> the Shadows of Hollow Elements > by Partycannon_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Fluffy, Spongy, and Bloody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville sat just beyond the hill as it held six ponies with various emotions as they peered upon the chaotic stonework of their own creation. "Hey Fluttershy, what did Discord mean when he warned us about 'butterflies'?" Applejack turned to the yellow pegasus. "I'm not sure," Fluttershy rubbed her chin as she frowned. "Knowing Discord he said that to cause confusion," Rarity rolled her eyes at the stone. "I don't want to give Discord any credit but he did seem genuine about the warning," Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. "I see the princess coming..." Twilight frowned as she looked to the sky. "Hey, its okay Twilight. I know you hate to let down Celestia but its better this way," Pinkie trotted in front of Twilight with a smirk. "Yeah, its my fault Twilight. I'm sorry I couldn't change Discord," the yellow pegasus spoke in defeat. "No, its okay Fluttershy, we should have backed you up more," Twilight turned to the group in a sigh. "I'm glad its over, we made the right decision." Five ponies turned to Twilight with a nod and then group looked as Celestia's chariot landed. The chariot was pulled by four stallions of the Royal Guard, while the throne itself reflected the light of the sun perfectly. After she got down from her throne she trotted to the six ponies, "I see that Discord had been turned back into stone," Celestia said in a frown. "I'm sorry Celestia I-" Celestia brought her hoof up calmly to stop Twilight, "It is alright Twilight. Discord is a truly evil being, if all of you agreed to seal him back to stone then I'm sure it was the right decision," she frowned at the stone. "We could try again at a later time." "I'm not sure that would help," Fluttershy said with a unsure expression. "I don't want to see my friends all hurt again." Celestia turned to the collection of frowning faces then back to the chaotic stone prison, "Then... I will secure Discord deep within the castle walls so that he holds no hope to escape," Celestia trotted to Twilight, "I think Equestria would be safer if you held onto the Elements of Harmony." "I understand!" Twilight said as she nodded. A flame flickers behind a tree, it was light gray and produced no sound or light, the flame had a single sharp tooth poking out. The flame hid while listening to a group of six ponies as they talked amongst themselves. "Celestia wants us to keep the Elements of Harmony so make sure that you put it somewhere safe that you are sure no one can get to," Twilight said to the group. The toothed flame listened carefully making sure it heard every last detail. After the group split the flame followed Twilight as she trotted into town, the flame hid behind various buildings, shops, and carts as it trailed her. Finally she reached her home and she opened the door flawlessly with magic and looked behind her with narrow eyes as she closed the door. The flame flew next to the tree wall until it found a open window to sneak into. The CMCs were unusually giddy as they trotted to the club house, most fillies were, summer break just started after all. "Are you guys excited, because I know I am!" Scootaloo's smile was so wide it almost extended off her face. She was on her scooter and drove in circles around her friends. "Yeah, I can't wait to spend the whole summer in the club house with you two!" glee filled Sweetie's face. "It's going to be the best summer ever!" Apple Bloom was filled with delight. "Sadly Ah can't join yawl until I finish all mah summer chores. It should only take a few days though." "Don't remind me.." Scootaloo said in a gloomy tone but was still full of excitement. "Make sure you finish as soon as you can, we can't wait until we can start our summer long crusading!" Sweetie smirked. "Yeah, its going to be amazing!" Apple Bloom also smirked then became a little bit more serious. "Remember the rules! Sense we are going to be sleeping on the farm that means-" "We lock up the doors and board up the windows when it turns night and never go outside for any reason!" Scootaloo responded awaiting praise. "Right, the land is cursed! Or at least that's what Applejack tells me," Apple Bloom shrugged. "Have you ever seen anything by the way?" Sweetie turned to Apple Bloom. "Not exactly, Ah have heard scratching noises sometimes when Ah stay up too late. Ah rather not go into too much detail but one night we forgot to board up the chicken coop and the whole night none of use could sleep because of the screeching chickens. Mah sister wouldn't let me see what happened but mah curiosity got the better of me, that was a terrible mistake. Imagine not being able to sleep because every time you close your eyes you see this horrid image, then hearing the sound of whatever caused it outside your window, just scratching-" "Apple Bloom, please stop. Scootaloo is scared," Sweetie stopped Apple Bloom and pointed to Scootaloo while she was on the ground with her hooves over her ears. "Oh shoot, Ah'm sorry Scootaloo! Ah forgot you're scared of spooky stories," Apple Bloom rushed over to Scootaloo and gave her a hug. "I-Its okay Apple Bloom," Scootaloo stopped shaking as she started to blush. "B-But I don't want you to get hurt, maybe we should find another place to stay for the summer." "NO!.. Sorry I didn't mean to yell. It's not the safest place in Equestria but we will have soo much freedom to do what we want," Sweetie smirked. "She's right, Ah know its scary but as long as you're following the rules there isn't any reason to be worried," Apple Bloom helped Scootaloo up off of the ground. "I understand," Scootaloo said with a small smile. The sun rose and shot light in-between two planks of wood nailed behind a window. The light landed on Sweetie's eyes and she shot up as a single tear flung from her face. She calmed her fight or flight response as she breathed heavily, after becoming relaxed she trotted to Scootaloo as she laid on her back against a soft bean bag, she drooled into the wooden floor below her. "Hey, hey Scootaloo," she nudged the orange pegasus. "Huh.." Scootaloo slowly got up as her eyes started to focus on the white unicorn. "I'm hungry, lets go to Sugarcube Corner," Sweetie responded as her friend wiped her eyes. "Sure is Apple Bloom coming?" she smiled. "No, she has to work today," Sweetie answered with a frown. "Oh.. Right, let me wake up a little bit first." Scootaloo said in a sad tone. The two fillies sat on the bean bags, one of them stared out the window with a frown while the other wiped her eyes in a yawn. After a little bit they both made their way to Sugarcube Corner. The inside of the place of sweets was empty until Scootaloo and Sweetie belle stood in the doorframe. "Is it open?" Scootaloo looked to Sweetie in confusion. "Um, yeah it should be. Pinkie said that she would feed us if we ever came by." Sweetie looked back in a frown. "Maybe she is just in the back," Scootaloo smirked as she moved forward. After trotting half way inside Scootaloo got a shiver, the atmosphere was heavy and made it hard to breath. The walls looked as though they towered above her, the light seemed to move in unusual ways, yet she couldn't coward, something was not right. Finally a warm hoof lands on her back and she turned back to see Sweetie Belle. "Are you okay?" Sweetie said in a uneasy tone. Scootaloo nodded, she knew she didn't have to explain herself simply by looking at Sweetie's face. Together they trotted slowly behind the counter then found themselves in the back room. They both were unable to keep their eyes off of a door, it was open by just a jar but it called for them. They felt as though they had to open the door. Scootaloo wanted as far away as possible but also wanted to be extremely close to Sweetie Belle so she clamed onto her as they slowly made their way to the door. Sweetie put her hoof on the door and began to slowly open it as it creaked, it was the only sound they could hear. Inside revealed a staircase, a crooked wooden staircase that lead down to a single door. Their hearts ached, they wanted out soo bad but now it was impossible, Sweetie picked up her hoof and moved it over the first step. A sound of panting from behind them, Pinkie stood in the doorframe of the back room as sweat came from her forehead and her tail was moving at a incredible speed. "What do you girls want to eat?" Pinkie smiled. Scootaloo and Sweetie looked to each other then back to Pinkie. "A-Anything sounds good," Sweetie smirked as she trotted out of the back room while Pinkie stood next to the doorframe and stared at her. Pinkie's gaze turned to Scootaloo as she stood by the door to the staircase and a immense feeling came over her. Dread. "S-S-S-SAmE!" Scootaloo stumbled her words as she moved as quick as she could out of the back room. Scootaloo and Sweetie both trotted to the front door but Pinkie quickly stopped them. "Here is your cupcakes!" Pinkie handed Scootaloo a purple cupcake and Sweetie a pink. Then she motioned her hoof to one of the empty tables. Scootaloo and Sweetie once again turned to each other and made their way to the vacant table in silence. They both sat down and put their cupcakes on the table in front of them, the last thing their mind was on was eating. The atmosphere was extremely heavy as Pinkie stood at the edge of the table. "I need to tell you girls something." Pinkie looked to them with a immense stare. She quickly closed all of the blinds and locked the doors. "I... I.. Have a unhealthy obsession with humans." Pinkie looked dead serious. "You mean those cartoon characters with-" "With the weird limbs, small heads, and hands... Yes.." Pinkie looked away as a tear filled her eye. Scootaloo and Sweetie for the final time looked to each other but with small smirks as the heavy atmosphere lifted. However somewhere in the back of each of their minds told them that this place was not safe. "I need the both of you to Pinkie promise to never tell anypony about that room or my obsession!" Pinkie turned to them doing a Pinkie promise with a serious face. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" They both said together. "Awesome! If you two ever grow up and want to know more about humans let me know," Pinkie smiled. "Hey, its summer break, have you two done anything?" "Not yet, I'm waiting for Apple Bloom before we fully get the summer started," Scootaloo smiled. "She is going to do all of her summer chores before hanging out with us," Sweetie smirked at Scootaloo. "I'm sure you girls will have gut wrenching, action packed, summer with some thrills!" Pinkie threw some confetti into the air. "Um, thanks.." Sweetie smirked. "Anyways I think me and Scootaloo are going to head back," she picked up her cupcake and left her seat, Scootaloo also did the same. "Alright well you two girls have fun!" Pinkie gave both of them a hug. "We will, bye Pinkie!" Scootaloo waved her hoof. Sweetie Belle nodded and left while Scootaloo followed closely behind. Scootaloo ate her pink cupcake as she followed Sweetie, the further Sweetie got from Sugarcube Corner the faster she trotted. Eventually she started galloping when they got to the park and Scootaloo kept up. "Sweetie Belle, what's the matter?" Scootaloo asked with concern. Sweetie stopped as she threw her orange cupcake on the ground and turned around to her friend with a fearful expression. "W-Whatever was down there, it was not a collection of humans," Sweetie said in a upset voice. "Then what was down there?" Scootaloo shook. "I-I don't know," Sweetie hugged herself. Scootaloo trotted to Sweetie and gave her a hug, she returned it as they closed there eyes and began to calm down. "Sweetie Belle, whatever is the matter?" came from a familiar voice. Sweetie opened her eyes as her pupils grew tiny, Scootaloo's eyes opened and she saw a white unicorn standing over them. "Is everything alright?" Rarity asked with a worried expression but it looked a little off. "Y-Yeah" Sweetie said looking away as she let go of the hug, Scootaloo let go of the hug as well. "That's good, have you been enjoying your summer?" Rarity smirked, but again, Scootaloo thought it looked off. Sweetie nodded as she looked to Scootaloo with a frown. "That's wonderful!" Rarity smiled as she clapped her hooves softly. "Anyways Sweetie Belle I was wondering if we could hang out today, its been awhile sense we had some sister bonding!" Scootaloo saw Sweetie's face worsen as she looked up to Rarity, "Um, I'm doing stuff with Scootaloo right now, and I guess its okay if we do some sister bonding here in town if Scootaloo can join!" "Whatever do you mean? You will be spending all summer with Scootaloo, I have a design back at the house I know you will love!" Rarity smiled. "Can I see the design too?" Scootaloo faked a smile. "Are you sure? I thought you didn't like things like that?" Rarity raised her eyebrow. Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with a far off stare. "Yeah... You don't like that kind of stuff." "Alright well I don't want to keep you for too long, come on Sweetie Belle!" Rarity smirked as she began trotting away. Sweetie continued to stare at Scootaloo with a blank look, Scootaloo looked back with a mixture of emotion and wanted to say soo much but nothing came out. "Come on Sweetie Belle!" Rarity smiled. Sweetie Belle looked down and began following her sister. Sweetie laid on a red pillow as she uncontrollably shook while tears continued to endlessly flow. She was making grunting, whimpering, and sobbing noises. Scootaloo sat above her with sewing tools in one hoof. "Sweetie, please stop shaking.. I don't want to accidently hurt you!" she said as tears ran down her face. Scootaloo held down a chunk of flesh that was almost entirely cut off, she took the needle and poked it through her flesh as Sweetie made another grunting noise. "I-I'm sorry Sweetie Belle. I should have tried harder to protect you..." Scootaloo tried her best to stop shaking. As she continued it was harder and harder to see where to put the needle as the blood continued to get in the way. Scootaloo wiped her face of tears with her bloody hoof leaving a red stain on her fur, she was almost done. Suddenly a loud scratching came from the door as Sweetie still made whimpering noises only causing the 'thing' on the other side to grow more restless. Sunlight filled the clubhouse, Sweetie was wrapped up in a blanket as she laid on one of the bean bags, she stared outside the window between the wooden planks. Scootaloo sat against the podium as she stared into the wooden floorboards. There was a long silence in the room, the only thing that broke it was the sounds of birds chirping. "You know its not your fault.." Sweetie stated expressionless. Scootaloo narrowed her eyes as she was filled with sullen. The room once again fell into a silent awkward mess. "Scootaloo... You like Apple Bloom don't you?" Sweetie asked with a hollow smirk. "Of course I do, I like the both of you," Scootaloo gave a heartfelt smile. Sweetie smiled genuinely, "No I mean-" she cut herself off. "Nevermind." Once again silence filled the room. Sweetie sat up slightly as a tearing pain filled her body, she looked at Scootaloo with a serious expression. "I'm sorry, I didn-" "Don't apologize," Scootaloo looked away. "Then.. Thank you, for last night," Sweetie sat back, "Ow!" a sharp pain shot through her spine. Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle with pity then looked away as she bit her lip. A flame sat just outside the clubhouse, it was light gray with a fang and gave off no light. The flame decided it heard enough and set off further into Sweet Apple Acres. Sweetie sat on the beanbag as she flipped the page of her book, she giggled at the book as a smirk grew on her face, the page had a knight kneeing before the princess in the deepest chamber of the darkest castle and the knight picked her up for the rescue. Scootaloo tried to balance a ball on her nose but it continued to fall onto the wooden floor without fail, each time a thud was heard. Suddenly the door opened and both fillies turned to it, Apple Bloom trotted inside with a large bag and she threw it on the floor beside her. "Its time for summer!" Apple Bloom smiled. "APPLE BLOOM!" Scootaloo's radiant smile filled the room. "Glad you made it," Sweetie smirked as she sat her fairy tale book down. "Yep! Oh, Ah brought tons of stuff," she started digging through the giant bag. "Tennis rackets, tools, a large supply of apples with other foods, and plenty more." "That's awesome!" Scootaloo dug through the bag as well. "Ah might also have to go back to the farm once in a while to help with harvesting," Apple Bloom smirked. "That's okay, I meetup with Rainbow every week anyways," Scootaloo took out a pair of binoculars. "When are you doing that this week?" Sweetie asked. "Tomorrow," Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom through the binoculars. "Well Crusader's, the day is still early so lets go get some cutie marks!" Apple Bloom threw her hoof into the air as she trotted behind the podium. "What do we want to do today?" Scootaloo trotted in front of the podium with a smile and Sweetie Belle did the same. Sweetie rubbed her chin with her hoof and an idea came to her, she lifted her hoof and opened her mouth to speak but suddenly the door to the clubhouse was thrown shut. The three fillies looked to the door in confusion as it seemed the air they breathed felt wrong. A magic blast came from the center of the clubhouse and extended around forty feet from the origin, it didn't harm the CMC's or seem to do anything. Apple Bloom trotted to her friends as they continued to look around the room. "I have a suggestion," said the walls, the voice sounded genderless. Apple Bloom trotted in front of the group still looking around, "W-What's your suggestion?" she frowned. "I can give each of you one wish, but first I need you three to do something," the voice echoed. "And... What do you want us to do?" Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes. "I need the three of you to gather the six Elements of Harmony and bring it to me in Canterlot," the voice boomed. "Is there anything else?" Apple Bloom continued to look about the room. "I will give guidance and help when needed," the voice stated. "Let me talk to my friends, we will have a decision after that," Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom but then shook her head and stared at Sweetie Belle, "We need to do it." "Ah think this 'voice' is a little suspicious, lets say we do exactly as it says, then Equestria won't have any powers to stop evil creatures from taking everything from us. Let alone if it will actually give us a wish," Apple Bloom frowned. Both fillies looked to Sweetie as she was filled with fear, her bleak eyes narrowed. "Are you okay Sweetie?" Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Apple Bloom can you leave the room for just one second..." Scootaloo bit her lip. "Um.. Okay," Apple Bloom looked puzzled as she trotted outside slowly. "Listen Sweetie, we have to do this!" Scootaloo whispered. "Do you have any idea what Rarity would do if she found out I took her element?" tears formed on Sweetie's face. "That is-" "S-She tore me open and stitched me back together, over, and over again. I-I couldn't move, I was bedrid-" Scootaloo hugged Sweetie as she continued to cry, "That is exactly why we have to do this." "Alright Ah'm heading bac-" Apple Bloom trotted inside and saw the two hugging as Sweeties face was filled with tears. She rushed over, "Sweetie Belle, is everything okay?" she joined the hug with extreme worry. "A-Apple Bloom.. We need to take this offer," Sweetie said slowly while sobbing. Apple Bloom turned around after letting go of the hug, "VOICE!" she yelled. "Yes," echoed through the walls. "We accept your offer! Ah swear if yawl are deceiving us then there will be hell to pay," a flame grew from Apple Bloom's eyes. "Good! As a sign of good faith I put up a barrier around the clubhouse. For anypony who wants to cause any of you harm and also the Element Bearers, will not be able to get through it. I will tell you where each of the Elements of Harmony are, who will you take from first?" the voice asked. Apple Bloom turned back to her friends as Sweetie still cried in the arms of Scootaloo, Scootaloo smirked at Apple Bloom with a sullen face. Apple Bloom looked around again, "Ah guess Pinkie Pie," Apple Bloom shrugged. "I would not suggest Laughter or Loyalty yet," the voice grew quite. "Well, getting the hard ones out of the way first is usually the best," Apple Bloom looked determined. "Fine.. The Element of Laughter is hidden behind a door at the bottom of a staircase from the back room of Sugarcube Corner," the voice stated. "Sounds easy!" Apple Bloom smiled. "Beware of Pinkie sense! Also my time here is up, I will contact you three again whenever I gather enough magic," the voice fizzled out and the air grew easier to breath. "This is going to be a cake walk, right guys?" Apple Bloom turned back to the unmoving horrified faces of her friends. "R-Right?" Apple Bloom lead the group as she trotted with confidence, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed behind without nearly the same enthusiasm. "Apple Bloom, something more is going on here!" Sweetie tried to reason with her. "Yeah, Ah know! Ah left yawl in that room for a minute and Ah come in and yawl two are crying!" Apple Bloom continued onward. "No, with that room. Me and Sweetie found it the other day and Pinkie was acting really strange," Scootaloo frowned. "Pinkie always acts strange. Look we need to get her element anyways and Ah know for a fact she is hosting a party right now," Apple Bloom smirked. "Look, you two don't have to come along, Ah can do this by myself! If Ah get caught then it ain't that big of a deal." "It would be a big deal, it would be a huge deal!" Sweetie said in a worried tone. "Look, we are here and you two ain't going to stop me. So either you two come along, stay out here, or tell me why yawl were crying," Apple Bloom stomped her hoof down in front of Sugarcube Corner. Sweetie looked away ashamed while Scootaloo bit her lip. "That's what Ah thought!" Apple Bloom turned around and trotted into the depths of the shop of sweets. Sweetie and Scootaloo looked at each other and slowly trotted inside behind Apple Bloom. The atmosphere was just as oppressive as before but it didn't seem to affect Apple Bloom as she trotted confidently to the back room. Sweetie and Scootaloo followed her into the back as she opened the creaking door and peered down into the dusty room, she motioned her hoof to Sweetie and Scootaloo to come closer. Apple Bloom looked dead serious as her friends came close, "These wooden stairs suck, Ah mean they aren't even built right!" Apple Bloom whispered. "GO! I don't want to be here when she comes back!" Sweetie whispered angrily. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo continued their plunge while Sweetie slowly closed the door behind them trying not to make a noise. After she shut the door there was hardly any light except for the flickering dim light above and whatever caused light to bleed under the door at the bottom. Because of the state of the stairs they only moved forward every time the light flickered on. Apple Bloom got to the bottom first and waited at a tiny opening for her friends, once they were all behind her she put her hoof on the door handle and turned it. The door opened in silence, although the three fillies were unsure if that was because it truly was silent but they didn't think about the door. There was a smell, one that Sweetie Belle recognizes when she is at home with her sister, one that Apple Bloom recognizes from not locking the chickens in their coop, one that Scootaloo recognizes from the times she held a sewing needle, that was the smell of blood. Pinkie ran as fast as she could through the town, she jumped over food carts, she slid under a crowd of ponies, and she weaved in and out of alleys with ease. Her tail was shaking at a crazy speed and she had a huge smile on her face. She thought about how tasty Apple Bloom will think her new cupcake recipe will be, she thought about when it would finally be time for Apple Bloom, the utter despair would crush her, she thought about how amazing it would be to keep Apple Bloom alive for weeks as she slowly took pieces from her and when it was finally time to take the final piece she would feel nothing because everything that she held dear was already lost. But she was also excited for the next few moments. Pinkie flew into Sugarcube Corner making loud stomps with every hoofstep, she purposefully tried to slow down to create more thrills and let them find a proper hiding place but she couldn't help but to fly down the stairs. She flew open the door and it revealed her favorite place, a smallish room with a operating table standing in the middle of the room, everything at least had some form of dried blood or some kind of skin as a form of decoration. The lights were a dim red, making it difficult to see but Pinkie knew her way around this place like the back of her hoof. "Hello Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!" Pinkie could hardly hold back her excitement. "You two are either hiding in the fridge, in the pantry cabinet, in the closet, or under my table!" Pinkie's face was filled with a corrupted smile. Pinkie went over to her table and looked under it, "Nope! I would have been very disappointed if that was your best choice," Pinkie smiled. She trotted to the closet, "This would be the smartest place to hide," Pinkie's tail shifted in a weird way as she opened the door and a bloodied shovel lands on her face, "DAMNIT!" Pinkie yelled. Pinkie staggered back into the operating table. She collected herself and trotted to the table to picked up a mirror, one she used so many times to show her 'patients' what she was working on, she looked into it as a large cut started to create a stream of blood from her cheek. She was filled with frowns as she grabbed a clean rag and held it to the wound. She looked down to her tail as it laid dormant, her face was crumbled with disgust. "There is a few more places to check but if I missed a party for nothing I am going to be furious!" Pinkie trotted over to the cabinet. "This is probably the safest place to hide," as she held her hoof over the door a loud SNAP filled the air. Her face was filled with anger as she pushed the cabinet out of the way and it revealed a mouse whimpering as it scratched anywhere it could, it tried freeing itself from the trap it found itself in. Pinkie picked up the trap and laid it on the table with a annoyed face, she dug in her bag and brought out a tiny operating table, she also brought out a tiny table that looked identical to the table she put it on, even the tools on both tables were the same albeit smaller. Pinkie picked up the trap and took the mouse out of it and held it with an iron grip. The mouse looked back with pleading eyes as a worried squeak came from it. Pinkie looked at it with disgust, "I can't have you going back to Fluttershy, if you were even slightly intelligent you would know that." The mouse scratched furiously and wiggled as fast as it could while squeaking as though it were in pain. Pinkie slammed its head into the metal table, "DON'T MAKE THIS DIFFICULT!" Pinkie laughed. The mouse regained consciousness and started to struggle again. Pinkie took the mouse and repeatedly slammed its head on the edge of the metal table, with each slam the table shook and the tools bounced as a loud thud could be heard each time, she broke its neck but Pinkie didn't stop, she brought the mouse above her head again as its lifeless head bobbles about and she threw it down creating a louder thud, with every hit the skin tore more and more until it was only attached by a single stretched bit of flesh, Pinkie continued to slam its head into the table like a Morningstar. The head finally detached and flew into the wall behind her. Pinkie laughed and laughed, she couldn't get enough but it seemed her fun was over as she put the rest of the corpse still in her hooves down on the table. Something caught Pinkie's attention on the table, she picked up the tiny operating table and flipped it over, she looked all over the table and found a tiny book and a tiny blue neckless, she put them back into the bottom of the tiny operating table as it fit into place. Pinkie sat down and looked up into the red light with a frown. "Rarity really needs to hide her wounds more, with all of her makeup its quite obvious... Right Sweetie Belle?" there was a long silence, Pinkie looked down sorrowful. "Scootaloo did you know that Rainbow has probably killed more ponies then the rest of us five combined?" Pinkie got up and trotted over to the fridge and opened it. "You guys aren't in here either," Pinkie frowned. "You know when I moved the cabinet it was a lot more heavier then normal," Pinkie trotted to the cabinet. She put her hoof on the door and slowly opened it, the red light filled the interior of the tall cabinet and Pinkie saw the upper half of Derpy's corpse, Pinkie looked at the corpse in confusion. "I did not put you in there?" Pinkie picked up the corpse from the meat hook that stood her up. Derpy's head rolled back as her eye fell out. Pinkie dropped the corpse on the ground, "I'm going back to the party," Pinkie said in a tired tone. Pinkie left the room as she took a white rag and held it to her bleeding cheek. There was a long silence in the room. The front door shutting upstairs echoed throughout Sugarcube Corner followed by more silence. A filly landed on the ground bellow with bags under her eyes as tears endlessly flowed, the yellow earth pony trotted to the operating table and searched under it as another filly lands on the floor and looked back up to the white unicorn standing at the top of the tall pantry cabinet. The unicorn jumped down and the pegasus caught her, as Apple Bloom searched the two looked at the corpse of Derpy and the mouse with utter defeat and despair. Apple Bloom took out a blue neckless from under the operating table and the three ponies looked at each other not with the satisfaction of getting such an item but with pure hatred and fear. None of them said anything, even if they wanted to speak there would be nothing to say. > Chapter 2: Falling Skies, Dead Trees, and 411s > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ma'am what is your name" the officer looked at me. "Its Sugar Blossom," I held back my tears the best I could. I am at the station, the white cold floors, the white stone walls, and even the white short ceiling is intimidating, but I rather be in here then outside in the dark chilling air. The officer looked back to me after scanning some papers, his disinterested face irritated me. "You need to talk to the sheriff" said the officer as he pointed his hoof slowly to one of the hallways. I hid my hatred the best I could as I trotted quickly to the hall, the hallway had many doors on each side and at the end was a large window. Outside the glass was the forest, it called to me, whispering to me, I was filled with goosebumps. "Are you going to come in?" came from the open door left to me, I managed to take my eyes off the tempting forest and they rested on the sheriff sitting at a table awaiting for me to sit in the chair opposite to him. I sat at the seat and stared angrily at the sheriff, "I need you to get the most officers as you can and help me find my child!" "Ma'am how old is your child?" the sheriff brought out a paper and began to write. "He is twenty now," twenty years and three months old. "Where did he get lost?" the sheriff looked at me with a odd stare. "The woods near Sweet Apple Acres!" I shook my head. "I see... Then take this and go to the address in the morning," the sheriff took out a business card and held it out waiting for me to take it. "What is it?" I grab it and instantly saw a coffin. "They will discuss and help you with the funeral, you can either go without a body or they can make a fake one for you," the sheriff looked at me with zero interest. "I WASTED MY TIME! I AM GOING TO GO GET MY SON!" I threw the card on the ground and stomped out angrily. The sheriff got up from his chair, "No, don't go into those woods!" he stated aggressively. I ran out of the building into the darkness, the cold breeze pierced through my fur as I dashed into the woods. The sounds of leaves crunching and twigs snapping were frequent but did little to stop me. I ran and ran as I called out to my child, sweat ran down my forehead as I continued. Finally I started to slow, my child means more to me then life itself, why him? It could have been me! I trotted into a small opening and there was a stump, it held a empty jar. I looked around but there was nothing, all except for this void of a jar as it called to me. I felt as though I needed to touch it, like the world itself would collapse if such a thing didn't take place. That is exactly what I did, I touched it. It felt normal to the touch but I started to feel a sense of warmth, the woods around me started to glow soft blues and purples with fireflies dancing. I smiled at the sight as I sat down, I wrapped my hoof around my son, he is in his teens now, time really flows quickly. "I love you mom!" he hugged me. "Y-You know, I never told you this.. But you are the BEST mom in the world!" he blushed. "Its true!" granny trotted out from behind a nearby tree. "You inspire all of us Sugar Blossom!" A crowd of ponies came out from the trees in a smile. There was dad, and mom, don't forget to mention my aunts and my uncles. My friends were also there with all of their families. "I-Is this a party for me?" I stood up as I started to cry. "Actually this was my idea..." a bright yellow unicorn trots out from behind a tree. The crowd of ponies moved out of the way as she trotted up to me. "Listen, I-I'm sorry." she began to cry. "Oh, its okay!" I hugged her. "I-I was soo mean to you. To tell you the truth I was just jealous! You had everything that I wanted and-" "Shh! Its okay, I already forgive you," I hugged her tighter as she continued to whimper in my hooves. My son looked at me with a huge smile and so did the rest of the group. I can't believe how happy- Blood Curdling screams filled the silent night air as the sounds of flesh being ripped from the bone continued as the night progressed. After awhile the sounds subsided, the night was almost over and a jar that sat on top of a stump was filled. The oppressive sunlight managed to get through the barricades of the club house and the room was filled with a gray orange glow. The door was thrown open in a panic as Scootaloo dove inside, Sweetie ran to the bean bag while Apple Bloom threw the door shut in a hurry. They all panted as sweat rolled down their faces. Apple Bloom was the first to calm herself as she trotted behind the podium and took out a small wooden chest, she opened it and put the Element of Laughter inside. Sweetie Belle was the second to calm herself, she slowed her breathing as she played with her hair. Then finally was Scootaloo who narrowed her breathing by stuffing her face into the bean bag. Each of them sat on a bean bag as they continued to fiddle trying to keep their minds off of what they saw. "G-Guys, I don't want to collect the Elements anymore," Scootaloo looked away while shaking. "I-It isn't worth it," Apple Bloom shook her head. "We have to," Sweetie Belle looked to her friends with a frown. "Unless we want to go back and return Pinkie's Element of Harmony." Apple Bloom and Scootaloo felt a shiver. "B-But," Scootaloo hid behind her soft hooves. The three of them felt as the air changed, they all looked up and searched about the room with their eyes. "I see you have gotten the Element of Laughter!" the voice started. "As I expected however you have your doubts." "WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN US!" Apple Bloom yelled. "I did warn you, not only that but your friends warned you," the voice said smugly. "N-No, Ah mean about the killing," Apple Bloom rubbed her head. "Partially because I knew you would never agree to gather the Elements of Harmony if I told you," the voice answered honestly. "And why do you want the Elements of Harmony so badly?" Sweetie Belle spoke. "If I'm being honest I want my power back and the first thing I will do with it is make sure that those six ponies will never hurt anypony again!" the voice said spitefully. "W-What has Rainbow Dash done? Why is she bad? Back in 'that' room Pinkie said she killed tons of ponies, is that true?" Scootaloo jumped off of the bean bag as she looked about the room. There was a long silence as Scootaloo felt her heart beating. "Its true... Out of each of the elements, Rainbow Dash has caused the most pain to the most ponies in the quickest way," the voice responded coldly. Scootaloo staggered back as she felt her heart drop, "I-It can't be true." "Don't you have your weekly flying lesson with Rainbow tomorrow? Are you going to be okay?" Sweetie said extremely worried. "She will be fine, the only threat to her going is Pinkie but she won't act until she knows that you three where in that room. Well as long as Scootaloo doesn't say anything that she isn't supposed to," the voice stated. Sweetie let out a breath of relief as Scootaloo shook her head in disbelief. "What about Applejack?" Apple Bloom frowned. "She was the hardest to get information on and I don't know too much. As far as I know she hasn't directly killed anypony," the voice echoed. "Ah guess that's good to hear," Apple Bloom felt unsure. "Ah have to go back to the farm tomorrow morning is there anything Ah should keep away from?" "The only thing is the locked cellar but that only opens at night," the voice answered coldly. "Ah wouldn't suppose that is where the Element of Honesty would be?" Apple Bloom frowned. "You would be correct." Apple Bloom looked to the unicorn as she fiddled with her hair, "Hey Sweetie are you going to ask about your sister?" Scootaloo looked away as she bit her lip. Sweetie faked a smirk, "Um, I'll ask when we get to her." Apple Bloom threw herself off of the bean bag and trotted behind the podium and knocked her hoof on it three times. Scootaloo's shrunken eyes landed on Apple Bloom and Sweetie did the same as she fiddled her hair. "Listen yawl! Ah rather be enjoying mah summer and trying to get our cutie marks but sometimes you have to do the right thing. Ah can't think of any other pony in all of the land that has the ability to steal from our sisters and their friends. We have already dealt with one of the most difficult ones and the rest are going to be easy! We will also be getting wishes after we are done, so who's with me?" Apple Bloom smirked. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both looked at each other, Sweetie smiled and Scootaloo was soon to follow. They both turned to Apple Bloom and nodded. "Then tonight we rest and celebrate our victory! Tomorrow Ah will work on the farm and Scootaloo will go see Rainbow, during that time, Sweetie you will talk to the voice and come up with a strategy. Then once we get back we will prepare for taking the Element of Honesty," Apple Bloom smiled. Scootaloo sat down near a small river with nothing but trees surround her. She looked uneasy as her ears picked up every small sound, be that the wind moving the leaves or small critters moving through the grass. Her eyes were peeled open as she moved to see every sound no matter how small. A mouse moved up to her in a smile and she just for a second, got reminded of the gruesome scene, she grabbed her head as it began to throb. The mouse tilted its head in confusion and ran off. "Hey squirt!" came from above Scootaloo. The orange pegasus looked up to see a rainbow main and she faked a smile. "Hey Rainbow!" "You doing alright there?" Rainbow tilted her head as she landed. "Y-Yeah," she continued to sit. "So.. Not that I really wanted one or anything but you do normally hug me. It doesn't feel right starting our lesson without it," Rainbow looked away in a smirk. "Oh, right.." Scootaloo got up and gave Rainbow a quick hug and backed up even quicker. "Are you sure you're okay squirt?" Rainbow looked at her quizzically. "Y-Yeah I'm good," the orange pegasus kicked a rock. "Well.. Okay then.. Its still another year until you take your flight exam and you are going to ace it! We just have to work incredibly hard!" Rainbow smiled. "Alright lets star-" "Hey Rainbow... Why do you want me to pass the flight exam so badly?" Scootaloo wanted answers. "Well because... Look I was going to keep this a secret but because you asked. I have a slot at work open right under me but you can't work there if fail your exam!" Rainbow was giddy. "You work at the Rainbow Factory right?" a sweat rolled down Scootaloo's face. "Hmm, yeah. I thought you would be more happy about that?" Rainbow smirked. "Oh yeah, I one hundred percent am! I was just wondering," Scootaloo once again faked a smile. "That's good! There is a few things you have to get used to working there but that place needs strong willed ponies like you working there. Plus its more of a leadership role so you don't really have to get your hooves dirty," Rainbow was filled with glee. "That's awesome," Scootaloo continued her fake smile. "Oh, oh, we play cards in the break room. There is this guy up there, he is pretty hard to beat, he has a green ramp deck, if you're not careful he will stomp you. I of course am the undefeated queen with my awesome deck, its multi colored and of course it goes into all of the colors. I have a colorless deck for you when you get a job there, its pretty underpowered but has a crazy win condition, also you have the ability to play cards from outside the game," Rainbow ranted and ranted. Scootaloo nodded and nodded with her fake smile. She was deeply frightened by Rainbow, she wanted to throw up just at the sight of her, a 'friend', a 'sister', not anymore, she was not only the enemy but the boss. If these hollow elements were ranked she would easily sit at the top on a throne of rainbow colored flesh and she would enjoy every second of it. Rainbow's heartfelt smile as she talked about a pitiful card game filled Scootaloo with pure hatred and strengthened her resolve. How many ponies has this mare killed? How many ponies has she stolen from their families, how many ponies looked at Rainbow and begged her to stop and how many times did she end them anyways? Scootaloo didn't fully understand what happened at the Rainbow Factory, that she could only speculate. She did know however that this mare had ended the lives of countless ponies. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sat as they had papers surrounding them, each of them filled to the brim with plans for how to tackle the night ahead of them. The door flew open and Scootaloo slammed the door shut behind her, she trotted to her bean bag and bucked it as hard as she could, the bean bag was thrown into the wall and fell as Scootaloo breathed heavily. "Woah, woah, Scootaloo are yawl okay?" Apple Bloom got up and trotted to the orange pegasus with Sweetie behind her. "I am soo weak," Scootaloo looked down at her hoof in a frown. "Scootaloo, what happened?" Sweetie asked with genuine concern. "I challenged Rainbow to a hoof wrestle," Scootaloo was furious at herself. "Why did yawl do that?" Apple Bloom frowned. "I-I thought if I could beat Rainbow in just one hoof wrestle that could prove to me that I could beat her," Scootaloo cringed. Scootaloo felt the warm hoof fall on her back in comfort, "Scootaloo, we can beat Rainbow and we will. I think we have a plan for tonight that will work soo well you won't even think about defeat again!" Sweetie smiled as the orange pegasus looked back. "But first we need to set it up, Scootaloo yawl need to fix up your scooter and attach a cart to it, also yawl need to go out and collect these materials," Apple Bloom slid a paper over to the orange pegasus with instructions. "Why do we need so much 'tufts of clouds' and 'rainbow's glow'." Scootaloo looked to the each of them in confusion as they both smiled. The moon was full as it peered over the land. A wolf with the blackest of fur and a fully exposed skull tore a leg off of a rabbit as it lost consciousness, it was a loud snap and the sounds of bone crunching beneath the creatures teeth was anything but appetizing. A loud BOOM echoed throughout Ponyville and the wolf turned to the now purple sky. Another firework entered the sky and popped just like the last one, the wolf sprinted to its origin. "I sure hope this plan works!" Scootaloo weaved through the trees on her scooter. "Yeah, we only have to distract them for as long as possible and get the creatures as far away from the barn as we can," Sweetie said as she road the cart attached to the scooter. She took out another firework and lit it as it shot into the sky. "Don't we also have to keep them away from the club house?" Scootaloo felt freezing as the wind blew in her face. "No, Apple Bloom is going to sleep at the barn tonight," Sweetie looked into the darkness that trailed them. "So we won't know if she is going to be safe until the morning," Scootaloo frowned. "Even if her sister shows up or even a beast, she has that potion, Apple Bloom won't fail, she is too stubborn," Sweetie started to feel the hungry stare and it sent a shiver down her spine. "That's true, lets keep our head on the mission," Scootaloo smirked. "I know you hate scary things so I would suggest you don't turn around for awhile." Sweetie said as a skull entered her sight. "To busy watching the road anyways," Scootaloo laughed off her fear. Another skull entered the unicorns sight and they both matched speeds as they grew close. "Lets start the night!" Sweetie took out a potion and threw it on the ground in front of the beasts. The beasts quickly found themselves stepping into the potion and they both looked into each others eyes, they stopped dead in their tracks as they began circling each other with hearts entering their vacant eye sockets. "Hey Scootaloo it looks like these 'things' are capable of love" Sweetie smirked. "I'm glad we didn't waste all that time making these poison's then!" Scootaloo kept her eyes glued to the front. A pack of wolves entered Sweeties sight as she picked up another potion. The smell of the creatures started to get to them and they began only breathing threw their mouths, the sounds of these creatures panting filled the air like a collection of cats screeching in pain. Loud Cracks came from in front of the two fillies, Scootaloo looked around but was unsure where it was coming from, the moonlight didn't help as the trees clouding her vision. Scootaloo kept on thinking what the sound could be and finally it clicked. "SWEETIE BELLE, I'M TURNING RIGHT, HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!" She yelled as fear filled her voice. "Huh, okay.." Sweetie looked back with confusion as she grabbed onto the cart. Scootaloo drifted her scooter across the dirt and grass of the apple farm. The Cracks continued until finally a Roar filled the air as the ground shook. Sweetie recollected herself after the turn and started throwing her potions again as the beasts came closer. "W-What was that?" Sweetie asked with a worried frown. "I-I H-Hope it was j-just a tree falling" Scootaloo shook. The sound of Cracking came from in front of the two fillies. Apple Bloom trotted to the cellar of the Apple Farm, the door was brown with scratches, it looked like it had been used many times before. Apple Bloom saw the lock that normally prevented entry laid on the ground. Apple Bloom took a deep breath, felt her saddle to make sure that item was still there and opened the door to the depths. Each of Apple Bloom's hoofsteps echoed throughout the underground cellar, there was little to no light but her eyes adjusted quickly. The room was full of cages, mostly dog cages but also ones of birds and even larger creatures. The room also held tables, chairs, and forms of storage. The room reeked, it was of a dull blood but a lot of booze. Apple Bloom explored the room as she searched on the desks, in drawers, under papers, and in creates. She made her way to the back of the room as a grandfather clock laid dormant and taped to the pendulum bob was a orange neckless. Apple Bloom smirked as she took out some tools and opened the case with ease, she then took off the tape carefully and grabbed the Element of Honesty. The loud haunting chime tune started to play from the clock as she closed the case, Apple Bloom immediately saw as some of the books got knocked over but was unsure what caused it. She had her hoof on her bag as a red eye stared at her from atop the grandfather clock. "Apple Bloom! Are you safe?" Scootaloo said from around the corner. "Yep, hey Scootaloo lets go back to Sugarcube Corner tomorrow," Apple Bloom picked up a bat covered in dried blood. "Sure, sounds like fun but before that we ne-" Apple Bloom threw herself around the corner as she brought the bat down from above her. She hit something and she hit it hard, the vibration filled her hooves as she struck and the sounds of bones crushing couldn't be ignored. Apple Bloom picked up the bat now filled with new blood and looked down at the small mess of flesh below her, a eye popped out from its socket and looked at Apple Bloom, bones were sticking out of the ragged flesh as it tried to speak once more as Scootaloo. "A-Ap-" The yellow earth pony threw down the bat once more as she deeply pitied this creature, once again the sounds of bones snapping and flesh being pounded filled the room as it echoed. Apple Bloom looked around the room for any more creatures but her pupils grew tiny as hoofsteps came from the entrance to the cellar. Sweetie grabbed the last love poison as she peered into the abyss that closely followed them, she then looked at Scootaloo with a unsure face and put the love poison in her saddle. "We are all out of love poisons, its time to start our retreat!" "Got it!" Scootaloo took a sharp turn as the cart closely followed. Sweetie Belle took out a sling shot and dug through her bag for a small grey ball, she then aimed it behind them waiting for the next victim. Another wolf slowly came in vision and Sweetie let go of the ball as it got shot, it missed and created smoke at the ground next to the creature. The unicorn dug through her bag again and found another ball, she loaded the sling and let go but it once again missed. The wolf grew closer and closer as Sweetie dug in her bag, she found yet another ball and aimed it at the creature. The creature pounced at Sweetie and she let go, the ball flew in-between the jaws of the beast and without a second of delay a puff of smoke shot through the creatures mouth and eyes as the creature landed head first into the side of the cart. The cart flew Sweetie into the air as it tripped the scooter and Scootaloo got sent flying forward. Sweetie fell into a bush and she quickly regained her footing, she raced to Scootaloo who managed to slow herself down enough using her wings. They both smirked at each other as they looked back to the scooter. Two wolves jumped over the scooter and both of the fillies faces quickly filled with fear. The two fillies galloped through the woods but the two beasts quickly grew closer. Sweetie looked at Scootaloo with a mixture of emotion as she brought out the final love poison and threw it behind her. The creatures quickly stepped in it and began staring into their eyes as Sweetie narrowed her eyes forward. Scootaloo only heard as the glass shattered behind her and she turned to Sweetie in confusion. "I thou-" "I just found it in my bag," Sweetie frowned. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle ran into a small opening as a jar sits on top of a stump. They both stopped running as a feeling of calm overcame them, Scootaloo looked back into the woods searching for anything that moved while she caught her breath and Sweetie couldn't keep her eyes off of the empty jar. The white unicorn trotted slowly to the jar as she brought out her hoof to touch the glass container. "Sweetie Belle, what are you doing?" Scootaloo turned back. "It's-" she stopped herself as she continued to reach out, as the orange pegasus charged her friend, her hoof landed on the object and Scootaloo vanished. Soft lights started to glow around her as she slightly shook, she was unsure why but she didn't really mind. Then Scootaloo and Apple Bloom came from behind a tree. "Scootaloo! Apple Bloom! I'm so glad you're here!" Sweetie smiled. "Me and Scoot have a surprise for ya!" Apple Bloom smirked. "I know you wanted me to kidnap you and take you away to a distant land just the two of us but I think I found a better solution!" Scootaloo smiled. Rarity came around the corner with a frown as she slowly approached. "Sweetie Belle, I messed up SOO BADLY!" Rarity began to cry. "Rarity.." the filly looked away. "I don't know how I could ever make it up to you for all of the pain I caused. You will probably never forgive me and I don't blame you but I promise with all my heart that I AM SORRY" Rarity sobbed endlessly. "I-It's okay Rarity.." Sweetie started trotting to her but wasn't moving anywhere. "Do.. Do you really mean that?" Rarity smiled as she wiped away her tears. BOOM! Sweetie felt a small pain of her hoof while the other felt as though someone was pulling it. "Um, yeah.. I really do. I-I love y-you so much b-but, y-y-you just.." Sweetie sat as she sobbed. "I-I know, an-" Sweetie looked up as she heard the sound of wood crackling and she saw a thirty foot creature made of wood getting consumed by a massive flame as Scootaloo pulled at Sweetie to leave. "SWEETIE BELLE! WE HAVE TO GO!" Scootaloo yelled as fear drove her. The white unicorn got up as tears still rolled down her face and she started sprinting with Scootaloo. The orange pegasus held a strong grip on Sweetie's hoof as she lead them forward, Sweetie blushed while she smiled at her friend. What sounded like millions of bloodcurdling screams entered the air from behind them and Scootaloo began to shake uncontrollably as she ran, yet she was still holding onto Sweetie. "Thank you so much Scootaloo! You saved my life!" tears stilled rolled down her face as she blushed. "Don't thank me," the orange pegasus bit her lip in a small whimper. "What did you do to that creature?" Sweetie looked back and saw the light of the flame. "We had an extra firework," Scootaloo bit her lip even tighter. Sweetie opened her mouth again but closed it as she looked at Scootaloo with a small smile. The two fillies continued to run as their speed lowered, their panting grew heavier and heavier until their run became a trot. "Scootaloo, I don't think I can do this anymore," the white unicorn had trouble breathing. "W-We are almost there! Its around here somewhere!" Scootaloo looked around in a panic. "Scootaloo, go to the club house without me," Sweetie smiled. "NO!" Scootaloo yelled. "I can't leave you!" Scootaloo looked left to right with no luck, yet the collection of trees looked so familiar to her. Many skulls came into sight as they surrounded the two fillies. Sweetie and Scootaloo both stuck together as they trotted back into the tree behind them and a large shadow overcame them. Scootaloo whimpered as she curled into a ball next to Sweetie. The unicorn hugged her friend deeply as she saw the skulls get closer and closer. "Scootaloo, please look me in the eyes, I need to tell you something!" Sweetie said in a serious tone. Scootaloo looked up from her ball and saw something above them but was cut off when she opened her mouth. "I have felt this way for awhile now but I never said anything and I need to say it now!" Sweetie's eyes formed more tears. "Sweetie Belle, we are safe!" Scootaloo smiled. "What?" she looked back in confusion. "Look!" Scootaloo pointed her hoof up as she smiled. When Sweetie looked up the wolves started to run and tried pouncing but was stopped by a invisible barrier, the wolves got annoyed and began clawing and biting at the barrier with no luck. Sweetie saw the back of the clubhouse, she peered around the tree they were sitting behind and saw their ramp going up into the clubhouse. She looked back to her friend as she blushed. "Umm, I'm going inside," Sweetie looked away. "Y-Yeah sounds good, I'll join you in a second!" Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head as her eyes landed on the floor of the clubhouse. Sweetie quickly touched her nose against Scootaloo's and quickly darted inside without saying anything. The orange pegasus sat there in silence as she watched the beasts try and get through the barrier. "Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo threw her hooves into her eyes. "I can't save you from Rarity and I can't kidnap you. I'm worthless... Don't love me.." Apple Bloom stood strong as she stared at the mare in front of her as she could hardly stand. "A-Apple Bloom, how many times did Ah tell yawl not to come in here!" Applejack staggered as she dropped her bottle. "What happens now?" Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes. "Right now Ah'm glad that Ah wont have to remember killing you," Applejack fell to the floor in a daze. "Ah'm going to get out of here alive!" Apple Bloom stomped her hoof. "Nah! Sis Ah love yawl more then the world itself but the rules are rules. Honestly if yawl just asked for the Element of Honesty Ah would have givin it to yawl. Too bad ya didn't!" Applejack barely kept her head off the ground as she spoke and the smell of booze was overwhelming. "Wait if Ah asked then you would have given it to us?" Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "Ah love yawl more then you know," Applejack laughed. "If it means that yawl wouldn't come down here and break the number one rule then Ah would do it." "If yawl love me so much then why do you 'have' to kill me?" Apple Bloom questioned. "ITS THE RULE!" Applejack slammed her hoof into the ground, her hoof blew up but instead of blood and flesh, hay poured out of her. "Y-You're not a pony?" Apple Bloom staggered back in horror. "Ah am pony, just not some of the time," Applejack stood back up having to catch herself multiple times. "Sorry sis, no more stalling!" Apple Bloom threw the bat at Applejack and she quickly turned around and bucked it into a million pieces with perfect precision. Applejack turned back in a smirk but noticed as Apple Bloom finished up a potion. "What was that?" Applejack's crooked glowing green smile lit up the room. "It's called the 'Potion of Hearts Desire' and it does what yawl think. Oh wait, can yawl even think," Apple Bloom smirked. Applejack quickly lunged forward as she bucked and Apple Bloom used her momentum to throw her into the grandfather clock. Applejack got up slowly as her head rung, she looked back to her sister and saw she now had a black belt as a cutie mark. "Ah forgot how stubborn yawl are sis!" the orange creature laughed as she threw a chipped piece of wood at her sister. Apple Bloom easily dodged despite the speed but as she looked back to her not so pony sister, she was gone and many small thuds lands on the floor behind her. As the filly slowly turned back she saw the eight long harry black legs of a spider holding up a orange scarecrow with sharp venom ridden teeth. "Hey sis Ah thought yawl hated spiders?" Apple Blooms mouth quivered with fear as she spoke and a single drop of sweat made its way down her soft fur. The creature threw two of its legs down with an intense speed and as the dust cleared the creature saw as Apple Bloom graciously dodged as a image of a glittery slipper found itself on the filly's foreleg. The creature made a deep guttural screech as it quickly used four of its legs to try and crush its sister below her. The dust once again settled and Apple Bloom was unharmed just as before, the filly saw as her sisters eyes became black as tiny green glowing dots appeared within her sisters vacant eyes. The spider once again brought down one of its legs to Apple Bloom and she barley managed to escape it, the spider had a large crooked smile as it brought up three more legs. Apple Bloom quickly jumped under one of the desks in fear, the spider quickly threw the desk to the side but the yellow filly was no longer in sight. The spider used its many eyes to scan the whole room and it saw the tiniest amount of movement then it pounced. A table broke in two by the pressure of the spiders leg, the spider was filled with an immense sorrow after seeing a pool of blood soaking into the floor, that was until it heard a rustling from behind. "CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" Apple Bloom whispered loudly under her breath as a large shadow stood behind her. She was dancing as she held a paper to the wall, she wrote 'Crap!' over and over again without faltering. The yellow filly had a new image on her back, one of a quill resting in a jar of ink. Apple Bloom heard the air above her move and she was sure it was not good. The spider brought down its leg on top of the still filly and it clashed to the ground as a paper slowly fell. The spider looked around the room but found nothing until it felt a weight drop on its back. Applejack's neck snapped and it rotated it's head back to see a yellow filly with a comically oversized hammer as a image of a balloon in the shape of a cake found itself between her eyes. Apple Bloom's tail had a quill as it wrote random scribbles anywhere it could while the filly danced. "ITS OVER!" The filly yelled as she swung the hammer down onto the spiders head and there was a loud POP as the large hammer disappeared into a pile of confetti. "Heh, uh, just kidding!" The spider threw the filly into the corner in a thud while the spider snapped its head back into place. Apple Bloom rubbed her head as she watched the spider stare at her, she noticed as Applejack's neck seemed to have gotten bigger, a lot bigger, and it moved uncannily, the large lump moved up into her mouth as she dislocated her jaw to spit out a large pitch white ball almost the size of her. As the ball hit the ground there was a crack that filled it and it shattered as a wave of a pitch black void filled the floor and it made its way to the yellow earth pony. The spider looked away as it started to clean up the room. Apple Bloom stood as the wave came closer and closer, she frowned but she readied a fighting pose, that's when she felt another change overcome her, she looked under her hoof and cracked a wide smile as she saw a image of a spider with a large red 'X' over it. Sweetie Belle sat on the bean bag as she continued to read her fairy tale. Scootaloo drew on a wooden circle as she placed a arrow in the center and span it. Sweetie chuckled as she flipped the page and Scootaloo's baggy eyes landed on her, she quickly looked away as she bit her lip. The door opened and Apple Bloom trotted in with a few bandages over parts of her body. "Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo's face gave off a radiant glow. "Are you okay?" Sweetie got up with a frown. "Yeah Ah'm alright! Sorry Ah took so long, Ah had to go see Applejack at the hospital," Apple Bloom smirked as she trotted behind the podium and threw the Element of Honesty in a wooden chest. "Oh, is she.. Okay?" Sweetie tilted her head. "Yeah she's fine, she is an Apple after all. She just can't work on the farm for awhile and can't get out of the hospital for a few days." Apple Bloom looked away. "What happened?" Scootaloo asked in concern. "Well, um," a drop of sweat rolls down her fur. "Lets just say mah sister turns into a spider at night, or something, and lets just say ah found a talent in squashing them," Apple Bloom frowned. "Does she remember that?" Sweetie asked. "Ah don't think so, she was pretty drunk but she did say something odd to me when Ah visited her," Apple Bloom was filled with a mixture of emotion. "What was it?" Sweetie raised an eyebrow. "Destroy the Elements of Harmony before its too late," Apple Bloom looked out the window. "Hey girls! I finally finished it!" Scootaloo smiled. "Uh, what is it?" Sweetie smiled. The three fillies looked at a wooden circle that laid flat on the ground, it was split into four selections as a arrow sat in the middle. The first selection was a pink star, the second was a butterfly, the third was a purple gem, and the final was a red bolt. "Well sense we don't know which one to do next we can leave it up to chance and spin the wheel," Scootaloo smiled. "That sounds great and all but these aren't all the same size?" Apple Bloom looked quizzically at Scootaloo. "What do you mean?" Scootaloo shrugged. "The Element of Generosity is far smaller then the rest," Apple Bloom continued to stare at Scootaloo. "OH, THAT!" Scootaloo laughed as some sweat dripped down her fur. "Here lets just spin it!" Scootaloo spun the wheel, it went around a few times and slowed down, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both sighed in relief as they saw it land on a butterfly. "Hey Apple Bloom why do you have 'PLEASE HELP ME, OH CELESTIA!' written on your back hoof?"