> Reborn as a Ninetales > by Kurookumera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New life begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's not quite what I expected. Didn't think I'd die in an electronics store. I was getting robbed. "I used to be an adventurer like you, till I took a bullet to the face!". Pretty much sums it up while involving a line from a game I played. I'm almost certain kindness doesn't exist. I'm now in a black void. It seems endless. Although, I see a white spec somewhere in the distance. I follow it and soon it becomes a blinding light. I find myself in a dark forest with a lot of tall grass. I seem to of been Isekai'd but I've got no idea where to. I look down and can see a muzzle. Must be mine. I've got nine tails and a white and light blue fur coat. I also seem to have a mane. It takes me a while to get up, but I manage to master my new body rather quickly. I think about my new situation and information floods my head. Specifically, my abilities. I can use Blizzard, ice beam, dazzling gleam, protect, detect, endure, earthquake, iron tail, cut, bite, sheer cold, and a passive ability, Snow cloak, and Mind reader. Well now I can test out my abilities. I can hear some kind of wolves around, so I use blizzard for snow cloak. It seems to work real well seeing that the wolves keep flinching every time they get hit by hail and keep losing track of me. "Iron tail!" My tails turn into iron and I do a front flip, slamming my tails into one of the wolves and shattering them into pieces. Another bites into my side, but it doesn't do much other than scratch my skin since they didn't have much to bite into me. I use one of my tails to whip them into the ground and break them. I use detect to avoid the next attack and sheer cold to kill another. After a while of being attacked by wooden wolves, they seem to leave me alone. It was an annoying 20 minutes of fighting. I'm not physically tired but I'm mentally exhausted. Feels like someone is watching me. Or was. The second I started looking for the source, the feeling vanished, although it could have just been my imagination. I begin wandering around looking at the forest surroundings while my ears swivel listening to the sounds. During this I heard a mouse scurrying through some bushed and a bird ruffling their feathers. Then I hear a bunch of animals ahead. I heard a bear, beaver, ferret, mouse, rabbit... Alot of animals with some predators mixed in which was odd. There was also a yellow Pegasus near a lake. So that means I'm in a fantasy sort of world. Or a cartoon world because the Pegasus's facial features were too... I don't know. They're just not natural. Then an orange pony joined her and after taking a closer look, they have some kind of mark on their flanks. The orange one was three apples and the yellow one had butterflies. I came out of the forest and started towards the hut to see what's inside only for the orange one to grab my mane and say "Where do ya think you're goin?" she said with a southern accent. "You can talk?" I said surprised and the orange one raised an eyebrow. "Of course we can talk. Now who and what are you?" She asked with suspicious tone. "My name is... Seriph. As for what I am, I'm an Alolan Ninetales." "What in the hay is that?" "A Pokemon." She clearly hasn't heard of a Pokemon before and I sigh. "So who lives in that cottage over there?" "Oh, I do. Can you tell me more about your species please?" The yellow says quietly. "Not right now. I had a fight earlier and I'm kinda thirsty." I say as I head to the lake and then pause. "You got tap water, right?" The yellow one nods. "Can you please get some for me?" "Sure thing." she says and heads inside the cottage. "So, mind telling me what you were fightin? I see that whatever it was got you on your shoulder." I look and it's bleeding a little. "Oh. I thought they just scraped me." I take a closer look and notice some wood in the small wound. I pluck out the wood as best as I can and spit them out onto the ground. "Exactly what were you fighting?" she asks surprised and the yellow one made it back and handed me the water. I wasn't sure how to hold it but surprisingly my paws were dexterous. I drink the water and a little bit spills out and turns to ice before hitting the floor. They inspect the new ice with wonder. "I was fighting a pack of wooden wolves with green eyes. They also smelled terrible." The yellow one was speechless and the orange one was shocked. "You fought a pack of timber wolves and came out with only that? How in tarnation did you pull that off?" "Is that what they're called? I don't know honestly. They weren't particularly strong or that fast. If I had paid more attention, I'm pretty sure that I would of came out unharmed." That statement just baffled them. "Is something wrong?" "Nopony comes out of a fight with pack of timber wolves and only has a single wound! It's impossible to do single hoofed!" "Well I did. Are you sure they're that tough?" "Yes. Now wait here, I'm going to get Twilight. Don't you go anywhere now ya hear?" I nod and she starts heading off. "Oh, and before you go, can you tell me your name? I don't think that you told me yet." She turns back to me. "I'm Applejack. Also don't cause trouble either or you will have me to answer to." Once she's out of view I turn to the yellow one. "What's your name?" "I'm Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you Seriph." she says with a smile while holding out her hoof. I clumsily shake it. "It's nice to meet you, Fluttershy. Can we go inside? I've been walking for a while and my paws are sore." She says, "Ok." and leads me inside. "Wait here while I make us some tea. Do you have a preference?" she asks as she sits me down on a couch. "Fruity tea if you can make some." She nods and goes to the kitchen. After about 10 minutes she brings me a cup of tea. I take a sip and enjoy the warmth and the taste. "Strawberry. Thank you for the tea." I say with a small bow. "It tastes great." She's about to say something when a purple alicorn slams open the door and teleports straight in front of me and begins inspecting me all over. "Wow! A new species and it can drink tea too." She begins scribbling on parchment. She writes down my every action including making note of how I look when annoyed. "I'm trying to have some tea. Can you please quiet down?" She lights up when I speak. She opens her mouth to say something but I wrap a tail around her muzzle and close it shut. Then I go back to drinking my tea and she gives me an annoyed look. I release her and she stays quiet while continuing to write. This is going to be one weird day. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for the tea." I tell fluttershy with a nod. "You're welcome" she says with a smile. "So, you can use ice magic, right? I heard you froze water earlier." Twilight said. "Well, that's one way of looking at it. I'm an ice and fairy type so I can use moves that apply to those types. Also earlier, that was just my breath that froze it. It wasn't intentional." I then stretch my body and shiver from the relaxing effect. "I can't control the freezing breath exactly. I can control my moves but not my cold breath apparently." I say with a sigh, making snow appear on Fluttershy's ears and mane. "Sorry." She shakes the snow off and says, "It's alright." I felt something touch my leg and when I look, Twilight is touching my leg while bending it to see it's range of motion. I put my paw on her forehead and gently push while saying, "Can you not?" "Just hold on a minute." She says as she pulls out a needle. I squeak and then smack the needle out of her hooves and onto the ground, breaking it. "What did you do that for?" "Are... Are you- Are you SERIOUSLY asking me that? You're trying to stick me with a needle and without my permission and you have the idea to ask WHY I did that?" I'm fuming right now. She then writes something on the parchment. With a growl, I blow air at the parchment and freeze it before biting the thing and shattering it. She then just sits down with a look of shock. I calm myself down with a few deep breathes. "Sorry. It takes a bit for me to 'cool' off. Also, I take it that you're an extreme science nerd?" She almost looks offended. "I am not. I'm just passionate about new discoveries. Also, I'm going to ne-" "If it's test related, I'm going to freeze you solid." I say with a cheerful tone and an innocent smile. She made a squeak sound as she immediately shut up. This seemed to get applejack to stifle a laugh. Twilight picks out a book from her saddle and begins flipping through its pages. The door then bursts open. "I'm here to assist you Twilight!" A blue Pegasus with rainbow wings, mane, and tail came in and immediately flew over to me doing a boxing motion. "You don't look so strong to me. Come on, let's see who's stronger!" She then pulls my paw into an arm-wrestling stance. It hurt quite a bit because of my position. "3, 2, 1, Go!" Then she began trying to push my paw down. Or at least, I think. She's making the faces and sounds of someone who's trying, but it doesn't feel like she's putting any power behind it. Twilight suddenly turns pale in shock and fear. "RainbowDash, leave him alone." She says cautiously. "Something wrong twilight?" I ask as I push Rainbow's hoof accidentally flipping them onto the ground. "Whoops. Sorry about that." I say as I offer her my paw to help her up. Applejack moves to Twilight to see what has gotten her scared. Rainbow accepts my help. "Alright you may be stronger but there's no way that you're faster than me!" She says with pride and confidence. "Uh, RainbowDash, come here and take a look at this." Applejack says concerned. She does and she soon gets a look of shock. Then she directs her attention to me and back at the book rapidly as if she's trying to confirm something. Fluttershy goes over to take a look too. "Oh my!" that's all she said. The door bursts open again, and I hear a canon go off which causes me to cover my ears from the loud noise. Confetti rains down on my head as I'm bombarded with happy welcomes and greetings from a pink pony. I was in shock and having a lot of trouble processing what was happening. "Um, Pinkie Pie, I think you should-" "Stop!" I yell as I use protect. The falling confetti gathers around the shield. All but Pinkie look terrified. "What's the matter, don't you like welcoming's?" "I do but that was too intense. Plus, that cannon hurt my ears. Too loud." "But a cannon is supposed to be loud silly!" She says with a laugh. I sigh as my ears flop and the barrier disappears. I forgot it was covered in confetti, so it lands on me, decorating my fur in an assortment of colors while tickling my nose. I sneeze, sending confetti everywhere and freezing some of it. Pinkie seems to enjoy this a lot. "Pinkie, come here." Applejack says sternly. She happily bounces over and reads what the book says. "No way he would do something like that. He's way to funny to do something that!" she says with a happy bounce. I come over to see what it's about and they nervously scoot away. The book reads "Nineales are a race of Ninetailed foxes that come in two different colors. golden brown, and a blueish white. A golden brown is able to manipulate fire well and can cause extreme droughts if angered. The blueish white ones are capable of controlling snow and ice, capable of bringing an eternal freeze. Oh. I see.