> Halo: Contact Equis > by k00l > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue Part 1: Fleeing Reach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The year is 2552. Humanity is engaged in a genocidal war with an alien alliance known as The Covenant Empire. And the Human race is losing. For the past 26 years, Humanity has defended itself against the threat of the Covenant, losing multiple colonies and billions of lives along the way. Reach was seen as a key planet in humanity’s efforts in the war. With it being glassed by the Covenant, most of Humanity’s hopes died with it. Two Halcyon-Class ships have fled Reach, carrying soldiers of the UNSC and civilians away from the burning planet to safety. One such ship, known as the Ad Meliora, has escaped the planet, carrying many civilians and military personnel, including multiple Marines, ODSTs, and three Spartan-IIIs. Despite this, the crew of the Ad Meliora broke protocol out of panic and rushed its scheduled launch, and was forced to evacuate alone and with no direction to go. The Ad Meliora chose a direction and haphazardly launched into slipspace. When exiting slipspace, the Ad Meliora finds itself in an unmapped region of the Galaxy. The ship’s crew breathes a sigh of relief, thinking they are in the clear. How wrong they were. The command bridge was full of various men and women rushing from one station to another, trying to figure out their location. Many crew members are flustered and unfocused as they had escaped Reach 20 days ago, and tensions are high. However, when the bridge door opens, many hear the important call. “Captain on deck!” one of the soldiers shouts as all crewmembers stop what they were doing as their commanding officer steps into the Bridge, accompanied by two ODST escorts. Captain McCormick was a white-skinned man with a dark gray goatee & hair, which was cut very short. The Man appeared to be in his early 50s and was currently wearing the standard UNSC Captain’s uniform. Upon entering the Bridge, all crewmembers present gave the Captain a salute, to which he motioned them to stand down. “At ease, men.” the Captain calmly says before approaching the main console with his arms firmly behind his back. “Get back to work at figuring out where exactly we are." “Yes, sir!” The crew says in unison as they go back to their stations. “Reagan. Status report.” said the Captain. Next to him on the console, the Ship’s Artificial Intelligence manifests. The A.I. appeared as a male of American descent in his early 70s. He had short hair and donned a nice suit. The shipboard A.I. glowed bright red. “Captain McCormick, sir,” Reagan addressed the Captain with a salute. “We appear to be near the outer edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, far out from any uncharted area.” “We left Reach too early and made a blind jump,” Captain McCormick sighed. “Did we lose them?” “I am unsure just yet,” Reagan answered with uncertainty. “But they were on the other side of Reach, waiting for any ship attempting to leave. Even though we left alone, I’m sure we were noticed. Afterall, we left a pretty big hole in space.” Captain McCormick gave a sad sigh. It was a pain for him to abandon Reach, especially since it was his home planet. “Do we have contact with any nearby UNSC ships?” asked the Captain. "Negative, sir.” Reagan answered, shaking his head. “The closest ship in our vicinity is another Halcyon-class cruiser, but even it is out of range of our comms.” “Then we must….” McCormick started before something caught his eye.  “Reagan. Do you see that?” As the Ad Meliora drifted forward, close by was an unknown planet. McCormick steps closer as other crew members stop what they were doing to look at the Planet. “Reagan, what planet is that?” Captain McCormick asked, still stunned. “I do not know, sir.” Reagan said, “As I said, this sector is not mapped.” “Well, are there any observations you can make of the Planet from here?” asked McCormick. Reagan began analyzing the unidentified planet for the next minute.  “According to my scans,” the A.I. responded, “this Planet has a stable atmosphere capable of habiting life. Liquid water is present, and the oxygen levels are similar to that of Earth and most of our….” Reagan paused as a look of confusion formed on his face. Captain McCormick noticed the A.I.’s confusion and asked, “What is it, Reagan?” “Something is wrong with this world,” Reagan answered. “It doesn’t seem to be rotating on its axis.” Reagan’s answer left Captain McCormick and the entire Bridge crew puzzled. Normally, planets that do not rotate are scorching hot on one side and freezing on the other. In reality, this planet should be a scorched & frozen wasteland, and yet, it seems to have a regulated temperature.  "This is concerning, Captain. This planet defies what we know about astrophysics.” said Reagan. “Interesting…” McCormick said to himself, but before he could say anything  “Captain!” shouted a crew member. “We have a problem!” On the big screen in front of Captain McCormick, the radar picks up one massive blip just behind the Ad Meliora. “Reagan, what am I seeing!?” demanded McCormick. “One Covenant Assault Carrier exiting slipspace on our right flank, Captain,” Reagan worryingly answered. “This isn’t good,” said McCormick. “Reagan, I want you to put the ship on high alert. Make sure all crew are at their battle stations!” “Yes, sir,” said Reagan while saluting the captain. Soon, sirens and flashing red lights signal through the entirety of the ship. All military personnel on board spring into action, ready for any command and crew members are at their stations. After a good ten minutes, a signal from the Assault Cruiser is picked up by the Ad Meliora. “Sir, we are receiving an audio message from the Covenant Assault Carrier. Would you like for me to play it aloud?" asked a crew member. “Go ahead.” replied the Captain. Captain McCormick places his hands behind his back as Reagan enhances the audio from the message. "Hear my voice, vermin!” a loud and thunderous voice emitted from the audio. “Khota…” said the Captain as he recognized the voice. McCormick was familiar with the Shipmaster sending the transmission. “Did you humans believe you could escape the destruction of your pitiful world?” The Elite darkly questioned. “No. No, you humans can never escape the wrath of our Covenant. We will not stop until your entire kind is destroyed.” As the message played, everything went silent on the bridge as the words echoed in the heads of most of the crew members there. Many had fearful expressions on their faces, while others had hope draining from theirs.  “And Captain McCormick.” Khota added. “I know you are hearing this message. Know that I will save you for last. Watching all the pathetic lives, you tried to save being slaughtered before you, yourself falling to my blades.” As the message ended, the entire Bridge crew slowly turned to face Captain McCormick. “What are my orders, sir?” Reagan asked, breaking the silence. The Captain looks back over to the mysterious planet, reviewing the observations Reagan made earlier in his head. “Reagan?” asked the Captain. “Do you think that planet will be able to sustain human life?” “There is no immediate threat or reason that says otherwise, but yes.” Reagan answered, who became a little concerned. “I know what you’re hinting at, sir, and I must interject.” “Why is that, Reagan?” asked the Captain, though he already knew the answer. “If you are thinking what I assume you’re thinking, then I must warn you,” said Reagan. “We might not be alone down there. And I’m not talking about the Covenant following us. There is a high chance there will be sentient life down there.” “That is something I must risk.” the Captain solemnly spoke. “There are too many lives aboard this ship. We will have a stronger chance of survival on the ground than in orbit.” Once again, the room grew quiet, and that was when a hard and loud explosion rocked the ship, causing many to stumble or fall to the ground. “The Covenant have begun their assault, captain!” Reagan urgently exclaimed. “That settles it,” Captain McCormick said with determination. “I will do everything to safeguard all the lives on this ship! Begin our descent now!” Without hesitation, the Ad Meliora began flying towards the unknown planet. Captain’s Log #1:  Reach. Hard to believe she’s gone. Reach was a planet we were hoping would be able to repel the Covenant invasion. This is a major turning point of the war, a turn for the worst. I fear this is the beginning of the end. Humanity's last stand is approaching, and I fear it will be soon. For now, all we have is hope, which is running thin. My ship is full of soldiers, crewmembers, and fleeing civilians who witnessed their homes destroyed by these monsters. Even then, we must keep moving towards better things. End of prologue part 1 > Prologue Part 2: It WAS a nice day in Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Castle of Friendship Princess Twilight Sparkle was sitting in the map room of her castle, grading some papers from her students at the school. She smiles and takes a sip from her tea as Spike, her #1 assistant, brings her a sandwich. “Here, Twilight.” said Spike. “I thought you might be hungry. You have been sitting here awhile." “Thank you, Spike. It has been a long day.” Twilight thanked the young dragon before using her magic to lift the sandwich and take a bite. “Where are the others?” “Currently, they are taking care of a few things at the School of Friendship,” Spike answered. “That’s good,” said Twilight with contentment. “Today is the start of a week-long break for our students.” Spike only chuckled at the mention of the school break. After Cozy Glow tried to steal all the magic from Equestria, Princess Twilight and her friends agreed to give their students, especially Silverstream, Gallus, Smolder, Sandbar, Yona, and Ocellus, a week off from school to destress themselves. After all, they’ve done plenty to earn this time off.  “What are you going to do for the time off?” Spike asked, breaking a minute-long silence. “We are just going to relax ‘till school picks back up next week,” said Twilight. “Yeah. It’s not like two disasters will happen back-to-back, right?” Spike joked. After Spike and Twilight chuckled a bit and things quieted down, a low soft rumbling could be heard. The tea in Twilight’s cup began to ripple, and the light shining through the windows began to darken. “Spike!?” Twilight spoke with a small amount of fear. “I know!” Spike shouted while putting his hand to his face in embarrasment. “Me and my big mouth!” Twilight Sparkle rushes to her balcony and flings the doors open. She looks outside, and a huge shadow begins to cover Ponyville as if Princess Luna was raising the moon too early. Twilight looked up and was completely shocked by what she saw. A huge metallic vessel that appeared to be heavily damaged was flying overhead. Two words were painted on the side that read ‘AD MELIORA.’ However, it wasn’t alone. Next to the flying vessel was another flying contraption, but was colored a deep purple and around three times larger than the first one. Out of nowhere, a giant beam fires out from the side of the purple ship, and strikes the gray ship. A huge explosion comes from the ship, causing Twilight’s castle to shake from the shockwave. Debris began to fall, as running ponies below scramble to get out of the way. Princess Twilight quickly flies up using her wings, and uses her magic to grab ahold of the larger pieces of burning metal. The debris she couldn’t catch, ended up crashing down below, destroying houses and severely damaging the courthouse. The metallic contraption, with the name Ad Meliora, began to dip, and was approaching closer to the ground. The purple one then pulls away, and begins to pull upward and fly back into the air. The Ad Meliora was flying towards the Everfree forest, before crashing hard into the ground, the impact feeling like an earthquake. Looking back up, the Purple ship was now high into the sky, and hovered above ominously. Twilight couldn't believe what she saw as many of the residents in Ponyville were now scrambling all over in a panic. Twilight lands back on her balcony where Spike had stayed, his eyes wide as dinner plates and his jaw practically to the floor. “What…in Celestia’s name…was that!?” Spike yelled, clearly shaking from the scenario. “I have no idea!” Twilight exclaimed. “But somepony could have gotten seriously hurt from all that debris! We need to see for ourselves! Come on, Spike!” With that out of the way, Princess Twilight and Spike fly towards the now ruined Courthouse; it was impressive how it was still standing. They land where the front doors used to be and walk inside.  There were many ponies running about, but Princess Twilight was looking for the Mayor. She steps further inside and finds Mayor Mare sitting at a chair talking to Nurse Redheart. Mayor Mare was holding her head as some blood seeped out around her hoof. “Mayor Mare!” Twilight exclaimed as she approached her. “Are you alright!?” “Princess Twilight.” said the Mayor as she turned to face the Alicorn. “I’m okay. Nothing too serious.” “Is everypony else okay?” Twilight asked, looking over to see if she could help. “I don’t know, honestly.” said the Mayor. “Huge chunks of metal crashed through my office. I was lucky to only be hit in the head by a smaller piece. Most of it was a blur.” The Lavender Alicorn could understand her. The whole thing happened so fast. Turning to her #1 assistant, Twilight said “You stay here, Spike. I’m going to search here and the town for anypony else who may be injured.” Spike nodded before Twilight turned and galloped out. Twilight stepped out of the courthouse to find a very sporadic and agitated Rainbow Dash. “Twilight!” the rainbow-maned Pegasus said with relief before darting to her friend. “What in the hay just happened!?” “Didn’t you see that giant hunk of metal flying over Ponyville!?" Twilight asked. “Yeah,” said Rainbow, quickly nodding. “And the purple one!” The pair of ponies looked up at the purple vessel, which was still hovering in the sky. “Well, I witnessed the purple one shoot out a big blue beam at the other one, causing debris to fall all over Ponyville!” Twilight said. “I managed to stop some of it, but many houses are still destroyed.” Rainbow Dash paid close attention to her friend before asking, “What exactly are those things? Where did they come from? And what are they doing here, damaging Ponyville?” “I don’t know, but we shouldn’t be worried about it yet.” Twilight said with urgency. “Right now, we need to rally some ponies to find survivors.” “You got it, Twi!” the Pegasus replied with a salute. Eventually, the pair flew into Ponyville together.  The Ad Meliora crash site… Sirens continued to blare throughout the Ad Meliora after the crash landing. Captain McCormick “Reagan.” McCormick said to the A.I as he appeared on the nearby pedestal. “Damage report.”  “All primary engines are currently offline, captain.” said Reagan as he gave a look of worry. “The defenses are heavily damaged, but still intact.” “Alright.” the Captain replied before adding, “What about casualties?” “Minimal, to say the least, sir.” Reagan replied, which was enough to assure McCormick. “Good.” he said before readjusting his hat. “Now, have our engineers begin repairing the ship, ASAP. Also, have our Marines set up some tents around the crash site. I want all wounded to be patched up.” “Including civies?” Reagan asked, earning a hardened nod from the Captain. “Er… Yes, sir.” After that, Reagan disappeared on the pedestal to carry out his orders. Later, the bridge crew resumed. McCormick then turned to his right, to look at a rather large soldier in armor, a Spartan. “Is there something you want me to do, sir?” Spartan Maverick asked. "Good to see you son, In fact I do." Said the captain as he placed his arms behind his back again. 1 hour later… Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash managed to calm down a few panicking ponies and form a search squad, looking for ponies still trapped in the destroyed houses. They were able to rescue a few ponies still trapped inside their houses, and thankfully, no pony had been killed, but many were injured pretty badly.  After rescuing many ponies and noticing no immediate danger, Twilight sits down on the steps of the Courthouse. She takes a deep breath as if she had been working hard to help save ponies from various wreckages. Rainbow Dash flies up to her and lands. “I think we rescued everypony in Ponyville.” said Rainbow Dash. "That’s good.” Twilight sighed with relief before asking, “Have you seen the others?” “Yeah.” the rainbow-maned Pegasus said. “Thankfully, Rarity’s house was only slightly damaged. I told them to meet us here at the Courthouse when we were done." “Good. Thanks for your help, Rainbow.” said Twilight, her gratitude clear in her tone. Within no time, the other Element bearers began to show up to meet with Rainbow Dash and Twilight. All of them seem deeply concerned about what just happened. “Twilight! Rainbow!” Applejack shouted. "Thank Celestia, ye’re both okay.” “We’re fine.” Twilight nodded. “Whatever those things were, they didn’t get anywhere near my castle. Though I wish I could say the same for everypony else here. Are you girls okay?” Fluttershy was shaking pretty bad. She was at her cottage and got to experience the large flying ship land in the forest not to far away from her home. “Yeah. My brother and I were harvesting apples when I saw the whole spectacle!" Applejack said. With that out of the way, the Princess of Friendship looks up to the sky, and so does rest. Way up high in the sky, the purple aircraft could still be visible, but it had to be miles in the sky. “What exactly is that thing?” Applejack asked as she removed her hat to prevent it from falling off her head as she looked upwards. “Ah’ve never seen anythin’ like it.” “I have no idea,” said Twilight. “but judging by that destructive laser it shot, there is no way it came in peace.” “How on Equis can something that big, and made of metal, fly that high?” Asked Rarity. “What about the other flying…uh… thing?” “It crashed-landed in the Everfree Forest.” Spike answered. “Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped in worry. “The animals must be so scared!” Everypony was now looking towards the direction of the Everfree Forest. They looked at each other. They all knew what they had to do. “Are you girls thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Twilight. “We should go into the Everfree Forest and find that crazy floaty thingy and see if any pony is in there, and then throw them a welcome-to-Ponyville party!?” Pinkie excitedly asked. “Yes!” said Twilight. “Well, no… I mean… yes and no! We need to check out whatever that thing was and see if anypony is alright… if they are friendly.” “W-what if we tell Princess Celestia about this, and she goes to look into it?” Fluttershy asked, nervous about checking out a mysterious flying object. “Well, I’m a Princess myself, and since I am the closest, I am obligated to investigate what has happened. I will send a letter to Celestia informing her what has happened and then update her on what I have found.” “If ya say so, Twilight.” said Applejack. “We’ll join you in investigatin’ that flyin’ metal Whatchamacallit.” Twilight gave the Earth Pony a nod before turning to face her #1 assistant. “Spike, I need you to write a letter to Celestia.” “Of course, Twilight.” said Spike pulling out a quill and paper as Twilight clears her throat. “Dear Princess Celestia,” She began as Spike begins writing. “You are not going to believe what just happened! I was at my Castle when a loud rumbling noise haphazardly came. When I stepped outside, I witnessed these two metal contraptions flying directly over Ponyville. They were massive! Just one of them could possibly fit the entire population of Manehatten inside.” “To make a long story short, one of them fired a bright blue beam into the other, damaging it significantly to crash somewhere into the Everfree Forest. Falling debris caused some moderate damage to Ponyville, but thankfully, no pony was killed. As the Princess of Friendship, me and my friends will head out to investigate what exactly it was that crash-landed. I hope to hear from you soon.” Twilight finished with, “Your former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Upon finishing, spike ignited the scroll in flames, sending it to Celestia. “No time to waste girls, let’s go check this object out.” Twilight announced, her friends stepping close to her. “Spike, I would like for you to remain here in case anypony else needs help.” “You got it Twilight!” Spike Saluted as the ponies ran off towards the forest. > Meeting with the Captain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ad Meliora Crash site… Maverick stood near the open doors of the Ad Meliora that led to the outside alien world. So far, no one has dared to step outside, mostly out of caution and fear. Maverick stood at the entrance, his DMR in hand, gazing out at the alien surface, awaiting his fellow teammates Clara B452 and Kieran B902. Both Spartans saluted their commander and stood at attention. “Commander, you said we are needed for a mission?” Kieran asked, slowly lowering his hand to unsling the MA5B Assault rifle off his back. “Yes, I did.” Maverick answered with a nod. “Kieran, Clara. Consider yourselves lucky. We are going to be the first humans to ever set foot on this world. The Captain wants us to scout out the nearby vicinity. He wants us to try and familiarize ourselves with our surroundings. Getting familiar with the place will help out in our survival.” Maverick explained as he turned back around to stare outside. Clara stepped forward, unslinging her own MA5B Assault Rifle as well. “So, the Captain’s sending us Spartans out for the scouting mission?” Clara asked before joking, “What would the UNSC do without us?” She approached the exit. Clara analyzes the ground quickly, then slowly but surely steps down, the grass indenting under her heavy boot. “Surface seems safe enough to walk on.” “Since you’re so sure of yourself, Clara, you get to take point,” Maverick said humorously as he stepped off the ship, followed by Kieran. “Roger, sir!” Clara held up her weapon as she took her first few steps away from the ship. She then turns to her left to look at the cliffside. “I say we walk alongside this gorge the ship is resting on.” “Very well. Let’s go, Zeta.” Maverick ordered as he and Kieran soon began to follow close behind Clara. As the trio traveled alongside the gorge, they noticed that part of the forest to their right had outgrown past the treeline and up to the gorge’s edge. They pushed away some of the foliage and were amazed by what they saw. The crumbled old remains of a castle. “Woah…” Kieran said, being the first to step out of the foliage. “Check this shit out.” “Ruined infrastructure.” Maverick noted before adding, “So life must be present on this planet.” He placed his hand on the side of his helmet and spoke into his comm link. “Zeta squad leader to Eagle Nest, we’ve discovered a structure that appears to have been abandoned for a long time. Permission to investigate, over.” After a brief radio silence, Maverick received a reply. “Zeta Squad, this is Eagle Nest. Permission granted but take caution. You are authorized to open fire on any hostile life forms AFTER you have made all attempts possible to communicate. Over.” “Copy.” the green commander replied before lowering his hand back down. “You all heard them. Let’s move in to investigate.” Maverick clutched his DMR closer as he and his squad approached the abandoned castle. Maverick stepped forward to gently open one of the wooden doors with the barrel of his rifle. He aims it into the darkness as he steps inside. “Activate your night vision.” He announced, and his fellow Spartans did the same. They all step inside and gave the place a bit of a look around. “Damn, this place is old,” Kieran said as he analyzed a weakened wall. “Looks like the walls could collapse at any moment.” “Agreed. Take caution, soft steps.” Maverick instructed as they pressed deeper inside the dark castle. Eventually, the Spartans come across a giant set of double doors with some depictions carved on them. A perfect circle was located in the center, split in half by the crack of the door, one depicting the moon and the other depicting the sun. Below said sun and moon were two four-legged creatures resembling equines with wings and a long protrusion coming from their heads “Clara, the left door,” Maverick called out before the latter grabbed the door handle on the left, while Kieran got behind Maverick as he placed his armored hand on the other door handle. Together, the two Spartans slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside. They didn’t need night vision to see through the darkness anymore, as the room was lit up brightly. A large hole in the back wall allowed a tremendous amount of light in. “What the hell happened here?” asked Kieran as he lowered his rifle. “No idea, but look below that hole. Are those…thrones?” Clara wanted confirmation she was seeing the same thing everyone else was. “I see them,” Maverick confirmed. “So, we must be in a place of royalty. A castle, perhaps.” “If this is a castle,” Kieran said, “then they need to fire the cleaning staff. This place is wrecked to shit.” Maverick and Clara only remained silent at Kieran’s joke. “I mean, look at the podium between the two thrones. It’s all smashed, like someone or something broke it.” “Yeah. That, along with that hole in the wall, doesn’t appear to of just happened naturally with age. Something deliberately smashed those. No telling what that has done to the support. Take caution. We could cause a wall to collapse or even fall through the floor.” Clara pointed out. Her thoughts made her nervous, as she began to back away. Kieran turns towards a nearby window that seems to overlook the rest of the castle. He approaches it, walking as softly as possible and looking out of it. “Uh… Mav.” Kieran’s voice hinted at a bit of dread. “You should see this.” Maverick cautiously approached his comrade/best friend and looked out the window. Whatever room they were both looking into, they would never know what it used to be, as the giant stone support pillars were knocked over, and parts of the stone roof had fallen, wrecking the room below. Maverick feels his gut clench at the scene. This place may be far more unstable than they thought. “Jesus… It’s worse than I thought.” Maverick shuddered, now completely untrusting of the ground beneath his feet. “We need to get out of here; we could compromise the whole structure.” “Perhaps, we should have a different squad to check this out later.” Clara suggested, “Don’t think it’s a good idea for a trio of 1,000 lb armored Spartans to trudge through here.” Maverick and Kieran agreed with their comrade. “Zeta Squad to Eagle Nest, this place looks heavily compromised.” Maverick radioed. “We recommend this place be searched by a different squad that is…less likely to weaken the supports. Over.” “Eagle Nest to Zeta Squad, acknowledged.” command replied over the comms. “We’re sending a squad of Helljumpers to examine it. Over.” “Copy,” Maverick replied before adding, “We’ll place down a beacon to mark the structure’s location. Over.” With that being said, Kieran pulled out a small device and planted it on the ground near the entrance. Eventually, all three Spartans exit the castle. They quickly scan their surroundings before lowering their weapons. “What now, Mav?” Clara asked. “From what we were able to see in the sky,” Maverick began, “there is a large opening on the other end of this forest. It would be best to scout that way. If the Covenant wants to take us by surprise, the best tactic would be from the forest. Let’s give it a quick look over and see if we can try and prepare ourselves in case they do use this forest for cover.” Maverick took point as he and his squad began to trudge into the depths of the Forest. Meanwhile… Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were slowly trudging through the Everfree forest toward the mysterious metallic vessel. Even though the six ponies feel prepared for anything, the mystery of whatever it was made them uneasy.  “Oh my…” Fluttershy gasped upon seeing the nearby animal life panicking. “All the animals out here are in distress. They are just as scared as we are.” “I would be scared too if a giant piece of flying metal I had never seen before crashed into my home!” Pinkie loudly chimed in. As the Mane Six continued trekking through the Everfree Forest, they remained silent, seeming lost in their own thoughts, that was until Rarity spoke up. “So…” Rarity began, “What do you girls think those big flyin’ things are?” That was the question on everypony’s mind. “Well,” Twilight pondered, “Those must be some kind of advanced airships, with no air balloons.” “But if those really are airships,” Rarity began with great interest, “then who built them?” The six mares remained silent for a moment to think about their answers. “I think it must’ve been the Storm Empire,” Rainbow Dash said. “Ah dunno about that, Rainbow,” Applejack said with uncertainty. “Those vessels seem a lot different than the Storm King’s airships. Also, that giant beam, the purple one shot. Ah’ve never seen an explosion like that before.” Rainbow Dash could only nod in defeat before adding, “Yeah… You’re right.” Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped in excitement before exclaiming, “You girls think it was made by aliens!?” “A…Aliens?” Fluttershy fearfully quivering. “Pinkie, there’s no such thing as aliens.” Twilight said, shooting her pink friend a deadpan look.  “Yeah?” Pinkie asked, “Well, how do you explain the flying metal oofoh?” This only drew a bunch of raised eyebrows from the other ponies. “Pinkie, dear,” Rarity chimed in. “I believe it’s pronounced ‘U.F.O’.” The pink Earth Pony gave a long “Oh~” before happily saying, “My bad.” Before anypony could say anything else, Rainbow Dash quietly shouted, “Girls, quiet! I hear something!” They all dropped down lower to avoid being seen. A small thumping sound could be heard walking towards them. They were slow and cautious, as if trying to be as quiet as possible. “Can you see them?” whispered Fluttershy. “No, not yet,” Twilight replied. “Those sound like hoof steps… but they’re not walking on hooves,” said Rarity. “Quiet! We don’t want to draw any attention to us!” Twilight harshly whispered, eliciting them all to shut their mouths. After a few minutes, the ‘Hoofsteps’ came to a stop. Before anything else could happen “Eagle Nest, this is Zeta squad leader.” a stallion’s voice comes, “Scouting the south side of the forest. Acknowledge? Over.” After a few moments of silence, the Mane Six heard more commotion. Twilight was interested as these creatures were speaking fluent Ponish. She slowly peaks out of the tall grass to see where the voices were coming from and was shocked by what she saw. Standing thirty feet away from the six hiding ponies were three bipedal creatures. They looked seven feet tall, a good foot taller than Princess Luna. Strangely, the three creatures appeared to be encased in metal, with their faces having a strange shiny glass-like metal. However,  The first creature’s body was colored dark green, with its ‘eye’ being a darker tone. Its head had an odd shape, with the eye taking up most of the face. Its shoulders were also large. The second figure had a dark-red body, almost maroon, and appeared much slimmer than the other two. Its head was shaped much differently from the first, with two large cheeks, a black top, and a bright blue T-shaped eye. The third was white with splotches of red and a head shaped more like a square. The supposed face was flat with no mouth or muzzle, rectangular objects along each cheek, and a single amber-colored eye shaped like a verticle slit. It also had something attached to the center of its chest. All three creatures carried strange objects that loosely resembled crossbows without the bow part, though Twilight couldn’t make out the shapes. However, the Green and Maroon figures had their objects stuck to their backs, while the white one pointed it into the forest like he was using it to scan for something. The other two were kneeling as they placed something on the ground. “You see anythin’?” Applejack quietly asked. “Yes.” Twilight quietly answers the orange earth pony after looking away from the creatures. “There are three bipedal figures about thirty feet away from us, and they seem to be planting something on the ground.” “What are they?” asked Rarity. “Ponies? Griffons? Dragons?” “No.” Twilight shakes her head. “These creatures are unlike anything I have ever seen before. They almost look like monkeys, but with no tails, and appear metallic.” Everypony was confused by Twilight’s description. But after what they saw happen in the sky, they know that whatever these creatures are, they must be very dangerous. “We should head back to Ponyville,” said Twilight. “A message from Celestia should’ve been sent by now.” The other ponies nodded in agreement and began to slowly back away. However, Fluttershy feels Pinkie accidentally step on her tail, causing the scared pegasus to make an audible ‘EEP!’ from the sudden tug on her backside. “Who goes there!?” the voice of one of the creatures rang out, causing all six ponies to freeze. ‘Uh-oh.’ the element bearers simultaneously thought. 2 minutes earlier… Spartan team Zeta was still trekking through the strange forest and away from the ruined castle. Maverick was absolutely sure that intelligent life was on this planet. There has to be. If they were able to build castles and establish a monarchy. Setting his thoughts aside, Spartan Maverick put a hand to his commlink and contacted the Ad Meliora. After a few moments, Command replied, “Eagle Nest to Zeta team. Acknowledged. Keep us updated. Over.” “Let’s set up a motion detector here,” Maverick commanded. “Command will be notified if anything comes from this way.” “You got it, commander,” Clara replied before pulling out one of the scanners. “Those Covie bastards may have active camouflage,” Kieran bragged, “but even they can’t sneak past a motion sensor.” Clara was on her knee as she stabbed the tracker into the ground. After getting it in a stable position, she pushed some dirt against it to make sure it wouldn’t fall over and to give it a bit of camouflage. “We’re about two klicks from the ship, Mav,” Kieran said over his shoulder after slinging his Assault rifle. “Think we should turn back before we scout too far ahead?” “That would be wise.” Maverick said before admitting, “We don’t know the day & night cycle of this world yet.” After finishing, the Spartans began to turn around to head back to the ship when Kieran heard a noise behind him. It sounded like a soft squeak from a chew toy. He and the rest of his squad quickly turn around to face where the sound was heard. Kieran unslung his secondary weapon, an M90 Shotgun, while Maverick and Clara pulled their weapons off their backs. “Who goes there!?” Kieran yelled out, clicking the safety off on his Shotgun. “Identify yourself!” Kieran yelled out again as the rest of Zeta team cleared the distance. Kieran’s voice was loud and very intimidating, but that wasn’t enough to make whoever was hiding reveal itself, hoping to stay hidden in the tall grass. “Activate thermal scanners,” said Maverick, his voice staying cool and collected. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking again. “There! In the grass! We see you!” The three Spartans heard voices from behind the bush, ranging from, “It sees us! How can it see us!?” to “What do we do!?” The Spartans remained still, though they were on edge and their patience thinned. Finally, Maverick stepped forward and clicked off his safety as well. “Attention! You have five seconds to come out of hiding before we open fire!” Maverick’s voice was stern as he then began to count down. “ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!” a feminine voice yelled, “We’re coming out!” “Alright,” commanded Maverick. “Come out of there, slowly and with your hands up!” “Hands?” the woman’s voice replied with confusion. “What are hands?” “…That doesn’t matter. Just come out slowly!” Maverick pretty much demanded. “No sudden movements!” After a few seconds, Maverick notices something slowly standing up, her head and body poking out of the grass. The lavender creature had four legs, a pair of wings, and some kind of protrusion on its forehead. Maverick noted the creature looked just the depictions back at the ruined castle. She had a very scared expression on her face. After the creature stood up, so did the others one by one. “Six,” said Clara. “I count six of them.” “Copy that,” said Kieran. “Are those the things that spoke English?” “No idea,” replied Maverick. “Step out of there so we can properly identify you.” Very slowly, they all stepped out of the grass. The three Spartans analyzed them head to…hoof? “What the hell are they?” asked Kieran as he lowered his weapon. “They look like…horses.” “I’ve never seen horses like them before.” Clara commented before mentally adding, ‘Except in mythology.’ She recognized some of them as unicorns and pegasi.  “We’re Ponies! Not horses!” The rainbowed-maned one said aggressively, which Kieran raised his shotgun to her. “I don’t give a shit what you are!” Kieran growled back, causing the blue pegasus to gulp and shrink back just a little. “Step any further, and I’ll blast that pretty head off your shoulders!” “Stand down, Kieran,” Maverick ordered the white Spartan. “They are unarmed and look scared out of their minds.” “We can’t take that chance, Mav.” Kieran said, still aiming his weapon at the Pegasus. “For all we know, they could be with the Covenant Fringe!” “I’m not so sure about that,” Maverick said while putting a hand to Kieran’s shotgun. “We saw images of creatures just like them at the ruined structure. Besides, these things just spoke English.”  “Clara, go in for a closer analysis.” “Rodger,” Clara replied before looking at the six ‘ponies’. “I’m coming closer. Do not move, got it?” The ponies slowly nod, not saying a word. Next, Clara steps closer and kneels about two feet away in front of the winged unicorn. “Who are you?” asked Clara. “M-My name is Twilight.” replied the lavender creature. “Twilight Sparkle.” “Twilight Sparkle?” Clara asked while raising an eyebrow underneath her CQB helmet. “Well, It’s nice to meet you, Twilight.” She then reaches up for her helmet and unlocks it. From the pony’s point of view, they thought Clara was taking her head off, but she was just revealing her face. She had white skin with auburn hair and brown eyes. She smiles at them, relieving a bunch of fear in Twilight. “I am Clara.” she said before adding, “You seem friendly to me. Are you not part of the Covenant?”  “The…Covenant?” Twilight replied, her silence said it all. Clara sighed in relief before slightly turning her head to Maverick and Kieran, saying, “Alright, they’re not with the Covenant.” Kieran sighed as well while Maverick nodded to Clara. After that, Clara returned to the natives and asked, “Well then, can you tell us where we are?” “You’re in the Everfree forest.” Twilight answered. “A forest just outside our town of Ponyville.” “I see.” said Clara as she puts her helmet back on before standing up. “Maverick, these are the inhabitants.” “I can tell.” Maverick said.  “Well, what do we do now, Mav?” asked Kieran as he lowered his weapon. “Give me a minute.” the commander replied before turning around and putting a hand to his Commlink. “Eagle Nest, this is Zeta Squad leader Spartan-A776. We have encountered several inhabitants of this world. Over.” Eagle Nest replied, “Eagle Nest to Spartan-A776, this is the Captain. Can you confirm what the inhabitants are? Over.”  “Yes, sir.” Maverick replied. “They appear to be colorful equines that can speak English. Here. I’ll send you my visuals so you can see for yourself.” Eagle Nest remained silent for the next few moments after sending his visuals. After the next few minutes, Captain McCormick finally answered. “Eagle Nest to Spartan-A776.” the Captain’s reply sounded somewhat baffled. “Bring the…ponies to the Bridge. I would like to speak with them. Over.” “Yes, sir.” Maverick answered. “We are on our way back. Over.” Princess Twilight was confused when she heard a voice coming from Maverick’s helmet, laced with static and distortion. She and her friends begin looking around them, confused.  “Is something wrong?” Clara asked, noticing their confusion. “Where is that voice coming from?” asked Twilight. “It’s coming from Mavericks comm link,” Clara answered, which drew more confused looks from the ponies. “It’s like a two-way radio.” “A radio?” Twilight asked with disbelief. “But radios are big and bulky.” “Hmm.” Kieran stepped in. “They must not be technologically advanced like we are.” “That’s not good,” said Clara, glancing at Kieran. “The Covenant could wipe out this planet with ease.” “What do you mean wipe us out?” Twilight asked, her anxiety only increasing. Maverick looked at Twilight, noticing her scared expression. He could see her growing distress. He lets out a long sigh. Nothing he could say would put her at ease. The one who was best at explaining these sort of things, was the captain. He turns towards Twilight and approaches her slowly. “As much as I want to let you go,” said Maverick. “I have orders to take the six of you with us.” Twilight gave the three Spartans a shocked and surprised expression. “Take us with you!?” asked Twilight. “Why!?” “Easy there.” said Maverick while raising his appendage. “We’re not taking you as a prisoner. We need to learn more about where we are. Our captain needs to have a few words with you.” “Why can’t your Captain come to us!?” Rainbow Dash blurted out defiantly. Maverick looks at her, his visor not indicating any kind of emotion. “Because our Captain is a high-ranking official,” Maverick answered sternly. “We cannot risk him stepping out of the ship at this time out of fear of an assassination attempt.” His words were all met with gasps from the ponies. “Assassination!?” Rarity said as if insulted, lifting a hoof and placing it on her chest. “How absurd!” “Look, like it or not, you need to come with us.” Maverick sternly yet gently said. “Our survival is on the line if we do not know where we are.” “Will you guarantee our safety?” asked Twilight, narrowing her eyes. “You have my word.” Maverick answered with a nod. “Then… I will go.” Twilight said, much to everypony’s surprise. “Just you, Twi!?” Applejack asked with worry, which Twilight turned around to face her friends. “If you girls don’t want to come with me, I will not force you.” Twilight spoke with a reassuring tone. “But meeting with their captain may be a good idea for us, as we can also get information from them. I’m going with them, but you may come along if you’d like.” The other five Element Bearers exchanged glances with one another before turning to face Twilight. “Well, if you’re going to an alien ship,” Rainbow Dash said, “then so are we.” One by one, all of Twilight’s friends agree with each other, giving their friend a determined expression. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at their bravery. “We will all come.” Twilight said to the aliens. “Good,” said Maverick before turning around. “Come. Our ship is this way.” As the three metal figures turned and headed off in the direction they came, the six mares began to follow them. After spending the next ten minutes walking, the Spartan-IIIs and ponies reach the forest’s opening, right before the bridge leading to the Castle of the Two Sisters. As they step out of the foliage, their eyes widened. Resting several meters next to the castle in the gorge was the flying metallic vessel they had seen earlier. They could see the huge words spelling out its name, AD MELIORA. Inside and around the vessel, there seemed to be more bipedal creatures like the three they were with, but these ones appeared to be much shorter, and many were wearing different uniforms and armor. “The…Ad Meliora?” Rainbow Dash, once again, blurted out. “What kind of name is that!?” “It’s short for ‘Semper Ad Meliora’.” Maverick replied without even turning his head to look at them. “Which means to ‘push towards better things’.” His answer seemed to satisfy the mares, except Rainbow herself. Numerous tents and other structures were set up around the entrance to the ship, with some of the creatures running back & forth from the other stations. As they got closer, they saw the other creatures were not as heavily armored as the other three. They were able to see their faces. The creatures who noticed them looked at them like they had just seen the most incredible thing in their lives. Their eyes widened, their jaws dropped, and they all seemed to freeze in their tracks. “They…are staring at us,” Fluttershy said nervously. “They probably have never seen anything like us before,” said Twilight, “Like we’ve never seen anything like them.” “I knew it!” Pinkie blurted out, gaining more attention from the two-legged creatures. “They are Aliens!” “Pinkie,” Rarity quietly pleaded, “Please calm down, darling.” Twilight and her friends were led into the Ad Meliora, looking around, never seeing anything like this. The walls were bright and clean, with a few lights on them. They step into a glass tunnel, allowing them to see more of the Ship’s interior. The tunnel was above a large hangar, where the aliens were all over the place, marching in formation with mysterious vehicles all around them. Some of these vehicles ranged from four-wheeled metallic carriages with different devices on the backs, olive green double-rotor gyrocopters, to large bird-like airships. “Twi…” said Applejack. “Ah may have been ignorant about this up until now, but these aliens must be some kind of military.”  “Yeah…” said Twilight. A pit was left in her stomach upon this realization. She couldn’t help but notice how well-organized and disciplined the aliens were as she analyzed them from above. Once they exited the glass tunnel, the group trotted into another corridor before being led to a room with a word saying ‘BRIDGE’. They are led inside, where more of the creatures are busy at their own stations. They are led up front, where a single creature was looking at a huge screen with his back to them. Between them was a metal table that also had a screen on it. Immediately, Clara, Kieran, and Maverick lower their weapons and salute. "Captain McCormick, sir.” said Maverick. “We brought the natives.” Slowly, the Captain turns around to face them. "At ease, Spartan. Give us a little space would you?” asked McCormick. All three soldiers then step back, giving him and the six ponies their space. “Greetings.” the alien said with a polite tone. “I am Flint McCormick, Captain of the UNSC Ad Meliora. I would like to first give you my sincerest apologies for landing on your home world.” The six ponies look at each other, still confused about the situation. “I…guess it’s ok.” said Twilight before sternly adding, “Despite parts of this…large metal…THING… exploding and causing debris to fall onto our town.” “I promise to make that up to you.” said McCormick, sitting in a big chair. “And this is a Ship, a Halcyon class light cruiser, to be exact. currently one of the largest in our navy.” The Ponies looked at each other weirdly. This thing was a ship? But most Ships were either in the water or suspended using hot air. “Would you like something to drink?” Twilight was skeptical in accepting a drink from the Captain, but she felt like it would be seen as rude and could ruin the chance of getting some answers from him. “Very well.” said Twilight. “What do you have?” “We have water, tea, coffee, whiskey, or soda.” said the Captain. "I'll take a cup of tea please.” Said Twilight. The captain then presses a few buttons on the table before looking back up at Twilight. “Now that I have told you my name, could you give me yours?” asked Captain McCormick as he leaned back in his chair and pressed his fingertips together. “Of course. I am Twilight Sparkle; the Princess of Friendship.” said Twilight, much to the Captain’s shock. McCormick straightens his back upon hearing ‘Princess’. “Wait. You’re royalty?” McCormick questioned before exchanging a glance with Maverick, which the Spartan-III commander only shrugged at.  “My word, is that your castle out there?” said McCormick pointing to the Castle just outside the window. “No. That castle has been abandoned for a long time.” said Twilight. “Now, what exactly are you?”  "What am I?” questioned McCormick, raising his eyebrow. “I meant, what is your species?” Twilight recited her question. “Oh. We are called Humans.” McCormick replied, placing a hand to his chest. "Humans?” said Twilight. “I see.” "And what are you?” asked McCormick. "Ponies.” replied Twilight. “We are Ponies.” “Not horses.” Rainbow clarified again with an angry expression. She looks over her shoulder back at the spartan in white armor to glare at him. He looks back at her, but whether or not he made a face to her, she couldn’t tell because of his helmet. "Ponies? Well, that certainly is interesting…” The captain placed his index finger and thumb to his chin, soaking in that information. “Pardon my observation, but are all of you ponies? Some of you have different physical traits among you.” “Very good observation,” Twilight almost smiled before answering, “Yes. There are four subspecies; Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies, and Alicorns.” “Unicorns and Pegasi!?” The captain said aloud with confusion. “That… This cannot be a coincidence.” “Is what a coincidence, captain?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at him, confused by his sudden outburst. “Many of us have heard of Unicorns and Pegasi before.” He revealed, leaning back in his chair. Twilight was a bit taken back by that. “Really?” Twilight asked anxiously. “How could you know that?” “Well, Unicorns and Pegasi are merely a myth to our kind.” The Captain described, interlocking his fingers together. “Really!? Because humans are part of Equestrian Mythology.” Twilight was almost delighted to inform, almost. “Well then, that’s certainly interesting.” the Captain began to ponder. He looks past Twilight to observe her friends, noting how uneasy or a bit frightened some of them looked. This fact will have to be studied at a different time. “Again, your highness, I certainly feel terrible about all this. I again apologize for our intru–” “Stop right there, captain!” Rainbow Dash interrupted the human before stepping forward. “We don’t want another apology! What we do want  is an explanation!” She then placed her hoof on the table in front of her forcefully. Twilight and the other element bearers gasped at Rainbow’s hostile interruption while McCormick’s eyes widened. Meanwhile, the three Spartans behind them held their breath, ready to jump in after seeing her hostile outburst. “We want to know why you are here with an army! Are you here to invade!? Enslave us!? What reason could you possibly have that justified you landing here!?” Before any violent confrontation could occur, Twilight stepped towards the Pegasus with a stern look and said, “Rainbow Dash, please calm down. We’re here to negotiate peacefully with the humans, not pick a fight with them.” Rainbow Dash refused to back down. “Well, they sure seemed to want to fight us when we first met them! The tall white one back there pointed that stick at me! Said he was gonna ‘blow my head off!’ Sounds totally peaceful!” Rainbow said with sarcasm. Upon hearing this, Captain McCormick gave Kieran a stern look, narrowing his eyes. Kieran looked back at the captain again, his helmet showing no emotions. “Enough!” Twilight sternly said to the rainbow-maned Pegasus. “Rainbow, I’ll do the talking here.” Rainbow Dash only sighed in defeat before flying back to the others. “I’m terribly sorry about Rainbow Dash’s sudden outburst, Captain.” Twilight said to McCormick with sincerity. “We’ve been very stressed after the destruction in our town.”  “No offense taken, princess.” McCormick raised his hand to her. “To be honest, there is a lot of logic to her outburst. You have every right to be upset. I will have a…discussion with the lieutenant here about what happened.”  Kieran’s shoulders slump, and an audible “goddammit” was heard under his breath. “Of course. Although Rainbow Dash did bring up a very important question.” Twilight said, causing the Captain to raise an eyebrow. “Why exactly are you here?” The Captain gave a brief pause at Twilight’s question. After his soft eyes meet hers, McCormick finally lets out a long sigh before standing up and turning towards the screen. After pressing a few buttons, the Captain takes a few steps back. On the screen, a picture of a burning planet is revealed. Twilight’s eyes widen, as well as her friends, Twilight then looks over at the Captain, who stares at the picture intently. "This…was Reach. To many people aboard this ship, it was home.” The Captain turned to look at Twilight. “Even me, as I was born there. Now, it’s nothing more than a barren wasteland of fire and glass.” Princess Twilight only stared at the holographic scorched planet. “We fled from here almost 20 days ago, bringing every soldier we could, as well as a few civilians. I gave the order to fly in this direction, towards your planet. I…I had no choice. We were followed by a fleet of those who destroyed our planet. We have nowhere to go. We are in a war where we as a species face extinction. As this area was unmapped previously, I thought no life was out here. I was gravely mistaken, but we had no other choice.” Princess Twilight looks back at the captain, who hangs his head. Twilight then looks back at the picture of the burning planet. A wave of pity and sympathy hits her as she understands that the Humans have no ill will of being here. Twilight looks back at her friends to see their reactions. They were horrified. Fluttershy looked as if she could start crying at any moment. Rarity had her hoof over her mouth. Pinkie’s mane was slightly deflated. Applejack just looked on in shock, her eyes wide and mouth hung open. Rainbow Dash only looked at the image with widened eyes, frightened at what she saw. Twilight then looks at the Spartans. Their shoulders slumped, and they were no longer standing to full height. “Captain…” said Twilight, turning her head back to the sorrowful captain. “Your apology is accepted. I understand that you were trying to flee.” “Yes, we are.” said McCormick, sitting back down slowly. “However, may I ask… Who did this to your planet?” asked Twilight. McCormick remained silent for a few moments. After silently contemplating to himself, he finally answered, saying, “It was the Covenant.” “The Covenant?” asked Twilight. “Your soldiers mentioned them when we first met. Can you please elaborate on what they are?” Captain McCormick was silent for a few moments before answering. “The Covenant is a massive empire of multiple alien races united under a single religion. For unknown reasons, they believe mankind is an affront to their holy ideals, and for the past 26 years, have been systematically wiping us out in a genocidal campaign.” Twilight and the other element bearers only gasped in shock.  “...Genocide?” Was the only word Twilight was able to repeat. Equestria, probably even the entire world of Equis, had been living in peace for hundreds of years. The last conflict that required the movement of soldiers was almost 500 years ago, when the Griffon Empire invaded Equestria, starting the Equestrian-Griffon war. Even then, each side only suffered a few hundred casualties in total. No pony had ever thought of genocide. “...That’s…awful!” Twilight finally spoke out loud. “It is,” said McCormick. “No Humans are safe from their hellfire. Men, women, and children have fallen to their bloodthirsty genocide. They will not stop till we are all dead.” Twilight could not believe what she was hearing. “We have been fighting them for almost 30 years now. Billions have died in this war, and the end is in sight. Humanity is losing at a rapid pace. Reach was a military colony. As it fell, a majority of our hope fell with it. I have done my best to safeguard as many humans as I could on my ship to save them. But we were followed…and with them disabling our engines in that last blast, I fear this is where my crew and I will make a last stand.” said McCormick. “You’re expecting to die here?” Twilight questioned. “Yes.” answered McCormick. “The Covenant currently outnumber us, and  their technology is far more advanced than ours. Honestly, if they see you talking to me, or any human for that matter, that may be enough to put you in their path of destruction as well. “You should save yourselves by pretending we don’t exist. Leave us to the Covenant. Many of us knew the risk of dying when we enlisted. This isn’t your war, and I would be wrong to drag your people into it.” Twilight looks back at her friends. A lot of them were shaken up by the captain’s words. All without their knowledge, an entire war beyond the stars had been going on. A genocidal war even! Twilight couldn’t help but sympathize with the humans. They are the victims of an unspeakable war crime. They were fighting for their very lives, their right to exist. That is something she feels, as the princess of Friendship, cannot ignore. “I appreciate your concern for my species, Captain, but I will not allow an entire race to be eradicated,” said Twilight. The Captain gives her a side-eye. “Let me elaborate a bit more on who I am. My full title is Princess of Friendship.” “The Princess of…Friendship?” The Captain raised an eyebrow at that. “Yes.” the lavender Alicorn nodded in response. “It’s my duty to offer an extended hoof of friendship to all, I guess, that also means to aliens as well. And seeing as you have not been hostile, I can’t turn my back on you.” "That is very honorable of you, your highness, but I must insist.” the Captain replied. “I can’t help but notice a lack of technology in this world. How do you plan on defying the Covenant?” “Well…” Twilight pondered before answering, “We do have magic.” “I beg your pardon?” The Captain looked really confused now. "There is no such thing as magic.” “No such thing!?” exclaimed Twilight. “Yes. Magic is just a myth. Only seen in children's stories.” responded the Captain. Twilight looked over and saw a human wearing the same clothes as the other humans on the bridge, bringing them a tray with two drinks on it, probably the ones the Captain ordered. She gives the captain a side eye and a smirk. “Then explain this, Captain,” said Twilight as her horn lit up. The Human carrying the tray froze as the two drinks started to glow and then hovered. The Captain’s mouth slightly gapped as the drinks then floated over towards them. Twilight levitates her drink onto the table before her, but keeps the Captain’s floating directly in front of his face. “Here you are, Captain.” All the humans had turned to watch the display. Many couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Even the Spartans who had escorted them turned to look at each other. Though their helmets hid their expressions. The Captain lifted his hand and grabbed the drink right out of the air. He looks back at Twilight, who starts to use her magic to lift her drink up to her mouth and take a sip. The Captain looked back down at his own drink. He examined it, it was just a regular cup of whiskey with ice in it. No one on the bridge spoke before Kieran broke the silence. “H-How in blazes did she just fucking do that!?” Twilight’s eyes widened at the Spartan’s language. Many of her friends also reacted as Rarity and Fluttershy put their hooves to their mouths, and Rainbow Dash snickered. Twilight cleared her throat before speaking. “All ponies are capable of performing some types of Magic.” Twilight said before entering full-lecture mode. “Unicorns have access to a large variety of spells, including teleportation and telekinesis, to name a few. Pegasi, such as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy here, use passive magic that aids them in flying and controlling the weather. Earth ponies, like Applejack and Pinkie Pie, use magic inside them to increase their strength and agricultural abilities. Alicorns, such as myself, are the rarest and most powerful ponies. We harbor all three magical types within us.” The captain only slumps back in his chair. “That is insane. You can also teleport!?” "Of course,” said Twilight as she lit her horn again. In a flash she was gone. This causes the captain and many humans to look frantically for her. They all hear a whistle, causing all of them to look at the back of the bridge. There Twilight was waving to them with a huge smile. Her horn lit again and she was back in front of the captain. He flinched back into his chair, his eyes were wide, and he held his breath. "Good God!” McCormick exclaimed. “You can stop. My mind can only take so much.” The Captain took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. The ponies whisper and chuckle, finding the human’s reaction to magic quite amusing. "Ok… You mentioned earlier that there were five Alicorns, including you. Are they royalty as well?” asked McCormick. “Yes, actually. You have Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and my niece. You are currently in the country of Equestria, and Princess Celestia and Luna are the rulers.” said Twilight. "I see.” McCormick said before asking,  “What about the other two?” "Princess Cadence, who rules over the Crystal Empire with my Brother Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart is their daughter.” “I understand.” McCormick said before asking, “Where do you rule?” “That’s…complicated for now.” Twilight said with a slight blush of embarrassment. “As a Princess, though, I can make temporary diplomatic relations with you, but if you want to make it official, you will have to speak with Princess Celestia.” “I would like to do that as soon as I can.” said McCormick as Twilight nodded. “I can have that arranged.” said Twilight. "Good, good.” said McCormick. “I have one more question for you, Princess Twilight.” "Yes?” asked Twilight. "You called this country Equestria?”  asked McCormick as he sat forward. “What about this planet?” "It’s called Equis.” Twilight answered. The Captain nods his head in approval. "Thank you, Princess Twilight,” said McCormick. “I believe your words alone have drastically increased our odds at survival.” “It was my pleasure, Captain.” said Twilight. “Did you get all of that, Reagan?” McCormick asked as he took a sip out of his drink. “Um… Who’s Rea–?” Twilight asked before being interrupted by a red flash and the sudden appearance of a small human on the table they were using. “I did indeed, sir.” said Reagan. “This knowledge was most useful.” Twilight only jumped back in shock upon seeing Reagan. “What the hay!?” She noticed that he was transparent as he turned to look at her. “Who are you?” “I am UNSC RGN 0493-2. You may call me Reagan.” He bowed his head in response. “The A.I. in charge of the Ad Meliora operations. Towards Better Things.” "A-are you human as well?” Twilight asked. “No.” he answered. “I was created.” “Created?” Twilight was unable to fully comprehend what Reagan was. “Think of me as a sentient computer.” Reagan said, trying to clarify what he was. “I-I don’t even know what a computer is.” replied Twilight. Reagan looked over at McCormick, who let out a soft chuckle. “Hear that, Reagan? Lack of tech means you must have a Spartan chaperone with you if you want to leave the ship.” "That’s funny, Captain. See how hard I’m laughing.” Reagan said with a completely blank expression. “Always the one with comebacks, Reagan.” said McCormick as he took another drink. "Excuse me, I’m still confused.” said Twilight as she scratched the side of her head with her hoof. "All you really need to know about Reagan is that he is like a…how do I put it… like an inanimate object, but sentient. He can manipulate most other tech, especially on this ship. While we are talking currently, he is running the ship’s scanners, defenses, life support in the med bay, everything. He also is like the world's most compact library, housing thousands of-" McCormick was cut off by Twilight as he said the magic word. “Library! You just said Library!?” said Twilight as her eyes widened. "Well… yes.” said McCormick. "Oh boy, now you got her started.” said Rainbow Dash. Twilight leaned in closer to Reagan with a sparkle in her eyes. “You are a Library? But, how can you be with no books!?” Asked Twilight. "Everything is Digital Princess Sparkle.” Reagan answered. “Every bit of knowledge I house is coded in me. Ask me for any kind of knowledge and I will provide it.” “Anything?” Twilight wondered before asking, “What is 36 multiplied by 7, then divided by 2?” "126.” Replied Reagan instantly. "What is the atomic weight of the element Neon?” “20.138.” Replied Reagan, again almost Instantly. "What is the formula used to find the area of a circle?” “A = Pi R squared,” Reagan answered once again. Twilight grinned ear to ear as her eyes sparkled more than ever. McCormick chuckles at her, his turn to be amused by her amazement. “Though I would allow you to talk with Reagan as long as you want, I would like for you to notify, uh, Princess Celestia about my arrival here. I would desperately like to meet her.” said McCormick. Twilight pulls herself away from Reagan as she turns back towards the Captain. "Of course, sir. Allow me the honor of welcoming you to Equis.” said Twilight, gesturing her hoof towards him, which the Captain shook it firmly with his hand. He gives her a friendly smile. "Finally, some aliens who don’t want us dead.” said Kieran to his other Spartans. “Hush.” Maverick said to him before returning his attention to Twilight and the captain “Princess, as gratitude for your kindness, my ship is open to you and your friends at any time.” The captain waved his hand around for emphasis. “Thank you, Captain.” Twilight replied. “Once Celestia is notified of your presence, I’m sure she will welcome you to our society until you find the means of making it home.” Her eyes widened at what she had just said. “I mean…whatever else you need to go.” “Thank you, Princess. In the meantime, I will consider allowing Reagan to give you level-2 clearance when regarding his database. Aside from the classified stuff.” said McCormick. Twilight smiles at him brightly. As she stands up from her seat. “Come on, girls.” She said to her friends. “We need to tell the Princess everything.” They all nod at her and stretch as they prepare to leave. "Spartan-B452, Please show them the way off the ship.” said McCormick with a hand wave. “Yes, sir. This way,” said Clara as she turned to lead the ponies off the ship. As soon as they leave the ship, McCormick takes a long and hard breath and covers his face with one hand. “Sir, are you alright?” asked Maverick. “I hope to God I didn’t just doom an entire planet by choosing to land here.” McCormick said quietly. Captain’s Entry #2: We went to the Planet's surface. I ordered the ship to land on this planet to try and take on the Covenant using ground forces. We easily entered the planet's atmosphere, but the Covie’s were here within seconds. Out the front of the bridge, I could see a small town below us on the planet's surface. My god, this world DOES have life on it! And I brought the Covenant here! Before I could decide to pull back up and leave, the carrier hit us with a large focus beam, completely shutting down our engines. Fortunately, for now, the Carrier is back in the sky, watching us like a hungry vulture. But that town we saw, there has to be living here. Hopefully, we can repair our engines quickly and get the hell out of here before our war ravages this place. > The Covenant Has Found Equis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Covenant Assault Carrier hovers above the planet somewhere between the Troposphere and Stratosphere. The ship, which had been given the name ‘Fire of the Mighty’, sits in the sky, watching over the unknown planet. Many Sangheili are at the controls when the door to the bridge opens. Many turn as a rather large but gracious Sangheili enters, escorted by two of his best Spec-op officers, and sits down in the Shipmaster’s Chair. One of the pilots then approaches the Shipmaster before quickly bowing. “Shipmaster Khota ‘Mutamee.” The pilot said to the Shipmaster. “We have valuable info about this mysterious world the Humans have led us to.” “Do tell me what it is you have found,” Khota replied. He was clad in golden armor, similar to a zealot, but he wore a much bigger helmet. On the right side of his face was a massive plasma burn scar that covered his right eye. The eye in question was also cloudy, signifying it was blind. “This planet, and the accompanying space around it, is uncharted.” the Pilot replied. “Meaning this world has not been discovered by our great Covenant or the human forces, until now.” Shipmaster Khota became intrigued, so he ushered his subordinate to continue. “The planet itself appears to be inhabited by an unknown species.” the Pilot continued. “We were about to contact them when our forces made a shocking discovery. Despite the inhabitants having no advanced technology, they appear to speak the language of the humans.” The entire bridge fell silent. To many on board the bridge, this fact has left them confused, and somewhat angered. An unknown species speaking the human language is both an impossibility and an affront to their beliefs. Khota slowly leans forward and interlocks his fingers together. He was most fascinated by this discovery. “Interesting…” Khota said while interlocking his fingers, kkeeping his stoic mannerism. “Tell me. How was a discovery on this scale made?” “We were able to tap into the Human battle network for only a brief moment.” the Pilot answered. “Through one of their radios, we heard them talking to each other. I will play the audio for you now of what we were able to hear.” said the pilot as he pulled out a data pad. After pressing a few buttons, it started to play a conversation from a soldier’s radio. “Eagle Nest to Spartan-A776, this is the Captain. Can you confirm what the inhabitants are? Over.” “Yes, sir.” a voice the Shipmaster knew all too well replied. Khota let out a soft grumble as he heard the radio message as heard the transmission was coming from a Spartan. “So,” said Khota. “The humans were able to save some of their demons from their doomed planet.” “Unfortunately so, Shipmaster.” the pilot said. “And we can confirm this demon is–” “Commander Maverick; I know.” Khota interrupted before lifting a massive hand to touch the scar on his face. “I will never forget him, or the sound of his voice.” It was well known amongst the Mighty’s crew that their Shipmaster shares a history with the demon known as Maverick. They have had a few skirmishes for the past two years, but everyone else onboard knew very little of how they first met. “Anyway, we listened as long as we could before our connection was severed. But we were able to hear this.” said the Pilot as he skipped the audio to the moment he wanted him to hear most. “The Spartan led the native to their bridge, and the foolish human stayed at the bridge, allowing us to hear the conversation through his radio, have a listen Shipmaster.” “Would you like something to drink?” “Very well.” A feminine voice replied. “What do you have?” “We have Water, Tea, Coffee, Whiskey, or Soda.” “I’ll take a cup of tea please.” “Now that I have told you my name, could you give me yours?” “Of course. I am Twilight Sparkle; the Princess of Friendship.” Khota’s eyes widened upon hearing the native say ‘Princess.’ He clenched his hands into fists, his knuckles popping loudly the tighter he makes his fists. “The humans have already made contact with this world’s leaders!?” Khota stands up quickly with a loud angry growl and forcefully knocks the pilot onto the ground with a strong backhand. The pilot scurries away from Khota before standing up and retrieving the datapad. Khota began to breathe heavily as he looks down at his own fist. “Is there any more to that transmission!?” “No, sir.” said the pilot, now standing a few feet away from Khota. “That’s when our connection was lost.” Khota gave a disappointed sigh before sitting back into his seat. “Then, we must prevent these heathens from siding with the humans!” Khota shouted. “Send out the troops! I want no less than 20 lances on the ground escorted by a few dozen Mgalekgolo now! Attack their puny ship, and send a squad to deliver a message to this, Princess Twilight Sparkle, that they are not to intervene or we shall decimate her planet as well!” The Pilot nods before going to his station to relay the command to the rest of the ship. “Forgive me, Shipmaster,” Jykan, one of Khota’s Spec-Op officers spoke up, “but why show mercy to this planet? Why not destroy them now while we are here?” Khota turned to look at Jykan “Because, we are too far away from the rest of the armada.” Khota answered with a calm tone. “We cannot signal for any backup if we were to glass this planet. Only until our fleet gets closer will the fate of this planet be decided.” Khota sits back down in his chair before interlocking his fingers again. “Besides, I wish not to start destroying this planet until we confirm whether or not any evidence of our gods have been here. We destroy anything sacred, we would be tried for heresy, and I worked too hard to please our gods for them to forsake me now!” “I understand, sir.” Jykan replied with a bow. Khota then looks at the Spec-ops Officer before speaking again. “I want you down there as well, Jykan. You and your squad shall lead and spearhead this attack.” “Very well, Shipmaster. I shall not disappoint you.” said Jykan as he turned to leave. “You best hope you don’t.” said Khota turning back to face the front of the ship. Ponyville… Twilight and her friends had just gotten back to Ponyville after visiting the Ad Meliora. They look around as some ponies had already started to clean up the litter left by the destruction earlier. Twilight then sees Spike approaching her and the others with Starlight. “Twilight!” Spike joyfully exclaimed before hugging the lavender alicorn. “You’re back! Did you find where that huge flying thing landed?” “We sure did.” said Twilight with a less than excited tone. “And something tells me whatever you found wasn’t good.” said Starlight. “To be honest, not really.” Twilight said with a smile. “It turned out to be a Spaceship.” “A spaceship?” both Starlight and Spike said in unison. “Uh-huh, and we met…” Pinkie dramatically paused. “AAALLLIIIEEENS!” “Aliens!?” Spike exclaimed as his eyes widened. “Aliens are real and I missed out on it!?” “It’s okay, Spike.” Twilight said while comforting her assistant. “You’ll probably get to see them soon. They were rather friendly and cordial…  And have been through a lot.” “What kind of aliens were they?” asked Starlight. “You won’t believe this,” said Twilight. “but they were Humans!” “Humans!?” Starlight exclaimed in disbelief. “But…Humans are just a myth!” “I thought so too! But they fit the description of them, and their captain even called themselves that! Not only are Aliens real, but so are humans!” "Twilight?” asked Spike. "Can you imagine the book I’m gonna write from this!?” Twilight said loudly. “It’s going to be fantastic!” “Twilight!?” “I could learn so much from them!” “Twilight!!” Spike exclaimed, snapping the Alicorn out of her fantasizing. “Oh, sorry.” said Twilight. “What’s up?” “There’s still one more question.” Spike answered. “Why are the humans here?” Twilight opened her mouth to reply as if to respond but she hesitated. The image of the burning Planet resurfaced in her mind. She hadn’t taken the moment to dwell on that fact. Spike flaps his wings so that he is level with Twilight’s face and began knocking on Twilight’s head. “Hello? Equis to Twilight, focus back to us.” “Twilight?” Starlight asked the lavender Alicorn. “You okay?” “…From what the humans told us,” said Twilight, “they were fleeing.” “Fleeing?” Spike asked. “Fleeing from what?” Twilight let out a long sigh, her friends behind even became a little uncomfortable. “The humans told us they are currently in an intergalactic war, a war of genocide.” said Twilight. “…Genocide?” Starlight asked as Spike’s eyes widened. “Yes. An alien religious cult known as the Covenant has deemed the humans unworthy of existing in the name of their gods. So they have been wiping out all known humans in…our whole galaxy.” Twilight continued. The two almost couldn’t believe what they were hearing. “Captain McCormick said they target all humans no matter how old… or how young… he even showed us the planet they had escaped from. All it was…just a ball of fire and rock. I don’t know what it looked like before… but it was awful to look at.”  Everything seemed to grow quiet after Twilight, filling in the two on what they had learned. “What are they doing now?” asked Spike finally breaking the silence. “They said their ship was damaged,” said Twilight. “So I imagine they will be staying here for the time being.” "You think that’s a good idea?” asked Starlight. “Whether it is, or isn’t…” Twilight began, “they have nowhere to go Starlight. They’re refugees. I can’t imagine the kind of pain they are all in. Just imagine if we were in their horseshoes, what if it was our planet on fire?” That thought alone sent shivers down everypony’s spine. Twilight then looks at Spike as she had almost forgotten something. “Spike, did you receive a response from Princess Celestia yet?” asked Twilight. “Oh! Yes, it arrived almost an hour ago, shortly after you left. Here you go.” said Spike as he handed her a scroll and she began reading it. Dear Twilight, Your message was deeply disturbing, but very informative. I had sensed some sort of shockwave here at the Canterlot Palace before your message had arrived. When I stepped out to see what it may have been, all I could see was a massive floating object in the sky. I was making preparations to investigate until I received your letter. I am unaware of this “Second Object” and I will be coming to Ponyville immediately with Luna. I want to hear your full report when I arrive. Your’s truly, Princess Celestia Twilight lets out a sigh of relief upon learning that the Princess was on her way. This would be easier to get her to meet with Captain McCormick. “Princess Celestia is on her way here.” said Twilight, which everypony seemed to have perked up hearing that. “Normally, I would say we should make the town presentable for her arrival, but…” she looks back to the town, most houses still in shambles. “that wouldn’t be possible.” “Yeah.” Applejack agreed wil. “It’d be best if we just wait ‘ere.” “I feel like we should be doing something.” said Rainbow Dash. “What is there for us to do?” Twilight asked. Before the eight friends could suggest any ideas, they were startled when Pinkie suddenly screeched, “TWITCHY TAIL!!!!” “P-Pinkie! What the hay!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “My tail’s twitching and my knee’s pinching!” Pinkie exclaimed, much to everypony’s worry, as that only meant one thing. “S-Something’s gonna fall!? Spike asked with a worried tone. “But what!?” Starlight is heard gulping hard. “M-Maybe it’s that!” Starlight yelled while pointing up with her hoof. The Mares and dragon all looked to where she was pointing. Coming right for them was another flying aircraft, but this one was much smaller than the others. It was an ovalish shaped craft, with purple plating on top, and silver on the bottom. It came to a point near the front, and had two turbine engines in the front. It almost looked like a turtle, and something long and glowing slightly hung down at the bottom that was turning from side to side. It approached them fast and seemed to be heading right towards them. The aircraft starts to pull up to stall and begins to hover in the air. The ponies stared at the strange aircraft in awe, but they could see more coming, a whole bunch more. However, they continue to fly and quickly pass Ponyville with lightning speed, going into the Everfree Forest. The ponies turn back at the single one hovering over their town square it began to open up on it’s sides. That’s when they see a new group of aliens jump out of the craft and land on the ground. They could see three types of aliens exiting the craft. The first 10 aliens to exit the purple vessel were short and stubby, standing roughly at the height of a pony, but still walked on two legs. They possessed a pair of oversized forearms, each having at least four fingers. These aliens appeared to be wearing strange sets of armor with glowing textures, compared to the humans the ponies met; the first being orange with a vaguely pyramid-like shape, the other being red with two prongs jutting out from the wearer’s back. Each of these small aliens also wore gray masked around their mouths, which left their eyes exposed. There were at least ten of these small aliens; eight orange ones, and two red ones. The next four aliens to jump out resembled bipedal avians, but lacked any feathers. They possessed elongated heads with bulbous eyes and beak-like snouts, along with plumes of spiny quills at the back of the head and elbows, and digitigrade legs, allowing these aliens to stand significantly taller than the shorter ones. These four bird-like aliens were wielding glowing wrist-mounted shields that were bigger than their entire bodies. The final two aliens, one crimson and one blue, were the most imposing, as they towered over the rest of the group. Not only were these last aliens bipedal, but digitigrade as well, lumbering along on three toes and possessed four-clawed hands. From the small skin exposed on them, they appeared to be reptilian. Had they possessed wings and a tail, Twilight would’ve assumed they were some unknown breed of dragon. The ponies stood still as many of the town’s residences also stopped what they were doing to see the aliens get out. Though they didn’t run, they were very cautious and gave the aliens plenty of room. The smaller aliens pointed strange devices at the ponies, but the alien in crimson armor seemed to bark an order at them, causing them lower their arms. That’s when the alien in red armor began to look around, counting all the ponies. “Which of you is Princess Twilight Sparkle!?” the red alien spoke in deep, guttural Ponish, revealing it’s mouth had four-hinged mandibles rather than a lower jaw. Many ponies began whispering to themselves while many were frightened by the alien. After nopony said anything, the alien then let out a loud frustrated growl before speaking again. “Reveal yourself, Princess! NOW!” Out of fear of making the Alien angrier, Twilight stepped forward. The Alien looks at her till she is standing right in front of him. “I-I am Princess Twilight Sparkle…” Said Twilight. "What is it that you want?” The alien in red looks to his blue companion, he chuckles before turning back to her. “This is what I want, ‘Princess’” He mockingly answered, then very quickly grabs Twilight by her neck, giving her no time to react. Her friends and many other ponies gasp as he then lifts her into the air by her throat. He squeezes tightly, causing her to gasp for air. “Twilight!” Spike yelled in horror. The alien only chuckled at her attempts to get away. He pulls her closer till she is right in his face.  Twilight could see all the teeth on his mandibles, and his vertical eyes had a look of death. He then reaches for a device on his hip, and with a flick, a large glowing sword appears from the device. He held it up to her face as she could feel the heat radiating off of it. “I have a message for you, ‘Princess’ from my Shipmaster.” He began to say as Twilight continued to gasp for air. “You and your species are to stay away from the humans! Their annihilation is the will of our gods, and we will not hesitate to do the same to you and your pathetic race if you get in our way!”  Twilight’s face began to turn blue as he continued to squeeze her throat. Once again, the alien only chuckled at her, finding amusement in her suffering. He then suddenly lets her go, causing her to fall to the ground with a hard thud. She gasps loudly, sucking in a large quantity of air. Without warning, he then delivers a hard kick to her side, a few cracks are heard as intense pain grew across Twilight’s side and chest. The kick sent her flying towards her friends and rolling on the ground. "TWILIGHT!” The Element bearers, Spike and Starlight yelled as they scrambled towards her. The lavender Alicorn held her side as she tried to suck in large gulps of air, but the sharp pain prevented her from taking anything larger than short breaths. By now, all the aliens had begun laughing at her. “Allow me to make this message clear, not just to you, ‘Princess,’ But to all of you!” The crimson alien said, now turning to talk to all the ponies standing in watching. “Allow me to elaborate on what will come if you are found anywhere near the humans!” The alien then barked a new order, causing the small aliens to chuckle maniacally. They aimed their devices again, and from all of them, a green glow begins to emanate from them. “That doesn’t look good!” Starlight yelled when they suddenly released their charge, firing large balls of hot plasma at the pony’s hooves, striking the ground in front of them. The grass instantly caught fire where the plasma hit, sending the ponies into a frenzy. They began screaming and running as more blasts from their devices struck buildings, market stands, and some hay bales, setting them all a light. “What they hay are they doing!? yelled Rainbow Dash. “Who are they!?” “They… must be… The Covenant!” Twilight said in between her painful breaths. The blue alien then pulls out his own sword device and approaches the fountain in the square. with one swift motion, his blade cuts the Ponyville statue in half cleanly and he pushes the top half onto the ground. He and the red one began to also laugh at the destruction they were causing. “That’s it!” Rainbow yelled as she then darts towards the blue alien. “Rainbow, No!” yelled Applejack. Flying as fast as she could, Rainbow Dash plants her hoof in the side of the blue alien’s face. Small electrical jolts surround him, but quickly shatters as he is then knocked down to the ground. The crimson one turns to her and lets out a loud growl. “You want some too, punk!?” said Rainbow Dash as she darts towards him as well. She is then stopped in midair as he catches her in his grasp, again by the throat. “You dare attack us, creetin!” said the red alien lifting up his sword.  He was seconds away from plunging it in her gut when Applejack ran towards them. She skidded to a halt before quickly turning around and bucking his leg hard. Another aura surrounds him, but Applejack’s hooves break through and hit his leg. The force of her buck causes a loud snapping sound coming from the alien’s leg. He lets out a loud yell as he then drops Rainbow Dash. She takes a second to catch her breath before flying away. The alien falls to his knee as he holds his injured leg. From his other side he pulls out another device like the smaller aliens were holding, but it was larger. He aimed it at Applejack as she backs away, she could see the fury in his eyes as he began to fire, shooting large blue plasma balls at her. She closes her eyes and braces for impact, but the plasma hits a shield. She looks back to see Starlight stepping forward and using her magic to hold up a magical shield. The blue alien had just now gotten up and turned towards his companion. He steps forward with the same weapon aimed at them. He roars at them as he too was about to fire, that’s when a large mass from the sky shadows the both of them. They look up to see two large alicorns like Twilight in the sky. they both land with force landing in between them and Starlight. They glare at the two aliens with anger in their eyes. It was Celestia and Luna, the two aliens were taken back by them, as they were larger than any other pony around them. “We give you this one chance to leave peacefully!” yelled Celestia.  “If you choose to stay, you will be severely punished!” said Luna. "Ha! What can you do to us, vermin!?” said the blue alien as he stepped closer. Without hesitation, Celestia fired a blast of magic from her horn at the alien. It punches through his shields with ease and shoves him back quite a bit. He looks down at his armor, and sees that it has been slightly melted. The alien then glares at the two alicorns again. “We gave you a decision. What is your choice!?” demanded Celestia. The two aliens then whisper to each other. with no other choice the red alien called for the smaller ones to retreat. They fall back in formation around their leaders as the craft they arrived in then hovers above them. A hatch opens up underneath the ship as one by one they begin to rise up into it through the grav lift. The last one to leave was the red alien, who was still on one knee. He glares at the princesses until finally ascending into the aircraft, which then turns around and heads back up into the sky.  The town still has some small fires, but the bigger ones had already been snuffed out as the Princesses then turn approach the eight friends. Celestia sees her former student on the ground, who appeared to be having some trouble breathing. “Are you alright, Twilight?” She asked, genuinely concerned for her fellow Princess. “He… kicked me…” Twilight replied. “Can… hardly… breathe.” “It sounds like he has broken some of your ribs.” replied Luna. “We shall prepare an advanced healing spell at once!” Luna’s horn began to glow and she lowered it to Twilight. Some cracks are heard, as the spell repairs the ribs as they snap back into place. When she was done, Twilight could finally take in a deep breath. “Thank you… Luna.” Twilight said as she began to stand up. “You are most certainly welcome, Twilight.” said Luna who looked a little drained after performing the spell. “What in the name of me is going on here, Twilight?” Celestia asked while trotting up to her former student. “We were on our way to Ponyville when we saw those creatures destroying the village." “It was the Covenant!” Twilight replied, much to Celestia and Luna’s confusion. “The what?” Luna asked. “The Covenant!” Twilight responded. “It’s who the humans warned us about!” “Humans?” Celestia replied dumbfoundedly. “On Equis? That’s very unlikely, Twilight.” “It’s true! We found Humans on that other ship I told you about in my letter! They crashed near your old castle in the Everfree Forest!” Twilight pointed towards the castle as they all turned to look in that direction. To their surprise, coming from that direction sounded like some explosions and other noises. “Oh no… The Humans! We saw more of those aircrafts heading right for them! They must be under attack!” said Twilight as she broke into a sprint back towards the forest.  “Twilight! What are you doing!?” Celestia yelled as she and the others began to chase after her. “We have to help them!” Twilight yelled. "We have to help the Humans repel the Covenant!” > Battle for the Everfree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight continues to run deeper into the Everfree forest, towards the sound of explosions. She could see flashes of blue and green light coming from the trees above as she continued down the dirt path. Her friends, including the Princesses were hot on her tail, shouting for her to slow down so that they could talk to her. All she could think about was how much the humans were in danger, if those monsters she met earlier really were the Covenant. Her trail of thought ended when she stepped into mud, slipping and falling. Her time on the ground gave her friends a chance to catch up. "Twilight! Celestia have mercy girl, can y'all slow down a minute?" Asked Applejack as she and the others approached her. "We can't because humans are in danger! Can't you hear all that?" Said Twilight as Spike helped her up. "I understand, but what exactly are we to do? That sounds like a full on war back there." Said Applejack. "Applejack is right, we can't just show up on a battlefield without any sort of plan." Said Rarity. "Right... I guess I hadn't really thought of that." Said Twilight. They all take a minute as they began to think of some sort of way to try and stop the fighting. Except for Spike who got his claw covered in some sort of bright blue liquid as he helped Twilight. He looks at it, puzzled by what it was. "Ok, we need to find a way to get each side to talk things out. I know the Humans have suffered greatly, but I believe we can help them move towards peace." Said Twilight. "If we can even get them to stop fighting each other for a moment. Besides, I don't think one talk is gonna stop them all together." Said Rainbow Dash. "I don't see why not, it helped with Stygian when he was the Pony of Shadows. A good heart to heart goes a long way." Said Twilight. "That's true, it also helped with Starlight here!" Said Pinkie as she wrapped a hoof around Starlight's neck as her cheeks started to become rosey. "Whatever idea you come up with Twilight, We shall help you out in any way we can." Said Celestia. "Uh... Twilight, what are you covered in?" Asked Spike. "It's mud Spike, never seen mud before?" Twilight Said Sarcastically. "...but what made the mud?" Spike asked. Twilight looked at herself and on the ground where she slipped. There was a pool of neon blue liquid that seemed to puddle in the middle of the path. "I... I don't know, that doesn't look like water." Said Twilight. "And no rain has fallen here in about a week." Said Rainbow Dash. Twilight began to follow the pool with her eyes, it led off to the side, where a bright orange metal object laid next to a tree. "What on Equis is that?" Asked Twilight pointed to it. "I... am not sure. i've never seen anything like it." Said Luna. Twilight used her magic to roll the object over so that they could see what it was. Twilight rolled it carefully, as she didn't know what it could possibly be. That's when her eyes started to widen as she could see that it had an arm, then she rolled it over completely, only to be met with a horrible sight. It was a body of one of the smaller aliens they had seen in town, holes littered its chest that was leaking out the blue liquid. Its eyes were unmoving and lifeless, and what seemed to be some sort of mask hung off its face, revealing the alien's gapped mouth. Twilight and the other ponies let out an ear piercing scream. Spike hid behind Twiligh,t and the Princesses only seem to flinch at the sight. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! Is it dead!?" Yelled Dash. "Is that blood!? Am I covered in alien blood!?" Yelled Twilight "BLECK! Get away Twilight! Don't get us covered too!" Complained Starlight "What in tartarus happened to it!?" Yelled Applejack. Fluttershy and Rarity had to excuse themselves as they both turned and began to vomit. And pinkie started to change green, but kept the contents of her stomach down. "T-T-Tw-Twilight!?" Said Spike Shaking violently as he was afraid. Celestia and Luna stepped forward and examined the body. They used their magic as if to give it some sort of check up. "Unfortunately, this thing is quite dead." Said Celestia. "I'm starting to think a Talk, isn't going to work out their problems." Said Luna as she stared down at the body. Both Celestia and Luna turned to face the group who were in total disarray. Applejack and Starlight looked scared beyond belief as Rainbow Dash had the look of intense horror in her eyes. Starlight looked as if she may be next to throw up while Pinkie still had a green hue in her face. Fluttershy was now crying as Rarity was trying to comfort her. Spike hid behind Twilight trying to shield his eyes from the sight of the body and Twilight was practically hyperventilating. Celestia goes over to her and with her magic, begins to clean the blood off of Twilight. This seemed to help calm her down quite a bit. "Thank you... Princess." Said Twilight as she turned to look at Celestia. "You're welcome Twilight." Replied Celestia. Twilight looks at her friends still in unease, she looks back at Celestia before taking a deep breath. "I still need to get to the Humans, I can't abandon them. Captain McCormick needs our help." Said Twilight. "Who is Captain McCormick?" Asked Celestia. "He is the captain of the Human ship, pretty much meaning he is in charge. I told him I get a meeting between you two, but right now that's not important. He was so nice to me Princess and he... he told me that their home was destroyed, burned to the surface... He talked about making a last stand here on Equis but... I can't leave him to die Princess. we need to help them fight off the Covenant!" Said Twilight sternly. Twilight's friends all turned to look at her, many shocked to hear what she just said. "F-Fight them off!?" Said Fluttershy. "Twilight, we can't fight them! You saw the kind of weapons they had in town! We can't beat that!" Said Rarity. This causes Twilight to look near the body again, as she thought, she could see the same weapon they aliens were using in town laying near it. She uses her magic to levitate up between her and everypony else. "You mean this one?" Asked Twilight. This causes them all to gasp except the Princesses. "Tw-Twilight! Please put that down! You could hurt somepony!" Said Spike. Twilight analyzed it, looking it all over to see how the alien could hold it. It was short and had a green light at one end. After figuring it out to her best ability, she aimed it at the ground behind her and pulled what looked like the firing mechanism. A ball of green plasma shot out, striking and burning the ground. This caused all the ponies to flinch. "Twilight! Are you seriously going to use that thing!?" Asked Rarity. "Well... I'm gonna try." Said Twilight. The ponies all look at eachother, even the Princesses as Celestia and Luna look at each other, their faces full of concern. "Twilight... you can't possibly be considering taking a life are you?" Asked Fluttershy. "No, I'm not going to kill them... I don't think I could kill anypony, not even the alien who kicked me. But I will still need it for protection." Twilight stated. "None of us have to kill, but we need to help safeguard as many human lives as possible! They are sitting ducks, and if we don't do something to rescue them, there won't be any humans left, and then we will have to deal with the Covenant on our own! And that is something I don't think we would be capable of! The humans have shown us kindness while these monsters have shown us hostility, and as the Princess of Friendship, I will not allow the humans to die on our planet! It goes against everything I stand for in the name of friendship! And as my friends, I know you share the same sentiment as me, now, who is with me!?" Twilight's speech did manage to raise their spirits a bit.  She was right, the humans even after losing their home to aliens, showed kindness and consideration to them, and to the humans they were aliens as well. They knew they couldn't turn their backs on them. Celestia smiles at Twilight's bravery and passion to save the humans. Rainbow Dash walks up with Twilight with a determined look on her face. "Alright Twilight, I'm in!" "Me too!" Said Applejack as she stepped closer. "Me three." Said Starlight. "Me four!" Said Pinkie. "I'm in!" Said Spike. "Count me in Darling!" Said Rarity. "I... I will be brave, for the humans." Said Fluttershy. "We have your back too Princess Twilight." Said Luna as she was smiling as well. Twilight smiled at all of them, she couldn't be prouder at them for willing to risk their lives for the humans. "Alright everypony, let's save some lives!" Said Twilight. They turned and began to run towards the Ad Meliora. The closer they got, the louder the sound of war got. They could see the sunlight as they got close to the edge of the tree line before it got to the gorge. They all had to slow their pace as the Covenant soon came into their vision, lucky for them, the Covenant had their back to them, firing their weapons forward. Twilight does a shushing signal to tell everypony to keep quiet. Her eyes widened at all the bodies of the fallen covenant the closer they got. Twilight moves far to the right side of the path to go around the covenant forces, now on the far right side of the tree line. She then motions for the others to hide behind a few trees as she peaked out to survey what was going on. Despite the losses on the Covenant's side, there were still quite a few of them firing towards the Ad Meliora from the tree line. Twilight could see the entrance they went in earlier. She could see many humans surrounding the entrance, firing back at the covenant with their own weapons. her heart sank as she could see some human bodies laying near the entrance. If only she could find a way to communicate with the humans. "Wait a minute..." Twilight thought. "Maybe I can!" She remembered when they first met the humans, they mentioned something about using radios to talk to each other. She remembered a certain spell that allowed unicorns to tap into radio waves using their minds. Pretty much using their horns as an antenna. What if she could use this spell and to try to hear the humans and see how she could help. She won't be able to talk to them, but she would be able to hear them, it was worth a shot. Twilight's horn began to glow as she tried to tap into the surrounding Radio Waves. At first all she heard was static, but voices did start to come through, as well as some music. She had to focus on one specific radiowave if she wanted to get in contact with the humans. She slowly used her magic to narrow down the waves, when she could finally hear them in her mind. "Eagle Nest, this is Zeta Team leader Spartan-776! I just lost contact with the squad in the castle! Requesting backup for a search and rescue op! Over!" "Zeta team leader, this is Eagle nest, that's a negative. We need you and the rest of Zeta to stay where you are and defend the entrance of the ship." "With all due respect Eagle Nest, our researchers and doctors are in there, along with many ODST's I can't allow them to die in there!" "You are to remain where you are, Zeta leader! We run a bigger risk of the Covenant overpowering us and getting inside the ship!" Twilight dispels her magic before looking back at her friends. "Ok, I have an objective. There are some humans held up inside the castle, if we can get to them, we could help them." Said Twilight. "Ya got a plan for us?" Asked Applejack. "Hmmm... I think I do." Said Twilight. "Alright everypony, listen closely. There are humans trapped in the castle, we need to get there. Rainbow Dash, Celestia, and Luna, I want you three in the air, this could be very distracting for the Covenant, but only take to the air on my mark, don't get hit while you're up there. Spike, You and me are going to make a mad dash for the castle, I need you breathe out some smoke to cover the entire path, The smoke screen will provide excellent cover. Once me and Spike make it, Rarity and Fluttershy, I want you to follow after, use your magic to make a shield over yourselves Rarity. Then Starlight, after they have made it, you follow after with Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Dash, once you see that we all have made it into the castle, that's when you and the Princesses join us at the castle. We'll find a way to escort the humans back to the ship once we get there. You all understand your assignments?" They all nod, it wasn't the most sound plan, but it was probably the best they could do. Twilight peaked around a tree and held up her hoof. "Ok... ok... MARK!" Yelled Twilight. Dash and the Princesses then took to the air and started to fly over the battlefield. They both could see exactly what was going on, The Covenant stayed just at the tree line so they could hide behind the trees for cover. The Humans had set up some metal barriers a few feet away from the ship for them to hide behind. There were a few bodies on the ground, and the humans looked as if they were backing up to go inside the ship. If they all retreated, it would give the Covenant a chance to push in right up to the entrance.  "Sister, it appears the humans are at a disadvantage." Said Luna. "Yes, I can see that, If we use our magic and fire it at the tree line, we can distract the Covenant even more, but that will cause a lot more to take aim at us." Said Celestia. "We should do it, we can handle whatever they throw at us." Said Luna. The Princesses then fly downwards near the ground and proceed to fire beams of magic at the Covenant. The magic is able to hit a few grunts, sending them flying backwards, but the elites either avoid the beams or have their shields take the brunt of it. The Princesses then flew up higher into the sky. Many of the elites are heard growling and shouting as they then began to shoot up at them. "Whoa, you guys really made them angry." Said Dash as she flew by. "That was the point, be careful Rainbow Dash." said Celestia as all three of them flew in different directions to avoid the shots of plasma. Twilight waited for more of the covenant to be distracted before making her move.  "Alright Spike, you ready?" Asked Twilight. "Yeah, ready when you are." He replied. "Ok... NOW!" She yelled and then quickly darted for the castle. Spike was close behind her, taking a deep breath before breathing out a big thick cloud of smoke. Though some shots were fired at them, they were nowhere close to hitting them, as the shot zinged past behind them. Twilight made it to the castle doors followed by Spike quickly after. The smoke he produced was thick and caused Twilight to cough. "Great job Spike, let's get inside and see if the humans are ok." Said Twilight. She opens the door and quickly steps in, she barely had time to see if anyone was there when she was struck by something solid right between her eyes. She fell to the ground on her back as the hit knocked her vision blurry. She feels pressure on her stomach as her vision starts to clear. She could see a black tube aimed right at her face, she looked past it to see a human holding it and a few other humans behind them pointing the same tubular objects at her. "Stay the fuck down Covenant Scum!" Said the one holding her down. "Twilight! Yelled Spike seeing Twilight being held to the ground by a human's foot. The other humans standing behind the one holding Twilight down then aimed their weapons at Spike. "Ouch!... H-hey! We're friendly... we're here to help you..." Twilight slurred as her head ached from the blow. "Bullshit! Why are you carrying a covenant gun then!?" Yelled the Human "I thought... I needed it... for protection." Said Twilight. "Tex, wait a minute. That is a native, remember when we were debriefed that the natives here were friendly?" Said one of the humans in back. The human on top of Twilight looked to the other humans before turning back to Twilight. "You swear you're telling the truth? You're not Covenant?" Asked The human who apparently was called Tex. He had an accent, like Applejack's. Twilight nods at his question. "Yes, yes I swear." Said Twilight. Tex removes his foot from her stomach and helps her up. She rubbed the area between her eyes, it was sore. It felt like she was hit by a baseball bat. "What... What on Equis did you hit me with?" Asked Twilight. "I got ya with the butt of my gun, I'm sorry. You just barged in, and you had a Covenant pistol... and you ain't human so I acted accordingly." Said Tex. "It's fine I guess..." Said Twilight, now getting a good look at him. He looked really similar to the armored humans that they had met earlier, but he was nowhere near as big as they were. "How many of you are in here?" Asked Twilight. "five ODSTs, Two Marines, and 3 doctors. Bastards attacked while we were checking this place out, they had us pinned down within seconds." Replied Tex. Twilight looks past him, there were four more humans dressed up as Tex, two humans in regular combat gear, and three humans in white coats sitting on the ground. "Well, I got friends on they're way here, We'll help you get to your ship." Said Twilight. "Much appreciated... miss...."  "Princess Twilight Sparkle."  "P-Princess!?... Aw Shit!" Said Tex. "Oh man, You struck the Princess the Captain spoke too earlier. You're so fucked when he hears about that!" Said one of the other humans. "Shut up Marcus!" Said Tex. By that time, Rarity had shown up with Fluttershy. They quickly run over to Twilight, they were out of breath and shooken up as they both hugged her. "You guys made it, you two ok?" Asked Twilight. "Fine... just scared. They shot the shield I had up!" Said Rarity. "Well, at least you made it, that's what's important." Said Twilight. "Oh darling, are YOU ok? You have a bruise forming on your face." Said Rarity. "I'm fine I'm fine, don't worry about it." Said Twilight. She noticed Fluttershy was hyperventilating. And quickly pulls her into a tighter hug. "It's ok Fluttershy, calm down. You're alright." Said Twilight. "I-I-I'm s-so sc-sc-sc-scared Twilight!" Said Fluttershy. "I know, but please try to calm down. We are safe in here." Said Twilight. By now, Starlight and the others have made it in, they too looked scared beyond belief. "Sweet Celestia! I don't think I have ever ran that fast in my whole life!" Said Applejack breathing heavily. "That was intense Twilight! How did you and Spike make it through without a shield?" Asked Starlight. "I don't know, I just focused hard to get in here." Replied Twilight. Not long after, The Princesses and Dash come in and forcefully close the door behind them. Twilight noticed Luna was leaning on Celestia pretty heavily. She approaches them quickly. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, are you two ok?" "I'm fine Twilight, but Luna was struck pretty badly." Said Celestia. Luna stood up straight and unfolded her wing to show a really bad burn near the base. "Oh my gosh! Princess Luna, are you alright!?" Asked Twilight. "I'm fine Twilight, it only grazed me. But I feel if it hit me straight on, it could have shot my wing completely off." Said Luna. The humans stepped forward and saw that one of them was hurt. "Hey, Tammy! Up front!" yelled Tex. Another human ran up to him. "Yes Sargent?" Asked the female human named Tammy. "Take care of the wound on that big one there, Plasma burns." Said Tex. "You got it sir." Said Tammy as She approached Luna. Luna watched Tammy approach her, They both seem to give each other a quick analysis. "Wow... You're big." Said Tammy. "Mind if I get closer to see your wound?" Asked Tammy. "Yes you may Human." Said Luna. Tammy got close to see the burn on her wing. "Whoa... This wing is longer than my arm! Ok, you don't seem to be hurt badly. I've seen worse burns than this." Said Tammy as she pulled out a bottle from her side. She pulls the trigger, filling the burn with some kind of foam. Luna seemed to relax as the foam gave her instant relief. "Wow, that already feels better." Said Luna. "Biofoam, best for burns." Said Tammy. "I'm sorry, is no one really gonna question that the natives on this planet are a bunch of talking horses!?" Said one of the other humans. "We're not horses! We're ponies!" Said Twilight. "And not all of us are ponies!" Said Spike. "And what the hell even are you?" Said the same human. "I'm a dragon!" replied Spike. "Dragon? You're the smallest Dragon I have ever seen dawg!" Said the human. "Hey! Eyes up, My motion tracker is going off!" Yelled Tex. All the armed humans quickly held up their weapons and began looking all around them. Tex turns around and looks down towards the back of the castle, where a large staircase was at, aiming his weapon. "You two, you have point! Go check it out!" Said Tex pointing at the two marines. They both nodded and began to walk down, deeper into the castle. "You bunch better stand behind us, don't want you stuck in the crossfire if the coveys are in here." The marines began to look around trying to find any evidence of anyone else around. They approach the large staircase and look up to where it leads. One of them began to climb up the stairs while the other stayed at the bottom. He gets to the top and looks all around him. He looks back towards the group before lowering his weapon. "Nothing's here sarge!" Yelled the marine. A bright flash of light is seen next to the marine on the bottom step. Suddenly his midsection exploded with blood going everywhere, he yells out in pain, startling everyone there. Twilight's eyes go wide as she sees the human's entrails begin to fall out of his wound. The light then slashes back and the human instantly stopped screaming, a few second later his head rolls from his shoulders, landing on the ground, boefore the rest of the body goes limp. The human on the top of the steps quickly aims his weapon at the light, but he was too late as his chest too soon exploded with blood, causing him to cry out in pain. The ponies take a few steps back, horrified by the carnage they were seeing. The worst part was, they couldn't even see what was attacking the humans. The human on the top of the stairs dropped his weapon as he was then lifted high into the air. That's when whoever attacked the humans began to show themselves. An elite began to appear behind the suspended human as he deactivated his active camouflage. He had the human impaled with his energy sword, the same swords that the other elites had when they attacked Ponyville. Another Elite deactivated his camo right next to the one on the stairs, and one more at the bottom who had killed the first human. There were three elites, two wore dark purple armor, while the one with the impailed human wore black armor. The human on the sword was still alive as he struggled painfully trying to get free. The elite then grabbed him by the back of the neck, and with one fluid motion, tore the human in half, right off his sword. The humans horrified by the spectacle all took multiple steps back, and so did the ponies. The three elites only laughed at the fear they were causing. Twilight could not believe what she had just seen. Never in a million years did she think anypony, or anyone could do such a thing to somepony else. And here were these aliens, seeming to laugh at the suffering, enjoying what they were doing. "Shoot the sons of bitches!" yelled Tex as the ODSTs began to open fire on the Elites. They all three reactivated their camos and quickly dive out of view. "Activating VISR!" Yelled Tex. The humans activate something on their helmets. That's when one of them yells out. "Right there! Bastard is coming right at us!" yelled one of them. All the humans focus on one area and began shooting. An elite was caught in all of their fire, ripping through it's shield and deactivating it's camo. The bullets pierced its armor and penetrated its body. The Elite quickly falls dead within no time, bleeding purple blood. "One down, two to go!" Yelled Tex. "We gotta find the bastards before we get out of here!"  "Fuckers came out of nowhere!? How'd they get in!?" Asked Tammy. "No idea, We gotta find them, split up and keep your Visrs on! That's how you can see through their active camo." Said Tex. He looks back at the ponies, barely even acknowledging their horrified expressions. "Stay with the doctors, we'll be right back." The ODSTs then quickly split off going down the many different passageways that were open in the main corridor. It took the ponies a good moment to snap out of their shock. "...What... the... FUCK!?" Yelled Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! language!" Said Twilight. "Twilight, I think what the fuck is a fitting expression to what we just saw!" Yelled Applejack. "That... THING!... Just tore that human in half! IN HALF! Who in their right mind could do such a thing!?" Twilight looks at her friends, she could see both Pinkie and Fluttershy were off by themselves in a corner crying. Dash and Applejack seemed freaked out, and Spike, Rarity and Starlight all seemed like they could bust out crying any second. However, she looked at the Princesses, their eyes never left the staircase where the horror they just witnessed happened. "Princess Celestia..." said Twilight. "This is a war that goes beyond simple disagreements. Whatever is going on between the humans and the other aliens, We were never meant to be a part of it." Said Celestia. "I fear for our subject's sister, a fate similar to the one we witnessed also awaits them, now that we have intervened." Said Luna. "Wh-What!?" Said Twilight. "You saw how efficiently both sides are armed to kill each other Twilight. We do not have such equipment. We do not have weapons that can kill at long range except for magic, and crossbows. Crossbows look like they won't even dent their armor." Said Celestia. "I don't think we could last long against this enemy the humans are facing.” Celestia's words rang within Twilight. She didn't want to admit it, but she was right. Each side had gear designed to kill that they couldn't fully comprehend. And now their world was caught within the middle of this war. She knew in her gut that they would be lucky if they somehow ended this war with a hoof full of casualties. But... the humans. For thirty years they had to suffer through this... losing their homes... their loved ones... and yet they are still fighting. She tossed the covenant weapon down before approaching one of the dead humans, using her magic to pick up his weapon. It was an M7 SMG. She examined it closely before Celestia approached her. "What are you doing my student?" Asked Celestia. "I'm... I'm still going to help the humans." She said. "Twilight..." "You don't know the things they told me Princess... what they had been through... I can't... I can't abandon them. They won't survive with these monsters here. They need all the help they can get... or they'll die Celestia... they will all die." Said Twilight. "...We will do all that we can to help you." Said Celestia.  Twilight turns to look at her and gives her a very weak smile. "Watch the front entrance, we can't allow those things to escape." Said Twilight as she quickly went through one of the many passageways that led to the rest of the castle. Twilight walked slowly and carefully. While carrying the human weapon, she also illuminates her horn as she walked through the many corridors. It was dark, and scary. She aims the weapon how the humans have been as she examines her surroundings. She tried her best to keep her breathing under control. Despite carrying the human weapon, she was still firm on her opposition to killing, but she knew she at least had to capture the aliens that were here. As Twilight continued walking, she swore she could hear somepony following her. She turns, but no one was there. She goes back to walking, but again there was footsteps behind her. She looks again, but still nothing. She was extremely skeptical, as she knew the aliens could turn invisible. She looks down at her hooves to see a rock. She looks back at the way she came and kicked the rock. To her surprise, the rock hit something that looked as if it wasn't there. As the rock hit it, it sent off waves across the area it hit, revealing the Elite in black armor for a split second. Twilight gasped in horror as she then saw the sword ignite out of thin air. She quickly turned and began to run blindly down the hall, she could hear the alien hot on her tail as she pushed herself to the limits. With no other choice, she aimed the SMG behind her and opened fire, she wasn't able to handle the kickback as most of the bullets went over the elite's head, but the bullets that did hit him, only made his shields light up, but never break. Twilight held onto the trigger til it started to click. "No! Nononononono! Why did it stop!?" Cried Twilight as she felt the foot of the alien kick her hard in the flank. She falls to the ground, losing her grip on her weapon. The elite deactivated his camo and slowly approached her. "You, you ignored my shipmaster's most gracious message. For that you will pay!" The alien spoke to her, she could hear the hatred in his voice. "Wh-Who are you?" Twilight asked shakily. The alien laughs at her in response. "I am Jykan! Sangheili Spec ops officer of the Covenant!" Jykan exclaimed proudly. "We honor the will of our gods, we are their instruments! And you have gotten in the way of our holy deed to exterminate the humans! You and the rest of your pathetic race shall now share their fate!" Jykan then thrusts his sword at her, she was able to quickly move out of his way as he struck the ground. She gets to her hooves and bucks him hard in the face, the kick breaks his shields and a crack could be heard. He lets out a pained growl as he is knocked back, his sword still stuck in the ground. Twilight tries to run, but the elite grabs her tail and forcefully slings her into the wall. Twilight lets out a pained cry as she then dropped to the ground. She begins to crawl away but Jykan was on her with in seconds. He pins her on her back and grabs her throat and began to squeeze. Twilight chokes as Jykan began to crush her throat. He then takes a knee, to balance himself more as he squeezed the air out of her. She looks up into his face to see one of his mandibles hung freely like it was broken. She then looks into his eyes, she could see the fire hatred inside them It was probably the most horrifying thing about him, to see how he glared at her. She struggles underneath him trying to get away, kicking and squirming as the elite presses into her more. He lets go with one hand, the other firm on her throat as he balled his fist and punches her hard. Her nose began to bleed as a second punch came. Her vision begins to fade and her face starts to turn blue as the elite grab her throat with both hands again. She could feel her muscles giving out with the lack of oxygen. She was dying, she could feel herself slipping as the elite continued to choke her to death. Boiling hot tears form in her eyes as she was losing hope. She began to slip into darkness, but as she did, she noticed a small light in the distance. She forced herself to look at it, behind the Jykan still stuck in the ground was his energy sword. With the last of her strength, she forced her horn to glow. The sword was surrounded by her magical aura as she pulled it out of the ground. Twilight quickly pulls the sword towards her and Jykan as she was about to black out. That's when the pained scream of Jykan was heard as he then let go of her throat. She takes a very much needed breath in as Jykan crawls off of her, she scurries out from under him, as she sucks in breath after breath. She could then see the sword sticking out of Jykan's back, her eyes widened as she realized it was her who plunged it into his back. Jykan crawls a few more feet before collapsing onto the ground, She watches as his breathing begins to slow, till he stops all together. Twilight curls herself into a ball and begins to cry. The weight of the moment hit her and she began to cry harder. She was crying hard enough to mask the sound of approaching footsteps.  "Jesus Christ..." came a voice that startled her into looking up, She saw Tex standing there, holding a shotgun as he looked down  at the body of Jykan. "Did you do that to em?" Though Tex sounded impressed, this only caused Twilight to continue her crying. Tex knelt down to her, gently placing his hand on her back. He rubbed her back to comfort her as she continued to cry. She cried for a good 5 minutes before she started to calm down. "There you go, got it all out?" Asked Tex. "n-no..." Replied Twilight. "I understand, the first time is always... rough." Said Tex. "Come on, I'll get you out of here." Tex then gently picked up Twilight in his arms. She was actually kind of heavy, Twilight was rather big for him. Even though she only came around his waist, if she stood on her hind legs, she would be about as tall as he was. He steps back into the main corridor where everyone else was, Tex's squad was already back and were talking to the group of ponies. They all turn to see that Tex was carrying Twilight in his arms. They felt like that wasn't a good sign. "Tex, What happened, is she ok?" Asked Tammy. "She's fine, just got roughed up a bit." Said Tex as he got to them.  He set Twilight onto the ground, who was able to stand, but she was wobbly. The other's gasped upon seeing twilight's bruised and bleeding face. "Oh my goodness! Twilight!" Said Rarity as she stepped to examine Twilight's face. "What happened?" "I... I..." Twilight stuttered. "I found her lying down, curled into a ball and crying. Next to her was the fucker in black, energy sword sticking out of his back." Said Tex. "No way, did she kill him?" Asked One of the other ODST's. "T-Twilight?" Asked Rarity. "Is that true?" More tears formed in Twilight's eyes, they rolled down her cheeks as she softly began to cry again. "He was going to kill me! I-I couldn't help it! He had me on the ground and he was choking me! I was going to die!" Cried Twilight as she broke down and laid on the floor, crying into her hooves.  Her friends quickly came in to comfort her, picking her off the ground and holding her tight. Though Tex wouldn't admit it yet, Seeing Twilight cry her eyes out from killing broke his heart. killing things must not be a thing these creatures did, like at all. To try and distract himself, he approached his squad. "What about the third elite, what of him?" Asked Tex. "Gone, can't find the bastard anywhere." Said Tammy. "Well fuck... Anything else come into the castle?" "No sir. Truth be told I think the fighting is over. It has gotten awfully quiet." "Alright, just stay here a moment." Said Tex as he turned towards the Castle door. He gently opened it with his gun and peeked out. He could see his fellow marines out of their cover as they went around gathering up bodies. The Covenant had indeed made a retreat. He breathed a sigh of relief and opened the castle doors fully. He waves his hand to a few of them to signal he needed some of them over here. He turns back and to see the group of ponies still comforting Twilight. he looked to his own squad as he shoulder his weapon. "Covenant's gone. Must have finally driven them off." He said as His squad shouldered their own weapons too. A rather large human stepped through the doors of the castle, one that Tex and the ponies knew, it was Maverick, covered in orange blood. "Jesus Christ, looks like you just went through shit's creek." Said Tex. "Damn right, and I didn't have a paddle." Replied Maverick Maverick and Tex give each other a hard and firm handshake. That's when Maverick noticed the ponies who were in the castle with the ODSTs. "What the hell!? What are they doing here?" Asked Maverick. "We had Kieran escort them off the ship about 2 hours ago!" "We don't know why they are here, they just showed up and wanted to help us, though... I don't think they can do much." Said Tex. Maverick looked over and saw Twilight in the middle, she was no longer crying but she had a very remorseful look on her face as blood and tears matted the fur on her face. "Fuck me, what happened." Asked Maverick. "Took down a Spec ops officer. She isn't handling it very well." Said Tex.  "Get her to the infirmary now. The captain is gonna wanna hear about this." Said Maverick. "Yeah, we'll get her there safe and sound." Said Tex. > As a New Alliance is Formed, New Enimies are Made > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ad Meliora’s Medical Bay Twilight was sitting on an infirmary bed, being checked over by a human doctor in her own med room. After assuring her friends that she was okay, they left her in the infirmary to see if any humans needed their assistance after the big battle. The only creature who stayed with Twilight as she got checked out was Tex. “Is she good, doc?” Asked Tex. “I… I really don’t know for certain.” Said the Doctor. “I know nothing of this species. If it wasn’t for Reagan’s scans, I wouldn’t know what to do.”  “Well, what did the scans tell you?” The ODST asked. “Nothing is broken from what we can see. Just a bunch of swelling.” Said the Doctor. “I can give her pain meds, but I’m unsure how her body will react. Will you stay with her to ensure she doesn’t have an allergic reaction or any other kind of reaction to the medicine?” “Course I can, doc,” Tex replied. The Doctor nodded as he pulled out a needle. He then feels around Twilight’s foreleg before finding a suitable spot for the needle and pricks her. The Princess only slightly winced as the Doctor injected her with some painkillers. “There, they should kick in at any moment.” Said the Doctor before turning to Tex. “I have some other patients I need to check up on. Notify me if she has a reaction. I will be back in a few minutes.” “Do what you need, Doc.” Tex replied with a nod. “I’ll watch over her.” The Doctor exited the room as Tex looked over at Twilight. She had been surprisingly quiet, not even saying a single word to the Doctor. They had cleaned the blood off her face, and they also tried to wipe the tears away, but every time they did, new ones took their place. Tex felt a lot of sympathy for the lavender Alicorn, and although he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he found her adorable. All the ponies were, to a degree, adorable looking, and seeing them upset tugged at his heart a bit. Tex fully turned his body to her and removed his helmet. Twilight turned her head to look at him once his helmet was off. He had light brown hair and a short full beard that connected. He had light blue eyes that almost looked gray and looked young, much younger than the Captain. Twilight felt herself relaxing, finally being able to see his face rather than a blacked-out visor. It could have been the painkillers kicking in; she really couldn’t tell. “You told me who you are, princess, so allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Eric Torne, but my friends call me Tex,” said Tex as he held out his hand to her. Twilight gently took hold of it with her hoof and shook it. “…Hello, Tex,” Twilight replied, saying her first words since getting to the med bay. “Why are you called Tex?” “Well, I was born on Earth, and because of my southern accent, my friends just started calling me that.” chuckled Tex. “Crazy bastards, I wasn’t even born in Texas.” Twilight gave him a puzzled look. She was confused on what he just said. “What’s Earth?” “It’s my home planet.” replied Tex. “But the Captain called it Reach.” Twilight responded, remembering her earlier conversation with the Captain. “Reach and Earth are two different planets, princess.” Tex answered. “They’re just some of many worlds Humanity lives on.” Tex lectured as he rests his elbow and leaned on the examination table. "Reach was just one of many the Covenant glassed, but few still remain.” “I… I see.” Twilight looked away for a moment as she processed that info before looking back at Tex. “How many worlds did you have?” Tex hesitated for a moment. He had to think of the total number of all the colonies. "We… had around 800 colonies before the war.” said Tex. “800!!!” Twilight exclaimed at the total number. Tex began to chuckle at her. “Yeah. Humanity had around 800 colonies spanning all over the galaxy. We inhabited planets, moons, hell, even asteroids.” Tex’s mood then suddenly began to change. “Now… I think we have somewhere around fifty left.” Twilight’s jaw practically hit the floor upon hearing the total number left. To go from over 800, to over fifty left. Just how many humans have died? “F-f-fifty? H-how…how many…” Twilight began to ask before Tex quickly cut her off, knowing what question she was about to ask. “Over twenty billion.” Tex said flatly. “Don’t… Don’t even try to comprehend that number… many can’t…” Twilight feels her chest tighten. ‘Twenty billion deaths!? That’s ten times the population of all creatures on Equis.’ This entire time, she thought just one planet had burned; she had no idea of the total extent of what truly has been going on.  Twilight looked back at Tex who wasn’t looking at her anymore. He had his head to the side as if to keep his emotions in check. The will of the humans was stronger than she ever could have imagined. “H-how can you keep going on?” Asked Twilight, her voice barely above a whisper. “How can you keep fighting?” “Well… I can’t say for every human. We all have our reasons… This one is mine.” said Tex as he stood up straight.  He pressed a button next to Twilight, and a metal shutter opened, revealing a window. Tex motions for Twilight to look out. She will never forget what she saw. The window revealed a hanger that was filled with human civilians. She placed a hoof over her mouth as the civilians lounged around the hanger, calling it home for now. She saw many of them hurt, crying, or in distress. She focuses her attention on a woman sitting alone, trying to comfort a crying baby. The woman’s hair was unkempt and messy, and her eyes were sunk in from crying. Twilight then looked over at a couple, a man and a woman, who were embracing. The woman seemed to be crying into the shoulder of the man. She was holding a dirty stuffed toy in one of her hands. She was clutching it in a firm grip as she was sobbing hard into the shoulder of the man who gently stroked her back. His face expressed an immense amount of sorrow and pain. Then Twilight looked off to the side, near the wall of the hanger. Laying down on the cold hard metal was a lone child. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years old, but he was all alone. No father or mother in sight to comfort him. Twilight felt her heart in her throat as new tears began to form in her eyes. She looked at Tex, who was looking out the same window, looking at the civilians. His face soft, and gentle. “This is why I continue to fight.” Tex said sternly. “My family is safe on Earth, but these people… these people have lost everything. Their homes, their lives, their loved ones, everything. Everything that they knew and loved is gone, taken from them by a cruel and unforgiving enemy. I can’t sit on my ass while this happens to people. I just can’t. That’s why I fight. I fight for others who cannot stand for themselves. I fight for the sake of others so that they can live another day. I fight to help others push Towards Better Things… Semper Ad Meliora.” Twilight could not believe the bravery Tex had, if this is how he felt, then sure most soldiers continuing the fight felt the same way. She was inspired, everything that she had experienced today, paled in comparison to what the humans endured. She was inspired, inspired to step up and pull herself out of her stupor. “…I’m so sorry, Tex. I’m so very sorry how much your kind has suffered.” Twilight said softly. This caught Tex off guard as he then looked back at her, a small smile beginning to form on his face. “To be honest, hearing that from someone who isn’t human… that truly means a lot Princess.” Tex smiled at her as he spoke.  She gives him a small smile back before letting out a long breath. "After hearing and seeing all this, it makes me feel kind of silly for… being so upset earlier.” Twilight looks back out the window a second time to watch the civilians. “Princess, there is no shame in feeling how you felt,” Tex’s words gained her attention again. “Your kind is not used to this kind of violence. What you did was justified; you don’t need to beat yourself up over that.” “I know… And you can just call me Twilight.” "Alright, Twilight.” They gave each other bigger smiles until the two were interrupted as the door opened and the Doctor stepped in. “So, any reactions from her?” Asked the doctor with his hands in his lab coat pockets. “Nope. She seems fine, doc,” Tex turns to face the doctor. “Good.” The Doctor said with relief. “Now I can let the others in. That jumpy pink ball of cotton candy wouldn’t leave me alone until I cleared her.” Twilight chuckled at his description of Pinkie. The Doctor steps out again as Twilight’s friends fill into the room one by one. “TWILIGHT!!!” Yelled Pinkie as she got right up in her face and began looking her over. “I’m fine, Pinkie. I am now, at least.” Said Twilight before noticing the group of soldiers they helped at the castle walk in too. In total, counting Tex, there were five of them. The humans walked to Tex, and all of them took their helmets off as now was a time for them to relax. One of the humans approached Tex and gave him a firm handshake. “How ya doing, Lance Corporal?” said Tex. “Just great, amigo, no thanks to you.” Said the other human, who had a Mexican accent. “You missed KP duty. We took care of the alien bodies.” Twilight looked at her friends with interest. “…Did you all help with that?” "Of course not!” Rarity said with disgust. “That’s gross and disgusting! We helped go around and made sure all the humans were okay.” “Good. Thanks for your help, girls,” Said Twilight with an exhausted sigh. One of the humans approached the Alicorn. He had dark brown skin and short black hair with brown eyes. “Despite how you feel, I need to give you serious props, Princess.” Said the human. “What you did back there was impressive. The Covenant sends in their spec-ops for deadly missions. They are very skilled warriors. You managed to take down one of their officers; that’s no simple feat. Bastard has probably killed many humans; you did us a service.” “I may not feel good about it… but thank you.” Twilight only cringes slightly at the memory. “I’m Marcus, by the way. Marcus Holms.” He said as he offered his hand to her. Twilight smiled and shook it. Tex quickly stood straight and began to walk around the other humans. “Aw, hell with it. Let’s just get introductions out of the way.” He said. “Yeah, that’s Marcus; he’s our demolition expert.” “Damn right, he is.” Marcus gave a thumbs up. “Need to blow something up? Come find me.” “Hi, my name is Tabitha Morgan, but I like to go by Tammy. I’m the one who helped your Princess when she hurt her wing.” Said the female soldier as she stepped closer. This Tammy had short ginger hair that came to her shoulders. She also had white skin and green eyes that reflected her friendliness. “I have training in medicine and First Aid. I’ll patch you up good as new on the field.” “Hola mis amigas. Name’s Carlito Torres.” Said the fourth human stepping up. He had tan skin and short black hair. “I’m the sharpshooter of the squad. I always got you covered.” Carlito gave a wink to the group. “Corporal Adam Stewartson.” Said the fifth human. He had blonde hair slicked to the side with blue eyes. “I have some experience as a pilot. I can fly any bird in the hangar.” After him, Tex finally stepped up to introduce himself to Twilight’s friends. “Master Sergeant Eric Torne, but you can just call me Tex. I specialize in close quarters. Never leave home without my shotgun. I also lead the ODST squad known as Whiskey-7.” The ponies exchanged hoof/handshakes with the humans after their introductions. Now it was the pony’s turn. “Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. I know your Captain has probably already told you about me, but what they hay.” Twilight chuckled. “Name’s Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow boasted. “The fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” “Applejack. I own Sweet Apple Acres just outside of town,” said Applejack. “Hiya! I’m Pinkie Pie! Party Planner Extraordinaire!” said Pinkie. “Rarity; fashionista and owner of Carousel Boutique,” said Rarity. “Hi… I’m Fluttershy, an animal caretaker,” said Fluttershy. “Hello, I’m Starlight Glimmer; an expert in magic.” said Starlight. “And I’m Spike, Spike the Dragon.” said Spike. The Humans were smiling until Spike said he was a dragon. “Dragon? You’re a dragon?” Marcus asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, yeah.” Spike answered as if it was common knowledge. “You look awfully small to be a dragon.” said Adam, kneeling down to Spike’s eye level. “That’s what I said earlier,” Carlito added. "Well, if you’re a dragon, can you breathe fire?” asked Tex while crossing his arms. “Sure can!” Spike took a deep breath before breathing out, spewing a huge ball of green fire out of his mouth. This caused all the humans to flinch backwards away from the fire. “Jesus fucking Christ, dude!” Carlito exclaimed, covering his face from the heat. “What the shit!?” Exclaimed Tammy taking a few steps back. Twilight almost couldn’t get over how much these humans swore. Swearing in public was seen as a taboo amongst ponies, but to the humans, not so much. Spike chuckled at the frightened humans. “This place gets more and more intense by the second!” Marcus remarked, looking to his fellow squadmates. “You have no idea how eventful things can get around here.” said Twilight. “Though I would admit that aliens landing on our home certainly is a new one.” “You’re just damn lucky to have survived said aliens.” Said a new voice at the door. Everyone turned around to see Captain McCormick standing in the doorway. Almost immediately, all humans stood straight up and saluted. The Captain walked in and used his hand to motion to the ODSTs to be at ease. Following Captain McCormick into the room were Maverick, Clara, Kieran, and the Princesses. Twilight perked up upon seeing Celestia and went over and hugged her. Celestia hugged back tight. “You need something, Captain?” Asked Tex, standing st full attention. “I do, actually. Me and the Princesses here have been having quite the talk.” said McCormick, looking to both the sun and moon princesses. “Indeed. I’m well informed of your situation now,” Said Celestia, turning towards the humans. “I must give you all my sincerest condolences. You have suffered more than anypony can imagine.” The humans only gave Celestia sad expressions and nods. The ponies only half-filled in, looked somewhat confused. “What do you mean, Princess?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I have arranged to educate you all later, but right now, that isn’t important,” Said Captain McCormick. Twilight looked away; a sad expression formed on her face as she knew exactly what the Princess was talking about, the fullest extent of the war from Tex earlier. “Allow me to shed light on what is. When you left after our first meeting, Princess Twilight, my engineers gave me a status update on my ship. Short story, the Ad Meliora’s engines are far too damaged to be repaired with the equipment available to us.” The humans looked shocked and began to look at each other, except for the Spartans, who already knew this information. “You mean… we’re stuck on this planet?” Asked Carlito as the pony’s eyes widened. “For now, I’m afraid.” McCormick answered stoically. Every human had  “But there is good news,” Everyone looks back up at McCormick. “Our comms are still fully functional. We are repeatedly sending out distress signals, but we are far out of range from any nearby UNSC ships. Our only hope at the moment is that someone gets close enough to hear us.” The entirety of Whiskey-7 and Zeta Team looked at each other with hope. “So, we are stuck here for I don’t know how long. Days, months, years…decades. It all just depends at the moment.” “However,” Celestia spoke up. “I am currently making arrangements to make your stay here, on my homeworld, as comfortable as possible. You are all more than welcome to join our society. My subjects will welcome you all with open hooves for the time being.” Celestia then gave a kind smile to the humans. “But that doesn’t mean we get to sit around doing nothing.” McCormick said. “While the Covenant is here, we are honor-bound to protect the citizens from all danger by the Covenant for their acts of mercy and kindness.” The humans looked at each other again one more time; they were all processing the information together. After a brief moment, they all turned back towards the Captain and the princesses. Tex then approached Princess Celestia. She was the only pony who was able to meet the humans at eye level. “Princess, I want to be the first to say this… Thank you. With all my heart, I cannot thank you enough,” Said Tex. He surprised everyone by bowing his head before her, showing his utmost respect and gratitude. “You are welcome. It’s my pleasure to help hurt souls like you,” Said Celestia, giving him a kind, gentle smile like a mother would give to a child. “You all here is actually a good thing because there is one more thing we discussed,” said Captain McCormick. “It was unknown to me at the time, but these six ponies are actually very important.” The Captain pointed towards Twilight and her friends. “How so, Captain?” asked Tammy. “They are part of a very strong magical connection called the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia answered first. “Elements of who-and-what now?” Marcus was scratching the back of his head. “From what I understand, it’s a very powerful set of magical traits these ponies have. It can be used as a weapon against their enemies to deliver a powerful blast.” said Captain McCormick, trying his best to describe a type of magic he has only learned about today. “M-magic? Uh sir, permission to speak freely?” Adam gave the Captain a weird look. “Granted.” “Do you honestly believe in magic? That’s kiddy shit.” Adam crossed his arms as his squadmates joined in with nods of their own. “Princess, would you?” asked McCormick, turning to her. A smile formed on his normally emotionless face. Twilight gave the Captain a knowing grin before turning towards the ODSTs. “I would be delighted to,” said Twilight as her horn began to glow. A bright flash filled the room, and suddenly, Twilight and her friends were gone. The ODSTs looked absolutely confused and in awe. “What the absolute fuck!?” Shouted Tex. He was only a few feet away from Twilight, and now she was just suddenly gone. “Where the hell did they go?” asked Tammy.  “Over here!” said Twilight. They all turned behind themselves to see Twilight and all her friends at the back wall, smirking and waving at them. “The… Fuck?” said Carlito. “Teleportation is one of the most basic spells,” said Twilight as she stepped forward. “Another is telekinesis.” Her horn lit up again, and an aura surrounded Carlito. “¿¡Qué!?” Carlito exclaimed as he looked down at his hands. He was then very slowly lifted up off the ground. The other humans backed away from him; they were all in total awe. Twilight then released her hold on him, and Carlito ended up falling right on his rear. “Ow! ¡Pendeja!”  The humans began to chuckle and laugh at their sharpshooters. “Twilight, that was amazing! How did you do that?” asked Tex. “Magic.” she replied with a smug expression. The Princesses were chuckling as well, and even the captain appeared to be laughing at the display. “Believe in magic now?” McCormick asked. The humans just gave faint nods as Carlito got off the ground. “Good, because these ponies have such powerful magic within them, I want you all to look after them.” “You mean you want us to be their bodyguards?” asked Tex. “In a way, yes, but it’s more than that. Since we could be here a while, this is also kinda like a cultural exchange. I want you all to be friends, learn things from each other.” said McCormick. “That goes for you too, my little ponies. The best way to help the humans to adapt to life here on Equis is to show them around and be friends with them. We’ve organized to help the whole ship of humans to adapt, but I want you eight specifically to be the ones to help test the waters on this idea. And while they learn from you, you learn from them… Especially their combat skills.” said Celestia. “What!?” they all exclaimed. “What I have learned from Captain McCormick disturbs me greatly. I have done my best to shelter you all and all my subjects from harm, I fear we may not be able to this time. My own soldiers will be learning from the humans to use their weapons and learn other forms of combat. You will need to learn to.” said Celestia. “Wait, integrating our armies… Does this mean…?” Twilight’s thought trailed off. “Yes, Twilight,” Celestia answered for her former student. “We are forming an alliance with the Humans.” Everypony and everyone began looking at each other. Allies, it was official. Humanity has its first extraterrestrial allies. “It is technically a temporary, unofficial one,” said McCormick. “To make it official, we would need a council of humans, but as there isn’t one, and I’m the highest-ranking human on the ship. I can at least start negotiations.” said McCormick. “Now buddy up, that’s an order.” “Kieran, Clara, you two do the same.” said Maverick. “We do?” said Clara surprised. “What about you?” asked Kieran. “I’m joining too.” said Maverick. “Besides, we need three more volunteers anyway.” The Humans all turned to the ponies, and both parties approached each other and started to pair up. Kieran paired with Applejack, while Tammy did the same with Pinkie Pie. Marcus got up with Starlight, Rarity complimented Adam’s hair, Rainbow Dash trotted up to Maverick, and Carlito picked Spike.   “Well, that leaves you and me, Twilight,” said Tex. “I guess it does, Tex,” said Twilight with a smile. Captain McCormick and Celestia smiled as they quickly made friends. “So, when do you want to announce this alliance to each of our people, your highness?” asked McCormick. “Perhaps we should do that tomorrow,” said Celestia. “Let your soldiers rest for today before we tell them this news.” “We would like to know more about your kind, Captain McCormick.” said Luna. “Of course, Princess.” McCormick replies in agreement. “Though, I am still curious about your kind as well.” Fire of the Mighty… Back on the Fire of the Mighty, troops from the battle had made it back to the ship, humiliated by their defeat. Shipmaster Khota continued to stare at a monitor in front of him. It had a list of names. Some of them were glowing red. He enlarged one of the names and continued to stare at it for a bit. JYKAN. He growled to himself in frustration. One of the doors to the bridge opened, and a Sangheili in purple armor approached him. He kneels before the Shipmaster before saying, “Shipmaster ‘Mutamee. I bring terrible news from the battlefield. Jykan has been slain.” “Yes, I know that. One of my most honored officers has died, yet here you are still alive. Why is that?” Khota growled at him. “Sir, you must understand, there was not much I could do. We had trapped a few human imps in a structure. We dispatched two of the filthy humans before turning to the imps, but they could see through our camo. They killed one of us while Jykan and I split, trying to get them to come at us one by one so we could slaughter the human filth. But to our surprise, a native came at us.”  “A native?” Questioned Khota as he crossed his arms. “Yes, Shipmaster.” Said the Sangheili. “The one called Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Khota clenched his hands into a fist. Clenched them so tight his knuckles began to pop. “She ignored the warning I gave her pathetic little town… Then she shows up to help the human imps!?” He yelled, fury rising exponentially. “That wasn’t all, sir. She was holding this.” The Sangheili shows the Shipmaster the human SMG Twilight had used. Khota widened his eyes. “Jykan challenged her to a fight. He tried to kill her with his sword, but she dodged and struck him. Jykan threw her into a wall and began to choke her to death. He was mere moments away from killing her… but…” “But what!?” Yelled Khota, wanting his subordinate to get on with it. “Shipmaster… I still don’t understand it. But Jykan’s sword was able to pull itself out of the ground, and it thrusted into his own back!” The Elite exclaimed. “What!?” Khota said, standing up from his chair. “Are you telling me that Jykan’s sword somehow levitated and stabbed him in the back!?” “Yes, Shipmaster, it is true of what I saw.” The Sangheili tried justifying his outlandish statement. “You better start taking me seriously before I slit your throat for your insolence!” Yelled Khota, believing that the Spec-Ops Officer before him was making a fool out of him. “I swear to you, it’s what I saw!” The Spec-Ops Sangheili begged Khota to believe him. “The Princess used a large protrusion from her head, it glowed a bright light, and the same light surrounded the sword. She managed to manipulate Jykan’s sword without touching it! Now that I think about it, she was doing the same as she held this weapon.” said the Sangheili, looking down at the SMG. Khota didn’t know if he should believe his subordinate or kill him where he stood. He did know one thing for certain, however. “Xala!” Yelled Khota. “Yes, my Shipmaster?” Said the Sangheili bowing before Khota, whose name was Xala. “As Jykan has been killed, you will take his place as an officer.” Khota spoke. Xala was a bit surprised by his sudden promotion but knew better than to question his Shipmaster. “Thank you, Shipmaster.” said Xala as he bowed again. “I’m giving you this position so that you may observe these natives and learn what you can about their abilities to manipulate objects. If they intend to help the humans, they will die with them as well. But if they are able to move things without touching them, I want to know everything about it so we are not disadvantaged.” said Khota. “Yes, Shipmaster. I will learn all that I can,” said Xala, standing up and quickly exiting the bridge. Khota sat back down in his chair and interlocked his fingers. “Whoever you are, Princess Twilight Sparkle, you have made yourself a very, VERY dangerous enemy today,” > Humans in Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early in the morning the next day, the Ad Meliora's hangar was full of soldiers and civilians. Some soldiers were watching the hangers through monitors as the hanger was too cramped to fit more people in it. Captain McCormick steps onto a platform that gets the attention of everyone in the hanger. Joining the captain on the platform were Zeta squad and the squad of ODSTs. The captain looked out at the crowd and let out a long breath before speaking. "Ladies and gentleman. I know these last few months have been complete hell, but our luck may have just changed for the better. This world, this planet we have landed on, It is inhabited. No, not just by the covenant, but a new race of aliens, they call themselves ponies." The crowd began talking to themselves, both soldiers and civilians. "Ponies? Is he joking?" "Like horses? Why would this world have ponies?" "The Captain has got to be going crazy." "Call themselves? These ponies can talk?" "Now I know that is hard to take in, but many soldiers have seen them first hand, they can attest to this." Said McCormick. "I am asking for a few volunteers, we will be heading into one of their towns to establish an alliance with them. They have offered their home planet for us to stay until we find a way to get back with the rest of the UNSC. I want a decent number of us there to show them that we trust them, and that we are to be trusted. Teamwork will help us repel the Covenant that are invading here. The rest of you will still see the union of our races as I plan to have it monitored by our camera drones. We leave in an hour, those of you who would like to come and meet friendly aliens, prepare yourselves." It was around noon at Ponyville. A stage had been set up front of the courthouse and a bunch of ponies were standing in front of it, talking among themselves. There were a lot of reporters there as Ponyville had been the site of a lot of excitement recently, and now the Princess was going to give a speech about "revealing" something. Twilight and her friends were standing behind the curtain on stage, they too were in discussion, particularly about a lack of something. "How long have you noticed the purple ship in the sky had been missing!?" Twilight Exclaimed. "When I woke up this morning to tend to the orchard, it was just gone!" Said Applejack. "That ship could be anywhere by now... what if they decide to attack another city!?" Exclaimed Rarity. "I don't know... I guess we are just gonna have to wait and see." Said Twilight After a bit, Mayor Mare walked up onto the stage, she cleared her throat catching the attention of many ponies. She had a big bandage on her head that covered the wound she received the day before. A few flashes went off from the cameras of the reporters. "Ladies and Gentlecolts. I have been asked by Princess Celestia to issue you all a notice before she speaks. We will be having visitors that want to meet us. Please no pony be afraid, as these visitors are not like the ones who showed up yesterday. We are to show them kindness unless threatened. Thank you." Mayor Mare said before stepping off the stage. The ponies only had a few moments to speculate who the "visitors" were till a large mass began to spill out approaching the town, out of the direction of the Everfree forest. Human Civilians and soldiers slowly walk into town, being very cautious as they approach. The ponies couldn't believe their eyes at what they were seeing. None of them had ever seen a human before, many didn't even know what a human was. They were bug eyed as the group of humans began to approach the group of ponies in the middle of their town. Whispers from the ponies began to be shared around "Who... what are they?" "They look like... hairless monkeys." "They look similar to the monsters that attacked yesterday." "Mommy... I'm scared." As the humans were led into town, they all eyed the architecture of the houses. They looked like a normal houses, just smaller, and made of wood and hay. But as the humans got closer to the middle of town, many were shocked by what they saw. A bunch of brightly colored ponies. That's when the humans started whispering to each other. "Dude... the captain wasn't lying." "Why do they look like that? They look like desserts." "This is weird... this is like something out of a children's book." "They look friendly, kinda adorable too." The group of humans stop a few feet away from the group of ponies, both sides seeming to check each other out. The ponies were fascinated, but the humans were cautious. The reporters began taking pictures of the humans, as weird floating cameras approached the ponies, getting a good look at them. No one dared to step closer to each other, as both sides were still unsure of each other. Most of their attention changed to the stage in front of the courthouse as Twilight had stepped forward. "Everypony! Please welcome Princess Celestia!" Said Twilight as she quickly took a step back. The humans look at each other, did she really just speak English? They're thoughts were cut off when Princess Celestia finally appears from behind the curtain and walks on stage. She was escorted by a few guard ponies, as they were finally called to Ponyville, as well as Twilight's friends counting Spike and Starlight. The ponies were quick to turn and bow at her presence as many of the humans look on at her in awe. Princess Celestia looks at the humans and gives them a warm and gentle smile.  On the right side of the stage was a ramp, and the ODST squad and Zeta squad walked in formation up the ramp, they stop half way and turn towards the crowd. The ponies by now have all started standing up and began looking at the humans on the stage.  "ATTENTION!" Yelled Maverick. His loud voice startled many of the ponies. "Captain on deck! Present Arms!" Every one of the humans on stage quickly salutes. Captain McCormick walks past them as he walks up on stage. He had his hands behind his back. Many of the soldiers in the crowd had also started saluting as the ponies continued to shift their glances from the captain, to the crowd of humans. when the Captain has walked past, they all then lowered their hands Captain McCormick stepped up to Celestia who turned to face him. Captain McCormick then bows his head to Celestia, to show her his respect. The humans were a bit shocked to see their Captain bow to the princess, turning to whisper to each other. The Captain then stood straight and offered his hand to Celestia, to which she then extended her hoof and shook his hand. Now the ponies began to whisper. Both Celestia and McCormick then turned to face the crowd. As they both scanned the crowd, they all could see a lot of confused faces from both sides. Celestia took in a deep breath before speaking. "Greetings my most loyal subjects! I am here today to introduce you to our guests. They mean us no harm, I can assure you. They have come a long way, and are stranded here for the time being. They, are humans." Celestia extended her hoof to the crowd of humans to which the ponies looked at them again. The ponies were still cautious, but many of them did not look as uneasy as they did before. Then Captain McCormick stepped forward. "We did not mean to come here and did not mean to cause any of you distress. Allow me to introduce you all to myself, I am Captain Flint McCormick of UNSC Halcyon Class Light Cruiser Ad Meliora. We are a group of humans fleeing from the destruction of the Planet Reach. As we fled we came across your home and decided to land." McCormick then looks at Celestia before continuing his speech. "I'm... regretful to say our enemies had followed us, and aim to continue their war against us on your home."  Many of the ponies gasped upon hearing that, their whispers became louder. One of them even spoke up. "You brought those monsters here!?" Yelled one of the ponies. "They attacked our town! They could have killed us!" Protested another pony. Some of them started getting upset when an offended human spoke up. "Hey! We had no where to go! Where else do you expect us to go!" Yelled a human civilian. "They have taken everything from us! We had no choice!" Yelled another human. "You could have gone anywhere but here!" Yelled a pony in response. "Where excatly!? You tell us where!?" Yelled another human.  The crowd was getting angry as the ponies and the humans began to yell at one another. Celestia and McCormick had no choice but to step in. "Please, my little ponies, settle down! You don't understand their situation." Said Celestia. "Calm down everyone, calm down. They are not used to seeing war, they are scared." Said McCormick. After a bit of calming down the crowd, both sides were now glaring at each other. Tension was high, and the two leaders knew this going forward. "Captain McCormick. I think now is as good of a time as ever to enlighten everypony on... on how much you need help." Said Celestia. "Yes Princess, Of course." Said McCormick as he pulled out a Holoprojector.  He walked to the front of the stage and set it down. When it activated, it projected the picture of Reach, before the Covenant. It was bright, and beautiful, it almost looked like Equis. The Ponies looked at it, with curiosity, not used to this kind of technology. However the humans just looked at it with stone faces. "This is the Planet Reach, many of us lived on this planet. But some were brought here for military reasons. Whatever our reasons to be here, we all collectively called it home at one point... The Covenant showed up and burned its surface to glass." Said McCormick. the next Picture of Reach, showed what it was now, a darkened burnt ball of fire. The Ponies audibly gasps upon seeing the burning planet. Seeing what it was before and now was terrifying to look at. Twilight looks towards Starlight and Spike who were seeing it for the first time, they were horrified. The ponies then looked towards the humans and saw that their demeanor had completely changed. Some of the humans looked on at the planet with sorrowful expressions, some turned away not bareing to see how the planet was now, and some even began to cry. "For nearly thirty years now... We have suffered the same fate over and over again. Countless worlds like this, burned by a merciless enemy. We had many colonies, around 800 strong. Humanity had expanded all over the galaxy, but eventually, we were found by the Covenant. They are an alien alliance formed together by a single religion. Anyone who is seen as unworthy in the eyes of their gods, is slain without remorse. Humanity has fallen under their list of abominations and have deemed humanity unworthy of even existing. Thats when they began their war of genocide. To exterminate all humans in the Milky Way, and they are doing a damn good job. our 800 colonies have now shrunken to a mer 50 planets... and we have suffered a total death toll of twenty billion." Said McCormick. "We never came here out of malice or illed will. We are just trying to save as many human lives from an unforgiving enemy. We are fighting for our very right to exist." The ponies almost couldn't believe what they were hearing. But the proof was right there in front of them, the burning planet of Reach. A roller coaster of emotions were washing over the crowd of ponies as many started to feel a great wave of sympathy. How can someone be so cruel to another? Again a lot of them turned to the humans as many were looking back. The angery expressions they had before were replaced with soft and sorrowful expressions. Seeing the humans that upset over their losses was what finally melted away any remaining hostility. "I know this is a big change for all of us. But all I ask of you my little ponies, is to do what you do best." Said Celestia. "Show kindness, compassion, and tolerance towards our guests. They could be here for a very long time, and they need us. Please, welcome them as if you would anypony else." A few minutes of silence fell as each side looked at each other. Eventually however, a single pony did step forward, she had a light mint green coat with a green and white mane. She walked right up to one of the human civilians who took a step forward. The mint green pony then extended her own hoof to the human. After a brief hesitation, the human took a hold of the pony's hoof and shook it. That was the ice breaker as more ponies and humans began to approach each other, eliminating the empty space between them. Both Celestia and McCormick breathed a quick sigh of relief. They took a minute for both parties to begin to familiarize with each other. Captain McCormick spoke up once again. "This last message is for all active Military personnel. None of this means you get to kick your boots up and relax. You are all still on duty while the Covenant is still here. To thank our hosts for their generosity, you are to repel any Covenant attack at the drop of a hat to protect them at all cost like you would any human. I hope that is understood." Said Captain McCormick. "And you will not be alone, you will be provided the assistance of my own army. As far as I'm concerned, the Covenant is on OUR planet, so we will provide help in fighting them off." Said Celestia. After their speech, both Celestia and McCormick turned to each other and bowed their heads again out of respect. They both turned towards the ramp and began to walk off stage. "Present Arms!" Maverick once again yelled, causing all of them to salute as the captain and Celestia walked past them. They lowered their hands as soon Celestia's guards walked past, and then twilight and her friends. After that, Zeta and the ODST then walked off to the side of the courthouse following the captain, letting as many of the ponies and humans to greet each other. "I... I never knew you lost billions of lives." Said Rainbow Dash as they all grouped up. "Twenty billion... I can't even count that high..." Said Applejack. "It's true, we have suffered tremendous losses." Said Maverick. "And this war isn't even close to ending yet." "There has got to be more to it than what you said! How can anypony just say one race is unfit to live!?" Said Rarity. "We don't know their full mentality, just what we have experienced." Said Tex. "This goes way deeper than what I thought... how do you all even expect to win?" Asked Starlight. "We don't know, many think we aren't going to win. But we will never stop fighting." Said Marcus. "... You are all so brave... I can't imagine going through what you all have been through." Said Fluttershy. "We manage just fine. But we promise not to let the same happen to you." Said Carlito. "I still have one question, you said the Covenant 'glassed' Reach. What does Glassed mean?" Asked Twilight. All the humans turned towards McCormick to explain. It was obvious by his demeanor that it was an uncomfortable thing to discuss. "It's how the Covenant burns a planet's surface. I didn't want to share it on stage, because it would incite fear. To the Covenant, it is a necessary thing, as they see it as a ritualistic cleansing of the planet. From the bottom of their Assault cruisers, a giant beam of superheated plasma is fired at the surface of the planet. the beam gets so hot that it turns the surface to glass." Explained McCormick. They listened closely in fear. "The surface stays hot for many many years, and in most cases the heat from all plasma firing at once can even damages a planet's atmosphere making sure it would take a long time before the planet would be inhabitable again." "Dude... no way..." said Spike. "The more I hear about the covenant... the more I worry... how can they be so cruel?" asked Twilight. "We don't entirely know their motives, all we know is that their gods hate us, and that is enough motive for them." Said McCormick. "I promise you, we'll keep you safe, we will not allow the same fate to happen to your world." "I thank you for your bravery captain." Said Celestia. "I know you keep the safety of your own kind as well as mine in your heart." Twilight looks behind her at the group of humans and ponies slowly getting along with each other. "So what do we do now?" Asked Twilight. "Right now, I think we should take the time to get to know each other. If we are all going to have to rely on each other during a Covenant attack, we might as well start to familiarize ourselves with each other." Said Celestia. "That's a great idea. While our people slowly integrate, I suggest you all and whoever you partnered up with begin to become friends with each other. From this moment forward, everyone standing here at this very moment is not guaranteed to be here tomorrow. We need to put our lives in each other's hands... and hooves. So you better start trusting each other." Said McCormick. The Captain's words rang in the heads of everyone there. He was right, this was now a joint-operation. And they needed to get familiar with each other. "So then, being this is your home, What is there to do here?" Asked Tex. The ponies look at each other and then smile. "Allow us to show you, come on." Said Twilight. > Short Stories Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following events take place over a few days PINKIE AND TAMMY Tammy was in the kitchen of Sugar Cube Corner, she was much too big for the place as the counters were much lower than normal. Tammy had her helmet off and she was bending down next to Pinkie. "And this is where I work! Sugar Cube Corner!" Exclaimed Pinkie with her hoof outstretched. "So you're a baker? What all do you bake in here?" Asked Tammy giving the place a good look. "Absolutely anything you can think of! Cake, cupcakes, cookie cakes, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, tarts, pies, cupcakes, sweet breads, cinnamon rolls, brownies, cupcakes..." As Pinkie rambled on, Tammy interrupted her. "I assume you like to make cupcakes the most?" Asked Tammy. "*GASP!* How did you know!?" Said Pinkie to which Tammy chuckled. "Lucky guess." "You wanna make some Cupcakes with me!?" "I have never made cupcakes before." Time seemed to slow as pinkie froze in place. Tammy gets a little uneasy as Pinkie just slowly turns to look at her, her eyes wide as if she saw the most terrifying thing in the world. "...You... Never... Made... CUPCAKES!?!?!?" Tammy was a little startled by Pinkie's outburst. "No...I've never made any." Admitted Tammy. "Why not!?" Asked Pinkie as she was suddenly eye level with Tammy, like she was floating. "I've been a refugee since I was 13, Never really had the chance." "I cannot and will not stand for this! Here, put this on!" Said Pinkie as she tossed Tammy an apron. Tammy looked at it, it was much too small for her. "Pinkie, I really do appreciate what you are trying to do, but this really is unnecessary." "I will not take no for an answer, everypony MUST make cupcakes at least once in their lives!" Figuring that this was going to be a losing battle, Tammy put on the apron over her armor. The apron was much too short, and couldn't wrap around her. Pinkie then pulled out a large mixing bowl, letting it spin on her nose before setting it down on the counter. She and Tammy would begin to add ingredients to the bowl while Pinkie would sing a small jingle in sync to the ingredients they would put in. Even though it may have seemed just a tad childish, Tammy was surprisingly having some fun. Pinkie let her be the one to mix the ingredients while Pinkie got out the cupcake tray. The jingle Pinkie sang was already stuck in Tammy's head as she started to hum the tune. Once Pinkie finally lined the tray, Tammy poured in the batter, and puts them in the oven. They would have to wait while the cupcakes bake. That's when Pinkie turned to Tammy and opened her mouth to say something, but she hesitated and looked away. Tammy gives her a confused look. "What's wrong Pinkie?" Asked Tammy giving Pinkie a raised eyebrow. "Oh, nothing. I was gonna ask you a question, but never mind." Said Pinkie, keeping her head turned away. "You can ask me anything Pinkie, I won't be upset." "...You sure?" "I'm sure." Pinkie slowly looked back at Tammy, her eyes resembled puppy eyes as she was a bit afraid to ask the question. "Why haven't you made Cupcakes before?" Asked Pinkie. "Like I said, I have been a refugee since I was 13." Replied Tammy. "...How come?" Tammy just looked at Pinkie as what she said started to sink in. She looked down at the ground as she was trying to find the right words. Finally she spoke without looking up. "Because my home was glassed." Tammy replied. There was barely any emotion in her voice, she hadn't talked about her home in a very long time. "...What was your home?" "It was a planet called New Harmony. Back in 2537, the Covenant found my home planet and started attacking. The UNSC was able to repel them for a short while, but later the next year they glassed the planet. Me and my family were able to escape the glassing when I was 13. As soon as I came of age I enlisted." Tammy then looked back up at Pinkie as her eyes were beginning to swell like she was on the verge of crying. "... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." Said Pinkie as her mane deflated a little. Tammy reaches over and gently put her hand on Pinkie's shoulder. "Hey, don't be like that. I'm not used to talking about my home, but I do want it's memory to live on. I can tell you more about how beautiful it was beforehand. Would you like that?" Asked Tammy. Pinkie looks back at her and gives her a soft smile. She wipes away some tears forming in her eyes before answering. "I would love too!" Said Pinkie.  Just then the oven dings, causing Pinkie's mane to immediately reinflate. "Cupcakes are done!" Yelled Pinkie as she grabs a pot holder and pulls the cupcakes out of the oven with her mouth. After letting them cool for a bit, Pinkie gave Tammy a tube of icing and the two began to ice their cupcakes. After they were done, Pinkie picked one up and ate it one bite, paper and all. Tammy picks one up with her hand and takes the paper off. She bites into it, savoring its flavor. It was delicious, honestly one of the best things she had eaten in years. It would have been impossible for her to fight back the smile growing across her face as it stretched from ear to ear. "Mmmmmmm..."  "How is it?" Asked Pinkie as she leaned in closer to Tammy. "It's so good, it's delicious!" Tammy joyfully expressed. "I knew it! I knew you would love it!" Pinkie began to hop up and down. Tammy couldn't help but chuckle at her. She eventually finished her cupcake before leaning down to Pinkie's eye level.  "Hey Pinkie." "Yes Tammy?" "Thank you. Thank you for sharing this moment with me." Tammy gave her a warm and soft smile. "You're welcome. What are friends for?" Pinkie returned with a smile of her own. Rainbow Dash and Maverick Dash was hanging out with Maverick, they were at the Ad Meliora's armory. Many human soldiers were there, along with a few guard ponies as they were instructed to familiarize themselves with human weapons. Dash was hanging back with Maverick looking a little bored. She then started asking him many questions about human weapons. "So, what exactly are these things you use to fight with?" Asked Dash as she examined some of the weapons. She was used to swords and spears, so she hadn't entirely figured out how these weapons worked yet. "They're called guns, and they are very dangerous if you don't handle them with respect. They use gunpowder to shoot bullets at a very high velocity. Think of it like a crossbow, but the arrow is short, completely made of metal, and flying hundreds of feet per second." said Maverick. "Pshhh. I could fly way faster than that." Boasted Dash, giving Maverick the side eye. Maverick began to chuckle at her. "Heh-heh. I bet you could, you wanna shoot one of the guns?" "YES!... I mean, sure." Dash's eyes lit up for a second before she immediately calmed herself down. She didn't want to look lame in front of the humans. "Alright, follow me." Maverick then led Rainbow Dash over to the quartermaster. "Hello Spartan, your preferred weapon?" Asked the quartermaster. "Of course, the M392" Said Maverick. The Quartermaster stood up and went to the side, after a bit he came back with a gun and handed it to him. Maverick takes it and gives it a quick inspection, checking the safety, the ammo count, seeing if a bullet is chambered, and if it was cleaned. After being satisfied with the weapon he turned back to Dash. "Alright, follow me." Maverick then led Rainbow Dash out of the armory and into the shooting range. Again there were some humans in there practicing their skills. At first the loud gunshots startled Dash until Maverick handed her a pair of earmuffs. They go over to an empty section of the range and Maverick turns to Dash. "Alright, many humans aboard this ship are pretty much trained to use every gun we have, some of us even have been trained to use Covenant weapons as well. But right now I'm gonna have you shoot my preferred weapon, the M392 Marksman Rifle, or better known as a DMR. This gun is semi-automatic, meaning it fires one bullet at a time. Now watch as I handle the weapon." Maverick lectured, the first lecture Dash paid extra attention to. He pressed a button next to him and a cutout of an Elite pops up. Maverick gets on one knee and aims his weapon. He takes a deep breath in and out. He pulls the trigger and fires. Again Dash jumps a bit at the sound, she crosses her hooves annoyed that she was jumping like a frightened cat.  Maverick shoots 3 more times before looking up. He clicks the safety on and looks at his work. Three shots over the heart, and one in the head, directly on the eye. "Woooooow..." Said Dash looking down range. "How did you get so good?" "I'm a Spartan III, I've been doing this since I was a kid." Stated Maverick like it was no big deal. "As a kid?" Asked Dash. Maverick froze for a bit, as he whispered the word 'fuck' to himself. Maverick didn't like to talk about his experiences in the spartan program, shoot it was also classified so he couldn't talk about it. He just looks at Dash, but his helmet shielded his face.  "Not important right now, you wanna have a go?" Maverick gestured towards the gun. Dash nodded, but she gave Maverick a weird look. She quickly got up on her hind legs and leaned against the weapon and held it like Maverick did. "Alright, put your shoulder into the butt of the gun, that braces you for the kick back. Don't put your eye too close to the scope, the kick will give you a black eye. Hold the front firm, and place your hand... uh, hoof, on the handle. When you are ready, you may fire." Maverick clicked off the safety and stayed kneeled down next to Dash. Dash took a deep breath like Maverick did, she aimed carefully and was able to get her hoof on the trigger, she slowly squeezed and fired. The kick back was a bit hard, but nothing she couldn't handle. She did however felt a rush of adrenaline as she began to get excited. "Whoa!... Cool!" Exclaimed Dash as she took aim again. She fired again, and again, and again, and again, and again. "This, Is, Awesome!" She kept firing with the largest smirk on her face till the clip ran dry. "Alright Annie Oakley, you're out of ammo." Maverick Chuckled. He looked down range and he was pretty surprised, Dash's shots all managed to hit, but they were all over the body. "Damn Dash, you hit every shot." "I did! That's so cool!" Dash Said with the biggest smile on her face. "That was so much fun!" "You wanna try some more guns out?" Asked Maverick. "YEAH!" Dash exclaimed loudly. Maverick couldn't help but laugh as he and Dash started to walk back to the armory. Spike and Carlito Once again, on the Ad Meliora, Carlito was showing Spike around the ship's Gym. Spike looked around as many humans were using multiple different exercise equipment that he had never seen before. "So Dawg, how do you like the place?" Asked Carlito. He had his helmet off and his hands on his hips. "It's big, bigger than I thought any gym could be." Replied Spike, still looking all around. "You work out at all?" Carlito squatted down to get to his level. "No, well kinda. I do a lot of chores around the castle." Spike looked at him to see Carlito had an unamused face. "Nah, not like that. Come with me. I'll show you a real workout." Carlito led Spike over to a bunch of free weights and a bench. "You do any heavy lifting dawg?" "Not really, but after going through the molt, I have gotten a lot stronger. I just haven't really tested how strong I am." Spike felt his arms, a bit disappointed in them. "Alright, well then let's see how much weight you can lift! I'm one of the strongest on the team, I'll spot ya."  Carlito began to put weights on one of the bars on a bench. He then motions Spike to lay down on the bench. "Alright, I've lowered the bar down for you to reach it. There is a total of 100 pounds on this bar. Go ahead and give it a lift." Said Carlito. Spike put his claws on the bar and lifted it up no problem. He was a bit shocked how easy it was for him to hold it. "Ok, now slowly lower it till it barely touches your chest right here."  Carlito touched the spot on Spike's chest on where the bar should be lowered. Spike lowered the bar till it touched his chest. "Alright, you're doing well, now push the bar back up." Spike did what he was told and lifted the bar back up. "Hey, not bad homie!" "That was easy! Can you add more weight?" Asked Spike. He felt his energy going up and he wanted to lift some more. "Of course, I'll put fifty more pounds on!" Said Carlito. Spike put the bar down as Carlito added more weight.  Spike once again lifted the bar up no problem, he brought it down on his chest and lifted it, doing five reps before putting the bar back down. He asked for more weight and Carlito obliged. They kept going to see how much weight Spike could actually lift. Spike began to lift more and more weight, much more than he ever thought he could. He could feel the workout in his arms as they began to get a little sore and wobbly. After a few more reps, and more weight, Spike was at a total of 350 pounds. "Alright, easy there amigo, this is a decent amount of weight. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Said Carlito. "Alright! I'm gonna do it!" Spike lifted the bar up and brought it down, he was beginning to struggle but he brought it back up, then down, then up, then down, then up. He was on his fifth rep, his arms were starting to tire. He lowered the bar and now was having a bit of trouble pushing it up. Sweat was pouring off of him while he struggled. "Come on Dawg! You got this! One more!"Carlito was shouting in encouragement, he was pumping his fist as he cheered spike on. Spike took a deep breath before exhaling. He was pushing himself so hard that he breathed out a ball of green fire. It was the push he needed however and he managed to push the bar back up. "Whoa! Chinga de Mierda!" Exclaimed Carlito taking a few steps back as Spike exhaled a bunch of fire. Spike put the bar back on the rack and sat up. He felt his arm with his claw, there was a decent size bump there, causing him to smirk. "Yeah! That was awesome!" Said Spike as he then flexed. "Homie, You're pretty loco!" Said Carlito giving Spike a high five. "That was some good shit Dawg! You swear this was your first time lifting weights?" "I swear this was my first time." Replied Spike as he hopped off the bench. Carlito grabbed a nearby towel and tossed it to him so he could wipe off the sweat. "You keep this up, I promise you will be built like a brick shit house! Keep up on your weight lifting homie!" "I will! Thanks Carlito!" Spike and Carlito gave each other a second high five. Rarity and Adam Adam was at Carousel Boutique with Rarity. They were sitting around casually as they were just talking to each other. Adam couldn't help but feel like he was at a little kid's tea party. "You must be honored Mr. Adam, you are the first human to ever enter my boutique." Said Rarity sipping a cup of Tea. "I guess. To be honest I actually didn't know what a boutique was." Said Adam as he took a sip of his own tea. "Oh really? Well you must have gone to a designer of some kind to make that combat uniform for you."Rarity gave his outfit a quick look over. "Though I'll admit it looks like it does it's job, but black and gray are so not your color. With that ravishing hair of yours, white and blue would look dashing on you. "Thanks, blue is my favorite color. But this is pretty much all I have." Adam explained. Rarity began to cough as she choked a bit on her tea. "Goodness me! You cannot be serious can you!?" Rarity looked at him as if he just insulted her mother. "Wh-what? What did I say?" Adam was really confused and even a bit intimidated. "That is your only outfit!?" Rarity was getting more and more high pitched. "Well, technically. I have a t-shirt and shorts, but I use those to sleep in. And when I'm on the battlefield I usually just sleep in my combat uniform as well." Rarity quickly stood up on her hooves and her horn began to light up. She uses her magic to grab Adam by the shoulders and pull him to his feet. "Whoa WHOA whoa! Never gonna get use to that!" Adam said as Rarity then moved a bunch of mirrors around him. He looked around at the stuff Rarity was moving towards him. She then pulled out measuring tape and began to measure him. "Uh...Mind if I ask what you are doing?"Adam was now looking down at her. "I simply cannot allow you to go on with owning one outfit! it is a crime for one not to express themselves!" Rarity then began to measure his waist. She then goes behind him and measures his height. "I really appreciate your generosity, Rarity, but I have to stay in my uniform at all times during the day. The Covenant could attack at any moment and I need to be ready." "Then you can wear it when the war is over! Seriously I must insist! Besides, I've never made an outfit for a human before! I always love a good challenge!" Adam looked unamused as he soon realized that his objections were going to continuously get ignored. Rarity then wrote down her measurements before using her Magic to lift up Adam once again. He froze, too scared to move as Rarity hovered him to a stand on the middle of her store. "A bit of a warning when you use your magic on me, I'm still not used to being moved without my will." Adam emphasized as he was placed back down on his feet. "Dreadfully sorry Darling, but I need you for a second." As Rarity's horn begins to glow once again. "And what might that be?" Adam then noticed that his armor was surrounded by magic. It soon began to loosen as Rarity took off his chest plate. "Whoa Whoa what do you think you are doing!?"  "I don't have a mannequin in the shape of a human darling, so I need you to stand still while I make you a nice outfit." Said Rarity in a manner-of-factly. "How do you even know how to loosen my armor?" Asked Adam as Rarity began to remove more of his armor. "Darling, this isn't my first rodeo. I know how to deal with armor." Adam was very unsure about this, fearing he may get in trouble for not having his gear on. Within no time, Rarity had all his armor off, just leaving him in his boots, pants, and undersuit. Adam could see Rarity giving him a once over. "Enjoying the view?" Adam said as he called her out. "Oh my! Sorry Darling, I just didn't know how muscular you were under all your armor." Rarity teased, giving him a wink. Adam could feel his cheeks begin to heat up. "Hey, no funny ideas, got it?" Adam forewarned looking down at her. She could see the redness in his face, causing her to let out a giggle. "Nothing to worry about Darling, just some banter I do with all of my customers." Said Rarity. Adam couldn't tell if she was being serious or not as she began to pull out her fabric. She pulled out a drawing she made of a nice suit she drew. Though it was for a pony she used it as an inspiration for a human design. She began to sew together white fabric that she would drape over Adam who stood as still as he could. He was disciplined so he could stand in one position for an extended period of time. The whole process only took Rarity around 3 hours. She finished up by brushing his hair and making him look nice. She stepped back and admired her work, She was smiling with pride as she gave him a close examination. "My my MY!" Rarity said as she walked all around him, giving him a close analysis. "I must say, I really out did myself. Come take a look at yourself darling." Rarity grabbed a mirror with her magic and held it in front of him. Adam almost couldn't believe what he saw. He was in a very nice white suit with blue highlights. His vest had blue glitter on it making him sparkle and the buttons on the coat seemed to be made of sapphires. He admired her work, she did in fact make him look sophisticated. A wide smile formed across his face as he placed his thumb and finger on his chin.  "You know, I was skeptical, but this looks incredible Rarity. I love it!" Adam informed as he turned his head to look at her. Rarity does a small bow, letting all the praise go to her head. "Why thank you darling, I knew you would love it! No one truly appreciates how they look till they finally see themselves dressed up all fancy." Said Rarity as she levitated a camera and took a quick snap of him. "I definitely need to remember this design so I can make more for the other humans." "I don't know how I could pay you back for this Rarity. I'm pretty sure there isn't an exchange rate between our currencies yet." Said Adam, as he finally looked away from the mirror to look at Rarity. "Oh Darling, this was a gift! No charge at all." Rarity waved her hoof as if it was no big deal.  Adam gave her a shocked expression. "No charge!? But you put gemstones on this! This should cost me a fortune!" Adam exclaimed. He practically felt like he was stealing from her. "Oh Darling, Gems are not that rare. There is a cave not too far from here where I can get more." Rarity just gave him a smile. Adam still had wide eyes as he looked back at the mirror to look at the suit. "Rarity, No one has ever done this for me. I am really touched by this." Said Adam, He could feel Rarity give his leg a gentle hug. "Awww, you're going to make me cry darling. It was no big deal. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Said Rarity giving him a soft smile. "Well, I truly mean this when I say, thank you. Thank you so much Rarity." Adam then knelt down slowly and gave her a proper hug to which she reciprocated. "Now, where is my armor? I'll get my ass chewed if I went back wearing this instead of it." "It's right over here Darling."Rarity then levitated his armor to him. Applejack and Kieran Kieran was at Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack. They were at the barn as Applejack was introducing him to the rest of her family.  "Kieran, this is my big brother, Big Macintosh. Big Macintosh, this is my friend Kieran." Said Applejack as she stood between Kieran and Big Mac. "Big is right, you look strong as hell." Said Kieran as he had his arms crossed. He then offered his hand to Big Mac. "Good to meet ya." "Eeyup." Said Big Mac as he shook his hand. "You do the heavy lifting around here?" "Eeyup." "Do you ever get tired working out here on the farm?" "Nope." "You enjoy being a farm hand?" "Eeyup." "Man of few words ain't ya?" "Eeyup." Applejack chuckles at the two as they go back and forth. Applebloom stood behind Applejack, peeking out at Kieran. She was intimidated by how big he was. Kieran spots her and looks down at her, this causes Applebloom to quickly scoot back completely behind Applejack. Kieran relaxes his muscles, as to not look as intimidating. "It's alright Applebloom, he won't hurt you. He is one of the good aliens." Applejack spoke softly as she was trying to coax her sister from her hiding spot. "Applebloom huh?" Said Kieran as he slowly got down on one knee. Applebloom peeked out once again. Even though he was on his knee, he was still bigger than her. He reaches up and takes off his helmet. Applebloom looks up at his face. He had brown hair and brown eyes. His skin was a little pale, and a very large scar covered almost the entirety of his left cheek. Seeing his face however did relieve some anxiety for Applebloom as she then slowly stepped out from behind her sister. "Applebloom. That is a very pretty name, it fits you well." Applebloom gave him a meek smile. "...Thanks." She replied, she was still cautious of him, he was big and armored. "You have a real nice home Applebloom. Do you love it here?" Kieran asked, he was trying to get her to open up a bit by asking about her home and things she liked. "Yeah... I-I do." She replied. "I love your bow to, it looks cute on you." "Thank you." Applebloom was now lifting her head to him and she was stepping closer. "Do you have any friends Applebloom?" "Yeah, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle." "You care about them alot?" "Of course I do!" "Just like they were family?" "Yes! My friends are family too!" Kieran gave her a smile. All fear she had been showing was now gone as she was talking loudly to him. "Well then Applebloom, I think you and I are going to get along just fine." Said Kieran as he offered her his hand. She took a hold of it, admiring how huge his hand was. Despite how large and armored it was, he was extremely gentle with her. Kieran then stood up to his full height just as a really old looking pony came out." "Hey y'all! The apple pie is done if y'all want a bite!" She said in an old raspy voice. Big Mac and Applebloom wasted no time in heading into the house, but the old pony stepped out to meet Kieran. "You must be that big alien Applejack told me about." She looked at him head to toe. "Eh, you don't look that tough, I could take ye!" She joked, causing Kieran to laugh a bit. "I bet you could, Ma'am." Said Kieran, crossing his arms. "I'm Granny Smith, welcome to our orchard." Said Granny Smith. "Thank you, I'm Kieran. Your home is beautiful." "Thank you kindly. Any friend of Applejack is a friend to the family." Applejack saw a change in demeanor in Kieran as Granny Smith told him that. "Well... I appreciate that more than you know." Said Kieran, his whole body lost all tension and his facial expression softened. "You all... Have a real nice family, a real nice family." There was a twinge of sadness in his voice and Applejack noticed it. "Thank you sonny. Y'all wanna come in for some pie?" Asked Granny Smith turning her attention to both him and Applejack. "Just a second granny, we'll be in soon." Said Applejack. Granny Smith nods as she turned to walk back in. Kieran turned to look at Applejack as he had a confused look on his face. "Got something on your mind?" He asked her. "Funny enough, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Said Applejack turning to face him. "Is something wrong?" "No, nothing is wrong." Kieran said. "You seemed to really open up more and more when you met the family, and I can tell something is on your mind." Kieran seemed to dart his eyes away, no longer wanting to look her in the eyes. "And don't lie, I have a knack for honesty."  "I have a soft spot for family. So it tugged a little when your granny called me a friend to your family." Said Kieran, trying his best to hide the emotions in his voice. "Does that upset you?" Applejack said as she stepped closer. She could feel something heavy on Kieran's shoulders. "No, it does the opposite really. I... I just haven't felt that feeling in a long time." Kieran admitted as he turned and leaned up against the barn. "Don't you have a family Kieran?" "... No. They're gone." Applejack looked up at him. She could see the sadness in his eyes. She feels her heart get heavy, she didn't know Kieran was all alone. "What happened?... If you feel like sharing." Said Applejack, she didn't want him to open up on something he didn't want to talk about. "The goddamn Covenant happened. I was born on Eridanus II, I lived there with my mom, dad, and my older brother. It was over 20 years ago the bastards found the planet, and then glassed it... I was the only survivor out of my whole family." Applejack could hear the pain in his voice despite him not showing it. She could sympathize with him, to an extent. She leans against the barn next to him. "Well... If you need somepony to talk to about it, and who'll know somewhat how you feel... I could be that pony... I'm an orphan too." Said Applejack as she lowered her head, her hat now hiding her eyes. Kieran lifts his head hearing that. He then turns his head and looks down at her. She hid her face from him, but he knew it when someone was trying to hide their emotions. "I know it's not nearly like anything similar you went through, losing all your family... and your home... but I know how it feels to lose loved ones." Applejack had lowered her head so much that her hat had fallen off her head. Kieran could then see that she had a tear running down her cheek. He kneels down, picking up her hat and placing it back on her head. She is a bit taken back by that and she turns to face him, seeing that he was at eye level with her. "Keep your chin up, I know your parents would never want you to hang your head in sadness when you talk about them. Keep your head up and smile, though they are worth every tear, they are also worth smiling about." Kieran wipes the tear off her cheek and gives her a comforting smile. She smiles back at him, adjusting her hat to how she likes it. "Thanks Kieran. That's some pretty wise words." Said Applejack standing up straight. "You want Some Apple pie?" "I would love some." Said Kieran as he too stood straight up and picked his helmet up off the ground. Applejack then led him inside her house, he had to duck down quite a bit just to get through the door. Starlight and Marcus Starlight and Marcus were at the ship, He was going over a demolition tutorial with her. He was on his knee and took his knife and slits open what looked to be a package. He opened it up, and on the inside was what looked like playdough. "See this stuff right here? This is military grade plastic explosives." "That is an explosive?" Starlight asked him as she looked closely at the substance. Marcus took a handful of it and began to squish it. "Yes, it's pretty effective, but also pretty safe. It takes electricity for it to explode. So as long as you don't shock it, it's harmless." Marcus explained to her. "Hell, you could shoot this stuff with a bullet and it wouldn't do anything... as long as if that bullet isn't a tracer, then you would be fucked." "This is pretty fascinating. Pretty scary how you guys were able to come up with this kind of stuff." Starlight told him. "Yeah, but when it comes to war, we are in it to win it no matter what." He replied as he stood up. "Wanna see an explosion Starlight?" "...Would you show me?" "Of course." "Then yes I would." "Alrighty, let me grab a few things." Starlight waited patiently as Marcus went into the armory, a few minutes later, he came back out holding a massive weapon that had two barrels on it. She was really intimidated by the weapon as he led her out of the ship, and down into the gorge. Down there, there were a lot of boulders. "Alright Starlight, let me show you the simplest thing we have." Marcus said as he pulled out a grenade. "This is a fragmentation Grenade, once you prime it, you give it a toss. It has a sensor in it and after it hits the ground, it will explode, watch." Marcus pulled the pin on the side and gave the grenade a toss. It hit the ground and bounced, after a few seconds, it exploded, sending small pebbles everywhere. "Wh-Oao!! That was cool!" Exclaimed Starlight, she felt the explosion in her chest. "It was like watching a firework, just far more dangerous." "You ain't seen anything yet, stay here real quick." Marcus told her as he walked up to a big rock. He places something on it, twists a handle and inputs a code. He quickly ran back to Starlight and ushered her behind another rock. "Ok, you know that plastic explosive I showed you earlier?" Marcus asked her. "Yeah, I do." "I just rigged one to explode that rock, wanna blow it up?" Marcus held up the trigger to the explosive. Starlight gave him a smile before using her magic to take it from his hand. "Alright, before you do, you should cover your ears, this will be much louder than the grenade." "Thanks for the heads up." Starlight used her magic to cover her ears, once she was ready, Marcus showed her how to trigger the explosion by pressing the button. Starlight shakes off any anxiety and presses the button. A thunderous boom fills the gorge as the explosion goes off and shatters the boulder. Starlight felt the shockwave and it gave her a rush of adrenaline. "Holy cow!" Starlight yelled out as her whole body began to shake. "I... It is in pieces! the whole boulder! Holy Cow!" "Heh-Heh, like what you see?" Marcus Chuckled. "Yes!... Well sorta I mean. It's fun, but very dangerous." "Yeah it is, but I have one more thing to show you."  Marcus picked up the giant two tubed weapon and he put it on his shoulder. Even though he had a helmet on, Starlight could tell he was smiling under it. "This is the M41 SSR SPNKR! She is a beauty of a weapon! She can do what the last two weapons can do, but you aim where she fires." Marcus then took aim at another rock in the distance. He fired the weapon and a rocket shot out of the tube with intense speed and decimated the rock. "Gah! Holy Cow!!!" Starlight was stunned at the devastation the weapons were causing. Marcus laughed at her amazement. "You ponies don't swear a lot do you." Marcus teased. "No, not really. It's seen as very rude." Starlight explained to him. "Ah who gives a shit. Here, there is one more rocket inside, wanna fire it?" "You know, I think I'm good for now. I can only handle too much excitement." "If you say so. Ahhhh shit we gotta walk all the way back up the gorge." Marcus whined as he slumped his shoulders. "Don't worry about that, I got us." Starlight stepped closer to Marcus and before he could say a word, she teleported both of them to the top of the gorge, near the entrance of the ship. Marcus stumbled quite a bit as he was incredibly dizzy. "Holy shit!... warn me next time." Marcus told her as he went down on one knee to try and stop the world from spinning. "Sorry! I forgot you're not used to magic!" Starlight said regretfully coming to his side and making sure he was ok. Eventually he was able to stand up. "Man, that was an experience." Marcus slurred his words as he put his hand to his helmet. "Do you need me to alleviate any nausea for you?" Starlight began to light her horn again out of concern. "Nah nah nah, I'm good thanks. hehe." Marcus nervously chuckled at her. "Ok, I understand, Let me help you get to bed then. Laying down after a while will help, I promise." "Alright, thanks." Marcus and Starlight then walked back into the ship as Marcus seemed to wobble a bit. Fluttershy and Clara Clara was standing in front of Fluttershy's cottage, she was bigger than the door so she had to bend down to knock on the door. When She did, she could hear a ton of movement behind the door. "Coming!" Fluttershy's voice was heard calling out to whoever was at the door. Clara decided to stay bent over as Fluttershy soon opened her door, she gasps and flinches upon seeing Clara there. She still isn't used to how much she towers over her. "Hi Fluttershy, I didn't mean to scare you." Clara admitted as she stood back up to full height. "Oh! I know you didn't i'm just not used to somepony being so... big." Fluttershy said meekly. "I'm sorry if I offended you..." "It's quite alright Fluttershy, I know I'm tall. Being a spartan does that, I'm taller than most humans." Clara reassured Fluttershy as she then leant back down. "So what are we doing today? You asked for some help with some of your animals?" "Oh! Yes! That would be much appreciated." Fluttershy smiled at Clara. "I hope you don't mind too much." "Oh Fluttershy, it's no problem at all." Clara reassured her. "In fact, it's a breath of fresh air to do something that isn't related to preparing for battle actually." "I'm so glad you're looking forward to it Clara! Follow me, the animal sanctuary isn't too far away from here." Fluttershy steps out of her cottage and locks it.  She then leads Clara to the Animal Sanctuary that she had built. Many different animals were there, some that Clara had never seen before. Clara would reach up and take off her helmet and set it on the ground so she could get a better look at the sanctuary. "This place is incredible, you had this built?" Asked Clara as she looked at all the happy animals. "Of course I did, me and my friends worked hard to make this a reality." Fluttershy said as she went off to the side to retrieve a ton of buckets full of different types of food. "Do you mind helping me feed the animals?" "Of course not. I've never gotten to feed animals before." Said Clara as she took a few buckets full of food. Clara and Fluttershy would only take an hour to feed all the animals, she even got to meet a lot of them that were at first a little nervous to meet her, though they eventually came to her. For the first time in a very long time, Clara was having some fun. She enjoyed meeting the bear, she was a bit cautious at first, but she was quick to find that he was a big softy. Fluttershy and Clara were just getting ready to leave the Sanctuary and head back into town. "Thanks for inviting me here Fluttershy. I really did enjoy myself." Said Clara as she slid her helmet back on. "No problem Clara, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Said Fluttershy as she closed her eyes and smiled. "You never invited me to help your animals Fluttershy." Said a mysterious male voice. Clara immediately began looking around, as the voice startled her. She quickly grabs the M6D Magnum off her hip and begins pointing it around. Till she finally turns to see Discord standing behind her, as she turns she pressed the gun into his chest. Fluttershy seeing Clara having her weapon pressed against Discord immediately began panic. "Wait! Wait-wait-wait! Don't hurt him!" Begged Fluttershy. "Oh don't worry my dear, she couldn't hurt me if she tried." Teased Discord as he crosses his arms. Clara narrowed her eyes at him, taking his words as a challenge. That's when Discord snapped his fingers and a bright flash emitted from the gun. In an instant it turned into a bunch of fluttering butterflies and they all began to fly away. "What the...? Hey! What did you-" Clara began to argue but Discord cut her off. "I know you're new around here Human but you need to learn some manners. Just because I spooked you doesn't mean you pull a gun on anypony." DIscord hissed at her, giving her a twisted smirk. Clara glared at discord with discontent. She had never seen anything like him, but she knew that he was fucking with her. "What the hell even are you? You look like some kind of demon." Said Clara eyeing him from head to toe. "Isn't that what the Covenant call you spartans?" Snickered Discord. "Isn't that a little hypocritical of you?" "How... how the fuck-" "Do I know that? I know a lot of things about humanity and the Covenant dearie." Now it was obvious that Discord was fucking with her. "Discord... How do you know what the Covenant is?" Asked Fluttershy. "When you're as old as me Fluttershy, you tend to learn about a lot of things." Said Discord. "I've known about the Covenant ever since they tamed the Lekgolo." "The fucking what!?" Asked Clara. "Oh my bad, you humans seem to give the covenant species codewords. The Lekgolo is what you humans call the Hunters." "Alright bozo, how about this, stop fucking with me, before I fuck you up!" "I highly doubt you could even touch me. Besides, you're cheating while wearing all that armor." Discord snaps his fingers again, and in an instant, Clara was out of her armor and only wearing her undersuit. She looked down at herself and immediately began freaking out. "What the shit!? Where's my armor!? How did you...!" Clara began to shout. "Come on, doesn't that feel better without all that heavy armor on you?" Asked Discord. "Discord! That's enough!" Yelled Fluttershy as she narrowed her eyes at him. Discord let's out a sigh. "Alright, fun time over." Discord then snapped his fingers again, and Clara was back in her armor, and her gun soon fell to the ground from the sky. She immediately picked it up and aimed it at him again. "Yeah, could you please stop doing that, I don't feel like taking that away from you again." Discord warned her. "Explain yourself! How do you know so much about the Covenant!?" Clara demanded, she kept the gun pointed at him. "Oh brother, look, genius. Do I look normal to you?"  "...No." "What words would you use to describe me!?" Clara thought for a second, but she could only think of a single word. "...Chaotic." "Exactly! I am the lord of Chaos! And as the lord of chaos, certain rules don't apply to me." Clara slowly began to lower her weapon as she tried to process this information. "Lord of chaos... are you a god?" Clara would ask discord. "Pshh Hardly!" Replied Discord as he snapped his fingers again to where he suddenly had a big beard, had angel wings, and wore a robe. "Though It would be fascinating." "Then... how do you know all this?"  "I've been around a long time, much MUCH longer than Celestia and Luna. When I was bored I would look far off into the universe to see if anything interesting was happening. I would watch the Covenant for a good while, they're hilarious! I can't believe they think the Forerunners are actual gods! They are so simple-minded!" Discord would break out into a hardy laugh, but he was the only one laughing. "Do you really think that is funny? Billions of lives are gone because of that belief!" Clara scolded. "Oh no, that's not funny, but everything they stand for is! It's preposterous! Though I must admit, I don't know everything about them. After I got sealed away in stone, I missed out on a bunch of their ordeals. Including a majority of their war on you humans." "Tell me everything you know about them Discord." Demanded Clara. "Oh I'll tell you, but not now. I'll know when the time is right to tell you." "No! Tell me now!" Just as Clara reached out for him, Discord quickly teleported. Clara looked down at Fluttershy who had both a confused and scared expression. "I'm... I'm so sorry! He gets like that sometimes." Said Fluttershy. "You never told us about him." Clara said Sharply. "I'm so sorry... but I didn't know Discord knew about the Covenant. He never spoke about them before." "Where is he now?" "He could be anywhere by now... I'm sorry... I-I don't know where he could be!" As Fluttershy spoke Clara holsters her gun. "The Captain needs to hear about this, what Discord knows could be important." Twilight and Tex Tex was lounging casually in Twilight's castle, she had been non-stop asking him multiple questions regarding humanity. He didn't mind too much, as long as he got to relax. Twilight's castle was huge, and the sofa he was sitting on with his feet up was damn comfy. She was sitting in a chair, and wanted to continue off from yesterday. "Ok Tex, picking up from yesterday, you said Humanity originated from the planet Earth, correct?" asked Twilight with a notebook. "Yep, born and raised there myself." Replied Tex. "Ok, Now that you have answered a majority of my questions on your origins, I would like to ask some questions about humanity in general. I can tell by your appearance, you match the description of mammals, correct? I want to make sure." Said Twilight looking past her notebook. She had a pair of reading glasses on her face. "Yep, we're mammals." Said Tex as he then started to yawn. He had never been this relaxed in such a long time. Twilight quickly wrote down his answer before asking her next question. "Ok, What is your diet like? Herbivore, Carnivore, or omnivore?" "Omnivorous. Wait shit that doesn't bother you, does it?" Asked Tex as he quickly sat up. "Does what bother me?" Asked Twilight looking puzzled, she was still using her magic to write down his answer. "Does it bother you that we are omnivorous? Humans eat plants and meat." "No, that doesn't bother me. You gotta eat what you eat. Just don't tell Fluttershy."  "Oh... so you are cool with a different species from you that eats meat?" "Tex, we live with Griffins and Dragons, they are strictly carnivores. Well some of them had turned to an omnivorous diet as well, but that's not the point. As long as none of you go around eating ponies." Twilight jokes, giggling to herself. Tex however started laughing hard. He was belly laughing causing Twilight to give him a curoius look. "It wasn't that funny was it?" She asked him as he finally calmed down. "Oh Twilight, you're so naive." Said Tex looking at her, wiping away tears of laughter. "I seriously don't know what you... T-TEX!" Twilight yelled at him, her face turning from a lavender color to a bright red. Tex started laughing again as she started to swat the top of his head with her notebook. "Come on, you're the one who said it!" Joked Tex as he shields his head with his arms. "Nasty!... Get your mind out of the gutter!" Twilight scolded, her face still bright red. "Just having a bit of fun with you Princess." Tex was still chuckling as he sat up. Twilight glares at him while he gives her a mischievous grin. She takes a deep breath and collects herself. "Take this a little more seriously Tex, we are supposed to be getting to know each other." Twilight said as she brought her notebook back up to her face. "That's what I'm doing." He replied.  "Really, you think you are?" Asked Twilight, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I am, I think you are the one slacking." Said Tex as he started to lean back, placing his arms behind his head and putting his feet up on the coffee table. Twilight got a bit offended by that statement. "E-Excuse me?" She asserted, She flung her wings open as she looked at him. "Look, don't get me wrong, I know you're the Princess of Friendship, this whole thing is your schtick. But I bet my life that if you were in my shoes you would notice the same thing." Tex started turning his head to look at her. "I see a lot of myself in you Twilight, You want to do this as efficiently as possible because Princess Celestia told you to." Twilight opened her mouth in protest, but the words got stuck in her throat when she thought about it for a second. Tex put his feet down and sat back up. He scooted to the edge of the seat so he could turn his whole body to face her. "The questions, the seriousness, the notepad." Tex began to list off as he brought his hand up and took the notebook out of her magical grip. "None of that is friendship and you know that. You just want to do the best job you could to make Celestia proud. I fully understand that. I'm very loyal to Captain McCormick, if he came in right now and told me to jump, I would ask 'How high?' But, you just need to step back, and do shit your way. So forget the notebook and the questions on my species, ask me questions about myself, and I will do the same to you. but as we do it, we're just gonna chill alright?" Twilight's jaw was left gapped. Everything Tex said was absolutely correct. She used her magic to take off her glasses and she gave a loud sigh. "...How do you know so much about friendship?" She questioned. "I learned it from my squad. We were a bunch of nobodies, but we are like a family." "I see... I'm sorry Tex." "Don't apologize, just join me on the couch." Tex Told her while patting the space next to him on the sofa. Twilight got up from her chair and climbed up on the sofa, leaning against the opposite arm rest. She looked at him while he looked at her. It was a bit awkward as they both kept quiet for a minute. "So... What's your favorite color?" She Asked him, causing him to chuckle a bit. "Red, come on now." Said Tex.  "I know, I'm just joking. Where on earth are you from?" Twilight asked him. "Finally." Tex Said leaning back again. "I'm from sweet home Alabama. It's a state in the U.S.A." He stated. "U.S.A.? What does that stand for?" "United States of America. My home country." Tex then looked at her. "What about you? You from Ponyville?" "Oh no, I was born in Canterlot, capital of Equestria. I stayed there until a few years ago, then I moved here."  Twilight relaxed quite a bit on the sofa, and she could see Tex was enjoying this conversation a lot more. "Interesting, so you got a family back home in Canterlot?" Tex questioned. "Yeah, My mom, my dad, and my brother. My brother was there for a bit there for a bit, but now he is Prince of the Crystal Empire." "Prince? Your brother is a Prince? Damn, Is Celestia your mom?" This question caused Twilight to laugh out loud with a snort. "Of course not! My parents are just two normal unicorns." She Replied through her laughter. "Well I bet your parents are proud to have two royal children." Tex smiled as he watched her laugh, as it made her look more adorable. "Yeah, they are. I also must not forget Spike. He has been in my family ever since he hatched. He's my step-brother." "Having a dragon as a step-brother would be pretty awesome."  "He is pretty awesome." Twilight smiled warmly. "What about your family Tex?" "I got a Ma and a Pa plus a baby brother." Tex looked towards the ceiling as he talked about his family. "My brother is about 8 years younger than me. He was 12 when I went off to the military, he stayed strong about it, tore my ma up though." "She didn't want you to enlist?" "Of course not, everyone has heard about this war and how brutal it is. Even my Pa didn't want me to go, they didn't want me getting hurt." "It sounds like they care a lot about you." Twilight slowly scooted closer to Tex, who looked back at her again. "...Yeah, they do. Truth be told, it was hard for me to leave them. But I told you my reason to fight is, I didn't want to sit on my ass." "You're really brave Tex." "Thank you Twilight." She began to scoot closer to him, she was enjoying his company quite alot, and he was enjoying hers. "Do you have anypony in your life?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?" He gave her the side eye. "Like a super special somepony?" "special some... you mean like a girlfriend or wife?" "Yeah, whatever you call it." "No, no I don't. I haven't had a girlfriend since High School." "Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up if it's a sensitive topic." Twilight quickly retracted. "No, it's fine. I don't really care too much about it." Replied Tex. "What about you? Gotta boyfriend?" Twilight shook her head. "No, and I never had one." This response took Tex by surprise as he gave her an outlandish look. "Are you shitting me!? Not one!? But you're a Princess! you should have a line of suitors." He proclaimed. "Some show up now and then, but it's pretty rare honestly." "I'm tee totally shocked. By how cute you are, you should have them wrapped around your pinky... or hoof." Twilight was caught off guard by what he just said, freezing in place as her eyes widened. She looked at him with a shocked expression. "Tex... You think I'm cute?" She asked him. Now It was Tex's turn to blush as he realized what he just said. He snaps his head towards her as his cheeks began to turn red.  "Ahem, I mean as... well... yeah I think you're cute. But I meant for... you know..." Twilight only chuckled at his attempts to explain himself. "Smooth Tex, real smooth" He thought to himself. He looked out of Twilight's window and saw that the sun was setting. "I really should get going Twilight. I wanna make it back to the ship before the sun sets." "Trying to change the subject now are you?" Twilight teased him. "No!... I just... don't want to walk in the dark." Tex defended himself. "You know you can always sleep here. I have guest bedrooms." Twilight informed him. "That would be appreciated, but I got drills in the morning. Gotta be there bright and early." He explained as he stood up and began to stretch, his back making audible pops as he extended his body. "I understand Tex, Have a safe trip." Twilight stayed on the sofa and waved to him. "Thanks Twi, see ya around." Tex picked up his helmet before putting it on, finally hiding his blushing face. He then exited The room he was in and eventually the Castle. Twilight watched him leave with a soft gentle smile on her face. "Oh Tex, you big goof." > Let there be Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ponies, along with their partners, had been called to the bridge of the Ad Meliora. The Captain had urgently called them there to meet him early in the morning. As the ponies walk in, they see Zeta Squad and the ODSTs already there. The captain had a discouraging face before turning his attention to them. The Captain quickly stands upon their entrance. "Princess Twilight Sparkle. Thank you for meeting me here on such short notice." McCormick still had an uncertain expression. "It's no problem Captain, but may I ask why is this so urgent?" Twilight expressed an immense amount of concern. "I was informed by Spartan-452 here that she came across a certain individual the other day. An individual who called himself Discord." McCormick sat back down and put his hands together. The ponies had a physical reaction as the captain mentions Discord. Twilight turns to the female spartan who's visor met her gaze. "You met Discord?" Twilight asked her before then looking at Fluttershy. "Why didn't you tell us Discord showed up?" "I... I... Didn't think there was a problem in Discord meeting the humans..." Fluttershy squeaked, hiding behind her mane. "Were you trying to hide this individual from us Princess?" McCormick asked. Twilight turned to meet the Captain's eyes, he most certainly wasn't happy that someone like Discord was kept a secret from him. On top of that, he was concerned how he knew about the Covenant. "We weren't hiding him from you Captain, Discord is... well. He has a habit of getting in trouble, and we were going to ease in the introduction... but Discord does what he wants." Twilight tried to explain to the captain that she wasn't hiding Discord out of any malicious intent. "Did you know he knew about the Covenant?" The Captain asked pretty sharply. "No, he has never even spoken about them before." Twilight felt her stomach start to clench. The Captain let out a loud sigh as he rubbed his temples. He then places his hands onto the table before looking back at Twilight. "Princess, you know this information is troubling to me, you understand?" The captain's voice took a softer tone, and his facial muscles seemed to relax a bit too. "I am fully aware, Captain, but please hear me out. Discord is a being of pure Chaos, we didn't want to risk his antics getting in the way of our agreements. He doesn't necessarily have the best track record, We were just being cautious until we felt the time was right for us to include him. But I tell the utmost truth when I say, I had no knowledge of Discord knowing anything about the Covenant." Twilight had hoped her words were taken as truth by the captain, as his shoulders relaxed, she could tell by his body language that he was coming to an understanding. "Thank you for finally coming clean Princess, but please note my dissatisfaction with your blatant omission of this individual." The Captain expressed some amount of emotions in his voice. Twilight feels a bit of shame as the captain's words seem to hit her in the gut. "I... I understand completely, captain. I Promise to be more transparent with you going forward." The Captain breathed a sigh of relief hearing that. Twilight looks back at her friends who all had different expressions on their faces, showing both worry, guilt, and fear. She then looks up at the humans who all just stared down at them. She couldn't see their faces through their helmets, but she could see their eyes staring right through her.  "May I have a word with this, Discord Princess?" The captain's words caught Twilight's attention again. "I suppose that you do deserve to have a word with him." Twilight admitted as she turned towards Fluttershy and gave her a nod. Fluttershy steps forward, she was shaking quite heavily. "D-Discord... Can you come h-here please?" Fluttershy spoke softly as her voice trembled. In a bright flash, next to Fluttershy seemed to be a floating bathtub, Discord was lounging inside it, with a mud mask and cucumbers covering his face. "Oh Fluttershy, You need something? You know this is me time at the moment." Discord said with a grin, the humans found no amusement from Discord's joke. Discord peeks out under one of the cucumber slices and sees all the gazes he was getting. "Sheesh! Tough crowd." Discord snaps his fingers, causing the bathtub and mud mask to disappear. He now stood in front of all of them, using his long tongue to lick off the cucumbers. McCormick then stood up and faced the Chaos lord. "Reagan, I want you to record every bit of this conversation." McCormick sternly said, Reagan appeared on a small console next to Twilight. "Of Course Captain, Recording now." Reagan stated before turning to Twilight for a brief second. "Hello again Princess Sparkle." Twilight couldn't help but smile at Reagan, raising her hoof to wave at him. "Hello Reagan." She said before turning her attention to Discord who had his arms crossed as the Captain approached him. "So, you're Discord?" The Captain asked, getting a good look at him. "Of Course I am, and you wanted to talk to me because of what I know of the Covenant? Hmm?" Discord moved his head closer till him and the captain were face to face. "Of course, We don't know much about the covenant ourselves, so what you know is possibly crucial." The captain Responded, not backing away. "I don't know everything Captain. I've spent a millenia trapped inside a stone prison, cutting off my powers. During those 1000 years I was unable to view the Covenant." Said Discord as he began to look at his nails, he was acting pretty casually. "Anything you know will help, lives are on the line" The Captain implored, a sense of urgency in his voice. "Oh I know, by the time I woke back up, your war was in full swing. When I was released for good, I managed to see the planet Kroedis II get glassed by the Fleet of particular Justice." The humans and the ponies were left in shock. The humans took a step back, how the hell could he have known that? The humans shift uncomfortably as they all look at each other. "You saw that?" The Captain had a shakiness in his voice. "Yes, I did. I knew the Covenant were brutal, but I felt that was a bit much." Discord scowled as he looked at the captain, he had suddenly taken a very serious tone. "If you could see that, why didn't you stop it!?" Yelled Kieran, causing Discord to look at him. "I may be the lord of Chaos, but I am limited. Equis's magic field is quite large, but it doesn't extend that far past our moon. If I were to go into space, I'd be powerless to stop them." "Magic field? What the hell is a magic field?" Asked the captain, causing Discord to smirk. "You are fully aware of a magic field Captain, you call it by a different name. What we call a planet's magic field, you call it a magnetic field." The captain and the other humans were taken back, shocked by what they just heard. "The magnetic field!? That's the source of your magic?" Captain McCormick said in a surprised tone. "No, it's not our source, it's what powers it. All magical creatures on Equis are powered by it. Think of it as a battery. If you were to take us out of a magic field, our magic is weakened severely. But put us on a planet with a strong magnetic field, our magic begins to charge back up." Discord explained. The captain was amazed by this, he almost couldn't believe it, almost. "But that doesn't make sense." The captain pointed out. "Why can't I use magic, why can't any humans or covenant use magic?" "That is a question you should ask the Forerunners." Discord said plainly. The captain just looked at Discord, he began to understand that Discord knew a lot more than what he was letting on. "I don't follow." Said The captain. "Who are the Forerunners?" Asked Twilight. "The Forerunners are the gods the covenant warships." Said the Captain looking at Twilight. That statement caused Discord to burst out laughing. His laughing got so intense he began to roll on the floor. The humans looked at him like he was crazy. "What's so funny?" The Captain demanded in a serious tone as Discord slowly stood up "Oh! Just the fact the Covenant thinks the forerunners are gods. It just tickles me Pink." Discord snaps his fingers till his color scheme matches that of Pinkie Pie's. "Enough games Discord! If they aren't gods, what are they!?" The captain flared his nostrils, he was getting a gutful of Discord. "Think logically captain. They were not gods, but a species!" Discord reverted back to his normal colors. "They were just highly intelligent when it came to technology. That's why you find their structures still intact after hundreds of thousands of years after their extinction. I have a decent amount of knowledge on the Forerunners, now shut up if you want to listen." Everyone listened closely as Discord continued his explanation. "There were a select few notable species that were around during the time of the Forerunners. The Humans, San'Shyuum, Sangheili, and Ponies. Each of them were important all those years ago, but Ponies, Humans and Forerunners were the most important. After the war between Ancient Humanity and the Forerunners, in which the Forerunner crippled humanity, sending them back damn near to a prehistoric era, a terrible terrible plague befell the galaxy. It was given the name... the Flood." Discord's whole demeamor seemed to change upon mention the plague. He shudders and looks away. "The Forerunners were at war with the parasite, nearly consuming all of the galaxy. This is what led to many Forerunner experiments on humans. A Forerunner named Faber-of-Will-and-Might, The Master Builder, oversaw these experiments on the humans, causing an immense amount of pain and suffering. Faber chose Humanity because the Flood didn't seem as interested in them as it did the Forerunners, a main factor in Faber's decision to experiment on them. He stole samples of humans stored away by the Librarian's Conservation Measure, and brought many other humans to the Palace of Pain. Many humans died in horrific ways for nothing, as the Flood's aversion to humanity was a tactic to waste the Forerunner's time." Discord was shifting uncontrollably. His story had taken a very dark turn, shocking everyone there to their core. "Faber would be put on trial for his misdeeds, causing him to go into exile. While there he turned his eyes to another race, as humanity was a lost cause. He turned to the ancient ponies. They were far more primitive than any other race. There were no unicorns, pegasi, alicorns, or even equisponies, they were just ponies. They didn't have magic, all they were was a magicless race, with a history of enslavement by the other races. Which made them the perfect new test subjects. Faber, however, was the Master Builder, and one thing on his list was to tap into what the Precursors called, 'Neural Physics.' Or what we on Equis call... Magic!" Discord lifted his hand, and the cup of whiskey on McCormick's desk began to levitate to emphasize his point. "Faber found a way to implement Neural Physics so that it can be integrated into a host, but the only race able to handle it were Ponies. Through bioengineering, Faber, after many more failures, created the first Alicorn, who was able to use Neural Physics. The Alicorn soon became a valuable ally to the Forerunners, as they were losing the war to the flood very badly, and needed all the help they could get, even from Faber. The Alicorn with the ability to use Neural Physics was able to hold off the Flood to give the Forerunners the time they needed to end the Flood for good with the Halo Array. In the end however, The war was in fact lost. In the final moments of the Forerunners, They fired the Halo Array... destroying all life in the galaxy." Discord's story was coming to its conclusion. Never in their lives have they heard a story be so ludacris and interesting at the same time. "In the final moments of the Alicorn, she would share her Neural Physics with the pony sample still locked away within the Conservation Measure, so that her abilities would not die with her. As For Faber, he sacrificed himself so that Halo could be fired, putting an end to the Flood terror. After the galaxy was wiped of life, the samples were released back onto the planets to begin life anew. That is the history of the Galaxy, and The Covenant have twisted the truth to fit their religious beliefs. They believe Halo transcended the Forerunners, but it didn't, it killed them. They sacrificed themselves to stop the flood. What they seek will destroy all life in the galaxy, just like the Forerunners did. They seek Halo, and they must not activate it!" Discord finally concluded, looking at the ground. The group was silent for a moment, before Captain McCormick finally spoke up. "What the hell...? Is all that true?" McCormick had an awe expression on his face. "Yes, why would I make something like this up!?" He spoke sharply as he turned his head quickly at the captain. "Because it's you Discord! You would make something like that up!" Dash pointed out. Discord glared at her through the sides of his eye, looking angrily at her. "...Not this time." He said in a dark tone. Discord then looks forward, seemingly at nothing. His eyes were distant... like he was reliving something. Fluttershy seemed exceptionally worried about him, he had never taken anything this seriously before. By now, all the humans were stepping forward to ask Discord a whole bunch of questions about his story. "What are Precursors?" "Who was the Alicorn?" "Why was she forced to sacrifice herself?" "Who is the Librarian?" "What's the Flood?" "...What's Halo?" Discord looks at all of them, unsure how to answer all of them, he believed most of them wouldn't be able to understand... yet. "These are questions I cannot answer at the moment." Was all Discord said as he hung his head. "Discord, this is crucial information, and we don't understand it. You must elaborate!" Captain McCormick insisted while pointing a finger at Discord. "I will reveal all that I can, when you are ready. You are not ready to handle this kind of information yet." Discord Said as he lifted his hand, moments from snapping his fingers and teleporting away. "Discord! Lives are on the line! If you abandon us now, their blood will be on your hands as well!" McCormick angrily yelled.  Discord just gave him a sad look. Discord let out a long sigh, one of pain and sympathy. "...Lives will be lost anyway. It is something I cannot control. The Covenant does what it wants, whether you know what I know or not, they will not listen to you. Besides, while you're stuck here, there is no way of getting this information to the rest of the humans. All that will happen is you will know what cruel fate awaits you. Your hope lies with the Master Chief, he is on Halo as we speak. If he succeeds in stopping the Covenant there... I will tell you more." Discord then snaps his fingers, and he is gone. Silence befell the bridge, all the info Discord supplied left many dissatisfied. They had no idea what the hell Discord was talking about, but one thing was for sure, none of them liked what they heard. The captain double facepalms while sighing into his hands. "Reagan... You got all that?" The captain asked while his face was still buried into his palms. "Yes Captain, critical information stored in permanent files." Reagan replied. "Good... when the time comes, Discord must reveal more." McCormick said as Kieran spoke up. "Sir, Can we even trust that bastard? I don't trust him as far as I can throw him." Kieran said. "What choice do we have, Lieutenant?" The captain pulled his hands away and looked at the spartan. "Discord knows about the Covenant, that makes him as credible as the rest of us right now. Besides, he has proven to know a lot of shit he should have no way of knowing." "Sir, he mentioned the Chief, he said he was on Halo. What could he mean by that?" Asked Tex as he stepped forward. "The Chief is one of the toughest sons of bitches I know. If he found this 'Halo' that Discord was talking about, he'll give the Covenant a hell of a fight over it." "Who is the Master Chief?" Asked Twilight. "He is a Spartan, Like Clara, Kieran, and myself. But He is a Spartan 2, while we're all 3s. Man is a walking death machine, a legend." Said Maverick. "He is the original demon." Kieran said, causing the ponies to look at him. "He's a d-demon?" Fluttershy said in almost a whisper. "No, that's what the Covenant call us Spartans. They fear us as we have the ability to wipe out hundreds of them at a time, because of that, they call us demons." Clara informed. "But the chief, he was the original demon. Because of him, they started calling all of us demons. While all three of us have a high kill count, putting us together doesn't come nearly as close as the chief. It's only speculation, it's said he has over 3,000. Others say over a million." Said Maverick. "Holy shit!" Dash exclaimed. "DASH!" Scolded Twilight. "The ODST's are deadly too, they were given the nickname Imps, pretty much meaning lesser demons." Said Kieran. "Yeah, that's because you freaks of nature are augmented. You're built to kill, we worked our asses off to get that reputation." Marcus said with a mocking tone. "Call us freaks one more time, and I'll make you fucking regret it." Kieran shot back sternly. Marcus and Kieran turn and face each other. Despite their helmets covering their faces, it was obvious they were shooting knives at each other. "Marcus! Cut the shit!" Barked Tex. "Kieran, stand down! That's an order!" Yelled Maverick. "Everyone better knock it off right now!" The Captain reached a tone none of them had ever heard before. It caused all of them to quickly straighten up and stand at attention. During the silence after the disarray, a small faint alarm could be heard. The Captain looked down at the console and saw a red light blinking in rhythm of the alarm. "Reagan, What's wrong?" "Covenant drop ships are entering the atmosphere as we speak sir." Said Reagan. Everyone's head quickly and unanimously turned to Reagan. "What!?" Yelled Tex in disbelief. "How many? Where are they headed?" Captain McCormick grimaced as he looked to the screen behind him.  On the screen was a map made by Reagan from scanning the landscape. "Calculating their descent. From my analysis, the army seems to be around triple the number that attacked the ship a few days ago. They are heading for the Equestrian city of Manehattan." Twilight's eyes widened in horror hearing Reagan's final analysis. "MANEHATTAN!? But that's the largest city in Equestria! Wh-Why are they heading there!?" Twilight yelled in complete horror. That's when she remembers what the spec ops officer had told her days before. 'We honor the will of our gods, we are their instruments! And you have gotten in the way of our holy deed to exterminate the humans! You and the rest of your pathetic race shall now share their fate!' "oh no..." She quietly said. "I want the battalion most fit for combat on a direct path to Manehattan NOW! Bring Warthogs and Scorpions! This is going to be the first all out battle the Covenant is launching on this world, and I'll be GOD-DAMNED if I let them terrorize this world without a fight!" McCormick slams his hands down on the console in front of him. "Zeta, You're leading the defense, Sargent Torne, you and your squad will accompany Zeta. Kill a hundred covies for every pony death!" "Yes sir!" Maverick Saluted. "Aye sir!" Tex Stepped forward. "Get out there now! The Covenant is already going to beat us there, now move!" The Captain ordered. The humans darted out of the bridge, Twilight and her friends were about to join them till they were called back by the Captain. "Princess Twilight!" Twilight quickly halted and turned back to McCormick. "Yes, Captain?" She asked, anxious to hurry and get out of there to help her fellow ponies. "I advise you to sit this one out. From what I was told from your first kill, it may not be wise for you to be on the battlefield." The Captain warned as he stood up straight with his arms behind his back. "With all due respect Captain, this is an attack on MY subjects. I will not standby while you fight this battle for us without our help." She insisted sternly. The captain sighed and nodded, he couldn't argue with that. With that the ponies continued their run out the door. By now an alarm was going throughout the entire ship while Reagan's voice was heard through the intercoms to tell the soldiers to get combat ready immediately. "Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia! Tell her to get to Manehatten with the Royal army immediately! We need to start evacuating civilians as quickly as possible!" Twilight yelled while in a full sprint down the halls of the ship She manifested a letter and quil with her magic. "Yes Ma'am! Spike replied. They made it down to the hanger where Soldiers were running everywhere trying to get ready for the fight. Spike was quickly writing down the letter with the warning as fast as he could. Twilight saw their human escorts getting in the back of a smaller metal ship, they ran up to them, catching Maverick before he could get on. "You all coming with us!?" he yelled over all the noises in the hanger. "Yes! We are!" She yelled back. "Grab a weapon and get on the Pelican!" He pointed to a weapon rack situated a bit away from the ship. Twilight levitated an MA5B with her magic, she was a bit unsure how it worked, but she is a fast learner. "Not all of us have used those things before!" Yelled Applejack. "Those of you who have no weapon training yet should stay here! Help with the wounded as they get here!" Yelled Maverick. Twilight looks to her friends, none of them wanted to stay behind, but they also knew that most of them don't even know how the weapons work. "Which of you have never used these before!?" Twilight yelled to her friends. Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy raised their hooves. "Then you four should stay here for now! Help anypony you can!" "Are you crazy! What if any of you die!?" Rarity Yelled back. "We won't! I'll make sure of it!" Twilight got in close and all of them hugged. The four who raised their hooves took a few steps back, with worried expressions. The rest would grab weapons they have tried before getting onto the pelican. Twilight stood at the back to wave to her friends as the Pelican began to lift up off the ground. The back end began to close and Twilight took a seat, next to Tex. They were five minutes into the flight while Twilight surveyed her friends who had joined her, Rainbow Dash sat, holding a M392 DMR. Spike had an M6D magnum, he mainly preferred his fire breath. And Starlight had an M319 Grenade launcher. Twilight was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She may have technically fought already, but now they were heading to an active battlefield, this was going to truly test her. "Hey, Relax. I won't let anything hurt you." Said Tex next to her. He grabbed her hoof with his hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She looked up at him and nodded in response. "Ok listen up!" Maverick yelled to everyone, getting their attention. He was still standing near the rear doors. "I got a direct line to the Captain, I will relay orders from the bridge, What I say is a direct order from Captain McCormick. Is that clear!?" "Sir Yes Sir!" All the humans yelled in unison. "I have incoming intel, the Covenant have touched down at Manehattan, they are not showing any mercy. You kill the bastards on sight, understood!?"  "Sir Yes Sir!" "The Equestrian Army is on their way to join us, remember, most of them don't have guns yet, they have their magic for long range attacks, show them how we kick covey asses UNSC Style! HOORAH!" "HOORAH!" The humans seemed to be pumped up, ready to kick some ass. Twilight was amazed, in the face of certain death, the humans were ready to charge without fear. Their bravery never ceases to amaze her. The doors of the pelican began to open, what was revealed, gutted Twilight. The city of Manehattan was under total attack, explosions were seen throughout the city as Covenant phantoms and spirits were dropping troops into the city. Many of the tall buildings which made the Manehattan skyline were left in ruin with many completely toppled over. Some of the pelicans behind the current one they were in began an aerial fight with many of the covenant drop ships, causing many from each side to be shot down. "Touchdown in thirty seconds!!!" Maverick Yelled, the humans were unstrapping themselves and standing up. "Carlito! Pray for us!" Marcus Yelled while looking at Carlito. Carlito shouldered his gun and took off his helmet. "Ruega por nosotros, Madre amorosa, y obtén para nuestra nación, nuestro mundo, y para todas nuestras familias y seres queridos, la protección de tus santos ángeles, para que podamos salvarnos de lo peor de esta enfermedad." Carlito would then use his hand to touch his forehead, then his chest, then his left shoulder and then his right. He pulled out a necklace from under his armor, it was of a cross, he kissed it before stuffing it back under his armor. Carlito put his helmet back on and took a hold of his sniper. "The lady protects us Amigos! Let's kick some alien culo and send them running!" Yelled Carlito as the pelican finally landed. "MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!" Yelled Maverick rushing off the pelican followed by the others. Twilight and the others stayed behind the humans, letting them take the lead. Screaming ponies were running at them, fleeing in the opposite direction the soldiers were running towards. "Zealot!" Kieran yelled. "Bastard has one of them!" Tex quickly yelled back. Twilight quickly squeezes her way in between the humans as they charge to see in front of them. She could see a large elite clad in golden armor, wielding an energy sword while holding an Equispony by her throat. The mare had a light blue coat and light yellow mane. She struggled in his grip, crying her scared eyes out. That was when without warning, the Zealot stabbed her through her midsection with his sword. Twilight could only watch as the life drained from the poor mare's eyes as the elite tossed her lifeless body to the side. "You fucking cocksucker! Kill that motherfucker!" Maverick yelled as he raised his weapon and began to fire. Damn near all the humans began to fire upon the Zealot, who quickly dove into cover. Marcus tossed a grenade at the Elite's cover but he had already made another evasive roll and ran down one of the many alleyways of the large city. "Kieran, hunt down the fucker, and kill him!" Maverick ordered. "With pleasure!" Kieran replied as he went into a sprint down the same alleyway to give chase. "Rest of you, find as many civilians as you can, and escort them to the western side of the city, We'll be popping green smoke to get them on board pelicans to get them out of here!" Maverick relayed the orders he was given. "Yes sir! Everyone, look down the streets and in the buildings! Civis could be anywhere!" Tex yelled as they began to split off. Twilight approached the body of the deceased pony that she watched be murdered. Her eyes were widened from shock, and sadness. The mare still had a horrified expression as tears stained her cheeks. Rainbow, Spike and Starlight stood next to her, all with horrified expressions. Twilight could only mutter a few words. "...Celestia help us..." > Fall of Manehattan Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 minutes after touchdown Rainbow Dash had split off with a small squad composed of Maverick, and Adam. They both were running down main street, by passing a lot of destroyed businesses. Dash had her gun shouldered as she ran, only pulling it out when she had a stable spot to aim. That's when they see a group of around 6 Unggoy wreaking havoc in one of the destroyed fashion stores. "Sir, Contact!" Adam quickly positioned himself into cover on the outside of the door. "Give em hell!" Maverick yelled as he tosses a grenade inside the store. One of the grunts sees the grenade bounce in front of him, causing him to let out a loud squeal as it explodes. Adam then peeked out with a silenced M7 and dropped any remaining covies inside. Dash, hesitated, she had aim, but she couldn't bring herself to pull the trigger. Maverick and Adam stepped inside the store, crouching when the wrecked ceiling got to low. "Hello! Anyone here! We're here to extract any at all civilians." Maverick would call out. "Sir! Back here, I hear a noise!" Adam called out from all the way in the back. Maverick followed the direction he took, quickly then followed by Rainbow Dash. They go deeper into the back of the store where they see a dead unicorn stallion leaning against a locked door. The stallion had a shiny white coat, almost silver looking with a blue mane. He seemed to have suffered multiple plasma burns. "Fuck... Corporal, retrieve the body and leave it out on the sidewalk for retrieval afterwards." Maverick looked down at the body, sympathy filled his voice. "Yes sir..." Adam responded by walking over, gently picking up the corpse of the stallion and walking back to the storefront.  Rainbow Dash quickly got out of the way, seeing the dead stallion's legs dangle from Adam's arms. Rainbow could feel her emotions starting to get to her. They haven't been on the ground for 20 minutes yet, and Dash was already getting overwhelmed. Her breathing was getting audibly faster, causing Maverick to turn and kneel next to her. "You alright? You need a minute?" Maverick re-assured her, placing his hand on her shoulders. "I... I can't do this... I can't do this!... I wanna go home!... I wanna look strong like you, but..." Tears started to form in Dash's eyes. "This is too scary!... Ponies are dying! I don't wanna die!" "You're not going to die, I won't let them get 10 feet near you. I know this is really, really hard for you. But you and I have worked your skills at the ship, you could be a skilled fighter, just stay brave for me ok?" Maverick gave her a soft pat on the back. Dash looked at him and slowly nodded, still not sure of herself. Maverick stood up and approached the door the stallion was leaning on, he knocked on it, hearing gasps from the other side. "...S... Silverhorn?... Sweety is that you? Please tell me you're ok..." A very shooken up female's voice was heard on the other side. "Negative, This is UNSC Spartan Maverick-776. I'm here to escort you to safety." Maverick replied, trying to open the door. "Where is Silverhorn?... Where is my Husband?" The voice responded. "Ma'am, I just need you to open the door, please." Maverick assured her. After a moment of silence, the door clicks, and out steps a white mare with a red mane.  She was crying, and behind her was a filly with a white coat and a purple mane hiding behind her tail. She gasped at the tall human. Maverick slowly kneels down so he would be less intimidating. "Ma'am, I need you to come with me, I'll keep you safe." He held out his hand too her, but she was only focussed on one thing. "Where is Silverhorn! I need my husband sir!" She demanded, her eyes furrowing as more tears streamed down her face.  "Is he a white unicorn with blue hair?" Maverick would ask her. "Yes! That's my Silver, where is he!?" Her voice got higher, anxious of what the human had to say of her husband. Maverick looks to the floor and back at her, giving her false hope would be cruel. "Ma'am... He didn't make it. We're having him set up for pick up later." Maverick watched as the mare broke down in front of him. "No!... NO!... Not my Silver!... Please don't take him from me!..." The mare fell to pieces in front of the spartan, crying her hurt heart out. The filly, who looked far too young to comprehend things, hugged her mother's leg, getting upset at her mother's tears. "Sir! I got covies headed this way! We gotta move!" Adam yelled from the front. "Ma'am, You're not safe here, You need to come with us." Maverick tried his best to convince her. "Not without Silver! I can't leave him here!... Please don't leave him here!" She begged, crying heavily into her hooves. "Please don't make me leave him!..." "Ma'am, we can't, we'll retrieve the body later. But you have to come with us, the survival of you and your child are at stake. Your husband's last moments were making sure you and your daughter were safe. He gave his life to protect yours, don't let him die in vain." Maverick finally convinced the mare who looked at him with distraught eyes.  She slowly stood up without saying a word, she was still crying. Maverick stood up and headed to the front of the store. "Dash, stay on my ass, I need you to be the one to cover the civis ok?" Maverick asked, walking past Dash. "Y-yeah. I won't let anything touch 'em..." Dash Responded as She motioned the mare and her Daughter to stay close to her. They stepped up back towards the front of the store, Adam was shooting around his cover presumably at incoming contacts. A bright blue flaming ball flies at him, and hits Adam's helmet. "SHIT!" Adam yelled as the ball stuck to his helmet like glue. He had mer moments to take off his helmet and throw it. It blew up in mid air, sending him flying backwards. Dash Gasped as Adam landed on his back and began cringing hard. "GAHHHhhhh!!! You son of a bitch!" Adam had a few minor burns on his face. "Corporal! Status!" Maverick yelled as he took Adam's spot and continued firing. "I'm fine sir... mostly." Adam groggily lifted his head up. Maverick looked to his motion sensor, he could see a few red dots coming up from behind and to the side of the store. "Corporal! Dash! I got contacts on our left flank!" Maverick yelled out in panic. Dash looks to the left and sees a Kig-Yar coming through a broken window. He lets out a terrifying screech as it aims its pistol from around its shield. Dash panics and fires a shot from her DMR without looking, her shot strikes the pistol, knocking it out of the jackal's hand. The jackal stumbles a bit, lowering it's shield and exposing it's head. Dash goes through the training Maverick gave her in her head, she takes a deep breath beforeing aiming. She pulls the trigger with her hoof and fires, the bullet strikes the jackal in the head, purple blood explodes out from the other side, and the jackal drops dead. Dash's eyes widen, she just took her first life. At first a wave of regret hits her like a train, she is almost horrified by what she had just done. Her stupor was broken from the whimpering sounds behind her. She looks back at the widowed mare, holding her child tight while laying behind some debris. What these monsters are doing to the innocent ponies, she knew her actions were justified. She forces herself to put on a serious face as two Unggoy then step through. She aims her DMR once again. BLAM! BLAM! She fires two more shots, again right through the heads of the aliens, dropping them to the ground. Dash couldn't hold back a growing smirk now begining to grow on her face. "This is for Equis you motherfuckers!" Dash exclaimed. "Dash! Watch out!" Adam yelled as she distracted herself for a split second. A Sangheili in red follows after the grunts, growling angrily at Dash. Her eyes go wide and she begins to fire more shots, but this time very sloppily. The Elite's shield only flares up, but never breaks as he swats the gun out of her hoof and then backs hands her across the face, sending her to the ground. The Elite aims his weapon at her, till his shields light up again. Adam was firing his M7 while on the ground at the elite. The shields break, and the elite shields his head with his arm, avoiding lethal shots. Adam's gun clicks out of ammo, and the elite roars loudly as its arm begins to bleed. Before it can fire shots at Adam, a single bullet enters the side of it's head, killing it. Dash looks to where it came from to see Maverick standing over them. He quickly helps Adam to his feet and then checks on Dash. She had a swollen bruised cheek, but that was all. "We have an opening, We must get to the green smoke and evac the civis. Come on!" Maverick commanded as he stepped back out of the destroyed store. Followed by a limping Adam, and Dash after retrieving her weapon. The mare and filly follow after Dash, as they pass a body covered in a white sheet lying on the sidewalk. Dash tries her best to shield the mare's eyes from the body as they race towards the green smoke in the distance. Dash looks up into the sky and sees many Pegasi in royal armor, the Equestria army has arrived. 1 hour After Touchdown Carlito was with Spike, they were on a roof of one of the taller remaining buildings. Carlito had his sniper out and handed Spike a pair of binoculars. "Here, Help me spot the higher ranking officers." Carlito looked through his scope. "Ok, how does this work?" Spike examined the binoculars closely. "Look through them, they magnify whatever you're looking at." Carlito explains, watching a group of Covenant around what seemed to be a makeshift headquarters in the center of a plaza. Spike looks through them, and finally understands how they work. "Whoa... cool!" He exclaimed, looking at the different Aliens at the headquarters. "Ok, who am I looking for?"  "Officers dawg. Tell me if you see any Elite down there with a different color other than blue or red." Carlito asked, examining the different targets. "Uh... Oh! Right there near the destroyed hotel, there is one in white armor."  Spike pointed out. Carlito got excited, hoping it was a Spec-Ops commander, but as he zoomed in on it, it was only an Ultra.  "Good spot dawg, but I'm looking for a higher rank than that." Carlito said as he looked for a different target. Spike kept looking, not finding a lot of elites out in the open, but he soon finds a pair of Elites talking, both wearing different colors. "Carlito, in the middle, I see two of them. One is in purple, the other in black. "Spec-ops! nice job buddy!" Carlito exclaimed as he examined the pair. The one in black had his back to Carlito, while the one in purple was faced in his direction. Carlito lined his sight onto the one in black and took a deep breath. "Concédeles el descanso eterno, oh Señor, y brille para ellos la luz perpetua." Carlito then began to pull the trigger. However, just before he did, the elite in purple seemed to look right at him. It raises it's head and spots them. it quickly pushes the one in black out of the way, stepping into his sight. As Carlito pulled the trigger, it struck the Purple one and killed it, the bullet breaking through it's shields, and entering the skull. Chunks of the elite's skull and brain matter explode out the back of it's head. "Chinga de Mierda! Asshole spotted me and made me miss my target! Ok, dawg we gotta get out of here before they storm this building!" Carlito quickly got up and shoulders his rifle, pulling out his magnum. "Are we in danger?" Spike asked, looking up at him. "We will if we don't book it!" Carlito  ran towards the stairwell they used to get up there with Spike close behind him. They quickly headed down the stairs, but before they got to the bottom floor, Grunts were spilling into the building. "Die you fucking assholes!" Carlito began to empty his mag into the crowd of grunts. Spike aimed his as well, but was shaking. He had been taught how to use the magnum, but he just couldn't bear to use it to kill someone. Carlito replaces the magazine in his magnum and hops over the rail and onto the ground. "Come on Dawg! More are on their way!" Spike gulps hard, ashamed of his hesitation before jumping down after Carlito. The two went in through the back entrance plasma being fired at them from behind. They get back out into the street and Carlito begins to book it. Spike tries to catch up but a stray ball of plasma strikes him in the back, causing him to fall face forward. "¡No! ¡Chinga de Pendejos!!!" Carlito yelled out before pulling his sniper back out. He unleashes his full magazine at the approaching forces. An Elite steps out into the street and begins to approach Spike. Carlito goes to reload, but he is out of magazines for his sniper. "No! Spike!" The Elite ignites its energy sword and uses its foot to kick Spike over onto his back. To the elite's surprise, Spike didn't appear to be injured. Spike had a very angry expression on his face and quickly breathed in and then out, spewing hot green fire at the Elite. The fire breaks through the shield and sets the elite on fire. It began to roar and scream out in pain as its whole body was soon engulfed. Spike begins to scoot backwards towards Carlito as the elite drops to his knees as its flesh burns from the intense heat. It then falls onto the ground, its screams of pain finally coming to an end. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Carlito said as he grabbed Spike and pulled him into cover in an alleyway. Carlito would pull Spike into one of the destroyed buildings, giving him and Spike a chance to hide and regain their composers. "Dude, that was too close!" Carlito exclaimed as he pulled off his helmet. Spike was wide eyed, freaking out at what just happened. "Yo dawg, you alright? Are you hurt? You got shot with plasma." Carlito was concerned for the dragon, but he shook his head no. "Scales are heat resistant. I've swam in lava hotter than that." Spike said as he started to calm down, and began to realize what he just did. "I... killed that alien." He said as he looked down at his hands. "Take a few breaths, the first time is never easy, but it was you or him." Carlito put his hands on his own knees as he was catching his breath. "He had full intentions of killing you." "That doesn't make it easier..." Spike clenches his fists and narrows his eyes. What would Twilight think? What would Rarity think? "Listen to me amigo, look all around you!" Carlito lifted his hand up and moved it all around him. "Look at what they are doing to your home! This is what they have done countless times to ours! You need to understand that this is war! Innocent ponies are dying as we speak, you need to understand it's kill or be killed right now! I need you to understand that, you-" Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden activation of an energy sword. Both their heads turn, standing where they had entered was the elite in black armor. Spike Immediately pressed himself against the back wall as Carlito stood up and drew his knife. The elite chuckled mockingly, seeing the ODST pull out its puny knife. Carlito charged the elite, but he was far more agile and quick. The elite knocked the ODST back, and swung his sword upwards, slicing through Carlito's armor, almost slicing skin. "Carlito!" Spike yelled as the ODST was knocked to the ground. The elite then focuses on the dragon. Spike gasps as the elite approaches him, grabbing him by the throat, lifting him up and pinning him against the wall. Spike grabbed the elite's hand around his throat as he was being choked. "You, Native!" The elite Spoke, getting in Spike's face. "You will reveal to me how you are able to manipulate the world around you!" "Wh-what!?" Spike choked out, struggling in the elite's grip. "What you call magic! How do you use it!? Answer me before I rip your tiny head from your body!" The elite commanded, pushing spike harder into the wall. "GAG!... I... don't.... use... GASP!... that kind...of...magic!" Spike sputtered out. "Then who does!?" The elite growled. "Uni... unicorns... and.... alicorns!" The elite ponders for a minute to soak up that information. "Very well, now little one, tell me where I can find the one named, Princess Twilight Sparkle!?" Before Spike could respond, Carlito jumped on the elite's back, and put him in a choke hold. The elite dropped his sword and spike as he fell to the floor, gasping for air. The elite struggles to get Carlito off, until he flings himself backwards into a wall, the crushing blow between the wall and the elite's body forces Carlito to release. The elite picks up his sword and approaches Carlito, raising his sword and planning on finishing the job. Spike grits his teeth and looks at the elite. He takes another deep breath and unleashes another ball of flame from his breath. The elite's shields were stronger than the last one, staying up long enough for the elite to dive out of the way. His shields shatter and he looks back at Spike. He lets out a battle cry before Spike breathes out more fire. The elite quickly dashes out the entrance to avoid the fire. Spike then goes running to Carlito who lays on the ground. "Carlito! Are you ok!?" Spike ran to his side, seeing the destroyed chest armor on Carlito. "Easy dawg... it takes... it takes more than a thrashing... to keep me down." Carlito responded as he slowly sat up, wincing in pain. He gets to his feet and leans on the wall. He picks up his helmet and begins to limp out of the entrance they came from, spike close next to him. "We gotta get back with the others, to the green smoke amigo." Carlito was limping more and more, and even falling down to his knees. Spike was there to quickly help him back up and they both hurried their way down the war torn streets to get to the smoke. > Fall of Manehattan Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 Minutes After Touchdown Twilight was sweeping through buildings alongside Tex, looking for any trapped civilians. Tex insisted on taking point as he was better at close combat, and armed with an M90 shotgun. They were able to find a handful of scared ponies, Tex had the rest of his squad escort the civis to the LZ. Tex wanted to go through one more sweep to make sure they got everyone. They were walking through the crippled remains of what used to be an apartment building. Tex approaches a damaged door and plants his boot near the knob and kicks it open. The apartment was destroyed, what looked to be a loving home looked as if a tornado ravaged the place. Tex quickly hunkers down at the doorway and holds his hand down towards Twilight, signaling her to do the same. "I got movement..." He whispered. "Ponies?" She asked as she got behind him. Tex looks up at a hole in the ceiling, an easy entry point. "I doubt it." He admitted, slowly walking into the apartment. Twilight clung to Tex's side as they stepped in, rounding a corner. Tex quickly held up his hand, to signal her to stop. "Shhh... one is coming this way." Tex held up his shotgun, ready to fire. As he stated, A grunt casually walked out of a doorway, it had mer moments to acknowledge Tex before he fired a shell, the pellets ripping through its skull and caving in its face. Twilight gasped as Tex painted the wall with the grunt's blue blood and brain matter. A loud battle cry could be heard coming from the dark doorway, frightening them both. "Twilight! Open Fire!" Tex ordered her. Startled by the demonic battlecry, she waited no time in aiming her assault rifle into the doorway and draining her whole mag into it. She was able to handle the kickback by now, but still unaware of the concept of conserving ammo. Her gun clicked as smoke poured from the barrel. When the gunfire ceases, an Elite in white armor steps out, wielding an energy sword. "Ultra! Twilight get out the way!" Tex dove into a combat roll as the Elite swung his sword, slicing through the wall where Tex once stood. The Elite then focussed on Twilight as she looked up at it in horror. The Elite went to stab her, but Twilight's horn lit up, She then teleported behind the alien. The elite's eyes widened as his target seemingly vanished. He looks side to side in confusion before quickly turning around and seeing the scared princess. "By the Prophets!? What is the meaning of this!?" He began to yell as his shield was lit up by the blast of Tex's shotgun. The elite's shield broke, which caused the elite to growl at the ODST. If his enemies can teleport, he knew he was outmatched. The ultra ran out of the apartment through the door Tex and Twilight came through. Twilight ran up to the doorway and stopped as the ultra was now long gone. "Let him go, we'll get him eventually." Tex stood up straight and looked into the room the ultra was hiding in. "Let's check that room out. I got point."  Tex steps into the dark room, shotgun raised, and Twilight follows him. Tex turns on his Visr mode and he instantly gasps. "Jesus... Jesus fucking Christ..." Tex said appalled. "Wh-what! What's wrong!" Twilight was beginning to panic. "You don't... you don't want to know. Come on." Tex begins to turn around to exit, when he notices Twilight's horn begin to light up, starting to illuminate the room. Twilight's eyes begin to widen as she could start to see blood on the walls. The room lights up more showing the grizzly scene. The bodies of 4 ponies littered the floor, one was disemboweled while the other was decapitated from her shoulders, the others with burns and puncture wounds. Blood stained their coats and horrified expressions were petrified on their faces. Twilight takes a few steps back as she is standing in pools of blood. She was... mortified. She lets out the most horrified scream she had ever yelled and quickly runs out.Tex watches her, and quickly follows after her. Twilight was just around the corner, her head lowered to the ground and she began to vomit. Tex kept his distance, giving her her space. After emptying her stomach, Twilight instantly began to cry, sitting back on her haunches and crying into her hooves. Tex watches her as he started to feel a massive amount of deja vu. He has seen many humans come across mangled bodies and begin to break down. But Tex, could feel his heart sink into his gut, as Twilight wasn't a human. This was a race that was not meant to go through this, through this kind of trauma. He regrettably became numb to it when it came to humans, but now he was feeling as if he was witnessing it for the first time again. He feels his own emotions getting to him, he had to comfort her now. Tex leaned his shotgun up against the wall and approached her, gently putting his hand on her shoulders. She continued bawling her eyes out as if he wasn't even there. Finally he got down on one knee, and pulled her close to him, giving her a gentle hug. She responded by leaning into him and crying into his chest armor. "...I'm so sorry Twilight... this is all our fault... we... we never should have fucking came here. You shouldn't be going through this. This was our fight, not yours... I'm so sorry." Tex tried to comfort the crying Princess. "...Th-that... that... that..." Twilight began to stutter. Tex looked down at her, having a confused look under his helmet. "...Twilight?" He began to question. "That... That... FUCKING MONSTER!!!" Twilight Yelled out, releasing a magical shockwave around them. Tex's eyes widened, not  only from hearing her swear for the first time, but also from her horn. It began to ooze a green and purple miasma. Twilight lifted her head to reveal the same was happening to her eyes, but now her eyes were green with red pupils. "T-Twilight!?" Tex cried out in both shock and concern. "I'm going to kill the bastard for what he has done! All the covenant shall pay for harming the innocent!" She decreed as she finally pulled away from Tex. The green aura seemed to die down as Twilight headed for the door, grabbing Tex's shotgun on the way out. "H-hey! That's mine!" Tex protested, but she was already gone. He looked at the ground and picked up the MA5B Twilight had left behind. "That green and purple aura... what was that all about?" Tex thought to himself before quickly following Twilight. They get to the ground floor of the apartment, the whole damn street has turned into a warzone. The covenant was laying heavy fire onto a pinned down squad of marines and a few Equestrian soldiers. They were using the abandoned wagons as cover, the marines tried to fight back as the Equestrians were firing magic from their horns. The Covenant was advancing, pushing hard into the slowly depleting number of marines. Twilight hides in the doorway and peeks out, she could see the covenant getting closer, she waits till they are right up to her and she finally steps out. She aims the shot gun at a group of grunts and jackals. BLAM! CHK-CHK! BLAM! CHK-CHK! Twilight begins to open fire, killing three grunts and two jackals with ease. Two elites, a major and a minor see the carnage Twilight is causing and they quickly turn their attention to her. They aim their plasma rifles at her and open fire, but twilight quickly pulls up a shield with her magic, the plasma bounces right off. The elites continue to fire, when the major notices a pink aura around the minor's throat. The minor stops firing and grasps at its throat, like it's choking. Slowly, he began to be lifted off the ground, being suspended in the air, with nothing touching him, still grasping at his throat. The Major's eyes widened, and he took a few steps back. "By the Forerunners!?..." The major exclaims, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looks back at Twilight, who had a very angry expression on her face, her horn glowing brightly. "What... are you!?" The major said before his shields began to flare up from Tex quickly following up behind her, breaking the Major's shield with his rifle before the final bullets put him down for good. Twilight then lifted the shotgun with her magic, right up to the floating minor's face. "...D...D...DEVIL!" He managed to choke out, before Twilight fired at point blank range. The shot broke through the shield with ease, and sent pellets into the elites face, pretty much rendering him unrecognizable from the neck up. Twilight let the corpse fall down to the ground. Tex looks at Twilight, who was huffing and puffing. He surveyed the area, 5. She killed five Covies.  "Twilight... Are you alright?" Tex asked, concerned for Twilight's current sanity. "I'm fine!" She shot back sharply. "Easy Sparkle, you need to calm down. You're still not used to killing." Tex pointed out. "These monsters are showing no mercy Tex! I was traumatized by my first encounter at the castle of the two sisters, but I lived. But here, ponies are dying. MY PONIES!" She glanced back at him, her eye flashes green for a second. "My subjects are dying Tex! I can't hold back anymore, I can't! Or more will die!" She then tossed him back his shotgun, which he caught with one hand. She then took back her assault rifle he had and they both turned back to the pinned down marines they rescued. They all got out of cover and approached the pair, 4 marines and two Equestrians. One of the ponies quickly salutes to Twilight. "Princess! Thank Celestia you are here!" He quickly said, evident he was out of breath. "Status report soldier." Twilight ordered, as the pony put his hoof back down. "Ma'am... We're outnumbered here, we are trying our best to push back the aliens. But we have never encountered an enemy this... this brutal before." The pony responded, his eyes were showing quite a bit of fear. "The humans are helping out significantly, but it appears the aliens just never stop coming." Twilight looks to the ground and begins to weigh her options. "... If the city falls, it falls. But I'll be damned if I leave a single pony behind. I want the civilians moved out of here, alive or dead. Everypony is getting out of here." She commanded. "Ma'am... it's going to be hard to evacuate the dead." The pony protested. "I don't care! Whether alive or dead, no pony will be left behind!" She demanded, giving him an angry look. The pony relented and looked to the ground. "I'll... relay those orders." He finally said. A marine then approaches Tex. "Sir? Orders?" The marine asked. "Follow the Princess's orders, getting the civilians out of here is priority number one." Tex repeated. The marine and pony saluted before they and the rest of the squad began to continue down the street. "Where to now?" Tex asked Twilight looking down at her. "To where we are evacuating ponies. An LZ as you call it, I need to safeguard my ponies." She responded. Two Hours After Touchdown The LZ to evacuate the civilians was in and in front of the Manehattan Theater. Multiple pelicans have been landing to drop off more soldiers, and to take Civilians back to the Ad Meliora. Starlight and Marcus were up near the front line as the covenant beat on their cover with their plasma fire. Starlight was hyperventilating as she held her M319 close to her chest. She had yet to shoot it, afraid too. She looks up and sees the scared faces of ponies, and families hugging each other as plasma flies over their heads. Then she looks over at Marcus, he stuffs another grenade in his own grenade launcher. He stands up, peeks over his cover and fires, the weapon making a KA-CHONK sound before an explosion. "I need some help over here!" Tammy's voice could be heard. Starlight looked over, and she was trying her best to patch up a wounded marine. Starlight looks back at Marcus before slowly making her way to Tammy, keeping her head down. The wounded marine was on his back, and he was squirming as he was crying out in pain. Starlight got up to them quickly to lend a hoof. "Tammy, I'm here, what do you...need?" Starlight looked down at the wounded marine, he had massive holes in his gut and chest, oozing a lot of blood. Around the wounds appeared to be small pink crystal fragments. "Starlight! I got a soldier with severe needler damage! I need your help removing the small crystal fibers before I can seal it with biofoam!" Tammy yelled over the gunfire, and the screams of the wounded soldier. "I... I..." Starlight's eyes were wide at the massive amounts of blood the soldier was losing. "I can use my magic..." "Make sure you get all pieces out!" Tammy yelled as she took out a hyperdermic needle, she jammed it into the marine's leg. It seemed to settle him down a bit, but not a lot.  Starlight began to light her horn, she very carefully began to pull out the crystals. It only took her a few minutes, but she made sure she got all of them. "There! I got them!" She said, turning her head to Tammy. "Excellent! Now I just... FUCK! I'm out of biofoam! Starlight, apply pressure onto the wounds as I run back to grab more!" She was about to stand until she saw Starlight's confused look. She then grabs Starlight's hoof and pressed it onto the largest wound on the marine. "Pressure! I'll be back!" She then stood and took off. Starlight looked down at the marine, blood was coming out of his mouth as he looked up at her. He grabbed her foreleg with his bloody hand. "Help me... help me please... I don't want to die..." He begged her. "I... I'm trying to... I'm trying to help you..." Starlight's eyes began to tear up, the marine was dying in front of her. "Please... please don't let me go...please...please..." Starlight could only watch as the marine's grip on her foreleg weakened, and his breathing began to slow. Finally, his whole body went limp. Starlight pulled her hooves off the marine, he just laid there lifeless. She looked down at her own hooves, her fur stained with blood. Tears ran down her cheeks as the moment fully began to sink in. "Starlight?" A familiar voice is heard behind her. Starlight looks back and sees Twilight standing there, giving her a sympathetic look. "T-Twilight!" Starlight flung her hooves around Twilight's neck, getting her covered in some of the blood. Twilight hugged Starlight close, she watched most of what just happened. Feeling Starlight cry into her shoulder broke her heart, her friends shouldn't be going through this. By now Tammy had come back, and looked down at the marine. She kneels down and retrieves his dog tags before closing his eyes with her hands. Tex was back with Marcus as they both hunker down. Marcus and Starlight had been at the LZ the entire time. "Marcus! Report!" Tex yelled, sitting down behind cover. "We counted at least 850 Civilians evacuated! But from what I have been told, that’s a little under half the whole population of the city! It's possible more have gotten out by fleeing the city themselves, but there are still a ton of ponies not accounted for!" Marcus yelled as he reloaded his grenade launcher, standing up and firing it again. "Fuck me! Where's the rest of our squad!?" Tex yelled. "Tammy is here with me, Adam joined one of the Spartans, and I have no idea where the hell Carlito is at!" Marcus replied. "What about the other two Spartans!? We could really use them right about now! "One of them we haven't seen since they chased that Zealot! The other is still somewhere in the City, we've only seen her a few times! Clara-B452 I believe!" Tex kept his back to the cover, as he put his hand to the Radio. "This Is Sargent Eric Torne ODST to Spartan-B452! Clara, Where the hell are you!?" Tex radioed. "I'm here Tex! I'm escorting a rather large group of civilians, what do you need!?" Clara responded over her radio. "We need a spartan over here! The covenant is beating our position like a drum!" Tex responded. "WRAITH!!!" Marcus yelled, giving warning to everyone present. "Get your ass over here now! We're risking being overtaken! We need to keep this LZ clear!" "Rodger, I'm on my way!" As he cut out his radio, a massive ball of plasma landed a few feet from their blockade. Tex peeks over and sees the Covenant wraith aimed right at them. At the worst moment possible, running down one of the side streets was a squad of marines with a few dozen more civilians. The tank quickly changes targets and fires at the civilians. Soldiers and ponies quickly try to get out of the way before it lands, but it instantly incinerates a few marines with a direct hit. The rest hunker down behind walls and a few wagons, they were at least 100 yards away from the LZ. They were forced to wait for a new opportunity to make a run for it. "Starlight! Starlight!" Marcus yelled behind him. A few moments later, Starlight, accompanied by Twilight, reaches the two humans. "What..."Starlight still had swollen, sad eyes. "I need help providing covering fire! We got a squad pinned down out there with civilians." Said Marcus, loading another shot. "What... what do I do?" She asked, a feeling of being overwhelmed fills her. "Take your launcher, and fire it at the wraith! It's tearing our men apart!" Marcus got up and fired a shot, it landed just a bit too short in front of the wraith. Starlight looks to Twilight, who gives her a reassuring nod. Twilight then peeks over the cover, and uses her magic to fire her rifle at some more advancing covenant. She could see the anger in Twilight's eyes as she fired. Starlight picks up her launcher with her magic. She takes a deep breath before aiming. She makes sure she has the perfect angle, and fires. The shot was a direct hit, killing the wraiths turret gunner, but the wraith was still operational. Starlight flinched backwards and her mouth was left ajar. She watched her shot hit and completely decimated the elite operating the turret. "...Oh Celestia..." She whispered to herself. "Good hit! Good hit! Another!" Yelled Marcus firing another shot, hitting the wraith again. It was damaged, but still hovering. "I'm out of ammo! Starlight Shoot!" Starlight aimed the launcher again, her magic was shaking. She closes her eyes and fires a second shot, it flies right over the wraith. Seizing the opportunity, the wraith fired again. It was heading towards a wagon with a marine and a stallion civilian behind it. The marine saw it and motioned the civi to get away. He jumped out of the way, but the stallion hesitated, making him just a tad bit too late before he jumped. The blast was close enough to blow off one of the stallion's hind legs up to his knee. The stallion rolled on the ground and began to yell as he held the blown off appendage as blood began to squirt from the wound. Starlight's eyes widened at seeing the brutal scene before her.  The marine who first warned the stallion ran back out to help. Grabbing the stallion, and hoisting him onto his shoulders, getting himself covered in blood and making a mad dash to the LZ. "MEDIC! MEEEEEEEDIC!" The Marine Yelled, running as fast as he could with the stallion on his shoulders. "Covering fire!" Yelled Tex, pulling out his magnum and fired at the line of covenant. Twilight joined him, focussing her fire in a steady stream to distract the enemy. Despite their efforts, a stray plasma shot hits the marine on the back of his leg, causing him to stumble, and fall to his knees. The Stallion on his shoulder, grits his teeth, trying his best to hold back his cries from the pain in his leg.  "MEDIC!..." The marine continued to yell, as he struggled to stand up as the plasma burns a hole in his leg. "MEDIC!..." The wraith takes aim and fires again. "MEEEEEDIC!!!...." As the marine finally got back up to his feet, the blast from the wraith landed a direct hit. The blast causes the group to shield their eyes. When they look back, there was nothing. There was no trace of the stallion, or the marine holding him except for a burnt crater where they once were. Despite the sounds of war, everyone grew quiet, Tex and Marcus look at each other. Their helmets covering their ever growing depressed faces. Starlight watched in horror, as the stallion and marine were reduced to nothing. Her heart jumps into her throat, and tears roll down her cheeks once more. "That's it! I've had enough!" Twilight had finally snapped, angry boiling hot tears in her eyes and she gritted her teeth.  She spreads her wings and took off into the sky and flew over to the Covenant lines. "The fuck is she doing!?" Marcus yelled as he and the others look up at her. "LEAVE MY HOME AT ONCE!!!" Twilight yelled as her eyes turned back to the evil green and purple. Her horn lights up with the similar colors as she charges up a spell. "Twilight no!" Starlight called out to her, but It was too late. Twilight unleashed a powerful beam of dark magic, striking the wraith. From inside the wraith, giant black crystals began to erupt from it, tearing through the metal and the wraith's operator. The wraith finally blows up, but the crystals remain undamaged. The covenant forces then begin to fire up at Twilight, but she simply shields herself, before blasting another beam at the aliens. Sharp crystals rise from the ground and begin to rip and tear right through many of the covenant. The crystals pierced their bodies, going through flesh and bones. Suffering heavy losses by now, the covenant on the front lines turned and began to retreat. Marines from the LZ stood up and began to yell and cheer for Twilight, seeing what she did was an incredible feat. The only one not cheering was Starlight, who looked on in horror at what Twilight had just done. > Fall of Manehattan Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 and a Half Hours After Touchdown Twilight lands back down in front of the theater, where a bunch of Marines were cheering for her, including the ODST's. The only ones who were not cheering were Starlight, and a handful of pony civilians. Twilight had her eyes closed, the green and purple aura still leaking out of her horn. It begins to die down till it fully dissipates. Twilight opens her eyes, and the green hue in her eyes also fades. Twilight had a confident, but worn out expression on her face. "Holy fuck Princess! That was kick ass!" Said Tex approaching her with his helmet off. Twilight just turns her head and heads towards one of the landed pelicans at the LZ.  "I appreciate that Tex, but right now, let's just get the ponies back to the Ad Meliora. We have an opening and I don't want it to go to waste." Twilight monotoned, her expression never changing. "Yes ma'am! Come on get the civis on board! Covenant will be back any minute!" Tex began to shout as he put his helmet back on. Soldiers scrambled to get the civilians on board, as Starlight ran up to Twilight and began to walk next to her. "Twilight... are you ok?" Starlight stated, concerned for her teacher. "I'm fine Starlight, don't worry about me." Twilight never even glances over at her. "I can't do that Twilight, you just used a lot of Dark Magic." Starlight gave her a worried look. "I know, what I did was necessary." Twilight said coldly, now glaring at Starlight, causing her to stop in her tracks. Twilight then continues her trot without her. "N-Necessary!? Twilight, it's banned for a reason! It corrupts ponies!" Starlight began to argue where she stood. "That won't happen to me." Twilight continues, not looking back. "That's what a certain king said before he fell from grace!" Starlight now shouts at her teacher in anger, causing Twilight to stop. "I know what I am doing Starlight! You need to back off right now! If you had taken action, I wouldn't have had to have done that! If you hadn't let those two DIE!" Twilight looks back at Starlight, her face scowling and her eyes flash green for a second. "I wouldn't have had to do that to save lives!" Starlight flinches back from Twilight's words as she spat them out like venom. Starlight began to tear up, feeling like she had just been stabbed in the heart. She turned away and ran away from Twilight, who instantly began to soften her face. "W-wait! Starlight!" Twilight turned and held her hoof to her, but she was already long gone. Twilight shook her head from side to side and then rubbed her temple with her hoof. "Why... Why did I say that too her?" She then said to herself. Pelicans would come by, drop off more soldiers, and pick up more civilians more efficiently now that the LZ wasn't being fired on. During this time, Spike and Carlito are able to finally make it to the LZ, Carlito slumps down with his back behind some Cover, as Tammy comes over to give him a check up. "Carlito! You look like hammered shit." Said Tex Approaching them with his hands on his hips. "Hey sarge, kiss my ass dawg." Carlito began to chuckle, inciting some from the others. "The fuck happened to you Carlito?" asked Tammy, giving him a check up. "Your armor is all torn to shit." "Had a run in with another Spec Ops officer. Nearly sliced me in half, and skewered Spike here." Said Carlito. "You were almost killed Spike!?" Twilight yelled in Shock as she approached the group as well. Spike instantly ran up to her and hugged her to which Twilight hugs him back. "Spike... Are you hurt?" Twilight sits on her haunches and looks him over. "No, I'm fine. He just wanted information from me." Spike replied as Twilight looks him over like a mother hen. "Information? What kind of Information." Twilight cocked her head and gave him a weird look. "He wanted to know about Magic... and... And he is looking for you, Twilight." Spike revealed, causing Twilight's eyes to widen. "Me?... I'm being hunted by the Covenant?" She stated aloud, grimacing at the thought of what they would do to her if they captured her. "But... why?" "Whatever their reason is, you never want to be in the Covenant's sight. You need to get out of here Princess." Tex turned his head to Twilight, now concerned for her safety. "I'm not leaving. I need to protect my ponies." Twilight began to argue. As they talked, a new explosion caused them all to stumble. They all look in the direction of where it came from, what they saw made their blood run cold. A squadron of banshee's came flying in at the LZ, firing plasma and energy cannons at them. The group quickly dived for cover, as now the LZ was under direct fire. "God dammit! Take cover!" Tex yelled as he pressed himself hard against a metal barrier. One of the Banshee's fires on one of the Pelicans as it tries to take off, causing it to jossle like crazy. "We cannot allow them to fire on the Pelicans! Return fire!" Marcus discards his Grenade Launcher and picks up an M41 rocket launcher. He aims carefully before firing, blasting one of the Banshee's out of the air. The barrel rotates, allowing him to fire again. He shoots another rocket, and strikes another banshee which blows up in mid air. "I need more rockets!" Marcus yelled to the group. Marcus looks back at the small squadron of banshees, one was flying directly at them, charging up it's fuel rod cannon. Marcus's eyes went wide, they all were about to be hit with a direct attack. That was until it suddenly had a bright blue aura surround it, causing it to freeze in midair. Marcus looks behind him to see Starlight standing there, with a very angry expression on her face, horn alight. She held the banshee in place, before flinging it into a second banshee, destroying both. "Hell yeah! Thanks Starlight!" Marcus raises his fist in the air as Starlight approaches them. "I'm here to help in anyway I can." Starlight stated, looking at Marcus, and completely ignoring Twilight, who gave her a worried look. Twilight could still see Starlight's sad eyes behind her hardened expression. "Starlight...?" Twilight places her hoof on Starlight's shoulder, to which she swats it away with her own hoof. Starlight then glares at Twilight as if to say 'Don't touch me!' Twilight just gives her a regretful expression. "Starlight, could you get me more rockets! There is still a shit ton of banshees up there!" Marcus yelled to her. "I'm on it." She then turned without another word to retrieve more ammo. Spike watches Starlight run off to get more rockets, he had seen the interaction between her and Twilight. Spike looks up at her, and sees Twilight's sad expression. "What happened to her?" he asked, to which Twilight let out a remorseful sigh. "I said something that was completely uncalled for..." Twilight admitted. She was about to explain, when another explosion shook them, they looked to see the remnants of another Banshee exploding in mid air. "What the...? Who did that!?" Yelled Tex, looking to Marcus who just stood there just as confused as him. "Heavy armor is here dawg!." Carlito shouted pointing down the opposite end of the street. What came down was a scorpion tank, it fired another shot, shooting a banshee out of the air "Fuck yeah! Calvary is here!" Tex yelled, before looking down at a very unamused Twilight. "In a manner of speaking!" On the tank's turret, Maverick could be seen firing the machine gun at more of the Banshees. Starlight returns with more rockets, allowing Marcus to reload. With a combo of the machine gun, tank, and the rocket launcher, the Banshees finally pulled away. Everyone begins to cheer again as the tank rolls right up to the LZ, behind it was a large number of civilians, with multiple UNSC and Equestrian soldiers escorting them. Riding the Tank was Adam, and Rainbow Dash, who wave to their friends. The hatch of the tank opens, and out steps Clara. Both her and the others step off the tank and regroup. "I wouldn't leave you guys hanging." Said Clara as she stepped up and shook Tex's hand. "Still took your fucking time." He teased before looking at Maverick. "Orders sir?" "full scale retreat. Manehattan is lost." Maverick replied sharply, causing them all to flinch back. "But sir, we are driving them back!" Tex pointed out, arguing against the Spartan's orders. "They are sizing us up for something bigger! We need to get the fuck out of here now! The captain is sending all available pelicans to pick us up. They'll be here in 5 minutes, if you're not on when they get here, you're being left behind." Maverick looked at all of them before turning to Twilight who stepped forward. "Maverick, I requested to retrieve the dead! I'm not leaving anypony behind!" Twilight said sternly, stomping her foot to emphasize her point. "Princess, We can't get all the bodies! We need to leave or we're all dead!" Maverick argued with her, the sound of urgency in his voice. As they spoke, Pelicans were flying in in droves. Civilians climbed in till they were cramped, The soldiers were trying to squeeze as much of them as they could to get as many as they could out. "Maverick! This is not up for debate! I'm not abandoning anypony. As their Princess, I must ensure everypony comes home!" Twilight narrowed her eyes at the spartan who steps forward defiantly. "If we don't get out of here now, there won't be a Princess of Friendship for your subjects to worship, because you will be fucking dead!" Maverick yelled at her. Twilight flares up her wings, and grits her teeth. "Twilight! You need to listen to us!" Rainbow Dash approaches Twilight and places her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We saw it! It was huge!" "What was huge!?" She then snaps at Rainbow Dash. Large thumping sounds could be heard approaching, they sounded rhythmic, coming in a pattern. They began looking all around, but Maverick knew exactly what it was. "It's getting closer, We need to leave!" Maverick said with upmost urgency. "Maverick, I need more time! Just give us a few more minutes to save more ponies!" Twilight was practically begging. Maverick looked at the Pelicans at the LZ, as ponies and soldiers were climbing inside. He could see some of them had more room to fit more ponies. "You have 10 minutes to look for any more stragglers, then I'm giving the order to leave." Maverick warned her before turning to get onto a pelican.  Twilight took this opportunity to quickly spread her wings and take off. She dared not fly higher than the buildings, out of fear of being shot out of the sky. She turns down one of the many streets and sees a small squad of Covenant firing into the remains of a bakery. They were shooting at something, but Twilight was unable to see what exactly. She lands a few feet away behind some rubble. She checks the ammo counter on her assault rifle, 54 bullets. She uses her magic to lift up the last two mags she had. "Close to 180 rounds. I don't know if that will be enough." Twilight said to herself. "But at least I have magic..." Twilight's eyes flash green for a bit, thinking specifically about dark magic. She shook her head at the thought. "NO! I can't keep using dark magic, I've already used too much today. I already don't feel like myself." Twilight thought about how harshly she snapped at Starlight, blaming her for the deaths of the marine and stallion from earlier. On top of that, she had gotten her first kill, all of that would be unbearable for anypony to process. She quickly lets out a long breath, she needed to focus on taking out this squad of Covenant. Whatever they were shooting it, it had to be more civilians. She raised her gun and began to fire. The bullet's shred through an elite minor's shield and the bullets entered his back, causing him to collapse before dying. The other covenant turn and see Twilight, they howl and growl at her, except for a few grunts who scream and begin to run. "The Devil! It's the Devil! Run!" One of the grunts squealed as they ran. Twilight focusses her fire on a Jackal's shield, her bullets bouncing off it until one of her bullets strike an uncovered part of its arm. It moved its shield to the side, giving Twilight an opening, but her gun clicked. She looked down at it, it revealed zero. She looked back over at the jackal. She had no time to reload if she wished to take him out now. She lit her horn up, suppressing her urges to use dark magic, and fired a bright pink beam at it. The beam struck it in the head, and a large spray of purple blood erupted from where the head of the Jackal used to be. That's when Twilight heard it, a ferocious battle cry from one of the large aliens. This one caused her to freeze, she had heard them make those roars before, but this one was familiar. Twilight turned in the direction where she heard it, and saw an Elite in white armor. She recognized it, it was the Ultra she saw before. Her blood began to boil and she grit her teeth. "You!" She screamed as she quickly reloaded her assault rifle. She aimed it at the Ultra and opened fire. The ultra, using it's speed and agility quickly performed evasive maneuvers to duck and dive out of the way of the bullets. His shield lit up, as few bullets struck, but not enough to break his shields.  "Fuck!" Twilight exclaimed as her counter clicked to zero. She wasted that whole mag. She loaded her last one in and took aim, but the Ultra was gone. She scanned all over the street, but she could not see him.  Her ears twitch and turns backwards as she could hear large footsteps approaching her. She turns to see the ultra charging her with his energy sword alight. Twilight immediately opens fire, but the ultra was so close by now, he grabbed the levitating gun and pointed the barrel into the air. Fear overtook Twilight as she kept squeezing the trigger. She lifts a rock with her magic, and hits the ultra in the side of the face with it, causing it to let out a pained growl. His grip on the weapon release and Twilight aimed her gun back at him. She squeezed the trigger, but it only clicked. She looked at the counter, zero again. "Oh no!" She exclaimed as the Elite looked back at her.  He swung his sword at her, Twilight lifted up her weapon to block it, but the blade cut through it like butter. Twilight began to back up, until she tripped backwards on some rubble. Her heart was racing as the elite stepped closer.  The elite raised his sword, and was moments from bringing it down. Twilight closes her eyes tight, her fear froze her, she couldn't even focus to bring up a shield. She heard the blade cutting through the air with a slight sizzle, but she then heard a loud boiling sound as the blade collided with something. She opens her eyes to see a second energy sword made contact, blocking the first one from hitting Twilight. She looks to see who was holding it, it was Kieran. "Demon!" The Ultra sputtered as Kieran forcefully kicked the elite back.  Kieran stepped in front of Twilight and held his blade up in a defensive manner. Kieran held up his hand and waved to the elite to come closer. The elite accepted the challenge and stepped closer swinging his sword once again. Their swords collided and locked. Kieran pulled away, took a side step and swung, the Elite easily blocked it and parried it. It stepped closer and rammed its shoulder into Kieran, causing him to take a few steps back. The Ultra swings his sword to the side, just barely knicking the chest armor on the Spartan. Kieran quickly backs away, it was evident he was exhausted, even before they started fighting. Kieran quickly goes for a stab, but the ultra was ready for him, using his momentum against him. The Ultra struck down onto Kieran's blade and side stepped, changing Kieran's momentum to go downwards. Kieran lands on his stomach and the elite looms over him. The elite holds up the sword, and is moments away from plunging it into the back of the spartan. "No!" Twilight yelled as she watched Kieran about to be killed. She lights up her horn with an electricity spell, blue sparks beginning to arc. The Elite looks at her and his eyes widen. "By the Rings..." The elite muttered before a powerful shock broke through his shields. The elite hollers out in pain as he is electrocuted. The shock was able to render the elite unconscious, as he toppled over onto his back. Kieran slowly gets to his feet and looks at the elite before looking at Twilight. "Thank you Princess. I would have had him, If that Zealot didn't give me a hell of a fight beforehand." Kieran said out of breath. "Why are you out here alone?" "I should be thanking you, Kieran. I froze up, and you stopped that monster from killing me." Twilight said, getting to her hooves. "And to answer your question, Maverick has ordered a full scale retreat of Manehattan." Kieran quickly turned his head to look at the princess, surprised by what she just said. "Retreat!? But we have the advantage. The whole attacking force is in disarray for some reason. Almost like they're afraid to attack the front lines. Why would he want us to retreat now?" Kieran asked while standing up. "I don't know, I'm pretty upset with him abandoning everything. He said there is something big coming, but he wouldn't elaborate." Twilight said, unfolding her wings. "We need to get out of here before we are left behind, you find any civilians?" "Why do you think I was pinned down?" Kieran turned and whistled. From the bakery the squad of Covenant were shooting at, a small group of around 10 ponies slowly began to peek out. Twilight gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you Kieran. Thank you for saving more of my subjects." Twilight gave the spartan a soft smile to which he gave her a small nod. "What about him? He's still breathing." Kieran gestured to the knocked out Ultra. Twilight looked at it, her anger rising for a brief moment after remembering what this specific elite had done. But she quickly calmed down and thought rationally. "Bring him with us." Twilight stated while glaring at the elite. "He will answer our questions." Kieran would approach the Elite, after completely disarming it, he hoisted it onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry. From there, Twilight would escort Kieran, and the rest of the civilians towards the LZ. They were heading down the street as fast as they could, when the large thumping sounds she heard at the LZ were now louder and getting closer. They turned the corner, the LZ was in sight, there was only one Pelican left there, and it appeared as if it could take off at any moment. Twilight and the others break into a dead sprint towards the pelican, as they see Maverick peek out of it at them. He furiously waves for them to hurry. The thumping has turned into loud crashes, causing Maverick to point behind them. Twilight looked up at what he was pointing at, and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a massive land machine, a walking fortress. It crushes buildings everywhere it walks, and it has a massive turret on its face and its back. Twilight quickened her pace, jumping over the metal barriers and stopping in front of the pelican. "Everypony on! Come on, Come on!" Twilight yelled as Kieran quickly got onto the pelican, followed by each one of the 10 civilians they rescued. Finally, Twilight was the last one to get on. That's when the large turret on the back of the machine began to fire at the pelican. Large balls of plasma landing around the pelican. "Pilot! Go Go Go! get us out of here!" Maverick Yelled into his radio. The pelican began to lift up into the sky, just barely avoiding the balls of Plasma. Finally, the pelican begins to pull away from the city. Twilight turns to watch the burning remains of Manehattan. The walking fortress soon changes its target away from the pelican, and at something new. Its front cannon begins to charge up. Then a large beam of plasma fires out, and strikes the tallest building in Manehattan, the Crystaller Building. The beam cut the building in half, and the top in the shape of a pony's head came crumbling down to the streets. "What... the hell is that!?" Twilight yelled as she watched the machine. "...It's a scarab..." Tex said in awe, looking to Maverick. "We... we don't have the equipment to stop that thing, do we?" "...No." Maverick said as the pelican got higher. Twilight and her friends could only watch, with saddened, horrified expressions. Tears spill down Twilight's cheeks as she watches the carnage down below. Twilight turns and looks at Maverick with a very angry expression. He turns to look at her, his helmet hiding his expression. "Why are you giving me that look?" Maverick asked her, his voice monotone. "Take a big guess! This departure is premature! There are ponies and soldiers still down there!" Twilight Yelled. "We relayed the orders for retreat for nearly 30 minutes. Why did you think we escorted a huge number of Civilians with the tank before we left!?" Maverick argued back at the angry Princess. "We're abandoning them! Abandoning my subjects, abandoning your own men!" Twilight began to yell louder, more tears running down her cheeks. "You think that was an easy decision for me to make!?" His voice wasn't that loud, but it definitely sounded annoyed. "I have to make tough decisions like that daily, No matter what choice I pick, people will die! It all depends on how many die! Think Princess, would you rather have 100 people die or 1000 people die? For me it's the former, and I'll be goddamned if I let 1000 die! This was a choice where I had to help the 1000!" Twilight's horn flares green and purple again, something that Maverick didn't understand what that meant, but Tex and the others did as they took a few steps back. Twilight's expression turned into a death glare as her eyes too turn green and red. Tex was about to intervene when he saw Twilight's expression start to change. It was turning from an expression of pure anger, to pain, agony even. More tears began to roll down her cheeks as Twilight began to sob. She slowly sat down on her haunches and put her hooves to her eyes. The green and purple aura slowly dissipates as Twilight begins to painfully weep. She had never been so miserable in her whole life. "Why!? Why did any of them have to die!? Nopony deserved to die! I don't want anypony to die! I'm supposed to protect my subjects, I failed! I failed them all!" Twilight howled loudly. Maverick's body language quickly changes. Before he was angry and hostile, but now he had softened and relaxed. He looks down at the crying Princess, crying for her murdered subjects and raped land. Maverick turns his head away, almost as if he couldn't bear to watch her cry, to witness someone as pure hearted as Twilight break down in despair and anguish. You could almost hear his own heart shatter. "...I'm sorry... I... I had to... I had to save the majority Princess." Maverick's voice spoke softly as Twilight continued to mourn. By now, Rainbow, Spike, and even Starlight had gone and comforted their friend. They too were crying over their losses. Tex looks to Maverick who moved to the back of the Pelican and finally sat down. The pelican ride only lasted only a few minutes. It landed along with several other pelicans at the Ad Meliora. As the group steps out, they see ponies littered all over the hanger, Many being escorted by human and Equestrian soldiers. There were doctors trying to help the wounded, and in the far corner, many bodies with sheets over them laid. The hanger was in complete chaos as many pony refugees shared the hanger with the human ones. Twilight was still emotional as she exited the pelican, along with Spike, Dash, and Starlight. To their surprise, the rest of their friends came running up to them. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy approached their friends, they all had worried faces. They also appear to be worn out as they were helping with all the incoming refugees. They stop in front of their friends, giving them horrified expressions. The group were covered in ash, soot, and debris. They looked as if they crawled out of the deepest pits of Tartarus. "Twilight.... What the hay happened!?" Applejack yelled her question. Half an Hour after the Retreat In Manehattan. the Covenant now enter the abandoned LZ, in front of the theater. They were making sure no one was there. Standing in the middle was the elite in black armor, standing with his arms crossed. A minor approaches him and quickly bows. "Spec Ops Officer Xala! It appears the cowardly humans and natives are all long gone!" The Minor said with his head bowed. "Very well, search every part of this godless city, kill any survivors you see." Xala Commanded before turning around and coming face to face with an Elite in gold armor, a zealot, and noticing he was missing his sword. "N'Thoka, Why are you unarmed?" "I had a run in with a demon. He managed to steal my blade, but never took the killing blow. Coward ran to save the pathetic Natives from a squad of our brothers." The Zealot named N'Thoka explained. "It is dishonorable to lose your blade N'Thoka! the Shipmaster will hear of this!" Xala scolded the Zealot, only causing him to growl back. "And what of you Xala! You fled like a coward from the injured Imp and Native who spits fire! You face the same punishment as well!" N'Thaka shot back. The Two were practically butting heads, when the same minor approached Xala and N'Thoka. "My Leader! you must come see this!" The minor barked, getting the attention of both the Spec ops officer and Zealot.  They settle their disagreement for now and follow the minor. He leads them both to a large line of black protruding crystals lining the battlefield. It has skeward right through a wraith, and many of their brothers. Chunks of Sangheili, Unggoy, and Kig-Yar littered around the crystals. They were all cleanly cut, and mangled beyond recognition. "By the Prophets! Such mutilation! Who would dare do such a thing to our brothers!?" Xala yelled in anger, but the Zealot remained collected. "I heard talk of this. Those who witnessed it, called it a work of the Devil." N'Thoka explained, giving Xala the side eyes. "The one who calls herself Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Xala once again roared in anger. "Princess Twilight Sparkle did this!? She is the Devil!?" Xala glared at the giant crystal skewering the wraith. With one more growl he punched the crystal with his fist. As he did, it sent a small shockwave across the crystal, causing it to crack. The crystal  then lit up with a green and purple aura. Xala looks at it and then steps back. "Xala! What have you done!" N'Thoka exclaimed as he too backed up. From the crystal, a dark black mist began to seep out of the crack an onto the ground. The black mist then slowly began to take form, the form of a pony. A pony with a gray coat and black hair, his horn was curved and stained red. He wore a dark colored crown and wore a red robe. His horn and eyes leaked the same purple miasma coming off the crystal. He opened his eyes to reveal that they were green with red pupils. He lets out a soft chuckle, causing many of the surrounding soldiers to raise their weapons. "Native! Kill the abomination!" Yelled Xala, as his soldiers began to fire. The plasma shot through his body as if he wasn't really there, as if he was made of smoke. A nearby major growls and then steps forward, preparing to strike the native with his gun. The pony turns to him, his horn glowing bright green and purple. From the ground, a long and sharp crystal rises, and quickly skewers the major from the ground, all the way up to its head, killing him instantly. All the present soldiers then take a step back, but their glares never leave the pony. The pony then turns to both N'Thoka and Xala, he gives them an evil grin, revealing his fanged teeth. "You two will take me to your shipmaster." The pony pretty much ordered the two to do so. This only causes Xala to get angry. "You do not give us orders Native! I shall cut you down where you stand!" Xala then activated his energy sword, which only caused the pony to grin even wider. "You can either take me to your shipmaster in peace, or I shall kill you all and meet him myself!" The pony's horn glew once again. A quick glance down revealed hundreds of crystals beginning to sprout from the ground. Xala's eyes widened, almost in fear. "Brother! Stop your hostility! No more of our brother's blood needs to be spilled!" N'Thoka yelled, grabbing Xala's shoulder. He then turns towards the pony and stepped forward. "Why should we bring you to our Shipmaster Native?" "He and I share a similar goal. He wants to kill Princess Twilight Sparkle, I want to be rid of all of Equestria's monarchs for good. In return, I will give you what you desire." Said the pony, looking at the zealot. "What is it you have that we desire?" N'Thoka questioned, causing the pony to chuckle maliciously. "I will give you what your shipmaster desires most from this world... I will give you magic!" The pony's grin gets more devilish from seeing the reaction of the Covenant around him. They were all taken back and began to look at each other. N'Thoka looks to Xala who also had a surprised expression. Xala deactivates his blade and approaches the pony.  "Very well, we leave immediately Native." Xala crossed his arms while looking down at the pony. "And stop calling me that, you may refer to me as King." The pony said, breaking into an evil laughter. > Their Blood is on My Hands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight.... What the hay happened!?" Applejack yelled her question. The group turns to Applejack, and to the group that stayed behind. "Manehattan... is now under control of the Covenant..." Was all Twilight could say, before turning her head in shame. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all gasp. They then looked at the soldiers, they were wearing their helmets, but they were all looking towards the floor. Carlito was the only one without a helmet, he had his arm around Marcus to help keep him stable. Kieran still had the unconscious Ultra on his shoulders. They all looked like they had just gone through Tartarus and back. "What about you guys? Have you been taking care of the survivors?" "We... Have." Applejack turns her head to the side, a sad expression falling on her face. At that moment, two marines quickly walk past holding a stretcher with a stallion on it. He was covered in bandages and he was groaning in pain. Twilight watches them walk past, her jaw left slightly gapped. The hangar was full with pony refugees, unsurprisingly, all were very upset and stressed. Many didn't know what was going on and why their town was attacked. To most of the ponies rescued,  this was their first time seeing the Humans and the Covenant. The humans try their best to take care of the pony refugees, getting them food, first aid, blankets, anything they need. In the far back of the hanger, rows of white sheets covered the deceased in an organized manner. It was complete chaos. Tex turns to the rest of his squad.  "Alright everyone, let's take it easy for a bit. Marcus, help Carlito find a doc. Tammy, tend to the wounded. Adam, get those burns on your face checked out. That's an order." Tex said while taking off his helmet. His squad does as he orders and begins to separate. "Clara, go tell the captain we're back. Kieran, lock that Covie in the brig until the Captain decides when it's best to interrogate him." Maverick ordered the other two spartans before they themselves split up. Twilight notices Maverick turning back and approaching the back of the hanger. She looks back towards her friends before giving out orders as well.  "Girls, keep doing what you are doing. Rainbow, Starlight, and Spike, help them with anything they ask for." Twilight said, looking at all of them. They nod and they leave as a group. Twilight then turns in the direction she saw Maverick leave. She slowly follows him. She turns a corner around some crates and sees Maverick standing alone, where no one else could see him. She stays out of sight and watches, his back was facing her. His arms were at his side, his hands clenched into fists and then relaxed repeatedly. Eventually he reaches up for his helmet, and takes it off. He had light brown hair in a crew cut, but one side of his head had a massive scar where no hair grew. He had pale skin, but she couldn't see his face. Maverick suddenly drops his helmet to his side, the loud clang startling Twilight. His shoulders slump and he hangs his head. He eventually went down on one knee, his elbow rested on his leg and he buried his face in his hand. Twilight's mouth slightly opens, and her eyes go melancholy as she hears him begin to gently weep into his hand. She goes downcast and she looks to the side. Her own eyes begin to tear up, Starlight is not the only one she knows she needs to apologize to. After a few seconds, Maverick stands back up, using both of his hands to rub his face and eyes. He takes in a deep breath before bending down and picking his helmet back up. But he continues to stare at the wall for a moment. Twilight steps out from behind the crates she was hiding behind and spoke up. "...Maverick." Her voice sounded soft. He quickly tenses back up, raising his head and shoulder before putting his Operator variant helmet back on. He turns around and looks at her. He never spoke, but she knew he was looking right at her through his visor. "I... I'm sorry I snapped at you... I... I know you had the lives of my ponies in mind... You saved a lot of them today... and I cannot thank you enough for that... I just... I just want to save them all... after today, I know that will be impossible, but... But I... I don't want anypony else to die..." tears fall off her cheeks as she continues to look Maverick in his visor. His shoulders relax again, and he fully turns around to face her. "... War never gives, it only takes. If you are given an opportunity, you must make a sacrifice. I've learned this first hand multiple times. I have had to make decisions like that for years now, it never gets easier. Thank you for understanding that I only wanted to save as many civilians as I could... I'm... I'm sorry I couldn't save more." Maverick's voice was stoic, but hid a lot of pain. Twilight approaches him, and raises up on her hind legs. Despite being an alicorn, and he a spartan, her head came up just below his chest. He looks down at her, as she places her hoof in the center of his chest. "You're... You're a good man Maverick... a good kind soul... You have a big heart and I am happy you are our friend." Twilight spoke to him, her head raised up too look into his visor. She couldn't see any facial expression in his tinted visor. But when she dropped back down to all fours, he placed his hand on the spot on his chest where she had placed her hoof. He looks down at it, before looking back up to her. "Thank you Princess Twilight... I... I needed to hear that." His voice remained stoic, as he kept his hand to his chest. Twilight was able to give him a soft smile, hoping he was giving her one back. He then walks past her, he needed to provide help to the wounded. Twilight follows after him, but she nearly runs face first into Starlight. She had a medkit in her magic aura. "Excuse me." They both said to each other, and began to walk past each other, but Twilight spoke up. "Starlight... can I please talk to you?" She asked. Starlight straightened up, and kept her head facing forward. "I don't know if I'm in the mood to talk to you right now." Starlight responded plainly. "Please... it's important." Twilight softens her expression. Starlight turns her head to look at her, though her facial expression was void of emotions, her eyes told a different story. "Starlight... I'm so... so very sorry for what I said to you. The things I saw out there..." Twilight looked to the side and towards the ground. "...I saw things I have never thought I would ever see in my life... Mutilation... Brutality... in its cruelest form... I snapped... I wanted the death of innocents to stop... I'm sorry how I spoke to you... You are not a soldier I shouldn't of..." Twilight's voice trails off as she could see Starlight's expression begin to weaken. Her eyes are swelling, her lip quivering, and tears were beginning to form. It didn't take long before Starlight began to cry. Twilight hung her head in shame as Starlight began to break down in front of her. Starlight sat back on her haunches and began to cry into her hooves. The sight of the marine and injured stallion being obliterated from existence flashing in her mind. Twilight pulled Starlight into a hug to which she hugs back. Twilight began to cry as well, her heart breaking for Starlight. "I never should have spoken to you like that. I'm so sorry Starlight. I know you feel upset about what happened... and to make you feel even worse about it was... cruel. I shouldn't expect you to... to take a life so easily. No one here should be put in that situation." "But... but you were right..." Starlight spoke up through her sobs. Twilight looks down at her heartbroken friend. "If... If I d-didn't hes... hesitate... I... I could have... s-saved them... I... I killed... I killed them b-because I was t-too scared!" Twilight hugs her tighter, her words dripping with remorse and grief. Twilight feels the words pierce right through her, she closes her eyes and rubs Starlight's back, trying to keep her own emotions in check. She waits for Starlight to calm down before speaking again. After a few minutes Starlight's sobs subside and she regains her composure. "From now on Starlight... you, and the others will stay behind. I don't want you or the others to go through anymore of this. You shouldn't have too... you were never meant to." Twilight comforts Starlight, but to her surprise, Starlight begins to pull away and stand up. "...No Twilight, I can't do that..." Starlight looks to her teacher, despite looking distraught, she also had determination. "What I saw today... I can't just forget it. These monsters... they want to destroy our very way of life. If we are to stop the Covenant... it's going to take everyone, myself included. Though I know you didn't mean what you said... I... I needed to hear it. This is war... total war. No pony is safe... so... we need to keep fighting" "Starlight... you seriously don't have too..." Twilight places her hoof on Starlight's shoulder. She responds by placing her hoof on top of Twilight's. "I know... But... But I want to." Starlight looks Directly at Twilight's face, her new found bravery was commendable. Twilight gives her a soft smile before they are both approached by Tex. "Princess, there you are. Orders from the Captain." He still had his helmet off, holding it in one hand. "What does he need Tex?" Twilight asks, giving him her full attention. "Princess Celestia and Luna are aboard the Ad Meliora, they are with the Captain on the bridge. They requested your presence." Tex informed her. Twilight's eyes widened at that, the Princesses were here, what did they want? What was she going to tell them of what happened? "I have to go Starlight." Twilight quickly hugs her again before following Tex up to the bridge. When she enters, she sees both the Princess with the captain. Maverick was there as well, standing off to the side. The two quickly approach the group, Tex saluting to the Captain, and Twilight bowing before the Princesses. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Master Sergeant Eric Torne, Spartan Commander Maverick. Thank you three for coming." McCormick says to the three. He then looks back to the Princesses. "And thank you for showing up as well your highnesses. "Once we received your notice that Manehattan was under attack, we sent out our troops and rushed here as fast as we could." Luna spoke up. Luna looked angry, while Celestia seemed to look... upset. "We appreciate the backup you sent, however, I fear it did little to nothing in... protecting your city from utter destruction." McCormick grimaced as he spoke. He then turns towards the three. "Report, from all three of you, and don't lie. Reagan heard the comms from both sides, and what I heard wasn't pretty." "Sir, we landed hot in the middle of the city. Our main objective was to escort civilians to safety." Maverick spoke first. "Did you try to repel the attack?" McCormick narrowed his eyes. "Sir, repeling the attack was an afterthought, we needed to keep the civis safe." "In doing so, you have allowed the Covenant to have a foothold on this planet! They are no longer restricted to stay in the air and can now operate from the ground!" McCormick slammed his hands down onto the console in front of him. "Sir, they threw everything at us. Before I gave the orders to retreat, They have deployed Scarabs. A handful of scorpions cannot compete against that, especially in a compact location. The safety of the civilians was my main objective." Maverick began to explain. "And who gave you that objective?" The Captain questioned. "I did Captain." Twilight spoke up, causing all to look at her. "I saw things down there captain, things I never want to see again. I know these are your men, but dammit this is my planet! While on the field, as a PRINCESS, I gave the order to focus 100% of our efforts into saving as many civilians as possible. Tex here can confirm, he was there when I ordered it." "Is that true Sargent?" McCormick looked to Tex, who stood at attention. "Sir, yes Sir." He replied. McCormick looked back to Twilight, she had no regrets in giving out that order. McCormick sighs heavily and rubs his face and temples with his hands. "I understand Princess. I'm not upset at your request to save the civilians. They should be priority number one, I'm just afraid. They have officially invaded, your planet is now at risk." McCormick spoke up again. "I appreciate your concern Captain." Twilight responded. "Indeed." Luna began to speak up again. "Our number one duty is to our subjects, but just like you, Captain, I'm very nervous at the capture of Manehattan. Since they now have their troops on the ground, they will be able to mobilize much faster, and in larger numbers." "My thoughts exactly Princess." McCormick motions to her. "Clarify one thing for me Commander, why did you order a retreat?" "Sir, The covenant had dropped Scarabs. it is unknown to me how many they dropped into the city, but we had a close encounter with one. With a lack of effective firepower, The Scarabs would have decimated my forces as well as all remaining civilians at our makeshift LZ. I gave it out of fear for the lives of the many." Maverick answered back. "Scarabs... God dammit." McCormick looked towards the ground again before looking back up at the three. "That lines up from what we heard. Reagan, play what we heard from their battlenet." Reagan blipped onto the console when he was summoned. "Of course Captain." Reagan said. A recording of the covenant comms could be heard, the ponies looking around them, trying to identify the source of the audio, still not use to tech. The comms at first were being spoken in Sangheili, but Reagan snapped his fingers, and they were instantly being translated. "Fall back! Fall back from the front lines!" "By the prophets! What did that monster just do to our wraith!?" "Get away from the wra-WAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" The sounds of bloody gurgles and bones snapping could be heard. "By the Forerunners! It's the work of the Devil!" “Send in any at all reinforcements! We are being torn to shreds!” "Redirect all available scarabs towards the human LZ! Kill the devil!" "Send in the Banshees! It will be a bit before the scarabs get there!" Reagan snapped his fingers once again, and the transmission ended. Everyone there had confused looks on their faces, except for Twilight, her eyes were wide, she knew what was going on by listening to the transmission. "Something spooked the Covenant, spooked them bad. I want to know what? What could have caused them to focus their scarabs on the LZ?" The Captain asked. "I think I know sir!" Tex spoke up before Twilight had the chance to open her mouth. "The LZ was under heavy fire, we were taking heavy casualties. After some abuse, Princess Twilight here flew up in the air and completely tore apart the covie bastards with a magical onslaught! Summoning these giant crystals that tore them to shreds, it was a sight to see sir." Tex explained. Though the Captain raised an eyebrow at him, the Princesses visibly react. "...What did you just say?" Celestia says her first words as she and Luna turn to look at Tex. "What did these crystals look like?" "They were jagged, and pitch black." Tex responded, unsure why the Princesses looked so frightened. The Princesses then shifts their eyes to Twilight, both bearing angry expressions. Twilight however avoided eye contact. "Twilight! You used Black Magic!?" Luna yelled. "... I did." Twilight said, her voice monotone. "Twilight... That kind of Magic is banned! Out of all ponies who know how dangerous it is, it's you." Celestia spoke up, her voice more upset than angry. "I did what I had to to save lives. I don't regret my actions." Twilight said as she turned to look back at the Princesses. "Black magic? Can either of you please elaborate?" McCormick butted in, gaining Luna's attention. "Black Magic is evil magic Captain." Luna began to lecture. "Ponies, specifically Unicorns and Alicorns, harness magic inside of themselves. That is both metaphoric, and literal. The best way I can describe it is that magic comes from the soul. When we use magic, we tap into a reserve inside ourselves that allows us to use magic that is attached to our souls to produce spells. Regular magic is benevolent and pure, black magic is malevolent and poisonous. If one conjures black magic, it begins to taint the soul, corrupting the pony who wields it after extended uses. Admittedly, the soul has the ability to purify itself, after a small bit of black magic is used, the harmony within ourselves begins to eat away the darkness. But use too much, and the darkness will outweigh the harmony, fully and permanently tainting the pony's soul for eternity." All the humans listened closely, their eyes widening as more of the lecture continued. "This has happened many times before, but one such case has caused the banning of the magic's practice. Sombra." "Sombra? Who or what is that?" The Captain asked. "Over a thousand years ago, in the Crystal Empire, Sombra grew up. He was the friend to the up and coming princess of the empire, Radiant Hope. Sombra was... power hungry. He desired more, he wanted to be king. His solution was black magic, he allowed it to corrupt his soul, and with the power of black magic, he took control of the Crystal Empire. He enslaved ponies, used them to do his bidding, and even got the entire empire banished for one thousand years. He is powerful, very powerful. Despite being a unicorn, his skills in black magic rival our own as alicorns." Luna looked towards the ground as if in shame. "What happened to Sombra was a tragedy, which is why all forms of black magic is banned. A certain student of mine should have known that." Celestia said, once again looking towards Twilight. "I'm sorry Celestia, but what I did, saved a lot of ponies... I had no choice." Twilight said, though feeling her actions were justified, she felt a bit of shame. "I know I used evil magic, and used it to take lives... our subjects... our ponies... were dying... being slaughtered without mercy. Take one look inside the hanger Princess... you can see the bodies, there's hundreds of them, and hundreds more still in Manehattan... I couldn't bare the sight of it anymore..." Celestia listens to her carefully, before she herself begins to look away. Tears were forming in her eyes, Twilight was right. The very ponies she swore to protect and had done so for a millenia... were dying. If Twilight hadn't acted as she did, more would have perished. "... Don't apologize my student. I bare all the blame." Celestia said, causing Twilight to look at her. "I have sheltered you all from any kind danger, I have done my best to protect you, and to instill peace. But all these years of peace have weakened us... we were not prepared to fight this enemy... their blood is on my hooves... I have failed them..." Tears fall from Celestia's cheeks, this causes Twilight to choke up. Her mentor... her teacher, who loved all her ponies... mourning. "No princess... this is my fault." McCormick spoke up. He hung his head, as if unable to look any of them in the eyes. "I gave the order to land on this planet. I brought the Covenant here, I drug you into this war, I got your civilians killed. Their blood is on my hands. While trying to save lives... I caused more to die. I bare the full blame your highnesses..." An awkward silence befell the bridge for a short moment before the captain spoke again. "Reagan... I want you to send a message to Shipmaster Khota." McCormick spoke, causing the A.I. to quickly turn towards the captain, giving him a look of confusion. "Sir, what for?" Reagan asked. McCormick Stood up to full height, turning around to look out the window of the bridge, looking over the Castle of the Two sisters, and the ghastly gorge. "To safeguard all lives... man and pony... I offer myself as a prisoner." Everyone present was taken back by the words he just spoke. "Sir! I cannot allow you to do that!" Maverick took a step forward. "I outrank you son, If I order you to stand aside you will do it." The Captain spoke without even turning to face them. "No you won't Captain! As a Princess of Equestria, I will not allow you to do so!" Luna spoke up as well. "With all due respect princess, I do not bend the knee to you. I am no citizen of Equestria, and you are not my princess. I will do as I please." McCormick spoke in the same tone. "Captain! You can't give yourself up! You know as well as I do that will not save anyone!" Tex chipped in. "You know as well as the rest of us that won't solve anything. They'll take you, execute you, and then continue the war without a second thought! You will sacrifice yourself for nothing!" Another silence befell the group. Finally, Twilight stepped forward to voice her opinion. "Everypony... please think rationally. As much as we all want to play the blaming game, when you think, no pony is at fault. The Covenant has always been out there in space, If not now, they would have found Equis eventually. They either would kill us, or force us to join them like they have done with the other species Reagan has told me about. No matter what, our way of life would have been destroyed by them. With you here Captain, you are giving us a fighting chance to repel them. If we sink to our lowest point, and start worrying about the what ifs, we will fail going forward. Captain McCormick, no pony blames you for coming to our home, you were desperate and were fleeing. Celestia, you have lived for a thousand years, you know conflict more than anypony here, you know casualties always come from war. Please... please don't blame yourself. We must mourn our losses, but we must stay strong for the living. We need to keep fighting... for pony kind... for humanity... for the greater good of all Equis." The group shared looks amongst each other, soaking up Twilight's words. Eventually, even the Captain began to slowly turn to face the group once more, his worn soft eyes falling on Twilight. "I couldn't have said it better myself Princess." McCormick said, forcing a soft smile on his face. Twilight gives him a soft smile back. "Everyone, and Everypony, we now know the Covenant has no qualms with attacking pony civilians. We must accelerate our army's integration at once. We must prepare for their next attack, and next time, we'll send them running." McCormick approached the console again, with his arms behind his back. "Oohrah!" Maverick exclaimed. "Oohrah!" Tex also joined in. McCormick gave his two men a smile. "Oohrah." The captain joined in. Celestia and Luna both looked towards the Captain, a new found determination in the both of them. "We will prepare more of our troops, Captain. They will go through your training regiment, and will take orders from your human officers as well." Luna Informed. "And we'll put all our defenses on high alert, and bring in aid from our sister kingdom, the Crystal Empire, as well as notify our other neighboring kingdoms." Celestia said with a serious face. "Very well, we shall share all our military knowledge and skills with your soldiers, your Highnesses. My soldiers too will take orders from your officers..." He then straightens his back. "Even me. This is your planet, your home. I will take orders from you as well." "You are our equal in this Captain. We must work together." Luna gave him a smile, respecting his loyalty. "As you wish." The Captain relented. He then turned to his two soldiers and gave them a look. "You are dismissed, relay our orders and prepare all our best training courses." "Yes sir!" They both said as they turned to head out. "And Twilight." Celestia spoke up, catching Twilight's attention. "If you choose to go out onto the battlefield again, you are permitted to use your full authority as a Princess... Including the use of Black Magic. Just... know your limit, ok?" "Yes Princess, I will not let you down." Twilight and Celestia exchange soft smiles before Twilight turns and heads out as well. FIRE OF THE MIGHTY Khota 'Mutamee sat in his chair, his fingers interlocked. He hears the doors of the bridge open. He watches as Xala, and N'thoka approach him. They both bow their heads before speaking. "Shipmaster, we bring most excellent news of the battle. Their pathetic city of Ma-Nee-Hat-Tan has fallen and now acts as the center for our ground forces." Xala informed while placing his fist to his chest. Khota smiles at him, pleased with this information. "Excellent. We may now begin bringing this world to its knees in the name of our gods. Xala, were you able to locate and eliminate Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Khota leaned forward, awaiting his subordinate's answer. "She was on the field of battle, but I failed to locate her." Xala could feel the glare from his shipmaster staring right through him.  "Perhaps it was for the better we did not, my Shipmaster." N'thoka spoke up. "She has shown her true strength in battle. She tore through one of our battalions, shredding all of them into bloody chunks. Those who witnessed it have now given her the nick-name... The Devil."  "The Devil." Khota leaned back, He had heard the reports, but found it hard to believe. "Very well, what about your second objective? Have you found out how these natives are able to manipulate objects?" "We believe we may have found something, Shipmaster. We bring you a native who wishes to share his knowledge." Xala spoke, clicking his mandibles together in delight. "Hmmm... I see, where are they?" Khota asked. "He is right..." N'thoka looks behind him, but nothing was there. He looks side to side, as a black mass began to ooze out of his shadow. N'thoka took a step back as the black mass spilled out towards Khota. It slowly took form, the pony stood tall and smirks. All Covenant troops present glare at them with both interest, and caution. Khota however was unmoving. "Shipmaster Khota 'Mutamee. A pleasure to finally meet you." The shadow pony bowed his head. "State your name native, before I grow impatient." Khota ordered, not interested in formality. "Very well, my name is... King Sombra." Sombra grinned, revealing his fangs. "King? You are a king?" Khota leaned forward. "Of course, the rightful King of the Crystal Empire. Though, an usurper had me overthrown." Sombra's eyes flash green for a second. "Then you are not a king. A king without a kingdom is just a man." Khota leaned back, all but impressed by Sombra. "If you wish to gain my interest, Sombra, you are failing quite spectacularly. Why should I even give you my time?" Sombra glares up at the shipmaster and snarls. "You will show me respect, Shipmaster, I am the only one willing to give you the ability to harness magic." Sombra growled. "I'm sure I will manage." Khota waved his hand towards one of his body guard in purple armor, a spec-ops, who steps towards Khota. "Dispatch this creature, make them bleed." The elite nods before activating his energy sword. He raises his sword to Sombra when he smirks. His horn lights with green and purple and the elite seemed to freeze in place. He began to let out groans as he lowered his sword and clutched his chest. His groans soon turned into pained screams, as his chest suddenly erupted, spewing his blood and innards all over the bridge. A large crystal sprouted out from inside the elite, filling his chest cavity, as he quickly fell dead. The others on the bridge began to cry out in anger at their dead brother, as all Khota did was stand to his feet, his eyes never leaving Sombra. Without hesitation, Sombra uses his magic to levitate the energy sword hilt and pull it towards him. Sombra was smirking as he manifested another crystal, a smaller one. He places the crystal on the hilt, and a dark aura soon surrounds the hilt. With one quick flick, the energy sword flashes alight. The blade seemed to be almost twice as long, with a deep purple color, but the very tips were a bright green color. The blade seems to vibrate violently, being completely unstable. Sombra could only keep it this way for a short while before pulling the crystal away. This reverts the energy sword back to its normal size and color. "Do I have your attention now, Shipmaster?" Sombra said with a devilish smirk. Khota responds with his own large smirk. "Indeed you do, King Sombra, we have much to discuss." Khota let out a dark evil chuckle. > Uneasy Alliance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 days after the fall of Manehattan Captain McCormick was standing at the bridge of the Ad Meliora, but once again he wasn't alone. He was joined by Celestia, a new alicorn with pink fur and 5 others... strange individuals. One scaley, one really furry, one bug, and two feathered ones. He was a bit taken back from the sight of them, many of the creatures he saw came right out of mythology. "Thank you all for coming here every creature. I hope your journey wasn't at all to strenuous." Celestia spoke up, gaining the attention of the other 5 creatures. "I assure you, my summons was of the utmost importance." The pink furred Alicorn stepped forward "News of what happened to Manehattan has reached us all the way up in the Crystal Empire. I'm sorry you and your ponies are going through this Auntie Tia." The pink Alicorn said, her expression full of worry and sympathy. "Same here." The blue scaled creature spoke up. "The Dragonlands are in a state of unease. I know the dragons have had mixed feelings on Equestria as we have a long history together, but many have begun embracing peace amongst us and ponies. This news of the destruction from extraterrestrials has left many outraged. Many believe it is us who will be next." "Yaks mad that pony friends are in trouble! Yaks want to help!" The large furry creature yelled out. Celestia seems to let out a sigh of relief, a smile growing upon her face. "Your concern for us and our kind truly touches me. Thank you for your loyalty to our alliance." Celestia's voice was a little shaky. "I'm only here for the concerns of the Griffins! Nothing more! *COUGH!* *WEEZE!*" A very crotchety old bird said. "Queen Novo has heard of your predicament, I am here to offer assistance Princess," The bird horse said. "It was our pleasure Celestia. Equestria's kindness to the Changelings, despite our history, is something we will never forget. You have our support no matter what." Said a bright green bug pony. "You mind filling me in on everything Celestia, I'm a bit out of the loop." McCormick spoke up, turning his attention to the sun princess. "Of course, my apologies Captain." Celestia bows her head to McCormick before speaking again. "These are the leaders and representatives from our neighboring kingdoms." McCormick turns his head back to the other creatures and watches them one by one step forward to introduce themselves. "I am Dragon Lord Ember, daughter of Dragon Lord Torch. I'm the empress of all dragons." Ember stated out loud and proud, puffing her chest out, and smoke escaping her nostrils for emphasis. "I am General Seaspray. Head of the Hippogriff army of Mt. Aris, and the right claw of Queen Novo." Seaspray bowed his head gracefully. "Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan! We yaks smash all enemies of yaks! Enemies of yak's friends are enemies to yaks also!" Rutherford slammed his front hooves down, making a very loud clang against the metal. "Hmph! Just call me Grampa Gruff! I am a council member to the throne of Griffinstone!" The old looking bird seemed less than happy to be here. "Greetings, I'm King Thorax of the Changeling Hive. If there is any way in which we can assist you, I'd be glad to help." Thorax smiles and bows his head. "And I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But please, just call me Princess Cadence. I am the ruler of the Crystal Empire, our skills in magic are unmatched by anypony else." Cadence also smiles at the captain. McCormick analyzes the group one more time. He finally stands straight and places his hands behind him. "Thank you all for coming. I am Captain Flint McCormick of the UNSC Halcyon Light Cruiser Ad Meliora, a ship which you are currently aboard. I am currently the only one representing Humanity, as we are separated from the rest of our kind at the moment." The Captain spoke clearly. "So you are truly from outer space huh? That is truly amazing." Cadence spoke up while placing a hoof to her chin. "And terrifying, as we were informed you are currently locked in a deadly conflict with more aliens." Seaspray pointed out. "That is correct. We were escaping one of our planets, Reach, as it was being glassed and destroyed by the Covenant." McCormick looked to Seaspray as he answered. "Glassed. What exactly do you mean by that?" Asked Thorax with a curious yet scared expression. "Covenant Assault Carriers, like the one currently hovering over this planet, have a port on the bottom of their ship. It is able to produce a beam of superheated plasma. It's so hot, that everything underneath it is turned into a glass like obsidian. One is bad enough, but when you are faced with a fleet of 100 or more ships, the outcome is... apocalyptic." McCormick Grimaced as he spoke. The creatures soaked up the Captain's words, many reacting differently to the info. Some looked frightened, while others seemed to glare in anger. "These bastards are geared for war, and now they are here!? They better be prepared, we dragons don't go down easy!" Ember shouted while digging her fist into her palm. "Dragon right! Yaks not go down without a fight either!" Rutherford dug into the metal floor with his hoof. "WAR!? You brought me here to ask me if the Griffins would join a war!? BAH!!!" Grampa gruff turned his back to the group and began to walk away. "Gruff, please halt. We are only calling you here out of the concern of your own kin and country as well." Celestia called to him, her hoof outstretched. "And when it does, then I'm sure we'll be prepared!" Gruff blew her off, not really believing her. "Mr. Gruff, please." McCormick called out, but the crotchety old griffin was gone. McCormick let out a long sigh, his hands still firmly behind his back. "We must call him back here." Celestia said as she took a step. "No." McCormick raised his hand up to her. "We cannot force him to listen, nor can  we force him to join a war. That's not why I asked for this meeting Celestia. My main purpose for this meeting is to bring awareness to other kingdoms of Equestria's current state, and the current threat to all on Equis. We will still protect the Griffins, whether they like it or not." McCormick looked up to the remaining representatives. "But aid in the war would be appreciated." "I must simply back out of the possibility of conflict as well." Said Seaspray, causing all too look at him, and he to Celestia. "You know our policy to war Celestia, you know we cannot just simply join a war. We would more quickly go back into hiding."  "I know General, I expected as much." Celestia hung her head.  "But we are not without hearts, Princess. I wouldn't have come here to simply refuse to join a war, you still have Mt. Aris's support. We can provide sanctuary to refugees, send you food and first aid, but that would be as much as we could do." Seaspray raised his head, still showing his respects. "Any bit of help would be appreciated, General." Celestia bowed her head to him before looking back to McCormick. "You may begin Captain." "Thank you Princess." The captain said before backing away. "Reagan, you may supply the information I authorized." With a quick red blip, Reagan appeared on the podium, startling almost every creature there. "Of course Captain, beginning presentation." Reagan said before blipping away. The console soon began to project a large hologram presentation, all given in Reagan's voice. We are humanity. For years our kind had been making breakthroughs in technology, allowing us to finally transverse across the stars. Once we were finally able to leave our solar system, we began to explore all reaches of the galaxy, the Milky Way. Humanity began to prosper, finding new planets and moons in which to colonize. It was a golden age in our history, one achievement in space faring dwarfing the other with each planet we found and colonized. Humanity would reach a grand total of 800 colonies. 800 colonies, attributed to the humans and their planet of origin... Earth  All though we wanted to have peace, and all be united under a single command, humanity is a fickle race, who seeks independence and desires to be self governing. Because of this, inserection befell the worlds known as the "outer colonies." The United Nations Space Command had to step in to quell the insurrections. Humanity began warring with itself, for years as the insurrection of the outer colonies continued, but the human civil war would have to be put on hold, as humanity was discovered by the most terrifying enemy that could ever befall mankind... The Covenant. The Covenant is an ancient alliance, composed of different alien species, who all share a singular religion, and ideal. They have formed a massive empire, absorbing other races and planets into their empire as they seek to please their gods. Those seen as unworthy are destroyed, one such race they see as unworthy, has been humanity. It all started February 3, 2525. This was the date that first contact was made between Humanity and the Covenant. It would not take long for the Covenant to claim Humanity a blight upon the galaxy, and came to the conclusion that Humanity had to be exterminated from all corners of the galaxy. In the past 26 years, a war of genocide has ravaged our kind, crippling humanity, as it fought for it's very right to exist. Humanity's 800 colonies would shrink to just 50, and the death toll would skyrocket to over 20 billion. To put into perspective how large this number is, imagine a mass extinction event here on Equis, times 10. Nearly a month ago, the Covenant glassed Humanity's military colony, Reach This current vessel, The Ad Meliora is one of two Halcyon Class Light Cruisers who escaped from Reach as It was glassed. The Ad Meliora's sistership, The Pillar of Autumn, Is on the other side of the Galaxy. The Ad Meliora was resting at a dock on Reach, taking in Military personnel, and some fleeing civilians when the Covenant began closing in. The ship rushed it's scheduled launch, as it was to leave with the Pillar of Autumn, but since it left early, it had nowhere to go. Haphazardly, the ship flew in one direction where it happen to by mistake, discover Equis. To our dismay, we were followed. The Covenant Assault Cruiser known as The Fire Of The Mighty has been on our tail since we have left and we unknowingly brought them here. Alone, the Ad Meliora does not stand a chance, our certain demise is imminent. But with the support of Equestria, our chances of survival have gone up significantly. We wish to help protect this planet from the Covenant and safeguard all species of this planet. We all must push Towards Better Things! Semper Ad Meliora! At the end of the Presentation, Ember and Rutherford had angry expressions on their faces, while the others wore worrisome faces. Slowly, Ember began to turn her head towards the human Captain. "So you guys brought these bastards here?" She said coldly. "That was not our intention... but regretfully... yes." McCormick hung his head, unable to look at the other races. "...So what are you going to do about it?" Ember asked, her eyebrows raising. The Captain raised his head back up, wearing a face of determination. "We are going to fight, that's what. We will never give up the fight, not until the last man drops dead. Every soldier on this ship enlisted knowing full well that they could die at any moment. Every brave soul here is prepared to die, die for the innocent who cannot protect themselves. We will fight to protect all, or die trying. With nowhere left to go, we will lay down our lives for you, and your home. We take the full blame for bringing these monsters here and it's our responsibility to drive them back. I know it must be hard to be faced with all this information, but trust me when I say, we will not stop fighting until all Covenant on Equis is annihilated." McCormick spoke in a stoic, tough tone. Ember slowly approaches him, seeming to size him up. Her head fell just below his chin. She crosses her arms and looks into his eyes, like she was looking for any fear in them. She found none, only the fire of bravery and courage. Feeling satisfied with his words, and the way he portrayed himself, she finally nods. "I believe you, Captain McCormick. Allow me to be the first to say, you have my utmost support. The Dragons stand with you and stand with humanity in the face of this foe. This is our home as well, and we are willing to fight to the death to protect it." Ember said firmly, offering her claw to the captain. McCormick was a bit taken back by her bravery, he offers her back a smile, and a firm handshake. "Yaks not want to be left out! If Dragons and Ponies fight war, then Yaks fight war! For Yakyakistan!" Ruther let out a hardy yell, smashing his hooves into the metal in a steady rhythm. McCormick and Ember look at him, both raising eyebrows at his outbursts. Finally, Princess Cadence steps forward, her face full of sympathy, "Your kind has suffered so much Captain McCormick, I'm sorry you had to go through so much loss." She then looks to Celestia. "And you to Auntie. For us not to help would be a crime in itself. The Crystal Empire and Equestria may technically  be separate entities, but we are one in the same. Your ponies are my ponies, and I cannot stand idly by while Equestria is being brutally attacked, the Crystal Empire shall join the coalition." McCormick's smile was getting bigger, as more countries were joining on their side.  "Though what I have learned is... tragic. My initial stance has unchanged. Though we are willing to send supplies and aid, even offer sanctuary to your kind captain, we must stay away from fighting." Seaspray clarified. McCormick simply nodded towards Seaspray. At last, all eyes fall upon the last creature on the bridge, King Thorax. He seemed to be sweating bullets. "Oh dear... I.. uhm... It's not..." He lets out a long sigh, relieving a bunch of nerves with it. "It's not that I don't want to help... I doubt we even can. The Changelings are no longer warriors, you know that Celestia." Thorax turned to Princess Celestia who was giving him an understanding look. "We only have a hoof full of lings who have combat experience, but even then, it's nowhere near this level of combat. My brother wouldn't care though..." He then thinks for a moment. "I.. I'll offer any aid I can, but fighting will be minimal. I'll send you any willing volunteers I have... but... We will have to mostly remain hooves off when it comes to fighting. But just like Seaspray here, we'll offer any other kind of help we can." "Please don't feel obligated King Thorax, all that you have offered is more than helpful." McCormick Said. His gaze fell upon all the creatures on the bridge, their faces full of hope, and courage. He smiles at them. "Everycreature, I would like to all thank you personally for hearing us out and helping us in our cause. I offer all my resources for war on board this ship. As soon as you are able to send your troops here, we will offer them all extent in modern warfare training." "That sounds great to me!" Ember said with a smirk, punching her palm with her fist. "We should all head home immediately with this information and begin making preparations for war." Princess Cadence announced, causing all creatures to nod in agreement. "I'll send one more letter to the Griffin Kingdom. They need to know of the danger, even if they refuse to help." Said Celestia "Farewell for now Captain." Ember gave the captain one more hand/claw shake. As all the creatures began to leave, the Captain returned to the helm, turning to the screen at the front. For the first time, he had a large smile that was completely genuine. Their chances at actually holding off the Covenant here has just been increased. However his smile began to disappear as a certain thought began to cross his mind.  "There are more mythological creatures here on Equis than just these ponies... But Discord said..." He places his index finger and thumb to his chin. "Reagan." The A.I. blips onto the podium. "Yes Captain?" Reagan asked. "Replay the entire interview I had with Discord a few days ago." He said, turning to face the A.I. "I need to hear again all of what he has said." > Boot Camp Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottom of the Ghastly Gorge 0700 Military time A large group of creatures was standing at the bottom of the gorge, the Ad Meliora towering over them. The volunteers of Equis had separated themselves into groups concerning their species/nation. The Dragons stood by themselves in a large group. Members of the Equestrian Royal Army were separated from the Crystal Empire’s Armed Forces. The Yaks stood by themselves, and next to them was a small group of Changeling volunteers. Twilight and her friends stood in front of the Equestrian Army, ready to participate in any training the Humans offered them. Dragon Lord Ember stood with her dragons, and she was ready to fight for her friend’s homeland. Prince Pharynx was amongst the Changelings. He too was standing in full attention. A rather large Yak, with a larger helmet than all the other Yaks, stood with the other Yak warriors, pumped and ready for any action the humans had in store for them. Finally, much to Cadence’s dismay, Prince Shining Armor stood with his Crystal guards. Marching up front to the group was Spartan Maverick. Upon making his appearance, every creature ceased their conversations. He was accompanied by a few ODSTs that were present to assist in training the creatures to become soldiers. “TEN-HUT!” Maverick shouted, his voice echoing loudly as it bounced off the stone walls of the gorge. Soon, every creature scrambled to their positions. “I am Spartan Maverick-A776, Commander of Zeta team, and I want to be the first to welcome you all to your first day of training with the United Nations Space Command.”  With that out of the way, Spartan Maverick continued his intro. “Humans have been fighting wars for thousands of years, but you all will be taught how to fight like modern humans as we send you through our perfected training, known as boot camp, which has been around for over 600 years!” Every creature looked nervous, even Princess Twilight and her friends. The Spartan commander noticed this and continued his speech. “Now, I understand that many of you present find it a bit hard to take another’s life,” Maverick said calmly. “Peace has befallen this world for quite some time, and I know the concept of killing is a bit more… Uncommon. At this current moment, I want you all to look to your left.” All the creatures present do as they are told. “Now look to your right.” Once again, they all look to their right. “Do not get used to the person next to you because they are not guaranteed to be alive by the end of this week!” That statement was met with mixed reactions. Some fear was shown on the faces of some ponies and changelings. The yaks and dragons only gritted their teeth and looked at the Spartan-III angrily. “In this war, your own survival will not be guaranteed.” Maverick continued undeterred. “That is why we are here today. We are going to prepare you all for battle. You will all be trained in survival, combat, and discipline! You will work, and you all will be worn out. We will expect the absolute best out of every single one of you! Is that understood!? “SIR, YES, SIR!!!” all creatures yelled in unison. The sound is almost deafening. “Good,” Maverick said with a nod. “Now, many of you are creatures that we remain…unfamiliar with.” he glances towards the Dragons, Yaks, and Changelings. “Right now, I would like one of each to step forward and demonstrate what you are capable of.” Clad in her golden armor, Princess Ember was the first to step forward. She stood tall, her wings slightly outstretched, giving her a bigger and more intimidating appearance. “I, Lord of all Dragons, will demonstrate what we dragons are capable of!” She spoke loudly and regally as her wings fully unfolded. Ember flaps her giant wings, dust picking up from the sudden sharp wind. She is briefly lifted off the ground as she sucks in a large gulp of air. She leaned her head back and opened her maw wide. Her sharp teeth are visible to all see for a brief moment as she unleashes a mighty breath of bright, scorching fire. Her fellow dragons let out roars of approval at the mighty flame. She looked down at Maverick with a smirk, only to find the Spartan-III shrug and say, “About as expected.” in an unimpressed tone. Ember’s eyes widened before she quickly narrowed them at the Spartan. She then flew down, landing in front of him with a glare, her angry expression mirrored in his visor. The Dragon Lord was still a good foot and a half shorter than him.  “What is that supposed to mean?” Ember asked with her arms crossed, offended. “I mean what I mean, your highness.” Maverick said with no sign of intimidation in his voice. “You’re a dragon; of course, you can breathe fire. Is there anything else you can do?” Ember flares her nostrils at the Spartan Commander. She was about to blow up at him for insulting her pride, but she thought about it momentarily. She then gets an idea and looks back at her fellow dragons. “Whitefang! Get over here!” Ember commanded. A dragon with black scales, a white underbelly, and pure white fangs flies and lands next to the Ember. “Yes, my Dragon Lord!” The dragon named Whitefang clenches his fist and places it on his chest before bowing his head. “Stand still for a moment,” Ember ordered as she backed up a bit. She takes in another deep breath before unleashing another blast of fire from her maw. The fire fully encases the other dragon, and many ponies and humans gasp at the display. But as the fire dies down, Whitefang looks completely unharmed. Maverick looks back at Ember, more disappointed than ever. “What exactly was that supposed to prove? Nothing happened.” “Exactly,” Ember stated proudly as Whitefang casually brushed some ash off his shoulder. “We Dragons are fireproof. Our scales can protect us from temperatures up to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. We swim in lava, just for fun.” Maverick actually nodded his head at that. “Now that is more like it. If what you say is true, you may be able to withstand some of the Covenant’s smaller plasma weapons. Now, who is next?” As Ember and Whitefang return to the group, the large Yak steps forward, representing the might of the Yak warriors. He wore a harness that gave him padding and protected some of his most vulnerable parts. “Aye, I be the great Yak warrior Yngol!” the armored Yak shouted. “My clan and I have brought honor to the name of Yakyakistan! Watch as yak smash!”  Yngol raises up on his hind legs, his full height barely reaching past the Spartan’s height of 7 feet. The Yak then brought his two front hooves down hard, crushing a decent-sized boulder before him, rendering it nothing more than a pile of pebbles. His fellow yaks let out battle cries at the strength displayed by their yak brother. Maverick nods at Yngol, “Not bad, Yngol. Next.” For the Changelings, Prince Pharynx stepped forward, face full of determination. Maverick noted the Prince’s appearance was identical to King Thorax, albeit shorter, with a dark cyan body, violet eyes, red wings, and a set of shorter red horns. “I am Prince Pharynx of the Changeling Hive.” The dark cyan insectoid introduced himself. “I am here to prove to all that the Changelings can still hold their own in a fight!” Commander Maverick nodded at his statement. He wasn’t really expecting much from these colorful bug creatures, as they didn’t look that threatening. In fact, their elytra reminded him of ladybugs. “Now, to demonstrate what we are capable of, allow me to get a good look at you.” Pharynx approached the Spartan and eyed him closely, even stepping behind Maverick to look at his backside. The Spartan-III was pretty much confused as the next person was. How does eyeballing someone help prove your capabilities? After a few minutes of eyeing him up, Pharynx was back in front of the Spartan. He lets out a small breath before his entire body soon glows a bright green. When the light finally died down, standing where Pharynx once did, was a second Spartan dressed nearly identical to Maverick, with a few slight imperfections. A grenade would be missing from his side, his visor a darker green than what it was, and the shoulders just slightly too short. Other than that, a quick glance would have one completely fooled that the Prince was Spartan Maverick. For the first time today, Maverick was almost startled by Pharynx’s magical abilities. He examined the Changeling prince for a brief moment before removing his helmet and revealing his face. Maverick had brown hair in a crew cut, his skin was pale, indicating he hardly removed his helmet, and he had sharp brown eyes. On the left side of his head was a massive scar. It appeared to be a long cut, with a rather large burn surrounding it. Whatever caused it, it had to have been really sharp and really hot. “Shapeshifting?” Maverick spoke in awe. “I must say that’s impressive, but how good are you with facial details?” Pharynx’s head glows green for a moment before revealing Maverick’s face. Again, only slight imperfections, but the detail was there; the eye color, the scar, and the haircut.  “How's this?” Pharynx replied, but to Maverick’s shock, he also perfectly replicated his own voice as well. Maverick was, in fact, astonished by the display of Pharynx’s shapeshifting magic. “I don’t say this often, but I’m very impressed, Prince Pharynx. This kind of magic may just prove to be very useful to us.”  Maverick places his helmet back on his head as Pharynx reverts back to his original form. Despite the praise, he still wore a serious expression. Pharynx then returns to his fellow Changelings as Maverick turns his attention back to the group. “Impressive, all of you. Your abilities may… aid in your survival in war, but it won’t be enough. From this moment forward, we are your superiors as we train you to be hardened warriors. Am I clear!?” “SIR, YES, SIR!” The creatures called out yet again. Maverick crosses his arms. He was satisfied by their response and commitment. “Good! Now, let’s start with your first task.” The Spartan-III motioned to a collection of large rocks. “You will see we have four large rocks spread pretty far apart. These have been measured to where one lap around equals a quarter of a mile. Every single one of you will run four laps around these rocks.” A bunch of groaning came from the trainees, Shining Armor, Pharynx, Pinkie, and Applejack. Maverick scowls under his helmet; where he was satisfied earlier, he was now annoyed. He then yells out at all of them in a louder, more intimidating voice. “And if any of you attempt to fly or use magic, the entire team will restart from scratch!” His voice boomed like thunder, startling even a few yaks. “Now move, move, move!” Maverick claps his hands for emphasis. The rather large group composed of Equis’ creatures began to run their laps. As the running began, Maverick shook his head and gave a solemn thought to himself. ‘This is gonna be a long day.’ After the laps were run, Maverick separated the trainees into smaller groups that integrated all the species and ushered them to stations where the ODSTs were in charge of training subjects. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Shining Armor stood in front of one of the groups that were separated. They were all standing in front of Tex, who had a few marines to help him at his station. “Alright, listen up, everyone!” Tex began to lecture. “My name’s Master Sergeant Eric Torne, but you may call me Tex. Today, we are talking about hand-to-hand combat.” Princess Twilight looked a bit worried; hoof-to-hoof combat was foreign to her. She never had to fight a pony before… but then memories of her encounter with Jykan flashed in her mind. She places a hoof to her neck as she gets the phantom feeling of his large hands around her throat. Twilight closes her eyes and choked back tears from the traumatic experiences she encountered that day, and lets out a long sigh. Perhaps learning how to fight would prevent any further moments like that from happening again. “Even in modern warfare like ours, we still find ourselves facing each other in unarmed engagements. These two Privates, or Red and Blue, will demonstrate UNSC-approved hand-to-hand combat.” The two marines, one wearing a red ribbon and the other wearing a blue one, faced off against each other. Blue lowered his body before Red threw a punch that Blue easily blocked, countering by striking Red in the chest. That caused him to step back a little. Blue stepped close and delivered a sharp kick to the side of Red’s thigh. Red dropped down, holding his leg as Blue used his other leg to kick Red across the chest, sending him on his back. “Excellent! Now, can anyone tell me what Red did wrong?” Tex called out. Twilight eagerly raised her hoof, which he took note of. “This is boot camp, Princess, not a classroom. Just spit it out.” Tex said sternly, causing Twilight to blush a bit before lowering her hoof. She cleared her throat before speaking. “Red advanced in too quickly.” Twilight answered. “Correct!” Tex exclaimed. “You must always take into consideration your enemy’s own combative capabilities. If you rush in without a plan, you’re going to get your ass kicked. Blue also kept his center of gravity low, allowing him to become immovable.” “You two, again!” Tex signaled the two marines to get back into position. This time, Blue was the one to throw the first punch. Red used Blue’s own momentum against him as he sidestepped him. Red then delivered a hard punch to Blue’s side, which caused him to wince and step away. Blue held his side and quickly faced Red again. Red threw another punch, but it was easily blocked, but Blue exposed his side again as he did. Red quickly delivered a fast punch to the same side, and Blue let out a loud groan. He backed away again, but Red kept him close. Blue, trying to get some distance, threw a punch at Red, but he dodged and kicked as hard as he could on Blue’s hurt side. This caused Blue to drop to his knee as he held his side. He then held up his hands to Red in a sign of surrender. “Very good.” Tex said before once again asking the group, “Any observations there?” “Blue let his opponent know he had a weak spot.” Shining Armor spoke, his voice radiating the military experience he has. “Because of that, Red kept attacking that weak spot to wear down his opponent faster.” “Correct!” Tex congratulated the Unicorn Prince. “Red also never let Blue out of arm’s length and kept up the fight, not allowing his opponent to lick his wound.” The red-ribboned Marine turned to his blue-ribboned opponent and quipped, “Yeah. Suck it, Blue.” Tex then turned to the cocky Red marine before then stepping in front of him. “Well then, Private Grif. If you’re proud of yourself, then take me on why don’t ya.” Tex got down low and in a fighting position. The Marine, still cocky from his win, got into position. He waited for the perfect moment before swinging. Tex easily dodged and punched Grif right in the chest. He gasped for air as he took a few steps back. Tex chuckled as he stepped into pursuit. Red then began to shift side to side, fearful of Tex’s next blow. “Heh… yeah, just move back & forth like those ducks at the carnival.” Tex joked as he calculated his opponent’s movement. Grif threw another punch, but Tex dropped down and ducked below the punch, giving Tex a clear opening. With one single shot, Tex punches Red right between the legs. Audible cringing was heard from the stallions in the group as Red quickly dropped to his knees, cupping himself between the legs. The Blue marine began to laugh at the private.  Tex stood up straight and crossed his arms. He looks down at Red, who rolls onto his side, now looking up at Tex. “Wh-why? Every time we spar… you punch me in the balls!” The private choked out through the pain. “You should’ve learned by now to keep your most vulnerable spot protected, Private.” Tex jested with a smirk before looking back at the group. “Now, I want you all to partner up and practice. No punches need to be thrown yet, but take what you have learned and try to knock each other over from a stable stance. As you noticed from Blue, when he was low, Red’s attack did not stagger him.” The group looked amongst themselves, finding the perfect partner. Twilight paired with Rainbow Dash, and they stood on opposite sides of each other. Rainbow lowered her body like she saw the human do. She had her chest close to the ground, and Twilight tried her hardest to push her over. Twilight dug at the dirt, trying to push her over, and Rainbow fought like hell to keep herself on her hooves. Finally, Twilight gave up, panting hard. “Hey, I did feel a lot more stable like that! That was pretty cool!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Twilight stood up straight as she finally caught her breath. “Alright. My turn.” Twilight said as she lowered herself like Rainbow Dash but was nowhere near as low as Rainbow was. Because of this, after a bit of struggling, Rainbow Dash was able to lift Twilight off her hooves and knocks her over onto the ground. Twilight lets out a loud ‘OOF!’ as she falls to the ground. That caught the attention of Maverick, who was pacing around their group, observing them closely. “Get your ass off the dirt and back into position, Princess!” Maverick yelled, startling the Alicorn as she scrambled to her hooves. “Y-Yes, sir!” Twilight got back in front of Rainbow Dash and lowered herself back down. Rainbow Dash went at Twilight again, using the same strategy as last time, and once again knocked her to the ground after a bit of struggling. The rainbow-maned Pegasus smiled to herself. She was able to find an unstable spot for Twilight and was able to knock her over twice. She mentally noted it was her ‘weak spot’ as Tex pointed out earlier.  “If you love the dirt so goddamn much, how about you drop and give me 15 push-ups while you're down there, Princess!” Maverick’s voice hollered out once again. “…yes, sir!” Twilight yelled out, feeling a bit embarrassed as she was called out.  Twilight positioned herself in a push-up position and began to count. By the time Twilight got to 15th, her legs began to shake, and she was worn out. Tex finally approaches her and Rainbow with his arms crossed. “What’s going on here, Sparkle?” Tex pretty much demanded as he placed his hands on his hips. “I can’t stop her from knocking me down,” Twilight replied through her deep breaths. “Why the hell not?” Tex’s question sounds a bit stern. “You’re bigger than her.” “I… I don’t know.” She admitted, looking towards the ground in defeat. “Show me your stance,” Tex ordered her. Twilight sighed before getting back into the same position she had been putting herself into. “No wonder you keep getting knocked on your ass.” Tex remarked, “You’re too high, and your hooves are too close together.” He used his hands to help her position herself more, spreading her hooves apart and lowering her closer to the ground. Twilight fought back blushes as she felt him grab her hind legs and spread them apart a bit farther. “Now, try again.” Rainbow Dash was quick to try pushing her over again. Twilight fought like hell to keep herself on her hooves, sweat pouring from her forehead. Rainbow’s hooves were burying themselves into the ground as she was straining herself to push her over. After a long hard battle, the Pegasus finally relented, and Twilight was still on her hooves. A rather large smile began to grow on her face as she then looked up at Tex for praise. However, none came. “‘Bout damn time, Sparkle.” He scolded the lavender Alicorn. “Keep off the fucking ground.” As Tex moved on, Twilight’s smile quickly fades, morphing into a frown. “Sheesh. That was a bit harsh.” Rainbow said aloud, looking at her friend. Twilight lets out a sigh; she felt pretty pathetic at that moment. “They gotta be.” Shining Armor said as he stepped towards the both of them. “They are turning us into fighters and can’t coddle us.”  Twilight looked at her brother, feeling like she was on the verge of tears. But her brother gave her a hopeful look, one that showed he had faith in her. “Keep your chin up, Twiley. Don’t let them get you down. It’s all about mental toughness, just keeping working hard, and all of this will start to get easier.” Shining promised, giving his sister a gentle nudge in the side. Twilight’s smile soon returned as her brother returned back to his partner.  “Ready for another round, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight’s smile grew bigger when the rainbow-maned Pegasus smirks back at her. “Of course I am!” At Station 2 was another group, including Spike, Applejack, and Princess Ember. Currently, the trainees were standing in front of a large shooting range, waiting for Carlito and Marcus to arrive. While the trainees were conversing, Princess Ember was rather quiet. She still felt insulted by the Commander’s brief judgment of her people. Of course, she hoped the practice of using these human arm-fires… or firearms, will distract her. “Alright, every creature!” Carlito exclaims as he steps forward. “The name’s Carlito Torres and this is Marcus Holms. Today, we will be teaching each and every one of you how to use our weapons.” The Lance Corporal motions behind him to various weapon crates, each lined with different guns. “Now,” Marcus started with an acknowledging tone, “We understand that many of your armies have spears, swords, and crossbows, which might feel pretty damn redundant. Unfortunately, such ancient weapons won’t do much damage to an army with advanced technology. Your special abilities, maybe. Magic, fire breathing, and shape-shifting. That shit will definitely come in handy, but it won’t be enough. That’s why we are here to show you how to kick ass, UNSC style!” Every creature began to look at themselves. Many looked at the unicorns’ horns, the yaks’ muscles, the pegasi’s wings, and the dragons’ larger wings. Carlito then motions to the side, where three ballistic gel dummies stand near the back of the gorge. They were shaped like humans, with a torso, head, and no arms or legs. “Over here are a few… Hehe… ‘Volunteers’.” Carlito gestured. “They will aid in your education of our weapons.” Princess Ember quirked an eyebrow at the Human’s light chuckle while Spike just gave him a concerned look. Remembering their time at Manehattan, Carlito seemed a bit too happy to find targets to kill while sniping from the rooftops. What could possibly be the reason for his weird demeanor? “Before showcasing our weapons, I must go over some important safety rules.” the ODST sniper stated while raising his hand. “Every single gun comes with a safety mode. This prevents the trigger from being pulled and makes the firearm unable to fire. Once you click it off, be very careful. These ain’t no toys. These are instruments of death, made to kill.” Most Trainees looked at each other nervously while Spike and Applejack nodded. Unlike the rest of the Group, they have seen UNSC weapons in action, so the orange earth pony and baby dragon understand the damage such devices can cause. “That being said…” Marcus added before exclaiming, “Never ever look down the barrel of a gun! Unless your eyes and skulls are bulletproof, of course.”  “Now that we’ve covered the safety rules,” Carlito chimed in, “let’s move on to the pride of Misriah Armory.” Carlito pulls out his unloaded Magnum and shows it to the trainees. Applejack and Spike recognize it, as almost every single human had it on their hips. “Right here in my hands is a standard issue M6D Magnum.” Carlito says. “Most commonly used as a sidearm among the infantry of the UNSC. It fires 12.7×40mm rounds semi-automatically.” Carlito pulls out a magazine filled with 12.7×40mm bullets. “A single magazine, like this one, holds a maximum of 12 rounds, giving you plenty of ammo to take down a squad of the little fuckers or just enough to drain the shields of the big ones, giving you an easy headshot.” “If any of you are scared to get that close, no worries. This weapon also comes with a KFA-2 smart-linked scope, so you can eliminate your target at a safe distance. Just ensure you hold the grip with both hands… Err… or hooves. This thing kicks hard each time it fires.” Carlito then turns around to face the shooting range, feeds the magazine into the gun, and pulls the drum back. After clicking the Magnum’s safety off, Carlito aims at one of the dummies and opens fire. The sound from the gun startled many of the creatures present as the bullets ripped through the air and penetrated the ballistic gel. Said gel ripples and tears apart and causes fake blood to ooze from the dummy. Carlito empties the whole mag before clicking safety on and returns to the group. “As you can see, the damage from this little firearm is…extensive.” Carlito held his hand out toward the dummy. Many of the ponies and Changelings shuddered at the remains of the dummy. Never had they thought something so small could do so much damage. “Now, my gun is empty, meaning there are no more bullets in it. That means it’s time to reload.” Carlito demonstrated as he popped out the spent mag, reloaded the gun with a fresh one, and pulled back the slider. “Now, my handheld pateador de culo (Ass kicker) is ready to fire once again. But now, it’s time to move on to the next gun.” Carlito holsters the magnum to his hip and pulls out a rifle from off his back. “Here we have the MA5B Assault Rifle.” Carlito gestured to his rifle. “You will find this rifle as our most common weapon. It has a high ammo capacity of 60 7.62×5mm armor-piercing rounds per magazine. It’s effective up to 500 meters, plus it’s automatic, meaning if you hold the trigger down, the rifle keeps firing. That also means its recoil is like no tomorrow. Make sure you hold the front grip of the rifle to keep your aim steady.” Carlito clicked off the safety once again and unloaded his entire mag into one of the targets. Many creatures were left dumbfounded at the gun’s firing speed as it tore through the previous dummy with ease as part of it began to fall apart. Carlito stopped, clicked the safety back on, and then reloaded once again. “Beautiful, ain’t it?” Carlito asked. “This gun is designed to cut down enemy infantry in a blink of an eye. You come across a small squad of Grunts and Jackals, you’ll tear them all to shreds.” Carlito places the gun down, and then began to chuckle before pulling out a gun with a long, thin barrel from one of the crates. “This here is my ñinita (little girl); the SRS99C-S2-AM Sniper Rifle. This gas-operated baby is designed to take out targets from long distances.” The ODST taps the black box on top of the rifle. “Up here is an Oracle-N scope, which aids with long-range shooting.” A few dragons were confused about this gun’s purpose. Why would anyone pick targets off at a distance rather than up close? Carlito pulled out a bullet from his back pocket and held it up for every creature to see. It was much longer than any other bullet he showcased. “The SRS99C only fires 14.5×114mm, extremely deadly at any range.” Carlito then chambered the round inside of the gun before looking back to the group. “It has a box magazine that holds 4 rounds.” For demonstration, Carlito then aimed the sniper rifle at the second dummy. He fired, and many creatures jumped as it was the loudest gunshot yet. They continue to look on in shock as the single bullet completely destroys the head of the dummy, turning it into bloody chunks and a red mist. The trainees were astounded as Carlito began to laugh. “¡De eso estoy hablando! (That’s what I’m talking about!)” the lance corporal exclaimed in Spanish. Carlito sets his rifle back in its original spot and pulls out a similar weapon, though much smaller and lighter looking. “Here we have the M392 Designated Marksman Rifle; DMR for short.” He said. “Very similar to the sniper, but this is made for the infantry. It is gas operated, firing a 7.62×51mm M118 Full Metal Jacket Armor-Piercing round. The magazine holds about 15 rounds, and the rifle is equipped with a simple EVOS-D Optic. A skilled sharpshooter can take down a whole mob of Covie bastards with this thing.” Carlito began to fire this one as well, into the third dummy. The shots easily began to plow off chunks of the torso as he fired. Carlito looked satisfied with his demonstration, took all his guns, and approached the rack. He set them all back in their corresponding places before pulling out two more weapons. “Now, what if you don’t want to be hundreds of feet away?” He asked. “What if you want to be nice and close to the Pendejos (Assholes)?” Applejack, the dragons, and a few yaks seemed to perk up at that thought. “You have two… no, three very good choices.” Carlito shoulders the shotgun before reaching for something behind him. “This little boy is the M7 Sub-Machine Gun or SMG.” he said, holding the gun in both hands. The trainees noticed the SMG was smaller and more compact than the MA5B. “Do not be fooled by its small size. The SMG still packs quite a punch. It runs on 5×23mm rounds, with a magazine capacity of 60.” Carlito pulls out a magazine and attaches it to the side of the gun rather than underneath it. “The SMG is automatic, capable of firing 900 rounds per minute. It’s effective at a moderate distance. As I said, it’s more geared for close to mid-range. He then turned back to the headless dummy and began to fire. It was the fastest-firing gun yet. It was still destructive, ripping apart the gel. “The best part of this little bastard is that some of them come with a sub-variant, the M7S SMG.” He pulled out another SMG that had a longer tube and a magnification sight on top. “Attached to the barrel right here is a silencer. It helps dampen any noise the SMG makes, as well as reducing the recoil.” Carlito turned and fired at another target. Many trainees were relieved by how quiet it was. When he was done, the ODST then pulled out a shotgun. He pumped it a few times to see if it was empty.  “This gun, the M90 Shotgun, is quite different from others. This one doesn’t use magazines, so you have to load each individual round manually.” Carlito pulled out a shell, and allowed them all to analyze it. “This here is an 8-Gauge Magnum shell. You can load 12 of these at a time into the internal magazine via this slot.” He then began to load it and other shells into the gun.  “Right now, it’s completely useless unless I pump a shell into it like this.” Carlito cocked the pump with a satisfying sound. He stepped closer to the third dummy and then fired. This one sounded like a loud blast as the pellets tore into the gel. He racked again and fired, repeating until he fired all the shells in the gun. “This gun can fire many types of ammo, pellets, or slugs. And always remember, it can only fire once you rack it.” He pumped it again for emphasis, and the last spent shell flew out.  “We have a few more weapons here, but many of them are far too dangerous in the setting we are currently in. However, my buddy Marcus here is an expert in these kinds of weapons. If you’re interested to learn more, feel free to follow him. If you want to try out any of the guns I have shown, I have a few Marines with me to assist you in any way they can.” Carlito then invited everyone present to pick out a weapon. Applejack was eager to get her hooves on the M90 Shotgun, as that one interested her the most. She gets on her hind legs and grabs it, and began to analyze it. As the others finished grabbing their weapons, she uses the strap to sling it onto her back. Carlito then led the group around a few more feet, where more ballistic dummies stood. Carlito kept near Applejack to help her out with her weapons training. The cowpony cradled the gun in one hoof as she pulled out one shell at a time with her other. Carlito was impressed by how she was able to load the gun with ease, using just her hooves. “Mind helpin’ me support mahself, Carlito?” Applejack asked as she stood in front of a dummy. “No problem.” Carlito responded. “Just remember to be careful with that thing.” Applejack quickly stood up on her hind legs, and then leaned back into Carlito’s chest as she soon supported herself. The ODST gently wrapped one of his arms around Applejack and helped her put the butt of the gun into her shoulder, He then placed her hoof onto the pump, and then cock it. “Alright, amiga. Go ahead and fire.” Carlito told her. She was able to squeeze the trigger with her hoof and fired it. Applejack winces just a bit as she was not prepared for how strong the recoil was. “Sweet Celestia!” the cowpony exclaimed as she lowered the gun and rubbed her shoulder and eventually dropping back down to all fours. “This thing kicks harder than a ragin’ buffalo!” “You’ll get used to it, amiga.” Carlito chuckled at her before turning to see if he could assist anyone else. He examines the other creatures as other marines had stepped up to help them with weapons. Carlito immediately saw Spike and approached him. “Hey, Amigo! How ya doin’?” He gave Spike a fist bump. Spike smiled at Carlito, in his other claw was an M6D Magnum. “Heya, Carlito. You said the Magnum was mainly used as a sidearm… but do you think I could use this as my primary?” Spike asked with a coy smile. “I mean, you can, but it’s not very wise,” Carlito explained. “You need to rely on something more than just that. Something wrong, dawg?” “Well… Kinda.” Spike admitted. “A lot of these weapons are…big. I’m still really small, and it’s hard for me to hold them.” “Hard for you to hold?” Carlito repeated before half-joking, “I told you to keep up your weight-lifting.” “Not like that…” Spike elaborated, cheeks turning red from embarrassment as he heard Princess Ember chuckle right behind him. “I can’t really reach the front of a rifle and keep the butt firmly on my shoulder at the same time.” “I see.” Carlito said before grabbing an SMG. “Here, amigo. This might suit you perfectly. I can even adjust the stock for you.” Carlito shrunk the stock down a bit. Once Spike took ahold of it, he found it much easier to hold and keep it firm. He then smiled and looked back up at his human friend. “Thanks, Carlito. I appreciate it.” Spike and Carlito bump fists one more time before the young firebreather approaches one of the awaiting marines to help out anyone fire their weapon. Carlito only looked at Spike with worry. “Excuse me, human.” A female voice broke the ODST out of thought. Carlito turned around and saw the Dragon Lord, Ember. His eyes almost widened at her sudden appearance. “Well hello, dama dragón (dragon lady). What can I do for ya?” The ODST asked. Ember, while confused about the name Carlito referred to her as, held up the empty weapon she took hold of: a Grenade Launcher. “You want to use that?” Carlito asked, surprised that the dragon lord got her claws on an explosive weapon. Ember nodded, which Carlito answered with, “That there is some heavy weaponry. If you wanna learn how to use that thing, follow that group over there, with Marcus.” Carlito pointed in the direction Ember should go. She looked at him and only gave him a nod. “Very well.” Ember said stoically. “Thank you.” “Anytime, Mi amiga que respira fuego (my fire-breathing friend).” Carlito replied before placing both his fists on his hips and puffed his chest out a bit to make him look bigger. “If you need any more help, just let me know.” Ember could only smirk at his attempts. “Oh, I’ll keep that in mind.” Ember held the Grenade Launcher firmly and turned to follow a group of others who had grabbed explosive weapons. However, the Dragon Lord paused and looked back at Carlito. She smiles at him and continues following the small group, mostly composed of other dragons who picked up more destructive weapons. They stood a few feet away from another human who was holding a lot of big guns. “Alright, time to move on to the destructive capabilities of the Corp’s explosive weaponry.” Marcus took a small ball off of his hip and held it up in front of everyone. “Behold! The standard issue M9 Fragmentation grenade.” Marcus said as he held up the explosive to view. Every creature was confused, so Ember breaks the silence. “What is that supposed to be? How can something that small be dangerous?” “It may look small, but there is nothing small about it.” Marcus chuckles at their reactions. “Picture if you’re out of ammo and the enemy is approaching you. You take this pin, activate the primer, and…” Marcus primed the grenade and tossed it as far as he could. The grenade bounces off the ground and, within a few seconds, explodes. The explosion sent a small shockwave that the group felt. It frightened the few ponies, but all the dragons began to smirk and nodded in approval. “Throwable fire! I love it!” One dragon spoke out loud.  “Easy there, trainee. That’s just the beginning.” Marcus held up a tube-like gun and gave a low-sounding chuckle. “This is my favorite weapon; the M319 Individual Grenade Launcher! You stick in an explosive and fire a grenade almost 300 yards. It only fires 40mm grenades, though it can only fire one at a time. It’s a break action weapon, which folds open, allowing you to stick another grenade inside it, and you’re good to go.” Marcus opened it up, slotted in a 40mm round, and closed it. He took aim, making sure he had a good angle and fired. The gun made a GAH-CHONK! sound as the grenade went flying out. The grenade landed much farther than the one he threw and exploded with a larger explosion. More smirks and approving growls came from the dragons. “Ah, I love the smell this weapon makes after firing.” The Explosives expert sighed with satisfaction. “Remember, this thing is effective at any range, but I advise not using this for close quarters unless you want to blow yourselves to bits.” Marcus chuckled at his joke, but a handful of the trainees had frightened faces, not liking the joke.  “Now, as much as I want to mention the special feature of my favorite pipe, let’s move on to the next explosive weapon.” Marcus slings the weapon before opening a large weapon crate near him. He pulls out a rather large weapon consisting of two large tubes. “Allow me to introduce one of the most destructive weapons in our arsenal.” Marcus begins. “The M41SSR Rocket Launcher!” Every single creature was taken aback by the appearance of this last weapon, especially the dragons. Right now, they all had the same question in their heads, especially Ember. ‘What does this Big Freaking Gun do?’ As if luck would have it, Marcus answered that question. “This baby fires M19 102mm surface-to-surface missiles, flying faster than anything you can imagine and up to 400 meters.” Marcus lifted the weapon on his shoulder and pointed to a single ballistic Dummy far away, one he had been avoiding earlier with his grenades. “See that poor little dummy over there?” After receiving a collection of acknowledging nods, Marcus instantly spins to face the target, aims his rocket launcher, takes a deep breath before firing. A rocket flies out of one barrel at the speed of sound, strikes the dummy, and explodes, the biggest explosion yet. The barrels then rotate, allowing Marcus to fire his second shot, which he did at the wall just for fun. Rocks and pebbles flew everywhere. When the smoke cleared, no remains of the dummy were left. The dragons present began to pump their fists and cheer. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” One dragon said. “These Humans have such destructive weapons!” Another exclaimed. “Just imagine if we had this stuff earlier!”  Marcus smiled upon hearing the positive reactions from the fire-breathing trainees. “But that’s not all.” Marcus added, garnering the trainees’ attention yet again. “Thanks to a special lock-on ability, this weapon can take down enemy vehicles without a problem.” the ODST looked down. “Sadly, I have orders not to use that on anyone.” Princess Ember and the other dragons were interested in seeing that feature firsthand. But for now, they were all almost a bit too eager to finally try out the explosive weapons for themselves. “Alright. One at a time. Step forward and take some potshots away from everyone else.” Marcus said before stepping away. Ember was the first to step forward while she held the M319 close to her chest. Marcus handed her one of the 40mm grenades for her to shoot. Ember loads it like she saw him do and lifts it up to her face. She looked down at the sights that auto-calculated the arc and fired. The grenade lands and then blows up. A very large smirk begins to grow across the Dragon Lord’s face. “Oh, I think I’m going to enjoy this a lot.” Ember said in a serious, impressed tone. Ad Meliora’s Bridge… Captain McCormick stood, looking out the front of the large window. He was watching the large group of trainees in the gorge. Accompanying him were both Celestia and Luna. They too watched the group training. Luna had a soft smile, while Celestia looked a bit uneasy. McCormick turns to her, noticing her expression. “Princess, is everything alright?” McCormick asked with a slight tilt of his head. “Oh. Nothing, really…” Celestia looked at him for a moment before looking back out the window. “I’m just…scared.” “What has you so scared, sister?” Luna asked, looking at Celestia as well. “I’m scared for the lives of our ponies.” the Solar Alicorn answered. “I know some of them are going to die… but… some part of me can’t accept that. I don’t want any of my dear little ponies to die.” Celestia was choking up a bit as she spoke. McCormick, keeping a professional stance, placed a hand on her shoulder. “We are doing what we can to help them survive, Princess.” McCormick’s words came out as soft as he could make them. “The training has been proven to boost survivability, and I trust my second-in-command to watch over them with care, even if he has to be rough about it.” To his relief, they did seem to relieve some stress from Celestia. “I know, and I’m grateful you are willing to share all you know to keep them safe. But this is still war… and war never changes.” Celestia said regretfully. In her long life, she has experienced many wars. “But this time, you are not alone,” Luna spoke up. Her isolation on the moon has kept her from the peace Equis has experienced in the past thousand years and was still used to combat. “We do what we must to ensure peace, but sometimes, the road to peace is paved with violence. You and I both know that. Our hooves have been forced, and this is something we must do to safeguard all lives.” Celestia looks at her sister, her words were tough to swallow, but they were the wisest she has heard from her sister. She sighs and nods before looking back out the window. Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Reagan on the pedestal. “Captain. My scanners show an unexpected guest on the bridge.” McCormick and the Princesses turned around, but there was no one seen. McCormick looked confused before a low-sounding chuckle could be heard. That’s when Celestia and Luna narrow their eyes. “Discord.” The two sisters say in unison. “Up here.” Discord’s voice came through. They both look up to see the Draconequus lounging on the ceiling, sunglasses on his face and arms behind his head. “What is the meaning of this, Discord?” Luna demanded. “Oh, Lulu, Tia. Not even a simple hello?” Discord lowered his sunglasses to look down at the three. All of them looked unamused, even the Captain as he crossed his arms. “Sheesh, lighten up. I bring fantastic news.” Discord snapped his fingers, and he was then suddenly standing in front of them, his smile growing bigger. “What news could you possibly give us, Discord?” Celestia asked. “Oh, you want to hear this, I assure you. I have been keeping tabs on the war outside of Equis, and a crushing defeat has been dealt to the Covenant. This defeat has sent shockwaves throughout the higher ups of Covenant.” “Just spit it out, Discord.” McCormick ushered him to continue. Discord remained ominously silent, giving them all his devilish smirk before answering, “A Halo ring…has been destroyed.” > Boot Camp Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghastly Gorge On the other side of the gorge, the third group of trainees was in the shade, cast by the Ad Meliora. This group mostly consisted of ponies, including Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Standing before the group was Tammy, surrounded by medical equipment and a few volunteers to help with her demonstration. “Afternoon, everyone.” Tammy greeted the group. “Today, I’ll be giving you all a tutorial on how we humans perform First Aid.”  Fluttershy smiled upon hearing that. She didn’t want to hurt any creature, so getting a chance to learn how to heal the injured seemed more up her alley. “Now, I don’t want to assume everyone’s knowledge, so even if some of you know the basics, that is where we will be starting,” Tammy said firmly. “When it comes to first aid, the first rule is always sanitation.” The trainees listen closely as Tammy saunters over to one of the medical stations and retrieves a small white pack with a hexagonal shape and a large red “H” on it. She opens it and pulls out a pack of wipes. “On the battlefield, it will be a chore to keep your hands, claws, or hooves clean, but it is necessary if you are going to treat the wounded.” Tammy opened the pack of wipes and began to clean her hands as she explained.  “You don’t want to give them a nasty infection, so you must use the sanitation wipes found in the medpacks every time you treat a wounded soldier.” Once the ODST finished cleaning her hands, she turned to one of the volunteers. He was sitting on a large crate, wearing only his combat boots and pants. He was bare-chested, and his chest was wrapped in gauze and bandages. She brought the medpack with her and knelt down next to him. She invited the trainees to come closer so they could see what she was about to do. “What you’re all about to see is a standard plasma burn.” Tammy explained as she gently placed her hands on the bandages. “This kind of wound is the most common on the battlefield. Plasma wounds are nothing compared to those inflicted by bullets or blades. The skin and flesh sear, and it destroys nerve endings. If you still feel pain, you’re lucky because the burnt flesh is not as bad, and your nerves are still intact.” The Marine winced a bit as the ODST medic began to unwrap the bandages. There was a protective gauze still over the wound. She gently grabbed it and slowly began to pull it away from the wound. Many were horrified when the damage of the wound was revealed. The skin was burnt black, and blood was slowly seeping out of the cracked skin. The flesh that wasn’t covered by blackened skin was crimson red and raw. Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hooves, and her eyes looked on in horror at the severity of the wound. The marine winces again as his injury is fully uncovered. Tammy reaches into the medpack and pulls out a syringe. She pulled off the cap that covered the needle and looked back at the trainees. “This here is Morphine.” Tammy gestures to the needle in her hand. “It’s a powerful painkiller, common in all medpacks. It’s fast working and dulls the pain, allowing the wounded to feel less pain as you work to heal them. Remember to always sanitize the area you wish to inject the morphine if you are given the opportunity. If you are under pressure, then you may inject the morphine and then clean the area afterwards. Now, watch closely.” Tammy explained as she turned back towards the wounded marine. She pulled out an alcoholic wipe and wiped the area she wanted to prick. She aims for a spot just above the wound and pricks the spot with the needle. The marine winces a bit but then slowly begins to relax, letting out a satisfying sigh. Tammy pulled out the syringe and rubbed the spot again with the alcoholic wipe. She reaches for a canister on her hip and pulls it out and holds it towards the trainees. “This right here is biofoam, the most common and useful medicine you will find in our ranks, and it has multiple different functions. It’s self-filling, self-coagulating, and self-sealing. It fills cavities and can even hold damaged organs in place to prevent further damage.” She shakes the capsule and then applies a small layer of the foam on the marine’s burn wound. “It also aids in cellular restoration and tissue regeneration, making it a perfect salve for burns. The best part is the medicine in the foam also has a numbing effect, reducing the pain for your patient.” The wounded Marine visually relaxes and lets out a soft sigh. Tammy sets the foam down and then grabs the gauze from the pack.  “Standard gauze.” she gestured to the gauze in her hand. “Apply a thin but effective layer to the burn. You don’t want to apply too much pressure to the wound and restrict the patient’s movement.” Tammy applies the gauze and then tapes him up. When she was finished, she stood up and gently placed her hand on the Marine’s shoulder. “Showing care goes a long way.” She says. “Letting your patient know you care gives them comfort and reassurance that they will be okay. Their lives are in your hands; make them feel like they can trust you.” The trainees look at each other. Tammy’s final words seemed to resonate with them, including Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Taking her words to heart, and memorizing them. Tammy gently patted the Marine on the shoulder before going over to a second Marine lying on a stretcher. He was shifting uncontrollably and holding onto his leg. “This marine here has suffered a fractured tibia, a bone in his leg. How we treat injuries to the bones is actually quite simple.” Tammy had kept the medical pack and pulled out two syringes. “One of these is Polypseudomorphine or Polly-sue for short. It’s an alternative to morphine used to dull pain. This second syringe is filled with a substance known as Bone-Knitting Polymer. It can be injected into the desired area, and the polymer acts as an internal cast. It holds the bones in place and can accelerate the healing process while at the same time giving the bone support. So while your leg is fractured, it will allow you to walk around and go about your day-to-day life.” Tammy pinches the marine’s thigh, trying to find a good spot for the Polly-sue. She wipes off the desired area with alcohol and injects the medicine. The marine slowly calms down and relaxes once it starts to kick in. Tammy then goes down to his lower leg, gently prodding it to see which area caused the most discomfort. She cleans another spot on the leg, and injects the polymer. Tammy puts her hands on her hips once she is done. “That’s pretty much it. All you have to do is wait for the polymer to do its job. This shouldn’t take you longer than five minutes tops to administer.” She turned towards the trainees. “Now, I know what you all are thinking. Our medicine must be some kind of miracle work. But there are still risks when performing medical treatment.” Tammy held up the two empty syringes. One that had the morphine and the other being the Polly-sue. “Though these seem innocent and are used to help combat pain, Morphine and Polly-sue are opioids. They can be highly addictive and can cause cravings. Polly-sue is even more dangerous, as it can cause hallucinations and other narcotic effects if mixed with anxiety medication. Both can cause someone to overdose, or ‘O.D.’ for short.” The trainees look closely at the syringes as Tammy explains the dangers. “Symptoms of Morphine overdose can be as simple as blueing of the fingernails and constipation. More serious symptoms include difficulty breathing and comas. It’s pretty easy to tell if someone is O.D.ing on morphine, but Polly-sue is different. This is why it’s more dangerous, as identifying the symptoms of a Polly-sue overdose is almost impossible until it’s too late, the main symptom being cardiac arrest.” The trainee’s go wide-eyed at that; something made to help some creature can just as easily kill them if given too much. This makes many of them nervous and scared of accidentally causing an overdose if they were trying to help them. Tammy noticed the nervous expressions on the trainees’ faces. She couldn’t help but chuckle. “I know you all are probably worried about injecting too much morphine or Polly-sue into someone. Well, here is a pretty simple rule to follow by, if you follow this rule, you will never overdose anyone. ‘One and Done.’ One shot is all they need, you give them one shot, and you will never cause an O.D.” Tammy’s words did seem to ease them. Can’t cause harm if you follow the rules. A lot of their anxiety had been relieved, especially Fluttershy. She looks at the humans Tammy treated in her lesson, and both of them seemed a lot more relaxed than when she started. If she couldn’t fight like the others, she at least wanted to help like Tammy did. “Now I want you all to group up.” the medical ODST ordered. “We’ve had a lot of wounded since the fight at Manehattan, so you all are gonna help us take care of them. Don’t worry about making things worse; every group is going to be monitored by marine volunteers. Just state aloud what you are about to do before you do it, just in case.” Tammy took a few steps back as the Trainees grouped up and approached the many stations with wounded marines. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie buddied up and approached a marine with his shoulder wrapped up. The marine had a pained expression as he turned to look at the ponies. Fluttershy gulped hard at his sudden gaze, but Pinkie walked right up to him. “Hiya, sir! We’re here to help ya feel better!” she stated loudly. The marine raises an eyebrow at her before looking at Fluttershy again. He let out a sigh and began to relax. “Alright… Just be gentle. This hurts like a bitch.” The marine muttered. Both ponies stepped forward; a health pack sat next to the marine. Fluttershy opens it up as Pinkie starts to unwrap his shoulder. She gets the tape and the gauze off. On his shoulder blade was a nasty burn; the skin scorched black, and the area around it was raw and blistered. The marine winces as his burn is exposed to the air. The marine also flinches as he feels Fluttershy place a hoof on his back. “It’s okay. We’re going to make you feel better. Just relax and we’ll make the pain go away.” Fluttershy smiled at the marine. He looks at the gentle pegasus and begins to relax again. Her calming voice, nature, and genuine smile put the Marine at ease. “First, we use the morphine,” Pinkie said, reaching into the medpack with the tuft of her mane. The marine gives her a weird look at how she was able to use her mane like a finger. “Not yet, Pinkie.” Fluttershy warns as she grabs the pack of wipes first. “We need to sanitize first.” She opens it and cleans her hooves, then passes Pinkie a wipe. After they both clean their hooves, Fluttershy takes the alcohol wipes, and cleans a spot near the wound using her hoof. Finally, with precision, Pinkie injects the morphine. At first, the marine cringes from the syringe, but as the morphine begins to work, he relaxes again. “Now, the biofoam,” Fluttershy said as she pulled out the foam tube from the pack. She applies a light layer, and the foam begins to expand, soon covering the wound.  The yellow pegasus places the tube down and then begins to wrap the wound with fresh gauze. After wrapping it comfortably, Pinkie began to hold it in place with medical tape. They both soon back away to examine their work. The marine moves his arm and shoulder to get a feel for what they had done. He doesn’t wince and is able to move comfortably. He looks at the two ponies and smiles. “Thanks.” The marine said gratefully. “That feels so much better.”  “No problem, sir!” Pinkie smiled back brightly. “Not bad, you two.” Tammy said from behind the two ponies. They both turn to see Tammy observing them. “I didn’t need to step in once. You girls nailed it.” “Helping others is what we do best!” Pinkie said with a large smile. “I have some medical experience, even though I’m more experienced with animal care,” Fluttershy admitted with a slight blush. Tammy, however, nodded in understanding. “Well, you seem to do a damn good job, Flutters. We could always use a few medics.” Tammy stated, placing her hands on her hips. Fluttershy looks up at her and smiles. The next station was led not just by an ODST but also by Spartan Clara. Corporal Adam stood beside her as the trainees stood in front of them. This group mostly consisted of dragons and ponies, like Rarity. But, shockingly, the large yak Yngol was there as well. As this station didn’t really seem to fit him. “Afternoon, recruits,” Clara spoke loud and professionally, her arms sternly behind her back. “I am Clara B-452, and this here is Corporal Stewartson. He and I will review our land and air combat vehicles.”  Many of the trainees were excited for this station as there many “carriage” like machines behind the two instructors. They were anxious to to learn see how they operated. Clara looks them all over before stating. “I have been trained to drive all vehicles in our armory.” “And I can only fly airships,” Adam added with his arms crossed. “Our vehicles are very much different than anything you find here on your planet.” the Spartan-III stated. “While many of you still use carriages, steam-powered locomotives, and hot air balloons, our vehicles use a combustion engine to power them, making them able to drive without the need to be pulled.” Clara’s statement earned a bunch of whispers from the trainees. Many were curious and fascinated by the concept and were anxious for a demonstration. The Spartan-III first approached a smaller vehicle. She sits on it and looks at the recruits. “This here is the M274 Mongoose.” the Lieutenant-Commander said. “One of the smallest vehicles we have. This little bugger may lack weapons, but it is fast.”  Adam hopped up behind her, standing on the back, and grabbing onto a bar positioned in front of him. Clara then revved the thing to life, and the engine growled loudly, startling a few recruits. Clara then stomped on the gas, and the wheels spun, digging into the dirt before quickly taking off. All the recruits watched in awe as Clara and Adam did one small lap around them and stopped right back where they were. Never did they think anything like a carriage could move on its own without being pulled. Adam hopped off the back while Clara stayed sitting down for a moment. “This speed demon can reach a max speed of 59 miles per hour. It’s light too, just under a thousand pounds, allowing it to make some tight turns, even while you are going fast.” Clara said as she finally got off the Mongoose. “And as you saw, the Mongoose can carry up to at least one passenger.” Clara and Adam then made their way to a larger set of vehicles parked side by side with each other. There were four of them, each slightly different the the next.  “This here is the backbone of the UNSC’s infantry transport; the M12 Warthog.” Clara stated loudly. Everyone was excited to see this vehicle drive. The concept of pulled carriages still fascinating all trainees present.  “Need to go somewhere fast on land and bring a few allies with ya? This is your best friend. As you can see, there are four variants of the Warthog, each designed with a certain task in mind.” Clara then pointed to each one as she introduced them. “The Chaingun Hog, the Rocket Hog, the Gauss Hog, and the Transport Hog.” Clara approached the one with a chain gun and put her hand on the hood. “Like I said, each has its own special turret and is better for targeting different enemies. The Chaingun is most effective at anti-infantry, while the Gauss is more effective at anti-armor. As for the Rockethog; anti-air. Though nothing is stopping you from using one hog for all three.” Clara then climbed into the Warthog’s driver seat while Adam got on the back and rotated the gun. Like the Mongoose, she revved the engine. None of the trainees backed away this time, instead large smiles were now plastered on their faces. Clara drove the in a small lap around the trainees. They watched as Adam swirled the gun around to showcase its flexibility even while the vehicle was in motion. Once again, she parked it and hopped out. “Whew, always love to go for a drive to get the adrenaline going!” Clara said loudly. From the crowd of trainees, Yngol stared at the Warthog. His stare soon turned into a glare as he eyed the metal vehicle. “Got one more thing to show ya. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the clearance to fire it, so just listen closely.” Clara explained as she approached the large land vehicle on display. It was flat on the bottom and had belt tracks instead of tires. On top, it had a very long barrel that stretched forward. “Before you is sixty-six tons of heavy armor and firepower; The M808 Scorpion Tank.” the Spartan-III boasted while gesturing to the tank. “This thing comes with a massive front-end cannon that can fire devastating 90mm tungsten shells up to 750 kilometers! It’s got room for one driver and a gunner. It also has room to transport four other passengers. Just take a seat on the edge right here.” Clara placed her hand firmly onto the metal plating covering one of the belt trams. “You’re up, corporal. Show these rookies how we take to the air.” Clara looked to the ODST, who nodded before stepping forward. “Alrighty, let’s get started then.” the Corporal said before facing the trainees. “I’m Corporal Adam Stewartson, and I have been trained to be a pilot. I can fly damn near any airship you give me. Hell, I can fly a few Covenant drop-ships if I have to.” Flying? Yeah right. Is what many of the trainees thought. No way a featherless human could fly, even with these strange vehicles. Everything was made out of metal. They were impressed by the way the human carriages could move without being pulled. But the thought of these machines flying was impossible. Rarity, the only one there among the trainees, had seen flying vehicles by both the humans and the covenant. She was interested in seeing how they work. “Today, I only have three air vehicles to show ya. I begged the Captain to show off our only Longsword, but he wouldn’t approve of that.” Adam said, with a hint of disappointment in his voice. He turned to the smallest of the three vehicles he had with him. The first was much wider than the Warthogs. It had a wingspan, but it had no feathers. It had glass covering the front with a seat for someone to sit in. It had a big round engine on the end of each wing and two long skids on the bottom. “Allow me to introduce you to the AV-14 Attack VTOL, but we call it the Hornet.” Stewardson proudly stated. “It has two twinjet engines that can move independently, making this the most agile air vehicle we have. It comes equipped with two wing-mounted rotary cannons and two missile launchers that can lock onto targets. It’s lightly armored, allowing the pilot to move quickly and effortlessly. This is designed for offensive purposes, coming in to help support ground troops and possibly drop off small reinforcements.”  The Corporal approached the Hornet and opened the hatch. He climbed in with ease, closed the hatch, and the engines of the Hornet soon kicked on. Startled by the whirring noise made by the engines, the recruits took a few steps back. The Hornet soon slowly kicked off the ground and began to hover, kicking up a lot of dust. Rarity squealed and hid behind Yngol as the dust flew over the large yak. The Corporal spun the Hornet around in a clockwise circle, then suddenly turned hard to spin counter-clockwise to show off the Hornet’s agility. It could turn and spin, all while hovering in the same spot. After a few minutes of showing off, the ODST pilot soon set the Hornet down in the same spot it took off from, and he hopped out. “See how easy that looked?” he asked. “The Hornet is probably the easiest thing you will ever learn to fly. It’s like a bicycle. That is… if a bicycle could fly.” Stewartson chuckled to himself over his joke. “But let’s go up a step and show off the real fun stuff to fly, shall we?” The trainees were still looking on dumbfoundedly, that thing just hovered. How could it do that? It may have been small, but it was all metal. The next contraption Adam approached was slightly longer than the Hornet, with a wider center space containing four seats This vehicle had two gyroscopic propellers on the top. With the lack of wings and the vehicle being completely made of metal, many trainees felt it would be impossible for this thing to ever take flight. Adam then approached the cockpit of the machine and opened the hatch. “Up next is the UH-144 Falcon; a multipurpose VTOL airship. This thing can hold up to four passengers plus two gunners. The guns on the side can either be M247H 12.7mm Heavy Machine Guns or M460 Automatic Grenade Launchers. Best part is, the pilot also has an M638 20mm Autocannon on the front that allows me to shoot while I fly.” Adam then climbed into the cockpit and before closing it, he looked back at the recruits. “You all may want to step back. This thing is going to kick up a lot of dust.” He closed the hatch as the trainees took a few steps back. Soon the engines began to whirr, and the two propellers soon come to life. The noise they made was loud, causing some of the trainees to sit back on their haunches and cover their ears. The speed of the spinning propellers spun wildly, causing a strong gust. Amazingly, the metal aircraft soon began to lift up off the ground, kicking up a lot of dirt and dust. Rarity squealed as her coat got covered in all the kicked-up dirt, frantically dusting herself off.  “Ugh!” the Fashionista groaned . The Falcon rises higher into the air and takes off over the heads of the trainees. They all watch in awe as Adam flies the Falcon up and out of the gorge, reaching incredible heights. After a few minutes of him flying overhead, he brings it back down. The loud engines returned, and more dust was kicked up, much to Rarity’s dismay. Eventually, the Falcon lands almost in the same spot Adam first took off. As the engines die down, the hatch opens back up, and the Corporal hops out, chuckling to himself. “I love my job.” He said to himself as he turned back towards the trainees, most still looking on in amazement at the feat performed by the Falcon. They couldn’t wrap their minds around something so heavy could fly around like it weighed nothing. “I can see you all liked that. Let me show you something even bigger.” Adam gestured over to the third and last vehicle, this one much bigger. Unlike the Falcon, this large machine had wings but did not appear to have the ability to flap. The Trainees again look at it with curiosity. It was hard enough to believe that the Falcon could fly, but this one, there was just no way. It looked much heavier and had no propellers like the Falcon. “This is the D77-TC Pelican, our main air transport vehicle. This is how we transport our many troops to the battlefield, and it’s fast. The primary armament is a 40mm rotary cannon on the front, and the inside can hold up to fourteen passengers. It also comes equipped with…” Adam trailed off as he noticed Rarity holding her hoof up. “Yes, recruit?” “How heavy is this thing?” She asked quizzically. Adam looked back at the Pelican, making a “Pshhhh” noise with his mouth as he thought of the exact weight of the vehicle.  “I think it’s somewhere around 135 metric tons,” he replied. That was met with a lot of scoffs by the recruits. “How in the world can something that heavy fly!?” Rarity exclaimed out loud. “I mean, it would make sense for a giant dragon, but you can’t just put wings on an elephant and expect it to fly!” Her concerns were met with chuckles by the corporal. “Oh, Rares. Just watch.” Adam went towards the back of the vehicle this time, climbed into the Pelican, and sat in the pilot’s seat. Once again, the engines kicked on; this time, they were much louder than the Falcons and the Hornets. Fire erupted from the jet engines, whirred loudly, and began to lift off. The large Pelican slowly but surely rose into the air, and the trainees could not believe what they saw. This was impossible, this should have been impossible, but there it was in front of them. This behemoth was flying. Adam then ignited the forward engines and took off, flying forward to the other side of the gorge, flying over the other stations, and catching the attention of every creature. Adam flew it expertly, giving himself room to navigate and turn. Adam flew for a few minutes before returning to the station and landed the Pelican cautiously, this time with the back of the Pelican facing the recruits. It landed with grace, and the engines slowly died down. Adam exited the behemoth. Though his helmet covered his face, he had the largest shit-eating grin when he saw the slack-jawed faces of the recruits. Though none of them spoke, he answered the question that was in all of their minds. “How?” Once again, everyone was silent, even Yngol, as their jaws had fallen to the ground. “This beauty has four fusion drive engines,” He spoke like a spokesperson for the entire United Nations Space Command. “which are much more different than combustion engines, giving it a lot more power and energy to lift even the heaviest of cargo. Hell, this thing can have a full compartment of soldiers and even pick up a Scorpion tank for transport. Never doubt the strength and power of the UNSC, ladies & gentlemen.” After the Corporal’s demonstration, Clara stepped forward to say a few words. “Alright, everyone. Now is a time for all of you to come and step forward. Have a closer look at all the vehicles we have shown you, and get familiar with them. We can assure you that you will encounter these vehicles again on the battlefield.” Clara stated, inviting the others to step forward. The trainees all got closer to the vehicles to check them out for themselves. Many ponies climbed into the back of the Pelican, as it was easily the most impressive to them, astonished by its ability to fly. Yngol, however, approached one of the warthogs. He stood in front of the Transport hog, glaring at it. He grits his teeth before shouting. “Yak not like puma-hog! Yak smash!” His shouting drew everyone’s attention, and before they could do anything, Yngol rams the front end with his horns. With ease, he lifts the front end up off the ground. With one fluid motion, he flips it up, causing the Warthog to be flipped up and landing upside down. “Whoa! What the fuck are you doing!?” Adam yelled at the powerful yak. Clara though, just watched, her helmet hiding her awestruck expression. “Yngol… How did you do that so easily?” She asked, approaching the huffing yak. “Yak no like puma-hog! It no compete against yak!” he stated loudly. “Yeah… but what I mean is how did you flip that so easily? That warthog weighs 3 tons!” Clara stated loudly. “How strong are you!?” “Heh, Yaks best at being strong!” He smirked and puffed his chest out. Clara looks at the hog again, then back at Yngol. She lets out a shaky sigh before approaching the flipped hog. She grabbed it and very slowly began to flip it back over. Though not as quick and powerful as Yngol did. Even for a spartan, what Yngol did was impressive. She looks back at the Yngol one more time as the trainees go back to getting a closer look at the vehicles. Prince Pharynx was standing with the rest of the other changelings at another station. He was front in center in front of the changelings and even the other trainees. To his left stood Starlight Glimmer, who wore an unsure expression as she stared at the station in front of her. Many of the changeling trainees seemed nervous about what they would be learning at this station, while Pharynx calmly stood at attention. ‘Finally, I get to see what we are up against. It’s been far too long since I’ve been in action.’ The Changeling Prince thought to himself. Moments later, the third Spartan, Kieran, walked up to the station. He stood alone with a holoprojector between him and the recruits. “Good evening, recruits,” Kieran announces. “I’m Spartan Kieran B902, and welcome to my station. Here, I’ll be teaching you about the alien races in the Covenant Empire.” Upon hearing his statement, the changeling trainees gulp hard. Many of them have heard what had happened at Manehattan. Now they will be seeing the faces of the monsters who caused so much death and destruction. The Spartan-III let out a chuckle. Never did he think that one day, he would give a lecture about the Covies, but here he was. “Now, to those of you who are already joining us, the Covenant consists of multiple alien races, each different from the last.” He pulls out a holopad and presses a few buttons on them.  The holoprojector comes to life and displays a perfect 3D image of a Grunt. The trainees have a physical reaction to the image. They were confused, not expecting any of these aliens to be so weird. “How about we start with the cannon fodder of the Covenant,” Kieran announced, chuckling to himself. “This here is a Grunt. You will see these little bastards the most on the battlefield. The Covenant will just throw them at you while the bigger and deadly ones stand behind them.” Kieran began to explain. “Grunts have the intelligence of a child, but they learn quickly. Do not underestimate them. They have no shields, so a quick headshot will take them down easily. That, or rip off their gasmask.” Kieran pressed a few buttons on the holopad, and the image of the Grunt began to move. The mask was removed from the face, and the massive tank on the back was also separated from the Grunt’s body. The changelings gasped upon seeing the Grunt’s face without the mask. They looked even more ugly than before. “Unlike you all and I, Grunts thrive off methane, so they cannot breathe oxygen.” That statement caused the trainees to scrunch their noses. What a terrible existence it must be to thrive off such a sour gas. “This large tank on their backs is actually a methane tank. It’s how they can breathe while fighting. It’s an easy weak spot, always remember that.”  After the ‘bodysnatchers’ took in that information, Kieran pressed a few more buttons, and the image of the Grunt disappeared, and in its place was an image of a Jackal. Again, the trainees cringe at how ugly this creature looks. “This…is a Jackal; the second most common enemy you will find on the battlefield. They strongly resemble avians since they possess hollow bones and can grow feathers. They are actually pretty weak, making them easy to kill. At least, they would be, but these fuckers are outfitted with a wrist-mounted energy shield.” He presses a few more buttons, and the image shows the Jackal activating its blue shield covering its whole body. The trainees watched on in amazement. They were impressed by just how prepared the Covenant forces were. But that gave them a feeling of dread. If the Covenant was so prepared for war, then taking them down would not be easy. “Most Jackals carry one of these shields. Do not attempt to take it down with ballistic weaponry, as bullets would bounce off the damn thing. However, they are vulnerable to plasma fire, which will completely knock down the shield for a short period, exposing them to a clean shot to the head.” As the trainees soak up this information, Kieran presses a few more buttons on the holopad. The hologram of the Jackal is shown discarding his shield, grabbing a strange gun with a long barrel, and putting a weird device on his face. “Of course, not all Jackals are on the front lines. You will encounter some who will pick you off from afar. This here is a Sniper Jackal, and they are no joke. I’ve seen one pick off a small squad of marines by herself. They mostly carry precision weapons. They are accurate as fuck, too, thanks to their ocular targeting headgear.” Kieran points to the device on the Jackal’s face. “This thing is smart-linked to their weapon, giving them deadly accuracy, and with their strong senses, a Jackal’s reaction time is fast. If you aren’t careful, they’ll kill you before you even see them.” The trainees were not handling this bit of information well. They all looked frightened at the thought of being killed by an unseen enemy. Even Pharynx broke his stoic manner to look at the Jackal in disbelief. Already, the creatures of Equis felt like they would be going up against a powerful adversary, and the worst was yet to come as they were still only seeing the “Cannon Fodder” of the Covenant. “It may be hard to see them coming, but once you know they’re there, they can be easy to spot. Their headset emits a bright light, so you can see them for miles. Just make your shots quick because I can guarantee you this. If you see them, they sure as shit see you.” Kieran continued as he pressed a few more buttons on his holopad. The image of the Jackal is replaced by a long worm with four pinchers on one end. “This is a Hunter worm.” the Spartan said. “These things can grow quite large; the largest one we’ve seen is about 1.4 meters long. These things may look harmless, but these are some of the fiercest fighters the Covenant has to offer.” Spartan B902’s statement was met with snickers and chuckles from many trainees. It was just a worm. How could something like that be so dangerous? Kieran looks at the trainees, his helmet hiding his deadpan expression. He presses a few more buttons, and the image morphs into one of the hulking hunters. The laughter immediately stops and is replaced by gasps as the image hovers over every single one of them. “Got your chuckles out yet?” Kieran asked. “Good, because this is just one of the many forms of these worms.” “This is a Hunter, a hulking behemoth composed entirely out of hundreds of these worms. These worms share a hivemind and work together to make all different shapes and sizes.” Kieran lectured as all eyes were on the giant armored colony of worms taking on a humanoid shape. “Hunters alway travel in pairs.” Kieran pressed another button, and a second Hunter image was brought up. “In fact, two of these behemoths make up a single colony, communicating with each other using those spikes on their back like an antenna. They are armored to the teeth. No weapon can break through their armor unless you use some heavy weaponry. Though not many of you will have that, you will have to go for their weak spot, which is on their back.” Kieran presses a few more buttons on his holopad, and the image of the Hunters turns around, revealing a gap in their armor at the lower back. “A few well-placed shots will give you an easy kill if you are brave enough to take it. Just be warned, if you kill one hunter, you have the rest of the colony to face with. The second hunter will enter a state of rage and will stop at nothing to kill you. Just try to avoid its powerful swings and fire into the weak spot with everything you have. You want to get in as close as you can, as fast as you can. Because the only thing worse than being crushed by their powerful melee attacks, is a blast from their fuel rod cannons.” The holoprojector zoomed in on the arm-mounted cannon on the Hunter and highlighted it. The cannon was massive and had green casings covering it. “Their special cannons can either fire a single blast, or a steady stream of plasma. Get hit by that, and you’ll be turned into a puddle.” Kieran’s word was met by physical cringing from the recruits. Starlight however, her eyes went distant, her mind now focusing on the Battle of Manehattan. The marine and the injured stallion being reduced into nothing but a burnt crater from a Wraith’s plasma mortar. Her blood ran cold, and her heart was pulled into her throat at the very memory. She had to force herself from tearing up, still feeling responsible for the soldier and stallion’s demise. She was pulled out of her memories when she saw the holoprojector project a new image. This new alien was small and stubby, standing no higher than a pony. It was insectoid and had a carapace on its back. “This here is a Drone. One is not bad, but many can swarm you. They are a beetle-like alien that can fly. I’ve seen these fuckers pick marines up off the ground like they weighed nothing.”  “They have been witnessed building hives and will become very agitated if you get too close. They can carry small arms and fly all around you as they zip over your head. These things can wreak havoc on an LZ, as they can fly over barriers. I’ve seen these buggers firsthand on Reach. Getting swarmed by a few dozen of them is not fun.” Kieran let out a sad sigh as he looked back at his datapad, suppressing some darker memories. He let out a shaky sigh as he moved onto the next species, not wanting to think about the drones anymore. The holoprojector displayed a large reptilian biped standing taller than any other species shown yet, even taller than Kieran. All the recruits look up in fear at the intimidating alien. Its mouth had four finger-like mandibles covered in teeth, and its legs bent backward. Its armor was thick, and its face displayed a lot of anger and hostility. Pharynx was the only changeling who showed interest in this adversary. “This is an Elite, the main fighting race in the Covenant empire.” Kieran explained. “They have been given this nickname due to their combat prowess. They move quickly and elegantly and possess energy shields like us Spartans.” Pharynx looked at the image of the Elite again, fascinated by this creature. “Unlike most races in the Covenant, the Elites have been observed to possess a sense of honor, as some have been documented to give their opponents a fighting chance, respecting their enemy as warriors. Of course, not all elites are like this, as many are still zealous in their religion, deem humanity as a blight, and their documentation of swiftly killing without a second thought.”  The changelings continue to gawk at the Elite, dwarfing most of them in size. It’s expression only showing anger and malice. Its digitigrade legs, four-fingered hands, and frightening mouth were all completely abnormal to anything the trainees ever saw. Its appearance is best described as a monster. Pharynx, on the other hand, continued to stare on. “Elites are the backbone of the Covenant military, so they are considered the deadliest species in battle, and they do so, by the command of their Prophets.” Kieran brought up a new picture. This one showed a long-necked alien, with a large headdress, and sitting on a floating throne. “This is a Prophet, one of the apparent leaders of the Covenant. We know damn little of them since they are never seen in combat. All we know is that they hold a significant amount of power, as they are the religious leaders of the Covenant. It is believed that the Elites carry out all orders of the Prophets without hesitation, motivated by their religion.” As Kieran lectured, all the trainees examined this creature closely. Its long neck made it look almost a little comical, but its power and influence were worrisome. These prophets were like the monarchs of the Covenant, and no one dared to speak out against them. The power and the corruption these creatures had must be immense. “Of course, there is one race that deserves to be mentioned,” Kieran reveals a hologram of a massive ape-like creature with a gaping maw filled with large teeth. The trainees gasp in horror at this frightening beast. “We call these big bastards Brutes. Why? Because they have been documented to rip apart humans with their bare teeth and eat them. But I wouldn’t worry about them too much. We have not seen any Brutes here on this planet… yet.” This news wasn’t very comforting. The thought of these vicious beasts on Equis was frightening to think about. All trainees present had been left with a feeling of dread and anxiety. The Covenant’s forces were stacked and, without a doubt, had the advantage. The force and might of the Covenant had already been displayed at Manehattan, and they showed no signs of slowing down. This would be the most destructive conflict to ever befall the planet Equis. While every creature silently thought to themselves, Pharynx stepped forward, examining the Brute closely. Kieran gave Pharynx a quirked eyebrow under his helmet. “Can I help you, Prince Pharynx?” Kieran asked, his head cocked to the side. “I need you to go back to the Elite real quick.” Pharynx asked, still looking at the hologram. Kieran, still a bit confused, goes back to the image of the Elite. The Prince looked it over, but he looked very unsatisfied. “No… No, this will not do. I can’t get the details right with only a picture.” Pharynx said to himself. That’s when it clicked for Kieran. “Are you trying to transform into an Elite?” Kieran asked, his tone sounding a bit shocked. “I believe I could, but a picture is not the greatest reference. I need to see one face-to-face if I am to do this correctly.” Pharynx looked disappointed, but Kieran had an idea. The spartan III then begins to chuckle. “Really now? Well, I have a ‘friend’ I brought from Manehattan that you could meet, Prince Pharynx.” Kieran smirked under his helmet as the Changeling Prince looked at him. “Oh really now? Well then, shall you introduce me?” Pharynx began to smirk back at the Spartan-III, understanding exactly what he meant. > Might of Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ad Meliora’s Mess Hall The past few days have been both informative and excruciating. From sunrise to sundown, the humans have been giving the Equis recruits a whole six months’ worth of training in just a week. But, mid-day was a time for them to relax, as it was chow time. Twilight was standing in line at the mess hall, waiting to be served. The Captain offered her to skip the lines since she was royalty, but the Princess declined. The Princess of Friendship never wants to be treated differently than the other recruits. When it was her turn, she approached the panel with different meal choices for her to choose from. She looked closely at the panel; there was turkey, hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog, and the chef’s special meals. She cringes at what might be the Special and taps the next button with her hoof. There, on the next menu, were some vegetarian-friendly meals. She selects vegetarian lasagna and iced tea as a beverage. Within a few seconds, her meal is dispensed, and she takes it with her magic. She steps aside and sees all her friends sitting together at one table. She puts on a friendly smile and joins them. “Hey, girls.” Twilight said as she sat down, prompting Spike's loud throat-clearing sound. “Hehe… and Spike.” “Howdy, Twi.” Applejack said as she was massaging her own left shoulder. From under her orange coat, Twilight could see a decent-sized bruise on Applejack. “You alright, AJ? How did you get that bruise?” Twilight asked, concerned for the farm pony. “Ah’m fine. Just tryin’ to adjust to these new weapons.” Applejack responded with a slight chuckle. “Ah like them shotguns, but sweet Celestia, does that thing buck hard.” “I think I’m doing pretty well.” Fluttershy spoke up with a larger-than-normal smile on her face. “That’s because you’ve been spending most of your time at the medical station.” Rainbow Dash butted in, which caused Fluttershy to shrink down a little. “Y-yes… because I don’t like the other stations,” Fluttershy said, looking down at her tray. “I don’t want to fight, and I definitely don’t want to kill anything… I just want to help those who are hurt.” “Not me,” said Rainbow Dash sternly, which caused all eyes to shift to her. Rainbow’s eyes began to narrow as she spoke. “After what I saw back at Manehattan, the Covenant needs to pay for what they have done. Sitting back and playing nurse will not kick their sorry flanks off our planet. These punks are going down.” “We all want them gone, Dash. Though Ah mostly agree with ya, we need those like Fluttershy to help the injured.” Applejack countered. “Fluttershy and many others have already taken care of all the wounded from Manehattan, even the civilians. We need some ponies ta take care of the injured while the rest of us kick some flank.” “Applejack is right.” said Starlight, now voicing her opinion. “I have been studying the types of enemies we are currently facing. The Covenant is geared for war. If we’re going to beat them, everypony will need to play their part. Whether that is being a soldier or a medic.” “Starlight said it better than any of us could.” Twilight said, looking at all of her friends. “We have faced many foes before; Tirek, Cozy Glow, the Storm King, even the once Queen Chrysalis. Now, what we now face will require all of us to do what we do best.”  Everypony at the table looked at each other before nodding in agreement. As they began their meal, before they would have to return to boot camp again, a voice broke the silence once more.  “You know, it’s been a while since the Covies attacked Manehatten. I wonder what they have been doing.” Pinkie Pie said, which caused everypony to ponder that thought momentarily. 5 days after the Fall of Manehattan… Fire Of The Mighty In the large purple halls of the Assault Carrier, two Sangheili, Xala and N’Thoka, walk side by side with each other, speaking of their actions, or in this case, inaction over the past few days. “We have not made another move on this world since we have taken their pathetic city. Why does our Shipmaster make us lie and wait when we should be destroying these pathetic fools?” said Xala, looking down at his clenched fist. “I crave battle, brother. I still have my mission to eliminate the demon.” “Patience, brother,” N’thoka spoke calmly. “Shipmaster ‘Mutamee has been speaking with the native King for quite some time. No doubt they are planning something together.” “That’s just it. I do not trust this native as far as I can throw him.” Xala said before smirking. “Though, I am very confident I could throw him a long way myself.” “Your ego will be the death of you, brother. Make sure you keep a leveled head.” N’thoka warned as they both approached a large door. Upon detecting their presence, the door slides open, revealing two more Sangheili speaking to each other on the other side. One was a major, and the other a minor. Upon seeing the Zealot and the Spec-Ops officer, the two new Sangheili quickly silence their conversations and salute their superiors. Xala and N’thoka analyze them for a second. The Minor’s chestplate seemed a bit melted, and the Major wasn’t standing at full height, seeming to keep weight off one of his legs. Xala instantly recognized the two. Xala narrows his eyes and softly growls. “Major Rhyko ‘Hadamee, Minor Zuza ‘Wanamaiee. I remember you two. You were sent to intimidate Princess Twilight Sparkle so that she would stay away from the humans. Current events and the state you two are in prove you have failed.” Xala crossed his arms as he looked down at the two lower-class Sangheili. As the weight of his words begins to weigh heavy on the two lower-class Sangheili, the one in crimson armor steps forward. “I bear this shame, myself.” said Rhyko, his head looking towards the floor. “I let my guard down, and one of the smaller natives disabled my leg with a hard kick. I am still not fully recovered.” “The blame is also mine, brother. I should not have backed down from that fight the large white one challenged me too. We have brought dishonor upon ourselves and our holy Covenant.” Zuza said, now bowing at the feet of the other two Sangheili, with Rhyko joining him. While Xala was unmoved, N’thoka was humbled. “You two have failed your mission, but you bare the blame honorably. Rise. You shall only bow before the Shipmaster.” N’thoka spoke, which caused Xala to roll his eyes. Zuza and Rhyko return to their feet, looking at the noble Zealot. “Your words are kind, brother. We promise not to fail again.” Rhyko spoke, his voice now void of shame. It was around that time a transmission was sent to N’thoka. He was a bit shocked at who was calling him. “Zealot N’thoka, come to the bridge immediately.” The voice of Khota came through. “I am on my way, Shipmaster. What’s the urgency?” N’thoka responded, which caused the other three to look at the Zealot. “I have a mission for you. Bring a few of our brothers with you. This will not be an easy task.” Those were the final words Khota spoke before the transmission was cut. N’thoka turned to face the two lower-classed Sangheili. “You two want to prove yourselves?” N’thoka asked, to which the Major and Minor nodded. “Come with me. I will need you two to accompany me to the bridge. You as well, Xala.” His request was met with no objection as the four would make their way to the bridge. Upon entering the bridge, the four Sangheili quickly bow before their shipmaster, who sat with his back towards him. “We are here, Shipmaster. What is this mission you request of us?” N’thoka spoke while still bowing. Slowly, Khota spun in his chair to face his subordinates. He had a smirk across his face that even creeped out N’thoka. “Our new ally and I have been discussing a few things over the past few days.” said Khota. “I now know our next moves. If done correctly, we bring this planet to its knees in just a few short weeks.” As he spoke, a black mass began to leak out of Khota’s shadow, soon forming into King Sombra. He looks down at the four Sangheili with his glowing green eyes. He smirks at them as they all quit bowing. “Sombra, would you mind filling them in? Give them the short version of our discussion.” “With pleasure, Shipmaster.” Sombra chuckled deeply. “The past few days, I have been informing your shipmaster how our world works. I will give you the rundown version. Pay attention, as I do not like to repeat myself.”   N’thoka, not liking Sombra’s tone, crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. The other three Sangheili listened closely as Sombra continued. “How much do you understand about magic? “Very little.” N’thoka spoke his answer calmly. “You should already know that.” “Yes. Well, in short terms, magic comes in different forms. I am a master of dark magic. It is an ancient and powerful form of magic that comes from emotions. This is the power I offer you to aid in your fight, but dark magic is not strong enough to guarantee your victory.” Sombra lectured. This statement was met with a scoff from Xala. “I highly doubt that! We have decimated humans for the past twenty-five years! We have slaughtered many, and our goal to eliminate them all is in sight! What makes you sure we will not come out on top here!?” Xala interrogated, pointing his finger at the unicorn king. Sombra just smirked at the Elite. “Because you are not just against the humans.” Sombra answered. “You have attacked Equis, and its own forces will surely retaliate after what you’ve done. While advanced and powerful, your technology nearly pales compared to magic. Even my own isn’t strong enough to face what you are now up against. You face the magic of Harmony.” This statement led to a lot of confusion. “Harmony? What do you mean by that?” asked Rhyko, raising an eyebrow. “Harmony is the strongest magical force on Equis. It’s the polar opposite of dark magic, and can wipe out a small army. The power of Harmony is strong enough to purge the power of darkness. If you think Princess Twilight Sparkle is powerful alone, you are in for a rude awakening if she and her friends call upon the Elements of Harmony.” Sombra scrunches his nose and narrows his eyes. “It’s so strong that it can overpower me and destroy my physical form. This power has brought down many of Equestria’s foes, and you will be no different if you get too close. While existing only as a shadow, I pondered how to get rid of this harmony once and for all. And now, with you all here, I know of a way to counter it.” “How are we to counter something you claim to be all-powerful?” asked N’thoka. “We will need to ally ourselves with two more powerful beings. Ones who have challenged harmony before and nearly destroyed it.” Sombra smirked as he eyed the four Sangheili. “Two of you will look for one of them, while the rest of you will search for the other.” “Alright, I’ve had enough!” Xala spoke up in an angry tone. He then shifted his eyes to Khota. “Shipmaster, do you expect me to take orders from this four-legged vermin!? I will not allow myself to stoop to that level!” “You will do as I command.” Khota leaned forward in his chair, glaring down at his subordinate. “If you knew everything I was told, you would understand perfectly. If I say you will take orders from him, then by the prophets, you will do it! Do not speak to me in such a way again or you shall regret it, understand!?” Xala looked up at Khota, it was hard for him to put aside his own personal honor, but he had no choice but to relent. He lowered his head, staring angrily at the floor and clenching his fists tight. “I… I understand, Shipmaster.” Xala began to breathe heavily, fuming in his own anger. Sombra, however, just looks at the Spec-Ops officer with a smug expression. “Now, with that out of the way, let’s discuss where we are sending you.” Sombra chuckled as a purple miasma began to leak out of his eyes. 24 hours later A phantom was flying toward a remote part of Equestria, filled with a thick forest. On board were two Xala and N’thoka. N’thoka seemed to be silently meditating to himself while Xala was on an open commlink with the ship. “The last known sighting of the one known as ‘Chrysalis’ was in this direction.” The voice of Khota informed. “According to the native Sombra, she was overthrown by her own brood and fled deep into this forest. Your mission is to locate this queen and bring her back to the ship alive, and in one piece.” “I understand, Shipmaster.” Xala responded as he placed his hand on his hip where his sword hilt lay. “I mean it, Xala! Alive! You’d better bring back this Queen in one piece.” Khota’s voice warned before finally cutting out. Xala scoffed at that remark as N’thoka raised his head and looked toward Xala. “We have our orders, brother. Are you prepared?” N’thoka asked calmly as Xala turned towards him. “I am always prepared. These primitive creatures would’ve been easy prey if the humans weren’t here.” Xala spat the last part out like venom. N’thoka only shakes his head at his hotheaded partner. “I fear you underestimate these natives, brother. They wield a weapon none of us have ever seen before; this magic, as they call it.” N’thoka again spoke collectively, which earned another scoff from Xala. “If the rest of the fleet was here, their pathetic magic would be unable to save them.” Xala crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the Zealot. “But they aren’t here; we are on our own. And after that display by that native, tearing our brothers to shreds in a blink of an eye, we are right to be cautious.” N’thoka tried to speak reason to his partner, to which Xala looked away and towards the ground. “To me, it sounds like you are afraid of this magic, brother. I fear nothing, not even death.” Xala retorted, now not looking N’thoka in the eyes. “I do not fear it. However, I also do not understand it. Neither do you, so you need to think rationally about the situation we are in.” N’thoka said. Xala was about to respond until their comms sparked to life again. “We are approaching a clearing, Zealot. Prepare to exit in thirty seconds.” The voice of the pilot came through. Both Sangheili look at each other and decide to drop their current conversation so that they may begin to focus. The Phantom approaches a clearing in the forest and hovers, the sides open up and both warriors jump out, landing on the soft grass below. The Phantom closes its doors and begins to ascend again. “I shall remain close by, return here for pick up. Good hunting, brothers.” The comms cut out again as the two Sangheili scan their surroundings. They looked for a likely direction to travel in as everything became quiet. “Here, this way looks less dense. We should travel in this direction.” N’thoka summed up as he heard Xala activate his active camo.  “Good. I’ll scout ahead of you. I’ll stay close while you keep an eye on your motion sensor.” Xala said as he moved in front of N’thoka. The pair then go down their selected path, deep into the unfamiliar forest. 3 hours later… N’thoka kept low to the ground, his eyes forward but always keeping his tracker in his peripherals. He had been trudging through this forest for three hours. Though he couldn’t see Xala, thanks to his active camo, he could see his blip on the motion tracker. He was easily 30 to 40 feet ahead of him, and N’thoka kept completely silent to maintain the element of surprise. However, the silence was broken when Xala began communicating through the comms, stopping N’thoka in his tracks. “Brother, I hear a voice not too far from our current location.” Xala said in a low whisper. “I am moving in to investigate.” “Very well. Do not reveal yourself until I catch up.” N’thoka whispered back. A brief moment passed, but Xala never responded. “Xala, do you read me? Do not approach whatever it is until I catch up with you.”  Again, there was no answer. Before the Zealot could speak into the comm again, a loud animal-like roar was heard in the distance, not too far away. Followed after it was the distinct sound of a plasma rifle being fired. N’thoka growls to himself, knowing full well Xala went after whatever was ahead alone. “May our lords give me the strength to not snap your neck when I get there, brother.” N’thoka said to himself as he began to sprint through the foliage. Chrysalis, the former changeling queen, was pacing back and forth in her makeshift shelter. As she was pacing, she had many wood carvings of her former drones. She had a visible tick on her, the isolation and lack of fellow ‘lings was taking a small toll on her mentality. She suddenly snaps to look at one of her wood carvings, a deranged look on her face. “One day, you’ll see! I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends!” Chrysalis let out a short cackle, despite her current situation. “And they will pay for stealing my kingdom!”  Chrysalis uses her magic to hold up the woodcarving and bring it closer to her face like it was one of her former subjects. That’s when her ear twitches and points behind her. She quickly turned, hearing a voice come up behind her, but she saw nothing. “Who dares sneak up on the queen of changelings!?” She yelled out, hoping her former title was enough to intimidate whoever may be there. “Queen, huh?” A deep guttural voice said, coming from nowhere. “Then you must be who we’re looking for.” Chrysalis looks confused and begins looking all around, trying to find the source of the voice. “Show yourself! If you came looking for me, then stop hiding like a coward!” Chrysalis snarled, gritting her teeth. She hears the sound of static crackling and quickly turns to face the sound. Before her very eyes, a large, dark creature began to appear in front of her out of thin air. She was shocked, as the thing was standing on its hind legs and easily stood two or three feet taller than her. The mysterious creature seemed to smirk at her, seeing Chrysalis stare at it in bewilderment. “Sharp tongue on you, native.” The creature chuckled, clicking his mandibles before pointing at her. “You are to come with us. Do not resist, and it will be painless.” That’s when Chrysalis narrows her eyes at the unknown creature. “How dare you speak to me in such a way, whoever you are!”  “I am the queen of the Changelings, and I will not be spoken to in such a manner!” “I care not for who you are. You are coming with me now.” The creature took a step forward, which caused Chrysalis to hiss at him, baring her fangs. This startles the creature, causing him to raise a glowing blue device at her. “You disrespectful freak! No one makes commands of me! No one! You hear me! I am the queen of the changelings! I’ll make you fear me. I will make every creature fear me like they used to!” Chrysalis yelled as a putrid green glow began to surround her body. The creature only stood watching with widened eyes. Xala was frozen as the changeling queen was surrounded by a swirl of magic, growing bigger by the second. Once the glow died down, before him was a terrifying beast. He takes a few steps back, keeping his rifle on the monster. It had the head and body of a feline, the wings of a bat, and a scorpion tail. “By the Forerunners… A Shapeshifter…” Xala whispered as the Chrysalis in her new form roared a demonic roar at him. The Spec-Ops Officer instinctively began to fire plasma at the beast, but very sloppily. The plasma passes by her, grazing her lion’s mane as she charges. Xala quickly tried to re-cloak himself, but even his speed paled against the speed of this monstrous queen. She swipes her giant paw at the officer, striking him in the chest and breaking through his shields. He is forced to the ground hard, and rifle gun is knocked from his hand. Xala looks up at the beast, her mouth leaking drool and gaze igniting with a fire of rage. Chrysalis rises up on her hind legs, about to deliver a crushing blow, when the distinct sound of an energy sword is heard. It swipes downward in between the two, but never hits either of them. Chrysalis feels the heat from the blade and backs away, landing on four feet again, as a second creature like Xala steps in between them, one wearing golden armor. It was N’thoka, and he stood in front of Xala, pointing his weapon at Chrysalis, who only growled at him in return. N’thoka took a deep breath and considered his next words carefully. “Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra sends his regards.” N’thoka spoke loud and clear before powering his sword down to show he was not a threat hoping to de-escalate the situation. It seemed to work as Chrysalis’ eyes widened at that name. “King Sombra!? How do you know that name!?” She demanded, digging at the ground with her paw. “We come upon his request. He has told us about you and asked us to bring you to him. We both have a similar goal in mind.” N’thoka spoke calmly and wisely.  “What ‘goal’ are you thinking of?” She challenged, never taking her burning eyes off the alien. “To eliminate the one called Princess Twilight.” N’thoka answered, instantly causing Chrysalis to widen her eyes again. The former changeling queen was taken aback by that statement, so much so that she reverts back to her original form. Both N’thoka and Xala watch in amazement as her changeling magic morphs her body in a swift manner. “I… I do not understand.” Chrysalis said, raising an eyebrow at the two aliens. “How do you know Princess Twilight, and why do you wish to be rid of her?” “We have our reasons that our shipmaster will share with you.” N’thoka answered calmly. “Know that we have a common goal, Queen Chrysalis, and the one called King Sombra says you would be a perfect ally to our cause. If you will come with us.” Chrysalis was left pondering whether or not she should trust these strange creatures. They knew about mutuals of hers; she began to eye Xala. She bares her fangs and growls again. “How can I trust you?” She asked, not letting her guard down for a single second. “How do I know your friend will not attack me if I go with you?” “If he does, I’ll kill him myself for disobeying orders,” N’thoka said sternly, causing Xala to scoff at the both of them. N’thoka then looks back at his partner, still angry at him for jumping the gun. “And that is a promise. Not a threat, Xala!” Chrysalis eyes the two with uncertainty, still unsure of their true motives. On the other hoof, if Sombra had returned and sought an audience with her, then she couldn’t ignore it. Whatever the King of Dark magic wanted from her, she felt it must be important enough to at least see what is going on.  “Fine, I will go with you, but I have my eyes on you both. I still do not fully trust you.” Chrysalis said, earning a nod from N’thoka. “I understand. Our ship is nearby.” N’thoka said.  Meanwhile... Major Rhyko and Zuza were trudging through a rocky terrain near the base of a tall mountain. They had been dropped off by their phantom an hour ago; their mission is to locate the gates of someplace called Tartarus. Zuza notices his major still limping a bit whenever he places too much of his weight on his leg. “The native king said the gates should be at the bottom of the mountain, brother. It should not be much farther.” Zuza said, keeping his head forward. “I don’t need pity, brother.” Rhyko remarked, half annoyed. “I shouldn’t have let my guard down.” Zuza only gives a huff in response as they continue on the rocky path. After some walking, the two soon come across a large red door with symbolic markings. They were both taken back by the sheer size of the door. So far, all the species of this planet have been on the shorter side. Why would they build a door this massive? Rhyko stepped forward first and placed his hand on the door. “This…this must be it, brother.” Rhyko said. “The gates of Tartarus.” “By the prophets. It is massive.” Zuza said as he approached the doors. Rhyko notices a symbol near the bottom of the gate; he takes a few steps back and looks closer at it. “There. That must be the seal the King was talking about,” Rhyko stated while pointing at the symbol. Zuza steps forward to analyze the seal his fellow Sangheili had spotted. “Yes, that must be it. You still have the crystal Sombra gave you?” Zuza asked, looking at his partner. Rhyko reaches behind him and pulls out a dark crystal that seems to give off a dark aura. “Indeed. The King said the gate can only be opened with a certain magical spell that he stored in this crystal. I’ll have to see that to believe it.” Rhyko then holds the crystal out towards the door. At first, he feels nothing, but soon, the crystal begins vibrating in his hand. The Major was seconds from dropping it, but before he could, a dark beam was projected out of the vibrating crystal, striking the symbol. The seal begins to glow, and so do the markings on the gate. Rhyko and Zuza couldn’t believe their eyes, as the large heavy doors began to open on their own. Finally, the crystal powers down and falls dormant, while the gateway to Tartarus are now wide open. Rhyko puts the crystal away and gazes at the opened door. “It worked, brother! This power, this magic, is the most amazing thing I have ever seen!” Rhyko exclaimed as he approached the opening. Zuza followed until he stood next to Rhyko. “Excellent. Now, we must enter and find the one called Lord Tirek.” Zuza said as he was the first one to enter. Once Rhyko passed through and came to Zuza’s side, the gateway doors closed behind them, slamming shut and leaving the two Sangheili shrouded in darkness. “I cannot see a thing,” Zuza said aloud as his eyes saw nothing but pitch-black darkness. “Remain calm, Zuza. Let us light our lamps and dissipate the darkness.” Rhyko informed as both Sangheili stood still, yet prepared in case something decided to sneak up on them in the darkness. As most of the darkness dissipates under their shoulder lights, Zuza sees a large mass in front of him. He places his hand on his plasma rifle as he approaches. The Minor gets right up to it when he is suddenly met face to face by a massive creature with a gaping maw roaring in his face. Zuza jumps backwards and aims his rifle at the beast, but the more of the scenery he takes in, he sees the beast locked inside a cage. The beast in question appears to be a cross between a huge mammal and an insect, as it had wings and a stinger. Zuza suddenly feels his major forcefully push him in the shoulder. “Enough antics, Zuza!” Rhyko commanded, half annoyed. “Sombra said Tartarus was full of dangerous creatures. Do not make this place your tomb if you cannot quell your curiosity.” Zuza rolled his eyes as he followed Rhyko. They still have a mission to complete.  “So, how do you expect us to find this certain individual? There must be hundreds of these abominations in here.” Zuza complained as he looked at all the cages storing different monsters. “Sombra said this individual was locked deep within this unholy place, as he is extremely dangerous. So, it would be wise if we start from the back and work our way to the front.” Rhyko responded. Zuza nodded, agreeing to his major’s wise conclusion and followed him to the back of this large prison. Atop a large pillar in the darkest corner of Tartarus, Lord Tirek looks down at the floor of his cage. He uses his finger to scratch another tally mark into the metal. It was one of hundreds he had scratched into the metal. “Psst, Tirek!” a tiny, high-pitched voice shouted behind him. “It is Lord Tirek!” The dark grayish scarlet centaur corrected as he turned around in annoyance. “And what is it now?” Next to Tirek was a pegasus filly known as Cozy Glow, locked up ina cage as well. She was the latest addition to Tartarus, locked in a cage right next to him on what was once his pillar.  “I just want to make sure you can see my best friend’s rock sculpture from over there.” The small pegasus smiles innocently as she points to a sculpture she made of the two. Tirek only rolls his eyes and shakes his head. ‘Honestly, those accursed princesses could’ve placed her cage on any pillar.’ Tirek thought to himself. ‘Any pillar, and they chose mine!’ Being locked away in Tartarus was bad enough the first time, but now, Tirek must spend the rest of eternity in it with a child. The centaur looks down at his own tally marks, which signify the number of days since his defeat at the hands of the Princess of Friendship. He grits his teeth and lets out a depressing sigh, seeing how many there are.  Suddenly, everything fell quiet in this corner of Tartarus, but it wouldn’t last long. The distinct sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance, coming closer. Tirek looks up and toward the direction of the footsteps. His curiosity peaked as if it were guards or the princesses coming to do a check on him. They would have teleported there or used a portal. The footsteps got louder as they got closer. They sounded heavy and metallic; whatever was coming, they must be big. Tirek could begin to see two large dark outlines of whoever was approaching. They were bipedal and incredibly tall. He could also see a few lights emanating from the two figures. Finally, the two figures were close enough for Tirek to see them. They were two large bipedal reptiles clad in shiny red and blue armor of unknown make. Tirek could have sworn they were dragons, but they lacked any wings, and the armor they wore was foreign to him. “Who dares approach Lord Tirek?!” He demanded the two to identify themselves. The two reptiles looked at each other, both seeming to make an amused grunt. The red figure then said something to the blue one; something foreign to the Centaur and Pegasus. “Our names are not important to you yet.” The one in red spoke in guttural Ponish. “What is important is that we have been sent to find you, Lord Tirek.” Major Rhyko watches as Tirek turns to look at Cozy Glow, who pulls her awestruck eyes from the two Sangheili to look at him. “See! Even they get it!” he said, to which Cozy rolled her eyes. “Lord Tirek,” said Zuza as he stepped forward, which caused Tirek to look at him. “We have been sent here to retrieve you.” “Retrieve me?” Tirek asked as his eyes lit up in confusion. “Why? Who sent you?” “Our shipmaster.” Rhyko answered before adding, “As well as King Sombra.”  Tirek seemed more confused by that answer, and to an extent, so was Cozy Glow. “King Sombra? But why would he want me freed?” he asked, crossing his arms. “Perhaps, you should ask him yourself once you are out of here.” Rhyko responded. He then reaches for his energy sword hilt on his hip. With a flick, the sword ignites. “Stand back.” Tirek was puzzled by the sudden manifestation of the sword and backed away. Rhyko steps forward and slashes the tops of the bars like they were made of butter. He then swipes the bottom of them, and the bars fall to the floor, making a large opening in Tirek’s cage. Tirek hesitates for a moment but slowly steps out of his cage. He looks back at the bars and then smirks. “Well then, that was efficient.” Tirek chuckled. “Hey! Cool! Free me now!” Cozy squealed excitedly. The three looked down at the smiling filly with mixed reactions; Tirek giving a look of annoyance while Zuza and Rhyko were confused. “Lord Tirek, is this… child your companion?” the Sangheili Major asks the Centaur. Before Tirek could answer, the high pitched filly answers for him. “We are the best of friends!” Cozy gave the largest most innocent looking smile she could give, hoping her cuteness could win them over. But to her dismay, the two Sangheili only scoffed. “You do not look like a warrior.” Zuza said as he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “We are in no need of ‘friends.’ We need those who can fight.” “H-hey! Hold on! I… I can fight! I once almost drained all of Equestria of its magic!” Cozy protested, now ditching her innocent demeanor. “We need magic.” Rhyko stepped forward. “Our shipmaster desires to harness and use it as a weapon. If that is all you can do, then we are in no need of you.” Cozy Glow gave a troubled look before turning to face the Centaur. “You can’t just leave me here Tirek!” she pleaded. “Help me out here, we’re friends!” The Sangheili Major and Minor turned to look at Tirek, who shook his head. With that the two Sangheili glare back at the filly. “You can stay here in rot. We have no need of you.” Zuza bluntly said, causing Cozy to look on in sad bewilderment. “Come Lord Tirek, King Sombra seeks an audience.” Rhyko said, as the two then turn their backs to head out the way they came. Tirek turns to look back at Cozy Glow. “T-Tirek! Don’t leave me!” Cozy begged, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.  Tirek only smirks and taunts Cozy by waving to her. He then turns his back on the filly to follow the two aliens. Eventually, her profane protests would be drowned out the farther they walked away from her. Tirek catches up to the two as they walk down a rather large staircase.  “Say, how were you two able to get to me so easily?” Tirek asked quizzically. This causes Rhyko and Zuza to stop in their tracks and turn to face him. “What do you mean by that?” Zuza asked, the confusion present in his tone. “How did you get past the guardian Cerberus?” Tirek specified. Rhyko and Zuza remained silent as their eyes widened slightly before turning to look at each other. At that very moment, a deep guttural growl was heard at the bottom of the darkened staircase. Rhyko holds up his hand to signify the other two to stop. Rhyko narrows his eyes as he peers downward. It was so dark he couldn’t see the very bottom of the staircase even with his shoulder lamp, and yet he could swear he saw a large black mass moving under them. Rhyko pulls out his plasma rifle from his hip, and Zuza does the same. Rhyko says a quick, silent prayer as he prepares himself for anything, despite nothing that could have prepared him for what he was about to see. In the darkness, a pair of bright yellow eyes with devilish red pupils open and reveal themselves, glaring at the Sangheili with murderous rage. Rhyko was about to fire when a second pair of eyes opened and then a third. All three side by side with each other. “There are three of them, brother.” Rhyko said to Zuza without looking away from the eyes. “Negative. Motion detector shows only one.” replied Zuza. Rhyko looks behind him so that he could look at Zuza in confusion. Another loud growl is heard the second Rhyko takes his eyes off the beast. When Rhyko looks back, he sees the eyes approaching them. As the best gets closer, Rhyko sees the three-headed canine Cerberus. “By the rings!” Rhyko yells out as all the heads of Cerberus begin to bark and snarl at the three. Cerberus charges at them, causing both Rhyko and Zuza to open fire. The beast howls in pain from the burning plasma and strikes the staircase with its large paws. As the stairs shake, the trio were given no other choice but to jump down the stairs. They all tumble on the ground as the beast turns towards them. All three heads snarl, much angrier now than it was earlier. “Our plasma fire has only aggravated it, brother! What shall we do!?” Zuza exclaimed. Rhyko stays silent for a moment as he develops a plan. He looks down at his waist and spots a single plasma grenade. The Major reaches behind him and pulls out the black crystal they used to open the doors to Tartarus. “Zuza, escort Lord Tirek out of here! I will deal with this beast!” Rhyko tosses the crystal to Zuza, who catches it. The Sangheili Minor then grabs Tirek against his wishes and hoists him on his back. He then makes a mad dash toward the gates of Tartarus. Cerberus snarls and is about to swipe at them with his paw, but another barrage of plasma strikes it, causing the three-headed canine to look back at Rhyko. Rhyko stands his ground as he distracts the beast. “Come on, beast! Take me on!” Rhyko vociferated. As drool leaked from all three mouths, it seemed to accept Rhyko’s challenge, giving him its full attention. After a long moment of staring, Cerberus rears back and, in a blink of an eye, pounced, lunging at the Sangheili major with its maws open. Rhyko was able to evade, lunging and rolling out of the way just as Cerberus snapped its jaws shut. The Major pulls out the plasma grenade and activates it. He throws it, as all his prayers go with it. As he prays, the grenade lands its mark on the central head, right on it’s forehead and sticks. A few seconds later, the grenade explodes in a brilliant cyan ball of plasma. The yelping cries of Cerberus echoes throughout the pit of Tartarus as it is revealed that the central head has suffered massive burns. The other two heads are all seen to have burns on their cheeks and chins. The three-headed canine continued to whimper before quickly sulking away, cowering in fear and retreating into the dark corners of Tartarus. Every prisoner nearby stares at the victorious crimson alien. Never before have they witness Cerberus be bested, and this mysterious stranger has wounded him without too much of a scuffle. Rhyko stands tall and unleashes a mighty roar; a cry of victory. For the gods have smiled upon him this day. He turns in the direction Zuza ran and begins to make up for the time he had given them. He soon approaches the Minor, standing still while holding Tirek on his back. The doors were still closed, and Zuza did not move a muscle. “Let me down this instant! Cerberus is not even following us!” Tirek protested, but Zuza remained still, frozen in place. “Brother!” Rhyko yelled as he finally caught up to them. “What is the meaning of your hesitation?” Rhyko was a bit frustrated with Zuza, seeming to have wasted his chance to escape in case the Major failed to defeat the beast. The Minor still did not answer, only remaining frozen as he stared at the closed doors of Tartarus. Rhyko, confused by his partner’s unusual behavior, looked up at the door to follow his gaze, and what he saw shocked him to his core. “Do… do my eyes deceive me, Zuza?” Rhyko asked in both awe and confusion. “…No, I see the same thing.” Zuza finally spoke up. “Proof of our gods have been on this planet.” “What could you two possibly be talking about!?” Tirek asked, still in annoyance. “That symbol has been on those gate doors for many millennia! What in blazes could it possibly mean to you!?” Zuza drops Lord Tirek and then turns to face him, his eyes narrowed and angry. “Watch your tongue, you! This is more important to us than anything could possibly be to you!” he growled, to which Rhyko placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hold, brother. Take Lord Tirek’s disrespect as ignorance. We still have our mission.” Rhyko spoke but also looked at Tirek with narrowed eyes. “Once we leave Tartarus, I’ll call for transport back to our ship.” Tirek only raised an eyebrow in confusion. He still had no idea what exactly Rhyko and Zuza are, where they came from, or what that symbol meant to them. But after pondering for a brief moment, the centaur nods. “Very well.” After this, Zuza turns around and holds up the crystal containing the spell that opens the gate. The trio exit the prison mountain and Rhyko activates his comms device. The large doors close & lock behind them, leaving Tartarus, once again, in darkness. > Promotions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ad Meliora’s Bridge Twilight stood on the bridge of the Ad Meliora alone. She was staring out the window of the helm, looking into the Ghastly Gorge and at the Castle of the Two Sisters. She sighs and then looks down at her outfit. It was a UNSC uniform specifically modified to fit her equine form. Today was the end of their training, and the Captain wanted to give the recruits the same ceremony they give their regular recruits.  Despite working hard for this moment and receiving the proper training to fight the Covenant, the Princess of Friendship felt a lot of anxiety. It’s been more than a week since the fall of Manehattan, and Twilight was confronted with her morals once again. These past few weeks, ever since the arrival of the humans and the Covenant, Twilight has done things she never thought she would do in a million years. While the lavender alicorn reminisces, she can’t help but remember why she had been pushed to do these things. She remembers the attack on Ponyville, the fight in the Everfree Forest, Jykan’s attempt to kill her, and finally, all the carnage she witnessed at Manehattan. No matter how often Twilight justified her actions, she can’t help but ask the same question repeatedly. ‘What would I be doing now if this war never came to Equis?’ Twilight asked herself. ‘I would be grading papers, obviously. I would be teaching the wonders of friendship to my students. I would be living a… a normal life.’ Twilight lets out a sigh. It sounded so mundane to her now. The School of Friendship was her new passion in life, and now, she was unable to decide if she wanted to go back to it like nothing ever happened, or this. It was at that moment when she heard the distinct sound of footsteps coming towards her. Twilight looked back and saw that Tex had entered and approached her. “Heya, Princess,” Tex said in the friendliest voice he had given her in the past week. “Was lookin’ for ya. Yer friends said you were up here. You doing okay?” “Oh, so now you want to act friendly again.” Twilight gave the human sergeant a cheeky smile, which caused Tex to chuckle a little. “Don’t take it personally, Twi. Had to be rough on ya for a reason.” Tex replies. When he walks up next to her, he looks out the same window she was. For a foreign planet, it was a beautiful view. “Mind answerin’ my question?” “I’m just…unsure about everything, Tex,” Twilight admitted, never taking her eyes off the view. “I know the training you and the others gave us is necessary, but I can’t shake the thought that this… all of this…” Twilight gestured with her hoof to point to her surroundings. “…was supposed to happen.” “What do you mean?” Tex raises his eyebrow to her. “…I don’t think you were supposed to come here,” Twilight said bluntly, causing Tex to just stare at her. “All of Equestria… heck, all of Equis, was in a state of harmony like never before. Our home was so peaceful that we never even bothered to upgrade our militaries and technology. Before you came, we still had spears, swords, and crossbows. And here you are, with these instruments of war that can kill effectively at any range. Hell, from what I’ve learned, the Covenant can destroy entire planets with weapons of mass destruction on their ships. I’m just… I’m just not sure this was the path our lives were destined to go down.” Silence befalls the two as Twilight’s words settle in. Tex, in a way, could relate to her. He ponders what he should say before speaking from his heart. “I know where you are coming from, Twi. I really do. From what I learned, your species have lived peaceful lives and condones violence. It’s just what you are. What your kind is going through is unfathomably cruel. It’s like what we were going through when the Covies first attacked us. Granted, we’ve been fighting each other since the rise of our first civilizations, but nothing has been compared to this war. I too wonder what I would’ve done if I didn’t enlist.” Tex spoke calmly, seeming to catch Twilight’s attention as she pulled her eyes from the view to look at Tex. “However… If the Covies didn’t show up today, they could have tomorrow. Asking yourself the ‘what ifs’ never accomplishes anything, as it will always be overshadowed by the inevitable. If we never came here, even if it was by accident, it’s likely the Covenant would’ve found your world eventually. It’s better to know about them now since we are here to help you rather than be unprepared until they show up. Where I’m from, we have a quote about that very situation. ‘The upside to painful knowledge is so much greater than the downside of blissful ignorance.’” Tex looks back out the window as Twilight stares at Tex in awe. Whether she hated to admit it or not, he was right. This was the best-case scenario when it came to encountering the Covenant. It’s quite possible that if the humans had not crashlanded here and prepared them to fight, the Covenant could have shown up, while Equis would have been unable to defend itself. She lets out a sigh as Tex’s words echo in her head. “That’s a good point, Tex. Makes me feel kinda silly now for feeling this way.” She looks towards the floor, now unable to look at Tex. “Don’t be. It’s completely normal to think about that.” Tex looks down at her, which causes Twilight to look back up at him. “Don’t get all mopey on me, Twi. We all think about how life could’ve been. Just don’t let it distract ya.” Tex then smiles at Twilight, which prompts the lavender alicorn to give a sheepish smile back. “Welp, come on, Twi. You don’t want to miss that ceremony the Captain organized for you and the others. It’s about time you be recognized as a bonafide soldier.” Tex quipped before looking back the way he came. Twilight lets out a sigh, sending out all her nerves with it. “Okay. I think I’m ready.” Twilight spoke with a lot more confidence now. Elsewhere… Chrysalis was being led down a long purple hallway by N’Thoka and Xala. She has seen many strange creatures pass by and stare at her. They only spoke in a completely unrecognizable language. All she could do was scowl at the little ones and frighten them, but the larger ones were not so easily intimidated. They approach a large door that opens on its own. Despite everything happening to her, this impresses the former queen quite a bit. They pass through as she examines the door and enters a large room filled with more aliens. In front of her was the helm, and out the windows was the Planet Equis. Chrysalis’ jaw drops to the floor. ‘I… I’m in space?’ She thinks. ‘B-but how? No pony has ever been in space before.’ Her own amazement was interrupted by a grave voice. “A changeling?” This voice caused Chrysalis to look in the direction it was coming from, and yet again, she was met with a stunning sight. “Lord Tirek?” Chrysalis said aloud as she looked at the Centaur, who was also accompanied by two tall aliens. “I see you have also been escorted here, Queen of the Changelings. Said to be summoned by the King of Darkness himself.” said Tirek as he crossed his arms. “Yes, I was.” Chrysalis admitted. “However, I wasn’t expecting all of this. Whatever this faction Sombra has allied himself with, I am more than intrigued.” The four Sangheili also began to converse, ignoring the other two’s conversations. “So, you two welts actually completed your mission this time… Can’t say I’m impressed,” Xala said bluntly to the two lower-class Sangheili. They both only grumble, still honor-bound to not disrespect an officer. However, Xala was shoved in the side hard by the Zealot. “Watch your tongue, Xala. Because of you, we nearly failed ours.” N’thoka looked more angry than he ever had before. Xala snarls at the golden-clad N’thoka and glared at him. “How dare you!” Xala shot back, “I did as I said I would. I scouted ahead and found the Queen myself, without you!” N’thoka didn’t back down. “And nearly got yourself killed when you foolishly antagonized the shapeshifter. I tried being collected with you, Xala, but you have tried my patience for the last time! I will no longer stand your abrasiveness and foolishness! Next time you act with impudence, it will be the death of you!” N’thoka raised his voice to a level very few have heard before. “Enough! Both of you!” The loud and thunderous voice of Khota yelled as he sat in his chair. Chrysalis and Tirek look at the Shipmaster as he stood up. He was easily the tallest and the biggest one they have seen so far, and his size was a bit intimidating. “You two bicker like Kig-Yar fighting for table scraps!” As Khota scolded his two subordinates, he then looks down at Chrysalis and Tirek. His gaze falls on them as he analyzes them. “But at least I can rely on you to get the job done.” Khota smirked. “Who are you?” Tirek asked, narrowing his eyes at the massive Sangheili. He gives a dark chuckle in response. “I am Khota ‘Mutamee, Shipmaster of the very vessel you are on, the Fire Of The Mighty!” Khota spoke loud as if he was boasting. “My crew and I came to your… planet after chasing our sworn enemy, the humans!” “Humans??? But they are only a myth.” Chrysalis called out, challenging the Shipmaster’s statement. “Have you not noticed by now that we are not from your world?” Khota asked, remaining calm & collected. “Yes, I want to know why your soldiers freed me from Tartarus.” Tirek crossed his arms as he gained Khota’s attention.  “I was informed that you and the bug could be useful allies in our holy campaign.” Khota responded. “Informed? By who?” Tirek asked, but he quickly remembers back in Tartarus what Rhyko and Zuza told him. Tirek narrows his eyes as he answers his own question. “…Sombra.” A dark chuckle is heard coming from behind them. They all turned to look in the direction of the demonic-sounding laughter and were met with two glowing green eyes. Out of the darkness approached Sombra, partially transparent as the shadows conglomerated to create his physical form. Tirek only narrows his eyes as Chrysalis widens hers. “King Sombra! It’s true. You have returned.” Chrysalis spoke, both with confusion and amazement. “Last I heard, you were destroyed by the Crystal Heart. “No. My physical form, yes.” Sombra frowned as he recollected that day. “It takes more than a bunch of fools with the Crystal Heart to destroy me.” “Then how are you back now? You look partially restored.” Tirek pointed out to which Sombra chuckled. “I have our extraterrestrial friends to thank for that,” Sombra smirked as he looked at Khota. “I don’t understand. Who are these bipedal creatures, how did they restore you, and why have you allied yourselves with them to retrieve us?” Chrysalis pretty much demanded. “Listen closely, Queen Chrysalis. It’s been a long two weeks.” Sombra smirked, revealing his long fangs. The Ad Melora… Twilight trots alongside Tex as they enter the hangar of the Ad Meliora. The Equis recruits were standing loosely in their positions. They no longer segregated themselves by species and nation. They all stood as one, facing forward as a single force. At this, Twilight couldn’t help but smile. Tex ushered her to take position, to which she steps forward, and stands near the front with the other recruits. Soon, escorted by Spartan Maverick, Captain McCormick approached the recruits and stood in front of all of them. Behind them were large crates.  “Ten-Hut!” Maverick yelled, and all recruits stood at attention. They looked forward, faces showing no emotions, and now disciplined. Seeing how the recruits stood now, compared to the first day of boot camp, Maverick smirked under his helmet. “Ladies and Gentlemen, everyone from every nation, I stand before you all today to say that I am proud.” Captain McCormick began to speak in front of all of the recruits. “When we sent out a call, you all answered with bravery and pride. You come from different kingdoms and nations, with some of you having hostile histories towards one another to protect your homes. You accepted our training and have worked your collected asses off to get here. Now today, we are here to formally recognize you as soldiers. Not soldiers of just Equestria, the Crystal Empire, or Yakyakistan. You are all soldiers of Equis.” Twilight listened to the Captain give his speech. It was inspiring, making her feel proud, as did the other recruits. That’s when she noticed that Spartans Clara and Kieran began to approach the captain, both holding a flat, shiny metal box. They stopped next to the captain and faced forward. The Captain approached Kieran and removed the lid. Inside were medals, and the captain picked one of them up and examined it. He gave it a nod and then turned back towards the recruits. “As we watched all of you train. Some of you went above and beyond and dedicated yourselves to your training. Those who showed expert leadership, dedication, and efficiency will be rewarded as such. When I call you, please come up.” The Captain said loudly. “First up, recruit Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash seemed to have a surprised look on her face. She wasn’t expecting to be called up. She broke formation and walked right up to the captain. She stood at attention and then saluted. “Recruit, you have been witnessed putting all your effort into your training. You performed your orders to the letter without question. Soldiers dedicated as you are rare and you have been personally recommended for a reward. You are to be given an immediate promotion. Keep up the good work, Gunnery Sergeant Dash.” The captain gave Rainbow a smile and a nod. Dash stood slack-jawed with wide eyes as the Captain bent down and pinned the medal on her uniform. Rainbow Dash looks down at the medal pinned to her chest. She was now a Sergeant, and she could barely believe it. She looked back up at the captain as he continues to smile at her, and then he saluted her. Rainbow salutes back and was then dismissed. Rainbow returns to her formation, still in awe at her own promotion. “Now then, let’s move on to the next reward.” McCormick said as he grabbed a second medal. The Fire of the Mighty… “The Covenant?” Tirek questioned as he looked away from Sombra and back at Khota. “That is what you call yourselves?” “Yes,” Khota answered while crossing his arms. “We are an alliance of many species united under our religion. We enforce the will of our gods, bringing salvation to those who earn it and damnation to those who deserve it.” “And these humans are your sworn enemy?” Chrysalis asked, making sure she had the whole story right. “And now these humans have allied with Equestria?” “Now you are beginning to see, Queen Chrysalis.” Sombra chuckled. “The enemy of our enemy is our friend. And with the help of the Covenant’s military power, we can finally bring not just Equestria but all of Equis to its knees, and we’ll finally rule over all!” the dark unicorn boasted. While Chrysalis looked a little unsure, Tirek began to grow a devilish smile across his face. “I see now. You sought Chrysalis and me out to strengthen the odds. With our magic, combined with Covenant, we could be unstoppable!” Tirek proclaimed. “I still have several questions, Sombra.” Chrysalis inquired. “Just how exactly did the arrival of the Covenant allow you to return?” Sombra smirked, showing his fanged teeth. “You know how Dark Magic works, right?” He asks. “It’s powered by emotions, powerful emotions. When the Covenant attacked Manehattan, it was enough to drive Princess Twilight Sparkle to her breaking point, and she unleashed a powerful wave of dark magic. I am able to gain power and strength from dark magic by feeding off its power, and she used just enough to allow myself to be restored partially from a shadow, to a phantom.” Chrysalis and Tirek were surprised of this. They thought Princess Twilight was smart enough not to use dark magic. “I need more however, the more I use my own dark magic drains my own reserves. Only when I am fully restored will I be able to use my magic without the risk of being turned back to a shadow.” He answered. “And to do that, we must push Twilight Sparkle to use more dark magic, so that I may feed off its power.” “So, you wanted us to join you so that only you could gain your power back?” Tirek began to narrow his eyes, but Sombra only chuckles in a dark manner. “Of course not, Lord Tirek. You help us take over Equis, and you both will get what you desire the most.” Sombra promised; however, the look on Tirek’s face proved that he would need more convincing. “Allow me to prove that I am a king of my word.” Sombra looks at Khota and nods. Khota smirks and then turns to some of his fellow Sangheili. He barks an order at them in their language before the two Sangheili nod and exits the bridge. Tirek looks at Sombra with confusion until the aliens return, dragging with them a captured guardspony. His armor was dented, and his body was covered in bruises as they forcefully threw him on the ground in front of the centaur. Tirek looks down at him as the gaurdspony slowly looks up at Tirek. The guard was a unicorn, and dried blood was caked on his face. “Go ahead, Tirek, take his magic.” Sombra ushered with a devilish smile on his face. Tirek himself slowly began to form a crooked smile on his face. He reaches down and grabs the guard by his horn, and lifts him up. Tirek brings the guard up till they are face to face, the guard’s eyes filled with terror as the centaur opens his maw, and a mist-like aura began to pour out of the guard’s horn. He began to squirm and panic as his magic was being forcefully ripped from him and consumed by the centaur. His cutie mark fades away, and his eye begins to gray. When all his magic is drained, he is dropped, and he lands hard on the ground. Tirek then began to grow in size, his muscle, horns, and body grew and his skin turned from a reddish brown to a deep crimson. Many of the Covenant watched in awe at Tirek’s transformation. “You want more magic, Tirek? Then you will aid in the ground force invasions. Any poor soul you come across, their magic is yours.” Sombra smiled as Tirek examines himself. “Now that’s very convincing,” Tirek smirks back as he flexes his arms. “You have a deal, King Sombra.” Chrysalis takes her eyes off Tirek to look down at the poor guardspony, who has been drained of his magic. He is desperately trying to crawl away, but Khota notices him as well. He gives another order, this time to Xala. Whatever he said to the Spec-Ops, it caused Xala to smirk a demonic smile. He grabs his energy sword hilt and activates his sword. “Wh-what are you doing?” She questioned. As Xala approached the guard. “He’s outlived his purpose.” Sombra said, void of any emotions. Before Chrysalis could say another word, Xala plunges the sword into the back of the guard. She was the only one to flinch her head backwards, as the guard chokes out a pained whimper. The guard lays his head down on the floor of the alien ship and his breathing slowed. His cries sounded horse as he drew his final breath. “Brutal.” Was all Tirek said as Xala pulls his sword out of the back of the guard pony. “Think of it this way, His magic is now permanently yours, Lord Tirek.” Sombra gave a dark chuckle. The Ad Meliora… Again.   The ceremony continues, and many ponies, dragons, and yaks were called up to receive their medals and promotions. More of her friends had been given promotions as well, with Rarity being given First Class status, Starlight being promoted to Corporal, and Applejack, also being promoted to Staff Sergeant. She even saw other creatures being awarded high rankings. Prince Pharynx was given the position of Warrant Officer, while Dragon Lord Ember was a few ranks higher than him as she was given First Lieutenant. The last name she expected to be called out was… “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” McCormick called out. Twilight acted as if she was pulled right out of a daydream. She pulls herself together and approaches McCormick. “Princess, as you are royalty, you could’ve opted for an easier position in the military. But you chose to be apart in training to become a soldier. Your bravery and selflessness is inspiring. As a Princess, you hold the highest rank of all ground forces for Equestria. But your orders will also be obeyed by all UNSC forces as we also recognize you as Company Commander. This is the highest rank I can award you, congratulations.” McCormick smiled and pinned the medal on Twilight’s chest. Twilight looks at the Captain dumbfounded before he salutes her, and she slowly salutes back, not sure of what to say. She slowly goes back into formation with the other recruits. “As for everyone else, consider yourselves dismissed. But please stay in the hanger a bit longer, for we have more in store for you all.” The Captain smiled and then saluted the recruits who all saluted back before breaking formation. Twilight remained still as the recruits split off into their own groups. Twilight looks back down at her own medal, still shocked that she had received one. She was pulled out of her own thoughts when she felt Rainbow Dash wrap her hoof around Twilight’s neck and pulled her into a side hug. “Hey, Twi! Did you see that!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as her eyes lit up with excitement. “I was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant! Isn’t this the coolest thing ever!?”  “Ye’re not the only one promoted to Sergeant, Dash.” Applejack smirked as she and the others approached Twilight and Rainbow. “Yeah, AJ? Well you only got Staff Sergeant. I still outrank you by one level.” Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Applejack. Twilight rolled her eyes, but then smirked, quickly joining in on the fun. “Is that so, Rainbow Dash? May I remind you that my rank as Princess is now equivalent to Company Comander?” Twilight smirked as she saw the color drain from Rainbow’s face. She quickly removed her hoof from Twilight’s neck and saluted her. “That’s more like it. Now, how about you drop and give me twenty, Sergeant.” “Oh come on, Twi!” Rainbow groaned as the other began to chuckle. “You wanna make that forty? Get going, Sergeant.” Twilight said sternly. Rainbow Dash groaned again and began her pushups while the others kept chuckling. The Fire of the Mighty… Yet again. “Y-You can’t be serious, Sombra. You want us to participate in a war and… and kill?” Chrysalis looks at the Dark King as he stood side by side with the Shipmaster. Even during her invasion of Canterlot and the kidnapping of Equestria’s monarchs, she never once to kill anypony, nor did she order her ‘lings to do the same. She just kept her enemies alive so that her hive could finally stop starving. “I hear doubt in your voice, Chrysalis.” Sombra frowned. “Is revenge not what you want most?” “Of course it is!” She hissed, flaring her wings at Sombra, who didn’t so much as flinch. “However, I’ll admit, I never thought of having to kill to exact my revenge.” Khota gave an unimpressed look. From what he heard from Sombra, this very queen had nearly toppled Equestria’s monarchy, twice. Yet here she was, admitting to never taking a life. At a young age, nearly all Sangheili males have been trained to kill, both with passion and honor, without mercy. He could only scoff at the bug to which Sombra took note of. Sombra glances at Khota before looking back at Chrysalis. He narrows his eyes, for their plan to take over all Equis to succeed, they needed Chrysalis’ magic and support. Yet, from seeing the brutality of the Covenant, and how they treat ‘weaker beings’, they would sooner kill Chrysalis for being unwilling to kill rather than give her a chance to prove herself. He needed to act now to get Chrysalis in a state of mind to set aside her morals. Thankfully, as a master of dark magic, he knew how to do exactly that. As a magic that is powered by emotions, he only needed to awaken hers. “Chrysalis.” Sombra chuckled as dark magic began to leak from his eyes again. “Do I need to remind you all of what has happened to you? Your kingdom, your subjects, and your home were taken from you.” Chrysalis gasps as she feels her emotions begin to rise. Anger rising, pain and sorrow filling her mind as her eyes begin to glow the same color as Sombra’s eyes. The shadow unicorn smirks as he uses his dark magic to tamper with the Changeling’s emotions, digging deep in her mind to resurface the memories of the day she lost her kingdom. Before Chrysalis’ eyes, she sees the memories of her treacherous son, Thorax, betraying her. The rest of her subjects turned against her to embrace the thing she hated most; friendship. The memory is solidified in her mind as the dark magic fades from her eyes. Her legs shake as she is left angry, sad, and lonely. The trauma of reliving her worst memory almost brought her to tears. “Don’t you want to take back what is rightfully yours and destroy all of what your enemies hold dear?” Sombra grinned his evil smile, his fang poking out from his lips.  “Don’t you want them to feel how they made you feel? Leave them with nothing, and leave them to burn. This way, nothing will ever topple your power ever again. Now tell me, Chrysalis, what is it you want most in the world?” Chrysalis narrows her eyes in anger, gritting her teeth as she begins to breathe more heavily. Her own anger getting the better of her. Sombra only smirks in malevolent delight at the raw emotion he helped amplify. “I want… my hive… back!” Chrysalis said through her gritted teeth. “And… and I…” “And you what?” Sombra prodded, wanting her to admit it loudly for everyone around her to hear. “…and I want those responsible to pay!” Chrysalis hissed, looking back at the king. Her angry glare and vicious hiss sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and all of their stupid, insignificant little friends!” “You want to see them dead? Executed for the pain and suffering they have caused you and manipulating your kin!? Then join us, Queen, and you will see your enemies slaughtered and all you could ever want in your very hooves!” Sombra said loudly, his eyes glowing for emphasis. With anger overwhelming her, how could she refuse? “Yes! I stand with you and the Covenant!” Chrysalis said, her head high and now determined. “Very well.” Khota said, now interested in the Queen’s anger. “Your shape-shifting will do well within my special operations.” “Then with that we are ready.” Sombra said, turning back to face Khota. “When you give the order, we may begin our conquest.” “So it would seem.” Khota nodded. “The only thing left to decide is which direction my forces should progress towards.” “Shipmaster, wait!” The voice of Rhyko spoke up, catching the attention of Khota. The large Sangheili narrowed his eyes at the Major, angered by the low-level Sangheili interrupting him. “You better have a good reason to be interfering, welt. What is it?” Khota demanded, all eyes now on Rhyko. “While retrieving Lord Tirek, Zuza and I came across… a magnificent discovery,” Rhyko said loudly, not intimidated by the Shipmaster’s scowl. The Ad Meliora… Yet Again. Rainbow Dash huffs as she stood up sweating. Twilight had a cheeky smirk on her face to which Rainbow scowls at. “Remember to keep modesty, Rainbow. We may have different ranks, but we’re all still friends.” Twilight traded in her smirk for a gentle smile. “Yeah yeah. I hear ya.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Just don’t abuse your rank to teach me lessons again, please.” Twilight chuckled and gave her friend a nod.  “There you all are.” came Tex’s voice. They all turn to see Tex and the rest of his squad approaching the cadets, some of them caring crates. Twilight raises an eyebrow when the crates were set down. “What are those?” Twilight asked quizzically as Adam and Marcus opened them up. Tex then reached his hand inside and pulled out a UNSC helmet. But this one was different, it had more holes made into them, and they were slightly larger. “Final gift from the Captain, ladies. Your official UNSC armor, made specially for your pony bodies!” Tex said with a smirk. That answer was met with Twilight and her friends instant crowding the crates, pulling out the armor and combat suits with a lot of eagerness. They pulled out helmets, chest plates, and custom made combat uniforms to go under their armor. “Wow! This is awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she tried on a helmet. “How did you guys get this stuff made so quickly!? It’s only been a week.” “Magic, dawg.” Carlito said enthusiastically. While you guys have been working your asses off, another Princesa –Candace, was it?– had her court unicorns use their magic to make these and duplicate them.” “Wow! No wonder you guys got these made fast. The Crystal Empire is the magic capital of Equestria.” Spike blurted out as he also tried on one of the helmets. “Try magic capital of Equis.” Starlight informed, looking at the uniforms. “Nothing even comes close to the magic they wield.” “No kidding? Shouldn’t we be concerned about that?” Tex asked, he looked a bit nervous. “What if the Covenant attacks the Crystal Empire?” “I highly doubt it.” Twilight said, nonchalantly. She even waved her hoof for emphasis. “The Covenant knows nothing of magic. They can’t wield or weaken it. I highly doubt they could even breach the magical defenses. Only those who can wield magic can infiltrate it.” The ponies seemed very satisfied with that conclusion, but Tex, not so much. He was on Reach; it was the largest military colony of the UNSC. It was armed to the teeth and extremely well defended, and even the Covenant overpowered them in just over a month before glassing it. He shakes his head, trying to get rid of the thought. Twilight was right about one thing, the Covenant lacked magic. Surely that would be enough to give them some sort of edge. The Fire of the Mighty… One Final Time. “WHAT!?” The voice of Khota rocked the whole bridge of the ship as he sees a clear image being projected from Rhyko’s datapad. It was the Eld, the main Forerunner glyph, emblazoned upon the doors of Tartarus. All crewmembers on board were now all focussed on the hologram, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. “Where did you discover this!?” “As we were leaving Tartarus, shipmaster. We sought to inform you right away.” Rhyko responded, bowing his head in respects. Even Xala and N’thoka looked on in amazement at the Major and Minor’s discovery. “Then I was correct! This changes everything!” Khota exclaimed. “This symbol means something to you?” Asked Sombra quizzically. “I’ve seen that symbol a hundred times.” All eyes shift from the hologram to where they all fell on the Dark King. While most were in amazement, Khota glared angrily at Sombra. “Where have you seen this symbol Sombra!?” He demanded, his voice growled as his icy glare seemed to pierce Sombra. “At my Castle, in the Crystal Empire. Over a thousand years ago, excavating the catacombs, I came across this very symbol. It seemed to be guarding a chamber, but even my magic wouldn’t let me open it.” Sombra said, still confused on why Khota was so furious. “And you are NOW telling me this!?” Khota clenched his fists so tight, his knuckles pop. “Were you intentionally keeping this information from me Sombra!? I will gut you like a filthy Colo if you did!” “Calm down, Shipmaster Khota.” Sombra calmly addressed the Shipmaster. “I had no idea this symbol was even important to you. And even if I did, why would I withhold anything about it?” Khota huffed loudly and glared out the helm of the ship. He stared at the Planet Equis, whatever the reason their gods were on this planet filled with magical equines, he had to know the reason. He looks back at Sombra and points at him. “You will take me to the Crystal Empire and you will take me to this door with this symbol on it!” Khota sternly commanded. “That was not our battle plan!” Sombra protested, eyes flashing green as he narrowed at the Shipmaster. “Equestria and the Elements of Harmony are our biggest threat! We need to destroy Canterlot and weaken Equestria before it’s forces get too large!” “That was before I knew of this! This is priority one of our great Covenant! If you will not take me to the Crystal Empire, then I’ll kill you and go myself!” Khota wasn’t backing down. Sombra growled at the Shipmaster’s threat, but he had to come up with a compromise. To him, the Elements posed the biggest threat. But Khota was unwilling to budge. “Fine. We’ll have to compromise on this.” Sombra said, regaining his composer. “We shall split the army. If we don’t take care of the Elements, you can kiss your chances of getting to the Crystal Empire goodbye. You and I will take our half of the army and move Northwest, towards the Crystal Empire. While Chrysalis, Tirek, and the other half will progress westwards, towards Equestria’s capital.” “Very well.” Khota crosses his arms, agreeing to this idea. Sombra sighs in annoyance, progress will be much slower now because of this compromise. Khota then turns to look at his fellow Sangheili. “Officer Xala, Zealot N’thoka, you two will accompany me and Sombra to this Crystal Empire.” Khota stated to which both knelt before him.  “Yes, Shipmaster.” N’thoka said noblely. Khota then turned to look at Rhyko and Zuza. “Ultra Rhyko, Ranger Zuza, you will go westward towards Canterlot.” Khota again stated. Both Rhyko and Zuza then looked puzzled. “Ultra? And Ranger?” Rhyko repeated to make sure they heard right. “You both did well in completing your mission, and discovering the Eld, you two deserve a promotion.” Khota smirked before looking back at the Helm. He stared at the Planet once more, as all crew began their preparations for the invasion. “The downfall of this planet begins now.” Khota chuckled darkly. END OF ACT 1/3 > Covenant Advancements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ad Meliora’s Bridge Captain McCormick sat in front of the main console of his ship. He has been very busy throughout the week. But nothing has been on his mind more than Discord. McCormick had listened and relistened to all the recorded conversations he’d had with the Draconequus. Just like the Chaos lord himself, they only leave with more questions than answers. Discord knows so much yet reveals very little. And when challenged, he is reluctant to reveal more. His lecture on how Magic was given to ponies by the forerunners was the most fascinating. He mentions the first successful Alicorn was created by a certain Forerunner. He fully believes that Discord can observe the galaxy with his magic, but the stories he told were hundreds of thousands of years in the past. ‘Can the lord of Chaos look into the past? Or… is he hiding something much darker about himself?’ The sudden animation of Reagan blipping on the console pulled McCormick out of thought. “Captain, you have been listening to these recordings for hours. I suggest you take a break.” The Shipboard A.I. looked genuinely concerned for the captain, but McCormick only sighed heavily. “I can’t stop, Reagan. I know Discord is hiding something not just from me but from the Princesses as well.” McCormick picks up his mug of coffee and takes a huge gulp. “How can you be certain, Captain?” Reagan asked, tilting his head to the side. “Discord claims to have the ability to see far off into space, but he also told us how ponies were given magic. He claimed it to be hundreds of thousands of years old. At first, after seeing Discord’s near-almighty magic, I assumed he could look into the past as well. But this time, magic is nearly non-existent here on Equis. Twilight confirmed it herself that she and Starlight were the only ones to go back in time. So if such magic is impossible, how does Discord know what happened all those millennia ago?” McCormick leaned back in his chair and began to stroke his goatee. His thoughts were halted when the console began to flash red, and what sounded like an alarm was blaring all over the inside of the bridge. “Reagan!? The hell is going on!?” McCormick ordered the A.I. in confusion. “I’m detecting massive amounts of Covenant forces moving out of Manehattan, sir!” Reagan replied, his voice full of worry. “Goddammit… Order my two commanders to the bridge Reagan, and bring up the map at the helm.” McCormick orders, standing up and heading to the front of the bridge towards the large screen. “Aye, sir.” Reagan blips away from his podium Twilight and Spartan Maverick rush on board the Ad Meliora after being given the urgent summons by the Captain. The run into the bridge, and see the captain facing the helm with his back turned to them. They both stop and salute as McCormick continued to stare at the front screen showing the map of Equestria. “Sir, we came as soon as we were notified.” Maverick spoke stoically. “What’s with the urgency?” asked Twilight, lowering her hoof. The Captain stood still for a moment, before letting out a long sigh. He takes a few steps away, allowing both of them to see the map. They were both horrified to see many red blips, spreading out from Manehattan. “The Covenant… they’re advancing.” “The time for more action is now.” McCormick spoke with a chiseled attitude. “After being dormant for an unnatural amount of time, it appears the Covenant are now enacting their next move on your world Princess. As the one most familiar with this world, I need your input on where they are going.” “Of course, sir.” Twilight stepped forward approaching the map. She analyzes where the red blips were heading too. She was both confused and alarmed by the directions the Covenant was advancing. “Captain McCormick, The Covenant is splitting their army.” “Yes, That was one of the first things Reagan noticed on his scanners.” McCormick began to stroke his Goatee. “But where they are going is… confusing. There is a large force towards the Crystal Mountains to the northwest. And a second rather large army is heading southwest, toward…Oh no… they’re heading for Fillydelphia!” Twilight’s voice is filled with panic when determining where the Covenant is heading. “If they are heading to another city, then we must intercept immediately.” Spartan Maverick spoke up, stepping towards the map. “But what of this second advancement heading north? Where could they possibly be heading?” Asked McCormick, turning to look back at Twilight. “My best guess would be the Crystal Empire, but it’s foolish. The Empire is surrounded by a magical forcefield. It’s very well protected by some of the greatest magic users in all of Equestria.” Twilight narrowed her eyes, she was very confused on why the Covenant would advance there, but was sure they would be unable to invade. “Our forces are limited. It will be a risk if we split our forces. Even with the other nations by our side, the Covies still outnumbers us.” Maverick spoke his mind freely. “I’m confident in the Crystal Empire’s magic. Though, it’s better to be safe than sorry. We could send a small number of soldiers to the Crystal Empire to bolster defense while the majority face the Covenant head on at Fillydelphia. Another city faces destruction if we do not head there immediately.” Twilight’s voice was bolstered by her confidence and determination. “With what we got, that’s probably the best approach we got.” McCormick nodded, concurring with Twilight. “What are our orders, sir?” asked Maverick as he and Twilight looked to the captain. Captain McCormick never took his eyes off the map as he responded. “We go to war.” He sighed before finally turning to face his commanders. “Spartan Maverick, Princess Twilight. Zeta team and Fire Team Harmony will be heading for Fillydelphia at once. I will send a small sect to the Crystal Empire as you depart. Godspeed, you two.”  “Sir, yes sir!” They both salute before quickly leaving the bridge. Twilight and Spartan Maverick sprint down the halls of the Ad Meliora, running towards the hanger as an alarm is blasted all throughout the ship. Reagan’s voice echos all throughout the ship as he announces for every soldier to get to their battlestations. “Alert, all to the hanger! Covenant currently advancing! This is not a drill! All soldiers to the hanger! Get prepped for combat! I repeat, get prepared for combat!” Reagan’s voice was almost ear piercing as it blasted all throughout the ship. Twilight and Maverick arrive at the hanger to find it in full chaos as soldier rush all over to gear up. Sergeant Tex rushes to the two of them and salutes. “Sir! Ma’am! Me and the rest of Whiskey-7 await your orders!” Tex said quite loudly so that he is heard over the sounds of boots on the metal floor. “I want you and your squad to accompany us to Fillydelphia, Sergeant!” Maverick responded. “Sir, yes sir!” Tex goes back into a sprint and runs right past them to prepare himself. Twilight was about to separate as well to gear up when she feels Maverick lean down and places a hand on her withers. “Wait, Princess!” He yelled to her, to which Twilight turns to look at him, she could see her reflection in his visor. “I don’t want a repeat of Manehattan. All I ask is you keep a level-head.” Twilight opens her mouth to protest, but no words came out. She closes her mouth and looks away. She closes her eyes, remembering the complete destruction of Manehattan, remembering all the lives lost. She slowly opens her eyes and looks back at Maverick. “…I understand.” She responds with a nod. He releases her and they both separate to gear up.   Twilight straps on the specially made armor for her, grabs an assault rifle and places it on her back. After she was all set, the Princess turns and faces the Pelicans. UNSC crewmembers were guiding the pelicans out by waving marshaling wands. Twilight lets out a long sigh before approaching one of the last Pelicans remaining. Tex, who was already on board, offers his hand to her. She places her hoof in his hand and he helps her aboard. She takes a seat, seeing all her friends aboard. All of Zeta and Whisky-7 were also aboard. “Testing! Testing!” Maverick spoke into his coms. “We read you Mav!” Tex responded. “Good! Now listen up, everyone! To some of you, this is your first deployment! We tried our best to prepare you, but nothing will ever prepare you for what you are about to go against! Stay together, and don’t do anything stupid! You will stay alive if you follow those simple instructions!” Maverick spoke loudly as the Pelican’s engines kicked to life. The airship lifts off and flies out of the hangar and begins it’s approach to Fillydelphia. Twilight sat in her seat and gives each of her friends a quick analysis. Rainbow Dash had a determined look on her face, holding her DMR close to her. Applejack was giving her shotgun a quick examination. Pinkie and Fluttershy sat together, they were not holding any weapons, and their helmets had a bright red ‘H’ emblazoned on them. Starlight seemed lost in thought, seeming to focus on keeping her emotions steady. Rarity had her head leaned back against the metal hull of the ship. She had her eyes closed, trying to stay calm. Spike however, had an unnatural expression on his face. He had a very determined expression on his face, like he was ready for whatever they were going to face. It was also then Twilight noticed something about Spike, he looked a bit “bigger” than he did a week ago, like had grown in size. Her thoughts were interrupted when Maverick spoke up again, laying out orders for everyone. “Listen closely, we are approaching Fillydelphia very fast. Sergeant Tex, if me or Princess Twilight are not present, you are in command!” Maverick looks to Tex who nods. “Yes, sir!” He responds, turning his visor opaque.  “Corporal Torres, I want you to find a highpoint near the Covenant controlled part of the city! I want you to take out any officers you see!” Maverick ordered. Carlito responds by simply pulling back the slide on the sniper, making a very satisfying noise as a round is chambered. As he did, Maverick then points to Spike. “Private, I want you to accompany him! Stay on his ass and make sure nothing catches you by surprise!” Spike nods as Maverick gives out orders. Twilight looks to her friends, she too was going to give them orders. “Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, when we land, I want you two to stay on board.” She spoke clearly, trying her best to imitate the Commander’s tone. “Once we depart, the ship will then take you to the outskirts of the city. From there, you help the wounded, and make sure the civilians are escorted away from the battlefield!” “Okie dokie!” Pinkie responded loudly, the only one among them still managing a smile. “Now to the rest of you, civilians are priority one. All I ask is you try your best to save as many as you can, and push back any advancing Covies. We are not gonna let Fillydelphia fall like Manehattan did! Make these aliens regret ever coming here!” Twilight shouted, trying to pump everyone up. “Oorah!” Came the voices of most of them on board. Twilight looked up at Maverick, who gave an approving nod. “Clear the ramp! Thirty seconds! God be with you!” Shouted the pilot from the front cockpit. Everyone stood up and faced the back hatch, prepared for what was to come.  “Pray for us, Carlito.” Marcus said softly, eyes forward, never moving. Carlito tapped the top of his helmet with his hand, then the bottom of his chest. Then his left shoulder and then his right. “We are blessed, amigo,” Carlito responded. The Pelican then felt suddenly stalling, this was it. “Opening hatch!” yelled the pilot as the back doors open. “Move, move, move!” Maverick yelled as they one by one ran out of the Pelican. Pinkie and Fluttershy watch their friends depart from the craft. As the last one jumped off, the pelican began to ascend again.  “Orders, sir!?” yelled Tammy as they all rushed into the city streets. “We are at the southernmost tip of the town, start escorting civilians away from the northernmost sect!” Maverick ordered “We’ll cover more grounds if we split up! Keep your coms open and stay in your small group! Get too it!”  Just as Maverick ordered, the large group split apart and advance down different branching streets of Fillydelphia. Twilight, along with Applejack, Marcus, and Rainbow Dash are on main street. It was the largest street, so it was the main route used to escort civilians. Many soldiers in armor ranging from humans to ponies, to dragons were directing them southwards. A stallion soldier salutes Twilight as she approaches. “Report soldier, what’s going on?” Twilight asked the Stallion. “Covenant has yet to advance into the heart of the city, ma’am. They appear to be staying around the outer edges and circling the parameter! So we are using the main roads to escort and evac the civilians before the Covenant begin to squeeze in!” The Stallion spoke loud and clear. “Very well. Keep at it, soldier. Make sure no civilian falls behind.” She places her hoof on his shoulder. He salutes one more time before going back to directing the civilians. Twilight places her hoof on the side of her helmet to speak into the mic “Spartan Maverick, come in.” “Spartan A776 reading you loud and clear, princess.” Maverick responded over the coms. “I’ve got bad news. The Covenant has not pushed deep into the city yet, they are going around the city limits to trap us in. Fillydelphia is a port city, if they reach the water on the other side we’ll be sitting ducks.” Twilight spoke with some urgency. “That’s… that’s not good. Alright, I’m directing the pelicans to change their LZ, if the Covenant surrounds the city, we are going to have to take the civilians directly out of the city. Where would the best possible area be to make an LZ in the city?” Maverick responded, his voice as stoic as ever. Twilight had to think for a moment, but there was only one place in the city that was big enough to hold both civilians and soldiers. “The Liberty Cowbell. Direct the pelicans near the Liberty Cowbell, that’s where we’ll have the LZ.” Twilight responded, her face grew a determined expression. “Copy that. Pelicans are heading there now.” Maverick’s voice then cut out.Twilight lets out a sigh of relief, but soon her relief turned into stress once again as explosions were heard coming down main street. The line of civilians broke into a sprint of panic as the explosions were coming behind them, to the north. “Form a barrier! Covenant’s pressing in!” Twilight would call out loudly. From both sides of the street, the soldiers escorting the civilians pushed the carriages into the street as the last civilian ran through, and pushed them on their sides. “I need half of you to stay with us as we hold them back, the rest make sure you get these civilians to the Liberty Cowbell at once!” “Yes ma’am!” Yelled the stallion Twilight just spoke too. As the barrier was finished, half the escorting marines stayed with Twilight and her squad to hold the lines. Smoke was blocking visibility down the main roads as each soldier aimed their guns. It was almost deathly quite as all eyes were fixated down the road. No one spoke. No one moved. Finally, they came. Out of the smoke, half a dozen ghosts emerged at full speed coming right at the barrier. “Open fire!” Twilight yelled as she pulled the trigger, all present began firing bullets that fly at the speeding ghost who returned fire with plasma. The bullets were doing minimal damage to the ghosts, until Marcus peaked up, aimed his grenade launcher and fired. A direct hit on the leading ghost as it ignites in a brilliant orange and cyan fireball. Rainbow Dash takes aim with her rifle, she looks through the scope, and pulls the trigger. The bullet was shot expertly at the head of the grunt piloting it, causing the ghost to careen out of control and into one of the buildings. The marines lay down heavy fire, as plasma is returned at them. Twilight ducks her head multiple times as she reloads, and then continues firing. A pony next to her doesn’t duck down as she is reloading her SMG as she is shot directly in the face by one of the plasma bolts fired by the ghosts. She falls to the ground, and Twilight turns and holds her hoof out to her, but that was it. She watches as the plasma burns a hole into the mare’s face, rendering her lifeless. Twilight closes her eyes tight, keeping her emotions in check as she turns around and continues firing. Marcus fires another grenade, striking another ghost and blowing it up. There were two ghosts left, both being piloted by elites. By now, they were too close for them to keep firing. “They’re gonna ram us! Everypony out the way!” Twilight yelled out as she rolled out of the way. Many others also tried to get out of the way, but many were not fast enough as the first one rammed through the wooden carriages, splintering it to pieces. A human soldier was nailed hard by the raming Ghost and flung to the side with a sickening crack. He lay lifeless in the street as the second barrage made its way through. Both ghosts turn to the side and halt, the two drives step out and pull out their plasma rifles and begin to fire. Most marines were not even to their feet yet when the plasma fire started. Twilight focused her fire on one as Rainbow trained her shot on the second one. The single shot DMR blasting the elite with powerful shots. Before his shields could break, he does an evasive rollout of the way. Rainbow Dash refocuses on the elite and fires. Click! Rainbow’s eyes widen when her gun ran out of ammo. She quickly pops the mag out and slams a new one it. By the time she aimed, the Elite was right on her. He slaps her gun away with his own rifle and kicks her to the ground “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted to her friend as the Elite aimed his rifle at her. Her horn comes to light and an aura surrounds the Elite, eyes widening as he is immobilized. Twilight then uses her magic to fling the Elite away from Rainbow. The Elite tumbles to the ground and skids on his stomach. He hears the sound of a shotgun being pumped and looks up, only to see the angry gaze of Applejack, holding her weapon to his face. He growls at her, showing her no fear. “Vermin!” Was all he barked at her. Applejack grits her teeth and finally pulls the trigger, blasting his mandibles right off his face while the combined fire from Twilight and Marcus’ sidearm put down the second elite. With a short breather, Twilight assesses the scene. Six dead Covies and ten dead soldiers. She shakes her head at that, She sees Marcus helping Rainbow Dash up, but then looks to Applejack, who is still staring down at the Elite she just killed. Twilight approaches Applejack, who is looking at the corpse in disdain. “You okay, AJ?” Twilight asked, looking down at the mangled elite. Applejack hesitated for a second before answering. “Ah think so.” Applejack’s voice was a bit horse. Twilight assures her friends by placing her hoof on her shoulder. “I know, it’s difficult to process. But it was him or us.” Twilight spoke in a regular voice. “Ah know that, Twi.” Applejack turned her head to look at Twilight. “I know it was necessary. That doesn’ make me feel better for doin’ it.” “We have another wave coming! Heavy infantry!” Marcus yelled from the remains of their battered barriers. Twilight turns to see dozens of Covenant squads quickly progressing down the street. Twilight’s eyes widened to see three wraiths in the back, being escorted by the infantry. “Fall back! Lay down fire as we retreat towards the Liberty Cowbell!” Twilight called out to the remaining soldiers as she slammed a new mag into her assault rifle. Spike and Carlito were climbing up a tall staircase inside a large building. Spike was covering Carlito’s rear as they cautiously and quietly climbed up, not wanting to make too much noise. He aims his suppressed SMG downwards, making sure he and Carlito were not being followed. Upon confirming they were safe, Spike looks up at Carlito who pressed his back against the wall, his magnum at the ready as he took each step closely. “How do you do it?” Carlito is a bit surprised to hear Spike’s voice coming behind him. He stops in place and turns his head and looks down at the purple dragon. “Que?” Carlito asked, cocking his head to one side. “What do you mean by that?” “Sniping.” Spike admitted, looking at Carlito’s opaque visor. “How are you so calm when you snipe? It looks so difficult to do.” Carlito stays silent for a moment before softly chuckling. “Sniping an enemy is like hunting any other animal. Fire at the wrong moment and your chance will be forever lost.” He began to lecture as he continued up the stairs. Spike stayed close as he listened to Carlito’s every word. “A hunter has to stay hidden from his prey, knowing the routines and movements of your prey tips the balance of a hunt.” “Do you ever find it difficult to… to take a life by sniping them?” Spike asked, watching Carlito pause on the steps once more. “At first.” He admitted, not turning to look at Spike. “But after the Covenant glassed my home planet, Kroedis II, I started putting these hijos de putas down without a second thought. They’ve taken so much from me, so I am eager to send these bastards straight to hell.” Spike almost couldn’t understand how Carlito felt. Carlito had always seemed a bit excited to kill the Covenant, taking some pleasure in it. And yet, Spike knew he didn’t have Carlito’s full story. Perhaps it would be a story for him and his pal to discuss another time, as while Spike was still in thought, he hears Carlito whisper to him from the top of the stairs. “Psst! Amigo, I think we made it to the roof. Keep quiet in case we aren’t alone up here.” Carlito whispered loud enough for Spike to hear. Spike quickly ascended the stairs to where Carlito was. He had his back pressed against a set of double doors, peeking through the windows. “Can’t really see anything. Prepare to breach, amigo.” Spike held his SMG close to him as Carlito began to count down from three. As soon as the ODST finished counting, he plants his boot in the center of the doors and kicked them open with a lot of force. Spike and Carlito quickly scan the roof and find no Covenant on top. With a sigh of relief, Spike lowers his SMG. Carlito clips his magnum to his hip and takes his sniper off his back. He approaches the edge, and looks down towards the ground. “Perfect. I can see all the way to the ocean from here.” Carlito said as he pulled his sniper off his back. He took a knee and place the bipod of the rifle on the guardrail of the roof. Spike approaches him to which Carlito hands him a pair of binoculars. Spike takes them, and glances up at Carlito for a second before looking through them. “Just like last time, dawg. You see any officers, just point them out. I’ll do the rest.” Carlito let out a soft sigh and began to peer through the scope of the sniper. Starlight and Rarity were at the LZ location, in the courtyard next to the Liberty Cowbell along with Tammy, Adam, and Maverick. Tents had been set up by the other marines so that the wounded could be taken care of. A pelican descends on the LZ and opens it’s back hatch. Out steps Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, as they step out, a group of civilians are escorted in. Pinkie and Fluttershy look a bit confused as they step out, looking all around them. “I thought we were to be taken outside the city to help everypony.” Pinkie scratched the side of her head, ruffling her puffy mane. “Things have changed. We can’t have the LZ on the outside of town. So we are setting up here." Maverick informed them. This causes Fluttershy to begin shaking violently. “W-We have t-t-to help the injured in the middle of th-the battlefield!?” Fluttershy begins to curl herself up as fear grips her. Tammy had to kneel down and gently place her hand on Fluttershy’s withers to comfort her. “Easy Fluttershy, this is the safest spot you could be. Come with me in the tent, help me with the wounded. It’ll help distract you.” Tammy said in a very soft voice. Despite still shaking, Fluttershy slowly looks up at her and nods. Tammy stands up and leads her inside one of the tents. Pinkie happily starts bouncing in a pattern, following them. “Keep this spot secured, you three.” Maverick looked towards Adam, Starlight, and Rarity. “We got quite a handful of soldiers here to defend this spot with you. Under no circumstances are you allowed to let this area fall to the Covenant.” “We understand, sir.” Said Adam. “But what about you?”  “I’m gonna meet up with one of our other squads out there.” Maverick pulled MA5B off of his back. “We need to find more civilians and get them out of here.” With a nod, Maverick then departs to leave the three there. They look at each other as another small group of civilians are escorted into the LZ. The three, along with other marines, approach them, seeing if they could assist in any way they could. They see a human marine carrying a unicorn on his shoulder. Slumped like he was lifeless. Starlight prepares herself for him to be dead as she approaches them. She sees the human soldier kneel and then slowly places the Unicorn on the ground. His helmet rolls off of him and Starlight is a bit surprised to see him still breathing. “What happened to him?” Starlight asked the human. “Don’t know, found ‘em like this.” The Human responded. Starlight takes a closer look at the Unicorn soldier. His breathing had a good pace, and there was no blood on him. However, his eyes seemed a bit dull. Starlight raises her eyebrow at that. “Soldier, are you alright?” Starlight asked, kneeling down to him. “…He’s… He’s… back…” The unicorn whispers, almost inaudible. “Huh? Who’s back?” Starlight asked. Before she could get a response. A loud primal roar is heard just a block away from the LZ. Starlight’s heart skips a beat upon hearing it.  A pelican’s engine sparks to life, its back hatch full of civilians. It slowly begins to ascend in the air when the thing that made the roar turns the corner down the street and is visible to the LZ. Both Starlight and Rarity could not believe what they were seeing. “Oh, by Celestia’s mane, no…” Starlight said to herself. “He’s… he’s not supposed to be here!” Rarity shouted. “Who the hell is that!?” Adam asked, looking at the creature who was about 300 feet from them. The pelican begins to fly overhead as the creature uses two of it’s long horns to generate magic. As the pelican gets close, it unleashes a powerful beam, striking one of the engines. The engine explodes, and the pelican begins to descend, crashing hard out of sight. “Holy shit!” Adam yells loudly as the creature begins to cackle like a demon. “Who the fuck is that!?” “Lord Tirek!” Rarity shouted loudly. Tirek, as if he heard his name being called, turned his head to look at the LZ. His horns light up again and he fires another blast of magic directly at the LZ. Starlight and Rarity quickly evade as the blast punches a hole right through the sandbag barriers. One unfortunate marine is instantly incinerated into ash upon being hit directly by the blast. “Maverick! Come in, dammit!” Adam yelled into his coms, his back firmly against some sandbags. “I read you, What’s going on?” Maverick’s voice comes in, oblivious to the situation they are in. “We have a big fucking monster firing directly on the LZ! It just shot down one of our pelicans full of civilians west of our position! I have never seen anything like it! We need you back here now!” Another blast comes from Tirek, destroying another part of the barrier. “Shit!” Maverick cursed loudly into the coms. “Alright, I’m on my way with some heavy guns. I’ll send Clara and her squad to check the pelican for survivors. Hold out till I get there!” Maverick then cuts out. Adam looks at the two mares next to him, both their eyes full of fear. “Wh-what’s our orders?” Rarity choked out. “Hold down suppressing fire till backup arrives.” Adam replied. He leans his head back, saying a silent prayer, and then turns off his gun’s safety. “May god help us all.” > Magical Advantage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtyard of the Liberty Cowbell Another blast from Tirek’s magic destroys another barrier protecting the LZ as a multitude of fire is returned Tirek’s way. He erects a magical shield to which the bullets bounce off effortlessly. Tirek lets out a loud laugh at their efforts to take him down. “Who the hell is that!?” Adam peaks over his barrier and opens fire once again. When his mag runs dry, he lowers his head back for an answer, slamming a new mag into the side of his SMG.  “It’s Lord Tirek!” Rarity yelled at the top of her lungs over the gunfire. “The devourer of all magic! He’s supposed to be locked away in Tartarus for trying to drain all creatures of their magic!” Starlight responded as she chambered a grenade into her launcher and peered out. She closes one eye and fires. Triek sees the grenade coming and quickly points his magical shield in it’s direction. The grenade makes contact and explodes, but it doesn't even scratch the shield. “Mav, where the fuck are you!?” Adam yells into his comms as Tirek prepares another powerful beam. “To your left!” Maverick responds. Adam pops his head up and looks to the left. There was a road in front of the LZ, and on the left side, a Rockethog could be seen speeding towards their position. The rockethog speeds up and power-slides hard to the side. Adam, Starlight, and Rarity could see Maverick on the rocket turret, aiming it at Tirek. Loud beeps emanate from the launchers and the Spartan-III fires. Six rockets fire right at his shields and collide with a spectacular explosions. When the dust clears, the shield is visibly cracked but is still intact. Tirek smirks, preparing to fire another beam right at the hog. Right before the beam is fired, a bullet strikes one of his horns from behind, causing the centaur to stumble forward and his magic to cancel. Tirek quickly turns and looks up from where it came from. On top of one of the tall buildings, the glint of a sniper scope is seen. The Centaur snarls at the new threat behind him. But it was also the perfect distraction as the Rocket turret was ready to fire again. Six more rockets fire out and collide with the shield, and after the first four collide, it finally shatters, allowing the last two to hit Tirek. He lets out a pained roar as the rockets strike him, causing massive burns on his arms and face. He snarls at the warthog, his glowing eyes glaring in anger as he grits his sharp teeth. The hog appears to be ready to fire another volley. Not able to withstand another blast, Tirek is forced to take a few steps back and retreats around the corner he came from.  Maverick jumps off the back of the Warthog as the survivors began to holler in victory, cheering for Maverick in his besting of the beast. Soon, Clara steps out of the driver’s seat, and then finally Tex out of the passenger seat. Adam steps forth and shakes Maverick’s hand. “Hella good shooting, Commander,” Adam spoke loudly. “Wasn’t all me,” Maverick said stoically before placing his hand on the side of his helmet. “Good shot there, Corporal. That hog and I would’ve been done for if your shot wasn’t on the mark.” “No problem, amigo! I got your back, sir!” The voice of Carlito responds. They all look up to the building they were in. It was a bit hard to see, but they could see both Spike and Carlito waving down at them. “That was quick, Commander. How did you meet up with Clara and Tex so quickly?” Asked Starlight as she approached the Spartan. “What do you mean, Corporal?” Maverick asked, confused about what she meant. “I mean, you were here ten minutes ago. Told us to hold down our position before running off by yourself.” Starlight explained. This causes Maverick to look back at Clara, and then Tex before slowly looking back at Starlight. “That’s a negative, Corporal. I’ve been with Clara and Sergeant Tex since we first split off.” Maverick’s response sparks even more confusion. “That’s… That’s impossible!” Rarity said loudly. “Yeah, I saw you myself! You were just here and ran off in that direction!” Adam said, pointing off to the right of the LZ. Maverick looks in the direction to where he was pointing, but then looks back at him. “That cannot be. This is my first time here at the LZ.” Maverick firmly stated. Adam takes off his helmet, showing his dumbstruck face. “Sir, we are not lying! We just saw you… We literally spoke to you!” Adam protested. Maverick analyzes him for a second. The sound of his voice and his expression told him he wasn’t lying. “This is impossible…” Maverick looks away for a second before looking back at Adam. “However, we don’t have time to bicker about this. We still have a job to do. We’ll discuss this later.” Not fully satisfied, Adam sighs but follows orders. “Yes, sir.” He puts his helmet back on and turns his visor Opaque. “Clara, Sergeant Tex, Corporal Glimmer. Take the Warthog and locate that downed pelican. We need to save any survivors. I’ll stay here and aid in the evacuation.” “You got it, Mav,” Clara responded before looking at Tex. “Need you on the turret, Sergeant.” “Yes, ma’am,” Tex responds, hopping onto the back of the hog as Clara climbs back into the driver’s seat. Clara then looks to Starlight. “And you got passenger,” She spoke. Starlight responds with a nod as she climbed into the passenger seat, keeping her launcher raised. Clara got back in the driver’s seat and revved the engine. [bi]10 minutes earlier…[/bi] ‘Maverick’ leaves the LZ after giving out orders to stay put. He turns down the street and enters an alleyway. In the darkness, he discards the MA5B he was holding, and a sickly green aura surrounds him. The aura encases him and soon begins to die down. Standing where Maverick once did was the former Changeling Queen herself, Chrysalis. On her form was slightly modified Covenant armor. She wore elite major arm guards attached to her legs, and a grunt major chest piece. She smirks maliciously and places her hoof to her ear. “Their base of operations is vulnerable. Now is your best chance to destroy it.” Chrysalis chuckled into the comms. “Excellent! I shall begin my attack!” The voice of Tirek is heard responding, followed by an evil chuckle. Chrysalis, wanting to see the destruction, stepped out of the alleyway and peeked around the building she hid behind. She watches as a pelican begins to lift up off the ground, but is quickly shot out of the sky by a beam of Tirek’s magic. She watches as the Pelican dips in her direction, falling out of the sky and crashing a few hundred meters from her position. Seeing an opportunity, Chrysalis began to sprint towards the downed pelican. She approaches the wreckage, the pelican on fire and it's back hatch open. There were bodies around the crash site, some enlisted, some civilian. Chrysalis hesitates for a moment, seeing some of the bodies of the civilians around the crash site. She stands over the body of a mare, a red coat with a white mane, her eyes closed, lying on the burnt ground. Her eyes soften as she places her hoof on her cheek. She could feel it becoming cold. Chrysalis suddenly hardened her expression, glaring down at the body as her eyes began leaking a purple Miasma. Sombra’s spell still affected her, keeping her from feeling sympathy. Her attention was taken off the mare as she heard a noise from the pelican. Slowly, a human began to crawl from the wreckage of the pelican. Chrysalis approaches him, her hooves stopping in front of his head. His head slowly looks up until his eyes meet the changeling queen’s. “What is your name?” She demanded. The human was unaware of who she was. He was dazed and confused, making him think she was a pony ally. “…P-Private… Jason Ross.” Blood lightly dripped from his mouth as he spoke. “Well then, Private Ross,” Chrysalis began to smirk as the crooked horn glowed a putrid green color. The same green aura surrounded his body, and picked him up off the ground the marine is surprised but unable to fight back. He watches as Chrysalis smirks, another aura surrounding her as well, and soon takes his own shape. His eyes widen as he sees Chrysalis copy his very form, her head glowing around the phantom horn on her head.  She pulls him closer to her, now rendering him speechless. She grabs the sidearm off his hip, and pulls back the slider. “You won’t be needing this anymore.” Chrysalis spoke, completely mimicking his voice. She then raises the magnum up to his face. He couldn’t respond, mostly from shock. She hesitates on pulling the trigger, the magnum shaking slightly in her hand. Her eyes begin to glow again, leaking the purple mist as Sombra’s magic takes hold again. Finally, under the influence of dark magic, she pulled the trigger, executing him. When his body falls limp, she then uses her magic to place his body back inside the wrecked pelican so he would not be discovered so easily. As she looks at his body one more time, her eyes fill with the purple miasma again. She sneers and looks away. She lays down on the ground, preparing for there to be a search and rescue group, this was her chance to infiltrate their ranks. She wouldn’t have to wait long, she hears the sound of an engine barreling her way. She lays her head down and closes her eyes as a warthog pulls to a stop. “Oh Celestia, no…” The voice of a mare is heard. Chrysalis’ eyes snap open at hearing the voice, she knew that voice. The one who caused her whole hive to turn on her… ‘Starlight Glimmer…’ She whispered, barely making a sound. She could feel her anger rising. This was her chance, her golden opportunity to kill her once and for all. However, she had her orders. Infiltrate the human ship. She forced herself to wait for her revenge. “Fuck me… Did anyone survive?” Said a male voice.  “Start checking the bodies. Someone had to have survived this mess.” A second female voice was heard. Chrysalis hears feet and hooves on the ground. A human and that cursed Starlight began to check the bodies, not coming up with any good news. Finally, Starlight gets to Chrysalis’ disguised form. She feels the Mare’s hoof on her neck. “…Hey! I got a pulse on this one! Tex, come here!” Starlight yells, causing Tex to run to her and kneel down. “Soldier! Soldier, are you alright!?” Tex would try to communicate. “Mmmm… My… my head…” The disguised marine mumbled, pretending to stir awake. “Clara! We have a survivor!” Yelled Starlight. “Get them to the Warthog. We’ll get them to safety.” She would respond. Tex would help Chrysalis' disguised form to her feet and walk her over to the Warthog. “Don’t worry, brother. We’re getting you out of here.” Tex reassured, putting them into the passenger seat. “Starlight, get on the turret.” “What about you, Tex?” Starlight asked, giving Tex a worried look. “I’m gonna keep searching for survivors.” He responded, turning back towards the crash site. Seeing the number of civilians who perished tugged hard at his heart. He was hoping some of them were still alive. “We’ll be back for you, Sergeant.” Clara spoke from the driver’s seat as Starlight climbed in back. The Warthog roared back to life and drove off. Tex sighs hard and went back to checking the bodies. Nothing so far was turning up anything good. His search lead him towards the inside the pelican itself. He enters and sees a body in the back of the hull. He steps towards it and kneels down, noticing a hole in it’s face; a bullet hole. ‘Well… A Covie didn’t do this. Possible suicide?’ He thought to himself, but he soon started questioning his thoughts as he noticed the soldier’s missing magnum. It was not in his hands, holster, or anywhere near him. It was missing. “If you did shoot yourself, then where the hell is your gun, soldier?” His question remained unanswered, as none would come. Tex was puzzled by this scenario. Just what the hell happened to this soldier? As he investigates the corpse, he removes the helmet and reads its name on the back: ‘Ross’. Twilight’s squad found itself under fire again. The main road to which they were on had a fork in it, so she and her squad had hid themselves behind the corners of the buildings. That was destined to change however, as the plasma mortars from the wraiths were chipping away the concrete of the buildings with each shot. As the Wraiths hung out in the back, multiple squads of infantry would press in close and closer to their positions. Rainbow would peak out and would pick the smaller ones off with her DMR, while Twilight would keep the larger ones back with continued fire from her assault rifle. “Twilight!” Applejack’s voice broke through the comms. Twilight looks across the street and sees Applejack hiding behind some cover, Her hoof to her helmet looking directly at her. “We cannot hold them back much longer! We gotta do something!” “I’m thinking about that!” Twilight responded into the comms. “We can’t lead a force this big towards the LZ! We need them to go in the opposite direction!” “Say no more!” Rainbow’s voice now coming through the coms. “When they start shooting at me, get out of here.” “Dash, what are you thinking!?” Twilight questioned, feeling her chest tighten in anxiety. “I don’t have time to explain. Just know I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you guys back at the Liberty Cowbell in few minutes!” As Rainbow’s voice cuts out, Twilight looks over to her. She was sitting behind an overturned carriage. She slings her DMR onto her back and pulls out three grenades. “When you hear a third explosion, that’s your cue to get out of here!” She then spreads her wings and takes off into the sky. “Rainbow!” Twilight would yell out to her, but the cyan pegasus ignored her. She flies over a squad of Covenant and drops her first grenade. It landed and then exploded a few seconds later, sending bodies in all different directions. This caught the attention of other Covenant squads, who began to fire up at Rainbow Dash, but she expertly dodged their plasma fire, dropping one more grenade around a larger group. As the second explosion takes out another group, Rainbow narrows her eyes at one of the wraiths firing on her friends. She divebombs the leading one, bringing her hind legs up and smashes the driver's hatch with her hooves. The gunner was shocked to see Dash land in front of him. Before he could react, Rainbow Dash bucks him hard in the face, shattering his shield, and knocking him silly. Rainbow Dash then turns her attention to the crumpled hatch, She landed on it so hard, that one corner has peeled open, large enough for her last grenade to fit into. She pulls the pin with her mouth and then drops it in. She spreads her wings and takes off into the sky again, the wraith exploding seconds later. Twilight, Applejack, Marcus, and the rest of the squad watch in awe at Rainbow’s action. Seeing one of the three wraiths destroyed, this turns Dash into a primary target. All plasma fire is now being directed at her, trying to shoot her out of the air. “Come on! She just bought us some time to get out of here!” Marcus yelled, the surviving Squad members then began to move down the right road to escape towards the LZ. “We can’t leave her to deal with the rest of them!” Twilight yelled back, still watching Rainbow dodge the plasma in mid-air. She then feels someone grab her hoof and begin to pull her. She looks down and sees Applejack. “She’ll be fine! She knows what she is doin’ we gotta get out of here Twi!” Applejack yelled over the gunfire, finally pulling Twilight out of cover, following the rest of the marines down the street towards the LZ. She looks back one more time to see Dash quickly fly down the left road, many infantry forces following her. The LZ had been evacuating civilians efficiently. So far most of the population had been evacuated without too much hindrance. As another pelican takes off, another one takes its place, loading more civilians. Clara’s warthog returns to the LZ, she climbs out and goes to the aid of the ‘injured Marine”. Having him wrap an arm around her back and leading him towards the medical tent. Stepping out, Tammy sees them and quickly comes to their aid. “Where’d he come from?” Asked Tammy, coming to the injured marine’s other side. “Pulled him out of a crashed pelican. So far, he’s the only survivor.” Clara answered. Tammy looks him over real quick, and comes to a conclusion. “I don’t see any blood on him, possible internal damage. Get him on a pelican immediately. The ship has the right equipment to treat any injuries he may have suffered internally.” Tammy spoke. Clara nods and begins to lead him to the waiting pelican. “You’re lucky, kid. Get some rest. You deserve it.” Clara spoke to the marine, going up to the pelican and cutting the line of civilians. “I’ve got wounded! Make some room!” Clara’s voice boomed, causing some to clear away and give them some space. A pony marine helps the injured soldier aboard and lays him down. Clara sighs in some relief, turning her back to the pelican as it begins to take off, now coming face to face with Maverick. “Just one? One survivor?” Asked Maverick. “So far, Tex is still there checking the bodies for more.” Clara responded, placing her hands on her hips. “How are things here?” “Better than expected, but that’s about to change. Been hearing word that the Covenant made it to the water on the other side. We’re officially surrounded. That means they’re going to start pushing inside the city.” Maverick spoke calmly, despite the news he gave. Clara looked away, staying silent for a moment before continuing. “What about Kieran? Where is he at?” She looked back at Maverick. “Don’t know, but you know how he is. He likes to go at it alone.” Maverick responded, looking towards the ground. “He was always like that… even during boot.” Clara admitted. “You know why that is?” Maverick looked back at her. “I know… I know.” Clara sighed in response. “Gotta squad coming in!” Yelled a marine near the barriers of the LZ. Clara and Maverick quickly stow away their conversation, going back into combat mode. They approach the front and see around six soldiers entering the LZ, three they recognize Maverick, Clara, and Starlight approach their friends coming in.  “Princess, glad to see you made it here without too much of a scratch.” Maverick spoke. Twilight removes her helmet, seemingly not in the mood for jokes. “I need a few volunteers to head back out there!” Twilight stated loudly, seeming to ignore Maverick completely. “Hey, Princess. Settle down. You just got here.” Maverick said more sternly. “I can’t! Rainbow Dash created a divergence to allow us to get here. I’m not abandoning her!” Twilight glares at Maverick with a serious look in her eyes. “I’ll have Kieran go look for her. Right now, the LZ could use a powerful magic user like you protecting us.” Maverick’s words were met with a confusing look by Twilight. “Why do you need my magic?” Asked Twilight, Starlight steps forward to answer. “Twilight, it’s bad. Like real real bad! Tirek, has returned.” As Starlight spoke, Twilight’s eye went wide, mostly in shock, confusion, and panic. “T-T-Tirek!? As in Lord Tirek!? How the buck did he escape from Tartarus!?” Twilight yelled. She could not believe what she was hearing. How was Tirek here, and why was he fighting with the Covenant? “We don’t know, but he was here! He even shot a pelican out of the sky! He’s killing civilians, Twilight!” Starlight seemed a bit more panicked than Twilight as she grabbed Twilight’s shoulders and shook her for emphasis. Twilight looks up at Maverick, seeing no expression from him. She slowly began to look down, her eyes watering and her lips quivering. “But… but Rainbow…” She whimpered out. Instantly, Maverick took a knee and placed a hand on her withers. “I’ll order Kieran to look for her. We won’t leave her behind, I promise.” Maverick kept his monotone voice, but he tried his best to be comforting. Twilight closes her eyes, and softly nods. “…I trust you. Please just have him bring her here immediately.” Twilight’s voice croaks, Kieran was on his own. He had his Shotgun out as he creeped through the alleyways of Fillydelphia. By now, the Covenant had begun to press into the city, he would step out, take care of a small squad with his shotgun and then stepped back into the darkness. This was where Kieran was at his best. He worked better alone, following his own instincts. He was crouched silently, waiting for more Covenant when his coms came to life. “Kieran, this is Maverick. Come in.” Maverick’s voice came in. By how much Kieran liked the silence, Maverick only called him if it was important. “What is it, Mav? Kinda in the middle of something.” Kieran placed his hand on the side of his helmet and whispered back. “A member from Fire Team Harmony, Gunnery Sergeant Dash, is missing. Finding her is a priority, I need you to look for her and bring her back to the LZ. Alive or dead. But, here is hoping she is still alive.” Maverick’s voice then cuts out. Kieran lets out a soft sigh and stands up to full height. He shoulders his shotgun and pulls out his MA5B. Kieran steps out of the darkened alleyway and into the sunlight; his armor shines as he looks up and toward the sky. He could see banshees overhead. Since Rainbow Dash was a pegasus, he figured following banshees wouldn’t be a bad idea to find her. He stays close to the buildings as he goes down the streets. He comes across a small corner store, being raided by a covenant squad. He pokes his head in to see two grunts and a jackal seeming to argue over what section of the store they were destroying. He could also see an Elite bark something at them to quiet them down. Kieran looks to his side and sees he has at least two grenades left. He takes one to his hand and sets the primer. He takes in one deep breath and tosses it in. The Jackal was the first to see the grenade, letting out a loud shriek before shielding herself. The two grunts looked down at it, and it exploded before either of them could react, blowing both of them into bloody bits. The Jackal was knocked back quite a bit, and the elite quickly turned around, only to be met with a barrage of bullets from Kieran’s assault rifle. Kieran was about to empty his whole mag into him when his shields suddenly shattered. He looks over to see the Jackal on the ground, her plasma pistol overheated. She had to have shot him with a charged blast. He ducks back around the corner. Kieran could hear the heavy footsteps from the Elite closing in on him, he hasn't lowered his shields yet. He had to do this perfectly. He held the butt of his gun close and then quickly stepped back out, meeting the elite face to face. He nails him hard with the butt of his gun, breaking the Elite’s shield and knocking him to the ground. Kieran then rolls out of the way from the incoming shots from the jackal’s pistol. He gets back to his feet and focuses fire on the Jackal, a few bullets hit her in the hand, exposing her body and he drops her quickly. Kieran’s shields return with a shiny gold color and he stands to his feet. He looked to the elite, slowly trying to stand back up, but his face was bloodied from the hard hit he received. Kieran shoulders his rifle, and pulls out his knife. He approaches the elite, and stands over the top of him. He bends over, wrapping his whole arm under the Elites head and forces him to look up. The elite struggled in his grasp as his neck was exposed. Without hesitation, Kieran uses his knife to slit the throat of the Elite. The elite instantly began to gurgle as blood oozed from his neck. Kieran dropped him, his hands now covered in the indigo blood of the elite. He shakes the extra blood off his knife and sheaths it. Stepping out, he continues his search for Dash. He would continue his search for about 30 minutes before finding the banshees again. He figures out their pattern and discovers them circling a particular building. Lacking the weapons to take on the Banshees, he stays hidden and gets closer to the building. It appears to be an office building, and something looked to have crashed through the 4th floor window. He had to investigate it. As the banshees flew past overhead, he ran towards the entrance of the office building. Once inside, he pulls his shotgun back out and pumps it. He locates the stairwell and begins to ascend. When he gets to the stairwell that leads to the 4th floor, he sees them covered in rivers of blue and purple blood. He takes caution as he climbs them, at the top he sees the bodies of 7 grunts, 5 jackals, and 2 dead elites in blue armor and one more in red, sitting down with his back against the wall, sitting in his own blood. He was breathing heavily, holding onto his wounds. He looks at the Spartan as Kieran looks back at him. “…A demon? And here I thought there was one already in there.” The elite spoke, motioning his head towards the door that led into the 4th floor. “You going to cause me trouble?” Kieran asked coldly. Slowly the elite began to shake his head. “The gods call for me, human… Can you say the same?” The Elite only glared at Kieran. Kieran didn’t react to the Elite’s words as he stepped past him and into the fourth floor. It was a wreck. If Dash was the one who crash-landed in here, then how the hell was she in good enough condition to hold off all those Covies in the hallway? He hears the sound of a gun being loaded behind a desk in front of him. Knowing who it may be, he yells out a call sign to identify himself as friendly. “Flash!” Kieran yelled out, he waited for a few seconds and he heard a feminine voice yell out the countersign. “Thunder!” The voice originated from the desk he heard the gun being loaded from. Kieran could then see a rainbow mane being poked out from the desk. Kieran approaches and steps around the desk. Laying on the ground was a cut and bruised Rainbow Dash, helmet off and leaning against her DMR. She seemed to relax seeing the Spartan. “You hit, soldier?” Asked Kieran. “Just a graze on my wing. They singed the feathers, and I lost control.” She explained, slowly trying to get to her hooves, but she collapsed, yelping in pain. “Let’s get you out of here.” Kieran kneels down and helps Rainbow Dash up, he then slings her onto his shoulder. He sees her secondary weapon on the ground, a silenced SMG and gives it to her. She held onto it as he stood to full height. “Shoot any bastards that get on my ass, and I’ll get you to the LZ safely.” “Yes, Sir.” Rainbow winced a bit as Kieran began to carry her out of the office and back in the stairwell. He looks at the carnage one last time before looking back at the elite he spoke to before entering the fourth floor. The Elite major was now slumped forward, no longer taking any breaths. Kieran turns his back and begins to climb back down the stairs. > Fall of Fillydelphia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kieran and Rainbow Dash Kieran was on the bottom floor of the office building, Rainbow Dash on his shoulders. He was pressed against a wall, looking out the exit of the building. He looks up and sees the Banshees still circling overhead. He waits for the perfect opportunity like last time. “Okay, when we have an opening, I will sprint across the road and back into cover. Hold on tight.” Kieran spoke quietly. He could feel Rainbow Dash tighten her grip on his shoulders. “Alright, I won’t let go.” She assured him. He nods and keeps looking up. When the Banshees are out of sight, the Spartan-III sprints hard. His heavy boots hit the asphalt. Thinking they had the perfect opportunity, Kieran’s blood ran cold when he heard the distinct sound of a plasma mortar. “LOOK OUT!!! GO LEFT!!!” Rainbow shouted in a panic.  Kieran quickly dives for the left, the mortar landing where his feet once were. He tumbles onto his stomach, and Rainbow Dash falls off his shoulders and onto the ground. She yelps in pain as Kiearn quickly gets back to his feet. He looks behind him and sees a Wraith pulling out around the Office Building they were just in. He growls and picks Rainbow back up and onto his shoulders. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had a Wraith following you as well!?” He scolded while continuing to sprint down the road. “You didn’t ask!” She responded before lifting up her SMG and fires at the Wraith, her bullets not even making a dent. The grunt gunner on the front laughs at her pathetic gunfire and then unleashes his own plasma fire back at them. Some stray plasma hits Kieran, causing his shields to light up and stumble a bit. He sees an alleyway and quick darts inside. Another Plasma mortar struck the building next to the alleyway. It crumbles, and a part of it falls, blocking the alleyway from anyone entering. Kieran continued to sprint down the alleyway without looking back until he got to the other side. When he reaches the exit on the other side, he looks back. The Spartan was huffing from the sprint, but they were not followed as the alley was blocked. He let out a sigh of relief and turned back around. To his disappointment, they were not out of the clear yet. Standing at the exit of the alleyway was an Elite Ultra, glaring at Kieran with disdain. Rhyko steps into the alleyway, stepping towards the demon. He appeared to be carrying a wounded native and stood in a defensive position. Rhyko, unlike most of his brethren, knew not to underestimate humans, especially demons. He recognized them as deadly and worthy opponents and kept his mind clear. Rhyko reaches for his hip and grabs an energy sword hilt. The Demon lowered himself down, preparing for an attack, but Rhyko tossed the hilt towards the demon, landing at his feet. The Demon looked down at it and then back at Rhyko, who was pulling out a second hilt. “Face me, Demon, and I will give you an honorable death,” Rhyko spoke clearly and humbly. The Demon stayed still, wary of Rhyko’s real intentions. Slowly, he lowered his body and set the injured native down, who was looking at Rhyko in some fear. The Demon then picked up the hilt and stood back up. Rhyko lifts his fist up to his chest and activates his energy sword. It was longer and burned a brilliant green and purple instead of the regular blue. Kieran was a bit taken aback; he had never seen an energy sword with a green blade. Still, he flicks his wrist and activates his own, again, it was longer and had a green and purple hue.  They both stood still, waiting for the other to make the first move. The deadly silence was finally broken when Kieran took the first move, stepping forward and swinging the sword downwards. Rhyko blocks it, causing green sparks and purple mist to fizz from the strike. Rhyko took a step back as Kieran’s strike was much more powerful than he expected. As he took a step back, Kieran took another swing, swinging from Rhyko’s left. Rhyko once again blocks and steps into it to brace for the power behind the swing. He twists his wrist and slides Kieran’s strike off his sword, causing his momentum to glide past Rhyko and expose his right side. Rhyko knees the Spartan-III hard in the gut. Kieran quickly recoils to avoid a counterattack. Rhyko now becomes offensive, delivering quick strikes of his own. A slash from the left, followed by a quick stab center. Kieran surprisingly keeps up with Rhyko, demonstrating collectiveness and caution. Dare he say, the Ultra was impressed by this demon’s ability to duel, but he was clearly inexperienced in the ways of the blade. Rhyko’s quick step and shoulder check were enough to throw him off balance. With an upward swing, Kieran blocks it, but all the momentum going backward causes him to stumble and fall down onto his back. Rhyko stands to his full height victoriously. Rhyko slowly approaches the downed demon, about to give them a quick and honorable death, when he feels his shields light up. He turns to find the injured native firing her SMG at him. He growls at her interference and quickly slashes his sword at her, the blade easily slicing through the gun and destroying it. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and her jaw slacked as the gun fell apart in her hooves. Her eyes then slowly go upward to see Rhyko standing over her. His Ultra mask staring down at her as his anger rises because she interfered with his duel with the demon. Despite how little damage she did, it was still the perfect distraction for Keiran to return to his feet. He stood back up and ignited the sword again. Its distinct sound caused Rhyko to quickly look back at him. He reacted with just barely enough time to block Kieran’s attack. With his mind no longer clear, Rhyko remained unfocused, allowing Kieran to get a slight upper hand as his attacks came quick, hard and rapid. Rhyko was able to block the incoming attacks but kept taking a few steps back as he did. Kieran was able to press into Rhyko so much that he finally gave the Elite a hard kick to his chestplate. Rhyko stumbles a bit but keeps his footing, But he is knocked out of the darkness of the alleyway. He stood in the middle of the street as Kieran also stepped out and into the sunlight. Rhyko narrows his eyes under his helmet and clenches his fist. Angry that he allowed this human to get the upper hand on him.  His attention on the demon was cut short when he heard the sound of a human shotgun being pumped. He turned to his right side from where he heard the noise and sees a human imp. The ODST had his shotgun aimed right at him, Rhyko looks back at the demon to see the injured native stepping out from behind him. Kieran recognizes the ODST as Whiskey-7 leader Sergeant Tex. Dash now had a sidearm in her grasp, and she pulls back the slider with her hoof. Seeing he was now outnumbered, Rhyko was in no position to continue fighting. Rhyko deactivates his sword and then stands tall. Tex looked a bit confused, thinking maybe the Elite was surrendering. But that wasn’t the case as the elite quickly grabbed a plasma grenade off his belt and threw it at Kieran. With some quick thinking, Kieran grabbed Dash and quickly did an evasive roll. The grenade lands where they used to be and explodes. Tex shields his eyes from the blast, allowing Rhyko to make a quick escape in the opposite direction. Tex unshields his eyes and sees the ultra make a break for it. “Sir! Tangos getting away!” Tex called out, looking to Kieran who was on a knee. “Let him go. He’s not important right now.” Kieran responded as he looked down at Dash who was in his arms. “You okay, Sergeant?” “Yeah, just be gentle next time, you big metal oaf!” Rainbow Dash winces as she tries to stretch out her hurt wing. Kieran rolls his eyes under his helmet before letting her go and standing up. He then looks at Tex, confused on why he was here. “Where’s the rest of your squad, Sergeant?” Keiran asked. “At the LZ, sir. I was checking a pelican crash for survivors. I heard your duel with that Elite and came over to help out. Anyway, What kind of energy sword was that? I never seen a green and purple one before.” Tex asked as he slung his Shotgun onto his back. Kieran looks down at the Energy sword hilt still in his hand. “I don’t know; perhaps we should take it back to be examined.” Kieran suggested. He felt something was dangerously off about the sword. Their conversation was briefly inputted when the ground began to shake. The shaking gets more intense, causing Tex to take a knee, and Dash to fall back on her haunches. Kieran looks up and he can see one of the buildings being cut in half by a green beam and now collapsing. All three watch in awe as the building folds in on itself and collapses throwing up large amounts of dust and debris. When the debris falls all around the building, a large dust cloud shoots towards the trio in a wave-like motion. “Shit! Everyone, back into the alleyway!” Kieran commanded, as they all dart back into the dark alleyway. A large wave of dust and debris consumed the area where they once stood. Spike and Carlito Carlito and Spike were still on top of the tall skyscraper. Spike was calling out targets with his binoculars while Carlito would take them out. So far, the two were able to take down a few officers, including a zealot. The two high-five each other as they witness a few more pelicans lift off from the LZ. “Hell yeah, Amigo! That’s another bunch of lives saved! We need to keep watching the LZ like a mother hen. Then we can meet up with the rest of the squad.” Carlito spoke cheerfully to Spike. “Being up here is so much easier than down there.” Spike chuckled as he lifted his binoculars again. Carlito also raises his sniper again and peers through the scope. He watches as the crowd of civilians gets smaller at the LZ with each pelican lift off. He smiles at that, but his smile disappears as he hears Spike gasps next to him. “Aye aye aye! What’s wrong, Amigo? Asked Carltio, still looking through his scope. “Lord Tirek! He’s back! 2 o’clock!” Spike urgently spoke. Carlito spun his sniper in the correct position to see the giant centaur about to reign havoc on the LZ again. Carlito adjusted his shot and aimed. “Not again, you big bastard. You should have known better than to do this a second time!” Carlito spoke as he fired his rifle. The bullet strike a magical shield around the Centaur, who quickly spins around again to see where the shot came from. He looks right at both Carlito and Spike. “Uh… Carlito… There is something else coming down the road… ” Spike whimpered. “And it’s huge...” Carlito fired another shot, barely paying attention to Spike . This time, it shatter’s Tirek’s shield. He snarls in anger and powers up another magical blast. Carlito had the perfect shot right between the Centaur's eyes. “Buenas noches, pendejo.” Carlito whispers before pulling the trigger. Click!  Carlito’s eyes widen as he looks down at his gun. He was out of ammo. The centaur, now with some time to charge up, unleashes a strong beam of magic at the tall building Carlito and Spike were on. It grazes the side of the building they were on, destroying the ledge. Carlito is launched onto his back while Spike was knocked away even further. Carlito took some time getting to his knees. He popped out his spent cartridge and slammed a second one in. Cursing under his breath, he looked back over the side, and what he saw caused his heart to sink. Coming down the road where Tirek was was a scarab. “Dios Mío... He brought back up this time…” Carlito could only watch in horror as he lacked any firepower to deter the Scarab. He watches the front cannon power up, and he closes his eyes, saying a silent prayer to himself. The Scarab fires its main gun and strikes the building. The long, continuous green beam struck the middle of the building and cut it in half. Carlito feels the ground beneath his feet begin to crumble, accepting that this was it. “Carlito!” Came the voice of Spike. The Sniper opens his eyes and looks at the young Drake as he grasps his hand with both of his claws. Carlito then watches in awe as the dragon uses his wings to beat hard and lift him up into the air just as the ground below him fully crumbles. Twilight Sparkle and the rest who were at the LZ could only watch as the Scarab Tank destroyed a large office building. Tirek lets out a loud laugh as he had his hands on his hips, facing the now defenseless LZ. Tirek had consumed so much magic that he was only a fourth of the Scarab’s full size. Twilight slowly looks behind her and sees there are still civilians needing to be evacuated. She closes her eyes tight, feeling her anger beginning to rise once again. This was already beginning to look like Manehattan all over again. The Scarab charges it’s main gun and fires at the LZ, and Twilight could only watch as the beam strikes the Liberty Cowbell, destroying it and disintegrating any soldiers near it.  Twilight could only watch in horror of the display, all those lives lost and a piece of Equestrian history destroyed in a blink of an eye. She looks at Maverick in a panic, he was on a knee with his hand to the side of his helmet. “What do we do!? We can’t hold back a weapon that big!” Twilight called out over the gunfire. Maverick just looks at her, his helmet hiding all emotions. “Don’t worry. This time, we are prepared.” Maverick reassured her before going back to his coms. “This is Zeta leader Spartan Commander A776 calling for an aerial attack squad! Assume attack formation upon the LZ and open fire on Scarab.” “Spartan Commander, this is aerial squad leader. Approaching the LZ over.” A voice came through the radio.  Within no time, the sound of engines could be heard overhead. Twilight looks up to see a group of about six hornets flying in formation. They fly over the LZ and begin to fire upon the Scarab. The Scarab uses its second gun on top to try and shoot down the hornets flying around it. Grunt gunners on the side also attempt to shoot down hornets. The hornets were not lucky for long, as Tirek charged up more magic between his horns. He fires a fiery beam at one of the hornets and strikes it. The hornet bursts into a ball of flame right then and there. “Fuck!” Maverick clenches his fist. Twilight, hearing his vulgar language, looks at Maverick again. “We need those hornets to fight the Scarab; we cannot let him shoot down anymore.” Twilight changed her view onto Tirek. She watched him shoot down a second hornet with ease. If he isn’t dealt with, the Scarab will continue to fire on the LZ, and a bunch of civilians will be killed. She then looks down at her assault rifle. The battle field begins to deafen, and she could hear her own heartbeat get louder and faster. She narrows her eyes and throws her assault rifle on the ground. She spreads her wings and locks her eyes onto the devilish centaur. “Tirek’s mine.” She said plainly as she took a step forward. Maverick stuck out his hand to block her path. “You can’t take on that big bastard yourself.” Maverick looks down at her. She pushed his hand away and took a few more steps. “I have before, and I almost beat him. Just worry about getting the civilians and the soldiers out of here.” She looks back at him. “And the soldiers?” Maverick asked. “Are you saying we should retreat?” Twilight shifted her eyes back towards the city; it was in complete ruin. Debris and bodies littered the streets, and buildings were either a wreck or on fire. She sees the collapsed building that the scarab destroyed. And finally, she looks back at the creator where the Liberty Cowbell once stood. There was little to no difference between how Fillydelphia looked compared to Manehattan. Defending it more would be a lost cause. “Yes… The city is lost. We tried our best, but…” Twilight feels her eyes begin to water. “If we stay here, we’ll just be sitting ducks until something bigger comes along and kills us. We need to retreat, regroup, and prepare for what comes next.” Twilight said as she glared back at Tirek, who had just shot down his third hornet. “I understand, Princess.” Maverick nodded his head. “I’ll relay the orders to retreat if you can hold off that beast and keep the LZ safe.” “Thank you, Maverick.” Twilight said before finally spreading her wings and taking off. “...Godspeed.” Maverick said before turning away and placing his hand on his coms. Twilight flies directly towards the Centaur, her hooves stretching out before her. She grits her teeth and uses her magic to form a shield around herself. Just when the Centaur was charging up another magic attack, he is struck on the side of his face by a purple blur. He is knocked back and his beam instead is shot into the building next to him. He regains his footing, now with his cheek staring to bruise. He growls and looks for the source of whatever hit him, till floating down into view, was Twilight, who was glaring at him with a face of rage. Tirek’s anger subsides for a moment, and gives her an evil smirk. “Princess Twilight Sparkle! At last, we meet again!” The Centaur announced with his arms outstretched. “How the buck did you escape Tartarus!?” Twilight demanded to which Tirek broke into a hardy laugh. “You can thank my new acquaintances for that.” He smiled his toothy grin at her. “That doesn’t make sense! How do the Covenant know about you! They shouldn’t have!” Twilight was left with more questions than answers as she spoke with Tirek. “Then it appears you don’t know everything when it comes to the Covenant. Once I finally feast on your magic, I will gain exponentially more power, and I, along with the Covenant, will crush every single little pony we come across!” Tirek roared his threat to the heavens. Again, Twilight feels her anger rise and her heart begins pumping faster. “I’ll kill you before that happens!” Twilight growls. Her teeth clenched and her eyes flashing green for only a second. Tirek smirks at her in response. “Come and try, Princess.” Tirek narrows his eyes as his smirk grew bigger, accepting the princess’s challenge. As silence befell the two, Twilight would soon dart straight up into the air. Tirek watches her, narrowing his eyes. When Twilight was just above the tallest building, she folded her wings and darted straight down at the Centaur like a falcon. Tirek narrows his eyes and charges up his magic, then he fires a large continuous beam of magic. Twilight swishes to the side, just barely avoiding the beam. She charges her shield again, ready to strike Tirek again. Not allowing her to get another hit on him, Tirek charges up his own shield. The two collide, both shields hold up, but the impact was so grand that Twilight was able to push Tirek into the side of the adjacent building. Tirek snarls as he feels glass fall on him, cutting him. He uses his magic to push his shield outward which causes Twilight to be flung away from him. Twilight adjusts herself and is able to see a large punch from Tirek coming her way just in time. She quickly reinforces her shield with the massive fist colliding with her, sending her straight through one side of a building and then out the other. She crash lands hard onto asphalt street on the other side. Tirek lets out a hard laugh in response to his attack. “Without the extra Alicorn magic, you are no match for me, Princess!” Tirek quipped as he rounded the building Twilight was sent through. From the ground, everyone was watching the fight ahead. Their collective stomachs wrench at the sight of Twilight getting launched through an entire building. Adam steps forward and places his hand on Maverick’s shoulder, prompting the spartan to turn and face him.  “Sir, tell one of the hornets to land. Let me pilot it to help out the princess.” Adam requested. “Those hornets are the only thing keeping that scarab busy, Corporal.” Maverick stated plainly. “There are three of them still left in the air. I just need a few minutes with one of them please.” Adam requested one more time. Mavericks looks back at the Scarab; it was having a hard time shooting down the remaining hornets without Tirek protecting it. He sighs hard before putting a hand to his helmet. “Aerial Squad leader, requesting the acquisition of one of your Hornets, over.” Maverick called over the coms. “What!? What the hell for!? I’m already down three pilots!” Came the response to Maverick’s request. “We need the firepower. Just lend us one is all I’m asking.” Maverick firmly ordered. “…Very well. One of my pilots is approaching the LZ now.” The voice rang out one more time. Eventually, a lone hornet approaches the Lz and lands. The pilot hops out to allow Adam to climb inside. He revs the turbine engines and lifts off the ground. Tirek approaches Twilight, who finally hovers back in the air again. She was breathing heavily, as had appeared to be bruising. Tirek chuckles as they stand off once again. Twilight grits her teeth and fires a purple ball of magic at Tirek who easily blocks it with the palm of his hand. He fires his red and orange beam at her again, striking her shield and forcing her back once more. Her shield cracks from the blast. Slowly, she begins to realize how in over her head she was. Without the extra magic she once had the last time she fought Tirek, she was vulnerable. Tirek powers up his magic again, Twilight closes her eyes and waits for the impact. All that came was the sounds of explosions and the pain growls from Tirek. When she opened them again, she saw Tirek holding his shoulder with smoke all around him. Behind him she sees a Hornet coming at them quickly. Twilight regains her game face and fires another ball of magic. When he looks up he is hit in the face with it. He stumbles back quite a bit before growling like a demon. He fires quick shots of magic at her in a rage, that she dodges easily. The Hornet began to lay down a steady stream of bullets upon the centaur. His shields were beginning to crack, which catches Tirek’s attention. He quickly turns to the hornet and fires a volley of magic at it. But Adam does some evasive maneuvers and also dodges the attacks. This gives Tirek enough time to mend his shields. Adam scowls at that, if only he could shoot and dodge at the same time. Tirek shifts his attention back to Twilight as he blocks a few more of her magical blasts. Even with it two-on-one, They were still outmatched. Adam was about to fire more bullets at the centaur when two green blips appeared on his radar. He was a bit confused until he heard his coms come to life. “Hey hombre! Think you can let us hitch a ride?” Came a voice with a thick Mexican accent. “Carlito!? What the hell are you doing in the air?” Adam exclaimed loudly in his cockpit. “To your right, Amigo!” Carlito’s voice came through again. Adam shifts his gaze, and to his amazement, he sees Carlito hanging by his arm while being carried by Spike who was flapping his wings. “Well, I’ll be damned! Swinging by to give your scalie friend a break.” Adam responded, flying his hornet close to the pair. Carlito plants his feet on the passenger side of the hornet, still holding onto his sniper. Spike lets go of Carlito, and lands on the other side. Spike pants hard as he wipes sweat from his forehead. “Nice flying, dawg! We would have been dead meat if you hadn’t flown us off that building” Carlito spoke to Spike. “Yeah, well you didn’t make it easy. You’re heavy!” Spike said back, earning a laugh from the sniper. “That’s what your weight lifting is for Amigo!” Carlito quipped back.  “Glad you guys are safe, but if you’re still able to fight, I need your sharpshooting Carlito.” Adam spoke again over the coms. “Sure thing! What do you need?” Carlito asked while checking his ammo count. “I need you to laydown fire on that big bastard when I dodge his blasts.” Adam instructed. “You got it! I’ve been making that big bastard my bitch every time he is in my sights!” Carlito chuckled. Adam then swarms in at the centaur again after he blocks another one of Twilight’s attacks. Adam begins firing his dual machine guns again, hitting Tirek’s shield. The Centaur turned and began firing at the hornet. While Adam dodges, Carlito looks through his scope and aims it at Tirek. With a masterfully made shot, he fires and strikes the shield. He fires again and again till the shield begins to crack. Twilight fires a beam of magic at Tirek, colliding with his shield. He focuses on her again and snarls. Adam hovers close to Twilight as Carlito fires his fourth bullet. Tirek’s shields go down and Adam was not going to let this opportunity slip. He fires the dual rockets on his hornet. Tirek was defenseless as the Rockets blow up in his face. The centaur covers his face with his hand and lets out a pained roar. Twilight grits her teeth and powers up he shields again, She flies as fast as she can directly at Tirek. As soon as he uncovers his face, to reveal the burns. Twilight collides with him, hitting him between the eyes.  Tirek crumbles to the ground, still roaring out in pain. He falls to the ground, cracking the cement with his impact. Twilight returns to her position in the sky, hovering next to Adam’s hornet as they all look down at Tirek. He glares up at them, his face burned and blood leaking from his mouth. He tries to stand, but he crumples back down to the ground.  “I don’t need extra Alicorn magic to beat you, Tirek! Not while I have friends on my side!” Twilight taunted the injured centaur. Tirek lets out a large angry huff and his horns begin to glow again. In a flash, he teleports away from the fight. “That’s one problem down.” Adam said as they all shifted their gazes to the Scarab tank. “One to go.” While Twilight and the others were focused on Tirek, the remaining hornets were not fairing too well. Another hornet was shot down, leaving only one in the air. It was having a lot of trouble dodging all the plasma fired at it, so the pilot called for help. “This is Aerial Squad leader! I can’t fight this thing by myself, dammit!” The panicked voice of the pilot coming through the coms. Adam then shifts his eyes to Twilight. “Hey, princess. You think you can destroy that thing?” Adam asks. “I don’t know. I don’t fully know what it is, let alone how to destroy it.” Twilight looks at Adam with a worried look on her face. “It’s power supply is on it’s ass. You land on it with Carlito and Spike as backup, go the back of it, and blow up the main power.” Adam instructed. After taking a minute to soak up that information, Twilight nods. Adam refocuses back on the Scarab and flew towards the tank at full throttle. Twilight flies next to him as Adam dips down near the head of the Scarab; Carlito and Spike jump off as Twilight lands down next to them. Adam takes off once again to assist the other hornet pilot. Almost immediately, grunts and jackals flood in every direction, charging the intruders. Carlito and Spike begin to fire their weapons while Twilight assaults them with her magic. Adam tries to help draw the fire from the other hornet, but his attempts are in vain. A stray plasma bolt fired from the Scarab’s top gun strikes one of the turbine engines of the other hornet, and it begins to spiral. “I’m hit! I’m hit! This is Aerial assault leader! I’m going dow–” The voice in the coms was cut when the hornet finally crash lands onto the ground and explodes. “God no!” Yells Adam as he is now the only hornet flying. All the guns then shift to him. He gulped hard. Despite being a talented pilot, he knew he couldn’t dodge multiple plasma fires being shot at him. From the LZ, Maverick was watching all of it. The fight with Tirek and now the assault on the Scarab. He saw the last hornet in the air. He was hoping, praying for any amount of assistance that can come at this time. That’s when his coms start spark once again. “This is Spartan B902. Mav, you got the LZ secured?” Came the voice of Maverick’s fellow Spartan-III. “Kieran!? It’s good to hear from you. That’s a negative. We got a scarab on the loose with only one hornet keeping it from firing on the LZ.” Maverick responded into his coms. “A Scarab? Then it sounds like you could use some backup.” Kieran’s voice then finally cut out. Before Maverick could respond, he sees a warthog coming down the main road. Maverick could see clearly that Kieran was on the chaingun while Tex drove with Rainbow Dash in the passenger seat. The Warthog drove directly underneath the Scarab while Kieran began to shoot at one of the legs with his chain gun. Seeing the new threat, the Scarab began to shift half of its guns to fire at the warthog. Maverick couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. “Kieran, you’re one crazy son of a bitch. Keep it distracted, almost everyone has retreated and we are mopping up the rest of them.” Maverick said before turning to help the rest of the marines to retreat into the remaining pelicans. Spike breathes in, and then out to unleash a large purple flame from his maw. Many grunts and jackals ignite in the fire, allowing Twilight to run past them and make her way to the rear of the scarab. Her eyes widen on when she sees the Scarabs power supply. It was a main console full of many many moving worms. She cringes hard when she sees it, but gets closer anyway. She was so distracted by the power supply that she failed to react in time before a metal boot kicked her in the flank. She yelps and falls to the ground, she looks up to see who kicked her and sees an elite standing over her with a helmet that covered his whole face with a large visor.  Ranger Zuza stands over Princess Twilight and scowls at her under his visor. He had watched her fight with Tirek and was impressed with her skills in magic, but he wasn’t about to just let her destroy the scarab. “You want to destroy this mighty platform, then you’re gonna have to go through me, demon.” Zuza growled. Twilight slowly gets back onto her hooves. She only came to about the Elite’s waist. She gulps hard, recalling her last close encounter with an elite, Jykan. She takes in a deep breath and narrows her eyes, this time she was prepared for hoof-to-hoof combat. She glares up at Zuza and gets down low into a fighting stance. Recognizing a challenge Zuza let out a small huff of admiration of her bravery. He wastes no time and tries to kick her again. Twilight quickly dodges to the right, getting up on her hind legs and punching Zuza in the gut. Her Alicorn strength doing enough damage to light up Zuza’s shield and to cause him to double over. He growls and then back hands her hard. She falls to the ground and Zuza lunges at her. She quickly rolls out of the way of Zuza’s punch which struck the metal floor where she once was. Twilight gets to her hooves quickly and bucks Zuza in his side. His shield breaks, and he falls to his back. He quickly recovers, somersaulting backwards til he was back on his feet in an instant. Twilight huffs hard with her breath being seen exiting her nose. She charges him and Zuza goes in for another punch, but Twilight quickly uses a spell to teleport behind him. When his punch misses, looked side to side before turning around. Twilight uses her wing to launch herself up to eye level with Zuza and deliver a punch to the side of his helmet. With his shields down, he felt the full force of it. He growls and takes a few steps back, putting a hand to his head. Twilight could feel the adrenaline pumping hard. She goes in for another punch to Zuza head, but left herself wide open as she reeled back. Zuza delivers a hard uppercut to Twilight’s jaw. She feels her teeth clack together and her vision blurs as she falls back down to the ground. Zuza walks over her and delivers a hard stomp to her chest, knocking all the wind out of her. “Impressive. Perhaps your kind is not as weak as I thought.” Zuza muttered as he watched Twilight gasp for air. He then bends over a bit as he clarifies. “But you are still no match for me.” Zuza reaches on his back and pulls out his gun. It was ovalish with purple highlights and a long gray barrel. Twilight feels her heart rise into her throat as she struggles under Zuza’s foot. She tries flapping her wings, anything to try and get away. Zuza points his weapon directly at her face. Twilight’s eyes go wide as a wave of emotions hit her, mostly anger and fear. She closes her eyes tight and lets out a loud ear piercing cry. Her horn began to leak a purple mist that Zuza recognized. She snapped her eyes open again and they were bright green and red. She narrows her eyes and grits her teeth. “By the rings…” Zuza mutters, lowering his gun. Her horn glows brighter as he knew she was about to hit him with a beam of dark magic. He ducks out the way as her horn fires a putrid green spell. It hit the ceiling and black crystals begin to sprout. Zuza backs away, allowing Twilight to get back to her hooves. Her glare is fixed on him as her horn continues to bleed the purple miasma. Zuza takes another few steps back in preparation of another attack. Twilight rears her head back and fires another blast of Dark magic at Zuza's feet. He kicks off hard, allowing his jump pack to ignite and boost him away. Where he once stood, a large crystal erects from the metal floor. Twilight looks around for any trace of Zuza, but he was gone. Slowly, she turns back towards the Scarab’s power supply, her eyes still green and red. She stares at the power supply with hatred and malice before casting another spell directly at it. Crystals erupt from it, slicing through the worms and destroying all mechanics inside. The Scarab wilts and a loud alarm begins to ring out throughout it. Satisfied with what she did, her eyes slowly turn to normal as she runs out to meet up with Spike and Carlito. Adam, seeing the Scarab go into a critical status, swoops back in to pick up Carlito. The sniper quickly hops on the Hornet as Twilight emerges. She had a determined looks on her face as she spread her wings. Cyan fireballs explode out of the Scarab’s sides as it was moments from being destroyed. Spike sees Twilight and spreads his wings as well as the two take off from the Scarab. Carlito and Adam fly away as Twilight could see a single pelican at the LZ. She and Spike dive for the aircraft, landing only a few feet from it. Behind them, they can hear Kieran’s warthog screech to a halt. Tex quickly hops out and darts for the Pelican as Kieran hops out the gunner seat and grabs Rainbow Dash. Kieran, Dash, Twilight, Spike, and Tex get inside the pelican. Maverick was inside and quickly ushers the pilot to take off. With everyone on, the pelican kicks off and ascends into the air. Twilight turns and looks out the back to see the Scarab. She watches as the huge walking fortress explodes in a giant cyan fireball, damaging all the buildings next to it. Never in her life has she seen such a brilliant explosion.  “Fuck me… You destroyed that thing yourself, Princess?” Came the voice of Tex as he and everyone else aboard watched the explosion. “…I did what I had to.” Twilight said, as if trying to justify herself. “Damn…” Tex said in astonishment. “You’re just as destructive as a Spartan, Princess.” “Her? A Spartan? I can see it.” Came the voice of Kieran. “Hell yeah! A whole Twilight of a Spartan.” Tex chuckled to himself. Twilight slowly turns, almost ignoring the praise. She looks at Maverick as only a few things are on her mind currently. “Where are the rest of my friends?” She asked, voice cracking a bit as her adrenaline died down. “They, along with the others, are in a separate pelican.” Maverick assured her before joining the praise. “You did an amazing job out there, Princess. You saved a whole bunch of lives.” Twilight only nods before turning around to look back at the destroyed remains of Fillydelphia. “…At what cost?” She whispered to herself, a single tear running down her cheek. Her heart shattering at the once beautiful city now ruins. Edge of the Crystal Empire… Khota approaches the shield bubble that has the entire crystal city enclosed. He gives it a disapproving scowl as he looks down at the dark king standing next to him. “How the hell are we supposed to get in?” Khota asked in a deep tone. “Last time I laid siege, it took me days to breach. Even then, once I did, I was destroyed by the Crystal Heart. In my weakened state, it could take me weeks for my spell to break through.” Sombra announced to which Khota growled in anger. “If it were not for what that castle hides, I would turn this whole empire into glass!” Khota yelled as he struck the shield with his fist. Khota huffs angrily as he turns to his two subordinates, Xala and N’Thoka. “What are the results of our assault so far?” Khota demanded. “The Wraiths and banshees haven’t even left a dent.” N’thoka informed. “Not even the cannons of our scarabs and phantoms are yielding any results.” Xala filled in. Khota growls in anger as he clenches his fists tight. It was then that Sombra began to gasp loudly. Khota quickly turns to see the dark king’s mane flow as if he was hit with a breeze. His eyes glow and his horn begins to pulse. Before their very eyes, Sombra slowly turns from transparent, to opaque, indicating the full return of his physical form. Sombra slowly looks down at his hooves, even raising one in front of his face to examine it. He began to smirk, his fangs poking from his lips. “Once again, the foolish princess of Friendship has used Dark magic. I can feel its energy all the way here in the north. So delicious.” Sombra chuckled darkly before turning to see Khota crossing his arms. “Perhaps I now have enough dark magic in my reserves to power my spell up to break through…by tomorrow.” > The Return of the Dark King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News of the battle of Fillydelphia has spread all across Equestria and into the neighboring kingdoms in less than a day. Most of the populace felt uneasy during the first attack at Manehattan, being assured that the combined force of Equis and the Humans would be enough to stop the Aliens. But now, hearing that Lord Tirek has joined the side of the Aliens and at the loss of another city, fear began to set in.  Just as the Changelings and Hippogriffs promised, their territories became a sanctuary for refugees and other families leaving in fear of being attacked. A massive movement of ponies from the eastern side of Equestria spread out to anywhere safe. Some families leave behind their belongings, homes, and anything they can’t bring.  Twilight sat alone inside her castle, sitting on her throne in the cutie map room. She was looking over multiple reports and paperwork, some about the war, others about politics. She reads the report about all the fleeing ponies leaving their country to seek refuge in the neighboring kingdoms. She feels some relief in that, knowing ponies are trying to save themselves. She puts it down, and the next report made her stomach sink, a casualty report from Fillydelphia. Six-thousand and two-hundred and forty-three (6,243) civilians were rescued compared to the total population of eight-thousand nine-hundred and fifty (8,950). Her gut wrenches. Despite saving most of the civilians, there was still a large loss of life. Military casualties; three-thousand six-hundred and eighty-three (3,683) confirmed KIA, three hundred and ninety-four (394) MIA, two thousand and twenty-two (2,022) injured. Twilight could not believe what she was reading. This officially makes the bloodiest battle to ever occur not just in Equestria but on the entire planet. Nowhere in Equestrian history has this much blood been spilled. Her hooves shake as she drops the paper, slowly leaning forward and covering her eyes with her hooves and sobbing. She hears knocking on her door, causing her to quickly sit up and compose herself quickly. The door opens and in walks Starlight. She looks at Twilight sitting on her throne and approaches her “Heya Twilight, what are you doing in here all alone?” Starlight would ask as she approached her teacher. Twilight let out a long sigh in response. “Just going over some paperwork. Usually, I like doing paperwork, but a lot of this involves the war, and that makes it less exciting.” She responded truthfully. “Being a Princess only accelerates the amount of work you have to do.” “Is there a chance you can step away for a moment?” Starlight asked, taking a few steps closer. “Why? What’s wrong?” Twilight gave her friend a confused look. “Captain McCormick has requested you. He wants your input on something they have found regarding the Covenant’s weaponry,” Starlight responded, which only made Twilight look more confused. “Why in Equestria would they think I’d know anything?” Twilight asked in total bewilderment. “I don’t know, I’m just following orders.” Starlight deadpanned. Twilight let out a large sigh and set her paperwork down. “Alright, some time away from all this mess may do me some good.” Twilight pushed herself away from the map and stood up. “Ready to teleport?” Starlight would ask. “Actually, I have a warthog parked outside, so let’s use that,” Twilight suggested, which only earned a weird look from Starlight. “Why? Teleporting would be much faster.”As Starlight asked her question, Twilight looked back over to the piles of paper, looking directly at the casualty report. “…I just think a good drive will help clear my head before talking with the Captain.” Twilight spoke softly. Though not fully understanding, Starlight simply nodded. “Alright, we can do that,” Starlight responded as both mares exited the Cutie-Map room. They exited the castle, where a warthog was parked. There was a booster in the driver’s seat with pedal expansions to accommodate ponies. Starlight would climb into the driver’s seat while Twilight got into the passenger seat. Starlight started the engine and began to drive towards the Everfree Forest. The path into the forest was now well-worn from all the traffic coming through it. As Twilight watched the trees swoosh past, Starlight began speaking again. “Have you spoken with Princess Celestia and Luna recently?” She asked while keeping her eyes in front of her. “I’ve sent them a report this morning,” Twilight responded, still watching the trees. “What did you tell them?” Starlight glances over at Twilight for just a second. “I told them about Tirek’s sudden appearance.” Twilight begins to narrow her eyes. “I also told them about his supposed alliance with the Covenant.” “Have they responded yet?” Starlight asked. “They told me they both were going to Tartarus personally to investigate. Whatever they find, I hope it sheds light on how the Covenant even knows Tirek.” Twilight sighs hard and hangs her head. Earlier that morning: Gates of Tartarus A small flash of light emits at the front gates of Tartarus, and there suddenly was both the Princess of the Sun and Moon. Celestia looks up at the gates with a concerned look while Luna looks confused. “Sister, why have you teleported us here? Why not teleport inside Tartarus?” Luna asked, raising her eyebrow at Celestia. “Because Luna, I want to know how these aliens even got inside. The seal on the door should have prevented anypony or creature who does not have magic from entering.” Celestia spoke as she approached the large door. She leans her head down and examines it closely. There was no damage to the door, indicating they did not use brute force. However, the magical seal was, in fact, broken. Celestia’s eyes widened in shock at this revelation. “So, the Covenant were actually able to break the seal. But that doesn’t make any sense. How and where did they get the magic to do so?” Asked Luna as she stood next to her sister. “I do not know, Lulu… But none of this is sitting well with me.” Celestia used her hoof to push open the gates, which swung open effortlessly. “But they didn’t even have the courtesy to reseal the gates.” The two sisters then take their first steps into the bowels of Tartarus’s darkness before the gates swung hard behind them. They use their magic to light their horns so that they may see in the abyssal darkness. They could see all the prisoners still locked in their cages, but they seemed a bit more agitated than normal.  “Strange behavior, the prisoners are usually more…gloomy.” Luna analyzed. “You have a point.” Celestia looks at all the cages before coming up with an analysis herself. “And where is Cerberus? He’s supposed to be on guard.” From deeper into the depths of Tartarus, a faint noise is heard that catches the attention of the two sisters. It almost sounds like whimpering. They both follow the noise; it gets louder with each step. It definitely begins to sound more like a wounded dog whimpering in pain. Eventually, they came across the beast hound Cerberus, cowering back in one of the darkest corners of Tartarus. Both sisters gasp upon seeing the burnt features on all three of the massive canine’s heads. “Oh my Faust! What has happened here!?” Exclaimed Luna. She tries taking a step towards Cerberus, but he yelps in fear and cowers again. Both princesses freeze in place, not wanting to torment the poor hellhound any more than necessary. “Notice the wounds, sister?” Celestia asked while turning to look at Luna. “They resemble the burn you had the day the humans landed. When you were shot in the wing with plasma.” “They do look similar. If Cerberus has been inflicted with the same burns, then he must really be hurt.” Luna looks back at Cerberus with a sympathetic look. Celestia shifts her eyes behind her, looking specifically at the staircase that leads to the most secluded part of Tartarus. “Perhaps now is the time to investigate Tirek’s cage,” She spoke.  Luna nods in agreement as they both turn away from a still-whimpering Cerberus. They ascend the staircase, soon getting to the top. They look at the two cages being held in this part of Tartarus. Their eyes immediately fix on Tirek’s cage, seeing it empty with the front bars being slashed off. Celestia closes her eyes tight, one of her worst fears coming true. “…Twilight was correct… Tirek has escaped…” She spoke softly. Luna steps closer to get a better view. She sees that the bars were cut with something extremely sharp. “And it is obvious he did have some sort of assistance.” Luna frowned. Her ears perked up at the sound of crying. She looked to the second cage set next to Tirek’s and was met with a familiar face. Immediately, her eyes narrowed. “…Cozy Glow.” In the light being emitted by Luna’s horn, she could see the filly curled in a ball, her mane a mess, and her eyes were red and sunken from her crying. Cozy Glow looks up at Princess Luna and her eyes widen. She scampers to the bars and slams her hooves against the bars. “Finally…! Somepony came back…! Please don’t leave me alone in the dark again!” She exclaimed through her sniffles. “What happened here, Cozy!? What has happened to Tirek!?” Luna demanded, stomping her front hoof for emphasis. “I’ll tell you everything I saw!” Cozy sniffs hard again. “But please don’t make me be alone in the dark again!” “You will do as we say regardless!” Luna sternly said. Celestia watches from afar. Despite the horrible crime Cozy Glow committed, trying to steal all the magic in Equestria, her heart breaks at the filly begging for mercy. Celestia takes a few steps forward and gently places a hoof on Luna’s shoulders. “Easy now, Luna, show some compassion.” Celestia said to her sister. “Compassion?” Luna asked in utter bewilderment. “After what she did?! She almost left the entire world without magic! Imagine if she was successful, and then the Covenant invaded!? We would be worse off than we already are!” “I understand your anger and share your feelings. But look at her.” Celestia gestured to Cozy Glow. Luna looked back at her, her unkempt hair and look of pure fear on her face did make her feel a slight bit of sympathy. “She is only a filly, though that is no excuse, we shouldn’t be so cruel. Imagine what a mother would do.” At that statement, Luna gives her sister an understanding look. She lets out a sad sigh and then slowly nods. Both Princesses look back at the young filly, now speaking in softer voices. “Please, Cozy, if you tell us what happened here, I will see to it you are given a reduced sentence,” Celestia said gently. “…Y-you promise?” Cozy’s lip begins to quiver. “I promise. Just tell us what you saw here.” Celestia gives the filly a comforting smile. Cozy looks at the ground for a minute, soaking in Celestia’s words. She closes her eyes tightly and sniffs hard again. “Okay… I’ll tell you.” She looks back up at the two princesses. “Tirek and I were just sitting here together when two large dragon-looking creatures approached him. They talked for a bit, saying they were there to retrieve him. They cut him out with a glowing blue sword…and then they just left me here! In the dark all by myself!” “What did they talk about?” Asked Luna. “They were talking about how they were ordered to come and retrieve him.” Cozy responded truthfully. “Who ordered them? Did they speak of who gave them that order?” Celestia asked. Cozy nodded at her question. “Yes, they said it was the master of their ship, or whatever…as well as somepony named… Umbra.” She responded. “Umbra?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “I’m… unfamiliar with that name. Any more details, Cozy?” “Y-Yeah… they called him King Umbra.” At Cozy’s response, both Princesses froze. Their eyes widened, and their blood ran cold. “…King Sombra…” They both spoke in unison. “Yeah! That’s his name! That’s what they said!” Cozy confirmed. Both Princesses look at each other with horrified expressions “If Sombra has returned and has allied himself with the Covenant…” Luna began. “Then that explains how they used magic to get into Tartarus!” Celestia finished. “And if they used Sombra’s magic to get inside Tartarus, who knows what other kind of magic he has given them!?” Luna began to panic at this revelation. “This changes everything, Sister. Our magic had given us a slight edge over the Covenant. If they have access to magic as well, specifically dark magic, then it may be us who are outmatched!” Celestia spoke with dread in her voice. “We must deliver our findings to the Human Captain! If Sombra has indeed returned, our whole battle strategy needs to be modified!” Luna spoke urgently. The two were about to charge up a teleportation spell when they heard Cozy’s fearful shrieks. “W-WAIT!!! Don’t leave me alone in the dark again! Please! I’m begging you!” She looked as if she was about to burst back into tears upon the thought of being left alone again. Celestia looks at the filly, she sighs hard and uses her magic to cast a small ball of solar light next to the filly’s cage. “Here is some light, this will have to be enough until we get back.” Cozy gets as close as she can to the ball of light, feeling some warmth emanating from it, like it was a miniature sun. It was enough to calm her down for the time being. “…Thank you, princess.” She sniffles again before laying down in her cage. At once, both princesses use their teleportation magic to exit Tartarus. The bowels of Tartarus quickly fall back into silence. Twilight and Starlight step onboard the Ad Meliora and approach the bridge. Once they enter, they are shocked to see both Princesses are there, talking to the Captain and a few human scientists. Twilight quickens her pace and gets right up to them. When all three of them shift their gazes to her, she quickly salutes for the Captain and then bows before the princesses. “Princess Twilight, I’m glad you are here.” The Captain spoke first. “I came as soon as Starlight notified me. If I may ask, why are we all here?” Twilight asked while looking back at the Princesses. “At first, I needed your input on something a few of our scientists were looking into. As for the other Princesses…” He turned and looked at them himself. “..Perhaps they should be the ones to fill you in.” Twilight watches in confusion as both princesses turn to her. They both wore faces of shock and worry. Twilight felt a pit in her gut, knowing what the princesses had to say to her wasn’t going to be good. “We received your report, my student. We took what you said very seriously and headed out for Tartarus to confirm what you said regarding Tirek.” Celestia spoke. “When we arrived, the magical seal that kept the gates locked was in fact broken, and the gates were open.” Luna’s words were met with Twilight’s jaw gaping a little. “How is that even possible? The Covenant doesn’t have magic. They can’t get in.” Twilight said with confirmation. “It was hard for us to believe as well. But when we got to Tirek’s cage, Cozy confirmed that it was in fact the Covenant that broke him out. As to how they were able to get in…” Luna pauses and looks away, unable to finish.  “How did they get in?” Twilight’s voice became shaky, almost scared to know what the princess discovered. “Now is a good time to show you why I initially called you here, Princess. What you will discover will answer your question.” Said Captain McCormick as he turned to one of his scientists. The scientists hands over an energy sword hilt that was taken from Fillydelphia for study. Twilight recognizes the weapon, remembering her first time seeing such weapons in the Castle of the Two Sisters the day she met the humans. With a swift flick of the wrist, Captain McCormick ignites the blade. Instead of the brilliant blue glow, it showed a putrid green with a dark purple highlight and was nearly double in size. “What in Equestria!?” Twilight was shocked to see such a weapon. She was instantly fascinated by its properties. “As you know, these are not the standard qualities of an energy sword. With careful study, we concluded that it has been modified somehow. And we found out how.” McCormick spoke as he deactivated the sword. On the bottom of the hilt, he opened the battery hatch on the sword. “Have a look for yourself, princess.” Twilight uses her magic to take hold of the hilt and examine the hilt inside the battery compartment. Where there should have been a plasma battery, she instead saw a sharp black crystal. Her eyes widen on what exactly this dark crystal is. “…Mother of Celestia… Is that what I think it is? Is that a dark magic crystal?” She looked up and saw that she was surrounded by serious faces. She knew that all of this was true. “But… But how!? Dark Crystals are indestructible! They couldn’t have cut this from the crystals I made in Manehattan!” “You are correct. So tell me, Princess Twilight, who else might have given the Covenant these crystals? I’ll give you a hint, it was given to them by the same individual who gave them the means to free Tirek with magic.” Luna spoke. At first Twilight’s mind was racing through all the different possibilities. Slowly, however, she began to realize who this individual was. The only pony this skilled in Dark Magic.” “No… it can’t be… King Sombra!?” Twilight shouted while looking at the Princesses. “But how is he back!? We watched him get destroyed by the Crystal Heart!” “We do not know yet how Sombra has returned. But he has indeed come back. Cozy Glow confirmed it herself.” Celestia spoke in a somber tone. “This… This changes everything! This means the Covenant has access to magic! And… and…” Twilight’s heart sinks as she recalls a small detail she learned the day before. “By the sweet plains of the Elysian Fields! There is a Covenant Army heading for the Crystal Empire! Without magic, the Covenant can’t break through its shields! But if Sombra is with them… Oh no! Oh no no no!” Twilight begins to panic at the all-too-real possibility of the Covenant invading the Crystal Empire. She looks to the captain and frantically begins to beg to him. “Captain! We need to send a stronger force to aid the Crystal Empire! We cannot afford to lose the ‘Magic Capital of the World’ to the Covenant! If Sombra is with them, they will become stronger!” Twilight announced, earning a nod from the Captain. “I’ll have Reagan alert all battle-ready marines at once!” The Captain spoke as he turned to face the center console of the ship. Twilight in response runs out to suit herself. As she does, Luna takes a few steps after her. She is quickly stopped when she feels a hoof on her withers. She turns to see the worried look on Celestia’s face. “Sister… where are you going?” Asked Celestia. “I’m going with them, Tia. I’m going to help aid the Crystal Empire.” Luna responded like it was common sense. “Sister… you’re really going to go out there and fight?” Celestia was a bit surprised by Luna’s statement. “Yes. Over a thousand years ago, you and I never hesitated to help out troops in battle. It’s time we get used to it again. When our subjects and home need it the most.” Luna sounded loud and brave, she was not afraid of any consequences to come. Celestia, seeing how Luna has already made up her mind, relents. She lets go and Luna rushes out of the bridge as well. “…be safe Lulu…” Ad Meliora’s medbay… Everything was quiet in the medbay, many injured soldiers were lying down trying to rest. In the back, one soldier looking surprisingly fine laid in a cot. A doctor approaches him and the soldier weakly turns his head to look at the doctor. “Well Private Ross, your X-rays came back. I’m just about to go over them now. Hopefully, you have not sustained any major injuries.” Said the doctor. The soldier only slightly nods as the Doctor opens the envelope containing the X-rays. The Doctor looks at them and then slowly begins to look more confused. The soldier's eyes then slowly begin to turn green. While the doctor is distracted by the X-ray, the soldier slowly begins to sit up in his cot. “What in the world? You… your skeletal structure is deformed and… you have organs not present in the human body!? What in the—” The Doctor was cut off at the sight of the soldier rising to his feet. He looks up and sees that the soldier’s eyes are now glowing an evil green color. The doctor takes a few steps back, his eyes wide with fear. At that moment, alarms would begin blaring throughout the ship. “All active military personnel get battle-suited on the double! Deployment ready when all set for combat!” Reagan’s voice rang out throughout the ship.  With the sirens blaring, the Soldier quickly pulls out the magnum he had been hiding. The Doctor looks back at him. Before he could protest, the Soldier fires, sending a bullet into the Doctor’s head. The doctor instantly slumps to the ground and lies lifeless. A green aura surrounds the marine and in his place stood the Changeling queen herself, Chrysalis. She uses her magic to holster her magnum as she approaches the body of the now-dead doctor. “That was messier than I would have liked. With most of the ship leaving for a battle, they won’t discover you for a while.” Chrysalis chuckles as her green aura surrounds her again. She morphs into the shape of the doctor she just killed. With her new fingers, she takes the glasses off his face and places them on her own. She grabs his clipboards and then exits the medbay in her new disguise. > To Topple An Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a balcony of the Crystal Castle stood two figures gazing out over the empire; Princess Cadence and her husband, Prince Shining Armor. While Shining had a scowl on his face, Cadence had a worrisome look on hers. Shining was dressed in his combat gear, wearing his old guard captain's armor over his UNSC battle harness. The couple were looking upon the land just beyond the edges of their empire. A magical bubble shield made by the Empire’s mages and maintained by Shining Armor kept out an invading army wishing to get in; the Covenant. “Shining… dear…” Cadence spoke while turning her head to look at her husband. Shining sighs hard in response. “Yes, dear. For the fourth time today, where we are is the safest spot anypony can ever be. These barbarians lack magic and can never break through our shield.” He reassured his wife. Cadence looks unconvinced. “But there has to be a reason why they came. They have no reason to just come to the Crystal Empire.” Cadence spoke and then turned her head back out towards the bubble shield. “I feel something much more sinister is upon us.” Shining Armor looks to his wife, seeing the concern and worry on her face. He softens his own expression and lets out a sigh, he opens his mouth to say something else to her, but before he can get a single word out, his radio sparks to life. “Prince Shining Armor, this is Dragon Lord Ember. Come in, over.” Ember’s voice said through the Radio. Shining places his hoof to the side of his helmet and responds. “I read you, Dragon Lord. What’s the problem? Over.” Shining responded into his comm. “The Covenant has ceased their bombardment on the shield.” Ember’s update caused Shining Armor to grow a confused look on his face. “They are halting their attack? Are they retreating?” Shining asked. “No, they just stopped attacking and now are at a cease-fire.” Ember’s response doesn’t answer any of Shining’s questions. He removes his hoof from his helmet and looks at Cadence. “I’m going down there to see what is going on.” Shining then turns to exit the Castle. But feels Cadence place a hoof on his shoulder. He looks back at her as she gives him one last worried look. “…Be careful, honey,” Cadence asks before kissing him passionately. Shining kisses her back and pulls her into a quick hug. Shining Armor arrives at the small makeshift barricades made out of crystals a few yards away from the edge of the dome. There, Dragon Lord Ember was in charge and giving orders until Shining arrived. She was wearing the armor she wore during the Gauntlet of Fire, while Shining wore his gold and purple royal captain armor. When she sees him approaching, they both salute each other. “Good to see you, Prince Armor.” Said Ember as she lowered her claw. “Likewise, Dragon Lord. Anything happened while I made my way here?” Asked Shining. Ember responds by using her thumb to point behind her at the shield wall. Shining looked to where she was pointing. Standing on the other side of the shield was a massive elite. He stood alone in golden armor and appeared to be analyzing the shield. Shining couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at him. “How long has he been standing there?” Shining Armor asked without taking his eyes off the Elite. “Little over five minutes.” Ember crosses her arms. It was kind of unnerving for her to see how similar these elites looked to her kind. “You think he wants a word with us?” “Probably. Why else would he stand there that long?” Shining replied. He lets out a loud sigh before looking up at Ember. “Let’s hear what he has to say.” Ember nods as the pair step out from the crystal barricades to approach the Alien. The Elite snaps his head at the two figures approaching him from the other side of the bubble shield. He smirks at them before grabbing the energy sword hilt off his hip. He activates it, revealing its bright blue color. He scrapes the edge across the shield as electrical and boiling sounds erupt from the action. Shining knew he was trying to intimidate them, and he wouldn’t allow this creature to get inside his head. Both Shining Armor and Ember stop just inches from the shield and look up at the massive elite. The Elite looks down at them, examining them. He is the first one to speak between them. “You.” He points to Ember with his finger. “Your armor” “What about it?” She narrowed her eyes at the alien. “It resembles the ancient armor of the Kaidons from Sanghelios.” This elite couldn’t take his eyes off her, extremely interested in her armor. “Kaidon? I am a Dragon Lord.” She stated proudly. But this only caused the Elite to widen his eyes. “Lord? Then you are a Kaidon.” The elite then crosses his arms. He then looks at the smaller of the two and smirks again. “I am Khota ‘Mutamee. Shipmaster of the vessel, The Fire of The Mighty!” “I am Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire! I demand to know why your army is at my front step!” Shining puffed out his chest to not make himself look so small compared to the 8-foot elite. “A Lord and a Prince, huh?” Khota was admittedly impressed that the royalty of this planet chose to fight alongside their soldiers. It was honorable to see. “Answer me! You are foreign invaders and I will not stand for any of your games!” Shining barked, earning a soft growl from the Elite. “Very well,” Khota replied as he lifted his hand with the sword, using it to point right past them. They both turn and look to see he is pointing directly at the crystal castle. “Your castle is currently sitting above a Forerunner chamber. Allow me access to it at once!” “You really think I’m just going to let you into MY empire after you have done nothing but bombard my shields for the past two days!?” Shining huffed, feeling insulted by Khota’s demand. “Let me in, and you and your empire will remain untouched by me and my armies!” Khota now narrowed his eyes at Shining. He was speaking honestly; he would spare the insignificant population of this city. But he didn’t say anything about Sombra taking over. Shining looks into Khota’s eyes. He can see the fire of a warrior behind the Shipmaster’s eyes. The years of military experience. He could tell Khota was no fool and a strong adversary. After the brutality the Covenant has shown Equis and its inhabitants so far, Shining does not trust Khota’s word on not harming anypony. Something about him felt… off. Perhaps Cadence was right; something more sinister was lurking here. “You and your honeyed words are not going to trick me.” Shining responded only causing Khota’s anger to rise. “Deny me entry, vermin, and I’ll see to it that that very castle is stained red by the blood of your subjects!” Khota clenched his fist as he spat his words out like venom. Shining, still defiant to the Alien’s threats, responds. “That is if you can even get in.”  Seeing that this conversation was going nowhere, Shining Armor turned his back on Khota. Ember follows suit, with the natives turning their backs on him. The Shipmaster strikes the shield with a closed-fist punch, roaring in anger. Now, only a few feet away, Shining Armor and Ember begin speaking to each other. “What did he mean about a secret chamber under the Castle?” Asked Ember. “He’s probably referring to the crystal dungeons. But almost nopony knows how to get down there.” Shining replied, acting nonchalant about it. “Well then… how does he know about them?” Ember asked again. Shining Armor feels a twinge in his gut at that question. He didn’t think about that. “I… I don’t know. He shouldn’t.” Shining looks to Ember, who looks back at him. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this now.” Ember states, earning a nod from the Prince. “So do I.” Shining narrows his eyes as a new feeling of dread overshadows him. The two royals continued to talk as they approached the line of barricades surrounding the city. They were oblivious to what was now happening behind them. The soldiers behind the barricades watch in awe as a cloud of black smoke begins rising on the other side of the shield behind the pair. Shining Armor, noticing the expressions on the faces of his men, raised an eyebrow in confusion.  Eventually, he and Ember finally stop to turn around, and they are horrified by what they see. The mass of black smoke was beginning to rise over the shield. Shining Armor takes a few steps back as his eyes widen at the display. Before his very eyes, two massive green & red eyes open from the smoke and seem to glare right at him. Shining was left horrified as he recognized those eyes. “…Sombra…”  As if the mass of smoke heard it; a loud thunderous laugh could be heard coming through the mist as it slowly began to faze through the shield and enter the other side. All soldiers present held up their weapons, preparing for what would happen next. The shadowy mass suddenly halts, part of it phasing through the shield while the rest is still on the outside. Eventually, a soft buzzing noise comes from the mist, a noise many of the marines fail to recognize, except the humans. Before the smoke, a wraith is able to drive through the smoke, as it acts like a passageway through the bubble shield. A large gust of bone-chilling wind followed after it. “Holy Celestia! They’re getting in!” Shining yelled as the black mist expanded to allow a larger number of Covenant forces to pass through. Bullets and rockets began to be fired at the mist at any and all incoming covenant advancements. As the first wraith comes through, more and more wraiths follow suit and unleash a volley of plasma mortars at the line of barricades. The crystal barricades are holding off the bombardments, but the barrage of plasma made it hard to return fire properly. Ember hunkers down next to a few of her dragon soldiers as one makes the attempt to peak out and return fire. She looks up and watches a pink crystalline needle fired from a needle rifle strike him in the eye. His body goes stiff and he falls onto his back. Ember looks back in the direction of the shot, clenching her fist in anger. “Faaz nah!” Ember cursed in her native tongue as she gritted her teeth. She lifts up her grenade launcher and aims it at one of the approaching wraiths before firing. The grenade impacts and explodes, causing minimum damage to the Wraith. Ember looks down and reloads another round. Before she could take aim again, in her peripherals, she could see the twin barrels of an M41SSR Rocket Launcher being raised up. She turns and sees Shining Armor holding the launcher with his magic as he fires one rocket. It strikes the same wraith, and it explodes with a light blue explosion. Ember looks from the explosion and back at Shining who looks back at her. She gives him a pouty expression. “I had that, you know.” Ember grumbles, causing Shining to smirk a little. “Perhaps you should be a little faster next time.” Shining quipped as he placed the large weapon on his back before pulling out an MA5B assault rifle and firing at the line of approaching covenant. Shining stands next to Ember as they both try to keep advancing Covenant forces away from the crystal barriers, if they were to break through their line, they would have no choice but to retreat all the way back to the Crystal City. It didn’t take long during the fight before his comms began to come alive, though there was a lot of interference. “SHHHHHH… Shining!...SHHHHH… Approaching bubble!... SHHHH… Answer me Shiny!” Came a female voice through Shining Armor’s coms. Shining Armor instantly recognizes the voice and places a hoof to his comms. “Twily!? Is that you!?” Shining asked over the gunfire. “Yes! –SHHHHH– We are approaching… –SHHHH– …Empire now! We beli… –SHHHHH– Sombra has returned!” Twilight’s voice came through. Shining looks back up at the massive green eyes emitting from the black smoke. “Yeah… I kind of figured that out too! The Crystal Empire has been breached, Twily! The Covenant have penetrated the shield and are currently invading. Without proper backup, we are not gonna stand a chance.” Shining spoke clearly. The interference between them was slowly dissipating as Twilight’s signal was getting closer. “Buck me! They have already broken in!? Please just hold out for just a little while, Shiny. We are en route to help give you support!” Twilight had a more serious tone in her voice now. “I hear you. When you get here Twily, I need you to meet me at the castle.” Shining replied, he could then hear the confusion in Twilight’s voice as she responded. “Huh? Why at the castle? We should be at the front lines in combat.” Twilight replied. “I’ll explain when you get here, and get here fast!” Shining releases his hoof from his helmet. Shining then turns his attention to Ember. “I need you with me, Lord Ember.” “You’re pulling me away from the battle!? Why?!” Ember huffed loudly. “To check out what is so important to the Covenant in the dungeons. We need to get to it first before them!” Shining replied. Ember looks out towards the battlefield again before sighing “Very well, I’m with you.” Ember puts her grenade launcher on her back in response. Shining then places his hoof on the side of his helmet again. “Prince Pharynx, Yngol. Come in.” He asked into the comm. “Yes, Prince Armor!” Came the raspy voice of Pharynx. “Yak hear pony loud and clear!” Came the loud voice of Yngol. “You two are in command ‘till me and Ember return to the field. We shall return soon.” Shining informed the two. “Very well. We shall keep these barbarians back upon your return!” Replied the warrior bug prince. “Ha-Ha! Yngol bring great honor for Pony and Yaks!” Yngol’s spoke with pride. Shining then looks at Ember and gives her a nod. She steps closer to him as Shining begins to light his horn. In a flash, they disappear. Cadence stood back on the large balcony of the crystal castle, watching as her worst fear came to pass; the Covenant had broken through the bubble shield. She watches as the brave stallions and mares of all the united forces fight desperately to defend her home. It was then that a bright flash of light emitted from behind her. She turns to see Shining Armor and Dragon Lord Ember had teleported to her. She was confused to see him step away from the fighting but also relieved to see him unharmed. “Shining!” She called to him as she approached him, giving him a quick small hug. “What’s going on? Why are you back up here?” “I have discovered something that requires my full attention, and it involves the Crystal Dungeons.” Shining Armor answered, only causing more confusion for Cadence. “The Crystal Dungeons? But the only pony who has been down there in thousands of years was Twilight when she found the Crystal Heart.” Cadence recalled, giving her husband a curious look. Seeing the very serious expression on his face, she knew that whatever motive he had in going down into the dungeons was urgent. “Shiny… what’s going on?” “Twilight is on her way here. I’ll explain everything when they arrive.” Shining Armor assured his wife, though she looked unconvinced. An entire line of pelicans is en route towards the Crystal Empire. There was an entire Covenant-invading party assaulting one side of the shield that the pelicans flew directly over. Part of the bubble shield opens to allow the aircraft to enter. They begin descending towards the crystal barricades and quickly open their back hatch, and reinforcements come rushing out. However, one Pelican continues to fly towards the Crystal Castle. It hovers just above the balcony and opens its hatch, allowing fire team Harmony, Zeta Team, and all of Whiskey-7 to jump out and land on the balcony.  Twilight is the first to step out and quickly looks towards the battlefield. She slowly approaches the balcony and watches the distant explosions, as well as the black mist allowing the Covenant to faze through the shield. She felt a massive pit in her gut, so far the Covenant had dominated every battle, but this was a battle Equis could not afford to lose. “Twilight!” The voice of the lavender alicorn’s brother pulls her out of her thoughts. She looks back and sees her brother with a pair of guards standing by his sides. She trots towards him, giving the unicorn prince a quick hug. The rest of the squad finally hops off the pelican and it then flies off to the front lines. Most of the humans were completely amazed by the crystal structure of the castle; its architecture coming right out of fairytale stories. The only one able to quell their amazement is Maverick, who steps forward next to Twilight, waiting to be filled on the situation. “Thank you for coming, Twily. If it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t have asked you to meet me in the castle.” Shining reassured his sister. “I understand, BBBFF. But I have yet to be informed of that reason.” Twilight spoke honestly. “Affirmative. Me and the rest of Zeta should be down there fighting to help repel the Covenant. So please fill us in quickly, Prince Armor.” Maverick spoke as he removed his helmet. “Follow me to the throne room, I’ll explain along the way.” Shining spoke. The group follows the group away from the balcony and to the throne room. “You remember the day King Sombra first returned, Twily? When you found the Crystal Heart?” “Of course.” Twilight answered as she walked, before scowling. “It was the day King Sombra was defeated… the first time, at least.” “Yes, you found the Crystal Heart by entering the dungeon under the castle, and we need you to re-open them.” Shining Armor’s statement almost caused Twilight to stop in her tracks. “Why? I do not understand.” Twilight was slowly getting a bad feeling when her brother mentioned the old Crystal Dungeons. “Before the Covenant started to invade, I had a little chat with their leader.” Shining stated, causing the group to halt. “Shipmaster Khota ‘Mutamee? He’s here?” Maverick spoke up, some emotion breaking through his stoic demeanor. “And you’re telling me now!? He’s a priority one target, marked for death. I should be out there hunting him.” “I understand, Commander.” Shining Armor acknowledged. “But trust me when I say this is far more important. The Shipmaster spoke of a hidden chamber in the dungeons. I’m taking his words seriously, as any kind of knowledge about the castle should not be known by him.” Shining’s words were dwelling in Twilight’s head; her brother was correct. An alien who has never been to this planet before should not know anything about the crystal dungeons. “This is insane. The Covenant have thrown curveball after curveball at us. Knowledge they shouldn’t know or magic they should not have has been falling into their possessions left & right! I’m starting to feel like all our advantages are being taken from us.” Twilight could feel her chest tighten with anxiety. “What kind of chamber did he mention specifically?” Asked Maverick, his eyes landing right on Shining. “He said it was ‘Forerunner.’” Shining Armor answered truthfully. “Forerunner… Dammit.” Maverick swore to himself. If anything Forerunner was on this planet, then nothing would stop the entire Covenant fleet from coming here. Eventually, the group entered the throne room where Dragon Lord Ember and Princess Cadence, the latter holding Flurry Heart in her hooves, stood in the center. They were conversing with one another until they saw everyone enter. “Twilight!” Cadence smiled happily as Twilight galloped up and hugged her sister-in-law. Upon releasing the embrace, the lavender alicorn turns to Flurry Heart and gives her a kiss on the cheek, the baby alicorn giggling at her aunt’s kisses “Hey, Ember!” Said Spike as he went up to greet the cyan dragoness by wrapping his arms around her midsection and hugging her. Ember smiles awkwardly and lightly taps the top of his head, still not used to this kind of affection. However, she does notice that he is a bit taller than he was before. A helmetless Carlito, watching this from afar, can’t help but let out a soft chuckle seeing the two, causing the dragon lord to blush from embarrassment. “Hey, Carlito!” Spike spoke as he stood up straight. “Come meet a friend of mine! Princ– I mean, Dragon Lord Ember.” “Oh, I met her before, dawg. Back at boot camp, if I recall correctly.” Carlito said cheerfully as he offered his hand to Ember. “But it’s nice to meet you. Any amiga of Spike is an amiga to me.” “Oh, alright then. That… That means friend, right?” Asked Ember as she shook the Corporal’s hand with her claw. Earning a chuckle from Carlito. “Correct. I remember you quite a bit from boot camp. You and the other dragons seemed really eager to fight.” Carlito commented. “Of course we are! We dragons are not like ponies; we value strength and aggression over kindness and compassion,” Ember stated bluntly before adding, “Though, we are embracing friendship thanks to Twilight… and Spike.” The cyan dragoness looked over to see Spike had joined Twilight as she spoke to Cadence and Shining Armor. “He was the first to offer me friendship.” “No kidding? He is a nice little guy.” Carlito chuckled a bit, putting his hands on his hips. “Yeah, he’s kinda like the little brother I never had.” Ember smiled before looking at Carlito again. “Which is why I want to thank you personally, Carlito.” “Thank me? For what?” Carlito asked as he cocked his head to the side.  “I want to thank you for looking after Spike. You’re kinda like his guardian, and you keep him safe. I can’t thank you enough for that.” Ember spoke softly and honestly. “Oh, no problem, Dama Dragón. I’m… I’m glad to help keep him safe,” Carlito said, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. Ember, not used to showing this much appreciation, also blushed a bit. Their conversation soon ended when they noticed everyone else began to quiet down and approached the large throne. Twilight stepped up and looked directly up at the throne. “Go on, Twily… open it.” Her brother encouraged her. Twilight takes in a large breath, holds it, and then finally exhales. She closed her eyes, as her horn slowly began to light with the color green. Purple smog leaked from her closed eyes as she powered up her spell. Some of the humans took a few steps back, a bit cautious, as they knew what Twilight was capable of with dark magic. She aims her horn at the large crystal above the throne and zaps it. The crystal fades to black and begins to cast a shadow over the throne. When the shadow covers the floor, it reveals a massive hole in the ground, with a spiral staircase leading to the bottom. “¡Qué va!” Exclaimed Carlito as he stepped closer and looked down the massive abyss. “I can’t even see the bottom.” “So, this leads to the crystal dungeons?” Marcus asked as he joined his comrade in staring down the hole. “Do we all have to go down there?” Adam began to whine. “Not all of us, Corporal.” Said Tex. “Some of us need to stay up here in case the Covenant gets into the city.” “Any volunteers?” Asked Maverick as he looked around at everyone. “Obviously myself, Twilight, and Prince Armor need to go down.” “Count me in.” Said Rainbow Dash loudly. “I’ll join as well.” Said Tex as he crossed his arms. “I want to go down too.” Said Spike as he looked down the hole. “Shit, if Spike is going down, I might as well too.” Said Carlito, pushing back some anxiety. “Same here.” Ember joined in. “I’ll go too, Mav.” Said Kieran stepping forward. “And me.” Clara stepped forward as well, but Maverick held his hand up to her. “Negative, Clara. We need at least one Spartan up here.” The Commander ordered. Clara’s shoulders slump, and she looks away for a second. Eventually, she looks back at Maverick and nods. “Alright, Mav. Just promise me you two will stay safe,” Clara said with some worry. Maverick nodded to her as he looked back at the hole. “Alright, everyone, we’ve got a lot of stairs to go down, so let’s get started.” Maverick ordered loudly. “Actually, there’s no need to walk down, Commander.” Twilight said while looking at the group of volunteers. “My brother and I can use a levitation spell.” “Like hell you are! I still remember when you levitated me the first time on the ship!” Carlito exclaimed, narrowing his eyes at the Princess of Friendship. Despite the situation, Twilight managed a small giggle. “I promise this won’t be like last time, Carlito,” she assured the young ODST, who sighed before putting his helmet back on. From behind Carlito, Ember turned to give Spike a raised eyebrow. Spike was chuckling at Carlito's reaction, as he was there during Twilight's first use of levitation on Carlito. “Everypo—I mean... everyone, get in close.” Twilight smiled as she and Shining’s horns began to glow. Everyone who volunteered huddled closer together as a small bubble formed around them, except for Spike, Ember, and Rainbow Dash, who opted to fly beside them. Slowly, the bubble began to rise off the ground, taking everyone inside up. “Whoa… This doesn’t feel right.” Said Tex as he wobbled a bit, leaning on Shining Armor for support. “We’ll be at the bottom in no time.” Said Twilight reassuringly as the bubble descended down the pit. Tex slowly regained his footing, looking at Shining Armor who he still had his hand on. “Sorry ‘bout that, your highness.” Tex said as he removed his hand from Shining’s back. “Don’t worry about it, I understand it coming from someone who has never been levitated before.” Shining gave Tex a half smile. “Heh, well, that’s all right then,” Tex said as he placed his hands on his hips. I remember you from boot camp. You got some military experience already, do ya?” “I guess you can say that. I was captain of the Canterlot royal guard, before me and Cadence got married.” Shining turned to face Tex completely. “Captain, huh? Well shit, you outrank me then.” Tex joked. “And now you’re a prince, got a whole empire to look after now.” “Thought this position would be easier.” Shining’s expression suddenly hardened. “I wasn’t expecting a war to break out anytime soon, especially one against aliens.” “I can understand that.” Tex sighed softly. “I knew well what I was getting into; I volunteered the moment I turned eighteen.” Tex shared, earning a soft smile from Shining.  “No kidding? I joined the guard when I turned eighteen as well.” Shining admitted, earning a soft chuckle from Tex. “Well, how ‘bout that. What was your reason for enlisting?” Tex asked. “It just felt like something I was meant to do: serve the public and protect others who can’t protect themselves.” Shining answered truthfully, causing Tex to grow in admiration. “That’s very noble of you. I think I feel the same way, even though many of those back home didn’t want me to.” Tex admitted, earning a concerned look from the Prince. “You got a family back home?” Shining asked with genuine concern. “Just a Ma and Pa and a brother. Nothing like what you have.” Tex smiled, recalling Shining’s wife and baby up top. “I must admit, you got a mighty nice family yourself.” “Thank you, Tex.” Shining’s smile was slowly growing bigger.  “Ye’re welcome. Just always keep them protected. I’ve seen way too many families split because of this war.” Tex’s voice grew sadder, only earning a small nod from the Crystal Prince. After a few minutes, the bottom was in sight, and they very easily descended to the bottom. Ember and Spike landed first before the bubble faded, allowing the others to spread out a bit more. “That felt like going down a Covie grav lift.” Said Kieran as he regained his footing.  “Yeah, just without the nausea.” Carlito chipped in.  As the group begins to get a feel for their surroundings, they notice Twilight standing in front of a large wooden door. She stares at it with a scowl. “Stand back, everyone. This door is not safe.” Twilight told the group while holding up her hoof. “It’s just a door, Princesa. How dangerous can it be?” Carlito asked as he approached the door. “Carlito, wait!” Twilight stepped forward quickly to try to stop him, but Carlito had already opened the door, revealing a solid crystal wall behind it. The young ODST just stared at it in silence, disturbing a few as he just stood there. “Carlito?” Asked Tex, concerned for his friend and fellow squadmate. “…Mamá? …Papá?…” Carlito spoke just barely above a whisper before slowly removing his helmet. When he did, everyone noticed his eyes were glowing green and red, with the same dark purple smog leaking from his eyes. He drops his helmet on the spot and reaches for the door. “…Mi hermana?” “Princess? What’s going on with him?” Maverick demanded, looking to Twilight for an explanation. “The door has been enchanted to reveal your worst fear.” Twilight explained. Maverick looked back towards the sniper, he took a step to help pull him away when Carlito suddenly flinched. “What…? Kroedis II? But… but this can’t be? I watched it get…” Carlito’s expression changed to outright horror. “No… No! NO!!! Don’t glass it! Stop! My family is still there!” Carlito became belligerent and slammed his hands against the crystal wall, startling everyone present. “Corporal, stand down!” Maverick placed his hand on Carlito’s shoulder, but the young sniper ignored him. “No! ¡Pinche pendejos! Let me go! They’re glassing it!” Carlito’s tirade was only getting worse. Maverick and Ember had to pull the ODST away from the door just so Twilight could shut it. As soon as the door slammed shut, the dark magic affecting Carlito began slowly fading away. “No! No! Let me…go…” Carlito falls to his knees and places his hands on the wooden door. His eyes were shaking and beginning to get moist. Slowly, he looks down at his own hands pressed tightly against the wood. He slowly pulls them back as he continued to stare at the door. “Dios mío…” “You okay, Carlito?” Asked Tex, slowly approaching Carlito and placing his hand on his shoulder. “Talk to me, man.” “…I’m fine… It’s just… That was so real.” Carlito slowly regained his composure. “It was like I was really there…watching it all over again…” Ember looks down at Carlito with her jaw slightly gaped and her eyes soft. Never before has she seen such raw emotions before, especially coming out of the usually chipper sniper. She wanted to step in closer and offer some closure, but she hesitated, not sure how to do so. Spike too was shocked by Carlito’s sudden outburst, never seeing this side of him before. “Do you need a second, Corporal?” Tex would ask, wanting to make sure Carlito was okay. In response, the young sniper began to harden his expression and slowly rose to his feet. “No. The longer we stall, the more lives are taken by those hijos de putas.” Carlito picks his helmet back up, and puts it back on, his visor going opaque. Tex wanted to interject, but he was right. They could not afford to wait any longer. It wasn’t a question of if the Covenant would break through the front line, but when. They had to continue. “Everyone, please stand back so I can dispel the enchantment.” Twilight spoke as both ODSTs finally stood back. Twilight gets back in front of the door, this time charging up a different spell. Instead of hitting it with dark magic, a rainbow glow was shot from Twilight’s horn which lit up the door in the similar aura. Now, when Twilight opened the door, a brand new room was revealed. After stepping through, the group looks up to see another spiral staircase leading to the top of a large crystal obelisk. “Great, more stairs. Think we can get another lift, Twilight?” Asked Rainbow Dash as she leaned back to try and see the top. “Absolutely. Everyone, stand close again.” Twilight gestured with her hoof for them to huddle together. It doesn’t take nearly as long to reach the top as they finally approach the final pathway. They float up and into a separate room. A quick look around reveals they are in the same chamber where the Crystal Heart was found. Twilight remembers this room all too well. She approaches the star-shaped platform where the Crystal Heart was once hidden. She narrows her eyes at it, stepping on that platform last time alerted King Sombra of her presence. She did not want that to happen again, in case Sombra was able to seal them off from the hidden chamber. She approached it and leaned her head down to examine it. “Is… is this also enchanted with something sinister?” Asked Kieran, looking at the same platform. “I believe so. When I last stepped onto here, it alerted Sombra that I was here, and he was able to summon large crystals to trap me. I needed Spike’s help to even get the Crystal Heart to its pedestal. I couldn’t even teleport out.” Twilight recalled her last encounter here. “Heh, that’s why they call me Spike, the ‘Brave & Glorious’ around here.” Spike couldn’t help but boast, earning a chuckle. “Well, how did you manage to get out?” Asked Kieran, turning his head to look at Twilight. “The trap was dispelled when the Crystal Heart was finally placed on its pedestal,” Twilight admitted. “Well… Maybe it’s gone then.” Kieran suggested. Twilight considered it, and so far, it was their best hypothesis. “Well… Alright then. It’s worth a try.” Twilight said as she stood up to full height. She very slowly and cautiously placed one hoof on the platform. She closes her eyes and waits for something, anything, to happen. To her surprise, nothing happened. She opened her eyes and placed one more hoof on the platform, then another, and finally her last one. She looked down at the platform and nothing seemed to happen. “Well, at least we know this enchantment is no longer active.” Twilight said aloud. “What now, then?” Asked Kieran as he stepped onto the platform as well. As soon as both feet were on the platform, it suddenly began to glow.  Fearing to be trapped again, Twilight quickly jumped off, but Kieran was left frozen, nervous about what was happening. The star pattern soon faded and was then replaced by another symbol; one that was unrecognizable to all. As the symbol continued to glow, a robotic voice was heard. “Reclaimer, identified.”  10 minutes prior… Shipmaster Khota stood with his arms crossed up on a hill as he watched his forces slowly invade through the opening Sombra made. He watched with enjoyment, a large smirk on his face as everything was going according to plan. He is soon approached by Xala, leader of his special operations officers who bows his head. “Now that we have breached, what are my orders, sir?” Asked Xala who was eager to join the fight. “While N’Thoka leads the distraction, you are to infiltrate their pathetic city and sneak inside as they discover the chamber. The fools think me ignorant to reveal such crucial information. But we are going to sit back while they open it for us.” Khota began to chuckle. “You are to report back any details you find. If you see the Demon Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am suspending your orders to assassinate her.” “Suspend my assassination!?” Xala was taken aback by this order. “Sir, this would be my ultimate chance to slay her. A grand victory would be achieved!” “And risk yourself being compromised!” Khota glares at him angrily. “We must take this mission with caution. The true strength of these heathen’s magic still remains mostly unknown to me. If they can destroy someone as strong as King Sombra, they may have the power to destroy the chamber. I cannot allow the destruction of any priceless relics that that castle hides. I will not return to ‘Vadamee a failure!” Khota growled as he spoke his words, a shiver being sent down Xala’s spine at the mention of their supreme commander. Xala, understanding his shipmaster’s commands then stands up straight. “I understand. I shall remain as silent as a shadow.” Xala spoke as he then activated his active camo, slowly turning invisible. Khota began to grumble, whether Xala was still there or not. “Do not fail me, Xala.”  > Will and Might Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The robotic voice rang out loudly, startling everyone present as they looked all around for the source of the voice. That was when suddenly, the platform Kieran was standing on began to descend down like an elevator. “Uh… S-Sir!?” Kieran exclaimed as he began to lower down with the platform. “Everyone join in! This is our chance!” Maverick firmly ordered. Without hesitation, the rest of the group crowds in on the platform as it begins its descent. “Up, down, down, up. Jesus, can’t this place make up its mind?” Kieran complained, earning no other comment from anyone. The platform continues to descend, crystal walls covering all sides not allowing anyone to see where they were going. Finally, after what felt like several minutes, the walls expanded outwards to reveal a large chamber. The crystalline walls soon turned into walls of silver-like metal. As the descent continues, Twilight looks down and is stunned by what she sees, what looks to be a hidden alien laboratory was just below them. The platform finally rests at the bottom, allowing everyone to step off. All over, there was large machinery, instruments, panels, and even large glass tubes that looked large enough to fit a pony inside. All of it was, intense. It was hard to take in as everyone began to observe the lab around them. There were tables and many different screens and computers filling the lab. It looked completely different from any high-tech labs Twilight had seen on the Ad Meliora. “What is this place?” Rainbow Dash asked quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. “No idea, but this metal, it matches the reports of Forerunner tech we have on record,” Maverick stated as he got close to the center console. “So… What do we do? This place looks a little run down and covered in dust.” Ember spoke up, not daring to touch anything. “We need to get Reagan down here; he could probably—” Maverick was suddenly cut off when he got too close to the central console. The main screen suddenly lights up, causing him to jump. A scanner quickly passes over him, scanning him head to foot.  “Reclaimer, identified.” Said the same robotic voice from earlier. Twilight, who was standing close to Maverick, was startled to see that she too was suddenly scanned. “Neural Physics user, identified.” “Reclaimer? Neural Physics?” Shining Armor repeated, becoming increasingly confused. Once the scans were done, the entire lab seemed to come alive. Lights were activated, and screens showing an unknown language turned on. It was as if someone turned the on switch for everything present. “What’s going on? Why is everything turning on!?” Twilight exclaimed loudly as her head dashed back and forth looking at everything suddenly turn on. “I don’t know.” Maverick said, trying to keep his cool. He held onto his weapon firmly, pointing it every which way. Finally, the center console lights up fully and begins to speak again. “Playing Journal entry number 1 of 70.” The artificial voice said before a blue light was then emitted, pointing at the ground. As the light warms up, a hologram is projected. The figure being projected was someone no one had ever seen before. He looked oddly humanoid, but he was taller, lacked a nose, and had paler skin. He looks straightforward, not looking at anyone in the room. “Greetings to whoever finds this place. My name is Faber-Of-Will-And-Might; former Master Builder of the Forerunner Empire.” Said the holographic figure with an unrecognizable accent. “Forerunner…” Maverick says in a whisper as he puts away his gun. “Is this a pre-recorded message, or is this an actual AI?” Kieran asked as he, too, stepped forward. “I think it’s the latter, Espartano,” Carlito answered as the Hologram continued to speak. “The fools at Maethrillian saw it to remove my status as the Master Builder.” Faber scowled. “No matter. The Council may charge me with crimes against the Mantel for my work, but it bothers me none. I will do what I must to find a solution to end the Parasite’s grasp on the Galaxy whether they like it or not. And with Mendicant Bias seeming to defect to the Flood, time is of the essence. So I have exiled myself here, on this primitive planet away from the Council and far from the Flood.” The holographic image of Faber then approached one of the main tables where many tools of unknown use lay before him. He picks up one and examines it. “So, to whoever finds this place, I am recording my procedures so that one day, what I do can be recreated, should the Parasite return, and that the Halo Array may not be the only option for those who combat the Flood in the future.” The projection of Faber then sets the tool down. “During my time on Installation 07, my initial experiments have yielded no results. It appears that Humanity has no real immunity to the Parasite; what a waste of my time.” The group continues to watch the hologram closely as he continues to ramble, most of his words flying right over their heads. Faber then turns and approaches the other side of the room, approaching an empty glass container. As the Hologram gets closer, a new hologram emerges inside the container. To their shock, it was a pony. But, it looked clueless as it stared up at Faber like it didn’t have a single thought going through its mind like it was just a simple animal. Twilight’s eyes widen at the reveal as the projection of Faber kneels down to look at the pony. “And here on this planet, I find this species called the Equui by my fellow peers. These beasts of burden usually work as a labor force for most of the other species. Today, these creatures are my newest test subjects. From studies, we know the Flood possesses a hivemind. What purpose would a mindless animal benefit them? Or perhaps, the answer to the Flood avoiding such creatures lies within the very minds of this species.” Faber taps the glass with his finger, startling the primitive pony as he does. He chuckles with amusement and then stands to full height. “I will be recording my full journey of experiments to find the answers I seek. My research in stopping the Flood forever must be preserved, no matter how vile the Council claims it to be. I shall return, once my research begins to yield more progress.” The hologram of Faber dissipates for only a brief moment. “What…in the hell was that all about?” Came the voice of Tex. The confusion evident in his voice. “You saw the same thing as us, Sergeant. How the hell should we know?” Kieran replied, looking at the ODST. The one who remained quiet the most was Twilight as her mind sped into overdrive. Most of what she heard sounded familiar. She begins to recall back on the ship where Captain McCormick questioned Discord. Her eyes widen upon realizing that most of what Discord has said is being confirmed in this very room. With such names being mentioned as Faber, Forerunners, Halo, and also… “Umm… What’s the Flood?” Ember asked as most eyes fell upon her. Twilight looks at the Dragoness, as well as her brother, who also looks very confused.  “Well, from what Discord initially told us, the Flood was this great darkness that caused so much suffering and death that the whole galaxy needed to be reset. Everything died, and then life needed to restart.” Twilight said aloud. Ember is a bit caught off guard by Twilight’s answer. She said it so casually despite describing something so terrible, the Galaxy needed to be cleansed. She looks down towards the ground to process this info. Before anyone could speak, “Entry #7. Significant progress has been made, though it does not yield good news. Examining these creatures so far has not given me anything crucial, but it has given me some ideas. First off, a cure cannot be found within this species either. It appears that no matter what, as long as the organism, alive or dead, still has an intact nervous system, it can be infected.” Faber spoke as he approached one of his test subjects, a pony just standing casually in its glass containment chamber. Not being able to understand why it was in such a place. “Perhaps a demonstration is in order.” Faber turns to the side and motions for something. Coming into frame was one of Faber’s security guards who approached with a large test tube in his hands. Faber takes it and turns around. Inside was what appeared to be a fleshy ball, squirming around like a pulsating tumor. Twilight, Tex, Carlito, Rainbow Dash, and Spike recoil in disgust upon seeing the creature in the test tube. “Ugh, what the hell is that!?” Carlito shouted his question. “It looks like an infected testicle!” Tex answered as he stepped closer to look at it. As he did, the holographic projection of Faber held up the test tube to his own face and glared at the creature. He then turned towards the primitive pony in the container and approached. On the side of the container was a small port where Faber inserted the large tube and then backed away. Everyone watching stepped in closer to see what was about to happen. None of them were prepared for the absolute horror they were about to witness.  From the side of the container, a small hole opens to allow the spherical creature to crawl out. The primitive pony trots closer to it, curious as to what it is. As it did, the spherical creature did not hesitate to pounce. It jumps and uses its tendrils to wrap around the pony’s neck, causing it to freak out. Everyone watching jumps a bit at the creature’s speed as other parts of its tendrils make small cuts in the pony’s neck and begin to burrow their way into its new host. Everyone’s faces shift to that look of absolute terror as they watch the process. “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!” Tex yells out as he watches the tiny parasite begin to burrow into the pony’s chest as its animalistic cries of pain are deafening. Twilight’s eyes seem to freeze in place and widen as she watches the pony in complete agony. The process, however, was far from over as the tendrils finally connected to the pony’s spinal cord and began to web out. The pony’s pained cries soon shift to that of gurgling as its organs begin to shift, and its bones begin to audibly crack. The pony raises its head and the group watches as a long spike-like appendage erupts from its shoulder, spraying the glass with blood. Almost everyone by now was having some sort of physical reaction as the process continued. The pony’s fur began to flake off drastically as it began to throw itself against all the sides of the container. Huge boil-like pulsating tumors erupt from the skin, and a large mass explodes out of its chest, with three flower-like antennas growing out. ‘WHAT THE FUCK!?!?’ Tex shouted in his head again as he took multiple steps away from the holoprojection. As he does, Carlito is heard audibly gagging. Within a few seconds, the sniper rips his helmet off and throws it to the ground. He turns around and dashes to a corner in the back where he is heard emptying the contents of his stomach. Kieran could be heard gagging as well as he averted his eyes. Watching this any further would only cause him to vomit as well. The pony throws itself to the ground and convulses violently, its cries and gurgles being distorted into a deep guttural sound, one that sounds like they come from the very pit of Hell itself. The sharp spikey appendage grows longer The neck seems to snap and all the fur falls off the pony, with only its bare skin left visible that was now a sickly, putrid green hue. Just as it seemed that the whole spectacle was over, the Pony then began to rise, moaning and groaning like the Devil himself. It turns towards Faber and then begins throwing itself against the glass, trying to get to him.  Faber hadn’t even so much as flinched during the entire process while everyone else was left disturbed. Ember was shaking and trembling, not just from disgust, but also from fear. Her eyes were wide as she shook in place on the ground, having fallen over during the mutation. Once the transformation was complete, she slowly turned around and covered her mouth with both her hands. The Dragon Lord didn’t fully understand what she witnessed, but it did terrify her just how badly and painfully that ‘Squishy Ball’ mutated that poor pony. Maverick only stood still. Despite hardly reacting, underneath his visor, his eyes were just as wide. He felt his heart sink and his stomach clench. His breath became choppy, and he was on the verge of losing his cool. Standing next to him, facing away from the hologram was Shining Armor, who also just shook in place. He was more focused on keeping himself from hurling on the spot as well. With the transformation complete, someone else was also heard throwing up. A quick look revealed it was Rainbow Dash, who just barely made it through the whole process before vomiting. After puking her guts out, she then broke down on the spot, hiding her face from the others as she was unable to fully comprehend what she just witnessed. Unlike everyone else, Twilight remained where she stood. Her eyes never once looked away, nor did they blink during the whole thing. She just stood there, horrified. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to even think. She had thought she had seen it all. The destruction of her planet’s cities paled to the cosmic terror projected right in front of her. She could feel Spike hiding behind her, his weeps breaking the Alicorn out of her paralyzed state as she turned and looked. She could see Spike pressing his face into her tail, not daring to look at the Hologram.  “What…the fuck…did that thing…just fucking do!?” Tex shouts as he points at the now infected pony as it thrashes against the glass to get to Faber. Nobody answered; no one had an answer. “See?” The hologram of Faber spoke again, as if he heard Tex’s question. “Some of my worst fears are coming to fruition. It doesn’t matter what species it is. The Flood will infect whatever host it can get its tentacles on. The more I examine the Flood, the more I start to believe that there is no cure. The Holographic projection pauses and fades a second time as the entry ends. Everyone was left speechless, hardly believing what they just witnessed. Twilight blinks a few times before looking at the others. Everyone was fidgeting uncomfortably after what they witnessed. Was that even real? How can something so unapologetically monstrous even exist? Everyone remained silent, unable to speak about what they saw. Carlito covered his face with his hands and shook his head while Tex paced back & forth.  Finally, Faber’s hologram reappears but this time, at the center of the room. “Entry #28! For the first time in a long time, I believe I have made my first breakthrough!” Faber exclaimed quite loudly and began walking towards what looked to be an operating table. “If a cure is out of my reach, then a new solution to the Flood problem must be found, and I believe I found it!” It was then revealed that as soon as Faber reached the operating table, there laid another primitive pony test subject, this one was currently dissected. Its chest cavity split wide open with many organs missing, and it was missing the top of its skull, having its brain exposed. Disgust grew upon the faces of the group, but after what they had just seen, they were no longer surprised. “These primitive creatures, the Equui, are truly fascinating. More specifically, their minds are what fascinate me the most. A quick examination has me hypothesizing that these creatures are not as primitive as they look. Their minds are complex, their anatomy is very similar to that of the Humans. If their brains resemble those of humans, then why is their intelligence that of a simple animal? Perhaps their full potential as a species can be modified. But how, though, is the question.” Faber pauses for a moment and sighs. “Call me crazy, but in order to test this hypothesis, I must look to the Precursors. A species so complex, so advanced, that they could even blur the lines of science and philosophy. I believe if the Equui truly have their inner potential locked within their very minds, then we must unlock their minds. The key, I believe, is Neural Physics.” Faber stood up straight and turned around as if he were talking to someone in the same room as him. “It sounds crazy, I know. But think of it! The Precursors themselves were at one point a Tier 6 species that evolved to Tier 0. They are obviously infinitely more advanced than we could ever be! The evidence is there! Their Star Roads and Orbital Arches are proof that Neural Physics exists! The concept that the universe is alive may sound ridiculous to even the smartest minds! But the proof is there, the Precursor artifacts are living proof! Everything is alive! And to have a species that can use Neural Physics on our side, it may be what we need to finally tip the scale in this war against the Parasite!” Faber had a crazed look in his eye and his face full of determination. As if he fully believed everything he was saying. “I must find a way to implement Neural Physics into this species.” Faber turns around again and places his hand on the corpse of the dissected pony. “My quest for a cure has failed. But this has opened a new door for me, I will not have my research lead to another dead end.” The holo projection fades again, leaving everyone in silence again. “This is fucking crazy!” Tex shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. “This is what the Covenant is after!? The work of a fucking batshit alien!?” “Easy there, Sergeant. There are still multiple entries we have to go through. The list said there were seventy in total.” Maverick’s voice was shaken and not in his normally stoic tone. “Sir, the shit I’ve just seen, is like something out of a horror movie! What does Covenant want from this place!?” Tex yelled again, obviously in a disturbed state. “If we keep watching, we may find out.” The Spartan commander spoke quieter, trying to calm down Tex. In response, the ODST sergeant just held up his hand. “I really don’t want to watch any more of this. This is fucking sickening.” Tex stated, not even baring to look Maverick in his visor. “Same here, amigo.” Everyone turned to see Carlito walking back to the others pressing a hand to his chest. “If you two want to leave, there is only one way out.” Maverick spoke as he pointed towards the elevator that brought them down here. “That’s your way out. And after that, you have all those stairs to climb, and you aren’t going to be levitated this time because the rest of us are staying right here. If whatever the Covenant is looking for is found in these holo diaries, then my duty is to stay here till we find it and prevent its information falling into Covenant hands.” Tex and Carlito stood still as Commander Maverick stared them both down. Tex and Carlito slowly look at each other as the Commander turns to await the entry to begin. He and the others did not have to wait long. “Entry #35, I believe I have done it. Using existing Precursor technology with my own engineering. I believe I have made a device that not only extracts Neural Physics, but also injects them into a living organism. I am ready to begin testing one with this device.” Faber boasts as he holds up his new tool. It was glowing and had a cylindrical shape. Twilight gasps loudly as she is able to recognize it. “I…I can’t believe it! Is… Is that…?” Twilight stutters as she is at a complete loss of words. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” Maverick asks, looking towards the alicorn. “That’s Grogar’s Bewitching Bell.” Twilight could not believe her eyes as she watched Faber hold up the Bell. The color drains from her face as the powerful artifact is believed in Equestrian Mythology to give and take away any pony’s magic with a single blast. “As this was made with precursor technology, it is practically indestructible. With this new device, I am ready to begin testing. I have plenty more test subjects in which to test this device. Let us see if my work has been paying off.” Faber turns around and the holo-projector reveals another primitive pony behind him, chained around the neck to keep it from running away. He holds up the Bell and aims it directly at the pony. The bell blares its deafening ring and a yellow and black beam fires from it, striking the pony. Everyone watched as the blast was enough to knock the pony back quite a bit. Faber lowers the Bell and quickly steps forward to admire his work. The pony begins convulsing on the ground, letting out small cries of pain. Everyone holds their breath as the poor creature writhes in pain. It lets out one final scream as its head suddenly explodes, covering everything close to it in blood and brain matter, including Faber. Twilight gasps hard and covers her mouth at the display as the hologram of Faber stands still. Finally, he lets out a soft sigh, aiming the Bell back at the creature’s body and extracting the neural physics he just blasted it with. “Test #1… is a failure. I should have known. The Precursors are the only ones known to be able to handle the raw power of Neural Physics. The Equui’s mind and body cannot handle such raw power. I need to correct this, I need to find a way for these creatures to handle this kind of power without breaking down. I need to modify them somehow… I need to keep working!” Faber was sounding more and more frustrated with each entry of the holo-projector. He fades away again, leaving Twilight with a whole bunch of questions. Her mind begins to race, her knowledge about the Bewitching Bell now being thrown for a loop. It was believed to have been made by Grogar himself to not only store his own magic, but also to take away magic from others. And here it is revealed to have been invented by Faber himself, using technology from an unknown species called the Precursors. Twilight feels a huge migraine begin to set in as she tries to process this revelation. She is hardly given the time when the hologram begins the next entry. “Entry #42. After a total of 37 tests, I have come to the conclusion that in order to implement Neural Physics into the Equui species, they must undergo a type of metamorphosis so that their bodies and minds do not break down once they are introduced to Neural Physics. I again look towards the Precursors for the answer. One special trick the Precursors were able to do, was shapeshifting. Being a ‘Trans-Sentient’ Species, they were connected to the very fabric of the universe. Allowing themselves to accomplish physics-defying feats. This is crucial not only to my work, but also crucial in understanding Neural Physics in general. The belief that everything in the universe is alive is the core concept of Neural Physics. This is how the Precursors could perform such actions as shapeshifting and telekinesis. As they were not bound to such rules of physics like we all are.” Faber began to lecture. Explaining his research so far. “I believe that once I can get the Equui to shapeshift out of their original form, then they will be able to grasp and harness the power of neural physics. With the remaining Precursor technology left at my disposal, I can do just that… with this.” Faber holds up a large spherical object. Once again, Twilight recognizes it. “Is that what I think it is!?” Rainbow Dash exclaims, looking to Twilight for an answer. “It can’t be! That’s impossible!” Spike stares at the object in awe. “I… I….” Twilight was unable to answer. She didn’t understand how two powerful magical artifacts were in the possession of Faber. Faber then turned around and faced his newest subject, a brown pony that looked around curiously. He held up the sphere and sighed. “Please… let something finally work.” Faber whispers as he uses his other hand to gently caress the orb. It begins to glow a light pinkish color and a wave-like aura emits from it, floating towards the brown pony. The pony stepped back, cautious as to what was approaching it, till it was fully surrounded. Before their very eyes, the pony’s body effortlessly and seemingly painlessly began to stretch. Wings started to form on its back, one feathery, the other more like a bat wing. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the different wing types the pony had just grown, but the transformation continued. Its body grew longer and thinner, and horns began to sprout from its head. One an antler, the other a spiral-like horn. The features it was growing seemed… familiar. It was then one of its forelegs turned into a lion’s paw, and then the other turned into an eagle’s talon. Now, it was becoming obvious with the transformation of who this test subject was.  Twilight’s jaw hit the floor as the final stages of the test subject’s transformation finished with one of its hind legs turning to a dragon leg, and its tail becoming long and scaly. “…Discord?” > Semper Ad Meliora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost an hour had passed since the exploration team entered the crystal dungeon. Everyone who stayed behind was in the throne room, talking to each other. Except for one. Clara was staring down the dark abyss that led into the crystal dungeons. She could hear the others conversing around her as she just stood there alone. Her fellow Spartans were on her mind.  Ever since she was just a little girl in the Spartan-III program, Clara, along with Maverick and Kieran, were always close. After her real family was taken from her by the Covenant, those two, along with the fallen members of Zeta team, became her new family. She knew they were both capable on their own, but she never liked being away from either of them. It made her feel lonely, just like after her biological family died. Her thoughts slowly subsided when she felt something bumping into her foot. Clara looked down and saw Flurry Heart poking her foot with her hooves. The baby alicorn did not understand why this human’s foot was covered in metal rather than leather, nor why it was taller than the others. The Lieutenant-Commander only watched her for a second, tilting her head to the side. Flurry then reared back on her hind legs and stomped her two front hooves down onto the Spartan’s foot, making a soft CLANG sound. Clara couldn’t help but smile under her helmet, finding the alicorn filly’s curiosity adorable. She slung her weapon onto her back and slowly knelt down on one knee, causing Flurry Heart to look up at the Spartan-III’s head. Flurry’s eyes widened in amazement as she saw her reflection in Clara’s visor, the curved glass making her look a little silly. The baby Alicorn just giggled at her distorted reflection and raised onto her hind legs again, this time reaching out and placing a hoof on the visor. Clara let out a soft chuckle at the Filly’s antics. Despite everything that happened during the past month, this was enough to bring a smile to her concealed face. Deciding to allow eye contact, the Lieutenant Commander reached up and proceeded to slowly remove her CQB helmet. Flurry Heart got back on all fours in confusion, believing the metal human was taking its head off. Her gaze followed the maroon ‘head’ as it was set on the floor before looking back up at the Spartan again, then her eyes widened with amazement. “Hello, little one,” Clara says with a gentle smile. Flurry Heart just giggles and smiles at seeing the human’s face—a smiling one, something the little princess recognizes. The Spartan continues to smile, offering no resistance as Flurry Heart gently places her tiny forehooves on her face, trying to suppress her laughter. From the side, Clara notices four pink legs in golden horseshoes approaching her. She looks over and sees Princess Cadence approaching them. “Flurry Heart, sweetie. Don’t invade another’s personal space.” The pink alicorn speaks softly to her child as she picks her up in her magical aura.  “Oh, it’s okay, your majesty,” Clara says as she straightens her back. “She’s not bothering me one bit.” “Are you sure? She has a habit of getting in some trouble,” Cadence asks with a wide smile. Clara is heard chuckling in response. “Of course, she’s adorable. How can something that cute get into big trouble?” Clara joked as she got back on her feet. “Oh, you have no idea.” Cadence smirks at the Spartan. “Would you like to hold her?” “I… uh… I don’t know. I’ve never held a baby before.” Clara admits. Cadence gives her a raised eyebrow before looking down at Flurry Heart. “Well… Would you like to try it for the first time?” Cadence asks while giving the Spartan a soft smile.  Clara looks at her hesitantly, wanting to but afraid to. Cadence sees her hesitation and chuckles lightly. “Here, cradle her like this.” Clara watched as both of her arms were enveloped in a sky-blue aura, folding them into a cradle position. Flurry Heart was then lifted into the air and gently placed down into Clara’s arms. The Spartan’s eyes widened as she looked down at the infant pony princess in her arms, her jaw slightly agape at this new experience. Flurry Heart giggles and babbles as she looks up into the human’s face. At that moment, Clara began to smile. Her heart melted, and everything bad going on around her didn’t seem to matter. Such a simple act to her meant a lot, just to be gentle for a change.  Cadence watches with a warm smile on her face, seeing the tall, armored human holding her daughter carefully. Clara notices the pink alicorn looking at her and smiles back. “Oh, I don’t believe I told you my name yet” Cadence spoke with a light chuckle and smile. “I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But please call me Cadence. And this is my daughter, Princess Flurry Heart.” Cadence gestured towards the little filly in Clara’s arm. The infant blew a raspberry as if in response to her own name. Clara let out a soft chuckle as she looked at the baby princess a bit longer before turning her gaze back to Cadence. “It’s a pleasure, your highness.” Clara gave her a nod. “I am Lieutenant-Commander Spartan B-452. But you can call me Clara.” Cadence smiled warmly at the young female spartan. She then glanced down at her Flurry heart, softening her eyes and smile to that of a motherly one. However, a single question was on her mind. “This really is your first time holding an infant?” She asks quietly.  Clara looks over at Cadence, her smile slowly turning into a frown. “Yeah, it is. I’ve never been given the opportunity to hold one.” She answers truthfully.  Cadence began to frown as well, finding it sad that this was her first chance to experience something as simple as holding a baby. “Why were you never given a chance to do so?” She asks, genuinely curious about Clara’s answer. The female Spartan-III slowly looks away and back down at the still-babbling Flurry Heart. She thinks about her reply, and even though most of what she is about to say is classified, she has kept this secret for about seventeen years. But she feels the need to open up and get a lot of weight off her chest. “I’ve been in the military since I was four.” At Clara’s confession, Cadence’s jaw practically hit the floor. “You What!?” Cadence exclaimed loudly. “But, But why!? Why so young!?” “I can’t tell you everything, your highness. It’s pretty classified.” Clara looked at the Princess, who stared at the Spartan in shock. “But I can tell you some of my experiences.” Cadence nods in response before sitting down on the crystal floor, gesturing to the Spartan. Understanding what the gesture meant, Clara sat down in front of Cadence while being extra careful not to drop Flurry Heart, and making sure she kept her helmet next to her. Once she was situated, Clara began telling her story to the Princess of Love. “I was born on a planet called Jericho VII. In 2535, just seventeen years ago, it was glassed by the Covenant. I was only four years old… and I was orphaned.” Clara paused before continuing. “Eventually, I was placed in the care of the UNSC, and they put me in the Spartan-III program; a top-secret project initiated for training, augmenting, and producing super soldiers like myself.” Clara watched as the expression on Cadence’s face turned to a heartbroken one. Shocked to hear the young woman lost her family and home at such a young age before being put into a military program. “That’s how I grew up. I’ve been molded into the soldier you see now thanks to the UNSC, making me strong enough to fight back and give me and the rest of my brethren a chance at some vengeance.”  Clara’s expression hardened, her soft expression now turning into a glare. Flurry Heart, in her eyes, sees the facial change and begins to frown. Her playful babble now sounded more like upset whining.  “Oh my… I’m so sorry to hear that, dearie…” Cadence couldn’t even fathom the trauma Clara had to have gone through. “I didn’t know you were all alone growing up.” “I never said that.” Clara looks back at Cadence. “I had Kieran and Maverick there with me.” “The other two spartans?” Cadence asked to which Clara nodded in confirmation. “We were part of a batch called Beta Company. We were assigned groups and that’s who we trained with. Kieran and Maverick were a part of my group, called Zeta…” Clara’s eyes went distant for a moment as she began to reminisce. “There were three other kids with us, named Josiah, Angel, and Silas. In the Spartan-III program, all five of them were people I looked up to. After years of training, living, and surviving together…we all bonded. We became…our own family.” Clara’s smile returned as she spoke of her new family. “We were unstoppable once we knew we all had each other’s backs. We all relied on each other more than anyone else.” Cadence smiled at that.  “Maverick was like the oldest brother, always leading and protecting us. Josiah was the second-in-command. He and Maverick shared a strong connection. In fact, they easily could have become headhunters.”  Cadence and Flurry Heart both stare at Clara, with the former giving a questionable look. Clara notices this and looks back at the princess. “Uh, Headhunters is a covert op group of Spartan-III squads created for carrying out special operations, Your Highness.” Clara’s smile gets bigger the more she speaks. “Angel, she was the only other female Spartan in Zeta team. She was like the big sister I never had, someone who I could speak to privately and share secrets with. Silas was the one who caused most of us to open up. Even during the worst moments of our lives, I never once saw him without a smile. Finally, there was Kieran. He was the second youngest in front of me. At first, he was mute and never spoke to us. But once he started trusting us, he would fight the entire Fleet of Particular Justice if either of us got hurt,” Clara half-joked at that last comment before her smile slowly started to fade again. “Then Reach happened…” “I remember the lecture given to me about Reach…” Cadence says as she recalls the meeting on the bridge of the Ad Meliora when she first met the humans. “What happened?” “We were planetside during the Winter Contingency. During the initial invasion, we all fought like…” Clara pauses and looks down at Flurry Heart. The Spartan chose to watch her language in front of the infant. “Uh, like most of our brethren did at the start of the battle… But the turn of the war happened during the Siege of New Alexandria. That’s around the time the Covenant began showing up in massive numbers. We landed in New Alexandria and began saving civilians and pushing back the invading Covenant army.” Clara begins to feel her stomach clench as she continues her story. New Alexandria, Reach, August 22, 2552, 1400 hours Clara was hunkered down next to a few marines as plasma fired directly over their makeshift barriers. A few yards back, Maverick was peaking out to fire a few potshots with his DMR On the other side of the walkway, which connected two skyscrapers, was a pack of brutes firing red plasma rifles and spikers in their direction. Maverick speaks over the comms as he dips down below his barricade to speak into his comms.  “Kieran, we have them distracted. How close are you?” Maverick said as he placed his hand on the side of his Operator helmet. “Coming up behind the bastards now.” Kieran’s voice came back loud and clear.  Clara looked up and peeked out from behind her barrier and saw Kieran sneaking up behind the brutes with a shotgun. Once close enough, he began opening fire, spraying red hot pellets into the backs of the vicious ape-like brutes. Many of the brutes begin turning around to deal with Kieran, and that’s when Clara stood up with her MA37 ICWS Assault Rifle and began to fire. With aid from Maverick, the three Spartans cut the squad of brutes down in a deadly crossfire. When the final Brute hit the ground, a small wave of relief washed over them. Their second of relief was squashed when the sound of a devilish war cry broke the silence. Clara and the few marines with her turn to see a Brute Chieftain stand to full height and beat his chest with his fists. Kieran, being the closest took aim. But as he did, the Chieftain pulled his gravity hammer off his back. “Kieran, fall back!” Shouted Maverick through his coms. “I got ‘em! Don’t worry!” Kieran yells before pulling the trigger. His shot lit up the Chieftain’s shields as the beast charges him. He was able to fire one more shot before his gun ran dry, not being given the chance to reload. With the Chieftain’s shield still intact, he slammed his hammer down in front of Kieran, the shockwave knocking him quite a distance away and onto his back. “You two, on me!” Clara shouts to the two marines with her as she gets up from her cover and runs to help out her fellow spartan. The two marines join her as they all open fire, causing the Chieftain to turn around. He snorts at their petty attempt and lifted his hammer.  Accepting their challenge, he charges towards them as well, lifting his hammer high. Clara and one of the Marines quickly combat roll out of the way. However, the second marine hesitates, and fumbles, just when the Chieftain brings his hammer down on top of him, killing him instantly. His shields light up from the side which then suddenly break. He turns to see the second marine fire her SMG at him. He growls and swings his hammer sideways, hitting the marine dead on, and launching her back and off the side of the skyscraper, as she then plummets towards the ground.  The Brute Chieftain cackles, enjoying the moment of his two kills. It was then he felt something very heavy jump on his back. Clara latched onto the Chieftain and put him in a chokehold. The Brute then began thrashing around like a bull trying to get Clara off. That was when the brute turned and was nailed in the gut by Maverick who shoulder-checked the brute hard. The Chieftain fell to his back, his full weight on top of Clara as she continued to choke him. “Shoot this heavy son of a bitch!” She yelled out as Maverick drew his sidearm. He aimed it directly at the brute’s face and fired.  The beast suddenly goes limp, and without the thrashing, Clara finally pushed the corpse off of her with a sigh. Maverick offered her his hand which she gladly took. As she finally stood up, Kieran began approaching them with a slight limp. Maverick looks at him and roughly pokes him in the chest. “Next time, listen to me if you don’t want the shit knocked out of you.” Maverick spoke sarcastically. “If I had reloaded after sneaking up on the others, I would have put him down before he even got to me.” Kieran countered as he stretched out one of his shoulders. “Where are the others, Mav?” Clara spoke as she looked to her commander. “Josiah, Angel, and Silas are making their way towards us on the other side of the city. We are to meet up with them three clicks southeast.” Maverick informed his fellow Spartans. “Let’s get moving then. You know the way, Mav.” Said Kieran as he placed his shotgun onto his back and replaced it with an MA37. The group of three made it down to ground level and ran across the war-torn streets to meet up with a rendezvous with the rest of Zeta team. However, when the trio met up with the others near a water fountain, only two were there. The first Spartan had yellow armor with teal accents, consisting of a GUNGNIR helmet and a Hard Point/Parafoil chest piece. The second Spartan was female with orchid and steel accents. Her armor consisted of a Recon helmet with a Tactical/Recon chest piece. “Angel, Silas, where the hell is Josiah?” Maverick pretty much demands. “We came across a group of marines and civilians hunkering down in an office building roughly three miles that way,” Angel responds while pointing down the main road. “What the hell is he doing over there?” The sound of agitation grew more distinct in Maverick’s voice. “They were pinned down, we stopped and helped them clear out the wave of Covies pressing in. When there was an opening, Josiah ordered us to continue with the meet-up while he stayed behind in case another wave showed up.” Silas explains as he sits down on the water fountain. Maverick then crosses his arms. “Asked us as soon as we met you, to head back and give him some backup in protecting the civies.” “He’s positioned at that office building way in the distance.” Angel points out the specific office building in the skyline. Maverick nods, acknowledging it before stating. “And why was I not informed of this? Why didn’t you request backup from inside the office building?” Maverick questions as he crosses his arms.  Silas responds by pointing backward with his thumb. “Covies got a jammer set up in the New Alexandria Library. It’s literally between us and Josiah’s position. We peeked in; quite a bit of brutes alongside a pair of hunters guarding it.” He speaks nonchalantly. “Don’t think it’s that big of a challenge for a small group of Spartans to handle, aye commander?” “No, don’t think it will be.” Maverick chuckles in response. “Alright, then that’s that. Let’s take out that jammer before making our way towards our lost brother-in-arms.” “I got your back, Mav.” Kieran joins in by patting Maverick on his shoulder. The group unsling their weapons and begins their trek toward the library. Seeing that their destination was only a mile away from their position, Angel suggested they commandeer a Covenant Shadow as they walked past one in the streets that seemed intact. Maverick agreed, and the rest of Zeta team hopped into the Shadow. Clara took the driver's seat while Kieran took the gunner's seat. The rest find a spot to sit and relax for a bit. They made it in no time, as the library was only one mile away, and disembarked their vehicle. As they approach, they notice the destroyed entrance to the library and stacked up. Maverick peaks in and surveys the inside.  The library was a disaster, with books and electronics scattered everywhere. In the middle, a large machine made of three large cylinders emitted a blue light. He saw two hunters standing next to it guarding it, with at least ten or twelve brutes as backup. He chuckled, liking their odds. “Alright, listen everyone. Me and Silas will start picking off the Brutes from a distance. Kieran, Clara, and Angel, you three take care of the hunters. Get in close and hit them from the back.” Maverick ordered. Kieran in response pulls his shotgun back out, preparing to charge back in. Maverick and Silas stand at each end of the entrance, both picking a single target. Maverick with his DMR and Silas with his Sniper. They both fire at the same time, killing two brutes simultaneously. That was when the other three Spartans rush in, charging directly at the hunters who quickly notice them. While Maverick and Silas keep the Brutes distracted, the hunters aim their fuel rod cannons at the other three. As they fire their beams of plasma, the three split. Clara slides down towards the first hunter who charges to swing its metal arm at her when she quickly rolls. Kieran easily got around the hunter who swung at Clara and shoved his shotgun into the mess of worms in the back. He fired three times, the pellets ripping apart the worms. The hunter fell down dead. The second hunter becomes enraged and turns to face both of them when Angel gets up behind it. The second hunter raises its cannon, ready to fire when Angel shoved a grenade into its back. She jumped out of the way as it exploded, blowing off all the metal plating in its back. The hunter roars out in agony as the combined fire of the three Spartans finally takes it down. “Dumb pile of worms,” Kieran remarked as he crushed one under his big boot. Finally, the last shot of Maverick’s DMR indicated the last brute was taken care of. As he and Silas walk in, they survey their carnage. “Outstanding Zeta, out-fucking-standing.” Maverick praised as he approached the communication jammer, holding a plasma grenade. With a quick toss, it sticks to the jammer.  Each spartan backs away as the grenade explodes, shredding the jammer into shrapnel. As soon as it was destroyed, Maverick placed his hand on the side of his helmet. “This is Spartan Commander Maverick, you read me, Josiah?” Maverick asks, hoping to hear more than just static. As the distortion cleared up, finally a voice comes through. “This is Spartan Josiah, about time Mav.” Came the cheerful voice of Zeta’s fellow spartan. “Good to hear from you, brother. Where is your position?” Maverick asked, relieved to finally hear Josiah was alive. “I’m still inside the office building. I’ve got about two to three dozen marines keeping me company. We could use a few more Spartans over here. We’ve got women and children hunkered down waiting for a proper escort.” Josiah replies. Maverick is about to respond when suddenly, the library begins to rumble and shake violently. Zeta squad stays on their feet but notices the rumbling. “Whoa! The hell was that?” Asked Clara as she looked around herself. “Felt like an earthquake.” Angel replies, which earns a scoff from Kieran. “On this side of the planet? Unlikely.” Kieran was sure of himself. “You guys felt that, right?” Came Josiah’s voice through the comms. “Copy, we did,” Maverick replied before looking to the rest of his team. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” “Mav!” Came the voice of Silas as he stood at the destroyed entrance of the library, looking outside and towards the sky. “…you gotta see this…” The rest of Zeta made it to Silas’s position and looked up; what they saw horrified them. In the sky were a few Covenant Corvettes exiting slipspace. They hovered around the city as they began opening fire, striking many different buildings across the city. The destruction they wrought sent shockwaves all across the city. Phantoms could be seen approaching the city as well, sending in their full power to overtake the city. “Back up!? The Covenant sent fucking back up!?” Shouted Clara as she hid behind one of the library’s walls to keep herself steady from the shockwaves. “City’s been under siege for four days now! They must have grown impatient!” Replied Kieran who knelt down on one knee. “Mav! Covenant at my position are falling back! What the hell is going on out there!?” Josiah radioed back, his voice full of urgency. “Covenant Corvettes have just entered the city’s airspace!” Maverick shouted into his comms. “What do you mean they’re falling back!?” “They are retreating! They could be possibly regrouping for a larger attack!” Josiah hypothesized as Maverick peeked back outside. Hovering almost directly above the office building where Josiah was stationed, he could see the massive craft powering up its plasma cannons again. Maverick feels his stomach clench as he puts two and two together. “Josiah, get the fuck out of there now!” Maverick yelled into his comms. “But sir, the civilians!” Josiah argued back. Maverick was about to respond when he literally watched the cannons fire. “Josiah! Get out now, that’s an order!!!” Maverick began to panic “Mav!? The fuck is… What’s that? Oh shit, Oh Shit OH SHIT!!! Everyone hit the dir—” Josiah’s comms are immediately cut when the plasma struck the building.  A loud thunderous boom was heard as the blue explosion rocked the building. It instantly began to crumble as it dispersed shockwaves of energy and dust in all directions. The energy dispersed was enough to knock a few of the Spartans off their feet. They duck back inside as the massive cloud of dust rushes past the library with winds as fast as hurricanes. Almost immediately, Maverick yelled into his comms. “Josiah! Are you there!? Are you alright?”  Maverick waited for a response, but all that was heard was static. He waited a few seconds that felt like hours as he waited for a response. “Josiah! Come in, brother! I need to know if you’re alright!?” He waited again, and by now, the others began to look towards Maverick, waiting to hear the voice of their teammate come through. The static from the radio, despite being quiet, was deafening as they all began fearing the worst. “Josiah, answer me, goddammit!” Maverick’s voice hitched in his throat as no response came. “Josiah! Josiah! Respond, that’s a fucking order!” “Mav!” Kieran was the first to speak up out of the others. Maverick turned to look at the white spartan who stood there looking at his commander. Kieran reached up and pulled off his EOD helmet, his face expression that of sadness. “…No one could have survived that…” Maverick grew silent, as did the rest of Zeta, as the reality of the situation began to set in. No one, not even a Spartan, could have survived a building being dropped on them. Cadence listened to Clara’s story, her jaw slightly gapped as she heard about how she lost someone very close to her. The Lieutenant-Commander was unable to look Cadence in the face, focusing on a single idle spot in the castle. “Even after waiting for hours, we still never heard back from him, despite all of us praying he somehow survived that building collapsing… but we knew better. Instead of hanging onto a false hope we still had a job to do. We didn’t have time to properly grieve.” Clara spoke in a soft voice, trying her best to keep her emotions in check. “…What happened next? Did you leave the city?” Cadence asked, wanting to know more. “We made our way through the ruined city, picking off stragglers and rescuing stray civilians still in the city before finding a position to exfil… We stayed a few more days when backup arrived, hunkering down inside one of the burning buildings…” New Alexandria, Reach, August 25, 2552, 2300 hours The once beautiful and prosperous city of New Alexandria now laid in permanent fire. The orange flames were the only thing illuminating the city as night falls. Only the occasional blue beam of a Covenant glass beam interrupted the orange and black hue of the city. With 90% of the city either in ruin or under Covenant control, the rest of Zeta team were sweeping through one last segment to look for civilians before evacuating Silas, the group Sniper, was the one taking point as he scanned their area, making sure it was safe. He signaled the rest with his hand to keep close as they hid amongst the shadows. They rounded a corner and quickly all dropped to a knee, forming a half circle around their commander. “Where to next, Mav?” Asked Kieran, gripping his shotgun tightly. “Covenant is all over the place. Not everyone has made it out yet. We are doing one final sweep of the grounds and then we are out of here.” Maverick ordered, his voice stoic. “We are leaving just like that?” Questioned Angel as she looked at her fellow Spartan. “This place is dead, Angel. Our business could be needed elsewhere—somewhere more important.” Maverick looks at her, his voice showing no sign of emotion. “Our business is to the civilians, Maverick. We can’t leave till we are sure they are rescued.” Angel begins to argue, and it appears that Maverick is not in the mood for it. “Can it now, Angel. This place is nothing but fire and hot metal. We can afford one last sweep and that’s final. We can’t afford to lose any more Spartans.” He sternly tells her as he stands up. “…And I’m not just referring to Josiah. You’ve all heard the reports; Spartans are dropping like flies here. We need to stay moving.” Angel was visibly upset as her shoulder slumped. The group stood and began one final patrol for the night. The group grew silent, not saying another word to each other as they walked down the quiet empty streets. They came across a small courtyard with two apartment buildings facing each other. Zeta squad round the corner of one of the buildings and began scanning the area for contacts.  At first, it seemed to be all clear, however, Maverick scanned toward the second apartment building. A faint purple glow was visible. He didn’t think twice as he knew exactly what it was. He reached out and grabbed the Spartan in front of him, which happened to be Clara, by one of her pauldrons and pulled her backwards. Not but a second later was the shot of a single Subanese crystal fired, hitting the wall of the apartment building, right where Clara’s head would have been. After the first shot rang out, then a volley of plasma fire began to fire at them from the adjacent apartment building. “Ambush! Get inside the building now!” Maverick shouted as he busted one of the windows and quickly jumped inside. The rest of Zeta followed suit, climbing inside the building as fast as they could. The team kept their heads low, only peaking out to take a few potshots. Maverick and Silas, despite being the ones with sharpshooter weapons, had a hard time picking off targets with all the plasma flying over their heads. Silas, aimed his sniper carefully, looking towards the Jackal sniper on the third floor of the apartment across from them. He steadied his breathing before putting her down for good. “Sniper down, but keep your heads low everyone. Don’t know how many jackal snipers they have targeting us.” Silas spoke to everyone through his comms so they could hear him over the gunfire. “Roger. Keep picking them off, brother.” Kieran replied back, racking his shotgun. “Hold on a second. You all hear that?” Came Angel's voice through the comms. “Hear what? I can’t hear shit over the gunfire.” Maverick answered back. He lowered his weapon and began to focus on all the noises around him, trying to pinpoint what exactly Angel was hearing. Through the explosions and plasma zipping past, a faint noise could be heard, it sounded like, crying. More specifically, a child crying. “Hold on, I think I do hear it.” “It’s a child. There is a child out there.” Angel’s voice became hardened. “I’m going out there.” “The hell you are! Silas hasn’t given the green light yet! Stay put till it’s safe enough to attempt a rescue.” Maverick ordered through his comms, but Angel wasn’t having any of it. “Negative, Mav. That kid could be killed before Silas is sure it’s safe. I cannot allow that kid to be killed.” Angel was adamant, she wasn’t going to just sit there and have another young innocent life to be taken by the Covenant. Angel could be seen standing up and diving outside from her cover. “Angel! God dammit, get back here! That’s an order!” Maverick shouted loudly into the coms, however, Angel did not respond. He peaks out and sees her darting from different abandoned vehicles in the street in an attempt to locate the child. “Fuck! Covering fire!” Hearing their commander’s orders, whether it was safe or not from potential snipers, the rest of Zeta squad peek out from their cover to send back a barrage of bullets at their attackers. Unable to confirm or not they were hitting the enemy due to the darkened view of midnight. Angel, however, did not care if she was in danger, she could hear the cries of the child getting louder and louder as she cautiously made her way through the street. She hunkered down near a destroyed civilian vehicle, her hands gripping her SMG tightly. She determined the direction of the crying and could see a small overturned newspaper kiosk from her position. It was on the side of the street where the Covenant hid, but she had to risk it. She lets out a long breath before counting to three and then darting out of cover. She ran as fast as she could, plasma, needles, and bullets flying past her as she ran in between the two sides of gunfire. In her peripherals, Angel could see a plasma grenade being thrown at her, to which she combat rolled to avoid it. The grenade landed, just barely missing her. She got back to her feet and quickly ran out of the blast radius. She made it to the kiosk, baseball-sliding down into one knee as she then began to lift up the metal frame. “Mav! Zealot near Angel!” Silas yelled through the coms. Maverick focused his rifle toward Angel’s position and could see a massive elite sneaking up on her. He goes to pull the trigger… nothing. His eyes widened upon realizing he was out of ammo, looking down at the ammo counter to see the number zero. “Angel! Get down!” Maverick yelled in vain through the comms.  Angel, not paying attention, lifted up the Kiosk to see if there was a child hidden underneath. She looked… and saw nothing. Her heart then skipped a beat upon hearing the sound of an energy blade igniting behind her. It was a trap. She had no time to react when the blade was quickly thrusted into her back.  Her scream echoed between the two buildings as she was lifted into the air by the blade, the two ends sticking right out of her chest. She then felt the Elite grab her by the back of the neck, and pull her off his blade. He threw her down to the pavement below. She landed on her stomach before feeling the elite’s boot kick her onto her back. She looked up and saw a hulking Elite in golden armor. His helmet being rather large indicating he was no ordinary Zealot. He was about to thrust the blade into her again when she watched a dark mass shoulder-slammed him from the side.  Angel looked over and saw that Maverick had pushed the Elite away from her. She had a hard time focusing on him when she felt a pair of hands reach under her, grabbing both of her upper arms. She looked again to see Clara, pulling her away from the Kiosk. “I got you, sister. Stay strong.” Clara’s voice spoke softly as she began to pull Angel back towards their side of the street.  Maverick eventually gets to his feet, and so does the Elite. Maverick pulls out his knife as the Elite points his energy sword at him. “Today, I kill two demons.” The Elite growled. “What was it you humans say? Two birds with one stone?” Maverick remains unphased, only lowering down into a fighting stance. The Zealot was the one who took the first move, stepping forward and swinging his sword downward. Maverick easily sidesteps and tries for a quick stab. The Elite blocks with his free hand and goes in for his own stab that just barely misses Maverick’s abdomen. With how close the Elite is now, Maverick delivers a hard uppercut to the Elite’s head, his punch only staggering him for a moment. Angel is pulled back inside the apartment where both Clara and Kieran kneel down next to her. Clara takes off Angel’s helmet for her, then uses it for her to rest her head. A thin line of blood leaks from her mouth as she looks up at her fellow Spartans, her family. She felt Clara grasping her hand, but she could feel her own hand getting numb. “We got you, Angel. You’re going to be okay.” Clara spoke as calmly as she could, trying to reassure Angel, and mostly herself, that she was fine. But Clara could feel Angel’s grip weakening as they held hands. Clara looked down at their hands gripping each other before looking back to Angel, looking at her face. She could see tears forming in Angel’s blue eyes. She blinked, causing them to run down the sides of her head. “…I’m… sorry…” Was all Angel had the strength to say, her voice raspy and hoarse. Clara feels her stomach clench as her own tears form from behind her helmet. “Angel, You’re going to be fine. Don’t… please don’t…” Clara croaks out before feeling a hand being put on her shoulder. She looks to the side to see Kieran had placed his hand there. He looks at her, signifying there was nothing they could do. Clara looks back down at her injured teammate, knowing the only thing they could do, is just be there for her. Another fast and violent swing from the Elite nearly slices Maverick as he is quick on his feet. He tries to stab the Elite again, but the Elite uses his sword to cut the knife, rendering it useless. Maverick looks down at his destroyed knife before looking back up at the elite. He was unable to avoid a massive kick from the alien that was dead center on his chest. It knocks him back quite a distance as he lands on his back. He sits up and gets a quick glance of where he is, the elite had knocked him on the side of the street where the Covenant was taking cover from. Seeing how he was now on the enemy’s side of the street he had to think fast. He sees a grunt hiding behind concrete debris, and then looking over, he sees the Elite slowly approaching him, taking his time to savor his kill. He had an idea. He stays on his back as the elite seems to stalk his prey. The Elite gets right over the top of him, and pulls back his sword, moments before plunging it into Maverick’s chest. He thrusts and Maverick rolls to the side, the sword stabbing into the asphalt, the elite is momentarily shocked as he regains his focus, only to be met with the Spartan’s foot to the face that knocks him back a bit. Maverick rolls to the side where the grunt was, the alien looking at him and squealing in fear. Maverick draws his side arm and sends a hot bullet into his head. The grunt falls over lifeless, allowing Maverick to pick up its plasma pistol. He aims it at the Elite and begins charging his shot. On the other side of the street, Silas watches the fight through the scope of his sniper. He notices how badly disadvantaged Maverick is and knows he needs help. He aims his sniper and decides to give Maverick an edge in the fight. He fires his sniper which connects to the Elite, the bullet only doing enough damage to destroy the Elite’s shields. The Elite stumbles from the impact, and Maverick, caught off guard by the help from Silas, lets go of the trigger. A charged-up shot from the plasma pistol strikes the elite on the side of his face. Instantly the elite covered his face with his hand and yelled out a mighty howl of pain. He falls to the ground, and onto his back, his pained scream catching the attention of his fellow Covenant, who now begin to open fire at Maverick to save their zealot.  Outnumbered, Maverick darts over to the other side of the street where the rest of Zeta hid, weaving back and forth to try and be a harder target to hit, he eventually dove through one of the windows of the apartment. He stays down low under the window as the shots hit the side of the building. However, eventually, the shots begin to subside, till the Covenant ceases fire all together. He peeks out and can no longer see any Covenant returning fire. “Cowards! They’re retreating!” Maverick stands up and discards the pistol he picked up and takes his DMR he left behind to challenge the elite. “Prepare to move Zeta, we can’t allow that Zealot to escape. We need to put him down…” Maverick’s voice slowly trails off when he notices the rest of his teammates were not listening to him, all three kneeling down around their companion. Maverick steps forward and looks down, seeing the still, motionless features of Angel’s face, whose eyes were open, but unable to see. By now, Cadence has tears in her eyes as she listens to Clara, staying beside her teammate as she passes. Clara herself has yet to shed a tear, forcing herself not to show weakness. She looks to Cadence as she continues her story. “By then, Maverick decided we all had had enough, and called for an evac using a flare. We brought Angel’s body with us as we left the city. We only had a few days to rest before we were given one final order, one to retreat. A full retreat from the whole planet was ordered. We were to head off the planet with a majority of the survivors when we received orders to meet up with a convoy that would take us to one of two sister ships. One being the Pillar of Autumn. The second being…”  “The Ad Meliora…” Cadence finished for Clara, understanding where this story was going. Clara nods her head in response. “Apparently, a priority-one package was being taken to the Autumn, while the Ad Meliora would be it’s protector, help fight off any Covenant that would follow it. That WAS the plan at least. However, attacks from the Covenant quickly changed things…” 15 miles from Asźod shipyard, Reach, August 30, 2552, 1100 hours A small convoy consisting of a few dozen warthogs and pelicans drove through the rough terrain outside of Asźod. They only had a few hours to make it to their destination before the scheduled launch. Clara was driving a transport hog with Maverick in the passenger seat, with Kieran and Silas sitting in the back. Clara looks to her Commander before speaking. “Which ship are we heading to again, Commander?” She asked in a loud voice to be heard over the warthog’s engine. “We are to embark on the Ad Meliora; the protector ship. Our job is to make sure the Pillar of Autumn leaves safely and with an escort. I don’t know fully what is so important on that ship, but we are going to be its mother hen.” Maverick responds loud enough that everyone can hear him. “So, if the Covenant follows it, our job is to fade the heat.” Asked Kieran. “Correct. The package cannot fall into Covenant hands and it’s too important to have it self-destruct. So the double layer of protection is necessary.” Maverick responded. The convoy was heading directly for an opening in rocky mountainous terrain. Maverick sits back as they begin their passage through it. “On the other side of this mountain, we should be able to see both ships docked.” Maverick relaxes as the rest of the ride should be easy. As they approach the other side, however, it would be anything more than relaxing. As they exit, their stomachs clench upon seeing the two ships docked with a large Covenant Assault cruiser hovering in the sky. Multiple phantoms in the sky heading right for the convoy. “Fuck! Alright Zeta, Scratch that. We may be fighting our way to the ship!” Maverick pulls back the slider of his DMR to chamber a round. A volley of plasma fire comes from the phantoms as they fire at the convoy, The armed vehicles steadily return fire to try and keep themselves alive. Clara swerves from side to side as she avoids the large plasma mortars firing from the phantoms. Though try as she might, the warthog in front of her is struck and instantly explodes into a giant fireball. There was no room for maneuver, as she slammed into the destroyed frame of the warthog in front of her. The warthog flips and Zeta team spills out of the vehicle, rolling in the dirt. They groggily get to their hands and knees when one of the phantoms stalls and releases its passengers through its grav lift. A squad of grunts, jackals and a few elites. However, as Maverick stands, he sees one elite exit the grav lift. His golden armor—it looked familiar. As the Zealot turns its angry glare at the spartan Commander, it reveals a massive burn on the side of his face, it’s eye clearly damaged as well. Maverick feels his blood boil as he recognizes the Elite as the same one who killed Angel. “Open fire!” Maverick ordered as he began to fire at the elite. The Covenant return fire, causing the Spartans to hide behind their flipped Warthog. While Kieran and Clara peek out to return fire, Maverick speaks into his comms. “This is Spartan Commander A-776! I need a pickup from any available falcons or pelicans still in the sky!” He radioed, to which he got a quick response. “Roger that, Commander! This is ODST Master Sergeant Eric Torne of Whiskey-7! Me and my squad are in a pelican two klicks from your location heading towards the Asźod Shipyard. We can give you a lift, just give us five minutes!” Came the voice of a soldier with a Southern accent. “Hear you loud and clear, sergeant. Prepare for a hot landing!”  Maverick removes his hand from his helmet to peek back out and open fire again. From his position, he sees the Elite Zealot pull a large weapon off his back and aim it at the overturned warthog. Maverick recognizes it and his gut clenches. “Fuel rod cannon! Move, Zeta!” He orders as he dove away from the warthog. The rest of the squad does the same just before the elite fires and hits the warthog. It explodes, sending debris in all directions.  Silas felt the brunt end of the explosion, being knocked the furthest away. His ears ring and his vision blurs as he struggles to get to his feet. He is soon lit up with a barrage of plasma fire.  He picks up his sniper and returns fire, but his shields break and he catches the full brunt of the plasma. It strikes his armor and begins to burn through, he takes a few steps back as he is hit multiple times, before collapsing onto his back. “Silas!” Came Maverick’s voice as he along with Kieran and Clara opened fire once again. They sprint towards their fallen brother as they return fire. Maverick quickly kneels in front of Silas to protect him from any more returning plasma shots. They could smell the plasma burning through Silas’s armor and into his flesh. “Just hold out a few more minutes, Zeta! A pelican’s coming!” Maverick shouted over the gunfire. “They won’t be able to land unless we deal with all the hostiles!” Kieran responded, yelling just as loud. “Fuck! I’m out of ammo!” Clara begins to panic as she tosses her now useless rifle to the side. Silas is heard removing his helmet, as he painfully sits up into a sitting position, grunting from the pain. “When the pelican gets here… you three go. I’ll give you covering fire.” Silas speaks between his pained groans. “You are bat shit insane if you think we are leaving you here!” Kieran growled to his injured brother. “You have to… My shields are fried… They can’t recharge. I won’t make it two steps without getting shot again.” Silas argued. “Then we’ll carry you!” Clara responded. “And get yourselves killed? I won’t have it.” Silas coughed as he slammed a new mag into his sniper. “As long as you three make it safely, I won’t have any regrets.” “We can’t leave you, brother! I refuse to let another Spartan die!” Maverick turned and glared at Silas. In turn, Silas smiled, and began to chuckle despite the situation. “Don’t you remember, Mav? We Spartans don’t die… We’re just MIA.” Silas jokes, his smile being reflected in Maverick’s visor as the three grow quiet. It was then the pelican flew overhead, it stalled in the air before gently landing at the safest spot which was 50 yards from their position. “Now go, Mav… I’ve made my peace.” Maverick continues to look down at his fellow spartan, his armor severely damaged and blood beginning to ooze from his burns. He feels his throat tighten as he makes the most difficult decision of his life. “Zeta! Move, on the double!” Maverick orders as he, Clara, and Kieran stand and sprint towards the Pelican. The hatch opens and a few ODSTs step out to provide covering fire. Silas aims his Sniper from the ground at one of the elites and fires; head shot. He fires again, another headshot. The Covenant squad hunkers down under any cover they could find as they were caught in a crossfire. The Zealot pops his head out and sees the Spartans make it aboard the ship. He growls before aiming his fuel rod cannon at the pelican. “All aboard! Adam, get us out of here!” The ODST sergeant yells.  The pelican kicks off the ground and begins its ascent upwards. The Zealot fires the cannon, it’s shot just barely missing one of the turbine engines. He snarls in anger, his chance to bring them down now missed as the pelican flies up into the air. Maverick stands at the opened hatch as he watches the same Zealot ignite his energy sword and approach Silas who stays on the ground. His heart shatters as he watches the Elite stab his injured brother. “…Fucking monster…” Kieran’s voice was shaken as he, along with Clara, watched him kill their fellow teammate. “If it takes a hundred years from now… I will make sure I put that Zealot down for good.” Maverick hardens his voice as the Pelican hatch finally begins to close. Clara does not add any more to her story. She just stares down at the floor, allowing her tears to flow down her cheeks as she sniffs.  Noticing the Spartan-III’s sadness, and feeling saddened by her story, Cadence moves closer and places a comforting hoof on her shoulder. Noticing her mother’s actions, Flurry Heart trots up to Clara and places her forelegs around the human’s leg, giving a few quiet babbles. While Baby Flurry did not hear and understand most of the story, she could sense something was upsetting the armored human and wanted to comfort her too. “…Clara…I’m so sorry.” Cadence’s voice trembles as Clara wraps up her story. “…it’s okay, your majesty… Your empathy means more than you understand.” Clara smiles at her despite her own tears now running down her face. She looks down at Flurry Heart and adds, “You too, little one.” Flurry Heart smiles at Clara, who turns back to Cadence. “Me, Mav, and Kieran have all been through a lot. But… We three are still alive, and we won’t stop fighting.”  They both look down the hole in the throne room again, as their emotions are still at an all-time high.  “How did you three finally make it off the planet?” Cadence asks, though she already has an idea of how they escaped. “The Covenant was closing in tighter by the minute. Out of fear of being overrun, The Ad Meliora launched first, hoping to meet up with the Pillar of Autumn in orbit. However, the priority one package was held up, and took longer to reach the Autumn than expected. The Ad Meliora was left alone with Covenant ships surrounding it, so our captain had no choice but to leave and abandon the planet. As it was to follow the Autumn, we had no destination to flee to… so we made a random jump. That’s how we ended up on your world.”  Clara looks back at the pink Alicorn who was looking back at her. Cadence gives a quick nod to Clara’s story. “I appreciate you opening up to me, Clara. That had to have been hard for you to talk about.” Cadence speaks softly as she looks at the Spartan. Clara surprisingly continues to smile despite her tears. “To be honest, I feel… more relaxed,” Clara admits. “I guess I just needed someone to talk to about my family.” Reaching into one of her armor’s storage compartments, Clara pulls out a holo-still and turns it on. The image being displayed features Clara, Maverick, Josiah, Silas, Kieran, and Angel posing for the photo. It was taken prior to their augmentations, so they had no armor or helmets covering their faces. Angel and Clara were on the left side of the group, their arms wrapped around one another, and smiling. Kieran was sitting down on the far left, smiling as he faced the image. Maverick and Josiah were standing in the center, and Silas was kneeling in between them. She gives the photo a smile, though her wounded heart missed her fellow teammates who had fallen in battle. Khota watches as his forces push past the barrier in greater numbers. The line of UNSC and Equis’s forces finally hit their breaking point and fell back towards the Crystal City. The massive elite smirking, chuckling to himself as he fantasizes about his upcoming victory. To his right, his second-in-command, N’Thoka approaches. “We have broken through the heathen’s defenses. They are in full retreat to their city.” N’Thoka informed his shipmaster. “Good.” Khota turned to look at N’Thoka with his good eye. “Chase them and kill any soldier you come across. As for the Civilians, leave them for Sombra.”  The Zealot nods before backing away to inform the invading armies of their newest set of commands. Khota crossed his arms and began chuckling again. “Tis a glorious day, I get to find out what’s in that Forerunner chamber, and I take control of another city on this planet. Two birds…with one stone.” Khota continues to smirk.