> Shared Sensations (Remasterd) > by Mpony1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Magical Induced Orgasms are a Pain (Remasterd) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is, 7:30 in the morning, and it was the beginning to another beautiful Friday. Twilight Sparkle had just left her house and was making her way to school. She wasn't wearing her usual skirt and blouse as she would normally wear. For no particular reason she wanted to change her normal attire into something entirely different. She chose to put on a pair of rip blue jeans with a belt, a white tank top, and sneakers. Definitely not her usual go to, choice of clothing, especially since she doesn't normally wear pants, but she felt a little adventurous and daring today. No doubt all her time hanging out with, a certain fashionista was definitely having an effect on her. In more ways than one. As she walked down the sidewalk, Twilight took every second to enjoy this wonderful start to her day and was looking forward to continuing when she gets to school, but what she was looking forward to the most was walking to said school with her beloved girlfriend. Who would be waiting for her at their meeting spot, so they can walk and talk together as they do every day. It didn't take long for Twilight to reach the meeting spot, where she could see her girlfriend, Rarity Standing by a stop sign. "Good morning, Rarity!" Twilight greeted. Once she was within range. The fashionista notices her lover and walks up to hug her. "Goodmorning, darling!" She said before leaning in to give her girlfriend a loving kiss on the lips. Twilight was quick to return the kiss, holding Rarity close in her own arms as the two made out. After nearly a minute. The two lovers finally broke their kiss. Rarity step back to get a better look at Twilight's new outfit. "Goodness, darling! You look absolutely dashing! Is there a reason you decided to change from your usual attire?" "I just felt a little daring today and wanted to try something new for a change." Twilight answered. "And I'm glad you did, darling!" Rarity said. Eyeing her girlfriend up and down. "You look absolutely stunning. You should try changing styles more often. As they say variety is the spice of life." Twilight let out a giggle. "Maybe I will from time to time, but I don't see myself doing it too often. I love my usual style as is." Rarity sighed. "I suppose I can't argue with that. Nothing wrong with sticking what you're most comfortable with as they say!" She said as she grabs ahold of Twilight's right arm with both of her own. "Now let's get moving. We don't wanna be late for school." "let's!" Said Twilight. The couple began to make their way to CHS. Walking side by side as they spoke. "Are you and your family still able to make it to dinner at my house tonight?" Asked Twilight. Rarity smiled. "Why of course, darling. We wouldn't miss it for the world. After all it is the first time our families would be meeting each other since we started dating. Which reminds me. Celestia and Luna will be there to, won't they?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah! They're both Cadance's aunts, who in turn was my babysitter when I was little. They were Cadance guardians, and would pick her up from babysitting me, I got to know them more after she and my brother started dating. Even before Shining and Cadance got married Celestia and Luna were a part of the family just like Cadance has been." Rarity chuckled. "Reason why I'm looking forward to this dinner, later. This will help both our families start to get to know each other and begin seeing one another as family before we can make it official someday." She said while giving her nerdy girlfriend a sly grin. Twilight couldn't help but blush at that. The subject on marriage still makes her feel embarrassed. Mostly thanks to Cadance and her constant teasing on the matter. Speaking of Cadance. Twilight is really grateful to have someone like her in her life. When Twi first realize she was in love with the pristine fashionista. She really didn't know how to go about confessing her feelings nor did she know if she would be a good girlfriend. She was Twilighting like crazy thinking about how things could go wrong. And that's when the goddess of love herself came in. At least that's what she likes to call herself. When it comes to love. Cadance is the perfect person to talk to. It was with her helpful guidance and advice that got Twilight to go and confess to Rarity. Of course, there was still the chance that Rarity doesn't feel the same way, but Cadance was there to comfort her sister-in-law if it did come to that. To their surprise, it was Rarity who confess just before Twilight was about to. Never have the nerdy girl seen Cadance laugh so hard in her life. Still blushing, Twilight simply nodded. Which made Rarity giggled. The two continued chatting as they walk to school. ******** [Canterlot High] After arriving to CHS, Twilight and Rarity met with the rest of their friends who were waiting by the statue. "Good morning, everybody!" Twilight said with a smile. As she and Rarity step up towards the group. "Yes, good morning, darlings!" Greeted Rarity. "Howdy Twi, Rares!" Greeted Applejack. The rest of the girls also greeted one another and even complimented Twilight's new outfit. Well all but one. "Where's Sunset?" Asked Rarity. "We don't know!" Rainbow said with a shrug. "She's usually here by now." "We assume the three of you would just show up together." Said Pinkie. "Maybe, she's just running late." Fluttershy suggested. "Probably, it sure wouldn't be the first time." Said Applejack. "Give her time. I'm sure she'll show up." Said Rainbow. It was in that moment that all of the girl's phones chime at the same time. Indicating that they each have just been sent a text message. Taking out their phones they each read what was sent to them. [Text Message] To: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) From: Sunset Shimmer Sunny: Hey girls! just texting to let you know that I won't be coming to school today. I invited Princess Twilight over to spend some quality time together for the next few days. She's already here. I picked her up from the statue and hour before the school opened, and we're now at my place. I already told Principal Celestia what's up and she gave the ok. Though I'll have a day worth of schoolwork waiting for me for when I come back Monday, but I can handle that. Anyway, I'll see you all later, oh and the princess said hi! Sunny: WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Pinkie!? How the hell are you in our picture? How the hell did you get into my house? When did you even get here? Shouldn't you be at school? Pinks: Awww come on Sunny, you should already know me by now. Also, SURPRISE PHOTO BOMB!!!!! Sunny: You're right! I'm not even going to question it. Just don't do it again please! The princess and I want to spend time alone! Pinks: Okie dokie lokie! You two have fun. Sunny: Oh, we will, we'll most definitely will!😈 Pinks: Well that sure isn't ominous at all...... Ehh, it's probably nothing. Oh no! "Did you all get a text from Sunset saying that she'll be taking the school day off because Princess Twilight came to visit?" Asked Rarity. Completely ignoring how Pinkie was able to be in Sunset's picture. When she's right here with them. It was best not to ask how she did it. Everybody nodded. "Yep! Not surprising really. Ever since those two started dating, the princess has been visiting a lot more frequently." Said Rainbow. Pinkie Spoke. "The princess just can't stay away from Sunny for very long can she! She would visit every possible chance she gets. It didn't matter if its during school hours. Since the princess can just walk on into the school and would be instantly considered a student without any paperwork or documentations. Because of that she can attend classes like everyone else and be with Sunny more." Rarity giggle. "Those two are inseparable aren't they. Such a cute a couple they make." Rarity's smile drop. "But still, it doesn’t really seem fair that Sunset gets to stay home from school to keep the other Twilight company.” Rarity whined. Twilight adjusted her glasses “Well she can't just invite her and leave her alone. That would be rude!” “I would’ve gladly done so.” Rarity pouted. "I would've enjoyed having a day off from school and spend some quality time with the princess." “Hey!” Twilight pouted at her girlfriend. “What about me?” "Oh! Don't you worry none, darling! You're the only Twilight for me and don't you forget that." Twilight was about to say something, but she suddenly paused, feeling something strange that made her breath catch in her throat. "Oh, no, no, no! Not now, not here! Damn those two!" Twilight could feel something grabbing her dick from the inside of her pants. She could tell immediately that it was Sunset's hand, pumping the princess's cock at this very moment. Causing both Twilight's dicks to get hard. Sci-Twi notices the bulge growing in her jeans and quickly used her backpack to hide it, without looking too suspicious. Twilight knew from the second Sunset sent that text about the princess visiting and that she was staying home, that this was going to happen sooner, or later. Though she shouldn't be surprised that they would start immediately after sending that text. Hell, this was obviously planned considering they waited till now to start things. Ever since the other Twilight and Sunset started taking their relationship to highly intimate levels. Sci-Twi been suffering from a strange magical… phenomenon. It would seem that both Twilight's shares a certain sensory stimulus and right now her counterpart is causing the sensation of one sort of stimuli in particular. “Still! I wonder what they’re getting up to, right now?" Asked Fluttershy. Twilight let out a little yelp as she jumps slightly in surprise as she was instantly hit with a new sensation. “I-I think I know!” Twilight started to blush, shifting awkwardly as she tries to stand still, the new yet familiar sensation slowly arousing her more and more. It felt odd to say the least, like some invisible person was playing with her cock despite it still remaining concealed in her pants. There was a tight feeling coming from between her legs accompanied by the feeling of something slurping around her shaft. Luckily her friends were too engaged in conversation to notice their science friend blushing like mad, while trying to keep her composure. Though she had been through this scenario multiple times, it's never easy trying to keep yourself fully together when feeling immense pleasure like this. Especially when the said cause of her pleasure knows exactly the right buttons to press. Soon there was sudden increase in tightness Twilight could feel lips wrapped tightly around her now fully erect cock. Up and down the feeling of a mouth went, causing Twilight to pant in pleasure from the amazing feeling that is Sunset Shimmer, her best friend sucking her dick. Well, she's actually sucking pony Twilight's dick and the sensation of that is transmitted over to human Twilight's di- You know what why the hell am I'm explaining it. You guys clearly get the idea what's going on. As Twilight stood there trying to act like that she wasn't getting suck off, she could feel one of Sunset's hands cupping her balls while the other grope her ass. The princess must be standing up, in order for Sunset to get a good grip of her butt cheek. As much as Sci-Twi hate to admit it but Sunset haves amazing cock sucking skill, easily managing to swallow every last inch of the princess's cock, her lips pressing against the other girl's crotch before pulling back, no doubt the slight bulge in her throat was vanishing as she pulled back and expertly breathed through her nose. Either not needing to stop for a better breath of air or unwilling to pull herself from her marefriend's cock for more than a split second. Not that Rarity wasn't the same. She's just as amazing and loves sucking her girlfriend's dick as well. Twilight tries not to compare the two and determine who is better. She would hate herself if she'd ever admits that anyone could be a better fuck than, Rarity. Twilight could feel Sunset moaning around her shaft whenever her lips pressed against the princess's crotch or when a drop of pre dribbled onto her tongue. Twilight did her best to remain motionless, merely listening to her friends talk as the bacon-haired girl work as Twilight slowly began to feel her orgasm coming on. Oh, no! Not good!" Twilight was so lost in pleasure, she almost forgot about the one major issue about all this, and she needed to leave. Right now. But just before she was about to take action. Suddenly the sensation stopped, she felt Sunset's lips slipped off her cock and her hand retreating from Twilight’s sack which drew a confused frown from the science nerd. “Don't stop now, I was about to cum.” Twilight was shocked at what she just thought and hated herself for it. She shouldn't be enjoying this, but she can't help it. She literally can't. She hates everything about this and the one thing she hates the most is when- "EEEEEPPPP!" Twilight was completely caught off guard by another new sensation. One that is wetter and tighter than Sunset's mouth. No point in guessing what it is, that Twilight could feel wrapped around her cock this time. Being able to feel her counterpart's hips smack fast and rapidly into Sunset's ass was only making it abundantly clear. "Are you ok, Twilight?" Asked Rarity, confused at hearing her girlfriends sudden yelp. The same was for the others as well. "Why is your face all red?" She asked worriedly. "Are you sick?" Twilight clutches her backpack against her crotch. Not wanting her friends to the giant bulge protruding in her pants. Twilight shakes her head rapidly “No, no, no, no, no, I'm fine really! I... just...... Uh! Really have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me!” “Oh, ok! You know where I’ll be, dear!” Rarity tried to smooch her on the cheek, but Twilight had already taken off towards the school. “Hmf! Now who's being rude!” Twilight quickly busted through the school's front entrance feeling a shiver run up her spine as she hurried down the hallway. Moving as fast as she can hoping she wasn't drawing too much attention to herself from other students or teachers. "Damn those two! Damn those two! Damn those two! Why do they all ways keep pulling this shit!" Twilight thought. Twilight felt another shiver and twitched between her legs, making her walk faster. Thanks to the blowjob she was already near the edge of climax and her the Princess's extremely fast-paced thrusting was going throw them over it, very, very soon. Twilight needed to hurry before it was too late. With the bathroom door within reach, she burst into the restrooms. Fortunately, no one else was inside, which was a bonus, but it hardly would of matter. Moving quickly, she entered the first stall and latched the door behind. She quickly moved in front of the toilet, lifting the seat with one hand as she undid her belt and unbuttoned her pants with the other. She winced as she felt the princess getting close and hurried to tug her cock out of her panties as she felt her twin’s orgasm hit them both. She just barely made it in time. The moment her dick was free, a thick rope of cum sprayed out and landed on the back of the toilet. Twilight had to bend over and quickly angled her cock downward, letting the rest of her cum pump out into the toilet water with muted splashes. Twilight was definitely no light cummer. She literally cums like a horse. Shooting out spunk like a geyser. And no, it has nothing to do with her pony magic. She has always been able cum a lot like this. Her heavy grapefruit size balls constantly spurting out rope after thick rope of cum from her 12-inch dick. Using her free hand to cover her mouth. Twilight did her best to hold back her moans of pleasure. Trying not to sound too loud so those outsides wouldn't hear her. The last thing she needed was for others to get the wrong idea and start spreading rumors. But it's hard to hold back when the pleasure she is feeling, feels so good, thanks to being able feel everything the princess feels. For Sci-Twi it feels as if she really is fucking Sunset as if she's right there in front of her taking her dick. She could feel every sensation from the moment of penetration to the warm, wet, tight confines that is Sunset's pussy, milking both Twilight's cock as one pumps her cunt full of spunk and the other fills a toilet with her own dick juice. After about thirty seconds, it was over. The princess had finally stop cumming which in turn means the science nerd had stop as well. Sci-Twi can feel her twin pull out of Sunset's no doubt completely filled pussy and after a bit she could no longer feel her shared sensation with the princess anymore. The connection had been severed. At least for now. Twilight's cock twitched with nothing left to release and the toilet water was completely cloudy with cum. She didn’t even bother tidying up. She flushed her load and shoved her penis back down into her panties. Her balls buzzed with the satisfaction of being empty, but mentally, Twilight couldn’t enjoy any of that satisfaction. It's hard to fully enjoy the pleasure when there's a high chance, she could get caught and be made into a laughingstock. Because she been through this more times than she can count. As Pinkie and Rainbow mentioned earlier. Ever since Sunset and the Princess started dating months ago. Princess Twilight would make constant frequent visits to this world to spend as much time with her marefriend as she can. Which is indeed very frequent. She was even allowed to attend school and shared the same classes as Sunset. Because of this Twilight has to suffer through those two having sex like this for weeks now. It didn't start out like this. After the discovery that both Twilight's share sexual sensations with each other. A plan was made to simply let the other know that they were about to have sex with their respective lover through text messages. Thus, allowing that Twilight to be ready for it. It started out smoothly at first. Until the pony couple stop warning Sci-Twi. Thus, the surprise attacks began. At first Twilight didn't mind because they mostly happened at night, when she's at home, where she could just lay on her bed and enjoy it without having to touch herself at all. But eventually they started doing it during the day, mainly at school, of course. The two would run off somewhere to do it and that's how this whole mess started. Sure, Twilight couldn't blame them for wanting to have sex as much as possible. They have every right to do so, but the fact that she's an unintentional third wheel to their debauchery and they know that, is where it all falls downhill. At first it started it out slow, with simple teases during class. But things quickly began to escalate over time. Before she knew it Twilight would have to find somewhere to hide and cum in private before she bust and that's the situation, she now finds herself in. Both Twilight's are perfectly in sync with one another. Sci-Twi can literally feel every sensation her counterpart feels to the very last detail, so when princess cums, Twilight will cum in perfect synchronization with her double. There's absolutely nothing Twilight could do stop it. Every chance they get. The pony couple would sneak off to have sex somewhere in the school. Going at it quick and fast just so the princess would cum faster. They would even go as far as to skip classes sometimes just to fuck. Which Twilight wonders why the princess would even allow such a thing. Was she that desperate to rut her marefriend at every opportunity. Not even Twilight that crazy about sex that she would ask Rarity to skip class with her so they could bang. Hell, she would never skip class period. Besides having to excuse herself to go cum that is. Things has gone from bad to worse, and after reading that text things are clearly about to get even worser than they have ever been before. "Augh! What the fuck is the deal with those two!" Twilight thought angrily as she redid her pants and left the stall, she walked over to the sink to start washing her hands, resuming her thoughts. "I mean seriously! This is getting out of hand. We had a system in place for a reason. But they no longer give a damn about it anymore. Hell, I still wonder why I even bother to send warning texts to them. Oh, wait that right because I actually give a fuck about not wanting to humiliate the princess in public, when Rarity and I are about to have sex, so other me would be ready for it, but nooooo! They no longer bother to do same for me, excluding the text from this morning. The first thing to a warning I ever gotten since this whole mess began." After her hands were wash. Twilight walked over to the paper towels dispenser to dry them. It's one thing that they stopped texting to warn me first. It's another that they do it while we're at school. The one place they fuck around the most. Going on and on with their constant screwing and causing me SO. MUCH. TROUBLE! ARRGH!!!" Twilight threw her balled up paper towel in the trash in a fit of annoyed anger. Continuing her thoughts as she paces back and forth across the restroom. Realizing what the pony couple absence from school truly means for her. "And that's not even the worst of it. Despite trying to have as much sex as possible on school grounds they're limited to how many times they can do it. Sunset can't keep skipping and running out of class. That was my only saving grace, but now," Twilight stops her pacing and stares angrily at the mirror. "now those two are going to spend the next two days at home. Where they could bang anytime and as many times as they want, and I know they can cause I been through it multiple times before during weekends and other days we don't have school." Twilight thought about the many times where she would spend hours in her room, laying on her bed, constantly cumming over and over again. She would literally have to call or send texts begging them to stop so she can go about her day, and they do oblige, for a while. Twilight knows that those two are planning to make this one day of school a living nightmare for her and she needs to try and put a stop to it right now. So, she quickly took out her phone to send Sunset a quick but angry text. To: Sunset Shimmer From: Twilight Sparkle DANM IT, SUNSET I know what you're planning to do and I'm telling you RIGHT. NOW. DON'T EVEN TRY IT You two can't seriously be thinking about fucking like crazy without school holding you back? You seriously can't be thinking of doing that. I can't count how many times I told you two stop. Look you got me once already ok. So, can you two keep your hormones in check at least until I get home. Then you can go crazy for all I care! Seriously this isn't funny anymore. I can't even count how many times I almost got caught because of you two. So, I'm telling you, NO FUCKING WHEN I'M AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!. I swear if you two do and I end up embarrassing myself in front of people! I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT! After sending the message, Twilight put her phone back into her backpack, and stormed out of the restroom to go to her locker. Though she prayed that those two would actually listen to her. She knows it was not to be. Thanks to the freedom they have, sooner or later, they'll strike again and again and again. Making her cum with absolutely no way to stop it and the school day had just begun. She seriously going to need to have a talk with those two. That is if she doesn't die from pure humiliation first. > Magical Induced Orgasms are a REAL PAIN > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After leaving the restroom, Twilight made her way to her locker to grab what she needed for class. There was still so much time left before the first bell rings. So, she could head back outside and rejoin her friends after grabbing her stuff. She checked her phone to see if Sunset texted her back, but surprise, surprise, she didn't. Not that Twilight expected her to. It wouldn't be the first time after all, but that only made the science nerd angrier. This whole mess has cause Twilight so much emotional stress in more ways than one. Thanks, to the shared sensation. Twilight knows Sunset's body both inside and out. Literally everything her counterpart feels, she feels. It's not just her dick, but the rest of her body as well. It truly was as if Sunset was right there with her in person and that what makes Twilight feel so much worse. It should be Rarity's body alone she should know like the back of her hand, not Sunset's. Yet she does. Every creviced, every touch, every taste, she knows it all, without physically touching her, and she has seen the ex-bully naked body dozens of times due to changing clothes in front of each other and showering in the girl's locker room. Do you know how awkward it feels to basically have sex with one of your best friends behind your girlfriend back and also know that your girlfriend is doing the same albeit unknowningly? Its really fucking awkward. Especially when Sunset keeps making it even more awkward every time they meet afterwards. Doing sexual gestures when no one else is looking or whispering into Twilight's ear asking how did her pussy taste or feel. She would even go as far as to break into Sci-Twi's locker, leaving a note asking for a request of which of her holes does she want to feel next time and much to Twilight's absolute shame she actually gave her an answer. If there's one thing you should know about Twilight. Is that she can make bad decisions when she's really horny and in desperate need to cum and when you share sexual senses with your counterpart who visits her girlfriend almost every day and fucks her like crazy multiple times and you have no way to stop yourself from feeling it. Well can you really blame Sci-Twi for giving in to temptation? Not like she can do anything about it once those two get going anyway. But that doesn't mean she doesn't try and stop things. More than once she told those two to stop but they just keep doing it, over and over again. No doubt because they knows that deep down, despite everything, Twilight enjoys it and that's half true. She can't deny that she loves the pleasurable feeling of Sunset's depths. She will never admit that to her, but Sunset could obviously tell. SMUG BITCH! But one of the reasons why she actually hated this, was because she can't help but feel she's cheating on, Rarity sometimes and speaking of Rarity. She doesn't know anything about any of this. No one outside of their three-ring circus does. Twilight could never bring herself to tell her girlfriend about it. I mean she is basically having sex with Sunset, and she doesn't know how her girlfriend would feel knowing this information. So, she kept it a secret from her. There are two reasons why Twilight doesn't feel as guilty as she should. One being the fact that she had tried on multiple occasions to get those two to stop, maybe find a way to break the connection, if at all possible, but they just keep going at it. She's perfectly fine with them having sex, as mentioned before, they have every right to, and she won't deny them that privilege. She just wishes they stop trying to make her cum in public and as for the second reason. Let's just say there is one more secret Twilight is keeping that she doesn't want anyone finding out, not even Rarity. That something that will remain between her and one other person. ****** As Twilight traveled deeper into the school to reach her locker. Her face immediately turned red as she could feel a familiar hand stroking her cock once again. "Oh no!" She walked down the school's empty hallway, grimacing at how hard her cock was. Sunset and the other Twilight were acting up earlier than usual. No doubt because of the freedom they have by being at home and not here at school. Twilight didn't even consider that. Yes, she knew they might attack her more frequently but not minutes after the last strike. She blamed herself for not realizing this crucial detail from the start. She was so use to how things were when the princess would keep on visiting and basically became a student at the school. When they're at school they are limited to how many times they can do it, but at home, they have no limitations and can keep going as many times as they wish. And it was in that moment of realization, Twilight knew she was fuck. Those two now have more power over her than they ever had before and there's absolutely nothing she could do about it. Twilight curses herself for having a very high Libido. Which in turn means the princess does as well, and Sunset is clearly in the same boat. Thanks to the pleasurable sensation she'd already gotten way too sensitive for comfort. She could feel the pressure on her shaft as though it were being squeezed into something and she blushed hard, knowing exactly what was doing the squeezing. This was always the most punishing part as the pleasure first began to escalate, unable to do anything to stop the inevitable. She knew she would have to cum soon. With every step, she could feel the swollen head of her cock brushing against the inside of her panties, adding additional stimulation. The huge bulge in her pants was clearly noticeable, serving as a reminder to the reason why she doesn't normally wear pants. All she could do was walk towards the bathroom, hand in her lap to conceal the obvious erection in her pants. She pressed her wrist into her crotch to stop it from shifting so much but her back tensed as she felt that familiar feeling. “Oh no… not yet...not now!” This had happened enough times that Twilight knew exactly when she passed the point of no return, and her pleasure climbed quickly toward her peak. Twilight curses her rotten luck. The part of the school she was in had no restrooms nearby, and there was no way she could make it to one in time before she explodes. She looked frantically around for something, anything she could use to cum in, but only saw an empty hallway. There was no way she could cum in her pants, people would see the wet spot and know. And she obviously couldn’t just pull out and cum right here either. Just when all hope seemed lost, she spotted a locker with no lock on it. She ran up to it and quickly opened it. Twilight thanked god that the hall was still empty and thanks to the locker itself she could hide under the slight veil of the locker door. After taking few glances to make sure no one was coming, she unfastened her pants and tore her dick free. Her cock throbbed hard as she felt her orgasm reaching its peak, and the moment her tip cleared her waistband a rope of cum shot high up to the back of the locker. She bit her lip, standing tensely as her balls unloaded into it. Despite the great amount of pleasure, she was feeling. Twilight can't help but hate every second of it. It's one thing to almost humiliate her in public on multiple occasions. It's another to deny the science nerd her greatest passion. Ever since Rarity and Twilight started having sex. Twi quickly discovered just how much she loves pumping her girlfriend full of her spunk. She can't get another girl pregnant which means she is free to dump her loads inside Rarity as much as she pleases. Twilight wanted nothing more than to do so, right now. Her balls had been aching and they begged her for their one greatest relief which was sweet release within Rarity's depths. Although she can feel the warm, wet, tightness of Sunset's cunt as if she was actually fucking her. The fact that at the end of the day she has to waste her sperm by shooting it out wherever she can without getting caught absolutely aggravates her. Twilight could tell by the sensations on her cock that her twin was cumming deep inside of Sunset's hot pussy, while she had to settle for a cold open locker. After a couple moments of bliss. Twilight glanced down into the locker and could clearly see that it was in use. Her cumshots was landing onto a small bedazzled purse sitting atop some books. Her heart sank at the fact that she was cumming all over someone's stuff. She felt so bad for whoever these things belonged to and, despite the pure pleasure that coursed through her cock, she only wished it’d hurry up and prayed that no one would show up until she was finished. "God damn those two!" After about a minute. Twilight's dick finally stops cumming. She quickly redresses herself, before anyone could see. With her cock once again tuck away inside her pants. She gave one last solemn look at the inside of the locker. Everything inside was completely covered in her thick jizz, even the walls were painted white with her gooey spunk. Twilight sigh. "I'm sorry!" She whispered. She closed the locker and headed straight to hers. Dreading when the owner of the locker, opens it to find the surprise waiting for them. ****** Eventually, Twilight made it to her own locker, she opened it, and started grabbing what she needed. She was even more piss than she was before. She can't believe that she just ejaculated all over someone's stuff like that. Not only that but she couldn't believe how lucky that she didn't get caught. Thank goodness that the school is practically empty for the first bell hasn't rung yet and that realization only served as a reminder how long and frustrating this day is going to be. "TWILIGHT!" Twilight had just closed her locker, when she heard someone calling her name. That snap her out of her angry thoughts as she turned to see who it was calling out to her. It was none other than the school nurse, Nurse Redheart Walking down the hall towards, Twilight until she was standing before the science nerd. "Oh, Good morning, Nurse Redheart!" Twilight greeted. "Good morning to you to, Twilight! I'm glad I'm able to catch you like this for there's something very important I need to speak with you about." "And what would that be?" Redheart looked around and noticed some students hanging around. She then leaned forward to speak quietly so only Twilight would here. "Not here! It's a matter we need to discuss in private." After hearing that. Twilight had a strong feeling what it is, Redheart wanted to talk about. It was a matter that couldn't be ignored even if they wanted to and seeing that today is Friday only strengthen that feeling. It would be tedious for them both to head all the way to the nurse's office, and seeing that's the direction Redheart came from, it was clear she was on her way to somewhere and just happened to run into Twilight by chance. Luckily, Twilight knows just the place they could speak in private and fortunately its nearby. "I know the perfect place we can speak in private, follow me." Twilight said. Leading the way to their destination. As mentioned, the place Twilight lead Redheart to was very close by. Upon reaching the door to the room, Twilight opened it and gestured Redheart to step inside, before following behind her and closing the door. The room they were in was the yearbook committee room, only members of the committee were allowed in here which make it the perfect place if you want pure privacy. Even though this year, Yearbooks were finish and handed out over a month ago. The members of the committee still have access to this room. Even though they no longer have any reason to come here..... Well except for two. Twilight knows that this is the place where Sunset and the princess would go to fuck, after all, Sunset is the president of the yearbook committee and editor in chief. She would sometimes catch them leaving the room if she happens to be nearby after blowing her load and there even been times where she would catch them in the act. Using her spare key to quickly get inside only to see Sunset bent over the table as the princess pounded her from behind and when both Twilight's ends up cumming. Sci-Twi had to settle for shooting her load in a nearby trash bin. All while Sunset laugh at her plight. Anyway, this place is perfect for Redheart and Twilight to have a private conversation. Twilight sat down at the table, Redheart followed her lead and sat in the chair beside her. Once both Twilight and Redheart were settled. The Nurse takes a moment to gather herself. She clears her throat. "I'm sure you probably guess by now what it is, I want to talk to you about?" She says with a slight blush. Twilight nodded. "You wanted to talk to me about the little..... Incidents I been causing for a long while now during my quarterly checkups." She answers with a slight blush of her own. Redheart nodded. Twilight bows her head in shame. "I'm sorry!" Redheart let out a sigh. "You don't need to apologize Twilight. I'm not mad at you or anything and I definitely won't blame you for a body condition you have no control over." "If only you knew just how right you are about that one!" Redheaert continues. "But even so, I can never quite understand how you suddenly developed such a condition in the first place." She said confusingly. "I went over your past records of your exams from when you were in Crystal Prep, combined that with all your other examinations after you transferred and there was absolutely nothing mentioned or indicating anything about your sudden...... condition." "Again if only you knew." "I don't know what to tell you, Nurse Redheart. I really have no idea why this is happening." She lied. Of course, Redheart doesn't have a clue about what's really causing the incidents that happens during Twilight's checkups, how could see. If she did it would mean ratting out that Sunset and the princess have been having sex on school grounds and she doesn't want to deal with that kind of drama. For you see today Twilight needs to meet Nurse Redheart later in her office, for another quarterly checkup. She'd been doing these checkups three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays) since her days at Crystal Prep and continue doing them after her transfer to CHS. Everything use to be so simple. Easy in, easy out, no problem. That was until the whole magic stimuli came into play and Sunset and Princess Twilight started messing around. The main thing Redheart does during these checkups is give Twilight a testicular examine. The procedure is quick and simple. Redheart would hold Twilight's huge balls in her hand, Twilight would cough, Redheart would feel for anything out of the ordinary, and tell Twilight she's healthy and they do it all over again on her next appointment, rinse and repeat. But now it's not so simple anymore. Whether due to good planning or her own bad luck, (Of course it's both) Twilight’s counterpart and Sunset always seemed to start messing around right when her checkup starts and would cause it to…end abruptly. These checkups are something Twilight chooses to go through due to being born a hermaphrodite, a futanari, a chick with a dick, a dick girl, whichever you choose to call her. Twilight was born with both sets a genitals. So yes, she does have a pussy along with her cock and balls, but since she is mostly female and only part male, she is still seen and treated like a girl despite her extra parts. Of course, not everyone knows that Twilight haves a dick, obviously. The only ones who do (apart from her family) are her friends who have seen it when they change clothes in front one another, girls who seen her naked in the girl's locker room, and Nurse Redheart. Twilight isn't ashamed of having a penis, though she has drawn a lot of curious attention from many girls because a friend of theirs who've seen her naked in the locker room told them about it. This of course would lead those same girls asking if they could see it because they were curious to know if it's true that see does in fact haves one. Twilight does get weirded out a bit whenever someone comes up to her and ask could they see her dick, and being kind of perverted, she actually obliges their request, and they would go somewhere private before she whips it out to show them. She hadn't done that in a while. The last two people she'd showed her cock to, before she started dating Rarity, were, Bon Bon And Lyra Heartstrings That was a day, Twilight will never forget. Though there are other futa's out there in the world, the small percentage in their numbers is the reason why they're so rare. That and how would you know if a girl haves a penis without seeing them naked? So, it makes sense why Twilight's classmates are so curious to see hers. As for Redheart, whipping out her cock in front of her, was just plain natural. After all it is something, she has to do anyway and not once did Twilight feel any shame or awkwardness, until the magic stimulus started and her penis becomes rock hard, feeling great embarrassment from busting a nut in front of the nurse multiple times. Nurse Redheart is the only person (Outside the three-ring circus) That she haves no problem cumming openly in front of. As mentioned, it is embarrassing, especially back when it first started. Redheart always keeps up a professional attitude during these events despite how annoying they are and as a member of the medical field she lives by a sworn code to never reveal her patient's personal conditions to anyone. So, what happens in the nurse's office, stays in the nurse's office. Because of Twilight's out of nowhere ejaculations. Redheart had ended up diagnosing her with an over sensitivity condition and Twilight just never had a real reason to tell her the truth and she hopes to keep it that way. Redheart lets out another sigh. "It's ok Twilight! I understand! This whole ordeal happened so many times that I'm used to it by now, but still the mess you would leave behind is the real issue. Which brings me to the reason why I wanted to speak to you." "And that would be?" "As much as I hate to ask this of you, but do you think you can...... Take care of yourself before you show up later to my office for your final checkup for this week?" Redheart ask. "I believe if you.... Relieve yourself first. Then maybe we won't have to deal with another large mess to clean up after." Twilight was taken aback by the request. But not by much. "I understand Nurse Redheart. I'll try to take care of things...... But what if I can't find the time or it doesn't work?" Redheart raised an eyebrow at that last statement. "I can understand the time issue, but what do you mean if it doesn't work?" "Normal masturbation doesn't really do it for me anymore." Twilight answers without hesitation. She learned long ago that you can talk to Redheart about anything involving issues with your body. She had earned a lot of deep trust from the students because of this. "Not since I started having sex with Rarity. *Actually that's a lie it's really because of the constant stimulation I been getting because of those two bitches.* So in other words. My body had been rewired to the point that only physical stimulation from another can get me off. *Again you two, thanks for speeding that process up significantly.*" Redheart nodded in understanding. "That would explain why you always ejaculate when I touch you down there." Redheart sighed. "My guess is that you have a very high libido and get really excited knowing I'm about to touch you there. It's not unheard of for someone to find release without ever being touch. The same can be said if they were only touch once, but that's usually after they go through constant stimulation beforehand." Redheart remembered something from her past involving another female student and she raised a disapproving eyebrow. "Twilight! Please don't tell me that you actually have been masturbating before showing up to my office or getting Rarity to help you put you on the edge and all your past incidents are actually some perversions of yours." She finishes with a glare. Twilight eyes widen in horrid shock at the accusation. "WHAT! NO! Of course not! I would never do something like this on purpose, I swear. You gotta believe me!" She pleaded. Redheart stared into the lavender girl eyes for a few moments trying to find a hint that she was lying. When she found no clue of Twilight trying to deceive her. Redheart calmed herself down. "Forgive me, Twilight. I shouldn't have accused you of doing something like that. To be honest, I never believed that were doing this on purpose, but I can't help but think that something must be causing these incidents of yours to happen. I know that I diagnosed you with having an oversensitivity condition, but now I'm not so sure about that anymore. Nothing about your condition makes any logical sense. I have been doing quite a lot of research into your situation and I found nothing that resembles your condition, and that's not the only main issue that I started to notice and got me to believe that there's clearly something else being the cause and that you lied about not knowing the reason why this is happening to you." She said raising a questioning eyebrow. Twilight eyes widen in shock at the accusation. Though deep-down Twilight wasn't really all that surprise by it. Of course, Redheart would eventually start looking into the matter more thoroughly. Why wouldn't she. She had seen the same student bust a nut right in front of her so many times from just a simple touch on her scrotum. Twilight should have guess that something like this was going to happen. I mean how many times can you cum in front of someone like that until they start asking questions. Twilight knows that she might have to tell Redheart the truth, but she still wants to keep the whole thing a secret. As mentioned before. If she tells Redheart the reason behind her ejaculations. It would mean ratting out that Sunset and the princess have been having sex on school grounds and as much as Twilight may hate those two for getting her into this mess in the first place. She doesn't want to get them into that kind of trouble. But she doesn't know what she can say to convince Redheart otherwise. The nurse can obviously tell that Twilight is lying and there's no other story she can make up where she wouldn't be caught obviously lying. So, what could she do to avoid telling the truth. "Lying!?" Twilight said. Trying not to sound nervous. "What makes you think I'm lying? I told you I have nothing to do with why I always cum like this." "And I believe you!" Redheart acknowledge. "But that doesn't mean that you don't know the cause." Twilight said nothing. Redheart continues. "As I mentioned before. Your condition makes no sense. Though being oversensitive is a thing. It's something that mainly only happens if you're being constantly stimulated for long periods of time, and I can tell with you that's definitely not the case." "What do you mean?" Redheart holds two fingers. "Two reasons. ONE: I won't say who it is, but I once dealt with a female student who had a vibrator egg stuck deep inside her pussy. It was so deep she couldn't possibly get it out without help. She'd stayed home from school for a week waiting for the battery to die. The first couple days had her mostly lying in bed, cumming over and over again, but after the vibrations lowered to the point that it constantly kept her on the edge of orgasm....... When the battery finally died, she came to me for help. I still remember when I first saw her pussy." Redheart blushed at the memory of her student on the bed in her office. Down on her hands and knees, presenting herself to her, her pussy twitching and leaking. "That vibrator did a real number on her, and it made her pussy very sensitive. Because of that toy constantly stimulating her for a week and it just died early that same morning. The student couldn't help but tense up, thus squeezing her vagina shut, making it difficult for me to reach my hand deep inside her." "Then how were you able to get the toy out?" Redheart's face grew redder. "I couldn't go any further with her tensing up like that. So, to get her muscles to relax I fingered fuck her G-spot, until she came." "Don't give me that look! I did what I had to, to get the toy out. Keeping something like that inside a person for too long isn't safe and she had that toy stuck inside her for a week. Making her cum was the only way to get her to relax enough for me to even reach it let alone pulling it out, and I assure you that's all that happened, nothing more. I already felt awful enough for doing that to a student, if it wasn't for the fact that it was an emergency medical issue. I would feel far worse. I take my job very seriously and always remain professional when dealing with situations that requires my patients to strip in front of me..... You know this quite well!" Twilight does indeed know. Redheart always remains professional during, the lavender girl's testicular exams. Even when Twilight cums she always kept up her professional attitude. Redheart continues. "So, just to clear the air miss Sparkle. I would never try and have sex with a student. Despite the crazy situations I found myself in with both that girl and you. I would never try anything with neither the two of you or anyone else. Do you understand?" Twilight nodded. "I understand. I swear I wasn't thinking that you would ever do such a thing." Redheart sighs. "I know, I just want to make sure you don't think of me as some kind of pervert is all." Twilight simply nods in understanding. Redheart clears her throat. "Anyway, let's get back on topic. I told you that story because it was something that I remembered that closely resembles your situation. As I mentioned before, to be oversensitive, you would have to go through constant stimulation. It's not something that just happens on its own out of nowhere. The girl in my story had a reason why she was so oversensitive at the time and remember, she had to stay home for a week because of it. Which leads me to the SECOND reason without a doubt, why you're not going through any form of sensitivity." Twilight gulps "And what's the second reason?" "Is that you haven't been cumming constantly like crazy." Redheart answers. "In other words. If you are truly as oversensitive as I'd initially believed. Then you should be ejaculating like mad every single day, but you don't. Hell, even now you should be wetting yourself with spunk!" Twilight raised a confused eyebrow at that. "What are you talk.........." It was in that moment she realized what Redheart was talking about. Remembering what she was wearing now was all she needed to know. "...... Oh!" "Oh, indeed!" Redheart points at Twilight's jeans. "You once told me that you don't wear pants because the bulge of your hard-on was very difficult to hide and seeing the size of your cock when it's hard. One could clearly see why and for someone who has an oversensitive condition, wouldn't risk wearing such tight-fitting pants so casually, would she?" Twilight said nothing. "So, in conclusion. I'm willing to bet that your issue is either the result of a science problem or a magic one. It wouldn't be too farfetched given the evidence and if it is one of those problems of some kind, then you know exactly what's making you cum during your checkups..... and why." Twilight couldn't help but laugh nervously at herself. Because it was in that moment, she knew, she was fuck. There was absolutely nothing she could say to change, Redheart's suspicions. It would seem that her only option is to tell her everything. Which is something she really didn't want to do. So, she decided to do the next best thing. With a heavy sigh, Twilight regains her composure, and spoke. "You're right, Nurse Redheart. I don't have an oversensitivity condition at all, and I do know exactly why I been made to cum during all my checkups." "But you're not going to tell me, what it is, are you?" Redheart guess. Sensing the direction this conversation is going. Twilight shook her head. "No, not even to you. This issue of mine is far more personal. I know that you're caught in crossfire in all this, and I should tell you," Twilight lowers her head. "but I can't, I just can't! Please understand?" Redheart takes a moment to process everything, Twilight just said. She doesn't know why, she's so hellbent on keeping the truth hidden, but decided not to push any further. At least she got something out of this talk. Better than nothing. So, at the very least she could do is respect Twilight's privacy. Though she still wishes that, Twilight would tell her the truth as to why she would constantly ejaculate during each one of her exams. It would seem it was not going to happen. It was clear to, Redheart that, Twilight was trying to protect something or someone. Because if the problem only lies with her and her alone, then she wouldn't be so secretive with her about it and since she never denied that something was making her cum, and she would always cum during her exams, then it was without a doubt. Someone is doing this to Twilight on purpose! They clearly know about her exams and plan their attacks accordingly. For some reason, Twilight is protecting this person by not ratting them out. Why? Redheart isn't sure, and there are two questions that need to be answered. Who is doing this and more importantly, Why? "Ok, Twilight! I won't push for more information. Your secrets are your own and I won't intrude on them. I'm just glad we had this talk." Twilight just nodded in understanding. *RIIIIIIING* The sound of the school bell caught the two females' attention. Redheart stood up from her seat first. Well, I guess that ends our conversation. I don't want to keep you any longer than I already have." Redheart made her way to the door, but before she opened it. She had one last thing to say. "And Twilight! Do remember to try and take care of yourself before you come to my office later. Maybe try and get Rarity to help?" Twilight nodded. "I will!" With that said Redheart left. With no reason to stay any longer. Twilight left as well. Turning out the lights and closing the door behind her. "RIIIINNNGGGG" The bell to start school rang throughout the building, as students began filling the halls and heading to their lockers or first class. Twilight exited the yearbook room and headed straight to her first class. That certainly was an interesting conversation, and she was able to get out of it without revealing the truth about her shared sensation with the princess. Though Twilight wonders why she is even protecting her tormentors. After all the trouble they been causing her up to now. She really should just rat them out. But something in the back of her mind is telling her not to do it. Not to protect them, no, but in order to dish out a way to get back at those two her own way, on her own terms. But that probably won't happen unless they cause something really bad or mess up for Twilight, or else she would have tried to take revenge long ago. Twilight curse herself for being a perv to some degree. She can't help but feel too ashamed of herself for actually enjoying all this to some level. Like when she's blowing her load in front of Nurse Redheart. The fact that the school nurse is right there watching her empty her balls in her office like that is always exciting, but now it's gotten to the point where even Redheart is too annoyed by it and that was all, Twilight needed to re-understand her situation and remember the main issue to all this. Such as the fact that those two are trying to humiliate her in public. Yeah, can't forget that and after that conversation with Redheart. Twilight, Sunset, and the princess definitely have a lot to talk about later. ****** As Twilight made her way to her first class, she had an instant relization as she remembered a certain little mess she made earlier. The thought of the jizz filled locker, clouded her mind. She even wince at the fact that her class is in the same direction as the locker she blew her load into. She really didn't want to go that way, but it was the only path to her next class. Not wanting to be late. Twilight began walking towards the direction of the locker, praying that the owner didn't need to visit it yet. Sure, it's not like everyone knows she's a futanari. Plus, between boys and other futas. It's not like anyone's going to immediately think it was her, but that didn't make Twilight feel any better. Twilight was getting close to her destination she just had to turn down the next hall and... "EEEEKKKKKK" There it was. The loud shriek of the locker owner, finding the surprise Twilight unintentionally left for them. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Twilight was hoping for the latter. As she turned down the hall where the commotion was coming from. Twilight could see a crowd of students looking back at where the scream was coming from. Wondering what happened. Twilight worked her way through the crowd. Giving a polite "excuse me," "pardon me" as she tried to get to class and just ignore this whole mess. Just as she was about to pass by the locker, (which was surrounded by students blocking her view) Twilight suddenly stop when she heard an all too familiar voice, crying out. "This is horrid! Absolutely horrid!" "Oh no!" Twilight thought, as her mind filled with dread, and she felt her heart sank into a deep abyss. "What on earth IS this white stuff?" "Oh no, no, no!" "My word! It's EVERYWHERE! My books, (gasp!) My purse, my beautiful bedazzle purse. My sweet little sister made this for me as a birthday gift, and now its ruined....ruiiiiinnnned. Ohhh what am I going to dooooo." The voice whine. "Out of all the worst possible things that could have happened. This is "the" worst possible thing." In a panic. Twilight rush through the crowd to get to the source of the voice. Knowing exactly who it is that was crying, yet she prayed that It wasn't. After pushing her way pass the last barrier of bodies. Twilight saw her girlfriend staring disgustedly at the mess in her locker as the white liquid slowly poured out of it. "RARITY!?" The fashionista turned to see Twilight in the crowd, just before she walks up to her. "Oh Twilight! It's horrible. Just look at what some ruffian did to my locker." She whined while pointing at the mess. Twilight looks at the mess she made earlier and felt both embarrass and disgusted at what she had done. At the time she didn't know it was Rarity's locker. Even when she saw the purse, she didn't bother to recognize it belonging to the fashion girl. Her mind was only focusing on enjoying the pleasure of Sunset's tight pussy squeezing her cock through the other Twilight as they both came at the same time and once it was all over. The purse was covered in too much jizz to be recognizable. As much as it pains her Twilight couldn't bear to tell Rarity the truth. Not just about the locker, but about her magical connection with Princess Twilight. She was too afraid of how her girlfriend would react to knowing that she is basically having sex with another girl and that she is doing the same with the other Twilight. Thanks to the shared sensations. Deep down Twilight knew she'd going to have to be honest with Rarity and tell her the truth, and at the rate Sunset and the Princess keep acting up. It's only a matter of time before the dressmaker start asking questions as well. But there's a time and a place for that and this is definitely not it. Twilight help escort Rarity to the Principals office to let her know what had happened while pretending to be ignorant as to not give herself away. As it turns out Rarity was moving to a new locker anyway. The one that is right next to Twilight's. It was supposed to be a surprise. She was going to move to it right after grabbing her stuff. She took her lock off the locker before going home yesterday just so she can grab her stuff and go immediately. Fortunately, nothing too important was bathe in cum but now Rarity going to have to get a couple of new texts books and Sweetie belle probably wouldn't mind making a new purse for her sister. But that doesn't make Twilight anymore less upset. After school today she plans on going straight to Sunset's house and giving her and The Princess a piece of her mind. After dropping Rarity off in Celestia's office and spending some time to help explain the situation. Twilight was given a pass and was sent back to class, while Rarity and Celestia continued to discuss things. Twilight was still upset for what she did but was more upset at Sunset and the other Twilight for doing this to her in the first place. All Twilight could think about was why! WHY! Are they doing this. They both know about the shared sensation; they know that it's affecting her and making her cum with absolutely no way to stop it. So why are they doing it? Is this just some sick prank! Do they get off on trying to humiliate her in public. Those are the answers she seeks for when she confronts the both of them later after school.