> Now that you've seen my return > by The amazing horse 2809 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nothing is inevitable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was your average ordinary day in Equestria. The birds were chirping in sunny, clear skies, and the laughter of ponies sounded in the distance. This was a place of peace, a place of harmony, and a place of friendship. This would soon change however. It all started when Twilight was preparing to leave for a picnic with her friends, and she and Spike were running around the library, getting things last minute and making sure nothing was left behind. “SPIKE!” Twilight hollered, “Where’s that tray of cookies I had you make?!” “Here they are!” replied Spike. “Thank you,” said Twilight, “I'm really excited about this picnic, how about you?” “Oh yeah I'm excited too! I even found a better spot,” said Spike. “Oh really, where?” asked Twilight. “In between the EverFree Forest and Sweet Apple Acres.” Spike suggested. “That sounds a bit dangerous,” said Twilight in a concerned tone. “Oh no, it's fine. I actually found it by mistake while me and Rainbow were out helping Applejack,” Spike explained. “Oh alright. Let’s be a bit careful anyway, Spike,” said Twilight. “Alright then, let's go so we're not late,” Spike told her. On that note, Spike and Twilight left Golden Oak Library and then proceeded to the agreed upon meetup spot. In the back of Twilight’s mind though, she couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was going to happen, though she wasn't sure what or even if it would be bad, but she couldn't help but be a bit nervous. They arrived soon at Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were waiting patiently for them. “Hey girls, where's Fluttershy and Rarity?” asked Twilight. “Ah’m afraid they said they couldn't come. Rarity got a big job from a new client and Fluttershy was busy with her animals,” Applejack revealed. “Oh that kinda sucks, we'll have to get something for them later to make up for it,” said Twilight. “Yeah yeah let's get moving already,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, a bit annoyed. “Actually, Spike says he knows a better spot,” said Twilight, motioning for Spike to lead. “Yeah, follow me, guys.” Spike said, leading the way. It was about three minutes before they arrived and Twilight had to give credit were credit was due. The place did look delightful, the only problem was her sense that something was going to happen was now even stronger by this spot, only now she could tell what it was. Dread. “Are you okay, sugarcube?” Applejack asked Twilight. “I'm fine, thank you.” Applejack had indeed noticed Twilight’s nervousness and it seemed as though nearly nothing could get past Applejack. Eventually, Rainbow Dash perked up and said, “Hey I saw a really cool looking structure in the woods last time I was here. Let’s check it out!” Twilight, with her nervousness growing by the minute, relented. “Alright, let's be careful though.” The ponies all got up and started to walk into the woods and even though she was nervous, Twilight again had to admit how stunning these woods were, almost otherworldly in fact. After a while, Twilight could begin to make out a strange shape on the ground about a hundred feat ahead. She stopped everyone. “What’s that?” she asked, pointing with her hoof to the mysterious shape. “Ah don't know, but let's carefully find out remember there's timberwolves in these woods.” said Applejack. They all once again proceeded, slowly but surely, and they reached what they thought was an object, but turned out to be a living being. Twilight was stunned at what it was. A human, the one that ancient legends talked about, was still alive. The human appeared to be female with long red and purple hair, sporting crystal white armor with blue accents. “Wait listen.” instructed Twilight. The human was mumbling in her sleep something they could barely understand. Eventually, she started to move a bit, indicating she was waking up. “Move back, move back,” Twilight told her friends, “let’s give her some space to wake up.” Eventually, the human’s eyes fluttered open. She looked around rapidly like she was scared or looking for something, then she turned her head to Twilight and her friends, spotting them in front of her. They ran, trying to hide from her in a state of terror. “I can see you you know,” said the human, “No point in hiding.” Twilight was the first to step out and approach the human. “Hello there! My name is Twilight Sparkle. We mean no harm and did not mean to wake you. May I please have your name?” Twilight introduced herself. The human thought for a second. No one asked her that question in a long long time. Could it be that this creature that resembled a horse was not a threat...NO!! That was impossible. She didn't actually care about her name. Nonetheless, the human answered. “My full title is the Cube Queen, but refer to me as Queen or The Queen,” replied the human with an air of skepticism in her voice. “Oh alright. Interesting title, but out of curiosity, what's your real name?” Twilight asked the Queen curiously. “That's not your concern and please do not ask that again or there will be consequences.” said the Queen. “Oh alright. Now I'm not sure we're you’re from, but at the moment your in Equestria and we usually welcome new species with open arms so were are you from?” Twilight asked. “Somewhere far from here obviously, and also sadly away from my remaining allies, so I'm kinda out here on my own and to put the cherry on top, I've lost most of my power if not all of it and will take some time to regain it.” explained the Queen. “Oh. Well, we may or may not be able to help you with that.” Twilight suggested to her. “How so?” asked the Queen. “Well, most residents in Equestria have magical abilities and powers, so maybe we can help restore yours and get you back home!” continued Twilight. “Maybe…” said the Queen, now with a noticeably lower tone. “Is something wrong? Are you alright, sugarcube?” inquired Applejack. “No, I'm fine. I just need a moment to assess my options here.” said the Queen. “Take all the time you need.” “All right, girls, let's give her some space.” As Twilight and her friends walked away, the Queen couldn't help but think, Who are these people and why are they helping me? Don’t they know who I am and what I've done? The Queen then turned back to Twilight and said, “I suppose I should indeed go with you and your little friends here, seeing as how I'm basically out of options.” Twilight smiled. “Great! Thank you so much. I should probably take you to Princess Celestia, so you can address your problems with her.” The queen smiled back. “Perfect…”