> Smolder's Top Performance > by Omegathyst > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reigniting Romance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder was feeling her heart racing inside her chest, standing behind the bleachers with her bag of confetti as she watched Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof performing for the crowd while Yona kept stomping her hooves in place. There was a mixture of excitement and frustration wracking the dragoness’ head as she felt her pussy dripping on the grass as all she could think about was the white alicorn sitting next to her Headmare on the bleachers. Celestia and Luna’s plan to tour the School of Friendship several days after the dragoness and the sun alicorn had hooked up had completely fallen through, with Twilight’s overreaction to the news of their retirement plus King Sombra attempting to take over Equestria. When Sombra had taken over Ponyville, her and the other members of the Young Six had evacuated just in time to avoid being mind-controlled thanks to Starlight’s efforts to hide them in Fluttershy’s cottage a safe distance away. However, it left Smolder with no contact with Celestia over the past few months until now when her school and Twilight’s school were able to plan a buckball game. She didn’t even let Smolder know if she had eggs or not! A buckball game! Smolder blew fire out of her nostrils. Can’t make time for me, but room for a silly pony game was free on the schedule! Smolder barely noticed the two cheerleading mares finishing their routine, and Smolder knew it was her cue to go. Opening her wings and flying above the bleachers, refusing to make eye contact with Princess Celestia as she turned the bag and allowed the confetti to fall on the grass while blowing a slow stream of smoke for extra measure. The audience ate it up, and Smolder stood off to the side as she watched Ocellus do her friendship chant to hype up the crowd. Smolder stared at the small changeling, recalling all the times she had tried to hang out with the dragoness one-on-one since they came back from Canterlot. On top of that, it had only gotten worse when Smolder’s friends assumed that the mysterious paramour of hers was just a one-night fling. How worse could this get?! It even left Smolder wondering if it would’ve been far easier to date the changeling like all her friends had expected her to. As the cheerleading pony duo stood on top of Yona, with Ocellus flying towards them, Smolder knew it was time to finish off the half-time show with a bang. Flying towards her cheerleading squad and sitting on top of Ocellus, Smolder realized all too late her physical state as she straddled the changeling. Ocellus looked up at the dragoness over her shoulder, narrowing her cyan eyes and smirking at Smolder. Smolder refused to meet her gaze, still heavily blushing through her scales. The confetti exploded behind them, and Smolder grinned at the audience as she blew a huge exhale of hot orange fire to finish off the performance. The audience cheered at the finish, and Smolder finally couldn’t keep tearing her eyes away anymore. Smolder turned over and looked at Celestia, and felt her heart light up with its own fire as she watched the alicorn staring at her in awe with her jaw dropped. Even now, when she wanted to blow smoke in Celestia’s face, did she still feel a certain type of way watching the Princess of the Sun stare at her like she was the only one there. Smolder exhaled a little smoke of relief, preferring that expression to if Celestia had looked at her like a kicked puppy instead. “Smolder~” Ocellus giggled. “You can stop riding me now, the performance is over!” “Oh fuck me, it’s not like that, Ocellus!” Smolder barked as she glared down at the changeling, getting off her backside and flying to the grass as the others joined her. She then turned and watched Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie praising their coach, and Smolder scoffed and shook her head. She swore that if she didn’t bust her ass trying to get Rainbow Dash to care about the cheerleader squad, Smolder would be looking like a fool for the second time in front of Celestia. After what felt like years of standing at the sidelines watching the two schools be neck-and-neck at the buckball game, whilst avoiding Ocellus’ antics to get her looking at the changeling, Rainbow Dash galloped through the now empty field after Twilight’s team had lost. “You guys were amazing!” Rainbow Dash praised them despite her team’s groans. “It was flawless. I can’t think of any way that could’ve been better!” “We could have won the game,” Smolder deadpanned. As Rainbow Dash retorted some nonsense in response, Smolder completely tuned it out as she watched Princesses Twilight and Celestia fly off the bleachers and towards them. Wait, Princess Celestia was flying towards her?! Smolder’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she stood up straight and stared as much at Rainbow Dash as possible. Or is that trying too hard? Should she just glare at Princess Celestia and assert herself? Smolder nodded, that seemed much more like a Smolder kind of reaction. Smolder looked at Celestia’s serene smile and bright-eyed gaze towards her, and narrowed her eyes at the alicorn with a deathly dragon glare. Celestia flinched, her smile faltering a little as she tore her eyes off Smolder and looked at Rainbow Dash. “I'm glad to see such good sportsponyship on display,” Celestia praised the much smaller pegasus. “Your cheer squad was an inspiration, Rainbow Dash. I'll have to start one at my school as well.” “Wow, Rainbow Dash! It's almost like you were the perfect pony to coach cheer squad after all!” Twilight added, smiling wide as her eyes kept bouncing from looking at her friend to looking at her former teacher to looking at…Ocellus? But why would Twilight look at Ocellus? Smolder brushed off the thought. Normally she got along with her Headmare just fine, but whenever they were both in the presence of the Princess of the Sun, Smolder felt her fists longing to knock the purple alicorn on her ass. “Wait a second,” Dash gasped. “Was this one of those things where you knew the lesson I needed to learn before I learnt it?” Smolder slapped her own face with her claw, finding their pony antics to be insufferable. If Twilight wanted Rainbow Dash to learn something, wouldn’t it have been way easier to just tell the dense pegasus? “You mean like how you don't have to care about a thing other ponies like as long as you care about the ponies who like it? Nope. Don't know what you're talking about,” Twilight shrugged with a smile, and after watching her and Celestia hoof-bump, Smolder had enough. The dragoness already had most of her anticipation of cheerleading snuffed out by Rainbow Dash’s laziness, and watching her Headmare and her…lover (ex-lover?) bonding more in one day than she got to bond with Celestia in several months, was starting to boil her dragon blood as she dropped her pom-poms and walked off the field. “Well, that was fun,” Smolder remarked. “I’m gonna hit the dorms now, see you all later.” “Is Smolder sure?” Smolder heard Yona as she began walking away. “But Yona and the rest of cheerleaders wanted to celebrate!” “S’okay,” Smolder stopped and managed the best smile she could for Yona. “I’m just happy you got to enjoy being a cheerleader for a day.” Smolder finally walked off and turned back around to sit behind the bleachers, glancing to the left and right and seeing that no one had gone after her. Taking a deep breath, Smolder sighed as she sat down and rested her arms and head on her legs as she stared at the School of Friendship in the distance as well as the trees surrounding her. Smolder imagined that if these were part of the trees in the outskirts of the Dragon Lands, she’d open her mouth and release a fire far bigger than the one in her performance, settling every tree ablaze until there was nothing left. It wasn’t unheard of for the dragons where she came from to let off steam this way, and yet Smolder couldn’t bring herself to upset the ponies and other various creatures here. Despite everything going on in her mind, her heart twisted at the thought of doing that to them. Smolder growled quietly, shaking her head before she saw the pony she half-expected to see come around the bleachers. “Look who finally decided to show up,” Smolder snapped, not even feeling the smallest inkling of regret as Celestia frowned and walked closer. However, the last thing that Smolder expected was for Celestia to gallop towards her and catch her in a tight embrace with her forelegs first and then her swan-like wingspan as she held Smolder. “I’m so happy you’re okay,” Celestia whispered. “I d-don’t know what happened to you during Sombra’s takeover of Ponyville, and I c-couldn’t help you, and taking care of everypony after that invasion was just…so hard.” Smolder stood there unmoving, processing Celestia’s words when she heard the sun alicorn sniffling. Her instincts kicked in as she slowly wrapped her arms around Celestia’s shoulders. “Shhh, I’m okay,” Smolder ran her claws through Celestia’s flowing mane, feeling her heart falling back into what they were only a few months ago. “Starlight Glimmer got the six of us out right before King Sombra invaded Ponyville, just in case.” “I’m sorry I didn’t get into contact with you sooner, I just wish I didn’t let you out of my sight,” Celestia moved her head to look into Smolder’s eyes. “But you still have to finish your education here, I know. I just wish it could’ve been an easy long-distance.” “Instead of an end-of-the-world one?” Smolder chuckled, feeling her eyes also welling up with tears as she was caught off guard by the intensity of Celestia’s gaze. “It was stupid of me to be mad, we only had one night anyways.” “Smolder,” Celestia’s gaze sharpened as she frowned at the dragoness. “I mean, why would I think an actual relationship would come from the Princess of the-” Smolder was cut off as Celestia lunged forward and pressed her lips against Smolder’s lips, her flowing mane surrounding Smolder’s entire vision as the dragoness’ eyes fluttered shut. The magical sensations came back to the dragoness in waves as she pressed her muzzle further into the kiss. As Celestia ended the kiss and embrace, smiling at Smolder, the dragoness slapped her face with her claws as she gasped. “Wait, am I a Mom?!” Smolder asked. “Or…I mean, would I technically be a Dad?” “Smolder,” Celestia giggled. “I think this is the second time you’ve brought up eggs after kissing me, why don’t you tell us how you really feel?” “Oh, you’re right,” Smolder gulped as she looked down at the grass. “Sorry.” “No need to apologize,” Celestia waved a hoof. “To answer that question, I’m afraid I haven’t had any eggs.” “Dammit,” Smolder groaned. “Oh?” Celestia’s head tilted a little. “I was confident that you would be relieved.” “Well y-yeah, I am,” Smolder assured her. “But I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t thought about what would’ve happened if everypony there got to see you bearing my clutch.” “How much did you enjoy that thought?” Celestia smirked. “I h-had names picked out for them and everything,” Smolder admitted, her blush tenfold to her blushing fit earlier with Ocellus. Celestia used her forehoof to lift Smolder’s head up so the dragoness could stare into her deep pink eyes. “Well, I suppose you’ll really like what I’m about to tell you then~” Celestia teased the small dragoness. “What if I were to tell you that I’ve been currently working on a potion to evoke that same sexual Dragon Greed you experienced a second time? Maybe even more?” “Really?!” Smolder’s eyes shot wide open as excitement rolled throughout her whole body. When she had realized her sexual Dragon Greed only happened during her first time, Smolder was slightly put out, but more than happy with the idea of having sex with Celestia without having a dick. But now? Smolder couldn’t help but salivate at the idea of mercilessly claiming Celestia in every position and place possible in order to make up for lost time. “Do you have it with you?!” “Afraid not,” Celestia chuckled. “I believe I’ve created just the concoction to get you to experience that kind of Dragon Greed again, but I’ll need one of your scales to test it out. The potion is in Canterlot.” “Then what’re we doing here?” Smolder got up and nearly ran off until Celestia used her wing to block the dragoness from leaving, causing Smolder to face-plant into her lover’s fluffy wing. “Have you so quickly forgotten that I have a buckball team staying at one of the hotels nearby?” Celestia leaned forward, using the wing Smolder was pressed against to wrap Smolder in a feathery embrace. “In a few hours, I must help them get packed to take the train back to the school in Canterlot.” “Does that mean…” Smolder frowned as she looked up at Celestia. “You’re leaving me again?” “I never said that,” Celestia pressed her muzzle against Smolder’s forehead, nuzzling her as she continued. “I was thinking we could spend more time together, and then you could come with us back to Canterlot?” “Really?” Smolder gasped. “But…if somepony asks why I’m going with you-” “I’m sure I can come up with a good reason,” Celestia shrugged. “Unless you feel comfortable making our relationship public?” “You’d want that?” “Only if you’re comfortable with it,” Celestia reassured her. “I couldn’t care less what the ponies in Canterlot have to say about my choices, let alone all of Equestria. But I know the moment you choose to be public about it…” Smolder flinched, the image of her livid parents ringing in the forefront of her mind. What would happen if they heard their daughter had made the co-ruler of Equestria into her little plaything? Her lover? Would they be less bothered, because she is royalty? Or would they attack the alicorn where she stood? “I really want to,” Smolder nodded. “But if my parents tried to…” “You think it’d be the first, second, or even third time a dragon has tried to attack me in my lifetime?” Celestia explained. “I appreciate your concern, my little fiery lover, but I think I’ll be just fine.” Smolder nodded, feeling a fire taking over her mind as she thought about all the times her parents turned a blind eye to the drakes that harassed her. She knew deep down that it wasn’t part of dragon culture to care, but that didn’t make it any better. Coming to a decision, Smolder stood up and walked towards Celestia, holding her hoof in her claws as she stared into the alicorn’s eyes. “Princess Celestia, when you first came to this school, you promised me that you wouldn’t let any of the dragons back at home hurt me,” Smolder began. “And while it ended up being a lot longer between our last visits, you still pulled through to see me again. And I’m going to put my claws, wings, heart…just everything that I am into your hooves. That begins with actually putting a label on this relationship of ours. So with that said…” Smolder got down on one knee, and kissed Celestia’s hoof before continuing. “Celestia, will you be my marefriend?” Smolder asked. “Oh Smolder,” Celestia’s eyes watered once more as she could barely contain herself. “Of course I’ll be your marefriend.” “You said yes,” Smolder whispered. “Of course, was there any other answer to expect after our kiss?” Celestia fluttered her eyelashes at the dragoness. “Suppose not,” Smolder smiled as she kissed Celestia’s hoof. “So that means, now that our relationship is official, I suppose there should be no problem being public with it?” “Really?! Are you sure?” Celestia gasped. “You’re okay with your…parents possibly finding out?” “I hope they do,” Smolder narrowed her eyes. “I’m done living life how they would want me to, how the Dragon Lands would want me to. After that…experience you gifted me with, I’d rather just show those dragons what I think of their opinions~” “Oh yeah?” Celestia smirked. “How would you show them?” Smolder growled, slamming her muzzle against Celestia’s silky soft pony lips. Celestia didn’t mind Smolder’s claws pressing against her cheeks as she melted and shuddered from the slightly rough touch. The alicorn cooed as she allowed Smolder’s forceful tongue to venture into her mouth, closing her eyes as all her worries and responsibilities melted away underneath the dragoness’ strong touch. She pressed even further into the kiss and gave a soft moan as Smolder’s claws moved away from her cheeks and ventured to the bases of her wings. As her claws barely moved over her marefriend’s sensitive wing muscles, Celestia shuddered and felt as if she was going to burst. Potions be damned, if those couldn’t work out, Celestia saw no loss as she could spend eternity receiving the hair-raising, tantalizing, and downright divine touch from Smolder’s claws. Her moans grew an octave as she collapsed into Smolder, more of her body pressing against the dragoness as her claws moved from the bases to the tips of the alicorn’s wings. “F-Fuck,” Celestia gasped as she pulled away from the kiss to breathe. “You haven’t b-been practicing on anyone while I’ve been away, have you? N-Not that I would blame you, but great stars, you’ve learned to please a mare.” “It’s just been fantasies,” Smolder told her. “I’ve had so many ideas of how this would go, what I would do to please my Sun Princess~” “Why don’t you show me more?” Celestia grinned. “You might as well get on your back then,” Smolder winked, feeling her heart racing and her mouth salivating as she watched the much taller alicorn adjust herself until her back was on the grass, her wings and hindlegs sprawled open as she exposed her pussy to the drooling dragoness. The sight of her marefriend’s pussy was like a siren’s song as she remembered its intoxicating flavor. Snarling and getting on all fours, Smolder rushed towards Celestia and lunged for her pussy as she felt a hint of the Dragon Greed clouding her thoughts. Yet, she didn’t insert her tongue inside Celestia right away. Instead, she wrapped her tongue around the alicorn’s clit and teased it. She also used her claws to twist and pinch Celestia’s crotchteats. “P-Please,” Celestia whimpered. “Please what?” Smolder teased the alicorn as she pulled away from her clit. “Like last time,” Celestia whined. “Hitting my spot and…oh my. I should put an invisibility spell and a soundproof spell-” “Just do the soundproof spell,” Smolder decided. “After all, I don’t really mind the idea of someone coming around her and seeing what I’ve turned their Princess into~” “Yes!” Celestia agreed, her horn lighting up with a light blue aura as she enacted the soundproof spell around the two lovers. “Please, I’m tired of being the perfect Princess. Just once, I want them to see me at the mercy of my lover. Have her be in full control.” “As you wish, my Princess~” Smolder purred, leaning forward and kissing Celestia’s chest down to her teats, and eventually kissing her entrance. Sticking half her tongue inside Celestia’s delicious depths to start with, Smolder savored the bright vanilla flavor that she had spent too long without, paired up with Celestia’s unrestrained cries behind the bleachers. Smolder stared up at her needy expression, and didn’t hesitate to deliver. Continuing to push more of her tongue inside, Smolder never took her eyes off her marefriend as she finally had all ten inches of her dragon tongue inside and destroyed the alicorn’s g-spot. Like several months before, Celestia’s wings twitched and her whole body shuddered as she begged for more. Smolder pulled her tongue out completely, snickering as Celestia shaked and whimpered. “W-Why’d you stop?” Celestia nearly cried. “Because,” Smolder growled, pressing her claws against Celestia’s thighs as she stared at her marefriend’s wide-eyed expression. “I won’t be doing this if I know you’ll be going months at a time without any contact. If you want to be a good little whore for your dragoness, you’ll be present in this relationship far more than a few months at a time. Got it?” “Yes!” Celestia nodded her head as if her whole life depended on the question. “I’ll use spells, anything to make sure we stay in contact in one way or another.” “Hmm, good~” Smolder let go of Celestia’s pillowy marshmallow thighs, lunging back for her pussy and savoring the vanilla flavor mixed with tinges of cotton candy exploding in her mouth as Celestia came almost instantly after she stuck her tongue back in. Smolder closed her eyes in time, gulping down as much of the divine mixture as she could before Celestia stopped howling and shuddering around her tongue. Smolder then pulled her tongue out, licking the sweet juices around her muzzle as she smirked at the demolished Princess before her. “So…you mentioned something about spells?” Smolder wiggled her tail as she watched Celestia’s glazed eyes returning their focus to the small dragoness before her. “Y-Yes,” Celestia nodded, opening her forelegs out wide. “Please cuddle me first?” Smolder didn’t need to be asked twice, rushing over and jumping onto Celestia’s chest and accepting the alicorn’s embrace for several peaceful minutes. Feeling more of the memories rushing back, Smolder grabbed Celestia’s face with her claws more gently as she pressed her mostly cleaned lips against Celestia’s lips, slowly pushing her tongue back in as they continued to tongue-wrestle. “Oooh,” Celestia’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she parted lips from the dragoness with a strand of saliva still connecting them together. “You’re going to make me want so much more with that fiery little libido of yours~” “And what’s wrong with that?” Smolder chuckled. “We still got a few more hours to kill, don’t we?” “I suppose we do~” Celestia agreed, using her wing to push Smolder back into the kiss, the alicorn trying to meet Smolder’s fire, even though she knew who would win in the end. As Smolder bit Celestia’s lip, the alicorn gasped as Smolder then moved her claws to the mare’s shoulders as she kissed Celestia’s cheek down to her neck. After Smolder peppered Celestia’s neck with kisses several times, the dragoness narrowed her eyes on a particular spot on her marefriend’s neck before lunging and sinking her teeth in. “Oh fuck!” Celestia yelped, her cheeks turning red as she watched Smolder look at her like the cat who ate the canary. “Did you…do that…to-” “Show everypony and other creatures who you belong to?” Smolder leaned forward, giving the bitten spot a long lick before pressing her muzzle against Celestia’s muzzle. “Why, yes I did~” “S-Should’ve known you had a thing for that after you painted me in dragon cum last time~” Celestia giggled. “Well, I do have several unique spells to show off for you if you’re willing. But, I will admit some of them require to be on the more submissive side of our intimacy~” Smolder sat up on Celestia’s chest, staring at her marefriend like a mute owl until the alicorn pressed a hoof to Smolder’s lips. “And yes, we can also cast the invisibility spell for this one too,” Celestia used her magic to cast a light yellow aura that hid them both completely out of view in addition to the soundproof spell. “At any point you want me to stop, just slap your tail on the ground three times in a row, okay?” “O-Okay,” Smolder nodded. “So, what I’m going to need you to do is stand off in the distance and jump off my chest,” Celestia ordered. Smolder did such and jumped off her marefriend’s chest as she walked over and stood still at a patch of grass, facing Celestia as she concentrated on a bright pink magic coming from her horn, far more vivid in its color than the last two spells she used. Smolder waited, knowing very well that anything could happen to her in that moment… …and after several seconds, three nine-inch dark pink dildos manifested into existence, all glistening with a lot of lube as they floated towards the dragoness. Celestia narrowed her gaze at Smolder and smiled like a predator about to lunge in for its kill, sitting up and concentrating on her plan for her dragoness lover. The first of Celestia’s three dildos went straight for Smolder’s muzzle, Smolder opening her mouth and sucking the dildo immediately. The second dildo went inside Smolder’s pussy, causing Smolder to moan around the dildo muffling her muzzle as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Then, right as the third one pressed against Smolder’s butthole, Celestia spoke. “Now, my precious little dragon, I know even the most experienced lovers have a hard time taking it up the backdoor,” Celestia explained. “But these aren’t just any normal dildos, but magically enchanted ones to bring untold amounts of pleasure no matter what orifice I put them in. You’ll barely feel any discomfort at all up there, but be sure to use your tail if it gets to be too much~” Smolder noticed what Celestia had said ended up ringing true, as suddenly her mouth was receiving a similar level of sexual stimulation from the dildo as if it was inside her pussy, creating double the pleasure she’d normally experience. Smolder’s legs wobbled as she nearly toppled over from all the stimulation when she felt the third dildo trying to push open her backdoor. It pushed and pushed against her asshole, but it refused to give in for a long time until the dildo pushed as hard as it could, finally popping inside and causing Smolder to scream around the dildo she was now deepthroating, the amount of pain she would’ve experienced having her anal virginity taken away replaced by pure pleasure thanks to Celestia’s enchantment. As the three dildos began thrusting into Smolder in rhythmic movements in unison, Smolder found her legs could no longer take it as she collapsed on her chest, moaning mindlessly around the dildo as Celestia continued her slow thrusts inside all of Smolder’s holes. “I’m so happy we can properly celebrate by having you be properly claimed in every sense of the word by your Princess~” Celestia teased the dragoness as she barely processed the alicorn's words. “And you’re not even wearing any underwear underneath that cheerleader uniform? Were you preparing for something like this?” Smolder’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she attempted to thrust back into the dildos, and Celestia smiled as she knew just how impossible it would be for any creature to stand the triple attack she had mastered. She watched as Smolder squirted multiple times around the dildo inserted into her pussy, starting to growl around the dildo in her mouth as her body began to grow… Wait. “Could it be?” Celestia’s jaw dropped as she watched the cheerleader outfit rip and fall off the dragoness’ body as she grew from the Dragon Greed taking effect throughout her body. “But…this should be impossible! Your virginity was already taken! Was it because I took your anal virginity, or is this because of another reason altogether?” Smolder grabbed the dildo in her mouth that Celestia was no longer moving, and threw it far out of sight. Pulling the other two dildos out of her, Smolder grinned as she lifted her returned monstrous bitch-breaker with one claw, holding it like it was a heavy piece of meat as she eyed Celestia. Celestia began standing up on her four hooves, trembling with excitement as she stared up at the tall dragoness. “How?” Celestia gasped. “No creature has been able to brush off that spell like it was nothing! Not until y-you, and…oh Smolder. If you’re going to take me, do it now.” Smolder grinned, throwing her long neck back and letting out an ear-splitting roar that shook the ground and the bleachers despite the soundproof spell still around them. Celestia yelped, throwing herself in a bow where her head was pressed against the ground with her fat alicorn ass raised in the air. Smolder used her much longer tail to sweep the two dildos off in the distance and outside of the invisibility bubble as she stomped around Celestia to where her ass was. Staring at her puckered pony ponut, Smolder licked her muzzle as even in her hungry state, she remembered that the alicorn’s asshole was the one hole of hers that she didn’t claim that fateful night. However, a thought crossed her mind as she leaned her head towards the alicorn’s ear. “Use one of your lubrication spells,” Smolder ordered. “A very effective one.” Celestia didn’t need further elaboration, using every anal lubrication spell to prepare for a foot of futa dragoness cock inside of her. Smolder grabbed Celestia by the cutie marks, pressing her claws against the sun marks as she lined up her beast of a cock against Celestia’s backdoor. Throwing her head back, Smolder’s laugh sounded deeper and more thunderous than any villain that Celestia faced. And Celestia’s cheeks burned with understanding, knowing that she had every reason to feel victorious. She thanked her luck that Smolder didn’t have an evil bone in her body, because if she did? Celestia could see herself giving all of Equestria to the dragoness in her peak of greed, cumming again and again as she surrendered everything for it. And even as Smolder began penetrating her backdoor instead of her pussy, it sent shocks of pure pleasure throughout the alicorn’s body. The best part was that she didn’t use any additional pleasure spells, only affirming just how unbelievably wonderful it was to be on the receiving end of a dragon. Even with the excessive amount of lube inside Celestia’s asshole, it was still intense to say the very least to have that particular hole being stuffed with such a big cock. Smolder’s greed-induced cock gave every zebra and griffon cock a run for its money as Celestia started panting and drooling into the grass. “Hwa…Hnnnnng!” Celestia gritted her teeth as Smolder pushed half her length inside the alicorn’s asshole, slowly pulling out to thrust half her length back in. “You thought you could really dominate me with some flimsy magic toys?” Smolder’s voice boomed in Celestia’s ears, and the alicorn vaguely recalled Smolder’s voice not being quite as loud as last time. “That they would even compare to my futa cock?” “You’re right, it was a pathetic agh! A p-pathetic attempt,” Celestia shuddered, surprised that she could even get the words out as Smolder was slowly thrusting inside her marefriend’s tight asshole. “You’re clearly the dominant partner~” “Damn right I am,” Smolder cackled, going from gentle thrusts to jackhammering the alicorn, her sounds devolving into snarls and growls as Celestia began enduring one of the most demanding fucks of her life. From each unique inch of the dragoness’ cock ravaging her asshole, Princess Celestia felt herself being changed from the experience as no other cock could compare anymore. Any lover after this couldn’t live up to Smolder’s fiery and unrelenting lust and libido as the dragoness’ slapping her balls against the alicorn’s clit created a frantic plap plap plap that added to Celestia’s needy state almost as much as the actual penetration did. Those very balls hitting Celestia’s clit was all the touch she needed down there to get her gigantic sun-marked ass cheeks to thrust against Smolder’s huge bitchbreaker as the alicorn’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Yes, YES!” Celestia screamed, not caring if it was too loud for the soundproof spell. “Please defile my body in whatever way you see fit, I promise I’ll never try to gain the upper hoof a-again! I belong down here, I belong down here, I belong-oh FUCK!” Moments after Smolder firmly pressed her claws down on Celestia’s ass cheeks and thrusted one final time, the two had cum in unison with Smolder unleashing a tidal wave of hot white dragon cum inside Celestia’s ass while Celestia squirted all over the dragoness’ slapping balls. Smolder collapsed on top of Celestia, her cock falling out of the alicorn’s butt as she blacked out for a short period of time before waking up, back to her much smaller size as she sat on the grass groggily staring at her ripped cheerleader outfit. “C-Celestia?” Smolder looked around, noticing she no longer had sweat or cum on her. Sure enough, she looked up and saw Celestia on the other side of the bleachers smiling at her. “Oh, you’re up finally?” Celestia giggled. “Good, now I can be done keeping watch. Are you hungry, my little fire dragon? I was thinking of stopping by Sugarcube Corner so we could properly catch up before going back to Canterlot, what do you say?” “I’d say that sounds like a great idea, Celestia,” As soon as Smolder saw Celestia opening her wings, Smolder did the same and followed her to Sugarcube Corner, or as she knew in her heart, anywhere that the Princess of the Sun wanted to take her… > Coming Out to Her Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Six mint brownies, two slices of dark chocolate cake, and three lemon bars,” Celestia beamed at Pinkie Pie as she stared jaw-dropped at the alicorn. “What my dear? You do know that I love my cake, and dragons are quite the hungry species…” “It’s not that,” Pinkie shook her head. “But you and Smolder are dating?!” “Oh yeah, I suppose that is what I said before putting in our order,” Celestia giggled, wrapping her foreleg around Smolder’s shoulders and smiling down at the little dragoness. “She’s finally ready for everyone to know, so I’m taking full advantage of that.” “Oh my gosh, I haven’t even thrown a party for the two of you yet!” Pinkie threw her hooves in the air. “Let me give this to the lovely couple half off-” “Don’t worry about it, Pinkie,” Celestia summoned a decent-sized bag of bits onto the counter and pushed it towards the other mare. “But if you do plan a party for us anytime soon, could you do it in Canterlot? We’ll be there for a little bit.” “Yes! Maybe I could get all the others to come with you!” Pinkie grinned before her smile faltered. “Then again, that would require them taking a day or two off from teaching, and Applejack has the farm and Rainbow Dash has the Wonderbolts-” “Don’t worry about it right now, you silly pony,” Celestia snickered as she watched the pink earth pony taking the bag of bits with a wide smile. “We can properly plan a day where the school is closed. After all, she will want to properly introduce me to her dearest friends.” Oh shit. “Something wrong, dear Smolder?” Celestia glanced over at her lizard lover after she had flinched, and looked into the dragoness’ bulging wide eyes. “Oh dear, it seems like I hit a nerve. We’ll be waiting at one of the tables, okay Pinks?” “Sure can do!” Pinkie waved the two off as Celestia wrapped her wing around Smolder’s body as she gently guided the smaller dragoness to a table in the corner of the Sugarcube Corner. “I need to tell my friends,” Smolder whispered as Celestia sat her down on one of the chairs. “Like, before we leave. How are they going to feel if they end up finding out from the papers, or anyone besides me? Especially since Ocellus clearly has feelings for me!” “Oh? You didn’t mention this to me before,” Celestia tilted her head at Smolder as she took her own seat right across the dragoness. “That’s because I didn’t realize it till after I came out to them,” Smolder sighed. “It explained her blushing fits and attempts to hang out with me, and after I came out, it turned to full-on flirtation. They didn’t believe that the ‘mysterious lover’ I had back in Canterlot was more than a one-time fling.” “Oh,” Celestia frowned as she watched Smolder avert her gaze, only to stare down at the table. Noticing her claws resting on the table, Celestia vividly remembered being in this place before. Bringing her hoof to rest on Smolder’s claws, Celestia watched as Smolder stared at the reflection on her golden hoof plate. Smolder didn’t see the same image as last time, a dragoness collapsing in on herself, but instead she saw someone bigger. Someone who, even breaking traditions, still showed the strength and fire of a dragon. The situation was only scary as she decided it would be, and she looked up at Celestia with narrowed eyes and a big smile. “Celestia, could you do something for me?” Smolder asked. “Could you round them all up for me here? Yes, including Ocellus.” “Of course,” Celestia nodded, getting up and pressing her lips against Smolder’s forehead before looking into her eyes. “This will take less than five minutes.” Smolder watched as Celestia teleported out of sight in a big flash of light, and watched as Pinkie bounced over to her table with a wide plate carrying all of their desserts. Smolder chuckled as Pinkie placed them all on the table. Well, at least they won’t be without food once they arrive. After a good four minutes, Celestia opened the door to Sugarcube Corner with all five of Smolder’s dearest friends as promised. All of them were chatting amongst themselves, with Gallus and Silverstream turning to smirk at Smolder as soon as they saw her in the back. Smolder blushed, remembering their suspicions on the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. But it was Ocellus’ look that caught her off guard. The normally vibrant and teasing changeling looked like she was walking on hot coals, her eyes wide as saucers and her lip quivering. Sandbar walked to her side and rested a hoof on her shoulder. “Ocellus, you shouldn’t worry,” Sandbar told her. “I really doubt it’s what you think it is.” “But Gallus said-” Ocellus made eye contact with Smolder, shutting her mouth as the six of them walked up to Smolder’s table. “H-Hey Smolder.” “Hey,” Smolder looked at her friends, her heart racing as Ocellus’ demeanor nearly made her forget what Celestia had brought them there for. “You guys probably wonder why Celestia summoned you here…” “Understatement of the year,” Yona remarked, stomping over to where Smolder was sitting. “Tell Yona and friends why Celestia brought us here! Is there another threat to ponies?” “No, thankfully that is over for now,” Smolder exhaled. “But I told you that I met someone at the Grand Galloping Gala, and I hid you guys in the dark about who it was. I wasn’t ready for it to get out, but um…” Feeling the sharp rise of fear floating in her chest like a balloon, Smolder turned from her wide-eyed friends to look at Celestia. The alicorn’s head was leaning forward, her ears flickering and her eyes glittering as bright as the sun as she gently smiled, Smolder felt a twist of pride and guilt within her heart. How could she hide this beautiful creature, this one-of-a-kind paragon of strength, femininity, and unconditional love? Celestia was a creature that millions would never get the pleasure of experiencing in full, and out of all of them, Celestia chose her. Puffing her chest out and giving a full-tooth grin at her official marefriend, Smolder got up and walked towards her. Ocellus be damned, Smolder wasn’t going to let the changeling or her own nerves stop her from showing everyone who she loves. Even if she hadn’t said those three words yet, Smolder hoped that her actions would be enough. Flying up to Celestia’s eye level, Smolder cupped Celestia’s face in her claws and pressed her muzzle against the mare’s soft and sweet lips. Closing her eyes, Smolder didn’t hear which of her friends gasped, only that several of them did. But Smolder didn’t flinch or pull away, only embracing the warm fire in her heart that came from giving herself to Celestia. Her only visible reaction was the slight shudder throughout her body as she felt the gentle touch of Celestia’s wings resting on her shoulders, feeling like that of an angel itself. Before she could sink into the temptation of a full-blown makeout session, she parted her lips from Celestia’s and winked at her. “Smolder didn’t answer question,” Yona frowned. “Who is Smolder dating?” “Yona, you cannot be that du-” “Yona is kidding!” Yona laughed over Gallus, before rushing up to the alicorn and dragoness. “Yona is super duper excited for Smolder, give Yona hug!” Celestia and Smolder chuckled at the yak’s joyous response, Celestia moving her wings away to allow Smolder to fly over and hug Yona’s forehead. Moving over to Yona, Celestia gave the young yak a half hug with one of her wings. Gallus and Silverstream also approached the happy couple, smirking at each other before Silverstream rushed over towards Smolder. “Let me guess,” Smolder rolled her eyes. “You’re going to say I knew it or something like that.” “Well, technically, me and Gallus knew it,” Silverstream corrected her. “But, I wanted to apologize about my comment with Queen Novo. I thought you just found those succulent sun cheeks of hers hot, I didn’t realize that you wanted her for so much more than that.” “Hey, it’s alright,” Smolder flew down to hug Silverstream for a brief moment before pulling away, her eyes widening as she processed everything Silverstream had said. “Wait, did you just call my marefriend’s butt hot?” “Oh, did I?” Silverstream blushed as she took a step back, her face getting even more redder as Celestia glanced down at her. “Sorry! I tend to be a bit of a horndog in general. You didn’t think you were the only one to get laid during the Great Galloping Gala, did you?” “What,” Smolder’s jaw dropped, watching as Silverstream’s nervous grin morphed into a knowing smirk, fluttering her eyelashes before she winked at the dragoness. “When did you plan on telling me this?!” “I was planning on telling you the morning after, but then you came out to us!” Silverstream explained with a giggle. “I wasn’t about to take that moment away from you, y’know.” “That’s fair,” Smolder nodded. “Wait, you haven’t told me who it was you bedded.” “Or more accurately, who it was that Silverstream and I bedded,” Gallus stepped forward, placing a talon on the hippogriff’s shoulder. Watching Silverstream turn to look at Gallus while blowing a kiss at him, Smolder felt like her mind was about to crumple at the overload of information racking her brain. “YOU HAD A THREESOME?!” Smolder erupted. “With who?” “Er, I don’t think it’d be appropriate to uh,” Silverstream leaned in and whispered in Smolder’s ear. “Say it in front of your marefriend.” Smolder put two and two together, remembering her conversation with the Princess of the Moon the morning after her and Celestia made love. She knew she had to address it, and of course, endlessly tease the dark blue alicorn about what she learned. But Smolder realized that ever since her and Celestia had kissed, neither Ocellus or Sandbar were to be seen in the Sugarcube Corner. “We’re going to talk about this later,” Smolder glanced at Silverstream and Gallus before flying towards the door. “But I need to talk to Ocellus.” “Yona sure that’s good idea?” Yona tilted her head. “I’ll go with her,” Celestia walked up to Smolder, resting her wing on the dragoness’ shoulders as she gestured her head towards the treats on the table. “Help yourselves to those, it won’t take long.” Yona didn’t hesitate to rush over to the treats, scarfing down three of the mint brownies in one go. Gallus and Silverstream gave a glance at Smolder, before turning away and joining Yona at the table. Smolder walked towards the door, hearing sniffling on the other side. Freezing up, Smolder didn’t know what to do, let alone say, when Celestia rubbed Smolder’s shoulder with the tip of her wing. “It’s okay, we can talk to her,” Celestia assured the dragoness, settling Smolder’s nerves as she nodded. Surely if the Princess of the Sun could handle the wrath of Nightmare Moon and the countless threats to her ponies in those thousand years, Celestia would be able to handle the emotions of a changeling. Smolder didn’t wait for Celestia to reassure her more, rushing out the door and looking at Ocellus, sobbing and hiding her face in her forelegs as Sandbar had a hoof on her shoulder. As Sandbar turned to see who exited Sugarcube Corner, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he saw Smolder and her alicorn marefriend approaching them. “Um, maybe now’s not the time,” Sandbar gulped. “She may not be one of my little ponies,” Celestia began. “But it would be wrong of us to dismiss her when she had felt this way for so long. She deserves our time and respect at the very least, does she not? If she doesn’t want us here, let her say that herself, and we’ll go.” “N-No, she’s right,” Ocellus dropped her forelegs, revealing the tears streaming down her face as she looked at Sandbar. “But…could I have a moment with Smolder privately? There’s something I need to show her.” “Okay?” Celestia tilted her head. “C’mon Sandbar, let’s go back to the bakery. Smolder, you call me if you need me, understand?” “Yeah,” Smolder agreed as she watched Celestia lead Sandbar back into the Sugarcube Corner, glancing at Ocellus. “You need to show me something?” “Listen, I k-know you’re a catch,” Ocellus started off. “You think you’re the lucky one? Smolder, there’s so many mares here that ogle you, they know you can plow their brains out. But there’s something I have on them that they will never have…” “Wait, mares here want me?” Smolder’s jaw dropped. “Ocellus, this has been the craziest day by far. First I hear that Gallus and Silverstream had a threesome with Luna of all ponies, then I hear that mares want me, next thing I’ll know, you’ll be transforming into-” Smolder gasped, blinded by a flash of light. Covering her eyes with her arm, she waited a few moments before opening her eyes and slapping a claw over her mouth to keep herself from screaming. Staring at her, was Celestia herself. “You didn’t,” Smolder whispered. “Oh, but I did~” Ocellus spoke with Celestia’s voice, the blatant mockery of her marefriend nearly causing Smolder to vomit. “I can be all those mares, even that stupid Sunbutt you like for some reason. So what do you say? Celestia will be far too busy for you anyways, she won’t give you the time you deserve. You can spend all the time in the world with ‘her’ and choose me at the same time-” “What is going on here?” Ocellus shrieked, shapeshifting back into her regular form several seconds too late. Watching Celestia storm out of Sugarcube Corner with daggers for eyes, Ocellus took several steps back as Celestia wrapped Smolder in her feathery embrace. Watching Celestia’s horn light up with bright yellow magic, Ocellus was frozen to the spot as she was shaking like a leaf. “Harass her again, and she’ll be the least of your worries,” Celestia snarled. Before Ocellus could respond, Celestia casted a teleportation spell, causing her and the dragoness to disappear out of sight. > Epilogue: The Train Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours later, Smolder found herself quietly waiting in a train roomette by herself, waiting for Celestia to finish checking in with her unicorn buckball team in the neighboring roomette. A cold heaviness weighing her mind as well as her body, Smolder thought about Ocellus’ reaction and everything she had said. The dragoness had expected the changeling to ignore her, yell at her, some kind of bitter reaction to getting so openly rejected in place of the Princess of the Sun. The last outcome that Smolder had expected was for Ocellus to try and seduce her. Smolder couldn’t even bring herself to put her foot down and yell at Ocellus in Celestia’s defense, shellshocked by the changeling’s actions to even speak. Smolder felt the cold heaviness give way to something far stronger, a lot less harder to ignore. The hot fire that raged throughout her body spurred her to clench her fists and grit her teeth. Ocellus had made the worst kind of mockery of her marefriend imaginable, and she just stared like a braindead fish? Smolder sharply inhaled, and then exhaled fire from her nostrils as she began seeing red. How could she let Ocellus do that? How did she believe that Ocellus actually loved her? The door to the roomette opened, and Celestia’s eyes widened as she saw Smolder’s narrowed eyes and fuming nostrils. As she walked in and closed the door behind her with one wing, the sound caught Smolder’s attention as she slightly turned her head in Celestia’s direction. “Hey,” Smolder huffed. “Everything good with them?” “Yeah, I was hoping to introduce you to them,” Celestia admitted. “But they completely understand given the unique circumstances. I should be asking you how you are. You don’t seem to be okay, my sweet dragon.” “I’m not,” Smolder sighed, her shoulders slumping as some of her anger burned away at the presence of her dear Celestia. “I should’ve stood up to her, should’ve demanded she turn back, or call for you. Something.” “Smolder,” Celestia walked over and sat on the long seat Smolder was sitting on, sitting right next to her and opening her wing to rest on Smolder’s back as she looked at the dragoness. “Ocellus was one of your closest friends. You could never have expected her to pull something like that, and to be fair, I was just quicker to react when I saw her shapeshift from inside Sugarcube Corner.” “I didn’t even get to say goodbye to the others,” Smolder shook her head before leaning her head against Celestia’s shoulder, feeling her heart warming up as Celestia fully wrapped the smaller dragoness in the feathery embrace of her wing. “About that,” Celestia pressed her lips to Smolder’s forehead, causing a spark of warmth to flutter inside Smolder’s heart as she continued. “Once they saw me waiting at the door, they joined me to see what Ocellus was ‘showing’ you. They were…shocked to say the least. I told them that I was going to get you out of there, so I’m guessing they understood.” “Oh thank…Celestia,” Smolder caught herself, looking up at her marefriend’s smirk. “Heh, guess that saying means more to me than most.” “Well, most of the thanking should be going to you,” Celestia chuckled. “Me?” Smolder’s eyes widened as she held a claw to her chest, the thought of mares wanting her crossed her mind. “What do you have me to thank for?” “I didn’t have much to hope for outside of protecting my ponies,” Celestia began. “That responsibility, while heavy, does bring profound joy to me. But outside of my time with Luna and interactions with Twilight when she is available, I never really got to have a friend in such a long time. Let alone one so close that she would share the deepest parts of her soul to me. That she would give me intimacy beyond my wildest dreams.” Celestia leaned her muzzle in and pressed it against Smolder’s muzzle, the hot breath of the alicorn stirring a fire inside Smolder’s heart. If it weren’t for the fact that Celestia was in the middle of a monologue, Smolder would’ve grabbed Celestia right then and there and liplocked the alicorn. But Celestia’s intense pink gaze demanded that Smolder sit there without a word and listen. “And on top of that, dragons can live for hundreds of years,” Celestia added. “I won’t be losing you anytime soon, and the fact that you’ve considered spending those years with me…well, it’s brought me hope that I haven’t felt in a long time.” Smolder’s jaw dropped, not even thinking about her own lifespan in the mix of everything that had happened. But even as she processed the realization, it wasn’t the least bit jarring for her. Rather, instead of pursuing those unknown mares or indulging in the shapeshifting of her former friend, Smolder saw nothing more fitting in her mind than being the proper ‘King’ to Celestia’s ‘Queen.’ A couple bonded by their mutual longevity, a constant when many other lives pass, and a rock for the other to rely on in the face of change. “You’d want to spend all those years with me?” Smolder’s dropped jaw morphed into a wide smile. "Well, I don't know how a relationship goes that long without getting stale…but I'd certainly like to find out." With their muzzles still close, Smolder sealed the distance and locked lips with the alicorn that was embracing her. With Ocellus being the last creature on her mind, Smolder allowed herself to sink into the fiery warmth that was Celestia’s lips against her own. They still had many obstacles and fun occasions on the horizon, and this was only just the beginning. But that's what made Smolder's passion soar all the more, her tail swinging from side to side as she pressed herself further into the kiss. In just a few hours, the two would be in Canterlot to properly celebrate their cemented relationship…