> Adagio Pumps Some Iron > by Steel Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Adagio Pumps Some Iron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be in the best shape you can be, you gotta be able to handle working up a sweat. And not just the ‘oh man, this is hot food’ sweats or the ‘oh no, I picked up a heavy backpack’ sweats. We’re talking the down and dirty work, the labor of improving one’s self physically, mentally, and arguably spiritually. Though the question of spiritual fitness is better left to philosophers, physical and mental fitness have their ways of being improved on. The latter is best done with studies and persistent practice, memorization and quizzing one’s memory to the point of instant recollection. For the former? You hit the weights. Adagio Dazzle knew how to handle weight. She kept herself fit and in good shape, a desirable curvy shape that no man would ignore no matter their ego, their status (even marital), or age. She basked in the attention. Even if she wasn’t the same girl she was from her defeat all that time ago with the Rainbooms, she still had plenty of ways to get a lifestyle of ease and satisfaction for herself. You don’t just forget all the experience and tricks you learn as a Siren just because you’re stuck above land for the rest of the foreseeable future. She had her wiles, her feminine charms. The men of this reality were just as easy to win over as the stallions of olden times. “Thirty-four…thirty-five…done.” She grunted aloud to herself, setting back the rower machine’s grip tool into place before lifting herself up from the seat. Adagio could feel a little of the strain on herself, but enjoyed the sensation of it. Exercising was a suggestion of Aria’s from awhile back, and at first, Adagio had ignored it in favor of a more relaxed lifestyle. However, it was clear that she wouldn’t maintain an attractive figure for long if she did nothing but lounge and eat an endless supply of snacks and treats. How Sonata does it and still looks gorgeous was the Siren’s own secret. Adagio’s secret was simple enough: keep up her looks and she can keep up the easy lifestyle she wants to have. The efforts showed themselves in various ways. The new gym clothing she had on, a pair of skin tight leggings with shorts and a stylish blue t-shirt, paid for by a suitor who tried to court her from a bar the other evening. The wad of cash sitting in her purse in her locker? A so-called “sugar daddy” who made a display of assumed worthiness by having her on his arm. His attempt at lovemaking later was…cute, she supposed, but lacking in real impressiveness. The keys to the gym that she had on her and let her be in said gym past regular operating hours? Well, she might call him back. He looked cute while he was trying to hold himself back while she was between his knees. “And people try to say sex appeal doesn’t pay.” She scoffed aloud while walking away from the rowing machine. It was true that sometimes, getting her workout with an audience present was fairly fun. She knew some of the gym heads took photos of her at times her body would show off, and it was kinda thrilling in a way. It was even nostalgic, reminding her of the days she and her fellow Sirens would attract wandering sailors or wayward beachgoers to their sides. Some would meet unfortunate fates, but some would walk away with fables to share to their kin. Of course, in this new reality, one had to replace the sailors and villagers with common land walkers and rather non magical folk. Some would say she should have some shame about using her beauty and looks to get things she wants, but Adagio would call such remarks nothing but wasted breath. Vanity was common enough in her eyes; if giant billboard signs and constant advertisements on the television told her anything, the world loved something pretty to look at. And who better to fulfill that task than the best Siren in this world? Even if it meant getting down and absolutely dirty sometimes, if it got the job done and what she wanted, was it so bad? Surveying the gym, Adagio let her gaze wander over the various machines and setups she could still pursue. She’d only been through a small portion of her planned routine so far, working her arms and shoulders. Her fiery curtain of orange curls was pulled back into a ponytail, the length brushing against the lower half of her back to just above her rear. The clothing she had on did plenty to reflect the arguably bombshell physique beneath: a generous bosom, wide hips, and a healthy sized rear did plenty to get attention when she did stretches to warm up. You’d hardly see room for argument for her to need to exercise, but she’d just reason that was the proof of it working. “I guess I could do some cardio…shame there’s no one to watch.” She murmured before approaching one of the treadmills. Just as she was putting in the adjustments on it to set up a decent job, the sound of the front doors clanking open got her attention. Whipping her head around, she looked over, hand hovering over the console controls to see just who else would be here at this hour. The man who walked in took her by surprise. Very few males in town, as far as she could tell, did much to bolster their physique beyond your average individual. Some were a bit more burly, like the infamous stud Big Mac of Sweet Apple Acres, but this had to be the prime cut of beef out of the whole field of beef. A quickshot guess put him at a little under six and a half feet tall, light gray skin shown by a simple sleeveless tank top with the gym’s logo on the front and dark blue shorts. The behemoth was a walking muscle machine, with wide shoulders, long strong looking arms, and legs that seemed to thump the ground with each step. His expression was neutral, almost bored looking. The stony look was complemented by his shaved bald head, the only hair on it being a small tuft of black on his chin. You could almost mistake him for an extra bad guy or the bad guy on a movie screen ready to throw down with the good guy. Adagio mentally shrugged; she’d seen worse men in her years, all things considered. But before she could speak, he zeroed in on her and frowned. “Hey. This gym’s supposed to be closed at this hour. What’re you doing here?” His voice was gruff, but clear in the empty building. She actually gave a small jump at the volume, but steeled herself and glared back, hands on her hips. “I have the keys to get in here. A friend gave them to me, one of the workers here.” Adagio replied. “How did you get in?” The muscle bound man reached into his pocket and dug out a set of keys of his own. “I’m the manager here. I run this place.” ‘Oh shit.’ Adagio did her best to not let her surprise show. “Well…ok. Fair enough. I came in this late because I wanted to work out, and I just…well, I’m not a thief, ok? What am I gonna do, walk out with one of these heavy treadmills?” She tapped on said machine for emphasis. “Still. You’re kinda trespassing here, lady.” “The name’s not lady, you big gargoyle. It’s Adagio. You could be a gentleman and introduce yourself, you know.” “Iron Will.” He grunted out. “Look, you’re not the first one to try to be here in privacy. I get it. I do the same thing.” “Oh yeah?” Adagio cocked an eyebrow up. “Yep. Turns out that apparently, my size tends to scare some of the less fit people away.” Iron Will puffed out his chest a little, making his already large pecs stand out. “It’s not my fault that I’m in good shape. But I get it; sometimes the Iron intensity is a little much.” Adagio withheld a snort at the shallow brag, but could admit it was a fair comment. The man had biceps that could match size with her own head, let alone the rest of him. It would suit her better to not get on the man’s bad side. She at least respected that he seemed to be able to back up his claims. “Well, look; I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me. I came in tonight to keep up my routine and to get away from some prying eyes and drooling jocks.” Iron Will tilted his head. “Were any of them giving you trouble?” Adagio scoffed. “Nothing I couldn’t handle myself. Little boys like them like to talk big, but they’re never big enough where it counts,” she assured him, “which is a shame. But oh well.” Letting the conversation drop at that, Adagio turned away to resume her intended jog. Only now she had to contend with his presence in the back of her mind. This Iron guy, manager or not, seemed hefty enough to give the golems of ancient sorcery a run for their money in bulk size. But it didn’t seem to throw him off; the muscular manager walked with ease and moved towards one of the weight lifting stations a little bit away. Carrying on with her own routine, Adagio let her mind wander as she jogged. The more it sat with her though, the more she realized there really was no individual the same as Iron Will in her long memory. Sure, she’d met her fair share of strapping young men, but none with the sheer might he seemed to bring to bear. A glance over at the weights let her watch as he easily worked two dumbbells, one for each hand, and though she couldn’t see the weight number from here, the size alone suggested he could handle a lot more than she did. ‘Well of course he does, I’m not trying to hulk out. I’d look terrible if I was him!’ She mentally scoffed at the idea. ‘Compared to him, I’m a goddess. He’d be a bodyguard at best.’ A grunting sound from Iron Will’s direction made her look again at him, seeing him raise the dumbbells high above his head before bringing them down to his shoulders and back again in slow, controlled sets. She turned away again and focused on her jogging, and not the easily conjured - if amusing - image of him easily hoisting her up and down before a crowd of envious onlookers. The whole ‘bodyguard’ idea suited him fine, really; a man of his size in the past would be perfect. A short while later she finished her jog, a light sheen of sweat dotting her forehead and her midriff now from her efforts. Iron Will had moved along to other weight lifting, going through each set at a moderate pace. If the effort burdened him any, it didn’t show despite him seemingly sweating as well. If anything, he looked entirely natural, all worked up like that, in her eyes. After wiping down her treadmill, she decided to take on her own weight lifting regimen. The bench press might not have seemed like the option for Adagio, but she was never one to do things in halves. If she was going to workout, she was going to workout everything she could to keep this land-walker body in good health. Setting up her weights took a moment, as the last user had left on some heftier pieces, but she was soon settled in and about to lift the weight bar when she heard Iron Will’s steps thud nearby. “You need a spotter?” He asked her. “Do I look like I need one?” She shot back. “I’m no pushover.” “Didn’t say you were,” Iron replied before walking over and standing beside her station. She looked up to see his arms folded over his chest, staring down at her. This close up, the man seemed to literally loom over her like a giant tree, “but it’s tradition to have someone ready in case there are problems. And seeing someone get hurt in my own gym is kinda bad for a manager.” “Oh. Right. Manager.” She said, brushing a strand of her hair that had gotten loose from the ponytail out of her face. “Well, if you wanna watch me that badly, go for it. But if you look too much, I’ll start charging you.” With that declaration, she hoisted the bar up and off its holdings, and started her reps. Each pass was a slow up and down motion, as one should do, but now there was the weight of Iron’s gaze on her. She couldn’t help a glance occasionally up at him, meeting his eyes for only a second before trying to focus elsewhere. The man seemed so serious about something as trivial as a rep that it was ridiculous. Scoffing internally, Adagio just put her efforts into focus on her exercise. The change-up came when she was pushing up for a second set to start, only to feel an itch in her nose. Sneezes were one of the worst things for the Siren, the dumbest bodily function short of the endless recurring need for the restroom. Unfortunately, as she went into the fit, she almost lost control of the weight bar but only closed her eyes and held on tight to the bar as best she could. The weight of it shifted, and she expected to hear the thud of the hefty rings landing on the floor. Her hands covered her face and she finished the fit, but felt confused for a moment. Then she saw the enclosed hand around the weight bar, with the weights still attached, being held in place above her with little strain. “Um. Wow.” She let out. “Bless you.” Iron Will grunted out. “See? Spotter.” “Alright. That’s fair. And that is 100 pounds you’re holding.” “It’s not bad. You looked fairly fit. How long have you been coming here?” Adagio had to consider it for a moment. “A couple months now. Usually during the day. Could I have that back?” Iron Will set the bar easily onto it’s resting place, as if he was moving mere paper and not metal weights. “...thank you.” Adagio was quick to do a few more reps before finishing up. Sitting upright, she patted her knees and stood up before regarding the larger man. “I guess I can try to return the favor?” “You may. I’ll need some of the bigger weights.” The bigger weights, as it turned out, added on a good dose of 125 pounds to the bar, making Adagio mentally squeak at the realization this man lifted more than she weighed nearly twice over, and did it with ease. Maybe he really was a golem from the Equestrian world, or some kind of mythical hero’s descendant? The mortals of this world had many, many old myths, and as a figure of lore herself, she knew that sometimes the myth was the reality. Or perhaps, Iron Will was just that much of a fitness nut that he could lift that much. Seeing him do it so smoothly made other thoughts come to Adagio’s mind. Charming a brick wall like him might take work, but having such a strongman to call upon would have many uses. If she or her sisters needed labor, he could do it in a heartbeat. He could protect them from violent occasions if such things arose. He could even be an extra bit of income, if he made enough as a manager of the business. But did she want to really go that far? She decided the answer was yes after witnessing the rest of the man’s immensely demanding routine and realizing he was a walking tank in human form. Adagio just needed the right angle, but finding it was proving elusive. Just throwing herself at him would make him just rebuff her. She needed a chink in the armor to get in. “Alright. I’m gonna head home now. But miss Adagio?” “Hmm?” Adagio looked up from the water fountain she’d been drinking from while thinking to see Iron Will waiting beside her. He held out an outstretched palm. “I’m gonna need those keys back.” ‘And there’s my window.’ “Oh, do you really now?” She asked, folding her arms over her sizable chest. “And I thought we were getting along so well.” “You’re a fine exerciser and a nice young woman-” “Thank you.” “ - but I still need those keys back. Those are the property of this gym, and you’re not supposed to have them. I won’t punish the person who lent them to you, since you didn’t abuse the privilege. But I have to insist.” Adagio hummed in thought, but didn’t give in. Instead, a cheshire cat-like grin crossed her lips. “I have a…better arrangement, Mr. Iron.” She said before coming closer, stopping in front of him. This close, her head only came up to just under his chest. The smell of his sweat and body odor was a little strong, but she imagined she didn’t exactly smell extravagant either right then. It was almost an earthen smell, and she shook her head to focus. “What if we worked out a deal?” “What’s the deal?” “Simple. You allow me to keep these keys, since I’ve shown I genuinely don’t mean any harm. I mean, really, I clearly know what I’m doing. And if you really wanted to punish me, you’d have called the cops first thing,” Adagio listed off before poking a finger at his firm midriff, “and if you let me keep these keys, I’ll let you have a chance to vent off some tension and some steam with little ol’ me.” Iron Will raised an eyebrow. “We have a sauna already.” Adagio’s smile didn’t falter, but she did internally cringe. “No, sweetheart. I’m talking about you, me, and a few rounds of exercise only two people can do together.” “I’m not a wrestler.” ‘Motherf-’ “I’m offering to sleep with you, hun. You get to relieve some built up tension, maybe get some action you haven’t had in awhile, I get to keep these lovely keys for my nighttime routine. Everyone walks away happy!” She declared. “Hmm…” Iron Will intoned, while Adagio waited. A pang of nervousness crossed her mind; in other circumstances, this basic form of bribery could be construed as another crime, and that would really be hard to wiggle out of. But men would be men, and she was a charmer of charmers! There’s no way he’d say no! “Alright then. Right here, on the floor.” “I mean, I could just-oh. You…well then.” Adagio caught herself and realized what he said. “I’m glad you’re so understanding. I knew such a giant of a man had a big heart as well. And maybe a nice sized piece elsewhere?” She teased as she ran a hand along his middle again, grazing the edge of his pants. “Just one warning.” “Yes, yes, I’m sure it’ll be a lot to work with. I’m not unfamiliar with the one liners, Iron.” “Well, I am. But you need to understand that if you want those keys, you need me to be satisfied. Not just you. So if you don’t do it well enough, if you don’t give it your all, well. I have enough security video somewhere I’m sure.” Adagio bit back a curse at the gruff man’s remark, but let it slide. It was true he did have that in his corner, so all the better to please him and make him not have her in a bad light. She was a Siren: behemoth of a male or not, there was no way she would let him believe he has power over her. By the time she would be done, he’d be wrapped around her finger! “I promise, you won’t be unsatisfied. But I’ll be a good girl for you, daddy, I promise.” Adagio said before kneeling in front of him, head now level with his groin as she worked at the strings of his sweatpants. He occupied himself with flinging away his shirt as well, displaying his physique which left Adagio feeling like she was before a golem more than a mere man. Even relaxed with his arms folded, it was hard to miss just how enormous the tree trunks that were his arms were. There wasn’t a way to tell just yet what she’d be working with downstairs, though she hadn’t exactly been trying to sneak any glances to be fair. This was all spur of the moment, which was a little exciting for her. A quick tug down, she thought as she pulled on his pants and boxers with a practiced grip, a little lip and suck action, and this big brute would be - Thwack Adagio’s thoughts came to a pause as something hefty, warm, and long slapped against her chin and grazed her cheek before coming to a rest there. Her eyes widened as she beheld a genuinely massive cock, the type she only thought existed in those animated porn videos Sonata always watched when she thought she had the privacy. Those were all fantasy, but the real deal was literally here in front of her, bearing a grey color like his own skin tone but with noticeable veins running along it’s length to the slowly growing head. He was clean shaven, not a hair on his groin present even on his balls. It would’ve been impressive to observe, but the Siren had her attention elsewhere. “What the actual…fuck?” She whispered to herself. “This has to be a prop. Come on.” “Nope. Real deal. The last woman I was with said she felt like she was being plowed by a machine.” “Understandable.” “She also didn’t walk normal for a few days and had to keep running to the restroom anytime I passed by her.” Adagio brought a hand up to try and grasp him better, finding a small mercy that his width wasn’t an impossible thing as well. Slow strokes by her fingers worked to coax more of an erection out of him, the massive penis literally almost the length of her forearm. How did she not spot this before? Was he an incubus in disguise? ‘Get a grip on yourself and not just the cock. We have a job to do!’ Her libido reminded her, and Adagio morphed her surprise into a more sultry look. “Well, it’s a nice toy to play with. Let’s see how clean you are…” A cursory flick of her tongue crossed the tip, and she braced mentally for any negative reaction. Surprisingly, he was a bit earthen but also…clean. There was the hint of sweat as well, but that was normal in a gym. Enclosing her lips around him, Adagio let her full lips squeeze around his tip as she worked her way down the first couple of inches. He had his hands at his sides for now, which was fine by her. She hadn’t heard him groan yet though, so she hollowed her cheeks and sucked hard as she pulled back, leaving saliva in her wake before letting go of him orally for a moment. “Not bad. Good to see you’re at least not a total gym bro.” His response was a hand on the back of her head, the silent message clear as Adagio took him back into her maw. She resisted rolling her eyes and worked him further in, trying to control the pace. The grip he had with his fingers made her realize again the strength he had, but it was making her body heat up unexpectedly. What if he got rough with her? Most partners just let her have her way, but rarely did a guy ever actually try to take control. She slurped a little as she worked her way back and forth over the few inches she’d explored yet, over half of him still remaining. ‘This could work out just fine, just be patient and we’ll be in good shape in no time.’ She thought to herself. “Is this all you can do?” The complaint made Adagio’s eyes widen before her brow furrowed in irritation. She looked up again at the musclehead but didn’t get a chance to try and complain back at him. His grip on her head changed to weave itself through her hair, a large amount of poof still present above the ponytail. His other hand came down to the side of her head, making her stop moving. “If you wanna work a shaft, you gotta get better at your craft!” His declaration was followed by a rough pull by him, giving Adagio all of two seconds to think to loosen her lips and be grateful for no gag reflex. Several inches of cock were pushed into her maw rapidly, making her give off a wet sounding “Grrk” as her airway was plunged by Iron Will’s dick. The grip he had didn’t relent, and she found herself sucking on autopilot as he pulled her head back, and then shoved it down again. He was being an absolute brute with her! His cock was throbbing in her throat, every inch heated and making her grateful her Siren nature meant breathing air was much less necessary. He had absolute control over every motion her head made, unable to shift about without causing bodily harm to him or herself. His cock was a solid hunk of meat that shoved itself in and out of her throat, and the smell. Only now was she smelling a bigger burst of his pheromones, his heated musk and sweat wafting over her. The stink was undeniable, filling her nose as he worked her over. She was positively soaking through her panties and her leggings. Speaking was impossible for Adagio, beyond the occasional wet “glg” or a squeal muffled by his dickmeat plugging her mouth. He wasn’t trying to get himself all the way in, thank the Stars, but it was still a lot. Her hands could only find a grip on his legs for balance as he made her his makeshift gloryhole, his own grunts and groans at least showing some degree of satisfaction. If she were of a mind enough to think of it, she’d grab for his balls to try and get him to slow down. But that was too far away in a world where she could breathe and speak more than Iron Will’s cock. “Yeah! Yeah! Suck that dick like the whore you are.” He grunted out above her. His grip stayed locked onto her, and even a grip at his legs, nails scratching against his skin, did little to deter him. If anything, to her increasing arousal and nervousness, she was going even further down his length. The halfway point was somewhere in her throat, and a lustful, whorish thought made her wonder what it’d be like to suffocate entirely on such a piece of meat. Instead, she only let him keep his control over the pace, sucking hard and remembering only just to breathe enough to not risk her life. She’d taken big ones before; heck, the Canterlot High Football team only won its last game because she let the quarterback and running back spit roast her in the locker room! But this guy outshone both those young ones by miles. She couldn’t even help the occasional droplet of drool that’d escape her plush lips wrapped around his cock to fall onto her shirt or the floor. Her knees were starting to ache, as well. “Fuck! Gonna fucking fill you up. You better be ready! I’m not mopping this floor.” He growled out, ramping up his speed and making Adagio only dimly aware of his intentions as her eyes rolled upwards. Her pussy was begging to be touched at such a rough and demanding blowjob, but she needed to use him for balance lest she just flop aside. A final push by Iron had her eyes snap to consciousness as his cock swelled in her throat - good lord, she could feel him against her throat’s walls - before he started to climax with a deep rumble of his throat. Cum surged out and was flooded straight down her gullet into her belly. It was hot, thick, and sticky enough to make her feel like she was trying to down syrup or molasses. She only groaned weakly as he dumped his load into her waiting maw and throat, swallowing like her life likely depended on it. However backed up he was, Adagio Dazzle did not back down from a sexual challenge. She felt him continue to climax as she worked her lips as best she could around him, the stimulation satisfying her sexual wants to hear him groaning above her. At last, the flow started to taper off, and he withdrew back slowly. Adagio kept her eyes closed and finally gave a gasping cough as he removed himself from her mouth. It took all of a few seconds to gain back some degree of composure, spit and cum on her lips and her hair in a frazzled wild mess. Favors be damned, the man was a sex monster! “You’re lucky I can hold my breath, you brute.” She wheezed out. “But see? You can surely tell I can back up my words.” “That was nice. But just a warmup.” “A warmup?!” she exclaimed, glaring up at him. “For you, maybe! You might have a big dick, but you could at least help a woman warmup too!” “That’s simple enough to do. If you think you’re ready to move on, or did you need a minute to get your breath?” He questioned. “Get my breath back…you bull.” she muttered before, in a fit of irritation, immediately tugging down her leggings and kicking them aside and off of her once she was free. The gym’s cool air made her moist lips tingle as she stood there almost as equally naked as him, both of them still having their shirts on for the time being. Seeing him zero in on her shaved mound brought a prideful smirk to her lips. “Like what you see?” “It’s efficient to keep it shaved. I do the same too, obviously. And that means less to get caught in for the next part.” Adagio waved a hand. “I mean, let’s be fair, I’m warmed up and ready to goOO?!” she gave a shout as Iron Will moved forward and suddenly hoisted her up by her waist, his large hands finding easy purchase on her body and lifting her like she was only a mere pillow. His manhandling of her left the Siren to flail about in place a little, arms waving until she discovered she was now seated up against the bulky man’s face. Both of her hands came to rest on the back of his head, the smoothness of his bald scalp matched by the light coarseness of shaved hair against her palms. Her legs found themselves over his shoulders, leaving her genuinely splayed right in front of his face while his hands moved to cushion her rear. “W-what’re you doing-oh!” She gasped out as a thick and long tongue wormed its way into her willing nethers, easily spreading her entrance and making her go nearly cross-eyed at the sensation. Bad enough his dick was enormous, but he had a tongue to match it too? No complaint fell from her lips though, since no words could meet up with the jolts of pleasure his tongue was bringing her right then. Some lovers in the past had differing techniques that Adagio could enjoy, though some had left her wanting or even displeased at how weak they were. Iron Will, however, took to pleasuring her just as roughly as he’d forced her to take his dick orally. He was noisily eating her out, savoring the taste of her as if it were a new flavor of energy drink for his workout while she was left to wiggle in his grasp. The continual tension of being so high off the ground and yet being pleasured so thoroughly crossed wires in her mind and had her holding onto him with her hands and legs tightly. It was all she had that Adagio remembered to breathe, her loud moans reaching from corner to corner of the empty gym while Iron’s tongue flicked in wild motions inside her. Every rough pass he made against the side of her pussy before slipping over the roof to the other side had her jerking her body in tandem with him almost. It was rough, powerful, and quite genuinely an experience she’d never had before with a partner. Even the roughest of past lovers still were more tender and gentler than Iron’s method, and yet, it made her all the more desiring for more. Which was exactly why she felt almost insulted when he stopped eating her out just as a climax was beginning to build in her core. When he moved back a little, face gleaming with her own juices as she looked back down at him, she felt correct to question him. “N-now what? I was almost there, you ass!” “The only ass here is the one I’m holding. Besides, you’ve had your warm-up. The real work gets going now.” Iron grunted out before adjusting her position. Confusion showed on Adagio’s flushed features before realization struck as he lowered her just enough before he grunted, a light smack of flesh on flesh rising up as his cock rested against her wet and ready entrance. “One question.” “W-what?” “Is it safe for you?” “You’re the biggest man I’ve ever taken.” Iron Will rolled his eyes. “Is it a safe day?” “Oh! Well. Um, yes, it’s safe. Assuming you don’t have like, super sperm or something-” Iron Will grunted - in exasperation or effort, she couldn’t know - and pushed up with his hips while pulling her down. His swollen tip managed to get within her, and soon had her gasping in higher pitches with each breath as inch after inch filled her pussy to the point his cock was literally making an indent on her otherwise flat stomach. When he did finally stop moving, Adagio discovered that her awareness had clocked out long enough for her body to grab for his torso, hands trying their best to grasp at his sweaty pecs while her legs had looped over one another behind him. She was entirely at his mercy. She was loving it, even if she couldn’t, wouldn’t ever say so. “Better hold on!” He grunted out before both hands on her rear squeezed firmly. Lifting her up with his hold on her rear made withdrawing his cock easy enough, as he could elevate the curvaceous woman with ease. Adagio’s body didn’t want to let go whatsoever, her legs tightening on their hold around his middle as she dug her fingernails into his chest. It was like the wind got knocked out of her when he brought her back down just as quick, a moan escaping her throat as the slight pain of him stretching her was overwritten by the pleasure his cock could evoke. “Oh fuck! Oh, fuck! Fuck, your cock is so huge! What kind of monster dick - ohghg - is that?!” Adagio cried out. “You ain’t. Seen. Nothing. Yet!” Iron grunted out between each thrust, his hips rocking forward and up to better thrust his dick into her tight cunt. Even with him stretching her out moreso than any other had done, she was still trying to squeeze around him on instinct to keep his thick cock inside her as much as possible. His rough thrusting made her whole world shake and bounce, to the point that she had to close her eyes to stop from getting dizzy. It was hot now, Iron’s own body heat, hers, and their rough sex quickly raising the temperature around them. One of her hands let go of him to tug at her shirt, flinging it aside after two tries to get it off. Without the shirt to constrict her or cover her, soon her own tits were bouncing in a looping circle to match Iron’s pacing, the sight drawing his eyes to them. In a deft motion, he stopped bouncing Adagio and held her in place, shifting his broad strokes to a jackhammer speed while burying his head into her cleavage. Feeling his wet tongue graze along her cleavage brought another shaky moan from the Siren as his cock continued to pound away at both her pussy and her consciousness. An orgasm tore through her, leaving her speechless save for clasping onto Iron’s head with a hand while her juices splashed around his cock and onto the floor below them. Stars seemed to flash behind her eyes as Adagio felt she had become no more than Iron’s living fucktoy, his cocksleeve and nothing more. The fact that he didn’t even slow down at all while she was experiencing her climax left her mind reeling, pleasure emanating from her core throughout her body while Iron Will became the only fixed point of awareness in her mind. He had to be some kind of machine. A monster in disguise. Using some kind of magic empowerment. No male should go for this long! “Round 2!” He grunted out, hammering into her even faster as he pulled his head from her breasts, now wet with both saliva and sweat, before pressing her into his massive pecs. The utter blanketing smell of sweat and musk rose into her senses, the stink of it being difficult to ignore. Even her lips betrayed her, giving a hint of the taste of sweat and salt from where her mouth fell upon his exposed chest. With a heavy grunt, he hilted inside of her again, and another wave of heat bloomed within her depths as his cum surged inside. She could only moan into his chest while he remained buried inside her, the overflow of his cum soon pouring out in strands that fell from where his cock was inside her to either trail down her shaking thighs or to the floor beneath them, further dirtying it from their sex. Each throb of Iron’s cock inside her made her body nearly spasm from feeling him move, as if it were waiting for another ravishing. Adagio tried to reason with her lust, but her body craved for more. Sensibility only came back when his cock was extracted out of her, the wet and sloppy noise reaching her ears at the same time as her body suddenly feeling much emptier without him inside. “W-what are you?” She questioned as he sat her down, lowering her to the ground and letting her gather herself on her knees while he stood over her. He towered like a monolith of muscles and force, his half-hard cock still defiant despite their actions so far. “A man on the pinnacle of health and fitness,” Iron declared before taking a pose to flex his musculature, emphasizing his biceps with a grunt before relaxing, “you had enough yet? Is this bull too hard a ride for you?” Adagio’s eyebrow twitched, and she looked up at him, defiant. It didn’t matter that her knees nearly buckled when she tried to stand, or that her pussy twitched in want as she eyed his cock and felt his cum trickle down her torso before forcing herself to glare at his cocky smile. She’d be damned and sent back to Equestria before admitting defeat to this brute! “Now you listen here. You might have an…impressive cock. But that doesn’t mean you’ve bested me yet! I don’t care if you’re a manager of this place or not,” she poked at his chest as she spoke, “there is no man Adagio Dazzle cannot triumph over. So you can take your meatstick and get off all you like; by the time I’m done with you, it’ll be me you’ll look up to. You got that, mister!” Iron Will’s grin didn’t fade in the slightest, making Adagio’s glare weaken as she held his stare. Something in the back of her mind was trying to make a sound like a warning bell, but it wasn’t coming through clearly. “We’ll see about that.” Iron Will’s office was actually well kept, for being a simple manager’s office for a gym. One could’ve expected a simple desk, a few filing cabinets, maybe some of the spare gym supplies like bags or water bottles. Iron’s office had all of this, but with it being more spacious, he’d made the addition of a few extra amenities. There was a full length mirror off to the side, as well as a small closet for storing spare clothes. Even a cot that was big enough for him, though it was a fold out one that seemed better as a last resort type than actually comforting. Adagio was getting to test out that last observation herself at the moment. Iron’s strong urging to get her into the office made some sense at first; continuing to make a mess of themselves and on camera would be tedious to hide later on, so moving to somewhere better enclosed was a fair idea. Iron’s unabashed nudity in front of her, throwing his shirt aside when they got into the room, had her impressed at his confidence. But before she could’ve opened her mouth to try and take charge, he’d claimed the reins again by maneuvering her over to the cot and had her on all fours on it. “Y-you know, you could at least ask a girl first!” She protested as he towered over her from behind, his hardened member slapping against her rear before he started to grind against her. “If I asked you what’s next, I’m pretty sure you’d say more sex,” Iron replied before giving her hefty cheek a smack with his palm. The bounce of it was a nice sight to him, she realized, while she privately relished the rough sting of the spank, “especially with how wet you are.” “You fucking bull…put it in then! If you’re so cocky!” “You wanna rock? You get the cock!” The awful rhyme was the only signal Adagio got before her eyes shot open as he shoved his length into her again. The brief respite she’d had was all the rest it seemed she’d get, as he was quick to stretch her full again and started to hump her roughly. The bed she was on creaked and bounced beneath her as she felt and heard his body work against hers. It was like fucking a machine, if the machine was a ridiculously muscular prick who was fucking her brains out. “Oh god!” She whimpered out as another climax was beginning to build up in her. Iron’s palms were all over her as he leaned over and pulled her against him, finding a new grip on her tits. His rough palms teased at her sensitive nipples, the hardened buds giving off sparks of pleasure through her being as he toyed with her. His large fingers had no trouble squeezing into her and kneading her chest as if it were his own personal pillows. All the while, he huffed and groaned above her, his cock continually ramming into her pussy without pause. ‘If he keeps this up, I’m gonna break. I’m already losing it!’ Adagio thought to herself. She did her best to push back into him, trying to match his thrusts and getting his tube of a cock to fit into her all the more. The pain from earlier was gone as her body had adapted well enough to his size, now nothing but pleasure was running up and down her spine. With a cry, she came around him, tightening her hold and making him moan into her ear. It was a sound she found herself relishing. “Already came on my cock again, huh? You really - ngh - enjoy this dick, don’t you?” “You. Fucking. Prick!” She gasped back at him, unwilling to admit it even as her body betrayed her thoughts. A moan slipped out of her as he tugged on one nipple firmly before she grit her teeth to try and stifle it. “You seem like the type to need a guy like me to set you straight. I bet I can get you to call me Daddy even.” Iron grunted. Adagio gave a start as her whole body went hot at the suggestion. That particular kink was one she rarely ever got to indulge in, only in fantasy by her own lonesome. But no one was ever that dominating with her; she rarely allowed it to come to pass at all because it meant giving up control over things. And she wouldn’t just let this huge bull win so easy! Even if it meant giving in and letting him just wreck her entire being… “I-I’d never…call you-fuck-that!” She said, even as he gripped her tighter. His cock continued to piston in and out of her, making Adagio’s vision blur as sweat poured off of him and from her own body. The sheer heat coming off him was like a sauna almost, and she found herself gasping as he suddenly withdrew and pulled off of her. His cock left her pussy with a wet sound and left her legs trembling as she looked over her shoulder at him, having to toss her hair out of her view due to its messy state. “W-what now?!” “Either you show daddy’s cock some respect, or your ass I’ll eject!” He declared. Adagio stared for all of a second, but realized that this was an opening. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out to get her back on top. Schooling her features into the best amorous expression she could make, the Siren slid herself off the bed to the floor in front of him, kneeling before him again not unlike when this tryst first began. But this time, she tried a different tactic. Instead of immediately going for his groin, she worked her way up from his massive leg first. A soft series of kisses were planted by her on his skin, each touch soft and loving. “Oh, daddy…this little girl doesn’t mean bad. She’s just made this way.” Adagio insisted as she trailed her way up his leg, dotting the firm muscle with more soft touches as her hands caressed his thighs. The stink of their lovemaking and sweat rolled over her, nearly intoxicating her as she rose upwards towards his groin. A debaucherous sense of daring crossed her mind, prompting her to slip between his legs and leaning her head up to kiss his own muscular butt cheek. The act surprised Iron, who spoke up. “What was that for? You better not have some sort of kiss ass joke.” He questioned. “Ask any woman out there, we just take time to appreciate a sculpted ass, daddy.” She replied. By the time she returned to the front and his ballsack, burying her nose into it and huffing his musk, Adagio realized only dimly she might be overdoing it to herself. She was getting worked up, and one of her hands was starting to crawl down to toy with her wanting cunt. “You really are a daddy’s girl, huh?” Iron drawled out, moving a hand to the back of her head to hold her there before urging her off him. Pulled back, Adagio had little room to move as he lightly tapped his wet cock against her cheek, smearing it with her own juices. “But you’ve been mouthing me this whole time.” “Daddy’s girl can’t help but be a little cheeky. Are you gonna punish me, Daddy?” “Sometimes you gotta see a sample to know you’re the example. C’mere, you naughty slut!” Iron’s sudden movement caught Adagio off guard, and before she knew where he was, she was in the air again, squealing as Iron’s arms surrounded her and brought her up, her back to his chest. This time, his grip had her in a full nelson, trapping her legs up with his arms under her knees and lifting her up to entirely expose her swollen pussy to the world. Both of them were turned to the nearby mirror, where Adagio realized he was smirking down at her reflected visage. “D-Daddy?!” Adagio tried one more time, only to whimper as Iron’s cock, reinvigorated, started to prod and push into her nethers. It took some work on his behalf, but lucky timing got her to raise up just enough to adjust him, and he popped back into her and started to slide into her depths once more. Adagio’s eyes went nearly cross-eyed, her world blurring as Iron’s pace started to overtake sensibility. Her whole body was bouncing from his rhythmic pumps up into her body, the new angle teasing and stroking parts of her nethers he’d somehow missed before. What was more enticing was the way she was entirely at his mercy, completely controlled and pinned by the bulky man. Her tits bounced and rolled in looping circles as she cried out, his cock pummeling into her in jerking thrusts while she was made to ride him out. “From now on, you’ll always call me Daddy. Anytime we’re here. Anytime you need a real man to fuck you proper.” Iron instructed her, huffing air down over her face as his thrusts continued. “You can keep those keys you got; we both know you won’t be coming here just for a little workout, now will you?” “Y-yes Daddy! Oh fuck! Oh fuck my pussy!” Adagio cried out. “Don’t worry; you’re a good girl who just loves a good dicking, aren’t you?” “Yes Daddy!” “Good girl!” With the agreement apparently established, Iron’s pace quickened, leaving Adagio to try and just remember to breathe as he ravished her. She gave up on the idea of being in control, of trying to manipulate this behemoth of a man. It was far better and far more fun to indulge his wants and her own with his cock. Every throb, every thrust, even the rough feeling of his chest against her back was bliss. Back to back orgasms tore through her as she took all he had to give her. When his climax finally did arrive, she welcomed it with an exhausted glee that befit any woman who could endure such a marathon of sex. Iron’s cock swelled and he slowed his motions enough to make sure she was taking his entire length, growling before groaning as he hilted into her tunnel and unleashed another load of cum long overdue. Adagio’s world started to go dark as the warmth of his load filled her body, almost like a balm to the coarse treatment she’d been enduring. Consciousness fading slowly, she couldn’t make out the words Iron mumbled, only the way he laughed at her going slack in his embrace. The last thing she recalled was being laid on the bed again, empty of his member and cum trickling out of her well-worn pussy. She gave in to the fatigue and let herself stay there, naked and satisfied. The Next Morning Iron Will’s gym was hustling and bustling as one might expect on a Wednesday. The treadmills were running, weights were being lifted and metal shifted and clinking sounds filling the air as patrons moved from spot to spot in the exercise facility. Today, the employees had been expecting an inspection from the manager, as they’d been told to prep for today and make sure the gym was in good shape. And Iron Will was rarely late, so they just kept on making sure their equipment was running well and no one was having any issues. Of course, if any of them had bothered to check his office that morning, they might’ve solved where he was. “Yeah! Yeah! That’s the stuff!” Iron declared under his breath as he admired himself in the mirror. He’d actually gotten there before the other employees had that morning, coming back in after cleaning up to check on his little surprise guest turned fuck buddy. She was actually in good shape, surprising him after their rough rounds last night. It impressed him; she must’ve been someone in good health, and he was absolutely on board with anyone who could keep up with him. As he often did as part of his morning routine, Iron made sure to take time to admire himself in the mirror in his office, giving off a show of his impressive physique to the mirror and savoring how his hard work over the years had led the burly man to becoming someone so strong. He knew not every man could do it as well as he could. Course, this time was a little different than usual. Instead of being only in his pants, this time he was in a fitted dress shirt that could actually handle his musculature. His upper half was every part the prim and proper, if huge, business manager he wanted to be. His lower half was currently occupied by a naked and orally working Adagio, slurping on his member. “You can hang out here while I do a quick inspection outside. I like surprising my workers. And when I come back, I can take you right back to the sack.” He declared. Adagio only replied once she managed to pull herself off of his cock, having had him deep-throated while fingering her own pussy. The wet slick sounds of her fingers slowed before she pulled off of him with a gasp, his saliva stained cock staying upright as her free hand stroked him quickly. Her wild hair framed her eager expression as she looked up at Iron Will. “Yes, Daddy. I can’t wait for more!”