The Celestial Nightmare of the Sun and Moon

by KarmaSentinal

First published

How the creature that became Nightmare Moon rose to power.

The lands of Equestria are harsh and often violent as the dangers surrounding the young country play their games. Celestia and Luna do their best, but sometimes its not enough to deal with every little detail that pops up from time to time.

That's when she comes into play.

A strange creature with familiar powers was brought forth to this world, and by luck was bound to Celestia's will. As the summoner of this strange, but powerful creature, Celestia wasted no time using her to tip the scale into Equestria's favor.

The only problem is Luna doesn't know about this dangerous pact, and the creature hates everything the Sun touches. Sooner or later, the boundaries that held her in check will shift, and than the Nightmare will be free.


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The sun was bright as it rose over the mountain range known as the Great Crystal Barrier, the crystal embedded into its very stone shined in a dazzling array of colors that could have been thousands of unicorn horns flaring up from a distance. The fire orb was here to bring about the warmth and light needed to start a new day, and chase away the unwanted elements that plagued ponykind in the silent darkness called night.

To be this far north was reserved only for the desperate fleeing the constraints of a growing civilization, or were prone to the ways of their ancestors by taking that great migratory path fused into their very genetics. Yet, as in nature there are always mutations, and standing in a shallow outcropping watching the sun as it dominated the entirety of the sky stood a solitary figure of two legs, and two arms.

The white sheets of her eyes dared not look directly into the death orb, but followed behind it so she could always know where her hated enemy was, and after watching yet another sunrise the abnormal creature brushed aside loose strands of her long snow white hair so they laid behind her shoulder. It has been nearly two weeks since receiving her mission, and by her estimates would be another four to traverse the wasteland that covered the expanse between these mountains to the enormous city that was her destination.

“Damn you Celestia…” she slammed a fist against the rocky wall and barely flinched from the pain, her hatred for that damned pony was enough to overcome any pain she might feel.

Like the sun abusing its other half, Celesita called the Chosen of the Moon to once again dirty her hands so her hooves could remain clean of sin- this time it was regicide.

The current crowns of this Crystal Empire were doing too good, and the perfect sun feared a resurgence of the Empire might be possible, thus it was time to send the Blood Moon their way. The creature would meet up with the pony that would replace the royals after the deed was done, backed by Celestia to speed up the transition. Thankfully there was no time limit for this mission as long as it didn’t get linked back to Equestria, meaning she had time to enjoy the world this time before her expulsion back into that fiery place called Tartarus.

With the sun having secured its position by chasing away the lowly moon, the creature decided it was time to press on with her journey. Briefly retreating into the small cave to retrieve her damaged sword, a shattered blade that consisted of a worn leather grip, and a hook design split in half as the blade began to curve; this blade was ancient by her standards and could be repaired if the right materials could be found, but she highly doubted her summoner would allot the time needed. After all, Celestia couldn’t risk being discovered for the psychopath she was, right?

By her own trial and error( with the moon’s blessings) she could restore the blade by siphoning some of the moon's energy into the handle, and forcing it to hold its shape. An ability she never even considered until being summoned to this vile land of ponies and magic.

But not all things about this land were so terrible.

In a twist of fate, she had found her life prolonged as the magic keeping her bound here had consumed everything about her, until the fear of being dependent on this lands magic clouded her mind. If a way to Runeterra was ever discovered, it meant she would still be stuck here for the magics of her world were far less potent than the ones of Equestria, and by a miracle or another curse she had been accepted by Equestria's magic.

With ruined blade in hand, she turned to the wall and with childish glee carved her name into it as a way to leave her mark on the world for whenever Celestia decided her services were no longer needed. It had been a great fear in the early decades, but like everything it fell by the waste side into a familiarity brought on by the understanding who her summoner was, The lying Sun, and with that realization, the creature knew her place in this grand scheme and how to play it.

“It's a slow game, but when has the Moon and Sun played anything but?”

With the final jab into the mountain side, she finished inscribing her name into its crystal surface and allowed one of the few smiles she ever showed pencil itself onto her pale face- her name would live on. It was petty for a woman of her caliber, but these past centuries were hard on her and she quickly learned to take what victories she could get.

With nothing tying her to this place anymore, the creature of two arms and two legs left her outcropping and stepped into the burning sun once again, leaving nothing but the name ‘DIANA’ carved into the wall. The only evidence of any habitation, and one of hundreds such examples littered around the world.

Satisfied, Diana peered over the edge before glancing to her left and right to reestablish her bearings. Up to her right was a ledge just spacious enough to grip, and with a bit of her own growing magic, she threw a small fist full over to mark it.

“Lunar Rush…” she whispered the name she had given this particular spell.

The name served no purpose than to satisfy the belief she was casting magic. The result was the same regardless, for in the blink of an eye her body was encompassed with a faint magic, and was thrown toward the space she had marked before. As she broke the barrier surrounding her, Diana skillfully grabbed the ledge as she began falling, hitting the mountain with a loud ‘thud’.

She nearly lost her grip at first, but centuries of physical strain had conditioned her body for many challenges of this world, and with little effort pulled herself onto the ledge. There was no rush, so Diana didn’t use her Lunar Rush ability anymore in favor of climbing the mountain naturally for the simple challenge and thrill of it. This cost her another two days to reach the summit, and was thankful for the bulker clothes made out of pony fur (she didn’t ask how) and magic enhanced body keeping her warm for the majority of the climb since even the sun had no control over this natural barrier.

“For all you might, you can’t subdue everything.” Diana gleefully noted as she stood on the summit of this particular mountain.

The simple understanding not even the sun could tame this mighty landmark lifted her spirits for the rest of the day, allowing her to temporarily forget she would be once more doing the Sun’s bidding yet again. There was no changing it since Diana was bound to do so as her ‘summoner’ commanded it, but even that hold over her wouldn’t last forever.

Diana was buying her time, and with every task given to her it meant she would get a little more stronger as her nemesis slowly grew more complacent. It was only a matter of time until this alliance reached its end, and then the world would see who was the strongest.

The Lying Sun, or the Cruel Moon.

Chapter 1: Secrets within Secrets within Secrets.

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“It’s been nearly four weeks and still no word from the contact.”

The Royal Crystaller, a dark mane, and gray furred pony by the name of Sombra worriedly thought as he began his Royal Duties as prescribed by their Imperial Majesties. The Royal pair were expected to leave for a diplomatic visit to the neighboring Yak Khanate, leaving the care of the heiress in his capable hooves for the three week visit, and Sombra was a worried wreck. He had been promised the creature would be here by the end of the month, and so far the signal hadn’t been sent yet.

In a rare display of daringness, he had questioned their reasons for appearing in the pony before the Yak Khan, and to his surprise was kindly told that alliances of this nature are dealt directly with the leaders. To send an envoy would be seen as insulting, indicating they weren’t worth the time nor energy to properly greet, and thus the Royal Pair would be traveling to the Khanate with a personal guard and nothing else. This both troubled and relieved the young Crystaller as he made his way through the upper most halls of the castle, only stopping when he reached the guarded door of the young hemiress, Princess Aurora.

The only guard, a stallion in his prime, stood at attention as Sombra approached, offering the adviser a salute.

“Sir. The princess is awake and awaiting your arrival, shall I retrieve her?” The unicorn asked without even looking Sombra’s way, instead finding the wall straight in front of him more entertaining.

“Please do lieutenant. Their Majesties should be leaving by Royal Air Carriage any moment, and we’re running late to see them off.” Sombra instructed, and the guard dropped his salute and knocked twice. Pause. Knock three times. Pause. Then knocked once before announcing himself and the reason for his disturbance.

The only reason he did the procedure was to give the young princess a final chance to ready herself before the door was opened…

The door opened with no magical assistance of any kind, and peering through the opening was a single eye that shined as brilliant as the Crystal Heart, and one of the young princess’s most enduring attributes. If Sombra wasn’t already spoken for, a couple of years younger, and didn’t see the princess as a sister/daughter, he might have taken the risk of beheading to talk to the beauty.

Stepping back to allow Princess Aurora to open the door, Sombra and the guard watched as the unicorn gracefully stepped into the hall where her opal blue coat sparkled in the natural (and artificial) light of the day. Today the delicate unicorn was wearing her platinum tiara, matching shoes, and a dress woven in spider silk embedded with gold trim did nothing but show off the extraordinary amount of wealth her parents controlled.

It was by dominating the harvesting process for the crystals used in enchantings that gave the Crystal Empire it’s much needed leverage over their southern neighbor, and it would continue to be their miracle maker so long they stayed in the good graces of the other powers. It was this string of mutual interests that bought the Empire time to strengthen itself for that inevitable fight between itself and the Sun Kingdom.

“We are ready to depart. Would you please accompany us to the Royal Stables to see Their Majesties? “ Princess Aurora spoke softly. Her voice carried all the weight of a causal flap of the wings, and tenderness to make a professional guard cry.

Having practically raised the young mare had left the Crystaller mostly immune to her radiant warmth, but Sombra could feel something wasn’t right. It wasn’t how she walked, but the way she moved that alerted him to her distress.

“Of course, my lady. Crystaller Sombra is here to escort you to your parents, and I will provide guard detail .” The stallion informed them before Sombra could address anything, and as he thought decided that was for the best. He’ll have to ask her at a more appropriate time.

Princess Aurora shifted her glance from Sombra to the guard with no outward expression, but the minute movement of her eyes, yet the two ponies before her were the most experienced when dealing with the young princess and caught it. The muscles in her face relaxed as the ones around lips tighten into the making of a frown, and this told them of her thoughts before she agreed.

“Very well, Guard. I place the protection of myself into your capable hooves. Crystaller Sombra you may lead the way.”

“By your command my lady.” The guard snapped off and quickly fell into formation as Aurora and Sombra began walking down the hall, with the dark unicorn leading the procession.

Their stern and purposeful stride was enough to dispel any attempts to slow their purpose, and unable to keep the castle staff and guards from overhearing, the three proceeded through the castle in silence. Each pony wallowed in their unsaid thoughts as they made their way down the lavish main hall; the tall, and historic stained glass windows shined in a rainbow of colors as the unfiltered sunlight filtered through. These colored rays of light descended onto the plush carpet that bore the Royal Crest as if to light the way for the three ponies, but this too fell by their flanks as the two massive doors that led outside into the Inner Plaza grew ever more imposing.

“My lords, shall I rush forward to announce your impending arrival?” The unicorn guard inquired as the nervousness nipped at his inner being.

He was chosen as the Princess’s personal guard for a multitude of reasons: physical attraction, strength, magical talent, loyalty, and marriage with a foal on the way. This eliminated the fear of any entanglements with the fair princess, while adding to the prestige of the station he served, but all guards shared an underlying fear of the Royal Couple if for the simple reason they were gods. Still, he kept this fear in check as he waited for the Crystaller to make a decision.

“That won't be necessary this time Snow Drift, but your enthusiasm is noted.” The guard internally sighed with relief.

When they reached the doors, Sombra held his breath as he forced the doors open in a display of strength, allowing his two companions to slip through before reversing the process to close them. Here their path continued toward the massive plaza made from imported marble of about 220 strides long, and 120 strides wide making this the second largest plaza in the Crystal Empire only eclipsed by the parade plaza in the center of the city.

Flanked along the edges of brilliant white marble were about half of the Royal Flying Corp in their bright blue and white uniforms, with 6 of their members harnessed to two Passenger Chariots made of enchanted wood. Next to these two chariots stood the Royal Couple and the dozen unicorn guards that would escort them to the Yak Khanate.

With a dismissive wave from the King, the three approached unheeded until they were about 3 strides away- Sombra and Snow Drift bowed while Princess Aurora remained standing.

“Daughter, you’re late. Very unbecoming of a princess that would one day rule, but it matters not.” The King said.

“Your father is right dearest for today will be remembered as a historic day for our fair Empire. This alliance will strengthen us enough to compete with those Princesses of the south.” The Queen agreed. Her Emerald coat shimmering in the sunlight.

Princess Aurora remained silent as she listened to her parents prattle on about their ‘holy crusade’ to restore the Empire to its former heights and finally assert dominance of the former breakaway states of the south. It felt like an hour had passed, but in reality only 10 minutes had passed before the Royal Couple ended their speech, and dismissed the princess and her entourage.

“Crystaller Sombra, one moment. We wish to discuss a matter of great importance before our timely departure.” Surprised by this unexpected request, the dark hued unicorn made his way over to their Majesties who encouraged him to approach their pony.

“Yes, my majesties?” He asked unsure as to their question, but more worried as he recalled the last need for this closeness- delicate matters.

“While we’re gone, we’re to assign you with an important task that would rival our divine right to rule.” The King started, and his wife took over.

“There’s more to this alliance than a mere signing of parchment, oh if it were that simple. There will be marriage between Aurora and their Chief. “

There was a silence that followed after that declaration where only the increasing heartbeat of Sombra could be heard echoing throughout the enclosed plaza. Before he could speak, his King took over for his wife.

“You knew this day would come the moment you assumed responsibility for her well being, and securing a valuable alliance is one such role Sombra.” He went rigid at the use of his name because he had never heard them utter it without his title.

“She is to be tutored in Yak culture, and fitted in appropriate Dri garments before our return in three weeks.” The Queen turned to her husband and both shared a nod before she continued. “ She must look her absolute best. What possible heirs will be at the mercy of the First Alicorn’s magic.”

Sombra could only nod and try to swallow as he watched the Royal Couple begin boarding their respective carriages. No more was said as the Pegasus teams took flight along with the remaining Flying Corp to provide escort for the journey. It was only when the sole remaining guard tapped his shoulder was the unicorn released from his thoughts.

“Their majesties have assigned me to your aid until their return.” the Pegasus informed.

“More like to spy.” Sombra thought as he took in the bright uniform of the Flying Corps, before mentioning for the Pegasus to follow.

“I’ll need you to summon the Royal Seamstress of this important task before us, and please relate the importance, and what would happen if she failed. I’ll make for the library and begin building a curriculum, you can meet me there.”

The Pegasus nodded and took to the sky so that he could fly over the castle and to the opposite side where the Seamstress’s workshop was located. Sombra watched the Pegasus the whole time as he tried to collect himself for the difficult task ahead, and not because of any limiting factor like time or lack of resources, but the mental fortitude to carry out his assignment. For how young the unicorn was, he was still only Princess Aurora’s senior of about 5 years, and against the laws of the land they had a sort of sibling relationship…

“I’m so sorry Aurora.” He muttered to himself as he once more opened the massive doors with much less energy this time.

It was late into the evening when Sombra found his way back to his quarters, and that was only on the insistence of the changing guards for the night shift. He didn’t even see Aurora after the King and Queen’s departure earlier that day, and that meant she wasn’t even aware of her fated purpose in three weeks, which meant he would have to deliver the news himself.

“I have to tell her, but how…” It was the question he didn’t want an answer to as he slugged his way up the stairs to his private quarters located in the important dignitaries wing. An honor for an orphan with great magical talent who was partially raised by the Royal Couple.

The somber unicorn saluted one of the dual patrols that wandered this wing with a stride that spoke of the mundane derived from a stiff regiment. He had observed some of this early in his career during his free time when the Royal Couple insisted on overseeing the training themselves, and their tactics left some things to be desired.

There was a reason the Vanguard was no bigger than 40 souls, because so few ponies could even meet the meticulous requirements, and even if they did there is always the chance of death. Their boredom is a dominant feature among their ranks for anything short of a final stand leaves most numb to the workings of a ‘normal life’.

Upon reaching his assigned quarters, a quick flicker of magic alerted the spell who he was and an audible click was heard before the door separated from the latch, and Sombra pushed it open so he may enter his quarters. He noticed It was darker than normal, and the found the reasoning was the curtains used to limit the lighting were drawn, but this shouldn’t have been because he remembered leaving them open when he left.

'Not even the maids could enter without my permission.'

He closed the door, and proceeded carefully into the room, using his memory to trace along the wall as he listened for any disturbance.

Click. Click. Clop. Click. Silence.

Click. Clop. Click. Click. Silence.

The sounds of his hooves against the crystal floor only sent him further down the trail where panic and flight were waiting as the silence became unnatural. He stood still listening for anything that might explain this uneasy feeling taking over him, but only his heart beating against his eardrums permeated the room…

‘There it was again.’ He told himself as quickly looked to his right where the private bathroom would be, but the lack of lighting made the void of shadows impossible to differentiate where the room ended and began.

Sombra swallowed as he worked up the courage to leave the safety of the wall against his back, and into the center of the very exposed room to give his magic the range needed to reach the curtains to draw them open. He hated the feeling of being on display as the feeling of being watched continued to flood every pore of his body, which left the stallion feeling heavy from the laden fears of voyeurism, but as he wrestled with his own mind something grabbed him.

He didn’t even scream as a cold edge supported his neck, and a padded claw clasped his mouth, preventing the panicked stallion from do anything that might alert the patroling guards. Sombra waited as he tried not to shake from fear as he felt a warm breath next to his ears, each exhale causing his ears to flick from the contract as tried peering though his peripheral vision to see what had grabbed him.

“Hello little pony.”

This time he couldn’t stop himself from shaking in fright, as he felt the creature smile from behind him. The cold edge of the broken blade pressed further against his neck in a terrifying display of control as he felt it slip between his fur to touch his bare skin without spilling a single drop of blood.

“I’m lost. Could you help me?" The voice was mocking, and filled with venom as it spoke. "I’m looking for a king and queen…”

Something in his mind clicked right there and then and he relaxed even as the blade threatened to open his neck.

“Are you the assassin?” He mumbled into the soft claw as if uttering that question will alert everypony in the castle of his involvement in the as of yet executed plot. The jagged blade withdrew, and so did the weird claw allowing the stallion to take a deep breath before addressing his supposed captor.

Taking the opportunity, Sombra’s magic grabbed the dark curtains and gave them a tug to the left allowing the unfiltered moon light to enter his private quarters, and what he saw left him equal parts confused and petrified with terror.

The moonlight was too dim to see the creature, but he could distinguish her outline from the natural shadows of the room since her height made it difficult to hide. She stood on two legs, and if her voice indicated its sex she was very tall for a mare, almost alicorn height with her forearms resting innocently be her sides. Her body was oddly proportioned with her legs almost twice as long as her forearms, and than her oddly small head with a flat face made the creature seem more Discordian in design, and the unicorn might have felt pity for her if he didn’t see the broken blade still in her grasp.

“I am the Moon's servant and nothing more.” She spoke, and Sombra instantly felt curious by this information.

“You mean Luna sent you? I didn’t know they convinced her…”

“Be silent.” The strange creature cut him off. “There is no Luna involved, only the Sun and myself.”

“Oh. Well we can still make this work, but unfortunately it’ll have to you mind if I turn a light on?” He asked the strange creature, and found it difficult to control his emotions as they both stood there, waiting.

His ears perked when saw the head move up and down, and the familiar gesture alone left him feeling a bit relaxed as he spun around and moved toward the table that held his magical candle. The arcane item burst into life as each wick was consumed by three blue flames, with a flicker of white with each snap of the flame.

“Now how do you plan…”

His words died the moment the radiant flame dispelled the shadows clinging to the strange creature, providing him his first true look at the pale skinned, two legged monster that covered itself in pony fur. Sombra almost fell over backwards when her lips moved and words came out.

“I’ll watch from the shadows, and strike when the time is right. It’s how I found you after all.”

“What do you mean by that? I was supposed to meet you along the edge of the dome on the southwest.”

“I’m aware. You were wearing a red scarf when I finally noticed you…”

‘That was four days ago!’ He thought as the creature spoke.

“When all you’re told is a dark unicorn that works in the can't be too sure so I waited outside for four nights to see if you were nothing but a fluke.” She raised her hands toward her head and held them palm up as she tilted her toward her left shoulder.

Sombra didn’t know the meaning of the gesture, but scuffed at the disbelieving claim until another concern bashed itself against him, and his eyes widened with a bit of fear.

“How did you get past the dome!? I was supposed to give you something to mask your aura.”

“I walked through it. Celestia loves to spread falsehoods when they benefit her, and what better than to parade around her power over a demon?” She was smiling by this point, and the candle light reflecting off her immaculate fangs made Sombra question why he ever told Radiant he would help.

“You can’t say things like's not right?”

“Oh really? The Sun can blind your sight, and burn your skin, and you find that existence more tolerable than to ask ‘why do I allow this to happen?’ Truly, you ponies are all alike.”

She said this as she began moving around the room, her weird binomial walk of falling forward only for one of her hooves out to catch herself fascinated Sombra as he observed her do this with a calculated grace achieved from years of work. As she turned around, he finally noticed the length of her off white mane that had been fastened into a braided rope from the top of her head, and ran down the length of her spin to where her rump should be. He had never seen a mare with a long mane before, and once more his mind began thinking of alicorn manes fluttering in the breeze made him turn away, red in the face.

“You can’t just say things…” Sombra finally muttered as her hoofsteps became less frequent.

“I was like you once, but that was long ago. The first steps are always the hardest, and trust me when I say nothing that comes after will ever match the pain of discovering your whole belief was a lie.” She tapped the side of her head with that jagged blade. “ You’ll come to cherish the freedom it brings.”

Sombra said nothing this time as he drifted closer to the small dresser next to his bed, where he liked to keep his more personal effects. This was reserved for smaller items like a watch given to him for his birthday one year by the Royal Couple or the inscribed cufflinks required for his formal wear jacket, and this particular piece he was looking for was no different. He had it buried under everything else to prevent curious eyes from noticing, and a quick rearrangement revealed what he had been missing - a small crystal box.

“This is the only freedom I need.” Sombra said as he brought the box into the pale moonlight. “Inside is my proof. One no pony could deny even if they wanted to, and is my most valuable treasure in my possession. It's yours if you can save the princess from her predestined fate.”

Diana accepted the offered box, noting how his magic elicited a feeling in her fingers, and this worried her. It had been some time since she truly felt anything that wasn't simulated by the magic holding her back in that wretched place of fire and rock.

“What is it?” She asked as she opened the crystal box, the curiosity too obvious in her face and tone to conceal it. “It looks this a hoof clipping?”

“No. It’s a piece of Faust’s Horn.” the unicorn said with a conviction that made Diana forget her moment of repulsion. She had heard Celestia mention the name in passing, and given its usage had figured the pony held some reverence, but to possibly hold something belonging to this pony was a true curiosity. “You can feel the magic can’t you?”

Indeed, she could.

“You’re saying this piece of horn is magic? I doubt that.” It was Sombra’s turn to be irritated.

“Do you not feel it coursing through you this very minute? The tingling sensation? The Call? Even if you don’t, please believe me what you hold could very well destroy nations if the ponies ruling them discover what you casually dismiss.”

Diana looked at the piece in the box once more, still unconvinced, but wouldn’t admit she had felt something else that gave the unicorn more power over her. She looked up from the box and with a firm clap, she closed the lid before tucking it into the folds of her warm fur coat.

“You mentioned something about a princess? You are aware of our task aren’t you?”

“I am.” He shifted nervously, unable to look her in the eyes for a moment until he found the resolve to save his friend. “Aurora is like a sister to me, and doesn’t deserve what is to happen. She’s been under their hooves all of her life, and I want her to have that freedom you spoke of.”

“There is a certain freedom in death is there not?” Diana spoke, and Sombra flinched. Diana smiled and continued. “But plans don’t survive contact with the enemy do they? It would be easy for one to go unnoticed or be elsewhere when the deed is done.”

Sombra didn’t answer right away as he processed the creature’s words, and eventually felt a bit of hope returning as he guessed what she meant. He decided to properly introduce himself since they were now making their own agreement behind Celestia’s back, and it felt wrong to refer to her as ‘creature’.

“I’m Sombra, Royal Crystaller, and unofficial son to the Royal Couple.” She observed the offered hoof, and eventually clasped it with her padded claw.

“I’m Diana, Avatar of the Moon, and Slave to the Sun. A pleasure.”

Chapter 2: Ominous thoughts, and a moonlit stroll.

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Sombra had another restless night under the nightmare that had become fond of tormenting him the past several weeks, and he was none the wiser on how he earned its ire.

The dream always started out differently to lure him into a false sense of ease before trapping the unicorn in the nightmare where it would torture him for the rest of the night, and this one was one of the worst had ever had.

“I must be feeling guilty of my involvement, or this is my penance for making a deal with Diana.” He didn’t really mean that last part, but night terrors hadn’t manifested until sending his agreement to Radiant Hope two months ago, and could find no other root cause that might be the problem. "I can't keep pushing back her lessons any longer..."

He nodded grimly to himself knowing the true reason for the delay in educating the young princess, but couldn’t bring himself to put his almost sister into that situation just yet. The longer he put his duty off meant the more pain it would bring him having to rush the Aurora for her first meeting with her betrothed, and that was something Sombra didn’t want to ruin even if the princess was on board with the alliance just because it was her duty to the country.

Already, he was dreading leaving the dungeon he called a bed if it required sacrificing his beloved princess/sister to the hooves of a yak, but to defy the majesty's will would only summon untold suffering to his body, and the princess for it left her open to another Crystaller whose only purpose was to enforce the will of the King and Queen. He couldn’t flee from the personal danger anymore then he could convince their majesties to give up on their alliance and find another way to deal with Equestria, and with a heavy heart it meant Sombra would have to see this through till the end for it would be better executed by his hooves than that of another.

With his daily encouraging talk finished, Sombra removed himself from the bed ignoring the flicker of pain where his matted fur stuck to the sweat soaked sheets, and made his way to the restroom. After a shower, and quick combing removing any knots in his fur just enough to give the appearance of a properly prepared Crystaller eager to resume his duties…

There was a frantic knocking coming from his door now as he left his restroom urging the unicorn to discover the need for such commotion this early. Three strides found himself clasping the doors in his magic where he yanked them open to reveal the guard assigned to helping him with the princess's education, hoof raised to prepare another knock. Sombra watched as the guard shifted a quick salute before stating his reasons for the disruption.

“Orders sir. We received them just minutes ago from one of the Flying Corps Pegasi, he says it's urgent.”

Sombra stared at the unicorn before him with a suspicion uncommon to the residents of the castle as the guard wasn’t the one assigned to watch his door nor this wing of the castle, making his presence here unnatural even if he was acting as a messenger.

“By whose command? And where is my assigned guard?” He added that last one when he confirmed the familiar humming of White Noise was missing, and watched the guard fidget for a moment at the hostility in his voice.

“Sir. The orders are not with me, but with Captain Polished Heart who enlisted myself for this task. The pegasus only relayed they were orders, and nothing more before collapsing from the long flight.”

“Alright guard, you may return to your previous duties, I’ll visit the good Captain within the hour.” Sombra watched as the guard dropped his salute and hurried down the hall with the pace of a foal trying not to show fear. It made the Crystaller nervous at the open display of cowardice where they could be seen and taken for the weakness of a still weak Crystal Empire.

This brazen display pricked Sombra’s nerves, yet he kept them in line as he did the one job he was hired and praised for by the Royal Couple- he thought.

‘These guards were trained rigorously, and sometimes beaten to remove the common urges of the herding class out of them, so why had the guard reverted back to that inherent urge?‘ Sombra asked himself as he applied the magic lock to his room, and proceeded down the hallway.

There were more questions along this line as he passed far fewer patrols than there should have been during this time, but found no guess he could come up with worth the energy to pursue and left behind. He quickly made his way down to the ground floor where he hurried to the plaza the Royal Couple departed from, and from there trotted down the length of the marble lined ground to the branch of the castle that housed the Crystal Guard Command. His arrival was foretold for the guards on duty clipped their shoes together, and stood straighter as he approached the entrance of the second most important location within the great city.

The same treatment was given the Crystaller as he passed many working stallions and a few mares hurrying about their duties, but stopping long enough to give the Royal Advisor more respect than needed.

“They know something, but what?” he mumbled under this breath as he climbed the stairs to the sixth floor where most of the Guard Command congregated when not summoned or performing their duties.

It was on this floor did the formalities give way to the bluntness the guard often threw around with the backing of their position, and was ‘escorted’ by two fine examples of the Vanguard were known for, but these two lacked the bored expressions their peers carried with them for these two were more privy to more restricted information. They led Sombra down a lone hallway on this floor where they walked him past four doors to the last one where another pair of Vanguards stood guard and upon seeing their kin each knocked once on the double doors. On the unspoken command they grabbed a door, and pulled it open just as the three ponies arrived, allowing them to enter unhindered where they were greeted with a large (and rare) wooden table and five chairs- three occupied by ponies each garb in the uniforms of the three guard branches.

“Please Sombra, have a seat. We have urgent matters to discuss.” The one dressed in the Vanguard uniform that marked him as their Captain. Sombra reluctantly obeyed the pseudo order and took a seat in one of the unoccupied chairs.

“We received a messenger from the Royal Flying Corps late in the night, and decided it was prudent you know its contents as well.” The pegasus began, the red and blue uniform with the crystal emblem of the Royal Family marking him as the Flying Corps captain. “There is some disagreement about this inclusion as you might have noticed, but your mention in the letter can’t be overlooked.”

Sombra glanced to the chair on his right and partially to the one he occupied saw the three captains looking upon him with varying degrees of expectancy, with the Vanguard Captain more restrained than his peers who wanted to know what the unicorn would say. The Crystaller shifted his weight in the chair so he could be more comfortable for this intolerable meeting about to take place.

“A carrier arrived late in the night with a message from Lt. Silver Wing, the acting commander for the royal escort, with instructions from their majesties. They’re pushing their return by a week.”

Sombra was quiet for a moment as he pondered the implications of this early return, and couldn’t help but to quiver as the three captains held their emotions in check even if they felt sympathy for his plight. The princess’s opinion in this entire matter wasn’t a concern to the three captains.

“A week? Are you sure that is the correct time written, and not a…” Sombra began but was cut off by Polished Heart, the Flying Corps Captain.

“We already double checked with the messenger and compared the horn writing and remaining magical residue, it's a match Sombra.” Polished Heart appeared he was going to say something else, but stopped when his compatriot Guard Captain spoke up.

“But we’re still left with the dangerous task of dealling with the accompanying yaks. I don’t care if their majesties come back with Faust herself, that many yaks will strain our ability to monitor and respond if the need were to arise.” This one came from the only Capitan to have not spoken until now- Worn Path.

“It is their Majesties' will, and it shall be enforced no matter our grievances on the matter. You know this Worn Path.” The Vanguard captain spoke.

“Careful Iron Law, even you know the danger we bring upon us by allowing those mongrels access to our wondrous city. You’re the only one that pretends to welcome their majesties’ command without concerns, and that folly may bring doom upon us.” Worn Path interjected as he leaned over the table to better see his peer at the other end.

“Loyalty and trust of our esteemed rulers have kept our city together since our ancestors fled the Great Freezing, and I’ll sooner fall on my own blade then allow this talk to continue.” Iron Law began to emphasize his claim by withdrawing the gem and gold studded blade when the pegasus captain quickly stood up, placing himself between his fellow peers.

“Iron Law stop it. Your faith is unwavering, there is no question about that, and Worn Path’s concern for our city is inspirational, but the two of you are missing the bigger picture.” He looked to Sombra who since taking his seat had watched the proceeding with equal trepidation and scrutiny. “The fair princess is supposed to be wedded to those beasts, and I see no other solution short of rebellion that would keep our line pure.”

The two captains forgot their hostilities, suddenly remembering the ash unicorn in the room unsure what to do besides stare at the Crystaller. Sombra took this time to adjust himself in the seat before addressing the bright yellow pegasus.

“Polished Heart is right. Unless their majesties' have another foal they’re hiding, any foals produced by the Princess Amore and her betrothal will stand to inherit everything.”


The other captains shouted in disbelief as they stood up in a mock attempt to immediate the royal advisor, as if he the act would make him receded his claim and end it for good. It did neither but make the captains appear even more foalish and worthy of their ranks. The pegasus took the opportunity to straighten his Flying Corps uniform, an act meant to demonstrate his maturity by not taking part in the argument. The Earth and Unicorn wound up already didn't take kindly to his display, and refocused their attention the pegasus which only refueled the argument into a three way tie on how to save their Empire from an unwanted union.

Sombra remained quiet as the three captains fought amongst themselves, using the time to gather the courage to tell his princess and pseud sister her time in the Empire was drawing near its end.

Princess Amore sat alone staring into the crystal mirror that had taken several years to finish because of the enchantments that needed inscribing; the mirror’s surface flickered as the magical filters readjusted to brighten her reflection given the pale light. There was no jubilation as she stared at the decorated unicorn staring back with a braid in the mane, and grabs woven from imported yak fur into designs depicting important moments of their history, yet as she wore the warm clothing Amore felt cold.

It was her very core that felt dead even as her heart frantically beat itself to death trying to warm her, but the princess found no satisfaction from the impending wedding because of her parent’s eagerness to be rid of her. That had to be the reason, for why else would they want to marry her off to some brute that smelled of the very dirt they slept in? There were logical conclusions of course, but they made no sense to the princess and so found her parents' hatred of their daughter easier to digest than them being warmongers.

Feeling sorry for herself was one problem, but believing the shining beacon of morality to the rest of the world would betray their own history for some petty revenge that might have been circumstantial at best only killed what optimism for the future Amore might have had. Even the Crystaller, and somewhat unofficial big brother hated the task given to him, but his loyalty to the city was inspiring nonetheless and so Princess Amore bit her cheek and said nothing if it meant performing her duty for her home.

Her reflection blinked and looked up, making the princess do the same.

A light resembling the freshest snowfall slithered around the ceiling in a pattern that seemed unsure where it needed to go, before vanishing and reappearing a little ways to the left, and then to the right. Amore turned to the windowed balcony, and staring through the stained glass depiction of the Crystal Heart stood the two legged creature that had been visiting her for the past week with dead eyes made of bright moons that shone with a beauty not unlike the moon in the sky.

Her horn flickered alive, and the glass door was pushed outward, making the two legged creature take a step back before falling forward in that fascinating way she walked.

“Welcome Miss Diana.” Amore greeted the fascinating creature that had suddenly appeared in her room nearly four days ago. The bipedal raised one of her forelegs so her claw was fanned out before her, which she claimed was a common greeting among her species.

“Hello Princess Amore. How are you this fine night in the fair city?”

“Tis quickly becoming a favorite time of the day recently, for the duties of the crown weigh heavy upon these shoulders. Sombra is increasingly becoming more...” Amore bit the inside of her cheek to keep quiet as she found the word she needed. “...more hurried. Yes, more hurried in his lessons to a point I find myself becoming lost by the barrage of information and customs I care little for.”

“He runs out of time, and I fear so do you princess. I heard the royal couple will return a week early.” Diana clarified seeing Amore’s questioning look, and had to raise a finger to keep alert the princess this was a private matter. The unicorn bit both sides of her cheeks to keep quiet as she fought herself to remain calm.

Diana moved forward until they were about five paces away, and waited as the young mare collected herself into a functional state before continuing what needed to be said.

“Your plight is none of my concern, yet we’re tied together by the spider web that has snared us Amore. I was sent here to remove a threat, but I see none. I was supposed to secure the city’s future, and I shall, do not doubt that, whether it be through helping you or another I shall see my mission through to completion, understood?”

“Crystal…” Princess Amore choked out, and wondered why she was even listening to this strange creature that had literally showed up four nights back on her balcony, but most of her reasons fell flat except for one even as Miss Diana kept that information hidden.

It was the creature's power that compelled the unicorn to listen, and go along with her suggestions. Amore envied that sense of freedom the moon worshiper wielded with such grace, and the act was as natural as breathing while she folded as a stock of wheat in the wind. Never in her life of privileges was she allotted the choice to pick and choose the course her life could take, instead her price for these luxuries was the complete obedience under the guise of ‘Royal Duty’.

Amore paid her visitor no mind as her hooves began tightening in frustration, but this soon faded when Miss Diana made a snapping noise using two of her claws. The princess looked up, unable to hide her frustration mixed in with her embarrassment at being called out, but the bipedal paid the unicorn no mind as she continued on with speech.

“If you won’t help yourself, then I won’t waste my time anymore, do you hear me?”

“I do! Please forgive my disrespectful behavior and continue.” Amore might have laid that on a bit too thick, but the over politeness was ignored and Diana continued once more.

“We could simply eliminate your parents to expedite your ascension to the throne…” Amore fought to shout by biting the inside of her cheeks once again.

“...But you will still have the betrothal on your hooves, and only invite these yaks to press their claim given your relative young age and the agreement between them and your parents. Perhaps we eliminate their leader?”

“You mean regicide!?” The thought had crossed her mind a few times since learning of her surprise betrothal to the Yak Khan, but hearing the suggestion so casually spoken greatly unnerved the princess. “That’s a crime of the highest law in civilized land!”

“So was the suggestion of killing your parents, but that barely garnered a response didn't it?" Diana smiled when the princess turned her gaze toward the floor, but continued on. " 'Civilized land' is the key there princess. My limited understanding of the Yaks means I very well could be missing something important, but I found the lack of solid leadership often leads to wonderful results. Are you aware of the Platinum League princess?”

The princess of course knew of the Platinum League as they were one of the first and closest confederations to directly challenge the Equestrian Alicorns for dominance until Grand King Iron Chain’s sudden death by the work of an assassin ended his threat to the young princesses. Amore nodded, wondering what that old league had to do with her and the yaks.

“The League was composed of several families of the old unicorn nobility that uniting the lower nobility to defy the growing power of a young Equestria? Of course. Mother and Father won’t admit it, but the Platinum League’s rise to power scared our family for generations to a point we enacted several laws to make such an uprising difficult. What does this have to do…” Amore ceased talking as she watched Diana making a cutting motion next to her next with those armored claws of hers, and the message was clear.

“As I said, I found removing the leader often leads to good results. Without that foundation they often tear themselves apart vying for the mere opportunity of expanding their power. I still wonder what would have happened if I chose one of the other lesser kings, but I only think of such nonsense to pass the time in between missions.”

“Miss Diana. Does this imply you will.. remove the Khan for me?” Her voice was more foalish as she made the request, but the princess was becoming too hopeful and desperate for a solution to annual this betrothal for good.

Diana seemed to consider this plea as the thin trail of fur above her eyes moved upwards in a gesture the princess had seen before, and was told it meant a pony was deep in thinking. Amore almost broke composure when she watched the bipedal pivot to look toward her balcony, and then back her before her thin lips stretched upward into an unsettling grin.

“Princess Amore, I will not.”

“BUT….” Amore almost leaped from her seat when she heard the rejection, but found herself unable to when one of the bipedal’s iron claws grasped her withers and forced back into the chair.

“Be still child, and let me finish. I already do another's work against my will, and refuse to seek more than my own desires, but it doesn’t mean I won’t help you. You will deliver the death blow to yourself, and I’ll teach you.”

“Killing!?” Amore cried out, this time rising from her seat with no resistance since the crazy bipedal had backed away. “I’m a princess of the Crystal Empire, and only heir to the throne Miss Diana; never in a thousand years will a member of my line commit such a heinous act!”

“Then I wish you a happy life with many children, my princess.” Diana shrugged, ignoring the mare’s renewed anguish at the terrible thought as she made her way back to the balcony. She could feel the mare’s magic tugging at her hands in vain to make her stop, but trying to nail the reality of her choice in, Diana ignored this until she had opened the doors and stood on the moonlit balcony.

“I will give you something never offered to me Amore- time. I will return at the same time several nights from now where you’ll give me your decision- freedom or enslavement.”

“Miss Diana.. Isn’t there another way?” Amore, almost pleading now, took a step toward the mysterious bipedal prying this was some strange act, but bit her tongue when the female shook her head.

“As I said, freedom or enslavement. Until that night...” Diana then in a single leap of grace landed on the balcony railing, and taking one last look at the panicked princess, leaped off the side.

Amore terrified at the sight rushed forward to peer over the ledge, and to her amazement found no sign of the mysterious bipedal. She continued looking over in case Miss Diana suddenly made an appearance, but as the seconds turned to minutes and only her heart beating against her chest could be heard gave up.

There was hope before, as the princess had always been leaning to Diana’s suggestion of ending the unwanted betrothal, but her upbringing made her seek an alternative that would spare her hooves from the blood. Her eyes drifted to where Diana had leaped over the ledge and disappeared wondering if she was real or a magically produced construct of her stressed mind trying to convince the good princess to stoop to acts of brutality.

Casting magic to close the balcony doors, Amore turned to the mirror she was sitting at moments before to take a very close look at herself to ponder if she really could stoop to a level of selfishness if it meant freeing herself as the cost of hurting the citizens of her city.

“Then I wish you a happy life with many children, my princess.”

Diana’s statement began echoing in her mind as horrid images of her battered and bloated self appeared in the mirror surrounded by bastardized hybrid foals…

“NO!” Amore screamed as she slammed her hoof into the glass, shattering the offensive mirror.

Being chained for an immeasurable amount of time until the SUN came by with a need created a terrible impact on a person’s mind that could lead one to crossing that threshold many never returned from. Diana knew she was getting close to this threshold with each summon for the simple reason she found herself looking forward to the next one, and the one after that. It didn’t matter what the job was if it meant getting that fresh air into her lungs once again, and tonight was no different.

After leaving the princess’s room by making the plunge toward the ground in a blaze of moonlight, Diana used her ‘rush ability’ to skirt the edge of the castle most of the way down until using it to hit the ground running under the guidance of the moon.

Celestia had summoned her to do a job, and like the rules set forth by the Summoner's Guild Diana would do what she was summoned for whether she liked it or not, but her missions never had a real time limit in any sense. Already she had spent 5 weeks to get here and meet up with the Royal Advisor, and would likely need another three until her target/s arrived, yet that would still require some additional planning in order to pull the slayings off without tying Celestia to it.

Diana figured she could use a distraction, and sought it by exploring the distracts that made up the Crystal Empire. So, under the pale moonlight her natural sight had trouble separating the reflective surfaces of the crystal buildings, Diana decided to use an old technique she had learned some time ago.

Recalling the bat-like ponies she had met some centuries ago, and had found them unusually adorable, was surprised by their abnormal aggressiveness as a species. Yet, they were creatures of the night just like her, and commanded much respect for the legacy of their work and history when it came to moonlighting as the land’s unwelcomed guardians. The displaced aspect could appreciate and sympathize with the strange tribe that took her in for a brief time.

There was a key difference between Diana and these fanged ponies, and that was their misplaced beliefs in the lunar princess- she’s in no way an equal to the sun, but another tool to be used.

Still, it was by their guidance and teachings the aspect found herself rushing from cover to cover as the patrol paths became increasingly random as the night grew on, and she owed this to the enhanced sight the bat pony tribes of the highlands had taught her. A weird land this world was to experience, and the abundance of magic here made many things possible- focusing some of that magic to enhance your sight? Simple. Use magic to control the very weather? Sure, why not.

It made Equestria a fascinating, and terrifying land to explore, but that hadn’t stopped Diana from trying, if just to see the mountains that resembled Runeterra. Even if it was some heinous magic that allowed her spirit to leave that fiery land under Celestia’s castle, the sensations she was experiencing right now were real, and proved to Diana she still had something to fight for.

Even if she was losing, somehow she’ll find a way to break the cycle.

Pressing herself to the wall of the building she just reached, she lowered to a crouching stance to make her outline less noticeable against the reflective crystal wall. At first sight, the modest single story building resembled many of the homes she had seen so far, and would have marked it as a personal residence, yet she had felt a presence of sorts as she approached, and that alone was enough for Diana to investigate.

A quick search revealed the building wasn’t a home, but a converted shop with banners and decorative ribbon along the entire length of the roof so they would drape over the walls. Under the pale moonlight and enhanced eyes, Diana could barely make out ribbons as the bright colors of red, green, blue, pink, and maybe yellow, and the sight intrigued the bipedal as she carefully peered into one of the window that had been cut out of the very wall and was disappointed- it looked like a store.

‘What did I expect?’ She whispered.

Near the back wall was a large glass cabinet with two shelves made of crystal that ran the length from end to end, with various objects she couldn’t recognize. Two similar cabinets were placed by each wall so any potential customer would be surrounded on three sides with products meant to catch their eye, but nothing stood out to the Lunari as her enhanced eyes scanned the room looking for the reason she had been drawn to this building.

She dropped to her knees once more as the clanking of armor sheets and metal hooves began echoing closer. Unable to verify the reason for the need to be here, Diana decided the risk of being seen was becoming too high, and began slinking back into the shadows of the buildings. Already there was a strange presence forming at the edge of her psyche, and it was howling in anger, and a longing for the house that grew with every step she retreated. That worried her.

Diana clung to the shadows of another building as a fourth guard patrol passed, but her thoughts kept returning back to that store and strange force that had suddenly called to her with an intensity to rival the Summoning Spell.

There was a reason to be here besides the killing of a rival ruler to please a tyrant hiding behind smiles and fake promises, and what the building hid could be the key to her own freedom. Until she could continue her exploration of the city with a greater emphasis on the shop hiding a strange power to bring out the worst within her, and it would be several days before Diana reappeared in the city after tonight..