> Spike’s Bizarre Adventure > by Tokurider45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter-1 Arrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria was a land of many people be they Ponies, Dragons, Griffons, Etc many lived in this land especially in the highly developed city of Canterlot. Such as the Sparkle Family one member of whom was reaching a critical moment of adolescence. - A grunting sound could be heard coming inside a room within the Sparkle home something Twilight Sparkle was used to hearing. “I swear every morning with him.” the Adolescent unicorn mare sighed she looked to be in her late teens and was dressed up in a plaid skirt and dark purple sweater under a black sweater vest, her mane was pulled back into a simple librarian bun with a few strands free to trail down the side of her face her expression held one of annoyance as she marched down the halls of her family home coming to a stop in front of her was a wooden oak door with a simple poster depicting a rock band hanging from its frame with a sigh Twilight calmly reached up and knocked on the door where the aforementioned grunting was coming from. “Spike! seriously!” She shouted her banging becoming more rapid ”other people live in this house! can’t you spank it to that pinup of Fleur de lis when we’re out of the-“ Twilight’s statement was cut off halfway through as the door suddenly swung open and she was greeted to the annoyed expression of her brother. Spike was a rather tall and well built purple scaled Dragon of nineteen, dressed in a pair of black sweat pants and a white muscle shirt regarded his sister with an annoyed look his right hand held open the door while in his left hand he held a simple black five bound dumbbell. “I’m doing my morning reps…” Spike hissed out narrowing his eyes at his now sheepish looking sister. “Ah…well…my bad.” Twilight coughed as she turned realizing her mistake ”I’ll just leave you to it-“ she began to walk away only to freeze feeling her brother snake his free hand down the back of her skirt her pupils shrinking feeling his reptilian fingers wrap around the waistband of her underwear. “Actually Twilight, I need a little help, this things not heavy enough I need a new dumbbell” Spike grinned and before Twilight could protest Spike launched his arm up, bringing with it a large amount of light pink fabric that wedged itself deeply between the plot of the now speechless Twilight Sparkle. Hooves leaving the ground Twilight was wide eyed and mouth agape as she received a rather firm wedgie from her brother, granted this was nothing new Twilight had a tendency to get on her sibling’s nerves at times so this was a normal consequence of it. Spike suspended the mare for a solid twenty seconds giving a few rhythmic jerks to bounce Twilight before finally letting her go the mare stumbled as she landed hands instantly going down the back of her skirt to adjust her undergarments before she whirled around to level Spike with a glare. “You are an asshole!…” Twilight said through clenched teeth but all Spike could do in response was let out a chuckle giving his sister an amused expression at her frustration with him. “Took the words right out of my mouth sis~” Spike told her with a cheeky grin and before Twilight could offer a rebuttal he had closed the door resulting in her letting out a groan of frustration. “I swear to god I had better not be dealing with this kinda shit when you’re in C.U with me! I get enough wedgies from Trixie and Starlight as it is!” Twilight huffed and walked away, well walked was abit of a stretch it was more like an awkward duck waddle due to the fact a decent amount of fabric was most likely still lodged deep into her flank. Hearing this from the other side of the door Spike rolled his eyes Canterlot University or C.U for short the local college that he was set to attend in three days with his elder sister who was only here to help him pack and drive him there, and while the idea of messing with her like that at school was tempting he was honestly lest than thrilled at going to college especially in this high society hellhole known as Canterlot. Sighing to himself Spike set his dumbbell down eyes sweeping across the room taking in his packed bags and seeing the faded outlines of where his various posters once where the dragon had resigned himself to his fate knowing how his family would feel if he said he wouldn’t be going to college. “This fucking sucks.” Spike bitterly muttered under his breath sitting back down on his bed glancing at his left hand and flexed his fingers ”I don’t wanna go to college, I had enough of dealing with snobbish noble kids looking down in me in high school” he growled to himself but took a moment to stop his anger from bubbling over, taking a few calming breaths before getting back up and retrieving something from one of his bags pulling out a deep violet colored jacket with a series of emerald green rings around each sleeve going all the way up to the jackets shoulders taking only a moment to look his trademark jacket over he swung it around his shoulders putting it on before walking over to his dresser which still had his collection of figurines collected and constructed from his younger days he retrieved the last item needed for his preferred look. A purple Cap with a dark green visor with a series of strategic holes designed into it a smile graced the drakes features before he placed the hat onto his head his green mohawk like frills fitting right through the holes allowing the hat to rest comfortably on his scalp with no need for adjustments at all. Taking a final look at himself in the mirror Spike chuckled”Well if I’m going to C.U I’m gonna spend my last three days home having fun”he grinned before retrieving his phone from his bedside and making his way over to the window of his room. “I’m gonna get an earful later tonight I’m sure of it” Spike once again spike allowed seemingly to himself before hopping out the window of his own room and dropping down whatever trouble he gets into or hell he would no doubt raise would be worth it for a little bit of fun. - Doughnuts they where a preferred treat to plenty of Canterlot youths Spike being no exception while not the typical ‘high society’ cuisine most would associate with local residents the city it was a treat many enjoyed especially when it was from a local hot spot. Pony Joes was its name named after its owner Spike could feel his mouth water already the sweet scent of the round sugary confections entering his nostrils, it was times like this he was really glad he lived within walking distance of this place, a luxury he wouldn’t have for long sadly. Making his way inside Spike took only a second to take in the other people inside the shop and felt himself relax a little seeing far less of the elites then he anticipated and more of his normal crowd of likeminded peers. “Oi Spike good to see ya!” A gruff voice called out from the counter recognizing the pale yellow unicorn male waving to him dressed in his normal uniform granted he looked a little more grizzled then when Spike met him in his youth a faint sign of wrinkles around his eyes his hair still disheveled as always but it seemed more unkempt then normal, he looked tired. “Yo Pony Joe.” Spike greeted giving a small two finger salute to the man a friendly smile on his face. “Ah don’t give me that kid! I heard the good news.” Joe said with a grin ”Your mother was talking about The Whole damn morning when she picked up her usual order, little mans going to C.U!” Joe loudly announced as a large portion of the patrons in the shop chuckled and cheered while the few snobs and elites just rolled their eyes but kept to themselves. Spike felt himself blush only slightly gaining a rather sheepish look ”Ah you heard about that? Yeah” He coughed glancing away ”It’s not that big a deal Joe, Twilight got in same as Shining I’d hate to be the one Sparkle who didn’t get in” he said trying to downplay the situation but Joe was having none of it. “Nonsense kiddo! This calls for a celebration a bakers dozen of the best doughnuts on the house!” the unicorn male laughed as he turned to make his way to the back ”Have a seat Spike I won’t be long!” he assured and with that he disappeared into the back. Unable to do anything but offer a sheepish grin to the one other employee working the counter Spike made his way over to a table and sat down finally relaxing a little more once his back hit the frame of the chair getting a sigh out of the dragon as a result settling into the calm atmosphere of the place, listening to the various conversations around him all becoming muddled together for some this kind of setting would spike up a persons anxiety but for Spike he felt oddly at piece in crowded areas being in the center of a large assortment of ponies, griffons, zebras it always just felt rather calming to him he felt secure. “So you’re going to C.U dude?” A scratchy voice cut the drake out of his train of thought letting him know two people had invited themselves over to his table, two unicorn boys that Spike instantly recognized. “Snips, Snails.” Spike nodded his head seeing the two boys one a lanky light bronze with a dark green mane neatly combed wearing a white dress shirt and tan pants, the other a rather stocky light blue boy with a spiky orange mane wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, they both where around Spikes age after taking a moment to compose himself Spike confirmed their claims ”Yeah I’m gonna be enrolling in a few days god knows I don’t want to but you guys know my parents.” Spike sighed drumming his claws on the table. “Aww man that blows!” Snips the shorter of the duo groaned running his fingers through his disheveled mane ”We had a lot of plans who’s gonna help me ask Diamond tiara out now?” he asked as Snails cleared his throat causing Snips to wince “Don’t get me wrong dude you’re still a good pal but Spike just has a way with the mares ya know?” he said with an apologetic grin. “Right…” Snails said his tone of voice making his words long and drawn out an allusion to his name ”So…when…do you…leave…Spike?” he asked taking a few brief pauses between his words something the two had long become accustomed to with the talent male. “Like I said, a few days.” Spike repeated himself only for Snails to shake his head ”Oh you mean specifically like a time frame?” he asked getting a nod from the boy “Counting today? Three days.” he told the two much to their displeasure. “Three days?! Please tell me you’re joking!” Snips begged speaking a little louder then intended getting a few cross looks from some of the other occupants of the establishment. “Dude, I wish I was joking.” Spike said and before he could continue Joe had made his way over with a few boxes full of doughnuts. “Here ya go kiddo!” Joe smiled setting the boxes down and flipping one of them open showing the wide assortment of baked goods inside not just doughnuts but other confections like bear claws and eclairs, the sight of the various sweets momentarily made the boys forget their earlier troubles. “Sweet mother of god look at all these!” Snips grinned it took most of his self control to not dive headfirst into the box. “Thanks Joe.” Spike offered a smile before he reached into his pocket ”now I-“ he began only for the taller man to pat him on the shoulder. “Keep your money in your pocket Spike I told you, it’s on the house.”he smiled before turning to leave the trio. “Oh man…” Snails said as he eyed the boxes there where four in total normally Spike could down about two boxes on his own so given that his friends where here and they seemed so bummed that he’d be leaving soon he saw no other choice. “Dig in guys.” Spike chuckled taking a box for himself ”I’m not gonna be able to finish all these myself.” he told the two normally when one asked for a bakers dozen it was customary to receive thirteen of the requested item but Pony Joe had a vastly different opinion on what the term meant. “Okay but dude don’t think this means we won’t still be bummed about you leaving.” Snips said before he grabbed a doughnut loaded with sprinkles and began to show down. “Yeah…we need…to give you…a proper send off.” Snails said using his magic to levitate a few of the sweets up and began to enthusiastically sample one of each he had grabbed. Spike took a moment to watch the duo he would miss this, spending time with these two getting into their usual antics and adventures. “I won’t be leaving for a few more days, I’ve still got time to have fun with these two, better make the most of it while I can.” Spike thought to himself before taking a bite out of an eclair and savoring it’s sweet flavor as the sugar danced across his taste buds. - “Your sure about this one?” A male voice asked as a hooded figure could be seen crouched down in an alleyway their features where hidden under the pale grey cloak but the barest hints of a pony’s snout could be seen peaking out from the hood however what was odd was who or rather what the person was speaking to. Held in their black gloved hands was a arrow the head of it having a rather intricate design to it with golden groves carved into it and a silver sharp edge. The man was talking to an arrow of all things. “…” The man looked up from the arrow and out at the mostly empty streets peering over the dumpster he was hiding behind to spot a Pegasus Mare gazing at a display of a shops window her back turned to the alleyway ”She doesn’t seem like the type that could handle the power.” the hooded pony muttered however this statement did get a small reaction out of the arrow. A light golden aura seemed to overtake the primitive weapon and the tip of its arrow head gave off a small gleam the hooded pony stared down at the arrow the frown on his muzzle turning into a smile. “You’re right I should know better by now than to question your choices.” the stallion chuckled before opening his cloak slightly revealing a pristine white suit and black tie before he lifted up a crossbow which he then loaded the arrow into ”Hell you chose me of all ponies I’m sure this woman has a few traits that make her worth.” he said with a grin as he proceeded to take aim with the crossbow ”It’s just the natural order of things those who are chosen will be granted greatness…but those who aren’t..” he trailed off before pulling the trigger. - “Come again anytime boys!” Joe waved as he saw the trio off ”And Spike you had better come and visit during your summer break!” he called out to the drake leading the trio. “Don’t worry about it Joe I’ll always stop by for one of your doughnuts.” Spike called back with a smile carrying the last box of sweets under his arm and with that they where out the door. “Man that was good!” Snips said rubbing his stomach a pleased look on his face ”I guess that’s one upside to having a long time pal leave for some stuffy rich kid school, free food!” He grinned only for Snails to flick his ear ”OW! Dude the hell?!” he glared only for the taller boy to point at Spike. “Little…tact…Dude.” Snails said with a flat look gaining a sheepish look from Snips. “Ah geez right my bad man.” Snips apologized rubbing the back of his neck but Spike brushed it off. “Nah guys no worries.” Spike told them with a dismissive wave “I may be leaving in a few days but that doesn’t mean we can’t live it up till then!” he grinned ”For the rest of the day and two days after that the world is our ouster we can do anything we want!” he said with a laugh getting a smile from the two. “Hell yeah man!” Snips grinned as the trio shared a high-five and rushing off down the sidewalk laughing together about the good times they were gonna have for the following days. Spike continued to laugh merrily his attention to Snips who ran alongside him but his joy came to a haunt as he wound up bumping into someone the sudden collision knocking the dragon to the ground and getting his friends to stop in their tracks. “Ouch…hey watch where you’re going buddy!” Spike looked up to glare at who he had bumped into, ignoring the fact he was the one actually at fault here. The person he had bumped into was a earth pony male looking to be in his thirties but what drew Spikes attention away from him was the fact he was part of a crowd of people all gathered together the man he bumped into didn’t even seem to notice him. “Hey what’s going on?” Snips said as he tried to look past the crowd while Spike raised an eyebrow at this. “Snails, you’re the tallest can you see anything?” Spike asked dusting himself off and grabbing the box of sweets he had dropped before turning to give the unicorn boy his attention despite being the more muscular of the the trio Spike didn’t have the height Snails had the boy always seemed to be growing like a weed. “Dude…I’m not that tall….” Snails turned to give the dragon a dry look before he reached over and pulled Snips back over to them “Besides…you’ve got wings…” he reminded Spike before wrapping an arm around him with Snips doing the same once he saw his friends action. Spike took a moment to look sheepish, in truth he had forgotten about that ”Right.” he coughed before he flexed his back muscles the slits on the back of his shirt and jacket opening up and out sprouted his wings purple with light green webbing “Hang on tight.” he told the two before taking off he didn’t have to go that high the trio where able to see what the crowd had gathered around in a few seconds…and sad to say they instantly regretted this decision. “Oh…my god…” Snails said his normal laid back expression morphing into one of horror. “What the Fuck?!” Snips cried his shout being the the straw that broke the camels back as the crowd began to voice their own panicked cries. Spike just looked down in horror in the center of the crowd in the middle of the day in Canterlot laid the dead body of a Pegasus woman sprawled out on the sidewalk in front of a store her clothes soaked in blood around her chest like she had been pierced by something the scene was not something people saw in Equestria that often. The sight of a murder. “Someone call the Royal guard!” Someone cried out finally in the crowd amongst the crowed of panicking citizens. “The horror the horror!” A Mare cried out. “Dude I think I’m gonna be sick…” Snips groaned covering his mouth turning away from the sight his eyes landing on an alleyway across from the crowd and once he did the boys eyes lit up at what he saw. A single cloaked figure could be seen in the ally watching the crowd from the safety of the darkened ally standing just behind a dumpster and while Snips was a little higher up then normal he could see them holding something, a cross bow. “Dude it was him!” Snips said on impulse however with the crowd panicking down bellow the only people who seemed to have heard him were his two friends. “What?” Spike asked as he and Snails turned to look at the shorter boy who pointed down at the alley across from the scene and it didn’t take long for them to notice the weapon the figure had either. “Did he-who is that guy?” Snails asked but neither of the other two gave an answer”Spike…we should call your bro-“Snails began but was cut off by the drake suddenly flying forward right at the ally. “DUDE!” Snips shouted latching onto the larger boy tighter in a panic. “HEY ASSHOLE!” Spike shouted as he swooped down the hooded figure looked up just in time to be met with a purple scaled fist to the face, the audible sound of bone and cartilage breaking sounded out as the man was launched back. The hooded stallion let out an audible cry of pain as he flew back dropping his weapon in the process hand flying up and gripping his now bleeding nose droplets of blood staining his cloak and suit. “Dude!” Snips and Snails shouted in shock dropping off Spike once he landed. “You!” Spike said pointing at the man he had assaulted “you did that didn’t you?” he accused with a glare jabbing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the still panicking crowd ”What kinda sick fuck just shoots someone with a crossbow in this day an age?!” he demanded. “You little brat…” The man hissed gripping his face before he stood up and a glow surrounded his discarded weapon as it levitated back to him his hood was a little askew now showing a unicorn horn peaking out along with a few strands of a blond mane ”How dare you hit me do you know who I am?!” he demanded and in response Spike gave him a flat look. “Uh no I don’t ain’t that kinda the point of the cloak?, That no one knows who you are?. “ Spike asked before he began to make his way toward the man ”But it doesn’t matter who you are I’m making a citizens arrest!.” he glared only for the unicorn man to scoff. “Good luck with that” he said and his horn lit up before the dumpster was launched forward at the trio. Spikes eyes went wide before he jumped up clearing the dumpster with ease with Snips and Snails where able to clear it too, but with less ease then Spike had as they wound up tripping over the dumpster and landed in a heap. Seeing this the hooded man attempted to make a run for it he only got a few steps away before Spike managed to reach out and latch onto the end of his cloak pulling him back. “Sorry jackass but you’re not getting away!” Spike said as he couldn’t help but grin he had an adrenaline rush while it was morbid to take joy out of this situation given this stallion just killed someone he couldn’t help but feel a certain shiver run down his spine at the idea of having caught a criminal ”Is this how shinning feels?” Spike thought to himself as he made another grab at the man gripping him by the shoulder trying to force him to the ground but the stallion was fighting him The Whole time. “NO!” The cloaked stallion hissed trying to wretch himself free as the drake began to slip him into a hold of some sort to restrain him”Let go of me you filth!” he shouted as he used his free hand to reach into his cloak to grab something. Snails caught sight of this as his eyes widened “SPIKE LOOK OUT!” he cried attempting to rush over to his friend. “Relax guys I’ve got him!” Spike looked back with a grin turning his head to look over at his friends…which would turn out to be a mistake. The sound of metal piercing flesh entered spikes ears along with a warm fluid like sensation running down his neck coupled with a burning pain it only took Spike a second to realize what this was. He had been stabbed in the neck. Letting go of the cloaked stallion Spike stumbled back grubbing the bleeding wound on him eyes wide before he took his hand away to stare at the blood on his palms…his own blood. “SPIKE!” Snips and Snails shouted rushing to their friend’s side while the hooded assailant took this chance to run away, with the attacker fleeing the two could only try to help prop spike up. “Oh my god oh my god OH MY FUCKING GOD!” Snips cried in shock as Snails propped Spike up against the wall. “Snips call someone!” Snails snapped at his friend before he removed his own shirt and proceeded to balk it up and press it against the wound ”Hurry!” he shouted. Seeing this Snips scrambled to pull his phone out from his pocket and began to rapidly dial up nine one one. Spike remained silent this whole time only half listening to Snails instructions as he told him to try to breath while keeping his shirt pressed to the wound, he didn’t know why but Spike was no focused on what the assailant had stabbed him with it hadn’t been a knife or anything no what he stabbed him with was something you don’t see often in the modern world. “An….arrow.” Spike croaked out his vision beginning to blur he just felt…so tired he wanted to fall asleep…and so…he did. Spike calmly slumped back closing his eyes not paying attention to Snails shouts for him to stay awake, however as Spikes eyes closed he could have sworn he saw a weird glow come over his own body for just a moment. How…Bizarre. …To be continued > Chapter-2 Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness, that was all Spike could see a expansive void of darkness where only spectrums of light could be seen chasing after each other leaving behind quickly fading trails of light-wait a minute. “My eyes are closed.”Spike thought to himself in realizing as his senses began to return to him however he didn’t feel the fold hard stone walls of an alleyway in Canterlot like he had expected, instead he felt a soft sensation almost cool yet warm and comforting he felt oddly safe. “…Please tell me I didn’t die.”Spike groaned before he opened his eyes and was momentarily blinded by a bright light”oh god dammit!.”he cursed before blinking rapidly and to his relief he saw his surroundings where that of a hospital room with him being laid up in bed”Oh thank god.”he sighed placing his hand over his chest before noticing an IV in his arm which was feeding a clear fluid into his veins”The hell happened to me?.”Spike muttered glancing around the room before his attention was drawn to the other end of the room seeing a light brown couch where a unicorn woman lay she was pale grey with a light purple and white mane, she was dressed up in a blue blouse and black jeans her eyes where closed but Spike could recognize the sleeping mare anywhere”Mom…”he said his expression growing soft. There was no mistaking her Twilight Velvet mother of the three Sparkle siblings was sound asleep on the couch the sight was enough to bring a single question to the young dragons mind. “How long was I out?.”Spike asked himself hand going to his neck to relieve a slight stiffness he felt before he felt his fingers trace across something, it was a bandage suddenly the events before he awoke came to mind before he looked away from his sleeping mother a expression of shame gracing his features”God what the hell was I thinking?.”he sighed. “That’s what is like to know Spike.”a deep voice cut across the room drawing the dragons attention over to the door where another unicorn stood his arms crossed fur white as snow and mane a mix of dark and light blue wearing a red and gold long sleeved vest of sorts decorated with a golden aiguillette with light grey dress pants it was a standard uniform worn by the guard and Spike knew this particular guard very well. “Hey shinning.”Spike said with a weak smile but the stern look on his elder brothers face made him wince”I take it you’re pissed?.”he asked already knowing the answer. “Understatement of the fucking year bro.”Shining told him arms firmly crossed as he gave his younger sibling the sternest glare he could muster”You mind telling me what exactly you where thinking?.”he asked while advancing toward his younger brother till he was at his bed side. Spike didn’t answer right away, rather he stared down at the white bed sheets that covered his body before his hand once again touched the area of his neck where he had been wounded wincing at the memory he finally found himself able to answer”I don’t know…I just saw Snips point out the guy and…it just felt like something came over me.”Spike explained looking up to meet Shining’s gaze only to shrink away once again seeing the firm glare had not left his features”After I attacked that guy i got this rush like it was awesome fighting a potential bad guy you know? Kinda like how you must feel when you make an arrest.”Spike told his brother who finally let out a sigh seeming to relax abit. “You’re an idiot.”Shining told him reaching out and gently pulled Spike into a hug”But you’re MY idiot little brother.”he chuckled”I’m just glad your ok but don’t pull that shit again you nearly gave Mom and Dad a heart attack.”he told him before glancing over at the sleeping form of their mother”A day and a half.”he said catching Spike’s attention. “Huh?.”Spike asked making Shinning look back at him. “A day and a half that’s how long you where out, the Doctors said the arrow the guy stabbed you with gave you some kind of infection the whole time you where out you had this weird kinda fever.”Shining told him”Granted you where able to recover but the whole time you where out you had this huge spike in temperature and had these weird muscle spasms.”he sighed before glancing over at the sleeping form of Velvet”Mom refused to leave your side the whole time she was worried sick.”the older male informed making Spike look down at this information. “…God Twilight was right I am an asshole.”Spike sighed however any form of self loathing was stopped as the sound of the boys mother stirring garnered their attention. “Mmmhh Shiny what are-“Velvet said opening her eyes as she sat up recognizing her eldest son before she stopped mid sentence seeing Spike up and awake and without another word she sprang up and rushed to his side enveloping the drake into a tight hug. “Hey Mom.”Spike said with a guilty smile before his mother hugged him tighter. “My baby…thank god I was so worried!.”Velvet whimpered before letting go”Are you ok?.”she asked getting a nod from Spike”Are you hurt in anyway?.”she asked as Spike inspected himself. “No I mean my neck is still kinda sore but other then that I’m ok.”Spike said giving his mom a thumbs up along with a reassuring smile. “Oh thank god that’s good to hear.”Velvet smiled as she calmly grabbed a nearby newspaper on the table and proceeded to roll it up…and began to repeatedly strike her son with it”WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?!.”she demanded between strikes in full on motherly fury as the dragon covered his head. “Mom I-OW! Wait a sec-OW! I messed up ok!.”Spike groaned between each hit of the rolled up cluster of news articles it didn’t really hurt but still, Spike knew better then to make his mother like this. After a moment Velvet seemed to calm down setting the news paper aside”Sorry.”she said after a long exhale”That was building up the past day, you really had me worried Spike.”she told him”Getting a call from a doctor saying my son had just been admitted because he was stabbed in the neck tends to make a mother freak out.”She said before giving her son another hug. “Again I’m sorry.”Spike said returning the hug before glancing over at Shining”What happened after I blacked out?, did they catch the guy?.”he asked however Shinning only shook his head. “No.”Shinning said”Not for a lack of trying but Your friends couldn’t give a description other then the fact he was a confirmed unicorn male, apparently after you got stabbed they tried to help you while the bastard took off.”as he spoke Spike noticed a certain aggression in his brothers voice no doubt a tinge of anger at the thought of the person who had attacked the stallions little brother”After the guard found the three of you they took you to the hospital as soon as they could while your friends where held for questioning.”he stated before adjusting his uniforms collar”Which brings the other reason I’m here, it’s not just to check up on you…well granted it is but in the likely hood you woke up…”he trailed off and Spike was able to guess what he was referring too. “You need a statement from me?.”Spike asked getting a nod from his brother. “I just need some confirmation on a few things it won’t take long.”Shinning spoke glancing at his mother who took the hint. “Alright I had better let your father and sister know.”Velvet said giving her youngest son one final hug before getting up and leaving the room”Keep an eye on your little brother Shinning.”she said before closing the door behind her. “I always do.”Shinning said before fully turning his attention to his younger brother”Alright, let’s get started.”he said before moving a chair over using his magic which he proceeded to sit down on before pulling out a pen and notepad from his pocket. - “This doesn’t make any sense!.”a voice shouted as we see the interior of a rather lavish looking home-well lavish was abit of a stretch a more accurate word would be tacky the room was decorated in a wide assortment of decorations from busts and exquisite looking furniture and other forms of decore the owner of the voice was a tall adequately built unicorn stallion in his mid twenties wearing a white tuxedo with a red tie his blonde mane was pulled back into ironically a ponytail the object of his ire was a familiar golden arrow held in his hands that he looked at with a great deal of confusion and mild contempt. “You seem troubled Master Blueblood.”a voice said as the man stopped his intent stare down at the weapon and looking up to meet the eyes of his servant a pale blue earth pony male with a dull grey mane professionally styled back wearing a simple uniform of a white button up shirt under a black vest with matching black pants he looked to be roughly in his late thirties. “You don’t know the half of it Virgil.”Blueblood huffed before turning back to glare at the arrow he held”I was so sure I had this blasted thing figured out when it guided me to that pegasus girl from the other day, however it just wound up killing her!.”he said with a groan”And on top of that I was ambushed by some commoner and his ruffian friends who tried to preform a ‘citizens arrest’ can you believe the nerve?!.”he asked his butler who’s expression remained neutral and unchanging. “Master Blueblood if I may be so bold as to ask, what makes you certain the pegasus woman you struck with the arrow was the real target?.”Virgil asked gaining the unicorns attention. “What do you mean?.”Blueblood asked with a frown as Virgil cleared his throat to clarify. “What I mean sir, is that the arrow based in your previous tests on you and myself is that it’s method of deferring who is worthy of the gifts we have can be rather random or convoluted…the boy you said that ambushed you tell me did you use the arrow on him?.”Virgil asked. Blueblood paused for a moment glancing back at the arrow”Yes.”he answered rubbing his chin”You wouldn’t happen to be suggesting that the girl was just used as a pawn would you?.”he asked turning back to Virgil”In a arbitrary plan to bring who it was really looking for to me?.”he asked as his butler only hummed. “I can neither confirm nor deny if that is what happened but it is what I think sir.”Virgil stated before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a golden watch attached to a chain”It’s almost time for tea.”he noted”But regardless of what i claim was the arrows intentions sir I highly suggest the best course of action for now is to lay low, the Royal guard is without a doubt going to be searching high and low for the culprit and while we where able to fix your nose and remove the blood stains from your outfit that won’t mean you won’t be recognized by the trio you ran into.”he stated before turning to leave. Blueblood said nothing as he watched Virgil go before he looked back at the arrow one final time before sighing and standing up adjusting his tie. “If that boy is in fact chosen by the arrow I will need to confirm it…in which case i’ll have to be ready for a fight.”the white unicorn thought to himself as a pale blue aura slowly surrounded him his expression turning to a serious glare. “Sir? would you prefer prefer green tea or Earl Grey?.”Virgil questioned from the other room making the aura dissipate from Blueblood. “Earl Grey I don’t like the taste of green tea!.”Blueblood answered back. - “Alright, I think that should just about do it.”Shinning said while he went over the notes however there was a noticeable frown still on his features that Spike was quick to notice. “I take it you where hoping I could give a better description?.”Spike asked getting a sigh out of his brither in response. “A white unicorn male wearing a fancy suit with a blond mane…this does narrow the search down little brother but only slightly, in Canterlot you can’t throw a stone around here without hitting a noble that fits that description.”Shinning informed his little brother before getting up”But that won’t stop me from trying to find the bastard.”he assured him as he got up”I think that’s everything.”he said as he began to leave. “Hey Shinning wait a sec.”Spike called out to his brother making the unicorn stop”I kinda wanna ask you something.”Spike said getting his brother to turn back to face him. “This about going to C.U?.”Shinning asked as Spike hesitantly nodded seeing this Shinning let out a sigh before walking back and sitting down in his chair again”Alright let’s talk.”he said leaning forward giving his brother his full attention. “I know mom wants me to go but..honestly I’ve had my fill of some of the assholes in this town you know?.”Spike hesitantly said to his brother who only nodded”High School was fucking hell man with all these nobles and their kids around, and being a dragon was like having a target painted on my back and a school like C.U is gonna be no different.”Spike sighed looking back down. “Shouldn’t you be telling this to mom?.”Shining asked his expression was neutral and unreadable”she is the one who helped you get your grades up so you’d get accepted.”he reminds which only made Spike wince. “Yeah..but you know mom she was so happy when I got in same when you and Twilight got in but…you’re both ponies it must have been easy for you.”Spike said however hearing this Shinning shook his head. “Couldn’t be more wrong about that little bro, C.U was hell on me, and you know what Twilight has to go through.”Shinning reminded”But again if you really don’t want to go you can’t let disappointing mom stop you.”he told him firmly”However at the same time you can’t let something like dealing with snobbish and racist nobles hold you back either as bad as it was for me back when I went there, a diploma from C.U opens a lot of doors all across equestria.”he said before standing up”but you don’t have to worry about that decision for a little while longer till you get discharged from here you have extra time to think things over but what ever you decide, it’s mom you have to talk to not me.”Shinning finished. “…God.”Spike groaned running a hand across his face eyes shut tight before he gave his brother a defeated look”Why do you always have ti make a bunch of good points?, The conversation has barely started and already I know your right dude!.”he laced back in bed with an exhausted groan. “Learned it at C.U.”Shinning offered a small smile only to get an eye roll from his little brother”I’m serious if you don’t wanna go I’ll back you up man but like I said a lot of doors around here get opened for you thanks to that place.”he said walking over and gently patted Spike’s shoulder”Think it over.”he stated before he turned and left. Spike said nothing as he just listened to the sound of the door opening and being shut signifying his brother had left before he let out another sigh”God I need a drink or something.”he muttered placing a hand over his eyes to lessen the annoying strain from the fluorescent light. Clink! “Huh?.”Spike removed his hand eyes blinking before he turned to his bed side seeing a glass of water had been placed there much to his shock”Hello? Is someone in here?.”he asked sitting up again and looking around his room only to be met with silence of an empty room. Spike glanced back over at the glass of water before picking it up and hesitantly sniffed it, nothing with wrong with its scent as far as he could tell seeing no other option he slowly took a sip. “…It’s just tap water.”Spike sighed in relief but still kept a frown on his face before taking another drink letting the cook fluid trickle down his throat rehydrating him before he pulled the glass away letting out a sigh”Now if I could just find my phone I should call the guys and let them know I’m ok.”Spike muttered to himself turning to set the glass down on the table again. ゴゴゴゴ… Just in time to see his phone being held by a transparent arm before being lightly droped down onto the table with a small clatter as the strange limb vanished. “FUCK!.”Spike cried out in shock dropping the glass on his hand making it shatter on the floor as he backed up to the edge of his bed gripping his chest the heart monitor on the side began to rapidly beat showing his heart rate had accelerated. “Spike?!.”a voice shouted from outside before the door swung open as his mother had rushed back in clearly having heard his shout however she was not alone coming inside with Velvet where two other unicorns one being the familiar face of Twilight the other being a cobalt blue unicorn make with a dark blue mane dressed in a white dress shirt and pale grey khakis, his father Night Light. “Son what’s wrong?.”Night Light asked instantly going to his sons side while Spike was still clutching his chest in shock while Twilight and Velvet joining him to check on the youngest of the family. Spike didn’t say anything he couldn’t concentrate evident by the heart rate monitor beeping more rapidly his eyes where rapidly going across the room looking for any sign of the apparition that he had just witnessed. “Is this glass on the floor?.”Twilight asked peering over the side of the bed seeing the broken remains of the glass alone with the small puddle of water. “Honey what happened?.”Velvet asked placing her hand on her sons head to inspect if his fever had spiked up again. Spike didn’t answer, his mind was racing a million thoughts coursing through his head trying to rationalize what he had just witnessed, Equestria was known for having magic sure, but that was unlike anything he had ever seen and his family was composed of some rather talented unicorns. “What the hell?! was that an arm? is this some kind of magic curse or something?!.”the dragon man thought in a panic his hand left his chest so he could glance at it however the moment he did he was greeted to another shocking sight. A faint light blue aura could be seen around his hand and looking himself over Spike could see the aura was around his entire body the sight was making him panic even further, something that did not go unnoticed by his family. “Spike son you need to calm down.”Night Light said as he tried to calm his son he didn’t seem to notice the aura around the boys body. Spike wasn’t listening still in fact it seemed like whatever was bothering him was getting worse as the boys eyes starred off to the far side of the room and suddenly he reached his breaking point. “I…i can’t…I need to go…I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!”Spike suddenly shouted the aura flared up further the dragon man’s eyes became dilated before his hand went to his other arm and with a swift yank he had ripped the IV and other wires attached to him out of his arm, not minding as his own arm began to bleed as a result and in a panic before his family could even attempt to stop him Spike had jumped out of the bed and rushed for the door. “SPIKE WAIT!.”Twilight shouted reaching out to stop him her fingers just barely grazing his hospital gown. Spike didn’t stop, rather he raised up his arms to guard himself as he rammed against the door at full speed and to the shock of those present the wooden door was bashed clean open even getting ripped off its hinges. Several hospital staff looked over in shock seeing a adolescent dragon male standing over the knocked down door panting heavily. Spike’s eyes swept over the open space for only a moment before he focused on the hallway to the right of him mostly empty, and before anyone could say a word or attempt to stop and restrain the boy Spike took off in a mad dash. “Spike!.”His family cried after him but it fell on deaf ears he was to focused on getting away from what he saw. “I need to get away is it still following me?! What the hell was that?!.”Spike thought in a panic glancing back only for a moment. And he regretted it as he saw not far behind him keeping an even pace with the boy was what he had seen at the far side of the room, a tall humanoid figure looking to be only a few inches taller then Spike himself it’s body was coated in dark violet skin of some sort with light pink and dark blue armor it’s feet where clawed almost like a dragons a long purple tail trailing behind it ending in a pointed tip it’s chest was coated in a purple blue and pink cuirass that seemed to be bejeweled with a series of gems, similar armor was around its legs in the form of bejeweled greaves and on its five fingered hands it had armor protecting its arms with its right arm having a strange dragon head decoration on it but what truly frightened Spike was its face, a round helmet resembling a dragon themed biker helmet with red compound eyes hidden behind a metal visor with a series of slits and a mount guard designed to resemble a wide toothy smile. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!.”Spike shouted like a madman at the thing chasing him his mind only briefly dwelled on the fact no one seemed to panic when the thing came out after him but he didn’t have time to think rationally on his situation his instincts where focused on survival by kicking in his fight or flight response and clearly his body picked the later. The being following after Spike gave no answer it just continued to follow him not showing any signs of slowing down even as Spike in his panic tossed over empty gurneys to try and slow down the monster it was no use as he saw it calmly walk through them it’s legs literally phasing through the solid matter. “Are you kidding me?! It’s a fucking ghost!.”Spike thought in a panic as he continued to run pushing his way through a pair of doors and into an empty hallway however in his panic Spike had wound up tripping over a wheelchair and crashing into the floor as a result making the dragon groan out in pain before for he scrambled away flipping onto his back as he watched the specter approach him. The being was only a few feat away from him now and was slowly walking toward him as Spike backed up only to press himself against a wall, it had him cornered. “S-stay back I’m warning you my brother is a member of the Royal guard!.”Spike stammered in shock eyes still wide in panic as the strange corporeal being continued to advance slowly lowering its body to the point where it was crawling on all fours to be at eye level with Spike”I mean it I’m not fucking around!.”Spike shouted and much to his horror the mouth guard of the creatures helmet opened up and a long forked tongue slithered out between the helmets ‘teeth’ the sight coupled with the stinging pain of the wound on his arm finally catching up to him was sending the poor boy’s sensory into overdrive seeing no other option Spike shut his eyes tight as the thing was mean inches away from him fully accepting his fate. “Hey you’re not scared are you?~.”a voice asked cutting the tension Spike felt as he heard it the voice was rather deep yet scratchy somewhat like his own and it had…an almost teasing tone to it. “H-huh?.”Slowly opening one eye Spike looked at the creature that was now mere inches away from him, had he heard it speak?. “Oh my god you where!.”The creature actually spoke at it leaned its head back with a laugh tongue hanging out of its mouth while it let out a barking laugh”Relax dude! No way in hell was I actually gonna hurt my user it was just a joke!.”it told him still laughing yet somehow was able to speak at the same time leaving the young man even further confused. “A…a Joke?!.”Fear instantly turned to rage anxiety to annoyance and flight be came fight as Spike gained an enraged look as he reared his fist back”YOU ASSHOLE!.”he shouted and clocked the being across the face with a strong punch cutting off its laughter and seemingly knocking the being out cold. However Spike wouldn’t have time to further punish the specter or question the situation as nit a moment later a similar force struck him hard in the face knocking him to the floor in a heap. Feeling a stinging sensation spread across his face Spike had only one thought on his mind as he began to black out while he noticed the rapidly approaching form of hospital staff. “Good grief, what the hell is happening to me?. ”the drake thought before he finally blacked out on the floor not noticing as the specter he had struck vanished from sight just as the the staff had reached him. …To Be Continued. > Chapter-3 Phantom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change can lead to many reactions, some positive some negative for Spike the change of finding himself in a hospital and suddenly being haunted by what could only be describe as a ghost that liked to troll him could only be described as a very negative change or as he put it. “I’m in hell.”The dragon boy muttered head in his hands as we see him finally dressed back in his usual attire once again back in his own room at home, the various boxes of his where noticeably missing from the vacant space aside from the bits of furniture and a few things he wouldn’t need to bring with him”Clearly I died back in the hospital and I’ve been sent to hell or I’m stuck in a coma experiencing an endless nightmare.”he groaned sliding his hands off his face. “Oh don’t be so dramatic~ college is gonna be fun!…provided you don’t do any ranting or raving about me that could land you in a nut house that is~.” the familiar form of the apparition that has appeared to him before spoke hovering just above him still with that permanent grin on its face. Spike didn’t answer rather he just let out an annoyed grunt, it had been a week since he had run into this thing his departure for C.U had been delayed because his family thought he had a mental break down from whatever fever he had succumbed to, granted he wasn’t complaining but now he had this headache of a phantasm to deal with. “Are you seriously gonna brood the whole damn time I’m here?”the phantom asked arms crossed still speaking in its disturbing interpretation of Spike’s own voice. “Will you stop that?”Spike asked sharply with a glare before he got up”I don’t know what you are or how you wound up haunting me but I’d prefer it if you’d go away.”he growled before heading to the door. “Oh don’t be like that Spike, and besides I already told you I’m not a ghost I’m you dude!”the specter reminded floating besides the dragon as he exited the door”I am thou~ and thou art-”he began only for Spike to cut him off. “Yeah I’ve played that game ya damn phantom but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna Believe that your me for one second.”Spike grunted taking a moment to glance around to make sure none of his family was around to see him”all I know about you is I’m the only one who can see you and my family thought I was crazy cause it looks like I’m talking to myself.”he muttered to himself, it was true not long after he had woken up after his outburst his family had injured him about what happened but nothing he said or did could reveal the phantasm to them the end result of all his attempts was his mother thinking he was having a mental break down attributed to his fever and stress so while it gave him a little more time before he was sent to C.U he didn’t exactly enjoy the fact his family thought he had lost his mind. “Aw come on you’ve got a few hours before you have to leave why not head out and enjoy the day?”the being said floating besides him and gently tapping Spike on the snout”And maybe you can give me a name? Seriously dude just calling my a phantom is so freaking rude! How would you like it if I just called you lizard or dragon?”it inquired with a chuckle only to further annoy the dragon boy. “What should I call you then?”Spike rolled his eyes”I mean I’m not the best with names myself, my pet Phoenix I had when I was a kid I just wound up naming Peewee cause he was small.”Spike sighed as the specter hummed. “Hmmm, Oh! Why not DragonForce!”the specter said with a laugh and stuck a pose arms held out hands open wide with its hip cocked to the side in a dramatic pose. “….Yeah no, I’m not giving you some weird ass pop culture name.”Spike said making the phantasm face fault. “You’re so mean!”it shouted in protest crossing its arms in a childish manner. “Look I don’t see why I have to name you, like I said there is no way in hell your me or apart of me your clearly just some stupid curse brought on by that arrow.”Spike dismissed just as he reached the door. “Spike where are you going?”a voice cut in from across the room making the dragon freeze before both he and the specter turned their heads to see Twilight sitting on the living room couch a hard covered book held in her hands, her mane was pulled back into a bun no doubt to keep it out of her face while she read. “Oh uh…you know.”Spike coughed glancing away”just figured I’d head out and get some fresh air before tomorrow you know?.”he said with a smile albeit a forced one”I’ll be heading off to C.U with you-actually I’m a little surprised you stuck around don’t you have classes to get back to?”he asked hoping to change the subject somewhat. Twilight in response shook her head”Spike, I can literally be there and back in a flash.”she said tapping the side of her horn making Spike mentally face palm”Did you forget I already had your stuff sent over?”she asked and Spike could physically feel himself resisting the urge to groan out of exasperation. “Tsk tsk tsk how could you forget something so important?.”the phantom taunted Spike who bit back any form of retort that could make him look strange in front of his sister. “Right my bad, I guess it must have slipped my mind.”Spike sighed as he turned back to the door”Anyways I’m gonna head out like I said I need some fresh air before the big day.”he said just as he turned the door knob. “Alright hang on I’m coming with you.”Twilight said standing up and closing her book before her horn lit up as her book bag materialized around her frame, hearing this Spike froze and glanced back at her”Sorry little bro but after your little hospital freak out I’m not letting you out of my sight.”she told him walking over. Spike rolled his eyes but said nothing to argue with this, his family had been sort of clinging to him since the events at the hospital despite his claims that he was fine but he knew it was in vain, the sparkle family where worriers no changing that hell he couldn’t even say that he wasn’t just like that at times. “Alright you do you I guess.”Spike said as he opened the door and stepped outside the light of Celestia’s sun shining down on them the moment they stepped outside”Damn, The princess must be in a foul mood or something.”he muttered however Twilight seemed to have heard him. “What makes you say that?”Twilight asked turning to her little brother a quizzical look on her face. “Just a simple fact I learned from watching you and Shinning, when unicorn magic is being used on an object their emotional state can effect it, case and point it being so warm today means one of two things, either Celestia is pissed off…or horny.”he added the last part with a joking grin only to get a flat look from his sister. “You really shouldn’t make jokes about that Spike.”Twilight huffed a small tinge of a blush could be seen on her face at his joke while the duo continued to walk together. “Come on Twi it makes total sense Celestia is centuries old and as far as I know there has never been any stories of her engaging in a romantic relationship in…well ever I’d imagine a century or two long dry spell would get to anyone.”the dragon lad snorted with a laugh. “No I’m serious you shouldn’t joke about this, Princess Luna can observe ponies dreams and dreams are connected to memories, she could see this conversation in your dreamscape and tell Celestia about it and you could get punished.”Twilight said as Spike couldn’t help but grin. “That just brings up the question…does she watch peoples sex dreams like her own personal porn collection?”Spike asked and laughed seeing the horrified and flustered look that came over his sisters face. “SPIKE!”Twilight said in shock looking around rapidly as if she was expecting for someone to reveal they had been listening in. “I’m kidding!…mostly.”Spike said with a snicker besides him the phantom crossed its arms chuckling. “I’m serious you can’t joke about this stuff at C.U Celestia and Luna have ears everywhere!”Twilight groaned. “If that where true Trixie and Starlight wouldn’t run you up the flag pole every week.”Spike pointed out getting Twilight to blush further and cross her arms in a childish pout. “How do you even know about that?”Twilight groaned with a glare as Spike held up his phone. “I follow Starlight on instagram.”Spike told her simply before putting his phone away”But aside from the obvious how is C.U?”he asked honestly which seemed to get his sister to perk up”if I’m gonna go there I should know if my big sister is doing okay.”he said with a smile. “It’s been really good, the girls asl about you a lot.”Twilight said and for a moment Spike’s expression softened further as his mind briefly wandered to the mental image of a particular white unicorn. “Really? I would have thought they would have forgotten all about your cute little brother.”Spike chuckled before Twilight nudged him. “Trust me they could never forget someone like you little bro.”She smiled before her own expression became slightly nervous”also..how are you feeling?.”she asked gently using a tone that suggested she didn’t wanna upset him. “She still thinks you’re nuts.”the phantom pointed out with a chuckle which Spike decided to ignore to avoid looking crazy. “I’m fine Twi.”Spike told her with a dismissive shrug”Sorry about worrying you guys.”he said giving her an apologetic look. “It’s alright, I’m just glad your ok god I hope Shinning finds that psycho that stabbed you.”Twilight sighed walking ahead of her brother who gained a thoughtful expression. “That arrow…they said I got some kinda sickness from it…and then this thing shows up.”Spike thought to himself as his gaze lingered on the phantom by his side his mind was racing with various theories and possibilities to connect his phantasmal companion with the arrow that had pierced his neck that unicorn in the black cloak would have the answers but Spike severely doubted his family would take kindly to the idea of him pulling another vigilante act like he did with his friends. “Wait…oh god Snips and Snails!”Spike realized eyes now wide as dinner plates once he remembered his friends, the whole time since he had been discharged he had barely gotten a chance to speak to the duo”Shit, hey Twilight mind if we make a little detour?.”Spike asked catching the mare’s attention. “Huh?.”Twilight blinked looking over at her little brother”Sure but what for?”she inquired and was taken aback as Spike unfolded his wings from his back. ”I need to check up on Snips and Snails come on.”Spike said before his sister could protest he grabbed her and lifted her up into a fireman’s carry much to her shock. ”Wait Spike what are you about to do-OH GOD!.”Twilight shouted as her brother took off from the ground after a strong flap of his reptilian wings sending the two into the air Twilight screaming her head off from shock from the sudden sensation of wind rushing all around her and the ground suddenly getting further and further away from her line of sight”WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!”she shouted. “These two are nuts…I like it!.”The phantom laughed before taking off after the airborne duo. ゴゴゴゴ… “So…it’s true.”Blue blood muttered to himself pulling his hood back as he peaked out from the alleyway watching the two take off into the air”That dragon boy was chosen by the arrow.”he muttered his aura returning to him as he gripped the side of the building he stood beside his grip on the structure was tight that the knuckles of his hand seemed to turn whiter compared to his fur”This is a welcomed surprise.”he smirked”I can’t wait to test what that Stand can do.”he chuckled before pulling his hood back up just as a figure seemed to materialize by his side. - “Snips…I really don’t…think this is…a good idea.”Snails sighed as he watched his friend adjust his shirt collar the stockier unicorn was dressed in a tuxedo T-shirt and blue jeans his normal messy mane was slicked back with hair gel in a more neat look the duo where currently at Canterlot Park and much to Snails chagrin they where there for another of Snips attempts to get a girlfriend. “Dude without Spike around I need to step up my game if I’m gonna get lucky.”Snips told him as he used the reflective dark screen of his phone to inspect his hair”I’ve got the perfect pick up line that will have Diamond Tiara all over me.”Snips smirked and in response to this Snails calmly pulled out his own phone and held it up”Thanks dude, your gonna record the day I finally get the girl of my dreams.”the bucktoothed stallion smiled. “Nope…gonna…record…her slapping you…which is what…happened the last five times you did this.”Snails reminded him only to get an eye roll from the stallion. “Well that’s gonna change-there she is!.”Snips grinned as he took notice of a earth pony mare having taken a seat at a park bench bubble gum pink fur with a light violet and white striped mane dressed in a black tank top and white skirt with a yellow long sleeved jacket, she seemed to be reading a small book as she sat on the bench”Wish me luck dude I’m gonna score me some sugar.”Snips said and began to make his way over. “More like buy yourself a knuckle sandwich.”Snails muttered to himself as he hit record on his phone. “Yo Diamond Tiara!”Snips called out catching the mare’s attention and in an instance she gained a look of annoyance”Tell me girl you been jogging?”he asked with a smirk”cause-“he began only for Diamond Tiara to hold up a hand. “Let me guess cause I’ve been running through your mind all day?”the pink earth penny asked with an annoyed sigh”Real original.”she rolled her eyes but this didn’t seem to deter the unicorn from his advances. “Wow your pretty sharp.”Snips grinned as he sat down on the bench and began wrap an arm around her”You know if I could rearrange the alphabet-“he started just as his hand latched onto her shoulder Diamond Tiara had decided she had enough already. Without warning the rich girls fist shot up clocking Snips right in the face succeeding in removing him from her person and in getting him off the bench, then without a word Diamond Tiara got up and left”Let that be a lesson to you creep!”she glared at him one last time before storming off soon after Snails calmly walked over camera phone still held up. “What…did we learn?”Snails asked looking down at the stunned Snips who had a dopey smile on his face. “What a woman~.”he grinned despite the soreness in his jaw while he lauded splayed out on the ground. “Same old Snips I see.”a voice said catching Snails attention as he looked to see Spike landing with Twilight carried over his shoulders”Another failed attempt at wooing Diamond Tiara?”Spike asked getting a nod from the Lanky stallion in return”Figures.”he chuckled before setting Twilight down. In an instant that her feet hit the ground Twilight instantly socked her brother in the arm”DUDE WARN ME THE NEXT TIME YOU DO THAT!”Twilight shouted her mane was disheveled from the wind and her expression was a mix between annoyance and a second away from having a heart attack which overall only caused Spike to laugh at her expense resulting in another shoulder jab”You’re such an ass!”she groaned before she began to try and readjust her mane. “Missed…ya…dude.”Snails said to Spike with a chuckle before putting his phone away to help Snips to his feet. “Yeah sorry about that, haven’t had a lot of free time since I got discharged.”Spike sighed rubbing his neck”And today is my last day before going to C.U so I figured I’d come hang out with you guys one last time.”he smiled. “Glad to have ya onboard dude!”Snips smiled he was still clearly disoriented from the sucker punch courtesy of Diamond Tiara but there was no mistaking his genuine enthusiasm at having Spike around even if it was just for one more day. “Is today…really your last day?”Snails asked he had a more somber smile compared to his other unicorn friend to this news. “Yeah after today I’m officially college bound.”Spike said with a sigh but he still had a small smile”and I figured we could really spend it-“he started but his sentence was abruptly cut off as he felt a hand on his shoulder a quick glance over his shoulder let him see that it was the phantom that had grabbed onto him. “We have a problem.”it grunted its voice surprisingly held a serious tone rather then the normal joyous and cheerful one it was known for, Spike then noticed the specter’s head was turned to stair off into the distance which Spike soon followed. “Spike? What’s wrong man?”Snips asked grabbing his shoulder before he noticed Twilight had followed the dragon boys gaze. “My this is a sight one normally wouldn’t see, three unicorns and a dragon socializing out in public I guess the common folk are right, the times are changing.”the familiar voice of a hooded unicorn stated as he could be seen walking calmly toward the group of four his cloak was slightly opened showing a familiar white suit underneath. Spike felt Snips tighten his grip on his arm before he caught sight of his sister’s horn lighting up as she stepped in front of him protectively. “Stop.”Twilight said with a glare her tone was even to hide the rage she held she didn’t need to ask if this was the same unicorn that had stabbed her brother, she knew it had to be him. “I’m afraid I can’t I have business with the boy so I’ll have to ask you to stand aside miss, I can promise you I’m not here to cause trouble.”the unicorn said calmly holding up his hands in a defensive manner as a small smile graced his features. “That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard.”Snips glared”you’re that fucker who stabbed my buddy!”he accused before nodding to snails. Snails silently reached into his pocket while keeping his eyes on the hooded unicorn before he pulled out his phone. “Sorry but I can’t have that.”the unicorn said before his horn lit up ripping the phone from Snail’s grip and crushing it with magic”I know I said I didn’t come here to cause trouble but if you cause me any grief or stress I’m afraid I’ll have to deal with you.”he frowned before he jumped to the side avoiding a blast of intense magic fired from the horn of a very pissed off older sister. “You’re not doing anything except getting sent to prison!”Twilight snarled taking a step forward”Spike get out of here get Shinning.”she stated turning to her brother”I’ll deal with this bastard.” “A bastard?! How dare you!”The unicorn snarled as he stood up”A peasant like you should know her place when speaking with royalty!”he stated”I am your better and I demand the respect given to one in such a position!”he said. Instantly Spike felt his mild panic turn into anger hearing this”So you are a noble then?”he asked”tell me.”he said stepping forward only for Twilight to try and stop him by grabbing his shoulder but he payed it no mind”Why did you kill that girl?”he asked which garnered a confused look from the hooded assailant. “Girl?…oh you mean the Pegasus I shot with the arrow…does it really matter?”he shrugged before his eyes wandered over and landed on the specter”so you do have one.”he muttered. “The hell is he looking at?”Snips asked following the hooded man’s gaze only to see nothing but open air”I think this guys nuts let’s just get the Royal guard.”he said. “No…”Spike growled he didn’t bother acknowledging the fact that this man could see his evil spirit companion whike the others couldn’t he needed answers one way or the other”I want answers! Tell me why did you kill that girl! ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING PRICK!”Spike seethed pointing at them man as an aura began to envelop him. “…very well.”The stallion huffed”we are getting nowhere with this so I guess I should clarify a few things.”he said before he grabbed the side of his cloak and removed it with a flourish”but first and foremost you should know who it is your disrespecting dragon, I am Prince Blueblood.”he told them his identity revealed before he ran a hand through his blonde mane”It was not my intent to kill that woman believe it or not but I was simply following the will of the arrow.”he told them before he pulled out the item in question from his blazers pocket”Tell me boy that apparition by your side do you know what it’s called?”he asked pointing at the phantom while the other three unicorns recoiled in shock seeing the familiar face of the noble Spike remained the same expression wise. “So you can see it too…this evil spirit of mine.”Spike glared which got a chuckle out of Blueblood. “An evil spirit? I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh but you couldn’t be more wrong boy.”Blueblood chuckled holding up the arrow”What you have is called a stand, a manifestation of your very soul given physical form to fight by your side this is a power gifted to those deemed worthy by the arrow but those who are not worthy are sadly killed by its amazing power.”he told Spike who quirked an eyebrow at this”You see you where chosen by the arrow same as me the woman from a while back sadly was not and was killed as a result, she simply lacked the Will to harness a stand but as a result of her death I was able to find you!”he grinned arms wide open”marvelous is it not? you a simple dragon have abilities that almost make you equal to us unicorns! no need to thank me…okay maybe a little.”he smirked whole Spike only glared. “This guy is full of himself.”the phantom grunted his tone complimented Spike’s glare at Blueblood. “You’re fucking crazy.”Snails said with a glare breaking from his normal speaking pattern as his horn lit up”I don’t know what any of this business about stands or whatever but there is no way in hell your taking another step further.”he growled”Twilight, Snips, it’s three against one I say we jump him!” The two other unicorns nodded in agreement as their horns each lit up however Blueblood didn’t bother moving rather he seemed strangely calm while staring down the trio of unicorns. “You bothersome peons should know your place.”Blueblood said as he bent his head down slightly so that his bangs hid his eyes from view. ゴゴゴゴ… “What the-“Spike began just as a vibrant aura surrounded the white unicorn who simply held up a single hand and pointed at the trio before lifting up his head showing a vacant yet murderous loom in his eyes. “「Hurdy Gurdy Man!」”Blueblood shouted out at the top of his lungs and before Spike’s eyes something shout out of the aura surrounding the male unicorn that struck each of his friends square in the head. “GUYS!”Spike shouted as he rushed to his sisters side as she fell to the ground”You bastard what did you do!?”he glared at Blueblood before he turned Twilight over expecting the worst, however to his shock he saw that there was no wound on his sister’s head and instead saw that her horn was congealed in a pink translucent substance that had the horn and a decent amount of her forehead covered”What in gods name…”Spike said before he reached out to touch the substance. “My…my horn.”Snails whimpered before turning onto his side showing the same substance was also latched onto his horn the younger man seemed to be in great pain his eyes shut tight as the substance seemed to be moving on his head. “Snails!”Spike said and a quick glance over to Snips showed that he too was suffering from this strange substance”Hang on guys I’ll scrap that stuff off.”Spike said before going back to grab his sisters horn. “I wouldn’t do that if I where you.”Blueblood’s voice spoke up making Spike turn to glare hard at the man only to bet met with a horrifying sight as he bore witness to something manifesting besides the arrogant noble. It was humanoid, the bare minimum to be called that at least it was clothed in a faded black and pink court jester like uniform with red curled shoes on its feat it’s shoulders where two large glass orbs filled to the brim with that very pink fluid it’s face was coated in a patchwork fusion of a jesters cap and an executioners cowl hiding it’s face it lacked any arms but at the bottom of each of its strange bulbous shoulders was a metallic nozzle like attachment that seemed to be dripping out that same gelatinous fluid. “It’s truly ironic isn’t it?”Blueblood asked as he inspected his nails for any dirt or grime”Us unicorns are perhaps the greatest of ponykind next to the likes of the alicorns thanks to our access to magic and our amazing minds, yet sadly that is our biggest weakness the horns that supply us with these amazing abilities are also rather sensitive, and connected to said minds no less.”he went on before holding out a finger as the new phantom dispensed a small amount of the substance onto his finger which he kneaded between his finger and thumb showing it was almost like a bizarre mix of rubber and gum with its elasticity”the right attack to the horn can I mobilize three disrespectful ruffians with minimal effort.”he chuckled before rolling the substance in his hand before it formed into a small ball like shape”my Stand Hurdy Gurdy Man is able to use this special gel to simulate sensations, here see for yourself.”he said before he flicked the ball like a marble straight at Spike. Spike was so caught off guard by the sight and explanation that he made no attempt to doge it resulting in the small glob hitting him right in the forehead and smearing itself across his face. Pain, instantly a wave of pain shot over Spike starting from his head and washing over his body, the kind of white hot pain that was so intense you wanted to scream but couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Spike bent his head back clenching his teeth as he began to wither and writhe on the ground tears leaking down the side of his face after a few seconds before the pain finally subsided forcing Spike to sit up gasping for breath the substance responsible for his agony having suddenly dried up into flakes. “Hey that’s enough asshole!”The specter shouted getting between Blueblood and Spike”That was WAY out of line doing something like that to my user and his friends you’re a total creep!”the phantasm or rather Stand insulted the male unicorn who seemed unfazed by the insult. “Interesting…a fully sentient stand never thought I’d see another one of those.”Blueblood noted rubbing his chin”Boy.”he addressed Spike who was still recovering from the sudden attack”Come with me a Stand like yours needs studying I have a few associates at C.U who could further study you and your stand.”he told him he wasn’t making a request he was completely ordering him to do this. “What…what about my friends?”Spike asked as he caught his breath and dried his tears with his sleeve hearing this Blueblood simply scrunched his nose in a mix of confusion and irritation. “Forget them.”he said simply”they saw my face so I’m afraid I will have to dispose of them, but that shouldn’t matter to you they are beneath us Stand Users.”Blueblood told him with a smile and began to walk towards him”Worse they are commoners making them even further below me who cares what happens to-“he began just as he got within a few meters of Spike he was cut off. Spike shot his head up taking in a deep breath before unleashing a blast of emerald green flames from his mouth the attack had caught the noble off guard a good chunk of the fire hitting his face before he stumbled back screaming and clutching his face in agony. “MY FACE MY BEAUTIFUL FACE LOOK WHAT YOU DID!”Blueblood screamed his face was smoking covered with burn marks and part of his fire having been singed off along with a good portion of his mane, however his panic and angry fueled rant didn’t last long before he received a solid right hook right to the face courtesy of Spike’s stand the force was enough to launch Blueblood back sprawling him into the ground but failed to incapacitate him. “You…”Spike growled as he stood up shaking”Nobles like you are the people I hate the most…lording over people with your status and lineage like your gods…you think you can get away with this kind of shit just cause of who you are? By paying off or eliminating anyone who try’s to make you pay for your crimes? Well not this time.”Spike told him firmly as his aura flared up brightly. ゴゴゴゴ!!! “Someone like you can’t be judged by the normal courts of law…”Spike said as he balled his fist hard till his own claws dug into his palm making them bleed”Which is why…”he thrusted his hand forward pointing at the stunned unicorn while his stand mimicked his pose besides him before he spoke, no before he roared his next statement in a voice filled with draconic fury. “I WILL BE THE ONE TO JUDGE YOU WITH MY DRAGONHEART!”Spike roared out his eyes narrowed into a death glare while Blueblood could only stare wide eyed. …To Be Continued > Chapter-4 DragonHeart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those who knew Prince Blueblood personally would tell you he was an arrogant self entitled egomaniac with his head up his own flank, those individuals where normally right, very few could stomach hanging around the man for more then a few minutes without developing the desire to try and cave his face in out of all the nobles in Canterlot Blueblood was perhaps the most insufferable. And yet despite his various flaws the man had a deep love of new experiences and new things in general, so when he discovered the arrow’s abilities he was elated to test out what it could do consequences be damned. Even if said consequence was getting his face burned by an irate dragon man who was now dead set on beating him within an inch of his life. “You…you speak with such conviction.”Blueblood groaned while still gripping his burned face in pain glaring at Spike who stood over him”That is one thing i always admired about your kind, always have such an intense passion within you that can even outshine your own greed.”he let out a chuckle despite the pain he was in as he got up”But sadly you’re outmatched compared to me you and your…DragonHeart was it?”he questioned but received now verbal answer. “Stay down asshole!”Spike shouted before he rushed in his stand at his side as both reared their fists back to take a swing at the man, however this attack was easily telegraphed allowing Blueblood to avoid it and deliver a sucker punch to the boy knocking him back. “I’ve had far more experience then you, I’ll admit you got me good with that fire blast and sucker punch, which seriously damaged my face.”he growled horn lighting up”It’s gonna cost a fortune in reconstructive surgery to fix my skin and hair follicles you damaged with your fire.”he added before rearing his hand back his fist lighting up with the same magical aura form his horn”Hurdy Gurdy Man.”he spoke his stand’s name and the being responded letting out a unsettling cackle before firing out a blast of the fluid like substance from its right shoulder/nozzle, however rather then fire it at spike the substance was drawn to BloodBloods now magic infused hand coating it till his entire fist was completely covered with the substance. Spike narrowed his eyes at this and swung his tail to trip the man up, however BlueBlood jumped back to avoid the swipe allowing Spike to scramble to his feet. “I don’t think it’s gonna feel to good if he hits us with that.”Spike’s stand spoke before turning to his user”By the way, thanks for the name DragonHeart, I like it.”the stand now identified as DragonHeart thanked its user before turning back to face their opponent. “Thank me after we kick this guys ass.”Spike grunted before the two charged in both intending to rush BlueBlood. In response to this the burned man shook his head”That is an ill advised move.”he stated before calmly swinging his arm slinging out a large glob of the substance that remained attached to his hand acting like a tendril barreling right at Spike. Spike went wide eyed before he leaned back to avoid the attack only to have it brush against his snout, instantly a burning sensation spread across his face making Spike grip his face in pain being momentarily stunned before Blueblood swung his leg up kicking the dragon in the gut and knocking him back. “You don’t even know what your ability is.”BlueBlood said the pink slime retracting back to his hand”Do you even know how much hard work and practice it took me to realize I could combine my Hurdy Gurdy Man’s power with my own magic just to do this?”Blueblood went on while DragonHeart helped Spike back to his feat”while I am amazed to see your stand is sentient that does not mean I expect it to be any real threat to me.”Blueblood scoffed before picking up the arrow and twirled it between his fingers”You know maybe you need a little more incentive.”he smirked before flicking his wrist down making the glob of pink slime trail down to the ground which he then promptly held in place with his foot”Let’s see if any of your friends are worthy shall we?”he grinned before he placed the arrow against the thin trail of slime and pulled it back like a makeshift bow taking aim at the downed form of Snails before letting the arrow fly. Spike could feel his blood run cold at this sight and without hesitation rushed forward to intercept the projectile but it looked like he wouldn’t reach it in time as athletic as he was it was simply impossible for him to move into the flight path of an arrow at point blank range in such a short amount of time. “No! I can’t let that thing hit him!”Spike thought in a panic things seemed to have slowed down around him in his mind”For the love of Faust if there’s any way I can stop that thing let it happen!”he thought in panic as his own stand aura flared up. A blur rushed had suddenly rushed past Spike, he only caught sight of it out of his peripheral vision before it moved in front of him. “ I gotcha!”DragonHeart shouted as he stood between the arrow and Snails and instantly snatched the arrow with a well timed catch. “Yes!”Spike grinned relief overcoming him seeing he had saved his friend”Alright now get rid of that damn thing!”he told his stand. “No! Don’t do anything rash!”Blueblood said holding up a hand”That arrow is ancient it’s a valuable artifact! you’d have to be incredibly reckless and idiotic to just willingly destroy an ancient relic!”he said however DragonHeart let out a low chuckle at this. “Oh I’m not gonna destroy it.”The stand told him with a low chuckle before he held the arrow up high above his head. A look of relief came over Blueblood’s face while Spike looked shocked”Oh thank god, it would seem your stand is rather disobedient thankfully-“he began before DragonHeart spoke up again. “Im gonna eat it!”DragonHeart loudly proclaimed with a laugh before opening his mouth wide long forked tongue hanging out”ITADAKIMASU!!”he bellowed out with a laugh and before the stunned Blueblood and Spike it devoured the arrow with a few bites loudly chewing for a few seconds before swallowing. Blueblood had an expression that could only be described as gobsmacked at this, jaw hanging open eyes wide he slowly raised a finger to point at the stand before speaking voice barely above a whisper”T-that…was an ancient artifact..that could have very well predated all of equestrian history…with powers I had not fully studied yet and for all we know was worth a fortune…”he went silent before he shouted anger exploding”WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”he demanded. Spike blinked staring at his stand before he turned glancing at Blueblood who was now seething with rage…and he laughed, Spike laughed hard gripping his stomach despite the dire situation he couldn’t stop himself from letting out a big belly laugh. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT THE STAND ATE THE GOD DAMNED ARROW YOU BRAT!”Blueblood shrieked glaring at the dragon, he looked like he was about to have an aneurism. “That’s exactly why I’m laughing, seeing you freak the fuck out seeing that high and mighty look on your face get washed-not burned away~.”Spike said flashing a cocky grin before giving his stand a thumbs up”Nice work.”he laughed. “THIS IS NOT A LAUGHING MATTER!”BlueBlood shouted in rage before he swung his arm lobbing the pink magic infused tendril at the laughing drake. “Watch out!”DragonHeart cried jumping at its user and tackling him out of the way. “I don’t know what I was thinking trying to convince you to join me!”Blueblood snarled as he continued to strike the two with his makeshift weapon but they kept dodging at every turn”I should have expected one of your kind to have such a crude and disguising stand!”he spat out before retracting his arm”Hurdy Gurdy Man no more holding back! fire!”he shouted. The stand let out a low groan before lifting up its two bulbous shoulders pointing its dispensers at the two before it began to rapidly shoot out its pink liquid rapidly. “Oh Shit!”Spike and his stand cried together before they jumped to the side but they where not so lucky this time as a good but of the projectiles hit the dragon boy’s legs and tail. A burning sensation ran its way up Spikes lower extremities like he had just run ten smiles his leg muscles practically screamed at him to stop as he bit his lower lip to ignore the pain being simulated to him but it was so intense that it forced Spike to his knees his legs felt like jelly. “D-dammit!”Spike hissed just as Blueblood began to approach him scowling The Whole time with his face still heavily burned yet despite it Spike couldn’t help himself and cracked a grin”So this the part where you make some quip before turning into Freddy Kruger?”he snorted which only served to anger Blueblood more”Oh what you getting mad rich boy? Come at me then my stand will kick your ass!”Spike grinned however Blueblood surprisingly let out a chuckle. “Uh kid..”DragonHeart’s voice alerted him causing Spike to turn his head he saw his stand slumped on the ground just like him but his legs where devoid of any of the substance that had hit Spike. “I should have mentioned brat”Blueblood said before he grabbed Spike by the collar of his jacket”Damage between a stand and its user is shared.”he grinned before rearing his fist back that was still coated with the pink substance secreted by his own stand”Here let me show you!”he shouted. With that Blueblood began to repeatedly strike spike in the face while still maintaining his hold on the boy all the whole DragonHeart began to spasm and convulse as if the hits where also striking him as well. “This is what happens, when you commoners get to big for your britches and don’t show respect where it’s deserved you stupid drake!”Blueblodd growled but kept his sick grin on his face between each strike to the boy who’s face now had a good few bruises and cuts while also having clumps of the pink fluid now stuck to his face. Spike couldn’t speak the sheer pain he was feeling was indescribable, hell it wasint just pain he felt a wave of nausea wash over him in addition to the pain he tried to speak but just wound up hacking up a bit of bile mixed with blood that hit the unicorn in the chest. Bluebloods grin vanished and he recoiled in sheer disgust”OH YOU VILE CUR!”he shouted looking at his suit now stained”THATS NEVER GONNA COME OUT THATS IT IM DONE DEALING WITH YOU!”the man seethed rearing his fist back one last time before launching it aiming to cave the boys skull in with this final strike. DragonHeart looked up at this, his fingers digging into the dirt despite the shared pain he could feel his users rage reach a boiling point this prick Blueblood was as vile as nobles came and was an even bigger hypocrite. “The only way to deal with a prick…is with an even BIGGER prick!”the stand shouted before Spike’s stand aura flared up just as Blueblood’s fist made contact with the boy’s skull and a loud squelching sound came out. The whole area became dead silent as Blueblood’s enraged expression began to change, scowl becoming a whimper, eyes widening in pain and a shrill cry echoed from the unicorns mouth before he pulled his hand back gripping it in pain at the wrist and to Spikes shock the man’s hand had been cut/split down between the knuckles of his middle and ring ringers. “FUCK YOU BASTARD WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?”Blueblood cried out voice shrill and lacking any of the previous intimidation it once had as he fell to his knees. Spike was honestly just as confused, to him it seemed as if Blueblood’s hand had just been damaged from punching his forehead. “The fuck?”Spike said before he reached up slowly and he felt it, there was a growth protruding out of his skull it felt hard and almost metallic. “T-THE ARROW!”Blueblood suddenly cried pointing at Spike”WHAT THE FUCK IS IT DOING ON YOUR HEAD?!”he demanded It was true, sprouting out from the base of the boy’s forehead was the arrowhead but the back portion of it appeared to be completely fused with the scales of his head. While Spike couldn’t exactly see it he could tell it was there and he was anything but unsurprised. “What the hell?”Spike asked in shock before a chuckle gained his and the still panicking Blueblood’s attention. “This is my ability.”DragonHeart stated before finally managing to get back to his feet”I can consume anything with no ill effect and then apply it to me or my users body in some way, you are what you eat and you eat what you are!”the stand told them letting out yet another laugh. Blueblood’s expression conveyed shock mixed with pain, he honestly had no idea how to respond to such a statement, so he decided to let his actions speak for him. “HURDY GURDY MAN!”Blueblood shouted and once again his stand began to fire a volley of its slime at them. Spike was on his feat again and dashed to the side intending to lead the line of fire away from his friends”Come and get me you burn ward bound freak!”he taunted the unicorn who in turn had his stand increase the rate of fire on him”Anything else I should know about your ability?”Spike asked DragonHeart who rematerialized besides him while he ran. The stand simply chuckled at this”Oh there are a few things, for one what I integrate into your body you can change how it’s applied Ya just gotta focus kid!”the stand told him. “That’s a little vague think you can elaborate a little more?”Spike asked before he made a sharp turn with Blueblood not letting up on his attempts to gun him down. “HOLD STILL DAMMIT!”Blueblood growled before his horn lit up glowing even brighter before he slammed his hoof down hard onto the ground. A magical shockwave erupted from the spot Blueblood stomped upturning the ground in a straight line barreling right at Spike and the upturned earth was growing in size as it neared closer. “No time don’t think just do it!”DragonHeart shouted just as the massive mound of dirt and rock created from Blueblood’s magic got to close for Spike’s liking. “Shit fine!”Spike shouted and swung his arm closing his eyes trying to focus to make something happen to defend himself. For a split second a tingling sensation could be felt on Spike’s head before it vanished and moved down his neck and shoulder and shot across his arm. The blow of rock and dirt never came much to Spike’s surprise as he opened his eyes he noticed the pillar of earth had been cut in twain and stoped in its tracks, by what Spike soon found out. The arrowhead had migrated to his arm protruding out from the upper part of his arm/wrist and had elongated to an extent that it more resembled the blade of a sword rather than the head of an arrow. “Are you kidding me that stopped my attack!? That’s the strongest attack spell I know!”Blueblood shouted the normally composed prince was now a sight to see face heavily burned mane singed and hand bloody and split down the middle and his expression suggested he was about two seconds away from a royal temper tantrum. Spikes shock morphed into a confident look”Really that’s your best spell? dude my sister could do spells like that by the time she was in middle school.”he taunted mockingly swinging his now weaponized arm”if that little dirt mound of yours could be cut in half by a stretched out arrow head like this then that says a lot about you as a unicorn.”Spike continued to goad Blueblood”On top of that you’ve had your stand longer then me right?, and yet I’m kicking your ass six ways to Sunday I burned your face, wrecked your suit, fucked up your hand.”Spike listed off while Blueblood’s face continued to grow redder and redder with rage”I bet the amount it will cost to fix all that up is gonna put a major dent in your mommy and daddies credit card won’t it? or maybe you could dip into your trust fu-“Spike’s continued attempts to insult Blueblood where cut short as the man decided he had enough. “I’LL FUCKING MURDER YOU!”Blueblood roared behind him Hurdy Gurdy Man lifted up his dispensers letting out a drawn out groan as the pink fluid inside its shoulders turned a vibrant red and began to bubble”BURN YOU WORTHLESS LIZARD LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING BATHED IN SIMULATED MAGMA!”Blueblood shouted his voice hoarse as his stand fired out a wave of its fluid at high velocity. Spike didn’t have time to dodge all he could do was look up at the oncoming wave of the substance and closed his eyes. “God I hope this works.”Spike thought to himself before the wave crashed down on him and DragonHeart covering them in the red fluid till no trace of either could be seen. Blueblood didn’t say anything he just continued to allow his stand to fire out the gel not stopping for a solid minute before finally a sputtering sound was heard as that indicated his stand had fired all its fluid. “Hah…Hah…finally…I did it I killed that fucker!”Blueblood laughed rearing his head back”I had to use up all of Hurdy Gurdy Man’s fluid so I’ll be out till it refills but it was worth it!”he laughed”I may have lost the arrow but I’m sure I can retrieve it later..first I have a few other pests to deal with.”he chuckled to himself before he turned to face the trio of still down unicorns”my now my initial attack them may have worn off but that pain will keep them down for a while…long enough for me to-“he began before he was cut off by a voice. “Are you seriously talking to yourself dude? That’s totally creepy you know that right?”a voice said and Blueblood felt his blood run cold before he slowly turned to the bubbling mass of his stands gel and to his shock and horror Spike sat atop it cross legged with a bored look on his face while DragonHeart was kneeled down besides him stuffing its face with his gel. “B-but how?!”Blueblood demanded in panic taking an apprehensive step back”I had my stand simulate molten rock! You should be dead!”he pointed at the dragon looking lost. “…Man your dumb you nobles don’t know Jack shit about us dragons.”Spike stated as he calmly stood up”Dragons are immune to the effects of lava, hell we bath in the stuff so all you really did was simulate a nice bath for me.”Spike grinned”I figured if I got you mad you’d blow your top and try to do something like this.”he chuckled before his attention was brought to a slurping sound as he noticed DragonHeart had slurped up the last of the gel”Ya done?”he asked and in response DragonHeart gave a thumbs up”Alright then.”he said before cracking his neck”Now…I think it’s time I payed you back in full…”Spike said as his stand aura flared up while he adjusted his hat to cover his eyes with its visor. ゴゴゴゴ!!! “FOR EVERYTHING YOU’VE DONE!”Spike shouted his stand jumping forward and rearing his head back. Blueblood only had enough time to take another step back before DragonHeart spewed out the gel it had consumed the bubbling liquid soaring across the air and returning to its point of origin. Blueblood fully expected that the gel wouldn’t hurt him given that it was his own ability…he was proven wrong. The high pitched scream of agony that came out of the unicorn makes mouth echoed across the park as he felt the searing pain of his flesh being burned by his own ability, while no actual damage appeared on his body or c,ot he’s he could feel it the sensation of molten rock on his body it was indescribable, the force in which DragonHeart was blasting out the slime had wound up pinning Blueblood against a tree fully unable to fight back or escape this situation. “It…it hurts! i can’t even concentrate enough to use my magic oh god make it stop!”Blueblood thought every thought in his head was focused on the sever pain he was experiencing he couldn’t help but wonder if this was a karma retribution to his earlier actions the last few days, wether if it was or wasn’t did not matter anymore as after a few more seconds more of his torment the spray of gel had stopped and Blueblood had finally slipped unconscious his senses having been overloaded due to the onslaught of pain. Once he witnessed Blueblood go down Spike allowed himself a sigh of relief before falling to his knees his eyes wandering over to the downed forms of his sister and two friends. “ Whew what a rush! We came we saw we kicked ass!”DragonHeart laughed preforming a fist pump while wiping some of the excess gel from his maw before turning to his user” Gimme five kid!”he laughed holding up his hand but was left hanging. “He said he had associates in C.U…”Spike said after a moment his eyes trailing back over to the downed form of Blueblood”…This isn’t over…not by a long shot.”he stated before standing up his expression becoming more serious”Our work ain’t done yet.”he growled. - “Nnnngh”Twilight murmured eyes slowly opening as she stirred awake”My head what hit-SPIKE!”instantly the memories of what had happened flooded into her head as Twilight began to frantically look around. She was still in the park which looked like a tornado had torn through it, the ground was torn up in several areas and a few trees where broken, however in her sweep of the area she took notice that she was propped up on one of the metal picnic tables in the park with Snips and Snails by her side both still out cold. “You’re finally awake sis? That’s good.”a voice said behind her making her whirl around to see her brother calmly sitting on the other side of the table a calm look on his face…which was also bruised and battered with a few cuts. “Spike oh my god what happened to you!?”she said standing up”Blueblood! did he hurt you?”she asked looking around for any signs of the noble in question. “Yeah but I handled him.”Spike told her before jerking his thumb over his shoulder”see for yourself.”he said pointing behind him. To Twilights shock Blueblood laid tied to a nearby tree out cold and restrained with several bike locks that Spike seemed to have gotten from some where each one wrapped around the tree and around the unconscious man to ensure he wouldn’t get away. “Spike..I…what happened?”Twilight asked in shock her voice barely above a whisper whole looking at her little brother in shock. “I’ll tell you once Shinning gets here but…Twilight I just wanna say something.”Spike sighed before standing up and looked his sister right in the eyes. “W-what is it bro?”Twilight asked a little taken aback by her brothers demeanor he looked like he was ready to say something that had been eating him up inside. “Twi…I can’t wait to start attending C.U.”Spike smiled at her making Twilight’s eyes widen at the statement. …To Be Continued > Chapter-5 Welcome to C.U > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word traveled fast it had only been a day or two after the incident but all over the news and in the papers it was the same thing. ‘Noblemen Blueblood arrested for first degree murder and assault’ many of the headlines had read or in the case of the more Elitist favorable newscasts it read ‘Blueblood framed by dragon,. The last one pissed Spike off to no end but he brushed it to the back of his mind, in the end Blueblood was convicted for the assault charges but he couldn’t be connected to the poor pegasus girls death as easily. “The one downside to this ability so far is I literally ate the evidence.”Spike thought with a sigh while buttoning up his boots”I have other things to focus on, Blueblood said he had associates in C.U if I want more answers to all this I’m gonna have to suck it up and go to college…god fucking dammit.”he mentally sighed before standing up. “You sure you wanna do this kid? You did make it pretty clear you didn’t wanna go.”DragonHeart spoke up materializing next to his user. “At this point I don’t have a choice.”Spike said before turning his pointer and middle finger into the stand arrow”I need more answers about this thing and the bastard Blueblood said it himself.”opening the door to his room Spike stepped out and quickly reverted his fingers back”If I want answers to all this I need to go to C.U and get the info I need.”Spike informed DragonHeart who remained silent for a moment before vanishing. Spike let out a sigh adjusting his hat before walking down the hall choosing not to giving his vacant room a last look instead choosing to move forward before making his way down the stairs. “Yo sis I’m ready-“Spike began as he reached the bottom of the steps only for him to instantly find himself in the arms of his mother”Gah! mom?!”Spike said in surprise seeing his mother. “Oh my baby boy! i was so worried this day would never come but now you’re off to C.U it feels like it was just yesterday I was bottle feeding you!”Velvet whimpered smothering her son in a tight embrace”You’re growing up so fast!”she practically was bawling at this point while Spike was really glad none of his friends could see this. “Mom seriously you’re gonna crush Spike if you don’t let go.”Twilight’s voice cut in from the other side of the room making Spike crane his neck to the side to look past his mother to see his sibling standing there taking a few photos of the touching scene with her phone”I can’t take Spike to C.U with you latching onto him.”she chuckled. “Right S-sorry about that honey.”Velvet sniffled before letting her son go taking a moment to look him over one last time with a smile”It feels like just yesterday you where learning to walk, and now look at you all grown up and off to college.”she sighed drying her tears with her sleeve. Seeing this Spike didn’t hesitate to bring his mother into another hug this one being less of a death grip then the previous hug”I love you mom don’t cry I’m only gonna be on the other side of town, and I’ll still come visit when I can.”he promised her patting his mother on the back. “I know sweetie…ugh your father and brother should be here to see you off.”Velvet sighed before Twilight chimed in. “You know Dad, always burning the candle at both ends.”Twilight reminded”And Shinning is…making sure certain things are taken care of.”She trailed off. “Please tell me he’s making sure that horrible man stays behind bars.”Velvet said her tone becoming cold and emotionless when bringing up ‘that man’ who Spike knew could only be Blueblood. “We can only hope.”Twilight said before walking over placing a hand on Spike’s shoulder”you ready?”she asked. Spike took a deep breath, there was no going back at this point C.U was his destination for answers”Yes.”he said with a nod”I’m ready.”he told her before turning to his mother”I love you mom I’ll call you later once I’m settled in.”he smiled. Velvet gave a nod a proud smile gracing her lips”I love you too Spike, be safe.”she told him. With that final set of words Spikes vision became flooded by a purple flash of light letting him know Twilight had activated her teleportation spell and like that the two siblings where gone. - Canterlot University formerly known as Celestia’s school for gifted Unicorns was a massive place almost like a castle in its own right and it was renamed roughly ten years ago to be an all inclusive school, at least on paper that is while C.U had more non-unicorn students the majority of the student body where still Ponies, one could only spot a few Griffons, Yaks, Hippogriffs and a few changelings…granted there was a chance most of them where hiding themselves with their magic. And sadly the smallest minority of the student body seemed to be Dragons much to Spikes dismay once he and Twilight teleported in he did his best to ignore the uncomfortable looks a few ponies sent his way while his sister lead him across the courtyard. “Sorry I couldn’t teleport us right to your room.”Twilight said walking besides her brother”I figured you would want to take in the full sight of the place and make a good first impression.”she smiled. “Well I’d say we made a first impression of some kind.”Spike muttered glancing over to his right just as a sneering noble glanced away turning her nose up at the drake. “Turn your nose up to us all you want bitch! won’t change the fact we can tell you got plastic surgery!”DragonHeart suddenly materialized besides Spike to shout at the uptight noble who didn’t even react due to not being able to hear or see the stand. Spike fought back the urge to laugh at the insult biting his lower lip to stop himself before he composed himself enough to give his stand an annoyed look and silently motioned for him to make himself scarce. DragonHeart simply grunted before fading away from view before Spike fully turned his attention to his sister. “So where are the girls?”Spike asked folding his hands behind his head”Like you’d think by now Pinkie Pie would have jumped out of somewhere randomly to drag me to a ‘Welcome to C.U’ party or something.”he grinned only getting a giggle from Twilight in response. “Oh don’t worry I’m sure it’s in the works, but first I think we should get you acquainted with a few things.”She said before pulling out a slip of paper from her pocket and handed it to Spike who raised an eyebrow when he took it”Your class schedule, I was asked to give it to you by the Headmaster, I highly recommend you memorize it little bro.”Twilight smiled. Spike said nothing while he unfolded the slip of paper and looked it over with a bored expression not really paying much attention to it but was distracted long enough for someone to walk past him and bump into him”Sorry.”he apologized glancing up at the Earth pony stallion he bumped into. “Go back to where you came from lizard.”the stallion spat with an icy tone as he continued his stride he was a rather tall stallion being emerald green in color with a jet black mane dressed in a simple dress shirt and black pants. Twilight whirled around hearing this expression being one of outrage, however any tirade she was about to give the man was cut off when Spike shot his tail out tripping the man up making him face plant into the ground. “On second thought, I’m not sorry.”Spike casually said with a smirk and continued on his way. “You tripped me!”the stallion glared as he got back to his feat with a glare”How dare you-“he began before Twilight spoke up. “You had it coming.”She glared standing between her brother and the angry student”And unless you want me to report what you said to my brother I highly recommend you just keep walking.”She warned him eyes narrowed. The stallion looked taken aback by this”Brother? But you’re a-no it doesn’t matter.”he shook his head with a glare taking a step forward”Go ahead and report me no one’s gonna be on that reptiles side.”he growled and roughly grabbed Twilight by the shoulder”Now move aside bitch before I-“he began to say only to be cut off by a low growl coming from Spike. The drake turned to glare at the stallion slightly hunching over baring his teeth glaring specifically at the hand the man hand on his shoulder”You’ve got to the count of ten to remove that hand or loose it.”he threaten pupils becoming more narrow and cat like to show his anger. The stallion tensed up at this and took an apprehensive step back before shaking his head”D-do you know who I-“he began before he was cut off again. “HEADS UP!” A voice cut across the courtyard making the trio look to the left just as a football came flying at them…and nailing the earth pony right in the face violently launching him off Twilight and onto the grass staining his clothes with grass and dirt stains as he skidded across the ground. Spike blinked before letting out a laugh at the sight while Twilights eyes landed on the person who launched the sports ball at the arrogant aggressor. Calmly jogging over to the two was an male Deer with a sea foam green coat dressed in a red and violet jersey with the numbers zero and four written on the front and wearing black shorts his violet colored eyes where looking directly at Spike as he jogged up. “Sorry about that the ball got away from me you ok?”the deer asked with a smile while Spike took a moment to compose himself. “Yeah I’m fine, cause I’m not the one ya hit with your ball.”Spike said jerking his thumb over to the downed pony who was slowly getting back to his hooves. “Oh?”the Deer glanced past Spike towards the green stallion who was clutching his now bleeding snout”…Eh he shouldn’t have been standing there it’s his own fault.”He shrugged before he took notice of Twilight. “Uh hi I’m Twilight-“She began before the deer turned his attention back to Spike. “Names Celtis, Celtis Hackberry.”The young stag smiled interrupting Twilight before offering his hand to Spike”You new here?”he asked. “Uh yeah names Spike, Spike Sparkle.”Spike introduced himself with a neutral tone shaking the boy’s hand. “HEY!”the stallion shouted in rage and began to march up to them”Don’t just ignore me! do you people know who I am?”he demanded gaining the attention of a few on lookers. Spike rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to reply intending to tell the guy to buzz off before Celtis beat him to it. “No but no one cares…but I’m sure you and your overinflated ego compensating for your small prick will tell us anyways.”the deer replied in a chipper tone with a smile, the minute he said this Spike nearly bursted out laughing again and had to clamp a hand over his mouth to stop himself while Twilight shuffled a small giggle. “…The fuck did you just say to me?”The stallion glared, by now a small crowed had formed around the four some taking their phones out to record the possibility of a fight breaking out. “Oh? Did I stutter?”Celtis asked smile not leaving his face for a moment”Then let me rephrase it a little…No one cares who you are so take your tardigrade sized dick and country sized ego to someone who cares…which is no one.”he finished with a smile giving a slight tilt of his head. “….oh shit.”a griffon student said as a few other students made a unanimous ‘ooh’ sound at Celtis’s insult. The stallion looked like he just tasted something bitter and acidic with the expression he was making, eyes wide and mouth shut tight into a deep frown”You….you FUCKER!”he shouted and rushed him fist reared back. Celtis simply hunched over slightly folding his arms behind his back and closed his eyes”…should kick in right about now~”he stated under his breath getting Spike to raise an eyebrow. “Huh?”he blinked before turning to the bully. ゴゴゴゴ… The stallion suddenly froze mid stride eyes widen in shock”I….I can’t…”he began to say trying to move before he found himself going silent unable to speak at all now. Many of the students looked confused and began to converse amongst themselves, to them it looked as if the man had suddenly frozen in place. “Oh dear it looks like he got so angry he shorted himself out.”Celtis stated walking forward and simply placed a finger on the stallions snout before leaning into his ear to whisper”I suggest you vanish from my sight you disgusting vermin.”he whispered before pushing the frozen pony over making him land on his back in a thud. Instantly the stallion regained his mobility and scrambled to his feet in shock before promptly bolting from the crowd and away from the deer. “…wow that dude caught a lucky break.”a Pegasus student noted watching as the other student ran. “…What…was that?”Twilight asked approaching Celtis reaching out a hand to make contact with the adolescent deer only to be surprised as the boy whirled around and made a beeline right at Spike. “What the-“Spike blinked before Celtis grabbed him by the hand and lead him away”Hey what gives? let go!”he said in surprise. “Come on dude I’ll show ya around!”Celtis laughed breaking through the crowd while also leaving Twilight stunned at the scene that had just transpired. “What the-Hey come back!”Twilight shouted and pushed her way past the crowd to follow the duo but quickly lost sight of them”Ugh dammit it’s day one and I’ve already lost him this day can’t get any worse!”the unicorn mare complained before taking in a deep breath and letting her horn spark up. - “Hey would you slow down dude?! Come on let go!”Spike protested trying to wrench his arm free but Celtis seemed to have an iron like grip on his wrist”Dude come on you’re gonna rip my arm off!”he said just as the boy had lead them into a vacant corridor of the school he finally was released”Jesus finally! Dude seriously what’s your damage?”Spike asked with a glare while rubbing his wrist for a moment to alleviate any soreness he had. “Sorry I just thought it be best to get you away from the crowd before campus security showed up, no doubt that guy was rushing off to get them.”Celtis dismissed with a sigh”I saw what happened that douche started the fight didn’t he?”he asked getting Spike to pause. “Huh? Oh yeah the dude kinda ran his mouth so I tripped him with my tail, one could argue I was the one who kinda started it but you know how these nobles can be.”Spike shrugged it off. “Entitled selfish bigots, yes I’m well aware of how cruel his kind can be.”Celtis stated taking a moment to look Spike over”the girl didn’t try anything did she?”he asked getting a confused look from the dragon”The unicorn”he clarified. “Twilight? Nah man she’s my friend.”Spike dismissed with a chuckle missing the surprised look that dawned on the deers face. “Is that right?”Celtis muttered scratching his chin”Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a dragon being friends with a pony before.”he admitted. “Huh whys that?”Spike asked but before Celtis could give an answer a flash of purple light caught the duo’s attention as Twilight teleported into the corridor dusting herself off. “There you are what’s the big idea just grabbing Spike like that?”Twilight asked with a frown giving a stern look towards Celtis. For a moment Celtis said nothing a frown firmly fixed on his face whike he stared back at Twilight”…Sorry.”he shrugged simply”Just figured I’d get the guy out of there before he got into any real trouble, didn’t realize I needed permission to help someone out.”he stated in a flat tone. “I’m sure Spike would have been fine.”Twilight stated with a huff”Campus security would have taken our side of things had gotten bad that jerk is the one who started it.”she stated only for Celtis to snort. “Typical unicorn, never really gets the big picture because they assume everything just works out like how they think it will, how ignorant can you be.”Celtis stated getting a glare from Twilight to which he returned. Spike blinked glancing between the two sensing a small air of tension before he cleared his throat”Uh relax Twi, Celtis here was just helping me out, granted he went a little overboard just dragging me off but he’s pretty cool.”He assured his sister who huffed. “Well come on then, I still have to show you around campus, there are a lot of places you’re gonna need to see.”She stated before grabbing her brothers hand and began to lead him off. “My sentiments exactly, but I think Spike could use the company of someone who better relates to him.”Celtis stated walking at an even pace along side the two and taking the dragons other hand. “That’s not necessary,”Twilight frowned”You don’t need to do that.”she told him. “True but I don’t exactly need your permission now do i?”Celtis stated. The two continued to glare at each other the whole time while leading Spike around by his hands. “Ya know out of context this kinda looks like a scene from one of those harem animes you watch, like two love rivals competing for their Senpai’s attention at the same time.”DragonHeart stated to Spike mentally making the boy groan. “Good grief.”Spike sighed allowing the two to lead him away whole they also continued to bicker and glare at each other. - “Of course it’s the library.”Spike thought to himself in all honesty he shouldn’t have been surprised that Twilight had led him here, both he and Celtis sat down at the table both looking equally board out of their skulls while Twilight enthusiastically yet silently told Spike various details and facts about the building from the books it held to the very last detail of the organization method used for its books”Note to self, find this Dewey Decimal guy and beat the crap out of him. “Spike thought to himself while trying to at least look like he was interested Celtis on the other hand looked like he’d rather be anywhere else right about now. “So boring…”The deer muttered under his breath in a dry tone that Twilight didn’t seem to notice at first. “Something to say Celtis?”Twilight said turning to the deer as he mimicked the act of blowing his own brains out with his hand out of sheer boredom. “Yeah I’ve got a few things to say, Shouldn’t we be doing something a little more fun? I mean libraries are basically obsolete at this point since phones and computers exist.”Celtis yawned ignoring the mortified look Twilight now had. “Ob-Obsolete?!”Twilight shouted in shock before wincing as she was angrily shushed by the surrounding students”How can you even say such a thing? The C.U library is full of engaging and captivating books from the history of Equestria and pony culture to the core mechanics of unicorn magic.”she tasted proudly. “….And me and Spike would find that stuff useful how?”Celtis asked flatly tapping his own antlers”Unicorn magic ain’t something either of us can do, plus I don’t think either of us are that big on the culture of a bunch of people who don’t even want us here.”he stated. “Ok first, you are jumping to conclusions on that not every pony here is against non-ponies.”Twilight frowned”second, of you’re really that bored you are more then welcome to make your own entertainment.”Twilight huffed. Celtis rolled his eyes for a moment briefly glancing over to the exit before he suddenly paused and smiled”I think I’ll take you up on that offer, I’m gonna go hit up the vending machine want anything Spike?”he asked turning to the drake. “Nah I’m good.”Spike said while Twilight perked up. “Oh well I’d like a-“She began before Celtis walked off. “Kay then be back in a few.”he waved them off walking over towards the doors on the other end of the room making Twilight frown. “Can you believe that guy?”she asked with a huff crossing her arms only to get a sigh from Spike”the nerve of him.”she stated. “He’s kinda right Twi.”Spike stated rubbing his neck getting a shocked look from his sister”Look i appreciate you trying to make this place look a lot more welcoming then it actually is but…books on magic and pony culture don’t have any use to me, plus a lot of the students here have been giving me the stink eye.”he stated. “They wouldn’t have done anything I’m sure of it they just need to get to know you Spike.”Twilight smiled only for Spike to shake his head. “They won’t…look Twilight this is why I didn’t wanna come to C.U in the first place, I only changed my mind cause I figured this would be a safe place to hide out while that Blueblood guy is being held till his trial.”he stated which was only a partial lie”I’m not saying Celtis is in the right for acting like a dick to you but…you kinda don’t know what I’m going through because you’re a-“he began before he stopped himself “I’m a what Spike?”Twilight asked crossing her arms”Because I’m a pony?”she leaned in with a frown making Spike look away”Spike…you’re my brother…when I look at you that’s all I see not a dragon, look I get it I couldn’t possibly understand some of the stuff you have to deal with but you know that not all ponies are idiots like that guy form earlier.”she sighed. “…Sorry.”Spike sighed hanging his head low only for Twilight to bring his face back up to look at her. “It’s Alright…look maybe I should have been a little nicer to Celtis, sometimes I forget not everyone is gonna share the same opinion as me on books and academics part of getitng you to come here was to help you figure stuff out…I promise I’ll try to smooth things over with him he might actually be a really nice guy-“her sentence was cut off by the sensation of a hand on her shoulder grabbing her attention. “Hey Sparkle we missed ya the last few days.”a voice said and instantly all the color drained from Twilight’s face while her eyes widened. “Starlight…Trixie.”Twilight greeted with a nervous smile standing upright while Spike raised an eyebrow recognizing the duo. Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon, better known as ‘Glimmermoon’ on their shared instagram page where two unicorn mares around Twilights age Starlight having a light pink coat and dark violet mane with a pale crystal blue streak in it wearing a pair of black pants and a red blouse while Trixie was dark blue with a lighter blue borderline silver mane wearing a purple star spangled magicians hat and cape with a aqua blue tank top and purple skirt, both girls had a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and where both sporting an enthusiastic grin while Twilight seemed to be rather nervous. “Oh would you look at the time!”Twilight said ignoring getting shushed again”We really should be going Spike-“she tried to wretch herself free of the twos grip only for them to pull her back. “So you’re Spike?”Starlight asked glancing at the dragon who gave a small wave”Her little brother?”she asked getting a nod in return”Mind if we borrow her for a bit?”she asked. “….”Spike paused and rubbed his chin taking a moment to notice the nervous smile Twilight had along with the bare minimum of a blush creeping onto her face, there was only one thing a little brother could say during a situation like this when he knew what they had planned”…Sure go ahead I don’t mind!”Spike stated with a smile. “Spike what the fuck!?”Twilight said before letting out a yelp as Trixie slipped a hand down behind her. “Great come on Sparkle let’s get you camera ready!”Trixie grinned as she and Starlight ushered Twilight out the other exist, the blue mare was undoubtedly pulling on Twilights underwear to entice her to leave the sight of which got a few chuckles from the other students watching. “I miss anything?”Celtis asked as he came back up holding a soda in one hand and two candy bars in the other. “Nothing really that surprising.”Spike stated as he leaned back”Hey listen we kinda need to talk about Twilight.”he stated before Celtis sat down and held up a hand. “Relax I was just about to talk to you about it too.”he stated before he cracked open his soda and took a sip. “Really?”Spike blinked before smiling”Well that’s great I was so worried that-“he began only for Celtis to cut him off. “For your own good Spike I’d avoid hanging out with her or any of the other ponies for that matter that go to this school or in general.”Celtis stated making Spike pause. “I…what?”Spike asked blinking had he heard him right? “Ponies are nothing but trouble dude I mean you’ve seen the way they look at guys like you and me right?”Celtis said while he opened up his candy bar wrapper and took a bite”Bunch of bigots and arrogant self entitled dickwads that should have been wiped out by the wendigos along time ago if you ask me, guys like you and me should stick with people who get us, not the people who oppress us.”he smiled While Spike stared at him at a loss for words. “I…dude are you serious right now?”Spike blinked looking around”Is this a prank show am I on a hidden camera or something or is this some type of college social experiment?”he asked before Celtis shook his head. “No, I’m dead serious you shouldn’t socialize with ponies like Twilight or that meat head who picked a fight with you, they’re all the same.”he stated only for Spike to shake his head. “You’ve got it all wrong dude, Twilights not like that, she’s my friend-hell she’s my sister.”Spike said getting Celtis to frown. “I see…she must really have you wrapped around her little finger then.”Celtis stated getting a glare from the draogn in response. “She doesn’t have me wrapped around anything dude, my mom, a unicorn took me in and raised me, that proves not all ponies are bad.”Spike stated. “Or she took you when you where an egg to raise a personal slave she could manipulate-“Celtis began before Spike swung his claws slashing open the can of soda the deer held in a fit of anger making its contents pour out onto the table and floor. “Do em a favor…stay the FUCK away from me and twilight!”Spike growled before he promptly turned and left. ゴゴゴゴ… “…”Celtis glanced down at his ruined soda can and sighed”I see…she really has him that convinced…guess I’m gonna have to open his eyes another way.”Celtis muttered as a dark green aura slowly enveloped him just as a hand slowly reached out from under the table”Don’t worry Spike…I’ll make sure you see the light before today ends.”he smirked”Count on it.” …To Be Continued > Chapter-6 Cursed Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Few things could really get Spike angry the way Celtis had, while it was true the drake had his temper flare ups that was largely part of being a dragon, a fierce protective yet temperamental mind set but luckily Spike had methods of calming himself down by talking things out with trusted friends and family members. “I mean, I tried to be nice to the guy but it turns out you where right Twilight the nerve of that dick!”Spike complained as we see him apparently talking to himself as he was leaning against the flag pole arms crossed and expression fixed into a scowl. “I’m not gonna lie little bro, the guy did rub me the wrong way especially with the look he gave me.”Twilights voice said from out of view while Spike was trying to calm himself”But listen, while I’m more than willing to help you calm down can you do me a favor first?”She asked with a groan. “Sure what is it?”Spike asked finally looking up as it was revealed Twilight was dangling a few feet off the ground upside down her legs where tied together at the ankles by the flagpoles rope. “…Really I have to say it?”Twilight asked with a flat look gesturing to her situation getting a sheepish look from the drake. “Right sorry my bad I’ll have ya down in a jiffy.”Spike said unfolding his wings before flying up grabbing his sister by the shoulders as he did so making sure she was right side up as he took her into his arms before cutting the rope. “Thanks.”Twilight sighed once her legs where unbound before he set her down”The blood was starting to rush to my head.”she stated placing her left hand to her temple to try and ease a mild headache she no doubt had. “Sorry about earlier I should have spoke up when Trixie and Starlight grabbed you.”Spike said with a sheepish look and in response Twilight flicked him on the forehead”Ow! okay I deserved that.”he winced. “Damn right.”Twilight muttered closing her eyes while using her free hand to continue to massage her head”Look I’m just glad you didn’t do anything to drastic when Celtis, last thing I want is to see you getting hauled off to jail for literally shoving a guys head up his own ass.”Twilight stated. “Oh come on, first of all that is physically impossible to do and second when have I ever threatened someone with that?”Spike huffed. “Ya said you’d do that to shining back when you turned thirteen during family game night.”Twilight reminded “Ok but in my defense…he cheated at monopoly.”Spike crossed his arms. “…He cheated at monopoly…right.”Twilight her eyes before grabbing her brothers arm”Well come on, I think we’ve kept the girls waiting long enough.”she said and began to lead her brother away. “So Pinkie is throwing me a surprise party?”Spike asked with a smirk getting a small chuckle from his sister in response. “It’s Pinkie Pie, it be weird if she didn’t throw a party.”Twilight stated as they walked in the direction of a particular building on campus”Just try to act surprised you know how she gets.”Twilight told him. “Like you said it’s Pinkie Pie I’m gonna be surprised no matter what she dose.”Spike chuckled as they passed by a small flower bed on the way Spike took a moment to stop”hmm?”he paused looking over the large variety of flowers of various colors”Huh that’s weird I don’t remember this patch of flowers being here before.”he stated getting Twilight to stop. “What do you mean?”Twilight asked turning to look at the assortment of flowers”Oh well that’s odd.”she said bending down to examine one of the flowers”I don’t think I’ve ever seen ones like this maybe the botany club is experimenting with cross pollination again.”she stated eyeing a particular flower. It was a rose of some kind with a purple stem and oddly it’s petals had a strange gold yellow pattern on the outside and it seemed to be devoid of any thorns. “I’ve never seen a rose like this.”Twilight stated before Spike reached over to grab it only for Twilight to gently swat his hand”Don’t pick it someone went through a lot of trouble planting this thing.”she chastised him lightly before turning her attention back to the flower”But I’ll admit, it is rather pretty.”she admitted however as she leaned in to get a slightly closer look she was given a rather nasty surprise. Without warning the rose’s petals shifted before a burst of pollen blasted out from it hitting Twilight directly in the face. “Gah! Oh god my mouth was open!”she gagged stumbling back falling on her backside waving her hand in front of her face to try and dissipate the cloud of pollen before she began a coughing fit. “Twilight are you okay?”Spike asked instantly at his sisters side to make sure she was alright wrapping an arm around her to help her up. “I’m fine it just caught me off guard is all.”she coughed before trying to stand using her brothers muscular frame to gain leverage to pull herself to her feat only for her to stumble and nearly fell back to the ground before Spike caught her. “Bullshit you’re fine, come on I’m taking you to the nurses office.”Spike said before he reached to pick her up. “No spike I’m fine I swear I-“Twilight tried to protest but stopped after a moment and gripped her head”Oh god!”she hissed gripping her head as a ringing sound echoed through her head”M-my head…make it stop.”she whimpered shutting her eyes tight as her horn began to spark up before in a panic she shoved herself out of her brothers protective grasp. “Twilight what’s wrong what are-“Spike began before a burst of light came off the unicorns horn and once it died down she was gone”D-did she just teleport?”he asked in shock, Twilight always had such control over her magic it was rare to see her loose it like that”Unless…”he muttered before he looked down at the strange rose his eyes narrowed in suspicion”It…couldn’t be.”he said before he reached out to grab the flower. “Kid wait!”DragonHeart shouted materializing besides the drake as he reached for the flower to try and stop him however it was to late. The moment Spike’s hand made contact the flower shockingly sprouted forward like a tendril and wrapped around the drakes arm, it’s thorns tearing into his jackets sleeve and into his scale covered flesh, the action elected a grunt of pain from Spike who fell back trying to wretch the fiendish flower off his person. “The Fuck!”Spike said trying to rip the rouge rose off of him but it seemed like with every pull the thorn covered stem only wrapped itself tighter around him it was like a fishing hook, the more he struggled the worse it got. “Damn, hold still!”DragonHeart said before his pointer finger changed gaining the sharp edges from the arrow head and with a quick swipe of his hand the rose stem was cut apart. Spike let out a sigh of relief before glaring down at the flower that now lay helpless on the floor before picking it up”Come on, we need to find Twilight.”he said before he took off running with the flower held in hand his stand following in close proximity”She may have teleported out but I have a gut feeling I know where she’s gonna go.”he stated as they took off. ゴゴゴゴ… However as the dragon teen left he missed the sight of the flower stem remains withering away on the ground just as a hand slowly rose from the flowerbed a sickly green and yellow aura about it before the rest of the being rose up and watched the retreating form of Spike before letting out a chuckle. - The cafeteria was dim almost every light was turned off save for a few in the kitchen, what little illuminated the room showed a few balloons and streamers set up along with a large net filled with confetti connected to the ceiling. “Girls I don’t think they’re coming.”a timid voice spoke out from somewhere in the room. “Don’t say that.”a pink piny poked her head out from her hiding place somehow having hidden her entire frame under the small chair that was pulled up to a nearby table”Twilight said she’d bring him right here after a brief tour.”the pink pony pointed out. “Can we At least change hiding spots? Rarity’s elbow keeps pressing into my back.”an irate southern voice stated from somewhere in the room. “This is not exactly a cake walk for me either darling.”a second voice spoke out in equal levels of irritation”Infact-“the voice was cut off by the sound of the doors to the darkened room being kicked open in a panic. “SURPRISE!”the pink mare cried out flipping the lights on while the other occupants of the room jumped out of their hiding spots as confetti rained down from the ceiling onto the person who had just barged in. And the group of mares instantly felt something was wrong as they saw the panicking form of Twilight step into the room gripping her head her horn giving off sparks. “T-twilight?”a timid pegasus with a bright pink mane stepped forward reaching out a hand”What’s wrong where’s Spike?”she asked only for the unicorn mare to back away. “F-fluttershy…girls…get back please…somethings wrong…my horn..I..i can’t.”Twilight said struggling to speak a complete sentence as another magical spark came off her horn popping a few nearby balloons with a stray jolt of magic making the other mares in the room take a step back. “Rainbow, go get the nurse.”The white and purple maned unicorn of the group stated glancing over at the aforementioned pegasus girl. “Right!”Rainbow gave a nod unfolding her wings from the back of her shirt and began to fly off the ground. “N-no!”Twilight cried out”It’s to dangerous I-I-“she tried to protest only for her to fall to her knees as the sparking finally stopped before completely passing out. “Twilight!”the girls cried before Rainbow took off in a panic, and not long after the doors to the cafeteria where pushed open as a panicked Spike rushed in. “Twi!”he cried out rushing to the downed mare’s side picking her up”Twilight come on say something!”he begged trying to gently shake her awake but Twilights only response was a small groan and small shallow breaths. “S-spike…”Pinkie spoke up approaching the two her curly mane now deflated and straight. At his name the dragon snapped his head up looking at the four remaining mares in the room”Wheres the nurses office?”he snapped tone dead serious as he scooped his sister into his arms. “We just sent Rainbow Dash to go get the nurse she should be-“the southern sounding earth pony began only for Spike to snap. “WHERE IS IT?!”he snarled flashing his fangs in anger and the four girls stepped back again, and causing the pink maned pegasus to hide behind Pinkie in fear. “M-main building, it has a Red Cross sign in the door you can’t miss it.”Pinkie stuttered and without another word Spike took off out of the room carrying his sister. “Spikey…”the white unicorn sighed sadly watching him leave before the southern earth pony grabbed her shoulder gaining her attention. “C’mon we should follow him.”she stated and finding no reason to argue with this the four girls gave chase after the dragon, albeit the Pegasus girl was being carried by Pinkie. “M-maybe we should give Spike some space?”the Pegasus girl tried to say but they where already out the door. - The waiting area outside the nurses office was silent, how long had Spike been sitting her, ten or twenty minutes? It honestly felt more like hours to him. The drake in question was seen calmly sitting down hands clasped together while he rested on the simple wooden bench his back pressed against the wall while his eyes where downcast, all around him the other five mares in Twilight’s friend group waited with him the halls where empty and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of a nearby clock ticking. “…I’m sure she’s gonna be ok darling.”The white unicorn mare told him placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Spike didn’t respond or look up, he instantly identified the voice as Rarity, he normally would take the chance to catch up with his long time friends but given the situation he was not in the mood. “….”Rarity bit her lip as she looked at Spike in concern, the mare was dressed up in a pair of black designer jeans with pale blue diamond designs embroidered onto the legs leading up to her knees, she also wore a bright pink strapless top that partially exposed her midriff and over said top to make the outfit more modest was a black short sleeved jacket covered in similar Diamond designs”I’m..sorry to ask but…what happened?”she asked gently. “Rarity ah don’t think now’s the time.”the southern earth pony said her blonde mane was pulled back ironically into a ponytail and she sported a Stetson hat atop her head while dressed in a red flannel jacket with a pair of blue Jean shorts showing off her rather powerful looking legs this was Applejack one of the members of the Apple family. “We’ll just sitting here in silence isn’t gonna help either Aj.”Rainbow spoke up the cyan pegasus woman was dressed in a black tank top and cut off jeans similar to Applejacks and on her right arm starting from her shoulder going down where a series of tattoos that showed through her fur, each tattoo being one of her friends cutie marks from her own cloud and rainbow lightning bolt to Twilight’s magic star mark”It sucks to talk about it right now but we need to know what happened.”she stated. Applejack huffed in response and gave her a neutral look”Rainbow honey ah love ya but ah think it be best if-“She began before Spike finally cut her off by speaking. “A flower…”Spike said not looking up from the floor”We stopped by the flower bed out in the courtyard…and we saw this weird looking rose.”he said bringing his hands up to rub his temples trying to calm himself before he continued”Purple stem, and it had these freaky petals that had this gold line pattern going around each petal.”he described”It sprayed Twi in the face, and the next thing I know her magic freaked out like you all saw.”he finished. A frown came over Applejack’s face”A purple stemmed flower with yellow patterns on its petals?”she asked revoking her hat to scratch the side of her head in confusion”Fluttershy?”she asked turning to the shy pegasus for answers. “Oh Um..I’ve never heard of a flower like that sorry.”Fluttershy said timidly looking down at the skirt of her yellow sundress before her eyes widened as if she had realized something”B-but I can ask my botany club! We study weird plant life all the time even ones found in Everfree.”she offered to try and give the drake some form of hope. “Thanks…I just…I think I need to be alone girls, it was great to see you all again I just wish it was under better circumstances.”Spike sighed before he stood up his expression was anything but cheerful, he looked like he had just been punched in the gut”I think I’m gonna go check out my dorm room just…let me know if the nurse brings any good news Alright?”he asked before he left. “Spikey…”Rarity sighed watching him leave before suddenly a deflating sound was heard”Here darling.”She said pulling out a handkerchief and handing it over to Pinkie Pie who’s mane was now straight and lifeless to signify her feelings on the situation. The pink earth pony sadly took the handkerchief”Thanks.”she whimpered whipping her eyes with it, normally Pinkie pie was a cheerful pony and her outfit reflected that, being made up of a white and black striped tank top and oddly multi-colored jeans with a matching belt, but right now she was anything but cheerful”You think your club friends can really help Fluttershy?”she asked turning her head to look at the Pegasus in question. Fluttershy nodded in response”Y-yes, but the club President can be kinda mean…”she admitted looking down”But…I’m sure he will help if we tell him our friend needs it.”she smiled standing up. “If you’re gonna go and ask him me and Aj will come with. Never know if the guy is gonna need some extra convincing.”Rainbow spoke up wrapping an arm around the southern Earth Pony. “Dash ah don’t think approaching someone and threatening him is gonna do any good.”Applejack frowned only for Rainbow to roll her eyes. “Geez I just said extra convincing, never said I was gonna hurt the guy..although if he’s an asshole and refuses to help out even after we ask nicely…”she trailed off leaving the implications to the group’s imagination much to Applejacks annoyance. “I’ll stay here incase the nurse has any news on Twilight.”Pinkie said as she dried her tears with Rarity’s handkerchief. “And I’ll go after Spike, Faust knows he shouldn’t be alone right now.”Rarity spoke up before she began to make her leave. “Text us if you two hook up!”Rainbow called after the white unicorn who froze a moment in her stride and continued on hiding her flushed face”Cause if you do it before next semester Applejack owes me fifty-OW!”the Pegasus yelped as Applejack removed her hat and used it to smack her upside the head. “Seriously Dash, time and place,”Applejack huffed placing her hat back on her head”Now C’mon, we got a botany club President to talk to.”she said before she turned and left with the grumbling pegasus following close behind. “Oh dear, wait for me please.”Fluttershy said as she calmly walked after them”Let’s just remember not to be to rude.”she mumbled to herself. Pinkie watched the trio leave before she let out a sigh”And then there was one.”she smiled sadly before folding the handkerchief up and pocketing it, making a mental note to return it to Rarity later”So much for the big surprise party.”she mumbled to herself before taking out her phone”I should probably call and cancel the chocolate fountain delivery.”she muttered and began to scroll through her contacts”I really need to organize these better.”she sighed. However as Pinkie went through her phone she failed to notice above her small thorn covered plant vines began to slowly grow from the ceiling, slithering downward towards her. “Come on, balloon buddies? no.”Pinkie frowned as she kept scrolling”Confetti comrade-I need to rethink some of my contact names.”she sighed leaning back eyes closed, blissfully unaware of the various bramble covered vines hanging besides her now, each one soon rapidly blooming a familiar rose on them. ゴゴゴゴ… A slight rustling sound caught the pink Earth Pony’s attention as she opened her eyes and turned her head, just in time for her to receive a blast of pollen straight to the face. “Ahh!”Pinkie yelped before she began coughing as the cloud of pollen shin covered her face obstructing it from view”I can’t-Uggh see!”she coughed before she jell over off the bench waving her arm about randomly her coughing fit growing worse as her fur suddenly began to grow paler, her still deflated mane shrinking becoming slightly shorter before she fell over unconscious. The rose vines then began to rapidly shrivel away before crumbling to dust just as the door to the nurses office opened up, a male changeling nurse stepping out a moment later. “Alright the good news is she’s-OH GOD!”the nurse shouted seeing the pink mare laid out on the floor out cold before he quickly picked her up and rushed her inside. The moment the door to the nurses office slammed shut a figure dropped down from the ceiling letting out a distorted laugh. “Two down…four to go.”the figure chuckled while their voice was distorted there was something vaguely familiar about it, as the figure turned it began to make its way down the hall going in the same direction Soike and Rarity had gone down. - A low sigh escaped Spike’s lips as we find him standing before a vending machine calmly riffling through his pockets before he pulled out a few coins, todays events where stressing him out to no end first he had to deal with some asshole, then he had to deal with a guy he thought he could relate to only for him to also be an asshole, and finally his sister was in the infirmary because of some crazy flower pollen. Just what was going on with his life? “I’m sure she’s gonna be ok kid.”DragonHeart spoke placing a reassuring hand on the dragon’s shoulder”Twilight is a fighter, she gets that from mom after all. ”he told him in a reassuring tone. “She shouldn’t even be in this situation…that stupid flower.”Spike grumbled as he inserted his change before angrily inserting the number for the snack he wanted”This fucking school…Trixie and Starlight picking on her…and all these fucking racist nobles I have half a mind to tear this place down board by boarded.”he growled to himself before he grabbed the candy bar from the machine and proceeded to devour it with gusto. “Feel better?”DragonHeart asked once Spike finished the sweet confection. “No…those commercials are a total scam.”Spike muttered to himself before he crumbled the wrapper up into a ball before tossing it over to a nearby trash can, only for it to miss much to his annoyance”Fucking seriously?”Spike growled as he marched over to pick the wrapper up while DragonHeart vanished from view. He never got a chance to touch the wrapper, as a light blue magical aura enveloped the item and lifted it into the trash receptacle for him. Spike paused for a moment seeing this, before he turned around to see Rarity standing a few feet away offering him a shy smile. “I had a feeling I’d find you here, I’d stop to grab a bite too before trying to find my dorm on the first day.”Rarity told him as she approached him calmly”I know you said you wanted to be alone Spike but I’d never forgive myself if I just let you be while you are feeling like this.”she said and in an instant Spike felt his annoyance and irritation wash away, his demeanor seemed to relax at Rarity’s presence. Spike let out a sigh before he calmly leaned against the wall next to the vending machine, his expression was neutral but Rarity could lead him like a book. “She’s going to be ok Spike.”she told him reaching over and gently caressed the side of his face”She’s a fighter.”she smiled. “Yeah I know, friend of mine said the same thing.”Spike stated slightly relaxing more at her touch”Just wish I could have gotten ahold of that flower, but the damn thing withered away as soon as it sprayed her.”Spike told her, choosing not to inform her about how the rose had attacked him. “Well you will be happy to know Fluttershy is going to talk to the botany club to try and get a sample of the flower, it could be useful in finding some type of cure.”she said as Spike heard this he couldn’t help but frown. “Who’s in this botany club Anyways?”Spike asked before Rarity went to retrieve a snack from the vending machine. “Well Fluttershy herself for one. Also this Zebra girl, don’t really know her or most of the member’s names to be honest but I think she mentioned the presidents name in passing once.”Rarity said as she inserted a few coins into the machine whike looking over the options”Some young gentlemen named Celtis I think.”she said before punching in the item number, unaware Spike had gone silent with a shocked look on his face. “Rarity…did you just say Celtis?”Spike asked firmly his expression hardening into a serious look. “Hmm?”Rarity hummed looking up as she retrieved her granola bar from the vending machine”Yes why do you ask?”she asked before she took notice of the drake’s change in demeanor”Do…do you know him?”she asked. “Yeah…I know him…I think Fluttershy is gonna need some help.”Spike grunted as he began to walk past her”Celtis is…stubborn.”he said trying as hard as he could to keep himself from growling. “Oh? I think Fluttershy did mention he can be a rather crude individual.”Rarity frowned as she turned to follow him. “Well that’s one word you could call him.”Spike thought bitterly feeling his aggression rise up as the Deer’s name was brought up”No way that asshole is gonna help Twilight, not without someone forcing him to do it.”he mentally growled, and DragonHeart materialized besides him remaining silent for a change oddly enough. For a moment Rarity seemed to pause in trying to open her candy bar her eyes looking up at Spike before they widened in shock”Spike?”she asked getting him to stop. “What?”he asked cal king himself so he wouldn’t snap at her, and as he turned he saw exactly where she was looking. Slowly Spike followed her line of sight to his own stand and his own eyes widened before the two of them pointed to each other. “WAIT ARE YOU A-“the both started to shout at the same time only for DragonHeart to speak up cutting them both off. “Heads up you two, we have a visitor.”the stand stated while Spike turned to him as Rarity reacted in surprise seeing the stand talk, before she also saw what DragonHeart was alerted too. A figure was approaching the two, standing about as tall as Spike himself it was a metallic black almost robotic being with long clawed hands and feet wrapped in bramble covered vines and its claws where gunmetal grey while its head was a dome of some sort with what looked to be smoke on the inside of it, a pair of glowing red eyes shined within the smoke and glared at the two, all around the hallway behind it vines began to sprout out from it, and on these thorn covered vines a series of familiar flowers where sprouting. The same type of flowers that had put Twilight in her current condition. “…Rarity…”Spike said unable to keep the growl out of his voice”I want you to promise me this thing is not your stand.”he stated not even looking back at her as DragonHeart stood by his side ready for combat. Rarity took only a brief look at the stands appearance and huffed”I can promise you my stand would never look THAT hideous design wise Spikey wikey.”she told him with an expression of disdain on her face as she looked it over”I mean gunmetal grey mixed with that shade of black is so tacky-wait why do you ask?”Rarity asked before noticing the aggressive body language Spike was displaying. “because…that thing is what made that flower…it makes sense now, it wasn’t the botany club that planted that flower it was this fucking thing!”he glared as the unknown stand took another step toward them”I’d never forgive anyone who would make my sister sick like that flower did…which is why I’m glad it’s not you.”he said before he began to approach”And whomever this thing belongs too…is gonna feel my rage…”Spike growled glaring at the strange stand. The unknown stand in response intensified its glare right back and held up its claws the brambles around its arms began to lengthen and curl further around its body, all those present knew one thing for sure. A fight was unavoidable. …To be continued > Chapter-7 Florida Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was not how Rarity expected her day to go, dealing with a unknown enemy stand while at the same time discovering her long time friend’s little brother was also a stand user and in addition to that said best friend was dealing with some strange illness brought on by a strange flower. There was no sugar coating it, today was fucking weird for Rarity. “It hasn’t made a move yet.” This statement from Spike brought Rarity out of her thoughts as she looked over seeing Spike had stopped his advance on the enemy stand before them. And indeed it was true, the thing still stood there not making any advancement towards the two yet despite its arms where held out with its brambles poised to strike. “What’s it waiting for?”Rarity muttered to herself however Spike did manage to hear her. “One of use to make a move…I’m not gonna mince words here Rarity, I’m shocked to find out you’re a stand user too but I have to let you know I’m pretty new to this so if you have any tips-“Spike began before Rarity spoke up. “I’ve never fought another stand before.”Rarity admitted with a wince getting Spike to look at her in surprise”I know what they are but I’ve never been in a situation where I had to fight one, hell I’ve never even thought about applying my ability in a combat situation.”she regrettably informed him. “Well…no better time to learn then the present.”Spike told her before he turned his attention back on their motionless enemy. The stand stared them down for a few more seconds before it began to shake and soon after a small sound began to emanate from it which soon delved into a strange type of laughter. “SHIRAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”The stand laughed rearing its dome covered head back causing Spike and Rarity to tense up. “That…dose not inspire confidence.”Rarity noted. “Fuck it!”Spike said before he nodded to DragonHeart”Of it won’t make the first move.”he began as his own stand turned to face the vending machine and reared its fist back. SMASH! “Then we will!”DragonHeart grunted after it smashed the glass to the vending machine and proceeded to scoop up armfuls of the glass shards”Don’t try this at home kids!”the stand laugh before it dumped the sharp hazardous shards down its gullet much to Rarity’s shock. “Spike! What are you-“Rarity began to protest while the unknown stand watched in mild interest. “It’s my ability.”Spike said before he rolled up his sleeves just as a series of jagged fragments of glass began to grow out from his scales as he took a boxers stance before he promptly leapt forward”EAT IT!”he roared out and swung his fist and struck the enemy stand’s dome protected head with glass shard coated fist before he proceeded to follow it up with another punch and then another and another before his own arms where moving like a blur”EAT IT EAT IT EAT IT!”Spike shouted in rage his shard coated fists scrapping against the stand’s body. However the unknown stand seemed unfazed from the attacks, they only seemed to lightly scrap or leach simple scratch marks behind on its none organic body”Annoying.”The stand growled before it swung its arm, catching Spike in the side of the face and knocking him away back over to a stunned Rarity. “Really? Did you actually think that would work?”DragonHeart asked in a dry tone while he tossed a few more small handfuls of broken glass into his mouth like it was popcorn. “I didn’t exactly see you stepping in to stop me.”Spike hissed as he got back to his feet holding his side in pain”That thing is durable.”he grunted taking a moment to poke his side and that cause him to let out a hiss as he felt stinging sensation”And strong, dammit! I just got out of the hospital and now I got a fractured rib? Mom is gonna kill me.”Spike groaned before he glared at the enemy stand before them”Alright so it appears you can talk or at least your user is talking through you somehow…why don’t you tell me your name chrome dome?”Spike growled pointing at the stand that now seemed more interested in the plant vines it had under its control. “Hmm?”the stand glanced over at the two stand users and one stand that was staring him down and seemed to pause as if it was trying to remember something”Florida….my name is Florida Man.”it stated simply which got the trip to look on in confusion. “…What the fuck is a Florida?”Spike blinked in confusion before shaking his name”Know what never mind, DragonHeart let’s kick this fuckers ass second times the charm!”he grinned. “Wait Soike I don’t think-“Rarity began however it was to late. “BANZAI!”DragonHeart cackled once he downed the last of the glass shards before completely coating his hands in the shards via his ability and began to unleash a flurry of blows however like before none of the attacks seemed to phase Florida Man. The enemy stand simply snapped it’s fingers and the bramble like tendrils acted on Florida Man’s command and lashed out against DragonHeart knocking him back and as a result Spike was also knocked away due to sharing damage with his stand. Rarity could only watch in shock seeing Spike and his stand get flung back once again before she turned to glare at the enemy stand”You brute!”she spat at Florida Man a look of barely contained anger displayed across her face”Just what makes you think you can attack my friend?”she demanded only for Florida Man to begin advancing on her, Rarity could feel her rage begin to bubble forth while a stand aura overcame her being cobalt blue in color the sight of the aura gave Florida Man pause but it was nit for the reason Rarity had hoped. “Wait…You already have stands”Florida Man stated in surprise while Spike recovered”My mistake.”the stand stated giving an apologetic bow confusing the two and before Rarity or Spike could react Florida Man…took off running. “What the- Hey!”Spike said before he sprinted after the enemy stand with Rarity following close behind”Get the fuck back here!”he growled while the glass shards in his arms retracted back into his body before he lifted up his right hand keeping the palm pointed out towards Florida Man”I’m not done with you yet!”he shouted as his stand aura flared up before a barrage of shards fired out from his palm and nailed the escaping stand in the back. This time Florida Man seemed to react as it let out a loud hiss when the jagged glass shards lodged themselves into its back but the stand didn’t slow down, rather it swung its arm back and launched its plant tendrils at the two. “Move!”Rarity said before she grabbed Spike and pulled him out of the way from the oncoming tendrils that crashed into the ground the drake was a moment before and had torn up the ground with reckless abandon”This thing is insane!”she said in horror”Maybe it be best if we let it-“she began only for Spike to interrupt her. “No way in hell!”Spike glared as he got back up”That things responsible for Twilight being in the condition she’s on, I’m not gonna stop or rest till I beat that fucker and it’s user down.”he growled getting Rarity to sigh. “Alright…like I said I’ve never really used my stand for combat but…given the circumstances I don’t think I can sit idly by and let you run wild.”Rarity spoke her body becoming encased in a light pink stand aura before she kicked her leg up”「Uptown Girl!」”she shouted out and in that moment the fabric of her pant leg began to unravel stopping just under her hip as the tendrils of denim wrapped around a surprised Florida Man while Spike gave Rarity a quizzical look”My stand Allows me to for the most part control any clothing or object that can be worn on my body.”she explained. “Wouldn’t the name Sharp Dressed Man fit that better?”Spike asked only for Rarity to give him a flat look”Right sorry we can talk about that later.”he said before he and DragonHeart rushed at Florida Man. The tied up stand however didn’t let Spike get more then two meters closer before it used its brambles to lash out at him again however this time Spike was ready. “DragonHeart!”he shouted as he swung his hand keeping his pointer and middle finger outstretched as they rapidly morphed into the elongated form of the arrow head that sliced through the brambles with ease allowing Spike to close the distance between the two. “EAT IT!”DragonHeart roared out before throwing a flurry of punches at Florida Man the strikes doing significant damage this time even knocking the enemy stand off balance. However this also caused Rarity to stumble forward due to the tendril fibers of her jeans pulling her along with the enemy”Woah easy!”Rarity yelped trying to regain her balance. Seeing this Florida Man gained a rather mischievous gleam in its eyes”I have places to be and people to gas, so forgive me for this.”The stand grunted before he formed more of his brambles and used them to latch onto the denim fibers binding him before ripping them off and then proceeded to give a powerful pull. Rarity let out a startled squeak as the action tripped up up and dragged her forward, her arm hooking Spike by the leg making him trip over her and as a result the two where left the in a tangled heap on the ground while Florida Man took this as his chance to not only free himself from his bindings but to continue on his less then stealthy retreat. “Ugh dammit! The fucker is getting away!”Spike swore while he tried to untangle himself from Rarity’s person. The normally composed mare glanced down at the torn tendrils that once made up pant leg of her jeans and frowned, she had mixed feelings on this situation. On one hand she could easily repair of ruined jeans with a little bit of magic and her skills with a needle, on the other hand…having one of her pant legs being so drastically short like this was a rather good look for her. “maybe I should make this a fashion trend.”Rarity muttered before Spike managed to get back to his feet”You’re going after that thing again?”she asked only for Spike to shake his head. “No Smart thing to do would be to find the user…and I think I know just who it is.”Spike growled looking off with a determined look as he carried himself with an air of mystery- “I know who he’s thinking of, and honestly I think he’s jumping to conclusions.”DragonHeart stated in a flat tone making Spike shoot his stand an annoyed look. “Well it’s the only lead I have so C’mon!”Spike grunted before storming off with his stand following close behind. Rarity sighed as she stood up and used her magic to retrieve the torn pieces of denim before shaking her head”Mother always to,d me I had a taste for the stubborn ones.”she muttered to herself before following after her friend. - Celtis hated Ponies, there was no denying that be it Pegasus, Unicorn or Earth Ponies or even one of the Alicorns that governed this land he hated them all the same, but he could put his hatred aside when it came to his passion of botany, contrary to how he dressed Celtis was not a jock. Sure he dressed the part and did occasionally play a rousing game of catch with his fellow students but he truly cared more about plants then anything or anyone else, that was just how his kind was, born and raised within the depths of the infamous Everfree forest Celtis could proudly say he had extensive knowledge on even the most obscure of plants. “…A blue rose? With splotches on it?” Until now that is, Celtis was looking at the group of three ponies before him and for once his own views of them where put aside by what the timid Pegasus had just told him. “Y-yes a friend of ours got sprayed by this weird rose and she’s in the infirmary I-I was hoping you’d have some form of info?”Fluttershy asked timidly before the Cyan blue pegasus next to her decided to speak up. “Yeah so do you got the stuff to help us? Or are you gonna be an ass and not help us?”Rainbow stated bluntly causing Applejack to nudge her in the ribs. “Rainbow!”Applejack hissed giving her girlfriend an annoyed look”Sorry bout her sugarcube we’re all just a lil anxious cause Twilight got hit with a-“She began before Celtis spoke up. “Wait Twilight?”He asked in surprise”As in Twilight Sparkle?”he inquired getting the three to nod”…I see.”he hummed and turned his back to the three as he rubbed his chin putting on a slight thinking pose like he was considering how to help, which betrayed his actual thoughts on the situation”Well it seems I won’t have to interfere at all~ if this illness is serious then if I just sit back and play dumb then there will be one less Unicorn around.”Celtis thought hiding a wicked smile. “Uh hello?”Rainbow frowned”Earth to guy with antlers?”she asked before Celtis turned back around to face them. “Sorry but I’m afraid I have nothing on the plant you described.”Celtis told the three putting on his best poker face”I’m sure she will be fine, very few plant pollens are actually fatal and I doubt the school would be reckless enough to allow the ones that are to grow on school grounds.”he said before placing a ‘reassuring’ hand on fluttershy’s shoulder”Twilight is in good hands with the school nurse so just head back to class-“ Celtis’s sentence was cut off by a loud crashing sound has the door had been violently kicked open startling the four as they saw Spike March into the room with a sheepish Rarity following him, however Celtis had his attention on the floating being besides Spike for a moment before he fixed his gaze onto the drake who was glaring at him. “Spike…good to see you.”Celtis offered a small smile only for him to flinch as the drake grabbed him by his collar and lift him up. “Spike!”Rarity said in panic while the other girls looked shocked seeing Spike instantly get violent with someone. “Undue what you did.”Spike growled glaring at the deer in his grasp. “Undue what?”Celtis asked only to wince as he noticed a small sharp object begin to protrude from Spike’s wrist and point at his neck. “Don’t fucking screw with me.”he growled eyes narrowed into slits”I know you’re a stand user.”he accused and for a moment Celtis allowed himself to convey an expression of mild shock”What happened to my sister today wasn’t a coincidence, earlier I got attacked by a stand that could control the same flowers that sprayed her.”he informed the deer while Celtis remained silent. “A stand? What’s a stand?”Rainbow blinked in confusion as Fluttershy hid behind her. “Spike ah know you’re upset but throwing around weird accusations ain’t gonna help Twilight, Celtis here doesn’t know anything.”Applejack said trying to defuse the situation but Spike was not having any of it. “He’s lying.”Spike told her not taking his eyes off Celtis”The guy has it out for Twi and any other pony around here.”he seethed causing Celtis to fix Spike with an unimpressed glare. “I have no idea what you’re talking-“Celtis began only for Spike to cut him off. “You said the only reason my adoptive mother raised me was so she could have a fucking slave!”Spike shouted barely containing his rage while the four girls in the room reacted with a mix of shock, horror and disgust. “Is…is that true?”Fluttershy asked eyes wide looking at Celtis in surprise. Rather then deny it the deer man simply shrugged”Why else would a unicorn in Canterlot adopt a dragon?”he asked”Ponies are just like that you can’t convince me otherwise.”he stated much to the groups anger. “Dude….that’s fucking racist!”Rainbow glared at the deer who simply laughed. “You can’t be racist against a group of racists.”Celtis said in a smug tone only to let out a shout of pain as Spike slammed him against the wall”Also…my biased against her kind aside…what proof do you have that I’m the one who did this to Twilight?”he asked glaring down at the angry dragon who still had him in a rather dangerous position. Spike however allowed a dark shadow to spread across his face from the brim of his hat before he spoke”I suggest you disappear from my sight you vermin.”Spike said out loud making Celtis blink in shock. “Wha-“he began only for Spike to cut him off again. “Don’t worry Spike…I’ll make sure you see the light before today ends….that’s what you said ain’t it?”Spike asked while Celtis looked stunned”Did you really think I couldn’t hear you?”he asked him while Celtis found himself unable to respond”All that…and suddenly I’m attacked out of the blue by some weird ass stand that has the same flowers that put my sister in the infirmary…DO YOU THINK IM FUCKING STUPID?!”Spike roared as smoke began to seep from his mouth. This shout managed to snap Celtis out of his stunned silence as he fixed Spike with a scowl”Get…OFF ME!”he roared before his own stand aura flared up right before a red fist shot out aimed right for Spike’s head luckily Spike managed to avoid it, but as a result her let go of Celtis who was fixing the drake with an enraged glare as his own stand manifested and once it did only then did Spike realize his mistake. Floating above the ground just by its masters side the stands body was mostly grey with green plated armor decorating its body and each plate seemed to have a few spikes jutting out of them, it’s head had two long antlers growing out from it similar to its user while it’s blood red eyes similar to that of the headlights of a car, and on further inspection the stand seem to be coated in some type of moss or algae that was growing on its body. “That’s…not the same stand.”Rarity spoke up as Spike grimaced. “Dammit…I got the wrong guy…which means the real culprit is getting away!”he said before he turned to leave only for Rainbow Dash to speak up. “NOW WAIT JUST A FUCKING SECOND HERE!”Rainbow shouted making everyone freeze”What the hell is going on?! You guys are talking about these things called stands and are overreacting to thin air! I know I’m not the most patient pony but I think anyone would agree with me when I say we need so god dammed answers!”she glared. “I…agree…sorry.”Fluttershy mumbled with Applejack nodding alongside her. “I-“Spike began to say only for Celtis to speak up. “I don’t owe anyone anything.”The male deer snarled fixing the trio with a glare”First you three barge in here while I’m working on my botany project waisting my time about a type of flower that I know nothing about and then THIS asshole comes in and airs my dirty laundry and borderline assaults me.”he pointed an accusatory finger at Spike who simply glared back”The only thing anyone owes anyone here is an apology to me!”he growled. Fluttershy hung her head hearing this looking ashamed while Rainbow turned her head away while crossing her arms as Applejack adjusted her hat while trying not to make eye contact before the three finally opened up to speak again, only for Spike to cut them off. “No one’s apologizing to you we’ve got bigger issues then to make nice with some asshole who won’t even apologize himself.”Spike glared at Celtis who in turn locked eyes with Spike again”Why should we apologize to you when you won’t apologize to me or my friends for some of the shit you said?”he glared. “Apologies to them?!”Celtis glared pointing at the four ponies present a look of disgust on his face”I’d sooner eat broken glass!”he snarled his stand taking up a fighting stance”You’d literally have to force one out of me by beating me within an inch of my life.”he snarled. “That can easily be arranged.”Spike growled bringing out DragonHeart as glass shards began to sprout from his arms and knuckles. “Holy shit…”Rainbow Dash gasped in shock seeing Spike’s arms sprout the hazardous shards from them. “What in tarnation?!”Applejack asked eyes wide as dinner plates while a Fluttershy looked equal parts shocked and concerned. Rarity however was not having any of this”HEY!”she snapped drawing the two stand users attention”This little thing going on?”she gestured between the two with a glare”Not fucking now!”she glared before pointing to the door”We have bigger fish to fry given that the one responsible for Twilight being in the infirmary is still on the loose.”she pointed out causing Spike to sheepishly call off his stand. “Oi stay out of this you damn uni-“Celtis began to say just before Rarity fixed him with a glare and he went silent as he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “Oh trust me there are still words I’d like to say to you, but we can get to that later but until then…shut the fuck up.”Rarity hissed narrowing her eyes making the male deer take an apprehensive step back out of fear”Good now you.”she pointed at Spike. “Y-yes ma’am?”Spike asked with a nervous look as Rarity simply jabbed her thumb at the door again and Spike instantly got the message”R-right!”Spike said before he rushed out leaving everyone else at a loss for words. With one final glare toward Celtis Rarity marched out with the rest of her friends following soon after leaving Celtis alone in the room with his own stand mimicking his dumbstruck body language. “…That woman is terrifying…”Celtis mumbled in shock. - “Dude what the actual fuck was all that?” Spike snapped out of his thoughts before turning his head to glance at Rainbow, the group of five where making their way across the courtyard with both him and Rarity looking for any sign of Florida Man given that they where the only stand users of the group”Sorry guess I let my temper get the better of-“he began only for Applejack to cut him off. “not that Spike, we mean with your arms sprouting out glass shards like apples from a tree.”Applejack frowned giving Spike a curious look”And all that talk of something you and Rarity call stands? Ah have to say I’m pretty confused.”she admitted causing Spike to sigh. “Shit right…it’s…a long story.”Spike tried to say. “We’ve got time.”Rainbow chimed in before glancing at Fluttershy”Right?”she smiled only to see her long time friend look away rather nervously. “O-only if he wants to talk about it…but still I’d like to know what’s going on…”the pink maned Pegasus managed to mumble out. Spike stared at his three friends with a look of apprehension on his face before he turned to Rarity for her input and her only response was to shrug her shoulders at Spike more or less telling him this was his call. Letting out a deep sigh Spike turned to the three and held up his middle and pointer finger on his right hand and before their eyes the tips of his fingers morphed into a golden arrowhead. “A stand is a supernatural ability that is vastly different from the magic normally found in equestrians…I don’t know alot so don’t quote me on anything should new information come up…because this stuff from what little I know is fuck all confusing.”Spike told them with a grimace”A stand from what I’ve seen manifest in the form of some type of spirit only you and others who have this power can see or just take form of a weird ability.”he explained ignoring the flat look Rarity shot him. “Woah Woah Woah!”Rainbow held up her hands in shock”Slow down dude this…this is a lot to take in I mean…magic I get but this…”she trailed off. “I know how it sounds…this arrow my fingers turned into? It’s the same one that was used to stab me and put me in the hospital for a few days prior to coming here.”Spike admitted as the four mares present reacted in shock to this info”I’m sure each of you saw the news regarding what’s been happening, a nobleman named BlueBlood used this thing to kill a young girl and assault me, and a few days later he was captured after supposedly trying to finish me off.”Spike explained. “But that wasn’t the case was it?”Applejack asked but in truth she seemed to already know the answer. “No, it wasn’t.”Spike answered before turning his fingers back”That arrow it..it’s cursed as far as I can tell, certain people it stabs it just outright kills…and others…they get an ability like mine and Rarity’s…and apparently Celtis too.”Spike let out a growl at the deer’s name. “It gave you one of those stands didn’t it?”Rainbow accurately guessed as Spike simply tapped the side of his nose signaling she was right”Holy shit…so wait you said the thing that attacked Twilight was still on the loose…so that means.”she began before Rarity spoke up. “Our enemy is in fact a stand user.”The white unicorn mare admitted before Rainbow then gained a determined look and proceeded to March up to Spike and grab his hand. “Well? What are we waiting for? Stick it in me!”she declared a little to loudly as the group went silent staring at her. “….What?”Spike asked his cheeks heating up a little at the implications making Rainbow face palm. “I mean the arrow, I want you to give me one of those stands so I can help you guys.”she corrected herself making Spike relax. “Oh….Hell no!”Spike said pulling his hand from her grasp with a stern look much to Rainbow’s surprise”Rainbow I don’t know how this freaking arrow decides who can have a stand or who can’t, the last thing I want is to be responsible for you dying cause you took an arrow to the knee or something!”he glared. “Aw come on you can’t be serious!”Rainbow protested”Spike you know next to becoming a wonder bolt getting super powers from a magical arrow has always been my life time dream!”she told him tossing her hands up. “Since when?!”Spike asked giving her an incredulous look, for as long as he had known Rainbow Dash she had never once spoken of such a dream that he could recall. “Since like ten seconds ago when you revealed you got super powers from a magical arrow!”was the Pegasus girls response as if it where obvious. A chorus of smacks could be heard not just from Spike face palming but from Rarity, Applejack and even Fluttershy. All three were in utter disbelief at Rainbow’s words. “…Rainbow, honey ah love ya but ah have to agree with Spike here.”Applejack sighed giving her girlfriend a flat look. “But Aj! Super powers!”Rainbow whined giving the mare a pleading look. “No.”Both Applejack and Spike said at the same time. “Besides we can talk about this later.”Rarity piped up drawing there attention”Like I said earlier we have a rouge stand on the loose that is doing god knows what now that we let him out of our sights.”she reminded. “Right.”Spike sighed rubbing his temples”Look, abridged version? Stand users have punchy ghost spirits or weird super powers that only other stand users can see, and as far as I know the arrow is the only way to get these powers.”he frowned before glancing at Rarity who shook her head. “I was born with Uptown Girl.”she told him simply as Spike made a mental note of her claim. “Right but yeah point being, Arrow is a fifty fifty shot, either it outright kills you or you get a stand and I don’t gamble with my friends lives. So with that being said you three should stick with Twilight while me and Rarity track down the bastard that got her seeing as you can’t even see stands.”he finished. “B-but!”Rainbow tried to protest only to groan”Okay fine!”she huffed”You guys go and have an awesome superpower battle while we check on Twilight, however.”She raised a hand to give Spike a stern look”If you find a way to give someone a stand without any of the risk-“she started to say only for Spike to wave her off. “Yeah yeah, you’ll be the first to know.”Spike rolled his eyes making Rainbow perk up. “Great! C’mon girls! Let’s go check on Egghead!”Rainbow said grabbing the two girls by the arm and leading them off. “Gah! Tarnation Dash slow down!” “O-oh dear!” Watching the two girls take off Spike sighed before he and Rarity took off in the opposite direction”Good grief, what the hell is my life?”the dragon muttered to himself. - “Stupid moron…”Celtis muttered to himself as we see him still in the club room calmly watering a few plants his mind still focused on the earlier argument with Spike”I was only trying to help then he accuses me of attacking that blasted unicorn? Bah! I wish had the pleasure of doing something like that.”the deer muttered to himself before setting the small pale green watering can down before he picked up a small pair of sheers and began to prune a few of the other plants that decorated the room. Why couldn’t he see that the Ponies he associated himself with were misleading him? Every none Pony in this school could see it but why was Spike so blind? “It’s because he was raised by those damn things.”Celtis hissed to himself his stand aura flaring up”He’s been blinded by Sparkle and her family I’m sure of it…if I could just get him to listen.”he sighed before setting his sheers down”Thank god for this club.”he smiled before he turned around to grab another implement on his desk. ゴゴゴゴ… “Huh?”Celtis blinked once he had fully faced his desk to his surprise there was a potted plant there, one that had not been there previously”Well aren’t you a peculiar little thing?”he mused to himself as he eyed the flower, a thornless rose with a purple stem and-wait. Celtis froze as something clicked in his brain, this flower matched the same description Spike’s little group of friends had told him about…and according to the drake himself this was linked to some type of stand… “…FUCK!”Celtis shouted bringing out his stand as it lunged a fist forward at the fiendish flora. However this proved to be the wrong action to take. The minute the stand’s fist got to close the flower extended out its hidden thorns extending from its elongated stem before it rapidly began to could around the stand causing several cuts to form on its master’s arm from said thorns digging into his flesh, and it didn’t stop there, the moment Celtis tried to have his stand counter with its free arm the plant coiled around it too before forcing both stand and master against the wall. “You’re and angry one, good that means you must have a close range power type.”a voice spoke lit as an entire arm rouse out from the pot followed by an entire body of a stand it’s piercing red eyes hidden behind its dome like head bore into Celtis who was unable to fight back”I need…a distraction.”Florida Man chuckled before more of its flower tendrils slithered up and pointed themselves at the deer. Celtis could only stare in horror as one by one each of the flowers unfolded themselves dripping some type of dew from their petals before they began to shake before unleashing a cloud of red spores into the man’s face. And then Celtis’s world went dark… …To be continued > Chapter-8 Infected Mushroom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Man this bites!” Applejack glanced up from her phone over to Rainbow dash who was slightly hunched over looking bored as She sat in the infirmary, by the time they had gotten back they had found out Pinkie Pie had also succumbed to a similar fate to Twilight and was laid out in one of the beds, and in addition to that the Nurse had seemingly stepped out leaving the trio alone with their two sick friends. “Ah know Rainbow this ain’t the most ideal situation.” Applejack sighed glancing over at the form of Pinkie Pie with a concerned look. “You’re dammed right it ain’t!” Rainbow dash growled folding her arms while glaring down at the floor before Fluttershy timidly spoke up. “Um…sorry but the correct term is isn’t…sorry” Fluttershy squeaked out as Rainbow dash settled her with a flat look. “Shy…there’s more important things right now then ‘proper’ grammar” Rainbow told her using air quotes before sighing and looking over at the sleeping forms of Twilight and Pinkie “I just can’t believe it…” she mumbled running a hand through her mane. Applejack sighed and leaned over wrapping an arm around Rainbow to comfort her “Ah know Sugarcube ah know…” she began to gently pat her side a empathetic look on her face. “I can’t believe Spike has super powers and he wouldn’t give me any!” Rainbow Dash suddenly declared as the look of empathy quickly washed away from Applejack’s face. Pulling away from her girlfriend Applejack gave her a quick smack upside the head “Seriously Dash?!” She glared as the Pegasus rubbed her head in pain. “Ow! Geez I’m upset about Twi and Pinkie too but come on!” Rainbow winced before turning to Fluttershy “Back me up on this-“ she began only to see the annoyed glare her childhood friend was giving her “Err…never mind.” She coughed glancing away. A sigh escaped Fluttershy’s lips before she calmly walked over from the wall she was leaning against and sat down next to her other two friends. “It’s…all so Bizarre…magic is one thing but that stuff Spike talked about it’s something else entirely.” Fluttershy admitted glancing down “And I don’t just mean the stuff about Stands.” She hinted and the other two shared a look. “That Celtis guy…he’s a total dick but…is he right?” Rainbow asked glancing up at Applejack “I get that Non-Ponies don’t exactly get the warmest welcome around here but…not all Ponies are treating them like that right?” She asked hopefully. Applejack in response adjusted her hat with an uncomfortable look “Ah’m not the best when it comes to this stuff darlin, Ah’m open minded but you know the Apple Family is pretty old fashioned. Granny Smith took a while to warm up to Spike the first day we met him.” She reminded. “Well yeah but she did come around, plus what that guy said about Spike’s mom just ain’t true!” Rainbow declared before Fluttershy cleared her throat “Isn’t true.” She corrected herself with an eye roll. “Ah’m not saying it is, but Ah think we have a tendency to turn a blind eye to this stuff at times.” Applejack admitted with a shameful look. “Well…even if we do it wasn’t cool of that guy to just say that kinda stuff about Spike and Twi’s mom!” Rainbow glared crossing her arms “If I ever see him saying stuff like that again I’m gonna kick his ass!” She vowed before letting out a sigh and began to fan herself “Also the hell is with the AC? Im sweating like a pig!” She complained. “Ah think that might be why the Nurse stepped out.” Applejack said as she got up and walked over to the wall mounted white box that controlled the AC seeing that the small screen display was blank “Eyup looks like it’s on the fritz” Applejack noted before she paused noticing something on the wall “What in tarnation?” Applejack blinked as she tried to scrap some green residue off the wall with her finger. “What’s up?” Rainbow asked while using one of her wings to fan herself. “There’s some kinda funky green stuff on the wall” Applejack answered causing Rainbow to make a face in disgust. “Gross don’t pick at it with your fingers then!” Rainbow gagged causing Applejack to roll her eyes. “You’ve seen me use manure to fertilize the farm back home and a little mold grosses you out?” Applejack rolled her eyes before walking back over. ゴゴゴゴ… However as she walked away she failed to notice the mold begin to fester and slowly grow…both on the wall and the finger she used to pick at it with. - In all honesty Rarity was truly flabbergasted at how today had unfolded, at first they where just planning a simple welcome party for spike in the cafeteria which wound up being thrown out the window when Twilight contracted some odd illness that later turned out to be from a rouge stand attack that seemed to be specifically targeting none stand users. And then she finds out Spike himself was also a stand user who then proceeded to accuse another student of being behind the aforementioned attack, granted said student was a stand user…just not the right one. “FUCK!” And thus the duos current predicament. By the time they had finished their interaction with Celtis. Florida Man had gotten away along with its user no doubt. Rarity looked at Spike in concern as the dragon teen angrily slammed his fist into the stone wall beside him while being unsuccessful in damaging the wall at all while his fist was undamaged itself it seemed. Rarity would chalk it up to the natural durability dragons possessed, but that did not stop her from feeling concern. “Spike…” Rarity took a hesitant step forward towards the frustrated dragon hand outstretched. “It’s my fault…If I hadn’t been so sure Celtis was the stand user we wouldn’t have let that thing get away.” Spike sighed “I let my temper get the better of me, like I always do.” He glanced away. The sight of her friend getting down on himself caused Rarity to sigh “Well…standing around and moping about it won’t help any.” She pointed out getting Spike to glance at her “We lost sight of the enemy, but we can still make sure Twilight is ok.” She smiled before walking past him. “But I don’t think I can just drop looking for the guy, think about it Rarity. The guy knows you and I are stand users and for some reason they are targeting none stand users like Twilight…the whole thing just has me on edge.” Spike glanced away only for Rarity to speak up. “I’m not saying we drop looking for him.” Rarity turned back to look at him “I’m saying you need to take a break to calm down, if you run yourself ragged it won’t do anyone any good. Besides, if the brute try’s to attack us or Twilight again we will be ready.” She pointed out. Spike sighed and nodded accepting her point but remained silent as he walked past her. Rarity dropped her smile for a moment and followed after Spike. With any luck Twilight’s condition might have improved which could put Spike at ease. - It didn’t take long to make their way back to the infirmary. Rarity noticed that on the way back none of the students had paid her or Spike any mind which normally wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but given the running around the two had done earlier one would think word would have spread fast, C.U was a school known for gossip in her experience so to see so many students they pass by not bat an eye and borderline going out of there way to ignore them was rather strange. “Is it just me Spikey or…are other students pretending they don’t see us?” Rarity asked only for Spike to shrug. “I don’t mind it. I’m too tired to get into another argument with another stuck up jackass.” Spike admitted while rubbing his temples “Honestly after today I just wanna check up on Twilight and then finally get to my dorm room and worry about Florida Man for later.” He said before he grabbed the handle to the door “I just don’t think I can handle anymore bizarre adventures for today.” He muttered before he began to pull on the door only for it to not budge an inch “The hell?” Spike frowned. “What is it?” Rarity asked glancing over the dragon’s shoulder to see what was wrong. “This door ain’t budging, I know for a fact it ain’t a push door so it should open up!” Spike said before he tried to yank the door open to no effect. “Odd, the school prohibits locking the infirmary door while students are occupying it.” Rarity noted with a frown only for Spike to shake his head. “It’s not locked, I can turn the handle fully but something has the door jammed pretty good.” Spike frowned before giving a final pull only for his hands to slip free and make him stumble back “Ok now I’m getting pissed!” He growled smoke beginning to rise from between his lips. “If I may.” Rarity held up a hand as her stand aura flared up and the right sleeve of her jacket began to unravel with some of bejeweled segments of it actually having said jewels split apart before the thread like tendrils snaked their way between the gap between the door and its frame. “I thought you said your stand only effected clothing.” Spike pointed out watching in awe as Rarity worked. “Uptown girl works on things that can be worn darling, the jewels on my jacket are part of said jacket so they are technically being worn.” Rarity pointed out as the threads wove themselves together while between the door and frame taking on an almost crowbar like shape “Sometimes with stand abilities it’s like magic, the only limit is your imagination.” She said before the improvised crowbar jerked to the side and popped the door open. ゴゴゴゴ… The moment the door had popped open Spike suddenly clamped a hand over his mouth as he suddenly felt bike rise in his throat, Rarity was no different, the moment the door opened a putrid scent leaked out of the room and from the door itself. The source of the foul stench being from a festering green fungus like substance was growing on the other side of the door. “What the fuck?!” Spike gagged stumbling back, Rarity didn’t answer instead she stepped away and began to dry heave and retch “What is this stuff?! and why the fuck dose it smell like the last time Shining tried to cook?” He grinned trying to keep the rising bile in his throat down. “Spiiiiike…” A weak voice called from within the room making the duo freeze and slowly turn to the door as a hand slowly reached out from the darkness within the room…a pale purple furred hand coated with the same foul smelling fungus. Instantly Spike put two and two together and rushed to the door in a panic “Twi!” He shouted reaching out toward his sister’s fungus coated arm intending to drag her out. “I’m afraid I can’t allow that…” a disembodied voice growled causing Spike to freeze just as he got near the door. ゴゴゴゴ! Suddenly a familiar grey arm coated in red plated armor shot itself out from the festering fungus catching Spike off guard with a solid right hook, the attack managed to send Spike tumbling back and onto his back while nursing his now sore jaw. “What the fuck?…” Spike groaned clutching his jaw his fingers briefly tracing his jawline and felt a trace of blood, that punch had actually managed to break his skin. “I really did like you Spike, you seemed like such a nice guy.” The voice continued as the arm pulled itself further from the fungus and a more familiar shape stepped into view from the spreading algae, the figure being the very same Stand Celtis had summoned during Spike’s earlier accusation. And it was soon followed by its user much to Spike’s furry. “YOU!” Spike shouted in rage forcing himself to stand up his expression fixed into a look of pure rage. “Me.” Celtis said arms crossed before he began to tilt his Uber body to the right at an odd angle, his stand soon adjusting its own position taking a step forward with its fists resting in its hips before it bent its head back in a rather basic yet odd pose “And my Stand,「Infected Mushroom.」” he smirked. “What the hell!” Rarity snapped after she managed to somewhat stop herself from reaching “You said you didn’t have anything to do with what happened to Twilight!” The fashionista snarled only for Celtis to chuckle. “Ah yes, and I still don’t…well with her initial attack at least, but then I thought to myself after you left. How long am I gonna let these Ponies push me around?” Celtis asked allowed before glancing down at the weakened form of Twilight and roughly grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her out into the open “And then I thought maybe I should start using my power to put them in their place!” He cackled as Rarity and Spike became horrified at the sight. Twilight Sparkle looked like hell. Her fur was much paler then the last time Spike had seen her, her mane was messed up with the same dark green fungus growing in it and the rest of her body, but what was worse was the fact she looked almost skeletal now her cheeks where sunken in and her eyes looked blood shot. “Truly revolting ain’t it? Fungi are a rather vicious life form, feasting off of their hosts not unlike a parasite.” Celtis mussed before he placed his right foot onto Twilight’s back and began to grind his heel into her making the unicorn whimper in pain “It was a stroke of luck that the AC in the nurses office was down, the humid air let my fungus grow rather rapidly on everything and everyone in the room. From Twilight to the pink one and your other friends.” He chuckled. “Other ones?…” Rarity spoke before gasping in horror, she could see them inside the room. All of their friends Applejack Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were splayed out inside the room each on in a similar state of Fungi induced malnutrition. Spike didn’t know when he started to approach Celtis but in truth? He didn’t care his anger had reached its boiling point. “Undue your Ability.” Spike spoke his voice was fightingly calm which betrayed his emotions deep inside. He was only five meters away from Celtis now. “Hmmm? What was that?” Celtis asked leaning forward and adding more pressure onto the downed form of Twilight causing her to whimper again. Four meters. “I said…Undue your ability…now.” Spike seethed his Stand aura flaring up as DragonHeart materialized besides, his fists clenched so tight that it drew blood from his palms along with his user’s. Three meters. “….” Celtis leaned back tilting his head up slightly so he was looking down at the teen, his next words would determine how what happened next would play out “No.” he responded flatly. Two meters. “RAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUH!” DragonHeart roared out before swinging his right arm out in a slashing motion, fingers outstretched before the pointer and middle finger bound together and instantly transformed into the elongated form of the stand arrow. Celtis jumped back off of Twilight to avoid the in coming slash however the tip of the arrow managed to get him leaving a long slash across his chest and cutting up the sports jersey he wore. “That wasn’t a fucking request!” Spike snarled before he crouched down to check on Twilight while his stand kept an eye on Celtis “Twilight…she’s my sister.” Spike glared picking Twilight up into his arms gently cradling her “It was one thing when you said all that racist shit earlier about ponies…and I admit I jumped the gun earlier in accusing you of attacking her before but this? This is unforgivable…so I’m only gonna say this one last time…undue your ability…or else….” Spike locked eyes with Celtis a burning look in his eyes the sheer determination within his gaze sent a brief chill down the Fawn’s spine “I’ll kill you.” Spike finished his threat punctuating the end of his sentence by taking a threatening step forward. Celtis while briefly intimidated shook his head before sending the Dragon a glare of his own “I refuse.” He said simply causing Spike to snarl. “You don’t get to refuse!” Rarity snapped venomously before her own stand aura flared up and the threads of her clothing seemed to react almost like something was slithering between the threads “This..this goes beyond just bigotry! This is sick! Twisted and monstrous!” The mare spat in disgust “Just what in Faust’s name did Ponies do to you to make you go to these extremes?!” She demanded an explanation not caring in the slightest if her shouting would draw any attention their way. “…What Ponies did to me?” Celtis asked taking a moment to gently touch the wound on his chest “They tried to take my home from me…and when my people rebelled we were the ones who were punished.” He admitted his look becoming down cast. For a moment Spike’s rage seemed to subside “I…remember reading about that…it was years ago a tribe of Fawn living in Everfree forest…they warded off a group of Ponies that where tearing down sections of the forest-“ he began only for Celtis to finish for him. “To build a theme park…not caring about the wild life they disturbed or hurt or the people that lost their homes…so my people retaliated.” Celtis scowled, memories of the past flooding his mind of Fawn driving off and attacking Ponies of various species “But in the end my people where painted as villains and the Royal guard was called to drive us out.” Celtis finished locking eyes with Spike again “I hate Ponies because they don’t care who they hurt, they don’t care who they have to step on in order to expand their stupid empire. The only reason I’m attending C.U is because it would smooth over relations between are kinds but I say fuck that!” Celtis roared his stand aura flaring up as a deep growl escaped his own stand. “Oh dear…” Rarity said in shock taking a step back but Spike remained still his gaze never leaving Celtis. “Fuck the ponies! For the first time since I got here I know what I want to do! I’m going to use this stand of mine to put these worthless Ponies in their place!” Celtis spoke out loud grinning “My mind is clear! My resolve is unshakable so!” He pointed at Spike a dead serious look on his face “I’m gonna tell you this only once, drop the unicorn and let’s you and me do what feels right and start a fucking pur-“ his rant was abruptly cut short as a glass shard whizzed past his face leaving a long cut across his right cheek causing it to bleed. “What happened to you and your people was fucked up.” Spike spoke while DragonHeart floated by him arm raised ready to fire off another shard of glass if need be “However that dose not give you the right to do this…and frankly this ain’t like you, the Celtis from a little while ago was more composed than this.” He added taking a moment to eye Celtis who just glared at him in response. “What dose it matter?” Celtis spat before Infected Mushroom took point in front of him “I gave you a chance and you’re throwing it away, that makes you my enemy!” He shouted before charging in at Spike. However he didn’t get far as tendrils of fiber soon wrapped themselves around the irate man’s torso before quickly tossing him away. “Stay back!” Rarity spat her outfit having unwoven in several spots giving her an abundance of fiber tendrils to use before she glanced back at Spike “Spike you need to get the girls out of here. Strong stands tend to have a range limit so if you can get Twilight and the girls far enough away you should be able to reduce the effects of this mold.” She explained before turning her focus back onto Celtis who had scrambled back to his feet. Spike bit back a retort, he knew she was right so against his better judgment and pride he slung Twilight over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry and sprinted toward the door, there was no way he could carry all the girls even with DragonHeart’s help but of what Rarity said rang true then getting some of them out of harms way would prove to beneficial in the long run. There was just one problem. Who could he choose to save? The moment Spike reached the doorframe again he froze for a moment as his eyes landed in the fungus covered malnourished forms of his long time friends. “I can adjust my hood on Twilight so I can carry her over one shoulder. That will let me carry one more and DragonHeart can do the same…but that means…I can only save four.” Spike thought to himself in horror as he did a brief headcount and felt his teeth clench hard in outrage. Twilight. Applejack. Rainbow dash. Fluttershy. Pinkie pie. As it stood he could only grab four out of five of the girls right now and hope he could rush back in time to save the last one but who dose he leave behind? How can anyone make such a choice?! “I need to make a decision…dammit!” Spike shouted in out rage before he quickly hearted Twilight over one shoulder and rushed in his feat kicking up the moss that was growing on the floor as he quickly bent down and picked up Rainbow Dash. “Spike….D-don’t.” The Pegasus girl weakly protested her voice hoarse. Rainbow you need to save your strength don’t talk.” Spike told her before bringing out his stand which then floated over to the weakened form of the remaining girls meaning he would have to make a choice. “D-don’t…touch…the moss…” Rainbow managed to wheeze out in pain. - “Fool.” Celtis muttered aloud with a confidant smirk causing Rarity to drop her guard and whirl her head around to see sweat was wrong. To her horror she witnessed the moss that was coating both Twilight and Rainbow Dash begin to spread across Spike’s body in a rapid case already costing the majority of his jacket with the fowl smelling fungus. “SPIKE WAIT NO!” Rarity cried out hand out stretched but it was far too late. Spike instantly felt the strength begin to leave his body causing him to fall to his knees making more of the moss cling to him and spread further, he could barely register the boasting of his enemy. “Fungus will always spread and cover its target to sap away its strength, my stand perfectly embodies that the humid temperature in that room coupled with the fact Spike is a dragon with an internal heat source means my moss spreads like a wild fire!” Celtis boasted with a laugh. Rarity snarled before she had he threads burrow into the ground before she cocked her hip forward “Shut the hell up!” She bellowed out before she swung her body with a quick jerking motion the ground tearing up as a result as the threads where flung out of the ground wrapped around a decent sized rock in the ground which was now barreling toward Celtis’s smug gloating face. “Get that weak shit out of my face bitch!” Celtis shouted before Infected Mushroom unleashed a flurry of blows obliterating the stone before it got to close to its users face “And while you’re at it.” He grinned as his stand roughly grabbed the fibers that had previously been wrapped around the stone “Eat moss and die!” He ordered before the stand tightened its grip around the fibers before it lowered its head and let out a deep hot breath onto its fist and the fibers. In an instance the moss began to grow from the Stand’s enclosed fist and travel up the clothing fibers toward a shocked Rarity. However that feeling of shock only lasted a moment before Rarity’s horn lit up. “I don’t think so!” Rarity shouted before segments of the fibers lit up with the magic of her horn before being cut just before the moss could reach her. The severed fibers seemed to wither and writhe on the ground before going limp as Rarity backed up her outfit now having a few more holes and missing segments on it, a fact Celtis was quick to point out. “You’re running out of clothing and accessories, if this keeps up it won’t be long before you wind up strutting around in the buff completely defenseless.” Celtis smirked cracking his knuckles “Aside from your magic that is but something tells me you aren’t the most gifted magic wise.” He sneered. Rarity bit back a retort and just glared at the arrogant Fawn “This isn’t good, I’m not used to using my stand in a fight.” Rarity thought to herself before she steeled her nerves “Using magic is just like using a stand!” She said aloud before her horn lit up while her stand aura surrounded her “A novice can defeat an expert so long as they are creative with what little they have!” She smirked - “C-creative?” Spike muttered as he could hear Rarity’s voice before he recalled what she had said earlier “My only limit is my…imagination.” Spike said between breaths before he weakly turned himself onto his back while his eyes were shut tight as he tried to think. DragonHeart’s ability could allow him to eat any material without any ill effect and apply it to his body accordingly, but the moss was growing around everything too rapidly for him to just eat it off his friends. “Ok I could word that differently but I’m to tired.” Spike thought to himself with a groan as he tried to think of something, he needed a way to deal with all the fungus in the room at once and he needed it fast, he was beginning to black out from how weak he was getting he was starting to see stars. “Stars…that’s…it.” Spike mumbled before a weaker version of his stand aura began to flare up “A Starfish.” He grinned. Nearby DragonHeart had also turned onto his back before weakly opening its mouth causing the Stand’s tongue to flop out onto the floor with a small amount of saliva. “Itadakimasu…” The stand wheezed out before it began to cough and hack rapidly causing its throat to begin to bulge. The Stand began to let out a serious of coughing and hacking sounds as the object in its throat seemed to expand while more of it began spill from the Stand’s mouth soon enveloping its head with a strange purple and black membrane like object that continued to expand and encompassed not only the entire body of the Stand but soon the surrounding area in the room. - “What the hell?!” Celtis suddenly shouted in shock his eyes locking onto the Nurse’s office only to witness as some odd blob like object began to spread and expand and from the looks of it the moment his Stand’s moss came into contact with the object it crumbled away into its mass “What the fuck is that thing?” Celtis demanded before shaking his head “No it doesn’t matter, I won’t let you do as you please!” He declared before making a break for the room. “Don’t ignore me!” Rarity suddenly shouted before unleashing a few more threads that wrapped around the Fawn’s leg before Rarity gave a sharp pull tripping Celtis up and causing him to face plant into the ground. Celtis let out a growl before he began to push himself up however Rarity wouldn’t allow him time to recover, the sound of a horn lighting up filled the air as a magical glow encompassed the threads binding Celtis’s leg. “And stay away from my friends!” Rarity added her horn lit up before she gave another pull and was able to make Celtis airborne for a moment before tossing him overhead and slamming him into the ground once more on the other side of the courtyard. A cry of pain escaped the man’s throat as he roughly slammed into the ground and before he could get up agian he found himself being lifted up once more only to be slammed back down even hard this time “YOU ARE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF BITCH!” He roared in out rage before his Stand once again took hold of the threads and began to spread its vicious mold up the strings however this time the fungus was traveling at a much higher speed then before. Rarity made an attempt to cut her threads again but she was to late, the mold has already reached the threads of her jacket and jeans and where beginning to rapidly spread but that didn’t mean Rarity was out of options…granted this next one would be damaging to her pride for several reasons. “I swear once this is over I’m going to kill you.” Rarity growled her cheeks lighting up before she shifted her magic and the sound of fabric ripping was heard before her jacket fell from her frame…along with her jeans. “….Hello!” Celtis suddenly laughed at the sight of a now blushing Rarity standing there only in her bright pink top and black lacy undergarments in plain view “I know I said you’d be fighting in the buff but I didn’t think it’d happen this soon!” Celtis mocked his rage subsided for a moment as he openly laughed at the flustered Rarity’s situation. Teeth bared and fists clenched Rarity did her best to cover herself while backing away from from her discarded clothing which was now covered in moss, yet oddly the torn clothes where not fully covered yet. “What on earth?” Rarity wondered allowed as she eyed the moss for a moment as Celtis continued to laugh at her “It couldn’t be…” she trailed off looking from the moss to the still laughing enemy before her and a smirk over came her features “So that’s your weakness.” she thought before she glanced at her own state of dress and frowned “But that bit of info dose not help my current situation. she blushed. “HAHAHAHAHA OH GOD MY RIBS!” Celtis laughed as he held his sides rolling on the ground while Rarity felt her blood boil “I-I CAN’T BREATH AHAHA SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!” He barked out between laughs and wheezes. “Yeah you probably should call him an ambulance Rarity.” A familiar voice spoke up the tone it held conveyed a great deal of barely constrained fury. The moment the voice Spoke up Rarity turned around and Celtis had stopped laughing, not because of the voice no, but because DragonHeart had its hand clamped around his neck causing the Fawn to gasp in shock. “Y-You!” Celtis gagged out as he saw Spike standing before him, a noticeable lack of moss on his body and clothing which Celtis was quick to notice “B-but how?!” He demanded in outrage. “Fun little marine biology fact, a Starfish captures its prey by actually spitting up its own stomach.” Spike calmly told him his expression was fixed into a glare “i did a paper on the Starfish back in high school, got a pretty nice grade on it to…granted I still think it deserved an A and not a B minus but that’s neither here nor there.” Spike shrugged before glancing at his stand “Let him have it.” He ordered. “With pleasure.” The stand growled before swinging its fist into the deers face just as he released his neck. The result was Celtis being sent sailing back a few feet and slamming hard into the brick wall of the school causing him to crumble onto the ground however he was not out yet. “Damn you…” Celtis snarled as he slowly forced himself to his feet blood dripping from his maw “All I wanted to do was show you the light…but you just had to be stubborn! So I had to teach you a lesson and you still resist the truth so tell me why…WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SIDE WITH THESE FILTHY PONIES DESPITE EVERYTHING THAT THEY’VE DONE?!” He demanded. “…You really wanna know?” Spike asked with a sigh taking a moment to remove his hat “They raised me…Twilight Velvet Sparkle and Night Light Sparkle raised me not to be a slave…but to be their son…you honestly think I haven’t asked the big uncomfortable question before?” He asked back looking at his hat “When they found my egg they didn’t see a potential threat to equestria or anything like that…they saw an unborn child abandoned and left to die for who knows what reason…and they took me in…they hatched em taught me right from wrong…and I’ve seen a side of ponies most others of my kind refuse to see.” Spike smiled to himself. “And what would that be?” Celtis snarled before taking a step forward only to freeze as Spike sent him a glare. “The good side…I get it…ponies do fucked up stuff to other races all the time but this shit is not black and white case and point you are doing all this to a group of my friends who have never done anything to you simply because they are the same race as the people who wronged you…you are every bit as racist and bigoted as them.” Spike finished. “How…DARE YOU!” Celtis snapped before charging in “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I HAVE GONE THROUGH!” He roared taking a swing at Spike his stands fist overlapping with his own as it neared the Dragon’s head. “Don’t I?!” Spike snarled before he ducked to the side grabbing the man’s wrist and quickly bending his arm behind his back “You think that after all this time I’ve lived in Canterlot of all places I don’t get hazed and shunned?!” He demanded “I do! And I hate it! I hate this school! I hate Canterlot! But I don’t hate ponies!” Spike snarled before he kicked Celtis forward. “Bullshit! I call bullshit!” Celtis snarled before bringing out Infected Mushroom again his stand aura flaring up much more violently than before “Im done giving you any more chances or lessons Spike! Im gonna-“ he began only to freeze along with both Rarity and Spike as the trio heard a series of voices in the distance. “What the hell is all that racket?” “I think it’s coming from over here…” Celtis scowled before he took a deep breath and dispelled his stand “Seems we’ve run out of time.” He growled while he glared at Rarity and Spike “Make no mistake…Pony lover!” He spat out with a glare “You’ve made an enemy today…one who won’t forgive so easily the next time we fight…I’m playing for keeps.” He promised before he turned tail and ran. “H-hey!” Rarity shouted “Get back here! Spike we can’t just let him get away!” She tried to say only for Spike to quickly remove his jacket and wrap it around her. “We don’t have time.” Spike told her before he picked her up and made a break for the Nurse’s office much to Rarity’s dismay. “Wait the moss!” She tried to protest only for Spike to shake his head. “Trust me it’s fine.” He told her before they crossed the threshold into the room before Spike quickly shut the door with his tail just as a few students made their way into the clearing. “Huh…could have sworn I heard something.” A Pegasus student rubbed his chin in thought. “Someone really should fire the grounds keeper.” An Earthpony student frowned scrunching jo her nose at the sight of the field “This is downright shameful work.” She huffed before turning and leaving the way she came. - “Ugh…my freaking head.” Twilight groaned as she sat up eyes shut tight “What the fuck hit me?” She grumbled taking notice of her surroundings. She was still in the nurses office but it was noticeably lacking any form of carnivorous mold like before “Was it all just a dream?” She muttered to herself looking at her hand and to her relief she was not in the skeletal state she was before. “Oh it was no dream…but it’s kinda a long story sis…but I’ll try to explain as best I can.” A voice said causing Twilight to turn her head to see a nervously smiling Spike standing in the room holding onto Rarity who was clad in his jacket. “…” Twilight just stared in shock while nearby another familiar voice was heard groaning. “Oh fuck me my head.” Rainbow whined as she sat up running a hand through her mane and nearby her the rest of their friends could be seen passed out within the Nurse’s office “I feel like I got hit by a-“ she began only to freeze once her eyes landed on Rarity and Spike. “…Hey Rainbow-“ Spike began only for the mare to bust out laughing. “OH MY GOD RARITY I WAS JUST JOKING!” Rainbow laughed as she fell back while Rarity blushed “YOU TWO ACTUALLY HOOKED UP!” She grinned folding her legs together and leaning forward “Detail please~” she teased. “R-rainbow! It’s not like that!” Rarity stuttered her face flushed red. “Then what is it like then?” Twilight spoke up her tone very calm and rational…which unnerved the two to no end once they saw the stern glare she was giving the two…well it was more directed toward her fellow Unicorn “Go on…I’d love to know EXACTLY what’s going on.” She frowned. “…Good grief.” Spike groaned with a sheepish look. - “Well that could have gone better….”A voice said as we go to a hoodie wearing figure standing atop the roof of the school looking down on the field where the battle had just taken place, besides the figure stood Florida Man who remained silent as it hovered by the man indicating it may be it’s user. “That’s one fucking way of putting it.” A female voice spoke up before the sound of wing beats where heard as a Pegasus girl wearing a hooded jacket landed besides the figure and delivered a solid punch to his shoulder. “Ow!” The male figure hissed rubbing his shoulder in pain and sent the mare a glare only to flinch back when she shot him one right back “Okay yeah I messed up.” He chuckled nervously his red eyes leaking out from the darkness of his hood. “You think! I know you just got your stand but that was the most boneheaded thing you could have done! Pulling pranks on other students is one thing but you could have ruined everything with this little stunt!” The mare huffed crossing her arms “But moving past that…there are more stand users amongst our fellow students besides our little group.” The mare pointed out. “So it seems…that Dragon boy seems to actually be in possession of one of the arrows.” The man spoke before he cupped his chin and Florida Man vanished “What do you wanna do?” He asked turning to the mare who shook her head. “We tell the others before we make any other moves and then…we just observe them for now…till then YOU have a mess you need to clean up” the mare pointed out before unfolding her pale white wings and flying off. “…Right…good grief.” The man sighed before he turned around and walked off “All this to overthrow those two in the castle.” He grumbled to himself. > Chapter - 9 RoomMates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An annoyed sigh escaped Spike’s lips. The purple drake was seen calmly walking through the halls of the dorms by his lonesome. His eyes scanned across the doors he walked past, he was currently on the search for his own room. The whole telling Twilight the truth thing had not gone how he hoped. Unsurprisingly the moment he admitted his only reason for coming to C.U was because he wanted to look into the so-called allies BlueBlood had mentioned Twilight had reacted out of anger. Accusing Spike of trying to pull some bullheaded vigilante stunt just like the one that had gotten him sent to the hospital. He had tried to defend himself but…being a dragon his temper tended to flare up and as luck would have it Twilight could be as stubborn as a mule. So as expected he stormed off in anger after blowing his top and saying a few bitter words which lead him here. “God dammit where is that fucking room?” The dragon teen muttered to himself while unintentionally letting out a few puffs of smoke from his mouth. “I would say just look for a room with the boxes of your stuff in it…assuming Twi didn’t teleport it all away to spite you.” DragonHeart commented manifesting by his side only to clam up as his user shot him a glare “Right, shutting up now.” he winced before vanishing. “I just want to find my dorm room and pass out on the closest piece of furniture and just sleep for the rest of the day…” Spike grumbled to himself rubbing his temples before shoving his hands into his pocket only to pause and pull them back out again bringing out the slip of paper Twilight had handed him “My class schedule…” he muttered flipping it open and his eyes scanned across the paper. Spike’s shoulders slumped for a moment once he saw a small little note scribbled on the bottom of the schedule he recognized his sister’s hand writing instantly. “Room 307, just incase you forget little bro…love Twily…” Spike read aloud before he let out a sigh and ran his hand over his head frill in frustration “God dammit…” he cursed guilt welling up inside him “Fuck it. I’ll apologize later.” He sighed before he began to look for his dorm number. It didn’t take long, Spike spent maybe about a minute before finding the door with 307 on it only for him to pause seeing a keypad on the handle making him sigh again. “Of course it would have a code these fancy schools can’t just have a simple lock.” Spike grumbled before he glanced back at the slip of paper and was relieved to see a simple 4 digit code to get in “Thank god.” He mumbled to himself before he input the code and unlocked the door. The first thing Spike saw inside the room was the set of boxes in the middle of the room which was undoubtedly his stuff, the second thing Spike had noticed was the sheer size of the room. Blinking in shock Spike took in the sight of the rather wide open area before briefly stepping back and glancing at the gap between dorm doors and then looking back inside to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. A large couch sat in the middle of the room with a coffee table the main room was connected to an open kitchen area while off to the side there was a staircase leading to an upper level. “What…the fuck?” Spike asked himself in shock. “First time seeing a dorm room in C.U?” A voice causing Spike to glance back over to the kitchen area seeing a dark furred Diamond Dog teen was raiding the fridge “Yeah it’s a little crazy but all the dorm rooms got this wicked enchantment on them to make them bigger on the inside pretty rad eh?” “Uh…yeah I guess it is.” Spike said as he walked in and got a better look at what was presumedly his roommate. The Diamond Dog was specifically some breed of Terrier with rather messy brown fur dressed up in a death metal t-shirt and flannel pj bottoms “So I take it your my roommate?” Spike asked. “Yup.” The Diamond Dog shrugged as he set a squeeze bottle of jelly on the counter next to a plate with two slices of bread and a jar of peanut butter nearby before closing the fridge “Names Scamp.” He introduced before he got to work on making himself a snack. “I’m Spike…so uh..how dose the school afford having a fully stocked fridge?” Spike asked as he glanced around the kitchen. “They don’t. Students have to buy their own food.” Scamp shrugged as he finished his sandwich and carelessly tossed the utensils he used into the sink. Spike chewed at his bottom lip in thought before speaking again “Ah. Makes sense so any place within flying distance you recommend?” He asked rubbing the side of his neck. Small talk was never one of his specialties when it came to meeting new people. “There is a bodega not that far, most people go there.” Scamp shrugged as he seemed to give Spike the once over “You alright?” He asked surprising Spike. “Huh? What do you mean?” The Dragon teen inquired as Scamp simply gestured toward him. “Your aura is all out of wack.” Scamp responded only to get a blank stare from the Dragon causing Scamp to sigh “I can see your aura and it’s telling me you’re bummed out dude.” He explained. “I’m..I’m sorry you can SEE my aura?” Spike asked looking completely lost. “It’s a type of Diamond Dog magic. You didn’t know that?” Scamp asked only for Spike to look even more lost. “Magic? But…you’re a Diamond Dog.” Spike pointed out getting Scamp to chuckle. “Dude were you raised by Ponies or something?” Scamp chuckled only to notice Spike wince “Oh…ooooh you were!” He winced “Yeah Diamond Dogs can use magic. Not the same kind of magic Unicorns or Pegasuses use…or wait is the plural of Pegasus Pegasi?” The canine teen asked. “Both work.” Spike shrugged now looking rather curious “So none Ponies can use magic too?” He asked leaning against countertop while Scamp nodded. “All creatures in Equestria can, granted that’s something only really known and accepted by non-Pony races.” The Diamond Dog explained “Seems like Ponies get a little defensive over the idea that they aren’t as special in the magic department as they thought, so they don’t really acknowledge the skills of guys like you and me.” He said before taking another bite from his sandwich. “Wait Dragons have magic too?” Spike asked eyes wide in shock, this was the first he had ever heard of such a thing he’s never been able to make use of magic before. “Yeah, I just said all races in Equestria can use magic didn’t I?” Scamp tilted his head “Granted, I don’t know how you Dragons do it. Us Diamond Dogs just sorta focus really hard and we can magically enhance our senses for the most part.” He shrugged before he walked past Spike while munching on his sandwich. Spike remained silent not saying anything at first until he heard the click of the door letting him know his roommate had left the room. And with the coast clear, Spike summoned DragonHeart in an instant. “What the shit?!” Spike asked glaring at his Stand “Why didn’t you tell me I had magic?” He pointed an accusatory finger at the phantasm who simply held up his hands in defense. “Don’t look at me dude, I know everything you know and vice versa. If anything Twi should be the one you’re grilling not me.” DragonHeart pointed out. “I know! But right now I can’t yell at Twi cause I was an asshole so you’ll have to do! What is with today and dropping all these bombshells on me?! What’s next? Is my next roommate gonna turn out to be a biological relative of mine or something?!” Spike groaned before facepalming “God all this craziness is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.” Spike groaned before placing a hand over his stomach “Literally…” he winced as a gurgling sound could be heard coming from his abdomen. “Uhhh kid? You don’t look so hot.” DragonForce commented before the eyes of the Dragon head ornament on his arm began to flash “Oh that’s new-Hey!” he yelped in shock as the dragon head ornament extended off of his arm attached only by a tube like attachment feeding out from the Stand’s arm. Spike didn’t pay any mind to that, he was too busy clutching his stomach in pain. It felt like something was fighting with something else inside his gut constantly pushing the other for supremacy and the addition of a third something was not helping. “I’m…i’m gonna be sick!” Spike groaned before he scrambled over to a nearby trash bin and without a second thought he removed the lid and dunked his head into the receptacle. DragonHeart became distracted from the sudden change in its body by the sound of its master retching up his stomach contents into the trash making the Stand wince in sympathy “Eeesh kid, you gonna be ok?” DragonHeart inquired only to be answered with the sound of more induced vomiting. “Oh god!” Spike gagged as he finally stopped emptying his stomach contents, however once he opened his eyes he caught a glimmer of a few glass shards in the trash…along with the familiar mold like substance that made up Celtis’s ability which soon began to fade away “What the hell…the moss and the glass I had you eat-“ Spike began only to instantly reach for his neck, there where no cuts to be found on his throat. “It would seem that there is some form of time limit for the items I eat.” DragonHeart spoke up as the Dragon ornament’s tube like neck bulged before it proceeded to caught up the familiar form of the arrow “While I can eat anything without negative effects on your body…I can’t digest anything meaning after some time I will have to spit some objects back up…the arrow was in my stomach for a few days however, the glass shards and moss where only there for a few hours at best. the Stand summarized rubbing his chin in thought. “Then…then why did the arrow come out of the thing on your arm…while I had to upchuck shards of glass?!” Spike asked in annoyance before letting out a groan “Forget it…just…just devour the arrow again before someone stabs them self.” He groaned sliding his hand down his face before he noticed the Stand shook its head “What?” He frowned. “I can’t eat it again...we’ll not right now I mean.” DragonHeart explained getting an annoyed look from his user “Hey don’t give me that, would you try to eat something you just spat out again?” The Stand pointed out getting another annoyed groan from Spike. “Great…just fucking great then that means I need to hide the arrow.” Spike winced before he dragged himself over and grabbed the arrow and thought for a moment “The arrow head is the only dangerous part.” He muttered to himself before he proceeded to break the golden and silver arrow off the shaft which he then proceeded to toss away while pocketing the arrowhead before he let out another sigh “I’m exhausted.” He mumbled before making his way over to the couch in the middle of the room. …And proceeded to pass out face first into it. “ …Know what? You rest up kid…Faust knows you are gonna need it later.” DragonHeart sighed before vanishing from sight. - Rarity really wished the conversation hadn’t gone south the way it did. With Spike storming off leaving her alone with the rest of the girls…who where all now aware that she was a stand user and a quick glance at Rainbow’s excited look told her she was gonna be answering a lot of questions today. “I can’t fucking believe him.” Twilight muttered to herself as she had her arms crossed while aggressively reading a book she had held up with her magic “C.U is one of the best schools in Equestria! And he’s just using it to run around and play vigilante?” She grumbled to herself. “you never know Twi, Spike might wanna become a guard or something. And with those cool new powers of his I bet he could totally do it.” Rainbow grinned only to shrink back as Twilight shot her a glare. “Twilight.” Rarity began only to winced as the mare turned her glare on her “I’m sure you’re upset but be realistic, has Spike ever shown any real interest in coming here?” She asked calmly while placing her hands on her lap. Her previously destroyed jeans back on her person and repaired thanks to her ability. Twilight held her glare for a few more seconds before huffing and glancing away “No…” she admitted before looking down at her own body, the effects of Celtis’s Stand had worn off some time after his retreat, a quick glance toward Rainbow also showed she was suffering no ill effects either “I just…I wanted him to be here so he could enjoy C.U with us.” She sighed. “You mean for like a year or two?” Pinkie spoke up “It won’t be long till we’re all wearing those funny hats we throw into the air and graduate Twi.” The pink maned earth pony pointed out “Then Spike would be stuck here all alone with a lot of rich jerks who don’t like him.” She reminded causing Twilight’s ears to fold down in slight sorrow until Rainbow chimed in. “I mean…chances are he’d drop out-YEOWCH!” Rainbow Dash began only to shriek as she was delivered a magic powered wedgie by a even more annoyed Twilight, who’s horn was glowing brightly to yank the Pegasus girl’s multicolored underwear up to the upper part of her torso “N-not that Spike would do that!” She quickly corrected herself and then let out a groan as Twilight released her “God damn Twi…” she groaned. “Um…sorry.” Fluttershy Spoke up suddenly “I know you are still a little upset but…what about Celtis?” She asked timidly “He’s still a threat isn’t he?” She pointed out. “Shy has a point.” Applejack frowned “That boy is still mighty ticked off at us and he’s still running loose.” She reminded “And out of the six of us only one of us has one of them Stand things Spike was talkin’ bout.” She crossed her arms glancing over at Rarity. “I can handle him. He had me at a disadvantage before but I can assure you, now that I know his ability I can be ready if he try’s anything.” Rarity assured them. “But what about us?” Rainbow butted in “We can’t even see his Stand if he comes after one of us when you aren’t around we would be totally finished…I mean I bet I could take him cause I am pretty awesome like that.” She smirked leaning back slightly with her hands folded behind her head. “Right…but back on topic, Rainbow is right, we won’t have much chance against a Stand user like Celtis without Rarity and Spike around.” Applejack sighed “Spike mentioned and arrow right? That’s how he got his.” She pointed out making Twilight perk up. “It’s not the only method.” Rarity interjected “My Uptown Girl developed on its own over time.” She told them only to get a weird look from some of the group “What?” She asked. “Uptown Girl? You named it after that one song you listen to all the time?” Rainbow asked only for Rarity to shake her head. “I didn’t name it. The ability came with the name…like when it first manifested, I just knew what it was called.” The Unicorn fashionista revealed before she addressed Twilight “Perhaps there might be something in some book or something? Equestria is full of magic of all types of backgrounds.” She pointed out making Twilight gain a contemplative look. “Maybe…I’ll look into it but maybe we should consider reporting Celtis? To get campus security to keep an eye on him?” Twilight suggested only for Rarity to shake her head. “That won’t do anything but piss him off, realistically speaking if he thinks someone is going to come after him he may just use his ability and ask questions later…it is a dreadful thing to suggest but our best bet is to just stay calm and continue our daily lives until he shows up again.” Rarity sighed. “And just wait for the guy to decide to go after us? Are you nuts?” Rainbow frowned. “It’s the only thing we can do Rainbow. Ah don’t like it but what else can we do?” Applejack asked her girlfriend who sighed and stood up. “Im gonna go for a run…if I see the guy I’ll call for help I guess.” Rainbow grumbled before she took off. “I need to go too. There could be some type of info in the library about this.” Twilight spoke up before locking eyes with Rarity “Can you keep tabs on Spike? Im still mad at him but I don’t want him getting into trouble.” She frowned as Rarity nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on him Twi, it’s a promise.” She smiled as Twilight left before she got up herself “If anything happens-“ she began. “We’ll call ya don’t worry bout it hon.” Applejack assured her before the rest of the group got up and went their separate ways. With any luck this issue could be resolved with minimal casualties. - Celtis panted hard as he stumbled between an alley space his face drenched in sweat, he had been running for a while now, he was sure they where still after him that they wanted to make him pay, that was their way after all. “God damned Ponies…” Celtis snarled as his fist punched the wall, Infected Mushrooms own hand overlapping with his at that moment to cause a crack to form in the brick “And that stupid Dragon too…I was just trying to make him see the light…but…but he’s just as blind as everyone else.” He snarled as his anger inadvertently caused his ability to prematurely activate and leave a trace of mold on the wall. “I swear, I’ll make that bastard pay for this humiliation…then and only then will he realize I’m in the right.” Celtis snarled. As the man continued to monologue to himself he failed to notice the sound of light footfalls approaching him, he was to caught up in his own little world he didn’t see the familiar tendrils of Florida Man slowly snake out from behind him. “Sorry, but I can’t have you causing trouble you are a loose end I need to tie up for the time being.” A voice suddenly spoke up snapping Celtis out of his thoughts. “Huh?” Celtis blinked as he looked back only to let out a cry of shock that was soon muffled by the thorn covered tendrils of Florida Man that soon began to fully wrap around and envelop his body. The hooded figure who was the user of Florida Man calmly watched as Celtis thrashed about in vain within his Stand’s appendages to try and free himself. “Don’t struggle, you’ll only make it worse.” The man sighed as he calmly pulled out a small carton of pocky sticks before he began to lightly munch on one of the chocolate covered treats “It’s best of you just….Sleep.” he hissed out as the flowers on his Stand’s brambles bloomed and let out another spray of spores these ones being a vibrant blue color that caused Celtis to stop struggling after a few moments. The figure waited for a moment before he released the deer from his Stand’s grasp revealing Celtis was unconscious before him. Without another word the man finished his candy and walked over before heaving Celtis over his shoulders and proceeded to continue on his way. “Can’t kill you right now…you could still be of use.” The figure smirked as his face became partially visible from within the shadow of his hood, revealing a fanged light grey muzzle with a small black goatee on his chin. Whoever this man was, and whoever he was working with it seemed they had plans involving the volatile man in the future. Which only spelled trouble down the road. - “Man I need something to wash that sandwich down.” Scamp mumbled while licking his lips to try and rid himself of the residual peanut butter in his gums. He had only walked a few steps out of his room before he took notice of Spike crashed out on the couch making him sigh. “Great, now that’s gonna be my problem.” The Diamond Dog sighed rubbing his temples before walking over to the sleeping Dragon to wake him. “Hey, I know you’re tired bro but ya can’t crash out in the common room unless you’re hung over.” Scamp said as he began to slightly shake the purple Drake. “Hmmm~ Rarity.” Spike mumbled in his sleep, gaining a small smile as his tail began to slightly thump against the side of the couch. “…Yeah I’m not gonna ask.” Scamp shook his head with a sigh before he placed his hand on Spike’s hip “Dude, seriously wake-“ SHINK! “Fuck!” Scamp pulled his hand back in pain seeing there was a small cut on his paw shocking him “Dude are you sleeping with a razor blade in your pocket or something?!” Scamp glared behind his bangs only to freeze. He could see the Drake’s aura again, only it was much more vibrant than normal, it was a bright yellow showing the Dragon’s joy but there where tinges of light blue showing his tiredness but the strangest thing was how it looked as if their where two aura’s around the Drake like an additional copy of the initial aura was laying just above Spike. “Dude…I…I think I need to sit down after I get patched up…if I get some kinda infection I’m kicking your ass.” Scamp mumbled as he stumbled away to find the first aid kit. ゴゴゴゴ… As he walked away he failed to notice the pointed bulge in Spike’s pocket tear through slightly, revealing the tip of an arrowhead before it descended back into the sleeping Dragon’s pocket. …To be continued > Chapter-10 Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scamp was a Diamond Dog, a well known species in Equestria that lived by a simple routine lifestyle. To dig, to search for hidden treasures inside the earth and only coming up to see the light once you hand a decent haul or horde however, it was not uncommon for some Diamond Dogs to attempt to steal from a Dragon’s horde if they thought they could escape unscathed. A Diamond Dog’s life was a grueling one, always working and digging around in the dirt and muck in the dark, only allowed a reprieve to eat. It was a life Scamp stopped wanting as soon as he realized there was a better option. That is what brought him to C.U only able to navigate around via his own aura vision for the first few years since his many years living his kinds lifestyle had left him blind for the first year on the surface, with the corresponding second year having him deal with sensory overload now that his eyes where becoming accustomed to the light on the surface. By the time his vision had finally fully adjusted to constantly staying above ground, he had seen many things some strange, some exotic. What he was seeing now was incomprehensible. Not long after stumbling into the the bathroom Scamp had found the first aid kit to patch up the wound on his hand, but the moment he closed the cabinet and saw his reflection did he truly consider something was wrong. His own aura was off, not unlike Spike’s it looked as if it had been divided in two with a blacked out duplicate silhouette of himself encompassed by the emerald green aura, but something was off. The silhouette while resembling him was steadily changing shape, gaining new traits an accents the longer he stared at it. Scamp shook his head and shut his eyes from behind his bangs before opening them again, the strange sight was gone. “What the hell was that?” Scamp asked himself under his breath before holding his head “Fuck it, I need to get some fresh air or something,” he sighed as he walked out of the bathroom and into his own room. He didn’t bother taking in the sight of his dorm room, he had seen it plenty of times so instead he grabbed a fresh change of clothes to slip into, a black long sleeved shirt with strategic slits cut into it at random intervals and a pair of red jeans with leather straps wrapped around the legs, one of the more exotic outfits to come out of pony fashion if he had to admit, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t make it work. With a deep sigh the Diamond Dog made his way out of his room and back into the common room, his eyes briefly glancing over to the still sleeping form of the Dragon who was his current roommate. Without missing a beat, Scamp walked over to the sleeping form of Spike and proceeded to flick him on the nose on annoyance, the action failed to wake the sleeping Drake but it did allow a minimal amount of retribution after the Diamond Dog had gotten his hand injured. Seeing as his action failed to wake his new roommate Scamp let out a sigh of annoyance and continued to the door, thinking some fresh air might lessen the headache he felt coming on. “I need to get outside.” Scamp mumbled under his breath before he opened the door and stepped out. - In all her years growing up one word that could best describe Twilight Sparkle is curious. She always was eager to learn new things and studying new phenomenon, especially those related to magic or were a new form of magic. Unlike most Ponies she fully acknowledged that Non-Ponies could use their own form of magic it was just bullheaded to believe otherwise. Sadly this mentality was one of the man reason other elitist students picked on her. For challenging the status quo, but she never would let it stop her, once Twilight set her mind on something she wouldn’t stop. And thus, we find the Unicorn in question i the library surrounded by various books, an expression that was a mix of determination and utter curiosity plastered on her face as she read over the text within the book currently in her grasp, she took special care not to accidentally rip the pages as she flipped through them and even kept her finger a certain distance from the page as she read along it, clearly not wanting to allow her finger to smudge any of the long dried ink by accident. “-While it is widely accepted that Ponies are the only ones with true magic, there are certain crackpot-Ugh.” Twilight frowned as she noticed where the info in the book was heading but continued to read with a much less enthusiastic look, now clearly taking the book’s contents with a rather large grain of salt. As she kept reading she seemed to pause for a moment as her gaze fell on a few paragraphs that hat regained her full attention. “Cursed object that could either bring instant death…or great power…” she trailed off before her horn lit up and a pencil and notepad floated to her side and began to copy down the little useful info within the tome as she continued to read. “One such rumor was related to the old legend of the ‘Stone of Harmony’ which later modern generations discovered was just a simple meteorite that fell from the sky. But at the time ancient Ponies and Non-Ponies viewed it as a spiritual artifact…one even going as far as to craft objects of-“ Twilight’s reading was interrupted as a voice cleared their throat making her look up. An elderly griffon woman, the librarian was giving her a pointed look and calmly made a shushing motion with her finger. The action made Twilight blush as she realized she had been reading aloud again. “Sorry Mrs.Snowfeather.” Twilight winced and resigned herself to reading in silence while making sure to copy down the info she did find. As she did however she suddenly stopped as she came across another bit of info in the book and she felt her mind come to a screeching halt. “B-but of this is true…oh Ponyfeathers…” Twilight thought with a gulp before putting a bookmark into the old tome before she brought up another book she had previously discarded and then began to double check between the two after finding a previous page. “This…this isn’t good…I need to find another book to compare with these two.” Twilight thought to herself before making another bookmark, this one being a complete magic construct that kept her place in her second book before she got up and walked over to the elderly form of Mrs.Snowfeather. “Um…excuse me sorry to bother you Mrs.Snowfeather by any chance has anyone checked out any of the Equestrian historical records by chance?” Twilight asked with a polite smile. The elderly Griffon simply pointed off to the distance to the far end of the library “In the back, where they always are.” She said calmly. With a nod Twilight thanked the librarian and walked off, and Mrs Snowfeather rolled her eyes soon after. “Seriously, how has that kid not realized you can just look stuff up on the internet?” The Griffon woman quipped as she calmly took out a pair of wireless headphones and proceeded to place them in “Easy now Esmeralda, just enjoy your music.” She smiled to herself and hit play on her phone. The strong and firm wails of death metal filled her ears making her smile and lean back in her seat to relax, honestly she enjoyed her rather cushy job. While the librarian was occupied with her music, she didn’t even notice that someone new had walked into the library, their face was hidden behind a dark blue hoodie but a faint outline of their face could be seen confirming they where a Pony. The hooded Pony calmly glanced at the distracted Librarian before calmly walking off to another part of the Library, in the direction Twilight had just retreated to. “here it is.” The hooded Pony paused as they heard the Unicorn in question before they peered around a shelf. “Pillars of Equestria.” Twilight read aloud once again, she was looking over a large dusty book, while she did so the hooded Pony calmly moved back and reached into their pocket. “Time to clean up that moron’s fucking mess.” The Pony whispered, their voice was feminine and soft spoken, their eyes briefly became unveiled from within the shadows of their hood revealing a pair of bluish green eyes, and from her pocket she pulled out a small zippo lighter. As a light purple Stand aura engulfed the hooded woman, she light the lighter and calmly moved the lit flame under the shelves, the books soon catching on fire but the flames that formed seemed to come to a standstill as she moved, not burning any further even as she moved down the shelves. As silent as a church mouse, the assailant moved, secretly setting as much of the Library on fire as she could, yet the flames refused to burn behind a simple flicker, almost like something was holding it back. After a few more seconds of this, the hooded woman clicked the lighter shut and smirked before calmly making her way back out the entrance she had just come from before sparing a sinister smirk while glancing back. “「We Didn’t Start The Fire.」” She whispered under her breath before walking out. And almost like a switch had been flipped, the fires that had been set roared to life! Books and wooden shelves instantly becoming engulfed all across the room, alerting all those present to the sudden apparent flash fire. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” A random student shouted in panic and rushed for the door in a mad dash for freedom. “WAIT DON’T THE AIR WILL-“ The Librarian tried to warn him but it was too late, the boy had pushed open the doors causing a rush of oxygen to fill the room. And his mistake soon became everyone’s problem, as the fire grew more rapidly, cutting off other exits as it spread in a serpentine like manner. The screams of the few other people in the library grew louder and more panicked. Twilight meanwhile looked horrified, the sight of the library catching ablaze around her seemingly out of nowhere before she glanced up in panic. “Why haven’t the sprinklers gone off?!” She cried out before her horn lit up as she ran out into the open “Everyone get closer to me!” She shouted catching the attention of the other people trapped with her “I can teleport us out!” She promised. “Oh thank god-“ A Zebra student began only to be pushed aside by a Unicorn student in a panic “HEY!” They snapped. “STAY OUT OF MY WAY PEASANT! MY LIFE IS MORE VALUABLE THAN YOURS!” The Unicorn sneered back before turning to face Twilight “Now hurry up-“ he began before he was rightfully sucker punched by an irate Twilight. “Don’t push or shove anyone. You people try what this asshat just did and I’m leaving you here!” She snapped, Twilight was clearly in a bad mood given the previous events today so she had zero tolerance for anymore of the elitist attitude of some of her fellow students. Seeing this many of the other Pony students wisely cleaned up their attitude as they made their way over while the Pony Twilight had struck just glared at her but said nothing as he joined the group. “Alright, stick close I’ll get us out of here.” Twilight said as her horn began to glow, the magic emitting from her soon spreading over to the huddled group to teleport them to safety…any second now…any second now! “Uh…nothings happening.” A Pegasus student gulped as the fire began to spread while Twilight’s eyes widened in horror. “W-what the hell?! My magic!” She said as she tried to force the spell to no avail, something was keeping her from activating her spell. “Come on already! We don’t have a lot of time here!” A Diamond dog student shouted in panic clutching close to Twilight. Twilight balled her fists, she was pushing her magic as best she could, whatever it was blocking her spell was strong, it was taking most of her focus to keep her aura up. “Dammit hurry!” The Unicorn she had punched shouted in panic as the fire began to spread. Outside the screams of other Students and Faculty could be heard, clearly someone had noticed the rising smoke and flames that had spontaneously sprouted up. Twilight grit her teeth as she felt her knees knock together, the earlier attack from Celtis still had her weakened, she had recovered rather quickly but it seemed there was lasting after effects. “M-my head…it hurts…but if I don’t do something then…” Twilight thought in pain as the sound of a nearby bookshelf falling over into burning debris made her focus harder, if she didn’t act now then they where all screwed. Focusing even harder Twilight could feel a migraine forming in her head as her horn began to pulse, a trickle of blood dripping from her nose as the magic aura surrounding the group flared brighter, she wound up making the mistake of taking in a sharp breath, the rapidly heated air burning her lungs making her begin to cough and hack, but she didn’t loose her focus. “COME ON HURRY FOR FUCKS SAKE I DON’T WANNA DIE!” One of the other students shouted in panic as this seemed to finally be the push she needed, as the glow exploded out as Twilight and the group vanished in a flash of light. - The next thing Twilight felt was the feeling of dirt and grass pressing against her knees and palms as she fell over panting, she was completely out of breath. “Oh thank god! We’re free!” One of the people she had saved shouted. “Thank god…now.” The Zebra student who had been pushed aside said before whirling around and decking the Unicorn who had pushed them right in the face. “FUCK!” He screamed falling over gripping his face in pain “My nose! Oh god I think you broke something!” He hissed. “Cry me a river asshole!” The Zebra hissed before storming off. “Oh god…just..why is so much crap happening today?” Twilight wheezed, her voice now slightly raspy from the hot air burning the inside of her throat slightly, the sound of sirens off in the distance could be heard making her glance up, they where no doubt the unmistakable sound of the paramedics and fire department someone must have called them the moment the smoke and fire was noticed. “Thank…god….” Twilight groaned as she held her head and slowly sat up resting on her knees “What…what was messing with my magic?” She mumbled as Mrs.Snowfeather tried to comfort her and dissuade her from speaking and further damaging her voice box, while behind them the library continued to burn. As the fire department arrived in scene, students could only watch in shock and horror at the sight. Twilight didn’t hear a word anyone said as she was being ushered over to a nearby paramedic for medical aid, as she was escorted away she briefly glanced back to the sight of the burning building where all the students where seen watching the sight of the Firemen trying to douse the flames…all but one. A lone figure was seen locking eyes with Twilight, they were partially obscured by a few stray students but she could tell she was looking right at her. A hooded woman, appearing to be Pony, clad in all dark colored clothing and despite being a few yards away Twilight could see her lips curled up into a cruel smirk before she mockingly waved goodbye to her. Before Twilight could single her out a Paramedic passed infront of her for a split second and once the moved, the hooded Pony was gone. - “God damnit…” The moment these words left Scamp’s mouth he winced as he began to nurse a small headache, he had left his dorm to get some fresh air but it seemed the moment he left he would be randomly plagued by mild migraines every so often. And seeing the sight of the library burning down only seemed to worsen his mood. Scamp loved the library, it was a nice quiet retreat for him so seeing the sight of it being set ablaze and people desperately trying to put the fire out worsened his already sour mood. The Diamond Dog growled as he angrily punched the side of the building, he was standing roughly twenty meters away from the fire but he could still make out a good portion of what was going on. “Of all the days for something stupid like this to happened…it had to be the day my morning started going to shit!” Scamp hissed before trying to calm himself, taking a few deep breaths before exhaling, only for his headache to spike up once more making him growl “God dammit!” He shouted whirling around and slamming his foot into the side of the building, not caring if he wound up injuring himself. However, oddly enough he did not wind up injuring himself, the kick actually managed to fracture the stone wall slightly but Scamp didn’t seem to notice this, or the fading green aura that had surrounded him briefly during his outburst since it was rapidly fizzling away. Scamp slumped to the floor, head held in his hands while he tried to calm himself, just who could have done something like this? Why would they do this? Where were they so he could wring their neck? These where the thoughts plaguing Scamp’s mind, the later one being more violent than the Diamond Dog was but it couldn’t be helped, he just felt so angry right now, something had caused his anger to bubble to the surface. “-Look I’ll go after her later, you know I like playing with my prey, the library was just to send a message.” Scamp froze as he heard this, his ears perked up catching the sound of a feminine voice with his heightened hearing. “Oh don’t give me that crap! That other idiot screwed up way worse than this and besides I dealt with those stupid history relics you were to chicken shit to get rid of! So I think the words you’re looking for are Thank! And You! Put ‘em together and they make a real nice sound.” The feminine voice continued the apparently one sided conversation. Scamp slowly stood back up, his eyes were closed while he began to pinpoint the source of the voice, it was close but how close? “Oh don’t ducking give me that! You know I’m taking the mission seriously! I want those Royal bitches dead just as much as you-I do not use the word ‘As’ too much! Fuck you!” The female voice shouted growing more agitated as Scamp seemed to pinpoint just where the voice was coming from. “…Above…” The Diamond Dog mumbled before crouching down, his leg muscles tensing as he felt his own reserves of magic shift focus from his eyes towards his feet. Without warning Scamp shot straight up landing on the roof of the building he was just below, his eyes snapping open as he landed in a slight crouch. On the other side of the roof he saw her, a hooded Pony woman who seemed to be having an argument with someone over the phone, she hadn’t noticed him yet. “God dammit listen to me! Everyone is to distracted by the fire I set. Those morons will have their guard down now is the time to strike.” The woman argued, Scamp couldn’t hear who was on the other end of the call but truth be told, he didn’t need to. “Found you…” Scamp growled as he crouched down on all fours, his muscles tensing and slightly expanding, this was Diamond Dog magic at work. The Pony seemed to have heard him this time as she turned her head only to lock eyes with a growling Diamond Dog “Oh shit! Send back u-“ Scamp launched forward, closing the distance between them as he swung his arms out wide, before rapidly wrapping them around his target and launching them both off the roof of the building and landing in the opposite side alleyway with her trapped in a rather tight embrace. And the Pony was anything but happy about this. “Let the fuck go of me dammit! What’s the big fucking idea?!” She demanded trying to wriggle free only to gasp out in pain as the Diamond Dog tightened his grip forcing air out of her lungs. “You started the fire…” Scamp growled making her freeze “I could hear you…you are the cause of this…and I also heard you say something about wanting the ‘Royal Bitches’ dead? Tell me…do you mean to cause harm to your own monarchs?” Scamp asked in a low voice. The hooded Pony said nothing however this time Scamp could hear the voice of the person on the other end of the call who had clearly heard the conversation. “Oh god fucking dammit! You’re on your own!” A second irate voice shouted before the line went dead much to the ire of Scamp’s captive. “Screw it, We Didn’t Start The Fire!” The hooded woman called out with vigor. “Yes you Fucking did! Don’t lie to-“ Scamp snarled only to be cut off as an aura enveloped the woman before a spectral fist shot out uppercutting him and knocking him back. With hooded Pony let out a deep gasp as she was freed from the Diamond Dog’s grasp, her gaze slowly turned towards her attacker as her demeanor became more aggressive. “I’m never gonna fucking hear the end of this one…” She growled as Scamp slowly got back up rubbing his chin. “Fuck, what hit me-“ he began, only to freeze in shock as he saw what had hit him. Hovering besides the Pony was a female figure, robotic in nature with a white and orange fox mask, long cable like dreadlocks sprouting out from the back of the beings head, said dreadlocks ended in a series of different zippo lighter like ornaments, the being’s body was covered in sleek light weight armor with blue flame decals painted onto them with its fingers having a strange lighter nozzle attached to the tip of each finger. “What…what the fuck is that?” Scamp asked in shock as he stood up in a panic while dropping into a defensive stance. “You can see my Stand? Yet you don’t know what it is…that means one of two things.” The Pony said as she removed her hood, revealing herself to be a dark furred Unicorn Mare, her mane was dark blue with a few pitch black streaks, she had a few straight line tattoos on the sides of her face, giving her the appearance of having fox whiskers. “You are either a person who just recently got their Stand…or…someone who’s had one for a long time but has yet to run into another Stand before, the later is highly unlikely so it must be the first.” The Unicorn assessed as she gestured to the strange being floating by her side “Allow me to introduce my Stand, 「We Didn’t Start The Fire.」” she smirked. “Yes you did! You did start the fire!” Scamp instantly snapped as the Woman and Stand both face palmed. “Oh for fucks sake…this things name is We Didn’t Start The Fire.” She stressed pointing at her Stand. “…Well that’s a stupid name.” Scamp glared “Look I don’t care about any of this Stand crap or whatever, you burned down the library that was my favorite place to hang out, I don’t care what excuse you have, I’m gonna kick your ass and then turn you in.” He growled surprising the woman. “Hmm you would fight a woman? Not very chivalrous are you?” She frowned looking unimpressed. “Fuck chivalry! When you’re dealing with a criminal you don’t worry about that crap! A criminal is a criminal regardless of gender.” Scamp glared. “Ah yes, I do believe I’ve heard a line about this in one of those Comics I’ve heard about ‘The Hammer of Justice is unisex’ I believe was how the line went…no matter.” The woman shrugged before introducing herself “I am Skulk Shadow, and I’ll be the one to execute you.” She smirked giving a mocking bow…just as Scamp rushed forward and delivered a kick to her face, Skulk letting out a cry of surprise and pain as she was knocked back flat onto her ass. “I don’t give a rats ass about your name!” Scamp said before rushing forward only to be knocked back with a roundhouse kick from We Didn’t Start The Fire, the attack sent him skidding back while Skulk got back up looking even angrier than before. “Ok…fuck common courtesy, I don’t need your name, I’m just gonna kill you.” She said whipping out her Zippo lighter from her pocket and lighting it. Instantly a stream of fire shot out as Scamp who was quick to backpedal, the flames lightly flicking against his fur, lighting his arm ablaze for a moment before he began to rapidly pat his arm to put it out, but he was not given much time before the Stand attacked him with a flurry of blows. Scamp let out a cry of surprise as the swift punches sent him sailing back, luckily he landed in a nearby puddle which wound up putting the fire on his arm out. “The theory about you being a recent Stand user is making more and more sense, if you had any control over it you would have used it to defend yourself.” Skulk stated as her Stand held up a pointer finger, the flame from the Zippo lighter traveling away from the lighter itself and collecting towards the Stand’s finger tip “I don’t have that much lighter fluid in this, so I’ll make this quick.” She smirked. Hearing this, Scamp scrambled to his feat in a vain attempt to run, if she was going to do what he thinks she’s gonna do then he had no time to sit around. “Sayonara mutt!” Skulk grinned before her Stand thrust its hand forward, a large ball of flame blasting forward barreling at the Terrier Diamond Dog. Time seemed to slow down for Scamp, slowly he glanced back at the oncoming fire as his heart began to beat rapidly. The inferno was drawing closer and closer as he tried to flee, a vibrant green aura flaring up around him as the attack drew closer. Skulk smirked as she watched the attack collide with her target, enveloping her enemy before her eyes “And so, another fledgling Stand user cut down before even figuring out their ability.” She narrated in a mocking tone while watching as the ball of fire hit the ground suggesting that Scamp had keeled over “As it should be, the fool was challenging someone far superior to him in every way, Now to call that dumb bitch back and chew her out for not sending back up.” She huffed pulling her phone back out. A low groan from the fire however caught her attention, Skulk looked back up in surprise as the fire died down only to see the only thing left of her enemy was a pile of ash making her smirk “Huh, he burned up faster than expected. Guess I’m getting-“ she began only for the groan to sound out again making her pause “…No…couldn’t be…” she frowned looking at the ashes and took a hesitant step forward. ゴゴゴゴ… Suddenly the ‘Ashes’ began to glow and swirl together in a vortex, a dark green magical glow enveloping the ashes while Skulk’s eyes went wide. A bright green flash filled the alleyway blinding Skulk for a moment, and the ash had been replaced with something else. - “I am…alive?” Scamp thought to himself in shock as the view of the alleyway filled his vision “But that fireball hit me…I felt it in my body but…it didn’t hurt?” Scamp mentally monologues to himself and placed a wing to his temple-wait wing? Scamp froze and slowly looked at the appendage he placed to his head, instead of a fur covered arm it was a green and light grey feather covered wing. “Kaw!” Scamp said in shock only to cover his mouth-scratch that, Beak in shock and rush over to the puddle he had fallen in earlier to get a good look at himself, and what he saw was not a Diamond Dog. Staring back at Scamp was the reflection of a light grey and emerald green Phoenix with a panicked look on its face…this Phoenix was Scamp and Scamp was the Phoenix. “WHAT THE FUCK?! IM A BIRD?!” Scamp mentally screamed in shock flapping his arms/wings in a panic while Skulk managed to recover finally. “What the fuck was-A Phoenix?” Skulk paused as she caught sight of the bird looking at its own reflection “What the hell? Did that bastard have you hidden under his clothes?” She asked gaining the Phoenix’s attention. “Oh fuck right! This bitch!” Scamp thought in a panic while letting out a caw at the woman due to his current inability to speak before it hit him. “Wait…she doesn’t realize I’m me…perfect! I can get the drop on her then!” Scamp thought to himself before frowning “But…how did I turn into a Phoenix? And how do I turn back?” he thought before a dark green aura surrounded him. “What the-“ Skulk blinked before a bright flash and burst of smoke expanded from the bird, and in its place stood the Diamond Dog she had previously assumed had died “FUCK?!” “Perfect, she doesn’t suspect a thing, once she lets her guard down I’ll kick…her….ass…” Scamp trailed off as he realized he was actually verbally articulating once again “…Ehehehehe…hey.” Scamp smiled nervously. “We Didn’t Start The Fire!” Skulk shouted as the female Stand lunged at Scamp, fist reared back and ready to strike. Scamp out of reflex crossed his arms in front of himself in a feeble attempt to guard, and in an instant the green aura flared up around him before something shot out and intercepted the oncoming phantasm with a solid right hook. Skulk’s head jerked violently to the side as both her and her Stand where flung back, both slamming into the ground before looking back up and bore witness to their attacker, the Diamond Dog’s Stand had made itself known. Tall and with a moderate muscular build with dark grey skin with a black loincloth covering its lower half while a gold trim cuirass was adorned on its torso, it was a wolf like creature with a set of four emerald green eyes, the secondary set belonging to a black sheep pelt it wore over its head while its mouth was obscured by a metal muzzle that had a sharper fanged mouth design etched onto it, the Stand had a pair of cloven hooves on its feet with long claws on its hand. The Stand took in a deep breath and exhaled out a- “Baaaaaaah!” The Stand bleated out like a sheep temporarily undercutting the intimidating demeanor it had. “…What the fuck?” Skulk blinked looking the Stand up and down before shooting Scamp a look. “…What?” Scamp glared “Never seen a Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing before?” He grunted before instantly feeling a connection to the new apparition the moment the name left his lips. “And you thought the name of my Stand was stupid.” Skulk glared as she got to her feat before reaching for her lighter only to realize she had dropped it “Damn!” She hissed before noticing the ms all object lay a few meters ahead…directly between her and her enemy. “…” Without warning the two Stand users bolted forward with their corresponding Stands resulting, the moment Skulk went for the lighter, Scamp kicked it away with his foot before having his Stand swing a right hook only for We Didn’t Start The Fire to block it by grabbing onto said arm and shoving it to the side and delivering a counter punch. Once the hit connected to Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing’s jaw, Scamp felt a widespread sting spread across his face making him stumble back. “The hell! I felt that?” Scamp asked in shock however in his brief distraction Skulk had gotten her hands on her lighter again. “You really are a virgin Stand user aren’t you? When your Stand gets hurt so do you!” She grinned before flicking the Zippo light’s mechanism and lighting up a small flame. Instantly the small flame shot out like a javelin, grazing the side of Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing’s shoulder and causing a similar burn to form on Scamp’s corresponding shoulder with a small splash of blood. Scamp hissed out and gripped his shoulder in pain glaring at the woman as his aura flared up “Ok you are starting to puss me off! I’m gonna go ape on you!” He snapped as his Stand seemed to react to those words. Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing suddenly snapped his fingers as a burst of smoke surrounded Scamp, once it died down in Scamp’s place stood a grey furred Gorilla. “…” Scamp blinked and looked himself over in shock as Skulk seemed to pause and find some amusement in the sight. “Seems your Stand has a sense of humor.” Skulk smirked before taking aim again “To bad all that did was make you into a bigger target!” She grinned before launching another bolt of fire at Scamp. The Diamond Dog turned Gorilla held up his hands in a panic, right before another burst of smoke and he had changed again, resulting in the fire bolt harmlessly passing through the smoke cloud getting a scowl from Skulk “You tricky little-“ She began till she noticed Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing take off into the smoke “Hey!” She snapped before giving chase rushing through the smoke. Instantly she caught sight of the Stand floating out of the alleyway, following after a green furred Rabbit that was rapidly scampering away as fast as his little legs could take him. Without giving it a second thought, Skulk gave chase, ignoring the odd looks she got from some of the people she passed by for chasing after a small Rabbit. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck! How dose this power fucking work?! Scamp thought in panic, his little Rabbit limbs moving so fast they barely touched the ground beneath his paws as he made his getaway. “Get back here you little varmint!” Skulk hissed as she gave chase, obviously Scamp had zero intention of stopping, he needed to find a way to loose her for the time being, to gather his thoughts and figure out just how he wound up with this Bizarre power. “I don’t know how I got this Stand or whatever it is…but there is no way I’m letting this weird situation stop me from bringing this psycho bitch in…I just need a plan” Scamp thought to himself as he rounded a corner but still one thought was plaguing his mind. Just how did he wind up with this power? - A rapid series of knocks on his dorm door awoke Spike, the Drake groggily sitting up on the couch with a groan. “Fuck…I’m coming don’t get your panties in a bunch!” Spike called out as he made his way over to the door “there had better not be any more bs happening today, I’m in no-“ he began as he ripped the door open with a scowl only to freeze at the familiar face in front of him. “Spike…something happened.” Rarity said in a grim tone, the Unicorn woman had a panicked expression on her face but seemed to be trying to remain composed “Twilight is ok but I think-“ she began only for Spike to push past her. “Walk and talk, whatever happened and who ever hurt Twilight is gonna have their epitaph engraved on their skull when I get my hands on ‘em!” Spike growled as Rarity winced. “Oh this is so not good.” Rarity muttered to herself before giving chase after Spike. Little did the duo know however, was that there was now another potential ally running around campus. Wether they would cross paths however remained to be seen. …To Be Continued. > Chapter-11 Calm before the storm part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The school day had gotten off to a rather…there was no sugar coating it, many students agreed this was starting to become an insane day. A fight almost broke out on the quad, some weird disturbance near the nurses office and now, a fire had been set in the library. However only a small few realized there was a connection to it all, and only two people realized who the direct culprit was. One of these two people where currently running for his life after transforming himself into a Rabbit through use of a supernatural ability he seemingly just randomly awakened. This school year was starting off weird. “Keep running! Don’t stop till you figure out a plan!” Scamp mentally told himself as he jumped past and between several Students, many seemed surprised that a Rabbit was running loose on campus, none of them seemed to be able to see the floating form of Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing following him. This was insane! One minute he was a normal person and the next, he was a random animal! Scamp was doing his best to stay focused but given the sheer absurdity of this whole situation it was proving difficult. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE RAT!” Oh right, the deranged crazy Woman who was chasing him, he had almost forgotten about that. The Diamond Dog turned a rabbit briefly glanced back at the sight of Skulk giving chase, she didn’t seem to mind that she was getting odd looks from some of the few students around that were not distracted by the Library fire, the Mare was giving the Rabbit a look that basically conveyed exactly what she wanted to do if she got her hands on him. “Shit! Shit! Shit! I gotta loose her!” Scamp thought in panic as he glanced back at Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing hoping the thing would do something to help him out of this situation. And he seemed to be in luck, the Stand seemed to pick up on what Scamp was thinking as they passed a nearby trash receptacle Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing knocked it over and proceeded to kick it at Skulk. “Fuck-“ Skulk managed to cry out before the metal bin hit her and knocked her to the ground, letting Scamp put more distance between them as the Mare angrily got back to her feet, only to see much to her dismay the Rabbit had managed to slip into a large crowd cutting off her line of sight of him. “DAMMIT!” She cursed before taking off, not intending to let her target get away, she angrily shoved people aside in a desperate attempt to find him or any sign of his Stand. However as she made her way through the crowd, many of whom getting annoyed and angry at the woman who rudely shoved past them, Skulk didn’t seem to notice a pair of eyes peaking out of the book bag of one student who was walking away from the scuffle. “That was close little fella, I don’t know why that woman is chasing you, but I’ll keep you safe.” The owner of the bag said in a soft tone, she was a familiar pink maned Pegasus, she had a rather kind smile on her face as she glanced down at the surprised Rabbit that had been placed in her bag. Scamp really wished he could verbally express his thanks, but part of him felt that might startle the Mare, he’d have to figure this out later and just hope nothing drew attention to his savior. “FLUTTERSHY!” “GOD DAMMIT!” Scamp mentally roared as the Pegasus girl came to a stop at her name being called. “H-huh?” The shy Mare turned and to her surprise she saw Spike and Rarity rushing towards her “Spike…Rarity what’s wrong?” She asked while keeping her hands firmly on her bag. “What’s wrong? Darling you know there was a fire started at the library right?” Rarity asked with a slight distressed tone which got Fluttershy to wince. “Y-yeah I heard…” Fluttershy answered as she glanced at Spike and winced seeing the expression he had “A-are you ok?” She asked gently. “No…I wanna find who started this stupid fire and kick their asses.” Spike growled while Scamp’s eyes widened at his words. “I’m sure Twilight will be ok Spike.” Fluttershy gently said before placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know I just…we had that stupid fight and if things had turned out just a little different then those could have been-“ Spike began only for Fluttershy to firmly squeeze his shoulder getting his attention. “No.” Fluttershy frowned “We are not gonna dwell on what could have happened, she’s gonna be ok, this thing with that Stand arrow is causing allot of problems I admit…but you aren’t dealing with it alone.” She assured him “I might not be a Stand user but I can help out if you need me.” “And you know I’m by your side Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity smiled patting the taller Dragon on the back. As Spike expressed his gratitude at those words, Scamp meanwhile was processing the information he had overheard. “Wait…he knows about Stands…and something about an arrow? The hell…is…is Dragon boy why I’m in this situation?!” The Diamond Dog turned Rabbit thought whole he felt his anger beginning to bubble. “I think maybe you should go visit Twilight, I know it’s still the first day but I’m sure the staff would understand.” Fluttershy spoke her words momentarily stopping the anger building up within Scamp as he went back to eavesdropping from within the bag, “Yeah…you’re right…but before I go I need you and the girls to look after something for me.” Spike sighed as he reached into his pocket “My Stand couldn’t hold onto it any longer so it kinda spit the Arrow back out.” He said as he retrieved the arrowhead from his pocket and held it up to the shock of the two girls. “I-it spit it back out?” Rarity asked with a look of revulsion as she eyed the object “I am going to need you to clarify, surely you don’t mean-“ “He threw it back up.” Spike confirmed which got Rarity to instantly take three steps back “Oh don’t give me that, it’s just an arrow head.” “That your Stand spit out of its gullet, I’ve seen what you’ve put inside that thing!” Rarity wrinkled her nose in disgust “At least put it in a plastic baggy or something.” She gagged while Spike rolled his eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch Rarity.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Spit back out or not…wouldn’t the arrow be safer in your hands?” Fluttershy questioned gaining the duo’s attention. Spike seemed to look unsure for a moment “I…don’t think I’m the best choice to keep looking after this thing.” Spike sighed “Let’s face it I’m pretty damn reckless, I picked a fight with our last enemy after jumping to conclusions, it should be held onto by someone with a level head and even temper.” He admitted before pulling out a rag from his pocket and wrapped the arrowhead up in it. Fluttershy frowned at this “Spike, it be better if it was in the hands of someone who has one of those…Stands” she gently argued while Spike still had a look of doubt. “I don’t know, what if something happens while I have it on me? I have a roommate, what if he stabs himself with it by accident and gets a Stand or worse?” Spike argued back. “…Son of a bitch!” Scamp thought with an angered look from within the Mare’s bag, his anger returning as it fully dawned on him, the injury he had sustained on his hand from earlier was because of that arrow head “It’s his fault I’m like this!” He realized, not noticing a familiar glow surround him just as he moved to jump out of the bag. “Eep!” Fluttershy yelped as the Rabbit she had been hiding in her bag made himself known, jumping out of the bag and launching himself at Spike who reacted in surprise. “What the-“ Spike blinked in shock before the Rabbit transformed before their eyes, and in an instance a grey furred fist slammed into Spike’s face, said fist belonging to an angry yet familiar Diamond Dog. “YOU JACKASS!” Scamp shouted gaining the attention of various students around “YOU GAVE THIS SHIT TO ME! THANKS TO THAT STUPID ARROW IN YOUR PANTS MY LIFE HAS GONE INSANE!” He blurted out without thinking. “…Oh my~” A random mare in the crowed gasped, a few more students raised an eyebrow at the wording. “I-WHAT?!” Spike asked in shock, a dark blush forming on his face as he processed what the Diamond Dog had just shouted “Dude what the fuck?!” He asked in shock, and Scamp answered him by smacking him. “Don’t what the fuck me! You know what you did to me!” Scamp glared from behind his bangs, Fluttershy and Rarity stood by looking shocked at the current turn of events, along with the steadily growing crowd, which included one individual in particular. “Found him…” Skulk growled as she could just barely make out the site of Scamp between the gaps in the crowd, she was dead set on making her way over before the sound of her phone ringing again stoped her “God dammit!” She hissed before pulling out her phone “Hello?” She growled in anger. “Skulk, it’s me.” A male voice said on the other end while Skulk continued to watch the argument break out between the Diamond Dog and Dragon “I managed to get my hands on a potential recruit to replace Blue Blood, boss said he was gonna pay him a visit in jail so chances are, he’s as good as dead.” The voice explained making Skulk pause. “Alright and?” She frowned, making sure to hold the phone close and slightly cover the side of her mouth to prevent anyone from listening in. “And he may need some convincing, guy hates ponies with a passion from what I saw, I tried to ask Sunny for help, but she said to ask you in case you managed to make it back alive…speaking of, the hell is going on?” The voice asked on the other end. “Long story short, I dealt with those records in the library boss wanted gone, caused abit more of a ruckus than anticipated, got found out by some chump who turned out to be a newbie Stand user.” Skulk muttered while slightly backing away. “Shit, how bad?” The voice asked with a sigh “Do I need to come find you?” They added. “No. I’ve got this handled, I’ll come back for the guy later right now he seems to be caught up with arguing with some Dragon kid.” Skulk frowned as she fully weighed her options “they’re catching to much attention so I can’t charge in, to many people could get caught in the crossfire.” “…Did you say a dragon kid? By chance is he mostly purple and has green scales?” The voice asked in a serious tone, which got a surprised look from Skulk. “Uuuh…yeah? How’d you know?” She asked with a frown while focusing her attention on the two again, but to her chagrin that was becoming exceedingly difficult since the crowd was becoming denser, some wanted to watch the argument while others seemed to be watching the site of rising smoke from the library in the distance. “Get back to the hide out now, I’ll fill you in, even though your identity is compromised, we can still fix it with Sunny’s ability just get out of there.” The voice said before abruptly hanging up. Skulk clicked her tongue in annoyance as she tried to look past the crowd, but it was no use, it was to dense and the only way to get past would be to start attacking civilians, to risky so against her own judgment, Skulk turned and began to walk away. “You’re safe for now Dog, but I’ll come back for you later.” She hissed under her breath and spared one last look over her shoulder before she left. - “Dude! Will you calm down?!” Spike yelped as he narrowly avoided a swipe from the angry Diamond Dog. “Calm down?! How the fuck can I calm down when you cursed me?!” Scamp growled, his Stand aura flaring up out of reflex, which was something that instantly caught Rarity and Spike’s attention. “He has a Stand!” They both thought in unison, before Spike tried to approach him, “Ok dude, you’re upset I get that, but please just calm down and let’s go somewhere more private so I can explain? I’m having a really shitty day and I don’t wanna have things escalate.” Spike told him while outstretching his hand, extending an olive branch to his roommate to avoid anymore craziness today. Cause honestly, in Spike’s opinion today had been going on for WAY to long, if he didn’t know any better he could have sworn it felt like today had lasted months or- “Fine.” Scamp cut his mental ramblings off “But I expect answers, otherwise….” Scamp leaned in close to Spike, he could feel his breath on his face “If you lie to me or give me an unsatisfactory answer…I am going to shove my fist…RIGHT UP YOUR ASS!” He snarled. “…O-oh my…” One of the bystanders blushed at the comment, which seemed to finally clue the Diamond Dog in on the fact they were being watched. “…The fuck ya’ll looking at?! This ain’t a free show fuck off!” Scamp snapped glaring at the gathered crowd “There was a fire at the library and you all are just staring at two people arguing?! The hell is wrong with this school?!” He growled. This seemed to snap the gathered crowd out of their daze, many gaining a sheepish look and quickly moved to disperse, soon leaving the four to themselves as Scamp sighed in annoyance. “…I made this situation worse, I just know it.” Scamp said turning to Spike with a frown “But that doesn’t mean I’m not holding you accountable for the weird shit I had to deal with, you’ve got answers for my situation…and I have information too, like who started the fire.” He narrowed his eyes. “What? Tell me!” Spike instantly stepped forward with a determined look “I need to know who did this!” He glared before Rarity quickly grabbed his shoulder. “One thing at a time, it might not be a good idea but right now, we should inform him of his situation then…you NEED to go see Twilight ok?” Spike seemed to flinch at that, but Scamp was more focused on the Unicorn’s words. “Twilight?” Scamp asked with a frown, not taking his eyes off the Dragon who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts at the moment. “…My Sister… she got hauled off in an ambulance, I found out about the situation cause Rarity came and got me…” Spike balled his fists “Today…today so much bad stuff has been happening, it’s only the first day of College and…I have run into so many Stand users, most of them probably just want the damn fucking arrow….” He growled to himself as he shut his eyes “God dammit I’m so fucking stupid.” He glared at the ground “This whole fire is probably linked to it too…” he trailed off before Fluttershy spoke up. “Spike, that is enough, you can’t keep putting yourself down like this.” Fluttershy said firmly, surprising the Dragon as she took a deep breath “You blaming yourself for this isn’t helping, now we need to get things done, we can feel sad when there isn’t a potential threat to our lives.” She firmly stated as Spike slowly nodded. “R-right…so then I’ll explain what happened-“ Spike began only for Rarity to speak up. “Not here.” She firmly said looking from Spike to Scamp “Like Spike said, it be better if we explained this all somewhere more private and away from prying eyes.” She reminded as she briefly glanced back at the few lingering remains of the crowed who hadn’t seem to take the hint yet. “Fucking vultures…” Scamp muttered darkly before moving to speak to get them to leave only for Spike to gently grab his shoulder catching his attention. “Let’s go, I have a lot to answer for.” The drake said in a rather somber tone, it seemed despite his friends words he still seemed to hold some self-loathing over the current situation. “…Not as much as you think.” Scamp said offering the man who he had previously been made at a small smile to ease his tension, he calmly reached around and gently pulled the Dragon into a small side hug and began to lead him away with the two Mares following after. “….I ship it.” One student muttered to themself while another gave them a flat look. “You ship everything.” The scoffed at their friend who in turn gave them an icy glare. - “This is completely unacceptable.” The words that came from the man’s mouth where all silently agreed with amongst the faculty, various adults from different backgrounds and while they where composed mostly of Ponies there where a few others in the mix as well. “First a fight breaks out in the quad and then a random fungus based illness that almost kills some of our students only to clear up moments later…and now some…vandal! Has destroyed the schools library! And one of our brightest students has been possibly hospitalized!” The man spoke with a growl, he was a white Unicorn with a dark mane and beard, dressed in a rather professional looking red suit. “What’s worse Vice chancellor Neighsay, is it is highly possible the first and last events are most likely racially motivated.” One of the other faculty members noted, she was an elder looking purple Pegasus woman with a pink mane that was slightly graying, her outfit consisted off a simple blouse and black skirt. Neighsay grimaced at this as he took a moment to look out the faculty lounge window, he could still see the smoldering remains of the library much to his dismay, it would take months to rebuild the structure alone, but there would be no recovering the books that where in the blaze, many of them where either one of a kind or first additions, some knowledge was sadly lost forever. “Do you really believe that is the case?” Neighsay asked as he turned to glance at the woman. “I wish it was not true, but it is the only reason I can think for someone doing this, Many of Canterlots elite were heavily against Celestia opening C.U up to other species besides Ponies.” The woman sighed “But why they would choose to act now when it’s been a few years since the change is what stands out as odd…” “Think it could have been one of your old…‘colleagues’ behind this Vice Chancellor?” A male Minotaur spoke up while silently eyeing the Unicorn with a level of wariness “Maybe a few weren’t to happy when they found out you’d be working here or…maybe…” he narrowed his eyes. “I have said before, I have moved on from my past, I admit I was not the most open minded in my youth, but I put those thoughts and ideas behind me long ago.” Neighsay said as he turned back around, his brow creased as he let out a sigh “But you are correct in assuming my former…associates where anything but pleased when they found out I was supporting this school, it’s one of the main reason I cut ties with them.” “If we are really talking about this shouldn’t the headmaster be involved?” A Zebra male spoke up “To many incidents have happened all at once today, we may need to shut the school down and send everyone home.” “The Headmaster has not been returning any of my attempts to contact them.” Neighsay sighed as he stepped forward and his eyes swept across the room to give his fellow educators a once over “Our best bet is to get the royal guard involved to investigate these matters, but shutting down the school is not an option, that would only give the potential protesters of Canterlot’s Elite reason to justify their claims against the school, they would be quick to blame todays events on the non-pony students presence here.” “Then…what do we do?” The Minotaur asked his expression softening from a stern glare to one of uncertainty “My son attends this very school I don’t think I can handle the idea of him being here if it risks his safety, the whole reason we left our homeland was to get away from that.” “And get away from that you will, our best course of action is to monitor any and all Student activity between classes, if there is a threat here we will find it and present them to the guard to face the consequences of their actions.” The Pegasus woman said firmly stepping forward “These Students are all our responsibility the moment they set foot on campus.” “And if one of them has gone bad and stepped out of line it is our sworn duty as educators to set them back on the right path and to answer for what they have done.” Neighsay added calmly. The other members of the faculty murmured in agreement, many of them shared a look of concern, this day had been going on for to long and so much had happened. “What do we tell the students?” A Stallion asked stepping forward getting Neighsay’s attention. “Nothing, no not nothing, we need a cover story, if we tell them the truth the party responsible may react poorly, I will handle that so until then go, you have students to teach and protect.” He said calmly but the look in his eyes suggested that he was not as calm as he tried to portray himself as. With nothing else to be said, the teachers and other members of faculty began to file out of the room, soon leaving Neighsay to himself. Neighsay kept himself composed as he watched each of his colleagues leave the room, once the door had shut behind him he let out a deep sigh, his serious expression becoming more tired and strained as he calmly looked back out the window, feelings of guilt weighed heavily on his heart. He took a moment to look around his office, the faculty had come to his office to speak of this since the faculty lounge was to much of a risk to hold a meeting, and he agreed. Neighsay took a moment to trace his hand over the frame of the window, a brief flicker of a magic barrier could be seen from the contact to the window, he was a cautious man, always having his office guarded with any protection spell he could manage to place on it. Neighsay was a man who had gained many enemies over the years since he took this job, Celestia had assured him he would remain protected while working here one may call him paranoid, but he just couldn’t take the Princess’s word alone on it. Neighsay was taken out of his train of thought as he glanced down, watching students walk across the quad trying to go back to their daily lives while clearly ignoring the burnt remains of the campus library, Equestrians constantly dealt with bizarre events, magical creatures and predators that would wander in from Everfree or the occasional escaped prisoner from Tartarus, they where always felt with soon, but the effects on the populace was clear as day, gawk for a while at the spectacle but after a while…it be best if you just went about your own business. “Equestria is far from perfect…no place in the world is perfect, but Celestia seems so damned set on making this place appear like paradise, any problems that arise she deals with or try’s to sweep under the rug to solve later…” Neighsay muttered as his eyes focused on a group of four walking by, and it brought a small smile to his face. A pair of Ponies walking alongside a Dragon and Diamond Dog, such an oddity many would say, a younger Neighsay would have found such a friend group unnatural, but now he knew better, change was coming, slowly but surely. “Whatever threat is currently lurking in the halls of my school…I WILL weed it out.” Neighsay said firmly as he balled his fist before he turned back around and walked over to the door of his office, and proceeded to calmly lock it before going over to the portrait depicting both Celestia and Luna. Neighsay calmly lifted the painting off the wall revealing a wall safe behind it “Faust forgive me for the sins I may commit.” He told himself as he opened the safe and pulled out a singular object wrapped in cloth. Neighsay began to calmly unwrap the object, a wooden shaft came into view with slightly tattered feathers at one end, with a quick tug the cloth fell to the ground, revealing a gold and silver arrowhead underneath. ゴゴゴゴ The arrow seemed to react to being free, the shaft slightly bending towards Neighsay himself who had a somber expression. “This artifact…she gifted it to me, telling me to only use it in case the school was in danger…now seems like as good a time as any.” Neighsay said as he held out his arm and began to calmly raise up the arrow, expression darkening as the blade of the arrowhead gleamed as it caught the light. “Everything I do…I do for my students benefit!” He declared before swinging the arrow down. …To Be Continued > Chapter-12 Calm before the storm part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It pained her to see him like this, Rarity always hated seeing Spike look so down, so utterly defeated. The white Mare could only watch as Spike sat down across from his Roommate, Scamp he had called him, she wasn’t aware there were any Diamond Dogs in the school, the group of four had taken refuge in the cafe just off campus to talk, each of them had ordered a simple coffee and sat near the back to talk in private. “So that whole BlueBlood fiasco from a few days ago, that involved you and these Stands?” Scamp asked calmly as he sat across from Spike. “I was surprised not many people recognized me, my face was in the paper.” Spike muttered as he glanced down at his coffee. “The trial hasn’t happened yet, plus not many actual read newspapers these days.” Fluttershy pointed out which seemed to surprise Scamp. “What? Really? I thought they had him locked up already.” The Diamond dog frowned as Spike sighed. “They do, they have him at most for assault and attempted murder, but until the trial they can only hold him until then, it be a more open and shut case if they could tie him to that girls-“ Spike began to explain only to stop himself and shake his head “It doesn’t really matter, ideally it should be an open and shut case.” “Is it? BlueBlood is a noble, and one related to Celestia herself no less, not to speak ill of your monarch but…it wouldn’t surprise me if she baled him out.” Scamp crossed his arms frowning before shaking his head “We are getting off track, after you dealt with BlueBlood, you held onto the arrow and then you arrived at C.U a few days later.” He briefly recapped. “And had a brief battle with an unknown Stand and another stand even later who’s user I thought had attacked my Sister…and later said user did just that…” Spike explained further as his expression became more downtrodden as he remembered Celtis only grew more aggressive after his accusation “Another mess I made-“ he began to say before flinching as Fluttershy frowned at him. “After that you became my roommate, you crashed out on the couch while I was in my room after we met.” Scamp leaned back and took a sip of his drink before he thought back “I tried to wake you up…but my hand got stabbed by that arrow and I ran into some psychopath who basically admitted to starting the fire at the library.” “Which you still haven’t told us much about.” Spike frowned. “In all fairness, the situation was really bizarre, didn’t have a lot of time to note down to many specifics other then she seemed to be named Skulk Shadow, I think she also had whisker tattoos on her face, pretty weird right?” Scamp asked as Rarity frowned. “Anything else? Was she a Pegasus or an Earth Pony or Unicorn?” Rarity asked while Scamp bit his lower lip in thought. The Diamond Dog put his hand to his chin as he thought about it, the Mare he had run into before he finally recalled. “Unicorn.” Scamp said calmly “A unicorn with whisker tattoos on her face.” He sighed “That is pretty much all I could recall, I was to panicked at the situation to really take in any other features.” He admitted before taking another drink from his coffee, a look of annoyance crossing his features as something came to mind “her aura was also out of wack.” He frowned. “Her…aura?” Fluttershy asked gently, before Spike finally spoke up. “Scamp has some kinda Diamond Dog magic, lets him see auras apparently.” The Dragon revealed as he motioned for Rarity to let him out of the booth. With a small amount of hesitancy she did so “Where are you going?” She asked as she watched him stand up from the booth. “Bathroom, I need to splash some cold water on my face or something…” Spike muttered as he walked away from the booth towards the direction of the facilities, leaving the trio alone for the time being. “Is he gonna be ok?” Scamp asked as he glanced back to watch the Dragon go. “No…I mean he is going to handle this situation like he normally does but that’s not a healthy way to handle it.” Fluttershy muttered as she stared down at the table. “How he normally does?” Scamp asked before Rarity spoke up. “Spike has a habit of…bottling up his emotions and blaming himself when things go bad, living in a city where you are virtually the only Dragon didn’t help much to stop that habit either.” Rarity frowned as she set her drink down, a look of frustration crossed her features for a moment before she calmed herself “People can be so cruel…” she muttered. “Yeah, I know that feeling.” Scamp sighed as he glanced back “Look I’m…sorry about attacking him.” He said as Fluttershy spoke up. “The situation you had found yourself in would have caused anyone to lash out, so I understand, but you should really apologize to him when he comes back…sorry.” She meekly said as Scamp glanced her way. “Nah I get it and I will but, I have to ask, what’s up with you guys, like I’m not trying to be one of those Pony blaming dickheads but…how come you guys are friends with him or even talking to someone like me?” He asked with a frown. Rarity let out a sigh as she stared down at her drink for a moment “Spike is our friend’s adopted little brother, we basically grew up with him.” She smiled fondly “Him being a dragon never really was an issue, to us he was always just…Spike.” She chuckled as Fluttershy also smiled warmly at her words. “There was a time I was frightened by Dragons but…never Spike, he’s my friend.” Fluttershy said in a soft tone “So it really does hurt knowing he’s dealing with stuff like this and I can’t help…just because I don’t have a Stand.” She frowned as her eyes briefly flickered to Rarity, a mild feeling of jealousy briefly rose inside her but it quickly diminished as she calmed herself. “So why not use that arrow thing then to give yourself one.” Scamp asked as he took a drink of his coffee. “It’s not that simple, from what little we understand about that arrow not just anyone can get a Stand from it, if someone incapable of wielding one got pricked by it apparently they would die.” Rarity revealed as Scamp nearly chocked on his beverage at this revelation “At least that’s what I’m assuming from the death of that Pegasus girl from that run in with BlueBlood.” She frowned. “I could have died?!” Scamp said in shock, unfortunately his shout attracted more attention than intended as a few other patrons of the place glanced his way. “Inside voice.” Fluttershy told him gently before sighing “I’d love nothing more than to use the arrow, to help my friend but it is to big a risk since we only know the bare minimum of how it works.” She sighed “But I’m sure we will figure something out, I…I don’t want to stand on the sidelines while my friends are in trouble.” She firmly spoke. “Neither do i, my Stand is not suited for combat but I won’t allow my friends to face any danger on their own, once Twilight is feeling better I plan to ask her to help us come up with a solution.” Rarity admitted as Scamp seemed to go silent for a moment. The Diamond Dog thought to himself for a few moments, his mind going back to the events of this morning and what Spike had told him. “The other people at this school with Stands…they are dangerous, Rarity seems ok…but just her and a small group of people taking on god knows how many enemies? Nah, that ain’t right.” Scamp thought to himself before finally he spoke up. “I wanna help you, I might not have wanted this Stand thing in the first place but…in Diamond Dog culture we have a saying, you look out for your pack.” Scamp told them “Might have gotten off to a rocky start but…seeing as you guys are looking out for Spike, I can tell you’re good people so…you’ve got my support.” He finished as the two Mares smiled at his words. “Woah!” A voice said as the trio turned and saw Spike stumble back towards their table with a shocked look, in his hand was a familiar arrowhead, he seemed to be struggling with some unseen force much to the trio’s alarm. “S-spike?” Fluttershy stuttered in shock as he came to a stop at the table, his outstretched arm oddly pointed at her while Spike seemed equally confused at the situation. “I…I think we need to go see Twilight…” Spike said after a moment. -Moments earlier A sigh escaped Spike’s lips as he splashed cold water from the sink onto his face, the adolescent Dragon slowly set his hands down to grip the porcelain sink as he gazed at himself in the mirror. Spike looked…tired, above everything he looked exhausted the events of the last few days had truly done a number on him, despite his scaly appearance he could make out the sight of bags under his own eyes in his reflection, it wasn’t easy to notice at first glance due to his scale covered skin, his eyes also where slightly bloodshot. “I’ve been getting plenty of sleep but…I look like hell…” Spike muttered to himself as his ear/fins drooped in exhaustion, his shoulders felt heavy “I…I can’t keep doing this alone.” He muttered. “You Don’t have too.” DragonHeart spoke up as he materialized besides his user, for a moment Spike focused on the Stand’s voice, it sounded more clear, less synthetic than it had previously been, it now sounded more like the Stand had his own voice rather than a copy of Spike’s own “You can ask for help, that is what your friends are for, if you keep at it the way you’ve been going…you will burn yourself out.” The Stand firmly said. “I can’t just drag them into this…I have to keep them-“ Spike began only for DragonHeart to hold up a hand to silence him. “You are not some protagonist in an anime or action story, this is real life kid, and in real life no one is more important than any other person, you need help so stop pussyfooting around and do what you know you need to do.” DragonHeart firmly spoke “I don’t know where you got the idea that you have to be this all important shonen protagonist who has to carry the burden on his own or be at the center of everything, but you aren’t and it stops now, you are my user and I can tell you this…you are a normal person, no more important than Twilight or some random guy on the street, suck it up and ask for help.” The Stand finished before fading away, leaving Spike alone to contemplate his words. “he’s…He’s right, I can’t keep doing this…and I can’t do it alone…so I won’t…” Spike told himself before he reached into his pocket and retrieved the arrowhead “I…I won’t use it recklessly but I need to figure out how this thing determines who gets a Stand and who doesn’t.” He frowned to himself. ゴゴゴゴ Instantly a small glow seemed to come off the arrowhead before Spike’s arm jerked to the side much to his shock. “Woah!” He yelped as he quickly pulled his arm back only to stumble forward towards the door, he attempted to let the arrowhead go out of shock but found that his fingers couldn’t budge, so Spike was forced to walk out of the bathroom and stumble back towards his table to the confusion of his friends and a few other patrons. Spike attempted to say something on this but came to a stop as his own arm seemed to point itself at Fluttershy, the arrowhead’s glow traveling up and ending at the tip much to his shock as a few things seemed to click in his mind. “S-spike?” Fluttershy asked nervously as her eyes went from him to the arrowhead, both Rarity and Scamp looked equally perturbed by his actions. Spike swallowed nervously as he finally found his voice “I…I think we need to go see Twilight.” Spike spoke with a small crack in his voice before he finally managed to pull his arm back, his gaze landing on the arrowhead as whatever strange effect had occurred had finally subsided “And get the others, the sooner…the better.” He grimly said. - “Ugh…my fucking head…” Celtis was not having a good day, the adolescent fawn had dealt with a bunch of annoying ponies accusing him of something he didn’t do, an ungrateful bastard of a dragon attacking him just before he- Wait. Wasn’t he jumped by a Stand just before he attacked Spike? Stirring awake fully Celtis felt his mind clear up, his previous emotions of anger where no longer clouding his mind, however they quickly returned as he took notice of his situation, alone in a dimly lit room tied to a chair, he was anything but happy once he realized this. “What is the meaning of this?!” Celtis demanded as he struggled to free himself from his bindings, he attempted t9 bring for his Stand however, to his shock it wouldn’t manifest, his aura had flared up only to rapidly fizzle out just as fast as it had appeared “What the hell?” He growled. “My apologies, this is strictly for your own protection to make sure you don’t lash out and attack anyone.” A voice spoke up making Celtis stop as he heard the voice. “Who’s there?” Celtis frowned as his eyes swept across the room but spotted no source of the voice, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Hold on, I’ll let you out…but do not try anything ok? I am putting my faith in you being civilized enough for a small parley.” The voice spoke calmly, it was deep and smooth, for some odd reason it seemed to calm Celtis as he felt a clawed finger dig into the bindings around his wrists and cut them loose. In a matter of seconds the robe that had been binding Celtis fell from his frame and he stood up. “Who are you?” Celtis asked as he duly refused to turn to face his captor, not that he didn’t want to mind you, he just found himself unable to will his body to do so. “My real name is not important, but you may call me Asterisk.” The voice calmly said as Celtis heard a series of foot steps echo around the room to signifying his captor was walking around him, he soon caught sight of a figure in his peripheral vision, he could just barely make out a tall muscular figure wearing all black but he couldn’t make out his face “And I wish to recruit you in my cause.” They said calmly. “You’re…cause?” Celtis asked in an unsure tone as he began to turn his head, only to immediately turn it back and away from looking at the person in the room. “Yes, to make equestria a place of true equality, but to do that…Celestia and Luna must die.” The man spoke, his words hitting Celtis like a ton of brick due to the sheer weight of what just came out of the man’s mouth. “WHAT?!” Celtis said in panic as his pupils dilated, but his captor payed this no mind. “I understand you have issues with trusting ponies, I will admit some people who work for me are Infact ponies, but they are loyal to my cause, granted certain loose ends need to be dealt with.” Asterisk said calmly as he walked forward so that he was now standing in front of Celtis, albeit with his back to the man. “I-I Are you insane?! What makes you think I’d help you?! Forget working with ponies what you just suggested is fucking insane!” Celtis snapped as Asterisk chuckled. “Is it? Think about it, a large portion of Pony kind bigotry stems from the nobles, who see themselves as untouchable or in the right because the ‘most powerful’ people in this country are themselves Ponies.” Asterisk pointed out “With Alicorns like Celestia and Luna around…nothing can change, they themselves are trying to change things but the process won’t work simply because there are Ponies in charge.” He explained. “What the hell are you talking about?” Celtis asked. “A country cannot change if its higher ups themselves won’t, I am not just suggesting the death of the twin princesses, but every single person of noble blood in canterlot.” Asterisk spoke “Or at least any one of them that have personally had a hand in suppressing us Non-ponies.” He corrected himself. “And…and what makes you think I’d help you with that?” Celtis asked before Asterisk finally began to turn around, but only enough to show a peak of his eyes, glowing in the dark with an ominous green glow. “Because you want things to change my boy, you want people like you, people like us to truly live happily, but that can’t happen without drastic action, be the one to make the change…help me…help us…make equestria…truly equal.” He said as he slowly reached out and extended his hand, showing it was covered in dark purple scales. Celtis just stared at the hand for a moment, his mind flashing back to his battle with Spike, to their interactions. “In another life…if things had gone differently…we could have been friends…we still can…I just need to show him the way.” Celtis thought as he slowly extended out his hand and grasped Asterisk’s hand. “Deal.” Celtis said calmly, unaware his own eyes briefly gained a similar green glow to them. “Good.” Asterisk chuckled as his eyes flashed brighter “Then it be best we start you off with a way to prove your loyalty.” He said before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a photo “I take it you are familiar with the man in this photo?” He asked. Celtis squinted his eyes at the photo and he blinked in shock, it was a photo of a blonde white furred unicorn male, one who had become very infamous in the last few days “That’s Prince BlueBlood…” he said in shock. “One of ours that sadly went rouge when his delusions of grandeur went to his head, your first mission is to infiltrate where he’s being held, and kill him before his trial.” Asterisk said calmly. “You want…me to kill the nephew of Princess Celestia?” Celtis asked in shock. “No one would miss him, and it would send a message that change is coming.” Asterisk said as he calmly took a step back “You have a unique and powerful Stand, not like BlueBlood, all that build up for him and his Stand, Hurdy Gurdy Man, only had the power to simulate sensations and feelings, ideal for interrogation but completely useless in a one on one fight with a more experienced combatant.” He explained. Celtis said nothing for a moment, he was processing the information given to him as he contemplated his situation. “When do I start? Will I be given any help or is this all on my own?” Celtis asked. “You will be given a partner to ensure you don’t go rouge, she is a master of disguise, we call her Sunny Masquerade.” Asterisk calmly explained, and then as if on Que, the door to the room opened up. “You flatter me sir.” A female voice chuckled as a hooded figure stepped into view, before pulling said hood back and revealing her face. “A Pony? Are you kidding me?” Celtis glared as he took in the Mare’s features, a pale Pegasus woman with a vibrant golden mane with light blue accents, part of her hair was braided to the side, she also had the end of her own tail braided, her clothing consisted of a dark hoody and baggy pants. “I am aware of your biased, but as I said some ponies do agree with our cause.” Asterisk said as Sunny walked up to Celtis who just narrowed his eyes at her. “So…you’re a master of disguise? Wouldn’t a changeling be better suited for that?” Celtis quipped as Sunny chuckled. “Changelings WISH they had my level of skill.” Sunny said as walked past Celtis “Lord knows if you had my skillset back when you fought that dragon kid, you wouldn’t have been beaten so easily~” She teased as Celtis narrowed his eyes. “Listen here you-“ Celtis whirled around to glare at her only to stop in his tracks at what he saw. Spike…he saw Spike in place of Sunny who was casually smirking at him while examining ‘his’ claws without a care in the world. “It can be so jarring can’t it?” ‘Spike’ spoke in the voice of the Mare before clearing their throat “But has a lot of fun potential.” The imposter grinned their voice now changing to be identical to that of the Dragon’s. Celtis shook his head In disbelief at this “Are…you sure you aren’t a Changeling?” He asked only to step back in surprise when Spike/Sunny blew out a small puff of smoke. “A Changeling can only disguise so much~ when I do it I’m just as good as the real McCoy~” The imposter spoke and stepped towards Celtis with a rather sultry sway in their hips before stoping just short of Celtis before her ‘disguise’ melted away “I won’t reveal how it’s done just yet…but when I turn into someone, I am them, right down to the DNA~” she smirked as Celtis frowned in thought. “Alright then…when do we start?” Celtis asked as he glanced back only to see Asterisk was no longer in the room. “Get used to that, the boss only makes a personal appearance to new recruits or when something important comes up.” Sunny said before clearing her throat “And the mission starts tonight, so I suggest you get ready.” She said as she walked past him while motioning for him to follow her. Without any other option, Celtis followed, he had made his decision and he would fall in line…for now. …To Be Continued