> Tigers vs. Wolves > by Omegathyst > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Restoring the Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sharp slam woke up Tiger Tornado in the bed she shared with her femcolt lover, Golden Doodle. The orange mare leaped to her hooves, wings wide out as she flew off the bed and opened the door to their room, seeing a dark blue body bolt out of the front door. Well, what used to be the door. Tiger gasped as she saw that whatever ran off had knocked the door down to their home, allowing the night breeze and autumn leaves to enter their home. Not only that, but the unknown beast had knocked their table over and chewed on some of their chairs before making a quick getaway. Feeling her blood beginning to boil, Tiger screamed and stomped her hoof on the ground. “Miss Tiger, what’s oh my,” Tiger felt the blonde earth pony stop beside her, staring at their totaled dining room and front door. “Well, we did hear that some weird creature has been breaking into ponies’ homes at night.” “But the Mane 6 said that they were looking into it,” Tiger growled, feeling herself become less tense at Doodle rubbing himself against her. “Look what good that has done. Tomorrow night is Nightmare Night, what if that thing attacks the foals?!” “I’m sure there will be a lot of grown ponies out to make sure they’re safe,” Doodle insisted. “But I suppose this issue needs to be taken care of right away.” “Stay in bed,” Tiger leaned over and pressed her lips to her coltfriend’s forehead. “I’ll talk to Rainbow Dash.” “What am I supposed to say? It’s not like we got night vision,” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs as Tiger Tornado sat on the other side of the table in the barn she shared with the Apples, drinking from a cup of matcha tea. “We only got rinky dink flashlights. I mean, Rarity is currently learning a much more powerful flashlight spell so we can get to the bottom of the destruction of property…” “And how long is that going to take?” Tiger narrowed her eyes at the Wonderbolt Captain, who glanced away and shrugged. “I mean, probably a week or two?” Dash replied. “We’ve done everything, Tiger. We’ve even sent letters to Twilight, and she says that she’ll be able to visit in a few days. But nopony has gotten physically hurt from these incidents, so it’s not a Code Red yet.” “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Tiger snapped, getting up and kicking her chair aside as she slammed her hooves on the wooden table. “So it’s not a top priority until someone gets maimed or killed by this beast?! Fuck, you five are useless.” “Hey, just because I feel bad for having a stallion such as your Dad as one of my Wonderbolts, doesn’t mean you get to talk to me like that,” Dash glared at the young orange pegasus as she pointed a hoof towards the front door. “Get out of our barn, this conversation is over.” “At least we can agree on something,” Tiger huffed, making a beeline for the door. As she left the barn and flew out of Sweet Apple Acres, she whispered to herself. “But this is far from over, I’m not letting that beast lurk around foals…” It would still be several hours before dawn, and despite Dash’s response, Tiger Tornado was relieved that the pegasus even heard her out. It gave the wake-up call she needed as she flew over the houses of Ponyville and saw fat pawprints leading towards the Everfree Forest. She felt her body tensing up as she flew over the trail and followed it. Was this why they hadn’t stopped this beast? Because they were afraid of cockatrices and timberwolves? Tiger only flew faster as she left Ponyville and entered the forest, her heart thumping in her chest as she felt her blood running cold. She wasn’t five ponies, but just one, and found herself all the more frustrated that she was in this place to begin with. The beast could be anywhere from a few wing flaps forward to right behind her if it had changed its path. “Grrrrrrrr.” Tiger stopped mid-flight, her green pupils turning into pinpricks as she heard the deep growl thundering in her ear drums only a few wingspans away. Stopping her flight, Tiger Tornado landed on the forest ground and stepped forward ever so slowly. If it weren’t for the beast’s bright amber eyes staring back at Tiger, she wouldn't have been prepared for what happened next. The slow growl turned into a full-on snarl as the beast turned towards Tiger and lunged. Tiger screamed as she flew back, narrowly avoiding getting pinned by the beast who stumbled and lunged with its bright white fangs. Tiger closed her eyes and swung, somehow feeling her hoof connect with the beast’s face with a sharp thwack and whimper, and the pegasus couldn’t help but open her eyes. Watching the dark blue wolf pressing her paw against her muzzle, Tiger gasped at the striking resemblance the beast had to a pony she had only heard of from many citizens of Ponyville. Seeing the long ragged blue and white mane draped over the wolf’s face, that was only the second biggest reveal. The first one was the wolf’s black flank with the moon cutie mark over it. “Dear Celestia,” Tiger whispered, flinching as she thought of the Sun Goddess. Did something happen to Celestia? How could she let her sister turn into this mindless creature? If Celestia was no match for her, how could Tiger Tornado even come close to stopping the werewolf? Then Tiger Tornado thought of Werewolf Luna rampaging into Ponyville and making a slaughterhouse out of all the ponies, young and old, and attacking her Golden Doodle. Standing up straight and puffing out her chest, Tiger moved her hooves in an offensive stance and lunged. Were-Luna yelped and gave in right away, allowing Tiger Tornado to pin her. Were-Luna’s ears flattened as she pressed her paws to her chest, her eyes tearing up. Tiger Tornado pressed her hoof further into the wolf’s chest, never taking her eyes off Were-Luna. However, her eyes trailed down Were-Luna’s face to her chest, all the way down to… Tiger’s breath caught up in her throat as she stared at Were-Luna’s monstrous dark blue pillar of futa cock, and felt her hoof no longer pressing against Were-Luna’s chest as she admired the veins pulsing all over the werewolf cock before her. The pillar was twice as wide as most cocks, and ten inches in length as it was already fully erect. Realizing that, Tiger looked up and saw a complete shift in Were-Luna’s expression. Were-Luna was giving a quite literally wolfish grin that Tiger barely registered before Were-Luna threw Tiger off balance and slammed her head down and ass up with her black mane completely disheveled as she felt Were-Luna mounting her, her thick blue paws on each side of Tiger’s face as she hovered over the orange pegasus with drool dripping down from her jaws onto Tiger Tornado’s mane. As Tiger felt the beast’s cock pressing against her moistening pussy, Tiger braced herself for the pain of her body being split open, fearing the assault that she fully expected as she closed her eyes and tensed up. Instead, she felt Were-Luna dismounting her and breathing on her pussy. Is she…waiting for me to allow her? “I k-know I’ve lost,” Tiger groaned, rolling her eyes as she didn’t move from her position. “But you want to rub it in? Make me beg to be bred by that monster cock?” Were-Luna gave a snort and an eager bark, and Tiger winced as she felt her body heating up in a mixture of arousal and shame. It wasn’t an issue that she was technically a taken mare, for her and Golden Doodle have a shared interest in supervillain mares, especially one encased in stone that they’ve researched and masturbated over. So if anything, Golden Doodle would no doubt diddle himself over Tiger getting plowed by Were-Luna. But the fact that Tiger was so quickly defeated on top of this? Her cheeks went completely red as she groaned and moved her tail out of the way to give Were-Luna better access. “Please lick my pussy and breed me until I’m your broodmare,” Tiger begged, being met with only silence for several heart-pounding moments before she felt Were-Luna’s tongue slathering her clit. It wasn’t until Were-Luna began eating the pegasus out with such precision that Tiger wondered…had Were-Luna suddenly regained consciousness and was Princess Luna mentally, but not physically? Perhaps letting the werewolf breed her would be like kissing a frog, and Princess Luna would have her body once more? Tiger felt a pang in her heart as she remembered the tales of when she was Nightmare Moon, and now she was a werewolf! Tiger would give all three of her holes to the Princess of the Moon if it meant bringing her mind and soul back to her rightful body once more. Were-Luna stuck her tongue inside Tiger’s pussy, and Tiger felt her eyes roll to the back of her head as she felt the long tongue ravaging her insides and hitting just the right spot inside her depths. Leaning over and biting her hoof, Tiger restrained the moans and howls that could attract timberwolves…or worst yet, other ponies. Were-Luna growled inside Tiger’s pussy, causing Tiger Tornado to spasm and moan loudly through her hoof. Her thoughts of the safety of other ponies, her conversation with Rainbow Dash, and even Golden Doodle began to wash away in the sea of need and lust building up inside her. All that existed was the ecstasy of werewolf tongue, and Tiger felt her body rolling towards an orgasm that would undo her, when Were-Luna pulled away and snarled. Tiger whimpered, thrusting towards the cold October air as she began to openly whine. Were-Luna resumed her position, mounting Tiger Tornado and pressing her pillar of werewolf cock against Tiger’s more-than-ready pussy. Were-Luna growled, and Tiger thought she was trying to intimidate the submissive pegasus when she heard words in the midst of those growls. “Get…grrr….ready~” Were-Luna growled, and for a moment, Tiger Tornado thought she saw Princess Luna’s real eyes. But then they returned to amber as she pushed open Tiger’s pussy with the tip of her cock. Tiger Tornado couldn’t even remember to bite her hoof, howling throughout the Everfree Forest as Were-Luna pressed the first inch of cock inside. The pegasus’ world was spinning as she barely heard herself screaming for more. Spending months on end caging up and plugging her femcolt with various toys had shaped her into the most dominant lover she's ever known. Or so she thought, as she found herself completely dominated and humiliated in every way by the beast above her. And yet, the freedom of just having to exist as Were-Luna’s broodmare was a liberation she didn’t expect to be half as good as it was. She heard growling from far away, and felt the lust mixing with cold fear as she couldn’t stop herself from crying out. Timberwolves be damned, she wasn’t going to stop until Were-Luna had emptied every single load down her pussy. Pushing more in, Were-Luna managed to get half her length inside the orange pegasus with a satisfied grunt. Pulling out until the tip was the only part that was still inside, Were-Luna slammed half her length back in and caused Tiger to tremble and wail in unison. “Oh FUCK YES!” Tiger screamed. “Ruin my pussy for anyone else! Do it! Ravage me into being your fuckhole!” Were-Luna began pounding Tiger in earnest, her flanks slapping against Tiger’s as their bodies meshed together in a symphony of loud slapping, snarls, and screams. Tiger had thanked her lucky stars that the Mane 6 were so incompetent, which allowed her the chance to get her freak on and get possibly impregnated as the best possible Nightmare Night gift imaginable. Tiger Tornado could only imagine how many times her and Doodle would masturbate over this night, and imagined having a positivity gravid belly as she did so. The image, paired up with Were-Luna’s nonstop snarling, undid Tiger’s once dominant and controlling brain as her thoughts just melted into doing whatever Were-Luna wanted. Tiger’s orgasm slammed into her abruptly as she screamed into the night. This time, she made sure to be as loud as possible. Any creature could find her, whether it was security guards at night, the Mane 6, or her coltfriend. She heard Were-Luna groaning, and looked up to see an alicorn horn and wings sprouting from the now were-pony’s body. Her eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat. It’s working! I’m really breaking Luna out of that body! “Yes, yes, yes!” Tiger squealed as her marecum spurted all over Were-Luna’s length. “That’s it, Princess Luna! Break out of that body, you can do it! You can be yourself again!” Tiger saw Were-Luna’s horn light up with a dark blue magic, and felt her organs being rearranged in a funny yet painless way. She wondered exactly why Were-Luna would do such a peculiar thing when she felt Were-Luna slamming eight inches of her length inside, and instead of the pain of her cervix breaking her, Tiger Tornado only felt unfathomable amounts of pleasure breaking her mind and leaving her as a drooling puddle on the dirt. Were-Luna glanced over her surroundings as she continued pounding the sex toy beneath her, charging up her horn as she waited for any Timberwolves to come at them. Sure enough, she saw a pair of timberwolves charge at them with their gleaming green eyes and sharp wooden claws. Just as they began to lunge, Were-Luna shot at them with her horn until they collapsed and whimpered, getting up to turn the other way and run off. Tiger didn’t even notice, her eyes rolled back of her head as Were-Luna made a snicker that sounded exactly like her voice before she turned. She felt a fiery heat racing from her fangs to her claws, as she lunged and sunk her fangs into Tiger’s mane, yanking back as she successfully hilted all ten inches inside Tiger Tornado. Tiger gave a loud feminine moan as she came again, and Were-Luna grunted as she came at the same time, feeling shot after shot of her seed entering Tiger’s pussy. Her eyes widened as she collapsed on top of the pegasus, moaning in pain as her body’s reversed transformation continued. Her claws turned back into hooves, her fangs turned back into normal teeth, and her ragged mane returned to its lustrous flowing glory. Princess Luna gasped as she hugged the cum-drunk pegasus beneath her, kissing her forehead and squealing as her wings flapped in the air. “You have no idea how grateful I am for you, mysterious pegasus!” Luna nuzzled Tiger’s mane as she felt her futa cock still hilted inside the mare. “It wasn’t until you pinned me that I regained my mind and knew what I had to do. None of my sister’s spells worked, but the cure to that curse was breeding you!” “Oh…yes!” Tiger moaned, wiggling underneath Luna’s grip. “I did it, I brought you back! Now I can finally go to sleep.” “Oh who said anything about that?” Luna snickered, pulling most of her cock out before slamming it back in. Tiger shuddered and squealed, realizing it was most definitely going to be a long night~ “Miss Tornado, why is there no front door for us to knock on?” “Don’t worry about that fillies,” Tiger chuckled, shaking her head as she offered candies to the trio of fillies at her house. “Celestia will be fixing this house shortly after I’ll be meeting her.” “Oh well,” the filly in the ladybug costume giggled. “At least that Big Bad Wolf is gone!” “He sure is,” Tiger nodded, watching as the three fillies ran off to the next house. After Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walked in on Luna breeding Tiger a fifth time in the Everfree Forest, all the Mane 6 save for Twilight in Canterlot insisted on maintaining the story that the wolf was a non-pony male threat that was neutralized and gone now. If the public knew that Princess Luna had transformed another time since Nightmare Moon, she was sure they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on her. Princess Luna thanked Tiger Tornado and Golden Doodle for their silence and the former’s part in turning the alicorn back into herself. Golden Doodle walked to Tiger Tornado’s side, wiggling his fat tush as he nuzzled his marefriend. As they waited for more foals to get candy, Princess Luna flew in front of the two young ponies with an envelope attached to a box. “Hello, my favorite ponies~” Luna winked, causing Doodle to moan and wiggle in his jack-o-lantern themed chastity cage. “I figured tonight would be good as any to bring you this letter and some special gifts I made for proper persuasion. Please know my proposition is only a suggestion and there’s no pressure involved. I’m going back to Canterlot, but please take the next train there if you say yes!” Before Tiger or Doodle could speak, Luna flew off into the night. Doodle lunged for the envelope and tore it open, handing the letter for Tiger Tornado to hold with her wings as Doodle began tearing open the box with his teeth. “Dear Tiger Tornado and Golden Doodle,” Tiger read out loud. “I cannot thank you both enough for your help in transforming me back, Tiger for letting me breed her, and Doodle for letting me have sex with his marefriend. I know many stallions would get mad about anypony else fucking their marefriend, so your understanding is more appreciated than words could describe. Princess Celestia would like to speak with you about the curse, and take the time to get to know you both better. Truth be told, the two of us have been looking for sex-pets to have for a very long time, and we would like to take you both into serious consideration! If this is something you’d like to consider, please pack your belongings in case you end up with us long-term. We promise to treat you both with the utmost respect and care! Love, Luna.” As soon as Tiger Tornado finished, Golden Doodle gave a loud feminine moan. Tiger Tornado looked up from her letter and gasped as she saw her coltfriend impaling himself on a suction-cup dildo replicated to look and feel exactly like Princess Luna’s futa cock. She looked at the torn up box and saw that there was another dildo for her in the opened box. Tiger Tornado rushed over to the box and placed the dildo next to her coltfriend, rubbing herself off for a few minutes before climbing on and impaling her pussy on the other Futa-Luna dildo as well. The two lovers stared into each other’s eyes before leaning in and making out, their tongues wrestling as they both bounced on the Futa-Luna sex toys. Needless to say, they both packed up their belongings for Canterlot a few hours later.