Cutie Mark Ripper

by Void Streak

First published

When Scootaloo doesn't get her cutie mark shebends up developing a deep hatred for anypony who has a cutie mark.

Set in an alternate future where Scootaloo never gains her cutie mark, she begins to start hating all cutie marks and anypony who has one. Finally after one fateful day Scootaloo starts to go down a path filled with blood and darkness.

"If I can't have my cutie Mark then no pony can!"


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The sound of hoofsteps filled the air as the pony ran for her life. Her pink coat soaking from all the rain. Her heart stopped when she heard a chilling voice say:

"you can run but you can't hide. I Will find you and put you in a grave!"

Diamond Tiara ignored the voice and kept on running, praying she doesn't get caught. All of a sudden, she felt herself fall forward as she tumbled into a ditch. Normally Diamond would shriek at all the mud that was covering her body, that gave her an idea. Slightly grimacing she started to smear mud all over her body hoping that she would blend into the muddy, forest floor. Closing her eyes, she held her breath as the sound of hoofsteps got closer and closer.

Then she heard it, a creepy, clown-like giggle "He he he, oh Diamond that is pathetic although you did surprise me. I never expected you to cover yourself in mud. You must be desperate".

Suddenly Diamond Tiara screamed in pain as a gleaming, shiny scalpel pierced the flesh around her cutie mark. "PLEASE STOP, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for bullying you, please don't kill me" Diamond screamed tears blurring her eyes as her cutie mark was ripped away from her flank causing blood to ooze out of the now gaping wound.

"Hmm let me think about that" Scootaloo said as she lifted her bloody hoof up to chin as if she was stroking a beard. Then she grinned before cruelly saying "naah. This is way more funner but anyway at least you will now know how it feels to be an adult blank flank". Laughing maniacally, she grabbed a long, sharp knife from her saddlebags and started to repeatedly stab diamond in the face. Blood splattering her face while her laughs and Diamonds screams filled the forest air.

Diamond Tiara was barely clinging onto life. Her face was covered in slashes. She tried to get up and run away but Scootaloo retrieved a hammer from her saddlebags of horrors and tutted "tut tut tut, how rude of you for trying to get away from a pony trying to do her job. Why don't you make it easy for me by staying still?" Scootaloo asked crazily, right before she slammed the hammer onto Diamond's hind legs which caused both Diamond to scream in pain and for the leg to elicit a sickening crack. Diamond Tiara could now only crawl as the deranged mare told her victim" If you want me to stop then beg, beg and ill stop hurting you"

"ple-" Diamond tried to say but was cut of from Scootaloo.

"NO, get on your hooves and knees and beg!" ordered Scootaloo.

Grunting in pain Diamond Tiara managed to crawl onto knees, trying to hold back screams, her leg felt like it was on fire. She then looked up at the sychopathic killer and pleaded "Please stop. I won't tell anypony. Please I'm sorry, I don't want to die"

"Well considering you said please and I know for definate that you're not going to tell anypony. I'll stop" Scootaloo said with a smile before slashing Diamond's throat, the blood spraying onto Scootaloo's face as she watched Diamond clawing at her neck before falling to the ground lifeless. "There I stopped. That felt exhilarating" Scootaloo added before laughing like a lunatic. She then proceeded to cut of the other cutie Mark before sticking it inside of a scrapbook she then took out a Polaroid camera and took a picture of the corpse, sticking the picture next to the Cutie marks. She then wrote what appeared to be a note and scrunched it into a ball which she then placed into Diamond's mouth. Grinning she then left scene of the crime.


Void Streak was sitting in a coffee shop, having a cup of coffee, he grimaced at the taste. He was more of a tea pony but when you was in his line of work it was always hoofy to have cup of coffee. Void Streak was a special agent with the Royal Investigation Service which was an elite group of detectives and criminologist whose main aims were solving the most heinest of crimes. Void specifically worked in the serial crimes unit which was a group of detectives and profilers dedicated to hunting down serial killers. Void Streak was a blue pegasus with a blue and white mane and tail and a shooting star for a cutie mark. He was about to head to work when he overheard a newsreport on the TV. "We are now live here in the small town of Ponyville where authorities have found the mutilated body of a young mare. Local police chief Shield Badge issued a statement saying that they found the body in a ditch in the nearby Everfree Forest, which is famous for being one of the most dangerous forests in Equestria. He also added that the Ponyville Police Department was treating this as a homicide investigation. We will continue to go back to this story when we have more information ".

Void frowned at the TV. Local cops must be overreacting, it was probably a timber wolf that killed that young mare he thought while rolling his golden, yellow eyes.


When Void Streak entered the RIS headquarters he made his way up to the 3rd floor where the serial crimes unit was based. As soon as he entered the office floor, one of his partners and their tech analyst Circuit Board said "Hey Void we need to head to the round table, we have a case". The round table was RIS slang for meeting room, this was where they were briefed on different cases.

My Unit Chief and boss, Senior Special Agent Chain Link announced "Earlier this morning the body of a young mare was discovered in the Everfree Forest. The victim was identified as Diamond Tiara who is the daughter of wealthy bussiness stallion Filthy Rich. She was found with multiple stab wounds to the face, her right leg was broken and most peculiar of all her cutie mark, which was a litual diamond tiara, appears to have been cut of and removed".

Looking up at the crime scene photos of the body I could see what appeared to be a white ball of some kind. Putting my hoof up I asked "How are we sure this wasn't misadventure or an animal attack and what is that in her mouth?"

Chain replied with "The answer to both of those questions is that this thing inside of her mouth is a crumpled up note which is written in the victims blood sais Hello if you are reading this then that means you have found my first victim. You are probably wondering why I killed her? I killed her because, one she was a little bitch who loved looking in the mirror and two, she has that monstrosity on her flank. You are also probably wondering who am I? Well you can call me the Cutie Mark Ripper

I immediately start thinking of a profile for this killer. "Well because this Unsub already gave themselves a name, I would say they are narcissistic and the fact that they wrote a note tells me that are also craving attention and because the killer reffered to the Cutie Mark as a 'monstrosity' suggests that they have something against cutie marks as a whole. All in all I'd say this Killer isn't finished killing" Void Streak says like he was reading of a list.

"Agreed, that is why we are heading straight to Ponyville" Chain says.

Yay I think sarcastically I have to hope I don't run into some 'old friends'...

Chapter 1

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After we arrived at Ponyville SSA Chain Link told me and my partner Special agent Steel Cuffs to head down to the crime scene, when we got to the entrance of the Everfree Forest, we met Police chief Shield Badge "I'm guessing your the RIS agents who are stealing my investigation" he said angrily while pointing his hoof in my face.

Pushing the hoof out of the way I say while showing my badge "Yes I'm special agent Void Streak and this is Special agent Steel Cuffs"

"Howdy, but we're not here tah steal yah investigation" Cuffs said friendly, holding his yellow hoof out in a hoofshake.

Shield just narrowed his eyes at the hoof before replying "that's what you all say. Anytime you or any government ponies come strolling in”

I merely rolled my eyes “well its either you accept us and work together, or we can leave and let you deal with a serial killer by yourself. So which is it?”

I could see the cogs working in his mind as he makes his decision. “Fine, but I want to know everything” he growled.

I merely nodded before asking “wheres the crime scene?”

He reluctantly lead them through the Everfree forest to a clearing which was surrounded by a blue police line. I lean under the cordon and head to the crime scene perimeter which was surrounded by the classic yellow crime scene tape. I could see CSI techs wearing forensic gear moving around the ditch where the body was found.

“Where’s the body?” I asked, still staring into the crime scene.

“Down at the morgue, the body was found inside of the ditch” he said, pointing down to the ditch where crime scene tech were moving around inside.

“Who found the body?” I asked while analysing my surroundings.

“A couple of park rangers. They often patrol around here ever since Princess Twilight declared the forest as a restricted area.

“Well it looks like somepony didn’t get the memo” Cuffs replied; referring to the victim.

“SomePONIES didn’t get the memo, the victim and her killer” I corrected. I then asked “did she have any enemies?”

Badge scoffed before replying “plenty, she was the towns bully. She ticked alot of pony’s of however the the pony’s who truly despised her would have to be the CMC”

“Whats the CMC?” Cuffs asked.

“The CMC stands for Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were a small group of school kids who came up with wacky ideas to get their cutie marks. They practically disbanded when two of the three members gained their cutie marks.”

This immediately made my eyebrows rise as me and Cuffs gave each other a signal that meant that we were both thinking of the same thing.

“Whose the member that lucked out?” I asked.

“That would be Scootaloo”

“Know where we can find this Scootaloo?” I asked hopefully that we might already have a suspect.

Shield sighed “Yeah, a jail cell back at the station.”

“What did she do to land herself there?” Cuffs asked.

“I found her last night under the influence of drugs”

“Interesting, was this before or after the murder” I asked while stroking my chin in thought.

“After” he said.

“Lets head back to the station, I want to have a little chat with this, Scootaloo”
I exclaimed as we started to walk back to the Ponyville Police Station.


I was staring at the possible killer through the one way mirror. I wanted to see how she’d react to being sat inside of an interview room by herself. I also examined her body. She had bags under her eyes and she seemed dirty, I also noticed her blank flank. Her mane was short but knotted and ruffled. From her appearance I quickly managed to come to the conclusion that she was homeless and most likely a drug addict. She kept fidgeting in her seat and massaging her cuffed hooves which had been shackled to the table.

I then walked into the room, the sound of the door opening made Scootaloo jump. I walked to the table and sat down where I noticed her gulp in nervous anticipation.

“My name is Special Agent Void Streak with the RIS. Do you know why you are here?” I asked wanting to see how she would respond.

“Cos they found me with drugs” she stuttered. She was scared, I could tell.

Leaning in closer I then asked “I don’t mean inside of a jail cell. I mean here, inside of this room?”

She merely looked at me with a confused expression. Instead of elaborating I then stated “Your former class mate, Diamond Tiara was just found dead. Murdered in fact.”

“WAIT WHAT! You think I killed her” she shouted.

interesting she didn’t deny it but she didn’t ask how she’s dead or act surprised I thought to myself while Staring at the drug addict.

“I'm telling the truth. I never killed anypony!” She swore while I was extremely suspicious of her I knew that we didn’t have enough evidence to keep Scootaloo behind bars.

"Ok then why don't you tell me where you were last night" I asked, while narrowing my eyes at the nervous mare.

"A, asleep" she stuttered, which I immediately noticed. There were different indicators that a pony is lying, trying to look away from you, sweating and stuttering, to name a few.

“Look at it from my perspective, you were arrested shortly after the murder, the victim is your old, school bully and the pony who killed her, dislikes cutie marks. You don’t have a cutie mark” I explained in an accusatory voice.

Scootaloo looked down at her bare flank in embarrassment and said “Just because I don’t have my cutie mark doesn’t mean that I don’t like cutie marks”


I sighed knowing that I was getting nowhere near to a confession, I stood up and left the room.

I then asked Shield Badge “How long are you keeping her for?”

“Until, one of her friends pays for her bail, again” he muttered.

“This isn’t her first time” I asked.

“Nope, everytime we arrest her, one of her friends usually bails her out, but from what I’ve heard, their patience is starting to wane thin” Shield explained.

Just as I was about to ask another question, a beautiful, white unicorn rushed into the station Shield then whispered “Speak of the devil and she may appear”

The unicorn elegantly walked over to Shield and sighed “What has she done this time?”

“She took a swing at one of my officers after she was seen trashing the town. She’s been arrested for possession and consumption of am illegal substance” he explained.

The unicorn, shook her head in disappointment, muttering “That mare, she told me she was getting better and attending NA meetings, how much is bail.”

Shield told her “5000 bits” but as she started to take out her purse, the police chief added, taking a serious tone “Thats not the only thing, she’s being investigated for murder”

This caused the unicorn’s jaw to drop in disbelief “Scootaloo’s no killer” she said.

“You’ll have to tell that to the RIS then” he said turning towards me thats when I recognised the unicorn.

“You’re that singer, Sweetie Belle” I exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle smiled and said “Yes I am”

I then got back into cop mode and asked “Can I ask you some, questions about your friend, Scootaloo”.

She replied “yes” reluctantly. Shield shown us to a private room that was more comfortable than the interrogation room and I begun my questioning.