> Catbird's First Rodeo > by AtomicClop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bareback and bodkins! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sassy Saddles sat behind the sales counter of Canterlot Carousel, flipping through the newest issue of Cosmare and waiting for customers. On the one hoof, prom season was fast approaching and the boutique was seeing the usual spring rush. On the other hoof, it was early afternoon on a school day, so she didn't expect to see any prom customers until three-thirty or so that afternoon, and until then, she was alone in the boutique. Oh, this article in the Cosmare looked interesting, "The Modern Cougar and—" The bell over the front door rang. She quickly folded away the magazine and pranced to the front, to speak to the mare or filly that had chosen to patronize the best boutique in Equestria. "Welcome, welcome!" Sassy called. "Welcome to Canterlot Carousel, your number one resource for prom season or any season..." Oh dear. This would be a challenge indeed. A blue griffon stood just inside the door, frowning at the boutique's racks of dresses and gowns. Also, the griffon was a cock, not a hen. "Let's see," Sassy said, finding her professionalism again. "Blue with a tan chest... green. A light emerald, I think, will complement your colorations..." "Actually, I'm here because—" Sassy levitated a dress onto him with a plonk. "Ah! That looks excellent, although I'll have to add wing holes for you." She dragged him to a mirror and showed him himself. The griffon peeled the dress off. "No. I'm here for—" "Red, then," Sassy said, plonking a tight, form-fitting and quite slutty number over him. It hugged his muscular torso and the lean wings strained against the slick fabric. "Magnificent. You look absolutely delicious." And this time, Sassy thought, she wasn't just being polite. This griffon was lean, muscular, and quite a dish. Some young mare—or stallion, Sassy didn't judge—was going to have a most pleasant prom night. "Stop it!" he shouted, peeling the dress off, wadding it into a ball, and dropping it. Sassy's levitation caught it just before it hit the floor. She shook it out and she hung it properly.  "You wrinkled it," she grumped. "I'll have to steam it. I hope you're happy. If you don't like those dresses, perhaps browse around until you find one you do like?" He rolled his eyes and pulled an envelope out from under his left wing. "I'm not here for a dress. Rarity sent me to pick up some stupid fabric." Sassy opened the envelope, unfolded the note, and read:  Dear Sassy, Please give Gallus here a five-yard bolt of vermillion satin. I'm working on costumes for a school play and need it desperately. Rarity PS: He's the most uptight young fellow I know, darling. As a teacher it would be most unethical for me to 'loosen him up,' but if you wanted to... Oh. That... okay, that explained a lot, Sassy thought with a grin. "Couriers and corduroy, why didn't you say so?" Sassy hid the note in her dress pocket. "It's behind the counter, come along." Turning to the sales counter, she walked with her confident, tail-swinging strut. From behind Sassy came the sound of a strangled squawk. Sassy smiled to herself and let her tail swing a little more. The squawk repeated, louder. "Tell me," Sassy said over her shoulder, "Your name is Gallus, correct? I'm Sassy Saddles." "G-Gallus," he said. "Yeah." Oh ho, Sassy thought, blessing the semesters of Espoñol she took in school. He is a cock indeed. She slipped in behind the counter and began rummaging the shelves against the back wall. She knew exactly where the vermillion satin was, on the top shelf, but what fun would it have been just to find it? "Oh where, oh where is the fabric Rarity needs..." Sassy leaned down, her chin almost touching the floor, and rummaged a shelf at the very bottom. Her head going down brought her bottom up, and she swished her tail more aggressively, which would give him a few glimpses of...  The clack of a beak echoed through the shop.  "Satin and silk, sateen and scarlet, sharkskin and samite," Sassy's tail 'accidentally' rose, and she clenched herself at him, "semen and suede—" Gallus squawked. Sassy stood back up and looked over her shoulder, grinning at him. "Silly me, here it is..." She stood on her hind legs and reached up, stretching her neck and letting her long, lithe body extend.  From behind her came a soft gasp. Sassy grabbed the bolt of fabric, not in her magic, but in her teeth, and then hopped back down and turned to Gallus. Her eyebrows waggled and he reached to take the bolt from her. She noticed his wings were riding low, as if he was trying to hide the view of his underside from her. "Thanks..." Gallus muttered. "Ah, but we need to arrange payment..." Sassy replied. He squawked. "Payment! Payment? Rarity sent me for it! This is her boutique! And I don't have any money!" Leaning across the counter, until her snout was less than an inch from his beak, Sassy said, "Then maybe we can arrange some... alternate... form of exchange?" Silence swirled about them as his eyes narrowed and his wings flicked, returning to their usual at-rest position on his flanks. She didn't shift her eyes from staring into his, so she couldn't look down to see if she had been correct about the hypothetical big reason he had lowered his wings to hide the underside of his torso, but she was sure she was correct. "Miss Saddles, you're trying to seduce me." "Latex and Lubricant, no, I would never do such a thing." "Then what alternate payment do you have in mind?" "Paisley and prostitutes, I don't know. Do you have any idea?" "Did you know you were waving your backside at me?" "I was not. I had to look on the bottom shelf." "Why are you stretching so tall at me?" "Have you any thoughts on alternate payment methods, Gallus?" "Why aren't you wearing underwear?" Sassy fluttered her eyelids. "I was already not wearing underwear before Rarity sent you here." "Do you ever wear underwear?" Gallus inquired. "Do any of the gals at your school? Or guys? Or you?" "Look, you're not bad looking—" Gallus grinned "—for a pony, that is. But I'm here for the satin." Insults and invective, she was getting to him. 'For a pony?' Ha! Sassy just grinned at him. "Rarity's note said you're uptight and need to loosen up." "You are trying to seduce me." "Do you want the vermillion satin?" "Yeah, we need it for Twilight's lame school play." "Then I need your lion-y griffon dick tapping my cervix." "That escalated quickly." "Well, don't you be quick. Be slow and sensual..." He squawked angrily. Then, "Okay." Sassy kissed him, a quick peck on his beak. "Now you... peck... me." Gallus looked around. "Do you have, like, a cot in the back room, or what?" She banged on the countertop with a hoof. "Oh, we never get customers this time of day." "This promises to be a field trip I'm glad the others aren't on," Gallus muttered. Louder: "Am I coming back there, behind the counter, or are you coming to this side?" "Cumming?" she said, twitching her eyebrows.  He looked around. "Do it on the stairs? If I pass Silverstream a note about that, she'll cum on her seat in class, and that'd be a good laugh." Sassy dipped her knees and then leaped, hopping up onto the counter. Gallus's eyes widened and he took a step back. He didn't expect that sort of athleticism from her, hmm?  She then hopped down to the floor on his side of the counter and lit her horn, her aura wrapping around him and flipping him upside-down, onto the floor. "What the—" Sassy took a moment to enjoy the view. She really did love griffon cock, but there simply weren't many griffons in Canterlot, so she seldom got any. It had, in fact, been a year since she last fucked a griffon.  His penis was dark blue, as long as an average pony's, but a little narrower and tapered at the end. His scrotum was lighter blue, softly furred, and his balls were huge, larger than any pony's she'd seen. His legs and ass were lean and well-muscled. Frankly, he could have used a little more meat on his bones—she was slightly concerned about breaking him over the next few minutes—but he was going to be a very memorable conquest to add to her list. Sitting down on his sternum, facing him, she lowered all her weight and he huffed as his lungs emptied. "You're big," he said. Her tail brushed his cock. "You're bigger." He was more accurately 'average,' but stallions (or cocks) his age needed their egos—among other things—stroked.  With a smile, she planted her forehooves on the bases of his wings, mashing him to the floor and immobilizing him. Gallus squawked at the surprise, looking up at her. Her tail, freshly washed and shampooed and conditioned and as silky and soft as a baby bird's down, wrapped around his shaft. He throbbed in her grip, hard and firm and hot. Her tail pulled up, the soft silkiness of the hair brushing over his tip and then back down. "Guto!" he shouted. "That's amazing!" Sassy leaned down and kissed him, snout-to-beak, and his eyes widened and his wings flexed under her weight. He leaned up, opening his beak and running his tongue along her lips. Sassy continued with long, tight strokes of her tail up and down his shaft as she found his tongue and wrapped her own around it, pulling it into her mouth, sucking on it, nibbling, and his cock throbbed even harder.  Gallus gave a gasping half-sob as the sensations overwhelmed him. Sassy scraped her pussy up-and-down against his sternum, finding the spot where leonine fur transitioned to raptorial feathers, and her own body shuddered as the two different sensations melded together, brushing against her clit and her labia. Her forelegs shook, even as they pressed him to the ground, and her pussy turned hot and wet as her excitement gripped her. Her horn lit and her aura found his scrotum, his huge balls heavy inside the soft fuzzy sack. She massaged gently, her magic buzzing softly like a vibrator, pressing down on the soft, sensitive spot between his balls each time her tail stroked down to the base of his shaft, her magic cupping his balls and squeezing them together as she stroked up his shaft to the tip. "Oh, hey, stop, or I'm gonna—" He came, his body bucking underneath her weight, wings spasming, head banging against the tile of the floor. His balls throbbed in the grip of her magic and his shaft pulsed. Just before he came, she wrapped her tail tight around his tip so that the hot splurts of his seed pulsed into it. Sassy closed her eyes, arched her back, and ground her pussy into his chest as the hot, wet seed poured into her silky tail. "...sorry," Gallus said. "For what?" Sassy said, looking down at him, pressing his wings even more firmly into the floor and batting her eyelashes. Her mane lost its coif and a messy lock fell in front of her face. "For finishing before I could get inside you?" Sassy laughed. "I did that on purpose." "What? Why?" "You're a virgin, I can tell. " Sassy stretched her tail. The silken, conditioned loveliness was now mussed and matted with sticky white cum, and she turned to sniff deeply at it. It smelled sharp and masculine, and the scent of her own excitement—a large wet spot decorated Gallus's chest where she straddled him—mixed with the scent of his seed. Her entire lower half tingled from the sensation. She hadn't quite climaxed, so she had an itch that needed to be scratched fast.  "So your second round, inside me, would be all the better." "I'm, uh," he blushed brightly, "getting soft." "Hardons and herringbone," Sassy said, booping his beak, "you'll be back faster than low waistlines after Cadance's wedding dress. In the meantime..."  Sassy moved her forehooves from his wings to the floor above his head. This made it easy for her to shift her hips from his chest to hover just above his face. Her excitement grew, a string of thin, clear fluid dripped from her pinkness to land on his beak. His claws reached up, slid under the bottom of her dress, and gently rested on her cutie marks as his tongue slowly probed out and found the drop of liquid on the hard surface of his beak.  As his tongue found that single drop of Sassy's juices, his eyes widened and a basso rumbling purr came from deep in his chest, eyes widening and wings stiffening against the floor. "I... I didn't know that mares... tasted..." "So good?" He nodded, licking his beak again. "Do you know what to do?" Sassy asked, her cum-matted tail wagging happily. He shook his head. "I do so love teaching the next generation..." Sassy mused. "Don't use the sharp surfaces of your beak, it's too dangerous until you've had some practice." "You've... ah... griffons... before?" "Flannel and fishnets, yes! Start by nibbling my inner thighs. Gently, and lots of tongue." His beak, hard and a little cool compared to a stallion's (or mare's) mouth, rubbed the soft fuzzy fur of her left thigh, then her right. Goosebumps ran from her legs, up and across her snatch, over her butt, and then up her spine. Shivers like a chill winter gust ran back down and she closed her eyes, gasping, as his beak nibbled gently, pinching folds of her skin as his tongue ran through the captured fur. "No so... predictable..." Sassy gasped out. "Bite and nibble at random. Make me guess where the next touch will be." His beak flashed from spot to spot, from inner-left to inner-right thigh, randomly, like a butterfly trying to find the best flower in a garden, and Sassy bit her lip to stop herself from squealing as the touches and bites and nibbles and licks sent waves of sensation up her. She panted, her abs tight and her entire lower half burning with anticipation. Her cum-matted tail stretched out again, wagging, and batting the tip of his shaft, still spent and soft, but she knew it would be ready to roar like a lion again soon... "Muuuuch better," Sassy said. He bit her pubic mound, on the fuzz just above her labia, and she gasped in pleased surprise and a gush of pussy juice escaped her, wetting his throat and upper chest. "Oh, you do learn fast!" The tip of his beak dragged downward, leaving a furrow in her pubic fluff, until it stopped just above her pink slit. Gallus's hands shifted backwards, from her cutie marks to squeeze her ass, and his tongue probed out, finding her clit. Sassy's entire body shuddered and her horn sparked, ears going erect and trembling, and her left forehoof tapped a rapid tattoo on the tile floor. More of her mane lost its coif and fell over her eyes. Her pussy's flows gushed again and his tongue stretched out, catching the fluids, and his beak clacked as he swallowed. The swirling smells of his hot cum, of her own juices, of their intermingled sweat all filled her nose and she could even taste it. "Fuck me with your tongue!" Sassy commanded. His hands clenched on her butt, the claws pricking her skin and the pain driving her to a higher state of erotic excitement, and his tongue pressed against her opening, lightly trying to force her vagina open. "It's not a saucer of milk, act like you mean it!" His tongue, hot and thick and hard, popped into her. Her entire belly clenched and her sticky tail went straight up and she arched her back and screamed as a first short, sharp orgasm rocked her. Another gush of fluids escaped her, running hotly over his tongue and into his beak. He swallowed and then drove his tongue back in again, deeper, probing and wagging. Sassy clenched her pussy muscles hard around it, trying to pull it even deeper in, and another shudder rocked up her spine as the orgasm concluded. Gallus purred, the rumbling transmitted from deep in his leonine chest into Sassy's flaming desire. The vibration, combined with the hot wetness of his tongue, sent lightning swirling up her pussy to settle into the muscles that surrounded her womb, clenching even tighter and leaving her desperate.  She looked over her shoulder and reached out again with her tail, wrapping the sticky-wet cum-soaked appendage around his shaft, jerking desperately, but he was still only at about half-staff. She wanted him inside her, she wanted him now, but how to get him harder, faster? Smiling down at him, Sassy said, "Use the pad of one finger and massage my ass." Gallus squawked. In a throaty whisper, Sassy commanded, "Brocade and butts, do it." Tongue probing deeper, purr growing louder, his left claw squeezed her buttcheek tighter as his right moved to brush the soft pad of one finger across her anus, the sharp talon dragging through the long hairs of her tail. When he touched the tight, sensitive pucker of her rear entrance, she shook again, her entire body tightening in anticipation of her next orgasm, the pleasure racing from the clench of her ass straight up her spine to grip her head, her pussy clenching around his tongue with a squelching noise.  His finger rubbed clockwise around her anus, pressing gently but firmly, and his cock hardened instantly in her tail's grip. So predictable! she thought. The taboo naughtiness of touching her ass was just the ticket to excite anygriff utterly new to sex play. His tonguing became desperate and his left claws pricked deeper into her right buttcheek as his cock regained its full hardness. "Mmmppphh!" Gallus said, bucking his hips off the floor, stroking his glans against the grip of her tail. "No no," Sassy said, moving her tail away from the sensitivity of his tip and using it to massage his balls, smearing the cum from his first load down his shaft and into the fuzz on his scrotum. "No, save your endurance for me. Are you ready?" "Yes!" he gasped, breaking contact with her pussy and slurping in thick strings of her juices. "Follow my lead," Sassy commanded, hiking up her left leg to step over him. He rolled the opposite direction, hopping up to all fours... almost all fives, as erect as he was, his cock seemingly even bigger and hanging low under its own engorged weight. Sassy leaned over, kissing him. Gallus's eyes widened as she licked her own pussy juice off his beak, rolling the thick, sweet-tasting fluids over her tongue as she stared into his eyes. He panted, his beak hanging slightly open. "I taste good anytime," Sassy said, "but I taste better off you." Nodding, Gallus reached down and nursed his erection with one hand, jerking his tip a few times to make sure he stayed hard.  With another quick peck on his beak, Sassy turned and hopped up onto the counter, planting her elbows wide and arching her back, rear legs planted firmly on the floor and wide apart. Looking over her shoulder at him, she raised her tail, exposing herself. Her horn lit and her magic found one of the sticky strings of his cum in her tail and levitated it down and smeared it around her anus, leaving the taut ring of muscle glistening with his seed. "What—ah—well..." Gallus spluttered Sassy wagged her tail again, shaking her bottom. Gallus hopped up, his claws on her flanks, just below the ribs, pressing into the soft fabric of her black dress. His claws massaged her flanks and her eyes closed, enjoying the firmness of his muscular touch. "We have a problem," Gallus said. Sassy's eyes opened and she looked backwards. "I can't reach." With his rear paws on the floor, the tapered tip of his leonine dong was a good two inches from the inviting wetness of her desire. "You're a tall pony, you know that?" "Don't think of me as a pony, think of me as a horny, slutty jungle gym." A shiver of anticipation ran down Sassy's spine, settling in her pussy, and another large wad of her excitement rolled out of her, across her clit, and soaked into the already matted fur of her pubic fluff. Sassy arched her back a little further, nose towards the ceiling, and let her eyes close once more. His claws tightened a little more onto her flanks, the tips of the talons starting to poke through the fabric of her dress and break her skin, the prickly-pain a wonderful preview of what she knew was soon to fill her pussy. His left paw settled heavily onto the back of her left leg and she felt the firmness of each of the pads pressing against her. Sassy grunted as his weight settled onto her and his right paw came up, planting onto the back of her right leg.  And there he was, standing on the backs of her legs, gripping her flanks, like she was, indeed, a jungle gym. His tip touched her wetness for the first time. They both gasped and her still for a moment. "Paisley and penetration, Gallus, don't make a mare wait." "Do you mind if I tell my friends? Ocellus and Sandbar are still virgins. I'll want to rub this in their faces." "Let them smell me on your cock." "Ya know," Gallus mused, "Ocellus says she's 'as neuter as a bumblebee,' so I don't know if her being a virgin actually counts. Anyway—" He squawked and pressed forward.  Waves of desire ran up Sassy's body, from her opening, up her vagina and into her womb, then out across her belly to settle into her entire body, as his cock pressed into her, stretching her out. It had been nearly three days since she last had sex, and her pussy stretched around him, too long without this amorous exercise. Too long a dry spell, she told herself. A shame this one didn't live in Canterlot... well, she could always visit Rarity in Ponyville... His hips hit her bottom as he hilted, the tip of his cock pressed firmly into her cervix and his balls pressing against her clit. Gallus said, "Wow." Sassy squeezed on his cock with her vaginal muscles. Gallus squawked. "Now," Sassy said, "Pull out. Slowly." His claws shifted slightly on her flanks and his paws, still planted on the backs of her legs, pressed gently. As he began his withdrawal, the catlike spines on his cock raked down the satiny lining of her pussy. They didn't hurt, but it was definitely an uncomfortable scratchy-scritchy sensation, but the discomfort, combined with her own slick wetness and the buildup of jerking him off and making him eat her out had left Sassy simply wound up, and her legs trembled with the sensation. "Yes. Just like that." There was a small mirror on the wall, behind the counter, and Sassy had positioned herself in that exact spot when she presented to Gallus so that she could use the mirror. She watched his eyes go wide and his beak drop open as he stroked out of her, the tightness of her vaginal walls rubbing on his sensitivity and the tingle of his dickbarbs scraping down her all too much for him to take in. She smiled at herself, her own mane messily fallen out of place and looking fabulously fucked.  "Tell me, Gallus," Sassy crooned. "Is it as good as you imagined?" "Better!" he said, slamming in and hilting her again. Sassy gasped as his rod split her wide, the sensation of fullness hitting her with unbelievable speed as he smashed into her. His claws massaged her flanks, grabbing tighter, and he leaned forward and nibbled her left ear. Goosebumps erupted down her neck and back, clear to the base of her tail. He balanced, riding her in more ways than one, all four limbs gripping on her. Sassy had been a tall, gangly foal and teenager, subject to teasing and torment by the other foals before she grew into her height. But now? Now she loved being the tallest pony she knew. She had chosen this position—standing tall, levered up on the countertop—because she knew the smaller griffon would have to climb her like a stepladder to fuck her, and making him come to her just turned her on all the more. The sensation of his paws' toepads on the backs of her legs and his talons pricking her flanks was all the proof she needed of that. With that thought, she grinned at him in the mirror and clenched hard around his cock again. He pressed out once more and Sassy gasped as his barbed dick once again raked down her insides. The sensation was so... so... so exotic. Ponies didn't have such accessories on their cocks, nor did donkeys, mules, hippogriffs... only griffons and abyssinians, and the sensation was so naughty, since one only felt it when both crossing the species barrier and eschewing condoms and safe sex. Gallus slammed in again and Sassy gasped. He started a solid rhythm, out-and-in rapidly, and Sassy relaxed her forelegs, lowering her torso so that his long shaft could pound even deeper into her— The bell over the door rang. Sassy and Gallus turned to look over their shoulders, but his instincts kept his rhythm going steadily. A mare and her daughter, who looked to be Gallus's age, entered the boutique and froze, looking at Sassy and Gallus. The mare's horn sparked and the daughter's wings poompfed, instantly stiff.  "Just let me finish with this courier, here," Sassy called, "and I'll be with you next. Prom dress?" The daughter nodded. Her mother pressed on one of the daughter's stiff wings with a hoof. "You like him. Ask him to prom." Legs stiff and her gait awkward, she walked to stand just beside Sassy and Gallus. Gallus stared at her, eyes wide, but kept pounding Sassy, every in-stroke smacking his balls into her clit and his tip into the bottom of her womb, every out-stroke scraping the scritchy-scratchy barbs down Sassy's channel. "Hey," the daughter said. "I'm Citrine Sunlight." "Gallus." He kept pumping. Sassy felt his cock getting bigger, each thrust deeper, as he approached his own peak. "You go to school here in Canterlot?" Citrine asked. "I'm at Canterlot Prep." "Ponyville. Friendship School." Plap plap plap plap his soaking wet hips and ballsack smacked into Sassy's backside. "My prom is in four weeks. Would you wanna...?" Gallus nodded. "Yeah. Sounds great. Thanks." Sassy looked at the mother. "Welcome to Canterlot Carousel. I'm Sassy Saddles." "High Society. A pleasure to meet you. I think our timing was just right. Citrine Sunlight's been worried about with whom to go ever since the autumn semester." Gallus stared at Citrine while he continued railing Sassy.  "We heard about Rarity's Wonderbolts-derived line of dresses for the spring," High Society continued. "Citrine's the only pegasus in her class and was thinking that sort of dress would give her a unique look at prom." "I have several of those in stock. We're sure to find one her size." Gallus squawked and his claws dug deeper into Sassy's flanks. Sassy looked at Citrine Sunlight. "Virgin?" She blushed but nodded. "Watch this," Sassy said. "It's a little tricky but with a bit of practice, it's well worth learning." "What—" Gallus began. As his next thrust slammed home, Sassy grunted and tensed certain muscles, relaxing others, and opened her cervix wide. His wet and lubricated tip slid in, right through the tight muscular ring and deep into her womb. With a "Bodkins!" Sassy clamped her cervix down on the ridge of his glans, trapping him within her deepest point. Gallus squawked and flapped, trying to push back, before he realized she had mousetrapped him. "Hold still," Sassy said. Her abdominal muscles tensed just so, and her womb massaged Gallus's tip with its muscular warmth. He whimpered, and so did Citrine Sunlight, dropping to her knees and looking up to watch the wet, squelchy action.  Gallus's ballsack tensed against Sassy's clit as his dick pulsed. He grew just a little more as his own climax slammed down on him and the sudden stretching against the ring of her cervix, with her pussy already so well-pounded by his thrusting, her entire womb clenched around his tip and then the rebound spread across her body with a massive, crushing climax of her own.  Screaming, gasping, mouth hanging open and drooling on the sales counter, her ears askew, mane utterly mussed, Sassy came, clamping down on Gallus's cock and her pussy squirting and squelching across his balls and thighs, soaking her own thighs in strong-smelling fluids as every muscle in her torso clenched in time with the pulsing of Gallus cock as he kept cumming, splurting his load deep into Sassy's womb, filling her up as his claws dug into her skin as he pressed his own hips forward, desperate for the tiniest bit more penetration. "Oh Luna," Citrine Sunlight said. "Yes, I am so going to prom with you." She snatched one of Sassy's business cards from the counter, along with a quill, and scribbled her address onto the back. "Friday the nineteenth. Seven p.m., and not a minute late." Gallus released his left claw from Sassy's hips and grabbed the card, looked at it, and nodded with a smile. Grunting, Sassy released her cervix's hold on Gallus. He wasn't expecting that and fell, landing flat on his back with a raptorial screech. Citrine Sunlight and High Society both laughed. His cum gushed from Sassy and dripped onto his tail before he could scramble back to a standing position. Sassy collapsed, chest and left cheek against the sales counter, forelegs spread wide, her hair a frazzled mess around her head. "I need... whew! Just a moment here." Citrine Sunlight just nodded, staring at Gallus's cum-and-marecum slathered dick. "Was that your first time?" "Yup," Gallus said.  "Once we find your dress," High Society said to Citrine Sunlight, "maybe he can help you try it on in the fitting room..." Gallus squawked, and his eyes glanced at the bolt of vermillion satin Rarity was still waiting on. "I'll write Rarity a note," Sassy said. "I'll tell her the delay was my fault." Gallus and Citrine Sunlight grinned at each other. The bell over the door rang again and a stallion—from his coloration, clearly Citrine Sunlight's father—entered. "Whew!" he shouted. "It smells like a Yakyaki whore in here." Sassy's lips twisted into a pout. "Yakyaki?"