> Happy Horny Holidays > by manta999 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intercontinental Ballistic Mistletoe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He definitely should have brought a gift. Sure, Pinkie had said not to, but you were still supposed to bring a gift when you went to a Hearth's Warming Eve party, right? Even if that wasn't the case, it would have been prudent to have a gift prepared. Just in case of an emergency. After all, one could never plan too far ahead! Dusk Shine told that to himself again and again as he walked through the snow to Pinkie's place. Pinkie had invited the other elements of harmony to Sugar Cube Corner while the Cakes were visiting family for the holidays. He was holding a "super-dee-duper special" Hearth's Warming Eve party, and they wouldn't be the only six ponies there. He'd explained that this year there'd be plenty of guests the rest of them had never met. To make sure that nocreature had to get gifts for anycreature they didn't know, Pinkie would handle the presents for everycreature this year. Coming up to his destination, Dusk could hear that the party was already underway. The sound of laughter and chatter and holiday music spilled out into the street. Snow covered the eaves of windows where the early arrivals were silhouetted by the hearth's orange glow. He could even smell the party, the scent of nutmeg and gingerbread and peppermint distinct even on the chill winter air. Dusk knocked the snow from his boots and brought a hand up to knock on the door. Barely an instant after his knuckles grazed the wood, he heard Pinkie barreling to the entryway. *SLAM!* "Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Dusky! Oop--look! Mistletoe!" Pinkie pulled him inside, past the threshold where a sprig of mistletoe hung. Dusk barely had time to adjust his eyes to the light inside before his host planted a kiss smack-dab on his lips. "Pah! Pinkie!" Dusk extricated himself from Pinkie's hold, blushing like a tomato. He knew that it was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. It occurred to him that since he'd certainly been the one to hang the mistletoe in the first place, he'd probably given a similar welcome to every one of the guests so far. Looking around, Dusk recognized that most of his friends were already there, but also saw plenty of new faces. Elusive was by the punch bowl, looking suave as ever. Wearing a dress shirt with a bowtie and suspenders, what would have looked pretentious on any other stallion looked completely natural on him. He was talking to a mare Dusk had never met before, wearing a cream-colored gown that, likewise, would have looked overly formal on any other mare. She was so beautiful that the elegant clothes looked perfect on her. She was chocolate-colored with a beige mane, tousled to perfection and barely hiding a pair of sultry, smoky eyes. Another new face was an earth pony Pinkie had dug up somewhere. He had a tan coat and a black mane. His body was toned and lean like Rainbow Blitz. Something about the way he carried himself gave an impression of the same sort of small-town folksiness that the ponies in Appleloosa had. Butterscotch stood in the corner, his gangly body draped in oversized formless clothing as ever, his long pink hair hiding his eyes. Towering over him, however, was an incredibly tall earth pony. While Rainbow Blitz was fit in a compact, athletic sort of way, and Applejack was muscular from a lifetime of manual labor, this guy was shredded. His broad shoulders seemed to be barely contained by his shirt, and his arms rippled with muscle. Dusk Shine's initial impression was that the large stallion was crowding Butterscotch, trapping him in a corner. But then a burst of laughter bubbled from Butterscotch right before he pointed up at another sprig of mistletoe. He swept a cursory look around the room, and then to Dusk's surprise Butterscotch kissed the giant stallion on the cheek before scooting over to the purple pony. "Dusk Shine!" Butterscotch gave him a quick hug before he started to babble, the words pouring from his mouth like a deluge. "Have you seen the other guests Pinkie invited? They're all so...so interesting! Especially Stocking Stuffer." He spared a glance over his shoulder and waved at the bulky guy before continuing, "We've been talking since I got here. He's really nice, and strong, and he works with animals. And--" "Gee, Butterscotch," Dusk interrupted, "It sounds like Pinkie invited the perfect stallion for you." Butterscotch suddenly clammed up. He swept some of the hair from his eyes and blushed before continuing. "Yeah, I guess so. I haven't even talked to Pinkie's other guests yet, but maybe he invited somecreature you'll find just as...perfect." Butterscotch gave a big smile before turning on his heels and practically skipping back to Stocking Stuffer. Dusk was more than a little surprised at how excited Butterscotch was. The shy pegasus usually could barely stand to talk to strangers, let alone gush about how wonderful they were like he was doing now. Heck, he had even kissed him on the cheek! Dusk couldn't remember seeing Butterscotch show PDA with anypony in all the years they'd known each other! Dusk milled around the party for a while, hearing Pinkie open the door again and squeal out, "Hey, Applejack! Glad you could make it -- Hey look! Is that Mistletoe?" *Smooch!* Applejack's ensuing outburst of profanity was drowned out by the laughter of other nearby guests. Meanwhile, Elusive walked over to Dusk and introduced the mare he had been chatting with. "Darling, you absolutely must meet this pony. I have the pleasure of acquainting you with Hot Cocoa. Cocoa's come here all the way from Prance, dear." "Pleased to meet you!" Dusk shook the Prench mare's elegant hand, asking, "What line of work are you in?" "I'm a model for a few prominent fashion designers," she answered. Dusk tried not to ogle, but he admitted to himself that Hot Cocoa definitely had the body for it. He supposed that both of them being in the fashion industry, she and Elusive would have a lot to talk about. As their conversation shifted to matters of couture, Dusk excused himself. He had only just stepped away, however, before Pinkie accosted him. "Hey, Duskie! Enjoying the party!" Pinkie practically shoved Dusk, negotiating him into standing in a specific spot before crying out again, "Ooh, look -- More mistletoe!" Dusk looked up and, sure enough, even more mistletoe was tied to the roof overhead. Rather than smooch him again, Pinkie bounced over to another guest. "Hey, Toasty Warm! Think fast!" The mare had barely turned around when Pinkie escorted her over to Dusk, placing her under the mistletoe with him. Dusk was surprised to see the mare was a kirin. He had never seen one before, but this one had a green and red coat. She was a little shorter than he was, dressed in a thick sweater and glasses. As she stumbled to a halt, she tried desperately to not spill the mug of eggnog she had been drinking before Pinkie accosted her. Pointing at the mistletoe, Pinkie exclaimed, "Oh, would you look at that! Now you two have to kiss!" Dusk and Toasty both stammered out a protest, but Pinkie's stare brooked no argument. Dusk looked at Toasty and gulped nervously, unsure how to approach. Thankfully, she turned her face to present a cheek, allowing Dusk to get away with a chaste little peck. It wasn't too bad, Dusk admitted. Toasty Warm was pretty cute -- not that he spent too much time thinking about that sort of thing! But Dusk could tell just from her vibe that she was a fellow bookworm. And her cheek was very soft. And she smelled like nutmeg and cinnamon... "What!!" Dusk snapped out of it, taking his lips off Toasty's cheek and looking at Pinkie. The pink stallion stared at the two of them, thoroughly unimpressed. "That's not how you kiss somepony! Here, let me show you how it's done -- Hey, Yule Log!" Dusk and the Toasty politely averted their eyes as Pinkie flung himself lips-first at the tan-colored earth pony he had spotted earlier. "Sorry about that," Dusk apologized as the guests around Yule Log dove out of the way as Pinkie pounced and drove his tongue down the tan stallion's throat. "Pinkie can be kind of...enthusiastic." "I guess so," she agreed, "I don't know Pinkie too well, but he's certainly one of my weirder friends." "How do you know Pinkie?" Dusk wondered, "I've never heard him mention being friends with a kirin. Come to think of it, I have no idea how he knows anycreature here other than the Elements of Harmony." "We only met a little while ago," she explained. "Last month, Pinkie just showed up in our village and started talking to me. He said he was on a 'secret holiday friendship mission'. I thought it was a little odd, but I didn't really have any plans, and when he invited me to his holiday party I just kind of went along with it." She continued, "What's really weird is I asked Snowfall, and he had pretty much the same story." "Who's Snowfall?" Toasty pointed at another guest, and Dusk followed her gaze to a white dragon with ice-blue spines. While Pinkie unsubtly nudged the dragon towards Blitz and yet another sprig of mistletoe, Toasty went on. "He told me that Pinkie just showed up in the Dragonlands, brute-forced his way into being his friend, and then invited him to his holiday party. From what I can tell, the only out-of-town guest that Pinkie's known for more than a month is that reindeer over by the snack table." Sure enough, a pink reindeer doe in a yellow dress was snacking on a gingerbread cookie. Dusk remembered something from a previous Hearth's Warming Eve when Pinkie had told him about a quest where he had met a trio of magical holiday reindeer. "Wow," he breathed, "Pinkie sure does seem to get around." "Tell me about it," Toasty replied. "I've never even left the Peaks of Peril before. Heck, I barely spend any time away from the library." "The library?" Dusk's ears perked up. "Yeah, I'm the librarian in the Kirin Village! I should have mentioned it. Do, uh, do you like books?" Dusk almost face-hooved at that question. It was an understatement to say that he "liked" books. Pinkie was obviously trying to pull something with these guests he'd invited, but what was the endgame? Before he could give it much thought, the reindeer caught Dusk's eye and smiled. She finished off her gingerbread cookie before coming over. Her bouncy gait made the jingle bells hanging from her earrings chime, not to mention making her ample breasts jiggle under her top. Dusk would have usually never even made not of such a thing; he was a scholar, not some kind of...ogler! But something about the party -- probably the abundance of mistletoe and Pinkie's avid enforcement of kissing under it -- had him in a tizzy. "Oh, I just love the holidays, don't you? You must be Dusk Shine," the reindeer said. "Pinkie's told me all about you. I'm Bori!" Dusk made to shake her hand, but she disregarded it entirely, wrapping him in a big hug. He tried not to think about how firmly her bosom was rubbing against his chest, tried to ignore the embarrassed look on Toasty warm's face as she watched Bori press her body against his. But then Bori chirped out, "Well, isn't that a coincidence -- we're all under the mistletoe!" Sure enough, Toasty and Dusk hadn't moved from the spot Pinkie had forced them to pair up. Dusk thought that for once he might be spared since Pinkie seemed to be busy edging Applejack and Yule Log toward each other, no doubt with the intent to make them kiss. Unlike Toasty, however, Bori needed no prodding to kiss Dusk. She didn't go for the cheek either, wrapping her lips around his. Dusk thought to preserve some trace of modesty by keeping his mouth closed, but that hope was dashed when the reindeer reached a hand down and goosed his rear, his mouth opening in a reflexive gasp. I can see why Pinkie likes her, Dusk thought to himself as their lips parted with a wet smack. He stood dazed as Bori eventually let go of him. Toasty looked just as surprised, her mouth half-open in shock. Unfortunately, this proved the perfect target for Bori to give Toasty a turn getting kissed by the stacked reindeer under the mistletoe. By the time she was done with her, Toasty's glasses were so fogged up she couldn't see through them. "Jinkies," Toasty stated, "I've never kissed a reindeer before." After wiping her glasses clear, she added, "Actually, I've never even seen a reindeer before." "They only live up north of Yakyakistan," Dusk explained, falling into his habit of rattling off facts. "They have powerful divination magic, but there aren't a lot of books about it. At least, not in the Canterlot Royal Library." He felt a hint of satisfaction when Toasty's eyes lit up at the mention of the Royal Library. "That's right," Bori confirmed. "In particular, our magic is all about gifts! Aurora knows about all the gifts that have happened, Alice knows about all the gifts that are going to happen, and I --" Bori winked at Dusk, "--just stay in the moment and keep the two of them in line." "So, the three of you are omniscient, but only in regard to presents?" Toasty looked incredulous. She could scarcely believe that a power of such magnitude would have such a narrow application. Dusk, on the other hand, pieced something together. The reindeer's magic talents would make them perfect at finding Hearth's Warming Eve gifts. No doubt Pinkie had consulted with Bori in advance, which explained why he had told Dusk and the others that he'd handle all the presents this year. What he still didn't get was how it explained the eclectic collection of newcomers Pinkie had invited. Maybe Bori had told Pinkie what their perfect gifts were too, and he tracked them down to invite them to the party. That seemed like the sort of thing Pinkie Pie would do. Dusk asked, "But, why--" Before he could finish, Bori put a finger to his lips to silence him. "You'll see," she explained, giving him an enigmatic smile. As if on cue, Pinkie roared over the din of the party. "EVERYCREATURE, COME OVER TO THE TREE! TIME FOR PRESENTS!" > "Yeah, I Got a White Elephant...In My Pants!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As guests started taking seats, Pinkie and Bori tutted in disapproval. "No, that won't do. Applejack, you sit here, and Yule Log..." The two of them buzzed around the room, sorting out a seating arrangement that seemed to pair each of the Elements of Harmony with one of Pinkie's strange new friends. While he tried to find a method in the madness, Pinkie appeared before Dusk, shoving a guest towards him. "And Toasty, you take a seat right here, on Dusk Shine's lap!" "Huh!?" Before Dusk knew what was going on, Pinkie pushed the Kirin mare onto his lap. "Oof!" he groaned as she landed on him. For an uncomfortable moment, her butt rubbed against the seat of his pants, threatening to put him in a very compromising situation. To his relief, she started to lift herself off of him once Pinkie moved on, now occupied with seating Snowfall next to Rainbow Blitz. "Sorry," Toasty said. "I'm kind of heavy, so that can't have been pleasant." The Kirin looked even more frazzled than Dusk felt. He knew all too well how nerds like them tended to have pretty bad self-esteem, and while Toasty was a little on the chubby side, that was hardly the problem here. In fact, he didn't there was anything wrong with a mare her size. She looked pretty good, actually-- Focus, Dusk Shine! Focus! Ever the Element of Friendship, Dusk tried to spare Toasty's feelings. Of course, nervousness and his own dorky awkwardness garbled the message on its way from his brain. "You can sit on my lap if you want!" Of course, that was the moment all the other conversations in the room died down. From across the room, Rainbow Blitz barked, "You tell her, egghead!" before leaning over to whisper something to Snowfall. From her seat on the armrest of Pinkie's chair, Bori smiled contentedly as Toasty, after much blushing, sat back down. Dusk thanked his lucky stars that she sat over his knees this time, sparing them any further embarrassment. Everycreature seemed settled in with the partners Pinkie had paired them with. Elusive and Hot Cocoa shared a divan, Applejack had an arm resting on Yule Log's shoulder, and Butterscotch... Butterscotch was practically snuggling with Stocking Stuffer on a loveseat. What was more, the pegasus didn't seem remotely shy about it. Even when the huge stallion wrapped his arms around the normally timid pony, Butterscotch just giggled. "Alright, Pinkie, we've waited long enough." Blitz stood up, stepping forward to make himself (as usual) the center of attention. "Make with the presents, already! You told us you got us all our gifts this year, so where are they?" "You're looking right at them, silly!" When Blitz looked around as if in search of an invisible stack of presents, Bori chimed in, "Pinkie Pie remembered how well his gift went last time he asked us for help, so he went back to the reindeer grove for advice this year. Originally, he just wanted to get gifts for the Elements of Harmony, but Alice told him he'd have to invite another six friends to his party." "And that was a real doozy since I didn't even know some of you guys yet!" Pinkie added, looking at Toasty Warm, Yule Log, Stocking Stuffer, Hot Cocoa, and Snowfall. Applejack raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "But why in tarnation did y'all need to do that? I ain't complainin', these folk are fine company, but what does that have to do with our presents?" "Because, Jackie, they are your presents! And you're theirs!" "Oohs" and "Aahs" of understanding sounded around the room as the realization dawned on everycreature. Dusk nodded sagely, satisfied that the mystery had been solved. It was a bit of a rip-off, he had to admit; he'd been expecting a good book or even a festive sweater from Pinkie, but he was politely silent. Blitz, of course, was never one to let his opinions go unheard. "That's it? Our Hearth's Warming Eve present is 'the friends we made along the way?' What a cop-out!" "Well, I'm feeling the warm glow of appreciation," Snowfall mumbled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I didn't mean it like that," Blitz apologized, "You're awesome, dude. But you gotta admit--" "Oh, do try not to complain, dear," Elusive snapped. "Pinkie's thrown this wonderful soirée for us all, and I for one am perfectly content with the present I've been given." "Flattery will get you nowhere," Hot Cocoa said with a smile that promised flattery would get him anywhere. "Don't be a party pooper about your present, Blitzie!" Pinkie said. Before anycreature else could join the growing chorus of voices chastising the Wonderbolt, Pinkie expanded, "You haven't even unwrapped it yet!" Silence took the room. Even from outside, all sound was muffled by the falling snow. The implication of Pinkie's words slowly dawned on the guests, but Dusk was the first to give voice to their collective misgivings. "Pinkie, when you talk about unwrapping our presents...what exactly do you think we're going to do?" "Duh, get naked, silly! What do you think I meant?" That was exactly what Dusk thought Pinkie meant, but he had still hoped he was wrong. He groaned, "Pinkie, nocreature's gonna just get naked and start doing it in the middle of the party!" "Yeah," Toasty Warm agreed, "That kind of thing only happens in bad erotic fanfiction -- Not that I read that sort of thing! But I mean, who here is going to--" "Oh my!" Everycreature turned in unison to the corner of the room where somepony had let out a quiet gasp. Contrary to Dusk Shine's hypothesis, somepony had done exactly what Pinkie had ordered, and it was the last pony Dusk would have expected to do so. Butterscotch's dick was out. Aside from Pinkie and Bori, who looked as if they had seen this coming from miles away, everycreature stared, mouths agape. Stocking Stuffer stroked the cock of the pegasus in his lap, his pants pulled down to his knees. One large hand milked Butterscotch's length while the other snaked between his legs, teasing his asshole. This was crazy! Somepony had to do something before things got out of hand. Thankfully, Blitz jumped up and yelled, "Hey!" Dusk let out a sigh of relief; At least somepony was going to put a stop to this! Instead, Blitz announced, "No way I'm gonna chicken out if even Butterscotch is getting in on this!" Dusk nearly screamed as Blitz stripped naked in the middle of the room. Shirt, pants, socks -- everything flew off until Rainbow Blitz stood completely nude, his cock proudly rising between his legs. Turning to Snowfall, he barked, "Come on, dragon-dude! Drop your shorts, we're gonna show these lame-o's how a Wonderbolt does it!" While the dragon complied, Pinkie ripped open the buttons of Bori's dress, letting her fat reindeer tits spill out for all to see. "This is crazy!" Toasty yelped, pushing against Dusk as if they could retreat into the sofa to escape the madness breaking out around them. Grasping for some sanity among his friends, Dusk shouted, "This has gone too far! Applejack, Elusive, do something! You guys--" The plea died on his lips when he saw that no help would come from his two normally level-headed friends. Applejack was already out of his jeans. He had frozen as if his shame that he was letting Dusk down was the only thing preventing him from letting Yule Log finish the job and pull down his underwear. "Sorry, darling," Elusive apologized. If he was sorry, he wasn't sorry enough to stop Hot Cocoa from slipping out of her panties. With a shrug, he added, "As the Prench say, 'c'est la vie!'" "Right now," Cocoa purred, "the Prench say, 'lèches ma chatte'." The mare proceeded to run her hands through Elusive's mane before grabbing his head and guiding it between her legs. Dusk Shine and Toasty Warm could only stare as all around them, everycreature succumbed to their carnal temptations. As old friends and new stripped nude and threw themselves into the erupting bacchanal, Dusk considered running out of the party, but a shred of chivalry told him it would be rude to leave Toasty Warm there all alone. Yes, it definitely was out of chivalry, not out of a sense of voyeuristic interest. And he definitely wasn't thinking about what he'd do if Toasty asked him to do something. And he definitely wasn't getting a boner from the way Toasty's thighs were squirming on his lap. Definitely. > This Party's Getting Ho-Ho-Horny! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ooh-Hooh, my!" Butterscotch couldn't help but give a strained yelp as Stocking Stuffer penetrated his sensitive asshole. The pegasus's pants were on the ground in a heap by his ankles as his legs shook, his muscles spasming from the pleasure and pain of having his ass's walls stretched wide. It was no rare thing to see Butterscotch shaking like a leaf, but this time he was being anything but shy. As his well-endowed partner fed inch after delicious inch into him, he let out a lewd groan and stood on his tiptoes, as if he was being lifted off the ground by the hard cock. "Just relax," Socking Stuffer whispered into Butterscotch's ear as he ran his fingers through his partner's pink mane. The tight muscles of Butterscotch's bussy yielded as Stuffer gently kissed the back of his head. His ears twitched as the hunk's warm breath washed over them. Another shocked "Ooh!" escaped his lips as Stuffer's medial ring thumped against his pucker. It would be a challenge to get that last bit of cock into his already jam-packed hole, but not an impossibility. Especially not for a stallion as strapping as Stocking Stuffer. The huge earth pony bent forward and looped his arms under Butterscotch's thighs. With incredible ease, he scooped the light little twink up in his arms, putting him into a full nelson, his cock staying firmly in Butterscotch's anal embrace all the while. "Get ready, babe," Stuffer growled, his mouth only inches from Butterscotch's ear. "I'm about to fill you up. All the way up." He sank Butterscotch down onto his shaft, letting gravity do its work. After only a second of resistance, the thick base of his stallionhood popped through the tight ring, pushing another moan out of the pretty pegasus. Of course, that was just the beginning. While that first thrust was long, seeming to go on forever, it was only a teaser for when Stocking Stuffer reversed and began to truly fuck Butterscotch. He reamed him again and again, his balls slapping into the pony's backside whenever their hips clapped together. Butterscotch's own cock swung wildly as he bounced. Even though he felt like his asshole was going to get fucked inside-out, Butterscotch couldn't help but smile, thankful that Pinkie Pie had made this wonderful night happen. Stocking Stuffer was the perfect pony, giving Butterscotch exactly what he wanted without needing to ask. Before long the stimulation proved too much, the repeated bashing of his prostate pushing Butterscotch into an anal orgasm. Cum squirted from his dick, painting the floor in front of him in a wild pattern as he moaned. All the while, Stuffer didn't even slow down, his thoughts too occupied on his own goal of flooding Butterscotch's ass with jizz. "Buck yeah! Ride 'em, cow-pony!" Yule Log tried his best to keep up with Applejack's shouted demands. The poor stallion was on his back, his hips pinned in place by Applejack's chiseled ass. The farmer was riding him for all he was worth, gripping Yule's shirt as he slammed his hips down. "Ahh--Aaauugh, buck me!" Sweat lathered on Applejack as he hooted and hollered, whooping like he was at a rodeo. He had abandoned any pretense of restraint, making the floor shake as he pounded down on Yule's hips. Not that he seemed to mind; Yule's tongue lolled out from his smiling mouth, his hands only feebly grasping at Applejack's hips. He grunted every time his shaft disappeared into the farmer's hole, Applejack's downward thrusts practically knocking the wind out of him. Applejack's manly musk was so potent that Yule could practically taste it. Toes curled and muscles clenched as Applejack loosed a squirt of precum onto Yule's chest. Buttons popped from Yule's shirt as Applejack pulled at it with one muscular arm, reaching back to fondle Yule's sack with his other hand. When he gave Yule's balls a squeeze, Applejack found himself lifted up as the stimulated stallion arched his back. His ass bouncing on the hard cock, Applejack whooped aloud, grabbing his hat and waving it over his head. "Yeehaw! Churn that butter, Yule log!" he screamed. "If you wanna make this a rodeo, I ain't gonna quit til I've broken you, bronco!" Riding Yule Log like a buckaroo, Applejack kept bouncing in the air, only to slam back down on Yule's hips every time. The stallion on the floor didn't seem to mind, an expression of pure ecstasy plastered on his sweat-soaked face. As much as Applejack's antics were exhausting Yule, the farmpony didn't have much gas left in his tank either. With a grand final effort, Applejack soared in one final bounce, flying so high that Yule Log's horsecock slid all the way out of his ass. Thankfully, it still stood straight up, proud and true, so when Applejack's ass came crashing down it was cleanly speared by Yule's length. In one plunge, Applejack took the whole thing, his butt cheeks snugly nestled against Yule Log's hips. "I'm...gonna..." Applejack stammered, his eyes lost in his own pleasure. His hands feebly trembled towards his own dick, meaning to finish himself off. However, his orgasm came to him before his hands could reach his cock. "Hoooh-Hwoooaaahh!!" Applejack launched a rope of jizz across Yule Log's chest, his cock throbbing with a hands-free orgasm. A thick line of cum sprayed onto Yule Log's face, but he didn't seem to mind. His own cock pulsed inside of Applejack, pumping the farmpony's guts full with creamy baby-batter. *Ptooey!* Rainbow Blitz spat a glob of saliva onto Snowfall's pucker, holding the dragon's tail up in one hand. He brought the other hand down to prod the dragon's tailhole, spreading the improvised lube around his entrance. With barely a hint of resistance, the pliable butthole spread, loosening up around Blitz's digits. Snowfall had an ass that was made to be pounded, if Blitz was any judge. A quick spank sent his cheeks wobbling, mounted on a set of hips that practically screamed: "breed me." Just as impressive as his butt was his cock. Blitz had never seen a dragon dick before, so he had been pleasantly surprised when he saw the breedable dragon had a member that could choke an elephant. The long, sexy shaft was the same frosty blue as the dragon's spines and tongue, glistening like wet ice. Lesser stallions might have been intimidated, or might have even felt emasculated by seeing a pecker that big. Not Blitz, though. Snowfall's dick was awesome, no question. Big dicks were awesome! After all, Blitz had a big dick, and everyone agreed that he was awesome. Barely able to contain himself, he pointed the head of his horsecock at Snowfall's tailhole. When his tip brushed the sensitive spot, Snowfall let out a needy whine, his cock jumping up from the stimulation. "Now, don't get too excited," Blitz teased. "Getting your ass fucked by the one and only Rainbow Blitz is the kind of experience you'll remember for the rest of your life. It'd be a shame if you didn't last for more than, like, ten seconds." Snowfall scrunched up his snout and growled, "I'll be fine. Just do it, already!" Pretty cocky, Blitz thought. Well, I'm pretty cocky too. Smiling at his own private double entendre, he spread the dragon's cheeks. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" Snowfall yelped in surprise as Blitz penetrated him, sinking his cock deep into the dragon's ass. A warm blob of precum immediately spurted from the dragon's big blue tool, audibly splatting onto the floor. "Oh -- oh, god!" Snowfall mewled as his toes curled, their claws scraping the floor. His throbbing cock spat out another burst of pre, dripping it into a little puddle under him. He had to put his hands on his knees to steady himself, lest he fall over. Blitz grabbed Snowfall's ass and pounded away, letting the dragon's tail rest against his toned chest. The scaly appendage slithered over his shoulder as its owner's muscles went haywire. "You like that, huh?" he grunted, the sound of his hips slapping into the pair of plush cheeks echoing through the air. Snowfall's answer was a feral moan, punctuated by the splatter of more precum on the floor. The twink's dick was positively hosing the floor with pre, painting wide arcs as his distended prick swung from the impact of Blitz punishing his ass. Eventually, the dragon caught his breath. He moaned, "So...so hard...MMMmmmhh!" Before he could finish his thought, his words caught in his throat, drowned out by another moan as a rope of pre that would humble the cumshot of any normal stallion shot from his cock. "Even...Even other dragons can't fuck me this hard!" "Yeah, I'm pretty much the best there is at fucking butts." Ever a fan of praise, Blitz proudly puffed his chest out as he boasted. He could back up that boast, of course. Stallions all across Equestria swore up and down that he was the best they ever had. And, of course, he had his ace in the hole. "Hold on to your scales, buddy," Blitz warned Snowfall. The pegasus firmly gripped his hips, planting his feet for his final barrage. "I hope you're ready to get blitzed!" What followed was a machine-gun burst of thrusts, Blitz's medial ring popping in and out of the dragon's derriere several times per second. With all the force of a sonic rainboom, Blitz's hair seemed to light up, coruscating energy as his body turned into a blur. "Ho-o-o-oly fuck, I'm cumming!" Snowfall's reptilian tongue stretched out from his mouth, howling like a bitch as his nuts churned out a prodigious payload of spunk. In mere moments he turned the puddle of precum at his feet into a veritable lake of jizz. "Ha ha," Blitz teased, "Made you cum first!" he kept pounding away at the dragon's rump, though. He'd proven he had speed and style now, but he still had to show that he had stamina! *POP!* Bori popped Pinkie's penis free from her mouth, getting up from her seat between Pinkie's legs. The pink pony was positively aghast. "Hey, why did you stop sucking? Is there something wrong with how my Pinkie-popsicle tastes?" Testing his theory, Pinkie kissed Bori, sampling the flavor of his own cock on her lips. Considering for a moment, he decided, "Nope, seems good to me!" "There's nothing wrong, dear," Bori explained. "It's just that I'm really aching for you to give my muffin some lovin'." Illustrating her point, the reindeer doe reached between her legs, spreading her lower lips to show Pinkie her hole. The pink stallion could practically feel the heat radiating from it, hot and wet and hungry to get stuffed by a big, hard cock. Pinkie eagerly leaned back in his seat, gripping his wiener with both hands. He held it steady, pointing it straight up as Bori lowered herself onto it. A squeal of delight rose in Pinkie's throat as his pole was engulfed. "EEEEEEEE!!! Oh, Bori, your pussy is perfectamundo!" He shut his eyes, his face screwed up in an expression of pure delight. Bori was gentle and generous, giving everything of herself to her lovers. It wasn't every day that Pinkie met somecreature that shared his intense passion about making their friends smile. And the fact that she also shared his passion for wild sex was a big bonus! By the time he opened his eyes, Bori's tits were right in front of his face. Pinkie was a big fan of boobs - big or small, firm or soft, real or fake; he didn't judge. Bori's swung hypnotically in front of his eyes, her fat nipples stiff with arousal. Better yet, they were close enough to reach out and taste them. "Yummers!" Pinkie mashed his face into the presented pair of breasts, licking every inch he could get his tongue on and groping every inch he couldn't. His face was a flurry of activity: motorboating, kissing, nipping, and sucking. All the while, his hips bounced up and down in his seat, giving Bori's box the deep dicking she deserved. Once his initial burst of energy mellowed out, Pinkie wrapped his lips around one of Bori's nipples. He sucked hard, pulling her areola into his mouth, nursing the tit as he plundered Bori's pussy from below. When he finally opened his mouth, he had left a hickey on her breast, glistening with his spit. "Mmmm!! Your boobies are the best-est!" Pinkie moved to the other breast, sucking for a few moments before opening his mouth to speak again. "Are you sure you've never had babies? Because these jugs feel full enough to burst! Maybe it isn't milk, though. It could be something more festive! If I suck for long enough, maybe eggnog will come out instead!" "As much as I'd like that, I don't think it's likely." Despite her matronly appearance, Bori had never had children, so her breasts did not, and never had produced milk. "More's the pity! But still, I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for a Hearth's Warming Eve miracle!" With that, Pinkie dove back in with a vengeance, sating his voracious appetite for Bori's boobs. Yep, Pinkie sure did love boobies. And butts, for that matter. Also pussies, and wieners Heck, Pinkie loved his friends all over! Hot Cocoa bent her back in a smooth, elegant arch as Elusive's tongue danced over her clit. "Sacre bleu, Elusive! You are an artiste with your tongue!" Responding to the mare's flattery, Elusive purred, "But, of course! How can I not be when I have such a lovely canvas to work on." "Oh, you devil!" Cocoa threw her head back and gave a wanton moan as Elusive shoved his skilled mouth back into her muff, embracing her buttocks with his hands. Her legs kicked up, her high heels slipping off as she curled her perfect toes. The alabaster stallion was still fully clothed, having not even wrinkled his shirt so far. However, his cock had fully stiffened from his activities so far. If he didn't free it soon, it would assuredly stain his trousers once his precum seeped through the fabric. Setting Hot Cocoa down, Elusive kicked off his shoes and shrugged his suspenders from his shoulders, letting his pants fall to the ground. Now that his designer boxers were showing, his prick was clearly visible underneath, bulging through the white cotton. "Ooh la la!" Cocoa remarked as Elusive freed his member. Vain as ever, he gripped its base and cocked his hips to let her see it at its most photogenic angle. "Like what you see?" Elusive asked. "Of course," answered his Prench partner. She licked the tips of her nimble fingers before reaching down to spread her pussy, teasing herself as she presented the hole to Elusive. "Do I look like the kind of mare that gives herself anything but the best? The best shoes, the best dresses, the best makeovers. Why shouldn't I also get the best stallions?" Despite being the element of generosity, Elusive was always greedy for praise. Still gripping his cock, he rubbed the tip up and down Cocoa's lower lips, drawing a gasp from her delicate throat. "Pinkie made a perfect match, putting the two of us together, darling." "Oui," she answered, "what us Prench ponies would call 'une bonne paire'. A delicious marshmallow to put into my cocoa!" On cue, Elusive pushed his stallionhood into her pussy, embracing himself in the wet warmth of her walls. A stream of breathy moans passed Cocoa's lips, laced with a stream of Prench profanity. The obscenities sounded remarkably elegant when spoken in the proverbial "language of love". More than a few of the other guests turned their heads to watch their sexy show, but that was to be expected. After all, he was Elusive, fashionisto extraordinaire, and Hot Cocoa, the most beautiful model in all the world. Could the sight of them do any less than incite uncontrollable passion? > The Weather Outside is Frightful... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Shine and Toasty warm both pretended not to stare at Elusive as he sank his member into Hot Cocoa's marehood. Moving off his lap, the kirin had taken the seat next to him on the sofa, a move for which Dusk was infinitely grateful. There was no way she wouldn't have noticed his boner if she had stayed, and even now Dusk crossed his legs, doing a terrible effort of hiding the tent in his pants. The only other creature in the room who was still fully clothed was Toasty Warm, who was similarly trying to hide her arousal. With her legs closed tightly together, she covered her lap with a pillow as she pretended not to sneak peeks at the many pairs that boldly fucked in front of her and Dusk. She couldn't help but bite her bottom lip and rub her thighs together as Rainbow Blitz pilled his cock from Snowfall's ass, slapping the cum-soaked shaft against the dragon's bubble butt. Dusk would have liked to pretend that he was put off by the orgy erupting before him, that he was a modest, respectable pony who wouldn't stand for this sort of thing, but enough of Applejack's honesty had rubbed off on him that he had to face the truth when it was so plain to him. He was turned on by what he was seeing. He wanted to be a part of it. And of all the mares at the party, the one he wanted to do it with the most was Toasty Warm. Of course, he couldn't just come out and say that to her! He wanted to ask her, of course, but a million doubts filled his mind, swarming through his head like a swarm of parasprites, paralyzing him into inaction. He was afraid of rejection, afraid she might think he was a pervert and not want to even be friends anymore, afraid she'd say "yes" but then he'd be a disappointment to her. Academically, Dusk knew he was being silly. You're catastrophizing, he thought, you always do this, you want something but then you get struck by analysis paralysis. But knowing that didn't make it any easier to overcome his anxiety. Then a thought clicked in his brain, and suddenly all his doubts went quiet. Pinkie and Bori had organized this party using reindeer magic. They had put Dusk together with Toasty with the foreknowledge, divined by the gift-givers of the grove, that they were perfect for one another. In any other case, there were a million possible outcomes to his asking Toasty, but now he had a guarantee that the only outcomes were positive. Heartened with the knowledge that logic was on his side, Dusk reached over and gently squeezed Toasty's hand. The kirin snapped her gaze away from Applejack, who was raising his hips off of Yule Log's tender shaft. She blushed, ashamed that Dusk Shine had caught her watching the debauchery around them. Dusk put his trust in the idea that whatever he said, by the logic of the reindeer magic, would be the perfect thing to say to Toasty. He blurted out the first thing that came to mind as he looked into Toasty's eyes. "I want you." Dusk was just as amazed as Toasty with the bluntness of his admission. "Wow," she squeaked, fidgeting with her glasses. "You're not just saying that, are you? I'm not...well, what I mean is...I'm--" "Perfect," Dusk finished for her. He practically pounced on her, his mouth mashing into hers. For an instant, she went stiff as a board, shocked by his advance. But after a second, she pushed back, matching his hungry lips with her own. Her hands reached for his arms, holding Dusk Shine tight against her. As his mouth went from her lips to her chin, he heard Toasty whisper, "Oh my Goddess, this is really happening, isn't it?" "Mmhmm," Dusk wordlessly confirmed through closed lips. Gasping between kisses, he added, "I can't believe how hot you are." "That's sweet, but..." Toasty trailed off, turning her head away. Dusk paused, wondering what was wrong. She continued, "You don't have to say that. It's not like I'm pretty or anything." Dusk Shine blinked in disbelief. He knew how hard it was being a bookworm. The same insecurities and anxieties had plagued him all his life. It had taken a lot of help from his friends to conquer his own lack of self-confidence, his body image problems, his feelings of inadequacy... But surely, despite that, Toasty had to realize how gosh-darned beautiful she was! Dusk decided to show her how sexy she really was in the best way his lust-addled mind could think of at that moment. "Hey," he nodded towards his lap, "does this look like I don't think you're pretty?" By now, Dusk had uncrossed his legs. Looking down, Toasty saw the tent in his pants. He made no effort to hide how hard he was now. In fact, he spread his legs and tilted his hips up to emphasize his bulge, wanting Toasty to see just how worked up she had gotten him. It did the trick. Her eyes widened as she stared, her glasses nearly falling off her face as she looked down. "Holy smokes," she commented, "You're telling me that's because of me?" "Yeah," he answered as she reached down and put her hand against him. He clenched his jaw, trying not to cry out as she felt him, rubbing her palm over his hard cock, with only his clothes between his penis and her soft skin. "It's so big," she whispered, running her hand down his length from base to tip. The words awakened some macho, alpha-male impulse that Dusk rarely exhibited, but now it overwhelmed him. "Take your top off," he ordered. His tone brooked no argument, but Toasty was more than willing to take the next step with Dusk. Grabbing the hem of her sweater, she lifted it above her head. She wormed around as the collar caught on her horn, blinding herself behind a layer of wool. "It's stuck," she explained, her eyes hidden under the sweater's long neck. "Maybe if I -- Aaahh!!" Toasty squealed as Dusk, too impatient to wait for her to untangle herself, mashed his open mouth into one of her boobs. Her bra darkened around his lips as his spit soaked into it, rubbing her nipple with his tongue. She tumbled onto her back as he pressed against her, worshipping her with his mouth. Around the room, a few of Dusk's friends saw and held back laughter at the sight of Dusk Shine ravishing the a-dork-able kirin mare. Eventually, Toasty managed to free herself from the sweater, greeted by the sight of Dusk moving to suck her other tit through her bra. "Wait!" she pleaded. Dusk was loath to keep himself from her breasts for even a second, but decided it was worth it when Toasty slipped out of her bra. Pulling her bra up rather than unclasping it, Dusk was treated to a marvelous titty-drop as Toasty's boobs sprung from their confines, bouncing free for him to see. Dusk drove his face into her chest like a pig searching for truffles. He wanted to taste her, to smell her, to suck and kiss her. He wanted to do everything to her. All the while, Toasty made the cutest noises, yelping and squeaking as he explored every inch of her chest. She moaned, her voice echoing from the roof. She felt wonderful. There was a physical pleasure, sure, but more important was the pleasure of having a stallion want her and only her, and for that stallion to be one as perfect as Dusk Shine. She thought he was the hottest stallion in the room. Sure, he might not be as muscled as Stocking Stuffer or as glamorous as Elusive, but none of that mattered. He was exactly her type. His awkward charm, the spark of intelligence in his eyes, and even the smell of his mane made her heart flutter. There was nowhere she'd rather be than right there, nocreature she'd rather be with than him. And she wanted all of him. "I want to see it," she said, pushing Dusk away from her breasts. He looked confused, trying to figure out what she meant. Seeing she'd have to spell it out for him, she explained, "I want to see your..." She paused, shyly looking away. It seemed silly to get embarrassed when they had come this far, but she still blushed as she finished the sentence. "Penis." Dusk Shine's hands flew to his belt with a speed that even Rainbow Blitz would be impressed by. With all the boldness he could muster, he undid his belt. He was raging hard -- heck, he'd been hard as soon as Pinkie sat Toasty Warm down on his lap. Giving Toasty what he thought would be the best view, Dusk got up on his knees, kneeling on the couch cushion as Toasty sat up. He unzipped his fly , his heart racing. He gripped the waistbands of his pants and underwear. Toasty watched with rapt attention, now wanting to miss a moment of the grand reveal. Taking a deep breath, Dusk pulled his pants down. *Thwap!* Free from the prison of his underwear, Dusk's cock swung up, slapping against his belly as it sprung out from his undies. Toasty stared at the purple shaft, mouth agape. It wasn't just straight -- Dusk was so hard that his cock actually curved along its length. She gulped, imagining the benefits of a shape like that, how it could get into every nook and cranny. "I--" Toasty caught herself, looking up so that she was clearly speaking to Dusk Shine, and not just to his dick. "I love it." Dusk gasped as she demonstrated her point by touching him, reaching a hand down to gingerly stroke his length. She squeezed it gently, cupping it, weighing it, getting a feel for it. It wasn't quite a handjob; Toasty was trying to take in every aspect of Dusk's penis. She wanted to know everything about it. Its length, its warmth, how the color at its base compared to the color at its tip, the size of his balls. It occurred to Toasty that she was basically giving Dusk a physical examination, albeit an extremely thorough one. Realizing she ought to be acting a little more sexy, she blushed beet red. "Geez, you must think I'm such a nerd," she apologized before moving her hand to stroke him more conventionally. "That's okay!" Toasty was taken aback as Dusk blurted out a response. He shakily added, "I'm - I'm a nerd too!" Toasty blinked at him in surprise, then blushed all over again as he added, "And...I like that you're a nerd." He leaned down to kiss her, treasuring all the little sensations: the feeling of her glasses bumping into his face, the heat of her breath through her nose, the scent of her mane. "Just do what feels right. I promise I'll love it." Nodding over to where Bori was finally lifting herself off of Pinkie Pie, Dusk added, "And that promise is guaranteed by reindeer magic." Toasty digested the full implications of what Dusk had just said. It wasn't just some platitude to get her to relax, he was pointing out that there was magic at play that basically circumvented causality, predicting that her every impulse would be a good one. So she decided to listen to her impulses. All of them. > But Cumming Inside's Delightful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impulsively, Toasty ripped open Dusk Shine's shirt. The stallion yelped in surprise as Toasty grabbed his collar and tore at it, exposing his chest. He didn't shy away, however, and she brought her hands up to feel his chest. He wasn't the most muscular pony, but she loved the feeling of his chest, the sensation of his heart beating under her hand. When she felt his nipples she was seized by a sudden instinct and, bringing thumb and forefinger together, she pinched them. "Aaahhn~!" Toasty looked up to see Dusk blushing, embarrassed at the high-pitched moan that had escaped his lips. Dusk had never tried nipple-play before, but he proved to be sensitive enough for it to be a welcome addition to the night's entertainment. Toasty knew she didn't need to ask, so she simply stated, "I'm going to tease you some more." She squeezed, pinched, and gently twisted Dusk's nipples, enjoying how the stimulation made his body shudder with pleasure. She brought her head down, licking the tender nubs, soothing them for a moment before closing her teeth and, ever so carefully, biting down. "H-how..." Dusk stammered, "How does this feel so good?" Toasty simply shifted her jaw side to side, twisting the nipple between her teeth. Lower down, Dusk touched himself, erratically pumping his shaft. When Toasty noticed, she popped her mouth away from him and seized his arm. "Don't!" she ordered. "I don't want you to finish too soon!" Dusk obeyed, keeping his hands from his cock. He looked Toasty over, admiring her face, her arms, her breasts. Everything about her he'd seen so far was beautiful, and he was ready to complete the picture. "Pants," he indicated while taking off the remains of his shirt. "Off." The words alone were enough to elicit a horny groan Toasty. She rolled onto her back, taking only a moment to yank off her shoes and socks before lifting her waist. She grabbed her waistband, wiggling and shimmying her pants down. Dusk could see that it was no easy task, given her curvy butt. Of course, he thought, that just meant he had longer to savor the image of the nerdy kirin on her back, revealing a little more of her bum each time she tugged her pants down. His stallionhood throbbed, aching with lust as he glimpsed Toasty's panties. She was already wet, so wet that he could almost see her pussy clear through the moist fabric. He knew for sure that if he started fucking her right then, he'd cum within seconds, long before she did. Of course, she'd already teased his cock quite a bit, so he'd just have to even things out a bit first. Toasty's pants weren't even past her thighs when Dusk Shine grabbed her panties and yanked them away. With the kirin on her back, he had a full view of her tailhole and marehood. Without so much as a warning, Dusk sank two fingers into her pussy. The sound of his tender, yet firm fingers stirring her wet flesh almost drowned out her "Eek!" of surprise as he finger-fucked the wet hole. Toasty's hands left her waistband, bolting to grip the couch for dear life as Dusk fingered her, curling his digits up to stroke her G-spot. He knows exactly where to go, she thought as Dusk homed in on the most sensitive part of her vagina. As his nimble fingertips ran over that special spot, Toasty clenched her jaw, groaning through closed teeth. He was good. Very good. That was nothing, however, compared to his next trick. Keeping his two fingers inside her, Dusk brought his thumb up against her clit. What followed was even better than Toasty had ever made herself feel. Dusk's fingers stroked her G-spot while his thumb applied gentle pressure to her clit, adding leverage to make his fingering even more effective. All the while, Toasty squirmed helplessly on her back. She could barely think straight, every synapse overloaded with the feeling of Dusk stimulating her marehood. With his fingers attacking both her G-spot and her clit, she wouldn't be able to take it for long before she broke. With every passing second, she felt the pleasure build, like a dam put under pressure, holding back a flood. She groaned, she moaned, coming closer and closer to cracking. Then, at the last second, when she was about to get that sweet release... Dusk pulled his hand away. Toasty blinked in shock, letting a moan of inarticulate protest pass her lips as Dusk grabbed her pants and took them the rest of the way off. Her legs free, she parted them to give Dusk an eyeful of her dripping, hungry pussy. Looking at him, she saw his hard cock was just as ready, just as eager for the main event. "Please," she moaned. "Please, just stick it in me!" Dusk didn't tease her or draw out the moment with unnecessary ceremony. They were beyond that now; She wanted him, and he wanted her. He pressed his cock against her marehood, and bucked his hips as hard as any earth pony. "Yes!" Toasty screamed as Dusk rutted her, swinging his hips with boundless enthusiasm. That curve in his cock was doing everything it promised, working her G-spot with every thrust. It was perfect, better than any stallion she had ever even imagined. He pushed into her, humping like an animal in rut. There was no pretense of dignity or composure to their love-making. Toasty was thoroughly disheveled, her pussy making loud, wet sucking noises as Dusk's medial ring popped in and out. Her hair was a mess. Her glasses were knocked askew. Dusk wasn't any better, grunting with effort as he pumped his hips, his ecstatic smile broken only when he bent down to lick Toasty's bouncing breasts, lapping at them like a dog. Neither of them needed to restrain themselves. They were a match made in heaven; A pair of shy, goofy dorks, so alike one another it was uncanny. It only fit that they reached their climax as one, releasing the raw sexual energy that had been building since they kissed under the mistletoe. The pair's heads almost smashed into each other as their mouths crashed together, kissing with a red-hot passion. Their tongues wrestled together, unabashedly making out as their bodies met, breast to breast. Dusk's hips gave one last desperate plunge before his flare grew, opening her up to get properly filled. "Oh--OOOUGGH, YES!!" Toasty wailed as Dusk emptied himself into her, warming her from the inside-out with his sticky load. Dusk's muzzle scrunched up with effort as he pressed his hips as firmly as he could manage into Toasty, his cock seeming to flex inside her with every pump of cum that shot out. After a few pumps, it seemed like Dusk Shine had spent all the cum he had, but he had other plans. "Ooohh.....Y-yeah..." Dusk groaned as his horn sparkled. A lavender aura shone around it, a wisp of magical energy trailing back behind his body, leading down to his balls. His spell made contact with the two orbs, and the flow of cum from his cumslit suddenly increased. "Wait, wha--!" Toasty cried out as Dusk hosed down her walls with his stallion-batter. When she was good and full, he leaned back, his cock popping out of her muff as it continued to stream jizz. It got all over her entrance, covering her like a thick sheet of snow. With one final, spectacular burst as the spell failed, purple sparks blasting from his horn, Dusk's cock launched a thick rope of goo that splattered on Toasty's belly, her face, and her glasses (as well as the couch). As he fell backward, his cock swung back, flinging a generous helping of his own cum coating himself. For a few moments, the two nerds lay on the couch, panting and wet. The afterglow was amazing, but the two were so exhausted they could barely move a muscle. They searched for the words to describe how they felt, but for all their usual perspicacity, they were at a loss. Thankfully, Pinkie swooped in to fill the silence, as usual. "Congrats, you two!" he yelled as he dove between them on the couch. Pulling them both up, he grabbed them in a big cuddly three-way hug. He paid no mind to the fact that his naked body was getting smeared with the mess that coated them. "I was rooting for the two of you lovebirds!" "Th-thanks..." Dusk squeaked out as Pinkie squeezed him tight. Embarrassed, he squirmed a little, only to find that given his and Pinkie's state of undress, the action brought their cocks dangerously close. "Um, Pinkie? We're not entirely decent." "Nonsense, you're more than decent," Pinkie argued. "You two were fantastic! Even I've never cum that much!" Dusk rolled his eyes, but Pinkie went on. "So, how about my finder's fee?" Toasty asked, "Your...what?" "My finder's fee, you silly filly! I deserve a little something for playing matchmaker, don't I?" A flirty wiggle of his eyebrows left no question of what kind of "something" Pinkie had in mind. > The Season of Giving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sweet Celestia, you suck like a champ..." Yule Log groaned as his member plunged past Butterscotch's inviting lips. Pinkie Pie wasn't the only guest that had gone to sample somecreature else after finishing up with their first partner of the night. After going for another round with Applejack, Yule had asked Butterscotch to give him a blowjob. The demure pegasus had obliged, getting on his knees and opening his mouth with barely a word. "Of course he sucks like a champ! Butterscotch is a top-tier cock-sucker, but then I've given him plenty of practice!" Blitz boasted as he swaggered over. Giving his cock a vigorous shake, he asked, "Hey bud, mind sucking mine too? Word of warning, it might taste like dragon-butt. Because, you know, I've been fucking a dragon. Up the butt." Without any hesitation, Butterscotch reached for Blitz's blue shaft and switched over to suck it, leaving Yule Log's rod naked in the air. A hand clapped to his shoulder as Blitz leaned on him, half for support and half as a show of masculine camaraderie now that they shared the experience of Butterscotch's double blowjob. Conspiratorially, Blitz whispered, "You know, Butterscotch and I go way back, and he's always been an ace at sucking dicks. Of course, I'm an ace at getting my dick sucked, too. Like, back in flight camp, we used to compare cocks in our cabin. I always won, of course, so I always won the prize." As Butterscotch switched back to Yule Log, Yule unnecessarily asked, "And, what was the prize?" "A blowjob, duh! Keep up, pro," Blitz groaned. As if a light bulb had gone off in his head, he added, "Hey, wanna make this interesting? Bet I can last longer than you! How about it: Whoever finishes first has to blow the winner?" "You're on!" But when they were both close, Butterscotch took their members out of his mouth and rubbed their tips together. Slick with his thrussy-juice, they frotted against each other until they fired off in unison. Blitz snapped, "Damn it, Butterscotch! Were you trying to make it a tie or something!?" Butterscotch blushed. "I'm sorry, you're just both so nice that I wanted you to finish together," he apologized, trying to hide his face under his long hair. "Pfft. Typical," Blitz scoffed. He couldn't stay mad at his old friend though, especially when he was on his knees with cum on his face. After a moment, he shrugged, snaking a hand behind Yule Log to massage his balls, working him back to erectness. "Best two out of three?" "Isn't he just the cutest dragon you ever saw!" Elusive fawned over Snowfall as the short dragon pumped his hips into Hot Cocoa. He thrust his member wildly into the supermodel's tight hole, but Cocoa held him in check with one hand firmly planted on his chest, keeping him from pinning her to the ground and breeding her like a sow. The mare purred, "I think he's just adorable. You know, I think his hips might be wider than mine!" From where Elusive sat, that fact was plainly true. Hot Cocoa was dainty, delicate; built like a runway model. Snowfall, in contrast, had a set of delightfully grabbable hips and a bubble butt to match. He could see why it had made a tempting target for Rainbow Blitz. Still, the Wonderbolt needn't have been so rough with the poor darling. "Did my poor little dragon get bullied by that mean old Rainbow Blitz?" he asked. He brought a hand under Snowfall's tail and patted his butt. "I bet your bum is all sore after that rough, hard fucking he gave you." "Yeah," Snowfall answered as he continued fucking Cocoa. He blushed a little as he quietly added, "It wasn't so bad, though, I guess." Elusive gave a sultry giggle. Snowfall was just the sweetest thing! "Maybe I should give your poor little tushie a kiss then, to make it all better?" Elusive lifted the dragon's tail to reveal his hole, still tender from Blitz's power-fucking. With all the delicacy of sitting down to dine with the princesses, he brought his mouth to Snowfall's butt and started to lick. A whine squeezed past Snowfall's lips as Elusive rimmed his butt. His dragon dick pulsed, oozing a juicy glob of precum into Cocoa. "Oh, baby," Cocoa groaned, her hips spread wide by the dripping tool. Her body was so skinny, his member so big, that she could see a little bump on her belly that marked the extent of her penetration. "You better be careful, or you might break me!" "Sorry, Miss Cocoa," Snowfall muttered like a schoolboy getting a scolding from his teacher. He slowed his thrusts down, not wanting to hurt the beautiful mare. "Such a polite young drake!" Elusive proclaimed from his spot under the dragon's tail. Rising up, he grabbed a hold of his own cock, aiming it at the slick entrance. "Does my cute widdle dwagon want me to give him a reward for his manners?" Leaning forward, he wrapped one arm around the dragon's chest, holding his tail up with the other. Snowfall shivered as Elusive planted a kiss on the back of his neck. "Please, sir..." Snowfall groaned, his voice trailing into a whine. In a single graceful motion, Elusive buried his rod into the dragon's butt. The dragon loosed a high-pitched cry as his butt squeezed on the member, his cock jumping as it pumped more pre into Cocoa. The look on his draconic face was one of pure bliss. Snowfall collapsed forward onto Cocoa as Elusive pulled back his hips and thrust back in. Opening his mouth, his serpentine tongue snaked out and wrapped around one of Cocoa's dark nipples, squeezing them as if milk could come out. She stroked a hand through his spines soothingly as Elusive fucked him into her. "Good boy," she cooed, "You're taking that dick so well!" The praise for taking Elusive's ass fucking was too much for Snowfall to bear any longer. Elusive heard him announce something that was muffled into Cocoa's chest, but it was clear what the gist of it was. Snowfall was about to cum. Elusive heaved the dragon up with one arm, turning his head back with a hand on his chin. At the climactic moment, he kissed the dragon, trapping his orgasmic moans in their locked lips. Snowfall's pre had been nothing to scoff at, but his cum burst forth with volume and force. His cock gushed a gooey, creamy rope into Cocoa's pussy before the squirming dragon accidentally slipped his member free. As Elusive milked his prostate from the inside, his pecker swung wildly, laying white ropes all over Cocoa's body. The model reveled in it, posing as her form was painted with his seed. Lines of translucent alabaster crisscrossed her brown body. By the time he was exhausted, she resembled a cinnamon bun covered in icing. Stocking Stuffer stared at Bori's butt, watching the cheeks jiggle every time he pounded into her. "Goddamn, this reindeer's got a big ass!" Pulling a hand back, he smacked one of the fat globes with the palm of his hand. He snickered as the flesh rippled and bounced, but Bori's groans were blocked by the face-fucking she was receiving from Applejack. The farmpony held onto her antlers like a pair of handlebars, vigorously driving his length down her throat. Bori was stuck between the two most sturdy stallions at the party, but she was loving every second of it. Wet smacks filled her ears as AJ's balls slapped against her drool-covered chin. Her cunny made obscene noises as Pinkie Pie's cum squirted out each time Stocking Stuffer's battering ram of a cock delved into her. Trapped between the two earth ponies, Bori shook as she came all over Stocking Stuffer's cock, her big, milky tits jiggling as her body swayed. Before long, Stuffer and Applejack shot off their earth pony-sized loads, glazing the reindeer milf. Bori rose to her feet as her partners recovered. Stocking Stuffer still had some gas in the tank, but his eyes locked onto Applejack's bottom. As Bori's interest fell on Pinkie's two nerdy lovers, Stocking stuffer grabbed Applejack's waist and hauled him into position. "One for you..." *Smooch!* "...And one for you..." *Smooch!* "...And another for you..." *Smooch!* Dusk Shine and Toasty Warm sat on the couch under the mistletoe as Pinkie kneeled on the floor between them, kissing each of them in turn. Not quite keeping in the spirit of the tradition, he kissed them all over: on their bellies, their knees, their thighs... "...And a special Hearth's Warming Eve kiss for you!" Pinkie gave Toasty's pussy a long, loud, tongue-filled kiss. As embarrassed as she looked, she did nothing to stop him as he ate her out in front of the stallion that had been fucking her only a few minutes ago. She felt like she should say something, do something, but she had to get real. The idea of modesty had flown out the window long ago. Strange as the situation was, she couldn't resist the temptation of Pinkie's naughty kisses. Dusk Shine faced a dilemma of his own. He wasn't gay, or at least, he didn't think he was. It was one thing for Pinkie to kiss him when it was something he could simply laugh off as "Pinkie just being Pinkie," but this was something entirely different. When Pinkie finished his sloppy make-out session with Toasty's lower lips, he moved a hand to Dusk's cock. Licking his lips, he made his intentions clear. "...And a super-special Pinkie Pie penis-kiss for--" "Pinkie!" He halted, his mouth still open. Dusk had to say something. But what? Don't? Stop? No homo? Dusk blushed. "This is kinda...kinda gay, isn't it?" "You betcha! We're all having a gay old time!" That wasn't what Dusk was getting at, but Pinkie closed his lips around the head of Dusk's cock, circling it with his tongue before popping it out of his mouth. "Keep the yuletide gay, that's what I always say," he said in a singsong voice, giving his hips a festive shake. His own Pinkie-penis wiggled back and forth, hard as a rock. Dusk decided then and there that he was definitely at least a little bit bi, if only for Pinkie. He voiced no objection when Pinkie went back in for seconds. "Holy crap," Dusk groaned as Pinkie deepthroated him, rubbing his nose into Dusk's crotch. His tongue and throat did things that made no anatomical sense to Dusk, but he knew better than to question how Pinkie did the things he did. He'd go crazy if he tried to understand. Dusk hadn't had many blowjobs in his life. Actually, he'd only had the one from Moondancer when he lost his virginity, and that had been a clumsy, embarrassing affair for everypony involved. Still, he reckoned that Pinkie was extremely good at it. The pink pony was clearly well-practiced. The thought crossed Dusk Shine's mind that somepony as horny as Pinkie had most assuredly tried to suck himself off at some point. Knowing how Pinkie never seemed to be stopped by petty obstacles like, say, having a ribcage, he'd probably succeeded. All that practice with pole-polishing was paying off big-time. "PIIINKIIIEEE!!!" A burst of Dusk's cream, diminished from his previous ejaculations, erupted into Pinkie's mouth. The party pony didn't seem to mind about the reduced volume, however. Catching every last drop in his mouth, he held it in his cheeks like a chipmunk as he bounced up and over to Toasty, who shot him a befuddled look. "Wha--?" The kirin's slack jaw was just the opening Pinkie needed. He jumped in and locked lips with her, snowballing Dusk's spunk into her open maw. After the shocked kirin swallowed on reflex, Pinkie popped his mouth open with a satisfied sigh. "There!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You looked like you enjoyed how Dusky tasted so much earlier that I figured you'd be in the mood for a second helping! Besides, if Hearth's Warming Eve isn't the time of year to give a snowball, what time is?" Toasty tried to sputter out an answer, but succeeded only in coughing a few droplets of Dusk's spunk. As she caught her breath, Bori staggered over to the couch. The reindeer doe's mane was matted with cum, her boobs and buttocks red from getting pinched and spanked. "Whoo, those boys over there sure play rough!" she said, rubbing her tender butt before dropping on the couch next to Dusk Shine. Looking from him to Toasty, she smiled warmly. "I'm happy to see you two got along so well! I mean, it was a forgeone conclusion, but this once it was nice to be there to watch fate unfold." She gave a giggle as Dusk and Toasty blushed in unison, but her eyes simmered with a sultry look as her fingers moved to Dusk's chest, stroking him oh-so-gently. "I have one little regret, though. When I smooched you cuties earlier, I have to admit I wanted to take a tumble with you myself." "Bori!" Pinkie gasped, "How could you? Stealing away Toasty's special somepony isn't in the Hearth's Warming Eve spirit!" Pinkie's outrage was a little undermined by the fact that some of Dusk Shine's load was still stuck to his face. Bori sighed, "Well, I'm obviously not planning on breaking up such a cute couple! I just want a...sample." Directing her proposal at Toasty, she asked, "How about it, honey? If you let me take our little gentleman here for a whirl, I promise I'll give him back in one piece. And, of course, you're free to play with Pinkie Pie while we're busy." "Ooh! Say yes, say yes, say yes!!!" Pinkie bounced up and down in his seat, shaking Toasty by her shoulders. "You and Dusk Shine can be all monogamous and stuff starting tomorrow, but please-please-PLEASE say yes to a switch-eroonie!" Bori and Pinkie stared at the bookworms, their eyes twinkling like they were foals waiting to unwrap their presents. Dusk didn't say anything, but his throbbing cock indicated what he wanted. Toasty put it into words, however. "Well...we've come this far..." "..." "Why not?" > Dusk Shine Got Run Over by a Reindeer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having won his little wager, unsurprisingly, Blitz was enjoying his victorious blowjob from Yule Log. Normally he would have gloated a little. He'd brag about his prowess and ridicule the idea that he, the totally awesome Rainbow Blitz could have ever lost a sex bet. However, he didn't have the mental bandwidth to comment, since Snowfall had returned to Blitz for a second round after getting pumped up by Elusive and Hot Cocoa and, upon finding the Wonderbolt's dick occupied, had opted to claim his tight little asshole instead. "You cocky little -- Oh, fuck! Fucking fuck-ass -- shit...fuck! Fuck-goddammit-shit-fuck!" Blitz loosed a string of profanity as, for once, he was put on the receiving end of an epic ass-fucking. All his boisterous bravado crumbled under the steady barrage of Snowfall's bitch-breaker of a cock. Thankfully, the drippy dragon was well-lubed by his precum, gliding his cock past Blitz's toned cheeks with a grace that made it look easy. There was a certain schadenfreude in seeing the proud athlete get fucked until his muscles turned to jelly. Snowfall humped away, his blue tongue lolling out of his mouth, dripping dragon-drool on the small of Blitz's back. His throat rumbled like a shifting glacier, voicing growls and groans that made Blitz wonder if all this fucking hadn't triggered the slightest bit of dragon-greed. "Oh, fuck...Fuck me! Oh my gosh -- Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh -- Oh --OOOOOOOAAAAGGHHHH!!! By the time his prick erupted into Yule Log's mouth, Blitz was wailing like a banshee. Snowfall, meanwhile, let out a long, deep groan as his tail flexed. An instant later, his balls raced up as he unloaded his latest batch of jizz right up Blitz's tailpipe, giving him a noticeable bump in his belly. Yule Log gave no sign that he noticed, busy as he was with the task of slurping all of Blitz's cum. On the other side of the room, Stocking Stuffer was busy pounding Applejack into the ground. Doing him doggystyle, Stuffer plowed the smaller stallion like a farmer plowing a field. The orange pony's cheeks were red as an apple, having been spanked silly by the stallion behind him. Applejack usually liked to be in charge, even when he took it up the ass. That's how it had been when he had done it with Yule Log, but he accepted that with Stocking Stuffer he couldn't do anything but strap himself in and get fucked. Freed up from his blowjob duties, Butterscotch wandered back to Stocking Stuffer, hoping to pair up again with the big hunk. He was a little upset to find the stud taken, and when Stocking Stuffer eventually noticed him he seemed to revert to his usual shy self, shrinking away. "Sorry, I...I can see you two are busy. I don't want to interrupt," Butterscotch whimpered. The pegasus twink seemed like he might bolt out of the room, but Stocking Stuffer grabbed his hand and tugged him over. "Interrupt?" he scoffed, planting a kiss on Butterscotch's hip. "You can 'interrupt' me anytime, babe." Butterscotch's heart melted all over again as Stocking Stuffer gave him a wink and a smile. Sweet Celestia, he's so hot, he silently swooned as the handsome stallion ran his hands over Butterscotch's hindquarters. The pegasus whined as his already-tender bum received a smack. "But..." Stuffer purred, "you've been bottoming so much tonight that you must be getting worn out." His big, strong hands moved from Butterscotch's rear to his shaft, giving it an experimental pump. "I think this little guy needs some attention too. Don't you agree, Applejack?" Applejack was only faintly aware someone was asking him a question, a little out of sorts from having his brains fucked out. He tried to focus enough to piece together what Stocking Stuffer was asking. "Huh?" "I asked, don't you think Butterscotch's penis could use some attention?" He hoisted Applejack upright, bringing his face level with Butterscotch's member. "You're such good friends. You don't want to make him feel left out, do you?" Applejack stared at his friend's cock. He'd never taken any of the Elements of Harmony for a roll in the hay before, but now that he was staring at that juicy cock, he couldn't help himself. "You're darned right! Help yourself, sugar cube," he moaned. Opening wide, he presented his mouth to Butterscotch. His tongue rolled out like a red carpet, his thrussy begging to be creamed. Butterscotch stuttered, looking from one stallion to the other in amazement. When he had finally calmed down, he mumbled his response. "Um...I guess so, If that's okay with you." Showing him just how "okay" it was, Applejack lunged his head forward, wrapping his tongue around Butterscotch's cockhead and drawing it into his mouth. The shy pegasus squealed with pleasure, unused to being the one getting blown after years of losing wagers with Blitz. He didn't last long. Less than a minute later his knees were shaking as he grasped Applejack's broad shoulders. Mewling like a kitten, Butterscotch's cream shot out moments before he staggered back, slipping his cock from the farm-pony's mouth. What remained in his tank dribbled out until Stocking Stuffer picked up the fumble, grabbing his special some-pony and popping his own mouth onto Butterscotch's flailing phallus. --- *Plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* Pinkie hammered into Toasty, his wild thrusts making obscene sounds as he stirred up the load Dusk Shine had left inside her. Pinkie bounced the kirin on his lap, enchanted by the sound of her sweet pussy-music. "Guhhhhh! Get ready, Toasty -- I'm gonna cum!" Toasty was too exhausted to talk. Being with Dusk Shine had been like finding her Prince Charming, but being with Pinkie was like being taken by a savage beast. "Ooh, but don't worry, Dusky! I know that I'd normally give her a nice big ooey-gooey Pinkie-creampie, but since you stuffed her tummy full of cummy already, I'll just shoot my frosting on top of her cookie instead!" "Sure...Sounds good to me," Dusk panted, tired from having just finished cumming inside of Bori's "cookie". Pinkie gave a thumbs-up and switched into maximum overdrive, scrambling Toasty's cooch before yanking his rod out, flicking her clit with his expanding flare as he exited. With perfect timing, Toasty had a gushing orgasm as Pinkie shot off all over her winking pussy. Once everycreature had caught their breath, Pinkie shouted, "Wowie-owie-zip-zowie, that was the best-est party ever! I hope you two come to my party next year." Before they could hope to reply, Pinkie added, "Of course, I know you will! I already bought your presents. Alice already gave Bori the scoop on what your perfect gift is for next year, and the year after that, and the year after that..." "Pinkie, how far in advance did you buy presents for?" Dusk Shine asked worriedly. Pinkie beamed. "Don't underestimate the power of Pinkie-planning. I've got a decades-worth of presents ready for everycreature! For my sisters, and mom and dad, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and you, and Toasty Warm, and Toasty Twinkle, even though I don't need to give her anything until a few years from now, and--" "What?" Dusk didn't recognize that last name. He looked over to Toasty Warm for answers in case it was a kirin from her village, but she looked just as lost as he was. "Who's Toasty Twinkle?" Pinkie gave them a quizzical look. "Um, duh? Your foal?" When he saw the looks of abject shock on his friends' faces, Pinkie slapped himself on the forehead. "Oopsie, spoilers! I guess I ruined the surprise on that one. But yeah, spoilers; You two are gonna get married and have a ton of the cutest babies ever, and don't say it won't happen, because I've already been told what gifts I'm going to get them, and reindeer magic is never ever wrong!" Dusk and Toasty stared at each other, mouths agape. Pinkie was right. If the same magic that predicted the incredibly unlikely events that had occurred that night said the two of them were going to have a foal someday, it was sure to happen. But would that be such a bad thing? "So..." Toasty tried to recover some composure, rolling off of Pinkie and moving a hand to cover her cum-frosted pussy. "I know it's not for another two months, but...are you doing anything for Hearts and Hooves Day?"