> Heartless "L" > by Novah_X > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Lyra and Moon Shine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRACK! Lyra hated the sound that bone made when it was popped out of place and then back into the place it belonged. "How does that feel?" She asked the amber pegasus who was laying on her working table. "T-that feels....pretty goooood." The pegasus cooed as she sat up on the bench. Her amber coat stood out in contrast to her dark green hair and glazed eyes. Her wings were longer and thinner than most pegasi, but it wasn't that which Lyra couldn't stand the most about her, what she couldn't stand was, the lingering smoke cloud and oddly minty smell surrounding her client. "Cannabis, are you high again?" "Whaaaat. No way, I'm fiiine." "Dammit, you are! How are you going to survive rehab if you can't even stay grounded enough at a spa?!" "Geez Lyra, why are you freaking out? It's natural." "I'm freaking out because you could get arrested and cause us to shut down if you keep coming in here high as fucking Cloudsdale." "Ugh, fine. I promise I won't come back in here high ever again." Cannabis said in her airy and high pitched tone. Lyra knew that she had a problem, hell she had it ever since she was a filly. They went to school together and were great friends, even BonBon loved her, until she fell in with the wrong crowd. Of course, there probably wasn't much she could do with a cutie mark that looks like the shit she smoked. "Whatever, just get out of here. Or i'll have to get Lotus to call your parole officer to take you home, again." Said Lyra slightly irritated. "Oh, no please don't call him to get me again, PLEASE LYRA, it will never happen again." Cannibus said rather scared . "Alright, fine just get out of here." Lyra said as she rolled her eyes and pointed to the door. "Ooooooh-kaaaaay." Said Cannibas as she, litterally, floated out on her smoke cloud. As Cannibas floated out the door lyra slammed the door on her flank. After that she walked back to clean up her workspace, then about 5 minutes later she heard a knock on the door. "Coming." Said Lyra walking to the door, but before she could open the door Lotus slammed it open causing Lyra to smash into the wall. "Lyra your weekly patient is here." Said Lotus. "Also, why are you in the wall?" "Just looking for cracks." She said, rather irritated. "Oh, alright then just hurry and ready yourself for your favorite patient." Lotus said once again winking. Lyra just rolled her eyes and told Lotus to shut up, as she got out of the wall and Lotus went back to her own patient chuckling. Meanwhile out by the front desk stood Moon Shine, Lyra's weekly patient, he was a brown-ish gray pegasus with a booze bottle with three "x's" on the label who had been a royal gaurd for many years, up until just a few months ago. He was fired for constantly being drunk on the job, doing stupid things all the time, intentionally pulling false alarms, and things like that. He had told Lyra that he was fired from the royal gaurd but he never told her why, when she asked him he just made up some excuse that she ended up believing. Every time since the second time that he had gone in for treatment he had asked Lyra out on a date and every time she turned him down, but he had never given up and once again was going to ask her out on a date, today. "Alright, you can do this. You have done this every week for almost two months now, you can do this." He told himself as he knocked on the door to Lyra's workroom. "It's open." Lyra said, knowing what would happen as soon as Moon Shine walked through the door. "Hey, Lyra! How's it going?" He said, as he handed her a bouqet of flowers. "I'm doing pretty good, how about yourself?" "I've been good,but do you know what would make my day even better?" He asked. "Let me guess, if I went out on a date with you?" "How did you guess? Anyway, yes I ask you this every week, but will you?" He asked sincerly. "Well," Started Lyra, clearly thinking about her answer. "Alright." She finished. "Oh co-Wait did you just say yes!?" He asked Lyra, rather surprised by her answer. She merely nodded. "YES!" He shouted. Chuckling, Lyra merely told him, "Come on then it's time to get your treatment for the week." As she pointed to the worktable, which he walked over to and layed down on starting to relax as Lyra got to work on preening and massaging him as she usually did. 6 Months Later There was a loud smash at Lyra's door as it flung open, revaling Moon Shine behind it. "Get your sexy flank over here. You stupid bitch." He demanded, storming into Lyra's house in a drunken fury. Once in the house he smashed the neck of the bottle of booze he was carrying against the wall and took a long swig from it, not caring about the shards of broken glass that mixed with the whiskey. "Stay the hell away from me..." Screamed Lyra, cowering in the corner of the room. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want to." He said, swaying as he headed torward Lyra. "Stay back!" She screamed once more. "What, I just wanna get some of that fine flank." Now in tears and not wanting to be raped by Moon Shine, Lyra tried to run away from him. As he chased after her, Moon Shine yelled, "Get in that fucking bedroom!" Demandingly, pointing to the bedroom. "Never!" She screamed. "Fine, we can do this the hard way." He said, as he finally caught up with her. After that he grabbed her, and back-hooved her across the muzzle, then dragged her toward the bedroom. Screaming, Lyra did the only thing she could think of, which was to grab the bottle of Apple Jack Daniel's that Moon Shine had been holding and smash it on the top of his head. With the loud sound of glass shattering and a thud he fell to the ground. Lyra merely stared at the, now, unconcious, bleeding, and drunken stallion lying on the floor in front of her, and she merely started laughing! At that moment an idea popped into her head, she could finally get back at Moon Shine for all the times he came home drunk off his flank and abused and raped her, so with that she began to drag his body torward the basement. > Chapter Two: Lyra: First Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nnnnn...." Moon Shine groaned as his eyes opened and adjusted to the light of the basement. "Goddamn...I must've been more fucked up then i thought." He leaned forward attempting to stretch his hooves, his mind jumping into full alert at the sound of rattling chains and the feeling of cold metal against his flesh. "H-huh!? What the fuck is this!?" "Oh good, the bitch is awake." A voice called out from the corner of the room, a tone of homicidal malice filling the void between the source of the sound and where Moon Shine hung from the wall. "Took you long enough." "What the fuck is going on!? Whoever you are this isn't funny, now get me down from here!" He demanded as he writhed attempting to escape from his bindings. "Now where would be the fun in that?" The voice cooed as a figure apparated from the darkness. "L-lyra? What are you doing.....Oh! I get it. This must be my early birthday present." He let out a sigh of relief and gave a half-hearted laugh. "Now please get me down from here." She gave a wicked grin, and slowly walked over to her restrained lover. "Oh, but we are just starting to get to the good part." Her face contorted into a look of devious intent as she levitated a large sarated knife over to his neck. "O-ok, this seriously isn't funny anymore. " His posture tensed up as the edge of the knife brushed the flesh of his neck, the sharpened tip piercing a small hole into him, causing some blood to pour down his body. "L-lyra...what's going on...?" Lyra merely grinned as she traced the edge of the knife down the length of his body. "Let's just say...payback's a bitch." "What are you talking about? What have I ever done to you?!" "What did you ever do to me...? WHAT DID YOU EVER DO TO ME?! You try to rape me, you come home drunk almost every day, you abuse me, you call me a bitch and a slut and many other hurtfull things...need I go on?!" "I-I-I'm sorry... When I start drinking I just lose control of myself like I'm somepony else entirely. Lyra, can you forgive me?" At this Lyra merely pondered for a moment. "Alright, I forgive you." "Oh thank god!" "However, you're still going to be punnished." Lyra said grinning, as she put the knife back to his neck. A simple "meep" was all Moon Shine could say. Lyra began to pursue in her plans as she moved the knife to a lower area on his body, blood driping from the large gash left in it's wake. The blade dug deeper into his flesh as it continued on its grueling course, his eyes filling with tears of pain and fear. "Aaaagggggghhhhhhh!!" Moon Shine let out a blood currdiling scream as the knife left the flesh of his stomach and lowered instantaniously to his groin. His eyes widening at the feeling of cold steel against his junk. "This can go first." She laughed as the knife removed the bastard's stallionhood in one swift movement. Moon Shine screamed as loud as possible, partly from pain but mostly from pure shock. Lyra stoped there and let out an evil laughter, licking the blood off of the blade. "Scream all you want fuck face, no pony can hear you! But don't worry, we've still got alot of work to do." Moon Shine couldn't speak, he couldn't scream. He knew he was going to die, so what was the point of trying. He was, however, able to mutter one line over and over again. "I'm sorry....please forgive me Lyra......" "SORRY WON'T CUT IT! NOT ANYMORE! I WANT YOU TO FEEL THE SAME WAY I DID!" She jammed the knife up into the stump of his crotch and began to twist, hollowing out his groin and removing any remaining trace of his junk. The bloodied paste of blended flesh and organs poured into the bucket below his still suspened body. Now going comepletly into shock Moon Shine was able to say, "I take...it all back.....ALL OF IT..." As he passed out from shock. Lyra now had to think about what she was going to do to keep him from bleeding to death before her fun was over, then after a few moments of thinking about how she was going to do this, she decided to use a spell to stop the bleeding. "You are so lucky I still care about you a little bit..." She said as she began to do the spell. Moon Shine awoke a couple of hours later to Lyra branding him just above his heart, and he merely screamed in pain as the white-hot "L" shaped brand was being pressed just inches above where his heart lay. "AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" "Oh good you're awake," Lyra said, rather pleased "And just in time for the branding!" "Lyra, I'm begging you, PLEASE STOP THIS." "Not until you've felt what you made me feel over these last 6 months!" She said angrily, as she removed the branding iron. "Now for some REAL fun." "Just what do you mean by 'fun'?" Lyra merely grinned as she began to shove her horn into what was now Moon Shine's vagina. "GAAAAAAH!" Merely laughing at Moon Shines pain and suffering Lyra said. "Now you no what its like to be raped, you son of a bitch." Now in tears from the pain of Lyra's horn Moon Shine could once again barely speak, but did manage to say. "What do you want me to say to make you stop all of this?!" "Nothing you could possibly say would stop me from getting my revenge for all that you've done to me." She said, as she continued to rape Moon Shine with her horn. Tears streaming down his eyes all Moon Shine could think to do now was pray for it all to end, and for Lyra to just hurry up and kill him. After about five more minutes Lyra finally pulled her horn out. "What are you going to do to me now...?" Moon Shine asked, dreading the thought of what could be worse then what she had done thus far. "You will see soon enough, my dear." "Is there ANYTHING I could do to make you stop all of this, right now!? ......ANYTHING?!" Lyra merely thought to herself. "Is there ANYTHING he could do to make me stop?" "Hmmm..." Lyra began, "Nope!" She said as she reached for her knife, holding it right where Moon Shine's heart was and began to cut the shape of a heart into his chest. Moon Shine screamed at the top of his lungs, but as Lyra continued to cut the shape out his screams of pain began to die down. It had taken her only a few minutes, and now that she finished cutting out the shape of a heart on Moon Shines heart, now it was time for Lyra to get her trophy. With the last bit of strength that he had Moon Shine was able to say a few last words, "Lyra, I'm sorry...for everything...." "Thank you. Although, as I've stated many times, sorry won't change anything." She told him as she took the cut-out off of his flesh and began reaching for his actual heart. Lyra gave Moon Shine one last kiss before ripping his heart out with her hoof and saying, "Goodbye, my love." Now that he had no heart and with all the blood he had lost from the cut-out Moon Shine lay there, susspened to the wall, dead. Lyra simply turned to the heart that lie in her hooves and with magic turned it into solid crystal, then realizing something she said to herself,"Oh my god...What am I going to do with his body?!" > Chapter Three: Coverup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra had been running around franticly for about twenty minutes, trying to figure out what to do with Moon Shine's body. When suddenly, it hit her. "I could make it look like a suicide!" Lyra thought, as she began unchaning the body of her ex-lover. The chains rattling as she put the key in the slot to unlock them and mere moments later, after she finished unchaining him, he fell to the cold, hard, concrete floor with a loud THUD. Knowing that her fun was now over, Lyra began using a healing spell to fix up the various injuries an wounds she had inflicted on Moon Shine, after that she rented out the hotel room that they had reserved for him for whenever he would pass out at the bar. "Holy shit hes heavy." Lyra though as she began to lift the dead body that lay before her and started carrying it to the hotel, and before she knew it she had carried him all the way to the hotel. Upon her entering the lobby the pony at the desk greeted her by saying, "Let me guess... Moon Shine passed out at the pub again?" "Yeah, thanks for the room." Lyra replied as she took the key. "Any time, also would you like to use the free room you earned from renting a room from us so often?" Lyra nodded and carred Moon Shine's body to the hotel room and commenced with her plan to make it seem like he had killed himself. An hour and a half later she left the hotel and headed back to her home, with a slight grin, satisfied with her work.