> Shy Command > by KingdaKa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Hesitancy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had to take the time to mull over the thick layers of minute text that lay before her. Within these numerous pages was such a wealth of information that the mere possession of this book was rather equivalent to a trove; so much data that could be extracted, pondered, and expounded upon. But mere intake was not her goal right now. This was a treasure hunt, her dry gaze seeking out a series of keywords that would alert her mind of where she would find her prize. Deep within these layered walls of black and white was everything she needed, if only she could find it. High school had been more akin to relaxed reading than any sort of genuine pressure. Her Bachelor’s had been a breeze, easily accomplished within the span of two years- her Masters much of the same, though perhaps a bit more of a crunch that time around. But a PhD? For the first time in many years, Twilight Sparkle found herself struggling to know the answers. The vicious ream of work required of her was an actual challenge to her mental fortitude- how she loved it! This was the sort of thrill she hadn’t felt since she’d first opened a book, when the seemingly insurmountable knowledge had brought forth so many questions in need of an answer. This last great task within the world of education was all that remained for her to accomplish; she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had this much fun. It had been something of a difficulty to force her numerous choices to be narrowed down to only one. There were so many scientific options available, thanks to her previous collegiate work, and she really only had the finances to support one further accreditation to her name. With a fair amount of thinking –and a little advice from a few trusted sources- she had simply settled on a research Doctorate of Science. Perhaps a bit clichéd altogether, but Twilight enjoyed the material. There was plenty of ground to cover, lots of questions to ask, and it had honed her academic sensibilities back to the fine point that had been lost in the simply years of early college. No longer was she bored, poring over simplistic material that the disinterested hardly bothered to cherish; this was the real deal, and she loved every minute of it. So occupied was she with the scrutiny of her notes that Twilight’s attentions gave no heed to the soft sound of the office door opening behind her, nor the quiet footsteps that soon followed. Why should she focus on outside distractions? The question she was trying to answer had contained a suspiciously specific set of words, likely a buzzword that would be repeated again. If she could only find that single one within this ancient textbook then there the truth would lie. Surely it dwelt in this sentence- or the one right after, at least! The hands that fell upon her shoulders held the weight of a flower petal, still enough to make her heart leap somewhere into the stratosphere as the power of icy chill sank its teeth into her chest. Oh heaven help her, someone else was here-! Before she could turn around to meet her attacker, the fearful world was filled with a gentle warmth by the sound of a sweet giggle, and a voice that spoke in the same and said, “Got you.” Twilight’s stark terror fled her just as quickly as it had arrived, replaced by an exasperation that could not quite escape the humor of what had just unfolded. “Oh for heaven’s sake,” she muttered, trying her best not to laugh and actually remain a little frustrated. “You scared me half to death!” As the lovely researcher whirled about and faced her with an expression of restrained amusement, the sweet face of Fluttershy crinkled into a smile that brimmed with laughter. “I’m scary? Oh that’s wonderful, I’ve been trying to be for so long! Thank you for the encouragement.” “That’s not- I- ugh.” Twilight wanted to remain mad, even as her heart melted at the sight of this mischievous delight upon her beloved’s face. “I’m trying to- you promised me that you’d let me have some time alone to study! You know this is important, come on now.” “I know. And I did keep my promise,” Fluttershy replied. “You’ve been in here since you came back from class, and that was hours ago.” A small pause as the words sank in, Twilight’s understanding of time suddenly becoming distorted when put face-to-face with reality. To her, she had hardly spent more than a few minutes tackling her sheets of homework. “I… Wait, hours? What time is it?” A quick glance outside the nearby window confirmed the truth that manmade light had concealed from her focused senses: the soft-blue sky that had been marked by puffy clouds upon her arrival was heavily darkened, tinged by only the faintest coloring of orange and pink on the far horizon. “Oh my gosh.” “I made us dinner if you’re hungry,” the sweethearted angel offered. “Maybe you’ve made yourself think hard enough for today, I bet you’d feel better with a break.” “I- I guess so,” Twilight said, closing down her laptop before pushing her books and scratchwork aside. “I didn’t even think it had been that long! I know you asked me to get the bathroom clean, do you mind if I get that done tomorrow? I think it’s a little late for today…” “You don’t need to worry about it, I took care of it while you were busy.” Busy she had been, but not enough to prevent the young researcher from feeling the thrill of shame; too enthused, too distracted, and now a failed agreement with the one she cherished most. “Angel, that was- oh, I didn’t mean to do that, I’m so sorry! I promise I was really going to get it done, why didn’t you let me know?” “Because you were busy with something very important to you,” Fluttershy answered, too sweet to bother with feeling any sort of grudge. “It’s alright, I didn’t mind getting it done.” “But I promised!” Twilight wanted her word to be gospel, no matter whether the circumstances were great or small in which she gave them. “Can I take care of the dishes after dinner, then? Make it up to you?” “Hmm…” Fluttershy pretended to ponder the question as though it were a great riddle. Though enjoying this rare bit of teasing, too tender was the quiet beauty to fully give in to the charade so still her lips possessed a smile. “Only if you’re absolutely sure.” “I am absolutely sure,” Twilight said, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek. “Thank you for coming to get me, Fluttershy- and for making dinner.” Summoned away by the only thing in the world that could possibly outmatch the allure of knowledge, the young couple left behind the voluminous workload that lay atop the pale-white desk and switched off the lights, darkness consuming it all within its shroud as the two continued off towards the light. Their current circumstances hadn’t been intentional. Well, at least at first. A high school relationship had been an enjoyable thing, but the both of them had been too inexperienced to maintain such an intimate thing for very long. Teenage passions could stride towards ends both good and ill alike, especially when fear and anxiety had their way in their midst. When the paths of college had seen them heading in different directions, Twilight and Fluttershy had decided that it would be best that their relationship came to an end before things began to sour. “It was nice,” Fluttershy had said at their graduation, taking the time to speak with her ex as the evening came to a close. “To- to be with you, I mean. I’ll miss it.” “I hope you have a great time at college, Fluttershy,” Twilight had replied, and struggling to say much of anything else. Try as she might to keep her mind in a reasonable state, the despair at seeing her one and only girlfriend walk forward into another life without her wasn’t something she enjoyed. If the conversation went on any longer then she just might talk herself out of a decision she was trying hard to regret. They’d parted ways amicably, enjoyed time amongst friends throughout the summer before at last heading off. But even as the numerous experiences of college flew past them in a wild blur with all its chaos and joy and novelty, the quiet spaces of time they would occasionally possess had a sort of emptiness to them. Try as she might to think otherwise, Twilight found herself thinking of her solitary room as something lonely; yes, she’d made some decent friends in this vast university, even gone on a date or two, but it still wasn’t quite the same. She wanted solitude as much as ever- but also to see it spent with someone else. The first year of college had passed by in a whirlwind, the brilliant young woman doing her best to remain occupied throughout so as to not dwell in her discontent. But when she’d returned home for the summer back to the realm of the familiar that she’d known all her life, the ache was undeniable. A part of her world was missing, and despite her best efforts to keep it quelled she knew exactly what. It had been one of the greatest surprise in her life to be sitting in her room, sifting through random nonsense on her phone when the familiar ringtone of Fluttershy’s number rang loud in her ears. She’d been unable –unwilling- to delete the number even if she hadn’t texted to it in ages. Twilight couldn’t imagine why she was calling at all- or at least that was what she told herself. One second passed, then half of another before she picked up and answered. The reconnection took no time at all to return to a gentle familiarity; conversations were quick to regain their warmth, forms that remained tight and separate did not last long before hands reached out to find another’s- and the unified agreement that they had missed one another was fervent. Despite their unified willingness to move on with their lives, a hectic first year had seen them right back together again, in each other’s arms and happily together. Their renewed relationship grew swiftly thanks to the strength of a little more maturity, Fluttershy and Twilight just as happy at rest together as they would be in the throes of passion. A kiss held as much weight as a kind word, a hug as much as lovemaking; the years passed on and saw the distance between their worlds shrink until at last Fluttershy earned her degree and came to her girlfriend’s side. Expenses kept a wedding at bay for a little while longer, but the numerous discussions on the matter were sign enough to point to the inevitable conclusion, small bands held about fingers as a reminder. When Twilight earned her doctorate was the sign for which they would wait, even as they lived together and enjoyed their tranquil, peaceful existence. Dinner saw the two nestled about a beat up wooden table hardly larger than a garbage can, an antique hand-me-down from Fluttershy’s family that had somehow survived numerous spring cleanings and yard sales for who knew how long. Though it likely wasn’t meant to be used for large dinners, the young women who currently owned the ancient thing did their best to make things work; every bit of furniture they owned was a donation from family or a cheap thing meant to last only for a small portion of time. Twilight had little time for work due to her academic efforts, and Fluttershy’s job at the city animal shelter only paid so much; for now, they merely did the best they could. No money could buy their happiness, and seeing it spent together was the best means they knew of. Even if they could perhaps be a little too polite from time to time. Twilight struggled to swallow the mouthful of fish and rice she currently chewed, finding her throat clotted by guilt. The meal was actually great, brimming with flavors of lemon and pepper; Fluttershy was definitely the better chef between the two. But a delicious plate of fish with fresh green beans on the side was meant to be enjoyed after a little housework, not when one was forcibly roused from an enjoyable pastime. With all the effort her warmhearted girlfriend had made today, she struggled. “Is… is it bad?” Fluttershy asked, taking note of the spectacled woman’s unhappy countenance. Never quite one keen on a non-vegetarian meal of any kind, the tilapia had been a bold foray for someone so sensitive; it was easy to worry she’d screwed up the meal. “I know it’s a simple recipe, I just used the first one I found online.” “No! No, it’s- it’s actually really good,” Twilight mumbled, forcing herself to swallow and regain full strength of speech. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I just got distracted and screwed up! I promise I didn’t mean to, really.” To one so gentle, the thought of holding a grudge over such a trivial matter seemed ridiculous. “Oh, it’s alright, Sweets, I’m not mad,” Fluttershy replied. “You don’t need to feel bad at all.” “But I promised!” Twilight pressed. It was as though she could force her fiancé to understand her shame. “And you made dinner and everything and I just got so focused and everything… I don’t really think doing the dishes is enough.” Fluttershy sighed and gave a smile, lovingly exasperated by the insistence. “I was happy to let you keep working, Twilight,” she said warmly. “I’d hate for you to feel bad because of something so silly. We both know that you’re working very hard to finally be done.” Twilight pooched her lip, unwilling to quite yet acquiesce. “I know, but…” “But nothing. You’ve been working towards this for so long, and I’m happy I can be here with you for when you finally make it.” Quietly resolute, Fluttershy’s firm stance was set by a smile and not willing to even bend; for her girlfriend’s arduous dream she would put a little more on her shoulders. “And I don’t ever want you to feel like you owe me for any of it. I love you very much, and I know you would do the same for me.” It didn’t seem quite fair in her eyes, but Twilight knew she would not change the gentle woman’s mind in the slightest; whatever Fluttershy had experienced in her years at her own college had given her a backbone- one without malice or fire within. Gentle to the end, she would not be willing to change her mind once it had been concluded. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “Really, for everything. I’ll try to set an alarm next time so I won’t forget.” “You’re very welcome,” Fluttershy said. Their world became a little quieter as the two descended into the heart of their meal, hunger requiring them to consume and let a groaning stomach be put at rest- especially when it was still hot! Though the fish was quite tasty, Fluttershy found herself struggling to really enjoy the meal; she could cook meats of any kind if her fiancé so desired it, but she doubted it would ever be something she would enjoy herself. “Oh my gosh,” Twilight said, settling her fork upon an empty plate and pushing it back. “I feel so much better. I don’t think I’ve eaten since breakfast.” “Well, it’s a good thing I went in and rescued you!” Fluttershy teased. “You certainly looked extremely busy, what was all that you had?” “Seminar work,” Twilight answered. “There’s only a few of us together in my professor’s class, so that means I need to have as much material as possible ready for discussion.” “How much have you done already?” “Umm…” Twilight’s grin was sheepish, unwillingly summoned. “I’ve got one for every meeting for the rest of the semester, save for the very last one.” Fluttershy had been a prodigious student during her time, though often stymied by group or oral projects. Studying had never been a bother to her, nor learning of any kind. But to say that she could even comprehend the workload her girlfriend had already completed would have-! Wide eyes gawked at Twilight from across the dingy table, uncertain of whether to be awed or impressed. “Just in case,” Twilight added meekly. Fluttershy gave a weary breath at the mere thought, shaking her head at the skill before her. “You’re amazing- and a little scary, too.” “I just want to be prepared, that’s all! My professor keeps telling me that the dissertation defense is insanely difficult; I want to make sure I’m really ready.” “I guess so,” Fluttershy said. When Twilight had first explained the whole process to her, she’d struggled to make sense of most of it. She couldn’t imagine what sort of work the defense would require or how what her beloved worked on now would benefit. “Please don’t work yourself too hard, though, OK? I don’t want you to keep going late into the night like you did for your Master’s.” Twilight shook her head at the thought. She could recall her first year in the program and how she’d initially struggled due to her poor handling of the workload. Fluttershy and Sunset had helped talk some sense into her, but readjusting the schedule had taken time; she’d done her best to not repeat the same mistake here. “I won’t. And I promise I’m done for tonight! I’ll get the dishes cleaned up and then we can relax, how does that sound?” “Just lovely,” Fluttershy answered, all smiles as she handed Twilight her plate. A beat up, broken old couch that was oh so comfortable called to her, and she would be glad to cuddle up beside the one she loved for the rest of the night. Their world was dimly lit, only the pale light of the TV and a small lamp on a plastic coffee table softening their darkened world with warmth. Twilight found she preferred less light after the sun had set, but Fluttershy was more at ease when there was a comforting glow amidst the darkness- of course she’d been willing to concede. Besides, time on the couch was usually spent in each other’s close company; with she in Twilight’s arms and the two leaning back against the pillows, there was no qualm to be had. “Mmm…” Fluttershy stretched herself out within her fiance’s grasp, lithe body put to its most limber even as Twilight kept hands clasped about her waist. “I didn’t think I’d be so tired tonight. I guess I worked harder than I thought.” “Same, honestly,” Twilight said. Several hours of discussion with peers at school had been exhilarating and the schoolwork had been much of the same, but so much energy and emotion had been spent upon them both; there wasn’t much of her left that could be used up. “I guess we could finish this episode and just go to bed a little early tonight.” “I feel like I could go to bed right now, really,” Fluttershy answered, soft humor twinkling in her eyes. “It just feels so nice to sit with you like this. You’re very warm and comfy.” Twilight felt her face flush; her warmth was an easy thing to accomplish when they allowed the apartment to stay rather cold to save a little money on electricity. Cuddling, blankets, and a mix of the two had been their response, but she hadn’t thought that her chest would make for a good pillow. “I, umm, you’re welcome. I guess,” Twilight managed. “It’s nice to just sit with you like this, Angel.” “I think so, too.” The quiet beauty looked up at her girlfriend and opened her mouth to speak- before swiftly keeping shut and looking away, the peaceful aura about her visage fading away as it gave way to a hidden anxiety. “Umm… Twilight?” “Mhm?” Fluttershy lifted herself up from her place against Twilight’s form and came face-to-face, the tension in her body growing as she tried to compose herself. “Can we try something a little… I don’t know, umm- scary- for Halloween?” She asked. Twilight cocked an eyebrow. Anything fearful or frightening had never been a part of this sweet woman’s life in any sense of the word. Halloween was likely her least favorite holiday, she’d never liked surprise parties, and horror movies were completely forbidden in the house. To think that Fluttershy had actually asked for something scary was stunning. “Uh… is there any particular reason why?” She replied. “I mean, what- what do you even want to do?” Fluttershy grimaced and glanced away, struggling to keep her nerve even as their conversation had only just begun. “I, umm- I was reading a few things. Online. The other day,” she continued tremulously, “And I- I started wondering if we could- we could try something… something a little different. In the bedroom.” Her sweet face turned a deep shade of red. “When we’re having sex.” Their relationship had started as something physical and had continued as such over the years; they’d enjoyed relations numerous times, physical affection being their unified love language that had so easily bound them together- yet still Fluttershy struggled to mention its mere existence. “That’s all?” Twilight asked, a light laughter hidden beneath her surprise. “OK, then. What did you want to try? A new position, or something? Or was there a toy-” “Please let me finish or else I’ll get too scared to say it,” Fluttershy said, a rare interruption arriving in a voice unusually fierce and leaving her girlfriend more surprised than ever. This kind of conviction was rare in her, typically reserved for an animal’s welfare rather than anything said to one another. “I- I got to reading a few things, and I thought it might be- you know- a little fun to try something different. I, uh… would you- have you ever heard, um, of… of BDSM?” Twilight had, and the fact that this demure, soft-spoken angel had been the one to mention it was definitely on a list of thing she’d never thought would escape from Fluttershy’s lips. BDSM- Fluttershy, of all people? Whips and chains, slapping and spanking and all sorts of violent things? The mere thought that such a thing could potentially be introduced into their love life was unbelievable. Just what was this woman playing at? “BDSM,” Twilight echoed. “You- you want to try BDSM.” “I thought it might be… interesting,” Fluttershy explained, words arriving slow after the flurried rush that had come to the initial confession. “I love being with you, I really do. And I wondered if maybe it would- it would be fun if we shook it up. A little bit. And that maybe it would help us have a little more fun together.” The numerous concepts of the act that still endured in fiction ran through behind her eyes, the vivid images of both projection and imagination more than enough for Twilight to feel rather sickened by it all. Fluttershy, this sweet, gentle, loving being from the heavens wanted to be used and abused- treated like an animal, a plaything! To even consider the idea was too horrid for Twilight to accept. “I can’t do that to you!” She protested. “Fluttershy, why would you want me to hurt you? That’s awful!” “I’m sorry! I know it’s different, and that it’s really scary,” Fluttershy said, quickly backing away from the suggestion as though it reeked of poison. “I just thought that it’d be-” “Why would you ask me to do something so horrible to you? I would never want to hurt you, ever!” Twilight continued. She had to talk this idea down, erase it from her fiancé’s mind lest it find life once more. “Especially like that! I- I just don’t get it, Fluttershy, why would even ask me to do that? I don’t understand.” “I’m sorry, I won’t bring it up again-” “And don’t ever scare me like that, dammit-” Fluttershy gave a small twitch. “Language, please!” “Oh dammit- I mean- gimme a moment. Just a second, please?” Twilight rose and walked away from her place on the couch; perhaps a stretch and a little distance between the two would help her think things over a little better. Her initial reactions of distress weren’t helping matters by likely making Fluttershy feel terrible; with how much effort it had taken to even bring up the subject, this sort of reception was rather unkind. “OK, let’s- let’s try again,” she said, a few slow breaths to help regain some self-control. “Umm- what- what did you want to do? Or actually, better yet, tell me why you even suggested to me in the first place.” “I… I thought it might be kind of- kind of fun,” Fluttershy said meekly. Her words were picking up steam now that the initially frosty reception was melting away, allowing her to speak her mind a bit more freely. “I liked how someone wrote about, umm… dominance. And roleplay being part of it. So that it’s like a little story between you and your significant other. And I thought that maybe it would be fun to do something like that with you.” “OK. And, you… you wanted me to like… chain you up, or whip you, or something? Like a slave or an animal?” Twilight asked. She could feel herself becoming squeamish again as the concept turned itself into a mental image. “No! No, definitely not,” Fluttershy replied, turning pale as the suggestion passed them by- the sight enough to leave Twilight relieved. “I just thought maybe that we explore a little bit. And maybe we make a fun little game out of it. Something light, and- and maybe a little story to make it a bit easier." “How so?” Twilight, feeling a bit more comfortable at discussing the subject, returned to her place beside her girlfriend on the couch. So it would definitely be a branching out of their romantic life if she agreed, but it would not be quite so great a leap as she’d first thought. “Did you have anything specific in mind?” “No, not yet,” Fluttershy answered. “But… maybe we could go shopping together, and we could figure it out a bit. Like I could get an outfit you would like me to wear, and then you get one for yourself that would make for a- a theme, I guess.” “And as for the actual sex part..?” Twilight inquired. Please don’t ask for anything crazy. “We could start really small. Just some… some roleplay. And maybe you forcing me to have sex with you- I mean pretending to force me to have sex with you,” the quiet woman said. “It wouldn’t have to be anything too intense, since I don’t think I’d like anything like that.” “I wouldn’t like doing anything intense to you, either,” Twilight remarked. She was still hesitant, and definitely unwilling to actually acquiesce to such a demand. But Fluttershy had been willing to explore with her right from the beginning, from kissing to lovemaking and even a couple of toys here and there. It had always been Twilight’s volition that had seen their usual comforts branched out, this tender beauty never once asking for anything in return. Would it really be so awful if she gave in to this one demand and they explored something Fluttershy wanted to try out? “So, umm… I’d need to really- really­ think it out for a bit, but I guess we could try something. So long as you’re still comfortable with it all.” Fluttershy gave a start, then smiled as surprise meshed with delight. “Thank you, Twilight,” she said, wrapping her arms about her beloved and planting a soft kiss upon her cheek. “How about we go out shopping this weekend? That way you’ll be able to think it over a little and know how you feel about it.” “I can do that,” Twilight said, returning the kiss with one of her own as she enjoyed the treasured flavor of the sweet angel’s lips. “And I’ll read up on what to do, too. I don’t want us to do something -well, anything, really- without being absolutely sure of what we want to try.” And, she thought to herself, I need time to think. The role she’d been requested to play was not her forte; how was she supposed to be forceful and dominant when she’d never been anything of the sort in her entire life? Oh heaven help me. The night came to an end for the young couple not much longer after that, too wearied by the day to continue with anything more than preparing to rest. A quick shower and brushing of teeth before they were soon beneath the covers, the soft light of the lamp on the nightstand illuminating their shadowed world for a little while longer. Fluttershy tried to read a few pages of a dog care guide, but found herself too distracted by a continuous series of yawns. Though reading was often her great aid in falling asleep, this night would require no help whatsoever and the quiet woman soon turned over and shut her eyes. Twilight, despite her exhausted spirits, could not manage to cure her mind of the restlessness that refused to be quelled. Her book was a fantastic novel, and just the other night she’d found it gripping- now she struggled to finish the chapter, rereading the first sentence atop the page over and over again. She was clearly distracted, and was not altogether pleased as to the reason why. Setting down the book upon the nearby nightstand, the spectacled girl turned her head and took in the peaceful form of her sleeping girlfriend; how the quiet breaths came and went so easily, a peace in her stillness untroubled by the slightest concern. Why should she fret? Her career, her future, was so certain; filled with love and gentleness and the happy creatures she adored. Fluttershy was loved by all, especially by the one who now watched her. And here I thought I knew everything there was to know about you, Twilight thought. The effects of the surprising request still rattled about in her brain, likely the source of her disquiet. Fluttershy had always, always been a being of unusual tenderness, shy to the point of fearful and deeply concerned with finding the kindest solution possible. And somehow, this very same woman now wanted to try out a sexual kink that was the utter opposite of her very self. Was this an acting out of sorts? A reaction to the tranquil world in which she lived? It just seemed so unlike Fluttershy, and maybe that was the reason she found the idea enticing. Even as she tried to think it all over, she struggled to really take it in. Twilight wasn’t averse to being adventurous in the bedroom. Considering how their first relationship had come to be, exploration was what had bound them together. But that had been a romanticism of their own making, even still did they tend to one another with kindness and love; now Fluttershy wanted her to act so… differently from herself. She’d read over some material, of course, but the thought of bringing any sort of harm to this sweet being felt despicable. Even if they did try out some form of BDSM, Twilight wasn’t at all sure that she’d have the heart to go through with anything. She wasn’t even sure she could! But I know someone who does. Twilight felt her blood chill; she hadn’t meant to think that- had she even thought it at all? Had it even been her voice that had rang in her mind, or had it been something other? She had to make sure, make absolutely sure. If that voice was starting to speak of its own accord then there was reason to be concerned, even if she knew it would be the one to whom she would have to speak. And that conversation, if she dared to take part in it, would require a strong will; constant control of self, and of the chain about that woman’s neck. Could she manage this? You are not that scared, unhappy young girl anymore, Twilight counseled herself. And she has been gone for a long, long time. If anyone can speak to Midnight, it’s you. A quick glance over at the sleeping form of Fluttershy, discreetly checking to see the weight of her breaths to find them heavy and slow. If she slipped out now, her absence would go unnoticed. Now or never. Decide. In the emptiness of the living room, Twilight went to ground and crossed her legs, allowing herself to fall into a position of relaxed control. She would feel the blood moving within her limbs, the heart that beat within her chest; she would need to know both of them to unlock that one last place so far sealed from the rest of her world. There were corners of her mind that were so dark and far away that even she did not always remember them. Upon the coffee table before her did Twilight placed a solitary candle, its weak light flickering and giving life to her shadow; as the darkness writhed and moved like a living thing, the first step was completed. The second would be calm, serenity even in the midst of this reckless course of action; a slowed heartbeat devoid of adrenaline, a mind free of fear that would act as a snare. Could she even manage? A series of steady breaths and a small belief in her own confidence deemed she could. There was only one last step. “I sail into the deepest of night,” Twilight began, the steady words a rhythmless chant that would call out to faraway places. “Across water and world and time do I go. Above me is no starlight, below me no white reflection of moon. All about me is darkness, for I alone carry the light. In me is the gleam of sunrise, the warmth of sunset, the waking and resting of the star that brings life. And in the darkness I have no fear, though fear surrounds me. But I am warm amidst the cold, dry above the waves. And into the mirror do I gaze… and find the other half of me.” Twilight closed her eyes and took in one breath, holding it tight as she felt the world about her change. Slipping away was the softness of the carpet beneath her body and instead a world that was the texture of mist and glass, the sounds of the living world drifting on the tide and replaced by the sound of a moving, breathing ocean. And when she felt the fiery gaze burning against her meditating form, Twilight knew she had arrived. Opening her eyes, the young woman looked out into a darkened world devoid of light, the dky above and below her twisting about with countless currents of vivid colors that roamed in the dark. She could see black and blue, deep violet and crimson moving all around this place as though a painting had been given life. And there in the center of it all, only a few feet away, sat a woman who looked so very much like herself yet not at all alike. It had been a long time since she had seen this face, felt those eyes leer at her, and Twilight had not missed the sensation. It was so strange to see someone she recognized yet knew to be so other, a reflection she would see in the mirror yet somehow greater and more terrible than ever. Midnight possessed a beauty to her- but darkened. She was sensuous where Twilight was graceful, proud and willful rather than timid and easygoing. There were curves, a sleek form, a splendid bust; this darkened being intended to be greater than her mirror image, more beautiful and alluring. Yet the look in her eyes was unmistakable, the tempting leer of a viper before it lashed out and sealed the fate of death. Midnight was no mere creature of the dark, and to even look upon her could mean danger. Yet Twilight caught sight of the chain about this shadowy beast’s neck, silvery iron woven into a collar and plated to the ground from both her right and left. Midnight sat on a throne, true, but she ruled nothing and held no power over anyone; she had been bound here, left to boast and brag to an empty world devoid of all power and subjects. That chain had been Twilight’s doing, hadn’t it? Had she not found strength from much greater things and sealed this woman away so long ago? If even a timid little girl could manage to bring such a beast into the unrelenting grasp of shackles, then the woman she was now would not falter. She could do this. True to her usual fashion, Midnight said nothing as her free counterpart strode across the empty space towards the throne where she was enchained, eyes glowing slits and her lips in the form of a welcoming smirk, head resting against her hand as though she had all the power to offer in the world. She would not speak, not do anything unless she had something to respond to. Was she aware of why Twilight was here? She would soon know the answer. “Midnight,” Twilight greeted, her tone kept at an even-keel. “It’s been a while.” “A little too long, truly,” Midnight said, stretching herself out as much as her collar would allow. “And here I was thinking you’d forgotten little old me after all these years. But I guess nobody spends much time thinking about their shadow, do they?” “I wasn’t planning on forgetting anytime soon,” the greater woman replied. Was that a dangerous thing to say? Midnight would surely see it as a sign of weakness. The lustrous being smiled all the more widely, more akin to the toothy grin of a shark prepared to devour than something friendly. “Aww, you do miss me,” she remarked. “I know how hard it must be. All those little frustrations, all that stress and despair… I’m sure you just wish you could lash out! You lost all your fire when you locked me away, didn’t you?” “I learned everything I could of who I didn’t want to be,” Twilight replied, enjoying the look of that grin turning sour. “You’re a lesson I don’t ever want to forget. I doubt I could ever do worse than to be like you.” Midnight found no pleasure in the remark, those lightless blue eyes starting to blaze. “If you’ve come here to mock me then I don’t have time for your words,” she said, words arriving as bitter as the winter’s cold. “I’ve better things to do than to listen to some goody two-shoes go on about their pointless little life, with all its insipid happiness. There’s grander dreams that are worth my attention.” “I came here to offer you something,” Twilight continued. “A chance at redemption.” “Save it! I’ve no need for your pity!” The dark angel’s flames burned hot as she sat upon her throne- and just as promptly flickered away, the metallic chains absorbing the heat and scalding her neck. “I… do not wish for redemption, thank you very much, my dull sibling. I am wicked only because you deem me so, not because I truly am. I would have made you great, if you’d let me.” “Do you know what’s happened to me since you’ve been gone?” The bookworm inquired; better that she distract this woman from her sulking and guide her towards something more tangible. “I know you can hear me sometimes. How much do you know?” “As if there was anything worth paying attention to,” Midnight scoffed. “The comings and goings of dull humans are hardly worth my attentions. So what that you’ve enjoyed your little academia? I would have given you a kingdom.” “So you know everything,” Twilight drily surmised as she earned another scowl. “Good, that means I don’t need to explain what Fluttershy asked of me.” “Does it bother you that the most timid woman on earth is more adventurous than you?” The fallen being crowed. “You’re very vanilla, despite all your denial. Yet here she comes trying to make things interesting for once, and you want to be afraid of it. How pitiful.” Twilight wanted to feel rankled, frustrated by this being’s taunts; Midnight wanted to goad her, see those chains start to have some slack and perhaps even loosen. No, she would not give way here; she was in control. “I don’t understand everything yet,” she admitted, “And I don’t know if I can satisfy her curiosity completely-” “Of course you can’t, she needs a real woman-” “So that’s why I’m offering you a chance to help me,” Twilight finished. Midnight’s reaction was expected and instantaneous, pulling back in her seat and staring at her brighter self with a look of shocked suspicion. “You’re willing to let me go free,” She said. “You want me to take control during your little pet’s playtime.” “I don’t have the heart to be forceful like that, not yet. But I know you do,” the bookish woman said. “And I want to put that to use. If it will make Fluttershy happy.” “Oh, it is about time!” Midnight roared, the chains about her neck suddenly oh so very loose as she soared into the darkened world of sky, crackling with energy just barely kept in check. Such strength had not coursed through her bones in years, the power of shadowy joy bringing her spirit into a state of revival. “Oh, the fun we’ll have- just how she’ll positively squeal when I-” “Enough!” Powered by a voice that struck with the force of lightning, Midnight was sent spiraling down from her place in the darkened heavens and straight into Twilight’s unrelenting grasp. “How the hell-” “You’re going to listen to me,” Twilight stated. Never in all her life had Midnight seen her other self in such a state, bristling and burning with a fire of her very own, positively forceful in her command; she’d never even known the woman could achieve this feat. “I am going to allow you the pleasure of helping. You are going to give me strength, an edge- but only a little. Only as much as she allows me to do, do you understand? If you go too far, step out of line for even a moment, then it’s over. I will throw you back into this place, and you will never leave again. But if you behave, do what’s asked of you… and if she asks for me to do it again, then I’ll let you keep coming back out.” Midnight clearly had no love for this offer. Stewing in her fury, there was nothing she’d like better than to send her weaker counterpart flying and break free of this prison- but how could she achieve it? The chains that had once been so weak had regained their strength, the iron band threatening to choke the life out of her. There was no escape unless this one willed it into being. “Do you enjoy that collar?” Twilight taunted. “I can make sure it never comes off. And you stay here in this miserable corner of my mind forever. It’s your choice.” “You drive a hard bargain, oh sibling mine,” Midnight hissed. “So, let me get this straight: I will be unchained for your little pet’s playtime, and every other session so long as I do what you tell me. Am I understanding correctly?” “You do.” “Hmph… then perhaps you do have the gumption after all,” Midnight mused. “Very well, then, little light. Stretch out your wings, and let me teach you to fly.” > 2. Tenacity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They’d waited until the weekend before making their unusual excursion, whether it be availability of time or willingness to summon their courage that hindered their progress. Considering what sort of shopping spree they were about to take part in, some level of trepidation at least made sense; this wasn’t something they’d ever done before. Getting what Fluttershy had decided upon would be relatively easy, given its popularity this time of year; what Twilight had been willing to agree to was going to be a little more risqué- and definitely more difficult to find. Save for one or two places in town that would be willing to help them out. “Oh my gosh, we are actually doing this,” Twilight murmured, so deeply held down by shame and fear that her words were barely audible. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Fluttershy, I am- I know I said yes and everything, but I’m- I don’t know.” Fluttershy bit her lip, put on edge by her girlfriend’s discomfort. “Are… do you not want to do this after all?” She asked. It would be by her prerogative that they change course, hands on the wheel and in control of their destiny. “I mean, if… if you really don’t feel comfortable then we can stop.” Are you really going to do this now? After all that effort to come find me again. Midnight’s voice was dry as the desert as it sounded in her head, cantankerous mood yet to lift since her temporary release. And to think you actually told me what to do, how can you look at yourself if this is how you act under pressure? Twilight turned away to hide her scowl, hoping the little wretch in her head would know her displeasure. She hated to be goaded on like these, even if it was the right thing to do; Fluttershy deserved to have her request fulfilled, even if she was terrified by it all. “No, I’ll still do it,” she said. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being a stick in the mud.” “It’s alright. I know it’s only because you want to be as kind to me as possible,” Fluttershy replied, taking the opportunity given by the red light to plant a kiss on her fiancé’s cheek. “I know you won’t go any farther than what I ask you to do. And that you’ll stop if I tell you to.” Eugh. How do you not have diabetes? Twilight smiled. “And you’re sure that this is the theme you want?” “Mhm. I think it’ll be fun. At least to try. Don’t you?” The spectacled woman laughed, considering what lay in her future. “I guess I’ll have to find out if I’m even up to snuff.” When they pulled into the parking lot, the two women were relieved to find the place sparsely populated save for a car or two right next to the side of the dark brick building. The sign overhead rang loud and clear with its neon blazing in the sky: Wonderful EXXXperiences unmistakable as it shone bright even against the noonday sun. There was nothing it could be mistaken for, and never had they felt so out of place. Twilight stepped out of their beat-up sedan and stared at the sign, marveling that she was even standing beneath it at all. And considering that she was about to enter the place and make a few purchases-! “We… should probably make this quick,” she surmised. Fluttershy dared a glance at the glowing neon before her she flickered over to look at the darkened doors that allowed no sight and sound to enter nor leave, enough to make the bold girl timid once more and earn a gulp. “You’re probably right. I’m sorry, Twilight, I think I was being silly about all this-” “It’s fine,” Twilight said bracingly, forcing her nerves –and her pride- to hold steady. “It’s not like I haven’t asked you to try new things out with me before. And this is something you want to try still, right?” The fearful woman had to swallow hard, but nodded nonetheless. “Maybe it won’t be so bad when we’re inside.” The prediction turned out to be a truthful one, despite their hesitancy to even enter in the first place. What imagination had conjured as something decadently sinister and brimming with all sorts of torturous machinations of sexuality was in fact a brightly lit store, well-cleaned and dressed more akin to a regular department store than anything their fears had conjured. Yes, it definitely had a sexual nature to the products on shelf –as expected- but it didn’t seem anywhere near as dark or foul as they’d worried it might be. It even seemed rather clean, and carried the rather pleasing scent of jasmine. Twilight gave the place a cock-eyed inspection. “Uh… huh. So this doesn’t seem so bad,” she remarked. “I… guess we worked ourselves up a bit too much?” Fluttershy still had an air of uncertainty about her expression, but did nod as she took in the store. “Would… maybe I’ll buy some perfume, too. If it smells nice enough.” “OK. So- so let’s go take a look,” Twilight declared, leading her girlfriend by the hand as they delved into the shop for a further examination. The hesitancy that had been strong when they’d first entered faded rather quickly as they walked through the shop. There certainly seemed plenty of more hardcore items further in the back, but the majority of their sightseeing took them through materials that seemed fairly tame in comparison. It was lingerie and sexual costumes, yes, but hardly anything unexpected. Twilight had expected something depraved, but some of these lingerie sets actually seemed rather nice. And feel nice, too, she mused, taking a corset between her fingers and finding pleasure in the sensation of the fabric. This is actually not so bad. Boring! Go grab some whips and chains already! You know the agreement, so don’t try to push it, Twilight snapped, mentally slapping Midnight back into silence. Only what Fluttershy approves of. But she’ll enjoy it if you tell her to. Oh for gods’ sake you little pussy- Feel like getting thrown head over ass again? Twilight could hear the mutinous look that her darkened counterpart surely wore upon her features, but no further word came in protests. “Umm, Twilight? How does this look?” Fluttershy’s query broke through the young woman’s internal diatribe and directed her attentions elsewhere- most notably a black corset with the waist buckled together, the vinyl fabric and studs shining beneath the light. It possessed a rather potent look to the outfit, meant to hide little and display much; within it would be a dominance that was meant to be exuded and put to use. “Oh wow.” Fluttershy was beet red but smiling as she held it up against Twilight’s torso, measuring it even as her arm trembled from the effort. “I… I think I’d like you to wear this,” she mustered. “And… maybe you’d look extra- umm… sexy- with a couple other things to wear, too.” Twilight wanted to laugh at the prospect of being considered something sexy. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but she wasn’t Rarity’s sort of luxurious sensuality. She just was, with plenty of nerd and propriety that helped to see her body covered. The idea that Fluttershy would like to be kept in control by a sexy version of herself seemed a little ludicrous, especially when such sultry things had never seemed to be Fluttershy’s preference. “I- OK, I guess,” she managed. “And- and what else were you thinking?” “… Maybe some gloves and black boots to go with it?” The nerdy bookworm couldn’t help but gawk. Fluttershy was looking more forward to this than she’d thought. And apparently she thought Twilight could pull off sexy with just a change of wardrobe… Trying not to enjoy yourself, are we? Midnight teased. Twilight picked out the rest of her eventual wardrobe and said nothing, not quite sure what she was supposed to think at the moment. “So, all that’s left is your costume,” Twilight said- and promptly flushing as she recalled what the fretful girl had decided upon. “Angel, I know- it just seems a little out of- well, out of left field for you.” “I know. And- and it is,” Fluttershy admitted. “But maybe that’ll be the fun of it. That I’ll get to pretend to not be me, and that’ll make it easier.” “Is this, like, some sort of courage test for you?” Twilight asked as her pretty-faced fiancé sorted through a variety of outfits. “You don’t need to feel like you need to change yourself to make me happy or anything. I promise I like you just as you are, all sweet and gentle. It’s OK to be yourself.” “I know. And thank you for saying so,” the pink-haired girl replied. “But you’ve tried to be brave, umm… in- in the bedroom before. So I want to try something brave, too. And maybe we’ll have fun. And you’ll think I’m pretty, too.” “I think you’re beautiful already,” Twilight murmured. Soaking in all of Fluttershy’s wondrous, slender form was so easy for her eyes to accomplish, how that petite body held itself with the beauty of a supermodel yet all the grace of a princess. Lush hair, bright eyes that shone with warmth and love, those lips that so easily formed into a smile… Fluttershy was more than beautiful, really. Fluttershy smiled at the remark. “Could I be sexy if I wanted to?” She asked. Not quite a left turn, but still enough to make the bookworm falter. “Huh?” Out from the depths of the rack did Fluttershy extract a costume, holding it to her form and allowing her girlfriend to take in the sight. “Would this work?” She asked. “For Halloween night, I mean.” “Umm.” Twilight certainly had a few words to describe the thing, but to say that she’d ever thought to use them with Fluttershy in mind was something novel. It was a French maid outfit- or at least was supposed to look like one. There was the headpiece, the dress and the apron, all put together and immediately recognizable. But the dress was less clothing and more underwear, cut out on the side and on the back so as to reveal further skin, acting more akin to a low neckline bikini top. The apron didn’t even fall past the skirt, and the picture atop the garment certainly suggested that plenty below was meant to be seen, albeit hindered by the thin trim of fishnet garters that came along with frilly white gloves to match the trim across the outfit. When considering Fluttershy’s body size –and body type, which Twilight didn’t want to admit she’d thought of- the whole thing would be rather form-fitting. And definitely sexy. Fluttershy regarded her girlfriend’s stupefied expression, watching as the heat rose into her features and seemed keen on setting steam out of her ears. “I think this will be fine,” she declared, tossing the garment bag across her shoulder and giving Twilight’s hand a quick squeeze. “You ready?” Oh, you definitely are. You little minx, so much for prim and proper- “R-ready,” Twilight stammered, mind still racing with the thoughts of garment and girlfriend combined into one beauteous, sultry image that was sure to be hotter than the sun. The cashier caught sight of the two women making their way from the front of the store and made himself ready at the register to fulfill his duties. Perhaps a little unkempt of a man –and too much humor in his smile- but a genial-looking person nonetheless. It hadn’t actually been that bad of an experience, all things considered; it would just be the task of carrying it out that would be the problem- Before they’d even made it halfway, a flurry of colors came before them from the back of the store, arms full of all sorts of toys and whips and things the likes of which the two innocent girls couldn’t have even tried to name. “Hey, Jesse, thanks for the suggestion on that Brandi Love collection, me and the girls could hardly pay attention to anything all night-” The bright, energetic rasp of a voice was instantly recognizable, helping to put the vibrant hair that had not quite yet rung a bell to a face the two women knew so personally. Eyes flew wide open, hearts sank- or in Twilight’s case, shot up somewhere into the center of her neck, and their daring journey screeched to an immediate halt. “That can’t be-” “Oh God please kill me-” “- Like holy fuck, we were down on each other! Sugarcoat’s eating Fleur like she’s starving to death, Indigo and Sour Sweet are atop me and begging for me to squirt all over them, Sweetie and Silver are just dying for each other and the sound of that blonde babe just made the night. I can’t believe we even could stand the next day, much less walk-” Rainbow’s enthusiastic monologue came to an abrupt end when the felt the presence of two pairs of eyes on the back of her head, a quick dart to look behind becoming a stunned double-take as the prismatic woman realized that she did indeed recognize the two patrons behind her. whipping about faster than one could blink, friend looked upon friend in nothing less than complete and utter shock. “… Twilight?” Rainbow finally managed to mutter. “Fluttershy?” Too embarrassed to say anything at all, the two girlfriends did whatever they could to not meet the gaze of their friend lest they melt into the floor. But then again, that did seem like an appealing prospect right about now. Currently struck dumb, what sense they had warned them that perhaps it would be best to hide their purchases behind their backs before further examination- Their movement was too slow to avoid attention, Rainbow’s keen eyes catching sight of what lay in hand. A quick study, it did not take her long to make the connections and understand the allure that had brought her two most innocent, pure-hearted friends to a place such as this. She tried to bite her lip and hold back the quivering expression, but apparently decided that such a thing was pointless and burst out laughing. The raucous sound continued for what felt like an eternity, unceasing even as the bright-haired woman fell back against the counter, not even when she’d made her numerous purchases or even when she’d left were they free of the laughter. Only when the sight of Rainbow was long gone could the two even find the will to move, more flushed than an overripe tomato and keen on nothing less than a swift death. Regret wasn’t the word to sum up their decision to drive here, shame couldn’t even be considered adequate. They would have to buy their items and then hope the earth swallowed them up before they ever made it home. The cashier regarded their purchase as the two girls set it atop the counter to be rung up, he giving a small cough and saying, “You know, there’s a whip that goes with that outfit perfectly-” “We’re good.” Twilight didn’t know if she’d ever been more nervous about anything in all her life. Her attraction to Fluttershy had been a dormant thing that had come about in a tumult of confusion. She’d been enamored with all her friends, it had only been a matter of compatibility; the confession of her affections had been easy. But now she would have to be some sort of dominatrix, and she was not the willful sort of personality. How on earth was she supposed to do anything that would make Fluttershy’s efforts worthwhile without absolutely screwing it all up? I really hope there’s a god out there, Twilight silently said, Cause I really want him to kill me before I make a fool of myself. She was wearing a bodytight corset that made breathing difficult even though it fit perfectly, the boots that adorned her feet actually were rather comfortable despite their excessive heel, and the darkened gloves on her hands did nothing to restrict movement. Definitely not the worst thing she’d worn in her life, yet never less like herself in all her days; it was the oddest clash of personalities, all for the one person she adored most. Sitting on the bed across from her was Fluttershy, still dressed in a simple pullover and sweat pants as the two tried to summon the courage to begin their sultry rendezvous. Neither had the will to see this through without the other, yet they couldn’t seem to get themselves started. Genuine money had been spent on this, not to mention the pent-up emotion that was being put to use; they had to see this moment done. You’re supposed to be the dominant one here! Midnight called to her counterpart. At least get it started and see her going, why are you waiting? Get your girl worked up already! More sound advice, even if the source was one she despised. Clearing her throat, Twilight managed to fumble out and say, “So, I… I guess we should get started. And set our rules first.” Rules? Oh come on- Shuttup! “OK,” Fluttershy said, pushing a stray lock of hair away from her eyes. “So, we both agree on the- the story, right? That we’re going to do?” So long as I get to suck a fart out of her ass- “A mistress and her new maid, right?” Twilight asked. “And that I’ll be the one making you have sex with me.” The sweet-faced girl nodded, remembering their many nights of discussion. “So, I was thinking… I don’t think we should do anything super forceful tonight. Just a little bit of an edge to things that we normally do.” Lame! Lame, lame, lame- “I think that’s a good start,” Twilight assented. “And, uh- physical contact. So, what are you OK with me doing? Like, do you want me to pull hair, or anything like that..?” “Maybe a little force when you hold me to you,” Fluttershy said. “And… and spanking my bottom is OK. Or pinching, too. But maybe not much else.” “I can- I can do that,” Twilight said. “Umm, so- so the safeword, in case one of us freaks out.” “I guess it should be something we wouldn’t say in here, right?” The soft woman remarked, gesturing to their quiet bedroom. “So nothing about chores or the house or anything sexy. Maybe something sort of- different, I guess?” “Is ‘buttermilk’ OK?” Fluttershy tried to suppress a giggle and promptly failed, dragging her girlfriend right along into the anxious joy. “Buttermilk? Really?” She asked. “Goodness, Sweets, why that?” “I don’t know! It’s just what came to my head, I promise!” Twilight laughed, unable to do much else but hold her beloved close as the two let their nerves fade away into the ether in the form of a lighthearted sound. “OK, OK- so maybe we should get started.” “Alright. I- I hope you’re excited,” Fluttershy said, a bashful tinge of pink upon her cheeks as she backed away from the bed and towards the door. “You’re- are you sure you can do this?” Oh, most definitely. I’m going to tear that ass apart. “I’ll make you as happy as you want,” Twilight promised. “I’m scared, but I’ll make sure of that.” The sweet girl smiled as she departed their peaceful realm. “I love you.” “Love you, too,” Twilight murmured, her heart skipping a beat as the one she loved faded from sight. There was little left to do now but wait; wait and perform her role to the best of her ability and see her girlfriend satisfied. She had to do this, had to see it done right. Even if she wasn’t sure she possessed the will to do so, it had to be done. Why are you nervous? Didn’t you ask me here just for this? Midnight taunted. You can’t go out of line. If you make her say the safeword because we go too far, I swear- Calm your titties, I’m going to keep my end of the bargain, the foul-hearted demoness groaned, likely on edge and keen to be satisfied herself. Goodness, it’s like you don’t even trust me. I wonder why. Fair. Look, are you going through with this or not? I promised I would, and I’m not backing down, Twilight swore. She deserves this. Then you’re going to have to follow my lead. And that means not being a weak little pussy, OK? Midnight said. Have some ovaries, be confident for gods’ sake! Just follow my lead and I’ll make this work, but you have to actually listen to me. Then you’d better be worthy of trust, Twilight reminded her darker self. I want my fun, and you do, too. I’ll keep my end of the bargain so long as you don’t wimp out. Deal? I hate you. Deal, or no deal? Midnight challenged. She was going to regret this no matter which route she took. Deal. Good. Now, lean back and wear a grin before she even comes in. You’re the mistress of the house, aren’t you? Own the role. Twilight leaned back against the pillows, letting the thighs darkened by the length of her boots to rest at ease. Her domain, Midnight said? Well, it was her apartment. Maybe she should exude a little confidence after all. Take a comfortable position, actually allow herself to feel as though she were truly in charge of this place. Would any lady of the house actually be as nervous as she felt now, heart beating a mile a minute? Or would she instead be at ease, confident to the point of arrogant? As herself, she would be petrified of this out-of-character behavior; as this new role, she could be entirely steady. She could even smile. There you go. See, that isn’t so hard, Midnight remarked, a silken delight in her words. You even look the part. You’ll have to sound like it, too. How? For you? Speak more slowly, and in a lower tone. You need to sound proud and domineering. What kind of mistress squeaks? Make her beg for your attention. As someone so consistently receptive to Fluttershy’s romantic advances, the idea of denying any immediate action was a heady task to accomplish. How she’d even manage to hold back for more than a few seconds was beyond her- None of that. Midnight’s chiding came through the growth of worried monologue, ceasing fretfulness before it could truly fester. You’re in charge, aren’t you? And she’s a dirty, lusty, desperate housemaid. Why would you dirty yourself and be subordinate? She needs you oh so badly, and you need to be convinced. Don’t you? Convinced? Twilight wanted to laugh at the thought. But Midnight’s words helped conjure an image behind her eyes, the idea of Fluttershy adorned in such sensuous form and begging for her love. Not even the fullest potency of her affections, just the barest scraps; if only she granted a kiss, just one little kiss, then that would be more than this sweet, innocent servant girl would ever dare to hope for. To be so fervently desired that the merest tricklings would be worth a lifetime of waiting… Twilight felt a thrill shoot through her heart and she couldn’t hold back the smile any longer. The role might actually be enjoyable, if she allowed herself to really live in it. A knock came at the door, gentle raps so prim and proper in their lightness and speed. “Excuse me, Mistress Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke to her in an airy tone, a breathlessness that came from nerves- or excitement? Remember your part, now. Twilight heeded the advice and hesitated a few seconds longer before answering, responding in a bored drawl as she said, “Who is it?” Good. Why would you remember the face of one servant girl? Don’t you have too many to count? “Fluttershy, Miss. Your new housemaid,” came the answer. “I was sent up here to inspect your quarters, may- may I come in?” Ooh, she’s good. I like her. One could practically hear Midnight salivating, eager to dine on this newfound plaything. “You may,” Twilight replied, inspecting her fingers as though the soul at the door was of no consequence. “I suppose. But be quick, I wish not to be disturbed.” “Yes, Mistress, I promise I’ll be swift,” Fluttershy said, opening the door and striding through. Twilight knew her face had to show the shock she felt at the sight of Fluttershy dressed so differently, especially when the arousal was even more powerful. She’d long thought of this gentle angel as something attractive, if not outright beautiful. But this was something novel, brand new- to look upon Fluttershy and absolutely know she was sexy! How the darkened fabric clung to her fair skin and highlighted her figure, the lace patterns on every edge adding a sweet, rather refined appearance. So much of her body was so easy to see, so much skin showing… and just how lovely she was! Beautiful, of course, but the colors of black that made her body positively pop; how the frills flaunted the shapeliness of her bust, the fishnets that barely concealed the cuteness of her bottom~! Twilight had made love with this woman many times over the years, seen her form utterly naked, yet somehow this sensuous adornment had awakened something hungering within her. Never had she looked upon Fluttershy and been inflamed by such desire. Lie back down. Keep playing along, for heaven’s sake! Though she wanted nothing more than to lavish an endless stream of kisses upon her girlfriend’s lips, Twilight forced her body back against the pillows and relaxed once more, the vinyl of her corset and boots somewhat dampened by sweat. Returning to her role of domineering lady, the young woman regarded the sweet-faced maid with a look of only the mildest curiosity. “And your name was..?” “Oh! Fluttershy, Miss,” Fluttershy said, giving a small curtsey with what little her outfit offered up for use. How she stared at Twilight, eyes wide and gaze starstruck by the darkened beauty of the women she adored. Was this more of the act, or was she looking upon her girlfriend the same way Twilight had stared at her? “Umm, I- uh…” Snap at her. Make her focus! It seemed a bit excessive to her mind, and she felt the need to say so. But that’s mean- That’s the point, you dingus! Midnight chided. Now, do the thing! Mounting her courage –and silencing her misgivings- Twilight wore a scowl and regarded the maid with cold eyes. “Well? Spit it out already!” “I’m sorry, Mistress!” Fluttershy gasped, a small shake across her petite body as though to refocus herself. “I’m here to inspect your quarters, as I said earlier. Apparently the other girls hadn’t had the opportunity to clean your room-” “Hurry it up, then,” Twilight sighed, treating the girl’s anxiousness as though it were little more than an annoyance. “Be quick about it and then be on your way, I wish to be left alone.” “Yes, Miss, I’ll certainly try.” “No, not ‘try.’ You will,” The darkened lady snapped. She had to show irritation at this game of nerves the young thing was playing in; if she did not remind her of the duties required by her low station, who knew what other sort of nonsense such a silly girl would get up to? Now that’s more like it. Keep that up. A bit nervous in the face of such cold words, Fluttershy at first struggled to compose herself into someone capable of such tasks. Looking about the room for a moment before she flickered back to Twilight’s unforgiving gaze, then allowing her eyes to settle upon the dust that coated the dresser. With feather duster in hand, she began to slowly wipe away the trails of dirt, skin, and grime that had accumulated over the empty days. “You said the other girls forgot to clean my quarters,” Twilight remarked, the heated tone causing the young maid to freeze in the midst of her work. “Why did it take all day for anyone to come up and rectify such a mistake? I have already had my bath.” “One of the maids –Ginger- fell ill earlier today, Mistress,” Fluttershy said, turning back around so as to face her superior. “We’ve spent much of the day cleaning up the mess that came of it, and-” “Mess? What mess?” Twilight demanded, rising up from her place against the pillows and leering at her anxious housemaid. “What did she do to my manor?” The sweet angel bit her lip, avoiding that cold stare as she answered, “I- it was the divan rug in the sitting room, Miss,” she answered. “And the gilded chair beside it-” “She stained my favorite chair with her illness?” The cold mistress snarled. “She is to be dismissed, immediately. Send word to my butler that Ginger is not to spend another night in my domain, she must depart before the day’s end.” “But it was truly an accident, Miss, she even helped us clean up after-!” “Silence! I am not to be disrespected so blatantly- by either of you,” Twilight said, her words so cold and yet somehow brimming with an unquenchable fire; even early on into this game of theirs, she was starting to get rather good at her role. “She had no care and desecrated my things, all of which are of more value than her. So she is to suffer the consequences… unless you would like to take her place?” Fluttershy allowed her face to become temporarily downcast but said nothing in reply, merely turning back to her work and continuing her campaign of dusting. Twilight sank back into the pillows- but not before noticing the peculiarity of Fluttershy’s posture. She was certainly taller than their small dresser, but the deep bend forward was unnecessary. There was no need to be right atop her work, it was as though she was trying to- Oh. The realization set in immediately after Fluttershy’s miniature skirt reached its limit, unable to conceal any further skin and allowing the barest of the fishnets to cascade across bottomflesh. A wide, unmistakable cake that was just the perfect size; lovely, sweet to the eye, yet given an additional layer of sensuality by what adorned her buttocks. Of course she could enjoy this view, wasn’t that the point? Fluttershy meant for her mistress to check her out; this was intentional. I need to spank it, Midnight said, a tone in her voice akin to desperation. Not yet, only when the time’s right- but I’ve GOT to spank it. Spank it? But that’s a little weird- She wants you to do it! As though sensing a mental argument unfolding behind her, Fluttershy paused in her efforts to turn about, butt still perfectly flashed as she laid eyes upon her mistress and caught sight of such a potent stare. With a small flush and a weak smile, the lusting maid managed to give a wink- OK, so she may want me to spank her a little, Twilight conceded. She could feel the heat flushing her own face, ashamed that she would have to consider such a strange action. Violence of any kind against her girlfriend was unthinkable, abhorrent even! And also a little arousing. Fluttershy continued her work of dusting, coming to the edge of the dresser where an aquamarine vase of dried flowers sat beside a series of photographs. Try as she might to be gentle, the feather duster was too large and unwieldy an object to safely clean such a tight space and an overstrong sweep was too much for the ornaments to take; the photos clattered against the vase and knocked it down, sending it and the flowers within tumbling down to the ground. “Oh my, sorr-” For a moment she forgot herself and the role she played, the fair-faced beauty rushing to clean up her accidental spill. But rather than continue out of character for long, she recomposed herself back into the mind of a housemaid in service of a harsh mistress, standing there as though a statue and rigid with horror. Take advantage of it, she’s giving you the opportunity! Midnight insisted. Come on, the clock’s ticking, play your part for hell’s sake! “What… did you just do?” Twilight asked of her maid, tone so frigid that it could have put the world to ice. “I- I’m sorry, Mistress,” Fluttershy stammered, slowly dipping down so as to rectify her error. “I wasn’t paying attention and I-” “Of course you weren’t paying attention! You’re nothing more than a silly little girl!” Twilight snapped, at last rising from her place atop the bedsheets and striding over to the petrified housemaid. “I have every mind to excuse you, too. How dare you be so careless with my things!” “I am truly sorry, Mistress! Please, forgive me,” Fluttershy gasped, backing away until she found herself stuck between dresser and woman. “I- please, nothing is broken or damaged. I can put it back good as new.” “Oh, will you? Or perhaps you will find something else to break along the way!” Twilight taunted. A slight bit shorter than her girlfriend, she tried her best to tower over the weaker woman and add to the domineering presence- a small glow of gratitude as Fluttershy caught on and sank a bit lower so as to look up into her eyes. “You are late to cleaning my chambers, and you spill my things across the room. I have every right and reason to punish you.” “Y- yes, Miss,” Fluttershy mumbled, body tensed and waiting for the blow that would inevitably come. A strike across body, or worse- a dismissal from a job she had only just begun! “However… I am merciful,” Twilight said. Pondering the moment, she found herself wondering if perhaps it would be best to see this sped along into something more pleasurable. What are you doing? Don’t be kind about this! Midnight had yet to catch on to her counterpart’s train of thought, more keen on harsh judgment than any sort of forgiveness. Lay her out already! “I am willing to accept… an explanation, if you can offer one,” Twilight mused. Finger against her lips, she gave a smile as she took note of the rising hope on Fluttershy’s visage. “Why were you not paying attention to your work, hmm? What… distracted you?” Oh. OH, I like you. Well done, girl. “I- I am sorry, Mistress,” Fluttershy struggled. “It would be improper for me to say-” “Then you wished to be dismissed from my service instead?” Twilight asked. “No! I- I mean, no, Miss,” the scared housemaid answered. Her whole body trembled with energy, fear pushing her to the edge. “Then spit it out!” “I- I was distracted by you, Mistress!” Fluttershy cried, words arriving in a rush. She knew it was coming, but she needed to continue the part; react as though it were something unexpected to be heard. “Distracted- by me?” Twilight echoed. “And what about me do you find so… distracting?” “Y- your beauty, Miss,” the terrified maid said, unable to dare look up into those cold eyes held behind glass. “I… I think you’re so very, very beautiful. And hoped that you would notice me.” Now there was something she didn’t expect to hear. The idea that such a lowly housemaid would deign to ever, ever admit that she had been set to distraction by the potency of her mistress’ beauty… shocking? Yes. Arousing? Oh, perhaps a little. It would take a little digging for Twilight to see what lay beneath for her to ascertain. “You think me beautiful, you say?” Twilight asked, haughty and confident that such a thing was obvious even to the oblivious and unrefined. “Now, pray tell… little pet. Why would you want someone as beautiful as I to notice you?” Oh my gosh, yes. Keep feeding into this, you’re doing great. “Because I- I wanted to be- be- well.” Fluttershy found herself incapable of continuing further, too flustered and red-faced to do more than occasionally glance up at her mistress’ loveliness. The attraction was obvious, and the desire to act upon even more so. But could such a weak-willed maid do such a thing? Hardly! It would be up to Lady Twilight to see a conclusion to these matters. “Tell me, miss… Fluttershy, was it?” “Oh- yes, Misstress!” “Fluttershy: Why did you wish to work in my household, hmm?” Twilight asked, likely knowing the answer but wishing it heard nonetheless. “Did you, perhaps… wish to be near me? To fulfill your deepest fantasies with me?” “Mistress, I should go-” “You will answer,” Twilight commanded. “Are you here simply because of your attraction to me?” “I… yes, Mistress,” Fluttershy mumbled. “And did you hope that I might be attracted to you?” “… Yes, Mistress. I- I think I might love you,” Fluttershy admitted. The laughter that came at such a remark was cold, bright, and cruel, mocking the very idea of such a foolhardy emotion. How it could ever arrive in the heart of such a cold woman! “You love me, is that it?” Twilight mocked, her proud words bringing the poor housemaid to wincing. “Oh, you poor, pitiful thing, the very idea… here you stand, hardly able to defend your right to be in my employ. And you confess your love to me. How very, very silly. As if you have anything to offer me.” Fluttershy couldn’t even keep her gaze facing that of her mistress. Unable to do anything more than sink beneath the weight of the mockery that crept from the one she adored, she slunk down as though wishing she could sink through the floor and never be seen again. “I- I am sorry, Mistress. You wished for me to answer you…” “And that you did. I at least can commend your bravery, as stupid as it is,” Twilight said recklessly. “Very well, then. You –love- me, is that it?” “I- yes, Miss, I truly do. You are just the- the most perfect woman in the world…” “That I am. And you wish to keep your job and continue to work for me, do you?” “Oh, yes, Mistress! I’d do anything to stay here with you!” Fluttershy said eagerly. “Then perhaps, you could… persuade me,” Twilight mused; she could feel a nudging somewhere in her brain, as though Midnight were pushing for her to keep walking down this trail. “I am ready to see you dismissed, little girl. But I am merciful. And so long as you are willing to pay the price…” “The- the price?” The anxious housemaid stared up at her mistress, hesitant in her desire to know just what was to be asked of her. “You are to be punished,” Twilight surmised, holding a wicked leer as she took in the expression of horror upon the young girl’s face. “Yes, punished for being the clumsy girl you are. And then you are to apologize to me until I am willing to forgive you. Do you understand?” “Yes, M- Mistress…” “Good.” Without another word, Twilight took a seat at the edge of the bed and dragged Fluttershy along with her, setting the girl across her legs and getting a good perfunctory squeeze of bottomflesh. Oh, what she was going to have to do was something wild, so out of her comfort zone. She didn’t know if she could even raise her hand to strike… You’d better make her feel it, Midnight counseled. Or else this whole thing is a bust before it even starts. I can’t just be painful, she’s not ready to go that far yet. I’m not even ready for that! The spectacled woman protested. It’s got to be a little painful, at least. Hold back a little if you must, but make her a feel it a bit! Now DO IT already! Before she could lose any more of her nerve, Twilight gritted her teeth and brought hand to buttocks in a swift, clean strike across garment and flesh alike; perhaps not much of a blow when compared to some, but neither of them possessed much tolerance for pain. The spank was enough to make Fluttershy give a yelp, fair skin to wield a mark. Keep talking, you’re a cruel, powerful mistress. You’ve got to keep the act going! Twilight heeded the words and allowed for another spanking right across the same marked cushion, guilty at the action and yet all the same… “Will this teach you to be more careful from now on?” She asked, her voice so cold in comparison to her movements. “To be treated like a child on her mother’s lap- oh, so shameful…” “I –Ai!- I’m sorry, Mistress,” Fluttershy gasped. The feel of her bottom reddening beneath the spanking was unmistakable- Swat! “And will you ever be so clumsy again?” “No, Mistress!” Smack! “And why were you clumsy, little girl?” “Because I’m –Slap!- I’m a bad girl, Mistress!” Fluttershy answered. A pause, her hand held high in preparation for a further strike. “Just… a bad girl?” “A bad, dirty girl. Who only wants to make her Mistress happy!” “Will you make your mistress happy?” A pinch came upon buttocks, right where skin still stung from the percussion of spanks. “Oh, yes! I will!” Fluttershy swore. “Then here is your chance to prove it,” Twilight said. “Get off of me- and down on your knees.” The delighted housemaid hastened to oblige, falling down to her knees and gazing up at her mistress with star-struck eyes that shone with her adoration. The sight was absolutely endearing, a face so pure and innocent that Twilight wanted to soak it in. Goodness, Fluttershy was playing her role so well, and without anyone to guide her! How on earth she’d found the will to do this so wonderfully~! “You are to pleasure me until I tell you to cease,” Twilight said, a slight lift of her body as she disposed of panties and tossed them at the awestruck girl’s feet. A stretching of her legs and her slit was spread wide, a meal made ready by a prepared soaking and now only awaiting the one who would dig in. “If you are… adequate enough, then I will let you remain.” “Oh, Mistress, you’re so lovely…” Midnight, however, took a far cooler view of things. Why are you this wet? Can’t you control yourself a little? You look desperate! She’s beautiful, of course I’m attracted- Force her face in there and make up for it already! An internal groan and Twilight obliged, both hands grabbing tighly and shoving Fluttershy right in between her legs to see her held there; there would be no place to go, no chance of escape until she deemed the time ripe. Until then, Twilight would keep the lovesick housemaid in place, with only a dribbling flower to keep her company. She could feel the first licks almost immediately- enough to make the supposed cold lady begin to struggle. Twilight hadn’t realized just how turned on she was by the whole performance; she’d been enraptured by Fluttershy’s innocence, a very thing that she prized in the real person. But this persona had been touched by raw sensuality, a fire… and to feel this sultry maid so eagerly diving deep into her folds! How her tongue lavished across every inch she could find, seeking not the finest of touches just yet but instead every droplet of juice she could taste. Despite her command to bring about the greatest of pleasures, the pitiful maid’s lust for her mistress demanded a bit of self-satisfaction. If she did not know her love’s flavor, drink deep of it, then all this would be for naught! Keep her focused. She can get you off, can’t she? A swift pull of hair, strong enough to make the housemaid pause. “Don’t play with your food, young lady,” Twilight commanded. “Eat it all up. Be a good girl, for once.” A muffled sound came through; had Fluttershy given a giggle? Goodness, she might actually be enjoying this whole game more than her girlfriend had realized! The order was taken to heart and she dove in, lapping away fervently at wherever she could find. Mistress Twilight wished to be pleasured? Oh, the pleasures she would give! Despite their little play, Fluttershy’s deep familiarity with her fiancé’s favorite places could not be ignored and her tongue plied its trade across dribbling flesh wondrously. She licked in between labia and made Twilight grimace; another deep stroke down the depths put Fluttershy’s head in a vicegrip of thighs. Try as the great lady might to stick to her part, the delights she felt as her girlfriend continued to pour out her love was difficult to overcome. Do NOT moan. I swear, if you moan… A great, slow lather across the clit and Twilight had to hold back a gasp; Fluttershy took note of her mistress’ sudden joy and began to play with that sweet pearl as though it were candy, tongue licking away at every ounce she could manage. She was amazing; on any given day Fluttershy could be depended upon, but this was something perfect! Twilight had never concocted any sort of scenario like what her beloved had managed, but it was simply too arousing, too tempting- too hot! Oh, the sight of Fluttershy so sensuously adorned, lapping deep at the woman she loved and so deeply relishing this role~! Unable to withstand the tide, Twilight gave a slow, sigh of delight as she let the waves crash down and overwhelm her; once, twice, three times over. Fluttershy’s excellence had been more potent than she’d expected, impossible to resist. Twilight wanted nothing more than to simply float along in the waves and enjoy the sensation for a time, waiting for when that sweet angel would rise up and see her met with a kiss- Oh no, don’t you drift off yet, Midnight chided. Make her clean you up first. Keep the game going! “You might have just saved your career, clumsy girl,” Twilight remarked, trying her hardest not to sound like she’d been left breathless. “Now, continue with your cleaning. I won’t suffer you to make a mess. I might even reward you if you leave me spotless.” A reward? Don’t wimp out, you’ve got to stick to your guns! I am. I can be harsh the other way, can’t I? Midnight paused, considering the suggestion. You’re getting into this, aren’t you? She asked. The remark jolted Twilight from the dominant role, mindset vanishing and allowing her typical self to filter back in. I am just- it’s to make her happy! Besides, she needs some satisfaction out of this, too, it can’t just be all me! You are a pitiful liar. I’m literally in your head. There were reasons to continue protesting, but distractions down below were rather pressing. The tender licks of Fluttershy across sensitive flesh and folds was wonderful even to satisfied senses, roused nerves eager to continue feeling the wondrous work of such a loving, devoted partner- or in this case, a lovesick servant girl who had yet to be freed from her place between thighs. Not until Twilight was absolutely certain that there was not even the smallest drop to be found did she allow the beautiful maid to leave her place. “Clumsy as you are…. You did well to pleasure me,” Twilight remarked, a half-smile on her lips as she took in the sight of her drenched, yet thoroughly delighted, housemaid. “This was not your first time making love to a woman, is it?” “I- well… no, Mistress, it was,” Fluttershy answered, a tinge of red coming to her features. “I wanted you to be my… my first.” “Oh my. How pitiful,” Twilight purred. “A fool’s hope, do you not think? That I would actually fall for you. The very idea!” The poor housemaid winced but said nothing; eyes darted away to avoid the cold mockery that hounded yet brought electricity to her skin. “But… you have been a good girl. Even if you are very foolish and clumsy,” Twilight said, rising from her place at the edge of the bed and slowly striding towards the awestruck woman. “And I do believe you have earned… just the smallest little reward.” “A reward? Oh, Mistress, I- ah!” Twilight had offered no warning, no chance for the young maid to prepare her body for what came. Quick as a flash, Fluttershy was held against the dresser by the force of her mistress’ body, a hand snaking down behind darkened panties and already beginning to play. Fingers wasted no time, offered no subtlety or quiet beginnings; this was an act of dominance, an overwhelming mastery of female form that the lovesick housemaid had never known in all her life. “There now… isn’t this what you wanted?” Twilight asked. Her fingerwork was masterful due to many lovely nights spent happily entwined, she desperate to please the girl she loved. Even if this moment consisted of something imaginary, she would not allow memory to be kept far away and incapable of adding to the fun. she loved to see Fluttershy twitch and struggle against her amorous efforts; there was the little squint of her right eye! And how her breaths would come in half-gasps, trying to hold on and enjoy the moment a little bit longer. “Do you want more?” “Oh, Mistress! Please, it’s- it’s just- ooh…” Fluttershy would not let even the ecstasy break down her professionalism, unrelenting in her dedication to her part in this play. Twilight’s fingerwork knew exactly where to strike, precision strokes pulling at the depths of her folds until it was as though her very soul struggled to keep body in line. There was just so much to take in, so much pleasant feeling that could not be denied. How was she supposed to hold on and stem the tide? “Mercy? Oh, my pitiful maid… mercy is for the weak,” Twilight snarled, absolutely delving deep and sending Fluttershy into an absolute bout of pained delight. She so desperately wanted to be satisfied, and yet to still hold fast; the effort was too much to take in, yet she wanted so much more! How could she not welcome the touch and pleasure of her mistress- but how could she withstand such a merciless touch? Those fingers would not ease their pluckings, not once would they hold back. Fluttershy was struggling like she’d never struggled before, and could not know whether or not she wished for it to continue- “Consider this a lesson, my little maid,” Twilight said as she struck deep and brought about a cry of joy from the poor girl. “A reminder of what comes from being in my good graces. And if you do indeed love me, pitiful as you are… why not seek out my satisfaction?” Unable to withstand the cruel assault, Fluttershy caved; she felt herself gush, incapable of holding the flow from nothing more than an absolute gush. Oh, how wonderful it was to be touched by this magnificent woman, made to do nothing less than suffer at her touch. No matter what came from such a beauty, whether it be beauty or pain, she would crave it all her life! Forever and ever, she would most certainly- Twilight had not stopped, and she wasn’t sure just of how much she could withstand anymore. Her body felt exhausted, rubbed raw and struggling to actually keep up. With just how much she’d been demanded to endure, especially with the intensity, how was she supposed to withstand further? Fluttershy felt her tired muscles stiffen, the noxious fume of fear fill her lungs and send her heart to racing. She couldn’t take anymore, and Twilight was actually enjoying this level of control over her. There needed to be a way out, had to be a way out! “Mff- Mmmf!” She couldn’t get her words free, the lips of her girlfriend pressing hard against her own as the roleplay continued. It was too much, and she was too weak to handle it! “Mmf- stop! No, I- wait, buttermilk! Buttermilk!” Wait, no, that’s- that’s not fair! Midnight’s unhappy protest was the first clear signal to her brain that something was amiss. She was enjoying this voracious loving of Fluttershy too much, too desperate for an absolute ravishing. What sort of halt was there to be when there had never been one before but of exhaustion? She was not tired, simply energized! Fluttershy needed to be wholly consumed, made love to in every manner and form until there was nothing left~! But there was the strange word that drew her conscious self out of the hunger, enough to be a reminder. This game was over, the play had ended; her role in this had to come to an end, lest she do real damage. She was no mistress, no cruel being- and this was the woman she loved! Forcing herself out of her part, Twilight returned to full consciousness and recognized herself again: Fluttershy was struggling, overcome and needing care. Her next part in this requested love was now coming. “OK! I’ll stop, I’ll- I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She pulled away, her heart sinking as she watched the poor angel she adored struggle to catch her breath… “I… ooh… oh my…” Fluttershy staggered towards the bed before being guided to its depths by Twilight, spectacled woman clutching her girlfriend tight as the two sank back against the pillows. Physical affection that came at her ravished tempo was needed now, not any grand gesture. With little more than a gentle hand and a body upon which to rest, Fluttershy simply took time to catch her breath; the game had ended. There was little said for quite a while, Twilight finding no reason to speak her mind until Flutterhsy deemed it necessary. This was not her place, not her choice; it would only be at Fluttershy’s behest that they continue on in their little world. A gentle touch, a quiet caress; wasn’t that all that was needed now? Now was a time for quiet. Twilight felt the heartbeat of her fiancé slow, a sign that at last there was some progress being made. Perhaps now was the chance for her to say something. “You did a wonderful job,” she murmured. “A- amazing, really.” “Umm… thank you,” Fluttershy replied. “For- for doing this. I know it must have been scary for you.” Well… not too scary, was it? Midnight crowed. After all, didn’t we enjoy ourselves? Just- just a bit, Twilight admitted, feeling a glow that was not quite her own. “I had- a little fun, I guess,” she replied. “I wasn’t too- you know, rough or anything, was I?” “No. You were fine. Thank you for asking.” And for a little while longer, all the two knew was the gentle touch of one another. “Twilight?” “Mhm?” “Could… would it be OK if we try that again sometime? I- I had fun.” She knew what she would be begged to answer; she could feel Midnight’s plundering call burning through her mind like fire, desperate for the answer that would see her lifeblood satisfied. But could she manage? Satisfy even deeper desires, let this thread be ridden all the way till the end? It was a tall task to manage- even if she’d actually enjoyed any of it, something she couldn’t quite answer yet. But Twilight knew that she would be asked again, by one she couldn’t stand and by one she loved more than anything in all the world. Maybe there was a way to make both happy, even if she wasn’t quite sure of what her real answer was just yet. But after tonight… couldn’t she try a little more? With a little guidance –and a little patience- she certainly could.