> Strawberry and Cream > by EpicGamer10075 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > That Next Step > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ow!” Wind Sweep jerked her head back from the train’s window and rubbed her snout, and glanced around at the other few ponies in the very dimly-lit passenger car, and found that they weren’t much more awake than her and thus hadn’t noticed her little slip-up. Shaking it off with a faint blush that went unnoticeable on her pale indigo face, which itself slightly hidden by her striped darker indigo and mulberry mane, the pegasus stretched out her forelegs and wings before twisting her barrel around and getting a satisfying crack in both directions, and then settled back into a sitting position as she looked out the window. A large expanse of plains and trees were barely visible in the faint light of the setting moon, with the many stars twinkling up in the late night sky and filling Wind’s vision with beauty, one that she still appreciated even despite how often she saw it and how tired she was at that moment. However, that exhaustion did spark something in the mare’s mind, as she recalled exactly where she was going. She knew the tasty baked goods and revitalizing coffee that place had, even in the depths of night, but most of all, she knew who worked the place at this time. The pegasus bit her lip as her face flushed brighter--suddenly rather thankful that her royal employer kept her night so dark at that specific time--as her mind drifted towards her marefriend, thoughts of ingredient-smattered aprons and endlessly cheery smiles brought a smile on the Wind’s own face, but the images of soft creamy coats, luscious chocolatey tails, and plump, flour-dusted plots that all came soon after made her face erupt in lust, embarrassment, and shame. No matter how many times she’s tried to bring that topic up to her love before, her words scrambled and fell apart into an incoherent mess and she was forced to retreat, lest she make even more of an embarrassment of herself. But, that didn’t change the fact that she so desperately wanted that, and the glimpses of what she managed to catch under that tail and behind that apron made that desire burn all so much stronger. All of a sudden, a loud ‘Ding-Dong!’ sounded out through the car, making Wind jump and shout out an ‘eep!’ as her attention got jerked away from attractive baker mares and up towards the speaker in the ceiling. “Attention, all passengers,” A voice called out through the speaker, sounding no less weary than the ponies in the car itself, “We are to arrive at Baltimare in five minutes. I repeat, we are arriving at Baltimare in five minutes.” The timid pegasus let out a breath as the sound faded back off the car was left in quiet again, leaving her to take a glance down at the seat beside her to see her indigo saddlebags barely visible in the dim nightlight, then look back out the window and sigh as she saw some hints of cityscape off on the side. Yawning, she relented to having no more time to think about how she might actually ask her marefriend about that, and knew it’d all just be another humiliating experience. Soft clops of hooves on pavement made Wind painfully aware of each of her steps toward her marefriend’s place of work, her form sinking slightly under the weight of her saddlebags as her stomach turned into knots in a manner that she could never get used to, no matter how many times this happened or how often she was forgiven for her bumbling. Despite that, she still kept moving forward through the mildly well-lit Baltimare cityscape, with all the streetlamps lighting her path and the many glowing windows scattered across the labyrinth of tall skyscrapers providing a dulled mimicry of the starry sky the light blocked out. Seeking to relieve the unending tension in her gut, the purple pegasus turned her thoughts to the real night sky she knew so well from many late hours working in Canterlot Castle. She could recall the faintly-coloured dots scattered into a myriad of loose constellations, all painstakingly put together and maintained by her calm, yet rather strict employer, Princess Luna. Wind’s own job as a maid often let her see the majestic alicorn sitting silently on her balcony, horn lit with its signature cobalt blue and eyes upturned toward her creation as she ever-so-slightly pushed errant stars back into their place amongst the expansive cosmos... Bonk! “Ow!” Wind backed up as she got torn back out of her mind, eyes adjusting to the bright building in front of her while her snout felt slightly bruised from bumping on another window--this time being one on a door--but it didn’t take the mare long to recognize the building before her was her destination. Sucking in a breath through her nose, the dark-hued pony knew better than to let herself get sucked into that downward spiral of delays and doubts, and so quickly grabbed the door handle before her with a forehoof and pulled it open so she could step inside and let the door slide and click closed behind her. Letting the warm and pleasant scents of the pastry shop flow into her nostrils and calm her nerves a bit, Wind looked around the cozy, warm, and well-lit establishment to see a wall covered in posters and a clock to her right and a bunch of chairs and tables to her left, all sitting atop the well-worn wooden flooring, and about a half-dozen ponies sitting on the chairs and talking to each other, reading their books, or enjoying the tasty pastries this place produced. Thankful that she didn’t attract any real attention--even if she knew she never had in the past--Wind looked back in front of her to the wooden counter which ran across the entire width of the building’s interior, with several racks on the wall behind it, numerous warm and fresh pastries of all sorts scattered across them. Slightly surprised by the lack of any pony (and one in particular) behind the counter, she trotted forward to where the cash register lay on the counter near the right wall, but she stopped mid-way when the exact pony she was looking for pranced jubilantly out though the kitchen doorframe to the left of the pastry racks with a pink potholder grasped in her teeth, which itself held a baking sheet with a dozen or so scones laid across it. Unfortunately for Wind, the other mare turned to the side and moved over to the racks, her eyes missing the mare that had just entered, so she could instead move up and lifted the sheet in her mouth up to a mostly empty rack and tilted her end of it upwards, letting the many scones slide down off the sheet and onto the rack in a somewhat haphazard-looking formation. Backing up, she turned just enough to place the sheet and potholder on the counter behind her before going back forward and hopping up a bit so she could use her forehooves to take all the scones and spread them apart into a more organized fashion. However, all of this left Wind with a very nice view of the baker’s slightly overweight rear, with the creamy coat of the rest of her getting smattered in a powdery white that was mostly just natural colouration, and a cutie mark of a half-eaten cookie stretched out across both soft and plump cheeks which wobbled and jiggled ever-so-slightly as their owner shifted around a bit. Even with the rich chocolate tail with a stripe of rose and white that curled in on itself fell down to cover the delicious mare-parts below, the indigo pegasus could hardly take her eyes away from that lovely sight, and her legs subconsciously took her closer as a flaming blush lit up her face and she bit her lip in a desperate attempt to conceal her lustful urges. That view was not to last, though, as the earth pony soon turned around to grab the sheet again, but stopped and her attention got pulled over to the mare before the counter, and her strawberry-coloured eyes immediately lit up with glee as a large smile formed on her face. “Windy!” She cheered and reached over the counter to wrap her forelegs and hug her marefriend tightly. Maybe a little too tightly, as Wind felt herself abruptly yanked out of her fantasizing and barely able to breath, but she did manage to utter out a response, “H-hi, Sugar...” Releasing her tight grip on the pegasus, Sugar Star laughed slightly guiltily as she pulled back to stand on the opposite side of the counter, but kept her forehooves on it as she apologized, “S-sorry, Windy...” Her normal enthusiasm quickly came back as she added, “I’m just so excited to see you again!” Coughing slightly and shaking off her marefriend’s overenthusiasm, Wind replied, slightly puzzled, “But we meet each other like this every day...” “That doesn’t stop me from loving seeing you again, silly,” Sugar laughed with a roll of her eyes, but she soon enough got back into a somewhat more professional demeanor and cleared her throat before asking, “Anyway, will you have your usual today, Windy?” Slightly thrown off by the quick change of subject, the purple-maned mare took a moment to nod in agreement. “Great!” Sugar exclaimed, “I’ll get that prepared and let you take a seat while you wait!” The bubbly baker then leaned down a bit a grabbed something under the countertop with her mouth before turning around and leaning up to the pastry racks with the box of baking paper sheets she grabbed. With the bottom-heavy earth pony back in that rather compromising position, Wind felt tempted to just stand there and stare at that juicy plot again, she knew how strange and awkward that would be, and so she instead turned around with some hesitation and trotted slowly over to one of the square tables by the window and sat on one of the couch chairs next to it, and unfasted the saddlebags around her barrel and set them on the floor under the table. The sight of that lovely, sugar-dusted rear stuck in Wind’s mind though, and thoughts of grabbing it, massaging it, and just generally loving it while she lapped at what lay between them came to her. Such lustful fantasies weren’t able to last too long, as the her thoughts soon went towards how such a perfect situation would come about, and what that led her to was anything but perfect. Memories of the previous times she’d tried to ask her marefriend for intimacy filled Wind’s mind, and how she always stuttered like a fool and wasn’t ever able to get her idea out flooded her with a sickening sense of dread that her idea would never get out. She hunched over in her chair and pressed her face down into the table as her stomach churned with anxiety and nausea, her mind a whirlwind of ideas on how her next conversation could turn out and self-deprecating whimpers of not getting something so desperately important to her dragged her down into a spiral of panic. Suddenly, however, a warm and wet sensation pressed onto the mare’s cheek, snapping her out of her anxiety attack and making her head jerk up to see Sugar next to her with slightly puckered lips, clearly having just used them to kiss her now-shocked and heavily blushing marefriend. “I saw you lookin’ real nervous, Windy,” Sugar said with some worry in her voice, though the natural bubbliness never left it as she looked into her partner’s wide eyes, “I don’t wanna pry too much, but you can talk to me about it whenever you want, alright?” Wind took a moment to actually process that she was hearing something, and then understand what exactly had been said, before finally calming down from both her anxiety and surprise as she nodded. “Good!” Sugar said as she smiled a bit more at that, then moved back and gestured to the pastry and glass on the table as she changed subject, “Now then, here’s your strawberry scone and hot chocolate with cream and sugar.” “O-oh,” Wind stuttered as she glanced to her order, then looked down under the table to her saddlebags before sighing lightly and ducking her head as she leaned down under the table so she could grab her saddlebags and open one of them, where her bit-purse was. Taking care to pull herself back up without hitting her head, she opened her purse and pulled out 4 1-bit coins and placed them on the table, where they were promptly taken by the other mare. “Thank you!” Sugar responded happily as she put the bits into a near-invisible side pocket in her pink apron, and added, “I’ll just put these away and make sure everypony else is doing alright, and then I’ll come back, okay, Windy?” Wind Sweep was about to nod again, but got cut off by the cream-coloured earth pony kissing her on the lips, forcing a large, blushing smile to break out on the her own face as she became too overcome with giddiness and embarrassment to notice her marefriend prancing away. However, even when she did manage to notice that she was alone again, it wasn’t the same as before; instead of a horrible downward spiral of sickening anxiety, she now felt happy and loved in a way that she may be able to ask Sugar for what she wanted so much after all! ...Well, maybe not that, but at the very least, she knew the lovely baker would still love and support her regardless of anything. Shaking her head, Wind ducked back under the table to put her bit-purse back into her saddlebags, then came back up and turned her attention to her order. Closing her eyes and inhaling through her nose, the strong scents of hot chocolate and cream hit her first with lighter hints of sugar and strawberry peeking in as well, all coalescing into a lovely reminder of the mare that gave it to her. Opening her eyes, the pegasus started eating the scone and drinking the hot chocolate, which only ended up making that image of Sugar Star stronger in her mind, with the scents she’d caught off of the bubbly baker paired with the lingering taste of the kiss given to her both matching that image in her mind. However, with her senses attuned so strongly to her love, it was only a matter of time before the question that she wanted to ask this entire time crept back up into her mind, making the chocolate-maned earth pony bend over in seductive and salacious poses in her mind, which made a blush start to form again on her cheeks. Luckily though, Wind wasn’t as deep in reverie as she had been in her panic, so she managed to hear the clacking of hooves on wood approaching her, which pulled her attention up towards the approaching Sugar, who gave her marefriend a happy--if slightly strange--glance before sitting down with an audible pomf in the other sofa chair next to the table she was at, and putting her own cream-coloured forehooves on it. “Hey again, Windy,” Sugar said, but it quickly morphed into a tired yawn. Looking over at the clock on the right wall, Wind found the time to be about four-thirty AM, which she knew most ponies wouldn’t even be awake at, let alone working for another full hour. “Are you doing okay?” She asked her tired marefriend, knowing how difficult working such a late shift was and thankful that she took it for her. “Better, now that I’m with you,” Sugar replied charmingly, if still a tad bit weary under the surface, which made a light blush appear on her partner’s face. “Though,” She added with a scoff, “I do wish I could give you more than just a discount here...” Sighing beleagueredly, Wind responded, “You know I make enough to pay full price, Sugar.” The other pony was about to say something about that, but Wind cut her off, “It’s been like this for nearly a month; if it was really an issue, I would’ve said something by now.” “R-right, sorry,” The baker muttered back with a faint blush of her own as she rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, “I just don’t want to treat you like any other customer, I guess.” “I know, and I appreciate what you do and have done,” Wind responded and reached forward to grab her marefriend’s lingering forehoof with one of her own, “But you don’t need to get in trouble for my sake, okay?” Smiling at looking back into the other pony’s eyes, Sugar nodded in assent, but her eyes soon glanced up and to the side in thought for a moment, and then back down as she replied, “I’d probably be getting in more trouble if I were in your position, though. Can hardly imagine all the sweets the Princesses and nobles must leave uneaten...” Wind giggled slightly at the somewhat despondent look her partner had, but managed to cut it off with a sweet response, “But if I ate all of those sweets, I wouldn’t have any appetite to come here and eat yours, Sugar.” The blush on Sugar’s cheeks got a bit stronger as she smiled lovingly back, and wasn’t able to say anything before leaning forward over the table and hugging her partner, and getting a hug back as she tenderly nuzzled the purple pony’s cheek and murmured into her ear a quiet, “Love you...” “Love you too,” Wind managed with a blush before the two pulled away, but she paused for a moment and added with faint hesitance, “Um, I would say, though, that Celestia would probably eat all of those sweets before you could get to them, Sugar.” Sugar immediately broke into a giggle-fit when she heard that, laughing heartily and uncontrollably for enough time that her partner could come down from her embarrassment and laugh along, if not quite as loud or energetically. It kept going for long enough that some of the other patrons glanced towards her, though whether it was in irritation, humour, or worry wasn’t clear to Wind, as most of her attention was taken by the lovely high-pitched laughter that spoke of true happiness and elation in a way that warmed the mare’s heart. The bubbly baker’s mirth did eventually fade, but she was still giggling slightly when she retorted, “Oh, that does sound like ol’ Sunbutt, doesn’t it?” That comment made Wind snort so hard she almost choked on her own saliva, with how casual such a crude name of not just her employer’s sister, but the Solar Princess herself, filling her with an amalgamation of emotions she could barely even comprehend as they whirled in her mind. She could feel herself recoiling from the shock, with humour and an ‘what am I going to do with you?’ sense of love for her partner coming to the forefront as well as the... non-innacuracy of the statement, with maybe a bit of anger and jealousy about what was said and who it was about...? However, the befuddled pegasus’s mind did soon latch onto something, and she sought to put it out into the world if only to sparer her from this maelstrom of emotion and the awkward silence that would no doubt ensue if she didn’t say anything. “Um,” She started, making Sugar--who was still giggling away at her own words (and likely her partner’s baffled expressions)--calm back down and pay attention, “It is true what I said...” An inquisitive, but patient look came on her marefriend’s face, making the other pony slightly embarrassed with how slow her thoughts were, “Celestia had a whole cake for her dessert and still wanted more...” A second or so passed as Sugar seemed to rewind her thoughts to what was said previously, and combine it what was stated just then, and even with just that little time, Wind felt her cheeks flush hotter with the lack of immediate reaction and how... weird she must’ve just sounded, but a snort and more laughter from the baker slowly began to quash that sensation. “Ahh... did she, uh,” Sugar muttered as she came down from her giggling, “Did she get any more?” Wind shook her head and replied with a slight smirk while remembering what happened, “No, Luna just... stared, at her until she gave up.” Snorting and rolling her eyes with a large grin as she pictured it, Sugar took a moment before asking, “Was it ‘cause she was... just jealous? Er, about not getting to eat a lot more?” Knowing she was referring to the Lunar Princess’s much stricter diet that she shared with Sugar in the past, Wind shook her head and responded, “Uh, no... I think she just keeps her diet because she prefers it...” Looking upward in thought for a second, she added, “I know she doesn’t care too much about her appearance; a-a waiter actually spilled something on her and she only cleaned it up when she had to get ready for night court. And, um, I could hear her mumbling irritated..-ly under her breath... a-about the petitioners...” Nodding in understanding, Sugar smirked a little as she said, “Can’t imagine just how much that waiter must’ve been shaking in his boots after that, huh?” “Mm-hm,” Wind mumbled in agreement, and giggled slightly as she recalled the absolutely terrified look on that waiter’s face... “I... I think was about ready to, um, p-...take a-a leak r-right there!” Sugar burst out into laughter again, giggling away madly in way that definitely got a couple glances from the other patrons in the shop, and her partner’s blush kept up from how darn cute that sound was... Shaking her head to prevent herself from going back into a reverie, Wind looked down at the table and saw her order, half-eaten and forgotten about, and luckily not having been knocked over by any of her marefriend’s incredible mirth. She took the glass up to her mouth to taste it, and found it had lost a bit of its original warmth, but was still rather tasty in a way that was only accentuated by the continuing lovely sound of amusement from the other mare. Eventually, though, Sugar did come down from her laughter and leaned forward to rest her head on the table, muzzle pointed forward with her eyes shining happily as they looked upward at her lover. They remained there for a short while, just staring at the somewhat awkward pony sitting on the other side of the table, only serving to make her more embarrassed and thus brightening Sugar’s smile, but she did soon enough look upward in thought. “You know...” Sugar spoke thoughtfully as she looked back toward her marefriend, “For as annoying as Luna finds those petitioners, she definitely has it better than anypony in customer service.” Getting an inquisitive--and faintly concerned--look, she continued, “There was a mare in here, ‘round midnight, that decided it was a good idea to flirt with me a bunch,” Wind’s look became more worried, and rather angry, but Sugar kept going in a slightly bored tone, “She tried to get all physical and really pushy, practically trying to grope me across the counter, and then...” Pausing for effect, she could see her partner very angry and practically shaking in her seat, which looked rather strange on the normally reserved and timid pony, and she then decided to cut the tension; “Garnet grabbed her tail and threw her out the door!” Silence took hold, with Sugar baring a grin that only grew with time, and Wind’s anger having been so abruptly tossed out the window, she was just left with an emotionless, utterly baffled, blinking stare. That stare went unmoving for so long, the other pony broke down into quiet snorting and giggling as she looked at it, but it kept going as the gears behind her eyes seemed completely stuck. It was clear to her what was said and what those words meant; Garnet the griffon was one of the pastry shop’s regulars, especially around midnight, and had stood up against harassers to herself and others in the past... but Wind was still left unable to respond to it because of the absolute anti-climax she just experienced. “H-hey... hey, Windy?” A slightly guilty-looking Sugar Star said with a foreleg reached toward her marefriend, managing to drag Wind’s attention from the baffled void in her mind to the pony in front of her, “...You alright?” “Um,” Wind mumbled as her mental fog faded, and she blinked a few times to fully clear it before replying, “Y-yeah. ...Just, um,” She gulped and looked at Sugar, and with the thought of what had supposedly almost happened to her love, she restrained her mounting mix of anger and jealousy and finished, “Thinking.” Sugar raised an eyebrow and leaned forward a bit more over the table, and asked with a somewhat teasing tone, “Abooout...?” Sucking in a breath and looking around worriedly for a few seconds, as if looking for some sort of out, but eventually folding to the grin on her marefriend’s face, Wind managed to press down the negative emotions to ask with concern, “I... are you alright..?” “Huh?” Sugar sounded in response as her expression became one of a slightly taken-aback confusion, and she pulled backward into her seat a bit as she seemed to think, and then realize the question. Shaking her head with a reassuring smile, she said, “Oh, I’m fine. That perv wasn’t anything I haven’t seen before, and everything she said was so cliché and cringey that I just kinda felt bad for how terrible her courting skills were.” Wind didn’t fully buy it, though, and pointed out, “Maybe, but... it still could hurt..” Some more passion and worry crept into her voice as she continued, “I-I mean, she almost r-raped you.. so...” She paused to think, not quite sure where to take that line of thought, but as the other mare was opening her mouth to say something, Wind added, “I-I just don’t want you to feel like... t-that type of thing is something you just have to deal with--because it’s not!--and...” That anger and sadness she pressed down before started to come back up, and her eyes started to more intently focus on her partner, who was now rather shocked at the outburst of emotion, “...I don’t want you to feel l-like you’re something others can just... do that with. ...E-even if you are really pretty and, um, s-sexy...” Blinking in surprise as she processed all of that, Sugar pulled all the way back to sit properly in her sofa chair and just absorb all of what was said. While what happened earlier that night didn’t have any major impact on her, she certainly appreciated how Wind wanted to make her feel better about herself, and how hard the typically reserved mare pushed herself to get that point across, which was made all too clear with how she looked on the brink of crying with her body slumped forward and her head laying on the table, just next to her forgotten order. However, Sugar could see her distraught marefriend’s lips moving ever-so-slightly, seemingly muttering to herself as her eyes looked at nothing, and as the earth pony leaned forward to better hear what was being said, she could just barely make out mentions of ‘I love you’, ‘You deserve better’, and ‘I want to show you...’. Sugar’s mouth was left open as she tried to figure out what exactly was meant by it all, and while she had a hunch based on all of the lingering glances and blushing faces she had caught in the past, this didn’t really feel like related to that... Swiveling her ears towards her troubled partner, she tried to hear more of what was being said, but what little she could make out of the fading voice was just more of the same. Ding! “Gah!” Sugar gasped out as the bell above the shop’s door rang, violently pulling her attention away from her love to the new patron that entered. Sighing heavily, she got up from her seat and trotted around the table so she could wrap her forelegs around Wind’s barrel and kiss her on the forehead, eliciting the faintest of gasps as the other pony looked up at her. “Sorry, Windy; I got to go do my job. You going to be alright?” She whispered to her marefriend, and got a light nod back, letting Sugar release her hug and give a small smile before heading off back to the counter at the back of the store to attend the new patron. Time didn’t hold much of a presence in Sugar’s mind as she worked through the last hour of her nightly shift, capped off by a overly timely dawn-shift employee entering the shop, which let Sugar leave her position behind the counter and check on her marefriend, who had eaten the rest of her scone and gotten her order cleaned up in the intervening time. Once they confirmed they were both ready to head out, they left and trotted through the still somewhat dim Baltimare cityscape that was lit by streetlamps and glowing windows amongst the mix of tall and short buildings all around them. Eventually arriving at a somewhat-tall apartment building, the two partners took an elevator to their room near the top, and entered their suite, the lovely warm palette and spacious rooms providing them an opportunity to relax. Wind quickly took to that chance by unbuckling her saddlebags from around her barrel as she moved deeper into the main room, depositing those saddlebags on the coffee table in the middle of the room as she passed it, and kept going towards the glass balcony doors at the far end of the room. Sugar, though, didn’t have anything with her, and decided to just close the entrance door behind her and watch as her marefriend opened the other set and trotted out onto the decent-sized balcony, then just look out across the cityscape around her. Placing her forelegs on the balcony’s railing and leaning on it, Wind seemed at peace in a way she wasn’t on the ground below; instead of the slightly tense trotting and constantly glancing around at the environment and other ponies in it, she now stood still and relaxed, her rose-tinted wings unfolding to capture the light breeze sweeping across her body and blowing around her dark purple and magenta mane and tail. Sugar couldn’t help but smile at the display of how happy she truly looked, with the love of her life’s calmly closed eyes and light, but powerful smile piercing into her own heart and mind, with how clearly fulfilled Wind looked in that moment almost managing to bury that memory of what happened earlier that night. However, that memory did come back into Sugar’s mind, and her smile faded as the thoughts she had then came back into her mind as well, but this time, she considered them a bit more seriously. Maybe all of those lip-bites and heavy blushes signified something greater; a desire to go further in their relationship, but due to Wind’s timidity and lack of confidence, she wasn’t able to voice that desire and instead fell into a downward spiral of anxiety, inability to speak, and self-punishment. Sugar pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked back toward Wind, who was still feeling her namesake flow across her on the balcony, her lovely smile burning so bright in Sugar’s own heart, despite the emotions of the mare behind it being so fragile. Resolving herself to never let that smile fade for as long as she could, Sugar knew she had to initiate that step on her lover’s behalf, making it so Wind would know she was safe in going for it herself, whenever that time may come. Heading over to a door on a side wall, she entered into their bedroom and passed by its dimmer palette relatively visible in the dim light streaming in through the curtains covering the window, heading for the princess-sized bed on the back wall, and then laid across the floor to reach under it and pull out a small light blue box. The box was rather light, only holding a few garments inside, all of the type put away for a day Sugar wasn’t sure would come, but it seemed it now had. Wind Sweep came back into the suite’s main room, having finally gotten her fill of the cool breeze as the sky began to brighten with the imminent arrival of dawn, and took a moment to close the balcony doors behind her before sighing tiredly and heading for the door to the bedroom. She plodded along slowly as her mind wandered back to that conversation she had with Sugar earlier; she was never the best at truly expressing herself, even around her marefriend, so how much she said and the amount of passion with which she said it would’ve certainly made a mark in Sugar’s mind. It was unclear to Wind what her partner would make of all of what she said, but she knew that Sugar would no doubt try to console her and quell her pent-up worry about whatever she believed the problem was, whether that be how her love didn’t like other ponies harassing her, or how they found Sugar attractive and took her attention away from Wind. Regardless of whatever her partner believed the issue to be, Wind knew that Sugar would be careful and patient, not wanting to push her love too far, but still trying to get her to open up somewhat so she could help. Every past interaction between the two of them made it clear that Sugar would take her time and comfort and cuddle Wind, and quell any troubled thoughts her marefriend may have and let the idea of what she truly wanted stay on ice for as long as necessary, which would unfortunately mean forever. Wind sighed despondently as she let that thought flow through her mind, and with her body finally arriving at the door to her and Sugar’s bedroom, she looked up at in a mix of dread, self-loathing, and acceptance. Slowly raising her hoof up to grasp the door handle, turn it, and then pull it back to open the door, Wind braced herself for being further disappointed by her fears being confirmed, and looked inside... And all her expectations were thrown out the window. Wind’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped as she beheld her marefriend laying down on her side on the dim blue blanket on their bed, visible in the light from a lamp near the bed as she propped up her head with a foreleg, which was adorned in a lacy strawberry-coloured sock just like her other three legs. A corset of the same material wrapped around her barrel, constricting her mild chub slightly and accentuating the plot below, which looked as plump as ever, even from the front, and itself was slightly squeezed by thin garter straps running down from the corset to the socks on her hind legs. However, the view of what was between those hind legs was obscured by a pair of more opaque panties the same colour as the rest of it all, but it could hardly protect those enraptured eyes from seeing the taut protrusions created from the set of genitals and rather large teats they covered. Her gaze pulling back up across Sugar’s body, Wind also saw the choker around her love’s neck, serving as the cherry on top of her whole getup and only flustering its viewer further. However, that viewer did eventually bring her eyes up to see Sugar’s own, which looked back with a seductive leer that was so far removed from what Wind imagined this situation would play out like that she was left in front of the door, gaping and sputtering incoherently under her breath as she struggled under the sheer shock of it all. “Hey, Windy~” Sugar said in a flirtatious, sexy tone, but it still held some of the energetic happiness she so usually had, which made it clear to Wind (as clear as it could be through her baffled mental state, anyway) that she was still the Sugar Star she knew and loved. However, there still quite a large distinction between the two versions of the creamy, sugary, bubbly mare that made Wind’s head spin in confusion, her eyes falling back to the floor as they blurred, thoughts whipping through her mind in a way that she could never focus on one for but a moment... It was all enough to make her feel nauseous as she tried not to fall over... Suddenly, she got pulled out of her panic by a pair of hooves grabbing her shoulders, jerking her attention back up to the strawberry-coloured set of eyes that stared into her own with worry. “Are you alright..?” Their owner said in a slight panic of her own, and those words and the voice in which they were said cleared Wind’s mental and visual fog enough to notice the mare before her as her marefriend, nearly outlined by the light refracting from behind her. “I... I’m okay, Sugar...” Wind managed to reply, her panic and all its symptoms quelling as she breathed in and out somewhat heavily, “I.. don’t what came over me...” “No, I’m sorry,” Sugar responded quickly, looking back with a somber guilt as she attempted to maintain eye contact, “I knew .. that was something you wanted for a while now, I just didn’t mean to push you so hard...” Glancing down for a couple seconds, she inhaled though her nose in a way that almost sounded like a sniffle, but she continued, “I was willing to give you as much time as you needed, but your outburst at the shop told me you were keeping all of that lust and emotion pent-up, only for it to blow up there and then. And just decided I needed to..... do something, to give you the opportunity you needed... “Just turned out to be too much. I...” Sugar looked almost ready to cry as she paused, seemingly to collect herself, and the said, “I’m so sorry about that. Can you forgive.. me...?” Wind was touched to see her marefriend care so much about her, but at the same time was concerned with just how much emphasis Sugar put on trying to care for her, and quickly nodded and replied in a relatively warm tone, “O-of course. I know you didn’t mean to do that...” A smile returned to Sugar’s face and she quickly moved forward to wrap her forelegs around her partner, hugging her tenderly for long enough for the other pony to hug her back. Sugar pulled back to break out of the hug so they could sit down on the floor, but she looked rather pensive for a few seconds, then glanced down at her still-lingerie-clad self and asked, “So, did you want to...?” Wind blushed as she looked back down at all the strawberry-coloured lace, and gulped as she figured out what was being said, and while she certainly wanted to run and hide from the sheer embarrassment of that question and all of the problems it could lead to, she also knew that would make everything even worse, so she forced her head to nod in spite of her rising anxiety. “Alright!” Sugar chirped in acknowledgement as she turned around to go and hop back up onto the bed, and, instead of moving back into her previous seductive pose, lowered her front half down onto the bed so that her rear remained raised upward, and with a flick of her chocolate tail to move it out of the way, her goods were presented to her marefriend, covered thinly by panties and lit somewhat poorly by the lamp’s light. However, that wasn’t all, as Wind stared in abject shock and lust as her usually rather kid-friendly marefriend let her chest rest on the bed so she could raise her forehooves up to the band of her panties and slowly begin to pull them down... Wind’s eyes widened even further as her love’s nether regions started to be exposed in the dim light, starting with the plump and tight ponut just below her dock, looking not dissimilar to the chocolate donuts she served in her shop and certainly being just as tasty. Next came her pussy, which was the same mocha colour and looked even softer than the ponut, and while it was still dry, it was winking lightly in an excitement that was more than just lust. And last but most certainly not least, Sugar’s teats became revealed in all their glory, with the size of small tangerines and a weight to match, the sagged downward a bit under their own mass, with the liquid inside making them wobble ever-so-slightly as their owner kept herself in what was no doubt an uncomfortable position, having the panties fall down onto the bed before she shifted her legs a bit to push them out from under her. Drool was trailing down the side of Wind’s maw as she subconsciously moved closer to that incredible sight before her that seemed to nearly glow from the light that outlined every curvy edge, her mind unable to focus on anything else as she took step after step forward. Soon enough, she came to the edge of the bed and put her forelegs on it, her eyes still locked so heavily onto that delicious display between her partner’s hind legs, and took only a moment of hesitation before leaning forward to get closer to those treats. Wind’s heart pounded in her chest while she breathed in and out slowly through her nose, which eventually caught a whiff of her marefriends’ needy, sexual scent, which nearly staggered her back with how sweet it smelled, but that moment of abrupt awareness made her realize what she was doing. Immediately pausing her movements, Wind recalled that it had only been mere hours since the topic of what was meant to happen there got breached between her and Sugar, with hardly more than a week before that to get to grips with her feelings on it all. Wind certainly knew she wanted to do this, her body almost desperate for it as her loins began to warm from lust, but her mind was sent reeling with anxiety about how abruptly her relationship shifted into something quite a bit deeper in less than a day. Wind inhaled sharply as she caught herself; she didn’t want to spiral down that path into a panic again, and she knew how much she had already made Sugar accommodate her pegasus nature with the suite and her new schedule with a schedule shift of her own, and as strange and wrong as changing a relationship so quickly felt, it was far better than making her dear, lovely marefriend wait even longer just for her to get her shit together. She was practically glaring up at her partner’s snatch at this point, fierce, but still silent and unmoving, which caused Sugar to ask with slight concern, “Are you al-” “Fine,” Wind stated firmly, cutting her marefriend off as she resolved to push their relationship deeper than ever before, no matter how uncomfortable it made her feel. She barely gave any time for Sugar to react with surprise before practically jumping forward to bury her maw in her partner’s snatch and immediately went ham on it. “EEEP!” Sugar practically shrieked from the sudden pleasure flooding through her body, her eyes shooting wide open as she struggled to keep up with all the frantic, passionate lapping, licking, and slurping at her pussy. Her body shook madly with the sensations, unable to mentally process how loud and frequent her moans and curses were under the sheer rapture her mind was in. Wind wasn’t holding anything back as she wrapped her forelegs around her marefriend’s lace-clad hips while continuing to force her tongue into that chocolate snatch and taste every inch of the tunnel inside. She herself wasn’t focused on anything else, either, as the delicious taste of those mare juices and the potent scent of its musk were the only things on her mind, with even the dwindling supply of air she had stuffing herself into that powdered plot was tossed aside in favour of doing everything in her power to please her lover. It was clear to Sugar just how inexperienced her partner was at this, as despite all the passion and ardour that blocked her own senses to anything but her genitals, there was no real care or precision in those actions, leading to each lick in or across her pussy getting lost in the mess of the rest of them. Despite that, though, Wind did seem to be aware of what could be considered that area’s weak spot, with her throbbing clit soon getting squished by the frantic tongue pressing down on it. “OH FUCK!!” Sugar shouted with a spike of pleasure ripping through her nearly vibrating form, the continued stress of her position making what she could feel of her hind legs feel numb. More attention was quickly issued to her clit, making her orgasm swiftly approach her as she tried to keep herself from falling over with the overwhelming majority of her mind focused on processing all the pleasure that coursed through her. The cliff of orgasm kept coming closer and closer to Sugar, making her huff out heady breaths into the bed her face was getting pressed into under her own weight, her own tongue lolling out of her mouth and salivating over the blanket with each and every moan spewing out of her throat. However, she didn’t get the smooth(ish) ride up to that edge she was expecting, as something soon pressed into her hefty teats and groped them while something else pressed up into her ponut, huffing heated breaths into it. Those huge teats felt so full and warm in Wind’s left hoof and foreleg, her right still wrapped around her partner’s plot so she could continue to stuff her maw into the drooling snatch nestled within, now with her snout buried into the chocolate ponut above and inhaling the wet, stuffy, and potent stench of the air that had been trapped in there for the better part of a day. The lewd slurping of her tongue and huffing of her snout kept sounding out across the entire bedroom, providing a background noise for the incoherent moaning, swearing, and groaning of her marefriend that continued to grow in volume and ferocity until... “OHHHHHHHH!!!” Sugar practically screamed as her orgasm came upon her, her previously just leaking vagina beginning to gush with mare-juice that then splattered all over Wind’s maw and into her mouth, forcing her to switch from slobbering all over that pussy to lapping up and gulping down all of the fluid that spewed from it, which required her snout to get pulled down so she could properly swallow all of it. Through it all, Wind could feel--though not really notice, due to her preoccupation with guzzling down marecum--how much Sugar was shaking as her vociferous moaning broke from lack of air and she was left gasping and huffing in ecstasy, both in the quivering of her hips and plot in her right foreleg as well as the jiggling and jostling of the fat teats in her left. Eventually, though, all of that rapture faded with Sugar’s cumming slowing down into a trickle and Wind’s lapping and gulping of it growing weaker and less frequent as she found less and less delectable juices to taste, soon leaving her to pull her head away to hang right in front of that puffy, wet pussy as she huffed and heaved breaths in exhaustion. Wind’s forelegs also abated in their tight grasp on the soft and squishy parts of her lover, instead falling down onto the bed with her head quickly following so she could rest as her heart pounded so powerfully in her chest and echoed in her ears, letting her practically numb hind legs sink down to the floor in a quite awkward position she hardly had the energy to leave. Sugar swiftly took the initiative provided by her partner releasing her, and fell down onto the bed and Wind’s left foreleg, her own senses unable to feel anything but the fierce pounding of her own heart and blood rushing through her head from her previous position. Time, too, fell into the background as her mind was lost in the blissful, if somewhat painful afterglow of her first go in the bed with another in quite some time, with her marefriend then crawling up to her on the bed and laying down beside her so that they may look each other in the eyes within the lamp’s light as they came down from their euphoria. After what must’ve been at least several minutes with both mares breathing heavily to catch the air they were kept from whilst in the throughs of passion, Wind opened her mouth to speak, but only ended up coughing quietly due to its dryness. Licking her lips and gulping down some saliva before clearing her throat, she then managed to speak, “A-are you alright, Sugar?” Her concern, rather audible in her voice, became visible in her eyes as she looked into her marefriend’s own, and she added, “I haven’t really done this before, a-and that looked really intense, so I wanted to make sure I d-didn’t hu-” Wind got abruptly cut off by Sugar shooting forward and locking lips with her, making her eyes widen in shock as she felt those delicious lips close around her own and kiss her with passion, flooding her with love that washed away her worries and doubts that made her eyes slowly droop closed as she let that feeling of bliss overcome her. However, it wasn’t too long before Sugar pulled back and looked into her partners eyes as they reopened with a hint of annoyance and longing, and Sugar said to her in an almost teasing tone, “Windy, don’t ever apologize for giving me that amazing of a time, okay?” It took a moment for the other mare to process what had been said, but when she did, she nodded bashfully and flushed slightly, turning her eyes down to her lover’s belly to avoid eye contact. Sugar giggled a little at the display, and added, “For how little experience you got, your passion certainly made up for it! And, hey, maybe I can help give you some more experience in time..?” Wind looked back up to see the slight grin on her partner’s face, and could perceive some lust as well as Sugar’s usual eagerness under the surface of that grin, and it was immediately made clear what she wanted. That thought made Wind’s attention go to the area between her thighs, and she was suddenly made aware of just how wet her crotch was, and how it nearly burned with a lust and craving that she had so ignored in her desire to please her lover first. Sugar could see her even more embarrassed love’s eyes go down to get a better view of all the juice that practically frothed out of her dark purple snatch and glimmered in the dim light, making her smile get a hint of concern as she asked, “Do ya need some help to take care of that?” Her face nearly flaming with how hot and red her cheeks now were, Wind could hardly bring herself to look back up at the other mare’s eyes, and just kept her eyes locked on her own broken faucet of a snatch that leaked all over her thighs and teats--which were much more normally sized than her marefriend’s own--as she nodded in agreement. “‘Kay!” Sugar chirped as she pushed herself up the bed so that she could turn onto her back with her head setting on one of the fluffy blue pillows, and spread her hind legs to again show off her goods to her partner, but this time with the hefty teats coming down to partially cover the wet pussy below. With her new position, the lamp to her side had a far better angle to shine all of its light onto her chubby belly and fluid-smattered nether regions, which had Wind gasp faintly as she was able to take in all of their wet and tasty details quite a bit better than before. Wind didn’t let herself stare at all of it for as long as last time, and she shook that desire to keep staring off as she was reminded of her body’s own craving with her loins flaring up again, making her look up to her marefriend with a question clear in her eyes. “Oh right,” Sugar muttered as she seemed to recognize what was wrong, and then added, “I forgot you don’t know a lot about this; just come up here,” She took one of her forehooves from beside her barrel and patted the area on the bed between her hind legs, “And press your pussy against mine in whatever way you like.” Blinking in surprise at how casually her partner dropped the term ‘pussy’, Wind took a moment before crawling up to Sugar, and then paused again as she tried to figure out exactly what ‘way’ would be best to make it work. Eventually, though, she just decided to move forward more and clamber over her prone marefriend, who seemed to look on in interest as Wind managed to get herself into a position above the other mare with their forms aligned from plot to head with only her own legs keeping the two apart. That wasn’t for long, as Wind promptly lowered herself down onto her partner, with their barrels swiftly coming into contact as they kept their eyes locked onto each other’s, and Wind kept lowering herself more and more until their nethers collided, Sugar’s fat teats getting pushed out of the way so the two mares’ snatches could meet. Both of the gasped at the sensation of so much heat getting passed into each other’s pussy, with the slick juice on them making them quickly slide and rub against each other as Wind settled down onto her partner. Sugar slowly brought her forelegs up and around her marefriend to keep her steady on top of her own body, letting Wind do the same to feel the warmth of her own lover across her entire form, and the two mares took little time before they leaned their heads into each other so that their lips may meet. Their kiss started as fairly chaste, only pressing wet lips into each other as they kept their bodies stable atop each other’s, but that was not to last as Sugar pushed her tongue out into her partner’s mouth, making its owner open it in mild surprise, which quickly had the intruding tongue dive in and swirl around the inside of the other pony’s mouth. Wind pulled back ever-so-slightly as the strange sensation surprised her even more, but from feeling how oddly sensual and delectable the feeling was, quickly leaned back into it and slowly began to reciprocate, getting a hum of approval from Sugar as the two began to tousle their tongues together. Likewise, the ponies’ bodies started to shift and push against each other, with their hips specifically pushing and pulling apart a short distance as the pleasure that was now coming from their making out causing the rest of their bodies to desire more pleasure for themselves. The movement of their hips made the two mares’ pussies start to rub against each other, that union of faint wet squelches and light splashes of marejuice shooting out pleasure into the rest of their bodies, forcing breathless gasps and moans into the junction between their mouths, making the air around it more humid and heady as saliva began to fly out from how passionate their kissing and tongue-wrestling was getting. Wind was quickly starting to feel that heat hit harder than her more experienced marefriend, with pleasure bursting forth from her burning vulva and was only being made worse by the constant squishing and immense heat of Sugar’s own against hers. Wind’s hips moved faster as she felt that pleasure course through her body, and she tried to push it further and harder so she could reach a point of relief, and while at first her hips did begin to slap and smoosh with force against her marefriend’s, that other pair of hips shifted in their own pattern to match Wind’s frantic and lust-crazed motions, moving along with them so that the pressure and building pleasure that came thereby faded. Wind’s attention, which had been fading into a blurry mess due to her lust, snapped back into being with irritation and a hint of betrayal as they locked onto Sugar’s eyes, which looked back with a clear message in them for her to slow and calm down, that what they were doing wasn’t meant to be a race to the finish. Realizing her love was empirically correct, Wind managed with time to force that frenzied lust down and slow her hips’ motion despite the heat in her loins and frustration at having to take longer to get relief, which let her and Sugar’s crotches smack and squish against each other again. Seemingly satisfied, Sugar slowly closed her eyes and made her hips move in sync with her lover’s again, but this time in such a manner that their crotches flew apart and slapped together in a loud, wet, and lewd rhythm, which made her large teats begin to heave and slosh upward to smack into Wind’s thighs. That slapping quickly incited a stinging sensation within those teats, but she kept thrusting her hips, all the while keeping her tongue entangled with her marefriend’s within their mouths, swirling saliva between them and tasting every crevice of the inside of her Wind’s maw. The infernal lust still kept burning within the Wind’s loins, though, making her breaths, gasps, and moans manic in volume and frequency as she desperately tried to keep control of body and mind, with the feverish thrusting of one and painful whirlwind of thoughts in the other nearly driving her mad. She had to let something give, and she eventually let her hips go faster and harder in their motions, and it seemed Sugar was ready for that this time, as she sped up her motions as well, making their pussies and teats smack and slap harder and more quickly, sending what felt like pints of marejuice splattering out across their hips and onto the bed below. The two ponies kept going harder and faster, with the smacking of their hips against each other making them begin to sting with pain on top of the pain inside of their flaming pussies and Sugar’s fat teats, the latter of which soon enough getting to the point where the pressure and force hitting them started to spurt milk out of them, which only added to the lewd, slick feeling between their thighs and crotches. That edge of orgasm, which had been kept aggravatingly just out of Wind’s reach for what had felt like far, far too long eventually started to come within her grasp, and forced her hips to keep thrusting despite how exhausted they were from how long she had been doing it, only made worse by the stinging pain that kept getting kindled by the harsh smacking of Sugar’s hips against hers. Wind’s focus on her hips made it so difficult to keep their tongue-tangling going within their mouths, making her tongue begin to lap outside of that lewd junction of hot, heady air filled with continuous moans and gasps that she could hardly hear over the slapping of their hips and the blood pounding through her head. What little feeling Wind had outside of the sheer mix of pleasure and pain between her thighs made her aware of how wet and slick the outside her partner’s maw was getting with her saliva, but she was far too deep into her passionate love-making to be embarrassed by that. Instead, her few cognitive functions were focused on that approaching orgasm as it came closer and closer, with a pressure building up more and more within her loins that hurt so good inside her already flaming crotch. And finally, with a few last hearty smacks of her hips, she came. With a screech that must’ve woken the neighbors, Wind felt all of that pent-up lust from the past week that got supercharged by the tension in her loins that grew for multiple minutes explode, sending her mind into a state of rapturous ecstasy that she could never have imagined in her previous sessions of self-induced orgasm. Her body got quickly stuck into a vibrating mess that pressed into her marefriend’s crotch, who seemed to be trying to get herself up to that edge of orgasm as well, but the deluge of marecum spewing forth from her swollen snatch pulled away any real awareness of reality Wind could muster in her rapture. That bliss lasted for both an eternity and a mere moment in her mind, for the sense of time itself was lost under Wind’s immense pleasure, and it made that incredible feeling last too long and far, far too short before she slowly started to come down from it all. Her senses sluggishly began to return to her, with the stiff pain and exhaustion in her hind legs hitting her first with a strength that quickly forced her to relax her body and lay down on her mildly spasming partner. That last part dragged Wind’s attention into her eyes so she could look down and see a face of sheer bliss on Sugar below her, and she realized that the other mare had taken a bit longer to cum, and they weren’t quite able to enjoy that ecstasy together. Slightly disappointed, Wind heaved out a loud sigh, which made her aware of just how hard her lungs were burning in their need for oxygen, certainly caused by her long make-out session with Sugar as well as how exhausted the rest of that coitus made her. The other mare’s orgasm did soon come to an end, though, and Wind was able to see some mental clarity return within Sugar’s eyes before she locked eyes with the mare above her, leaving both of them panting with exhaustion as they came down from their rapture. However, Sugar’s eyes got pulled away from her lover’s as she seemed to notice something just above the two of them, and she gained a teasing grin and managed to say in a dry, afterglow-y voice, “Heh, ya got a stiffy.” Wind quickly jerked her head around to see that, yes, both of her wings were standing straight out from her body, almost glowing with their rose colour in the lamp-light, and seeing them painfully erect shocked her sense of feeling into focus, and she immediately winced as she felt just how stiff and flared they were. She attempted to relax them, but that only pained her more with the stinging, tingling paresthesia that occurred as a result, with the pain forcing her head back down to shove her face into her marefriend’s furry chest, eyes closed tightly as she tried to take her time with letting her wings calm down. Soon, though, a pair of soft hooves began to trail up her sides, heading for her wings, and while Wind could tell they had only good intentions, she still braced for the pain that would come with their eventual contact with her stiff and sensitive appendages. When they did touch, she felt a stinging heat come out of the point where those hooves touched her wings, and it made her whimper slightly into Sugar’s chest, but as her body hot used to it, the sensation of those hooves slowly rubbing up and down on her wings became less painful and more relaxing as they massaged the tension and stiffness out of them. Wind sighed comfortably as she felt those hooves slow in their movements and eventually come down to wrap around her back and hug her lightly, and her eyes were pulled back up to see Sugar looking back at her with a pleasant smile. “Are you alright now, Windy?” She asked, and got a quick nod and smile in response before the other mare rested her head on her chest, letting them look into each other’s eyes for a short while, just taking in the lovely sensations of relief, warmth, and some slickness still between their hind legs that made up the afterglow of making their relationship into something even better than before. Wind’s eyes did eventually get drawn to the window to her side, and she could see a decent amount of sunlight beginning to wash through the curtains, and she realized it was time for their most special of nights to end. She glanced back to see Sugar looking at the curtains as well, who quickly looked back to her partner and sighed, asking, “Guess it’s time for sleep, huh?” “Mm-hm,” Wind mumbled in assent, and she moved her weight to the side so she and Sugar could turn to lay down next to each other instead of on top of each other, and the two of them lifted themselves off the bed just enough to pull the blanket out from under them. Laying back down, they pulled the blanket over themselves as they wrapped their forelegs around each other again stared back into each other’s eyes with a new level of connection and intimacy than this situation ever had before, and while their bodies were still somewhat a mess, they were more comfortable now than ever and quickly found their tiredness overtake them. “Love you...” Wind murmur as she closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber, getting a muttered ‘Love you too’ back from Sugar as she went to sleep as well, with the knowledge of their new relationship--and what that meant they could now do--taking center stage in their minds, and soon enough, their dreams.