> Phantoms Are Better For Two > by Shadowscythe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Phantoms Are Better For Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notary's eyes were half closed looking over her halfmoon glasses and gazing through the steam of her cup of coffee at the courier mare in front of her desk. "Trail Runner" was her name and while normally she was reckless, she had a nearly spotless track record which is why she was entrusted with some documents that were required for visa authorizations for some delegates for the kingdom. Luckily however the very same delegates' boat was delayed due to some horrid weather the night before so Trail Runner did technically make it on time. But it could have been a diplomatic situation if such events were different. In turn Notary wanted a reason for such tardiness and it would have to be a grand excuse. "Ah ha! Here it is!" Trail Runner said after rummaging through her travel pack and slapping the required document envelope on Notary's desk with a hard thump. Notary just continued to stare through her coffee's steam before stating, "You do realize you are a full day late, correct? These documents were supposed to be here yesterday," Trail Runner just bit her lip in response before Notary added, "Though, the delegates that these were for were delayed. Something about a rough storm last night so you are somewhat off the hook. But, I would indeed like to know what happened." However, truth be told while she was a bit firm on the outside Notary was usually almost giddy to listen to the occasional excuse her couriers gave her. It was depressingly the only taste of adventure she ever got to experience even if said couriers often stretched the truth until it screamed. And so Trail Runner started going into this long story about a horrible storm that made her take cover in a mausoleum for the night. There she met some well-dressed dapper ghosts that she had convinced to have intercourse with before she dashed off at first light to get to Notary's office. Notary nearly sprayed her coffee all over her desk in response before she took a hard swallow and laughed her halfmoon glasses right off her face. Then after a few moments to collect herself did she say, "I have heard many stories in my life but that one really wins the prize. The storm part I would believe, but having sex with some ghosts hahahaha!" "IT'S TRUE!" Trail Runner yelled out over Notary's renewed laughter before adding, "IT'S REALLY TRUE I SWEAR!" Notary soon wiped a few tears from her eyes before she put her glasses back on. "Really Trail Runner you could have just said that the storm last night delayed you. You did not have to add the silly part with the ghosts," Notary mused. Trail Runner puffed out her chest and pursed her lips in response. "I told you I'm telling the truth! It actually happened!" she said nearly pleading. "Poppycock," Notary mused some more before she started reading the documents Trail Runner plopped on her desk not but a few minutes ago. "Ghosts are just stories to scare little fillies and colts on nightmare night let alone ones you can have sex with." Trail Runner's face heated up before she blurted out, "I bet you fifty bits I'm telling you the truth!" Notary did not even look up from her documents before she replied with, "You do not have fifty bits, Trail Runner. You usually spend nearly each and every single one of your bits on beer, cider, and stallions right on payday." Trail Runner's face heated up even further and she fumbled on her words shortly before she grumbled out, "Fine! Ten bits! I've been saving some money up for a new jacket!" A sigh came out of Notary before she took off her glasses to truly consider what Trail Runner was blurting out. She did seem rather adamant to prove Notary wrong for one reason or another. And it was just a friendly wager with not too high of stakes. Ten bits would certainly help buy that nice new quill pen she had her eye on the other day at the market. But then Notary's mind shifted to more sorrowful thoughts. For a deep sigh left her lips as she remembered that she had not had much time for courting, and her nights were long and cold with little more than the occasional saucy book to keep her company. 'What if Trail Runner was right?' she thought, 'What if...' Notary shook her head shaking out of her momentary trance and then smiled at the thought of an adventure of her own for once. Again it was not as if the stakes were all that high. If she was right, she potentially got a new pen. If she was wrong well...well she could not lose one way or the other. In turn Notary wore what one could describe as a goofy smile before she said "Alright, it is a bet. Take me to this place if you are so inclined." "What?" Trail Runner said taken aback before adding, "You mean you actually want to go to that place?" "Well you wanted to prove me wrong, correct? And besides nothing else of a pressing nature is due for a day or two so I have some time to explore. It has truly been a while," Notary stated while getting her coat. "Been a while you say huh Notary?" Trail Runner snarked and winked at her with a knowing look. "Oh hush and show me this place already," Notary scolded and blushed. And so Notary set off with Trail Runner onto adventure. However, it did not take long before she rediscovered why she stopped being a courier years ago due to the sheer amount of walking that said adventurous life required. In her earlier years it was seemingly not as difficult, but after her legs had started to burn and her boots had gotten stuck in the mud a few dozen times, did she start to regret her decision. Though her pride, in the end, was ultimately what saw her through. For she made a bet to see this place of inquiry and she would be damned if she was not going to give it her all. In turn after hours of walking, and Notary feeling like her legs were going to fall off, did they finally make it to their destination. And to her amazement it was just like Trail Runner had described it. It even had the stump of the tree that got incinerated by a lightning bolt. Notary had soon pursed her lips at the sight of all this and had truly started to believe Trail Runner's tale of passion shortly before her face began to heat up at the thought of it. "Welp here we are," Trail Runner said snapping Notary out of the alluring thoughts that had begun flooding her mind. Notary shook her head and took stock of where they were before stating, "Well this place is...interesting. However, I do not see any ghosts." "Well yeah, those guys are inside. Just don't get too spooked now," Trail Runner replied giving Notary a playful nudge with her shoulder. Notary merely rolled her eyes at the comment thinking back on fillyhood tales of frights and such. Now not much would frighten her given she had stared down many an angry royal and the such. A ghost or two would be a proverbial walk in the park...or so she would have thought up until they started walking closer to the mausoleum. For her courage began to slip bit by bit with each additional step until they met with the very same stone doors Trail Runner had described on the way. "Well it certainly does seem a bit...eerie...I will admit," Notary croaked before she added, "but Equestria has many of these and I am still heavily doubtful of your story. Trail Runner just shot her a sly grin before stating, "Well if you're so sure why not go first?" The fur on Notary's neck stood on end at the request and she fumbled on her words for a minute or two before Trail Runner had just rolled her eyes and shoved the stone doors open. And at the height of anticipation...nothing happened. "Hmm that's strange," Trail Runner commented. "What is strange?" Notary replied still flustered. "Maybe they only show up when you enter the place. They did say they were bound with a spell or something," Trail Runner further commented before she began walking through the stone doors into the mausoleum. Then after getting to the center of the room Trail Runner looked around and worked on lighting a torch like she had told Notary she did last time. But again nothing happened except for the yellowish orange light of Trail Runner's torch dancing around the walls of the mausoleum. "Moondial? Sundial? You guys in here?" Notary heard Trail Runner call out as she lost view of her as Trail Runner walked around the inside of the building. Then after a few minutes Trail Runner walked back to the stone doors where Notary was waiting and had a disappointed look on her face. "Is something wrong?" Notary stated with a raised eyebrow and a grin. Trail Runner merely furrowed her eyebrows before she lightly hoofed herself on the forehead. "Ooooh yeah of course. They said they needed rest after materializing. They must pop out at night and rest during the day like bats or something." "Like bats? I suppose we are going to wait until nightfall in the middle of nowhere I assume?" Notary said while giving a doubtful look. "Well waiting until nightfall or you can just forfeit the ten bits," Trail Runner snarked with a grin. Notary pursed her lips before sighing. "Fine fine nightfall it is, but I would very much like to wait outside and get a fire going to scare off any inevitable nighttime beasties," she said still refusing to lose. And so, they made a fire and waited...and waited...and waited. Eventually they both got bored and began trading stories to pass the time right up until Trail Runner had said the ending to one of her more embarrassing trysts in a pub's bathroom. The result of such made Notary laugh so hard she fell backwards. And just when she thought she was going to hit the ground behind her...she did not. Notary stopped laughing immediately while thoroughly confused and stared forward. It was quite dark out by this point so all she could see was the fire in front of her and the sight of Trail Runner's smirking face looking at something behind her. Confusion took hold further right until Notary looked up to see the bemused face of a turquoise white see through figure looking down at her. To say the color drained out of her face would have been a grand understatement. And just as she was about to scream her little head off Trail Runner had made her presence known with a light cough. "Hi guys. Good to see you again," Trail Runner stated before adding, "This is my friend, Notary. She wanted to see if you two existed or not." Notary just laid there quietly staring up in terror at the see-through figure before she was helped upright. Bewilderment then took hold again at what was happening. The two spirits, which Trail Runner had introduced as Sundial and Moondial respectively, just walked up to Trail Runner and started talking like nothing was out of the ordinary. A situation that was obviously not what somepony would call it as such. In turn multiple conflicting thoughts raced through Notary's mind all while she kept rubbing her eyes and cleaning her glasses several times. Thoughts that ended up going into truly alluring spots as she stared at Trail Runner nuzzling both Sundial and Moondial. But just when her hind legs began to rub themselves together with an almost burning intensity did she snap back to reality after Trail Runner called out her name. "Umm Equestria to Notary. Come in Notary," Trail Runner stating in a joking tone while the two ghosts sat next to her with bemused expressions on their faces. "Oh...oh my gosh! You two are real?! I...I...what...I never thought...it is true?" Notary blurted out nearly salivating at the situation before she barely composed herself and said, "I apologize. That was rude of me. My name is Notary and it is very good to meet you both." The two ghosts then calmly walked over to Notary, temporarily kneeled down, and kissed her right forehoof. "Charmed," Sundial stated. "Likewise," Moondial added. Notary's body flared further but before she could respond Moondial spoke up. "So sweet miss, have you come here for the sight seeing? Or perhaps there is something else that you seek?" he said with a warm but knowing look. "I-I-I well...maybe," Notary sputtered out before she took a truly deep breath while trying to still her burning need then added, "I will come clean if you will. I was not certain you two even existed given my line of business in which my employees can give outlandish excuses. But I had hoped...well...the nights have been cold...and lonely...and I well. I am sorry I hardly know you two and here I am assuming this or that." Notary then lowered her head before she felt a warm hoof to her left cheek. "Shhh it is fine dear miss," Sundial whispered before adding, "I see the world had not changed all that much since my brother's and my departure. It is perfectly normal to want comfort in this cold world. As such we can aid you in your time of need if you wish that of us." Time soon slowed down to a crawl. Notary's heart was beating out of her chest as thoughts whirled through her head. But eventually her thoughts abruptly stopped and without even thinking Notary leaned up and kissed Sundial on the lips while tears streamed down her face. It was if a flood gate had broken. The years of loneliness had come flowing out and nothing else in the world mattered as she continued to passionately kiss the ghostly stallion in front of her. But just as she was about to press harder Sundial pulled back for but a moment. "If you wish to do this dear miss, I would please ask for a boon of sorts from you. I do not know how much your compatriot had discussed about us, but it is quite apparent that we do not possess physical bodies of our own. And while we can interact with the world around us, we cannot truly feel any of it. As such if you would allow me to share in your body's sensations, I would be forever grateful," Sundial stated in an almost sorrowful tone. However, Notary's head was still swimming by this point so her response was a bit delayed, but after she managed to gather enough of her wits to consider what he was stating did she agree. Though in all fairness much of the persuasion came from a combination of Trail Runner blurting out, "sharing is caring," and the alluring thought that such an idea brought with it. In turn Notary, with her eyes still wet from her prior tears a moment before, stated in but a whisper, "I would be more than happy to share this with you." Then with little delay Sundial gently touched Notary's chest with a forehoof. And just as her body numbed for a moment it quickly flared back with its original intensity causing Sundial to wobble on his hooves. "By the stars above dear miss. Your body is burning up...I...I," Sundial huffed out as his mouth opened as if breathing heavily and could not complete his sentence. Notary merely nuzzled him in response before stating, "Please, call me Notary," and lied down on her back on the ground behind her. Needless to say Sundial gladly took the invitation as he gently laid on top of her shortly before their lips locked again with a greater need and passion. Then after a few minutes of this Sundial phased out of his clothing and while normally Notary would have found this intriguing to witness, she was far too busy helping Sundial remove her clothes as well. And after the last article of clothing had hardly hit the ground, Notary separated her hind legs before she pulled him in closer. Then slowly bit by bit, Sundial slid inside of Notary until their hips met. A wave of pleasure soon flared over the both of them as they both let out a long moan. For it had been so very long for Notary that she had unintentionally came, causing both of them to shutter. But right after this happened something began gnawing at Notary's mind. For in her desire for passion she completely forgot about Trail Runner and Moondial. But it did not take long for her minor flare of embarrassment to dissipate, for upon glancing over to her left, on the opposite side of the strangely dimming campfire, it was quite obvious Trail Runner and Moondial were already busying themselves with their own shared delights. In turn Notary just smiled before she squeezed Sundial tighter as he began thrusting himself inside of her again and again. Time soon lost all meaning as both Notary and Sundial continued to moan in pleasure. And with each new climax she could feel Sundial shutter along with her. It was truly an experience like no other. But eventually time and pleased exhaustion made themselves known. And the last thing she had remembered was falling asleep in Sundial's loving forelegs. Notary awoke the next morning to the sounds of chirping birds as the sun had just begun to rise on the horizon. A genuine pleased smile was all she wore as she soon glanced over at the pile of her discarded clothes next to her. At some point in time her bedroll must had been made and she was snug under the warm blanket she had brought with her. However, Sundial was nowhere to be seen. Notary had glanced around the area a little bit upon noticing this only to realize she was inside the mausoleum. Trail Runner was also next to her on her own bedroll, blanket askew, while still snoring away. The only thing that seemed to be out of place was the charcoal note written on the stone floor between them. It in turn read as follows. ********************************************************************************************** Hello Miss Notary and Miss Trail Runner, We thank you for the fine evening and hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. It had seemly begun to rain sometime last night and we gently carried you two in here to remain dry and warm. Your clothes however were quite soaked so we hung them up to dry before placing them next to each of you. On a more positive note we had managed to collect some water from the rainstorm for you to drink when you awake. Just please put our goblets back in our resting places when you are done. The golden one is mine and the silver one is my brother's. Alas though we must rest and will not be able to stay materialized to see you two off in the morning. Feel free to come back whenever you feel the desire to do so. Sincerely, Sundial ********************************************************************************************** Notary got up after reading the note and smiled. She then wrapped herself up in her blanket as she sat outside on the mausoleum stairs drinking out of Sundial's golden goblet. A small laugh soon came out of her as she shook her head. Trail Runner had indeed been correct, and she had thoroughly lost the bet thus losing out on ten bits. But that mattered little as she hugged the golden goblet to her chest remembering yesterday's fond night before already planning her next visit with great interest.