> Stallion Panty Prisoner > by Blobskin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1 --- The chain of events that led to Gerek becoming so familiar with the inside of boxes seemed surreal. So unbelievable. It was hard for even him to follow and he had been the one to experience it. It started with borrowing a significant amount of money from some not very nice people. Then losing all that money on a doomed small business venture. His failure was next followed with threats, some verbal and some physical. Keeping his loan shark waiting ended with them kidnapping him and beating him. Once they realized there was no way Gerek could ever pay what he owed, they found a different means of getting their money back. They sold him into Equestria's human slave market. They got their money and Gerek disappeared through the portal into the world of giant equines. Ponies were far larger than humans. The width of a pony's hoof was twice his height. They towered over him as he was passed around the slave market with his fellow captives. They were given subpar food and water, and even allowed cold baths, as they waited to be forcibly moved. Levitated around by unicorns. Weighed on scales multiple times. Threatened with being crushed if they didn't "get back in the box". Gerek had thought about calling their obvious bluff. He was a slave, valuable property, right? He was so glad someone else had tried first. Some Mexican chick with one hell of a mouth. She instantly vanished under a hoof with a sickening crunch. A short time after that Gerek learned why their masters were so easily provoked to dispose of them. When ponies bought people from Earth the human sellers were usually paid a pile of gold. To the ponies however, that was only a bit or two. A human was worth about as much as a single fill of a salt shaker. So if a slave was being mouthy or rebellious, a pony could toss their mangled corpse aside with a shrug. It was a minuscule loss to the bottom line. Gerek met some interesting people in those weeks of captivity. Telling stories, really just complaining to each other, was about the only thing they could do while they waited for their ultimate fate. Not to say they couldn't try escaping or speculate endlessly about what would happen to them, but few wanted to do either of those things unless they were a panicking newcomer. Most quickly figured out the best way to burn time was to simply sit down and talk. The fear and hopelessness was so constant everyone rapidly became bored with it. A strange turn Gerek hadn't expected. Tedious terror. Finally, Gerek arrived at his next-to-final destination. A store, though the man wasn't sure what kind. The owner was gentler than many before him when he lowered Gerek into yet another box, but the pony only bought him. Since coming to Equestria it was the first time Gerek was ever left alone. It felt strange not to be surrounded by the constant chatter of a hundred other humans. It was a much smaller container too and the surfaces were hard and smooth like plastic rather than the rough wooden crates he'd been carried in until now. At least he had a blanket to sleep on. By this point Gerek was truly sick of the various hooves he'd been traded and sold between. The human slave market in Equestria was still young and messy it seemed. Lots of middlemen and transportation problems. He was fed and got a bath. And a promise that he would be going to his final home soon. Gerek wasn't sure whether he should be relieved or scared. The man was emotionally spent. Too much time had passed. Too much had happened to him. So he obediently sat in the corner and waited. Until the box opened again and he saw his owner for the foreseeable future. Gerek was levitated out of the box and carefully placed on some kind of bright red cloth. Above him were two ponies. One was the store owner. A green unicorn with a black mane he kept short and neatly combed. The new stallion was another unicorn, but his fur was pure white and he had a golden mane. He was a little on the slim side too, typical for a unicorn. He was also wearing a large pair of sunglasses that acted like a mirror when his huge head stooped down to hover over Gerek. The human fell back and gaped at his reflection in those wide lenses. More like the polished windows of a skyscraper. The stallion smirked. "Male?" the white unicorn asked. Hot breath engulfed Gerek and blew his hair back. "Yes sir, as you requested," the owner replied dutifully. The pale stallion straightened so he could speak to the owner properly. "Price?" "349 bits." He whistled. "That's pretty steep, don't you think? It's only one human." The owner chuckled. "I don't regularly deal in humans and it was a special request." The owner glanced about his store for a moment before leaning forward and continuing more quietly. "And I want compensation for the risk I'm taking. If either of us were to 'talk' things could get complicated, understood?" he asked while raising a brow. "Alright alright, I'll pay it," the pony in shades relented with a placating wave of his hoof. "I just wanted to voice how hurt I feel that you, my best friend in the whole world, would charge me so much. I thought you were doing me a favor is all." The shopkeeper rolled his eyes. "Just give me the bits." The white stallion snorted, pulled out a heavy bag, and began counting coins. Meanwhile, the owner had a question. "So what are you going to do with him? Kind of an unusual request to make of a business like mine. So I can only guess..." The buyer paused and slowly met the shop owner's gaze. It was subtle, but even Gerek could sense the warning glare behind those shades. Though the white unicorn didn't say anything, the message was clear. Mind your own business. The shop owner bristled and cleared his throat. "Just curious was all." Gerek was paid for and then stuffed in the smallest container he'd been in yet. It was a little cloth bag that forced the man to curl against its velvet walls. It was overly hot and the ride bounced wildly from wherever it hung on the stallion who bought him. In moments Gerek felt queasy from all the shaking and was incredibly disoriented. When he was shipped around with the other humans they could hardly tell the difference from when they were moving from when they were stationary. The only clues were the sounds that came through the walls and the almost completely ignorable vibrations in the floor. This was very different and it was awful. How long could it go on for? "Hey Chad!" a booming voice called from somewhere far away. At once the cloth sack Gerek was trapped in settled. The human sighed with relief, his tense muscles practically melting. Someone had stopped the pony carrying him in order to talk. A moment of peace. "Yo Castle!" the voice of the white stallion cried back. There was a sound of clopping hooves and then a loud click as the cloth bag swung once or twice mildly. Did they just tap hooves? A pony greeting? "What you up to Chad?" the unfamiliar voice asked. "Just cruising," the white stallion replied very casually. "Actually just heading home for a little R and R." "You're not going to the beach today? Dude, the babes are dying for a peace of you. It's summer man!" The white stallion huffed. "You take 'em. I've got other plans for the afternoon." "Plans that don't involve Golden Lock's oiled flanks?" the mystery pony asked with disbelief. "Believe it or not, I am capable of having interests other than hot mares during a volleyball match." "Hot stallions during a volleyball match?" the pony teased. The white unicorn grumbled. "You know what I meant, dick." There was some chuckling. "Well, I expect to see you at the club tomorrow at least." "Deal. I'm always up for another chance to show off my moves." "Yeah yeah, whatever dude." There was another click like two hooves colliding and then Gerek's ride was moving again. The human groaned. Had he learned anything just now? Did it matter? Whatever. The bag Gerek was trapped in was put down. Not tossed, but not gently lowered either. The care was somewhere in-between. Was his owner a caring pony looking for an exotic pet or a cruel master who saw humans as mere toys? The man couldn't tell yet. So even as he heard the stallion's hooves exit the room, Gerek didn't try to free himself. The human might have been alone and it might have been a prime chance to make an escape, but he saw two good reasons not to even attempt it. First, the sack had a drawstring that had been pulled tight. What were the chances he could even get out of this bag by himself? And he had no idea how much time he would get to fight with it too. What if the stallion came back while he was still struggling? It could get ugly. Second, where would he go once he got loose? Gerek was stranded in the pony world. Assuming he could slip out of what he presumed was his owner's house, even getting a passing pony's attention would be difficult and dangerous. So he decided to wait obediently. Gerek sat alone in that darkness for a minute or two, just sweating and breathing. Then he heard the sound of approaching hooves. Was that a wood floor? It was hard to figure out what he was even hearing, but those repetitive crashes getting louder and louder was a sure sign the stallion was back. Gerek's heart raced when it seemed like the thundering couldn't get any stronger. Then... silence. For a few seconds the only sound was his own lungs expanding and contracting. There was a tinkling like wind chimes and suddenly his world lurched into motion. One side of the bag was pulled upward and Gerek rolled to the opposite end. This was followed by a whooshing noise, then the sack flipped over and the human was in free fall. He yelped, plummeting out of the bag and onto a cushioned surface below. He grunted from the impact and quickly pushed himself up. The man's head darted from side-to-side as he took in his new surroundings. He was on a bed if the blue sheets, distant pillow, and the cliff of a headboard were any hint. The walls of the room were pretty bare except for the poster for some pony rock band and the window covered by heavy curtains. Then Gerek turned around to see the rest of the room and was reminded that his new owner was here. A white unicorn with a blonde mane that ran down to his shoulders. A bit long for a stallion, but far from the draping locks mares usually had. He also sported an angular jaw, thin brows, and of course the overly large eyes all ponies shared. Gerek's owner was currently stooped so his head wasn't very far away, but it was definitely big enough to fill a coffee shop back on Earth. The stallion was studying him. The human gaped up at him in return. Equestrians were huge. The pony snorted with amusement and smirked. "Alright," the stallion began coolly. "I really don't like beating around the bush, so we're going to settle in together quick. Any questions? Concerns? Smart aleck remarks?" The pony paused for a moment and raised a brow at the man. Gerek shook his head fearfully. The unicorn nodded. "Good. First, I'm Chad. What's your name?" It was funny, after over a month in the pony world and despite how many had handled him, no one had ever asked him his name. It felt unusually considerate. "My name is Gerek." "Nice to meet you Gerek," the unicorn grinned. "Now, I own you. That means you have to do whatever I tell you to do. Got that?" Gerek nodded, his hope for a kind master wavering slightly. "Good. But let's be clear about one thing: I don't want to hurt you. Okay?" Gerek swallowed and dared to ask a question. "Will you though?" The stallion hesitated. He looked away and chewed his lip. "Maybe," he admitted slowly. Then he faced the little human again more sternly. "If you refuse to do what I want than I might have to get pushy. Alright?" Gerek rubbed his arms nervously. "What do you want from me then?" For a moment the stallion simply stared at him. Gerek felt very uncomfortable, like he'd done something wrong. Was Chad mad already? Why wasn't he saying anything? Then the human noticed it. The big unicorn was starting to... blush? The man was confused. Why? The stallion's eyes darted to the floor and Gerek could hear a scuffing noise. Chad licked his lips and took a deep breath. "Gerek, right? See, I bought you because..." the pony's words immediately petered out. Then he stood there awkwardly once more. "Yes?" the human tried. The stallion shook his head and gathered his confidence. "I have..." then he faltered again. He sighed and glanced at the floor. Then the pony did something Gerek never could have anticipated. Chad folded his legs beneath himself and laid down. Next he dropped his muzzle onto the surface of the mattress a short distance in front of Gerek. The unicorn's nose was about as tall as the human, but now the man didn't have to bend backwards just to make eye contact. "Gerek," Chad began quietly, "I have a confession to make." "Okay," the human replied, unsure where this could be going. "See, all my friends think I'm cool and... tough. That I'm a total bro. You know? But I have... interests... that aren't cool. That I can't let anypony know about. Which is a bit of a problem because I can't satisfy my fetishes without another pony's help, right?" he explained sadly. It felt like the beginning of an unexpected heart-to-heart. It was touching. Then Gerek latched onto one word as soon as it left the huge stallion's lips. "Fetish?" he asked nervously. Chad's ears pinned. "Yeah. I can't ask another pony. I could never share it with somepony else. But... you're not a pony. You're a human and you don't know me. You don't have big expectations of me and if you call me weird it doesn't matter." He was starting to smile and that made Gerek edgy. "You also can't really refuse, because you're so small. I can force you to be my partner!" Chad was grinning now and the human was horrified. Gerek stepped back. "W-what are you going to do to me? You said you didn't want to hurt me." The stallion blinked, seeming to come back to himself and the conversation. "Hey, I'm not trying to scare you and I was tellin' the truth. I really don't want to hurt you." Gerek stumbled back a few more steps. "B-but I'm not gay!" Chad stared at him silently for a moment. "Sorry. If it makes you feel better, it's not like I plan to stick my dick in your ass. I have something very different in mind." Gerek gaped in disgust. "No, that doesn't make me feel any better at all!" The stallion winced. "Well... there isn't much I can do about that. So here is the deal. If you play my games I'll make sure you live an easy, comfortable life. Does that sound good?" Gerek's mouth opened and closed a few times. "Except for the whole gay thing!" he cried. "How can I be 'comfortable' when I'm just... a toy?" Chad sighed and his eyelids lowered in disappointment. "Food, clothes, shelter, the works. I'll give you whatever you want. Except freedom, so don't go making a smartass demand like that. And it's not like I'm going to be playing with you every day," the unicorn mumbled. Gerek cringed. The offer was probably the best a tiny human slave stranded in the pony world could hope for. Safety was the man's biggest concern. How many casual murders had he witnessed up until now? "And I'll be safe? You truly don't plan to hurt me?" Chad's ears perked hopefully. "I promise. Take care of me and I'll take care of you." The way the stallion worded it made Gerek shiver. But what other choice did he have? Keep refusing and be tortured until he surrendered? "W-what kind... of games?" It was hard to even ask. Chad blushed and his eyes quickly darted away from the little human. "Well you see..." The unicorn gulped. "I want to... dress up like a mare." Gerek froze and he swore he heard a window smash somewhere. "What?" Chad focused on the small man, his face red with embarrassment. "I want to wear... perfume. And skirts. And... panties. And I want somepony to... see." Gerek was blushing too now. This was so weird. "You want to dress up and just... show me?" Chad's lips tightened and he might have nodded. He couldn't move his head that much with his chin resting on the bed. Gerek rubbed his forehead. He could feel the pony watching him, waiting for his response, but what could he say to that kind of request? It was beyond absurd. No wonder the stallion felt so awkward about it. Gerek struggled to even wrap his mind around it. He had to think. Part of him considered that this might actually be really easy. If all Chad wanted was someone to look. However, the man knew better than to assume it could be that simple. "Chad?" Gerek began. "Yes?" "You just want me to see you? Dressed as a... mare?" "Not... exactly," Chad admitted. "I want you to watch me dress. I want you to watch me strip. I want to give you a lap dance and I want to smother you with my panty covered balls. I want you to touch me," he described huskily, his breath seeming to get hotter with every word. Gerek cringed. "Is that... all?" Chad sounded like he was drifting into his fantasy. "There's one more thing. I want you to call me... a mare. Call me... 'your' mare." The stallion grinned lustfully. Gerek's skin crawled. He felt sick. This was disgusting. He wanted nothing to do with this crazed pony's fetish. However, when the man glanced around the room looking for an idea or for a means of escape, he could only come to one conclusion: he had no real choice. Play along or be punished and forced to play anyway. Gerek couldn't see a way out of this unless he could somehow convince Chad to give up the whole fantasy. But one look at the bedroom eyes the giant stallion was currently shooting his way convinced him that was an impossible task. Gerek bit back his revulsion. He didn't want to play with this pony, but he also didn't like pain and he definitely didn't want to die. "Fine," the man said regretfully. "I'll do it. Just... remember your promise Chad. You said you would keep me comfortable and that you wouldn't hurt me as long as I helped you." Chad's smile threatened to split his face. "I will, don't worry." Gerek sighed and his shoulders slumped. "How did I get here?" he whispered to himself. The unicorn didn't seem to hear him. "So what do you say we start now?" Chad asked excitedly. Gerek's head shot up and he stared back at the pony. "I just got here though," he tried pointing out. "Oh come on, one quick bit? Just to get you settled in?" The man swallowed. Gerek knew he was doomed. "Please, be gentle." Chad smiled. "Don't worry honey. Just let your mare do all the work." > Perfume > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.2 --- Unexpectedly, the first thing Chad had Gerek do was take a bath. The stallion went so far as to produce a bowl of warm water, a chip from a soap bar, a clean rag to dry off, and even a set of fresh human-sized clothes. Then the unicorn excused himself so that he could take a shower. Which left Gerek alone in the bedroom stranded on a desk. The man approached his bath with awe. The walls of the bowl were a little tall at about mid-chest height, but he was still easily able to dip his hand and test the water. It was indeed warm. A hot bath. It was the first time Gerek had been given the chance since coming to Equestria. When he was traded around the slave market the water he and his fellow humans had been given was room temperature at best. So he had learned to wash quickly. Gerek hadn't even seen soap in over a month. It was one of the greatest gifts the man could ask for. He stripped and practically dove in. He sighed with pleasure and floated on his back. The man drifted towards the center of the dish as all the stress he had gathered until now seemingly melted away. For a moment Gerek thought he might just fall asleep there. However, reality had a gentle way of reasserting itself. It was shortly into his relaxation that he heard what sounded like a waterfall in the distance. Chad had started his shower. Gerek sighed again. He wanted to simply stay here and enjoy this, but Chad had told him to get clean before he returned. While the man doubted he'd suffer any real punishment if he took longer than the stallion, it still made him nervous. So the human obediently tracked down the piece of soap which the unicorn had left floating in the bowl. It was around the size of a corn cob and roughly the same shape. Strangely, the white fragment didn't have any smell. Gerek even brought it right to his nose, but couldn't detect a thing. It felt like soap and it made suds when he rubbed it, but it had no scent. Well, it was what Chad had given him so he would use it. Gerek scrubbed himself from head to toe, thoroughly wiping away any grime or dirt. When it came to his hair though he wasn't sure. Shrugging, he dunked himself, wetted his hair, and simply went through the motions. He scratched at his scalp and acted like he did have shampoo. It felt nice anyway. Gerek felt clean. It was another first since coming to Equestria. The man dared think he even felt refreshed. Gerek took another moment to enjoy the warm water. He eased himself down until only his head remained. The man hummed in pleasure. His arms floated limply. After a few brief minutes Gerek decided it was time to get out. He didn't know how much longer Chad was going to take so it was best to be done and ready sooner rather than later. He waded to the edge of the bowl and clumsily slipped over the side. Immediately he felt the chill of the open air and shivered. He rushed to the rag and wrapped himself in the thick cloth. Gerek shook his head, throwing tiny droplets everywhere. Then he dried himself as best he could and tried on the clothes the stallion had left him. They were strange. There was a baggy shirt that was clearly trying to have short sleeves, but the tailor didn't have a clue about human proportions. So the sleeves ended a little after his elbows and the neck hole was a bit too big. Then there were the pants. The waist was stretchy and adjusted to him well enough, but the material bunched up a lot around the crotch and the legs weren't quite long enough for him. It wasn't uncomfortable exactly, just odd. Like a poorly made costume. The desk the unicorn had left him on had a large mirror attached to it so Gerek was able to study his reflection. The clothes were bright red. He would have stood out a lot in a crowd. The sound of the shower was still going so the only thing Gerek could do now was wait. He eyed his old clothes which he had simply left on the ground. They were dirty, stained, and just beginning to fall apart. The man regarded the outfit he was currently wearing. The human hoped he'd get better fitting clothes in the future. He sighed. Thinking about his future made him nervous. What was about to happen to him would surely only be a taste of the life to come. The question was, how bad was it going to be? Gerek studied his surroundings while he waited. He was currently on a rather plain vanity desk which had light bulbs lining the tall mirror attached to it. When Chad had levitated him over the man had also seen two or three rows of shelves on the bottom. Strangely, there had been no space below the desktop. Gerek idly imagined a pony seated at a table and realized that they probably didn't need an empty space. There was no point. Ponies sat like dogs, their legs behind or underneath them, not ahead like a human. Also, the desk was much shorter than he would have expected. For Chad the surface was only a little above knee height, though that was still more than enough distance to break Gerek's legs if he tried jumping down. Hence why he was stranded. The man mused on that for a while. The sound of the shower stopped. Gerek was instantly focused on his ears, desperately trying to hear anything. There was a frustrating few moments of silence where he could detect nothing. Then the sound of approaching hooves. Like the echoing thunder of a storm as it rushed towards him. His heart began to beat faster. The door of the bedroom opened and the pale unicorn stepped into the room with one blue towel loosely draped across his back and another tightly wrapped around his head. His fur was glistening wet and he dripped on the wood floor below as he moved in front of the desk. As Chad loomed over Gerek the massive stallion aimed a gentle smile at the tiny man. Gerek gulped nervously. "How was the bath?" Chad asked smoothly. "It was... nice," he admitted bashfully. Chad nodded. "Well don't just sit there. Stand up and give me a spin. Let me see you!" The little human did as he was ordered, feeling horribly embarrassed as he twirled about like some display piece. Chad hummed thoughtfully. "Yeah I didn't expect those clothes to fit right. We'll have to get your measurements and have something more professional made for you. Later. For now, let me take a moment to deal with this." The unicorn's horn began to glow with golden light and the bowl Gerek had used as a bath quickly followed. It was like watching a full swimming pool simply float into the air. Magic at its finest. The man gawked at the careless display of power as Chad turned to leave the room with the dish. Halfway to the door however, the stallion seemed to get an idea and glanced back over his shoulder. Gerek was staring in the pony's direction. Chad smirked and gave his wet drooping tail a flick to the side. Then he wiggled his rear. It was only a glimpse, but the human had seen something dark and round between the pony's legs. His lips tightened and his spine tingled. Chad giggled and began swaying his hips as he finished leaving the room. Gerek felt hot and bothered. Luckily he was alone for a minute to bury his discomfort. Chad returned, minus the bowl and his towels. The unicorn quickly stepped up to the desk again and sat down. Gerek backpedaled a bit and gawked up at the cliff of damp white fur to meet his owner's eyes. Chad smiled, blushed, and hunched his shoulders. "I-I guess i-it's time to g-get started," Chad stuttered. "This is the f-first time I've ever d-done this in front of someone." Gerek didn't say anything. All he could do was cringe and hug himself. How bad was this going to be? "Just relax and enjoy it," the unicorn whispered, though to himself or Gerek the human wasn't really sure. The stallion used his magic to lift a thick-toothed comb before turning his side towards the mirror. And his new slave. Then the pony began combing his mane. Gerek was honestly impressed by Chad's technique. The unicorn relied on his magic to manipulate the comb, but used both his front hooves to carefully position his mane. He would pinch a bit of hair between his hooves then run the comb through it to straighten it and remove the knots. Every few passes he would also give his comb a small flick and send drops of water flying. Was this normal for stallions to do or were they already in the realm of care only a mare would give her mane? The uncertainty was about the only reason Gerek didn't instinctively turn away. It wasn't long before Chad was done with his mane and stood up, his side still facing the mirror. Then the stallion snickered quietly as he stepped forward, clearly showing off his flanks. He flicked his tail once as he posed for a brief moment. Then Chad began to run the comb through his sagging wet tail. The unicorn did not use his hooves to hold the hair, instead choosing to simply use slower and more delicate movements. Or was he just doing that to flaunt his body for his slave's entertainment? Gerek shivered. Luckily the comb passed through the waterfall of hairs without catching and Chad's tail was soon straight if not still wet to the touch. The stallion sighed as he sat down and faced forward again. "That was nice, but now I need your input." Gerek tensed. "What for? I don't think there is anything I could do for you." The man was only as tall as a pony's closed muzzle after all. "I told you to relax," Chad giggled as he put the comb back in a drawer. Closing that compartment, the unicorn opened another and began really channeling his magic as he levitated something that was much bigger and heavier, even for him. For Gerek it looked like Chad was lowering a three story building onto the desk. "What is that?!" Gerek yelled as he stumbled away from the crash landing. Chad huffed from the effort. "My perfume collection." The stallion focused on Gerek with a sad frown. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just want you to see how serious I am about... us," Chad explained with a blush. Then he opened the huge box and turned a knob inside which caused the entire front portion to fall open and reveal a wall of labeled bottles. Three shelves of them. "Now, I want you to pick a fragrance you like. I want... to smell good for you." The stallion glanced off to the side. Gerek gulped. He wanted to object, that this didn't matter and there was no scent that would make this enjoyable. However, he also knew purposefully upsetting Chad wasn't a good idea. So he approached the wall of perfume slowly and began reading labels. The bottles were a little taller than himself, not unlike a soda machine in size and shape. The first row seemed to be all fruits while the other two were an assortment of various flowers, many of which Gerek didn't recognize. In seconds the man found himself a bit lost and merely staring at the huge containers. None of them really called out to him. Yet he could feel Chad's hungry eyes on his back. What was the man's favorite aroma? "Green Apple," Gerek announced randomly. "Good choice," he could hear the smile on Chad's lips. The bottle of green juice began to glow and levitated out of the box. "Flowers are nice and all, but I too have a soft spot for fruity smells." "Yeah," Gerek mumbled agreement. "I like the taste of apples so... why not?" "Me too," Chad nodded. "Before I use it though, maybe you should sample it? Just to be sure this is what you want your mare to smell like?" Gerek met Chad's hopeful gaze. "Okay," he shrugged helplessly. The stallion smiled and began unscrewing the perfume bottle. Then he tipped it as he lowered it down to the little man on the table. The human did as asked and stood on his toes to put his face up to the open lid and smell the perfume. "Woah," he gasped. That scent was strong. Chad laughed. "Yup, it's good stuff," he beamed. "Like it?" "Yeah," was all Gerek could say before he stumbled back and sat down, head feeling a bit light. The stallion opened the drawer again and produced a round brush with lots of soft looking bristles. He then lightly dribbled green apple perfume over the brush and rubbed it in with his hoof. He levitated the bottle back into the box and then used his hoof to begin running the brush through his fur. He started with his neck just under the jaw then worked his way down. Chad's fur had been left a little wild after drying off, but it was quickly being tamed with every motion. The only sound was that of the pony working and it made Gerek restless. The thought occurred to him that maybe he should strike up a conversation, but what was there to talk about? Chad had progressed down to his front legs and was running the brush basically right by Gerek who was seated near the table's edge. The faint smell of green apple lingered in the stallion's fur. "Why didn't the soap... smell?" Gerek tried. It wasn't a great topic, but at least it was something. "Hm?" Chad paused, surprised by the question. "Oh. It's because perfume is so much better at getting the exact fragrance a mare might want." The stallion switched hooves and began brushing his other foreleg. "Perfume has a much greater range and depth of scents than any soap brand and some perfumes can be mixed to fill very specific moods. So a lot of mares use scent neutral soap." Gerek was impressed by the trick. It made total sense to him. "Is it... expensive?" the man asked, just trying to keep the conversation going. "Not really," Chad replied dismissively as he finished brushing his front legs. Then the stallion stood up and took a moment to apply more perfume to the brush. With the scent renewed, he began running the brush down his side next. Gerek scratched his head trying to continue their talk. "Do you... do this a lot?" Chad smiled with embarrassment. "Maybe," he replied cryptically. "You'll just have to find out," the stallion then added with a teasing tone. The towering pony then spun around and began brushing his other side. The action was a blunt reminder for Gerek that his owner wanted him to watch. Chad raised the brush to just below his spine and ran the thin delicate bristles down over his ribs, taming his fur and leaving behind a fruity aroma in one motion. Then back up to the peak of the stallion's back the hoof and brush would go to make another pass. One after the other. Slow and methodical. Gerek forgot about trying to talk through this. He was just a bystander. The human was an audience of one for Chad's show. Which was about to heat up. The stallion was done with his sides so he turned more. So that he faced his backside to the desk and the man seated on it. The human gulped as he stared up at Chad's round ass cheeks. The only thing protecting the pony's dignity was the wall of soaking hair that was his tail. Luckily for Gerek that curtain would remain in place for now as the hoof and brush appeared around the curve of the unicorn's flank and began grooming. Brush. Brush. Brush. Gerek and Chad were silent as the huge stallion brushed his ass in front of the little helpless man. After a stroke or two more than was probably necessary, the pony spun around to face the human again. Both of them were blushing, though Chad was also smiling. "Now I need you to pick another perfume," Chad said as though out of breath. Gerek wiped some sweat off his brow and licked his dry lips. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. Chad had already coated himself in the smell of green apples so the man couldn't guess what he wanted a second scent for. "O-okay," he replied while standing up and glancing at the still open box of perfumes. "Pick something spicy," Chad added huskily. "Something sharp." Gerek didn't know anything about perfumes so Chad's instruction was pretty much meaningless to him. Inevitably the man found himself standing in front of a wall of huge bottles feeling clueless as he read label after label. The choice was not made easier as he became aware of the deep breathing of the stallion behind him ruffling his clothes every second or two. "Cherry!" he announced randomly, just to escape the awkward situation. "Are you sure?" Chad whispered even as the red bottle began to glow and float away. "Yes?" Gerek confirmed as he faced the pony. The stallion had indeed bent down and was hovering his head only a... bus length away. Though the sheer size of him made it feel a lot closer. "Hm, really?" Chad moaned. "I promise this is the smell you're going to be getting the most of. Do you want to sample it just to be sure?" The bottle unscrewed seemingly by itself and then waved back and forth gently. Gerek shook his head. "I'm good. I'm pretty sure I know what cherries smell like," he said quickly, unsure what Chad might be hinting at. For a moment Chad waited. Then he chuckled. "Suit yourself." The massive pony straightened and the human was able to breathe normally again. Chad dropped the cherry perfume's cap on the desk and began rummaging through the top drawer while the open bottle continued to hover by his head. Gerek could hear a lot of things being shifted around just beneath his feet for several seconds. Then the stallion grinned triumphantly as he produced from the depths a new cap with two additional features over the old. As Chad attached the new cap a straw-like protrusion went down into the bottle of cherry perfume while a short black pipe with a rubber ball at the end hung off the side. The unicorn aimed the sprayer at the bottom of his empty hoof and used his magic to give the pump a few squeezes. The first three attempts only produced a wheezing sound and Gerek guessed a small gust of air. On the fourth try there was a weak blast of mist followed by a fifth squeeze that produced a fine cloud. Chad paused to give his hoof a sniff. "Now then," the stallion began with a sly smile, "time for the finishing touch." Chad levitated the bottle closer to the table surface and for a second Gerek thought he was going to get sprayed, but the huge unicorn never pointed it at him. Then the human's attention was ripped to the far right side of the desk as a huge white hoof crashed down onto the wood surface. Then his head rushed back to the left as the stallion's other hoof landed too. Gerek glanced upward at the equine muzzle looming above him. Chad smiled lustfully as he supported himself on the desk. Then the pony's rear legs took a step forward and he raised his chest higher and over the plane where Gerek stood. The human stumbled back, but couldn't direct his eyes anywhere else. He was staring right at Chad's enormous balls. Each orb was the size of a very large car and they swung tauntingly in front of and a bit above the man. The smooth skin of Chad's package was black and pulled tight by the weight of his testicles. Gerek gulped. At least the stallion's member was still tucked away from view. For now. Chad's left hoof crept into view and gently tugged his dangling balls to the right. Then the perfume bottle levitated towards the opening and sprayed once. The hoof let go and the meaty orbs swung freely as the other hoof appeared to gently pull the stallion's package to the other side. Again the perfume bottle floated towards the crevice, the other pit of Chad's junk, and sprayed once. The hoof returned to its place propping the pony up while the perfume aimed and gave the stallion's balls one last quick dose head on. The unicorn shivered and a whinny escaped his mouth above. The titanic orbs in front of Gerek jiggled slightly. Then the perfume bottle was put down somewhere behind the man as he continued to stare. "That's right honey," Chad moaned. "These will be all yours soon." The stallion swayed his hips for a few moments as though performing a slow hypnotic dance. Gerek couldn't respond. Chad sighed as he stepped down from the desk. "But I have to get dressed first, then we can really play," he announced with a smile. To be continued... > Dance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1 --- Chad murmured to himself as he browsed the assortment of colorful cloth that hung in his closet. The high pitched scratching of hangers being pushed aside regularly pierced the air. Meanwhile Gerek sat and waited helplessly on the vanity desk on the opposite side of the room. The man was suffering from a slow burning tension. He knew what was coming and he wanted nothing to do with it, but his small size made it impossible to resist. There was still a part of him that clung to the hope that the stallion's show wouldn't be that bad. That the tiny human wouldn't be progressively driven insane by it. After all, this would be only the first of many... performances. "Because this is our first time I think we should keep it pretty simple. What do you think?" Chad called over his shoulder. Gerek considered trying to be difficult, but decided it was probably dangerous and unlikely to accomplish anything. "Y-yeah. Nothing too... fancy." "Right? But it also needs to be special. Simple, but special," the stallion whispered to himself. "So no way can I wear frills. The sun dress? No, that wouldn't be fun to watch..." he droned off. Gerek shifted his legs uncomfortably. He could feel the nervous energy bubbling in his veins. He desperately glanced around the desktop. The table was only as high as Chad's knees, but for the human it was at least a four story drop. Maybe five. The lights for the desk must have been powered by something, so there might have been a power cord leading down to the floor. But how was he supposed to reach it on the other side of the mirror? And even if he did get to the floor, where would he go next? His thoughts were interrupted by Chad. "What do you think about socks? I have a few nice long ones I think would really accentuate my legs." "I don't know," Gerek mumbled half-heartedly. Then he began to panic as the stallion peered backward, silently demanding a more constructive opinion. He clearly wanted the human to participate in their game. But Gerek had no idea how to respond. The man scrambled to think of a reply more complicated than yes or no. "Socks go good with skirts," he said quickly. Gerek wanted to slap himself for that comment as soon as the words left his mouth. Chad smiled. "That is so true. Why didn't I think of that?" the unicorn jokingly scolded himself with a chuckle. "What about color? I think my white fur goes good with pink or blue. What do you think?" Gerek swallowed. "White is a... neutral color. It goes good with... everything." Chad looked up in thought at that. "True," he shrugged in agreement. "Except white. White on white would look weird." "It'd look like you weren't wearing anything," the man added sarcastically. The stallion laughed. "I usually don't," he admitted as he turned back to his closet full of outfits. Then he began rambling his thoughts aloud again. "My denim skirt would be too casual..." Gerek tried to go back to planning an escape, but no ideas came to him. There just wasn't a route he could imagine leading him to freedom. If he ran into a wild animal, like a feral cat or a rat, he had little confidence he could fight it off or escape. Even getting out of the house was a daunting task which assumed there was a hole in a wall somewhere he could slip through. Hope rapidly faded when Gerek considered that his owner really didn't have to offer him anything except shelter and food to make it a logically better deal than gambling on getting away. Honestly, if Chad kept his promise not to hurt him, Gerek was truly safest doing what he was told. Assuming the huge stallion didn't drown him in his weird fetish. Suddenly there was a loud thumping as Chad rushed towards the desk with several items levitating alongside him. He was grinning like a child in a candy store. Gerek flinched as the unicorn presented him with three skirts. "Which one do you want to see me in?" The human eyed each for a moment, suppressing his desire to tell the eager pony no to all of them. The first skirt was gray and made from tight very fine cloth, possibly silk. It reminded Gerek of something a woman might wear in a business environment. It screamed "professional attire". The second was a blue pleated skirt made of a thicker material that was stiff and tried a bit harder to hold its shape. It was the kind a cheerleader might wear. The last skirt was about twice as long as the others and was blood red with a golden checkerboard pattern. It was also made of a much thinner fabric than the other two, though it wasn't transparent, and looked particularly soft. The question lingered: which one did Gerek want Chad to wear? The man quickly gave up and simply pointed at the skirt in the middle, the one that reminded him of a cheerleader. "That one," Gerek said. Chad cooed. "Perfect choice. Nice and flashy," he said suggestively while lowering his brows. Gerek gulped. The stallion tossed the chosen skirt onto the bed behind him then scampered back to the closet to put the rejects away. A moment later he pulled out a neon blue top and tossed that onto the bed as well. Then Chad went to his dresser and opened the top drawer. "What goes good with blue?" "For what?" the man honked in confusion. Hadn't the pony already asked that? "Socks! I know what kind I want to wear for you, but what color would you like?" the stallion urged without turning around as he sifted through the drawer. Gerek again swallowed his wish to protest all of this. He had to remind himself how risky it might be not to play along. The human licked his lips. "Well... I don't really know that much about fashion," he confessed hesitantly. "I do know that white goes good with everything. And black too. Those are the universal colors." One of Chad's ears perked. "Black huh? Sounds good." A set of black socks joined the other clothes sprawled out on the bed. "There's only one thing left to pick, honey," the stallion declared with a hum as he closed the top drawer. "And I know you're going to like this part the most." The man's whole body shivered, yet there was nothing he could do besides watch as the pony opened the bottom drawer. At least a whole minute passed in near silence. Then Chad glanced back with a mischievous grin on his face. Several pieces of cloth levitated out of the drawer and followed the stallion as he carefully sauntered across the room. The pony cheekily kept the items hidden behind him while swaying his hips with every step. Then he was looming over Gerek. "Now," Chad began simply, smile growing even larger with excitement. "Which one do you want to see me wear?" The unicorn thrust three pairs of panties forward, leaving them to hover over Gerek ominously. The human was hit with a wave of nausea. He really should have seen this coming, but it still took him by surprise. The first pair of lingerie were black and resembled boxer briefs. Without a flap on the front of course. These were meant for a woman. Or a mare as it were. The second pair was a typical pink bikini. There was nothing particularly special about it other than the knowledge a stallion intended to wear them. The last pair of panties was... a hot red g-string thong. Merely looking at it made Gerek pale in horror. It was just a crimson triangle with a few loops of spandex hanging off it. "Well~" Chad urged with that lustful grin of his. "Which one do you want to see me in?" The man whimpered. His eyes darted from one pair to the next over and over. The seconds ticked by. The pony's expression didn't appear malicious or threatening in any obvious way, but it hung over the human with an oppressive aura. Those enormous eyes even seemed to be getting closer as Gerek continued to hesitate. Was Chad leaning further and further? The man had to choose. Chad wasn't about to let him crawl away from this. Gerek swallowed back the bile that tried to rise in his throat. "The... middle one," he said weakly. As long as it wasn't the g-string. That was his only thought. Chad hummed, leaning back and studying the chosen pair himself for a moment. "The pink bikini? Not bad. I kind of wanted to wear these though," the stallion snickered as the g-string wiggled teasingly. Gerek didn't say anything to that. Choosing instead to rub his arms for comfort. Chad tossed the other panties in the direction of the open drawer, not even caring that one of them missed. Then he stared at the female underwear still in his magic grasp. Without turning his head, he glanced at the little man on the desk. His trademark smile grew. "It's time," the stallion announced. That simple statement... it felt like the ground had disappeared from under Gerek. Like he was falling into the abyss. He was totally at this pony's mercy. And there probably wasn't going to be much of that. The show was about to start. Chad began by taking two shuffling steps, aiming his backside at the desk. His tail just reached his knees, which was long for a typical stallion yet a touch short for a mare, however it still managed to hide anything obscene. Until the pony started to rock back and forth. The curtain of hair swayed further with each swing until Gerek was getting brief flashes of the stallion's balls. The muscles in the pony's legs flexed. The surface of his ass tightened and relaxed with the rhythm of his slow teetering. The man stared, hypnotized. The teasing came to an abrupt end when the massive rear suddenly thrust outward, over the table's edge, and shook furiously for several seconds. Gerek flinched and yelped at the sight of so many tons of jiggling flesh coming at him so quickly. Then all he could do was cringe as it retreated. Chad huffed once. "Next..." There was a continuous chiming of magic at work as the pink panties floated down under the pony's belly and toward his hind legs. The stallion lifted his left leg a bit, which caused his ass to flex and tilt. Gerek could hear the thump of the enormous hoof landing on the wood floor far below. The titanic rear then mirrored the previous movement as Chad put his other leg through the underwear. Another thump came as the hoof landed. The man couldn't see Chad's face, but he could definitely hear his sigh and the jingling of his magic intensifying. A moment later the pink panties appeared as they were dragged up the pony's legs. But they soon stopped. For a few breaths Gerek was left waiting, facing a stallion's ass, wondering what had made Chad pause. The towering male had realized something. Chad flicked his tail of blonde hairs aside, proudly showing off his dangling balls. Then his head barely managed to poke around the fat of his ass as he tried to catch the human's reaction. He apparently liked what he saw. Chad snickered and his rear shook. Gerek gulped. The glowing panties resumed crawling up his toned pale legs and there was a quiet brushing sound of fur on cotton. Then the material reached the pony's meaty cheeks. For a moment Gerek doubted they would fit, but they were stretchy and continued advancing higher over the stallion's wide backside. But when the lingerie was only halfway to the peak, the golden glow of the unicorn's magic grasp unexpectedly vanished with a minuscule pop. Gerek was confused. Maybe they didn't fit after all. That clearly was not the proper position. That's when Chad spun around with a grunt and threw his front hooves onto the desktop. The small human bounced from the impact and fearfully stared up at the hungry pony. A gust of air from the unicorn's open mouth saturated the man's entire body with humidity and warmth. Then, without saying a word, Chad pushed himself up until he was standing on his hind hooves. The stallion took a step forward and forced Gerek to focus on his dark balls, still dangling outside the pink underwear. Chad skillfully balanced on his rear legs so he could use his front hooves to grip the waistband of his panties. The colossal pony then playfully stuck out his tongue while tauntingly tugging on the elastic several times, purposefully failing to budge the pink fabric. Chad soon began to blush and turned his head away. Eventually he gave the underwear a real yank and the bikini quickly finished climbing the pony's generous hips. However, the panties were not designed to accommodate a stallion's testicles, so one of his orbs inevitably spilled out on one side while the cloth was scrunched up on the other. The pony spread his rear legs a bit and bent his knees, lowering his balls so they filled Gerek's vision entirely. The human threw up a hand and scooted back a few inches even as the smell of cherry perfume radiated over him. Chad's front hooves descended upon the uncooperative undergarments and easily pulled them over the escaping flesh. The stallion then took another moment to adjust the remaining perimeter of his bikini so he was properly tucked in. The result was a very tight fit. There was nothing left to the imagination as the cute pink panties bulged around the mass of his package. Chad leaned to the side and put a hoof on his hip. The other he gently ran over his balls. Up and down. Quietly pleasuring himself. The stallion tilted his head with a sigh. Simply enjoying hovering his sac over the helpless little human below. Each one of his orbs was twice Gerek's size and countless times heavier. The tiny man could only lay on his back and gaze up at the titan as he stroked himself. Disgusted and terrified, but unable to look away. Finally Chad relented. "That was fun, but I really need to finish getting dressed." The pony backed away from the desk and dropped down onto his four hooves with a thunderous crash. Gerek sighed with relief, the looming aura no longer overwhelming him. Then Chad decided to spin around and face his panty clad ass toward the human. He flicked his tail aside coyly and wiggled. Gerek winced. The stallion giggled. At least that scene lasted only a few seconds. Chad sauntered to his bed, swaying his hips like a runway model. There the unicorn used his magic to grab the blue pleated skirt. He wasted no time dropping it to the floor and slipping it up his rear legs, over his tail, and fixing it in place around his waist. Gerek couldn't help noticing that the skirt... didn't really cover anything. In fact, it just seemed to draw attention to the stallion's ass. Like a funnel for the little human's vision. And the pony clearly knew it. Chad glanced over his shoulder and smirked. He thrust his hips to one side and hiked his tail, raising the stiff cloth to reveal everything it should have kept hidden. As the man had feared the skirt merely added a backdrop that highlighted the size and shape of the larger male's ass. As well as emphasized the pink panties stretched over his balls. Apparently Chad thought that was enough as he returned his attention to the bed. The neon blue blouse with no sleeves was next. The stallion had to sit down for a moment as he maneuvered his front hooves into the holes followed by a bit of twisting to settle the top in place. Finally it was time for the four long black tube socks. First Chad slipped them onto his rear legs, the socks surprisingly reached just below his hips. Then the pony picked up the final two and quickly fitted them over his forelegs. Then Chad glanced at Gerek and grinned. The stallion may have been on the other side of the room, but the man still shivered. Chad stood with an exaggerated flourish. He faced the tabletop and cast his head to the side so his mane bounced cutely out of his eyes. Then the pony crossed his front legs innocently. The unicorn had a soft blonde mane that had been carefully brushed and clean white fur. He was wearing a long black tube sock on each leg and his torso was snuggled into a simple bright blue blouse. He was also wearing a darker blue pleated skirt that was made from a stiff cloth that fanned outward behind him. The transformation was complete. For a human who wasn't particularly familiar with ponies, it would be easy to mistake this one for a mare at the moment. However Gerek knew better. The not-mare took a step forward. Followed by another. Each time deliberately swinging his hooves to the opposite side of his body so that he rocked. When Chad reached the desk he puffed out his chest and held his head high. If it weren't for the lights being positioned behind Gerek, he would have been cast deep in the enormous pony's shadow. The man's neck was angled all the way back just so he could see the underside of the unicorn's chin. The pony's head dipped just enough that the two of them could make eye contact. Chad was blushing, but he also smirked. Meanwhile Gerek silently gaped at the sheer scale of him. He was a living building. Ten stories tall at the least. Then the titan turned around and raised his tail. Any doubt an observer might have had that this was a stallion would have been blown away. Chad's pink panties were struggling to contain all of him. The material was pulled taught over his giant bulge and hints of the black flesh underneath peeked out the sides. The bikini covered most of his cheeks, but the already terrifying scale of his ass was emphasized by his skirt blocking the view of anything beyond. "Tell me I'm a pretty mare," Chad ordered with a deep husky breath. Gerek licked his lips. "You... are a pretty mare," he said with great reluctance. "Say you love me." Chad's tail began to wag lazily. "I love you," Gerek said as he continued to stare at the huge stallion's ass. "Again, but call me your mare," Chad instructed with a sigh as he began to sway his hips again. Gerek winced. "I love you... my pretty mare." Chad squealed and thrust his rear backward like he was about to sit down. Gerek cried out and threw up a hand as though he could hold back the many tons of stallion ass that were falling towards him. Yet the human wasn't crushed. Chad never even landed. Instead the pony's backside loomed just overhead. Far closer than it had before. The man might have even been able to touch it if he jumped. Gerek could smell the apple perfume. "I love you too honey," Chad whispered. "I love you so much." The stallion straightened and spun around so he faced the little man. The pony was blushing and breathing more heavily. "Just let me show you how far I'll go to make you happy." Then the unicorn's horn began to glow. A golden aura surrounded Gerek and soon he was drifting through the air towards Chad's muzzle. The helpless man turned his head away even as he was pressed against the stallion's lips. Chad kissed him. Then exhaled over him, hot breath ruffling Gerek's hair. Not bothering to offer the stunned human an explanation, the pony then marched with him towards the center of the room. There the unicorn carefully put him down. The man lost his balance when the golden glow suddenly disappeared and he flailed his arms for a moment to avoid falling on his face. Once Gerek was steady he realized where he was. The man reluctantly looked up to his owner who now seemed even bigger. Chad preened at the attention, shifting his sock covered hooves. The resulting booms made Gerek flinch. One hoof could have crushed two cars front-to-back. "Stay right there and watch," Chad advised in a raspy voice. "I practiced this dance just for you." The man's eyes snapped skyward as the stallion lifted his forelegs off the floor and balanced on his hind hooves. In all of a second he had become twice as tall. For a moment nothing happened as the pony simply stood upright, his front hooves held out dramatically. Gerek couldn't quite see up Chad's skirt from this angle, but it was close. Then one of the stallion's rear hooves began to tap. It was relatively subtle, the foot wasn't even fully losing contact with the ground, yet the tip of his hoof was clearly bouncing. Glancing up, Gerek realized that Chad had closed his eyes and was also bobbing his head to the beat only he could hear. Well, the man could hear it too now thanks to the thumping hoof. Next the stallion began to sway his hips to the opposite rhythm of his tapping. Tap sway. Tap sway. Tap sway. Then Chad danced. The stallion began by stepping from side-to-side, choosing to lift only one of his hind legs at a time. First the left hoof rose and flew to his left, followed shortly after by the right hoof. Then the motion repeated in reverse with the right hoof rising and swinging out to the pony's right, followed only a second later by the left hoof. Each footfall made the floor vibrate while the pony's hips swayed above. This went on for several seconds until Chad planted his hooves next to each other back in their starting position. Then the right hoof came forward and almost landed on-top of Gerek. Even softened by the thick black sock, the landing was close enough and strong enough that the man fell back. He was able to glance up in time to watch as Chad held his left leg off the ground and did a twirl above the little man below. His skirt fanned out and Gerek got a clear view of the pink panties still bulging with the stallion's balls. The dance continued however with the floating hoof crashing down just behind the now prone man so that Chad could lift his other hoof and repeat the spin. Once the pony was done twirling, the right hoof fell back to its place in front of Gerek with a muffled thud that made the human bounce on the wooden floor. Gerek could easily look up Chad's skirt as the pony stood over him, one leg to either side. Meanwhile the stallion busied himself doing something with his forehooves and continued to rock his hips. After a moment of staring at Chad's jiggling bulge, the man found himself blinking in confusion. Something was off. Then he realized what it was. The stallion was gradually crouching, lowering his bouncing ass towards the floor and the unmoving human below. Gerek wanted to scramble away, but thought better of it. Chad had told him to stay still. So the man tensed, yet remained where he was as the stallion's rear descended. A kind of darkness engulfed the human as the skirt spread out over his head. Chad's covered balls loomed closer and closer while bobbing to whatever song the stallion was imagining. Soon the pony had stooped too low to maintain his balance and had to catch himself with his front hooves before he fell forward. A large pony head appeared upside down in front of Gerek. Chad smiled as his mane brushed the floor. "Not bad huh?" the unicorn moaned. Then, before Gerek could even try to answer, the stallion was rising. His hips never stopped swaying. Once he was standing tall again the pony began walking away. Chad crossed his legs over each other and lightly humped the air with each step. Which were slow and powerful. More like stomps. The effect was that the stallion's skirt lifted slightly with each footfall. With every thunderous boom Gerek got a peek at the larger male's underwear until the pony reached the vanity desk. There Chad turned so his side faced Gerek and he smiled. The stallion put one rear leg forward and bent over at the waist. He ran his forehooves tauntingly over the presented sock covered limb. When his forehooves reached his skirt they didn't stop. The pony slyly lifted the hem and twisted his hips towards Gerek just enough that the little man got yet another glimpse of Chad's panty covered package. The human shivered as the stallion casually let his skirt fall back into place. The towering pony, still upright and balanced on his hind legs, then strutted toward Gerek again. Crash after crash grew louder and louder as those enormous hooves drew nearer. The human's heart raced and he filled his lungs in preparation for a scream. He barely noticed the view up Chad's skirt as a hoof flew right over him. Immediately after which the other did as well. The man turned over and lay on his belly as he watched the stallion continue across the room. Strutting as though he was wearing high heels. Front hooves dangling daintily at his sides. Tail jumping with every step. Gerek sighed even as the pony stopped and struck another pose. Blushing yet excited as he held his forehooves above his head and gave his hips a powerful thrust to the side that caused his skirt to flutter. However Chad didn't hold the stance for more than a few blinks before he was sauntering toward Gerek yet again. As those thundering hooves approached, the man was able to look up the pony's skirt with increasing ease. The equine didn't stop until he was directly in front of the human. So close that the only thing Gerek could see of the stallion was his black socks and the underside of his skirt. Chad didn't do anything for several moments as he stood there silently, still swaying his hips, flaunting his bulge for the little man below. Then he lifted his right rear leg and thrust it to the side where he tapped the floor. Then the hoof tapped the floor a second time, but further to the left. Then a third time, yet even further left. It took a few more strikes for Gerek to realize the pony was drumming an arc around him. Above the man the stallion's panty covered balls jiggled in their tight prison. When Chad's busy leg crossed his stationary one, and he could no longer continue the curve, the hoof returned to its place firmly in front of Gerek with a thump. The stallion then repeated the sequence with his left leg, tapping the floor repeatedly while drawing an arc. Every boom made the human beneath him bounce and quiver. Intimidating him with the sheer speed and power of his massive body. Chad quickly finished the second round of drumming and dropped his left hind hoof to the side of the man, which was not by his other hoof. The stallion then raised his right rear leg and twirled once before he dropped the hoof on the opposite side of Gerek below, trapping him between two pillars once more. The human stared upward as Chad again began to crouch over him, twisting his hips back and forth sensually the whole way down. His golden tail flailing about as though it had a mind of its own. And on and on the erotic dance went. For at least another two minutes the stallion stepped, tapped, spun, and stooped around and over the tiny human. As the performance continued Chad began to sweat and his movements became more erratic. Gerek feared more and more for his life with every explosive landing of the pony's sock decorated hooves. Then he began to cringe for a different reason as the stallion started to get hard. Soon Chad's black cock was pouring out of his tight panties and tenting the front of his blue skirt. The pony squealed every time he took a step and his member flopped. It wasn't long before the stallion was fully erect and gasping for breath. Chad became less and less coordinated and Gerek found himself praying the larger male wouldn't lose his balance before the dance was over. Finally, the stallion could take it no more. Both hooves stopped moving and even his hips paused their rhythmic weaving. Gerek stared up. The pony was standing over him, skirt rendering it impossible to see anything else of his owner beyond his pink panties and huge black shaft. "Honey," Chad moaned. "I don't think I can finish your dance," he said with a genuine tone of regret. One of the stallion's forehooves slipped under the skirt and gripped the mighty member. Then Chad began to stroke himself as Gerek watched from beneath. "I'm sorry," the towering pony breathed. "I know it's our first time, and I've been holding back as much as I can, but I just can't do it any more. I need you." Gerek grimaced at Chad's confession. He tried to think of some reply, but nothing came to him as he watched the enormous stallion pump himself above. The unicorn wasn't about to finish himself like that though. The pony found the willpower to pull his front hoof off his rod and instead gripped the waistband of his skirt. With a single tug the thing began to slip down and over his protruding cock. However it took a second yank for the skirt to fully escape Chad's generous hips and plummet to the floor. Gerek jumped as the blue ring encircled him with a muffled thud. Chad stumbled back and out of the discarded skirt, the movement causing his shaft to wave in the open. Then the pony seized the bottom of his top and simply heaved it over his head. For a moment his mane was caught in the blouse, but it was quickly freed and the bright blue cloth was tossed aside without further thought. That left the stallion wearing only his long black tube socks and his pink bikini. Chad went back to stroking himself as he eyed Gerek on the ground, helpless and surrounded by the stallion's abandoned skirt. His tongue hung from the side of his muzzle, his cheeks were bright red, and he gasped with lust. The pony cooed and twitched. His tail fluttered behind him. A drop of cream oozed from his cock. Gerek heard the tinkling of wind chimes as his body was covered in a golden glow. Then the human was floating into the sky after Chad as the equine wobbled toward his bed and sat on the edge. The human couldn't decide if he wanted to look down at the floor, now so far below, or forward, at the rapidly approaching dark spire that jutted from between the stallion's legs. "Oh honey, look how horny you made me," Chad moaned. "You better take responsibility for this." Gerek's lips tightened as he was levitated before the stallion's pride. At first he didn't intend to respond, but then he noticed Chad quirk a brow expectantly. They were role-playing and he had to act. The human cleared his throat. "I-I'm sorry... baby." Chad smirked. "It's okay honey. As long as you finish me, I'll forgive you." Gerek swallowed. "O-of course... baby." The stallion squealed and the black shaft looming over the human lurched. The pony's thighs pressed together and he squirmed with delight. Chad even hugged himself as though struggling to contain his excitement. It took the huge equine several deep breaths to calm down. Then Gerek was caught by surprise when one of the stallion's front hooves suddenly appeared underneath him. The man was literally scooped out of the magic grasp that had been holding him and thrust against Chad's gigantic erection. Gerek found himself being crushed between a cock wider around than even the oldest trees and a wall of cotton stretched over a titanic unicorn's hoof. Instantly his nose was filled with the scent of cherries and stallion musk. An odd combination to be sure. That is when Chad began to jerk off. Thankfully the equine shaft was slick with sweat from the dancing he'd been doing and from how aroused he'd become. So Gerek was able to slide up and down the monstrous cock without experiencing too much friction. But he was still being crushed, the temperature was rising, and the saturation of pheromones made his thoughts fuzzy. Was this how he was going to die? The human began to struggle, pushing back against the infinite strength that held him as he reflected on the life choices that had gotten him here. How he had ended up being rubbed against a flat-headed horse shaft large enough to fill a bus. The only mercy was Chad's casual pace and gentle grip. Back and forth, back and forth. Slow and steady. Meticulously building to his release while enjoying the feeling of a tiny squirming human against his cock. For Gerek the temperature quickly reached an unbearable high and the pressure felt like it would soon squeeze the air from his lungs. The man rapidly weakened and was starting to see spots. Suddenly everything was still. There was a cry of pleasure far above. The terrible weight relented. Gerek found himself lying there exhausted. Chad must have fallen onto his back at some point. The hoof on-top of the man did not leave, but it no longer threatened to flatten him. Instead it merely held him there against the stallion's shaft as it shrank. Gerek greedily took in air as his limbs burned from his pathetic attempt to fight. "That was wonderful," Chad sighed. The hoof began to rise and it brought Gerek along with it. There was no glow, but the sensation was the same. A magical grasp that held the human against the underside of the pony's foot. For some reason the man found it to be more odd than being simply levitated. As the equine belly passed below him on his way to the stallion's face, Gerek was just able to identify the fresh cum splattered across the white fur. The realization that one day he might be on the receiving end of that deluge made him shiver. Also, Chad had never taken off the pink panties. The stallion dangled the man before his muzzle, his eyes sparkling with love. "Was it as good for you, honey?" Gerek was limp and he felt used, but he knew his place. "Yes baby. It was... hot." Chad cooed. "Oh honey, you're going to make me hard all over again. Let's just rest here for a minute. We can have more fun tomorrow." Then the pony grinned. "Or later tonight if you're feeling really adventurous." Gerek whimpered. The End