> Hellvile > by MisterJhonny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > blood stained snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laying on her bed staring at the ceiling of the second floor of the sugarcube corner, Pinkamena Diane Pie or Pinkie Pie for short, was thinking about how empty her life is. She was still the element of laughter and good humor, however, in that moment, she was feeling quite the opposite from that. Her mane, usually resembling cotton candy, was now smooth and a much less vivid pink, as was her coat. She just couldn't understand it. For the past few months, it seemed that not only the other five elements of harmony, but every single one of  her friends, had stopped caring about her. Yeah, that seemed kind of self-centered on her part, and she was aware of that, but in her immature mind, it didn't seem fair at all! After all she did for her "friends", they turned their backs on her just like that. Also, it’s worth mentioning that everyone in ponyville seemed to have their "special pony" and they were all bragging about how their partner was kind, nice, loving and blah blah blah. But, no pony expressed the slightest bit of love nor worry for the pink pony. The same lil’ pony that made the entire sleepy town of ponyville smile months ago. Having all these thoughts in her head, Pinkie had another crying fit. Shit! It was the sixth time earlier this week, but this time it was for real! Being tired of everything and everyone, the young pink pony delicately got up from her bed and went to the mirror in her room, and, by Celestia, her reflection showed an actual rag, the definition of a true defeat was there, right in front of her. Below the mirror, there was a piece of furniture with some drawers; she opened one of the drawers and  inside, there was a bottle of antidepressant pills that, if taken in excess, could cause the death of any pony in a few minutes, and there was also a small red notebook next to it. Pinkie stared at the bottle for a few seconds and took it, so this would be it! After long years making many ponies happy, Pinkie pie, the element of good humor and laughter, ironically, would die in this dark and depressing room after a depressive episode. The pink pony took some of the pills from the gray bottle, but there was something in that notebook left over in the drawer that was catching her attention. "- well that can wait She thought to herself, putting the pills back into the bottle and leaving it on the table. With her eyes fixed on that notebook, she picked it up in her hooves and looked at its cover for a few seconds, in an attempt to remember what was written in it. After a few seconds, she finally decided to open it, and to her surprise, it was just a list of ponies that she had already made happy in some ways, so many ponies……so many smiles…..but, in the end, they all turned back to her. Moments later, fresh tears fell from her eyes onto the white pages of the notebook, but this time, they weren't tears of sadness but of anger, or rather, tears of fury. She had realized that it wasn't fair she should suffer for something that other people did to her. While reading the list again, an idea crossed her mind. it was brilliant, it was so brilliant and also……diabolical. As they were the source of all of her pain,they  should pay, by receiving double the amount of pain she has gone through...no, triple...no, no,better yet! They all should pay with their LIVES! Every single one of these damn traitors would agonize for everything they’ve done. Now, Pinkie's innocent list of ponies that she had cheered up in the past, became a list of who Pinkie would take revenge on. So, it was settled, everyone on the list is going to pay, and she will do it in chronological order until the very last pony. "-Let's see who will be the first" Whispered the pony looking for the first name With a coat white as snow, and pure as a diamond, she would be her first victim, Pinkie then closed her notebook and went to the bathroom, which was next to her small bedroom. Now looking better, she thought that her new client lisa has given a better touch to her appearance, then a mischievous smile appears on her face                 *Time skip* It was past midnight, the young and insane pink pony was getting ready for her first move. Her bedroom was empty, with nothing but her bed and a bag over it. Suddenly, the silence in that room was interrupted when Pinkie entered her room, holding a knife in her mouth. Then, she places the knife inside of the bag and puts the bag on her back. While leaving, slowly trotting towards the door of her bedroom, she stops for a moment, still unsure if she should really go on with this, but, with a sigh, closes her bedroom door and goes downstairs to the sugarcube corner exit. The little pink pony trotted through the empty streets of ponyville, towards Rarity's boutique. She would probably be asleep at this time, so it shouldn't be difficult to get into the place, as almost no one leaves the doors locked in ponyville, after all, we are talking about ponyville, it's not like there were a lot of bad guys and thieves out there. Pinkamena slowly climbed the stairs to Rarity's room, and when she opened the door, there she was, sleeping still... She took a few steps inside, then she dropped her bag on the floor, grabbed her knife out of the bag with her mouth and started trotting over to Rarity's bed. Once next to her, she stared at her for a few seconds, her mind still confused, wondering if she should go through with this. Suddenly, Rarity rolled over on the bed, but she was still asleep. Right now, Pinkie had already made up her mind, this needed to be done. She lifted her knife with her hoof, which was shaking with such tension, she knew that would also affect a little on her strength. Pinkie rested her hoof on the bed for a moment before stabbing her ex-friend, then she closed her eyes and after letting out a sigh, took the first stab. The first stab didn't kill her at first, it only woke her up and made scream loudly due to the sudden pain. Afterwards, Pinkie grabbed a pillow that was left over next to her friend, who was writhing in pain, and pressed it against her face, hoping to prevent her from getting someone's attention. Rarity looked at her attacker, with confusion and fear, but she couldn't speak. Pinkie's tension was increasing with every second, when she first thought it would all be quick and easy. So, at the height of despair, she closes her eyes and stabs Rarity several times in a row. When she opened them again, her ex-friend was finally dead, the pink pony’s eyes filled with tears and her body was now covered in Rarity’s blood. After the tension eased, Pinkie backed away a bit, still staring at her dead ex-friend. She looked at her bloodstained hooves in disbelief that she was able to do such a thing, but, at the same time, she felt satisfied with what she had just done. Anyway, it was already done, there was no going back, so she quickly put her knife back in her bag and left the boutique in a hurry. The next morning almost all of ponyville was in front of the boutique, Sweetie Belle was in a corner in the crowd, her stomach churning at the fact that her sister was dead , she just couldn't believe it! The murmurs only increased as the royal guards came out of the boutique with Rarity's body on a stretcher, only to put her  in a funeral carriage. Pinkie appeared discreetly among the crowd, she wanted to see how the scene of the crime committed by herself was and also to check out how things were unfolding, after all, no one would ever suspect that she was the murderer. Inside the boutique was Celestia along with Twilight, both were staring with a shocking and disgusted expression at the bloodstained bed, some tears welled in their eyes, but they held them back, now it was not the time to cry. But of all Rarity's friends, the one who suffered the most was Spike, the little dragon has not left his room in the castle since he received the tragic news. Pinkie felt a little guilty about this, she didn't hold any grudges against the little dragon. In fact, for quite some time now, she felt a certain resentment that Twilight and Rarity were always using his good heart to exploit him willingly, but now that she had killed his only love in cold blood, she felt guilty about it. Later in her bedroom, she was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at the knife she used to murder her former friend, still thinking about how she had hurt Spike's little heart, even if it was indirectly. But suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind. -Maybe...... I could take Rarity's place She thinks to herself. To be continued..... > Pride. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Pinkie hadn't slept the night before. She was sitting on her bed, the memories of what she had done last night still haunting her. The guilt was immense, but she would have to get used to it if she really wanted to go ahead with her plan. With a slow turn of her head, she gazed at the same knife she used in the crime. It was on top of her bag, still smeared with blood, but dry. Pinkie slowly picked up her knife and stared at herself in the knife's reflection with her glazed gaze. Suddenly, she got hit by a flashback of that night, her ex-friend's hot body thrashing around, the adrenaline, the tears, the suffering, the pain... She slowly puts a smile on her face.  - I... I loved it… - Hey Pinkie! A knock on the door and a sudden voice on the other side of the door snaps her out of her thoughts. - Eh...eh y-yes Mrs. Cake? Pinkie replies, desperately looking for somewhere to hide her knife. - A knife is missing from our kitchen, did you happen to have seen it dear? Pinkie's blood ran cold. “Holy shit.....”, Pinkie thought to herself, “that was the same damn knife that I’ve used!” - N-no Miss Cake I haven’t seen any knives. Pinkie replied, still trying to find a good place to hide the knife. Then, Mrs.Cake started to hear strange noises from Pinkie’s bedroom and decided to come inside. - Are you ok dear.......? As soon as Mrs.Cake entered the room, she found Pinkie holding the lost knife on her hooves and the whole room was all messy, as if somepony  had been looking for something. - I-I......I found it! I had used it late yesterday n-on our last shift, and I must have brought it here by mistake. Miss Cake lets out a calm laugh and takes the knife from Pinkie’s hooves. -Only you Pinkie. Mrs.Cake turns to leave the room, but then she notices some red coloring on the knife. - What is this red thing on the knife? Pinkie despairs for a few seconds, but then she quickly comes up with an excuse. - It's just dry food coloring, Mrs. Cake, don't worry. Pinkie smiled at her, but in a different way, it was no longer a sweet and innocent smile, but a smile of someone who struggles with her guilt all by herself, of who will now go through a personal purgatory every new morning. It was a fake smile... But Mrs.Cake didn't notice that, in fact, who would have thought that the loving Pinkie Pie would carry some feeling of guilt? She should be the most innocent pony in all of ponyville! - Alright dear, a new order has arrived, what do you think about going downstairs and lending me a hoof? Asks Mrs.Cake with her usual sweet tone on her voice. - S-sure, just wait for me, and I'll be down in a moment. - Okay, I'll be waiting downstairs.  Said Mrs Cake before heading downstairs and into the kitchen of the Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie had already decided that she would go ahead with her plan, but, she would have to live a double life, where she would be the sweet, friendly Pinkie that everyone knew during the day, and at night, she would be, Pinkamena Diane Pie, a pony troubled by her supposed neglect of her friends, a pony who had never found love, a pony who now just wanted revenge. But for now, she would have to think about who her next victim would be. She put her hoof on her chin, wondering who would be the next unfortunate one, until she noticed a faded-colored Wonderbolts poster that her friend RD had given her a while ago. On it there was the word "Pride" written on top of her friend’s photo. Pride...that word kept echoing in her mind...pride. The fifth capital sin, the great cause of great misfortunes that happened in equestria, the great cause of several breakups and wars...pride.. At this point, she had already decided who her next victim would be, but she would have to do something first. In the early evening, Pinkie entered the Ponyville Hospital from the back, dressed in a black coat, from hooves to head, while carrying a bag. The Hospital was almost always empty, with only the receptionist at the reception, and Nurse Redheart on duty in the staff room, but she had to be careful anyway. She entered an operating room, where she then quickly grabbed a saw and some sedatives that were around the room. Pinkie then went to the medication room, where she only took a syringe and a dose of adrenaline, so she quickly left the hospital. Later, she was standing in front of a huge mansion. Still carrying her bag but she was no longer wearing her coat, after a brief pause, she rang the doorbell. - I'm coming! A voice shouted from inside, and then Rainbow Dash appeared at the door. -Pinkie? You? Here? At this time? Questioned RD with a confused expression at Pinkie, and the bag she was carrying with her. - It's just that I went to get some things for Mrs. Cake, and, as I was already around here, I decided to say "hello". RD went silent for a few seconds. -...Okay come in, my house is your house. - Thanks. Greeted Pinkie before entering. She and RD settled into the huge living room, both of them chatted for hours, until Pinkie felt that she should put her plan into action. - Hey Rainbow, do you have something to drink? Like, a tea or something, I'm sooo thirsty! - Well...I bought some tea a while ago, but I never made it because I don't know the exact time it needs to be in the fire. Pinkie felt lucky to hear this, destiny was making it so easy for her. - If you don't mind, I can make us some tea while you wait here in the living room, what do you think? Pinkie proposes while smiling sadistically, like a predator preparing to pounce on its prey. - That's fine by me, I wasn't in the mood to get up from here. Replied RD. - Excellent! I'll be right back. Said Pinkie discreetly while taking a box of sedatives and hiding it in her case. "Your laziness will be the cause of your disgrace" Pinkie thought to herself as she headed up to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Pinkie returns with two cups of tea. - Hey Dashie, I'm back! She announced as she put a cup near her friend, and took the other one for herself. - Damn, that was fast, and it smells good as well! - Yes, yes, but now, it’s time to have a good tea time! Exclaimed Pinkie before starting to drink from her cup. - Oh, yeah, it surely will be great! Said RD also before starting to drink her tea. However, right after the first sips, RD’s body began to weaken and her vision darkened. - P-Pinkie, I don't feel so good… Said RD while trying to get up off the couch. - Oh, I know! Pinkie replied as she calmly sipped her tea. - W-wha... RD tried to ask before falling to the ground unconscious. Moments later, Pinkie finishes up her tea and leaves her cup on the table in front of her. - Okay, it’s time to start the fun little Dashie. A few hours pass, and RD finally awakens, she finds herself tied to some ropes in her bed, and Pinkie staring at her, smiling with her mouth closed. - P-Pinkie, what's going on? RD asks confused. - Oh Dashie...Dashie...this is just a little game. - A g-game? what do you mea... RD is interrupted by Pinkie's hoof pressing against her mouth. - Shhhh Dashie, just, enjoy the moment, just....feel the moment. RD obeys Pinkie and just stares at her, since she’s a bit scared now. - Pinkie, seriously, this is not funny, jokes have limits. - And who said that this was a joke? Pinkie replied, as she pulled a saw out of her bag. RD tracks Pinkie's every move, she is genuinely terrified right now. - P-Pinkie, what are you going to do with that? She asks in a panic. - You know Dashie, there's something I’ve never liked about you. You are always hanging around, flying, showing off, showing how well you fly and how you only think about yourself. Your pride disgusts me... She says the last part with a rough tone in her voice. - And that's why...I’ve decided to cut off the source of all this useless pride. She says while positioning the saw at the base of RD's left wing, making her shudder. - W-wait Pinkie, we can talk about it! - We've had years to talk Dashie.....years. Pinkie replies before slowly starting to saw off RD's left wing. - F-fuck, please! Stop! RD chokes, trying to get Pinkie to stop before she cuts a bone or artery and causes irreversible damage to her body. -Hmm, I think I'm going to do this very slowly...... Pinkie comments ironically, then she suddenly starts sawing harder and faster, causing Rainbow to let out a deafening scream. - Please stop! If you stop now, I won't tell anyone! I swear! I'd say that it was an accident at the hospital! Pinkie threateningly and suddenly approached RD's ear. - Do you really think I'm going to believe that? And even if it were true, the thing that I least want is for you to get out of here.....alive. Pinkie whispered, making RD finally realize what was coming and she started to let out some tears. - P-stop please She gasps in pain, but Pinkie continues sawing without mercy. Then, a jet of blood hits her pink face, and Dashie lets out another,  even louder scream, since her left wing has just been amputated. - W-why??! She screamed in pain and despair.   - Because you're a proud and stuck-up bitch, Dashie, remember that when you're suffering in the underworld. Answered Pinkie coldly. - But well, now it's time for the other wing. Pinkie switched sides and started sawing off the other wing. Dashie started to feel sleepy due to the blood loss. Pinkie notices this and she stops sawing. - No no, you can't pass out now, I want you wide awake. She then grabs her bag, takes out a syringe containing adrenaline and injects it on RD. - P-please Pinkie.....kill me, kill me now. Begged RD with a hopeless tone in her voice. - I? Kill you? silly, you will die by yourself alone, your wounds will kill you and no one will come to help you, your friends, your fans, no one. Pinkie replied as she finished sawing off the last wing, but RD didn't have the strength to scream or anything like that anymore. - I-I hope you burn in the flames of hell, you bitch. Muttered RD before spitting a mixture of saliva and blood at Pinkie's face, making her furious. - I should finish killing you now. She says as he wipes the saliva off her face. - But, I want you to think, to think about the insignificant shit life you've had, until you bleed enough to leave that damn body. Said Pinkie, now packing her tools into her bag, getting ready to leave. - See you later....Dashie. She bids farewell to her victim, leaving the room and her ex-friend, who was still agonizing till death. A few days later, Fluttershy notices that she hasn’t seen rainbow dash in a couple days, and decides to visit her. So she goes to RD’s house and knocks the door, but, no one answers, there isn’t any sound coming from inside....nothing. So she decides to enter on her own, she goes upstairs, and enters the RD’s room. - OH MY CELESTIA!!!  She screams in despair when she sees her friend's corpse.  To be continued.....