> Princess Kissing Kobold > by PrincessVanillaParfaitI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Princess Kissing Kobold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Kissing Kobold By Princess Vanilla Parfait I “I hope you don’t mind that I’ve never done this before. Least of all as a dragon…” Princess Twilight Sparkle was perched upon her bed, kneading her new claws into place and trying not to tear the fabric. Rarity would probably help sew it back up if anything too drastic happened, but it seemed prudent to avoid it anyway. “That’s okay, Princess! You’ll do great!” The voice was small and gravelly, belonging to a kobold who leaned over the edge of the bed. They were small—their chin barely reached the top of the mattress—but about average for a kobold. Twilight giggled and leaned forward, lifting them up next to her. He smiled and wiggled his feet as he sat. “Thank you for your kindness, Princess!” “Whatever you say!” Twilight smiled at the kobold, scratching him behind his neck. “Still, I don’t want you to get your expectations too high. I may be the Princess of Friendship, but I’m not perfect.” The kobold crawled around Twilight, sitting down in front of her. She scooted back a bit to make room for him. “Don’t say that, Your Highness! You’re the most beautiful and amazing Princess ever to grace Equestria!” “Oh, please!” She casually raised a claw and tossed it forward. “You don’t need to flatter me!” “I want to, Princess! You deserve it!” The kobold reached up and placed a claw on Twilight’s scaly chest. She closed her eyes and sighed. “You’re beautiful and elegant! And powerful!” Something about the statement made her shudder. It was typical of Twilight to just blow off praise as severely exaggerated, the result of her celebrity. But the claw on her chest etched the words right into her heart. This wasn’t just some stranger shouting adoration from the rooftops. This was someone she had in bed with her. Someone she was about to be intimate with. Twilight sighed. “Could you say that again?” she asked. “And… whatever else comes to mind.” The kobold smiled wide and nodded. “You’re beautiful and elegant and powerful, Princess! I’m such a lucky kobold, getting to spend time with such an amazing dragon Princess!” Twilight bit her lip, her tail fluttering behind her. “That’s nice…” she moaned. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” A blush crossed their face. “Oh! I mean, I’m honored, Your Highness, but am I really worthy of—” “Of course you’re worthy!” Twilight pressed a claw under his chin, scratching softly. “And you’re so cute! Good boy!” They tilted their head softly, positioning Twilight’s claw on his cheek as he stammered. “I-I-I, thank you, Princess… But I could never rival your grace! Your incredible wings, your horns… The way your chest stands tall and proud…” Twilight licked her lips, grinning. The kobold flushed at the sight of her tongue, just a little peek of its forked tip. “I think I understand why you wanted to do this with me.” “Do you like it when I say all those things about you, Princess?” “I do! It’s a shame I’ve never allowed myself to relish in that feeling before, don’t you think?” Her claw cupped his chin now, her head leaning over him. He had to lean back as she pressed forward, hot breath from her nose blowing down his face. “I-it truly is, Your Highness! Such a talented dragoness as you deserves to feel good!” Twilight giggled. “Good boy.” She craned her neck forward, softly pecking him on the lips, before pulling away again. “Why don’t you lean back for me?” The kobold obliged, face turning scarlet. Twilight could just about see the heat wafting off of it. “Don’t worry! I’ll be gentle,” said Twilight, running a single claw down the kobold’s leg. They shivered, but stopped when the Princess, with great care, gripped their ankles and pulled them apart. Between his legs was a long slit. It was easy to miss. Nothing more than a crack in the scales, but it was there. It was his most sensitive point, and his penis hid within. Twilight leaned toward it, tentatively flicking her tongue out. But she paused, peering at the kobold’s face. “May I?” He nodded. She went all the way in, pressing her forked tongue against each side of the slit. The gap in the muscle landed over the slit itself. It was the one spot left untouched by her hot saliva as she licked up and down. The kobold shivered. Her tongue was surprisingly slick, leaving twin trails of spit. He’d expected a dragon’s tongue to be a bit rough, exuding the same power as the owner. But it was like silk as it worked him. Very… wet silk. He’d work on the presentation for that praise later. “Princess…!” the kobold gasped. “Your tongue is… magical!” She withdrew it, offering him a simple smile before moving in a little deeper. Near the slit, the scales were softer—the texture was easy to distinguish with each sweeping lick, roughening more the further she got. It left her thinking how cute this kobold was, shivers and moans growing more frequent with each passing lick. She wanted to see how much he’d react as she amped things up. One of the forks of her tongue teased its way into the slit, eliciting a yelp from the kobold. For a moment, Twilight paused, unsure how he was feeling. But the kobold whimpering “Th-thank you, Your Highness!” was her sign to continue. The slit parted, just a bit. It was lubricated by her saliva as she lapped up and down its length, teasing the tip of her tongue deeper while the other tip lapped at the nearby scales. Her pace had increased a bit, head bobbing with a steady one, two, one, two, one, two… In fact, it was easy enough to lose herself in the rhythm, just resting there and working the kobold’s slit slowly more open. Occasionally swapping out tongue tips to give the other side of his slit more attention. He certainly didn’t mind—the steady tempo gave him a chance to focus on how wonderful it felt, how luxurious the Princess’s tongue was. To enjoy the hot breath and cold air dancing across his wet, sensitive scales, mingling together. Before long, he panted in time with Twilight’s strokes. “Princess… you’re so good at this…! This is… perfection!” “Good boy,” she said, rewarding his worship with an increase in pace—one–two, one–two, one–two. Bobbing like a clock’s pendulum swinging fast enough to tip, metronomic force treasuring his slit. He responded by rocking in turn, legs shaking as he laid back and enjoyed her tongue’s work. As his slit opened, the saliva trickled into the cavity beneath. A drop landed on the tip of his pointed penis, enough to send his whole form shivering, quaking with desperation. Slit finally wide enough, Twilight pressed her entire head forward, plunging her tongue all the way inside. The forks seated perfectly on either side of the pointed penis, as though puzzle pieces designed to fit together. He was so small beneath her that her head pinned his crotch and much of his legs against the bed. It was easy to force him into place beneath her tongue, his form as frail as it was. Even as he reflexively squirmed and kicked, he didn’t slide an inch. To him, Twilight’s head weighed as much as a boulder. “Princess, you’re so strong!” he squeaked. She lapped up and down the shaft, sides of her tongue still rubbing against the edges of the slit itself. She lost track of the pace she kept, pushing more and more of her tongue into the small cavity. There was far more tongue in her mouth than it appeared, and nearly half a foot of it snaked its way through the slit and around the penis, rubbing and kneading both in tandem. The kobold could hardly contain his moans. He was so close, the heat of the Princess’s velvety tongue filling his cavity and massaging his penis inside. His right leg kicked beneath the Princess. She subconsciously pressed it down with her left claw. “Princess…!” he gasped. It shook even harder beneath her strength, though with much less room to move. At any moment, he would spill. The waves of his pleasure would coat Twilight’s tongue, leaving the taste of his seed in her mouth. “Your Highness, I’m close!” A brief flash of worry struck Twilight’s mind, concern for what would happen if the orgasm didn’t go quite right. But she shoved it back, pushed onward by determination, insistence that she would enjoy her position of power tonight. She bobbed her head in long, fast arcs, letting the tongue squelch and flex against the slit and penis. Pre-cum dribbled out of the tip, the orgasm so close to firing. All it would take was a quick flurry of one two, one two, one two, one two, rocking back and forth as she pushed the kobold closer to release. It was so close, just seconds away. The kobold could feel it, volcanic tension burning within him as everything bubbled up, heat rising to the surface when— “Thank you, Your Highness!” the kobold screamed between pants, cum bursting onto Twilight’s tongue. “Thay it again!” the Princess ordered, muffled by her tongue. “Thank you, Your Highness!” “Good boy!” Twilight kept bobbing, using his pants to measure his bliss. The pleasure made his entire body shake, helpless to the power of the orgasm as it had its way with him. Then, just as fast as it arrived, the orgasm dissipated, fading into lazy contentment. The kobold laid completely back, his body thumping against the soft bed as he caught his breath. Twilight retracted most of her tongue, leaving the tip to lap out the mess. It tasted salty, as she’d been told cum would, but there was a hint of bitterness, or perhaps must to it. She didn’t mind it so much—it wasn’t strong—as she worked her tongue throughout the hole, slurping up whatever she could reach. When she was sure it was all cleaned up, she finally lifted herself up, peering down at the kobold. “So how did I do?” “Incredible…” was all the kobold could sigh out, eyes fluttering closed as his thumping heart settled. Grinning and rolling her eyes, Twilight crawled over him and laid herself on top of him, scaly belly pressing him in place. She pinned his wrists above his head, and her craggly muzzle pushed into his, quickly chased by her tongue worming its way inside. The taste of his own cum lingered on the Princess’s spit as he returned the kiss. The weight of Twilight’s form enveloped him, her scales smooth and firm. Everything was warm, including the thick post-orgasm haze that settled over him. When Twilight pulled away, the two were left staring into each other’s eyes. The kobold’s mouth was full of his own mess, mixing with his own and Twilight’s spittle. He could smell the cum on his breath. But that didn’t really matter. The Princess’s shimmering purple eyes gazed down at him, and he gazed back. “You’re so beautiful, Your Highness.” It was a simple observation. The two were still steadying themselves after the excitement they’d just had. Enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies, feeling each other’s hearts beat in each other’s chests. It seemed natural to tell the Princess exactly what he was thinking. But to the kobold, it didn’t feel like it was quite… enough. He could hurl words of praise and worship at the Princess all day, but none of it would mean much if he didn’t put his actions behind them. So he leaned forward and kissed her again. Twilight didn’t fight it. It was just a few seconds, less passionate than the first. But it was important to the kobold. After it was over, Twilight Sparkle chuckled. “You know, I usually ask everyone just to call me Twilight. It seems easier than saying ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Princess’ every time.” The kobold furrowed his brow. “But isn’t that inappropriate for your position, Your Highness?” She laughed again. “I’m a Princess, sure. But I’m the Princess of Friendship! I’m a friend before a ruler. Or I’m supposed to be.” The kobold considered her words, but didn’t respond. “Well,” Twilight continued. “I guess for tonight, ‘Your Highness’ felt right.”