The lost Prince

by Void Streak

First published

Long ago before Princess Celestia would become ruler of Equestria. Celestia and Luna both had a young pegasus brother. However unlike other pegasi he could perform magic however on one fateful day, the young prince would vanish.

Before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ascended to the throne they had a brother who was a pegasus however unlike most pegasi, the Prince could perform magic. Many thought of this as a miracle and the pegasi would think of him as a hero. Unfortunately, the siblings father and ruler of Equestria, King Lunard II had different views about this supposed miracle. He felt threatened by his own son. So when the young Prince performed a trick that was believed to be impossible, he took matters into his own hoof...


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Prince Void Streak couldn't believe it as he looked towards the grey, cloud-filled sky as a dark blue and white circle expanded across the sky. "I I can't believe it. I finally did it. I created a sonic rainboom" the Prince shouted to himself with a big grin as he looked at his creation.

"What did you do" a voice boomed from atop the steps that lead back into the castle. The voice came from a towering dark blue alicorn with a deep, purple mane that seemed to float in a light breeze. A cold, grey crown adorned his head. This alicorn was King Lunard II, the ruler of Equestria. His coal, black eyes pierced directly into his son's golden-yellow eyes.

The young colt's ears flattened against his skull. Void Streak knew instantly that he had made his father angry as he was wearing that sadistic, sneer he always when he was doling out punishments.

"I I it was a sonic rainbow" he stuttered while trying not to look into his father's gaze.

Lunard suddenly gave out a cold, mirth less laugh. "You an abomination, performing a Sonic Rainboom." Void merely winced when hearing the insulting nickname that his father gave him. "You may be able to perform magic and you may have those savages that call you their hero but in reality, you are nothing but an insulent failure of a bird."

Suddenly an idea came to the bullying King as he started to conjure up a large storm cloud. He then disguised his cruel face with a look of fear as he started to shout" WHAT ARE YOU DOING, VOID!" as he then caused the storm cloud to strike himself with lightning." AAAAAAAAGH"

Void Streak didn't know what to say or do as he watched his family run out into the garden. His mother, who was a pure white alicorn with flaming-orange mane, Sunrise's face quickly contorted with fury, ran in front of her husband and magicked up a force field.

"Quick guards sieze him" Lunard groaned while trying to stop himself from smirking.

Two unicorns in purple armour stunned the dark blue pegasus colt who then fell to the ground in a heap. Lunard who was now leaning on Sunrise ordered the guards "take the prisoner to Canterlot Fortress"

This made Void Streak's sisters Princess Celestia and Luna gasp "but father" Celestia began but was stopped short by Lunard who held a hoof up.

"No Tia, I have had enough with that colt. If he wants to act like a savage then he shall be treated like a savage. I believe Star swirl's got a new weapon he wants to try out, I believe I found him a suitable test subject" he said almost gleefully

This made Sunrise stop "You don't mean the Elements. They haven't been tested"

"Like I said we now have a test subject" he simply stated as the guards started placing manacles on Voids hooves and wrapping his wings in a chain that was magically enchanted to act as an inhibitor.

They then placed him in the back of a dark carriage that had two small barred windows positioned in the doors. This made Luna run back into the castle. Both Luna and Celestia knew that their brother was being framed as it was no secret that he despised Void ever since he was born.

* * *

Prince Void Streak groaned as he woke up. Groggily, he looked around. His eyes grew to the size of saucers as he realised that he was in a prison cell. The cell was small, cold and had a musky smell to it. The only things that were in the room was a small, wooden bucket - he had an idea what the bucket was used for - and a thin layer of hay that covered the entire floor.

When he tried to run to the thick, wooden door, who had small barred window at the top, he was pulled of his hooves. Looking he saw a short chain that ran from the wall to a cold collar that went around his neck. He then noticed that his wings were chained to his barrel. Still looking at his chained wings, he tried to do magic but when they didn't change colour he realised that the chains were enchanted to stop him from doing magic.

He tugged at his bindings; they didn't come loose, not one inch. He sighed. "Why does he hate me so much?" he asked to nopony in particular.

All of a sudden the cell door unlocked and opened to reveal four surly looking guards. They grinned menacingly
The guard in front sneered in mock admiration "Your royal highness" while going into a deep bow that Void Streak knew all to well was fake.

"Spearpoint" Void growled menacingly. Spearpoint was the captain of the Royal Guard and one of King Lunard's most loyal supporters. He is a white unicorn with a maroon mane, his cutie mark was the sharp end of a spear. Like most Unicorns he hated Void Streak. It may have been a thousand years since the three tribes United but that didn't mean there was no resentment between the three factions.

"Prince, you are to come with us and face judgement for your crimes" Spearpoint explained in a silky manner while locking Void's hooves in a pair of cold, steel manacles. He then unlocked the chain from the wall and tugged on it like a leash. He then started dragging Void to him and forced him to walk like a dog, further humiliating the young Prince but Void merely scowled. Any feeble form of communication that the grounded pegasus colt tried to say was immediately shut down by the guards shouting silence.

They finally arrived at a large hall that the Prince immediately recognised as the judgement chamber. This room acted as a large meeting room for when important decisions that impact all three pony races were made or in this case as a makeshift courtroom.

In the centre of the large room was a pedestal if some kind this made the Prince look in confusion. The last time Void was here there was no pedestal. Looking around he noticed that the only ponies in this room was his father, a bunch of Guards and the royal sorcerer; teacher who taught Void Streak and his siblings, Star Swirl the bearded. He looked at Void Streak gravely.

The Guards placed Void Streak on the large stone pedestal and locked all four of his hooves into shackles. Locking the poor Prince onto the pedestal this gave Void a sense of foreboding.

King Lunard gave a sinister smile. He then announced "Prince Void Streak, the Royal Court finds you guilty of the crime of Treason. As you are aware, anypony guilty of this offence is sentenced to death however because of your heritage, it has been decided that you will face the newly created Elements of Harmony!"

This made Void gasp. The Elements of Harmony were two magical gems called the: element of magic and the element of loyalty. It was rumoured that when used against any creature there could be extreme consequences. Void also knew that Star Swirl, who created the elements in the first place, intended on adding more gems to the elements.

"N No Father please have mercy!" Void started to plead. He then turned to his teacher "He's lying. I never tried to hurt him. Please don't do this"

Void Streak was crying by now; begging anypony to release him but King Lunard merely ignored his sons pleas for help and ordered "Do it"

Star swirl who originally didn't agree with this plan in the first place reluctantly stepped forward in front of the crying 10 year old. Powering up the spell, the element of loyalty started to spin around the element of magic, which was positioned in front of his now lowered horn. He looked up into Void's yellow eyes and shouted "I'm sorry" but the young colt didn't hear it over spell.

Void looked up to see a large rainbow beam blast towards him. As the beam enveloped him he felt a cold, hard feeling slowly weave its way up his legs. Looking down he was horrified to see his body slowly start to turn into stone. He screamed "NOOOOOOOO" as his wings burst out of their bindings but they too were turning into statue. He looked towards the ceiling and started praying to whatever was out there as his vision was cut to black...


A brownish-yellow pegasus with a mane that consists of 6 shades of grey, looked through put the tomb. She noticed a small statue of what appeared to be a pegasus colt. She went over to the base of the statue where a small inscription that was written in Old Ponish: Hic jacet Inanis virga, Princeps caeli. The pegasus read alout in modern equestrian "Here lies Void Streak, the Prince of the skies."

As she read the statue slowly started to crack. This made the pegasus gasp in surprise "Shoot, I'm going have to repair this now"

All of a sudden the statue broke away to reveal a blue pegasus colt with a blue and white mane and tail. The pegasus's eyes snapped open revealing golden-yellow iris.

The blue pegasus spoke in Old Ponish "Quis es? Úbi sum? (who are you? Where am I?)"

The pegasus shook her head in surprise and thought to herself that it was a good job she understood old ponish. "Nomen meum est Audax Fac et es in monumento, in silvis dealbatis. (My name is Daring Do and you are in a tomb, in the whitetail woods.)"

"Im 'inanis series Prince. (I'm Prince Void Streak)"

A new Equestria

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Prince Void Streak stared at the pegasus called Daring Do and asked "Tu me ad urbem Astro? (could you take me to Astro City?)"

Daring gave a perplexed expression and replied "Er Astro quo? Ive numquam audivi ex eo. (Er Astro where? Ive never heard of it)"

This made Void laugh "Quomodo numquam audisti. Est caput. (How have you never heard of it. It is the capital)"

This made a lightbulb go of in Daring's head and asked dramatically "Quod annus est? (What year is it?)

Void gave her a are you stupid look and replied "eius 1000. (it's 1000)"

Daring rubbed the back of her neck. She had no clue what to do in this situation. Usually when she saw statues they never come alive so this was a first. She had like so many pegasi heard of Prince Void Streak but also like everypony else, thought it was a legend. "Nescio quomodo tibi hoc dicam, sed eius 5000. (I don't know how to tell you this but its 5000).

This made his eyes became dinner plates "QUID EST! (WHAT)"

Suddenly Daring remembered the princess that came with her fan Rainbow Dash. Princess Twilight would have a direct connection to Princess Celestia herself, she would know what to do. "
Heus hedum mitescere. Im amet te ad amicum meum, sciet quid agat. (Hey kid calm down. Im gonna take you to a friend of mine, she'll know what to do.)"

Daring gestured to her back which Void Streak jumped on. She then flew to the nearest train station which was in Hollow Shades. When they arrived at the train station Daring slipped into the toilets and changed into her A.K Yearling disguise. While she was doing this however Void looked at the different signs with a confused expression How the hay is anypony supposed to read this he thought. He noticed that there was a lot of thestrals around. He remembered that the thestrals had their own little kingdom; his father was planning enter a union with them. He felt his blood boil when he thought of his father.

He turned around to see a familiar looking mare. Upon further inspection however he realised that it was Daring Do. He raised his eyebrow but didn't question it.

All of a sudden a train arrived at the station. When Void looked over at the train, his jaw dropped "Quid prata? (What the hay is that?)"

"Agmen. Trans Equestriam mannos transportant. (a train. They transport ponies across Equestria)" Daring then walked over to the conductor and asked for a foal and an adult ticket.

Void who noticed the brief exchange glances peculiarly at Daring and asked "Quod lingua loquebatur? (What language was you speaking?)"

"modernus equestris (modern Equestrian) Daring replied as she sat down.

The train then set of. Void looked out of the window at the trees that whizzing by. He thought about his family. what happened to my family? Do they all hate me and why did Star Swirl betray me? void thought to himself with sad expression. He felt like a lost puppy without a home.

When the train arrived at Ponyville Void looked around at all the houses with their thatched rooves and sandy coloured brick work. This reminded Void Streak of the villages before he was banished. He also noticed all the different pony races mixing together. During his time the three races hardly ever mingled the only ever time all pony races were together was during harvest season.

Void also noticed that there were two large castles: a purple crystal castle that was in the shape of a tree and seemed much closer atop a hill on the outskirts of the village they were in; a large golden castle which had huge towers with golden rooves. This castle seemed much further away and sat on the side of a mountain. It reminded him of Canterlot Fort, which was both a military base and a prison.

Daring Do who was leading the way, was heading towards purple, crystal castle. When they arrived Daring knocked on the giant, golden doors making a large boom with each knock. When the doors opened however Void Streak screamed for the doors opened to reveal a mini, purple dragon with green spikes that lined his back from head to tail. "AAAAAAAGH DRACO! (DRAGON!)" Void screamed while pointing he then added hurriedly "'festin' gladium affer, ut hanc foedam bestiam interficiam! (Hurry, fetch me a sword so I can slay this foul beast!)

Spike just gave a bemused expression as he hadn't understood a word that the pegasus colt had said. Daring however told the Prince "Inanis, Spike non est foetida bestia. Non est ut ceteri dracones, amicus est. (Void, Spike is no foul beast. He isn't like other dragons, he is friendly.)" Void however glanced suspiciously at the young drake. She then turned to said drake and asked "Hey Spike sorry about this but do you. Know where Princess Twilight is?"

"Yeah she's in the throne room with Rainbow Dash ironically debating what's going to be in your next book."he said with a little giggle.

Daring smiled "well let's give them a teaser"

Both Daring Do and Void Streak walked past the baby dragon and trotted to the throne room where they saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash who appeared to be in a deep discussion therefore did not notice the visitors. When void saw the table which had the map revealed Void exclaimed "LATRO! Estne tabula tota Equestria? (WOW! Is that a map of all of Equestria)"

This broke the discussion up and Twilight said excitedly "Was that old ponish I could hear" Looking around to find the visitors "Oh Hi Daring Do, what brings you here and who is your little friend?" she asked while gesturing to the colt.

Before Daring Do could reply Rainbow Dash let out a gasp "You're Prince Void Streak. Your a literall legend"

"Quid dicunt? (What are they saying)" void asked uncertainly. He felt left out. "Et quis est iste? (And who is that?)" He added while pointing to Twilight.

Daring was about to answer but Twilight beat her to the punch "Hi ibi celsitudo tua mihi nomen est Crepusculum Sparkle. Potesne dicere modernam equestrem? (Hi there your highness my name is Twilight Sparkle. Can you Speak modern equestrian?)"

"Non puto sed quomodo me principem scis? (I don't think so but how do you know that I am a prince?)"

"Omnes sciunt de te sicut Iris dixit te esse fabulam. (Everyone knows who you are Rainbow said, you are a legend)" Twilight said while gesturing to the Rainbow maned Pegasus next to her, who was floating lazily beside her. Now that Void had a good look at her she thought she looked alot like his friend who had a similar name: Rainbow Bolt or Rainbolt as his friends liked to call him. He also had a Rainbow mane however he had black fur instead of cyan.

Rainbow then asked Daring "How did you find him according to my nanna he vanished. After Daring explained how she found she told spike to write a letter to Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia

It has come to my attention that the long lost Pegasus prince of the skies has returned. A friend of mine who happens to be an adventurer found him as a statue, similar to that of Discord when he was banished. The prince is around the age of ten and can't speak modern equestrian instead he speaks the old ponish tongue. I have no idea what to do with him and I look forward what you think of this predicament.

Your faithful Princess Twilight Sparkle

When spike sent it of to Celestia Void shouted cool in old ponish.


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Princess Celestia was trying not to fall asleep. She kept nodding her head with a fake smile to the noble who WAS supposed to be talking about improving Trotting ham's infrastructure but was too busy talking about great his mane was. Before Celestia could tell him to get a move on a jet of emerald flames whizzed through open doors and popped in front of Celestia's face to reveal a scroll with a yellowtl tinge. Glad of the perfect excuse, she postponed day court and stated that they would have to present their issues to her sister during night court. Celestia as this was the perfect form of revenge for that slime bucket prank. She knew that the scroll was from her former student now Princess Twilight Sparkle.

When she read it however, her eyes bulged. "Impossible it must be an imposter, yes a changeling it can't be him" she said while trying to hold back tears she walked onto the large balcony that was positioned at the back of the throne room. She gazed across the horizon as she remembered the day her baby brother was born.


Celestia and Luna were both waiting anxiously outside of their mother's Chambers. Luna, who at this point was a little filly was jumping up and down. "I can't wait to see him! We'll be able to play Kings and Queens" Luna shouted happily. Celestia merely giggled but then both she and Luna cringed at hearing a burst of screaming mixed in with what sounded like "I'm gonna kill you for this Lunard"

But then at last they heard it the cry of a newborn infant. The doors opened to reveal their father King Lunard II. He had a weird look on his face.

"Come girls. Come meet your new brother." Queen Sunrise said gently beckoning the two young alicorn forward.
They saw a tiny blue pegasus with a blue and white mane.

"But Mother he's a pegasus why is he not an alicorn like us?" Celestia asked worriedly.

Sunrise frowned "I'm not sure dear but nevertheless we will treat him all the same. He is the future King after all" this made Lunard scoff and mumbled something that sounded alot like 'not on my watch'. "What was that dear?" Sunrise asked with a piercing gaze.

"Oh nothing Dear. I was just er admiring his wings" he assured but his wife didn't look convinced.

"What's his name?" Luna asked gleefully

"Void Streak. The unknown streaking out"


Celestia smiled at the memory. Her smile faltered she then took of the giant, golden tiara that adorned her head and gazed guiltily into the amythist gems and sighed to herself "This Kingdom doesn't belong to me it belongs to little Void Streak" she closed her eyes and added forcibly "It's time to make things right"

She then conjured up a piece of parchment and started writing all the while thinking of another memory.


Princess Celestia and Luna both gazed towards the flag covered coffin. Their Father was dead. Celestia scowled at the casket before following her sister out of the tomb sealing it shut forever.

When they arrived back to the throne room they found their fathers old advisor Quick Quill. "Your highnesses" he greeted while bowing "I am very much sorry for your loss. He was a great stallion"

This just made Luna release a hollow laugh "You don't need to pretend in front of us. We just as equally despised him in fact the only thing we are sorry for is that we didn't kill him ourselves" this made Quick Quill smile.

Overtime King Lunard II grew into a tyrant and many ponies weren't sad to see him go. Several times during his long reign the ponies revolted however they had all been put down this lead to their dear ruler launching mass executions against the populace.

"Ahem, Celestia because you are the eldest, you will inherit the crown thus making you our new Queen -"

"NO I do not want to be Queen. I simply want to be known as Princess and I would like to rule side by side with my sister"

"But your highness this is most untraditional" he tried protest but with a feeling of admiration for the self proclaimed Princess ruler.

Luna chuckled nervously and told Quick Quill to leave them. She then turned to Celestia and said uncertainly "Are you sure about this sister?"

"Yes sister, the throne doesn't belong to us it belongs to to him" she replied while trying to hold back tears.

Luna looked uncomfortable "Maybe we should consider the possibility that he isn't coming back"

But Celestia shut it down "No, he has to come back and until he does I am going to look after Equestria."

Luna smiled "You're not going to give up are you no matter what I say then I shall help you sister for if I do not then it would be a great betrayal to our brothers honour"

Celestia nodded "Until Prince Void Streak, the rightful ruler of Equestria returns we shall watch over this land and protect from any threat and help his subjects to the best of our ability. For when he returns we shall pass the crown over" they bot vowed simultaneously...


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Prince Void Streak had finished telling Rainbow Dash and Twilight - Daring having to leave to start planning her next book - about how he was turned to stone, they both looked appalled however before they could say anything Spike, who Void hardly trusted as during his time, Dragons were seen as wild animals that would attack anything that moved, let out a massive belch and puked up a scroll.

Dear Twilight,

I am amazed to hear that you have found Prince Void Streak. I must insist however for you and the rest of your friends to bring the Prince to Canterlot however DO NOT tell him where you are taking him as I fear he may not react kindly to going there. For the sake of Equestria I must truly confirm the identity of the Prince.

From your loving mentor Princess Celestia

Twilight wondered to herself why the Princess would not tell her about Void Streak and why he would react badly to going to Canterlot but she decided not to mention it. Instead she turned to Dash and told her to collect the rest of the gang she then told Void Streak "Inanis, amicum meum te videre decrevi. (Void,i have decided to take you to see a friend of mine.)"

Void nodded, he decided not to ask who the scroll from. Instead he decided to transfigure a book that was near by into a turkey. This made Twilight's jaw drop while continuing to look from his wings, whose feathers had changed colour into that of a rainbow, to the hot turkey. Twilight crinkled her nose as Void started to dig in as if it was completely normal.

"Quomodo, inquit, facere, quod? Et quare edis escam? (How did you do that? And why are you eating meat?)" she asked while trying to quench the stench.

Void gave her a bewildered expression "Dissimile pegasi alias magicas facere possum et omnes carnes edunt. (Unlike other pegasi I can do magic and everypony eats meat.)"

Twilight shook her head, feeling both fascinated at the fact that a pegasi could perform magic and also repulsed at the now Turkey skeleton which Void vanishes. Twilight also noticed that like a unicorn aura Void's feathers glowed rainbow when doing magic. "Nostris temporibus omnes non manducat vegetum vel faenum (Not in our times everypony eats veg or hay)"

This made Void stick out his tongue and say "ew". This also made Void think about how the times really have changed. He suddenly felt very lonely in a strange planet.

All of a sudden the rest of the main six burst into the throne room where they instantly saw Void Streak. "Oooooh a new pony what's your name" Pinkie squeked she had suddenly popped into Voids face. He hadn't understood a single word that Pinkie said and for some reason she made him feel very claustrophobic.

"Pinkie leave him" Twilight scolded she then told them the story about Void Streak. After introductions were made they all rushed to the train station. Once again Void Streak was mesmerized by the speed of the train.


When Princess Celestia told Luna about Twilight's discovery, she also narrowed her eyes in suspicion but didn't say anything.

Then the double doors opened to reveal the main six. Both alicorns gaze however were aimed at the small Pegasus colt who appeared to be accompanying them.

They gasped there was no doubt about his true heritage. Just one look into his golden eyes informed them that the colt was indeed the Prince of the skies.

Void gasped when he saw a familiar blue alicorn "Luna, est tibi? (Luna, is that you?)"

Luna smiled "Ita parum Inanis. Nimis longum fuit. (Yes little Void. It has been too long)."

Void then looked towards the white alicorn he the realised it was Celestia with a different mane. "Celestia, iuba stili. (Celestia, nice mane style)

Celestia chuckled "Immo potius convenit mihi ne putes. Inanis parum te desideravi. (Yes it rather suits me dont you think. I missed you little Void.)

Void then sprinted to both alicorns and hugged them. "Tantum te desideravi, putabam te nunquam iterum visurum. (I missed you so much, I thought I would never see you again.)"

The three siblings broke apart while whe main six smiled warmly at each other. Celestia then addressed the group "Thank you so much for bringing him here. You are all probably wondering about how he became a statue"

Before she could continue however Twilight reassured "It's ok. Void told us what happened."

Applejack then asked "Why did yer father hate Void so much? Parents are supposed tah love their kids"

Princess Celestia's face darkened. sighing she explained "You must understand that back in those days it hadn't been long since the three tribes united.There was still resentment running rampant and the tribes were still segregated.The only time you would see earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi was mingling was during national holidays or if they had to visit each other for food. This was why alicorns ruled the land so that not one tribe gained too much power it also avoided unnecessary conflict. However if a pony was too breed the wrong species then that foal usually gets abandoned. It was the very same for us alicorns. Our father regarded Void Streak as a family shame he would have gotten rid of him alot sooner if it hadn't been for the laws of the day. At this time Equestria was a patriarchal society which meant that only stallions could inherit the throne. Mare were seen as illegitimate. The only way to truly legitimate a mare is to either kill the current heir or banish him."

The room fell silent. It was eventually broken by Celestia "Well let's not dwell on such dark history. As you might have noticed Void Streak is a prince, which means it is time for another coronation. If you don't mind I would appreciate any help you could offer. You can have similar roles as you did during the wedding. However Twilight would you be able to teach Void to speak modern equestrian?"

"Of course Princess but what about all of his other basic education?"

"I am not sure. Our old tutors are long gone"

"If I could make a suggestion you could send him to Miss Cheerilee's school,that way he could make some friends his age"

"Yes however before you all leave I must tell you something. As soon as Prince Void Streak comes of age, he will become the next ruler of Equestria"

This made everyone apart from Luna gasp. "WHAT!" They all said in unison.

Before they asked why Celestia said "Me and my sister made an oath to pass the crown onto him"

After relaying the conversation to Void in old ponish he didn't look all that surprised at the news.

"I have arranged accommodation for your stay in the castle until the coronation" Celestia said. After they left Void decided to stay behind to catch up with his siblings.