DeathBattle: Power Rangers Starfleet VS Godzilla

by DakariKingMykan

First published

The King of Monsters battle a group of kids who are more than they seem.

A simulation is run to show what would happen if Power Rangers Starfleet battled The King of Monsters, all viewed by a computer geek who has bought stolen computer software for a very foolish goal.

Power Rangers Starfleet VS Godzilla

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Newspaper headlines stated that a bunch of expensive and high-functioning computer software had been stolen from electronic-stores.

In the wrong hands, the stuff could be used to plan awful things.

Bit-by-bit, whoever stole these machines and their software unloaded it to tech-geeks who gladly paid for it.

One of them was a lone geek, who took the stuff to his apartment, and for weeks had been using it to come up with plans for one simple purpose.

“Starfleet!” he growled. “You think you’re so hot, well I think I can come up with better things that you ever will!”

All this time he had computer formulas and equations, trying to come up to analyze Starfleet from stories he had heard, and figure out ways to beat them.

He even used his equipment and his tech-geek skills to hack into international files, and satellite systems that observed happenings around the world.

He also visited Starfleet fan forums on the net hoping to gain more information, and he would take time to mock and bully people who thought Starfleet was cool, or regarded them as heroes.

With his tech-genius, he never left anything behind, meaning no one could track him, or follow his contact info. Meaning, no one could get back at him for the things he did, and to help keep the police and authorities off his back.

He was so confident that he was he was getting close to his goal to take Starfleet down, when he received an online audio call.

“What’s going on?” he wondered. “No on contacts me unless I give them my address.”

That’s when he realized, “I’ve been hacked?! Me?!!”

“Yes… you have.” responded a voice over the call. It sounded like the voice of a teenaged girl.

The geek hadn’t even pressed “Accept.” Now he was becoming freaked out, and he tried to purge the caller…

“It’s no use.” the girl called to him. “Next to me, and the stuff I know and have… you’re just an amateur.”

The geek felt insulted, and he tried to find out who this person was, but he couldn’t track the formatting, or get an IP Address, or anything.

“Who are you?” he asked.

The girl did not answer, instead she taunted him saying. “So you’re planning to beat Starfleet? You’re a fool. No one can beat Starfleet.”

“Excuse me?!” bellowed the geek. “No one calls me a fool and gets away with it! I’m going to find out who you are, and when I find you I’ll--”

“Before you finish…” the girl cut in. “I have a little simulation I’d like to send you, so that I can prove how much you overestimate yourself, and underestimate who you’re dealing with.”

The geek was confused, but once again his computer was forced to show the simulation, and he could do something to stop it.

He saw the tittle of the battle.

“Power Rangers Starfleet VS…” he paused and gasped “…No way! It can’t be!


He suddenly burst into laughter. “You’re kidding me, right? Power Rangers, VS the King of all Monsters…?”

He continued to laugh, but his caller assured him, “…I kid you not.”

The geek felt insulted again. “Look! I know everything about Godzilla and I know for a fact, that Power Rangers don’t have a chance on him.”

He pulled up some calculations and stuff he had made about the beast a long time ago. “The creature is nearly 400 feet tall, and he’s got about eight special powers that can level an entire town.

He’s totally unstoppable.”

The caller was still not convinced. “If you’re that confident… watch the video.”

“I will!”

The geek made himself comfy and thought cheekily, “Whoever this babe is, she’s off her rocker. Godzilla VS Power Rangers…

Godzilla is an actual franchise character, and if he were real he would ALWAYS win. No other character should ever win against him.”

The simulation began…

The mighty Godzilla stomped his way through an evacuated city with tons or sky scrapers everywhere.

The great beast let out his signature ROAR, which echoed across the lands.

Suddenly, he felt he was not alone after all.

He turned round, and saw a large mechanical robot standing at the other end of the city-- The Jet Star Megazord! It stood at least 340 feet tall, which left it about 60 shy of Godzilla’s height of nearly 400 feet.

Inside its cockpit, the five Power Rangers sat at their stations.

Sunset Shimmer: Red!

Rainbow Dash: Blue!

Buddy Rose: Green!

Rhymey: Yellow!

Fluttershy Pink!

“Ready, Ranger?” Sunset asked.

“LET’S DO IT!!” the others answered.

Their Megazord flexed its huge fists, ready for battle.


Godzilla let out a huge roar, and unleashed his strong atomic beams from his eyes.

Rainbow quickly pulled her joystick, and the megazord swiftly leapt out of the way. The blast missed and struck many of the empty skyscrapers, blowing them into piles of debris.

“Whoa! This guy’s got one bad temper!” said Rainbow.

“Well it’s up to us to stop him.” said Sunset. “Prepare to attack!”

“But he’s still bigger than we are!” wailed Fluttershy.

“Size doesn’t always matter in the least,
We can still take out this beast.” said Rhymey.

“It’s not the size I’m worried about…” said Buddy. “It’s his other abilities. Remember?”

Sunset nodded, “…But we’ve got something he doesn’t, and THAT will be his downfall.

Now, let’s get him!”

The Rangers agreed, and the megazord began to charge forth.

Godzilla roared and unleashed more atomic beams, which the megazord kept dodging thanks to Rainbow keeping the zord quick on its feet.

“You keep slinging, and I keep slicking!” she taunted.

Godzilla couldn’t keep blasting like that, and so he stopped, now with the megazord right in front of him.

The zord began to punch and kick into the beast’s huge gut, but the monster just stood there and took the hits like nothing.

“It’s no good! He’s too big!” wailed Buddy.

“Just keep going!” ordered Sunset.

Suddenly, the zord was grasped in the beasts huge claw.

“He’s got us!!” screamed Fluttershy.

The inner-alarm sounded as pressure began to build up, making sparks fly inside from the systems.

“He’s going to crush us like an egg!” shouted Rainbow.

“I don’t think so,
Look at him go!” cried Rhymey.

Godzilla lifted the huge robot up to his large face.

“He’s going to bite our head off!” shouted Buddy.

“Oh, no he’s not.” insisted Sunset “Separate, now!”

The huge beast opened his huge mouth to smash the zord in his huge teeth, when he suddenly missed.

In a bright flash of light, the megazord had separated into the five Star Jets, which now flew all around the sky above.

“I don’t want to begin to think how close that was!” heaved Rainbow.

Godzilla was outraged, and let out a roar.

“Whoa! He sure sounds mad!” said Buddy. “What do you say we give him a lesson in manners?”

“You bet.” agreed Sunset. “Fire lasers and launch missiles at will!”

The Rangers agreed, and they soared their jets in fast opening fire on the monster’s huge face.



Explosions ruptured on the monster’s huge face, actually damaging him, but not by much as he was still very big!

Godzilla roared furiously, and let out a blast of atomic energy into the air.

“LOOK OUT!!” shouted Sunset.

The rangers steered their jets out of the way, but what they saw next nearly made them gasp-- the monster was now flying through the air!

“He can fly?!” cried Sunset.

Godzilla’s eyes began to glow.

“He’s going to shoot again!” shouted Fluttershy.

“Pull out!” ordered Sunset.

The rangers yanked on their joysticks, pulling their jets out of the way, just as the beast fired his rays, just barely missing the rangers and sending their jets into spins.

“WHOA!!!” yelled Rainbow.

“I’m gonna hurl
Inside this whirl!” bellowed Rhymey.

Godzilla was ready to fire again, when he suddenly felt someone grabbing onto his huge tail.

It was Human Lightning Dawn: The Cosmic Comet Ranger, in Giant-Mode!

“Grab a monster by the tail!” he taunted, and while he was still small compared to the huge beast, using his incredible space strength, he was able to pull the creature out of the air and sent it slamming to the ground with such a huge thud that the resulting quakes made more of the buildings fall.

Lightning landed on the ground, and looked up at the Star Jets.

The others rangers stabilized themselves.

“You guys okay?” Lightning called to them.

Over the radio, Sunset answered. “We’re fine-- Great timing, Lightning.”

The angry Godzilla rose to his feet and glared at the lone ranger on the ground.

“Whoa! Let’s talk about this…” Lightning teased, but he knew the monster wouldn’t go for it, especially when he roared angrily at him.

“Guess not!”

Lightning back-flipped hard as the monster swung his huge claws at him.

Lightning flipped and flipped until he leapt up high, standing atop the roofs of two twin towers.

Godzilla took another swing at him, which Lightning evaded by leaping off, and kicking the beat’s huge face, sending him back-stepping several paces.

“OHHH!!!” Lightning wailed as he held his sore foot. “Talk about iron in your system!”

Thanks to his space-strength and comet-energy, the pain didn’t last long.

Lightning then charged up his gauntlets.

“Comet Gauntlets, Engage!” the automated voice would call.

“Alright, big boy… It’s lights out for you!”

The monster stood strong, and fired another atomic-blast at him!

“Comet Trail, Fire…!!”

POW!! Lightning had unleashed his cosmic energy to intercept the atomic-blast, actually forcing it back enough to slow it down, but due to Godzilla’s supersize and mass, the blast kept on coming for him.

“I need backup!!” he hollered.

“We’re on it!” called Sunset.

While the monster was distracted, the ranger had reformed their megazord, which came up from behind and gave the beast’s back a huge slash with its Star Saber sword… causing the monster to jerk his head up, shooting the blast up into the sky and letting Lightings attack blast him hard in the face again, blinding him and actually knocking him over.

“Yeah!” the rangers all cheered

“Nailed him, right in the kisser!” joked Lightning.

But then, suddenly, Godzilla got up again, more enraged than ever.

“Man, this creep won’t go down easy!” groaned Buddy.


The sound of thunder roared overhead as huge thunderstorm approached.

“It’s going to rain!” cried Fluttershy.

“Really” What gave you that idea?” grumbled Rainbow.

“I’ll blow it away…” said Lightning, and he charged up his gauntlets again.

Just as soon as he fired his blast and began to blow the clouds away, a bug bolt of lightning STRUCK Godzilla hard, causing a bright flash, which nearly blinded the rangers.

When they looked on, the storm had been blown away, and Godzilla was still standing, over a bunch of powerlines and electrical towers, which he crushed under his huge foot and absorbed the waves of electricity.

“What’s he doing?” wondered Sunset.

Suddenly, the megazord began to move forth.

“Rainbow, stop…!”

“I… I didn’t do anything!” cried Rainbow.

Buddy found the problem on the scanner. “It’s a magnetic field, it’s pulling on us!”

The rangers all looked up and realized they were being pulled towards the monster!

“It’s him!!” cried Sunset, and before she knew it, the megazord was clasped hard in the monster’s huge arms again.

“He’s got us again!” wailed Fluttershy.

“Separate! Hurry!” ordered Sunset.

Rhymey pounded at the controls.

“The controls don’t work right.
He’s holding us too tight!”

Pressure began to build again as Godzilla began to crush the zord.

“Hey! Let them go!” shouted Lightning, and he rushed forth to attack, but Godzilla fire a strong beam from his eyes!

KAPOW!! “AAAAAHHHH…!!” Lightning was hit really hard and sent crashing hard onto a load of buildings!

“LIGHTNING…!!” the rangers shouted.

The giant ranger lay flat on his back amidst the rubble and huge fires around him. His suit looked horribly charred, but still intact.

Sunset felt her blood raging. “THAT DOES IT!!” she thundered as she stood up from her seat. “Time for our little secret weapon…!”

She de-morphed.

“Sunset? What are you doing?” asked Buddy.

Sunset didn’t answer, but she concentrated hard. Her eyes and her whole body began to glow and shimmer as she cast light deep into the megazord and all its systems.

Godzilla’s grip began to weaken on the zord as he struggled to maintain his grip, until suddenly… “WHOA!!” the ranger shouted as the monster’s huge arms flung off and the monster was forced back several paces.

Sunset smirked and explained “I’ve cast a spell changing the megazord’s Plus Field to Negative-- making us Anti-Magnetic!”

The rangers grinned under their helmets.

Buddy’s computer then showed, “The magnetism is wearing off.”

Godzilla had only absorbed enough power for that brief moment of magnetism. Now it was all used up unless he could charge up again.

“Let’s get him while he’s backed down.” suggested Fluttershy.

Sunset sat back into her seat, without morphing again.

“My thoughts exactly.” agreed Sunset.

The megazord grabbed its sword ready to strike.

Godzilla simply roared, and stomped his huge foot on the ground, making such a huge quake that the megazord was knocked over, rocking the rangers about inside.

In the stress, the megazord had dropped its sword… which Godzilla zapped with his rays, and blew it far, far, away!

“The Star Saber!” cried Sunset.

Godzilla then looked ready to blast the megazord.

“We’ve got to get up!” wailed Fluttershy, but it was no use. It would take too many seconds to get back up and dodge in time.

Godzilla stood reading to fire… when suddenly…!

WHAMM!! A big fist punched him hard enough in the face, forcing him to misaim and shoot up more of the city instead.

The other rangers looked up and saw Lightning, as the Comet Striker!

“He’s alright!” cried Buddy.

Lightning gave them all a big thumb up, and he helped his friends get their zord back on its feet.

“Good thing the cosmic energy in me is strong enough to weaken atomic blasts.” he explained. “I had just enough power to call my armor, and it restored my strength.”

The rangers were relieved, but they as they looked back to face Godzilla.

“Hey! Look at his wounds!” cried Fluttershy. “He’s actually healing himself!”

“UGH!!” Rainbow growled “That means we haven’t hurt him much at all! What will it take to bring this brute down?!!”

Suddenly, Godzilla began glowing bright red.

“What’s he doing now?” wondered Buddy. He checked his computer. “The power levels are off the charts!”

Godzilla was about to unleash his final, and best special ability, after absorbing the bits of uranium from Lightning’s cosmic blast earlier. It gave him just enough power from uranium had had stored previously before the battle,

“Watch out!!” shouted Lightning, and he grabbed the megazord by it’s arm, and began to rush everyone away.

Godzilla unleashed a small atomic shockwave which knocked both zords off their feet.

The rangers fell about inside the sparking cockpit.

“That force was intense!
Our armor may be dense!
But I don’t think it’s a good enough defense!” wailed Rhymey.

He was right. The zord’s armor was tough, but not likely to take a blast that incredibly strong, and in their current weakened conditions!

Godzilla then let out an incredibly loud roar, sending out an incredible atomic explosion!

“LOOK OUT!!” shouted Lightning.

The other rangers braced themselves for certain destruction, but Sunset quickly stood out of her seat again, and thrust her arms out!


The entire city had been engulfed by the blast. All the buildings were smashed to bits, and fires were all over as Godzilla powered down and stopped glowing-- he had used his move.

When he couldn’t see any remains of his enemies anywhere, Godzilla swore he had defeated them and let out a mighty victorious roar…

…When he looked up, and couldn’t believe his eyes!

Sunset had used her magic to teleport the two zords way up high, away from the range of the atomic-blast. Whilst up in the air, Lightning ejected from his armor and the rangers combined the two zords to form the Ultra-Star Megazord!

Lightning, still a giant, stood next to the zord, and both he and the zord glared the furious Godzilla down.

Godzilla still seemed far from beaten.

“Our power-levels are full.” said Buddy “But I doubt they’ll be enough.”

“I have an idea!” said Lightning. “…It’s way risky, but it just may be our only chance.”

“What are you doing?” asked Sunset.

Lightning didn’t answer; instead he activated his “Crystal Battle-Armor!” and with his stronger armor, and his crystal cannon ready, he looked at the others…

“If I don’t get out in time… Blast him!”

The rangers suddenly clued in one what he was doing.

“Lightning, No!!” screamed Fluttershy!

“Is he crazy or just dumb?” wailed Buddy.

“My guess is… Both.” answered Rainbow.

“Lighting… Wait!!” Sunset called, but Lightning began to dash forth towards the huge beast, and he leapt up, up, up, high.

“Open-wide, Ugly!!” he hollered, and he came back down, he shrank back down to his normal size, falling straight into the monster’s huge mouth-- like tiny fly!

“LIGHTNING…!!!” the others all screamed.

They were so shocked and horrified; they nearly forgot to pay attention to the monster coming at them.

“Evasive action!” called Sunset.

The zord zipped to the side, just missing being grabbed in the monster’s huge claw.

Inside the monster’s huge body, used his power to make himself expand just a little so he wasn’t so tiny anymore, but not quite up to full-size…

He could barely believe his eyes. Inside the monster was like being inside of a big bouncy room, only slimier, glowing, and the heat was intense due to the atomic energy.

“Good thing my armor protects me.” Lightning said to himself. “Now, let’s wreck this place from the inside!”

He began to fire his cannon rapidly, destroying Godzilla’s cells from inside.

Normally weapons wouldn’t damage the beast so easily, not even from within, but Lightning’s weapons were highly different, and actually destroying the cells, even the healing cells, and the blasting cells.

Suddenly, the cells began to glow, indicating Godzilla was about to fire again. The surge would roast Lightning alive!

“Oh, no...! Not this time!” Lightning shouted, and he set his cannon to full-power!

“FIRE!!” and he blasted his cannon at the wall of cells, popping them like a wall of soap-bubbles, and he fired again, and again, and again destroying more cell walls.

The atomic energy began to die down; leaving it weaker, but Lightning was still forced to take shelter within a hole in the wall he had made, avoiding the small wave of energy that barely formed a small river inside.

“Whoa! That’s hot!” Lightning groaned. It felt almost too hot to breathe inside, but his suit and armor still kept him safe.

Outside, Godzilla tried to fire lasers from his eyes, but the beam was so weak, the megazord didn’t even have to dodge it, and was able to actually take the hit, which resulted in only a small explosion of sparks.

The rangers were bashed softly in the cockpit, but hardly by much.

“What’s happening?” asked Rainbow. “That was barely enough to roast a fly.”

The rangers then gawked at Godzilla-- the monster was wailing and grasping himself in terrible pain!

Lightning continued to blast him up from the inside.

“Ah, man!” Lightning groaned as he felt the air getting thin. “It’s getting… super… hot in here!!”

He knew he couldn’t quit now. “Just… a little bit… longer!”

So he kept on blasting up the cells, until finally he couldn’t go anymore.

“Okay… big guts…!” he groaned “Time… to let me… OUTTA HERE!!”

He tapped on his morpher, “Gigantify!”

He expanded back into a giant, pushing through the monster’s flesh and bursting out through his passive side, breaking a huge chunk of the monster’s body!

Godzilla let out the most painful, ear-piercing roar.

“It’s Lightning!” cried Buddy.

Lightning lay on the ground, away from the monster. He was all covered in goop and slime, and he was extremely exhausted, but he would live.

“Get him!” he called to the others. “Hurry up before he tries to heal himself again! GET HIM NOW!!”

Sunset agreed. “Prepare finisher!”

The rangers transferred all available power into the megazord’s big attack, causing the zord to glow brightly from head-to-toe.

All at once, the rangers shouted, “STAR-BLAST WAVE… FIRE!!”

POW!! The massive blast fired, striking Godzilla in his wounds—and the burning light spread up all though his body!!

The beast wailed and screamed as the light engulfed him, and light burst from his eyes and out his mouth!


The beast went up in an explosion so massive, the force, knocked the megazord away, and the resulting waves blew Lightning off.

The light from the explosion had faded.

The entire city was all in burning wreckage, but nothing that couldn’t really be rebuilt with a lot of time and effort.

The megazord was gone. The explosion activated the zords’ safety system returning them from whence they came.

All the rangers, including Lightning lay on the ground—all were dirty, tired, and no longer morphed.

They all slowly struggled to sit upright.

“Is… is everyone okay?” asked Sunset.

Rainbow held her aching head. “I think so…”

Buddy rubbed his eyes. “What a blow!”

Rhymey and Fluttershy held onto each other, relieved that their respective love was okay.

“Hey, look…!” cried Lightning.

Godzilla was gone, or rather, he lay ahead. He had shrunk down and transformed into an inanimate figure-- like an action figure, and contained in a magical sphere where he could not move, regenerate, or pretty much anything.

It was a solemn moment as Sunset walked away from the group and scooped up the sphere in her hands.

Her lips curled into a triumphant smile.

She turned back to face her friends, who had the same expression as she did, and she held sphere up high declaring it official. “Monster: Captured! Mission: Complete!”

Though Godzilla was not truly dead, it was obviously he very nearly was, and would have been, and since he was also no longer up and about or able to battle.

The results were official…


The Geek sat wide-eyed at his computer screen, and his mouth hanging wide open as the simulation ended.

“No…” he cried softly. “No!! It can’t be!! It’s impossible!”

“No, it isn’t.” replied the caller. “Your calculations of Godzilla himself were fairly accurate, but your mistake was underestimating whom or what he was battling.

True, Godzilla may be a powerful creature, with great atomic-powers, but in the end… he was just no match against Magic or the cosmic energy combined with it.

These forces, combined with the rangers’ already great strength and abilities, as well as what was built into their special-fitted machines, made them the victors.”

She paused and taunted the geek further. “I guess bigger is not always better.”

Overly outraged, the geek slammed his desk and shoved many books and files to the floor in a raging fit. “Starfleet...! Power Rangers…!” he paused “There’s got to be a way to get them!!”

The caller then said to him, “Rather than think of that, you might as well take time to reflect on how foolish you’ve been.

…You’ll have plenty of time for that… in jail!”

Then she logged off, and at that split second, the door to the geek’s room burst wide open, and several cops entered.

“Freeze!” one of them shouted.

“You’re under arrest!” growled another.

The Geek knew he was busted, and he finally found out how. “That chick...! She set me up!!”

Far, far away, in Starfleet’s secret base under Mystic Island.

Sci-Twi sat back in her chair, feeling very pleased with what she had just done.

She had used her superior Starfleet tech to track the stolen computer equipment and alerted the police on where it was, and who to arrest.

By now, all those involved the stolen equipment were bound to be busted.

Spike lay in her arms after witnessing everything. “Um… don’t you think that was a bit overkill?” he asked.

Sci-Twi shook her head, “Being a bully to people on the internet is one thing, Spike, but being a thief is another, and hacking accounts is more than overkill.”

She patted Spike’s little head.

“Do you agree… sir?” she asked.

Behind her, Celesto Grandruler agreed entirely. “I enjoy seeing criminals and trouble-makers answer for their misdeeds or intended misdeeds.

You do us well, Twilight.”

Sci-Twi could only smile proudly. “You don’t mess with Starfleet, or the Power Rangers.”