> Fluttershy's Watery Nights > by efug25g > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arriving at the Resort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Day, arriving at the Tropical Resort, 2 hours away from the train station leading back to Manehattan....... It was a warm spring break as Fluttershy walks into the resort from the front entrance. As she is seen carrying her two duffel bags to the receptionist desk in the lobby, Fluttershy is seen wearing a beige hat, a white tank top embroidered with green floral and a medium-sized green skirt while walking around in orange sandals. She takes her time while looking all around the lobby she sees a gym on her left and a breakfast room, as well as a sauna and a swimming pool on her right. As much as she wanted to go into the swimming pool, Fluttershy still is eager for more fun outside since the beach is only a few blocks away from the resort she is staying at. Other than that, she couldn't help but feel that her stomach is churning with excitement and her big breasts tensing up while being covered by her tank top just thinking about swimming in the ocean. Crazy enough, Fluttershy felt a bit wet underneath her skirt. She still can't go crazy just yet since there is still ponies hanging out at lobby, reading newspapers while sitting, drinking tea or coffee, and when there is other ponies trying to seek vacancy in the resort as they are still waiting in line behind her. Trying to keep it together, she approached the unicorn receptionist as she introduces herself to the employee working at the desk in the lobby. "Hi, I'm checking in to Room 5B4." Fluttershy said as she handed the receptionist the receipt of her payment for her room. "Let's see. Ms. Fluttershy from Ponyville?!" The unicorn receptionist clarified while looking at her receipt and the files on the computer in front of her on top of the desk. "Yes, that's me!" The yellow pegasus replied with a friendly chirp. "I see that you have a week to spend here in the resort and have paid 3,000 bits for the whole duration, is that right?!" The receptionist continued. "Sure. It's just something I wanted to rely on to get away from all that work-related stress." Fluttershy added in. "Very well. Here's your room key. Your room will be up on the fifth floor of the resort." The receptionist said as she lifted a room key with her magic before handing it to Fluttershy. "Enjoy your stay here, Fluttershy." "Thank you so much, ma'am." After taking the key in her hand, she put in inside the left pocket of her skirt before taking her duffel bags into her room. On the way to the 5th floor, Fluttershy remembered that she left Discord and Daddy McColt's eldest daughter to take care of Sweat Feathers Sanctuary while she is gone for the week. Ever since Fluttershy was trying to take care of Harry when he got sick after eating some tainted fish for dinner, she was struggling to find medicine for the poor bear as the medicinal storage room isn't stacked lately. To make matters worse, the medicine that Fluttershy ordered for Harry and the other animals was on delay due to another delivery mishap from Derpy taking place in Las Pegasus. After struggling to stay in contact with the deliveries to her Sanctuary for 5 days, Fluttershy knew that she needs to cool off some steam after confronting the post office. She was still haunted by the way she yelled and scolded Derpy for such idiocy. No matter, Derpy finally gave Fluttershy her bought merchandise in a medium-sized package. Thankfully, Discord was there to help Fluttershy take her bought merchandise back to her Animal Sanctuary. Noticing Fluttershy's frustration with the deliveries and services for her animal friends, Discord requested her to take a week off from work. Fluttershy may be a full grown mare at age 28, but she still is vulnerable to negative emotions regardless of age. With no other option left to spare her from such work-related stress, Fluttershy says goodbye to Discord for a while as she packs up for a summer trip to a resort on the outskirts of Manehattan via train. As soon as she reaches her room, Fluttershy comes inside to see one bed on her left, a TV placed on top of a wide dresser seen on her right facing her bed, and a sliding door leading to a small balcony where a table and 3 chairs are placed at. When she drops off her duffel bags on top of her bed, she sees a small bathroom and a small kitchen close to each other near the sliding doors. Since she didn't bring any food with her, Fluttershy unpacks her two-piece bikini swimwear and the rest of her clothes, putting them all in the dresser before she heads down to the nearby food market while carrying a small purse filled with 1,000 bits in a small hand-held pouch stuffed in it. When she goes outside of the resort, Fluttershy looks at her watch to see that it is 12:00pm when she dropped off her bags at the resort. Two hours earlier, Fluttershy took a cab to the resort after getting off the train leading to Manehattan. So as of now, she has only a few hours to buy some food before dinner. At 2:50pm, after buying 50 bits of food, Fluttershy came back to her room in the resort totally exhausted before coming up with another plan. Feeling a bit hot, she takes off all of her clothes before proceeding into the bathroom to take a quick shower in order to cool off. Inside the bathroom, she sees a very wide shower stall across from the entrance to the bedroom, with a bathroom sink on her left. Smiling at herself, Fluttershy takes one of the towels from the cabinet on her right and put it on top of the sink before entering the stall. It had a tall sliding door that reaches all the way up to the ceiling which is used to separate the shower stall from the rest of the bathroom. The moment Fluttershy opens up the sliding down, she enters the shower stall before turning on the showers. Once the water started running from the shower head inside the stall, Fluttershy closed her eyes while lifting her head up as she feels it pouring down on her nude body. Giggling underneath her breath, she lets the water flow through her as she groped on her big C-cup breasts with both of her hands several times before she laid on her back on the porcelain floor, feeling the water on her back before it goes down the drain in front of her feet. At the same time, she could feel the shower glistened onto her face and body, making her yelp out of happiness in being all naked and wet. "OH YEAH!! YES!!!" Fluttershy squealed as she constantly groped her breasts while laying on the floor inside the showers with the running water pouring on her nonstop. "YES!! YES!! YEEEEEESSSS!!!" *SIGH!!* She almost lost it when she nearly kicked the faucet underneath the shower head. It may have hurt a bit when her right foot hit the object on the shower wall, but Fluttershy was laid still as she takes a deep breath while feeling the wetness on top of her yellow bare skin. Just like that, she turns off the showers before closing her eyes while letting her nude self dry off for several minutes. After that, she gets back up and wraps herself in her own towel before looking out from her balcony when exiting the bathroom. Up on the horizon, Fluttershy sees the sun setting from the sky. When the yellow pegasus looked down at the beach, she sees that no pony is there right now. So, she takes her time while using a bit of food that she bought from market, having a small dinner before putting on her. Once Fluttershy ate, she removes her towel and puts on her bikini swimsuit before, heading down to the beach, hoping to start off her first session in skinny dipping at night. > First Night: Unexpected Ocean Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st day at the resort: 7:15pm.... As soon as she is enters the beach, via walkway from the resort she's staying at, Fluttershy can feel the warm sand flowing through her feet while wearing her two-piece bikini. All around her, Fluttershy sees that the sun disappeared. Though, she still has to wait for a couple of more minutes before the sky turns dark. So, she took off her sandals and put them on top of a nearby fallen log before walking across the beach barefooted while feeling the soft wind blowing through her exposed skin. "Man, this is such a nice breeze." Flutteshy thought as her breasts started getting perky again. "Oooooooh. I'm feeling like I'm going to cum at myself!!!" She felt herself churning as a bit of wetness is coming down from her lower bikini bottom every time she looks at the ocean on her left. When she looks down on herself, Fluttershy is now wearing a green two piece bikini that could barely hold onto her breasts and her clit. She still need to do her best to be aware of her surroundings since complete nightfall is only one hour away. As of now, its only 7:30pm. So, its best that Fluttershy needs to wait before every pony else is asleep. After walking for 10 minutes, Fluttershy decides to have a sit down on top of the sandy beach while laying on her back as she looked up to the sky smiling with delight. If only Rainbow Dash and Applejack were here, she'd be having quite a night party at the beach with her. However, since Rainbow still has another drill exercise to attend at Wonderbolts Academy and Applejack has a huge Apple Sales Market to manage in Dodge Junction, Fluttershy is on her own. As soon as its 8:00pm, Fluttershy gets up on her bare feet and walks towards the ocean. Once she stepped her right foot on the water, the yellow pegasus felt a shivering chill coming from it. However, it wasn't long before Fluttershy is able to get both of her feet into the water which is flowing up to her ankle that she is getting used to the soaking sensation. Without further a due, Fluttershy takes off her entire two-piece bikini putting it down on a nearby rock on left. After that, Fluttershy sees herself to be completely naked as she felt a shivering breeze flow through her bare skin while entering the ocean. With every step she makes while going further into the ocean, her big perky breasts started bouncing up and down making her blush with, feeling both anxious and excited at the same time. Even though the ocean feels cold at first, Fluttershy felt a bit confident in starting her skinny dipping session since no pony else is here. As she walked further into the ocean from the beach, Fluttershy could feel the water reach up to her breasts, slowing down her physical movement while feeling the soaking sensation engulf her entirely. The moment Fluttershy leaned forward and started her nude swim, she makes use of her time doing breaststrokes and turning her head left and right while moving her hands and feet in a synchronized motion. In her few minutes of swimming naked, Fluttershy reaches a nearby buoy and holds onto it for a moment before getting her bearings. She still could feel the wind blowing through her nude body while the lower part of her waist and her legs are still in the water. Not fearing the murky depths, Fluttershy eventually lets go of the buoy to swim to the left of the floating object as her breasts submerge into the ocean, with only her upper chest, her smooth bare shoulders, and her neck still showing above the watery surface. Suddenly in just one minute of swimming, Fluttershy could feel the ocean waves sweeping through the her only to carry the nude pegasus away from the beach in minutes later. Surprised, she is now completely under the mercy of the ocean as the fathoms are moving the frightened pegasus against her own will. However, Fluttershy was somehow enjoying herself while stranded in the middle of the ocean, a few miles away from the beach. With only her neck above the water, Fluttershy felt the waves splashing on her face while maintaining her floating posture in the ocean. "Oh dear, I-I-I feel totally cold!!" Fluttershy gasped while spreading her arms wide, feeling the wetness soaking through her yellow nude skin, her long pink hair, and her wings from her back. "But, it feels so good. I-I just want to..... Oh yeah. Mmmmmmm!!!" While looking above, she sees the beautiful moonlight shinning down on her nude form. At the same time, she remain afloat while standing straight thanks to her breasts, which are partially submerged. With the water soaking through her pink hair and her yellow wings, Fluttershy just can't get enough from skinny dipping in the ocean while humming and groping herself in the breast at the same time. She was in a watery heaven, letting ocean caress all around her sexy, nude form while feeling it soak through her bare skin. As she takes a deep breath in the next minute, Fluttershy dives down underwater while using both her hands and feet to swim down to ocean floor while holding her breath. Smiling, the nude pegasus sees school of fish swimming left and right, with their scales glowing as bright as the moon itself. Oh, aren't you a bunch of lovely little fish. Fluttershy thought while continuing to hold her breath underwater. She swam with the fish for a while when holding her breath underwater until she reaches the bottom of the ocean where there is sand and sea plants all around her. Still holding onto her breath, Fluttershy sees the fish disappear into the darkness underneath the rocks. As much as she still wanted to follow them, Fluttershy still needs to let out some air first before swimming. The moment her chest started burning, Fluttershy lifted herself up to face the surface above before kicking her feet as fast as she could. Just as soon as she emerged, Fluttershy gasped for air while letting her hair flow behind her back as it landed on top of her wings before hitting the ocean surface once again. Looking down at herself, Fluttershy started giggling to herself while seeing the water covering up the lower part of her breasts before she held onto them with both of her hands, letting more water drips go down from her face onto her bare chest. "That was refreshing. Now, let's see how far am I from the beach." Fluttershy thought as she looked all around her. While still in the ocean, Fluttershy turns to see the beach from a few miles away from where she is at. Below her in-between the female pegasus and the beach up ahead, she could see a bit of the rocky surface a few feet from where she is floating. At first, she thought for sure that the rocky surface below the water is rough once she had her bare feet on top of it. However, after swimming a bit towards the rocks clumped together, Fluttershy felt that the rocky surface under the water is actually somewhat smooth. Feeling confident to take a break from swimming, she went up to the rocky surface while feeling the water flow through her feet when walking on top of it. She finally sat on top of the rocky terrain before she laid down on her back, feeling water flowing through her hair and her nude body at the same time. While breathing in and out, Fluttershy could feel her entire nude body becoming one with ocean, floating a few inches above the underwater rocky surface. With the soft ocean waves passing through her, Fluttershy falls asleep naked and relaxed, while bathing in the ocean. With the silence all around her, Fluttershy smiled to herself as she is having inner peace, placing both of her hands on her stomach while the rest of her nude body is in the water. Ahhhhhh!! Such a good life. Fluttershy thought as she spends her time sleeping naked in the water above the rocky terrain. 9:56pm........ Unbeknownst to the sleeping, bathing female pegasus, a big red tentacle appeared from somewhere deep from one of the holes within the rocky surface underwater, in front of Fluttershy's bare feet. The tentacle had an interest in Fluttershy as it poked one of her feet for a few times, in case she is about to wake up from her soaking, beauty sleep. Realizing an opportunity to caress the beautiful mare, it wrapped its tentacle on her right ankle slowly. "Mmmmmmm!!" Fluttershy hummed while continuing to feel the soothing water caress her naked form, unaware of the tentacle grabbing her ankle up front. While Fluttershy touched herself by her breast, the red tentacle tightens its grip on her ankle with a slow squeeze. "W-What is this feeling?!" Fluttershy softly gasped as she slowly opens up her eyes. Before she knew it, the tentacle pulls Fluttershy to the other side of the underwater rocky edge in a surprising jerking motion. "WHOA!!!" Fluttershy yelped as she got yanked straight into the water, followed by a loud splash. Now underwater again, Fluttershy looks down to see the red tentacle on her ankle before she held her right hand across both of her lovely breasts and her left hand covering her clit. Even though she can't talk underwater, Fluttershy looked around only to see a huge dark corner underneath the rocky surface, in which the red tentacle is coming out from. As she held her breath to see what kind of creature just pulled her underwater, Fluttershy isn't sure what it is since it's so dark and murky. However, when Fluttershy noticed its small suction cups on the tentacles, she can hope to assume that it is some sort of red octopus that has yet to come out of the shadows. Instead, only two big yellow eyes opened up to see Fluttershy from the underwater abyss. She couldn't help but blush madly for a bit as more red tentacles came out of the underwater shadows. Before she knew it, the tentacles wrapped around both of Fluttershy's legs before snaking its way up to her breasts. With one tentacle pulling her right hand away, it suddenly got obsessed in massaging Fluttershy's big breasts without a second thought as it sucked on them with its suction cups. OH MY!! T-T-THAT'S....OOOOOOOOOOO!!! Fluttershy thought as she felt the red tentacles sucking on her nude body underwater. She felt like her chest is going up and down while her throat started burning in holding her breath further, pushing her oxygen towards her limit. With the tentacles squeezing Fluttershy's breasts profusely, she looked up towards the surface of the ocean before she closed her eyes and smiled at herself. Her underwater heaven is getting much more intense than she is expecting on her first day in skinny dipping in the ocean. In just 3 minutes of feeling the caressing of tentacles while underwater, Fluttershy is did her best to hold onto her breath for as long as possible. She may need to reach the surface to regain her oxygen or else she is going to drown. Since she is still being held by the octopus' tentacles all over her nude body, Fluttershy continues to bear the squeezing sensation of it's suctions while letting one tentacle enter her clit. She wanted to moan and gasp while feeling the tentacles embrace her entire body. However, she can't do anything but gurgle since all of this sexual sensation is taking place underwater right now. "Mmmmmm!!!" "Mmmmmm!!!" "MMMMMM!!!!" As the squeezing intensifies, Fluttershy could feel her bare chest and body burning up more and more. Before long, a few air bubbles are leaving Fluttershy's mouth, noticing that she is getting close to her oxygen limit. While covering her mouth with her right hand, she looked at the glowing yellow eyes of the creature at the dark area that the tentacles are coming from. She could feel one of its tentacles going straight through her clit, making Flutteshy panic while struggling to hold her breath underwater. Unfortunately, she is slowly about to black out as she is about to drown. So, she only had one thing to do to make the creature stop squeezing her body and shoving its tentacle right between her legs. Fluttershy used her "Stare" as she glared at the glowing eyes, trying to intimidate the creature hiding inside the darkness underneath the rocky surface. At first, the hidden octopus seemed pretty confused on what is Fluttershy trying to pull. However, she repeatedly grabbed the tentacle squeezing her breasts and trying to push it away from her, telling it that Fluttershy is done for the night. Finally, the octopus lets go of the naked pegasus mare before Fluttershy kicks both of her legs furiously as she reached out both of her hands towards the surface of the ocean. Her chest started hurting with every upper stroke Fluttershy makes. No that it matters, she needs to put up with painful endurance if she were to survive in the ocean. As soon as she reached to the surface of the ocean, Fluttershy's head lurches out of the water before lowering herself down up to the level of her breasts, gasping for air while a squirt of water spewed out of her mouth. *COUGH!! COUGH!! COUGH!!* Fluttershy coughed up her lungs for a moment before looking at the beach only to see it closer to where she is while floating her the ocean. In the next minute, she submerged underwater to see where is the octopus now. When she turned her nude body around 360 degrees, Fluttershy sees that the creature is no where in sight for its glowing eyes disappeared into the murky darkness below the ocean. It's as if she terrified it with her assertive demeanor. As much as the yellow pegasus wanted to know what that creature wanted, she can't see where did it go after she regained her oxygen from the surface. All of a sudden, Fluttershy felt herself shiver upon realizing that the ocean's temperature is dropping 1 degrees every 10 minutes, considering that she had overstayed her time in the water. Not eager to freeze to death while in the nude, Fluttershy swam back up to the watery surface and did a breaststroke towards the beach. She was able to swim back to the beach easy now, since the waves pushed her towards the shore at the same time. 10:38pm..... Once at the beach, Fluttershy was able to touch the underwater sand with her hands before getting back up from the ocean she was swimming from. Once she was on her feet, Fluttershy started shivering like crazy after her skinny dipping session and her unexpected caress by the red octopus tentacles underwater. Despite feeling soaked down to the bone, Fluttershy started laughing to herself after experiencing such unexpected fun time in the ocean. "That was amazing. I want to do it again but longer." Fluttershy muttered to herself as she went back to the place that she left her bikini at. "Maybe tomorrow. I can hope I'll be able to have more fun with that creature again. I still have the rest of the week to spend here after all." As she makes her way back to the resort after picking up her bikini, Fluttershy covers her breasts and her clit once again before entering the room. On the way, she went through the back entrance of the resort in hopes that no pony would see her. Thankfully, the lobby is completely empty and the receptionist is no longer at her desk after 8pm. Relieved, Fluttershy makes it back to her room as she wiped herself down with another unused towel before going to her bed. It's a shame that Fluttershy didn't bring her nightwear with her when she packed her bags for the trip here. However, she didn't care that much because Fluttershy always enjoyed being naked when she is living alone in her room, whether it is at home or at the resort. Without further a due, Fluttershy laid on top of her bed and closed her eyes before she is fast asleep, still completely naked. > Second Night, all the way to midnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:00am, 2nd day at the resort....... Fluttershy is sleeping on her side while still naked as the sun rays hit the floor a few inches away from her bed. When she finally woke up from her beauty sleep, she sees that she was drooled inadvertently on the bed covers before getting up. As soon as she sat up, Fluttershy wiped the drool of her mouth and breathed in for a moment. With one good yawn, Fluttershy stretched out her arms up to the ceiling before her feet hit the floor. She walks up to the sunlight as she sees that it is now morning at her resort. Even though, she had a fun time skinny dipping last night, Fluttershy still needs take a shower to wash off all of the stickiness she has one her naked skin after spending her night skinny dipping in the ocean. After that, she has to get dressed before heading down to the lobby to get some breakfast. Without another minute to spare, the yellow pegasus mare took a quick shower without wasting any more time, using soap and shampoo on herself before finishing up. After drying herself with a spare towel, Fluttershy then walks up to the dresser before putting on different clothes. Today, she is now wearing a white hat, a green tube top and skirt, tall white socks reaching up to her knees, and pink tennis shoes. Fluttershy's face started blushing lightly while looking at the mirror, noticing herself to be in a moderately, sexy appearance. At first, she felt a bit nervous to go around public with her big, wide curves showing. However, she still has to keep Rainbow Dash's and Rarity's lectures of self-confidence in check. So as soon as she left the resort, Fluttershy takes out a map to see where can she go before heading back for dinner. While pointing onto her map, Fluttershy takes an interest in going out on an island boating tour to see the animals living there. Throughout the day before 5:00pm, she went with a group of tourists on several small islands, seeing all sorts of jungles. Even though, some of the tourists were scared in seeing the scary creatures living in the dense, tropical environment, Fluttershy took the lead alongside the frightened tour guide for she was able to subdue most of them thanks to her animal handling expertise. It's pretty odd for the tour guide to see Fluttershy placate the wild animals of their aggression but it's worth it since the tour guide isn't as confident as she is. In fact, she even calmed a ferocious tiger that was cranky because he didn't get enough sleep. In fact, Fluttershy was able to sing a feline lullaby that she learned from a book called "How do Big Cats behave," which she borrowed from Twilight's castle weeks ago. After the boat tour, Fluttershy went to a nearby water sports shack to buy a two pairs of swimming goggles and a small breathable mask at 5:55pm. She didn't bother buying any scuba gear or oxygen tanks because she still want to feel the endurance of staying underwater. However, she still wanted to have the small breathable mouth piece in case of emergency, when her lungs are being pushed extremely beyond her limit. Apart from the merchandise she purchased at the shack, Fluttershy still has an underwater camera that she bought from Manhattan one day ago before taking the train to the tropical beach resort. She remembers stuffing it inside one of her duffel bags before leaving it inside her room back at the resort. At 6:30pm after, getting what she wanted from the sports shack, Fluttershy dropped her stuff off at the resort before going out to dinner at a nearby restaurant a few blocks away. Moments later, she ate dinner at a nearby diner called Sea Shell cafe, paying 20 bits afterwards. While walking back to the resort, Fluttershy checks the temperature with a weather forecast stand seen above a few beach huts. It says that the ocean current has dropped down to only 1 knot of wind, realizing that the ocean will not be as rough like last time. Also, it pointed out that there will be a low-tide all night long. Seeing this, Fluttershy thinks that it's going to be a different experience when skinny dipping on the second night at the beach. Smiling to herself, she takes her time while looking towards her and to the ocean on the horizon as she walked back to the resort. 6:45pm...... The moment Fluttershy reaches the resort, she is still thinking about the octopus that is hiding inside the underwater rocky surface somewhere in the ocean. If she were to make up for her overreaction, Fluttershy may need to understand what the creature wants. For some reason, she may find out more than what meets the eye. As soon as she enters the resort, Fluttershy makes a choice before the night sets in. She could either not wearing anything but a white towel wrapped around her body before heading to the beach when every pony is asleep or she could still wear her bikini like last night. After giving it some though, she thought that it is better wearing the towel wrapped around her body instead because Fluttershy almost couldn't find her bikini after she took it off before skinny dipping in the ocean. Anyway, she still has two hours to spare before going skinny dipping again in the ocean. While hanging around inside her room, Fluttershy decided to take a little rest on top of her bed while watching the TV across from where she is at. As she used the remote, she went down a couple of channels until she found the channel called Animal Planet. From 7:00pm to 8:00pm, Fluttershy watched "The Aquarium" where she took several notes on her note pad to see how she can socialize with the fish while they swim around inside an aquarium tank. However, she has yet to install an aquarium tank back at her Animal Sanctuary since the service in building one there can cost up to 15,000 to 20,000 bits. Since she only has 12,000 bits in her bank account after getting paid for helping out the animals so far, Fluttershy can't afford an aquarium tank yet; the average animal food budget that Flutteshy usually pays for to take care of the animals is between 3,000 to 4,000 bits and her average revenue in working at her Animal Sanctuary is only 8,500 bits for every month. So in this case, Fluttershy has to save up more on her income for a couple of months first before she can get an aquarium tank in her Animal Sanctuary. Just as the sky turned dark at 8:02pm, Fluttershy turns off the TV and takes off all of her clothes before wrapping her naked body with white, unused towel. As she left her room, Fluttershy went down the stairs while holding her towel tightly to her body before heading out the back door leading to the beach, carrying her goggles and her breathable mouthpiece with her. As she approached the beach on her second night, Fluttershy could feel the temperature get a bit warmer than yesterday. Judging from the wind flowing through her bare shoulders, she assumed that the temperature is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. When she looked both left and right with no other pony around, she dropped her towel on top of a long, white log on her left before she happily runs towards the ocean. When she got to the shore where the waves stop, Fluttershy spots a wide, rocky surface ahead of her. Since it is now low tide, she can see the most of the rocky surface on the horizon isolated from the beach a distance away as it is shinning bright by the moonlight looming over it. With full of excitement and adrenaline, Flutteshy puts the strap of her goggles around her neck, attaching the mouthpiece on its side before she dives into the ocean once again. *SPLASH!!!* Once Fluttershy is in the ocean, she puts on her goggles and her mouthpiece as she swam deeper underwater, a couple of inches below the ocean surface, while paddling towards the huge rocks using both her hand and feet strokes in synchronized scoops and kicks. With every inch of swimming towards the smooth rocky surface, Fluttershy could feel her big breasts drooping down from her chest making her blush a bit. She imagined herself sleeping underwater, as if she were to be a beautiful, sexy mermare staying inside the ocean for all eternity. However, that can wait for another night because she wanted to see more from the rocky surface she was on top of during the low-tide; it may only be her chance to do so since its not everyday that the ocean becomes low-tide. With the ocean flowing through her nude body again underwater, Fluttershy felt very warm and comfortable during her swim towards the huge rocky area, which is a few meters in front of her. As soon as she reached the edge of the large rocky surface with her right hand, Fluttershy could feel the wet slick rocks a few feet above her while she is still in the water, up to her neck. Cautiously, she leaned her body forward so that she can get up on the smooth surface of the flat, hard surface before getting up out of the water. The moment she is on the flat rocks, Fluttershy sees several patches of wet moss, big and medium sized holes filled with sea water, and starfish laying flat on the wet surface. Most of the holes in front of Fluttershy are dark and murky, considering that the red octopus might be using several of them to reach out its tentacles to touch anything it can get its suctions on. Just as Fluttershy took off her goggles and her mouthpiece, she held it with her left hand before crawling on all fours when making her way to one of the big water holes. At one water hole, Fluttershy could see all sorts of little fish, starfish, and sea anemonies underwater. The water hole happened to be as big as 100 feet in diameter and 3 inches down below the rocks that she is standing on; it's big enough for Fluttershy to hop right in. Smiling with delight, Fluttershy stood up on her feet slowly as she put down her mouthpiece in a tiny hole, so that it doesn't get swept away. As she inhaled her breath, Fluttershy puts on her goggles again and raised both her hands up above her head and leaned forward in a arch position. Instantly, she dived into the water hole and leaving behind a splash. Now submerged inside the big water hole, Fluttershy swam down to the bottom level. As soon as she sat down with her bare butt on top of the sand. She sees one of the fish up close as their scales are shinning more brighter. She couldn't help but make an adorable smile on her face as one of the fish nearby stared at her. Before she knew it, the fish was sucking on her right breast making the nude girl hum with delight. Looks like this fish really likes me. I-I-I-I could just....... Fluttershy thought as she felt the little fish sucking the juices out of her. Oh Yeah!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Fluttershy whimpered as some air bubbles left her mouth. She immediately held her mouth closed with her left hand before she laid down on the sand and seaweed, while still underwater. Feeling the sand on her naked wings and bare back, Fluttershy looks up to see the moonlight shinning down on her through the hole that she came in from while underwater. She could see clearly that the water hole she is submerged in has a blue light illuminating everywhere around her; she could even feel the blue light shinning down on her naked body while underwater. Fluttershy tilted her head backwards, as she is masturbating with the fish still sucking on her beautiful breast. At the same time, she was groping her left breast with her right hand while grabbing her clit and holding her breath at the same time. It just had to make Fluttershy go wild as she still struggling desperately to stay underwater inside the water hole for as long as possible. When she felt some juice coming out of the breast that the fish is sucking on, Fluttershy started blushing after she stopped groping her clit. It felt really ticklish when feeling the fish's mouth on Fluttershy's breast. "MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!" Fluttershy groaned while holding her breath, only for her face to turn from bright red to purple. OH YES!! YES!! YEEEEEEES!!! The naked pegasus was just smiling like crazy when feeling the fish biting on her breast with its small, teeth. It may hurt a bit, but Fluttershy is just enjoying every minute of the fish clamping its little jaws on her soft breast. Like any other creature, Fluttershy always seeing the positive side of any fish or other aquatic creatures. In just one minute of masturbating inside the water hole while submerged, the fish lets go of Fluttershy's breast before disappearing to the other side of the water hole. However, Fluttershy's chest is still burning after masturbating. As much as she needed to go up out of the water hole to get air, she still wanted to push to her limit in a few more minutes before reaching up to its entrance. "MMMMMMMM!!!" Fluttershy moaned with her mouth closed. "BLUUUURRRRRGGGGHHH!!" Fluttershy gurgled a bit as a big air bubble leaving her mouth. Seeing that her time is up, she immediately kicked fiercely with her feet as she reached both her hands up towards the entrance of the water hole. As she kicked with both of her legs straight, she swam up as fast as she could while her chest is burning as hot as iron. Her face started to turn blue just as she reached the entrance of the water hole. *GASP!!!* Fluttershy reaches up to the surface of the water hole as she took deep breaths, while in the water. The water level is now up to her breasts while still floating above the huge water hole. As soon as she looked up to the night sky, she still see that the night is still looming over on the horizon way out to the rest of the ocean. She still wanted to have more fun in the ocean. 9:00pm..... Fluttershy still haven't forgotten about the tentacle creature living within these underwater rocks. So, she spends most of her time at night by leaning backwards before floating in the ocean while still inside the huge water hole. Unlike last time, Flutteshy could feel the ocean water flowing through her bare back instead of the rocky surface touching her submerged wings and tail. Now that her entire nude body has enough room to float around in the water, Fluttershy's wings spread out to her left and right. At the same time, Fluttershy also spread out her arms the same way as her wings while letting the water flow through her beautiful long, pink hair and her pink tail. "Ah!! So peaceful!!" Fluttershy muttered in a soothing voice as she felt the water flowing through her neck and breasts. With the ocean flowing up to her neck, Fluttershy was determined to see the red tentacled creature again for more sexual pleasure. This time, she wanted to do this while she is still bathing inside the water hole in the middle of the ocean. She closed her eyes once again while floating nakedly across the ocean. 10:00pm After spending one hour floating inside the water hole from within the rocky surface in the middle of the ocean, Fluttershy was feeling really adaptable to the constant wetness all around her naked body. She was living in a lustful dream of living in the ocean everyday. Always naked! Always bathing! Always happy!! If only she could do this with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, or Twilight so that she wouldn't be doing this alone. However, just like Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they were all too busy with their jobs. Even if they did have time, Fluttershy is felt too embarrassed to ask any of them to go out for a skinny dipping swim in the ocean; it may be risky to do so when there is still sea creatures lurking underneath the dark, murky waters. For Fluttershy, she is already having a good experience in skinny dipping in the ocean since hardly any sea predators are obsessed in having her for dinner. She thought for sure that when the tentacled creature wrapped her underwater while masturbating her, Fluttershy assumed that it just wanted to have fun too like she does. She couldn't wait for more. But it seems that the creature didn't show any signs yet. Not worry too much over the creature's lack of presence, Fluttershy breathes in slowly as she held both of her big breasts with her hands while still laying afloat. Before she knew it, a red tentacle appeared from Fluttershy's side as it came out from somewhere below the watery surface inside the water hole. As she looked on her right, Fluttershy smiled with glee that the creature is finally here for more sexual sessions. The moment Fluttershy nodded, the tentacle wrapped itself around her waist as it helped the naked, bathing mare lift herself back up, straightening her back while her breast and chest are below the water level. Feeling happy to go for another round, Fluttershy looked up to the moon smiling while cupping her right breast with her left hand. For the creature holding onto the naked Fluttershy, it wrapped another tentacle behind her back, over her wings and her right shoulder, making her feel the suctions all around her naked body. Down below the water line, the pegasus felt more red tentacles wrapping around both of her legs, making sure that Fluttershy will stay in place while in the water. The moment Fluttershy nodded her head, she start feeling the tentacles rubbing and caressing her legs, her back, and her left breast while her body and chest are above the water level. "AH!! OH YEAH!! AHHHHHHH!!! YES!! YES!!" Fluttershy happily moaned as she felt the tentacles wrapping tightly on her left breast. The moment she lets go of her right breast, another tentacle appeared on Flutteshy's left and groped on it, making her sexy session more harder than usual. "DON'T STOP!!! YES!! YES!! FAST HARDER!! DEEPER!!! DEEPER!!!" Fluttershy screamed, while feeling the pressure of the red tentacles getting tighter and tighter. "OH YES!!! YEEEEEEES!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Fluttershy just couldn't stop screaming with delight while feeling one of the tentacles enter her clit right between both of her legs once again. Even with tears coming out of her eyes, she ignored the pain coming from both of her breasts and her clit while feeling the tentacles and the water consuming her inside out. At the same time, she was also laughing her head off for she started to feel ticklish when the tentacle creature was going all out on Fluttershy. "OH YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Fluttershy just couldn't tell if she were to be the most beautiful, sexiest mare ever, despite her sense of being nervous. Surely, there are other mares who are obsessed in achieving their own beauty since most of them happen to be very sexy when they're young. Through her point of view, Fluttershy can only hope that Discord will be totally excited to see her like this, completely naked and skinny dipping in the ocean all night long. It's a shame he isn't here when all this happened. No matter, one day he will accept her natural, sexy beauty if not for another coltfriend. For now, she is obsessed in taking her own private time from work in the most sexiest, uncensored, and wildest way possible. The sexual masturbating that Fluttershy is having went on and on for like until 10:59pm, making her scream with pleasure and pain while still bathing in the ocean, above the water in the middle of the wet rocky surface. "AH!! AH!! AH!! AH!! YES!! YES!! YES!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!" Fluttershy squealed excitedly, as the tentacles groping both of her breasts, squirt juices out of them before they spill all over the water in front of her. It is like 11:09pm when Fluttershy started to have liquid coming out of her body as it flows down to the ocean all around her. Feeling satisfied by such sexual arousal, Fluttershy closed her eyes as she felt her breasts and chest get pulled down by the tentacles only for her neck to still show above the water. *SIGH!!!* "Oh!" Fluttershy sighed as the tentacles lifted her up backwards. Feeling exhausted, Fluttershy is now floating on top of the watery surface once again as her hair, wings, and tail are being soaked underwater. With the tentacles still holding her while floating, Fluttershy inhaled and exhaled as another the red tentacles reached out to the rocky surface to grab Fluttershy's mouthpiece before holding it towards her. As much as she wanted to go for another round of underwater enduring, Fluttershy felt a bit exhausted after her underwater session with the fish that sucked on her breast earlier and her just recent sexual sensation she had with the tentacle creature. So, she took the mouthpiece from the red tentacle holding it and placed it in her mouth, so that she can breath normally while underwater. She closes her eyes while holding the mouthpiece with her teeth before the tentacles pulled her down all the way as she is now underwater once more. This time, Fluttershy can feel the water all around her naked body without holding her breath. As the tentacled creature slowly lowered the beautiful, naked mare down on the sandy floor underwater, she opens up her eyes only to see that the tentacled creature to be huge red octopus hovering above Fluttershy. When it looked at her, Fluttershy smiled for a bit before the octopus landed flat on the sandy floor on her right while stilling holding her with its tentacles. "Hello there. Are you lonely?" Fluttershy asked as bubbles came out of her mouthpiece. The octopus nodded with a humming noise. As it approached Fluttershy, he wanted to embrace her because he had no one to play with. She could also hear in his bubbling voice that most of the fish are scared of him because of his red color. He tried and tried to have fun inside the huge rock that he is living with but he scared off most of the tourists living in the resort that Fluttershy is staying at. "It's okay. I'll be here." Fluttershy said as she hugged the octopus with both of her hands. While hugging the red octopus, it also makes more bubbling noises. "Wait, you've been watching this resort from afar yet the tourist living here didn't go anywhere near this ocean because of they fear you?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm sorry, I had no idea. Tell you what? I'll still stop by here for one week every month while taking a break from work so that you won't be lonely. Is that okay with you?" The octopus nodded with delight as it embraced her again. Seeing that the octopus replied with "Yes," Fluttershy smiled as she makes finishes her conversation with it. "I still have five nights left to spare at the resort. We'll keep having fun together here until then, okay?!" As the octopus accepted Fluttershy, it lets go of the naked pegasus completely before she falls asleep underwater. Just like that, Fluttershy lays flat on the sandy floor totally relaxed as she closes her eyes while feeling the water and the moonlight shinning down from above as it is embracing the beautiful, sexy mare in her sleep. At the same time, Fluttershy places her right hand in the middle of her chest before groping and touching her left breast softly. At midnight 12:00 am, Fluttershy wakes up only to finds herself back on the beach, still completely naked while lying on the sand, with her mouthpiece and her goggles attached to her face and mouth. "What the?? How did I get here so fast??" Fluttershy said in confusion before changing the subject. "Never mind. I think I was in the ocean long enough." The moment Fluttershy sat up, she sees that her entire nude body is covered up in sand after spending long hours of skinny dipping in the ocean. For her, the week in the resort is just getting started. When she felt the wind blow through her naked body, Fluttershy gets back up on her feet before taking a quick dip in the ocean as she washed all of the sand off her skin, hair, tail, and wings. After that, she grabs the towel and wraps it around her wet nude body, taking off both her mouthpiece and goggles before heading back up the pathway leading to the resort. From behind, the head of the red octopus emerged from the ocean watching Fluttershy from a distance away before seeing her disappear into the tropical resort. > Third Night: Stranded and Drenched in the Rainforest Lagoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Day: 7:30am...... After going to bed and slept until 7:30, Fluttershy gets up to go for a quick shower to get all of the stickiness off her skin once again before putting on another set of clothes for the third day in the resort. In just one minute of getting dress, Fluttershy is seen in wearing a pink tank top that only covers her upper chest, with thin pink straps wrapped over her bare yellow shoulders, green shorts, and black strap-on sandals used for both the water and for walking. With a half-exposed shirt to wear for the day, Fluttershy couldn't help but blush slightly when she notices that it made both of her breasts stiff and perky; considering that she is getting more sexier every time she is wearing different clothes. The resort may have a laundromat service down at the lobby but Fluttershy was no intention of washing her dirty laundry here since she only has 4 days left to spend here. She also has a pair of sunglasses and a blue cap to wear on her face and head since she is going on a morning safari inside a rainforest, which lies on another island up north of the resort and across the ocean. Fluttershy gets her blue backpack on her shoulders, which was rolled up inside her duffel bag. Once she puts her backpack on her bed, it is seen to have a small white rabbit key chain attached to its left shoulder strap and purple, yellow floral decals sewn on its upper, middle back. She managed to put some food, a map, a large rolled-up tarp, and a compass inside her backpack before heading out of the resort and went down to the pier where a small ferry will be departing to the rainforest. 8:45am....... As soon as Fluttershy reached the piers, she went to the ferry in charge of taking her to a safari in the rainforest. At the ramp of the ferry, Fluttershy paid 50 bits for the safari in front of the earth pony ferry attendant. After taking the money from Fluttershy, he let the female pegasus onboard before the ferry departing 20 minutes later. 10:05am..... When the ferry took off from Manehattan docks, with most of the crew steering the ship towards the east heading towards a huge island in approximately 120 miles. 11:55am..... When the ferry reached the island, it was seen to be dissected into two huge islands from each other for a wide stream is spotted in-between. The ferry dropped the anchor 100 meters from the island's shores before the captain makes his announcement on the PA speakers. "Attention every pony. We have dropped anchor and are preparing the lifeboats for all tourists. Please, proceed and stay with the tour guides before heading out to the rainforest safari." Eager for more exploration, Fluttershy puts on her backpack and heads down to lifeboat 17. Before she went in, one of the ferry crewmembers gave her a life vest to wear in case the lifeboat gets capsized. As she put on her vest, Fluttershy could feel her breasts underneath her tank-top getting pressurized by the inflatable gear. She did her best not to make a scene out of herself since Fluttershy is still going on the safari with a public group of ponies. Just when Fluttershy is on the lifeboat, along with 12 other ponies, the two crewmembers onboard the ferry lets loose the mooring line allowing the lifeboat to cast off to the island. With one crewmember steering the lifeboat with her left hoof, she directed it towards the island on the right of the wide stream before making a landing at the shores in front of the rainforest. Once the lifeboat reaches the shore, the crewpony and the tour guide were the first to get out as their feet plunge into the shallow water below the sand before pulling it further away from the ocean. Once that's done, Fluttershy and the rest of the ponies got off before they follow the tour guide into the rainforest, leaving the crew pony to secure the lifeboat. At the same time, about 5 other lifeboats reached the shore carrying the rest of the tourists as they rejoined with the tour guide. Just like from the lifeboat that Fluttershy was on, the other crew ponies secured their lifeboats before going with their tour guide. As they formed up, the tour guide takes the lead of the group with the 5 crew ponies, Fluttershy, and 20 pony tourists following from behind. "Once we venture into this rainforest, I expect every pony to stay together no matter what. There is all sorts of huge snakes and jungle predators hiding within these dense forested areas. So, don't wander off for any reason. If any of you had to go, please make sure I know first. Are we clear?!" After the tour guide hears every pony say "Yes!" He continues to lead the group into the rainforest where he will be pointing out to several springs and waterfalls while on the trail. 1:30pm...... *RUMBLE!!!* For a few hours of hiking through the dense rainforest, Flutteshy could hear the thunder rumbling right above the jungle trees as dark, grey clouds. On the trails that Fluttershy and the other tourists are walking on, they could feel the wet mud splattering on their feet and exposed legs. Most of the other tourists are wearing different kinds of short pants like Fluttershy is. In the next 10 minutes, the rain started pouring on Fluttershy and the entire group, forcing most of the tourists, crew ponies, and the tour guide to put on their rain ponchos. Since Fluttershy, however, doesn't have any rain poncho inside her backpack, she needed to cover her chest with both of her hands since the rainwater is immediately exposing her breasts as her sleeveless shirt is getting soaked, feeling most of the rain penetrate her cloth before it is going down on her yellow skin. Since she doesn't have spare clothes inside her backpack, Fluttershy needs to do her best to put up with the wetness soaking all over her for now. In fact, she actually didn't mind getting drenched when the rain is pouring down on her clothes since she is already used to getting soaked from the previous two nights of skinny dipping. Instead, once the rain stops, Fluttershy just lets herself dry underneath the sunlight while walking with the group of tourists. They still haven't ran into any wild creatures inside the rainforest yet, so the tour guide kept the group going to the places that are currently safe. So far, the tour guide has led them to a shiny lagoon where the water was brought in by the stream leading outside of the rainforest. The lagoon was seen as a bright blue reflection where there are vines and roots sprouting from below the tall huge trees nearby as both are dipping into the water of the large lagoon. It was within a forest clearing where a big, wide waterfall is spotted at a distance across the lagoon. Fluttershy felt excited to see more fish swimming in the lagoon. She only wished that she'd go skinny dipping in the rainforest too. However, since it is still noon time, Fluttershy can't do this without getting caught. No matter, she also saw pretty colorful frogs standing on top of the big leaves of the trees and the tropical plants across and above her view. The tour guide also warned her and the tourists that the frog's colorful coatings hold lethal toxins that are used to kill their prey just by touch it. So, most of the tourists did their best not to touch any of them even if they are seen up close. For Fluttershy, she felt a bit disappointed that she had to follow the guidelines of the tour guide. Though, it's best that they are left alone in their natural habitat. This also reminded her of the big red octopus that is living in the underwater rocks near the resort. She does love animals but she can't always keep them forever at home. They be better off living on their own in the wilderness since their utmost survival depends on it. Moving on, the tour guide decides to lead Fluttershy and the rest of the group further into the rainforest trail where they could hear the loud water rushing through the streams nearby. As the trail leads them closer to the stream, Fluttershy could see a part of the stream heading to a different direction from her right. The stream is flowing down through a small rapid where it leads to a waterfall. When the group stopped near the waterfall, they see the flowing rapids pour down into a huge dark hole where the water disappears into. When seeing it, Fluttershy could feel her lower, bare stomach churning anxiously thinking that she wanted to go swim inside the water down the hole below the waterfall. She can't really go against the tour guides since he already knows how to direct the group in the rainforest when she doesn't. In fact, Fluttershy isn't as confident as Rainbow is when it comes to going on adventures inside tropical jungles, especially when she goes with Daring Do during several rainforest expeditions. Also, she can't bend any rules during this safari trip since Fluttershy will just get lost in the rainforest. 2:00pm..... The Tour Guide led us to another part of the beach outside of the rainforest to the east before they provided us lunch. As Fluttershy and the tourists go on their lunch break, they had hay burgers and leaf sandwiches to munch. Unfortunately, in just 20 minutes of lunch, one of the crew members gets a call from the ferry captain. He was notified that a flash storm is heading towards the rain forest that they're in right now. Unlike the natural rain inside the tropical forest, the flash storm is much worse because the tour guide also pointed out that every month, the streams within the rainforest rise up to 10 inches of flowing water making the entire island flooded as it forces the creatures living there to climb up to higher ground. Upon hearing the ferry captain's orders, the tour guide and the crew ponies ordered all of the tourists to head back to the lifeboats that showed up just now. At first, the tourists are able to go into single file lines before they proceeded onto the lifeboats, with Fluttershy at the far end. However, after half of the tourists got onboard the lifeboats, the flash storm immediately makes its way over the rainforest right behind the rest of the tourists as a massive flood came out of the tropical jungle heading straight for them. In a panic, the rest of the tourists were struggling to get on the lifeboats in a hurry making the crew ponies totally overwhelmed. For Fluttershy, she tried to keep up with them when all of a sudden, one of the frightened tourists grabs her backpack, mistaking it for a similar backpack, not even looking back before he makes it to one of the lifeboats. "WAIT!! STOP!!! THAT'S MY---!!" Fluttershy screamed before she was knocked out by a flying branch that was came spewing out from the flash flood behind her. Once the branch hit hit in the back of her head, Fluttershy blacked out before she fell face flat onto the sand as her hat abruptly came falling off her head and her sunglasses flying away from her face. Oblivious to everything around her, the shouts faded away as the unconscious pegasus gets swept up by the flash flood. 5:00pm...... Just when Fluttershy was seeing stars for like an hour or two, she wakes up only to see herself coming out of the water. Once she got up, Fluttershy felt totally drenched by the flash flood. As soon as she got her bearings, she sees that Fluttershy is somehow stranded somewhere deep in the rainforest, where the trees and the elevated stream are in front of her. When she looks down on herself, she was completely muddy and soaked down to the bone. In fact, Fluttershy's clothes were totally ripped to shreds by an unknown force, no longer wearable. As soon as she looked behind her, she could see all sorts of her ripped cloths stuck on several tree branches. Also, her pants is missing and her underwear could barely be held up on her waist. It's as if she was almost stripped off while Fluttershy was unconscious. It may not be the time to take off her clothes in the middle of the rainforest. However, since no one is around and that it is already dark, Fluttershy decided to take a risk as she tore off what is left of her clothes, including her ruined panties. They only thing she is wearing right now is just her sandals. Now completely naked and all alone in the rainforest, Fluttershy can only find somewhere nearby in the jungle to take shelter. As she walks alongside the flowing steams, Fluttershy could feel the warm rain drenching down on her sexy bare body while feeling the steam and humidity flowing through her yellow skin. With the rain pouring down on Fluttershy endlessly, she smiled while letting herself become wet all over again. As soon as she reached to the lagoon that she ran into earlier, Fluttershy decided to take a nice long bath in the large body of water in the middle of the rainforest. *SPLASH!!* The moment Fluttershy dips her naked body into the lagoon, she could feel the warm water caressing her just like from the ocean before she leaned back up against the dirt with only her legs and tail submerged. When she breathed in and out, Fluttershy couldn't help but worry what will ever become of her trip now. There's a good chance that someone will be looking for her if she hasn't returned from her spring break trip after one week has passed. Her friends will be sending in out search parties to go look for her if she didn't show up sooner. Without food and water, Fluttershy will have to rely on the survival skills that she learned from the other wild animals during her study on them, as well as finding a way back to the resort. While continuing to feel the heavy rain on Fluttershy during her time bathing in the lagoon, her hair becomes totally drenched along with her wings and her tail. At the same time, she could feel the rain drops pouring from her head and bare shoulders down to her C-cup breasts, making her rub them both while feeling the wetness all over her naked body. "I may be all naked, wet, and stranded but it feels so great!!" Fluttershy thought as she smiled to herself, not too concerned with being lost. In the next second, Fluttershy closes her eyes before lifts her chin up to the sky as the heavy rain starts showering all over her face and before dripping down below her chin, her cheeks, and through the back of her head. 6:00pm...... While dozing off during her bathing in the lagoon with the rain continuing to drench on her beautiful naked form, Fluttershy falls asleep for a moment as she slowly slides off the dirt edge before laying her head on top of the huge lake. Before she knew it, Fluttershy was pulled in by a red tentacle towards the soothing current as she is now floating above the lagoon with her lovely pink hair flowing underwater behind both sides of her bare shoulders, with only a few strands of it touch her bare chest. "Ahhhhhhh!!" Fluttershy sighed while feeling the lagoon water and the endless downpour of rain flow through her breasts and neck. "I could just stay in this lagoon all night long!!!" Just when she couldn't get any sexier while bathing and skinny dipping, Fluttershy starts feeling the steam and warm sensation of the water, not knowing that she is floating in the middle of the lagoon, as couple of feet away from the edge of the dirt while continuing to get drenched by the heavy rain. Also, a couple of familiar red tentacles came up from somewhere deep in the lagoon before they took off Fluttershy's wet sandals and placed them at the same spot where she leaned her back against minutes ago. After that, the red tentacle started reaching up to Fluttershy's wet cheeks giving her a sense of relief from a familiar creature. "Is that you, octopus?" Fluttershy asked softly, with her eyes still closed for a moment. "H-how did you find me??" While feeling the suctions of the red tentacle on Fluttershy's soaking face, it told her that he was following Fluttershy while seeing her get onboard the ferry. Just before the ferry started his engines, the red octopus latches itself on the submerged bottom of the rudder so that no pony will see it. As soon as the ferry stopped, the octopus lets go of the rudder before emerging a bit of its head out of the water and sees Fluttershy disappear into the rainforest with a group of tourists earlier. It also told Fluttershy that right after she was knocked out cold, the octopus came out of the water just before the flash flood engulfed the entire beach that she is lying on. When the floods splashes on top of her unconscious body, the octopus grabbed Fluttershy in time and dragged her across the raging water before it climbed up a nearby huge tree, waiting for the flood to subside. As soon as the flood disappeared, the Octopus lowered her down on the muddy ground but not before strips of her clothes got caught on the tree branches. Of course, the octopus should've been more careful when handing the unconscious pegasus with its tentacles. But he didn't have anytime to think for if he didn't act, Fluttershy would drown while still unconscious. After hearing the mumbling from the octopus's voice, Fluttershy opens up her eyes before lifting herself upwards only for her neck to show above the surface of the lagoon while the rest of her nude body is submerged. "Thanks for saving me. Though because its getting dark, I can't leave this rainforest yet. I'm hungry and thirsty." Fluttershy said as she held both of her breasts with her hands while trending the water all around her. Speaking of which, Fluttershy spots a waterfall onto her left. No longer dilly dallying in the middle of the lagoon, Fluttershy swam towards the waterfall as she intends to take big gulps of water from it. With every breast stroke she makes in the lagoon, Fluttershy was feeling wetter by every second while swimming underneath the heavy rain as the rain drops are making small splashes all over the lake, on her head, and on the her bare back, a few inches above the water. She still did her best to endure being drenched while trying to survive in the lush rainforest after dark. Fluttershy could also feel the dark-blue glow all around the lagoon she is soaking in while the sun is setting from the sky. For the fish all around Fluttershy, she sees them emitting a white glow while swimming a few feet below her submerged, nude body. The octopus moved below Fluttershy as it swam backwards while sucking out the water through its siphon. After swimming across the lagoon 25 feet, Fluttershy reached to the other side before going underneath the waterfall. Once she got close, Fluttershy sees that there is an small empty dark cave behind the waterfall, allowing her to take shelter in during the rainy night. As she enters the cave, past the waterfall, Fluttershy feels the smooth mud on her bare feet, below the water realizing that she is now standing up right as she reached the shallow water. Now, she is no longer feeling the rain pouring on her skin at the moment. Now standing up, with her legs and her waist still submerged under the shallow water, Fluttershy sees a flat rocky surface a few feet in front of her, considering this as a place where she can sleep on top of. It may not be as comfortable as sleeping on top of a bed, but she knew it will have to do until she can find a way off this island before heading back to the resort. After taking a good look at the flat surface and the swallow cave pool she is standing in, Fluttershy turns back towards the waterfall and comes up to it as she held both of her hands up towards the pouring water, drinking big scoops of it as the cool liquid enters her mouth. With the water coming down from the waterfall in front of her, Fluttershy now felt satisfied with her thirst after taking 10 gulps of water from the waterfall. After that, Fluttershy lowers herself down to the water and kneel onto the mud underwater, letting her breasts soak below the water level. She lets the pouring waterfall soak on top of her head, allowing the flowing water move down her face and onto her bare chest, while feeling the water drench all over her lovely pink long hair to the fullest. While Fluttershy continues to bathe under the waterfall, her red octopus friend appeared in front of her as his huge head emerged from the water. As he took a good look at the naked, bathing pegasus, the octopus started to have hearts in his eyes as if he is amazed by how beautiful Fluttershy is right now. To think that she happens to be the only pony that actually cared about him when the other ponies could stand seeing him, the red octopus was happy that he met Fluttershy in the ocean near the resort. If not, he wouldn't be satisfied with his life. Seeing that Fluttershy is happily bathing in the lagoon under the waterfall inside the small cave, the octopus disappears into the lagoon for a while for he intends to help the young female pegasus find food nearby. 6:50pm...... In the next session of bathing, Fluttershy withdraws from the waterfall as she leans her back up against the edge of the flat, rocky surface a few feet above her while feeling the water drips all over her naked body. Satisfied with this small cavernous shelter, Fluttershy dips herself further into the swallow water, letting the rest of her naked body submerge up to her neck while breathing in and out. From the outside of the cave, Fluttershy smiled as she could see that rainforest is getting darker by the minute. "I really love this place!!" Fluttershy giggled while feeling the lagoon water embrace her entirely. "Ahhhhh!!" As she closed her eyes for a moment, Fluttershy could feel peace all around her once again while bathing inside the small cave after dark. Even though the light in the cave is slowly dimming away, she doesn't feel too afraid in skinny dipping in the lagoon all night long since her octopus friend has shown up right after the rest of the tourists left her on this island alone. If it hadn't been for that sea creature, Fluttershy wouldn't be able stay alive for long after they abandoned her in the rainforest. 7:09pm..... Just when Fluttershy is about to be drifting off to sleep while bathing in the swallow cave pool, her octopus friend appeared once again bring her a pile of oranges, bananas, and coconuts that it found nearby the lagoon. Satisfied with the food it provided for her, the octopus drops them and her pair of sandals on top of the rocky, flat surface right behind the bathing pegasus mare. As she got out of the cave pool, Fluttershy crawled on all fours before sitting down, with the water drips flowing all over her naked form. After looking at the food for a while, Fluttershy grabs two oranges and peels off their layer with her bare hands before eating them inside the cave. She might as well rely on the fruit the octopus found for her when having dinner outside of civilization. After finishing the fruit she ate, Fluttershy laid down on the flat rocky surface with her arms spread out to her sides while letting the water on her skin dry out naturally. In just 20 minutes of resting on top of the flat surface, the Octopus came out of the lagoon and went up to Fluttershy's side. Now with the naked mare and the sea creature out of the water, Fluttershy turned to face the creature as she smiled at it. "Do you want to have fun here?" Fluttershy asked softly. The moment the creature nodded at Fluttershy, it grabbed her body with four of its tentacles before dragging her towards the lagoon at night. Fluttershy could feel two of its tentacles wrapping around both her legs, and the other wrapped around both of her bare breasts. Fluttershy smiled with delight when feeling the octopus massages her before she and the octopus both submerged down below the lagoon. 7:39pm..... The moment Fluttershy and the octopus submerged into the lagoon, they find themselves in a dark area where bigger, stripped fish are swimming around freely. It's also pretty hard to see around while underwater here since the sky already turned dark from above. However, the octopus can see clearly all around the lagoon while underwater. Since Fluttershy doesn't have her mouthpiece with her this time, she still needs to get air from above the watery surface every couple of minutes. In other words, she can't speak to the octopus while underwater for her air bubbles will be let loose from her mouth if she does. In just one minute, the octopus reaches out its 5th tentacle, pointing towards an underwater alcove at Fluttershy's left. Judging from the gesture the octopus is making, Fluttershy can safely assume that it leads back out to the ocean while swimming inside the lagoon. Realizing this, Fluttershy can get back to the resort. However, even if she could escape the rainforest, it doesn't change the fact that the resort is still over a 100 miles away from here. She won't be able to swim back during the night. So, Fluttershy can only stay here in the lagoon with the octopus for now. After understanding what the octopus is saying through its humming, Fluttershy smiled at it before she swims back up to the surface of the lagoon to get some air. As she emerged, Fluttershy regains her air while looking up to the dark-blue night sky. She sees that the moon is now rising from the horizon while her upper chest and her neck are above the water level. Though, the rain is still pouring down on her bare shoulders and on her head again. Not that it matters, Fluttershy was just getting started in spending the entire night here in the lagoon within the rainforest. She felt like that she is living here as a beautiful goddess of the lagoon, completely naked for all of the rainforest to see, as well as being completely drenched by the endless rain dripping down all over her bare skin and her big, squishy breasts. She couldn't care less about having fun in this tropical place, especially when the octopus appeared right next to her as a friend from the ocean. Without further a due, Fluttershy goes for another sexy session of masturbating with octopus friend. It starts off with the octopus embracing the naked mare with all of its tentacles wrapped around her before they both submerge again in the lagoon. Once she and the creature are underwater, the octopus shoves one tentacle into Fluttershy's mouth giving her a temporary breather while masturbating inside the lagoon. "MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" Fluttershy happily moaned in delight as the octopus started groping her breasts underneath its tentacles. "MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!" This is going to be a wonderful night here!!!! Fluttershy thought while feeling the sexual embrace of the sea creature. Her head started to tilt back as the octopus was on top of her body, still wrapping its tentacles over Fluttershy's back and her wings. With every squeeze on Fluttershy's naked body, the octopus slowly brings her down to the floor of the lagoon. IT'S SO DEEP!!! I-I-I-I-I-I'M GOING TO CUM!!! The octopus could see that Fluttershy is actually enjoying herself being wrapped in its tentacles while inside the lagoon. With him helping the naked mare show compassion while holding its suction cups in her mouth, Fluttershy started receiving a sexual drive to demand more from the sea creature. OH YEAH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OH YEAH!!! YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Fluttershy just couldn't stop screaming inside her head as the octopus' tentacles are roughly caressing both of her big breasts in just 3 minutes. She was just raving like a little rascal that wants attention. SO GOOD!!! DON'T STOP!!! AHHHHHH!! AHHHHH!!! "Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!" Fluttershy muffled as the tentacle's suction is wrapped around her mouth. The octopus also takes advantage of Fluttershy's underwater lust by jamming one tentacle into her clit a few times before it laid the naked mare onto the bottom of the lagoon, pulling its tentacle out of her clit and releasing her white fluid out into the water. Just as Fluttershy sees all of the tentacles unwrap her, she feels her bare back touch sandy floor a bit before she is was getting lifted up, arching her back. Smiling at her underwater surroundings, Fluttershy swims to a nearby rock to anchor herself down at the floor of the lagoon, holding herself in place by hook it with both of her legs. The octopus then floats 10 feet above the naked Fluttershy, seeing her whole body touch the floor of the lagoon again only for her to squeeze both of her nude breasts with her hands, closing her eyes at the same time. In the next second, Fluttershy's bare back started to arch backwards while still staying on the sandy floor while underwater, with her pink hair flowing upwards a couple of inches above her face. She didn't really care too much about the hair covering up most of her face since Fluttershy is still obsessed in making use of her time while masturbating underwater in the lagoon. For a few minutes of groping herself, Fluttershy's cheeks start to turn blue with a few bubbles leaving her mouth and nostrils as if she is getting close to her oxygen limit. Before Fluttershy could start gurgling, the Octopus landed right on top of the sandy floor a few inches behind her head and held one of its tentacles up to her mouth, using its suctions to keep her from losing air. Upon seeing the octopus' head looming over past her flowing mane, Fluttershy smiled while it let her hold her breath as she continue to squeeze both of her breasts more tightly. With its tentacle wrapping around Fluttershy's mouth, it gave her one hell of a good time in moaning and feeling the her sexual pleasure while still underwater. "MMMMMMmmmmm!! MMMMMmmmmmm!!!" Oh Yes!!! Please FUCK ME HARDER!!! YES!!! YES!!! Within the minute after, Fluttershy's body lowers itself on top of the sandy floor once more as she relaxed a bit while continuing to massage her big, billowing breasts, still holding onto the huge rock with both of her legs. Before she knew it, she is slowly getting lifted upward as her mane started to fall down behind her head, not realizing that she is slowly loosing her grip on the rock. At the same time, the Octopus lets go of Fluttershy's mouth and swims up to her ascending level while underwater. 8:49pm...... On the watery surface of the lagoon, several bubbles started to appear from underwater as a nude, female figure slowly gets pushed back up from below the water. Just like that, Fluttershy appears totally exhausted as she spewed out a small fountain of water from her mouth before regaining her oxygen, slowly breathing in and out. *GASP!!* *PANT!!* *PANT!!* *PANT!!* The moment Fluttershy opened up her eyes, she sees that the rain has finally stopped. Even though she felt disappointed that she is no longer feeling the rain pouring down on her face and her nude body anymore, Fluttershy started laughing and giggling to herself while floating above the lagoon, feeling happy for experiencing such a private event. She still feels the warm, soothing water soak her naked body to the fullest as the moonlight shines down all over the lagoon Fluttershy is in. While looking up to the sky, Fluttershy sees a full moon rising up to a 45 degree angle from her line of sight. She could imagine herself sleeping naked while bathing in the lagoon in her dreams. But for reality, Fluttershy can only do this once before leaving the rainforest with the aid of her octopus friend. *SIGH!* "If only I could build a lagoon in the Sweet Feathers Sanctuary at home......" Fluttershy muttered while feeling the lagoon water flow through her mane and bare stomach. Again, she still uses her right hand to massage her wet breasts when the red octopus's head came out a few feet from Fluttershy's right. As soon as he sees her, the heavy rain started pouring again, much to the pegasus mare's happiness. Fluttershy just started laughing to herself as she feels more rainwater all over her naked form while floating above the lagoon. It made her squeeze both of her drenched breasts with her two hands all at once. At 9:00pm, Fluttershy slowly falls asleep while under the down pouring rain, making her stop groping her breasts before she closes her eyes once again. While in her sleep, Fluttershy floats aimlessly across the lagoon, totally naked, and bathing for the rest of the rainy night, leaving her completely and endlessly soaked to the bone. > Fourth Night: Long swim in the Sea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 4: 7:25am.... When Fluttershy is still sleeping, she could feel herself shiver for a moment before her bare skin is touching something flat and something huge. As she slowly opens up her eyes, Fluttershy finds herself on top of the flat surface inside the cave. When she looks down at herself, the female pegasus also sees that a pile of huge green leaves are covering her entire nude body and up to her chest, as if they're used to keeping her warm during the cold breeze inside the cave. Overall, Fluttershy is still inside the very same cave that she found behind the waterfall last night, which can only mean that the huge body of the lagoon is still between her and the rest of the rainforest outside. As she looked across from where she slept at, Fluttershy could see a bit of morning light coming from outside of the cave. However, she was already reminded by the octopus that the only way off this island without walking through the dense woods is by swimming through the underwater tunnels inside the lagoon. Of course, Fluttershy may not have enough oxygen to swim through it because its possible that the underwater tunnel has more than one path to take and if she swims to a dead end, she'll definitely drown and no pony will ever hear from her again. Speaking of which, where is her octopus friend? Is he still with her or did he go somewhere else for a moment? It may be possible that the octopus brought her inside the cave for her to dry out, considered that he is still somewhere inside the lagoon. For now, Fluttershy gets up out of her rocky bed full of leaves and ate a few bananas for breakfast while waiting for the octopus to show up. She thought about taking some of the remaining food with her. However, since her backpack was stolen blindly yesterday, Fluttershy can't really take any of the fruit with her since she needed to swim all the way back to the resort. It's another risk to take when swimming across the ocean with nothing to wear. She started blushing bright red over the fact that she is going to stay completely naked for a whole day at sea. She thought about wrapping her nude body with the leaves that she was sleeping underneath from. However, if she were to swim fast or that the ocean current gets rough without warning, the leaves she used to cover herself will come off in an instant. So, Fluttershy might as well swim through the sea without anything to wear right now. Thankfully, Fluttershy will get help from her octopus friend since he can swim a bit faster than she could underwater. The octopus' head finally shows up before 8am as his tentacle reach out above the water and pointed itself downwards. Seeing this, Fluttershy stands up on her two legs and puts on her water-proof sandals before getting ready to go for a very long swim back to the resort. After taking a deep breath, Fluttershy immediately dives into the water next to the octopus. Once she is underwater, the octopus wraps her lower bare waist with one tentacle before swimming backwards to the alcove used to get out of the island. With the octopus carrying Fluttershy through the underwater passageway out of the lagoon, she held onto his head with both of her hands grabbing each other while the sea creature swam as fast as he could. In 20 minutes of holding onto the octopus by the head, Fluttershy struggled to hold her breath while staying close to her friend in the underwater passageway. She can only hope that the octopus remembers which way to turn. Fluttershy did recall reading a book about octopus' from Twilight's Castle library. In fact, it did tell her that Octopuses happened to be one of the most strangest, yet intelligent sea creatures that can think and learn like her fellow ponies do. Well, Fluttershy did remind him that if he doesn't help her get out of the island and swim through the ocean back to the resort, she'll likely won't forgive him. Then again, one of the octopus' tentacles held Fluttershy's mouth as she is sucking on its suction cups to keep her breathing underwater. Her mouth may get sticky for a while, but its the least Fluttershy can do while letting the octopus take her to the ocean. 8:45am...... In a few miles away from the island rainforest, Fluttershy and her octopus friend came out from below the sea floor as the naked mare gasped for air hoarsely, relieving her chest from having anymore burning pain due to the fact that she lost her hold on the tentacle's suction cups. With her breasts helping her afloat above the ocean surface, Fluttershy took several deep breaths while spreading her arms wide and gently moving both of her legs slowly to help avoid the pressure while the rest of her nude body is underwater. "So, Mr. Octopus, do you know the way back?" Fluttershy asked as the octopus' head appeared halfway from the ocean surface. Hearing Fluttershy's question, the octopus nodded as it pointed one of its tentacles to the south. Taking this for advice, Fluttershy did an enduring breaststroke as she scooped her arms forward while doing a frog kick while heading down the direction that the octopus is pointing at. So far, all Fluttershy can see is an endless body of sea water on the horizon. It may go on for miles and miles, but Fluttershy is still determined to just keep swimming in the nude while the sun is up. Speaking of the sun, Fluttershy could feel the warm temperature of the sea flowing through her naked body thanks to the sun rays shinning from above. Smiling for a moment, Fluttershy kept swimming while keeping her neck and head above the water. As for the Octopus, it swam backwards alongside the naked mare for he is willing to do anything for a friend. Since Fluttershy is the only pony mare that treated him nicely, the octopus is eager to do anything to pay her back. After all, Fluttershy already let the octopus sexually bind and caress her while skinny dipping in the ocean. 9:35am..... As the minutes past of endless breaststroke, Fluttershy could feel her legs getting stiff after all of that nude swimming in the sea. She knew that she had to stop somewhere. But now that Fluttershy is stranded in the middle of the sea, feeling the waves and fathoms flowing past her and soaking her down to the bare skin, she doesn't know what to do. Instead, she is just let her back straight while letting herself stay in place for a while. In just 5 minutes later, while in the ocean, something unexpected occurred right in front of Fluttershy unnoticed. She could feel another creature poking her big breasts repeatedly, thinking that the octopus is still following her. But she didn't remember getting poked by something pointy instead of something that is sucking her breast. Curious, Fluttershy dipped her head below the sea water for a moment only to see a great white shark in front of her. She thought for sure that this is the end for her; the beautiful naked Fluttershy gets eaten up by a hungry great white shark while skinny dipping in the massive sea. However, that didn't happen. Instead, the shark was blushing like crazy upon seeing the beautiful, bathing mare in the sea before his very eyes. The apex predator started smiling, much to Fluttershy's confusion. Instead of trying to eat her, the shark wanted to shake its frontal flipper with Fluttershy as if it wanted to be her friend. Before she knew it, the octopus appeared next to the shark telling Fluttershy that he happens to be a life-long friend of his in the sea. He also mumbles to Fluttershy that the shark usually shows up near the octopus' den every other week during the morning when the ocean underwater is bright. Since the octopus told the shark what happened to Fluttershy, the shark volunteered to help Fluttershy get some rest while laying in the sea. It's the best Fluttershy could do since no pony is around skinny dipping with her. Feeling relieved, Fluttershy leans her back up against the sea, letting herself relax as she allows the sea water flow through her nude body freely while floating in the ocean. "Ah!! This is the most greatest skinny dipping session I ever had!!" Fluttershy smiled as she lets herself float in the middle of the endless sea. While floating up above the fathoms, the friendly shark and a friendly octopus circling around the sleeping, soaking Fluttershy in making sure that the beautiful naked pegasus doesn't get disturbed. At the same time, she closes her eyes while feeling the warm sunlight and the sea water soak her flowing pink mane and her cute yellow face, allowing herself to rest while laying in the water. 10:15am...... At first, Fluttershy thought for sure that she is still resting while laying her lovely birthday suit across the sea. However, as soon as she wakes up, she finds herself under the sea while being strapped onto the smooth skin of the great white by the tentacles of the red octopus, with her big breasts squeezing against the shark's top back a few inches close to its first dorsal fin, while gliding 10 feet below the waves while the octopus is latched onto its lower belly. Nevertheless, Fluttershy felt satisfied over the fact that she is heading back to the resort with the help of her two aquatic friends. Though, she still needed to breath up above the water surface. Thankfully, the red octopus still wrapped its tentacle around Fluttershy's mouth once again, letting its suctions keep her breathing while still underwater. In such amusement, Fluttershy still feels the ticklish as the octopus still wrapped its other tentacles around her bare back while still feeling the cool skin with her breasts. The shark couldn't help but blush when feeling the naked mare's breast held up against his skin, almost making him have a nose bleed. Though, he still needs to keep it together while navigating through the sea before they reach the beach where the resort is. Fluttershy is also blushing too seeing that she is having fun with both sea creatures while still naked underwater, embracing both of them at the same time while helping her get back to where she is staying at. As Fluttershy closed her eyes and smiled, she hugged the shark with both of her hands while feeling the water currents flow through her naked body. It's pretty rare to think that some sea creature would actually take a beautiful, naked young girl back to resort while skinny dipping in the sea when she is completely stranded in the water, miles away from shore. Since Fluttershy still has a lot of experience and respects animals and other creatures from both land and sea, there just isn't one that can't be reasoned with by her; thanks to that, she was able to get help from the unexpected. 11:59am........ After a few hours of riding on top of the shark while underwater, Fluttershy could see that the shark has finally stopped as he picked up a scent. Just as the octopus lets go of Fluttershy, she finally can swim freely in the ocean for she has regained her stamina while in the water. But before Fluttershy could do anything, the shark pointed upwards above, making her notice a small motor boat right above her. While still remaining underwater, Fluttershy sees the octopus sneak up against the lower hull of the boat to investigate. As the octopus disappeared, Fluttershy had to hold her breath down below because she can't be seen while naked. So, she stayed underwater next to the shark and waited until the octopus comes back. 12:05pm....... In just 6 minutes later while holding her breath underwater, Fluttershy sees the red octopus appear again and told her that it's one of the tourists that stole her backpack when the flash flood occurred during her rainforest safari yesterday. As Fluttershy's eyes narrowed with anger, she quietly swam past the octopus before slowly emerged from under the sea with only her eyes and nose up above the water. From the stern of the ship, Fluttershy looks closer behind the boat's stern and sees one of the ponies holding her backpack with his left hand. Her suspect happens to be a maroon, female earth pony that was drinking apple cider with two of her friends, who are also earth pony mares as well. Fluttershy remembers her as the one who grabbed her backpack when the other tourists are running towards the life boats at the start of the flash flood in the rainforest. She could tell because Fluttershy already saw a full glimpse of her back when she grabbed her backpack during the chaos yesterday. The maroon earth pony mare happens to have her red mane tied up in a long pony-tail while wearing a small green tank top that is exposing her lower stomach, yellow shorts, and brown tennis shoes. Determined to get her backpack from them, Fluttershy quietly disappears back underwater as the octopus wraps around her stomach with one tentacle before holding onto the lower hull of the motor boat with the rest of its tentacles. He made sure that none of the tentacles are being exposed by making himself curl up into a red, squishy ball underneath the boat. As the boat propellers started to turn spin at the stern, the octopus and Fluttershy braced themselves as they held onto the submerged lower hull before the motor boat started moving fast towards a nearby dock. The moment he sees Fluttershy and the octopus disappear from a distance away, the shark followed them both from behind. 1:35pm...... As the motor boat started speeding, Fluttershy could feel the rumbling and the vibration of the vehicle's movement making her unable to hold her breath while hiding latched to its lower hull underwater. For the octopus, he also is feeling the pressure of the boat's movement as he struggled to hold onto Fluttershy and the hull at the same time. He feared that the boat's fast movement will push him and Fluttershy away from the speeding water vehicle, destroying her chance of getting back her backpack. Thankfully, the octopus' suctions will ensure that he will not lose his grip on the boat's lower hull. After struggling to hold onto the lower hull of the motor boat, Fluttershy and the octopus almost lost their lunch when it finally stopped all of a sudden. As soon as the octopus lets go of the lower hull and of Fluttershy, she swam up to the surface to regain her oxygen. Making a small gasp of air, Fluttershy finds herself underneath the pier walkway as she hid beneath its shadows while keep only her eyes and nose above the water, letting the rest of her naked body, including her neck and mouth still submerged. While peaking closely from the shadows she is hiding in, Fluttershy sees that the suspect's friends have got off the boat the moment she attached the mooring lines to the boat's cleats and onto the docks up front. After seeing them disappear, Fluttershy smirked to herself as she completely submerged back into the water before making her move. Out on the docks, the female maroon earth pony waves goodbye to her friends before going back onto the boat. As she looked at her watch, the clock is now 1:45pm. As the earth mare turned back towards the backpack on the boat, she giggled to herself upon seeing that the victim looked like a pathetic wimp with big breasts and long pink hair flowing down her shoulders. What she didn't know is that Fluttershy has other plans to get back at the thief in the most unexpected surprise ever. Just as the maroon earth pony went onto the bow of her boat, she heard something scratching from the starboard. At first, she thought it was just the wood hitting the side of the boat, considering that she may need to loosen up the mooring lines a bit. However, when she went to the source of the noise, the earth pony doesn't see her boat get anywhere closer to the wood of the pier. The next thing she knew, the earth mare spotted a shark dorsal fin moving around at the rear of the boat, making her freak out. Even though she is in the boat, a red tentacle came up from the bow unnoticed. Feeling confused over the strange noises and the shark dorsal fin seen in the water, she didn't know what it was about. However, the horror is just getting started. Before she knew what was going on, the red tentacle grabbed her by the ankle. "EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!" The earth mare shrieked as she got pulled up by her leg, being lifted up into the air 5 feet above the ship's bow before she fell straight into the water. *SPLASH!!* As soon as the mare hit the water, she was screaming and thrashing in front of the boat. "HELP!! I CAN'T SWIM!!" The earth pony mare screamed as she is splashing on the water in a panic before she was grabbed from behind by an angry Fluttershy. "UUUURRRRRKKKKKK!!!" The mare gasped as she felt pegasus' arm muscles strangle her by the throat in a very tight force. Surprisingly enough, Fluttershy came out of the water and immediately grabbed the thief by the throat with an arm headlock, scaring the living Tartarus out of her. "IT'S NOT MORE THAN WHAT YOU DESERVE FOR ROBBING ME!!!" Fluttershy angrily shouted, at the earth pony mare in the water. "W-Who are you?! W-What are you talking about??" The panicked mare shrieked as she is helplessly being held against her own will by an angry pegasus mare. Strange enough, the mare felt Fluttershy's big breasts against her back, making her face blush for a moment before her neck gets pressurized by pegasus mare's fury. What the?? Is she naked?? "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!!!" Fluttershy snarled while tightening her grip on the thief with both of her hands while still in the water below the pier. "You may not remember me at first, but I haven't forgotten. You were there yesterday when we're trying to run from that flash flood back at the tour in the rainforest, right?! You had me stranded, robbed, and stripped of on that island back there!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!" "Wait, are you actually that pegasus mare who.....?!" The mare asked as she broke free only to be met with another act of aggression. *POW!!!* Just as soon as the earth pony mare turned to see who was strangling her while in the water, she is met with a punch to the face by Fluttershy. Despite Fluttershy being naked and soaking in the ocean, she still isn't as vulnerable as she looked. She still reminded herself to resort to her assertive behavior whenever it is necessary; it's just like when her bunny Angel is showing signs of being spoiled and demanding that Fluttershy gives him the "Stare" just to make him listen to her. After getting hit by Fluttershy, her hat comes flying off her head as the earth pony mare recoiled a few feet away from her while her clothes are getting soaked by the water that she and the angry pegasus mare are in. Groaning in pain for a bit, the earth pony mare started rubbing her bruised face before the getting grabbed by the neck from behind again as Fluttershy circled around her while swimming as if she was a boa constrictor getting ready to strangle its prey to death. Before she could say anything else, Fluttershy started to use her firm armlock again to restrain the earth pony mare of her windpipe, making the thief choke further. As soon as Fluttershy sees the shark behind the mare, she turned the thief around, forcing her to face the apex predator up front. At the same time, the red octopus was able to retrieve Fluttershy's backpack from the motor boat, lifting it up into the air above the water with only one tentacle so that the contents do not get soaked from inside. Seeing that the octopus is successful in retrieving her stolen possessions, Fluttershy glares at the suspect one more time while her shark friend approach her up front. Seeing the full glimpse of the shark and it's huge open jaws up above the watery surface, the thief was completely frightened as she squirmed helplessly under the grip of Fluttershy's arm. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! NO! NO!! NO!! NOOOOOOO!!!!" The restrained mare scream in terror as the shark is about to bite her head. Just when she closed her eyes and is about to meet her demise, the great white just only chomped and gnashed it's huge jaws inches away from her face, close to her nose. Even though the shark didn't really bite her in the face, the thieving mare starting peeing herself in fright as she shuddered wholeheartedly as she could feel it coming out of her bottom while her lower half is still underwater. After taking a few rapid, shuddering breaths, the Earth pony mare then hears Fluttershy's last words before letting her go. "Consider that as a warning, young lady!!! You rob me again and I'll shove you straight into this shark's jaws!!!" Fluttershy hissed as she tightened her grip onto the thief's neck. "UNDERSTAND??!!!!" "Okay!! Okay!! I'm sorry!!! P-P-Please!!!" The mare gasped, pleaded for her life as she sees the fearsome shark circling around her up front. "Just let me go!!!" From the other side of the pier, several earth pony dock workers and patrons heard screaming coming from one of the boaters before they came running towards the noise. At the same time, the frightened earth pony mare was seen struggling to get back up on the boat from the stern. Once she is onboard, the mare sees herself that all of her clothes are totally soaked much to her embarrassment. As she looked towards the pier, the traumatized mare sees the dock workers and patrons all staring at her with confusion in their eyes. "Are you okay, ma'am?!" One of the earth pony dock workers asked. Feeling startled by Fluttershy's threat and from the fact that she felt her big naked breasts on her back while soaking in the water, the earth pony mare just couldn't really say anything to the ponies nearby. Instead, she was just sitting inside her boat with several big towels wrapped around her shoulders, covering most of her body, feeling traumatized by such a horrendous lesson. 2:10pm...... After teaching the thief a lesson, Fluttershy immediately bailed out just in time as she disappeared underwater before getting caught by the ponies nearby at the docks earlier, swimming away from the pier while submerged in the sea. She can only hope no pony is able to see her naked while in the ocean at that time. Moving on, Fluttershy sees that the octopus has put her stolen backpack onto a wide, ruined platform of wood that he found from a pile of salvaged wreckage nearby the dock they just left from, treating it as a makeshift raft. Her backpack has both of its shoulder straps tied up to a small post completely nailed down of platform. With it, the backpack won't fall off the platform whenever there is wave currents heading there way. Also, while on top of the raft, Fluttershy takes off both of her sandals and puts them next to the backpack. While the octopus is carrying the raft with two of it's tentacles and swimming at the same time, Fluttershy was seen lying on top of the raft. Seeing that she is still naked and feeling water drips all over her, Fluttershy decided to take a real nap while feeling the warm sun rays dry her off naturally. At first, she felt happy that she finally had a place to rest on, after a long hour of swimming and riding on a shark as well as holding her breath underwater. As she checked the contents of her recovered backpack, Fluttershy only finds that her map, her tarp, and her compass are all still inside. However, the food that she put in her backpack earlier was already gone, possibly eaten up by those good-for-nothing thieves. Not that it matters, she is grateful that her map is the only thing usable for her to get across the sea back to the resort without getting lost along the way. When she showed the map to the octopus, who's head is one foot above the water, he takes note of it before pulling the wooden platform to the direction of the resort. As soon as the raft started moving again, Fluttershy takes a deep yawn before lying down on top of the flat wood preparing to fall asleep while sunbathing in the nude. However, since she lost her hat and her sunglasses yesterday, Fluttershy had to avert her eyes away from the bright sunlight by moving her beautiful naked body to her right side as she slowly closes her eyes before relaxing, feeling the water drips go down her pink long hair and off her bare shoulders and skin. 2:35pm...... Meanwhile, 50 miles away from the resort, Fluttershy could feel her bare shoulders and the left side of her nude skin burning slowly as the sun temperature increased from 55 degrees to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. She needs to cool off somewhere as soon as the octopus stopped moving the raft Fluttershy is on. As the naked mare got up on her knees, she covered her breasts with her right arm before looking up to the horizon. Seeing that the resort is in view from a long distance away, Fluttershy was happy that she is finally back to her vacation spot. However, since it is still daylight, she has to make sure that no pony will see her naked on the way back to the resort. "Can you please stop for a moment?!" Fluttershy asked the octopus. "I need to cool off!!" Hearing the pegasus mare, the octopus managed to halt the moving raft with both of its tentacles. After that, Fluttershy jumped off the raft and landed into the ocean while holding her nose with her left hand. *SPLASH!!!* Feeling wet again, Fluttershy could feel the sea engulfing her for a moment before emerging back up, with only her neck and bare shoulders showing above the water level. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" Fluttershy sighed, feeling the sea water flow through her naked form once again as she looked up to the sky smiling to herself. "This feels so good!!!" For a few more minutes in the sea, Fluttershy makes use of her time at noon threading through the water while remaining afloat. After that, her breasts kept her up above the water with her bare chest showing next. With it, she swam gracefully across the sea as she approached closer to the beach. In every breast stroke, Fluttershy was humming with delight, feeling the water embrace her nude body. For 20 minutes, Fluttershy was happily swimming towards the resort only to spots small glimpses of ponies going swimming and sunbathing from like 10 miles away from the beach. She also sees the beach umbrellas setup on the beach too, considering that it may not be the best time for her to get out of the ocean without getting caught naked. So, like usual, Fluttershy just stays in the ocean continuing to feel the cool and warm temperatures of the sea water all around her nude body. "Oh well. At least I can enjoy spending time in the sea while it lasts!!" Fluttershy smiled, muttered to herself before she submerged under the sea. "MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!" Just as Fluttershy closes her eyes for a moment, she disappeared down below the sea, with her hair flowing above the watery surface for in a few seconds. In the next second after her hair vanished from sight, several air bubbles and a big ripple came up to the surface before they all vanish simultaneously. 2:55pm..... As Fluttershy went down underwater, 8 feet below the sea, she sees a huge shipwreck sunken down 30 feet above her. It was some sort of wrecked pirate ship that was destroyed many moons ago. Right now, there is schools of fish big and small swimming around it. When Fluttershy descended further below, she could see that the ship has a torn-off main mast and a a huge hole in its side hull. With the sunlight shinning down on the underwater wreckage from above the surface, Fluttershy is eager to explore around the ship with the aid of two of her aquatic friends. However, the octopus stayed up to the sea levels to keep her wooden platform intact. So, only her shark friend that will accompany Fluttershy while swimming naked around the shipwreck. She lowered herself into a 45 degree angle and descended into the shipwreck while reaching her hands forward and kicking her both legs straight. While descending further under the sea, Fluttershy felt a bit cold when feeling it water current flowing through her beautiful nude body. Not that it matters, she still wanted to explore the sea until it gets dark despite being naked and skinny dipping 24/7. As she entered inside the shipwreck down 25 feet below the sea, Fluttershy could only see patches of sunlight within the sunken ruins illuminating certain places. One of the spots that is seen clearly happens to be a tall cabinet inside the captain's quarters. Curious of what she would find, Fluttershy held her breath and approached the cabinet before opening it with both of her hands while her feet are barely touching the wooden floors of the sunken ship. Just when she opened up the cabinet, she spots a small chest filled with gold and sapphire jewelry that is left open up. The exterior of the chest may be covered in moss, but Fluttershy is eager to do some scavenging in the shipwreck just to give some of it to her friend Rarity. After all, her fashionista friend always adds jewelry to make her dresses flash with brilliant bright lights. So, Fluttershy closed the small chest and held it to her right side with her right arm draped over the box. While Fluttershy continues to explore the shipwreck further, the shark swimming outside was just hanging around in making sure no other predator while stalk the lovely, naked pegasus behind her back. At the same time, the shark just couldn't stop blushing every time he sees Fluttershy's big, sexy breasts from a small distance away. In fact, her beautiful birthday suit is just so irresistible that the shark couldn't stop grinning and chuckling to himself. Nevertheless, he did his best to help Fluttershy make it back to the resort for his octopus' friend's sake. After swimming out of the captain's quarters, Fluttershy spots a nearby bunk bed that is in the crew's quarters below the ship's deck. As much as she wanted to try it out, Fluttershy doesn't have that much time to sleep underwater again. The beach is only a couple of miles away and its still heading close to the afternoon. So, she did her best to hold in her breath while looking around inside the crew's quarters. So far, she only found a small gem case that is holding 5 small purple diamonds in it, which is seen on top of a nearby desk covered with barnacles and seaweed. Just as she retrieved the gem case with her left hand, Fluttershy could feel her lungs burning up realizing that her oxygen is running low. So, she went through a large, open hole above the crew's quarters leading her back outside of the ship wreck as she made strong kicks with both of her legs, trying to ascend up to the surface while holding onto the gem case and the small chest with both of her hands. Unfortunately, because she isn't using either of her arms for swimming upwards, Fluttershy isn't ascending that fast like she thought she was. Her face started turning purple, feeling that she is getting really close to drowning underneath the sea. Thankfully, the shark was still following Fluttershy while gliding upwards next to her left. Just as Fluttershy is about to pass out, the shark held the naked mare with both of its big fins before taking her back up to the surface of the ocean. 3:15pm....... *GAAAAASP!!!* As Fluttershy's face punched through the surface of the ocean, she gasped loudly as she catches her breath after swimming under the sea for 20 minutes. Even though it was too much for her underwater without her breathing mouthpiece, Fluttershy still was able to get something from the submerged shipwreck during her spring break here. Just as Fluttershy inhaled and exhaled for a few more times, the shark lets go of her before checking the pegasus to see if she is doing alright. When Fluttershy looked at the shark, she nodded at it telling him that she is okay now. While still treading in the sea, Fluttershy looks to her left to see her wooden platform still holding up thanks to her octopus friend. With both of her discovered items still held in her arms, Fluttershy went towards the raft as she pushed the gem case and the chest up on the platform, one at a time. As soon as the chest and the gem case are on top of the raft, Fluttershy reached out both of her hands and pulled herself out of the water, letting the wet drops fall off her bare back and her long, pink mane again. With her exposed nude body in the sunlight, Fluttershy felt that the sun is less hot than before. It turns out that there is a small patch of clouds blocking some of the sun rays in certain parts of the ocean all around her, making her relieved that she won't feel too much of the burning sun rays on her naked skin. Instead, she only sees some clouds making a temporary shade over Fluttershy and her raft. Taking advantage of this, Fluttershy puts both the small chest and the gem case inside the backpack, adding in quite a bit of weight in it. Since her food is no longer in her backpack, Fluttershy is a bit relieved that there is more room to use in it. After putting her discovered objects in her backpack, Fluttershy turns to look at the beach surrounding the resort again. This time, about 10 ponies are lounging around the beach, both swimming and sunbathing close to the shore. It will be awhile before all of the ponies would head back home before dark. So, Fluttershy decided to do more skinny dipping in the sea, just to entertain herself of her glistening, natural, naked beauty. As soon as she stood up on her feet and walked to the edge of the raft, Fluttershy took a deep breath before arcing herself forward and dived into the sea, creating another splash as she disappeared underwater once more. 5:50pm..... After taking in several more dives into the sea and treading around the raft, Fluttershy finally decided to rest while floating across the ocean. For the octopus and the shark, they felt totally amused by such a sexy sight from Fluttershy. She was just enjoying herself out at sea while skinny dipping nearly for a few more hours before Fluttershy leaned back and started to float peacefully across the sea, feeling the cool waves soothing her naked body. Even though she is floating across the sea, Fluttershy did her best to look up once and a while to make sure she isn't too far away from the raft that is carrying her recovered stuff. In fact, the octopus was able to wrap Fluttershy's right ankle while holding onto the raft so that the naked, skinny dipping pegasus doesn't get drifted away by accident. Just as the clouds disappeared from the sky, the sun also came down before the night begins again. Though, Fluttershy continues to lay afloat on the water while letting herself soak while being naked. She blushed a quite bit over the fact that Fluttershy stayed completely naked for like over two nights outside of the resort, likely something that wasn't even possible to do alone. Ever since she dealt with the thief that got her into this mess, Fluttershy felt a bit troubled that she might rat her out to some pony else. However, because Fluttershy's actions made the thief traumatized, the earth pony mare may have a hard time trying to explain to her friends what happened. No matter, Fluttershy can only hope that this doesn't happen again after that incident. As of now, she decided to close her eyes and finally relax while letting more of the sea water caress Fluttershy of natural, naked beauty. 6:30pm....... The shark that was still with the group started poking Fluttershy's bare back from below the water that she is laying on, making her wake up from her nap in the sea, telling her that the beach around the resort its finally clear. When Fluttershy tilts her head forward and letting herself float with her bare chest above the water, she sees that all of the ponies at the beach have finally left. From that moment, Fluttershy gained the confidence to swim back towards the beach on her own since she and her raft are about 3 miles away from the shore. So without further a due, Fluttershy makes another breaststroke towards the beach while the octopus is pulling the raft from behind in hopes of making it reach a landing point. 7:00pm..... As soon as Fluttershy reaches the sand still below the water, she collapses on top of the beach while still feeling the waves flow behind her bare back for a moment while catching her breath after 25 minutes of swimming, feeling her C-cup breasts buried underneath the wet sand. Because it was a long way to swim to the beach from the rainforest, it was a difficult challenge that no pony could ever do. In fact, if Fluttershy didn't have a raft to rest on top of, her body will start convulsing with all sorts of pain and wrinkles for swimming in the water too long beyond her limited endurance. Thankfully, Fluttershy was relieved that she is finally able to make it back to the resort in one piece thanks to the aid of her friends from the sea. Putting her mind a ease, Fluttershy turned her body around and faced the sky above her while feeling the waves from the ocean soak through her repeatedly. As she looked up and smiled at the moon, Fluttershy breathed in and out. For the shark and the octopus, they both still remained 15 feet away from the shore while watching Fluttershy rest near the shore still above the water. Aside from that, the octopus was able to drag the raft holding Fluttershy's backpack and her wet sandals up on top of the beach, 10 feet away from the shore, making it sure that it doesn't get swept away by the waves. Upon seeing her stuff safely on the beach, Fluttershy smiled as she let the ocean waves sweep through her nude body for a couple of more minutes. From 7pm all the way to 8:15pm, Fluttershy gets up from being soaked by the ocean waves coming towards her at the shore, seeing herself totally wet. Not a moment too soon, Fluttershy walks towards the raft before putting on her sandals and using the backpack to cover her upper chest, minus her clit, before turning to see her sea creature friends one more time. "Thanks for taking me back, the both of you. See you both tomorrow." Fluttershy said, as she waved the shark and the octopus before walking back up the pathway, shivering for a bit after feeling the wetness all over her bare skin. When the shark and octopus waved back at Fluttershy, they see her disappear into the back entrance of the resort before they retreated into the ocean to rest up for the night. > Still the 4th Night: Private time alone in the pool area > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th night: 8:20pm..... Once Fluttershy went through the back entrance, still covering bare chest with her backpack, she went down to spa immediately to have some more rest and relaxation there before going to bed. At first, because it's late, the swimming pool may not be open. However, when Fluttershy walked across the lobby to the pool, she sees the writing on the glass door saying that it is open 24 hours a day. Feeling relieved to find a place to relax and cleanse herself of all the sea water on her wet skin, Fluttershy opens the door to see the swimming pool in front of her. At the same time, Fluttershy sees a sauna on her left and a hot tub on her right, with the pool in the middle of the two. Fluttershy felt anxious to think that some pony will still be here in the pool unaware of her presence since she is still naked. So, she goes up to a nearby towel rack on her left and takes one of the long folded towels from it. As soon as she dropped her backpack on the porcelain floor of the spa, Fluttershy wraps the towel around her naked body, feeling the cloth covering up her breasts and her clit as it dropped down to her thighs. After that, she grabbed her backpack by the top handle with her right hand and holding the towel with her left hand before approaching the sauna. As she approached the sauna, Fluttershy opens up the door only to see the sauna completely empty, with an small wooden area of 20ft in length, a height of 10ft, and a width of 15 feet. With an area that big, it's enough to have a bench covering up two corners in front of her in front of the entrance to her right. Seeing the benches all around her, Fluttershy puts her backpack down right behind the door and turns towards the temperature control to 55 degrees fahrenheit for only 20 minutes. When she feels the soothing, warm steam coming from the vents above her, Fluttershy smiled as she places her towel on top of the bench to her right before stretching out her arms up to the ceiling. "MMMMMMmmmmmmm!" Fluttershy hummed confidently as she stood there for a moment, lifting her head up to the steamy vents before laying down her nude body on top the bench that is covered up by her towel. Once she is on top of the bench, she lets the sauna steam flow through her naked body while feeling the heat and sweat flow on her face, breasts, her lower stomach, and onto her legs before Flutteshy breathes in normally before closing her eyes. Just like that, she lets herself be at ease for a moment only to start groping her own breasts while feeling the warm wetness coming from her tits and her upper chest. By doing so, Fluttershy could feel herself ticklish while squeeze her beautiful breasts with both of her hands while under the warm steam. She felt even more wetter inside the sauna than that of in the ocean. In fact, she can't help but go wild inside the steamy room. With every squeeze on her breasts, she started moaning with pleasure inside the sauna. "AAAHHHHH!!! AH!! AH!! AHH!! Oh please, FUCK ME!!!" Fluttershy giggled while feeling herself lift her right knee upward to an angle with her foot still flat on top of the small bench. "FUCK ME HARDER!!! YEEEESSSS!!!" In such hot, steamy masturbation, Fluttershy closed her eyes as she continued to moan to herself while squeezing her breasts more intensely. "OH YES!! YES!!! YES!! YES!! AHHHHHHH!!!!" In the next session of masturbating and screaming excitedly inside the sauna, Fluttershy lowered her right knee back, straightening her leg before taking five. After that, she touched her lower, slim stomach with her left hand while still groping her left breast with her right hand, still laying down on the bench. "AHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHH!!! AHHHHH!! OH YEAH!!! YEAH!!!" "MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!! I'm so in heaven!!!" Fluttershy smiled, as her pink mane started getting wet. During the time she is groping her left breast, Fluttershy reached down to her clit with her left hand and started digging into her bottom hole between her legs making her more hotter than the heat from the sauna's steaming vents itself. In just a few minutes of performing such self-sexy pleasure, a bit of her fluid came out from the bottom between her legs, leaving a small stain on the other side of her towel before the rest of the bench gets wet with it. At the half of the duration of feeling the warm steam inside the sauna, Fluttershy finally relaxed as she spread her legs a few inches apart before letting both of her arms lay flat onto her sides before going stopping herself. Just like that, she laid still on top of the bench completely naked. 8:45pm..... As she dozed off while sleeping naked in the sauna, Fluttershy hears a small beep, telling her that the duration for the flowing steam is over. The moment Fluttershy opens up her eyes, she sees that her backpack is a little moist. Though, most of the contents inside it are still dry. When she slowly got up from the bench, Fluttershy walks back to the glass door and left the sauna, taking her backpack and her towel with her. Unfortunately, by the time Fluttershy closed the glass door behind her, she can hear some ponies taking from outside of the swimming pool, startling the pegasus. As her eyes widened with fright, Fluttershy needs to hide because she is still naked, with most of her skin and her breasts completely moist from the steam inside the sauna. The voices get louder, considering that they're approaching the pool that she is in. In a panic, Fluttershy ran straight into the small shower stall next to the sauna. Thankfully, the shower stall had a door that can be used to hide herself in Taking advantage of this, Fluttershy went inside the shower before shutting the door behind her while holding her towel and her backpack at the same time, using the lock from inside to keep herself in. 9:10pm...... While inside the shower stall, Fluttershy could hear a group of young girls making muffled giggling sounds as they are splashing around. She can assume that they're all in the swimming pool for now. "It seems that I can't leave here for awhile. Oh well, at least this will be the time for me to wash up. After all, I was already soaking down to the bone after spending long hours at sea." Fluttershy thought as she dropped off her backpack and towel on top of a nearby seat that is attached to the wall on her left. After setting her stuff down, Fluttershy went up to the showers unable to hear anymore giggling coming from outside the stall. The moment she turned on the showers, she let her face get soaked first as long streams of water sprayed onto her pink mane before rubbing both of her bare shoulders with her hands. It's a shame that she didn't have any soap and shampoo inside her backpack. So, she decided to take some of her time while letting the flowing shower water stream down her body. Under the spraying water from above, Fluttershy closed her eyes and smiled while lifting her head up to the shower head as she feels the cool, warm liquid soak down all the way to her feet. She stood there under the flowing showers as water lines are overwhelming her beautiful naked skin as she place her right hand on the upper right side of her head with her left hand touching her bare chest in-between her lovely breasts. "AH!! Such nice shower water!!" Fluttershy softly spoke as she rubbed her long, pink mane to the back of her head with her right hand. With continuous water down pouring the naked mare, Fluttershy held both of her arms with her hands while her elbows went on top of her breasts at the same time. She couldn't care less about how much water will she let her birthday suit get exposed to, whether it is from the swimming pool, the ocean, the heavy rain in the rainforest, or from the lagoon. It didn't really matter to Fluttershy at all because she just want to have every type of water to melt on top of her naked body whatever the cost. In a wild hormone overdrive, Fluttershy started to squeeze her breasts again with both of her hands and made silent, beautiful moans while still standing in front of the shower, feeling more wetter than ever. 9:35pm.... Fluttershy just spent 25 minutes in the showers rubbing her breasts and pinching her sexy titties while letting the small streams of water pour on top of them, making herself totally sexy. Every where she goes, Fluttershy just enjoys being wet without end. For the moaning, laughing, and splashing noises coming from outside of the shower stall, Fluttershy could hear them die down only for the door to the sauna open up. With that sound, she thought for sure that whoever was in the swimming pool must have just went into the sauna. So, she turned off the showers before slowly opening up the door leading back to the pool. As Fluttershy scanned the area, she sees that the pool is clear once again, much to her relief. Fluttershy, then takes her backpack and her towel out of the shower stall before placing them on top of a nearby chair before looking who is inside the sauna. Through the sauna door, Fluttershy sees three earth pony mares completely naked and sleeping peacefully together inside the wooden, steamy room. Come to think of it, she recognizes all three of them to be the flower sisters back from Ponyville, Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy. After taking a good look at them, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile in seeing just how cute, beautiful, and sexy they are compared to her exposed beauty, especially when Roseluck, Daisy, and Lily have such lovely and perky, medium-sized breasts, hardening underneath the flowing steam. As much as she wanted to ask them why are they having fun here, Fluttershy started blushing to herself in embarrassment thinking that the flower sisters may see her naked first, the moment they wake up inside the sauna. Not wanting to take anymore chances, Fluttershy takes a quick dive into the pool. Once she is underwater, Fluttershy cools herself off before going back up the water level. Once she emerged, Fluttershy inhales and exhales, letting her bare shoulders and neck rising above the pool water. After that, she immediately gets out of the pool and wraps her towel around her nude body. Not a another second to spare, Fluttershy takes out her room key from the outside pocket of her backpack and exited out of the swimming pool before any of the flower sisters could wake up from their beauty sleep in the sauna. Once outside of the pool, Fluttershy cautiously went back to the stairs before any pony else could see her. For the room key that she found in her backpack, she thought for sure that she won't be able to use it again to enter her room in the 5th floor of the resort; Fluttershy feared this since her backpack was stolen yesterday. In fact, she thought that the thief would find it before Fluttershy had the chance to recover her room key. Nevertheless, she was grateful and lucky that nothing happened to her room key yet. However, Fluttershy may need to come up with a backup plan in case she was robbed or stripped of again. As she went up the stairs to the 5th floor, Fluttershy quietly makes her way back to her room in hopes that no pony wakes up before then. In a fright, she could her some pony's voice coming from the room next to hers. At first, Fluttershy thought that the pony is approaching the door in front of him or her, making herself shiver in fear. She makes a quick reaction by hiding behind the ice machine at the corner to her left. *CLICK!!* She heard the door open and hoofsteps approaching to where Fluttershy is at. She gasped quietly before holding her mouth with both of her hands, forcing herself to keep quiet. The hoofsteps are intensifying, making Fluttershy sweat as if she is going to get caught naked inside the resort hallways. With one quick, silent move, she draped her whole towel over herself, covering her body from the head all the way down to her ankles while trying to stay still. With Fluttershy hiding underneath the towel, she covered her mouth with her right hand before hearing the elevator beep. As the elevator opens up, the unknown pony goes inside and pushes a button from his right. Just like that, the elevator doors close before Fluttershy hears the machine moving down to the lobby. In a relief, Fluttershy unveils herself before making her way back to her room. This time, she succeeds as she immediately opened up the door to her room before coming in and closing the door behind her. Once she is inside her room, which is still dark, Fluttershy took a deep breath as she dropped the towel and her backpack onto the floor and walked towards her bed. Now that she is completely dry, Fluttershy lets out a big yawn before going to sleep, putting the covers on top of her. Just like that, she closes her eyes, feeling the bed covers wrap around her beautiful naked body for the rest of the night. > Bonus Chapter: Hot Blossoming of the Flower Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th Day: 9:05pm..... At the same time when Fluttershy is hiding inside the closed shower shall, the doors to the swimming pool inside the resort opened up as the three flower sisters appeared all wearing two-piece bikini swimsuits. Daisy is seen wearing a light green bikini covering up her small pink breasts. She was the first to enter the pool area. Behind her, Lily was seen wearing a yellow bikini, making her blush and giggle a bit while carrying most of their towels. Last but not least, Roseluck is seen in a bright red bikini, feeling a bit nervous when walking around in it. They all have their favorite flower placed on top of their right ears, making them more prettier in their appearance. No matter, they still giggled to each other, feeling satisfied over spending 3 nights in the resort after receiving a 30% discount coupon for their stay. "Aren't you glad we've been able to ease off from all that horror in delivering our flower packages to our customers before the deadline?" Lily asked the two flower sisters. "Yes, I am. Though, we don't have anyone else to look after our flower stand." Roseluck replied, feeling nervous over the safety of their vendor. "We might as well take a break here while it still lasts. Anyway, this may be the time for us to cool off here after trekking around the ghettos outside when it was hot as tartarus." Daisy suggested. "I guess, we sure could have fun here." Roseluck chirped as she was the first to dive into the swimming pool. Once Roseluck was in the pool, she left behind a small splash that spattered all over the edge of the porcelain floor a few inches from the large body of water. As Daisy and Lily looked at each other while feeling the water on their bare feet, they both laughed all at once before they went into the pool with Roseluck. Before they knew it, Roseluck's top piece started to come off an instant, revealing herself to have medium-sized breasts that happened to be all bouncy and soft while being soaked inside the pool water. Just when she sees her medium-size breasts while treading in the pool, she started blushing bright red before covering herself up during her soaking session. When Daisy and Lily approached an embarrassed Roseluck, they both giggled at her while the upper half of their bodies are still above the water level inside the pool. "It's okay Rose. We all know each other." Daisy said grinning sheepishly, trying to sympathize with the exposed Roseluck. "Since no pony else is here, we might as well have some sexy fun in the pool." After giving it a thought, Roseluck lowers her arm as she lets here pale yellow breasts below the watery surface of the pool. She smiled at Daisy and Lily for a bit only to see them take off their tops, revealing their cute, lovely medium-sized breasts all at once. Just like that, Daisy started hugging and kissing Roseluck on the cheek while still soaking inside the pool along Lily. For Lily, she just stood a few feet away from the embrace of the two naked flower sisters while scooping up a bit of pool water with her hands before letting it drip on her exposed breasts. "MMMMMmmmmmm!!" Roseluck soothed while feeling the kiss from Daisy as she started squeezing her right small breast while it is still underwater. "MMMMMMMMmmmmm!!" Daisy hummed back. After feeling Rose holding her breast, she started grabbing her butt during her sexy session while feeling the cool water caress both of them. While seeing Daisy and Roseluck still kissing each other on the neck as well as squeezing their medium-sized breasts during their time in the water, Lily see this as a opportunity to do something even more naughty in the swimming pool. In fact, Lily makes her way into the pool before letting her breasts go below the water. After that she dove underwater and descended down a few inches close to the bottom floor of the pool while holding her breath. While seeing them kiss and grab each other by their sexual parts, Lily takes both of her bikini tops before coming out of the water with them. After that, Lily gets out and places them on top of the plastic table seen on the far left corner of the swimming pool. Grinning at Roseluck's and Daisy's sexual session, Lily also takes off her bottom and puts it on the table with the rest of their bikinis, allowing herself to become completely naked before going back into the swimming pool. After having their small session, Roseluck and Daisy let go of each other before allowing Lily to join in on the fun. The moment Lily swam closer to the Roseluck and Daisy, they all took off their bikini bottoms, allowing themselves to be completely naked while having fun in the pool. They left their bikini bottoms on top of the porcelain floor a few feet from the edge of the swimming pool. As they all giggled together, the naked flower sisters all submerged underwater doing sorts of sexual activities while below the surface of the pool. With all three naked flower sisters underwater, Lily and Daisy hugged each other and letting their lovely breasts squeezing up against each other. At the same time, Roseluck did her best to hold her breath until it is her turn. With Lily and Daisy touching each other, they both locked each other's lips while massaging each other in the breasts and their bare butts. Roseluck smiled before swimming for a bit underwater and turned her body around to face the surface above her, accidentally letting out a few air bubbles from her mouth before landing her butt softly on the pool floor. Just as she giggled to herself while feeling the cool water all around her, Roseluck can't loose too much of her air bubbles for she will lose her oxygen while underwater more faster than usual. So, Roseluck spends some time to herself underwater by squeezing both of her medium-sized breasts while sitting on the pool floor as well as leaning up against the wall. After their short period with each other, Daisy swam up to Roseluck before she started sucking on her right breast with her mouth. Roseluck still did her best to keep her mouth closed while enduring the sucking and soft biting that Daisy is making on her bare breast. However, it wasn't long before Roseluck's face started turning purple as if she is in need of air. Rose immediately swam up to the surface as her head emerged from below the pool water, gasping for air. In the next second, Daisy and Lily also emerged from underwater taking deep breaths before looking at Roseluck. When Rose looked back at them, they all giggled at each other seeing themselves to be really cute and beautiful when completely naked in the pool. While still having their necks up above the water, with the rest of their nude forms submerged, Daisy and Lily swam towards Roseluck who leaned up against the edge of the pool behind her. Before Rose knew it, the two flower sisters started to squeeze and suck on both of her lovely breasts, making her moan with happiness as tears came down her eyes as she looked up to the night sky through the ceiling windows. "Uhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! OH YEAH!!! AHHHHHHH!!!" Roseluck moaned, feeling her titties getting sucked on by the mouths of her fellow flower sisters. "YES!!! FUCK ME!!! YES!! FASTER!! HARDER!! DEEPER!!! DEEPER!!! OH YES!! YES!! YEEEEES!!!" Daisy and Lily couldn't help but laugh at each other as they both made Rose start to go wild before they pulled her away from the edge. Before they knew it, Rose started to flop backwards with both her head and her mane splashing nonstop in the pool water. At the same time, Rose's face started to soak entirely making herself even more wet than just letting the water splash on her face. At the same time, the pool water the Rose is splashing on top of with her bare back also sprayed at Daisy and Lily next, letting the cool liquid hit most of their faces as well while grunted and giggling all at once. All three naked flower mares start to go wild as they splashed around in the pool while masturbating amongst themselves, sexually squeezing and groping Roseluck in their deep soaking embrace. "YEAH!! YEAH!! YES!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! OH YEAH!!! YEAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Roseluck screamed in pain and happiness as she kept flopping and splash backwards with her bare back, with both of her breasts becoming totally perky and stiff at the same time. "YEAH!! YEAH!! AHHH!!! AHHH!!! AHHH!!! UHHH!! UHHH!! UHH!! UHH!! UHH!! UHHH!!! UHHHH!! OH!! Uh!! Uh!! Mmmmm!! MMMmmmmm!!!" In just a few more minutes of soaking, masturbating, flopping, and splashing around in the pool, Roseluck becomes exhausted as she let herself sink underwater, right after Daisy and Lily stopped sucking on her medium-sized breasts. Just like that, Roseluck collapsed onto the floor of the pool while still submerged below the water. As they looked down at Roseluck when she is underwater, they see her smiling with her eyes closed, thinking that they just amusingly let their own sister sank down below the water out of sexual pleasure. Daisy and Lily then looked at each other and started laughing their heads of after seeing just how sexy, cute, and beautiful Roseluck is when she is completely naked underwater. However, Daisy didn't want Rose to drown on accident. So, she dived deep underwater inside the pool to pick up Roseluck. When Daisy emerged, she pulled Roseluck's neck out of the water allowing her to breath again before the naked earth pony mare coughed up water from her wet mouth. When she finally came too, Roseluck looked at both Daisy and Lily before they all started laughing and giggling after experiencing such wonderful, underwater sex while bathing naked in the pool together. As a result, their manes became totally drenched with water. "That was fun." Roseluck laughed as she stood up, with only her feet still underwater touching the pool floor while the rest of her nude body is seen with drips coming down her naked skin, mane, and tail. "Well, do you think we can get some rest in the sauna?" Lily asked the group, blushing a bit. Just as Roseluck started blushing bright red, she does want to do more to relax her body further here. As for Daisy, she immediately got out of the pool, leaving behind a trail of wetness on the floor. "I do suppose we could. After all, I don't mind having a little more heat in my body!!" Roseluck smiled as she groped her own butt before exiting out of the pool second. Lily positively squealed as she left the pool last following both Roseluck and Daisy into the sauna. As the three naked flower sisters entered the sauna, Lily opened and closed the door behind them before they sleep on top of the wooden benches inside. Roseluck turned the heat control to 65 degrees, setting the timer for a max of 30 minutes. After that, the flowing steam start to shower all three naked mares, making them totally drenched with sweat and moist. She happily giggled while feeling the steam on her beautiful bare shoulders before she laid down on her back on top of the wooden bench facing the door of the sauna. When she first got on the bench, Lily and Daisy came up next as they all embrace Roseluck in their arms from both her left and right side before they both fall asleep naked, feeling the smooth moist skin of a naked Roseluck. As she feels Daisy's and Lily's hands touching her nude body in their embrace, Roseluck lets herself be at peace while letting warm steam caress her beautiful naked body before she closes her eyes and smiled, placing both of her hands on her slim stomach below her breasts. Ahhhhh!!! I love you girls!! Roseluck thought before she goes to sleep under the warm, steamy heat inside the sauna. With all three flower sisters sleeping naked and embracing each other in their arms, they feeling their nude bodies become completely moist in the sauna, after enjoying their sexy private time in the swimming pool. As a result, they let the steam from the vents flow through their beautiful naked breasts, making them blossom big and perky just like the flowers they grow back at Ponyville. > 5th Night: Quicksand, Rain, and Ocean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Day: 6:55am..... As Fluttershy came out of her bed, stretching out arms far and wide, she immediately turned on the lights inside her room to see that most of her stuff is still here. Her duffel bags are inside the closet next to the door leading into the resort's hallway and her clothes are still inside the long dressers across from her bed, much to the female pegasus relief. Though, she still needs to plan out another day here at the resort so that she doesn't go too far. If not, Fluttershy will face another situation similar to what occurred at the rainforest two days ago. As she went through the flyers on the coffee table, which is seen right of the dresser, Fluttershy spots an outdoor mud spa that happens to be placed alongside the beach a couple of miles south of the resort. At first, Fluttershy is eager to try it out. However, the mud spa is like 10 blocks away from the resort. Since she doesn't have any transportation to get there, it may take like 30 minutes to walk there and back. The worst part is, her pouch of bits inside he backpack is missing. In her disappointment, Fluttershy's money pouch was also stolen when the thieves took her backpack. Since it's too late to recover it, Fluttershy had to move on and get another money pouch from the gift shop nearby. Thankfully, she left her small purse in her room before heading out to the rainforest safari earlier. It happens to be a In her purse, Fluttershy still has about 3,500 bits left to use for the remaining days of her summer break. After checking her remaining bits in her inventory, Fluttershy went to the dresser to put on another set of clothes for the 5th day. Since she lost one set of clothes no thanks to that rotten backpack thief and that two sets of her clothes are all placed inside her laundry bag, Fluttershy only has 4 sets of clothes left to wear. During that time, she takes out her gem case and the small chest from her backpack to put inside one of her duffel bags inside the closet. As of now, Fluttershy is seen dressed up with a bright pink tube-top and white khaki pants before putting on her short white socks. After that, she puts on her tennis shoes and puts the key in the right pocket of her pants. She slightly blushed at herself when seeing that her big curves are showing from underneath her pink tube-top. Well, Fluttershy is in no position to complain since Rarity always provides the sexiest, loveliest dresses and clothes that she needs in order to adapt to the hot seasons during the summer. After all, Rarity already sold them to Fluttershy at a decent discount price during the sale events in her carousel boutique in Ponyville. When Fluttershy inhaled and exhaled, she starts another day outside of the resort while carrying her backpack over her bare shoulders before heading out the door from her room. 7:39am...... As Fluttershy went down to the breakfast lobby, she ate two pancakes with an variety of fruit, likely pieces of orange and apples on a bowl. After that, she went to the gift shop which is facing the receptionist desk to get another new pouch. She bought a yellow-green pouch for 20 bits before taking it back to her room. When Fluttershy went back to her room, she only put 500 bits inside her pouch, leaving the rest of it still inside her purse. Soon afterwards, Fluttershy leaves the resort as she makes her way down south towards the outdoor mud spa. 8:10am..... Fluttershy walks down a ghetto area where ponies are selling street food and merchandise from various stands. Some of them are playing violin and guitar music while allowing other to drop off bits into their instrument cases. All around her, Fluttershy could see tall houses, made out of wood and metal, where ponies are hanging their clothes on the clothes lines, which are attached from their side to across to the other side of the street in front of their residential structures. She did her best to use the map leading her to the mud spa, while watching out for the little fillies playing on the street with their parents watching over them from close by. 8:25am.... As soon as she finds the outdoor mud spa, it had a large sign above the entrance of a huge square, fenced area that stretched about 150 feet wide and the length reaching towards the beach behind it. At the front, a tall booth is seen from Fluttershy's right. In it, a female earth pony is seen operating as the receptionist there while taking in requests from her clients and guests that enter the spa. Eager to try it out, Fluttershy takes a brochure of the spa from the stand next to the receptionist booth before reading it quietly away from public ears. On the brochure, it explains the services that are available in the mud spa everyday: 7am to 11am: Hot stone massage or traditional massage therapy. Cost: 45 bits 12pm to 5pm: Hot tub cleansing or mud bath cleansing. Cost: 30 bits 6pm to 12am: Quicksand bath. Cost 150 bits. 1pm: Closing time. After reading the available services for the outdoor mud spa, Fluttershy became obsessed in trying out the Quicksand bath at 8pm. Though, she never felt the pleasure of sinking below the mud before. However, she already submerged more than once while skinny dipping in the ocean and in the lagoon. So, it's worth a try. Fluttershy can't help but feel a bit anxious as she felt butterflies inside her stomach. Not that it matters, its just only a spa its not like she is going on another safari trip outside of the island again nor would she do so at a swamp. She hope to assume that the Quicksand bath is safe to try out for now. Looking at the time on her watch, Fluttershy sees that its only 8:35am. So, she decided to go out for a mountain walk at the north of the resort. 10:25am..... Back at the resort, Fluttershy took a bus to a national park where a hiking path leads up to a mountain where a bright, green meadow surrounds it, paying only 10 bits for the bus fare lasting the entire day. She start to feel the heat from the sun sweating down on her yellow skin underneath her clothes after walking up a few meters up the mountain. Before long, her clothes started to stick on her body as they shrink only for her breasts to start getting moist from the summer heat. 11:15am.... Eventually, Fluttershy was able to find an isolated spot within the hiking trail where another trail it leads to a small clear grassy spot where she can take a rest while eating lunch. Before long, she spots a nearby tree on her left with bushes surrounding it in a circular diameter while underneath the sun rays. As soon as she went inside the bushes and puts her backpack down next to the tree in the shade, she was able take out a veggie sandwich and a 1 liter bottle filled with water that she packed up for the hike, to eat while spending time outdoors. After finishing her sandwich and drinking 1/4 of the water from her bottle, Fluttershy went up to the tree to sunbathe on the grass around it. She looked around first to make sure that no pony is watching her from outside of the bushes she is in. After giving it a few minutes of surveying the isolated spot around her, Fluttershy smiled to herself as she took all of her clothes off and put them inside her backpack, making herself completely naked again inside the forest. Shortly after stuffing her clothes in, she takes out a big bottle of sunscreen lotion to put on her big breasts, on her face, and all over her naked body. With her breasts bouncing freely within the summer heat of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, Fluttershy laid down on the grass while catching some Zs, with her head up against the bottom of the tree behind her. With the tree shade covering up her face, Fluttershy moaned quietly with pleasure as she squeezed both of her breasts while her bare back and wings are on top of the warm grass. She was breathing softly next when both of her breasts started to become stiff with pleasure and heat all around her. In every 20 minutes, Fluttershy could feel the breeze flowing through her naked skin while underneath the tree. She laid there even more relaxed as she stretched her arms wide before putting her hands behind her head before she continues to sunbath in the nude. "MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!! Oh!!!" Fluttershy soothed peacefully, as she let herself become caressed by the sunlight on her breasts and on her bare shoulders, letting her eyes close as she falls asleep naked in the forest. During her sleep while sunbathing in the forest, Fluttershy kept in mind to save 150 bits for the Quicksand bath back at the mud spa. She still hasn't know what will she expect from the Quicksand bath that she want to take. However, if any pony can handle it inside the spa, so can she. After all, mud is meant to help sooth her skin first before washing it all off later on. She can't imagine herself being more hot and sexy when trying to dip into the quicksand bath. Not that it matters, Fluttershy already dipped her naked body in the endless sea before swimming back to the resort with the help of her two friends from the ocean. In fact, she already survived being stuck in the rainforest while completely naked for two days. So, why would bathing in quicksand be a problem? Who knows. After all, she'll do whatever she wants during her one week trip at the tropical resort. So, Fluttershy went back to being at ease while letting her nude body become caressed underneath the sun rays. 12:30pm...... Fluttershy felt her body become totally dry, way too dry. In fact, she starts to feel a bit dehydrated the moment she wakes up from her nude sunbathing in the forest. As soon as she gets up on her butt, she could hear the fish splashing nearby ; this can only mean that there is a lake somewhere deep within the forest. However, Fluttershy will risk violating the rules in staying on the trail. So, she may need to disregard bathing in the lake for she will get caught either by the hikers or by the park rangers nearby. No longer feeling the sweat on her nude body, with another gentle breeze flowing through her again, Fluttershy puts all of her clothes back on before leaving the isolated spot and going back on the trail. 1:45pm...... Now fully clothed and with only 7 hours left before going back to the mud spa for a quicksand bath, Fluttershy walked further up the mountain trail while drinking a bottle of water. With her bottle only 1/2 water left, she decided to save the rest of it back from her hike in the mountain. She was able to reach about 300 feet when walking up the trail only to see the ghetto from a massive distance away. At the same time, Fluttershy spread out her bare arms wide while feeling the mountain breeze flow through her face, her chest, and her sexy curves simultaneously. She felt herself flying through the air already. However, she didn't bother flying over the mountain because the breeze can be surprisingly scary to fight against. So, she only pressed forward until 3:00pm. After 3pm while walking up the trail close to the edge of the mountain side, Fluttershy decided to unfurl her wings before flying below the mountain in heading back before dinner. She did her best not to flap her wings too much since the wind blowing from the mountain is pretty scary. 2:30pm.... As Fluttershy glided below the air current, she managed to make it back to the bus stop. However, when she look at the bus sign, Fluttershy noticed that the bus comes by every 30 minutes. However, she still has time to get ready for the Quicksand bath back at the mud spa. So, in this case, Fluttershy decided to get a smoothie from a nearby stand that is a few feet away from the bus stop. For 10 bits, she bought a strawberry smoothie to refresh herself after enduring all that heat from her hike up in the mountains, only to feel a bit of brain freeze for a few minutes. After that, Fluttershy sat on a bench facing the road that the bus will stop at when dropping off the passengers. 3:00pm...... As soon as the bus arrives, Fluttershy became first in line before the bus driver dropped off the passengers from the rear exit of the long, transporting vehicle. Once all the passengers get on, Fluttershy gets on the bus and shows the slip of her payment for the bus fare to the driver. Accepting this, the bus driver lets Fluttershy sit at the front seat before the others came in, paying for their bus fare and taking their seats further past the female pegasus. Once everyone is sitting down, the bus driver closed the bus' doors before driving them back to the resort. 7:00pm....... As soon as the bus reached the resort, Fluttershy looked up the moment she got off the bus only to see that the sun is setting already. Once she went back inside her room, Fluttershy changed into her bikini swimsuit, leaving behind her backpack. Feeling excited, Fluttershy only took enough bits to buy her dinner before going to the mud spa and dropping the rest of it inside her purse. Just when she left the room, she put on her white T-shirt to cover up her upper body before leaving the resort once again. 7:30pm..... Close to the Mud spa, Fluttershy went to a nearby cuisine restaurant and had hot tomato soup and cheese sandwiches for dinner, which costs only 8 bits. After that, she went up to the receptionist at the mud spa to pay for the Quicksand Bath service. When she dropped off 150bits, the receptionist smiled as he had an attendant lead Fluttershy to the area where the quicksand bath will be at. From 7:00pm to 8:00pm, Fluttershy just had to follow the attendant through the huge outdoor spa for like almost two miles much to her annoyance. However, as soon as they stop, the attendant showed her the quicksand pit to be a large square pool of 10 by 10 feet filled with dark-wet mud where a line of dirt is seen leading straight to the ocean in front; which houses the water pipes used to transferred water to the quicksand pit from the ocean. The Ocean is seen to be a few meters ahead of the quicksand pit. "This Quicksand pit happens to be 50 feet deep filled with peat bog. It's even more breathtaking than that of in the swimming pool but it's not dangerous if you relax while being submerged. Are you sure you want to go for the Quicksand bath? "Absolutely!!" Fluttershy said, in a hesitant, nervous tone. She may feel a different experience in feeling the mud on her beautiful, naked skin, but it's just part of the fun when participating in her summer week at the resort. "Well, if you need anything, just holler. By the way, it will be raining soon. So, you might as well leave before then. Otherwise, the spa will be closed." "Thank you so much, sir!!" Fluttershy replied as she see the attendant leave. 8:18pm..... Once the attendant disappeared, Fluttershy takes off her shoes before she touches one of her feet into the mud. Through her toes, she feels the mud to be very cool and soothing. Grinning with a bit more confidence now that the sky turned dark, Fluttershy takes off not only her shirt but also her entire swimsuit before putting in on the ground behind her seeing herself completely naked again. At the same time, she put down her pouch of remaining bits and the room key inside it. When she jumped right into the pit, Fluttershy plunged in with both of her legs and feet disappearing instantly as the mud reach up to her waist, letting the muck splattered forward a few inches away from her. "Ahhhhh!! Ohhhhhh!!! This mud feels so nice!!" Fluttershy cooed with delight as she feels the warmth of quicksand consuming her bare skin. "MMMMmmmmmm!!!" Eager for more, Fluttershy scooped a bit of liquidity mud with her right hand before placing it on top of her chest. Feeling the mud on her naked body, she descended further as the mud consume her lower stomach, reaching up to her breasts as Fluttershy started moaning with pleasure in being part of this Quicksand pit. "So nice!! This feels so good!! I want more!! More!!" Fluttershy moaned further, as she feels herself slowly going down further into the pit. With every minute passed, Fluttershy could feel the mud consuming more of her beautiful, naked body. "Oh yeah!!! AHHHHHHH!!!" It may felt dirty all over her naked skin, but Fluttershy imagined herself melting deep into the mud out of pleasure. In fact, she can also feel the water underneath the mud sloshing around underneath her breasts. In addition, she put both of her hands down into the mud first before rubbing it on top of her breasts before holding herself by her arms, both gasping and sighing in such a lust. "MMMMMmmmmmmm!! I want more!! MORE!!!" Fluttershy happily moaned as she rubbed her neck with both of her hands, feeling the mud up to her chin. "This feels so good, I could just sleep in this quicksand for all eternity!!!" As soon as Fluttershy's breasts became half-submerged, the naked mare leaned back as she feels the quicksand mud touching her pink mane, with her wings buried beneath the pit. Being caressed by the overwhelming quicksand mud all around her, Fluttershy squeezed both of her breasts with her muddy hands, making herself both wet and dirty at the same time. While Fluttershy continued to let the quicksand surround and caress her, she immediately felt something grabbing by the legs again from somewhere below the muddy surface. For some familiar sense, Fluttershy felt the suctions wrapping around her legs and in her clit, not being able to see what creature is doing it from inside the quicksand. "WHOA!! AHHH!!! OH!!! OH!!! AHHHHHHH!!!" Fluttershy groaned with lust as she tilted her head up towards the night sky, as she grinned happily. Instantly, two muddy tentacles came out of the quicksand and both groped Fluttershy's half-submerged breasts. "OH YEAH!! TAKE ME!! TAKE ME!!! UHHHHHH!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!! YEAH!!!" The naked mare screamed with pleasure as she feels her muddy breasts getting squeezed by the tentacles from below the mud. In just two minutes, Fluttershy's breasts slowly disappeared into the mud. With only her bare chest and her shoulders showing, Fluttershy closed her eyes as she feels the rest of her nude body get hotter and wetter underneath the quicksand mud. "YEAH!! YEAH!!! AHHHHH!!! YES!!!" Fluttershy moaned louder as her bare shoulders slowly disappear into the mud. "YES!! YES!! YES!! AHHHHHH!!! OH YEAH!! YEAH!! PULL ME UNDER!!! PULL ME IN!!! PULL ME IN!!! TAKE ME IN!!!" Fluttershy's neck soon followed as her chin touches the mud next. She just kept moaning and moaning the same words repeatedly until Fluttershy can feel the mud on her cheeks. In the next second, Fluttershy now finds herself under the mercy of the quicksand as it is getting close in covering up her face when tilting her head back. Just as the world around her is going dark, she makes one loud, beautiful moaning voice. "SO GOOD!!! SO DEEP!!! I FEEL SO GRE-blurrrrgggghhhhhhmmmmmpphh........!!" In the next second, the mud covers up to mouth, making her lose her voice. After that, the warm caressing mud covers up her nose. Just like that, Fluttershy closes her eyes before she completely submerged below the surface of quicksand, with only top of her head showing. Her head then disappears down below the mud, leaving behind strands of her pink hair before it vanishes all together. 8:48pm...... Meanwhile back at the booth, the receptionist started to hear clouds rumbling overhead. In the next minute, the rain started to pour in all around the spa, forcing himself to close down the place for the rest of the night. For the spa attendant, he didn't have time to check on Fluttershy for he was ordered to end his shift for the day. Just like that, the receptionist and the attendant left the spa immediately and went back home, along with the other spa patrons. All around the spa, the rain started pouring heavily on the ground nonstop. 9:38pm...... While still submerged underneath the quicksand pit, Fluttershy wasn't able to see anything. It's as if she was naked in the dark, totally oblivious to everything around her. She felt the mud holding her in place while her lungs are getting swallowed by the mud. However, when Fluttershy is holding herself closely in her arms, she felt some strange tentacles wrapping around her naked body, with one tentacle is wrapping around her mouth with its suction cups allowing her to breath while submerged underneath the peat-bog. Then again, she can't see who is wrapping her in the mud, especially if another tentacle was entering her clit from between her legs. Instead, her eyes remained closed while buried in the wet mud. MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!! MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!! Despite that, Fluttershy felt sexy and beautiful while underneath the muddy surface of quicksand, being completely caressed by its warm, embracing mud. At the same time, she felt tentacles wrapping around her naked body while inside the pit. She start to feel the tentacle shoving back and forth from her clit, making her moaning in silence, letting more of her white fluid out down below the mud. For some reason, she didn't want any of it to stop because Fluttershy finds all of this muddy, submerging lust very amusing. It's as if she was living in a whole new dream of being naked forever while in the mud. Feeling so obsessed in letting the mud caress her beautiful naked body, Fluttershy didn't want to leave, she just wanted to stay submerged in quicksand for the rest of her life. At 9:55pm, Fluttershy heard the rainstorm happening right outside of the surface she is under, she knew that the spa will be closed. She has to leave before they shut the doors in front of her. So, with the sound of rumbling and the rainstorm coming from above, Fluttershy immediately reached her hand up to the muddy surface ending her dream being submerged. As Fluttershy's hand reached out of the surface of the quicksand, the red octopus appeared first with wet mud covering its red, rubbery body. The octopus went out of the pit before using the rest of his tentacles to pull out another creature from underneath the quicksand. *GASP!!!* Just when the octopus pulled out the muddy figure from underneath the quicksand pit, it let out a gasping, female voice. Before long, the muddy figure is obviously Fluttershy. She came out of the muddy pit only to feel herself become completely caked in mud as her face is totally covered up with it; even her wings and her long, flowing mane and tail are totally caked with mud all around. Not that it matters, Fluttershy made a happy giggle to herself before wiping the mud off her eyes, allowing to see again, ignoring the rest of the mud on top of her nude skin, her mane, and on her wings. After getting her bearings, Fluttershy then sees her octopus friend up close while sitting on her bottom. "Oh! It's you!!" Fluttershy exclaimed seeing her octopus friend pull her out of the quicksand pit. "You followed me here, didn't you?! You sneaky little sea creature, you!!" Fluttershy couldn't help but tease and giggle at the red octopus while grinning in such amusement petting the side of its face. The octopus blushed a little for interfering with Fluttershy's private time in the spa. Apart from that, she could feel the down pour of rain flowing down her naked form. As much as Fluttershy is getting wet underneath the rain, it still isn't enough to wash all of the mud off her naked body. Instead, only a little bit of mud came off her bare skin by the rain. Regardless, Fluttershy just can't stop being happy when feeling the rain and mud flowing down her bare skin and breasts, she even started laughing to herself when she laid down her back a few feet away from the quicksand pit. After breathing in and out, Fluttershy looks up to the night sky as the rain continue to pour on her muddy birthday suit. From what the attendant told her, the spa will close once it starts raining. Well, since it took like almost an hour to get here from the receptionist booth, Fluttershy may not bother going back to where she came from. Since the ocean is only a few meters ahead from her and the quicksand pit, she decided to do a bit more fun in this muddy pool while out in the heavy pouring rain, before leaving the spa via ocean. She chuckled a bit first before doing more bathing in the quicksand pit. In another round, Fluttershy gets up on her legs and dives down head first into the pit of quicksand covering up her face again. This time, she disappeared into the mucky pit, with only her legs showing above the muddy surface before they go under. Just when Fluttershy completely submerges into the mud bath once again, the octopus carries Fluttershy's stuff to the other side of the Quicksand pit. He places them on top of a rock at the beach a few meters near the ocean before going back to the pit that Fluttershy disappeared into. While the octopus waited, Fluttershy stay submerged underneath the quicksand pit while swimming blindly about 3 to 5 feet beneath the peat bog. With her eyes closed, she can only touch and feel what is in front of her. For now, its just all wet dirt and muck that she is touching with both of her hands from every scoop. For her legs, however, Fluttershy can't really move either of them freely unlike from being submerged underneath the sea. Instead, she only uses her hands to move around while underneath the mucky peat surface, letting her legs remain motionless. No matter, she still want to spend more time below the surface of the quicksand pit as much as possible before midnight. As soon as she emerged again, Flutteshy's muddy head is seen a several feet closer to the other side of the huge muddy, square pit. With the mud caressing her naked body once more, Fluttershy rolled onto her back before she laid down on top of the muddy surface, feeling completely sexy with the muck on top of her breasts and on her face. The moment she wipe the mud off her eyes again, Fluttershy could feel herself being totally horny, with feeling her breasts and her whole body completely covered up in muck. As she relaxed for a moment, Fluttershy could hear the rain also pouring down all over the quicksand pit, making it even more softer and more wetter than ever before. In fact, when the octopus sees Fluttershy's muddy head coming closer to his side at the edge of the quicksand pit, he chuckled happily underneath his muffled breath before jumping right besides the naked mare, completely covered up in muck. Just when Fluttershy feels the tentacles wrapping around her dirty, nude body, she started squealing and laughing as she looked up to the sky, letting the rain shower on her muddy face. She felt totally ticklish when the octopus started to squeeze on her beautiful muddy breasts, let alone pinching and sucking her big tits in the process with its suctions. Fluttershy smiled and made a cute giggle at the octopus before she closes her eyes and buries her head below the mud, leaving the rest of her naked body up on the muddy surface feeling the wetness of the peat bog and from the down pouring rain. Before long, with the quicksand becoming softer thanks to the heavy rain, Fluttershy's body slowly sank down along with her submerged face, with the octopus still on top of her flat stomach. As a result, the octopus wraps its tentacles around Fluttershy's naked body before submerging into the mucky peat bog. When the octopus disappeared along with Fluttershy, the quicksand they're both in engulf them completely leaving behind two big ripples with bubbles popping up before they stop in just a few seconds later. 10:30pm..... As soon as everything fell into silence, Fluttershy lets the octopus squeeze her buttocks along with her breasts while submerged underneath the quicksand pit for the third time. With her whole body laying below the muddy surface, she is entering a muddy heaven filled with rainwater and dirt melting all around Fluttershy. She couldn't help but happily moan while resuming her fantasizing dream of happiness. With the octopus embracing Fluttershy while buried below the bog peat, the muddy naked mare started to moan as she felt the sea creature caressing and massaging everywhere, from her big lovely, muddy breasts down to her clit in-between her dirt-covered legs. Enduring such a sexual hormone, Fluttershy's moans start to get louder and intense. "MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!" "MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm!!!" OH YES!!! SO DEEP!!! I feel so dreamy!!! Fluttershy muttered inside her head as she is started to fall asleep submerged underneath the muddy peat bog. The mud consuming and caressing Fluttershy just had to make her feel like a little foal playing in the mud. Her living imagination of being one with quicksand also made Fluttershy so hot both inside and outside her nude form. As soon as one tentacle entered into her mouth, she opened it up only for it to go down her throat, along with the mud covering her whole face while under the surface. She felt like that she couldn't breath at first. However, Fluttershy is getting a good sexy, pleasurable experience when masturbating underneath quicksand. With the tentacle going in and out of Fluttershy's mouth, she was moaning wildly letting more air bubbles reach the muddy surface before they continue to pop. MMMMmmmmm!!! UUUURRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!! Fluttershy couldn't care less when she is masturbating while sucking on the octopus' tentacle with her mouth while submerged. Before she knew it, she slowly start to lose consciousness over the fact that Fluttershy is slowly drowning in quicksand. However, with another ripple of bubbles coming out of the surface, Fluttershy's head finally emerged from her muddy bath in Quicksand, wiping off the mud from her eyes with her muddy right hand and the drooling ecstasy that came out of her mouth. Even though the rest of her mane, her neck, and her whole face is covered with mud, Fluttershy leans back inhaling and exhaling as she rested the back of her head on top of the mud behind it. Still feeling the tentacles wrapping and masturbating the rest of her naked body and breasts underneath the mud, Fluttershy started to giggle more and more, making the muddy pegasus mare beyond horny. "OOHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHH!!! YES!!! FUCK ME HARDER!!! DEEPER!!! DEEPER!!!" Fluttershy moaned loudly while laying down with only her neck showing above the mud. "OH FUCK!! YEAH!!! AHHHHHHH!!!" In a few minutes of being squeezed and embraced by the mud and tentacles around her, Fluttershy started to blush even more redder as tears start to come out of her eyes, feeling the pain, passion, and pleasure while bathing in quicksand. "DEEPER!!! DEEPER!!! YES!!! OH YES!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!" Fluttershy then closes her eyes while still feeling the masturbation on her body get more and more stronger, making her scream excitedly as well as arching her back up a bit. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! YES!!! YES!! HARDER!!! FUCK ME HARDER!!! OH YEAH!! YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" *SIGH!!* As soon as Fluttershy could feel more fluids coming out of her breasts buried underneath the mud, she collapses her back on top of the peat bog surface out of exhaustion before she closes her eyes, letting herself sink beautifully out of sight. This mud feels so great on me!! I could just die happily in this quicksand, without a care in the world!! Imagining herself as a beautiful, sexy mare covered up in mud, Fluttershy just had to sleep naked while buried in quicksand. As soon as Fluttershy's sleepy head disappears below the muddy surface, only a ripple appears afterwards with some bubbles popping up before they all disappear. 11:25pm..... When the rain gets more intense, Fluttershy feels that her whole face is a few inches below, not just the mud, but rather below the water level above the mud. In a startling surprise, she didn't realize that the quicksand pit she is in actually got flooded with rainwater in just almost an hour later. As soon as she sees herself a few inches below the rising water, Fluttershy emerges from the muddy water with a big gasp of air being let out from her mouth. After that, she immediately gets out of the flooded, muddy pit. Once Fluttershy is standing up out of the quicksand pit on two legs, she sees herself that entire nude body is completely covered up in wet mud from head to toe, along with her mane, tail, and her wings. As for the Octopus, Fluttershy turned towards the ocean to see the creature holding her drenched swimsuit, her drenched shirt, and her pouch. The octopus waved its tentacles, telling Fluttershy that it is time to head back to the resort. As much as Fluttershy wanted to bathe some more in quicksand, her time is up. So, she ran towards the ocean along with her octopus friend and dived down into the sea water before swimming back to the resort, feeling more of the rain drenching her bare back and her pink flowing mane. It was fun while it lasted but since its late, Fluttershy still needed to rest in a much more drier place. So, Fluttershy swam alongside the shores while the waves kept pushing her to her right. Regardless, she still needed to bathe in the ocean for a while to wash away the rest of the mud latched onto her naked body. As soon as she reached the resort, Fluttershy emerges from the ocean to see herself become totally clean of all the wet, sticky mud engulfing her nude body; at the same time, the water also freed her wings from being sticky with mud as well as letting her long pink mane flow gracefully against the cool, soothing wind coming from the ocean. The naked pegasus then gets out of the ocean only to lay on her back on top of the dry sand out of exhaustion. With the moonlight shinning down on her skin from above the night sky, Fluttershy smiled realizing just how it made her very beautiful, like an angel she is. When the octopus appeared from the ocean, it dropped off Fluttershy's wet clothes and her pouch before going back into the water. At 11:55pm, Fluttershy gets up and grabs her stuff before heading back inside the resort to sleep for the next day, putting only her wet T-shirt on to cover up her breasts and her clit. > 6th Night: Underwater cave exploration, and Black Tentacle Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Night: 12:10am....... As soon as Fluttershy went back into her room at the resort, she felt totally soaked down to the bone with her breasts exposed through her wet shirt. Thankfully, no pony was able to see her at the time when she dashed straight into the building when that happened. Not that it matters, Fluttershy took off her wet shirt and hanged it on top of a chair outside of her room at the balcony. With her being totally naked and wet, Fluttershy went into the bathroom to dry off with a white towel before she goes to sleep naked on her bed. While catching some Zs, the female pegasus was totally worn out from swimming back to the resort from the ocean after leaving the spa in the most awkward way Fluttershy could think of. Well, other than that, she got a little too carried away from all that submergence during that Quicksand bath at the spa. Regardless, Fluttershy still had fun taking a naked dip into the mud while feeling the wetness all around her both below its surface and from the heavy rain coming down from the grey clouds above her. Without further a due, Fluttershy becomes fast asleep as she insist on getting ready for the 6th day. 6th Day: 6:55am........ As soon as she wakes up with a yawn, Fluttershy decided to plan to spend the remaining two nights on her own. Without relying on any fliers for any trips, she decided to go out to sea for a night and a half exploring with her two aquatic friends. Maybe, she'll meet more sea creatures along the way as well as seeing more underwater ruins or shipwrecks. In fact, the only thing she would bring for her trip is just her bikini swimwear and her backpack. The moment she gets up, Fluttershy puts on another two-piece bikini on her body. This time, it has a bright green color with pink floral decals on both pieces. As she looks herself on the mirror inside the bathroom, she could help but blush lightly in wearing it right now. Well either way, it won't matter since she's going to use her raft to get to go out to sea instead of taking the ferry. For her backpack, she packed in her bottle of sunscreen, two beach towels, a beach hat with a pink sash wrapped around it, a beach umbrella, her breathing mouthpiece, her goggles, and a small bag of apples, peaches, and oranges she got from the food market yesterday, which were dropped off at the resort before going to the spa. Once she got all packed up and ready to go, Fluttershy puts on another white T-shirt to cover up the upper half of her body, as well as putting her beach hat on top of her head, before heading down to the breakfast lobby. 7:35am..... After eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast at the lobby, Fluttershy went to the water sports store again to get an underwater flashlight to use when swimming under the sea. As soon as she got one for 30 bits, Fluttershy went to go get her raft, which is still lying at the beach 20 feet from the shores leading to the ocean. Outside of the resort, at the beach, Fluttershy looks up to the sky to see a clear blue sky with lots of sun. However, she also spots rain clouds from over 100 miles away towards the ocean she is heading to. However, she still felt confident to go out to the ocean despite the rain clouds seen on the horizon. So, Fluttershy tried her best to push the raft towards the shore only to feel that its weight is too heavy to do so. The moment she stopped, she tried calling out to her octopus friend to see if he can still help her get across the sea with her raft. At first, the octopus didn't show up. However, after waiting for like 30 minutes, the red tentacled creature resurfaces and pulls the front end of the raft towards the ocean. Upon seeing it, Fluttershy immediately climbed onboard the raft just as soon as the floating, wooden platform touches the sea water, putting her stuff on top next to the pole in the middle of the raft.. Once the raft is on top of the water, the octopus pulls it further away from the beach before Fluttershy makes her request to her aquatic friend. "So, do you know any other underwater ruins that are worth exploring?" Fluttershy asked as she looked down to the octopus, whom his head is a few inches above the water. The octopus nodded before taking Fluttershy and the raft she is on top of towards the east of the beach. 9:45am...... With spending two hours at sea, the cool breeze flew through Fluttershy's lovely long mane as it started flowing past the back of her head, with her smooth body feeling the wind and the warm sunny skies at the same time. The moment Fluttershy feels the heating temperature of the sun above her, she leans her back up against the pole and setup her beach umbrella to keep most of the sun off her exposed skin. While feeling the raft moving further away from the beach, Fluttershy turns around to see it and the resort slowly disappear before the horizon, ensuring that no pony will be able to see her from afar. With the shade of the umbrella on top of Fluttershy, she decided to relax a bit while laying her back on top of the wooden plants of her raft. Now that she is alone with her octopus friend with no pony else nearby, Fluttershy takes off her entire bikini, making her completely naked before putting on sunscreen on top of her nude body. After that, she lets herself sunbathe in the nude with her back lying on top of the raft while only her face is covered up by the small shade of her umbrella. She closed her eyes while putting her hat on top of her face while absorbing the sunlight on her naked body, smiling while humming underneath her head wear. With her big C-cup breasts and her clit exposed to the sunlight, Fluttershy giggled before she relaxed on the wooden boards of the raft, having both of her hands next to her sides. 10:00am...... In just 15 minutes of sunbathing, Fluttershy felt too much shade flowing down on her nude form. By the time she takes her hat off her face, she sees a huge Rocky Archway jutting out from below the sea in front of her. Also, a big sandy shore is seen below the archway on Fluttershy's right. So, the octopus takes the raft that the naked pegasus is on top of before securing it right below the archway. When Fluttershy gets up, she also notices that the coral reef is seen down below the sea a few feet from the sandy shore; she could tell because of the ridges shown a few inches above the sea level right in front of her. From 30 miles up ahead towards the horizon, Flutteshy could also see the gray rain clouds coming closer. So after eating two apples for an early lunch, Fluttershy puts her backpack underneath the umbrella and tied both objects up against the tall wooden pole so that the backpack doesn't get drenched under the rain. After securing her backpack under her umbrella, Fluttershy puts on her goggles and her underwater flashlight before diving into the sea. Making a big splash on the ocean surface, Fluttershy immediately dived down underwater once again, As she descended into the sea fathoms below several feet from her raft, Fluttershy feels the warm water flowing through her naked body and wings, letting her pink long mane billow smoothly up above her head. With her breathing normally underwater, Fluttershy looks around the coral reef to see all sorts of starfish lying on top of the ridges, sea anemones stuck on the sea rocks letting their small tentacles flow centimeters above, and various schools of fish swimming together above and all around the reef. Fluttershy felt joyful to see most of these sea creatures living in peace inside the coral reef. Before she could swimming towards the reef, her octopus friend appeared right below her, pointing his tentacles to the opposite side of where she is. Behind her, Fluttershy spots an dark underwater cave below the rocks. "This is so exciting. Let's go in see, shall we?" Fluttershy said as bubbles start spewing out of her mouthpiece. As soon as Fluttershy started swimming into the underwater cave, the red octopus went inside the dark hole first before the naked mare turns on her underwater flashlight. When the lights from her device illuminated, Fluttershy followed the octopus while scooping the water with her hands and kicking gently with her legs. Once inside the underwater cave, most of the area that Fluttershy's light didn't illuminate was utterly dark. In fact, the sunlight coming from above the surface is far from lighting up the cave. She couldn't help but feel a bit scared going into a dark, underwater area. It may be just like exploring inside the sunken ship one day 4, but in a cave below the sea, it does have a creepy atmosphere. With the octopus in front of her, Fluttershy can only hope that she won't get lost while exploring within the darkest deepest underwater. As she progresses, the underwater cave gets narrower all the way to 6 inches close to Fluttershy's nude skin. Through the underwater caves, she could only see things that her flashlight is shinning on. She finds most of the glowing sea creatures living underwater to be both scary-looking and amazing at the same time. It's just like the time when she first visited Seaequestria with her friends. But since its just Fluttershy exploring underwater, she always need to keep in mind to face her fears by all means. For just 20 minutes swimming naked through the underwater cave, she only sees glowing eels and anglerfish that didn't bother paying attention to the naked mare for they're just either swimming underneath the small darker holes or just hunting smaller fish for lunch while lurking within the dark shadows of the underwater cave. Speaking of fears, her shark friend finally appeared on her left from a big dark hole that came from somewhere outside of the underwater cave. The moment she shinned her flashlight on the predatory fish, the naked pegasus mare got startled by such a jumpscare appearance. "EEEEEKKKK!!!" Fluttershy shrieked, seeing the shark's jaws up 5 inches close to her nude body. Of course, since the shark still recognizes Fluttershy and the red octopus as his friends, he immediately apologized to both of them in which the nude mare could hear in her head. "Don't scare me like that!! It's bad enough that I had to go swimming inside a dark, underwater cave!!" Fluttershy flabbergasted, before taking a few deep breaths as the air bubbles came out of her breathing mouthpiece. Soon, they all ease off from their immediate fright among each other before continuing their exploration underwater. When they swam through 1/4 of the underwater cave, the octopus directed Fluttershy up to a hole above her which leads to a alcove that isn't really submerged. Seeing this, Fluttershy immediately swam upwards to the alcove to ease off her underwater breaststroke for a moment. Once she reaches to the alcove, Fluttershy sees that the circular area around her is just only a dark, small ceiling filled with small, purple gems jutting from above a few feet from her head. The moment she emerges from the small water hole, only her upper body came out of the water first. As the water drips came down her breasts and her bare skin, Fluttershy takes off her mouthpiece and goggles. After that, Fluttershy gets out of the small water hole to take a break from swimming naked inside the underwater cave, letting herself lay on her back while the water drips flow down her nude body and down her wet pink mane. While Fluttershy is still resting for a moment from above, the shark swam ahead to see what lies throughout the rest of the underwater cave. For the octopus, he stayed underwater until Fluttershy recovers from her break. 11:00am..... For a couple of minutes, Fluttershy was sleeping on her left side while feeling the wetness all over her naked body. Shortly afterwards, she gets up and takes her flashlight to before seeing more of the small dark alcove she is in. As she started looking up with her flashlight, Fluttershy spots purple and blue gems jutting out from the ceiling and the walls of the alcove, they were all pretty small but shiny gems that can be worth a fortune. "Those look like some useful gems that Rarity would enjoy using." Fluttershy thought. Out of interest, Fluttershy takes out a small bag that was attached to her flashlight before putting some of the gems in it. Once her bag is full of gems, she puts on her breathing mouthpiece and her goggles before diving back down into the small water hole. As soon as she is underwater again, Fluttershy continues to swim deeper inside the underwater cave while feeling the cool sensation of water flowing through her naked form endlessly. Upon noticing that her shark friend is no where to be seen, the octopus whispers into Fluttershy's hear, telling her that the shark could went on ahead further into the underwater caves. Now that she is back to swimming naked underwater, Fluttershy scoops forward with every breaststroke and frog kick, while holding the bag full of gems with her right arm. At the same time, the octopus is swimming alongside the naked Fluttershy in hopes of reaching up to his shark friend on the other side of the underwater cave. 11:25am..... By the time Fluttershy and the red octopus swam through 1/2 of the underwater cave, they find themselves in a much larger area filled with sea water all around them, full of tall sea grass sprouting from within the dark-green murky water that is reaching up to the cavernous ceiling above. It's as if Fluttershy is inside an underwater dome that is connected to the underwater cavern she just swam through. When the pegasus mare looked up, she can see small rays of sunlight coming down from the surface above the sea and the underwater cave via holes. In front, Fluttershy sees through her flashlight a complex of underwater ruins inside the underwater cave. Finding it fascinating, Fluttershy smiled for a bit before seeing her shark friend appear from within the underwater ruins. The shark approached Fluttershy before muttering to her about what is inside the underwater ruins. As Fluttershy listened closely to what the shark said, he told her that another sea creature is waiting for her because, just like the octopus, it was pretty lonely and sad with no creature to play with inside the underwater dome for a long time. Eager to help this poor sea creature, Fluttershy swam alongside the sea as she proceeded deep into the underwater ruins that it was held up at. With her kicking her legs to make her swim forward, Fluttershy aims her underwater flashlight towards where her shark friend is heading. Once she enters the underwater ruins, Fluttershy could feel the underwater temperature get warmer it the sea bubbles and the dark depths start to heat up all over her nude body. Upon feeling the heat flow through her naked body, Fluttershy started blushing as if she is getting hot and perky with her breasts bouncing up and down while swimming through the ruins while still underwater. For some reason, her chest started churning as if Fluttershy is about to face something exciting while underwater below a dark, murky cavernous dome-like area below the sea. She may not know what to expect from this pitch-black, watery atmosphere but it maybe something that the naked mare will bear witness to that didn't occur yet. So, she dauntlessly swims her way inside the underwater ruins while following her shark friend. The octopus that was with her retreated back to the surface to watch over Fluttershy's raft. 11:55am...... As Fluttershy and the shark swam further into the ruins below the ocean floor underneath the cavernous underwater dome, they reach a large patch of sea grass meadow that covers up most of the dirt. When Fluttershy shined her flashlight at the sea grass meadow, she could see small black tentacles jutting out from within the underwater terrestrial plants as small bubbles came out from below it. She also see several sea turtles resting on top of the seagrass meadow while chomping down on the underwater plants every once in a while. It's pretty fascinating to see the sea turtles swim to the holes up above ceiling of the underwater dome, since they use them to get in and out of the dark murky area. For the black tentacles, Fluttershy can assume that it may be the creature that the shark is telling her about. As soon as she swam closer to one of the tentacles, it lurched forward at Fluttershy. In a surprise, the black tentacle immediately wrapped around Fluttershy's breasts, making her yelp underneath her mouthpiece. "Oh!! That's.....OOOooooooo!!!" Fluttershy gasped while still holding onto her breathing gear. The black creature felt like it wanted to have fun with the naked Fluttershy too, just like the red octopus that was hanging around with her for the entire week. In another sexual surprise, more black tentacles start to wrap around Fluttershy in the arms and legs before one entered her clit, making her moan underneath her bubble breath. She started to feel more pleasurable wrapping around her nude body underwater. "Eeeeeppp!! I-I-I-I feel so.....Ohhhhhhh!!!!" Fluttershy moaned as the black tentacles are sexually groping and massaging every part of her beautiful, naked body while feeling the dark murky water at the same time. "MMMMMMmmmmmmmmm!!!!" With the black tentacles caressing every inch of Fluttershy's big C-cup breasts, she felt herself moving up and down underwater while still above the sea grass. She couldn't imagine how much perky sexiness will she bear while in the dark murky underwater cave. Before long, Fluttershy was feeling the black tentacles massaging her back right in-between both of her wings and above her pink tail. At the same time, her pink long mane started to flow right above her head aiming straight to the top ceiling of the underwater dome. Even in the dark fathoms below the sea, Fluttershy's sexy underwater sessions still remain rich with pleasure. Better yet, she could hardly feel the cold temperature while being sexually aroused. She was just enjoying herself in the darkness, with sea water all around her. Before she knew it, one of the sea turtles was swimming up to Fluttershy's level while she is still being squeezed by the black tentacles wrapping around her naked form. When the black tentacles released Fluttershy's breast and her arms, the turtle started to rub its head up against it. "MMMMMMmmmmmmm!! You really like me, don't you, turtle!!" Fluttershy purred as she hugged the sea turtle, putting it close to her bare chest while petting it. Just like that, the sea turtle laid its hard belly on top of Fluttershy's breasts before the black tentacles holding her legs are slowly pulling her down to the sea grass below the two. With every descent down to the sea floor, Fluttershy could feel the underwater temperature get colder on her nude skin. However, with the black tentacles caressing her legs, Fluttershy doesn't care too much about shivering under being naked underwater. Instead, she just let herself become adaptable to the wet environment without holding anything back. As soon as Fluttershy reached the sea grass, she can feel the underwater plants caressing her bare back before the sea turtle on top of her swims away. Still being held by the legs, Fluttershy continues to feel the black tentacles squeeze her breasts nonstop while she lays down on her back, facing the ceiling of the underwater dome. Not a moment too soon, Fluttershy could feel the black tentacle's suctions latching onto both of her bare breasts, making her totally hot while embracing the cold water all around her nude form. "Man. This is so........MMMMMmmmmmm!!" Fluttershy moaned as she closed her eyes, letting only one tear come down from her pupil. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" With Fluttershy laying on her back on top of the sea grass, she could feel herself melting on top of the plants while feeling the black tentacles squeeze her buttocks and her clit. It was quite an amusing ordeal for Fluttershy to bear witness to a lovely wet fantasy in the dark depths underwater, being both warm and cold at the same time. It was never enough for Fluttershy to let every wet, sucking, soothing, and sexy sensation engulf her or her nakedness entirely. "Yes!!! Yes!!! Do it harder!! Harder!!!" Fluttershy smiled as she squealed and giggled at the black tentacle jamming its suctions into her hole between her legs while still laying down on the sea grass meadow. "Yes!! Yes!! FUCK ME HARDER!!! HARDER!!!" When Fluttershy tilted her head backwards, she was feeling the black tentacles move her violently back and forth while sexually massaging her breasts underwater, with one tentacle still inside her clit. She was getting really excited when feeling herself masturbate under the grip of the black tentacled creature. "UH!! UH!! UH!! UH!! UH!! UH!! YES!!! AHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHH!! AHHHHH!!! AHHHHHH!!!" The naked mare was going overboard when feeling the pleasure of the black tentacles. Fluttershy was just moaning louder and louder. At the same time, she shook back and forth so fast and so violent that all of a sudden, her mouthpiece accidentally came off, forcing her to stop moaning. As a result, Fluttershy immediately lost her air bubbles in an instant much to her horror. "BLUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" The moment she saw her mouthpiece come off her lips, Fluttershy gurgled as she held her mouth with both of her hands. She was going to drown as her face instantly turned blue, unable to breath while down below the murky underwater cave. Fluttershy is already down below 20 to 30 feet from the surface of the ocean, which is going to be more harder for her to swim up to regain air. In fact, she can't swim up with the black tentacles bidding her underwater. However, one of the black tentacles just managed to grab Fluttershy's mouthpiece in time before putting it back onto her lips. Once Fluttershy reattached her mouthpiece, she regained her oxygen through hard breathing. *GASP!!!* *PANT!!* *PANT!!* "T-thank you so much. That was a close one." Fluttershy shuddered underneath her breath, letting her breath normally again while underwater. "I guess I got a little carried away down here!!" The naked pegasus couldn't help but laugh a little over the fact that she almost drowned by accident when being sexually caressed by the black tentacles wrapping around her. Even though the black tentacled creature saved Fluttershy from drowning inside the dark underwater dome, she felt exhausted from masturbating under it suctioned grip. For that matter, Fluttershy wanted to take a nap while feeling the sea water and sea grass embrace her beautiful naked body. With the tentacles still holding onto Fluttershy in her lower bare stomach, she closes her eyes before smiling underneath her mouthpiece. As Fluttershy laid down below the sea relaxed, she placed her right hand onto her chest and her left hand onto the ground on her side before she slowly falls asleep naked underwater once again. 2:35pm....... In her sleep, Flutters could feel the black tentacles wrapping around her naked body once again as she laid to her right side while still on top of the seagrass meadow underwater. In addition, she was cuddled up like a little ball, holding both of her bare shoulders with her hands. Fluttershy was having a midsummer nights dream while still inside the underwater cave. Above the naked, sleeping mare, schools of fish and sea turtles are swimming overhead while the lights coming from outside of the underwater dome start to change color from bright yellow to grey; which also means that the sunlight is blocked by grey clouds hanging above the sky. It was scary to think that Fluttershy would drown while sleeping underwater. At least she managed to buy herself an underwater mouthpiece so that the naked pegasus will take as much time as she can below the sea without going up to the surface very often. If she hadn't, Fluttershy will never last underwater for more than an hour or so. Once Fluttershy finished her underwater nap, she sees that the black tentacles finally released her. The pegasus mare, then swam upwards a few feet above the sea grass before paddling further to the other side of the underwater dome. 3:00pm.... For twenty-five minutes, Fluttershy is only the one swimming through the dark underwater dome alone while holding her underwater flashlight with her right hand, pointing the light towards the end of the area. As soon as she reached the end, Fluttershy spots a huge hole up in the ceiling 20 feet above her. She takes her chance as she swam upwards toward the hole, reaching towards the surface above the ocean. Once Fluttershy went up one foot below the hole, she reaches her hand out and grabs a hold of its edge, allowing her to hoist herself up in helping her get out of the underwater dome. As soon as she is out, Fluttershy continues to swim upwards with just 10 feet above the watery surface. With every ascending stroke, Fluttershy could feel the sea water all around her get warmer instead of colder, thanks to the afternoon temperature caused by what's left of the sunlight shinning down from the sky. The pegasus mare finally emerged from below the sea before letting herself float above the watery line with just only her chest and neck showing. As Fluttershy looked around her while treading in the ocean, she feels herself floating up and down as several waves pass her by. When she turned around behind her, Fluttershy sees that she is 20 meters away from the raft, which is still underneath the huge rock archway, still secured on top of the sandy beach. Regardless, Fluttershy still couldn't be any happier to find herself still skinny dipping in the sea. When she takes off her goggles and her mouthpiece, she tied both of them together up against the wrist of her left hand. After that, Fluttershy lets herself lay flat on top of the sea, floating across the water still smiling as she looks up to the gray-light blue sky. Now that Fluttershy is floating across the sea, she lets herself relax, letting the water flow through her naked body with her pink mane spreading out below the watery surface. With her being all naked and wet, Fluttershy allows the cool, soothing waves lift her up and down while still floating, as well as feeling the water on her breasts and on her neck. "I'm really going to miss this place. This is the best skinny dipping week I ever had!!" Fluttershy thought as a watery splash hit her breasts softly. "Mmmmmmmmmm!!!" 3:55pm...... While Fluttershy started soothing and skinny dipping all afternoon, the red octopus appeared again from the dark fathoms below the ocean as he dragged the naked, floating pegasus towards the rocky arch with just one of his tentacles wrapping around her right ankle gently. He did his best to take it slow so that Fluttershy doesn't get startled by the violent waves splashing on her nude form. Instead, Fluttershy just let the sea water caress her while sleeping naked above the ocean, despite feeling herself get pulled across by the octopus again. "Ahhhhhh!!! Mmmmmmmm!!!" With Fluttershy resting on top of the ocean, she was just in a massive, watery heaven as the sea continues to soak her endlessly. Of course, no pony would even try to go out skinny dipping alone at sea more than once. For Fluttershy, she learned how to face her fears as she plays along with either her friends or with the animals that she handles everyday. At 10 meters closer to the raft, the octopus lets go of Fluttershy's ankle before letting her drift closer to the shore while still floating in the ocean. Not a moment too soon, Fluttershy then spreads her arms out wide and feeling her legs float close to each other while still laying in the water, still sleeping naked in the ocean. 4:06pm...... Just as Fluttershy could feel her wet head and her flowing pink mane touch the sand beneath the water, she stopped floating above the water and laid there while the waves came splashing from the front of her legs. In just one minute, Fluttershy finally opens up her eyes only to see the waves hit her in the face and bare chest, making her sputtered before coughing up the sea water; it as if the ocean is trying to wake her up from her watery bed. *ACK!!* *SPUTTER!! SPUTTER!!* *COUGH!!* *COUGH!!* *COUGH!!* In a startled reaction, Fluttershy almost struggled to get up on her legs as the waves continued to splash on top of her. Impulsively, she kicked wildly on top of the water before rolling onto her breasts and stomach before the waves hit Fluttershy in her bare back and wings. *SPLASH!! PSSSSHHHHHHH!!!* "EEEEP!!!" Fluttershy shrieked as she got pushed further towards the shore by the ocean waves hitting the beach, along with her. Just like that, she got shoved out of the water for a moment before she finally got up with several water drips going down from her bare yellow skin. As she sat down on top of the shore a few feet from the water, Fluttershy looked up to the grey clouds up in the blue sky before she started giggling and laughing to herself. "Ahhhhhh!!!" Fluttershy sighed as she laid down on top of the sand, feeling the warm gentle breeze on her naked body. For some reason, Fluttershy just almost went way overboard when floating on top of the ocean. After taking a few deep breaths, Fluttershy checks the bag full of purple gems she collected from inside the underwater cave. When she raised one of the gems up high, Fluttershy could see a beautiful shiny glow coming from it thanks to the sun light. "It looks like that I just found two lovely objects that Rarity might find worth keeping." Fluttershy smiled to herself before she got up on her feet. Once she is standing up, Fluttershy walked towards the secured raft, ignoring the cool breezy wind flowing through her naked body. The moment she got there, Fluttershy put the small bag full of purple and blue gems inside the backpack before facing the ocean again. *RUMBLE!!* As soon as Fluttershy could hear the rumble, the grey clouds above the rocky archway she is under start to pour down some intense rain showers, much to her glee. The moment Fluttershy looked up, she can feel the rainwater pour down on her naked body again. Now that she is no longer in town when this happened, the naked mare can freely enjoy the rain drenching her beautiful naked skin for as long as she liked. Fluttershy just started giggling as she ran towards the ocean before diving in while under the rainstorm. Just like that, she becomes wet beyond extreme levels as she started laughing while swimming up to a few meters from the shore. The moment Fluttershy is in the water again, she started laughing joyfully in letting her mane and her bare shoulders soak profusely by the down pouring rain while the rest of her body continues to bath in the ocean. With a slice of watery heaven all around her, Fluttershy finds it very hard to resist. "Mmmmmmmm!!! This is so great. Man, I love the water!!!" Fluttershy smiled as she feels the rain drops flow down her face. After feeling the rain for a couple more minutes, Fluttershy puts on her goggles and mouthpiece before diving back into the underwater dome to meet the black tentacled creature head on. 4:38pm..... While swimming down below the fathoms of the sea, Fluttershy enters the underwater dome via holes leaning to a downward 45 degree angle towards the sandy ocean floors. Once she finds herself inside the underwater dome, Fluttershy takes out her flashlight only to see some glowing eels swimming below her, a few feet above the sea grass. With the light above the watery surface getting dimmer, the underwater area all around Fluttershy is getting darker. Regardless, Fluttershy still has yet to explore more of the underwater ruins past the seagrass meadow. As she continued to swim further, Fluttershy descends to the sandy floors slowly before her feet touch the ground. Once she landed, Fluttershy could feel the underwater gravity as her feet are lifted a few feet off the ground. No matter, she managed to spread her wings underwater using them to maintain her balance as Fluttershy lifted her stomach upwards before continuing to swim low to the other side of the underwater ruins. Following one of the glowing eels, Fluttershy reaches to another coral reef at the end of the ruins where she sees more sea turtles, eels, and fish swimming above it all. Up above her, Fluttershy could see shadowy glimpses of seals and porpoises gliding through the dimming underwater depths within the ocean. Raising her flashlight above, Fluttershy could see the marine mammals swimming with their younger born much to her grinning delight. It's a shame that Fluttershy didn't buy an underwater camera to take pictures of the sea creatures living inside the huge underwater dome; maybe next time she would. Moving on, Fluttershy ascended up above the ruins while gently kicking both of her legs and holding onto her flashlight with both of her hands. Then again, Fluttershy uses her spread out wings to keep her balance maintain as well as letting her move a bit faster while underwater. Ascending up above 15 feet off the sea floors, Fluttershy sees one seal staring at her with curiosity in its eyes. Fluttershy couldn't help but blush to think that she is facing a marine mammal while still being naked underwater. Regardless, she still enjoyed being like this since it saves her usage of swimsuits. However, Fluttershy still needs to remember to wear one whenever she is at a public beach. When the seal is getting close to her, Fluttershy did her best not to touch it for it does carry a bacteria that makes people like her suffer from diarrhea. As much as she liked animals both on land and underwater, Fluttershy can't get to obsessed with them for they need their space so that they don't feel disturbed, agitated, or threatened. So far, Fluttershy did not see the octopus or her shark friend anywhere inside the water dome with her when the seals show up. It may be better that the shark isn't here since it will scare off the little sea mammals for obvious reasons. For the octopus, he does fear seals since he is part of their diet. At the end of the underwater dome, Fluttershy sees another cave where an red-glowing tunnel awaits her. Since Fluttershy still has a few hours before the sky gets dark, the naked pegasus mare descends into the second cave to explore further below the underwater depths, despite feeling her bare skin get colder with the water temperature dropping. 5:25pm..... Inside the red-glowing underwater tunnel, Fluttershy just when her bare skin start to shiver, she eventually feels the water around her become soothingly warm. In fact, she saw warm air bubbles coming out from below her along with thin vapors of white smoke billowing from the small holes in front of her. She does see this as a pleasure to indulge herself within the warm air bubbles. Once she reached her hand to the white smoke, Fluttershy could feel it totally cozy before letting the rest of her naked body take it all. "Mmmmmmmm!!! This is feels so warm!! I think I want to stay here!!" Fluttershy cooed as she smiled while feeling the warm temperature inside the tunnels. Once she exited the underwater tunnel, with the dome right behind her, Fluttershy sees that the sea all around her is completely dark. For the seals that she was following, they are nowhere to be found. No matter, Fluttershy knows that they need to stay in their comfort zone inside their natural habitat. Nowhere else to swim to, Fluttershy slowly descends to the sea floor where she meets tall sea grass and sand all around her. Before she knew it, Fluttershy sees more black tentacles jutting out from the sand awaiting to meet her once more. Smiling to go for another round, Fluttershy swam up to one of the black tentacles before it immediately wraps around her bare waist while still 5 feet above the sea floor. "This is getting better every second." Fluttershy though as the black tentacles started to squeeze her buttocks and then her naked breasts while inside the darkness underwater. However, Fluttershy still needs to have her dinner first before starting her second sexual session with the black tentacled creature. So, Fluttershy gets lifted up back onto the ocean surface. 6:00pm..... As Fluttershy breaks out from below the dark depths of the ocean, only her head is showing above the water. Above her, the sky turned became dark blue after the sun has disappeared from the horizon. When she sees the raft 30 meters away from her, still at the shore, Fluttershy struggled to swim back to it when the currents are pushing here away. Ultimately, the red octopus finally shows up in front of the naked pegasus before wrapping its tentacle around her waist, with the black tentacles releasing her. When the octopus gets along of her, he takes Fluttershy back to the raft allowing Fluttershy to take another break from swimming underwater for an hour and a half. Once Fluttershy reaches her raft, the sky is now completely dark. The only light she has right now is her underwater flashlight. Though, she has yet to find extra batteries to replenish its power for the flashlight is getting dimmer every time Fluttershy uses it to light her way while swimming through the caves underwater. The dark can be very scary even at sea. However, since Fluttershy is friends with a shark and a octopus it may not be that bad in skinny dipping all night long here. In fact, she was able to do it once. She can do it again. So, once she takes several more fruit to have for dinner, Fluttershy walks up to the shore where the red octopus is at. When the octopus faces Fluttershy, she nodded happily as the red octopus disappears back into the dark, murky fathoms below the sea. After that, Fluttershy turns to see her bikini swimwear lying underneath the umbrella along with her backpack full of stuff. She still didn't bother putting her swimwear back on because Fluttershy enjoys being naked in the water for only god knows how long. In fact, since tomorrow will be her last night out here and at the resort, Fluttershy will make it the best out of all the nights she spent during her break. The moment she sits on top of her raft, away from her umbrella, the rain started to pour on Fluttershy once again. This time, she decided to stay out in the rain for the rest of the night as Fluttershy laid down on the sand, letting the rain water pour down on her beautiful naked body. "I really love the rain as much as I love the ocean!!" Fluttershy thought as she smiled while looking up to the dark skies, feeling the rain glistening all over her face and on her naked breasts, before she closes her eyes and relaxes underneath the soothing wet weather. During her session in the rain, Fluttershy breathed in and out while groping her breasts and rubbing her clit one at a time with her hands as she makes herself totally wet all over her nude form. Simultaneously, Fluttershy's mane, tail, and her wings are all getting soaked as the rain water flow down her back from her cheeks and her cute, baby face. 8:00pm...... In just two hours later, the black tentacles came out from below the dark seas before they approach a beautiful naked Fluttershy, who is still resting on top of the sandy shores near her raft while continuing to feel the rain soaking her to the bone past her bare skin. Just when Fluttershy opens up her eyes to see the black tentacles looming over her, she smiled with delight as she let it wrap around her naked breasts and her legs before it jammed one into her hole in-between her bare legs, making her moaning while feeling the creature sexually embrace her a few feet above the sand. She felt totally horny as the tentacles are massaging and rubbing all over her naked body. "You really enjoy me being here do you?!" Fluttershy giggled as she is feeling the tentacles suctions tickling her with pleasure. "I don't see why not?" The moment Fluttershy feels her breasts being squeezed tightly by the black tentacles while being lifting into the air, she started to moaning in such a cute and happy squeaky voice. "Ahhhhhh!!! MMMMmmmmmm!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! YEEEEEEEESSS!!!" Fluttershy cooed as she started screaming with feeling the sexiness flow through her naked body. It was rich to think that Fluttershy would be experiencing a sexual arousal from the rain and the black tentacles at the same time. She was just starting to get wild with being in such a situation where there is no limit to how much wetness can Fluttershy take. "FUCK ME HARDER!! FASTER!!! FUCK ME MORE!!!!" Fluttershy shouted as the rain drops landed on her face, while both of her arms are being held up far and wide by two more black tentacles coming out of the sea. "MORE!! PLEASE!!! MORE!!!" "OH YES!! YES!! AHHHHHHHH!!! OH YEAH!!! YEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" With the black tentacles lifting Fluttershy up 25 feet above the sandy shores, she started screaming out of sexy fun over the fact that the naked pegasus mare is out in a small, sandy island in the middle of the night. She started to violently blush bright red as Fluttershy feels her white fluid coming out of her hole, letting it flow down the black tentacle that is jamming its tip into her. "DON'T STOP!! DO MORE!! FUCK ME MORE!!! YES!!! YES!!! AAHHHHHHHH!!! YES!!!" Fluttershy ends up laughing her head off when the black tentacles massaging her breasts start to pinch her lovely tits, making her feel ticklish while continuing to wrap around the naked pegasus. "AHHHHHH!!! OH YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Having outdoor sex at night may be what Fluttershy would want if they accept her natural beauty that is. In fact, this kind of event will be intense if Fluttershy were to do it when it is still raining. The rain may feel somewhat cold on her bare skin, but Fluttershy will also feel the pleasurable heat if some pony else can embrace her when having sex out there. This feels so good. I-I-I-I-I-I can't even resist!! Fluttershy thought as she laughed even more when the tentacles holding both of her arms started rubbing its tips straight into her armpits. "MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm!!! DO MORE!! FUCK ME MORE!!! I WANT MORE!!!!" "AHHHHHHHH!!! MORE!! YES!! MORE!!! UHHHHHHHH!!!!" With every shout from Fluttershy, the black tentacles started to squeeze her body very rough without hesitation. In fact, Fluttershy just can't get enough from feeling the pleasure of being caressed by everything that makes her hot, beautiful, and sexy. 9:30pm.... As she continue to shout and moan for more sexual arousal, it went on for like nearly an hour and a half until Fluttershy started to lose her breath. She just had to get too carried away when having fun with the tentacled creatures living in the sea. It may be entertaining and enduring, but Fluttershy just lost most of her energy in demanding more sexual pleasure. For that matter, Fluttershy gets exhausted before being lowered down towards the bottom of the ocean as the black tentacles holding onto her start to descend back into the fathoms below. However, they stopped lowering Fluttershy down before one tentacle gave her the mouthpiece to use to breath underwater. As soon as one tentacle released her right arm, Fluttershy takes the mouthpiece from the one tentacle holding it. Now that the sea turned dark like the night sky, Fluttershy can only hope that she will stay hidden with the black tentacles before she sleeps underneath the sea while holding her breathable mouthpiece with her mouth. "This is the best night ever!!" Fluttershy said while feeling out of breath. "Goodnight, every creature!!" Despite how she is tired at the moment, Fluttershy still smiled to herself as she closed her eyes, letting the black tentacles resume their descent while lowering her down to the water. As soon as she submerged below the watery surface, the pegasus mare falls fast asleep. Now at peace and sleeping underwater, the beautiful naked Fluttershy disappears under the sea, along with the black tentacles slowly pulling her down deep into the dark fathoms below. Once the yellow pegasus mare vanishes deep into the murky underwater depths, only a billowing barrage of air bubbles came up in her place, reaching up to the surface before they pop. After the bubbles stopped popping, the ocean then falls silent for the rest of the night. > Epilogue: Final Day in the Ocean/Sleeping in the Mud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th Night: 7:00am..... Back down below the underwater dome, Fluttershy is still sleeping naked on top of the warm seagrass meadow while holding her breathable mouthpiece under the sea. In her sleep, Fluttershy's big perky breasts start billowing upward and her pink long hair flowing up to the dome's ceiling while laying flat on her back on top of the sea bed, still smiling. For the black tentacles holding the beautiful naked mare underwater, they wrapped the Fluttershy around her ankles and around her lower stomach. The sexy pegasus mare just had to be resting in the most biggest underwater area in all of Equestria's seas. Its like Fluttershy were to be a beautiful sea creature herself when it comes to being underwater for a long time. With every snooze, the naked, sleeping mare lets out air bubbles from her mouthpiece while still breathing through it normally. "Mmmmmmmmm!!!" Fluttershy hummed in her sleep. "Uhhhhhhhhh!!!" With all the soothing humming, Fluttershy was laying still while her hands are placed on the top of the sea grass from both of her sides. She started to dream of herself being caressed everyday while bathing. From above the watery surface, past the big holes up on the ceiling of the underwater dome, rays of sunlight came shinning down as they light up several spots right where Fluttershy is sleeping at. When one ray of light shinned down on the sleeping, naked mare, Fluttershy could feel her bare skin to warm up yet still stay cool while still sleeping underwater. Before she knew it, some other creature was sucking on one of Fluttershy's billowing breasts. The naked mare couldn't help but start giggling at herself as if something is tickling her breasts while in her sleep. "MMMmmmmmmm!!! This feels so good!!" Fluttershy moaned while her eyes are still closed. As soon as Fluttershy opens up her eyes, she sees that her red octopus friend is groping on her breasts while its suction cups are placed on top of her sexy tits. She started laughing as huge air bubbles discharged from her breathing mouthpiece. "Stop!! That tickles!!" Fluttershy giggled as she smiled at the red big mollusk. Amusingly, the red octopus gave Fluttershy quite a wake up call by starting off with a sexy massage on her big, lovely breasts. "Please!! I'm up! I'm up!!" Fluttershy continues to utter a really cute laugh in which made the octopus feel amused. Before long, Fluttershy started to blush while she smiled at her red mollusk friend. The moment Fluttershy gets her bearings, she sees that she is still inside the underwater dome down below the ocean floor. Still strapped to the seabed by the black tentacles, Fluttershy felt somewhat cold by the cool water temperature while naked underwater. Regardless, she did have the best night skinny dipping throughout her 6th day here. Now that it is the 7th and final day, Fluttershy can only do so much before she has to go back to the resort and pack up for the trip return home. It's a shame that she has to say goodbye to all of her friends living in the ocean. So as of now, Fluttershy will take her time skinny dipping in this sea until it gets dark because after today, it will be back to work at Sweet Feathers Sanctuary once again. Hopefully, she wouldn't stress herself out like last time. She does need to apologize to Derpy for acting like such a bitch in front of the gray pegasus delivery mare after all. In short, as soon as Fluttershy comes back to Ponyville, she'll have a lot of amends to take care of as well as initiating back up plans in case something happens during her time at work in her Animal Sanctuary. But first, Fluttershy needs to have the black tentacled creature wake up too as well as releasing her from being held onto the sea floor. For some reason, however, Fluttershy doesn't want to leave the embrace of its warm, suctions for it was the only thing that kept her warm while she slept underwater when the sea got colder throughout the night. Her skin somehow gotten smoother while being immensely soaked which made Fluttershy unable to get up. Regardless, she could just stay underwater completely naked if she wanted too, leave everything behind her. Unfortunately, because she has to make up for her absence from work, Fluttershy can't really stay underwater for long. She already had her chance here. Now, she needs to say goodbye to the black tentacled creature. "Excuse me, please. Are you still sleeping?" Fluttershy asked through her breathable mouthpiece. "Because this is my last day here." At first, Fluttershy thought that the creature still holding her down isn't responding to think that its still sleeping too. However, in just one minute, the black tentacled creature slowly lets go of Fluttershy's stomach and ankles before it bellows with a loud yawn. Now free to swim again while below the sea, Fluttershy then lifts herself upward as she swam with the red octopus towards one of the holes leading outside of the underwater dome. As her head faces up to the surface, Fluttershy then kicks her legs into ascending up from the seagrass. She felt grateful that Fluttershy can swim naked while still underwater but only until the sunsets. In fact, Fluttershy also has yet to say goodbye to her shark friend too as soon as she sees him before leaving the ocean. Just as she came out of the underwater dome, still 10 feet below the watery surface, Fluttershy now feels her entire nude body somewhere in-between being cold and warm. Not that it matters, she still wants to enjoy skinny dipping as much as possible before going back to the resort. However, she still needs to go back to her raft to have a little breakfast. The first thing Fluttershy did was ascend straight to the surface. As soon as she emerges from below the ocean, Fluttershy jumps up high a few feet from the surface before letting herself float while treading the water all around her nude body. With only her neck showing up above the water, Fluttershy takes off her breathable mouthpiece before swimming back to the raft which is 8 meters behind her. During her swim to the shore where the raft is, Fluttershy looks up to the grey sky to see a bit of the sunrise coming from the horizon. Since it's still morning, Fluttershy can just try to relax a bit at the raft before doing more skinny dipping out in the sea. 7:23am...... Just when Fluttershy swam to the shore, she comes out of the ocean only to see herself shiver up a bit, forcing herself to hold both of her bare shoulders with her arms. "Brrrrrrr!!! S-s-s-so c-c-c-cold!!" Fluttershy chattered, feeling the cold water drip down from her nude body. Even with the water dripping from her back and from her long pink mane, Fluttershy still feels it freezing. Even though it's spring, there is still a bit of coldness left during the morning hours. Despite her shivering, Fluttershy still walks towards the raft to take out one of her beach towels to dry herself off before sitting down on top of the wooden platform. As for the red octopus following her, it also came out of the ocean to comfort the shivering naked mare. Just when it got closer to Fluttershy, she puts her beach towel aside before letting the creature go on top of her bare back and wrapping its red tentacles around her, feeling the warm suctions embracing her naked body. "Mmmmmmm!!! Thank you so much!!" Fluttershy smiled, as she is no longer shivering while feeling the warm embrace of the octopus' tentacles on her beautiful naked skin. The yellow pegasus mare started giggling in next minute when feeling the octopus' tentacles caress her naked breasts before she laid down on the raft, still smiling in such horny pleasure. She then, breathed in and out while the octopus takes out an orange for Fluttershy to eat for breakfast. After eating the orange, Fluttershy gets up as the octopus releases her before she takes a short walk around the shore below the huge Rocky Archway. 9:00am.... After two hours of walking around the shorelines near the sweeping ocean, the sun rose up several degrees higher from the horizon. Afterwards, Fluttershy could feel the light sun rays shine down on her nude body making her hum with happiness as she lifted her head up to the sky. She made use of being in the sun by letting herself naturally dry out in the open, enjoying every bit of it caressing her overall beauty. With finding herself glistening in the bright sunlight, Fluttershy feels just like a lovely angel whom her sexy beauty knows no bounds. However, she's too embarrassed to see herself naked in the public. So, she can only keep all of this to herself. Just like in the ocean, she'll still enjoy being in the nude until the sun sets. Feeling happy to be in the bright morning, Fluttershy went back into the sea for more skinny dipping in within the sunlight. She walked towards the ocean from the beach as her legs entered the water first. With the water soaking through her legs and her butt, Fluttershy goes back to feeling the cool sensation of the ocean flowing through her skin once again. As she proceeded further into the sea, the water then reaches up to her waist making her smile and giggle that she is going to have fun while swimming to the horizon of where the sun came from. Just like that, Fluttershy dips into the sea and is now swimming happily under the sunlight towards where the resort is at. With the water flowing through her nude form and through her hair, Fluttershy goes with good graces in swimming freely in the sea. After the Octopus sees the naked pegasus swim towards the direction of the resort, he brings in the raft with his tentacles in hopes to taking it with him so that he can catch up to Fluttershy. 9:45am..... After swimming about 20 meters from the rocky archway, Fluttershy stops doing her breaststrokes in the middle of the ocean. As she now treading the water, Fluttershy turns around to see the raft 30 meters away from her and approaching. Regardless, she still wants to let herself soak in the ocean happily. The moment Fluttershy smiled, she leaned back and continued to float around the sea while looking up to the clear sunny sky above her. With the last days of watery heaven, Fluttershy just stayed still while letting the ocean waves caress her as her billowing pink mane flow through her back while its underwater, along with her neck and her arms remaining afloat above the ocean surface. "MMMMMmmmmmm!!" Fluttershy happily hummed while going with the flow of the light sea currents. With every soft wave the ocean makes, Fluttershy relaxes while letting them push her naked body towards its direction. She always imagines the waves slowly taking her towards the resort, sparing her from losing stamina for every breaststroke Fluttershy makes when it is past her limit. As the soft ocean waves splash on her naked body, Fluttershy gets lets it soak her beautiful skin both gracefully and endlessly without worrying too much. In fact, she makes an otter imitation when floating across the sea with both of her hands laying on top of her wet naked breasts. I feel so beautiful, like this!!! Fluttershy thought as she closed her eyes and smiled, letting her nude body lay motionless on top of the watery surface. 10:00am...... After floating in the water for 15 minutes, Fluttershy gets up before seeing herself treading the water once again with only her neck showing above the water while the rest of her nude body remains soaking in the ocean, not that she had anything to worry about. *SIGH!!* She was happy to enjoy the life being here. Fluttershy could only wish she can stay in the ocean for a little longer as well as hanging out at the mud spa near the tropical resort. Who knows? Maybe she'll come back next month? Actually, Fluttershy may continue to go skinny dipping in the sea at Summer. After all, this will be a good place for a lovely mare like Fluttershy to cool off at. Other than that, maybe she'll invite her best friends over here to go skinny dipping with Fluttershy. Only time will tell. But its just like when participating in the Pony Totes, Fluttershy will always start off with baby steps. Aside from her ideas at summer, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile and giggle as she continues to feel the water embracing and melting all over her beautiful naked body while out at sea. She can only hope that no pony else is nearby during her time skinny dipping at broad daylight. Speaking of which, as soon as the raft got closer to Fluttershy, she decided to get up on the wooden platform. As soon as she got out of the water, Fluttershy's wings, mane, and tail are revealed to be all completely soaked. In this case, Fluttershy won't be able to fly for a while since the soaking wetness made her feathers unable to move. In fact, because she slept naked underwater, Fluttershy's wings are totally numb. Regardless, Fluttershy could feel her nude body become warmer underneath the bright sunlight. After taking a deep breath from all that swimming and floating in the sea, Fluttershy decided to get some shut eye while letting herself soak up the sun, naturally drying herself off. For the octopus moving Fluttershy's raft around, he finally was able to see his Shark friend who came out from the west side of his current position. As soon as the shark came closer to a sleeping, naked Fluttershy, the huge sea predator started to blush again. Even though it will be her last day here before she leaves, the shark just can't get enough from bearing witness to such a bathing beauty. Nevertheless, the shark also needs to say goodbye to Fluttershy since tomorrow will be the day she goes back home to where she came from. 11:30am...... In soaking up a bit of a heat ray, Fluttershy gets up only to see the resort a 100 meters away from where she and her raft are at. Regardless, Fluttershy decided to go for a really good swim towards the beach in front of the resort. Then again, because she is still naked, Fluttershy needs to make sure that no pony will see her like this while out in the ocean. For now, she just went with the flow, letting herself soak in the ocean while doing a smooth breaststroke. When the shark came up to her at the front, Fluttershy could see the sad look in the creature's eyes as if he knew that this will be the last day to see him before the pegasus mare has to go back home. "Fret not, Mr. Shark. I'll still come by somewhere around summer. For now, just remember me, okay?!" Fluttershy said with sympathy as she petted the friendly great white on the head. Hearing this, the shark smiled as he hugged Fluttershy with its huge flippers while she is soaking in the ocean. Feeling this, Fluttershy started to blush and tremble at the same time. It's hard to believe that a shark like this one would actually get along with the shy yellow pegasus mare. Regardless, Fluttershy always takes it easy with most of the animals that live in the sea the same way she does it with those that live on land. After the shark lets go of Fluttershy, it swam to the west before it disappeared away from Fluttershy's sight. The moment she waved goodbye to her shark friend, Fluttershy does another backstroke as she smiled while reaching out her arms straight before floating across the ocean. "MMMMmmmmmmm!!! Such a good life here!!" Fluttershy hummed in delight. Fluttershy falls asleep while floating across the sea while feeling the cool ocean waves flowing through her lovely nude body, from her breasts all the way to her legs. Before she knew it, the red octopus wraps around the naked mare with its tentacles and this time, his whole body lays on top of Fluttershy before it falls asleep on her while still holding onto her raft. "Mmmmmmmmmm!!!" Fluttershy cooed as she felt the sticky suctions caress her nude body on top of her. "Such good suctions~!!" With the entire octopus body wrapping around the naked pegasus, not only did Fluttershy could feel the big mollusk sucking on her breasts, her whole body was being covered in both slime and water melting on her beautiful nude skin. The moment Fluttershy sees it sticking to her nude body, she smiled with joy as tears came down her eyes out of happiness. She couldn't care less if she were to be paralyzed while floating across the sea when the Octopus nibbles on one of Fluttershy's breasts. However, because she was really nice to the octopus, he had no intention of biting her lightly even once. So, Fluttershy and the octopus both fell asleep while letting the sea water soak them both to the fullest, laying still as the waves carry them further towards the beach which is still 80 meters away. The moment Fluttershy wakes up, seeing the octopus still on top of her nude body, she nodded at the mollusk for the naked pegasus insist on doing some more fun while skinny dipping in the sea. "Uhhhhhh!! Oh yeah!!! Mmmmmmm!!" Fluttershy moaned as the octopus lifted her legs up several degrees above the sea level. "Bluuuurrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!" With the octopus lifting Fluttershy's round butt and her legs upward, her face submerges into the sea as the naked mare started gurgling a few inches below the ocean. As a result, Fluttershy started bubbling out some air bubbles before she could feel one of its red tentacles enter her hole in-between her legs. The octopus finds Fluttershy even more horny when massaging her whole naked body while she is upside down, with her head underwater. However, it can be painful if the water gets snorted straight into Fluttershy's nostrils. Eager to continue having horny fun with Fluttershy, the octopus started to lift her head out of the water with its tentacles before she gasped for air only to have her flop backwards splashing herself and the red mollusk at the same time. "UH!! UH!! UH!! UH!! UH!! AHHHH!!!" Fluttershy moaned and whimpered as her hair flailed back and forth against the ocean while the octopus wraps her entire nude body, with the water splattering on the mollusk. "YES!!! YES!! UH!! UH!! UH!!!" 12:09pm.... After a few minutes of flailing against the oceans while held up by the Octopus, a drenched naked Fluttershy ended up shuddering before she gets lowered down below the watery surface only to do more sexual massaging and groping underwater. Now that Fluttershy is no longer using her mouthpiece to breath underwater, she can only hope that she won't drown during her session with the red octopus one last time. No matter, Fluttershy still smiled at the octopus while holding her breath before the Octopus gets off her nude body with only 5 tentacles wrapping around her, much to the naked pegasus' joy. With the tentacles only wrapping around her legs and her waist, Fluttershy closes her eyes before touching her shoulders with both of her hands while feeling the ocean all around her. If she were to die happily, Fluttershy can sleep naked forever in the ocean. For now, Fluttershy is just going to let herself bathe and soak in the ocean until it gets dark. As soon as the octopus' head got closer to Fluttershy, he blushed at seeing her hold herself in place totally relaxed while being embraced under the sea. He thought for sure that he can have Fluttershy stay below the sea for eternity as his playmate. However, Fluttershy can handle so much while swimming peacefully in the ocean. She already have her limits here. It may be hard to say goodbye to this beautiful naked mare, but it had to be so since Fluttershy lives in a different place. After all, she is only visiting the octopus' natural habitat. At least he enjoyed helping Fluttershy out whenever he can; happiness always makes the heart grow fonder. 12:31pm...... In just a couple of minutes underwater, Fluttershy is slowly starting to lose her air while feeling the suctions sticking all over her naked body. She immediately held her mouth with both of her hands before the octopus lets go of her lower half, allowing her to swim back up to the surface. When her face turned blue, Fluttershy looks up as she furiously kicked her way towards the watery surface while her breasts are bouncing up and down. At the same time, she only used her right hand to make a stroke in order to swim up to the surface while covering her mouth with her left hand. 12:35pm... *GASP!!! COUGH!! COUGH!!* *HACK!!! SPUTTER!!!* As soon as Fluttershy breaks through the watery surface, she gasped and coughed up her airways in regaining her oxygen before letting herself tread the ocean all around her again, remaining buoyant thanks to her floating big breasts. She then catches her breath before swimming back to the raft while feeling the cool breeze flow through her wet mane and bare shoulders. Just when Fluttershy got closer to the raft, she just placed both of her arms on top of its wooden edge while letting herself soak the rest of her naked body in the cool, flowing sea. Even though she almost drowned when the octopus dragged her underwater, Fluttershy laughed a bit before she lets her naked body float on top of the ocean allowing herself to let the water caress her more. "MMMMMMmmmmmmm!!! I love skinny dipping!" Fluttershy cooed as she made a light blush on her face, letting herself relax while laying on her bare stomach. When the octopus emerges from below the ocean, he swims towards Fluttershy from behind as he makes his attempt to massage her soaking, bare back with its red tentacles. Feeling the suctions on her back, Fluttershy started giggling again as her beautiful bare skin getting wrapped around by the octopus, massaging it with his squishy mollusk mass. With the tentacles going on top of her bare shoulders, Fluttershy closes her eyes before resting her head on the edge of the rafts while the rest of her naked body is still in the water. "This feels so nice!!" Fluttershy smiled. The next thing she feels is when the octopus starts to wrap around her submerged breasts as she continues to hold onto the edge of the raft. With the creature's tentacles squeezing Fluttershy's soaking breasts again, she started to humming and cooing as if she already had the confidence to let her favorite animal friends feel her kinkiness kick in. "MMmmmmmmm!! Oh yeah. Ahhhhhhh!!" While the octopus continues to massage Fluttershy's bare back, in igniting her utmost sexiness while bathing in the ocean, they still had to be aware of how rough the waves will get if the wind currents were to be intense. Speaking of intense, the octopus turns to see some big waves heading towards them. He immediately lifted Fluttershy out of the water before wrapping its tentacles around all of her stuff onboard her raft. "WHOA!!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she immediately lifted out of the ocean. The moment she sees the big wave heading straight for them, it made a big splash that sent her, the octopus, and her raft shoved forward to the beach in about 60 meters closer. In the resulting latter, Fluttershy felt the waves splashing on her back again. This time, she nearly got shoved to the other side of the raft. Thankfully, Fluttershy was able to grab onto the tall mast sticking from the middle of the raft before her legs slipped past the wooden platform. After the waves calmed, Fluttershy pulls herself back onto the raft while still holding onto its mast only to see her entire mane and tail get totally damp with cold wetness. Fluttershy then feels herself shivering under the cool breeze while the sea water drips down from her completely drenched, bare skin, forcing the naked mare to hold her shoulders with both her hands again as she laid on her back against the raft. "M-M-Man. T-T-T-T-That was t-t-too c-c-c-c-c-c-close!!" Fluttershy chattered, as her skin got too cold from being in the ocean too long. In just a few seconds of shivering, Fluttershy started laughing at herself again out of experiencing such unexpected ocean surprises from the sea she is in. Now that she is laying on top of the raft totally soaked to the skin, Fluttershy relaxed more while breathing in and out before feeling the sunlight glistening her naked body. The next thing she did before putting her mind at ease is when Fluttershy gets some shut eye before laying down naked on top of the raft. "Oh well. It was worth it." Fluttershy thought before she catches some Zs in the nude. 1:05pm.... For just a half an hour, Fluttershy decided to rest on top of the raft while still completely naked. She just smiled in her sleep as she crawled closer to her beach umbrella as the ocean's waves stopped passing by. She could feel that the temperature at noon is not too cold nor too hot. In fact, Fluttershy senses that the temperature embracing her naked body feels just right as she slept peacefully on her left side, still on top of her raft. The next thing Fluttershy knew is that, another cool breeze of air came out of the ocean only to make the naked mare lay flat on her back while still sleeping on top of the raft, smiling peacefully. "Ahhhhhh. Mmmmmm!!!" When her eyes still remain closed, Fluttershy then touches her breasts gently with both of her hands before she has them lowered down to her bare stomach as she feels herself to be very smooth and lovely. She just couldn't get enough of feeling her beautiful nude skin, making herself to be very alluring and very attractive. However, Fluttershy is still hesitant to share her nude body to her loved ones, especially Discord. She can only hope that one day, he will accept Fluttershy's naked beauty if she feels confident enough. Aside from her imagination, Fluttershy slowly stops hers hands from moving as she laid still while letting herself sunbathe in the nude for the second time. 3:00pm...... In just two hours of sunbathing in the nude, Fluttershy wakes up only to see that the beach leading to the resort is 50 meters closer to her as her raft is slowly getting drifted further to the shore. The moment she got up, Fluttershy sees that there are still other ponies hanging around at the beach just like during the 4th day when she got back from her misadventure at the rainforest. "Oh dear. I think I better hide again!!" She did thought about putting on her bikini before heading back to the beach. However, Fluttershy just couldn't find it in her to stop skinny dipping in the ocean since she finds the sea water very smooth when glistening all over her nude body. So, she put her bikini into her backpack immediately before diving down into the ocean again to avoid letting any pony see her naked. Once she is back in the water, the octopus appeared with its head jutting out of the watery surface. The moment Fluttershy sees her octopus friend she nodded her head while treading the water before the mollusk takes her raft to another part of the beach a few miles south of the resort. After seeing the raft disappear down the beach, along with the octopus dragging it, Fluttershy smiled sexily as her chest goes down below the water with only her neck and face showing above it. In a few minutes of treading, Fluttershy closes her eyes before going down below the ocean one last time. 3:09pm..... Now underneath the sea once more, Fluttershy held her breath while swimming downwards to the sandy sea floor. With the sun rays shinning down from above the ocean, Fluttershy felt her entire naked form soak underneath the warm fathoms below the sea. She went into an underwater heaven again. This time, without her breathable mouthpiece, Fluttershy does have to endure being underwater while holding her air bubbles for as long as possible. Ahead of her position, Fluttershy could see mostly tall sea grass and fish swimming a few feet above the underwater sandy floor. Thankfully, the sandy underwater floor is only 10 feet below the sea which is enough for her to swim back up to get more air. The moment she slowly descended down to the sandy floors, Fluttershy got on her knees as she started to squeeze her own big, soft breasts with both of her hands while smiling and holding her breath. For the final skinny dipping session, Fluttershy felt eager to stay underwater for as long as possible before the ponies leave the beach and heading back home. 3:29pm..... For nearly a half an hour, Fluttershy's face is slowly turning blue as she is slowly straining herself to keep her air in place. It wasn't long before her chest and her lungs start to burn out as Fluttershy is getting closer in drowning naked under the sea. But, she doesn't want to stop. If skinny dipping and being naked underwater is all Fluttershy could think of, it may be the most painful but horny thing to do. After all, she has already spent the entire week skinny dipping most of the time, along with submerging below the water while being naked for most of her time. "MMMMmmmmmmmm!!" Fluttershy hummed as a few air bubbles came out of her mouth while it is still closed. In a few minutes of squeezing herself sexily, Fluttershy looked up to see a bright light coming from above the watery surface as she continued to anchor down below the ocean, feeling the immense water caressing her nude form nonstop; its just how she likes it. Fluttershy moved her legs forward before slowly letting herself lean back and laying down on the sand while continue to masturbate while underwater. In a toll, she let out an air bubble from her mouth before covering it up with both of her hands. Once her back was on top of the sandy floor, Fluttershy closed her eyes and smiled before squeezing her buttocks and her breasts again. "MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!" "BLLLLRRGGGGHHH!!!" When Fluttershy looked up to the surface above her again, her lungs start to burst because she is losing her air after every minute while laying on the sandy floor underwater. Frightened by her accidental drowning, Fluttershy arched her legs before pushing herself to the surface as she rapidly made short strokes with her hands, letting go of her mouth in the process. For swimming upwards 10 feet, it isn't long before Fluttershy breaks out to the surface. *GASP!!!* With Fluttershy coming up above the water again, she gasped for air only to find herself a couple of meters away from the public beach in front of the resort. She didn't think that she would come up for air only to get caught. Thankfully, the ponies at the beach aren't anywhere close to Fluttershy. As Fluttershy treads through the water soaking down her naked body, she looked far and wide to see where did her octopus friend put her raft at. Eventually, she spots that the raft is seen on the beach, 20 feet away from the shoreline. She can only hope that no pony will be walking towards her raft by the time Fluttershy comes out of the water completely naked. Taking her chance, Fluttershy breaststrokes towards the raft while letting the waves push her to the beach. 4:01pm..... Once Fluttershy reaches to the beach, she stands up before covering her breasts with her right hand and her clit with her left hand while walking to the raft. At the same time, Fluttershy feels the sun showering down on her naked back while still all naked and wet. She still have a bit of a walking distance to go before making her way back to the resort. For the Octopus, his head appeared from the ocean behind the naked mare as he waved his tentacles goodbye to Fluttershy. When Fluttershy sits on top of her raft, she spots the Octopus waving at her before she waved back at him. "Goodbye, Mr. Octopus. I hope we see each other again one day." Fluttershy smiled as she sees the Octopus disappear back into the Ocean once more. After waving her aquatic friend goodbye, Fluttershy walks up to the shores, taking her breathable mouthpiece from her backpack as she decided to take a bath in the ocean. Now all alone again, Fluttershy puts on her breathable piece before walking past the waves and diving into the ocean close to the shores. This time, Fluttershy buried her entire nude body below the sand while still naked underwater, anchoring herself below the ocean near the beach with only her head showing. Even though she is no longer skinny dipping out at sea, Fluttershy still relaxed while sleeping naked underwater, with the waves moving past her head before hitting the shores behind her. 5:00pm.... After one hour of sleeping naked underwater, with her body buried up to her neck, Fluttershy opens one eye to see that the sky became cloudy and somewhat darker. Seeing her chance to head back to the resort, Fluttershy pulls herself out of the sand below the water as it spread upwards freeing her nude body from the underwater floor before she emerges from the ocean. As she came out of the water, Fluttershy looks to her left to see that the entire beach is empty once again. "This is the best week I had in my life." Fluttershy grinned before heading back to her raft, putting her bikini back on. The moment she is wearing her swimsuit, Fluttershy gets her backpack and heads back to the hotel to rest up and take the train back to home. Two Months later, during the Summer........ Back at Sweet Feathers Sanctuary, Fluttershy was able to save up enough bits to purchase a 8 by 8 foot mud pool next to the lake where she allowed her ducks and geese to swim at behind her cottage, spending only about 1,500 bits when doing so. Ever since she had fun at the Mud Spa while bathing in the pool of quicksand, Fluttershy was eager to have one to setup at home so that she can bathe in the quicksand mud at anytime while sleeping. At night around 10pm, after putting all of her animal friends to sleep in her cottage and in her Sanctuary, Fluttershy takes a deep breath before wrapping herself in a white towel before heading into the mud pool. As she walked towards it, Fluttershy's body started churning with nervousness and excitement at the same time. Too bad, her friends won't understand her over something like this, it's just only her dirty little secret Fluttershy had in mind. However, she still needed to sleep in her bed, so the quicksand mud pool with be her bath and bed at the same time only for every other day. Once she arrives at her very own mud pool, Fluttershy drops her towel behind her revealing herself to be completely naked again. As she looks up to the bright moon, Fluttershy hummed in happiness as she feels the light shimmering down on her beautiful nude form immensely. Her dream of happiness came true. She then looks down at herself, as she touched her big C-cup breasts before reaching down to her clit with her right hand and with her left hand feeling her butt. Fluttershy started giggling cutely as she sees herself to be the most beautiful pegasus mare in all of Equestria, feeling the humidity and the shining moonlight glistening through her naked body at night. She can only hope one day, some colt will accept her natural, naked beauty when they truly fall in love with her. For now, she looks towards the mud pool in front of her, making Fluttershy grin sexily at it. The mud pool is now filled with clay, combined with water that is used to make it softer and soothing at the same time. In fact, with a mud pool like that, Fluttershy imagined herself sleeping naked while being completely submerged every night. Taking a big yawn, Fluttershy turns around with her back facing the quicksand pool. In one deep breath, Fluttershy falls backwards into the mud pool with both of her arms spread out straight from her sides. With one big muddy splash on her bare back, the quicksand clay splattered onto both of Fluttershy's breasts, her arms, and onto her wings instantly, covering them all up at once. At the same time she landed onto the muddy surface on her back, Fluttershy's pink, flowing mane has spread out too as it lies on top of the muddy surface. "AHHHH!! MMMMMmmmmm!!" Fluttershy hummed as she feels the messy clay caressing her naked breasts and her bare back while feeling the water all around the mud pit at the same time. With the summer heat and the mud caressing her naked form, Fluttershy starts to get more hotter as her body is getting covered up in sweat and clay. Since her Octopus and her shark friends still live in the ocean, Fluttershy may need to do something different when it comes to being completely submerged while in her sleep alone, unlike what she did at the spa near the tropical resort two months ago. Thankfully, she had bought some long straws for her to breath with during the time she bought and set up this quicksand mud pool for herself. So, when Fluttershy lays naked on top of her quicksand pit, her legs slowly disappear under the muddy surface. She takes one of the straws in her muddy right hand from the edge of the pool on her right. In a giggling, sexual pleasure, Fluttershy is could see herself sinking into the mud which is slowly consuming her clit and then her waist while it is sticking to her pink mane. At the same time, she feels her left hand squeezing her muddy breasts, much to Fluttershy's glee. "Mmmmmmm!! Oh yes!! Yes!! Ahhhh!!" Fluttershy moaned happily as she looked up to the clear, night sky above her. In the midst of her sexual moaning, Fluttershy continues to feel her squishy C-cup breasts being caressed by her left hand while the clay mud is slowly covering up her stomach before it gets closer to her lower curves. "OH YEAH!!!" "AHHHHHH!!! It feels so good being in this mud!!! So deep, I love it!!! MMMMmmmmmm!!!!" "Yes!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I feel so good here. MMmmmmmm!!!!" "Ohhhhhh!! I'm going to cum on myself!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Even when submerged in her sleep, Fluttershy will still get up from the mud clay pit and clean herself up at the lake nearby as soon as she hear the chickens crowing. Once that is done, Fluttershy will start off an another busy day at Sweet Feathers Sanctuary in the morning. For now, Fluttershy intends lets herself sleep naked while submerged, bathing in both mud and water, as well as feeling the two substances caressing the beautiful pegasus throughout the entire night. Though, she still wanted to have more fun bathing in the mud before passing out in letting the quicksand claim her for the night. So, Fluttershy continues to masturbate and quietly moan in a few more rounds while continuously feeling her muddy left hand squeezing her breasts, making her spent the last remaining energy in her quicksand pool to tire herself out. "MMMMMmmmmmmm!!! Oh yes!! The mud feels so good on me!!!" "Ahhhhhhh!! Oh fuck me, please!! Fuck me, mud!!! Let it all embrace me!!!" "Oh yeah!! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Ahhhhhhh!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" "MMmmmmmmmmm!!!! I feel so beautiful, so lovely in this mud!!! Mmmmmmmm!!!" 10:15pm..... In a few minutes of squeezing herself while moaning with delight, the clay mud reaches up to Fluttershy's muddy breasts before they slowly disappear next as she sinks further into the mud pool, along with her hands and arms. After that, the muddy clay reaches up from her chest to her neck, while breathing in and out with a calm, slow manner. This may be the time where she will go to sleep. "I have no regrets doing this." Fluttershy smiled as she feels the clay mud reaching up to her chin after her neck disappeared into the mud. In just one minute afterwards, Fluttershy leans back,feeling the mud reaching up to the back of her head as she is getting ready to submerge below the muddy surface. "MMmmmmm!!! Ohhhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!" As soon as the mud touches her chin, Fluttershy tires herself out after all of that masturbating and sexual moaning. Nevertheless, Fluttershy still uses her last remaining energy in reaching out her right hand above the muddy surface while holding onto her long straw. Despite that Fluttershy is getting ready to disappear deep into the quicksand pool, she felt happy to become one with the mud as a beautiful naked girl she is. "I guess this is it then. Goodnight, every creature!! See...you....in.....the......morning." Fluttershy smiled in tired expression as she leans her head back against the clay mud before putting the breathable straw in her mouth. Once Fluttershy holds the straw in her mouth, she lowers her right hand as it disappears back into the mud that she is submerging into. "Oh!! Ahhhhhhh!!! MMMMmmmmmmm!!!" Fluttershy moaned as the mud is slowly caressing her sweet cheeks, getting closer to her mouth and eyes. She makes a cute, muffled noise before closing her eyes and falls asleep as the mud reaches up to her lips. "Mmmmmm!!! MMMllluurrrrgggggghhhhh!!" Once the mud covers up Fluttershy's lips, it soon reaches up to her nose before the world around her fades away. In a few seconds afterwards, the heavy curtain of clay quicksand covers up her eyes as Fluttershy's face submerges to the bottom of the muddy surface. All that's left of Fluttershy is her long pink hair floating on top of the surface. The moments later, Fluttershy's hair forms a halo before it is dragged under the muddy surface. So just like that, Fluttershy has disappeared for the night as she sank beautifully out of sight; completely naked, submerged, and sleeping down below the muddy surface of her own quicksand pool. Only a long plastic straw remains jutting out of the quicksand clay with its clean tip sticking out from the muddy surface, followed by a small ripple surrounding it with several bubbles bursting out before they fade away. As the straw is spewing out slow deep breaths and Z's, the clay pool of quicksand now remains still, no longer having anymore ripples coming out. Instead, only the tip of the straw is seen sticking out of the muddy surface throughout the rest of the quiet night in the middle of Sweet Feathers Sanctuary. The End.