A Striped and Lunar Tryst

by Holocron

First published

Arriving in Equestria, Joka’la is eager to see how much enjoyment he can have. That is, until he met Princess Luna.

FEATURED October 14 - 15 2022

Joka'la is the son of the Merchant Noble Hekima, both hailing from the Zebralands. As a merchant, his father sought to establish a trade deal with Canterlot. His son, however, being born into such a lavish life seeks only what carnal pleasures could give him. Hoping to show his son a better choice in life, they ventured to Canterlot together. Upon arrival, they were met with the glamorous Princess Celestia, and while Hekima was content with speaking and negotiating, Joka'la was transfixed by the mysterious beauty of Princess Luna.

The zebra was enchanted by her, his mind raced, and of course, his libedo rose. He wanted her, he needed to claim her. But she is royalty, and while he is a guest in Canterlot, Joka'la's obession and Luna's own naïve nature to the modern world will prove to become a royal tryst to end all noble scandels.

Commission made for Stormdrake
Derpibooru: 1843541

Arriving in Canterlot

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The Sun was rising above the horizon, dawn was breaking, and all of Equestria was waking. It was another glorious morning all across the land, more so in Canterlot, home of the royal sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. While the other Princesses, Cadance and Twilight Sparkle, resided in their own castles, Canterlot was the center of Equestrian might and splendor. As well as this, it was home to the various noble families that lived within the mountainous city. Though the train was seen as the primary means of transportation, often there was a large air balloon used for traveling across vast distances.

Riding along one such massive air cruiser, were the banners of something Equestria does not often see; Zebras. Their banner was a deep blue, like the night sky before the heavens give way to the darkness, within was the reptilian shape of a dragon split by a bolt of lightning, with thunderclouds shaped as zebra stripes floating in the background. This was the banner of the Dhoruba Clan, an influential mercantile clan that has helped pioneer many of the trading routes across the Zebralands; even gaining a royal francise from one of the four Princes, Prince Abraxas.

Sitting on a lavish makeshift throne of fine cushions and fabrics, a zebra of middle age, his body still as muscular and fit as his younger years, but the signs of gray along his beard and mane revealed the many seasons of life this zebra had lived. Dressed in the robes of what even the more ignorant would consider nobility, he relaxed on his seat, drinking from a fine golden goblet. The scent of fruit wine stimulated his senses, licking his lips as he enjoyed the flavor of the drink. Taking a deep breath, he let out a sigh of satisfaction, the journey has been long but he believed it would soon be worth it.

“Nearly there.” The zebra said to himself, swirling the goblet within his fingers. Looking over to the nearby guards, a pair of zebras dressed in leather and iron armor, each holding a spear at the ready for anything. “I wonder what type of negotiator the Princess is?”

“My Lord Hekima?” Called the feminine voice of a zebra mare as she bowed before the zebra noble. She was dressed in a fine colorful fabric that wrapped around her curves, showing both a professional and yet exotic form, all topped with a mane that ended in tied upwards dreadlocks. “We shall be arriving in Canterlot within the hour.”

“Excellent, Uzuri, most excellent.” Hekima nodded, taking another sip of his drink. “We should begin final preparations. Where is Joka’la? Where is my son?”

“He…is still resting my lore.” Uzuri responded, letting out a low sigh, as if this was not the first time. “He has been more than a little restless since our departure.”

“I see. Well, wake him and bring him here.” Hekima ordered, before putting his goblet down abruptly. “And be sure he is dressed and presentable. I do not care how you do it.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Uzuri said with a bow, letting only a small smirk curl her lips. “I will bring him to you.”

Making her way to the personal chambers of Joka’la, the only son of Lord Hekima, it only sent a small shiver down Uzuri’s spine. She had little to worry about from the younger zebra; at least while during this journey. Back home, it was a different story, he was a far more…difficult burden. Because of his wealthy upbringing. Joka’la wanted for nothing, and this only made him insatiable. There wasn’t a mare of interest that didn’t make the zebra lord want to possess and claim her as a member of his seemingly endless harem. Though the concubine and harem system was well established in the zebralands, Joka’la took this to the farthest degree thought manageable by a single Zebra.

Once at the main doors of Joka’la’s chamber, Uzuri only gave another sigh. She knows the young lord had been more than a little restless since they left the Zebralands. This wasn’t the first time he had to accompany his father on a business negotiation, but it was the first time he had to go without even his favorite concubines along with him. Needless to say, this did not go over well with him, and one to many arguements with Hekima was enough to not only limit Joka’la’s freedoms while on the voyage, but he also forbade him from engaging in any sexual activities with anyone during the trip. Uzuri couldn’t help but bring herself to a chuckle when she recalled the embarrassing restraints holding down the young lord’s cock and balls.

“Well, perhaps he finally learned his lesson?” Uzuri chuckled to herself, before composing herself, clearing her throat as she raised a hand to knock at the large door. Knocking at it, she waited a moment, looking at the two other zebra guards stationed at his door. “My Lord? Lord Joka’la? Your father has ordered your presence.” There was only silence in response. “My Lord, I know you are awake, not open this door, or I shall do it.” There was still only silence. Sighing, she gestured to the guards. “Would you be so kind?” The guards nodded, and together, forced the door open.

Within the room, a heavy smell of musk bellowed out, nearly choking Uzuri as she gazed inside. Though it was a powerful scent, she held her composure. Laying, fully naked and irritated, atop a massive cushioning bed, with fine blankets and pillows, Joka’la, the male zebra only groaned in frustration as he seemed reluctant to move from where he lay. Uzuri only rolled her eyes as she took a somewhat careful step into the room. Though she knew it would be a somewhat annoying sight, she brought her eyes to the lord’s dick. Thankfully, it was still wrapped in the restraints that left what was his usual, impressive bulge, to barely that of a colt. This only brought a further giggle to her lips.

“What is it, Uzuri?” Joka’la asked, his tone giving off his greater annoyance over being disturbed. “What does the old man want?”

“I am pleased to report, that we shall be arriving in Canterlot within the hour.” Uzuri explained, her gaze now lifted to Joka’la’s face. “Your father wishes to see you before we land.”

“Probably wants to go over the inventory again.” Joka’la groaned again, showing no shortage of annoyance over the situation. “Can’t he just have this taken off? I’m dying here!”

“Perhaps if you perform well enough, you can sway him to change his degree.” Uzuri suggested, knowing full well such efforts would be seen as beneath the zebra lord. “Or you can remain as you are, and be nothing more than a shame to the Dhoruba family while visiting this foreign land?”

“Ugh, I can’t do that.” Joka’la complained, rolling a little out of bed. “Father will cut me off from my fun back home if I do that.” Getting up fully, he did a small stretch and flex of his muscular body. His own mane, cut as a short mohawk was a matted mess, showing how little care he put into himself across this journey. “Very well, tell him I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Now, now, we both know it’s never a minute.” Uzuri said, gesturing back to the other guards. Pointing to Joka’la, she smirked. “Prepare him.” The guards wasted no time approaching the young lord, overwhelming him as he was too tired to put up any resistance. “We must be presentable to your father after all.

Now standing before his father, Joka’la, now dressed in a simple, yet elegant pair of pants and silk shirt. While it would be far more expensive attire for the average being, but to a noble like them, this was casual. Scratching the back of his head, he stared at Hekima, who seemed to be enjoying some fresh fruits from a silver bowl. Uzuri remained in the back of the room, it was not her place to stand so close to the nobility when they were in the midst of a serious discussion. After a few short minutes of eating his meal, the older noble looked back to his son. ‘

“Now, we shall be arriving within the hour.” Hekima commented, looking up and down his son’s posture. “I trust you have learned your lesson while we traveled?”

“I…I have a father.” Joka’la replied, though with slight reluctance in his tone. He settled himself. “I am ready to behave, or at least, I swear to not interfere with your negotiations.”

“I will take that as your word then.” Hekima nodded, getting up from his throne. He gestured a strange pattern with his fingers. Small sparks twinkled out from the tips of his fingers before finally ending along Joka’la’s body. “There, your binding is lifted. Do not force my hand again.”

“I understand.” Joka’la said, taking a breath of relief, but struggled a little to hold back just how much backed up he was. But that would be a problem for later. “Now then, what do you require of me?”

“Son, what are we?” Hekima asked, turning around from his son. Grabbing at the goblet, he took another drink. “This isn’t a rhetorical question, I am quite serious. What are we?”

“We are merchants.” Joka’la answered, having heard the question before, though it had been many years since he heard his father ask this. “We live and die by the profits we make.”

“Very good, but times have changed.” Hekima added, flickers of pride echoed in his voice as he continued. “Not only is it good to turn a good profit, but it is the connections we make, the bonds we share, and the oaths we keep.” Taking another breath of relief, he continued. “Because of this, we cannot afford to make a bad impression.”

“I understand, we are to make the best possible impression on the royals of Canterlot.” Joka’la nodded, taking a few steps forward to grab a few of the fruits his father was eating. “So you want us to be the best we can be?”

“This also means a final look over of the inventory we are trying to sell them.” Hekima answered, putting down the goblet. “We should be able to do one last inspection before we arrive.”

“And that’s why you…” Joka’la was ready to get an annoyed by the instructions, but after what happened last time he diagreed with him, he was without sex for weeks. “Alright, alright, let’s get this over with.”

The skies over Canterlot were perfect for the airship to land, settling on a massive landing platform. The view of the mountainous city was certainly more than a little overwhelming for Joka’la, but he kept some measure of composure. Hekima only kept his eyes on their goal, the massive castle resting higher up on the upper portions of the mountain. The younger zebra seemed less interested in the houses and the castle within the city, but rather the mares. Given his recent limits, he couldn’t help but marvel at the numerous “options” he could consider around him.

As the ship landed, getting a better view of the citizens, Joka’la could almost feel his own lust swelling as he looked at the mares. He had read in a few books that the ponies of Equestria had a more “restricting” clothing, and yet as he let his eyes wander, he couldn’t help but imagine all the various ways he could tear such fragile garments from their curvaceous bodies. Licking his lips, he could only smell their arousal on him as he was ready to really enjoy the visit, only for the firm and strong hand of his father on his shoulder.

“Do not embarrass me, son.” Hekima said firmly, his tone already showing a small echo of frustration. “We are here to negotiate trade with the Princesses, and I will show you absolute misery back home if you ruin this deal. Understand?”

“I know, I know.” Joka’la groaned, rolling his eyes a little as he looked between his father and the mares. “I’ll…try not to bring you any worries.”

“See that you don’t.” Hekima commented, but his eyes gazed up as he noticed something ahead. “Ah, they’re here now.”

Looking over where his father was, seeing a few, if not a half dozen or so royal guards approaching them. They certainly wore more cumbersome armor compared to the zebra guards standing behind them. The heavy armor gleamed in the bright sunlight, almost mirror polish as they walked to the two of them. Ahead of them, a unicorn stallion, white fur but with some gold accents to his armor, only continued as the others only stopped and stood in place. Their leader perhaps? The captain of the guard? Would the Princesses even send someone of such status to great some traveling merchants?

“Greeting, Lord Hekima.” The guard spoke, keeping his gaze on Hekima, but Joka’la could see this guard was far more aware of his surroundings, with a hand always ready for a weapon. “My name is Guard Captain Shining Armor, and it is my honor to escort you to the Princesses for the negotiations.”

“A please, Guard Captain.” Hekima greeted back with a partial bow of his head. “We are honored to be given such a service. My son and I shall follow you. But first, we still have plenty of goods to bring, gifts for the Princesses.”

“That is no problem, we can bring anything you require to the castle.” Shining Armor explained, gesturing to his guards. “My men and I will take care of any unloading you like.”

“That is a kind gesture. I ask only that the cargo be left in the crates they are in.” Hekima nodded, looking over to the airship. “For now, I would very much like to meet the Princesses for the negotiations.”

“Of course.” Shining Armor said with a nod, turning to the others. “Right this way please.”

Walking along the streets of Canterlot, Hekima remained focused on the objective, while Joka’la only had eyes for every mare he could see during the walk. While some dressed like casual tourists, or some other garments that showed off their sexy bodies. It was only when they reached the more noble districts, the choice of clothing was even more revealing. The “outdoor” dresses and clothing these far wealthier ponies wore were something out of some erotic magazine he had read once or twice. His mind raced with all manner of ideas over what he could do to these mares. He had heard rumors of nobility being far more into various forms of adultery.

Reaching the castle, even Joka’la had to lean back a little as he looked at the massive size of the castle. It was a sight to behold, and he was quite impressed with its scale. What’s more, he was even more impressed by the numerous mare servants that seem to be employed here. The guards were all dressed the same, with some variance in terms of some earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, but looking back and forth, Joka’la could tell he was going to have a difficult time telling them apart.

Once within the large room, the throne room to the best of Joka’la’s guessing, the presence of the two monarchs sitting on their twin thrones were certainly an overwhelming sight to behold. Princess Celestia was as regal as he heard from his father, she was tall, a little bit bigger in size than even the two large zebras. Her attire was also one that Joka’la could barely look away from. A dark alabaster dress that tightly hugged her form, but was sleeveless, and ended at just below her knees. Though it didn’t show off her features, he could tell her breasts were utterly massive, and her flank were probably hip shattering. But he quickly held in such thoughts, coughing a little.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” Shining Armor announced, kneeling on one knee as he welcomed Joka’la and Hekima. “Lord Hekima, Merchant Prince of the Zebralands.” Both zebras bowed, though they remained standing.

“Welcome.” Celestia greeted, her voice seemed to echo out within the audience chamber, and yet it was surprisingly soft in tone. “I am thankful we could have such a meeting, Lord Hekima.”

“We are more honored, Princess.” Hekima said, looking up to Celestia. “I would love to show what I have to offer, and would most certainly savor the chance to only create greater bonds between our nations.”

“Very well, let us discuss trade.” Celestia commented, standing from her throne. “We have a conference room that is much easier to present your offer.”

“Of course.” Hekima said, turning for a moment to look at his son. Joka’la was seemingly awestruck by something. “Joka’la? What is-” Turning back towards the Princesses, he saw the answer.

Though somewhat overshadowed by the larger Celestia, Princess Luna was a much more regal and yet hidden wonder to behold. Though not as tall, she stood at the same heights of her subjects, and her body was nearly an opposite to her sister. A pair of tits and ass that seemed to perfectly fit with her form. Even her black dress seemed to better show off her curves, and yet held a subtle hint of restraint in the way she dressed. Swallowing hard, Joka’la wasn’t sure how to handle looking at such a mare. Hekima, fully aware of what his son must be thinking, cleared his throat, shaking the younger zebra from his gazing.

“It seems my son is still tired from the journey.” Hekima commented, lying to get his son away from the Princesses. “Perhaps he can retire for the day as you and I discuss our trade arrangements?”

“Of course.” Celestia nodded, gesturing with her hand to one of the guards. “If you could be so kind as to escort him to his chambers?”

“Yes, Princess.” Replied the voice belonging to a mare Royal Guard. Hearing her voice, Hekima could only imagine what would happen with his son along with her. But he couldn’t speak out and reveal his son’s lustful behavior. All he could hope for was that Joka’la would behave himself, as unlikely as it was to him. “Right this way.”

Canterlot’s Castle was even more massive than Joka'la thought. Not only that, but the hallways were simply endless. It was such a headache to walk this vast distance. The only two things that seemed to alleviate his boredom was the beautiful stained glass windows, each depicting a major piece of Equestrian history. The other, and more lovely of the two, was this mare guard. Despite the armor she wore, her figure held such a round and wondrous ass. Licking his lips, the zebra couldn't help but chuckle a little to himself. Maybe this visit wouldn't be too bad.

"So…tell me about yourself." Joka'la asked, feigning any actual care for this mare’s words. "Being a royao guard must be quite a demanding role."

“I do what I must for the Princesses.” The guard stated, seemingly uninterested in what Joka’la was saying. “You and your father have been given one of the best accommodations in the castle.”

“Fantastic.” Joka’la commented, as the guard stopped at the door. “Kind of a big door.”

Opening the door, Joka’la’s eyes were met with the sight of a lavish and massive room. It was certainly big, beyond what he expected the castle to offer. With his sharp eyes, he saw as a series of glyphs and sigils have been carved into the doorway. Though the language was different, the magic was familiar to the clever zebra. An enchantment placed on the archways of doors to create a near pocket space, expanding the size of a room greater than normal. Chuckling to himself, Joka’la could only imagine how cramped this room would’ve been without the charms.

“Here you are my lord.” The guard said, bowing a little in respect as Joka’la took a few steps into the room. “I hope it is to your liking.”

“Oh I think it is.” Joka’la commented, but only turned to place a hand under the mare’s chin. “But I think it’s lacking some more beauty.”

“M-my lord?!” The guard stuttered, blushing a little as the zebra’s prescence was seemingly making her body warm up a little. “I-I-I should return to my…I mean to say…” Her body was getting hotter as she could feel herself tensing up. “I-I-I should really…I…I…”

Leaning back on the edge of the large and soft bed, Joka’a was savoring a sip of fine wine in a silver chalice as he enjoyed the view. The view itself, as his eyes looked back down, was the same mare guard, her armor discarded and laying randomly about the floor. Her pussy was dripping a small mess on the floor as her head bobbed up and down along Joka’la’s thick cock. His girth throbbed in the mare’s throat, swelling it a little as she was almost transfixed by the pure masucline feeling of the thick size inside her. As well as this, it was his dense musk that was driving her senses into a frenzy of lust.

“The mares here really are nothing but sluts aren’t they?” Joka’la laughed to himself, finishing his drink as the guard was nearly halfway over his dick. “But there’s so much they lack compared to my whores back home.” Putting his chalice down on the side, he took both hands to the sides of the mare’s head, fucking her mouth with better fervor. “There we go. Take it you whore! I’ve been pent up since I left home.”

Thrusting faster and faster, Joka’la gave no real regard for the mare’s needs, making sure to keep her deepthroating over his cock as long as possible. Thankfully, being a royal guard, she had a good lung capacity, barely gagging as she struggled a little here and there. But she was seemingly eager to only take in this fat cock, making her pussy only spasm out in further and further longing. The musk that radiated off this stallion was only making this mare more willing to do whatever it took for it. It was only after her lips were able to nearly kiss against Joka’la’s waist that he chuckled.

“There we go, you’re almost there.” Joka’la mocked, humping faster and faster, his heavy, cum filled balls smacked against her chin. “I’m gonna cum soon. Ready to taste a real stallion’s seed? You’re never going back to those weak ass ponies after this slut.” The mare only moaned muffled cries as she was getting to her own climax. “Here…it…comes…take it you whore guard!”

Bottoming out in the mare, Joka’la’s cock swelled further, nearly clogging her throat as the zebra released himself in her. His thick, intoxicating cum flowed down her throat, throbbing and twitching with each passing moment. She was squirting out her own release as she came from just the masculine taste of this stud. He only continued to thrust, slower, but focused as he kept his cum from even spilling a drop. As she drank, the guard’s own belly was filling, leaving a somewhat small bump, more aking to a hearty meal, and easy to hide under her armor. But this wasn’t the end of Joka’la’s fun, not even close. His father had cut him out of fun on the long journey, and he still had plenty left to cum.

“Come on, we’re not done yet.” Joka’la commented, pulling his cock free of the guard’s mouth. As if by instinct, she swallowed as much cum that remained in her throat. “Get on the bed, I wanna see how tight you equestrian whores are.”

“Anything for you.” The guard cooed, seemingly too far lost in her pleasure for anything. Completely unrecognizable from how she was not too long ago. Laying on the bed, she easily spread her legs for Joka’la, showing off her eager lust for the fat zebra cock in front of her. “Please…fuck me…I need it…”

“Not the best begging, but it’s a start.” Joka’la commented, plopping his cock along the mare’s pussy, rubbing a little along her slick pussy lips. “But you look a little tight. You think you can handle this?” As he lay his dick along her body, the tip was nearly poking against the bottom of her tits. Smirking, he angled the cockhead against her moist entrance. “I’m kidding. I don’t give a fuck what you think. I only wanna see what happens when I do this!”

Thrusting as hard as he could, Joka’la nearly bottomed out in the mare’s pussy. Halfway into her, and she was howling out in pleasure, making her only tighten her inner coils around the shaft. The zebra only continued to thrust in and out of the mare, grabbing at her slim waist to get a better angle to bury his cock as best as he could. The guard’s head arched back, moaning and panting as she came again over the superior zebra shaft. It was better than anything she had ever felt before, as her pussy was being stretched more so than any equestrian stallion could make her feel.

“There we go…” Joka’la grunted, thrusting harder and faster, making sure to let his cock rub against every inch of her most sweet and sensitive spots. But this only seemed to make the zebra chuckle more and more between panting breaths. “Fuck! You equestrian mares are so fucking tight! Are the stallions here just that small?”

The guard could only let out louder and more sultry whorish moans, she was incapable of thought and reason, only passion. Joka’la only continued to fuck as best as he could, making sure to have his cokchead press and kiss against the mare’s cervix. Smirking, he could nearly see his dick through the mare’s body as her belly bulged a little with each thrust. She was tight, and not just a tightness he had savored by his prized harem back home, but tight enough to force him to put more strength and effort in his thrusts.

The mare’s body was burning hot, her large tits, once held back by her armor, were bouncing freely, her hard nipples trembling as she could feel another hard and sloppy wet climax coming. By this point, there was no telling how many times she had come, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered as Joka’la’s body was pleasuring her in ways she never felt, not even the deepest and more depraved of wet dreams had she known such wonders. As if by instinct, her arms grabbed at the zebra’s and her legs wrapped around his hips.

“What’s this? Locking me in place?” Joka’la laughed, looking along her sweating legs and arms. Her face was a mask of ecstasy, no thoughts, save that of lust and longing rippled in her eyes. “Looks like you love it.” She only moaned as he spoke, his words sending her mind deeper into a lustful daze. “You love that fat dick? That fat…throbbing…zebra…cock?” The mare only moaned, making the zebra smile widen as he was losing himself in the pleasure as well. “Well, with these legs on me, it looks like I’m stuck. Guess I’ll just have to fuck you until your legs give out.”

Without further words, Joka’la did as he said. His hips humped and moved in a faster and faster motion. Sweat beaded down his muscular body as he only continued to drive his cock in and out of this mare. Her cervix gushed out in climax as her womb quivered, her mind and body were begging for it. She wanted it, she couldn’t think of anything else but the feeling of this magnificent zebra stud was making her his. She was his slut, a whore to be fucked and filled with his thick and potent seed. Even if there were lingering thoughts to try and sway her from his cum filling her womb, bloating her belly, and saturating her ovaries in his legacy, her body was acting as if she were in a strong and dire heat. This pseudo estrus echoed out in her moans as she felt the urge to be bred.

“Such a dirty…fucking…slutty…fuck!” Zoka’la groaned, feeling his heavy, cum filled balls tighten against his body. He was going to cum, and while he would most likely be given a massive scolding by his father after this, none of that mattered to him at this time. “I’m cumming you slut! Take it and get pregnant!” Whether he really wanted to impregnate this mare didn’t matter to him, he only wanted to mark her insides with his cum and burn himself deep in her womb.

Letting out a low groan, mixing in a chorus with the mare’s soft and sultry moans, the two of them came. And while the guard’s pussy soaked along Joka’la’s dick, waist, and stained the bed with her sweat and cum, the zebra’s was much stronger. His cum coursed through his shaft, releasing directly into her womb as he bottomed out inside of her. His dick swelled as her pussy squeezed along his girth. So tight was this embrace that not a drop of cum leaked out from the sides of his cock. With nowhere else to go, the cum filled her womb, causing her belly to swell out as she looked more and more full of cum.

The mare gasped out in a breathless scream as she could only feel tremors of lust ripple throughout her entire body. Twitching and feeling nothing more than the tingling of pleasure, even the slight cool of the room’s air kissing against her sweaty body was enough for the mare to feel the pleasure renew over and over again. It was like she was in a loop of longing and the sensation of the still cumming, throbbing cock within her pussy caused one or more motions of the body. There was no going back, nothing would satisfy her pussy after this encounter. Not that there were currently any thoughts in her mind as she lay in the afterglow.

Looking down at the mare, Joka’la could see the same look on her face. It was clear in her eyes, she was broken. Not beyond use, but there was no way she could go for another round. It was something he was all too familiar with. The guard would do her duty to be sure, but there was no way she was going to hide her rounded belly too easily. Though not swollen enough to give the impression of being impregnated, it certainly was noticeable. A chuckle escaped his lips as he could only imagine the blush of embarrassment of being so full of cum. It wasn’t the first time he had filled a mare’s slutty hole, but this would be the first that he planned to be many times while he was staying in this kingdom.

Thinking back for a moment, Joka’la couldn’t help but reminisce back to his harem back home. Zebras of all shapes, sizes, skill sets, and even experiences. Those were pleasures he longed for, and yet now he was in Equestria, with this. Sighing a little, he pulled his cock free of the mare’s pussy, letting out a gush of his still steaming hot cum as it poured from her gaping hole that served as her pussy before Joka’la had fucked into a sloppy mess. As if to just add a little more to his conquest of this mare, the zebra let out a final thick rope of cum across the mare’s chest and face, even leaving a mess across her mane.

“If I knew they’d tire this easily, I would’ve brought a concubine from home.” Joka’la grumbled to himself. “Ponies here are far too weak. I need something more durable. Actually, no, not just durable. Something not easily broken, I need a challenge.” Sighing to himself, he looked over to the nearby clock. “Well, maybe father is finished with his negotiations for the day.” Looking over to the guard, he only chuckled. “You can leave whenever you want slut…if you can still walk.” Walking over to the guard’s armor, he happened across a small pendant. Opening it, he saw the same mare, but in a lovely embrace with a stallion. “Oh, I hope you and this guy of yours loved the foal I just fucked in you.”

This was fun, Joka’la had enjoyed his time with this guard, but it still didn’t feel like enough. While he was satisfied he was able to get his pent up release into this mare, though to interesting results, it wasn’t enough. Given his harem back home, Joka’la was used to going many, many rounds with his mares, and this one was clearly unable to go for another. Sighing, his mind wandered a little to what he had seen so far in this land. This was when it went to the lovely Princess Luna. There was just something about her, how her mane was like living starlight, and her eyes shimmered like the silver moon, and her body. The zebra craved it, feeling her form in his mind as he only wanted to make her beg and moan over his cock.

But as soon as he imagined her striding him, he shook it from his thoughts. Fucking some guard, or even a servant, or a dozen of such mares was fine. His father or even Joka’la himself could easily explain all of this behavior. But to a royal mare, a co-ruler of Equestria, that could do nothing but cause a scandal. It was dangerous, risky, and if it failed, it would bring nothing but shame to him and his father. And yet, this only added more thrills to his longing, a spice to this lustful craving of want. Joka’la wanted Princess Luna, he could think of little more than the sweet symphony of her moans as he would fill her over and over again with cum.

It was only the sound of knocking at the door that drove Joka’la from his thoughts. Concerned it could be his father, he quickly dressed himself in some fine clothes. As he approached the door, he opened it only a little, just enough to see who was visiting, but hidhing is dirty deed behind him. Standing in the doorway, was another mare, a pegasus made wearing the attire he could only assume belonged to a maid or cleaning servant. She seemed pretty timid, possibly just came of age in this land and this was her first job. She was so intimidated and nervous in Joka’la’s presence. It made the zebra’s blood race as he knew exactly what he wanted to do with the mare.

“Yes?” Joka’la asked, his words almost echoing out with some honey-like sweetness. “How can I help you?”

“Y-yes, hello…s-s-sir.” The mare stuttered, her body trembling a little as she looked up at the strong looking zebra. Joka’la could tell his musk was already causing her body to weaken. “I-I-I was sent to tell you. T-t-the negotiations with Lord Hekima…” She paused, shivering as her face was becoming more flushed as she was feeling a warmth swell inside her. Shaking her head a little, she continued. “Princess Celestia has sent me to tell you the trade negotiations were going to take longer than expected.”

“Ah, that’s understandable.” Joka’la said, chuckling a little as he feigned care over his father’s business with the royal sisters. “But if that’s the case, I think I could use your help…if you’re not busy.”

“I-I-I-I…” The servant stuttered, blushing harder than before as she looked at the zebra, his firm and strong chest seemed to swim through her sights as her eyes wandered about what little she saw of him, leading up to his smirking grin. “I-I mean…w-what do you need?”

“You see…” Joka’la said, fully opening the door, letting the strong scent of sex and musk wash over the mare, nearly knocking her back from the overwhelming stimulation to her senses. “There’s a bit of a mess in here. You’re paid to clean right? Well, I think you could help me clean up this mess.” As she stood there, panting a little as she nearly came from the scent and sights, tensing up as the zebra placed a hand on her shoulder. “Or would you rather make a mess, and clean it up later?”

The mare’s heart was racing, Joka’la could almost feel it as his hands touched her. This zebra was the most masucline and attractive stallion she had ever seen. There was no way someone of such importance would ever even look at a nobody like her, and yet he was offering a piece of himself to her. Her mind raced as the strong smell of his body, and even the guard’s laying afterglow was leaving her thoughts to lust and mush. Trembling a little, she could feel her nipples hardening as it poked against the soft fabrics of her outfit, which only further stimulated her body. Nervously, but with little hesitation, the servant looked up to him with longing, dazed eyes. Nodding her head, he only chuckled.

“Excellent, please, please, come inside!” Joka’la said with a playful smile, gesturing the mare inside. As she walked into the room, the zebra did one last look down the hall to see if there was anyone around. Seeing none, he smirked harder, closing the door behind him. “This’ll be fun.”

Walking Canterlot

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“Ugh! This is so boring!” Joka’la groaned to himself walking about the palace. Though he was granted some degree of impunity as he was a guest to the Princess, he could tell this merely extended to his chambers and the Throne Room. On his walk there, he only continued to complain, though he spoke quietly enough so that the guards patrolling by him heard nothing. “First father limits my fun on the trip, now he gets to be alone in a room with the biggest pair of tits I’ve ever seen, and now I’m so bored with just the mares here. They’re so fragile, barely lasting a dozen rounds.”

Sighing, he continued his way towards the Throne Room, seemingly unaware of all of his surroundings, ignoring the guards and maids that passed him. By the time returned to the massive room, the only ones remaining were the royal guards, and Princess Luna on the throne. Looking over to her, Joka’la couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to sleep with such a mare. In his experience, he had found some similarities in the other races of ponykind. Earth ponies were strong in body, able to handle cocks of any size and keep going. Pegasi were quickest to fuck, but quickest to orgasm, barely lasting a few rounds. Unicorns were the most fetishy, craving sexual thrills in hedonistic ways. While his own kin, the Zebras could do all three and more. But he was ignorant to how an Alicorn could fuck.

“Greetings, Lord Joka’la.” Luna nodded, gesturing her hand towards the zebra. “Do you require anything?”

“Me? Oh no, no, not really.” Joka’la answered with a bow, maintaining a smile as he spoke. “I was simply admiring this palace.”

“Canterlot has been our capital for many centuries, and it has grown and adapted over time.” Luna commented, staring out towards one of the massive stained glass windows. “You and your father honor us with your visit and the trade you can bring to our lands.”

“I do hope things go well.” Joka’la replied with a chuckle. “While I have no doubts Princess Celestia is as clever and wise in her words as the legends say, I do hope my father is giving her a good negotiation.”

Within the negotiation chambers, Hekima and Celestia were busy negotiating their trade agreement. As per request, they were alone within this room, the walls, floor, and ceiling enchanted to block all sight and sound. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, this room did not exist. This was perfect, as the two of them were negotiating, but not in the way such trade agreements would come. Instead, the two of them were in each other’s arms, their lips pressing hard against each other as they moaned against the other. Hekima’s hands explored the larger mare’s body, drawing out her sweet sounds as he groped along her ass.

“Hekima…it’s been so long…” Celestia moaned, one hand wrapped around the zebra’s back while the other was slowly rubbing along the bulge in his pants. “I’ve missed your fat cock…my love.”

“It has been, my beloved.” Hekima spoke back, taking his hands to slowly undo her dress. “I know we are always apart by the sea and our roles. But I am blessed to be here again.”

“Blessed indeed.” Celestia cooed, slowly undoing the zebra’s pants as she spoke more honeyed words. “I forget how many years have passed. You were as young as your son when last we were together.”

“I know…it has been far too long.” Hekima said, letting the alicorn continue to fish out his growing cock. “He is young, reckless, but if pushed right, he will grow well. But I fear I’ve been growing too old too fast.”

“You are not old my love.” Celestia said, fully pulling out the zebra’s cock. While Joka’la was well hung for his kind, Hekima far surpassed him. It was like wielding a mighty club between his legs. “No one across my eternal life could ever surpass you.”

“Are you saying that to me, or my cock?” Hekima asked with a chuckle, seeing the heart shape glimmer in Celestia’s eyes. Placing his hand on her head, he gave her a gentle pat. “Take your time, we have all these negotiations to make up for lost time.”

“Surely there must be other things the royal sisters do?” Joka’la asked, his own mind becoming more and more bored as he wanted to do something, anything. “Maybe you can show me around your home?”

“Me?” Luna asked, quite curious at the request. “Would one of our guards, or even a skilled guide be enough?”

“Perhaps, but as a Princess, I imagine you get to walk around and do what you want?” Joka’la commented, turning to look towards the window. “I mean, back in my homeland, our Princes administer from a throne, but rule through their connection to their people.”

“That is quite bold.” Luna said, rubbing her chin. “We have been under attack many times, and so we limit much of our interaction outside the palace. But…you are right.” Clapping her hands a few times, two large, muscular looking guard stallions stepped forward; one pegasus and one earth pony. “You two will escort Lord Joka’la and I as we walk through the city.”

“Yes Princess.” Both guards said at once with a bow. “We shall ensure the safety of you and your honored guest.”

“Excellent.” Luna said, standing up. Even though she wore a much more modest dress than her sister, her chest bounced a little as she moved. “Come, let us explore Canterlot, together.”

Canterlot was nearly everything Joka’la was hoping for in a city. It was large, it was vibrant, but best of all, the mares there came in all shapes, sizes, and styles. Some had down to earth, hardworking mares who could probably best him in a display of strength, others were average hard workers that he could imagine could last a few good rounds in bed, but it was the various noblemares that made his blood warm up. Licking his lips a little, he could only imagine what it would be like to break in some of the prissy noblemares.

“Lord Joka’la, are you feeling well?” Luna asked, noticing the zebra licking his lips, though unaware of the meaning behind it. “Are you perhaps parched? Do you want some food?”

“Oh? Well, that does sound like some fun.” Joka’la commented, smiling playfully at the princess. His thoughts betray any semblance of gentlecolt attitudes. ‘Oh I’m hungry alright, but if only we were alone.’ Looking around a little, he noticed the two royal guards close by.

“I believe there is a delightful restaurant nearby.” Luna suggested, rubbing her chin a little. “It was recommended to me by an associate of mine.”

“Well, anything you suggest, I would love to try.” Joka’la nodded, gesturing in a polite manner. “Please, lead the way.”

“Yes…of course…” Luna responded, pausing for a moment as she tried to recall this information. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I’ve ever been there. So I think we should ask my associate where this restaurant is.” Walking onwards, she gestured for Joka’la to follow her. “Just this way.”

It was a relatively short jaunt across the numerous street blocks before the group arrived at what appeared to be a clothing shop. Whatever its name was, Joka’la didn’t care. His eyes were carefully switching between Luna’s round ass, as well as the flanks of the many mares inside the facility. Walking inside after the Princess, the zebra’s eyes were met with a dazzling scene. Mares of all varieties were trying on, showing off, and buying dresses of remarkable quality. Though not so much a being who cared for one's clothes, he could tell there was lots of quality placed on each line of work.

Standing at the counter, wearing a dress that seemed to be a mix of frills and darkened leathers, was a slender, blue unicorn mare with flowing orange and yellow hair. Like a tall torch of fire, fit into a slender hourglass figure. From what Joka’la could tell, this mare was wearing a corset, but that didn’t ruin the idea of her round tits and soft looking ass from being teased with. But as Princess Luna approached, the mare, having noticed them, stopped whatever she was doing to bow her head towards the monarch.

“Princess Luna?! It’s an honor to have you here.” The mare stated, her voice was a mix of reverence and a hint of fear. “May I ask, what brings you to our humble establishment?”

“I am looking for information.” Luna explained, looking around. “Tell me, is Miss Rarity here?”

“Rarity? Why yes, yes she is. I’ll go get her.” The mare said, getting up to rush into the back room behind a curtain. From where they stood, Joka’la and Luna could hear the mare still. “Rarity! You will not believe who’s here. Princess Luna!”

“What?!” Gasped the voice of what Joka’la assumed was Rarity before it was followed by things being moved repeatedly about. Walking out from the curtain, first was the blue mare, but after her was certainly a sight. A pure white unicorn mare with eyes of deep blue and a swirling purple hair. If Joka’la was told this mare was a higher noble, he’d believe them. “Why Princess Luna, what brings you here? Are you in need of a new dress?”

“Not today.” Luna answered, clearing her throat before continuing. “You see, I am escorting Lord Joka’la of the Zebra Lands here.” Joka’la only nodded his head, giving Rarity a smile that he was certain could melt any mare in his grasp. “And we wish to try that restaurant you and Pinkie Pie had once visited.”

“Oh! The Tasty Treat? Yes, yes!” Rarity exclaimed, nodding her head with joy as she seemed to keep a side eye on Joka’la while she talked. “I can show you where it is, but Princess, if I must say. Who is this strapping stallion you have with you?”

“This is Lord Joka’la, the son of a merchant prince.” Luna explained, gesturing a hand to the zebra, who bowed in respect to the mares. “While his father is in negotiations with my sister, he was curious to see the rest of the city.”

“Well, I am honored you came to my boutique as part of this tour.” Rarity said, her eyes gleaming with delight as she could see many other clients were already coming in. The notion of a princess visiting her store was going to bring in more and more business. “I wish I could talk with you all day, it seems Sassy and I will have more work to do.”

“Well, perhaps later on, I may come and see what you have.” Joka’la suggested, his voice almost causing both Rarity and Sassy’s body to shiver. “I am of course very curious as to how such noble clothes were made, and to the talented seamstress to craft such dresses.”

“Y-y-yes.” Rarity stuttered, struggling to take her eyes off the stallion before shaking her head a little. “But the Tasty Treat, yes, it’s not very far from here. I can give you directions.”

“The name is Sassy Saddles.” Sassy said to Joka’la, though her tone was much more discreet. Louder than a whisper, but quieter than her normal tone. “We close in the late afternoon, but if you happen to come by before then my Lord…” Her face went into a blush as she had fallen under the zebra’s sway. “We can give you an extra “special” fitting.”

“Well, I do enjoy sliding into things that are a little…tight…at first.” Joka’la responded, his voice even quieter than Sassy’s but she nearly fell over at his tone of voice. “But after my time with the Princess. I would not wish to leave her without me for too long.”

“Y-yes, of course.” Sassy said, clearing her throat. Her tone now returns to her much more inside voice. “We both thank you for the visit, and look forward to seeing you again soon.”

“I look forward to it.” Luna commented, fully unaware as to what happened between Joka’la and Sassy. Looking back to the zebra, she smiled. “Now then, shall we?”

Arriving at the Tasty Treat, Joka’la eyes, ears, and nose were met with power sensations. It was a wondrous sight of beauty and color. But what caught the zebra’s attention was the exotic looking unicorn mare serving at tables. An orange fur with a large, curly brownish purple mane. Joka’la swallowed a little as he could only imagine what it would feel like to fuck this sexy beauty. Her breasts were barely held up by her blouse, which only brought his eyes down to her round ass. Snickering a little to himself, he considered having her as a snack before trying any moves on Luna. But the guards would make that difficult.

“Oh, Princess Luna?!” The mare exclaimed as she rushed over to the new guests. “Welcome to the Tasty Treat. My name is Saffron Masala, and I will have the honor of serving you today.”

“No need for formality.” Luna commented, looking around the restaurant. Aside from some ponies finishing their meals, there weren’t a lot of guests. “I was recommended to this place by Rarity, is this a good time?”

“More than good, it’s excellent!” Called a shorter, but rounder looking unicorn stallion. He had a tanner orange coat, and shorter hair of the same color. Though he wore a colorful bright orange loose shirt and beige pants. “Welcome, welcome. Please, sit wherever you please. I will bring the greatest our restaurant can offer.”

“Thank you.” Luna said, making her way to a table. Joka’la joined her as the two guards remained standing but away from the door. “We shall have whatever you recommend.”

“For a friend of Rarity, and a Princess no less, only the best. No! Better than the best!” Saffron commented, smiling gently as she looked between Luna and Joka’la. “And if I may ask. Who is your guest Princess?”

“This is Lord Joka’la, son of a merchant prince currently in dealings with my sister.” Luna explained, gesturing a hand over to Joka’la, who only bowed his head. “He wanted to experience Canterlot, and I believed this restaurant would be an exceptional stop.”

“My father and I are honored by your recommendation.” Saffron commented, blushing a little as she looked at Joka'la. “I’ll bring the best we have, immediately.”

What proceeded was a fine meal, foods Joka’la has never seen or experienced, though he didn’t expect it to be as hot and spicy as he expected. This only caused the Princess to giggle a little. It was so rare to be treated not as a royal, but just a mare. Joka’la seemed to speak to her so casually, he was so kind, and there was just something about his tone that made her begin to feel more comfortable. The last time she went to walk the streets of Canterlot, while she could never escape the fact she had guards with her, she had Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Saffron and her father, Coriander Cumin, seemed more than eager to give as much food as they could whip together. If anything, Joka’la was quite curious as to why this was. Back home, whenever he and his father would eat at a restaurant, aside from his dick being worked over by one of the waitresses, there were no further honors. Perhaps this was different in Equestria. Granted, they didn’t have a noble system like that in the Zebra Lands, but it seemed like more or less some technicality. Or perhaps the Princesses don’t make many public appearances for long?

But as he enjoyed his meal, Joka’la’s mind was hoping between options. He could try to make small talk with this monarch. Maybe he could learn more and more about her interests so he could better find a way to lay with her. But the two guards seemed to make it difficult to get less than a foot to her. Not that they brandished anything at him, they wouldn’t dare, but Joka’la could see the stern looks across their faces whenever the zebra’s arm even got too close to Luna when he reached for some food. As well as this, this Saffron, there was just something about her that made him want to fuck her full over the table. Maybe later.

“I’m grateful you could show me such wonders, Princess.” Joka’la commented, smiling towards the Princess after taking a drink of this sweet tasting beverage. “To be shown such kindness, it is an honor.”

“Thank you, Lord Joka’la.” Luna nodded, enjoying her own food, but eating it in a manner more fitting of a Princess. “I am grateful to share such a meal with someone as kind and respectful as you.”

“Please, you can call me Joka’la.” Joka’la said, testing his luck to see if he could reach a more casual relation with the Princess. “We’ve spoken, had a lovely walk, and have now shared a meal. I believe you don’t need to call me by my title.”

“Oh? Very well…Joka’la…” Luna replied, blushing a little as she was too used to maintaining some noble ethics and regulations. “I-In that case, you may call me Luna…in private of course. I would still need to call you by your ranking to the public.”

“I would be honored, Luna.” Joka’la replied with a smile, a feeling of victory started to swell up inside him. “For now, let us finish our meal. This is some of the most delicious I’ve ever had.”

Finishing their meal, Luna and Joka’la were stuffed, though the Princess was far more skilled at hiding her food belly than the zebra. The two guards only watched, possibly used to seeing this and remaining quiet about it. Approaching the table, Saffron came with a list of the many foods they were given, but it wasn’t a bill. Taking the parchment, Luna raised an eyebrow as she looked it over. Joka’la could barely make out more than half of the food names on this list, but with no numbers or prices, he was curious as to what this was.

“Oh? Oh! I’m so sorry.” Saffron commented, realizing the confusion between the two. “This is by no means a bill. This is only what you have eaten. But if we can have your signature, Princess.”

“By having the Princess’ name on this parchment, you can better advertise your business?” Joka’la commented, realizing what Saffron was planning. Looking at Luna, he smiled. “I believe they’ve earned that. It was a delicious meal.”

“Agreed, I believe this restaurant has more than lived up to the reputation Rarity has given it.” Luna said, taking a pen from Saffron, writing out her name in the most neat and organized manner possible. “There you go, I hope my name serves to aid in your business.”

“Yes, t-thank you Princess!” Saffron said with a wondrous smile, joy shone in her eyes as she rushed back to the kitchen. “Father! They loved it!” The sound of a man cheering in joy echoed from the kitchen.

“Well, where shall we go-'' Luna asked, only to pause for a moment. Looking a little upwards, she held a finger to her temple. Her horn flickered a little before looking back to Joka’la. “I’m sorry Joka’la, but my sister has contacted me. It seems she is still in negotiations with your father, and I must return to the palace to handle the politics in her stead.” Another spark seemed to come from her horn as she received another word. “And your father is encouraging you to return to the castle as well.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. But I would like to walk back to the Palace on my own if that is okay?” Joka’la nodded, pondering just how long it takes to negotiate a deal with a Princess. Regardless, he smiled at Luna. “It was a pleasure to dine with you, Luna.”

“And you as well, Joka’a. And that should be fine.” Luna smiled back, only to look back to her guards. “Now then, let us depart.” Before the guards could finish a nod of their heads, the three of them vanished, teleported with the Princess’ magic.

Watching Luna leave with her guards, Joka’la relaxed, leaning back against the soft seat he sat in. It was slow, but it progressed nonetheless. He and Luna were now on first name terms, at least in private, which was fine by him. As well as this, though she was now gone, she allowed him to remain in the city for the time being, which only made the zebra’s mouth water as he recalled Rarity and Sassy. Wiping his mouth, he composed himself as he saw Saffron returning from the kitchen.

“Oh? Did Princess Luna already depart?” Saffron asked, looking around, but saw only Joka’la. “Is there anything else I can help you with, my lord?”

“I believe you can.” Joka’la commented, slowly standing from his seat. Once up, he gave the mare the same smile he had used to melt the hearts and willpower of many mares. “I still have some room for dessert.”

“W-w-well…we have a wide…selection…of…” Saffron stuttered, her words slowly trailing off as Joka’la gently placed a finger under her chin. “I-I-I-I…”

“No need to be shy. I was wondering if you have something that tastes like…” Joka’la asked, leaning in close enough to whisper in the mare’s ear. “...Saffron…”

“I-I-I-I-I…”Saffron’s face was in a scarlet blush, trembling a little as she felt her body becoming warmer. Turning her head back, she seemed to speak more towards the kitchen. “Father…it’ll be slow for a while, so I’m taking my break.”

“Alright!” Coriander called back, not looking out from the kitchen as his daughter was being seduced by this zebra. “I can handle most of the evening rush, so take your time.”

“I will…I will…” Saffron commented, then looked back to Joka’la. Taking his hand, she whispered. “M-my room is this way…we just need to be quiet.”

“My please my dear.” Joka’la laughed, rubbing her cheek. “A sweet treat in bed is always a delight.”

No sooner had they reached the room, Saffron slammed the door, magically locking it as she lunged herself into Joka’la’s arms. Her lips were all over his, as she moaned in his mouth. Her hands were feeling the zebra’s strong body all over, while he only seemed to effortlessly manage to slowly pull away the loose fitting clothes this mare was wearing. When he finally removed the top from Saffron’s body, Joka’la marveled at her chest. It was large, full, and held delightful nipple piercings.

“Such a beautiful meal.” Joka’la said, groping at Saffron’s chest as she moaned from his touch. Licking his lips, he leaned in a little. “Maybe I should get a better taste.” Leaning in further, he took in one of her nipples, suckling along it as the mare moaned a little more.

Saffron’s hands continued to grab at Joka’la’s pants. Though she struggled a little bit, she managed to undo his belt. The zebra’s pants fell to the floor, which only brought out his massive cock. Placing her hands on it, Saffron nearly flinched, rubbing the shaft slowly and gently. It was more than anything she had ever seen, let alone handled. Swallowing hard, she leaned back, letting Joka’la suckle on both her breasts, groping them together as he took both in his mouth at once. His cock twitched as he was ready to thoroughly enjoy this mare.

“How about we take it to the bed?” Joka’la asked, pulling his mouth from her breasts. “I want to have a real taste of you.”

Saffron said nothing, only moaning and panting as Joka’la guided her to the bed. Laying on his back, he let the mare lower her pussy over his mouth, while his cock only throbbed with precum dripping at the tip. Saffron rode on Joka'a's face, moaning as his skilled tongue was rubbing in and out of her sweet tasting pussy with the skills of many, many conquests. But she wasn’t going to settle with just letting him have a sampling of her flavor. She wanted to taste him too. The sight of his cock only made her want to feel it closer against her.

Leaning forward, Saffron angled herself as if to keep her pussy on Joka’la’s mouth, but she brought her own face closer to his cock. It was so hot, making her body only grow warmer as she couldn’t help but lick her lips in excitement. Swallowing the last of her courage, she let her tongue hang out, giving Joka’la’s cockhead a gentle lick. The taste of the zebra’s precum sent a major shiver through Saffron’s body, which only added to the pleasure she felt in her pussy. She was lost in a daze as her mind was numb and her body craved more pleasure.

Unable to hold back, Saffron took Joka’la’s cock in her mouth, taking in the cockhead as she was suckling the zebra cock. The zebra only continued to tongue fuck the mare, taking his hands to steady her hips as she was bobbing her head slowly over his thick size. It was an intoxicating taste, she wanted to only take in more and more, to drink the cum that was bubbling up in his heavy balls. Grinding her sexy flank against his face, Saffron pushed herself to bottom herself out over the dick, feeling her throat swelling as she deepthroat the size.

‘This is so good.’ Joka’la thought to himself, feeling himself getting close to a coming climax. ‘Looks like it’s gonna be a while before I’m back at the castle.’ Mentally chuckling, he only continued to eat Saffron out, causing the mare to moan a muffled sound over his cock.

Saffron continued to suck up and down Joka’la’s length. She wanted him to cum in her mouth, she wanted to drink his thick, hot nectar in her belly. He could tell she was getting close to her own release as his tongue was rubbing along her inner folds as they tightened around his appendage. Faster and faster, driven by an almost primitive desire to breed, Saffron’s mouth and tongue embraced the thick cock, bobbing her head faster and deeper. Each motion of her head only made her deepthroat and held herself, nuzzling her face against the masculine loins.

‘Oh shit, it’s coming!’ Joka’la thought to himself. Grabbing at Saffron’s ass, he groped her flank hard as she thrusted his tongue as hard and deep as it could go. ‘Take it you exotic slut!’

Saffron let out a muffled moan, an almost scream of pleasure as she came over Joka’la’s face and mouth with her sweet juices, while he himself released a torrent of thick, hot cum in her mouth. Both eagerly drank the other’s fluid, savoring the flavors. From Saffron’s sweet and addictive, to Joka’la’s thick but intoxicating. The two stayed in this for their afterglow, only pulling themselves free as the mare pulled her mouth from the thick, zebra cock, falling to the side. Panting, she stared up at the ceiling, amazed and shocked that all of this had happened; and yet she felt only a craving for more.

“Still not satisfied?” Joka’la asked, teasing her as he groped at her ass. “Cause if you’re still hungry…” Taking his cock in the other hand, he slowly stroked it back to hardness. “I have more for you.”

Once he was alone in the room, Joka’la was quick to strip himself of his clothes, letting his full body out on display. It was refreshing to feel the warmth of the room’s air against his partially sweaty body. Though what really set him off was the rush of his day. He was so close to Princess Luna, one of the literal goddess monarchs of Equestria, and he not only was able to speak with her so casually, but was able to fuck some random whore, return to her, and she didn’t notice a thing. It had been so long since he felt such amusement.

“Oh this is so much fun!” Joka’la laughed to himself, still feeling a shiver of delight at the thoughts. “I’ve never had so much fun that didn’t involve fucking so slutty-” His words were interupted with a knock at his door. “Yes? Who is it?”

“Um…my lord?” Called the voice of a maid from the door. Smirking with delight, Joka’la made his way over, barely bothering to put his pants on. “Princess Luna told me to-ahh?!” Looking down, this timid, and yet voluptuous looking maid couldn’t help but stare at the zebra’s huge, hanging cock. “I-I-I…”

“Oh my, isn’t this quite an awkward situation.” Joka’la said with a chuckle, staring at the mare. She was already trembling under his gaze. “Now, what was that about the Princess?”

“Y-yes…P-P-Princess Luna asked me to ensure your room is of the utmost quality.” The maid said, slowly backing away, only for Joka’la to place a hand on her shoulder. “I-i-i-it looks like you’re busy, so maybe I should just-”

“Now, now, let’s not have that.” Joka’la said, leaning in to whisper. “I caught you looking. Aren’t you a little…curious?” The maid swallowed hard, nearly biting her lower lip as she trembled more and more. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Why don’t you help me out, just like the Princess said?” The maid looked up to him, her eyes were already lost in his masculine musk. Nodding, she let him guide her inside the room.

Sitting in his bedroom, Joka’la relaxed on his bed, resting behind him on the bed was not one or two, but four of the royal maids that served the castle in Canterlot. Sighing, he rubbed the back of his head, swirling a drink in his other hand as he admired his handiwork. It had been so long since he could let loose, and even after enjoying the maids that had the unfortunate turned fortune of knocking on his room door. Though as he looked over the mares stuffed and bloated with the thick and strong cum of the potent zebra. This would’ve been great, had it not been for the rather disappointed look of his father.

“You understand how utterly foolish you have been?” Hekima commented, sighing heavily as his son only shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip of his drink. “Again, must I remind you, this negotiation is very, very…fucking sensitive!” His voice raised as he spoke, only to calm as he composed himself. “It has taken far too many resources, and far too much time to secure. And I will not see our people’s success be destroyed by your libido!”

“Father, it’s fine.” Joka’la said, gesturing over to the mares. “It was a nameless guard and some servants. I highly doubt anyone would’ve noticed.”

“Are you willing to risk everything I have done for this?” Hekima asked, his voice still harsh and angry. “Regardless, it seems I have to keep a much tighter grip on your actions while these proceedings take place.”

“Woah, woah, let’s not be too hasty!” Joka’la said, nearly dropping his drink as he got up. “Alright, alright, I’ll be more careful. I just figured a few nameless mares wouldn’t matter. It’s not like I’m fucking the Princess!”

“Don’t you dare even speak that, even as some passing remark.” Hekima snapped, raising a finger towards his son. “I will not even have the seeds of such thinking grow in your mind. Am I understood!” Joka’la only nodded, looking away from his father. “Good. We have more and more work to do, and Princess Celestia is a skilled speaker. So I must focus my efforts on securing a deal with her. Do not let me hear of this again.”

“Fine, father.” Joka’la commented, looking as Hekima retired to his own bed for the evening. Once the older zebra was out of earshot, the younger one smirked, looking over to the resting maids. “Looks like I’ll have to be more careful. Good, I love a challenge!”

The next morning, Joka’la arose in a good mood. This was further improved by the lack of his father in the room. Perhaps he left early to negotiate with Princess Celestia, or maybe he was going to dine. Didn’t matter to him. But a small growl from his belly was enough for the zebra to realize just how starving he was. The food at the Tasty Treat was good, but the taste of Saffron only seemed to make him hungrier for more. Doing some stretches, the zebra was ready to fully get dressed when there was a knock at the door.

“Yes?” Joka’la called out, slowly getting himself dressed. His lips curled into a smile as he figured it was another maid for him to enjoy. “You may come in if you’d like.”

“U-unfortunately…I am quite busy today.” Replied the voice of a maid, one he recognized as one of the servants he had fucked. Obviously she didn’t want to come into his chambers. She’d be unable to turn him down otherwise. “P-Princess Luna is soon to retire and would like for you to join her for her morning meal.”

“Oh? Well I will certainly love to join her.” Joka’la replied, moving faster to dress himself. “Don’t move, stay there please.”

Though he wanted to be casual, he could feel today was going to be a good day. Throwing on a loose fitting shirt that showed off part of his muscular chest, as well as some pants that give indications of his impressive bulge the longer one stares at him, he nodded. Joka’la couldn’t help but snicker a little to himself as he looked himself over in the vanity mirror nearby. There was no way any mare could resist this look, he was a stud among zebras, and yet his inability to claim Luna last time…it only made him hunger for her more. Nodding again, he approached the door, opening it to see the now blushing mare servant.

“So…how do I look?” Joka’la asked, seeing her only murmur as she tried to look away. Placing his hand under her chin, he stared deeply into her eyes, making her nearly drop to her knees from the pressure. “That’s what I like to hear. Come by when you're done today, if you want another round.” Letting her go, he chuckled a bit. “Now then, first a meal. Please, show me the way.”

The mare only shuddered as she tried to regain her posture. Panting a little, she turned to start guiding Joka’la to the dining hall. Though it was clear, she was barely going to make it before succumbing to these feelings. She wasn’t normally so easily aroused, but there was something about this zebra, how good he smelled, the look in his eyes, the feeling of such a powerful creature desiring her. She shook her head, trying to get these thoughts and feelings to leave her mind.

Since his arrival, Joka'la has become a major menace to the maids and other mare staff. Any who would see him seemed to only fall for his gaze. It was like there was something about him that they couldn't resist. And yet, when they were finished, the only thing that held their silence was shame. It wasn't the shame that they did such a deed with such a regal guest, but the shame that they liked it. Even now, this maid felt her body almost being devoured by the zebra's eyes.

"So, what's on the menu?" Joka'la asked, snickering as he was enjoying the way the mare was trembling, especially when he spoke. "I'm sure you're aware, but I work up a big appetite." His tone only caused her to stumble.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry...I was only told to escort you." The maid replied, her voice almost whispering in her timid tone. "B-b-but I know the food here is of...of the highest quality."

Joka'la only chuckled. For a moment, he considered just taking this maid then and there, or at least in some nook or corner of the hallway. But seeing none, he would only have to settle on her later. That said, he was sure to walk a little closer to her, letting his hot breath kiss on the back of her neck. If anything, she looked like she was getting ready to collapse and offer herself to him. The maid's body was getting so warm, and it was only when they arrived at the large doors of the dining hall that she took a breath of relief.

"P-p-please...right through here." The maid said, her face red in a bright blush, and her eyes looking at Joka'la sheepishly. "P-Princess Luna is waiting for you."

"Fine, looks like you got off easy." Joka'la commented, snickering as he playfully lay a finger on the mare's lips. She nearly fell back as she was almost moaning at his touch. "We'll have to pick this up later then." Pulling back, he composed himself, preparing to enter these doors, and meet the Princess for a lovely breakfast.

Enjoying a Seamstress

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The dining was quite a sight, huge and exuberant. It was decorated in numerous marble statues of ponies holding food and drink, as well as mosaics of countless animals among the floor and ceiling, ending with a sun and moon standing side by side. Sitting at a long table, enjoying a meal of fine wheat cakes, hay bacon, and a tall, sparkling drink, Princess Luna smiled gently towards Joka’la. It was clear, she looked tired, but the fact she wanted to share another meal with him like this made his heart flutter a little, or at the very least skip a beat. Clearing his throat, he bowed slightly towards her before being escorted to his seat. Though not close enough to touch or tease with the Princess, but close enough to hold a conversation with her.

“Lord…I mean, Joka’la. Good Morning.” Luna greeted, gesturing a hand towards one of the nearby night maids. “Before they retire for the day, please, feel free to have anything you desire.”

“Hmm, well, as tempting as it is to have whatever I want…” Joka’la said, eyeing the maid with his alluring gaze. Though she was somewhat tired, this maid blushed as she looked back. “I’ll have what you’re having. I think it looks good.”

“Oh, it is.” Luna said, wiping her mouth with a silk napkin. Looking at one of the maids, she gestured again. “Please, fetch some wheat cakes, hay bacon, and a glass of fine apple cider for Lord Joka’la.” The maid bowed and turned to leave. “Now, then, how did you sleep last…” Her words slowed as she looked to the zebra with a curious expression.

“Is something wrong?” Joka’la asked, his face showing only a calm look. “You were about to say something?”

“Yes…it’s just.” Luna replied, pointing over to the space beside Joka’la. “I thought I saw one of the maids beside you a moment ago. Did she already leave?”

“Her? Yes, she had to return to her duties.” Joka’la said, though under the table was a completely different story. “Maybe you missed her.”

Under the table, smothering her muzzle against Joka’la’s bulge, was the same maid. She couldn’t take it anymore, she needed to feel that intense musk against her face again. The zebra only remained calm and composed. If anything, he had to resist the urge to chuckle as he could only imagine the look on the maid’s face as she was worshiping at his balls. If not for the great length of the table, he would’ve been certain that Luna would hear her maid moaning and cooing against her guest’s loins.

“Well, in any event. I do hope you had a good evening.” Luna asked, nearly done with her meal. “I hope the servant I sent to you last night was able to further ensure the comfort of your chambers.”

“Oh, oh yes.” Joka’la replied with a smile. “She did most excellent. So much so, the poor deer was exhausted afterwards.”

“I see, well I believe she should take the day off.” Luna nodded, just about nearly done with her food. “And I am sorry I will not be able to escort you around Canterlot further. But I have to tend to my own duties for the next few days, and so I will have to sleep during the day.”

“Oh it’s no problem at all.” Joka’la said, smiling as he saw a maid coming towards him with food. Just as she placed it on the table, he could tell she couldn’t see but she could somewhat hear and smell her fellow servant under the table, leaving a faint blush on her face. “I understand how these politics and royal duties can be. But I would still like to walk around this beautiful city without the need for guards. If that could be arranged.”

“Of course. I can arrange for a special badge to be given to show you are an honored guest of Equestria if that would work.” Luna replied, having now finished. Taking one last drink of her beverage, she delicately wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up. “Now then, I am sorry, but I must retire for the day. I do hope I will see you again soon, Joka’la.”

“And I to you as well, Luna.” Joka’la replied, smiling gently towards her. As the princess left his sight, the zebra took a couple bites of his food. A playful hum escaped his lips as he savored the meal. “Oh! This is delicious!” Taking another bite, it wasn’t until he heard a faint, whimpering moan, that he stopped eating. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you. Well, I’m gonna enjoy myself, and I think you earned a reward. So have at it.”

Having received these orders, or rather confirmation, the maid under the table took in Joka’la’s cock. The first motion of her head allowed a good few inches of the zebra’s cock in her mouth. He was so big, and the taste and smell was driving her mad as she became numb to anything but the urge to take more. Joka’la only merrily ate his meal, drinking his beverage, and chuckling to himself as he could see the remaining mare servants near him were clearly aware what was happening but said nothing.

“Feeling a little…jealous?” Joka’la asked, looking at the closest maid. She said nothing, but the way her body tensed up and blushed. “You can be honest. I love to…reward…honesty.” The mare hesitated, but it was clear whatever resistance or dignity she had was slowly being chipped away. “Well, there’s no rush. After breakfast, I plan to return to my room for some…morning exercise. Afterwards, I shall walk around Canterlot. I have some previous appointments. So by all means, feel free to see me anytime then.”

The maid said nothing, but took a small step away from Joka’la. This didn’t bother him, he could tell she was thinking about it. No matter the mare, eventually, they wanted him and his cock. While he continued to merrily eat and drink, the maid under the table was lost in a lustful daze. She didn’t even notice Luna had left the table, as she took in more and more of Joka’la’s cock. It was magnificent, and she couldn’t get enough of this thickness.

Joka’la said nothing else as he only continued to let the mare suck him off. Every so often, he would reach one hand down to not only help steady the mare, but to deepthroat a little bit. After several minutes of switching between eating and using a hand to steady the maid, Joka’la seemed to become too distracted to finish eating. As well as this, all but one of the maids had left. Though they were fully aware of what was happening, none would dare say anything about it. But the one who was the closest remained.

“Good, you’re still here.” Joka’la said, looking over to the remaining maid. His hands were fully under the table, holding the sides of the mare’s head under the table. “As you can see, my hands are busy. So if you could be so kind as to help me finish my meal?”

“M-my lord…s-surely, you could finish…” The maid said, stuttering her words as she was slowly falling the same lust as the other. “And let her do…what she’s doing?”

“Hmm, maybe it would be a little hard to explain if someone walked in on you feeding me.” Joka’la replied, pondering for a moment. Then, an idea sparked in his mind. “I know! I’ll keep eating, and you help her out.”

The maid was awestruck by this suggestion, but as she continued to stare at him, and he to her, she could feel her body becoming numb. Those eyes, those powerful, alluring, and imposing eyes. Swallowing hard, she found it was hard to resist. She had the power to walk away, she knew this, and yet her body refused to even acknowledge this. The more she stared, the more she wanted to do what this zebra wanted. Swallowing the last of her courage, she let out a low sigh, but was followed by a whimpering sound.

“I-if that will be better…” The maid said, fidgeting a little as she slowly started walking over to Joka’la. “J-just…please don’t tell anyone.”

“Your secret is kept with me.” Joka’la said with a smile. This only made the mare’s heart flutter as she slowly shifted under the table too. Immediately, he could feel the movement of the maid’s head was already getting faster. “There we go…much better.”

The second maid did as she was told. She had the head of the first maid at her mercy, and as she helped guide and move the face over the dick, the intense sight and smell of this oral was becoming too much for her. Swallowing hard, she couldn’t stand being the only one and released the first maid, smothering her own face in Joka’la’s balls. The zebra coughed a little, not expecting her to fall so fast, but it was a welcomed feeling.

“You two certainly seem to be enjoying yourself.” Joka’la chuckled. “But I do have plans, so tell you what. If you both can get me to cum before I finish, I’ll give you both a big reward.”

His words only furthered their devotion and longing to get this reward. The first maid was bobbing her head deeper and faster as she was taking as much dick as she could. Her throat bulged with the swollen size, while the other maid was suckling Joka’la’s balls, fondling the other as she moaned in pleasure. The two were so lost in their addled lust, there was no telling if they even noticed their surroundings anymore. If anyone looked under the table, would they even bother stopping? Not that it mattered, Joka’la was nearly done, but could feel himself getting closer to orgasm.

“It’s coming you two.” Joka’la said, having the tone of a suggestion, but it was clearly an order. “Before I cum, I want you two to finish me off together.”

Both maids paused for a moment, but only for a moment. Smacking their lips together over his cockhead, the two maids were passionately making out as they licked and savored Joka’la’s dick. The zebra only smirked as he was just about to blow. Keeping both hands under the table, he guided both their heads up and down his shaft as he was ready to cum. Taking a deep breath, he let out a low and deep sigh. His body eased up as he felt the hot release of his orgasm come forth.

Doing their best to contain the mess, both maids placed their lips around the tip of the dick, but this did little as Joka’la’s cum splattered upwards and under the table. Try as they might to suckle and cover the opening, all it did was fill their throats and eventually coat both their faces in the zebra’s hot spunk. Joka’la only shivered a little, lifting his hands from their heads as he took a deep breath.

“There we go. Much better.” Joka’la commented, taking the last few bites of his breakfast, and downing his drink. Looking down, he only smiled. “You both did an amazing job.” Tucking his now limp dick back into his pants, he wiped his mouth with a fine napkin, and got up from the table. Taking another deep sigh, he pondered to himself aloud. “Wonder when he’s gonna be done with talks today?”

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me you fucking sexy zebra bastard!” Celestia howled in pleasure, feeling Hekima’s cock hammering harder and harder in her pussy. Bent over the table, her ass was bouncing off her zebra lover’s dick like a lust drunken whore. Feeling him throb inside her, she hissed as she looked back at him with heart filled eyes. “Your cock’s throbbing? Are you cumming? Are you gonna cum in this slutty Princess pussy?”

“Fuck, you’re took hot!” Hekima grunted, raising his hand to smack Celestia’s ass. Each motion of his hand over her round, soft flank made the mare coo and moan in pleasure; even as a red hand print was forming. “Even after yesterday, you still want more. You’re such a whore.”

“Not just any whore. I’m a royal whore. I'm a slutty Princess!” Celestia moaned out, bouncing her ass off Hekima’s cock. “And as your slutty Princess, I order you to fuck your hot cum in me until I can’t walk straight!”

Hekima smirk only grew as he continued to fuck in and out of Celestia’s pussy. Her soft folds were heavenly, better than any mare he had every fucked, and as addicting as the sweetest narcotic. But what really drove him on to carve out her pussy walls to match his cock shape, was the sound of her moans. It was like the most delightful music, a melody of orgasmic bliss that echoed throughout this chamber. Even as her magic prevented any sound from leaving. Looking down at her ass, he chuckled. The rumors of Princess Celestia’s ass being the result of more than a few too many cakes were not without some nugget of truth, and yet as it rippled and jiggled on his cock, he only enjoyed groping each cheek hard.

“You have such a sexy ass.” Hekima commented, groping a little harder as he used it to better time the rhythm of his hips as he slammed in and out of the alicorn’s pussy. “So big, so soft…” His eyes spied her winking and defenseless tailhole. Taking full advantage of Celestia’s euphoric high, he pulled his slick and soaked cock from her pussy and poked it against her ass. “...and so fuckable!”

Like an animal in heat, Celestia howled in both the sudden pain but instant pleasure of her ass being stuffed by the thick girth of Hekima’s size. As she arched her head back in the feeling, her eyes only widened more, glowing with lust as the zebra grabbed at her mane, tugging it back as he continued to fuck in and out of her ass. Panting and moaning, the alicorn was cumming over and over again, spraying her sweet juices all over the floor.

“You’re making a mess.” Hekima chuckled, tugging a little harder with one hand, as his other hand raised to smack Celestia’s ass again. “You just love making a sloppy mess on the floor, don’t you?”

“I do! I love it! I love it! I’m just a slutty mare who loves a fat cock in her ass!” Celestia moaned again, twitching as she felt the sting of Hekima’s hand on her ass over and over again. “Fuck me, fuck me, please…keep fucking me. I love it, I love you Hekima!”

“I love you too, Celestia.” Hekima replied, pausing for only a moment, only to keep hammering himself in and out of her ass. “Well, here’s what you’ve begged for. Here’s the thick, hot cum you wanted!”

Gritting his teeth, Hekima let out a low groan. Shivering for only a moment, he felt as his balls tightened on his body. The cum that rushed out of his dick filled Celestia’s ass. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger from the thick spunk being pumped into her hole. The alicorn coughed a little as she could feel the thickness of her lover fucking her ass full of hot cum. Shivering for a moment, she slammed her ass hard as she wanted to take in more and more cock as she could.

“Oh yeah, that felt good.” Hekima commented, shivering a little as he exhaled hard. He could feel the last bits of his cum being pumped out of his shaft in the alicorn before eventually releasing Celestia’s mane. Patting her sensitive, red marked ass, he chuckled. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Walking through the streets of Canterlot, Joka’la was enjoying the sights and sounds, especially the sights. Just like the day before, the city was filled with so many beautiful ponies. The mares, from the most noble of dresses, to the most common of attires seemed to only show off each delicious looking curve these mares had. The zebra had to occasionally wipe his mouth as he tried not to stare for too long. But this was incredibly difficult. Without Princess Luna to keep himself distracted, Joka’la was already formulating a dozen or so means to bed every mare he could come across.

‘Hmm, that one looks easy enough.’ Joka’la thought to himself, staring at a well dressed unicorn mare as she curled an arm around her husband. ‘Probably has a secret kink anyways, and would love to choke on something bigger than her husband.’ His eyes then saw a few younger looking mares, dressed in fine clothes but not in full dresses. ‘Probably the daughters of some nobles. Just at the right age, and wanting to enrage their fathers.’ He couldn’t help but smirk at the notion of fucking each and ever of these mares, but he shook his head of such ideas. ‘No, no, not this time. Besides, I believe there’s already someplace where I can get my dick wet.’

While he thought and pondered, his legs eventually brought him to the same boutique he visited just the other day. Trying his best not to have the same sinister smile that he held in his mind, Joka’la walked inside. Within this shop, it was about the same as he had seen before, but had a much larger number of mares and stallions. Though giving them a second or third look over, he could tell not a single stallion even wanted to be there. But the mares, oh they couldn’t stop looking through the dresses. Clearly Rarity was as successful in her business as she was stunning and sex.

Regardless, Joka’la made his way over to the counter. The same mare he had seen before, Sassy Saddles, was managing some customers. It wasn’t until he was maybe two or three steps away from the counter when the mare noticed him. As soon as their eyes met, her face went into a scarlet blush. Joka’la barely had to say anything before this mare stopped whatever she was doing with her customer.

Making her way into the back room, she was gone for maybe a minute before she returned, with Rarity behind her. This mare was dressed in a much more stunning and provocative attire than she was the previous day. It was clear enough to Joka’la, she had been expecting him. Swaying her way over to him, Rarity seemed fully uncaring or unaware that there were other ponies in the room. As soon as she got close enough to the zebra, she stared deeply in his eyes.

“Ah, hello there. Have you come for your…fitting?” Rarity asked, only to raise a finger to his lips; silencing anything he was going to say. “Of course you’re here for that. And I happen to be free.” Taking Joka’la by the hand, she started to guide him towards the backroom. “Sassy, be a dear and finish with the remaining customers, and we’ll…need to close the shop for an hour or two.”

“Alright.” Sassy replied with a smile, fully aware as to what her employer was planning. Looking back to the other ponies, she raised her voice in an announcing tone. “Attention everypony! The shop will be closing for a couple hours for lunch. So anypony still needing assistance with their purchases and orders, please come up now.” As the crowd started moving their way over to the counter, she turned to Rarity. “Have fun, I’ll be there soon.” Nodding at her, Rarity took Joka’la into the back room.

This back room was quite massive, easily big enough to fit a small house within. Some strange unicorn magic perhaps? Regardless, Joka’la gave it all a full and amazed look. There were dozens of mannequins, many of which were in pony shapes, but there were others in more distinct and specialized shapes. Clearly this mare was skilled in attire not only for ponies, but griffon, yaks, and even dragons.

“I must say, this is quite the workshop. I am very impressed.” Joka’la complimented, following Rarity as she released his hand but still guided him. “How about you tell me how you plan to take my measurements?”

“Well, for someone of your…unique physique.” Rarity explained, getting Joka’la to a nearby small stand. Here, he stood tall enough where the mare’s face was lined up with his crotch. “We’ll need to make sure it’s nice…and details…” Her words only trailed off, her magic rapidly grabbing at a few bits of measuring tape, as well a clipboard and pencil. “Now…I’ll need you to take off those clothes. And I don’t want no for an-” Her words were cut off as Joka’la was already in the middle of taking off her shirt when she started with a blushing face. “V-v-very good. Now, just don’t forget the pants…b-but…do it slowly… … …so I can see how your pants handle the strain o-of course.”

Playing along, Joka’la started to slowly take his pants off. He made sure to give the mare a good show as he continued to let his growing bulge grow as it slid down his pants. Rarity’s eyes couldn’t look away from the seemingly impossibly massive cock that this zebra had between his legs. Swallowing hard, she had tossed aside at least two more measuring tapes for a much longer length of tape. Joka’la only chuckled a little as he saw the flustered mare looking his great size over.

“So what do you want to measure first?” Joka’la asked, getting Rarity to look away as his cock was slowly emerging from his dropping pants. But it was difficult, as she couldn’t help but stare at it. “Miss Rarity?”

“Oh yes, measurements, of course.” Rarity said in a flutter, trying to composure herself but was clearly blushing harder than before. “L-let’s start with…the arms…”

Taking the measuring tape, the seamstress was efficient in her ways. But it was more and more obvious that she was getting distracted. Joka’la only maintained his smile as the mare had to get closer to him, despite magically lifting the measuring tape. All the while, she was taking in the strong aroma of this masculine specimen. There was just something about this zebra, his cock, his smell, his muscles, and his eyes. Something deep and powerful, that made her want to kneel before him and his heavenly looking cock.

“N-now that we have the major places taken care of.” Rarity commented, just finishing her measurements of his chest and waist, her eyes almost widened, her mouth drooling a little as she wanted to press herself closer to it. “W-w-we need to measure your…um…member.”

“By all means, take your time.” Joka’la commented, leaning back a little to better show off the sheer size of his cock, which was slowly starting to grow. “I leave myself in your capable hands.”

Rarity swallowed hard, standing incredibly close to this cock. Her hot breath kissed along its length as it was twitching. Taking her measuring tape, even her magic was shaking nervously as it was reaching around his length. She couldn’t get enough of this cock, fighting as many urges as possible to engage with this member. She couldn’t, she was a professional, he was a client. It wouldn’t be right. And yet…and yet…she wanted to do it.

“Go on…I don’t mind…” Joka’la commented, speaking his honeyed words as it further drove the mare into deeper levels of potential longing. “Just do…whatever you want…”

“W-w-well…it seems I’ll need to use a different approach for measurement anyways.” Rarity commented, as if trying to justify herself when she was most likely trying to convince herself. “Let’s…just keep this between the two of us…”

“The three of us.” Called the voice of Sassy as she entered the backroom as well. With a confident smirk and seductive stride in her step. “The last customers were taken care of, and I closed the shop for three hours.” Her eyes then looked over Joka’la’s cock. “And it looks like I’ve made the right choice.”

“That’s good…yes, yes, of course.” Rarity replied, shaking her head a little. Her mind seemed to wander about with new thoughts, each only making her face get brighter. “Actually…Sassy. Could you help me with something?”

“Sure, whatever you need.” Sassy giggled a little, approaching her employer. “What do you need me to do?”

“Well, I’ll need your help getting a proper measurement.” Rarity commented, showing the length of the measuring tape. “But I think my tape is a little too short.”

Seeing what Rarity was implying, Sassy only continued to giggle as she put herself in a position in front of Joka’la, her eyes looking up and down his cock. Licking her lips, she could feel her body getting hotter as it was growing in size. Joining her, Rarity stood beside her, the two mares were visually devouring this magnificent zebra cock. It was greater than anything they have seen, and their wombs were all but begging to be bred. Swallowing again hard, the two of them were feeling hotter and hotter.

“You two seem to be getting very flustered.” Joka’la commented, smirking down at them. “Perhaps, since the shop is closed, and it’s so hot in here…the two of you can relax a little more?”

“Oh, I do believe he’s right.” Sassy commented, reaching down to slowly undo her clothes. “Wouldn’t you agree, Rari-” Her eyes were met with the sight of her employer already magically stripped naked. Clearly, Rarity was fully prepared for this. Giggling, she looked back to Joka’la. “This is why she’s in charge.”

Staring down at the two, naked, and beautiful mares, Joka’la’'s cock was now fully erect and leaking out a little bit of his potent precum. Both mares equally seem unable to hold themselves back anymore. Leaning forward, Sassy seemed to be the quickest of the two, getting the zebra’s cockhead in her mouth. Rarity didn’t seem too upset over this, leaning her mouth more over the zebra’s huge balls.

Joka’la stood there, both mares worshiping at his cock and balls. Sassy’s mouth was slowly taking in his thick length, easily handling the first half of him after a few small and steady bobs of her head. While Rarity was magically fondling him was nearly taking one of his balls in her mouth. Clearly, these two were not new to this, but it made it all the more pleasurable. Joka’la could only imagine who else these two have fucked in this room in the name of a “fitting”.

“Don’t you two seem very eager.” Joka’la chuckled, keeping his hands were they were at his side as he enjoyed the show of both mares. “By all means, don’t hold back for me.”

Keeping her head in a strong motion, Sassy eventually managed to take in Joka’la’s full length. A feat that more than impressed the zebra, and she was holding herself in place for a few moments longer than he expected as well. Once she pulled back, she remained along his cockhead for a little bit, suckling along the tip as she rolled her tongue along it. Rarity, noticing this, reluctantly released Joka’la’s balls from her embrace.

“So what do you think?” Rarity asked, magically pulling her clipboard back to her. “Extra large, or perhaps-”

“Massive and fucking delicious.” Sassy moaned, pulling her mouth away from Joka’la’s cockhead. “Certainly our biggest, and best dick here.”

“Well, I’ll have to get a second opinion on that.” Rarity giggled, putting the clipboard away. Shifting Sassy to the side, she stared at this saliva soaked cock that was throbbing under her hot breath. Taking a small breath, she angled herself down and in one motion, swallowed down the full length of this zebra cock. As well as this, she managed to hold herself in place for nearly a full minute or two before pulling herself off. “Oh yes, massive and quite the delicacy.”

“Looks like you’ve gotten some good measurements.” Joka’la laughed, reaching down to playfully grope at both their breasts. “But I wonder if I can compare to these beauties.”

“Well, you do make a good point.” Rarity giggled, taking any excuse to continue this passionate display. Lining herself up with Sassy, the two mares pressed their tits together, with Joka’la’s cock between them. “How does that feel?”

“Wonderful.” Joka’la commented, savoring the feeling of both lucious and soft breasts against his now throbbing, soaked cock. “You two feel absolutely amazing against me. It feels like you’ve done this before.”

“Well, being from a humble town like Ponyville, the local nobles tend to look down on me.” Rarity commented, moaning a little as she felt her nipples getting harder as Sassy’s own chest kept up with hers. “So pleasing the occasional, influential noblestallion does help.”

“Is that why I saw you with Fancy Pants?” Sassy asked, giggling as if she was waiting for more juicy gossip. “Does his wife know about it?”

“Who do you think helped me when I was over there last week?” Rarity giggled back, which only made Sassy laugh a little more. “Fancy can be pretty frisky, and Fleur can show you things that could make a Princess blush.”

“Not to be rude, but perhaps we can return to this?” Joka’la suggested, pointing down at his cock as it was ready to cum. “Or maybe I can express my own gratitude for such a professional service?”

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” Rarity asked, looking up at the zebra with sparkling eyes. “How else can we be of service to you?”

“I have an idea.” Joka’la commented, gesturing with a hand. “But I need you both to turn around, and bend over that counter over there.”

Both mares giggled as they obeyed the zebra. Both giving one more kiss against his oozing cockhead, Rarity and Sassy moved their tits from his shaft, pulling away. Turning, they both made their way over to a nearby table, making sure to sway their hips back and forth in a seductive and hypnotic fashion. Joka’la started on as they reached their destination. Bending over, they wiggled and bounced their flanks towards him, playfully smacking themselves together.

“Well now, what a lovely sight.” Joka’la commented, smirking as he walked over to the mares. His cock throbbed with each step, swaying from side to side as if to point at both sexy mare’s at once. As he reached them, he stood in the middle. “Now then, who should get it first?”

“Well, I had to be delayed by the customers.” Sassy explained, pleading for dick as she moaned. “So I should get it first.”

“But you were the first to taste him.” Rarity interjected with her own moaning cries. “So I should get the first thrust.”

Looking between the two, Joka’la wasn’t fully sure which one to take first. And in the hopes of ending any bickering, he noticed a stray bit on the table. Taking it, he flipped the coin, caught it, and gazed upon the result. Shrugging his shoulders, he decided on his mare. Raising a hand, he smacked Sassy’s ass, making the mare yelp out in the sudden pain, followed by the pleasure of his hand delving itself in her sobbing wet pussy. But this was to keep her distracted as Joka’la rammed his thick girth deep in Rarity’s pussy.

Rarity gasped in the sudden deep feeling. Her womb eagerly embraced the zebra’s cock as it was stretching her out in ways no stallion had done before. Joka’la was so hard, so fast, and he was fucking into her like he was trying to claim her as his newest whore. She moaned out in her raw and passionate pleasure. This only made Joka’la fucked faster and faster, plunging as deep as he could. His cock was rubbing along her inner most sweet and sensitive spots.

Panting and moaning, she was soaking the floor, as well as her leg as she was cumming over and over again. Sassy was only forced to listen to Rarity’s moans, but Joka’la’s fingers were keeping her from doing anything as she moaned for her own coming orgasm. Faster and faster, the zebra worked his fingers and cock in and out of both the mares’ pussies. Shivering, they were getting closer and closer. Their orgasms were soaking the floor and filling the room with their sweet aroma.

Sassy grit her teeth as she was moaning in pleasure. Eventually, her eyes rolled back as she felt herself going limb. Thankfully, Joka’la was quick, having to pull out of Rarity in order to catch her, but she was clearly unconscious. Looking her over, he could tell she was still breathing, only extremely tired. Chuckling a little, he lifted her, looking for somewhere soft to let her rest. Thankfully, there was a small couch he managed to put her on.

“Sorry about that.” Rarity said, huffing a little. “Sassy means well, but she’s still a pretty sensitive mare.”

“She can only handle so much?” Joka’la asked, looking between Sassy and Rarity. “I was just fingering her and she came so hard, she passed out.”

“She’s a dear, but she doesn’t know how to handle a real stallion.” Rarity commented, swaying her ass again back towards Joka’la. “Not like me. I love it rough. So come on stud, show me how much you love fucking my slutty pussy.”

“Oh? Well maybe I can stop going easy on you.” Joka’la commented with a small laugh. Leaving Sassy to rest, he walked back to Rarity. Contemplating for a moment, he knew exactly what he was going to do. “Well, let’s see how hard you…like it!”

Reaching across her body, his hands reached around her neck, choking her a little. As Rarity gasped and moaned for air and in pleasure, Joka’la’s cock fucked its way back into the mare’s pussy. The seamstress slut was in an absolute euphoria. Despite her lady-like persona, she was nothing more than another whore pony for this zebra to fuck, and with how her pussy was getting tighter and wetter from being choked and fucked. Joka’la wasn’t going to be too brutal on her, but she loved the feeling of being so harshly handled.

“Fuck, you’re getting tighter. You must love this!” Joka’la laughed, fucking faster and faster, hammering himself in and out of Rarity’s pussy. “You love being fucked like a whore? By some zebra you barely know?”

“Yes! I love it! I love it!” Rarity moaned in sultry pleasure. Her pussy was now fully soaking her legs and the floor. There was no counting how many times she had come by this point. “I’m just a whore who loves cock! I love big, strong, fat cocks hammering my slutty holes! Keep fucking me!”

“Oh? You want me to cum in you? You want this zebra lord to knock up your slutty womb and bear my foals?” Joka’a asked, laughing still as he hoisted Rarity’s head upwards. This new angle let him fuck her deeper and faster, but it it brought their faces closer together. “You want that? You want to be my new whore?”

“Yes, oh by fucking Celestia, yes!” Rarity gasped and moaned as she was feeling her body utterly succumb to this zebra. “Make me pregnant, make me pregnant, make me fucking pregnant!”

“After such a sexy plea, how can I say no to that?” Joka’la commented, only to then let his lips curl into a smirk. “But I have something else I want to try.”

Before Rarity could fully process what was happening, Joka’la released her throat, grabbed her head and brought her lips to smack against his. The mare’s eyes then widened as she screamed and moaned in the zebra’s mouth as she felt him suddenly pull out and ram his cock back in her, but now in her ass. The mare’s tail hole was stretched painfully and then settled as the sheer size reached deep inside her. This last bit of tight stimulation was enough to make the zebra release himself.

Joka’la’s orgasm was as thick as it was strong. Hot and vast, he filled her ass, pumping more and more thick ropes of potent cum deep within Rarity’s body. Her belly swelled a bit as the amount of cum entering her stomach from the back was making her spasm and squirt in her next hard and sloppy orgasm. Her eyes further rolled back as she was trembling with the raw pleasure as she was feeling her insides getting hot from the zebra’s cum.

“Such a good whore.” Joka’la commented, releasing but slowly lowering Rarity to settle on her knees. His cock slipped out of her. His thick cum spilled and mixed with the sparkling mare juices on the floor. Unable to hold herself up, she fell to her side, laying and twitching in her afterglow. Her eyes were still rolled back and her tongue hung out of her partially opened mouth. “Well, I think I’ll let you both rest. Then…maybe we can get in another round before you…hmm…” Looking around, an idea sprang to mind. “Maybe I’ll have you both show me around the city for a couple hours.”

Relaxing in the negotiation chambers, Hekima and Celestia had long finished even their pretend negotiations. A somewhat dense smoke filled the upper portions of the chamber, coming from the exhaling breath of the zebra. In his hand, a cord that ran to a burning hookah; a device he brought with him to the chambers for the day. Laying back on some large pillows that were brought in before their talks began, he lounged. At his waist, sucking on his cock, was Celestia. She was almost curled up against him as she bobbed her head up and down in a loving and nursing fashion.

“This was perfect.” Hekima sighed, letting out another puff of smoke as he looked up at the ceiling. Taking a free hand, he gently rubbed her mane as if she were his darling pet. “You really must’ve missed me.”

“Of course.” Celestia cooed, taking her mouth off the cock. Adjusting as she lay across Hekima’s lap, the slick dick rested across her face. “It’s been so long, and I’ve wanted to do this to you again.”

“I know. If only duty did not drive us apart.” Hekima commented, sighing a little sadly. “But it had to be done. My father would never have approved, and you had to think of your kingdom.”

“I know, and you couldn’t imagine how overjoyed I was to read you were the one to negotiate the trade between our nations.” Celestia explained, giggling a little. “And it was so good to see you and your son here.”

“Joka’la…” Hekima’s words trailed off as he took another, much harder take of the hookah before exhaling almost a cloud of smoke. “He’s still young and bold. He beds any mare he can sink his claws in, and I worry he will ruin all we have tried to do.”

“He doesn’t seem any bolder than you were when we first met.” Celestia added, adjusting herself again as she cuddled up a little more, this time snuggling next to the zebra. “Maybe he just needs the right guidance…and time.”

“Time is not on our side.” Hekima replied, passing the hookah to Celestia. “I only hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble while you and I have our time together.”

“I’m not too worried about your son.” Celestia said, taking a long drag of the hookah. Letting out the smoke, it swirled about, enveloping and intertwining with the one Hekima released. “If he’s anything like his mother, then he’ll be fine.” Hekima only smiled as he leaned in against his alicorn lover. Putting down the hookah, she looked at the zebra. “Well, five more minutes, then you fuck my throat until I’m coughing up cum for days?” Hekima only nodded in an eager joy.

Walking about the streets of Canterlot, Joka’la held the most cheerful and smug look across his face. At his sides, both Sassy and Rarity were walking besides him. The two of them were wearing the same clothes they were in before, but there was clearly something different about them. So long as no one got too close, they wouldn’t notice the strong scent of sex, as well as the ever so faint sound of the toys that were buried deep in their still soaked pussies. Every other step they took sent another shiver throughout their bodies.

“I had such a wonderful time.” Joka’la commented to the girls, holding them close as he walked with them. He could tell there were a few eyes looking at them, but from what he could tell, no one noticed anything was off. “Now, I believe we should return to your boutique…but let’s take the scenic route.” The mares only cooed and giggled as they rubbed their zebra stud’s chest.

Some Time Together

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The next morning was a groggy one for Joka’la. Looking at both sides, the zebra could see a pair of beautiful, and fucked into exhaustion, mares. Possibly more of the servants, though different from who he had usually seduced. By this point in time, he was pretty sure he’s fucked at least half the maids, and was gonna work his way in and out of the female guards. What’s more, part of his was wondering why his father hasn’t caught him yet. Perhaps these negotiations were just that distracting. Regardless, Joka’la let out a low yawn and rose from his bed.

Getting dressed, he saw much of his fathers things were still somewhat packed into their luggage. As well as the few times he has seen Hekima has been either just minutes after the sun had risen, assuming Joka’la was even awake by then, or more often, so late at night, one could almost see dawn on the horizon. But whatever was taking his father so long to work out an arrangement with Celestia, that barely registered in the zebra’s mind. All this meant was another day he could try and sink his claws in Luna.

But Joka’la wasn’t a complete fool. He knew how well his father could be in an audience chamber. Even the most stubborn and difficult trade deals he had to endure lasted maybe a week. He was halfway through this, and so Joka’la knew it was only a matter of time. Shaking his head of the notion of his father catching him, he was forming a new plan. The time for subtly was quickly leaving, and now was the time to strike out. Finishing getting dressed, Joka’la only smirked at his reflection in the mirror. It was time to fully seduce this alicorn.

Rather than eat breakfast as he had done before, Joka’la tried a different approach to speak with Luna. Sending the maids he had previously fucked, though waiting for them to get dressed, he has them deliver a message to the princess. He wanted to meet with her and hoped she would be available during this time. And thankfully, it would appear that she was. Joka’la barely waited a little over a half hour before he saw the beautiful sight of Luna, flanked on both sides by the same maids. The two maids only held their heads downwards, possibly to hide the blushes on their faces.

“Joka’la, I was told you wanted to speak with me?” Luna asked, only for both maids to bow their heads and start walking away. As they left the two, she couldn’t help but stare at them until they were out of sight. “Have the servants always been so fatigued in the morning?”

“Oh, I’m sure they’re fine.” Joka’la replied dismissively, holding back a small chuckle. “But I am very glad I could see you. Tell me, are you busy today?”

“I am not.” Luna responded with a warm smile. “Did you have something in mind?”

“I do in fact.” Joka’la commented, putting together his plan to the princess. “You see, I was curious if you might be interested in walking around Canterlot again, but not as a princess.”

“Not as a princess?” Luna asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m sorry if I do not fully understand how the magic of equestrian works, but is it not possible to disguise oneself as another pony?” Joka’a asked. “Or even make yourself look different magically?”

“It is possible.” Luna nodded, trying to put together what Joka’la was asking. “Changelings are far more gifted in such magics, but even a highly trained unicorn might be able to.”

“Or perhaps, a powerful enough alicorn?” Joka’a added in, speaking with a sweetness in his compliments. “I am certain you could easily do so.”

“I can, though I have never considered doing so.” Luna explained, still pondering what Joka’la was planning. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, the last time we walked the streets, as fun as it was, I feel it was not as good as it could have been.” Joka’la explained, taking a small breath before continuing. “Let me explain. Back home, whenever the rulers of the community, or even those in authority would magically disguise themselves to walk among their citizens. To see what they are like without the mask of nobility. That way, it ensures the people are truly happy. And to see how you can walk as one of them.”

“I…I see…” Luna replied, Joka’la’s words resonating within her, especially the last thing he said. “To walk as one of them…I have…pondered such a notion before, but never acted upon it.”

“Well, would you like to try?” Joka’la asked, smiling at the princess. His eyes seemed to resonate with hers as she started to shiver a little. “Though, this would mean…we’d be there alone. Just the two of us.”

“I…oh my…” Luna said, uncertain as to what she should do. She knew that her sister would never want her to behave in such a manner, and to be so reckless. But then again, Celestia was so busy with negotiations with Hekima, she’s barely seen her for days. “I think…I’d like to give it a try.”

“Excellent!” Joka’la replied with a joyous smile, which only made Luna’s heart flutter a little. “But please, by all means, we shall go about this at your pace.”

Igniting her horn, Luna let her magic slowly wash over her. She would need a change of clothes to match her new form. Though she was not as skilled in this as Celestia, or even her niece, Princess Cadance, she still could disguise herself to some capacity. The magic fully enveloped her as she visualized what she would want to be. She was aware of what others expected her to be like. How to look, what to wear, so by doing the opposite, they would never suspect it was her. Confident in this decision, she dropped her spell, showing her new form to Joka’la. The zebra was nearly breathless.

Her coat was a shade of pink that reminded him of the sweetest candies, while her main was still long, but straight and lacked the alicorn shimmer. Opening her eyes, she looked at him with sparkling, silver eyes that seemed to glow with the light of the brightest moon. As well as this, she was lacking her horn, but kept her wings, which seemed to be coated in the softest dark pink feathers. As well as this, her clothes were something that nopony would ever expect a princess, let alone someone like Luna to wear.

A sleeveless, white tank top that just barely managed to fully contain and hug her massive tits against her chest. It was short, showing off part of her midsection, showing off her slender frame. Letting his eyes slide downwards, Joka’la saw a long, dark colored skirt that hung down to her knees. Swallowing hard, he couldn’t tell which part of this mare he wanted to look at more, or for how much longer. He could guess she was possibly wearing pantied, but the tank top gave no indication she had a bra on.

“H-how do I look?” Luna asked, blushing heavily as she tried not to be so nervous. “M-miss Rarity showed me a fashion magazine not too long ago, and she said this was currently the fashion of the common mare.”

“I-it is.” Joka’la stuttered, clearing his throat to compose himself. “And you look amazing! But why be a pegasus and not a unicorn?”

“Oh, well I’ve always liked flying more than using magic.” Luna answered, only to then start overthinking. “I-I-I mean, I could be a unicorn if you would prefer that.”

“Oh, no, no, that’s not what I meant. I was just curious.” Joka’la responded, clearing his throat a little more. “I think you look lovely no matter what.” Luna’s blush only became more intense.

“L-let us be off then.” Luna commented, trying not to look Joka’la in the eye for too long. “W-where would you like to go first?”

Though he didn’t have a set plan, Joka’la did what he could to show Luna around Canterlot. Not as a Princess, but as a regular mare. Luna herself couldn’t get enough of this feeling. Though it was very awkward, being able to walk the streets and not a single pony stared at her, no one bowed before her, and there were even the off moments when she was so distracted she nearly bumped into somepony. Joka’la was only enjoying himself as he could see the growing joy in Luna’s eyes.

As well as there, there was an allure of risk and danger. Nopony but these two know what was happening. There was a very real worry that at any moment, Canterlot Royal Guards could descend upon them and bring her back to the Castle. Or even worse, she could get hurt, or any number of things could potentially happen. Luna was smart enough to know these risks, but there was just something about it that made her want to do it more. There was something about Joka’la that made her want to try these new things, though he was just the force that was giving her this confidence, he wasn’t the cause of these feelings.

For centuries, Luna had traversed and viewed the dreams of the sleeping ponies of Equestria. She would see their hopes, battle their nightmares, and envy their joys. But being a Princess, she was bound to a very strict set of rules and regulations. For so long, she had been reluctantly content with this, as she knew she would never be able to ask Celestia to let her walk around the city, let alone fly around the kingdom without a small army of guards to keep her safe. And with the rise of invasions and villainous behavior, these restrictions were amplified.

But Celestia was busy in negotiations with Hekima, and was so distracted that there were doubts Luna’s absence would go unnoticed. But Joka’la…there was something about him. The look in his eyes that seemed to give the mare confidence. She wanted to do this, and he was a source of support, of strength, and of a longing to enjoy herself. It was only when the zebra lifted an arm to wrap it around her, placing a hand on her shoulder and pulling her closer to him that her face erupted in an even brighter blush.

“J-J-Joka’la?! What are you-” Luna gasped and blushed, only to pause as she felt a shiver run down her spine. Given her own alicorn senses, her body was more sensitive compared to the average pony. She could almost feel not only her own heartbeat quickening, but the calm, rhythmic pattern of the zebra’s heart. “W-what is this?”

“Well, what better way to hide in plain sight.” Joka’la commented with a reassuring smile. His tone then shifted to a concerning and delicate pitch. “Besides, I’m sure having me closer will make you feel a little better. I know this can all be a lot all at once. So we can slow things down if you’d like.”

“I-I-I-I’m fine…yes…I should be fine.” Luna stuttered, her ears almost twitching from her nervousness. “L-let us go somewhere where we can enjoy ourselves.”

“Sounds good to me.” Joka’la smiled at the mare, starting to walk a little faster. “I think we can find something fun to do.”

Spending the next several hours walking about Canterlot, Joka’la and Luna had an amazing time. Sampling some of the greatest restaurants the city had to offer, as well as the sights and sounds. It was remarkable to be a normal mare. Luna’s entire body was shivering every so often, the feeling of this freedom. It was liberating to be some mare. Not an alicorn, not a princess, not even a well known mare. Just a mare, a mare who was walking the streets with such a studly and masculine zebra.

Joka’la pretending to not notice the occasional glances Luna was giving him. He was feeling the full effects of his ego. He had to struggle numerous times throughout the day to not break out laughing, or to just let his hand wander about Luna’s body. And yet, whenever he did, he stopped himself. Swallowing hard, he had to wonder why he was going to such an effort. It was clear, Luna was naive, so much so, he was fully confident he could easily convince her to fuck. And what then? Would he toss her aside as he had to just about every mare he’s fucked since arriving? He felt that was what he would do, and yet…he didn’t want to.

Perhaps this was because Luna was so much different than the others. She has gazed into his eyes more times than any mare has ever lasted. And yet she wasn’t swayed by him. She did not throw herself at him and beg for dick. This has never happened before. Joka’la had never failed to fuck any mare he set his eyes upon. Married mares, mares who prefer only mares, devoted mares who swear oaths of chastity; one by one, any and all he had desired were made whores by his cock. His fixed and alluring eyes always seemed to put these mare in a primal urge to be fucked. And yet…Luna wasn’t.

Joka’la mind couldn’t fathom how this was possible. A resistance granted by being an alicorn? Was she herself so ignorant to the ways of carnality and debauchery that she couldn’t even begin to understand lust? Impossible! Joka’la could only shake his head at such a notion. Anything that lives has an urge to fuck, no matter how small, it is there. Any Princess Luna, a mare who has traveled through countless dreams must’ve seen countless wet dreams as well. Joka’la refused to accept that this mare could not be seduced.

But despite this, he was taking his time. He wasn’t forcing himself any harder than usual, but was certainly going about it much slower than he had with any others. Why was this? Luna was different from these other mares. Joka’la wasn’t certain as to why she was different, but he had this feeling inside that told him she was different. Unable to fully determine what this reasoning was, Joka’la spent many hours throughout the day trying to think, and think, and think of what this could be. It was only as he noticed the sky was growing bright red and orange.

“Oh! My sister must’ve finished her negotiations for the day.” Luna commented, standing beside Joka’la. The two of them were in a much more private section of the city, nopony could be seen in any direction. “I suppose I must fulfill my duty.”

Igniting her horn, Luna dropped her disguise. Her pink and colorful form was replaced by her alluring and yet mysterious shades of blue and black. She sparkled like the stars as she brought forth the light of the moon. Watching this display, Joka’la looked at Luna, not as some soon to be knocked up slut, or a prize to be claimed and hoarded. He looked at her, as a mare. She was stunning, her magic was captivating and she was something he had never seen before.

Joka’la’s mind realized what he wanted, what these feelings must be. It was hunger. Luna was greater than any mare he had ever been with, or ever will be with. A dozen, a hundred, a thousand whores were nothing to this single alicorn. Swallowing hard, Joka’la’s eyes were wide with excitement and longing. He was going to be with Luna, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind. But to truly enjoy what he believed would be a victory, he would starve himself for it. Grow hungrier for the mare he so desired. Though he spoke no words, he swore another to himself. No mare would come before Luna, he would have her or no mare ever again.

“I had a wonderful time.” Luna commented, her voice resonating with a soft, yet confident demeanor. “I have never known what it was like to experience my day like this. All those days I have been living…no, not living. Merely existing, but no mare.” Her eyes were like diamonds as they sparkled. “Joka’la, I want to live, and you’ve shown it to me.” Unable to hold herself back, Luna embraced the zebra in a hug. “Thank you.”

Joka’la’s heart was racing, pounding harder and harder in his chest as he could feel Luna on him. Her soft hands, softer tits, and yet her hug was so close to him. He could smell the sweetness on her mane, it was like a lure that drew him closer and closer. His hands trembled, he wanted to fuck her, to grab her, make out with her, and fuck her over and over and over again. Swallowing hard, he lifted his hands, wrapped them around her body, and hugged her back.

“I had a wonderful time.” Joka’la said, his voice almost causing Luna’s body to tremble. Lifting his head, he tenderly and gently kissed her cheek. “Let’s return to the castle.”

Luna was shaking, blushing even harder than before, and yet she didn’t collapse, even as her legs felt so weak and wobbly. Murmuring a little, she couldn’t form the words as she ignited her horn again. In a dim flash of pale blue light, the two of them were gone from the city, and back into the castle. But as they arrived, Joka’la was back in his own chambers, while Luna was nowhere to be seen. Nodding a little, the zebra was certain he wasn’t just making progress, but Luna liked it.

The following morning was the hardest for Joka’la. As soon as he arose, he was plagued with a massive morning wood. Grunting in frustration, he struggled to hold himself back. It would be all too easy, to seduce a servant, or call one he had bedded before and fuck her until he was content. But this wasn’t what he wanted. Luna was the prize, the goal, and obsession that he was longing for. Standing in the middle of the room, he paused for a moment, only to start laughing.

“Fuck…if father saw me like this…” Joka’la laughed to himself, thinking about the irony of his restraint. “He’d never believe I’ve chosen to hold back.” Shaking his head, he walked his way to the restroom connected to the chambers. “I’m gonna need a very, very cold shower.”

Taking a quick and cold shower, Joka’la managed to settle down his arousal, but the feeling was still strong in the back of his mind. This was so different, and yet familiar. This wasn’t the first time he had to hold himself back, but all those previous times were not his choice, and the cold confines of the enchantments and belts he was forced to wear only made him want release. But…do restrain himself, of his own will and determination…this was a new and strange feeling.

Regardless, he dried himself off and got dressed. Yesterday was almost perfect, and now he was going to try harder. Princess Luna was blushing and nervous, but she didn’t appear to outright reject him. So now it was time for him to go for the next step. Walking down the hall, he would only smile in a hungry grin. He wanted to enjoy himself, to tease more and more of this alicorn until she would throw himself at her. And yet, he wanted to be the one coming to her. Shaking his head again, he tried to banish these thoughts. He wasn’t the one who begged, he wasn’t the one who asked, he was the one the mares came to serve and beg for his cock.

Arriving at the dining hall, Joka’la saw that Princess Luna was already waiting for him. But she wasn’t eating a meal, she was nervously pacing back and forth. As soon as he had fully walked into the room, the alicorn stopped walking, turning to look at the zebra. She was clearly nervous, blushing a little, but this didn’t seem to stop her from walking over to him. There was some eagerness in her steps, but a subtle timidness.

“G-good morning…Joka’la…” Luna greeted, clearing her throat to try and compose herself. “I hope you have rested well.”

“I have, and you seem to be in very high spirits.” Joka’la nodded, smiling warmly at the alicorn. “Did anything happen?”

“Well…I have decided that I would like to try more of what we have done before.” Luna commented, smiling at the zebra. “After yesterday, I want to continue to walk the streets of Canterlot as a regular mare.”

“I would love nothing more than that.” Joka’la said as he continued to smile at the mare. “You believe we’ll be just as lucky as we were before?”

“Yes, I believe so.” Luna nodded, her eyes were glowing with confidence. “I have spoken to the guards who protect the negotiation chambers my sister and your father have been speaking in.”

“Protecting? Not monitoring?” Joka’la asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “You’re saying my father and the Princess are alone in this room?”

“Yes, she has made her instructions clear. Nothing short of a monster attack or invasive force will disrupt her and Lord Hekima during negotiations.” Luna nodded. “So she didn't notice my absence yesterday, so I would like to do so again.”

“Well, I’m not against this.” Joka’a nodded back in agreement. His mind only pondered further. ‘If father wants to be so distracted by business, then I might as well have my fun.’ Smiling at the princess, he sighed a little. “Now, what would you like to do?”

“Well, for starters, I would like to try something different.” Luna commented, igniting her horn. The same glow as the previous day filled the room, settling down to reveal the princess’ pony disguise. But unlike before, she was now a unicorn rather than a pegasus. “I was curious to allow myself a little more freedom with my magic.” She then blushed. “If that’s okay?”

“Of course, I have no reason against this.” Joka’la said, marveling at the mare’s magical form. Looking her features over, he was now even more certain that these were her actual curves, and he would have another chance to enjoy seeing them. “What did you have in mind?”

“I was curious about what I have heard from a handful of servants.” Luna explained, rubbing her chin a little as if pondering. “They referred to it as a nightclub. I don’t know what happens there, but they mentioned dancing.”

“A nightclub?!” Joka’la commented, raising another curious eyebrow. “And you are curious as to what goes on there?” Luna only nervously nodded. “Well, I’ve been to such places before. So I can show you some fun times. Just keep in mind, the club is a little close and tight spaced, so to speak.” Taking a step forward, he stood barely a foot or so away from her, which only made her tremble. “I’d have to be this close to you, even closer.” Luna trembled a little. “Is this something you’d like to try?”

“... … …” Luna hesitated, shivering as she could see the shimmering beauty of Joka’la’s eyes. They were so deep and powerful, making her almost want to lose herself in his gaze. Swallowing hard again, she nodded. “Y-yes…I would like to give it a try.”

“Sounds good to me.” Joka’la smiled, making Luna shiver a little more as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “We can enjoy the city before it gets late.” With that, both he and the alicorn departed, teleporting from the castle and back into the city proper.

As they had done just the other day, Joka’la and Luna walked and enjoyed the city of Canterlot. The sights, the sounds, the citizens, and the delicious foods. The two of them enjoyed each other’s company, the mare couldn’t help but walk closer and closer to him, and he in turn placed a hand on her shoulder, hugging her a little closer to him. Her heart was pounding as hard as it had before. He tried to steady his own heartbeat, not wanting any major blood flow to reach his cock. Swallowing, he did the best he could to control himself. But Luna’s tits partially pressing on his side made this all the harder.

Eventually, or rather thankfully, the hours came and went. The sky went from the clear, almost cloudless blue to the bright reds, oranges, and yellows of the afternoon and sunset. The two of them found a private place, where Luna, more freely able to use magic in a unicorn disguise, raised the moon. With her royal duties finished, and with the rest of the night to enjoy themselves, the two of them only chuckled and giggled, walking towards the club Luna had mentioned.

The “Other” Gala, as the club was called, appeared to not only be loud and bright, but also the most populated looking nightclub. Smirking a little, Joka’la was more than certain he could get the two of them into the facility. As well as this, the two of them could see the line of ponies who wanted to get in. If he hadn’t sworn to be with Luna, or at the very least was alone, the zebra could easily have not only made his way into this club, but fuck any and all mares that came his way. Many of them were a little young. Just turning adults, but were still bratty in appearance. They were obviously smug and looking to piss off their rich fathers.

“Now then, this will be a lot of new experiences for you.” Joka’la commented, looking at how captivated and yet timid Luna was. “We’ve come this far, but are you sure you want to give it a chance?”

“I do…” Luna said, only to gasp in surprise and shock. “I really do-ahh?!”

As soon as they passed the large and imposing earth stallion that stood in front of the door, she saw a pair of unicorn mares, the daughters of noble ponies she had seen in many galas, raising their shirts to flash their tits at the stallion. In addition to this clearly indecent act, the two of them weren’t wearing bras, and were displaying very shiny looking nipple piercings. Luna could only stare in amazement. She had known these mares for a while now, seeing them attend formal events and while they weren’t as into as their parents, she would never have believed they could do such a thing.

“Oh yeah, that can happen.” Joka’la explained, seeing the same thing Luna was. “But don’t worry. We won’t need to do that to get in.”

“I-I-I-I would hope not.” Luna stuttered, the very notion of her breasts being seen like that, and so publically, it only sent a shiver down her spine. And yet, there was this ever so faint tingling within these shivers. Shaking her head, she banished such feelings for the time being. “A-a-after you.”

Approaching the bouncer, this large and intimidating stallion looked Joka’la and Luna over. Smirking, the zebra held the mare closer to him, which only caused the unicorn to blush out nervously. The bouncer only stared, but eventually relented. Nodding his head, he allowed the two of them to enter. The inside was so much brighter and louder than Luna expected. It was so booming, she could feel the beat of the music throughout her entire body.

“This is…oh my…” Luna said, looking around in such a confused and yet excited expression. “I never would’ve considered something like this…”

Luna could see so many ponies were all dancing passionately on the floor. So many of them she had seen before at the Gala, and they were pressing their bodies against a number of strong looking stallions, and even a few griffons were mingling with the mares. The source of the music was this mare she had also seen a few times before. It was a white unicorn with a two tone blue mane that was bouncing with the beat of the music. The lights reflected in her purple shades, and her black short shirt that hugged her impressive chest was bouncing with the musical rhythm.

“Exciting, isn’t it?” Joka’la asked, placing a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “Clubs like this are the perfect place for individuals to just forget who they are, and just be whoever they want to be. No one knows anyone here, nor do they care.”

“I…I see…” Luna commented, seeing the large amounts of ponies doing more than just dancing. Her alicorn eyes, even in this form, allowed her to see more than what Joka’la could. She could see the same unicorns that had flashed the bouncer, were now with a large griffon and strong looking pegasus, and they were rubbing their hands against the growing bulges in their pants. “M-maybe we should go to a more…private corner?”

“Sure, I can find us a spot.” Joka’la commented, directing Luna to follow him. Keeping a firm grip on her hand, he guided her to a more shadowy, but public place in the corner of the club. “This spot should do.”

“Yes…I believe it should.” Luna commented, still very nervous as she was looking around. It was beyond shocking to see so many ponies she had seen before to behave in such a way. Was this how they always were, or was there something about this place that she couldn’t understand. As she pondered, her eyes caught the sight of a familiar light gray mare with a two tone white and purple mane. ‘Wait…isn’t that…’ This mare walked off towards some back room with a muscular dark gray pegasus stallion. ‘That is definitely not her husband.’

“It must be tough, right?” Joka’la asked, looking at Luna’s almost adorable nervousness. “To see so many ponies you’ve probably seen before.”

“It is…strange.” Luna commented, still looking around and seeing all the familiar faces she had seen in so many places. “But…how about you show me how ponies dance…and do all the dances need to be that…personal?”

“Most dances can be.” Joka’la commented, looking around to be sure they weren’t being watched. “So let’s try what they’re doing, but take it nice and slow.”

Carefully and gently, Joka’la took Luna by her hips, holding her close to him. She, not knowing where to put her own arms, wrapped them around the zebra’s neck, resting them gently on his shoulders. He savored the moment, letting their bodies flow and move with the beat of the music. It was difficult, and rather difficult, but the two of them were slowly getting into the right mood that was echoing out around them.

“Fun, isn’t it?” Joka’la asked, looking at the blush that was growing across Luna’s face. “How do you feel?”

“I feel…I feel great…amazing actually…” Luna said, still not fully believing her own words. “It’s like I’ve spent so long never knowing what it was like to be…so free.”

“Yeah, I’m glad you can enjoy it.” Joka’la commented, slowly pulling Luna a little closer to him. As he did so, he looked up, seeing a small group of ponies about to walk by them. Seeing an opportunity, he took a chance. “So let’s just-watch out!”

Feigning concern to pull her closer so that Luna wouldn’t get hit, Joka’la had the mare’s lips pressed against his. Though he played it off as an accident, he held her close. Luna’s eyes went wide as her lips were against the zebra’s, her chest pressed against his own. Her body was shivering as she could feel not only her own heartbeat hammering harder and harder against this strong zebra, but could taste the growing passion on his lips.

Joka’la held Luna close, enjoying her own soft body pushing against his. Though the ponies he used as an excuse to make this move were already out of sight, he continued to hold Luna in place. As well as this, his cock was getting harder and harder. Luna’s body tensed up, letting out something that could be seen as moaning as she could feel the bulge in Joka’la pants rubbing a little against her clothing. But this was only building up a strong, tingling sensation that was surging through her body.

Unable to hold herself back, and as her strength was seemingly being drained from this kiss, Luna’s horn ignited. In a massive, bright flash of magical light, the two of them vanished from the club. Before Joka’la could even realize what had happened, he saw the two of them were back at the castle. This momentary distraction was more than enough where he lost his hold on Luna. The alicorn, now out of her disguise, and in a feat of emotional instincts, pushed back against the zebra. Because she wasn’t thinking when she did so, Joka’la went flying across the room, smacking hard against a wall nearly a dozen feet away from them.

Joka’ls gasped out as the wind was knocked out of him, while Luna only brought her hands to her mouth in a shocked and terrified gasp. She was trembling, almost to the point of tears as she looked at the zebra. Joka’la tried to speak, but could only cough as he dragged himself up. He looked at Luna with equal surprise, but more so at how strong she was. He had read that alicorns were stronger than earth ponies, but he never believed it would be by this much. Just as he was ready to say something, walking towards her, Luna took a step back.

“I-I-I-I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…I didn’t…I didn’t…” Luna stuttered, tears swelling more and more in her eyes. “G-good night…Joka’la…I…” She said nothing more, turning to leave, almost running as she couldn’t look at him, her shame only making her cry more.

“Well…that wasn’t…expected…” Joka’la commented, panting as he was catching her breath. “Maybe…maybe I went too far…” Shaking his head, he turned to drag himself back to his room. There were only two thoughts on his mind, not being noticed by any servants or guards, and especially not being noticed by his father; that was the last thing he wanted to try and explain to him.

As soon as she reached her room, Luna cast every spell possible to block everything. The walls were enchanted to block nothing short of a magical explosion, sound was blocked, the doors and windows were sealed and locked, and even spells against magical visions were blocked. In this chamber, Luna was absolutely alone. Looking at her hands, she saw they were shaking, trembling with embarrassment and fear.

How could she react like this? No matter what she was feeling, she had assaulted a foreign diplomat. What could she do? What was her sister going to do? There was no way this could be kept a secret, any servant or guard could’ve seen them arrive, she only just teleported them in without thinking. It wasn’t until she dropped to her knees, she let the tears out. Sniffling as she was letting out all these emotions and fears, she just stayed there for what felt like forever.

Eventually, she pulled herself up. She could see the sun was going to rise in a few hours and she just wanted to go to bed. Striping her clothes from her body, she crawled herself into her soft bed and tried her best to sleep. Memories of the events of the evening were running through her mind. Not so much how she threw Joka’la, or the look of surprise he gave her, but more so what caused it; the kiss at the club. But above all else, that tingling that was moving throughout her body.

As she thought this, she could feel as her nude body was feeling those tingles again. Swallowing hard, Luna’s hands slowly and nervously drifted down to such regions. Her large breasts felt so soft to the touch, but as soon as her fingers just barely touched against her hard, dark nipples, she let out a whimpering sound, tensing up as an even stronger tingling rushed through her body. But rather than before, where it was equal all over, this sensation was especially strong between her legs.

“What is…this feeling?” Luna asked herself, panting and cooing a little as she could feel as though her nether regions were getting wetter. “I-I shouldn’t be…but…but it feels so good…”

Moving her other hand lower, it was only as soon as she reached her quivering, very sensitive pussy lips, she almost screamed from the unfamiliar pleasure. And yet, her hands seemed to only rub more and more along those sweet and wet spots. Her chest was panting, as her nipples were being teased by one hand, and her pussy was being teased by the other. Luna was panting, and her mind was filled with not only the taste of Joka’la’s lips against her own, but that bulge, that massive size that rubbed against her before.

Faster and faster, Luna gasped as she could feel something was happening. A rising in pleasure that was making it harder and harder to think. All that was on her mind was Joka’la, and the tingling feeling that these thoughts were giving her. Until finally, she tried something. By instinct or last sparks of coherent thought, she pinched at her nipple while a couple of her fingers slipped into her wet entrance. This was more than enough to push her over the edge. Luna’s eyes widened as she felt something else overpower her senses.

It was something Luna had never felt before, a rush of pleasure and tingles so great, it was making her entire body shake and tremble. Gasping, she felt as her pussy became wetter, soaking not only her fingers and hand, but even her thighs and a sizable section of the bed. Holding herself in place for roughly a minute or so, she felt a sensation of relaxation and clarity as she lay in the afterglow. Igniting her horn, she magically dragged the blanket off her body, revealing this massive wet spot.

“What is this?” Luna asked herself, looking down with a massive blush. Bringing up her hand, she could see how wet her pussy had made her fingers. Swallowing hard, she clenched her fist before laying back. “I…I need to apologize to him…but I’ll do it after I rest.” She then looked at the mess still wet on her bed. “After…I clean myself…and my bed that is.”

Their First Night

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Joka’la was sore, even after sleeping in the most comfortable way possible. Getting up, he could feel his body was almost creaking and straining from the previous night. Stretching, he could only drag himself out of bed, before staggering over to the showers. The hot waters gave some form of relief, making it only a little easier to endure the bruises that were along his back, arms, and legs. Thinking back, he was shocked, not so much afraid, but rather surprised at just how strong Luna actually was.

He had heard about the power of the alicorn in his studies. How they had the magic of a hundred unicorns, the speed of flight to surprise even the quickest pegasus, and the strength to challenge countless earth ponies. But to see it, feel it, as the wind was knocked from him when he hit the wall, as well as the sore feeling even the next day. It was…it was certainly more than he expected. And yet, this only made him desire the alicorn more and more. To fuck such a being, a mare so strong that she could crush him with ease. It only made Luna all the more alluring.

Not long after finishing his shower, there was a knock at the door. Curious, but not bothering to put on his robes properly, Joka’la approached the door. Opening it, he saw a timid looking maid was standing there. She went from nervous, to full on blushing at the sight of the zebra’s low hanging cock as he hadn’t folded the robe around him, leaving his chest, belly, and dick fully exposed. Joka’la barely cared that this mare was staring at his cock, if anything, he was certain he had already fucked this one not that long ago.

“Can I help you?” Joka’la asked, his mane still dripping wet. “I’m sorry, I just left the shower when you arrived. So forgive the wetness.”

“I-i-i-i-it’s o-o-okay…” The mare stuttered, trying in vain to look away from Joka’a and his cock, which was still so massive, even when limp. “P-p-p-princess L-L-Luna has asked me to give this to you.” Raising her hands, she revealed a sealed letter, as well as a small glass bottle of a beige colored liquid. “S-s-she said you would want this.”

“Thank you.” Joka’la nodded, taking the letter and the bottle. The maid stood there, almost anticipating that he would take advantage of her. As much as he wanted to, the zebra sighed a little. “Look…things have…well, they changed. I’m not going to fuck you or the other mares in the castle like the loose whores I’ve been making you. So you don’t need to be so tensed up anymore. Good day.” Before the mare could give any response, he closed the door.

Joka’la groaned loudly, almost to the point of some growling and frustration. He hated this feeling. Just days ago, he would have this mare on his cock before even asking what she was there for. But since his personal oath, he’s been feeling his urges rising. Luna’s body was just so perfect, and yet he was forcing himself to wait. Shaking his head a few more times, trying to shake the frustration out of him, he opened the letter.

It read:
Lord Joka’la,
I am sorry. Truely, truly sorry for what I have done last night. I was haunted by my actions and wish to make amends for what has transpired. I would love like to meet with you in the throne room privately for the two of us to discuss how I can make it up to you. As a forward to this apology, I would like to offer this potion. The apothecary has stated that this potion can both heal any soreness, injuries, or damages to the body, as well as give a revitalizing burst of energy. I hope it makes you feel better. I hope to hear from you soon, I shall be awaiting you in the dining room.
Princess Luna

Looking over the letter again, and again, it was clear to Joka’la. Luna felt bad for what she had done, and after downing the potion, he felt as if he had not only slept for a week, but the recovery of such a resting period as well. Shivers ran down his spine, and he could feel his cock twitching for a moment. Nodding eager, he quickly set to dry himself off and get dressed. Today was going to be the day, he could feel it, from his head, to his balls. He was going to make his moves on her, and get closer than any suitor dared dream of.

Within their private “meeting” chamber, Hekima and Celestia were snuggling together, having just finished another round of hot and passionate fucking. Laying on a large cushion, the two lovers were in a close and loving embrace. Laying there, they said nothing, only occasionally making a few small sounds and panting as they settled in their afterglow. But despite this, a small melancholy was running across their faces. Eventually, Celestia gave a small sigh, breaking the silence.

“Well…it looks like we are almost out of time.” Celestia commented, looking up at the ceiling. “And then…another few decades apart?”

“I…I don’t even believe I will live that long at this rate.” Hekima added, looking over to the alicorn. “You will remain as beautiful as the day we met. And I…I will grow ever older.” He then sighed, leaning up until he was now sitting up. “I do, however, hope that I can see you again…before the end.”

“Don’t speak like that.” Celestia commented, leaning up to hug her lover. Her massive tits pressed against his back as she wrapped her arms around him. “I couldn’t bear the thought of being in this world without you.”

“You will have to.” Hekima replied, his voice echoing out his own sorrow over this. “You are an alicorn, the Princess of Equestria. And I…am but a simple noble from a foreign land. We can never be more…than this.” He gestured his hand over the two of their naked forms. “I knew this, ever since I was that bold, foolish, and brave young stallion you met all those years ago.”

“I know, and I will tell you what I told you all those years ago. I don’t care.” Celestia replied, moving herself and taking her hands to have Hekima face her. “I don’t care if you were a noble, a king, or a slave. Anything you were didn’t change my love for you. And I have had not a single consort, courtesan, or escort since.” She then kissed him on the lips, holding herself in place for a moment before pulling herself away. Her eyes were shimmering with love and longing. “And if I lose you, I will never dare find another. No one can ever give me what your loss would take from me, my love.”

“I know. But…Joka’la…he…he deserves to know the truth. The whole…truth.” Hekima commented, sighing a little more as he looked into Celestia’s eyes. “I may not pass from this world for many more decades, but after all these years, I cannot hold the truth from him. He must know what is between us.”

“I know…I just…I trust you to tell him, when he is ready.” Celestia said, hugging Hekima again as his face was pushed against her breasts. Petting his head, she cooed a little. “I had always dreamed that we would share such a moment together. All of us, together.”

“Fate would not allow it. Our roles and purposes would never deem it to be true.” Hekima added, his voice only trembling in sorrow and remorse. “And…I never once forgot about what could’ve been. Every…single…day…I wished we could’ve done more. But I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t steal you from your home.”

“Hekima…my love…” Celestia stated, her voice resonating with a responding amount of love and passion. Taking Hekima’s face, she stared deeply into it. “I would’ve gladly and willingly clipped my wings, and broken my horn if it might I could be there with you.” She paused, lips trembling as she tried to work up the bravery to form the words. “And…be there, for our son.” Hekima tried to speak, but the alicorn placed a finger to his lips. “Shh, shh, no more words. We will tell him when the time is right. But for now, I want to spend the last days we have together with you.” The two only shared another loving kiss, trickles of tears rolling down their eyes as they embraced the other.

Walking down the halls of the castle, Joka’la’s mind was teeming with all manner of actions and words he was going to do and say to Luna. Judging by the letter, she felt so guilty over what happened, this only proved that she wasn’t against what he had done, it was more that she had injured him that troubled her. And this guilt could be easily exploited. His lips were curled in an almost sinister smirk, as he was almost radiating confidence. This had to be quickly hidden away as he could see Luna pacing back and forth as she was visibly nervous.

“Luna…” Joka’la greeted, bowing his head respectfully as he called over to the princess. “I received your letter. The potion certainly helped with my soreness. I’m grateful for your kindness.”

“Oh, I-I’m glad you’re feeling well.” Luna stuttered nervously, she was almost trembling nervously as she wasn’t certain what to say. “I…I just…I want to-”

“No, no, there’s no need.” Joka’la commented, raising a hand to stop her. “I understand, and it was wrong of me to move so fast. What you did was justified.”

“T-that’s not…what I mean to say…it’s just…” Luna’s words were getting caught in her throat as she was wondering what to say next. Eventually, she took a deep breath, and then stared at the zebra with focused eyes. “I…have been feeling…strange as of late.” Her voice was still somewhat timid, but was more direct. “And I believe you are the source of it.” Her face blushed as she continued to speak. “I want to speak with you, in private, about these feelings.” Her confidence was melting away when she realized what she had said. “I-i-i-if that’s okay…w-w-with you that is.”

“Of course, I understand and I’m here to help.” Joka’la commented, feigning care and concern. His mind raced with this feeling. Luna was displaying in a way he had seen many times before. She was vulnerable, timid, and easy to mold into what he desired. Only a little more time was needed. “Now, let us go somewhere a little more private.” Nodding, the alicorn guided him away from the room.

Walking down the hall, Joka’la couldn’t stop but stare at Luna’s features as she walked in front of her. Her hips swayed a little as she walked, bouncing a bit as well. Was she excited? Nervous? The anticipation was making the zebra more and more eager. Swallowing hard, he did his best to fight back his urges. He could feel his body getting hotter and hotter as he was certain this was going to be the chance he’s been waiting for.

“W-we’re here.” Luna commented, stopping in front of a massive door made of some bluish metal, with silver motifs of the stars and lunar cycles. “T-t-t-this should be private enough.”

Opening the door, Joka’la’s eyes widened with surprise and delight. This was the Princess’ chambers, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind about it. But even then, he wasn’t fully prepared for what he saw. A massive bed, with a frame carved to look as though she was resting within a large crescent moon. As well as this, the walls and ceiling were decorated with remarkably accurate constellation and star charts. What’s more, the more he stared, the more Joka’la could see that the stars seemed to move, slowly, but as if to chronicle the passing of the lunar year.

“Remarkable…simply remarkable.” Joka’la commented, gasping a little as he looked all around. “This chamber is fitting for a mare of your talents, and beauty.”

“T-t-thanks…I like it myself.” Luna stuttered, lighting up her horn to close the door behind the zebra. “H-here…we can speak…p-p-privately.”

“Yes, now then. You mentioned strange feelings.” Joka’la began, putting on a more serious, but still curious and caring face. “Can you describe them?”

“Y-yes…o-of course…” Luna replied, though she had to take a few minutes to steady her breath as she was composing her thoughts. “These…feelings…I’ve never felt them before, and I want to know why.”

“Well, let’s start from the beginning.” Joka’la suggested, rubbing his chin as she watched Luna get more and more sheepish. “Can you describe these feelings? Like how they feel within, or something?”

“It’s like…a…warmth, yes that would be it. A warmth that swells in my chest…” Luna’s face blushed harder as she struggled to continue. “...b-b-b-but, it flows downwards, making my…my nether regions feel…like a tingling.”

“Ah, that!” Joka’la nodded, looking at Luna with a confident, reassuring smile. “There’s nothing to worry about.” Slowly, he started walking towards the alicorn, who was blushing harder and hard as he drew closer. “I can help you understand these…tingles. If you’d let me.” Luna hesitated, her heart was racing faster and faster, her breathing became heavy, panting even as she couldn’t look away from the zebra.

“I-i-if it’s…with you…” Luna swallowed hard, nervously looking in Joka’la’s eyes. “I-I-I-I guess…I wouldn’t…mind…”

The doors of the negotiations opened up, the guard positioned there stood in attention as both Celestia and Hekima walked out of the chamber. The two of them were well dressed, and had a copy of what looked to be a large series of papers in their hands. Neither the royal unicorn guards, nor the zebra guards suspected anything as the two held a look of contention, and resolve. As far as it appeared, it would seem the two have reached an agreement.

“Please ensure these documents are brought to Miss Inkwell.” Celestia ordered, handing her papers to one of the guards. “Lord Hekima and I have reached an agreement, and I would like her to chronicle it accordingly.” The guard nodded, taking the papers and departed.

“Send word to Joka’la.” Hekima ordered one of his guards. “We shall depart for home in two days.” The zebra nodded before departing as well. He only sighed as his mind raced. ‘I sure hope he didn’t get into any more trouble. Though I haven’t seen any mares in his bed for well over a day.’ Rubbing his chin, he pondered. ‘What are you scheming, my son?’

“Lord Hekima.” Celestia commented, her tone echoing her professional and calming voice. “I would like to thank you for this arrangement, and I look forward to the boons both our lands can share in this.”

“I as well, Princess.” Hekima nodded, looking back at Celestia. He too maintained a professional expression. “Your reputation for being a skilled negotiator is well earned, and I am honored to have been given the opportunity to match my skills with yours. Both our countries will surely gain much from this.”

“I am glad you feel so. And I do hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in my-” Celestia commented, but as she was ready to finish her words, she looked up to see a guard hastefully approaching them. “One moment. Guard, what is the matter?”

“Princess Celestia.” The guard bowed, kneeling a little as he spoke. “Princess Cadance has arrived, and wishes an audience.”

“Cadance? Here?!” Celestia replied, raising a curious eyebrow. Looking to Hekima, she sighed. “My apologies Lord Hekima, it seems I must first attend to my niece before we may continue our conversation.”

“It is no concern at all.” Hekima nodded with a calm smile. “But would it be alright for me to walk with you? We may have more of a conversation on the way, before I am to return to my son.”

“Of course, that would be delightful.” Celestia nodded, beginning to walk. Hekima was able to walk at her side, while the guards followed behind, and the guard with the message walked ahead. “I do apologize for this, but I believe you and Princess Cadance may get along well. She is still young, but learning what it means to be a Princess, and she is mature in her royal duties.”

After several minutes of walking, the two of them arrived in the Throne Room. Standing there, flanked by royal guards who seemed to be made of solid, shimmering crystals, was a pink alicorn mare. Her figure was only a fraction less endowed than Princess Luna was, but it was still remarkably impressive. Luscious lips, a heavy chest, slender waist, and widening out to an alluring pair of hips. Hekima’s mind filled with only two thoughts; admiring the beauty of his lover’s niece, and the fear of what would happen if his son ever met her.

“Cadance! It is so good to see you.” Celestia greeted her niece, extending her arms as the younger alicorn all but flew into her for a hug. “I am sorry I was not here to greet you sooner. I’m embarrassed to say, I did not expect you.”

“Yes, I am sorry about that.” Cadance responded, even her voice seemed to hold a honey sweetness comparable to Celestia. “Shining and Flurry went to visit Twilight, and so while they would catch up, I wanted to come visit you here.” Her eyes then met with Hekima. “Oh? And who is this?”

“This is Lord Hekima.” Celestia introduced, extending a hand towards the zebra. “He is here to negotiate in regards to recent trade and commerce between our kingdoms.”

“Oh, I see. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Cadance extended a hand, to which Hekima took it and gently kissed it. She giggled a little and the zebra felt a small presence in his mind. The alicorn’s voice echoing in his head. “I know.”

“Now, Cadance. I am so sorry that I wouldn’t be able to greet you properly.” Celestia commented, noticing a slight look of unease on Hekima’s face. “Perhaps we may have a private discussion in one of the meeting rooms.”

“I would love to.” Cadance commented, only to gently place a hand on Celestia’s shoulder. As with Hekima, her words filled her aunt’s thoughts. “I know, and I want to know more.”

“Lord Hekima.” Celestia commented, showing no hesitation at what Cadance had said. “My niece is still relatively new to trade between nations, and I was wondering if you would be interested in accompanying us and you can help me educate her on various methods of negotiations.”

“I’d love to. Anything to help strengthen the bond of trust between our nations.” Hekima replied, sensing what Celestia was planning, and his choice of words only made Cadance giggle a little. “By all means, please. I’ll follow you.”

Joka’la was the first to get naked, slowly disrobing as Princess Luna watched on. Her blush was a screaming red as she was shivering at this sight. This zebra’s body was just so muscular, so fit, and so impossible not to stare at. The alicorn felt the tingles and heat growing throughout her body. It was impossible to stop any of this. Her nipples were getting hard, rubbing against the softness of her gown, and her panties felt so wet and tight against her body. Joka’la only continued to strip down, lowering his pants slowly, which only made Luna’s eyes widen in shock and nervous surprise.

His cock, even limp , was magnificent. Halfway towards his knees, it was bigger than anything she had ever seen. Scattered anatomy texts, and the occasional glance in a wet dream couldn’t begin to compare to this zebra’s cock. Luna was shuddering, feeling as though she could imagine how hard and hot this thing would feel in her hands. As well as this, she swallowed hard, and her pussy was aching, as if she was longing for it; and yet didn’t understand why she wanted it.

“Now, if this helps you feel comfortable, then you can join me.” Joka’la commented, gesturing for Luna to join him. But he did maintain his look of caution and care for her. “But only if you want to. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

Luna hesitated, swallowing hard as her breathing was becoming heavy. But she couldn’t stop now. No, not after the kindness and trust this zebra has given her. Slowly, but nervously, she started to undo her clothes. Barely had she unbuttoned along the gown, the fine and soft fabric dropped off her body. As Joka’la watched, the gown was sliding slowly off the mare’s body, seeing her large, round, perky tits and hard nipples were almost glowing in the dim light of the room. And when it reached the floor, her wide hips and slender figure was on full display.

“Wow.” Joka’la commented, not even aware that he even spoke. “You’re beautiful.”

“P-please…this is…” Luna commented, shyly covering herself a little as she looked at the zebra. But then her eyes noticed something else. “J-Joka’la…what’s happening?”

“Ah yes, this does happen.” Joka’la commented, looking down to notice the way his cock was starting to get hard. “It does this when I see such captivating beauty.”

“D-does it hurt?” Luna asked, shivering a little as she could feel her pussy getting wetter. “It’s…it’s huge…so big…”

“Oh, no, no, it doesn’t hurt.” Joka’la commented, chuckling a little as he slowly approached the mare. “If you’d like, you can touch it.”

“I-I-I-I…well…” Lua hesitated, tensing up as he approached her. “I-I-I-I would like to take things…slowly…”

“Of course. We can go with a hug, or just wait until we’re comfortable being naked together.” Joka’la commented, keeping up the calm expression. “What would you like?”

“W-well…I wouldn’t mind a-a-a-a hug…” Luna stuttered nervously, blushing still. “A-a-a-and maybe…if we could kiss…again?”

“Of course, Luna.” Joka’la replied, pressing his face closer to Luna’s body. Reaching around, he hugged her closer to him, making her gasp and coo a little. “I promise, I’ll be gentle.” With that, he kissed her lips. Her eyes went wide, but unlike before, she seemed to settle in more, as the tingling was sending surges of pleasure throughout her body. Eventually, he pulled his mouth away. “How was that? How are you feeling?”

“A-a-a little more…please…” Luna cooed, looked up at him with loving eyes. “P-please…show me how to feel good…”

Walking down the halls, Hekima looked at Cadance over and over. He had experienced what a unicorn could delve into his mind before. He was aware of how easily Celestia could, but even with her there was always a sign, a tell, something. But then it hit him, her touch. When he touched her hand, it must’ve created some connection. That had to be it, as she seemed to go out of her way to touch Celestia’s shoulder. But what did she tell her aunt? As well as this, what was this younger alicorn planning? She was radiating an almost smug confidence, down to how she swayed her hips to try and sway the zebra’s attention.

Eventually they arrived at a large door, opening it, Celestia only gave a few glances to the nearby guards, who only nodded and stood by the door. Hekima saw this and did the same to the nearby zebra guards. Walking inside, the doors closed, and immediately, Celestia cast her array of spells that coated the entirety of the room. From the wide walls and high ceiling, down to the smooth marble floor, and the various objects inside. From how it looked, this meeting room wasn’t any different than the one they’ve been fucking in, but it was still a different room nonetheless.

“Sound dampening, force buffering, teleportation disruption, and even an anti scrying barrier. Celestia, you certainly wanted some privacy.” Cadance giggled, her posture portraying that of a confident, almost cocky mare as she looked at the two. “Not that I mind, and I’m not at all surprised. I mean, if anyone found out that you and Lord Hekima here have been fucking. Just think of the scandal.”

“Okay, how did you know?” Hekima snapped, showing a rare anger across his face, which even startled Celestia. “We’ve held our secret perfectly. How did you know?”

“Oh? Well yes, no one other than myself would’ve been able to figure it out. And even then, it would only have been possible if you both were near each other, and had only recently finished.”

“Your Love Eyes?!” Celestia gasped, staggering back as a realization struck her. She then looked to Hekima, who was only more confused. “Cadance is the Alicorn of Love. She has not only the ability to ignite love and passion between two individuals, but she can also see the loving connection between individuals.”

“That’s right!” Cadance giggled, sitting in one of the chairs. “So when I saw the connection between you two, that can only be a bond from the most passionate of lovers. And yet you were acting as if this was your first time meeting. So I was curious.”

“And now what?” Hekima asked, slowly sitting in another chair, realizing what must be happening. “Is this your plan? Learn our secrets, and blackmail us?”

“Blackmail? Oh, no, no, no, never. I would never dare break this perfect love.” Cadance explained, giggling some more as she looked between the two. “For years, I’ve seen my auntie turn down each and every suitor that has pined for her. No matter their offer, no matter how much it would benefit Equestria, she turned them away, helping them get married off among the various other nobles. But when I see a bond found only one the closest of lovers between you two, I just have to know, what caused all this.”

Celestia, now sitting in a chair beside Hekima, looked at him. They were trapped and they knew it. From day one of their affair so many years ago, they knew this day would come. But to be discovered like this, it never once occurred to them that such a thing could be possible Mental probing magics, they were prepared for, but such a flawless execution of arcane skill, they were completely unaware. Celestia only cursed herself for never even considering that this could happen. She knew of Cadance’s Love Eyes, and yet she didn’t send Hekima in any other direction when she met with her niece. What was she thinking?

“Very well, we will tell you.” Celestia commented, much to Hekima’s shocked look. “My love, we’ve been discovered. But I know my niece. She will never breathe a word of this to anyone, ever.” Her eyes then narrowed. “Or should I remind her about what I know about her?”

“Oh? Using my own dirty secrets against me? Auntie Celestia, you’re such a naughty mare.” Cadance giggled, shivering a little. “I promise, no one will ever hear about this from me. I will tell no one anything about what we discuss.” Leaning forward, her large tits pressed against the table as she crossed her fingers together and hunched a little. “Now then, how did this all start?”

Joka’la stood there, staring at Luna, the two of them naked and sweating a little. She was sheepish and timid, but seemed to be resolved to do this. While the zebra, his cock twitching as it grew in size. His victory was fast approaching. She was ready for him, but why rush? His mind danced around with the ideas of enjoying it as long as possible. There was no need to go too fast. Joka’la had waited this long, what’s another hour or two going to hurt? Leaning in closely, he slowly rubbed his hands along her back as he pulled her in close.

The two shared a deep and passionate kiss. Luna moaned softly, as her tongue slipped to meet with Joka’la’s. He held her, rubbing up and down her back as she laid her hands against his shoulders. Her large chest pressed softly along the muscular frame of this zebra stallion. It was sending shivers throughout her entire body, making her only want more and more of these feelings. Joka’la went slow, steady, and paced himself to open up the princess more and more to her growing pleasure.

There was a smell, a mix of both their aromas. Joka’la’s potent, strong, and intoxicating musk whipped and twirled with Luna’s sweet and alluring scent. The two of them could feel the tingles spreading more and more, as if the very air kissing against their skin was making them feel the withheld pleasure. As he continued to hold her, Joka’la moved a little closer. One hand drifted up, to tenderly rub the back of her head. While the other drifted down, rubbing softly against her round ass. But it was his cock, now hard and leaking, that slipped partially between her silk smooth thighs that made Luna coo some more.

‘She feels so good.’ Joka’la thought, fighting off each and every urge he had to fuck this mare into a sloppy, fucked silly mess. ‘I don’t think I can hold back much longer. But I can’t believe I’ve never withheld indulgence like this before.’

Continuing to kiss a little long, Luna was getting anxious, fidgeting as her thighs started to gently rub along Joka’la’s length as it moved between her thighs. He could feel the warmth of her slowly leaking juices, as if her body was lubricating his cock to get it ready for entry. His mind was thinking of every possible thing he’d want to do to her. What it would feel like to have her moaning in ecstasy for him. The way her tits would bounce, her ass wiggling, wings flapping, and the sparks of pleasure firing out of her horn.

“J-Joka’la.” Luna cooed, slowly pulling her lips away from the zebra’s. “I-I-I feel…those tingles…they feel so good. W-what do you do next?”

“Would you like me to show you?” Joka’la asked, to which Luna timidly nodded. “Very well, let me show you. We need to move over to the bed.”

Obeying him, Luna slowly backed away as Joka’la guided her over to the massive, soft bed. As soon as she reached the edge of it, she slowly sat down, letting the zebra slowly lay her back until she was laying there. She was defenseless, the way she looked at him, so full of longing, trust, and faith in Joka’la. It was nice, warm, almost enough to tug at his heartstrings; almost. He had waited, holding himself back for so long, and now was time to go at it.

“I’m going to go a little faster. Is this okay?” Joka’la asked, to which Luna nodded. “Alright, now, if I’m going too fast, let me know, and I’ll stop.” She nodded again, to which he leaned in closer.

The moment his face lined up with hers, he pressed his lips hard against hers. Her eyes widened as his tongue snaked its way in her mouth. As well as this, his hands groped at her chest, teasing at her nipples, which only seemed to bring out more and more moans of pleasure; muffled by the zebra’s mouth. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter, leaking out her passions as the warmth of these tingles grew and grew inside her. She was nervous, mentally panicking, and yet she didn’t want this to stop.

Joka’la, feeling no resistance, only continued to tease and play with Luna’s body. Her breasts were so soft, contrasted by how hard her nipples were. She was clearly so sensitive, feeling each surge only seemed to renew the pleasure that had been making it harder and harder to think. She had no clue such feelings could be done like this. And Joka’la’s tongue and hands, so skilled, it was as if he had done this before.

Luna felt so small, so weak, so timid compared to Joka’la, and yet this feeling of being so low, so beneath this zebra was filling her with a feeling she could only call joy. It felt good to be like this, she was savoring this feeling, and it was as if he was only building her up for something greater. Whatever it was, she was ready, fully submitting herself to him and his guidance. Joka’la could feel this, how Luna was so timid, melting at his touch, and so malleable, he could mold her into whatever he willed.

His cock was fully erect, twitching and leaking vast amounts of precum. It was warm as it dripped on Luna’s thigh, making her shiver as the cool air of the room kissed at this wet spot. She didn’t want this to stop, and her body felt so light. Unable to hold herself back, her instincts gave way to passion, her rational mind and fears were being pushed back as her arms reached up, wrapping around his body and holding him closer to her.

“Oh? Feels like you’re enjoying it.” Joka’la laughed, teasing a little while Luna was panting more and more. “Well, would you like to feel even better?” Luna only nodded, unable to form words as she continued to kiss along the zebra’s face.

Kissing her back, the two’s tongues embrace in a sultry sounding kiss. Exchanging moans, Joka’la slowly moved one of his hands down along her slender belly, and ended just shy of her moist nether regions. He paused, wanting to drag out this foreplay, this pleasure he was teaching the Princess as long as possible. But there was no way he could do it. This was too far in and he wasn’t going to stop now. Continuing, his fingers reached along her soft, soaked, pussy lips. Luna’s eyes widened at this touch, feeling as the pleasure was running through her body like a euphoric shock.

Joka’la didn’t stop there, his hands knew what they needed to do. As they wiggled and teased along the pussy lips, the first finger slowly moved its way inside. Her inner fold were soft, wet, and he had barely slipped the finger in when Luna gasped. She tightened against his finger, but this only pushed Joka’la to keep going. Staying at only one finger, he gently rubbed along her inner folds, making her feel more and more pleasure.

Luna shivered as her body felt the sensation of Joka’la’s finger rubbing in and out of her pussy. She was loving this feeling, so much so, she could barely notice as the zebra was slipping a second finger into her moist entrance. She moaned out, kissing Joka’la’s mouth with greater and greater passion. She loved this, the only thing that matched her feelings of pleasure were the great shame and anger towards herself.

She had never known such pleasures could exist, and to only learn of them now?! She couldn’t help but feel the heat of embarrassment wash across her face. But amidst this blush, there was also another tingle. She was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Panting and moaning, she could feel herself feeling it. A warmth that was spreading further and further. It was almost there, she was about to cum from making out and being fingered by this zebra.

“J-Joka’la…I’m…I’m…” Luna moaned, looking deep in Joka’la’s eyes. They were deep, intense, and held a sort of comfort that was making her only want to give into his embrace. “Please…I’m all yours…I trust you…”

Joka’la only picked up the pace, now able to fit four of his fingers in Luna’s pussy, while his thumb teased at her overly sensitive clit. She was huffing, moaning out as she was ready to cum. The pleasure was too much for her. Panting hotter and hotter breath, her horn ignited as she felt as if she was ready to burst. Joka’la was feeling her tight, alicorn pussy squeezing along his fingers. It was camping, but he endured it, anything for that last release.

Moaning louder and louder, Luna finally held her breath, pausing to then cry out in orgasm. It became so intense, that Joka’la had to pull his fingers free from the alicorn’s tightness. But as he did, this caused her pussy to close and spray out her soaking orgasm. She not only caused Joka’la’s hand to become covered in her glistening juices, but she arched her body back as she was spasming a little in the euphoric bliss. But eventually, it all died down, and she lay there, panting in her afterglow.

“There we go, much better.” Joka’la chuckled, looking at his wet fingers. “Look, Luna. Look at just how wet you were.”

“It was…so good…” Luna cooed, laying in her afterglow, looking at Joka’la with longing eyes. “W-what now?”

“Now, we can do whatever you want.” Joka’la responded, looking at Luna with equally longing and loving eyes. “What would you like?”

“I would…like for us to cuddle…” Luna said, blushing as she hugged Joka'la's body. “Is that…would that be okay?”

“Of course, I would love to.” Joka’la replied, holding Luna close to him as they snuggled in her bed. “There we go, I’m happy I got to do this with you.” Luna only cooed, shivering as she enjoyed being held like this. Though she couldn’t see it, the zebra’s lips were curled into a wicked smile, he had won!

Nearly There

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Celestia and Hekima were sitting there, the smug looking Cadance was smiling at the two of them. While both alicorns seemed rather calm and composed, the zebra was panicking within. His secret, what he has kept between himself and Celestia for all these years, so easily exposed. Now, though the three of them were alone within this room, there was a feeling of dread that was creeping through Hekima’s spine.

“Now, before I begin, let me just say…” Cadance said, taking a breath before continuing. “I for one, applaud this relationship.” Hekima’s face portrayed shock at this statement. “I am the Princess of Love, and I fully and truly believe that love exists in all capacities. So to know that you two, despite the circumstances forced upon you, found a way to feel and express your love. It’s nothing short of wonderful.”

“I…I see…thank you.” Hekima replied, looking between Cadance and Celestia. Taking a deep breath, he held his lover’s hand, and continued. “When my father, the great chieftain, Zig’zahyr wished to establish trade with Equestria…that is when I first met eyes with Celestia.”

“Hekima was a fine, young stallion. He stood besides his father, and though I heard every word Zig’zahyr spoke, my eyes were only on Hekima.” Celestia added in. The way she spoke only seemed to send a shiver down Cadance’s spine. “Our first night together, oh those many years ago, was the most magical I have ever felt.” She shivered as well, cooing as she held her lover closer.

“But because of your roles, it was a forbidden love.” Cadance commented, her eyes willing with warm light as she could see the love radiating off her aunt and this zebra. “Please, tell me more.”

“Well, during the day, I would negotiate with his father. But during the night, Hekima and I would embrace each other.” Celestia explained, her face blushing from the memories. “We were able to keep our affair going for as long as possible, well over a month before Zig’zahyr was getting suspicious. To distract him from any concerns, I offered him a deal he believed he had gotten out of me through negotiations.”

“To his dying breath, my father believed he had outwitted Celestia. But it was she who bested him.” Hekima said, but his tone started to get sad. “But circumstances had forced us to return to our duties, but I never forgot about her.” He sighed, rubbing Celestia’s hand as he continued. “It was several months when I learned she was with child, my son, Joka’la. It took great cost, and many hushed whispers, but we managed to meet again after so long, but it only was for me to take our son.”

“Why did you take him away?” Cadance asked, tilting her head. “Wouldn’t this mean you two could live together with an heir?”

“No, unfortunately, many in my court were…close minded, I’ll say, at the time.” Celestia sighed, feeling some degree of shame before continuing. “Things have changed, but it has been far too long. Joka’la knows nothing of his lineage, but from what Hekima has told me, he’s inherited some of my abilities.”

“What do you mean?” Cadance asked, looking between the two. “I’m sorry, but an unicorn or pegasus zebra would probably be difficult to not hear us, let alone an alicorn.”

“No, no, what he has gained is much more subtle.” Hekima sighed, trying to compose himself. “Like Celestia, Joka’la’s eyes have an almost enchantment to them. Like a magical spell, anyone who gazed upon his eyes seemed to be transfixed in his gaze. And while Celestia has used these skills to better negotiate and mediate peace treaties with other kingdoms, he has abused his gift by swaying mare after mare into his bed.”

“So he hypnotizes them?” Cadance asked, looking over to Celestia. “I admit, when I was studying politics under her, I did notice how even the most aggressive diplomat seemed to relax as soon as he looked in her eyes.”

“It’s not hypnosis as you would imagine.” Celestia explained. “There is no magical or forced manipulation. Rather, it gives the one who looks in my eyes a sense of comfort and clarity.”

“I wished it was something like he was forcing himself on them. That can be punished, so he may be disciplined and learn. But it is not.” Hekima explained. “I’ve had many of his…conquests…spoken to, and all of them seemed to not only have enjoyed themselves, but many have even had previous feelings towards him. So all his eyes do is seemingly give these mares permission to embrace their feelings.”

“I see, and I can imagine how that could cause some concerns.” Cadance nodded, only to then take a breath. “Well, I’m satisfied with that. And don’t worry, I will keep your secrets safe.” Before raising a finger, looking at the two of them playfully. “That said, I would like to ask something else. Something a little selfish.”

“Cadance, there is a time and a place for everything.” Celestia commented, knowing what her niece was about to ask. “Now isn’t the time to-”

“Oh, but I believe it is.” Cadance interjected, looking more at Hekima with a mischievous smile. “From what I can imagine, whatever negotiations you two have been doing is over. So this means he and his son will be returning home soon.” Standing up, she seemed to be speaking as if to be more dramatic. “So what better chance than now? Especially right this moment? A stallion capable of not only capturing your heart, but bearing you a secret son, and even willing to go so far behind everyone’s backs?! I want in on this. I want to see who this magnificent stallion who has claimed your love, is capable of.”

“She can’t be serious?!” Hekima asked, gasping a little as he looked to Celestia, who was already pinching her brow. “My dear, I’m old enough to be your father, and not only that, my heart belongs to Celestia.”

“I mean, I’m not against older stallions. You should’ve seen me in early college.” Cadance giggled, teasing with a playful wink. “Besides, I wouldn’t dream or dare to get in the way of the love between you two. But I want to know what that cock, to make my aunt squeal, feels like.”

“Hekima, my love. We have no choice.” Celestia sighed, placing a hand on Hekima’s shoulder. “I know my niece, and at this point, it is better to just give her what she wants.” She leaned in to whisper. “I’ll ensure she is sterile, and my love…don’t hold back. If she wants to try and play games with us, I want you to…fuck…her…up…” Hekima only smirked.

Joka’la and Luna were snuggling together in her bed. Or rather, they were still making out while his fingers were rubbing her pussy, and her hand was slowly jerking him off. The two of them were enjoying the other’s company, but didn’t do more than this cuddling and light foreplay. Joka’la felt content, as if there was no need to rush. Luna seemed to be fully into this pleasure, and had complete trust in him. There was no need to go too fast. All his waiting had paid off, and he was planning on savoring it down to the last drop.

Luna’s body felt so good against his, it was as if she was accepting Joka’la’s own body to hers. As well as this, the zebra’s cock in her hand, the way it throbbed and twitched along her fingers as the length of this dick. While Joka’la enjoyed the feeling of Luna’s moist and soft pussy, how his fingers slipped in with ease, and how it was bringing out her soft moans. The two of them snuggled together, rubbing themselves together as they enjoyed the other’s company.

“How do you feel?” Joka’la asked, looking over to Luna. The mare looked back at him, but rather than respond with words, she leaned in to give him a deep and passionate kiss. The zebra only kissed back, fingering Luna’s wet pussy faster. “Feels like you like it.”

“I do…thank you…so much…” Luna moaned between breaths as she continued to kiss the zebra. “My…my pussy…it feels so good…thank you…”

“Well, if you’re feeling comfortable, I can make it feel even better.” Joka’la commented, leaning in to whisper. “If you trust me, and feel ready for it.”

“I…I do…please, make me feel good…” Luna moaned, kissing more and more along Joka’la’s lips and neck. “I trust you.”

Smiling, Joka’la broke from his kiss with Luna, moving his lips along her neck, and slowly began to work his way down. Letting his fingers out of her pussy, he let his face drift downwards. As he passed along her perfect breasts, he kissed and suckled at them for a moment, making her nipples hard and sensitive. Luna moaned as she felt this gentle touch, but Joka’la wasn’t finished. Continuing downwards, he tenderly kissed along her midsection, until he was now staring directly at her soaking wet pussy.

Luna’s tight entrance was sobbing wet, with her juices still leaking out after being fingered as she had. Licking his lips, he knew exactly how to make her moan for more. Looking up, he saw the nervous look in her eyes, but he gave her a reassuring glance, as if to tell her it was going to be okay. Moving in, he blew a little of his cooling breath against it, making her quiver with anticipation. Luna could only see his head moving closer to such a tender spot, but she could only coo and moan as she waited for the release.

As soon as he was finished with gazing at her winking pussy lips, he moved in, kissing against her moist entrance. Her juices tasted so good. They were sweet and it make Joka’la want to lick and drink at her tender and savory nectar. Luna was moaning out in pleasure, feeling the zebra’s tongue was slipping its way inside and rubbing along her sweet spots. The alicorn could feel her body tingling with the growing lust. Feelings she wasn’t fully understanding were coursing through her and she was becoming more and more addicted to it.

Joka’la couldn’t help but enjoy this feeling as well. It was so good to not only eat out this mare, but the fact she loved it only seemed to drive him on to keep going. The way she was moaning, how one of her hands was guiding its way down to gently rub the top of his head. The way she petted his head, the tenderness of this was making Joka’la’s cock throb as it rubbed against the bed. The two of them continued to savor the other, while Luna’s other hand reached up to grip at the bed frame.

She swallowed hard, moaning and gasping as she could feel her senses being bombarded by all these feelings. It was impossible to think, and even more difficult to attempt to imagine going even a day without this pleasure again. Joka’la was so kind, so gentle, and the way he was making her feel. What else could this be if not love? That had to be it, it was love. Luna was in love with Joka’la, and he was with her as well. The way she was feeling, the pleasure this zebra was sending throughout her body, it was love, and she wanted to feel more of it.

“J-Joka’la…w-wait…I…” Luna moaned, to which Joka’la slowed down, stopping to look up at her from where he was. “I…I don’t want you to be the only one to give pleasure. Let me help.”

Carefully, and with some weakness in her movements, Luna shifted herself and gestured to Joka’la to move himself to come back to laying beside her. It was a little awkward, but eventually he understood what she wanted. Getting on his back, back to where he was before, Luna moved herself over him, with her still glistening and sweet pussy pointed at his face. This allowed his fat, throbbing cock to be positioned in front of the alicorn’s face.

Staring nervously, Luna swallowed the last of her courage, and started to suckle at the tip. This sent a shiver of pleasure down Joka’la’s spine. She was still very sloppy in her technique, but she had commitment, and she knew what she wanted. This had to be rewarded, and her eager pussy provided the perfect way to give this eager mare the pleasure she wanted. It sent shivers throughout her body, making her moan muffled sounds over this dick, which she started to carefully take in more and more.

Bobbing her head up and down, Luna was determined to take in as much as she could, but Joka’la was just so big. But he was so kind, she had to thank him. She had to, or else…maybe he wouldn’t like her anymore. That though echoed, albeit more like a whisper, but a poisonous tone in the back of her mind. Uncertainty and fear seemed to try and pollute her mind with worry. Joka’la has shown her so many amazing things, and is making her feel so good. If she couldn’t do the same, then she would feel terrible, and as if she had been using him.

Joka’la could somewhat feel Luna’s uncertainty and doubts, but continued to eat out her tender pussy, the way he reached up, grabbing at her ass and thighs to pull her pussy in to tonguefuck her sweet hole. It caused not only her to moan, but the pleasure made his cock swell harder and harder. Luna’s mouth continued to take in as much as she could, struggling and gagging on this sheer size, but didn’t give up. She needed to take it all, for Joka’la.

‘She’s really going at it.’ Joka’la thought, savoring the taste of this sweet nectar on his tongue. ‘Guess she really wants to make me feel good. But this pussy…it’s so tight. I can barely get my tongue to the back. There’s no way she can take my cock, not even with all this set up. I’ll need to think of something.’

As Joka’la pondered and thought, Luna continued to do her cocksucking. The mare nearly had the entire length of this fat, zebra cock in her throat. But it wasn’t enough. So close, and yet so far away. She couldn’t stand it. Picking up her speed, she let out such whorish and slutty sounds of her sloppy wet mouth fucking herself over this magnificant cock. It was too much, and yet her pride wouldn’t allow her to quit. She needed to get it all in there.

Faster and faster, she ran her mouth and tongue over this cock, trying to force herself on it. Until finally, she smashed her face on this dick, bottoming it out in her throat. Joka’la gasped, feeling just how tight this mouth-pussy felt, and it was sending him over the edge. The ego of his victory in now having her, and then the feeling of her dedicated facefuck was too much, he was cumming. Luna, so blinded by this feeling of victory, had Joka’la’s entire girth in her mouth, her throat swelled, and this left her unaware of the massive orgasm, until it was too late.

Joka’la load was hot, thick, and strong. Luna’s eyes burst open as she drank down as much as she could, even grabbing at his thighs to hold her mouth in place as she felt herself nearly drowning in this hot spunk. Her determination to endure only added more to Joka’la climax, making him only release more and more of this orgasm in the mare’s mouth. Luna, feeling a surge of pleasure and terrors of lustful obedience, swallowed down as much as she could, gulping down this thick cum as if it were the very nectars of life and love.

Eventually, Joka’la’s orgasm died down, and Luna still continued to suck on his cock to suckle out the last drops she could. But after several more moments of this, she released this cock to an audible pop, and gasped for air. This caused Joka’la to slowly slip his tongue out of her pussy, now fully soaked in her juices as he tried to see the look on Luna’s face. She was panting, and her eyes were glowing with an almost animalistic longing.

“That felt amazing.” Joka’la commented, looking at Luna with an equal expression, though he had a little more control over himself. “How was it?”

“So good…but the tingling, it won’t stop.” Luna moaned, collapsing a little to the side as she looked at him with hearts in her eyes. “I think…I think…I’m ready…I want to try…more…”

“I'm honored, really I am.” Joka’la replied, reaching down to gently rub his hand from Luna’s shoulder down to her curvy flank. “But there’s a problem. Even with my best efforts, you’re so tight, I don’t believe even I can fit in you.”

“B-b-but there has to be…” Luna gasped before blushing and calming down. “What can we do?”

“Don’t worry, I have an idea.” Joka’la replied with a reassuring smile. “But it will require us to go into the city. And you’ll need a disguise again.”

“Oh fuck…oh shit…fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Cadance moaned out, howling in pleasure as she came again on Hekima’s cock. “What is…with this…dick?!”

Hekima was standing, holding up the Princess of Love in a standing position, but he was lifting her from behind as he hammered his cock in and out of her pussy while his arms reached up from under her thighs and to the back of her neck. She was in such a helpless position, being fucked like some toy in a way her husband couldn’t even have begun to replicate. Her mind was shattering as she could only get a few thoughts together only to have it broken by each hard thrust of this zebra’s cock.

Celestia was watching, now relaxing on a long couch as she was busy fingering herself. She loved Hekima, and when she told him to fuck her her niece, she was not disappointed. Cadance had always been a confident and clever mare, but did sometimes develop an ego and think she knew more than she really did. Now was the perfect time to really put her in her place. More than once, she had received letters from Shining Armor regarding his “suspicions'' over his wife, and Celestia didn’t have the heart to tell him everything she knew.

“I’m sorry, I thought you said you could take it.” Hekima mocked Cadance, fucking her in an unrelenting fashion that only Celestia should’ve known. “Or should I slow down? You clearly can’t take what my love can handle.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Cadance shouted, moaning between breaths as she was spraying out in orgasm, which only added to the small pool on the floor. “You’re gonna fuck me with that fat, beautiful, fucking zebra cock, and I’m gonna cum so hard, I can’t feel my fucking pussy…for weeks!”

“If you say so.” Hekima grunted, picking up his speed. Moving his hands, he arched himself a little more back in order to keep the alicorn upwards, but was now groping at her breasts. She not only moaned out in more and more of a strong orgasm, small streams of milk poured out of her nipples. “You’re lactating? Are you pregnant?”

“Not yet, but I plan to be.” Cadance moaned out, looking as best as she could at Hekima. “Not from you, my husband.”

“You’re married, and yet you wished to be fucked by your aunt’s lover?” Hekima asked, looking over to Celestia, who only nodded a look of approval. He knew what this meant. “So you are just a whore? A loose slut who wants cock from anyone, while your poor husband gets nothing?”

“No, no, it’s not like that!” Cadance replied, shivering in pleasure at the insults and accusations. “I love Shining Armor, but his dick…it’s just not enough. I told him he could fuck any of the mares back home, but he refused. He loves me so much, and I can’t be satisfied by just him alone. But I want his foal. So fuck my married, cheating, whore pussy, so I can have my husband’s foal later!”

‘This bitch is crazy!’ Hekima thought to himself, sweating a little at Cadance’s words. ‘Joka’la must never meet this mare. Those two would cause far, far too many problems.’

“My love, are you doing alright?” Celestia asked, seeing the look of worry on Hekima’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing, nothing at all.” Hekima replied, not wanting to worry Celestia over his fears. “But I could use some help. Since your niece is so insatiable.”

“It would appear so. And after our fun today, I’m surprised you have any stamina left.” Celestia giggled, getting up from where she sat. Waving her hands over herself, magic emitted from her horn as it drifted down her body like a heavy fog. By the time it reached her pussy, it darkened in color, only to then shape and mold until it took the shape of a massive cock; a duplicate to Hekima’s shape and size. “Alright, Cadance. Time to show you what happens when you pry into your auntie’s business.”

Within the streets of Canterlot, there was a certain shop that Joka’la had noticed during his days in the city. It was a little out of the way, but not hidden. The Blooming Flower, a sex shop, run by a beautiful looking unicorn mare who seemed to hold the very definition of a milf, but she seemed to be quite knowledgeable. Joka’la and Luna had come to this place in order to get what they needed; sex toys for Luna’s use. Rather than her unicorn or pegasus disguise, she was illusioned as an earth mare. Though she seemed to be a little more confident in her attire, where more of her curves and cleavage was visible.

Looking around the shop the two of them were searching for something that could help them in the bedroom. And while Joka’la was certain he knew what he was looking for, he was greatly enjoying watching Luna look around the various sex toys, blushing as she could only imagine what they were capable of. But eventually, he knew he had to help her, or else the salesmare may ask them if they needed help. With a playful sigh, he approached Luna.

“Now, what do you think?” Joka’la whispered, leaning in against Luna to bring her some comfort. “Does anything catch your eye?”

“There’s just.. So much…” Luna said, whispering as well, but more out of nervousness. Swallowing hard, she pointed to a few items. “I just don’t…what are these?”

“Well, those are your typical dildos, made to be in various sizes and shapes. All to fulfill different fantasies.” Joka’la replied, waiving a hand from one to the other, each ranging from something found on the most feminine twink, to the mightiest stallion; some even as big as his arm, which made Lune blush. “And these are some vibrators, where it functions the same, but it vibrates to send more pleasure throughout the body.”

Luna trembled a little, biting her lower lip as she wasn’t sure what to do. Joka’la’s words, even how he spoke seemed to cause her body to tremble a little. Swallowing hard, she looked at him, the way he looked at her, so confidently, especially after what they’ve done so far. She wanted to go all the way with him, and yet she was embarrassed with how ignorant and naive she was in these affairs. It brought another scarlet blush across her face. Eventually, she found the courage to speak again.

“I-I-I don’t know…I don’t understand much of this.” Luna replied, looking between the sex toys and Joka’la. “H-how about you decided, I’ll trust your judgment.”

“Oh? Well, in that case, just give me a few more minutes.” Joka’la replied, smiling at her. “I think I can come up with a few ideas.”

Hekima had done it. On the orders of his lover, he had fucked Cadance into a massive, sloppy, and cum gushing mess. Celestia was snuggling up beside him, savoring this sight as she wanted to embrace him. Cadance was moaning and twitching, letting out loads of cum with each movement of her body. She was laying in the afterglow and had the face of a mare who had never come so hard in their life.

“Well, your niece is quite the insatiable one.” Hekima commented, looking at the mare. “But I believe that should do.”

“For now, unfortunately, her appetites rival even my own.” Celestia commented, sighing a little as she nuzzled against Hekima’s face as she cooed. “For now, let us enjoy this small reprieve before she will want another round.”

“Well, with you by my side, I will have to do what I must.” Hekima replied, hugging Celestia close to him. “But for your niece, if she does get back up, I will need your help.”

“Oh, you most likely will.” Cadance groaned, getting the attention of the two as she dragged herself up. “Holy fuck, Auntie! That was amazing!”

“I’m even more surprised to see you’re still standing.” Celestia giggled, teasing her niece. “With how my love can fuck, your legs must be as soft as jelly.”

“Oh, yes, yes they are. I’m using what magic I can to lift myself up.” Cadance replied, visible jiggling as she was struggling to stay standing, let alone walk over, rather awkwardly, over to the two. Sitting down, she nearly collapsed at on the table. “Lord Hekima, you are without a doubt the best fuck I’ve ever had!”

“I am glad to have pleased you as so.” Hekima replied, seemingly satisfied. “Now, I trust you will keep our secret?”

“Oh, yes, yes, I would never want to ruin this!” Cadance replied, giggling a little as she tilted her head, seeing the zebra with lustful eyes. “You, and of course Auntie, and even your son, are always welcome to come to the Crystal Empire. We can make a vacation out of it!”

“I shall…put that under advisement.” Hekima replied, pondering for a moment. “Though my son will need to be under some strict supervision.”

“I’m sure he will be fine.” Cadance giggled back, smiling playfully at the stallion. “There’s no need to worry about him.”

“It’s not him I am worried about.” Hekima sighed, worrying what would happen if Joka’la tried to fuck Cadance, or if she would seek him out. “Regardless, we have honored our word, and you shall honor yours.”

“Of course. But with that being said, I was wondering if we could fuck again?” Cadance asked, looking over to Celestia. “There’s no telling when I’m gonna ride that fat cock again, and let’s be honest Auntie, there’s not a single stallion back home would could compare.”

“Given how…uncharacteristically cooperative you have been, I shall allow it.” Celestia replied, looking over to Hekima. “Provided he is willing to bless you with another round.”

“I’ll do what I must for you.” Hekima replied, rubbing Celestia’s hand as he looked to her with his love filled eyes. Sighing, he stood up, his cock slowly growing to arousal as he turned his gaze to Cadance. “You get one more round, and I will be sure to treat you differently. I believed you to be some royal harlot, but you are a whore to be acknowledged. So I will fuck you, hard.” Cadance almost came at his words, and her smile became slutty and goofy.

Having purchased what they needed, Joka’la and Luna returned to the castle. Wasting no time, they went to her chambers, and opened up what they had bought. Laying them on the bed, there were a number of vibrates, some attached to small clips and clamps. Dildos of varying lengths and thickness, though none that could match Joka’la’s own size. A series of smooth looking silk ropes, and a blindfold. Luna could only blush as her mind raced with what manner of positions and fetishes could be explored with such instruments.

“There we go. That should do it, as a start.” Joka’la commented, picking up one of the smaller dildos. “So, what do you wanna try first?”

“L-l-l-let’s go slow…” Luna replied, nervously trembling as she blushed over the toys. “I-I-I’ll trust your judgment.”

Joka’la nodded, grabbing one of the smaller dildos. Wanting to give the zebra as much room as she could, Luna lay on her back, her pussy wet and almost winking as she could see this smaller dildo was pointing towards her. Joka’la was careful in his approach, he knew Luna was still very nervous and delicate about this, and so wanted to not rush too fast into this. Seeing how wet she was, he didn’t bother getting the dildo wet, only moving it closely to the mare’s glistening pussy.

As soon as the soft cockhead of this dildo pressed against Luna’s pussy lips, the mare moaned, shivering and yet her pussy was slowly taking it in; quite easily. Joka’la started, confused as to how easily Luna’s pussy was actually taking in this dildo. Raising a curious eyebrow, he continued to slowly move this dildo in the mare’s pussy, and it went in. The alicorn only moaned more and more, feeling herself getting more and more filled by this soft toy.

‘This is…kinda surprising.’ Joka’la thought, seeing Luna’s pussy nearly take in the full length of this dildo. ‘When I was eating her out, my tongue could barely get in there. Is she pussy…is she more adaptable to cocks?’

Curious, Joka’la wanted to keep experimenting with this mare’s pussy, slowly pulling out this small dildo and then reaching for a somewhat bigger one. Nowhere near as big as his own, this one was a little below the average size of a common stallion, but it seemed to meet with her soaking wet pussy to the same degree of the other. Luna’s pussy took in this dildo, cooing and moaning as her nipples were almost twitching hard.

“J-Joka’la…it feels good…” Luna moaned, looking down at the zebra, hearts radiating in her eyes as she was feeling her pleasure growing and growing. “H-how am I? Is my pussy…doing food?”

“Oh, you’re doing amazing!” Joka’la commented, speaking calmly. “But we’re not done yet, I want to try a few more fun toys.”

Luna only lay there, letting Joka’la have his way with her. She was shivering as she was letting the zebra, and their new toys, be used on her sensitive body. Moving this dildo in and out of her pussy, Joka’la was surprised with how well this mare’s pussy was. How it could take in this cock, and yet when he pulled it out, it was still so tight. This only continued to drive his curiosity onwards, where he reached for the same smaller dildo as before.

‘I wonder if…’ Joka’la thought, taking the dildo as he did before, but kept the current one on Luna’s pussy. Pressing this smaller, and still wet dildo against her wet pussy lips, his eyes widened in surprise as the alicorn’s pussy was taking in this dildo with the second one. ‘Holy shit! She can take it?! I gotta find out more.’

Reaching for a third dildo, this one was now a little bigger than even a well endowed earth stallion, but when Joka’la pressed it against Luna’s pussy, the mare’s tight, wet hole easily took it in. He was shocked, never before has he seen a pussy that was so perfect. It could take in the shafts of these dildos with ease, and yet looked to be so tight, he could only imagine what it would feel like to fuck this pussy. Perhaps it was something unique to her, or was it something all alicorns could do? For now, Joka'a was enjoying himself as he watched this mare's pussy squeeze tightly on them.

“Alright, now for some more fun.” Joka’la commented, reaching for more of the toys. This time, he went to some of the smaller vibrators. Smirking, he took these toys, having small clips on them, he was eager to see how she would handle these new twos. “Ah, so this might pinch a little, but you’ll love it. Trust me.”

“I trust you.” Luna commented, cooing as she was feeling the pleasure building and building. And yet when she felt the small feeling of these vibrating clips being put on her nipples, she started to sweat. “W-what…do these…do?”

“Just a moment, and you’ll see. Or rather, feel.” Joka’la replied, turning on the vibrators. Luna’s body arched back as she felt the pleasure send shockwaves throughout her body. “There, how does that feel?”

Luna could only whimper and moan as she felt the vibrators send more and more of these powerful tingles through her nipples and clit. This, combined with the feeling of the three dildos in her pussy were becoming too much for her. But Joka’la wasn’t finished with her yet. He wanted to see what else he could do with this mare. Adjusting himself, he propped himself to be somewhat over her, staring down at her with a playful smile.

“So? How do you-” Joka’la asked, only to have Luna reach up and pull him into an open mouth kiss. He could barely get any of his words out as they made out. “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

Kissing her lips, feeling her tongue embrace his, and even as his chest was pressing against her tits, Joka’la could feel the vibrators against his body. And because he was pushing them more against her breasts, it was sending more and more shivers of lustful delight throughout Luna’s body. And the way one of his hands drifted down, he teased more at her clit, making her pussy squeeze these three dildos tighter and tighter. It felt so good, the alicorn was feeling as if she was going to cum again.

Continuing to make out while rubbing along her stimulated clit, Joka’la could feel his cock getting hard, almost painfully hard. He was going to need to fuck this mare soon, or else he was going to cum all over Luna’s thigh and belly. Keeping up his own paces, he wanted to make sure this mare would cum so hard, she would be begging for his cock. The mask of a caring and loving stallion was slowly slipping away, and his eyes gleamed with a predatory intent. If Luna could see the look on his face, she would shiver and shudder in an instinctive form of submission.

“Alright, it feels like you’re getting ready to cum.” Joka’la commented, quickling putting his emotional mask back on as he pulled away from Luna’s mouth. “But I have one more thing I want to try.” Grabbing at a nearby smooth, silk cord, and a flat silk blindfold, he showed them to the mare. “So this is a little advanced, so what happens is, you get tied up to remove your ability to control movement, and the blindfold means you cannot see it coming.”

“A-a-and this will…make me…feel more?” Luna asked, moaning and panting between breaths as she looked at Joka’la. “W-what do you…want to…do?”

“Well, we can try the ropes, these specific brands are a bit expensive because they’re enchanted to move and tie the mare up themselves.” Joka’la explained, putting the rope down. “But we can try the blindfold first, before we move onto the real thing. If you’d like, of course.”

“O-okay…l-let’s try…the blindfold first…” Luna cooed, looking up at Joka’la with lustful, loving eyes. “B-but are we ready…for the real thing?”

“Oh yes, I believe so. So in case you’re nervous, we can do the blindfold first, so you don’t need to be shy about it.” Joka’la commented, carefully putting the blindfold over Luna’s face. “There, now we can-” The sudden removal of her sight struck the mare harder than expected.

She felt her body become hyper sensitive, it was like every inch of her body was crying out in sheer pleasure, and the sensation that she couldn't see, her choices to a degree being removed seemed to only send her into a major orgasm. Luna moaned out, almost howling in the raw pleasure as the blindfold was the final push she needed. She came, a sloppy wet, loud, and squirting orgasm. The mare’s pussy clamped down so hard, the pressure was enough to force out the three dildos. The vibrators shook harder and harder, sending more pleasure through her body. She was panting and moaning as she cried out her orgasmic bliss. It was too much and it was something that Joka’la looked on with shock and amazement.

“Oh wow…that was one massive orgasm.” Joka’la commented, leaning down to kiss Luna’s lips. “And from the looks of it, you had fun.”

“It feels…so good…” Luna moaned, looking up, though she couldn’t see through the blindfolds. “J-Joka’la…I can’t…wait anymore…” She reached down, spreading her pussy lips a little bit as she moaned to him. “...please…let’s go all the way.” Though she couldn’t see it, Joka’la smile was so wide, it stretched from ear to ear.

“Of course, I would be honored to.” Joka’la replied, positioning himself to be somewhat over her, and his cockhead was delicately nearing the mare’s trembling pussy. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, for you.”

Lunar Passions and Loving Secrets

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Joka’a was there, he could feel his cock throbbing as he was moving himself to be over Luna’s trembling, nervous form. She still had the vibrators on her nipples and clit, sending small shivers throughout her body, but it was the blindfold that seemed to be pushing over the edge. Perhaps it was just the taking of her senses, how she can’t see Joka’la about to slowly push himself into her that was making her so sensitive? Or maybe she had a secret fetish to be used like a toy, and just never knew about it? Either way, Joka’la was going to finally claim the prize he had sought for so long.

“Luna? Are you ready?” Joka’la asked, gently kissing his cockhead against the alicorn’s pussy lips. “I’ll start slow, but let me know if it’s too much.”

“I…I will…” Luna cooed, looking up at Joka’la with her blindfolded eyes. “I trust you.”

Joka’la smiled, but not a loving or caring smile, but the smirk of a smug, cocky bastard who was about to fuck one of the most untouchable mares in Equestria. Slowly, he slid his cock into this soft embrace, bringing out a slow and soft moan from Luna’s lips. Leaning in, he gently kissed on her soft mouth, letting their tongues slowly embrace each other as he slowly moved himself deeper and deeper. She gasped a little in his mouth as she felt his blunt, hard cockhead slip past her moist entrance, but she moaned and shivered as he continued.

She was tight, impossibly tight, and yet so wet and warm, it was like Joka’la was slowly slipping his way into this heavenly pussy. Her pussy was amazing, easily the best thing the zebra had ever fucked before and while she was so tight, her inner walls were wrapping around his shaft as if she never wanted to let it go. It was so good, and Joka’la couldn’t help but pant a little and groan in Luna’s mouth. As well as this, the vibrators were adding to the pleasure that ran through the alicorn’s body.

“Luna…you’re so tight…” Joka’la groaned slowly, moving at a more rhythmic pace as he was nearly halfway into her. The mare whimpered a little, wanting to say something, but couldn’t. “Oh, no, no, no, no, that’s a good thing.” Caressing her cheek, he kissed her again. “You feel amazing, your pussy feels amazing!”

“R-really?” Luna asked, blushing as she felt her heart beating faster and faster. “W-well…y-your c-c-c-cock…it’s so…so big…I-I-I-I like it…you can go faster…if you want.” Joka’la only smiled more.

Picking up the pace of his thrusting, Joka’la was shoving and sliding his length in and out of Luna’s pussy, feeling as her hot breath was kissing against his face and neck as he grunted and groaned from her heavenly sensation. She was the best, no mare could ever compare to her, and Joka’la could feel his cock could never get enough of her as he continued to pump himself in and out of her. She was tight, warm, and welcoming. It was so perfect, the way her inner folds wrapped and coiled around his girth. It was so wonderful.

“J-Joka’la…how does it feel?” Luna asked between her panting moans. “Am…am I doing good? Does it feel go- '' Her words were interrupted by the feeling of Joka’la’s lips pressing against hers.

Luna came again, soaking both the bed and this cock as she was nearly thrashing from the pleasure. If Joka’la could see her eyes, they would be rolling back as her tongue was embracing his with a lover’s obsession. The princess was falling so deep into the depravities of pleasure and carnality, it was hard to say if this was something new, or something that had been mentally buried so deep inside. Either way, Joka’la pressed his chest against the alicorn’s tits, feeling the vibrators sending more pleasure through her.

‘All this waiting…longing…build up…’ Joka’la thought, fucking faster and faster as he was trying to get as much cock as he could in the mare’s pussy. She would moan in his mouth, squeezing his cock tightly as the sloppy wet sounds were echoing around them. ‘Fuck…this is the best! I can’t believe I managed this. She was so beautiful, so naive, and now…she’s mine. These tits, these lips, this pussy, all of it. They’re mine!’

Smugness seemed to ooze out of the zebra as he was getting harder and harder, his dick swelling in anticipation of a coming orgasm. But as he was losing himself into his own ego, he could feel the mare moaning more and more in his mouth. She was trying to say something, or she couldn’t breathe. Eitherway, he broke the kiss, staring at her, even as she was looking up at him with her blindfolded eyes. She was huffing, and her face was flushed red with a scarlet blush.

“J-Joka’la…keep going…keep…fucking me…” Luna moaned, her words coming more from her lustful instincts and desires, rather than any remaining rational thoughts. “Please…keep fucking me! I want more. Make me…feel more pleasure. Please…Joka’la…fuck me more!”

“Your wish…is my command…” Joka’la replied, his mouth almost straining with just how much he was smiling. He was going to really fuck this mare. “I’m gonna give you…” Leaning in, he whispered into her ear. “...the best…fuck…ever…” Luna’s pussy tightened around his cock as his sultry words were making her get close to cumming again.

Picking up his speed, Joka’la was fucking faster and faster. He was bucking his hips against Luna’s body, his waist pressing against the vibrator that was still clipped on her clit. It sent more and more pleasure throughout her body, as her tits bounced and shook whenever the zebra’s muscular body was making her shake with each thrust. The feeling of the two of them, their bodies almost melting together as their pleasures mixed and blurred. It was an experience neither have ever felt before.

Joka’la and Luna were panting, moaning together as they were reaching their brink. The way the two were fucking into each other, it was as if their bodies were made for each other. The zebra and alicorn were feeling a rush of lust, and a growing sensation of attachment and love. The way it was going, the two were about to cum. For the briefest moment, Luna could see it. Her belly full of Joka’la’s foals, and how wonderful it would be. Joka’la would have to stay with her, and they would be making love like this every day and into the night. And as he would sleep, she would slip into his dreams and the two would pleasure each other all night.

Joka’la’s balls were tightening against his body as he felt himself getting ready to cum. He was huffing, panting, and grunting as he was hammering his cock in and out of Luna’s pussy. The mare under him was getting closer and closer as well, or at least to a bigger orgasm, as her inner folds were squeezing him as if she had been cumming over and over again. But this would be the big one, the load that may or may not knock up the lunar princess. With this temptation, this longer, and this hint of danger, Joka’la couldn’t hold himself back.

“I’m about to cum, Luna…” Joka’la puffed and panted, looking down at the alicorn. “Where do you want-”

“Inside!” Luna moaned, wrapping her legs and arms around Joka’la, hugging him closer to her. “I want you all the way…inside me…” This was enough for the zebra, who was fucking harder and harder as he heard her sweet and alluring words.

Huffing, Joka’la gritted his teeth as he felt his cock unable to hold himself back any longer. Bottoming out, with a hard and deep thrust, the zebra released his orgasm in the alicorn’s pussy. Luna gasped out a breathless scream in orgasm. Her eyes rolled back as she could feel the warmth of Joka’la’s hot cum flood her insides. Her womb eagerly and lovingly took in the stallion’s spunk, letting it saturate and soak every inch of her womb, and all throughout her pussy’s deep folds.

The two held themselves in place, savoring the feeling of his warmth deep inside her, as he felt her inner walls lovingly squeeze along his shaft. Eventually, Luna’s hold weakened, allowing Joka’la to pull himself off and out of her. His hot load gushed out of her fucked silly hole, and it only made the zebra smirk a smile of victory. Luna twitched a little, but seemed to be laying there in her afterglow. But as his pleasure was washing over him, and a small amount of clarity struck him, Joka’la realized that he might have just knocked up a Princess.

“Are you…okay…” Luna asked, noticing the look of surprise and revelation on Joka’la’s face. “D-did I do something wrong?”

“Oh, no, no, no, no.” Joka’la replied without hesitation, looking at the alicorn with calming eyes. “It’s just, I came so much inside you.”

“Oh, oh well don’t worry. Alicorn pregnancies are almost unheard of.” Luna replied, laying back in comfort. Igniting her horn, tried to clean herself and Joka’la off. “Outside of legends, I’ve never heard of an alicorn getting pregnant. So I believe we’re fine.” She then blushed. “But…I wouldn’t mind…going again. If you’d like.”

“I’d like that.” Joka’la replied, feeling his cock getting hard again at the sight of this mare. “Should I go gentle? Or hard?”

“Do whatever you want.” Luna said, love in her eyes. “I only want to keep this magical moment going on, for as long as possible.” Leaning in for a kiss, the two resumed another round of hot, steamy, passionate sex.

Hekima was pacing back and forth in his room, his breath was hot and huffing, with his eyes fuming with frustration. Mumbling under his breath, he wasn’t sure what to do. For once, it wasn’t Joka’la. If anything, the older zebra couldn’t care where his son was, or who he was fucking. Right now it is a little more important. Laying on the bed, a series of papers, documents, and reports, each giving pieces of information that was making the older zebra so angry; his airship had been damaged.

“How could this happen? And so close to our departure?” Hekima huffed, walking over to look at the report over, and over again. “Let’s see…damages to the engine’s integrity…ruptures in over a dozen air sacks…furnaces enchanted to resist heat and fire…possible sabotage…” Putting the papers down, he growled a little. “Who could possibly want to- '' But then it dawned on him; Cadance. “That whore! Knowing we were leaving, she seeks to sink her claws in my son?!” As soon as he was ready to shout, he heard a knock at the door.

Calming down as much as he could, Hekima groaned, approaching the door. As soon as he opened it, he calmed some more, as standing there was Celestia. But there was something different, she was alone. Looking her over, the zebra had a few thoughts, but nonetheless presented himself in a respectful bow. But as soon as he lifted his head, the alicorn lunged herself at him, kissing him as she pressed her massive tits against his body, pushing him further into the room.

Hekima was quick to react, kicking the door closed with his hoof, he wrestled the larger mare over to the bed, scattering the papers about as she wouldn’t let go of him. This carried on for a few moments longer before Celestia was laying on the bed, and Hekima was on top of her. She looked up at him, longing, and lustful passion in her eyes. She needed to feel his cock inside her. But there was something about the way the zebra was staring down at her, and after a couple more seconds, he sighed.

“Does Celestia know you’re here?” Hekima asked, glaring down at the mare, who looked at him in confusion. “Do you believe I would fall for such a cheap illusion, Cadance?’

“Oh, you’re no fun.” Candance replied, her horn flaring up as her magic vanished, revealing the actual alicorn under the illusion. “But come on, how could you tell?”

“No, that would only give you better means to try again.” Hekima replied, moving himself to get off the bed. “I ask again, does Celestia know you’re here?”

“She does, she does. Though she thinks I’m here to help you feel better over what happened to your airship.” Cadance giggled, still laying in bed as she winked at the zebra. “And I figured nothing can help you get better than fucking my slutty pussy.”

“No, and you know damn well that ship was sabotaged.” Hekima commented, glaring angrily at the mare. “I know what you’re planning, and I will not allow it.”

“Oh? Why not?” Cadance giggled, rolling over to her belly, winking as she teased the stallion. “Your son is probably a big boy now, so he can take care of his-”

“No! Leave. Now!” Hekima grunted, almost growling in anger at the alicorn. “You’ve done enough damage, and I will not have you sink your poison in him next!”

“Such harsh words. Fine, fine, I’ll stop for now.” Cadance sighed, rolling her eyes as she got off the bed. Leaving the room, she swayed her ass as she walked, trying to further tease the stallion. “But if he comes to me, then it’s not my fault.”

As soon as Cadance left, Hekima was on the verge of screaming. So much so, he had to hold himself back from flipping the bed over. But he sat on it, huffing and grunting as he was trying to calm himself down. Laying back, he let out a painfully angry sigh, nearly letting all the breath out of his lungs. It wasn’t bad enough with his son trying to cause problems, but now this Cadance was going to be the real problem. He would need to speak with Joka’la soon, whenever he would return.

Joka’la had done it, he had finally managed to seduce the seemingly innocent and untouchable Princess Luna. The mare was snuggling up against him, savoring the afterglow of her numerous orgasms. The zebra held her close, enjoying the feeling of her soft body against his. His cock was limp, having exhausted far more cum than any mare before, and he was beyond satisfied. Though he couldn’t help but think about how he was never going to go that long without fucking ever again, and with how well Luna seemed to like it, that wasn’t going to be a problem.

“That was wonderful.” Luna cooed, nuzzling her face against Joka’la’s neck. Looking at him, she saw his smiling face, but also a bit of a serious expression in his eyes. “What are you thinking about?”

“Hmm? Oh, well I was just thinking how lucky I am to be with you.” Joka’la replied, not being fully honest, but not lying. He didn’t want to tell her how he was a little worried about his father finding out. “But now, where would you like to go from here?”

“I…I’m not sure.” Luna replied, pondering for a moment. “Would this mean you have courted me, and we are to be wed?”

“Marriage? Well I wouldn’t be against it.” Joka’la commented, chuckling a little at how his father would react to that revelation. “But I believe the modern age has changed the courting ritual. For now, we would be a couple.”

“A couple of what?” Luna asked, only to realize what Joka’la meant. “Oh, you mean we are in a relationship before marriage. Yes, I believe I have heard about this from my niece.”

“Your niece? I don’t think I’ve heard of her.” Joka’la asked. “I know Princess Celestia is your older sister, but who is your niece?”

“Cadance, she’s a Princess from the far, far northern tundras of the Crystal Empire.” Luna explained. “She’s the Alicorn of Love, and is very wise in her ability to tell how couples should be. Though I’ve always been shy about asking her for advice.”

“I see, well, we’re together now. But I think the next question is. Should we go public about it?” Joka’la asked, his mind wandering with the possibilities, as well as the look of anger and horror on his father’s face. “I understand it might cause a scandal. One of the Princesses in a relationship with the son of a foreign merchant.”

“I…see your point.” Luna replied, looking a little saddened at this. “I believe for now, we should keep this a secret. And, I suspect the negotiations between your father and my sister should be coming to an end, so what will that mean?”

“It means I may have to depart for home.” Joka’la commented, sighing sadly as he gently rubbed Luna’s cheek. “So maybe we should just enjoy the time we have, explore things we’ve only been able to dream of. And then, when we must part, we have no regrets, and no tears.”

“Okay, I…I can accept that.” Luna replied, sniffling as she pulled the zebra closer to her in a warm hug. “I just…after what you’ve shown me, I don’t want to lose you.”

“Our lives will force us apart.” Joka’la sighed, taking Luna’s chin, leaning in for a kiss. “But with your magic of dreams, I am certain we will never be apart.”

“Can…can you stay with me…a little longer?” Luna asked, wiping her tears as she leaned in to hug Joka’la closer. “I just…I don’t want to be alone, right now.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Joka’la calmly said, hugging the mare back. The two shared a deep and loving cuddle as they lay in the soft bed. “I’ll stay here as long as you want.” Luna only cooed, nuzzling against the zebra as the two seemed to drift into a comfortable rest.

It was maybe a couple more hours before Luna woke up. Joka’la was still resting. Worries and doubts were flushing around her mind as she wasn’t sure what to do. She had to ask someone about this, how to be in a relationship that feels doomed to fail. But thankfully, as she reached out in thought, she felt the magical presences of Cadance in the castle. This was the perfect chance for her to get honest, and discreet advice on romance. Carefully, Luna slipped her way out of Joka’la cuddle, but was sure to give him another soft, tender kiss before getting dressed and departing her room.

Thanks to her abilities to detect the mare, Luna was easily able to locate Cadance. Though she did wonder why her niece was leaving the guest tower. Shaking her head of such thoughts and questions, Luna only had one thing in mind; the notion of being in a relationship with Joka’la. He had opened her eyes to pleasures she had never even dreamed of, and wanted to be more than a secret lover. She desired to be with this zebra, for them to be beloved together. For now, she would seek out her niece’s advice, as she was the only one of the alicorns to be married, so she must have the best wisdom on the matter.

Eventually, Luna managed to locate Cadance, within a hallway just shy of the throne room. It was a somewhat private enough spot, and she seemed to be alone. It was perfect. But as soon as she came close enough, the younger alicorn seemed to feel her presence. Turning, Cadance’s eyes went from the same welcoming warmth, to widening as if she was seeing something truly marvelous or mysterious. This ended in a playful smirk as she smiled at her aunt.

“Aunt Luna! It’s wonderful to see you!” Cadance exclaimed, opening her arms to give the mare a hug. Though she held the older mare for a few moments longer than a normal hug would, and Luna could almost hear the faint sound of…sniffing. But quickly, the younger alicorn pulled back. “I was wondering where you are, but it’s not even evening. What are you doing awake?”

“I came for advice.” Luna exclaimed, doing another quick look around to see if anyone, from guard to servants were coming by. But seeing none, she continued. “I also need to know that you can be discreet.”

“For you auntie, anything.” Cadance smiled, her eyes looking her aunt over. She could tell there was a massive aura of love and passion around Luna, the signs that were only noticeable after one had experiences massive amounts of love and orgasms. “What kind’ve advice do you need?”

“Well, you see.” Luna was blushing, getting more and more nervous as she was fidgeting her fingers. “I’ve…met this stallion.”

Immediately, Cadance’s horn ignited, coating the entire room in a powerful spell that seemed to displace the two mares. They were in this room, but at the same time, they were not. Nopony short of Celestia would be able to detect them, let alone dispel this effect. Luna took a step back for a moment, but then realized this was all for the sake of the two of them having an absolutely private conversation. Settling down, Luna could see the sparkling eyes, and a wide smile on her niece’s face. Cadance had always been interested in the gossip of romance, and Luna had almost never talked about such things before.

“So who is he, what does he do, oh! Have I met him before?” Cadance asked, verbally poking her aunt with all her playful questions. “And of course, how far have you gotten?”

“Well…and you swear this to be a secret?” Luna asked, to which Cadance nodded, maintaining her smile. “It’s…It’s…” She blushed, finding herself almost too nervous to say it. “Joka’la…the son of the zebra merchant currently in negotiations with Celestia.”

“Oh…ohhhh?!” Cadance gasped in surprise. Never had she considered her aunt would’ve began a relationship with someone she had probably only known for a few days. “And by your lovely aura, you’ve done more than just see this zebra.” Luna blushed as the mare laughed. “Oh wow! Auntie! Way to go! How was he?”

“He was…wonderful…” Luna replied, though her face was in a blush and her eyes were in a daze as she recalled the previous night. “He is such a passionate and yet gentle lover. I’ve never had a stallion like him before.”

“Sounds like love to me!” Cadance giggled, hugging her aunt. “Congratulations! When’s the wedding?”

“W-w-wedding?! W-well…we’re not quite there yet.” Luna explained. “We’re…we’re from two separate kingdoms, and there are of course procedures about such affairs. For now, I will need to speak with my sister about some of these matters, and then…I’m not sure.”

“So you’re in a relationship at the very least?” Cadance asked, to which Luna nodded. “But I would like to meet this Joka’la.” Before the older alicorn could ask, she continued. “I want to see him with my special eyes. So I know his feelings for you are legitimate.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Luna nodded, remembering what her niece could do. “But please, be discreet, I don’t want him to get the wrong impression that I might have doubts about him.”

“Oh, don’t worry auntie, I can be quiet about it.” Cadance nodded, keeping her smile. “But where is the sleeping stud right now?”

“He should be resting in my chambers.” Luna replied, which only caused her to blush some more, and Cadance only smiled wider. “H-he should still be resting. So if he is still asleep, please do not disturb him.”

“I promise, auntie, I won’t.” Cadance smiled, deactivating the spell around them. Thankfully, not a single member of the guard or servants had wandered by them. “Well, you enjoy speaking with aunt Celestia. I’ll go and see if this stallion truly is worth it.” Before Luna could reply, the younger alicorn was off, almost skipping as she walked towards the chambers.

Cadance wasted no time, all but flying full speed to Luna’s chambers. The fact her seemingly untouchable aunt not only found a stallion, and fucked him was one thing, and that it was the zebra she had only just heard about, and the son of both Hekima and Celestia. The scandal this could produce was so hot and juicy. Luna had accidentally fucked her own nephew, and that was sending nothing short of immense pleasure and humor through the mare’s body.

Approaching the door, she hesitated for a moment, but then gently knocked at the door. After a few moments, she knocked again, but there was no response. She pondered for a moment, only to giggle as she felt that the door was open. There was no way anyone who wasn’t Luna would casually walk into this room, so it was perfect for her to catch Joka’la off guard. Opening the door, her eyes immediately scanned as much as she could, trying to locate this zebra. He was clever, though not magically gifted, Joka’la seemed to have managed to seemingly escape her notice.

“I know you’re in here, Joka’la.” Cadance casually commented, walking in the room. Closing it behind her, she continued into the room. Her eyes were looking in all directions. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Cadance, Luna and Celestia’s niece. But don’t worry, Luna didn’t tell me too much.” She could feel a sudden swell in emotions, but still couldn’t pin down where he was. “So how was it? You know, fucking one of the alicorn sisters is quite a feat, with almost none every achieving this. So why don’t you come out, so I can thank you properly.”

Joka’la contemplated his next move. This mare was attractive, very attractive. Though she wasn’t as close to Luna or Celestia, there was this honey sweet appeal to her. And yet, he could feel she was dangerous. But what else could he do? He was just barely able to get his clothes on before he heard the knock at the door. What else could he do but hide as soon as he heard the door opening. But there was just something he wanted to know. This mare seemed to know everything, and yet was bragging about it rather than doing anything else.

“Well, if you’re not going to come out, I’ll have to draw you out.” Cadance commented, slowly striping from her clothes. As she did, she exposed her body to Joka’la, wherever he was hiding. “Come, and take a whiff of passion!”

Joka’la stared at this mare’s body. She had quite the body, clearly the third sexiest mare in all of Equestria, and seemed to have no shame in showing off her alluring frame to a stallion she had just met. She was brave, a major royal whore, but brave nonetheless. Joka’la could feel his body getting hotter too. There was a sweet smell in the air, and the more he took in this scent, the hotter his body was becoming. Was this mare using her sexy smell to draw him out? It was difficult to resist. He felt his body, especially his cock to long to just leap out and fuck her into a sloppy mess, but he held back, biting his lip as he did so.

“Oh? You have a strong will?” Cadance commented, giggling as she seemed to be impressed with the zebra. Walking her way over to the bed, she lay on it. “Is this where you fucked my aunt? I wonder how it felt. To make the untouchable Princess Luna moan like a mare in heat.” Slowly, she started to rub along her body, teaching at her breasts, and wet pussy. “I bet you fucked her so hard, and so full of cum. Maybe I’ll have a royal cousin coming?”

“Sounds to me like you’re jealous of your aunt.” Joka’la chuckled, starting to see where this was going. The way Cadance talked, how she teased him, she wanted his dick, and he considered the option. “But what if I told you my heart belongs to Luna?”

“Oh, you can love her all you want, I just want that dick!” Cadance giggled, rubbing herself more and more as she winked at Joka’la. “I’m not interested in trying to get in the way of what you two have. In fact, I support it. But, if you want me to keep your secret, you’re gonna have to pay the price.”

“And the price is to fuck you so hard, you can’t even think, let along speak our secret?” Joka’la asked, to which Cadance shivered at his harsh and direct words. “Seems like I have no choice.” Approaching the bed, he stripped from his clothes, and glared down at the mare. “But if I’m gonna fuck your slutty ass, I’m not going to be gentle.”

‘Just like his father.’ Cadance thought, adjusting as she lay to have her head over the bed. Opening her mouth, she leaned in to kiss at Joka’la’s throbbing cockhead. “So how about you fuck me into silence.”

Joka’la gave no further response, only thrusted forward. In the first motion, he bottomed out in the mare’s mouth, causing her throat to swell as she was taking in this thick size. Though not as big as Hekima, Joka’la was still an impressive stallion. Cadance could feel herself getting close to orgasm just from feeling these heavy balls slap the front of her face. This zebra was equally brutal as his father, holding himself in Cadance’s mouth as if to choke her on his cock before slowly pulling himself out.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m sure an alicorn whore like yourself can handle it.” Joka’la commented, chuckling as he smirked down at the mare. This wasn’t like fucking Luna, where he felt a feeling of longing, but this wasn’t how he fucked many of the staff in the castle where that was simply desire and arousal. This was a hate fuck. “Threaten to blackmail me? Well, I’ll give you more cock than you can handle.”

Cadance only continued to rapidly finger herself, groping and teasing one of her nipples as her sobbing wet entrance was taking in four of her fingers. Joka’la started thrusted again, moving his cock in and out of Cadance’s mouth, but not fully taking himself out. There were no kindnesses, mercy, or care. He was fucking her throat like it was some loose whore’s pussy; and she loved it. The way he was rubbing his thick girth in her, it was making her soaking wet, making a mess on her aunt’s bed.

“Shit, are you getting off to this?” Joka’la asked, laughing as he reached down to place his hands on Cadance’s shoulders to better angle himself. “You’re not a princess, you’re a whore. Some loose slut who gets off being fucked by stallions claimed by other mares?” His insults only seemed to make Cadance moan more and more muffled sounds of pleasure. “Like these tits!”

Reaching down, Joka’la groped at Cadance’s breasts, kneading and pushing his hands as if he was trying to squish and squeeze the soft mounds like dough. She continued to moan more and more, shivering as he was especially savage to her nipples. Her hard, sensitive pink nipples were being teased, twisted, and tugged, making her scream more muffled sounds of pleasure on this cock as it rub along her throat-pussy. Joka’la could feel his more sadistic and controlling side coming out, and it felt good.

“These tits are amazing, not as good and pure as Luna’s, but you have the perfect tits of a whore.” Joka’la continued to taunt the mare, taking both nipples between his fingers and tug at them, making Cadance moan some more. “I bet you’d get off just flashing your tits to anyone who looks at you, or maybe you do? You have magic, I bet you get off flashing your naughty body to married stallions, just to show them how much you want cock!”

Joka’la’s words, mixed in with the pleasure this mare was feeling of the cock in her mouth, it was making Cadance’s body twitch more and more. She loved this, to be so degraded and mistreated, it was driving her senses crazy. Her mind and body couldn’t help but compare Joka’la to his father. Both looked down at her with a great distain, and they would take out their frustration on her body. Her body was just a meaty, fuck hole for them to fuck and cum in.

“Fucking slut! Getting off to your throat-pussy being fucked!” Joka’la laughed, releasing Cadance’s boobs to lean over, placing his hands on her waist. This allowed him to fuck deeper and faster, often bottoming out in her mouth. “Look at this waist, there’s no way your whore ass hasn’t been knocked up. The way I see it, you probably have a fuck ton of bastard foals. Maybe you put them up for adoption? Oh! Wouldn’t that be a scandal, some royal bitch getting knocked up by any cock that points her way, only to abandon the foal to some orphanage.”

Joka’la’s laughter, his cruel words, and the way his cock was hammering in and out of Cadance’s mouth was making her gush out her sweet nectar. Her fingers were absolutely soaked in her juices, but continued to finger herself. This stallion was just as savage as Hekima, but unlike the older stallion, his son was more vocal and demeaning to the mare. She loved it, the way Joka’la was treating her, it was a primal lust, a use of her body like a toy, and it was filling her senses and mind with pleasure after pleasure.

“Fuck, is your throat getting tighter?” Joka’la asked, feeling as the pleasure Cadance was feeling seemed to only make her throat tighter. He only smirked, moving back to look down as the sound of her sloppy facefuck was playing a melody in his ears. “Maybe I can make it even tighter?”

Reaching down, Joka’la placed his hands around Cadance’s throat, squeezing it to make it much tighter than before. She moaned muffled cries of pleasure, tensing up as she felt her air being cut off. What little she could still take in through her flaring nostrils were burning with the intense musk radiating off Joka’la’s balls, making her senses numb and sensitive to pleasure. She loved this, to be so roughly handled, fucked in a way only a stallion who only wants her to break would give her.

Joka’la continued to thrust in and out of her throat, smelling the sweetness of her pussy juices spilling all over the bed. It was so intense, and he was about to cum. This mare seemed intent on milking his cock of every thick drop he can offer. The cock that had broken so many mares before her, one he was content to give only to Luna, was about to release a hot, heavy, and thick load in Cadance’s royal throat-pussy. Gripping tighter, he could almost feel the mare’s pulse quickening as she was getting close to cumming as well.

“Alright whore, I’ll catch you a break.” Joka’la taunted, fucking Cadance’s throat faster and faster. “I’ll let you off easy with this hot load. But then, if you want more, you better keep my secret.”

Cadance knew what Joka’la was doing. He was trying to take advantage of her desire for cock to keep quiet in exchange for more of it. Much different than Hekima, and while Joka’la still had a lot to learn to reach his father’s skills, his potential was so immense, Cadance could see why Luna loved him; even if she didn’t know about his real carnal skills yet. She was twitching, now with both hands feverishly fingering her pussy, making sloppy wet sounds as she did so. She was about to cum, and she knew she was about to spray her wet juices all over her aunt’s bed from Joka’la’s thick spunk.

“Alright you whore!” Joka’la laughed, gritting his teeth as he felt himself about to cum. “Fucking take my cum, you bitch!”

Joka’la bottomed out in Cadance’s throat, pumping out his thick cum. Her throat swelled as she drank down as much cum as she could. It wasn’t fully enough, as some would spill out from the sides of her mouth, while the rest was pumped in her belly. The initial release was enough to flood the mare’s insides with hot spunk, but then Joka’la grunted out a couple more thick ropes of cum, causing Cadance’s slender belly to bulge out as if she was drinking down a barrel of cum. But what was too much for a lesser mare, this alicorn was chugging it down like a cum drunk whore.

As well as this, Cadance’s own orgasm was too much to bear, spraying and squirting out the glistening juices of her pussy. It was so sweet smelling, even as it soaked Luna’s bed. Nothing short of magic would be needed to clean up this mess, let alone get rid of the intense smell of sweat and sex. Cadance only moaned more muffled screams of pleasure, wanting to have more and more of this cock milk pumped into her. So much so, she was still suckling and moving her head a little bit as Joka’la was getting the last globs of hot cum out.

“Fuck, you’re still sucking?” Joka’la asked, slowly pulling his cock out of Cadance’s mouth. As his dick was freed of her sobbing maw, he let out another gush, coating her face and landing across her tits. “There you go, why don’t you just rub that in?” Cadance only seemed to obey, rubbing her soaking hands over the cum that lay across her chest. The zebra laughed. “Well fuck, you’re a bigger slut than I thought.” His eyes then narrowed a little. “Now, do we have a deal?”

“Deal…I’ll keep your secret…and support you both…” Cadance cooed, laying in the afterglow of her soaking orgasm. “But I want cock…keep giving me your yummy cock…” Joka’la chuckled, shrugging a little as he admired the mare’s durability.

“Alicorn indeed.” Joka’la smirked, looking down at the mare. “Well, I’m a little winded from fucking Luna. So we’ll pick this up another time.” He then started getting dressed. “I’ll see myself out. And you can clean yourself up.” Before Cadance could gurgle out another word, he left her in the chambers.

Another Romantic Date

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By the time Joka’la returned to his room, Hekima all but pulled him in, slamming the door and locking it behind him. The room was thick with intense frustration. He hadn’t seen his father like this since he lost half a dozen ships to a storm and nearly lost half a fortune of goods, sailors, and profit. Joka’la was a cocky stallion, but even he knew better than to be smug when Hekima was like this. For now, he sat there on the edge of the bed, quietly letting his father gather his thoughts.

“Now, we’re in a major problem.” Hekima began, now getting all his thoughts together. “The air ship has been…damaged, and will require extensive repairs.”

“Damaged?! How…what?!” Joka’la asked, only to pause. Taking a deep breath, he continued. “So what are we going to do now?”

“We have no choice but to remain here.” Hekima replied, groaning in frustration. “By the mercy of Princess Celestia, we are to be given our own seperate rooms in the greater guests’ quarters.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” Joka’la chuckled, only to clear his throat when his father glared at him. “A-anyway. How long do you think repairs will be?”

“The parts that were damaged are not too exotic for Equestrian mechanics, but even then, at least a week. Maybe longer.” Hekima replied, sighing again. “Now, with that in mind, I shall remind you that we are not here to satisfy your lust for mares. And being here longer, I expect you to be on your absolute, best behavior!”

“I shall, I shall, father.” Joka’la replied, trying not to sound sarcastic. “Besides, I think I’ve had my fill, and will use this time to relax.”

“Fine, but if I hear a single whisper that my son has been bedding the maids and guards again.” Hekima threatened, only to sign for a third time. “Regardless, we have much to do. And are to gather our things and bring them to our new rooms.”

Doing as his father commanded, Joka’la gathered and packed up his things. His mind wandered about how all of this happened. Not that it really mattered to him. This was the perfect chance to get more time with Luna, and maybe even fuck that whore, Cadance on occasion. Hekima’s own mind was also thinking to his beloved, how this did allow more time with Celestia, no doubt believing that the seperate rooms were done intentionally.

He hated it, but Hekima would like more time with the Princess, Celestia just always had a way to take away his stress. As for Joka’la, he could only hope that Cadance wouldn’t be able to sink her slutty claws into him. With their things gathered, the two zebras made their way towards the door. Opening it, standing there was the smiling face of Cadance. She was dressed a little more modest, but her nipples were very visible through her royal outfit.

“Princess Cadance?!” Hekima asked, trying not to sound as angry as he was feeling right now. “What brings you here?”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna has instructed me to escort you both to your new rooms.” Cadance replied, smiling a gentle expression to the two. This had to be a lie, a ploy for the whore mare to know where they were sleeping, but it wasn’t like they could do anything about it. “So please, right this way.”

Following behind the mare, both stallions couldn’t take their eyes off her. Both recalled the feeling of fucking this slut, though neither knew that the other had done it. Hekima’s eyes remained more on the back of her head, the memory of him fucking her into a screaming, sloppy mess. While Joka’la couldn’t look away from her ass, how she would tempt him with it, but there was a new feeling bubbling up in the two of them; pleasure.

Cadance was far better at magical illusions than the zebras thought. Though it looked like she was only walking, in truth, she had cast a spell to slowly rub and tease the bulges of both stallions. Though this only seemed to be a cocktease as both Hekima and Joka’la maintained a serious expression throughout the long walk down the halls, and to the greater guests’ quarters. Cadance only seemed to smile as she walked, tempting the father and son duo.

By some semblance of mercy, they arrived at a pair of doors. Joka’la didn’t know where they were, but Hekima surely did. Turning his head to face further down the halls, he knew he was only a few doors away from Celestia’s royal chambers. No doubt this was all part of the Princess’ plan. Sighing, he looked over to Cadance, who seemed ready to guide Joka’la away. Her magic seemed to leave him as he sighed.

“Are we not to be placed in neighboring rooms?” Hekima asked, trying not to sound as utterly pissed off as he was right now. “I was under the impression that we would be.”

“Oh, no, no, sorry for the confusion.” Cadance replied, sounding as proper as she could, hiding the true slut under her words. “But Princess Celestia has asked you to have this room, and your son to be housed in a room several doors down. She also told me your guards and staff are free to use the remaining rooms.”

“I see, very well.” Hekima replied, seeing what Cadance was trying. All he could do was try and ruin her fun. “Joka’la, report to me as soon as you have placed your things in your room. I expect you in no more than ten minutes.”

“Of course father.” Joka’la bowed, before following Cadance. Once the two were far enough out of earshot, he leaned in closer to the mare. “You heard my father, I have less than ten minutes. So what are you gonna do?”

“This.” Cadance giggled, taking hold of the zebra’s cock with her magic in full force. “Let’s see if you can keep yourself from cumming in your pants before we reach your room.” Joka’la only smirked at the challenge.

Looking over, Cadance saw that Hekima was still glaring at her. He couldn’t see what she was doing to his son, but didn’t trust her. The alicorn only giggled, knowing there was no way she could sneak into Joka’la’s room right now, but settled on teasing the zebra a little more. Her magic was rubbing along his cock, keeping it in his pants, he was certain to hold himself from cumming. Though this slutty alicorn was certainly not making it easy for him.

The magic that was making him feel more and more pleasure was certainly a small pleasure and torment in its own right. He wanted to just press her against a wall and fuck her like the whore she was for thinking she could tease him like this, but knew this place was far too public, and his father could still be watching. Instead, Joka’la all but bit his lip, wanting to keep his mind drifting too close to the mare’s sultry appearance and playing.

By some grace of mercy, the mare arrived at Joka’la’s room. Opening it, she beckoned him to enter, but remained outside. Even from this distance, she could see Hekima, still staring, glaring as if to bore a hole in her slutty head if she even dared to go in that room. The silent threat only made her giggle, wondering if she would be punished with more fat, zebra cock for it. For now, she remained outside the room, while Joka’la entered. The room itself wasn’t the grandest, but still looked very amazing; compared to the previous room they were in.

“There you go, nice and comfy.” Cadance commented, looking at Joka’la with lustful eyes. “Now, normally, I’d come right in and suck off that fat cock to get your juicy, pent up cum out. But, your father is still glaring at me, so I will refrain for now.”

“That won’t stop you from sneaking in anyways.” Joka’la laughed, putting down his stuff. “But until then, I believe we have our deal?”

“Of course, of course. In fact, I have just the idea for you.” Cadance commented, giggling as she smirked smuggly at the zebra. “Why just the other day, after I was done getting throatfucked so brutally by you, I happened to speak with Luna again. And she’s interested in trying some new things.”

“Oh? What kind of things?” Joka’la asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “As much as I would love to give her all I know, I don’t want to rush into things if she’s not comfortable.”

“Oh don’t worry about that, you’re doing to love this.” Cadance giggled, riding off the feeling of knowing something Joka’la didn’t. “She seemed to enjoy those sex toys so much, she’s wondering if she can wear them in public. As in, when you two go on your next date, most likely tomorrow, she’s gonna have a vibrator or two in her pussy.” Joka’la’s eyes went wide at the thought and notion. He was amazed at just how fast Luna wanted to progress things. “Oh, that’s it! That’s the look on your face I was looking for. I’ll tell my dear auntie that you’re looking forward to it. Have a good day.”

With that, she closed the door, now thoroughly pent up Joka’la, and offering him a pleasurable next day. He groaned, as he knew he was going to need to talk to his father before anything else. Joka’la cured at Cadance’s cleverness, how she seemed to enjoy nothing more than to tease and tantalize the stallion for her own amusement. The next time he would get the chance to fuck her, he was going to really let her have it. If straight up chocking her as he throat fucks her wasn’t enough, he’d have to do something more rough and hardcore. But for now, he groaned an irritated sigh, and went to see his father.

When the two of them got the chance, Joka’la and Luna managed to leave their respective duties and meet in Canterlot proper. While the zebra was able to get away with dressing casually, the alicorn was in a disguise. This time, she was in a unicorn form, but her choice of attire seemed to be more reflective of her further interest in carnal pleasures. Where Joka’la was wearing some loose pants and a short sleeve shirt, Luna was in a skirt that was just shy of being too short, and a tank top that was one jog away from her large tits to spill out. And from the look, she was wearing panties, but no bra.

“H-how do I look?” Luna asked, blushing as she looked at the zebra. “C-Cadance recommended this outfit. She said it would be very attractive to you.”

“Oh, it is. It very much is!” Joka’la replied, smiling as he looked the mare over. It was as if she was planning to fuck in the streets in such an outfit. “It looks amazing on you!” Luna giggled, hugging his arm close to her, squishing it against her boobs.

The more he looked, the more he noticed something. It was faint, but tucked in the folds of her clothes were thin wires that seemed to connect to a pair of vibrators that were clamped on her nipples, and there was another that subtly ran into her skirt. No doubt, she had one in her pussy too. Joka’la couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the realization of how far this princess wanted to go in regards to this little play. But he welcomed it nonetheless.

“Now then, let’s have a fun date.” Joka’la smiled, adjusting to pull his arm from Luna’s cleavage, but then wrapped it around her waist to pull her closer to him. “Now then, shall we?” As the two of them went off to begin their date, they failed to notice they were being followed.

There was no way Cadance was going to help set all of this up, and not stalk the couple. This couldn’t have come at a much better time. Celestia was distracted with Hekima, no doubt both of them were fucking each other’s brains out. This was the perfect opportunity for her to help steer the couple in an interesting direction. There was no way she could even make a dent in Celestia, she was too dedicated to her role, and while she was going to enjoy her time with Hekima, she knew he would have to return him.

But Luna, she was still new to these feelings. Open to suggestion, and entirely too trusting in her niece, Cadance was going to help her aunt explore more and more of these feelings of lust, love, affection, and passion she was feeling towards Joka’la. As well as this, the younger alicorn wouldn’t be against having a taste of this sexy zebra every now and again too. So it was going to be a win-win for all three of them. For now, Cadance would follow them, her magic disguising her as a simple pegasus, but she was dressed in far sluttier clothes than Luna was, which did catch a few eyes as she followed the couple.

Following behind the couple, Cadance giggled to herself, her hand fidgeting with a small device in her hand. This was the setting controls for Luna’s sex toys. Though she told her aunt that these toys would happen randomly, in truth, she was going to play with her throughout this date. She began to turn it on, which caused Luna to flinch, hugging Joka’la closer to her as she could feel as she was getting struck with this pleasure. Giggling, she lowered the setting, to put her aunt in a sense of curiosity and anticipation.

“Are you doing okay?” Joka’la asked, feeling Luna’s sudden movements. “Are you nervous?”

“No, no, it’s not that…” Luna blushed, looking up at Joka’la. “Cadance told me these…these things would start and stop randomly, and it took me off guard.”

“I see, I see.” Joka’la nodded, knowing full well that wasn’t how they worked, and this meant Cadance had to be nearby. “Well, let’s go off and enjoy ourselves.” Luna nodded, hugging him again before the two took off.

The date went wonderfully. Joka’la and Luna had a spectacular time. They looked around at some new clothes, which Cadance would cause the toys in her aunt to start up, sometimes passively, but other times it would cause her knees to knock and legs to get wobbly. This caused Joka’la to take her to the changing area, where Luna pulled the zebra in to make out with him. They didn’t fuck, but the pleasure was so much that the alicorn needed to keep his lips against hers to keep sane. Cadance was in shock at how bold her aunt was getting, but it was no less entertaining.

Joka’a didn’t complain. If anything, he only encouraged this behavior more and more as the day carried on. Luna’s mind and body were in an almost always fluctuating state of pleasure and anticipation. As the day carried on, Cadance would activate the sex toys, causing her aunt to twitch and struggle to hide her moans as she blushed intensely. The thought that at any moment her spell could break, her real form would reveal herself as some perverted mare to everyone around her. It was bringing out a sense of pleasure Luna never thought possible.

She loved this feeling, and only seemed to see how far she could push herself. But even then, it wasn’t enough. The occasional making out whenever her pleasure and feelings would overflow, it wasn’t enough by the end of the day. She needed more, Luna craved to have more of Joka’la to herself. At first, she considered waiting until later that night, to indulge in her pleasures with her zebra lover back in her chambers. But as the hours whittled by, the alicorn’s body being teased on and off by her niece’s control, it was apparent that Luna wasn’t going to last until later that night. Even as the sun was setting, she fought off every desire to have Joka’la fuck her right then and there.

Though another thought surged through her mind as her desires were bubbling up in her mind. What was she doing? These thoughts, these feelings, they were so…so different. For so long, she had never once considered such things. And yet now, she couldn’t stop but imagine all the things Joka’la could do to her body, to her. She was in disguise, so being fucked like a whore in such a public place wouldn’t be too bad, right? But what if the spell broke? What if Canterlot saw their lunar princess as nothing more than a cock loving slut? Her body shuddered at the thought, the shame of being revealed like this, it seemed to make her nipples harder, and pussy wetter.

By the time it was time to raise the moon, Luna couldn’t take it anymore. Grabbing at Joka’la’s arms, she dragged him into a private alley. Though it was probably to find privacy to raise the moon, Cadance’s eyes could see the intense aura of lust and longing radiating off her aunt. It was like a flame that was about to envelop Joka’la in his carnal passions. Following behind them, she decided to really push Luna to her limits. Cranking the dial to the max, Cadance saw the moon rise to its peak faster than anything she had ever seen in her life.

“Looks like Luna really enjoyed that.” Cadance giggled to herself, skulking to get to the alley entrance, keeping an eye out for anyone to accidentally wander by. “Now, let’s see how those two are-” As soon as she saw the couple, her eyes went wide.

Princess Luna, the stoic, calm, and dutiful mare who safeguarded dreams, guided the moon’s journey over the night sky, and was seen by even the most bitter noblepony as a mare of soothing grace and beauty; but what she was doing was the opposite of anything anypony could every think or say about her. The alicorn was on her knees, her disguise broken, wings flapping in joy, and horn letting out silver blue sparks as she was bobbing her head in an audible, sloppy blowjob on Joka’la’s cock. Cadance couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She knew she was teasing her aunt, but didn’t expect it to cause this sort’ve reaction.

“Holy shit, Luna…” Joka’la panted, leaning against a nearby wall to hold himself up as Luna was sucking him off as if she wasn’t gonna fuck him again. “I didn’t know you were this pent up.”

Luna said nothing, only continued to bob her head up and down the length of Joka’la’s cock. She couldn’t stop herself, savoring the strong, meaty taste of this dick. It was so good, making her body surge with pleasure. The vibrators in her pussy, and along her nipples were sending ripples of passion through her, making her shiver and moan muffled, whorish sounds as her mouth deepthroat this cock. If Luna could see herself right now, she probably wouldn’t recognize herself, and yet she didn’t seem to care. All that mattered was the pleasure and love she felt from this feeling.

‘Holy shit!’ Cadance thought, trying to remain hidden, but felt her own body getting hotter. ‘Luna…just wow…she’s really taking that dick…’ The more she watched, the more she felt as her own pussy was getting soaked.

Looking around, Cadance saw there wasn’t anypony in sight, which was good, but part of her was annoyed she couldn’t get her own relief as she watched. Then again, she was going to jump Joka’la later. Though maybe Luna wouldn’t mind sharing? No, no, that can’t work. Luna was the only one in the family who didn’t know Cadance was the biggest whore in Equestria, and this ignorance has allowed her to convince her of almost anything. She couldn’t blow her cover yet.

Luna didn’t seem to let up, even as one of her hands was rubbing one of her fat tits, while the other was not fondling at Joka’la’s balls. Whether she was learning these new tricks, or this was some instinct of hers, it was impossible to tell; not that he cared. Looking down, he saw the proud, regal, and beautiful Princess Luna, sucking his cock like she was hooked on his girth length. Gritting his teeth, he groaned, feeling as if the alicorn was trying to suck his soul right out of his dick.

“Luna…I’m gonna cum…” Joka’la groaned, shivering a little as his body tensed. “I’m…I’m sorry…I can’t…hold back…” Before Luna could realize what he meant, he grabbed at the sides of her head and started thrusting forward, bottoming out as he began to throat fuck the princess.

‘Oh fuck! He’s actually doing it!’ Cadance thought, one of her hands feverishly fingering her sobbing wet pussy. ‘He’s throatfucking her?! That’s so fucking hot!’

Joka’la only continued to throatfuck Luna, showing her seemingly no mercy as she was choking on his cock. The alicorn’s eyes were rolled back as her nipples were being overly stimulated, and the vibrator in her pussy was spilling a sloppy, wet mess on the ground. Cadance only continued to watch, masterbating at the sight of her aunt being facefucked. She was so distracted by this display, she didn’t even notice if anyone was coming down the street.

“Fuck…Luna…I’m gonna cum…” Joka’la huffed and moaned, pumping faster and faster as he could feel as if he was about to fire off his load at any moment. This only seemed to cause the alicorn’s throat to tighten. “Oh shit…I’m cumming…I’m cumming!”

Joka’la bottomed out in Luna’s mouth, her throat bulging as she swallowed down gulp after gulp of the hot, thick spunk that the zebra was pumping in her mouth. She was shivering, the built up pleasure was too much for her to handle as she too came from just chugging down the hot cum. Swallowing load after load, Luna showed a remarkable amount of durability, keeping the full length down her throat to make sure not a drop was spilled.

Joka’la held himself in place, but not because he was holding onto Luna’s head, but because the alicorn was still reaching around to grope at his ass to hold herself in this deepthroating embrace. Shivering a little more, he could smell the intense scent of the princess’ arousal, which only caused another spurt of cum to be fired off, to which she eagerly swallowed. But eventually, she slowly pulled her face off Joka’la’s cock, looking up at him with heart filled eyes, and her tongue still dangling from her panting mouth. Her hot breath was like a small mist against the cooler night air.

“Oh wow, that was amazing!” Joka’la commented, huffing as he tried to get some of his strength back. “You’ve…you’ve gotten better.”

“Aww, thank you.” Luna cooed, leaning in to give Joka’la’s cock a tender, loving kiss on the still leaking cockhead. “Cadance told me this is the best way to show you how much I appreciate what you’ve done.”

“I can believe that.” Joka’la commented, looking down at Luna. Smiling gently, he ran his hand through her mane, making her shiver from his kind touch. “That was so good. I’m surprised how quickly you’ve taken all of this.”

“I’m surprised too.” Luna added, the realization of what she did finally coming to her. Nervously, and with somewhat wiggling legs as she was trying to stand up. “I…I just don’t know what came over me. I was just feeling so much pleasure, and it was like my body was moving on its own.”

“I see, well there’s nothing wrong with that.” Joka’la explained, leaning in to give Luna a hug. “Sometimes it’s better to go how we think, than how we feel.” Luna shivered, cooing at the zebra’s hug. “Now, tell me. What are you feeling?”

“I…I…I…” Luna hesitated for a moment, but felt so good from Joka’la embrace, bringing her a sense of comfort. “I want to do more. I don’t know why, but it felt good. Like really, really good to do this. And I want to try more. But I don’t know what to do next?”

“Well, do you trust me?” Joka’la asked, pulling back a little to look at the alicorn. “I think I know what we can try, but I need you to trust me first.”

“I trust you, I absolutely trust you.” Luna replied without hesitation. “If I didn’t, I don’t think I could find the strength to do all this. So yes, yes, I trust you.”

“Okay, so let’s try a few more ‘exciting’ things.” Joka’la commented, looking the mare over. At once, he groped at her chest, feeling the vibrator, and caused her to moan. “Okay, so you weren’t wearing a bra. Good, good. But were you wearing panties?”

“Y-yes…yes I was.” Luna asked. “Cadance told me a bra wouldn’t work, but panties were fine.”

“Not anymore.” Joka’la commented, speaking in a commanding, almost dominating tone. “After tonight, you are not allowed to wear a bra or panties in public. And I expect you to have these vibrators on and in you at all times.”

Luna gasped a little, but shivered as Joka’la looked at her with those powerful eyes. There was just something so magnificent, so strong, and just some amazing about his eyes, that she felt she had to obey him. Her body shuddered as she realized what was being asked of her. Not only during dates, or intimate times with Joka’la, but even when she would hold court, inspect her guards, even walking along the castle hallways, she would have no underclothes, and her nipples, clit, and pussy being pleasured by the toys. And if it was anything like today, she could feel the ripples of pleasure run through her.

“Y-yes…yes, I’ll do it…anything for you.” Luna cooed, leaning in to hug Joka’la before giving him a tender kiss. “But I’m so tired. Can we return to the Castle?”

“Of course, let’s enjoy ourselves for a bit and head back.” Joka’la commented, hugging Luna close as the two started to leave. “I love you.”

“I love you too, and I…I’m glad I have you.” Luna cooed, holding herself closer to her zebra lover. As the two walked, she pondered for a moment. ‘This date went wonderfully, I need to thank Cadance for this, when I see her again.’ As the two were leaving the alleyway, their voyeur was no longer watching them, Princess Cadance was missing.

“Come on you whore, tighten that pussy!” Grunted an earth stallion guard as he was shoving his fat cock in and out of Cadance. The mare was being held between two royal guards. One in her pussy, one in her ass. “Try to masturbate in public, should’ve just come to the barracks if you were hungry for dick!”

While she was watching Joka’la throatfucking Luna, Cadance couldn’t help but masturbate quite publicly as she peered down the alley. She was so distracted by this erotic and passionate display, she failed to notice a pair of guards, an earth stallion and unicorn stallion, patrolling the street. As soon as they saw her, the two of them smiled a wicked smirk. Chuckling to themselves, the two approached the mare, clearing their throats to get her attention. As soon as she turned, Cadance saw the circumstance she was in.

Though her disguise prevented the guards from recognizing her, she knew them. They were Hard Rock and Wisp Tail, two guards she had previously fucked back when she lived in Canterlot. But thankfully, it seemed they were only looking at her, and not what she was looking at. Thanks to some quick thinking, and her own incredible amount of arousal, Cadance thought of the best way to distract the guards. All she had to do was throw herself into their arms, start moaning and kissing them, and off they went back to the royal guard barracks.

“Fuck, her ass is so tight!” Wisp grunted, huffing and hissing as he was reaching around to grope Cadance’s tits as he fucked her. “Where has this whore all my life.”

“Well, she’s here now. And we better fuck her good, before the relief shift comes over.” Hard added, chuckling as he was pulling Cadance in for a kiss. Their tongues embraced as he was laughing in amusement. “Or maybe when we’re done, we’ll give her to the others. Let them have some fun with the whore. Fitting punishment for public indecency.”

Cadance only continued to moan, feeling as these strong guards fuck in and out of her pussy and ass. She was fully making out with the guard in front of her, tightening up her slutty holes as she was cumming sloppy wet orgasms all over their cocks. It’s been way too long since somepony fucked her as simply a mare, not just some royal whore. It was like a passionate fire that was burning throughout her body. She loved it, she craved it, and she was going to end up fucking every guard in the castle at this rate.

“Oh shit, this bitch just tightened up!” Wisp laughed, tugging at Cadance’s hair to pull her from the first guard’s mouth. “Getting turned on by some stallion cocks? Do you even have a stallionfriend?” Cadance only leaned back and started making out with this guard.

“I think she does.” Hard laughed, fucking in and out of Cadance’s pussy faster and faster. “Sounds like you’re just a cheating whore. You stallion must have a tiny dick for you to be this tight.”

“Let’s find out.” Wisp added, pulling back from Cadance’s mouth, but tugged at her mane some more. “Tell us, slut, you got a guy you’re cheating on?”

“Fuck…I love some fat cocks in me…” Cadance moaned, her eyes rolling back as she wasn’t fully answering the question. “Who cares about any of that. I want you two to fuck me up, make me your bitch for the night!”

“For the night? We’re gonna keep you for a while!” Hard laughed, grabbing at Cadance’s tits to hold her as he fucked faster and faster. “You still got that spare room right?”

“Oh yeah, we can keep her there, fuck her up whenever we want.” Wisp replied, chuckling at his associate’s plan. “Besides, she’s just some criminal whore, and we can call it ‘Community Service’.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Hard replied, hammering himself in and out of Cadance as he could feel himself getting ready to cum. “Let’s bust some fat nuts in this bitch!” Wisp nodded, keeping up the speed of his thrusts.

The two stallions were reaching the end of their stamina, feeling as this cocks were swelling, balls tightening against their bodies, and the Cadance’s ass and pussy were handling them, they could blow their loads at any moment. Hard and Wisp huffed and groaned, matched only by the mare’s whorish cries of pleasure as she was cumming over and over again against these cocks. Any other mare would’ve passed out by now, but Cadance wasn’t just any mare, she was a special slut that could take a dozen cocks in a day without worry. Only Joka’la, Hekima, and maybe her husband, Shining Armor, has gotten her to get tired after a long, hard, and passionate fuck. But these two? Not even close, she was just in a desperate need to get dick. So playing along wasn’t a problem for her.

The hot cum that was flooding these two holes were still a pleasurable feeling. Cadance could feel her ass and pussy being stuffed with the thick cum. But this wasn’t enough, not nearly enough as she was wiggling, shaking, and almost grinding against these dicks to milk out as much spunk as she could. She wasn’t going to get pregnant, there was no way she was gonna let some lesser stallions impregnate her. Though the idea that these two were breaking some “sweet and innocent” mare was making the Princess soaking wet from arousal.

That said, she was going to play along a little longer, see if they’ve done this to other mares. Cadance was a whore, by each and every definition of the word, but she was a whore with standards. She loved to give into the passions of sex, the carnality and debauchery it brought. But above all, it had to be consensual. And if she found out that these two, especially stallions she used to fuck around with, were abusing their position more than this, she was going to do something about it.

But what punishment would be suitable if they proved to be guilty? For one, Cadance would have the mares released and brought to proper care, but then, she would fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck these stallions until they would go mad from the pleasure. If they wanted to treat mares like loose holes, Cadance was going to treat them like meat dildos. Regardless, for now, she would play along. Her eyes were rolled back, tongue dangling from the side of her mouth as she partially went limp.

“Looks like we really fucked her up.” Hard laughed, slowly pulling out as he watched with amusement as his cum spilled out of Cadance’s pussy. “What do you think?”

“I’m thinking we really did a number on this whore.” Wisp huffed, feeling somewhat winded as he gently lowered Cadance to the floor. Another spurt of cum fired off, landing across the mare’s tits. “So, what should we do no-”

Before he could answer, both he and Hard felt the warmth of Cadance’s hands reaching out to grab and start stroking their dicks. As she did, a few more thick ropes of spunk shot out, covering more and more of the mare’s body in cum. She was giggling and moaning, with a fucked silly expression on her face. It was clear, she wasn’t done with them, not by a long shot. Hard and Wisp looked at each other, and began to laugh.

“Fuck this bitch really loves dick!” Hard chuckled, reaching down to help Cadance sit up so her face was closer to their dicks. “Reminds me of Cadance.”

“Fuck, now I’m thinking of her too.” Wisp added in, looking down at the mare, still unaware that it was Cadance. “Now that was a whore worth fucking. Too bad she got married.”

“To Shining Armor, remember.” Hard laughed, his tone too happy to be thinking before he spoke. “A cuck like him couldn’t please that slut. Why else would she cheat so much?”

“Fair point.” Wisp nodded, for a moment, ignoring Cadance as the two continued their discussion. “Not sure what she saw in him, but can’t be anything in bed if she’s fucking around with so many-” A sharp pain ran through him as he looked down and saw the mare playfully bite at his cock. “Ow, what the fuck?!”

“You two keep talking about some Princess bitch, when you have me.” Cadance giggled, playing along as she was now stroking both cocks, as well as playfully licking along the lengths. “Don’t you wanna keep fucking me? I wanna go back to your place and choke on your fat cocks all night long.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Hard commented, laughing as he grabbed the back of Cadance’s head, directing her to start sucking off his cock. “Let’s get you to clean us off, and then we’ll take you somewhere nice.”

“Well, at least she’s not fragile.” Wisp added, looking down at Cadance with eager eyes. “And if you think I’ll let you off the hook for biting me, oh you got another thing coming, slut.”

Cadance only giggled, sucking off Hard faster and faster as she obeyed, cleaning off his big dick. Thanks to the subtlety of her magic, she was able to clean them off before her mouth even touched them, but these guards were so aroused, they didn’t even notice. Switching back and forth between the two, Cadance savored the taste of dick, feeling the hot cum flooding her insides, and how she was going to milk these two, poor guards all night long. They had no idea who they were messing with, and Cadance was feeling very, very horny.

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Princess Luna felt a shiver run down her spine. She walked down the halls of the castle, just a pleasant stroll, changing out the numerous lavender and violet flowers she enjoyed hanging about the castle’s countless pots and vases. But as she did so, she had to occasionally pause, settle a shiver, and then continue what she was doing. Numerous guards on patrol and rotation, as well as even more servants, cleaners, and attendants would see their lunar Princess, bow out of respect, and leave her to what she was doing; but so far, none of them were aware as to what was really happening.

Under her royal regalia, the dress that was hugging along her beautiful and curvaceous figure, the alicorn wasn’t wearing any underwear, or a bra. As Joka’la had told her, she was now only wearing the gown. But under that, the vibrators were going off in her pussy, and her nipples were trembling from the feeling of being teased closer and closer to orgasm. She could feel as her body was being constantly stimulated and occasionally had to pause. Though she was putting on a regal face to the many ponies who saw her, she was struggling to hold back her moans.

Carefully, she would walk through the halls, using her magic to change out the numerous flowers throughout the castle, but she could feel it. The way the ponies she would walk by and who would pass her was looking at her. They couldn’t know, no, no, it couldn’t be. She was shivering a little, using all the willpower she had to hold back any moans that could escape her lips. All it would take is one loud moan, one shiver of pleasure, or even one drop of her sparkling nectar, or just the arousing smell, and the alicorn’s secret would be out.

This brought immense terror to the Princess, and yet, she never felt so turned on before. She felt as though she would need to have Joka’la fuck her then and there and not care who would catch them. And yet, when she thought more about this, she felt a small bit of shame. This wasn’t how a Princess should think, let alone act, and yet, she could almost feel Joka’la’s cock still hammering in her throat. How big he was, and then when he came and she had to drink it all down, she only wanted more.

‘This is…oh gosh…’ Luna thought to herself, feeling as though she could cum at any moment. The vibrators were merciless in how they teased her body, and she felt even the warmth of her sweat was sending her sensitive body further into this pleasure. ‘I…I need to finish…I can relieve…myself back in my chambers.’ Huffing a little, she continued to her duties, not wanting to remain standing for too long, or risk catching the attention of a perceptible guard or servant.

The tension in Hekima’s room was thick, as was the silence. Joka’la, having freshened himself up after the previous night, had come to his father the next morning. From the look on his face, and the seriousness of his words, it seemed to be something especially important to the younger zebra. Hekima, only sat in a chair, a leg crossed over the other as he stared at his son, who was sitting in a kneeling position. This was something he had not seen since Joka’la was a little colt, asking for favors.

“So, what is your proposal?” Hekima asked, starting a concentrated, almost glaring pair of eyes to his son. “You have not come to me like this since you were a colt. So what are you interested in asking of me?”

“Father…” Joka’la started, speaking almost respectfully as he did so. “I have a business proposition, or rather, an idea I wish to run by you.”

“I see…” Hekima replied, adjusting as he sat, becoming more formal in how he presented himself to his son. “And what is this proposition?”

“Currently, our company and businesses rely on three forms of transportation for maximum commercial gain.” Joka’la explained, showing far more knowledge in his family’s trade than he had previously led on. “But Equestria has a fourth form that only their unicorns know, magic. No matter how fast the train, boat, or airship, teleportation magic will always be superior. Currently, the unicorns have mastery over this, but I am wondering if this can be made permanent?”

“Permanent? How?” Hekima asked, raising a curious eyebrow to his son. “You have never shown any interest in this before, so why now?”

“I cannot fully explain it, but being here, in Equestria, in Canterlot, I have found inspiration.” Joka’la replied, maintaining his more professional tone. “If we can establish an arrangement with the unicorns, through the Princesses, we can become the first nation to do instantaneous shipment of goods, tourism, and cultural exchange. All of these can greatly benefit both our nations.”

“That is…very impressive reasoning.” Hekima smiled, standing up. It had been so long since he praised his son like this, so it was almost a foreign concept to him. Placing his hands on Joka’la’s shoulders, he maintained his proud expression. “Joka’la, I am so proud to see you are finally moving past your youthful obsessions, and looking to our future.”

“Thank you, father.” Joka’la bowed his head, ignoring the small insult his father gave him. “I only wished to run this idea by you, in hopes you would pass this along to the Princesses.”

“No, no, no, my son. I shall not. But you shall.” Hekima commented, gesturing to his son to stand up. “Come, let us speak with the Princesses, together.”

“Together? Are you sure?” Joka’la asked, standing up, seeing that his father was genuinely proud of him for this idea. “Shouldn’t a merchant of your experience be better at presenting this idea?”

“Yes, but you are still young, with brave, bold ideas, and as such, the wise always heed the words of the young.” Hekima explained. “So let us go, I’ll arrange the meeting, but you are to be the one to convince Princess Celestia of this proposal.”

“Very well.” Joka’la nodded, feeling a little more comfortable. “Let’s go.”

Leaving the room, Joka’la followed behind his father. Though he was certain his idea would greatly benefit his family, as well as relations with Equestria, the fact such a magical feat would allow him to visit Luna more often after all this was the real prize in this arrangement. Hekima was proud of his son for having such a clever idea, though he felt there was more to the zebra’s proposal than just some trade arrangement. Regardless, if it would work, this could mean more time with Celestia, so he was willing to not think too deeply into Joka’la’s possible motives.

Returning from her late night of debaucherous fun with those royal guards, Cadance was sneaking her way back into the castle. Thanks to her magic, no one could spot her, and her mind reflected back to the way she was treated. It had been a while since she was fucked like that, and her sensitive holes were still shivering from the sensation of having been brutally stuffed with cock and cum. Not that those guards had the hope of impregnating her, her womb was far too superior for their lesser spunk to satisfy, but she was at least happy her worries weren’t met.

Both stallions, despite how they boasted and bragged, the comments they made during sex were just that, comments. Yes, she accompanied them back to the unicorn’s house, but all they did was keep fucking. The three of them, fucked, and fucked, and fucked, and fucked, and fucked all night; and by the time it was over, the two of them were absolutely exhausted. All in all, his house was pretty neat and clean, and thankfully, she didn’t see any mares being held hostage like their playful threats and boasts would lead one to believe.

Cadance was almost disappointed that they talked a big game but weren’t as corrupt or dangerous as she was thinking. Regardless, she was content with the sex, and having milked those two dry, she’d consider putting in a note to the Guard Captain’s office to give those two a little more time off. Cadance was going to need something to snack on if Hekima was going to make it difficult for her to fuck him, let alone Joka’la. As she thought about this, especially with how the zebra throat fucked her aunt, it sent shivers of pleasure running throughout her body.

‘Fuck…I need that zebra cock again…’ Cadance thought to herself. ‘Oh! I know, I’ll talk to Luna. Maybe see if she’s willing to share some juicy details!’ With that, the slutty Princess rushed down the hall, unseen through her magic, and ready for some sexy gossip from her aunt.

Making her way more and more down the halls, fortune seemed to be on the alicorn’s side. As at the far end of the hall, just finishing her stretch of flower arrangements, was Princess Luna. Cadance’s eyes gleamed, and her lips curled into a playful smile. Her day was just getting better and better. Walking a little faster towards her aunt, she could see the older alicorn was trembling a little, quivering in a way similar to how she was during her date with Joka’la the previous night. It didn’t take long for Cadance to figure out what Luna was doing, and it only made her giggle a little more.

“Auntie!” Cadance called out to Luna, presenting herself as she let her magic reveal herself to the alicorn. “Are you alright? You seem a little fatigued?”

“Oh, Cadance.” Luna replied, acknowledging her niece. “I’m…I’m fine. Just a little tired. Yes, that’s it, just tired.”

“Auntie, you know you can tell me.” Cadance quickly responded, noticing the two of them were alone in this hallway. “How about we take this conversation somewhere more private?” Luna only whimpered a little, almost losing her strength as her focus slipped for only a moment. “Come now, let’s have some tea, and you can tell me all about it.”

Following Cadance, the two of them arrived at one of the many, private dining rooms. This one was small, little more than a few dozen feet in scale, with a modest table with arcane glyphs in its center. Sitting at the table, Cadance tapped at the sigils, igniting them with magic. A pair of tea cups, with the calming, steaming liquid within, as well as several plates of small cookies, cakes, and sandwiches joined in the conjuration before Luna even sat down.

“There we go.” Cadance commented, smiling at her aunt. Picking up her cup, she took a gentle sip. “Now then, how did your date go?”

“It was…it was…” Luna hesitated, her mind reflecting back to all the debaucherous things she did, how unprincess-like she was, and yet loved every moment of it. “It was so captivating. Cadance, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done.”

“Just doing my duty as the Princess of Love.” Cadance giggled, taking some bite of a cookie, dipping it in the tea to soak in the flavor. “Now, did he know about your little…additions?”

“Y-yes…he did…” Luna blushed, nervously fidgeting as she did so. “He loved them, and the two of us…we…we…” Her face was a bright red, causing her to almost cover them in her hands.

“Oh? Sounds like the two of you tried something really good time.” Cadance commented, smirking at the alicorn. “And it also sounds like you two did something really…interesting…” Luna only blushed further on.

“It’s…it’s not like…” Luna cooed, shivering a little as she was still blushing. “I just…I just had so much fun.” She hesitated, something Cadance noticed. Swallowing what courage she could, she continued. “I’d…I’d like to try…doing…more…”

“More?” Cadance asked, raising a curious eyebrow. Taking another sip of tea, she looked to her aunt with a very interested smile. “Well, maybe we should try something a little more…daring.”

“Daring? Just what are you-” Luna asked, but felt a sudden spark run through her mind. It wasn’t one from the pleasure of the vibrators, but rather a magical message. “I’m sorry, Cadance. Just a moment.” Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the message. ‘Yes, Celestia?’

‘I’m sorry to interrupt your busy schedule, but I require assistance.’ Celestia’s voice echoed, like a whisper in the back of Luna’s mind. ‘Lord Hekima, and his son, Lord Joka’la, have requested an audience in regards to a possible idea for future trade. Unfortunately, I cannot be there, so would you be able to meet with the two in my place?’

‘Meet with them? In your place?’ Luna asked, shivering nervously as she had always left such things to her sister. ‘A-are you sure I can handle this?’

‘I can’t think of anyone else I would trust more to speak on my behalf.’ Celestia replied, speaking with a tone as if she were gently smiling. ‘Will you do it?’

‘I will, I’ll do what I can, for the good of Equestria.’ Luna replied, feeling some confidence, and yet a flicker of nervousness as she would be speaking to Hekima and Joka’la about business. ‘I’ll speak with them in the grand throne room.’

‘Very well, I will inform the guard to direct them there.’ Celestia responded, sighing a breath of relief. ‘I have faith in you.’ With that, the sparking feeling left Luna’s mind.

“Looks like something serious has happened.” Cadance commented, seeing the look on Luna’s face. “So, what do you need to do?”

“I’ll be speaking with both Lord Hekima and Joka’la regarding possible business between our nations.” Luna replied, dragging herself up. “Would you be able to help me?”

“For you auntie, anything.” Cadance smiled, finishing her cup as she looked at the alicorn. “But they can surely wait a few more minutes. So why not finish your tea first?” Luna only calmly smiled, picking up her cup.

Bowing on one knee in respect, both Joka’la and Hekima were kneeling before Princess Luna, who was sitting on the royal throne. She looked at the two zebras with professional seriousness, though part of her wishes she could gaze upon her lover with more affection. Cadance was also present, but she remained to the side, smiling casually. Her mind was filled with all manner of thoughts of how she could make this situation hot and sexy. And one look at Luna, she was formulating a plan.

“Lord Hekima, Lord Joka’la, I am sorry that my sister could not be present for this discussion.” Luna spoke, her voice was echoing with authority and control. It nearly sent a shiver down Joka’la spine, as he couldn’t help but think of her submissive moans the night before. “But I speak with her authority, and I trust what you have is for the betterment of Equestria, and our trade relations?”

“They are indeed, Princess.” Joka’la replied, speaking first. “I wish to present an idea that I believe would greatly aid in our trade deals, as well as the trades of other nations.”

“A bold claim indeed.” Luna commented, looking down at the stallion. “Please, elaborate.”

“The advancement of magic in Equestria is beyond anything in other lands.” Joka’la started his explanation, maintaining a professional sounding voice. “So much so, that in our homeland, that it is the stuff of legends. And from this, I believe we have a means to achieve something greater.”

Luna didn’t get a response. If anything, he was curious as to what Joka’la was going to suggest. Something with magic, but what could it be? Her mind wandered a bit over what it could be. But equally, as she looked to the stallion, she could feel as her body was craving him again. She wished to get through this meeting, to be with her lover again, and that magnificent cock of his. Luna wasn’t sure why, but she could feel as though it was getting harder and harder to go without Joka’la and his dick, like an addiction, or a piece of her being, her reason for being herself, now needed this dick in her.

Cadance seemed to be detecting this, and as she looked between the alicorn and zebras, her lips curled into a wicked but brief smirk. She was certain that this would be a major gamble, a risk of exposure, but she couldn’t help herself. She had a chance to put both stallions in a very awkward place, and she was going to have it. Taking a small step back, she tried to avoid notice as her horn glowed a very, very dim light. She was the first to feel it, like a small breeze pointing up her dress, towards her soaking pussy.

Luna felt it next, the same breeze which nearly caused her to gasp a little, but she held her composure, not wanting to appear troubled by anything. And then, both Joka’la and Hekima felt the next sensation. Though they couldn’t feel it, their cocks had been pushed through a series of small, arcane portals. Joka’la pointed towards Luna’s, while Hekima’s went to Cadance. The slutty alicorn only smirked a little as the older zebra turned his gaze to her, glaring as if he was hoping to burn a hole through her head.

“Princess…are you alright?” Joka’la asked, seeing that Luna’s face was blushing slightly as they could both feel as if they were about to fuck, all while this meeting was happening. “If this is a bad time, we can reschedule.”

“No, no, do not worry about me. Though it is appreciated.” Luna replied, not wanting this feeling to end as she could feel Joka’la’s cockhead kissing against her moist pussy lips. “Please, by all means, continue your suggestion.”

“Of course.” Joka’la continued, not wanting to reveal the pleasure he was feeling as his dick was slipping into Luna’s soft, tight, perfect pussy. “Now, unicorn magic is capable of feats such as teleportation. Now, what if these abilities were to be applied to transportation?” Luna raised a curious eyebrow, but let him continue. “Rather than simply have several well trained unicorns for this, perhaps an arcane array, something that any unicorn could use, but is already established.”

“A teleportation array? All for the means of transportation and, by extension, trade?” Luna asked, shivering a little as she could feel her pussy getting more and more filled with cock. “This idea certainly has merit, let us further discuss this.”

While Luna and Joka’la were engaged in this conversation, Hekima couldn’t help but feel an immense amount of pride for his son. This stallion, who only just recently was nothing more than a pain and worry, a skirt chasing, mare fucking zebra who wanted only as much pleasure as he can get. This very stallion was now leading a discussion with one of the Princesses. Hekima couldn’t help but look between the two, memories of his first time speaking with Celestia like this, how it made him feel. But then, a new feeling broke this thought; the tightness of Cadance’s whore pussy.

Looking back to Cadance, Hekima knew what she was doing. She was using magic, portals no less, to connect her slutty hole to his cock. From what he could tell, the others were not aware of anything that was happening, and so he couldn’t risk exposing what was happening to him. Anger only continued to fill the older zebra. He was feeling as though he could just burst with rage at any moment. It wasn’t so much that he was being toyed with by this alicorn. It was because she was ruining this moment he’s longed to see his son be in.

Cadance didn’t care for any of these things, presuming she knew why Hekima was glaring at her with such hatred. It only turned her on even more. The hate filled, angry eyes she had felt from both father and son, it only made her all the more soaked. The whore mare’s body shivered under her dress, she wanted to feel more and more of this. Using the magic, not only was she having Hekima’s impressive size stuff itself in her pussy, but helping with Joka’la and Luna.

Even as the two spoke, Joka’la and Luna couldn’t help but feel the pleasure of his cock going in and out of her pussy. She wanted to moan, she wanted to feel the passion of the zebra cock in her more. For a moment, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to ride his cock while sitting on her throne some more. The sensation, but even the fear and yet allure of the risk. To be fucked publically, so many could see the two of them fucking, and yet it was something she couldn’t bear to even begin to imagine, and yet she felt a curious craving for it.

Joka’la mind also drifted, even as he was negotiating with the alicorn. The way she looked, the beauty in her splender, as well as her curves, he longed to just get up and fuck her then and there. The mare’s moans would only drive him on to fuck her harder and harder. Joka’la was certain he would get up, tear off the Princess’ dress, and fuck her in front of every noble in the royal court if he could get away with it. But for now, he needed to continue his plan, this teleportation, he didn’t care if it helped with trade, but the ability to see Luna more often after returning home. That’s what he wanted to do.

The magic that connected the stallions to the mares, it was filling Cadance’s pride with glee, as well as Hekima’s fat cock as she was wedging it inside her. Slowly at first, the concentration required was quite immense, so having this zebra fuck her into a drooling mess might result in awkward revelations. Regardless, she savored the feeling. She loved having this big zebra cock slowly making its way in her pussy. The sensation of having her inner folds part ways and coil around this girth. It was taking everything in her not to moan, and even more than that to resist the urge to just take him away to try and ride this dick.

Thankfully, Hekima was not only more disciplined, but this wasn’t even the first time he had been subjected to such magic. The only thing bringing peace to him, was that he tried to recall a memory of when he was younger, when he and Celestia were first exploring their fun. He could recall a day when his father was speaking with the Princess, discussing a trade arrangement not that different from what Joka’la and Luna were doing, but while his father spoke, a younger Hekima’s cock was going in and out of Celestia’s pussy.

When he was young, Hekima was a bold and brass stallion, so much like how Joka’la is now, which had brought some degree of worry from the older zebra. And even to this day, while Hekima was certain of Celestia’s affair, even during his most arrogant and daring youth, he believed his father never discovered the truth. Regardless, it was the pride in his son, and the memory of Celestia that held Hekima back from possibly throwing the slutty whore alicorn across the room.

Luna wanted to moan, but it was taking everything in her just to not whimper, yelp, coo, or even blush. Joka’la’s cock was stuffing inside her, slowly and steadily, with more and more of his length going deeper and deeper in her tightness. She wanted to just call off this meeting, bring her lover to her chambers, and ride his fat cock all night long. Occasionally, Luna had to bite her lower lip as Joka’la would continue his explanations. But all this did was bring more and more pleasure up throughout the rest of her body.

“And in conclusion, Princess.” Joka’la commented, finishing his explanation of his proposal. “With your aid, I believe we can strengthen our bonds, improve trade, and expand into greater horizons.”

“Your proposal is most impressive, I’ll admit I never considered such a thing.” Luna replied, shivering slightly as she couldn’t help but fidget somewhat on this cock that was so deep inside her. Her eyes then fell on Hekima. “Your son has the makings of a fine trader. You must be quite proud, Lord Hekima.”

“I am indeed, Princess.” Hekima replied, using this chance to try and push out the pleasure Cadance was subjecting him to. “My son has come a long way, and I am proud to see him consider such an idea.”

“I will of course need to consol with my sister, but I see little reason to refuse this proposal.” Luna commented, smiling as she nodded. Looking back to Joka’la, she smiled. “Lord Joka’la, we are grateful for this suggestion, and look forward to continued relations with you and your father.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Joka’la bowed his head, still feeling the tight warmth of the alicorn’s pussy around his cock. It was such a good feeling, but he was going to need to really fuck her hard after this to make up for the growing pleasure. “My father and I look forward to continued business with Equestria.”

There was a calming moment, then a small, awkward silence as neither the zebras, nor Luna wanted to move, or risk the portals being noticed. Seeing this, Cadance giggled quietly to herself before finally releasing the spell. As soon as this occurred, Luna bowed her head to the Zebras, and teleported away. While it was up to the guests to leave first, the Princess needed to get back to her chambers as soon as possible. This experience only caused her to be so incredibly horny, she needed Joka’la as soon as possible.

“You both did very good.” Cadance commented, approaching the two. “It isn’t easy to receive such praise from Princess Luna.” Her attention turned to Joka’la. “You proposal is quite impressive, and I see no reason why the Crystal Empire cannot aid you both in this project.”

“That is quite generous of you, Princess.” Hekima commented, looking at the Princess with curious eyes. “Joka’la, return to the guest tower, I will handle the more difficult negotiations.”

“Of course, Father.” Joka’la replied, not caring what his father needed to do, so long as he could get to Luna faster. “Thank you for this chance, Princess.” Turning, he left the two alone.

“It was a pleasure.” Cadance replied, smiling up until Joka’la was out of earshot. Now alone with Hekima, her smile turned sultry. “Now, what would you like to discuss?”

“Business first. And while you toyed with me, mocking the very moment of pride I had in my son, I cannot deny your aid in this meeting.” Hekima sighed, sounding reluctant. “I do not let favors go unfulfilled, so what do you want?”

“That cock. I want it back in my slutty hole.” Cadance whispered seductively. “I will pledge all the Crystal Empire’s resources in your son’s project for this cock again.”

“Fine, but first, we shall get it in writing.” Hekima sighed, unsurprised by what Cadance wanted. “But, for an international agreement, we shall need a witness. So take me to Celestia.”

“Oh? Want this to be a threesome?” Cadance giggled. “Very well, I know where she is, so just this way.”

Hekima sighed, almost groaning in annoyance. He figured Cadance would have some ulterior motives for helping him and his son. But it didn’t matter. Joka’la’s plans and proposal were clearly very important to him, and if he had to endure fucking this whore of a Princess again, he would do it. Especially if he could get such support put down in writing. The word of a Princess was one power, but the signed oath was far stronger. And with Celestia as witness, no doubt Hekima could get his son’s goals to completion. Though annoyed with what he had to do for it, Hekima was so proud of Joka’la. Maybe he was on the right path after all.

Luna’s head was bobbing like crazy, going up and down over Joka’la’s length. She loved this feeling, she needed to feel every inch of her precious in her mouth. The zebra only hissed, groaning with pleasure as he kept a hand on the back of his lover’s head. Since the meeting, the two barely got a word in before they began to fuck. The build up, the teasing, it was all too much for either of them to handle. Joka’la panted, feeling as he was getting close to the orgasm he was denied before. Luna could feel it, only beaming with love and lust as she deepthroated herself on this dick.

“Fuck…Luna…you really needed this…” Joka’la groaned, shivering as he could feel his cum bubbling out before it burst out in the alicorn’s mouth. “Shit…keep going…just like that…”

Luna did as she was told, eagerly and faithfully sucking off her lover. She felt a sense of…completeness by doing this. It was as if she had never felt any happier when compared to making Joka’la feel good. This princess was far different from the way she was before, and she loved it. She loved this feeling, she never wanted to not feel this, and yet, she felt a deeper craving. She wanted more, Luna wanted to feel more of Joka’la, no matter what. Looking up at him, the way his face would twist in pleasure, the heat and thickness of his spunk as she drank it. She loved it, she always wanted to make him feel this way.

“Holy shit, fuck…Luna…you really needed this, didn’t you?” Joka’la chuckled, shivering as he could feel as if Luna was trying to suck his soul right out from his cock. “That meeting really made you pent up.”

“It did.” Luna moaned, reluctantly pulling the dick out of her mouth to speak. “Cadance was so mean, teasing us like that. I wanted to just lay back and make you fuck me then and there.”

“Or really?” Joka’la chuckled, raising a curious eyebrow. “Are there some fantasies I don’t know about?”

Luna giggled, getting up to shift herself so that she could sit at the edge of the bed. Lifting her royal dress, she spread her legs to reveal her sobbing wet pussy. She was in such a need for dick, the way the moist hole had soaked along the alicorn’s inner thigh. She needed it, but what was even more arousing was that she had obeyed him. She hadn’t worn a pair of panties. Smirking, Joka’la looked at her. A mix of love and lust radiated in his eyes as he approached her, his still hard cock swaying slightly as he did so. Luna looked just so beautiful like this. So sweet, so sexy, so vulnerable and loyal. He had seen this look across many, many mares. But they paled in comparison to her.

“Please…my Lord…fuck me…” Luna moaned, looking at Joka’la with a more submissive gaze, fluttering her alluring eyes at him. “My royal pussy is so wet, I can’t take it anymore. Please fuck me, fuck me with your big, fat cock.”

“And how could I ever say no to that?” Joka’la laughed, approaching his lover. “Come here.” Leaning in, he kissed her lips, making out with the Princess as she moaned more and more for him to embrace her.

As Joka’la was making out with her, Luna’s mind wandered back to more conversations she had with Cadance. Among which were some words she wanted her aunt to moan to the zebra. And while she wasn’t sure why, the alicorn couldn’t help but crave the feeling of being conquered. She was loving how much rougher Joka’la was right now. His hands were exploring her body, rubbing along as he was moaning in her mouth to match hers. He wanted her, she wanted him to conquer her. Maybe she should say something else Cadance suggested?

“Joka’la…” Luna moaned, whispering seductively in the zebra’s ear. “Don’t be gentle. Fuck me…use me…ravage me…like the royal whore I am.” Her voice caused Joka’la to pause for a moment, as her words seemed to resonate in his mind. All he needed was a final push. “Please…master…”

That was it, that was the final thing Joka’la needed to hear in Luna’s adorable, moaning, whorish tone of voice. He tore off her dress, not caring if it meant anything. The force of his hands ripping through the fabric was enough to toss Luna on her back. She bounced on the bed, her huge tits heaving as she saw the zebra she loved look down at her with a confident, dominating smirk. Joka’la’s mind raced as he realized what had happened. He won, Luna was now his whore.

“Finally admitting who you love. Finally admitting who you crave.” Joka’la hummed playfully, licking his lips in anticipation as he looked at the mare. Luna was panting, having never seen this side of him, and yet she loved it. He was so wild, so controlling, and so primal in his look. She longed for more. “Tell me, slut, who’s your master?”

“You are, Joka’la.” Luna moaned, opening her arms and spreading her legs. “You are my everything. I love you, I want you, and I’ll do anything for you.”

“Anything?” Joka’la asked, leaning over the princess. Rubbing his cockhead along her pussy lips, he teased her some more. “Alrighty, tell me what you’d do for this dick.”

“Anything, everything, I’d do anything you’d ask me to do.” Luna moaned, feeling her words leaving her lips before even thinking about it. The pleasure was too much, nothing else mattered. “I’d rewrite the laws, I’d suck you off every morning, every afternoon, and every night, I would ride your beautiful, fat cock until I was overflowing with your precious cum.” She was fidgeting, wiggling as she wanted to feel Joka’la’s dick inside. “I’d even let you knock me up with your foals!”

“Good slut.” Joka’la snickered, smirking as he thrusted forward, bottoming out in Luna’s pussy. “How does that feel? To finally let it all out?”

Luna’s scream was a breathless gasp of orgasmic pleasure. She had never felt this before, even when Joka’la fucked her previously. Just telling him all these pent up feelings, to submit to him, made her feel this sense of longing, love, and devotion she had been holding back for far too long. She needed to feel more of this, and if it meant submitting to Joka’la, to service him whenever he wanted, she didn’t care. She wanted it, she wanted to be this zebra’s whore.

“Now, since you’ve been so honest, let’s see if I can knock you up tonight.” Joka’la commented, chuckling as he started to thrust in and out of Luna’s pussy. “Just imagine it, a little zebra princeling, running around, and you, my beautiful royal slut, pregnant with my next foal.” Reaching up, he groped at her tits, making her moan some more. “And these huge tits, overflowing with creamy, warm milk.”

“I love it, I love it!” Luna moaned. “Please, impregnate me. Make me yours. I love you, I love you!” The princess only continued to moan, even as she was feeling any thoughts leave her. All the remained right now, was the desire to be fucked.

“Oh, I’m gonna do more than that.” Joka’la commented, laughing as he was getting ready to cum. “I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Until I leave, there won’t be a single day you won’t carry my cock and cum. I’m going to fuck you, my royal slut, my precious love until you are round with child.”

“Yes, please, fuck me whenever you want. I don’t care, I want it!” Luna moaned out, leaning up as she wrapped her arms around Joka’la. Pulling him into a kiss, she made out with him as she continued to pant her passions at him. “You can take me when and wherever you want. I’ll speak with Cadance, have you hide your presence, you can fuck me whenever you want, in front of whoever you want. I’m yours, your one and only love, and I love your cock.”

“Such a good mare, but why don’t we actually see if you’re willing to go through with it.” Joka’la laughed, feeling a rush of emotions, the sensation of dominance burned in his being as his mind twisted into new ideas. “Tomorrow, we’re going to fuck, publically, and I want to see if you’re still willing to be more whore after that.”

“I will, I will, now please, cum inside me.” Luna moaned, kissing as she was shivering from her numerous orgasms. “Please, my womb needs your seed. Impregnate me, my love!”

“Anything for you, my love.” Joka’la groaned, kissing back as he was pushing his full strength and weight over Luna’s body. His cock was being plunged in and out of her pussy, making loud, sloppy wet sounds that mixed with her moans. “There is your precious seed!”

Joka’la’s orgasm was thick and heavy, flooding in Luna’s pussy as her womb eagerly accepted the zebra’s cum. She felt such a rush, cumming again as she could only think of the sheer joy in bearing this zebra’s foal. She loved him, she loved this feeling she felt being with him, and all she craved was to be his wife, to be the mother of his foal, and even the broodmare of his bloodline. She was his, she would do anything he wanted, and if he asked, she would throw away all the dignities she had as a Princess, so long as she had his cock and his love.

Hidden Romance

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Whatever dreams Joka’la had, whatever pleasures that existed in his sleeping world, they paled in comparison to the wet, warm feeling he felt as he was waking up. Opening his eyes slowly, he saw that he was covered in the blanket that covered Luna’s bed. Looking down the bed, he could see the way the blanket was lifted up, as well as the faint echo of sloppy wet, sucking sounds. With a smirk, he pulled off the blanket, revealing Luna. She was nude, eagerly deepthroating Joka’la’s length, and upon meeting his gaze, her eyes gleamed with love and want.

“Going at it already?” Joka’la chuckled, looking around for a clock. “Looks like we fell asleep. What time is it?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Luna commented, moaning as she sucked faster and faster. Everytime she bottomed out this length in her smooth and soft throat-pussy, she savored the feeling, nuzzling herself against her lover before continuing. “I just wanted to wake you up the right way.”

“And the right way it is. Nothing beats your amazing cocksucking throat to wake up to.” Joka’la chuckled some more, almost laughing as he admired the mare’s performance. “But why are you naked?”

“Well, I’m a broodmare.” Luna moaned, taking the dick from her mouth to some more oral worship of it as she explained. “And as a broodmare, I don’t get to wear clothes. Unless my master says otherwise, I’ll be naked before all of Equestria if you want me to.”

“Oh wow, you’ve really taken a liking to this lifestyle, huh?” Joka’la laughed, rubbing his head a little. “I guess I must’ve fucked a little too hard. But a good broodmare like you deserves a reward!” Grabbing at the sides of her head, he thrusted his cock back into her mouth.

Luna’s eye rolled back as she felt the hard, long cock bottom out in her throat. She moaned a whorish, muffled sound, only letting her master fuck her mouth. Faster and faster, he humped against her throat, letting it swell with his size as he was getting his first orgasm of the day to blow in her mouth. Luna loved this feeling. Joka’la was already well endowed, but his morning wood was something else entirely. So hard, so big, and the way it throbbed was driving her mad.

Joka’la was thrusting and humping his cock in and out of Luna’s mouth with greater and greater speed, as well as harder and more brutal effort. The alicorn was cumming her own sweet nectar from the treatment, feeling only the sheer joy of servicing her lover like this. Reaching with one hand, she fondled and played with the zebra’s balls, while her other hand was rubbing in and out of her pussy with a wild passion.

“Almost there, choke on that morning wood!” Joka’la huffed, panting as he was feeling his dick throbbing madly. He was getting ready to cum. “Don’t forget, a good broodmare swallows all of it.”

His words only pushed Luna to suck more and more, letting her throat swell from the hard girth inside her. Her senses were only drowning in the potent musk of her lover. She savored this, she couldn’t think of anything else, all she wanted was to drink down Joka’la’s cum. She was addicted to the flavor and texture of it. She craved it with every meal, often guzzling it down like a delicious treat.

“Oh yeah…right there…that’s the spot…” Joka’la grunted, feeling as he was getting closer and closer. He was about to cum. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking take my cock you beautiful whore!”

Bottoming out in Luna’s mouth, Joka’la slammed himself, firing off his vast amount of cum down her throat. The mare moaned out a muffled cry of pleasure. Her pussy sprayed and squirted out her climax as she shivered and shook. Her nipples were hard and templing, while she struggled to breathe for a moment. Whatever air that could get into her was burning her nostrils from his strong musk. Swallowing down gulp after gulp, Luna could taste the essence of her lover’s seed filling her belly.

“Fuck…now that’s a good thing to wake up to.” Joka’la chuckled, looking down at the twitching and trembling look on Luna’s face. Slowly pulling his cock free from her mouth, he saw that he must’ve come so much, there was some leaking out of her nose as her eyes rolled back. “Oh yeah, a beautiful, fucked silly look; the best.”

As soon as he cock was free of Luna’s mouth, the mare collapsed. A little spunk leaked out her mouth, panting mouth and throat as she took in as much air as she could. Not that cum was leaking out of her nose, she could barely breathe. Chuckling a little, Joka’la shifted himself out of bed, leaving Luna to lay in her afterglow. His mind was teeming with all manner of plots and plans. Now that the alicorn was a devoted whore to him, he could do anything. But there was still something he wanted to try, something he felt his new slutty mare would enjoy.

“Once you’re all set, let’s take a nice bath.” Joka’la commented, smiling back to the mare. “Then, I think I know exactly what we can do today.” Luna only gurgled out a coo in pleasure, too weak to respond in words.

Following a hot, steamy, and fuck filled bath, the two lovers freshened themselves up, got dressed, and made their way to the only one who could help them; Cadance. The whore princess was busy making her rounds around the castle. No doubt she was scouting out any fresh cocks she could suck on, since Hekima wasn’t interested in seeing her at the moment. As soon as she saw Joka’la and Luna, her eyes beamed with a playful expression. These two were always having a fun time, and this whore was getting bored.

“Morning, Princess Luna, Lord Joka’la.” Cadance greeted, bowing respectfully, making sure any guards or servants who happen to walk by wouldn’t be the wiser. “How can I help you both?”

“Greetings, Cadance.” Luna bowed back, speaking to her niece with a small bit of confidence. “We are in need of your aid.” Cadance only raised a curious eyebrow, letting her aunt continue. “You see, Lord Joka’la and I wish to have more conversations regarding his proposal. But I feel my sister and his father may want to intrude on it. Would it be possible for you to keep them company in the meanwhile?”

“Oh? Oh! Yes, yes, of course!” Cadance giggled, reading between the lines of Luna’s question as she licked her lips. “Anything for you, my dear sister.” Joka’la was so enthusiastic over how well his plan was working, he failed to notice how Luna seemed to phrase it that Cadance would be with Celestia and Hekima at the same time. “Anything for my darling auntie.”

“Thank you, Cadance. I’ll be sure to repay you in anyway I can.” Luna bowed, watching with glee as Cadance smiled, turned, and left the two. Now alone, she started panting a little. “Did…did I do good?”

“You did amazing.” Joka’la chuckled, reaching up to smack at Luna’s ass. She moaned out, feeling as the sex toy currently wedged in her ass was shoved deeper from his smack. “Now, let’s begin the next part of our plan.”

“Yes…yes…” Luna cooed, shivering herself as she followed behind Joka’la. “Where would you like to go first?”

“Hmmm, firstly we should get properly set up.” Joka’la commented, walking to a nearby storage room. “This should do.” Doing a final look around, he checked if anyone was coming. Seeing no one, the two entered the storage room.

The storage room wasn’t the biggest, but not too cramped for the two of them. Smirking, Joka’la began to strip from his clothing, with Luna only watching, partially drooling as she resisted the urge to get on her knees and suck her zebra lover off again. Once he was naked, she joined him, stripping from her royal dress. But rather than simply naked like the zebra was, the alicorn’s breasts had a set of vibrators taped to her nipples, as well as her ass with a firm dildo wedged inside it. Only her dripping wet pussy was left untouched.

“Now then, let’s begin. Please cast the spell.” Joka’la instructed, to which Luna eagerly obeyed. Her horn radiated out a bright flash of power blue magic, which faded into a deeper dimness until it was a more darker, midnight blue. But both remained seemingly unchanged. “So…did it work?”

“Yes, though we can still see each other, everyone but my sister and niece would be blind to us.” Luna explained, grabbing a nearby mirror. Showing it to Joka’la, he smiled as he saw there was no reflection. “It can also mask sound, since I know you’d love to hear me moan like the broodmare whore I am.”

“I love you so much.” Joka’la hummed, pulling in Luna was a deep and passionate kiss. The mare shivered and cooed, leaking out more and more of her sparkling nectar on the floor. Pulling back, he smirked. “Now, since you did all of this, you get to decide where we fuck first.”

“Let’s start small.” Luna commented, cooing nervously as she was realizing just how naughty all of this was. “How about the current hallway?”

“Hallway? Sure, I don’t see why not.” Joka’la mused, kissing Luna again as he opened the door. “After you, my love.” Luna only cooed at his kind words.

Walking out of the storage room, the two of them saw that the hall was still somewhat empty. Smirking confidently, Joka’la positioned himself against a nearby window. This gave him a good view over beautiful Canterlot, while allowing Luna to get better access to his huge cock and heavy balls. The mare only cooed, panting heavily as she shivered. She could see her lover, she could see how naked and bare he was, and he could see her. She knew anyone, save for another alicorn, who walked by wouldn’t be able to see or hear them; but she felt so naughty.

“Come on, don’t keep me waiting.” Joka’la commented, chuckling a little bit. Gesturing to his cock, he began to stroke it slowly. “Don’t you want to show me how much you love this dick?”

“I do…I do…” Luna cooed, her words trailing off into a soft murmuring. Getting on her hands and knees, she crawled over to her lover. Her large breasts swayed a little, but she was sure to wiggle her round ass from side to side. As she approached Joka’la, she continued to moan her soft words. “So big…so much…cock…I want it…”

Words were lost like a whisper on the mare’s hot breath. She couldn’t stop herself from nuzzling herself against the length and girth of this dick. As well as this, she pushed her face against Joka’la’s heavy balls, sniffing and savoring the potent musk that he gave off. Even from this arousal alone, her pussy was becoming absolutely soaked. It was so much, her eyes were beaming with hearts, and her voice was nothing more than slowly, whorish moans.

Opening her mouth, Luna started to lick at this dick, shivering as she could feel the length of this cock on her tongue. It was so good, an addiction that was only building more and more upwards throughout her being. She loved this, she was losing herself as she was drifting deeper and deeper in this pleasure. Joka’la only leaned back, watching with glee as the mare was working up her slow and passionate cock worship.

Luna moaned, angling herself to bob her head faster and faster. The pleasure that she felt, it only caused her nipples to tremble, and her pussy was leaking out her sweet nectar. Joka’la savored the sight of it, enjoying the small show, especially as the mare’s large tits were swaying as her face was taking in his sheer size. Panting a little, he could feel as one of her hands was cupping at his balls, fondling them as if to churn the cum with these heavy orbs.

“Oh yeah, just like that.” Joka’la commented, groaning as she rubbed Luna’s head, petting her like a precious thing. “Keep going, and I’ll give you some hot cum.”

Luna only cooed, moaning a small sound as she pondered how else to bring out the most pleasure in her lover. But then, it came to her, her large chest. Reaching for her tits, she cupped them, groping and kneading them as she angled to match with the motions of her face over this cock. She was still sucking Joka’la off, but after a few small and somewhat awkward attempts, she managed to press her chest against his dick.

“Oh shit…so soft…” Joka’la huffed a little, smirking down at Luna. “I don’t think you ever did this for me.”

“I hope you like it.” Luna cooed, moaning as she ran her tongue over Joka’la’s dick while pressing it between her tits. “My big boobs belong to you, so feel free to use them.”

“Oh? Then I guess I’ll do this!” Joka’la smirked, taking his hands and grabbed at Luna’s plump nipples. Pulling at them a little, he caused her to moaned, rolling back her eyes as she continued throat fucking herself. “There we go, that’s the spot. Right there. Suck off this dick you love so much.”

A flurry of emotions, of love and lust, the passions that she felt for this zebra was making it harder and harder for Luna to think of anything but the desire to service him. So engrossed in her cocksucking, she had almost forgotten where they were. Not enough for her spell to fade, but enough for her to get more and more noisy with her dick sucking. The pleasure of being Joka’la’s cock sleeve, his toy and cum whore was so good. She loved it, she craved the desire to serve him like a well trained slut to her master.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Joka’la huffed, panting as he couldn’t help but start humping a little in Luna’s chest. Her tits were so soft, and the way her wet mouth only added more lubrication to it. He only wanted more. “Shit, I’m about to blow my…oh fuck!”

Grabbing the back of her head, Joka’la pulled Luna’s head back, bottoming out as her huge boobs pressed against his hips. She only swallowed down the cum being fired off in her throat. She eagerly drank down his hot seed. Her insides were warming up from the sensations. It felt so good, she loved it, and it only gave her a deeper feeling of longing. Though he blew his climax a little sooner than usual, she knew it would take more than this to get him to settle down.

Suckling on this cock a little longer, Luna moaned a whorish, muffled sound of alluring pleasure as she somewhat reluctantly, slowly pulled this dick from her mouth. Joka’la loosened his hold on her, but still somewhat hugging her head as felt a few more spurts get fired off inside her. Gulping down the cum, Luna pulled herself fully off this cock. Looking at him, she moaned, opening her mouth to pant and show off her soft, moist, and hot mouth.

“See…your broodmare whore drank it all…” Luna moaned. “All your yummy cum…is in my slutty belly…”

“Fuck, you’re so hot right now.” Joka’la commented, smirking as he saw his cock was still so very hard. “But it looks like it’s my turn.” His lips maintained a wicked and mischievous expression. “And I believe I have the best place for you to ride this cock.” Starting to walk off, Luna only followed him, eager to see where he would take her next.

The throne room, the center of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s rule over Equestria. The very symbol of the two thrones was enough to show how this kingdom operated. And yet, as Joka’la and his alicorn lover walked into this very populated area, he only smirked. Luna shivered, feeling as if anyone could see her if she wasn’t careful. And yet, she was getting more and more aroused by the sensation and fear of being caught. Her zebra lover was confident, especially as he approached Luna’s throne. Walking a little bit ahead of her, Joka’la turned, and slowly sat on the Princess’ throne.

“Now then.” Joka’la commented, almost in a commanding tone as he gestured to Luna. “Kneel before your King, and show me how you wish to service him.”

Luna did as she was told. The mare’s movements were fluid and without any hesitation. Dropping to not one, but both her knees, she looked at Joka’la with reverence. It was a longing, a loving gaze that seemed to fill her being with the desires to service him further. The zebra smiled at her, savoring the submissive eyes that only washed over him. Looking around, he could see the day to day activities of the throne room.

With Celestia being distracted by Cadance, it fell on Raven Inkwell, a mare who may or may not be a unicorn, Joka’la couldn’t tell from how she had her main tied up. But she was standing in front of the Princess’ throne, reading off something on a clipboard. Ponies of all kinds stood in line, approaching her when they were called. For a moment, he almost believed that both scenes were happening at once. He only wished he could be able to fuck this whore alicorn in front of this audience.

Luna, ignoring the numerous ponies, crawled her way over to her master. She only had eyes on Joka’la, or rather, his cock. Licking her lips, she craved only to feel it in her mouth again, and the masculine smell of it only numbed her mind more and more. It was so good, she was leaking out her sweet nectar, which surprisingly, was leaving ever so faint marks on the royal carpeting. Thankfully, everypony else was so distracted by this, that they failed to notice these wet marks.

“Such a good, and loyal whore.” Joka’la commented, reaching out to pet Luna’s head as soon as she arrived. She only purred as she felt his touch, and with a smile, he leaned back. “Alright, show me how much you want it.”

Luna didn’t waste anymore time, she wanted to feel her lover in her mouth again. Lifting and adjusting herself, she was not at a much better angle to slip this zebra’s still soaked cock between her tits again. He only hummed in pleasure as the mare went back to titfucking and deepthroating herself on his length. Moaning a muffled sound of pleasure, Luna only bobbed her head faster and faster. The feeling was too good, she didn’t want to stop.

“Oh yeah, get it good and wet.” Joka’la hummed, looking at her with warmth and passion. “I need it good and ready. Cause I want you to ride this cock.”

Luna only continued to suck off Joka’la’s cock, pressing her huge boobs along the length as she was moaning more and more. She only wanted to deepthroat herself on it, feeling as the softness of her enlarged chest pressed against the sides of her face. She couldn’t see or hear anything else but that of her lover. Joka’la only remained leaning back, enjoying the way this alicorn royalty was worshiping at his cock. But after a few more minutes of her sucking him off, he wanted to keep going.

“Alright, alright, I believe I’m wet and ready enough for you.” Joka’la commented, smirking as he reached down to pet Luna's head again. “Come on, get up here.” Luna obeyed, though reluctantly removing her luscious lips from this dick. But as she got up and prepared to sit, he stopped her. “No, no, I want you to look at them while you do it.”

Luna’s heart hammered in her chest, making her pant more and more. But she did as she was told. The rush of emotions was making it harder to deny Joka’la what he wanted. Turning, she saw all the ponies in the room. Though they couldn’t see her, the two of them felt the tingles of what it would be like if this crowd saw them, even for a second. It was a rush of emotion, which only caused Luna to slowly move herself up and down Joka’la’s cock. She could feel the dick she loved so much filling her as she started picking up a riding place.

“Come on, Luna. Get to it.” Joka’la commented, smirking as he placed his hands on the alicorn’s hips. Pulling her down more on his cock, she chuckled. “Ride that cock. Show me how much of a whore you are for me.”

Luna couldn't stop herself from moaning. Her zebra lover's cock was just too big, it felt too good, and she only wanted more. Settling down more on it, the princess' pussy was filling with its size. Before long, she was fully sitting on it, her belly partially bulging from the size deep inside. Her pussy walls squeezed along the length, in anticipation of her lover's soon to be fucking. But Joka'la remained still, he was waiting for her to be the one to start moving. Luna could feel it, her chest heaving with every heavy breath, and her plump, midnight nipples were hard from the pleasure. The pleasure she felt as her wetness slid down the length of his massive tool.

Reaching up, Joka'la groped at her chest, making a whorish sound leaving Luna's lips. She wanted to move, but the pleasure of her lord's cock deep inside was making her strength wane too much. Her knees were wobbly as she struggled to lift herself up. But before they could get there, Joka'la grip shifted down along her arms tightly and lifted her up. And then slammed her down on him. One hand was still holding her tits, teasing at her hard nipples, while he took his other hand and placed it onto her hips; thrusting up into her with force. She could feel herself being pleased, losing herself in the sensations of passion. And once again she could not help the sweet moan that left her throat. The princess could barely handle the pleasure this way, it was too much.

"Tell me, my beautiful whore." Joka'la asked, teasing the mare as he was lifting and dropping her while he was thrusting himself in and out of Luna's pussy. "How does your master's cock feel? Where do you want my hot seed?"

"More...more...I love it...I love it..." Luna moaned out, unable to stop herself from begging for more. "Please fuck me more. Fill me with your cum. I want your foals. Give me your beautiful heirs, my darling master."

Joka'la smirked as he complied, increasing the pace of his thrusting, Luna's body having no choice but to keep up with his hips. The ride was getting faster and faster, and so did their breathing. Both grew lightheaded from the amount of pleasure the other had given them. Each thrust became harder than the last, as both grew wilder and wilder from their lust. Luna couldn't hold back her sounds, and if not for her magic, everypony in the room would watch their Princess being bred like a whore. And with a loud groan, Joka'la came. It sent shockwaves through the princess' soft body, making her lose her grip on the desk. Her back arched and she shuddered around him, his cock exploding in her pussy in a strong spray of his seed.

Shooting rope after rope of cum into her hot sex, a feeling that took both of their breaths away. Their orgasms both were so powerful, they had made their hearts beat wildly against their chests. And both let out shrieks of pleasure as Joka'la's cum filled Luna's womb. At first, he held his motionless inside her, making sure all of his cum was properly taken care of. Until finally, her insides stopped clenching around him. She was getting limp, and only remaining upwards because his hard cock was still deep inside her.

"Oh...my King..." Luna cried out, letting her tongue dangle from her mouth. Her eyes were nearly rolling back as she fully submitted to the zebra and his magnificent size that had claimed her. "Please...I need your seed. Please fuck me more...I don't care where. Impregnate me with your foals. I want all of your babies...deep inside me..."

"Music to my ears." Joka'la playfully hummed, smirking as he shifted his other hand up. Now groping at both her tits with his hands, he pushed her to grind against his dick a little more. "Let's just give you some more of my precious seed, and you get to choose where we go next."

Shooting another amount of cum into her, Luna cried out a sweetness. But as she did this, she noticed something. For a moment, a fleeting sliver of a second, she saw a pair of eyes look in their direction. It came from a guard, one Luna had seen a hundred times over, but he was looking at her throne as if he could see her. Her, Princess Luna, co ruler of Equestria, alicorn of dreams and the night, who was currently riding the orgasmic high of having this zebra stallion's cock and cum flooding her precious, royal womb. Time seemed to have frozen for her, and while Joka'la didn't seem to notice that the cloaking spell flickered, Luna's face erupted in a scarlet blush. Just as fast as she realized what had happened, her horn flared to life, teleporting both of them with such a speed that a small burst of wind filled the throne room.

When the two landed in their new location, Joka'la and Luna crashed on what felt like a massive, and soft bed. Immediately, the alicorn looked around, and when she realized where she was, her eyes went wide. This wasn't her bedroom, this wasn't a guest room, this was one of the last places that she wanted to have teleported. She had brought Joka'la with her, to Celestia's bedroom. Thankfully, her sister wasn't there, and hopefully, she wouldn't come for a while; at least just enough time for the two of them to leave. Panting, a rush of excitement ran throughout her being.

"We...we can't be here...we shouldn't be here..." Luna panted, her face was blushing red as she looked at Joka'la. The zebra was recovering from the spell, sitting up in the spell. But the alicorn's eyes then saw his cock. Swallowing nervously, she couldn't take her eyes off the throbbing member. "W-w-w-we...we should...should..."

"Or maybe not?" Joka'la playfully suggested, realizing where they were and the rush of amusement made him almost drunk off the arousal it was giving him. Leaning back, he slowly started stroking his cock to the mare. "Doesn't it turn you on? Knowing we're naked in your sister's bed?" Luna whimpered a little, her breathing becoming heavier as she couldn't look away from her lover. "Come on, babe. Why don't you show me how much this is turning you-" Before he could finish, Luna slammed her face over his cock, deepthroating herself in an instant.

Her face smacking against the cock, and her tongue wrapping itself around the tip; driving Joka'la wild. Luna's mouth soon started bobbing up and down on the massive pole. Taking each inch of it inside of her until only his heavy balls were left outside. While doing so, her long mane covered most of her face, though she moved it aside to make sure she kept eye contact with Joka'la. It was at this point that she remembered where they were. For a moment, a small moment of clarity, panic was partially set in her mind, even as she moaned like a whore all over Joka'la's cock.

'We can't do this...my sister...she'll find us!' Luna thought, sanity and concern trying to sway her away from what she was doing, but it only became more and more deafened by her sultry cries of lust. 'But...Joka'la...his cock...I can't stop. It feels so good!'

"So good." Joka'la grumbled in reply, bucking his hips up to get more of himself in Luna's throat. His eyes rolled back a little, letting the pure ecstasy of having a hot mare orally servicing his cock overcome him. Gritting his teeth, the stallion continued thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth. "You want me to cum inside of you?"

Luna gulped, her moans mixing with his grunts, as she kept forcing him deeper into her mouth. If it hadn't been for the other moans coming from Joka'la, she might've thought that the stallion was actually trying to drown her. After a minute or two of brutal face fucking, the zebra stopped, pulling out of her mouth, and instead gripping her by the hair and pulling her off of his dick. Panting harshly, Luna opened her mouth to scream in pleasure, but the stallion immediately pressed his cock down onto her lips, stopping any sounds from escaping her lips. Licking at his glistening shaft, she tried desperately to drink as much cum as she could, but the stallion's cock was too thick, and there was way too much.

"I'm gonna cum..." Joka'la groaned, grinding his dick into her lips. "Suck my cock clean, slut."

And with that, Joka'la started pumping his seed into her, groaning in pure pleasure. He held himself in place for a few moments, making sure his cum was splattering and rubbing all over Luna's face. The stallion then pulled out of her, making her fall back on the bed. Crawling over her, he slapped his dick between her tits, rubbing it against them. The sight was so erotic that Luna squealed in surprise and excitement. Her lover was being so rough, and so passionate, she couldn't help but give into the addictive sensation. She blushed and cooed by the lewd gesture. Joka'la's cock was just so big, and even as she could taste the cum in her throat, she wanted more.

He continued doing this for a good ten minutes, only pausing occasionally to rub his cock on her chest, squeezing and pinching her breasts every now and then. Luna's body was completely tiring, but she still kept going, moaning at the touches he gave her. As soon as she got close to cumming, Joka'la pulled away from her. Standing up, he grabbed her head by the hair and slammed his cock down into her mouth once more. Sputtering for a bit, Luna managed to bring her head up, licking and sucking at Joka'la's shaft as it slowly made its way into her throat. When it reached the back of her throat, she loosened herself up, to keep from gagging.

Joka'la pulled his spent member out of her mouth and angled himself back. His cock, still eager and dripping out hot seed, was poking at her soaked snatch. Luna was trembling. This was all so wrong, to fuck in her sister's bed like this. But she couldn't help herself. She needed to feel her lover inside him again. Whimpering at him, Luna only had to coo and flutter her eyes as Joka'la rammed his cock in his marefriend, bottoming out in the first thrust. The alicorn screamed in orgasm, lifting her legs to wrap around behind the zebra; she didn't want him to escape her grip as she hugged him against her body.

Their lovemaking started slow, as they kissed passionately. Both of their hands were caressing each others' bodies, their chests rising and falling quickly. Joka'la slowly rocked his hips back and forth, grinding his erection into Luna's wet pussy. Every thrust pushed the princess higher and higher, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body. At some point, she must have gone limp, because she suddenly felt him slip out of her. The mare only cooed weakly, she was yet done, and she didn't want this to be the end for their romantic session. Her body still craved more of her lover's cock and his hot cum to flood her womb.

"No...no...put it back..." Luna cooed, kissing Joka'la's cheeks as she moaned in his ear. "Please...I need it..."

"What about your sister?" Joka'la teased, smirking playfully. "Aren't you worried about her coming back?"

"Fuck my sister! I don't care." Luna moaned, her whorish cries of lust and pleasure sent a shiver down the zebra's spine. "Give me your cock, Joka'la. Fuck your whore Princess full of foals!" Joka'la did as she said, and rammed his cock back in her sloppy wet pussy.

With one final shove, he bottomed out in her once more, pushing his front against her clit. The sensation almost made Luna lose control, but she fought hard not to come. Wanting it to last even longer, she used her hands to hold Joka’la’s lower back, pressing his body against her as she moaned whorishly, begging for his cock. Despite his fast and rapid thrusting, the zebra couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't able to wait any longer for his own release. Holding her tightly against him, he gripped her shoulders and shoved forward, driving his cock as deep into her pussy as possible. Luna moaned loudly when he came, feeling him stiffen up inside her, shooting load after load into her womb.

Finally, Joka'la was spent, pulling out of her sweaty hole and collapsing on top of her, covering her with his heaviness. They laid like that for what seemed like hours, both of them still breathing heavily. Luna tried moving to a different position, but found that her limbs were too tired to support her weight. Eventually, she settled for letting her lover lean his head against her shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the soft caress of his large wings. Eventually, they both fell asleep in each others' arms. This day had gone perfect. A passionate encounter in which these two couldn't help but love each other so much.

It could’ve been a couple hours, a few, or even several by the time Joka’la and Luna’s eyes stirred back into consciousness. The alicorn was the first to open her eyes, and as she did, she immediately regretted it. She and her lover were still in Celestia’s room. They were still laying in her bed. Her pussy was still full of Joka’la’s hot seed. But it wasn’t any of that that brought a chill through her being as her blood ran cold.

“Mmm, hey babe…” Joka’la yawned, having not opened his eyes yet as he stretched. Looking at Luna first, he tilted his head in confusion. “What is it? What’s wrong?” As soon as he looked to where she was looking, his eyes widened too.

Standing at the edge of the bed, arms crossed in front of her, looking down at the couple who had spent a passionate amount of time fucking and breeding in her bed, was Princess Celestia. The solar monarch only stared at the two, her eyes seemingly devouring every inch of the two. She wasn’t mad, she didn’t even curl her brow in an annoyed manner. But equally, she wasn’t exactly happy to see her sister and son in her bed, and especially not naked and with clear evidence of fucking.

“S-s-s-s-sister…I…I…I-I-I-I-I….” Luna’s words were caught in her throat. Almost like a heavy throbbing as she couldn’t get the words out. She was shivering, terrified as she was unsure what Celestia was going to do. “I-i-i-it’s not…I…”

“No need to explain.” Celestia said, her voice was calm, but there was still a small tinge of some emotion Luna couldn’t read off her sister’s words. “But I believe it’s time for the four of us to have a conversation.”

“The four of us?” Joka’la asked, raising a curious eyebrow, but then his answer came as he looked across the room. Standing in the doorway, shock and yet not disappointment was across his face was Hekima. “Father?!”

“Hello, son.” Hekima sighed, shaking his head a little as he gazed at Joka’la. “It seemed you were right about this, Celestia. We should’ve told him sooner.”

“Wait, wait, what are you talking about?” Joka’la asked, almost falling off the bed as he was getting out of it. He was so caught up by this moment, he nearly forgot he was still naked. “Father, what are you saying?”

“Joka’la, it’s time you learned the truth.” Hekima commented, walking to stand beside Celestia. The mare only nodded at him, consenting to what was to come next. With a low sigh, the older zebra continued. “Son, Princess Celesita is your mother.”

Revealed Secrets

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Celestia and Hekima were standing there, looking at Joka’la and Luna, who were given the chance to get dressed, they weren’t exactly sure what to day first. The older zebra wasn’t fully sure what to make of all of this. Part of him was shocked that his son not only defied his wishes, spat in the face of his warnings, and not only fucked one of the alicorn sister, but based on how close they seemingly were, they were in such a relation for some time. He partially blamed himself, knowing he didn’t keep as close a watch as he could, as he was with Celestia.

Celestia felt more or less the same. She was more surprised to find Luna like this. She had known her younger sister for centuries, and even before becoming Nightmare Moon, she was always a nervous and reserved mare. And when she did return from her banishment, she was still more or less the same. So to see that not only did Luna engage in such a relationship, and in her bed no less, it was enough to make her rethink how much she really knew about her sister.

The silence was eventually broken as Hekima took a long, deep sigh. It was clear, he was aggravated. Words were forming in his mind, but he wasn’t exactly sure as to how to properly express them. Luna looked at her sister in worry and shame. They were caught, she realized that the pleasures she craved have now taken her to a place she never would’ve dreamed of. Was Joka’la to blame for this? No, no, she could never blame her beloved for this, but she could tell by the look on his face; he was scared too.

“How…” Hekima finally spoke, his tone sounded gruff, harsh, and direct. “How long has this been going on?”

“Over the last week.” Joka’la responded, while trying to stand his ground, he was clearly worried. “Luna and I have been in this hidden relationship for that long.”

“So this is why you wanted to do that transportation system?!” Hekima commented, realizing what his son was actually planning. “You didn’t care about being a merchant. You just wanted to sneak off and fuck your responsibilities!”

“Oh yeah, like you’re down to judge me, father!” Joka’la snapped back, snarling at his father. “What’s this you and Celestia just said? She’s my mother?! How long were you planning to hide that from me?” Hekima stood there in somewhat of a shock.

“We wanted to wait until the right time. But it seems we waited too long.” Hekima replied, his emotions still frazzled and building. “But I wanted you to have a better life, to be in a place where learning the truth wouldn’t be a problem.”

“I’m the bastard stallion of the Princess of fucking Equestria, father! How much more of a problem could that be?” Joka’la snapped, pointing a finger to the stallion. “You knock up the highest power in the kingdom, and dare to fucking talk down to me when I pursue a similar romance. Fuck you and your hypocritical bullshit!” He looked to Luna, his chest huffing and heaving as his stress burned in his words. “I love Luna, and I don’t care what you, or my apparent mother would say about it.”

“Joka’la…dear…” Celestia interjected, standing between both zebras. “Please understand, what happened back then, it would’ve destroyed your father. I didn’t want him, or you, my precious foal, to be targeted by scheming nobles.” Her face reflected her grief and sorrow. “I know this wasn’t the way any of us wanted the truth to come out.” She reached out, hugging her son for the first time in his life. “But now, I dreamed of the day I could hold you in my arms like this.”

Joka’la only stood there, his body tense, and yet he couldn’t move. His mother’s body, her material shape pressed against him. And while having his face in a pair of massive tits would set him off and get him hard, he felt only the comfort and warmth of Celestia’s love. Hekima stood there as well, his face twisted in a look of regret, and sympathy. He couldn’t argue with his son, because he knew Joka’la was right. All his warnings, scoldings, everything was just the older stallion being a hypocrite with every breath.

Luna also looked on, seeing her sister embrace the stallion in a way that was maternal love. Joka’la was Celestia’s son, which made him the night Princess’ nephew. And yet, not a single thing about that bothered her. Such relations were not that unheard of in Canterlot, albeit a little more of an open secret than anything. Regardless, that didn’t matter to her. She was to throw away her titles, her station, her throne, so long as she could marry Joka’la.

“Luna…how do you feel about all of this?” Celestia asked, seeing the look on her sister’s face. “I know this is also a lot to take in. But are you sure you want to pursue a relationship with my son?”

“Yes, I don’t care if he’s your son, my nephew, or any of that.” Luna explained, walking over to join in this hug. “I love him. And I want to spend the rest of our days with him.”

“I see, well, then I give my blessing.” Celestia commented, smiling as she pulled in Joka’la and Luna in a close hug. “I don’t care what those nobles have to say. As far as I care, you two can get married.” Her magic then reached out to pull Hekima into this hug. “And my darling, we’re going to get married too.”

“What?! Are you sure?” Hekima asked, looking at the mare in disbelief. “After all this time, what about the nobles?”

“Fuck the nobles!” Celestia huffed, her confidence swelling in her chest. “I am the fucking Princess. And I say, if my sister and I want to marry our loves, then I say we should!”

“Thanks…mother…” Joka’la commented, looking up from between Celestia’s huge boobs. “Thank you, for letting me be with my love.”

“Aww, Joka’la…come here…” Celestia cooed, grabbing at Joka’la. Emotions were too much for her, and she didn’t pull him into a small, simple kiss, her mouth made out with him. The stallion’s eyes burst open as his newly discovered mother was moaning in his mouth. He could feel the passion in her sounds, and the way she hugged him against her tits was starting to get him more than a little hard. Eventually, realizing what she was doing, she released him. “S-sorry…I just…all these emotions…all at once…”

“Just don’t get too comfortable with it.” Luna playfully teased, grabbing Joka’la and pulled him against her own body. Reaching across the front, she rubbed at the bulge in the zebra’s pants. “You see this? This dick is mine! Joka’la is my beloved. I don’t care if he’s your son, but that means he’s my nephew. And I’m going to spoil him with my body.”

“I see, well if that’s the case.” Celestia playfully smirked, humming as she looked over to Hekima. “My love, it seems our son would like some alone time with his marefriend. We should give it to them.”

“I…it would seem so…” Hekima replied, sighing as he relented to what was happening. “Son…what’s done is done. And I have no right to judge you, not after all I’ve done.” He sighed again, looking at Joka’la with a glance of sincerity. “I’m proud you at least found a mare to love.”

“Well said, but we can have more discussions afterwards.” Celestia commented, wrapping an arm around Hekima to hug him close to her. “You two can stay here. Since you’ve already messed up my bed, you might as well continue. Hekima and I will take our time to his room.”

Joka’la and Luna were speechless, only watching with mouths partially agape as the older alicorn and zebra left the room. For the moment, the two of them stood there, just staring at the door to the room that was closed. And from the sounds of it, it was magically locked to give the couple more privacy. Joka’la was still in a bit of a shock. This revelation was a lot to take in.

He wanted to hate his father for all the hypocrisy, but at the same time, part of him understood. Joka’la hadn’t been exactly an ideal son, and the way he had fucked around as openly and freely as he had. The amount of shame Hekima had to endure, all while keeping such a secret from him. No doubt the older zebra was suffering from being away from his own beloved, and had to raise their son on his own.

“Joka’la…it’s okay.” Luna commented, seeing the pain and sadness on the zebra’s face. “Whatever the past was, it is in the past.” Taking her hand under his chin, she lifted to look him in the eyes. “Come, my love, let us enjoy our future more.” Leaning in, she gently kissed his lips.

Whatever feelings, worries, pains, and concerns that were plaguing the zebra, they vanished as Luna’s kiss sent a shiver of pleasure throughout his being. Nothing mattered, not whatever relation Hekima had with Celestia, and not that Luna and he were related. It didn’t matter to him. He loved the princess, and that’s all that mattered to him. Reaching around, Joka’la pulled Luna in as the two were in a loving embrace.

“There, much better?” Luna asked, moaning between kissing breaths. “Now, since we’ve been given the blessing of my sister, and your father. I think it’s time we really prepared for our wedding day.”

Luna didn’t waste any more time. She needed to lay with her lover again, and now. Hekima and Celestia had all but given their blessing, and now the night princess wanted to celebrate being engaged, by fucking her zebra fiance. Joka’la held her close, which caused the two of them to fall over and make out more and more passionately. The sounds echoing around the room were filled with soft moans and sultry pleasures as the two lovers embraced.

Before long, Joka’la was on his back, and Luna was now on top of him. She looked down at him, her heart beating faster and faster as her tits heaved with her panting breath. This was the look of lust and desire, a heat that was swelling inside her. There was no holding back now, their marriage as confirmed as it could be, and now, the night princess felt a new feeling in her being. She craved something special, something that bonded Joka’la and her together. She craved a child, a foal to love and raise.

“Go on, I’m not going anywhere, and we have all day long.” Joka’la commented, smiling a loving expression at his bride to be. “I love you, Luna.”

“I love you too, Joka’la.” Luna smiled, cooing softly as she adjusted herself. Lifting, she reached down to angle her zebra lover’s fat cock over to her moist entrance. “Just lay there, I want to show you just how grateful I am, for showing me this way of life.” With that, she lowered herself on this cock.

Luna moaned, almost cumming from just feeling as this hard cock slowly slipped its way into her moist insides. Shivering, she pushed more and more of her lover into her, and it was making her only crave more. Joka’la smiled at the beautiful sight before him. Luna’s body was just so captivating, and the way she was easing into the steady motion. As soon as she felt the full length of this fat dick in her, she started to move.

Slowly and steady at first, Luna wanted to savor and enjoy every inch that was throbbing deep inside her. This zebra cock was so good, filling her most precious, sweet, and sensitive spots. Moaning softly, she started to shift and move, grinding her pussy against Joka’la’s size. She loved it, she loved feeling the way it rubbed in and out of her as she moved herself. Her huge tits swayed a little as she moved, not making them bounce too much.

“My love…” Luna moaned, leaning forward to place her chest over Joka’la’s face. “Come, suckle me. Make me feel like a mother, then put your precious foal in my royal womb.”

“With how many times I’ve cummed you, I’d be shocked if you weren’t pregnant.” Joka’la laughed, reaching up to grope and cup at Luna’s boobs; making the mare moan. “But, since you asked so nicely.” Licking his lips, he brought one of her royal breasts to his mouth.

Groping and kneading one of Luna’s boobs, Joka’la suckled on the other, letting his tongue flick and play with her nipple. She cooed and moaned, slowly building up the speed of her body. Her soft, round ass bounced faster and faster, feeling as this thick size was rubbing inside her pussy canal. Her inner walls squeezed around this length, milking it carefully for everything her lover could offer. And the more she rode, the more he suckled and groped her breasts.

Luna’s pussy squeezed around Joka’la’s cock, milking everything that was in his huge balls. His size throbbed deep inside her, rubbing along her sweet and sensitive spots as he continued to play with her breasts. The mare moaned out, hugging her lover closer to her. His mouth suckled on her nippled, teasing at it with his tongue while his other hand groped at it, squeezing his fingers in the soft bosom. This pleasure only made her bounce and ride this cock faster and faster.

“Oh fuck…so good…so big…I love you, I love you…” Luna panted and moaned, letting out her sweet and beautiful sultry sounds as she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. “Joka’la, your cock…it’s throbbing so deep…inside me…please cum, cum inside me.” She shifted and moved faster, making the room fill with the echoing sound of her ass smacking down on this dick. “Make me pregnant…make me pregnant…give me all your beautiful foals, my love!”

Joka’la couldn’t hold back anymore. His mare was just so beautiful, so sexy, and the sweetness of her moans was driving him into a primal urge; he had to breed this alicorn princess. With reluctance, he released his hands from Luna’s tits, and then wrapped them not only around her body, but groped at her big, round ass. The mare gasped as she felt the firm hold of her lover’s hand on her flank, squeezing as he started thrusting upwards.

Opening his mouth, Joka’la hissed and groaned, smothering his face between Luna’s breasts as he thrusted upwards faster and faster. The mare’s body bounced more and more, the softness of her ass met with the deep thrusting of his dick burying itself in her soft, soaked pussy. The alicorn’s cervix passionately made out with the leaking, blunt cockhead. She could feel her womb getting more and more eager to feel the heat of Joka’la’s coming seed.

She longed for it, every part of her being craved the sensation of not only taking in all of Joka’la’s cum, but what else it will bring. Luna was going to marry him, she was going to wed this zebra she had come to love so much, so dearly, and so passionately. She needed to bring this all together in the ultimate showing of her love. She wanted to carry his foal, to bear his heir, and to eagerly carry another; then another, and another.

Luna’s body tingled and shivered, even before feeling the potent cum in her fertile womb yet again, she knew she was going to become addicted to it. The alicorn’s mind was already long changed from what she was before. Gone was the peaceful, quiet, and overall shy mare. Now, the alicorn of the night was a mare of passion, of lust, and of longing. She loved Joka’la, and she wanted to always be at his side; and of course, she never wanted to be away from his cock again.

Pushing himself as hard and deep as he could, Joka’la bottomed out in the mare’s pussy. His cock plunged itself deep into her womb. The heat of the zebra’s cum caused the mare to spasm out in orgasm. Her pussy clamped down tightly, ensuring that not a drop of this precious cum would leave her womb. Her ovaries were saturated in life giving spunk, swelling her loving foal chamber with more and more seed.

Emotions were too much for the mare, she pulled herself a little bit away from Joka’la, only to push against him. The zebra fell back, and Luna didn’t give him a moment to even gasp out as she started to kiss him, moaning in his mouth as her tongue explored his. Joka’la’s cock throbbed and pulsed, firing off another hot and heavy load of cum in the mare’s pussy. Her belly swelled and bulged, growing slowly in size as she could feel every ounce filling her.

“So much…so big…so full…” Luna moaned, making out sloppily and passionately with Joka’a. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” She panted more and more, moaning hot breath in the zebra’s kissing mouth, all while she continued to bounce her ass, slamming it on this cock that wouldn’t go soft. “Don’t stop. Keep cumming. Mess me up Joka’la, I want it.”

“Such a naughty mare.” Joka’la commented, struggling to get any word in as the mare continued to ride him more and more passionately. Raising a hand, he playfully smacked her ass, making her yelp and moan. “And what do naughty mares get?”

“They get fucked by their master’s cock!” Luna cheered, hissing a little as her eyes rolled back as she came again from Joka’la’s hand smacking again on her soft, bouncing ass. “Fuck…fuck me more, fuck me harder. Love me, ruin me, never leave me. Never let me go without your fat cock in my whore pussy again!”

“I never will.” Joka’la smiled, taking satisfaction in this feeling; this victory. Then, raising both hands, he brought them down hard on Luna’s ass, making the mare gasp and moan a sultry cry. “Now, let’s see how many foals I can fuck in that slutty womb of yours!” The mare only continued to make out with her lover.

While Joka’la and Luna fucked and began this new life, Celestia and Hekima were sitting there in their own room. Though they couldn’t hear it, they knew that their son was passionately fucking his lover. The alicorn and zebra only sat there. Eventually, Celestia reached out and placed her hand on Hekima. The zebra sighed, looking at his lover with tired eyes. He was still accepting everything that had happened.

“It’s finally come to this.” Hekima commented, taking another deep breath. “I just…I never thought this would happen.”

“No, we never thought this would happen.” Celestia added, getting up to better face the zebra. “But think about what we have gained. “ Grasping his hands more, she looked deeply in his eyes. “After so many years, decades of worries, doubts, and fears, we’re free. We’re finally free to be together.”

“You’re right, you’re right.” Hekima nodded, feeling more and more relief as the realization was coming through. “We are free, and we can finally be together.” His expression then shifted. “But now, my son…your sister…and he kept it hidden. I…I really thought he was trying to be like me, do take his family seriously.”

“I know, it wasn’t exactly how we have envisioned this day to come.” Celestia explained, holding the zebra’s head in a loving embrace. “But now, even with all things that have happened. What we have gained far outweighs the secrets. It’s not like we are innocent how hiding things from our son.”

“You’re right, I know you’re right.” Hekima replied, giving out another sigh as his face was partially buried in Celestia’s massive tits. Then, a small chuckle escaped his lips. “You’ve been his mother for less than an hour, and you’re already spoiling him.”

“I’m gonna do more than that.” Celestia giggled, hugging Hekima’s face in her breasts some more. “After all these years, I have so much time to catch up with my son. But for now, something more important.” Pulling away the zebra’s face, she stared deeply with a passionate gaze. “Hekima, my love…I want another foal.”

“Another foal?!” Hekima gasped in surprise, but the serious lust in the mare’s eyes were too much to ignore. Chuckling out another sigh, he looked back at her with longing. “I’ve certainly chosen my love well, haven’t I?”

“A lover who cannot get enough of that fat cock.” Celestia cooed, moving her mouth to start gently kissing her lover. All the while, a hand slipped down to tenderly lover Hekima’s bulge. “Now, we can’t have our son and his new bride to be the only ones to celebrate.” She whispered seductively in his ear. “Please, my love. Take this fat cock, and fuck a foal in your royal whore’s womb.” Hekima smirked, knowing how slutty the Princess could be when she got like this.

The news of both alicorn sisters’ lovers, and the coming marriage was a scandal to behold. It was on the lips of every pony for weeks and weeks, as news spread to all over Equestria. And while nobles bickered and cast whatever shame they could on the mares, many more were quick to openly support the marriages to come. Whether they truly cared, or were just riding on what was more favorable to the public, neither Celestia nor Luna cared. If anything, they allowed these noble ponies to all but finance the entire wedding.

Princess Twilight, as well as Cadance took full care and control over the event, making sure the double wedding was tailor made to both alicorns’ desires. As well as this, every possible favor was called in to give both brides and grooms the perfect attires for the big day. But now the day had come, and not only were their crowds all the way into the streets, but rulers, dignitaries, and guests from kingdoms far and wide came in attendance. And with such guests came lavish gifts, the wealth of nations were poured into the castle to celebrate the union of Celestia with Hekima, and Luna with Joka’la.

But while the maids and servants were getting the last of the finishing touches on everything, the brides and grooms were unaccounted for. Given how big and lavish the day was, there were no doubts that the four of them were preparing themselves. This was history in the making, and so it was expected for them to be a little nervous. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Neither alicorns nor zebras were nervous, but they were preparing themselves for the big day.

Within their seperate rooms, both zebras were getting a special treat from their visibly pregnant alicorn lovers. Celestia and Luna, both naked and bodies marked by the hot sex they had done, were busy sucking off and deepthroating their lovers. Hekima and Joka’la, though not in the same room, were very alike in how they panted and groaned. Both their royal lovers sucked and moaned whorish sounds, making it hard for them to hold back.

“Fuck…Luna…keep going…” Joka’la panted, placing a hand on the back of Luna’s head, holding her in this deepthroat as he came. “Fuck…so good…shit, I’m cumming!”

Luna eagerly drank down the spunk, savoring the masculine flavor of it as she was swallowing each glob that coursed through her throat. Joka’la enjoyed the feeling, especially as Luna’s tongue rolled over and around his shaft as she drank, like she was suckling out as many drops as she could. In the last few weeks, since their relationship became public, the two were never apart, and whenever they could even even moments alone, the horny princess couldn’t help but suck off her lover’s cock, or let him fuck her hard and deep.

This feeling was shared by Celestia, who was sucking off Hekima’s cock with a fast and steady ferver that could only have formed from years of being without his touch. Even as they spent every waking moment together, it was clear that the Princess had more than her fair share of pent up lusts. Not that Hekima could complain. If anything, he was amazed when he found out the alicorn was carrying his foal, unaware that as soon as their relationship was public, she disabled her birth control magic.

“Celestia…there’s no…no rush…” Hekima panted, his arms would be placed on Celestia’s head, but her magic held him in place as she was reaching around his body with her hands to throatfuck herself on his cock. “You’re…you’re going so fast…”

Celestia didn’t care, she wanted this cock, and she never wanted to be away from it ever again. Gone was any semblance of decency and restraint, this alicorn demanded that her lover fuck her like the pent up whore she was. She craved the feeling of letting go of any and all sense of discipline. She had been holding onto these feelings for so many years, and when she could let them out, they exploded out of her in a series of debacherous passions.

“Celestia…I’m cumming…I’m cumming!” Hekima gasped, feeling as his balls tightened and cock swelled as it throbbed out in orgasm. The alicorn drank down the thick and heavy load that her lover released. “Really were…craving it…weren’t you…”

“You know it.” Celestia cooed, slowly pulling the cock from her mouth. Opening her mouth, she showed off some cum still in her steaming mouth before swallowing it all. “I’m just so happy. I can finally be with you, my love.” Her eyes teared up a little. “After all these years, we can be a family.”

“There, there.” Hekima commented, feeling the magical hold weaken. Reaching up, he pulled Celestia’s head to him. Rubbing her mane, he whispered his sweetness in her ears. “I’ve never believed this day could come. I’m so happy, we can finally be together.”

“Oh you…” Celestia sniffled, pulling away from Hekima’s hold, just to push him on his back. Quickly, she straddled on him, magically gripping his cock to aim at her gushing wet, sensitive pussy. “You can’t just say such sweet things, and not expect me to ride this fat cock!” Dropping herself, she let him bottom out inside her, making her twitch and moan in orgasm.

“My love, I know your passion, but the wedding it this afternoon.” Hekima panted, looking over to a nearby clock. But then the adorable, yet slutty look in Celestia’s eyes was more than enough for him to concede. “Okay, okay, but we cannot delay after another round…or five.” Celestia only moaned out, leaning in to start making out with her lover as she continued to ride his cock.

Back with Luna and Joka’la, the mare was taking his dick as he was thrusting in and out of her. Her legs were wrapped around his back, and her arms were being pressed by his grip. The mare’s huge, milk filling tits were bouncing wildly with each hard and deep thrust. The fact she was pregnant didn’t stop Joka’la from hammering his length as rough as he could inside her. Not that this was the first pregnant mare he ever fucked, this time, he was letting all passions fuel his actions; not the desire to conquer another whore.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me more!” Luna moaned, screaming out her love and passion for the zebra. “Make me your royal bitch! Mess up your alicorn whore!”

“I think it’s a little late for that.” Joka’la laughed, panting and thrusting to match with the beating of his heart. “Look at you. Who would’ve thought the regal and kind princess was now a zebra cock loving, royal slut.”

“Mmm yes…keep going…call me more names…put me in my place…” Luna moaned, pulling Joka’la closer as he was fucking so deep inside her. “I want your cock, I never want to be away from it. Ruin me for others, I want everypony in Equestria to know who I belong to.” Her sultry voice whispered her sweet and slutty words deep in Joka’la’s ears. “I don’t even want them to think they could have me in their dreams.”

Joka’la mind only surged as his body was tensing up from the next coming orgasm. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Luna’s behavior was a major contrast to how she was before. The once regal and dignified alicorn was now a cock loving slut, a whore who held an insatiable lust for her zebra lover’s cock. Just like Celestia, once she became pregnant, her carnal urges were only amplified and it was getting harder and harder for even Joka’la to handle her for the near dozens of rounds she needed daily to function.

“Fucking whore!” Joka’la grunted, humping faster and faster. “I’m about to blow a fat load right in your mouth. Be sure to drink it all. I want my new bride to be good and full for the wedding.”

Luna moaned, rolling her eyes back as she was feeling herself getting fucked into another hot and heavy orgasm. It felt so good, and Joka’la’s cock was swelling and throbbing. He was about to cum, he was going to fill his already pregnant bride-to-be with even more of his seed. The zebra couldn’t hold himself back, and as his hot breath huffed out from his throat, he groaned out in orgasm. The pleasure of stuffing Luna’s moaning body full of cum, it sent rushes of euphoria throughout his being.

Luna gasped out her moaning bliss, shivering as she let the aftershocks of her orgasm ripple throughout her body. Shuddering, she held Joka’la close to her, savoring the feeling as he pumped his hotness deep inside her. Pulling his face closer, the two made out passionately as they settled into their afterglow. It was another few minutes before the zebra slowly pulled himself out of his lover, letting his load leak out of her.

“There we go, that should hold until the end of the ceremony.” Joka’la laughed, kissing Luna's cheek. “As much as I would love to see my new bride get fucked on the altar in front of all of Equestria, let’s save it for the honeymoon.”

“Just fucking? For you, my love, I would strip bare, showing the world your heir, crawl over to you, toys in my like the bitch I am.” Luna cooed, moaning a little in Joka’la’s ear, she continued to speak her sultry words. “Then once I reach you, I suck that fat cock and let you fuck me all in front of Equestria to show them the stallion I’m devoted to.”

“You’re such a slut, I love it.” Joka’la laughed, pulling Luna in for another sloppy kiss. “But we can save the fun for the honeymoon. But since you’re in such a mood, you better wear those toys under your dress.” He then snapped his fingers as he remembered something. “Oh yes, and that collar I bought you. Even if no one else notices, I want you to remember who owns that sexy body.”

“Anything for you, my love.” Luna moaned, kissing at Joka’la again. “I love how well you’ve treated me. Your cock made me such a naughty mare, I love it.” Joka’la only smirked in joy, eager to see how the rest of the wedding would play out.

The wedding ceremony was better than anything both couples could’ve dreamed of. Celestia and Luna walked down the aisle, their gowns flawless and tailor made to their alluring and seductive bodies. Gifts from Rarity, who had worked overtime to ensure these dresses were perfect. But unbeknownst to anyone else in the room, under the dresses, both alicorns wore no exotic lingerie, nor any regular underwear. Rather, they had a number of different toys shoved in their pussies and asses. Hard, plump nipples teased and clamped with vibrating toys, and beautiful collars hung tightly around their necks.

To everyone who gazed upon them, they were the peak of beauty, grace, and majesty. But to those who knew the truth, they were whores, hidden under a layer of royal wedding gowns. Cadance stood before the altar, acting as the one to serve at the wedding. She kept her eyes on her aunts, knowing full well that they were absolutely filled with cum, and their pregnant bellies were well hidden under illusions. For a moment, she smirked, imagining what would happen if the people learned of how much of a whore their monarchs were.

Only minutes after the two royal mares had reached the altar, their grooms approached. Hekima and Joka’la, both noble looking zebra stallions, walked down the aisle towards their brides. The looks of serious devotion on their faces, matched only by the sharp beauty of their suits; which were also custom made by Rarity to ensure utter perfection, grace, and beauty. When the two approached their brides, the four of them looked at each other with warm smiles.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to bring these beautiful beings in holt matrimony.” Cadance announced, her voice booming magically in a way so that everyone, even the ones in the streets could hear her. Projections of the ceremony reached out so that all could see. “Joining us, Princess Celestia and Lord Hekima. As well as Princess Luna and Lord Joka’la. You are all here because love and unity. The bonds of which we hold so sacred, and so dear.”

While Luna was still a little unaware at how much of a slut her niece was, Celestia, Hekima, and Joka’la struggled to not roll their eyes at the mare’s words. To think a whore who would fuck every stallion in this room would preach about the purity and innocence of love. Regardless, the words she spoke still resonated with the engaged couples. They felt it, a warmth that grew and grew between them.

“And now, by the powers vested in me, and as the Princess of Love, I pronounce you husband and wife. And husband and wife.” Cadance commented, smiling to the couples. “You may now, kiss the brides.”

While Hekima and Celestia’s kiss was one of love, patience, and a feeling that had been in the words for decades, Joka’la and Luna’s was far more passionate; just barely coming close to being far too risque. The alicorn moans softly in her lover’s mouth, and only stopped when Joka’la settled her in. But it was finally done, the two of them were married, and now with the blessing of Hekima and Celestia, Joka’la and Luna were ready to begin the next step of their lives.

Leaving the ceremony, to the cheers of the countless ponies, non ponies, royalty, nobility, and commoners alike, the two couples reached a large carriage. Once inside, the enchanted carriage carried the couples over to the train station. While inside, the two couples looked at each other. There was only a brief moment of tension, only for a hearty laugh to erupt out between the four of them.

“I can’t believe it. This happened!” Celestia cheered, hugging Hekima close to her. “We’re married. We’re finally together!”

“I know, it’s almost like…like a dream…” Hekima replied, looking over to Luna, who smiled at who was now both her new brother-in-law and father-in-law. “So…what will you two be doing?”

“I would like to show off my new bride to our homeland.” Joka’la commented, holding Luna close to him. The mare blushed as she could almost feel the arousal that her new husband was feeling. “How about you?”

“We’ll visit the homeland eventually, but there will be time for that later.” Hekima nodded, looking back to Celestia, who was nuzzling up to him. “But Celestia wants to show me all of Equestria. To see the sights and pleasures we were denied for so long.”

Joka’la smirked, not only happy his father, and newly discovered mother, were going to enjoy the time they had held back for so many decades, but also that he would have all the time he desired with his new bride. He loved Luna, and the way she was now, his influence having turned her into the most beautiful whore in Equestria, he couldn’t help to bring her to show him his homeland. His mind teemed with all the many plots and plans he wanted to try, and he knew all too well that Luna was going to be willing and eager for each and every one of them. Luna cooed as she snuggled up to her husband, eager to begin her new life as Joka’la’s bride.


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The flight to the Zebra Lands seemed to almost fly by, quite literally, as Joka’la and his new bride, Princess Luna were lying comfortably in their room’s bed. The last few days have been like that of a fantasy. If he had told himself a little over a week ago that he was going to not only fuck a royal princess, but impregnate her, and then marry her, he would’ve laughed his ass off. Regardless, he was snuggling with his new bride, the alicorn naked and still sweating from the fucking they had done only minutes ago.

Luna’s body had been developing rapidly in the last few days. It was like her form wasn’t just accepting her pregnancy, but embracing it in a way Joka’la never considered possible. Her belly was swelling, getting bigger and rounder everyday; though with how much she loved feeling him blow his full loads inside her, it was impossible to tell what was their growing foal. Her ass was swelling as well, getting softer, and almost making faint clapping sounds whenever she walked, which only made her new husband’s cock throb with eagerness.

But what had really changed the most were her tits. They had grown, immensely, nearly doubling in size. Her areolas and nipples were getting plumper, and more alluring, she was already lactating. It was like her body was craving to be pregnant for so long, and now she was finally able to let it all out. Joka’la loved this feature the most, suckling and drinking at her creamy milk as she rode him. Or even groping her from behind as he fucked her deeply. Luna’s day was never complete until her husband had milked her properly.

“Looks like we’re almost there.” Joka’la commented, looking out the window. The view granted them the perfect view of the coming island. “Soon, we’ll be in my homeland, and I can show off my beautiful wife to everyone.”

“Aww, my love.” Luna cooed, kissing at her lover’s cheek. Crawling up a little, she positioned herself to get ready to ride Joka’la’s cock again, shivering as she felt the partially erect member enter her already dripping pussy. “And maybe I can see the look of envy on every mare’s face when they see you have been claimed by this whore princess.”

Joka’la couldn’t help but laugh heartily. His mind went back to when he first met this mare. How nervous, almost timid at the ideas of such things. He remembered the hard work he put into going on those dates, and the steps he took to ensure he would spend those nights with her. All of this, the slow build up, to now see her, from the dignified Princess, to a slutty mare who was addicted to his cock and cum. This only made his cock swell in her pussy. Luna cooed, moaning a little as she started to slowly ride this cock.

“Joka’la, my love. Your cock. It’s so big, I never want to be away from it.” Luna moaned, grinding herself faster and faster. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“I love you too, and don’t worry, you’ll love it in my homeland.” Joka’la smirked, reaching up to grope at his wife’s massive tits. Thin trickles of milk spilled from her quivering nipples, slipping between his fingers. “I know there will be things you will not understand, but I’ll make sure you have the best time there.” Luna moaned, arching her head back as she was slowly getting into a bouncing speed on her husband’s cock.

Luna moved and swayed herself over Joka’la’s cock. She couldn’t be without this dick deep inside her, and rubbed her pregnant belly tenderly as she looked at the zebra with loving eyes. She loved this feeling, she loved being with Joka’la. And above all, she loved that she was bearing his child. Their foal was still many months away, but she never felt any more aroused. Joka’la only enjoyed the view, watching his wife ride his cock faster and faster. She was so beautiful, and she was just perfect for him.

Reaching up, he placed a hand on her hips, and started to thrust upwards, making Luna’s milk filled, huge tits bounce more and more, spilling out little bits of milk whenever they slapped down on her body. This was becoming a little too much for the mare, especially as the two of them have barely spent an hour or so without either sleeping or fucking. Collapsing forward, Luna let Joka’la have his way with her body, thrusting up as he groped her ass to bring her back down. Each thrust bottomed out into her soft embrace, making her moan in pleasure.

“I love you, Joka’la.” Luna moaned, panting against Joka’la’s face. “I’m yours.”

“And I’m yours.” Joka’la moaned back, reaching up with one of his hands to pull the mare closer. “Now shut up you royal whore, and kiss your king.” Luna moaned a sultry sound as she was pulled into a kiss. Their lips and tongues embraced as they fucked faster and faster.

The two continued to fuck, letting their passions guide all action as the airship was decending into the Zebra Lands. By the time they had landed, Joka’la and Luna were reluctantly finished. While they would’ve preferred to fuck all day, they knew they had very important things to do. Getting dressed, the two were ready to present themselves in the Zebra Lands. Escorted by a number of guards, Joka’la and Luna departed from the ship. Once off, the alicorn’s eyes widened.

Joka’la’s home, this city, was marvelous; more beautiful than she could even imagine. It was almost like a spiraling fortress of smooth, white and yellow stones. Small canals carved into the rock allows water to flow. Citizens of all castes, status, and stations walked merrily along the streets. Even from the platform they were standing on, Luna’s alicorn senses could see the colors, joy, and vendors selling their wares on the streets, while her nose could just faintly pick up the smell of spices.

“Welcome, my love.” Joka’la commented, taking a few steps forward to gesture out to the entire city. “Welcome to Zebrabwe.”

“It’s beautiful. But wait, you said Zebrabwe?” Luna asked, looking at her husband with curious eyes. “I’m so sorry, but I always thought this was called the Zebra Lands?”

“It is, and it isn’t.” Joka’la commented, taking her hand for them to continue walking; guards followed. “You see, the Zebra Lands, or Zebralands, depending on who’s saying or writing it, is a massive collection of countless clans, tribes, villages, cities, and other territories.” As he spoke, pride filled his voice. “So when it comes to referring to our homeland when outside of it, it’s easier to call it Zebralands or Zebra Lands. Don’t worry, you didn’t offend anyone.”

“Oh, good, good.” Luna sighed a breath of relief. Looking around, her eyes were all over the place, not sure what to look at first. “But this city, it’s so amazing. I never would’ve imagined.”

“Well, it's true. Zebras are not exactly known for magic, but we have made numerous alliances with races that have helped.” Joka’la further explained, taking great joy in this. “The Kelpies keep the water flowing, and have greatly helped with sanitation, while the Abada have allowed the neighboring lands to become fertile and we’ve received countless, bountiful crops.” He then paused, only to chuckle. “But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get you to the palace. There, we can get properly dressed, and then we can explore the city.”

Arriving at the palace, Luna nearly fell over backwards from tilting her head to look at all the splendor. It was so big, not as big as Canterlot Castle, but still rivaling it in size and glamourous structure. Statues of smooth marble carved into the shapes of beautiful zebras, many of which were pouring water from jugs into fountains. Aside from that, there were many guards in armor that were not that different from the guards back home. But rather than plates of metal, it looked like thick clothes made of meshed links of metal chains.

This room was most likely the throne room. Countless mosaics of numerous scenes, some looking like what Luna believed to be zebra history, while others could be myths, fables, and legends. It was all so colorful and beautiful, making her eyes almost dazzle at the sight of them. The rest of this room was covered in the smooth stone for the floor, and at the end was a large throne made of woven fibers, gold and silver adornments, and a numerous amount of lush pillows.

Sitting on the throne was an elderly looking zebra stallion. He was dressed in fine robes, most likely a noblestallion. As soon as he saw Joka’la, his eyes seemed to radiate a sense of joy. Getting up from the throne, he raised his arms from his side and approached the two. But just before reaching him, he lowered himself on one knee, bowing before the zebra. Luna watched as Joka’la only smiled, nodding at the elderly zebra.

“Lord Joka’la, you honor us with your return.” The elderly zebra greeted, speaking with only the highest respect for him. “Was your trip fruitful?”

“It was indeed, I even got married.” Joka’la commented, causing many in the room to gasp in surprise. Gesturing to Luna, he continued. “This is my wife, Princess Luna of Canterlot.”

“Luna, one of the two royal sisters?!” The elderly zebra asked, looking between Joka’la and Luna. “My lady, what an honor to have you wed our beloved lord.”

“Please, there’s no need to be so formal.” Luna replied, smiling at the zebra. “I’m happy to have wed my beloved, and look forward to seeing the rest of this marvelous kingdom.”

“But for now, I want preparation made.” Joka’la commented, gesturing to the many zebras in the room. “I have her in Canterlot, but I want one that brings her into our ways. Prepare a ceremony.”

The room erupted in cheers, with the elderly zebra shouting orders to the many guards. Saluting, the guards rushed off. It was all a massive rush of excitement. Luna was eager to see how this would play out, even as she struggled to understand the language. Joka’la only held her close, which put her at ease as she awaited what was coming. After several minutes, the guards returned, but with them was a beautiful zebra mare.

Dressed in golden robes, this zebra mare’s body was alluring, showing off not only her curvy frame, but her large tits were just out in the open, no clothing covering them save for a transparent fabric, which only brought attention to her golden nipple piercings. Luna couldn’t help but gasp a little, surprised by this, and more shocked at how calm Joka’la was. Was this another custom she had never heard about?

“Joka’la, my dear master!” The mare greeted, not only approaching Joka’la, but pressing her mature body against him. Luna’s eyes widened, almost glowing a little. “How could you have left us behind while you went to Equestria.” She rubbed her hand along the stallion’s face, but then noticed Luna. “Oh? And who is this, a new mare for the harem?”

“Actually, the opposite. She’s my wife.” Joka’la commented, causing the mare’s face to sink a little bit. “Now, now, don’t be upset. You knew this would happen if I ever got married.”

“But, we'll be wed soon.” The mare replied, maintaining somewhat of a composure. She then looked back at Luna. “Well, congratulations, I will be sure to tell the others of the new change in command.”

“No need, we were on our way.” Joka’la replied, then held Luna close to him. “Shall we?” Luna only nervously nodded, following as her husband and this mare walked towards the hall.

“My love, what’s this all about?” Luna asked, looking at the mare. “Were you already married before we met? And what’s this about a harem?”

“I understand your confusion, but I assure you, you’re my first and only wife.” Joka’la assured his wife. “But here in the Zebra Lands, we have a culture of harems.”

As they arrived at a massive curtained door, the mare brushed it aside to let both of them in. Within this room, the smell of incense filled the air, along with sweet music, and the sight of succulent fruits and wines. But what really caught Luna’s attention was the number of mares in this room. Not just zebras, but some kelpies and abadas. All were dressed in different ways, but each showed off different aspects of their sexy bodies.

“Master Joka’la.” The mares cooed and moaned, showing themselves off to the stallion. “We’ve missed you.”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure.” Joka’la commented, chuckling a little. “But, I’m here to make an announcement.” He then gestured to Luna, bringing her forward. “This is Princess Luna of Equestria. My wife, and now head of the harem.” There was a gasp in the room, with many looking over to the older mare besides them for confirmation.

“It’s true.” The mare replied, sighing a little. “The day we have feared has finally come. Our master has wed, and his bride now stands above us all.” The mare sighed a little, looking at Luna with envy. The older mare looked at the Princess. “Sorry, but many of us have been awaiting the day our Master would wed one of us, thus becoming the head mare. But as the oldest, I was the unofficial top. With you here, you are now the head mare of our master’s harem.”

“I’m sorry…I don’t…I don’t understand.” Luna looked between the mares and Joka’la. “C-can someone please explain.”

“Oh, Master never told you?” The mare asked, only to wag her finger towards Joka’la. “Master Joka’la, how could you? Getting married and not telling your bride our ways?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Joka’la chuckled, standing behind Luna. Placing his hands on her shoulder, he smirked. “By all means, tell her.”

“Well, you see. Here in the Zebra Lands, powerful nobles, such as our Master, are meant to be more than just a one mare stallion.” The zebra mare explained, speaking very direct and to the point. “Before marriage, they are permitted harems of up to dozens of mares of all varieties to have. But there is always a first, a mare who stands above the others. Which is myself. That is, until the Master gets married. After marriage, the wife becomes his first woman, and his harem are at her command.”

“So…as his wife, I’m in charge. But then there’s other mares he can engage with if I am unable to?” Luna asked, to which the mare nodded. She pondered for a moment, then another, and another, and another. After a little over a minute or so, she sighed. “Oh goodness, was that all? I was worried there.”

Joka’la’s face dropped, shocked at how quickly Luna accepted this. Though he didn’t want to show it, he had been a little worried about how his new wife would take the news of his harem. It wouldn’t have been fair to tell her so soon, and she would find out eventually, so it was better for her to meet them directly. But Luna…she accepted it, not instantly, but more readily than he expected. The mare, along with the other girls in the harem’s faces reflected their surprise. Luna only stood there, before realizing the expressions staring at her.

“Well, harems aren’t exactly an unknown concept to me.” Luna explained, blushing a little. “Though I never partook in them, my sister did, and to my knowledge, my niece has entertained the idea but I don’t believe she’s done it.”

Joka’la chuckled a little, thinking about how his mother probably had loads of men before meeting his father. Which was a common practice even in his homeland, for a married noble to choose to dismiss his harem after marriage. Though the idea of Cadance not having a harem was as foreign as it got. Odds are, she had the more obscene and exotic of stallions and maybe mares to amuse her, but kept it a secret.

“Well, now that we’ve all become acquainted, let’s get my new bride dressed to better fit her role.” Joka’la smirked, gently nudging Luna towards the mare. “Don’t worry, my love, they’ll make sure you look perfect.”

“Oh yes, we’ll ensure your bride is the most radiant in the capital.” The mare commented, with the other harem girls moving in closer. “So please, Master. If you could give us girls some time with your wife.”

“Of course, I’ll be in the throne room. No doubt there are things I’ll need to look over.” Joka’la nodded, turning to leave. “I’ll see you soon.”

Sitting in the throne room, going over the various papers, documents, tablets, and scrolls, Joka’la was completely and utterly bored. This type of logistics and analysis was more something his father would’ve done, while he would enjoy his harem. But Hekima was away, and Joka’la wanted to show his own growth. Perhaps this was something to come with marriage, or maybe he wanted to be as bored as possible, so it would make the sight of Luna’s arrival all the more beautiful. Eventually, this salvation came, the mare arrived into the room.

“My lord and master, Joka’la.” The mare said with a bow. “May I present, my lady and mistress, Luna.” Joka’la’s eyes widened in amazement at the sight before him.

Luna was stunning. Her body was marked with a paint pigment that gave the impression of silver zebra stripes along her body. Moon and star motifs marked along her large tits, areola, and ending with a zebra themed sigil along her womb. As well as this, her ears and nipples had some silver piercings, which only seemed to make her shiver and tremble in place. Silver and crystal gem studded jewelry were on her wrists, arms, fingers, and around her neck. And finally, her body was draped in a silver-blue cloth that wrapped around her wide hips, displaying the visible baby bump of her belly, and a see through lace that hung around her neck and over her enlarged tits.

“My word, I thought I married a Princess.” Joka’la playfully commented, getting up from the throne to approach his wife. “But it seems I was mistaken. I married a goddess.”

Luna cooed, extending her arms to embrace her husband in a warm, loving hug. The two kissed, pressing each other together, all while the members of the court watched with pride for their master’s love. After a moment, Luna felt herself getting so turned on. She was basically naked, in front of all these zebras, and yet, she felt only the arousal of her lover’s embrace and caress. If he commanded it, she would have Joka’la fuck her then and there, screaming how much she loved being his royal whore.

“Now that you’re all dressed up, we should see the capital.” Joka’la commented, turning to look at the elderly zebra. But his hopes were dashed as soon as he saw the small shake of his head. “What? We’ve been doing this work for over an hour. Surely, it can wait?”

“I’m sorry my lord, but it cannot.” The zebra commented, gesturing to several more servants holding papers. “As you know, I cannot sign on your father’s behalf, and so you must be the one to do this before you may engage in your…other duties.”

“It’s okay, my love.” Luna cooed, thinking up something to help her husband. Leaning in, she whispered seductively in his ear. “Just do the work, and I’ll help you.”

“Well, in that case.” Joka’la whispered back, smirking before looking back at the elder zebra. “Very well, let’s get this over with.”

Returning to the throne, Joka’la sat, with Luna getting on one of the side cushions to kneel before the throne. The elderly zebra resumed giving his master the paperwork, and while the zebra was reluctant to resume his duties, Luna was more than eager to help him with a little relief.Reaching up slowly, she rubbed her hand delicately along the bulge of his pants, helping him grow in arousal. Joka’la maintained his professional composure, but his lips smirked a little as he realized what Luna was planning; and loved it.

The alicorn eagerly and easily fished out her husband’s cock, licking her lips as she opened her mouth. Leaning forward, she took in nearly half the length in her mouth. The zebra winced a little, but otherwise maintained his somewhat professional composure. He didn’t want to blow his load too soon, but it was clear that he was enjoying this. A smirk ran across his lips. And while the rest of the court saw this, no one said a thing. Even the mare who had helped Luna looked in in amazement.

Not wanting to lose the momentum of this feeling, Luna sucked faster and faster, bobbing her head as she deepthroated the great length of her lover’s size. She couldn’t get enough of this, and she didn’t care who saw her. If anything, this feeling was even more liberating than when she was being fucked on her throne. The fact she was being watched, her pussy was getting soaked, and her nipples were getting hard. Moaning softly over this dick, she swallowed down more and more of it. Unable to hold back, she reached with one hand, cupping at Joka’la’s heavy balls, fondling them. Her other hand drifted down and started rubbing her sobbing entrance.

Joka’la only hummed a little to himself, he knew Luna would love to be fucked in front of everyone then and there, but he wanted to tease her a little as well. There was a special ceremony coming, and he wanted to help build up her anticipation. But, he would at least enjoy the loving cock worship that only his beautiful wife could give him. Briskly working through the papers and documents, he worked to get as much as he could finish. All the while, Luna was licking and moaning over his thick size.

Luna loved this feeling, she was so devoted to have her love, master, and husband’s cock in her mouth. She never wanted a moment to go by without having this cock be with her. She longed for nothing more than to be his obedient fuck mare. Her pregnant belly quivered as she only thought of her future with him. She wanted to bear his foal, become impregnated again, and bear another child. Her life was to be his broodmare, her every pleasure was to make him feel good, and the greatest gift he could give her was his life giving cum.

Joka’la grunted a little, hissing somewhat through his teeth as he felt his coming orgasm. Luna could tell by the way her husband was throbbing in her mouth, she pushed to give him a wet and sloppy deepthroat. Joka’la winced a little as he felt his wife was throatfucking herself on him to milk his dick of every drop he had. Seeing as how the papers were nearly done, he decided to give his dutiful wife the hot release she craved. Reaching down with one hand, Joka’la rested it on the back of Luna’s head.

Pulling down, he bottomed out his dick in her throat, swelling it as he came. Luna’s eyes went wide, and then half open as she moaned with orgasmic glee over her husband’s cock. Drinking down the hot cum that poured down her throat, she reveled in it, savoring the strong taste and smell. Her body only trembled as she didn’t waste a single drop, treasuring it as a precious nectar. Eventually, he released his hold on her head, to which she slowly pulled herself off his dick, making sure to clean off her lover’s cock.

“I believe that’ll do, for now.” Joka’la commented, finishing up the last of the papers. “Prepare the ceremony. I would like to be wed as soon as possible.” The entire chamber was in an uproar of cheers, murmurs, and whispers.

“Of course, my lord.” The elderly zebra commented, bowing his head before taking the documents. “We shall begin at once!”

A few days passed, but it finally came. The wedding ceremony between Joka’la and Luna was here. Within the royal temple, a beautiful constructed marvel of shimmering gems and marble, both husband and wife stood before a great altar. This altar, carved of a single piece of rose quartz, shaped in the form of a zebra stallion and mare, with both hands held out. In the mare’s hand, was a fine black leather and silver collar, and the stallion held a silver key. Both Joka’la and Luna were not dressed in royal regalia or other fancy clothes, but were naked before the altar, as countless members of the court and subjects watched on in awe and joy.

“Now, we shall begin.” The elderly zebra, approaching the altar. Unlike his master and the princess, he was still dressed, as was everyone else. “We gather here for a special ceremony, the bonding of our lord, Joka’la, and his bride, Princess Luna of Canterlot. Let the maiden give her oath to her master.”

Kneeling before Joka’la, Luna struggled a little. Her belly had swelled some more. She was very far into her pregnancy, possibly due within a month or so. But she still did as she was told, and on her knees, she looked at her lover, but the way her head was now at cock height made it difficult to look away from it. Reaching up towards the altar, she took a hold of the collar, bringing it to her. Opening it, she wrapped it around her throat, a look of pure joy shimmered in her eyes.

“I, Princess Luna of Canterlot, hereby swear this oath to you, Lord Joka’la of Zebrabwe.” Luna spoke, her voice echoing with devotion, submission, and loving obedience. “By bearing this mark, I offer myself to you. All that I was, all that I am, and all that I will be is yours, now and forever.” Leaning up, she gave her lover’s cockhead a gentle, tender kiss, causing it to twitch. “My body, my love, my will, and my soul is yours. And I shall live the rest of my days as yours.”

“I, Lord Joka’la of Zebrabwe, hereby swear this oath to you, Princess Luna of Canterlot.” Joka’la replied, shifting as he dropped to only one knee. Taking the key from the altar, he brought it to the collar around Luna’s neck. “By sealing this mark, I claim you as mine. You shall serve none but myself. Your life is what I wish it to be. And you will only know the love of being devoted to me and my desires.” Locking the collar around Luna’s neck, there was a shimmer of light. Sigils formed around it, only to fade.

“And the ceremony is done.” The elderly zebra called out. Joka’la stood back up, while Luna remained kneeling. “Lord Joka’la, present the key.” The zebra did just that. Placing the key on the altar, the elderly zebra continued. “The mark has been bearded, the mark has been sealed. Now and forever, Lord Joka’la and Princess Luna are bonded.” The altar gave off a small glow, the key illuminated, until it melted into nothingness. “Now and forever.”

Following the ceremony, Joka’la and Luna returned to their bed chambers. But unlike how it was that morning, the room was now fitted with a number of ropes, cords, pads, and other tools. Both of them couldn’t take their hands off each other. They were moaning in each other’s mouths as their hands pressed, rubbed, groped, and explored the other. The passion was palpable, causing them both to moan and pant in each other's mouths. Their tongues embraced and danced as they were fully unified. Luna’s body was hot, almost steaming as she couldn’t take herself away from her master. The feeling of the collar against her neck only sent more and more shivers of devotion and love throughout her body.

“It is done, we are one now.” Joka’la groaned, kissing along Luna’s neck as he let his hot breath kiss against her. “And now, I want you to show me what you feel. I want to see my beautiful, whore princess present herself like the new slutty slave she is.”

“Of course, master.” Luna cooed and moaned, her body shivering at the zebra’s words. “I’m just your slave, a soft hole to be fucked and filled. Every drop of your cum is a blessing, every foal I bear is a miracle, and every moment I have your fat cock inside me is a gift.”

Breaking away from their embrace, Joka’la walked over and grabbed a coil of rope, and a leash. Luna’s body trembled as she swallowed nervously. She could already feel the firmness of the rope against her body before it was even on her. Joka’la only smiled, gesturing for her to approach him. Once she was close enough, he released the rope. At once, it uncoiled and struck like a serpent. The alicorn stumbled a little in surprise, the rope wrapped around her until she was unable to hold herself up.

“Don’t worry, this is expected.” Joka’la commented, watching as Luna stumbled back, falling onto the bed with a soft thud. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “But now that you’re all tied up…” Connecting the leash to her collar, he smirked down at her with dominant eyes. “We can have all the hot fucks we can give.”

Luna's body was fully bound by the ropes, causing her arms to be behind her back while her legs were spread. Her pussy was absolutely soaked, quivering as she was eagerly awaiting the feeling of her husband's cock inside her. Joka'la smirked, resting his throbbing size against his wife's sobbing pussy. Rubbing it a little, he wanted to tease her a little bit, making her beg and moan for him. His oozing cockhead dripped over and against the mare's round, pregnant belly. Luna cooed and moaned, looking at the zebra with needy and wanting eyes. As well as this, Joka'la held the collar in one hand, tugging at it playfully.

It caused the collar to grind gently against Luna's tender neck, giving him an added thrill. Slowly, he lowered his cock against her soaked entrance, pushing into her softness. The alicorn moaned softly as her pussy wrapped around her husband's cock. As he started to fuck into her, his left arm tightened around her hips, holding her down, the weight of his large frame weighing her down further. The ropes dug into her skin slightly, causing her to squirm in pleasure.

"Please master...make me yours!" Luna begged, struggling underneath the force of the zebra's overpowering power. "Fuck my tight, little cunt, fill me with your spunk! Don't stop, don't pull out, just keep fucking me…harder!" Slowly and steadily, Joka'la began thrusting into his wife, picking up speed and tempo.

With every thrust, his cock plowed deeper and deeper into his mare, his balls smacking against her wet sex every time he went deeper. After only a few moments, he was bottoming out inside her, ramming hard and fast into his beloved. She was a helpless mare beneath him, a living piece of sexual property for his own enjoyment. Every second she felt like she was nothing more than a mare desperate for her master's cock. There was no hesitation or worry as Joka'la simply owned his mare, taking whatever he wanted.

As long as he was happy, so was she. Luna loved being owned by her husband, especially since she knew how much he loved her, loving her in return. Even though she had given up so much for him, she knew that there would never be any regrets. Everything about him brought her pleasure. After what seemed like forever, Joka'la picked up his pace, slamming harder and faster into his wife. Luna felt herself climaxing, her body shuddering violently as she came, her whole body exploding into ecstasy. Her body bucked wildly against the ropes, a full orgasm that would probably be one of the best orgasms of her life.

It took a while for her to come down from the intense orgasm, yet as soon as she did, her sensitive body was ready for another round. Luna whimpered, longing for more of the deep thrusts and powerful pounding. As letting out a low groan, Joka'la thrust into her again, pushing himself completely inside. She could feel his cock moving around inside her, her hot nectar leaking out of her body and onto the bed sheets. All she cared about was pleasing her master. Just as he did earlier, Joka'la continued to pump his cock in and out of her tight, little hole. This time however, he changed the angle, angling it downward as he slammed into her even harder.

Luna cried out in pleasure, her head thrashing wildly on the pillow, her body tensing up in excitement. As Joka'la kept going, her tight pussy squeezed as it released all of its pent up fluids, milking her husband's throbbing cock. She wanted to scream with joy, scream with her body screaming in pleasure. Yet all she could do was continue moaning and groaning as her body had a continuous orgasm. This wave of pleasure continued on and on until her body finally collapsed, exhausted.

Finally spent, Luna lay still, her breathing becoming slower and shallower. After a couple of moments, she realized something, something that surprised her greatly. Joka'la was still cumming inside of her, not stopping as he did before. The ropes prevented her from pulling away. They prevented her from doing anything other than accept his cock. This realization drove her nearly insane with pleasure. While Joka'la was on top of her, deep inside her warm, wet womb, she began rubbing her pussy against his shaft, teasing her body with his cock.

"Yes, please don't stop..." Luna whispered quietly. "...please, make me cum again..."

“Oh, don’t worry, my love. I shall.” Joka’la commented, leaning in to kiss at his wife’s lips. She moaned in his mouth as their tongues embraced again. Holding himself against her for a moment, he pulled back, letting her whimper out her adorable moans of want and longing. “Our first night as one has only just begun.”

The last several months have been an amazing, pleasurable experience for Luna. Learning about Joka’la’s people and culture, traveling about the lands and kingdoms, as well as all the ways they’ve fucked and pleasured themselves was a feeling she never would’ve imagined in her wildest, wettest dreams to ever become real. But now, she wanted to return home, at least to visit her sister. Laying in their bed, Luna’s bare and naked body was still twitching in the afterglow of her latest orgasm.

The months have been especially kind to her body. Her belly was already pregnant with her second foal. Her breasts have nearly tripled in size, but remained gravity defying perky; though her nipples have grown darker and plumper from all the milk within. Her body was marked with new stripe arrangements, a design signifying not only her new status as Joka’la’s wife, but that she had sired him an heir. Though still frugal about it, her body still had some piercings along her navel, nipples, and her ears.

Her pussy was not only leaking out the hot, wet release of her husband’s hot seed, but was filled with the many, many vibrating toys that were still churning and shivering inside her hot hole. Luna couldn’t help but coo and moan, having gotten used to having toys inside her at all times, learning to hold in the pleasure, and savor all of it. The ability to hold a seemingly composed expression as she was being constantly pleasured had become a major turn on for her.

In the last few months, the teleportation circle Joka’la proposed to the alicorn sisters not only had been thoroughly tested and has now become a major means for trade and travel between both kingdoms. Rather than days or even weeks on an airship, the couple could simply take this teleportation circle to get to Canterlot. Because of this, they didn’t need to rush, and wanted to take their time and enjoy themselves before departing.

“We’ll be leaving for Canterlot in a few hours.” Joka’la, who was sitting naked at a nearby table. Swirling a glass in his hand, he savored the taste of a sweet wine. “How are you feeling, my love?”

“Nervous.” Luna admitted, her voice having become more sultry and sweeter than before. “I’ve been writing to Celestia, but to see her again. I’m…I’m not sure she’ll even recognize me.”

“Nonsense, you’re stunning as you’ve ever been.” Joka’la commented, putting down his glass to join the alicorn in bed. Rubbing at her belly, he hummed. “Besides, after hearing about her nephew…grandson…whatever it is, I’m certain she’ll be eager to see how the new foal is coming along.”

“Yeah, we should bring him, but your father just won’t let him go.” Luna giggled, snuggling up to her husband. “Ever since he met little Za’noto, he’s been a very cheerful grandfather.”

“Well, he’s been wanting me to settle down for years, but it wasn’t until I met you, that I even bothered to consider it.” Joka’la commented, making Luna coo and moan as they leaned in for a deep and passionate kiss. “So, we have a few more hours, maybe we can go another round…or three…maybe five…” Luna blushed, giggling.

“You’re so insatiable.” Luna giggled, only to kiss at her husband again. “So am I…and I’m so very, very horny.”

Joka’la laughed, rolling about to get up. Shifting himself, he moved until he was at the end of the bed, and between his wife’s legs. Licking his lips, he reached down, grabbing at the many toys. Pulling them out one at a time, he savored the sweet sounds of her moans, and when the last toy was removed, Luna’s pussy clamped shut. Chuckling, he reached down and started to stroke his cock.

“Looks like you’re good and wet.” Joka’la chuckled, wiggling himself closer, laying his cock gently over his lover’s pussy. “Good thing we have plenty of time.”

“Good.” Luna cooed, her hand reaching up to the collar around her neck. “Cause your slave wants more of her master’s cock.” Joka’la smirked, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

Bonus: A Night in Zebrabwe

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“Come, come, come.” Called the voice of the zebra doctor as he spoke to Luna. “You’re doing great my lady.”

Luna arched her head back as she lay in the hospital bed. Her mind was in a haze, the mix of pleasures coursing through her body only added to the stretching feeling as she was birthing her son. Gasping out, her breasts bounced, her nippled shivering as they grew harder. Looking over to her side, she saw her love, Joka’la. The zebra lord was on his knees besides his love, both hands clasped in one of hers. She smiled at him, so happy that she was giving him a foal, and he looked to her with equal love.

“We’re close, my lord.” The zebra doctor said, not looking up to the couple. “Yes, yes, yes, almost…and…yes!” Luna gasped as she felt the sudden release of her foal being born. Her pussy clamped shut so fast, she nearly came from it. Clutching the foal, he wiped him down before cutting the umbilical cord. “Congratulations, my Lord, my Lady. A fine, strong, healthy son.”

“Let me see.” Joka’la said, getting up to approach the doctor. In his hands, a midnight blue colt with deep, dark black stripes, all with a small speck of silver on his forehead, as if to mark where a horn could’ve developed. “So precious. Luna, Luna, my love. Look. Our son.”

Seeing her son, Luna’s heart fluttered. Giving birth had weakened her stamina, but she was otherwise fine. The small zony colt only filled her with deeper feelings of longing and affection. Weakly, she extended her arms, letting Joka’la hand him off to her. As soon as she took him close to her, the colt let out an almost adorable yawn before nudging itself against her large breasts. Within moments, the colt seemed to locate her plump, tender, dark nipple and began to gently suckle on it.

“Look at this, my love. So soon into the world, and he knows where to go.” Luna cooed, trying not to moan at the feeling of her son suckling her sensitive nipple. “Barely met and he loves my breasts so much already.”

“Well, he is my son.” Joka’la chuckled, leaning in to kiss Luna tenderly. Though her arousal was so great, she couldn’t help but moan openly in his mouth as their tongues embraced for a moment before he slowly pulled away. “He’s beautiful, my father will be happy as soon as he gets word.”

“I will ensure Lord Hekima receives word of his grand foal's birth, my Lord.” The zebra doctor bowed his head. “But I will call the nurses. We must be sure there are no complications or concerns with the young heir.”

“We understand, but contact my father first. We want to spend some time with him first.” Joka’la instructed, to which the doctor bowed his head before departing. Now alone, he brought his attention back to Luna. “Insatiable little thing, isn’t he?”

“He is.” Luna cooed, feeling her breast shiver as her son was voraciously drinking at her creamy milk. “But, there’s a problem.” Before Joka’a could ask, she groped at her other breast, the slightest touch causing her milk to leak from her nipple. “We shouldn’t let it go to waste, and I know you love tasting me.”

“That I do.” Joka’la smirked, leaning in to kiss at his lover again. “We have a few minutes before the doctor returns.” Luna only moaned, agreeing with him as she felt her collar almost get warmer from his words.

Kissing back at her lips, he slowly lowered himself along her slender neck, even kissing a little at the cool metal and leathers of the collar she bore; the symbol of their eternal bond. Running his lips along her collar, and then to her breast. Rather than be gentle and kiss at this moist nipple, Joka’la opened his mouth, taking the full areola into her suckling maw. Luna moaned out, having to cover her mouth a little with her free hand to muffle her sultry sounds. She didn’t want the first sounds her son heard to be such lewd sounds, but Joka’la’s mouth felt so good.

Rolling his tongue over the nipple, Joka’la playfully bit at it, drinking down the alicorn’s warm creamy milk. Being so much bigger than his son, he was drinking down far more milk, and pleasure rippled throughout the alicorn’s body. She didn’t want the first look he saw on his mum’s face to be her cumming, but Joka’la was just too good. Swallowing a little, Luna moaned out a little, and tried to maintain some semblance of composure.

“J-Joka’la…m-my love…” Luna cooed, trying to get her lover to slow down. “M-maybe we should consider…consider a name for our son…”

“Yes, you’re right. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Joka’la chuckled, somewhat reluctantly pulling his mouth away from the mare’s overly sensitive nipple. “Hmm, for our son, he needs a good name. A strong, respectable name. One that countless mares will scream in orgasm.” Pondering for a moment, he snapped his fingers as the thought struck him. “Za’noto, he shall be named Za’noto.”

“Za’noto, an excellent name.” Luna cooed, looking to their son. Leaning in, she kissed at the silver spot on his forehead, admiring how it looked like a small tinkle of light. “Za’noto Star.” Joka’la smirked, proud his son could bear both a zebrican and equestrian name. “My darling, precious, beautiful son.” Tears of joy slowly filled her eyes. “I’m so happy I finally can meet you.” Joka’la joined her in this feeling, hugging her closely as the two welcomed their son into the world.

The days turned to weeks, and the happy couple was making sure their young Za’noto was well taken care of. The zony foal seemed to grow very fast. For a few months, he was already walking, looking around his environment, and seemed to have a show of great potential in his eyes. Suffice to say, he gave many of the servants a hard time keeping an eye on him. Luna and Joka’la couldn’t be any more proud of him, and the scroll they received from Hekima and Celestia practically screamed out their joy all over the palace. But now, the foal was resting, the loving couple sat in the room, marveling at their precious baby.

“Such a precious foal.” Luna cooed, gently rubbed her finger against Za’noto’s cheek. “So beautiful.”

“He is a fine son.” Joka’la smiled, sitting beside Luna. “It makes me wonder when we should consider the next one.”

“The next one?” Luna asked, blushing as she suddenly felt the feeling of her lover’s arms wrapping around her body, hugging her closer to him. “So soon after the first one?”

“Why now?” Joka’la teased, playfully kissing Luna's neck. “I feel you would be stunning with another foal in your fertile womb.” Luna shuddered, cooing at the zebra’s sweet words.

“Well, before we get that chance, I’d like to explore more of the city.” Luna commented, looking out into the lights that twinkle and shine throughout the nightlife of Zebrabwe. “Perhaps we can see how the citizens enjoy their nights here, and then we can consider another precious foal for us.”

“For you, my love, anything.” Joka’la commented, nuzzling against Luna as the two started kissing again. “I know just the place for us to go.” Looking out into the city, he pointed towards an especially bright place. “There! There’s a club there called The Shauku. It’s a place where many of the citizens enjoy going to. I believe it’ll be a perfect place for us.”

“That sounds perfect!” Luna exclaimed, looking out into the night with a wide smile. “I wonder if it’ll be like that club we went to in Canterlot?” Looking over to Joka’la, she could tell this was going to be a different experience.

Walking among the night streets of Zebrabwe, Joka’la and Luna made their way to the club, to The Shauku. Unlike when they had to walk through Canterlot, the couple didn’t need to disguise themselves. Along the way, occasionally, a citizen of the city would bow their heads in respect to them, and yet none of them did a full prostration that Luna almost expected of them. It wasn’t that she wanted them to get on their knees for her or her lover, but was happy no one in this city felt the need to exaggerate their veneration of them; a sigh of relief compared to Canterlot sometimes.

The two decided to wear something a little playful. Joka’la’s clothing choice was a silk vest over his shirtless body, with a pair of tight looking pants that showed off his impressive bulge. Luna’s was a lot more revealing, chosen by the former head of the harem. It was a mix of shimmering jewelry of silvers and gold, and her curvy body was tightly wrapped in near transparent silks that gave the impression of her delicate pussy and plump nipples. It was like a second skin, bouncing and swaying with every step of her beautiful body. It was fun showing off his love to the city, and everyone who saw them had looks of reverence and envy.

Arriving at the club, the bouncer, a large and imposing looking zebra stallion, only needed one glance at Joka’la to let the couple within. Whatever Luna’s expectations were, they were blown away from what she saw. The Shauku was massive, several times larger on the inside compared to the sizable front door. Some dimensional magic? City designs? Or something she just wasn’t aware of? Either way, she was captivated by it, her lips spread to a wide smile. Joka’la chuckled, wrapping a hand around his wife to hold her close as they proceeded inwards.

There was a massive dance floor, zebras, kelpie, abada, as well as other beastial species Luna had never seen before were dancing, grinding, and rubbing against each other in a way that could only make her face red in a blush. The attire everyone wore seemed to vary, but all were dressed in such scandalous, alluring attire. Many zebra mares were in nothing more than thongs and tube tops that just barely covered their areolas, let alone their whole tits. Some kelpies were fully naked, taking advantage of their liquid like bodies to slosh and swirl to make such fluid motions. And some abada were in just flowing robes that seemed to cause a wafting breeze of sweet smells and incense into the club.

But zebras, kelpie, and abadas weren’t the only species dancing. She could see several griffons in little more than flowing pants and net shirts. There were even a few ponies and yaks, though the latter was easily making anyone near them bounce as the males’ large bulges were pushing against clearly horny mares. While the females’ massive tits were bounces, ready to knock any unsuspecting stallion over. The club was exactly like the city, a mix of all races engaging in such merriment and fun. Her body was also getting hotter, she could almost feel the sensation of such soft bodies press and rub against her.

Aside from the dance floor, there was a large bar, with what looked to be a few unicorns in fine clothes serving numerous drinks magically to the patrons. It was a surprise, as since living here, Luna had seen maybe a few dozen ponies of all three kinds, as compared to the possibly hundreds of thousands of zebras, abada, and kelpie here. So it was interesting to see such somewhat familiar faces. After that, there seemed to be numerous corner rooms located in alcoves that held semi transparent curtains that only allowed silhouettes of whoever was inside. And from the looks of it, the denizens inside were eating, drinking, smoking, and fucking.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Joka’la commented, seeing the captivation on Luna’s face. “So, what would you like to do first?”

“I…I’m not sure…” Luna responded, halfway paying attention to her husband. “There’s…there’s so much to do.”

“Then how about we dance?” Joka’la suggested, smirking as he slowly moved behind Luna. Pushing a little forward, he wrapped his arms around her front, while pushing the bulge of his pants against her round ass, making her coo a little. “Just look at how those patrons are bumping and grinding together.” Leaning in, he whispered in her ear. “Aren’t you a little curious how it feels to be in the middle of that?”

Luna couldn’t help but shiver a little at the thought of it. The feeling of their strong, wet, slender, curvy, and masculine bodies. All bumping and grinding against each other, her entire body shuddered and quivered. Her face was becoming red, and her pussy was getting needy. If this kept up, she was going to jump her lover right then and there, not caring who watches her being bred like some fine whore stock. Joka’la could see this, and all he could do was laugh at his wife’s growing arousal.

“I-I-I-I…” Luna cooed, fidgeting a little bit at the collar around her neck. “M-m-maybe we should try something else first.” She tried to compose herself, but was struggling with this. “Y-you know…there’s no rush right? The night is still young.”

“It is indeed.” Joka’la smirked, placing his hands gently on Luna’s shoulders, almost massaging them a little. “But there’s more than just dancing here.”

Turning his lover a little, Joka’la directed her to look over at what seemed to be a section of the club she didn’t notice. There were a number of small stages, all with large, metallic poles at the middle end section of them. There were a large number of the patrons of this club there, but what they were doing nearly made the mare gasp. Males and females of so many species were against the poles, fucking each other. Cocks were slamming into moaning holes, while tits of all sizes were bouncing and swaying with each thrust that rippled throughout their bodies.

The looks of orgasmic euphoria, it was an expression Luna was all too familiar with, and she felt longing and envy at the many patrons. Joka’la could see it in his lover’s eyes, and he was sure she would love being fucked in front of everyone. His wife had changed into quite the adorable and eager whore, who showed no shame in her debacherous cravings for carnal pleasures. Joka’la loved to pleasure her, to make her his slut over and over again. But for now, he would give her every chance to indulge in these longing feelings.

“How would you like to give that a try?” Joka’la asked, but he knew Luna wasn’t going to say no to it. She was captivated by it, and she was almost trembling at the thought of it. Chuckling, he playfully reached down, gently teasing some fingers against her pussy lips. “Feels like you’re soaked.” Luna trembled, feeling her legs wobble a little as she slowly made her way forward, her lover releasing her and following.

Thankfully, a couple was just finishing up, and some club staff were busy cleaning the pole. As soon as they saw the coming pair, they finished up and moved along, bowing their heads respectfully. Walking on a set of small stairs, Joka’la and Luna rose onto the stage. The view from where they stood, it was magnificent, giving them the perfect view of the entire club. The bouncing, dancing, grinding patrons, the fellow ones who were fucking all around them, and the pole itself that was beckoning Luna to touch it. As soon as her fingers rubbed against the warm metal, something in her was released.

Arching her head back, she let out a primal cry of pleasure and passion. Not all, but many heads in the club turned to see the source of this beastial release, and Luna’s body only grew hotter as their eyes devoured her form. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she could feel her body get hotter and hotter. Even Joka’la was impressed with just how passionate his lover was getting, how excited she was becoming, and the sweetness of her coming arousal only tantalized his senses.

“My love…I can’t…I can’t hold it back…” Luna cooed, trembling as she looked back at her lover. She had clear desire in her eyes, and her face with an almost goofy smile. “What do I do?”

“Whatever you want to do, my love.” Joka’la said with a calm nod, smirking a little. “Be what you want to be, and do what you want to do.” That was all the confirmation and validation Luna needed, she felt a rush course through her, and she was going to act on it.

Grabbing at her clothes, she all but tore the fine and expensive fabrics away, discarding them to her side and behind her. Joka’la maintained his amused smile, watching with glee as his lover wasn’t just stripping down to nothing but golden chains that dangled over her alluring body, but was doing so in front of an especially excited audience. The old Luna wouldn’t have ever done something like this, but this new, liberated Luna was one who loved nothing more than to show how beautiful she had become, and how this body belonged to Joka’la.

The crowd cheered as she continued to strip down, as well as how she started working herself against the pole. Despite this being her first time on such a thing, the alicorn was a nature. Pressing forward, she lowered herself, first licking and rubbing it between her tits, and ending with her moistening pussy kissing gently along the smooth surface. The crowds’ excitement only grew, which only caused the alicorn to work up a greater and greater show of her passionate feelings. She loved this attention, having never realized just how turned on this was getting her.

Getting back up, she bent over and against the pole, wiggling and swaying her sexy ass towards Joka’la. She was set to tempt him to come over and fuck her in front of everyone in the club. She wanted nothing more than to be fucked full and bred, with all these strangers’ eyes gazing at her. Luna loved this feeling, her body was practically steaming from her excitement, and her lover was eager to give her what she wanted. But rather than just strip down and pound his mare’s pussy into his shape, Joka’la decided to have a little more fun. Reaching down to a nearby container full of toys and accessories, he pulled out a coil of smooth, silken rope. Whispering to it, small glyphs along the rope illuminated, coming to life like a trained serpent.

Luna didn’t even realize what was coming until she felt the enchanted roped wrap around her body. The cords tightened as they slithered about and around her body, knotting themselves in numerous places until her wrists were bound to the pole, her ankles were strapped to the stage, and she was bent in a way that better showed off her beautiful ass to her lover. Her huge tits hung and were lashed as well, groped by the ropes for all to see. She panted, feeling the smoothness of the cords on her body, which fed into the thrill of all those eyes upon her. She was on the edge of cumming, needing only a final push to get her to cum. And Joka’la was more than happy to give his loving whore what she craved.

But rather than just claim her delectable pussy with his own throbbing member, the zebra wanted to give her something else, more teasing treats in anticipation of his own mighty cock. Reaching into the crate, he pulled out a decently sized looking toy. It was molded in the shape of a zebra’s cock, but this model of dildo was a special brand. Bringing his hand to a dial at the bottom of the dildo, Joka’la turned at it until the arrow of this dial pointed at the word, dragon. The dildo became like that of a hard gelatin before reshaping itself until it wasn’t a long, thick, blunt headed zebra cock, but was thicker, longer, and held the pointed tip of a greater dragon cock.

“This’ll do nicely.” Joka’la muttered eagerly to himself. Taking this dildo with both hands, he walked over to his lover, the ropes preventing her from fully looking back to see what he was planning. “How does it feel? Do you enjoy being on display to all these people?”

“I love it…I love it…I love being watched…” Luna panted, moaning as she wiggled her ass from side to side to the best of her bound abilities. “Please, Joka’la. Please fuck me, show your whore off to everyone here. I want them to see you breed me.”

“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get that.” Joka’la chuckled, slowly teasing the tip of the dragon cock against Luna’s sobbing wet entrance. She cooed, but was confused as this wasn’t her lover’s dick, and she was certain there wasn’t anyone else there. “But let’s do a few warmups first!” With that, he pushed as hard as he could against the dildo.

Luna’s pussy gave way to the massive size, her belly bulged in a way that would make an ordinary mare passout, and her insides were being shaped by this size. Gasping out a breathless scream, her pussy clamped down so tightly on this draconic cock, and with how wet her orgasm was, the toy nearly slipped out of her fuckhole. Joka’la only needed to keep a strong hand placed on the bottom of this dildo, keeping it deep in his lover’s hole. Luna’s body wiggled and fidgetted as she came another soaking squirt of her nectar all over this dildo, while the excess trickled down her legs and slowly began pooling with her already dripping sweat.

“Looks like you really love that dragon dick.” Joka’la chuckled, leaning close to whisper in Luna’s ear. “Maybe I should have you be fucked by some dragons sometime. I can watch my precious slut being defiled and bloated from all their hot, savage spunk.” Luna cooed, trembling at the thought, which made him smirk. “You like that? You like being my whore? You want to be used for my amusement?”

“Yes…yes…” Luna panted weekly, still coming down from her latest climax. “I’ll do…anything…for you…my love…” Turning her head, she looked at him with a deep love and burning passion gleaming in her eyes. “Use me…fuck me…make me your slut…and treat me like the…filthy…naughty…royal whore…that I am…”

“Ah, such a beautiful response.” Joka’la replied, taking his hand under Luna’s chin. Pulling her a bit, he kissed her, causing her eyes to roll back as her body trembled again, nearly coming from her lover’s kiss. Pulling back, he saw the flushed, aroused look on her face. Luna was in such a state, nothing but the pleasure she could get mattered to her. “Now, I believe we should give these patrons a show.”

Walking back around his lover, Joka’la teased her a little more, gently running a finger from her chin, along her neck, down her back and wings, and then back to her round, supple ass. Raising a hand, he brought it down, smacking at her ass, making her moan out. The patrons of the nightclub continued to watch her being teased and played with. Their own growing arousal was clear on their faces, and Luna could only feel more pleasure from this exhibition show the couple was doing. While Joka’la occasionally smacked at Luna’s ass, he used his other hand to continue fucking the mare’s pussy with this draconic dildo.

Pushing and pulling, Joka’la was making sure that Luna wasn’t getting too used to this cock. He wanted to make her always feel the pleasure of this massive girth stretching out her inner canal. The tip kissed hard against her cervix, and she shivered whenever it bottomed out in her. She couldn’t fully see it, even as she tilted her head down, her huge boobs blocked her sight, so she could only feel how her pussy was being filled and her belly bulging from the size of it. Her chest heaved and bounced, swaying hypnotically as the crowd cheered onwards. But Joka’la wasn’t finished just yet, he wanted to try one more thing before taking his own turn.

Carefully flicking his hand along the dildo’s dial, while he continued to fuck her on it, he changed the settings different labels that this toy could offer. Luna whimpered a little, the dildo felt hot, almost burning in her sweet and sensitive places, only to then go cold, small, and then fill her out again, but in a brand new shape. This one was like a zebra’s cock, but almost twice the size of it. The label on the dildo read, centaur. Joka’la didn’t bother reading what the label said, only pumping it in and out of his lover’s fuckhole with one hand, while his other groped and fondled at her flank to hold her steady.

Luna couldn’t form words, only moaning her whorish cries of ecstasy. She loved this feeling, and she could almost smell her lover’s growing arousal. She was being used like a toy for him, a piece of beauty that the world could see, and she only felt the urge to do more for Joka’la. Her devotion to him was absolute, and while she couldn’t touch it with her hands, she felt a warm love coursing through her as she still the collar smoothly around her neck. She was his, and he was her master. This was what she wanted, this was what she loved. Luna was Joka’la’s, and he was going to forever enjoy every inch of her beautiful, goddess-like body.

Turning the dial again, the dildo grew hot, then cold, then small, and finally expanded back into a new shape. Now, it was shorter, but blunter and thicker. This was a yak’s cock. And while it wasn’t as filling as the dragon or centaur, Luna’s pussy was clamping down so tightly on it. The way it rubbed along her inner walls, pushing her closer and closer to her desired release. She loved it, she wanted to keep being used like this. And the eyes, the hungry eyes of the patrons gazing up at her. It wouldn’t take much, the stage wasn’t protected, and there were just so many of them. This crowd might just lose it, storm the stage and fuck her like a piece of public property. She shivered, leaking more of her hot juices at the thought. Would Joka’la stop them? Would he encourage it? The thoughts only pushed her into more mind melting pleasures.

Flicking at the dial again, Joka’la turned the dildo into something a little more modest, a meaty griffon cock. Unlike other dicks, it wasn’t as big, but the length of it had numerous small groves that rubbed and almost scratched along her inner folds. The pleasure still drove the mare to squeeze on it, which was making it a little harder to pump in and out of her. It wasn’t impossible, but Joka’la laughed a little, having to put more strength into it. Raising his off hand again, he brought it down hard in a strong smack, making her yelp out and moan more for him. The dildo was being squeezed, but that only meant it rubbed against every inch of her insides much more easily.

“We’re almost there.” Joka’la teased, working the toy faster and harder in and out of Luna’s pussy, making her shudder and coo at the feeling. “Just one more setting, and I want you to cum for me. Like a good whore.” Turning the dial again, the dildo took its new shape, the smooth, pointed, knotted shape of a diamond dog’s cock.

Pushing hard, Joka’la nearly slammed the entire side, knot and all into his lover’s pussy. The mare screamed out, cumming her soaked passions all over the toy, as well as the zebra’s fingers and leaking the rest on the stage. It glistened like a small pool, and Luna’s mind was filled with nothing but the desire to be a good mare, to be a good whore, and to serve her master as passionately as she could. The alicorn's wings flapped, or at least flapped to the best of their abilities, given how the ropes tied them almost fully closed. Joka’la’s lips curled into a playful smile, savoring the sight of his lover getting closer to her orgasm.

“Here it comes.” Joka’la laughed, pulling the dildo fully out of Luna’s pussy. “Scream for me you whore!” At that, she rammed the dildo back into her, but not in her sobbing wet fuckhole, but aimed higher, at her puckering tailhole.

Luna’s head arched back, her eyes twitching and almost going cross-eyed as she came from the dildo. The full toy being so brutally shoved in her ass, that the knot was forced into her, which squeezed so tightly, Joka’la wondered if the dildo could be broken. Her pussy, now without a thick dick inside her, clamped down so hard, it made a sloppy wet, clapping sound as she came. Twitching and moaning, she squirted out her climax so hard, Joka’la had to take a step to the side to avoid being sprayed by his lover’s hot nectar. This continued for what felt like minutes before the mare finally seemed to settle down.

Luna’s body went a little limp, with the ropes keeping her body somewhat upwards, but the parts not held up by her binds hunched forward. Her chest heaved as she was panting out her exhaustion from this climax. Her mind was nearly wrecked from this, and her vision was blurring as she looked out into the crowd. Their faces mixed together, but it had the same looks; arousal, longing, envy, and a carnal hunger to have their chances with the mare. There was no way any of them could hide it, they wanted her, and they’d do anything to fuck this alicorn, and Joka’la laughed at the looks on their faces.

“Alrighty, I think you’re nice and ready for me.” Joka’la teased, keeping the dildo in her tailhole while his other hand’s fingers slipped into her sobbing hole. “So tight and wet, I bet you want your master’s cock?” Luna whimpered, moaning as he slipped his dick between her round ass cheeks, rubbing a little. “I think it’s time we give these patrons a real show.” The mare cooed at her lover’s words.

Luna was given a moment, perhaps a single moment to try and prepare herself as she felt as Joka’la’s cockhead kissed against her slick entrance. Her tailhole tightened around the dog shaped dildo wedged deep inside her. She panted, looking out as the audience was still watching them. Without thinking, she seductively licked and moaned at the metal pole, pleasuring her tongue along it as if it were a cock, all the while, meeting the gaze of numerous fine stallions and other males. They were clearly aroused, with throbbing cocks hidden under their clothes. Luna could almost feel them against her body, only to have such fantasies shattered as Joka’la claimed what was his.

Joka’las’ cock fucked in deep, bottoming out into his lover so easily, and she moaned out like the adorable, noble whore that she was. The zebra cock stretched and filled her, giving her that feeling of love and purpose she craved. Her body pushed against the pole, sliding it between her massive tits, which dripped out her creamy milk. Those closest to the stage even leaned over it, hoping to get a taste of this sweetness that spilled from her lucious, beautiful, dark nipples. Joka’la chuckled, reaching down to grope and fondle along Luna’s ass, making sure to get a good grip on his lover’s sides before looking over the source of the club’s music.

At once, Joka’la’s thrusts and humps matched that of the rhythmic beats and pattern of the music. Luna’s body equally bounced and swayed, the ropes that connected all around her caused her body to do the same. She moaned out, her sultry sound was like a beautiful melody that matched that of the music to some capacity. Her sweat dripped from her body, mixing with the nectar and milk that was being shaken out of her, Joka’la’s cock was rubbing and reshaping her pussy canal that had been warped and tightened from the magical dildo that filled her out earlier.

“You feel that?” Joka’la playfully hummed, teasing his lover as he raised a hand, bringing it down hard on Luna’s ass, making her whimper and moan out. “All those eyes. So hungry, so needy. I bet they’d love to fuck you like the little slut you are.” The mare panted, moaning as she looked at the crowd in front of them. “But it’s no fun to just know it. I wanna hear you say it.” Reaching at one of the ropes, he tugged at it.

The rope, or rather a section of it, reacted to his tugging, loosening for a moment, only to then coil and tighten around her again, this time getting more around the collar, and her wings. So when Joka’la tugged at it, Luna’s neck, wings, and arms were tucked back a little. The mare gasped out from the feeling. The slight strain, small choking, and the way her body was being pulled back to her lover. It was all too much, she was going to cum, she was going to soak the stage even more as she was going to spray her hot release all over Joka’la’s cock. The zebra huffed, tugging again, keeping to the beat of the music as his dick was sliding and rubbing deep along Luna’s soft folds.

“I want it…I want it…” Luna moaned, building herself up. “Please…give it to me…”

As Luna moaned, her horn started to give out a small, faint glow. Her eyes were rolling back a little, twitching and going cross as she was licking and rubbing the pole between her tits as Joka’la was humping in and out of her tight pussy. Taking a deep breath, she could feel her orgasm coming. She was going to cum, she was going to feel her love splattered all over Joka’la’s cock. She wanted it, she wanted him to make her cum. She wanted to feel his love deep inside her, saturating her womb and fucking another foal into her.

“Give us your fat cock!” Luna screamed out. Her booming, royal canterlot voice echoed as the club was almost shaking from the volume of this voice. “Make us your whore!” Her horn burst out with this radiant light, illuminating the entire interior before finally settling down.

The room was silent. The music ended, and not a single voice spoke. Time seemed to have stopped. And then, the crowd erupted into savage, almost animalistic roars. Clothes were being torn, shredded, and otherwise discarded as the countless patrons of this nightclub began fucking. The entire nightclub had burst out into a massive orgy. Not a single person in the club could resist this urge and instinctive cravings to fuck. Even Joka’la’s eyes went wide in surprise at this. He had caused Luna to make that loud roar in orgasm before, but he never saw her do that with magic.

“Well, holy shit, you just caused an orgy.” Joka’la laughed, still fucking his lover at a steady pace. “I’m proud of you, you managed to do something I would’ve never expected. And you know what that means?” Leaning in, he whispered seductively in his lover’s ear. “It means I think that’s so fucking hot, I’ll breed you right in front of these horny patrons.” Luna’s pussy clamped down tightly on the zebra’s cock, love rushed through her, her mouth hung open in a whorish moan, and she only wanted to make her lover feel even better and be a good slut to him.

Thrusting harder and harder, Joka’la huffed and laughed a little between hard, breathy grunts. His cock hammered along the inside of Luna’s pussy, rubbing deep within her soft folds, stretching them as they squeezed along his length. He was going to cum, he could feel cock throbbing so deep inside his lover, and the way the orgy in front of him was playing out, he couldn’t help but wonder if her magic had affected him as well. Regardless, he was having so much fun and didn’t want it to stop. Luna’s moans drove him on, pushing Joka’la to give her the best orgasm he could offer.

“Come on, keep moaning for me.” Joka’la huffed, reaching down to get a firm grip on Luna’s collar. Tugging on it, he slammed so hard into her, that she pushed against the pole. “Scream for me, my beautiful, fucking broodwhore!” Luna moaned out, filling the already moaning room with more echoes of erotic passion.

Joka’la’s cock throbbed, swelling before plunging even more hot cum into his lover’s pussy. Her womb was so full of cum, growing in size as her ovaries drank down every virile drop. Luna’s body trembled, feeling so good as the orgasm melted her mind, numbed all her senses, and sent her body into such an overly sensitive stimulation, she was spasming. If not for the ropes, she would’ve collapsed into a twitching mess. Slowly, Joka’la loosened his hold on the mare, pulling his cock free from her soft pussy, letting the fucked open hole leak out what excess cum remained.

“Did you know that I’m the only one who can get you pregnant?” Joka’la playfully teased, watching Luna’s ear twitch and she murmured a weakened cooing sound in response. “It’s true. The collar around your neck marks you as mine, and since you’re mine, only I can bless you with my foals.” His lips curled into a playful smirk. “No matter how many cocks blow their weak loads on you, you’ll never have their inferior young.” He then leaned in, whispering into her ears. “Would you like to find you?”

Luna’s body twitched, shivering in the afterglow of her last orgasm. She was so sensitive, even the growing heat in this room that kissed against her sweating skin, the sound of orgies, moans, and sloppy fucking tingled against her ears, and the smell of hot patrons bumping, grinding, and breeding all around her was so thick, she couldn’t just smell it, she could taste it. Joka’la maintained his smirk, helping his lover up as the ropes slowly loosened off her body. Now standing, albeit with some assistance, he looked her deep in her eyes, holding her close to him. Her fat tits pressed against his muscular chest, her breath kissed against him, she was still so turned on, her mind was a flurry of passion and want.

“You like this? You love being my little slut?” Joka’la teased, kissing at the mare, who moaned in his mouth. Reaching at her collar, he tugged at it, making Luna let out her sweet and alluring sounds. Her body was trembling, and craved more of her lover. “But it seems there are so many who want a chance with you.” Taking that same hand, he pushed at his lover’s chest. “Enjoy.”

Luna stumbled back, falling off the stage, and into the orgy stricken crowd of patrons. The alicorn barely had the time to process anything that was happening to her. It was like a lustful blur of hands, tits, mouths, cocks, and bodies all over her. Hands, strong hands, big hands, rough hands, all manner of things touching her, reaching, groping, fondling, and rubbing her in places only her Master had touched. Looking up at him she saw the smile on Joka’la’s face. He wanted her to be like this, he wanted her to be the public whore in this club. The love and passion, the desire to serve her master was too much. She had to be what he wanted her to be.

Letting out a whorish moan, she indulged in the countless numbers that swarmed her. Within fractions of moments, she was kissing, passionately making out with zebras, kelpie, abada, as well as other races that were in the orgy pile. Luna’s body wasn’t hers anymore, she was the public’s toy, a slut that wanted to be soaked inside and out with their hot, potent seed. She wanted to feel her holes be stretched, ruined, and defiled. If Joka'la wanted her to be this club’s living fucktoy, then she would be that with every ounce of love in her heart. She will do anything her master, her lover, tells her to do.

If she wanted to say something, words only became muffled sounds as her lips met with the lips of others, both male and females, but then cocks, pussies, and tits. While her own pussy met with the passionate fingers against her sobbing wet embrace, the hot tongues of many patrons, and then some fat cocks. Her ass, still sore from taking the dildo, only remained untouched for mere seconds before she felt not one, but two rather thick, meaty cockheads press together, both fighting, competing to fuck her tight ponut. She gasped and moaned over the dick she was whorishly deepthroating as she was being used like a common cocksleeve.

Joka’a watched on, leaning against the pole with an eager glee. Luna, the alicorn he fell in love with, the one who he was so captivated at first glance, and the mare who had sworn to be devoted and obedient to, was being used like a whore, ravaged by so many nameless patrons, all at his command. His cock throbbed, leaking excess cum from his soaked cockhead. The mare was having so much fun, being used and serving her master like this. Long gone was the formerly naive, almost prudish alicorn nobility. Any resemblance of the once dignified mare were gone. All that remained was a loyal mare, who would do any and everything he would ask of her.

Not an inch of Luna’s body was left untouched. A cock was slapped between her huge tits, with at least another under each breast, rubbing on the fold between where it meets with her body. Her mouth now was being stuffed with two sizes, stretching out her throat in an almost painful manner, but she only moaned on for more. Her pussy was being filled with more dick, and her ass was now being ruined by three meaty girths. If there was a curve, or a part of her body, dicks of all shapes, girths, and sizes were rubbing or fucking her. She was a cocksleeve, a hole to be filled over and over again. The patrons showed no mercy, being drive by the instinctive urges and cravings to fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck.

Luna moaned over these cocks, her bodily instincts compelling her to draw out as much pleasure as she could. But as she did, a part of her felt something. Was it guilt? Was it wrong that she was feeling pleasure from someone, or rather a great many individuals fucking into her body? Her body wasn’t her own, it belonged to Joka’la. Her holes that were being stretched and defiled, belonged to Joka’la. This throat, these tits, every inch of her body belonged to her love and master, Joka’la. Shuddering a little, her body was too weak to free herself from these aroused patrons, but she turned her gaze up to the zebra. He was smiling, he was proud of her, he loved seeing her like this. The feelings of guilt didn’t just melt away, they were replaced by a passionate longing. Joka’la wanted Luna to be a whore, and so Luna only wanted to be the best whore she could be for him.

Driven by this new longing to serve her lover, Luna went at these cocks with greater and greater vigor. She moaned, suckled, deepthroated, bounced, grinded, gyrated, pushed, and took as much cock as she could taste and take. Her fingers danced along the shafts, occasionally fondling and heaving as heavy, cum filled balls, as well as fingering passionately and deeply in soaked pussies. Her lips switched between the lips of other mares, to being deepthroated by cocks, only to then suckle heavy balls, all to then passionately kiss against another potential partner as she moaned like the faithful whore she was to Joka’la.

The patrons couldn’t get enough of the mare’s body. They were humping into her folds and soft embraces as if they were competing to breed her. Luna’s body was being passed around almost every dozen or so humps she felt as there was a throbbing cock reaching deep inside her, only to then stretch her soft hole, only to then rub rapidly along her sensitive places. If she wasn’t already focused on sucking three, four, almost five or six cocks in her mouth at the same time, she could count how many thrusts she would feel being bombarded deep inside her before they would cum. But her throat was just as filled and ravaged as the rest of her body.

Stallions, and males of all kinds were facefucking her, often shoving each other aside to get a chance at her mouth and throat, which was being fucked and thrusted like a used up pussy. Luna couldn’t even blink without another guy trying to get his dick in her mouth, and after enough of them couldn’t just shove each other away, they were wedging themselves in her mouth. The mare’s mouth spread open, feeling as her cheeks puffed, and stretched, while her tongue slobbered all over these rubbing, grinding lengths. She looked up at these males, their huge cocks, and while loving it, only thought of how it felt to bury herself all over Joka’la’s cock. Her body only shivered madly as she felt her insides being fucked and filled.

Patron after patron pleasured themselves on and in Luna’s body. She wasn’t anything anymore. She wasn’t a princess, a mare, an alicorn, or anything of dignity. She was a pile of curves, a number of holes to be fucked, and above all, a womb and belly to carry the gallons of cum that were trying as hard as they could to impregnate her. Luna believed Joka’la when he said only he could knock her up, but these stallions and other males were trying so hard to pump as much as their hot seed into her body. She could feel her already overly sensitive ovaries going into overdrive to be bred by all these countless males and their raging cocks. Her body trembled, making her cum her sweet nectar all over them.

Joka’la relaxed, sitting back on the crate of toys as he watched Luna being gangbanged by the countless patrons. They weren’t civilized, or gentle. They were animals, savage beasts in the height of an instinctive rut, trying desperately to impregnate each other. And while he was confident that no matter how flooded his lover would become, Luna wouldn’t get pregnant. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little at how many of the other females in this club were going to have children after tonight. But this could be a future problem, he was having too much fun watching his lover being used like a whore. If anything, it was giving him some ideas on what they could do after this. Maybe tie her up somewhere, blindfold her, and leave her to the mercy of the city? He could only chuckle at this.

Luna moaned, feeling as she was cumming, and the ones currently fucking her soft and filled holes were not just stretching her to their limits, but as soon as they blew a hot and thick load into her, she was barely given a moment to moan and gasp as another cock rammed itself back into her soft folds. Her throat barely went a second without another dick rubbing against it. The sweat soaked tits and asses of the many female patrons pressing and rubbing along her own body, driving Luna deeper into her passionate moans. The males that were shoving and rubbing their lengths pulled hard and deep, stretching her as her pussy, mouth, and ass were taking in so hard that they stretched.

Joka’la was quite impressed by this, only becoming more curious just how many dicks she could take. Her throat took many of them now, being visibly bulged by the three that were rubbing together in her mouth. Her ponut was being stretched as well, but with one single, massive, throbbing yak cock that was beating into her as if he was in a rut to rearrange her insides. Each deep, body rippling thrust only caused the cum already inside her belly to slosh and churn. Her pussy was momentarily free of dick, instead having two zebra mares passionately making out with not only themselves, but with the spunk leaking pussy, savoring it like a sweet and jelly thick nectar.

Luna’s mouth was being moved from one place to another. Dicks slapped against her tits, and were then pulled away. She sucked on these thick cockheads, kissed along the blunt, pointed, and pulsing tips, licked at the cum dripping from it, deep throated as her throat bulged and quivered, and reached down with her hands, switching between intense fingering sloppy, wet pussy lips to jerking off any dick within range of her grip. Luna enjoyed feeling her pussy gobble down the enormous cock that was mercilessly ramming itself into her soft body, pulling hard against her flesh as the cock threatened to split her in half. The mares that were licking at her had to move to tease at her clit, as well as licking along her belly as she kissed Luna's belly. Her head shook side to side as she relished the belly punching sensation taking this yak cock as if it was a delicacy that only she deserved to eat with that big, juicy, fat ass.

The entirety of the entire dance floor was filled with the noises of fucking. Muffled moans and groans were heard throughout the entire club. Not a single patron was still fully dressed by this point. Only twisted expressions of raw pleasure adorned the faces of some patrons, while others were hissing, eyes either rolled back, or half open, but all twitching. Luna never stopped, not even once. Her eyes became unfocused, lustful and deep as her mouth dropped open, letting more and more patrons into her. As soon as a dick is rammed into her mouth, she would slather about it, bobbing her head until it would blow a hot and thick load into her throat and swelling belly. Then while she would be facefucking herself, she’d move her sultry body to take a cock in her pussy, ass, and then beg for more.

Luna’s mouth, hands, arms, legs, hips, belly, and all other exposed areas were filled with numerous cock of various shapes and sizes, all of which were covered in her juices, both from her soft holes and facefucks, as well as the cum and slobber she was sharing. Some patrons groaned, and cursed under moaning breaths as the alicorn forced them deeper into her, her moans and grunts mixed with their grunting and breathing. Her boobs, being squashed by large, sweaty bellies, would pull at the ropes that kept them attached to her torso, swinging gently and rhythmically. The stretched skin on her neck and breasts gave way, causing red marks from groping hands to form, much to the delight of her audience.

Her nipples got larger and thicker as the many males grabbed and squeezed them, tugging at them as she moaned over their throbbing lengths. The males she came in contact with grabbed onto her thighs, her waist, her breasts, her sides, and her chest, groaning as her flesh was abused by the careless grip of these brutes. Luna’s eyes widened and a wail came from her mouth as her pussy swallowed one of the largest cocks she had ever seen. It was fat, veiny, and heavy as it stretched out as she pushed her ass against this thick member. Her loving fuckhole milked the enormous cock, moving as fast as possible to try and bring the whole length into her small embrace. This only matched with the yak cock still deep in her ass, slamming and grinding against one another as she squeezed and milked, making her aggressively fuck the hung dicks that were plunging further and further into her lower holes.

The whore smiled wide, her tongue wagging slowly in her mouth as she continued to slide up and down on the cock. Her tits swayed side to side, while being cupped and fondled roughly by those in front of her. Luna moaned over this cock, knowing that she could keep on doing this; even if the stallion would collapse, dozens more would be ready to take his place. That no matter how many dicks she took, she was finally doing what she wanted to do. Joka’la looked at her, pleased at how faithfully she was tending these dicks, wishing only to make him happy. While she received the treatment she craved, the pleasure was ten times greater than she could’ve imagined. As this new cock was swelling, throbbing as it was about to cum, Luna pulled off of the member, only to then slam her face back over it, gulping down the hot and thick seed coursing into her belly.

When Luna released this dick, it pulled out of her mouth, just to blow another rope of steaming spunk all over her smiling face. She rocked back and forth, moaning loudly as she pumped her ass faster and faster. The giant dicks within her pushed hard against her inner walls, stretching her tight asshole, as well as rubbing within her pussy. The intense sensations of being torn apart by two massive cocks, she was getting pounded into a new world of pleasure. There was something intoxicating about the sensation. Something that Luna was getting addicted to. Her mind brought her back to Joka’la, and the way he smiled, the way he had pushed her into this, and the way that he wanted her to be fucked into a ruined mess by these patrons.

As the next stallion moved away, another yak joined in, ramming himself into her throat like her mouth was a gaping, used up pussy. The feeling of a big round belly smacking against her forehead and cheeks, as she instinctively buried deep into the belly of the male, driving his cock deep into her throat. She began bouncing back and forth, the sweat pooling under her, and dripping onto her hard nipples. The bouncing motions created a loud slapping noise against the floors and ceiling, which echoed and reverberated around the dance floor, filling every ear with the sounds of fucking and sucking. Luna moaned louder, but also took in a higher pitch. She kept sucking on the enormous shaft, backing up her ass to feel the other two behind her to ruin her pussy and ass.

Each slap against her pussy and back felt amazing. More than anything, she was filled to the brim with their hot, cuming passion. Her whole body shook from these feelings. Pulling back the twin dicks rubbing in her pussy and ass were pumping faster, harder, and deeper. They were ready to cum, she could feel it as she shivered and trembled. A loud and harsh grunt left her mouth as the bull penetrated her deeply, deeper than any stallion had ever penetrated her before. Her holes spasmed, taking as the hot and thick cum flooded her deep and sensitive places.

She was cumming as well, loving as her womb and belly were being bloated with these males’ hot, potent spunk. There was so much and it felt so good. She looked up at Joka’la, and noticed that the big grin on his face matched hers perfectly. In fact, he looked more amused than anyone else, as if he was entertained by seeing his mare getting fucked, and the way the males were hoping in vain to breed her. Luna grinning, cuming dripping from her lips, letting everyone know how happy she was. But then another cock was shoved into her mouth. Joka’la looked at her, grinning from ear to ear as she accepted the huge dick into her mouth.

Once again, Luna bobbed and moaned on this dick as she was being throatfucked before letting the salty tasting cum spill out, swallowing it eagerly. After her jaw loosened up from the massive cock in her mouth, she was able to gulp down all of it again, deepthroating it. Joka’la chuckled, nodding in amusement at the sight of more and more of these club patrons gathering towards his lover. As they gravitated towards her, the remaining females who weren’t being fucked, were licking, kissing, and tonguefucking each other into a massive display of carnal passion. Luna’s night of passion was only just beginning; and she was loving it all.

Hours, that was the only way to describe how much time could’ve possibly passed here. Within the nightclub, there were no windows to the outside, and it could be the late afternoon of the following day for all anyone here knew when the orgy finally died down. Joka’la, now sitting at the bar, enjoying a strong, fruity liquor bottle watched as the last of the patrons collapsed to the ground. The entire floor was flooded by these panting, tired, and resting guests. And at the center of this, like the eye of an orgasmic storm, was Luna. Her body was the favorite of the sultry affair. While there were many, many mares who were filled to the brim and leaking, the alicorn was on a whole different level of full.

Laying on her back, amidst the many bodies of twitching, cooing, and leaking patrons, Luna’s body was the most full. Every hole of her body was fucked so full of lesser males’ cum, leaking out of her mouth, pussy, and ass. Her belly was bloated, rounded, matched with the way her womb was so stuffed with potent seed. Joka’la smiled at this, savoring the sight of his lover in such a state. He had nothing to worry about. His cum had already impregnated her, so the gallons that sloshed within her was nothing more than a hot pile of steaming spunk that sent a tingle throughout her body with each kiss of the air around her.

“Well, I believe that is enough, for one evening.” Joka’la laughed, finishing his drink before tipping the bartender, who was currently collapsed on the floor, with three limp cocks still wedged deep in her gaping ass. Walking over, he easily scooped up his lover, carrying her in his arms. “Let’s go home.” The mare cooed weakly, smiling softly as she nuzzled against him.

Walking away from the massive pile of exhausted bodies, Joka’la carried Luna, holding her close to him as they passed from the doors. Looking around, the zebra’s eyes widened a little. Surrounding at least a block or two of the club, there were numerous piles of citizens who were naked and exhausted in the streets, some of which were local guards, their armor discarded as they seemed to have focused more on just fucking all around them. It would seem that Luna’s magic from the night before had a greater range of effect than he realized. No doubt his advisor would have a lot of papers for him to review when they would return to the palace. Joka’la only sighed, shaking his head with a chuckle.

“Looks like we had more than a little fun last night.” Joka’la hummed a little, heading towards the palace. “Still, I had so much fun.” He wasn’t sure if Luna was still awake enough to hear him, but he nuzzled against her a little. “And I’m so proud of you. You’re my beautiful, precious, loving, royal whore.” The alicorn cooed softly, possibly hearing her master’s kind words as she rested comfortably in his arms.

Luna’s body was like a tingling cloud of comfort. The mare couldn’t even begin to count the number of cocks she had tasted, let alone how many fucked and filled her pussy and ass. The way her womb and insides were stuffed over and over again last night. She had never known such a passion and feeling. What little sparks that fired off in her conscious mind couldn’t help but wonder if Joka’la would bring her out and be fucked like this again. Would it be his guards? All those strong zebras, with massive cocks hanging at their knees, reaming out her insides as Joka’la watches eagerly. Or maybe the night club again? Or even have her put in stocks and made into a public fuck toy? The thoughts caused her to coo and moan.

“Sounds like you’re having a good dream.” Joka’la chuckled, seeing the happy look on his lover’s face. Looking down towards her belly, the zebra sighed a little, his heart filling with joy and love. “I can’t wait to meet our second born.” He smirked. “And then, I guess I’ll just have to fuck another precious foal in you.”