Pharynx Goes To Town

by zargein

First published

Pharynx is bowling when he finds a new game to play...the rape game.

Pharynx is introduced to bowling by Thorax, believing that a game where you throw a heavy rock and try knock stuff over would be right up his ally (pun intended). But when Pharynx spots the lovely milf Twilight Velvet, he forgets he's there to NOT! be a evil bug monster.

Pound Town

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"Why we have to play stupid games with ponies?" Pharynx complained to Thorax, as they entered the bowling ally.
"I should be back at the hive keeping everyone on alert."

"No.. you shouldn't." Thorax replied. You should be learning to work with ponies in a way that dosen't involve sucking them dry!"

Thorax approached the counter and handed four bits to the front worker.

"Sizes?" The worker asked.

"I'm a 12" Thorax told him. "What size are Pharynx?"

"The same as you weakling" Pharynx answered.

"Two pairs of 12s, got it"

After their shoes were on, Pharynx actually got a bit curious as to how this game worked. Looking across the bowling lanes he watched as a few players elegantly rolled their balls down the lane.. Making strikes with almost every go.

"This game looks simple."

"It's harder than it looks." Thorax replied. "And there are rules."

"like what?"

"The person to your left bowls first, Your feet cant cross that line, you only get two throws per frame, and before you ask... no you cannot walk down the lane and knock them over by hand."

"Can I throw two rocks at once?" Pharynx asked

"No, and there called bowling balls."

"That's stupid. This game sucks!"

"We haven't even started!" Thorax argued.

"I know, that's how bad it is"

"Just pick a ball and throw it at the pins"

"Fine" Pharynx said.
Grabbing a house ball from the rack, Pharynx approched the lane. "So I just throw it at em?"

"Yes, just keep it out of the gutter."

Pharynx watched another bowler a few lanes down, and mimicked his motions. Moving up with confidence, Pharynx bowled the ball with perfect form and....
it went straight in the gutter.

"Stupid ball!" Pharynx yelled.

"Hey, it was a good try." Thorax said trying to calm his brother. "Just do that again but aim between the 1 and 3 pins."

"Which ones are those?" Pharynx asked

"See that pin in the front?"


"Aim just to the right of it."


Lining himself up again, Pharynx reeled back and bowled again. This time the ball rolled all the way down the lane and... Knocked over the 10 pin.

"I hit one, is that good?"

"Yah... kinda. Just try to knock more of them down next frame."

"Next frame?"

"Yah, It's my turn now."

"Damn, stupid pins." Pharynx complained, returning to his seat.

As Thorax took his turn, Pharynx looked down the lanes. He saw a older mare in a league with three others. When she bowled it was almost as bad as him. Pharynx saw her roll the ball into the gutter twice in a row, but she wasn't at all upset. In fact she was laughing and having a good time with her friends. He watched as the girls drank their margaritas, and laugh as they missed their shots.

Confused, Pharynx got up and walked over to talk with them.

"If you keep missing we're gonna be hammered." One of the gals said to Twilight Velvet

"If that's the case I'm bowling with my eyes closed next turn." Twilight joked as she took a sip from her glass.

"Why you girls smiling?" Pharynx chimed in from behind their table.

"Oh, hello there tall dark and handsome." Twilight responded, confusing Pharynx even further.

"You missed the pins... why are you looking so happy?"

"Happy juice." One girl answered raising her glass.

The other girl turned and chimed in as well.
"We're not here to win. We're just here to get drunk and talk shit." The second mare added. "The bowling is just a bcakdrop to our ladies night."

"So... you're not trying to win?" Pharynx asked confused.

"Nope, just rolling the ball and drinking." Twilight said with a smile on her face. "Also I need a refill."

Pharynx watched as Twilight got up and walked to the concessions counter.

Meanwhile, Thorax was back at their lane, watching his brother. Happy that Pharynx was getting along with people, he didn't bother telling Pharynx it was his turn. But the happiness at Pharynx's social progress was short lived, when Thorax saw Pharynx was staring at the girl he had been talking to while she walked away... particularly her ass.

"Don't do it Pharynx." Thorax wispered to himself. Then he saw his brother walk off after the girl. "Oh fuck"

"Hey bartender, fill me up!" Twilight hollered into the back, placing her glass on the counter. Looking at her empty drink glass, she watched as a shadow was cast over her from behind. Turning around she saw Pharynx looking down on her with lust filled eyes.

"You need something?" she asked him.

"Yah, you." Pharynx answered, not beating around the bush.


Picking the older mare up, Pharynx set her down on the counter, Pharynx pulled off her bowling shoes and began
un-buttoning her pants.

"WOAH! Big guy, I'm a maried woman!" Twilight yelled, grabbing Pharynx's hands and trying to pull them away.

"So? Is he here? I'll eat him if you want." Pharynx offered as he continued to remove the mare's pants.

"What?! NO! Get the fuck off me!" Twilight yelled, pushing against the changeling's chest.

Ignoring her, Pharynx yanked off her pants to find a pair of satin purple panties. "Cute." Pharynx said flatly before ripping open her shirt to reveal a matching purple bra.

"Pharynx stop that!" Thorax yelled, running up behind his brother. Grabbing Pharynx by his shoulder, Thorax tried to pull him off the poor girl.

Pharynx did not like this. With a quick jab to the right Pharynx socked Thorax right in the nose.

"OWW! Pharynx what the hell?!" Thorax whined as he covered his face.

"Stop hitting yourself" Pharynx said with a smirk.

"But... You!... Aggggg!!! GET OFF HER!!!"

The whole event was now garnering some attention from everyone in the building. Most notably from Twilight Velvet's friends. Who to her suprise, did nothing but giggle, and watch as the changling pulled out his big green cock.

"Oh god!" Twilight wimpered as she saw the intimidating phallus. "HELP ME!!" She cried to her friends.

"Oh don't be a crybaby." One of the girls responded.

"Yah, let the boy have his fun" another added.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Twilight yelled before she felt her panties tugged aside.
Leaning up she saw Pharynx positioning himself at her dripping slit.

"Please, let me go!" she begged.

Pusing her back down to the counter, Pharynx held her there with one hand. "Hold still!" He ordered.

Pushing forward, he crammed the first half of his length inside of her with one thrust.

"Ahhhh... that's tight." Pharynx moaned, while he slowly pressed more and more of himself into the squirming girl.

"Pull it out! IT HURTS!!!" Twilight screamed, grabbing at the hand holding her down.

"Pharynx, get your cock out of her! You cant do this!" Thorax ordered in a tone that made it sound more like he was asking.

"I will.... when I'm done." Then he started fucking the helpless mare.

"Someone help me... please. MAKE IT STOP!!!" Twilight begged from beneath her attacker.

But no one would. Nobody wanted to get in the way of a horny changeling and his rut. Twilight's friends were actually enjoying the show... With their hands stuffed in their pants, the girls rubbed themselves like crazy, watching the sinful display in front of them.

Pharynx took notice of this. Looking over at the girls he gave them a smile. Pharynx then placed Twilight Velvet's ankels over his shoulders and pulled her hips back, bottoming himself out inside her.

"You like that?" Pharynx asked the group of perverted onlookers. "How about this." he said as he rocked Twilight's whole body, fucking her sensless.

Thorax, upset that his brother was embarrassing him (AND RAPING A GIRL!). Thorax got his balls up to say something.

"Pharynx, if you don't let her go I'll... I'll!"

"You'll what?"

"I'll... ban you from crafting time"

"LOL, Just relax brother." Pharynx said as he calmly continued to fuck Twilight. "I'm almost done"

Almost done? Twilight thought before she realized what he ment. "NO! STOP! TAKE IT OUT." She screamed with tears in her eyes, as she tried to pull the changeling's arm from her abdomin.

Pharynx just held her in place as he brought himself closer and closer to climax. "Just a little more." He grunted while Thorax tried in vain to pull his brother off the girl.

"Yah! Fill her up!" one of the league girls cheered.

"Put a bun in her oven!" another added.

"no please... I don't... no, NO!... DADDY!" Twilight screamed as Pharynx buried himself in her body.

She felt it. She felt his cock pulsing inside her, and with his hand putting pressure on her belly, she felt as the cum flowed inside and filled her womb.

The warmth of Pharynx's cum did not quell the cold reality that she had been raped, and may now be with this monsters child.

"Your insides felt great girl" Pharynx praised as he let her feet fall off his shoulders and pulled his cock from he with a wet *shlorp*. "I may have to keep you." He declared as he stuffed his cock in his pants.

"You cant just... keep her Pharynx!" Thorax informed his brother.

"Why not?"

"Yah, why not?" one of the girls blurted out.

"I don't believe thisYou people are crazy!" Thorax yelled.

As Twilight Velvet lay on the counter, with her pussy leaking cum all over it, and the floor... Pharynx picked the girl up and tossed her over his shoulder.

"I'm keeping her, you deal with the diplomatic issues" Pharynx declared as he walked out of the bowling ally.

Standing there dumbfounded, Thorax couldn't believe what had just happened.

We were just supposed to go bowling... and he raped and kidnapped someone Thorax thought in disbelief, until one of the girls said something.

"Are you as well hung as your friend there mr. changeling?"

"Why are you people so crazy?!" Thorax blurted out.

"Were just some lonely drunk girls lookin for a good time"

"I'm done" Thorax said to himself as he followed his brother.

"Hey you need to return the shoes" a worker said to Thorax before the pair of bowling shoes smacked him in the face.

{The Next Day, Back At The Hive}

"He did what to my mom!?" The Princess of Friendship screamed at the cowering changeling behind the throne.

"Now I know it sounds really bad Twilight"

"That's because it is really bad!" She yelled, throwing a rock at Thorax. "Where is he? I'll tear him apart!"

"Now now Twilight, there's no need for that." Thorax said, trying to calm the livid monarch. "I'll go talk to him."

"Like you did wheen he RAPED her!?" Twilight yelled throwing another rock at the timid changeling.
"No... I'll "talk" to him myself" Twilight declared, storming off toward Pharynx's chamber.

Oh boy

Kicking the door to Pharynx's room open, Twilight coulden't believe what she saw.

There her mother was... on the bed with Pharynx, and they were both smiling at a changling grub that she held in her arms.

"Mom?" Twilight asked tentatively.

"Hi honey, wanna meet your baby brother."

"But how? You were... yesterday?"

"Changelings grow fast" Pharynx butted in.

"Look Twily, isn't he cute?"

Standing beside the bed, Twilight looked at her smiling mother, and her rapist beside her.
Looking down at her new changeling baby brother Twilight responded.

"Yah, he is cute"