A Birthday Surprise

by Kromulus Regulus

First published

This is what happens when you have a birthday.

On Toor's birthday, Twilight Sparkle and he were to have a fantastic night under the stars. Instead, something Cloppy happens.

(This is a rare event for me. So don't expect many more of these clopfics, yo)

The Story

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A Birthday Surprise


Written For:


Happy Birthday. You’re one of the few I’d actually write a story like this for.


Edited By:



“Hey Toor, watcha’ doin out so late?”

I blinked, looking up from my hooves to see the light cerulean pegasus standing a few feet from me. Her multi colored mane bounced slightly as she posed, smiling towards me as I visually recognized her. I returned the smile, feeling a slight warmth go over my cheeks as I cast my gaze downward. I was always shy around Rainbow. That was one thing I’ve never been able to get over since my arrival in Equestria. Her determined personality and athletic physique was something I found rather attractive; though I would be the first to deny it to her.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t stupid, however. She made a game out of it, like with everything she did. Even now, with my gaze downward, I could hear her hoofsteps getting closer to me. Why was she out here anyway? I was supposed to be meeting Twilight out here soon. She had planned for us to stargaze tonight, just like we always did sometime every week. Consequently, it was to fall on my birthday, but I had insisted we maintain our schedule. Now, however, it looked like that plan was ruined.

“Watcha’ bein so shy for, sport?”

I felt myself jump involuntarily. I had been so deep in thought, I had practically forgotten about Rainbow being so close to me. Now, her face was close to mine; I being able to feel each soft breath against my neck. Across my body, the hairs of my coat stood on end. I chanced a look into her cerise colored eyes, my own widening as I noticed the sensual look in her eyes. Her breathing quickened, eyes going half-lidded as I saw a slight smirk appear on her muzzle.

“I’ve seen the way you look at me,” Rainbow said softly, “Twilight’s told me all about it.”

“Huh? Twilight?! But I-”

Before I continue my protests, a hoof was placed against my mouth. Rainbow shook her head, tsk-tsking. My pupils were the size of pinpricks by this point, I too startled by the revelation of my marefriend sharing my secrets to speak anymore. Rainbow used this as an opportunity to replace the hoof on my mouth to the fore of my chest, gently coaxing me to my rump, then eventually to my back. I watched as she stood over me, looking to her, still in a mild state of confusion by these events.

Rainbow Dash merely grinned in response to my perplexed expression, gently placing her forehooves on my chest, her hind legs straddling my rump as she lowered her posterior down upon a very sensitive part of my body. I felt something warm rub against my sheath, which at this point woke me from my stupor. This was wrong. Not only that, but it went against everything I knew about Rainbow Dash; and why would Twilight speak to her about our personal conversations?!

My brows furrowed, my forehooves coming up to push Rainbow off of me. My eyes widened once more when she didn’t budge. She merely grinned deeper, then shook her head slowly. I saw her open her mouth, only to see fangs start to form. Her pupils, once full of vibrant color, lessened and suddenly turned luminescent green. Her skin was replaced by black chitin armor skin, and all too quickly it registered what was really going on. A changeling had seduced me and now I was stuck.

“Oh buck me,” I whimpered.

“As you wish,” the changeling replied with a snarl.

It’s fangs met my neck and, as my eyes opened in shock, I felt something coursing into my veins. My body starting to feel weaker as an incredible warmth flowed into me. any thoughts I had on resistance were overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of bliss and euphoria. Those feelings, however, were quickly consumed by a more powerful, more prominent feeling. The warmth in my body seemed to flow lower and lower, eventually reaching its source within my groin. I let out a soft moan at the sudden reaction of my shaft as it peaked from the sheath, my lust filled eyes settling on the Changeling on top of me.

“Good,” it hissed in response. “You shall feed for me days..”

The changeling lowered its snout to mine, pressing its lips to my own as it started kissing me. I opened my mouth, softly closing my eyes as I fully gave in to the blissful warmth encompassing my body. I could feel the tip of my shaft press into something moist and warm, I feeling the changeling’s lower body jerk down as it impaled itself on my shaft. I moaned loudly, I taking control of the kissing as as brought my forehooves up to hold onto the changelings sides. It started to rock slowly, I feeling the warmth slide up and down my erected shaft.

A part of me, a small part, knew this was wrong. I knew I had been tricked, knew I had been seduced and then poisoned with some substance. I knew I was being used only for whatever nutrition a changeling gained from this, that this lovemaking was anything but. I wanted to resist, but the overwhelming desire to continue kept all my logical thoughts in the back of my mind. I was helpless, but even so, I was enjoying this.

The changeling above me rocked harder, I feeling her form bounce above my own. My grip on her sides loosened as my head lowered to the ground. I felt weaker, somehow, as if something was being drained from me. I didn’t care though, drool appearing at the sides of my mouth as the changeling rode my shaft for all it was worth. I could feel an intense burning manifest in my testicales, as if every ounce of the previous warmth invading my body was now centralizing there. I was helpless to the feeling, knowing what would come next.

“Don’t be afraid,” the changeling said, its voice quivering.

My body was completely numb, but my eyes were still under my control. As the changeling said this, my left eye, left staring up despite my weakened neck muscles, looked to the changeling. I noticed a flicker, something out of place, as a part of its ebony chitin turned...purple?


The changeling smirked, riding my shaft faster, pleasure overwhelming my senses. I couldn’t hold back anymore, a sudden bout of strength surging through me as I fought past the numbness. I firmly planted my forehooves on the ground, trying to lift myself up. Instead, I only made it halfway in my attempt, the poison draining my newfound strength faster than it could reinforce it. Through a strained expression, I cried out in ecstasy as one eye opened to watch the event. I watched as the changeling quickly dismounted my shaft, getting into a position so it could place its head near the tip just as semen gushed out.

In a few short bursts, as the changeling licked carefully across my ejactulating shaft, its eyes burning into my own, I passed out.


I woke up feeling something rubbing across my chest. My right eye was the first to open, my vision somewhat hazy, but making out the rising sun on the horizon. I groaned, bringing a hoof to my head, trying to figure out what had happened to make me feel this way. Then, like a train, it hit me. I had been caught and forced into mating with a changeling. I gasped harshly, raising myself up...

...only to be held down.

“You really need to calm down,” a familiar voice said to my side.

I gasped, panting heavily as I turned my head. Instead of a changeling, however, I saw Twilight Sparkle leaning over me. She smiled at me, leaning close to nuzzle me. I calmed instantly, panting softly now as I laid back down.

“I had the weirdest dream,” I said.


“Yea, a chang-”

I felt a lick on my chest, opening my eyes. Before me, licking its way up my chest, was the very same changeling. My eyes widened as far as possible. It bit down on my chest, I once again feeling the warmth flowing into me. With the last bit of control I had left, I screamed for help.