> A Rosy New Year's Eve > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > From Dominance to Subservience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the last working day of the year and Colgate's day was drawing to a close. Colgate was an incredibly busy pony, working six days a week most of the time to see to it that everypony in not just Ponyville but also the surrounding communities had all of their dental needs taken care of. She loved her job but December was always the hardest on her as she was swamped with patients who were going to see her while their insurance would still cover their whole bill. When Colgate saw who her final patient of the day was, and thus the final patient of the year was, she was elated. Her final patient was Roseluck, a pony who she got along with fairly well and most importantly, she took good care of her teeth. Colgate figured that this would be a routine appointment. She would check her teeth, use her X-Ray spell and then clean her teeth prior to closing up shop. When Colgate headed out to the waiting room to get her final patient, she had a smile on her face. When she arrived she saw Roseluck sitting there with a slightly nervous look on her face. Such a thing would normally irritate Colgate but with Roseluck, she was used to it. She gave her a smile, "Come on back Rose, let's get you checked out!" Roseluck followed Colgate into the back and got up into the dentist's chair without being ordered to. That was another thing Colgate liked about her, she was never reluctant to get in the chair like some ponies were, especially the foals who never took care of their teeth. Once she was up in the chair Colgate said, "You know the drill." Roseluck nodded and opened her mouth. Colgate lit up her horn and cast the proper spell so she could see if there were any problems. Colgate developed a smile on her face as Roseluck had absolutely no cavities and it was obvious that she took very good care of the as there wasn't even one bit of plaque on them. She gave the earth pony a smile and commented, "Wow Rose, it looks like you take as good of care of your teeth as I do. Now to get them cleaned and you'll be good to go." Roseluck kept her mouth open as Colgate began to clean her teeth. Both ponies were in a good mood by this point. With Roseluck, it was because she knew this would be a quick appointment and with Colgate, it was because this would likely be the quickest cleaning she ever had to do and then could head home. As she was cleaning her teeth though, she began to think of other things. She began to think of other things she wanted to do, things that would be very fun and knew exactly how she could get Roseluck to agree to partake in them with her. Once Colgate had cleaned her teeth, she grabbed Roseluck by the hoof and helped her out of the chair. This confused Roseluck some because Colgate never did things like that. She had heard that she never even did that with the foals that she saw. Once she was out of the chair Colgate suggested, "Rose, how about you come with me into my office. Since your teeth are always in perfect health, I have a deal for you, one that you are certain to like!" Roseluck had a nervous look on her face as she followed the unicorn into her office. Once they got into her office the two got sat down and Colgate began, "Rose, as you know your teeth are always in perfect health and you are easily one of my favorite patients so I have a deal for you." Roseluck nervously asked, "What is that?" Colgate asked in return, "What would you think about me seeing you for free for the rest of your life?" This was something that really piqued her interest. Her appointments in June were normally fairly expensive because her insurance didn't cover all that much at that time of year. This also did concern her though too because Colgate was behaving radically different than she ever had before. She had always heard rumors that Colgate tended to be on the greedy side, not to mention the mean side so this offer of generosity seemed so out of character for her. Roseluck replied, "What do I have to do to get this anyway?" Colgate pointed towards a door behind her desk and suggested, "I'm going to go get everything locked up and then I shall return. Then how about you follow me and find out." Colgate then left her office leaving Roseluck alone. One thing that concerned Roseluck though was that Colgate closed her office door was that the unicorn cast multiple lock spells on the door, ensuring that she could not leave. Five minutes later Roseluck heard the spells being reversed and in came Colgate. Once she returned, she again cast lock spells on the door. With a smile she suggested, "How about you come with me Rose and you can earn that free dental for life." Roseluck had a nervous look on her face as she was wondering why Colgate would cast multiple lock spells on the door. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe she had not so pleasant plans for her. She began to wonder if perhaps, despite her having perfect teeth, that Colgate did have a mean side and that she was going to suffer some sort of unwarranted punishment. Roseluck followed Colgate through the door and very quickly the two were in a dimly lit stairwell, one that went down quite a ways. At that moment the earth pony knew that something not so pleasant was going to happen. In most instances like this she would scream for help but didn't do so because any cry for help she would give would go unheard and would likely piss Colgate off and the last thing anypony would want to have to face is a pissed off Colgate. Once they got to the bottom of the stairwell they entered a dimly lit room. Colgate then turned on the light and revealed a room that had something that nopony would expect out of the no-nonsense dentist. In it was a four post bed with a canopy on it. The room was also decorated in pink but one thing that unnerved Roseluck was that on the walls were painted images of hearts with not only Colgate's cutie mark in them but hers as well. Roseluck's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Colgate, what is this? Do you have some sort of sick obsession with me?" Colgate gave her a smile, "Now why would you think that?" Roseluck yelled, "Because, because you have our cutie marks in hearts and yours is on top of mine! It is like you want to own me or something." Colgate gave her a seductive smile and lied, "I would never want to own you! Owning mares is something only nasty ass stallions want to do." She paused before adding, "But you are incredibly hot! Not only are you my favorite patient but you are easily my hottest patient too." Roseluck did not like where this was going. She rushed towards the door and tried to open it but it was all for naught as Colgate had cast multiple lock spells on it. Colgate was less than happy over what she was doing but she also expected it so she did not get angry. She grabbed the earth pony in her aura and levitated her to where she was laying down on the bed. Colgate then joined her on the bed and continued, "I know you thought you could escape but I can read your eyes. I know you want me and you want me bad!" Roseluck yelled, "No, I do not want you! When I get free you'll pay for this because I'm going to report you to Princess Celestia and she won't stand for it!" Colgate giggled, "You know I was in her school, right?" Roseluck continued to yell, "Well that doesn't mean she'll let you get away with this!" Colgate was really getting turned on by her threats and her struggling despite being in her aura. Colgate then decided the time had come for her to execute the plan she had. She decided the time had come to make the only mare she had ever been attracted to hers. She spread Roseluck's legs apart and giggled, "Oh I think I'll get away with it just fine!" Rose began to struggle further as she screamed, "You're going to horn rape me, aren't you? You're going to do what the most vile lesbian unicorns do, aren't you?" Colgate gasped, "Horn rape you, I would never do such a thing!" Colgate then cast a spell to make her horn a bit longer and a bit bigger around. She pointed to her horn and gave the earth pony a smile, "Now doesn't this look wonderful?" She paused before adding, "Just admit it Rosie, you know you want my horn up in you!" Rose screamed, "I do not! This is why I've never dated a unicorn! Almost all of you are lesbians, you share your horns all the time and knowing you, you'll probably use some freaky fertility spell to get me pregnant!" While Colgate was enjoying seeing Roseluck being so agitated, she wanted to get this done and then begin what she believed would be a truly wonderful life, a truly wonderful life with an incredibly hot mare she had wanted for quite some time. She then lowered her head, forced it between the earth pony's legs and shoved her horn up her pussy. Roseluck let out a scream of anger as soon as Colgate's horn was inside of her. That scream of anger would become a scream of pain as Colgate began to thrust her and quickly penetrated her, taking away her purity. While Colgate was thrusting her, she began to release magic into the earth pony. The first spell she cast was one that would cause Roseluck's perception of this whole event to change. Rather than her thinking of it as being horn raped, she would think that she was the one who begged Colgate for horn sex, rough horn sex. She then cast another spell on her, a seduction spell. She wanted Roseluck as a marefriend and was bound and determined to have her. As Colgate was releasing seduction magic into her, Roseluck began to call out Colgate's name and squeal, "Oh Colgate baby, yes, yes, yes! Oh I love you so much, I want your horn everyday forever!" Colgate continued to release the magic into her but would be shocked when she heard Roseluck cry out, "Oh Colgate, marry me! Please marry me, please make me your wife, your subservient little wife!" Colgate could feel it, she could feel it that the seduction spell had worked. There was only one other spell she had to cast, one to alter her dreams. She knew that if Luna was to visit her dreams and saw this going on, that things would not bode well for her. Colgate put even more power into this spell so that any dreams Roseluck may have would be of their interaction being completely consensual and full of love. Once Colgate finished casting the spell, she pulled her horn out and could hear Roseluck breathing heavily. She crawled up on top of her and looked lovingly into those green eyes. When Roseluck saw her loving look she smiled, "Oh Colgate, I could do that forever!" She pulled her down and kissed her before crying out, "Please make me yours forever! I love you so much Colgate, please be my marefriend, please marry me!" Colgate gave her a smile, "I love you too Roseluck and of course I'll marry you! I'll get you an amazing ring and I can reschedule some appointments and we could even get married as soon as Monday! Then we'll have a totally kick ass honeymoon and we'll go anywhere you want!" Roseluck began to cry tears of joy, "Oh thank you Colgate and I don't care where we go on our honeymoon! I just want your horn, I want horn sex and lots of it!" Colgate then laid next to her, pulled her onto her side and began to kiss her passionately. Roseluck wrapped her body tightly around Colgate's before forcing her onto her back. Once she had herself in the dominant position, she began to rub her marehood up against that of Colgate. Very quickly Colgate began to moan, "Oh yes Rosie, oh yes! Grind me Rosie, grind me hard!" Soon both mares were moaning and squealing in ecstasy as shock waves of pure pleasure were shooting up and down their spines. Roseluck continued to grind her harder and harder causing Colgate's moans to become louder and louder and for her to be the one breathing so heavily. Soon both mares were nearing climax and Roseluck was staring directly into her eyes with those seductive green eyes of her. The two then moaned loudly as they climaxed simultaneously. After their climax, both mares were exhausted as they continued to lay there, gazing into one another's eyes. Roseluck then got a huge smile on her face and giggled, "You do know I'm going to be the dom in this marriage don't you?" Colgate gave her a smile, "I know, I know. I love you and if you want to be the dominant one, I'm all for it." Roseluck returned the smile, "Well you better be! Just because I love you doesn't mean that I'm going to let you have any control." She paused before adding, "Besides, us earth ponies need some sort of control! Unicorns may be masters of magic but earth ponies are the ones who keep the other tribes in line." She gave her another kiss before giggling, "And with us, it is a matter of me keeping you in line, making sure you are subservient to me and submit to me like a good girl!" Colgate could hardly believe what was going on. It wasn't that long ago that she was showing complete and absolute dominance over Roseluck and now here is Roseluck going on about how she will be the dominant one once they are married. She then realized that she had to have done something wrong when casting the seduction spell. Seduction magic was something that she had never done before so fouling up on it wouldn't be out of the question. Regardless though, Colgate couldn't help but be really turned on by being subservient to an incredibly hot earth pony. She gave a slight laugh, "Ok, ok, I'll submit to you!" Roseluck then pulled her into a deep kiss and felt like she was on top of the world. Here she was, an everyday earth pony florist and she now had a hot shot unicorn dentist under her control. She then wrapped her body even tighter around the unicorn, bound and determined to prove that earth pony strength was something she would always use to her advantage. As their kiss became more passionate Roseluck thought to herself, "Just imagine how her friends will react to this! Just imagine how they'll react to her submitting to an earth pony, an incredibly hot earth pony!"