> Changeling Quest > by GleamingKyler111 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up and open my eyes expecting to see the ceiling of the room. Instead, all I saw was white in front of me. 'Huh? Where am I?' I thought confused. I looked around and, what felt like a minute later, found a button labeled 'Reincarnate'. 'Reincarnate? Am I dead?! If so, then of course I want to reincarnate!' I thought, thinking the obvious, but slightly panicked about the fact that I'd died. As if that was what the world, or whatever this space was, was waiting for, the button disappeared and a slot machine with only one slot appeared. Then, the slot sped by so fast, that I couldn't see any of the things that it had on it. Eventually, after what felt like forever, but might have been a minute, it slowed down enough that I could see that it had text on it. The text was Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, Zebra, Changeling, M̵̷̷̵̶̵̴̸̷̴̵̶̶̸̸̶̸̵̷̷̸̸̶̵̸̸̵̷̶̵̵̷̸̵̴̶̴̴̵̸̶̵̷̷̴̴̴̵̶̶̶̶̷̵̸̸̵̶̶̸̴̴̴̸̷̴̷̸̸̴̸̴̴̴̷̷̵̶̶̴̵̷̶̴̵̸̴̶̵̶̶̸̴̸̶̸̶̵̷̸̴̷̷̶̶̶̶̵̵̸̶̴̸̵̵̷̵̵̵̶̵̴̶̴̷̵̷̸̶̸̶̶̵̵̵̸̶̸̴̴̶̷̵̸̴̷̶̷̴̷̵̷̴̴̶̶̴̶̸̵̸̵̴̴̵̸̷̵̶̸̸̸̴̵̸̷̸̴̵̸̷̸̴̷̴̵̷̵̵̷̸̸̸̵̵̶̵̴̸̷̸̴̸̴̴̶̴̶̸̸̶̷̵̶̷̵̵̴̵̷̵̶̷̶̷̴̸̶̵̶̶̷̷̷̶̴̸̸̸̷̴̴̷̷̶̵̷̸̴̸̵̴̵̴̵̸̶̷̴̶̸̷̶̷̸̵̷̸̶̵̴̶̴̴̶̶̷̷̴̶̸̵̴̵̶̴̶̶̵̷̶̴̴̴̷̴̴̷̶̴̴̷̶̶̶̷̸̷̶̵̵̷̸̸̷̶̴̷̸̸̸̵̵̸̵̶̶̶̸̵̧̡̢̨̧͖̞̺̳̠̩̝͔̻͕̙͍͈̰̭̮̜̻̘͔̤̺͉͙̫͉̫͕͙̪̞͈̫͙̳̦͎̮̤̺̻̖̫̘̗̯̣̟̘̪̺̰͊̑̓̐͐̿̔̓̄̒̉̇͌̑̀̾̍̉̋̈́̐͂̓͌͑̾̇̾͌̈́̓̌͋̑̓̅̇̆̉͂̓̔͂̃̾̆̑̇̕͘̚̕͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝M̶̵̴̶̸̵̸̴̶̴̸̸̶̵̶̷̶̶̷̶̶̵̷̶̵̴̵̶̷̵̴̷̷̴̷̸̵̷̸̸̵̴̷̵̷̴̵̶̴̵̶̶̶̸̵̶̸̷̵̶̵̴̸̸̷̷̴̷̸̷̶̴̸̸̷̸̶̶̴̶̵̸̸̵̴̸̴̴̵̵̶̵̶̸̴̸̴̶̴̷̸̷̷̶̴̸̷̷̸̸̷̶̸̶̷̶̸̶̷̷̸̸̴̶̴̴̸̷̵̴̵̸̸̵̴̵̶̵̵̶̶̸̵̷̸̷̴̴̷̴̶̷̸̸̸̵̴̶̴̶̶̶̶̸̵̷̷̶̸̶̸̸̴̶̵̸̶̷̶̴̶̷̷̴̵̶̵̴̸̴̴̸̴̵̶̷̵̸̴̷̶̶̷̶̴̷̷̵̴̷̷̸̸̷̶̴̴̶̷̷̵̵̶̷̶̸̷̶̸̷̷̶̵̴̴̷̵̵̶̷̸̵̷̶̶̷̷̴̷̵̸̴̴̴̸̷̵̶̸̴̸̸̸̷̴̸̵̴̵̶̴̵̷̷̵̶̶̶̴̶̶̸̶̢̨̨̛͇̦̻̠͉̼͇͓͖̯̙͙͚̯̖̠̖̦̗̯̲̬̩̮͉̟̗͕̘͖͉͓̟̩̼̫͎̫̤͎̱̪͓̭̾̎͗̓͐͑̔̉̀͐̃͋̿͌̆͒̄̅́̉́͒̔̏̂̿̓͑̓̈́̈́͛̐̋̂̅̊̅̈̈́̕̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅŅ̷̸̵̵̷̶̵̷̴̸̸̷̸̸̸̶̵̷̸̷̶̸̴̴̴̸̷̵̶̸̴̷̵̷̴̴̸̸̸̷̶̴̵̶̶̶̵̸̵̸̴̶̴̶̶̸̴̶̴̷̷̴̷̵̶̶̷̷̸̴̸̶̷̶̶̵̴̷̸̵̸̶̴̵̴̵̷̵̴̴̶̶̴̸̸̴̸̴̵̶̸̷̶̴̴̶̷̵̸̴̵̷̴̷̸̸̷̷̴̷̸̴̵̵̴̴̵̶̴̵̶̶̸̵̸̸̵̶̵̶̷̷̷̴̷̵̵̵̶̸̶̸̴̸̸̷̴̴̶̴̷̸̵̸̴̶̵̴̴̶̶̶̶̷̴̶̴̵̴̴̶̶̸̵̵̸̸̷̶̸̷̷̴̷̷̵̶̸̷̷̸̴̷̷̸̷̷̷̸̸̴̶̴̶̶̵̶̷̵̸̷̸̴̸̵̴̷̴̶̴̸̴̵̶̸̷̸̶̴̴̵̷̵̴̶̴̷̴̷̴̸̷̶̶̵̷̶̷̶̵̵̸̴̶̷̸̷̴̴̸̷̷̵̸̷̵̷̶̵̴̵̴̶̶̸̴̸̴̴̸̸̴̵̴̸̶̵̸̵̷̷̴̵̴̵̸̷̸̷̴̷̸̸̵̵̶̸̷̵̸̶̵̴̵̵̶̸̴̶̸̢̡̧̧̧̨̡̪̪̮̲̯̖̮͎͓̭̻̺̤̻̙̘̜̪̥̟͉̯̪͓͙̭͔̠̳̠͙̙̯̗̗͇̯̫̻͔͙̖͕̠̠̟̙̹̊̉̔̃͛͌̏̅̌̊̉̓̾̓͐̏̄̆͛̀̅̇́̾͒̐̋͋͊̓̈́̈́̾̏͑̈́͊͐̉̅̆̂̀̔̌̈̂̈́̃̊̕̕̕̚͘͜͜͠͝͠ͅ, and so on. Something about those words were familiar to me, but before I could figure out why, the slot stopped spinning and landed on Changeling. Then, I felt pain everywhere and the world turned black. ??? POV I watched him disappear to be reborn and chuckled. Oh, how little he knew about how much chaos he would soon cause to that timeline and many other timelines. Indeed, now it begins, Derpynuke. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I opened my eyes, I found out I was trapped in some sort of thick, sticky substance. Not having time to wonder why I was submerged in an unknown liquid, I focused on trying to find a wall. After a while, I hit something solid. I punched and pounded on the solid surface, trying to break through. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before I shattered whatever was trapping me, and pushed myself out. I broke through the surface of the liquid, taking deep, gasping breaths. Suddenly, there was a cacophony of senses that I couldn’t make any sense of. It seems that sound had returned to me, but I couldn’t see anything except dull green glows. Were my eyes closed? Then, a screen suddenly appeared in front of me. [Hello, User #4835761, System_Game has been installed. Please check it out by saying or thinking the word 'Status'.] I was surprised by the message that appeared in front of me, but I decided to check it out, partially out of curiosity, and partially because it might be important. Status Name:N/A Race:Changeling Skills Perfect MLP Memory Recall You can remember any memory perfectly, as long as it is related to My Little Pony. 'Wait a moment, that's why this was so familiar! It's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic A K.A. MLP G4.' I thought excitedly. I decide to close the Status screen. Then, a blurry, yet recognizable Changeling Queen walks into the room and notices me. "Huh, it ***m* li** a hat*hling has hat*hed *arl*." Chrysalis said. "I'll *all *ou, Thora." [Name acquired, Thora.] That was 5 years ago. Now, I'm on a trip I've waiting for over a year for. I'm being sent to be an Infiltrator in Ponyville. It's 1 day before the Summer Sun Celebration. Now, with how much I prepared for this, nothing could possibly go wrong and ruin my plan. [Alert! SV_Virus.exe has hacked the system. SV_Virus.exe has forcibly gained the ability to change things. SV_Virus.exe has gained the ability to change anything 3 times every episode, after this point in time. S1E1&E2 count as one episode.] 'Oh, you gotta be kidding me!' [Changes being added in 3...2...1...0.] > Chapter 2 (Part 1) (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [These changes have occurred. There are now secret emergency supply caches all over the world for Changelings. In a bit of forethought, the Queen believed the extra materials could help their endeavors, and it did so now they’re permanent fixture. (RookDeSuit)] 'Oh, I remember the locations of the emergency caches now.' I thought, surprised. [The Gryphon Kingdom has managed to make advances into space flight. Funny, they did it without magic. I wonder what’s out there? (RookDeSuit) Something stirs in the Deep. Something hostile. (RookDeSuit)] Well, that last one was ominous. Though, I was worried that worse things would happen. It is a good thing it is just a mostly positive change, a possibly timeline changing change, and a scary sounding change.' I thought, hoping that I'd be just as lucky, or luckier, next time. I'm now nearby Ponyville, so I turn into my definitely original disguise, named Quartz Dart, which looks like Crystal Hoof as a Pegasus. I had trouble choosing between Quartz Bolt, Quartz Dart, and Quartz Dash at first, but since Rainbow Dash already uses Dash, and Dart made more sense than Bolt, I chose Quartz Dart. Anyway, as Quartz Dart, I needed to choose a backstory that I didn't need to lie about. Soon, after a few minutes, I came up with a backstory that would work. I came from a far away land where I had worked as a fiction writer. Eventually, I decided that I needed a different job. Which lead me wandering to Equestria. Then, I found myself wandering to Ponyville. It is a pretty great backstory from what I could tell. I decided to walk into Ponyville and try to find Sugarcube Corner. If I made a story of this, people might wonder why I said try to find Sugarcube Corner. Well, it is because before I could find Sugarcube Corner, a certain pink party pony found me. Ooh! Ooh! Are you talking about me? ... Of course I was Pinkie, but now I have to take this part out in the SV version. Aww! But I want to talk to them as well. Anyway, back to the story. *Pouts* I lied. "OMG is that a new pony!" I heard Pinkie Pie say excitedly. Then, one blink later, I saw Pinkie Pie in front of me. "OMG it really is a new pony! What's your name?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly. "My name is Quartz Dart, what is yours?" I answered, then asked. "Wow, I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself, if that happened they'd have to ask someone else my name, and that'd be embarrassing. Anyway, my name is Pinkie Pie." She answered slightly embarrassed. "Pinkie Pie?" I said pretending to be surprised, "I remember hearing that name before. Don't you plan parties? If so, can you wait til tomorrow to celebrate my Welcome to Ponyville party?" "Yes, and of course I can, though how do you know that I would have a Welcome to Ponyville surprise party planned for you?" She questioned. "Well, I heard that you have a Welcome to Ponyville party for everyone that is new in Ponyville." I replied. "Ok, I gotta go, bye!!" She said, accepting my excuse. "Bye!" I said happily. Then, I heard something that lowered my mood again. [Alert! FimFiction_Virus.exe has hacked the system. FimFiction_Virus.exe has forcibly gained the ability to give you things. FimFiction_Virus.exe has gained the ability to give you up to 3 things every episode. S1E1&E2 count as one episode.] 'Oh, come on! This is happening again?!' [Things being given in 3...2...1...0.] THE DEEP SAYS HI > Chapter 2 (Part 1) (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3 things have been given... A SUS clock A suspicious looking clock with paper attached (FanOfSun), a passive ability (origami), and an active ability (Derpynuke).] I put the clock with paper attached into my Inventory that I definitely had already. Because, what sort of system wouldn't have an Inventory? I look at the message and decide that my MC is correct and give him an Inventory. Wait a moment... I check out my passive ability. [Big Fish Story The more elaborate your lie, the more you are believed.] 'That's a great ability. Though... it probably won't work on Applejack.' Then, I heard Twilight talking, while she was in the carriage. "She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends." I couldn't help but snort at Twilight saying that. But, I continued watching from out of Twilight's sight, deciding to check the active ability later. "Thank you sirs." Twilight said to the Royal Guard Pegasi who had been driving the carriage. "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about." Spike said as Pinkie Pie walked to them. "Come on, Twilight, just try!" "Um... hello?" Twilight asked hesitantly. Which lead to, for reasons unknown to science and some of the fandom, Pinkie Pie gasping and staying in the air then speeding off. "Well, that was interesting all right." Twilight said sarcastically. Spike sighed. I decided to walk, in a direction away from Twilight, to somewhere else in Ponyville, then I checked the active ability. [Ability - Timeline Split You can split from the current timeline to a different timeline, or go back to the original while continuing on another, without having been moving forward in time in the other timeline or timelines.] 'Wow, that's an amazing ability! I should probably find a safe place to do that.' I contemplate where I should use the ability. 'I could do it at Sugarcube Corner, but Pinkie could be there and she might know if I split the timeline. Hmm... Oh! I got it! Fluttershy's place would be a good idea. She's kind, and she's not at her home because she's practicing for the Summer Sun Celebration.' After contemplating a bit more, I head to Fluttershy's house transformed as a bird. > Timeline from Thora's death to Chapter 2 (Part 2) (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before rebirth... The unnamed main character wakes up in a white void with only a button labeled 'Reincarnate', which he obviously wanted to do. A slot machine with only one slot then appears and spins, it eventually lands on Changeling while the main character is still trying to remember what was so familiar about the species. An unknown POV, that is definitely not Discord, chuckles about how much chaos the main character would cause. 5 years before Thora is sent to Ponyville... The unnamed main character finds himself stuck in an egg and eventually gets out. That is when he first sees the system, which calls him User #4835761. After seeing his status, he realizes what was so familiar, he was in MLP:FIM. Then, Chrysalis walks in and names the main character Thora. 4 years later, Thora... 1 year later, Thora is sent to Ponyville as an Infiltrator. Nothing could stop his plan of what he was going to do, nothing except SV_Virus.exe hacking the system. He sees the system message and complains. Chapter 2 (Part 1) RookDeSuit adds secret emergency supply caches all over the world for Changelings, gives the Gryphon Kingdom advances into space flight, and something stirs in the Deep, something hostile. Thora noted that the last one sounds ominous, though he had been worried it would be worse. ARE YOU SURE? He turns into his definitely original disguise, named Quartz Dart, which looks like Crystal Hoof as a Pegasus. He also came up with a backstory that he did not have to lie about. He walks into Ponyville to try to find Sugarcube Corner, he instead finds a certain pink party pony. Pinkie and the Author have a meta conversation. Thora meets Pinkie Pie and tells her his disguise name. Pinkie Pie introduces herself. Thora acts like he is remembering her name and asks if she plans parties and, if so, to delay his Welcome to Ponyville surprise party. She says yes and questions how he knows about the surprise party. He answers that he heard that she does it for everyone that is new in Ponyville. She accepts it and leaves to start planning a party. Thora became so happy that nothing could ruin his mood, except FimFiction_Virus.exe hacking the system. He complains again. Chapter 2 (Part 1.5) (FanOfSun gives Thora a clock that can pause time for up to ? seconds with a cooldown of (seconds paused * 60) with a piece of paper attached that explains it. origami gives Thora a passive ability that makes elaborate lies more believable depending on how elaborate they are. Derpynuke gives an active ability that gives him the ability to split from the current timeline to a different timeline or go back to the original while continuing on one without having been moving forward in time in the other timeline or timelines. Thora puts the clock with paper attached into the Inventory that he definitely had already. Because, what sort of system wouldn't have an Inventory? The Author agrees, then realizes something. Thora checks his passive ability, Big Fish Story, and notes that though it is great, it probably won't work on Applejack. Then, he hears Twilight say that the fate of Equestria does not rest on her making friends, causing him to snort. He continues watching her from out of sight, deciding to check the active ability later. He watches til Spike sighs after Twilight says sarcastically, "Well, that was interesting all right." He walks to somewhere else in Ponyville, then he checks the active ability, Timeline Split. He notes that it is an amazing ability, and decides that he should probably find a safe place to do that. He contemplates where he should use it he should use it, and decides to head to Fluttershy's place because she is practicing for the Summer Sun Celebration. He transforms into a bird and flies toward Fluttershy's house. Chapter 2 (Part 1.75) On the way to the house, a weird thought came to his mind that caused him to go on a rant that lasted til he was there. He uses the Timeline Split ability to split the timeline into CQ-1a and CQ-1b. When nothing seemed to happen, he checked the ability to find out that it had worked and he was now in CQ-1b. He noticed that the sun was setting and heads to Twilight's Welcome to Ponyville surprise party as a bird. He flew into a bush nearby the library, transformed back into his pony disguise, watched Twilight lie to Fluttershy about Spike being very tired, and Twilight closing the door in Fluttershy's face, which upset him. After waiting for Fluttershy to fly into the library, and calming down, he headed inside. He asked Pinkie Pie if he was late, to which she responded that he was right on time. A while later, he was super full and noticed that it was time to watch the sun rise, and felt like he should fly to the town hall, still a Pegasus, but decided not to since the Mane 6 were going to stop NMM, whether he went with or not. It's not like it would matter... right? > Chapter 2 (Part 1) (Part 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the way to Fluttershy's house, a weird thought came to my mind. Time to sing off timing to get Fluttershy's attention. Ooh... A distraction... One of the reasons it was weird was because I was literally... 1 long rant later... There are no secrets. ...and that was why it was so weird. Whatever I was talking about. I realized that, after my mental rant, I was finally at her house. Then, I used the ability. Timeline CQ-1b 'Huh, nothing seemed to happen.' Thora thought, not knowing something changed. Thora decided to check the skill again. [Ability - Timeline Split You can split from the current timeline to a different timeline or go back to the original while continuing on one without having been moving forward in time in the other timeline or timelines. Timeline CQ-1a Timeline CQ-1b (Current)] 'Timelines CQ-1a and CQ-1b? Wow, it really did work!' Thora thought excitedly. He noticed that the sky was getting darker, which meant that it was close to Twilight's Welcome to Ponyville surprise party. He flew into a bush nearby the library, still a bird, then transformed back into his pony disguise. He, as Quartz Dart, in a bush, watched Twilight lie to Fluttershy about Spike being very tired and Twilight closing the door in Fluttershy's face. Which, upset him and the people of the fandom. After waiting for Fluttershy to fly into the library, and calming down, he walked out of the bush and opened the door. "Hey, am I late?" He asked after opening the door. "Nope!" Pinkie Pie said, suddenly in front of him, "You're right on time for the party, Quartz!' A lot of hours later... He was super full and noticed that it was time to watch the sun rise, and felt like he should fly to the town hall, still a Pegasus, but decided not to since the Mane 6 were going to stop NMM, whether he went with or not. It's not like it would matter... right? Oh, Thora... of course it would. > Chapter 2 (Part 2) (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last chapter part... Thora arrived at Fluttershy's house and split the timeline in two, the first one currently paused, and the second one is in this chapter. After noticing that the sun is setting, he headed to Twilight's Welcome to Ponyville party, became full and had a great time. He was super full and noticed that it was time to watch the sun rise, and felt like he should fly to the town hall, still a Pegasus, but decided not to since the Mane 6 were going to stop NMM, whether he went with or not. It's not like it would matter... right? Thora walks home, on the way there, he remembers the day he found out that he'd become an infiltrator. 1 year before Thora was sent to Ponyville... Thora had just been told that he'd been chosen to become an infiltrator. It was surprising how Chrysalis had been so nice and didn't send him to something like cannon fodder because he'd taken twice as long to learn as an ordinary Changeling, kinda weird but it probably had been just luck. Unknown to me at the time, while I was celebrating the fact that I'd become an infiltrator, a Changeling had somehow snuck into the hive and bumped into into a wall. That Changeling talked about being too early for something. The same Changeling was chased and disappeared after turning a corner. Though, I'd heard about this from a rumor, so it probably didn't happen. The present day... Thora suddenly felt like he'd reminiscing for months, but he shook it out of his head and opened his house's door.