
by Postmodern

First published

Celestia teaches a young human student all about the intersection between fairy tales and sexual fantasy. True understanding comes at the turn of a page.

Sistine is a promising human pre-med student who just needs a little bit of guidance to get her grades in order. Enter Celestia, humanities scholar and gentle alicorn tutor.

She comes highly recommended, and her credentials are impeccable. She'll charm you off your feet...and your religious mom, too. But nobody is perfect. Celestia has her own issues, and sometimes that can get in the way of proper education. No worries, right?

Honestly...you should be very worried.

Tags: non-con, futa, religion, oral, squirting, anal, ass worship, rimming, twerking, size difference, dirty talk.

Featured 11/28/2022, thanks!

Derpi ID: 575018


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Sistine tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice, the better to help clear the table without incident, but it was a losing battle. “Mom, you are really overthinking shit. I didn’t suddenly become a moron just ‘cause my GPA went down a little. Getting me a tutor was so unnecessary.”

Eve let out a rich, almost husky laugh as she puttered about the kitchen, sealing away the remains of the seven-layer lasagna in Tupperware for the journey back to the dorms. “Overthinking is what moms do, honey, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. Besides, it isn't like she's some unknown pony fresh out of the portal. I got her card from Donna’s mother, who simply raved about her.”

The teenager rolled her eyes, unable to deny the familial love that motivated such actions, though she was determined not to make a big deal out of it. To that end, she’d consciously decided to wear sweats and a Beatles tee to her first session; no need to dress up in her own home, after all. As Sistine stacked the plates and gathered the silverware, however, she couldn’t keep her eyes off Eve, whose matronly curves filled out jeans that might as well have been painted on those wide hips, while her tasteful dark-blue blouse did nothing to hide jiggling D-cups that were almost unfairly well-shaped. It was no wonder her guy friends all insisted on staying for dinner. The home cooking was good, but not that good.

“Yeah, well. No promises. Anyway, how’d you even afford her? Ponies ain’t cheap, and alicorns a lot less so. You’re not peddling ass for the cash or something, are you?”

“As an ex-nun, I should find that question in bad taste. But as an ex-nun, I’ll just laugh and tell you the truth: I raided your college fund.” Eve opened the large double fridge and bent low to stow the leftovers. “I hope you’ve got another scholarship or two in your back pocket to make up the difference.”

“Oh, that’s real funny. These are definitely the jokes. Least you waited till my sophomore year to let me know you were skimming off my future.”

Turning the corner into the cramped kitchen, Sistine almost dropped the stack of used dishes in her arms as she caught sight of her mother’s wide buttocks swaying in front of the fridge. The girl resisted the urge to slap the denim-covered bottom as she carefully placed her burden into the soapy water of the sink.

At least she’d inherited her ass from her mother, along with her long, black-black hair. The attitude, as well as the scholarly interests, were almost certainly from her father. Sistine only hoped the cancer that had stolen him from their lives wasn’t in her DNA, too.

“Look, honey. I’m not saying you have to warm up to her right away, but at least give her a chance.” Eve stood, brushing her hands against her thick thighs as she turned to her daughter. “You need some balance. I understand that you’re a technical gi…” She shook her head. “Young woman. You want to focus on pre-med, I get that. But you also need some grounding in the humanities, especially if you’re going to deal with people in extreme circumstances. There’s people connected to those bones and muscles, after all. You’ll have to-“

“Learn how to deal with the whole human, not just the meat. I know, I know. I’ve only heard you say it a billion times.” Sistine drew closer, standing on her toes to plant a kiss upon her mother’s cheek to take the sting out of her words while trying to ignore the sensation of Eve’s thumb-thick nipples against her own chest. Why was she so sexed up all of a sudden? Maybe it was the glass of Merlot — she’d always been a bit of a lightweight.

“It’s not like I think literature is bad, or whatever. I just…don’t give a shit, really. If I’m gonna read something, it should be a textbook instead of some novel.”

“And I’m saying most of the authors of those textbooks, being well-rounded individuals, would probably agree with me.” Sistine was opening her mouth for a retort when an electronic chime sounded from the front door.

Eve touched a well-manicured finger against her daughter’s lips. “To be continued. Be nice, okay?” She chuckled as she slid her full-figured body past Sistine and made for the living room.

The young woman grumbled, but she had to admit it wouldn’t cost her anything to be civil. It wasn’t the alicorn’s fault her mom tended to get overbearing when it came to education. Sistine mentally shrugged as she followed Eve out of the kitchen, drawn despite herself to the melodious sounds of greeting coming from the porch.

“Thank you so much for coming, Celestia! I do hope the evening traffic wasn’t too terrible?”

There was a tinkling laugh, like fine crystal in rain. “Not at all, dear Evey. The power of flight does have its advantages. Oh, what a wonderful home! Your decor is so delightfully contempo! Lovely, simply lovely!”

Evey. Only her best friends called her that. The two had obviously hit it off. Sistine planted herself near the dining room table, curious to see just what kind of person her mother had become so throughly enamored with.

Celestia came into view as she strode out of the entryway and into the living room, taking in family knick-knacks along with photos of Eve’s younger days along the low shelves. The creature looked for all the world like a white-winged unicorn, though the folded pinions seemed rather undersized in Sistine’s estimation. A lightly-tinted rainbow mane surrounded a foot-tall spire of twisted ivory upon the alicorn’s forehead.

Her body was sturdy and strong, with massive — massive — haunches. Both sides were emblazoned with a cutie mark full of sunshine, though her coat was otherwise white as emptiness, right down to the tufts of hair above her hooves.

As Celestia negotiated the thankfully large room, Sistine was struck by how easy and graceful her movements were. The alicorn maneuvered about the space with zero wasted effort, as if she’d been there a million times before, keeping her flanks, head and wings from knocking over anything around her.

Well…when you were a pony in a human world, you kind of had to be a little more aware of yourself, Sistine figured. All the Visitors were probably like that by now, a decade after the First Encounter. The ones who actually wanted to deal with people, anyway.

Celestia cooed as she examined the pictures of Eve in her old Brazilian mission, riding horses around the favelas in the course of her outreach. Even back then, her riding-modified habit bulged with curvy flesh, giving a preview of the MILF she’d ultimately become.

The alicorn picked up one of the framed prints. “Oh, you were a horse girl! What fine beasts! Do you still get a chance to ride?”

Eve gave a cough of embarrassment as she brought up the rear. “No, I’m afraid my equestrian days are long over. Ah…it’s not strange for you to see humans riding horses, is it? I suppose I could have put all this away…”

Celestia laughed as she started to demur, but Sistine beat her to it. “Mom, ponies and horses are like us and apes. They’re not gonna get offended or anything. Jesus.”

The alicorn came about, slowly placing the photo back upon the shelf as she looked the young student up and down. “That’s exactly right. Now, this must be your darling Sistine…after the chapel masterpiece, and well-named. It’s an absolute pleasure, my dear.” She proffered a hoof in greeting.

Sistine approached warily, unable to tear herself away from Celestia’s sparkling blue gaze as she approached. There was something in the alicorn’s eyes that didn’t touch the rest of her gentle face. It stroked all the secret parts of her body and made her tremble, even as it drew her closer, stirring wild, obscene feelings she normally kept at a distance. Sistine had never been so obviously eyefucked in her entire life, and the perpetrator was barely trying to hide it.

Did Eve see it? Had she felt it?

“I…Hi. Yeah, I’m, uh…Sistine. Nice to meet you.” She shook the extended hoof, feeling the fierce heat just below the surface of Celestia’s hide. “Mom used to be all in on the…religious stuff, I guess. I was almost called ‘Mary.’ That probably would’ve been a little on the nose, though.”

“Indeed!” Celestia said with that musical laugh. “Oh, but you’re shaking. No need to be afraid, my dear. I don’t bite.” She grinned broadly, showing large, sharp teeth. The gesture did little to alleviate Sistine’s anxiety. “But maybe this will set you more at ease.”

The alicorn released the human’s hand, only to fill it again with a small book bound in a leather so soft, Sistine had to fight the urge to rub her cheek against it. For a moment, the young woman wondered where the volume had come from, given that Celestia had neither pockets nor saddlebags, but such a riddle was immaterial before the nature of the gift itself.

Sistine had never read Agatha Christie, though she was familiar with the name. “Murder on the Orient Express,” she said aloud, temporarily forgetting about the earlier skeeviness as she turned the novel over in her hands. “Poirot, right? I used to watch the TV show.”

“You have impeccable taste,” Celestia said, imitating the Belgian accent with a wink. “Now, I’m not usually one to crow about the book being better than the show…but you really must try the book. I get the feeling the structure and problem solving of the mystery genre might just suit your fancy.”

“Wow…” Sistine was temporarily speechless. She’d always had a thing about gifts given with sincerity and thoughtfulness, and this one seemed to hit both marks. The alicorn had done her homework. “Hey, thanks. I mean it. I’ll definitely read this.” She cuddled the book to her chest like a lost teddy bear.

Eve clapped with delight as she watched the interaction. “How wonderful! And I can’t believe I never thought of mysteries before! If you like that, Sistine, I’ve got a carton full of paperbacks I know you’ll love-“

“Careful, Evey.” Celestia raised a hoof as she read the young woman’s eye-rolling expression. “Let’s get her familiar with the classics before drowning her in pulp fiction. But there’ll be plenty of time for that later. I want you both to get your money’s worth this evening, so let’s get started, shall we?”

“Oh, by all means! Please, follow me. Her room’s right down the hall.” Eve put a welcoming hand on Celestia’s withers before leading the way, with the alicorn following close behind and Sistine bringing up the…

“Fuck.” Sistine’s throat went bone-dry as her previous heat suddenly returned twice-over. She hoped her panting wasn’t too loud as they walked single-file down the hallway. Watching her mom swing her big butt in front of her was bad enough, but now she had a front-row seat to Celestia’s massive backside, too…and what a sight it was.

Wide, plush and oh-so-jiggly, every seductive step the alicorn took made the young woman want to bury her face between those beautiful pale cheeks that much harder…and was that a hungry asshole she could see, winking from deep within? If so, why couldn’t she see…anything else? How was she hiding…herself?

Sistine raised her eyeline just in time to meet Celestia’s glance backward. The amused quirk of the alicorn’s snowy muzzle told her that nothing had been accidental, and if that was the case…well, she didn’t mind being flirted with, but she hoped her new tutor wasn’t getting her hopes up. As flattered as she was, there was a time and place for such things, and her bedroom with her mother right outside was not it.

Celestia seemed to read her thoughts, softly touching Sistine with her beautifully-coiffed rainbow tail upon reaching the unadorned door at the end of the hallway, yet she remained silent as Eve made her departure. “Here you go. Bathroom is right across the way — lucky for you, I just had it remodeled, so you should have plenty of room. I’ll get out of your hair so you two can get to work, but expect snacks later. Have fun!”

“You and your mother certainly have very…different ideas about what a room should look like,” Celestia said, carefully moving a neon pink stuffed rabbit out of the way as she settled her large frame on the floor. “Personally, I love it. I think it fits.”

Sistine grabbed her laptop from her desk before kicking a fuzzy Build-a-Bear into a corner, flopping unceremoniously to the floor next to a bed piled high with a collection of similar candy-colored animals. “Thanks. Mom kept it just how I left it when I went to college. Like I was murdered, or something.” The light from the desk lamp was just bright enough to illuminate all the cute surrounding details that dotted her bedroom, from the vintage Barbie dolls to the heart-patterned wallpaper. “I used to have kind of a thing about it, but fuck that, you know? I like plushies. Whatever.” She winced at her own swearing. “And feel free to tell me to shut the f…I mean, watch my language. I’m used to it.”

Celestia shook her head as she lay on her side, her sturdy legs curled before her. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve heard much worse, and far be it from me to dictate how you speak in your own home. Now…I believe Evey has already explained to you why I’m here?"

Sistine shrugged as she crossed her own legs. “Mom pushed me into taking some English lit classes, but I’ve been kinda slacking. Guess it’s showing in my grades. I told her it wasn’t a big deal, but she’s got this idea that I don’t appreciate the humanities, or something. And that’s not true, but…” She waved her arms in vague motions. “It’s not a priority right now, you know? I mean, I’m for damn sure not as much of a philistine as she thinks.”

“Undoubtedly.” Celestia pursed her lips as a hoof absent-mindedly stroked the plush, powder-blue carpet beneath them. “And yet, I understand her concern. It takes some people years before they rediscover the joys of literature, and others never do. That would be a tragedy for someone so young and full of potential.”

“You’re just as dramatic as my mom.” Sistine opened the lid of her computer before cracking her knuckles, ready to take notes. “Okay. Who’re we starting with? Brontë sisters? Achebe? Dickens? Or we going more non-traditional? I’ve been told Atwood’s pretty hot right now.”

The alicorn chuffed a laugh. “Your skill in reading the first Google page for ‘famous authors’ is noted. But I’d like to try something a little different.” Celestia reached over and closed Sistine’s laptop, while her student looked on curiously. “My preferred area of study is mythology. That includes fables, fairy tales, and of course, ancient myths. I thought we’d start there, if that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah. Sure. However you wanna do it.” It seemed like her tutor was looking to take it slow for their first session, which suited Sistine just fine. “So, what’s the subject? ‘The fairy tale as a window on the human condition?’ Or maybe ‘Greek myths as a window on the human condition?’ That’s usually how it goes, right? Kind of a pattern there.”

“Hmm. You’re not wrong, but let’s narrow our focus a bit.” In Celestia’s hoof was another book, this one bound with weathered brown leather and featuring a silvery metal buckle along the edge. Sistine’s brow creased in confusion — the tome was just there, as if it had always been, yet she couldn’t for the life of her remember when she’d seen the alicorn move, or where the book might have come from.

“That is some freaky shit,” Sistine muttered, peering at the strange item with interest. “You gotta show me how you do that sometime.”

“There’s nothing wrong with freaky, and never let anyone tell you otherwise,” Celestia said as she undid the book’s shiny clasp. “Speaking of which…are you familiar with ‘Little Red Riding Hood’?”

Sistine marked with amusement how Celestia hadn’t answered the question, but she didn’t press the issue. “Guess we’re really starting from the basics, huh? ‘Course, I know that. We learn that as kids.”

“What do you learn, exactly? To mistrust strangers? To listen to authority, and not stray from the path?” Celestia opened the book to the middle, revealing pages of off-white parchment without any writing, and she motioned for Sistine to come closer. “Those may be understandable guidelines for children — and I have my reservations as far as that goes — but that doesn’t explain the enduring popularity of the tale. There’s something more to it.”

Sistine craned her neck to get a better view…then she gasped as the pages darkened into a theatrical background, and a familiar scene came to life before her eyes. There was the little girl in the red hood, taking her basket from her mother and receiving the fateful instructions. Now she was skipping through the dark woods, where an unseen beast licked its chops, and then Red and the Wolf were at Grandmother’s house, where big eyes, a big nose and big teeth all came into question before the Huntsman’s heroic axe work.

“Visitor tech,” Sistine breathed as she watched the show, enraptured.

She’d never seen any of it up close like this, only on television or behind glass in museums. Nobody knew how the strange artifacts worked, and the visitors weren’t talking. The young student was taken aback at how unguarded her tutor was with such secrets, and though she had a thousand questions, she had just enough restraint to keep herself in check.

Mostly. Sistine couldn’t help an impressed whistle. “One thing after another with you, huh? What’s your next trick? A field trip across the portal?”

“I would if I could, but there are some rules even I must abide by.” Celestia tapped a corner of the book impatiently. “Don’t get distracted, my dear. There’s a point to all this. The story of young Red has taken some turns over the generations, hasn’t it? It doesn’t just resonate with children, either. Adults also know the tale, but they tend to see things in a more…salacious light.”

As Sistine watched, the climactic scene changed. Now, Red was older, with more curves and a sway in her hips that advertised exactly what she was all about, while the wolf had the rugged handsomeness of a woodland creature craving a mate. Hiding himself under Grandmother’s covers only made Red more curious, and when at last she turned back the sheets to reveal the Wolf’s feral pride…

“In modern tellings, they devour each other.” Celestia’s voice was huskier than a moment ago as Red and the Wolf did just that, loudly and messily…and then, the Huntsman arrived to make it a threesome. “Adults take very different messages from Little Red Riding Hood when characters and motivations are seen through a more worldly lens. Maybe the Wolf wasn’t as bad as all that. Maybe Red wasn’t as innocent as she seemed-“

“And maybe they both just needed a good fuck to live happily ever after,” Sistine said with a nervous laugh. She was trying to play it cool, but the gush of wetness between her legs and the flush in her cheeks made that difficult. Celestia was watching her closely, no doubt getting off on her reactions. If this was all a tease, the alicorn was certainly going in hard.

Sistine met Celestia’s gaze, giving up on trying to hide her arousal. “Anyway, that’s not too provocative anymore, you know? Sexing shit up is what popular culture does. Movies, TV, music, books…modern media’s based on what adults see. I mean, it’s a cliche these days, isn’t it? When your allegorical Red Hot Riding Hood has halloween costumes, it kinda loses some of its academic allure, right?”

“Very good.” Celestia made a motion with her hoof, and the book’s display faded into the parchment once more. “Some scholars even think the hardcore reading was the original, with the children’s story being a later adaptation to placate more puritanical readers. After all, the metaphors aren’t subtle, are they? The forest is an allusion to the journey through puberty. The wolf represents the dangerous thrills of sexual awakening, and the red cloak — possibly the most on-point detail — refers to the loss of virginity. Ready or not.”

“No virgin in the world moves their hips like that.” Sistine found herself starting to warm up to the subject. She was almost touching Celestia’s horn as they hovered over the viewing device, and she could feel the alicorn’s humid breath disturbing the long strands of raven hair against her neck.

Mmm…she smelled good. Really, really good. Was that perfume, or some kind of soap? No, there was something more complex than that…like some kind of musk. And the more Sistine breathed of it, the harder it was to tell where it was truly coming from.

The teenager gently shook the fuzz out of her head, trying to make herself seem a bit more scholarly. “Okay, so that one was pretty fucking obvious. I’m guessing your next example is…not so much?”

Celestia nodded, not taking her eyes off of her student. “My word. Someone’s on the ball tonight. You’re quite correct, of course, so let us examine a fable whose alternate reading isn’t quite so cut and dried. Now, what I’m about to teach you is my own pet theory, but I believe you’ll find it compelling.”

With another gesture, the book’s pages flickered back to life. This time, the tiny play featured a suspiciously familiar young girl with long, silky-black hair and wearing a classical German peasant’s dress, sitting upon a plush Queen-sized bed in what looked like a mountain log cabin. Three fearsome brown bears surrounded her with slavering jaws: one tall and packed with muscle, one smaller yet fat and chubby, and one short and thin.

Yet, despite her imminent danger, the girl seemed at ease…expectant…excited, even. The pin-sharp resolution of the book’s display showed every emotion in her body and on her face, and there was no fear to be found. Quite the contrary, actually.

“Hey, I’ve seen this one. All that’s missing is the white couch and the T-shirts.” Sistine glanced up from the book, searching Celestia’s face for any trace of amusement, but either her skill at reading aliens was lacking, or the alicorn was quite serious. “You’re off base on this one, though. I mean, are we really trying to perv up Goldilocks and the Three Bears here? Come on.”

Celestia wore a strangely intense expression as she took her student’s skepticism in stride. “You’re right to be wary, dear. Sometimes, ‘a cigar is just a cigar,’ as they say. But there are many different angles to view such a work from. With a change in perspective, you might even see something you never knew was there before.”

The book let out a soft buzzing sound, and the view changed once again. The new scene was similar, but instead of the four-way ursine orgy Sistine was expecting, the bears were replaced by stallions: one large and roan, one smaller and midnight-black, and a third smaller still, painted a smoky speckled dun.

Sistine bit off a moan. All three of the majestic horses had enormous cocks, none smaller than two feet, and they were each diamond-hard and pointing in the girl’s direction.

Before Sistine’s eyes, the four of them got down to business. In minutes, the bed was a tangle of flailing limbs and thrusting members, while every visible surface became soaked through with sexual fluids. Amazingly, Goldilocks had no trouble taking three monstrous dicks at the same time, and she moaned in ecstasy even as the relentless beasts made her air-tight. The youngest took his pleasure between the girl’s glossy, rose-red lips, while the mother sank deep into her bubbly ass. The mighty father claimed Goldy’s sucking cunt, and he set the pace as the four of them moved like a singular, fleshy, messy machine.

Celestia’s breathy voice took over Sistine’s consciousness like a boiling white fog as the student observed the impossible gangbang. “Oh, my. That is simply…obscene. Do you get it, dear girl? Do you understand? You don’t have to choose from the best of all choices when you have such a feast in front of you. You’re allowed to be greedy…to take everything inside yourself and indulge, freely. It’s okay to disregard social pressure and the stifling rules you were taught to obey without question.” There was a shuddering hitch in the alicorn’s speech, followed by a barely suppressed moan. “You…you can drown in pleasure…without shame, in the light of day, for all the world…to witness…nnn.”

The uncharacteristic shakiness of Celestia’s words at last drew Sistine’s attention away from the carnality taking place in the book. “Hey, you’re not getting off to this, are you? Isn’t this just how they say ‘hello’ where you’re holy fuck! Holy fuck! What the fuck is that!?”

Celestia lay reclined on her side, with one thick thigh raised high. Between her sturdy legs was something resembling a full-sized, flat-tipped horsecock, mottled pink and white, at least two feet long if it was an inch. A human hand would not have encircled its girth, and it was hard…so hard…thrumming against the alicorn’s soft barrel with each beat of her heart, and splattering sticky precome with every pulse. Her balls were as large as oranges, and the soft-furred sack hitched again and again against the wide, reddened knot at the bottom of Celestia’s monster, not unlike a dog’s.

Pony physiology was very alien, despite the surface similarities…still, the alicorn’s loins were obviously ready at a moment’s notice to release a scalding bounty. Celestia stared her student down, completely unperturbed as she worked her hooves along her fat length, spreading precome over the entire surface.

“I find that I have a…certain affinity with the villains in these stories.” Celestia’s voice was slow wine as she pleasured herself, there in Sistine’s plush bedroom. “I, too, tend to enjoy the chase…the pinning down…and then the taking, and taking, and taking.”

Sistine scrambled up onto her bed in shock, but the alicorn ignored her distress as she continued to ramble hypnotically. “‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ has become a particular inspiration to me. Because of my cock. Here…take a closer look.” Celestia began to thrust her hips, fucking the space between her hooves with complete abandon and allowing the heady stink of her crotch to fill the room. “You see, when I first claim someone, they cry and scream and say it’s too big. My flare is rather wide, so that’s understandable.”

She traced the path of her phantom partner along herself with light, teasing touches. “But then, as I force them down the length of my prick, they tell me it’s not enough. They need more…deeper….harder. I give them what they ask for. And finally, when the knot goes in and they lose all sense of reason, they find peace, even as they squirt their orgasms across my chest. Everything becomes just right. Isn’t that the most poetic thing?”

“No! No, it’s not!” Sistine tried to keep herself from screaming in panic as she wedged herself against the wall near the head of her bed, trying to deny the truth of what she was seeing and hearing. “God, this is so fucked up! Why are you…is that what this was all about? You did all this just so you could whip out your dick in my house? That’s fucking crazy! You’re fucking crazy!”

Celestia frowned before Sistine’s extreme reaction, and she stopped her movements. “Crazy? No…no, Sistine, my dear, you don’t understand-“

“Don’t call me that! I’m not your dear!”

“All right! I’m sorry, I won’t say it again! Sistine, I…I didn’t mean to…I figured there was a connection…that we were on the same wavelength. I thought…I thought you might have wanted to…”

“What? Fuck a horse?” Sistine barely registered the twitch in Celestia’s cheek as she hissed at the alicorn. “Look, grab-assing is one thing, but this…why did you think this was okay?”

Celestia suddenly sat up straight. “Because your cunt’s been dripping all over this nice carpet! I can smell you!” She bit off the next harsh retort as she put both hooves to her head, covering her face for a moment before taking a deep, shuddering breath and facing her accuser once again. “Look, I really…oh, heavenly Sistine…your mother told me about…your father. I suppose I thought…maybe…I could help take away some of that pain.” Celestia’s sapphire eyes suddenly shone with hope. “You could even call me daddy! Wouldn’t it be nice to create some newer, more positive associations with that word? I’m sure we’d both get off on-“

“Get out.” The words were ice. Any lingering fears were now banished from Sistine’s thoughts.

Celestia finally seemed to comprehend her mistake as she broke down. “P-please! Please! I know I went too fast, and I’m sorry! If you’d listen to what I’m trying to say-“

You listen. Get the fuck out of my house. Out of my face. I’ll tell Mom you got sick or something. She never even has to find out about any of this. Just leave, before I call the cops. You know, I heard they just set up an anti-Visitor division last month. Wanna be their first test?”

The alicorn’s desperate tone twisted into viciousness. “Do you really think human police can stop me?”

Sistine felt a sharp chill as she peered down at Celestia. “What did you say?”

Celestia rubbed her eyes with a forearm. The wetness Sistine saw on that immaculate muzzle softened her anger some, but they both knew there was no going back. Not anymore, if there ever was.

“Okay. You’re right. I know you’re right. Gods…how did I fuck this all up? I’m sorry. I said that already, didn’t I? I’m going.” Celestia rose from the soaked rug, causing a flinch from Sistine before the young woman could catch herself. The alicorn’s hard, thick cock, still dripping with precome, twitched and jerked as it hung almost horizontally beneath her, and the fully packed balls between her thighs rumbled with audible need.

Celestia fought to get her breathing under control as she rode out her body’s unfulfilled sensations. She glanced at the bedroom door before turning back to Sistine. “May I…unburden myself in your restroom first? It’s difficult to fly when I’m this…backed up.”

Sistine’s first instinct was to refuse, but she was in no mood for further argument. If assent would make Celestia remove herself from her presence any quicker, she was willing to compromise. “Sure. Whatever. Just don’t leave a mess, and try not to make too much noise. Freaky bitch.”

“Understood. Thank you.” Celestia gave a short curtsy with her equine head before turning toward the exit. She did not look back as she left the room, and the door closed behind her with a soft click.

When she was finally alone Sistine began to whimper with lust, digging her knuckles between her kneeling legs as she tried not to soak her sweats, while visions of alicorn cock danced in her head like sugar plum fairies. The pony musk had to be causing some kind of weird reaction in her brain…that had to be it. It wasn’t actually Sistine who, even now, yearned to embrace that fragrant, scalding horsemeat. She wasn’t really in control of the fingers that twitched with the urge to touch and stroke that mighty tool, and it wasn’t really her mouth that was still drooling from the promise of tasting alicorn come.

It wasn’t. And yet, she continued to rub her cunt with an intensity she’d never felt in her life, hunching her curvy ass against a clenched fist over and over again. No…she couldn’t stop it…she was going to…

A sharp, tinkling crash came from somewhere near the kitchen. There was a yell, then a louder series of thumps and bangs, followed by another scream hastily cut off. Sistine heard more scuffling movement, interspersed with grunts, groans, and the occasional uncomprehending sob.

No. No, this was not happening! Celestia was…she had to do something! She had to get up, to shout, to help! Anything!

But her legs refused to move. Sistine beat on her knees and thighs painfully, trying to force herself into action, but her body would not follow her directions. When she tried to cry out, a sudden constriction in her throat turned her voice into a soft croak. Had Celestia done something to her? Was this all part of her plan, too?

In the midst of her panic, Sistine noticed that the strange book had been left on the floor, opened to blank pages. Could that have something to do with it? But how…?

A rhythmic slapping noise entered her awareness, emerging from the living room. It was hard and fast, the sound of two fleshy bodies coming together for a singular, terrible purpose.

“Oh, god! Move! Move, goddamn it! What is wrong with me!?”

The trembling in Sistine’s limbs gave her the horrifying answer. Her fear had never truly gone away, and now it had taken her over entirely. Beyond even the desire to save Eve was the paralyzing dread of the unknown, alien mind that had orchestrated the whole situation. If Celestia was willing to go this far, what would she do if she was…interrupted? The possible scenarios froze the young woman to the bed.

And to her shame, the heat in her cunt had not abated. In fact, each ringing *plap* drove her ever higher, threatening to overwhelm any and all reasoning with pure lust as she neared her own precipice. “Fuck…don’t let me come to this! God…anybody…help me! Please!”

A loud, lusty wail pierced the air, followed by a roar of release. Then, all went silent.

A million thoughts ran through Sistine’s terrified mind, each one a poison-tipped claw piercing deep into her flesh. Nothing made sense anymore. They had both been so blind! The young student felt something come unbidden up through her constricted throat and past her lips, a phrase she hadn’t uttered since childhood. Yet, she could not have stopped it even on pain of death.

“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name…”

A single, loud tap elsewhere in the house, like a fingernail on linoleum, interrupted her prayer. There was another one, louder, and then a different sound: the soft creak of wood flooring.

Sistine’s heart began to pound so hard, she thought she might faint. Only the thought of what would happen to her afterward kept her from succumbing. The narrow hallway outside perfectly amplified each…approaching…hoof…step…funneling the noises directly into a room that suddenly seemed far too small, far too stifling.

And she still couldn’t move. Even to save her own life.

“Thy kingdom come…t-thy will be done…on Earth, as it is in h-Heaven…”

When the last clop rang out directly outside her door, Sistine distantly heard a hissing, splashing sound between her legs. She barely felt the hot wetness that saturated her sweatpants and bedding, and her nose did not twitch at the acrid smell of ammonia. Her eyes, her thoughts, her entire state of being was focused on that bedroom door, a too-thin piece of wood that had once represented sanctuary and restfulness, and now reminded her of nothing less than a cruel trap.

The door swung open without a sound. And to Sistine’s eternal shame, the first thing she thought was that Celestia was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.

The alicorn’s mane was wild, waving freely and messily with a post-coitus shine. She was sweaty, yet she was not panting, only breathing deeply and evenly; her bearing was controlled, almost regal. Scarcely visible wisps of steam rose from a brilliantly pale hide that glowed from within with white heat, while her mottled cock stood almost straight out, as hard as if she had never left, soaked with sexual fluids that were not her own.

“I forgot my book,” Celestia said in a light tone.

The alicorn focused on the sopping crotch and bedsheets underneath Sistine. “You can keep going, if it’ll calm you down.”

Sistine opened her mouth, then closed it. She swallowed thickly before trying again. “I can’t remember the rest.”

“Hmm. There’s something in there about temptation, I think.” Celestia sauntered over to the side of the room opposite Sistine’s bed, heedless of the young woman’s terror. She strutted as if she wanted to show off her powerful cock to all who could see, and as she parked her massive rear against the far wall, she spread her legs, pointing her prick at the sky and letting the thick, dark ring of her anus wink in the fetid air below her twitching nuts.

Emboldened by her slowly returning powers of speech, Sistine began to let fly. “Okay, where’s my mom? Is she okay? What did you do? Fucking talk to me, tell me she’s okay! I said-“

Celestia silently put a hoof to her muzzle. The look on her equine face stopped Sistine in her tracks, and the teenager bit her own lip to keep from speaking further.

The alicorn nodded once as she lowered her foreleg. She was not touching her cock in any way. It stood free like a maypole, thick and twitching in the musty air, while she slowly moved her hips up and down.

“I couldn’t help it, Sistine. I tried to stop myself. I heard her voice, and before I knew it, she was underneath me.” She spoke as if she was explaining how to bake a pumpkin pie. “I’m such a fucked-up cunt.”

A part of Sistine wondered about the note of self-pity in Celestia’s words, not at all indicative of her previous personality. Her main concern, however, was the need to stay quiet. It was her lifeline, her only hope. She sat as still as possible in her own urine.

Celestia nodded again, for the first time in a while allowing herself a trace of a smile. “Very good. Your mother is alive. If we’d only understood each other so perfectly earlier, hm? But you had to whine and cry like a virgin from the mere sight of a big dick. How disappointing.”

The rest of the alicorn’s provocative words were wind against the one thing Sistine wanted to hear above all else. Alive. The sense of relief was almost overwhelming — if she hadn’t already voided her bladder, she would have done so now — and she sagged in place, squeezing her tear-ringed eyes tight.

Celestia continued to hump the air. “Evey is alive, Sistine. Whether or not she stays that way is entirely up to you. All right? You may speak, dear.”

Alive. Sistine had to remind herself that she could breathe again. “Can I…ask a question?”

“By all means.”

The alicorn’s fake pleasantries brought back some of Sistine’s anger, and that helped to focus her thoughts. “This…heat. The way I feel…it isn’t…natural, right? I mean, wanting to fuck a pony at first sight is-“

“Is what? Do you think there’s something wrong with wanting to fuck a pony?”

The quiet menace in the retort was a predator’s warning, and Sistine fought the instinctive prey animal urge to flee. She was ashamed at herself for even entertaining the thought.

“No, that’s not…you did something to me, didn’t you? To both of us. Mom was acting like she’d known you for years, and…and I don’t trust my own body anymore. I just want to know the truth.”

A devious twinkle appeared in Celestia’s eyes, marred only by a grunt as a fresh runnel of precome dripped down her heaving nuts, adding yet more fluid to the carpet between her legs. “What…nnn…what do you think? Speculate away.”

Sistine hadn’t expected a session of Socratic questioning, but conversation was much, much better than the alternatives on offer.

“It’s the book, isn’t it? There’s something about it. As soon as you opened it, everything got…worse. Why did you do it? Any of it?” The young student risked a note of indignation for the sake of her own pride. “Can’t you pull tail with your sparkling personality? Or do you just not want to work too hard?”

Celestia gave a look that Sistine interpreted as grudging respect…she hoped. “Fifty points, plus an extra twenty because you’re fuckable, making your score a solid C. I think we can do better in the future, but you do deserve a reward for effort. Take note.”

The alicorn prodded the ring of her dusky asshole, teasing the exterior of the sensitive area without plunging inside. The orifice pulsed with every throb of her cock, sucking stray drops of pre into its depths and making Sistine wish she was repulsed by the sight, instead of inflamed. Celestia’s muzzle hung open as she panted hotly, very much enjoying her student’s turmoil, until she at last broke the charged silence.

“Well. You’re half right. No ‘visitor tech,’ as you call it, with that kind of power would normally be allowed through the portal. But an exceptionally talented alicorn could adulterate two items such that their subtle effects would not be detected…until brought together.”

Something else…but what could…

“That fucking business card!” Eve’s words came to Sistine’s mind like a flash. “So, what, you pass out your little cardboard roofies all over the neighborhood to sow the seeds, then crack the book to reap pussy when you get access?”

Celestia’s hoof sank a few inches further into her sucking rectum, and she sighed as the sensations reverberated throughout her taint. “Ten more points, dear girl, although the cards are made of a material that doesn’t naturally exist on this side. Your friend Donna and her mother have been instrumental in spreading my love around…and I make sure to reward them both for it. Hard. At the same time, usually.”

The alicorn let her tongue hang from her slack jaws, and saliva dripped onto her heaving barrel as her thrusting became sharper and more insistent, the rhythm naturally syncing to her anal play. “I’ve fucked almost every housewife on the block, along with many of their daughters. But you…you and Evey were special. I’ve been watching you from afar, Sistine.”

The alicorn’s revelation made the young student’s own asshole clench. “When did you-“

“Come down off that pretty little bed, there’s a good girl.”

Despite Sistine’s meager resistance, she knew that disobeying Celestia’s direct order was never an option. She clambered down to the floor, suddenly feeling the chill of various fluids against her skin.

Celestia watched her every movement with the unblinking gaze of a reptile. “Strip off those soiled rags…and do it nice and easy. You know what I mean. Don’t bother with the shirt — your tits aren’t exactly your strong point, after all. Turn around first.”

Sistine obeyed without a word, glad to at least have a reason to avoid looking at the alicorn as she faced away. She slowly revealed the curve of her full, pale buttocks inch by inch as she pulled the waist of her sweatpants down to her thighs, gasping as she felt the air tickle the fine hairs of her soaked cunt. She wiggled her rear a bit, bending over to show the tight ring of her asshole before she caught herself starting to get into the sexy little striptease. With a whispered curse, she jerked the pant legs off her body, figuring she knew exactly what part of her Celestia was really interested in.

The young woman rejected the compulsion to cover her body with her arms, instead putting her hands at her wide hips. The hem of her Beatles shirt barely touched the small of her back. “Is this what you want?” Sistine asked the wall.

Celestia said nothing for a while, and the student seethed, knowing she was being toyed with. She could clearly hear the alicorn’s self-pleasuring motions get a little faster and her excited panting grow a little rougher.

“Evey has a big, fat ass,” Celestia said at last.

Sistine tried not to let her apprehension about the sudden tangent show in her body language. “I guess.”

“You don’t have to guess. She jiggles and claps with every step. No skirt in the world can cover all that meat, marbled with just enough cellulite to add definition. It’s an ass that cries out to be grabbed, to be pulled apart. Bending that bitch over and fucking her doggystyle is an obligation for anyone with a pulse. You know exactly what I mean, don’t you?”

Sistine’s silence was all the answer Celestia needed, and the alicorn chuckled at the reaction. “No need to be bashful, dear. And don’t be jealous, either. All that matters at this exact moment is me…and you. You are most definitely your mother’s daughter, in all the ways that matter.”

Without thinking, Sistine rose and fell on the balls of her feet, causing her own butt to jiggle with soft waves. “So I’ve been told.”

“You were told true. Your rear is a tighter, more shapely version of hers, with perfect curvature and definition. Your hips have a gentle flare, like a budding rose, yet the whole package comes together with a juicy thickness that would make a pole dancer retire. Your ass is delicious, my dear. There’s a reason I went for you first, instead of Evey.”

As someone who once had a complex about her wide posterior, hearing Celestia’s praise made Sistine blush…until the mention of her mother provided a harsh reminder of Eve’s unknown fate. “Uh…thanks. Maybe you can bring my mom in so we can…do a direct comparison, huh?”

“Don’t get cute.” Sistine bit off a whimper as she heard the sheathed weapon in Celestia’s voice. The alicorn gave her a moment to consider her mistake before continuing. “I’ve already sampled your mother. She wasn’t a great fuck, though admittedly, that was partly my fault. In any case, I have a taste for something sweeter right this moment, but you’re going to need to whet my appetite. Are you listening closely?”

Sistine nodded.

“There’s a delightful human custom that I’ve only recently heard about, and I want you to demonstrate it to me. Call it a cultural exchange. Are you familiar with ‘twerking’?”

Before she could stop herself, Sistine let out a bitter laugh. She twisted at the waist to look side-eyed at the alicorn. “Are you serious? Do I look like Megan The Fucking Stallion to you?”

“Two E’s, dear. And no, you’re not her, though I daresay you could give her some competition.” As one hoof cored out her asshole, plunging in to the wrist as she casually fucked herself, the other cradled one of her full balls, as if admiring its heft and virility. “I’m still pent up, Sistine. I need to drain my nuts into something, and right now you’re the closest cumrag in the vicinity. But I could go another round with Evey…and I might just break open her fat ass this time, instead of that sloppy hole that passes for a cunt. I couldn’t guarantee her survival afterwards, I’m afraid.”

Sistine’s legs turned to jelly, and she could feel the onset of tears at the corners of her eyes as she struggled with sudden panic. “Please…please don’t-“

“Hush, child. I’m only speaking in possibilities.” Celestia’s tone was so damned reasonable it made Sistine nauseous. “If you would take her place, then let me hear that booty clap. I want to see your flesh ripple like waves on a pond. And be sure to do it with all the enthusiasm you can muster. This is your one chance to make me a believer, my dear, so don’t waste the opportunity.”

Celestia gave a quick glance around at the cute bedroom that would never, ever feel the same for the young student. “This isn’t a house anymore. It’s a strip club, and we are way in the back, in one of the private suites they reserve for the really big spenders. Want me to make it rain? Better earn your keep, whore. Shake that ass. Make me want to fuck you. Convince me.”

Sistine had thought she’d come to terms with her and her mother being treated like raw meat dangling in front of Celestia’s slavering maw, but this was beyond any of her expectations. In the space between heartbeats, as the alicorn waited for her to take action, the young student tried to think of some way to save herself and Eve, some rhetorical device that might make the creature in her home see reason and leave them in peace. But the thick musk in her nose and the sound of those massive, gurgling nuts told her that this scenario would only end with one of them impaled on the end of that towering cock, in one hole or another.

Let it be herself, then. She tried to relax and still the thrumming heart which was hammering within her chest out of fear, and not excitement. Surely.

Sistine widened her stance, making a shelf out of her meaty buttocks and allowing her winking, virginal asshole to come into view. She dropped into a squat as she put her hands on her knees, conjuring visions of pop stars on stage before ravenous fans while nodding her head to the beat of some bass-heavy, booty-shaking track.

No. That wasn’t enough. If she wanted to make it look real, she had to go further. Instead, she imagined herself as a cavewoman, trying to attract a mate from amongst the strongest members of her tribe. This wasn’t about entertainment, or money. It was about survival, with nothing less than the continuation of her family line at stake. She needed to make her body beg for cock, using the natural feminine movements honed into humankind over millions of years of evolution. No thinking, no calculation…just the drive to be savagely bred, then disregarded, with only a womb full of spunk to mark her success.

Her hips began to roll and buck, while her cunt clenched at the feel of a phantom cock caressing her outer lips, making its intentions known in no uncertain terms. Her rear began to sway of its own volition, and Sistine turned to watch, fascinated, as a series of pops and jerks made the fat of her ass shake like jelly.

She could see it all as if in slow motion. The cheeks of her buttocks separated and came together, teasing the tight little teenage asshole that had never felt the touch of another. The lips of her pussy were reddened and engorged with desire, and they hung open like a panting mouth while sparkling cream dripped to the carpet in long, sticky strings, swaying to her sultry movements.

Sistine ran her hands through her long black hair, overcome with the lust that was expressing itself through her thrusting, pumping ass. She spread her legs further and her hips moved faster, causing her to fuck the air with animalistic fervor. She moaned at the sound of her clapping cake, soft at first, then sharper and more insistent, the cadence increasing with every second until the pap-pap-pap sound echoed in her ears like driving rain.

Celestia groaned as if electrified, plugged directly into Sistine’s emotional state. Her eyes followed the rolling motions of the young student’s ass with desperate intensity, and she licked her lips while she hefted her own white-furred, orange-sized nuts with both hooves, feeling their contractions as precome poured down the length of her cock and coated her crotch. She still had not touched her towering prick, and if Sistine had been in her right mind, she might have questioned how the alicorn could keep herself from pleasuring that slab of meat, but the need to satisfy her fucking instinct removed all such petty thoughts from existence.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Celestia snarled. “Pop that pussy. Work it. You feel it, don’t you? You want to get fucked? You want me to squeeze this fat cock up your tight little cunt? Huh? Fuck…you should teach your mother how to move like that. Bet she could shake the house with her big fucking butt. You’d love to watch her get down, wouldn’t you? How much do you want Evey’s ass? Talk to me!”

“I love it so much!” Sistine moaned as she twerked her fat ass with wild abandon, splattering cunt juices all over the bed in front of her. “She always wears those t-tight fucking pants that follow every curve…a-and sometimes I see her in nothing but these white, lacy panties…her asshole just sucks in the fabric! God…w-when she walks, she rolls her hips while her butt claps and shakes…she doesn’t even know she’s doing it…b-but it’s like she’s advertising herself to whoever wants her!”

“Like you, you fucking incestuous whore?”

Sistine grit her teeth, trying not to blurt out her true feelings, but her swirling loins made any such prevarication impossible. “Yes! I wanted her! I wanted her ass! I wanted to…to…”

“To what? Don’t give me that bullshit past tense. Tell me…tell her what you want to do to that chunky ass. Say it!”

“I want to fuck it!” Sistine cried with confused ecstasy. “Every time you bend over, I want to climb up and hump your ass until I come all over it! Oh, god…god…I want to bury my face between your thick fucking cheeks and tongue your asshole while I fist myself! Mom…Mom…I want you so bad!” As she unburdened herself, she worked her clapping dumper like a madwoman, giving herself up to the deep, dark fantasies streaming from her lips.

A moan carried over the air, nasty and tortured. As if from a far distance, she heard someone calling her name, and the familiar, husky timbre of the sound went straight to her gushing cunt and pumping, thrusting, cock-starved ass.

“Sistine, I can’t…oh, Sistine!” The voice cried out to her, and now she knew she was losing her mind. She didn’t question the phantom that was preying on her swirling emotions, and why would she? Everything was fucked anyway. Pleasure and fantasy were all she had left to her.

Why fight it?

“If I had a prick,” Sistine rasped, “I’d fuck you every day. I’d make you my pet. Every time I saw you I’d turn you around, then I’d spread open your fat ass and rail you ‘till you couldn’t stand, whether you wanted it or not. Fuck…you’d try to fight me, but that insane body is made for sex. It’d betray you every time. You’d submit and take cock like a good girl, and you’d love it!” She groaned, seeing the vision in her mind as if outlined in gold, and the sweat flicked off her pale skin, misting the pungent air as her twerking sent her right up to the edge.

“Oh, no, honey…no, no, no…”

“Yes!” Sistine cried. “You’d never wear clothes again. I’d share you with my friends, and I’d jerk off as they took you three at a time. I’d make you into the come-slurping slut you were meant to be…the horny bitch your sexy fucking body wants you to be! Oh, Mom…you’re so fertile…so randy…and you don’t even know it! But I’d make you understand…God…it’s not fair…it’s like I’m addicted! You and your big…fucking…thick…jiggly…ass!”

A screeching wail entered Sistine’s waking mind, and the emotions embedded in that sound — pain, love, sadness, and overwhelming pleasure — shocked her out of her reverie. Her eyes flew open, and she halted her movements as if a switch had been flipped, coming back to Earth with a choking gasp.

She heard a soft, answering moan behind her. She tried to force herself to turn around, but the tired, burning muscles of her legs once again failed her.

“You’ve stopped. Is there something wrong?” Celestia’s lusty voice was full of malevolent humor. A curious squishing sound came from her direction, and there was another moan, clearer and louder. “Did you hear something strange? Goodness…whatever could it be? Maybe you should…investigate.”

Sistine tried to calm her tired breaths. She’d never been so exhausted, but the fire in her belly had not abated, and she was still on the edge of orgasm. It would take only a little more stimulation to tip her over…but she didn’t want to give the twisted alicorn the satisfaction. She wouldn’t…she couldn’t…but, what was that sound? It was so damned familiar…

“Turn around.”

Impossible. She knew what she would see…who she would see…but how? She couldn’t look…not now…not when she was so close…

“Turn. Around.”

The order was a hand grasping her throat, forcing her into submission. Sistine tried to recall the words of her earlier prayer as she slowly turned toward the alicorn, but the memories would not come. And when she at last beheld the sight she dreaded most, she lost all strength in her rubbery legs, falling to her knees as she wailed in lust-filled agony.

Celestia stared back with piercing eyes at the young student, her muzzle in the crook of Eve’s graceful neck. The woman was flushed, panting, and dripping with sweat, her eyes raised to the heavens in classical ecstasy as she lay with her back against that snow-white barrel. Her enormous, motherly tits heaved with strain, and her thick thighs were raised and spread akimbo, clearly displaying her deep anal impalement upon the alicorn’s massive cock. Celestia’s oversized balls contracted and jerked, pumping precome into the impossibly wide, round ass that had been pried open to a ridiculous diameter, and the red knot at the base of that mottled prick was beautifully, crazily, inexorably opening her yet further, stretching the inflamed rim of her anus with every desperate thrust.

A hoof slipped into Eve’s black-haired cunt, wide open and drooling cream. It entered up to the wrist with a decadent squish, plunging in and out in time with the cock in her rectum, and the woman whimpered as she took more than any human being should have been forced to take. Sistine felt a terrible rapport as she moaned, palming her own soaked cunt as if she could hold back the tide that was almost upon her, threatening to crash down on her head and destroy them both forever.

“Honey…oh, honey…she’s tearing me apart. I can’t…it’s too much. My ass…my little asshole…she’s destroying my ass! Help me, Sistine!”

Eve’s delirious babbles were laced with erotic heat, despite her pleas, and Sistine fucked herself with three fingers, then four, plunging in and out of her juice-slathered cunt instead of rushing to her mother’s aid. Celestia chuckled at Sistine’s telling actions, then she groaned ominously as she worked her hips upward, forcing another half centimeter of her knot into Eve’s tortured ass. The woman screamed, and her upthrust legs twitched madly as she was stretched yet further. Sistine cried out along with her, unable — or unwilling — to prevent her anal destruction.

“Help her, Sistine,” Celestia rasped, and her dark provocation sank deep into the teenager’s anguished mind. “Soothe her agonies in the way only a daughter can. You know what to do. You’ve always known. No more holding back, dear. Not anymore.”

“Please!” One of Eve’s arms was around Celestia’s equine head in a passioned embrace, while her other hand searched for Sistine, palm out, as if seeking salvation. “Please, honey! I…I’m losing myself. Save me. Save my soul!”

Sistine began to crawl forward on her knees, her Beatles shirt soaked to the skin and one hand still working deep into her overheated pussy, making nasty sounds that harmonized with Celestia’s sucking thrusts in a lusty symphony. Her own ass wiggled and thrust against her fingers, and she distantly wondered if she could fit Celestia’s fat cock into her own needy fuckholes. The thought of taking such a monstrous length inside herself should have had her gibbering in terror, but she was beyond such emotions now. She would have taken an oak tree inside herself if it would bring her any closer to her release.

She could smell it now, just underneath Celestia’s overwhelming musk: the aroma of hot, mature pussy. Sistine followed her nose toward that delectable goal, one knee in front of the other and panting like an animal in estrus…then, her hand landed upon Celestia’s modified book, still opened to a brown page of nothing. She felt a tingling sensation, electric and numbing, and she looked down at the tome just in time to witness a production unlike any she’d ever seen.

The images moved quickly. There was Little Red Riding Hood, but with Sistine in the place of Red, and Celestia as the Wolf, fucking her into Grandmother’s bed with a howl of triumph. Then she was Goldilocks, and the bears were all duplicates of Celestia — only a slender, twitching leg was visible as the three clones made a twisted ball of sex, forcing themselves into the student’s tiny, accepting body.

Cinderella, with the alicorn as the Fairy Godmother fucking her in the pumpkin carriage before the ball…

Sleeping Beauty, with Celestia contorting her somnolent form into every position as she took her pleasure…

The pages flickered over and over again, inserting the two of them into a hundred different stories.

At last, the the presentation stopped at one final scene. A crowd of slovenly men surrounded an ancient home, screaming their demands to the family inside. “Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.” A door opened, and two young women — beautiful, nubile, and innocent — stood there, while a voice from inside said, “Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes.”

It was a familiar story to Sistine, a bible study classic. Except, as she watched, the daughters became herself and Eve, and instead of the crowd being struck blind in heavenly retribution the two were thrown to the wolves, where they were taken over and over again right there in the street, becoming slaves to the Sodomites for all time.

From the open door, deep in the shadows, a horse-shaped silhouette with a massive cock could be seen masturbating…and laughing…and coming, coming, coming…

“Genesis 19,” Celestia whispered, relishing the tears falling from Sistine’s flushed cheeks. “A lovely chapter, beautifully evocative. You are both the daughters of Lot…so eager, so willing to give up your bodies to carnal delights. But Lot is dead, and God will not save you. You…we are all damned.”

Celestia’s forelegs embraced Eve’s waist, and her steel-cord muscles began to tense. “Now, both of you…fall into Hell with me.”

Eve lowered her gaze, meeting Sistine’s red-rimmed eyes with her own, wide and frantic. Mother and daughter shared a look of understanding, knowing that nothing between them would ever be the same again, no matter what tomorrow might bring. And as Celestia’s pressure steadily increased, each grasped that they had seen the deepest, most secret parts of each other, and they accepted this. It drew them closer in a way that neither expected. They clung to that realization, for it was the last scintilla of hope that either of them had left.

Sistine crossed the last foot of space, finding herself between Celestia’s legs as she looked up at the junction between her mother and the alicorn. She ran her hand along Celestia’s gray, pulsing asshole, feeling it throb under her fingers at the touch. Her hand moved up to the grapefruit-sized balls, white and furry, and she gasped as they contracted under her palm, pumping a deluge of precome into the fleshy sheath above.

Sistine’s hands shook with fervor as they reached the red bulb of Celestia’s knot, half of which was exposed to the room’s fetid atmosphere. It was hot, so hot, almost burning her skin, but she could not…she would not let go of that engorged flesh. The other half of the knot was steadily sinking further into Eve’s protesting ass, spreading it so wide that the young student thought it might never close again.

But she could tell her mother was trying in vain to fight the anal invasion, bearing down and squeezing herself tight.

“No, Mom. That’s not gonna work. Just let her in. Relax. It’ll feel so much better.” She opened her mouth and lightly touched her lips to the alicorn’s fluttering asshole, causing Celestia to groan with the sensation. Sistine tongued the knot next, slurping the cocktail of come and sweat from its scorching surface, then she went higher, at last tasting the rim of Eve’s anus as the woman’s entire body trembled, causing the fat of her buttocks to quiver around her daughter’s face.

“Oh, Sistine…you can’t!” But her protests were immaterial, and they all knew it. As Sistine continued her ministrations, she reached up and covered Celestia’s hooves with her own hands, adding her meager human strength to the alicorn’s. They both pulled, and the thickest part of the knot slipped inside Eve’s ass, causing the woman to wail in defeat.

Sistine smiled as her teasing tongue went higher, and Eve’s keening cry became louder as she foresaw her daughter’s ultimate destination. She once again raised her eyes heavenward, and her mind reached back into her memories, recalling the words that had been her most basic comfort throughout her life.

“Give us this day…our daily bread…and forgive us our trespasses…as we forgive those…ohhhh….who trespass against us…”

Celestia chuckled as she licked the sweat from Eve’s neck with a thick tongue, and one hoof went to Sistine’s long black hair, impatiently yanking her up to the woman’s soaked cunt. Sistine stared for a moment at the creamy orifice before her, black-furred and twitching, its fat lips open and so, so needy, with a thumb-sized clit near the top that was like an erect cock itself. As the young student watched, fresh pulses of cream flowed from deep within that ravenous pussy with each new contraction.

With a moan, Sistine opened her mouth wide, latching onto her mother’s cunt and soul-kissing it like a lover, drinking in as much juice as she could swallow while her fingers stroked Eve’s fat clit like a miniature prick. Her mother’s tremulous voice cracked, but she continued, as if the prayer could keep her from losing herself.

“A-and lead us not into temptation…b-but deliver us…from evil…oh, God, my God!”

Celestia snarled as her other hoof took hold of Eve’s raven hair, lowering her head and forcing her to face the alicorn. Sapphire eyes bored into Eve’s with an intensity that could not be denied.

“Keep going,” Celestia rasped as she thrust her hips upward, desperate to bury her entire cock into the woman’s fat ass. Almost…almost…

Eve stared back at the alicorn as if hypnotized, and her mouth moved of its own volition. “For thine…is the kingdom…and the power…and the glory!” Her voice lifted into a scream as she felt the massive knot slip inside herself. “Forever…and ever!” And she began to come.

Sistine grunted as the pulsing flow in her mouth became a series of hissing spurts, firing into her throat thick and fast. She swallowed as quickly as she could, but her mother’s excessive spending bubbled out of the corners of her lips and down her heaving chest, soaking her Beatles shirt even further with sticky juices. Sistine trembled as she realized what was happening, and her own cunt began to contract as she bore down with her hips, squirting cream onto the carpet with enough force to splash back onto herself as she experienced her own feral orgasm. Like mother, like daughter.

Celestia began to grunt — “Uh. Uh. Uh.” — and Sistine felt the alicorn’s balls contract with a steady rhythm as the seed within finally found release. Eve’s unbroken scream rose to a terrifying crescendo as her insides filled with come, and her belly expanded with each scalding jet, clearly audible even over her deafening wail. She soon had a sizable paunch as come filled her stomach from the wrong end…then it grew larger, and larger still, until she looked heavy with child. A waterfall of come eventually fell from Eve’s cock-filled asshole, and Sistine lowered her head to bathe herself in it, covering her face with both Celestia’s thick jizz and her mother’s cunt cream.

The alicorn shuddered in release as she embraced the two humans, claiming them utterly for herself. She marked Eve first, devouring her lips with her own even as she drew Sistine’s face closer. The broken young woman did not hesitate to join in, sharing their passion in a frothy, cream-slathered group kiss. She gave herself up with a clarity of purpose that would have frightened her only an hour before. But there was no more fear. No more doubt. Only worship.

Celestia broke away from her women, and thick, messy ropes connected three flushed faces as she sighed in satisfaction. “Amen,” she murmured.