When the Bomb Drops

by digitalmk06

First published

With the help of Equestria's government-issued pamphlets, the Mane 6 builds a shelter and prepare for an impending nuclear attack, unaware that times and the nature of war have changed from their amazing memories of World War II.

The Mane 6 are a group of ponies who believe that the Equestria government is in control as they prepare for Nuclear War. When the countdown begins, they folded up their wings and hooves and follow the government guidelines that were actually distributed to households around Ponyville back in the 1960s during the Cold War. They paint their windows white, build a fortress of doors and pillows, take the washing in and put away two packets of ginger nuts, one tin of pineapple chunks and a good supply of food.

Chapter 1: There's Going to Be a War

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It was a beautiful day in Equestria, and Rainbow Dash is looking at some newspapers about the current crisis going on beyond Equestria.

She sighed "Why can't things just gets any worse?"

She flys off to see her friends, until she got bumped into Derpy.

Rainbow Dash then said to Derpy "Whoops! I am so Sorry, Derpy. No time to chat, I am in a hurry!"

"Okay. Seeya." said Derpy.

Rainbow is coming to her final approach to Twilight's Castle. She has landed gently and walked up to the door. She opens the door. and then, her friends appear.

Rainbow then said, "Hello, girls."

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight then replied. "Hello, Rainbow Dash!"

"Did you have a nice morning?" said Twilight

Rainbow then said, "Oh, it's all right, thanks. Rather uneventful. My life isn't very fast-moving or dynamic."

Pinkie Pie laughed, "Well, you are nearly going to be a captain of the Wonderbolts, Rainbow!"

Rainbow puts her luggage on the sofa. as she walks to the window. It was so peaceful and by that, Rainbow seems to be sad, worried for something else that might happened. Then, one of Rainbow's friend Applejack was concerned about Rainbow. So she walks up to her to see what was the matter with Dash.

"You do seem a bit down, sugarcube." said Applejack

"Yes, Applejack, well... I've been reading the papers in the public library all the morning." said Rainbow.

"Oh, those things! Full of junks. I usually never look at them. Except the barn magazines." Said Applejack seriously

"I agreed." said Twilight while reading her spa magazines

"Well look, girls. We must keep abreast of the international situation, I mean. Decisions made by the powers that be will get to us in the end." Said Rainbow as she flapped her wings slowly.

"Hmm. Politics and sport, that's all they're full of". said Rarity

"Could affect us all, Rarity. the...ultimate determent, an' that. They say there may be a pre-emptive strike very soon." said Rainbow as she twitch her ears.

"Oh no, not another strike! It's wicked! I'd have them all locked up. Stupid communists!" said Rarity as she was not amused by it.

"Well, it all looks pretty umpty". said Applejack

"It's not that sort of strike, girls". said Rainbow.

"Sausages or beefburgers, AJ?" said Pinkie

"Sausages, thanks." said Applejack

"It looks as if the balloon could go up at any moment." said Rainbow.

"What balloon? Mashed or chips?" asked Pinkie

"Chips, please." said Rainbow

Rainbow started to get a bit confused, "Oh, I don't know. The balloon. Or is it a maroon? I can't remember."

"What are you talking about, Rainbow?" concerned Twilight

Rainbow Dash was not amused at all. "Well Twilight, It looks as if there's going to be a war. Yeah, they say it might break out at any time now."

"Well, at least you won't be called up, sugarcube. You're far too young." said Applejack

"Well, thank you, my well honest cowgirl. I'm still one years older than you." laughed Rainbow, so did Applejack.

"Well, if the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to roll up our hooves, tighten our wings, and put on our tin hats till it's V-E Day again." said Twilight.

"It won't be like that this time, Twilight. I think this one is called the "Big Bang Theory." It's all worked out by brilliant scientists." said Rainbow

Twilight was amazed on what Rainbow just said, "Big Bang Theory? I have studyed about that a long time ago Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash smiled at her purple alicorn friend. "Well anyway, it has worked out brilliantly and yeah. that's about it really".

"Well, we had survived the last two wars, we can do it again. It'll take more than a few bombs to get us down. said Applejack.

"Yes, yes, we... we must...must look on the bright side, alright." said Rainbow. as the Mane 6 begins eating their dinner.

"Better go over to Radio 4." said Rainbow as she was about to turn the radio to a different channel, but Fluttershy let's her hoof do the talking.

"Aww come on Rainbow. I like Radio 1 Extra, with tons of Jamaican music." said Fluttershy

"Radio 4 is better for the international situation." said Rainbow as she and her friends continue to eat.

"Good evening, this is Ponyville Radio 4, with the news at five o'clock this Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister, was speaking a few minutes ago in the House of Commons, has warned that the international situation between Ukraine and Russia is deteriorating rapidly, and that war could break out at any time in the next two or three days." said the newsreader on the radio.

Everypony gasped in horror and Twilight split her drinks as she hear the news aswell.

"YIKES!" yelled Twilight in fear

"What's the matter, Twilight? Have you burned yourself?" asked Pinkie

"Well Pinkie, I am alright thanks for asking. Rainbow. do you know what this means!? said Twilight

Yes Twilight. This is it. This is really it! World War 3 is here and I really, really, REALLY MEAN IT! said Rainbow terrified

"Oh no! This is bad!" said Fluttershy.

"Well I shouldn't worry too much. It'll probably all blow over." said Applejack as she's being herself

Three days! Sweet Celestia! Three days! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! Shouted Pinkie Pie in fear.

"Calm down, Pinkie! Calm down!" said Fluttershy as she's cheering Pinkie Pie up.

"Oh well, it's lucky I got more leaflets from the public library only this morning." said Rainbow.

"Here we are, see? "Protect And Survive" and..."The Householder's Guide To Survival." Now, this one should be really authoritative. "By the way, it's printed by the County Council." said Rainbow.

"Um, Twilight?" asked Rainbow

"Yes Rainbow?" replied Twilight.

"Do you want to read the instructions for the time-being?" said Rainbow.

"With pleasure." said Twilight as Rainbow gives her the Protect & Survive lealfet and Twilight begins to read.

"Okay, let's see, oh here it is! We'd better commence the construction of a fallout shelter immediately. " said Twilight as she is reading the first step.

"You see, everypony. We must do the correct thing." said Rainbow.

"Oh Girls, There's cupcakes, custard, ice cream and Belgium chocolate pudding. Which desserts will you like to have?" said Pinkie.

"Cupcakes please. said Fluttershy."

"Fallout? I thought they did that in the army." said Pinkie curiously

"No, Pinkie, it's fall in in the army. Fall in. Thank goodness I got all those official leaflets today. "I gave the others to my Scoots. Suppose I hadn't? In Fact! We'd have been totally non-prepared. I mean, just think!" Said Rainbow as she begin to look worried more than ever.

"Will you have to dig a hole, like the old Anderson shelters in the war?" asked Pinkie

"No, Pinkie, that's just all old-fashioned. But with modern scientific methods, you just use doors with cushions and books on top. said Twilight.

"Where on earth are we going to get doors from, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy

Twilight said nervously, "Well... you just unscrew them."

Applejack hoofpalmed, and said, "You don't mean off our own castle!?"

"Well... yes." Said Twilight

"Oh for the love of pete, Twilight You're not going to ruin the amazing paintwork!" said Rarity angrily

"Oh, don't worry about that Rarity. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie and I can soon touch it up after the bomb's gone off. Besides, what could possibly go wrong? Right Dash?" said Twilight

"Yep" replied Rainbow.

"Well, mind you do". said Rarity as she can't get over it. And the construction of the inner core shelter gets underway.

Chapter 2: Those Were the Days

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Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight gets underway to remove the doors around Twilight's castle, but Rarity wasn't very happy at it at all. So, she reminds her friends to be careful and mind the paint.

Rarity then said to Applejack and Fluttershy, "Just you be careful, you two!"

Then the door then fall onto the ground which made Fluttershy go spooked.

Meanwhile Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight is taking more doors around the castle and puts it in the exact location where Applejack and Fluttershy's were. Once again, Rarity was totally jealous about it.

"Watch the paint, darlings!" said Rarity.

Twilight used her horn to use the hammer to put the needles on the door.

Rarity then said, "I hope you know what you're doing. I'll put the screws in a plastic bag. You'll only go and lose them. Remember, they're in the right-hand jug on the dresser."

Rarity uses her iPony to check her TikTok posts.

After she uses her iPony, she went back to see her friends. The inner-core refuges is strongly underway.

"It's going to be very draughty with no doors on." said Rarity

"I expect it's a safety precaution. It'll let the...blast go straight through." said Rainbow as she gives the leaflet to Twilight.

"Alright. It says here...The inner core or refuge should be placed at an angle of 60 degrees for maximum strength." explained Twilight

"I should place it up against the wall, if I were you, Twilight." said Pinkie politely

"Yes, but which are the degrees? Oh dear! We haven't got any angles." Twilight was shocked.

"I think Rainbow did it at school. You had angles with degrees in. right, Dash?" asked Twilight

"Well, that's the only thing I can't remember. I think I'll ring our Scoots. She'll know." said Rainbow as she use her iPony to call Scootaloo.

"Hello, Scoots. All right? Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and Fluffy Heart?" said Rainbow as she was talking to Scootaloo on the phone.

Good. Look, I'm building this governmental inner core or refuge, and it says, "Place it at an angle of 60 degrees." said Rainbow

"Well, what's that mean, exactly?" asked Rainbow

"It's not cobblers, Scoots. It's in the governmental directive." Rainbow was a bit serious in this situation.

"You mean you're not constructing an inner core or refuge? Me and Twilight gave you the leaflets especially!" Rainbow was not amused at Scootaloo.

"But what about Spike, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Fluffy Heart? Don't start singing! What do you mean, "We'll all go together when we go"? It's not funny. No, but it's our duty to carry out governmental instructions in time of war, Scoots." shouted Rainbow Dash

This made Rainbow extremely furious

"Look stop laughing, will you!? I'm surprised at you. You're supposed to be a responsible daughter by now." She shouted once more

Twilight then hoofpalmed.

"A protractor? The angle at the bottom?" concerned Rainbow

"Yes, yes, I see. OK, Scoots. Thanks. Now, listen. Just you start that inner core or refuge, it's your bounden duty and your friends. Alright? Seeya, Scoots." said Rainbow

"Now, remember what I said. I am your daughter. I do know a bit about war." said Rainbow

"Love to Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Fluffy Heart. Goodbye." Rainbow ends the call and put her iPony in her wings.

"Yes. So basically, Scootaloo says I need a protractor. Spike said he can get one at Willis's. said Rainbow as she talking to her friends.

"Scoots was killing herself laughing, and she was singing songs to Fluffy Heart!" she said furiously

"I can't understand it. I think it's nerves." said Twilight.

"Yeah. She's gone a bit hysterical." said Pinkie

"She can't be drunk at this time of day." said Rainbow seriously

"Our Scootaloo doesn't drink!" said Twilight.

"Oh, no, no, no. No, no, of course not, Twilight." said Rainbow

"And most importantly, Scootaloo is not going to make an inner core or refuge." said Rainbow

"I remonstrated with her, but she was adamant." said Rainbow.

"Scootaloo says if Celestia cops it, she'll cop it. And not to worry, Dash." said Rainbow concerned

"It's an irresponsible attitude." said Rainbow.

"I'm a bit disappointed in him, adopting that attitude." said Applejack

"She was always a very responsible boy when he was in the Cubs." said Pinkie

"It was going to that art college that spoiled her." said Twilight

"She met some dreadful people there." said Pinkie

"Huh! Blessed beatniks!" said Rarity furiously

"I don't suppose it'll make a terrific amount of difference, the exact angle. It'll probably all fall down anyway. What with the bomb, an' that." said Rainbow.

"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well, Rainbow. " Applejack was a bit concerned about it

"Yes, Applejack. But it is only temporary. After all, it'll all be over in no time." said Rainbow kindly

Meanwhile in the different countries of the world, the Russian are getting prepared to launched the nuclear bomb. and it was only two days away to hit Equestria.

Hours later, Rainbow was in the shower washing up herself.

Then she begin to wonder "Funny to think they were on our side in the war." she said.

"Who, Rainbow? asked Fluttershy has she dry up herself

"The Russians With old Joesph Stalin." explained Rainbow.

"Oh Yes, he was a nice chap." said Twilight

"I liked him." said Applejack

"Like an uncle, he was, darling." said Rarity

"I liked his moustache and his pipe aswell." said Fluttershy

Rainbow then got out of the shower, and then brushes her teeth. "Yeah. Roosevelt was nice, too. There was three of them." she said

"Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. They're all good blokes. Defeating old Hitler, Goering and Musso, and all that lot, on the other side." said Rainbow remembering the last war (Which is World War 2).

Rainbow then finished brushing her teeth and she went off to her friends's bedroom.

"You somehow knew where you guys were then. I don't even know who the people are these days."said Rainbow worrying

"I expect it's all done by committees, I believe." explained Applejack

"Yes, and meetings. I expect they have loads and loads of meetings, and thus arrive at decisions. Commuters, too." said Twilight while reading 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy.

"They all use commuters these days. It's got very impersonal." said Rainbow

"Churchill with his cigar, old Stalin with his moustache...you knew where you stood." said Pinkie

"Do you think they'll invade? asked Applejack

"Oh, no, no. They won't need to." said Rarity

"It'll all be done by missiles. Long... range. " said Rainbow as she sets up the bed.

"Then they'll instil commuters to take charge of us." said Rainbow

"It's funny to think there's no shelters this time." said Rarity

"We had an old Anderson in the garden." Rarity has flashback to the Second World War when she was a filly, in a Anderson shelter.

"I can see it now. We had nasturtiums growing all over it. And we painted the front green. Painted, it looked quite nice. Next door, my neighbours grew cabbages on theirs." said Rarity and then laughed.

"Yes. We had a Morrison." said Twilight.

"Hm, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie and I used to sleep in it." said Twilight

"I stuck pin-up girls all over the inside." said Rainbow

"Betty Grable, Anne Shelton, Patricia Roc." said Pinkie"

"The roof got all smoky, cos I used to read in bed with a candle." said Applejack

"Yes, it was nice in the war, really. The shelters, the blackouts, cups of tea." said Fluttershy

"The ARP, the evacuees." said Applejack

"Canterlot fillys seeing cows for the first time." said Twilight

Old Whinneyston Churchill on the wireless don't forget! said Rainbow

"The ten o'clock news." said Applejack while putting her hat away.

"Vera Lynn singing away. Worker's Playtime." said Rarity

"Spitfires and Hurricanes in the blue sky over the cornfields. The White Cliffs of Ponyville." said Rainbow while finishing reading her Daring Do book.

"Good ol' Jerry coming over every night." said Fluttershy while yawning and then falls asleep.

"Those were the days." said Twilight as she turned off the lights and she and her friends went to sleep.

Chapter 3: Getting Ready for the War

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The next morning, as the preparation of war continues, Rainbow Dash uses Rarity's best cushions for the shelter, but Rarity noticed it.

"Don't you dare use my best cushions from the front room, Rainbow! I'll get some old ones from upstairs. I'll put them in plastic bags. I don't want fingermarks getting all over them." said Rarity

"I shouldn't worry too much, Rarity. They're bound to get dusty with all the fallout coming down." said Twilight Sparkle


"Hmm. It says here we've got to lay in food supplies for 14 days. Hmm, I'd better put a note out for 28 pints of cider, then." said Rainbow Dash. then, she walks off to get her bags and ready to fly off to the shops.

"I'll just pop out and get 14 hayburger, 100 cupcakes, 1 billion breads, 50 ciders and a protractor, Twilight. Oh and girls, Anything else you want?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I'll need more plastic bags, sugarcube!" said Applejack

"Right, seeya". said Rainbow as she storm out of the castle.

She then arrived at Ponyville supermarket, everypony were panic-buying and looting for water, food, and other essentials.

Rainbow was curious, "What's going on!? What is happening!?" as she said to her friend Derpy

"The Russians are going to launch their nuclear weapons! That's why we are panic buying!" said Derpy.

"Oh sweet Celestia! This situation is getting worse than ever!" said Rainbow.

"Yeah" said Derpy.

"Well Derpy, it's nice knowing you, I will see you on the other side". said Rainbow crying.

"See you on the other side as well Rainbow". said Derpy as Rainbow gets all of her belonging as planned. This was the last time Rainbow talked to Derpy.

As Rainbow checked on the bread aisle, all the bread are sold out.

"Darn it" said Rainbow. as she brings her 14 hayburger, 100 cupcakes, 50 ciders and a protractor" to Twilight Castle.

As Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy watched UniKitty! on TV, Rainbow Dash arrived at the castle and closed the door of the enterance.

"There's no bread, girls! They all sold out. There seems to be some sort of panic-buying. said Rainbow Dash

"It can't be helped, Rainbow. After all, there is a war on." said Applejack

"Or nearly, anyway." said Twilight Sparkle

"I hope you haven't left that bag dripping in the hall, Rainbow!" shouted Rarity

"Oh, no, Rarity". Laughed Rainbow.

"Mr Willis has sold out of protractors. I expect everyone wants 60 degrees. He was terrifically kind, Mr Willis. He cut me out a bit of card with 60 degrees on it. Look. said Rainbow as she shows it to her Rarity."

"Oh! Nice, darling." Rarity smiled.

"Here's the emergency supplies, girls. Two packets of ginger creams, half a jam sponge, a tin of pineapple chunks and a tin of Christmas pud." said Rainbow

"It'll all be over by Christmas. Remember we used to say that, Twilight?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Well, yes, however nowadays it'll all be over by tomorrow dinner time" said Twilight.

Later on that day, Rainbow is ready to paint the windows white

"Oh for Celestia sake, You're not decorating now, Rainbow!" shouted Applejack

"We've got to paint the windows white, AJ." said Rainbow

"Whatever for?" asked Applejack

"It's for the radiation, I think." said Rainbow

"Like they do in greenhouses, to keep out the sun. It's the correct thing." explained Rainbow

"It won't be that hot, surely!" explained Applejack

"Well, I don't know. They say the one at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was equal to one thousand suns. So it is quite hot. And besides, the powers that be are making much better ones now. Science has leaped forward with giant strides."

Then, Rainbow accidentally put paints on the curtains.

"Oops!" Rainbow spotted

This leds Applejack becoming cross with her
"Mind you don't get paint on those curtains, sugarcube, You should have taken them down first. You never think."

Rainbow can't helped but laughed. but Applejack is not amused on Rainbow's behaviour

"I know that smile of yours, Rainbow." said Applejack seriously

and Rainbow then crack on and continued to paint the windows.


"Keep doors closed to prevent the spread of fire, it says." said Twilight

"But you, Rainbow, taken off half the doors, Twilight". said Rarity

"Yes, Rarity." said Twilight has she raised her eyebrows.

"Won't that make the fire worse, then?" asked Rarity

"Well, I...Perhaps the blast will blow the fire out." said Rainbow Dash curiously

At last, the shelter is finished.

"Well... Hm! The inner core or refuge looks quite cosy, doesn't it, Rainbow?" asked Twilight

"It sure is". replied Rainbow

"Oh I hope those doors aren't marking the wallpaper, Twilight." said Futtershy

"Come in and try it out, everypony. Please." said Rainbow Dash

Everypony went into the shelter just to test it out, but when Rarity gets in it, she accidentally bumps into a door

"Whoa! Careful! Careful!" said Rainbow

"You'll have it over!" Shouted Twilight

"Budge up, can't you, girls?" said Rarity

The girls budge up to make room for Rarity.

"Couldn't you have made it a bit... wider?" asked Applejack

"It's... It's constructed in compliance with the governmental specifications, AJ." explained Rainbow

"Well, they might have made it wide enough for two people." said Twilight

Suppose you were friends? asked Pinkie

"We are friends, since like 12 years." said Applejack

"Yes, well there you are, then." Fluttershy agreed

"Oh! What about if you had children? Where would they go?" asked Pinkie

"Oh, well, you'd just hold them in your arms. They'd soon fall asleep." said Twilight

"Suppose they were 17 or 18?" asked Applejack

"Big boys with bristly chins and big boots on. Skinheads." said Rainbow

"Well, in that case, you'd...just add a few more doors." said Fluttershy

"There's... no wall space for more doors. Oh. No." said Rarity.

The girls then got out of the shelter,

"Well, at least Scootaloo was never a skinhead, anyway." said Rainbow

"What on earth are you putting the food in there for?" asked Rarity

"Well, that's where it's got to be." Rainbow Dash

"But why can't it stay in the larder and fridge?" asked Rarity

"Because we must not emerge for the 14 days of the national emergency." said Rainbow

"You're not saying we've got to stay in that thing for two weeks, are you?" asked Rarity

"Yes, Rarity. Ours not to reason why. Now we must do the correct thing." said Twilight

"Well, what about the cooking, then? How do I get to the cooker?" asked Rarity

"We'll just have to use the little picnic stove, Rarity." said Rainbow

"What about the toilet?" Rarity was concern

"Well...Well, we'll have to have a potty, or something." said Rainbow while trying not to laughed that hard

"I can tell you now, Rainbow Danger Professionalism Dash, that I am going to go upstairs in the proper manner." said Rarity as she storms off

"But you mustn't emerge, Rarity. Not for the 14 days of the national emergency." said Rainbow

"All right, then, how are you going to empty the chamber pot?" asked Rarity

"Well, we just have to empty it down the toilet, I suppose." said Rainbow

"You just said we couldn't go to the toilet." said Rarity

"Oh. Yes. Well... Yeah, well, Now, we'd better not cross our bridges till we come to them, eh? Look on the bright side, Rarity?" said Rainbow

"Pftt! Whatever!" said Rarity as she walks off back to the living room.

"Do you think she's jealous, Twilight?" asked Rainbow

"Yep" said Twilight

"I heard that!" shouted Rarity, and Twilight and Rainbow laughed.

Meanwhile, the U.S bomber are approaching it's peak and with only 2 days to go, the world will end with massive disaster

"Six, five, zero, zero, six, ten..." It says here, "Two pints of water per person per day." said Rainbow

"I wonder if we've got enough bottles." thought Twilight

"We'll have a look under the stairs, Twilight." said Applejack

"Okay." said Rainbow

"Ok sure." said Twilight.

After finding like 500 hundreds of bottle (neither are plastic nor glass), the plan is set.

"I've measured the water into the bottles, you two. We've labelled them so we don't get in a muddle."

"Oh, good. That's nice, Rarity. Well done" said Twilight

"You're very efficient in a national emergency, Rarity." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh get on with you!" laughed Rarity.

5 Hours Later:

"It says here, "D: Miscellaneous: Salt, tomato ketchup and sauces, pepper, matches, toilet paper, disinfectant, vitamin tablets, tin opener, knives, forks, spoons." Funny. No plates!" said Twilight has she read the miscellaneous

"What's all that, sugarcube?" asked Applejack

"I don't know. It's called "miscellaneous." said Rainbow

"Pass it in, please if you don't mind". said Twilight to Rainbow.

"Okay, sure" Rainbow accepted to give Twilight the leaflet.

Not long later, Twilight got into all messed up with the two leaflet about windows

"Funny!" gasped Twilight

"What, Twilight?" asked Rainbow

"In the governmental leaflet, it says,"Remove thin materials from windows." And in the County Council leaflet, it says, "Hang white sheets in the windows." Twilight then hoofpalm. which was confusing for her.

"I wonder which is correct, darling?" asked Rarity

"Oh Look! It says peanut butter." said Applejack

"But, we haven't got any. Oh, no." said Fluttershy calmly.

"Never mind, Fluttershy. I don't like it, nor do you." said Rarity

"No, but it's on the official list. Oh, dear." explained Fluttershy

"Now, don't worry, girls. I expect we'll survive without it." said Twilight just as she gets the sleeping bags ready

"It'll probably go runny in the heat, anyway. You get terrific heat with these bombs, you know". explained Twilight

"Mind you, diet is very important." said Rainbow Dash

"You are what you... eat. And the survival of the fittest, an' that. Whoa!" said Twilight as she putted the sleeping bags in the shelter.

"That's why so many people... are jogging and eating lots of All-Bran, I expect. Only the fittest will survive the outcome of the nuclear holocaust." said Rainbow

"They eat lots of beans, too. They give you wind, beans do." said Pinkie Pie

"You certainly shouldn't eat beans, Pinkie". said Rarity

"Let's not get personal, Rarity, We're trying to have a scientific discussion. said Rainbow

"Yeah." said Twilight.

Later that day, Rarity is vaccuming the floor

"If there really is going to be a war, who do you think will win?" asked Rarity

"Well, the Americans have tactile nuclear superiority, due to their IBMs and their polar submarines. But in the event of a pre-emptive strike, innumerate Russian hordes will sweep across the plains of Central Europe. Then the US Technical Air Force will come roaring in with their Superhawks, B-17 s and B-19s, bristling with guns! Terrifically armed!" explained Rainbow

"OK, you fillys! Let's go!" Shouted Rainbow Dash

"They'd razor the Russky defences to the ground. Then the marines would parachute in and round up the population. After that, the big generals would go over, like Ike and Monty for example. Then the Russians would capitulate, and there would be a condition of surrender. Then they'd instil free and fair elections. One man, one vote. And women too, nowadays, of course. And thus, the Communist threat to the Free World would be neutrified, and democratic principles would be instilled throughout Russia, whether they liked it or not. That's the world scenario as I see it, at this moment in time." explained Rainbow Dash

"Monty? Huh?. Wasn't he in the war?" asked Applejack.

"Well, of course he was. He practically won it. You remember, Applejack. Big beret with badges on it. Tanks. The Desert Rats. El Alamo." said Rainbow

"But look sugarcube, that was ages ago". explained Applejack

"Yes, well, I expect he's getting on a bit." said Fluttershy

"Probably been promoted." said Rainbow

"More likely dead." said Applejack

"Monty dead? Never!" Rainbow Dash was shocked

"Well I'll bet he is. It's about 77 years since the war. And he had a moustache then!" said Rarity

"Who's in charge now, then?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh, one of those commuters, I expect." said Applejack

"It says here, "Place your National Savings Certificates, medical cards and birth certificates in a box." said Rainbow

"Here's a nice box, Dash. I'll give it a good clean-out." said Twilight

"Oh, thanks. "We'd... better keep it in a safe place." said Rainbow as Twilight walks off

"I wonder what would be a safe place." Rainbow thought curiously

Meanwhile on the ocean the British submarine was spotted, the British Troops are getting ready to used the Trident missiles against Russia with only 1 day to go till impact.

Chapter 4: Attack Warning Red

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"Who's in charge of the Russians, Rainbow Dash?" asked Rarity.

"Oh... it's... Shavinsky, isn't it? Or... Molotov. No. Molotov's just a cocktail, I think. Vladimir Putin. Yes, that's right. and M, Mishustin that's them. And Celestia has got something to do with it." said Rainbow Dash.

"What in taranation are you doing, Twilight?" asked Applejack

"Blocking out the windows, in compliance with the governmental directive. It's the correct thing." said Twilight Sparkle

"Yes. Then there's the...usual committee, of course, the Common Term, they once call it, the Russian Supreme." said Rainbow Dash

"They're in charge of the BJ Kee. That's the Secret Service. SS for short. Our lot is called EMI-5. Oh, it's all very complicated, to be honset". said Twilight Sparkle

"Well, mind you don't scratch the polish!" said Applejack

"Is it any good writing him a letter, do you think?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Who, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow

"This leader. Vladimir Whatshisname." said Pinkie Pie

"What are you going to say, Pinkie?" Twilight asked

"Oh, I don't know, Rainbow you can have a go." said Pinkie as she give the paper to the blue pegasus.

"Well, here it goes." said Rainbow as she begins to write quickly and then read the letter.

Dear Sir:
"Mr Vladimir Putin, We, the ponies of Equestria, are fed up with being bombed. We had enough of it last time, with old Hitler, so will you just leave us in peace? You live your life and we'll live ours. Hope you are well. Please don't drop any bombs.
Yours sincerely, The Mane 6."

"Very good, Rainbow Dash. Very nice. Yes." said Applejack

"You might be a bit late for the post but that's all right." said Rarity

"You know what the post is like these days. First class might just get there. But now, I must do this list." said Twilight.

Twilight begins to read out the lists, while Rainbow Dash was next to her

"Dustbin, calendar, books, games, paper, pencils, shovel, spade, crowbar, axe, hatchet, saw, whistle and/or gong for alarms, suitcases for furniture or evacuation, string, pliers... first-aid kits, safety pins, scissors, flints, aspirins, diarrhoea remedy, tweezers, calamine lotion, war crisis editions, lice-flea powder, rodent poison, insulin, blood-pressure tablets, rubber gloves, sanitary towels, mirror, toilet paper and eyewash." said Twilight reading out any details from the leaflet.

"I wonder if it's true about the paper bags. Or is it a joke? Well, I never know." asked Rainbow

"Neither do I, Rainbow Dash. I never know if it's just a joke or not." explained Twilight

"What's that, Twilight?" asked Rarity

"Well, they say you should get into a paper bag just before the bomb goes off." said Twilight

"Whatever for?" asked Pinkie Pie

"I suppose it's like the white paint. It... deflects the heat a bit." said Rainbow

"Sounds silly to me." said Pinkie Pie

"There are some paper bags, sugarcube. We had spuds from the farm in them. There should be six of them." said Applejack

"Thanks." said Twilight has she trotted to the cellar.

"For goodness sake, They'll be filthy, Twilight." said Rarity

"Shh. let the princess do her thing!" said Applejack

"Are you sure your bag is clean, Rainbow Dash?" asked Fluttershy

"Yes, Fluttershy, I...cleaned it thoroughly." Rainbow replied

Twilight then come out of the cellar with her paper bags, everypony laughed, well, nearly everypony.

"You do look silly!" Pinkie Pie laughed

"I wonder if it's all right to have eyeholes." thought Twilight

"They say it's the correct thing to wear white." said Rainbow Dash

"Ponies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with patterned clothes got burned where the pattern was, and not so much on the white bits." said Twilight

"Yeah and even the buttons showed up." said Rainbow

"Yes, but they were Japanese." said Rarity

"Is there a clean sponge, Pinkie, ready for the bomb?" asked Twilight

"Absolutely!" said Pinkie

"Oh no! You're not going to wear that nice new one I gave you for Christmas! I don't want that spoiled. You can wear your old clothes for the bomb and save the best for afterwards." said Rarity

"All right, dear. Well, is there an old white one, without stripes?" said Twilight

"Well I don't want stripes all over me". worried Fluttershy

"I've never heard such nonsense. We didn't think what colour clothes we had on in the war." said Rarity

"Lucky to have any clothes at all, with everything on coupons." laughed Applejack.

"Besides..." before Applejack could say anything the music stops and the voice of the newsreader was heared. The Mane 6 heard it aswell, and Rainbow Dash had to walk up to the table to turn the volume up.

"We interrupt this programme for an official government announcement. An enemy missile attack has been launched against this country. It is estimated that the missiles will arrive in approximately three minutes. Three minutes." said the newsreader.

"Oh my god girls! There's only three minutes to go! screamed Rainbow Dash

"Oh, dear. I'll just put the washing on." said Rarity

"We'll go to use the toilet" said Twilight

"Same!" said Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy

As the rest went to do their thing, Rainbow is still panicking about it, and for this reason of going to the toilet and put the washing on, Rainbow Dash has had enough.

"Come back here, you stupid ponies, and get in the shelter!!!!!" yelled Rainbow Dash panicking as she rush to the table to hear the radio once more. This made Twilight and the others a bit angry, well Twilight was extremely angry on the bright side.

"How dare you talk to us like that, Rainbow! shouted Twilight

"Shut up and get in!" shouted Rainbow

"I've never heard such language in all my life." said Fluttershy crying

"Yeah. Too optimisted". explained Pinkie.

"Same." said Rarity

"Look Dash, There's no need to forget our manners just because there's a war on." explained Applejack

"SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO LISTEN!!!! shouted Rainbow as she can't hear the radio.

"Take shelter immediately." said the newsreader

As the others heard the newsreader, The Mane 6 heared a noise outside, the air-raid siren begins to wailed, meaning that the nuclear missile is now approaching towards Equestria. They looked outside that the missile is coming down. The 6 ponies were shocked.

"This can't be good!" Twilight was shocked

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity screamed

"What in tarnation! the bomb!" Applejack was stunned

"Oh, my." Fluttershy was stunned

"Woah!" Pinkie Pie was shocked

"Oh my god! They launched it and now it's coming down to destroy our country!" screamed Rainbow

As the siren continued to wailed, Rainbow begins to bring all of her friends into their shelters as fast as possible before one of them will end up dead. She is still panicking.

"COME ON GIRLS, LET'S GET IN THE SHELTER NOW!!!" said Rainbow furiously grabbed her friends to the shelter

"Oh, no! I've left the oven on!" screamed Pinkie Pie

"GET IN! GET IN! GET IN!!!!" screamed Rainbow Dash panicking in fear

Rainbow and her friends gets in the shelter, but Pinkie is panicking about her cake.

"The cake will be burned!" shouted Pinkie Pie

"I don't care about the cake Pinkie, I only care about protecting you girls! And I don't want you all to die out here, we have to stick together!" said Rainbow furiously

"I mean, Rainbow Dash is right. We do need to stick together." said Twilight Sparkle.

"Lie down. Keep away from windows. Cover your head and eyes. Do not look at the sky or through windows. Take shelter immediately. Repeat. stay indoors. Do not leave your home." said the newsreader on the radio.

The Mane 6 stays in their shelter as long as possible while the air-raid siren continued to wailing. This could be the way the last minute of peace in Equestria would look.

Chapter 5: The Attack

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As the air-raid siren comes to a stop, a biggest flash appears across Equestria, destroyed many electronics devices and power supplies (that became known as Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)).

Everypony across Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Crystal Empire were starting to panic as they're trying to get home or find a shelter.

This causes massive damage to communications across Equestria.

At around 16:00pm, it happened. a nuclear bomb has detonated at Las Pegasus, Canterlot and Ponyville, it caused many ponies to cover their eyes, this is due to the heat wave is extremely powerful, causing second and third degrees burn.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, everypony (expect for the Mane 6 who were shelter inside Twilight's Castle) saw the mushroom clouds, they're screaming for their lives and somepony accidentally pee on herself, then. strong winds appears, destroying many windows, and one of Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity's daughters; Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle saw the incident. as they crawl out of the wall, they're shocked.

Scootaloo then said, "Sweet Celestia! They done it!" she stares at the mushroom clouds dramatically.

Then, both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle then said; "THEY DONE IT!!!"

Sweetie Belle then shouts, "Come on, girls! let's find a shelter as quickly as possible!"

Scootaloo said "Okay!" and she, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle rans away to find the shelter (This is the last time we see them as they were instantly wiped out by the heat and blast).

Meanwhile in Crystal Empire, Shining Amor, Princess Cadance, Starlight Glimmer and Spike shuts the door.

And hide with Fluffy Heart to protect her at all costs. (However, just like the CMC, they didn't make it as well.)

Back at Ponyville again, 500 megatons of the bomb has fallen onto Ponyville and then Canterlot as follow.

This has leds communications into chaos.

Discord somehow disappeared into the different timeline of Equestria.

as he said to Fluttershy in the skies before he go. "Goodbye my friendly pegasus." he cries sadly and into the portal he goes. (As of result, Discord has occasionally survived the blast).

At Canterlot, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna saws the mushroom clouds as great BIG dust from the blast is now approaching towards Ponyville and Canterlot.

Celestia knews this was it. It is the end of the world.

Luna hugs Celestia one last time as the great heat and blast enter their castle which causes to go white, resulting them, dead.

The blast has destroyed everypony houses and buliding and then the blast is now approaching Twilight's Castle.

The Mane 6 keep their heads under the shelter as long as possible.

Widespread of fire appears across Equestria. As of result, approxiately many ponies had died from the blast, fallout and the heat and so many of them were burning alive, and many of them are dying! Both from heat strokes, and gasing.

Within minutes after the blast became uncontrollably powerful, many pegasus, in Cloudsdale were nosedive down to Ponyville and was later follow by death. Within minutes.

This. is nuclear war.

The blast uncontrollably breaks through Twilight's Castle, destroying many windows, the paintwork and also the bedroom!

Tons of things that were in Twilight's Castle, damaged or destroyed. but the Mane 6's backpack seems to have survived the disaster. As the blast heading towards there portrait, which then occurs a flashback to the days when they defeat Nightmare Moon, Discord, Crystallis, King Sombra, Tirek, Cossy Glow, Storm King and Grogar. The flashback stops as the glass of their portraits shattered and drops to the ground. the fire has arrived. though the Mane 6 were still in the shelter. After 1 minute. It went all quieter. The Mane 6 got up and tired. They didn't know what is going on. but Twilight got up in the right time.

Twilight then said, "Sweet Celestia."

"Argh. gosh darn it!" said Rainbow Dash

"Well I never!" said Rarity

"Well, I... I suppose... that was it." explained Rainbow Dash

"I should think so." said Pinkie Pie

"Sweet Celestia". said Rainbow Dash

"You all right, yall?" asked Applejack

"Yes, thanks, Applejack." said the five ponies

"Oh, dear. I do feel all shaky." said Fluttershy

"Never mind, ducks. We're... We're still in one piece, eh?" said Rainbow Dash

"Yes, I think so". said Fluttershy

"Wasn't it light?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Yes. Terrific. You get terrific light with these bombs." said Rainbow Dash

"The heat!" said Rarity

"I know. Phew! It's still hot now." said Twilight as she used her torch.

"I wonder how far we are away from the epicentre. Or was it the hypocentre? I can't remember." said Twilight

"What's that, Twilight?" asked Applejack

"Well, it's the centre of it all. You know, the... the bull's-eye, sort of. Bang in the middle. Or...Or middle of the bang, rather." explained Twilight

"I should think we were bang in the middle, Twilight. A direct hit. Oh, just look at all that glass." said Rarity

"No, no, it couldn't have been a direct hit, Rarity. We would have sustained greater damage and suffered greater casualties." said Twilight

"Don't talk to me about damage. Just look at those curtains!" said Rarity

"Yes, but it would have been much worse at the epi-hypo thing, Rarity." said Rainbow

"I don't see how it could have been much worse. I'll never get them clean. I'll give them a good soak tonight. Blessed Germans!" said Rarity sadly

"Russkies, Rarity." said everypony (expect Rarity)

"Mm! The shelter stood up well, didn't it? Applejack and I constructed it in compliance with governmental specifications." said Fluttershy

"I hope the cushions aren't spoiled." said Rarity

"I think some of them blew off in the blast." said Pinkie

"I do like nice cushions." said Rarity

"Yes, but there's more important things at the moment, Rarity." said Rainbow

"And curtains. Cushions and curtains. I'd better get out and put them in soak now." said Rarity worrying about her cushions and curtains, and before she was about to exit the shelter, Rainbow shouts at her.

"Stay in!!! " shouted Rainbow

"Don't you shout at me, Rainbow Dash." said Rarity as she turns around looking at her.

"But it's the whole point, Rarity. This is what the shelter's for." said Rainbow

"But the blessed bomb has gone off already." said Rarity

"Yes, but the fallout is falling out now. See?" said Rainbow Dash

"No, I don't see. I can't see any soppy fallout. I'm getting out." said Rarity and then she was shocked

"Just look at all that mess!" she screamed.

Twilight uses her magic to bring Rarity back into the shelter

"No. No! We must stay in. We must do the correct thing." said Twilight.

She then noticed around the room that it's getting dark.

"Come on, now. It's late. Let's get to bed." said Twilight

As they went to bed, Rarity noticed a box of sand at her side and then stared at Rainbow Dash.

"Whatever is this box of sand for, Rainbow Dash?" she asked

Rainbow said nothing.

"It had better not be for what I think it's for. I've told you what I think about that subject already. Bomb or no bomb, Putin or no Putin, I'm going to go to the toilet in the proper manner! shouted Rarity

"No, Rarity, it's not an earth tray. The governmental directive says it's for cleaning plates, an'that." said Rainbow Dash

"Cleaning plates?" asked Rarity

"Why shouldn't we wash them properly, and dry them on a nice clean tea towel? We washed up properly all through the war." said Applejack

"Well, it's to conserve emergency water supplies, girls." said Twilight

"What is the world coming to?" said Rarity

"You see, dear"... said Rainbow before Rarity interrupts her.

"Don't talk about it. My poor old mother would have a fit if she knew." said Rarity sadly

"Yes, but..." said Rainbow and then Rarity interrupts her again.

"Drying plates in an earth tray! Catch me eating off a plate covered in sand! You'd be the first to complain." said Rarity

"Rarity." said Rainbow

"A bit of grit in your winkles and you're spitting and splattering all over the place." explained Pinkie Pie

"Tomorrow, you can put that thing outside for someone's cat, where it belongs." said Rarity as the Mane 6 went to sleep.

Chapter 6: Staying in the Shelter

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The next morning: The Mane 6 woke up in good conditions. Rarity just want to get out of the filthy shelter;

"Ooh-er! I'm getting fed up stuck in this thing! I want to get out and tidy up!" said Rarity and before she do that, she was shocked at the mess that was arounded in the castle.

"Just look at all that mess out there!" screamed Rarity

"We must do the correct thing, Rarity. We must remain in the inner core or refuge. Ours not to reason why. Our but to... something or other. It tells you about this problem in the County Council directive. I'll show you. Hey Twilight, you got the leaflet?" said Rainbow Dash and then asked to Twilight

"Let's see. Where is it? Ah, yes. Here we are." said Twilight as she grabs the leaflet.

"During this period, reduced external stimuli may produce problems of group behaviour."

"Oh, yes, I see, darling." said Rarity

"Steps to combat this may include the following: At intervals, stimulate group activities." said Rainbow Dash

"Don't you dare start stimulating, Rainbow! I'm not in the mood." Rarity was serious

"No, dear! It means discussions, an' that." said Rainbow Dash

"It says, "Discussions, card games, story-telling, quizzes, etcetera." Perhaps we'd better try story-telling." said Twilight

"You tell me one." said Twilight

"No, I can't. I'd feel funny. You're not a baby." said Rarity

"Well, pretend I am." said Pinkie Pie

"Oh, don't be silly." laughed Rarity

"Go on." said Rainbow Dash

"No. You tell me one." said Rarity

"I don't know any." said Applejack

"There you are, then." said Rarity

"What about a quiz? I spy with my little eye..." said Fluttershy as Rarity begins to interrupt her

"Oh, not that. It's childish, Fluttershy." said Rarity

This made Fluttershy sad.

"Or it says here, "Discuss the changed conditions after an attack, and consider how to overcome or adapt to them." said Twilight

"Well... et's start on that one, dear." said Rainbow Dash

"Who's going to start the ball rolling, eh? Shall I kick off, eh? Eh?" asked Rainbow

"Off course" said Twilight

"I am listening" said Rarity

"Right. Here goes. I think...we could overcome the changed conditions after an attack by... all pulling our weight, putting our shoulders to the wheel, so that we all pull together, now that our backs are against the wall. And we can show these Jerries...I mean Russkies, just what we think of them. And... Well, that's all, I think." said Rainbow Dash

"Hooray, Rainbow Dash! You ought to be a genius." said Pinkie Pie happily and everypony clapping and cheering for Rainbow Dash.

"Aww, thank you" said Rainbow as her cheeks begins to blush.

Later that night:

"It says, "Reading aloud to pass the time is a good idea." said Twilight

Well it's a good job I got this book from the public library. It's called "Armageddon And You." said Rainbow

There's a terrific bit in it about Western defences. Now, just listen to this. said Rainbow as she begun to read the book.

"There are three B.M.E.W.S. Ballistic Missile Early Warning Systems. One P.R.C. S. Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterisation System. Then there's N.O.R.A.D. North American Air Defense. And J.S.S. Joint Surveillance System. And then seven R.O.C.Cs. Regional Operation Control Centres. Then there's N.A.D.G.E. NATO Air Defence Ground Environment, and several A.W.C.S. Airborne Warning and Control Systems. All this is controlled by the N.C. A. National Command Authority, by means of the N.M.C.S. National Military Command System. And A.M.C.C. Alternative Military Command Centre. And N.E.A.C.C. National Emergency Airborne Command Centre. And it all comes under W.W.M.C.C.S. Worldwide Military Command & Control System. explained Rainbow Dash.

"We should be all right with that lot looking after us, right, girls? asked Twilight

"Well, I think so." said Fluttershy sadly

"Good point" said Applejack

"Absolutely" said Pinkie Pie

"Well, it didn't stop them from bombing us, did it?" asked Rarity

"Oh... well, no... I suppose not, really." said Twilight Sparkle

"But still, just think, it might have been worse. Got to look on the bright side, Pinkie. Besides, another thing the powers that be have created is called M.A.D." said Rainbow Dash

"Mad?" asked the 5 ponies

"Yes, mad. M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction. I have read about it in the public library." said Rainbow Dash

"I think my old dad was in the Mutual Assured Insurance. A penny a week it was, in those days." said Rarity

"This isn't insurance, Rarity." said Applejack

"I think it covered the cost of the funeral." said Rarity

"Yes, well, I suppose this is similar. It all comes out of our taxes." said Rainbow Dash

"He had a lovely funeral, our dad. You don't pay any taxes now. You're too young, Rainbow Dash" laughed Rarity

"No, I'm fully paid up. My funeral is fully assured."

"Time we went to bed. It's getting dark. I'll sleep with Twilight tonight girls. Besides, it's an all-out war situation. I might be called out in the night for an emergency." said Rainbow Dash

"They may need all able-bodied stallion at short notice." said Twilight

"They'll soon change their minds when they see your pot-bellied little body." said Fluttershy and the Mane 6 went to sleep. However, one of them didn't notice that they have the radiation sickness. They will have to wait and find out what's going happen to them.

Chapter 7: Everything is Dead

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"Morning, girls. How do you feel?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Oh, dear. I ache all over." moaned Rarity

"So do I." moaned Twilight Sparkle

"Same." said Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

"I've got a terrific headache. Oh... I still feel so tired." said Applejack

"Never mind, Applejack. It's probably shock. The bomb, an' that." said Twilight Sparkle

Oh, it's bound to upset us a bit. Besides, you don't get a nuclear bomb every day of the week, do you? Just as well. Never knew a bomb could give you headaches." said Rainbow Dash

Oh, yes, Rainbow. I told you these bombs have a terrific effect on all sorts of things. said Twilight Sparkle

"Right. A nice cup of tea will perk you up." said Rainbow

When she was about to turn the tap on, no water came out.

"Funny. They've cut the water off. Still, that's logical. It might be contaminated. It's a wise precaution for the protection of the population." said Rainbow Dash

"Use the bottles, sugarcube." said Applejack

"Oh, yes, of course. The emergency reserve supplies." said Rainbow Dash

Rainbow then see almost all the water that were damaged or destroyed.

"Most of them seem to have been broken in the blast, girls. The contents have been dissipated." she said

Later, Rainbow tries the heater and still didn't work.

"Funny. The electric's off, too. Still, bound to be. Conservation of energy resources. A wise governmental precaution during the period of national emergency." said Rainbow Dash

"Good job we've got that little picnic stove, eh, Twilight?"

"Are there any aspirins?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Mind it doesn't pop, Twilight. I can't..." before Rarity say anything else, Twilight light up the matches and put the tiny flame into the stove.

"bear it when it pops." said Rarity

At last, everypony are drinking tea.

"Mm! Nothing like a cup of tea, hm? said Rainbow Dash

"Oh! I must be dreaming. The news! We're just in time." she said and went she turn it on, there was nothing.

"No. Nothing. There's nothing. All dead." said Rainbow sadly

"What about the telly?" asked Rarity

"Yes, of course. They may have filmed it all. We may see our bomb on the news." said Twilight Sparkle and went she turn it on, again, nothing.

"No. All dead." said Rainbow Dash

"No picture?" said Rarity

"No." said Twilight Sparkle

"Not even just the voices?" said Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

"No! Nothing. All dead." said Twilight and Rainbow Dash

"All dead? We'll have to wait for the paper." said Rarity

"There should be some good pictures. These bombs are quite spectacular." said Rainbow Dash

"He's late already." said Pinkie Pie

"Yes, well, that's logical. There's bound to be delays and shortages during the period of national emergency." said Twilight.

"I'll miss the serial on Pony's Hour. It was just getting interesting." said Rarity

"Crumbs! I haven't tried the transistor." said Rainbow and when she tries to turn on the transistor, nothing came through.

"No. Seems to have packed up. Or probably needs new batteries. Yes, I must pop down to Willis's. They are a price these days." said Rainbow Dash

"97p last time. Just fancy!" amazed Rarity

"We ought to get one of these new hi-fis when your endowment policy comes up." said Applejack

"Oh, yes. Or a stereo. I've only got two years to go." said Twilight Sparkle

"I hope Scootaloo and the others got back all right." said Fluttershy

"Oh, yes, they'll be all right. I mean, Scootaloo's a very careful driver." said Rainbow Dash

"I didn't mean the driving so much, darling. More the bomb." said Rarity

"I'll give them a ring." said Rainbow as she picked up the phone and then she answered

"Hello? Hello? Hello?" but there was no answer, the phone has been disconnected by the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)

"No, it's not even ringing. Oh, I expect the lines are down. They say there are red-hot winds of 500 miles an hour. I expect that would render the lines inoperable. I'll drop him them a line...tell them to give us a ring." said Rainbow

"Do you think the post will be going?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh, yes, bound to be. The powers that be will endeavour to maintain communications. Remember the Blitz? The post went on just the same." said Rainbow Dash

"It's government policy. It keeps up the morale of the population." said Pinkie Pie

"I hope Scootaloo is insured." said Rainbow Dash

"You did pay ours, didn't you, Twilight?" asked Rarity

"Oh, yes, dear. The bomb won't cost us a penny. We'll be well covered." said Twilight

"Mm. Lovely. We can have some nice new curtains for the summer." said Rarity

Later that day, Rainbow Dash believes that the war is over.

"Sweet Celestia! I wonder if it's all over already. If it is all over, I wish I knew who'd won." said Rainbow Dash

"We can't have lost the war, can we, Rainbow? We won the other two."

"No, of course not. Remember old Churchill? "We will never surrender." said Rainbow Dash and tries to imitate Churchill.

"Yes, but Churchill's not prime minister now, darling." said Rarity

"No. Well... of course not." said Rainbow Dash

"I suppose it won't be the same without... with old whatshisname, will it? Who is it, anyway?" asked Pinkie Pie curiously

"Nevermind, I must check the emergency supplies list. We never had time to finish it." said Twilight as she walks to get the leaflet. and then read it.

"It says here,"...a notebook for messages." said Twilight Sparkle

"Who are you going to write messages to, Twilight?" asked Applejack

"Well, you never know. There's always a need for vital messages in wartime. Our lives might depend on a vital message getting through to headquarters." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, I see, sugarcube." said Applejack

And it says, "...a whistle and gong for alarm." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh, what will you do with that, darling?" asked Rarity

"Well, if I saw a Russky coming down the lane, I'd bang the gong. If we had one." said Rainbow

"Wouldn't he shoot you, Rainbow?" asked Rarity

"What, just for banging a gong?" asked Rainbow Dash

"He'd be well within his rights to shoot you if there's a war on." said Rarity

"Oh, my gosh! You really think so? Just for banging a gong? I'm glad we haven't got a gong." Rainbow Dash is freaking out

"Well, we've got a whistle." explained Fluttershy

"Have we? Where is it? I'm not sure." said Pinkie Pie

"Hm. Never mind. Let's leave it." said Rainbow Dash as she hugs her friends thinking that we'll forget about the events thats surrounding them.

2 hours later, the six ponies are feeling exhausted, tired and dizzy, within the effects of fallout.

"Oh, I do feel tired." said Rarity

"Really exhausted and... all dizzy." explained Pinkie Pie

"Nervous exhaustion due to unaccustomed lifestyle. That's what that is." said Twilight poorly

"How's your headache, Rainbow?" asked Rarity

"Just the same, thanks. Aspirins didn't seem to do any good at all. I think I've got a temperature. I feel all hot and shivery." said Rainbow

"You do look pale, sugarcube." said Applejack

"I think we should have an early night." said Twilight Sparkle

"I must clear up. Suppose someone comes and sees the place in this state? We might have visitors." said Rarity

"Yes. The Emergency Service should arrive today." said Rainbow Dash

"I'm surprised they've not come before." said Fluttershy

"I expect they've got a lot of people to attend to." said Applejack

"Oh, yes. We're only an outlying district. They'll be heavily engaged within the stricken area itself." said Rainbow Dash

"Will it be like meals on wheels? Yes, I should think so." said Pinkie

"There'll be mobile canteens and soup kitchens, teams of doctors and nurses, helicopters flying in blankets and medical supplies. It'll all move slowly into action, you bet." said Fluttershy

"They'll all be here in next to no time. Besides, the governmental authorities have been aware of this eventuality for years. So continency plans will have been formulated long ago." explained Twilight Sparkle

"We won't have to worry about a thing. The powers that be will get to us in the end." said Rainbow Dash

"I hope they'll come soon, I think." said Pinkie Pie

"I'm not feeling very well." said Rarity poorly

"I wonder if we'd have been better off in the cellar." asked Applejack

"Oh, no, dear. Too damp. Think of my rheumatism." said Twilight Sparkle

"Would you like a bite to eat, girls?" asked Rainbow Dash

"No, thanks. I'm right off food." said Fluttershy weakly

"So am I." said Pinkie Pie

"Anyway, come on, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity, we must go to the toilet. And Rainbow, we seriously don't want any arguments. Alright?" concerned Twilight Sparkle.

"Okay, Twilight." said Rainbow Dash.

"Blessed dust everywhere." said Rarity

"Don't worry Rarity, everything will be over soon." said Twilight Sparkle (which she had hope for)

As the 5 ponies exits their seats, Rainbow Dash is staying put. she didn't know about anything what will happen after the bomb goes off. But then, after a short realisation, Rainbow realised what she has forgotten all about from the survival leaflets...radiation, meaning that she and her friends are supposed to stay in the shelter for 14 days period and guess what, they have failed!

Rainbow Dash screamed, "GAAAH!!!" I forgot! We're supposed to stay in the inner core or refuge!!!!" She gets out of her seats to get her friends Applejack heared what Rainbow had said/

"Well, it's too late now, sugarcube. We've been out for ages." said Applejack.

"Oh, Sweet Celestia! That was the whole point! I wonder if there's any radiation about." said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I can't see anything." said Pinkie. Neither did the others, which leads to Rainbow Dash hoofpalming on herself.

5 minutes later, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity had finished using the toilet and now they're coming back to Rainbow Dash, just as she is inside the shelter.

"Hurry up, everypony, and get back in the inner core or refuge! We'd better have an early night." said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, if you can't see it and can't feel it, it can't be doing you any harm, can it?" said Applejack, seriously.

And everypony went back to sleep as the condition are getting even much worse.

Chapter 8: Going Outside

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The Next Morning

The sickness is slowly getting worse for the ponies.

"Better try and...eat something today, girls." said Twilight Sparkle has she woke up.

"I was sick three times in the night." said Pinkie

"My headache's even worse". said Rarity

"Let's have a trot round the castle, girls. I've just read it's only 48 hours in the inner core or refuge, not 14 days. A bit of fresh air is all we need. I'll get a nice lettuce." said Rainbow Dash

After the girls prepares to leave Twilight looks at the door. The door was damaged.

"Oh no! Look at the door! The paint's all gone. Scorched down to the wood. " said Twilight sadlly

"Never mind, sugarcube. You said you'd burn it off one day." said Applejack

As the 6 ponies went outside, the skies was dark and the weather started to get cold, this was technically what known as a nuclear winter.

"The leaves have all gone off the apple tree, Rarity." said Twilight

"Oh, yes! What a shame! Still, it'll be lovely in the spring." said Rarity

"It is spring, Rarity." said Rainbow Dash

Suddenly they heared a dog barking in the distance.

"Oh! Listen! A dog! Oh, poor thing!" said Fluttershy sadly

"I expect he's hungry." said Applejack

"The heat has affected the hedge, Rainbow." said Twilight Sparkle who is starting to get cold

"The beans look a bit shrivelled. And I think the lettuce have evaporated." said Pinkie Pie

"Well, I suppose they do have a high water content." said Rainbow Dash

"Can you see any fallout falling out, Rainbow?" asked Rarity

"No, the sun is trying to get through." said Rainbow Dash as she can't see the fallout

"They didn't blow up the sun, thank goodness." said Pinkie Pie

"Oh, no, Pinkie. Science is still in its infancy." said Twilight Sparkle

"What does the fallout look like, Twilight?" asked Rarity

"Well...I don't know. The...government directive neglects to mention how the populous could recognise it." said Twilight

"I expect it's a bit like snow, I mean, litterly." said Rainbow Dash

"Only greyer." said Applejack who is also starting to get cold aswell.

"The grass looks a funny colour." said Rarity

"Yes, I get that, but in anycase, I'll pop down to Mr Sponge's tomorrow and get some bone meal and dried blood." said Rainbow Dash

"He might be closed due to the bomb, I afraid." said Twilight Sparkle

"What, old Sponge? Miss a day's trade? Not him! He'd rather die!" laughed Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash then hoofpalmed on what Pinkie has just said.

"This situation is totally getting out of hand." she said to herself

"It's very cloudy. Almost foggy." said Applejack

"We need some sun to bring the garden on, darling." said Rarity

"Well seriously, the milkman's not been yet. He's late. Oh, well, that's also logical." said Applejack

"He's bound to be a bit late after the bomb." said Rainbow Dash

"Or perhaps he's been called up to fight, or something." said Pinkie Pie

"Oh, yes. Well... maybe." said Rainbow Dash as she continued to walk gently

"But they'd have got a woman or something." said Fluttershy

"Quiet, isn't it?" asked Rarity to Applejack

"Yes." replied Applejack

"I haven't seen no trains. No traffic." said Twilight Sparkle

"I expect they're all having a good lie-in after the bomb." said Fluttershy

Suddenly there was a terrible smell of burning materials at each buildings.

"Hmm. Terrible smell of burning." said Pinkie Pie to the others. The others seems to agreed with her

"Oh, yes. Well... bound to be." said Rainbow Dash

"Well, that's seems logical." said Twilight Sparkle

"It's like... roast meat." said Rarity

"Exactly! Roast dinners." said Applejack

"I expect people are having their Sunday dinners early this week, due to the unexpected circumstances." said Twilight

"The path's gone all funny. Seems to have melted a bit." said Applejack

"Well I expect that's why the milkman's late. He's got stuck somewhere." said Rainbow Dash

"I wonder if there's a proper war on and I wonder who's winning." wondered Fluttershy

"Never mind. It'll all be in the papers, Fluttershy." said Twilight

"Come to think of it, he's late, too." said Pinkie Pie

"He missed us altogether yesterday." said Rarity as she is starting to feel ill

"Well, you can't expect things to be normal after the bomb, difficulties will be experienced throughout the duration of the emergency period." said Rainbow Dash

"Well. normality will only be assumed after the sensation of hostilities." said Twilight Sparkle

Then there was trouble.

"Oh, no. I think I'm going to be sick again." said Rarity, she began to throw up.

The others tries to back up while Applejack pats Rarity's back

"There, there, there, Rarity." said Applejack

"All better now?" asked Fluttershy

"I had the most terrible diarrhoea this morning." said Rarity who is now sick

"Nerves, sugarcube. It's just nerves." said Applejack feeling sorry for Rarity

"I'm the same, and also, I fight over it." said Rainbow Dash

"Well, let's just sit on the stairs for a bit." said Twilight Sparkle

The girls then sat on the stairs.

"Don't you think we ought to clear up, Rarity?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Yes, yes, later on, darling. I feel a bit... weak and dizzy. We'll make a start soon." said Rarity

"Well, suppose Jerry comes this afternoon." said Applejack

"No, they'd wait for the fallout to clear. Too dangerous for a few days." said Rarity

"We've got plenty of time. The situation is well in hand, you bet." said Pinkie Pie

"Our boys will be lying in wait for 'em. I expect they've laid a trap. Jerry will walk straight into it." said Rainbow Dash

Suddenly, lightning has been spotted. and some raindrops appearing drops of the skies.

"Hello! There's cloud coming up." said Applejack curiously

"Looks like rain." said Rarity

"It's raining! I'm going in." said Fluttershy as she flys back into the castle.

"Rain! Yes!" said Rainbow Dash joyfully

"We can save it!" said Pinkie Pie happily

"Don't you get wet, Twilight. You'll catch a chill. We don't want you laid up again. said Rainbow Dash

"I'll be all right for water now for a while, Rainbow." said Twilight Sparkle as she drys off.

"Do you think rainwater is all right to drink?" asked Applejack

"Oh, yes, of course it is." said Twilight Sparkle

"There's nothing purer than rainwater, is there? Everypony knows that." said Applejack

"Perhaps I'd better boil it. Best to be on the safe side." said Rainbow Dash as she carefully bring the bucket of water to the kitchen

"Oh, yes, I suppose so. We don't want to take unnecessary risks." said Pinkie Pie

"It may prejudice our chance of survival." said Rainbow Dash

"What do you mean, Rainbow? We have survived, haven't we?" asked Fluttershy

"Yes, I know. But after the bombs on Japan in 1945, everypony died ages later." said Rainbow Dash

"I... forget exactly why." said Fluttershy

"Perhaps they didn't take precautions." said Rainbow Dash

"Yes. I expect they neglected to do the correct thing and... Oh, and anyway, that was years ago. Science was in its infancy. We're better equipped to deal with the situation in the light of modern scientific knowledge." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, yes. Nowadays, there's bound to be all sorts of anditotes and protectives." said Rainbow Dash

"When the medics get through, they'll probably just spray us with some anditote, give us a couple of pills, and in no time, we'll be as right as rain." said Rarity as she and the others went to the dining room to eat their food.

Chapter 9: Illness

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20 Minutes Later

"I'm glad we got our own castle since we defeated Tirek." said Twilight Sparkle.

"Yes. Much more awesome." explained Rainbow Dash

"If we'd still been in Canterlot, we'd probably have been bombed out by now." said Rarity

"Yes. Unless we'd been evacuated." said Applejack

"Oh, that was only children. And women too, of course." said Fluttershy.

"I'd have been requisitioned for essential war work." said Rainbow Dash

"But you're far too young. You'll need to become a leader of the Wonderbolt." said Applejack

"Yes, but all age groups are pressed into emergency service during times of national emergency, AJ. They have been an air-raid warden. Or a stretcher bearer for the Red Cross, and St Luna's Ambulance Brigade, or a fireman in the docks. Jerry up above, fire bombs raining down. Up the turntable ladder. Carrying a little filly to safety."

"Trust you to think of that, Rainbow Dash." said Twilight Sparkle who is not amused to Rainbow's tell tale.

"I wish we had neighbours. I'd like to ask someone what's going on." said Fluttershy calmly

"Well, I warned you, girls. This town is now a bit isolated," I said. You're not going to like it," I said. I wish we didn't have to stay put." said Twilight Sparkle

"I quite fancy a pint of cider." said Rainbow Dash

"I said I'd see old George down the Half Moon today for a game of darts. I expect he'll be busy with his cows after the bomb. It might have put them off laying milking, I mean." said Applejack

"Yes, it may have curdled the milk, or something." said Pinkie Pie

"These bombs have a terrific effect on things. He may have switched over to yoghurt." said Twilight Sparkle

"I think so." said Fluttershy

"Yes. Lots of people's lives are going to be considerably affected by the bomb." said Rainbow Dash

"Canterlot International Airport will have been knocked out, I expect." said Rarity

"Eeyup. Bang goes on a lot of ponies that were going on holidays this year." said Applejack

"The Yanks won't come dropping in." said Pinkie Pie

"Oh, no. Not unless to help us against the Russkies. Remember in the war? "Got any gum, chum?" We used to stand on the railway embankment, and the Yanks used to shower us with gum and chocolate and K Rations." said Rainbow Dash

"Terrific, it was." said Rarity

"I wonder if the Russkies chew gum. "Got any gumski, comrade?" said Rainbow Dash

"You won't be able to say that, Rainbow. They're the enemy." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, yes. I keep forgetting." said Rainbow Dash

Then, she begin to notice something odd.

"Oh god! We won't have to try and kill them, will we? Rainbow Dash was worried

Oh, I... I suppose so.That's what you're supposed to do to the enemy, isn't it?

This is makes Rainbow Dash panicking

"Ohmygoshohmyoshohmygosh! I hadn't really thought of that. You mean to say if one of them comes through that door this afternoon, I'm supposed to try and kill him!? she said

"Well, not you, Rainbow. After all, you're too young." said Twilight Sparkle

"Well, what would I kill him with?" asked Rainbow Dash

"A bit of old iron, I suppose." Twilight replied

"I must mend those socks for you, Fluttershy." said Rarity

"They'd have Tommy guns. They always do." said Applejack

"He'd mow us down, Applejack! If a German sees you in these socks, he'll think you're just a peasant. "Die, you Englishe pig dogs!" he'd say. "Enemies of der Fatherland! Heil Hitler!" shouted Rainbow Dash

Rainbow pretends to do the machine guns sound effects and realised that she mess it up.

"Oh. Oh, no, sorry. No, no, that's the last time. I keep forgetting, it's the Russians now. Just suppose that one did come." she said

Just then, came an imagination a Russian soldiers opens up Twilight's Castle and came closer ready to kill the six ponies

"A great big Russian. Big overcoat, great big boots with snow on them. Great furry hat, all covered in belts of ammo and grenades. Bloomin' great Tommy gun pointing straight at us! What am I supposed to do!!!" screamed Rainbow Dash

"Oh! You could offer him a cup of tea, I suppose". said Fluttershy calmly

"Argh!" screamed the Russian soldier as he is fading away

"We mustn't be collaborators, Fluttershy". said Rainbow Dash

"They'd shave our heads". exclaimed Pinkie Pie

"Well, Russians like tea. A cup of tea wouldn't hurt, surely?" said Fluttershy

"I suppose it's better than being mown down in a hail of bullets." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh my God! They might round us up and take us off to the concentration camps." worried Rainbow Dash

"Why? We've not done anything. We're not Jews, or anything." said the five ponies

"Well, Twilight's great great great grandfather was a Jew." said Rainbow Dash

"HE WAS NOT!" shouted Twilight Sparkle

"Well, only partly." laughed Applejack

"They'd send us to Liberia. Down the salt mines." said Rainbow Dash

"Whatever for?" asked Rarity

"I don't know." said Rainbow Dash

"They always do. Perhaps Russians eat a lot of salt. I expect they're quite nice, really. I saw the Russians dancing on telly once." said Pinkie Pie

"All in boots. They seemed nice." said Fluttershy

"Oh, yes. I bet some of them are nice. There were supposed to be some nice Germans last time." said Rarity

1 Hour Later:

Rarity then checks the fridge and there was no water.

"I think we're running out of water again, darlings. The rainwater's all gone." she said

She then notices a bottle of milk.

"Oh, we've still got a pint of milk. " said Rarity

"Better save that for teatime. I can't bear tea without milk." said Applejack

"Posh people have lemon in it." said Fluttershy

"I know! Horrible!" said Applejack

"Oh! I wonder if it was an American missile falling a bit short. That happened in the war blokes getting shelled by their own guns. Be funny if it was an American missile that had landed on us. Wouldn't it, Twilight?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I can't see it's very funny, Rainbow Dash." said Twilight Sparkle

"No, well...Funny peculiar, I mean." said Pinkie Pie

"Are they worse than the Russian ones?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Oh, I shouldn't think so, Fluttershy. I expect they're all much of a muchness. They all work on the same principle. It's called... megadeath, I think. So many millions of people dead per bang." said Applejack

"Any ketchup, Pinkie? asked Rainbow Dash

"Here you go." said Pinkie Pie handing over the tomato ketchup to Rainbow Dash

"I expect the quantity is similar either way." said Rainbow Dash

"Are all the bangs about the same size, then?" asked Applejack

"Oh, no! There's one megaton, and 10 megaton, an' that. It's... just a question of how big a bang you want to make and how many...people you want to kill." said Rainbow Dash

"More baked beans, Rarity?" asked Fluttershy

"No, thanks. I'm a bit off food." said Rarity as she's wasn't very good at all

"Neither do I." said Twilight Sparkle also feeling a bit off aswell

"Then there's the... overkill, see? That's where they kill more people than they really need to." said Fluttershy

"Say you want a bang big enough to kill one million people, and you go and use a three-million-people bang. It's terrifically wasteful of energy, in the present economic climate." said Rainbow Dash

"I see, Dash." said Twilight Sparkle

"Yes, but there's one thing about the present economic situation. I mean. in order to conserve world energy resources, the powers that be will only use the smallest possible bang." said Rainbow Dash

"Such a shame we can't wash up." said Rarity

Then, Twilight eventually collapsed a plate and then the plate smashes into pieces.

"Oh, I can't bear it!" cried Twilight Sparkle

"I expect that's why we're still here." said Applejack

"We're running out of crockery." cried Rarity

"We could say we owe our lives to the world economic procession." said Rainbow Dash.

Over the next few hours, Rainbow Dash and the others has caught the radiation sickness.

"Put the kettle on, will you, girls?" said Rainbow Dash

"There's no water, Rainbow." said Applejack

"Oh, no, no. Of course. Just... Just have to have milk, then." said Rainbow Dash

"That pint's gone bad, sugarcube. The fridge has been off." said Applejack

"Oh, heck! Well...a black coffee, then." said Rainbow Dash

"There's still no water, darling." said Rarity

This makes Rainbow Dash loses it.

"Well, what... What are we going to drink, eh? Eh? What... What... What are we going to drink, for Celestia's sake!?" panicked Rainbow as she grabbed her friends tighted.

"Don't cried, darling. said Rarity as her condiction started to get worse."

"I'm sorry, Rarity. I'm just... terribly thirsty." cried Rainbow Dash

"How about a nice sweet, girls? It's a blackcurrant fruit pastille. said Pinkie Pie and when she open the cupboard, there is only one fruit pastille left.

"Oh, there's only one left." said Pinkie Pie

"You have it." said Rarity

"No, you have it." said Twilight Sparkle

"We'll... We'll cut it each." said Rainbow Dash

"That's... That's fair." said Applejack and they ate the last fruit pastille.

As time wents on, Rarity was at the toilet and then, she saw something, you guess it. A RAT!!!!

"Help!" screamed Rarity

"I'm coming! I-I-I'm coming! I'm coming!" said Rainbow Dash as she flew to the toilets

"A rat! A rat! A rat in the lavatory! Eeww! I saw it! Its tail waving in the pan!" said Rainbow Dash trying to calm Rarity down

"Never mind, Rarity. Never mind. No, no, no. It won't hurt you, Rarity."

"The pan's all dry and its head was round the bend, just its bottom end sticking out. A tail! Oh! A tail! Horrible! Horrible!" cried Rarity

"There, there, Rarity. Don't worry, I... I'll pop down to Willis's in the morning and I'll get some warfarin. At least it shows that the drains aren't blocked." said Rainbow Dash as she and Rarity went back to the middle of the castle

"What going on?" asked Twilight Sparkle

"Rarity has spotted a rat in the toilet, now she's terrified." explained Rainbow Dash

"Oh, dear!" said Twilight Sparkle

"I do feel queer!" said Rarity

"All shaky aswell." said Applejack

"Well, it's bound to upset you a bit. The... The bomb, I mean." said Fluttershy

Then, Rainbow Dash notices something on Twilight's mouth.

"Have you got... lipstick on, Twilight? asked Rainbow Dash

"Lipstick? What do you mean, Rainbow Dash? You know I haven't worn lipstick for months." asked Twilight Sparkle

"Well... your lips are all red!" screamed Rainbow Dash

Twilight then trots to the mirror and she open her mouth and guess what she just saw, her gums are bleeding!

"Aaah!" she screamed

"Oh, my!" shocked Fluttershy

"My gums are bleeding! I thought there was a...a funny taste. Well Shrinking of gums, causing ill-fitting dentures. That's... That's what that is." cried Twilight Sparkle

"Yeah... Better get to the dentist when the emergency has rescinded. There was blood when I went to the toilet this morning." said Rarity

"Yes, yes. Me, too." said Pinkie Pie

"P-piles, that is. H-hovaloids. A common complaint in...in middle-aged people like ourselves. I'll... I'll pop down to... to the chemist when the crisis pales into insignificance, and I'll... I'll get some of those suppositories." said Rainbow Dash

Suddenly Twilight and the others begins to collapsed.

"Oh!" Twilight Sparkle shriekes in pain

"Oh, dear. I think I'm going to be sick." said Rarity

"No Rarity, WE ARE ALL SICK!" screamed Twilight Sparkle

And then, the impossible has happened, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy started to puke everywhere at the middle of the castle. Rainbow Dash cautionly flys backwards and turn to Twilight terrified.

"Now, there, there, Twilight. There, there. There, there. Now, now. All better now. Now, please. Don't upset yourself, everpony.

And then they're beginning to cry.

"Please, please. Now, don't dry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I expect it's due to the vibration, you know. Like that day in the car. Remember that time we went to Las Pegasus, And you Pinkie, you were sick on the train remember!" cried Rainbow Dash

"We don't feel so good, Rainbow Dash!" cried the 5 ponies

"Don't worry, girls. Don't worry. There can't be anything wrong with you. Besides, I expect it's... it's just the...the after-effects of the bomb." Rainbow Dash then looks out of the window, realising that everything was not okay.

Chapter 10: The Mane 6's Death

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"Oh, I... I... I do... fancy a nice bottle of cider". said Rainbow weakening

"Do you think the animals have been affected by the bomb, Rainbow? asked Fluttershy

"No, I... I shouldn't think so. They're... They're all out in the country. Supplies of milk will be maintained for the cows. It is... essential for the maintenance of...healthy bones and teeth. said Rainbow Dash

"Yes, but we live in the country, sugarcube." said Applejack as she keeps coughing

"Yes, yes, yes, I... I know, Applejack." said Rainbow Dash

"Well, the grass is all dead and funny." said Rarity

"Yes... well... I don't know. I expect there may be...a temporary containment of supplies." said Twilight Sparkle

"I suppose we'd better just sit here and wait for help to arrive." said Pinkie Pie

"Yes. The... The emergency services will have sprung into action at the first alarm signal." said Rainbow Dash

"I hope they get here before the enemy." said Rarity

"Oh, I... I hope Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got back all right." worried Applejack

"Oh, they'll... they'll be all right. They'll... They'll have been safely home long... long before the bomb. Besides, Scootaloo's... a sensible filly." said Rainbow Dash

"At the first siren, he'd get the whole family down to the shelters right away." said Rarity

"There aren't any shelters since the war end in 1945, sugarcube." said Applejack

"Oh, no. No, no, I... I forgot." said Rarity

"But they'll... they'll be all right. I gave Scootaloo the governmental leaflet. She'll... She'll be all right with that." said Rainbow Dash

"That will afford him the maximum protection available to the populous." said Twilight Sparkle

"She'll... She'll take cover immediately and... adopt all the prescribed precautionary measures. She... She's no fool, our Scoots. He's not likely to get hot under the collar. She... She won't go to pieces. The whole family will...will stick together." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh! Look! There's funny spots on my hoofs". said Twilight Sparkle as she show her hoofs to Fluttershy

"Hmm, They're various veins. That's... That's what that is." said Fluttershy

"That's... That's a common complaint amongst...amongst the young-aged segment of the populous." said Pinkie Pie

"Oh, that's... that's...that's nothing to worry about." replied Applejack

"They don't look like veins to me. I don't like the look of it." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh... Oh, you are... you are a baby! You're a worn... worn...born worrier, you are, you know." said Twilight who felt angered by it.

"Now, you just try and look on the bright side, eh, Twilight? Hm?" said Rainbow Dash and then she noticed she got spots on her wings

Look! Look! I've even got funny blotches on my wings, see? And I... I'm still awesome, right? But the problem is that i will never going to fly again if the spots are not there" said Rainbow Dash sadly

"Yes... Yes, too much tinned food. That's all that is." said Applejack

"Yeah." said Pinkie

"Pilchards never did agree with me. I must put some skin lotion on those spots." said Twilight Sparkle

"Yes. Oh, they'll...they'll soon clear up. I'll pop down to the chemist...chemist in the morning. I'll get some... get some ointment." said Rainbow Dash

"Eeyup." replied Applejack

"We could do with some lozenges or pastilles, too." said Fluttershy

"I've still got a terrible throat." cried Pinkie Pie

"Yes, so have I. I wonder...if they'll be able to sell us some water." said Rainbow Dash

"I'm going to have an early night, Rainbow. We could do with a good long rest after that blessed bomb." said Rarity

"Oh, yes, yes. It's bound to take it out of you, a thing like that. Yeah, it's a... it's a shock to the system." said Rainbow Dash as her conditioning is still getting worse.

"Oh, yes. I expect so." said Applejack

Suddenly, Twilight's hair begun to fall out.

"Oh! Look! My hair's coming out!" she cried

"Don't... Don't worry, Twilight. Don't worry, don't worry. Ponies don't go bald. No! Besides, that's... That's a scientific fact." said Rainbow Dash and then her alicorn friend gets up.

"Shall we get into those paper bags again?" asked Twilight Sparkle

"Well, whatever for, Twilight?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Well, you never know. There might be another one while we're asleep." said Twilight as she slowly trotted to put on those paper bags.

"Well, I... I suppose it...wouldn't hurt. It... It would be a... a sensible precautionary m-measure in the... in the...in the circumstances. After all, really, this is an all-out war situation, and... Well, I mean, another I... IBM... might...might come over." said Rainbow Dash as she and the others walks very slowly to put on those paper bags.

"Oh, it's stuffy in these bags." she said

"Yes." replied Twilight Sparkle

"Now you know what it feels like to be a potato." laughed Pinkie Pie

"I should hate that, being buried in the ground." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh, yes. Yes, so would I. Give me... cremation every time." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, me too." said Applejack groaning in pain

"We'd better just stay here and wait for the... emergency services to arrive." said Rarity

"Y-y-yes. Yes, they'll... they'll take...they'll take good care of us." said Fluttershy

"We won't have to worry about...about a thing." said Pinkie Pie

"Just... Just leave everything to them. The governmental authorities...will know what to do with us. The powers that be... will get to us in the end." said Rainbow Dash as she enter the paper bags.

"You have got the box with our medical cards and birth certificates, haven't you?" asked Twilight Sparkle

"Yes, Twilight, yes. They're quite safe. said Rainbow Dash."

30 Minutes later:

Twilight has her last opportunity to say something to her friends before they all die from the radiation sickness.

"Shall we pray, everypony?" she asked

"Pray?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Yes." said Rarity

"Oh, sweet Celestia. Who... Who to? asked Rainbow Dash

"Well, God, of course." said Twilight Sparkle

"Oh... Oh, I see. Y-yes. If you think it... it... would be...would be the correct thing. Hm?" asked Rainbow Dash

"It can't do any harm, sugarcube." said Applejack

"OK. Here goes. Dear... sir." said Rainbow Dash as she begins to mess up with the words

"No, that's wrong." groaned Twilight Sparkle

"Well... How... How...How do you start?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Oh, God." said Twilight Sparkle continued to groaned in pain

"Our help... in ages past?" said Rainbow Dash confusingly

"That's it. Keep it up." said Twilight Sparkle

"You go, Dash." said Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash is continuing to struggle with her words "Almighty and most merciful Father..."

"Oh, that's good." said Applejack

"Lord saviors, we are gathered...u-u-unto thee... I shall fear no evil. Thy rod...and thy staff...comfort me all... the days...the days of my life. L-Lay me down... in...in green pastures...I... I can't remember any more." said Rainbow Dash

"That was nice. I liked the bit about the green pasture." said Rarity

"Oh, oh, yes, yes." said the now dying Rainbow Dash

Then Rainbow Dash is now beginning to finish off with the quote from the Charge of the Light Brigade.

"Into the valley of the shadow of death..." and before she could say anything else, her friends told her to stop.

No more, Dash! No...no more! said Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity

Then, Rainbow Dash said her final words "Rode...the six hundred".

The Mane 6 has died from radiation sickness. Their bodies were cold as ever before.

As the sunlight begins to return with higher ultraviolet range, Discord return from the other dimension to check the damage of Ponyville.

"Oh my words, these bombs really caused huge destruction" he said.

He wents to Twilight's Castle, the roof was damaged, including the door. So he went inside to check on the Mane 6, he then noticed Paper in the shelter.

"Hmm. I wonder what that could be?" he curiously talks to himself.

He got the bags out and then! Guess what he had saw. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity. He tries to wake them up, but he realized that his six friends has died from the blast. Discord begins to cry. so he takes the Mane 6's body for burial. The Mane 6' grave is now filled up with flowers and roses. and Discord went home in deep mourning. Knowing that life in Equestria would never be the same again.