> The Path to Transcendence > by Mr. Haze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dirt, get over here.” Said the lavender unicorn. An orange earth pony approached the mare without saying a word. Her trademarked Stetson hat still sat upon her head, filled with small holes and the occasional singe mark. The earth pony let out a garbled moan that couldn’t even be considered speech in the most primitive form. Her eyes were no longer emerald green, but were glossy whites without pupils. Her blonde mane was disheveled and looked severely mismanaged. Sores and lesions covered her body leaving chunks of flesh exposed that would have made most ponies vomit on sight. The clumsy undead pony trotted over the voice which called her name. A limp in her back leg showed signs of damage beyond superficial. Her femur protruded out of her blackened, necrotized flesh. A purple aura surrounded the limping pony’s leg and the bones began to mend immediately and the flesh closed up tightly leaving not even a scar. The lavender pony’s facial expression was not of care or concern. She spoke slowly as the words rolled off her tongue directing her thrall away from her, “go away Dirt.” A timid looking pegasi entered the chamber shortly after Dirt’s departure and cleared her throat before speaking to the powerful unicorn before her, “Twi-, I mean, Eclipse, I have the latest report on Pinkie’s conversion.” “Proceed.” Said the unicorn. “Um, well, we’ve run into some complications, the patient isn’t responding to magical or chemical conversion. She’s grown isolated and reclusive to the point of being almost feral in nature. I fear we might push her too far before we can convert her.” The yellow Pegasus cowered backwards as the star-flanked mare turned around. “I see.” “She has also begun to display psychotic behavior. Most noticeably her hair has deflated and she continues to talk to things that aren’t there as well as mimicking the voices she believes she is talking to. Her state of mind is severely deteriorating. She has developed a form of excited-catatonia for the past forty-eight hours. She has to be restrained in order to feed her in which has caused significant damage to Sky. Sky’s jaw is shattered into at least six different pieces and her skull has a hairline fracture, three cracked ribs and broken wing too. Pinkie did a number to Sky. I’m not sure if we can properly feed her unless she is tranquilized or magically restrained." The yellow Pegasus finished awaiting Eclipse's response. "Do what is necessary to keep her alive. Let her socialize with the other test subjects if needed. I don't want her dead, understood?" The mare's eyes had a gaze to them that seemed to peer right through whatever she was looking at. The doctor nodded and backed out of the chamber slowly as the purple unicorn turned around staring off into the distance of what used to be Equestria. Now it was something else entirely. Something she never even dreamt of. ……………………….. "Patrol, stay down." Said the deep voice as he backed up into the shadows of the nearby building; the mare behind him stayed low trying not to draw any attention to herself. A group of ponies walked down the empty streets of Ponyville. They were merely husks of their former selves. Empty shells that only served one purpose now; whatever Eclipse told them. The former Royal Guard served well to Eclipse as powerful slaves and thralls collecting more test subjects for the grotesque experiments. A blood-curdling moan came from the undead Unicorn that led the group of zombies. His golden armor had numerous dents and was smeared with dirt and caked with blood. The company of undead soldiers continued their quest for their master to retrieve live test subjects. Unbeknownst to them two living beings hid in plain sight of them. “Alright, they’re gone. Let’s move slowly and make our way to Zecora’s. I’m sure she’ll be able to hide us until tomorrow.” Said the manly voice. The mare sighed and followed him, “that place is absolutely filthy darling. What about Fluttershy’s house?” “No, we don’t know if her animals suffered the same fate as those poor ponies and I don’t want to take any chances of getting mauled by a bunch of woodland creatures.” Retorted the reptile. The mare sighed again dragging along slowly as she followed the dragon in front of her, “what happened to Equestia?” She said to no pony in general. It was meant to be a rhetorical remark, but the dragon replied anyway, “we both know what happened. Twilight found that damn book. Then everything changed…” …………………. 10 Years Ago A purple mare coughed putting her hoof up to her mouth as the dust settled around her. The Canterlot Archives Restricted section was only able to be accessed by a few ponies. Twilight Sparkle, being the personal student of Princess Celestia was granted access without question. She was searching for something, a book that was said to hold knowledge of both life and death. "No, no no!" She said aloud to no pony in general, "I know it's here, it must be." After rifling through several more shelves full of ancient and decrepit books she found what she was looking for, a text almost as old as the princesses themselves. Its spine and cover were bound in leather undoubtedly from deceased ponies. A chilling presence crept down the pony's spine as she held it in her hooves. Whispers in the stagnant air caused the mare to look around suspiciously. She dismissed it merely as her imagination and slid the arcane text into her saddlebag. The unicorn's horn illuminated with a purple aura before she disappeared in a bright flash of magical light. She sat down at her desk and lit a nearby candle. Owlicious sat perched at the window and pecked several times alerting the mare to open the window. With a flick of her magic the lock on the window released letting the bird in and a slight breeze of wind. She spoke the books name slowly whispering it to herself, “The Path to Transcendence.” She marveled at the book running her hoof over the cover and opening it to the first page. Her assistant sighed out loud ignoring the studious bookworm as she delved into her the book she had been searching for. “At last,” said the mare, “this book holds the secrets of Starswirl the Bearded. The greatest unicorn to ever walk on Equus.” An ominous, bone chilling wind brushed up against Twilight’s side causing her hairs to stand up as if some sort of imminent danger was present. She exhaled slowly, smiling to herself. ……………….. A timid looking Pegasus approached the chamber where Eclipse stood. Her lab coat was coated with blood, dry and wet. She opened her mouth to speak, but the purple mare cut her off before she could utter a single word. “You’re back.” She said flatly, “come here Fluttershy.” The Pegasus walked slowly up to mare carefully watching her until they stood side by side. “Tell me, Fluttershy, what do you see?” Asked the mare. “Your empire, Eclipse.” “No, tell me what you really see.” The yellow pony paused carefully choosing each word before she spoke, “I see a kingdom… in ruins. A diarchy defeated and the greatest threat to ever supersede Discord himself standing next to me.” Fluttershy stared out into the sky looking down upon the cities below. “I see.” The purple mare’s face stayed blank without the slightest hint of emotion. “Flutterhsy…” “Yes.” “I love you.” At that moment the yellow pony blushed before an unexpected feeling pressed to her lips. Upon realizing what was happening her heart began to beat faster, but it all soon faded as Eclipse pulled her lips from Fluttershy’s. “Thank you, Fluttershy, for not hating me for what I have done. You truly are the Element of Kindness.” Eclipse wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy’s neck hugging her tightly. Fluttershy gently cooed the new ruler of Equestria , stroking her mane and humming a nursery rhyme her mother had taught her. “I love you too Twilight.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I forbid it! Twilight, this is evil magic. Please, don’t make the same mistake Starswirl did. He was a brilliant and gifted unicorn just like you. He discovered more spells than even I know myself, but he became obsessed with necromancy. He wanted to create life, not just reanimate it. It is blasphemous to even think such things.” Said the tall white alicorn. Her stern look did not sway the young unicorn before her. “But Princess! This is the greatest discovery of pony magic in recorded history! The ability to create life is not blashphemous, it is… magnificent. There aren’t proper words to describe such an unimaginably important advancement for ponykind!” “No, Twilight, science should never create life. Even I can’t create a living being. It is only for nature to produce.” “You just don’t get it! Dammit Celestia! Open your eyes! This isn’t the first era anymore. Ponykind could benefit from this knowledge. We don’t rely on superstitions or horoscopes like they did so long ago. We have science now. Why are you trying to hinder science?” The monarch gave out a long sigh, “Twilight, please leave. Go back to Ponyville and forget this Necromancy. I will not have such evil magic in my kingdom.” The lavender unicorn rolled her eyes and grunted before a bright white light consumed her body and she vanished before her mentor. “Eclipse? Are you alright?” Ask a familiar voice. The unicorn shook her head bringing herself back to reality from the daydream she had been captivated in. “Oh, yes, I’m fine Fluttershy. Just… remembering.” “You’ve been standing there for an hour. I was starting to worry about you.” The purple mare blushed hiding her face as she looked at the ground. “Fluttershy… can I ask you something?” “Yes, of course.” The yellow Pegasus’ face grew into a smile. “Are you… afraid of me?” “No,” she said, “I’m not afraid of you. I’m concerned about you.” “Why are you concerned about me?” “You been through so much and you haven’t shed so much as a single tear. When I look into your eyes I see sadness and regret, pain and anger, you’re hurting Eclipse and I worry about you. You barely sleep and when you do, I can hear you scream from the nightmares you’re having.” Fluttershy began to choke on the last words as tears built up around her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. A soft whimper came from the Pegasus and the unicorn nuzzled her neck gently. “Thanks Fluttershy, for not fearing me. I don’t know if I could make it another day without you by my side. You make the world around me not as bleak and empty as it truly is.” ……………. “Watch your step, the last thing we need is either of us to get poison joke on us.” Said the dragon as he crept through the forest floor slowly watching each step he made with his unicorn companion following close behind him. The Everfree forest had become quiet and nearly desolate with Twilight’s rise to power. Her undead army cleansed the forest of most, if not all the inhabitants making them test subjects or more soldiers for her empire. Zecora’s hut was one of the few places that wasn’t destroyed during the initial purging of Equestria. Only a few ponies knew how to get to it and most would not even dare to trek into the forest. It was dangerous during the day, and suicidal during the night. No pony wanted to face down Cockatrice or a Hydra. “Alright, we’re here.” Said the dragon. He approached the door and knocked three times and stood back. Several moments passed by before he knocked again this time harder as if he was pounding on the door. “Darling, I don’t think she’s home.” “Well we can’t stay out here all day. Let’s go in.” said the dragon. Spike opened the door to peak in noticing it was pitch black inside. Not a single light could be found. He stepped inside as Rarity followed behind him illuminating the small hut with her horn. Blood was splattered across the walls that had long since been caked over. The once fresh herbs and other medicinal plants Zecora collected were now wilted and frail. A single touch could cause them to collapse into dust. Broken bottles and shards of glass littered the wooden floor threatening anypony who wasn’t careful when walking. “Gah! This place is a mess!” Rarity shouted and she began to levitate the broken glass and off the floor and pushing it neatly into a pile secure in a corner away from her hooves. “It’ll have to do. Looks like they got Zecora too and quite a while ago at that if this place is this bad, but at least we won’t have to worry about Twilight’s goons coming here.” Said the dragon looking in the shelves for any sort of food. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate. It must have been a week. He had been giving every scrap of food he could find to Rarity. It was only enough to feed one pony anyway whenever he found something to eat. And the gentledrake he was he couldn’t bear to see his lover in any state but perfection. Though, Rarity’s features were far from perfect. Her hair had become disheveled and split ends were all over. Her pear white coat was caked in mud, dirt, and specks of blood, but that didn’t change his thoughts about the mare. She was still the perfect mare in his eyes. Spike’s quest for food ended in failure. He would have to go out and forage in the forest for food as well as firewood. “Rarity, I’ll be back. I need to gather up some firewood and food. If I’m not back in an hour, don’t look for me and get away from Zecora’s as fast as you can I don’t want you to get caught by those zombies.” “Be careful,” said the mare as she watched the dragon walk out the door. She sat back on her haunches and stared up at the ceiling, “oh Twilight, what went wrong?” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ya’ll know why Twilight rounded us up?” said the earth pony with a thick southern accent. The four ponies around her shook their heads unable to answer her. No pony knew the reason why the unicorn gathered her friends around. Not even Spike. He was as oblivious as the others that stood around him. A lavender unicorn approached from the second floor the library and teleported below in front of her friends. “I’m so glad you all came.” She started, “from the beginning of recorded history many unicorns have attempted to create what only nature has been able to produce.” The ponies around her leaned in, in anticipation for what she was going to say next. “Starswirl the Bearded was the first to attempt this, and unfortunately, it is inconclusive as to his results.” “Cut to the chase, Twilight. What’d you discover this time?!” Said the annoyed and anxious cyan Pegasus displaying her winged appendages in full view. The unicorn cleared her throat, “I have created life.” She said solemnly. Several gasps filled the room and wide-eyed stares pierced right into the mare’s eyes. “The basic elements that create life are simple: water, carbon, sulfur, salt, saltpeter, phosphorus, lime, iron, fluorine, silicon, and traces of other elements.” She took another breath, “with that being said, it would seem it would be easy to just ‘make’ another pony, but it’s a lot more complex than that as Starswirl the Bearded figured out. Not only are these components required to make a pony, but magic is as well and not just any kind of magic, Necromancy.” “Twilight! The Princess banished Necromancy! What are you thinking?” Shouted Rarity. Twilight held up a hoof to Rarity’s mouth, “before you make assumptions that I have committed the ultimate and most heinous crime in all of Equestria I want you to realize what I just did. I created life.” “Oh my gosh! Twilight, that’s just so super amazing! Can I see the new pony? Is it a he or she? Can we throw him/her a ‘Welcome to Equestria’ party? Oh, please, please, please!” Pleaded the pink earth pony. Twilight chuckled, “in time Pinkie, I still have more tests to run.” “Umm… I don’t want to be a bother Twilight, but umm… can we see this pony? If that’s okay with you after all.” Said the sky little Pegasus in the back. “I was just about to get to that Fluttershy,” Twilight said. The mare’s horn illuminated radiantly basking the whole library in the powerful blinding light before a pony-like creature appeared before them. It wasn’t like anypony they’ve seen before. It was bleach white, whiter than the clouds in the sky. Its eyes did not open and its mouth slacked agape with only a bit of drool slipping out and a soft moan. “I call her, Project Alpha. She is the first pony I’ve successfully created. No sperm or egg cell was used to create her. She is far from perfect though. She’s just a blank slate. A useless pony without the capabilities of speech or cognitive thought. A rough start, but I know though practice I will achieve the ability to create ponies that can speak our language and think like normal ponies.” The orange earth pony slammed her hoof down on the floor, “Twi’ this is wrong! No pony should have the power to create life. Not like this at least. Just look at it. It’s pathetic. It looks worse than manure.” Twilight quickly interjected, “that’s where you’re wrong Applejack. In fact, this pony right here is worth at least a hundred thousand bits. It could be easily put down and its organs harvested, bones, muscles, skin and used for medical applications. Just think about it! With this advancement in science we could extend the mortality rate well beyond the expected life of the individual. In theory, we could make everypony immortal! It’s simply astounding!” “I don’t know Twilight, AJ has a point, don’t you think you’re trying to play ‘god’?” “’God’?” Said the purple unicorn, “’god’ is just a scapegoat ponies like to use to try and hinder process. They fear the future. They refuse to embrace it and choose to live under a rock for all their lives.” “Twilight, I simply cannot stand the sight of that… monster, could you please make it go away?” Said the prissy unicorn unable to look at the creature. “What did you just say?” Twilight’s eyes lowered as she gaze pierced into Rarity’s eyes causing her to back up slowly. “I…” “GET OUT!” Shouted the lavender pony. Rarity’s face looked of shock and horror for what Twilight just said. Her tone sounded of anger and contempt like she just accosted her friend in the most grievous of ways. “Hey! Don’t yell at her like that!” Said the cyan pegaus. “Fine, all of you get out now!” “Aww! I really wanted to party with the new pony!” All the ponies including Spike left the library except for one. Fluttershy stayed behind. “You’re still here, are you going to mock me and criticize my achievements like the rest?” Said the unicorn condescendingly. “Oh no, actually, I wanted to congratulate you. I mean, it’s really amazing that you’ve created a life without intercourse. If what you said was true, then you could make bunnies, birds, chickens, and all sorts of animals that could be used to help injured or ill animals. I’m really happy for you Twilight.” Said the yellow Pegasus. Twilight stood almost shocked for a moment then opened her mouth, “t-thank you Fluttershy,” a smile covered the mare’s face, “I’m glad at least one pony thinks what I did is amazing.” ………….. A loud banging noise awoke the sleepy mare as she rubbed her eyes with her hooves. She had a rough night’s sleep. Unable to clear her mind after what her friends had told her. They weren’t supportive of her at all, except for Fluttershy. The unicorn trotted down the staircase still hearing the loud banging noise on the door as she rolled her eyes, “coming!” she shouted. She approached the door and opened it to see two royal guards standing before her. Both were earth ponies large in stature and nearly twice her size. Their looks were stern and unforgiving. “By the order of Princess Celestia you are under arrest for Necromancy Twilight Sparkle. Come with us and we won’t have to use force.” The unicorn’s heart sank into her chest. The princess was really going to arrest her prized pupil. From behind the two guards Twilight spotted three familiar figures. An earth pony, a Pegasus, and a unicorn, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Then it clicked in her mind. They had sold her out. They were the only ponies that knew of Project Alpha’s existence. Fluttershy commended her for her achievement and Pinkie Pie only wanted to party with the new pony. It must have been them. With a burning rage building up inside her she spoke slowly looking at the ground choosing her next move, “no.” Her horn radiated enormously with magic as the guards before her were struck dead by two bolts of lightning that shot out of her horn. Their armor began to melt from the extreme head and their charred bodies fell apart from each other leaving a clear path to the traitors before her. “You… you bastards! How could you?!’ Tears were welling into her eyes, “I trusted you and this is what I get in return? I knife in the back!” Her gaze fell onto Rainbow Dash immediately, “you aren’t the element of Loyalty, you’re a treasonous bitch!” Rarity attempted to speak but Twilight cut her off, “and you! Is this your idea of ‘generosity’? A ‘generous’ helping of betrayal?! And finally, her words of scorn made them to Applejack, “I should have known a mudpony like yourself couldn’t value science. You three are the WORST friends a mare could have!” The purple unicorn awoke in her bed. Perspiration matted her fur and blanket leaving a thin sheen of sweat. Her breathing was rapid and she closed her mouth breathing slowly through her nose to calm herself down. “Just another nightmare.” She said lying back down on the bed. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder rumbled through the skies as a bright flash of lightning scattered through the heavens above. The torrential rains poured down vigorously soaking the pink pony. She stood there unwavering through the horrendous weather. Her tears mixed in with the water dripping down her face splashing onto the grass below her. She gritted her teeth, grinding them as she stared at the tombstones in front of her. The headstones displayed two names in an eloquent and decorative writing, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. The mare screamed into the sky as loud as she could only for the thunder to drown out her blood-curdling shout of anger. Princess Cadence was no longer the benevolent princess of Love. Her heart had grown cold as calloused with a desire for vengeance and retribution. Her gaze lifted from the headstones into the direction of Canterlot Castle, “I’m coming for you Twilight Sparkle; I will avenge my sisters’ deaths.” …………….. The long hallways of the castle were no longer bustling with ponies seeking to speak with the royalties. Instead, they were now desolate and derelict. The only pony that walked through them was a purple unicorn. Her horn lit aglow with a soft, white light that illuminated the path before her. She sighed looking down at the floor as she passed Celestia’s personal chambers. A lump in her throat formed and she tried to choke back the tears that were pooling in the sides of her eyes. She shook her head trying to focus on the more important issues. I forgive you Twilight. The unicorn swiveled her head in all directions looking for the pony who spoke those words. “Who’s there?” she said nervously, bracing the ground and preparing for a fight. There was no response. A ball of light shot out from her horn ascending quickly to ceiling above her. The vast room was now bathed in the luminescent light. Still, she saw no pony around her. She shook her head and continued forward until reaching her destination. A spiral staircase made out of stone that descended below into the castle’s barracks and prison. Her hooves clopped against the stone steps as she soon made it down to the bottom level. In here was where her assistant, Fluttershy conducted the gruesome ‘conversion’ experiments. The acrid scent of death and blood filled the mare’s nostrils making her gag slightly. She could hear the moans of her test subjects throughout the hallway. She approached a wooden door leading into the prison and opened it quietly. She stopped a lone Pegasus in a white lab coat standing over an operating table. The subject didn’t move an inch, yet restraints bound the pony to the cold metal table giving it no chance of escape from its fate. “Good morning Fluttershy.” Said Twilight with a warm tone. The Pegasus squeaked and jumped before turning around to see who it was. “Oh Eclipse, you scared me.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” “Oh, it’s fine. Umm… so what brings you down to the laboratory?” The yellow pony asked sheepishly. “I… couldn’t sleep.” Twilight said looking down at the ground. “Oh… I’m sorry, do you want me to get you something to help you sleep?” Twilight shook her head, “no drugs please, but if you wouldn’t mind, would you come and sleep with me? I just want somepony to hold onto. It gets kind of lonely sleeping alone all the time.” The lavender mare’s face blushed deeply. Fluttershy smiled and kissed Twilight on the cheek, “I’d love to. Let me just put the patient on life support and I’ll come join you.” The purple unicorn smiled and watched her assistant connect the various life support machinery. It wasn’t long before she stepped back from her patient and stood by her lover. The two ponies walked through the hallway. The rain was beating down on the castle harder than before making each pony nearly yell to each other so they could hear. “So, who was that pony you were operating on?” asked Twilight. “Oh… Umm…” she studdered before whispering the ponies name, “Shining Armor.” “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you, could you say it again?” “Shining Armor.” Twilight stopped walking and stood still for a moment looking down. “Oh… I see.” “Please don’t be mad Twilight! I’m just doing what you told me to do!” She said cowering down with her hooves above her head fearing Eclipse’s wrath. “Fluttershy! Relax! I’m not mad at you. I’m just… sad. I completely forgot about him. I… I can’t believe I didn’t even remember my own brother. I mean, so much has happened this past decade and I didn’t even once think about him and now he’s gone forever. I’ll never be able to talk to him again.” A few tears fell from her face pattering on the ground.” “Well… umm… actually, there might be a way.” The purple pony lifted her head up quickly, “h-how?” “You could create him, like you did with Project Alpha.” “F-fluttershy! That’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?!” The timid little Pegasus smiled at her lover, “let’s get to bed.” She said with a soft yawn, “I’m really tired.” Twilight giggled, “Alright, let’s go.” The two ponies soon arrived at Twilight’s chambers. The door opened with a magical push from Twilight and the two ponies stepped inside. Twilight’s bed still remained in disarray from earlier and the two mares looked at each other before climbed into the bed. Twilight wrapped her foreleg around Fluttershy’s waist and pulled her up against herself. The pegasus’ smiled and pulled the blanket over them and spoke softly, “I love you Twilight.” “I love you too Fluttershy.” Said the unicorn as she nuzzled her head onto Fluttershy’s shoulder breathing softly, “and I always will.” ………… Spike entered the small hut. His scales glistened in the magical light amplified by the water that dripped off of him. He walked over to the fire pit in the middle of the room and dropped the large bundle of wood. It was more soaked than he was but he knew he could get it to light. It would just take a bit. The dried out herbs would make for good kindling to get the fire going. Rarity came out of a room and smiled at him. “Good to see you darling.” The dragon smiled, “good to see you too babe.” Spike gathered the dried herbs and placed them atop of the wooden and took a deep breath. The scorching flame he exhaled could have set the whole hut on fire, but he managed to control it into one steady flame that quickly ignited the kindling and soon after the wood below it. The crackling hiss of water evaporating and tree sap popping echoed through the room. Spike sat down near the fire and put his hands over the flames. Being a dragon his scales were impervious to the high temperatures that would usually cause third degree burns for any other creature. He sighed and smiled as Rarity sat next to him leaning her head onto his shoulder. “Spike… do you think we did the right thing? I mean… this could have all been avoided if Rainbow Dash, Applejack and I didn’t tell the Princess Celestia what Twilight did.” Spike face grew flat as he drew in a breath, “I don’t know Rarity… I really don’t know. I’ll always love Twilight. She was like my mom, but I knew what she was doing was wrong and I couldn’t tell her to stop. I was too scared to. I guess we’ll never know if either of us did the right thing.” > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light of dawn pierced through the windows shining onto the lavender pony’s face causing her to squint and roll onto her other side, but to no avail. The sunlight was relentless in its demands to wake up the new ruler of Equestria. Twilight sighed and groaned as she climbed out of bed trying to not disturb Fluttershy as she slept soundly without being bothered by the sun rays. She needed the sleep anyway. Working night and day to ‘convert’ the ponies of Equestria into her army was no easily task. It required a great amount of time and resources to do so. The purple unicorn quietly walked over to the mirror that hung upon the wall and levitated a brush to her hair. She was a little shocked at the sight she saw in the mirror. Her eyes held heavy bags under them from the loss of sleep that she suffered from on a daily occurrence. Her mane had become disheveled and mismanaged from tossing and turning through the night despite Fluttershy’s company. She smiled at herself and turned to walk out the door but stopped after hearing her partner arise from her slumber. “Good morning Eclipse.” The mare turned around still smiling at the Pegasus. “Good morning to you too Fluttershy.” The pink maned pony climbed out of bed and trotted over to the unicorn and kissed her gently on the cheek. Twilight blushed and nuzzled her assistant. “How’d you sleep?” Asked the yellow pony. “Great! Not a single nightmare. Thanks for sleeping with me Fluttershy.” “Oh, it was nothing. I really enjoyed it myself.” The two smiled at each other before exiting the room. The once dimly lit and dark hallway was now basked in the radiant light of sun. “What would you like for breakfast dear?” Ask the yellow pony. “A daisy sandwich. That’s all. I have a lot to do today so I can’t spend all morning finishing breakfast.” The Pegasus smiled, “alright. I’ll have it right out for you.” Fluttershy trotted ahead of Twilight entering the kitchen as Twilight found a seat in the dining room. The Princesses certainly had ‘the life’ with the accommodations inside the castle. The kitchen was the size of the courtroom and the dining area was approximately the same size with an elongated table stretching at least twenty feet long and four feet wide. Twilight thought it was completely unnecessary as she remember having dinner with the Princesses one before. The three ponies sat close together so they could enjoy each other’s company. The pink pony exited the kitchen with a plate in her mouth that present a wonderful looking sandwich as she placed it in front of Twilight and sat in the seat next to her smiling widely. “Thanks Fluttershy.” Said the purple mare as she took a bite of the sandwich. It was the same delightful flavor she remembered. The only other time somepony made her breakfast was when Spike wanted to cook Twilight a special ‘brithday’ breakfast that ended in disaster. Despite his best efforts to please Twilight, his pancakes came out burnt as nearly the treehouse did. He attempted to multitask like Twilight, making coffee, toast, eggs, and pancakes all at the same time but that proved to be too much for the baby dragon to handle. Twilight giggled to herself as she remembered the dragon’s attempts to please her. It was a kind gesture so she didn’t become angry with him. She merely smiled at the dragon and asked him to help her clean up before they went to Sugarcube Corner for breakfast there. The mare finished her sandwich and rose from the table, “thanks Fluttershy, that was wonderful.” The shy little Pegasus smiled, “oh it was nothing. I’m glad you liked it though.” Twilight looked over to the corridor leading to her personal study, “well, I got to get started with today’s agenda. And I’m sure your patient needs you too.” Fluttershy’s eyes shrunk to pinpoints, “oh no! I completely forgot about him!” she said before running off into the hallway to Twilight’s left. “I guess it’s time to get started. I’m going to bring you back brother. I promise.” Said Twilight aloud to no pony in particular. ………… Rarity awoke to a violent shaking from her dragon companion. “Darling what’s wrong?” she said tiredly, blinking her eyes to focus on the world around her. “Come on, we got to go. The patrols are getting to close for comfort.” Said Spike sternly looking up and peering out he window. Four ponies trotted around aimlessly circling the hut. They were royal guards, still strapped in their ceremonial golden armor. Each one let out a ghastly moan. The earth pony leading the group bumped face first into a tree to which he recoiled with brushing up against the bark as she maneuvered around it. Spike opened the back door slowly trying not to alert the undead guards of their presence. “Stay close and try not to make a sound and we’ll be fine.” Said the dragon anxiously. His whole body was trembling showing he was just as scared as Rarity was about being caught by these horrible creatures. The dragon and the pony crept cautiously around the guards keeping as much distance as they could between the undead monstrosities and themselves. It was like maneuvering around a mine field where you could spot each danger, but in addition the positional dangers could move around and even run if necessary. They were halfway to clearing that would allow them a quick escape from the zombies behind them before a twig snapped under Rarity’s hoof. The undead guards swiveled their heads in the direction of the sound perking their ears up to catch any more disturbances as they began to gallop towards the dragon and the pony. “Fuck! Run!” Shouted Spike as he began to sprint. Rarity was not long behind him as they trampled over dead leaves and snapped more frail branches. The sounds of the running would only further the zombie ponies’ pursuit after them. A gnarnled tree root protruding from the ground tripped the pony sending her skidding across the muddied ground as she struggled to get back up. Spike turn around noticing the zombies encroaching closer to his beloved Rarity. “Spike run! Get out of here!” Screamed Rarity. The dragon stopped and turned around and charged towards the zombies, “there’s no way in hell I’m leaving you Rarity!” The dragon stretched out his claw tear out the throat of one of zombies. Its inky-black blood covered his claw as the other zombies began to circle the dragon preparing for a full on attack on all sides. “If you die, I’m going with you!” yelled the dragon. Outnumbered and outmatched the dragon would soon begin the fight for his and his lover’s life. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The galloping Pegasus charged through the cobblestone and marble hallways, taking flight as she soared down the stairs. She could waste no time if she wanted to make sure her patient was still alive. A unicorn like Shining Armor could be put to good use if his brain tissue and blood weren’t too badly destroyed. With only a liter of his blood the Pegasus theorized Twilight could make an army of Shining Armors’. All with the same capabilities as the original. The brain tissue would most likely be needed by Twilight when she would be ready to create her brother again with all his memories. Although, this was all in theory. Twilight never tried such an experiment after Project Alpha. She had too many concerns and too much to do to become obsessed with a personal endeavor. The whole country of Equestria was counting on Twilight to keep it afloat and defend any attacks from outside forces. The Griffon Kingdom knew better though. After receiving reports from their scouts of a coup they contemplated a hostile takeover with the current chaos, but decided against it after hearing that Twilight Sparkle was leading an army of undead soldiers to Canterlot Castle to reclaim the throne. It was a smart move on their part. The griffons would undoubtedly become servants to the new pony overlord if they dared to cross Equestrian lines. Fluttershy sighed in relief as she saw her patient still breathing as his chest inflated and deflated. The various machines hooked up to the pony displayed his vitals which looked as normal as a still living pony. The mare smiled and she pulled back the white linen cloth that covered the stallion’s body. His coat remained just as vibrant as they day she met him. She swallowed coarsely and turned around opening up a cabinet. Inside were various surgical tools that resembled a torture kit. She rummaged through the sharp scalpels and gauze until she found exactly what she was looking for. A glowing purple gem that hummed with an unfamiliar but dark power. “Take care of this Fluttershy, guard it with your life. It’s half of my soul. Just place it on the pony’s chest and when their eyes open they will become ‘converted’. It’s as simple as that. I’m counting on you to make the proper augmentations to our soldiers. I will supply you with whatever you need, just give the word and it will be done.” Fluttershy smiled as she remembered what Twilight said to her. She trusted her enough to allow her to hold onto a part of her very soul. If that wasn’t love, than Fluttershy had no idea what could be. She placed the gem onto Shining Armor’s chest and its light quickly faded before nearly blinding Fluttershy as it basked the room in its purple aura. The stallion’s eyes opened and he let out a moan. The mare smiled as she retrieved the gem from his chest and placed it back into the cabinet. Fluttershy walked back over to her patient and proceeded to clasp his hooves down onto the cold metal table. An enchanted iron horn guard was placed over his horn to prevent any unnecessary magical discharge. “And now, for your augmentations.” Said the Smiling Pegasus as she walked out of the room into another area labeled ‘ZOO’ above the door frame. ………….. The earth pony fell to ground fell to the ground while Spike stomped on its neck breaking. Its blackened blood coated the dragon’s foot. The other ponies charged at him as the dragon inhaled deeply and unleashed a powerful scorching breath setting the ponies on fire. But to no avail they did not stop. The smell of burning flesh filled the air leaving churning over Rarity’s stomach as she dashed behind Spike. The dragon stopped the unicorn before he could try and pierce his flaming horn into his chest gripping its horn and snapping it off its head before stabbing it in the eye with its very own weapon. The unicorn fell down instantly trying to recover from the fatal blow. The last guard caught him by surprise head butting the dragon in the stomach and sending him backwards as she toppled over Rarity. The dragon grunted in pain as he stood up once more and charged the pony landing a powerful uppercut that shattered the pony’s jaw. The zombie recoiled as its jaw slacked opened unable to shut. Another moan came from the abomination, but before it could attempt another strike the dragon consumed the zombie into a blistering fire that lasted until the zombie could tread no further and fell down in death. Its charred body left no more flesh, but only a smoking skeleton of the former guard. Spike panted heavily as he walked over to earth pony who first attacked him. It was still struggling to stand up. The dragon knelt down an plunged his claw repeatedly into the pony’s neck until it was completely severed from the body. The dragon turned around looking for Rarity. She was easily spotted from the sounds of hurling behind a nearby tree. The dragon walked over to her and placed a claw on her shoulder, “you alright?” He asked. “Yes, I’m fine darling. Just… that smell. Thank you for saving me.” The dragon smiled and wrapped his arms around the mare’s neck. “I couldn’t live with myself if I let you get captured by them.” The dragon and the pony embraced each other for what seemed hours, but only lasted a few moments before they stood again, side by side. “Where do we go now?” Asked the unicorn. The dragon looked over in the direction of Canterlot. “We need to find food and shelter, looks like we have no choice but to go to Canterlot.” “WHAT?! Darling are you crazy! The last time we went there you were nearly killed by Rainbow Dash!” “I know, maybe this time we’ll get to settle the score, and besides, there’s no more food in Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres is crawling with Twilight’s minions and the whole town in nothing but zombies. At least in Canterlot Twilight rounded up all the ponies for her army. The streets are desolate and at best we’ll be able to find some canned food.” “I suppose we have no choice, huh?” Said Rarity. The dragon nodded. …………… Twilight rematerialized in front of the castle. Two royal guards stood ramrod straight at the entrance. The large wooden doors remained shut preventing anypony from coming in and disturbing the royalties that dwelled within. The mare was still fuming with anger as she walked forward to the door. The guards moved close to each other and stared down the little mare. “Halt! The castle is off limits at this time due to a crisis.” The both barked. Twilight ignored their command and instead concentrated her thoughts into her horn as bolt of lightning arced out and blasted the two guards through the door sending their charred bodies skidding across the clean marble floor. Twilight trotted in and looked around seeing a multitude of guards that swarmed around her. She braced the ground preparing to slay them all. “Twilight Sparkle!” Shouted a familiar voice as it rang throughout the courtroom. It was none other than Princess Celestia herself. The guards parted leaving an opening for the majestic alicorn to proceed forward and confront the unicorn. “You bitch!” exclaimed the unicorn as she saw the pastel-maned ruler approach her, “you really were going to have me arrested! I know the punishment for Necromancy; it’s death! You really intend to kill me! Is that what its come down to? Killing your own student!” The alicorn’s gaze did nothing to sway the lavender pony. “Twilight I cannot forgive your crimes. For not only have you created life you have also ended it.” She said looking over at the two dead guards. “Who do you think you are, Celestia?! You fucking hypocrite! You were going to have me executed. You’re no better than I am!” “Stand down Twilight. Don’t make this any worse than it has to be.” “Ha ha ha ha! You’re joking right? You must be because the way I’m seeing it, either I die by the gallows or I die fighting for what I believe in.” “If it’s a fight you want, Twilight,” said the alicorn as she motioned her guards away, “then I will slay you myself.” Twilight quickly enveloped herself in a bright, translucent pink shield. The beam of energy that exited Celestia’s horn richened off the shield sending it back towards the caster. Celestia was caught off guard and suffered a damaged wing as she attempted to evade her own attack. Twilight’s shield evaporated instantly as she galloped forwards charging her mentor with all her strength. Celestia in turn braced the ground as her horn illuminated with a powerful light that caused the guards to shield their eyes from the blinding power. Just as the ruler unleashed her second attack Twilight vanished before popping up behind Celestia with a pair of deadly looking red transparent axes that rose from her horn. The large axes swooped down severing the alicorn’s wings from her body and sending the ruler into a world of pain. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she collapsed to the ground watching her faithful guards charge in to save her only to be met with Twilight’s same spell that diced the ponies into gruesome chunks of meat that bled all over the floor. Their blood now pooling towards the alicorn as she saw her ex-student approach her with a look of sadistic revenge upon her face. Tears of sadness and anger dripped down the alicorn’s face mixing in with her and her guards blood. “You were weak Celestia.” Said the calloused mare, “any last words before I send you to stable in the sky?” Celestia looked up at her student witnessing the blades that loomed above her reading to cut her to pieces, “I forgive you.” The blades above Twilight’s head came down decapitating Celestia’s head from the rest of her body. A steady flow of blood poured from her neck until it was just as drip then stopped completely. “’Tia!” Screamed a voice from above. The staircase leading upwards to the second floor revealed a midnight blue alicorn with a moon on her flank. It was Princess Luna. Twilight looked up as the princess descended down to the same level as her dead sister. Tears welled in her eyes as they poured down onto Celestia’s head as the maiden of the moon cradled her skull in her hooves. Luna looked up with a pitiful look of despair and sadness and touched Twilight. It tugged on her heart to see her like this, but it had to be done. It was kill or be killed, literally. “Why?! Why did you do this Twilight?!” Twilight shuddered for a moment trying to regain her composure. “She was going to kill me, Luna. I… I did what I had to do.” “Liar!” Screamed the princess, “Celestia would never kill anypony! Especially not her student!” Twilight sighed, “I suppose she didn’t tell you then. I’ve been charged with Necromancy. You know the punishment for that right? Death. All I did was create a living, breathing pony and for my accomplishments in science I have been damned to the gallows.” “Wha-what?! Y-you create a pony? T-twilight why?! There is reason she banned Necromancy. With such power, individuals could create their own armies of obedient soldiers that would fight to the very death. She was trying to prevent an uprising that could cause disaster for all of Equus!” “That wasn’t going to be the use for them! The ponies I wanted to create would be used for research and medical applications! Your sister didn’t want me to help Equestria. She wanted ponies to stay in this era of ignorance I only wanted to enlighten them. Is that really so bad? To want to change this world for the better?” Twilight was now seething with more anger. “It doesn’t matter now Twilight. Your excuses for murder will come to an end this day. You killed my sister and for that, you will die.” The alicorn snarled as she hit the ground with her hoof. Twilight’s horn lit aglow with the same radiant magic that casted the blades above her head, “don’t do this Luna. I don’t want to kill you too.” “It’s too late for that, you’re going to die!” Vexed the alicorn as she galloped full speed towards the unicorn. Twilight closed her eyes, “you’re such a fool.” She said under her breath as the blades came down cutting the princess into a mess of blood and organs. Twilight turned around unwilling to witness her hoofwork and walked towards the doors that she entered the castle from. She look over the edge of the mountain to the cities below her. “Equestria must change, I must become the new ruler.” She said with pride in her voice holding her head up high. Twilight looked down as she came-to from her flashback. The dark room that once housed the mare of the moon remained untouched as if the princess herself was still alive. She trotted past the alicorn’s room trying to choke the tears of regret. She never wanted to kill Luna. She didn’t deserve to die unlike her sister. Tears blurred Twilight’s vision as she gritted her teeth, “you were such a fool Luna.” > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Zoo, better known as Fluttershy’s personal collection of the dangerous animals that lurk in the Everfree forest was for the most part relatively packed. Manticores, cockatrices, timberwolves, even a hydra was held captive in the semi-translucent magical barriers Twilight herself had set up. This was a personal request of Fluttershy because she didn’t want like the idea of mechanical augmentations for her patients. Rust, corrosion, and constant maintenance made those works of molded metals useless and more of a burden to take care of. She preferred to use what was already available. It was no problem at all to splice off limbs from the captive animals and reattach them to her patients. After all, a zombie’s body has no possibility of rejecting the new limbs because they are already dead. Just in animation from Twilight’s magic. Fluttershy smiled as she cooed the manticore to a sleeping beast. The ferocious animal had no idea what the cruel doctor had in store for it. A special combination of heaving tranquilizers was slipped into the beast’s food and soon he was on the ground in a peaceful slumber. Next came the cockatrice. The devilish little bird almost killed her on her last encounter with such a creature. And turning her love Twilight into stone only caused resentment that left to stew and boil inside the Pegasus. She stared down the arrogant little bird until it retreated into a corner unable to escape the Pegasus. She snickered audibly. The Element of Kindness had a sick sadistic side as well. Fluttershy entered the barrier with the special charm around her neck allowing safe passage in and out of the magical prisons. It was hoof crafted by none other than Twilight herself. The mare took special care to make sure Fluttershy had no chance of being harmed by the savage beasts. Fluttershy was ordered to be accompanied by either Dirt or Sky when retrieving ‘test subjects’ just for extra precaution. The zombies were incapable of pain making them fearless until death. “Dirt.” Said the yellow pony flatly. The orange earth pony approached Fluttershy standing stall and awaiting further orders. Fluttershy put the charm Twilight gave her around Dirt’s neck, “get in there kill the subject then retrieve it.” The walking corpse passed through the barrier effortlessly and the cockatrice popped out of its corner. Thinking it could defeat the earth pony was a foolish idea. Dirt’s eyes were no longer capable of seeing. Only her sense of smell and sound remained which proved the cockatrice’s attempts useless as it tried and failed to turn the pony to stone. The towering pony loomed over the bird ominiously before its hoof came down stomping the bird in the chest repeatedly. It had no comprehension of death making Fluttershy the only pony who could call of the attack. Fluttershy grinned from ear-to-ear with glee as the bird was no more than a mutilated mess of feathers and blood. “Stop Dirt, now bring the subject to me.” Said the mare. The earth pony followed her orders dragging the corpse between its teeth like a dog bringing its ‘trophy kill’ to its master. Dirt’s mouth opened agape as the bird fell out of its mouth flopping onto the ground with a disgusting noise that made the Pegasus happier than before. The animal’s head was the only thing in tack, but that was the only thing she needed. More importantly, its eyes. The eyes of a cockatrice still held its power long after death. “Good, now put the subject on the operating table next to the other one then return at once.” Dirt picked the corpse back up between her teeth and exited the zoo momentarily dropping the mangled body on the spare table next to Shining Armor. “Dirt!” The undead pony moaned as it trotted back into the zoo and stood in front of Fluttershy. Fluttershy turned around and bucked the mare in the jaw as hard as she could. Several teeth fell out of the mare’s mouth as she stood there as if nothing had happened. “You got blood on my coat you fucking idiot!” Berated the Pegasus. Her temper was starting to get the best of her before she realized it was pointless. She could eviscerate Dirt and the earth pony would only attempt to stand to follow her masters’ next orders. Fluttershy sighed, “just get in there and retrieve the other subject.” Fluttershy had led Dirt in front of the Manticore’s prison and the earth pony entered and dragged the massive animal by its tail out of the magical barrier. “Follow me Dirt.” Said Fluttershy as she retreated from the zoo and into the operating room. “Now drop it.” The earth pony released the manticore’s tail from its vice-like grip it held in its mouth. Fluttershy walked over to the slumbering animal and picked up its head with both her hooves. She grinned maliciously and with a single twist a bone snapping crack rang inside the room. The Manticore was now dead. The yellow pony walked over to Dirt and retrieved the charm from around her neck. “Get out of here Dirt. I have a lot of work to do and I don’t need a worthless mudpony like you in my way.” A single groan came from the undead pony as it left the pony’s presence. …………… The duo snuck from building to building searching each one for supplies. Food and water. Luckily, it took little time to find what they needed. They had stumbled upon Berry Punch’s sister house, the famous wine and cider connoisseur, Cherry Cocktail. The mare’s astute taste buds landed her the noble job of critiquing the various imported wines and ciders from Zebrica and Gazelland. Rarity’s eyes lit aglow as she saw the rows and rows of finely fermented fruit beverages. Some were dry, others were sweet and left your mouth watering for more. It was so much to take in the mare could hardly believe herself. Spike had almost the same luck. He had found Cherry Cocktail’s jewelry. Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, it was a dragon’s dream come true. His mouth was savoring with the thought of gorging himself on the precious stones. The dragon gathered as much as he could in his arms and walked back to find Rarity to show her the delicious loot he had found. Rarity had done the same, but in a more eloquent way. Two crystal clear wine glasses sat perfecting symmetrical from each other. Both filled with a red liquid and a green bottle next to it. Rarity grinned as she saw Spike enter. “Rarity look what-“ the dragon cut himself off as he saw the mare of his dreams lying on some cushy pillows in a seductive manner that tempted his primal urges of reproduction. “Come over here daarling and have a *hiccup* drink.” It was obvious Rarity was intoxicated and Spike’s mind was in turmoil pondering his next actions. He didn’t want to sleep with a drunk mare, but he knew this would probably be the only time he’d be able to be as close as this to his lover. The very thought of sex during these times was almost unimaginable. There was no place safe to do such a thing and the constant fear of Twilight’s zombified guards always left them sleeping with one eye open. Temptation however, got the best of dragon as he lift the wine glass and gulped the red liquid in one go. His throat burned like fire which ironically he could exhale. The alcohol hit his stomach hard as a warm sensation filled his body. Unable to eat for so long left him guzzling the rest of the bottle in hurry. The sweet fermented fruit juice left a pleasant after taste as he noticed himself becoming happier and a lot more lax. The worries of the world around him wash away in a sea of dopamine that flooded his brain and clouded his judgment. He could only see the lovely Rarity beckoning him to her. “Come’re Sspike. I know you wanna fuck me soo do it.” She said slurring her words together. The dragon could only comply as he made his way to Rarity stumbling and swaying until his lied on top of the white unicorn. He pressed his lips against the mares and slid his reptilian tongue inside her mouth. His vision became doubled and his next actions were nothing more than blur as he could only feel an unfathomable pleasure from his beloved Rarity. ………… > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pink earth pony sat on her haunches leaning her head back as she stared out the barred window. The bright, luminescent moon bathed the pony in its light filling her with a longing for freedom. Freedom that would never come. Tears formed around her eyes as they dripped down her face pattering onto the ground below her. It was just another night in the captivity of her own personal prison. Other ponies clung to the walls in fear of her leaving Pinkie Pie all by herself. Though, this she did not even notice. In her catatonic state she didn’t care for sociality, food, or water. All she wanted was death. Her lips moved in the same repetitive motion without a single word escaping her mouth. She kept repeating the same line over and over and over again. “Kill me.” It was simply too much for the earth pony to endure. The painful experiments, the haunting memories, and above all, her own friends Twilight and Fluttershy being the culprits responsible for her torture. A constant stream of wet, warm tears flowed down her face as she looked back into the depths of her memories to the beginning of all of this. “Pinkie Pie!” Screamed a familiar voice. It was none other than her favorite prankster friend Rainbow Dash. “Oh hey Dashie! What’s up?” The cyan Pegasus was panting heavily trying to catch her breath and speak at the same time. “You have to get out of her now! Twilight’s gone nuts! She… she killed Rarity and Applejack! The pink pony began to laugh hysterically, “oh Dashie that’s a good one. For a second there I thought you were being serious.” “I AM SERIOUS!” exclaimed the rainbow maned pony. “I was lucky enough to get away. We have to get out of here. There’s no telling what will happen if she finds us.” A sense of overwhelming dread and sadness loomed over the once perky pink party pony. Fear set in her eyes and she looked up to Rainbow Dash with great determination in her eyes. “Dash, we have to stop her.” “What?! That’s suicidal! We don’t stand a chance against Twilight.” “We are the elements of Loyalty and Laughter. It’s our duty to protect Equestria… even if it’s from one of us.” “Pinkie… you can’t be serious. This will be a one way trip if we try and stop her. She’s a unicorn. The brightest unicorn we know. She could turn us into ash with a single thought or have us ripped apart from the inside out!” “If that’s what it takes to stop her, then so be it.” Said Pinkie Pie. Her voice lowered into a cold and emotionless tone. Her mind was set on defeating Twilight. Even if it meant death. Rainbow Dash swallowed and nodded, “you’re right .We can’t abandon Equestria. We have to stop her. Any idea where she could have went?” “Canterlot Castle of course,” she said pointing a hoof in the direction of the royal castle. Dark clouds covered the peak of the castle blasting lighting and thunder in all directions. Something big was happening there. The duo reached the gates of Canterlot Castle. Two bodies laid slain and in front of them and many more inside. Blood clung to their hooves as they both tried to hold back the feeling of vomiting from the sights and smells that plagued them. A single figure stood alive among the masses of bodies and blood. The unicorn stood bathed in the crimson liquid as two alicorns lied near her. Their bodies mangled and torn from spine to hoof. “Twi-twilight?” Spoke the pink pony catching the mare’s attention. She turned around sending a piercing stare into the eyes of Rainbow Dash. If looks could kill Rainbow Dash would have vaporized from the anger in her eyes. “What are you doing here Rainbow Dash?’ said the pony, venom dripping from her words. “Twilight stop, please, stop.” Pinkie Pie began to cry begging the malicious pony to cease her actions. “You’ve manipulated Pinkie too? That’s just fuckin’ great. You’re a real piece of work Dash.” Twilight’s horn began to laminate with a powerful aura of magic that blinded Rainbow Dash from seeing her face of disgust and vengeance. “Twilight, we’re your friends, we only want to help you. Please, stop this now!” Shouted the cyan pony, but to no avail. The purple pony’s beam charged into a dense sphere about the size of a single bit. Before Pinkie Pie could utter another words to try and sway Twilight’s next actions the bolt of magic contained at the tip of her horn exploded forwards ripping through the air at supersonic speeds colliding with Rainbow’s chest and sending her body slamming against the stone wall and collapsing into a limp and crumpled state. Twilight’s eyes watered as she let out a blood curdling cry that overpowered Pinkie’s wailing dramatically. “Why Twilight?! Why did you kill her? She… she was only trying to help you.” Screamed Pinkie Pie. Demanding answers for the murder her friend had just committed “You want to know why Pinkie? Because she sold me out. She told Celestia along with Rarity and Applejack. They all had to die for their betrayal. If they didn’t die. I would have. The rules are simple and inexcusable even for the personal student of the monarch. Those who commit the taboo and create life are to be executed. Not exiled, not banished, executed. So, it was either them or me. And I chose the logical stance of self preservation. Any pony would have done it in my hooves.” “But… you… you didn’t have to kill them.” Said the sobbing party pony. “I did have to. You simply refuse to understand why I did it.” Said Twilight walking away from the pony. “Get out of here while you can Pinkie Pie. Things are going to change very quickly.” With that said the earth pony galloped as fast as she could away from the castle and back into the direction of Ponyville to warn them of what has happened.