> Remembrance explicit chapter > by Jamie Wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Heat (NSFW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity awoke in the darkness of the room alone. Her eyes took a few moments to adjust into the pitch-black void in front of her. Once she could see relative shapes and sizes of things around, she timidly rubbed her eyes and let out a tiny yawn. She realized that her extravagant dream of lovemaking and happily ever after were only such a dream as she pushed the pillow between her legs away. Had he really not stayed? Rarity wondered in her mind at why Spike would leave her. Part of her felt unknowing admiration for Spike’s abstinence with her vulnerability, and yet a larger part was wishing he was here, now, pushing her back into the bed and tenderly kissing her like before. Had they kissed before? Was that also part of her dream? It couldn’t be, right? Rarity was laying in his bed which she so vividly remembered being in and holding the dragon as they danced with each other. She threw the sheets off her body and crawled to the edge of the enormous bed. Her hooves daintily rested against the carpet as the colder air of the night tickled her hairs. Rarity felt her sorrow growing as the room was devoid of her dream dragon. He must have left her while she dozed off. She stuck her bottom lip out to pout before realizing nopony was here to witness it. She let her demeanor disappear into the sunken and tired eyes that reflected her body. It was no secret that Rarity was getting older. Sure, she was only twenty-six, but the stress of being a CEO, fashion icon, and celebrity along with advisor to the princess was building up. She ached; not just from exhaustion, but from the lack of somepony to come home to. Rarity wanted to walk through the door and nor matter how hard the day was, her man would be there to listen and rub her shoulders. Rarity was tired of being alone. She walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and stared out at the softly illuminated deck below. She saw the hot tub was occupied by a minotaur and a smaller pony. The pony was black, and Rarity thought she caught the face of High Fashion. Not surprising. They were both sitting on the same side of the pool and scooting closer with every minute. Rarity rolled her eyes and gave them the privacy they thought they had. Just as she turned to the door to begin leaving, it slowly creaked open. She froze in place, partly out of panic, partly of curiosity. Had Spike come back to claim her? Or was it an intruder looking for the hero of Norfandia? She readied herself, but kept silent. Suddenly, a tender voice spoke in the darkness. It was soft and almost impossible to notice, but Rarity strained to listen. “C’mon Spike, tell her. You got it. Deserve to be happy, just tell her.” Rarity felt light-headed. Was he really coming to confess to me? Her heart played hopscotch while her breath caught in her throat. She had no idea what she was supposed to be doing while he entered. She quickly decided to jump on the bed and see what happened. Before the door swung fully inward, she crawled across the sheets and lay on the pillow she woke from. The creaking slowed as the latch clicked and soft footsteps approached. The weight of the bed shifted as the dragon sat behind her. Rarity pursed her lips and shut her eyes in anticipation. “Rare? You up?” The voice came barely above a whisper. In her panic, Rarity froze. She heard Spike sigh and felt his claw ever so gently brush her ear. She wanted to lean into him, but kept her position. “Rarity, I know you may not hear this. Maybe you’re not supposed to. But I have to say it.” His claw traced the back of her ear and began running up her neck gently. She involuntarily shivered, but if Spike noticed then he did nothing to indicate. “I think… well, no. I know how I feel Rarity. I remember all those years ago when we met. My giddish love was so… deplorable.” He let out a chuckle. Rarity felt herself smile as she remembered too; the young drake desperate for her attention was more endearing than any suitor since. “The thing is Rare; I don’t think I ever stopped having that giddish love. I think it just went to hide for a little. In fact, it was one of the only things that kept me going out there. Sometimes you were the only reason I smiled. Four years went by, and I never stopped remembering you. I guess you were my remembrance. Remembrance of good in the world, why I was fighting, and who it was for.” Spike rubbed her neck gently and Rarity bit on her lip. Tears were spilling sideways from her eyes as the gravity of laying on her bed drew them forward. “I thought to myself a few times what it’d be like if we met now; if we were both older and had gone through so much. I said to myself that maybe I’d have a chance, maybe you’d love me too. But I wouldn’t be here, now, if I hadn’t known you. And that is not a trade I would make in a million years. In a hundred million. I am who I am because of the memories I have with you. There’s nothing worth more than that.” Rarity choked back a sob as Spike caressed her mane. It must have startled him as she felt his claw pause. Then, everything Rarity had ever wanted came. Spike shifted on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. She sank into him and let out her tears as she clutched his firm embrace. His mouth found its way to kiss her cheek which she knew was soaked from tears. “Spi—Spike.” She cried out. Her heart was twisted in love and pain. She had never felt such conviction as now. “Rare, hey. It’s okay. It’s okay, I’m here.” She felt Spike’s arms tighten around her enough to squeeze her comfortably. She let out another sob as she buried her head in his shoulder. “Spikey, I never—I’m so sorry I couldn’t—” “Shhh, Rarity, it’s alright.” He pressed his head into hers. Slowly, he drew back so Rarity’s tear-blurred eyes met his. She smiled and went to wipe the mascara trail. “Celestia, I look like a mess.” She coughed out a laugh. Spike smiled down to her and stroked her cheek. “Best mess I’ve ever seen.” Rarity blushed and turned bashfully away. “Spike. I want you to know… me too.” She glanced over to him. Rarity saw the confused look on his face, and she faced him again. “I love you too Spikey. That giddish love? I feel that too.” She saw his face turn from confusion to joy as his mouth cricked into a smile. “Really? Since when!” He grinned to her. “I think… I think a long time. But I only realized it that night I put you to sleep. There was something about your silly smile and charming personality that set my heart flittering. You were the only one I wanted to be with that night.” “Rare… that’s the night I fell for you… again.” He spoke quietly. Rarity rolled her eyes dramatically and smiled “Oh, my goodness! Can you imagine if we had just said so then?” She said loudly in contrast to the reverent tones that were dominant before. “Then we might not be here.” Spike chuckled. He gently urged Rarity to scoot closer. “Mmm? And why is here so important?” She closed her eyes again in anticipation. “Because I needed you tonight, Rarity. I need you. I always have, always will.” He whispered into her ear. Rarity smiled and hummed softly. “I need you too, Spike.” They sat again, the same place they were in her dreams; but surely it was not a dream before, nor was it now. Rarity leaned forward to bump her muzzle with his snout and gestured for him to raise his head. He complied. She held herself millimeters from his mouth, waiting and allowing for him to seal the deal. Spike had never felt his heart this way. Its beating was erratic and eccentric. Surely this was a dream. Rarity was there for him, ready to be with him. Spike was ready to be with her. He slowly pushed his head forward and found her lips with his own. They held for a moment, breaking only slightly to readjust. He squinted his now closed eyes as he felt her push into him. His claw began scratching her back as he knew she loved. His effort was rewarded with a quiet whinny inside their mouths. Rarity was too much of a lady to ever make such noises in public. But here, in the midst of Spike’s most vulnerable moment, she clearly felt the same trust in him. Rarity was shocked at the noise she elicited, but Spike was touching all the right places. She felt her desire growing with every stroke of his claw. Rarity knew Spike would never push her into further happenings, but perhaps he would take charge if she began the dance. Rarity probed with her tongue softly once, then twice before Spike’s mouth opened slightly to let her in. She pressed it against his gently as they circled each other. She felt his sharp teeth prick at her soft tongue. It excited her how dangerous yet gentle this man was. Spike grew worried that Rarity would cut herself on his teeth. While they were not as sharp as other dragon’s, he knew they could still cut if not treated properly. He carefully coaxed her out of her exploration by pulling gently on her mane. She allowed it to happen as their lips departed and her breath became audible again. They hung against each other, mouths open and panting as they pressed their bodies together. Spike wanted so desperately to lay her down, but he would never force Rarity into such a position. Rarity was becoming hungrier and more frustrated. She wanted this dragon to put her down right here and prove how much he loved her. She did not want to hold his claw the whole way through. He was not a boy any longer. “Spike.” She whispered lustfully. Her tone had come out more ragged than she intended, but it only added to the heated arousal that grew. “Yea?” “Fuck me.” She craned into his ear. Her profanity clearly shocked and aroused the dragon as he shuddered. “Rare, I—” “No Spikey. I love you. I want to make love to you. But tonight, I need you. I want you so badly.” Her words kicked her own drive into high gear as her hind legs began shaking. Spike could not believe what he was hearing. The pony of his life was begging him. Begging. He felt his scales below the shorts he wore shift as his penis slowly pushed through the looser closure. Rarity knew what she was doing to him, and he was all for it. He smiled at her yearning face and leaned forward to kiss her again. “Alright, love. I’ll show you just how much I need you too.” He heard Rarity moan out a sigh as he fastened his grip around her waist and twisted to place her under him. Spike moved quickly while planting kisses along her cheeks and neck. He worked his way lower as her hooves reached to hold his head. “Spikey…” She moaned quietly. “You feel so good.” The last word echoed out in husky tones of ecstasy. Spike was determined to earn more of those. He ran his claws up her belly and chest as his mouth worked its way down to her winking sex. It appeared dry for how worked up Rarity seemed, but when Spike pressed a single claw into it, fluid came bursting forward to drench his entire hand. Rarity let out a guttural moan as Spike pushed his claw into her slowly. “Spike... Oh, my sweet Celestia!” She gasped out as more of his claws went inside. She ground her hips upward to force his claws against the walls of her vagina. Rarity was hardly inexperienced with sexual encounters, but none of her previous boyfriends had the dexterity of Spike’s unique appendages. Rarity had never gone all the way with any of them, but she had always figured that it would not get much better than hoofing or oral. How wrong she turned out to be. She began whining as her own pace increased against Spike’s slow and methodical pushes. Rarity was growing impatient. “Spi—SPIKE!” She yelled as his claw tickled a particular bulb against her roof. She felt his claws retreat quickly much to her dismay. “What? Rarity are you okay? I’m so sorry!” “Spikey you’re wonderful.” Her face was becoming damp with sweat. “I didn’t mean to scare you off. That was incredible.” She smiled to reassure him. “So, did you already finish?” “Heavens, no Spike. You barely got to the good part!” She laughed and reached down to stroke his face. “Alright, then shall we continue?” He smiled back to her and kissed her hoof. She nodded as confirmation. Spike found the action of clawing the mare before him more arousing than if he were to be inside of her right now. Something about her groans and jerks simply to his hands made him feel excited. He reveled in seeing Rarity enjoy herself, and he wanted so desperately to make her feel as good as she could. Spike stopped his circular motions of claws inside her and braced his elbow against his thigh. Then, he began to push with his whole body while fitting three of his claws into her pussy. The first push went deep and caused Rarity to yelp out. He paused and looked to her, only to smile as she arched her back in pleasure. Spike had never had sex or done anything like this with another person, much less pony. The closest he got was when he and a wolfmen female spent the long night talking. They had shared stories, yearnings, and lost ones. They both decided upon a night of enjoyment as they kissed by the riverside fire they had made. But even Spike and Chrissy had not hit below the belt, so to speak. He increased his pace as Rarity demanded with her hips pushing down and up on his hand. His other hand held her lower back up to give a better angle for the both of them. Spike quickly felt his arms becoming sore and tired from the sustained pressure. But he vowed he would not stop until she got what she wanted. Rarity was fumbling in her mouth as pleasure shot through her body every time Spike’s claws penetrated deeper. She ground her hips into his hand to draw more intensity from every touch his claws made inside of her. She could feel the climax building inside, and she knew what she needed. Rarity placed a hoof on Spike’s chest and wrapped her other around his neck. She bit her lip and leaned close to sink his hand deep inside. She let out a pattering of breath and tried biting instinctively at his neck. The cold scales were tough and provided a perfect point for her to bite on in pleasure. She began rocking back and forth upon his hand and letting out whines of delight with every forward thrust. Her mane bounced between them and sank into her face as sweat covered her body. The cold of Spike’s scales heightened her sensitivity. Rarity began moaning deeply as her walls clenched tightly. She was begging for release through her desperate thrusts. She felt every retraction leave a large amount of her natural lubricant slipping out and spilling onto her legs. Rarity’s moans came above every other sound as she began reaching the height of her orgasm. She felt her legs begin kicking uncontrollably as her neck arched backward. Spike wasted no time in kissing and lightly biting her exposed neck, which only added to her escalating cries. What had started as a deep moan now became frequent and high-pitched cries with every breath. Rarity wanted so badly to finish, yet she craved even more stimulation. That came in the form of Spike’s other hand grasping her flank tightly with his sharp claws. “OH MY SPIKE!” She screamed out and hastened her pace. He slapped again, harder. She bit her lip as a massive moan cried out. His claws dug into her fur and rubbed the sore spot. It was too much. “Spike, Spike, Spike AH!” She was crying now from the pleasure. The dragon had picked up his pace and seemed determined to finish her. She was ready. All at once, her world went brilliant white and pitch black as her eyes rolled back and her throat strained. A strange gasping sound came out as her body convulsed on Spike’s still moving fingers. She reached down to halt his claws from continuing; any further stimulation became painful as she came. She sat on top of him for what felt like both an hour and two seconds at the same time. Her vagina was leaking streams of fluid down the sides of her legs. Her breathing was beginning to return to just airy breaths rather than moans of delight. Spike, the ever-patient lover he was, sat there and held her through it all. Spike loved what he was seeing. Rarity had abandoned all semblance of the high-end pony she was and now found herself reverting to her animalistic desires before him. Nothing compared to the beauty of her glow as she calmed from her orgasm. Spike stroked her back as she did to console the quivering mare, kissing her neck and cheeks softly as she breathed into his ears. “Spi—Spikey.” She struggled to say. Spike took a moment to finish nibbling her neck and draw back slowly. “Rare?” His whisper punctured the rhythmic breathing. “Thank… I mean, thank you, Spike.” She kissed his forehead and hummed a soft smile. “Of course, Rarity. You look so amazing.” He kissed back. “Darling, what about you.” She said the last word with a hushed tone that made her seem embarrassed to ask. Spike pulled back a little further to look into her eyes. They were dodging awkwardly to the sides of the room. “Rarity, if you don’t want to keep going, we can be done here.” He smiled at her and ran a claw up her withers. She shivered against him and met his eyes with a light inside. “You’re… too perfect Spikey.” She smiled again. Spike did not respond, but instead leaned forward to kiss her again. The truth was, Spike was yearning Rarity more by the second. The sexual desire was there, but he mostly just wanted to be with her. Even in the afterglow of her own heightened senses, Spike could feel his arousal dying and his love growing. But just as he felt his erection try to subside, a delicate touch just above his shorts sent a cold start up his spine and a sharp breath to be drawn. He stopped kissing Rarity for just a moment to glance down and breathe heavily. “Is this okay?” Rarity asked like a timid school foal. Spike looked back into her eyes which were now embarrassingly holding his gaze. Spike could feel her wanting to reciprocate for him, but could tell she was nervous. He brushed her cheek and closed his eyes. “Of course, baby. But you don’t have to keep going if you don’t want.” His comment came out. Something struck inside of Rarity because she stopped moving entirely. Spike worried she was about to panic or leave; but just as he was ready to consign to sleep, he felt a tugging at his button on top of the shorts. It sent a smile through his entire body. Rarity was growing more embarrassed by the minute with the awkward tugging at his shorts. She had never undressed another pony, much less a bipedal dragon. Not to mention that this was always the part that scared her about sexual encounters: revealing the hidden monster underneath the beast. Stallion’s cocks had always kind of scared Rarity; they were huge and floppy looking. Even having done the few oral favors she had, they never sat well and took much convincing. But Rarity wanted to please Spike more than she did save herself. He had been so patient and willing with her; it would be unfair to tease him all this way. She decided to stop fumbling around and use her magic to help undo the awkward fastening. Then she moved the zipper down from the top and put her hoof between the fabric. It hit his cold scales, but something was different about this spot. The scales seemed to be softer and angled strangely against the rest of his body. They also emanated the most heat she’d felt from Spike other than his breath. Rarity let a small gasp as she realized how eager Spike had been, yet so willing to delay and deny the encounter should she feel uncomfortable. Rarity could not forsake this poor fellow. Spike had buried his head inside Rarity’s mane as she undid his shorts. His breathing was becoming more raggedy and nervous. Even with the pony of his dreams, Spike was feeling exceptionally scared. More so than Barlow’s gap he thought as her hoof brushed his stomach. Why was he acting like such a little boy? Had the years of combat done nothing to temper his nerve and steel his resolve? Just as he berated himself again, a jolt of nerve-racking pleasure shot through his legs as Rarity’s hoof touched the softer side of his scales. Spike’s penis twitched beneath the fabric as her hoof traced small circles around the top. He knew that the anticipation was mounting to be impossible to bear. Spike began to let a low growl emanate with each breath as her hoof pushed against his rough shorts. Rarity met his growls with her own soft whimpers as she leaned into another kiss. Her hoof gently tugged at the waistband to show what she wanted. Spike was more than happy to oblige as he sat up to pull the shorts down. Rarity could not help herself. She pulled away from the kiss to watch Spike undress in the dark. She sat leaned forward on her haunches in anticipation. Rarity had never seen a Dragon’s dick before. She timidly stared at his crotch as the shorts slid downward. Rarity flicked her eyes back up to Spike who seemed just as embarrassed. He offered her a brief smile which she returned. “Sorry, they’re tighter than they used to be.” He chuckled as he whispered. Rarity smiled again. “I cannot imagine why, dear.” After another second of awkward tugging, the shorts slipped off and Rarity’s eyes went wide. Spike’s penis stood up almost parallel with his body. It curved backwards and seemed to resemble the length of one of his claws. What surprised her the most were the visible veins of blueish-purple blood that throbbed through it. There were no testicles visible to her, but she did remember hearing Twilight talk about dragon genitals mostly residing internally. She kept watching as Spike moved to hold his dick in a claw and position in slightly towards her. She was eager to get going, but marveled by the uniqueness of his genitals. Spike flushed bright red. He was grateful the lights were out as he feared Rarity would mistake him for a different dragon should she see him. Why was she just staring at it? He had no idea what to do. Spike felt the tension in his body surmounting as the pony of his dreams just sat there. Was there something wrong? “Uh, Rare. I don’t want to rush you if you’re not comfortable…” He whispered. “Oh! Spikey sorry! You have been so patient. I am so sorry I didn’t mean to just sit here. Please, let me help you.” She covered. Spike thought he caught a trace of blush in her cheeks too, but the darkness did little to help him distinguish. Rarity leaned forward and touched the base with a hoof. It earned her a sharp inhale from Spike. He had never felt this way before. It surprised him how soft her hoof felt compared to his roughed-up claws. Spike lifted his arm to run his claw through her mane as she bent over to start her work. The anticipation was killing him. Rarity let her tongue hang out of her lips slightly so a bit of drool would seep down onto the tip of Spike’s penis. She was still not over how strange it looked. Not that she minded, she knew that her own vulva was shaped quite differently from that of her friends. Best not to judge based off appearance she giggled to herself. Spike’s claw brushed her scalp and made Rarity want to crane back into it. But she knew it was her turn to pleasure him the way he had done to her. At his prompting, Rarity slowly dipped her head and opened her mouth. The tip of his penis went in and scraped against her tongue and cheeks. It had a strange yet pleasant roughness to it. As he entered her mouth, Spike let out a groan of ecstasy. Rarity felt herself blushing harder and wanting to smile. It felt good to hear him enjoy her. She began slowly moving up and down on the end of it. Rarity had always struggled to even brush the backs of her teeth because of her gag reflex. There was no way she would manage this. It did not seem to matter as Spike let out grunts of pleasure with every movement. Spike gritted his teeth and tried to think of anything but sex. He wanted this to last, and he had yet to even mount her. He would not cum after she just started. But he felt his willpower drain with ever small lick Rarity flicked onto his tip. Her rhythmic bobbing made him involuntarily buck his hips upward slowly. She kept giving small moans herself to reassure him of his noise. This was the hottest thing Spike had ever seen. “Rare… Ah, Rare I’m going to cum if you keep it up.” He let out hastily. He felt her pause. Spike looked down to the white mare as she glanced up at him. His dick was still in her mouth as she looked to him. Rarity seemed to be thinking hard about what to do next. Without a word, she doubled her effort on his cock. Spike let out a lustful moan and a small flame darted out of his mouth. Rarity was getting excited in every sense of the word. She wanted Spike to cum for her, and she felt her own sex drive building up tremendously. She knew if she finished Spike now that they would need to wait a little for him to recuperate, but she desperately wanted his seed inside her mouth. Rarity began taking his penis deeper as her gag reflex kicked in. She tried to blink away the tears and roll her eyes back to focus, but it felt to be getting too much. “Rare! Ah, fuck Rarity.” She heard him grunt out. It instilled another wave of determination in her. She began speeding up. Suddenly, a warm rope shot into her throat, and she stopped moving altogether. She knew that his dick would be sensitive in the wrong way as he came. She just needed to wait it out. Spike’s orgasm began coating her throat in thick strands of cum. They felt much thicker and saltier than any pony’s seed. Rarity was determined to let him finish entirely inside her mouth. After what seemed like a minute of Spike ejaculating, Rarity leaned back to let his dick pop out of her mouth. A single extra spray leaked from the tip and dribbled down his semi-hard penis. Rarity closed her eyes again and swallowed as she tried not to gag. It did not taste bad, but the feeling of his thick cum in her throat made her want to vomit. “Rarity, ah than—thank you. Are you alright?” His voice came as a whisper. Even when it was his turn, he can’t just think of himself? Rarity found herself rolling her eyes and smiling. “I’m wonderful, darling. I hope that was good for you too.” She smiled to him as he extended his arms to wrap her up. “It was amazing baby. Thank you so much.” He spoke into her ear as it flickered from his breath. He held her down into the bed and wrapped his long arms around her. She’d been expecting a break before they continued, but to her dismay she heard him snoring not long after. Maybe tomorrow, my love. She craned her neck and kissed Spike’s chin as it rested on her. Tonight had been enough for them. She would make sure the rest of the cruise was spent enjoying each other to the fullest degree.