The True Story

by Visharo

First published

I confidently pronounce that truthfully, I lie

This story is completely fictional. A journey that absolutely holds no truth. There are those who would proclaim such a ludicrous expedition, truthful. Them, I shall not name. However, these tall tales bring in readers from afar, and with me being unable to travel, I shall make my own voyage.

I write of matters which I neither saw nor suffered, nor heard from reports from ponies I made up...let no pone therefore in any case believe these words.


This story is heavily based on The True Story by Lucian of Samosata

Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins

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I watched from afar, just another passenger on this great trip. Not many were sure, especially me, why this journey was being conducted, but nopony complained. My tail swished behind me as I gazed at the leaders of our trip. Five ponies, all friends, despite their differences.

Sunny Starscout, the navigator with a cheerful attitude. Hitch Trailblazor, the ship's bosun with a kind heart. Izzy Moonbow, the chef with an optimistic smile. Zipp Storm, the scientist with a passion. Pipp Petals, the entertainer with an inspiring voice.

Our crew, the ponies that I would travel with, totaled up to around 50. Our hearts and will belong to the never-ending expanse of everything. I signed on with high expectations and the knowhow to operate a floating ship. The moment our pens touched the paper, our souls were tied. Forever bound till release. Not that it mattered, each pony agreed to the terms and accepted the dangers; after all, when's the next time an odyssey like this will occur.


We set sail. The wind blew our fur, big grins on our faces, and our spirits high. Nothing could bring us down. On our first day, we were doing the work that was needed to be done. Those who didn't work, would get a stern talking to by our bosun. Then our night, peaceful and tranquil, was only broken by the cheers of the ponies who wanted to hear the next song.

Our luck wouldn't last, as within moments on the second day, storms buffeted our hardy ship. 79 days of being tossed and turned, seawater spraying everypony, leaving us miserable and sodden. The clouds, however, dispersed in the light of the 80th day. The sudden brightness allowed us to see an island in the near distance. With relieved sighs, we made forwards.

I was scrubbing the deck when I heard it, the sound of our heel crushing sand. With cheers, we leapt over. Our navigator left a fourth of the crew to guard the ship. I was to follow her with the rest. Only a two minute canter away, there lay a stream of sorts. One brave stallion took a sip, then a huge gulp, then nearly drowned himself drinking more. The water was not water, but hard apple cider. Cider of the zap apple kind.

The curious inventor decided she wanted to know why cider was flowing out. The ones who weren't drunk or passed out went with her, me included. My share of the cider was kept in several canteens stuffed in my saddlebag. The leaders of our merry band did not leave a guard of sorts to watch over the left-behind ponies. I did not voice out this observation.

The following of the cider stream led us to a clearing of trees. Not just any trees. Wooden mares. Mare growing out of the ground, complete with roots and leaves. These were no ordinary mare trees either; they could talk, bat their eyelashes, and leer with sultry eyes. Their entrancement took only two stallions.

We, the leftovers of the multitudes of splits, could only watch as the stallions, filled with desire, caressed their chosen tree. It wasn't long before sensual kissing occurred, and nopony stopped them. As we watched, our confused curiosity turned to horror. Saplings, then bush, to tree. The two who were once our party, were no more. Flesh and blood, now only wood and sap.

Our haste could not have been faster. The cackles of the tree mares floated downwards, waking those on the riverbank, out of their drunken stupor. The trotting of hooves became more erratic as the laughing continued, our party increasing as we passed the ponies that had split off earlier. Some, either brave or foolish, stayed behind a bit longer to collect as much cider as they could.

We casted off as soon as we could. I barely casted a glance back as our wooden ship made out of the bay.


The days after that were calm and collected, if one could say that. Many were in shock from the events on the island. Nopony has ever dealt with death of that caliber before. A quick, but not quick enough, death. Alive and watching, your colorful pelt turns into a hard brown of wood.

The five that started this whole thing were in deep contemplation. From the bow, working on ropes, I could see and sense the cracks taking shape. Cracks only horror could produce. I will not lie; a crack of similar nature lies within me as well. I turned my gaze away, respectful as well as bored.

Warnings usually come too slow, and this was no exception. Winds buffeted the sails, the ocean heaving upwards, and the clouds above darkened. The deck pitched, sending many to the side railing. The rain poured heavily on heads and tops. The wood creaking from excess pressure. All this from below decks where everypony lay.

Huddled like the herd animals we once were, we comforted each other. Windspeeds of unknown velocity screamed outside; items that were not fastened, whistled away, to be never seen again. Then, just as suddenly, the ship lifted. Groans and yells occupied the ears of the passengers below the decks; then even those were incomprehensible as the winds drowned everything else.

My frightful eyes peeking outside would tell me that we were no longer touching the water. Rain making every surface a health hazard and gales forcing us up and up. Our tough ship of wood, held together by the beam.

Before long and way after short, the winds silenced. Whimpers and scuffles were to be heard once again. One brave mare of unknown origin took a single step to the door. The hooffall, just as fast as honey dripping. Then another and another till the mare touched the door that protected us from the worst of everything.

With bated breath, we watched as the door was slowly opened, revealing not the sunlight we all expected, but instead the blackness of night and the stars of our ancestors. One by one, we all filtered out, our confusion turning into gasps.

Our mighty ship of ponies was above cloud level, high up above the air that we all hold precious. Except, there was preciousness here as well. Above the atmosphere, the air was not thin as one would believe it to be. After much debate, our journey is not to be stopped.

Raising the sails and cleaning the deck, our travels had only just begun.

Chapter 2 - To The Moon

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In the far distance, the moon seemed like the best place to go. A round rock rotating around Equus, dotted with craters varying in sizes. When this decision was made, I made no move against it. I was here for an adventure, was I not? What's more adventurous than the moon itself.

Seven days and seven nights, we sailed across the endless expanse. The beauty of such a void beheld many in wonder, myself included. Our navigator, with the talent of navigating, could not make tails or heads with the starry sea. The crew didn't mind. Our sails were pointing towards the rocky satellite, and nopony had any other ideas.

Making dock was not a hard of a task. Once our ship had been safely stowed away, we made way toward a large hill. Height is one's friend if the profession is exploration. An easy amount of curious equines made their way to the top, myself in tow. Grins were given everywhere, ponies upon a celestial body; there were no words. The summit beheld more riches for the eyes to seize.

Below the mighty outcrop lay a city like no other. Towers and a castle that rose above the horizon, mysterious creatures roaming the streets, and the overall beauty of the entire scene. The sight bringing serenity into many a pony, relaxing sighs were heard by all. Some even chose to sit on the dusty ground. I could not care less, for my eyes were peeled on the metropolis that blessed this land.

However, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The soundless air was filled with the beating of leathery wings. My lazy gaze casted upwards just in time to see a mare of strange proportions, then before I knew it, I was up in the air. My brain tried to fire commands, but my body was unresponsive. I just had enough will to view everything.

The wind blew upon my mane and ears, forcing me to fold them. Once that was taken care of, I spotted my many compadres getting snatched by the equally many beastly mares. Twisting ever so slightly, I had the chance to look upon my foalnapper without obstruction. The initial reaction was correct; this equine is indeed a mare, however, had the tufts of a bat, the fangs of a bat, the wings of a bat, and not to mention the glowing eyes of a bat. I wasn't the only one blessed with such a mare, for it seems the entire foalnapping squadron were bat mares.

The sense of calmness wore off then and there, leaving me in a speechless terror. That small part of my brain asking viable questions similar to how and why these mares weren't killing our motley crew. Such thoughts bore no fruit, and as I peered around, no fruit was commonplace.

The destination? None other than the enormous castle that earlier graced our eyes. Given their dreadful hospitality, they dropped us upon the ground rather nicely. The crew stood up, many stumbling about, tripping upon their four hooves. I regained my stability through logical means. I waited patiently or impatiently as the other got ready, the head five the most important of us.

Upon the throne we were greeted by a pony like no other. Black as the darkest shadows, mane as beautiful as the night sky, and a frightening scowl that could make a marshmallow scream for death. The Queen, as presented, told us that we were hostages, and now her property. The folktale of the mare in the moon is no tale at all, mere a passive retelling.

Queen Nightmare Moon, the sovereign ruler of the Moon, is locked in an eternal struggle with the tyrant of the sun, Queen Daybreaker. Such a war was sparked of warring ideas, emotional spats, and the take-over of Mars, the planet of ultimate wealth.

Our crew was forced into submission, otherwise we'd get stoned. The Queen said the word with such villainy passion that nopony dared to make a move against the monarch. We were sent to the weapon gallery where we were to be outfitted. Many a bat mare helped us with our gear, lest accidents were to occur. My particular gear was beholden to a great warrior of old, armor made of metal and sword sharpened to kill.


On the day after, we were to march upon the final battle of the Queens. Our little troop, within the huge militia of the moon. Bat mares took aerial and Ghostie Trees took ground. Many other creatures from other spatial beings, ranging from the meteorite that passed mere hours ago to the solar system that was located mere millennia away.

With a thundering cry of pure hatred, the Queen of untold fury, and the never-ending night charged upon the battlefield made with the slime of the Smooze. The slime spanned the great empires, one end connecting with the frosty moon, whilst the other connected with the fiery sun. Such disgustingness held no appeal towards the ponies, but rest was not allowed. Ghostie Trees, terrifying behemoths wrapped in the twisted woods the moon can only produce, stomped their way through the front lines.

A war screech answered the Queen's cry, this one just as terrifying as the last. An alicorn, wreathed in eternal fires of damnation, led the procession behind her forwards. Other beasts stormed the slime crest, terrified, awe bathing our faces as we watched the battle increase tenfold. The Queen no longer focused upon the troops of her command; nay, the gaze rested solely on the great Monarch of the Flames.

With a shriek so deafening, Nightmare Moon launched herself at the other Queen. My fight with a pony, with the strangest set of limbs, stopped. Slowly, those who were fighting, forgot their focus, and gazed upon the Goddesses who fought with the passion of absolute fury.

The initial awe and reverence faded, leaving the army of two, back to the fight, upon the slime of the Smooze. Weapons clashed, hooves bucked, and cries echoed, all fading away in the immensity of lonely space. I had found myself alongside many friends as we turned the tide on the foes. A singular hour had passed, and the aftermath was shown; the pristine vacuum was no longer untouched, tears and ripples shown through the ravages of war.

The cry of victory was as sweet as a sour candy; for it came forth from a mouth so vile. Queen Nightmare Moon stood upon the back of the lesser Queen Daybreaker; the flames that writhed, writhe no more.

Much groveling was to be done by the Sun Incarnate, before her and her troops were given the chance to leave. We, the crew of the ship that hails from Equus, were given the menial task of cleaning the oozing battlefield in order to gain favor from the Moon Incarnate.


Hours breezed by, bones straying from their proper places, and groans of those in aches. Exhaustion taking its toll, keeping our attention to the littered ooze of the Smooze. Before we could take our leave, a foalnapping took place. An army arrived in a golden flash that blinded all, led by a creature so hideously beautiful, the stars wilted. No sound was heard besides the cackle of a madmare; then blackness that no eyes could see through covered all eyes.

Our sight returned only moments later, but nopony wanted to see. Hooves and wings tied and horns restricted, we were bore down by none other than Queen Daybreaker. Her bright majesty was grinning widely and had such a gleeful look, genuine fear may have racked my body in some shape or form.

However, despite such knee-quacking fear, Daybreaker had nothing in store for the crew of Equus, merely shoving us into cells. The hours spent were not well spent ones, for they were filled with weeping, wails, and tortured silence. The five that led this expedition in the first place could only help wherever they could. Through this havoc, I counted the marks that define everything and nothing, and found that we had lost another five members.

Not long after most of the crew wrapped themselves up in their solitude, an interview was permitted. Only leaders were allowed to the meeting; only those who were worthy enough. With apologetic looks or terrified ones, depending on the pony, the five that brought the adventure were taken. We could only wait in silence, so deafening, one could hear a crumb. Minutes beyond the hour mark had ticked by when a sudden light engulfed the entire castle, causing distressed cries from friend and foe alike.

Many stressful moments followed the initial blinding, when finally, a pony came trotting in. An understatement could be said about jaws hitting the floor, but the creature that stood before us was the Sun Incarnate. Not to be confused with Daybreaker, whom the incarnation tended to be emotional and raging hot, the worst qualities of being the sun. This pony, nay, this Goddess was Celestia; the kindness and warmth that a sunny day brings to many.

Apologies and groveling were done by both sides of the bars, until we were released. Not much was explained as to what happened earlier; the best I could come up with was that our leaders released some magical force that brought or released Celestia. We were treated to a banquet large to satiate a dragon of massive proportions.

It was at this dining table that a messenger fell from the sky. The paper, made out of the dust particles that float around the moon, demanded that the Sun Queen should return the Equus ponies else icy wrath shall follow. The leader of our merry broken band said that we shall go to the tyrant of the moon, saying that everything will be alright. I might have been impressed if I wasn't so focused on a particular Solar Berry that made my taste buds explode in pleasure.


Our journey across the expanse was a quiet one. The distance between the sun and the moon was not as long as one suspects. Following this trend as well, the sun is not hot at all, merely giving a warmth similar to being under a blanket. Before we left, the monarch of the solar kingdom gave us each an option on whether or not we would want to stay there. Despite it being a decent place to reside, nopony relished the idea of being on the sun for the remainder of their life.

Our solar entourage was quickly changed to the lunar one once we crossed the border. The barge we were being carried upon was set atop a landing pad and was greeted by the nightmare that ruled this domain. Before any greeting could be given, the bright lights acted up again.

Holding a hoof high, blocking some of the light; I could barely make out the source of this light show. Our five leaders were huddled around three crystals of various shapes, and just as quickly, the light turned off. I blinked away the spots, trying to regain some composure, then looked at where Nightmare Moon was. Standing in her stead was a smaller mare, but still considerably larger than us regular folk.

It took many hours for the very confused mare to get her bearings, but once that was done, we were invited to a banquet that rivaled Celestia's. Moon-grown food was just as interesting and delicious as Sun-grown food. Questions and answers were given and asked from both our leader and Luna, the mare once known as Nightmare Moon.

After things were brought up to speed for both of our parties, Luna started to take notice the fact that we, ponies, were upon the moon. Confusion reigned our faces till she explained that herself and her sister were the only ones who were Equus ponies up in space. After this revelation, an offer was given to us, the exact same the sun Princess gave us, and just as the other one, no one found it fanciful to live on a celestial body, besides Equus.

The only difference was that Luna was determined and was willing to give up her secrets to keep us here. One of such secrets was a well on the dark side of the moon. This particular water holder was special in the right, that with the right words, one could spy on anything and anybody. Some of the crew tried it out and were delighted to find that it worked just as the moon Princess said. However, this was not enough for other ponies to stay, myself included.

To our absolute delight, Luna took it with good grace and accepted our decision. She brought us to our ship, one we hadn't seen in quite a while, and gave us her blessing. Our leaders took it with great respect, much to some confusion with the crew.

The moon monarch went even as far as giving us armor and weapons for our return trip. Atop of that gift, we were given an entourage just to make sure we made it past her borders alive. Our humble thanks were increased tenfold after those.

Raising the sails, catching a particular gusty spacial breeze, and casted off. Homeward bound, says I.

Chapter 3 - Back to Equus

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For many hours sailed we, guided by our navigator, the Scout amongst the Stars. The bountiful expanse of the spatial plains lay before us, given the crew many the sights to gaze upon. Creatures of peculiarity flew alongside us, leathery wings gliding on space eddies, fangs glinting in the light of the stars, and slitted eyes ever watching. Their presence caused many a disturbance amongst the crew of this vessel. However many concerns, none were acted upon per the kindly bosun's request.

The journey back was halted, if only momentary, when we stumbled upon an island of candles. Floating in the vastness of nothingness, we docked beside an outward dock. A troop of small proportions were chosen to embark upon the island, that included the ever passive me.

The courtyard, floored with cobblestone, was immense. Candles of various sizes floated everywhere, most hanging low while some preferred the upper heights. A sense of wonder filled the intrepid explorers, gazes flitting from candle to candle. My thoughts were of belonging, a particular pull from off leftwards.

Need is not present, but want persists. Want found myself in front of a candle of unique scale. Burning brighter then those around as well as hovering with a strength a few posses. Moments pass with myself confused before the dawning of realization set into my consciousness. This particular candle, with it's intricacies and personality, was of my life. The span of my life was indicated by this curious candle. Any lesser mind would be broken by the possibilities of such a place.

A call, from way back, echoed amongst the stony-not-stone walls, reaching my ears. A cry of retreat by a mare of panic, a pony who knew of this place's purpose. Happiness flickered with myself as I followed instructions and found myself on the ship of the many.

Questions were asked, few were answered as we casted off, the hope of never seeing that particular isle was immense.


The cloud layer of Equus was spotted on the 4th day of spatial travel. This is where our lunar escort bid their 'fare thee wells' and disappeared. Despite looks and thoughts, the density of such a cloud layer prevented out passage through. Thus we had to sail atop our rightful place.

Places seen as we sailed by. The famous town of clouds and clocks. The isle of avian creatures, led by a king so noble, none could oppose. The sun even sailed overhead, greetings were called out by both the residents of the surface and those of the crew. An interesting colony of which held many a water that received much gratitude.

Many a day later before we spotted our salvation, an opening between the clouds. Our descent was that of a quick one, relief evident in all faces. Yells of relief and pride rang out as the heel of our ship collided with the water below. A spatial journey is a treat in itself and yet, nothing beats the filled vastness of the empty sea.

Catching the winds of our fair planet, we set sail towards the rising sun. Morale was high and shanties of all sorts were played amongst the crew. Our attention on pleasure and not of the immediate sea betrayed us. One moment, peace a shipful of crew like ours could have, then the next, where a giant maw of outright terror grew out of the salty waves.

A whale, no bigger then a continent, rose up. Waves of immense size splashed about in the never ending ocean, sending our vessel on a trip of many bounces. This surely was the end of our merry band, and we said our goodbyes. Hugs and salutes were shared around, tears and sorrowful smiles portrayed on the canvases that were our faces.

The monstrosity of a mouth bore on us and the whale swallowed us whole. Shock was an understatement as we traveled through the innards of the beast. Liquids of unknown quantity sloshed past our barge of wood. Fear had us scrambling for cover and places to hold our bodies. Those with lesser quickness faced oblivion, their faces filled with fear as they whipped off board. Terror had consumed our souls, my hooves barely gripping the crate that held me so.

The winds of speed died down, the screeching stopped, and the creaks went without loudness. Moments were needed for our wits to gather and force us upwards to the light that beheld our ship. The belly of the beast was no mere organ, neigh, it held a wilds like no other.

Jagged peaks of mountain ranges were visible on the fleshy horizon, a shapely lake of pure crystalline water to the left, and a forest of exuberant magic and wildlife. Fires of civilization were spotted in the distance, the smoke, a peculiar purple wafting through the air. All this, underneath a sphere of pure light that hung in the air, suspended beyond belief.


My gaze traveled the landscape, the unnaturalness of it all held a certain allure. A band consisting of a small amount went off into the forest. We, the rest, stayed aboard and took stock of everything. Our mast was broken as well as the bow. Supples were scattered if not missing. Our numbers had dropped by a few and morality was a case for concern.

My task, however mundane, was to sweep the deck. Hours were passed through the air of the whale before the party returned. Tales of various tribes were shared, however, pony they were not. Creatures with fluff around their necks, tails of intricacy, and horn like no other. Creatures of plant and fire and to be not reckoned against.

Time flew like the birds of freedom and the globe of light went dark. Whispers and shouts were the reactants of the entire event. Then just as suddenly, the world glowed dimly. Insects of various shapes rose high and lit themselves up. Flashes of other sources were seen across the entire stomach.

That night, as it were, was spent in huddled fear. No matter the member, as one, we huddled beneath the decks. Sleep was barely found nor comfort. As the hours flicked by the day clicked back, giving us the needed relief of relative safety. Our ascent to the upper decks was a slow and cruel process.

Once made, we stared at the fleshy horizon once more. It was decided by all that something must be done. A party of five were chosen, myself included. We made our way out of sight of the ship, through the brush of the wilds. Fauna nopony had seen before was a potential hazard as well as the various cries of no doubt vicious beasts.

Many hours had passed for us, our hooves hurting like no other. Eyes drooping and pelts slick with sweat. That was when we stumbled into a camp. A camp of ponies. Hostility was met with weariness of our exhausted limbs. Collapsing was the alternative we chose in place of surrendering. Confusion rippled through their ranks before we were hauled to our hooves and dragged to a nearby tent.

We were greeted by the Mistress, a peculiar pony who didn't bother telling us her name. We were questioned and we answered as best one could do. Berries were fed to us and we took it no questions asked and after our story, it was our turn. Questions about this place were scoffed at and the locals were answered.

Tribes of kirin, that was what the Mistress said. They burn and yet the forest does not. They grow and yet the lake does not drown. The various clans had clashed for centuries and they continue still, there is no stopping it. They also let slip that they had been in the belly of the beast for years upon years after getting swallowed themselves.

Armed with information, we trudged back. The knowledge we had gained was met with uncertainty. However it was ultimately decided that we were to stay and survive as best as possible until an opening should present itself.


It was the morning, 2 years after our landing, and it was still alluring as well as despicable. Time is a funny thing, a concept nopony truly understands and after days spent traversing the mystical land and fighting the kirin wars in the belly of a whale can expand the mind.

It was that particular morning that a sudden brightness of the natural kind suddenly enveloped paradise. Perched in the pegasus' nest, I saw the mouth open wide. And just as quickly as it opened, a great snapping boom echoed everywhere. A quick relay was done and soon the remains of the crew gathered once again at the ship that brought us here.

A plan was formulated and consensus was universal. We've had enough of this nonsense. Another few more weeks were spent gathering wood and food. Climbing atop the mountain closest to the throat, there it was placed the wood. Making sure the crew was ready as well as the repaired ship. On the count of three, the wood caught fire. Hours it took for it to take effect much to the runners' relief.

Excitement grew amongst the ranks, today was the day! 31 days since the opening and the smoke from the mountain was too much. Agonizing wails from the wilds echoed through the crew's heads but nopony cared. We've had enough. The fog reached the head of the whale and there it clouded till the organ perished. The monstrosity had died.

We felt the shuddering of death and our joy was so immense, nopony thought of the many deaths we would cause. Prying open the mighty lips of the beast, the ocean blew inwards. Sea salt was sorely missed, and cheers echoed throughout the cavernous mouth. Out we went, carried by the eddies of the undersea currents and out towards freedom.

With a great pop, our ship broke out and sailed onto the surface of the water. With great elation we set sail once again, our grins wide at the sight of the true sun and sky. The wind breezed through our manes and our eyes stinging from the salt. Our sails caught the wind and off we went, off into the distance.

Chapter 4 - Come the Islands

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Ocean, the sweet and beautiful ocean. A sight none of us have seen for two years, swallowed by that beast. Tears of joy and sadness could be seen by all. Despite our lack of practice in seafaring, the captain whipped us up and set us forth. To the east, said by the sun of old.

Joy of seeing salted water was quickly replaced with boredom of nothingness. This journey has taken a toll on me and the crew, mentality and physicality as well. Mere days passed before our apathy was quenched by an isle. One spotted by a stallion, as high as the crow's flies. It was an island of peculiar properties.

We made land and our interest was never as piqued as it was now. The entire landmass was made out of cheese of every type. Taking through the night was what we chose for the next day. Gathering the bounty was of interest to all, and the labor was not questioned.

On a particular hunt for blue cheese, a river was spotted. Water it was not, but of a delicious milk. Many containers, most empty due to the tragedy that is the whale, were filled with the nectar that is milk. Barrels and wineskins, flasks and lantern cases, none were spared in the gathering of deliciousness. Just as fast as it started, our departure was a sorry one, but there were things to discover.

Days of the week turned over, leaving us with naught but contemplation. Our thoughts turned to the cold as one summery eve, the ocean froze. Ice of the coldest temperature was everywhere, our ship ran aground. Such a situation may be surprising to many, but our experiences have taught many a lesson. On this particular event, we hath decided on staying upon the ship till thaw.

The air warmth took a mighty month till it was enough. Our joys of jubilance was no doubt heard by many a creature, but our ship could sail. Checking navigation and off we sailed, never straying.


It was such a strange occurrence, the Great Freezing, as the ponies are now calling it. Sudden cold was not the only effect as soon after the thaw, creatures of all forms showed up. One day, on the bow, there were several merponies. Entrancing and stunning, made many a mare jealous. Some had even jumped overboard, but luckily many resisted the allure, myself included.

Many a day later, another isle was spotted. This one gave a vibe was of peacefulness and drowsiness. A mysterious blanket of black nothingness hung over the isle, but it looked beautiful. Brilliant stars and swirling patterns made quite the pattern. We stared, our work forgotten, as we sailed ever closer.

Before long, the ship was docked. Our entrance was met with a welcoming committee of various dark shaded ponies with warm smiles. At the front, was a dark stallion with brilliant blue eyes. The smile he gave made several mares swoon. The air about him was mysterious yet friendly.

He welcomed us to his isle, of which he called the Island of Dreams, where all dreams come true and nightmares disappear. The introduction the stallion gave us was of mirth when our awed gaze went straight up to the blanket of stars. After his slight amusement, he introduced himself as King Sleep.

Our intrusion was met with such kindness that hasn't been seen in a while. We were treasured with smiles and gifts by ponies we didn't know. A banquet was held in our favor as well, foods from all over was placed all over the table. Water in our mouths were quickly absorbed by the amount of vegetables we stuffed ourselves with.

Only a mere hour had gone when lethargy had overcome our stuffed bodies. One might be concerned about this, but there was nothing to be worried about. Over the course of dinner, our leaders explained our story and he watched us with a kind but sorrowful look. Upon the finishing of eating, he gave us a gift nopony expected. A chance to see our loved ones.

Within minutes, we were prepared. The monarch prepared our bodies and minds, and then dipped us into the sleep that was already taking hold. Our minds, normally filled with fantasies, were now linked with the ones that held our hearts. My vision was filled with the lush lands of Equestria, filled with ponies I left behind. All had gotten older, especially the younger ones, but all were recognizable. Tears were unbecoming, but it weren't unwanted.


Many a day we had stayed while our gracious hosts fed our hunger, both physical and mental. On the second week however, our nightly trips were over. King Sleep, however kind, stated that our visit has overstayed. With heavy but understandable hearts, we parted ways with the Island of Dreams.

Within moments of us leaving the banks, clouds formed above our ship and the island. Terror of a primal nature drove the crew into a frenzy. By working in overdrive, we were able to sail far till land was unseen by all. The storm followed us for a couple hours after that, but then dissipated just as fast as it appeared. It brought many relieved sighs.

Our wits needed to be gathered which allowed us to rest for a jiffy. The jiffy disappeared way too fast, and soon the crew was up and running again, taking care of the ship's needs. Myself, I found myself hanging about on the side of the ship, a knife in my mouth. The task was to peel the mollusks that had clutched upon the boards of our hull.

I had just made it on deck when cries of alarm broke through the air. A flag flew in the distance, this one inspired no comfort, but utter terror. The pumpkin. Our jellied bones, moving sluggishly as we heaved our bodies back to work. It wasn't enough, the wind was not on our side. Within moments, whether it was long or short, it depends on who you ask.

A large orange shape grew ever closer, until it was clear the vessel itself was a giant pumpkin. Looking up, I saw griffons hanging off the edge, sneering at us. The Pumpkin Pirates, the most feared pirate group in all of the seas and oceans. Our sails finally picked up wind, but it wasn't fast enough. A whistle tore through the air, and the deck shuddered with multitudes of harpoons.

Whoops and screeches filled the tense air as the griffons dove to our ship. The crew of many different sizes, backgrounds, and personalities all took up arms. My poor stature only granted me a particular sharp stick. Our shoulders, brushing and bristling, together with brothers and sisters.

One moment, it was a tense silence, then the next it was filled with screaming and bloody murder. With my non-existent training, I was able to land a few hits on a couple of griffs, but soon I found myself on the other end of a particular sharp edge. Before bile could rise, a conch horn was blown.

Fear was quite visible on the pirates' faces, as they all bunched together and abandoned our ship. The harpoons that were imbedded were sliced, allowing for their retreat. Utter bafflement was in order for the crew, but that had to wait for a bit. Our leaders held their positions and watched as a new shape sailed past us and toward the direction of where the pumpkin disappeared off to.

Their ship was made entirely out of nutshells, it mattered not which one, but it had to be a nutshell. Hippogriffs it was this time, but their focus was not of us. As the invisible agreement set by both captains, the Nutshell Sailors and us truce, there would be no fighting.

I could say minutes, but hours of a many took place before the sails of the Nutshell Sailors all but disappeared. Our prayers had been answered and together, we set another course, away from the two crews that had the potentiality of our destruction.


Several months upon the watery expanse that was our home away from home. However, no matter how homey the sea felt, it was no doubt a trap, felt by many. Such were the perils of crewing such a vessel, in a world of magical mayhem. These were the thoughts that roamed my head as I gazed over the railing. My musings soon came to an end once I gazed upon a sight for sore eyes.

Moments of such shortness had never been recorded before, before the entire crew stared off in the distance. Trees, trees were the things that caught our eyes. Trees of such bushiness, it was a miracle, no doubt sent from the heavens. Although, if one were to think of the two reigning queens above, then the heavens holds no gifts of any divinity.

A couple of hours later and we found our ship parked next to the forest. Trees promised land, yet there was no land in sight. The forest was incredibly huge, spanning in every direction as far as the eye could see, and all of it was growing atop the water. No roots made it below the water level, nothing was on the seafloor itself, and yet the trees were atop the water level.

It took several days and meetings for the leaders of this expedition, if we were to still call it that, to come up with a solution. Our problem was that we needed to head the way the trees were blocking, following the signs that had guided us this far. There was no space between the trunks and no way of going under. Thus the obvious solution, as presented by Izzy, was to go above.

It took another certain amount of days for us to hoist the ship above the canopy. The leaves and branches of this impossible forest held the ship aloft, with such kindness the waves sometimes lack. Gathering all of our supplies and boarded the vessel once again, we set sail and let the wind take us over the trees.

It would be a fair assessment to say the journey lasted more than a week for us to cross the foresty expanse completely. The wind, ever at our side, blew us over the edge of the wooded world, and back into the watery one. Despite how nice the trees had treated us, our relief at seeing water again was immense, even if it did not last long.

After a celebration, our ship continued it's path, through the unknown to find the known. It was a morale booster speech Sunny gave us, but it was nothing compared to what we saw moments later. An island of pure whiteness appeared. An isle of dreams come true. A land that held our salvation. The island.

Chapter 5 - The Island of the Blessed

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It took a mere half a day to arrive upon the shores of the golden island. It was pure bliss, many speculated we had truly died and this was heaven. I suspected much as well, how could I not? The vegetation was pure and untainted and the beach

was pristine and clean.

A marble walkway led up from the sand that radiated happiness to an architectural marvel. A parthenon of magnificent proportions, built with gold and marble, fit for kings and queens. Columns with impeccable detail decorated the walkways, mosaics of precise quality left the eyes aglow, and the stonework of the entire building was desirable in every sense. There was no doubt in out minds, this was the heaven that awaited us.

In all of the glory, we had failed to see what was in front of us the entire time.

Then, a bright voice, filled with mirth, spoiled our thoughts then increased the joviality of it, tenfold. A mare of untimely beauty stood in front of us with the brightest smile imaginable. It mattered not if you were a stallion or a mare, desire was written on each ponies face. Then the bizarre of the bizarre happened, the stupor was snapped as the pink mare leapt into the air and screamed. Before anypony could react in a behavioral means, the earth pony zipped off to who knows where.

Our gaze could not help but follow as she disappeared around the corner. Nopony could tell us how long we stood there, shock and awe similar and perhaps, entirely the same. We stood there, that is until another earth pony wrecked our supposed tranquility.

The new mare, orange of oranges, and the sweetness of an apple tart, and the hardiness of a farmer, introduced herself as Honesty. There is no shame among us as we all admitted later that paying attention to whatever the gorgeous mare was an effort of gargantuan proportions. She tipped her hat sometime later and trotted off, her perfectness, indescribable.

It was then, that an infernal loud screech of pure joy was heard, none other than from our Starscout navigator. Comfort was given to the orange mare by her friends as I looked around and gazed with utmost respect and admiration, after all, this was the afterlife.


Loyalty was to be seen next by happenstance or by fate, that is undetermined. A perfect athletic blue pegasus with a shock of rainbow hair. The divinity of this one was indisputable. Tears were flowing freely from the navigator as she beheld the pegasus.

The mare laughed jovially before zipping off, rainbows and sparkles was all that was left. Moments later, I found myself with a grin that could stop wars, and so was everypony else of the crew.

A horrible shriek was heard many moments later, although it is hard to discern time when awe was commonplace amongst us. I turned around to face the voice that dared to destroy my perception of the gorgeous arcs of the doorway. The mare in question was the purest ebony unicorn did anypony ever laid their eyes upon. Breath was seen taken from ponies mouths, there had been witness to speak upon our behalf.

Generosity, as it were, demanded why our attire had received such horrible treatment. Her scolding reached our tender hearts of within, there was no comeback from the emotional scarring of such a rebuke, thus our meek response as we followed her. Through the halls of never ending corridors and turns.

It took an uncountable amount of time before our appearance was slightly better then previously. This, the mare said with earnest, with such intensity, that nopony denied her claim. Many deemed wisely that antagonizing a goddess of bountiful beauty, is the worst idea anypony could commit. The anypony part was heavily debated. After the dressing of our previously tarnished coats, the unicorn left with a dainty huff that made knees weak.

Lost and confused, the crew trotted along the many passages of the large parthenon. Our newly freshened coats glistened in the glorious sunlight. It was then that we heard singing. This was no mere humming or lyrical melodies, neigh, this was an angelical hymn of bliss and peace.

Our hooves led us forwards, control was the furthest thing away from our thoughts. The luscious grass parted to reveal a buttery pegasus of sublimity. The bliss upon the mare's face was enough for anypony present and watching, enough for them to lay to rest without waking up ever again.

The magic was ruined when she noticed our minuscule approach. Stammering and apologies was given before she gave us her name, that of Kindness. Any other name and it would have been a disservice to the entire galaxy. There was no other action to take besides to let ourselves prostrate on the perfect grass floor.

Our adoration was clearly too much for the poor pegasus, as she quickly ran away with adorable squeaks. Our shame was immense as we watched the pegasus disappear into the forest. There was no finding her now. Once again we felt lost, but soon after, a heavy presence fell upon our feeble and incomprehensible minds. A feeling of Chaos. Just a soon as it appeared, it disappeared.


The largest pony stood in front of us. Many hours of aimlessly wondering had led us to this room. Upon the dais, stood the most regal pony ever, she introduced herself as Magic and Friendship. The alicorn, a majesty of absolute divine power, and yet the easiest of every other holy soul met on this island. Yet as I lay on the floor, my head bowed in servitude, this was all I could think.

The alicorn led us through many doors before reaching a double door of considerable size. The moment we stepped over the threshold, we were greeted with an overwhelming amount of noise and then color. Once our sense had recovered, our peace was interrupted by the pink mare from earlier. Through hyper speed, she told of us her life story and how Equestria came to be. I heard no nothing besides the name, Laughter.

Once my visuals were no longer violated by the sugar-incarnated, no matter who divine, one needs to take a break from sugar every once and a while, I turned around in search of whatever catches my interest. I was immediately rewarded by creatures everywhere. Alicorns, as majestic as the Sun and the Moon, and as beautiful as the Heart and Soul. Ponies, as beautiful as the magic they inhibit, as tough as the land they toil, and as changing as the weather they manipulate. Kirin, as adaptable as the two-forms they bring forth. Dragons, as tough as the spikes they contain and the embers they spew. Creatures of other names, of names I not know. But I could learn.


A year of parties, of galas, of wrap-ups, of nights, and of celebrations. This was all and more. Our crew reveled in the life of the after, the beauty of the divine and the purity of the land. There truly is no better place. But as cruelty dictates, set by the unfortunates of life, everything no matter how good, shall come to an end.

The end came in the form of bickering. An evening stroll, consisting of me and a friend of many talents, was interrupted by a flash of purple. Disorientation takes several seconds to disperse, but once that happened, I was greeted by the crew of yesteryear and the alicorn we had first encountered.

There, in a room of tiny proportions compared to the behemoth of the parthenon, it was revealed a war of unsurmountable odds was being brewed. The two sides of the Heart coin was flicked upwards once again, much to the displeasure of the old guard. This was news to us, as our peaceful ways upon this island was soon to be violated.

There was no time for us to gather our belongings, no time but to leave. As we made our way to the ship that we started our journey on, all those years ago, the alicorn explained some much needed information. We will return to this isle, once our candles have run out.

The huge mare also gave us directions for us to be free back among our kin and fellows. Such a thought had not once been forgotten and our gratitude was beyond immense. Our speed increased as he hurried to the craft that had us sailing across many waters and non-waters.

Farewells were in order and just as soon, as we casted off a large explosion rocked the waves and the sky. Ignoring the pain and panic of leaving pristine heaven behind, we toiled on the deck once more. To the third star of the first night we went, past the six isles of fortune was to be our next goal, then take the peninsula as the grand finale. Funny how that didn't work out.


A week of miserableness had passed slowly for those sentenced to the confines of this ship. I gazed through the fog, watching the shapes flow past. There truly was no greater sport amongst the ponies that had also signed up. Then the unthinkable happened.

A storm of unforeseen consequences and unquenchable power wrecked havoc along our hull. Screaming and wetness came hoof to hoof in this grizzly stage. My hooves, used for the rough terrain of the outside, slipped on the slicked up wooden planks, landing me down in the brig. This was going to be a long night.

Hours of an uncountable amount had us beached on rocks. Our backs in pain, hands blistered, souls weary, but before us lay an island and behind us lay a crippled boat. I almost laughed hysterically, but this wasn't a moment to lose everything that should hold morality. I smiled grimly as I looked back to the ominous island that brought our ship to the slaughter.

But what befell us there I shall tell, if indeed I tell it at all, at some other time.