Trade Route Dominance

by Shadowblade93

First published

Capt. Celaeno is joined by new crew members on a mundane shipping run.

Capt. Celaeno sails in the high seas and on air currents doing trade routes for Equestria. An anomaly happens one day and a rift in time and space opens; two people join her crew for some adventures.

Rifts and Conflict

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The waves tossed about harsher than usual for a summer day on the seas; just ten days from the coast of Klugetown. Capt. Celaeno stood at the helm of her vessel. Her wares were of exotic nature, cloth and spices from Saddle Arabia. There was a suddenly a bright flash and a portal opening just of the Starboard Bow of the ship. Ordering a crew member to take the helm Celaeno stepped up to the unusual sight. Drawing her cutlass she stood her ground as two figures fell through the portal opening before it closed. "Fuck damn it Fiora! Where the hell are we?" One figure shouted. The one called Fiora stood and drew her rapier.

"Miss Fortune....we're not at the Nexus anymore. We are on a god-damned ship!" The one called Miss Fortune stood and drew a pair of three barreled pistols. Celaeno lunged and only to be parried and then had the rapier of Fiora on the inside and barely an eight of an inch from her hamstring. "Okay.....lay the cutlass on the deck and tell us where the hell we are."

Celaeno laid her cutlass down, and ordered for a map to be brought. We are here and just eight miles shy of Klugetown. This world you dropped in from is part of a world called Equestria. About five years ago we defeated the Storm King and his power still lingers and opens an occasional portal like the one you came from." Miss Fortune had wandered to the helm aft of the long three decked ship and gazed her eye to the port side and off the bow. Grabbing a telescope she peered through the device and saw a pair of swift schooners.

Miss Fortune assumed the chick with the cutlass was the captain she hollered at her. "Captain! Two schooners off the port bow!"

"Range of the vessels!"

"About nine furlongs and gaining quickly!"

"Fiora, you and your commrade will join my crew for a potential skirmish. All hands on deck! Make ready the guns! Prime and load with twelve pound ball!" The vessel became alive, and Fiora and Miss Fortune looked at the crew, and felt like this was a sound crew.

"Has the cargo been secured below!" Fiora hollered as the ship took a deep dip before leveling out.

"Aye!" A crew member cried above the din of the waves. The salty air had a pleasant aroma, and the breeze was slowing them down while the schooners sped up. Celaeno nervously paced the deck.

"What's our speed?"

"Five knots!" At that moment the ship got caught on a sand bar as they turned a cape and could vaguely see Klugetown now in the horizon. A thunderous boom was heard and a splash was seen just five yards from their port side.

"Prime the eight pound deck guns!" Celaeno ordered hastily. In a bout thirty minutes, the schooners had pulled along side and their single deck guns boomed. The middle deck received damage and a loss of about ten crew members and unknown wounded. The deck guns fired down into the one of the schooners and

"Captain! Permission to form a boarding party?" A single nod was given and Fiora and Miss Fortune found ten deck hands and slid down the now anchored boarding ropes. Guns boomed but became silent as it now became deck fighting hand to hand. Celaeno saw how well Fiora handled the rapier. The girl was flawless and very apt in her sword play and foot work. Miss Fortune easily had the drop on the gunners on the deck and their single or double barreled flint lock pistols.

A deck gun was siezed and fired. Fiora and Miss Fortune had just by luck moved from where the gun was pointed when it was set off. The projectile tore a massive hole through one foe and sending his organs and ribs into the deck; the same projectile tore the left arm off of another. The sailor who lost his arm in a dying attempt tried to kill Fiora, only to have her side step and with a diagonal cut sever his genitals off. As he hit the deck in pain, Miss Fortune scattered his head on the deck below him.

"See you hell bitch!" The schooner the two stood was now sinking fast. Back on Celaeno's ship they cut that vessel loose. The remains attackers soon became food for the sharks that were gathering. The other vessel was still afloat. Barked out an order that was well needed.

"Fire the aft port guns and use the canister and bola shot!" The deck of the schooner soon became riddled with holes and any crew member unlucky enough to get hit were laying wounded and in agony as the wave ended. "Soak the fucking ship in pitch!" Once the now slowly sinking ship cut loose and soaked in pitch, Celaeno tossed a lit torch onto the deck and watched it burn brilliantly. The victors stood giving their commrades one last salute as their bodies sank to the bottom. To their enemy they drank a mug of ale and joyously dang a chanty as they repaired the ship dug finally got a life boat lowered and managed to pull the ship off the sandbar and back on track for shore.

"So Captain Celaeno, since my friend and I are stuck here for ow, may we sail with ya?"

"Guess you two ladies can for now...." Celaeno shoved Fiora to the wall of the Captain's Quarters, "Your hot or women?"

"The fuck! God, last time I heard a similar phrase was from my friend Caitlyn when her girlfriend Vi first hit on her."

"So which is it?"

"Guess....women, and no I am not sleeping with you yet."

"Course not damn it!" The conversation soon ended as they felt the vessel bump against the dock. Celaeno took the duo to meet with Twilight Sparkle and the other princesses and help them find some food and get settled until the ship was repaired and they had their next assignment.