> Izzy Makes Some Friends > by theponycaptorproject > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun glaring into Izzy’s eye finally woke the mare up. She had been up late the previous night making a new fun thing for the friends she would someday have. It was like a music box, but larger and with bottles! Izzy was very proud of it, but staying up to make it had caused her to miss the beginning of the day. Rushing down to her kitchen, she quickly threw together a bowl of sweet oats and candied carrots, shoveling it down as she rushed to make up for starting the day late. She needed to gather more materials, and those weren’t easy to find sometimes. She’d have to see if anyone was selling any weird knick knacks, or if there was anything odd lying around the forest or at the forest’s edge. It was going to be a busy day. Food eaten and the day started, Izzy felt good. Throwing the door open, she saw that Bridlewood had as much energy as ever. The other ponies that were walking about did so with a fraction of Izzy’s excitement. It was always a little disheartening to see, but Izzy had long since learned to accept that she was different. Besides, today was all about preparing for another night of creating. Izzy hopped through town, greeting everypony that she saw and sometimes even getting a greeting back. She skipped through town, her voice growing more cheerful as she went. — The lilac colored unicorn was at it again. Merry Weathers groaned in annoyance just hearing the voice getting closer. She was trying to catch a nap in her backyard, but Izzy’s obnoxious ‘hellos’ and ‘good days’ were far too loud. The other mares flopped down on the grass outside seemed equally annoyed. Merry now had a reason to get up for the day, if only to get Izzy to shut up for a moment. She gestured to the other two mares, who reluctantly got to their hooves as well. The three of them turned the corner of Merry’s house and observed. Izzy had a saddlebag full of her usual trash, bottles, broken piping, and all other kinds of useless crap. The smile plastered on her face made Merry want to puke. She butted in front of the mare as Izzy was about to cross the small road that cut through the middle of the town. Izzy looked up and started a greeting. “Well, good morniiing…,” Izzy saw who was in front of her and her smile faltered slightly before returning to its usual bright self, “Good morning, Merry Weathers.” She glanced at the other two, “And friends. You know, I have known you all for years and I don’t think I ever caught either of your names….” “Enjoying picking up trash today, Icky?”  “Oh, that old nickname,” The smile seemed more strained but the mare’s voice was unaffected to Merry’s enormous annoyance, “Fuuuun. Well, it isn’t trash anymore. To answer your question though, yes, I am enjoying myself.” “I can tell.” Merry’s voice was as flat as her hopes for a peaceful day. Izzy glanced around, looking for an excuse to leave, but Merry interrupted her. “You ever think about, I don’t know, sleeping in?” “Oh, I actually did sleep in today, a whole fifteen minutes. Can you believe it?” “No, and I don’t. Because you are here bothering me.” “Well, I could just scooch past you and keep getting my stuff. That way, you can go back to…whatever it is you do, and I can get back to my unicycling.” Izzy was hopping in place, ready to bounce away at the first opportunity. Merry stared at her for a moment as Izzy waited for a response. Izzy looked at the other two mares with Merry, who had just stood still and silent the whole time, but with both of them glaring at her with shared annoyance. Izzy whispered to Merry, “Also, do those two know how to talk? I don’t actually remember the last time I saw them blink. “I’m going to let you go past me,” Merry ignored Izzy’s most recent question, “Here’s the deal though. If I hear your obnoxious voice for more than the next couple of minutes, I’m taking all the trash you’ve collected for the day, and I am burning it. Deal?” Merry held her hoof out slowly. “Deeeal?” Izzy wasn’t really certain how she should respond, but she just really wanted this moment to end. So, she shook Merry’s hoof, Merry moved very slightly to the side, and Izzy awkwardly squeezed between Merry and one of the other mares to continue her supply hunt. Izzy sighed in relief when she was finally out of sight, and not far away, Merry rolled her eyes and went back to lounging on her yard. The other two mare’s joined her. — A morning of hard searching had given Izzy a treasure trove of things to work with. The mare immediately set to work on her newest project, a spinning chandelier that would cast multi-colored light around the room. She had more than enough stuff to make it. The thoughts in her mind as she started to prep the supplies weren’t of her unicycling though.  She found herself thinking about Merry Weathers and her friends. Izzy had known the three of them for years, but had never really been able to call any of them friends. Actually, she didn’t really have friends at all. Nopony in Bridlewood seemed to appreciate her energy. Merry at least spoke to her sometimes, even if it was almost always to make fun of her. Did that make them almost-friends? She did try to be extra happy and nice around Merry when she could. Maybe Merry talked to her so much because she also wanted to be friends. “It would be nice if that was true.” She muttered to herself, and instantly decided that it must be the case. Maybe she could do something to let Merry know what she was thinking, some kind of friendship invitation, or maybe a gift. While she was thinking about that, a letter slid under her door. It was placed in an unsealed envelope, and when Izzy opened it, she realized it was for her. “Well,” she thought out loud, “I suppose that would explain why they put it under my door and not somepony else’s.” Glancing over the letter, a large smile grew on Izzy’s face. “I knew it!” She yelled, skipping around the room and giggling excitedly. “She does want to be my friend.” She stopped mid skip and checked the letter again before resuming, “She wants me to come over to her house. That basically means she wants to be my friend!” — “Are we all in agreement that we hate Izzy?” Plum Taille grumbled while Merry groaned in reply. The three of them had gone back to lounging on the yard after Izzy had wandered off to do who knows what. “I mean, she doesn’t know how to take a hint.” Merry replied. “I know. I give her the silent treatment for only a decade, and she goes and forgets my name!?” Sparkling Rose chimed in.  “Not to mention that she just talks,” Plum said. “And talks,” Sparkling Rose continued. “And talks endlessly.” Merry finished. “We really need to do something. I am a young mare still. I do not have the patience for decades more of her dumb voice in me.” “Look on the bright side,” Plum replied with a half smile, “You might not live to be an old mare. Maybe you’ll only have a few years of dealing with her.” The other two matched her amused half smile. Merry shifted her weight to find a more comfortable position. Thinking of Izzy made her ill. That obnoxious purple face and blue locks were all she could imagine now though. Still, it was kind of fun to torment the mare and watch as Izzy either didn’t understand she was being made fun of, or more often, knew but still tried to be nice back. There had to be some way she could take advantage of that. Then, an idea occurred to her. “Why don’t we try and have some fun with her?” Merry asked, a hint of a smile on her face, a hoof straightening one of her green locks.  “What do you mean?” Plum asked. “Well, she likes being nice to basically everypony, right?” The other two nodded. “More than that, she wants to be everypony’s friend, even ours.” “I really wish she didn’t, but you’re right.” Sparkling Rose chimed in. “Well, what if we used that to our advantage?” Merry got up and walked into her house. Tearing through different cabinets, she rifled around until she found a quill and ink. If Izzy was really so determined to be nice to them, they would give her the chance. Knowing Izzy, she would fall for this completely. It would be delicious revenge on the annoying mare, and as a bonus, it would be fun. “Izzy is going to get what she wants,” Merry muttered to herself, “Just not in the way she expects.” When the letter was finished, Merry sealed it in an envelope. She explained her plan to the other two once it was delivered. — Merry Weathers wanted Izzy over at her house. The unicorn couldn’t believe it. After countless years of thinking Merry found her annoying, maybe they could actually turn out to be friends. Izzy checked her reflection, making sure she looked appropriately fun. Her hair swirled around her in a haphazard cascade, exactly the way she liked it. Some part of Izzy was worried. Why would Merry invite her over so suddenly, and when they usually didn’t get along very well. However, Izzy dismissed that as negative thinking. If there was a chance to make a friend Merry Weathers, she was going to take it. Once again, the mare burst out of her home in excitement, but now it was for a completely new reason. It was getting late, so far fewer ponies were listlessly milling about now. This made greeting each of them take far less time, which was good since Izzy was in a hurry. Passing by familiar homes, all lit up with the soft candlelight that glowed from their interiors, she made her way back to Merry Weathers’ house. To her surprise, it wasn’t lit up like the rest. There was no light coming from the windows and she couldn’t hear a thing from inside. Merry had always been a sedentary pony, even by Bridlewood’s usual relaxed standard, so Izzy just assumed that the mare hadn’t bothered lighting the house up. She was probably taking a nap. Hopefully, the mare would still be open to hanging out like the letter had said, or at least how Izzy had interpreted it. “Hello?” Izzy called out, banging her hoof on the door loudly.  “Why are you knocking? I asked you to come over, so just get in here.” Well, Merry was definitely home. Her voice sounded as dry and irritable as ever. Izzy rolled her eyes with a smile.  “Some ponies never change,” she said to herself, pushing the door open, “Even when inviting a friend over.” The interior was as dark as it looked from the outside. The house was built into an old oak tree and smelled like spring to Izzy. There was a cozy looking fireplace unlit to her left upon entering and a table set haphazardly with plates and snacks. The snacks all looked premade. It would have been a very welcoming environment if any amount of effort had been made into making it so. Still, Merry had invited her over, and that was welcome enough for Izzy. Speaking of the irritable mare, she and her two friends were sitting at the table, glaring at her as she stood gawking in the doorway. “Are you going to actually come in, or….” The pink colored mare flipped a hoof through her purple mane. Izzy wasn’t sure, but she thought that one was named Apricot. She was named for some fruit or another. ‘Oh right! She asked me a question.’ Izzy thought to herself. “Oops! Yeah sorry, don’t want to let,” Izzy looked at the dead fireplace, “Heat out.” She walked the rest of the way into the dark room, closing the door behind her gently, then hopping over to the table. “I got your letter.” She set the letter down on the table with an excited motion, her face beaming despite how confused she was about what she had walked into.  “I could tell from the moment you knocked on my door.” Merry’s face was as unreadable as ever and Izzy’s smile grew wider and slightly strained. Had she read the situation wrong? She couldn’t have. Why else would she be invited over if it wasn’t because Merry wanted to make friends. You don’t invite ponies you hate over to your house. Wait, did you? Izzy realized she had never hated anypony and had no idea how ponies acted towards somepony they hated.  “You still there?” It was the other one…, the purple one…, the purple one that wasn’t Merry Weathers.  “Yeah, sorry. I zoned out a bit there.” “You seem to do that a lot.” Merry this time. Izzy remembered her name, at least. “Yeah.” Izzy was all smiles. “I like to think.” “And yet you came here.” The fruit-pony mumbled. “What?” “Nothing.” Merry interjected. “Thank you for coming over, Izzy. We were all looking forward to seeing you today.” To Izzy’s delighted surprise, not only did the three mares actually show emotion, but it was excitement. They really had been looking forward to seeing her. “Oh, gosh! I was excited to read that letter, and excited for the whole walk to get here. I never really expected this. I always thought you hated me.” “I can’t imagine why you would think that.” Fruit-pony again for that one. She was talking a lot more than Izzy was used to. That was nice. “I dunno, just a thought I had I guess.” Izzy replied, not wanting to admit that she’d always seen their mannerisms around her as cold. “Well,” Merry said, “Take a seat.” She pointed at an empty patch of carpet beside the table. Izzy noticed that there were only three chairs pulled up to the table. “Oh, certainly. Do you have a chair I can pull up? “No. You can sit there though.” Merry’s hoof had not moved and was still pointed at the floor. “On the carpet?” Izzy tilted her head, trying to figure out if she was being made fun of again. That would be odd. Why would they send her a letter inviting her over if they were just going to make fun of her. She was probably misunderstanding the situation. “That seems a bit silly.” “I usually only have Plum and Sparkling Rose over.” Merry said. Izzy’s ears perked up at the mention of the names. Now she knew who fruit-pony was. Merry continued, seemingly not noticing Izzy’s lapse in concentration. “I don’t have many chairs. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make fun of my living arrangements.” Merry replied, monotone. Izzy flashed red with embarrassment. “Oh, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She stared at the patch of floor uncertainty before Merry sat down in her chair again just to the left of where she had directed Izzy to sit. Izzy looked at the three mares and chuckled awkwardly before sitting down by the table. It was tall enough that she couldn’t even see over it, her horn poking out above head being the only thing visible to Plum who sat on the other side. Izzy felt very awkward, but the floor was comfortable, so she supposed she didn’t mind that much. Merry was even smiling as she looked down at the mare. “Thank you for joining us today.” Merry said as Plum made some kind of snorting sound from the other side of the table. Without being able to see her, Izzy wasn’t sure if something was wrong with Fruit Po…Plum, but the other two seemed unconcerned so it was probably nothing. “Oh, well gosh, thanks for having me over.” Izzy replied, her horn wagging above the table from her moving her head as she talked. Another snort from Plum. Izzy realized she was laughing and chuckled a bit herself. From where Plum was sitting, she must look so silly. Too bad there weren’t any more chairs. Though, she didn’t mind looking silly if it was making somepony laugh. “Are you hungry?” Merry asked. “Well, I forgot to eat this morning, and I saw your letter right before I would have gotten some food, so I don’t think I’ve eaten since….” “That a yes or a no?” Rose asked. “It is in fact a yes!” Izzy replied cheerfully. Merry responded by placing a bowl of oats and dried fruits in front of Izzy. It didn’t look very appetizing, but Izzy saw no reason to be rude. “Looks delicious.” “Dig in then.” Merry leaned back in her seat and watched, and Izzy could see Rose watching her too, probably to see if she liked the food.  “Will do!” Izzy dove her head into the bowl and had it empty in seconds. She had been hungrier than she realized.  “Good girl.” Merry whispered. “What was that?” Izzy asked, pulling her head up with some oats still stuck to her cheek and chin. “I said, good appetite.” “Yeah!” Izzy wiped her face clean before noticing the others just watching her still. “Aren’t you guys going to have anything?” She asked. “We ate before you came.” Merry said. “There is something else we would like to offer you to eat, if you still want something that is.” “Sure,” Izzy’s stomach was growling enough she wasn’t sure she even needed to answer verbally, “What is it?”  “Oh, I'll show you. Come on up.” Merry stood up from the table with the other two following suit. Izzy stood and stretched, her legs having not liked the way she’d had to sit just now. The three mares led the way into the room behind them and towards a set of stairs leading up the interior of the tree.  “Ooooh, you keep the tasty stuff upstairs?” Izzy was excited. Why would they keep food or a snack upstairs unless it was the good stuff. Izzy kept her favorite cookies in a drawer under her bed, for nighttime snacks and so guests wouldn’t find it. Not that she got many guests. “What?” Merry seemed almost irritated but quickly shifted to look…almost friendly, “Uh, yeah. Sort of. You’ll understand in a moment.” Izzy wanted to believe her about that, but Merry didn’t always make sense to her even when the mare was actually bothering to try. When they reached the top of the stairs, Merry turned them towards the first door on their right. It was the bedroom, as Izzy had expected. The mare mentally congratulated herself for figuring that out as the three others walked in and motioned for her to follow. The room was as spartan as Izzy had expected. Walls bare of any decoration, clothes put away in plain brown drawers, and a bed plopped in the center with no real thought. Izzy fought the urge to redecorate as she admired how large the bed was. It was easily big enough for four ponies.  Merry and the other two climbed onto the bed and Izzy followed their cue. When the four of them were all on the soft mattress the trio started to grin at her. Izzy waited patiently for several whole seconds before asking what was on her mind. “So, where is the treat?” “You still haven’t figured it out?” Plum was holding back laughter. “We have something that only friends get to eat.” Merry moved to the front of the bed and lay on her back, legs spread. Izzy noticed immediately but misunderstood and stared up at the ceiling with a polite smile as she tried not to look. “Um, Merry? The way uh…, the way you are sitting is….” “Intentional. It is intentional. I didn’t say we had a treat for you. I said we had something to eat.” “Wait, like…? Oh! Oh gosh, no. I’m so sorry if I gave the wrong impression, but I don’t see you that way. I just wanted to hang out and see if we could be friends.” “I invite you over to my house, let you sit at my table….” “Well, kinda under it.” Izzy added even as she started to feel guilty. “Still, all of that plus giving you some of my food, and you are going to be so rude as to not show me a good time. Any good friend would.” “Yeah!” Plum chimed in, making Izzy wince. “I mean really,” she continued, “What kind of friend are you trying to be?” “You want us to give you everything but what, you think your presence alone makes up for that?” Rose hissed, “How selfish are you?” By now, Izzy felt terrible. “No no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like…I didn’t know it was normal. I thought that was just something ponies did when they…liked each other.” “So you’re saying you don’t like me?” Merry asked. “That’s not what I mea….” Izzy couldn’t see a way of explaining herself that they would understand. Plus, Merry had three friends and Izzy had none. Merry was far more the friendship expert than Izzy was, even if the mare had no idea why. If Merry said this was a thing friends did, then Izzy was going to believe it, even if it felt very weird to her. “Well?” Merry tapped her hoof against the mattress impatiently. Izzy gulped but put a shaky smile on for the others. There was nothing else she could really do here. If Izzy really wanted to be their friend, she couldn’t afford to be rude on her first visit.  “Yeah, o…ok.” She shifted on the mattress until her head was between Merry’s legs, though still a good distance away at first. Izzy had never done any this intimate with another pony before and her face was flushed with embarrassment. Still, it needed to be done. Leaning in more she closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out. Rather than any kind of sensual lick, her first moment of sexual intimacy ended up being her awkwardly poking Merry between her lips with her tongue. Merry seemed annoyed. “What are you doing? Just do it.” “Sorry.” Izzy slowly traced her tongue up the mare’s lips. Merry had clearly been getting excited, physically at least, before this so Izzy ended up lapping up the mare’s juices more than she had expected. It didn’t taste awful, though it wasn’t as sweet as the kind of treat Izzy had expected. The young unicorn’s actions were amateurish as she licked more firmly, her tongue breaching the mare’s lips and pressing into sensitive flesh. Merry purred in pleasure watching Izzy work. Plum and Rose watched in fascination and delight. The two of them were on opposite sides, their faces pressed surprisingly close to the action as they watched. Izzy had always thought these kinds of acts were an intimate thing and not something for an audience, but if this was truly a thing friends did like Merry had said, then it made sense that other friends would get to watch. She did still find it a bit odd when they started to pleasure themselves while watching, though she supposed that made it a group event. Did this count as a party? Is that what this was? Some kind of friend bedroom party? “You’re spacing off again. This isn’t the time to be doing that.” Merry chastised, though she was smiling more than Izzy was used to. It was working, she was becoming more friendly.  “Sorry.” Izzy said again, lips sticky with the mare’s juices. Diving back in, she lapped away at the slick pussy in front of her. It took her a while to really feel like she knew what she was doing, but by listening to how Merry was reacting and glancing up to watch her expressions, Izzy was slowly able to figure out what the mare liked. Her own body felt a bit funny from doing this, but unlike the other two watching, she didn’t feel like pleasuring herself at the moment. Merry could do that when it was her turn maybe. Wait, did they take turns with this or was the mare being pleasured decided by whose house it was? Izzy realized she was getting distracted again and refocused on what she was doing before Merry could chide her again. For several minutes Izzy worked quietly at making her host cum. As strange as it had felt at first, as it continued Izzy stopped thinking about it and just focused on the task at hoof. Plum and Rose were touching themselves watching the whole experience unfold. Izzy’s eyes were still glued on Merry’s face so she could make sure she was doing it right. After what felt like an eternity to Izzy, Merry started to tremble, her breath growing shaky. Izzy understood what was happening, but wasn’t sure how she was supposed to react. Lacking any input, she kept working at the pussy in front of her. Finally, the mare came. Merry’s hips started to thrust unconsciously at Izzy, the unicorn pulling herself back in surprise as cum squirted out onto the already messy bed sheets.  It was over. Merry was left panting, a surprisingly wide open-mouthed smile on her face while both Rose and Plus whimpered disappointedly. Izzy wanted to clean her face off, but felt weird wiping it off on Merry’s bedsheets. Would that be rude? That was probably rude. Izzy wouldn’t do that. Instead she sat awkwardly with cum slowly drying on her face.  “So, uh…,” Izzy broke the silence, “What do we do now?” She kind of wanted to go home. It was very nice of the three of them to have her over, but she was getting tired and felt strangely filthy, even setting aside her sticky face.  “Well, you finish what you started, obviously.” Merry said, having partly recovered from her orgasm. Izzy was confused at first until Plum sat down next to her, her own legs spread. “You too?” Izzy was surprised. Maybe it was that everypony got a turn.  “All of us.” Rose replied. “Do I get a turn?” Izzy wasn’t really sure she wanted one, but it seemed like the fair way to handle an event with multiple friends. “You come over to my house, and the only thing you seem to talk about is what you want to do. Don’t you think that’s unfriendly?” Merry’s voice was back to being as dry as Izzy was used to it being. Izzy sighed, moving to put her face next to Plum’s pussy. “Sorry. You’re right. I’ll just help these two have fun.” “That’s a good girl.” Plum said, lightly patting her on the head as Izzy got to work again. — It was several hours before the mare’s were done with Izzy. Each of them got several turns in as the night grew long. Izzy was exhausted and wanted to take a shower as she finally was given the nod by Merry confirming that she was finished for the night. Izzy flopped out on the bed, grateful for the chance to relax. “What are you doing? You’re going to make a mess on my bed sheets!” Merry snapped. Izzy bolted upright. “Sorry! I didn’t think about that. Though, the sheets are kinda already a mess.” “Exactly! They don’t need you making them worse. Come on, I’ll take you to a shower so you can clean up.” Merry stood and walked out of the room, Izzy hurrying to follow her. They walked right across the hall to the next door over, and Merry shoved her inside. Izzy wasted no time locking the door. There was no telling what strange friendship rituals those three had with showers given what had just happened.  The water was soon running hot, filling the room with steam. Izzy could hear the other mares outside the room, talking with each other and laughing about something, but for now Izzy didn’t need to think of them. She felt vile and sick to her stomach, but maybe that was just the price somepony needed to pay for friends. It had been nice to see Merry smile like that. As much as Izzy had felt uncomfortable with what had happened, if it meant friends, she didn’t regret it. She closed her eyes and let the water clean and relax her. — “You know,” Plum chuckled as she plopped herself on the floor next to the bed, “I knew that mare was desperate, but I never realized just how much until now. This would almost be sad if it wasn’t so fun.” In the other room, the sounds of the shower droned on, letting the three of them know it was still safe to talk openly. “Yeah, well, I’m sure there is still some line we probably won’t be able to go past without her realizing it.” Merry had cleaned herself off with the bedsheets by now and was leaned against the headboard with her usual bored expression. Rose sat on the side opposite Plum and seemed almost offended. Though her voice was almost as flat as Merry’s, the other two had known her long enough to read her tone like a book. “I have never seen a mare so oblivious to the fact that ponies hate her. I mean, how can she be so….” “Izzy?” Plum chimed in. “Yeah!” Rose had calmed a bit. “She’s dense, but that just makes this more fun. I really want to see how far we can push things. You girls up for a sleepover?” “What are we, foals?” Rose snorted, accidentally cutting off Plum, who had looked almost excited before she reigned in her emotions and gave a similar snort. “We aren’t, but I think we know how Izzy will answer. Trust me, this will be fun.” — The water had started to run a bit cool for Izzy’s taste. It was still hot by most ponies’ standards, but the unicorn usually could only relax in a shower if it was nearly scalding. The room was almost difficult to see in with all the steam. The knob rattled for a second before the pony on the other side started banging on the door.  “Did you lock my door!?” Merry sounded furious, and Izzy winced. “Sorry. I must have locked it out of habit.” Izzy lied. “Well then unlock it and get out here.” Izzy hurried to dry herself off and wipe the steam from the mirror. She wasn’t sure if that would make Merry upset, but it was a safe bet it would since everything seemed to. Once it was clean, she unlocked the door and inched it open. Merry was on the other side looking somehow both annoyed and excited. “Don’t lock me out of any room of my house. It is really rude. I am your host after all.” “I did it out of habit.” Izzy lied again. “I promise not to do it again.” “Well,” Merry’s expression shifted, the annoyance falling away and the excitement taking over more fully, “I suppose that’s fine. You’ve been a lot less annoying than usual.” “And you’ve been…more intimate than I expected from you.” “Yes, well, it's good to establish what all goes into a friendship early. Especially with ponies that don’t usually have many friends.” Merry was slightly smiling by now. Izzy was flushed, both from the heat of the shower and from embarrassment, but she tried to look pleased. “Does that mean we are friends now?” “It means I don’t regret inviting you over. Actually, it’s been a lot of fun.” Izzy lit up hearing Merry say that. Fun was what she was all about. Even if the fun had been a bit weird for her, it meant a lot to hear the other mare had enjoyed herself so much. “I’m glad.” “Yes,” Merry continued, nearly cutting Izzy off, “But every good day has to come to an end eventually.” “I understand.” Izzy had calmed down a bit, even if she still felt a bit gross, and had her familiar smile back. “You want me to go home now?” She desperately was looking forward to jumping into her bed. It had been a long and uncomfortable couple of hours and she was ready for it to be over. “Not at all.” Merry replied. Izzy froze for a moment, her mind taking a second to process what she had just heard.  “You don’t?” “No,” Merry patted her on the head, “I want you to stay the night. We can make this a sleepover.” That word triggered something in Izzy’s head and fireworks started going off. Suddenly, the strangeness of the last few hours didn’t matter at all. “A sleepover? I would love to!” Izzy was practically vibrating. She could see Merry growing annoyed with her energy level and, not wanting Merry to change her mind, dialed things back a bit. Clearing her throat, she continued in a much more relaxed tone that only slightly hinted at the overwhelming excitement bubbling just under the surface. “I would love to stay the night.” “Great.”  “So, um, where will I stay?”  “Right this way.” Merry started walking and immediately turned to the door that was right in front of Izzy. “You’re bedroom? I suppose that makes sense.” Izzy didn’t feel too thrilled about that, given what had happened there so recently, but it was the best room for it. To her surprise, Plum and Rose were already prepped for bed. They had both plopped into bed, and Merry climbed onto the bed to join them, settling in between the other two at the center of the bed. “Well you three sure are a cozy bunch when you hang out, huh?” The three of them just stared at her as she stood awkwardly. “Are you getting up here?” Plum asked impatiently. “Well, sure. Doesn’t look like a lot of room though. We might get a little squished.” Izzy answered. Merry replied by pointing her hoof at the foot of the bed. There was a pile of older looking blankets there, three of them piled together to make a little cushion at the end of the bed and a fourth on top that Izzy understood was to be her blanket. “You want me to sleep at the end of the bed?” “Yes.” “That seems a little….” “What?” Merry’s expression was always so flat, it was impossible for Izzy to read. “Well, I guess….” “You guess what? Is it not good enough?” Merry sounded almost hurt, something Izzy had never heard from her before. Now, Izzy was terrified that she had accidentally hurt her host’s feelings and went into recovery mode. “No no no! That’s not what I mean at all. I just wasn’t expecting it.” She climbed onto the bed and circled the cushions a few times before settling down, throwing the top blanket over herself as she did. “See! This is nice and cozy.” To her own surprise, it actually kind of was. Merry flicked the light off and the room was dark enough that Izzy couldn’t see anything. Merry kept her room far darker than Izzy liked, but having three other mares there kept that from making her feel as spooked as she sometimes did when she was home alone. With the soft blankets under her as a cushion and the sounds of soft breathing from the other three, Izzy soon fell asleep. — Morning brought the image of Izzy’s sprawled form to Merry’s sight. She chuckled and gently stroked the sleeping unicorn’s belly. Izzy mumbled a bit in her sleep, but otherwise did not react. Merry made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen to find her friends waiting for her.  “Morning, sleepyhead.” Rose said in a mocking imitation of Izzy’s voice. The three of them laughed before all realizing they might wake the other mare and quieting their voices.  “I can not believe she did all of that yesterday.” Plum giggled quietly, “She even slept at the end of the bed. I mean, have some self respect, mare.” “If she keeps just doing everything we say,” Merry added, “We should keep pushing it. I want to see how much of a pet we can make that annoying little filly into.” “She literally ate off a bowl on the floor!” Rose was barely holding back laughter, her eyes watering. The three mares all quieted down when they hear the sounds of hoofsteps from the floor above them. They continued to snicker, but even that was under control by the time that Izzy reached the bottom floor, yawning loudly. “Morning, gals.” The mare mumbled sleepily. Merry eyed up the tired mare and grinned. “Izzy. We were about to sit down for breakfast. We’ll get you some in a moment. Take a seat.” “Oh that sounds lovely.” Izzy walked over to the table but the others beat her to it and threw themselves down at the same spots as the other day. All except for Merry, who was now in the kitchen making food. Izzy moved to sit down at the last available seats, but stopped when she saw the other two mares glaring at her.  “Oh,” Izzy laughed a bit at herself, “I guess I shouldn’t take the host’s spot.” “No,” Plum replied, “You shouldn’t. We all have our spots at the table. Yours is there.” She pointed to the spot on the floor Izzy had sat on the previous night. It still felt odd to Izzy to eat on the floor, but she didn’t care enough to complain. After the previous night, it was far from the weirdest or most humiliating thing she had done to fit in with the three of them. “Food’s ready.” Merry came out balancing a pair of plates that she set down before returning to the kitchen for another set. Izzy’s was placed in front of her in a bowl, like last time. The food smelled so appetizing to Izzy. Seasoned hay strips with mixed oats on the side and pancakes to go with it. In the bowl it all mixed together, but Izzy tended to do that to her food anyway. The four of them started to eat, the trio eating slowly and quietly and Izzy wolfing it down in seconds. When Izzy had finished, she licked the bottom of the bowl to get the last of the pancake syrup up eagerly. “Still hungry huh? Here, try and catch this with your mouth.” Merry tossed a bit of pancake in the air. Izzy leapt up with her hind hooves and caught the piece midair. The trio applauded.  “Good catch!” “Good girl!” “Aw, thanks gals.” Izzy felt warm from the compliment and the smiles the other mares gave her. The meal had gone pretty well. As odd as the other night had been, Izzy felt like she was growing closer to the three of them, and after years of thinking that they hated her, it was a nice feeling. She still felt pretty gross though. “So, I guess with breakfast done, this is it.” Izzy brushed some loose hair from her head, thinking about home and the projects she wanted to work on. “This is what?” Plum gave her a flat expression as the only reply. “Th…The end of the sleepover, right?” The others were now staring at her blankly. “We slept over and now we go home, right? I thought that’s how these worked.” “I mean, you can. We were hoping you’d stay over for a few days though.” Rose sounded dejected and stared down at her plate with her lip quivering. “If you want to leave though…,” Merry pointed to the door before all three spoke at once. “...If you want to.” Izzy had never seen the three of them look so sad before. They really had grown to like her. The mission of the sleepover was a success. With the three looking so pitiful though, the mare felt suddenly guilty, like she was somehow abandoning them. Her projects could wait. “Hey, no. I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t have a lot of experience with…, I just thought that was the plan. If you gals are fine with me staying over a couple more nights, that sounds really fun to me!” It actually kind of did. The idea of what happened the previous night repeating made her shiver a bit, but it would be worth it to grow closer to the three mares. It just felt so good to have friends. Merry slowly smiled, a smile that strangely made Izzy feel uncomfortable, but it was probably just a habit from years of not trusting the mare. Clearly she had misread them this whole time, so she probably shouldn’t go trusting her gut about what the mares were thinking now that she knew that her gut wasn’t very reliable. “It’ll be good to have you longer.” Merry purred, “We are going to have so much fun.” “Yeah!” Izzy was practically bouncing in place, but remembering that the other girls weren’t as fond of her higher energy levels slowed herself down. She would get to be her usual self a bit more once the girls were used to her. For now, she sat with her legs tucked under her, her head at chair level with the others. “Well, now that you will be staying for a while longer, you should participate in an old breakfast tradition.” “Oh?” Izzy tilted her head curiously. “What’s that?” “Well, the newest member of a group shows the others a good time once food is done. You know, to make sure the breakfast ends off on a good note.” “What does that mean?” Izzy asked slowly, knowing the answer and shivering. The trio replied by shifting to sit with their legs spread. Izzy chuckled nervously. She was almost in tears at the idea, but she also really didn’t want to be rude. “So, just the new mare does it?” “Yup,” Merry replied with a voice so much more excited than her usual, “That’s how it's always been.” Izzy could tell she was lying. She wasn’t sure if, before her, they would take turns, or if this was something they came up specifically for her to do. Either way, it didn’t matter. As gross as it made Izzy feel, it was making the mares like her. So, Izzy took a deep breath, and took the plunge. — Izzy was sprawled out on her back in the dark of the bedroom, Merry crawling over top of her, the mare’s pussy inches from Izzy’s face. Breakfast had gone well. After only a couple of hours of cumming onto their chairs and taking turns with Izzy’s mouth, the three had either gotten tired or gotten bored and had let her rest. The rest of the day had been spent on games. They wanted to see how fast Izzy was, so they took her to the backyard and had her try and catch things they threw before they hit the ground. To be polite, she would always bring the objects back even when she didn’t catch them. It reminded Izzy of playing fetch with her childhood dog, which in turn made her chuckle at the silly idea of herself as a dog. Less funny to her was the pussy slowly descending down towards her face. Is this the normal way to do this?” Izzy asked with a nervous laugh. “Of course? How else would you?” Merry replied, plopping herself down the rest of the way before Izzy could reply. Izzy’s eyes went wide as her muzzle was suddenly buried deep in the mare’s pussy. Rose and Plum were watching and slowly masturbating to the spectacle. Juices ran down around Izzy’s muzzle, Merry already very wet despite Izzy not starting yet. This wasn’t how Izzy would have wanted the day to end, but she was getting pretty used to the idea that this was the only way the trio would let a sleepover end.  Merry was positioned so that she was able to look down at Izzy, a predatory smile on her face as she did. Izzy assumed it was because she was just a really horny filly at that moment and thought nothing else of it. The mare’s were positioned to pin Izzy’s hooves at her side, limiting her squirming. Remembering the previous night and wanting this to be over with quickly, Izzy got to work lapping at the mare. “Hey now, slow down. That’s a bad Izzy. You need to take things slow, build up to the good stuff.” Merry was gently swaying her hips in Izzy’s muzzle as she spoke which just made the situation so much more distracting for Izzy. The unicorn wasn’t really able to verbally reply, but as always, she was skittish about being rude and did as she was told. So, she slowed her tongue down and began to gently lick the other mare’s pussy slowly and deliberately. The mare quietly moaned lustfully, her hooves going to the sides of Izzy’s head. Izzy felt her head being gently lifted to give her better access to Merry’s pussy. That was nice of the mare. It made it easier on Izzy’s neck at least.  However thankful Izzy was for a fraction of a second was drowned out by panic as Merry leaned further forward and covered more of her muzzle. Izzy squirmed just enough to free her nostrils and got back to work. For the next several minutes the only sounds in the room were the sounds of pleasure, both from Izzy and Merry, and from the other duo watching. While Izzy’s face was buried in Merry’s pussy, she saw out of the corner of her eye as Plum and Rose started making out and after several more minutes had flipped to opposite sides as each other and were each eating the other one out. Merry softly pushed Izzy’s chin so that the mare was looking into her eyes.  “Don’t pay attention to them, pay attention to me. Just for that, I will need you to speed up again. Well, that and because this seems like it will be fun.” Izzy had just enough time to wonder what Merry meant before the mare tilted forward again, this time with a tighter grip on Izzy’s head. Izzy’s eyes went wide as the pussy covered her face even more than before and was unable to free herself even the slightest bit. She could still breath, barely, but it was overwhelming. Listening to her host’s command, Izzy worked as fast and as well as she could at making Merry cum and quickly got her wish. Juices squirted out onto her face, the mare closing her eyes just in time for them to get soaked. She squealed into the mare’s pussy and Merry laughed at the display. “Oops. Oh well, that’s a good look for you.” Merry was still slowly rocking her hips, riding out the last of what had been a very powerful orgasm. “I’d say we should get you cleaned up, but you still have two mares to make cum.” Merry took a blanket, one of the ones that Izzy would be sleeping on that night, and wiped the unicorn’s eyes with it so she could see. Izzy was grateful for that, and even more so that her muzzle was finally free. “Oh? I think they are showing each other a good enough time. Should we really interrupt?” She asked. Rose pulled her mouth away from Plum and replied. “We were just warming up. Get over here, it’s my turn first!” “Like tartarus it is!” Plum shoved Rose down and plopped herself in front of Izzy while a pouting Rose crossed her hooves over her chest. “Woah,” Izzy managed a smile in spite of how miserable she felt, “I didn’t realize lil ol’ me was in such high demand.” Merry put her hoof up to Izzy’s lips with a shushing noise. “No talking. You should focus on the mare that wants you. It's a huge compliment that she does, after all. I’ll let you know when you can talk. Agreed?” “Well, I don’t want to be rude so I suppose that….” Izzy saw the cross expression on Merry’s face and realized that she had been babbling again. Instead of continuing her reply, Izzy simply nodded. She would speak when they told her she could. At least, until she figured out how to tell for herself. Wait, did that only include while they were having sex or was Izzy just talking too much in general. The other mares didn’t like her high energy much, maybe they also didn’t like how conversational she was. Izzy made up her mind to let Merry help her choose when to speak. At least for now. They mares would get used to her. Though, now that she thought about it, Izzy realized that she was the one that was getting used to a lot of things. Maybe that wasn’t so bad though. Maybe…. “Izzy!?” Plum looked very irritated as Izzy realized she had gotten lost in thought again. Wasting no more time, Izzy got to work. — Day three of the sleepover started the same way, sex at breakfast and food from a bowl. This time the mare’s even called the game they played fetch. Izzy guessed they had found the whole thing as funny as she had the previous day. It made her so happy to hear the mares laughing as she got a thrown ball mid flight and came hopping back with it in her mouth, deliberately playing along with the joke that they were all four in on…, at least she thought they were. They probably were. When the games were done, they all had dinner together in their usual spots. Merry had pulled an extra cushion out for Izzy so that she could sit more comfortably while they ate. That was appreciated. Izzy’s knees were starting to dislike eating on the floor, but with the cushion, she found she almost preferred it. It was like lying down to eat. So comfy. Dinner concluded silently, with Izzy following Merry’s cues on if it was ok for her to speak and concluding that dinner time was not chatting time. It was a pretty foreign idea to Izzy, but she would go with it. When the dinner was done, the mares led her upstairs, Izzy’s stomach churning a bit, knowing what was expected of her. She followed wordlessly, her usual smile on her face, even if it wavered slightly. It was Rose’s turn to start that night. The three of them crawled onto the bed and Merry gave Rose a slight nod. The delighted mare flopped herself down at the head of the bed, legs spread as Izzy had come to expect from these situations. It was enough of a pattern already that Izzy was mostly unfazed and crawled up between the mare’s legs without a moment’s hesitation. Rose chuckled and stroked her hair, Izzy’s eyes closing at the pleasant sensation, the feeling distracting her right when she most wanted a distraction.  “Good girl.” Rose whispered gently as she stroked, Izzy’s tongue already working with all the limited skill she had developed over the last few days. Unlike previous nights, Merry and Plum did not touch themselves while watching, instead just laying still and enjoying the show. Though, Izzy could tell that Plum at least was having issues keeping still. She could see the mare squirming from the corner of her eye. Merry was far more composed. It had been like this every day. Izzy had expected that the three of them would mix things up and help each other out more than they were. Instead, she had found herself becoming these mare’s primary way of getting off. It was eating at her a bit that she felt unsure of why that was. Pulling away from Rose’s now soaked pussy, Izzy turned to Merry. “Um…, Merry?” “Did I say you could talk?” Rose lightly tapped her on the muzzle, “Bad, Izzy.” “Oh, let her ask her question.” Merry sat sideways on the bed, eyes glued to Izzy’s sticky muzzle. Merry licked her lips at the sight, and Izzy wasn’t even sure that Merry was really listening. Still, she wanted to at least ask one thing. “Well, um, I just feel like you three treat me a little differently as a friend than you do each other. I just…I’m just worried you don’t see me the same way as you do your other friends.” “Well, we don’t.” Merry replied, taking her hoof from her pussy. Izzy’s heart dropped at the words. That is, until Merry reached under the bed and pulled out a small box. “We see you as a special kind of friend. The best kind.”  “Really?” Izzy was so happy to hear that. She looked at the box puzzled but excited. “Is that a gift for me?” “It is. We got you something the day we invited you over. We were just waiting for the right time to show it to you.” Merry clicked the box open. Inside was a circle of beautiful black cloth.  “What is it?” Izzy asked, amazed. “It’s a choker, a kind of necklace. We thought it would look cute on you.” Merry pulled the collar out, fighting to hold laughter back as Izzy looked at her in clear gratitude. “You mean that?” “Of course I do.” Merry reached forward and fit the collar around her pet’s neck. The stupid mare squealed in excitement as it was tightened just enough to keep it snug. “How does it look, how does it look?” “It looks like it belongs on your neck. It was meant for you.” Merry replied, ‘Or you were meant for it.’ she thought to herself with a smile. Izzy seemed so pleased with the collar. “Oh thank you! I didn’t know you gals had bought such a nice gift for me. I can’t wait to show other ponies.” “Oh, you shouldn’t do that.” Merry chided. “It’s a private friend gift. The kind you only wear for your good friends. If you show it off to other ponies, it will just make wearing it less special.” “Oh.” Izzy’s ears tilted down for a second in disappointment before perking back up in excitement as she thought of something. “Does that mean they are really special then? Those kinds of gifts?” “Very special. By the way, Izzy, we had one more thing to ask you. Do you want to move in? We have had so much fun with you that we really don’t want it to end yet. It would mean a lot to us if you said yes.” “Really?” The last few days had been a pretty mixed bag for Izzy of both very fun activities and things that made her squirm uncomfortably when she thought about them, but it was probably just the early issues that ponies had when they spend a lot of time around each other for the very first time. She thought to herself that she would probably grow to love her time with the three other mares more and more. She already was more used to things that she had originally thought were really strange. It was so nice having friends. Could she really say no to an invite like that from her very first bestest friend? “Yeah, ok. I’ll do it! I’ll move it!” Izzy answered at last. The trio of mares all laughed together, clearly very happy that she had said yes. “Good, good!” Rose said, grabbing Izzy’s head and gently lowering it to her pussy. Izzy started licking for a second before her head shot back up quickly at a thought.  “Oh! What about my stuff!” Rose irritatedly shoved Izzy’s head back down and smiled pleasantly when the mare resumed her work. “Don’t worry,” Merry chimed in, “We will deal with your stuff.” A good fire would be one way to deal with the pile of crap that Izzy had, but something so brazenly cruel wouldn’t do. She would find some way to keep her pet satiated until she was better trained. For now, delay tactics seemed to work fine. We’ll get your stuff over here soon enough. Not for a little while though. Having you over has been so much fun that we are all a little bit tired. For now, let’s just do our usually fun things. Izzy wasn’t able to reply from where her mouth was currently shoved, but as she tasted the first squirt of cum, she thought to herself that the mare’s plan sounded good. The last few days had been pretty exhausting. The next few would probably be easier, once she was more used to her new routine. It was so nice having friends, she thought as she lapped up the last of Rose’s cum.