> Protectors From Another World > by Within Dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Fatal News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viktor Locke walked through the halls of the compound, he was heading to see General Mason Stone, he had been called to discuss a new situation over some lunch, Viktor was highly respected by the General and the Captain above him, Captain John Terry, they were good friends though of course the three of them agreed to keep thing professional when in public, luckily this was a private talk. As Viktor stepped into the room he could tell that this would not be a run of the mill mission, this was more serious, probably even more serious than the raid on Randal's base of operations, that mission was very dangerous, many men were buried, on both sides, families mourned and sobbed, he remembered being hugged by a spouse after her husband died in the battle, he was a Lieutenant and was a master marksman, but all it took was one good throw of a grenade, he shook General Stones hand and sat down, it was a round table of sorts, usually, his team would be here as well, but he knew that if this was as serious as it seemed so far he'd need to fill them in later. General Stone sighed and began to speak, "Reports show that negative energy has escaped from containment, specifically the containment for Scenario 13, you remember it well, so that's why you're here," The General had placed down a file. Viktor sighed as he opened the file and began to read it over, and after a brief moment he looked up at Stone with a determined look, "Is it both of them? or just her?". "We know she has allies, the other one though, we have no status on her." Stone replied taking the file and putting it away, clearing his throat he asked, "You understand what must be done correct?". Viktor looked at him and said only one word, "Yes." Viktor entered the room and his teammates looked up to him, "Alright you three, we got a job to do, highly important and very dangerous". his partner in the frontlines, Michael Weaver stood up and chuckled lightly, "You act like we haven't been almost blown up and shot at multiple times." Michael stared at his captain seeing the serious look on his face. "what? what's going on?". Viktor looked around at the three friends he made over countless operations and adventures, "Scenario 13." he said with a grim tone. "You're telling me there was a major leak and now that crazy bitch is going to consume every Scenario and Sector!? honestly how is she still alive!? we blew up her demented factory! killed all her workers, and I'm pretty sure Gabriel shot her square in the head! there's no way she's alive!" Michael was confused and angry, it was obvious what had happened to Viktor was getting to him but he didn't say it outright. "Either way we have a mission to do, we can't bring the target here, it'd compromise our primary location so we'll be staying there for a while, so lock, load and ready up, we're expected to be at the teleporter room in 1 hour." Viktor said sternly, as his friends saluted in near unison. After suiting up in their usual attire and some armor underneath as well as loading their guns and packing extra ammo, they stood in the teleporter room ready to be transported to the world of the primary target. "Synchronizing sector connection in 3, 2, 1" the scientist counted down and a portal opened up and one by one the team went in and after sometime they appeared outside what seemed to be a high school, luckily their guns were put away and it seemed to be night. Viktor looked around, "Alright, coast is clear, let's find the target and we'll head to the safe house." "Why not just steak out here?" Michael said. "We could but do we know for sure she goes to this place?" Jason asked. "I'll stick here, keep your radios on you, I'll let you know if I find her" Gabriel said heading off to find a good place to stay and watch. Viktor saw it was slowly turning morning. "Damn. ok let's go to the safe house." Scootaloo woke up slowly, she did her normal routine and began to head to school, she was a freshman at Canterlot high, she and her new friends were close, especially after the disappearances of 7 girls at her school not to mention the lack of contact from Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, yet there were no reports of them missing so maybe they went with relatives out of town, her friends Orion and Aurora were waiting for her outside the doors, it would be a while before school actually started for the day, something in the back of her mind told her that someone was watching her but she ignored it, her day went as normal but something odd happened during her final class, math, for some reason numbers were being said to her, yet they weren't coming from her teacher, but, in her mind, she felt like she had a headache but after a small bit she snapped out of it, and the class was over, as she walked outside with her friends they noticed a car, a really nice car in the parking lot, at first Scootaloo assumed it was Diamond Tiaras father, but then they saw him pull up and pick Diamond Tiara up, it didn't seem to belong to anyone else, so cautiously they approached it, and noticed 4 men talking to each other, as far as she could tell they didn't seem like bad guys, as she and her friends stepped closer one of the men noticed and waved, seeming genuinely friendly so the two groups approached each other. The 7 of them chatted for a while and after some time Scootaloo watched as the taller one stood up and look at them. "I'm going to be completely honest with you, we aren't just locals here, we're here to protect you." Viktor told the young girl sternly, somehow he could tell she knew he was telling the truth but still seemed skeptical. "From what?" Scootaloo asked with a look of concern on her face. "From the people who took those 7 girls, they were your friends right?" Viktor said, kneeling. Scootaloo's eyes widened, how had he known, maybe he was sent to protect her, by but why just her? she pondered this as they continued to talk, they called themselves Task Force 115 and that they knew who took them but they couldn't do anything yet. After some more talking Scootaloo asked a final question. "Can my friends come with me?" Viktor nodded, signaling to someone, that's when she realized one of them had disappeared and had come around with a car to fit her and her friends, it's like he was a ghost. Scootaloo, Orion and Aurora sat in the back of the Truck, listening to the 2 men talk to each other, apparently their names were Viktor and Gabriel, and the ones in the car behind them were Jason and Michael, after stopping by each of the girls houses to pack up and seemingly, the men explaining why they needed to be away from home, they made it to a mansion of sorts and as they entered they felt oddly calm, sitting on the couch and as the men also relaxed and sat down. Viktor turned to three girls and began to explain that they'll have to stay here while he and his crew worked on stopping the person responsible for the disappearances, the girls agreed to stay there and after some time they all went to bed in very comfortable rooms. Viktor stood on the balcony smoking his cigar, and as he starred off into the night, he could say 1 word, "Rainbow" he stood there pondering what the next move could be, and after some time he dropped and stomped out his cigar and went to bed, he slept well, knowing for sure that he and his crew would figure this all out and keep Scootaloo and her friends safe. > Chapter 2: Making Connections > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo slept decently well last night, as she wondered downstairs she overheard a conversation between Viktor and Gabriel. "Gabriel, this situation needs to be dealt with swiftly, the sooner the better, get Michael and head to this area here, apparently a high ranking officer from their group will be there." Viktor said as he point to an area in the map, looking to Gabriel knowing for sure he wouldn't turn down a job like this. "Of course, it'll be done." Gabriel said in a serious tone, walking over to Michael and patting his back and they head to the front door and heading to the van and driving off. "Alright.. now we just wait.." Viktor said, sitting down on the couch and sighs and holding his head. he knew it'd go well but he always had to be ready for the worst to happen, that's how it was for a soldier, always be prepared. He then realized Scootaloo was there, "Oh hey kid, something wrong?" "No, nothing's wrong, but.. what's going on?" Scootaloo asked hoping he'd be honest. "I'm not sure I should tell you.." Viktor told the young girl, he knew the truth had to come out at some point, but how does he explain it all. "Ok.. sit down.. we'll wait for your friends.." Scootaloo nodded and sat down on the couch. Eventually her friends came downstairs and sat with her, looking at Viktor waiting for his explanation. Viktor sighs and he begins to explain as he sees Jason enter the room and nod, "Forty years ago our organization was meddling with timelines, in doing so we gave a different timeline version of Sector E1, or.. the Pony world, technology.. eventually a group of Pegasi questioned on a new way to make rainbows.. and recruited Rainbow Dash.. after a while.. they started using those they deemed failures to be killed and used in the making of rainbows.. in this timelines.. you three.. well.. 2 of you didn't make it.. the other.. she was given a second chance as a sort of secretary to Rainbow Dash.." Viktor paused, "Twenty years passed without us noticing and then we noticed they were trying to make rifts to other timelines and worlds, there was a massive war between us and what we called Scenario 13.. after a final mission, me and my crew thought we had killed them and destroyed everything, It's clear we were wrong." Viktor said, finishing his explanation, he refused to explain what happened to him, He'll always hold those scars, He'll never forget. Gabriel and Michael were heading to an old abandoned facility to assassinate and take out a major leader and his forces, intel said the leaders name was Dr. Specter, and he was the first of many, Gabriel hoped to get information out of him before killing him, as they arrive at least half a mile away from the facility, Gabriel and Michael step out of the truck and begin to walk towards the facility. "Alright Michael, let's stick to the plan, I'll keep you covered from above, you just give them what for.." Gabriel says, going towards high ground and setting up near a window. "Yeah, I got you." Michael says running to the main entrance, nodding at Gabriel as he throws a smoke grenade inside, using the smoke the get in undetected and head to cover. Just then a small group of 5 plus Dr. Specter appear, investigating the smoke, Michael looks to the window waiting for Gabriel's signal. Gabriel lifts his hand and then clenches it into a fist, he watches as Michael quickly kills off the 5 other scientists while Dr. Specter begins to run off, it's then Michael shoots him in the leg, preventing his escape. "Dr. Specter." Michael says coldly, sitting the doctor into a near by chair, tying him up. Gabriel walks in and stands against the wall. "Tell us where Rainbow Dash is!" Michael says, punching Dr. Specter in the gut, Causing the doctor to gasp for air. "I won't.. tell you shit!" Dr Specter says, struggling in his binds. Michael hits him in the face, "We can do this all days! we got plenty of time!" Gabriel then smashes a window and holds up a small shard of glass, "And windows, give us what we want, and we'll guarantee your safety." "Fuck you! ShadowWatch will fall regardless!" Dr. Specter says spitting out some blood. Gabriel then forces the doctor's mouth open shoves the glass shard in, Michael punches him in the face, causing damage but not enough to kill. The doctor spat more blood out along with the glass shard. "She's.. in the.. School basement.. she's going to sneak out of there and open a portal to another world, it'll happen tonight.." Dr. Specter says, coughing up blood, "Now.. what are you going to do about it? huh?.. haha.. it's almost time for her reckoning.. she will consume everything, and will use Project Dawn to ensure that!" Gabriel punches him in the face, "What is Project Dawn!?" Dr. Specter chuckles darkly, "It's a chemical that will cause the next apocalypse.. you cannot stop it.. not without the shutdown code.." "What's the code!?" Michael yells holding the doctor by the throat. "The Broken One has it.. she's the only one who has it.. haha..", the doctor laughs weakly. "Well if she's here then dimensional crossing has occurred, meaning our target also has the code.. it's just locked away in her subconscious.." Gabriel said, looking to the doctor who seemed shocked. "No.. how did we not calculate this!?" The Doctor began to panic but calmed down. "No matter.. you won't be able to stop her!" "I see.. then there's no use for you to be around" Gabriel said taking out his magnum and shooting the doctor in the head. "Come on Michael, let's go, I'll radio Jason and tell them everything." Jason sat there comforting the three girls who were visibly shaken until he hears the radio go off, "I'll be right back.", He picks up the signal and picks up the radio, "Yes? Gabriel? Michael?", His face falls as he's told everything, "I understand.. I'll let Viktor know.. NO! Don't argue with me! he has to know!.. Alright.. we'll be waiting" He puts the radio down and heads back into the living room. "Viktor.. we have a mission to do, we need to go quickly." Viktor stood up and packed his bag, "Don't worry you three, Gabriel and Michael will be here soon so stay calm.", Viktor heads to his car with Jason with him. After a while Gabriel and Michael return and begin to protect the house, hoping that Viktor and Jason will get the mission done swiftly, but of course, they had to be prepared for anything. > Chapter 3: Race Against The Clock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viktor and Jason arrived at the high school and as they were sneaking around they heard voices near the basketball court. They turn the corner and begin to spy on Rainbow Dash and Ether talking. "Project Dawn is going perfectly, once the chemical is complete we will send it through a portal and it will take affect, thus beginning the apocalypse you want." Ether said, looking to Dr. Atmosphere, "as for you, you have your priorities.", Ether said, walking through a portal. "Move in." Viktor said to Jason and they draw their guns pointing them at Dr. Atmosphere. "You're coming with us." Jason said, moving behind Atmosphere, putting him in cuffs, leading him to the car. Viktor throws Dr. Atmosphere into a chair, tying him to it, "Tell us where she is!" "Her location is unknown..", Atmosphere chuckled, "You won't find her." Viktor shouted, "Bullshit! we know you know her location! where is she being held!", He punched Atmosphere in the face. "Fuck! damn it! alright.. she's being held in the other world.. she's in an abandoned castle in that damn forest..", Atmosphere said, looking down and spitting some blood out. "Jason.. keep him here.. he has more answers for us.. I'll tell Gabriel and Michael the plan." "Alright." Jason said, putting a gag on Atmosphere and sitting against the wall. Viktor entered the living room, Scootaloo and her friends had been sent to bed, "Alright.. here's the plan, Me and Gabriel will go, we're going in quiet.. Michael, stay here with Jason ok?" "Yeah, I understand." Michael said heading to the room Jason was in. "Come on.. let's move." Viktor said to Gabriel, heading to the door. Viktor and Gabriel arrived in front of the statue outside of the school, they head through and as they exit they sigh in relief as they see they're still in the normal forms. They move forward and manage to exit the castle and sneak through the town in the night. They eventually find the old abandoned castle, putting their night vision goggles on and heading inside. They make it through with minimal resistance until they seem to find where their target was being kept. Seeing a good amount of guards, 8 seemingly, Viktor takes aim and fires on the first two while Jason fires on two more, and as the last four run out to investigate they're taken out. Viktor and Jason find the cell and inside a young pegasus is sitting there wearing a bloodied lab coat and has an eye patch, the coat was orange and her mane was purple, the pagasus known formally as Scootaloo 13 looked up at the soldiers. "Calm down, we're here to get you out of here, Jason get the lock open." Viktor said, keeping a look out for reinforcements. "I remember you.. they did horrible things to you." Scootaloo-13 said, saddened noticing that he still had that scar on his face, "I don't blame you for what you had to do, in the end I wanted it to end." Viktor had a flashback to when he stared down the young filly turned monster, her heart and mind conflicted, she had asked him to end her so she wouldn't hurt anyone else, he thought it was over then but, in the end, she survived. "Alright, It's open, quick, let's move! we can transport now." Jason said, activating a portal to the mirror. He, Viktor and Scootaloo-13 headed through and then went through the mirror portal. When Viktor and Jason returned to base it was early in the morning, Scootaloo was eating breakfast when they entered the home with someone who looked just like her, her jaw dropped. She was staring at an injured copy of herself, Orion and Aurora were speechless. "We will explain in a bit, just eat for now." Viktor said, leading the second Scootaloo to a chair, letting her eat some cereal. After some time they finished eating and afterwards they all sat down and Viktor began to explain the long story of what Scootaloo-13 had gone through and how he thought he had mercy killed her but that she survived by luck alone, and that now that she's here they can begin to stop Rainbow Dash-13 from consuming every timeline and dimension in darkness. Scootaloo, Orion, and Aurora were shocked, how does something like this happen, they got their answer from Jason. He said that there was a leak in the containment for Scenario 13, thus causing them to be here to protect them as they are keys for Rainbow Dash-13 to get her revenge. Scootaloo sat there shocked, she was a key not to just multidimensional darkness but also saving all of reality. Now that Scootaloo-13 was here they could begin to process of getting the code from deep within her subconscious. She followed Viktor and Jason to a room where they could begin using mind control to get their answers. "This will hurt quite a bit but you gotta be strong for the world..", Viktor said beginning the process. Scootaloo grunted and gritted her teeth as she began to remember those numbers she heard a week ago. '16 5 18 19 5 21 19 16 5 7 1 19 21 19 19 8 21 20 4 15 23 14', She remembered all of it. Viktor looked at the numbers on screens being printed to a document on the computer. He knew this was the code, it transferred over when Scootaloo-13 entered this world. "Almost! last number is..", Viktor said ready to end the process, "fourteen!", he yelled, shutting down the process, letting Scootaloo rest, he heard her give a sigh of relief. "Alright, Jason get her to bed.. we'll be heading out as soon as she and the others are asleep." Jason nodded, carrying the girl to bed and tucking her in, "Don't worry Scootaloo, we will get this done, and after you can live your life normally once more..", Jason closed the door and headed downstairs. Viktor came out of the interrogation room and gave Jason his signature Jackhammer auto shotgun, "You ready to finish this?" Jason nodded, "Let's get that crazy bitch.", He said as he began to follow Viktor and the others to the door and out to the truck, they were heading to a lab that had been taken over by Rainbow Dash-13's forces. As they approached Viktor began to explain how they were going all in, no stealth, they would kill all hostile forces, and that Rainbow Dash-13 was his to kill. The others nodded in agreement and continued forward. > Chapter 4: Viktor's Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Viktor drove the truck towards the final outpost he began to remember all the pain he had been through, that specific version of Rainbow Dash had tortured him for months before the rest of his crew was able to bust him out. Rainbow Dash-13 had tried to brainwash him into becoming a sleeper agent. He wasn't the only human held captive in Rainbow Dash-13's labor camp, he had met another soldier not affiliated with ShadowWatch named Daniel Garrick, after an internal resistance formed he had helped Viktor escape and meet up with his crew. He never knew what happened to Daniel, only that he promised revenge, revenge on Rainbow Dash-13 for all the lives taken. He drove forward and parked near a campsite area, he and the others set up camp and rested for the night. Viktor woke up, he was back there, in the labor camp known as Rainbow Sector 5, he began to breathe hard. He heard a voice call to him. "Patient 15, exit the cell slowly, it's time for a test.", Rainbow Dash-13 said, she stood and stared at the soldier. She took him to a test chamber and strapped him to a chair. As soon as Viktor felt the shock in the dream he woke up with a start. "Fuck..", He said, laying down once more. He heard a voice once more and stepped out of the tent. He stared in shock at what he saw, it was Daniel. "Daniel?.. but how did you escape sector 5?", Viktor asked, staring in confusion. "Viktor, listen to me, you must kill her.. She will not stop until she is dead.", Daniel said, stepping forward. "Rainbow Dash, Dr. Cloud, General Hooves.. They all must die." Viktor began to hear numbers, and watched Daniel walk forward. "We are brothers Viktor, we are the same, cut from cloth that was battered and forgotten.", Daniel said, placing his hand on Viktor's shoulder. "I understand, It will done.", Viktor said looking off to where the Factory is located. The next morning the crew set out once more and eventually Viktor made a detour, he explained that there was a general of Dash-13's army, General Hooves. They eventually park outside a satellite building and they split up. "Ready?", Viktor said, standing outside a door and clicked the radio. "Yeah, we're ready." Gabriel said outside the front door. "Move in!", Viktor yelled busting the door down and firing upon the soldiers inside. Viktor moved forward killing the soldiers inside until he was outside General Hooves door. He kicked the door down and point his pistol at the General. "It's over.. once you're dead, Dr. Cloud and Rainbow Dash are next.", Viktor said, pistol whipping Hooves into his chair. "You don't know anything do you!? Killing me won't end this war! it'll only delay the fate of the multiverse!", General Hooves said yelling at the Soldier. "Subject 15, you're a reasonab-", Hooves began before being punched. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!! MY NAME IS VIKTOR LOCKE!!", Viktor yelled, cocking his pistol and shooting Hooves in the head. After clearing the building, Viktor and his crew went back on the road, driving towards their final destination. Scootaloo-13 sighed causing Gabriel to look to her. "What's wrong?", Gabriel asked her, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I just want this all to be over with, I'm tired of seeing this.", Scootaloo-13 said, lowering her head sadly. Viktor then chimed in, "This is the final mission, one more night of sleep and we'll be ready to go, tomorrow will be the day we end this.", looking off to the sunset and parking to side of the road. The crew set up camp once more and slept for the night. Viktor stood on the side of the road next to the truck, he took a cigar out of one of his pack. He lit the cigar and began to smoke. "Daniel, tell me something, before you and I set out, any words of choice you wanna say to Dash-13 when you see her?", Viktor said to Daniel who was standing beside him. "Many good people were killed in her conquest, no longer, she will feel the revenge of hundreds, thousands even.", Daniel said, lighting his own cigar. "I still don't know how you escaped Sector 15.. how did you do it? last I saw you I had jumped onto a cargo containing being lifted off to the top sector.. I saw the guards surround you.", Viktor said, taking another puff at his Cigar. "It's unimportant as of now, a story for another time my friend.", Daniel said dropping the cigar to the ground and stomping it out. He headed back to his tent. "Let's get this plan in check ok?", Viktor said spreading out a map of the Factory. "Gabriel, you and Michael take the high ground and take point, after scouting out the area, Michael you rush in and take out all resistance, hold a line on level 2, Rainbow Dash 13 will most likely be on level 4 or 5, so I'll head up there and find her, Jason you'll handle stopping the machines for the Factory, all of them, mainly the Spectra converter and that machine producing the chemical.", Viktor explained, "Most likely there will codes, so bring the Scootaloo's with you, protect them with everything you got. "Jason, you should bring your machines for sure.", Michael said looking towards Jason. Jason nodded heading over and grabbing his tool boxes and crates. Viktor headed towards the truck but stopped after Orion walked over to him. "What about us? how can we help?", Orion asked, giving a serious look. "You and Aurora will be communications, the radios are over there and there are sentries set up in the area, you'll be safe.", Viktor said getting into the truck and starting it. Gabriel, Jason, Michael and the two Scootaloo's get into the truck, and begin to drive towards the factory, completely ready to end this war, for good. > Chapter 5: Final Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's almost time to move in men.", Viktor said right outside an office window waiting for his heartbeat sensor to go off. The Doctor sat down and began to talk on the radio about some nonsense, He waited for the perfect moment and busted the window in and approached Dr. Cloud. "Cloud, it ends here." "What!? Impossible! you couldn't have found us! The general was sure the army wouldn't fall!", Dr. Cloud said raising his hands. "Well the general is dead, I killed him.", Viktor said, raising his pistol up. "NO! you don't know what we did to you!", The Doctor began before being cut off. Daniel walked over to Cloud and punched him, "Many innocent lives were lost because of you and Dash, no longer!". Daniel punched the doctor again. "No! you can't kill me! it won't stop Dawn!", Dr. Cloud shouted in a serious tone, scared as he saw what he never thought he'd see in his lifetime. "I do not care about Dawn! My name is Daniel Garrick! and I will have MY revenge!", Daniel yelled out, shooting the Doctor in the head. One Hour Ago Gabriel, Jason and Michael were on their way to meet with Dr. Cloud but found he was forced to head back to his office they kept up contact. They continued talking until they arrived at the base and snuck in. They began to fight their way through the complex before finding a confusing scene in front of them through a bullet proof window. "My name is Daniel Garrick! and I will have MY revenge!", Viktor had said. Jason broke the window open but it was too late, Cloud was killed and as Jason tackled Viktor to the ground he was punched, Gabriel knocking him out. "He's dead.", Michael said. "What about the prisoner? Daniel? we have to find him.", Jason said standing back up. "We won't.. he was never here. I didn't think it was true until now, what did they do to you in Sector Five, Viktor..", Gabriel said, carrying Viktor to the extract point. Three Months Later Viktor woke up strapped to a chair, "Where am I?.. where's Daniel?..", Viktor said, before hearing a voice talk to him. "You must answer our questions, what happened in Sector Five?", The voice asked. "Sector.. five?..", Viktor asked before being shocked, screaming out as he began to remember, the torture, the escape. He yelled out in pain as the shocks became more intense before stopping. Two Hours Later Jason opened the door and let Viktor out, "Daniel died during the uprising, he's been dead for years, back in Sector Five you were used by Rainbow Dash to experiment her own version of MK Ultra, hoping for you to betray ShadowWatch once the broadcast system was activated." "so.. I killed him and now I'm the key to stopping all of this..", Viktor said somberly. "Yes! but you're only the first key though, Scootaloo-13 and Scootaloo are the second key, they know the secondary shutdown code! you know the primary code to unlock the broadcast system.", Jason said helping Viktor up and giving him his gun, "We'll end this for real this time." Jason drove him, the crew and the two scootaloo's towards the base, this was another covert operation. Once they sneak in they begin silently taking soldiers out eventually finding the server room. Viktor walked forward and began to try and see the code. "It's.. 14, 12, 30, 1, 6, 34..", Viktor said typing in the code and the computer let's him in. Viktor brought the two scootaloo's over and they began to discuss the code. After some time they get the code in and shutdown the broadcast station. Viktor stands up and primes his weapon, "We're ending this for real now, let's find her." The crew began to fight there way through the facility, killing enemy soldiers and guards. Viktor saw Rainbow Dash-13 and ran towards the stairs and began to chase her down. "Dash! you bastard!", Viktor yelled out firing a burst shot at her, she turned the corner, barely dodging the bullets and jumped down to a lower area. Jason met her there and shot her in the shoulder before seeing Viktor tackle her off the platform and into a flooding area. "This is the end! The true end!", Viktor yelled beginning to choke Rainbow Dash-13. She coughed, "You don't know anything! it's not as simple as it seems!" "It is simple! I'm gonna kill you!", Viktor shouted before getting kicked off, he pilled his pistol and shot her in the leg. He stood up and walked slowly to knocked down leader of Project Dawn, Rainbow Dash-13 looked up at him. "You tried to turn me against my own! fucked with my mind!", Viktor said sternly before aiming his gun to her head. He looked down at Rainbow Dash-13 and in a low tone said, "You failed..", and shot her, ending the nightmare. The crew and the Scootaloos got back to the mansion and rested before the next morning. Viktor drove Scootaloo to school, saying before she closed the door, "You did good, good luck in the future.." Later that day, Viktor, Jason, Michael, and Gabriel packed everything up and began to head to a site where they could open the portal once more to head home, Scootaloo-13 tagged along, wanting to start a new life as a ShadowWatch scientist, Viktor wasn't one to say no, so they go to the site, open the portal and head through. General Stone was waiting at the gate for them to arrive and as the crew walked through the portal he noticed Scootaloo-13 and smiled gently. He turned to Viktor. "Mission accomplished, It's done.", Viktor said showing General Stone pictures to confirm the deaths of General Hooves, Dr. Cloud and Rainbow Dash-13. He and the crew walked towards their quarters and relaxed. Deep down Viktor knew there would be more to do but he knew that as long as his friends were backing him, he could handle it.