> Words of Encouragement > by Starswirl the Beardless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Distracting Derriere > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Humming* “Hmm? Oh! Howdy there, sugarcube! Didn't hear you come in. What can I do you for? What's that? You brought me that package from Twilight? Oh, ain't you just as sweet as a candy apple. Thanks a heap for haulin' that all the way out here. I'd have stopped by and picked it up myself, but with Big Mac under the weather, I've had my hands full all day takin' care of his chores and mine. If I weren't so gosh darn busy, I'd get you a slice of apple pie and ice cream to thank you, but you're welcome to help yourself to something before you... Huh? You want to help me with my chores? Aww, I appreciate the gesture, but you don't really want to spend all day workin' the farm with me. I gotta feed the pigs, dust the livin' room, oil the wagons...and that's just before lunch! Trust me, you don't want nothin' to do with all that. You've already done me a good turn for the day. You run off and have some fun today, and maybe tomorrow we can hang out. You...you're serious? You really wanna help me? Well...gosh, I...you really are the sweetest guy in town, ain't ya? If you really wanna stay and help, then I'm happy to have you. There should be another broom in the corner over yonder. If you help me finish sweepin' the house, I might just have time to get you that pie later on. No, no, pie later, sweepin' now; those are the rules. Now lets get to it!” *Sweeping noises* *Humming* “You know, sugarcube, I'm awful glad you decided to stick around. I don't really mind the work none, but...it gets a bit borin' just bein' here on my lonesome. The work always feels easier when Mac or Bloom are here to chip in, and not just 'cause of the extra hands. I guess...just bein' around other folks makes a heap of difference, just talkin', jokin', laughin' together. And when y'all really click, you can get so distracted from the grind that you can do an hour's work in just a few minutes, if you catch my meanin'. You know what I mean about gettin' distracted, sugarcube? Sugarcube?” *Sweeping stops* “Uh, sugarcube...my eyes are up here. You...wanna tell me why you were just starin' a hole in the back of my jeans the size of the Gastly Gorge, or do I even need to ask? Look, I like you and all, but if you only offered to stick around just so you could get an eyeful, then you can turn around and head right back out the way you came in. I got enough on my plate without havin' to deal with a horndog eyein' me up all day. You're still sayin' you really want to help me? Sugarcube, I can put up with a lot, but if you go on tellin' lies like that, then you'll be makin' your way outta here with my bootprint on your ass. Look, I get it, alright? You're a guy, and you're gonna want to look at girls, and you're probably gonna make a fool of yourself doin' it. I'm sure there are girls out there that'd love to get that sort of attention, so why don't you go find one of them instead. If you're just gonna stare at me like I'm a piece of meat... No? What do you mean you don't wanna look at other girls? They're not as...as...pretty as me? Sugarcube...don't play around with me like that. I forgive you for lettin' your eyes wander, but don't make it worse by... You...you ain't lyin? No...no you ain't; I can see it in your eyes. You...really think I'm...pretty? You think I'm...beautiful? Sugarcube...maybe you think you're tellin' the truth but...that just ain't so. You can't honestly think I look good right now, can you? I mean, look at me. I'm in my old work clothes, I'm all dusty and sweaty, and...I think we can both tell I've been sneakin' a bit too many pieces of pie after supper recently. Trust me, there are much prettier girls out there for you to be spendin' your time with. Really? You...you really mean all that? You think I look...womanly and...feminine? The...the prettiest girl you ever saw? Sugarcube...you're gonna make me blush talkin' like that. What? You...you just wanted me to understand? Wait, no! You don't have to go! Look, I...I'm sorry, alright? I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I just assumed that you were only interested in...you know... Heh. Well, I...I guess I can't blame you for thinkin' about that at least a little. You are a guy after all. But...you say that's not all? Well, what then? If you ain't just lookin' for a roll in the hay, then...why me? What is it about me that...you like so much? My...my hair and...my nose? You like my freckly nose? You like the way it...wiggles when I laugh? I've...never had a guy notice that about me before. I'm guessin' you like what's below the neck too; I saw you lookin' after all. You...you like my legs? Really? But...they're all...big and muscly and such. I mean, I could crack a melon with these things, for goodness' sake! Don't guys like girls with...skinnier legs? Not you, eh? Well...I don't know if that makes you the weird one, or me. I reckon you like what I got in the back too. Just be honest with me. You really think all that? You really like it that much? I mean...I know guys have a thing for...girls' rears, but...don't you think mine's a bit too...big? No? The...the perfect size, you say? You...sugarcube! Ha ha...you're lucky Granny ain't around to hear you talkin' like that, or she'd tan your hide! But...thanks, I suppose. I ain't never had a guy talk so pretty-like about...what I got goin' on. You said you...can't help but look at me? You can't help but...imagine doin' things with me? What...what kind of things? You wanna...hold me and...kiss me? You wanna...kiss my nose and my cheeks and...everywhere else? You wanna...touch me? Feel my arms and my legs, and my belly and...my...other places? Oh. Oh, sugarcube, you...now you're gettin' me all...distracted too. Well...tell you what. If you're really serious about all that, serious about...wantin' to be with me, then...maybe we can...give it a try? Maybe...once we're done with the chores then...we could take a little break, just the two of us? I could...let you try some of my...other apple pie. But...before we get back to it...why don't I give you a little...tide-me-over?” *Smooch* “I...wow. You...you better get sweepin', mister, 'cause I don't wanna wait one second longer than I have to for more of that.” > Moonlight Sonata > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So...how'd you like your birthday dinner? I didn't make your special birthday tacos too spicy, did I? Oh, babe...you flatterer. But you know, they're only that good because of the secret ingredient. You know what that is don't you? No, not cayenne pepper, silly billy. I'll give you a hint: it starts with 'L' and ends with 'O-V-E'.” Wait, I spelled that right, didn't I? “That's right, babe: love. You're such a good guesser.” Whew. Crisis averted. “I always put a little bit of love into everything I make...and a lot of love into the things I make for you. I just...hope you notice that. I just hope that...you know that I love you. Aww, I know, babe; I know you love me too. I just...like to hear you say it. So, did you have a fun time today? I really hope so. I feel so bad about not being able to go on those roller coasters with you. I guess I just ate a bit too much at lunchtime. I told you to just go on without me, but you just had to sit with me and make sure I was alright, didn't you? I hated that you had to do that for me, but...I guess I'm lucky that I have such a loving, caring boyfriend, aren't I?” *Smooch* “What? What about the look on my face? Up to something? I don't know what you're talking about! It's not like I have a secret gift planned for you or anything.” Shit. Way to run your mouth, bubble-brain. “Oh, you see right through me, don't you? I shoulda known I couldn't hide it from you. You really are the smartest guy I know. Okay, yeah, I did have one last teensy weensy little present for you before bedtime. Huh? The amusement park? Well, I mean...that was supposed to be your present, but...that didn't really work out well in the end. I...I want this day to be special for you...like, really super duper special. I don't want you to look back on today and think about me trying not to throw up.” Stop talking about throwing up! You're ruining the mood! “I, uh...there's something I've been wanting to give you...something I've been wanting to...do with you for a long time. I've just been waiting for the right moment to...to...” C'mon, Sonata! Don't wimp out now! Just hold his hands, look him in the eye, and say it! “Babe...do you...love me? No, no, no, I mean, like...really, really love me. Like...the forever kind of love. You...you know what I— ” *Smooch* “Oh...oh, babe...I love you too. I love you so, so much. I love you more than you could ever know. I just...just...” *Sniffle* Do not start crying! Keep going! “I...I can't imagine being with anyone else either. You're just...perfect. I know you'd...never hurt me or...betray me or...anything like that. And I know you just want to make me happy. I want to make you happy too. That's why...for your present...I want to give you...I want to give you...” Say it! “Me. I want to give you...me. Uh-huh. That means...that too. You already have my heart, so...I want you to have the rest of me too. Yeah, I know we've...fooled around before, but...this is different. All that was just...playing around, but this...this is for realsies. I want you to have me...all of me...however you want me. Whatever you want to do...whatever you want me to do...I'll be okay with it. And this isn't just for tonight...if you don't want it to be. I want this night to be special, but I want every night that comes after, and every day that comes after, to be special too. And I know it'll be special for me...as long as I get to be with you. You don't know what to say? Lemme make a suggestion: say yes. Say that you love me as much as I love you. Say that you'll keep being my funny, smart, handsome, amazing boyfriend...every single day. Say that I'm not wrong to...trust you so much...to trust you with myself. I know it's your birthday, but...I'd love it if you said I could have you too; that'd be the best present ever. So...what do you say?” *Making out* Oh...oh, yes! Yes! Kiss me, babe. Kiss me and never stop! “Mmmph! Babe...oh, babe, yes! Yes! I'll love you forever too!” *More making out* “Wha...what do you want, babe? What do you want to do with me? I wasn't lying; I'm up for anything. I...I trust you. Do you want to...rip my clothes off? Just strip me naked so you can look at every inch of me all at once? Oooh....I'd love that so much! I'd love it if you just...wrapped your big, strong arms around me...held me and...nibbled my ears. I want to feel your lips...your tongue...all over me. And if you wanted to touch me...touch me anywhere you wanted...I'd love that too. I'd love it if you just grabbed my boobs...these big, soft boobies you love so much...and just fucking manhandled them! Squeeze 'em, squish 'em, play with them as much as you want. They're all yours. I'd...I'd love it if you held me close and...whispered dirty things in my ear while you pinch my nipples. You know how sensitive I am; I might just burst right then and there! Or...do you want me to take the lead instead? Do you want to just lay back and...let me love you? 'Cause I'd love that too. I'd love to see you lying there, see your sexy, naked body sprawled out on the bed like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Oh...my mouth's watering just thinking about it! I just want to...pounce on you! Rub my soft little body all over you! I want to kiss you all over, lick you all over! Would you like that? Would you like it if I slowly kissed my way down your chest...your stomach...all the way between your legs? That's what you really want isn't it? I can see that tent you're pitching there. You want to feel my soft lips...my slippery tongue...all over your big, fat cock? I know I do. I just want to...dive in and rub my face all over it! I want to kiss it, love it, worship it...all night long. I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? I've been practicing on one of my toys, you know. I think I've learned some tongue tricks that'll drive you wild. You'll just want to grab my head and force me down, just ram every inch of your big, hard dick down my throat at once. I hope you won't mind if I play with myself while you fuck my face. I want to cum while I feel you shoot your load straight down my throat! I'd fucking love that, but to be honest...there's something I'd love even more, something I think you'd love more too. I'll tease you, lick you, suck you...but I won't let you cum. I'll keep you right on the edge. I'll keep you simmering until your brain melts and you just can't take it anymore. And then? Then you'll grab me and throw me down on the bed, pin me beneath you, and just let it all out. I want to feel you hold me down, I want to feel your weight on me, and I want to feel you ram that throbbing, aching shaft right up my tight little taco. Oooh...I could cum just thinking about it, thinking about you stretching me out, filling me up. I want to feel myself wrapped around every inch of you, squeezing you tight. How do you want to do it? Do you want to go slow, gentle...let me savor every incredible moment...listen to me moan and whimper? Or...would you rather just break me? Do you want to just use my pretty little pussy for what it was made for...pound me so hard my eyes roll back and I scream your name? You want to use your cock to punish me for being such a little tease? Mmmpph...either way...I'd love it. But I gotta warn you: once you go in, you're not getting back out until you're done. I'm not gonna let you pull out until I've milked every last drop of your hot, sticky cum out of you. Once I lock my legs around your hips, they're not coming off again until your balls are empty and my womb is full. Do you want that? Do you want to want to knock me up? Do you want to turn your little girlfriend into your little baby mama? Because that's what I want. I want that more than anything in the world. I want you to make me your sexy little baby mama...your broodmare...and I want you to be my stud. And then? When we're all done? After you've fucked my brains out of me and fucked a baby into me? I'd really love it if...you hold me. I want you to cradle my limp body in your arms and...hold me tight. I want you to kiss me...nuzzle my face...whisper in my ear. I want you to tell me that you love me...and that you always will. I want to fall sleep in your arms...tonight, tomorrow, and every day afterwards. That's...that's what I want. But...this is your birthday after all, babe, so the real question is...what do you want?” > Crime and Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Panting* “Oh...oooh...it's sooooo hot today. Why does it have to be so hot today? I mean, I know it's the middle of summer, but still! Doesn't the princess know little mares like me still have to walk around in this heat? Couldn't she turn the sun down just a teensy weensy bit? Oh...if I'd known it was gonna be this hot out today, I would've waited until the evening to make the walk back from Sweet Apple Acres. And Applejack even tried to warn me too! I really should've let her talk me into staying and having some nice, cold apple cider with her. Oh, but...at least I'm finally back in town! Sugarcube Corner's only a few minutes away! I can almost taste those sweet, creamy milkshakes!” *Salivating* “Oh, who am I kidding? I'll never make there it at this rate! It's just too hot! Why did I have to dress so warmly today too? Leggings? Long sleeves? What was I thinking? That's it, if I make it home without melting, it's booty shorts and crop tops for the rest of the summer! But...that doesn't help me now. Forget Sugarcube Corner; I don't even think I can make it to Twilight's place! I...I gotta do something, or I'll be a little Pinkie-puddle before too long! Wait...maybe...” *Looks around* “Nobody's around. They're probably all hiding inside to stay cool, or down at the swimming hole. Nobody would see me. And...I don't have that much farther to go. If I could just get a little bit cooler, then maybe...just maybe... Oh, screw it!” *Exertion noises* “Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...that's the stuff! Sorry, shirt, but Pinkie's gotta do this without you. I'm so glad I didn't wear a bra today. Well, not like that's different from any other day, but still. Oh, that breeze just feels so good on my hot, sweaty boobies. But...my legs are still burning up...and they're the ones that have to get me home lickety-split! Oh...well, I...I guess I've already come this far. And it'll feel sooooo good to get these off of me. Fine. Leggings, time to take one for the team! Just gotta wiggle you down over my big booty and...” *Throat clearing* “Oh...heh heh. Um...hello, officer! Nice...day we're having, huh? What? What am I doing? Well, I uh...I'm...protesting? What!?! What do you mean you have to give me a ticket? A ticket for what? Oh...indecent exposure. Yeah, I...guess that's fair, heh heh. So...how much is the fine? Sorry, what!?! How much? Is that in Equestrian bits?” Shit! I don't have that kind of money lying around, and I can't go running to Twilight...again; she cut me off! What am I gonna do? “Say, um...you're a reasonable guy, right? Maybe we could come to some sort of...arrangement? Something that doesn't involve my piggy bank?" "Like what? Well, um... Look, I know that I've been a...bad little filly...flashing my plump little body out here for all to see. I know I've done bad. I wouldn't want some poor little colt to catch a glimpse of me and then jerk himself to death over my big titties and my fat ass. I just think that a...financial punishment might not be the most effective strategy, you know? You give me a ticket, and I'll probably just forget about the whole thing and end up streaking again next week! No, a situation like this calls for a much more...thorough sort of punishment, the sort of punishment I'll never forget. I'm sure a big, strong, handsome guy like you can find some way of punishing a hot, sweaty little mare like me. Ugh, do I gotta spell it out for you? Fine. I want you to take those big, strong hands of yours, pull 'em back, then let 'em loose on all of this plump, juicy, jiggly real estate I got goin' on back here. Yes, genius, I want you to spank me! And you better spank me good and hard if you want me to learn my lesson! You gotta make all this juicy gelatin ripple if you want the lesson to sink in. All this soft, sexy pink better be bright red by the time you let me go. I wanna see a big ol' handprint right over these little balloons, you hear? I want you to slap me so hard that Princess Celestia can hear it all the way in Canterlot! Or...if you think all that still isn't enough...if you think I'll still run off and be a bad little filly tomorrow even after you've made it so I can't sit right for a week...then there are other things you could do. I see you got a nice big nightstick hanging there on your belt. I bet you don't get to use it that often in a sleepy little town like this. Wouldn't you like to just whip that thing out and go to town on all of this plump, juicy meat? Oh, and don't worry about me...I can take anything you can dish out. And don't be afraid to jam it between my legs either. You might hear me moan a bit...or a lot...but I totally won't be enjoying having that big, hard shaft rubbing against my Pinkie-pussy one bit! And after all of that, after I'm dripping wet and red all over...if you still think I haven't had enough...then you can pull out that other nightstick you got down there. Don't try to hide it, although I don't see how you even could. From the size of that bulge, you must be packing enough heat to blow away half the mares in town! If you used that thing on me, I'd never forget about today...ever! Just think about it. You unbuckle your belt, drop your pants, then whip out that big, hard shaft, easy-peasy lemon squeezy! In fact, it looks so tight in there, I bet it'd just spring out all on its own as soon as your zipper's down. Imagine that thick, throbbing cock breaking out and giving my big, bootylicious butt a good slap. My cherry-colored cheeks will be so tender at that point, I'll probably whimper just from that. But you better not stop there! I got two big, soft, warm buns right here, and I want you to slip your big, juicy wiener right between 'em and make a tasty hot dog! You ever get a buttjob from a mare with an ass as fat as mine? I doubt it. I doubt you'll ever get another chance to feel such a plush, pillowy booty wrapped around you, smothering every inch of you at once. I know I'm pretty soft and jiggly, but I got enough muscle back there to squeeze you nice and tight. You can just lean back, relax, and I promise my slutty little ass will milk every last drop out of you in no time! Or, if you don't feel like painting these big, pink cheeks white, then there's somewhere else that could do with some punishment. You cops like donuts, right? Well, I got a thick, puffy donut back there that could do with a good, thick coating of frosting. If you think my cheeks squeeze you good, just wait till you're inside me, and I can squeeze you like a vice! Just throw me up against a wall, grab my hips, then pound these big lumps of dough as hard and as fast as you want, and don't stop until you give me a nice, creamy filling to take home with me! So...what's it gonna be? You wanna take me up on my offer, or do you really want to send me off with just a ticket? Hmmph, that's what I thought you'd say. Now, let's go into that nice, shady alley over there. I don't want my brain to melt before you fuck it out of me!” > Warm Reception > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, sir? Does this make it easier to decide?” “G-G-Girls! W-What are you doing!?!” “Oh relax, sweetie. This is just part of the process.” “The...process? What in Equestria are you talking about?” “Oh, come on, kid. You can drop the 'sweet and innocent' act now.” “Act? But...but...” “Hey, Grace, I think...I think she might be for real.” “What? Really? Kid, do you really not know what's goin' on?” “No! I have no idea why you two are...presenting yourselves...or why you're making me do it too!” “Well, I'll be! Peachy, I think you're right about her.” “I'm not surprised. She's young, and she's only ever worked for some small-time mayor before.” “Well, I guess we gotta be the big mares and show this little filly the ropes then. Hey, kid?” “Huh...yes?” “You really want this job?” “Y-Yes, I do! It would mean so much for my career and...” “Yeah, yeah, save it. You already told him all that already.” “Sweetie, have you really not been wondering why this guy scheduled three beautiful mares for interviews at the same time?” “He said it was a...scheduling error...right?” “Ha! Kid, you want to make it far in the reception biz, you gotta learn to read between the lines.” “Yeah. He brought all three of us up here to his office because he wants to do a side-by-side comparison...literally.” “He wants to see us sell ourselves. He wants to see us show what we can offer him. He wants us to show him why he should hire us over the two little sluts beside us. No offense.” “None taken.” “You...you mean...we have to...to...” “That's right. You want the job, then you better lift your tail, wiggle your hips, and wink that pretty little pussy of yours. And you better bring your A-game, 'cause the two of us are gonna be doin' the same thing, and we ain't gonna go easy on you just 'cause you're new to the game.” “That's right! And you better watch out too, Grace. I'm feeling lucky today.” “Ha! I like a challenge. Alright then, may the best mare win!” “Oh, don't worry...I will.” “Ah-hem. Sorry for the delay, sir. The three of us are ready for the next stage of the interview now.” “You can say that again! I'm dripping over here just waiting for that big marebreaker you got down there!” “What!?! He's going to...put that thing in us?” “I'd be surprised if he didn't. I mean, if I were a stallion with a dick as fat as that one, and I had three sexy little sluts lined up in front of me, I wouldn't leave until I'd pumped a big, heaping dose of foal-batter into each one of 'em!” “Amen! And you're lucky, sweetie, having your first big interview with such a big, strong, handsome stallion.” “Yeah, most of the guys I interview with are fat, old, and can't even get it up on their own, but this guy? Oh...I think I'm gonna be walkin' out of here with a smile on my face even if I don't get the job.” “I'm sure a guy like him could more than take care of all three of us. Although, once he gets a taste of what I have to offer, he might just forget about you two.” “Don't get cocky, kid! That's his job.” “It's not being cocky, it's knowing what I'm worth. Sir, why don't you come on over here and let me show you why I'm the most qualified mare for this position...or any position you want me in. I may have gotten my start at Ponyville Hospital, but I'm not some naive, inexperienced filly like this little sweetie is! I've been at Manehattan General for long enough now to have quite a substantial service record. I've personally assisted hundreds of patients, doctors, and nurses, helping them deal with the incredible stresses they have to deal with in their lives. Some of those doctors just work so hard, get so...pent-up...that they just need somepony to help them let off a little steam every once in a while. I'm sure a hard-working stallion like you can understand that. While I might just an administrator, I've had plenty of hooves-on experience, and have a very intimate knowledge of the pony body. Choose me, and you'll get to experience the same treatment that made me employee of the month thirteen months in a row!” “Not bad, Peachy. Not bad at all, but this ain't some soap opera, this is real life. Big-and-handsome over here ain't lookin' for somepony to give him sponge baths, he wants a mare who knows the ins and outs of the Manehattan business world, somepony like me. Sir, I'm sure you know better than any of us just how fast and rough this town can be, and I just want you to know, I can take it; I can take anything you wanna throw at me, and I'll just ask for more. You've probably heard of the gal I work for now, Prim Hemline. She's a harsh mistress, stern, uncompromising, and doesn't accept anything less than the best. Lemme tell you, that old mare has put me through my paces somethin' fierce workin' under her, but I've stuck it out all these years and come out a much more experienced mare because of it. You should see some of the fashion designers she works with though. If I had a bit for every pretty little mare she's sent staggering home with her tail between her legs, I'd be as rich as you!” “Yeah, cute, innocent little fillies don't last long in this town, isn't that right, sweetie?” “Wha...?” “Oh, just ignore that bimbo, kid. Go on and say your piece!” “Oh! Well...I'm...I'm Raven and...well, you already know that. Look, I...I know I'm not as...experienced as these two, but...I'm not...completely inexperienced. I've learned a lot about administration working for Mayor Mare, but...I know I have a lot to learn still...and I'm eager to do so. If you choose me, then I promise, I'll work twice as hard...no, three times as hard as any receptionist you've ever had before! I'll bring you your coffee, I'll massage your back, I'll even...stay after hours to...help you with any...late-night business you need to attend to. It won't matter how long or...incredibly, mouth-wateringly hard the task is...I'll handle it with a smile on my face. I just want to do my best to help your business grow bigger...or...anything else you want me to help make bigger.” “Whew! Not bad for a first-timer, sweetie. Not bad at all.” “Alright, sir, we've done our part, now it's your turn. You've heard us all talk, but now you gotta make us squeal and moan.” “The only question you have to ask yourself is...who do you want first?” > Prisoner of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, well, well...what delectable little morsel have my drones brought for me today? A pony? And not just a pony, a ripe, young stallion! Hmm...as much as I enjoy the sweet, sensual flavor of a little mare, I've always found the strong, potent taste of a stallion much more...filling. I shall have to reward my scouts for capturing such a fine specimen for me. Oh? Shaking already? But we've only just begun! I know you're not cold. My drones might have taken your clothes, but even a feeble little pony like you couldn't possibly shiver in the warmth of my hive. Are you afraid perhaps? Quaking in fear? I'm not surprised. Not many of you pathetic creatures are ever gifted with a glimpse of Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, and allowed to live to speak of it. Yes, my little morsel, the very same changelings that laid siege to Canterlot, the same changelings that nearly had every mare, stallion and foal in your pitiful country on their knees. Why, I myself led the charge; I myself struck down your precious princess in full view of her entire court. I hope this clarifies the situation you have found yourself in.” *Sniffing* “Ahhhh....there it is. I can smell your fear, and what's more...I can smell your love. I can smell your lust. Don't try to deny it. You can't hide the contents of your puny little heart from me any more than you can hide that stiffening shaft between your legs, or that lecherous gaze you've had fixed on me since you were brought in here. Tell me, do you like what you see? Do you enjoy the honor of being able to gaze upon my perfect form? No need to answer; it's written all over your face. Fufufu...forgive my teasing. I always enjoy playing with my food before I eat. Oh, don't be afraid, little morsel; I'm not going to kill you. In fact, I believe you'll find your stay here in my hive to be quite pleasurable. You see, my changelings and I do indeed feast upon you puny little ponies, but I am not interested in your flesh...at least, not in that way. No, what I desire...is that burning heat between your legs, the pounding of your heart in your chest, and all of those savory, sinful thoughts you're trying to force from your mind. Those are my bread and butter, and from the looks of you, I believe I shall be eating well tonight. Awww...still confused? Don't fret. Everything will be made very clear soon enough. For now though, all you need to understand is that you belong to me now. Whatever life you might have had before you were unfortunate enough to cross paths with my drones...is over. Now begins your new life...as my little love slave. Oh, don't be disheartened. In time, you'll come to enjoy being my plaything...everyone does. It may seem cruel to you, but trust me, I am no sadist. I do not feed on fear and suffering after all. You might find this hard to believe, but I would much prefer your puny little head to be full of much warmer, gentler, loving feelings than that. That being said...I am more than capable of making your sad little existence one of misery and excruciating torment should I wish. I could have you at my feet, writhing in ecstasy...or in agony. The choice...is up to you. You can fight me, resist me, make pointless shows of defiance...but I would not recommend this. I have no time to waste on meager prey. Should you choose to fill your heart with anger and hatred...then I will suck every last drop of love out of you all at once, drain you dry, then throw your shriveled husk of a body into the wastes for the buzzards to peck at. Of course, it doesn't have to come to this. There is a much more...mutually beneficial way our relationship could play out. Instead, you could choose to submit, submit to my hive, and submit to me. Pledge yourself to me, give me your body, your mind, and your heart...and I will ensure that you never regret it. I shall grant you pleasure the likes of which your puny little mind could not begin to imagine. I shall drive you to the highest heights of love...and to the deepest depths of lust. I shall ensure that not a single day in the remainder of your short, fragile life goes by where your mind is not wracked with indescribable ecstasy. All you have to do...is say yes. Say yes...and I will give you everything you desire...and more. Let me hear you say it. Let me hear you say...'yes, my queen'. Excellent. Now, my little morsel, we can begin the feast. Oh, do not fear. As I said, I only desire your pleasure...and your love. And...I believe I have something that you will love very much. Your lustful eyes have been drinking in my body, but perhaps your thirsty lips would like a taste as well. Would you like that? Would you like to taste your queen's breasts? Would you like to feel these big, soft, warm tits all over your cute little face? Would you like to take my stiff, aching nipples between your lips...and taste my nectar? I thought so. Crawl to me. Crawl your way over to me, my little morsel. Yes, that's it. Come to me. Now, lie beside me. Let me take your little head in my arms and bring you to my chest. Oh, you're an eager one, aren't you? Mmmmph...that's it. Drink deep; your queen commands you! Yes...yes! Drink down every drop. Fill your belly. Oh, I can see you're beginning to feel the effects. No weak, thin mare's milk is this. This thick, delicious elixir is my royal nectar, the milk of the queen, sure to light a fire in the body of a little pony like you, and keep your mind drenched in lust. Soon enough, you'll be addicted; you'll be addicted to me, addicted to my body, but as long as you behave, as long as you keep thinking those sweet, loving thoughts, I'll make sure you're never left wanting. Oh dear, look at that. You're throbbing. Are you enjoying yourself that much? Do my queenly tits taste so good that you feel the need to thrust your little hips? If they feel that good in your mouth, imagine how they'd feel wrapped around this big, handsome cock of yours. Ha! I saw that twitch! You really are imagining that, aren't you? Yes...I can feel it. I can smell the musk of your dirty little thoughts. You just want to grab these breasts, ram your cock between them, and fuck them raw, don't you? Well, if you behave, if you be a good little love slave for your queen, then I might just let you live out that fantasy some day. No! Don't touch yourself! I can't have you wasting your bounty prematurely. No, I have to let you simmer, let you stew. I have to keep you right on the edge until just the right moment when your love is ripe and ready for me. So go on, keep suckling...while I tend to your aching flesh. Mmmm...does my hand feel that good wrapped around you, squeezing your thick, twitching shaft? If you're moaning now, let's see what you do when I start moving. Fufufu...music to my ears. Just keep drinking, my little morsel; keep drinking...and feel my hand moving up and down, up and down, slow and steady. Good...good. I can feel your love growing stronger, feel it building up within you. Just relax, let the pleasure wash over you, and let your mind wander. I hope you can see that you made the right choice in submitting to me. As my little slave, you will have this pleasure every day...this pleasure and more. I use my hand now, but if you earn it, I will milk you of your love with every other part of my body as well. My soft, plump breasts...my hot, wet mouth...my thick, pillowy thighs...my tender little toes...even my pussy. Yes...if you impress me, if you obey me, if you can feed me and my children in the years to come, then I may once day grant you the right to fuck my tight little snatch. Imagine that...imagine sliding into the tightest, wettest, hottest cunt in the world. With my changeling magic, I can fit myself perfectly to your cock and give you the perfect lock to your key. How could a mare ever compete? Oh, you're getting closer now! Why don't I speed things up a little? There...a nice fast pace to push you to the edge. You're almost there, but you're not allowed to finish until I let you. You're not allowed to finish until that fat, juicy wad of love I feel inside you is ready to burst! Not yet...not quite yet. Oh...it's almost ready. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Just...a few more moments...a few more seconds. Are you ready, my little morsel? Are you ready to give me every ounce of hot, sticky love you have? Count with me. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Now! Cum for me! Cum for your queen!” *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh, my little morsel...well done. Your love...is invigorating. It's...it's been a long time since I've tasted such raw, primal love from a stallion. I think I'm going to be sampling you on a regular basis. But...no more today; you need your rest. I wouldn't want to wear you out too quickly. I'll have my drones take you to your own little chamber where you can recuperate...until I desire to taste you again. Oh, but don't worry; you won't be lonely. I have plenty of young, busty daughters that need to feed as well, and I'm certain all five hundred eighty-three of them will want to get a taste of you. Welcome to the hive, my little morsel.” > Not My Tempo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *School bell ringing* “Alright, class dismissed...you little worms.” *Stampede of footsteps* “Ugh...they don't pay me enough for this.” “What? Oh...it's you.” “Yes, I did want to talk to you. Sit.” *Chair creaking* “How long have you been my T.A.?” “You heard me. How long have you been my T.A.?” “Exactly. You've worked for me long enough to know how I operate. You know my expectations, you know my requirements...and you know what I feel about those who fail to meet my requirements...don't you?” “Hmph...it's funny. When Celestia brought me on as this school's new music teacher, I never thought this job would be anything more than a paycheck. I never thought I would find a single student in this miserable place who truly deserved to be taught by a songstress of my caliber. I've had hundreds of thickheaded little bastards and brain-dead bimbos parade through my classroom, not one of whom possessed even a tiny fraction of my skill.” “Imagine my surprise...when you came along. You, a pathetic little slug just like the rest, and yet...I haven't seen such raw musical talent in a human since Orpheus. Don't get me wrong; you're still lifetimes away from my level, but...you were enough to make me curious. I wondered if, maybe, with the proper guidance, you might one day be halfway good enough to be one of my backup performers. That's why I made you my T.A. That's why I've been giving you private lessons. I thought that you had potential. I thought that you might be different from all of the others. It seems I was a fool to get my hopes up.” “Ever since I brought you on, you've been slipping; you've been losing focus. With every private session, you seem to be doing worse, not better. It's gotten to the point where you barely outshine the rest of the class. If you had been like this when you first walked into this room, I wouldn't have given you a second glance.” “I don't tolerate weakness. I don't tolerate failure; you know that. I'm not going to waste any more of my time on a tone-deaf idiot like you. From now on, our private sessions are over, and you will no longer be my T.A.” “What? 'No'? You think I'm wrong? You think you deserve to remain by my side? Don't make me laugh. I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago. You're not getting any better, and I'm not going to waste any more of my time waiting for that to happen.” “Unless...there's something else going on. Unless...there's some reason why you've been slipping, some reason why you've been getting sloppier with every day we spend together. If that were the case, well...that would be a different story. Of course, I won't know...unless you tell me. Tell me...what is making you so distracted?” “You can't tell me? Fufufu. Little boy, I'm playing with you. I know what's been distracting you. I've been around a very long time; I know perfectly well when a guy is eyeing me up. Besides, you've never been very sneaky with your glances. You spend so much time trying to get a peek down my shirt, or up my skirt, that you can barely hold a tune. You're wasting so much mental energy thinking about me, that you can't think about anything else. Well, if you want to look at me so badly...then let me give you an eyeful.” *Desk creaking* “Well...go ahead. Look to your heart's content. Get it all out of your system.” “Fufufu. You should see the look on your face. What, your math teacher doesn't pose for you on her desk? I doubt you look at that old hag the same way you're looking at me right now, anyway. After all, she doesn't have these big, juicy breasts, or this perfect hourglass figure, or these long, slender legs. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you've been so distracted. I suppose it was a bit unfair of me to expect a horny little boy like you to keep your eyes off of all of this.” “So tell me, what is it about me that you find so irresistible? What sick little thoughts swim through your puny mind when you look at me? What unspeakable fantasies do you take home with you to keep yourself company when you're alone in bed? You want to see me on my knees in front of you, putting these soft, plump lips to work on your aching flesh? You want to pin me down on my back and slide yourself between my pillowy tits? You want to force my legs apart and see what I've got hidden between them? No...no, you're not looking at my lips, are you? You're not looking at my breasts either. You're looking down...down at my...” “Oh...oh ho ho ho! Why...you little pervert. You sick little pervert. You're looking at my feet, aren't you? By the Sirenmother, you humans really are pathetic. Out of everything I've got going on, it's my feet that you want to look at the most? I know these cherry-red fuck-me heels draw a lot of attention, but...I didn't think they would draw that much attention.” “Well, now that we've identified the root of the problem, we can start to fix it. You want to look at my feet so badly, want to touch them, play with them maybe? Well, I want my star student to start living up to my standards again. I propose...an exchange. I'll take pity on your perverted little ass and keep you on as my T.A., and I'll even continue our private lessons. Of course, I'd better see some immediate improvement from you. If you take one more step backwards, you slip up one more time, then we're done, got it?” “Of course, if you do manage to improve...if you manage to claw your way back to where you were when we first started...I'll be quite pleased...so pleased, in fact, that I might even decide to reward you. You give me what I want, and I'll give you what you want...and more. What do you say? Interested? Say yes right now and...I'll even give you a little preview of what you've got coming to you as...motivation for our next session. How about it?” “Fufufu...I'll take that as a 'yes'.” “Now, why don't I give you a better look at these feet you're so obsessed with. There we go. Don't my shiny red heels look so pretty sitting there on your knees? You must think so; you're staring at them like a hungry puppy. Do you like them? Do you love them? Fufufu...I bet you do...you little pervert. Well, if you love them so much...why don't you give them each a big, wet kiss?” “No! Don't touch them, worm, not with your hands! You have a long way to go before you'll be worthy of handling them. Keep your hands at your sides or we're done here, got it?” “Good boy. Now, just lean your head down, nice and easy...yes, just like that. Give both of them a great big kiss to show them how much you love them. Yes...good boy. Did you like that? Did you like kissing my slutty red heels, you little pervert?” “'Yes' what? Say 'yes, Ms. Dazzle'.” “Good boy. I think you've earned a little bit more. As much as I'd enjoy watching you worship my shoes all day...and as much as you'd enjoy it...I bet you'd rather see what I've got inside of them, wouldn't you? Just a moment.” *Clunk* *Clunk* “Aaahhh...much better. I just love the feel of the cool air on my soft, sweaty toes after a long day of work. Oh? You like that? You like watching me wriggle my little toes in front of your face? Wait...is that...is that a bulge I see between your legs? Are you getting hard just from seeing my feet? You're such a little pervert...but you're not wrong. My feet are perfection, just like every other part of me; I can't exactly fault you for recognizing that.” “You're lucky, you know, having the chance to gaze upon the feet of a goddess like me. You'd better enjoy this, because you'll never find a more perfect pair than this, not if you lived a hundred lifetimes. Silken soles with high arches, smooth heels, long, sexy toes, each one painted just like my fingers. And the icing on the cake: each one wrapped in the sheerest, silkiest stockings money can buy. A teacher's salary isn't much, but...I do allow myself a few luxuries, something I'm sure you'll appreciate.” “Yes...watch them wriggle...watch them squirm...watch them flex. Do you like that? What about this? Do you love the feel of my warmth...my softness...on your little cheeks? Fufufu...your expression is just precious. Oh? Are you trying to smell them? You little pervert. My toes have been trapped in my heels all day long, but here you are, sniffing them like they're roses. Do you want more? Do you want me to press these soft, sweaty feet against your adorable little face? Let me hear you say it. Let me hear you say 'yes please, Ms. Dazzle'.” “Good boy.” “How does that feel? How does it feel having my feet smooshed against your face like this...touching you...caressing you? My, aren't you eager. Go ahead; worship them. Kiss them, nuzzle them, lick them all over. Take a deep breath; take my scent deep into your lungs. Savor it. Savor all of it. And remember...if you be a good little performer for me...I'll let you worship these feet again...when I feel like it.” “Hmmm...you're loving this, aren't you? I can tell. Your little moans are music to my ears, and those adorable little faces you're making are just scrumptious. And that little bulge you've got there...it's getting bigger by the second.” “I really ought to stop here. I ought to just send you home like this as punishment for your sloppy behavior. You'd just have to go home and finish on your own, all while fantasizing about my perfect feet on your face.” “Lucky for you, I'm feeling rather merciful today. Besides, you've cheated me of your beautiful tones for so long, so now you're going to pay me back. I'm going to make you moan, I'm going to make you squeal, and I'm going to make you scream. You're going to fill this classroom with the sound of your sweet little voice; that will be your apology to me.” “Now, why don't we let your little friend down there join in on the fun? What? Never had a girl undo your pants with just her feet before? I'm not surprised. It's a bit tricky, especially with these stockings, but...I've had a lot of practice. There's the button...now the zipper...there. Now, let's fish you out of there and...” “Oh. Oh, wow...you...fufufu. Now it all makes sense. It's no wonder you're always so brain-dead. I can only imagine how much blood it takes to pump up this absolute beast of a cock you've got here. If I'd known you had this hidden away down there...we would have been doing this a long time ago. No matter. We'll just have to make up for lost time, won't we?” “I can see you twitching. You must really want to feel me down there, don't you? And yet...your little face looks so empty without my feet on it. Hmm...how about this? I'll give you one foot on your face, and the other...down below.” “Oh! Singing for me already? My toes are hardly touching this throbbing shaft of yours. Let's see how loud you are once I start moving.” “Yes...yes, just like that. Let me hear your voice while I stroke you. Just close your eyes and savor the feel of my foot on your cock. Up and down, up and down. Slow and steady. A proper tempo...remember it. Oh, but don't forget about about my other foot now. I want to feel you worshiping it while you moan. Yes, just like that. Just keep kissing it. Just keep licking my little toes. Mmm...good boy. Let's speed things up bit now.” “Oh, you really like that. Now you see what a difference a good, steady rhythm makes...especially once I get my whole foot on you. There...now I can stroke every inch of this fat fuckpole at once. You like that, you little pervert? You like feeling my silken sole gliding up and down your cock? You like feeling my pretty little toes teasing your head? No need to answer; I can see you leaking. I can't wait to see how much you've got in there for me.” “Let's speed it up a little more; I want to see how much you can take. Oh, now you're really moaning! How precious. I know it's a little hard with my toes in your mouth, but don't be silent. I want to hear those delicious notes of yours. Yes...yes...good boy. Just like that. If you're as dedicated to your music as you are to licking my feet, you'll go far in the music world.” “You're hips are bucking. Are you getting close? Trying to help yourself along? Well, stop it. Keep your butt in the chair next to your hands. I decide when you finish, you little pervert. But...I won't keep you waiting for much longer. Just keep kissing, just keep sucking...and I'll up the tempo one more time.” “There. You won't last long at this speed. Just a few more moments, I bet. I'll count you down, and when I'm done...then, and only then, do you have my permission to cum. But remember, I want to hear you when you reach your climax. I want to hear your little crescendo fill up the room. Hell, I want that bitch Celestia to hear you across the building. Are you ready? Are you ready, my little songbird? Then let's begin.” “Ten” “Nine” “Eight” “Keep licking.” “Seven” “Six” “Five” “Keep sucking.” “Four” “Three” “Two” “One...” “Now! Now, you little pervert! Cum for me! Scream for me! Scream my name as you blow your hot, sticky load all over my foot! Yes, yes!” “Oh...oh, well done, my little songbird. Very well done. Not even my sisters cum that loudly. And my foot...you drenched me! I'm going to be smelling your seed on my toes for a week! Not that I'm complaining. I haven't smelled such a thick, manly musk in a long time. And the taste...let me see...” “Mmmm...oh...oh, yes. Delicious. Absolutely delicious. I'm...I'm going to need a while to finish licking your spunk out from between my toes. You can go now. Zip up your pants, give my foot one last kiss goodbye, then you can head on home. Aww, don't be too disappointed. You did well today, and if you do well at our session tomorrow then...we can have a little encore performance afterwards. You'd better be ready for a real workout though. This is just the beginning.” > Bathtime Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Contented humming* “Eeep!” “Oh...oh, sweetie, it's just you. I didn't hear you come in.” “No, no, you didn't scare me. You just...surprised me is all.” “I'm alright, really. After all, it's your bathroom too.” “What? Why am I blushing? Oh, well...I guess I'm just not used to...someone seeing me in the bathroom yet. I know it's silly, especially after...everything we've done together. I know you've...seen me before, but...it feels different in here than it does in the bedroom. It just feels so...naughty.” “No, wait! You don't have to leave. I...I don't mind you being here. In fact, I...I like you being here. I like that...we can do things like this together now...now that we're married.” “Gosh...I'm not used to that either. It's been two months already, but...I still can't get over the fact that...I'm your wife now...and you're my husband. It feels so weird to say it out loud...b-but not the bad kind of weird! I just...I really...I always...” *Smooching* “Oh, sweetie...you always know when I need one of those. Thank you.” “I...I wasn't joking. You can stay if you want. I was just about to get in the shower, but I wouldn't mind if you wanted to...watch me...or if you wanted to...come in with me.” “Would I like that? Well, I...I...yes. I would like that. I'd like that very much.” “Okay then. Let's...let's do it...together.” “Wait, why are you...? Oh, right...silly me. I guess you do have to take off your clothes if you want to get in with me. Here, let me help you.” *Aroused squeak* “What? Er...yes, I'm...I'm alright. I just...forget sometimes how...handsome you are. I forget how...s-sexy you look.” *Heavy breathing* “Um...yes, I'm...I'm ready.” “Don't worry, sweetie. I won't slip. Besides...I know you'll catch me if I do.” *Door sliding* “Now...let me just get the water and...” *Handle squeaking* *Rushing water* “Eeep! Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!” “Aaaahhhh...much better. Oh, that feels so good after a long day, doesn't it sweetie? Here, come closer. Get under the water with me.” “Oh...now I really feel naughty...feeling you pressed up against me like this. Yes, sweetie...put your arms around me and...hold me tight. Just like that.” *Smooching* “Mmmph...oh...oh, sweetie...h-hand me the soap and...I'll take care of you.” “Okay. Let's start with your back. T-Turn around.” Come on, Fluttershy. Stay calm. “Alright. Let me get your shoulders...there. Now your arms...and now your back...” “Hmm? Oh...yeah, I...I guess you can feel them pressed against you, can't you? I can't really help that though. They're just...so big.” “I know. I know you like my...big boobs...but I like to hear you say it.” “There. Now, why don't I...move a little lower...?” “What? No, I...I didn't squeeze your butt! I...you just imagined that!” “Why am I still squeezing it? Um...you're imagining that too?” “Ahem...well, um...why don't I move on to your front? Just turn back around and...there we go. Let me just get your chest...now your belly...and now your...” “Oh. Oh my. Um...I guess I need to...get that clean too. I'll...I'll be gentle with it.” “Oh. You're so hard...you're so hard already! Is this just from me...just from me...touching you? Wow. Well, um...this may take a while.” “Here, why don't I...soap up my hands and...do it that way? I bet that'd feel better than a bar of soap, wouldn't it? There. Now, let me...get started.” “Does that feel good, sweetie? Do my hands feel good stroking you like this? I...I know I'm not very good at this yet, but...” “It does? Really? Oh, sweetie...you flatterer.” “Just got to get...every inch of you...every inch of this...big, manly thing. Now the tip. Now underneath. Oh, sweetie...you must be aching really bad right now. Well, when we're done in here...I promise I'll...help you take care of that, okay?” “There. I think...you're about as clean as I can get you. Now, can you do me? I mean, can you wash me? I mean, not that I wouldn't like it if you...'did' me, but...that's not what I meant I...” *Smooching* “Thank you, sweetie. Here's the soap. I'll turn around for you and...get my hair out of the way.” “Oh...oh, that feels so good. Your hands feel so good on my shoulders, sweetie. Go lower. Yes...get all over...get my whole back. And when you're done...don't forget my...my butt.” “Um...sweetie, you're...squeezing my butt quite a lot. What? I'm imagining it? I'm just imagining your hands on my...'big, sexy buns'? Oh. Well, um...I guess I am.” “Oh? You're done? Okay, let me just turn around and...” “What? No need? But...oh...I guess you can reach just fine. Just...be gentle with them. You know how sensitive they are.” “You're going to use your hands? Oh, okay. That's...alright.” Oh, sweet Celestia, yes! “Mmmph...oh, sweetie...oh, that feels wonderful. Your big, strong hands feel so good on me...on my boobs. Yes...just like that. Rub them just like that. I...I know it's a lot of ground to cover, but...make sure you get every inch of them...okay?” “Oh yes...get the tops...get the sides...get in between them...and don't forget underneath. Oh...yes. And...before you finish...don't forget to get my—” “Eeep! Oh, sweetie...my nipples...oh, yes, just like that. Get all round them...just be gentle.” “Huh? They're hard? Well, I...I mean...what with you touching me and all...” *Smooching* “Mmmph...oh yes...oh yes...pinch them just like that, sweetie. You know my body so well already.” “Huh? Why'd you stop? Why are you moving your hands down to my—“ “Eeeep! Oh...oh, sweetie...oh...be...be extra gentle with that. Mmmph. Oh my...yes! Rub my little button just like that! Oh, yes! Stroke me too! Mmmph. Oh yes...” “You...you love my...'sexy little p-pussy'? Oh...well...I love your, mmmph...your big...your big cock. I can feel it back there...nestled between my cheeks. Oh yes, sweetie...rub it between them...just like that.” “What? I'm wet? Of course I'm wet. We're...in the shower.” “Oh...I do know what you mean. Oh, sweetie, I...I know I said I'd take care of you later, but...I don't think you can wait, can you? Oh...I can't either.” “Well...yes. I...I do want to do it here. I know it's naughty, but...I don't care. I...I want you to...I want you to take me. I want you to make love to me...right here and now. I want to...feel you inside of me. Please.” *Smooching* “Oh yes, sweetie. L-Let me...lean against the wall and...spread my legs and...oh...you don't need me to tell you what to do now.” *Gasping* “Oh, sweetie...oh, yes! Oh, you feel so good rubbing against me like that...rubbing against my lips. B-But don't tease me! Just...just put it in! I...I can't wait any more.” *Shuddering moan* “Oh...oh, yes...oh, that feels so good! So good! Don't stop! Put it all in! Mmmph...yes! Almost there...keep going. Oh...eeep! Oh...there...there you go. Oh...you don't know how good this feels...feeling you...filling me up like this. You make me feel so...so full...so complete.” “Y-Yes...I'm ready. Take me.” *Rhythmic slapping* “Mmmph...oh...oh, yes...yes! Sweetie...oh, sweetie...just like that. Just like that. Oh...oh, you feel so good...so incredibly good! Mmmph...mmmph! Oh, yes...” “You...you can go a little faster...I can take it. Just...do it like you did on our honeymoon. Oh! There you go. There you go. Oh...I love this...I love this so much...I love you so much! Sweetie...my husband...my...my stud...I love you.” “Yes! I am your little wife...your little broodmare! Mmmph! Oh, yes...yes! Harder! Harder! Oh...oh yes! I'm yours...I'm yours. I'm yours so...don't hold back! Give me everything you've got...and take everything I've got. Mmmph! Oh yes, sweetie! Faster, sweetie!” “Oh! Oh, yes! Yes! I'm...I'm getting close, sweetie. Mmmph! I'm getting close!” “Oh, yes! Pound me, sweetie! Pound my pussy! Mmmph! Squeeze my boobs! Pinch my nipples! Oh! And...and...hold my hand. Hold my hand, sweetie! Oh, yes! I'm so close! Are you close too? Oh...let's finish together, sweetie. Almost there. Keep holding my hand! Hold my hand while we finish!” “Oh...oh, yes...faster! Faster, faster, faster! Fill me up, sweetie! Fill me up, fill me up, fill me up! Oh...” *Orgasm noises* *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh, sweetie. Oh...oh, that was so good. Oh my goodness. That was...amazing. You...I love you so much.” *Smooching* “Oh! Careful pulling out, sweetie! I'm so sensitive right now! Oh...there. Oh my. There's...there's so much of it. I guess it's a good thing we're in the shower. Although...most of it's still inside of me. If you keep filling me up like this...I really will be your broodmare soon. I can't wait.” “Sweetie, are you...are you still hard? Oh my...you really are. Mmmph. Well, um...why don't we...why don't we finish up in here and...go to bed early tonight? After all...I wouldn't want to leave my husband unsatisfied...fufufu.” > Amorous Anniversary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Contented sigh* “What a wonderful evening. Dinner, dancing...oh, I can't remember the last time we had so much fun together. I felt like a filly again, running around town with my stallion...so carefree. Remind me to thank my sister for watching the kids for us tonight. Of course, the biggest thanks goes to you, big boy. Thank you...for making me feel young again. Thank you for making me feel...like I'm not an old mare...if only for one night.” “Oh? I'm not an old mare? I...I'm just as beautiful as the day you met me? Oh, honey...you flatterer. It's alright, though. I might not be as...fresh as I used to be, but...I don't know many mares who are after two kids and twelve years of marriage.” “Twelve years. I can hardly believe it's been that long. It feels like just yesterday we were saying our vows. Can you remember it, honey? Can you remember that beautiful, wonderful day? You were so nervous, but...I think I was even more nervous. I could hardly sleep the night before. I just couldn't close my eyes...thinking about how, the next day...I was going to be your wife. But when the time finally came...when I was standing there in my dress, looking down the aisle at you...everything just...clicked. Seeing you looking back at me...smiling back at me...I knew that I was right where I was supposed to be. I knew that...no matter what happened after that...things would be okay...because you'd be right there beside me all the way.” *Smooching* “Mmmph...oh, honey...you can still put butterflies in my belly when you really want to. I love that about you. I love everything about you. I love everything you are, and everything you've been for me every day and every night of these twelve wonderful years. Even those times when...we haven't seen eye to eye...I wouldn't trade them for the world.” “Oh, honey...baby. If you really love me that much, then...let's see how much more you love me in a few minutes.” “Bedtime? Oh, honey...you're too sweet for your own good sometimes. No, we're not going to bed yet...well, we're not going to sleep yet. It's still our anniversary until midnight, and I'm not planning on wasting a single moment of that time.” “What do I want to do? Honey...I think you know what I want to do...who I want to do. Twelve years ago tonight...you made me your mare...now I want you to do it all over again.” *Smooching* “Here, honey. Why don't I...jog your memory a bit?” *Fabric noises* “There we go. I know you liked seeing me in my sexy little dress, but...I bet you like seeing it on the floor even more, don't you? Fufufu...that's right, honey. I was wearing this underwear all night long...just waiting to show it to you. Do you like it?” “Oh...thank you, honey. Well, if you like this so much, then...let me give you a better view.” *Mattress squeaking* “How do you like me now, honey? Do you like seeing your sexy little mare stretched out on your bed? Fufufu...I'll take that expression on your face as a 'yes'. Oh...I love the way you look at me. You make me feel so hot...so sexy. Yes...take it all in, baby. Look me up, down, and all around. Look at every inch of me...every inch of my body.” “It's all for you, honey. These long, slender legs...these big hips that bore your foals...and these plump, juicy breasts that nursed them. I might not have the body I used to, but I'd like to see a filly try and measure up to a mare like me. Oh...what was it Shiny's little friends called me? Oh, that's right...'milf'. Kids today have the strangest slang. I had to ask one of my marefriends about it. You know what she told me it means? Mother...I'd...like...to fuck. Judging by how hard you're fucking me with your eyes right now...I'd say I fit the bill pretty well.” “But don't just stand there all night, honey. I've been waiting all day for this....just stewing in these lacy panties...waiting for you to yank them off of me. I want you to get your sexy butt on the bed...before I drag you over here myself.” “There we go. Just lie back...and let your Velvet take care of you. I know what'll really get you going. Let me straddle you...set my soft, round buns down right on your crotch. Mmm...there we go. You like that, don't you? I can tell. I can feel how hard you are already. Here...I bet you'll like it even more if I grind myself on you...let you feel my ass...and my soft nethers...on your big, sexy cock. Oh yes, honey...don't hold in those moans...I want to hear them.” *Smooching* “Oh...you're rock-hard now. Don't worry...I won't tease you any longer. Let's get you out of those clothes so...we can get to the really fun bit.” *Smooching* *Fabric noises* “There. You won't be needing that shirt for a while. Now...let's take care of the rest of it. Let me scooch down a bit...get between your legs...there. Now...let's get these pants off of you...bring our mutual friend out to play.” *Belt clinking* *Zipper opening* *Fabric noises* “Mmmph...there we go. Sweet Celestia...I love seeing you naked. I just love this big, hunky body of yours...and this big, juicy cock.” *Smooching* “Does that feel good, honey? Do my lips feel good on your cock? Fufufu...I'm glad. You just lay back and relax. You know I don't mind taking the lead.” *Smooching* *Licking* *More smooching* *Moaning* “Mmmpf...you taste so good, honey. You smell so good. I've never understood how you have such a thick, manly musk...not that I'm complaining. I just love breathing it in...letting it fill me up...drive me wild. And your taste...that delicious taste...oh, you should feel how wet I am right now. I need it. I need to get a better taste of you...feel you filling up my mouth.” *Slurping* *Sucking* *More sucking* *Even more sucking* *Moaning* “Mmmph! Oh yes...oh fuck yes, that's good! Do you like that? Do you like feeling me slobber all over you? I hope you do. I hope you and this big, beautiful hunk of fuckmeat enjoy every last second of this. I want you both to know how much I love you. I want to pay you back for using this cock to fuck my two beautiful foals into me. I want to make you moan. I want to make you growl like a beast. I want to kiss butterflies into your stomach too. How about twelve for the occasion? Twelve big...wet...juicy kisses...all over this studly cock. Let's count them out.” *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* “That's three, honey. Let me work my way up.” *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* “Six. Finally at the top. Oh? You're leaking. Don't worry...I'll clean you up.” *Licking* “Mmmm...oh, that's good. Now...let's head back down.” *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* “That's ten. Last, but not least...these two big, beautiful balls of yours.” *Mwah* *Mwah* “Fufufu...you should see the look on your face right now...so sexy. I bet you want to just blow your load right now, don't you? You want to paint my face white with all of that hot, sticky cum you're brewing up right now? Or would you rather watch me take you deep down my throat and drink down every...last...drop? Mmmph...as much as I'd love that...I've got something better in mind. My pussy's on fire right now...and you're gonna put it out.” *Mattress squeaking* “There...back on top. I know you love it when I ride you like this...and I know you love watching my girls bounce and jiggle while I do. Here...I think it's about time I got rid of this bra, don't you?” *Contented sigh* “Free at last. How do they look, honey? Do they look good when I squish them together like this? Does it look good when I tease my pretty little nipples like this? Mmmph...I bet it does. I bet you want to just reach out and sink your fingers into all of this soft...warm...plump...juicy—“ *Startled moan* “Oh! Oh, honey...oh, fuck yes, honey. You're such a stud...just grabbing my tits like that. Mmmph! Oh, yes! Yes! Just like that, honey! Squeeze them just like that! Oh...oh, yes...oh, yes. Just bury your fingers in them. Knead them...squish them. Mmmph. And...don't forget my nipples. They're so hard right now...so sensitive. Oh, mmmph! Oh, honey...pinching me like that...you almost made me cum right then and there. But...if I'm gonna cum...then you're cumming with me.” “Let me pull these panties aside...I can feel you twitching in anticipation. I bet that damp lace felt good on your cock...but how about my sopping, dripping lips? Mmmph...let me just rub them on you...get your big, fat cock all lubed up...there. Now...let's put this beast where it belongs. Let me just...reach down and...line you up. Ready, honey? Three...two...one...” *Whorish moaning* “Oh...oh my...oh, sweet Celestia. Oh fuck, that's good. Honey...you feel so good inside me...so fucking good. Oh, I love how much you fill me up. Even after all these years...you still stretch me out. Oh, fuck...” *Smooching* *Moaning* “Mmmph...honey...are you ready? I hope you are. I'm going to ride my stallion...and I'm not stopping until he pumps me full of his hot, sticky baby batter.” *Rhythmic slapping* *Moaning* “Oh yes, honey...oh yes...fuck! Oh, you're so good! You feel so fucking good! Does it feel good for you too? Does it feel good having my tight, wet pussy squeezing your cock? Mmmph...fuck yes. Oh, that's right, baby...keep touching me. Touch me wherever you want. Squeeze my tits...mmmph! Squeeze my ass...spank me...grab my hips and fuck me hard!” “Oh, yes! Oh...fuck! Fuck me just like that, honey! Mmmph...fucking rail me! Ram that big, fat cock into me as hard as you can! Oh, oh! Mmmph...yes! Yes, honey...just like that! Bounce me up and down on your cock! Slam your hips into me! Make my tits bounce and my ass jiggle! Mmmph! Oh...harder! Harder! Oh fuck, honey...you're a machine...a big, studly fuckmachine! Oh, don't stop...don't stop!” “Mmmph, mmmph! Oh fuck...oh fuck, honey! I...I'm getting closer! You're driving me crazy with this marebreaker of yours! Wha...what are you trying to do? You trying to fuck my brains out? Are you...oh...are you trying to turn me into your little...slutty broodmare? Oh, fuck yes! Oh, honey...oh, honey...I'm yours...I'm...oh, fuck...I'm your little broodmare! I'm your little baby mama! Mmmpf! Use me...use me, stud. Just...just slam your big, fat fucking cock into me! Fuck my needy pussy with everything you've got! Flood my womb with every drop you've got in you! You wanna make me a mommy again, stud? You want to breed your fertile little mare all over again? Then do it! Just...oh, just do it already! Cum inside me! Cum inside me right now! Oh...” *Orgasm noises* *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh, honey...oh, sweet Celestia. That was...incredible.” *Smooching* “Mmmph...oh my gosh, honey...you...you came so hard. You...you filled me up so much! I can't remember the last time you pumped me so full. It's leaking out of me there's so much! Oh...I...I said all of that in the heat of the moment, but...I wouldn't be surprised if...you did put a bun in my oven tonight. It's too late to do anything about that though. Why don't we just...roll with it? Honestly...I wouldn't mind if you did want to make me a mother again. So...why don't we take a break, and then...you can fill me up again. The night's still young after all.” *Mwah* “Happy anniversary, honey.” > The Wanton Witch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Boo!” “Ha! Gotcha, you big scaredy-cat!” “Well of course it's me! What, you're telling me you don't recognize your own girlfriend?” “Hmpf...well, I guess I can't be too hard on you. This is a pretty good costume, isn't it? You like it? Fufufu...as if I even need to ask. I can see those wandering eyes of yours. Here's a tip, babe: if you wanna stare at a girl's tits, you might want to be a bit more subtle about it.” “Fufufu...I'm just teasing you. If I didn't want you to see them, I wouldn't be wearing this in the first place.” “But...I'm glad to see you like it. That big, dopey grin on your face is worth every penny. Well, Father's pennies, technically. Luckily, he never asks too many questions about how I spend his money. He might have been willing to cough up the dough for a nice costume like this, but he would never have let me leave the house in this sexy little number if he had known. I told him I was going as a ghost this year. You know, big sheet with eye holes, leaves everything to the imagination? Ugh. Anyway, what Father doesn't know won't hurt him, don't you agree? I thought so.” “So, you ready to head to the party? Silver Spoon's house isn't far from here. It shouldn't be too long of a walk. Not that I'd mind spending a little alone time with my big, hunky monster. A long walk on Halloween night under the full moon...never knowing whether some scary beast or some axe-happy psycho will jump out at us. Oh...I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. I'd better hold onto you tight. I know you'll protect me from the boogeyman.” “Hmm? Something wrong, babe?” “What, you don't like me clinging to your arm like this? Or it is maybe that...you like it a little too much? Fufufu...what's the matter? Is feeling my big, soft boobs squishing against you a bit too distracting? Is having the hottest little witch in town hanging off of you getting you all hot and bothered? Well, too bad! You're mine, and I want all of these little skanks to know it! I want every girl out here to look at us and wish they were me...and I want every guy to wish they were you. Judging by the looks we're getting, I'd say we're doing a pretty good job of that.” “But...I don't want you to get too worked up, though. While it'd be hot watching you drool over my creamy thighs all night, I don't want you to make a fool of yourself at the party. Why don't we make a deal? If you promise to behave yourself tonight...if you promise to be the sweet, funny, charming guy I know you are...and you promise to keep your hands to yourself...at least until we're alone again...then I'll give you a little...tide-me-over...an appetizer...something to remind you why I'm the best girlfriend in the world. And if you keep your promise...then later tonight when the party's over...you and I can find a nice quiet place and...I'll give you the main course. What do you say, babe?” “Fufufu...I thought you'd say that.” “Now, let me think...oh! Oh...fufufu. I know what we can do. You see that park over there? The one with all the big bushes? It looks empty, doesn't it? Let's go see how empty it really is.” *Hurried footsteps* “Ha! I was right. I don't see anyone anywhere, do you? Good. Let's head over to those bushes over there.” “Yeah...this is perfect. Nice, out-of-the-way spot...quiet...hidden...just the place for a little Halloween fun. Alright, babe, lie down on the grass.” “Don't worry. This isn't a trick, it's a treat...and a very special treat at that. Go on.” “There we go. Now...let me join you down there.” “Hmmm...right on top of you...right where I belong. Now, give me some sugar, you sexy monster, you.” *Smooching* “Mmmpf...oh, babe...mmpf. Oh...kiss me, babe.” *More smooching* “Mwah! Oh...oh babe, yes! Oh...hang on. I don't want to get distracted and...forget to give you your treat.” “What? You thought tasting my sweet little lips was the treat? Fufufu...oh, babe. I didn't bring you back here just to make out. You know me better than that. No, I brought you back here to give you the two big...soft...juicy...perky treats you've barely been able to keep your eyes off of. I know you can see most of them already, but...why don't I give you a better view?” “There. Fufufu...I love the look on your face when you see my tits. It makes me feel so...dirty. I feel even dirtier when I play with them for you like this. Mmm...you like that, babe? You like watching me jiggle these big, bouncy boobs in front of your face? You like watching me squish them...squeeze them...sink my fingers into them? Mmmpf...oh, babe...you're making me so hot...eye-fucking me like that. My...my nips are getting hard already. Let me just...mmpf! Oh...oh, it feels so good when I pinch them.” “Ah, ah, ah, babe! No touching! I know you want to feel these big things in your hands...or squished against that handsome face of yours...but I've got something even better in store for you. No, these tits are going somewhere I think you'll enjoy even more. But first...we've gotta get these pants off of you.” *Fabric noises* “There we go. Fufufu...I see my big, sexy monster has his big, sexy cock all ready for me. I guess seeing me in this skimpy little outfit did most of the work for me. You're so hard already. Although...it looks like you could get a little bit harder. Here...let me see if I can get you to a hundred percent.” *Smooching* “Fufufu...there we go. Just a few kisses on this thick shaft of yours...and you're already twitching. Well, if you like the feel of these big, soft lips on you...then I've got something even softer for you to feel. You just lay back and relax, babe. I'll take care of you.” “Fufufu...aww...does my monster like his little witch's big boobs wrapped around him? Like me wrapping all of this soft, warm titmeat around his throbbing shaft? Hmmm...it's alright, babe. I know you love it. I love it too. I love feeling you nestled in there. I love feeling every inch of this rock-hard cock rubbing up against me. It makes me feel so small...so fragile...like you could just ruin me with this big ol' thing. Alright, enough teasing. Let me give this big boy what he really wants.” “Hmmm...there. Nice and slow. Up...and down. Up...and down. Fufufu...you don't have to hold it in, babe. There's no one around. Let me hear you moan. Let me hear how much you love fucking my tits like this. Mmmpf...oh yeah, babe. Just close your eyes...and enjoy the feel of these big, soft things on every inch of you...stroking you...squeezing you...loving you.” “Well...not every inch. You're just so big, I...I think I have to bring in some backup to take care of the tip.” *Smooching* *Licking* *More smooching* *Sucking* “Mmmpf...you like that babe? Do my lips feel good on you? Does it feel good when I draw these little circles around it with my tongue? Or when I take you inside my hot, wet little mouth and suck you off? Mmmpf...not many girls would do this for their boyfriends, you know. You're lucky I love you so much.” “Aww, babe...you're so sweet. Those little moans are pretty sweet too. Let me see if I can get some more out of you.” *Licking* *Sucking* *More sucking* “Mmmpf! Oh, babe...I can taste you leaking. Oh, you taste so fucking good! I know this is supposed to be your treat, but...I think you're gonna give me a big, sticky treat too. I can hardly wait, so...let's speed things up a little.” “Oh, that got you moaning alright! Yes...yes, babe! Moan for me! Show me how much you love fucking my big, sexy tits!” *Sucking* *Slurping* “Mmmpf...oh, babe. You better be churning up a big, fat load for me. And you better not hold back either! I want you to empty these two big cum-tanks right into my mouth! I want to feel every delicious drop rush down my throat!” *Sucking* *Slurping* *Distant noise* *Sucking stops* “What was that?” *Children's voices* “Shit! Be quiet!” *Voices intensify* *Running footsteps* *Children's laughter* *Running footsteps* *Voices diminish* *Voices fade* “Phew! Oh, wow. I was worried there for a second. Good thing you managed to hold it in through all that. But...we should probably get out of here soon...which means I need to finish you off quick! Don't worry, babe; they're gone now. You be as loud as you want while I use my girls to milk you dry!” *Sucking* *More sucking* *Even more sucking* “Oh...come on, babe! You're so close. I can feel it! Don't hold back! Fuck your slutty little witch's tits! Cum right into my mouth! Make me drink it all down! Just let it all out! Give it all to me! Give it to me right now!” *Sucking* *Ravenous sucking* *Loud gulping* *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh, babe...oh, wow. You...you came so hard! I almost couldn't swallow it down fast enough! Oh, but that taste...that fucking delicious, cummy taste...” *Shivers* “Babe...we are definitely doing this again later...so you better behave yourself tonight! Don't give me an excuse not to milk another fat load out of you! And next time...you won't be filling my lips. Well...not the lips on my face, anyway.” “Fufufu...I saw that twitch. Don't worry, my sexy monster. We've got a long, enjoyable night ahead of us. Now...let's go eat some candy!” > My Little Reindeer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Knocking* “Just a second, sweetie!” *Bed creaking* “Alright. You can come in now.” *Door opening* “Hello, sweetie.” “What is this? Well, it's...your early Christmas present. Do you like it?” “I hoped you would. Well...there's no need to stand there in the doorway. Come over here.” “Fufufu...oh, sweetie...the way you're looking at me...I love it.” “Hmm? Why am I doing this? Because you've been such a good boy this year, of course.” “Oh...I know what you really mean. I know I've never done anything for you...like this before. I...I just wanted to do something special for you, Christmas or not. I wanted to make it up to you for...the past few weeks. I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to you recently...coming home late every night...tired and stressed. Running a high school during midterms will do that to you. I know it's no excuse though, especially with everything you've been doing to help me. Making me my favorites for dinner, drawing those warm bubble baths for me, all of those long, relaxing massages...I really couldn't have made it through without you.” “You really have been the best boyfriend a woman could ask for. You've just been so understanding...so considerate...especially when it comes to this. You haven't pestered me about it, but...I know how pent-up you are. I know how much you've been wanting to spend some well-deserved time in the bedroom with me. Believe me, I've been wanting it as much as you have. If I hadn't been getting home half-dead every night...you and I would have broken this bed by last week.” “But that all changes tonight. The students are home for winter break, the school's closed...I even locked my work phone in the car. No more paperwork, no more calls, no more distractions. From now until after New Year's...I'm yours...totally, completely yours. We can do whatever you want together. If you want me to make your favorites for you...I'll do it. If you want me to draw you a bath...or if you'd like to share a bath...we can do that. And if you want to lie down on the bed and have me spend hours tending to every inch of your big, manly body...I'll do that too. I'll be your pretty little reindeer...and let you hold my leash. All I ask...is that you give me the love I've been craving and aching for too.” *Smooching* “Oh...oh, sweetie...I love you too.” *Smooching* “Oh, sweetie...yes...kiss me more!” *Smooching* “Mmmph! Oh, sweetie...you don't know how much I've been wanting to tongue-wrestle with you.” *Smooching* “Oh...I really did need this...you've already got me quivering.” “What? The leash? Well...you're right about that. I never would have thought of this on my own. To tell you the truth, it was...my sister who suggested it.” “Yes, actually. I know she seems a bit...conservative on the outside, but...apparently...she knows quite a lot about this sort of thing. She told me that...men really like this sort of thing. Was she right? Do you...do you really like it? It's not...too weird, is it?” “Oh...you don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that.” “Oh! Oh, sweetie! Well...if you really like it that much...then go ahead...give me a tug.” “I...I think I'm starting to like this too. Seeing you towering over me...my leash in your hand...every inch of my body on display for you...it's so exhilarating. I can only imagine what you're thinking of doing with me...and doing to me.” “Well, how about it, Santa? Do you want to take your little reindeer for a ride? I'm ready for it. I'm ready for anything.” “Not yet? What do you mean?” “Oh! Oh, I see. You're right, Santa...I have been naughty, haven't I? Letting my sweet, loving boyfriend pamper me...but not lifting a finger to repay him...not even to help him take care of his aching, needy body. And then, to make it up to him...I put on this skimpy little outfit and throw myself at him like a slutty schoolgirl, begging him to pleasure me. It's no wonder you put me on the naughty list.” “But...I really am a good little reindeer, Santa, and...I really don't want to miss out on whatever present you have for me in that big, bulging sack of yours. Isn't there anything I could do to...change your mind? You could put a lump of coal in my stocking if you really want to, but...don't you think that there might be a more...mutually beneficial alternative? I'm sure you could think of a more...personal punishment...something to really make up for everything I've done.” “Oh, thank you, Santa! I promise I'll take my punishment like a good girl.” “Turn around? Right away.” “Mmm...like this?” “Oh...oh yes, Santa, I...I do have a b-big, sexy ass, don't I? I've been such a bad girl, not letting my boyfriend play with it. Are you...going to punish it? Are you going to punish my big ass, Santa?” “Mmmph...I'm...I'm ready for it. G-Give it to me!” *Spank* “Oh! Oh...oh my goodness.” “No, no, that...that wasn't too hard. You just...startled me. In fact...you can go a bit harder if you want, sweetie.” “Oh! I mean...you can go a bit harder, Santa.” “You want me to count them? As you wish. One.” *Spank* “Oh! Oh...um...t-two. Oh my...” *Spank* “Mmmph! Oh my...th-th-three.” *Spank* “Eeep! Oh, oh...oh, f-four.” “Oh, you...you like my ass, Santa? You like watching it jiggle when you spank it? Oh...I'm glad you like it. D-Don't hold back, though! I'm...I'm a big girl. I can take it.” *Spank* “Oh! Oh...fuck, that feels so good.” “Oh, right! Um...that's five.” *Spank* “Oh, oh! Oh...my. S-Six.” *Spank* “Mmmph! Mmm...mmm...oh...seven.” “Th-Thank you, Santa. I'm glad you like my little thong. I wore it just for you. It was hard to get that tiny thing over my cheeks though. I was worried it was going to break when I pulled it over my big, babymaking hips. I'm really glad it didn't...because I wanted to let you be the one to rip it off of me.” *Spank* “Mmmph! Oh...eight. Eight.” *Spank* “Mmmph! N-Nine.” “Yes, Santa...I'm ready. Don't hold back!” *Spank* “Gah! Oh, oh...oh, my...oh...fuck.” “Y-Yes, I'm...I'm alright.” “Oh my...just look at that big handprint you left on me. That is so...hot.” “Oh, thank you, Santa. I told you I was a good girl.” “Really? You'll put me back on the good list and give me my present? Oh, thank you! I promise I'll be extra good to my man from now on.” “What do I want for Christmas? I think you know. It's been so long since I've gotten to play with that big, thick Christmas tree of yours. Please...let me feel it again. Let me feel it inside of me.” *Pants falling* “Oh, my...you're so hard already! I...I can't wait any longer! Please. Just...pull my panties aside and...let me have it!” “W-Well, of course I'm...wet already. I can't help it. I just...want this so much. I need this so much! Please!” “Oh, oh! Oh, fuck! Oh, that feels so good! You feel so good rubbing against my lips like that. But...but don't tease me anymore, please! Please give me my present, Santa! Give me every fat, throbbing inch of it!” “Oh, oh, oh! Mmmph! Oh...fuck, fuck, fuck! K-Keep going! Mmmph! P-Put it all in! Eeep!” “Oh...oh my...fuck. I...I forgot how good this feels...having you inside me...feeling every inch of your rock-hard cock stretching me out! Mmmph. Don't ever let me let work keep me away from this thing again, okay?” “I'm...I'm ready, Santa. You know what to do. Just...pull on my leash...slam your hips into me, and...give my sopping little pussy what it deserves.” *Rhythmic slapping* “Oh, yes! Oh, fuck yes! Oh, that's it, that's it! Just like that, Santa! Don't hold back!” “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh, yes!” “Y-Yes, Santa...I l-love my present! I love it so much! I love you so much!” “Yes, Santa! I'm your...I'm your good little reindeer! Your sexy little...slutty little reindeer!” “Mmmph! Oh yeah. Oh...fuck yes. F-Faster, Santa! Really give it to me! Show me what I've been missing out on!” *Rapid rhythmic slapping* “Mmm, mmm, mmm! Mmmpf! Oh...yes! I love this so much!” “W-What do I love? I...oh, fuck. I...I love feeling you fuck me...rut me...pound me with that big, fat cock! You...you fill me up so good! So fucking good!” “Yes! I'm your good little girl! I'm your good little girl!” “Oh...oh, oh...fuck! Fuck yes!” “Oh...S-Santa, I'm...I'm getting close! Don't stop! Don't stop!” “W-Where do I want it? I...I want it...I want it inside me. I want...I want you to squeeze down my tight little chimney, Santa, and...and give me everything you have! Give me the biggest, creamiest, stickiest present you can give me! Fill me up!” “Oh, Santa...oh, sweetie! Oh, sweetie! Oh...oh fuck, I'm...I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum! C-Cum inside me, sweetie! Cuminsidemecuminsidemecuminsidemeeeeeeeeeee!” *Orgasm noises* *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh my...oh my goodness. S-Sweetie...oh, sweetie. That was...incredible! I...I needed that so much.” “Careful pulling out, sweetie. I'm still a bit s-s-sensitive, oh! Oh! Oh...oh fuck. You...you really did fill me up. I can feel it leaking out of me.” “Fufufu...yes, Santa. Your little reindeer did like her present. I loved it, in fact. Did...did you like yours?” “Oh, sweetie...I love you too.” *Smooching* “Mmmph...I love you so much.” “Hmm? What now? Whatever you want, sweetie.” “Oh? You want to cuddle by the fire? Pet my head? Call me...your good little reindeer? Oh, sweetie...you read my mind.” *Smooching* “Merry Christmas, sweetie.” > Beach Bitch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey you!” “Yeah, you, dumbass. You see anyone else around?” “You wanna tell me why you’re staring at my ass?” “Don’t try to deny it. You can’t even stop looking now that I’ve caught you!” “I oughtta report you for this. Fucking pervert...staring at a half-naked teenage girl on the beach. They’d lock you up and throw away the key!” So what if I’m over a thousand years old? Not like he knows that. “Oh? And why shouldn’t I?” “Oh really? You’ll do whatever I want? I don’t know if I believe you.” “Alright, alright. Ugh. I know I’m a goddess, but you don’t have to grovel that much, dumbass. I won’t tell anyone about you perving on me, but you gotta hold up your end of the deal too! You’re gonna do whatever I tell you, no matter how humiliating it is. You’re gonna be my slave for the day and spoil me rotten. You’re gonna fan me, get me ice cream, rub my feet, or whatever else I feel like having you do, and if you don’t...then I’ll tell the cops you were doing more than just looking. We clear?” “Good.” Hmpf. He may be a pervert, but he is kinda cute. I think I’ll have some fun with him. “Why don’t you start off by helping me with my sunscreen.” “Yes, my sunscreen! What are you, deaf or something? I’ve been out here a while so I gotta reapply. I’m pink enough as it is.” “Well, what are you waiting for? Get your ass down here and get started already!” “Make sure you use a whole lot of it. If you miss a spot and I get burned, I’ll fucking kill you. There you go. Get those hands all nice and slippery. Now, start on my back.” “Hmm. Slower. There you go. Hmm. Press a little harder. Ah...just like that.” Oh...fuck. He’s actually pretty good at this. “Get between my shoulder blades. Mmmpf! Oh...oh, yeah. Shoulders next. Good boy. Mmm...good boy.” He’s got such strong hands. “Now my neck. Oh...that’s the stuff.” Fuck. I could get used to this. “Mmmpf. Go back down. Get my lower back. Get nice and deep. Mmm! Mmm...oh, yes.” Fuck. This guy’s got magic fingers. Am I...am I getting turned on by this? Shit, I am. From the looks of that tent he’s pitching, so is he. Fufufu. Why don’t I tease him a little bit more and...see where this goes? “Alright, dumbass, that’s enough for my back. Get my legs next. Just my legs, got it?” “There you go. Get it all over my thighs. Mmmpf. Really squeeze ‘em.” He really wants to touch my ass. I can see it in his eyes. Fufufu. Not yet, big boy. Not yet. “Mmm. Lower. Get my calves. Mmmpf! Mmm. Just like that. Nice and deep.” Oh, shit. He keeps this up, I’m really gonna need some relief soon. “Don’t forget my feet, dumbass. Mmm...fufufu.” Shit! That tickles. “What? You didn’t tickle me! I’m not ticklish, perv, so don’t even try it!” Fuck. Don’t fucking giggle, you slut! “Mmmm! Get...Get my toes...every one of them. Just like that.” Dammit. He’s got me all worked up now. I guess it’s time I give my slave a little reward. Two birds with one stone. “Alright, dumbass. Get my ass next.” “Did I fucking stutter? Yes, my ass! And make sure you pull down my swimsuit. I don’t want you getting sunscreen all over it.” Oh, that look on his face is delicious. He’s trying so hard not to yank my swimsuit down and dive right in. “Ahh...there we go.” Feels so good to get that off. Ah...this breeze feels amazing on my hot, sweaty ass. And if I part my legs a bit…ahh...that’s it. Oh...oh, wow! Look at his face! Look at this pervert’s face! What? Hasn’t this guy ever seen a girl’s sopping-wet pussy before? Fufufu. Let’s give him a few more seconds to take in the view and then… “Hey, dumbass! You gonna rub my ass or what?” “Mmmpf! Oh...oh yeah. Really sink your fingers in there.” Shit. Shit, this feels so good. Fuck. Fucking knead my ass! “Mmm. Get all around it. Get in the crack too. Don’t you miss a spot.” Fuck. Fuck, I can’t take this anymore. “Go lower. Lower. Lower.” “Yeah, I know what’s down there, dumbass! Go lower!” “Mmmpf! Oh...oh...oh shit.” Fuck. Oh fuck, that feels so good. That’s it. That’s it. Rub my pussy. Rub my pussy. “Mmmpf! Keep going. Keep going. Oh...just keep...keep going. Shit.” How is he so good at this? “Inside. Go...Go inside. Oooh! Oh shit!” That’s it! Work me! Work my tight little cunt! Yes! “Harder. Oh...Harder and...and faster.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck! This guy’s driving me crazy! I haven’t been this turned on since...well, I can’t remember when! “Mmmpf! Mmmm...yes!” His fingers feel so good, but...I...I need more. I need more. “Stop. Pull em’ out. Mmmpf! There. Now...I want you to...I want you to pull down those shorts of yours and...give me a taste of what you’re hiding in there.” “Oh, don’t be such a pussy! There’s no one else around. If you’re that worried, then just get me off quick. Or would you rather I tell everyone about you shoving your fingers up an innocent teenage girl’s cunt?” “Fufufu. I thought you’d see it my way. Now, the shorts.” Holy shit! How the hell was he hiding that massive thing in there? Does this guy have some Equestrian magic up his sleeve? Oh, who cares? I gotta feel that thing in side me! “Well, what are you waiting for? You need me to spell it out for you? Get on top of me and fuck me already, dumbass!” “Finally. Let me just arch my back for you…” Oh. He feels so big laying on top of me like this. I love it! “Alright, now...just line it up and aaahhh!” Fuck! He just shoved it right in! Oh...fuck! Fuck! He feels even bigger than he looks! Shit! “Dumbass. Go slowly. This is for me, not for you, remember?” “Mmmmpf! Oh, yeah. Oh...oh yes.” Oh shit! He’s stretching me out so much! Shit! “Deeper! Mmmm. Let me feel every inch of that thing!” Oh fucking fuck! I can’t get enough of this! I’m gonna have to keep this guy. “Oh...oh yeah...faster! Faster!” Shit! If he keeps this up…I’m gonna blow! “Mmmpf! That’s it! That’s it! Fuck me harder, dumbass!” Shit! He’s...He’s getting close too, isn’t he? And...And he’s not wearing a condom! “Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck yes! Yes!” I’ll...I’ll just have him pull out! As soon as I finish I’ll...I’ll have him pull out! “Faster! Oh, faster! Fucking spank my ass with your hips! Oh!” Shit, shit, shit! I’m so close! I’m so close! “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh, fuck!” Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! “Oh!” *Orgasm noises* *Heavy breathing* “Oh...oh, fuck. Oh. Not...Not bad...for a pervert.” Fuck. I haven't cum that hard in centuries. “Alright...you can go ahead and pull aaaahhh!” Shit! He’s still going! Why is he still going? “Oh...oh shit! What...What do you think you’re doing, dumbass?” Shit, shit, shit! I’m so sensitive right now! My...My pussy’s on fire! It feels...It feels incredible! “You...You can’t keep going! Oh! You have to...You have to pull out!” Fuck! Oh, fucking fuck! He’s...He’s an animal! He’s fucking me so hard! “D-Dumbass! Don’t...Don’t cum in...inside me! Mmmpf!” He’s pounding me even harder than before! Oh, I...I’m gonna...I’m gonna cum again if he doesn’t stop! “Oh, shit! Shit! You...You gotta…” He’s gonna cum inside me! He’s gonna cum inside me! “Oh, fuck! You...You…” Fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck yes! “Oh...shit!” Fuck it! “Fuck! Fuck me, you big dumbass! Oh! Don’t stop fucking me!” Fuck! Do it! Fucking do it! “Oh...come on! Cum already! Cum inside me you fucking pervert!” Cumming! “Aaaah!” *Orgasm noises* *Heavy breathing* “You...You big...fucking...dumbass. You...You came inside me! Oh, fuck.” Fuck. I’m quivering. He...He came so much inside me! I feel so full! Fuck. “You’re gonna pay for that. If you knocked me up...you’re gonna take responsibility, got it?” “Good.” Yes. I’m not letting him run out on me. I’m gonna drag him back home and fuck that fat cock of his every single day. And if he’s well-behaved, I might even let him play with my sisters too. “Are...Are you still hard? Shit, you are!” Welp. In for a penny, in for a pound. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get that thing out of my pussy already! My other holes aren’t gonna fuck themselves, dumbass!” > Twilight's Tryst > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pssst! Hey! Over here!" "I'm glad to see you got my text. I was worried I was waiting here behind the school for nothing." "It's alright, babe. I know you're a busy guy." "Never too busy for me, huh? Aww, babe. You always know just what to say." *Smooch* "Oh, right! I guess I do kind owe you an explanation. Well...the reason I asked you to meet me back here is because...I wanted to give you something. I...wanted to give you a present." "The occasion? Does a girl need an occasion to do something nice for her boyfriend?" "Well, the truth is...there is a reason for it. This isn't just a random thing. I wanted to do something nice for you...to thank you." "Thank you for what? For being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, of course! I know we've only been together for a few months, but...I feel like there's a real connection between us already. I know that sounds silly, and it's completely unscientific...but that's how I feel. When you're around me, I...I just feel so good...so safe...so loved. When you hold my hand and...kiss me...it makes me forget about everything else." "I know what people say about me; I've heard what guys write about me on the bathroom stalls...but it's not true, none of it is! I'm not a...I'm not a slut. I may be a teenage girl with more hormones pumping through her body than a dairy cow, but...that's not who I am. I've never even...done anything with a guy before. I don't like you so much just because you're big and handsome. I like you...because you're you. You're special. You're special and...I want to show you how special I think you are. I...I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel." *Smooching* "Hmm? The present? Oh, right! I guess I should...go ahead and give it to you now. Just, um...maybe you could...close your eyes?" "Just for a moment! I promise it'll be worth it." "There you go. Just keep those eyes closed and...I'll get your present." "Okay, Twilight. Deep breaths. Deep breaths." *Clothing noises* "Okay. You can...You can open your eyes now." "S-Surprise! Do you...Do you like them?" "What? Really? You...really like them?" "They're not...too big are they? I know they're significantly above average for a girl of my age, but..." "You...oh, babe. Fufufu. If you say things like that...you're going to make my nipples hard." "You'd like to see that? Oh, well...I think I know how you can make that happen. I...I didn't bring you back here just to look, after all. I know you've been wanting to see them...but I know you've been wanting more than that too." "You're a teenage boy, that's how I know! I know you've been wanting to touch me. I've been wanting you to touch me too. Now you can. Go ahead. I don't mind...not if it's you. Just...be gentle. They're...pretty sensitive." "Oh! Oh...oh. Mmmm...oh, babe...babe. Oh, that feels so good. That feels so good! I...I never thought it would feel this good. It feels so much nicer than when I do it. Your hands are just...oh...so big and strong! I...I love it! I...I love you! I love you, babe!" *Loud smooching* "Mmph! Oh, babe. See, I...told you you'd make them hard. Oh, oh! Be careful! My...my nipples are really sensitive. But...you can play with them if you want. You can even...use your mouth...if you wa—" *Gasp* "Oh, babe! Oh, you didn't need much encouragement, did you? Oh, yes...oh...oh, yes, babe. Kiss them. Lick them. Mmmpf! S-Suck on them! Oh, yes, yes, yes!" *Gasp* "Did you just...nibble on them?" "No, no! Don't stop! I...I liked it. Keep going...please." "Mmpf...oh...mmmpf...oh, you feel so good! Your tongue feels so good! Your lips feel so good! Your hands feel so good! Mmmpf! Yes...yes! Be...Be a little bit rougher. I can take it." "Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes! Oh, keep doing that! Keep doing that with your tongue! That feels incredible! Oh...oh, babe...babe, wait...hang on a second...just...stop for a second." "No, no, I'm alright. More than alright. I just...didn't want to get distracted. I didn't want to forget to give you your present." "What? These aren't your present? Well...they're part of your present. The first part. There's...something else I was going to do...if you want." "Well, since you like touching them so much with your hands and...your mouth...I was gonna see if...you wanted to touch them with something else...something that...looks as hard as my nipples are right now." "Yeah, babe, I...I mean that. I'll...use my breasts on it...if you want. I've never done that sort of thing before, but...I've done significant research on the subject. Purely scientific research, of course! It's not like I've been...fantasizing about doing it with you or anything." "Really? You'd like that? Okay, then...let's...let's do it!" "Oh, don't worry; no one will see us back here. As for hearing us, well...I'll be quiet if you will." "Alright. Just...stand back against the wall and...I'll take care of the rest." "Calm down, Twilight. Deep breaths." "Let me just...kneel down here. Good thing I brought my kneeling pad from my workshop. This way, I...won't have to stop until you're done." "Huh? I look really...hot like this? Really...sexy? Oh, babe...well...let's see if I can make myself look even hotter. Let me just...get those pants off." "Okay...now...now the underwear." "Deep breath, Twilight. Three, two, one..." *Gasp* "Huh? What? Am I okay? Yeah, I...I guess I just zoned out there for a second. It's just...It's so big! It's so big and...wow. Sorry, I...I'm not used to this. Seeing a real one...having a real live one right in front of me...it's so much better than in my research. Just seeing these big testicles...and this penis...oh, and that smell! Oh...I never imagined how strong it would smell...so masculine. Oh...this might require some...additional investigation in the future...if you'd be up for it." "You'll let me if I...? Babe, I have to use the correct terminology. I can't just go around calling it a...a c-cock and...calling them balls. That wouldn't be scientific!" "Oh...if that's what you want, then...I'll call them that. I'll use my...tits on your...cock." "I am not blushing! But...I'm glad you think I'm cute." "Alright. Would you...like me to get started now? I don't want to make you wait any longer. With how much you're twitching, you must really want this." "Okay. Here I go. Let me just grab my boobs and...wrap them around you." "Does that feel good, babe? Am I...Am I doing it right?" "Oh, thank goodness. They're not squeezing you too tight, are they?" "Oh, good. I...I gotta say...this is so exhilarating! Having your big, manly...cock snuggled between them...it feels so intimate. I...I can feel you. I can feel how hot you are. I can feel how hard you are. I can feel you throbbing. Can you feel me? Can you feel my heartbeat? Oh...it's beating so fast now." "You love how soft they are? How warm they are? Oh, I'm so glad you like them. I even put lotion on them earlier so they'd be extra soft and slick for you. Perfect for...this." "You want me to say it? You want me to...'talk dirty' to you? Babe, I...alright. For you...I'll do it. So...get ready. I'm gonna...I'm gonna do it now. I'm gonna give your big, dirty, juicy cock a...a titfuck. I'm gonna use my...big tits to...make you...c-cum...okay?" "Alright. Here I go." "How does that feel, babe? Am I doing it right? Can you feel me stroke the whole thing?" "Thank goodness. I've heard that...it's best to start out slow. From that look on your face...I guess that's true." "So...do I look hotter now that I have your cock between them? Do you like watching me pump you like this?" "Babe! You're lucky I like you so much. If any other other guy said dirty things to me like that..." "I'm...gonna move a little faster now, okay? Okay." "Careful! Don't moan too loud, or someone will hear us!" "It's okay. I'm...I'm glad you like it that much. I'm glad you like feeling me pump you...and smoosh them against your hips like this. To tell you the truth...I'm loving this too. I love feeling you between my boobs. It feels so good having your big, hard cock fucking them! Your making me feel...so hot." "You want me to go a little faster? You sound like you're getting close, and I don't want to keep you waiting for the big finish. Let me step it up a bit." "Oh, you really like that, don't you? Just remember to stay quiet!" "Oh? It looks like your hips want to help me. Go ahead, babe. Fuck my tits. Just...Just grab my shoulders and...thrust as hard as you want." "Oh, fuck, that feels so good." "You're getting close now, huh? Don't worry, babe. Just keep going. Don't stop. I know you've got a...big load coming, don't you? Well...go ahead and give it to me. Give me a great big sample for my research!" "Where? Oh, um...just...just do it between them. Just thrust deep between them and...let it all out. I want to feel it between them." "Alright, babe. Let's do this. Let's do this together. I'm pumping as fast as I can! Thrust as fast as you can too! Thrust as deep as you can! I want to feel it! I want to feel it all over me! All over my tits! So...give it to me! Give me your cum! Give me everything you've got! Give it to me! Give it to me!" *Heavy breathing* "Oh...oh, wow. Babe. You...You came so much. So much! Look at it all! My boobs are a mess! Fufufu..." "Did you...like that? Did it feel good?" "Oh...I'm so glad." "No, it's okay. I can get cleaned up on my own. I brought some napkins to clean up all of this...thick...delicious-smelling cum." *Sniff* "Oh, it smells so good. I...I wonder how it...how it..." *Lick* "Mmmm...oh! Oh, that's good! That tastes so good! Where...Where's my notebook? I have to write down these observations! This is valuable data! This was never meant to be an experiment, but...mmm...I can't ignore this. We are definitely doing this again! After this...I'm feeling motivated to start a whole new research project on the subject of male-female relations...and I want you to be my research partner. What do you say? Want to help me collect some more data?" "Fufufu...I thought you might." "Aww, I love you too, babe...and I always will." > Kissing Cousins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Splashing* "Ah...Ain't nothin' like a good, long dip on a hot summer's day, is there Smith?" "You said it, Applesauce!" "Mmm...just feelin' that nice, cool water all over you...it really gets you goin', don't it, Rose?" "Well...I suppose so...but..." "But what?" "Well, should we really be doin' this? Ain't this a bit...naughty?" "Ha! Naughty? What's naughty about three mares takin' a swim together?" "You know what I mean! Ain't it a bit risky to be out here...y'know...in the buff?" "What's the matter? Afraid someone'll get a peek at that plump little ass of yours?" "Applesauce!" "Oh, now stop that, Applesauce. Don't tease her." "Oh, it was just a joke. I didn't mean nothin' by it." "Yeah, yeah. Don't you pay her any mind, Rose. And don't you worry about anypony takin' a gander at you neither. This swimmin' hole's on Apple family land. Only the family knows it's here, and everyone else is back at the reunion. We're all alone out here." "Oh...good. Sorry, I...I guess I am a little bit scared of somepony...seein' me like this." "Well, don't be. You've blossomed into a beautiful mare, Rose. You ain't got nothin' to be ashamed of." "Darn tootin'!" "Why, I bet the stallions'll be beatin' down your door once they find out you're old enough to get hitched now." "'Specially once they see you inherited the Apple family ass!" "Fufu...and...and you'll chase 'em, off with a stick, right, cuz?" "You betcha! If somepony wants to get to you, they're gonna have to go through me! Ain't no way I'm lettin' some lazy good-for-nothin' run away with my precious little cousin." *Smooch* "Fufufu...thanks, cuz. I'm glad I have you to...take care of me." *Smooching* "Ooh...you girls are frisky today, ain'tcha?" "Mmmpf...shut up, Applesauce." *Smooching* "Hey, I ain't complainin'...so long as you ain't about to leave me out." "Wouldn't dream of it." "Get over here, you. It's been too long since I've tasted those pretty lips of yours." *Smooching* *Moaning* "Mmm...you girls need to come visit more often. Once a reunion ain't enough!" "We were all still fillies last reunion. Now that we're mares...I reckon we'll be spendin' a lot more time here at the swimmin' hole together." "Oh...I'd sure like that!" *Smooching* *Moaning* *Loud smooching* *Twig snapping* "Huh! What was that?" *Bushes rustling* "Oh!" "Eep!" "Hey! You stop right there, mister! Don't you run away from me! That's it. Now, get your sorry ass back here before I have to drag it back here myself!" "Oh no..." "Is that...? Oh...oh, this just got interesting~" "You stay right there, you low-down, dirty pervert! And you'd best keep your eyes on the ground, unless you want me to knock 'em out of your head!" "Woah there, Smith! Calm down. Let's not jump to any conclusions, now. I'm sure there's a good reason why he was peekin' at his three sexy cousins skinny-dippin'." "Oh yeah? Well then, let's hear it! What are you doin' all the way out here?" "You were just takin' a walk, huh? You were takin' a walk through the orchard and you just happened to stumble across three vulnerable, defenseless mares while they were swimmin'? You think I was born yesterday? Why, I oughta tan your hide for tellin' such a lie!" "Oh, what's the big deal? He already said he was sorry. Besides, it ain't like he was doin' any harm just by lookin'." "Don't defend him! Who knows what he'd've done if we hadn't noticed him in time!" "Smith, stop bein' so overprotective. Sure, he startled me some, but...I don't mind him bein' here. He's part of the family, after all. Somethin' tells me you don't mind either, do you, Rose?" "Huh!?! Wha...I don't...I don't know what you mean." "Fufufu...sure you don't. Anyway, he sure doesn't seem to mind bein' around three wet, naked mares. The way I see it, the only one frettin' about this is you, so why don't you just calm down and stop threatenin' to whoop our cousin's ass." "Oh...fine! Have it your way!" "Good. Now, why don't you go ahead and take a look at us, cuz. I'm sure your shoes are plenty interestin', but...I like to think we make for a more interestin' sight than that. C'mon, now. Don't be shy. We're all kin here, remember?" "Mmpf..." "Grrr..." "Fufufu...like what you see? I reckon it ain't too often you get to see three big, sexy asses lined up like this, huh? Oh...I guess you do like what you see...judgin' by that bulge in your pants." "Of all the dirty, low-down..." "So, tell me, cuz...when you were over there hidin' in the bushes...what were you lookin' at exactly? Were you gettin' an eyeful of our big boobs? Were you gettin' a peek at our pretty little marehoods? Or how about the waves we made every time we plopped these big Apple asses into the water? Or maybe you were watchin' your sexy little cousins share a naughty little kiss? Fufufu. It don't matter none. You'll have plenty more chances to see whatever you want." "Wha...What do you mean?" "Yeah, you little enabler. What do you mean?" "I mean...he should come and join us. I'm sure he's tuckered out after walkin' all the way over here. I'm sure we could figure out a way to...re-energize him." "You'd best not be sayin' what I think you're sayin'!" "So what if I am? We're all adults here. Besides, I reckon we could have a lot more fun with a stallion here to keep us company. Don't get me wrong; I love feelin' those pretty little fingers of yours on me, but...I've been dyin' to get a feel of something a little bit bigger...or maybe a lot bigger." "Why, you little harlot!" "Look who's callin' who a harlot! I see you rubbin' your thighs together. I bet you're already thinkin' about what he's hidin' between his legs." "What? I...I am not! I ain't in as big a rush to get my cherry popped as you are!" "Not by much, but that don't mean you should ignore a golden opportunity like this. I bet you'll love it...and I bet you'll love it even more, won't you, Rose?" "Huh? Why would I...?" "Oh, don't be coy! You might as well tell him. I know how long you've had your eye on him." "What? You knew?" "Are you kiddin'? I've seen the way you blush when he's around. I'm just surprised he never caught on." "Oh, this is embarrassing!" "Aww, don't be bashful. You like him, and I can see as clear as day that he likes you, what with how much he's been eyein' you up. Just go with it! Just give him a smile, say yes, and he'll take care of the rest. Heck, I bet he'll even give you a great big kiss before he lays you down and makes you a mare. Wouldn't you like that?" "I...I, uh...oh, my. Is is getting hotter out here?" "Fufufu. What do you say, Smith? You in? Ain't nobody better to give your first time to than someone like him: someone we know, someone we trust, and someone we love. Plus, I doubt you'd be able to find another stallion as big and handsome as him anytime soon. So, come on! Live a little! Unless you'd rather just sit there and watch while Rose and I get our fields plowed." "Oh...consarn it! Fine! He can come fool around with us, but if he's gonna be makin' us mares, then he's gonna be doin' it the right way!" "You listen here, cuz, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once! We ain't a gaggle of two-bit floozies, you got that? We're proper, Celestia-fearin' mares, and you're gonna treat us like it! I don't know what sorta dirty thoughts you got runnin' through that thick head of yours right now, but you better forget all of 'em, 'cause you're gonna be doin' things the old-fashioned way...the right way. You're gonna march your ass over here and give us each a kiss and tell us how much you love us. Then, you're gonna lay us down on the grass all gentle-like and kiss us some more, wherever we want, for as long as we want. And then, when we think you've done enough, then you can introduce that big babymaker of yours to our marehoods. And don't think you're gonna get away with any funny stuff then neither! You're gonna hold our hands, look us in the eye, and kiss us while you rut us, and we're gonna have our legs wrapped around you the whole time to make sure you plant your seed where it's supposed to go! That's right, loverboy: you're gonna fill us up with all the hot, sticky baby batter you got! And if we get knocked up, then you can bet you'll be takin' responsibility! Heck, I don't care if you gotta marry all three of us! You're doin' this our way, or not at all, you hear?" *Awkward silence* "Wow, Smith. You've sure put a lot of thought into this. And here I thought you were the prude of the bunch." "Shut up." "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind if my hunky cousin wanted to make me his little broodmare. How about you, Rose?" "Oh...I...I, uh...y-yes...yes, I...I'd like that. I'd like that very much." "Well, alrighty then! I suppose the only thing left to decide is...who gets to go first? Is it gonna be me, big boy? You wanna break me in first? I promise you'll enjoy it." "Wait! Could it...Could it be me first? Please? I...I've been wanting this for so long, I…" "Oh, you girls'll get your turns...after he finishes takin' care of me! This is my farm and my swimmin' hole, so you'd best be pickin' me first, you hear?" "Well, he ain't choosin' nobody until he takes off those clothes and gets over here. So, come on, stud. You've seen ours, so...why don't you show us yours?" *Belt clinking* *Zipper unzipping* *Pants falling* *Gasping* "Sweet Celestia..." "I didn't know we had any three-legged stallions in our family." "I think I'm gonna faint." "Don't bother, Rose. I get the feelin' all three of us'll be passed out soon enough." "Oh, crabapples. What've we gotten ourselves into, girls?" "I'm thinkin' more about what's gonna get into us." "Oh~" "Well, what are you waitin' for? You got three wet-and-willin' cousins here, so get that big, throbbin' marebreaker over here and fuck us already!" > Poolside Performance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Licking* *Slurping* *More licking* "Oh, pool boy! Could you come over here? The Great and Powerful Trixie desires to speak with you." "Fufu...Good boy." "Hmm? How can you help me? Oh, you misunderstand. I do not desire your assistance. Rather, I wish to assist you." "You heard me. Trixie is in a very generous mood at the moment. How lucky for you." "Oh, not with the pool, silly. You don't need my help with that. After all, you've done such a good job taking care of it these past few weeks. I should have hired you a long time ago." "What do I want to help you with? Can't you guess? Or are you just being modest?" "Oh, don't be coy. There's no point pretending. Trixie may be great and powerful, but it wouldn't take a master magician to know what you've been thinking about every time those wandering eyes of yours make their way over here. Any mare could notice that big tent you're pitching right now." "Fufufu...You should see the look on your face! How adorable." "Calm yourself, my devoted and hardworking pool boy. I'm not mad. It's only natural that a young, studly stallion like you should take notice of the Sexy and Alluring Trixie's body, and that your own body should respond appropriately to the sight of all these curves. Besides, I'm used to it. You've seen how I dress while I'm onstage. In fact, I bet you've spent quite a lot of time thinking about me in my sexy little magician's outfit, how it shows off my long, luscious legs, and how it pushes up my breasts to give my audience a good look at the best rack in Equestria. Ponies may come from far and wide to watch me perform my amazing feats, but it's not the magic that brings in the bits. Any half-decent unicorn can put on a magic show, but who among the countless amateurs out there could put on a magic show while looking even half as drop-dead gorgeous as me? Nopony, that's who. I'd like to see that little princess try to fill a theater in Las Pegasus with those mosquito bites of hers." "Long story short, Trixie knows how to use what her mama gave her, and I've had a lot of success doing just that. How do you think I afford this mansion, or this pool? I do it by giving my audience exactly what they want. Which brings me back to you, my little audience of one, and what you want. So, why don't you tell Trixie what it is that you want...what you really want?" "Still playing dumb? Fufufu. I'll admit, the modesty is cute and all. Watching you take peeks at me when you think I'm not looking has been adorable, but you'll have to be a bit more bold if you want to do more than just look. Mares like stallions who take what they want. I like stallions who take what they want, and I think we both know what it is you want right now. You've been such a good servant to the Great and Powerful Trixie: loyal, obedient, and handsome enough to make for some good eye-candy, so I don't mind repaying you for all of your hard work. I don't mind giving you what you want...as long as you have the balls to take it. So what'll it be, pool boy? Are you gonna walk away, sad and unsatisfied, or are you gonna get your sexy ass over here and give Trixie something bigger than this teeny little popsicle to suck on?" "Fufufu...That's what I thought." "That's it, big boy. Straddle me. Sit down on Trixie's soft, warm thighs...and let me get a look at you. Let me get a feel of you." "Mmm...You have such a delicious chest. So strong...so masculine. Why don't you take off that shirt and give me a better view?" "Oh...Trixie likes! I should have you clean the pool shirtless from now on. It's such a waste to keep all of this hidden away." "Mmm...come closer, pool boy. Let me get a taste of those lips of yours." *Smooching* "Mmmpf! Oh...so aggressive! You've been wanting to kiss Trixie for a long time, haven't you?" *Smooching* "Mmm! Oh...mmm. Yes...just like that! Tongue-fuck my mouth, you stud! Show me you're worthy of ravishing Trixie's body!" *Loud smooching* "Mmm! Oh...awfully forward, aren't we? I didn't even give you permission to grab my tits. You just reached out and took them like they're yours. Fufu...You're a fast learner. Here...why don't I bring the girls out to play? I know you like Trixie's bikini, but...I think you'd like the view a bit better without it." "Fufufu...You like them? Of course you do. Everypony likes Trixie's big and bountiful boobs." "Well...what are you waiting for? They aren't gonna play with themselves, you know." *Smooching* "Mmmm...yes. Oh, yes! Just like that!" *Smooching* "Harder. Squeeze them harder! Trixie can take it!" *Smooching* "Oh, yes! Fuck yes! Pinch my nipples! Pinch my...oh! Oh...fuck!" *Smooching* "Oh. Fufu...I can feel your hips bucking. Are you getting all hot and bothered making out with Trixie? Mmm...so am I. Why don't we move on to the main event then? Get up on your knees and drop those shorts. Trixie wants to see what you're hiding down there." *Zipper unzipping* "Oh! Oh, wow. Oh...fufufu. If I knew you were carrying this beast around with you...we would have been doing this on your first day. Well, I suppose we'll just have to make up for lost time, won't we? Let me get a feel of this big marebreaker." "Mmmm...you like that? You like feeling Trixie's soft little hands all over your thick, throbbing shaft? Or how about these big, bulging balls of yours? Oh...they feel so hot between my fingers. I bet you're already churning up a fat, sticky load for me, huh? A little afternoon snack for your beloved boss? Mmm...I can hardly wait to taste it. Why don't I help you get it out? You just relax and...let Trixie milk you dry." "Mmm...there we go. Nice and slow. Up and down. Let Trixie pump you to paradise." "Fufufu...you're already leaking. You just can't wait to paint my tits white, can you? Well, be patient. I'm going to make you savor every second of this." "Hmm...oh...I love feeling you twitch and throb. I especially love that look on your face. Don't try to hide it. Trixie knows how good she is at this." "Fufufu...I have to say, this little magician has handled her fair share of magic wands over the years, but...yours is by far the biggest, the sexiest and..." *Sniff* "...the most delicious one I've ever encountered." "Hmmm...Trixie does have the magic touch, doesn't she? Of course, Trixie knows how to use other things than just her hands...like these soft lips you love so much. Would you like that? Would you like Trixie to give this jumbo-sized popsicle a good, hard suck while she jerks you off?" "I thought you would." *Smooching* *Licking* "Mmm...such a scrumptious taste." *Licking* *Sucking* "Fufufu...what, didn't Trixie tell you she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose? Fufufu...why don't I speed things up a little. I wouldn't want your shaft to get jealous of all this intense oral action your head is getting." *Sucking* *Licking* *Sucking* "Mmm...that's it, stud. Moan for me. Moan for Trixie." *Sucking* "Mmm, yes. Grab my head. Make me taste this big, dirty cock." *Sucking* "Mmmm...oh, yeah. Getting closer, baby? Well, you'll have to hold out a little longer. I don't want you cumming until you're good and ready!" *Sucking* "Oh, yes. You are getting close now. Let's see how much of Trixie you can handle. I'm gonna give you a taste of The Jackhammer™, so you'd better get ready for it." "Fufufu...what's the matter? Never had your dick pumped this fast? Let's see how long you can last." *Sucking* "Almost..." *Sucking* "Mmm...I can hear your balls churning." *Sucking* "Oh, you're so close. Just a little bit longer!" *Sucking* "That's it. You're almost there. Are you ready? Are you ready to blow your hot, sticky load all over me? Are you ready to give me a nice cum face mask to wear? Well, you'd better be! You'd better give Trixie everything you've got! Give me every drop of spunk you've got in those big cum-tanks of yours! Give it to me! Give it to me right now! The Great and Powerful Trixie commands it!" *Heavy breathing* "Oh...oh, my...wow. You...You really did have a lot in there. All over my face...my boobs...even my mane. It's...everywhere." "Don't apologize, stud. Never apologize for giving a mare exactly what she wants, especially not when..." *Sniff* "...it's this good." *Licking* *Swallowing* "Mmmm...delicious. Well done, my little pool boy." "Oh? Where do you think you're going? We aren't finished here yet. The Generous and Benevolent Trixie was kind enough to let you get off first...but now it's my turn. I'm not letting you go until I get to feel this big dick between my other lips, and I bet you'll enjoy those ones even more. So...take five, pool boy. I'm going to go clean myself up, but you'd better be ready for round two by the time I get back. You'd better be lying here with your cock rock-hard and your balls full and sloshing again, because Trixie is going to give you the ride of your life!" > Making a Mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh! Yes, darling! I'm here in the bedroom! But...wait! Don't come in just yet! Just...give me a moment to...prepare." *Deep breath* "Alright. You can...You can come in now." *Door creaking* "W-Welcome home, darling." "Fufufu...I...take it you like my newest piece?" "Oh, I'm so glad to hear it. You don't know how long I spent working on it." "Oh, well...I imagine it would be a big seller...if I actually decided to sell it...but I won't be doing that." "Why not? Well, it's because...this particular piece of lingerie is...special. I made it...just for me. Just for you. I want you to be the only one who ever sees it. I want it to be a symbol of our love...the love that we've shared together...and the love that we're going to share together on this oh-so-special night." "Fufufu...darling, it's alright. You didn't forget our anniversary...or my birthday. That's not what makes today so special. Today is special because...we're going to make it special...right now...together." "How? Well...come over here and...I'll tell you." "That's it. Join me on the bed. Just lie down and relax...my darling husband." "Fufufu...don't be shy. Touch it. It was made to be touched, after all." "Do you like how it feels? I used the softest fabric I could find. It was a bit pricey, I'll admit, but...you're worth it." *Smooching* "Hmmm...you noticed my scent? It's not my usual perfume. I decided to go with something a bit more...sensual for tonight." *Smooching* "Hmm? What's special about tonight? Oh, yes, I...suppose I should tell you...before I get too distracted. Well...darling...how long have we been married?" "That's right. We've been married for quite a while now, but...we still haven't...sealed the deal, so to speak." "Well...you gave me a ring. You gave me a home. You've given me many wonderful, memorable evenings here in this bedroom...but there's something else you still haven't given me...something you've been wanting to give me for a very long time...and something I've been wanting you to give me too." "Fufufu...you know what it is. We may be a family now, but...I know you never wanted us to be a family of just two. We didn't buy this big house just for the two of us, after all. No...I know you've been longing to hear the pitter-patter of little feet running down those halls. You've been longing to meet...your children. Our children. The children you're going to give me...right here...right now. That's what makes tonight special. Tonight is the night that...you're going to make me a mother." *Smooching* "Mmm...oh, darling. Oh...yes. I love you too. I love you so much. I love you more than you can possible imagine. You've been so good to me, and...you've made me so happy. Ever since you married me...you've just been so supportive...so devoted...and so patient. You've been waiting so long to make a family with me...and I knew how badly you wanted it...but in all that time, you've never complained. You've stood by my side every day, encouraging me, supporting me in my career. I...I am so lucky to have you in my life." *Smooching* "I've put so much of my life into fashion...so many wonderful years. I did it because...I love it. I love my work, but...I have other things I love too. I love you, and...when I finally get to meet them...I know I'm going to love our children too...I'll love them more than any of my dresses. That's why...fashion is just going to have to make room. "That's what I've been doing these past few months. That's why I've left the running of my boutiques to others. I've done everything I can to free myself up...so that I can be the wife that you deserve...and the mother that our children deserve." *Smooching* "Oh, darling. You've been wanting this so badly, but...I think I've been wanting it even more than you. I've been waiting for this night...fantasizing about it, in fact. I've thought about what I would wear...what I would say...what I would do. It's...a bit silly, really." "You...You want to hear it? You want to make my fantasy...a reality? Oh...oh, darling. I'd love that. I'd love that so much." *Smooching* "Yes...hold me. Hold me tight. Wrap your arms around me and never let go!" *Smooching* "Oh...I...I want you to...lie me down. Lie me down on the bed like I'm a princess and...you're my handsome knight. Then, I...I want you to kiss me...kiss me all over...kiss every inch of me. Kiss my neck. Kiss my arms. Kiss my breasts. Kiss my belly. Kiss my legs and my feet. Kiss this little bottom you love so much. And then...kiss my little kitty...and I don't mean Opal. I want you to pull aside the fabric and...give my lips a good, long licking. I want you to get my oven ready for the bun you're going to put inside it. I want you to get me hot, wet, and quivering...although...you're already doing that. "And then...when I can't take it any more...when I can't wait even one more moment...I want you to take it out. I want you to take out...that big babymaker of yours...and use it for what it was meant to be used for. You'll slide it in, slowly and gently...letting me feel every thick, throbbing inch of it. You'll hold me, and I'll hold you...and whimper in your ear as you fill me up. I want to run my hands over your strong back, and wrap my legs around your hips and...and then I want you to do it. I want you to...to fuck me. I want you to breed me. "Oh...I feel so naughty saying that, but...it's the truth. I want to be your little broodmare, and...I want you to be my stud. I want you to pound my needy little pussy...slowly at first, but...I want to hear the bed creaking by the end. And...I want you to kiss me while you do it. I want to feel your lips on mine...while I feel your big, beautiful cock sliding in and out of me. I want you kiss me, lick me, nibble on me. I want you to whisper in my ear. I want you to tell me how much you love me. I want you to tell me how happy we're going to be...once our babies are here. "I...I'm quivering just thinking about it...thinking about you plunging between my soft, velvety lips. I want to feel you stretch me out like you always do. I want to feel your tip kiss my womb. I want to feel you lying on top of me...feel your weight on me...feel how big and strong you are. Oh...I always feel so safe like that...so protected. I feel like, no matter what happens...you won't let anything happen to me. "I want to stay like that for a long time. I would stay like that forever, if I could...just you and me...our bodies joined together...and our hearts. I want you to make me savor every second of our love...make me moan...make me squirm...make me cling to you so tightly. I want to lose myself in it. I want to forget everything else...until the only thoughts in my head are of you...and our babies. I want you to fuck me until I'm nothing more than your moaning, whimpering little baby mama. And then...that's when you'll do it. That's when you'll give me what I want. "You're going to give me everything you have. You're going to bury every inch inside of me...go right up to my unprotected womb...and make it yours. You're going to pump me full of every last drop of hot liquid love you have in you. I want to feel myself being filled. I want to feel your warmth inside of me...in every nook and cranny. I want to feel the very moment that one of your boys swims up to my girl and...makes me a mother. And...I want you to hold me all the while...hold me in those big, strong arms. I want you to roar like a lion...letting me know that I belong to you...and that I always will. "And...when we're through...when I'm lying there, empty-headed and limp...I want you to hold me some more. I want you to hold me gently...kiss me gently...touch me gently. I want you to whisper in my ear...while you rub my belly. I want you to tell me that you love me...over and over...until I fall asleep in your arms. I want to hear your voice in my dreams...see your face...and the faces of our future children. That's...what I want." "Well, erm...that's...that's what I've been thinking about, anyway. A bit much, I know, but..." "What? You...You want to do it? All of it? Every bit of it? And...you'll make it even better than I imagined? Oh, darling...darling..." *Smooching* "Mmmm...yes. Yes, let's...let's do it. I...can't wait any longer...so, please...make me a mother. Make me a mother tonight...because I want to start working on baby clothes first thing in the morning."