> My Little Revenge: Nightmares of Hell > by NeoEnderPro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Revenge:Nightmares of Hell By MisterParadox Above the skies of Equestria, Rainbow Dash soared through the air at top speed leaving a rainbow trail where she went. seeing a patch of clouds, Rainbow quickly maneuvered around the clouds before flying high above the cloud cover and admiring the view, Rainbow could see Canterlot overseeing the small town of Ponyville, she truly loved this sight as well as her friends and a very special pegasus filly Scootaloo who admires her deeply, ahh yes, now this is wonderful day, nothing would ruin this for us Rainbow thought as she took one final look at the view before descending down and flew toward the Everfree, A while ago, Celestia sensed a magical disturbance in the Everfree and told Twilight to look into it she was sent to gather data for Twilight so she can learn if the anomaly is a threat or not, as she landed in the spot where the anomaly was located she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, looking around Rainbow didn't spot anything so thinking it was a false alarm, she used her walkie talkie (A new invention Twilight worked on) to contact Twilight. Twilight's Castle Twilight Sparkle was busy looking at the notes Celestia gave her on the anomaly discovered in the Everfree trying to identify the bloody thing so she could find a way to contain it or destroy it, she sent Rainbow to the site to see if the anomaly was still active and not disturbing the magical field of the Everfree while she and the rest of the team plan to figure out what to do once they know of the anomaly's purpose, as she looks over the notes again her radio sparked to life signaling Rainbow is at the site Twilight walked over to the radio to answer her friend's call. "Hey Rainbow, I take it your at the site already, so anything unusual happening" she answered. "Yeah, I'm at the place now but all I see are trees and a whole lot of nothing, not even a tear in the field" Dash replied, Twilight could hear the disappointment in her voice think that she would find something cool, but Twilight was confused her monitor detects the anomaly clear as day Is this anomaly invisible or something? Twilight thought groaning that dealing with the anomaly will be much harder, but Twilight still thinks the anomaly isn't invisible and it's just hidden somewhere "Thats strange, according to my instruments it's located where your-" but before she could finish what she was saying Rainbow gasped causing her ears to perk up. "Hey what, I think I see something in the trees, it looks like a black cloud...with a red ring in the center" Rainbow exclaimed, Twilight quickly scribbled Rainbow's take on the anomaly while writing a letter to Celestia, but a thought crosses her mind, if the anomaly was indeed dangerous then it can hurt Rainbow so called her again. "Be careful Dash, we don't know if this thing is dangerous or not so, please stay away from it" Twilight warn Rainbow so she won't try something rash against it. "pssh, you worry too much Twi it's just a little cloud, nothing but a good buck should deal with it quickly I'm sure its just-" but before Rainbow could finish static quickly replaced Dash's voice shocking Twilight as she tried to reconnect the signal again. "Rainbow, Rainbow a-are you still there!" she exclaimed shake the radio hoping the anomaly didn't attack her Oh Rainbow, please be okay she mentally begged. The Everfree Rainbow Dash struggled as the cloud tackled her and wrapped around her revealing that it wasn't a cloud and a dark mass of something and the ring was its eye, as she was trying to break free from its grasp the entity stretched it's neck and soon revealed white sharp teeth causing Dash to struggle even more as she thinks it is going to eat her but instead it did something that surprised her, it spoke. "Greetings, little sheep sorry if I spooked you there." The Entity greeted, Rainbow was shocked seeing that the anomaly spoke to her, but her safety comes first so decided to play along so she can escape once it's guard was down. "So what are you and who are you anyway Mister Black Monster Thing" Rainbow asked. "What am I should not concern you, but my name is Exelon the Spirit" Exeller said politely to the trapped pegasus who narrowed her eyes waiting for him to drop his guard Oh how foolish, you think you have a chance of escaping thought Exelon as he grin happily. "Well then...Exelon, what do you want with Equestria cause if you wish to conquer it then me and my friends will stop you" Rainbow exclaimed thinking that a good placed hit with the Elements of Harmony will destroy Exelon easily not knowing that Exelon was listening to her thoughts. "Well, I am in need of some soul power so I can achieve my goal of overthrowing someone and your going to help me by killing all of your friends and all of Equestria, with the souls of this land I will become a true god" Exelon exclaimed with a burning passion as Rainbow looked in horror as Exelon just outright told her that he will kill everypony in Equestria to become god so he can overthrow someone, no she can let this happen she'll warn her friend and Celestia once she escaped then they'll stop him from killing any soul. "Buck no, me and the others won't let you harm anypony here in Equestria buddy, and there is no way I'll help you with your sick plan Exeller, so please BUCK OFF!!!" Rainbow shouted with anger knowing that if he starts his plan so much blood will be spilled, and she can't let that happen to her home, but Exeller simply smiled at her and laughed. "Oh silly little Rainbow, as if you had any say in this, and I don't need your cooperation to achieve my goal, all I need." Exelon head slowly turns into that of a hedgehog "Is." his eye splits in to two as he looms over Rainbow "Your." Exelon opened his maw to reveal a metal tongue which now hovers above Dash's chest as she struggles to break free. "MIND AND BODY!!!" The metal tongue pierced Rainbow's chest cavity as she screams in pain and horror soon Exelon entered thought the bloodied hole causing Dash to scream much louder as her eyes started to bleed and her body slowly going numb, but the pain won't stop, as her vision begins to fade away and her mind going blank, she let out one single bloodcurdling scream hoping someone would hear it and save her, but soon she finally blacked out from the pain. your too slow ahahahahahaaaa!!!!! Scootaloo's location Scootaloo was busy doing some tricks on her scooter hoping to impress her hero Rainbow Dash once she returns from her trip to the Everfree, she prepared to try once more till she heard a really loud and bloodcurdling scream scaring her off her scooter. "What in Equestria was that!!" Scootaloo exclaimed dusting herself off she never heard a scream that loud before and wished she hadn't now but what confused her was the way it sounded like a monster she never seen before in the Everfree, but as soon as she pointed that out, she suddenly remembered that Rainbow was in the Everfree and only a pony could make a scream of pain like that, Scootaloo's eyes widen in fear as Rainbow could be in serious trouble, so without thinking she dash toward the Everfree at top speed praying that Rainbow was okay. "Oh please please be okay Dash, I can't live to see you hurt or dead" she prayed as she entered the forest. The Everfree The cyan pegasus watched the forest below admiring her work on the bloodstained forest floor, as she overlooked the city of Canterlot she started to take notice of herself, her dark crimson eyes bleed continually, her wingspan is much longer easily matching the Sun princess's length, she's also a bit taller now but the change she cares about is the metal horn that adores her head, and the blood red lighting blot on her chest, it wasn't perfect but it will have to make do for now, just then she sensed a pegasus child enter the forest she smiled knowing who it is, a bird tries to fly away but a syringe attached to a metal arm stabs the poor avian with a wet sickening crunch killing it instantly, the arm slowly retreats into the pegasus's chest cavity. "This will have to do for the time being, if I want to succeed achieving godhood then I'm going a lot more souls, and I know just where to start. AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!" > Forest Act I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Act I Deep within the Everfree Forest, Scootaloo slowly traversed the dark forest hoping that Rainbow Dash was okay and not fatally injured from whatever attacked her in this place, as she traveled deeper into the forest, she started to notice that the forest sounded quieter than usual only the steps she made on the forest floor, at first Scootaloo thought that whatever attack Rainbow didn't want to cross paths with it so left the area before she got there and yet she knows what monsters live here and they could put up a fight before considering leaving the area as well, but as Scootaloo continued to figure out why it was so quiet a faint metallic smell crossed her nose stopping her thoughts as she sniffed the air, she paled a bit know that this was blood and the smell was getting stronger as she moved closer to its source, but as she got closer she started to feel like she was being watched looking around she couldn't see the creature anywhere so continued moving unaware of the crimson red eyes watching her and soon a faint chuckle could be heard as the orange pegasus filly shrieked in fear. Scootaloo's eyes widen to the bloodied animal corpses strewn on the forest floor around her with them being still fresh, her heart rate started to speed up knowing if these bodies are still fresh then the monster that did it is still lurking somewhere and is possibly already stalking her and ready to strike and kill her too, but Scootaloo pulled enough courage and continued to move through the bloody path which looked like it leads to a clearing, she struggled to keep her lunch in as the state of the corpses got worse and worse as she continued passing by till she finally made it the clearing's entrance and sure enough saw Rainbow standing right there in the center as Scootaloo smiled in joy and relief as she was okay. "Hey Rainbow, am I glad to see you alive and not... dead?" Scootaloo trailed off as Rainbow didn't respond to her calling her name nor did she even dash toward her to hug her or anything like that, thinking that she was lost in thought Scootaloo slowly walked up to her but as she approached the cyan pegasus an uneasy feeling started to grow inside of her. "R-rainbow, are you okay?" she stuttered as she raised her hoof to tap her on her foreleg, just as her hoof made contact Rainbow turned around with a smile on her face which seemed to calm Scootaloo down and hugged her seeing that she was alive and okay. "Hey there squirt, fancy seeing you here in the Everfree what brings you here all alone?" Rainbow asked Scootaloo while eyeing her continuously as her smile briefly turned to a grin as Scootaloo told her that she heard her scream. "And then I dashed into the forest wanting to make sure that you were okay and still alive but as I got here, I saw those dead animals strewn everywhere on the forest floor and they were still fresh, I think that monster that attacked you and those animals is still here" Scootaloo explained as fear crawled up her spine once again while keeping a close eye on her surroundings. "Well, if that's the case then we best be on our way out of this place before that monster gets back here and tries to add us on the chopping block, my wings are a little sore when it attacked me so well have to walk quickly ok kid?" Rainbow exclaimed as she started to head forward to the path Scootaloo took to get here, as Scootaloo started to follow Rainbow she stopped after noticing red covering Rainbow's hooves paling a bit. "R-rainbow, is that blood on your hooves?" Scootaloo asked as Rainbow looked at her hoof seeing that she still has the blood of those animals she killed eyes widening as she quickly prepares to think of a lie to tell her before she could run seeing Scootaloo slowly back away. "Uhm, the monster bled a bit w-when I hit it in the eye m-must have not noticed it till you pointed it out just now, but I can wash them once we get out of this forest so until then, please follow close behind me okay Scoots?" Rainbow lied hoping that Scootaloo would believe her fib, but just as Scootaloo was about to answer a brief image of her getting gutted by Rainbow flashed in her vision while a voice whispers in her ears. If you wish to live and warn your friends, then escape from her Scootaloo was taken aback, what was that and why did that voice warn her about Rainbow knowing full well that Rainbow wouldn't hurt and or kill her, but the image was crystal clear, and that voice didn't sound like it was lying to her plus, the blood on Rainbow's hooves it felt like she did more damage to that creature and the injuries on those woodland critters looked like only a pony could make, not wanting to tempt fate she replied. "O-okay Rainbow I'll stay close so you can protect me once we get out of here" she lied, but it looked like it worked as Rainbow nodded after breathing a sigh of relief as she walks out of the clearing, but just as Rainbow was far enough away, Scootaloo dashed in the opposite direction of the clearing with a look of fear on her face wishing that if Rainbow was the monster and was impersonating her idol then the real Rainbow must be still out there somewhere in this forest and she was going to save her and get her out of here, but as she ran deeper into the forest she heard several branches snap behind but before she could turn around Rainbow charged straight at her and upon tackling her they both teleported away. Overseeing the event, a dark blue hedgehog smiles at Exelon's attempts to harvest as many souls as possible so he could overthrow him, he opens a ring portal back to his world as his eyes glow red as he enters the portal all while rooting for the ponies to beat him knowing of the trauma and horror that they will face. "The fight for this world begins, lets hope that the ponies put up a fight before he kills them" said Sonic.Exe as the portal closes. > Forest Act II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Act II Burning Everfree, Scootaloo Scootaloo wakes up to the smell of burning wood and corpses as the whole forest is on fire, without thinking twice Scootaloo ran as fast as she could to escape this hell on Equestria and from that Rainbow look-a-like and warn everypony of the danger if the forest fire wasn't a clear reminder, Scootaloo thought as she ran for her life namely about the Rainbow-like monster hunting her. Was that thing the monster that killed those poor animals or was that really Rainbow Dash and she was possessed by a demon or something? she thought about the events plaguing Equestria and herself, but as she ran towards some form of exit out of this smoldering forest a maniacal laugh snapped her out of her thoughts as she briefly saw a rainbow trail in the tree line, knowing this will most likely lead to death Scootaloo picked up the pace and ran much faster as Rainbow Dash charged through the trees and destroyed the rock Scootaloo was before she ran, Scootaloo zigzagged across the forest floor as red lightning striked at her position almost hitting her turning back she could see that Rainbow was using a metal horn on her head to cast the red lightning bolts at her. Scootaloo continued to run through the forest dodging Rainbow's attacks and burning wood along the way, but as Scootaloo saw a way out of the forest she found herself in another clearing with walls of fire blocking any form of escape, but Scootaloo continued undeterred toward the clearing's exit as fast as her legs could carry, behind her Rainbow Dash started to chase her down with a smile on her face as she got closer, using all of her determination Scootaloo jumped and flapped her wings as hard as she can and managed to cross a moat of scorching fire as Rainbow roared in anger as she lost her, Scootaloo now tired ran toward a rock and hid their as Rainbow prowled the area looking for her growing more anger as time went on. Rainbow.Exe POV Rainbow Dash cursed under her breath as she lost sight of the kid, out of anger she bucked a tree tearing it off of its roots and sent it flying through the forest, if she knew that the brat could fly only if danger was around then she would have stopped chasing her and given her a false sense of security and then catch her and kill her but instead she let this body's ego get the better of her and lost her in the flames, of course the setting the Everfree on fire wasn't the best move but the kid would have died trying to find a way out, Rainbow flew over the moat of fire and landed on the other side where Scootaloo landed as well, clearing a bit of the patches of flames Rainbow started her search for that little brat. "Come out, come out wherever you are Scoots, I promise you won't die... yet" Rainbow called as the flames continued to roar across the forest, Rainbow bucked a large tree which'd crumbled to ashes but she didn't see the brat hiding there so continued to look for her prey. "Come on you little brat, hiding from me won't get you far soon I'll find you and then well, you better pray that I don't find you" Rainbow called out once more as she bucked another rock which'd split in two but still no Scootaloo, feeling more ticked off Rainbow's chest open and a metal arm with a bloody syringe attached came out and ripped two trees out from the ground which'd a familiar filly to squeak in fear which Rainbow picked up and started to walk toward the rock as another metal arm came out of her chest but it had a bloody claw, Rainbow could only smile with joy as she as just found her prey. "Found.. you.." said Rainbow as her eyes glowed a bloody red as she approached the kids hiding spot ready to kill, but she didn't hear a low cracking sound till the ground under the kid caved in and Rainbow only heard the kids screams. Scootaloo's POV, earlier Scootaloo breathed a soft sigh as she caught her breath after that stunt but couldn't help but smile seeing how see jump over that pit of fire and survived, but soon the dread crawled into her mind once again as Rainbow is still looking for her and after hearing her scream with anger could only guess that she wants to kill her like she did to those forest animals awhile back. "Why is this happening, just yesterday she was being herself and performing her crazy stunts for all to see and then she now trying to kill me and soon would go after the rest of her friends and possibly all of Equestria" she thought to herself feeling that her mind is now the only safe place left as the outside world is now a burning hellscape, but as she was thinking of a plan to escape without getting caught a familiar voice echoed across the area. "Come out, come out wherever you are Scoots, I promise you won't die... yet" called out Rainbow as Scootaloo froze in fear as Rainbow bucked a tree which'd crumpled to ashes but what really spooked her was seeing a metal arm come out of Rainbow's chest and paled a little bit as a bloody syringe was attached to it, then two trees next to her were suddenly ripped from the ground causing her to accidently squeak out, Scootaloo covered her mouth and prayed that she didn't hear her just now, peeking behind her hiding spot she saw Rainbow produced another metal arm with a claw attached to it and she was coming closer and closer. "Found... you..." called out Rainbow once more as she stopped two feet away from Scootaloo's hiding spot, a metallic creaking sound could be heard from Rainbow's metal arms as they moved to destroy the rock and her along with it, but as she slowly began to accept her fate and that she was going to die a faint cracking noise sounded underneath her, she panicked as the very ground beneath her caved in and soon she fell into the chasm just as two metal arm shot forward and destroyed her hiding place as she scream all the way down. Sonic.Exe's POV Sonic.Exe or called X by many of his loyal subjects of Hellzone watched as Exelon failed to kill his target as it fell into a deep chasm below the forest, his dark blue quills flow as the wind carries the ashes of burned trees across this world and with it a sense of dread and the feeling of death, looking up he saw the clouds slowly change color now sporting a visible red hue as more of the blue sky is covered in red clouds and ash-filled smoke from the burning Everfree, the end of harmony as begun. "Your really outdoing yourself there Exelon, but your plan will backfire and you will fall by my hands" X said as a red ring portal opened up and a Hedgehog Exe exited, it was Diamox one of Sonic.Exe's top tier enforcers and it looks like he has some news for the Hellzone's God-King. "My Lord, the one who calls himself TailX the Devil-Fox is reported missing in your holy realm, we believe he is still working alongside Exelon in his quest to steal your throne ever snice his failed Hellzone Coup three thousand years ago, me and other Exes think we should find and kill both TailX and Exelon before they gather the souls of this pathetic world of ponies." explained Diamox, Sonic.Exe pondered Diamox's plan sure it would be so much easier just to kill them both, but that will just take the fun away and besides, his army of souls and loyal Exes haven't had a fight for along time. "That won't be necessary Diamox, Exelon is clever and TailX is intelligent and together they could outsmart most of my loyal Exes and steal some souls, so I have a better and more fun plan: contact Sonic.EYX and I-Speye to assemble the armies of Hellzone, if Exelon wants a war, then he will get a war" Sonic.Exe exclaimed with a hit of joy as Diamox bowed and entered the red portal, Sonic.Exe looked back at the hellish view that Equestria was slowly becoming and he will make it far worst once he's done. > Forest Act III, Caves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Act III Everfree Caves Scootaloo groan in pain as she got back on her hooves and dusted herself off, she saw herself in a cavern deep below the forest she was just in, looking up to the hole above her it looked like that she won't be getting out the way she came, after checking to make sure she didn't have any injuries from the fall she proceeded down the tunnel and deeper into the cave system hoping that there will be an exit out of this place, she continued to make her way through the caves till she spotted a yellow patch of fur behind a slab of rock, as Scootaloo cautiously approached the slab the yellow patch of fur moved spooking the filly for a bit as she looked behind the slab to see nothing, making sure to see if the creature was still in these caves she prepared to continue onward until a familiar voice echoed across the chasm, quickly Scootaloo hid behind the slab of rock as Rainbow walked past her. "Come on out kid, your wasting my time here and I'm not enjoy this one bit" Rainbow called out in annoyance as her metal arm's claws scraped the cavern floor, Rainbow looked around for any signs of the pegasus filly who fell down here before she could kill her, as Rainbow continued to hunt for the little filly she started to think about how this little chore looked more like a game this made her smile. "So this is how its going to be then eh, well I do love a good game of Hide and Seek so lets play then little filly, you hide and I seek ready or not here I come. Ahahahaha!" bellowed Rainbow as she walked deeper into the cavern. Scootaloo peeked out from her hiding spot as she heard Rainbow's hoofsteps grow quieter before coming out of her hiding spot That was a close one, guess I'll have to hide from her now as I make my way out of this cave she thought as she makes her way through the maze that makes up this cave and hiding periodically from Rainbow. "Sweet Celestia, when well this place end, it feels like I'm nowhere near the exit and it's been getting a bit more difficult hiding from her" complained Scootaloo as she traversed the stone halls of the cave looking for an exit or a sign that said she's getting close to the surface, as she was cautiously walked through the cavern, she saw Rainbow standing and it looked like she was talking to someone, Scootaloo hid behind a column of rock and listened closely. "Why is it this hard to kill ONE BLOODY FILLY, if that brat listened to me and followed me back in the forest then I could have been hunting down one of the bearers already, gaaahh!!!" screamed Rainbow to a grey two-tailed fox who looked unamused. "Well this is indeed a problem sir, if that filly manages to escape and warn others about us then It will be much more difficult to claim there souls and proceed with finishing your plan, I suggest we-" but before the fox could finish a syringe arm smashed a boulder next to him but was completely unfazed by his master's outburst. "Shut it TailX, If my plan is going to work then I need her and those bearers souls if I'm going be able to defeat him, so until I claim this filly's soul your going to the old castle and prepare just in case one of the bearers shows up due to the forest fire, and you are free to do what is necessary to kill them so you can get there soul, got it?" commanded Rainbow, the grey fox known as TailX smiled and bowed. "As you wish, your word is my command my lord" said TailX as he teleported in a puff of red smoke, Rainbow then continued her search for Scootaloo looking more serious then ever before, unknowingly to her a orange filly was hiding and she heard her and TailX's conversation. What was all that about, why did Rainbow mean by that and who was that fox thing called TailX, whatever it was I got to get out of here and warn the Elements thought Scootaloo as she cautiously moved once more through the caves which gotten more brighter than the near pitch blackness a while ago, walking up a slope she saw herself in a brighter part of the cavern and could hear torrents of water now that she was getting closer to the surface, if she remembered correctly then she should be close to the river and the edge of the forest if she continued then she would be out of the caves and be ten minutes away from Ponyville, filled if determination Scootaloo traversed the caves quickly but more cautiously as Rainbow was still hunting her in this twisted game of Hide and Seek. As Scootaloo move far upward in the caves closer towards the surface, she started to see more broken rocks then hiding spots making it more difficult to hide from Rainbow as the distance between hiding spots slowly increased forcing Scootaloo to dash towards them before Rainbow could spot her and that Rainbow was getting more aggressive wasn't helping, but her uneasiness was slowly being replaced with hope as she walked up another slope to reveal an area with flora growing and a faint light coming from cracks in the cave ceiling as she was now on surface level. "Yes, finally made it to the surface" exclaimed Scootaloo "now all that's left to is to head for the exit and I'll be able to head for Ponyville and warn-" but before she could finish her sentence, she heard a deep laughter behind her causing her to turn around to see Rainbow smiling at her now revealing sharp teeth as she fluttered her wings. "Found you, looks like I win and your about to lose to me, shame, and I had so many games that we could play together before you die." said Rainbow as she moved a bit closer to Scootaloo who backed up a bit in response but still hold on to her courage as she mentally prepared to run. "Why won't you just leave us alone, Equestria didn't nothing to you for you to cause all of this bloodshed!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she flared her wings up out of anger, Rainbow simply chuckled as she flared up her own wings as well. "Oh poor little filly, your right Equestria did nothing to me, but they're just caught up in the wrong fight, and you and all of this land will help me win by claiming your souls." said Rainbow as the metal horn on her head sparkled with red sparks as she started to hover in the air. "Now, be a good little filly and give me your soul." demanded Rainbow, but Scootaloo simply turned around and smirked. "Your going to have to catch me first Rainbow Crash!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she took off running using her wings as a booster, Rainbow grinned as she to gave chase to the filly. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME, AHAHAHAHA!!!" roared Rainbow, the chase was on. > Forest Act III, Caves The Chase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Act III, The Chase Scootaloo ran as fast as her legs could carry her up the twisting ramps towards the cave's exit, she jumped to avoid a bolt of red lightning from Rainbow who was doing everything in her anger to destroy her, but Scootaloo continued undeterred as she was five minutes closer to the exit and seeing Rainbow growing more and more aggressive as the seconds went by started to take the toll on the chasm's stability as chucks of rocks started to fall a few almost hitting Scootaloo as her path toward the exit was being destroyed by falling rocks and Rainbow's attacks. "Aggghhh, this is getting on my nerves you little brat stand still and die!!!" Rainbow roared in anger as she blasted the path again but missed Scootaloo due to almost getting hit by a falling rock, Scootaloo continued up the pathway as more of the chasm started to fall apart due to Rainbow's attacks, as she dodged another falling rock an idea popped into her head, if Rainbow was busy trying to kill her then she could lure her into the path of a falling rock giving her the time need to escape, If this was indeed her idol she silently hoped that this won't kill her. "I'm sorry Dash, but its either me or you in this race." thought Scootaloo as she used her wings once more to get ahead of Rainbow and taunting her as she moved closer to the exit. "If your really are the 'Fastest Pegasus Alive' then why are you losing to a little brat like me, Rainbow Crash?" mocked Scootaloo, Rainbow roared in absolute rage as she charged up another bolt of red lightning focusing entirely on Scootaloo, but before she could unleash her attack a boulder crashed into her, sending her downward toward the cavern floor. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Rainbow as she fell down into the chasm below, Scootaloo used this moment to dash toward the exit just before the cave completely collapsed, she jump out of the cave just as the exit caved in, Scootaloo laid on her back gasping for air while looking at the now smoldering forest due to the fire dying out awhile ago, after resting for a bit Scootaloo prepared to dash toward Ponyville till she heard a voice in her head but it sounded different. "Scootaloo, Ponyville won't be safe for long, find the maiden of kindness and bring her to Canterlot Castle before the maiden of rainbow's knight catches her" it said before fading away from Scootaloo's head, confused Scootaloo tried her best to decipher the voice's plea. "Well, the maiden of rainbows is Rainbow, but who could the maiden of kindness be-" just then it clicked, Scootaloo's face paled knowing who the kind maiden is and the knight's identity was. "Buck, Fluttershy is in trouble, and that TailX is going to kill her, she may have that Stare, but that TailX dude probably won't be effected by it, alright looks like I got to play hero." said Scootaloo as she dashed into the forest once more. The Caved-In Chasm Deep within the destroyed chasm, a red glowing light glowed in between the rocks before they were blown apart and a bloodied cyan pegasus crawled out of the rubble, a normal pegasus wouldn't survive that but Rainbow did albeit losing her left eye wasn't in the plan of surviving, but she still lived though she can't die anyway. "Damn it, tricked by a KID of all ponies, no matter I'll deal with her later I need to meet up with TailX and help him with the first Element bearer." said Rainbow as she charged up a teleportation as her left eye formed a red pupil as she teleported out of the cave and towards the ruined castle. Somewhere in the Everfree Walking through the burnt remains of the Everfree, Fluttershy cautiously made her way towards the castle ruins after failing to find Rainbow Dash in the clearing where she was, hoping that she headed toward the castle for safety when the fire broke out. "Oh d-dear, please be okay Rainbow, were worried about you, hold on tight Angel" said Fluttershy as she flapped her wings and took off heading for the castle ruins, unknowingly to the both of them, a figure was watching them from afar. "Oh, looks like the bearer of kindness is on her way here, then we best prepare the welcoming party my children." said TailX as six pairs of red eyes glowed in bloodlust, the hunt will soon begin. > Castle Act I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Act I At the Castle of the Two Sisters, Fluttershy and Angel stared at the ruined domain of the Princesses old home, its cold and empty walls told a tale of despair and the burned forest that surrounds it only made it creepier, Fluttershy shivered in fright as the old castle emitted a dark aura, but Angel wasn't the bunny to be frozen in fear so tapped the poor creamed-colored pegasus and freed her from her state, feeling better Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked forward into the ruined horror. "Please be in here Rainbow, t-this place is really creepy and dark" said Fluttershy as her walk started to slow only for Angel to reassure her once again despite the dark aura emitting from the ruins, Fluttershy smiled as Angel rubbed his head against her ear. "Y-your right Angel, Rainbow is in serious need of our help, and I can't just be frozen in fear" said Fluttershy proudly as she marched on into the bellows of the castle, once inside Fluttershy went ahead and started to search for Rainbow in the old castle halls turning up empty and getting spooked by small and yet creepy noises nearly every time she checked a room, both Fluttershy and Angel returned to the center of the castle, after much debate Fluttershy reluctantly agreed to the idea of splitting up to cover more ground as Fluttershy saw Angel scurry away she made her way towards the throne room of the castle, upon entering the throne room Fluttershy looked around the place hoping that Rainbow was in here as the wind grew louder outside as the storm of red clouds intensified, but just as Fluttershy was about to turn up empty a familiar chuckle echoed across the room spooking Fluttershy as she turned around to see Rainbow resting on a centerpiece above the large doors Fluttershy smiled as Rainbow smiled back. "Heya their Flutters, fancy seeing you here all alone, but being a bearer gives us added courage I guess" said Rainbow as she glided down and land on the floor next to Fluttershy. "Oh Rainbow, we were so worried about you, we thought you were attacked by the anomaly, also I didn't come alone my animal friend Angel tagged along snice he was worried too" said Fluttershy as she hugged Rainbow who hugged back, just then Angel arrived after hearing Fluttershy's fear squeak, but after taking one look at Rainbow he jumped onto Fluttershy's head tugging her ear while staring at Rainbow with suspicion. 'Ohh great, the little vermin knows my trick, and I wanted this to go easier then LAST time' thought Rainbow as she stared back at Angel who narrowed his eyes, Fluttershy sensing the tension in the air tried to calm Angel down. "Angel, I don't know what's got you so jumpy but it's just Rainbow, sorry for his actions he's a bit jumpy today" apologizes Fluttershy for Angel's unprovoked behavior, Rainbow only chuckled a bit but still kept a silent glare at Angel. "Say Fluttershy, When I was hanging out here, I saw a weird fox creature living here and I think its hurt due to the storm outside and snice your a vet I was hoping you could help" explained Rainbow as Fluttershy gasped due to hearing of the poor animal despite Angel's silent bickering, Rainbow mentally grinned as Fluttershy seamlessly fell into her trap. "Oh, the poor thing, Rainbow where was it, if it still here then I have to help it heal" exclaimed Fluttershy as Angel gave up on trying to stop her from going with Rainbow and left to find a quick exit for the both of them when manure hits the fan, Rainbow pointed towards the location as Fluttershy followed suit to help the poor critter trapped within this broken castle. "So Rainbow, are okay cause I was wondering about your mane covering your left eye, does it hurt at all?" asked Fluttershy as they made their way towards destination, Rainbow started to sweat a bit knowing her left eye wasn't okay so decided to lie about. "Oh uhm, I was just trying out a new look for myself and I hoped that Rarity won't try and fix it because I like it" quickly exclaimed Rainbow, Fluttershy only smiled as they approached the door and as soon as they stepped in front of it Fluttershy entered the room and revealing a grey bipedal fox standing in the center of the room. "Looks like your little plan worked my master, she fell for it all too well and soon her soul will be yours" said the grey fox as Fluttershy slowly backed away but Rainbow blocked her path, she turned around confused as her fear slowly appears in her eyes. "R-rainbow, what's going on and what does he mean by my soul being yours" said Fluttershy hoping this was a prank, but Rainbow only chuckled darkly as she flicked her mane back revealing the hole that used to house her left eye now just a black void with a single red dot, Fluttershy eyes widen in fear at the sight of her friend's grievous facial wound. "Ahh poor Fluttershy, you came all this way to "save" me from the big scary monster only for that monster to be standing right next to you all this time and your vermin of a friend knew along." said Rainbow as one of her metal arms came out of her chest cavity brandishing it's sharp black claws at the poor cream pegasus, Fluttershy remained frozen in fear as the claw came closer towards her face and a gory image of those claws ripping her eyes out and a metal syringe electrocuting her to death. "P-please Rainbow, stop this your not your self, I-I don't want to d-die" said Fluttershy tearfully as the metal claws now slowly caress her face as the grey fox looks in silent glee as Rainbow moves closer toward Fluttershy as a metal horn slowly forms atop her head. Fluttershy looked on in horror as the metal claw moves in front of her face and straighten out ready to strike. "Sorry old friend, but your dull life ends here, and no one will save-" But before she could finish her sentence and kill Fluttershy, Angel jumped down from a hole in the ceiling and on to Rainbow's head a began to pull on her metal horn as hard as he could causing her to lose focus allowing Fluttershy to back away quickly. "Arrrggghhh, By the gods why does that hurt, get off of me you vermin!!" screamed Rainbow as she violently thrashed Angel off of her head and into a wall, Fluttershy who saw her bunny friend hurt prepared to use her Stare ability to stop Rainbow but a sudden voice snapped her out of it. "Your friend is giving you the chance to run, don't let this time go to waste now!" said the voice as Fluttershy started to back up quickly towards the door, she looked back and saw the grey fox looking at her with malice Please be okay my Angel Bunny, mama will find you again and ran out as fast as she could. "Get back here you little-" "NO, that pegasus is mine alone to kill you deal with the vermin and after that your free to hunt her down and bring her to me." ordered Rainbow as she teleported away leaving TailX with the injured Angel who tried to crawl away but TailX blocked his path. "You cause a lot of trouble today you vermin, but don't worry cause once I'm done with you you'll be my perfect minion." said TailX as his twin tails turned into sharp tentacles and slowly wrapped around Angel's body who coughed a bit of blood as the pressure to his ribs increased, one of the tentacles moved to the front of his face before it morphed into a metal drill that started moving. So, this is how it ends for me then, well at least she's safe for now thought Angel as the drill made impact with his face and soon the darkness claimed him. > Castle Act II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Act II Deep within the ruined halls of the Castle, Fluttershy traverses the cobweb-infested corridors looking for an escape route and hopefully find Angel and then get out of there before Rainbow and that grey fox catches her, as Fluttershy moves carefully through the halls she reflects on the events from a few moments ago, the monster impersonating her childhood friend wanted her soul and that fox monster was working for it, she never heard of a creature with such malice and bloodshed, but one thing is for sure she must help her little angel and try to make it to her friends so they can warn the princesses, but just as Fluttershy was moving around she heard the faint sound of footsteps and ducked behind a column as a tall dark green hedgehog with metal wiring embedded in its body walked pass her hiding spot, breathing a quiet sigh of relief, Fluttershy left her hiding spot and continued to make her way towards the room she first meet that fox monster and the demonic Rainbow. "S-stay strong Fluttershy, you can do this only just a few more rooms left to go, and you and angel can escape" Fluttershy told herself as she ducked behind a bookshelf as Rainbow and a small pink hedgehog with a metal stake deep in its chest scanned the room for her before leaving the area allowing Fluttershy the opening to make her way towards the next room, as she slowly trots through the ruined halls, she heard a faint but familiar sound in the room ahead of her, despite her fear she carefully slid into the chamber as the sound of talking could be heard above her. "We've have been looking for like 2 DAMN HOURS and still me or your dolls can't find her, if this keeps up then she would have escaped by now, uggghh!!!! Rainbow complained as she used her metal horn to blast a wooden crate apart as TailX watches his master's tantrum, of course his master always has a temper tantrum when things don't go his way like back when he failed to kill the orange filly, but TailX knows the best way to kill the yellow pegasus. "My master, I do believe that this problem can be solved, if the lady pegasus wishes to escape then she'll need to find and locate the vermin she calls a friend" exclaimed TailX to Rainbow who's tantrum just finished and is now listening to his servant's plan. "What do you mean by that TailX, I thought you-" but before Rainbow could finish TailX shushed him all while pointing down, realizing TailX's demeanor Rainbow quickly silenced herself allowing TailX to finish explaining the details of his plan as Fluttershy continued to listen wishing to know where their keeping Angel. "As of now, the vermin known as Angel is being kept in the castle's old throne room where the hallway to the castle exit is connected to the left side of the room, once the lady pegasus arrives however, she well be in for a surprise" explained TailX as a grin formed on Rainbow's face and Fluttershy almost gasped in relief as now she knows that her little angel is okay and in the throne room, after waiting for both Rainbow and TailX to vacate the area Fluttershy slowly made her way out the room and towards the throne room knowing she's now a long way from the throne room. Hold on tight my little angel, momma's coming to save you Fluttershy mentally told herself as she made her way toward the throne room while remaining hidden from Rainbow, TailX, and those doll monsters along the way, as Fluttershy was hiding behind a decaying statue of Celestia she started to sense a familiar aura thanks in part to her element allowing her to sense the auras of animals, she smiled as the aura of Angel was present and it had left a trail allowing her to follow it towards the throne room, unknowingly to her, a grey fox was watching from afar seeing that the lady pegasus fell into his trap. "Like a moth to a flame" said TailX as he teleported to the throne room. The Throne Room Fluttershy finally arrived at the throne room after a while, as she stands before the archway that used to house two large wooden doors, a fire started to burn within her soul pushing her to save her little angel from those monsters and escape together, as she entered the chamber of the royal sisters, the sound of thunder roared outside as the sky is now completely covered in blood-red clouds causing Fluttershy to jump a bit out of surprise but she continued towards the thrones before a demonic laughter echoed through the air before the grey fox known as TailX appeared sitting on the throne of the sun princess, Fluttershy's eyes narrowed at TailX's eyes hoping that her stare will still work on him but TailX only chuckled. "do you really think that I'll bow down to your gaze, your stare will never break the will of an Exe." said TailX as he got up from the throne and watched as Fluttershy broke off her stare in frustration as TailX smiled at her predicament. "Where's my angel you monster, I overheard you and Rainbow talk about you have him in this throne room and if I see that you laid a single claw on him then-" but before she could finish her threat TailX stopped her. "Calm down my lady, I can assure you that he's fine and unlike my master I don't kill random animals for fun, so I decided to tend to his injuries he sustained when master threw him into the wall" said TailX in a soft but deceptive tone as Fluttershy's demeanor slightly soften after hearing that angel is ok. "If that's the case, then where is he TailX" demanded Fluttershy as TailX chuckled once more as he caught a glimpse of movement on the ceiling and raised both of his arms to the air. "He's right here my lady Fluttershy, say hello your Fallen Angel" exclaimed TailX as a shadowy figure jumped down from the ceiling spreading dust preventing Fluttershy from seeing the figure clearly, but as the dust settled down and red light bathed the figure Fluttershy could only stare in pure despair and shock as the monster before her was a tall white rabbit sporting a red X on its chest. "A-angel, N-n-no" said Fluttershy in between sobs as the monster before her was her little Angel, soon another demonic laughter echoed across the throne room as Rainbow herself appeared hovering over Fallen Angel with a twisted smile. "Oh poor little Fluttershy, to come all this way to save your little angel, only for the little angel to fall down and into the devil's grip, you must be thinking that you want to join your little angel in hell as well." mocked Rainbow as Fluttershy's despair slowly ate her soul and will to live, but the same voice returned seemingly sensing her growing despair. "I'm sorry for your angel's fall into darkness, but you can't just give up now cause if his soul is still in there somewhere then you and your friends can save him." exclaimed the voice as Fluttershy wiped some tears and stood firm once more now knowing that she could save him one day, Rainbow frowned at Fluttershy's will to live returning. "Oh, so you think you can save him well then, if you really want to save him then you need to be alive in order for that to happen, so.." said Rainbow as Fallen Angel prepared to strike, Fluttershy spread her wings as the exit doors open. "Run" > Castle Act III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Act III:Race of Hell "RUN..." was the last thing Fluttershy heard before she dashed towards the hallway just as Fallen Angel roared and charged in after her, but Fluttershy continued to push forward and stay determined to escape this castle and possibly save her little angel and childhood friend Rainbow from whatever is controlling them, Fluttershy soared through the warped hallway as Fallen Angel unleashed a fireball at her but luckily she dodged the attack as it impacted a column up ahead, Fluttershy continued to dodge Fallen's attacks all the while maneuvering past columns that formed to block her path, it wasn't long before she had to dodge red lightning bolts conjured by Rainbow and charging Dolls summoned by TailX who both decided to join the race and are now trying to kill her. "Come on little Fluttershy, just give in to your fate for nopony will come and save you, I've already won in this game where all of your enemies have failed so many times." mocked Rainbow as she fired another three bolts of red lightning at Fluttershy who dodge the first two but the third one grazed her left ear causing her to squeak in pain but she managed to pull through the pain and continued to race for her life as two Dolls raced pass her but failing to catch her and simply crashed into a column allowing Fluttershy the room to quickly dodge one of Fallen's fireballs which made impact on a wall next to Rainbow who almost spiraled out of control when the shockwave hit her. "Aggghh, watch where your aiming you vermin" yelled Rainbow as Fallen's eyes burned in a red glow as TailX mentally controlled Fallen Angel to soar higher so he can have a better chance not to hit Rainbow and TailX and only hit Fluttershy as Fallen's maw open and another fireball started to form but it was red instead before firing it at Fluttershy who quickly dodged it but it soon turned back towards her as she attempted to avoid the red fireball which is now following her till it makes impact with her. "Oh no, I can't shake it off my trail" Fluttershy panicked as the red fireball continued to charge straight towards her every time she tried to remain still, Fluttershy knew that if she messed up one time then she'll be burnt to a crisp, but an idea popped into her head as Fallen opened his maw to prepare another fireball, Fluttershy slowly moved to position herself Infront of his maw and remain perfectly still just as the fireball started to form in his maw. "I'm so sorry, my little angel" said Fluttershy just as the red fireball charged towards her, but Fluttershy dodged it at the last second and the fireball hit Fallen in his gaping maw instantly catching it on fire and sending Fallen crashing into several stone columns which caused the castle roof above to collapse and bury Fallen but Fluttershy managed to escape while both Rainbow and TailX teleported out of there to avoid getting crushed. Outside of the Castle walls, Fluttershy hid behind a nearby tree to rest for a bit after just escaping the collapsing hallway, her wings are a little sore now due do using them a bit too hard during her escape, but nothing was damaged well except for her left ear which now has a scorched hole in it, but luckily it no longer hurts as much now, looking around to make sure Rainbow or the other ones were around, she started to make her way towards Ponyville on foot to avoid detection from flying in plain sight. but just as she made it far enough away from the Castle, Fluttershy heard something within the trees and fearing for the worst she prepared to make a quick escape, but instead of Rainbow or TailX pouching from the shadows it was Scootaloo who appeared catching the poor yellow pegasus off guard for a second before the two hugged each other. "Oh, thank Celestia your okay, I thought she managed to kill you too" exclaimed Scootaloo in relief as Fluttershy instinctively shared her relief too with Scootaloo also being safe and sound but was still puzzled on why she was here in the first place before it clicked as Rainbow's scream was heard where she was so Scootaloo must have also heard it. "Thanks for your concern Scootaloo, but its still dangerous out here and we should be heading start for Ponyville were Twilight, me, and the others can find a way to save Rainbow and-" "Fluttershy, if you saw how Rainbow was able to know where you were in that castle, then Ponyville won't be safe for long cause when I first met her, she said she plans to achieve godhood by killing and collecting souls starting with your other friends and me." explained Scootaloo as Fluttershy's face turned pale as the thought of her losing her friends entered her mind. "Then, how are we going to find a way to stop her without her heading towards us when we group?!" Fluttershy exclaimed as the sky roared with thunder as it was completely covered in red clouds and Fluttershy could see Cloudsdale changed colors as well with its rainbow falls completely replaced with blood-red water. "Well, since this voice that appeared when this started to happen told me to find you and head for Canterlot, I think we should head there since she well tear Ponyville apart trying to find us" said Scootaloo while Fluttershy silently remembered hearing a voice too when she had to escape the castle ruins and failing to save Angel, but she shook that bad memory from her head and focused on getting her friend back. "Ok Scootaloo, if this voice or person told us that we need to head for Canterlot then we need to get going." said Fluttershy with agreeing and the two took off for Canterlot. Castle Ruins Within the ruined throne room of the ancient Everfree Castle, Rainbow sits upon Celestia's old throne while TailX tends to his Dolls, especially Fallen Angel whose entire lower jaw was destroyed after it was hit by Fallen's own red fireball, Rainbow pondered on what to do next now that both Fluttershy and Scootaloo are out of her grasp. "This is not going according to plan, if I don't get there souls then overthrowing X will be difficult in the long run" said Rainbow as TailX just finished fixing Fallen's jaw and listened to his master's thinking. "Well master, if we can't trick the others in the long run, then we should just take there souls now before X and the other High Exes prepare a surprise attack" explained TailX as his Dolls and Fallen all rise under his command all the while Rainbow smiled. "Well if that's the case, then lets pay a honest farmer a visit" said Rainbow as thunder roars across the sky. > Orchard Act I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orchard Act I Applejack stands within her apple tree orchard watching the red sky that overtook the once clear blue-sky moments ago, but what really put her on edge was the fact Twilight told her and the rest of the girls that Rainbow confronted the anomaly in the Everfree but do to some form of interference she lost contact with her and now she and Fluttershy are missing, hoping for her friend's safe return Applejack would periodically check the edge of the Everfree just to see if their close by but it's been ten whole hours and still no sign of Rainbow or Fluttershy anywhere, but Applejack still hoped that eventually they will find them. Applejack soon started her fifth round and headed for the Everfree edge with hopes of getting to see them, but as she made her way into her orchard a sudden wind blew her hat off causing her curse as she went to retrieve it, as she chased her hat down through the orchard a sudden boom of thunder roared across the red sky and soon AJ's hat landed on the tip of a familiar blue wing catching Applejack's attention. "Rainbow, oh thank Celestia your alright, we were worried sick about you, and we thought that thing killed you or something." said Applejack as she walked up towards Rainbow and got her hat back who didn't move a muscle. "Uhhh Rainbow, are feeling okay their partner you haven't spoken or move ever snice I got here, did that entity did something to your head when you meet it?" asked Applejack in confusion and worry. "Oh, don't worry dear Applejack." said Rainbow as her eyes turned pitch black and blood red dots appear in them. "I am completely fine and well dear Applejack." said Rainbow shocking Applejack before clawing her left eye and bucking her towards one of the orchard trees as Rainbow's demonic laughter echoed across the orchard, Applejack soon got up and went into a fighting stance despite losing her vision in her left eye and broke two of her ribs. "Oh, your still alive, that's good, because I wanted to play a little game with you, and we can't do that if your already dead joked Rainbow as she slowly charged up her metal horn before firing a bolt of red lightning at Applejack who quickly dodged it and attempted to strike Rainbow with a strong buck in return only for Rainbow to teleport away from her in a stream of red lightning. "Stand still and face my wrath you friend-impersonating demon!" shouted Applejack as Rainbow simply laughed and before Applejack could blink, the entire farm warped into an endless orchard field catching her by surprise but regained focus as Rainbow started to hover in the air. "What in tarnation do you mean by a game you monster" questioned Applejack as she mentally prepared to run if needed, Rainbow then pointed a hoof towards a glowing red object on the horizon, Applejack looked towards where Rainbow was pointing at to see a red ring hovering off the ground. "On the horizon, there is a portal out of this world, but the only way your leaving is if you beat me in a little race, you win IF you managed to escape, and I win if I catch you." explained Rainbow as she rotated her wings getting ready as Applejack prepared to run as well since that portal is the only way out. "what's the catch, I'm not racing you if your going to try and cheat." said Applejack "No catches, well except for one thing, I heard that you ponies will break into song from time, so as we're racing, we'll sing for the hell of it." said Rainbow confusing Applejack for a second but agreed to it anyway. "Fine, but just to let you know that I'm just as fast as my real friend so best of luck to you" said Applejack "I don't need luck" said Rainbow in return before sprouting her wings to their full length. "GO!" and just like that, the race has begun. Now playing:Rainbow Run lyrics done by me for immersion:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p25LL2G60iY&t=2635s De vita, ad mortem Omnis vita cadet Ut imma ad infernum Et purpura sanguine fluit Animas eorum demergat In aquis doloris Et omnes clamabunt "Omnes Laudate regem!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!" All of the villains that you faced are nothing compared to me Their just pathetic fools Now you stand up facing me, The queen of blood just give in and drown in pain but you got some nerve fighting me, but soon you'll be RIPPED apart Just accept that you can never flee and that you can't win in this Rainbow Run Tell that towards yourself, you haven't seen Just how determined I can be The many threats that I've have faced But I'll be honest I never had magic like our princess of friendship But me and her have something you'll never get We have the determination to keep on pushing forward And that is why that I'll survive this game And win this Rainbow Run A bolt of lightning went pass her and destroyed an apple tree as Rainbow's metal horn charged up another bolt, but Applejack continued pushing forward. I'll be honest your fate is sealed every soul will bow to me and cower in fear Once you agreed to my little game I made, all chances of freedom will turn to dust The writings of blood now mark the walls Facing me will bring about your fall and soon this hell will be your tomb UAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Honsently, If I wanted to die I would have given up and throw in the towel and accepted my doomed fate But I'm never going to surrender to the darkness My will shall remain unbroken and determine I don't know what your plan on achieving at For all of your schemes will come falling down And I asked for some adventure to happen How Ironic... Your arrogant confidence will kill you In all of the horrors beyond your world You say that you'll stand victorious, but you have no chance As the power of EXE grows within my very soul Cause pure evil has no cosmic chains on it That's a lie You'll never be free of your chains For I'll show you And you'll be broken and beaten down That true power comes from Then your body will be consumed The bonds of friendship Which is stronger then your pure evil soon just like Sombra before you, you will fall in defeat please help me Though evil will stare into our souls We will never let evil fulfill their vile goals We'll Kill you But the victims of evil are high and bloody We can't let more die at evil's hands p-please friend just... You are the worst of them all but I won't give in to your corruption RAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Suddenly all of reality shifted into an 8-bit style form, and Applejack could see that she turned to match the new reality and even Rainbow looked different, but Applejack also thought she heard her Rainbow cry out in pain, she wasn't so sure but hopefully she's alright. So much as happen in this world a world once full of Innocence The start of the end of days The start of a massive change I'll ruin the souls of billions We'll keep you from destroying our home You'll never understand the concept Be ready, for the end is near WHY YOU LITTLE- Soon reality shifts back to normal, and Applejack could now push harder, but Rainbow isn't giving up as well Et omnes clamabunt "Mors ovibus perditis" No more playing Time for Slaughter Sed proditores clamabunt "Mors Regi!" The end is closer I'll give my all! You challenge me with such determination But sadly, it's a shame that all great heroes must fall and die I can sense that you know my strong will Why would I run if my friends and family lifes are at stake I know what you're thinking now All around the world there's new soul to have fun with But how could I get too them all and have fun with so little time Wouldn't you agree I know that I will win here now Why would you still wish to destroy our home There won't be nothing left to rule if it's all just gone RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Applejack's surroundings suddenly collapsed, and the sky turned into red static as Rainbow just did a bloody red Rainboom forcing Applejack to tap into her element to increase her speed "Dues invicte!"<-repeats till the end How is this possible You should have died from the start Enough of this chit chat I'm ending this here and now! You'll have no hope of surviving this To the gates of Tartarus, arriving I hope your ready to start screaming! Gotta beat me to end this And if you look ahead in this race You'll see that I will End all of this terror! Though this race is tight and getting harder There's no point in stopping now You shouldn't have messed with us! UAHAHAHA!! If this little race won't kill you then the final battle just might get you and you'll fall in peril At the hands of your inner darkness We'll never give you or show any mercy Meeting the end of this great game You already know If you stop being so self-adsorbed You won't escape us, so stop dreaming on! So look at your mess and see that you just lost this little endeavor Whatever what the final battle is, I'll brave it Never defeated unless by some dark and twisted fate Now I hope your ready, cause you just lost! WHY WON'T YOU JUST...DIE!!!! > Orchard Act II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orchard Act II Play for ambience: https://youtu.be/Z6ylGHfLrdI Applejack jumped through the ring and got teleported into her orchard's barn, safe Applejack slumped to the ground too catch her breath but to also check her left eye, which was damaged by Rainbow a while ago, Applejack gritted as she touched her eye to check to see if it stopped bleeding for now, after checking to see if she was truly safe Applejack got up and trek through her barn which looked bigger inside than normal. "Now what in tarnation is going on in here, why is the orchard's barn bigger on the inside" said Applejack as she traversed the walkways of the warped barn with most of them covered in blood which Applejack tried to avoid stepping on it. After a while Applejack spotted a red glowing apple floating above the pathway, curiosity sparked in Applejack's mind as she approached the strange apple and touch it, almost immediately her vision was attacked by colors of red, green, and white flashing in her eyes along with a loud static noise blaring in her ears, Applejack could only crouch and grit in pain as the torturous experience went on for ten unbearable seconds before it suddenly stops and Applejack could finally regain her sense and get up. "What in the..., okay let's not touch strange floating apples" exclaimed Applejack as she continued forward now avoiding red apples so as to not suffer from its effects, as she continues deeper into the warped maze, she spots some red creature looking around which applejack hid behind a pack of crates while keeping her eye on the stranger who soon sped off into the distance. "Who was that, but it's probably best if I avoid him for now" thought Applejack as she continued to traverse the twisted wooden walkways of this dark world hoping to find a way out and to warn the rest of her friends of this faker Rainbow before it tries to harm them as well. After what felt like hours, she arrived at a part of the warped barn at contained two pulley systems each connected to something, following one of the pulleys, Applejack saw that above her was a platform covered with blood-soaked spikes and the other connected to a large door that led to the outside, not wanting to get crushed by the ceiling, Applejack went to pull the second pulley, but then a feeling of doubt entered her mind before she could pull the lever. "But the other lever is connected to the deathtrap, I saw the rope leading up towards the roof, but that monster may have rigged this system" thought Applejack as she moved towards the first lever and slowly reached to pull the lever, as she pulled the lever with all her might the doors creaked open, and the spikes disappeared from the ceiling along with the second lever, Applejack soon galloped through the doorway all while a red echidna watches from afar. The Cellar Applejack soon found herself next to a lamp hanging from the ceiling and surrounded by nothing but darkness, looking out into the darkness Applejack could see other lamps in the room of darkness which formed a pattern which led towards another exit, but a growl caught her attention as a Timberwolf pass by one of the lamps illuminating its broken and charred body, its red eyes stab into the darkness as it hunts for its prey. "Okay, lets try and avoid that overgrown vermin and judging by how its avoiding the lights at all times, I'll just follow the path of lights till I get to the exit" said Applejack as she moved forward towards the first light while keeping an eye out for that burned timberwolf which was still prowling the area for her but she still pressed forward till she made it to the middle of the path, but saw the gap between her and the next light is like four light spots ahead. "What in the..., ok if I time this just right before that wolf shows up" reflected Applejack as she prepares herself for a running start and dashed towards the next light as a unearthly roar echoed across the room as the Timberwolf charged towards Applejack in an attempt to crush her in its jaws, but Applejack leaped out of the wat and into the light as the wolf soon left after failing to kill her. "That was too close, one second later..." said Applejack in relief as she continued down the trail of lights till she finally made it to the exit which was a big red ring floating in the air just like the one she jumped into after beating the fake Rainbow in its death race, but not wanting to stay in this dark place any longer Applejack jumped into the ring and getting teleported somewhere else. Throne Room, Hellzone Deep within the Throne Room's chambers, Sonic.Exe sits upon his golden throne which stands opposingly in the room while his top loyal Exes enter his chambers causing every tortured soul Sonic.Exe has collected over the years to run away in panic and fear as five Exes along with DiamoX kneel before him. "Welcome my loyal Exes, I have called upon you to discuss something of importance, DiamoX please enlighten them." said X to DiamoX who used some magic to showcase the situation to the five Exes. "Thank you my lord, as you can see Exelon who we thought to have been destroyed ever since his failed Hellzone Coup a thousand years ago is still alive and one of his loyal followers known as TailX managed to evade capture and followed him to this world known as Equestria" explained DiamoX which peaked the curiosity of one of the Exes. "What I don't understand is that what does Exelon and TailX want with that useless world full of techno-colored weaklings, to me they think we won't follow them there" said the Exe with the one big eye and tattoo on his stomach. "I have to agree on EYX on this, to us Exes that place holds no value for us or him what would he want with that place" said a small hedgehog with no mouth, DiamoX then shifted the red images to the image of Equestria's Planet and a image of Rainbow. "Because EYX and Hog, this world has a power we Exes couldn't sense due to Equestria's field of harmony magic, which is the divine essence of Faust's soul which grant six residents of this world connection to her power through objects known as the Elements of Harmony" explained DiamoX as a Exe with a bulk similar to one being who was close friends to Hellzone's first king Lord X watched carefully at the images. "And this is one of the elements, her name is Rainbow Dash, and she is now Exelon's vessel and is using her body to hunt down the other elements while TailX and his sockpuppets collect souls in order for Exelon to restore his old body, but we soon learn that he knows about Equestria's hidden power and is planning to take Faust's soul" explained DiamoX as the fourth Exe known as Speed.Gif or Cyclops spoke up. "If he's after that goddess's soul, then how is he going to get it with that barrier still up?" said the hedgehog cyclops. "Well at first we didn't know till we looked at the barrier and we saw that it is slowly falling apart due to Exelon's and TailX's growing Exe influence on Equestria and with this knowledge, he's planning on slowly corrupting Equestria so the barrier will break and he can take the soul, but as the protection for Faust's soul decays" "So does that world's only defense against us Exes from invading, now the barrier is now too weak to stop us from entering their world in mass numbers, which means that any remaining followers of Exelon's army along with their torture souls will soon follow him to Equestria" said Sonic.Exe as a simulation shows Exelon's army invading Equestria causing the barrier to shatter completely and Exelon absorbing Faust's soul which caught Hog's attention. "So you want to led the armies of Hellzone to destroy Exelon and his followers once and for all, and what of the Equestrians my lord" said Hog as X smiled in silent joy. "Yes Hog, the armies of Hellzone will once again march in unison just like the days of Lord X's reign, and as for the Equestrians we will aid them for now but as soon as Exelon is dead, we will claim the soul of Faust and merge Equestria into Hellzone's reality, now spread the word, have all Exes call forth their armies and prepare to receive the reality of Equestria into Hellzone!" exclaimed X "YES, MY ETERNAL LORD" shouted the five Exes as they all teleported away to prepare and DiamoX teleported teleported away to prepare the Hellzone reality to absorb the equestrian reality. "Are you ready for Round 2, Equestria" > Orchard Act III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orchard Act III Apple Tree Farm Applejack found herself back in the farm's orchard after exiting the red ring once more, looking around she sees that all the trees are dead and the sky has completely changed into a blood-red color dotted with black clouds, worried about her friends in Ponyville Applejack began to make her way through the dead orchard and quickly towards the edge of the farm, but before she got any closer Rainbow appeared in front of her forcing Applejack to stop in her tracks as Rainbow floats down to the ground. "What in tarnation do you want now!" demanded Applejack as she bucked Rainbow only for her to teleport behind Applejack in a puff of smoke but Applejack quickly readjusted herself to face Rainbow again. "Poor Applejack, determined to stop me, but is lost on the identity of me, but I grow bored of this game of cat and mouse, and to reward you on surviving this long, I'll tell you of Rainbow's fate in that forest" said Rainbow with a grinning smile as Applejack eyes widen in shock but soon she went back to glaring at the fake Rainbow. "What are you talking about you monster, if your the one who killed one of my friends then I'll-" but before Applejack could finish speaking, a black mist surrounds both Rainbow and Applejack who is starting to lose consciousness. "Don't worry Applejack, her fate is far worse than death" said Rainbow before Applejack lost consciousness Applejack's Mind Host: lyrics done by me Instrumental: https://soundcloud.com/robert-turner-103360627/fnf-phantom-attack-vessel?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Applejack slowly awakens and started to get on her legs again, after regaining her bearings Applejack found herself in a dark void only for a light to appear in front of her and Rainbow stepped into the light allowing Applejack to see the red lightning bolt on her chest but other features like Rainbow's missing left eye is gone. "Welcome to your mind, dear Applejack" greeted Rainbow with malice as Applejack got into a defensive stance as Rainbow simply chuckled at Applejack's attempts to protect herself. "Now, what happen in that forest" demanded Applejack once more, Rainbow red eyes glowed briefly as she said only one thing. "Let us begin" A fate so cruel She failed to flee And her will to fight Vanished into dust As she screamed in pain A monster I see who Hurt my friend but just a lie Thinking you have the upper hoof Face it faker, you'll never win A perfect mind To take control and infiltrate this World of harmony and tear it Down into dust Applejack please flee He's far more stronger than our Princesses, please run away Get to safety before its too Late Give in to the Warnings or I'll just gut you and Use your entrails to hang your Lifeless body in this dying orchard Then repeat the process again And again like a broken record And the souls of your friends will Soon meet the same fate That voice it sounded like My friend trapped within somewhere In this horrid hell but how Can I save her from your Demonic clutches and stop you But it doesn't matter I'll save her no matter what But first, little one Let's play one final game Before my patience truly Run dry Shut it you faker scum Your words mean nothing to Me as a whole Determination as no Value or true meaning, brat Not the first, but the many before me and your life will End Innocent lives Our fears is your true incentive But what happens next Is that we'll fight back as our determination- Follow me into the dark Just run my friend Take my hand, give your soul to your god He's far more dangerous There's no resisting against your fate Than the mighty Gorger himself Used your friend, as a tool My fate is sealed, please run away I am God, Crème de la crème My mind confused, what to do, She's so Conflicted and Uncertain Bow to me! I shall free you, just like she would Applejack! Please just run! Just save yourself! Your one of Equestria's last line of defense I am death. I am life, I'm your FEAR in this darkness At my knees, Give to me your soul, It will make my job easier Bound by mortal chains to where I can reach A God you are, A stupid tall-tale! I am death, and I'm your survival It's- Why are you still here Applejack I won't back down Plain and simple- The answer is- You're not defeated if you escape Your preference Just flee and leave me behind Infinite, Benign Your fear doesn't- Change the lengths, you'll look, you'll go- Wrong place, at the wrong TIME.. I will never fear you why should I, when All you can do is hide in the shadows and play god? I am your darkest fears What you need? Who would know? Time for you to pick your fate. It's not right! What you do, and what you say But something's still pulling her back to your lies Running's no use You've never been faster than that rainbow blur, the one her friends cherished and loved so much. Just shut your trap! Your can't compare! Not to her- Not the Rainbow that only sought our full wellbeing- It's in vain. Rebellion's a product of your own pride Drop how you feel and save this Child his imminent Destruction It's not over or is it? I don't get it Feared by all kind I am death, but also her gateway to live Only you That smile, how you're trying to deceive me but I'll make the others see through your lies The best I can do is to stop you A new round begins, now it's time to Execute this mule in false pride- You may see the true god of this vessel Applejack?!, that just suicide! You're just going to die! And Equestria will fall! Run, Run! For you and a chance to- But I want to see- Your empty efforts go to waste! Is that all? Do I win? Will you tell me the truth for real? Have I- Only made a horrid choice HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Applejack froze in fear as she heard the demonic laughter and prepare to face the monster's true self and learn of Rainbow's fate in that forest, but out of the darkness the faker Rainbow reappeared but changed completely, both of her eyes are now completely black with red pupils, her wingspan and size is much greater than Celestia and Luna combined, and her forelegs are now black and furless and have five claw-like fingers, Applejack can only watch as the monster spreads her wings outwards. World's Abrogation: Your Decimation The Demon comes! Your are not our friend! Picking up the pace- Eternal Hell- Race of fate in which I'm- IN FIRST PLACE! I control time and space- Granted you a fighting chance- But you failed and lost the fight! She can still be saved! It's never too late! Shown your true form, Just a monster! Fighting for the world to save, Against something that- Wants my flesh, Wants my blood- Drooling for my,- Life! Life and Death- Are constructs I control! Your world's suffering Will make me whole! Fall into my arms! The darkness- Is all that's left for this world- Remade, Reborn As a sentinel- To help control all that's left of Your dying world! Your evil will never overtake our harmony United as one we will stop your rampage and save our friend from your clutches! See you next time, HAHAHAHAHAA!