> Dreammaster > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Your Next Dream Could Be Your Last... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash soared through the skies, her signature prismatic trail dragging behind her, and joining the others. Though they created only a smokey cloud-like substance in their wake, it didn't diminish their glory one bit. Not like Rainbow Dash took the time to reminisce on something so esoteric when she was flying alongside her fellow wonderbolts. Clad in their signature uniforms, they were a single lightning-fast unit of ariel perfection. Each movement they made was in harmony with each other, a greater entity made up of seven individuals. Rainbow Dash felt it too, felt that connection, and knew instinctively that they would be there for her if required. So it was without fear that she dove into a harrowing dive at the behest of the squad leader, Spitfire. For once Rainbow Dash not only allowed herself to follow the unspoken command but to revel in it. She was Spitfire’s right wing, and she would not let the veteran Wonderbolt down, not now and not ever. With a twist they pulled up and began to rapidly ascend, their contrails forming into a spinning helix. The strain on her body was immense, wind, gravity, and g force all trying to pull her out of the maneuver. Her wings ached, and her muscles burned, but Rainbow Dash pushed through, flapping hard as she reached the apex. Breaking through the cloud cover, Rainbow Dash split off, the various wonderbolts all spreading out. Following the set path, Rainbow Dash arced into a wide turn, mimicking her partner from the other side. Together they were going to flow back into a cohesive unit after demonstrating their own signature moves. Like Rainbow Dash’s thunder punch that she had been practicing, and was about to use when she saw something. There, atop the cloud set aside for her, was a dark pony that upon first glance looked like Luna. The sight immediately made the pegasus realize that this was a dream, which was backed up by the fact that she hadn't remembered getting there. The speedster spread her wings and rapidly slowed down, approaching the cloud at a more leisurely pace. “Hey Luna, not like I mind your visits but I was kind of in the middle of…” Rainbow Dash paused. “Your not Luna.” “I am not,” Nightmare Moon purred, leaning forward and smiling toothily at the pegasus. “I’m afraid Luna is not here right now.” “Wait so like, you took her over again?” Rainbow Dash asked. Nightmare Moon waved a hoof in dismissal. “That old hag doesn't deserve me. Besides, I’m doing… community service at the moment. Granting wishes, and helping ponies achieve their wildest dreams.” “Pfft. I was already doing that when you showed up,” Rainbow Dash accused, forehooves crossed over her chest. “And you were doing so wonderfully too. It really made me think that you should be on that team,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. “Such talent is wasted elsewhere.” “Pfft I know, but I got stuck in the reservists. The stupid written part had all these confusing words like air speed velocity, Anhedral, and camber. What does that even mean? They sound made up,” Rainbow Dash complained, her frown deepening. “Your skill wasted. All because of some silly eggheads who don't really understand flying,” Nightmare Moon added. “Exactly!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “They keep trying to get me to learn all this dumb stuff like, pfft whatever. I know how to fly. Heck, I’m the fastest in Equestria!” “I think they are jealous,” Nightmare Moon offered. “They see how good you are and fear that they may lose your job.” “Nah, the bolts are pretty awesome. Awesomer than even me,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “What about the other reservists, are they that um… awesome?” Nightmare Moon questioned. “Heck no,” Rainbow Dash answered, a scowl crossing her face. “I got put six down the line but I beat every single one of them in a race!” “There must be some kind of favoritism at play,” Nightmare Moon posited. “Maybe,” Rainbow Dash paused and sighed. “I just wish I had a chance to show them how great I am at the next big meet, but they are only going to let the first reservist the opportunity.” “You know. I could help you,” Nightmare Moon remarked. “Part of my erm… reform is that I help worthy ponies like you.” “Really? You’d do that?” Rainbow Dash bawked. “Wait a second. This isn't some kind of trick to steal my body or something.” “Oh no, nothing like that,” Nightmare Moon dismissed. “I’ve come to understand that I have far more power here in the dreaming world than in the waking one. Why getting a body would weaken me considerably.” “Well, you do seem like the power-hungry type. Ahh, what the heck. If you can get me that shot then I say you’ve earned a chance to redeem yourself,” Rainbow Dash declared, sticking out a forehoof. “Oh no, dear. We must kiss to seal the deal,” Nightmare Moon corrected. “W-what?” Rainbow Dash balked, a blush crossing her face. “You heard me,” Nightmare Moon declared. Rainbow Dash gulped, her shoulders turning inwards as she nervously shifted back and forth. “I mean I guess it's okay since it's in a dream.” “Of course. Now come hear,” Nightmare Moon beckoned. Rainbow Dash bit down her trepidation, puckered her lips, and leaned forward until she felt something soft. Rarity yawned and took another sip of the warm cider she had placed on her end table. The pleasant sensations were enough to make her entire body shudder, and a smile to cross her lips. Though the expression vanished the moment she opened the newspaper once more and flipped a page. “War with Griffonia inevitable, pfft,” Rarity muttered. “Like Celestia and Twilight would let it come to that.” Choosing not to read such fatalist drivel, Rarity continued on, pausing when a brightly colored ad caught her eye. The sight made her scowl, and she silently glared at the sale advertising prices she could never hope to compete with. The smiling mare wore a designer dress with a price tag equal to that of a freshly made pie while above her hung the words ‘Sunday Excellence’. “To think that such a big company would come all the way to Ponyville just to muscle me out of my business,” Rarity muttered. “I’d be more angry at my customers but I can hardly blame them. Money is tight but I can ill afford to narrow my margins even more.” Rarity sighed bitterly. “Look at you Rarity. So angry that you’re talking to yourself again.” The unicorn was about to put the paper down and turn out the lights when she caught a glimpse of a curious headline. Four dead, two in critical condition after freak storm interrupts Wonderbolt Reservist practice. The title was unbelievable and would have been front-page news provided there wasn't a war brewing on the horizon. Flipping open to the page, Rarity quickly skimmed the scant few paragraphs in search for a name she recognized. Though she knew the majority mentioned, Rainbow Dash’s name was not included in the killed or injured part. It did mention that she was the second on the scene, and may have saved the life of one of her teammates after rushing them to the hospital. “My goodness. How have I not heard of this until now?” Rarity whispered to herself. “I must make an effort to get out more. All this time spent glaring at that eyesore of a shop must be getting to me.” Upon referencing the source of her ire, Rarity spared one final glance out the window at the boutique across from her own. The sight made a bitter anger start to rise in her breast though she quickly pushed it back down. There were larger concerns in the world, she reminded herself, this was something small, almost inconsequential. “First thing first. I’m going to get wrinkles if I keep worrying and don't get my beauty sleep,” Rarity remarked aloud. Placing the newspaper aside, Rarity paused and in a quite unladylike move, downed the rest of her cider in a gulp. The pleasant warmth it gave her was more than enough to make up for the slight hit her pride took due to the action. With that pleasant sensation fresh in her mind, she flicked off the lights, pulled down her sleeping mask, and snuggled under the covers. With a smile on her face, Rarity clicked the cash register, prompting it to open and allowing her to stow a handful of bits inside. She closed it with a clunk, and turned to the stallion across from her, a smile brightening his reddish brown features. “There you are sir and your change,” Rarity offered. “No need,” he interrupted. “Your prices are so low that I already feel like I’m robbing you.” “Oh, that is quite generous of you. Have a wonderful day,” Rarity replied. The stallion nodded, shouldered his order of pants, and walked away, allowing a mare to take his place. She smiled and placed a simple sun dress on the counter along with a hoof full of bits. “Oh you have such wonderful stitch work dear,” gushed the older mare. “Not like that place across the street, oh what's it called again?” “Does it matter? It's not like they are going to be in business for much longer,” Rarity replied with a chuckle. The other pony laughed along with her. “Oh, that cracks me up. Do keep the change dear. You certainly deserve it.” “Thank you, madam. Have a wonderful day and do come back again soon,” Rarity offered. The fashionista paused and looked down, dropping the gathered bits into the machine before looking up. Only to find that she wasn't facing another customer, though she did immediately recognize the dark alicorn before her. “Nightmare Moon!” Rarity cried in shock. “In the dream flesh,” Nightmare Moon replied, leaning on the counter. “Though now that I’ve had a chance to peruse your wares perhaps I should adorn myself with something of yours.” “I… you,” Rarity gaped silently a moment before shaking her head. “You can't be here, you were defeated. I was there.” “Oh come now. You didn't think you killed me, did you?” Nightmare Moon retorted in mock shock, a hoof placed over her heart. “No!” Rarity shouted, only to cough and take a step back. “No. I just thought that you’d be gone for another thousand years or something.” “Well I am back, and I am interested in making amends,” Nightmare Moon offered. “Perhaps we could talk about it while you help me pick something from your stock.” Rarity nodded mutely, only dimly aware of her other dream customers vanishing into the aether. “What… exactly did you have in mind?” Rarity asked. “To make amends, didn't I say that already?” Nightmare Moon replied, shooting the unicorn a wink and a chuckle. “But seriously, I would love a nice dress. It's been so long since I’ve worn something that I haven't conjured from my own imagination.” Rarity trotted back to where she knew her dresses were, and after a cursory scan, found something suitable. Pulling it out, she displayed the blue and teal ankle-length dress aloft with her magic. It covered much of the wearer, while also having a deep cut down the center, allowing the outfit to breathe. “I made something like this for Luna, but she wasn't interested in something so far from her natural color palate,” Rarity exclaimed. “I love it,” Nightmare Moon declared. “It's bold, but not so much that it would look strange. Truly you have an artist's eye.” Rarity could only stand there in mute confusion as the alicorn donned the outfit, and began to eye herself in a mirror. “Are you truly here to make amends, to start again?” Rarity pressed. “I wouldn't be here if I didn't,” Nightmare Moon empathetically replied. Rarity hesitated, the mare across from her seemed genuine, earnest even but still wrong somehow. Despite that, Rarity could also feel a pressure, an urge to trust her, one that she couldn't ignore entirely. “How exactly are you helping people?” Rarity inquired. “I’m making their dreams come true,” Nightmare Moon answered. “And if I had to guess, your dream is to be rid of the tiresome rival across from you.” “I have much greater goals and aspirations but at the moment I simply wish they would go away,” Rarity replied with a sigh. “I simply can't compete with their prices and though it would be quite a while before I went out of business I would have to abandon my dreams of a second location.” Nightmare Moon nodded knowingly. “They are a roadblock you can ill afford.” “Exactly,” Rarity muttered. “Well, if you wish for them to get out of your way then all you have to do is give me a kiss,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed, leaning forward suddenly. “Oh, I couldn't… I barely know you,” Rarity murmured half-heartedly. “Come now, think of it as a simple hoof shake,” Nightmare Moon imported. “I suppose if it's just business…” Rarity remarked. “Exactly,” Nightmare Moon declared. Rarity closed her eyes, and leaned forward. Twilight groaned and massaged her temples with both of her forehooves in long, slow motions. Before her, the mare’s tea cup sat forgotten, its contents having long since gone cold. A half-eaten sandwich rested next to it, similarly ignored in favor of the headache plaguing the overworked pony. A hoof reached blindly for the bottle of combination sleep aid, and migraine medication she kept nearby. Unfastening the top, and popping one of the pills, Twilight downed it with practice ease without the assistance of liquid. She remained there, eyes shut firmly for several minutes until at last, she felt the medicine begin to take effect. “Oh thank the stars,” Twilight muttered to herself. “Now, where were we?” Using her magic, the alicorn lifted the teacup to her lips and downed the entire thing. Then, with a sandwich hanging out of her mouth, she glanced down at the swath of notes arrayed before her. The coffee table was cluttered with the things, and though it appeared messy, Twilight had a system in place. “King Gold Feather has annexed several border towns, claiming that they were once a part of the empire several hundred years ago,” Twilight muttered, a hoof lingering over a picture of the tall, proud, gold and white griffon. “Though true, they signed over the rights to the land during the treaty of Broken Hill, and since then the majority of griffons moved away. Today the current population is only at about twelve percent griffon. Ninety-eight percent of whom consider themselves Equestrian.” Twilight paused and tapped her chin. “His claims that these griffons are living in poverty, and under the suffocating yoke of Equestrian hegemony is largely incorrect but has still galvanized some. Even still, support in the affected areas is low, though that hasn't stopped him from attempting to hold a referendum even while armed soldiers man every polling location.” The alicorn glanced from one figure to another, her mind attempting to come up with some plan or way out. All roads seemed to lead to war, an answer she despised, and continued to try and avoid no matter how seemingly unavoidable it was. Her train of thought was interrupted by two sift knocks at the door, signaling that her guard had news for her. “Enter,” she barked, too tired to offer any pleasantries. The guard entered the luxurious room and stood at attention. “Word from Ponyville has arrived,” he exclaimed. “Please tell me it's not another disaster. That rogue thunderhead was bad enough,” Twilight complained. “I’m afraid so ma’am. This morning a fire burnt down a new boutique in Ponyville. The proprietor, his wife, and two daughters were caught in the blaze,” he declared. Twilight stiffened, and looked up from her notes. “Were there any other victims? Did the fire spread? What is their status?” “The owner has unfortunately passed away, though the others remain in critical condition. They are expected to survive, but it will be a long time before they are able to leave the hospital,” the guard answered. “No other buildings were affected, and the only other injuries is a one Rarity Belle, who suffered minor smoke inhalation when she charged into the burning building in an attempt to save the ponies inside.” Twilight collapsed back onto the couch, a hoof touching her forehead. “How like Rarity.” “Ma’am?” “Nothing. Is that all?” Twilight inquired. “Another maid has requested to be transferred out of the diplomat wing,” The guard stated. Twilight groaned. “Granted, and start getting ex-guards to take up the position. It may not be a glamorous job but at least they are less likely to be harassed by king Ebon and his pack of adolescents.” “Yes ma’am. That's all.” “Then you are relieved, sergeant,” Twilight replied, waving away the attention of her guard. The male nodded and departed, leaving Twilight to sit there quietly. “Alright, where were we?” Twilight glanced down. “The ruling council won't vote against him for some reason. Presumed blackmail, or another manner of subterfuge. Regardless, each one has privately stated that should the king be deposed in some manner that they will vote to withdraw their annexation claims.” Twilight chewed on her bottom lip while glaring at the image of the proud griffon tom before her. “But how to do that without resorting to violence? Bribes? No, that won't do. Threats? No, he's clearly ready for conflict. What to do, what to do…” The distant clang of an old grandfather clock alerted Twilight to the lateness of the hour. She glanced out the window to confirm this and found that it was dark, very dark. “Stars and sun. How late is it?” Twilight murmured. “Eleven o clock? I better get to bed.” The alicorn stood up, glanced down at her notes, and silently admitted that there was no way she was going to get this problem figured out today. Not when she was yawning so wide that her jaw was creaking, that was for certain. With a sudden wave of exhaustion weighing her down, Twilight trundled blearily in the direction of the door but stopped before reaching it. Instead of turning the nob, she glanced back at the couch, and with a sigh, trotted back over to it. Flopping down into its plush embrace, Twilight grabbed a blanket from the drawer across the room using her magic. With the thin cover now draped across her body, the alicorn deactivated the magical lights illuminating the room. “I’m sure,” Twilight paused to yawn. “That Celestia will have some idea of what to do.” Twilight sat atop the throne of Equestria with a wide smile on her face. “And do you swear to never again make any annexation attempts on Equestrian soil,” Twilight paused. “Or anyone else for that matter?” “I swear!” shouted the tall, golden-feathered griffon. “I swear it princess Twilight!” “Hmm, best get this in writing,” Twilight muttered. “Should probably get some kind of redundancies in place. Taking royal hostages isn't exactly viable anymore but perhaps you could transfer a significant amount of your treasuring for holding in Equestria.” “That would be most agreeable. Anything to avoid senseless, pointless, and just plain stupid bloodshed!” shouted king Gold Feather. “Nice diplomacy work,” remarked a familiar female voice. “Though I doubt he will fold quite so easily.” Twilight leaped from the throne, and ignited her horn, glaring back at the dark alicorn leaning against its side. “What are you doing here Nightmare Moon?” demanded Twilight. “Just observing,” Nightmare Moon replied, gesturing to the still groveling griffon. “It seems as though you are having some trouble after all.” “I… am,” Twilight admitted. The princess of friendship shook her head, and squeezed her eyes shut, fighting off a sudden fog that had tried to settle over her thoughts. “Would you like some pointers? I’m working on redeeming myself you know,” Nightmare Moon offered. “That's not… I didn't hear of that,” Twilight murmured. “Oh but it's true,” Nightmare Moon implored. “In fact, I was hoping to make things up to you. Perhaps I could give you some pointers. I was once a master diplomat you know.” “I hardly think threats and violence make one a good diplomat,” Twilight retorted only to pause and wince. “I was,” Nightmare Moon asserted more forcefully. “Not everyone can simply be beaten into submission you know. Greater foes require a certain, finesse.” Twilight groaned. “Just… go…” “Go away? But why would I do that? I’m just offering my help without the assumption that you would repay me in any manner,” Nightmare Moon stated, trotting over to the other alicorn. “Right,” Twilight murmured, shaking her head. “I suppose it couldn't hurt to hear you out.” “Exactly,” Nightmare Moon stated. “Now then, I’ll give you everything you need to remove that irritating little obstacle if only you would give me one tiny, little kiss.” Twilight nodded. “That's fine. The ancient earth pony tribes of pre-Equestria practiced similar traditions in their time.” “This is just like then,” Nightmare Moon whispered in a low, husky tone. Twilight leaned forward and closed her eyes. King Gold Feather reclined on the luxurious chair, a bottle of champagne clutched tight in a clawed hand. After taking a swig, he sighed, and fell back into his seat, gaze sweeping across the room. His entourage consisted of a half dozen other generals who all ate and drank with great gusto, sharing their leader’s confidence. Guards were stationed at every window, and each door, armed as well as armored, but visibly bored. “A toast, to victory!” Gold Feather bellowed, hefting his bottle high. “To victory!” cheered the others, mimicking their king’s action. A sudden knock wiped the grin from Gold Feather’s and he turned his ire to the door. “What is it?” he snapped. “Um it's uh, me. Your Highness. Councilor Sharp Claw?” came the response. Gold Feather drowned his sorrows with a mouthful of sweet booze before motioning for the guard to let in the new arrival. The younger male scampered awkwardly inside and immediately found himself being loomed over by his king. The royal griffon stared down his pointed beak at the much smaller male, a scowl twisting his features. “What is it now?” Gold Feather demanded. “I um, well you see-” “Out with it!” Gold Feather barked. Sharp Claw gulped. “Yes, well. I received a request from the rest of the council urging for the negotiations to conclude quickly as well as peacefully. The people fear a prolonged war with Equestria and her near-omnipotent leaders.” “They will conclude only after the mithril has been completely mined from the area,” Gold Feather retorted. “Once this is done, we will bury the evidence of us even being there, and retreat under the cover of night.” “R-really?” muttered the councilor. “Of course. We don't have the strength necessary to meet the Equestrians in open combat, at least not yet,” Gold Feather teased, glancing back at his generals. Who smiled and shared a grim chuckle. “But if they found out we were guilty of stealing trillions of dollars of resources we would be-” “Completely fine,” Gold Feather interrupted, clasping the smaller male by the shoulder. “By then we will have outfitted thousands of our finest troops in magic immune armor. At which point we will be able to reclaim our rightful place as Apex predators.” “What if-” “They won't find out,” Gold Feather stated firmly. “They don't even know they are sitting on these deposits. By the time they end up figuring out what we did it will be too late. Now quit worrying so damn much. It's annoying.” “I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter,” murmured the young council member. “No, you don't,” Gold Feather retorted. The large griffon trotted back over to his impromptu throne and flopped back down, a claw grabbing his bottle. When he tipped it back and nothing came out, a scowl leaped to his face. With a jerk, he threw it at the wall, where it exploded with a crash. “Find another one of those useless maids and get them to fetch us more champagne!” he barked. The guard closest to the door nodded and twisted the silver knob. He barely managed to pull the door open when a sudden beam of violent energy cut his head off. His body stood there, reeling blood shooting up out of his stump of a neck before suddenly the corpse was bucked into the room by unseen hooves. The body landed top the table with a crash, the crimson jet painting an unfortunate general from beak to claw. Before Gold Feather even had a chance to raise the alarm, a slit-eyed purple alicorn entered the room. She then cast a field over everything, causing everything to sound muted, and distant. The war cry on the closest guard’s beak died before it could be uttered, as was the panicked scream of the unfortunate general. The strange alicorn dodged easily out of the strike of the closest guard and used a blast of magic to skin him alive. While he lay screaming silently on the ground, the intruder pressed on, unbothered by being bathed in her enemy's blood. The other guards were quick to respond to the threat, but they weren't quick enough to make a difference. The alicorn was faster than any mortal being and used a rapid-fire set of spells to bring down each of them. She heated the metal of one griffon’s armor to the point that it cooked him alive, before turning his fellow inside out. A third found himself teleported out of this reality, left to drift in some void beyond the comprehension of any living entity. His fellows didn't fare much better, as they were forcibly altered into inanimate objects, crushed into tiny balls of flesh by cataclysmic gravity or killed by beams of superheated plasma. Within seconds, every last guard lay dead or dying, their cries of agony rendered mute by the charm placed on the room. By then the generals began to panic, while their king stood there in shock, too confused to even move a muscle. The griffons that had sense enough to run, managed to get to the windows but found that they could not be broken. Stranger still, they could see pegasus guards flying nearby, though they didn't seem to notice the panicked flailing of the room’s occupants. As if bored, the slit-eyed alicorn blasted each of the veteran soldiers with a beam of concentrated mana. With their heads now vaporized, the corpses fell, and lay there bloodlessly, stumps having been flash cauterized by the spell. Leaving only a horrified councilor hiding behind a chair, and the king of the griffons, Gold Feather himself. He tried to beg, to plead, to say anything but no words came out of his mouth. The invader didn't seem to be in a talking mood either, as she activated her horn and hefted the king from his seat. Raised aloft by four fields each of which grabbed a different limb, the griffon immediately realized what was about to happen. He shook his head, and shouted as loud as he could in desperation, but it was useless. With a terrifyingly long, and drawn-out tug, his limbs were torn from his body. He hit the ground with a wet thud, where he lay, spasming and twitching as blood shot out of his stumps. The cat-eyed alicorn turned around, and strode quietly out of the room, pausing only to flash a smile over her shoulder. The councilor ducked back behind cover, his chest heaving rapidly. The doom he expected to come didn't arrive, however, and soon the door was closed once more. Several loud, furious knocks woke Twilight from her slumber, the mare falling from the couch and landing in a heap. “I’m awake, I’m awake!” she shouted while attempting to disentangle herself from her bedding. “You must come quickly, princess. Something terrible has happened!” shouted the familiar voice of Twilight's guard. The alicorn hopped up, and quickly trotted over to the door, pausing briefly to glance at her reflection. She expected to find that she was in terrible shape, with bags under her eyes but was surprised. Although not fresh as a daisy, Twilight certainly didn't look like she had just spent several hours face down on a couch. She pushed such idle thoughts from her mind and quickly stepped out into the hallway. Where dozens of ponies ran back and forth, each with a panicked expression on their face. “What's going on?” Twilight demanded. “It's the griffons. One of their guards… he's,” the unicorn soldier grimaced. “Take me to them,” Twilight demanded. The two royal guards quickly departed, trusting that their long-legged charge would keep up. They reached the diplomat’s wing less than a minute later, where Celestia as well as a dozen royal guards waited. Just out of sight, Twilight could also see a horrified maid being consoled by several other castle staff, her sobs audible even over the hubbub of conversation. “Thank goodness your here Twilight,” Celestia began. “There's been a murder.” “What, a murder? How?” Twilight demanded. “I’m afraid it's better if you saw for yourself,” Celestia muttered grimly. Twilight trotted past the privacy screen erected around the entrance to the diplomat’s quarter. Where she found a stock still griffon soldier, as well as what looked like a pile of bloody meat. Twilight quickly deduced that the other guard had been cut to ribbons, though, unlike his companion who was held together by unknown means, he had collapsed into a heap. “What… what happened?” Twilight murmured. “We aren't sure, but whoever did this was powerful, and sick,” Celestia muttered. “And the others?” Twilight asked. Celestia gestured to the door. “We haven't opened it yet. I was waiting for you.” “I’ll handle this,” Twilight replied. “I’m right behind you,” Celestia offered. Twilight stepped forward, and turned the handle, the action taking far more strength than it normally would. When it did finally twist, the door flashed briefly before a shimmering wall of magical force shattered, disintegrating into nothing. After a moment of hesitation, and a glance back at Celestia, Twilight pushed onward, stepping one hoof into the room. Where she found herself in the midst of a charnel house, her jaw falling open. So stunned was the pony that Celestia quickly stepped past her, silently worried about some kind of attack. None came, and she was greeted by the sight of over a dozen corpses. “What in the world…” Celestia muttered, holding out a hoof. “Don't come in here. Twilight and I will handle this.” At the mention of her name, Twilight shook her head and steeled her resolve. Celestia closed the door behind her, and together the two alicorns slowly crossed the room, inspecting the bodies. They got to the halfway point when they noticed movement out of the corner of their eye. “Come out with your hooves or limbs up!” Celestia demanded. “I surrender, please don't hurt me!” shouted the frail voice of male griffon. Twilight watched as the pale face of the councilor she recognized emerged from behind a couch. The moment his gaze fell upon her, however, his already wide eyes grew wider still. “M-m-m-murderer!” he shouted, scrambling desperately away. “Where?” Celestia demanded, turning around. “Right there, right beside you!” shouted the griffon. Celestia’s gaze narrowed. “It wasn't me! I didn't do any of this!” Twilight replied, raisign her forehooves above her head. “Oh but you did,” exclaimed a voice. Twilight watched as Nightmare Moon apparated on a nearby chair, the dark alicorn appearing out of a gathering shroud of darkness. “In fact, you killed them all with your own hooves,” Nightmare Moon added. “I believe you,” Celestia replied. “Obviously this is the work of some rather twisted changeling.” “Changeling?” murmured the griffon. “That… that seems more likely.” Twilight watched as Celestia walked past the reclining Nightmare Moon without even noticing her. The princess of friendship tried to point out the fact that they weren't alone, but found that her mouth wouldn't do as she wanted. “Ah ah ah. Wouldn't want you ruining things already,” Nightmare Moon interjected, waving a hoof. “Not after I’ve gone through all the effort of securing each and every piece of the puzzle no less.” Twilight desperately tried to shout, but she couldn't utter a sound and could only watch as Celestia spoke to the councilor in a hushed tone. “Now, why don't you go back to sleep, hmmm?” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. “I’ve got strings to pull, favors to cash in, and I can't have you mucking things up.” Twilight tried one final time to fight, to resist, but despite her best efforts, felt her head grow heavy. A moment later she was asleep, but her head jerked back up a second after it fell, her eyes gaining a sinister gleam. For a moment they narrowed, becoming slitted before quickly turning back to their normal appearance, though her wolfish grin remained. “Now then,” Nightmare Moon purred softly to herself, her horn begging to glow. “Things can truly begin.”