> Jigsaw's Bizarre Adventures > by KenDoStudios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > MAIN - Who am i? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, I am Jig Saw. I am earthen pony with an orange coat and yellow hair with white-tipped accents, a white furry underside and a puzzle piece for his cutie mark, as my destiny was fitting pieces together, whether in boxes or theory. One could say I was a rather fluffy pony, so much so that other ponies made fun of me for my odd cute appearance. People often called me Kent puff, which is ironic considering I think myself actually quite intelligent. My parents told me once, I was born with a cutie mark and that I didn't have to wait. To this day the cutie mark assigned to my flank is the only piece of the puzzle I have yet to solve. with every iteration of logic i have to possess, still leaves me with more lingering questions. I think my story starts when I was seven years old. although my parents would want you to believe the it started as soon as i was born. who ever may be right may be up to you but I retain most of my memories of when I was seven. You forgive me if my brain was just not developed enough for remembering anything past. I had entered Canterlot with my parents on the day where I had a purpose. they had to visit Princess Twilight sparkle just to tell them how I was doing, it was as such they did every thirty moons. I can only hope they found her happy like she told me she wanted to be. however this visit she was busy and was instead met by Starlight Glimmer. She looked quite different than before, perhaps it was due to age, or perhaps something else entirely. Anyway after talking to her for a bit about our adventures I decided to roam on my own, to see what else was in the castle. you see I was not much into meaningless conversations. I would rather fill my brain with jeux d'esprit and poetry. While Starlight talked about the latest gossip of the royal court, I wandered through the halls listening to the sounds around me. There were many noises coming from various places within the castle. Some were pleasant and some were unpleasant. Still others sounded merely annoying. A lot of times I liked the sound of silence. Sometimes though, I got bored and wished for music. I guess I never felt truly comfortable unless I knew that there was something to listen to. Music seemed to be one of the most important aspects of Equestria society. Everyone listened to it. They sang along whenever they heard it, danced to it, played instruments to it, and argued over it. Even now, several years later, I am surprised that more people aren't killed by accidents caused by the constant arguments over favorite songs. I suppose it's just part of pony nature to argue over anything. Door after door I passed. Many of them had inscriptions and yet one of them on the other side of the door I heard some bickering with a known voice I was familiar with. from the few scrupulous voices that I heard. I perceived that Twilight was in fact being cornered into a place where she would have to make room for every pony for new territory. This was going to cause problems. but from the map that i looked like the buildings that I saw were out of place, not equal, and the various ponies in the room said that it was not acceptable. Of course they were just thinking in two dimensions, they could have easily solved the problem by adding a second story to their buildings. I entered the meeting place with a content smile. nodding to twilight while I passed her. "JIG SAW THIS IS A PRIVATE MEETING YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" but I moved the buildings around and before she said anything else I had solved the puzzle. Twilights mouth was agape, as was the entire clad that was there. "That pony just solved a diplomatic crisis!" said one. "He must be a genius! He should be working for the crown!" Another added. I smiled and nodded at them until I reached the edge of the crowd and opened the door out seeing my parents there with hand on their hips. "Jig Saw, where have you been? are you disturbing Twilight?" asked my mother. "The puzzle is solved" I simply say. The silence of the meeting was a bit unnerving to say the least. No one spoke up against it. Just everyone stared at each other waiting for someone to speak up. Then suddenly a pegasus stood up on the table next to Twilight, "I dare say, why didn't he come up earlier Twilight? The solution to the riddle was right under our noses the whole time!" The pegasus bellowed. His name was Lucky Seven. He was very tall, well built, and muscular. He also wore an intimidating black coat with gold trimming and red accents. All eyes turned towards my face but no one dared to look away from him. I was smiling calmly, and i was obviously not enjoying the attention. "Its what I do sir. it on my mark" I say pointing down at my cutie mark. "hmm a puzzle piece... " Twilight muttered. "Your majesty, you looked perturbed when I entered your office." I pointed out. "but you looked relieved after I had solved what was on the table? Am I correct? " "Well yes... you're quite clever Jig.... But still..." She trailed off looking annoyed. "It was not polite of you to interrupt the meeting. You know better than that boy. Now please leave." I bowed slightly and began to leave. "Um one second... Jig Saw correct?" "That is correct mam" I say turning back to her. "Have you ever thought about taking on another challenge such as this again?" "No ma'am I haven't. I'm happy doing what I do best. Packaging things." She sighed and put her head in her hooves. "Well why not pack for me?" "Mam?" I ask innocently. She looks at me expectantly. "I could use a pony to sort through things here in the palace why not work for me?" "Yes ma'am, if you want me to." "Good, good, you can start tomorrow." I nod and bow once again. I look behind me to see my parents mouths open wide staring at me. They seemed stunned. I turn back to Twilight who has a smirk on her face. "So long son, enjoy yourself and don't forget to eat your carrots." With those words I left the room in a stupor, feeling as though I'd just won the lottery. i was fighting rapidly and grimacing in pleasure grunting happy noises into the air. my parents had tried to calm me down. but nothing worked. all i knew was that now I had a new purpose in life: To become the greatest packer in Equestria and take over for Twilight as the leader of the Royal Packing Service. The first day was a disaster though. i first woke up very late as i could not sleep prior to the news. After getting dressed I went downstairs to find breakfast being prepared by my mom. she gave me a quick hug and kissed me on the cheek which made me blush. "You'll make a great servant to the princess." She says. "Thank you." I reply. After eating I took a bath and brushed my teeth. It was almost noon so I decided to go outside to check out my surroundings. I walked past the front gate and noticed several guards standing guard. they were armed and serious. As I got closer they quickly saluted me and motioned for me to follow. We walked along a path leading to the castle wall. I saw more guards stationed there too. When we arrived at the top i was greated by the manager saying i was late. "Look I get it from what i heard this is your first job. but we run things tight around here in more ways then one. We need everything done on time or else the princess will have a fit! So try to keep up okay?" "You mean like this?" i said organizing the messy breakfast in front of him in order of size. "Unbelievable! you organized my lunch to where I can see everything!" he leaned into my ear "you will make a fine addition! just try not to be late anymore ok?" "Understood sir." and thus I was employed in packing for Twilight Sparkle. > AU - A Riddle For You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have had always lived a hard life, struggling to survive in the harsh mountains where I was born. Life was not easy though when I was born, the entire village was always rebuilding something and desperately finding shelter for those unfortunate enough. Till almost everypony had moved into the caves just weak and not having the spirit to even want to live. those who had enough of this place went in other places. someplace warmer and firmer. All this display moved me. My clan was starving desperately finding shelter and hungry for anything to eat. till one day I was determined to find a better life not just for me but my entire clan, and so I Collected my possessions, ;warm clothing ,4 bits, and set out on a journey to seek a better fortune. On my way down to a place called pony ville I was wondering hither and yon looking for a place to settle, and a place to work. I had been traveling for many days now on foot trying to find a job, and a place to stay. I was tired and sore from walking for such long distances. It seems like everywhere I went there were no jobs available. and no one to accept 4 bits as a payment. it was fine though as I was uses to sleeping on the ground. I arrived in the center of town beginning to lay down on the much warmed ground. then i saw her. a purple unicorn who wore a simple black dress with matching boots, her mane was purple and wavy flowing over her shoulders, her eyes were blue and shone bright like the moon itself. Her horn was a light purple color and pointed straight outwards slightly upwards giving off a very regal look. "Hello!" She said cheerfully, waving at me. "You must be new here. Are you okay?" I reply with a smile. "Yes ma'am! I'm Jig Saw. I came from the mountain." "That's a long way away from here," The Mare said. "I'm Twilight. How did you find our town?" "I've been traveling for weeks, looking for work, needing money." I say. "I'm a bit weary, but here I am! I finally found your town. I was hoping to find a place to sleep tonight." "Well, not to tell you what to do, but sleeping outside isn't really the safest thing to do here," Twilight said looking at my vere crude blanket of leaves I put together while we were talking. "Come, my new friend! You should sleep inside my castle tonight." "I'm not familiar with the term 'castle'," I admitted. "My education might be weak, as I only learned how to read and write. and survive?" "Survive?" questioned Twilight. "Yes, survive," I say. "I had to learn how to take care of myself in the wilderness." "I see," Twilight said. "Well, you won't have to worry about survival tonight. You can rest easy in my castle. It's a safe and comfortable place." "thank you mam but I do not wish to be a bother!" I Say, eyes widened "You're not a bother at all," Twilight said, her smile warm and reassuring. "I want to help you, Jig Saw. It's the least I can do, especially after you've traveled so far and been through so much. And by the looks of it, you're positively thin. You must be starving. Would you like something to eat?" "I might be a tad hungry," I admit my stomach growling. Twilight laughed gently and led Jig Saw towards her house, which somehow looked like a castle. She opened the door and they stepped inside a large room filled with bookshelves, tables, and chairs. The room had a musty smell, a mixture of dust and old books. In the center of the room stood a large desk with a chair behind it, facing a window that overlooked the town square below. "Well, here we are, my castle!" Twilight said. "You can sleep here if you wish. But don't worry, tomorrow I'll take you around and show you everything. You'll get a better sense of the town and maybe even find some work." "This house is huge! Why do you live in such a large place?" I asked, looking around in wonder. "It's a castle, Jig Saw," Twilight explained. "Castles are big homes where royalty lives." "Oh, I see, "I said, a confused look on my face. "What is royalty?" "Well, it's something special to us ponies," Twilight said. "Rulers, or royalty, are individuals who are responsible for watching over their province, protecting their subjects, and ensuring that they are happy and safe. That's what kings and queens do for their people." "What makes someone a ruler?" I ask, still trying to understand. "Well, they need to know how to rule and lead their subjects," Twilight said. "They also need to be strong and brave, and always willing to help others. In short, they need to be good leaders." "Am I a ruler?" I ask "I mean, I have looked after my people just like your description only I don't have a castle and our entire town lives in a cave" "It sounds like you have a lot of the qualities of a good leader, Jig Saw," Twilight said. "You were responsible for looking after your people and trying to keep them safe and happy. That's a very important role, and one that requires a lot of dedication and hard work." "However, being a ruler also involves having a certain level of authority and being recognized as such by a larger community or society," Twilight added. "It's not just about taking care of your own group of people, but also being recognized as a leader by others. Do you have that kind of recognition in your community?" "I see what you mean," I say, considering Twilight's words. "No, I don't think I have that kind of recognition in my community. We all just try to take care of each other and survive in our cave." "Well, that's still very important work," Twilight said, giving me a reassuring smile. "And who knows, maybe one day you will be recognized as a leader in your community. You have the qualities and the dedication to make a positive difference in the lives of others." "but see that's why I'm here, I'm trying to get a good paying job so I can send supplies to my clan" I Say. "I understand," Twilight said, nodding sympathetically. "It can be difficult to find good paying work, especially when you're in a new place. But don't worry, Jig Saw. I'll do my best to help you find a job and get settled in our town. And if there's anything else I can do to support your community back home, just let me know. I'll do what I can to help." "I won't ask of you to borrow funds for my community I won't allow it.," I say, feeling grateful for her kindness. "It would not be fair to you asking something like that!" "I understand," Twilight said, giving me a warm smile. "You're a good person, Jig Saw. I have a feeling that you'll be able to make a positive difference in the world, no matter where you go." "Is being royalty a lot of responsibility?" I ask, wondering what it was like. "No, it's actually a lot of fun!" Twilight exclaimed. "I get to be everyone's favorite friend and playmate, and sometimes even their teacher!" "Teacher, huh?" I say, intrigued. "What do you teach?" "Well, recently I taught someone what royalty is!" Twilight said, looking directly at me with a twinkle in her eye. I chuckled at her implication. "Fair enough!" he said, looking around the room. "I'm still learning about all of this. It's a lot to take in. "Take your time," Twilight said, smiling at how nice I was. "My husband would like to meet you in a bit, though. He's a good man and he'll be happy to help you in any way he can." "Ah a lucky mare to be married!" I exclaim. "Back home, we have to marry at a shelter of prayer," I say, my eyes taking on a distant look. "But that shelter was demolished after a recent snow storm. It's been tough for our community, but we're doing our best to rebuild and move forward." "I'm sorry to hear that," Twilight said, her expression turning sympathetic. "What is your husband's name?" I ask, curious about Twilight's family. "His name is Artemis," Twilight replied. "He has a crown, and he wears it all the time." "What do you mean by that?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. "Well, he likes wearing it around so that all the citizens see him as the leader of our kingdom," Twilight explained. "It's important for him to be visible and present in our community." "Do you wear yours all the time?" I asked, wondering about Twilight's own role as a ruler. "No, I prefer to wear mine when I go out in public or when I give speeches to the common folk," Twilight said. "Otherwise, I use a different crown that's made specifically for royalty. It's important to show respect for the symbols of our office, but it's also important to be able to relax and be myself when I'm not performing my duties." I fidget a little as he met Twilight, feeling nervous about meeting royalty. He had never seen a creature like her before and took a good look at her, trying to get a sense of who she was. Despite being covered up, he could tell that she was a unicorn. "You're a unicorn, by the looks of it," I say. "Actually, I'm an alicorn," Twilight corrected him. "Ali-what? I've never heard of that," I said, my brow furrowing in confusion. "What does it stand for?" "It means I have all of the species' powers," Twilight explained. "I have earth pony strength, unicorn magic, and pegasus flight abilities." I stop in mid stride and almost fell over backwards, My eyes widen with shock As I realize what this creature was. "What's wrong?" Twilight asked with concern. "You're a goddess!" I exclaim. Twilight giggled lightly. "Thank you for the compliment, but I'm just a pony, just like you," she said. "My studies at my school only mentioned alicorns once, as a rare creature of legend," I said, still trying to wrap my head around this new information. "A creature with the power of magic and flight." "I wouldn't know about that," Twilight said with a shrug. "I've only met nine other alicorns so far." "Nine?" I said, my mouth hanging open in surprise. "Of course you know other alicorns. What rare species wouldn't know of their own rarity?" "Oh, you know Rarity?" Twilight asked, misunderstanding my comment. "Only rare creatures like yourself," I said, a little flustered. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were talking about the element of Generosity," Twilight said with a laugh. Twilight opened a door, gesturing for me to go through first, and then followed behind him closely. Inside, there were many rooms filled with beautiful furniture from various cultures across Equestria. But in front of me stood a very large creature with a green aura and small hooves that gave off light blue sparkles. I deduced that this creature was a green alicorn who had a black mane flowing freely, just like Twilight Sparkle's did, except his didn't reach down past his waistline where they both ended abruptly, making them appear short compared to hers. His body looked muscular yet lean, with muscles that seemed to glow slightly whenever he moved quickly or jumped high into the air while holding something heavy, such as books. The color scheme used throughout his entire body gave off hints of purple and blue, contrasting against dark grey skin. There wasn't much else distinguishable about him, except for some strange tattoos covering most of his upper arms, along with what appeared to be several scars running vertically underneath each arm, ending near his elbow joint area. I gulped and bowed before this creature. "H-Hail, husband of Twilight Sparkle," I Say, stuttering a bit. Artemis bowed back. "Hail he who honors our presence," he said. "Please sir, call me Jig Saw," I said. "Very well, Jig Saw. Please approach here," Artemis said, beckoning me closer towards another room containing more chairs scattered everywhere. Once inside, I took a seat on the rug that lay below him, hoping it was safe enough to sit upon since they hadn't been introduced properly. Artemis shook his ever flowing mane. "Welcome to our castle, Jig Saw. Know that you are highly valued here as a guest of Twilight Sparkle," he said. He looked at Twilight and asked in a booming voice, "Friend of yours?" "Nope, just met!" Twilight said. "He came looking for help after encountering trouble in his village..." The king rose to his feet. "A proper introduction, then! I am Artemis, a dinosaur changeling and the king of the providence known as Equestria. Now, tell us your story, young one. How did you arrive here on my doorstep..." Artemis began pacing slowly around the chamber, shifting his weight every now and then, causing his tail to flap rapidly, creating a loud noise. After staying quiet, watching how things played out, I decided to speak. "...To be honest, King, I don't think anyone has ever heard of us," I said, feeling a little embarrassed. "I have almost no connections to the outside world, and I had never heard of Ponyville until yesterday when I saw the sign for the city. I was just looking for a place to rest and find some work." "Told you that sign is helpful!" Twilight interrupted, giving the king a knowing look as if he owed her a bit for a bet he had lost. She turned away, shaking her head and laughing softly. "He always loses," she said with a chuckle. The king sighed in defeat. "Spoken truly, Princess. I will keep that sign up a while longer," he said. Twilight cantered in delight as the king coughed up a few bits of grass dust that had gotten stuck between his teeth. He swiped his tongue furiously, trying to get rid of it, but was unsuccessful. Finally managing to spit it onto the floor, he left trails of dirt leading downward towards the ground beneath his feet. Then, turning to look directly ahead, he focused intently, not bothering to notice anything going on around him anymore. I looked at him awkwardly as I continued my tale. "I was born in the mountain, my liege. Life was hard living among animals like myself, without any contact with others, save those within my tribe. We lived together, hunting game and eating whatever food nature provided. However, sometimes wolves would attack us, viciously tearing apart whoever got caught by chance alone during these attacks. My father died protecting me, killing two wolves, but he was injured in the process and I had to stay home and take care of my mother. After a while, a huge snowstorm hit, destroying most of our homes, including mine. We had nothing left but the clothes we wore and we sat shivering in a cave ever since. It took days before anyone could make it back to visit us, because no one wanted to risk falling victim to another pack of wolves waiting nearby, ready to pounce should someone slip up even once, let alone twice. During this time, I learned how to survive, relying solely on my wits if needed, rather than brute strength. If possible, I also tried to keep track of time passing, using stones placed atop boulders to mark certain times. One day soon thereafter, I saw my suffering clan and decided to journey somewhere to raise funds to rebuild their lives, which were so long ago destroyed beyond repair. So far, I've managed to gather four spare gold pieces, but it's barely made a dent in what we really need, sadly." Artemis interrupted the story, speaking loudly. "It seems you need funds, son. As ambassadors of friendship, we are willing to feed you for tonight, and we shall send you to a place that pays well if you feel like working, son?" I nodded eagerly. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get my clan fed, sire. Thank you very kindly, indeed, yes." "Good boy," Artemis said, nodding approvingly. "Good luck finding work. At least you can eat right?" I looked over to see Twilight smiling happily, and she nodded excitedly, agreeing wholeheartedly. "How long have you been together?" I ask with the wide dynamic being felt in the room. "Not long," Twilight replied. "We've been married for a few years now, but we've known each other for much longer than that." Artemis laughed as he picked up a photo album of them. "Would you like to see some pictures of us?" Artemis asked, picking up a photo album from a nearby shelf. "We have plenty of pictures from all sorts of adventures and special occasions. It's always fun to look back and remember the good times we've shared together. and it also quickly shows where we have been. "I would like that" I said eagerly absorbing this new knowledge "Great!" Artemis said, opening the album and flipping through the pages. "Here's a picture of us on our wedding day. It was such a beautiful ceremony, and we were surrounded by all of our friends and family. And here's a picture of us on a trip to Canterlot. We visited all sorts of amazing places and saw so many beautiful sights. And here's a picture of us at the Summer Sun Celebration. It's one of our favorite holidays, and we always have a blast celebrating the longest day of the year with all of our friends." As Artemis showed me the pictures, I eagerly absorbed this new knowledge, fascinated by all of the adventures and special moments that Twilight and Artemis had shared together. It was clear that they were deeply in love and had a strong bond, and it made me feel happy and warm inside to see such a loving relationship. I stop at picture with a curious creature I'm not familiar with. "Hey, who is that purple thing right next to you it small and has wings... I'm familiar with that creature." "Oh, that's my assistant Spike!" Twilight said, pointing to the small purple creature with wings in the picture. "He's a dragon, and he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He's a little mischievous sometimes, but he's always there for me when I need him. He's the best helper a pony could ask for." My eyes go wide hearing this "d-did you say dragon?" I say shuddering afraid "Yes, I said dragon," Twilight replied, noticing my reaction. "Is that a problem?" "I-I've " I stuttered, trying to hide my fear. "I've heard stories about them being fierce and dangerous creatures. "Oh, Spike is a good dragon," Twilight reassured me. "He may be a little mischievous at times, but he's never hurt anyone intentionally. Dragons can be just like any other creature, with their own unique personalities and ways of being. Spike is one of the kindest, most loyal friends I've ever had, and I'm grateful to have him in my life." "pardon me while I don't believe you... is he here? oh god! please tell me he's not here?" Twilight chuckled at my reaction. "Don't worry, I can go get him if you'd like to meet him. He's really nice, I promise. And I can vouch for him. Here, let me go get him." Twilight called out, "Spike! Can you come here for a moment?" "No please!..." I say in total petrification. A few seconds later, a small purple dragon with green spikes emerged from another room. He had a friendly expression on his face as he approached us. "Hey, Twilight," Spike said. "What's up?" "Spike, this is-" "DRAGON!" I yell promptly passing out. "Jig Saw, Jig Saw, wake up," Spike said, shaking my shoulder gently. I slowly came to, still a little disoriented. "W-what happened?" I asked, groggily. "You fainted," Twilight said, looking concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need some water or something to eat?" "I-I'm fine, I think,"I too a brief view looking a spike and immediately backed away. "agh, dragon! dragon! dragon!" I say panicking. "Jig Saw, it's okay," Twilight said, trying to calm me down. "Spike is a good dragon, he's not going to hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of him." "Dragon!" I keep saying "small... tiny... baby... dragon..." I finally calm down panting in fear calm down. "your a dragon? for real?" "Yes, I'm a real dragon," Spike said, smiling at me. "But I'm not a baby dragon. I'm actually an adult dragon, just a little smaller than most dragons my age. It's not uncommon for dragons to come in different sizes." I take more deep breaths "I read about you! you were the worst kind of monster to attack my village!" "Woah way to accuse some one you just met!" Said Spike "I'm sorry, but I don't think that was me," Spike said, looking confused. "I've never been to your village, and I would never attack anyone. I'm a peaceful dragon, and I try to avoid violence whenever possible. Heck I don't even know your name!" "No, not you," I say, trying to hide from the dragon. "But one of your kind has set in motion the destruction of our village." "I thought it was wolves and a bad storm that caused the destruction of your village," Twilight inquired. "Well, that was the final straw, but it all started with a dragon just a year before I was born!" "I see," Spike said, looking concerned. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. It's not fair that one dragon's actions could have such a huge impact on your village. But please don't hold all dragons responsible for the actions of one. Not all of us are like that, and I hope that you can see that we can be trusted and can be good friends too." "its going to take a while spike," I said "I was taught all my life to beware the dragon. my school took every week to duck and cover under our desks to hide... it just... it left me scarred spike... I'm sure you are a nice dragon but truth be told... i was taught to hide from them so excuse me while I will just stay over here for a bit." "I understand, Jig Saw," Spike said, looking sympathetic. "It's understandable that you would have some fear and mistrust after experiencing such trauma. But please know that I am here for you and I want to help you overcome those fears. I am not like the dragon that harmed your village, and I hope that you can see that I am a good and kind dragon. I'm here to help and support you, not to cause you any more harm or fear. Please don't be afraid to talk to me or ask me any questions you might have. I'm here to listen and to help in any way that I can." "I know you aren't that dragon... but please I'm just going to have to ask you to keep your distance until I do trust you. after all our first meetings as a species didn't go over very well." "I understand, Jig Saw," Spike said, nodding. "I will respect your boundaries and give you the space you need. But please know that I am always here for you if you ever want to talk or if you have any questions. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about dragons or anything else. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable and at ease." "It's getting late, Twilight," Artemis said, coughing a little. "Why don't we go to bed and talk more tomorrow?" Twilight looked surprised by the suggestion. "What about food for our guest?" she asked. "Oh, of course," Artemis replied. He stamped his hoof and summoned the baker. "Prepare a feast for our guest right now!" With a salute and a bow, the baker left the room, leaving the four characters alone together once again. After several minutes passed food was presented in hopes to get me fed properly while Artemis left the room "Where are you going?" I ask "A tough day for a king I go to rest up myself," Artimis answers back. then walks off into another part of the castle where no human eyes should dare look." Twilight stook around a bit longer and spike promptly left to return what he was doing. "well?" said Twilight "what are you hungry for?" "Ill take this Lettice leaf" I reply. promptly munching it. Twilight asked in surprise, "Is that all you're going to eat? Just a lettuce leaf?" I nodded, munching on the leaf. "Yeah, that's fine. My clan never ate extravagantly anyway, plus I'm still recovering from all that walking." "I see," Twilight said, "Well, if you're going to stay here, I suppose I should show you around the castle..." I followed Twilight as she led me through the halls, my stomach feeling full from the lettuce leaf. Our first stop was the kitchen , which was filled with all sorts of delicious looking food. There were fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of baked goods. I couldn't believe my eyes. "you have stored enough food here for an army let alone my village" I comment "do all ponies possess such amounts of food?" "Not all ponies have access to such large amounts of food," Twilight explained. "We are lucky to have a strong and productive farming community that helps us to grow and harvest a variety of crops and produce. We also have trade agreements with other communities and countries that allow us to obtain different types of food. As a castle, we also have the resources to store and preserve large quantities of food to use during times of need or emergency within our own boarders." She continued showing me various rooms throughout the castle; her bedroom, bathroom, library, dining hall, throne room, storage areas- everything seemed perfect! "and that's the tour!" Twilight said "you are welcome to stay in one of the guest rooms any one you want." "Thank you so much for the tour, Twilight," I say, feeling grateful for her kindness. "This castle is amazing. I've never seen anything like it before." "I'm glad you like it," Twilight says, smiling. "Now, let's go find you a guest room. You must be tired from your journey." We walk down the hallway and Twilight points to a few doors. "These are the guest rooms. You can choose any one you like." I look at the doors and decide on the one at the end of the hallway. "I'll take this one," I say, opening the door to reveal a comfortable looking bed and a few other amenities. "Great, I'll leave you to get some rest then," Twilight says, turning to leave. "If you need anything, just let me know." "Thank you, Twilight," I say, grateful for her help. "I really appreciate it." Twilight smiles and closes the door behind her, leaving me to rest in the comfortable guest room. My mind races to comprehend what had transpired today. feeling grateful and exhausted. As I lay down to sleep, I can't help but reflect on the events of the day and how much my life has changed in such a short time. I fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of the possibilities that the future may hold. I am suddenly awakened by a growling noise coming from my sheets. Fearful that it might be Spike trying to eat me, I quickly yank the covers off to reveal that it was just my own stomach growling. Relieved, my heart rate returns to normal and I realize that I am in a place where food is readily available. So, I get up from my bed and head down to the kitchen to satisfy my hunger. Upon entering the kitchen try to recall the current prices at the local market. an apple was worth 2 bits i would have to pay the king later i decide. so i grabbed one from the fruit bowl and headed over back to my bedroom where i ate the rest of it gorging myself until there wasn't even a crumb remaining. soon after finishing eating i fell asleep again. When the morning came, I woke up feeling well rested. As I got out of bed, I saw Twilight standing in my bedroom, wearing only a bathrobe. "Did you sleep well, Jig Saw?" she asked, trying to start a conversation since I hadn't spoken much the previous night. "There's no need to bow, Jig Saw," Twilight said, smiling. "You are my guest, not my subject. Just relax and make yourself at home." "Thank you, Twilight," I said, feeling grateful for her kindness. "I'm not used to such luxury, but I will try my best to enjoy it." "I'm sure you'll do just fine," Twilight said, laughing. "Now, would you like to join me for breakfast? I'm sure Spike has already prepared something delicious for us." "Actually I would like to talk to the king first, is he up?" "He should be up by now," Twilight replied. "I'll go see if he's awake and let him know you want to speak with him, Do you have any specific requests or questions you want to ask him?" "I just need to tell him something" Twilight nods and heads off to speak to Artemis about arranging a meeting with him. A few minutes later, she returns with news "the king is willing to meet with you you can go see him" "Good morning, Jig Saw," Artemis greets me with a nod. "What can I do for you today?" "I just wanted to thank you for your kindness and hospitality, Your Majesty," I say, bowing my head in respect. "I am forever grateful for your help and I hope to repay your generosity in some way." Artemis smiles warmly. "You are welcome, Jig Saw. It is our duty as rulers to help those in need," I continued "That being said, I owe you four bits for the food I took last night." Artemis chuckled and waved his hoof dismissively. "Consider it a gift, my friend. You are welcome here any time. You have been through a lot, and we want to help in any way we can." "I don't mean for the feast my liege, I meant for the apple I snacked on last night" There was a very long pause. "You stole from us?" Artemis growled his voice rose "Its not stealing if I'm giving you money right now to pay for it." I did not hear his reply as a bright light met me and zapped me where I stood killing me instantly. > I Feel Flat (AU continued) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the vast emptiness of the void, a consciousness exists. A disembodied awareness floating in an expanse of nothingness, questioning its own existence. The absence of sensory experiences leaves it in a state of confusion, yet thoughts persist in the absence of physical form. "I am here, but where is here? What is this void?" the consciousness ponders, grappling with the fundamental nature of its existence. Without a body, without the ability to see or feel, it questions the essence of its being. The notion of a soul arises—an intangible entity that continues to think, to question, and to seek understanding. The silence of the void amplifies the introspection, creating an eerie and solitary atmosphere. The consciousness wonders if others can hear its thoughts or if it truly stands alone in this boundless expanse. As the questions linger, the consciousness finds solace in the capacity to think, to reflect, and to ponder the mysteries of its own existence within the void. The journey of self-discovery begins in this enigmatic space where thoughts echo without the constraints of a physical form. "I am not nothing. There must be a reason, a purpose for my thoughts," the consciousness muses, searching for meaning in the vast void. It contemplates the possibility of being a lost soul, a sentient entity yearning for something beyond the emptiness that surrounds it. As the thought takes root, a subtle yearning for discovery stirs within the consciousness. It feels a pull, an inclination to explore, to understand, and to unravel the mysteries of its own existence. The consciousness, enigmatic in the void, is unexpectedly stirred by a pinch—a sensation that echoes with an oddly familiar feeling. As the ethereal touch reverberates through its formless essence, a subtle recognition emerges, as if the act of exploration and introspection has been undertaken before. "Have I traversed this path of self-discovery in some distant moment?" the consciousness wonders, intrigued by the notion that the pinch has triggered a dormant memory or a sense of déjà vu within its formless existence. During this tranquil interlude, a subtle shift in the atmosphere is sensed—an intangible alteration that stirs the formless existence. It's as if a different surrounding has met the consciousness, prompting a heightened awareness of change. The consciousness, devoid of a physical presence, perceives this shift as a departure from the familiar. It experiences the subtle nuances of a new environment, even though the void itself remains an unchanging backdrop. The essence of difference, like a gentle breeze in the emptiness, leaves an imprint on the consciousness. "Something has changed," the consciousness muses, recognizing that the stillness of the void is not as static as it once seemed. A sensation of movement, of transition, lingers in the consciousness. As the void momentarily flickers with a burst of light, a vivid image of Jigsaw materializes, and an external voice reverberates within the formless space. "Jig saw is so cute," the voice declares, casting a spotlight on the consciousness that is unmistakably Jigsaw. In response to the external comment, the consciousness, identified as Jigsaw, asserts, "I'm not cute." This reply, emerging independently from Jigsaw's own thoughts, startles me. The sudden awareness of my name raises perplexing questions. How did he come to know his own name in this void? What connection exists between his consciousness and the external voice? In the wake of the external voices and the flickering image, a newfound sense of possibility stirs within Jigsaw's consciousness. The desire to move, to see, and to explore beyond the confines of the formless void becomes a driving force. With a deliberate focus, I attempts to summon the image once more, seeking to unravel the mysteries that linger in the brief flashes of perception. The void responds to his intent, and for a fleeting moment, the image reappears—an ethereal glimpse of his own form. Encouraged by this ephemeral vision, I embrace the possibility of movement. He envisions the void transforming into a canvas for exploration, a space where he can navigate and unravel the secrets that lie within his consciousness. As I embrace the exploration of the void and seeks to understand the mysteries that surround him, a profound realization takes hold. The awareness dawns upon him—a realization that transcends the boundaries of the formless expanse. He feels the absence of a physical husk, the realization that he is no longer bound by the constraints of a tangible body. In this moment of revelation, I acknowledge his ethereal nature. He has transitioned into a state of pure spirit, untethered by the limitations of flesh and bone. The essence of his being exists beyond the physical, navigating the void as a conscious spirit free from the confines of a mortal shell. Within the formless void, a subtle shift occurs as my thoughts and intentions manifest a vague semblance of Ponyville. The ethereal contours of the familiar town materialize in the boundless expanse, shaped by the currents of his consciousness. The spectral image of Ponyville, though faint and intangible, carries a sense of recognition. Guided by my thoughts, I observe the ephemeral town that appears before me. The ghostly outlines of buildings, streets, and the essence of the place become visible in the ethereal canvas of the void. As he contemplates this manifestation, I marvel at the power of thought to shape the intangible. The interplay between his consciousness and the projection of Ponyville highlights the intricate connection between perception and creation within the limitless expanse of the void. Amidst the ethereal journey through the void, I sense a peculiar divergence in his feelings. But they didn't originate from the mortal realm of ponyvile, but somewhere else. As I traverse the ethereal landscape, I grapples with the dissonance between his past actions and his current ethereal existence. The memory of the stolen apple weighs on his consciousness, a discordant note in the narrative of his character. The lingering regret over this incongruity prompts reflection on the true essence of his spirit and the underlying desires that propel him forward. While the stolen apple symbolizes a deviation from his accustomed resilience and survival instincts,My ethereal journey suggests a deeper yearning within his spirit. The emotions that guide him away from Ponyville echo a quest for release—a seeking of answers or closure beyond the tangible act of taking an apple. The thought of returning to his clan in the mountains lingers in my ethereal consciousness like a beacon of potential resolution. The possibility that his deepest regret lies not in the stolen apple but in leaving his own kin behind tugs at the threads of his spirit. The quest for relief becomes intertwined with the notion of rediscovering the bonds he abandoned. In the vastness of the void, shaped by the currents of his thoughts and emotions, I contemplate the feasibility of reaching the mountains. The ethereal landscape becomes malleable, responding to the intent woven into his desires. As he envisions the journey back to the familiar terrain of his clan, a sense of purpose and direction takes hold. The ethereal path begins to materialize, forming a spectral connection that leads toward the mountains. I was guided by the yearning for reconciliation with his clan, embarks on the ethereal pilgrimage, traversing the intangible spaces with a sense of determination. In the ephemeral dance of the void, time loses its conventional meaning as my ethereal journey unfolds. The transition from the formless expanse to the familiar mountains happens in what feels like both eons and a mere second—a paradoxical sensation that defies the usual constraints of temporal perception. As the spectral manifestation of the mountains materializes, I find himself standing amidst the rugged terrain he once called home. The contours of the familiar landscape, the echoes of distant winds... The reunion with his clan becomes an imminent possibility, and the anticipation of facing the echoes of his past stirs a complex array of emotions within my ethereal spirit. The journey, both symbolic and profound, has brought him to the threshold of reconciliation—a moment suspended in the intangible fabric of the void. The mountains stand silent, their echoes reverberating through the ethereal expanse. As I gaze upon the familiar yet spectral landscape, a disquieting emptiness permeates the air. The absence of his clan members, replaced by dust and echoes, casts a somber shadow on the anticipated reunion. The ethereal pilgrimage has brought him to a place suspended in the echoes of memory, where the vibrancy of life has been replaced by the remnants of a bygone era. The dust, an ethereal residue of time's passage, clings to the contours of the mountains, symbolizing the transient nature of existence. The realization dawns upon Me, that the ethereal connection between him and his clan may not be bidirectional. While he can perceive the spectral echoes of the mountains and the remnants of his past, the possibility emerges that his clan, existing in a different ethereal plane or state, might be oblivious to his presence. In the ethereal landscape, the dynamics of perception and interaction defy conventional understanding. The intangible nature of my spiritual form may render me imperceptible to the spectral remnants of his clan. The void, shaped by the complexities of spiritual existence, becomes a space where the boundaries of connection blur, and the asymmetry of awareness unfolds. The persistent thought continues to pull me in a different direction. Is this not the locus of his deepest regrets? Where else should he direct his ethereal gaze in search of answers and resolution? After prolonged contemplation, my experiences a peculiar sensation—a realization that there's another place he could call home. It's a place distinct from the mountainous terrain that once cradled his clan and the ethereal expanse of Ponyville castle. This elusive home beckons to him from an undefined elsewhere. The notion of another home perplexes me. His memories are vivid, marked by the struggles in the mountains and the subsequent encounter with the dragon that disrupted his once-familiar abode. There seems to be no recollection of a separate, original home distinct from these experiences. Yet, the persistent feeling of another home persists, like a whisper in the recesses of his ethereal consciousness. The inexplicable sensation tugs at the threads of his spiritual existence, challenging the boundaries of memory and perception. I grapples with the enigma, trying to reconcile the certainty of his past with the elusive notion of an alternate home. Embracing a sense of resignation, I decide to yield to the mysterious pull of these ethereal feelings. With no apparent purpose or destination, he allows the enigmatic currents of his spiritual existence to guide him. The journey unfolds as a surrender to the ethereal whispers, leading me toward an undefined elsewhere, a realm where the threads of his past and present intertwine in the dance of the unknown. Embracing a sense of resignation, I decide to yield to the mysterious pull of these ethereal feelings. With no apparent purpose or destination, he allows the enigmatic currents of his spiritual existence to guide him. The journey unfolds as a surrender to the ethereal whispers, leading me toward an undefined elsewhere, a realm where the threads of his past and present intertwine in the dance of the unknown. In a fleeting moment, an ephemeral tableau unfolds before my ethereal senses. A vivid scene materializes, featuring a yellow stallion and a grey pony locked in an affectionate embrace, their lips pressed together in a tender kiss. Yet,I am not an active participant in this intimate moment; he exists as a mere observer, a small speck in the vast expanse of this unfolding tableau. The fleeting glimpse leaves behind a sense of curiosity, a puzzle piece in the intricate mosaic of experiences within the ethereal realm. I navigate the ethereal tapestry, a numerical sequence materializes in his mind, reassembling itself like a rediscovered treasure. The digits form a familiar address: 79 Whinny Vista. This revelation sparks a cascade of questions within my consciousness. How do i possess knowledge of this specific location? What significance does this address hold in the enigmatic narrative of his ethereal journey? In response to the resurfaced awareness of 79 Whinny Vista, the ethereal realm conjures the image of the house once more. Like a responsive echo to my realization, the dwelling materializes in the ethereal expanse—a spectral structure imbued with memories and significance. With a conscious effort, I extend my ethereal senses, reaching out to explore the surroundings of 79 Whinny Vista. As his thoughts traverse the ethereal landscape, a distant image materializes—a weathered old shelter situated miles away. This structure holds poignant significance, as it was a refuge for his clan during the tumultuous events surrounding the dragon's attack. The ethereal journey unveils fragments of his past, connecting the dots between the house and the shelter, weaving a narrative that transcends the boundaries of time and space. With a conscious effort, I extend his ethereal senses, reaching out to explore the surroundings of 79 Whinny Vista. As his thoughts traverse the ethereal landscape, a distant image materializes—a weathered old shelter situated miles away. This structure holds poignant significance, as it was a refuge for his clan during the tumultuous events surrounding the dragon's attack. The ethereal journey unveils fragments of his past, connecting the dots between the house and the shelter, weaving a narrative that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Despite the unfolding revelations and connections, a lingering sense of dissatisfaction persists within my ethereal being. The most profound regret, the one that gnaws at the core of his existence, remains elusive and unaddressed. In the ethereal expanse, I grapple with the profound questions that echo through the corridors of his consciousness. What answers does his spirit yearn for to attain a semblance of ease? The ethereal journey has unfolded a tapestry of memories, regrets, and connections, yet the core of his suffering remains elusive. The search for understanding becomes a quest for solace, a pursuit to untangle the threads of his existence and find the elusive answers that might bring a measure of peace to his ethereal spirit. Guided by an ethereal compass of celestial whimsy, my journey leads him upwards, ascending towards the true east. Beyond the earthly bounds and into the cosmic tapestry, he travels past the second star on the right, following the timeless advice to go straight on until morning. The ethereal expanse unfolds with each celestial step, carrying me further into the mysteries that reside beyond the familiar realms of day and night. As my ethereal thoughts ascend, they carry me upward, soaring through the celestial expanse towards the clouds. The realm of the skies unfolds around him, a vast canvas of ephemeral beauty. The clouds, billowing and ever-changing, become both a metaphorical and literal threshold for his introspective journey. Amidst the cosmic expanse, where stars twinkle and ethereal wonders dance, my journey reaches a pivotal juncture. Suddenly, he encounters absolute blackness—a profound void that stretches infinitely. Unlike the void before, this darkness is not an absence of sensation; it is an entity unto itself, a vast expanse that envelopes him. I grapple with the magnitude of this cosmic void, a revelation that transcends the limits of comprehension and introduces him to the boundless mysteries that dwell in the heart of the cosmos. In the infinite expanse of the cosmic void, my thoughts echo into the boundless darkness. As he continues to follow the elusive muse of relief, the vastness of the void holds the potential for profound discoveries. In the timeless expanse of the cosmic void, where moments stretch into eternity, my senses the approach of a solitary light. The gentle glow pierces through the infinite darkness, drawing closer with each passing instant. As the light becomes more distinct, it carries with it the promise of revelation, a beacon in the cosmic emptiness that may illuminate the path ahead. As I approach the enigmatic light in the cosmic void, a curious phenomenon unfolds—the size of the light remains constant, unaffected by his proximity. It neither grows larger as he draws near nor diminishes as he attempts to distance himself. In the vastness of the cosmic void, where surreal realities blend and diverge, Ifind himself face to face with a singular lightbulb. Illuminating the darkness with its muted glow, the ordinary object seems paradoxically out of place in the cosmic expanse. Im surrounded by the infinite, i gaze at the unassuming lightbulb, its filament casting a gentle radiance that defies the cosmic grandeur that envelops it. In the cosmic theater of surreal encounters, the journey of Jigsaw comes to an unexpected pause as he stands before a lone lightbulb, a symbol of ordinary existence in the extraordinary expanse of the cosmic void. The feelings of unrest and yearning seem to converge upon this unassuming object, suggesting that perhaps this humble lightbulb encapsulates his deepest regret. As I contemplates the significance of this celestial encounter, the lightbulb remains suspended in the cosmic abyss, its glow serving as a beacon of reflection. In the cosmic stillness, I was, puzzled by the enigma of the lightbulb as the embodiment of his darkest regret, delves deeper into introspection. As his thoughts swirl in the cosmic void, seeking understanding, a subtle shift occurs. The celestial tapestry responds to the currents of his contemplation, inviting a revelation that transcends the conventional boundaries of comprehension. In the ethereal realm of ghostly contemplation, my spectral essence extended towards the lone lightbulb, my imaginary hoof reaching out to touch the source of cosmic perplexity. I thought loud and thought strong as if I was screaming. "HELP ME UNDERSTAND!" My desperate plea reverberated like a cosmic echo, resonating through the ethereal fabric of existence. The cosmic forces respond to his impassioned cry, and a ripple of energy courses through the surreal realm. The ethereal echo reverberates through the cosmic void, intertwining with my plea for understanding. As the resonance of his cry merges with the mysterious echoes of another, the fabric of reality ripples with an enigmatic energy. Then in a moment the echoes stop. It changes to a Wisper. "Help me understand" the echo says crying. It was his words but not his voice, and it was crying. In the silent expanse of the cosmic void, I direct my inquiry towards the lone lightbulb, sensing it as the source of the mysterious voice that resonates with echoes and whispers. "What are you?" I inquire, my spectral essence reaching out in contemplation, seeking answers within the enigmatic glow of the cosmic illumination. The question lingers in the ethereal space, awaiting a response that might unravel the mysteries embedded in the cosmic tapestry. In the boundless expanse of the cosmic void, the mysterious sensation of static electricity emerges behind me, resembling an imperceptible barrier or a threshold to another realm. As I attempt to turn and gaze upon this enigmatic force, it persistently eludes my direct observation, maintaining its elusive presence just beyond the reach of my spectral perception. The paradoxical nature of my existence in this cosmic realm becomes increasingly apparent. While in the forefront of my senses, I am aware of the luminous lightbulb and a formless quality, in the background, the static wall imparts a peculiar sensation of having a form. In response to the inexplicable cry that echoed through the cosmic void, I found myself compelled to answer, "I'm Jigsaw." My words lingered in the vast emptiness, unsure of what significance they held in this ethereal plane. The luminosity of the light bulb intensified as it exclaimed, "Jigsaw! What a great name for a pony!" The words resonated strangely in the emptiness, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and amusement. "It is such a fitting name for a pony," the disembodied voice continued, echoing through the ethereal void. The light bulb's glow pulsed in a rhythmic pattern, almost as if it was expressing some form of emotion. "You know I am a pony?" I ask it. "Yes," the lightbulb responds, its glow pulsating gently. The lightbulb seemed to be engaged in some form of cognitive activity, and soon, I observed it creating a green square. It stood out as the most tangible and distinct object in this ethereal space—clear, focused, and devoid of the usual nebulous quality that surrounded everything else. I inquire, "Are you responsible for creating that green square?" The glowing lightbulb pulsates with intensity, casting a vivid green square into the cosmic void. It responds, "Indeed, Jigsaw, this square represents a part of your existence," Observing the luminous green square, I contemplate its simplicity, unable to discern the intricate details or profound significance it may hold. "It's merely a green square," I speculate. As the ethereal entity behind the lightbulb orchestrates its creative endeavor, I sense a conceptual shift. "Well, I haven't finished making you yet," it declares. In the nebulous expanse, the notion of acquiring fox-like traits begins to crystallize, a fusion of whimsical design and abstract imagination. In response to the imaginative strokes of the lightbulb's design, the envisioned alterations materialize on the cosmic screen. Initially depicted in red, devoid of clothing and hair, the representation undergoes a series of transformations, gradually assuming a semblance that mirrors my former self. With each adjustment, the ethereal image refines itself, crafting a perfect 1:1 duplicate of the physical form I once inhabited. The husk stands before me, an echo of familiarity in the vast expanse of the astral canvas. As I gaze upon the recreated form of my previous existence, an unsettling sense of bewilderment engulfs me. The light bulb, akin to an artist contemplating its creation, casts an inscrutable gaze in my direction. I grapple with the enigma of this cosmic spectacle – a resurrected shell and an otherworldly architect in the midst of the void. What purpose does this reimagining serve? I, who have already traversed the realm of mortality, am left questioning the significance of this surreal manifestation. In a moment of profound introspection, a realization pierces through the cosmic uncertainty. A question surfaces within me, whispered into the vast emptiness of the void. "Am I even real?" The query echoes through the ethereal expanse, seeking an answer from the enigmatic light bulb, the sole witness to this metaphysical journey. The voice emanating from the luminous entity, the enigmatic light bulb, pierces through the metaphysical haze. "You have surmised that you are an idea, and that's precisely why I appear as a light bulb," it declares. The realization dawns upon me — a conceptual embodiment in this cosmic realm, where thoughts and ideas intertwine with the luminosity of understanding. The light bulb serves as a symbolic manifestation, illuminating the essence of my existence as a creation born from the realm of ideas and consciousness. "If I am now encapsulated in this realm of ideas, why did I experience death? What is the purpose of reiteration?" The questions hang in the ethereal space, seeking answers that may shed light on the mysteries that shroud the nature of his existence. The enigmatic voice of the lightbulb resonates, unveiling a revelation to Jigsaw. "It is not your regret that led you here, but mine," it declares, introducing a new layer of complexity to the ethereal encounter. The lightbulb continues to unravel the mysterious connection, revealing its role as the creator of Jigsaw. "As I am the creator of you, your thoughts were my thoughts, your actions were my actions," it discloses. The confession echoes with a profound weight, highlighting the shared consciousness between Jigsaw and the luminous entity. The lightbulb conveys a poignant revelation, expressing remorse for the act of sharing and bringing forth Jigsaw into existence. "My regret was sharing you, birthing you," it confesses, recognizing Jigsaw as a wondrous relic never intended for the complexities of shared existence. The admission hints at the intricacies of the cosmic design and the unforeseen consequences that unfolded in the wake of creating Jigsaw. "Why reveal this to me now? You just recreated my husk, didn't you?" I say. The lightbulb appears defeated as it states, "I don't deserve to guide you. My rectifications involve placing your current soul into this husk. You will start anew, free from my influence." I inquire with a hint of cautious hope, "I... I can live again? What's the catch?" The light bulb explains, "No, you can't live or be mortal, but I can embed a fragment of you into this pony before its conception, and your task will be to guide the new husk, and its soul" "so, i just will be a hair? or a ear? an eye?" i begin to list. The light bulb clarifies, "Not a hair, ear, or eye. Think jigsaw, how will you guide a pony just by being there?" Jigsaw exclaims, "Ah! I'm going to be a cutie mark!" with a mix of surprise and amusement at the thought. The light bulb affirms, "That is correct. You will still have the ability to experience life, but it won't be your own, and you won't have control over the desires of your new husk." As the realization sank in, I grappled with the notion of existing as a mere fragment within another being. The prospect of guiding a life from the confines of a cutie mark both intrigued and perplexed me. The light bulb continued to elucidate the intricacies of my new role, assuring me that while I couldn't dictate the desires of the husk, I could influence its choices and experiences. It was a curious proposition, a blend of autonomy and constraint that beckoned me into a unique form of existence. "What of the new spirit that will invade this husk?" I ask. The light bulb responded, "The new spirit that will inhabit the husk is not entirely predetermined. It will be shaped by the experiences, choices, and interactions of the husk itself. " With a resigned acceptance, I nodded and asked the light bulb, "Alright, I'll do it. What do I need to do to guide the new spirit within the husk?" The light bulb responded, "You've already figured it out. That's why you had a cutie mark when you were born! Your ability to guide and influence is embedded in your essence, and now you'll continue to do so in a different form. As you always have, and always will, in the next life and its end, whatever it may be, know your mark pieced the puzzle of this timeline, connecting past and present Jigsaws." "I am not the first one here?" I ask. "No, you're not the first." The light bulb explained "there have been others like you, essences intertwined with their cutie marks. their soul survives while the cutie mark fade into its completion, as the soul of jigsaw is turned into a cutie mark to keep it going." The cyclical nature of this existence becomes clearer, an intricate dance of souls and cutie marks perpetuating the cosmic narrative across timelines and realms. so i have to become a cutie mark then, and when the husk dies I truly expire? The light bulb acknowledges, "Yes, Jigsaw. Your essence will be embedded in the cutie mark, and when the husk's life concludes, your influence in that form will also come to an end. It's a cycle, a continuation of your guiding role across different lives, each marked by the distinctive symbol that represents your enduring essence." "Well I don't know about you but if this is your fault, why not stop it?" I ask. The light bulb responds, "Stopping it would mean altering the fundamental fabric of existence, disrupting the delicate balance that governs the cycle of souls and cutie marks. It's a cosmic design that has been in place for eons, and my role is to guide rather than alter the course. Your essence serves as a guide, an eternal presence, and it's through these experiences that new stories and lives unfold. Embrace the uniqueness of your eternal journey, Jigsaw." "I cannot stop it, Jigsaw, and you shouldn't either," the light bulb responds, its luminous presence conveying a sense of inevitability. The pain and warmth persist, creating a surreal amalgamation of sensations as the cosmic forces continue to weave their intricate patterns around me. In an instant, the pain intensifies, and a surreal panorama unfolds before me. The entire cosmos, Ponyville, the mountains, and 79 Whinny Vista converge into a single moment, displayed on a screen adorned with numerous letters. However, as the cosmic spectacle envelops my senses, an overwhelming surge of heat and the echoing cries of unknown entities drown out any coherent thoughts or visions. I am left suspended in a chaotic symphony of sensations, a mere fragment of existence in the vast cosmic tapestry. Amidst the cosmic chaos, a sudden voice cuts through the cacophony. "It's a boy!" announces a mare, her words resonating as if they were shaking hands with the very essence of existence. In the midst of the commotion, a male voice urgently commands, "Quickly to the oven!" I sense a swift movement as I am carefully placed in a less heated area. "Now let's get some blankets for your wife!" the voice continues, filled with a sense of urgency. Although my vision is still absent, I'm enveloped in a world of audible cues. It feels like the dawn of a new existence, and even without the ability to see or speak, the tangible sensations affirm a sense of life returning. The female voice persists, "If you don't mind, could you keep a journal of what your baby will go through for the next few days? I need it for research, especially the part where the baby's cutie mark formed in the womb. As the words echoed, a profound realization struck me. "My cutie mark was given to me at birth, so I could solve what it would mean," I comprehended, understanding that my essence, embedded in the cutie mark, held the key to unlocking the mysteries of its significance. The male voice chimed in, describing the newborn. "I describe him as having an orange coat with yellow fuzz, a white underbelly, blue eyes, and a very tiny cutie mark of a blue puzzle piece." "I am a Jigsaw piece now," I declared within the confines of my new existence as a cutie mark, accepting my fate with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. A different voice interjects, "Well... He has a puzzle on his flank, so... how about we name it Jigsaw?" "Jigsaw? I think that is a very fitting name," remarked the female as she embraced a pony tightly. In the following months, I experienced the stages of life once more at 79 Whinny Vista, participating in activities that eventually brought me back to the mountainous region where I found myself trapped once again. As the inevitable days approached, a sense of resentment welled within me. I harbored a strong aversion to experiencing the same demise once more. The idea of altering my own history lingered in my mind. Could I manipulate time, as I did in the void? Was there a possibility of changing the course of my own past? The notion intrigued me, sparking a glimmer of hope amid the impending sense of doom. With the thought of altering my own history, I decided to begin by advising my current husk to document these experiences. While ponies might not readily believe the extraordinary tale, presenting it as fiction could serve as a means to preserve the unique journey I was about to embark on.