> Indecent Competition > by Mpony1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > B(itch)ridezilla > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The very next day after receiving the invitation to her brother's wedding, Twilight and her friends hopped aboard the first train traveling to Canterlot to help with the preparations. Spike along with the mane 5 were all very excited and couldn't wait to get to Canterlot. Twilight on the other hoof was still mad that she only just found out about the wedding yesterday and not from Shining himself. As the Mane 5 and Spike sat together while chatting among themselves, Twilight sat far apart from them. Just wanting to be alone with her thoughts as she stared out the window at the moving scenery as the train made its way to Canterlot. ***** As the train got closer to its destination. Rainbow couldn't hold back her excitement about her part in the wedding anymore. A sonic rainboom? At a wedding?! Can you say "best wedding ever"?! Best wedding ever! So, you all get to help with the big fancy wedding, but I'm the one who gets to host the bachelor party! I have just one question. What's a bachelor party? The Mane five couldn't help but laugh at Spike's cluelessness about what a bachelor party is. Sometime later, the train arrived at Canterlot station, and the girls disembarked. Now, let's get going! We've got work to do! And you've got a big brother to go congratulate. Yeah. Congratulate. And then give him a piece of my mind. Twilight said angrily as she went off to find Shining Armor. It didn't take her long to find her brother. He just got finished talking to a wedding planner who had left by the time Twilight called out to him. "I've got something to say to you, mister." Shining turned towards the voice calling out to him and smiled happily when he saw his little sister. "Twily! Ah, I've missed, you, kid. How was the train ride? I–" "How could you not tell me about something as big as your wedding?" Twilight asked her brother. "Am I not that important to you anymore?" "Hey, you're my little sister," Shining Armor said. "Of course, you're important to me. But I'd understand if you didn't want to be my best mare now." "You want me to be your best mare?" "Well, yeah." "I'd be honored." Twilight embraced him in a hug, pressing her cheek into the nape of his neck, and burying her face in his mane. The stallion's familiar musk brought with it nostalgic memories of all the nights she had a nightmare and snuggled up with him in his warm bed. She held him a bit tighter, wanting this hug to never end, and lose herself in his mane. She felt him tense in a shrug to extricate himself from her. She frowned. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm still pretty ticked that you're marrying some pony that I don't even know," Twilight Sparkle said to her brother. "When did you even meet this- Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!?" "Twilie, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is Cadance, your old foalsitter!" Shining Armor explained with a smile. "Oh, speaking of-" "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Cadance said as she walked over to them, pointedly placing herself between them. "Cadie! We were just catching up," Shining said. "That's nice," Cadance said. "But don't you have work to do? Somewhere else? There's a wedding to be planned for, perhaps you've heard of it?" Shining's smile fell. "Yes, you're right Cadance. Twilight, thank you for coming to help out. I'm sure she has a whole list of tasks for you to do. But hey, it'll give you two a chance to catch up." He leaned over to kiss Cadance. "I'll see you later, dear." Cadance held Shining as she kissed him. While Shining had closed his eyes, Cadance kept hers open and stared at Twilight, purposefully making it an extra-sloppy kiss with excessive amounts of tongue. Shining almost gagged and pulled himself away. "Whoa, easy there," Shining said. "Save some for the honeymoon!" "What can I say?" Cadance said. "I'm just excited." "I'm excited too, but geez, my sister is right there!" he said. Cadance smirked and waved as Shining left. Once he was out of sight, she turned on her heel and glared at Twilight. "Let's get one thing straight. You're only here because I was forced to invite you. Shining is my stallion!" Cadance said as she jabbed Twilight in the chest with her hoof. "Wh, wha-?" "Don't play dumb with me, slut! I'm the Princess of Love! I know how you feel about him! I've known about it for years. Even if I couldn't sense it, I could practically smell you creaming yourself when you hugged him! I don't give a shit if you're his little sister. I'll tell you the same thing I'd tell every other whore that wants to fuck the Captain of the Royal Guard; you stay the fuck away from my stallion! You better not ever be in the same zip code as him again after this. Once we get married, he's moving into my villa in the palisades. And I better not ever catch a whiff of your rotten crotch, or so much as find a single one of your hairs there or else I swear to Celestia, I will shove my hoof so far up your skinny ass that I'll be punching your ugly teeth out! Got it!?" Twilight's mouth was agape in shocked awe. Cadance's blue aura of magic grabbed the list from her bag and threw it on the ground in front of Twilight. "Here's the checklist of everything I want done to ensure that Shining's and I wedding is absolutely perfect. Try not to get your slut juice on it. You'll see that the list doesn't have 'fucking my future husband' on it, so I better not catch your skanky ass trying to get alone with him again. Now shut your cock-holster and get to work!" Cadance finish before turning around and leaving a very stunned, confused, and terrified lavender unicorn in her wake. Twilight didn't move a muscle, even after Cadance was no longer in sight. She just stood there frozen; her mouth still agape in shocked awe as her brain tried to comprehend what the hell just happened. Remembering that she had a job to do as well as fearing Cadance coming back to see her still standing here. Without looking, Twilight levitated the scroll off the ground, she read over the list of the things she needed to check on. Once she did, she turned around and immediately made her way to the kitchens to meet with Applejack. All while still holding that same facial expression as she did. In the castle's kitchen, four ponies were hard at work in making sure all the cooking and baking were done before the big day. Applejack invited two members of the Apple family to help her with the cooking. Her cousins, Peachy Sweet AND Apple Fritter There was also an earth pony stallion named, Lucky Clover Who was also hired by Princess Celestia to help out due to his own cooking talents. The four work together to get everything done with AJ leading the charge. Twilight just sat in the center of the room. Holding her check list in her magic while still having that same exact look of shocked awe on her face. Neither Applejack nor her coworkers even noticed Twilight's expression. As they were too busy working to get everything done on schedule. Although Twilight is still conflicted from her meeting with Cadance. She still had enough sense of self to do her job. Applejack, still not noticing Twilight's discomfort. Ran back and forth to finish projects that were near completion as Twilight check them off. "Cake, check." Twilight checks it off, as Applejack ran to the next project. "Ice sculpturer, check." Twilight checks that off to, as AJ ran to another project. "Best darn bite-size apple fritter you ever tasted..." She then stuffs one in Twilight's still agape mouth. The delicious taste was more than enough to snap the unicorn out of her funk. As she happily enjoyed the delectable treat. "MMM. Check." After finishing her snack. Twilight spotted Spike playing with the bride and groom toppers for the cake, making them kiss. She then walked up and took them both out of his hands with her magic before setting them down. Making Spike chuckle nervously as he stared at her with a look of embarrassment. To Spike and anyone else who saw, it looked as though Twilight was just stopping the young drake from playing with something he shouldn't. Considering how important the toppers are and she didn't want to risk anything bad happening to them. That's partly true. The main reason is that she really didn't like the kissing display Spike was making the toppers do. It instantly reminded her of how Cadance kiss Shining earlier and she really didn't want to be reminded of that whole incursion. In fact, she hopes to avoid running into her again for as long as possible. It was in that moment, Twilight heard AJ greet the devil herself. Hiya, Princess! Celestia damn it! Everypony except Twilight bowed to Cadance as she entered the kitchen. "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." " Hiya, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. You come to check out what's on the menu for your big day?" "I have!" Before AJ and Cadance could take a single step, a voice was heard coming from the entrance. "Wow, it smells really good in here!" Everyone turned to see that it was none other than the groom himself trotting into the kitchen. Applejack and her cousins couldn't help but stare wide eyed. At the handsome hunk of a stallion standing before them. "Shining!" Cadance said. Surprise to her future husband. "What are you doing here?" "I was on my way to pick up my dress uniform that just got delivered from the cleaners until this delicious smell hit my nose as I was passing by, and I couldn't resist coming in." He said as he then walks pass Cadance to speak with Applejack. "Hiya Captain Shining Armor." AJ said with a salute. Shining chuckled. "Please just call me Shining." He said as he reached out a hoof for a hoof shake. "And you must be Applejack! One of Twily's friends that princess Celestia hired." Applejack reached out and shook Shining's hoof. "That's right! Twilight told the five of us all about you through song. It's a pleasure to meet ya Shining." "Likewise!" "I was just about to offer Princess Mi Amore Cadenza my family's famous Apple fritters to try.......... The food not the pony." Peachy Sweet let out a little laugh, while her sister Apple Fritter face turned red. "Would you like to try one as well?" Asked Applejack. "Would I!" Shining said excitedly as he followed Applejack, followed by an annoyed looking Cadance. Twilight was the only one to notice Cadance cold demeaner and she couldn't help but fear for her friend. Upon reaching the counter, Applejack picked up the tray of the freshly baked goods in her teeth and offered the couple to try one. Cadance and Shining both each grabbed an apple fritter in their magic and ate them. "WOW! That tasted amazing. What do you think honey?" "Delicious! I love-love-love them." Cadance said as she laughed nervously. "Aw, shucks. Why don't you two take a few to go?" Applejack said as she offered two separate bags of fritters to the couple. "Really, are you sure?" Shining asked as both he and Cadance took a bag in their magic. "Of course! I know how you grooms and brides can be. So busy, you forget to get a little somethin' in your belly." Shining let out a little laugh. "Can't argue with that. Thanks for the treat, but more importantly. Thank you for being friends with my sister. She might be a bit much for you and the others to handle, especially when she starts over worrying and freaking out about something." Twilight couldn't help but pout at that as Spike let out a little laugh. "But take good care of her." "Will do pardner." Shining nodded in approval. "I should hurry and go. I need to grab my outfit and try it on to make sure it's comfortable." He turns to Cadance as he leaned in and kiss her on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Cady." "Later, honey!" Shining made his way towards the door but was stop when Spike called out to him. "Shining wait!" He said as he ran up to him. "Heya, Spike! What's up little bro." "I wanted to discuss your bachelor party with you. But first I need to know what a bachelor party even is." Shining chuckled as he levitated Spike on to his back and then gave him one of his apple fritters. "Come with me. I'll tell you everything you need to know." Shining then trotted out of the kitchen with Spike in tow, as they went on their way. Leaving Twilight, the caterers, and Cadance alone. "Your fiancé is a really nice guy Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Applejack complimented. "You're really a lucky mare to be marrying a stallion like him." "Indeed I am." Cadance takes a moment to collect her thoughts. "There's something I want to tell you about your apple fritters." "What's that?" "They taste like shit." Cadance said before throwing her bag in the trash, shocking everyone. Applejack was stunned after what the princess of love said and did. "W-wait! What! But you said you loved them." Cadance rolled her eyes. "I lied you fucking redneck inbred hillbilly. Some element of honesty you are. Aren't you supposed to be a living lie detector or some shit like that." "That's not what being the element of honesty is about and who you callin an inbred. Mah family aren't inbreded. My ma comes from the pear family and became a member of the apple family when she married my pa." "Even so, that doesn't mean you don't fuck your own flesh and blood." Cadance shrugs. "Whatever, I don't care if you wanna fuck one of your family members. I came here to see how the food is coming along and as I mentioned. I hate your apple fritters. Did that mare over there crap them out? It would explain why they taste like shit." "Just because mah name is Apple Fritter, doesn't mean ah shit out actual apple fritters." "Yeah, who do you think you are insulting us, our family, and our cooking." Said Peachy Sweet Cadance march over towards the green mare, lit her horn, flared her wings, and stared daggers into Peachy's eyes. "I'm Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, bitch. Alicorn princess of love. I may not have as much power as Celestia but that doesn't mean I don't have any levrage. If I wanted, I could have the guards drag your ass down to the deepest levels of the castle dungeons. Where you will never see the sun again. With my love magic, I could easily get them to gangbang you while you're down there. You'll be nothing but a thing for them to use as an outlet for their lust. Completely trap, and no one will come to save you. So, if you don't want to become the guards free use cumdumpster......... I'd remember who it is you bitches are talking to and never forget it. Understand?" Peachy Sweet quickly nodded as she said. "Y-yes princess." Cadance horn glowed brighter as she let out a groan of annoyance. "I, I, I mean yes, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!" Peachy quickly corrected as she cowered down onto to the floor. Cadance shut off her horn before backing off from the frightened mare. Staring down at her with a calm face and sweet smile before saying. "Good!" She then turned around and walked back towards Applejack. Leaving a shaking in fear peachy to be comforted by her sister. "Now, as I was saying." Cadance said to Applejack. Who in turn gulp in fear. "I hate your apple fritters. They're truly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted in my life. If MY soon to be husband didn't love them so much. I'd have you burn them all before throwing them away. So, keep making them, but I want you to make strawberry fritters along with them." ".................................................................................... Say what now?" "You heard me you family fucker. I want you to make strawberry fritters. I love strawberries and I want those fritters to be a part of the menu." "................... WHAT IN TARNATION IS A STRAWBERRY FRITTER? I never heard of such a thing let alone know how make'em. Do they even exist?" "Of course, they do you Applefuckin idiot." Cadance levitated a cookbook off a nearby shelf, open it to certain page and push the book into AJ's face. Who then held it in her hooves. "See! They do exist and you WILL make them, lots of them." "I'll be back again tomorrow to check on your progress and they better be the best damn strawberry fritters I have ever tasted or else you all are getting sent to the dungeons to become cumdumpsters for a month." Cadance turns her attention to Lucky Clover. "Except, you. You're fine. Keep up the good work." "Uhhh, thank you!" Lucky nervously said. Not knowing what else he could say, given the situation. Cadance couldn't help but stare at Lucky a little longer with a sense of familiarity. "Have we met before by any chance? I can't help but feel if though I've seen you somewhere." Twilight had to agree with Cadance on that one. For she too felt the same way. She can't place a hoof on it, but she knows that she had seen Lucky before. She just doesn't know when or where. Lucky shakes his head. "No, your highness. I can assure that we have never met until now." Cadance shrugs and drops the matter before turning, then starts making her way towards the exit, but before she steps out of the kitchen. "I have one last thing to say." She turns back around and glared angrily at the three mares before saying." "Stay. The fuck. Away from my stallion. If either of you skanks even dare, try to get alone with him. I. Will. Burn. Every Apple family, Apple orchard TO ASHES!!!!" With that said, Cadance turned around and left the kitchen. Once she was gone Applejack spoke. "Twi!" "Yes, AJ!" "You're soon to be sister-in-law is a bitch!" "I know!" With her job in the kitchen done. Twilight moves on to the next place she needed to visit to continue checking off the list. Rarity's guest room, where the fashionista is hard at work putting on the finishing touches on Cadance's wedding dress. All while listening to Twilight ramble about the princess of love. "Oh, you should have seen how she acted back there. She treated Applejack and her cousins like shit." "Oh, come now, darling." Rarity said. Not looking up from her work. "You're overreacting. She's getting married, remember. Lots of mares turn into a bridezilla. I'm sure it's just stress getting on her nerves." "SHE THREATENED TO HAVE THEM THROWN AND LOCK AWAY INTO THE DEEPEST PART OF THE CASTLE'S DUNGEONS AND THEN USE HER LOVE MAGIC TO MAKE THE ROYAL GUARDS GANGBANG THEM, IF HER STRAWBERRY FRITTERS DIDN'T TASTE LIKE THE BEST DANM THING ON THE PLANET." "I'm sure she didn't mean it." "RARITY!? I literally watched as she got up in Peachy Sweet face and explained in great detail how she can easily turn her into a cumdumpster if she so chooses." Twilight shakes her head. "I mean seriously what the hell happened to her? I don't know when she changed, but she changed!" That got Rarity's attention, but it did not stop her from working. "Wait! You're saying you met her before? Yesterday you said you didn't even know who she was." "That's because she never once told me her full name." [imitating Cadance] "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Twilight scoffs. "More like Princess Mi A Bitch Amore Cadenza!" "What did you just call me?" Twilight's blood instantly turned cold as she felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. She slowly turned around to see Cadance and her three chosen bridesmaids: Lyra Heartstring, Minunette, and Twinkleshine entering the room and closing the door behind them. "You got something to say to me, Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight instantly lost all confidence and composure. She could say nor do anything as she stood there frozen as pure fear grip her heart. Wanting to try and deescalate the situation. Rarity quickly moved in front of Cadance to greet her and turn her attention on what's really important. "Your highness!" She said with a bow. "Let me just start by saying what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion." Rarity said while laughing nervously. "Uh-huh. Is my dress ready?" Cadance asked unenthusiastically. As she walked pass Rarity to get to her dress. But not before giving Twilight a death glare as she walked pass her. "Yes, of course." Rarity stammers. As she followed Cadance. "Um, I've been working on it ever since I was given the assignment, and I think you'll be pleased with the results!" Cadance eyed the dress closely as she inspects it from every angle. She had to give the fashionista credit where credit is due. The dress was absolutely amazing. "I have to admit Miss Rarity. You did an outstanding job. The dress is perfect." "Oh, thank you, your highness. I'm happy that it's to your liking." Cadance walks over to her bridesmaid's dresses. They were also beautifully stunning, but she wanted to hear their opinions on them. "What do you girls think of your dresses?" "I think they're lovely." "Me too!" "I love them." Cadance nodded in agreement. Before turning back to Rarity who was now standing next to her. "Well miss Rarity. You were able to make them look good but now let's see how they fit." "But of course, your highness. Let's get started right awa-" *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* Rarity was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. "Who is it?" Rarity called out. "Hello! I'm looking for a fashion designer named Rarity. My name is Shining Armor and I have an emergency and could really use your help." He said from the other side of the close door. "What the!? Shining! What are you doing here and what happened?" "And why do you need HER help?" she thought to herself. Oh! Hi Cadance! I'm sorry to interrupt your fitting but I need help with my outfit. I accidentally tore a hole in it when it got caught on the corner of a table. I remembered that one of Twily's friends that Princess Celestia had hired is a fashion designer who is making your dress. So, I came by to see if she could fix my uniform." "I would be happy to take a look, darling." "What did you just call him, bitch?" Cadance thought as she gave Rarity a cold, sinister look. But the fashionista didn't even notice as she walked away towards the wedding dress. "Give me a second to hide your soon to be bride's dress. Can't have you seeing it until the big day." "I understand." Said Shining as he waited patiently. Rarity quickly levitated a thin sheet over the dress and covered it. Completely obscuring it from sight. Once that was done. She gestured to one of the bridesmaids to open the door. Lyra used her magic to open it and let Shining in. "Thanks Lyra." Shining said as he trotted in. Carrying his uniform on his back. "Your welcome Shining and congratulations on getting married." Lyra said as she gave him a hug. Shining hug back before the two of them broke it. "Thanks. Was your girlfriend able to make it?" Lyra nodded. "Yep, she's out wondering around Canterlot with our friends. Vinyl and her girlfriend Octavia. Vinyl aka DJPON-3 was asked by Pinkie Pie to help provide music for the reception and she invited Octavia to come along. After we're finished here me along with these two love birds are going to meet the others at Joe's doughnuts later." "Oh, so you two finally got together?" Shining asked Twinkleshine and Minunette. The two mares blush before nodding. They then lean in and gave one another a quick kiss on the lips. "Congratulations you two, I hope you both have a happy life together." Twinkleshine let out a giggle. "You say that as if we're the ones getting married in two days." "Well, you never know. That day might come. Especially if one of you were the catch the bouquet during the flower tossing." "Oh, Bons and I definitely plan to." Said Lyra. "You two are going to have to get through us first." Said Minunette. "Oh yeah! Get in line bitches, because that bouquet WILL be mine." Rarity thought. Rarity then loudly cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Sorry to interrupt, but you said you wanted me have a look at your uniform?" "Oh! Right!" Shining said as he trotted over to Rarity, lifting his uniform in his magic and giving it to her. Rarity takes it in her magic and inspects the large tear on the right sleeve. "Do you think you can fix it?" "Oh, most definitely. Something like this is no problem. I only need a minute and your uniform will be good as new." Rarity said as she trotted over towards a desk with her sewing machine on it. As she set the uniform in place and immediately got to work. Shining let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. You're a life saver miss Rarity." Rarity chuckled. "Oh, darling, please just call me Rarity." "Ok! Rarity!" The second he said her name. Rarity felt a strong pleasurable shiver run up her spine. Fortunately for her she was facing away from everyone, so they couldn't see her blushing profusely. But one mare didn't need any visuals. For she can easily sense how Rarity is feeling and she did not like it. Not. One. Bit. As promised. It only took Rarity a minute to finish fixing the sleeve. She then picks up the uniform in her magic, walk over to Shining and gave it to him. "There you are, darling, good as new." Shining held his uniform in his magic and inspects the sleeve. The repair was so well done, he couldn't even see any signs that a hole was there at all. "It looks as if it never got torn to begin with. You truly are very skilled, Rarity, Thank you." Rarity flips her hair in confidence, accepting the praise. "You're welcome, darling. I'm just happy I was able to help. Just be a bit more careful with it from now on, hmm and if you need any alterations done to make sure its comfortable. You know where to find me, darling." Shining nodded as he levitated his uniform onto his back. "I will, and thanks again, I owe you one. Anyway, I should hurry back to my place and see how Spike's doing setting up the bachelor party for tonight. So, I'll let you girls get back to business." With that said, Shining said his goodbyes and left the room as the door was closed behind him. Once he was gone, Rarity spoke. "All right, ladies. Let's get those dresses on and see how well they fit and if they are in need of any adjustments or alterations." "Yeah, before that. I want to take another quick look at the dresses one more time. Would you mind accompany me, Rarity." Cadance demanded as she walked towards the wedding dress, inspecting it once more. "Oh, umm, of course, your highness." Said Rarity as she joined the bride to be. "Is there something wrong your highness?" "Yes, I just realized that the dress doesn't meet my expectations. I was actually hoping for something with more beading and a longer train." Cadance said as she walked towards the bridesmaid's dresses. Rarity looked at Cadance with confusion. "I-I don't understand your highness. Earlier you said that your dress was perfect." "Are you questioning MY decision for MY wedding dress, that I will be wearing for MY wedding?" Seeing that angry glare directed at her, instantly filled Rarity with immense fear, but she tried not to show it and remain professional, as she took out a pen and note pad to write down Cadance's demands. "Pardon my rudeness your, highness. 'More beading, a longer train,' yes, of course." Calming down, Cadance now stood at the bridesmaids dresses. "And those should be a different color." "Really!? But they're just fine just the way they are." "I agree." "I love them." "Make them a different color." Cadance demanded before turning back towards her bridesmaids. "Seeing that we won't be doing our fittings. You three are free to go. You can return at the same time tomorrow when the dresses are finish." Cadance glanced back at Rarity. "Right!?" "Y-yes, your highness. I will have the changes done before you four arrive." "Good!" Cadance turns her attention back to her bridesmaids. "Now, run along and meet with your friends. I'll see you girls again tomorrow." The trio simply nodded before opening the door and leaving. Cadance made sure to close the door behind them. Now alone with Twilight and Rarity. Cadance turned her attention to the fashion designer, as she marched angrily up to her. Rarity was so focused on writing down her notes that she didn't notice the princess coming up to her until her shadow casted over her. When Rarity looked up at the princess of love. Her professional mask instantly dropped, as her face showed nothing but absolute fear. Cadance lowered her head down to Rarity's level, as she got up into her face. "Let's get one thing straight. You would be homewrecker. Shining Armor is MY stallion, MY fiancé, and MY soon to be husband." Cadance said as she punctuated each point with a jabbed to Rarity's chest with a hoof. "You were hired to design and make these dresses not whore yourself out to Shining." Rarity gasp in shock. "W-w-why I would-" "DON'T LIE TO ME! You were literally trying to seduce him earlier. And right in front of my face no less. I bet you sabotage his uniform so he would come back, so you can take full advantage of your beauty to get him to fuck you." Rarity gasp. "I-I wasn't trying to....... I would never do such a thing. I'm a lady, not some, some hussy!" Cadance back away to stare Rarity down. "You're a whore! That's what you really are. A free use slut who will let anypony, be them mare or stallion use your body in any way they want. Your beauty is your ultimate weapon to lure ponies in, because who wouldn't want to fuck a beautiful mare like you? And as for whether or not you were trying to fuck my groom to be. I could tell that you got turned on when he said your name. I can smell your dirty used crotch even now as we speak." Rarity said nothing as her face immediately turns red. “Just as I thought. You little whore,” Cadance snarls. “You act like a lady but the moment you’re alone with somepony you lift your fucking tail. Honestly. I don't give a flying fuck if you're cum slut whore. You're free to go after and fuck every other creature on the planet as much as you want for all I care." Cadance leans back down to glare angrily into Rarity's eyes. "But. Stay. Away. From. MY stallion. Cause I swear to almighty Faust if your slutty ass come anywhere near him. I'll rip out your fucking ovaries with my barehooves." "Do I make myself clear?" "C-C-crystal!" Cadance raises herself back to full height. "Now get back to work on those dresses. You're not getting paid to stand around." "Y-yes your highness." With that, Cadance made her to the door, just when she was about to walk pass Twilight. She stopped herself directly in front of her and glared at the lavender unicorn, before stepping up to lean in and whisper something in her ear. "If I ever hear you call me by that name again. I will FUCK you and your books." With that said. Cadance left the room, slamming the door closed behind her. Twilight took this moment to comfort her friend. "Are you ok, Rarity?" Rarity took a moment to calm herself before speaking. "Remember earlier when we got off the train and I said Royal weddings bring out the strangest ponies?" "Yeah!" Rarity scoffs. "Well, it would seem they bring out the rudest as well. She's worse than a bridezilla. She's a total bitchzilla." "My thoughts exactly." "Okay, let me see. We've been over the games..." ".... The dances." "I think this reception is gonna be perfect! Don't you?" "Perfect? Are you fucking retarded." Pinkie shrinks back at that. "What do you mean?" She said nervously. "What do I mean? Look at this place." Cadance gestures to the room. "This is where everyone is supposed to celebrate Shining's and I wedding, but instead it looks like we're celebrating a fucking 6-year-olds birthday party." Cadance glares angrily at Pinkie causing the party pony to recoil in fear. "Is this seriously all you can do? Are you telling me that Celestia unknowingly hired a party planner who can only plan parties for children? Cause that's the only explanation I can think of to justify this mockery to the most important day of my life." Cadance groans in frustration. "The wedding is in two days. Now I have to hope to find someone else to set up a proper reception within the next 24 hours. FUCK!" "Someone else?" Pinkie said confusingly. "Yeah, someone else. BECAUSE YOU'RE FIRED! Now get this shit cleaned up and get your retarded ass out." Cadance said as she then started to walk away. Leaving a sad teary-eyed Pinkie behind. They both were unaware of that Twilight was there, hiding behind a pillar. "And stay your stupid ass away from my stallion, you sex maniac." "I didn't even meet him yet!" That evening, Twilight and her Ponyville friends sat around a patio table to chat, and for Twilight to complain. The only ones who weren't there were Spike and Rainbow Dash. Spike was understandable because he was hosting Shining Armor's Bachelor party that will start later tonight. But no one had a clue where Rainbow was. It's not unusual for the cyan pegasus to be late sometimes. So, all they can do is wait for her to show up. "Bet I can guess what you're all thinking. Cadance is the absolute worst bride-to-be ever." "Oh, Absolutely, without a doubt, darling" "What a party pooper!" Pinkie Pie said. Applejack drank her cider as she agreed with her friend. "She can go fuck herself." "She's, um, not very nice. She said a lot of bad things about me. When she came to check on my bird choir." This got the other four attention. "She did?" Said Twilight. Fluttershy nodded. "What exactly did she say to you?" Applejack asked. "Well!" ******* (Earlier) "That bird of yours fucking sucks at singing." "No, he's a very good singer, he's just a little off key." "He sounds like a dying cat getting rape up the ass in its final moments of life and speaking of asses. You better not try to flaunt your fat ass in front my stallion. You fucking prostitute." Fluttershy gasp in shock at what Cadance just said. As she turned her head to look at her own flank. "My flanks not fat!" She turns back to Cadance. "And I'm not a prostitute." Cadance scoff. "Oh, please, I can tell that you are. Celestia told me about what you six do for a living. Twilight's a librarian, Pinkie Pie a baker/Party planner, Rarity a fashion designer, Applejack a farmer, and Rainbow Dash is captain of the weather team. The only one who doesn't have a paying job is you. All Celestia knows is that you're an animal caretaker, that only takes care of wild animals from the forest. Nopony is paying you to do that. So, how exactly do you make money, hmm? It must cost a fortune to take care of and feed all those animals plus yourself. I bet this wedding gig is probably the first genuine job you had in a long while." "That's not true. I do have a real job. I just don't talk about it is all." "Except to your potential clients." Cadance suggested. "I heard you live in a cottage outside of town. A perfect place to get privately fuck by random ponies every night. You probably make house calls to. A married stallion could be fucking you up the ass on his bed while his wife is sleeping next to the both of you., but because of how quiet you are. You never run the risk of waking her up and speaking of somepony's husband. You better stay your anal slutty ass away from mine. I know you're planning to try and barge your way into Shining's bachelor party tonight in order to try make some extra bits. Well news flash you over-priced whore. There's a reason why Spike was chosen to host the party. To make sure that skanks like you don't get hired. Having him host the party was my idea and Shining was more than happy to let him do it. No way that baby dragon who didn't even know what a bachelor party is, is going to hire strippers or sluts like you to that party. So, you better find another way to make your extra money because it sure isn't going to be at that party." Fluttershy's mouth was agape in shocked awe. She couldn't believe that Princess Cadance believes she's a prostitute. Cadance continues. "Now, I'm only going to say this once. Stay the fuck away from my stallion. If I catch you trying to get close to him. I'm going take that fucking bird of yours and shove him so far up your fat ass that every word you speak will sound off key. Now get back to work." ******* "She called you a prostitute?" AJ asked. Fluttershy nodded. "I swear, I don't sell my body for bits. I make money doing odd jobs." "Well, she called me and mah cousins inbreds!" Said Applejack. "More specifically, she believes we fuck one another and other family members. Which we don't." "She called me a free use whore!" Rarity scoffs. "The nerve. I would never do such a thing." "She called me a sex maniac." Said Pinkie. "Did she say anything about you Twi?" Asked Applejack. Twilight left out specific details when describing her interaction with Cadance. "It was a lot of colorful language. But the point is she's turned into a see-you-next-Tuesday." "A see you next what now?" "A cunt, darling, Twilight called her a cunt. See you next Tuesday. C(see) U(you) N(next) T(Tuesday)" "......... Ohhhh! I get it, that's pretty darn clever." Said AJ. "Funny how the writer of this story didn't get it after reading the original multiple times." Said Pinkie. "What writer? What story?" Twilight asked confused. Pinkie waves a dismissive hoof. "Don't worry about it. It's not important." "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but besides her rudeness, she did make a point of telling me to stay away from her stallion," Rarity said between sips of her Manehattan Iced Tea. She tousled her mane. "I get it. She's threatened by my beauty. And to be fair, Shining is..." Rarity bit her lip and rubbed her thighs together. Twilight's other friends at the table murmured in agreement. "Don't let Cadance hear that," Rainbow Dash said as she walked up and took a seat at the table. She was holding an ice pack against her left eye. "I joked about it and she didn't think it was very funny." She said as she lowered the ice pack, revealing her swollen eye. "Rainbow, what happened to your eye?" Twilight asked. ******* (Earlier) Rainbow Dash hit the ground hard after the out of nowhere punch to the face. She didn't even see it coming let alone expect it. She laid there on the ground, groaning in pain before finding the strength to sit back up to look at the one that attack her. "W-why? Why did you hit me?" Cried Rainbow. "Simple! Because of what you said about, Shining." Cadance answers. "B-but it was just a joke." "Well, I don't find your joke funny at all. Infact, I find it highly offensive. Now," "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, YOU FUCKING BITCH?" Rainbow quickly cowered in fear. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, your highness, I'm the cunt, I'm a major cunt, I'm the only cunt here. I'm sorry that I offended you any way. Just please don't hit me again." That seem to calm Cadance down. "Good, at least you're quick to learn your lesson." Cadance looks at the sun, noting what time it is. "I need to go. I expect you to keep practicing your Rainboom as well as stay away from my stallion. If I catch you alone with him. I'll turn you into a flightless cripple. Understand!" Rainbow quickly nodded. Not wanting to risk angering Cadance again. The princess was just about to leave until she remembered something important. "Oh, and one last thing. I wouldn't tell anyone the truth about your eye if you know what's good for you. So, if anybody asks, just tell them-" ******** "I fell down some stairs." "Dash, did she-" "I FELL DOWN SOME STAIRS, OKAY!?" But Twilight wasn't having any of that, as her anger immediately sky rockets. "OK, THAT DOES IT! That bitch has crossed the line this time." "It's bad enough that she insults us and treat us like shit, but to go so far as to actually hit one of us is going way too far." "Ignore Spike in this pic. Remember he's not actually here with us." Twilight let out a sigh to calm herself as she sat back down. "Seriously, why is she acting like this. She's nothing like the Cadance I remember." That caught all but Rarity by surprise. "Yes, earlier you told me how much she charged." "Wait! Hold up! Are you saying you met her before today and you know her?" Asked Rainbow. Twilight simply nodded. "THEN WHY THE HELL DID'NT YOU WARN US HOW BIG OF A BITCH SHE WAS GOING TO BE?" "Because I didn't know it was her my brother was marrying. Remember yesterday I told you all that I didn't know anypony named princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I only found out who she is when I spoke to Shining earlier when we first arrived in Canterlot." "But that doesn't explain why you didn't warn us." "And what was I supposed to warn you all about Rainbow? She's the complete opposite from the Cadance I remember." "And what exactly was she like, darling and what was your relationship with her?" "Cadance was my old foalsitter and she was nothing like she is now." ****** ****** "I was excited when my brother told me he was marrying Cadance. I would have leaped around with joy like Pinkie Pie after hearing the news, but before I even got the chance to express how happy I was. She showed up acting like an evil bitch." Twilight let out a sigh. "That's the literal definition of who she is now. She's evil! Evil! And if I don't stop her, she's going to ruin my brother's life!" "Are you going to object at the ceremony, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "I was planning on it," Twilight said. "Will you all join me?" The other mares looked down at the table. "Apologies, darling," Rarity said. "But Cadance is scary. And I don't much want to have 'my ovaries ripped out,' as she would say." The other's nodded as they each remembered the threats, Cadance made to them. "Hopefully she'll chill out after the wedding, Twi. Otherwise..." Applejack trailed off and shrugged. "Well, you have my condolences." It saddens Twilight that her friends are too afraid of Cadance to help stand up to her. But she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid as well, so she couldn't blame them from chickening out. Twilight shook her head. "I doubt that AJ. After everything I seen or heard her do. I can't take that risk. I need to do something before it's too late." "And what are you going to do, Twilight?" Asked Pinkie. "I'm going over to Shining's house to talk to him about Cadance. He should still be there since his bachelor party doesn't start for another hour. He needs to hear about how Cadance been treating us. I remember how rude she was to him the first time we met today. I bet she's treating him badly as well, and it's only going to get worse for him down the line." "But what about Cadance? What if she's there to?" Fluttershy ask. "That shouldn't be a problem if I hurry. Last I saw her. She went with Princess Celestia to talk. It was right before I made my way here, so they should still be together. This is my chance to talk to Shining alone without her knowing." "Well, don't let us keep yah." Said Applejack. "Go do what you gotta do and good luck." AJ stands up. "I don't know about the rest of ya, but ah'm going to my room to hit the hay soon. Gotta getup bright and early tomorrow to help finish prepping the food for the big day." The others nodded in agreement and followed AJ's lead. For they all still had work to do and complete. Except Pinkie, for she was still fired. The Mane 5 said their goodnights to Twilight who went her own way. She too said her goodnights as she made her way to Shining's house. Shining Armor was in the middle of putting on the finishing touches of his outfit for the wedding until he heard a knock on the door. He went up and opened it to reveal. "Twily!" He lets her inside before closing the door. He then poses to show off his uniform. "Your big brother's looking pretty good, don't you think? Huh." Shining quickly notices the worried look in Twilight's eyes and it made him worry as well. "Everything okay?" "We need to talk. I think you're making a big–" *CLEARS THROAT* For the second time today Twilight's blood instantly turned cold as she felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. She slowly turned around to see Cadance standing at the top of the stairs. "Why is she here? She's supposed to be with Celestia still." She thought. Cadance came down to join the two siblings. "Oh, uh, hi, sweetie. When and how did you get back?" "Teleportation, of course. It's not difficult for me to travel such a distance from the castle to your house." Cadance glared at Twilight. Striking more fear into the lavender unicorn, before turning her attention back to Shining. "Could I speak to you for a moment, dear?" She said as she made her way to another room. "Better see what she wants." Shining said to Twilight before following Cadance. They both entered the room together and closed the door, but it did not close all the way, leaving it ajar. Twilight could hear the two talking. Curious, she gets closer to the door to peek inside and eavesdrop on them. "Look, we need to talk." "I'm here to talk." "It's about your sister, okay?" I– look, look, she's okay– "Just... listen to me," (over Shining Armor) "alright? No no–" I'm listening, I'm listening. "I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that." "This was my favorite uncle's." "And!?" "And I think I should wear it." "Are you disagreeing with me?" "I guess I am." As Twilight listen in on their conversation as she watches. It was clear that Cadance doesn't respect Shining at all and is without a doubt treating him badly. Sure, it doesn't look as bad as how she treated her and her friends, but that doesn't mean that she will down the line, thus making Shining Armor's life a living hell if she doesn't do something about it. "Look the crest stays and that's final. I want to be able to honor my uncle for all the good he has done when he was in the royal guard and it's a way for him be there at our wedding in spirit." "Fine, do you what you want, I don't care anymore. Just hurry up and get undress. Don't you have a bachelor party to get to." "Yeah, I do! Just let me see what it is Twily wants to talk to me about first." "Well, hurry and talk to her so you can leave on time, plus, I got some things I want to say to her as well." "Alone." "Oh shit!" It was in that moment, Twilight realizes, she was fuck. She needed to run and get the hell out of there before Cadance had a chance to make good on her threat from earlier. "And I better not ever catch a whiff of your rotten crotch, or so much as find a single one of your hairs there or else I swear to Celestia, I will shove my hoof so far up your skinny ass that I'll be punching your ugly teeth out! Got it!?" Twilight had no clue if Cadance would actually try and do that to her. "BUT I'M SURE AS HELL NOT STAYING HERE TO FIND OUT!" So, Twilight ran as fast as her legs could take her. Cadance and Shining just exited the room to see Twilight dashing right out the door. Shining was both confused and concerned but Cadance was happy to see Twilight leave. "Twilight!" Shining calls out, but his sister didn't stop. She just kept on running until see was no longer in sight. "Let her go." Cadance said as she nuzzled her stallion lovingly. "Huh. It seemed like she had something important she wanted to tell me." "If it was really important, she would have stayed to tell you." "I supposed you're right." "Of course, I am. Now hurry and get out of that thing. You have a bachelor party to get to." Shining simply nodded before going to his bedroom to get undress. Once he was gone, Cadance glared devilishly at the still opened front door. Cadance was in hers and Shining's bedroom, taking off all of her regalia as she got ready to take a hot, relaxing bath after a long day. Shining had already left to go to his bachelor party, so Cadance was alone until he got back, later tonight. She thought about going after Twilight and teach her a hoof-on lesson about trying to get alone with Shining but was too tired to do anything at the moment. Besides, striking the fear of God into her was a good enough for now, but that doesn't mean that she's off the hook. The next time she sees Twilight she's going to introduce her to Cadance longtime friend, Mr. Stairs. The two of them are going to spend a good amount of time getting acquainted with each other. So much in fact that Twilight might end up missing the wedding, having to spend such a momentous day with multiple broken bones and teeth in a hospital bed. But Cadance knows better than to risk her big day being ruined with Shining worrying about his sister. So, she'll just have to wait till long after the wedding to beat the ever-living shit out of Twilight. As Cadance got herself ready to take her bath, she was completely unaware that she wasn't alone. As a pair of green eyes stared at her from the shadows. Watching her every move like a predator watches its prey. Waiting patiently for the right moment to strike.