> All I want are some answers > by burdockwing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blood ties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (please read my previous story if you haven't already. Or read it next. that would be kinda cool to learn the back story after the story. or whatever) All stories have a horrible twist to them. Some aren't as bold or obvious but everything is fucked up…don't misunderstand me, they are great! What I'm trying to say is…anyone can point out the horrible or grotesque mundane things in life, but very few can see all the wonderful things in life and stories. Ch. 1 "Brother! Brother! Brother!" A filly comes running into the doctor's office franticly but happily yelling. Scout turns around to see his sister hopping up and down. "Marigold! Calm down! You know Gindra doesn’t like you being in here!" Snow Pie just looked at him then jumped up and down yelling "Brotherbrotherbrotherbrotherbrotherbrotherbrotherbro-" Scout grabbed her and took her outside. "Okay now that you have settled what do you want." Snow ran around her brother. "Im bored! why can't you come home!" Scout peaked through the door into the clinic looking to see if gindra frost has come back. "Because I'm an apprentice! I either work here and learn or I don't and end up broke! someone has to help this family!" After Scouts outburst Marigold immediately settled down and pouted. "Hey…don't...okay I'm sorry but I need to be on my best behavior or else I get fired. It's a miracle I got this apprenticeship." He hugged her and led her out through the hallway. "Okay…I'm sorry." Scout passed the counter and grabbed some lollipops. "Here…I'll be home in a little ok?" She grabbed the lollipops happily. "Okay! will you make me mint toast!?" Scout opened the door for her. "I don’t know…You already have some lollipops…the mom's aren't gunna like it." Marigold frowned, Scout patted her head lovingly. "Well they don't have to know about them." She smiled and ran home to see if they had everything for the dessert. It made scout happy to see his sister every now and then in between his shifts but she gets to hyper. "SCOUT! YOU BETTER BE ORGANIZING THE POTIONS!!!" Scout jolted and ran back inside. "Right away Mr. Frost!" Marigold is a orange earth filly with a light yellow mane who loves nothing more than to play sports with her mom and laugh with her…other mom, Her happy hyper mom named Pinkie Pie and her sporty rainbow mom named Rainbow Dash. Her moms named her Marigold because of her orange fur. Scout is her older brother and her best friend. Scout brings home the bacon, while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are house wives. The whole family lives in Coltscreed a small town with plenty of peace in the mountains. The story about marigold is one of love and ambition. Rainbow and Pinkie loved each other but couldn’t have children, so they searched through libraries for a solution. They came up empty hooved. So they went to princess Celestia herself and begged for a child that would be part of each of them. Celestia heard their plight and was willing to grace them with the ability to conceive, but they needed to prove they were willing to do anything for this gift. They needed to give up a limb per child. They decided to both give up a body part, but the night before, Pinkie went to Celestia and said that she would like one more thing in addition to a child for her limb. She asked for Celestia to promise not to take anything from Rainbow Dash. Celestia was touched by her concern for her lover and agreed to the terms. Rainbow awoke to find Pinkie missing her left foreleg and found that Celestia was not willing to perform the ceremony on Dash. Not only did Pinkie suffer but they would only have a single child, Dash was furious. Pinkie would bear the foal. They waited many months and had a beautiful colt named him scout. They were sad they could not have another child. Touched by their love for each other, Celestia decided to allow them one more child. Pinkie was to give birth again and their family would be complete. Marigold was born and everypony was happy. They settled down in coltscreed and made a home for their loving family. Marigold ran into her home with lightning speed. "Woah! where's the fire!?" Rainbow Dash said as Marigold ran passed her. "Mom! Brother is making mint toast!" Rainbow hugged her lovingly. "Did somepony say mint toast!" Pinkie walked into the living room. "Yeah! Big brother is making it!" Pinkie smiles and joins in the group hug. "Of course! He's the only one with the special recipe!" Marigold jumped out of the hug and ran into the kitchen. "Do we have bread?" Rainbow assisted her daughter, making sure she didn't fall. Pinkie followed the two energetic ponies. "Yes but we need oil. You should go tell your brother so he can pick some up when he picks up the secret ingredients." Rainbow shook her head. "We can't anger his boss. Mary how would you like to go pick it up?" She nodded gladly. Pinkie gave her a few bits. "Don't buy any candy or else you won't have any mint toast." Marigold nuzzled her mother's before leaving for the general store. They watched their energetic daughter run off to the store. Dash nuzzled into Pinkies mane almost making her trip with her one good foreleg leg. Dash caught her and they shared a laugh. Marigold was excited for dinner. Soon her brother would get off of work and make his famous desert that nopony else knew about or even came close to flavor wise. "Hey Mary!" Snow turned to see the three bullies of her school. Brownie a tough looking colt, Snake a extremely scary looking filly and their filly leader…Punch, short for grape punch…(I know a stupid name but back in kindergarten that shit would be scary. Punch…*Shivers* Anyway back to the story.) "What do you all want?" Punch walked towards her but was met with a threat to buck her in the chest, Marigold was known for a fierce kick, Punch backed away but wasn't finished. "What are you doing freak? You can't take us…but back to business. Give me all you're bits!" She instantly was worried. "NO!" Grape punch and snake were ready to brawl, Brownie stayed back. "What do you mean no!? Brownie get her!" Brownie hesitated. "Get her!" Brownie shook his head. "Last time I got beaten up and you all just laughed…besides she's…really tuff." Punch rolled her eyes. "I think we can take a filly fooler!" Mary was filled with rage. "What exactly do you have against me!?" A grin spread across Punch's face. "Where do I start. Like mother like daughter! And you got two of them!" Mary couldn't handle it. She slammed her back hooves into her right shoulder blade extremely hard. Everypony heard a pop followed by a crack that was louder than her gasp for breath. Punch hit the ground practically being thrown in a heap. "You talk about my parents again I'll break your neck!" Brownie and Snake looked at their leader, who was crying and the look on her face could be described as one of extreme pain and pleading for help. Realizing what she had done, Mary ran to her originally planned destination. Marigold walked into the general store trying to act casual but almost in tears. She was more worried about what her parents and brother would think of her when word got out that she was in a fight. In a small town such as Coltscreed, word gets out fast. All she wanted was to live out the ignorance by having mint toast with her family. She grabbed the oil and headed for the counter but was met with a startling surprise, her brother was at the counter buying ingredients, she tried to hide but it was too late. "Marigold pie! I was just getting stuff for dinner." She handed him the oil trying to not seem suspicious. "Are you okay? Were you crying? What happened?" Snow looked at the ground. Scout moved closer. "…what happened?" Marigold threw her hooves around her big brother and hugged him. "I just want mint toast…please." The store keep came up to the counter. "Is everything alright?" Scout nodded, said thank you and paid for everything. "Do you want to talk about it later?" Mary nodded, at this point she was in tears. The siblings left for the house. As they were walking back to the house, Marigold noticed that the bully gang was gone. "Oh my oh my oh my oh my." Scout stopped snow from walking right into the path of a running, frantic mare. "Are you okay miss?" The mare just kept running. Mary knew it was Grape Punch's mother running towards the clinic. She tugged at scout eagerly. Scout shrugged it off and continued home. Scout arrived home with Snow Pie. "Hey! We're home!" Pinkie and Rainbow came out of the kitchen. "Hey loves!" they said almost simultaneously. "Dinner will be done in a little." Pinkie said in her cheerful tone. Mary kept her eyes down. Rainbow couldn't help but stare at her. Rainbow inched closer until she was mere inches away from her face. Marigold began to feel uncomfortable. "Mom…" Rainbow lifted her face up with one hoof. "Honey…I can tell when something is wrong…what happened?" She felt her heart beat faster and faster. "Are those other foals bothering you again." Snow hugged her mom as Pinkie walked over to her side and scout had took it upon himself to leave them alone and make toast. "They…called me a filly fooler." Pinkie nuzzled Mary. "Now why would they say that?" She looked at her mothers with a sad look. "She said mother like daughter." Rainbow was angry at this point. "Those little shits!" pinkie nudged Dash. "Now look…you're mother and I love each other and that’s all that matters…Some ponies may have problems with it but most understand…do you?" Marigold Pie nodded. "Good…now let's have toast." It could be a matter of minutes or hours until they found out about the fight, so she was happy. Scout walked into the room with his famous dessert. It was almost customary to have it before dinner. "Okay everypony dig in!" Snow smiled. The smell of the delicious delicacy filled the room. Pinkie handed her two pieces of toast. She savored the aroma and began eating immediately. Scout smiled. Everypony thanked scout on another fabulous dish. He always liked having his food appreciated. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Pinkie had already finished her toast so she got the door. Rainbow muttered something about the nerve of some ponies coming during dinner. All Snow could think of was the toast. "What? What about my daughter? What do you mean? WHAT!?" The yell of Pinkie caused everypony to flinch. Scout and Rainbow Dash stopped eating and waited to see what happened. Pinkie walked back into the dining room. "What happ-" Pinkie broke in mid sentence. "Our daughter broke a foals leg and popped it clean out of the socket!!!" Everypony turned to Marigold Pie. Pinkie was furious and waiting for an answer, Mary was still eating but bawling. As the toast grew soggy and the tension in the room became palpable Pinkie blurted out. "What the fuck was going through your mind!?" Rainbow jumped from her seat. "Hold on there's no need for that!" Scout went to go talk to the Pony at the door. "The god damn sheriff is at the door to take her so she can explain!" Rainbow peered at the door confirming her fear. "And she needs to explain before we all jump to conclusions!" Rainbow turned to Mary with a kind yet concerned look on her face. "Sweetie…what happened?" Snow was still crying. "I…j…just wanted toast…" The sheriff stepped inside the house. "Okay everypony needs to calm down. We don't know If she had anything to do with it…we just need to ask her some questions." Down at the clinic Scout had helped with the procedure. The sound of them popping the leg back into the socket followed by a scream was heard down the halls. Snow pie and her parents waited eagerly for the sheriff to talk to them. Pinkie had comforted her daughter and Rainbow tried making sense of the situation. The sheriff walked out after talking to Grape Punch as well as her friends. "Okay you can go home, sorry for the scare." Rainbow and pinkie breathed a sigh of relief but Marigold was confused. "So who tried to frame my daughter?!" Pinkie didn't try to stop Dash from the outburst. "I'm sorry…the foals said it was her. We didn't peg her as a suspect but we had to go through the normal procedures." Rainbow still wasn't satisfied. "So what happened then? " The sheriff shrugged. "We have no clue…I don’t think your little girl is strong enough to do that, heck I don't think I could do that. They probably are just trying to cover for something they did." They were both still mad but glad they could leave. Scout cleaned up and went home with them. "Okay what the hay was that about?" Pinkie shrugged and scout looked confused. "Well it wasn't bad so regardless of what happened there's no reason to get over excited." Rainbow Dash looked at her daughter expecting an answer. "I got in a fight…I didn't mean to hurt her that bad…I just wanted her to quite making fun of my family. Pinkie kissed her on the head and took her to bed. "It doesn’t matter. It's over and everypony is fine…kind of, get some sleep." Pinkie put her to bed and went back to the family room to continue their conversation. "Well what now." Dash had a frantic look on her face. "Nothing…everypony thinks it can't be her so we keep it that way." "Ponies know." "They are foals…nopony is going to believe them." Pinkie was the only one with a cool head. Rainbow wasn't satisfied "Gindra frost said that it could come back." "This was an isolated incident that won't happen again…there's no reason to make a fuss about it." Scout ended the conversation there, refusing to go any longer with this disturbing topic. > Everypony needs somepony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marigold Pie got ready for school as usually for a weekday . She ate breakfast and saw her brother off to work. Marigold had gotten her school supplies and was ready to leave. "Hey…sweetie We're sorry for yelling at you last night." Rainbow and Pinkie apologized. "It's okay." Pinkie and Rainbow hugged her. "No it wasn't and it won't happen again." Marigold was glad that it was behind her. Her parents still loved her and everything was as it should be. "Have a great day." Mary waved goodbye as she left for school. Marigold Pie walked into the classroom. Ms. Blacksworth was getting class ready and the foals were chatting. "I'm telling ya' she kicked her!" Snake was talking to another classmate. "Mary? The same Mary that has trouble lifting a text book?" Snake stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Marigold. Snake returned to her seat, Brownie was sitting next to her. Her old friend Katy ran up to her. "There you are! You're the talk of the town!" Mary just looked around at everypony staring at her. "Don't worry nopony thinks you did it." Katy and Mary sat in their seat once class was called. "Okay class! As you know one of our classmates had an accident, well we will be making her a get well card but for today we do division." The whole class shared in a moan. "Now now. You need to know this for the test!" The teacher went unheard. "Psst…Pie!" Marigold looked over at her friend. "What?" Katy looked around to see if the teacher was still talking. "What happened to Grape Punch?" Marigold looked at her and did her best to lie. "I…I don't know…" Katy giggled. "You are the worst liar ever." There was a loud crack as something hit Katys desk, the fillies jumped. Blacksworth was standing right next to them with a ruler clenched in her teeth. "Do I need to assign detention?" The fillies shook their heads and class returned to the normal boring routine. Katy looked over at Mary "We'll talk later." Katy ran over to Marigold. "Hey! wait up." Marigold slowed down enough for her friend to catch up. "Is our agreement still in affect?" Mary smiled and nodded. "Time to find our cutie marks!" They set off to Mary's house. "What should we try?" Katy looked at everything questioningly. "Hmmm…how about making stuff like…bread?" Mary looked around. "How can we get the supplies?" Katy grunted in annoyance. "How about space?" Mary stopped. "What?" "You know…spaaaaaccce…its everywhere…" Mary just stared at her. Katy giggled "It's what my brother said once." Marigold continued walking. "Uh…how about we just go play in the forest and see if there's anything there?" Katy started racing for the forest. "We're not gunna find anything in there!" "Does it matter?" Katy giggled and they ran off for the forest. Marigold ran through the forest "Hey! Katy! k…katy!" She looked around, nothing but pits of darkness. She felt a disturbing eternal void inside of her… like she was truly alone. "Katy! Katy…" She heard something, she looked its way praying for her friend to emerge. But all she saw was darkness. The feeling grew even closer to her soul. She couldn’t help but think that this was inevitable, her friends would leave her…they all would either betray or forget her. She wanted to run through the forest as fast as she could, but to where? There was nowhere else to go. "Alone at last…" Marigold heard a raspy voice, she couldn’t control her fear. "Katy!!! Katy!!!!!!!" Marigold ran for it, but before she could get even a couple feet Katy jumped on her. "Calm down!" Marigold hugged her in tears. "Don't do that! I thought I was gunna die!" Katy picked herself up struggling against her friend, then she stood Marigold up. "It was just a joke…calm down." Marigold rubbed the tears out of her eyes. "I...Im sorry, I don't know where that came from. Was all of that you?" Katy dusted herself off as well as her friend. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out like that." Marigold looked around, it seemed less dark…less…hopless. She turned around wanting to get out of there. "Anyway, I found something that is amazing!" Marigold turned back to her normal peppy self. "What?" Katy motioned for her to follow. The dark forest they were in seemed to taper off into a small field surrounded by the forest. The field was bathed in light and the focus point was a tall tree right in the middle of it all. "Check it out!" Marigold looked at the tree, they walked towards it. Katy jumped onto a low hanging branch and continued up the tree like a goat up a mountain, soon disappearing into the thick leaves. Mary looked up into the tree trying to see her friend but was met by a object falling from the tree and hitting her on the head. "Ow!" Katy jumped onto the ground. "Sorry…here." She picked up the object and handed to Marigold. "What is it?" Katy looked at her friend with a questioning look. "You've never had an apple? " Mary shook her head. Katy wasn't surprised "They don't normally grow around here." Mary took the apple and examined it. It gleamed a bright red and irradiated a pungent smell. Katy took a bight of hers and gave her friend a nod of satisfaction. Mary held her breath and took a bight. It crunched loudly and flowed with juices. "Well how do you like it?" Marigold chewed it a little then spat it out. "I hate apples." Marigold had made her way home after going into the forest with her friend. The day had been long and uneventful but she was worn out and couldn’t wait to get to sleep. She walks through the door and could smell a very familiar scent. "Mint toast!" she ran into the kitchen and saw her brother with a plate full of the delicious dessert. "Hey sis! I feel you’ve been having a hard time with everything so I decided to make you a treat!" Hearing their daughter, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came down stairs. By the time they got there, she was already gorging on the toast. "wha…" Pinkie Pie almost looked shocked. Rainbow gave scout a questioning look and then walked over to push him into the next room. Marigold looked at her mother Pinkie. "Uhh…Just a little talk be back in a second…stay here." Marigold was afraid that her parents would get mad at Scout for giving her sugar so she snuck over to defend him, but before she could get past the door she heard an odd conversation. "No…Just no!" Rainbow Dash was trying to speak in a hushed tone. "What were you thinking! She ate enough just a couple days ago!" Scout looked back and forth to each mother. "It…It's not that simple. She's getting older. Its…getting older." Pinkie began to show fear. "What do you mean? Its dead!" Scout visibly trembled "It can't i…it is developing…we can't deal with it like we used to…Gindra said that we need to do something about it soon." Pinkie began to tear up. "fuckfuckfuckFUCK!" Rainbow shook her head and turned to see marigold. Scout grabbed her and rushed back into the kitchen. Rainbow rubbed Pinkies back while she rubbed the tears out of her eyes. "What are you all so mad about?" Scout stuttered a bit. "Well…umm, we are talking about something that happened to some ponies here in town…over at my job." "What happened?" Scout patted her on the head. "You're too young to hear about this stuff yet." He tried to push her in the direction of her bedroom but she resisted. "Is it about me? Did I do something to make them mad?" "What? No of course not! Look…it's all right, its nothing okay…I wouldn’t lie to you." Marigold looked up at him as if to check for some sign of a lie…she couldn’t see it. Rainbow and Pinkie walked back into the kitchen. "Hey sorry about that…you weren't supposed to be listening to us adults talking." Rainbow hugged Mary to assure her. Pinkie was slow to respond. "…Yeah." She joined in on the family hug. Rainbow rushed her off to bed. "Brush your teeth and go to bed." Marigold ran off to bed feeling reassured. Scout made sure that she had gone up the stairs. Pinkie looked at Rainbow and scout with an intense stare. "Shit…that could have ended badly…" Marigold stood up in a dark forest. She walked around the spot she was sitting at. "This seems not right…" She immediately heard a loud crack followed by a grunt. She look around expecting her friend to jump out of a tree. What she found was more horrifying. She turns to see a silhouette of a pony standing over a mass of rotting flesh. All she could see were ribs intestines and flaps of skin, truly horrifying. She stood for a while silently. The pony was…mashing and stomping, cracking, bending, cutting and…and…she couldn’t bear to look anymore. She turned to run. Run away from that thing. "What's the matter?" Marigold looked around to find the source of the voice. The voice sounded almost like Pinkies. All she saw was black night. "Wha…Mommy…" A twisted laugh could be heard echoing through the forest. Marigold was ready to run but all of it seemed pointless to run from whatever it was. "What's the matter? scared of the dark?" Marigold dodged for a tree but slammed into the ground. "Don't you see? Well I guess you can't when you have been blinded so badly." Marigold twisted only to find a sharp pain in her stomach, she looked down to see a sharp stick jammed into her stomach. Blood slowly ran from the wound and when she tried to get up, some intestines were being pulled out. "You must see what these ponies are doing to you! They are laughing at you and you just smile! IT MAKES ME SICK! They aren't just laughing at you! they are laughing at us!" Marigold was losing consciousness quickly. Something grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up slowly, a unknown ponies hoof kept the organs inside. "All we have is each other… I had friends and that ended nicely." Marigold laid in the forearms of whoever was holding her, it was too dark to see. There was a flash then something caught on fire. Marigold could see the hoof of this creature on fire, she slowly looked up, scared of what she might see. "All I want to do is help you." A faceless, boney, raged mare was mere inches from her face, Marigold stifled a scream. The ponies hoof dove into her stomach and the light was gone. Marigold coughed blood as the pain was to immense for a scream. The wound was cauterized closed. "So when you wake you shall learn of everything and you we will leave where no one can hurt us, but we will make others suffer. Marigold faded into darkness, more dark than the blackest forest. "Mary!!!" Marigold felt numb but slowly felt herself coming too. "Mary!!" She opened her eyes to see her family huddled around her, she heard screams…her own screams. She stopped yelling. "What?" Rainbow held her tightly as well as Pinkie. "Marigold…you were having a bad dream." Her brother was staring rather oddly at her from across the room. "What were you dreaming about honey?" Rainbow asked worried for her daughters sake. "I don't know…" Marigold had waited for the weekend all week long and now she could mess around with friends and play around. She wanted to get a soda from the general store so she figured out that she would stop there first. She walked in and ran for the soda. She put it on the counter and waited for the clerk to ring it up. "Hi. Is this it?" Marigold nodded. The clerk placed it in a bag. "You know…I've seen you in here ever since you were born and you seem a little of today." Mary looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?" "Well I remember when you're mothers came in here looking for milk for you…They just came to town and looked more frazzled than a wet cat, your brother was a smart one even back then. Anyway… you have grown up before my eyes and I think your growing up faster than ever." Marigold grabs the soda and gives the sign for him to continue. "I don't know I'm just an old coot rambling…just…don't grow up to fast…you'll find that there are some pretty rough paths you have to go through to grow up." Marigold smiles and nodes, being so young in an old town she is used to all the advice. Coltscreed is a small town and everyone knows everyone. Marigold went to a friend's house. She knocked on the door and out came her older friend named Sapphire cloud a young mare. "Hey Marigold what's up?" "Nothing much I was wondering if you wanted to go play?" "Sure how about we go to the pond." "The pond?" "Yeah, I was thinking about trying to find my cutie mark. Maybe I'm a fish pony or something, I don’t know I'm willing to try anything." Marigold was willing to do anything as long as she was with friends. They walked to the pond and said hi to everypony on the way. "Okay what now?" Marigold looked around and they both walked onto the pier, the pond was rather large so everypony went there. "How about we swim?" Sapphire grabbed Mary and fell into the water. "Augh!" Mary splashed around for a while. Sapphire giggled and wrapped a hoof around Marigold as she swam to the shore. "What the heck was that?" Sapphire went from a giggled to a full on laugh. She got up on to the shore and fell onto the grass laughing. Marigold however wasn't so enthusiastic. "That’s not funny!" Sapphire slowly stopped laughing. Marigold gave her a look of discomfort, she was shivering almost enough to shake loose bolts. Sapphire stopped laughing. "Oh sorry are you cold? Here" She got up and hugged Marigold. "You're colder than me…you're not helping." Sapphire let her go only to nuzzle into her neck. Marigold fidgeted. Then Sapphire looked into her eyes and pecked her on the lips. "What the heck!?" Marigold shoved her away. "What? Have you never been kissed?" "No…and especially not by another mare! We've been told that mares should do that kind of thing with stallions!" "Oh come on! You of all ponies should know how it works." "What?" "Well…Notice how there are hardly any stallions around here? How is every mare going to end up with somepony they love if they limit it to stallions?" "I…I…" "We all need someone…and it's not healthy if you go without anyone for a long time… It's really lonely…" Marigold wondered about this subject for a long time and after thinking about it, Sapphire was right. "Well this isn't something that I've thought about and it's really weird." "I'm sorry…I didn't mean to push you into anything, but…think about it at least…please." "o…okay…" "Everypony needs somepony, and I'd be happy to be that some pony for you." "Sooo…do actually wan't to swim?" "Not really…I'll walk you home." "Thanks…" Marigold walked away and was followed by Sapphire but then Sapphire stopped dead with a shocked look on her face. "What? What!?" Marigold looked around for something bad. Sapphires shocked look turned to one of amusement, she even giggled. "What!?" Sapphire pointed at her flank. Marigold looked and saw something… her cutie mark. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Sapphire smiled. "Congratulations!" "Thanks! I have to go show my moms!" Marigold ran off to her house excitedly. She couldn’t wait to be congratulated and show it off to her brother, She never quite understood his cutie mark. It was supposed to be medical supplies or something. But more importantly Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would be so proud! Mary came bursting through the doors. "MOM! MOM! MOM!" Rainbow came running through scared out of her mind. "What!? Are you okay!? What happened!?" Pinkie limped in quickly. Marigold was bouncing up and down. "Guess what! Guess what!" Pinkie was quick to reply happily. "What what what?" "Look! Look! Look!" "Honey stop bouncing." Scout walked in to all the commotion. "What's happening?" Marigold finally stood still then turned to face her flank towards her family. Everyone dropped dead silent. The smiles from everyponies face instantly went away. Marigold looked around at her family expecting a different reaction. "What? Is it that awesome?" No pony replied. Scout was the first to break the silence. "Fuck…" Marigold quickly replied. "Hey! Mom! Brother cussed!" Pinkie walked out of the room. "Hey…don't you like my cutie mark?" Rainbow stared at scout then replied. "Its three apples…" > The path back to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie and Marigold sat in the living room as yelling and arguing were heard in the other room. "Mom what are they arguing about?" Pinkie fidgeted on the couch, her one good leg was used to support her. "Nothing… just about…his job." Marigold bounced up and down on the couch. "So do you like my cutie mark?" Pinkie tried not to look but eventually gave in and glanced at the three apples, A horrible past that no pony would want to relive was staring at her in the face. Pinkie held back tears and just looked away. "Mom…what's wrong?" Pinkie pie wiped away the tears. "Nothing honey…this might take a while, why don’t you go play with your friends." Scout slammed open the door. "No she is not going anywhere." Rainbow walked out of the room with a scowl on her face and tears in her eyes. "We are still discussing this young colt!" Rainbow yelled violently "No! I am done trying to convince you about this! It's either this or she goes back to a black painful suffering." Pinkie jumped to her hooves and held his mouth closed. Scout shoved her hoof away. Pinkie and Rainbow pushed Scout into the other room and slammed the door closed. Marigold listened intensely. "You are not touching her!" Mary gold believed this was Rainbow Dash "We agreed…if there were signs then we would put her out. You know that its coming back and intends to take every last one of us with it." Scout tried keeping a calm voice "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN!! YOU ARE NOT TOUCHING MY LITTLE FILLY!!!" Rainbow was clearly heard yelling through the solid oak door "We…we need to do this, not just for her but for every pony." Pinkie kept a quiet voice "Wha…what!? Pinkie what are you saying?" "We don't have time for this! The mother fucker is listening to us right now! Its it or us!!" Scout yelled violently Marigold didn't know what was going on but her gut told her to run. The door slammed open but Mary was already in a full sprint. Scout grabbed her hind leg and flung her into the wall. She collided with a large thud and laid on the ground writhing in agony. "This is for my sister!" Scout was ready to kick her ferociously but rainbow tackled him. Rainbow was struggling with Scout by the door so Mary thought fast, she dove into the kitchen for the open window. Pinkie dove in front of her and blocked her way. "Marigold just listen, we need to talk this over." "I don’t understand!" Marigold was shaking violently as tears streamed from her eye's "Don't worry…we just need you to go to the doctor…everything is going to be fine…scout won' touch you." Pinkie wrapped a hoof around her daughter. Marigold hugged her mother back. "No!" Scout yelled. Rainbow still had him pinned on the floor. "It's alright we've gotten this far we can go farther, it's ok-" Pinkie stopped mid sentence. Everypony tuned to see a knife slit into pinkie back, the blade was clenched between Marigolds teeth. "IT WAS JUST GUNNA BE US AND YOU TURNED ON ME YOU WHORE!!!" Rainbow ran for her and slammed into Mary. She grabbed the knife out of pinkie. Pinkie hit the ground, convulsing in pain as blood poured from the wound on her back. Marigold looked at what she had done in horror. She thought of her mother and the fact that she might die, but her thoughts were interrupted by the clatter of hooves behind her. She turned just in time to see a baseball bat connect with the top of her skull. She was knocked unconscious instantly. Marigold awoke in a dark room with a dark figure above her. "Don't be so shaken…just remember this… go for the sides and legs…never the head…the head is too easy…you have brute strength on your side so use it… your small size provides a great advantage for quick movements with knives…alright kid… SHOW TIME!" There was a bright flash and Marigold realized she was in the hospital room. Mr. Frost's personal patients room to be exact. Above her stood Frost and Scout. Marigold felt dizzy but could feel her legs restrained as well as her head. "Ah awake at last…well then it's time for the procedure." Frost said with a resentful look in his eye. "Will she suffer?" Scout said "Not at all…well…maybe a little…too bad." Scout placed a hoof on her, and tried to comfort her. "Don't worry it's alright…you're gunna be alright." Scout couldn't help but cry. Mr. Frost took out a small syringe filled with a dark liquid, he searched for a vein on her leg and quickly dove the needle in. Marigold flinched and flailed against her restraint too no avail. She fell dead on the table. Scout looked at frost and the old stallion nodded. Scout untied his sister and hugged her lovingly. Marigold vomited and fell to the floor. She weaved between the table legs with lightning speed and rammed into frost with lightning speed, snapping his front legs in half. She grabbed a surgical knife from the table and dove it into the stallions eye socket. She stared down her big brother. Fear and disgust was causing her to tremble violently. While scout looked as if someone was committing a most heinous of all crimes, truly a look of pure disgust and hate but also one of pity for the poor lost soul. Marigold couldn't help it she just fumbled and ran out any door she could find. She managed to find her way to the front door. she slammed into it, expecting it to open. She rammed it repeatedly, then turned and practically obliterated it with a fierce buck from her hind legs. She ran outside and made her way to the first direction she saw. It was night and pure black, she could barely make out a house. The whole event started to sink into her mind and she trembled even worse, eventually her knee's gave out completely and she fell into a divot, halfway into the forest, and just an acre away from the hospital. Marigold couldn't hold herself up so she laid on her side. she vomited once and heavyheartedly pushed herself away from the puddle of blood and vomit. "Oh god…oh god…mommy." There were a few minutes of utter silence "God had nothing to do with this…and you're mother isn't going to save you…in fact… I'd say she was the sole cause of all of this." A voice said almost if pleased by the events that just took place. "Who are you.." Marigold tried to keep a low voice "I am the feeling you get when behind a blade, I am the feeling you get when you stare into a fire, I am the feeling you get when you stand atop a high place and ponder whether or not to jump… But to you…I am a guardian angel." "What?" "Okay I'm gunna have to spell this out for you… I AM THE ONLY THING KEEPING YOU ALIVE!!! You see…you took a lot of poison and thanks to yours truly, it's not melting your insides…I mean…it is…but not fast enough to kill you." Marigold slowly curled into the fetal position and began to cry. "Oh come on… hey! stop it. ugh… its alright…we have each other and I wont let them take you away from me." "I want my mommy…" "Don't you see she caused this all… She hurt me… then she hurt you…she really…REALLY…hurt you." "W…who? Rainbow Dash?" "Ah…that’s right, you have faggot parents…it was…ummm…the pink one! that’s her." "Mom! I hurt her. Is she alright?" "Are you kidding me? you stabbed her in vital organs…she bled out… extremely painful…guts…blood…the whole shibam a bam." "What!?" "Joking! god!...you have a loud voice…they saved her barely…I swear…ever since they began healing with magic killing has gotten harder." Marigold hit the ground crying. Marigold felt some pony prod at her side. "Hey…quite crying…what are you sad about?" "My mommy hates me…they all HATE ME!!!" Marigold looked around too yell some more at the satanic spirit but there was still nothing but a dark forest. Marigold heard yelling off in the distance…she wasn't that far from town. "Better stop yelliiiing…their trying to find you." Marigold ran over the hill to the town. "Woah! Da fuck you doing!" "I want my family." "In that case you need to understand what's going on first." "What do you mean?" Marigold stopped dead "I can't exactly say but it will help… a lot…follow me." "What are you?" "A emotion? A pure feeling of hatred…something born in a lying whore who is going to pay! And you are going to help me!" Marigold decided to duck behind a bush. "where do I go?" "Good girl…now get to the train station on the next town over…don't stop…don't pause." With that Marigold and the voice set off into the night. Back at the clinic It was mere moments after Marigold had murdered Frost and fled the scene. Scout stood over his dead master…the one pony that had taken him under his wing and saved his family in their time of need. "Rest easy old friend." Scout said with a look of shock and anger Scout grabbed several bandages and a potion, then ran off to save his family. He ran fast with the last bit of his strength. He ran past several ponies who had came to the hospital to inspect the cause of all the noise. They looked bewildered as scout ran past, but he had no time to waste explain. scout burst through the door of his house. Rainbow was crying holding a wound on pinkies back. A dull tired look was on pinkies face, truly a look of the dimming lights of a life. Scout put the bandages in rainbows hooves, she pressed them hard onto the wound, Pinkie didn't even flinch. "Did you keep pressure on the wound? Okay…It punctured her lung, we'll need to give her this." Rainbow looked around the room. "Where's Mr. frost?" Scout paid no attention to the question. "Okay…Mom, I need to get this liquid in your lungs…" Scout jams the bottle into her mouth. Pinkie kicks a hoof. Scout responded by covering her mouth and nostrils. Pinkie began to panic. She flailed her hooves frantically, kicking for any chance at life. Scout took the bottle out and Pinkie began trying to get it all out of her lungs. She collapsed onto the kitchen floor, completely exhausted. "There…*Huff*…that will heal her internal injuries, she will live." Rainbow held pinkie close and sobbed. She managed to choke out a sentence. "What happened?" Scout got up and checked around the house. "She got out…she killed Mr. frost and now she is probably after us." Rainbow looked at him in pure horror. She couldn't say anything except. "No…" "Well what did you expect…you saw how bad she was getting before…I don't think she remembers anything so Marigold is still in there…somewhere." "What now?" "We try and survive." A ponies hoof was heard on the door. This was then followed by forced entry. Two voices were heard. "What the hell! why'd you break down their door!?" "You didn't see what I saw sir!" "If you slow down and tell me then ma-…dear god." Two stallions walked into the kitchen and saw the bloody scene. "Who's hurt? What happened?" the oldest looking one said in a rather wise voice. "The same thing at the clinic!" a young rookie said…shaken by the whole ordeal. The oldest one knelt down beside Pinkie and Rainbow. "Is she…" Scout shook his head "No…but there is going to be more ponies hurt if you don't listen to me." He addressed the oldest first. "Sergeant…round up everypony." He addressed the youngest second. "Black berry I need you to keep watch." Sergeant looked confused…this was the first death he's witnessed since the war. "Who did this? and why?" Scout had a guilty look. "This is going to be hard to swallow…"