Helping a Filly Butt in Need

by NanoMouse

First published

A kind stallion helping out a little filly. And then he rims her. Hard.

While on a walk through Ponyville, a stallion finds a particular practice play, featuring five costumed fillies. One of them is having some bowel troubles though, so he offers a magical solution and some deep tongue-based relaxation afterwards.

Contains: Foalcon, Age Difference, and a lot of Analingus.
Also a brief, but easily skipped, mention of pooping. The actual rimming is all clean.

Honey Drop

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It's a pleasant day down in peaceful little Ponyville, as I walk down one of the ever-familiar roads on a quiet afternoon. The always-friendly village has been a near-perfect home to me, for a few years now. The residents are all nice, my job is enjoyable, and despite a spooky forest nearby, there's rarely much of any trouble around. I might still lack a marefriend for myself, but I suppose you can't win 'em all.

As I walk, the faint sound of a bouncy piano tune catches my attention. Just past Ponyville Schoolhouse, there's a large stage set up. It looks like a small play of some kind, with a line of costumed fillies bouncing to the music. Off to the side is a mare I recognize as the school's only teacher. Mrs. Sharpener, I believe her name was? And a sixth filly, who looks unimpressed for some reason. I couldn't guess as to why, they were all adorable and well in sync with everything.

I stand there for a few minutes or so, but it looks like I caught them at the end of their practice, since the girls are already packing up their costumes and preparing to leave, while the teacher and the other filly return to the schoolhouse. A small shame that I couldn't watch for longer, but at least they looked like they were happy with their performance.

With a sigh, I continue along the path, quickly passing many of the fillies as they gallop away to their next adventure. Most, but not all. One filly trots behind the rest, the light blue one with a yellow mane and purple eyes. I remember her having the flower costume with a honeybee earpiece. As she gets closer, I start to notice how her smile is a slight bit more strained than the rest, how her steps aren't quite even between light or heavy. Well, it's really not that intense by any means, but I couldn't help but feel some concern regardless.

Stopping just beside her path, I call out with "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

"Um..." she mumbles, her smile dropping for just a second. "I'm alright, mister. Just need to, uh, get home. Yyyou don't have to worry..."

Well, that really doesn't convince me at all. As I shake my head, I tell her "If you really believe that, I'll let you be on your way. But I really don't mind helping somepony out in my free time. Just say the word, and I'll see if I can do something for you."

The filly pauses for a second, thinking over my words. When she looks up at me again, she still looks unsure. "I don't know... It's kinda gross..."

"I'm a big colt," I respond, only half-jokingly. "I'll bet I can handle it. And if not, well, it won't really hurt to try. Oh, and if you could tell me your name, while you're at it?"

"If you say so," she responds. She still sounds reluctant at first, but my lack of an immediate gross-out reaction seems to encourage her as she speaks. "I'm Honey Drop. I've been having, uh, bowel problems lately. My Mommy tells me I'm deha- dehyr- dedra- uh... too little water lately, and that makes it hard to, well, poop."

It takes me most of my willpower not to just say "D'aww" right in front of her. Instead, I just stick with guessing "Dehydrated?"

"That's the one!" She shouts, a bout of excitement overcoming her shyness for a small moment. "So, uh, can you help me? Please?"

I nod in response. "Many ponies go through some troubles like that. Including me, once or twice. Because of that, I know a spell that can help, but you'll need to drink a bunch of water afterwards, alright?"

With a hesitant nod, we move over to some nearby trees (of the not evil variety). I'd be rude to poop in the middle of a road, of course. With a glowing horn, I spread my magic into her little body, the spell working as practiced to redirect moisture to where I know it's needed most.

The result shows itself quickly enough, as she squats on the ground in front of me. I take a step back, giving her space as I watch to make sure nothing goes wrong with the magic. Even then, she has to scrunch up and push pretty hard, since my magic can only do so much. It probably doesn't help, I notice, that there is an uncomfortable amount of horseapples piling up behind her. The spell is thorough if nothing else, but I'm pretty sure she had to have been holding it in for longer than I would have guessed before this point.

By the time Honey Drop finishes with nature's business, she is absolutely panting with exhaustion. I actually have to catch her from falling forward with some quick telekinesis, as she stumbles away from the mess she left by the tree.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concern filling my voice.

"Agh, it hurts," she mutters just loud enough for me to hear.

I wince a bit, though she's looking at the ground and can't see me do so. In the hooves of a regular unicorn, magic like that can get rather uncomfortable, and the painkilling magic to work around that problem happens to be a bit more difficult than one would expect.

There is a more, well, traditional way to help someone with such matters, though. A traditionally adult method, that is. It's something that can work on a little filly like her without any real issues. We might get some odd looks from the occasional pony walking down the nearby path, but when I look down at her little blank flanks, her swishing tail, her flower just barely visible underneath...

It's worth it.

"I can help with that too," I inform her in a more resolute tone of voice. "I can lick you better, a good ol' tongue massage. It might feel strange at first, but trust me, few things feel better than a tongue in your butt."

She turns her head back to look at me, with a mildly disgusted face. "That's... ew. Wouldn't that just be really dirty, mister?"

Oh, it's downright filthy as far as I'm concerned. Eating out the butt of a prepubescent filly, in public, minutes after watching her vacate her bowls out of the very same hole? There aren't not many more kinks I could ask for at once. But in terms of the kind of dirty her innocent mind is thinking of...

"It's absolutely fine, Honey. I already know my spell cleaned you out well enough. We won't have to worry about any grossness," is what I opt to say to her instead of the above.

She appears hesitant to agree, but fortunately for me, her curiosity wins out in the end. "I guess you can if you want..."

Finding myself smiling wide, I say "Don't you worry. I can handle everything from here. If you could just turn around for me, please?"


Sitting down behind her, I pull her tail away with a hoof. My eyes reach her untouched flower first, dry and still, but my focus is ultimately on the prize just above it. That puffy, donut-shaped anus, already closed and dry. I can't help but lick my lips at the sight. I lean down, take a nice, deep whiff of her natural scent, and stick my tongue out.

As it presses into the ring of Honey Drop's anus, I hear her gasp in nervous anticipation. She's even more dry than I expected, so I gather a wad of spit from my mouth, in order to lather up that sweet little hole. My freshly moisturized tongue gets to work quickly, lapping at her and trailing the rim of her donut, painting it in saliva as preparation for the incoming intrusion.

I think she expected me to simply lick her a few times, to cool down the soreness back here, and just be done with it quickly. While I was preparing her, it sounded like she kept trying to start a sentence, or at least make some noise other than a cute little gasp. Most ponies, especially the ones her age, never expect my, well, let's just call it "passion" for this specific activity.

Once it feels like her tailhole is actively quivering against my ministrations, I begin to push my tongue inside. Gently, at least at first, I wiggle and nudge my way through the sphincter. Upon resistance, I withdraw my tongue, gathering more spit from my mouth to inject directly into her bottom. The additional help is all that I need to fully penetrate her.

Past the ring of muscle, I'm free to explore the inside of her rectum. It's noticeably more spacious and loose than the entrance, yet at the same time, the feeling of her soft inner tissue follows my tongue wherever it goes. At certain points, I can poke far enough to meet resistance, but in general, I have quite an amount of freedom to roam around.

I hadn't noticed at first, but on the inside, there's a clear, if subtle, flavor within her rectum. Other than the expected fleshy taste of her inner walls, there seems to be some amount of a somewhat sweet, somewhat creamy fluid. A form of mucus, normally acting as a natural lubricant, is left to gather in the utter absence of feces. And, with this new flavor in mind, I start to reach deeper into the filly's plot, seeking to find any little glob that I can.

Honey Drop's breathing begins to audibly rise, her body shaking around my mouth, her tail swishing left and right over my forehead. While I chase my treat, I keep an ear out for how she responds to my movement. It quickly becomes clear how her breath hikes and hitches with every new spot and crevice that I reach. Certainly, I don't need my eyes open to know that she is loving every second.

Of course, as I reach deeper, my tongue isn't the only part of my mouth that's active in pleasing my little filly friend. My lips close around her outer ring, forming an air-tight seal. Before long, I find myself sucking on the puffy anus, practically trying to swallow it in my attempts to lick deeper and deeper inside of her. I even put my teeth to work, at least to a small degree, gently clamping down to help hold the flesh between my lips.

After a while, it becomes hard to tell if I'm really digging deeper, or if my tongue is simply combing over the same regions of tissue, as they actively shift and slide in tandem with my movements. It feels almost like she might be essentially trying to poop my invasive tongue out. If her anus was trying to reduce the pressure around the base of my tongue, I wouldn't be able to tell with the pressure of my mouth and teeth. Either way, I really can't complain. It could easily explain the slow yet steady supply of that sweet, sweet nectar to grace my taste buds.

By now, with where I chin is positioned, both it and my neck are drenched in fluids. As focused as I have been, I'm not entirely sure if she came already, or if this treatment is just particularly good at making her hot with wetness. Alternatively, it's not impossible that I'm feeling some of my own saliva and/or her anal fluids dribbling down my chin, though it's doubtful given how tightly my lips are sealed around her butthole.

Just as it sounds like Honey Drop could be reaching her peak, I re-double my efforts. I retrace my steps, but instead of teasing pokes, I push deep and hard into each and every spot that made her gasp previously. Any time she would try to recover, to anticipate my next move, I would instead move to attack a completely different area, but with the same familiar precision and attention. Then at one point, I surprise her completely by pulling backwards. Not going out of her butt, but instead hooking my tongue around her ring from the inside, and pulling and sucking it, as if trying to separate it from her body, all while essentially giving her an internal rimjob. And then I jab and slurp the innermost bits of her rectum some more, striking just as she leaves herself vulnerable.

Soon enough, I hear a sharper intake of breath, followed by a deep, lustful moan and a very obvious spray of filly fluids down my neck. If she hadn't reached orgasm before, she definitely did now. I take that as a good stopping point, not wanting to overstimulate the poor dear too much. That, and at this point, it really does feel like if my erection gets any more intense, it could actually explode. One final kiss, and my mouth finally detaches itself from her poor, abused rear end.

Now, I might have to wait a bit before I can properly relieve myself, with how exhausted Honey Drop looks now. However, for how completely and utterly pleasured she looks, how delicious her inner rump tastes, and how sweet and kind she is, a little wait will always be worth it.

"Now how about that?" I ask, a mixture of pride and satisfaction seeping into my voice.

"Urghrhgrr... How did that... How did... How- f-feel so good?!" I can't help but smile further at Honey Drop's stupor, at least until she breaks out of it. Then my smile is of excitement instead. "And, uh, can we, maybe do that, some more, please?"

I can practically feel my own eyes light up. "Absolutely. I can take you to my house, if you want. And I can get you plenty of water once we get there. I'm sure you need it..."

"Yes, please," she says with a joyous (if strained) smile. "I really don't want to get... dehydrated, again. Which way is your house?"

When I point towards it, she lets out a small sigh of relief. "Good, my house is along the way. We should tell my Mommy before she starts to worry about me again."

I look at her, confused for a second, before looking up at the sky. Sure enough, half of it is tinted red by the setting sun, while the Mare in the Moon peaks over the horizon. Surprised, I tell her "I did not think I spent that long licking your butt."

She nods at that. "C'mon, let's go!" And with that, she starts to trot ahead of me, making me run to catch up.

Ah, that filly. So youthful, so energetic, so sexy. I'm in for the best kind of long night, I can just tell.