> Friendship is Magic...With Benefits > by That_One_Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dusk ShinexElusive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Maybe that’s a bit much,” Dusk Shine thought aloud as he perused the library’s shelves. He had already passed over “The Camel Sutra” (too advanced), “Noteworthy Erogenous Zones” (too simple), “Ten Tips for Your First Time” (he’d already read that one), and “Sexy Spells for the Curious Stallion” (he’d read that one as well, and it was way too advanced.) Eventually he settled on a copy of Cosmarepolitan promising to explain “Five Simple and Surprising Ways to Please Your Stallion.” After skimming through the article he found it was nothing more than advice for mares. That wasn’t quite unexpected, but acknowledging that didn’t make it any more helpful. With a sigh, Dusk carefully put the magazine back in its place and started looking through the shelves again. He’d been doing this for the last hour or so in preparation for the big night. Eventually he settled on another re-read of “Sexy Spells for the Curious Stallion.” With another sigh, Dusk pulled the book off the shelf and took it with him to the bed. The first chapter was one he’d looked through already today. It was the basic stuff, the kind any ‘curious’ unicorn would have probably tried on his own. He’d already read through this chapter quite thoroughly. He still made a note of it though before moving on to the next chapter. It was at this point that Elusive showed up; almost an hour early. Dusk, however, was far too engrossed, and confused, by the book hovering in front of him to notice. Elusive made no effort to inform him either. He found it would be far more entertaining to casually take a seat beside the confused unicorn. “Doing a bit of studying?” Elusive commented slyly after recognizing the tome. Dusk gasped and tried to slam the book shut, only for it to be caught and held open by Elusive’s hoof. “Umm…what are you doing here so early, Elusive?” Dusk commented while he unsubtly jerked the book away and floated it back to the shelf it had come from. Elusive smiled and trotted after the book; making sure to give Dusk a nice look at his tail while he did so. Dusk turned to the side in an attempt to conceal the growth that had almost immediately appeared in his crotch. “Business was slow, so I closed up early today,” Elusive commented while perusing the shelves, “I take it you’ve been studying this whole time?” “Well not until Barb left,” Dusk mumbled in response. “Right. She’s staying with Butterscotch tonight, correct?” Elusive commented. Dusk nodded despite the fact that the other unicorn clearly wasn’t looking at him at the moment. To be fair, he wasn’t thinking particularly clearly. Right now he was too distracted by both his erection and the fact that Elusive had managed to find what he was looking for. Upon noticing this, Dusk decided it was best to respond verbally, if only to draw Elusive’s attention. “So,” he mumbled while not so subtly turning to reveal himself to the other unicorn, “I take it that means you wanted to get started a little earlier then?” Elusive looked at Dusk out of the corner of his eye, Dusk was sure of it, but did his best to keep a straight face about it. “Well I’m not sure. I could come back later if you’d like to study a bit more.” With that, Elusive retrieved the book and reopened it to the previously closed page; after which his mouth instantly dropped open. “Then again, perhaps you’re getting a little too advanced.” Dusk blushed. “Well I guess we can start a little slower,” he said, trying and failing to stifle a chuckle. Elusive turned to him and grinned while the book floated back to its proper place. “And here I thought you said you were inexperienced.” Elusive’s smile became a touch more seductive as he moved to the edge of Dusk’s bed. “Still perhaps it would be best to start slow,” the white unicorn said seductively. Dusk did his best to keep his eyes locked with the other unicorn as he spoke, but he couldn’t help but briefly glance towards Elusive's crotch as he joined him on the bed. Together the pair sat in awkward silence for a few seconds. All the while Dusk worked, and continually failed, to keep his eyes focused on his partners face. Elusive’s shaft rubbing softly against his own was the primary distraction in this matter. “So,” Dusk said after remaining in this pose for a few moments, and finally pulling his eyes back to a consistent gaze at the other stallion, “How do we start?” Elusive’s smile became calmer as he reached over and began stroking Dusk’s hair. He also made sure to reach down and give another part of Dusk a similar stroking. “It seems to me we’ve already started, dear.” Dusk shivered a bit at Elusive’s touch. He did manage to continue afterward though. “You know what I mean,” he said, “Where do we go from here? The books weren’t very specific.” Elusive shook his head and moved in for a brief kiss. Dusk was thankful for this of course, but Elusive didn’t give him much time to show just how thankful before pulling away and nuzzling his ear. “It’s different for everypony, Dusk. Just do what feels right.” Dusk paused for a moment before reaching down to help Elusive with his stroking. At the moment it was all he could think to do. Elusive certainly wasn’t complaining, but he didn’t seem particularly excited either. Then Dusk remembered the mental note he had made earlier. Elusive yelped and jerked upward as Dusk cast the spell. Simultaneously the white unicorn jerked Dusk closer toward him, causing Dusk to suddenly forget the spell in favor of the dick now rubbing against his chest. Elusive gave the purple unicorn’s horn a quick poke to draw his attention back. “No need to stop,” he said. When Dusk looked up Elusive was smiling seductively again, and he had resumed his mane stroking. “You just surprised me. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.” Dusk smiled and his horn lit up once more. Elusive jerked again and shut his eyes, but it wasn’t nearly as sudden this time. He enjoyed watching his friend squirm in pleasure as the magic gently stretched his anus. He enjoyed it even more because that friend was squirming against him. Dusk glanced down at Elusive’s member and gently rolled him over. His friend kept his foreleg wrapped around the purple unicorn as he was rolled onto his back, leaving Dusk’s face pressed gently against his chest. Dusk nuzzled closely into the chest for a moment. Then he decided to really get things started. Dusk moved himself slowly up Elusive’s body and planted a kiss on his lips. The other unicorn responded happily by pushing his tongue into Dusk’s mouth. At the same time, Elusive lifted his lower legs a touch and wrapped them around his partner’s waist. After feeling this grip Dusk broke the kiss along with his spell, leaving Elusive staring longingly up at him. Dusk tried to speak, but the words died in his mouth. He froze above the other unicorn, prompting Elusive to sigh and roll his eyes lovingly. “You don’t have to ask permission, Dusk,” he said. To emphasize his point, the unicorn released his hold on Dusk and laid back completely, albeit while keeping his legs lifted. Dusk swallowed hard out of nerves and leaned down to lock Elusive in another kiss. Elusive responded with his tongue again, but not as enthusiastically as before. That is, he didn’t respond vigorously until Dusk finally made his move. Dusk almost broke the kiss himself the moment he edged his shaft into his friend. The feeling was so intense that he was actually finding it hard to breath. However, Elusive was not willing to let Dusk free of the kiss easily. Especially now that he was feeling passionate again. In addition to throwing his forelegs around Dusk’s neck, he wrapped his hind legs around the unicorn’s flank once more. Dusk briefly paused in his forward movement when he felt Elusive’s jewels rub against him. A light push from the unicorn below him was all it took to snap Dusk back into action. Dusk moved slowly to begin, mostly fearing that he would finish too soon. In truth he was surprised he lasted long enough to get his entire length inside of Elusive. He already felt like he was about to burst. Elusive broke the kiss a moment after Dusk bottomed out, and suddenly things began to make sense again when Dusk saw the glow of his partner’s horn. Still even with Elusive’s help, Dusk wasn’t entirely sure how long he could last once he started really thrusting. Elusive smiled gently up at his partner and nodded again. At the same time the white unicorn did his best to take matters into his own hooves with a gentle rocking. Dusk took the hint and began thrusting again. Dusk started with slow and gentle motions, but another prompt from Elusive made it clear that this wasn’t what he wanted. The lower unicorn gave Dusk’s neck a playful bite and increased the pace of his rocking. Dusk’s only response was to increase his own pace as the lust finally began to overwhelm what little reason remained in him. Suddenly, Dusk shut his eyes and started pounding Elusive as powerfully and as rapidly as he could. The unicorn no longer held much concern for his partner, but he was still aware of the pony moaning enthusiastically beneath him. Elusive was undoubtedly enjoying this loss of control. It wasn’t much longer before Dusk felt a warm liquid splash onto his belly and heard Elusive let out a particularly passionate moan. A touch of conscious thought returned as Dusk realized that this meant it was over. He’d been waiting at the edge this entire time with only Elusive’s spell keeping him going. His eyes shot open for one last look at his partner before the glow faded out and he finally burst. Just in time for his eyes to open, Elusive grabbed Dusk and locked him into one more kiss. Dusk let out a heavy breath into his friend’s mouth as he at last reached release. Elusive did the same while the white liquid shot into him; finally breaking the kiss with another moan as the last of it squeezed from Dusk’s stallionhood. Dusk collapsed on top of Elusive almost immediately after that; partially because of the euphoric daze and partially because of the actual exhaustion. The other unicorn didn’t seem to mind though. He went straight back to stroking Dusk’s mane from below the stallion. “So,” Elusive said calmly after a minute had passed and Dusk’s breathing had resumed, “Aren’t you glad I was your first now?” Dusk nodded half-heartedly and gave his partner a peck. Elusive smiled. After another short time Dusk finally rolled off of his fellow unicorn and the two arranged themselves for a night’s sleep. “So,” Dusk asked as he flicked the lights off with a simple spell, “Who do you think I should call up next?” > Dusk ShinexBubble Berry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bubble Berry hummed merrily to himself as he bounced toward the library, traditional pre-funtime cupcakes in tow of course. He had to admit that he was excited for the upcoming “party.” He had been since he’d first met Dusk in all honesty, and now that Elusive had had his fun it was finally okay for him to have his own fun with the unicorn. Berry stopped and giggled as he found his thoughts wandering towards what he and Dusk would be doing in just a few minutes. “Now now, Berry,” he told himself, “Don’t get too excited. Ponies will start staring.” Again he giggled at his little joke and got back to his merry skipping. Overall, Berry reached the library in pretty good time considering how he had to keep the cupcakes balanced on his back the whole way. Plus, saying hello to everypony who crossed his path took up some time too. Then there was the special wave he had to give Butterscotch. “Yep! Ten minutes from Sugar Cube Corner to the Library is pretty good time with those circumstances,” he thought aloud while staring back at the bakery. After that, Berry gave himself one more confirmatory nod and turned to knock on the door. ***** Dusk didn’t even notice the knocking on his door at first, and when he did notice it he chose to ignore it. The vials on the burner required constant attention for safety’s sake if nothing else. Plus, if he took his eyes off of them for even a second he might miss some bit of valuable information. The knocking didn’t stop though. It just grew louder and more persistent; eventually forcing Dusk to finally acknowledge it. “The door’s open,” he shouted, hoping whoever it was could actually hear him from the basement. Dusk was thankful to hear the knocking stop almost immediately after his yell. Either the pony who’d been knocking had heard him, or they had simply given up. Dusk was just happy to be able to focus again. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to stay focused for very long. The pounding from above as the new arrival hopped around upstairs would probably have been annoying enough to break Dusk’s concentration, but something even more disruptive intervened before that particular noise could get to him. Dusk soon found himself scrambling to catch the assorted chemicals as a massive force shook the room with the opening of the cellar door. Thankfully nothing was spilled for the moment thanks to some speedy spell casting, but the experiment was still probably ruined. “Did you need something?” Dusk said as he replaced the vials and turned to face the now ajar door. Nopony was there. “Hiya, Dusk!” The unicorn jumped back when he suddenly felt a set of hooves wrap around his flank. There was a resulting “Whee,” from whoever it was that had grabbed him before it was interrupted by a sudden thump, and his attacker loosened their grip. Dusk turned around, horn at the ready, and got a nice look at the pony; now bent over backwards where the unicorn had been working moments ago. It took less than a second to confirm that it was Berry, and Dusk quickly calmed himself down. “Berry, you really shouldn’t scare me like that,” he complained. “Awww,” Berry whined disappointedly from his position, “The cupcakes are ruined…” Dusk pondered this strange statement only briefly before he found himself distracted by Berry’s compromising position. The pink stallion was pretty much on full display in front of him, and Dusk had to admit that he was impressed. He only snapped back to reality when he remembered exactly how Berry had wound up in that position, and, more importantly, what he was positioned on. “What the hay were you thinking, Berry,” Dusk mumbled, suddenly angry. Berry chuckled and hopped back to a stand in front of the unicorn. “Sorry, Dusky,” he said as he ruffled Dusk’s mane playfully, “I didn’t expect you to be that surprised.” Dusk smacked Berry’s hoof away and shot him the best glare he could manage at the moment. “Berry, I’ve told you before that you shouldn’t go around surprising me like that.” Berry responded by rolling his eyes, annoying Dusk further. “I’ll have you know I was in the middle of-“ Dusk was cut off before finishing by a sudden passionate, if brief, kiss from the pink stallion; after which he merely stood with his mouth agape for a few moments. “Oh, Dusky, you’re way too high strung,” Berry said with another giggle, “I just came here for a little fun.” Dusk quickly shook himself out his stupor and shot Berry another glare. “Berry, seriously I-“ before he could finish Dusk was interrupted by another kiss. This one lasted longer though; it was only interrupted when the unicorn pulled himself away and pushed Berry aside. “Really, Berry,” he said, this time walking towards the table and out of kissing range, “I was in the middle of an important project, and thanks to your little surprised I’m going to need to start from scratch.” Dusk attempted to pull a broom from the nearby wall to clean up the glass, but found it suddenly drop when he felt Berry once more wrapped his hooves around his flank. “I’m sorry, Dusk,” Berry said solemnly while he rubbed a hoof around Dusk’s cutie-mark. His usual cheerful tone did return soon after though. “If it makes you feel better, I know the perfect way to make up for it.” Dusk blushed and reluctantly pushed the hooves away with his magic. “That’s very nice of you to offer, but I’ve got to get back to work.” Dusk once more pulled the broom towards him. This time he even managed to get it to the other side of the table. For just a moment he calmed down, thinking that Berry may have listened. Then he felt the tongue on his flank and the broom fell abruptly once more. “Are you suuuurre?” Berry asked, his sing-song tone was oddly seductive. “R-really, Berry,” Dusk mumbled as he tried to get his focus back. Berry gave the other half of his flank a lick before he could even hope to try though. “Super duper sure?” Berry asked again. A hoof had reached around to check on Dusk’s package now. He couldn’t hide how aroused he was by this. Still he shook his head. It was all he could manage. “Well,” Berry hummed, “I guess I don’t have to show you my super-secret ‘party cannon’ then.” “That’s fine,” Dusk said abruptly. He noticed Berry lift his tail after that. It took all his self-control not to bend forward at that point; effort that soon proved to be wasted when Berry actually did give the inner part of his rear a lick. Dusk ended up pushing back into the stallion reflexively after that. “So you do want to do it then?” Berry asked, now without even the slightest hint of seduction in his usual sing-song voice. At this point though Dusk had already given in, and as such didn’t need more convincing. “Yes, Berry,” he nodded, “But it’s going to have to be-Gahh.” Dusk was cut off by a gasp when Berry suddenly made his next move. It stung more than Dusk had expected when the tongue unexpectedly pushed its way inside of him, and the unicorn couldn’t deny that it felt more than a bit bizarre. However, in Dusk’s opinion the feeling was every bit as wonderful as it was strange. The unicorn squirmed a touch as Berry wriggled the organ inside of him. He couldn’t quite decide if it was in pleasure or in pain, but he did decide that he didn’t want it to stop. All the while Berry was also doing his best to work Dusk’s shaft with his hooves. The combined action left Dusk with practically no other choice but to spread his legs further in an attempt to allow his partner better access to both areas. Then Berry suddenly stopped, leaving the unicorn panting in what he soon realized was a distinctly uncomfortable pose. After enough time had passed for this fact to actually dawn on Dusk, he looked back to the pink stallion and asked, “Why did you stop, Berry?” Berry took his sweet time before responding. Although the stallion had stopped his rimming, he was still engrossed in the acts of massaging and kissing Dusk’s flank. “I just figured you were about ready,” Berry said after finishing his most recent kiss. He was speaking in the strangely seductive tone again. Dusk wasn’t quite sure how to respond, but after a moment’s consideration he nodded back to Berry. The pink stallion responded to this unremarkable gesture with another giggle as he lifted himself up on top of Dusk. Dusk momentarily shied away when he felt Berry’s cock slide against his rear. It felt a good deal larger than he had expected. Before he could move very far though, the pink stallion had wrapped a foreleg around his neck and given his neck a gentle kiss. If nothing else, it served to calm Dusk down while Berry positioned his member properly for the entrance. “On three, okay, Dusky?” Berry asked playfully once he’d finished his kiss. Dusk nodded, and braced himself for the entry. “One,” Berry wrapped his free leg around the unicorn as he counted, “Two,” after that the pink stallion went in for another kiss on Dusk’s neck and there were no more words. Dusk was left to count the last second himself before Berry penetrated him. The unicorn grimaced a bit as Berry pushed into him. The pink stallion was very gentle with his work though, and kept up a loving caress with his mouth while he moved deeper into Dusk. It wasn’t long before the grimace left his face and was replaced by a gentle smile. Dusk began pushing back into Berry when the initial pain began of the penetration gave way to the pleasure. The stallion on top of him was proving to be just as well-endowed as Dusk had felt before, and the unicorn wanted to do everything he could to fit even more inside of himself. He was disappointed to find that once he felt Berry reach his final depth, the pink stallion chose to abruptly stop. After the sudden pause, Dusk craned his neck to ask Berry to continue, just in time for the stallion to also abruptly stop his kissing and say, in his more seductive tone, “Three.” Suddenly Berry grinned and wrapped his forelegs around Dusk in a tight grasp. Dusk didn’t have time to question this before Berry began a rapid and intense series of thrusts from behind him. All he could manage was a gasp as the first thrust struck him and a few more gasps while Berry pounded him. Dusk felt himself closing in on an orgasm before Berry once again stopped. This time though, the pink stallion didn’t take any time to pause before moving on to his next action. Dusk let out a yelp when Berry suddenly tightened his grip and rolled so that the unicorn was lying on top of him. Dusk briefly considered questioning this action before the pink stallion started up again, this time more rapidly if not as powerfully, and he couldn’t manage to get out another word. It wasn’t more than a few seconds later when the unicorn reached his climax. His seed let loose with a surprising amount of force, resulting in the first spray almost reaching his face, and the following gushes coating his chest while Berry continued to thrust away below him. However, it wasn’t much longer before that thrusting came to another sudden stop as Berry closed in on his own orgasm. Dusk squirmed in the stallions grip as he felt himself being filled by his companion’s semen, and let loose a passionate gasp. Berry held him, firmly but lovingly, the whole while that he took to finish and for Dusk to calm down and fall back into a relaxed position on top of him. Unfortunately this particular bit of relaxation only lasted as long as the afterglow and ended quite suddenly when Dusk caught an odd smell coming from nearby. In a sudden fit of panic, the unicorn hopped off of his partner and trotted back to the table where the chemicals had spilled not long before. “Oh hay,” he mumbled as he stared at the charred stain on the floor. From the ground nearby Berry Bubble just giggled. “It’s okay, Dusky,” he said cheerfully, “I can go get some more cupcakes later.” > Dusk ShinexButterscotch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk lifted his saddlebag onto the table and readied his checklist for its third double-double-checking. This was by far the most important check of the activity. Now that the supplies had been moved into the saddlebag he had to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything after all. “Collar.” Dusk floated a purple collar and leash out of the bag. Butterscotch probably had one already, but it wouldn’t do to be caught unprepared. Dusk had even gone to the trouble of embroidering the pegasus’s name on it. It was sloppy, but at least it was probably comfy. “Check.” “Lube.” Dusk replaced the collar and pulled out a small glass bottle filled with a pinkish-purple liquid. Again, this was probably unnecessary. Elusive had been very clear about Butterscotch preferring it rough. Even if the unicorn did lose control of his little stretching spell midway through, he was likely to enjoy it. Still, it didn’t hurt to prepare just in case.. “Check.” “Tissues.” This time Dusk pulled out a rather hefty roll of paper. It was more reminiscent of a roll of paper towels than what tissues would typically call to mind, but the fabric was perfectly soft. Unlike the previous two entries, this was a necessity. It simply wouldn’t be polite to let his friend waste any of his own disposable wipes. He needed those for the animals. “Check.” “And tips.” This one was also a necessity; though admittedly bringing an actual physical copy along was probably a little silly, still it wouldn’t hurt to have something along as a reminder. Dusk floated the little booklet out of his bag. It was a small black cloth thing with “Elusive’s tips,” embroidered on the side in silver thread. He opened the book to its first page. “Butterscotch will only respond if you take the initiative. Make things crystal clear, or he’ll brush it off.” The tips for Butterscotch were the entire first section. Dusk had asked Elusive to prepare this book in preparation for his time with the pegasus, so that only made sense. “Check,” Dusk thought aloud as he made the last mark on his list. Reminding himself of this first crucial tip was the last thing he had to do, and now he was ready to go get his pegasus. With confidence, Dusk replaced the tips, set aside his list, and donned his saddlebags. After he left his home and finally began his journey towards his friend’s cottage , it dawned on Dusk that he was really overthinking this whole thing. He had already set the date up with Scotch after all, and Scotch had specifically said that they’d meet up at the cottage when they made the date. That meant that he probably had everything ready there. Dusk had even noted how unnecessary his preparations were while he was making them. With another deep breath, the unicorn concluded that he was just doing all of this to calm his nerves. All of this preparation did nothing but ruin it for Butterscotch, at least if what Elusive said was accurate. Still, Dusk wasn’t sure if he’d be able to manage this any other way in the long run. He’d just need to remember to forget himself in the short run. “Take control...” he muttered as a reminder to do just that. The cottage was in view now. Butterscotch was too; busy feeding the fish in his pond. Dusk bit his lip as he watched the yellow stallion dance obliviously while humming and spreading the crumbs onto the water. While watching the graceful sashay of his hips, Dusk made up his mind to take control firmly by the haunches. “Hey there, sexy,” Dusk moved quickly to give his friend a playful smack right on the cutie mark. Butterscotch stiffened quickly and leapt away, dropping his feed scoop along the way. He did relax noticeably upon seeing the now rather embarrassed Dusk was behind the attack. “Oh…um…hi Dusk.” Butterscotch now wore a blush to match Dusk’s, and both ponies were left standing awkwardly for a moment after the nervous hello. In the end, it actually fell to Butterscotch to break the silence. “So…are you here for our date then?” Dusk stopped nervously shuffling his hooves after the pegasus acknowledged the date. In his paranoid imagination he had thought that Butterscotch might have decided against their tryst thanks to the inappropriate greeting. “Y-yes, that’s why…” Dusk trailed off nervously while shuffling his hooves for a second. Then he remembered that he was supposed to be taking charge. “That’s why I’m here,” he suddenly said in a more demanding tone. He even threw in a hoof stomp for added effect. Butterscotch’s wings fluttered a little once Dusk’s hoof hit the ground. He looked like he was going to say something after that, but Dusk was too busy taking control to care. The pegasus wasn’t able to get a word out before Dusk seized him passionately by the lips. Butterscotch didn’t shrink away from the aggressive action this time. He went along with it quite laxly; letting Dusk explore his mouth calmly with little action of his own other than to keep the orifice open. This passivity left the pegasus when Dusk decided to take things further with a little bit of magic. His horn began to glow with its usual violet light, and within a second Butterscotch had let out a loud gasp and jerked backward. “Umm, D-Dusk,” Butterscotch squirmed awkwardly and mumbled his speech. Dusk responded to this by probing a touch more vigorously with his magic, prompting another gasp and causing Butterscotch’s tail to lift reflexively. The unicorn smiled rather proudly at the work he had done. He was particularly proud of how his friend’s stallionhood had begun to show its head rather prominently. Dusk hadn’t even moved to touch him there yet. The pride evaporated quickly when Butterscotch sat down and abruptly covered himself with both his hooves and his wings. Whatever Dusk had left was gone instantly after he heard the pegasus meekly utter, “Stop.” Dusk followed the request immediately and took a nervous step back. “I-I’m sorry,” he said, rapidly approaching a state of panic, “Did I hurt you?” Butterscotch quickly shook his head in response before glancing back up at his friend. Dusk calmed somewhat upon seeing that the yellow stallion was blushing, but still smiling. “N-no,” he stuttered, “It’s j-just that…this is k-kind of public isn’t it?” Butterscotch glanced around nervously as he spoke. Dusk followed his lead and took a look around. There was nopony in sight as far as the unicorn could tell. Even the animals seemed to have taken their leave. Dusk pondered whether or not they might be aware of what their caregiver was doing as he stared into the now weirdly vacant pond that Butterscotch had been tending to just a moment ago. The food was even untouched. Still, Dusk certainly didn’t intend to make his companion feel uncomfortable, so he nodded politely and smiled nervously back at the blushing Butterscotch. “Alright, if you prefer we can head inside,” he said, trying his best to get his composure back. The pegasus nodded enthusiastically, but made no other move; even after Dusk had taken a few steps toward the cottage. “D-do you need a minute?” the unicorn asked. Butterscotch blushed even more brightly and nodded again. “Y-you can get going. I’ll meet you up there.” He gestured towards the house with a foreleg as he spoke; giving Dusk what he thought was a chance to peer at what was behind them. Sadly, the purple stallion could only catch a glimpse before it was covered up again. He nodded and trotted into Butterscotch’s home. He didn’t stop to take in the scenery on his way upstairs, but he couldn’t help but notice that it was weirdly quiet. He stopped just at the top of the stairs to take a look around. Strangely, the only animal he could actually see in full view was Butterscotch’s pet bunny, Angel, and even she seemed to be actively ignoring him. It was more than a touch creepy, but not quite enough to deter Dusk, just make him nervous. He decided it was best to continue upstairs without dwelling on the matter. Once up there, Dusk set his saddlebags beside the bed and took a seat. More than a touch nervous about waiting Dusk reached into his saddlebag for the book of tips, hoping looking it over again would calm him. He opened to a random page and read it. “ Applejack likes it cowgirl. Try to aim for the face.” Dusk quickly closed it upon seeing the wrong name and turn to another, slightly less random page. “With Butterscotch, it’s best to start with oral. Nothing gets him ready faster than a blowjob.” Dusk nodded to himself, happy to be reminded of such a useful passage. He would have gone on to read the next page from there, but just after he’d turned pages he heard a fluttering at the window and slammed the thing shut before tossing it aside. “Hi, Scotch,” he said nervously, hoping that his friend hadn’t seen the booklet. Scotch, thankfully, didn’t give any indication that he had. He just floated inside with his nervous smile and said, “Sorry I took so long. It um…took me longer to calm down than I thought.” He scratched his neck nervously as he spoke, inadvertently drawing Dusk’s attention to the lime green collar he was now sporting. “Butterscotch,” was embroidered on the side of it in thread almost identical to that on the unicorn’s booklet. “That’s a nice collar,” Dusk said. A bit of annoyance came through in his speech, much to his further annoyance. Yet another preparation had proven to be pointless. “E-Elusive told me you’d like it,” Butterscotch said nervously. Dusk brightened himself up immediately with a smile. “I do like it,” Dusk said, nervously trying to brighten up his tone, “I just said it looks nice.” Butterscotch smiled and blushed a bit more brightly in response, but kept on with his nervous scratching. Catching on that he was waiting for a command of some sort, one of Elusive’s tips that the unicorn remembered clearly, Dusk spoke up again. “Come over here so I can get a better look.” The nerves visibly faded away from Butterscotch’s face as he turned and smiled back at Dusk and trotted towards the bed. The way he walked couldn’t exactly be described as confident thanks to his slow and light step, but he didn’t exactly move shyly. In fact, he made sure to show off a touch once he’d climbed onto the bed and seated himself next to Dusk; his legs were fully splayed and his head turned to show off the collar. Dusk moved in to take a look at the collar like he said he would, but he didn’t linger on it very long. Elusive did nice work, but it still wasn’t what he was hoping to look at. He turned his attention right to Butterscotch’s crotch. The stallion had indeed, “calmed himself down.” Of course, going off of Elusive’s advice, Dusk knew exactly what to do in order to rile him up again. Without delay, the unicorn moved right down into his partner’s crotch and gave his balls a good lick. At the same time, he drew a little from personal experience and lit up his horn with intent to help Butterscotch stretch a little. The pegasus responds quickly with a gasp. His stallionhood responded quicker still, immediately perking up. Dusk moved up and down Butterscotch’s length with light licking as it grew. Once it reached what he suspected was its full length, he did so even more vigorously, wrapping his lips around the side as he moved. With his horn busy trying to please Butterscotch, Dusk was forced to use a hoof to pleasure himself. He did so gently so as not to finish too quickly, he just couldn’t resist at least the effort needed to keep it as hard as he could. Butterscotch wasn’t being particularly responsive after the initial gasp. Dusk glanced upward in hopes of finding some form of encouragement to keep going. Instead, he saw that the pegasus was just nervously blushing and staring off at something. Upon following Butterscotch’s gaze, Dusk found himself staring directly at his own crotch. The realization dawned instantly. Dusk stopped his spell and sat up to give his partner a kiss on the cheek. “Did you want to give it a go now?” he asked with an embarrassed grin on his face. Butterscotch didn’t need any further prompting. He smiled and returned the kiss with a peck on the lips, and then he moved straight down and started kissing Dusk’s crotch. After that he moved on to kissing Dusk’s stallionhood in earnest and the kissing quickly turned to licking. The unicorn had to stop himself from drooling as he watched his lover work. The licking didn’t last much longer than the kissing had. It was only a short minute before Butterscotch had moved from Dusk’s length down to his balls and started suckling them. He looked up at his partner for approval, and the unicorn nodded him on. After that, Dusk elected to lay back and enjoy the treatment in order to allow Butterscotch better access. He wasn’t disappointed when his partner readily took both of his orbs in at once right after. Drool dripped steadily onto a pillow now as Dusk turned his head and opened his mouth in order to breathe more readily, resulting in what could only be called panting. Panting then gave way to moaning when Butterscotch let go of Dusk’s balls and returned to licking up his shaft. The moaning was then quickly replaced by a gasp when he finally wrapped his lips around it. “Th-that’s nice,” Dusk said, lifting his head to get a look at his lover. Butterscotch didn’t move his head very much or very quickly. He was focused almost exclusively on the tip of his partner’s stallionhood; licking it vigorously and bobbing only enough to move it around to the sides of his mouth. His hooves, meanwhile, kept the shaft in place while he worked it. Dusk was both intrigued by the technique itself and overcome by how great it felt. Both factors contributed nicely to how much he was enjoying the treatment. Butterscotch’s head stopped moving entirely after a moment and his hooves began massaging Dusk’s length. This slight change in technique got Dusk panting again, and his hips started thrusting of their own volition. Butterscotch’s head started moving again in turn, bobbing ever so slightly lower than before while his hooves worked. Dusk sat up slowly and placed a hoof on Butterscotch’s neck, stroking roughly against the collar. “W-we don’t want to finish to soon right?” he said. The unicorn gave the collar a light tug, and Butterscotch paused in his work to glance up at him. Another pull on the collar by Dusk brought Butterscotch gently to chest height. “L-lay back.” The order was clear, but for some reason Butterscotch hesitated in following it. Dusk felt himself starting to blush nervously as the pegasus stared awkwardly up at him with a smile. Then Butterscotch shyly leaned his head to the left, causing a bit of pink mane to fall onto Dusk’s hoof that was still gripping his collar. Understanding dawned on him once again, and Dusk immediately let go of the collar with a nervous bit of laughter. His hoof went on to cover his mouth as he chuckled in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. The awkwardness subsided soon though. After Butterscotch had laid himself out neatly on the bed, Dusk’s thoughts had cleared again. All he could think about was how wonderful the pegasus looked like that, with his mane spread haphazardly around him and his eyes shut with an eager smile. His legs were lifted and spread above his nice and hard stallionhood in waiting. Not wanting to leave him waiting, Dusk leaned forward above his lover and aligned his cock with Butterscotch’s rear. Another tip from Elusive’s book came to mind and, using a little magic, Dusk started rubbing his tip lightly against Butterscotch’s ring. The pre steadily dripping from his cock combine with the saliva still coating the head, allowed Dusk to push his way inside. A rather loud gasp stopped Dusk before he got very deep. Before he could even pull out though, Butterscotch spoke up. “D-don’t stop,” he said before returning to a pattern of heavy breathing. Dusk happily responded to this request by pushing on. Without the aid of magic it was much rougher and a lot tighter then he was used to, and it was amazing. Butterscotch’s gasps grew louder with every inch that Dusk pushed deeper inside of him. Eventually, this escalated into full blown shouting as Dusk finally reached as deep as he could and started really thrusting. In an effort to make him scream even louder, Dusk used his currently unoccupied horn to start massaging Butterscotch’s shaft. It didn’t entirely work, as Butterscotch responded by turning and biting a bit of the bedding, likely because he was being too noisy. Dusk paused after a thrust to lean down and kissed his lover’s cheek. When Butterscotch looked up at him, he took the stallion by the lips and resumed pushing. The shouting continued soundlessly from that point, filling Dusk with his lover’s breath. Then it abruptly stopped at about the same time that Dusk felt something splash against his chin. After breaking out of the kiss, Dusk watched Butterscotch squirm against the bed with his mouth clamped shut during the orgasm. Within a few moments, the pegasus had nicely covered himself in semen and started breathing again. It was too much, and Dusk could feel himself getting ready to burst. Just before he finished, Dusk pulled himself out and refocused his spell. It took him only a few more second to climax from there, and he watched as his own semen mixed with the fluid already on Butterscotch’s chest. Butterscotch flinched ever so slightly with every spurt that landed until Dusk finished. Once it was over Dusk collapsed happily beside Butterscotch and rested a hoof against his mane. By this point the pegasus had opened his eyes once more and locked a loving gaze on Dusk. “That was great, Dusk.” It came out like all at once mingled with the heavy breathy both stallions were doing. It was more breathed itself than actually said. Dusk responded in kind with some breathing. “Yeah,” he said, “You were perfect.” Butterscotch blushed and shied away, looking at the opposite wall. “I mean it,” Dusk said as he moved in and kissed him on the shoulder while wrapping his forelegs around him. “Th-thanks.” Butterscotch moved into the embrace as he spoke, resting warmly against Dusk.”H-how long do you want to stay before we clean up?” he asked shyly, half-turning to face the unicorn. Dusk smiled and floated his saddlebags up to the bed in front of Butterscotch, speaking lovingly into his ear as he did so. “We can stay as long as you like,” he said, “Check in there.” Butterscotch turned away momentarily to rummage through the bags. With the book thrown somewhere in the room, Dusk couldn’t think of a reason to break away and look through the bag himself when Butterscotch could just grab the tissues. He had forgotten about the collar until Butterscotch pulled it out. “What’s this?” the pegasus asked. Dusk couldn’t think of a proper excuse so he said nothing. He just blushed. “Did you make this, Dusk?” Butterscotch continued. “Yeah,” Dusk mumbled. Butterscotch felt the collar around his neck as he looked at the purple mess. The embroidering in particular seemed to draw his attention. “I didn’t think you’d have one,” Dusk continued nervously as the pegasus rolled it over in a hoof. “I forgot the leash,” Butterscotch mumbled shyly before half-turning to look back at Dusk. He was blushing even brighter than Dusk was. “Um…I’m sorry. M-maybe I can just wear this one next time?” Dusk was too stunned to speak for a moment, so he kept going. “I-I mean it looks like it’ll be comfy, a-and I don’t really have one to go with Elusive’s collar.” The only response that Butterscotch got for a moment after that was a tighter hug and a few more kisses from Dusk. Once he’d finished, the unicorn laid his head against his lover’s cheek and spoke up again. “I’d like that a lot,” was all he said before starting up again. > Applejack(R63)xRainbow BlitzxDusk Shine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack hummed merrily to himself while he worked in the barn. There was just something about cleaning up for a meet up that was really exciting, and when you combined that with the relaxing joy of cleaning up the barn it just became a really enjoyable experience. The smell of the hay mingled wonderfully with Applejacks thoughts as he arranged the bales properly. It was, to him anyway, familiar and comforting. He pondered how Blitz might react to the scent while climbing down from the loft. There probably wouldn’t be any avoiding it, given hay’s comfort and Blitz’s top floor thing, so it was pretty important that he liked it. Nothing ruined a good mood quite like changing buildings right before things really got started. A quick glance around the barn after landing confirmed two things that Applejack already knew. The barn was clean, if not immaculate, and Blitz wasn’t here yet. He sighed and adjusted his cap while he stared at still closed barn door. That meant it was time for busywork. Drearily, the stallion grabbed a broom and started sweeping. It was at least another hour before Applejack finally heard the code-knock on the door signaling Blitz’s arrival. By this time he had finished sweeping and moved on to dusting. He hated dusting, and had a mind to give the pegasus an earful now that he was finally here. Blitz was never early for one of these hookups, but this was crazy even by his standards. “What the hay took ya’ so long?!” Applejack shouted as he threw open the door. Blitz was there as expected, floating happily a good distance from the door just in case. “Don’t be so touchy,” he said, “I had to get some things.” Applejack noted the lack of saddlebags when the pegasus flew into the barn and landed beside him. He decided to shrug off the fib for the sake of the rest of the day. “Nice work in here. Did you clean the whole place?” “Ah’ had to do somethin’ with my hooves,” Applejack complained. Without an ounce of subtlety he moved back and placed a hoof hard on Blitz’s rear. “Seein’ as they weren’t doing what ah’ had planned.” He rubbed the pegasus’s flanks a bit and pulled off of them with a rough smack. Blitz yelped and leapt into the air; fake surprise like always. Blitz stayed in the air after that and turned his ass away from Applejack. A grumpy look was on his face. If he didn’t know the context, the cowpony might have thought for just a minute that he was actually upset. “What makes you think you’re in charge here?” Applejack snickered and shook his head. The question was nonsense. He’d been in charge every time so far, and yet still Blitz had to ask. “Just get yer flank upstairs,” he said, smiling seductively over at his partner, “Ah’ll join ya’ in a bit. Just need to get the lube.” “And now you’re gonna make me wait?” Despite his complaints Blitz just chuckled and flew up to the loft. “Fine by me I guess. I’ll just get all hot and sexy up here without you.” Applejack nodded along. It was an empty threat as far as he was concerned. Sure, Blitz could get himself up, but nothing got him hot quite the way a nice stallion did. “Oh, but forget the lube. I don’t think I could stand watching you fiddle with that bottle again.” Applejack paused on his way to the bottle and glanced up at the loft curiously. Blitz continued before he could ask if he really wanted him going in dry. “I’ve got a secret weapon outside to cover for it.” After glancing outside, every question Applejack had about Blitz’s statements was answered. Sitting rather awkwardly in the doorway was a nervous looking unicorn stallion that both of them knew quite well. “Uh, howdy, Dusk,” Applejack nervously tipped his hat as he greeted him, “Umm…as ah’ recall we aren’t scheduled for-“ “Two weeks,” Dusk interrupted, “Yes, but you see I actually scheduled Blitz for today and well-“ before he could finish with whatever he was saying, both Dusk and Applejack were suddenly distracted by a rather loud and drawn out sigh from above. “Ahhh yeah,” Blitz moaned, evidently willing to go through with his threat, “Bring him up AJ, I brought him.” “Ah figured as much, sugarcube,” Applejack said, rolling his eyes. After a brief sigh he focused back on Dusk. “Ya’can head upstairs, pal,” he stepped aside to reveal the ladder, “Ah’ll be right behind ya’.” Dusk nodded politely and trotted up the ladder. The cowpony made sure to catch a glimpse of the ass in front of him when he followed behind. It was a nice dainty little thing, he was actually a little eager to tap that later. Once the pair arrived, however, Applejack was reminded of more pressing obligations regarding asses. Blitz was on his back on one of the bales just rubbing away with his legs spread wide; both his cock and his rear on full display. Applejack licked his lips reflexively at the sight. Curious, he glanced at Dusk to see what he thought. The poor unicorn was just blushing. It was kind of cute given how unabashed RB was being. Blitz smiled at the pair and removed his hoof from the member. “It’s about time, slowpokes,” he said just before another sigh escaped him. Applejack reacted quickly by turning away from Dusk and grinning as wide as he could at the prone stallion. Obviously he wasn’t just going to take lip like that sitting down. Blitz, of course, got the message immediately and spread a bit wider, a genuine nervous look on his face. That was the go ahead expression, and Applejack dove right in after seeing it. He made sure to give Blitz’s cheek a playful smack with one of his hooves on his way onto the hay bale, and he left it there to give it a rub afterward. For his part, the pegasus put up no resistance when the cowpony went in for an aggressive kiss. A second after the lips had connected the lower stallion’s head was pinned down on the bale and Applejack was trying to shove his tongue straight down his throat. For just a moment, Applejack completely forgot about the unicorn standing by as he started to harden up. His stallionhood pressed roughly against Blitz’s left cheek while his hoof alternatively massaged and spanked the right one. He only remembered Dusk a few seconds after their kiss had started when Blitz broke away. He didn’t stop to look at him though. Once Blitz broke the kiss he just went to work assaulting the stallion’s ear and neck with his now free mouth. The only real reason he remembered Dusk was because Blitz mentioned him. “Hey Dusk-haa-help us-ah aahh- help us out over here.” Blitz’s screams made it somewhat hard to get the words out, but he got the message to Dusk well enough. Applejack knew this because he heard Blitz let out a particularly odd sound; more moan then scream but with a volume that did not disappoint. Being rather experienced with the pegasus, he knew that this was a sound Blitz only made during penetration. Applejack paused after hearing this noise. Then he broke away and pulled back so he could get a good look at his partner. Blitz was staring up at him at the moment, clearly annoyed, but making no effort to hold back the panting. He wasn’t screaming anymore though. “I just stretched him a little,” Dusk said, causing the pair to glance in his direction. He was sporting a nice hard cock himself now, though he shuffled nervously in an attempt to make it less obvious. “It’s not really the same thing as penetration. Think of it as lube.” “Thanks, pal,” Applejack nodded to Dusk and pulled further off of Blitz. In a second he had placed his face right next to the other stallion’s rear and begun inspecting it. Apart from the usual tight cheeks that he was currently in the act of massage with his hooves, one thing caught Applejack’s attention; a cute little purple glow emanating from a slightly stretched anus. “You likin’ that, sugarcube?” The cheeks in front of him stretched out a little more. “Quit messing with me, AJ,” Blitz moaned. Applejack gave his left cheek a little smack to quiet him down. The resulting yelp was better than his continued ‘complaints.’ “Only if ya’ stop actin’ like you don’t love it, sugarcube.” Applejack gave the cheek another smack and moved in. Normally this would be where he’d play with the ring a little, but since Dusk had that covered this time the cowpony moved towards a different target. There was a sigh when Applejack started suckling on Blitz’s nice salty balls. He definitely wasn’t complaining now. This particular exercise didn’t last very long though. Much as Applejack enjoyed the taste of his partner’s sack, it wasn’t doing much to help him get off, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t doing that much for Blitz either. A smack on the right cheek signaled the cowpony pulling off and backing away. “You know what to do now, RB,” he said with a tip of his hat. Blitz didn’t make any complaints at all for this order. He just rolled over and raised his tail. Applejack took just a second to admire the view. Blitz’s back was absolutely covered in hay, and Applejack noted the scent linger nicely with his sweat as he took up his position. When a pair of orange hooves landed beside his head, Blitz looked up at his partner with a gaze that was simultaneously. Then he turned away. “Go on,” he said quietly. A curious feeling came over Applejack’s cock as he moved his hips back in preparation for entry. He naturally looked down to see what it was, only to find a bit of purple magic helping him aim. “Yer too kind, Dusk,” he said, glancing up at the unicorn. Dusk certainly wasn’t just doing it out of generosity though. At the moment his hoof was moving slowly, almost thoughtlessly over his cock. The way he was blushing while he did it was cute, but kind of in a sad way. “Ya’ know, yer welcome to join,” Applejack offered. Both of the other stallions responded to the statement with a synchronized, “What?!” A quick bit of penetration was enough to shut Blitz up though, more or less anyway. The signature scream just replaced any more questions or complaints that might have come out. “Ahhh,” Applejack sighed before he continued his offer. He needed the breath to stop from just pounding his partner right away. “This one makes a lot of noise,” he said, pressing a little deeper and pushing another somewhat quieter moan out of the pegasus. “All ah’m sayin’ is that ah’ wouldn’t mind if something kept his mouth busy.” He smiled back at Dusk and finished his offer off with a wink. A steady rhythm was taken on after that as Applejack pushed slowly deeper into his partner. Blitz’s moaning kept him from vocally questioning the idea of Dusk joining in, not that he would have genuinely been against it. It would have just been bluster. While his attention was pretty solidly focused on making sure Blitz didn’t stop moaning or squirming, Applejack made sure to keep his eyes on Dusk, waiting for a response. It took about a minute. By the time Dusk finally pulled his hoof away from his junk and stood up Applejack had almost bottomed out, and the only reason he hadn’t was because he was making a real effort to take it slower than usual. He finished up and paused at full depth once he finally saw Dusk move to the bale. The unicorn took a seat in front of Blitz; shaft displayed tantalizingly in front of his, and Applejack’s, faces. “Go ahead, sugarcube.” Applejack pushed forward, but Blitz needed no more prompting. He glanced up at the cowpony with an annoyed look for just a moment, then went straight on to pleasing Dusk. The pegasus didn’t even waste more time licking then was necessary to actually get up to the head of the shaft. Then, once he was there, he went right on to swallowing as much as he could. There was some perfectly sound reasoning behind this too. He knew as well as Applejack did what was going to happen next. The cowpony had already started easing his way out, hoping to get as far as he could before the real rutting started. What would come after that would sure make it hard for Blitz to put real effort into something with his mouth. With his cock already in Blitz’s throat on the other hoof, Dusk was in for a pleasant surprise. When Applejack pulled back a little farther than he’d meant to, he was surprised to see that his cock remained in a stable position, still held by Dusk’s spell. The stallion licked his lips as it suddenly dawned on him just how exciting this was going to be, and then he started thrusting. Blitz practically screamed around Dusk’s cock when AJ started rapidly entering and exiting him in full. None of the thrusts were particularly fast, but each had the same punch behind it, and each produced the same feeling inside of the pegasus and the same shout that came as a result. There were attempts to move along the stallionhood, but they were mostly futile as Blitz only seemed to be able to function on each exit, and none of those lasted particularly long. For his part though, Dusk more than made up for Blitz’s lack of effort. After Blitz was rather abruptly pushed forward at him thanks to Applejack’s thrusting, he started some thrusting of his own, all the while gasping for breath. Not much resulted from it since he had also reflexively started falling back, and from the sitting position bucking his hips didn’t do much to get him deeper. Applejack was the one who took care of that problem. One of Applejack’s hooves was placed on Blitz’s head and started to push him down as gently as the orange stallion could manage. Even when attempting to be gentle though, Applejack couldn’t help but be a little bit forceful. Most of his effort was focused on pounding the pegasus’s ass with as much power as he could muster after all. It wasn’t more than two thrusts later when Blitz had reached the point of deepthroating the stallion in front of him. There was no struggle. Blitz was incredibly malleable for somepony who had stiffened to the point of immobility. The only point that Applejack felt any push against his hoof was after a particularly powerful thrust, and that little bit of action was explained instantaneously by the spasm that Applejack suddenly felt on his cock. The hay bellow Blitz darkening soon after only confirmed any suspicions. Satisfied that he wasn’t going anywhere, Applejack slammed his hoof back down next to Blitz’s head and put every bit of energy he could into thrusting, increasing his pace nicely while only barely lowering the power behind each push. Dusk soon picked up the slack his removal had left in any case. His gasping was suddenly replaced with shouting and he pulled himself forward while pushing down on Blitz’s head with both hooves. There was a bit of a struggle during the push since Blitz had never been one for swallowing. Thankfully Dusk noticed this soon enough and allowed him to pull off. This was pleasant for Blitz for obvious reasons. He was both able to breath and, for the most part anyway, able to avoid swallowing Dusk’s cum. What the unicorn likely overlooked, however, was how good this was for the other member of the threesome. Applejack seized his chance when Blitz jerked back, wrapping his forelegs around the pegasus and pulling him backwards even further. Together the pair fell away from the hay, and Applejack landed with a loud thump on the barn floor. Blitz however was the one in for the really rough landing. The extra pressure was enough to make the stallion below him cum, and to top it off Applejack had started to massage his still hard cock with one of his hooves. There was a lot of squirming happening on the floor now as Blitz wriggled his hips eagerly on Applejack’s lap. Applejack was moving somewhat less, but kept up thrusting as best as he could while he released inside of his partner. During this he also made sure to keep rubbing Blitz’s dick, his grip almost crushing in intensity. It was at just the right moment that the still recovering Dusk peered over the edge of the hay bale to get a look at the scene. Almost the instant that his head appeared over the pair, the unicorn was suddenly struck by a blast of pegasus cum. Blitz let out a barn shaking scream as he let loose for the second time in the session, and the combination of the two blows actually sent Dusk toppling backwards. The scream lasted only as long as Blitz’s orgasm, which was thankfully rather short. Applejack was even left reeling, having forgotten to cover the pegasus’s mouth before he came. Usually a kiss did the trick, but he had forgotten how impossible that was to do from this position. “H-holy Solaris,” Dusk mumbled once Blitz had finished. The pair of stallions now on the floor was still wrapped in their embrace. Applejack had fallen onto his back during the scream, and Blitz had of course come with him. Dusk smiled as he clambered forward again and looked at the happy couple. “Blitz I didn’t expect-“ “Yeah yeah,” Blitz cut him of tiredly, “Just you wait until you have this madpony ramming your ass.” Blitz chuckled and turned his head in an attempt to go in for a kiss. Applejack didn’t let him move enough to actually lock lips, but compensated by giving him a peck on the cheek. “You’ll be screaming too.” “Nopony screams like you, RB,” Applejack commented before giving him another peck. He was paying Dusk no further mind. This was technically his day with Blitz after all. Dusk had gone to the trouble of actually scheduling something, so he’d show him a good time then. For now, it was all about him and the pegasus. Of course, had he been paying attention to the unicorn, Applejack would probably have noticed Dusk blushing even more brightly than before and smiling like a schoolfilly. And he would definitely have noticed the unicorn nervously slink off before skipping excitedly home. > Applejack(R63)xBubble Berry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gah!” Applejack let loose a satisfied gasp after finishing a refreshing bottle of cider. With a smile plastered on his face he then sighed and stood up. Nice as a break had been, there was still plenty of work to be done. Harvesting was tiring but hardly grueling work. Nowadays Applejack didn’t even really think as he did it. Buck a tree, put stray apples in the bins, repeat until sundown then cart the apples to the cellar. Honestly he thought it was kind of relaxing. It was kind of like that meditation thing Elusive went on about sometimes, except it was better because you were actually getting something done instead of just sitting around. It was in this state of meditation that Bubble Berry first tried to get Applejack’s attention. Applejack became aware of the pink stallion when he looked up from one of the bins. He had a huge grin on his face as usual and had seemingly appeared from nowhere, again, as usual. Since he was still working, Applejack chose to ignore this somewhat surprising appearance and move on to the next tree. Berry was waiting behind that bin too. It took a few more rounds of this routine before Applejack finally spoke up. “Somethin’ you needed, Berry?” “Oh, not really…” Berry’s smile vanished quickly and he went to dismissively looking at his hooves. “I just wanted to see how my good friend Applejack was doing.” By the time the second sentence had finished and Berry turned his eyes away from his hooves, Applejack had already moved on to the next tree. Berry was by the bin when he finished there too. He was smiling again. “So how are you doing?” “Just fine,” Applejack smiled back and tilted his hat to Berry before moving on to the next tree. This time Berry was there when he turned around to start bucking. “Ah’ am kinda busy with work though, Berry.” “I noticed,” Berry said cheerfully. Applejack went ahead and kept bucking in spite of his presence. “How’s the harvest going?” “Ah’d say it’s goin’ pretty well. Thanks fer askin’.” Applejack lifted his head to see Berry busily juggling the stray apples. In spite of himself, he chuckled. “And thanks fer the help too, but it’d be much more helpful if ya’d actually put them in away instead of playin’ with ‘em.” Berry immediately stopped juggling once Applejack spoke. To nopony’s surprise, every apple landed right in the bin. Applejack just chuckled and shook his head. It wasn’t worth questioning how things worked around Berry. Berry giggled himself in response to his friend’s chuckle. “You like that trick, AJ? I’ve got more.” Excitedly the pink stallion reached for an apple. His friend stopped his hoof just short of the bin. “Sorry, sugarcube, but Ah’ve got work ta’ get to.” He nodded to Berry and got trotting to the next tree. When he turned around he saw that the pink pony had failed to follow him. He just sat there looking disappointed. “Ya’ know, ah’ won’t be that much longer.” Applejack paused in his work and shot Berry a smile. Berry didn’t smile back, so he tried something else. “’Course you could always try somepony else in the meantime.” “Dusk doesn’t have me scheduled for three weeks,” Berry complained, stamping a hoof, “And I looked all over for Blitz, but he keeps dodging me for some reason.” Applejack nodded politely as he got back to bucking. It struck him about halfway through the kick what Berry was talking about. The realization caused him to misfire and accidentally buck the bark off the tree on his way to the ground. The cowpony shook himself off and was back on his hooves in no time flat, spurred on by the sound of Berry’s giggling. Normally hearing his friend cheering up would have softened the pain a bit but Applejack knew the cheer wouldn’t last long in this case. “Well ah’m sorry to say ah’ can’t help ya’ right now, sugarcube,” he said as he dusted himself off and moved on. This time Berry was in front of him before he reached the next tree. “Ah come on, AJ. You’re my last hope.” Berry leaned in close and gave Applejack his best puppy-dog eyes, but the cowpony just brushed him off and kept walking. A thud behind him informed Applejack that the pink stallion had leaned in a little too far. When Applejack next turned around to buck a tree he saw that Berry had again failed to move from where he’d been left. He was now laying face first on the ground with his ass in the air. “Ya’ try Elusive?” Applejack asked as he lowered his hat to block the view. It didn’t help for long of course. After he finished bucking the tree and looked up the view was still there waiting for him. Berry’s tail lifted playfully and his rear started shaking as he next spoke. “Yep, and Butterscotch too,” he said, still using a disappointed tone, “They’re having a tea party. I didn’t want to interrupt them.” Once he’d finished talking Berry reached back with a hoof and started sliding it up a hind leg. Applejack noticed but didn’t react to the action. He was busy processing the words, “tea party.” It was a little code Berry liked to use. Whenever he said that two or three of the group were having a party it usually meant somepony was hooking up. The tea part was just to confirm it, it was the special word he had for Butterscotch and Elusive’s “parties.” A picture of the two together flooded his mind at the same time that Berry’s ass was flooding his vision. It took a few moments for Applejack to realize he had stopped moving. Had Berry not suddenly increased his efforts he had no idea how long he might have been stuck. However a sudden moan from the prostrate pony knocked Applejack back to his senses, mostly because he could no longer take his mind off of Berry. The straying hoof had reached what was no doubt its destination from the start, and the swirling it did when it got there drew Applejack’s eyes inescapably to Berry’s anus. “Besides,” Berry said, seductively continuing his thought from earlier, “I was kind of hoping that I wouldn’t have to pitch today.” A shiver ran down Applejack’s spine as he forcefully pulled himself out of the fantasy’s cluttering his brain and turned away from Berry. He then calmly lowered his hat to cover his eyes and scrunched his hind legs uncomfortably together. With the help of a few deep breaths, this kept him nicely unaroused so he could get back to work. “Ya’ve got toys don’tcha Berry,” he mumbled as he trotted toward the next tree. Applejack was hardly surprised to see Berry in front of the next tree ahead when he lifted his hat, but he was admittedly taken aback by the stallion’s position. Berry was certainly making a show of himself. His back rested against the tree and his cock stood fully erect between two slightly raised hind legs. Applejack lowered his head and quickly trotted towards a different tree. Somehow, Berry was waiting there as well; this time lying on his side with a box marked “For Applejack” in his hooves. “I’ve got a few of them with me,” the pink stallion said, tapping playfully on the lid of the box, “Of course, I was hoping for something more natural today, but hey I’m flexible.” Judging by the tone Applejack had no doubt that the last comment came with a sly wink or two. Of course he was already trotting away at that point, keeping his breathing up as best as he could. At this point bucking was a no go, at least as far as trees were concerned, so the cowpony decided to just head for the carts. If nothing else it made him a moving target. He wasn’t quite a fast enough target to keep away from Berry though. Applejack saw him trotting leisurely alongside him in seconds. “Come on, Applejack. I know you want to. You’re really bad at hiding it.” Applejack couldn’t deny that much. All he was doing right now was resisting, and not too well if he was to judge by the stirring in his nether region. All he could manage was to try and shake his head in denial. It came out as more of a nod. Berry was getting more determined by the moment. He’d even moved on from simply flaunting himself to an even more direct approach. Despite his best efforts Applejack couldn’t find the strength to protest when the pink stallion moved in and started kissing his neck. His continued attempts to resist arousal overpowered reason at that point and Applejack stopped in his tracks in order to focus on maintaining his breathing. Of course all this did was give Berry easy access to the rest of his body. In short time Berry started kissing lower, making Applejack’s breathing stifle just a bit. That was until the breath’s pattern was broken completely when the pink pony moved a hoof to Applejack’s groin and started stroking. The aggressive fondling coupled with the lips now caressing his thigh were the final straw for Applejack. “A-a’right, Berry…you win.” “I win!?” Berry said cheerfully while pulling away from Applejack. Cheerfully he clapped his hooves together before a sudden realization seemed to strike him. Still smiling he looked down at his still erect shaft, then back to Applejack. “So…what do I win?” The shift in mood was enough to be jarring, but Applejack had to admit he was kind of thankful for it. After all, it gave him a second to compose himself. “Ah’ think ya’ know what you’ve won, sugarcube,” he said, chuckling afterwards. Berry complimented the chuckle with a giggle before giving Applejack a quick peck on the snout, and trotting behind him, making sure to show off as he walked. Applejack turned around to see Berry lying down against a tree with his legs in the air again. This time a new touch had been added though, one that Applejack had to admit would’ve made the scene harder to resist had Berry used it before. The “For Applejack” box was open beside the pink stallion, and a large glass bottle was tipping out of it and dripping a familiar clear liquid. A fair bit of that liquid was coating a hoof that was currently probing the space between Berry’s splayed cheeks. No longer resisting, Applejack moved to stand above the pink stallion, his steadily hardening cock aimed at Berry’s rear. He leaned in for a kiss, but Berry dodged his lips, instead opting to nibble on Applejack’s neck. At the same time the pink stallion finished playing with his hole and moved his hoof to start lubricating his partner’s shaft. The tactic worked like a charm, and Applejack was grunting and at full mast within seconds. Moments after that he was mercilessly grinding against Berry’s hoof. Berry remove the hoof and Applejack immediately moved closer and started grinding against his cock. “Ah’ hope yer ready, sugarcube,” Applejack grunted and pulled back, separating himself completely from berry for a moment, “Cause Ah’ wasn’t plannin’ on startin’ slow.” Berry smiled and spread his hind legs a bit more. “I’ve been waiting all day, Applejack.” He wiggled his hips. “Come on.” Applejack was true to his word. He did lean down slowly to bury his face into Berry’s chest, and his hips were positioned slowly and cautiously until the head of his cock was pushing gently against the pink stallion’s anus. But the second he was ready he showed no restraint; biting down on a tuft of pink fur, wrapping his forelegs around Berry, and slamming into the pink pony straightaway. If Berry wasn’t surprised by the quick penetration then he certainly sounded like it. Shouts of, “Applejack,” and, “F-faster,” rang through the acres. Applejack inadvertently dragging Berry closer rather than just hanging on went unnoticed by both parties for some time. Berry was having enough trouble keeping up with the speed Applejack was thrusting with. He didn’t even register the tugging on his fur, and his head hitting the ground after he was jerked away from the tree was only worthy of a wordless shout. Applejack didn’t even notice the shift in position until he broke away from Berry’s chest to gasp for air, planting his hooves properly on the ground and pulling away. While taking his breath he paused at full depth in the pink pony. Sweat dripped down on Berry as Applejack admired the view of his panting partner. “W-why’d you stop, AJ?” Berry asked as he squirmed eagerly against Applejack’s crotch. A bit of heavy breathing accompanied the squirming. Apparently all that shouting had taken a lot out of him. After Applejack failed to respond in the span of a second, he impatiently added, “Come on. There’s no need to break for me.” With a chuckle, Applejack started to slowly inch his way out of Berry. “No harm in just relaxin’ fer a moment now is there?” It didn’t take long for Berry’s pleading, close-eyed expression to change into a knowing smile. “Oh, don’t make me beg, Applejack.” The panting had gone for the most part, and Berry was back to speaking in his usual cheerful manner, not even bothering with a seductive tone. His body kept on working though and with Applejack now more than halfway out the freedom of movement even allowed him to take up a new position. Now lying on his side, hooves and head resting on the nearby tree, Berry reached up with a hind leg and poked Applejack in the chest. “Pretty plea-?” Applejack took a deep breath and thrust back in before Berry could really get to begging. It thankfully stopped the stallion right in his tracks, cutting him off mid-word. He wasn’t stopped for long though; Applejack was sure of that. So before Berry could get started up again, the cowpony leaned down and covered his mouth with a hoof. “Much as Ah’d love to hear how much ya’ want it,” Applejack said as he pushed his was slowly in, pausing only when he had no choice, “It’d be real helpful if ya’ just saved all that energy for somethin’ else.” Berry was already eagerly nodding and grinding against him when he finished talking. “Alright then, partner. Hold on.” With that said, Applejack planted his hooves once more and started pounding the pony below him. Berry took the suggestion to heart and quickly grabbed the tree with both his hooves and his mouth just as Applejack started. Even with a mouthful of tree though, the pink stallion’s moaning came through. A couple shouts did too, and Applejack couldn’t help but grin when one particular shout made Berry break away from the tree, even if only for a moment, to half-shout, “Applejack,” as loud as he could. To be fair though, a fair part of that smile came from how Berry was clamping down on him in that moment, along with the bit of cum that splashed onto his hoof. That meant that the best part, in Applejack opinion at least, was on its way. Berry always got really ancy after he came. True to expectations Berry started squirming like a madpony just a minute after his orgasm. There were no complaints to more bucking though as far as Applejack could tell. The moans just got louder as the pony’s grip on the tree started to loosen and the cowpony’s pace started to increase. Not long after that the pink stallion started kicking and, for lack of a better word, hopping back and forth against Applejack as he thrust. It took a few more minute of this erratic bucking for Applejack to finally feel himself giving in. Never one to finish lightly, the cowpony hefted himself up onto his hind legs and planted his front hooves on the tree. Berry was forced to stop biting the bark as he was forced up against it cheek first. With a big smile on his face more cum splashed onto the pink pony’s coat. To his disappointment though, none manage to make it inside to him. Applejack had managed to pull out at just the last second. He hadn’t even had enough time to properly aim for somewhere on Berry when he did. Some of it had landed on Berry’s rear, but most of it just splashed to the ground as Applejack panted, hooves back on the ground and snout next to Berry’s neck. The pair took a minute to recover before somepony spoke up. It was Berry of course. “Why’d you pull out, AJ,” he asked, lifting Applejack’s chin up and smiling bright as ever, “I mean. Now we’re gonna have to go again.” He giggled and winked at the cowpony. Applejack just shook his head. “Nope,” he said, pulling away from Berry. His smile was almost as big as the pink stallion’s but it was quite as cheerful. Someone with a bigger fondness for words might have called it, “devious.” “Sorry, sugarcube, but Ah’ didn’t want to have to clean ya’ up. No time to waste and all that.” Applejack chuckled and started trotting towards the apple carts as though he hadn’t been interrupted some time ago. Then after a few paces he suddenly stopped and turned back to Berry. “Ya’ comin or not? We’ve got a lot of Apples to haul before sundown.” After that Applejack got walking again. Berry leapt up groggily to follow him, cheerfully pleading on the way, “Come on, Applejack. Just one more go.” > Applejack(R63)xElusive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mind if Ah’ ask why ya called me fer this?!” Applejack groaned and took a seat in the middle of the boutique while Elusive walked off to grab his measuring tape. “Not that Ah’d usually mind doin’ ya a favor, but Ah’ve really got a lot of work ta’ do back on the farm. “ “This should only take a few minutes, Applejack. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to get everything you need done.” Elusive trotted back to the middle of the boutique with his tape in hoof and his glasses on. “Now, stand up dear. I’m going to get your barrel first.” Applejack stood up and shook his head as Elusive wrapped the tape around him. “’S just with Berry on me all week Ah’ve hardly gotten any work done as is,” Applejack said as Elusive pulled away and started writing down the measurements. Applejack turned to his friend and they shared a smile. “That pony is insatiable,” Elusive chuckled and went back to work, now taking measurements of Applejack’s forelegs. Once he had those written down as well he spoke up again. “I do hope he hasn’t tired you out. I believe Dusk still has you scheduled for later this week.” Applejack beamed with pride as he stared at Elusive. Though the unicorn pretended to be absorbed in his work, it was abundantly obvious that he saw the smile. “Ah’ll have you know that Ah’ can take every inch he can give.” A snicker from Elusive gave Applejack pause for a moment, and after that moment he shot the unicorn a glare before continuing. “Ya’ know what Ah’ mean! Ah’ve got more ‘an enough stamina fer the both of ‘em.” “I’ll take your word for it, Applejack.” Elusive snickered again and grabbed Applejack’s chin, facing him forward and floating the hat off his head. “Now keep still. I need the head next.” Elusive was easily able to guide the cowpony to the right position. They had been through this routine several times before after all, and Applejack knew how to behave properly for the most part. He did have one habit that Elusive hadn’t been able to train out of him as of yet, however. “All this talk ‘bout Berry reminds me of another thing Ah’ need to ask ya’, Elusive.” Applejack would’ve turned to shoot the tailor an accusatory eyebrow, but a gentle hoof reminded him that he was still being measured just as the tape pressed against his forehead. So, instead he made sure to keep his tone as accusatory as possible instead. “What’ve you and ‘Scotch been up to that’s kept you from takin’ him off mah hooves all week?” “Staying still includes the mouth in this case, Applejack. No talking.” Elusive finished his measurement of the forehead quickly, and moved the tape under Applejack’s chin; where it was forced to hover for a few more seconds. “That ain’t an answer,” Applejack complained. Elusive sighed. “You wanted this over with quickly didn’t you,” Elusive said as he pushed the tape against Applejack’s chin, gently forcing the cowpony’s mouth to shut. Though the measure did move slightly once more while the tailor wrapped it the rest of the way around Applejack’s head, there was no more talking for the moment. The moment the tape fell away however… The second he was free to move, Applejack gave Elusive the suspect look he’d intended to give him a minute ago. “So, ya’ gonna answer mah question or not?” After shaking his head dismissively and trotting towards Applejack’s rear, Elusive responded with an unsurprisingly seductive tone. “Well I suppose there’s no harm in telling you. There aren’t many secrets between us at this point right?” He paused to snicker again, and pressed a hoof against Applejack’s flank for good measure. “Did you want all the dirty little details, or perhaps you’d prefer just a quick summary?” Applejack was distracted a moment longer before answering. While he intended to turn to Elusive and answer him, confidently asking for details of course, his attention was instead drawn to the tail sliding with clear intentions under his chin, and, falling for its ploy, he ended up looking down at his friend’s rear instead of his face. “Uh… Ah’ think a summ’ry will be fine.” Applejack quickly faced forward again, trying and failing to maintain his confidence as he spoke. “Are you sure?” Elusive chuckled and slid his hoof gently down Applejack’s flank before removing it. “My you should have heard him whimper it was so hot.” He chuckled again, and the measuring tape slid up Applejack’s hind leg. It was then that Applejack began to rather loudly measure his breathing. In spite of his attempts to keep himself calm, however, Applejack was soon fidgeting quite a bit as he tried to contain his arousal. It would be easier if he was working, but just standing there with another stallion running his hooves over his hips… “Hold on a sec!” Applejack jerked his head around and glared at Elusive, who was now slowly wrapping the measuring tape around Applejack’s flank with his hooves rather than his magic. “You really should stop fidgeting Applejack,” he said softly. His eyes were on the flank, and he appeared oblivious to Applejack’s staring; a fact that annoyed the cowpony. Though, after a hoof ran across his groin he was having a bit of trouble maintaining an angry expression. “It was just a spot of tea between friends after all.” “If Ah’ didn’t know better, Ah’d think the only reason you called me in today was ta’ have yer way with me.” Applejack moved to stamp a hoof in order to gain Elusive’s attention, but a skillful caress of his balls caused him to stiffen and set the hoof down before he could raise it enough for a decently loud impact. Continued caressing of his rapidly hardening stallionhood kept him from bothering with the idea again. The measuring tape tightened around Applejack’s waist before Elusive responded. “I assure you, Applejack, I just needed to double check your measurements for a new outfit.” As he spoke he continued to slowly stroke Applejack’s growing shaft. “Though I suppose I can’t exactly leave you unsatisfied now can I?” Elusive gave the tape a rough tug with his magic and Applejack reflexively faced forward as he steadied himself. He turned to look back again shortly after, when he felt a sudden weight on his lower back. He saw Elusive now laying himself down on top of him. One of the unicorn’s hooves gently stroked Applejack’s back while the other continued its work on his cock with increasing vigor. The tape continued to pull Applejack thanks to Elusive’s magic. “Ya’ ain’t exactly making a great case fer yourself.” Applejack faced forward again and took a step back. Going along with the pull of the tape, he also raised his hindquarters. When he did, he soon felt a familiar feeling as Elusive adjusted and ended up with his shaft resting squarely between Applejack’s flanks. “Ah’ s’pose Ah’ don’t mind though. Just don’t take too long okay?” “Really Applejack? So eager for somepony with so much work to do.” Elusive leaned forward and gave Applejack a kiss on the neck. Just as Applejack flinched away and jerked his hips forward, the tape pulled again forcing his rear to press back against Elusive’s cock and his own cock to slide across Elusive’s waiting hoof. Applejack decided against dignifying Elusive’s remark with a response; even making sure to once again steady his breathing in order to make sure no moans or gasps slipped through. He did allow the rest of his body to betray him though. Even though the tape was no longer tugging with any real force, the cowpony continued to push his hind legs up against his friend, sliding his ass along Elusive’s length. Elusive responded by continually leaning forward; primarily so he could remain near Applejack’s ear. “Well I hardly think you’re capable of taking what I can give you with no preparation,” Elusive snickered and pulled his hips back, letting the tip of his cock linger right at Applejack’s entrance for just a moment before pulling it away. “But if you prefer this be quick than very well. I’ll make sure you’re ready to go post-haste.” After that the unicorn pulled his hoof away from Applejack’s shaft, and the cowpony suddenly felt the weight on his lower back intensify as Elusive placed both of his hooves and most of his weight on top of him. Applejack braced himself, but didn’t protest. A part of him wanted to. Even with Elusive’s magic the idea of his partner going in dry was pretty off-putting, but he figured it was too close in coming to pull away now. Besides, it had been awhile since he’d played catcher, and he couldn’t help but find the idea tantalizing. Admittedly though, he did find his willingness to just go along with this a bit surprising. The tape went limp and Applejack felt his hole begin to stretch. His eyes slammed shut as abruptly as the tape stopped pulling, and he grunted as he flinched away from Elusive. “That’s certainly not a confidence booster,” Elusive said, leaning forward again as he slid a hoof up Applejack’s spine. “Are you sure you want me to move in so quickly? It seems you can barely handle a little prodding.” The probing didn’t stop of course. In fact, Elusive pushed a little deeper even as he spoke to mock his partner. However, Applejack was able to get his composure back quickly enough. His feet were planted more firmly, and his breathing was steady enough to allow him to speak. “Ah’ can take anythin’ you’ve got,” he said. With a very deliberate movement, the cowpony then lowered his head to the ground and pushed his rear even higher in the air. “Now hurry up, pardner.” Elusive slid down Applejack when he lifted his rear, slamming his cock against a cheek and planting his head right behind Applejack’s. The movement was every bit as deliberate as Applejack’s had been of course, but it moved so fluidly it was hard to tell. “Whatever you say, dear. I’ll speed things up then.” At the last word, the magic instantly widened its girth, spreading Applejack nearly as wide as Elusive’s stallionhood would have. The cowpony was only thankful that the magic didn’t go nearly as deep, or he may have entirely lost his cool. As it was, Applejack only lost a touch of his cool. He shut his eyes again and his breathing became heavy, but he kept his footing and no gasp, moan, or grunt escaped him. Elusive didn’t spread him any farther after that, which gave him time to compose himself the rest of the way. The wait though, did last slightly longer than he would’ve liked. By the time he was breathing steady enough to talk again, all Elusive had done since was move his shaft from the cheek back to Applejack’s hole. “What the hay’s takin’ ya’,” Applejack complained. A hoof slid around Applejack’s cock once more and Elusive planted a kiss on the back of his head. Then, suddenly Elusive thrust forward. Applejack didn’t think to wonder about how Elusive managed to hit his target with such perfect aim and force, but that was mostly because he was concerned with the overwhelming burst of feelings as a cock pushed halfway up his ass in one thrust. There was pain of course, and plenty of it. That was what probably broke his cool, causing him to shout, “Buck!” more than once in the span of a few seconds. There was also something else though; the feeling that kept him from pulling away. It was painful in itself, feeling so full. Yet it had him squeezing down of his friend’s cock in hopes of feeling it more. That pressure on his insides was irritatingly intoxicating. Elusive kept true to his word and didn’t waste any time worrying about Applejack’s comfort; at least at first. Applejack kept his breathing steady and his hooves planted in an attempt to not show any outward signs of pain. One however, did manage to slip through. Elusive didn’t comment on it until he had gotten balls-deep, but he had noticed it almost immediately. “Perhaps now would be a good time to take a moment,” Elusive whispered as he ran his hoof along Applejack’s half-flaccid member. It was beginning to harden nicely again after almost completely going soft upon penetration, but Elusive considered it best to not push his luck. Applejack, however, seemed to disagree. “Don’t-hah-stop on mah account,” he said. He tried his best to relax himself as he spoke, but he couldn’t stop clenching no matter how he tried; only delaying it for a moment before clamping his ass down on Elusive’s cock again. His stallionhood hardened with every squeeze, helped along by a slow stroking from his partner. “I hardly doubt I could move much anyway,” Elusive whispered. He made it clear how false this was by shifting as he spoke. He only removed the shaft slightly before moving back in, but he made a point of shifting it quite a bit while still inside of Applejack. To his delight, Applejack responded this time. His cock flared to life becoming fully rigid again as he squeezed even tighter than before, and his head dropped as he no doubt tried to stop himself from making too much noise. “It really has been a long time for you hasn’t it Applejack. I swear you’re squeezing me harder than Butterscotch.” He shifted again. “And you’re so tight that I don’t think I can move a single inch.” Whether it was the mention of Butterscotch or the shifting hitting just the right spot Applejack wasn’t sure, but something triggered in him. He lowered himself even more, going so far as to rest his chin against the ground as he rubbed his rear against Elusive’s crotch. His hind legs almost extended entirely, stopping just short of actually lifting Elusive off the ground when he started to feel the extra weight. His squeezing meanwhile became more constant then before, not letting up for more than a split second for every five full ones. The unicorn took this as a signal to squeeze back, wrapping his hoof tightly around Applejack’s cock and running it across the shaft even faster. “Buckin’-“ Applejack grunted and raised his head. His neck pressed into Elusive’s muzzle, and the unicorn took advantage of the opportunity presented to him by giving Applejack a nice hard bite. At that same moment the tape became rigid again, pulling the cowpony’s stomach upwards. Applejack gasped for just a moment as a sensory overload hit him from all sides. His mouth clamped down just short of him shout, causing the word, “Elusive,” to come out as a frustrated grunt. Then, a rather loud splash on the floor below him, and the most powerful clench yet, announced his orgasm. “Applejack,” his lover responded with a whisper. He tried to pull away from Applejack as a hefty sigh announced his own peak. However, the clenching actually did seem to be stopping him now, and every tug away only seemed to cause Applejack to cum and clench more. After the third tug, Elusive put all force he could into it and abruptly force his shaft out of Applejack’s rear cumming as he pulled with another more stifled whisper of his lover’s name. The tape went limp, and Applejack lowered his head to the floor again. The combination of pain and relief as Elusive pulled out caused him to let out one last extra powerful blast of semen. Elusive joined him in splattering the ground with seed after only leaving a few strings to mark Applejack’s rear and balls. A simultaneous whisper of each other’s names a few seconds later marked the moment that both had finished. It was less than a minute later that panting gave way to a steady, and only somewhat labored, breathing from Applejack. “Elusive,” he whispered, “Get offa me.” Elusive was still panting atop the cowpony by the time Applejack spoke up, though in Applejack’s opinion it sounded more like a continuous sigh than actual breathing. He chose to ignore the pony underneath him for a moment, closing his eyes and letting the sigh continue. Applejack allowed him to out of a belief that he actually had not heard him combined with a desire not to speak up again. It was a minute later when the steady breathing was no longer labored by anything but Elusive’s weight that he complained again. After the second complaint Elusive did get off, though he did so as slowly as possible. He even took an extra moment after taking a seat beside Applejack before opening his eyes and glancing up at the clock. Applejack didn’t mind of course, as it gave him a second to stand up and get into a more presentable stance. “I suppose you do have work to get to,” Elusive sighed as he stared up at the clock, “Very well. Get too it then.” He waved to the puddle on the ground and trotted off to his work bench without another word. Applejack didn’t complain and went to find Elusive’s towels; preferably the expensive ones he kept tucked away in the drawers. When he returned a minute later and got to work on the floor with the monogrammed cloth, Elusive was already busy sewing something together. Realizing he still didn’t realize what he’d been brought in for, apart from the sex obviously, Applejack took a look at Elusive’s work. Sadly, he was unable to determine what it was at the moment, as all he could see was some silvery cloth running under the machine. “You can show yourself out when you’re finished,” Elusive said, “I would see you out, but I’m afraid I really must get to work on this. I have wasted so very much time already.” Rather than complain about the hypocrisy, Applejack just set the towels down and nodded before turning to leave, stopping at the door. “Ah right!” he said, “Before Ah’ go. Would yah mind tellin’ me somethin’, Elusive?” “Ah yes! I suppose I do owe you that much don’t I?” Elusive turned away from his work for a moment and shot Applejack a smug smile. “It was Darjeeling. That’s his favorite.” With that he gave Applejack a wink and returned to his work. Applejack’s temper rose abruptly as a sudden realization and a flurry of chaste images assaulted his mind. As a result, he decided not to stay and clarify his question. He just shook his head and trotted out the door, nearly slamming it on the way out. He stopped himself just short of that though, instead closing it gently so as not to upset his friends work. After that, he shook his head again and smiled smugly to himself as he headed back to the farm and the work he’d been putting off. > Applejack(R63)xDusk Shine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was left alone to stare at the frilly outfit in the closet for what seemed like an hour at least before a knock on the door woke him from his shock. “Are you ready yet, Applejack? I, uh, kind of don’t feel comfortable standing out in the main library wearing this.” “Come on in then, sugarcube,” Applejack shouted back to Dusk. He wasn’t ready yet by any means of course, but making the poor stallion wait for nothing just wasn’t polite. Since he wasn’t likely going to get into the suit anyway it was downright rude. The door swung open behind him shortly, and Applejack bit his lip nervously. “Ah’ think we need to discuss this anyway, sugar-“ Applejack stopped just short of the affectionate nickname, as that was when he turned around and actually got a good look at Dusk. The purple stallion stood in the doorway, staring at Applejack while he nervously scratched at one of his forelegs. He was already in full costume, a silvery cape that hung like a dress over a set of starry blue stockings and matching silver vest. And although Applejack couldn’t be sure, he thought he noticed a pair of panties when the cape fluttered for just a second as Dusk shifted to scratch the other foreleg. “It’s the costumes isn’t it?” the unicorn asked, “They’re too much…” Applejack actually had to physically smack himself back to his senses after getting a good look at his friend. The unicorn was right of course, but now that Applejack had actually seen the costume, he was reconsidering the whole night. He was even seriously considering going through the entire script Dusk had given him just so he could see his friend take the fancy duds off. So, he looked up at the ceiling and shifted his eyes away from Dusk for just a second. “Well, Dusk, Ah’-“ “It’s okay, Applejack,” Dusk interrupted, having seen through his friend’s attempt to dodge the question, “I know it’s kind of silly. I just thought I’d give it a try you know. It’s really hard to get roleplaying planned out, and well Elusive doesn’t like to top very often, and Berry is so hard to actually schedule things with, and-“ As the unicorn spoke he unclasped his cape, which drew Applejack’s attention quickly enough to prompt him to put a stop to the excuses while he still had the chance. “Hold off on that list a moment, hon,” Applejack said with a stomp of his foot. Dusk did pause then, long enough for Applejack to turn around and pull the suit out of the closet while still on its numerous hangers. “Ah’ll g’t it ‘n now,” he mumbled as he trotted towards the doorway. Dusk let him through the doorway without protest, so Applejack just kept walking after that. Only after reaching the bottom of the library stairs did it occur to Applejack that he had no idea where exactly he was going to get dressed. He heard the door at the top of the stairs close just as he reached the lobby though, so he decided right there would be good enough. He got dressed in a jiffy. The shirt was easy enough to get on, so he started with that. All he had to do was pop his head in and make sure to get his legs through the right holes and then it was right on. It was a little tighter than he liked, but no more than any suit he’d ever worn. The biggest differences between this thing and the one he’d worn for the gala was the color, purple instead of brown, and the white frilly thing that was where the bowtie should be; Applejack was pretty sure it was called something like ‘crevasse’ but couldn’t remember the actual name. The pants were a lot more of a struggle. To start he had to get on some undershorts that went with the costume. They were grey and stretchy, so getting them on wasn’t too bad. Once they were on though Applejack was reminded of exactly why he never bothered with pants. He just felt so constricted by them, especially with the half erect cock that Dusk had left him with. Applejack squirmed as he took a few steps around the room with the underwear on. Each step put more pressure on his balls, and the pressure just made him get a harder as he went, making the shorts even tighter. Eventually though, he was as hard as the pressure alone would get him. A few more circles around the library after that and he was at least able to tolerate the things. What kept him going through it was remembering that it wouldn’t be long until he took them off. Following that the actual pants were no real trouble at all to get on. That was a good thing too, because by the time he was ready to get them on it became clear that Applejack had taken a little too long getting used to the boxers. He had just bent down to pick up the loose, black slacks when he heard the door to Dusk’s room opening up. Dusk was frozen in the doorway for a good few seconds after that just staring down at Applejack. Applejack stared right back at him, the pants he had grabbed still in his mouth. Wanting to give the unicorn something to look at, Applejack spread his legs and lifted his tail. He also leaned forward a little more, making sure that Dusk could get a look at both his ass and his balls straining against the fabric of the boxers. Dusk shut the door abruptly after only a moment and shouted down, “Just, uh, come up when you’re ready.” With a smile on his face, Applejack finished getting dressed. “Glad ta’ see these shorts’re good for somethin’,” he chuckled as he climbed the stairs to Dusk’s door. When he reached the top of the stairs Applejack paused with his hoof on the door to Dusk’s room. He couldn’t remember much of the script Dusk had given him before he came, but he did remember that he wasn’t supposed to just throw open the door. Knocking had been very plainly mentioned. So, he knocked, making sure he did so loudly enough that Dusk could hear him. He stopped knocking after a few seconds; just in time to hear Dusk shout, “Come in,” for the third time. The exclamation was followed shortly by a cough and a more slow and quiet, “I mean, ‘come in.’” Applejack pushed the door open and trotted in with his head held high. Dusk was waiting for him at the balcony. The unicorn had just managed to turn around and cover himself with his cape when Applejack walked in. “You called me, Prince…” Applejack paused again then. One thing he definitely could not remember was the weird name Dusk had wanted to be called. “…Shine,” he finished. “I did, sir, um, Applejack.” Dusk glanced back and got a look at Applejack for just a moment. Then he turned to stare at the moon again. “I wanted to thank you personally for your bravery.” At that moment he turned around. Annoyingly though, he kept himself covered with his cape when he did. “Close the door.” “Alright, your majesty.” Applejack eased the title out slowly and bowed his head to Dusk. Then he obeyed the order and slammed the door shut. When he turned back around, Dusk had moved his cape aside. He also had taken a seat at the balcony, allowing Applejack to confirm that he was indeed wearing a pair of silver panties. The cloth technically managed to cover everything, but that cloth was also mostly see-through. Applejack couldn’t help but stare at the half-hard cock that Dusk was so willfully displaying for him. Dusk covered that cock by moving a leg in front of his crotch after a second. After that, Applejack looked up to see the unicorn grinning ear to ear. “You have done me a great service, sir knight, and I would like to repay you.” He lifted a hoof and waved for Applejack to come forward. “Will you come closer, sir Applejack?” “Yessiree- uh, Ah’ mean,” Applejack coughed into his hoof, “Yes, your majesty.” He tried his best to keep from smiling back at Dusk as he trotted with measured steps toward him. Guardsponies were supposed to be stoic after all. Of course, he didn’t manage to keep it down altogether, but he did keep what would normally be a full on sultry stare down to just slightly lowered eyelids and a little curling of the lips. Once Applejack was in reach Dusk reached out and put a hoof under his chin. “That’s close enough,” he said softly, “Disrobe, sir knight.” Applejack’s smile broke through in full force and without hesitation he reached for the collar of his shirt. His hoof was slapped away just as he was about to pull the stuffy thing off though. He looked back at Dusk to see the unicorn nervously shaking his head. “Uh, y-your majesty?” he asked, afraid that he had upset the other stallion. Dusk raised his head up high and smiled down at Applejack. “Well uh, I suppose it’s good to see that you’re eager, sir Applejack. I had expected you to be a touch more hesitant.” Applejack chuckled nervously and looked away from the unicorn. There was a bit of a bite to Dusk’s words, so clearly he had forgotten something important from the script. “Please, allow me.” As Dusk spoke Applejack felt something wrap around his waist. He didn’t need long to realize that Dusk had used his magic to grab him by the pants. Though, he did look back at the unicorn in order to confirm that suspicion, and the horn was indeed glowing. “Ah’ appreciate the kindness, yer majesty.” Applejack smiled at Dusk as the unicorn slid his pants slowly down his hips. “But, uh, shouldn’t the guard be undressin’ the prince? Ah’-I mean-“ He stopped abruptly to let out a yelp when he felt Dusk squeeze his ass just before letting his slacks drop to the floor. “I suppose you’re right, sir Applejack.” Dusk looked Applejack in the eyes and smiled. As he did, he also ran a hoof up the stallion’s neck and cheek. “It wouldn’t be proper for a prince to undress himself.” With that, he walked around Applejack towards the bed. As he did he made sure to keep his hoof on the other stallion, running it down his side. He paused for just a second to slide the hoof to Applejack’s underside and grope his shaft. Applejack had managed to turn his head just in time to catch the action, and he and Dusk shared a smile right after. Once Dusk was about halfway to the bed, Applejack turned to follow him. His backside was squirming as they walked towards the bed, having been reminded of how uncomfortable the boxers were. He was quite happy when they stopped moving after reaching the bed, as it gave him the chance to adjust his currently rock hard bits to make them somewhat comfortable in the shorts. Dusk took the chance to ogle him as he did without comment. Applejack removed the hoof from his crotch and waved for Dusk to make his way onto the bed. Dusk responded by wrapping his hoof around Applejack’s and stepping softly onto the mattress. Then, he took a seat on the bed and pulled. He kept the grip as Applejack joined him on the bed and laid onto his back while the other stallion stood above him. The pair shared a calm moment when they locked eyes, and then they shared another moment when Applejack broke the lock and looked downward. Soon both stallions were staring at the other’s crotch. Neither cock was truly concealed by the underwear that Dusk had special ordered, but both seemed even larger than usual now that they were fully erect and barely constrained by the cloth. Applejack moved in first, placing the hoof not currently in Dusk’s grip onto the unicorn’s crotch. The fabric was soft and silky, and he made sure to run his hoof over it softly as he rubbed Dusk’s cock. At the same time, he moved in and unbuckled Dusk’s cape with his mouth. The metallic taste was unpleasant, but it was quickly replaced by the wonderfully bitter and salty taste of fur and flesh when he tossed the cape aside and put his mouth on Dusk’s neck. Dusk wrapped foreleg around Applejack’s neck. “Sir Applejack...” The unicorn sighed as his knight kissed him and pleasured him. “Somethin’ wrong, your majesty?” Applejack whispered, just barely lifting his lips off of Dusk’s neck. While he waited for his answer, Applejack went back to kissing Dusk’s neck. He also moved his hoof downward to begin massaging Dusk’s rear through the panties. “You are certainly kind, sir Applejack,” Dusk said as Applejack moved to begin kissing the other side of the unicorn’s neck, “But shouldn’t I be servicing you?” He set a hoof on Applejack’s cheek and lifted him away from his neck in order to look him in the eye. “I am thanking you, am I not?” “You are, and I appreciate the thanks your majesty.” Applejack leaned in close enough for his nose to press against Dusk’s. “But it’s my job to take care of you.” He moved in for the kiss once he had finished, and he worked his hoof under Dusk’s panties while he did. The unicorn breathed heavily into Applejack’s mouth as his cheeks were massaged and spread. The kiss lasted for only a moment before Applejack pulled away. He pulled his hoof away from Dusk’s ass too, and then he laid himself on top of the unicorn. With their chests and cocks pressed together Applejack rather suddenly became aware of just how eager for cock Dusk was. The unicorn’s hind-legs lifted high the second after their groins touched, and before long he was thrusting against Applejack. The thrusts weren’t aiming for climax though. They were too long and too intentional. Applejack recognized it as an effort to try and shift position. He couldn’t move much, but Dusk was clearly trying to get his ass up against Applejack’s cock. “Please, sir Applejack…” Dusk shut his eyes and turned his head aside, a dark red blush covering his cheeks. He didn’t need to finish, as Applejack was already obeying his prince’s request by lifting his hips. Then, while Dusk was lifting his hips and pressing his rear against him, Applejack moved in to press his lips against Dusk’s neck yet again. Applejack’s boxers were soaking with pre around the tip of his cock by the time Dusk had managed to get in position. Between the uncomfortable tightness, the bit of pleasant wetness around his head, and the fact that Dusk was starting to rub his cheeks against him, Applejack lost control of his arousal and his hips started thrusting. Up top though, he tried to remain calm and romantic, kissing Dusk gently and whispering into his ear, “How would you have me pleasure you, your majesty?” Dusk turned to face Applejack and his horn began to glow. “Take me, sir Applejack,” he responded. He moved in to kiss Applejack again, and as he did the magic gripped Applejack’s boxers and moved them slowly off of his cock and down his legs. The underwear stopped just under his thighs, and the magic covered his now free cock. Dusk’s kiss was deep, but it relented as he aimed Applejack’s cock. The two exchanged breath, only just resting their tongues in one-another’s mouths as Dusk maneuvered his knight’s shaft around his panties and into his hole. Throughout the movement Applejack’s hips continued to thrust. The moment Dusk had the shaft in position Applejack pushed his way in. Dusk threw his head back and gasped when it happened, giving Applejack pause for a moment. Though his hips continued to move in spite of himself, he calmed them down enough to keep his thrusts slow and not too deep. “Yer majesty?” he asked. His question was answered quickly when he began to feel Dusk push back into him. “Faster, sir Applejack, harder…” Dusk whispered. He had started to pant now, and his eyes were shut hard. Applejack followed the order despite his hesitance. Each deeper thrust resulted in another yelp or gasp, and each shout was louder than the last. Applejack dove forward and wrapped his lips around Dusk as he bottomed out, hoping to stifle the further shouting that was bound to come. It worked; Dusk calmed down quickly as he gave in to the kiss, allowing Applejack to explore his mouth with only the occasional moan as Applejack continued to penetrate him. “D-Dusk.” Applejack pulled his lips away from Dusk in anticipation of his climax. He kept his cock at full depth, fearing the moment he moved again he would start to cum. “In or out?” “Inside!” Dusk shouted. His grip on Applejack tightened and forced the stallion back against him, leaving Applejack’s cheek pressed against his own. “Cum inside me, Sir Applejack!” At this point Applejack had little choice but to obey his prince. He pulled his hips back, but without breaking the embrace he couldn’t pull out. So, he pushed in instead. “As you wish,” he grunted, trying to contain himself for just a few more moments, “My prince.” Dusk let out a sigh that seemed to last for minutes as Applejack slowly pushed his cock back in to full depth. That sigh was stifled when Applejack came. Dusk’s whole body seized up and he quietly gasped. Then a moment after the sigh returned and Dusk’s grip relaxed, leaving him softly hanging off of his knight as the rest of his followed suit. Eventually everything about Dusk had relaxed, allowing Applejack to pull away from the embrace and remove himself from his lover. After that he paused to stand just above Dusk while they smiled at one another. With his head resting on a pillow, his body splayed out, and his fur wet with sweat, Applejack had to admit that the unicorn looked positively princely. His smile in particular was perfect. His mouth was relaxed and he was breathing hard, but his eyes were focused plainly on Applejack even as they glazed over. Applejack could almost see the handsome knight Dusk was looking at reflected in his eyes. However, Applejack couldn’t keep his eyes on Dusk’s face all night. Before long he backed away from that loving look and positioned himself over the unicorn’s crotch. Dusk was still rock hard, and at some point his erection had broken free from the panties that had tried to contain it. Now only the base of the shaft was covered along with his balls. “It seems yer still in need of service, yer majesty.” Applejack leaned down and kissed the exposed shaft, then slid further down and grabbed the underwear with his teeth. “There is no need, sir Applejack,” Dusk said. Despite his complaint, however, he lifted his legs as Applejack slid the underwear off of him. “But if you insist.” Within moments Applejack had pulled the soaked article off of Dusk and tossed it aside. After that he went straight for the now exposed balls and gave them a good hard tonguing. Dusk let loose a shout that was more than a touch excessive shortly after. It was loud enough that Applejack couldn't help but react reflexively, pulling away from the balls. He almost smacked himself after that. Dusk squirmed in an attempt to follow him almost immediately. Hoping to disguise his little error, Applejack ducked the ballsack as it approached his still open mouth. He almost smacked himself again when he realized he should have moved up for his plan to actually work, but with Dusk shaking his hips unerringly closer any concerns about the plan going off poorly were extinguished. When Applejack felt Dusk’s wide-spread hole press against his tongue he started to move reflexively; lapping up the cum that was dribbling out of the unicorn with abandon. The exaggerated gasps and moans didn’t even throw him now, even when Dusk all but screamed after he actually pushed his tongue inside. The musky scent of his lover’s sweaty sack and the way it flavored the sweet cum on his tongue was enthralling. Even that enthrallment could distract him only for so long, though. Applejack knew he had a duty to perform, and the taste on his lips gave him the perfect idea of how to do it. He pulled gently away from Dusk after one last long drag of his tongue up his lover’s crack and over his balls. Then with a forceful slam of his hooves on the foot of the bed, Applejack leaped to a stand right over Dusk. The shock shook the bed and made the unicorn bounce. Applejack caught the briefest glimpse of confusion on Dusk’s face, but he put that to rest when he moved in for a kiss while pushing Dusk back down onto the bed. Still aiming to fulfill his duty as a knight, Applejack reached a hoof to press against Dusk’s cock the moment they were pressed against the mattress once more. At the same time he moved his tongue into Dusk’s mouth. This time the kiss and the hoofjob were anything but gentle, and only romantic in the way that they were passionate. He roughly ground his lover’s shaft against his belly, and his hoof ran rapidly across it. This kiss was not a calm exchange of breath, but a confident and rough exchange of fluids. Applejack wasn’t entirely sure what it was that had spurred him to finally get rough with Dusk, but he was glad he had. Dusk was squirming and panting just like he had before. During the last kiss he had fallen to a more typical moaning, so Applejack was confident this passion was genuine, unlike he had been for the exaggerated shouting beforehoof. The fact that he could actually feel the panting made the whole experience feel more real. The kiss lasted long enough for Applejack’s breathing to become a touch unsteady alongside Dusk’s. Shortly after that though it became clear that it would not last much longer when Dusk’s breathing abruptly stopped and he bit down, just lightly enough for Applejack to pull back, on Applejack’s tongue. Knowing what was coming; Applejack pressed down hard on the base of Dusk’s shaft and lifted the rest of his body away from the unicorn. With a quiet gasp as the kiss was released Dusk came, splashing just barely against Applejack’s chest and covering his own with a single spurt. After that first splash, he went back to his show; half-shouting, half-sighing, “Sir, Applejack,” as he writhed against Applejack’s hoof and continued to cum. Applejack just smiled down at him until he was finished. Then he continued to smile down for just a little longer while Dusk calmed down and opened his eyes. “Are you satisfied, yer majesty?” Applejack asked, forgetting to sound proper for the moment. Dusk lifted himself up and gave his lover a peck on the snout. “For now, Sir Applejack.” The pair sank to the mattress with Applejack still atop Dusk. He pulled himself off after just a moment, leaving a hoof on his lover’s chest and nestling his snout in the nape of his neck. At the same time, he finally took the opportunity to kick the obnoxious boxers that had been binding his ankles off and spread his legs over Dusk’s. That was how they laid for what seemed like an hour before Dusk spoke. “That was amazing, Applejack,” he said. He pulled away after a moment and turned to smile at Applejack. The grin on his face was tremendous; his eyes were wide and sparkling. “Sure was, sugarcube,” Applejack lifted his head and gave those lips a playful lick. He then backed away just as quickly and sat up. The suit was starting to get real stuffy with him lying next to Dusk, so he started to take it off. He started by ripping the crevasse right off his neck and tossing it aside. “Next time, we’ll need to try it without all the theatrics.” “You seemed very into character for someone who wasn’t enjoying themselves.” Dusk chuckled nervously for a moment as he continued to smile at, Applejack. “Didn’t say Ah' didn’t enjoy it.” Applejack rolled his shirt off and tossed it aside. “Matter of fact, Ah’d love to see you in those garments a bit more often.” Dusk blushed as his now completely naked lover inched closer and pressed against him. “Just that next time Ah’ don’t want any time wasted before I get to ya’.” He punctuated the thought with a wink. At the same time he worked a hoof under Dusk’s tail. Dusk nodded and leaned into Applejack, pressing himself against his warm chest. “That’s fine. Thanks for indulging me, sir Applejack.” “Yer welcome, mah’ prince.”