that as it happened to be exactly what Loona was looking for; a magic-restricting horn ring. ...Well, Luna probably would’ve showed up by this point, so why not take advantage of the situation she found herself in? Moving over to the nightstand and picking both implements up in her hooves, Loona then stepped back warily over to the bed and quickly brush away some of Celestia’s mane above her head to reveal her long and powerful horn, which was thankfully angled just upright enough to have the ring slide down it when she placed it around the top. It certainly didn’t go far enough down to get a solid grasp on the horn, but Loona first moved on to grab the alicorn’s maw, which was currently smooshed sideways against the bedsheets, and opened it up. She got blasted with another snore from that maw, making her flinch back slightly, but managed to recover and put the ball of the ball gag in there right after, which provided a thankful (if somewhat mild) reprieve from any further snores. Treading carefully, Loona used a foreleg to raise up some parts of Celestia’s colourful and silky mane so that she could wrap the belt of the ball gag around the mare’s head, first reaching past her to lay the farther side on the back of Celestia’s head, and then putting the closer side up there as well. Taking a glance at her target’s still closed eyes, Loona exhaled slowly and lowered her other hoof so that both could get to work trying to secure the gag, even if her view of it was obscured under a mess of mane. After a few moments of fumbling to get the sections of the belt together, her previous experience with that type of implement proved helpful in quickly getting it fully secured, and she could retrieve her hooves. A glance up at the exceptionally long horn of the alicorn reminded her of the main measure she had to take, and she swiftly grabbed the loose ring around the horn and pushed it down, watching it go down almost the entire length before finally facing firm resistance, and then she pushed a bit harder to truly get it stuck there. Loona finally pulled away and exhaled in relief, as her target was finally unable to do anything, but such relief was fleeting as the alicorn’s snoring soon broke pattern with an odd snort, drawing the other mare’s attention to her face in worry. Despite being completely trussed up with ropes, a blindfold, gag, and horn ring, Loona couldn’t help but step away as Celestia’s breathing sped up slightly and indicated she was waking up. Each of alicorn’s legs pulled on their respective ropes in turn, and her long neck then lifted her head up off the bed a little bit, and even through the darkness and beyond the bondage, Loona could see the emotion on her target’s face change from complacency to confusion. The mare’s horn started lighting up in its golden hue from the base, but it almost immediately got stopped by the ring, and Celestia seemed to flinch at feeling her magic restricted, but tried a few more times, with no different results. “Hn-nha?” Celestia tried to speak out through the gag, sounding almost like she was asking ‘Luna?’, which forced another flinch out of Loona, both from the sudden noise as well as the mention of what was almost her own name once more. However, despite what the intruder would’ve thought, her target seemed calm and almost... excited? Loona shook her head in an odd mix of confusion and amusement as she realized the princesses really were in some level of BDSM relationship rather than it being just some one-sided crush, and her target may end up enjoying this whole endeavour more if Loona actually acted on all of the frustration she built up getting there... Taking a deep breath to try and get into the more ‘dominating’ mindset, Loona soon commanded the trussed up mare below her, “Don’t call me that, slut.” She could see Celestia flinch at her voice, presumably due to just not expecting it rather than actually noticing something was off, as she still seemed as content with her position as before. While Loona’s voice wasn’t all that close to Princess Luna’s, the solar alicorn’s lust seemed to prevent her from noticing, letting the other mare continue, “I thought you had dignity, Celestia.” The princess’s breath seemed to pick up slightly at the cutting words, and it only got faster as Loona stepped back over to the bed and kept going, “All these little ponies think you’re a god, and yet here you are... bound by your own hooves to your bed, and screaming like a bitch from how hard you were masturbating...” Celestia’s hasty breath luckily seemed more out of the lustful sort of fear rather than actually fearing someone may end her, and what could be seen of her face flushed hard enough to be noticed in the dark room, and Loona only added further fuel to that fire as she reprimanded her, “Even worse was that you were fucking a dildo based off your own sister!” Loona took note of how her target squirmed in her bindings, her hips specifically wiggling a bit and shaking some of her mane off her huge ivory rump, and one of the demon’s hooves moved over towards it, and with hardly a second thought, smacked it. “Mmp!” The princess cried through her gag, flinching and squirming more at the sensation. “You pathetic,” Loona dragged her words out with a sneer and slapped her target/bitch’s ass again, making her cry, flinch, and squirm again, “Stupid,” Another slap, “Incestuous,” Yet another, “Slut!,” And one more, this time stronger for good measure, with the resulting cry coming from the alicorn being closer to a moan. Pressing her hoof down onto her bitch’s butt, Loona could start to feel the pain marks on it from her spanking as Celestia squirmed more while she moved her hoof down to the alicorn’s colourful tail, then grabbed and pushed all of it aside, revealing the squishy ponut and massively gaping pussy dripping with juice between the mare’s hind legs. Scoffing at the sight of it, she moved her hoof down towards that hole and found she could press her hoof in with very little resistance, certainly due to the huge dildo that she found laying on the floor earlier... Taking a moment to savour Celestia’s grunts and moans as she pressed her hoof in a bit deeper and tested the waters, Loona then decided to quickly whip her hoof out, smirking at the sharp, yet muffled ‘Oh fuck!’ it got from the alicorn, and use it to help her walk back over towards the front of the bed. “You stupid bitch...” Loona chastised the other mare as she leaned down and tried to grab the massive dark blue dildo sitting on the floor with her sullied hoof, though its incredible weight along with all of the marecum lathered across it made it quickly slip out of her grasp. “How fucking depraved must you be to plow yourself with this?” She chided, and decided to use both hooves to pick up the huge dildo, but her unbalanced posture forced her to swiftly set it back down on the bed, where she managed to see a black bunch of straps attached to its base barely visible in the dim light. “How do you think everypony would respond if they knew about this..?” The demon asked, though some curiosity seeped into her voice as she looked a little closer at the black straps, and found their positioning, length, and the tiny blue specks of hair stuck onto it reminiscent of something in particular... Loona couldn’t help but laugh as she realized that the dildo before her was actually a strap-on this entire time, with the blue furs making it clearer that Luna herself fucked Celestia with this monster of a toy, and going by the exposed rear holes before her, it was clear which one the Princess of the Moon preferred using. Leaning partially over the bed to reach her sullied hoof towards Celestia’s pussy again, she traced it up across her soft and beat-up vulva, partially listening to the heightened breathing and faint moaning coming from the alicorn, and then went further up and grazed the much firmer and plumper ponut above, her own ears involuntarily perking up at the much louder groaning that came from Celestia. “Well, your little pussy has been pounded to death,” Loona spoke with disappointment and smugness, enjoying the mare’s uncomfortable and wild squirming under her hoof, “So if I’m going to be using that tool, it ain’t gonna be in there...” She could tell from just how Celestia was almost writhing and shaking her head that she wasn’t all too happy with the prospect of putting something down there, but she hardly seemed to really be doing much else against it, so it must’ve been the mere discomfort coming from doing something unfamiliar that got to her. Pushing her hoof against the center of Celestia’s ponut, Loona found it harder to breach than she thought, with the unusually large size of the tall and rear-heavy mare’s rear entrance still being particularly firm. A bit odd, she supposed, for the incestuous and submissive size-queen to not dabble in anal, but she’d be sure to change that all soon enough. Pushing harder and harder, tilting her hoof to press its edge into Celestia’s hole, Loona eventually managed to push open the sweaty, musky cavern, with its slickened interior allowing her hoof greater entrance, much to the audible displeasure of its owner. With the final shlrp accompanying her hoof finally making it all the way inside, Loona could feel the anal ring constricting tightly around her fetlock, and she could tell it was going to need a bit of loosening up for what she had planned next. Loona twisted her hoof around and partially listened to the continued uncomfortable moans that made their way through Celestia’s gag, and took a moment to get a feel for that fat ass’s incredibly warm interior before really starting to wrench around in there, hearing and feeling her bitch’s pleasure spike as she wrestled and groped as much resistance out of Celestia’s asshole as possible. “Alright, then,” Loona said as she suddenly yanked her hoof back out, having Celestia let out another sharp ‘Mmph!’ and her ponut closing with a wet shlp!, left to wink loosely and wildly as its owner wriggled in her bondage. “I think it’s about time I actually use this toy you left out for me...” Pulling herself back slightly, Loona then carefully grabbed hold of the massive, heavy, and slick strap-on and paused for a second as she questioned how exactly she’d put it on, and then decided to lift it up and hold it to her barrel before sitting down onto the carpet below, the dim moonlight forcing her to rotate sideways a decent amount to properly see everything. Once it that position, she pulled it away from her barrel, scoffing at all the jizz that clung to her fur between it and the dildo, then pressed the hefty base of said dildo to her crotch and lifted her thighs to keep it from falling over. Finally, she got to work wrapping the main strap around her waist and buckling it together, and next doing the same with the two other pairs that went around her thighs. Putting her forehooves to the floor right in front of her, and already feeling the immense weight of the dildo pressing down on her crotch, Loona then forced her hindquarters up, wobbling and mumbling a ‘woah’ as she felt the strap-on pulling her flanks down, and taking her several seconds to get (somewhat) used to it. “Absolute fucking slut,” She muttered, not really trying to hide it from Celestia as she looked back at the mare’s fat flanks facing her, and then took some steady steps forward and clambered up onto the very plush and hard-to-stand-on bed, taking yet another few moments before she could step forward and over her bitch. Unfortunately, the position she then found herself in made it rather difficult to see what was going on under her, and with the unusual weight strapped to her crotch, the task of shoving that tool into the mare below was somewhat daunting. Looking under her to see what she could with the dim lighting, Loona lifted her sullied hoof with the intent to help adjust it, but the heavy strap-on made her almost fall over with how hard it pulled her down, forcing her to quickly shift one of her back legs to have the weight be better centered before actually using her forehoof to grab the dildo. With the huge thing’s slickness and her own awkward positioning, it took Loona a moment to maneuver it so that its flare pressed up against Celestia’s ponut, which immediately drew a muffled gasp from the mare and had her start wriggling in her bonds again. “Stop being a fucking bitch,” Loona practically snarled at her in irritation, which thankfully make the pony stop moving so much, letting her actually hold the dildo in place with her hoof as she slowly pressed down with her hips, though only managing to make minimal progress with how the dildo kept shifting around and how Celestia’s asshole didn’t give much at all under the pressure. “Can’t fucking believe you actually shoved this thing in your pussy, fucking slut,” Loona spat in annoyance and disgust at Celestia while she continued her attempts, ignoring the alicorn’s twitching and moaning before her ponut finally began to properly give, with a long, tense moan pushing out through Celestia’s gag as Loona shoved the dildo inside, and forcing the messy flare to shlop! in. “Fucking THERE!” Loona swore, huffing and putting her forehoof and hind leg back into place while continuing to ignore her bitch’s moans, before then starting to push her hips down, down, and down further still with the dildo’s weight pulling her along and Celestia’s insides pitifully trying to resist, and the mare herself twitching violently and grunting with the certain pain that came with having her rear entrance so completely filled with something so huge. “You’re gonna take all of this, bitch,” Loona spat as she continued further down and neared the bottom, stuffing more and more of in the deep cavern that was Celestia’s asshole, and with one final shove, shouted, “I’m not letting a single inch of this stay out of you!” Celestia practically screamed as the whole length and girth of the massive dildo got violently rammed into her anus and pushing out down into the bed through her belly, with her body shaking far harder than it was before under the sheer size of the thing no doubt feeling like it was going to rip her half! However, with that incredible pain came immense pleasure, as some magic started to whirl up her horn and spark out from the ring still present there, and after the powerful shock of getting so filled, Loona could hear the mare’s heavy breaths through her gag being filled with lustful and tired hffs as she tried to recover from almost(?) orgasming. “I thought you’d be able to take that better, slut,” Loona insulted her, and noticed Celestia’s ears twitching in response. “Especially after what you did to your fucking pussy...” She muttered offhandedly, though didn’t give her bitch below her any opportunity to react before forcefully pushing herself up off the bed, and taking the strap-on with it, and quite a ways out of Celestia’s asshole in a split-second, which shot a sudden gasp and lewd groan from her muffled maw. However, Celestia’s respite from having her innards utterly filled was short-lived, and her moans got cut off by Loona ramming the dildo back down into her ass a lot faster than before, forcing another shriek to erupt from her mouth before she was left twitching in pain and pleasure even more than before. Loona simply scoffed at the pathetic display before quickly jerking her hips back up again, getting another gasp/groan before cutting that off even quicker than before with another shove back down, except this time, she barely hesitating before cutting off that scream with another yank back up. She was thankful for her hellhound biology as the incredibly heavy dildo strapped to her crotch took a lot of force to pull and push as she did, with the swiftly ensuing thrusts into and out of Celestia’s fat ponut and tight rectum seeming to truly start to break the ‘perfect’ princess, with her screams and groans of each thrust and retreat respectively merging into a loud mess of noise with muffled gasps, moans, and coughing from a lack of air all starting to crop up within it all. Gritting her teeth and folding down her ears to protect from the increasing volume of Celestia’s screams, Loona kept her hooves as solidly on the bed as she could while pistoning her hips up and down with a force and speed that started to push towards the limits of her demon-given capacity, all the while noticing the magic forcing its way up Celestia’s horn in front of her face, the golden glow quickly flashing from the horn ring, though unlike previously, the magic didn’t stop coming. Loona had to close her eyes and turn her head away as more and more magic got shoved up through it, seemingly involuntarily, if the alicorn’s relentless screaming and getting a massive pillar of stuff rammed repeatedly into her tight ass was any indication. Of course, Loona was hardly going to let any of the continually orgasming princess’s noises or magic slow her down--instead she only sped up, with adrenaline really starting to course through her as she went faster and faster, her thrusts plunging harder and harder into Celestia’s fat, firm asshole, with her own breaths becoming bated and almost growling under the effort. She could feel her legs start to burn as her hellhound strength kicked into full gear, the resulting noises of plapping into Celestia’s ass inaudible under the mare’s voice, which started to get drier as time went on, and soon enough starting to break under the stress. The magic continuously surging up her horn seemed to be approaching a final climax, with the sparks shredding off of the ring starting to carry with them a hint of smoke... as well as the sound of sizzling? Loona was too far gone to care for such details, though, and instead just let her wrathful lust take over as she grunted, growled, and snarled with each thrust, slamming all the way through her bitch’s fat ass all the way down and impacting the bone underneath. Hardly able to take much more as her legs started to flare with pain, she rammed the cock attached to her down as hard as she could, then even harder, and harder one final time, roaring with the sheer feeling of delivering that much into Celestia’s asshole, now so utterly wrecked as to render any stallion useless to her. Celestia herself was starting to have her voice go silent with the continued lustful screams, and the final few thrusts sent her magic over the edge and blasted a wave up her horn and exploding off the ring that was meant to restrain her, the resulting shock of magical force reverberating through her head and swiftly sending her unconscious. Flinching at the blinding sight of the magic exploding before her face, Loona felt the wave surge through her, taking away any breath she had and forcing her to slump down onto Celestia’s back, the calmer wave of exhaustion filling out her mind and body right after, with the mess against her barrel and weight pulling at her crotch unable to be noticed amongst it. With every ounce of her energy spent on plowing Celestia’s asshole, and then some, Loona couldn’t even recall why she was in the princess’s bedroom in the first place, and with the incredible softness and warmth of what she was laying on, she could only let the exhaustion take over and force her to into a deep slumber, with any ramifications of what had all just occurred completely bypassing her mind entirely.